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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la m*thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m PUBLIC NOTICE IS r» * r" t.f t.T' '1 liinrnp. k Wit iS HEREBY GIVEN ^m ^^-4 m I I^Ei 19 N E IS To the lilectors of the North Riding* hi obedience (o Her majesty's Writ to me directed, and y^ear ot our Lord One Thousand Eii^ht Hundred and Hi\ Electors at tlie Town Hall, in the Town of BARKIE, o «f JITNEy 1863, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose c ^Legislative Assembly ot this Province ; and that, in ca iin the manner by Law Prescribed, such poll will be op( month of June, 1863, in the Towns of Barrie and 1 Notfawasa^a, Yespra, Hunnidale, Oro, Orillia & Mate ships, if not divided info Wards, in some building at Meeting was held; but in case any of the said Township YFards, then in that case said Polling shall be held a each of the said Townships and Union of Townships, h If the said CoUkicil shall not have met during the pre liave held its last meeling during the next preceding } Provided nevevtheless^ that in ease -should have been held at a Tavern, that then and in that case the Deputy Heturning C such meeting had been held at a Tavern, shall himself appoint the Place, selecting sue «the Electors as provided for by Law Of all which every person is hereby required to take notice, and to govern 1 <GI VEIV under my hand, at Barrie, ir ihe said County of Siracoe, this First day of June, I "■SSf! ==^^::==;===== >WNTED BY D. CREW, AT THE" NORTHERN ADVAJ 19 ntntDT AaiVEi : IS HEREBY GIVEN Riding of the County of Simcoe^ that irected, and bearing date the lOtli day of Hay, in the Ired and Sixty-three, I require the presence of the said BARKIE, on Friday, the Twelfth day of the month lie purpose of electing a person to represent them in the d that, in ease a POIjL shall be demanded and allowed, II will be opened on Friday, the Nineteenth day of the arrie and €ollin^wood« Townships of Flos, Medonie, Ilia & Matehedash, Tiny & Tay, and Union of Town- building at or near the place where the last Township d Townships, or Union of Townships, are divided into 1 beheld at the place where the ABunicipal Council for ow iiships, held its first meeting for the present year i or ing the present year, then at the place where it shall preceding year. t ill case (siich Hfeetin^N^ or any of them, eputy .Heturning Officer for each of the said Townships, or union of Townships, where *lace, selecting such as he shall deem most Central and Convenient for the majority of Qf and to govern himself accordingly. I^irst day of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-three B. W. SMITH, RETURNING OFFICER IE"NO.HTHERN ADVA^.CT." POWER PRESS, BABBIE.