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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. ita lure, : 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 o 6 £ / J COPYltliaHT i88s •Price 30- ^r\t5- ^ /' 1 IDEAL VIEW UP THE AMERICAN RAPlDS ^TER Tt im 17 \% W UP THE AMERICAN RAPIDS ^TER THE VILLAGE SHORE AND BATH ISLAND ARE RESTORED ••Free-Niagara MAITII' WS. N( jIMIII'IMmVCO.. I'l 111 I^I ILl^S. AK 1 I'kIN I1N(. WdRKS, OlFICK. Ml MM "li' MM... \|..|;MS.. IMHI — ,•■ I'.i I r.\i.' ). N. V. \ 'pill I I \ I ■ tti'4 Wink W.«i wntten and comprleil by J,,m<.> W. G.unno of th» B .<«..'.. M.m.vo,. E«|""» espeoally for it by S D, W.v.en & C. Boston 'Tlir INK' th, 5 wo.« was m,)He eippciilly by the Buffalo Pnr.tinu Ink W -i;.,. Boff.i.o N, Y ^ T Hi: (^()Vl-il^ '4 |vint(!i) on papei made especially by I 111" I'WhSS on winch tn.i book was punte.i is the New Huliiiigswurth & Whitney Company, Boston. Stop Cyloute. n.ade by C B Ctl.. Ii & Sons Now-Yo,k, /■ 7 tH6 -I THE PEOPLE 5\ . >) % Copynjht, 1885 by MATTHEWS, NORTHRUP & CO BUFFALO, N, Y. illy hy thp Buffalo innteti IS the New r,5 NcV'-Voik. f o N ,, u'l-.n IM tin- l.>L;i-.l.itinv ..I i SSo inr ( •oinmi->ioiur-, -I llu- M,ar Surviv ii^r.l tlu-r \M>nl<; "Witln,, ort.nn linnl. .it ,, % Ni,.-;n-a tlurr a,v pml.al.ly a lai-rr mMuluT.if .li^tiiut an.l ran ^^^..^ ,|uarilir-. Ml luautv-. in o mil.mat ,. m. nf mck, tn|ia;.;r. nn-^t. ^k.v an.l ^(^ ;^ . ,,,,!,,, ,!,,,„ ,n any .alu r o|ual s,m.v mI tlu' ..irlh^ Mirlao-. an.l _ ,, alth,uiL;h thr -.T-c .if llu- ruvr f.a- nnU-s Inlnu i. \ . ry int.-iv>tin-, ^ ^^ an.l llu' hn.a.rMn.H.lh waUTal.nnt tin- KapuU, u ith h-. l-u -^Iimivs ^^ ■^ i. an nupi-rtanl Ualur.- -I a niarv .Lai. lan.Uca|u- rli.tl, llu- -n-.um.ls of altnu-ln.n ,n liu-.c nu>n- .l.Manl ,.arl. lu-nu^ nu.v nrarly ,,arali.-l.-.l dsculu-iv. Ihc .li.tinclivr ,nl.-r.-.l .>1 N,aL;ara. a> o .n,,.ar.-.l uith thai ..l -Uur lUractivr ^ccncrv. is a-niarkahlv ciivuni.criln.l aiul cmu .nlraU-.l." Thc^r nMU-hk-^s c.nulili.in>. ^.. iMrukly .li^play.-.l l.y llu- ( ■n,nnn..i.HU-r.. „u,si 1h- lul.l IM !k' llu- nui.l inM>"|-taiil facmr in niakin- l-'iv.- Nia:^ara a n.Ksil.iltN. Onccconvnu-.-llhal tlu- im,vka^.-..|- anarn>u n.-.k..t lan.lu.a,l.l •n i)\- man \n in- a-.-,nn- tlu-m CMntrol .>!' llu- nu-1 l).aulilnl r.-;_;i.in r\.-r m-.- vvakni^ lu.nrs llu- p.-.^pK- "f Nov-V.irk ucv ,u,l km- n, .l.-culn,^ m raliU Hu- '' "'nu- principk- .nunaal.-.l l.y Uu- Div.-el. a" nf ihc Surv.-y in a cMnnuniic..- ^/ ti,,n III tlu- sanu- 1 ..-^i-latnix- ,s f,,ral.ly lUn.lraU-.l in lln. vu-u : " H i^ n.'U •' ck-arlv .rcM.^ni/A-.l duly ..l" -.urrnnu-nt. m r.-..rv.- In.ni .ak- parl^ -l llu- puhlu domain ihal CMn^liluU; nalura! haluivs ,,| .ndi nnn-ual characU-r a. lo Ik- ^s> ohj.-rls .,1 n,U-,vsl I., llu: uhnk- u-.n-l.l. an.l uh.,.c iK-rtVclPin may l.r ..ruui.ly „iam-.l l.v privau- ..wnri-hip. Imvc .,-n j. .ynunl ..f llu->.- n.,l.lc.' u,,rk. ..I ^^^ nalure is n.iu k-lt M 1...- ..in; nf man', nuisl precious privik--cs, n..l m Ik- \^ \o al.ri.l^r.l l.v |.riv,.tr ri:^l.ts ,,r ,L;,rol f.-r -..in. Artin;.; on tln^ priurii.K'. tlir (u'lUTal (■ov.innu nt in iSf,; ,l,spnssr.>r.l srttKr. in tlu' \<,^vuu\r \-,.lK> . ,ni.i iVM-nid It r.M- Ihr IkiuMI Ml \]w puhli.-. A l^iv.il tr.ut .-..Nrrmij, tlir n-i.m ot ^ tl,r WllcuMonr (H VMi. h.i. .ils..l..rn<lrM,L;n.itr.l as.i N,ili..n.il I'.irk. ,.n.l n.-u ^ tin- lan.l nc.ui.ir.l by tin- ( -.ilil-rni.. H:,; Irrr. i. .iMli.alr,! \n pul.Ii. u.r. Tlu' ^^\| Stale <.| N.vAork al-o li,.- taken a .iinikir p.»iti..n iv.pcrliiiL; tlie iKMUtiUil i>kiii(ls 111' I .akc < iidiLir. rf -"ffcS^,^. It ,n(.:v sor.lid ar-imu'iit^ unv iircd.-.l I,. in.liK r the innpU t.. rNriTi>e f«^«\VatV|J, iiu-ir ri.^ht uf .niinrni .l..,nain nvrr Nia-ara. tluy uciv iMun,! in a ivporl ,Hl,la-,sc.l to thr l.rL;i-.kiturc, a. luUous: ••llu'iv can l.r l\u inlelli-vnt liti/rn. of N,-u.\'ork uh.. aiv n..t awaiv Imni prison, il nl,.rr\athin that a kir-c aii.l rapi.iiy au-uirntin- ivvcnur is llouin- into all it. ihannel. ot l.usnir.-. and into \hr public tr.asury. bevausr ol the at tractions u IikIi Ihr pr,,plr ol otluT States and Countries find in the scener\- of the Hudson, the Mohauk. the Sus.piehanna, the Delaware and the ( iciiesec ; ol l.aki' C'hanipktin, Lake (ieoioe and numerous smaller bodies of ^ \^,,lr,. Niagara l-"alls is not sinipl\- tlu' crownini;- -lory o| the ■'' ^reat resources of th.^State of this class, but the hi-hest distinction of ^^-■■- Uic nation and ..f the continent 'I'lie private land ou nership ^ „,^;'^ ~"'^ and indiMdual enterprise, whicli elseu here u.M'k favorably to the interests -^■^ ''^^ll of the State. I.n' aidin- the purp..sc oi travelers, at Nia-ara stand in its ,,y ' Ihe pecuniary loss fn.ni this e\ il to the people of the Stale is inc.dculably -realer tlian the outlay uhich would be rc.piired to .carry out the scheme proi)osed and brin- il to an end.' Senliment and sclf-intcrcsl worked t-. -ether lo make Free Nia-ara an ■-"':^-'W .iccomplished fact. *^<*l Kverv one who writes of Nia-ara, of necessity be-ins witii I'-ither . ; nennepin'. 'rhis is, l,ecaaise that romancin- chronicler of the .New-World ,Ti]1-^r> journeyin-s of the Sieur dc la Salle Ix-an the story of Nia-ara, whose won- 1A0\\^^ ders'lie depicted in a (for him) surprisin-'ly m.)dcrate and just way. Perhaps ^^' ^>V 11. .Hand the chai.ters of his "New Discovery." which tell how. •' l)etwixt the Lakes Ontario ami I'.rie. there is a vast and pnuli-ious cadence of water which falls down after a surprisini; and astonishin- manner ;" or. more probable still, he thou-ht the sli-htly-varnisl.cd truth about the Creat Cataract's wonders would prove" the best romance in Seventeenth-Century estimation. However that mav be. it is a curious fact that the hrst histori.in of the re-ion found a public u'se for il. He ur-ed the erection o' forts on the river to divert the Indian fur traders from New-N'ork to (.-anada. Before llennei)in's time. Lic.pies earlier hail heard of the Falls, but he never visited them. hi iSo;. the brothers IN.rter Jud-e Au-ustus and C.eneral Peter 15.— ma.le their "purchase from the State of four lots in the NLle Strip, lyin- both ar.i all al.Mvr an. I l..l,,u llh l-alU. ... yiMrs lat.T tlu> I.mulJiI ti]. Saiiuul Slur- \x,uh\\ ••-,..!, IkT -irip." wlii^li i.ilK.l I'M- J.x) auc- >>\ niia].!.!-. .pi lat. ,| laml aiiNulinv in til.' Stat., an. 1 LKat.-.l tli-ir •■n..at" ..nlli.- (...at I-^lan.l -iMup. l,.'n, Wliitn. \ l.uill the In-t liMt.l m iSi;. Nia-aia ua^ .xni tli.n. ni a .|n..'t uav. l).'r..inni;^ a u..rl.l'-. r.-...rt. tli..n,L;li o .miiarat i\ .l)' x. .11114 111. n .an n in. -in. 1).T wli.n th.' .■..niilrx n.un.l ah. ait w a> nnlir..K.n u il.l.i 11.--. A . ariia-.- |-..a<: ,l,,\\n ill.- l.ank 1m tli.' Caiia.lian I. ir\- w.i- m.i.l.' in iS.m, -. . ju liiap-^ that .1 it.' nia\ l)v' a-ML;n.-.l f.-r tlu' .'V..lnti..n ..l tlu' liackinan. Hut tin; .ail) cnM...lians ol till' C'ataiact iimM n..t h.- ju.!-..! 1>> -..ni.' -.11. Tain. 11^ ..I lli.ai- mu. ■.■-,, rs. 11,, ■ (i,,l,l,n A-.- ..I Nia-ara has l)..ii lliu-^ pl.aMii-l\ .1.-^. iil..-.l !>>• an ..1.1 r.'M.U-nl ; ■' S..ni.' f..rl\- \ •'.ir-. a-... aii.l h-r maiiv \ .'ar- lli.T.Mlt. r. Ni.i;.;.ira ua-.. riii|)hatic,ill\. a |.l.M-anl an. I attract, v.' u at. rin.L;-l.Ku.' ; tli.' t...Mi wa-, .|ni.t. the ae-c-..inin...lati..n. u . r.- i-..iiil..rt,il.l.' : tli.' p.-..])!.' \\<'iv kin.l. .. .11-1. 1. rat.' aii.l alt.-mi\.'; -ni.l.-s wcr.' n\il. int.'lli;-;.'!!! aii.l tnithlul; o.iu .nmiu-.s w . av ......1, an.l w.av in diai-v ..f ear.'l'iil aii.l iv^iu.llul atl.n.lant ^ ; o.innn-i..ii-> u.av unkn..uii: • ^calpin.L; ' v\ a-. Kit t.. llu' in.li.tn-^; n.,l)...l\- u ,1^ .inn'.y.'