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It rrav be ceded to the Unite ;:fi;intto! \ ::v';Kiirion ot" Congrels of September dMlinCl; i\mu--:-- :n ttarcs j that each ilatc which fliall be fc j-,ir .-y:^pt* cl" ri-T'iorv. Hot Icfs than one hundred, nor m Hides fqvjcirc, ov .!• tlicreto as circumftances will admi nni\ Vir vmia, iii jiurluancc of laid relolve, have made cefTii {aid Iannis ar;d u- ritorv, bevond certain limits, on conditio to iia'Cs oi'rlie cxtL'nt aforri:)id, which ceflions have been i;)n of w!dr!. conditions, iMs become obligatory on the f the faiJ; iaivJ.s inio Rates, to lorm them of the fame extent ; al'crcd bv ccnlc^i): ot the laid Hates ; but luch a dividon of the opinion nf tl.c coir.mitue, be in any degree practicab boundaries of k, or (or [h^ intereft of the confederacy ; ace muilbe fo fuuircd as to have no advantages of navigatior by rivers, lakes and moun: .nns ; and n^any of them muft f tK)n of barren and unimprovable lands. It is, in the (opinion of die commiuee, highly expedlen try fiundd be fonutd into governments as loon as pollibk du-a.y ; that order and the true principles of government r and t!iey become an acc^KlMi or Ibength to the union. into Hates, aprceable to i!ic f^ftemat preicnt adopted, tl _!_!. Jl 1 ■ ^ r". ^ l^ J,-, ^t-t *■ >^ 1 ^i-%-> ^»£»*« /-\f 1 r> I1 ;, coniiitiiig of to 'svluan V. crc\ Monrvoc rcfpc^Sirir the C K S- STERN L \ -.i)S . 1 xamincd the at'i-.s of Conf^refs, and mds and territory v/iii^jn the Llnit- / ; 4 lM^^/ - :urc government: thrreof; and find /^ Vul ^^^rf^^ weftern lands beyond cerr.iin limits * / f the ftates that may be th.cre fornv- .rnong other thinys) rcioived, thar. nited States by any particular Rate, iber 6, 1780^ fliall be formed into be fo formed, fna.ll contain a iuita- r more than one hundred and fifty dmit. The ftates of Maif.ichuferts cefTions of their rcfpcdtiv^e claims to idition that the fame be formed in- leen accepted by Congrefs ; by rca- he federal ^overnirient in dividinri; nt; iinlefs thofe conditions fhall be n of the weftern country cannot, in icable, conformable to the natural ; according to this plan, fome ftates ation ; foir.e inconveniently divided uft probably contain a large propor- 'dientthat fjttlcmcnts in tliat co^in- fible, and admitted into the confc- !nt may be eftabliftied anK)ng 1. But if that country be dividjd^ d, the probability is, that many of K Photograpl Sciences Corporatii wmsm // H aphic ation 23 WEST MAIN STREEIT WEBSTER, NY. 1458C ( 716) 872-4503 Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut ca jt canadien de microreproductions historiques distorsion le long de la marge Interieure Blank leaves added during restoration may appear withm the text Whenever possible, these have been omitted from filming/ II se peut que certaines pages blanches ajoutees lors dune restauration apparaissent aans le texte, mais, lorsque cela etait possible, ces pages n ont pas ete filmees. Additional comments/ Commentaires supplementaires CIHM no 60574 This Item is filmed at the reduction ratio checked below/ Ce document est filme au taux de reduction indique ci-desso ^OX 14X 18X 12X 16X 20X Pages wholly or partially obscured by erratd slips, tissues, etc., have been refilmed to ensur*^ the best possible image/ Les pages totalement ou partieilement obscurcies par un feuillet d errata une pelure etc., ont ete tilmees ^ nouveau de facon a obtenir la meilleure image possible essous 22X 26 X 30X 24 X 28X 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 4 4 5 I 3 6 WV. Sy t . 'in \\ )un, n < n t!>- cpnirqiK'ncc-of v/iiidi n^viil be, that tiicy wili continue ,i.., , , ti-ion wirivuir iTceivinij: :inv M tiMCt w, (. ainiry noi•;u-^^cli■ oi tiic river Oluo, luwiug t^. •h.n'Tv-n P!^ ^ t'Tfiir l;in'.!'; inrernVixed in no regular form, , . Ki-rr- - ^'^ ' 'V rirrivjular attention t eiivni'.r.iKinei s ot tnc letiiL-..!eiiLs, men v/iil, from natural 1 j,,,^!,;(. ^ , ,-,,1 Ti- 1 .) v-rrrv orrireuinllane'/s n nil come int rfih;:es ti.civ, on U'.iore ; . M-vt k(.uw!c\lii;e of^ a (...untry plored ; ti'-t 'v is in rhe opinion of tiic c( nmittee, highl or Lun .:.:■.,, 1 .* . >> -• ^ ' t-he llnirecl Stares in Congn tlie/e, as to preclude tlie conudcration ui i /j iuUiiL i^iicrel cnnr^-rir.n (^f'riui!: (c>Mnrr^\ ?.m\ the circuiiillanees of leule oi diviu.iiw i..,.i ..Am .; M .o lUites licreroforr^ adopted, u ledge of ic\voukl then iu^^jzcit, yet a Airrher invcttigation ^ thaMt is in !■•,-;• dr-ree dvfedlive, and incapable of being 7 herelore ! ■ ^ •> .ubimtiiu' following relolve: RrsoLvrr;, 'i hi: it be recommended to the legiflaturci »4 Vin:i:;i.:, :o ta!;e info conlideration thcir^aid aclsi.ofj.H as toemp(y^Trhc- Unirp-c| S;ar^^. G^j^ of l^iKtMj^^l t^.i^^cr/thTirory,^as ahe iTtuation of the cc mav require,/ with this 1:.. .Latibn and condition, howeve United smt-'S, lyino- n(nr:i-\vcfl of the\ver Ohio, ihall b( not Iciis than tvo, r."'i- ;v.::c than five, to V' admitted into pici and in th;; io'i.i.^ '..'-■ -.jf-jrc eilabHilacdViinJ provided. ^'inhahit.mrs to form a "ovrrfMnrnr • nue withoiiC laws, and vviil;out o: anv atlvanta !,r5 or :\\r\ ffcrn f':';;r.. viiig iiuiny ^ '" ' " ' > • )l'n^) it will be foiind in Vac d.vihon on (■'J rhnlc bfHi:ic!;ir'ri :"d lo c into vifw in fv/Aivj the c!' : inti';', as ) ■■•, ;n 1'..... . ■. ii}2:iilv iiicxpc'dicnr, by :uiy cu;ii|m.. DHgrcis ani-mbU'd in (onuing ftactrs rert'lVofthc cor.fcder.L. , the furnrr cuk'rsinit; and tiioi;; h the mode: d, may be as pnfcLl as our kn'.^w- ion of the fubjcdl iiioIl fully evince nnp- carried into cftcCt. :urcft of the ilatc^of MaiTtchufe-e*^ ,of celTioci, and tcviic; the Urne foiar :i, to makcluch div on, mtcf [tares he country and future circunalranr^ wever, that all t!^e territory of tiic all be foniieJ inioa nu:ribe^ of (--a^-^ into the confederacy px^ rhej^-i nv; ^- / / r /^^^ •'. ^ r ^ >' iT / » M<