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Un des symboies suivants apparaitra sur la darniire image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbola —^ signifie "A SUIVRE", ie symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent itre film6s A des taux de reduction diff Arents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichd. il est filmA A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 % THE GAZETTEER — WITH — INDEXED MAP OF THE RAND, McNALLY&CO.'S SERIES, SHOWING THE RAILROADS, And the Erpress Company doing business over each. ALSO, TOGETHER WITH BVEUY Post Office, Railroad Station or Town, carefully indexed, referring to the exact location -where each may be found on the Map. MONTREAL . THE GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE. Explanation of Abbreviations. im— Miles. K-North. 8— South. E— East. W— West. Towns marked thus * are recently established Po.t OfflceB. location not definitely known. The figures before names of towns denote population, either census of 1870, or estimated. The letters and figures following names, refer to that point on the map at which lines drawn from marginal figures top and bottom, and letters upon either side of map, would cross each other at right angles. For example, to find " New York City i) 5 ; " let the diagram below represent the map New York is seen near the crossing »f lines D—D and 5— 5. 12 3 4 5 6 A B C D E F G H 1 A B C 1) E F G H I -A-C3-EITTS For the sale of Gazetteers of Ontario, Quebec and the Mari time Provinces, wanted in every Town in the Dominion. For particaiars address T & R. WHITJ5, 'The Gazette," MONTREAL. Copyright IbT7, by Rand, McNallt & Co. fflceg. either point !8 top cross igram jsBing e Mari REAL. NOVA SCOT/A RAILROADS. Intercolonial. Riviere du Loup, Quebec (A 2), thiough New Brunswick, ente^ ing on the north near Matapedia, Quebec (A li) to Halifax (S 24)— with branches from Moncton, N. B. (K 20) to St. John (P 15). Point du Chene (K 21) to Painsec Junction (L 20). Pictou (N 28) to Truro (O 25). Western Counties. Sand Beach (X 15) to Dlgby (S 15). Windsor Sl Annapolis. Halifax (S 24) to Annapolis (S 17). COUNTIES. 18 81 88 23 23 15 Annapolis T Antlgonlshe (> Cape Breton L Colchester . . .P Cumberland N Digby V GuysDorougb Q 81 Halifax S 26 Hants R 23 Inverness L 83 Kings R 20 Lunenburgh U 21 Pictou ...O 29 Queens V 19 Richmond N 86 Shelburne Y 18 Victoria J Yarmouth X 86 15 ISLANDS. Barren ..R 81 Basque N 86 Beaver ..S 80 BigCaribou N 28 Brier V 13 Cape Sable Z 17 Chapel N 85 Charles S 28 Chetlcamp I 84 Coffins W 20 Cranberry P 85 Devils ..T 25 Dundas H 87 Flat Z 15 Flint ..R 31 Fox P 84 Great Tusket Y 15 Green Q 33 Green..... ....O 35 Islands— continued . Green V 23 Henry L 32 Ironbound ,.......U 23 Johns ...R 81 Johns ...Z 16 Kennedys S 80 ... _. g^ 20 23 14 O 85 Liscomb R Little Hope Y Little Tancook F Long U Madame 18 25 20 15 15 18 McMutis Z McNabs ...T Monton X Morris Y Mud Z Negro Z Oak M 25 Peters V 14 Pictou M 29 Port Hood :..L 82 PuertoNuevo ,.L 89 Red .M 85 Roy's N 29 Scatari L 40 Seal Z 15 St. Andrews P 85 St.Paul E 87 St. Peters N 35 Tancook U 22 White R 80 White Head Q 84 Williams Q 82 Woody.... ..N 3T LAKES. Avon S 22 Beaver L 88 Beaver P 80 Belfry M 88 ill 18 Lakes— continued. Brasd'Or M 35 Brookfield U 19 Clearwater V 15 Davis W 18 Eai P 81 Eden P 80 Edwards ..W 15 Ell P 81 Fairy... U 18 Fishers U 18 Garabouse M 88 Granv. R 24 Grand T 17 Grand River M 86 Llscomb q 29 Morris T 25 Ogden W 16 Parrs W 16 Ponhook S 22 Remembrance X 19 Rosslgnol V 18 Sandy T 17 Sherbrooke ..T 20 Ship Harbour R 27 Trout T 24 Weutworth . ....V 15 RIVERS. Apple O 20 Avon Q 22 Clyde X 17 East Branch St. Marys... P 80 Eastof Plctou P 29 Gold T 21 Grand N 86 Llscomb Q 30 Liverpool w 19 Middle R 28 Mlra L 88 North R 29 Roseway X 17 Salmon L 87 St.Marys R 81 AVedge ..R 82 West Branch St. Marys. . . Q 80 TOWIilS. Pop. IW. Abercrombie Point, 2 m from Plctou .. N 28 500. Acadia Mines O 24 100. Addlngton Forks.. O 81 600. Advocate HarbourP 20 *Afton, Antigonlshe Co. 250. Albert Bridge, 5 m S E Carriboo Marsh L 38 2500. Albion Mines, 8 m from New Glas- gow O 28 . I*. Pop. Towns— continued. ♦Alder River, Guys- borough Co. ♦Alexander, Inver- ness Co. 100. Alma O 28 2000. Amherst M 22 200. Amherst Point, 3 m 5 W Amherst... M 22 100. Andersons Moun- tain, 13 m from Plctou N 28 500. Annaiolls S 17 25. Annap »lls Gut S 18 1000. Antig/ulshe N 31 25. Antigonlshe Har- bour, 5 m N Anti- gonlshe N 31 25, Antigonlshe Har- bour, South Side, 6 m E Antigo- nlshe N 31 150. Antrim R 26 100. Apple River O 20 500. Arcadia X 15 Ardolse Hill, see NewportCorners, 2 m N E Newport Stktion R 23 25. Argyle .Y 16 1000. Arfchat O 35 150. Arlsaig, 3 m 8 W Malignant Cove. N 80 ♦Arnold, Cape Bre- ton Co. Ashdale, see So. Rawdon R 24 23. Askllton, 7 m E Port Hastings... N 33 *A8py Bay, Victoria Co. 25. Athol N 22 150. Aulds Cove, 72 m from New Glas- gow O 28 25. Avondale N 80 200 Avonport R 22 *Avonport Station, Kings Co. 25. Aylesford R 20 250. Baccaro, 4 m from Port La Tour Z 17 800. Back Meadows, 10 m from Plctou.. N 28 400. Baddeck ...K 35 25. Baddeck Bay K 86 500. Baddeck Bridge. , . K 85 250. Baileys Brook, 3 m SWKnoydart.. N 90 25. Bailey's Brook Ponds, 3 m S W SomervIUe N 30 150. Baker Settlement, 9 m from Bridge- water ,. V 21 i . t* 1 Pop. Toicna— continued . 10. Ball Rock. 20 m from Hallfax....T 24 600 Barney's Hlver...,N 80 800 Barrlugton . , ..Z 17 500. Barringtoa Pas- sage Z 16 70. Barrios Beach N 32 25. Barronstteld N 22 ' *Bar Settlement, Hants Co. 180 Barton, 22 m from Antigonlshe N 81 ♦Basin of River In- habitants Rich- mond Co 300. Bass River P 24 150. Baxters Harbour.. Q 21 250. Bayfield N 32 100. Bay St. Lawrence G 36 60. Bear Cove, 12 m from Halifax,...T 24 200. Bear Point Z 16 900, Bear River, (West Side) T 17 150. Beaver Bank , S 24 100 Beaver Brook, 9 m from Truro P 26 25 Beaver Cove L 86 70. Beaver Meadow, 9 m from Antigo- nlshe N 81 400. Beaver River W 14 25. Beaver River Cor- ner W 14 25, Bedford Basin ...T 24 250. Bedford Station S 24 50. Beech Hill, 5 m from Hallfax,...T 24 150 Beech Hill, 3 m S WKentville ...R 21 200 Beech Meadows, 5 m from Liver- pool W 20 25, Belleisle S 17 200. Belliveau Cove, 40 m from Annapo- lis. S ir 25 Belli veaux U 15 25. Benacadie, 4 m S E Grand Narrows . L 85 850. Berwick, 1 m N Berwick Station R 20 25 Berwick Station ..R 20 40. BigBank.SmNW Bouiardarle . . . . .K 86 150. Big Bras d- Or J 87 200. Big Brook, 14 m from Port Has- tings N 83 100. Big Brook M 84 200 Big Harbour K 86 150. Big Intervale L 35 ICO Big Intervale Mar- garee I 85 19 Pop. Towns— contimied 100 Big Island N 29 100 Big Lorraine L 89 13<J Big Pond M 36 23. Big Port le Bear... Y 19 25 BlgTracadle N 32 850. Big Taucook, 9 m from Chester... T 22 100 Bill Town, 6m NW KentvlUe N 21 25. Birch Hill N 23 60. Bishops Corner, 12m from Annap- olis S 17 200. iJirchtown. 5 m from Halifax.... T 24 •Black Brook, Cape Breton < o. 25. Black Lands O 82 150 Black Point T 23 150 Black River, 15 m from Plctou N 28 100 Black River O 32 150 Black Rock P 21 25, Blanchards Road. O 29 100 Blanche, 18 m from Barrlngton Z 17 500. Blandford U 22 50. Blind Bay.lm from Halifax T 24 600 Block House, 4 m from Mahone Bay U 21 50, Bloomfield. 7 m frora Digby T 16 30C . Blueberry, 9mfrom Liverpool W 20 70 Blue Mills M 34 150. Blue Mountain O 29 200 Blue Kocks, 4 m from Lunen- burgh U 22 150. Bolsdale Chapel... K 36 25. Boom, 8 m E Port Hastings N 83 150 Bouiardarle K 86 •Boulardarie Back Lands, Victoria Co. •Boulardarie Back Lands, Cape Bre- ton Co . *Boylston, Guysbor- ough Co. 25 BrIckKiln P 23 809 Bridgeport K. 88 800. Bridgetown.amN Bridgetown Sta..S :!8 25. Bridgetown Stations 18 100. BridgevIUe P 29 1000 Bridgewater V 21 850. Brighton, 8 m from Digbv T a6 150. Bristol, 3 m from Liverpool W 20 20 Pop. Towns— contintied 250 Br lleys Brook, 30 m from New Glas- gow O 28 200. Broad Cove V 21 150 Broad Cove Chapel , 5 m N Broad Cove Intervale K 83 230. Broad Cove Inter- vale K 83 150 Broad Cove Marsh, SmWSouth Webt Margaree K 84 150. Brookfleld V 19 150. Brookfteld Q 26 150.