.l ..riinp..r- tunr.l: tin- n..ucTs l)l....ni.'.l, tlu- l.ir.U .an.K'.l. tlir Inll-l.'aK .'.I tiv.s iunii-^lu'.l r.fiv.liiii- sha.U', ami tin- air ua^ haliii)-. Tlu'ii llu' L.wiiv^ "I o.u^ in tlu- stivct, the -nttural iimI.' ..I tlu' s\\ in.', an.l llu' vk^ "\ tlu' >..lKit..r u.iv ii..t iu'arii. l'".I.Krl\- propK' i.iiiu' t.. -t,i\' h.r i.Kas.mt i-L'cr.'ati..ii an.l .pii.'t vn']<<y- iiuail; \-..iin;-4.'r p.'..|)l.' t.. -bill and c-..' .in«l (kinc." I'liis is tlu; tcr.tiiii.aiy <>f Mr. (Ic.M'L^c W. 11. . Iky. .it Ni.ii^ara l'',ills. Hut/uritini;- only tu..yrai-s a-.., Mr. ll..lK'y .ul.K'.l : '• N"\\ ''H that is ch.-ini;v(l. A c.int.'inp..rar\- writer .nice d.'si rib.-.l tlu' nmr.il st,itii> ..I a I.iudus Q^ st..ck-j..l)l)inL;I..cality h\- sa\in- that •t.ii th..u>aiul a xcar is tlu' .Senii..ii .>n the :\I.innt t'.a- Wall .street.' 'V\w same gospel i'^ p..pnl.ir ,it Nia-ar,i." Tlu' -....se that laid the -n.l.leii e-- was ducc ai;ain killed 1)\' the saiii. ..Ul u r..n--he.ided desire .mi the i)arl ..f its keepers to reali/e the entire l'act..li.m har\est at ..nee. Nia^rara ceased t.) be a fashi.)nable i-es..rt; then it uas n.. h.n-.'r a p..i)ular res.)"rt: and. n.it a -re.'it inaii\- years after the .lry-r..t li.ul be-un t.. w.irk. ■' tlie\'" even eease.l t.. -.1 thither on " I'heir WeddinL;-j..nrne\'." lienee the justness of the remark made by the C'oniniissi.)ners..f the State Sur\e\- in i.SSo. that Nia-ara had no summer p..pulati..n. and that at 11.. other notable pleasure resort of Europe ..r Xnie'riea was the >ta\- ..f travelers s.. sh.-'. Nia-ar.i became kiDwii as one of Nature's beaut\' sjj.-ts f..r which man had done t.... much. ■ In the lU'xt staL;e .)f its career, indi-en.ius m.an. baulked ..f his accustomed subsidies fr..m si-ht-seein- man, b.'-an t.. take his t,,ll> f,.r tin: h.viiiL;- car.' he h.ul bcst.)wed ui)..n it fn.m the j^reat Cataract itself. There were mills .it Ni.i-ar.i when the re-i.)!! was still a Mecca f..r the fairist ; but lhe\- l)ecame iiunier..us and offensive only after the hotel-clerk -rew accust..me.l t.. iLishin- hi-. .liam..nd across deserted crridors. ami tlie chari..teer went f.)rda\-> .it ,1 stretch uith.)ut tastiif- bl.>.)d. Durini;- the period ..f prosperity, t.io, c.irax'.insaries and ba/aars ^■-*»; 12 <'- ' ... J /A-:'.'.>,»-f:.,' 1, M lH.,,„n I., clnsr ill .m thr .Kvotrd nx.r uilh tli. ir unluvdy .tnutur.-, aiul. ,,,■ 0.1,^.0. rvo-vo.>._;n,.l v,nU,,;4>' h.u! n. t, .li-:^alr. AtU-v ihr How , .1 MnnnuT ,,-,,vcl uas du.rlr.l. ^rant^ of •'uat.-r priMh;^- - luranu- lumv o-nuunn. ,,,,1 tlu' Innllv Niagara ^hortK- loun.l UmII cK-ra.U.l to turn, n- nnll-uluvU lor ,,,,„,,,„,„„l',,„n'r. an.l ll-unanakr,-. juM a. ., lluav ^>.,v mo, hnn.hv.l. ol stn-a,M. , nth- uorkl thai okiM turn u l.c.U. an.l a-. ,t thcivunv n,o,v tlian •Hu^v i, a ^e-n- of lulioivi.c print-- extant, pivi.nv.l from photo-rapliic ,u...at,vr. taken l.v Mr. ...or^r ISarkrr. of N,a^ara 1^.11-. uhu-i, ^hou^ lu-lt.r than anv uonUcn u hat thr v^^^■ Invanu' un.kT ih,. /■-/■'■'■ ""> "' ^l^^'^ ,1 V>-^ r'xh,!.:.. the ,l,.h^n,v,l l.ank^ on the v iHaL;-. sho,v of thr I yy^y Anur,- i£:i^- ,,„ |.-alk. I h- natnral ^.ttin^ of t,v. . and ^hrul.. ,^ -atr, an,l thr KapaU l,n, ' ^P''. •, thrnKclve. luannu-.l ni and ol.tnuKd npon l.y the uo.uh n i ,a//a o| ,, ■• ha/aar ^i^^ ,,„.l ,,,, „n.-k-(i,vc.an ,var elevation- of a hotel i-'eu uho knew Hath I>lana 'Ht-?£3! in ,1. better estate can look n,.on the fa.thfnl vepro-luelion ot ,t. ntill-ruhlen latter condition uuhout a -hndder. to.o.ra.t the-e example, ot de-ecrat.on ,,,!,, I,,, „,aural l.ank. that -till retnani, and v.ath Mr. Ohn.t-.d^ ideal, /ationoi Uu- re-to,c<l .\,nerican Rapuls^^ a,td the nusou <i\nr^A the !• ree \,a-a,-a movement and it- succe-s is at o,ice >.en. v , In the summer of 1S7S. Lucius i'olnn-on. tlum (•,ove,-nor of NeuA o,-k. l,ad acaviai .-onver-at ion vMth l.onl DulTerin. ul- ua-at that tnneC.o erno,-- ,;.ne,-al of I anad,;t, uh,ch he deemed so m;po,-,ant that, in the iollou.n- ,„ua,-v. he embodied i-- pu,-pori m In- annual niessa^e to the 1 .e^.^lature. eitei-ate.l xiewstliat had bed croipp,,!-' out m Lord DulTerin m th,s mter>.ie\\ 1 M-:odicaland,ieuspaperl,teratu,vlorac.radep,-ev,.a,s.th,,thadbee,texp,-essed bv manv d,st,nuui^hed vis,to,-s to the i'alls du,-m^ that intcval, ,md th.U ue,e ,|;,iU. ..vnendlv shai-ed in In old and pubhc-sp-inted ,-es,dents oi W e-tcat \eu- V,„-k:" That 'an i,ttern,,tion,d pa,k. e,iclos,n- a snital)le space on each s,de ot ,lu. nver fn.ni which all the a,moyances ,md vexation- which were -ivm- rise in -,, much complaint -houKl be removed, was the only s.ilvation ot \,aL;ara. SubseMuen, V. and belore (iov. Robm-on-- messaL^e was transm tied to the 1 ...Mdature, Lord Dulterin called the attention of the ( -.overmnem ol ( )n,,,rio t,, U>e matter, and recommended cor.peration with Neu-N'oik. ■ .ov . Robin- ?Jp| .,,„•- nie-a..e su^^ested that in ca-e a Conuni-ion ua- appointed Iroin . .ntario, "^'ri'i N^'^^-V'"-k should create a co.Tespond- and coopcatni- body. i he t om- iMp'^l ntiss.oners of the State Survey constituted the Commiss.nn named. \W loint " ,.,,lu,ion ol the Le..isl,ttnre of ,,S-.,thev uere -.lirected to enquire, cons.der ,i\- be expedient for the .Mate to ad.ipt and report wh.it. if an\-. measures u ma\- be ex) for carrviUL; out the su--esti.a,s contained m the .mnual messaL^e o- the ,;„vernor. with respect to Niagara l-'alls." The fommissioners uere also * Si'i.' friinlispi''if. tUIT-, .llUl, citniniiiii. uiiiilrciN 111 niiiir than ii i\\ s hi't t rr lU of tlu'^c )])rr Aiiui'i- K.ijiiils find ,1 '• l),t/.iar "' Hath l--laii(l niill-rid(kn (K'--i-i_i'aliiin i-ali/alion nl )•(.•(-■ Ni;m.u f N.u-N'ork. u ( ill cnior- iu' follciw in;4 1 A'L;i>latnrc. ijjpiiiL; nut in Til r\l)l\>si.'( lul that w (.11 k'olLTll Ncw- caoli side ul c L;i\ini;" rise 1 (if Nia,L;,ira. iillcd ti) the It (if ( )iitai'i(> ( M i\ . Unhill- friini I )ntarii>, . Ihc (.(lin- ed. 15>- joint \\\w. ei in--ider .ate III ,1(1(11)1 tlie rs were also iithori/ed to eoiiferwith, any snnilar ])erson-- rep ri'-eiitiii'' the I )oniinion ,f Canada or the l'ro\ inee ot ( hitario, " inakiii;.; a similar eiKiun) or e( intein])l,it- in'4 niea-'Uii--' for a ■-iiniiar \n\v\> The ( iinnii--'>i( aier^ I'ep lit w a-- t ran--init ted t' > 1 lu ■i-lature on Maivli 2. iSSo, 1)\ I loiat ii I Se\ nil mr 'rc-ideiU of the Hoard, and \\a- ■^i,L;ne(l liy (dni- misMo ners W llham \. W ilcelel'. Rohelt I lale. Wilhain I )oi -heinur. |- r.iiui- .\. Stollt. ( ieoT; (irdde-> and 1'. A. I'. Harnard. llux -l.ited th.it i 1 eairv- liiij' on t the (h'.'eelioii of ih( (ianhner. hncelor ol tlie Sui\ey, to i xainine ait'l rel a projeet a- \\a^ eoiiteinplated l)y the dature, th(\ had in-tiiieted Mi. J.nne^ I.' I report to ihein on -iieh 'i-l,iture. aiK 1 had .i^^oeialed w ith him Mr. l-iederiek Law ( ihi^ted, the lan.Ueape arehiteet. I he (dinnii- ^-ionei's ■.■luh irsed a that M e-^'^|•^. ( la (iardinei and < )hii-te(l had to -^ay, and -taled that in tlie pi'ex ioiis .Srpteinlx f the r.oaid had held a eoiilei-eiiee with tlu nieniDelN o Ihe Miir-tiA- of tl ii- lid\ inee i| ( )nt.irio, w hen a leeliii'' wa- disclo-ed wiiieh juslihed tlie liehef that ( anad.i w oiih 1 meet NewA'orl iull\- l)\- the remarks ot Me--r-. ( Hin-ted and (kirdiiuT, lialf-wa\- ippeai' ai)i)i'n( K(l to the ( 'omini>>ioner--' report, thev e\ainin(.-( 1 the 1,'anadian a- W I. 11 a^ the .