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Las diagrammes suivants lllustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 • ir 1 \ ■ ^ \ * 1 2 3 4 6 6 I * UNI Cat i)EPM] UNIVERSITY OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, KINGSTON, CANADA. -»•♦- Catalogue d '§uh nr THE UBBABT OF lOE M '/ it \ I i il 1 DEPARTMENT OF ARTS AND DIYINITY.- KINGSTON: JAMIIS M. OREIOHTOM, PRIKTIR 1860. i m i II LP \J No. 2116 1676 1006 1677 1397 1780 1.096 664 ^5 10.64 2263 ^16 ^.41 1881 2808 801 ^003 ^002 997 il92 mi n 26)9 283 406 1742 i626 2521-3 OA-TA-LOGUE, . ^»» No. 2116 1006 1577 1397 1780 654 655 10.64 22,63 515 541 1881 2808 /449-50 801 ^903 ^902 097 ^92 n 26^9 283 406 1742 ;625 2521-3 Abbot's Toung Christian. Edinburgh, 1833. ABU^noMBii's Oontest aud Armour. Edinburgh, 1841. — Harmony of Christian FaiUi and Character. Edki- burgh, 1841. — Think on these Thmgs. Edinburgh, 1841. — Treatise on the Intellectual Powers. London, 1841. — Treatise on the Cul^e and DiscipUne of the Mind. Edmburgh, 1837. — Treatise on the Moral Feelings. London, 1841. — Treatise on the Brain. Edinburgh, 1834. — Treatise on the Stomach. London, 1837. Abbbiotht on Local Diseases. London, 1826. Adam, Alexander. Latin Grammar. N. T., 1833. Ap^H, ^omas. Private Thoughts. Glasgow, 1831. -r Po. Second Copy. Glasgow, 1831. Adam, ?enry. The Gainsayer Silenced. Edinburgh, 1825. ADDisptr's Spectator. London, 1852. •r- Papers in Spectator, &c., && Edinburgh, 1790, 2 vols. Addisov, Jos. Evidences of Christianity. Edinburgh, 1815. iEsoHTLTTS Agamemnon. London, 1839. — I^oinetheus Vinctus. Londc' , 1833. ^sopi Fabulsa et Luciani Dialog. Edinburgh, 1767. JEmpno Billter. London, 1813. AiN9)Jis*s Beaso^s for the hope that is in us. Edin., 1832. An^OBTB's Latin pictionary. Edinburgh, 184Q. AiTKSii's Serpens. Edinburgh, 1835. — Sermons. Edinburgh, 1835. ArroN'fl ^fe and Times of Henderson. Edinburgh, 1836. A'Sjempis. Imitation of Christ Glasgow, 1841. — De L'Imitation de Jesus-Christ Paris, 1681. Alsxikdsb the Great, Life of, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1829. Alton's Greek Tesdinent LoofJon, 1856, 3 Yo]a. 1 11 I 6();299 1970-3 25,21,3,93,6 2294 1683 1452 1040 15 2512 1253 1254 420 2235 960 1816 1355-62 1756 2516-21 3018 10 1643 797 1227 298d 692 2561 963 977 418-19 1291 2815-16 2562-4 2989 1941-947 2555 3008 495 r878 AttBON's History of Europe. N. Y., 1849, 4 vols. — • Do. Second Copy. Edinburgh, 1852, 5 vols. — History of Europe from 1815. London ondEdin., 1853. Ali Pasba, Life of, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1838. Allen's Biographical Dictionary. Cambridge, 1809. Allin's Discourses on Atheism. London, 1828. Alley's Vindicea Christiana). London, 1826. Alston's Method of teaching the blind. Glasgow, 1844. — Gospel of SlL Matthew. Glasgow, 1857. — Galatians and Ephesians. Glasgow, 1857. AuERioAN Preaoher. Edinburgh, 1796. — National I. eacher. N. Y., 1845. Ammonivs de Interpretatione. Yenet, 1546. Amusement Curieux et Divertissant, par M. Duery. Paris, 1782. AKAOHARStis the Younger, Travels of. London, 1806, 8 vols. — Du Jeune, Voyage. London, 1800. — Travels. London, 1796, 5 vols. Anderson's Annals of the English Bible. N. Y., 1852. — Discourses on Elijah. London, 1835. Anglo-Saxons, History of (Fam. Lib.) London, 1838. ' Angus' Sacred History. Paisley, 1839. Annals of Natural History. London, 1860. Annotations on the Bible. London, 1645. Antiorttioa Buxtorfi. 