*Brookland, Pictou Co. 400. Brooklyn W 20 25. Brookvale R 26 200. Brook Village L 83 lao Brookville O 29 Brookville, gee Beaver River... W 14 100. Brookville P 21 25. Brown'8 Brook,... O 22 900. Brule, 80 m from Truro P 26 850. Bucklleld, 24 m from Liverpool. W 20 25. Bu^klaw L 35 25. Buckley's R 20 350. Burlington Q 19 70. Burnt Coat... P 24 400. Caledonia Corner. V 19 120. Caledonia Mllle, 4 m N W Romans Valley O 32 ♦Caledonia Mines, Cape Breton Co, 25. Caledonia St. Ma- rys P 29 100 Cambridge Q 23 180. Cambridge K 21 Cambridge Station, see Cambridge. R 21 200. Canaan R 21 25 Canaan Road, 2 m W Harmony R 20 180. Canada Creek Q 20 600. Canning, 3 m W Kingsport Q 22 25 Cannon ville P 21 1000. Canso P 35 120. Cape Cove, 18 m from Yarmouth Y 14 200. Cape George M 31 25. Capt, George,(North Sidfc^ M 31 200 Cape v^ack, 26 m from Antigo- nishe N 81 300. Cape John N 27 150 Cape Mabou K 83 350. Capo Negro Z 17 25. Cane Norih... .,.G 86 Pop. Towns— continued 600. Cape Sable Island. Z 17 80 Cape St. Mary ,20 m from Falmoutli. Y 14 300 Carlton X 15 350. Carrlboo Cove ....N 83 25. Carrlboo Marsh. ..L 8i lOO.'Carrlboo Rivcr.Plc- touCo 120 Carrolls Corners.. R 25 60 Carsdall, 9 m from AnnapoUa S 17 150. Catalone L 83 200. Cat Point, 12 m from Barrington.Z 17 150 Cedar S.ake \V 15 100. Central Aylesford, 19 m from Kent- vllle R 21 25. Central Chebogue.Y 14 200 Central Yarmouth, 2mfromWlnd8orR 23 25. Central New An- nan, 5 m S Tata- magouche N 28 20O. Central Onslow.... P 23 200. Centreville Q 21 250. Centreville, 4 m S W Rossway T 15 25. Charlo's Cove P 83 50. Chance Harbor. 5 mfrom Pictou N 23 150 Charleston, 12 m from Liverpool W 20 Chebogne. changed to Arcadia X 15 60. Chebogue Point, 8 m from Yar mouth Y 14 350. Chegoggin, 3 m from YarmouthY 14 20D. Chelsea V 20 23. Chesleys Corners. U 20 900. Chester T 22 30O. Chester Basin T 22 ♦Chester Grait. Lu- nenburg Co. 170 Cheticamp ....l 34 200 Cheverie Q 22 25. Chezzetcook S 26 450 Chlgonaise River, 8 m from Truro. P 26 25. Chlmnev Corner. J 34 150 Chipmans Brook, 14 m from Kent- vllle R 21 25 Chipmans Corners, 2mNEKentvilIeR 21 100. Christmas Island.. L 86 130. Church Over. 7 m from Shelburne Y 19 200 Church Street Q 21 150. Churchville O 23 25. Chute's Cove R 18 25 Clare... V 15 ^ 21 I Pop. Towns— continued. 100 Clam Harbour, 10 m from Guyabor- ough P 83 25 Claremont N 23 'Clarence. Annapo- 11b Co. 450. Clarke's Harbour, Z 16 120. Clearlpnd,2nvfrom Mahono Bay ..,.U 21 800 Clementsport T 17 500. Clcmentsvale T 17 100. Clemont Road, 9 m from Aylesford. R 20 180 Clifton, 11 m from Truro P 26 300. Clyde River Y 17 150. CoRmagun River. .Q 23 150. Cold Brook StatlonR 21 25. Cole Harbour... P 34 •Colliery Vale.Plc- tou Co. 200. Concord ...O 28 25 Condon Settlement, 3 m S E Cam- bridge R 20 800. Conquerall, 8 m from Brldgewa- ter V 21 150 Conquerull Bank.a mEBridgewaterV 21 25 Cook8Brook,2mW Grays RiverlioadR 26 *Cook'8 Cove, Guys- borough Co. 100, Corbury,29nifrom Dlgby T 16 Cornwallis, chngd to Upper Canard.Q 21 800. Country Harbour. .Q 32 2500. Cow Bay ...K 39 25 Cox Heath K 3? 80 Creignlsh.Omfroai Port Hastings.... N 83 300 Cross Roads (Coun- try Harbour) P 81 25 Cress Roads L'Aln- slie,5mNE Broad Cove Intervale.. K 83 25. Cross Roads Mid- dle Medford, 3 m S E Steep Creek, O 33 150, Cross Roads of St. GeorgesChannelM 35 * Cross Roads.Ohlo, Antigonlshe Co. 100. Grouse Town, 19 m from Bridge wa- ter V 21 * Crowell.Shelburne Co. 150. Crow Harbor P 34 •Oulloden.Dlgby Co. •DalhouBle East, Kings Co Pop. Towns— conttnuett. 300 DalhouBle L 37 25. DalhouHle Road. ,.T 20 25. DalhouBle tieitlc- ment O 27 2500. Dartmouth T 25 •Davison Street, Kings Co. •Dean, Halifax Co. 25, Dearfleld X 15 140, Debert O 25 400. Debert River, 11 m from Truro.,, P 26 Debert Station, see Debert ..O 25 •Debert Vlllage.Col- chester Co. 25 Deep Brook,,,.... -T 17 80, Deep Cove, 8t m from Halifax ....T 24 •Deerfleld, Yar mouth Co. 150 Dempsey's Comer, 3 m N Aylesford R 20 150. Densmores Q 25 25 Densmores Mlllg.,Q 24 Dlcksoas Store, changed to East New Annan O 26 1300 Dlgby T 16 300 Diligent Elver. 6 m from Parrsbor- ough P 22 500 Dlscouse O 85 ♦Doctors Brook, Antigonlshe Co, •Doctors Cove,Shel- burne Co. 80. Douglas, 14 m from Newport R 23 *Dover "West, Hall- 25. Dublin Shore V 21 25, Duncan T 22 105 Dutch Village, 3 m from HaUfax.,,.T 24 180. Durham N 28 150. Eagle Head, 7 m from Liverpool . W 20 400. Earltown O 26 125 East Bay L 37 25. East Bay, North Side. 6 m S ^ Dalhousie L 37 •East Chebogue, Yar- mouth Co, 80 East Dublin, 75 m from Annapolis. S 17 25 Eastern Harbour. H 35 100. East Jeddore S 27 50. E-tst Marsh, 5 m from Wlndsor,,,R 28 25. East New Annan.. O 26 100. East River, 5 m N E Chester. T 22 II hi m 22 Pop. Jbwna—conUmied. 200 East Port MedwayW 21 400. East Bide of Cliez- zctcook, 8 m E Porters Islaod. . . 9 26 25 East Bide ot Pub- ulco Harbour Y 16 23. East Side of Rag- ged Island r la 25 East Bide ot West Brauch East River ot Plctou.P 23 25. East St, Mary P 80 5«0. EastvlUe P 27 25 Ecouom y P 28 •Ecum Secum, Hal if ax Co. 150.*Eel Brook, Tar- moutli Co 25. Eel Creek M 24 25. Eel J.ake X 15 %. Egmont Basin ....8 27 80 EigJit Mile Brook, 8 m froi West River o 27 25. Elg Mountain N 31 800. ElIershouBe R 23 200. Elinsdale R 25 120. Elmsvllle P 29 120 Elinvale, 5 m from Hopewell O 28 25. Emerald, 4 m 8 E Margaree Forks J 34 150. Enfield li 25 23. English Corner.. .8 24 25. Englishtown, 5 m S VV New Camp- bfellton J 37 25. Enon M 37 25. Erlnsvllle P Si 25. Eskasom L 36 *Etna, Kings Co. 100. Factorydale, 4 m S E Aylesford. ...II 20 100. Falkland, 32 ra from Aylesford ...R 20 50. Fall Brook, 9m from New Glasgow.. .O 28 200. Falmouth,3mSW Falmouth Sta- tion R 22 400. Falmouth Station. U 22 23. False Bay Beach . . L 39 150 Farmington, 1 m from Wilmot....R i9 200. Fenwick, 3 m 8 E Amherst M 22 200, Ferguson's Cove, Smfro-nHalifax.T 24 800. Fishers Grant, 2 m from Plctou N 28 130 Fish Pool, 3 m from Hopewell O 28 600 Five Islands P 23 150. Five Mile River . Q 25 Pop. TbwHb mtinu4<i. 220 Five Houses. 12 m from Bridge wa- ter ...V 31 80. FleicherH Station.. 8 25 Folleigh Lake Sta- tion, see Folly Lake Station ...O 25 25. Folly Lake O 28 25. Folly Lake Station O 25 25. Folly Mountain, near Folly Lake Station O 25 •Folly P.iver. Col- chester Co. 25. Forbes N 28 23 Furks, Baddeck .K 25 25. Forrlstalls N 33 25. Forties Settle- ment 8 21 25. Fosters T 20 200. Fourchie .M 37 60. Four Mile House. T 24 150 Fox Harbour .N 26 100. Fox River M 25 300. Framboise M 37 50. Fraser's Grant, 3 m N E Marydale...O 32 300. Frazer Mills P 29 450. Freeport, 42 m from Dlgby T 16 200. French River O 29 25 French Vale K 87 •French Village, Halifax Co. 250. Gabarouse M 38 200. Galrloch, 16m from Plctou N 28 100. Garden of Eden ..P 30 25 Gardiner Mines... K 88 200 Gaspereaux R 22 850. Gays River R 25 180. Gays Rieer Road.. R 26 60. Georgefleld, 12 m from Shubenaca- die Q 26 25. George's River, 5 m 8 W Little Bras d'Or K 37 200. Georgsvllle. 40 ra from New Glas- gow ....O 2S 25 Getsons Point V 21 300. Giant's Lake P 31 200. Gilberts Cove ....U 15 ♦Gillies Lake, Cape Breton Co ♦Gillis Point, Victo- ria Co, 250. Glen O 31 25. Glen Alpine O 31 25 Glendale M 33 150. Glenelg P 30 25. Glen Margaret, 3m S St. Marys Bay., T 23 28 ...N 88 .K 25 ...N 33 le- ...S 21 ...T 20 .M 37 e.T 24 . .N 26 ...M 25 ...M 37 im ...O 32 ...P 29 ,..M 38 om ...N 28 ..P 30 ...R 38 ...R 22 ...R 25 l.R 26 m ,..0 31 ,.0 31 ..M 83 ...P 30 m r.,T 23 Pop. Town/}— continued 150 Glengarry Station.? 28 150 Glenlloua O 31 25 Glen »h«e, 2 m N \V Hutherlands Mills O 29 25 Glenwood. 