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Mapa, pistes, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrata tha method: Laa cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent atre filmte A des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir da Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut on bas. an prenant la nombre d'images n^cessaira. Las diagrammes suivants iilustrent la mdthode. rata a lelure, a 3 15 y 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 H^^^^^^^^^^^W^ ■W^i». LIST OF VOTERS FOR THE TBIN OF GIM (COT'NTY OF HURON) FOR THE YEAR 1885, List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assennbly. I I 1 aODBEIOH, ONT: SIONAL CHEAP BOOK AND JOB P RIMTISO E STABUSHMENT, NOKTH STREET 1 I i i I Sub-Section 4 of Section 3, of the Act to Consolidate and Amend the Law Respecting Voters' Lists. 4. The Sheriff shall, immediately upon receipt of his copies, cause one of them to be posted up in a conspicuous place in the Court House ; the Clerk of the peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall cause one of them to be posted in a conspicuous place in his office ; every Public or Separate Sohool Head Master or Mistress shall in like manner put up one on the door of the School House ; and every Post Master shall post up one of his copies in his Post Office.— 39 V., c. II, s. 4, s.b. 2. I I I mmmm- 1 VOTERS' LIST-1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE Town of Goderidll POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1. ^ *^ Comprising as follows :— Bounded on the West by South St. ; on the South by the Township of Goderich ; on the North-east by the Huron Road, Toronto Street, Elgin Street, and Kingston Street ; and on the North by the Market Square. <~) PART I.— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. NAME. LOT. Con. or Street. p 3 No. ON Roll. 3 Andrews, Wm. J part 107 .Maitcon.. Adams, Rodney 1144 Andrews, James 1144, 1143 Atkins, John L 1140 / 1174, 1175, 1172, 1173, 1158, Allan, Alex. McD \ 1159, 1160, 1161 Owner Aikenhead, Jamos pt 9 conC. Owner Andrews, Stephen pt 107 Maitcon.. Tenant Allan, W. D pt 11. «.conC.. Owner 4 5 6 Owner Tenant Owner Tenant 8 10 14 12 20 Beacom, John 27 Brindley, John 31 Biddulph, George 32 Buchanan, Edward 28 Burns, James 34 Breckenridsre, Jas. McN. 35 Bullman, William 36 Brown, Edward J 42 Cassiday, Isaac. 45 46 48 84 94 145 49 50 52 53 195 Crabb, Christopher. Campion, Edmund., Cameron, M. C Campbell, Neil, Cantelon, Arthur. . Cantelon, Wm / 1398, 1399, 1397, 1396, 1395, Owner \ptll conC. J Tenant 1379,1380 Owner 1383, 1384 Owner pt 423 Tenant 1389, 1390 Tenant S hf 1119, 1120, 1133, 1134.... J Owner pt 13 conC. Owner 271 J Tenant 1371, 1372 J Owner / 320, 321, 368, 329, 416, 417, \ 369, 322 Owner pt 107 Malt con. . Owner 174, 223 Owner 2 and 38 McD. S.. Owner 1190,1191 Owner 1184 J Owner Donagh, John 1 200, 1201, 1202, 1203 DePeudry, Augustus. Detlor, Thomas D. W. Doyle, B. L. . . . Davison, John. Owner Spt219........ J Tenant 270 J Tenant / 1145, 1146 Owner "(415 Tenant 269 Owner POLLING SUB-DIVISION No, 1.— Continued. No. ON Boll. NAME. 44 Edwards, John H . . . 