1653. Anti-Soeptio. Edinburgh, 1829. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of Biography. N. Y., 1856. Apfollodori Atheniensis BibUotheca. Paris, 1661. Afpiani Bomanse Historiee. Lyons, 1576. Apthorp's Sermons on Prophecy. London, 1786, 2 vols, Arabic Bible. Newcastle, 1811. Araoo's Biographies. Boston, 1859, 2 vols. Aristophanes Cum Notis. London, 1825, 3 vole. Aroel£ologioa GrsBca. London, 1807. Aristotelis Omnia Opera. Aur., 1607, 2 vols. ^ De Oratbrica. Oxon, 1809. — Ethica. Oxon, 1845. Armenian Testament London, liB14. Abmstbono, B. a. Gselic Dictionary. London, 1825. No. 1T80 2, 5 volfl. in., 1863. 2966 2060 }9. 2284-6 043 1844. ^ 1320 988 1 2706 978 962 ry. Paris, 2534 2317 806, 8 vols. 2302-4 193-4 1 1506-11 2771 , 1852. 1 766-1057 1, 1838.- 1 719 969 I 1837 1 1825 1 2618 I 2381-3 1 2633-9 .856. 1 2425 661. I SOU $6, 2 vols. 1 2455 2682 I 858 1 16-17 I ■ 1590-1 I 1647 1 408 I 412 1825. Ahiotroko's, M. J. Stirvey of tho Post Roads. London, 1777. Arnold's Greek Synonymos. London, 1850. — Selections from Demosthenes. London, 1849. — History of Rome. London, 1848, 3 vols. ABBiAm HistorisQ do Ezpeditione Alex. Mag. Amstordami 166a AxBtsMuu for the years 1846-6-7. London. ATinVAaoiue Opera. Oxon, 1082. Atktksoii's Siberia. Oxon, 1809. Atterburt's Sermon& Dublin, 1741. AuovsTiNi Meditationes. Cologne, 1549. AxTSomi Poemata. Aldi, 1517. — Possome Frisii de differentiis Jarborum. Havre, 1618. Bacon's Novum Organon. Edinburgh, 1844. — Works by Montague. Philadelphia, 1846, 3 vols. Bailue's Letters and Journals. Edinburgh, 1775, 2 vols. Baker's History of Rome. London, l'8i4, 6 vols. Baltovr's Outlines of Botany. Edinburgh, 1864. Balout's Sermons. London, 1756, 2 vols. Barclay's John Assurance of Faith. Edinburgh, 1774. — Euphormionis Satyricon. Amsterdam, 1664. — John, M. D., Lectures Qn Anatomy. Edinburgh, 1827* — > Muscular Motions Edinburgh, 1808. Barclay's City of the Greati King. Philadelphia, I85a Bancroft's History U. Sw Boston, 1846, 3 vols. Do., do. do. Boston, 1857, 7 vols, Barker's Turkish Grammar. London, 1854. — Second Copy. Bailie's Hieroglyphicorum Origo et Natura. Canlb.; 1816. Barth's Travels in Africa. N. Y., 1^7, 6 vols. Barr's Scripture Student's Assistant Glasgow, 1840. « Barrow's Isaac, Expository Treatises. Edinburgh, 1839, 2 vols. — William, Essay on Education. London, 1804, 2 vols. Batty's Mutiny of the Bounty, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1839 Baxter, Life and Times of. Baxter's Reformed Pastor, (Eb. by Wilson.) Glas., 1835. — Second Copy. 2 ■I 1^1 ' I il ti 1 i» STo. 618 C13 615 410 808 413 414 696 699 772 1935 2403 2443 840-7 2010 14 2459 31 2001 1843 12-13 731 1413-5 812 1250 1840 684 704 2290 8017-22 2907-8 ^836 BwIxteb's Rof. Pastor, Third Copy, (Es. by Wilson.) Glas- gow, 1829. — Saint's Rest, (Es. by Erskine.) Glasgow, 1838. — Second Copy, — Call to the Unconverted, (Es. by Chalmers.) Glas. 1840. — Second Copy. Boston. — Self Knowledge, (Es. by Young.) Glasgow, 1828. — Second Copy, — Christian's Companion, (Es. by Young.) Glas,, 1827. — Second Copy, Bayly's Practice of Piety. London, 1842. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. London, 1825. Beokwith's Peace Manual. Boston, 1847. Beegheb's Star Papers. N. Y., 1855. Belfbaoe's Exposition of the Shorter Catechism. Edin., 1834, 2 vols. , — Second Copy. Bell's Thomas, View of the Covenants. Glasgow, 1814. Bell's System of Geography. Edinburgh, 1848. Bell, Sir C, on the Hand, (Brid. Treat.) London, 1837. Bellamy's Experimental Religion. Edinburgh, 1788. Bellecour's Exercises on the French Grammar. Edin- burgh, 1819. Bek Mordecai's Apology. London, 1784, 2 vols. Bennett's Lectures on Infidelity. London. Bentley's, Dr. Richard, Works. London, 1836, 3 vols. Berouin's Children's Friend. Montreal 1798. Berkley's Introduction to Cryptogamic Botany. London. Berkley's, Bishop, Philosophical Works. Berky's Genealogia Antiqua. London, 1816. Bertin's Traite des Maladies du Coeur. Paris, 1824. Beveridge's Private Thoughts, (Es. by Chalmers.) Glas- gow, 1836. — Second Copy, (Essay by do.) Glasgow, 1827. Bible, Black Letter. 1611. BiBLLA Sacra, Polyglotta, Waltoness, et Castelli Lexicon. | London, 1657, 6 vols. BtBUOTHEOA Judaica. Leipsic, 1849, 2 vols. BigsAx's Traite des Membranes. Paris, 1827. No. 2631- 2585- 144 72 202 1593- 207 2091 21L 183! 275^ 252( l8-2t 851 767 756 1648 301fl 971 361 1838 1891-2115 734 No. n.) Glas- 2631-2 2585-8 38. 1444 Qlas.1840. 722 2020 1828. 1593-6 2077 las., 1827. 2093 2114 1839 2754 2528 m. Edin., 18-25 ( 851 767 3gow, 1814. '758 3. 1648 idon, 1837. 3019 1788. 971 aar. Edin- 361 1838 • 1891-2115 734 3 vols. 2329-32 f. London. 737 2360 1824. 2402 rs.) Glas- 3005 2394 27. 608 700 Ui Lexicon. 2333-6 2325 617 432 Blaokis's Imperial Gazetteer. Glasgow, 1855, 2 vols, Blaeet's History of Philosophy of Mind. London, 1850. 4 vols. Black and Armstrong's Catalogue. London, 1837. Blaokadder, Bev. John, Memoirs of. Edinburgh, 1823. Blair's Lectures on Bhetoric. N. Y., 1846. — Second Copy. London, 1814, 4 vols. Blakenet's Manual of Bomish Controversy. Edinburgh, 1851. — Second Copy. — Discussion at "Workshop. London, 1850. Blane's Medical Logic. London, 1821. Blodgett's Climatology. Washington, 1856. Blobie's Geography. London, 1673. Bloomfield's Critical Digest. London, 1826, 8 vols. Blunt's Henry, Exposition of Genesis. London, 1842. — Exposition of Exodus and Leviticus. London, 1842. — J. J., Veracity of the Books of Moses. London, 1835. ' — Reformation in England, (F. L.) Loudon, 1838. — Coincidences. K. Y., 1851. BoETHiTTS de Consolatione Philosophise. Amsterdam, 1668. Bohemian Bible. Berlin, 1813. BoissEAU, Anatomie Pathologique par. Paris, 1825. Bohn's General Catalogue. London, 1850, 2 vols. Bokum's Introduction to the German Language. Philadel- phia, 1832. Bolingbroke's Works. Philadelphia, 1846. Bombay Mission, Anecdotes of, from Journals of the Rev. G. Hall. London, 1836. Bonar's Commentary on Leviticus. N. Y., 1851. Book of Peace. Boston, 1845. — The Precepts. Edinburgh. Booth's Encyclopaedia of Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1853. — Reign of Grace, (Essay by Chalmers.) Glasgow, 1827. — Second Copy. Bopp's Comparative Grammar. London, 1854, 4 vols. Bonner, John on Registry Laws of XJ. C. Quebec, 1852. Boston's Fourfold State, (Essay by Young.) Glte., 1830. — Second Copy. ^ ,. . it I 8 (/;.