10 m S E Yarmouth Y 14 100. Goat iBland, 6 m from Aunapolla..S 17 500 GoUlenvllle Q 31 25 Gold Fields K 2fi 150. Gold Itlvor U 22 100. Goose Harbour.llm from Guyabo- rough P 33 25 Goose River M 24 2C0 Gore .. Q 24 160. Goshen P 31 150. ♦Goshen Colches- ter Co. 100, Grafton, 3 m N WaterviUe R 20 250 Grand Anse N 34 25. Grand Etang I 34 200. Grandigue Ferry.. N 34 26. Grand Lake R 25 25. Grand Mlra North M 37 25. Grand MlraSouthM 37 100 Grand Narrows.... L 35 25. Grand Pre . Q 22 150. Grand River N 86 *Granton, Plctou Co. 25 Granville Centre, S 17 800. Granville Ferry ...S 17 120. Grays Wood, 7 m from Annapolls.S 17 70. Great Hill,2ni from Liverpool W 20 600. Great Village O 25 100. Greenfield V 19 100. Greeiilield, St. Ma- rys, 4 m N Mel- rose Q 31 200 Green Hill O 28 25 Greens Creek Q 25 25 Greenville O 24 25. Greenville Statlon.O 24 150. Greenwich, 20 m from Windsor... R 23 ♦Greenwood, Kings Co. 800 Grosses Coqnes, 26 m from Digby..,T 16 too Gross Point, 28 m from Sydney.... K 38 25. Grosvenor . O 33 25. Groves Point K 87 200. Gulf Shore... ....M 25 100 Gullivers Cove, 30 m from Anna- polis S 17 160 Gunning Cove Y 17 1000 Guysborough P 38 Pop 1'oifm-eo:Uinn«a. 700 Ouysborough In- tervale O 83 25. Hacketta Cove ....T 28 ♦lUlnavUle Dlgby Co. 25 Half Island Cove., P 34 25. Halfway Urook. 10 ni E BrookJleld .Q 28 150 Halfway River.... O 21 80000. Halifax T 24 25. Hall's Harbour.... Q 21 25. Hantsport Ic 22 600. Harbour au Bou- che, 3 m N Llt- tlHTracadle M 82 250 Harbour Hoad N 31 250. HarbourvlUe 6 19 100 Hardwood Land8..R 25 150. Harmony s 20 250 Hanigan Cove . . . . R 80 150 Hartford, 6mfrom Yarmouth Y 14 100 Hastings M 28 100. Havelock V 15 100. Hays River L 33 25. Headof Amherat.M 23 *Head of Jeddore, Halifax Co, 25. Head of Jordan River Y 18 25 Head of South Riv- er Lake O 81 ♦Headof St. Marga- rets Bay, Halifax Co. 25 Head of St. Marys Bay T 16 25 Head of St. Marys Bay T 28 25 Head of Tatama- gouche Bay N 25 120 Head of Wallace Bay, 2 m W Wal- lace Bridge N 25 150. Head of Wallace Bay. North Side, 8 m N W '»Vallace Bridge N 28 80. Hebbs Cross V 21 500. Hebron X 14 125. Heckmans Island, 4 ih from Lunen- burgh U 22 ♦Henderson Settle- ment, Cumber- land Co. 800, Herring Cove, 5 m 5 Halifax ,.T 24 60. Hibernia, 42 m from AnnapoMs. S 17 200. Htghfleld.lOmfrom Newport R 23 100 Highland Village, 21 m from Truro. P 26 24 Pop. Towii^—contiimed. 200. Hillsborough L 83 400. Hillsborough, 89 m from Truro P 28 50. Hillaburn, 5 m f rom Annapolis S 17 80. Hillsdale, 7 m from Mount UniackcS 24 25. Hillside, 5 m jn E Marion Bridge... L 87 ♦Hodson.PictouCo. 150. Hollowell, 10 m from Antlgoni- she K 20 25. Holbeck N 24 200. Hopewell O 28 25. Hornsey N 25 200. Horton Landing... Q 22 23. Hortons Corner... T 20 850. HubbardsCove....T 23 25. Hunters Mountain K 35 300. Hunt's Point, 8 m from Liver pool. W 20 150. Indian Brook J 86 250. Indian Harbour,... Q 3^ 250. Indian Harbour... U 23 50. Indian Path, 5 m from Lunen- burgh. TJ 22 60. Indian Point U 22 25. Indian Road Q 25 25. Ingonish H 87 25. Ingram River T 23 300. Irish Cove M 36 400. Isaac's Harbour... Q 32 25. Isgonish O 25 ♦Jackson, Cumber- land Co. 25. Jackson Road R 20 25. Jackifon Road O 23 120. Jacksonville, 5 m fromAylesford..R 20 ♦James River, An- tigonishe Co. 1000. J3ddore S 27 250. Joggln Mines, 3 m • N W River He- b^n N 21 850. Johnsons Point. 13 mfroniGranvilleS 17 25. Johnsons Station. .P 26 30. Johnstons Crossing, 4 m from Truro.. P 26 250. Jordan, 7 m from 8helburne T 18 25. Jordan Bay Y 18 200. Jordan Ferry, 4 m from Shelburne . Y 18 800. Judique M 33 800= Kelly's Cove, 4 m from Yarmouth Y 14 150. Eemnt U 18 50^' Kempt. 23 m from Yarmouth ...Y 14 25. Kempt Bridge.... W 16 Pop. Towns— continued. 100. Kempt Head K 86 200. Kempt Road N 34 8(K). Kempt Town P 26 25. Kemptville W 16 25. Kennetcook Q 24 50. Kennetcook Cor- ner Q 24 25. Kenogare, 20 m S E Glasgow O 28 50. Kents Island, 3 m from Jeddore....S 27 1000. Kentville R 21 200. K-ppoch, 10m from Autigonislie R 20 80. Ketch Harbour.... U 25 25. Kewstoke L 84 20O. Kingsbury V 22 25. Kingsport Q 22 120. Kingston R 19 25. Kingston Village, ^ 2mSEKing6ton.R 19 2a. Kmsmans Corners, 8 m N W Cam- bridge R 20 100. Kirk Hill, 3 mNW Parrsboro' P 22 250. Knoydart N 30 ♦Kolbeck, Cumber- land Co. 80. LaBeIle,23rafrom Liverpocx W 20 300. La Have V 22 *La Have Cross Roads, Lunen- burg Co. 5 J. La Have House. . . . V "il 150. Lake Ainslie 'East Side) L 32 150. Lake Ainslle, (South Side) L 34 15b. Lake AInslie, (West Side).. .. L 34 100. Lake Ainalie Glen, 22 m from Port Hood L 34 100. Lake George W 15 175. Lake George S 20 50. Lakelands P 22 2f. LakeLaw J 85 ♦Lake Paul, Kings Co. 25. Lake Road O 22 25. Lake Settlement... P 83 100. Lake Side, 17 m f rom Digby T 16 25. Lakevale, 6 m N Harbour Road... N 31 200. Lakevllle R 20 VT.' . JjOill l:£j .,.,, i. ^\) 180. Lapland, 12 m from Bridgewater V 21 25. L'Ardoise IST 36 25. Larry's River P 83 25. Laugillc U 21 Pc 11 6 1 1 1 i 25 Pop. Towns— continued . 25. Lat ties Brook, 6in SWMaltland....P 25 *Laveville, Antigo- nlahe Co. 25. LawrenceFactory, 2 m S Southamp- ton N 22 150. Lawrencetown T 26 600. Lawrencetown R 19 150. Leicester, 4 m W Little River M 23 150. Leltches Creek Bridge K 37 150. Leitchfleld, 8 m from Annapolis.. S 17 25. Lennox Ferry N 34 100. Leqiiille T 17 150. Lewis Bay M 37 120. Lewis Head, 2 mE Ragged Island... Y 19 90. Lime Rock O 28 30. Llngan K 38 300. LiBComb R 31 ♦Lisconib Mills,Guys- borough Co. 150. Lismore, 24 m from New Glasgow.... O 28 500. Liltle Bra^ d'Or. . .K 37 400. Little Glace Bay. K 39 250. Little Forks, 13 m from Amherst . .M 32 150. Little Harbour.... N 29 300. Little Judique ...L 33 100. Little Lorraine ...L 89 200. Little Narrows.... L 34 200. Little River U 14 25. Little River M 23 200. Little River, 4 m S E Baytleld N 32 400. Little River, (Mid- dle Musquodo- bolt) R 26 40. Little Tancook, 8 m from Halifax. .T 24 200. Little Tracadle....N 32 25. Littlewood Z 18 3000. Liverpool AV 20 150. Livingston's Cove M 31 200. Lochaber P 31 200. Lochbroom, 3 m fromPlctou N 28 275. Lockhartvllle, 2 m S Avonport Q 22 25. Loch Lomond. ...M 37 23. Lockeport Y 22 60. Loganvllle N 27 100. Lochslde M 36 25. Londonderry, 2 m S Londoudcrfy St«vtlon O 25 25. Londonderry Sta'nO 25 120. Long Island V 14 250. Long Point M 33 60. Long Point Q 20 Pop. Towns— continued. 25. Lorway Mines K 33 800. Louisburg M 38 25. Lower Argyle, sub- urb of Argyle... Y 16 200. Lower Barney's River .N 30 *Lower Caledonia, GuysboroughCo. 300. Lower Canard Q 21 100. Lower Clyde, 7 m from BarringtonZ 17 25. Lower <,ove N 21 130. Lower Dublin, 14 na from Bridge- water V 21 ♦Lower East Pubni- co, Yarmouth Co. 350. Lower Economy, 4 mW Economy. P 23 25. Lower Granville.. S IT 25. Lower Horton R 22 25. Lower La Have, 2 mSWLaHavc.V 22 400. Lower L'ArdoiscN 86 ♦Lower Maccan, Cumberland Co. 100. Lower Middleton, 1 m from Middle - ton R 19 250. Lower Onslow, 5 m from Truro P 26 350. Lower Pereaux....Q 22 190. Lower Prospect, 2mSEP'.-ospect.U 24 250. Lower Rawdon, 14 m from Mt. Unl- acke ..S 24 300. Lower River In- habitants N 34 200. Lower Selmah P 25 100. Lower Settlement, Middle River.... K 35 200. Lower Settlement of South River, 5 mSWPomquet Chapel N 31 "Lower Ship Har- bour, Halifax Co. 230. Lower StewiackcQ 26 220. Lower Village, 3 m from Truro P 26 130. Lower Ward, 25 m fromHalifax....T 24 ♦Lower Wentworth, Cumberland Co. 25. Lower West Pub- nlco, 6 m S Pub- nico Harbour Y 16 li'-J . J-i V.Y CI ? T ^Ot-t i 1. cl i - hour, 3 m S Upper Wood Harbour.. Z Ift 200. LowPoint N 3» 1500. Lunenburg U 22. *Lynn,Colcne8terCo. ^6 Pop. Toicna—contimied. 