\ meriean dicfv' of the riser. M i. ' )hn-ted\ iiote-^ were maml)- on the a'sthetie- of Nia-aiM and the despite the I'hiiidine- were doiiiL; th em. he 1 )ireelor reeoimneiK led llie takin- of ( ioat and it^ >i->ti. 1- i-let^ I liath daiid to he restored 1)\ plantin;,; I. .ind a ^tnp and on the ruer Iron t of Nia-ara i'all- X'i'la-e a mile loiii; .\ni\ wideiiiiiL; from loci feet at the head of pi,U to S()(i feet broad at the J-'all-. and from whieh the \ ill.u;e >lioiil(l the K.i planted out." Ihe final apprai-.eiiient i( (.1 llie-^e line-^ \ er\ elo--el\ thoiiLdi the traet loeat.-d 1)\- the seeoiid C. ommi--ioi 1 i- r.ither smaller tliaii that reei inimeiu led 1)\- the hireetor. Mr. (iardiner> >UL;-e^tion lh,.t tiie riL^ht to plant tree- oil the ed-e of tlie eliff heiow the Su-pen>ion from the Ihdi-anlie Canal owner-, h.ts not been adopted. Iirid^e be obt.iiiu (io\ Cornell sent lothe 1 .eLii-lat ure w ith the report of the Commissioner' if the Slate .sur\i'\- a rei iiarkai)le memorial a-kini;- lor the enfranehi-ement ol hieh had !)een addre-cd in duplie.ite to the ( ka crnor-l .eiieral Niagara, w ('.madaand the ( io\ criior ol .\ew-\(ii rk be about 'in I of the mo-t eminent men if the Cnited Stale-. Canad.i and ( -real iiril.iin. .\ moiiL; the ML'ner- if tin memorial w ere \'iee-l'resident Wheeler, the entire beiuli ol the Supreme ( oiirt if the Cnited States. Senator- of the Cnited Sl.ite-, a n .\dmiral of the Na\\- M. mbers ( i| { oiiLiri Member- of the 15riti-li and Can, idiaii I'arli.inieiits, if. M,ix Midler. Sir |ohn 1 .ubboek, Tho'.i, - Carl>le. John Ruskin. i'dner-oii. iwell. Holme-, l',r,fre\-, I'.irkm.m, .\-as-iz, Cli,irles l,on"fell(iw , \\ hittier, •raticis .\('a \( m-. Cardinal MeC o-U'e\-, |)i-ll( ip- I ,Lil(loi. l(ii.k, CI, irk, Nile-, MeXeir- ne\- l)o,me .md Coxe. artist-, eolleoe presidents. arm>- officers. Stale ollicial and merchant i)rinces. A bill desi'med to carr\- out the Commissioners' t'ccDinmendatioiis was at @l H^ '4 ,„„. intnulua.l. ; n.l ,m.s.c1 the As.unl.ly. l.u. dad .n th. ScnaU' lucaus. nut , ,,,1 nil tin. la^-nul nl ^Au- scssi,,,,. Nia^ar. s.vnun.ly ha.l n. Irunc s ,n „,, 1 ,„i.lat. .. ..f iSSi. for lhunL;l> ih- I'ark hill was ,v.,ntn>ducc.l. no .Ih.rt ua. n.uU. to sconv Us ,.a..a^.. TUr ^-.,.n o,' ,SS. ,.as...l u-ith,u,t a n... t,.wanl .n.nuipaunn. in t'-r tall of that y.ar th. ulucns U-ok thr u.uk ni ,1, ,PH- Tin- h,M ^un in the oanM.aiL;n. u hKh du...l nnly n, victory two years a„.lahal,lat.r.uaslnv,lata,>rivatcnuvtn,^h.MnUlu:hous...f Mr Howard l.,,n.r u, \.w-Vork r,tv, on the evening of iK.vndur hth. ^iKvchcs .vcrc ,„.hK. 1>v Messr.. ()ln,st.d, I'oltcr. 1 Nu-shunur an.l .,tlu:r.. and thr ..utoMUc ,,;>. a uuhlu- nuvtn.u. luld at MunuM.al Hall on January Nth tollown,^. ■n,,r. ua. lornu-d 'Tin. Niagara FalU .\.s„uat,on." a l.o.ly tor uhos. .ttorts i„ ,,,,„„■ .,, l-n.- Niagara th. world ow.s nu.ch ^rat.tudc. ■ l"^-"'l l'''"^'- ,,,, ii. nr.t IMvM.K-nt. Amon^ tlu- VKv-l-r.suK-nts w.mv ( .cor^c W lUwun Curti.an.lConHnusVand.rlMlt. J . IlanM-dcn Kol.h. atu-rward a ( 'on.nu.s.om.r I ,,ftlH-Stat.K.s.rvati..natNK.^ara,wa>clKnrnMnoltluM-x.cut,v.Connn,ttcc. ' ,^,,,, ^,,.^.^, _^ „,,, ,„,1. whuh w;.s introduced nUo the Ass.nd,ly by Hu' Hon Tic.l.k- MUIcr.of N.w-Vork.on lannary V'.iSS^ The n.casnrc was advocated blforc the Connnutcc on Ways and Means hy H,.ho,, Doane. iiouard I'otter .x-l.ieutenant.Cov. 1 MrsluMnier and otlurs. the o,,,.os,t,on heni^ represented In- the attornevs of a single wood-pul,. hnn at the Falls. Ihe Inll i-as.cd the Assend.lv on Ihe ,4th of March, hy oS to ;,,. A nund.er of Assenddymen look occasion to show their >ynM.athy uhde the n.easure was on n. nnal passa-e the Hon. Thonuis W Welch, of Niagara 1-alls, n, especal. hnn^n,^ honorupon hnn>elf and credit to hi. constituency hy h,s .lo,|u.MKe and ear lest- nccs In the Senate there was opposition encountered. 1 he orat,,ncal L;:ants of the Nil. . I I i-'alls.\ssociation wrestled uith the iMuanceCoinm, ttee, only t.H:e th,.,un The lull uasreported unfavorably, hut the report was .lisa^reed with, an.l the lull ordered to a thn.l reading, -rhen the ,\ssoc,ation. alter '--''^^ •''; ad.lress to the people of the State, renewed the f.-ht in open Senate. 1 he hdl was at no tinu' a partv n,easure. and - ,.ract,cal politicians ^ .uul - doetrnian-es h.ve been an.ou^ Us partisans. 'Vtitious and nu-nun-ials a^ain came nito pl:,y at this innctu.e. When the hdl pass.d ,.\prd iS. iSS.^, it was i>y ,t vote ,-1 2. to 10. It receive.l .iov. Cdeveland's si-n.iture on the ^cth ot .\pnl. 'lu' (.'onnnissioniMs jjrovideil tor. as noni inated h\- the C.overnor and con nrnud hv tlu^ Senate, were : Messrs. Wilhan, Dorshenner. .\ndrew II. (Ir.vn anipden kobh. Sherman S. RoL^ers ,uu I M.'.rtin r.. .\ndeison. Mr, ,1 of the Nia!j,ar.i reL;ion. l),,rshein)iT v .. .i kiwxer and statesman and a nati\- U,ou.d, ,, resulent of NewAork C.ty. He h.ul served the State ,is laeutenant- (lovcTuor. Mr. ( ireeu h,ul been C omi-lroller of NewA-rk. and was verse.l :n land V dues Mr. Robh. of NewA'ork. had -real experience m lar-e husn.ess affairs ,nul as a Sen.Uor .n the Siate 1 .e^,sl,aure. Mr. Rogers represented Huffalo. and was an earlf nand.er of the Niagara ImIIs .\ssoc,at>on. He was ' ausi' not rinuls in 11(1 (.'llort .1 inii\ I work ill w I) yt'iirs 1 liiw ard 1k'-> ,\rrc OUlCliUlC ollouiiiL;'. (1 I'dttir Williaui iiiissioncr iiiiniittcc, llic 1 l«)il. l(l\()C.ltl.(l 1(1 I'nttcr, |)rcsciili.'(l )assc(l the •nil)ly!iu-n 1 it-. I'lnal . l)i-inL;in!4' (1 rar K'sl- ical L;:aiits only til \:c M-(.T(1 wilii, issuiiiL^' an . Tluhill :trinairi-s " r into ph.N' \ ( lie ot 2 ■ ir ami con i 1. (Hxri-,, r.soii. Mr. ara ri'L;ion. .ieutcn.nU- i< \crs(.(l ;n "■■:. busiiU'^s •(•prcsi'iitnl I. I if was 1 . — % >^ , \ 3i \ \ \ \ \ 1 ■ \ \ \ At »t 01 4< u 1 ( ""t »-| O 1 •8 a. 3 ^.^ 0| O ; "*^ 2 ^=' 1 '^^- SjtllH CD MAI' < > 1 ' n 1— "-^ AMn V/Ii-IMITV AND VICINITY, Matthewt. ffoiihrupA Co., »rt-Prfnt!ng Workt, Bi'fnlo, N. K. 19 ; .1 -t~. *' alsn ,1 Ir.ulcr of tlir I'j-i'- Cdiintx- Mai' ami IihiiutI)- a ninnhrr i>f tlir \i\\-N "fk Senate. Mr. Andcr^nii w.i'- tin- MiurahK- and ic.inud I'n-iiKnt nt thf rni\ rr-it_\- nf l\<n,lu-tii-. 'Ilu' llnef niitiopnliian nuniln r^ "t tlu' ('iinnni-Ni(in were I )iin( h rat-- : tlir wc^umii nunihrr-. Kcjinl)!]- cans. TluA- .ill sit\ c \>, illnml pay. the ti iin mI ol'tiirdl iMi'l' Iuiiil; five year--. Vhc iinanl nut In oi-f^ani/e. in AlhaiiN . "U tin- -'iilli <>\ Max, wlun I )i-. Andrt-on w a-> ni.idc I'lc'^idml. and Mi'. RmMi 'I'l-i.M'.un.T and .SrUTtaiy. 'I'Ik ( (iniini-^u hut^ fnund a\ail.ililr a fnnd of Sio.ou) w itli w Inch to cari}- ont tlir ohji ft ol tluii- i iiatmn. I'Ik' ln->l nii.Ttii);_; at Ni.i^ara l)CL;.n\ on the i)tli ol jnnc. .\ rrsolulion. adopted after a cao'tnl and iletailed exaininat ion ol the lands adj.uent li> the l^'alN, may he -i\ en eiitiie : •? i .1 ~fii A'rs, '/;■<./. 'riiat in tlu- iiid^nient of tliN I'.o, ud :1 i> de->ir.ililr to x'leel and Iniate a> |iro|)cr and ik-( osary to he rcMTved lor the |inr;>o-e ol preserving tlie ^iciiervof tlie TalK of Nia-araaiid of re>toiin- the s.nd seeiierv to u> natural < onihliou. tln' foIlouinL; laiuU simate ni the \ illaue of N'ia.i^ara and the Coimty of N ia^ara. to- wit : (ioat Ul.ind. i'.ath isl.uid. the Three Sister-, i'ard island, l.ima Island, ClKipin Isl.md. aixl the small islands adjacent to s.nd islands in the Niagara River, .md the hed ol said, river i)et\veen said islands and the main land of the St.ite ol New- N'ork ; and, also, the hed of said river hetueeii (ioat Isl.md and the Canadi.m hoimdarv . also, a strip of land beLiiimim.; near " I'ort Day' in said vilKi,i;i', runnmi^- aloiij;- the shore of said river, to .md inehidin; "I'rospeet i'ark"' .and the cliff and J,7'r/s slope, ander the same suhstanti.ilh- ,ts shown hyth.it part colored -rei'ii on he m.ip aecoii panyim.