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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre raproduit en un soul clichA, 11 est f ilmA A partir da Tangle supArleur gauche, de gauche A droits, at de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. lies diagrairimas suivants iilustrant la mAthode. ata ilure. A : IX 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 .■ ■ * AVlX "'^vFr;>:'rjp :f/>i.^^<;iu' 'nmx:- i I «ln:iv#^^ W* V ^■:^' ;«' r^V • v*j^ _ 1^ h". s'»., A W vy XV JJ n\j^S.> M(,U* »i CtlMtHPIVE QUISTIOfI, s,V;K*t*. tl (!.,.'. J'i/ . . 1 "*^. '-i-;';«|-vj| ■y\ J.l J! .di I- Y» * 4 •«*., J^^ X iM\ THE CLERGY RESERVE QUESTION. To the Editor of The Church. My dear Sir, — I understand that the chief objections to placing the proper portion of the Clergy Reserves in the hands of the Church Society, are — 1. The obstruction they would offer to settlement and pub- lic improvement, from being interposed, in various parts of the country, between farms occupied by actual settlers. A ready answer is furnished to this objection in the very grounds of the application made by the members of the Church. Thty desire that these lands may be ren- dered as largely and as speedily available as possible to the supply of their spiritual wants ; and with this promi- nent end in view, it is not likely they would keep them in an unproductive state, or hesitate to accept the first fair offer that might be mad.e fc^r their s»le or lease. And supposing that according to the present system of sale, they should fall into the hands of speculators, — as in many cases they undoubtedly would, — would these last be inclined to part with them, on any patriotic grounds touching the improvement of the country, a whit sooner than a corporate body? In the latter case, indeed, inde- pendent of all individual inclination, it is easy to forestie circumstances, from persons dying intestate and their heirs being minors, in which delays would be interposed to the actual settlement of these lands much more serious than would be likely to occur if they were held by the Church Society. 8 2. That tfie Church Sucisty would give a preference to purchaaera, or tetianta, who belonged to the Church of Eng- land, Now, all analogy contradicts this. The Church lands of nearly the whole of Ireland are tenanted by Roman Catholics, as are also the lands of the University of Dub- lin. And we may challenge any person to prove whether in that countr}*, or in England, any such distinction is made as is here advanced in objection to the present petition. — We may add, too, that it wonld be impossible to adduce a single instance in the past history of the Clergy Reserves, when the leasing of them was under the direction and control of the Clergy Corporation, in which such favour or partiality was shewn to individuals belonging to the Church; while in the leasing of such lands as are now held by the Church Society, being the grants of private individuals, it is just as certain that no such distinction has ever been acted upon or thought of. •.■.....,,, 1/ 3. The power or influence which the possession of suck a property would give to tlie Church of England. The only influence that is sought for by the Church, is of a religious nature, — to disseminate the truths which are embodied in her creed and ritual, and to render her children that peaceful, contented, Joyal, and virtuous people which her principles and doctrines, if sincerely embraced, are so pre-eminently calculated to render them. Our Roman Catholic fellow-subjects, in Eastern Cana - da, have large and rich endowments attached to their ec- clesiastical establishment) and it may be asked whether the possession of this property has infringed upon the rights, privileges, or liberties of any portion of the peo- 'mi^m^mmmmmmmm I i pie not belonging to their commtimon? If the inhabi- tants of Canada East arc conscioas of no soch resolt ttom these endowments pertaining to the Church of Rome,— it may be asked, is the Charch of England less tolerant than, she ; and is she likely to exercise an inflaence or domination which the Church of Home in this Provinco has never attempted? Wise legislators, too, might argue that inasmuch 14 the Church of Rome is possessed of so much landed pro- perty which may hereafter lead to the exercitie of a dan- gerous influence, it is only prudent to proyide an equi- poise to this possible domination, by investing the Charch of England — the Church of the Empire and of the Queen — with a corresponding endowment By such a step the fears of Protestants would be allayed, while liberal minded Roman Catholics could have no'objection to it. Your very faithfhl senraat, A. . Montreal, April 24, 1846. ■'Miiibi • « lo'' '!■■»•. ■::im:niil'%ft \m}i ababt- tfrom »me, — tlerant ice or iTinoo ,f* ich w* ipro- idaii> eqni- harch )iie«ii eptlie liaded \\ A. iil u It? rjjO If it