55 Elliott, James 56 Ellis, Joseph 57 Emerton, John 59 Edwards, Joseph 86 Elliott, Lewis 63 Frazer, Donald 2 Graham, Edward 33 Gibbons, Roberi 08 Garrick, John . . 12& Goodall, Andrew 65 Gibson, Capt. Samuel . 71 Henderson, Robert. . . . 72 Hodge, David B 73 Hall, Thomas 75 Harrison, J. G. - - . . 77 Horton, Wm. L 78 Herr, Joseph 79 Horton, Horace 80 Hincks, Harvey 81 Henderson, Alexander 82 Jardine, Joseph 85 Johnston, Robert 87 Keat;, James 88 Kni«ht, William...... 89 Knox, George 90 Kirk bride, Alex. ... . 91 Kirkbride, William. . . 92 Kay, William 93 Looby, John 94 Lynn, Patrick 97 Logan, Joseph 160 Mitchell, James 163 Moorehouse, Theo. J. 99 May, Richard 100 Murray, William 101 Miller, Robert 102 Miller, William R.... 106 Munro, John 51 Montgomery, G. P. - 64 Mose, W. H ^"^- Steebt. 4 {pt 123 Tenant N pt 1119, 1118, 1099, pt 1106, pt 1106 J Owner 8,9,10,11,28,29,30,31, G.W.S.. Owner 5 and 26 G.W.S... Owner 1 and 39 McD. S... J Owner pt 12 con 0... Owner 1102 Owner 1153, 1154 J Tenant 328 Owner 423, pt 8 con A... Owner ptl3 con 0... Tenant 366, 367 Owner 1131, 1132 Tenant 1107 J Tenant 1156. 1156, 1157.. Owner 1192 J Owner j 310 Ownet \ pt 173 J Tenant pt 122 J Tenant 420, 421 Owner / 1163, 1164, 1165, 1168, 1169, 1 1170 Owner 10 and 11, 29 and 30. . McD S... Owner 1094, 1095 Owner E hf 328 J Tenant 1102 Tenant 1150, 1151, 1152 J Owner 1072, 1073 J Owner pt 222 J Tenant 224 Owner 224 Owner 326 Uwner 7 and 27 G.W.S... Owner 1190, 1191 Tenant 1071.. J Tenant 1103,1104 Owner 422, pt 423 Owner 5 Gordon's S... Own^r 2,6,22,26 G.W.S... j Owner 4 acd 36* McD. S. . J Tenant 1147, U49, 1148.. J Qwn«r pt 172 • • . Tenant 219 Owner 1153, 1154 J Owner No. ON Roll. 140 141 144 146 149 148 150 166 158 26 112 161 162 163 76 165 166 167 15 POLLING SUB DIVISION No. 1. -Continued. 3 Tenant J Owner Owner Owner J Owner Owner Owner J Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant J Tenant Owner J Owner Owner J Tenant J Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner J Tenant Tenant J Owner J Owner J Tenant Owner Owner Uwner Owner Tenant J Tenant Owner Owner Own^r J Owner J Tenant J Qwn«r Tenant Owner J Owner No. ON NAME. Boll. 30 McLean, Thus. F . 98 McVicar, Adam ■•••-;• 110 McGillivray, Rev. Arch. 113 McCue, Henry 115 McG rattan, Hufi;h 117 McKay, Donald 118 McOallum, John 119 McCallum, WiUiam 120 McMullen, G. W. 121 McMahoB, George 124 McLean, Edward Jamea. i2G McVicar, Jamea 129 McBride, John • • • 131 McCue, Thomaa 132 McLean, Robert LOT. Con. or Strekt. .oon C . . o 3 .con A. ptl3 1071 1113 1387, 1388 pt8 1193 1198, 1109 U98, 1199 1210, 1217, 1218. ptU 366,367 ••■• 1069 ptl«2, ptl23 1391,1392,1393,1394 ptl07 Maitcon. .con C. 133 McDouKail, John S. 134 McLean, William. . • N pt 219 136 Nicholson, Angua 137 Newell, John 138 Naftel, John T 1178,1179,1180 1385,1386 ■•• blk7andShf8 con C. . Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant J Owner J Tenant J Owner J Owner J Owner J Tenant J Owner J Tenant Owner J Owner Owner Tenant J Owner Owner Owner 139 140 141 144 146 149 148 150 151 154 187 156 158 26 112 161 162 163 76 165 166 lew XV i 15 0'Hara,John 1145,1146 Plunkett, Robert 74 75.76.81,82,83,84. McD. S Parker, Richard Jwl Parrott, Thomas 1184 • Proudfoot, Wm 1093, con C, pt 9, 140,141, W.b. Quick. George 1078, Nhf 1079 Ross* Hugh 1080 Shf 1079 Rinea, Henry H ptl24 - Robertaon, G. C 1226 Struthers, Gavin 1, 3 4, 21, 23, 24 . . -G.W.S. Swaffield, Wm. S....