^' the fourth report of the iloai'd of ( 'oinniissioners ol the St.ate Survev. dated March jj. i SSo ; and iiKhidiiiL;-. also, at the east y t'lid of said strip, siillicieiit land not exci-ediii'^ one acre lor ])urposes convenu'nt to s.nd reservation, and also iucludiiiLi all lands al the foot of s.aid falls, and all lands in said rivi'r adjoining; said islands and the other lands licreinhcfoix- desenhed. '^ p The ("omniissioiiers \wvc re|)resented in tliese .ind suhsecpient proceedinos hy Mr. AnsK-_\- Wilcox. o| the .. ^, l.iw firin of Allen. Moxiiis i\; Wilcox, iinlf.ilo. alt<n-iieys .' for the Hoard. The inlerestid ]iroperty-o\\ ners Inuc.--' - " been represented hrsi .md l.ist hv a ,L;reat arr.iv o' eminent counsel. The petition for the .ippointnient of L'oniniissiiniers to a])praise the lands selected w.is ■'■,../ ^' Dresented at a sijccial term o| the .Suiireme ('oiirt, ^ '"•■■-' ' held in Hut'f.do on the _'d of l-'ehniarw i .S.S4. justice •"' ' . D.miels, on the same d.iw n.inied as .\i)])r.i''sers of the ^ , lands to l,e taken, the Hon. Mattheu Male, of .\ll)an\- : '^J^^.f" \ the lion. Luther U. Marsh, of NewA'ork; .ami .Mr. "^^ "'^'^' - ,:U> W:: '' .M 'oV"''„™^ o \-'^^\i 20 ">i ,; l',,.,al I'. I'r.itt.nl lUitl.il.. tUM l,iu\u> ,111.1 .MU' nuivliaiit. ^. Vlu' Api'.-.n-v. uriil vrry i-nmiptly t., uurk. aii.l a. a ivsult ^. haiuir.l 1,1 a ivpuit a\vanlni:.; daiiia-r. ani-uulinL; m tlir a-^rc- "^ .MU- In 8l..r.v4-'')-^o. 'riu n poll uas oMirirnu.l mi tin- :7th _:- r.'f ( )ctol,rr l.v lu.lkT l-..vl.tt. Th.' Api-raiMTs Inun.l it luccs- ^^ .,,rv t.. .liM.K- thr cun.lnniua i.in,uity mU> tu .nty-^rvrn ■.,,'...■.;• in uhich aua,.l>u.iv iiia.lr as l.-llou.: I'or luvcHs ,„H.,uultnui-o..ii,.riMii;4(.naLl.una.clc..uilliaiHMt,nn-l T'.nh Maii.l, ua. i.ai.l S^-';,'")... to the iv..iv>uUat u cs nt ilu' I'ortrr c.tatr TluMimut SI ;".""" uasiKiHliiitno-uit f..r tlu- puit mn nt lUtli Maiul nc-.ui.u.l l.v tlu' Niagara iMll-^ I'.qHT Manufactm-- iu-C-un.i.anv. !••.„• thr poitinn ,.f tlu (alanul 1 Lu,..- nuhuKHl ui^\rMXcU tumty-fnur au.l 1 lii.ty-onr uas auanK',1 SM(./,oo. \llurt 11. rwrln-ivaivr.lS-\<H'i an.l S.^ 1 •<>;" f'"' '"'-^ "" ^^ ■'^^■'' ami Canal Stivcls. janr S. Tuwn.c-.ul, fur Int. m, Watrr and Canal Slavts, ivcrivcl J^u.^sS, S^--^ i - ."ul SiS.kSoM. I'nr Tlu.niasTu^l.v's Ints .tlu' Cnat Man.l llntrl ,„-n,Hrty , tluTc ua^ auankd 8"<).JO(.. -riu- VnvUv Vum]^ Int hmuKlU S4.o^»- AllKi-t 11. rmt.T ivcdvrd SM40 l"f l"ts mi Canal Stiv.t, and tin- Witnur lu'irs S.';.i^.C fnr tin- piniuTty in jKUvrl tli.rty- tlinv. I'm- thr A. 11. I'mlrr Imnu-strad ua. i^aid i^lo.UO. a„.l that ^rntlcMuan iv.civrd ^J.-So fnr a vacant Im m, lU.lTalo miTvl. Otlu-i- awards w.-iv: Snh.n M. N. Wlnlnry, !Sy.300 ; r„wn.vn,l.Sii.cKX. and S^.070 : Vinrvnt M. I'mt.r. 81 .^00. and ,uard. nim-tua^e'cSr^o: Jane S. Tnwnsviul. 8.v^'<x> : Lli/ahcth I-. Cliuivh. S6,^^^; Mary K. DanuN. nimt^a^vc. 8v?<k>; th. Knc C nunty Savings Hank, nmrt^a^.v, 8S.cx)0 : Iumi's nl Au^u^lus S. I'nrlvr. 8>.^C)0: lu.rphin. M. I'nrtvr. 8"--0. On ac.nunt n| .tuvt pmpvrty nurnadicd ;,,,„n. thv Vill,u;v and Tnu n nf Nu.^.na ,n,d ,ul,m„in^ prn,u.rty-h..ldc,-s ucrc^ivvn S;.S^;. Thv l'in.,K.t l',irk prn,K.,ty hmnL^ht 8^3.^'^^,. ll.U ^: Murray, prnprictm-snt tin- pulp null, have app.,dvd Imui llu' d.vi^inn nl the Appr,ii-rr<. The ,iu,ird tn them \\,i- 8^ 1 ."'P- The mnst interesting ,iml impnrtant le^al -puMinn that the Ap,.raisers were e.dled upnn tn deeide uas ,,. tn the ekiim nf the rip,ui,m nu ners to ,,un tn the //7/./// n,/u,r .,r thre,ul nl the ^ire.un. It uas ehiniud mi their part ,h;„ the enmmnn l,iw dnclrine ,,s m lresh-w,iter river, .ipplied m the Ni,,-,ir.i. ,„„, ,i,a, the prnpertv-nuneiN nn the ruer-fmiiK .Imuld he au.irded d,im,i-es ,-,„■ ,|u- In., nf xv.iter pnuer enu.ecpuiit nn the t,,kin,^ nf l,md. in the bed nt the river -rhere uere .ever.d mnmr pnini. r,iised. but the iimin is.ue u,i. as m xvhether the Niagara, in all it. part., u... ,. navi^.d.le .tre,mi m the .en.e that .^n arm m the .e,t ,. navi^.il.le. The .\ppr,n.er. lu Id that it u ,1. sueh. and dis- allnued the eiaims. iNVn elab..rale and learned npinimis were ivmlered to •Aaip of THE mf ■■ (f) I-'dizaheth Kthan 11 iiuTi. lianl. IS a iTsult tin- a;.;L;rr- II ilu- 2;\.\\ 1(1 it lU'Crs- i nt_\ --•rvcn (ir i),iict'';-> (,|1 nl l'),ltll tin- I'lirtcr lu' imitiiin l.imit'.u till- er iiu'lii(li.'il 1 S' i(>/'(^^- s oil W atrr Watrr and yS.50. I'or iniyi there -lu S4.000- Slirit, and \\v\ lliirl\-- iil $U),140, on HulTalo u> . S'>5oo; !5i .200. and : i:ii/al)el]i .lie County ur. $1,200; riKToaclied I ri>-li<>lders 00. 11 ill & isioii oi the • ApjUMisers 1 (iWlUTS to >n their part the Nia;4ara, K-il ilaniaL^es U' bed of the uf w a-- a-^ to u' -e-ii->e that aieli. and dis- reiulered to 21 thi> .iTret. 1)\ Aj.praiMT Male aii.l Appraiser. Ma,>li .nid I'latt. Alt.r tin cxeluMoii of siuh elaiin-. the (KiiiatuU o| tltr owner-, anioniit.'d to al.oiit $4.CXk:).cX)() a icdiKtioii ol ahout S I ' '.' « x ).i x « » fioin tlif drinand> littoir tli< d.eiMoii. A- ha- hem M-rn. the total aetiial award-, amounted to hut a litiK- nior, than oiu-third ot the lornu r -inn. Tlir in \t and 1)> tar the ino-^t important -^t.-ji \et t.ikin m the Nia-ara n -eiie work wa- to sreiiir the approjiri.itioii !)y the l.e-i-- ; • laturc o| the nioiu-_\s awarded l)\ the Appr.ii-^er-," rrj.ort. It was ; ;, shown 1)_\- the new-papi T-, wliieli had l'a\orrd the imn cinent Iroiii the ■; ' first, or had been eoiua-rted to it-, -support a. the I'ark projeet took form, that the .st.iti' w.is in eonditioii to p.i_\- tin million ,ind a h.ill. or less, ,isked lor 1)\- the Api)rai-cr- without e ta\p,i_\ers UiIiiil; th.it their luird. 11-, had hern iii,iteriall_\- .idded to. Tlir entire 8 1 ,4 V^.f-'r).;*). ^',i|/fi'l[| if sj)re,ul on the tax-rolls for a single ye.ir. \\ould luee-sit.ite ,in incre.isr in the assessment on the t.iv.ihle |)ropert>- o| tlu' Statr i>l le-,s th.in onedi.iH a mill in the doll.ir. Hut it w.is -,UL;L;esti'd and this ^|i/;|| was iiltiinateK- done tint the .ippropri.il ion of the S4,^,:;,4Jij.3(.) woukl V .' //, be snlTu-ient for the first >T,ir i 1 S.S3 1, and th.it the even million eould f 1 1 fHlAv^" v I be distributed o\er a series of ye.irs. and he seeured h_\- honds issued );l]i|,''fo\ '., K 1... 1 , i...,i 1 .1 11,., I ...,;.! ,1,,,-.. „ ,^ / 1 . <^l.a ' •' ,!li W" A.a^'^W to the eiti/eiis whose lands h.id heeii t.ikeii. The 1 .ei^^iskit ure u ai;ain iietitioiied and wroii;_;ht with, and the .ipprojjriatioii w.is p.issed j, ,y ,||,,-;^ toward the elose of the session, in the month of .\pril. .\-> the Aet ^ A ri \Vi creatiiiL; the .St.ite Kesere.ition at Ni.ti^ai.i ehapter ,^^'1 o( the Laws yl h\ h'w. mm I. ^^ :)) creaiiiiL; iiie .^lau- i\esei \ .uion .n .>i.i;^.ioi i.ii..|/iv. ,-, -, ^..^ ...... u ■i»|i \ i, //; of ISS,:; had i)ro\i<led th.it. in ease the Ia'L;islalure should f.iil -' . ut^ '.|1^ ',\/^'x' L to make an ajiproprLit ion to pa)- the owners for the kinds wliieh " '.;l',u!AlV- should he seleeti'd and loc.iled heloiv .\pril :;o. 1SS3 or two J\ fJ ^- \-cars after the date of tlu> passa-e of the .\et all the proeeed- '" |; -^V 'V W^*"^^) i Vl f( iiiL^s should he \oid and ol no elleet, miieh anxiet)- w.is shown lest the hill fall between the stools of the Capitol and tiie l"..