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SEAFORTH, Mvember lltk, 1880. iG-iLinsrTLEni/nEnsr = I After a delay of four months, caused by the caving in of our Well, we lare happy to inform you that we have now again got into thorough working lorder, and are now prepared to fill all orders entrusted to us more promptly than lever before, and can \guarahtee an article second to none in the trade. I During the stoppage of our Works everything connected with the manufactory [has undergone a thorough repair. I Should you he kind enough to favor us with your orders, we will pledge [ourselves to give as As any one else in the trade ; and should at any time the prices decUne, we will I make a reduction on whatever Salt you may have on hand, so that our CUS- I tomers shall run no risk of loss. i Soliciting your orders, I We are. Yours respectfully, THOMAS GOVENLOCK & SON.