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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir da Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche il droite, et do haut en bas, en prenant la nombre d'images nacessaire. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrant la mithoda. t t 3 4 5 6 .,1^'?;^ fU I Liiu Lio 1 1 i i. LABt Ul- AiLSA Cha m smm«m,^^smm^mi>mms^^^m^^s^.m«m^mmm«^'m^m^m^ ' 'v-N^ V '. ^ / Cob. No. 1 S 5 6 7 J 9 J 9 i 10 i 11 12 i 13 t 14 J Ifi 16 1 m 18 3 19 20 J 21 i /tert» List, 1883~Manulcipalitr of the Vlllace at Allsa Craig. XTl— Xd«»«*Per80o<ientitlea to Vote at both Mankipal ElectiooB, and Elections to tliH Legislative Assembly. / Cob. No. No. on AsBeasmeot Boll. MAMB. J. S7,38 «. 37.38 & 6 7 8 9 10 tl 12 13 4. ». i. i. t. 3. t. 268 f 343/ 44) 290/ 184 110 60 lis 839 324 323 350 73 144 14 J. 1791 215 f m 5 16 t. 245) 226/ m 214 18 3. 22 m 169 20 t. 191 21 i. 145 Alexander, James Alexander, John Alexander William M.iUon Allen, Jamec AUen, Walter Anderson, Alexander Anderson, Banr; H. Anderson, James Kosa Anderson, John Ankle, Robert Arcber, John Armstrong, Tbomae Arnold, George Duggao Atkinson, Frank Atkinson, William Kirby Barbour, William Bams, John Bell, John Boland, John Bragg, Charles Brown, Thomas Voters' Ll»t, 1883^Miiniclitrtlitir of Che Village of Allsa Craig. I'ART 1.— List of PerBOus entitled to Vote at iiotit Municipal Elections, and Elections tu tli« Legislative Assembly. Con. No. No. on Asaessraen Roll. t NAMB. Conoession or Street. No. of Lot or Part Lot. ! other |De8cripti« ii 22 160 Brownley, Alexander u. Main part 72 Owner 28 '• 1021 270 1 Bntler, Jesse H. Hi;.'h s. William 81 13 Owner Teuaut 24 15i) 70/ Camenm, Joha S. .s. Jfain Church part 70 46*47 '^ecatt Owuer 25 319 Campbell, DuttCiin s. Main 3.&4 Owuer 2(> 138 Carter, (leorge Con. 5 part 25 Tenant 27 97 Chap man, Edwlii Jamsa 77 Teuaot 28 <5,7 Connor, Enoch V. 0. Main part 4 <& 5 Tcuant 29 147 Cooper, EJwajfd J. 8. Main pait 03 Teuant 30 60 Coulter, William n. Main 33 OWU-MT 31 123 Craig, David Con. 5 part 25 Owner 32 J. HE 114" 111 i 124 1 84}- 84 1, 121 104 136 J Craig, David H, Chnrch '"'liurch Cou. 5 n. Main 11. Main HiKh n. Main Cou. 5 99 95 A ;u» part 26 tiJ 61 & 02 IU7 .i- 104 65 part 25 Owuer Owner Owuer Owner Owner Owuer Owuer Owuer H3 79 Craig, Duncao Church 64 Owner 34 J. 87 Creighton, E. A. n. Main CI Tenant 35 J. 40 Cnrrie, Willia«; Jamiesoo 23 Owner 3(i J. 175 Cusick, Christopher 8. Mi^in S3, 84 A a'l Owuer 37 64 Cutler, Ellis Queen 39 Owuer 38 J. 82 Davies, Henry Church 5G Tenant 39 188 Doak, William n. George 67 Tenant ^0 .?. 170\ 20> J Drought, William 8. Main u. George part 77 A 78 77 Owner Owuer wmnmrnsmmm^ ^-^m^msim^mm^^ ^m'^'s:^' Voters' Li»t, 1883-.Municlpalttr of the VHIa«« ^f AHsa Cmlf. PABT I.— Liat of Pewom entitled to Vote at both Mnnicipal F4«jtionB, Md Eiections to ttw Legislative A88embly. Con. No. 41 «3 48 44 45 ^6 47 49 60 61 52 53 No. on AMeBBtnent BoU. 387 289 274 161) 199] 196 261 '.31 178 NAMi:. 