-.eeuti\ e fh.imber. There were delays in eiiL^ros-^inL; and in t raiismitliiiL; the nie.isure to the (iovernor, .md it aetu.ilU' reeei\ed his siL;natiiri' on the last d.iy allowed by l.iw . The suspense killed one or two ineipieiit eoiitf-ts ol awards which were expected, tlu' claim.ints discoveriiii;. while the fate of tlu' appropriation hill Iuihl; in doubt, that the_\- were williiiL; to sell their jiropert)- to the State .it tlu- jirice otTered. I'he ])eo|)le <if Ni.e_;.ir,i I-'. ills, in ;^-eiier.il. were hi;4lil\- ple.ised at the triumph of the |-"ree Ni,iL;ara nio\e- '' . || ment. The mamif.icturers ,ind kiiuled jtroprietois had been '-'//j;^^^, paid .1 fair price for their |)roperty, .md were satisfied, 'i he . -t-f "f*^ hotehkee])ers h.id. all aloii-. sc-eii in |-'ret- Nia^^.ir.i re\-i\ed •- *- prosperity .md increased p.itron.iL;e. 1-Aeii the " r.ip.icioiis ' ..-i'^ '/^■IjH (V li.il llu- cst.iblishiiu'nt nl |, llir Statr I'. irk will L^rratlv riihaiKi.' llu' iiiipul.irit)- I'l Niauiira llicic can l)c liuU- As suBii liom Woiley Pa'l*. - .■> •^ 'i.S / .■ « Jl»' .ImuI.I. \u Int. in, 111. hi, iI I'.irL u.miM .■\t. u.I tlu- |.r. >-|KMt s 1" tli>' .ntirr iT'^mii. It 1^ ..Illy ,1 >|iu->tiim III hri. t tini.lill ( ^m,!.!,: -li.ill .'niL.M' th.- im.-t iniiH.-mL' ii,ittir,il tr.iliiri- .m lur -ul. "t tli.riMT. Siii\ . > - l..r .i ,-,'^<---. ]),irk .ir.' .A.n n..\\ I). in- in,iilr hy ill.- I)..iiiinh.n ( .. .\ . riiin.iil . It will \» " ' ■ \k- ,1 |)r..ii,l .111.1 iMppx .l.i_\ l.ir th.' tu.. l;ii.i1 p. "|.I. > .'I tli«- \\'-t.ii ('..ptin.iit w lull ,ill Ni.i;,;.ir,i ^Ii.ill 1>.- trrc ScmimI inini.r iiiipr. .\ .uunt-^ ,irc ,ilri,iil_\ .it .in . .iri\ il.it. in lli' -uiiiiii.T .il' i.'^S; -iiriiiL;iii- uji ill til.' --nnli-ht ..I In. \ i.i:.',,ir,i, r-t,i li^lu.l ,111.1 pL.-^lKCtiv.-. 111.- Ni,i;^.ir.i r'.ilU I nt. rn.ii i. .ii.il I ■.inipiiHvt Hi',, .\-^s.H-i,iti..ii |>ri.|i..-.- t.. iimLc \\ .-l.) I'.irk, ..n tlu' i ^in.i.li.in -i.l.- . .1 tin ri\.r. "til.' ( li.nit.iii.iu,! ..I ( .iii.nl.i." An.. ill. r iiiij n m\ .■iii.iit luLni-iii', t,, ill.' iiniih .li.it.' lutinv I- .1 l)..iil. A.ir.l. ..r. iilhv | r.i|Ki!y. ,i -li.i.K.I ,lri\.\\,i\- In. Ill liull.il.i I.' Nia-aia, ,i -tirlcli ..I t u .iit \ -t w . > iiiiK- .'I inai^nilkriU i. iuntr\;. ////: OI.I> .\\n I III Mil . •• ( )iu' iic\ rr tiiT-. .if \i,iL;ara." -,ii.l a w liiti-li,iin .1 iii.in, .i- lu-t. ..n 'IViiMiiin K.iik-. trviii- t.. ii.nnt ..iil t.. .i r. .iii|i,iiii.>ii the pi-.M-. -\><'\ wlurr ill.- ..1.1 t.iwi r ■-t.....!. " 1 (l..iil)t il ^ii-^t.mi oiiM -t.iK- it il it w. r.' ;i|u,i\--, tin- s,iiiu- ; Init il p. .^si-^-'r-. inrniit.' \ ,irut \ . I li,u .• l).-.n .i \ i-il. .r t.. Ni.i-.iiM ,it iiit.r\,iU I'.ir iii.in>- y.'.ir-. .mil ,it .-.h li r.tnrii I -.f i li.iii:.;.-. Tlu' striK'liiral lii.in-.s. wliuli ill.' c,it.ir,ut-- .ir.' I'v.i' iin.l.r-. .in-, ,iri easily t.. h.; dcU'Ctr.l 1)\- ntlu r- tli.in tlu- -.-i.l.i-i-t-. Ilu ii, tlu- --liitlin- iif tin- ^ras.iiiN \,irii-^ luit i .nl_\- llu- Ir.ini.-, luit tlu- imtiir.-. W liil.- tlu--.- \\M..(U .wc riiiiiiinL: ,ilnii.^t tlu- .iitir.- ;4,miut nj chI.t in tlu- r.mr--.- nl tlu- yt-,ir. tlu- ■vval.-r^ llu-v iVin-.- .ir.- clian-iiiL; l.-ni|u r il imt . i iiii|iK-\ii.n ^\itli tluni. Ni,i'^.ir,i iu-\rr .li-appiiinl-^ tlu- iiil-rim. .nul n. \.-r p.ill- upmi li. i' intiin.iti--." lli- cniiip.'ini.in, ,1 \i>iinL;i-r in. in. lUithKil .ippr.-ii.it i\ .-ly. llu y li.i Ix-i-ii <tr,m<4..-r-- t.-n ininiit.'-. pri-\i.iii-^ li> tin- c an . r-.ttimi. Imt Ni.i-.ir.i li.iil iipi-iuil tluir lu-.irt- .nul I. h .-.-ii.-.l liu-ir Lni-ii.--. Tlun. a- tlu\ w.ililu-il llu- ,iinl).r III tlu- ii\.-r,t- it .nu-r-r- Irniii tlu- U.ipi.U hrrniii. ^ ,, ^ , -. CIV. nil in tlu- .ibv'-^ h.l.iw tlu- I li ir-olu ..- l-',ill, tlu- \MnnL;. i- in.m t..l.l In- K,; W^^^-'\- f' ¥-/ Miiiiir III' \i,i.L;,ir,r- l.itr-l cli,ii!-,.- nf I.Hlniu-. llu- -i-.i) l).-,ir.l li.i.l lu .ii.l | ■ '^J f|,t;^i^ siiiiu-thinL; in hi- ili-l.int luniu- nf llu- -r.. it p. .piiKir nn i\ .in. nl in N.-w N'.irk St, It.- t'l ivpl.K'.- llu- I''. til- aii.l tluir -nn.Miiulin-- in tlu- puhlu (liiin.iin. anil tlu- vniilli -.ivc Inm tlu- .l.t.iil- "I tlu- u.irk wliuli li.ul n-.-iihril in tlu- f.irin.il .-lalili-liiiunt nt "llu St.it.- R.--i r\ .ilinn ,it Ni.i^ara." llu- uM ni,in W-'wv^ lull nf tlu- tiM.lit imi- nf tlu- r.-L;i"n. an.l tlu- \i>un,L;- line s.iiiK-ulutl wr-i-.l in it- iiun\- ivcrnt lii-t.ir_\-, and h.illi Xia-ara Imi-r-, it s.i bi-l\-ll th.il tlu-\- I'.iuiul mutual inlcrc-l in f...ll.>\\ in^ in 24 !\,p,.,n..rJ M- tun.- ..^af.M-.l. .,.,.r.r-.-n lnlMM.ll..onmIau.ana l,..,,„v-l'rn,,,.Ht r,.ik L;.it.' vv.i. lu.l i..uk unl. a Mnn-. I.I ([in itf Irnin a \M / / ,^ ""in'nl.n.ln.n.aMl.l. Mnn,n,,.l.>- ,.a,r . .n. .aM ..„ tW ,nam ...v.t ., N,a..a,aralUV,lla,. >. .r an.l an„n s,,y,n, a nnl.l na> f .!.>■ ,.lnlanthr„- un -l-all tlu- iH,nit^..l inln.-t l-r tc-n cuU- )i^l-, uli.' .ill. fill t" ilnv.' til. alm..st 1.. llu' ..ainirali.ii» Im. >?^: llu. iau' K.nhvav 1 ).r-t an.l SrvciUii Miv.t „unnU,nM,.-.l...ln^ln.n,lua.,>n.n, th.t.rnnuM.llu. K>-^.a.at,,,n k. ..,,aan nan. nn,.av.l .IM, INirt l.ay ua. tin. .anu. ,uu, ,,, .lu'.n.nnu.- 1.^^ u .anal, uhuh 1 1. 11 . Day lunl. fi .upply 1— r t.- th.. nu K 1 h. :Lant nv.rM.l.. .alk al n.Muav. an.Mh.. hnk t.Tnt.ay a, ,h,s ,,..mt Im ,...,nnt Ih.. .l.ml.K. dnwuay. uhah .. ,. !.r..l.w..l t- construct, l^ -vccavc /^■-S a cir. nlar u i ininal inn. .• t i •n,. nv.a-ualk, .:• Kn.r S.r..,. pure... tlu. nn.l.lK. <.!■ tl.. .tnp ,,l lan.l .luclwlu.C-,,nnn..nn..r.lK.v.. tal..n n, tlu. vma,... an.l uluclw.t..,uU ,,,„,,, av , „iV.s,,...,i>ark.aK,. apart „l tin. K....rva,„.n. "- >-' ^ '• ;'- , ^^;,., ,,„, .,, ,.. ,,iincuK. uath a natural riclK. or terrace ulnch UAl^y ,.1 .,,■ Uu- sh„r.. at an avera. . cU^tancc fnnn tin. uat..r thna,:.l> .!..• „.^,^^^,,. ,„,, ,,,• u. U.„.,h ,.!• iriin, -ine lunulrol m tuo lunulrcl l..ct. ccrtan, n.ulilKatuins hcin^ n.a.U. to cnnl..nn to tlu: line, ot ..Mstni^ >treets. ■ Wuhin Ihisrul^e are enU.race.l all th.. po.nt. Iron, ulneh th.. PalL a,c ,,.,,,1... Tlu. luinu..tead ol (ieur,. W. 11. Hey. the historian o, NM.ara. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ,iut upon the ruer, near i-.n-t l.ay. w, 11 lo.e its .l,.,.Me,.u^^^^^ „K. C-on.nnsMoner.' line is .Iran n. I he sanu^ hue nurehe. over Mr. ete, A. |-,„-ter'. lawn, an.l ,. .hvellin^ on the hank ou ne.l hy hnn w.ll have to he r.ue.l. ,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,, I the (-.aanut llous.pn.po.e to conM.cns.aelh..nw.lve> lor tin. lo.s of then- kitehen hv huil.hn.^ .i hue new front on the -.trip. 1 he ..,,,,, ,„,,„ir." of the tat,n-,.ct House, a clet.uhe.l huilclin^ hv the nuu-,n. ,,„,,,, Uu. Appraiser, dul then- work. ar.. wholly uUhin the con.lennu.d hue. The St.iteof NewA-.irk w,ll henc.forth own the ground upon wluch st.uuls „„ ;,,la..e-s thu. nuinununt to its s.iUlur-.lea.l. Mill Street u.ll be clo.e.l l,y Uu. takin, of tlu.. .u-re .trip, an.l the fate ..f anotlur nUer.ecUn, avenue ,. „„,,,-,to,;.l to he n, the balance. Much ..f the null property t,.ken ,s ..tuated ,,,,,,,„ Uu. prop.i.e.l parku.iy ,uul the nver. an.l the procee.l. oi the sde ot the null-nuuhnurv cm be nuule the nucleus of a nu.intenance lun.l. -tri] thr l)..i l he e.i.lerh- lerinnui ,if the Park is f.,r pract icil i)urpo.es at tiu. Su.peu- si„n Ikid.e. The lovely .hanan, of l>r,.spect IMrk i. the pcplc s ' 1 h,. has been the' nu.st popul.u- h.ature .,f the .peculator.' Niagara - because the cl,e.M.est a,ul its f.Ue as an adjunct ..f h'ree Niagara w,ll have to be carelulU tl -■■( u r-< and I.IW , .111(1 r llMin .1 Ills St.lU' ,iiii Nirci't hil.mthrn- \tli Stii-il ihr VollUL^ jnll. I lu- IKr ti> tllr lillv Til'- tlii-^ i>iMiU III rrcii\i' •i|) (if I.iiul :riul^ from lit-, of ihi-^ ich fiill'iu-^ iiiiUL;h tin- UL-t. Li.Tt.iin ic I'".ills ;irc )f Ni.i'^.ua. ■.,ti|)., wluii Ir. IVtrr A. t(i 1)1- ia/i'(l. •ni'-i.K i.'