600 Mabou L 33 250. Mabou Coal MinesK 33 25. Mabou Harbour... L 33 150. MabouNoithEast, 10 m from Port Hood L 82 250. Maccan n 22 250. Maccaa Mountain, a m S Spring Hill Mines ^ 22 800. Mah one Bay U 21 150. Mainadieu L 39 200. Maitiand X 14 200. Maitland \j] 18 600. Maitland p 25 25. Malaga&h M 26 25. Malaga watch M 34 150. Malignant Covc.N 30 800. Manchester O 38 100. Manchester Road. 10 m from Antig- onishe N 81 25. Marblfc Mountain. M 34 2oO. Margaree j 34 240. Margaree Forks...J 84 *Margaree Har- J our, Inverness vO. 800. Margarets vllle....R 19 «)0. Marie Joseph ....R 30 150. Marion Bridge ...L 37 70. Marsh, 5 m E New Glasgow O 28 25. Marshall's Cove... R 18 800. Marshall's Town..T 16 100. Marshville, 20 m „,„ , from Plctou . . . . N 28 2dO. Marriott's Co"e...T 22 150. Martins Brook, 2 m from Lunen- burgh U 22 *Martin's Point.Lu- nenburg Co. 200. Martin's River.... U 21 100. Marshy Hope O 80 25. Marydale O 82 25. Maryvaie N 81 250. Mass Town, 3 m S W Onslow.... P 25 ♦Matheson, Victo- ria Co. 240. Mavillet, 18 m from Yarmouth. Y 14 25. McAdams Lake...L 36 *McArra8 Brook, AntigonisheCo. 25. McAulays, 5 m W ^t. Anns K 86 60. McKay Settlement, 7 m from New- port R 26 150. McKays Point L 35 *.Mcliinnoiis Har- bour.VictoriaCo. Pop. Toions— continued. 80. McLellan's Brook, 8m SE Stellar- ton O 28 120. McLellan's Mouii tain O 29 50. McNutts Island. 12 m from Shel- burne Y 18 150. McPherson's Fer- ry, 3 m from Port Hawksbury N 33 25. Meagher's Grant, 4 mSE Antrim.. R 26 200. Medford Q 22 120. Melrose Q 31 400. Melvern Square... R 19 400. Merlgomishe N 29 800. Merland, 20 m from Antlgonlshe N 31 500. Metaghan, 5 m S Clare V 15 25. Metaghan River, 3 m S Clare V 15 25. Middleborough ,..N 25 25. Middle Cly<leRiv.X 17 80. MIddlefleld V 19 70. Middle La Have Ferry.. V 21 ♦Middle Manches- ter, Guysbor- ough Co. 800. Middle Musquodo- boit R 26 25. Middle Ohio X 17 25. Middle Pereaux,2 m. SW Luwer Pe- reaux Q 22 25 . Middle River O 28 150. Middle River K 85 150. Middle Section of North East Mar- garee, 6 m E New Bridge J 84 ♦Middle Settlement of Barneys Riv- er, Pictou Co. 250. Middle Settlement of River Inhab- itants, 6 m NE Port Hastings... N 38 250. Middle Settlement of South River. O 31 300. Middle Stewiacke.Q 26 200. Mlddleton R 19 150. Milford U 17 150. Milford Haven Bridge O 33 175 , Milford Station . . . R 25 200. Mill Brook, 3 m S W Middle River. O 28 120. Mill nnvn T 23 200. Miiier's Creek ....R 23 25. Millsville N 27 400. Mill Village W 20 27 Pop. Towns— continued . 25. MlllvlUe R 20 1100. Milton W 20 600. Minudie N 22 200. MiraGut L 39 120. Moldart, 26 m from New Glasgow . . .0 28 400. Montague Gold Miaes 8 25 100 Moose Brook P 21 200. Moose Harbour ,2m from Liverpool. W 20 200. Mooseland, 60 m from Halifax....T 24 50. Moose River, 18 m from New Glas- gow O 28 150. Morden Q 19 25, Morden Road R 19 200. Morristown N 31 180. Morristown, 4 m S EAylesford. ...R 20 •Morton's Corner, Lunenburg Co. 200 Mortonville R 22 ♦Mosera River, Hal- ifax Co 100. Mosherville R 23 25. Mossman's Grant U 20 200 Mount Denison.. R 22 200. Mount Hanly, 5 m N W Middleton R 19 25. Mount Pleasant.. M 23 400. Mount Thorn... .0 27 Mount Thorn Set- tlement, see Mt. Thom O 27 150. Mount Uniacke ...S 24 . 80. Mount Uniacke Station, 26 m from Hallfax....T 24 150. Mull River L 33 25. Munro's, 3 m S E Munro's Point ..J 36 25. Munro's Point J 86 60. Musquodobolt Harbour S 26 ♦Napanee, Cumber- land Co. 800 Nappan N 22 Nappan Station, see Nappan N 22 400. Necum Teuch .,..R 30 200. New Albany S 19 600 New Annan, 22 m from Truro P 26 25. New Bridge .J 84 150. New Campbellton. J 37 liW. New Canada U 20 25. Newcomb Corner. R 27 200. New Cornwall . ^.^.U 21 160. Newiidinburgh,2G mfromDlgby...T 16 25. New Galrloch O 27 1000. New Germany U 20 Pop. Ibions—contimiecl 25, New Glasgow O 28 25. New Haroour Q 83 100. New Italy. 11 m from Brldgewa- ter V 21 150. New Larlg, 2 m N E West River Station O 7 150. New Minas, 2 m S E Kentvill'J R 21 100. Newport ...R 23 25. Newport Corners, 2 m N E Newport Station.,... R 23 500. Newport Lauding, R 23 100. Newport Station, .R 23- 150 New Ross S 21 25 . New Ross Iloml — S <: 1 25. NcwtonMills Q 27 100. New Town P 30 250. NewTusket V 16 25. Nicholls Corner, 5 m N Bridgeton Station S 18 300. Nictaux Falls S 19 25. Niel's Harbour ... H 37 *Niely Road, Kings Co. 100 Nine Mile River, 5 mNWElmsdaleR 25 300. Noel P 24 100, Noel Shore P 24 25. North Alton, 5m S Kentville R 21 25. Northeast Branch Margaree J 84 130. NorthBrookfleld,3 m S VV Pleasant River , U 19 25. North Caledonia... P 29 250. Northeast HarbourZ 17 250 Northtield, 3 m N Mossman'sGrantU 21 70 Northtield, 12 m from Bridgewa- ^gj. Y 21 60. North MountainVs m S E Baxters Harbour Q 21 200. North iiange Cor- ner, 10 m from Dlgby T 16 300. North Rlver,5mN Truro P 26 25. North Riv'r Bridge J 36 NorthRiverBridge, Bta. Intercolonial Ry,2mNW Tru- ro P 26 250. North Salem Q 25 -iD. rsurtii otjunuii ui Earltown,2 m N Earltown O 26 150. North Shore J 36 ^8 Pop. Toion8—co7itinued *North Shore, Cum- berland Co. 130. NorthSlde of Basin, (River Dennis) 4 m E Blue Mills. .M North Sydney K North West Arm.. K North West Bay, 12 m from Liver- pool w North West Cove. U North West Range, 4 m from Mahone Bay u Oakfleld, sta. Inter- colonial Ry, Sm 8 Enfield R Oakfleld s Oakland, 2 rn from Newport Land- , ing B Oakland, 2 m from Mahone Bay U Oak Park... , Z Oak Point, 7m from Port Williams. R Ogllvie, 1 ni E Vlc- ^toria Harbour.... Q Ogilivie Wharf, 8 m from Berwick.R Ohio o Ohio, 16 m from Bridge water V 21 Ohio, 3 m from Shelburne Y Ohio, 7 m from Yarmouth Y Ohio Cross Roads, ^2mSE Ohlo....O Old Barnes P Oldham k Osborne, 20 m from Shelburne Y . Onslow p ♦Outlet of Lake Ainslie, Inver- ness Co. •Owl's Head Har- bour, Halifax Co. Oxford, sta. Inter- colonial Ry, 3 m E Salt Springs Station N ♦Oxford, Cumber- land Co. Oyster Ponds Q Palmers Road, see MordenRoad....R x^ o.;,V S^i'^^ise Lane S 18 8gO. Paradise Station... S 18 80. Parkers Cove S 17 *Parks Creek, Lu- ^« ^neuburgCo. oW. ruiTsuorougn P 22 1000. 400 51). 150. 150. 25 23. 130. •850. 25. 100. 25. 80. 200. 300. 30?. 400. 300. 25. 500. 100. 25. 150. 40. 25. 84 87 87 20 23 21 25 25 23 21 16 21 19 20 31 18 14 81 25 25 18 25 83 34 19 Pop. Toicna— continued. im Parrsboro'ghShoreP 20 100. Partridge Island, 20 m from Parrs- borough p 22 l^' Peggy's Cove U 23 850. Pembroke, 4 m ^ from Yarmouth. Y 14 90. Penaat Harbor, 20 ' „.,, „m from Halifax. T 24 275 Pereaux, 10 m f rom „,„ _Port Williams.. R 21 8bO. Petite deGrat O 35 eOO. Petite Riviere Bridge V 21 om- Petit Pkssage U 14 200. Phlnneys Moun- tain, 7 m from vycyn Bndgewater V 21 8200 PIctou N 28 100. Plcketts Wharf, 'i m from Port Wil- liams R 21 25 PIctou Boat N 28 25. PIctou Landing N 28 230. Piedmont Valley, 2 m N E French ^^ River o 29 100. Pine Tree, 6 m from ion ^,^ew Glasgow.... O 28 120. Pipers Cove M 85 23. Pirates Harbour... O 88 100. Plainfleld N 27 23. Plaister n 81 25. Pleasant Bay G 85 25. Pleasant Lake, 5 m E Yarmouth Y 14 ♦Pleasant Lake, Col- chester Co. 25 Pleasant Point, 2 m o* ,>,^ W Jeddore....S 27 25. Pleasant River.... U 19 50. Pleasant Valley.... T 16 •Pleasant Valley. Pictou Co. 25. Plymouth Y 15 25. Ponds, 2 m N Bar- ney River N 80 25. Point Clear, 2 m S 100. Point of Cape M 31 50. Polly Bog Q 26 200. Pomquet Chapel.. N 31 400. Pomquet Forks . . .O 82 150. Ponds, 23 m from i«n ^ New Glasgow....© 28 150. Ponds, 2 m from o^ „ Yarmouth Y 14 25. Poplar Hill n 27 250. PortAcadle V 15 500. Portapique P 24 25. Portapique Moun- tain p 24 130 *Port Giiyaborough CO' ■ . • 11 .: Pop. Towns— conttnuei. 25. Port Bruley N re > 25 Port Caledonia.... K 89 25. PortClyde Z 17 120 . Porter's Lake S 26 200 Port Felix p 34 150. Port George R is 250. PortGreville P 21 600. Port Hastings.... N 83 600. PortHawkesbury.N 83 700 Port Hood ...L 82 40. Port Hood Island.. L 82 200. PortJoli X 19 150. Port La Bear, 22 m „.