56 67 58 59 100) 150 ■ 49, 21 349 f--; 349) 12 f 386 38 148 267) 19 85- 375 j 30 327) 148 ^ 348 j 185) 348 1 Dwyer, Williaa Fdwarda, Clurlei Bdwardt, WilUam EvaoB. John B. Eyson, Joba FergusoD, A. O. Fioao, Denaii Fisher, Jobs Fitzgerald. Patrick J. GilcLrJBt, Hagh Gillies, David B. Gillies, Samael Graham, Jobs Orabam, Williani Graot, Joba Gray, Doocaa Gana, BeojaminB. GuDD, Hector Gunn, Joba ConceBoior or Street. Ko. of Lot or Fart Lot. •. George e. Q'jeea •.Maia a. Main u. George a. George a. William Con. 5 8. Maia High B. Main Jamieson n. Maia Con. 20 Con. 20 u. Maia Anuie Ada MiU ■. Main •. William n. Main n. M lin 8. Wiliiam n. Main o. William a. Miiiu Con. 2v) n. George Con. 20 81 3. A. 3 63 78 7S 71 8 A pari 8 part 25 87 part 80 part 69 part 28 10 pait 24 part 24 part 8 S7 & 38 18 part 68 g&io part a» 63 81 16*17 part 68 part 26 64*65 part 26 0«li«r Descriptioii Tenant Owner Owner Ownor Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Ownar Owner TenanI Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Voters* Littt, 1883-Mitnicipalitr of the Vlllaflre mt Allfta CraU. I'ABT 1.— List of Pertjons entitleil to Vote at notn Municipal Elcwtioni, and ElectioDi lo ihn Ln^riHltitive Assembly. Con. No. m 61 62 63 Qi 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 No. on ABsegfiment Roll. NAME. J. 343 63 309 6 128^ 3 S'69 287 14 10 99 181) i. 32(i [ 183 j 247 34 224 \ 234 41 1 139 1 .42J 90) 156 J" 11 241, 243 292 r. 32 ». 169 146 ». 219 Hall, William T, Hamilton, James O. Hardy, Andrew Hiurison Fred. Harrison, John Harris, Cbarlet Henderson, AIexaii>)er Henderson, Donald Hetheriugton, Joseph Hey, ShackletoD Hey, Thomat Hincbey, William Hipkius, Edvard Hodder, Charles Holmes Heniy Hodgins, Mark Hughes, John Hughes, William CoucoRsion or Street a. Main n. Main w. Que .;q n. Main Con. 5 n. Main s. William Annie Ada n. Main Wellington High n. OeorRO 8. George n. George n. William Church 8. George B. Goorga u. Maiu Con. .5 u. Main Queen s. Maiu Wellington 8. Oeorgp e. Queen Church 8. Main B. Main B. George No. of Lot or Port Lot. I Other I Description part 60 <& 81 87^38 B. A. \A 2 part 8 part 24 part 4 13 39<J;49 part 8 7 79 61 13. 14 d- 15 63 10, 11, 12, 13 * 14 16 8 20 23 part 25 24 70 4 71 part 71 7 27 A 2«> B. B. 4 16 part 77 68 4 Owott Ocoapant Owner fenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Occup<tut Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Teuaul Owner Owner Owner 95 96 VoteTB' LiHt, 1883..Miinlcipa1lty of the "^'Ulare of Allaa Cr»i« PABT l.-Liat of Pereona entitled to Vote at both Municipal Bleetions, and Eleotiona to th« Lejpslative AsBembly. Con. No. 78 79 80 81 83 83 No. on AMesament RoU. NAMB. 81 8S 88 87 8S 89 99 91 92 93 91 95 96 I. 4. ». I. i. 80 116) lis/ 61 77 220 96) 91) 352) 238 571 3.)5f 266 58) 65 I 2(;«j 51 8 122 260 262 165 213) 68 • 66, 68, 245 208 J. Jooea, Abrua JoBea. TboxoM Jonca, William K'-mieJy, Hugh Ktiut, iHrael Keuwn, Tbomaa Kerr, Jnmea EirklaoJ, Alexj*uJ(>r Lambert, lUchirl (c'wr elder) Lambert, R'd. {th^. younger) Lambert, Williaai Langford, Caleb Lai^oint, Adam Lendrum, Jamea Lendrma, William Longstaff, J. C. Lorimer, Bobert Loucie, W.'iUiam Lnker, Tbomaa Conoession or Street Church D. Main Church a. Main