-- ||"' trip."' I'Ik- the in.iri;in .cniiud line. hicli St. mils )v clci->i^'il i'>' ■_; :ucmit.' is n IS situati'd f the >.ilc of 1.1. tlu- Suspcii- . "lliislias hccaiiso the . be carefuU)- (lr\el.i|i. .1 ; it I-. in .1 Miise, •in.Hle ■Miiun.l.' h.i> l>i - n till. .1 with ■ ^ide di-.u s.' an.l e.iiit.nn- one Inuvieu of the Aniern.in |-.ill.'" r.ni.irke.l the .;iii.h to hi- I- tile\ le.med ..ver the |..n,l|)et. tr\ Hl;^ to ;.;iie-s ,it the id. lltlt\ ' <\ (.'oin|).ini.in. .i- iney le.ine.i .i\.r me |(.ii.i| th.' nihli.r . l.ith.'.l h.in-- MT.miMinL; .il".tit .m tlx' i.uks ,it th.' f.iot ot th iiuliu. .1 i.nh'o.id. •• riii- nol)l.' tr.ut o| -,i\i_\ -.HU' .u re- i^^ .ill ol llie r.iii th.re rem. nil- for us to -ee." w.iit .m th. voiiii;^ in. in. .i- tin i.iiiilMnion- |).i-N.d the (io.it i-l.in.l turn-til. ■. " I eeho tin ui-li .if tin vui.le-hoiik I oiniiil. r-." -.lid the ..tlnr. "tli.il it- e i.ls -E!35t Ll^. ii.iiu,' in.i\ he eh 111',;. (1 I'.nk t.i iii- i-l.iinl. W h,i\.' oiilv to J).!— tin- inil|iniill to liinl won thai .ir.' nnieh ,i- tlie_\- u.re Kit uli.ii .ill thin:.;- '''i^'^il."' ' wi'**' were 1. Hiked up. HI 1>\- ih.'ir M.iker .md proiiMuiie..l -..od. \\1 ||^| '¥i^^*^||\ 'I'liis is owiiiL; to tile inli'lli-.'iit e.>ii-i r\ .it i-in ..f the I'.uter '!-> m Mi 1|U fainilw the p.itr.m- .if tlu' i-lels in the ( .o.it L;rou|i. 1 f.ine\- th.it. (line the L;einT.il .idnii--ion fe.' i- p.iid. th. re ■ ir.' 111. ire t;o.>d free \ iew -, li.r.'. lli.iii .ire to ln' hHind anyuhere else .ilioiit N i.ii^.ir.i.'" i'lu- -p.-.ik.r ami hi- liearer wer.- li_\ tlii- time de-eeinlini; tin- .nui.iit -t.iire,i-e whie'li teiiinii.it.'- in tin- f.iot-hi i.li^e t.i l.un.i i-l.in.l, w h.-ri' dnriiii; ihr..' .pi.irter- of the y..ir it i- .i iin-t>- .ilterimon ill Oetoher. rii.' .itm.i-plnr.' ..f d.Mt I-l.md. it m.iy h.- ivni.irked, -e.'in- l.i he .i \.i-! re-er\iiir .if n/nn.-. W h.tli.r under -un-hine in the ..pen, .ir -h.i.l.iu in the tliiek.t, the air i- pun/ enonL;li t.> !).• .>! u-.' iis a loiiie. TresentK- liu' niuiiil; in.in rein.irk..l : "if the nul. in- ch. il_\- i.u-i|iie- liad elu'ue.l the end .if -ueel .111.1 hitler fanc\- iiereahoiil-. he wiuild h,i\ e fnimd r.ir.- uppm limiti.- for ridiiiiiL; liini-elf..f nio.id- fiire\ er. S.e, Imw >.iii iniidil step fr.un this tuft of ,L;r.i-- into y.uider torrent, whieli eoines te.irin^; .m between those w.i.uK-d bank-. In -Iiore. tlu' w.iti'r seem- ,ihno-l plaei.l. but limk .it it in th.' middle .if tile -tre.im. ,111.1 think how Iwn -l.p- .md oiH' s.'eoiid of time wmild dn it all. i Impe the ('oni- mi — i.iiu.rs \\ill buil.l nmre p.ir.ipet- .md better -t.iir- w.i_\-s. 'I'lie killer, in.leed. .ippear In li.tse li.id their con-litulion- undermiiu-d be tlu' j.iek-kniU- .itlaek- ol the .\iiieteeiilli-C'eiitur>- tribes .if tlie ( ioth- ami X'aiidals, who rii.ini the woii.l .i\.'r to writ.' th.'ir ii.ime- aemss the f.iee- of ii- iioly jikiee-. 1 wiiuiier lio\\ m.iiiy times jiilni Siiiilli has suliscribed him-elf with knife, peiieil nr l),iiiil .iboiit tlii- reL^ioii - i )r. ( 'ure.iil li.i-, been her.', too.' '■\\J T'l vIllV ' 1 w^/i) "< Wi ■ 7' ir , , \ * <?A M .1 I 26 :/\ .. 1 .up,,,..." iH^.u, llu- utlur. .vn.rtivcly ^^tan-lin^ nuu near tl.. ll^^r- ,,.,^. ,,,,, „„,.„,, ..th:i. no.uavoUn, u>'uratu,n u,ll a,,,.:vc,at. Nu.ava ,. tin. ,„,.l,K..ni-.,ll,l... (.nrdnKhvnuUl kn„u only Imv. N.a^ara, and u ,11 n.t ia\c ui>- 1 iiiiiU iM tin- 1)111111. . ,,,. ,„„n,.T,nanlau,lu..l.an,Mlu.n.u.l:"l h, ,,. that th. ^cncat.on ,.,Mt ..x,.;ct,n,t.„nnKh,„ K.v N .a.ara. hut 1 iVar that ,. ,. 1 h.rc a,v ..,. uh.. will aovp. th. nnh.au.n tn lu ,u ■>>. a, tlu-..p.n,n,..t th. 1 a,k ,„,;:.,.. Ih.n.luav. \Vhh.,u,,vn.ct,n,thattlu.l.uul..h.uvonypa...anu..r ,,,^. ^,,,,,;,,, ,,, Uu. (^.nun...nUlMt very day. th.y u ,11 l.nl. ,.n tlu- , ;th ,., July. tn s.v ,,„r,rth,nu rr.uuhlin^ th. v>'\n^Uv ouuq.tion nl a p.nk. _ _^ ..,.,, ,,,,„■, th,h,ukuun-al.u.rl.c clone, .u.iyu.th ultnn,.tdy.' I tlu- ('(.uinu — inne'i-- ,\w \<--U\\ uitli llu' \rr\- -riuT.il (K-sirr ni tin- \ illa-i: ;,,. th.v >hall iK.. p....n,.vsln,n, th. raUn-ul d.'p.t. n.ay h. ahl. t. run th. „aun.K.t'uUh tlu^rhv.. ,1 th. 0.nun,..u.n-M'..lKv happen t, , In- n.ar at hand, l-'nv N,a,ara ,. hut n, ,,. .ulan.y. Hut the nU.lH.uw. and puhhc spin- uhidi have hnui-lit ahnut what tluMV i tru.tcd tn unU-y hu- the h..t m..>t thni- in it. after deNelnpnien einitnii " It is L;i\fn unlM man to ln'pe. f I'alU Str.rt. as lluTe seeui- t'l he a ,,| l-'ree NiaL;,ira, nia\- l)e t." BIRD SEYE ViEW OF Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Vicinity SHOAI'.O Michigan Central Approaches tlu- 1 \oV--r- ml w ill nut Ihir ciijiiy- j^riuratiiin Tlurc ar. .1 Uu' i'aiis ' as-^rd uiulcr ;tli III liil\'. trd with tlu- n tin- \ illaL;c: ■ til villi the (1 he mar at and public ara, ina\' \ic ■ Safety-Fund-Insurance NlACiARA /YAV: /A St R.IXC/': CO.]/r./A ) i.sr, ] Unioadwav XK\\-^'(M\M\:. M • • • LOSSI'.S I'Ain SlNCi: ()R(,.\M/.\[|()N ^••THN MILUKXN DOLLARS ( \SII ( AI'ITAI . . . ( Ihl^t iiuiiii:^ I iMJiilitir •. . l\c-iii'-in;iiu >• l\i-~LT\i\ Net Surplus, . . . • Total Assets, January i, 1885, $500,000.00 247,168.72 802,656.24 324,210.01 $1,874,034.97 A I I I'oi.icii.s ■ ()!■ ■ nils ( ( iMi' \\\ \Ki. Now i>si i;i. I M)1:k • 1 111: M.W-NoRK SAli: r\ ■ MM) i.AW^ PETER NOTMAN, Pres't. THOS. F. GOODRICH. Vice-Pres't. WEST POLLOCK. Secretary. GEO. C. HOWE. Ass't Sec'y. I New Aork Central • • . • • <^ 1 ludson Rixer Till-: ONLY lOlH-TRAeK KAlLKOAl) IN 1111- WORLD. 77^' On/y Line icilli Ih/^"/ in I he Cily of \cw-)'oii'. All, I, All) WITH m-WN' STll'l. u.\ii>. ^rii!s IS ri:i- iaxokhi-: koiii-^ ^ . . iu:t\\i:i:n riii: hast and wkst. Sixty Miles the Shortest, aiul i:i.j;hl to Twelve I lours the Oiiiekest, ktween IJostoii, New I'.nglaiul aiul the West. . • • w \(,vi;k i-\! \<i: si.i.i:i'i\»i wd dk \\\ in<. u< '< 'M ' au> • • • . . . A I r \( iii.i) h ' \i 1 i i< \i^^- • ■ . • • lllROl (.11 CARS • • • •111 A N i I 1 1^' ' ' M M, L<> uis, Iiuliaii.ij)' li>. diirau", TMctio. Dcimii. Clcvclaiul, Kiilhil Nia<Qr.i I'.ill-^ New \"rk and l!n-inii. (t \() l-STR.l (IIAR'.I: / /./ .\/./o./A'./ I .H.l-S ( I \| k 1 A I iK K K. lifii'l ra---'r \.L;ria. J). i:sr lukcsi, i;iiiiiiii>« /AA.S". M ichigan ^ -=CENTm • i: \sr \M 1 wi'^T I 1 N M \.. 1 \l i' I ■ \U I III \M I II' ■' t ■ n V \' I 1 I 1 U M N NEW-YORK 111 I I \l.( ) \l ll\\^ • • • M.\(i \\r\ I Al.l.s D(^t:roit. joli^do ar^d Qf^icai^o. • 1 ) I X i N< . *. A K'S. ■ • ■ • I- I 1 I \ I I I ■ I I I 1 ' V \ I I \ r I I \ 1 " » HI. , ( ..1 I .1.1 ill till- ^1 I .■.ll^ >/..'!/.•. . .-;[...: ■ \. , , 1 I i:: I. ! ;„,.,., I IN. .\l|( IUI|.\\ I l.\IK\l.. 1, „, II, ,.1,1.. , .,.!...., I I ,n.. i..,i..l. V ,i„..| II,. I .lU I ,,u ...... -...|.l,..mt,..i ... 1,11 l„ ,,., ,1 1 iills \ ,. „ «l,|, h .-, «ll.,l III, ...,ll., Itl.ll. II, - .1 -.|,I<.„|,.1 |l.-Mll II. . I., Ulll, I, 1., v., ,< .I,.- yi. „i.„.i.,i,l r. .-.i.l.l ..„tl..l.n..k..| .1,. u.-,..i|. ......... ...li. .'.I -I .1.. II.'.- « .."!.. IV l"M.I II.- I.ill,.- . -lUil l>. ■ .-.' ■. v..l:.n,.... ,.M„v... .,,.,.,, „.,. .I.,' .1 .1.1.. l.-iH.' |.|...l...... l'..-.-.I..M..,. ...........l.M,.,.,.,., , .,i„,K.I l.,.ii,l, |.„,.^...„l......,.l .-I„|„,,.uli|..„< .1.. ...K ,.,.l....ll 1.-". ,.l.,.l. i. . ■i.l,.-.M. n.... .-I,. „ S.„^..ii h.ill ,,i,li.„.,l litil ..... .Ill,', I Ki' -il '.i'" *v '" 'I uii I 1 ,11... 11... . ,,i..t ... \i.^.i. . I-..I1... \ \ ,. ...... i..^ ,1...-. Ill l.\ ...il 111 I....II "I III.' Kill-. »l..|.i>..i.; .1 til. ^..i„. .„ I..