„ ^from Liverpool. W 20 2t0, Port la Tour Z 17 200. PortMaitland,7m .r^ ^'rom St. Peters .N 85 600. PortMedway W 21 850 . Port Monton X 19 400. PortMulgrave,2m N Pirates Har- bour o 83 80. Port Philip m 24 120. Port Richmond, 6 m from Port Hawkesbury N" 83 25. Port Royal, 4 m N W Arichat O 85 260. Portuguese Cove..U 25 250. Port Williama R 21 800. Port Williams Sta- tion, near Port Williams R 21 200. Poulamond, 7 m from Arichat .. O 35 25. Powers n 35 25. Preston Road T 25 150. Prlnceport ...P 25 25. Prince vllle, 8 m N „^ „W West Bay N 34 700. Prospect u 24 50. Pudding Pan, 10 m *n^^ _from Liverpool.W 20 1600. Pubnlco Beach.... Z 16 25. Pubnlco Harbour. Y 16 700. Pu? wash M 24 100 Pugwash River, 7 m S Pug wash... M 24 loO. Queensville H 33 25, Ragged Head O 33 850. Ragged Island Y 19 ^il- gawdon R 23 150. Rear of Black River n 84 25. Rear Judlque, 4 m E Little JudlQue.L 33 4Si, Rear Lands Sport- ing Mountain, 3 ra E St, George's Channel N 85 200. Red Islands M 86 300. Renfrew R 24 25 Keserve Mines. . . .K 33 25. Rhodes r 19 29 Pop. Towns-continued. 130. Richmond, 10 m 1000 Richmond Termi- nus T 2«t 200. Ritcheys Cove. 10 ra from Lunen- 300. River Bourgeoise.N 33 Riverdale, chgd to Pleasant Lake, 5 ^m E Yarmouth. .T u River Debert Sta- om T,f *°°' 5.®* I>ebert O 23 300. River Dennis ....M 84 25. River Dennis Road M 38 400. River Hebert N 21 23. River Inhabitants BridKe, 5 m W 500. River John N 27 100- §-^^«^ ™iP N 23 80 Piversdale p 27 2o. Robertsons Lake.X 19 ^3. Rocklin o 28 *Rock Vale, Guys- ^borough Co. 60. Rockville Y 14 ^3. Rockwell Settle- ment, 4 m N Shi- nemicas Bridge. M 23 •Rockly, Cumber- land Co. 50. Rocky Lake S 24 2o. Rogers Hill n 27 25. Roman's Valley... O 82 2o. Roseway Y 18 25. Roslin '.N 24 25. Ross Corner Q 20 Rosette, see North onn ^I^rookfleld V 19 200. Roseway, 16 m ,„ „*romShelburne.Y 18 100. Ross way t 15 150. Round Bay, 18 m ^fromShelburne.Y 18 200. Round Hill a is *Round Island, ./v. ., ??P® Breton Co. 400. Sable River Y 18 350. Sackvllle, 12 m om e^,''°"^H^^^*»^---T 24 200. Salem N 23 25. Salmon Hole T 25 250. Salmon River.... W 14 200. Salmon River R 29 200. Salmon River P 32 200 Salmon River L 37 100. Salmon River Lake Settlement P 32 1*0. Salt Springs, 5 m from West Rivpr ^ynn c, Station."." V.V.'.'.O 27 200. Sambro ........ U 25 i 11 u I' I 30 24 16 34 Pop. Towns— continued. 25. Salt Springs Sta- tion M OQ ^25. Sand Beach.. ;.;;>' 14 400. Sanford,8iu fro 11' .,.„ „ Yarmouth y 14 2dO. Sand Point o 84 |«0. Sandy Beaches. ...U 23 500. bandy Point Y 18 60. Saw Mill Creek... S 17 300. Saulniervllle. V 15 275. Scotch Hill, 5 m from Pictou... N 28 200. Scotch Village. It 23 3o0. Scotts Bay . p 21 250. Scotsburn, id m from Pictou n 28 4o. Section Seven, 2 m N Wentworth •'Station o 2«j 225. Selmah.... p 95 100, Shag Bay, 2rin ««r. „Jf 10m Halifax ...T 350. Shag Harbour. Z Sheas River, chgd to Brook Vil- lage L 375. Sheet Harbour, .'."r 29 m Sheffield Mills.. .0 21 1000. Shelburne y 18 500. Sherbrooke .'.'q 8i .«• i^Jnemicas BrldgeM 23 ^5. Ship Harbour S 28 ^3. Ship Harbour Lake, 3 m E East Jed- „ dore s 27 23. Short Beach X 14 350. Shubenacadie Q 26 25. Shubenacadie St'n.Q 26 75. Shulie o 21 25. Shunacadie 'l 36 150. Sight Point, 8 mij 60. Six Mile Brook.... O 27 ^^vSH^yeKoad N 25 *Sklr Dhu, Victo- ria Co. 200. Sky Glen l 34 •Sluice Point, Yar- mouth Co. 25. Smithfleid p 30 125 Smiths Cove, 4 m E Dlgby T 25. Soldiers Cove 180. Somerset .... 25. Somerville ^, ou 40. Sonera o 31 130. South, 3 m froi^i^ oef „ Luaenburgh U 22 ^5. Southampton N 22 2o. South Bar of Syd- ney River, fi m 100. South Bay i 37 16 .N 86 • Q 20 .N 30 Pop 250. 250. Tow7is— continued. 27 25. 2,1. 150. 25. 25. 25. 150. 850. 150. 200. 80. 150 IcO 25. 125. 100. 25. 80. 200. 200 25 25, 350, 200. 180. 400. 25 25 120. 200. 200 500. 300. 28 34 South Branch.... o South Brookfleid, 27 m from Liver' pool w South Cove ' L SouthEast Passage T South Gut of St Anns K ♦South Head of Cow Bay, Cape Breton Co. South Matt land, 3 ^mSMaitland....p Smith McLellans Mountain, 3 m S McLellans Moun- laln o South Ohio .".x South Range, 14 in S W Digoy T South Rawdon.....R South River Lake. 36 m from Hope- well .. o South Side of Ba- sin (River Den- ^nis) M bouthSide of Bou- lardarie k 37 South Side of West Margaree, chngd to South West Margaree K South Side of Why- ^cocomaughBay.M Southvllle. 30 m fromDigby T 16 Southwest Mabou.L 33 South West Mar- „garee k Spa Springs R . Specht's Cove U . Spencer's Island... P . Springfield, 10 m from Antigo- nishe x . Springfield t Spring Hill jsf Sprlnghill Mines . N Springville o gpryBay s St. Andrews ;..q St. Andrews o St. Anns K St. Esprit N St. Croix, 6 m E Windsor R St. George's Chan- nel N St. Joseph, 8 m from Antlgo- liishc iS' 31 St. Margaret's Bay.T 23 St. Mary's Bay....U 16 20 35 25 36 25 29 15 16 24 34 34 34 18 16 20 3t 19 22 22 29 28 26 31 36, 37 23 34 " 25. 25. 250. ' 25. ' 800. ' 800. ' 25 '. 25. ' 1700. "i continued. ,• -..Q a? leid, Iver- ....W 20 .....L 35 mgeT 25 ...K 36 Cow eton d, 3 1....P 25 lans en a jun- ....O 29 ....X 15 4 m ....T 16 ....K 24 ke, pe- O 28 Ba- en- ...M 34 ou- ...K 37 est gd sat ...K 34 ly- y.M 34 m ...T 16 >u.L 33 ir- ..K 34 18 ..U 16 ...P 20 m o- ..X 31 ..T 3& ..N 22 . N 22 .0 29 ,..S 28 ..Q 26 ..O 31 • K 86. • N 37 E .R 23 'n 34 .IS 31 '.T 23 U 16 31 Pop. Towns -continued. 25. St. Mary's Bay.. T 2^ 150. St. Patrick's Chan- nel IT- OR 25. St. Pauls .....v." "p II 80. St. Peters...... v I? 1.0. Starrs Point. 2 m from Port Wil- ,„„ „ Hams R 91 175. Steam Mills' vil- Jage, 3 m N W 180 SteepCreek. .. . o t^ 25. Stellarton....... "o Sg 250. Stewlacke Cross ^ lioads n 07 ino' |Jf,?'*acke Station:^ 26 100. Stillwater 1? 90 130. Stillwater.. :;•••§ ^ 20. Stoddarts... V ?J 75. Stony Beach, 8 m from Granville Ferry q i« 2a. Stormont....; o \o io. Streets Kidge, 5m^ ^^ 9- Q*-^ Green vIlle....o 2a. Stronach Moun- tain n <c, 25. Sugar Loaf...: :::::f i~ 100. Summerville, 27 m from New Glas- 150. Summerviiie.':.*.*:"8 I! i8(^- |"JMa»^8Miii8-.:s li 45. Swiftdale, see Union Station... p 3000. Sydney.. jr ^SydneyForks'.Cape 25 Sydney Mines , . . . k 6^"TJS§?e"r^^''^"^«-U 22 25. Tatamagouche aen a,Mountain n 06 260. Tenecape A 2? 25 Terence Bay ff 04 Teviotdale Station, chngd to Valley ^Station p 9A 25. TheFaIl8,6mNw iiarltown. n 9« 25 Thompson's MiilsN 24 ^5. Thorburnes... v i- ^50- Three Mile Pia'ins.R 24 29 26 38 38 22 qm ?Er^.e Sisters. '".".-.p ^ 800. Tidnish T. 9Q L 23 MO. Toney River .':::::.N 27 i.T»ok; %M x.vO. iracaaie, 22 m from " n-n „Antigoni8he ....N si -JoO Tremont,2mfrom li^ingston B 19 Pop. 25. 25. 2500. 450. 300. 25. 150. 800. Toicna— continued. Trafalgar.. o 9m Trout Cove.:: :::::¥ 15 100. 50. 100. 26 15 16 15 18 14 22 26 Truro p Tusket. .. X Tusket Forks.: :;::x Tusket Wedge.... y Tuppervllle........s Tusket River, 10 m mifom Yarmouth. Y Two Islands, 6 m from ^arrs- borough... , p union Station...' .*p Union Square. 2 m 9m TT "^^^^^ervllle.R 20 200. Upper Barneys Riv- er, 21m from New 0- ^-tflasgow o 28 25. Unner Branch, 6 m N W Bridgewa- ter y J23. Upper Caledon'ia.'.P im flPPer Canard Q 100. Upper Church^ Street, 2 m from i9=t rr^entvllle ... . R 1<25. Upper Clyde RiverX *Upper Clementb, OR rT^"^^Polis Co. ^5. Upper Cross Roads St. Marys p Upper Dyke Vil- lage, 2m N Kent- vine jj- Upper Economy. P upper KennetcookO UpperL'Ardoi8e,7 mfromSt.PetersN UpperLaHave....U Upper Maccan, 18 mfromAmherstM Upper Margaree, 4 m S South West Margaree k Upper Musquodo- ■ ^PPer Newport," '2 m s Newport ....R Upper North Riv- er, 10 m N Truro. P Upper Onslow, 3 m from Truro. .. p Upper Pereaux...:o Upper Port La Tour. 9 m from Barrington z Upper Rawdon, 5 mNERawdon..R Up^per Settlemeni i^ar-iigysKivt.,-. e m S Barneys Kiv.O Upper Settlement of Baddeck Riv- er.3mWSt.Ann'8K 36 140 423, 80. 400. 130. 70. 25. 25. 25. 25 230. 25. 250 800. 25. 25. 21 29 21 21 17 31 21 24 24 35 21 22 34 27 23 26 26 21 17 23 30 82 Pop. Towns— continued. 150. Upper Settlement of Middle liiver, 8 m N Middle River K 85 25. Upper Settlement of liiver Dennis, S m S W Blue .^ , *iHl8 M 84 400. Upper Settlement of South River, 5 m E Glen Al- pine o 31 23. Upper Settlement of West River, 4 m N West River Station o 27 250. Upper Stewiacke, 2m WStewiacke Cross Roads Q 27 ?5. Upper WashabuckL 35 23. Ui.per Wood Har- bour z 16 25. Urbania q 23 25 Usher o 82 Vale Colliery, see Marsh, 5 m E Glasgow O 28 2^. Valley Station p 26 15a Vaughans s 22 23. Vernal o 81 25. Vernon Mines, 3 m S Halls Har- bour Q 21 ♦Vesuvius, Kings 100. Victoria N 24 50. Victorii Beach.... T 16 60. Vctoria Harbour. Q 19 850. Victoria Mines. ...K 88 ^Victoria Vale, An- napoliaCo. 