Church a. George Jamea Quoeo Cou. 20 8. Goorgo n. Willitun D. Main e. Queen a. William n. Main Jtunieson B. Williiua Jamieson Wellington High a. William a. Willi.im a. Mdu n. George QncGU Q iiocu n. William n. Qeorge No. of Lot or Port Lot. 101 <ft li;3 98 88 52 4 53 4 77 7J part 21 22 a 31 B. r. 4 4 5 8 31 32(^3) 8 30 part 4 i& 5 108 & 109 3 tft part 3 part 3 d; 4 74 87 44(&45 43 d: 43 i&S 63 Other Description Owner Owner Owner Ovner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owuer Ten; nt Own. • Occupant Owner Owuer Ortner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Ownar Owuer Owuer Owner Tenant Tenant V«t«rr.' List, I88a-Miinlclpalit|r of titie Vlll.ige of Altsa Cralf. TABT I.— Lilt of F«riR»s «utitled to Vote at both Mr.uicipU £leatioq<i, and EleotiuDs Co th« Legislative AsNtmbl^. Ton. No. ' Mo. on AwesBment BoU. NAME. Cjnoeuioa cr Street. Ko. of Ix>t or Put Lot. Other DcMriptioD 07 ». 177 Majnire, iam^t • Main 07 T(»nant 98 «. 109 Marritt, Allien Bigb M Ownsr 99 '• so; Mellville, Charles s. Main Jaiaieson part 73 part 28 Tenant Tenant 100 833 , 836 '' 106 86) Mihell, Oeorge A. ■. Main n. George Hi«U JMuieMon 28<&29 32cb33 8/4cbtl 17<Ssl8 Owner Owner Owner Owner 101 292 MiUi, Oeorge e. Qnsen B.B. 4 Tenant 102 i. 817 Mills, Micbaol K. w. Queen B. E. 8. 4 ^^ 5 Owner 103 164 ( '• 76 [ - - Morgau, Jo in 8. Main Church part 70 60 Tenant Owuer 104 J. 2n Maoro Angus, M. u. Main 11&12 Owner 105 243 Munro, DosaM s. Otorge 28 ! Owner 106 264) '* 47 1 Munro, Oeorge W. 8. William n. Main - f 8/ Tenant Owuer 107 331 \ 167 J. 3U1 ■ 119 203/ Monro, Hector C. 8. Willi im 8. Miun e. Queen Hip!h u. George 24 & 63 75 B. E. 1, 3. d: 3 105 79 Owner Teuiiut Owuer Owner Teuaut 108 '• 207 ; McAIpiae, Duncan 1. Main n. George 81 ^1^82 Owner Owner 109 J. 84i Me Andrews, Jobu Con. SO par* 26 Owner 110 280 McArthur, Keooeth Anuie Ada 27d;2S Owner 111 J. 1206 Mc Arthur, John n. George 78<&79 Owuer 112 '• 25/ McCallum, Malcolm Queen n. Main 42 part 10 Tenant 'i'euaut 113 274 McDonald, Alexander B. William to Owner lU 236 McDonald, Donald, (Brant/ord) s. Otorge 20 1 Tenant 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 126 127 To(er«' Llstj 1883-Mutilel|mlitf rt the Yltlafe of Mtm Craig. PikBT 1.— Liat el Penon* eatitled to Tote at dotu Munioipal Eleotioii«, aid Elections to tho LfKislsbtive Aastirobljr. Coo. No. No. oo AawMivieat BolL KAMS. Concession or Street No. of Lot or Part Lot I other :De8crii<ti(iA 115 255 MoDouald, Docald. {Uigluand) n. WiUkm S8 Owner 116 127 HoOonftld, Donald. {Toronto) Con. 5 paitSi Owner in 252 MeCoaalil, Donald, {Shoemaker) o. William 20 Owner 118 89> '• 86/ McDonald, George S. Jamieson Cburob M 18 Owner Teu&ut lis i. 89 McDonald. John 8. Jamieson SO Owner 130 53 McFarlane, Dauoan Jam<.eson 80 Owoar m 214 MelDtweh, Alexaader n. William l,8<ft8 Owner 192 16 Mcintosh, Alexander G. n. Main 8 Owner 19i tl6) 180f UclDUMh. William n. George s. Main 91 91 Ownif Owner 124 189) *• 194 f ■ McSay.John n. George n. Oesrge 68 part 70 Owner Tenant 125 t. 151 McKay, John H. s. Main part 69 Tecoat 126 3. 