■. Ko. 3006-7 2680-1 1389-91 659 1746 1747 9 815 1540 2932-3 2498-9 No. 677 2110 2056 1674 1655 2055 36 431 52 1636 1246-7 1807 2005 925 730 782 Bossitzt's Dlscours sur L'Histoire. Paris, 1836, 2 vols. BowRiNo's Siam. London, 1857, 2 vols. BouTiMKi Novus Thesaurus Philogicus. Hague, 1779, 3 vols. Bowdler's Theological Tracts. Edinburgh, 1819. Boter's French Grammar. Edinburgh, 1782. — Second Copy. Bot's Suppressed Evidence. London, 1832. Bradbury's Anniversary Sermons. London, 1705. Brainerd, Life of, by Edwards, (Essay by Montgomery.) Glasgow, 1829. Bradley's Sermons. London, 1843, 2 vols. British Colonist British and Foreign Quarterly Beviowa London, 1836, 2 vols. Bowbiam's Medical Chemistry, London. — Practical Chemistry. Brand's Lectures and Sermons. Edinburgh, 1841. Branoe's Encyclopedia of Science and Art N. Y., 1850. Brasse's Greek Gradus. London, 1842. Brayley's Journal of the Plague of 1665. (Fam. Library,) London, 1835. Brewster's Sir D., Letters on Natural Magic, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1838. — John, Lectures on the Acts of the Apostles. London, 1830. — ^ James, Lectures upon the Sermon on the Mount Ed- burgh, 1809. Bridge's Exposition of the CXIX Psalm, London, 1841. — Christian Ministry. London, 1839. British Physicians, Lives of (Fam. Lib.) London, 1830. Brouohtom's BibUotheca Ilistorico-Sacra, London, 1737, 2 vols. Broussais de L'lrritation. Paris, 1828. ^^ Brown's John (Haddington) Concordance. N. Y., 1840. — Christian Journal. Edinburgh, 1838. — John (Edinburgh) Pastor's Manual. Edinburgh, 182G. — John (Whitburn) Christian Experience. Edinburgh; 1825. 9 No. vols. ■ 701 1 1002 1779,3 1 2021 I 37 1 38-9 1 124 1 1448 1 787 ^H 200G bgomery.) 1 302 1 2009 1 1G13 ion, 1836, ■ 1639 ^H 867 1411 1 619 . Y., 1850. ■ 814 I 1347-52 .Library,) I 959 ■ 1079 Fam. Lib.) 1 986 I 28-9 London, ■ I 2354 }unt. Ed- 1 2075 1 2316 ion, 1841. ■ 53 1 691 )D, 1830. ■ 55 Ion, 1737, ■ 2236 ■ 3014 1 879 ?., 1840. ■ 761 1 1023-4 argil, 182G. ■ 8 Edinburgh;! 1875-6 ■ 1473 £. "h's John (Wamphray) Treatise on Christ Edin., 1839. — tfohn (Pries thill) Memoirs of. Glasgow, 1827. — Ebcnezer, Pure Gospel. Edinburgh, 1827. — W. L., View of Christianity. Edinburgh, 1826. — William, History of Missions. Edinburgh, 1823, 2 vols. — Thomas, Beminisconces. Edinburgh, 1840. — Dr. Thomas, PseudodoxiaEpidemica. London, 1669. — Religio Medici, London, 1666. Bbowkk, Archbishop Life of. London, 1840. BnuoE's Bobert, Sermons and Lifoy (Wod. Club.) Edin- burgh, 1843. — Second Copy. — James. Travels in Abyssinia. Glasgow, 1818. — Second Copy, (Pam. Lib.) London, 1838. BnonANAN's, Dr. Claudius, Life by Pearson, [Chr. Fam. Lib.] London, 1834.. — Christian Besearches. London, 1840. — James. Improvement of Affliction. Edinburgh, 1841. — On the Holy Spirit. Edinburgh, 1842. — George, History of Scotland ; Glasgow, 1827, 6 vols. — Second Copy. Edinburgh, 1700. — Third Copy. Edinburgh, 1727. — Psalms and Paraphrases. Amsterdam, 1687. Buokland's Geology, [Bridgewatcr Treatise.] London, 1837, 2 vols. Buckley's Council of Trent London, 1852. — Second Copy. London, 1851. — Third Copy. London, 1857. BucmimsTEu's Sermons. Boston, 1829. . -j BuDD on Infant Baptism, London, 1827. I Bull's Opinion of the Catholic Church. Loudon, 1825. — Second Copy. Bull's Hints to Mothers. N. Y., 1818. ; ^ BuLLOM Testament London, 1816. "' BuNYiUt's Pilgrim's Progress. Glasgow, 1836. Buonaparte, Life of [Fam. Lib.] London, 1838, 2 vols, Burdeh's William, Boligious Ceremonies. London, 1841. — George, Village Sermons. London, 1825, 2 vols. — Henry .^. Mental Discipline. London, 1821. 3 til w 1 i rl I ii i-l 3 10 126 1090-3 1285 738 2266-8 1000 1087 1584 :!.