2d0. Voglers Cove W 21 100. Wagner, 15 m from Dlgby T 16 400. Wallace n 25 150. Wallace Bridge... N 25 2o. Wallace Ridge.... N 25 600. Walton q 23 150. Warren m 23 150 Waterford, 12 m from Dlgby T 16 130. Waterloo, 11 m from Bridge wa- ter V 21 150. WatervUle R 20 175. WatervUle, 84 m on ^^''om Windsor... R 23 80 Water vale, 3 m N E West River Station p 27 a^ Waugh's River. . . .N 26 150 Weaver " " " Settle-^ ment t 15 Pop. Toiona—contimied. Webbers, chngd to ..n.. Victoria Beach.. T 16 125 Wellington x 14 75. Wellington s 2» 400. Wentworth N 25 180. Wentworth Grant, 10 m from >;ew 103. Wentworth Sta- tion o 25 850. WestArlchat O 34 200. West Bay N l\ 2). West Branch East o« Kiyerof Plctou..P 26 25. West Branch of River Philip, 4 m S River Philip... N 23 25, West Branch liiv- er John N 27 90. Westbrook o 22 150. Westchester O 24 M' Westchester Lake. O 24 130 West Dublin V 21 150. Western Head, 4 m 100. Westfleld, 27 m from Brideewa- ter V 21 101. West Gore Q 24 25. West Merigo- mlshe o 29 25. West New Annan, 5 m S W Waughs River N" 26 25. West Newdy Quoddy R 80 23 West Point V 13 600. Westport V 13 25. West Pubnico....'.Z 16 400. West River O 27 200 West River. StatlonO ii7 200. WestSideof Loch- aber,2mWLoch- aber p sj 25 West Side of Mid- dle River, 2 m W , Middle River.... K 83 800. West Tusket, 10 m .««« , from Yarmouth. T 18 1000. Westvllle O 28 f^- Weymouth U 15 400. Weymouth Bridge. U 15 80. Whiteburn, 33 m from Llverpo-^l.W 20 850. White Haven, SO m from Guysboro..P 33 25. White Head P 34 23. White Point G 37 25. White Point X 20 25. White Rock Mills, 3_m S W Port ^22- ^,'?7pocomaugh....L 34 23. WiIliamBdale O 24 t ',> contiiiiied. g(l to ach..T 16 X 14 8 iiJ N 25 rant, O 28 Sta- O 25 O 34 N 31 Eust tou..P 26 of ,4 ui ip...N 23 KIv- N 27 O 22 O 24 ake.O 24 V 21 ,4m 01.. W 20 m !wa- .. ..V 21 .....Q 24 •Igo- O 29 Dan, iglis N 26 wdy R 30 V 13 V 13 Z 16 O 27 tlonO ii7 DCh- )Ch- P 31 Ild- n W •....K 85 Om ith.T 18 ....() 28 ....U 15 Ige.U 15 m i^l.W 20 Cm ro..P 33 ....P 84 ....G 37 ....X 20 ills, 'ort ....R 21 1....L 34 ....O 24 t t Pop. Towns— continued *Whycocoinaugh OK «,?,^ar,Inverue88Co. 25. Wllliamston, 2 ra S 25 Wllmot R iQ 180. Windsor k 23 380. Wine Harbour, 4 m S W Indian Har- 25. Woodbourne, 7 m N E New Glas- gow o 28 Pop- Towns— cofitinued 900, Wolfvillf^.... R 21 300. Woodvllle, 2 m 100. w'JXars^m^S^^ '' 100.W^S?roSh-Bay;^^^ 13 m from Port ■.»« ^Williams R 21 150. Wreck Cove V i m •Wyse Corner, Hal-" Ifax Co. 3500. Yarmouth y 14 ',> RAND, McNALLY A CO 'S SERIES OF ■ lOEXED POCKET MAPS Of vhlch thla Map anA Compilation Is a lample ^ 111 :~°-«^^^^^^ Arizona Territory ' $ 50 Arkansas and Miesourljin ono"book 52 cai,,o„.,a and Nov,d.;i„ one sS^:":::::":::::::::: ?? Georgia 60 Idaho Territory 50 Illinois ...." 60 Indiana... 50 Indmii Territory and "T^^^^^^^ 50 Kansas 50 Maine 50 Maryland and' "Delaware," in" "one'bo'ok SS fe^tf.""^^'^"^^ Island and?S^nnecticat-;one bo-ok fS Minnesota 50 Mississippi 50 Missouri and Arkan"sa8",YnWe'book 12 Montana Territory o uuok 50 Nebraska... 50 Nevada and Ca"UfoVnia;in6ne"bo"6k" I? nIw ^^SF;^!!'.'!"^ ^^''°^^"^' in oneTook-.::::::::::: H New Mexico Territorv 50 New York. .. ^ '"■ 50 Ontario, Province o"f Canad'aV." S? Oregon 75 Pennsylvania III 50 Quebec, Province of' Canada'."."' ?S Tennessee and Kentucky, in one book ?2 u?aTTTr?it'o"ry"" ''^"'^^^^' '° «"^ baok".::::::::::::::: ?g Vermont and Ne w Hampshh^Vin on'e" b"o'o"k ^ Virginia and West Virginia, in one book S Washmjrton Territory. ^ uuuk 50 wf'co^slg*"^^ *"^ virgin"ia,""in"one"bb"o"k":::::::::::::-:: gg Wyoming Territory"!.""."""" 50 states. Address, -^ ^ ^""^ Territory in the XTnited BAND, McNALLY & CO., 77 & 79 Madison St., Chicago, 111. f R A a. PS, aok ok receipt of ... $ 50 .... 50 .... 60 .... 75 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 50 50 75 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 -. 50 - 50 .. 50 50 .. 50 .. 75 .. 50 - 60 .. 50 - 75 .. 50 i. 75 .. 60 .. 75 . 50 . 60 . 50 i 50 . 60 . 50 - 76 . 50 - 50 . 50 . 60 60 SO 50 ade. Fnited ;o, 111. ;. THE GAZETTEEK — WITH — INDEXED MAP OF TUB ProFiiiceofPriiiciiEiiffiiniisiaiiii -e?: RAND, McNALLY& CO. 'S SERIES, SHOWING THE RAILROADS, And the Eipren Company doing Dujlne.. over ejoh. ALSO. TOGETHER WITH EVERT ^''LW'ff' ^?'^''^^ ^^^^^on or Town exact location where each may be found on the Map. MONTJiEAL • THE GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE. 1 1 Explanation of Abbreviations. Ttl— Mllflg. '^^ "'^'^ N— North. 8— South. E— East. W— West. The letters and flgures following names refer to that oolnft on the map at Which lines drawn from marglnalflgures ton and bottom, and letters u,.ou eltlcr side of map. woid croM each other at right angles " For example, to find • Neu, York City 2) 5 . » let the diagram 6 A B C D % "X A B C -^ i) £ E F F G G H H 1 I 1 2 S 4 5 6 J: ^.O-El^' ±'fc^ For particulars address T & R. WHITE, ' The Gazette.'" ^ MONTREAL. Copyright 1877, by Rand, McNally & Co. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND RAILWAY. Prince Edward Island Railway. Adams ExpresB delivers goods to points on ,. , I^fJnce fid ward Island Railway ""TMTolZll'iS.VS'^. '^ '''' "--<^^ ^--'it. Stewart COUNTIES. priSe.;;.;.;: ^ II Queena ■...:.:: ..k 26 ISLANDS. Boughton jr oq 23 fe""^s I 24 ennox f ** obinsons t Bavage lJ q, Bt. Peters ■'■.■.■.'.'.■.'." 26 RIVERS. Elliott rr 9„ Enmore ^ .JS HIl Isborough East, " N " E -tt. <0 POP. '■0W^5. ,25 Abramsville j 23 150. Albany k oa 700. Alberton.. ir i\ ISO. Alexandrla,6raSE ^ *5. AlbertoB H oi iKn f^'^^'T'-f^ceCo." ^"^ 160. Annandale, 10 m N ..Georgetown k 29 *Argyle Shore, , ^ Queens Co. •Armadale, Kings 25. Aflhton.,,. y oq 2?- =R."i^"^""® Cove.V.k 24 jiD. Baldwins k 2s 25 Barbara Weit, sta! P.E.I.Ry,2mN „. ^Kensington j 24 75. Barretts Cross J ~ '^•J' oay r ortuue J •Bajvlew, Queens 24 2d Pop. Towns— continued. 28 25 125. 25. 150. 25. 25. 25. 25. 31 24 25. 25. 75. 100. 150. 25. 26 25. 300. 25. 4C0. 25. 25. 150. 25. 200. 150. 50. Bear River j •Beatons Mills, „ Queens Co. Beatons Point, see East Point....... J Bed''(|ue. K Bediord, sta.'PEi Ry. 8"! E Roy. _altyJuuction..,.K 26 Belfast L 27 Belle Creek ..'.'.'" u tk BIddeford, 20 m N WSuinnjer8ide..J 24 Big Brook {i 28 Big Marsh.... j ofl Black Bush, see Lot No. 56 V 29 Ploomfleld Statlorin 22 Bloomfleld. 8 m E BlopmfieldSt'n..H 22 Bonshaw .... jr y? Both well.. ..'..v."..} 80 BrackleyPolnt;: J Brackley Point Road, 1 m N Roy- a tyl unction... K 26 Bradalbane. sta. P ^- 1- Ry, 4 m W Frederlcton Sta- „tIon J OB Brae i g Brae station....::;: I 22 Bridgetown, 15 mN Bfixftr."" 1 1 Brudenell,8ta.PEi Ky. 2 m N W „<^eorgetown K 29 Bui Creek j ao Burlington j 04 Caledonia l 28 Campbelton,12mS Alberton h 23 '-am^beiltown, see v,iiitOii, 17 m s E Summerside J 24 Cantyre, 8 m from Charlottetown...K 26 38 Pop. 250. 25. 25. 25. 25. 200 80 200, 25. 25. 125. 8000. 25. 25. ISO. Towna-continiced. Cape Traverse . . K 24 Cape Wolfe... H 22 Cardigan k it ■ Cardigan Bridge 'k 2r ii. Baldwins.... k Carle ton .. k Carleton Point,' 15 m ifom Summer side T Cavendish ;;.■.;■■■ J Caveudish Koad ..j Cemetery, sta. I' E I Ry, 4 m N Char- iottetown ... K Central Bedeqiie' see Bedequer....'K 21 Centre vine, seV "' Bedeque k Charlottetown ....'k 28 24 24 25 25 26 25. 25. 275. 150. 25. POO. 250. 800. 200. 25. 20J. 100. 25. 25 25. 25. 150. 150. 25. Cherry Grove .j i?n" J^^,^,FJ^ Valley..... K 150. Clifton, 17 m S E <5. Clvde.sta.PElRv i.m W Hunters iviver... r CJ^:2t Mills;* see 24 26 30 27 24 26 25. E ^EKustic?r'^'"j 26 Colville,sta.P.EVir ^^ Ry,9mWi?oyal. ty Junction k 26 Conway " V il Cornwall.... v i^ Cprran Ban Bridge 13 mE Charlotte-' town R- County Line.'