151 McS;iy, William •.Main part 69 Tenant 127 4\ , 229 '• 311 18) MoEeith. Peter n. Main B. George w. Queen n. Mhin part 4 16 B.B. 2 AS part d Owner Owner Owner Tenant 128 t. 325 McEinnoj, Cii'-tes a. George 11&13 Owner 129 . 204) '• 330 McLe<ui, Angus n. George s. WUliam 76 21, 2i ^ 23 Owner Owner 130 132 McLean, Malcolm Con. 6 part 25 Tenant 131 t. 348 McLellan Alexander Con. 3 part 26 Oocup:).nt 132 303 MoLellan, Hector Qaeen e. B.F. 2 Owner 133 1. 329 MoLeod, T)onald n. William 19<ti0 Owner Voters' List, 1883— Municipality of the Village of Ailsa Craig. PART 1 List of Persons entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections, and Elections to tba Legislative Assembly. Con. No. No. on A.8seBBment Boll. NAME. Concession or Street. No. of Lot or ' Part Lot. Other Descriptioi 134 250 McMillan, Angna n. William 1 17 Owner 135 J. 130 McNally, John Con. 5 part 25 Owner 136 259) 332 f McNanghton, Donald 8. William 8. Main 1 26&27 Owner Owner 137 J. 330 McPherson, Neil 8. George 34. 35, 36, 37 & 38 Owner 138 253 McQuarry, James n. William 21 Owner 139 101 ! Nichols, Frank High pact 8J Owner 140 218 Nicholfi, James Lnke 8. George i Owner 141 , 334) '• 218 )" Nichols, William Charles n. George 8. George 30<&31 6 Owner Teu<iut 142 210 Nicholsiin, Arohil.nUl n. George 83 Tenant 143 i. 15 OverhoH, Peter n. Main part 8 Tenant 144 3. 103 Owen, Jenkins T. High 83, 83 & 84 Owner 145 J. 338 O'Leary, Wilham s. WUliam 44<&45 Owner 116 241 Parker, John 8. George 24, 25 & S6 Owner 147 3. 240 Parker Thomas 8. George 24, 25 & 26 Owner 148 162 1 '• 200 ) Paull, Alfred H. 8. Main n. George part 73 73 Tenant Tenant 149 J. 281 ' Paxm? n, Daniel Annie Ada 29 Owner 150 J. 24 Perry, George W. n. Main part 10 Tenant 151 J. 283 Petch, Robert Annie Ada 32&33 Owner 152 174 Pigott, James s. Main part 82 Tenant 153 256 Pool, James n. William 24 Owner 258 n. William 26 Owner 154 ^ 279 '• 347 Pool, Thomas s. William Con. 20 25&26 part 20 Owner Owner i 308, Queen o. 13. F. 8 Owner Con. No. 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 183 164 16a 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 Voter*' List, ISSSU-Municipality of the Village of Ailsa Craig. PART 1.— List of PerBona entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections, and Elections to th« Legislative Assembly. Con. No. Ko. on AsseBBment Bo'i. 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 16a 166 167 NAMK. t. 168 169 170 171 172 t. 223 318 107 276 217 I 137/ 98 95) 153 [ 63 81 257 1761 212 J 337, 3 iO) J. 345 1 . 341 ) '• 354 [ J. i. 163 [ 1971 69 Piide, Setb Priestley, John Hall Bennie ^oba BobertsoD, Boderick BobsoD, William BoBser, EdwarJ BoBser, Joseph Bumobr, John B. Sansbouru, Bobert Scafe, Joha Shannon, Edward Shipley, George Shipley, Jamet Shipley, Wiiuam O. Shoebottom, William Shoff, Bobert Shoff, William Skinner, James Concisaion or Street. No. of Lot or Port Lot. «. Georgo 1. Main D. Main 8. William 8. George Con. 5 Jamei Janies s. Main Church Chmcb D. William 8. Main n. George B. Georgo Con. 20 8. William Con. 2J Queen e. Cuu. 20 Queen e. Queeu e. Queen w. Queen w. Queeu w. Queen w, n. Main n. Main 8. Mitin n. George Queeu w. Other Deacriptioit 7 l<b8 89 21 1 part 24 73 76 70 67 J; 58 56 25 86 Hii 39,40,41,42,43,46,17, &49 p'lrt 26 48 part 25 B. D. 4 & 5 parts 24, 25 & 26 B. C. 3 & 4, B. h. 5 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owuer Occupant Owner Owner Owuer Owuer Owuer Owner Owner Owuer Owuer Owner Owner Owuer Owne.' Owuer Owuer B. E. 4 & 5, B. F. 1 i Owner B. B. 4 & 5 P. D. 1, 2. 