-/ 7 907 1P36-7 1081 409 476 ^ 1869 2796 2697 2987 1083 2231 954 423 1398 2429-30 29^-300 1273 1819 1820 1323 43-6 46-7 726 1321 789 BcROiss' Tracts on the Divinity of Christ. London, 1820. BuBKE*s Speeches. London, 1816, 4 vols. BuBKin's Commentary on the New Testament London, 1834. STTBHKT'sOilbert) History of Reformation. London, 1683. — Second Copy. N. T., 1843, 3 vols. — Select Sermons. Glasgow, 1742. BuBXEm Telloris Theoria Sacra London, 1689. BusHs' Bobert Works. Philadelphia, 1832. — Pr. Bobert on Propagating Christianity in India. Edin- burgh, 1813. — Gairloch Heresy Tried. Paisley, 1830. Bttbhsidb's Religion of Mankind. London, 1819, 2 vols. Busbt'b Dictionary of Musia London. Butlsb's Joseph, Analogy of Religion, [Essay by Wilson.] Glasgow, 1837. — Joseph, Sermons. London, 1876. — Samuel, Ancient Geography. Philadelphia, 1831. Butlbb's Archer, Sermons. Philadelphia, 1856. Buttuan's Greek Grammar. Berlin, 1826. BuxTOBTO Concordantiae Bibliorum Hebraicae. Basle, 1632. BuxTonnrrs de Punctis Hebraicis. 1648. Btbon's, Eon John Narrative. Edinburgh, 1812. BrrmnEBi Lyra Davidica. London. CiBSABis CommeiLtarii. Paris, 1544. Calaut Edward, on Inspiration. London, 1710. — On the Trinity. London, 1722. Cjin Silii Italici Punica. London, 1791, 2 vols. 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Cakadian Assembly Reports. Canada at the Exhibition of 1855. Toronto, 1856. Casltlb's Miscellaneous Works. Boston, 1855. — Life of Schiller. N. T., 1846. Carwohabl's Early Christian Fathers. N. Y., 1844. Catalooub of Parliament Library, 1857. Toronto, 1857, 2 vols. Carpenter's Introduction to the Scriptures. London, 1830. — Lectures on Biblical Criticism. London, 1829. Cabstares* State Papers. Edmburgh, 1774. Castelu Lexicon. Hebraicum. Gottenburgh, 1790. Catalooubs, 2 vols. • Catullus, Tibullus, and Fropertius. Paris, 1543. Caulfibld's Fall of Babylon. Dublin, 1839. Celtisb Bible. 1806. Central Society of Education, Papers of. London, 1837. Do., do.. Second Copy. London, 1838. Census of Canada, 1851-2. Quebec, 1853, 2 vols . Chalbibbs' Whole Works. Glasgow, 21 vols. ^'' — Do., Second Copy. — Lectures on the Romans. Glasgow, 1837, 3 vols. — Christian and Civic Economy. Glasgow, 1821, 3 vol?. — Sermons in Glasgow. Glasgow, 1823. — Discourses on Christian Revelation. 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Ameri- 89 264-7 1237 is., 1828. 2846 L2yolB. 3042-50 Irttno's, David, Elements of Co'tiposition. Edin., 1833. Irving's, Washington, Sketch Book, (Fam. Lib.) Loudon, 1838, 2 volumes. — Do., History of New York, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1838. — Do., Voyages of Columbus and his Companions, (Fam. Lib.) London, 1838. Italian Testament. Shack., 1813. ^ , Italie Ancienne. Paris, 1850. Jahn's Biblical Archseology, by T. C. Upham. New Tprk, 1849. Jamieson's, John, Vindication. Edinburgh, 1794, 2 vols. — Do., Second Copy. — Do., Sacred History. Edinburgh, 1802, 2 vols. — Robert, Primitive Christians. Edinburgh, 1841. Janus, or the Edinburgh Literary AlmanAC. Edinburgh, 1826. Jarvis' Reply to Milner. N. T., 1847. Jay's Short Discourses, (Vol. 4th.) Bath, 1817. Jenk's Prayers. London, 1790. Jereuie's History of Second and Third Centuries. London, 1852. Jewel's, Bishop, Treatise against Anti-Christ. Dublin, 1830. Jews, History of. 3 vols. Jewish Nation, Manners and Customs of. London, 1848. 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