."."* J Covehead. *'t Covehead R6ad;2 m N Little York J Crapaud. 2 m NE Victoria k sa^f.^" •■•K 25 Be|roBMarsh::::k 29 Dock Road .■.■.'.';;:•§ Don?.ldson, Estate see Corran Ban Bridge, 13 m E Charlottetown..K ^ouglas J l>romore ... "k l>undas i> l>undee... t last Point .'.■;; J East Roya'ty. 3 in from Charlotte- town j^ 26 25 26 26 25 25 25 22 26 28 27 29 28 81 Egmont'Bay." t 9^ EFdon, see Beifast.'L 27 25. 150. 25. Pop. Towns~co7iUnuea Ellloits Mills. „. -, Queens Co. ' 2o. Emy Vale. 4 m W 200. Fa1?g^^^.\>*«^^^e-K 26 200. Fannington j oq «>• 4fteen%ini:.';:;3 2* *Fitzgerald Station, o-n ■c,,P''^oce Co. 2d0. Plat River t 150. Fort Augustus, 2m E Webster's Cor- „ ner t^ 150' fS^^'^ctonStatiohj or- Freetown j 94 25. French River .... i it ^5. French Port.... J 07 Fullartons Marsh, ,V,,'n 'rom char' lottetown T inno* X^spereaux .".'.l 200. Orlenaale, 14 m from ^gnfannlng.Klngs 200- Goos'e River..... j laO. Grahams Road, "j 25. GrandTracadle "j Grand River Wharf see Annandale, 10 m s^ George- ^„ town K- 9Q 330. Granville \ V- 130. Green vale',' "is" 'm ^^ from Charlotte- town T^ 9» 2o. Hamilton [[[[^j |f 50. Hampton, 22 in from Charlotte- o- u^^^^^ K ^3. Harmony... t 25. Harpers^.... i 2i. Harts vlUe if 130. Hazel Grove', 1* in N Frederlcton Sta- tion J Head of St. Petel-s rjBay.seeSt.Peters.T HlggmsRoad j *Holnies Mills, ^Queens Co. Hope River j o^<- fi"?'ers River k ^M. Indian River.... j o,n* Inverness ' r -JUO. Johnstons Rlver"4 m S Webster's Comer... r- 97 25. Kelly's Corn'er8:.:K 25 Kelly's Cross, see Kelly's Corners. K 25 23 27 27 25 24 26 29 29 26 29 25 27 60. 130. 25. 26 30 22 25 25 29 22 25 26 24 23 1 2 II 10< 15( 2S 100 150 100 20() 50 350 200, 200. J 25 K 86 .J 24 .1 2S 4 K 27 K 25 K 25 33 Pop. Totcns—continned. tin* ?F.^"siagton J Vi 150. Kildare ,\[[q 33 '^"'' 22 25. KldareStailon... G ^5. Kinross, 3 m S K Vernon River . . K Launching Place, jmfromGeorge- , town xr 9Q fittle Harbour." ■■ J o« K"}efciand8... .'..'t -^5. Little York . t Long Creek... ■.■.■.■.■.«: «„ Long River j o« Lot No. 1 V^ i% Lot No. 4... K '^^ LotNo.6.....'.* H Lot No. 8... T Lot No. 10.... t Lot No. 11....;; T Lot No. 12.... T Wellington j Lot No. 16 I Lot No 30, 3 ni' E I^?t No. 35, 3 m E Little York j Lot No. 45.... T Lot No. 56 ""k ^5. Lot No. 67, 4m SE om T "ose Valley k 2§- f^iJ:^''F/eetown...J ^^'-.^o^ei- Montague.. K •Maddock, Prince C/O. Mftlpeque, 150. 200. 150. 100. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25. 25 25. 130 400. 25. 25. 25. 25. 100. 27 30 28 23 26 26 22 23 22 23 23 23 23 23 25 26 30 29 25 24 28 see 150. Ma Frincetown i 94 gate, 2 m N E 120, 25, 25. 50. 100. 25. 150. 25. 100. 150. IGO. 200. 50. 350 Barretts Cross.... J Mane r Marie Bridge; T 9 m.s\7 Charlotte- town XT Melrose, 7'm'N Georgetown k Mermaid Farm... k Muldlbton,4mSE , * reetown j M River Station.H Mmview, 12 m E ^yharIottetown...K 26 Mlminegash.V.'.VH 22 Miscouche... J ii Monaghan "k 57 24 28 28 26 29 27 24 22 2W. Montague Crosi...L 200. Montague Mills, 6 m from George- town ® ij 27 28 27 29 Pop. 150. 25. 60. 25. Toions—contiiitted. Monticello, 30 m from George- 200. Montrose,. h Moren°^® Station ;h MoreirRear.;;;;;;*j *Mount Albion,' o- , /Queens Co. o^^- ^ount Pleasant.. I ^^• ^<^.??t Stewart..... J loO. Muddy Creek, 1 m i9n iLf '^'^" Nicholas.. .J 120. Murray Harbouf, North ,/l 2o. Murray Harbour „- Road T '"■ *'s"o^!;u., «"^°°'y 300. Murray River l SO. New Anan,sta; P.e" L Ry. 4 m E Sum- merslde ... t 50. Newfrage, 15 mN 150. New Glasgow, 3 ni o- T,^^'' Rustico J 2fi 29 23 22 28 28 23 27 23 29 28 29 28 24 29 1^' ^ew Haven .k 26 150. New London..... J it laO. New Perth.. r or 150. Newton. . f ^f 150. New Wiltshire, 2 m ^^ J;^- New Zealand j 30 ^?- S*"?u^^*^e Creek .L 26 23. Northam.... t o\ N W Charlotte- town.. XT 150. North Trvon.'sm 25. North Tryon, 2 m - N Trvon k a*; 180. North Wiltshire, fita. P.E I. Ry, 12 m W Royalty Junction.... ..^K OLeary Pond i O Leary Road, see ^O^LearyPond...^ ^,^S W Orwell K •Oyster Bed Bridge. 9nn „ Queens Co. ^- Park Corner i 25 25. Perth, sta. p E. iV ^'^ Ry. 10 m N W 7K D Georgetown k 2o 75. Peterviiie, 15 m N Georgetowu k 29 25. 50. 100. 26 23 25 26 22 22 27 27 40 Pop. Toivm—continued . 200. Peters Road L 29 150. Pleqiud J 27 150. Pl8quldRoad...".V.'K 27 200. Pleasant Grove, 10 m N Charlotte- towu K 26 150. Point priu.::::;:::l 2? 45. Portage r 28 350. Portiiiii.....,:::" I S 25. Port Hill Station.:.! 23 150. Pownal K 27 400. Princetown ," i 24 25. Princetown Road,' 1 m N E Darling. ton J Oft 159. Red Point... J sn 75. RoIIoBay j 29 .«• S°"<^ ^*y Cross... .' J 29 25. Rona, 3 m S W »W). Rose Valley K 25 9^m' S^y^^^'y Junction. K 26 250. Rustico J 26 100. Scotchfort "*j 27 *Sea Cow Pond, Prince Co. 80. Searletown K 24 25. Selkirk j 29 100. Skinners Pond ....G 22 2d. Somerset, 2 ni N Newton k 25 500. Souris East "j so 500. Souris West "",T 80 160. Southport.. K 26 25. South West Lot 16..J 23 25. South Wiltshire... K 26 50. Springfield J 25 2o0. Spriugton, 14 m from Charlotte- o- ^^^'^^•'•'!, K 26 ^3. St. Anns, 3 m S E 9»! cf^ aP^^ ^^^^'^ ^ 25 <J5. St. Andrews J 27 400. St. Eleanors .'..J 24 *St. Felix, Prince Co. II' |V^»78Koad....L 28 ^5. St. Nichoas J 28 80. St. Peters ... j 09 120. Stanfleld Mills, 20 m S E Summer- side J 150. Stanley Bridge,2ra' SE New London. J 200. Sturgeon l 25. Suffolk Road J 24 25 29 28 Pop. Tow?is— continued 25. Suffolk, Bta. P. E. I- Hy, 6 m E ^ Royalty June... K 26 ^000. feumnierslde j 24 25. Summerville K 28 25. Sunbury Cove, 5 m i«i T,.Wfuin±er8ide..J 24 150. Tignish q. 03 Tracadie, see Tra- ^cadie Cross J 27 ^. Tracadie Cross J 27 50. fravellers Rest 1 24 100. iryon K as 25. Tyne Valley .'.'.i 23 25. Union, sta.>. E.I. Ry. 2 m E Royal- ty Junction K 26 ♦Union Road, ./« „Queens Co. 100. Valleyfleld, 4 m S W Montague 125. Vernon River K 27 i50. Vernon Riv Bridge, 9m Trf V^ Y Orwell.. .K 27 200. Victoria k 25 w. Victoria Cross, 3 m W Montague Bridge K 28 Warren Grove Mills, see North River, 4 m N W Charloitetown...K 26 warblington, see o- ^A!^^"^^''^^ ^ove.K 24 2a. Webster's Corner..K 27 ,25- Wellington J 23 100. West Cape I 21 ^5. Western CoveheadJ 26 25. Western Road, 2 m o- NW Lot No. 10... I 23 2a. West Point I 21 200. WheatleyRiver....J 26 25. Whim Road Cross, 8 m S Montague Bridge K 28 25. Wilmot Valley, 3 „_ mW Freetown.. J 24 25. Winsloe, sta. P.E. I. Ry, 2 m W or Royalty June... K 26 25. Winsloe Road,8ra from Charlotte- town K 26 25. Wood Islands L 28 *Woodridge,Prince Co. "THE GAZETTE," Has a Circulation more than Double that of any other Morning Newspaper published in the Province THE SHIPPING KEWS. THE DAILY FINANCIAL REVIEW, AND THE Reports of the Markets, OF ALL KINDS, Are made up with great care, and respect reliable. are in every No Mercliaiit, Banter, or otlier Bnslness Man, Can afford to be without DAILY, Per Annum, - - - $6.00 WEEKLY EDITION, Per Annum, $ 1 .OO ADDRESS, T, & R. W^HITE, MONTREAL. SEND Your address and you will receive (free) by return of mail a specimen copy of The Weekly Gazette, the best and cheapest weekly news- paper published. .. 56 Oolunins of reading matter every week for a year, for OJVU DOLLAR. T. & R. WHITE, "The Grazette," MONTREAL. eeivo imen . JWS- >r a >9 AL, ) I ' -i 'y ■) t'^ s>> ■n I ! H I I M I I. (i it i t 1 § - 1 . i *-i NOV A SCOTy 1 5 7 9 — \ I* /MM Is bro Vr,, ^: >.•'>, iiiero (lu Loup fX*nisriKiri:# B ^y, /^, \ St.Pnschal . W x^ \ V H- D E Lale , SLFruncisy '^^ "^ \ \ / » / Vj-/,er Sn Jkudiitj/ let .^ rS4^»>irvatory* ->,. Mataped l{unnymedeA ^^^ '//. ■\. I S X, T \ i. B' ' -^ JJ\SLATC Ml I^QUAWS '0 u %; QUISIBIS M7 ■'^'v{. >*.-* GREEN RIV MT, iJiyppBr St. Basil Y,;*';'" 'SiH.son Ltike 0.1 G H / / / V*<^^ ^- 'Cur II II Brook zake a] VLaNI .Basil ^t/teonards -.>ft JNiclor Zdkf "^ J ^.^i«- . Ji- V C> O € - - ^'^^i^^^oo^ 4-'^//«nd Br. |L '^ \ /^ baldMt. i^ ^<; .,4»* J^is7i Rivir? Lalce] O \ Vpper Lake \Lake Sedgeu ick BLUE MT^^? ^UOE ^ GrfmH^tM^ ^ M '^^- nWER LOV/ER BLUE MT. \t^ i^t -\>^^' .