3, 4 &, 5 B.C. 1,2, 3,4 &5 B. E. 1 (& 2 part 24 1 78 76 48 Owner Owuer Owuer Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owuer Tenant 1.0 Voters' List, 1883-!>lunicipali*y of the Village of Ailsa Craig. PART 1 —List of Persous entitled to Vote at both Municipal Elections, and Elections to th« ■ Legislative Assembly. Con.!, No. ^ No. on ^BsesBment RoU. NAME. ConPCRsion or Street. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Other Descrivtiim 173 J. 46 Smiti. E. B. n. Main 26 Tenant 174 74 SceimoU, Joeeph Church part 48 & 49 Tenant i75 J. 140 Stephenson, Thomas B. Main 61(&62 Owner 17B 231) '• 23 ) Stevenson, Duncan H. Goorgo n. Main 18 part 10 Owner Tenant 177 J. 310 Stewart, Alexander (Ihe elder) Queen w. B. A. 3 Owner 178 187 StJ'Wrtrt, Alexander C. u. George 67 Owner 17« 157 Stewart, Arcliil)uld C B. Main part 72 Owner 180 ' 48 Stew.iit, Donald C. Chu oh 28 Owner 181 J. 142 Stewart, Duncan A. s. Main 64 Owner 182 Sf)! > '• 311) Stewart, Duucnn F. Con. 20 Queen w. part 24 & 25 B. A. 4 Owner Owner 188 t. I'JS Stonehouse. Edward D. George fa Tenant 184 .T. 211 Stoaehouse, Henry n. George 84 & 85 Tenant 18.5 141 Tanton, Thomas 8. Main «8 Owner 1S6 J. 12C> Tibeaudo, J'-bn W. Con. 5 parts 24, 25 & 26 Occupant 187 Kifi) 202 '\ Topping Joha s. M.'^iu a. George Owner Owner 188 120) '• 117) Walker, Christopher High n. Main 106 103 Owner Owner 189 J. 273 "Walker, Robert s. William 17, 18 & 19 Owner 190 i. 108 West, Samuel High 90<i(91 Owner 191 265 Wilson, Thomas B. William 6<&7 Owner »! i r:. I i 11 Voters' List, 1883"Municipality of the Village of Allsa Ciais. PART a:— List of Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only :— None. PART 3:— List of Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly :— Nonb. The ARgregate number of names of Persons upon the Voters' List, 1883, for the Miim- cipalfty of S Village of Ailsa Craig. .juaHjied to serve as Jurors, is One Hundred and Tfairty'-two. (13'i.) 1 E B SMITH Clprk of the Municipal ty of the ViUnge of Ailsa Craig, in the County of Middlesex ■ do hereby certify that Parts One and Tl.vee of the within List cmstiute a correct List for the ?ear 1883, of all persons appearing by th. l.st Revised Assessment Roll of the S Municipality, to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legis ative As- ^mblv rid that parts '^ne and Two constitute a correct List for said year of all persons Tonearing by the sSid Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections m said Mumcipality ; and I hereb? call upon all Electors to examine the said Li.t, and if any omissions or other Errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated, this 4tb day at October, A. D., 1883. O '0. t^mim, Clerk of the laid Municipality.