-.. .1., I ,11- ,,., Ill III;;, , . mil,. .1,1.,', ....... .1.1..., .1 |..i!Sii.|..ii-.,..ii IliiiL. ...,l Hull... ,1 1. I I.I ,i.,.l I..... 1... I. N.,.. \..k I 111'. >'.M.l 1\'" I I- |..,|U\„., ,..,,,,1,. k..| .1,, ll.....'s r.,ll. ,.li... .Ill- li.i.M ..IV ... .' 1.1...,,... 2:Siii.-..'..;^&(vit,<iJ,«=:-;rt?=i ^?,S^fev^!^sSt^^,l .fwwrti-. /ih-i>rp(r,it,J uihii-r Clurtn Ji HOLLiNGSWORTH A^D =^ •s\ ^ AMI AtU'Klil'S. WD.l'l \1 I I'^'l^ Whitney Co. /y\ agilla- P aper • ai^d • Daper ^gg; J 34, 36, 3S, 40, 42 ;in<l 44 1'\(Kt;i1 Strn-t, ^ , ,,, , ^^, 1 >:^, 137 and 139 <^'^>'IU'"^'^^ ^'^^'*^'''^' iU)Sl^()X, MASS. i:(^)r()ssi:i"ii', \iii 1 s. w mi kM>\N\. H \11 \ . ( )\ \ r I A'.,ii ( > r Mill >■ ^"' 1 1' '■''■^ ^'^■ MM \ 11 Ml \ . . M A"- )(»S TOOK Mills. C, \KiM\i k. M M\i . c AOlHioSSl'.l-. Mil IS. C, \Khi\. '.. Mmm. M \K| I ,M K 1 n\- -111 II M Wll I \ 1 ' ' ..S W + + ■!■ •:■ AII'KIOWX I'M'I.R l!\t' I \*' It )|<\ . \i \ki '1^ ■ MM I h'N y \i'i !•; i'^'' 1 1 M ; l?~: The Autiiiur Paper used for {he Carer of this Booh was from oar Establishment. ,W1 NUKI x.slMCIMlVOl.Ml.snKrs.n, ..l.h.sllM,i:s (.1: onTK <M. NVWM>- W. ,MV..1>\1-1K AM). NUKI.l... OKDIK.VAWI.US. KINDS. NND'TMNllS. SAMIMI^S \M) I'l^lCl s.rn^MSIIID.oN. \i'l>l ICATION. K). HOLLINGSWORTH & WHITNEY CO. c7/./ .V, .;. />/■:. L\. \ /\,-l'r,u',i,il/ ,111,/ S,/i/)l!: .[:^,llL H( )S1( )N, WAsS. DRY-GOODS AND CARPETS t^ilhl III- ;o. •t, vss. Ill 1 1 1< \ 1 \ - Ml. I \1 \- . ".. M MM . I.I, \ I ■ !..\ iblislinicnt. ,. sAWiM i;s V CO. ON, MASS. • • • • \clam, A Icklrum cS.^ Anderson • • • IWI'OKTHRS, JOBKHHS AM) HHTMl.HKS OF • • • Si/ks- (iiiii I (■/:•(•/ s, / h'tSS / "/7 /////'////;' -V. 1 1 iimikcir/uejs. LiU'cs itiiil Rihhoiis, C \)rsc/s (uui Skirls I loiisckccf^ui:::; ( /(>(>(/s, ( lolhs (1)1(1 I' /(111 lie/ s, I ii(/i'r(/(>//iiiii^\ (j/():'('S (!ll(/ / /OSUTV, II '/iilc i khh/s, LllU'JlS (lll(/ ( '(>//()/l.s\ Mils/ ill I ii(/('i\C('(i r I' (Ills, /^(ii'dso/s, (iiu/ ( iii/nr//(is. : C A K P 1^ T s W'li.roN :: Mnon iri- :: A.\\iiNSTi;k :: I)Kissi:i.s :: Inckain OIL CLO'lll AM) IJXOIJil'M. IACl'. llkT.MXS: RAW" SILK. \V\V. AM) IM.ISII WINDOW -^ 1)KA1'I'.KI!:S AM) 1'()K1I1:KS: WINDOW Sll ADI.S, CoRNK I.S AND riMlol.Ml'KN' IIAKDWAKi:. : : : : \V H : I )KAL : I \ : Ti 1 1' : HI" ST : ( i( )( )l )S : : : : .//a/ .S',// thnii ill I he Lowest /'r/ns, on o (hio-fruo Syslci/i. for CIS// < K\7. ) '. Adam, Mkldrim cS: Andkrson, ;^()(). ,;()8, 4(1(1 and 4(12 Main Sirccl ( Ani(M"i(\iii hldck), lU IT'ALO. N. ^. tt( i:SLF.V PARK RiAGARA Palls Intlrnational Tins \i \^ c \Mi' <.i-"i ■^1' ^^" SI U< >'> M -I'l' ll'l -I N , II \- \" CfAMPCiROlNl) M I H '\. I ,, I III I'KiH MM\(. Ill \\ \ I M, VM, -I \l\ll K 1^1 -"U I. "Tl M I' I \-l U |;| , M\l| \ I'l KM \\l \ I IN- I I- , I III IM iiKl'iiK \ I h iN. y ,,/,// /s /'Av/'cs/ /' /(' I//A/ nils \i.i<i:\r /,/ \/.s ///// Av; ni:CiM^r:i> ^^ ,\ a.s. , ./ • ■ ! .! ™,„.,y, i, .- .1- i".i'- 1 - :" '-;" ;;' "■::;„"""■,' ,":„;" ;, ,., .,„:„„i ... .1... ;r:::,::::K:::;;!'::;;r:;:;;::;r;rn:.;:' ::-::>- •- -■' --: ■; : : iiv, r (n.nla-c ..1 nviT hall a mile. . ' 1 ,,,,.;,iuln,aylu.nl,ta„u.lnn|un"-"i;ill''as.. a>at(!Kmlai,M>a. ..: -, K -.. ,„■ -,i ,„I -'■■'"--: ':':"::::":tr I- Tvnl have ah-ratl) icTdnhii;^ 111 liiratii>n. ,,. „_,,.|.|„„.„M,h.nlu.r....n • ..,Uu.U.i..w,,.U.,vUa,..oo,,.vo,nunun,..aU.w.,h T"i.i-«'^'P--'l''---^''''''''''''''' '''''■'''''"'"■;' "'■"■ sl,!u'„l ,h. i.U. hr.t iv^Tv.-.l hav.ahva.U urn siiu at S-'oo. RIA. \\\1. 1 Kis. N. Ill UN-. Oiil,iri,', /•. /''V,v7. K, V. S. M> til -M I'- ' • I'""''- •^' ' • M\,,\l<\ I \l I -. KM \Kl.l. I'l s C A, Mil, mil, (h/l, !//<'. S,;r,-/,irv. / W. 1,1 \vi-. I'^q-. ('>iil<i'i<'- '/'it-asiirrr. (^ale^dar • of • [\\e2^\^(^s ■ for • 1885. I |N<,>, Al I.. '■>" 1 7- I I MI'l K \Ni 1 t ,,N\ 1 \ 1 liiN, U I N I 1 \ll>vlii\ \ m ( iiM I Kl Ni V. .1 I 1 ^ J,S^- All-.. 7. ,t III. I INI— ^ \--'H I \ I h>N Ml 1 *r IMIKNAIIONAI. . AMI' Ml.l llNi:. Alii .LLS si) ; (,A7'; / /■ \ lloll- (■ in-fs in (•\( flli'iit. cil nil tlu' ;iii(l Willi -1 ■1\- 30 \ 100 ushv l';irk. ■ady lU'arly Ucr|)ri>t' an sdciatinn al Icil iiniiibrr lavi' alrradx t(i Imalioii. iiniraU' will) u'iiiHi'ii. I i.s, ( )\ I \Klii. niijiy. ■<■/■. I ^ WORLDS . PRIZE • MEDALS AW A KM )1 :n ^case s Improved •:•> ./.V ■/7//{ ■ /;/:\y 1/ 1 />/■:. • • LONDON. 1862. ■ • PARIS, 1867. • ■ VIENNA, 1873. • • SANTIAGO, 1875. • CENTENNIAL, 1870. • ■ ■ PARIS, 1878. • I Ml "K \ I |i IN ( ii; wn 1 ii i| n ( Kii~, I |i iNiik \ II -vN \, I ^7 ',. •:•• Railroad Oils NEW-YORK, 1878. ' ■ BALTIMORE. 1878. ' ; ■ ■ CHICAGO. 1878. ' • • • SIDNEY, I87!>. ■ ■ MELBOURNE, 1880. RAILWAY EXPOSITION, 1883. ( iM \ ( ,. Ill' \l I I' \i I M I III I \i 1 1 n s I \ 1 1 V,.." ( I \-,^ .|y, r \l;l^. I >7>, Cii !■ Nil h\i .11 I'u.H.m --- (..ii I' Ml h\i l\i 1 1 n >i \ I I -. All ilic Medals for lies i Kailway Oils ai Kailway I'.\it(isiii(in. riiicaou. iS,S;v , Si AXDAki) Oils of tiik World o h'oK lAiiKic.i riM, .\\n ii.iJ'Mix.irixc. & F. S. PEASE. IMPOHTEH, WHOLESALE DEALEI-! AND iVI A N U ■ FACTU h'EF-i OF Ol L. C)5 \\ii(>7 MAIN ST., wiiSj. S( wii so W ASM 1N( i I I IN SI'., J 1 n :l'l\\L( ), X. \ rl Q n. COTTRl'AA. S: SON'S ■ mwsikiis . ;—;,,, 'I^\V()-ki:\-()LrTI()\ I'RKSS I- ruin I ^'„f l^.,^^^^'l'Miiim' WWII VfriBBiOfiLi^^^ Till" iilnivc i'iiy;nivinv; rcpri'M-iils mir iii-\v •<iTii-- nf 'IW i i-I\i \ • i| r ims l'l<l'->l>. I'hi-- iii.k liiiif lias liccn fiiliii'l) rriniislviuli-il and vnciiyllu'in'i] throiii.i|i(Hil. aiul iiiaiu ol ihc niccliai\i\-a! arraiiyi-iiU'nlN :;ri-ath siin|ililuMl. I In- icciiiisinulinii has ln'cn riMultTi'il ili.'siraliU' lu'caUM' nf dur main iiiipnivcmi'Tilv that li.ivt' Ihtii placi-il in lltr hcsi piissil>lc posiliiuis liif ( inncnii'ih (■ in uurkint;, ami at tlu- samr tinii- pn-sciit an arlisiir ilcsii;n a^ a ulmlr. .... Till'. Iranic i- pl.iin .md siinpU' in lU-ij^n. i a-.| smmilli in-idi- an 1 mil. witliinil llaiiLjc-, .iml (il sniru ii'iil wrii^lit tci ■.nsiain the ucpikiiii; palls uillmni viliintidn. 'I'lu- I'fd runs in lonr Ir.uks, iipun liardtiu'd sii-cl ri)lli'rs, caill track is snppurti'd umliTinalh llu- impivssinn li\ siandanls linm tlii' i;irt. wln'ili is cast in llii' sdlid hcd-plalf. Tlu- llcavu'st impicssii.ns in (iit- fiirins can he wiirkcil witlnmt piissiliilit\ .jI sprini.;ini; in the ir.uks ,.r lied. sa\im4 time in m.ikin;^ ie.id\, llu- ;4e.iiiie is accnrateU <iit, insiirini; perfect register. ........... ... IN add it i( 111 til (iiir I'atent .\ii ^piiiiL;s, ( iiivcniur \lla( hnieiit. I liiij;ed Kuller !-'ranies. and ollur iinpici-, emeiils sn l':iiiiiliar to I lie trade, ne liavi- I. it el v ill In id need i mr I' \ 1 1 N I !■ K' i\ I 1 1| I l\ I'KN . uhic li dispenses w itli llu' ll\ and .ill l.ipes, takiii;.; Ilie printed slieel lri>iii llie c\ liiider li\ 'jrippers, convevim.' il rapidlv llinnii'li llu' air. and depn-itiii:' ii mi the pile table face side tip over the I'miiitain, without smnt or olTset. The -.lic't is under the eve nl the pressman, vv 1m c.iii rej;nlate the color ,111(1 vv.iu h its etfect, vvithoui moving from his position hy the fountain, 'riie sheets liein;.; Ilo.ited tliroii).;li liie air and ileposiied on tin pile table bv their .;.vii vveijjlil, sulticieiit air remains uinler them to dry the ink, reiideriuj,; slip sheets uniiecessarv. ..................... T 111' whole delivery is placed hij;li enouj,;h .ibove the bed to .iilmil of the eonvenieiit 1 landlMi"' o f the forms and rollers from either side of the press. The forms call be placed and handled from the rear of the press. The feeil board is o constructcil .iiid so liin',;cd that it can be Idled entirely awav from the cvlinder, ;.;iviii;4 the pressni.in fri'C access to.tlie vhole priiitini; siirtace. Ieii;..;thwise ,ind circular, lor inakini; r;'adv . ..... ..... Ill' I'ress h.is a I'owi-r il,ickin^-iip Motion , mil Trip, enabling; the o|)eralor ti' throw off the impression at will. ,nid to ill the form any number of times. We build this machiiu' with ihe |-'lv and Wheel lielivery .it the re.ir of press in pLu\ of llie I'roiit delivery when desireil. ... ........... T trati to (a /'//(■ ii/i(i;',- /'/(-.w u'.is iiTi'di;/,;/ ,1 ( ;<>/ii Mrihil at tlh U'iir/(/'s /ii</ii\/r/\i/ h'.