# (n5] Poy/rtf/^^ i:.Lynd6u V'j Zft^t' Foi-t rkir CaribooKSV ;■. \.l^:'r„x}:^. Long Ln, uo I -^:^u\_ <p FlairHelc >r^ AnQoMr^ O ^0' ^. J'uNtcr's Covei^} \;^;:Tohi^jiitll,al-e f^ ^TWIN IV^TS. L;u/e\,a^ J 27«ree Brooks "A '■^^ Perth "'•tf^/'c JBairdsvite o i ?, Jfiw/ii ilrr'^^ MOOSE MOUNTAIN o nadniiprjain Tlecsaiif, Lalce i .(iriix'- ic/ii V % ^ p <}:. ^ <i )Ii-,r',lMT.AUEXANt: •5^ M N t^ C?2fu//agamon Cil -. — — o._^__ Maf.l.ajvam'/ceagKj i Lake \\r "^ UEAD ^ =5 "i^ ^ cJ i'-M/ Settlemei Orient^ iiait •V\tf\ Staji MnnceW'tUiat •.taa\ iiiic/(-/it',i fries lea'" f.iuo"' '%,y ^-''•<i( JOT <^ (^, ff Q^I'qmeaecook ■t/i ^aiv 1)1 Banc/rjf/l (j ^ 'tiribertfm Ridge \ ^ JS Z^i^^ ft )aur()rlli Ha i>ka //.,'(/(/ n' :IENR'i ^^ .^r^ I'^^MT.PROSPj "•■'(laiii ilf. annem , Burton . iTt'rictdii Jc. lile St^t-. ■ Palti rsiiii Si' Kniiiikill YA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAM 11 67^12 13 15 66^ 16 17 1965' 20 21 Matajied iiunnymede Lougttuilu wet Ivi/ynon G ( ''rir^SQUAWS CAP ^ elledune ^0 u '^^^ 5"/, >/./,_ .lif .>^V ,^>* X Q% BALI l(^ Q BLUEjij)/' MOUNTAINS ^ Ttlc-a-gouctie XaKes 3»A?^fi: r JVirtor Zalte^ MlV^/0^^jnil Lake ■' ■' E Fftit(A{oo' liiitliurst Staltq 17 Jl S IMunc Station PocC^^^.^ _J*4*w . ^^/J NEPISiaUIT '*^^ ^ o*r,;rhj> Tttnenlle x- ,o>' ,>e H. »^i?«)w Btitc/i^^ Ail*'" ^ TVacad* G L 0/^' '\)1 > J^e(? Pine Toint Jfiacou MISCOU fSr.AS Miscou Gully Ua'bor - G %ftle ftfiiiiveoan KG AM niUrn Voint lit Hou»e Li;;lit Home < Jtighi ^ ^ 'i?' '■''"•'^ Br. '' BALDilf^T. X^Jj^'- S^'RUOE f5 ■^t '^^- # OWER BLUE ^ MT. ^ V) /• ^^ -V. /K '">?. J^! t'J"// Zii^-ft* "*■ Bartib(ijai^<^^ ^^' Llglit House Upper Nerjuag^ (,w i}((rH< 6'Aurn Uartiboff -, "^ T . '<i'/', 'A, Liglit House IRmiGHI BAY Point Eacurninae ilffht House iter's Covei^pr0Tnf>i^>iml.(ike • ^TWIN MTS. JJitU^th^ *^ e Brooks ViMLal-e P Lake AIN gsuiUe A^ Foreaton . 'Point Sapin "?"•' 2'y. ■ Dmii'/'^ jjC^t""^' o.iie'^' Dm pi y Oj Tay )ck Jc. loV .^ieXr'.lMT.AUEXANUEn'^ M J ° Boiesfown Mliftujield ° V ,' o'.2)oal{\oicn "^f^" ° XufUoK CO .BAINBHIDQE '("/, '", I'^'^^S^!^ '«^ Slanhj/ K Koiji/fnoouguac o. ^^^% iment BA Y M» Skinner' t Ittrid, Big Har l\il(lare I Jliviinegaahy ^ Mimlm*<i StH.' ", .Ro Lot "No Vo llooiiiMd Stn.l Woh 'North 'PoinX »i>*" CajpelVolfeyt ^ .Liglit House O'Luarua Tond ^ ■ Weal Cape ^ Aol BtV,OV Savage hland 3w« 6 .«ai»'' ^«'*' .ei»" ^A'ih^i JIt.Tle'amnYi'o\'^: -»K.B>'.{)/«iA%«J«« ijty.v/^^ EG MO NT BA Y ne Ridge ^P»te?"<^^« IHyyin''fR ■flr'elUuaon I! Utf < Wa mtmtUon 1 r/,^, **^ C'^" :^ GuHi.^reaJ^o ^ c;,^^ V -JV^ Station j/c2^„</;,/a„ ij.^zG'«''S/«en, Xa-'O^'' a. Pai h Sawils JUiJh %^ -V-»tl!'^d l^'i^^rJ^"'/""""^-.! A»*oy5( ' Ujiji^r Caver ^ll-*'!', »'"*'<,'vv>'i)i-r,f' Salmnn Creek' J.inlim'a ^rP'-'!/!J'i (^er *''??fw«rwwsc!aBE^vj^^^_^„-Y, ;^< Ujiper AenwK 'I'J'erA, t« W'tUiai. ill ^^'' tyfeld ii:taj/\iiick''/it\ 'i-'M-i' ^ey Naahii .>•> .o\ ,\v t: avft. * "'\'-'^ c,S^> >i>*.is^^i: vij 'i7/a(7e Norlhfield^ Newcastle Brie Neivni '"-i. fe/t lOCXOj^- iirtv ^'^-:.^. <v^ .*•!.< .V^t^'-wj A^; Ait ..9 #-^ A^<^. ^^^ ^ ^'^,S, 5jif^i_9He j^vj Clieue <?> .-^ ^« 'M* ^~* >»^ j../....rtti "li 'IVftt l/«t<?«'(17« ' VeBloodlao itirbt. ;M% Uj,.Caf>e BiAYVERTE Hhiie>iiicct» il>«l AND PRINCE KDWyVRl) ISLAND. Toint 3liscou ffAuerille ^ Louglliulu wchI fro: G »t c*> -oil' »- >\ Tockiimache li?)«.Wiit''* TVacatlie Tafntri Utile ShiuneqaH inderH Toint rlit Hou«« ilJ>Jtt(/HH Lt^lit Hniue imMilCHIBAY Liglit House Ltglit House T V h(VthaT< 'Point Eacuminac 'North J*oint WPoint Snpin Skinner's Ihnd Big I'lS WDuguacOj ■Mrr \ • EWflfo C():il Ui'diich Cmile'n &t^t\Qujj,Xn„7,/an tilU Har hKOUCIIlBOUGOAC ICildare Bmcn< £^ Y Jlhiiinegash Lot A'o Bloom ^'^' Caj>eWolfi Llglit House O'Ltarys Pond West Capi b ■*,„<> ncto Village ik^jVj'^V West Point uuche Iliygin ;>• ^ Egmoii, > roil .» J'l. , , , , 9P"^>liliJ^Ann» -^ Ahnnnsvt ,,.., -n Vocaqne Island ^'uj^ /,S _ _ ne Ridge 7c '^ a.iUafyJ* <'<»' l^/x'r lliictoiiche i(. jJ TiJian 8. \TJ Sl.Paf\faSawils ____ 'ourjjenis vdigve "'^ i^ "j iftj' ^^ S»,eH»<;|/«f :Bon |Cr.?n l-n r L<1 „»>'•*■, [:%Wjyeb"lfe<'AS|[iVs J'fem Ireland .y^^. Sprliip; 111) 'Soul/taiHj'ton ° "■ape 'a/iu/u- ^ ) ISLAND. HAND, McNALLY & co.'s skhj 64 23 24 25 26 63^' 27 G Louglliulu wcbI from Orccuwich 28 29 3062" u F jL M W 'yorth 'Point B GRlNUaTOVEl'D Gull Inland < Whit« Horne^ Deadman Inland ^ A MirjiRSTJSLAND \ iVol j^tASarrage Island PRINCE ED WARD I.. cS-^^i./, 3W'""'>C ISIiAND ■II II *-<] '*/*; ttrray Ilarfwr Horlh CapeJBear_ ■ Sho'« }ySa7e»i urray Harbor South 'r Ti..t,nj^.,es Cape Geo \^"'t^." '1- . North L o or,, * p ^ 3rook \y-^ SKHIHS. O jforth Bird ^ | .'Byron Mai*^ ^ a nut rntc7i (\f ,, Foul Oroutid ' Oroime Island '•.A8rVD WOLF /C4'^^'"y/C0FHN I. J"i^iVPx^/,„j, ^MAGDALEN new: AmilT T7f rLKASAN^^tiil'ak-Roik- 'N C J "^oo/* C/u,nnel St.Paul I^ldO'i JD ST.lA tr CapeWLawrcnceJ^^'j^apc NoH fCq.pfJi(or^^ *8viijar Loaf ASPrpAV JhiuToi Wa'po Eg ifiels Harbor Cheticamp Mand n , Inyohwl /Gjiuttexn Harbor MiddhM' South Bat ^ i f Oilglit Ho 'orth iiiih South Bay Smoky Ca ,. V"' ,ii»t East Voint \3la Grand ftang ^^.g^j. Co)e o ^L^DiilMe}vale ~. /S M f.rt'i Grey Point CAPE BK5BT0N Tort iCape St.George \° Blues Mill So/ihtiC^^iJjiy ^ si^^l}' OR /OraM--^'^"' ^^^^^^^ •a&o«//ar645 c"/; ° ^i^?lH4 ^^^^'1>^ J^>2'^?2?^^^ ^ yHarilf'"'""' "Avon dale (rf' .QH^ m' Pi.) '^.7.::'*"jio iKC I'retw .^^^^ ouye S BA^ (7 Bancrofl] ^ "ri *einbert(,H liulije \ « /S _^^ — — ^f - \ To l)S field '^^ ji-/.fy^Z'"''X^^'^' .i|**> PLEASAN V>Ck .^--^'fp>^^^ 'Q T T N^ T Q \'lfort7ifieia ^ ^ " \ -| ^»W ° "% (\whi '^ I i *WWtn:&yv.iIl'e^"g»''^"^^ \Valt,ham\^'^ x;g [~^ \j0.o2u7}i^. !Macliinspo llivar^^ V ^\yr^Ujjones2mrt (fjrt ,^ \i^L,;.1,t House ^Vjjjpaight House t hiting utler Wdian /.^i^iit jTfi/won'i Beach -■''''' r'-^''famj],-D ma v arm •^ ^o I •* (ianmi Roc ScalllHlands l^etit Manan Inland t ^6 rcdl Ducff Island Lonif Island Id lalkna ^ S. IF. %Mon7iegan Jsland MartinicusJiock T K Hcirltor r>^%, '''J»-eaux 7 J^'<*'^ ilitittn Jtiver Tkfee a„ur^> ^'''VcfeiZl. <^''-'^<i-%Jl Fivyit/^ -Ley,,. -^^^':^'' '''^ i^^lyy^^ ^"'' iLi;4lit House •e/J /■ r f <, S Seal\LiUiH(L G'aittirl Rock Little liivei^r, ^^ Wo. LiKlitHous«|l^ A Jmii'j J»i(VuiL/if V ^o f ^tei-*'- D S.W.ledffto "** Xigli t House ^^_„ Cape St.3Iary '7 ^- <^ Salmon liiu. Jieavc, ■Rli '^eymoutli"JJr,iago ...,5 \ 'llivpnitx- $ • " \ ^pWeaver Selllement lie :f'airy X.y^^ <y@.B v^r;3f New Tuxket O- \£ake Brookfield^.^-^Pi!'- ^ ^ _ ° j' \.^^ Jhiftgewater V^o Hehffi^Croaao^"""'" '3reenficl<^ PeliltJliv. Bridge, ^ > 3r!dcllefield ^"'i' ^<"*o/ O/f^' Kingsbury 1.1 gilt House E '''Hi. <s JUaitlandl'* XiVerpoul *''^/. .2\>r/ J, While n.r^ Wentern Head YnniioiiMi Sanil I'eacli, Centtfal Chfbugtit\ rmr^ar. -^sa^h yj^^n^i^s; ,;:.,,,,,,, ,,,««ci 11 12 13 ^^%-r^^^^« ^^ y^ Monlon Island ...ier^wm'* idle v\)J \ Little ll<yi>e Island t A U.Sfa/ ; J" , Ol„k„ Uari^ liaccaroFt. -f Q 20 21 22 13^ 23 24 I'tj^'ilHlfL. ^j^B "i/ta.^"*'...' o Wf /■/„.^..i»>o ... — ..... «..^,.,. ,r_--^^^<r<'l>gy. >*V^-.. lUaduf Amlte\-i pAiiilierHt I cinQ^ ;7iT *"'/*/a«rf. i Cape ST. Cape Cii'iijiir-i- *^i!ai)e Spencer 311 NES CIIANNE ^/f%/.<'5,., %.W,n.d ""1"""" ■^' ttCuiiiVi JMIK ■ "rv * A/l«'7.> ^'/», ' Kanj't ')alhoHiite lliia'C^^ ../?«V .^ » tVir. .. Q < . ^^^'^ [ff/Zc Ohio ■ J\)ti ■^•^Ml; T^%U^h t ^V Y vr„ Mtdtvaj/ jrl Medway tu Jiland jf Whitt Vt.f^ Western Head "'^-^^'Tf^Wkxte Point S m) I £t7^2<: //rj^^c Inland iglrtiH 1e Beat iSiite o/'JlaggeH hiand t HOUM) A ^. «0 «*a tP "•^Z. ^ •t :^ T5 ^ 20 2i 22 13^ 23 14° Longitude East from Washington 24 25 26 27 28 20 30 31 '"">-u 'nrheff r^'fr Ilia* 'Aiattj*^ 'fi^n "V iJrcA •>u<jt I Tlouk Inland MO ]afau<( ^ tfr.t»t hland Wiam Island IW|.« ■* '•"'j •V>ry INrf SABLE^ISLAND from Washington i"" 30 ;«'■ ■ ■ FnTHTTff ff ]fP Scale of Stattite MilSs, 20 I 30 40 SO GO 7,0 SO 9 ,0 Il<3' • 7' 31 .32. 34 40 IQO 41 R U V