-\ fii'silion iil .AVt.' (hl,\ T IKS i-:ss l.lTll I'lltill-lv iplillCll. I 111' •il in llu' lH">t iolU t(. su-l^lill k i-- ^uppi'TK'cl fsxinll-- ill lUt- riu- v;i''ii'''ii' i^ •Ills -11 l:imili:ir II t:ipi-s, t;ikiiin Uh' pile l:il)U' nn rcj;iil:iti- tlu' ,ij;li tin- ;iir and iiiL; --lip -iK-fts iih'^ ami vhIUt- 1' fi-oii iM.ar.l i- X' aci'os-- 1(1. tilt.- 1 at will, ami tn rear "I pri'>> in <>> /, (U/S. Buffalo !«^li^# Express tMahlishiit ;,v-»/.. .;. .V. MMIIIhW.s, h<lil,.t ,in,l li„iiiiilfi . ,\,i, />%««, ;.s7,s. D.MI.V Sl'M) \V W I IKI V. Ollhr, ITU IMI WaNliiiiuliiii Sli I. I III I VK'.I - I . |:| -I \Mi c III Ml - I Kill |;|.ll\N M « ■■I- Ml U IN W I ■- I I KS \| W .\ MKK. J'^,. Siii«;h' Copies Tliirr ('nils. ( JlVI'.S all Ihf iii'ws I i'i\c'<l I'l .•W1V piirl <<f llif wmiil ii|i Id half imsl lliifi' nClmk in llir iii.iriiiiit' fvrrv iliiy ill 111!' Vfiir lirlivfii-il in siiIimiiIhis In ilir lily 111- srni hy iiiiiil. |irt'|iiiiil. lu iiiiv |iiisi nlllif In ilir I" — "— - --, 'nili'd Stall's III- ( 'aniiilii. Ill 111!' I'mHciw int' nil'- •"TtiE'PE0PLE6''. n.\Il,V. Hini/Mihlay, iHTyfm- M>!l on ,i^ l» A I I.V, H iih Siinilay. >ix iiKintlis I .-.o '• l».\ I I.V. v\ iih .'•.iiiiilay till- nnntlis •; •;.". I> \ 1 1.^ , w ilh ml SnMila\ . pi'i' yi'ai' 7 0(> l> \ll.^ , Hilliciiil Sniiilay . six I itlis.. ;t .Ml V,, i ff^N^- SS ^^ '"^91/. I>.\l 1.^ . willioiii Siiiiclay. liiri'i' inniiilis I 7.". I All ■^'"S ^i' " ''''9' •>■* ll.V, wiihiiiii Snnilav, cine Miiiiiili o lio -^„ ^^' * ■■ . ^ >IM».\V KXI'KKss, piTvrar ■; ."ill * .^tiw. -■.>.;_Ji^»£f _l-s^ WI'IKKI.V l-;\l'l{l-;>s. |„.r v.-ai- I Oil \ • PRESS • / \. , -^ .\li (■iMiiiniinicaliniis of « lial.'vc-i- nalnri'. inti'iiilfil I'l.r ■^^2^'' thfsi- paiifis, sli.iiilil !].■ ail.liiss.il In "^^JX' ■' ^' ^I.XTTIIKWS. Kiiilor anil l'r.i|irii|o|-, Hiiil'ai". .N. V. • Matthews • Northrup • & • Co • • • ART- PRINTING- WORKS • • Oj/iii- -nw'f/l //l, •■ /<l!l/'illi' .^/(ini/lli; /\A/>>-,y\." (li il/ii)7Y. YY""" l'\<'K \\ IM. — I'iiH- l.an.lM-ape Culs D I ..\C K ' 1 i: I ri:K-l'k I'.SS — llhisiratcii Ciiiiic Irniii ..uic.un ilisi;;ns |..r liiiidi- Honks. Ilhislr.i- ^ Mnoks, ( atalii^;m-s ami Cinulai-, Fol.lfrs, Tinu- lain- of l!iiiliiiii},'s of all kiii.is, Mcrliani.al (ills of laliU-s ami all Kailroail i'riiili'd Siipplics. ( oiiimrtc iai I'virv (li-scriptioii for ('at.ilo>;-m's. \V.>rk amilil.niks of all kimN, pi;i li;i I.INi: i:N(,kA\ IM, -^ M^p- in om- or p«(i|.()kl.h I I, I I i:K.|'kl>^ — sliowCards. Wall moiv colors f,,r (icoj;r.ipliii-s. II isiorii-s, t-ic, kail- ^^ M.ip-. Il.iii-crs and I'.-Iits, llhuiiinalcd Comts, road l-older ami Wall Maps, | iiai;r.ims, i lullim- llliis. t alcndars and .\dviTtisi;i;j .\ov<dtii's, Colorcil I'rcss irations, Charts, Plans, ,t,. Work for ( li'o.^raphii-s and otlu-r lari;r pnblii.itions. ■ jl.l r.MINW IKli WokK — lio,,k CovxTs for l-im- D I M )l M i — ( loth and IamiIut W ork from ( iri.^iiMl Illustrated C'atalo),rm.'S, Show Cards, Posters, llanj,;- *"' Desi-n-, Map-\|oiinlin-, |- im- l!lank-l;o,,ks, ( oni- ers, Pird's-eye .Maps, Calendars, etc., kelief-Color mereial Work. ( hir Pindery is fnllv eipiipped for Plates by every approved process, largest ,,rders in every hramh. pil(lT().ki:i,[I-.K KNCk.W IM, - Artistie !nte- C 1 .PC I k( ) IV PI N( i — We have every laeility ,.n our riors from .Special Designs, Cuts of jUiildin-s. '-' own premises for furiiishiiiM Plates of all deserip- -Maehinery Keproduetions, We send our l'h()to.!;rapher lions for our own work or for the Trade. Powesi to take Views, am! an .\rtist to Sketch, if desireil. • Prices for Pest \\ ork. \\()xi)i:rs 6v xiac.ar.x s AHK KNOWN TllHOrOIIOl' r TlIK WOKl.D " ,,„, ,, „,, |„„,,„ ,„... .IKV ,„. „.,, ..,.,,1, lu„,., k,,.,.,. .ha. ..'■■ .!"■ ."•■"'- "' ""■ . . • HAKDKN • . • Star" Hand Grenades MM. lilMoKN AM.MrrK.^n,. UHH,. .iAVK UKKN I N PA K A I 1 Kl Kl > VS Tl • ^ c;R,.:\1|.:s! KN l 1N(.1 ISIIKK nV IN. IIMKM IIKKS KVKK 1 .1S( c .\ KKKl > ,i\c 'oifii cxtiuiiiii^lK'il with the Ml CiUl NA1>I OVER 800 ACTUAL FIRES H-.rsn'-'irt 4i •• TlK'v ;uv Always Ri'ady ! Always lifficiiMil ! NEVER CAN GET OUT OF ORDER. •• Xi'vcr will V\\r'/r\ Always Safe ! CAN BE USED BY MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD. 77//:)- rrr orr i-irh ixstaxtly: CFM. H,K ,.VM..UM , n,N,.,N,N. A.aNUAN. ..KOO,.> KH,VK,.>S. ,.„ M; • : K .• N M .K. ...KV VKK O "m" on at IIIA. ANNONK rVN AlKOKl. T< - lU' V TMl.M. MWl I Ai IIKI Ii i>M V IIV HIK. __ IIAKDF.X 1I.\M» CKKXADK TlRl- '■■>;'I"I^''''^'"-'V '\co MAIN OFFICK AND HACTOKY : ; . AM, s ^ DKAUBOKN ST. . ■ CHICAGO, K r I'A I 1 l^iiN. I'UF sil.KM. /,',m7,>h (>/A'.^.' '" O.'r.rr S/. .S,»/ /■nimis.o Orh.<-: if .w<i iS SfumJ St . ( tl.V'-. II. ROYl I., ^i.< Kl I IHN .: ' \ ^\ Ics \s riii: with tlu' CiKKN A1>1 .'/(' ! » I ( MAN, ■IILD. irsfim'iit i>t. .IS l)ran(lH->, ,.flt-. • npanit's ami Italy, Spam. iA7. /.^ <('.l/- : ro. CHICAGO. s' Second St. I A Icssrs. PctcM- Paul cS." I^ro. • : : 363 MAIN SI'. AND 362 WASHINGTON SI,, RIJFFAI.O, N. Y. • Puhlis/icis, Prill I CIS, nookscUcrs tiiui Sditioiicrs. • MlSCll I IMaUS lUU^AS • • ^ jext • B00H5. • r/lll 1>A'IXS 1,'(>(>A.\ III ,)/Jl,'s.< r,tri,-/\. A Sri . I M I S. We li.ii.- till- l.ii-r^l viiM k..l 1 k- in W.-i.in N,u \'.,ik. I 111' 111'" 1 k- .III' liTrKril .isviHill .1^ i>«lliM|. ' • CI /,(/.iii,r/-;s v/-'\'/ 7(1 i\\ inni;i\s I III I \ I I ^ I Ni 'U 1 I II > IS PM^KVVIN \l-IIIM. ( \Kli-. \\H'hl\l. "I W I I \ I MS- ( Kl ~l -, M M -., Mii\.ir.H Wl-., I . I c . . I \ I ' I I I I I I ■. I 1 1 I I 1 - I - I > I I tticnw aiii* E>iiiiici Cnr^l' .\ft 1,'tiiiti!, Sfii/i"ii(-i v I'f l;;,i\ /), u i i^fii'ii. \vy' i\> \'.i \ I - t I'K I III '(■ M li.K Mil ' \Vl;l I ISi. M \i MINK 'II St,lM,/t,ll Ik, It.unl." ^1 *. H I'l -,' MM-I K t > 110 1 I ins ./ //.\7. //\ A (!/■■ I'llo l\u;i< tril M lUMS. lUH'Ki: I /ii'cA'y. I'i'/V A'i'cA s I v." I I \'i \- 1,(1, i/>S. ■ .- IMlOTOCkAIMIIC \ii;\\S()F- MAC.AKA- FALLS. ANh- lUFF" ALU. ■ • ^^W'^w^l I IS liook is |ii-inic(l w iili our 1^1 ■• I \i r I u I \ 1 Willi iM I r I^JL \ M \ i< ' I \," a coloi- (oiiihiii- iiii4 the workiiiL; qualities aiul iiUi'iisil)- ol ihc xcry tiiicst \V()0(Lctit Hlack with its own Ix-.m- titiil tone. W (■ make a s|)i'ciall\ of ftiniishino Inks for the finest and most particular works, as well as all standard j^n-ades ol hlack and colors for |>rintt;rs and lithoi^riipln-rs. Re- f<T 1)\' |)(,'niiissi()n to the printers of this work, Messrs. Matthews, Xorth- rtip «!^ Co.. and to Messrs. Cosack c\: Co.. Lithographers, of this cit)-. We shall l)e pleased to mail samples and (|uotations on application. IKAIIK .MAKK R uFFALo P rinting }nk\\ /orks 42 EXCHANGE ST. I il ■l-l"AI.( ). MATTHEW5-NORTHRUP-6>C? •BUFFALO-NY ARTlSTlCt£>» ENQRAVINQ- PRINTINQ*^ •BlNDlNCi-^ ^. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ****** T-p I ■i:RV ■ niiiwK rMi.xT ■ ix ■ i-ri-i. /^ AT.VA7.\7; • OKl>l-.l< ■ .Ui.l/.V — 117/7/ • rA-.sV7x7'/.s.s7:/' ' /■■/(//.// /AW fX(Ki:.\si:n ■ .\xn ■ iMrKomn ■ ■ + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + ■*• + ****** i i #