-- JJX?" limi' TinV '.'.■ swaffieid.wm H?Hm' me *.*. : Sproul, John ^^^h,' Smith, John w p^i^Voov '::::::::".'. Sharman, Robert. 1222, 1223. str^ton, Alex. ^t^'"::.:::::::... SkimmmgB, Wm ■■ ■ ^J^' ^-^^ Strachan, li. C Pjl^^ ' _ ^zfz- ^11^.- :: : : : \Z. iV89.::v.::-.".:;' v.'-- §«.uei:: :...... vtm.vtm ^J*« =<,» . Tenant Owner Owner J Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner T; nant J Owner Owner Owuef POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1. -Continued. No. ON Roll. NAME. LOT. Con. or Street. 109 Smith, Abraham. qiq oo/. '' "'^ 170 Salkeld, Isaac \ 8hf268NhfV9 ''n' S™' »«• o** • P'' AJ conC... Owner Owner 172 Touchbourne, VVm. D.... 15 and Ifi Mnc r^ 7 Thomps<., Robert f2:%l'lUo::': \ [. ^[^ , ^IZ 182 Wrisj-ht, William 11211199 183 Williams, George imm^ S"'"^'* 185 Wal«h, Maurice 1367 ' iS' 1 ^fiQ ' 1 ^^A "" ^''""' 186 Waddell, Andrew. . . {SfJ ' ' ^^ S*""^"" 189 Wilson, Wm "" Jaf J Tenant ■ " 7 : • • • J Owner 190 Whitely, James B UU j q''""''* 192 Weatherald, Thomas {^7 f 7. 428.-429; 430.::. i; ' """ 193 Whitely, Thomas. . . . " ' 1V20' fi ^ m S '« ' -''"'' 194 WUloughby.John ..::: 269 ' McD. S.... Owner 29 Wells, Charles (W, 1.388, •f389.- i3^ ;•..;; ^"'^"^ 198 Wilson, John ' 1% nH ^'^^ ^- "^ 0«^»er 200 Wat8on,E.R 1100 lim ^"'"^^ 107 Wallace Alex J3 ^^^^ Owner 172 54 W hitely, Joseph .' 415;.;;"; 199 Young, Charles hqo, hqi Owner Owner Tenant PART II. -List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Electm^.'oNLY. No. ON Roll. NAME. LOT. Con. oji 5 1 Atkins, Mi-s. Elizabeth. . pt 328 . ""rn ^ 9 Anstey, Mrs. Jane 1209, S hf 1210. :: ..■::::::::: SwTr 21 Barry, Mrs. Elizabeth . . 374, pt .327 c\ 25 Butts, Mrs. Ann 1109 m'^"®'' lenant 37 Cattle, Mrs. Frances . . . , 58 Edwards, Mrs. Jane. . . . 61 Praser, Mrs. Mary Ann. 62 Ferjruson, Mrs. Frances. 222,271,272 Owner 1^8 Owner }185,1180 Owner "3^ Owner L52 R L53 R 159 SI 173 T( T T |88 143 155 W W W w 166 w WART 1 mo. ON 1 Roll. V 1 67 Gibson, Mrs. Bridjjet. . . 1070, . 74 Hays, Mrs. Mary. pt 423 83 Jefferson, Mrs. Susannah 2, 38 . -.McD. S Owner Tenant i'enant i ON. OR o FREET. 4 Owner )n 0. . Owner 211.... Owner jnC... Owner !). S... Owner J Owner • • - Owner . - . • J Owner Owner J Tenant J Owner Tenant J Owner 8 S... J Owner S.... Owner Tenant 1 C... J Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant ecUoits ONL Y. . OH EET. Tenant Owner Owner Tenant POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. l.~OoirriNU»D. NAME. lO. ON >LI.. Martin, M.«. Marr 1204. . )5 Marlton, Mrs. Gertrude, pt 222 LOT. OON. OB Strbbt. L4 McMillan, Mm. Margaret 1148 MoMahon, Miis Mary A. 1212, 1213, 1214, 1216. !3 MoPhail, Mra. Sarah .... 1220, 1221 [76 MoMaster, Mm. Mary . . pt 327 L62 Reed, Mrs. Mary pt 11 oonO. [63 Reed, Mrs. Charlotte... 1137 Owner TeiMoi Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner L59 Shanklin, Mrs. Prudence 1103, 1104. Tenant J173 Touchbourne, Maria 16,16.... McD. S. j[74 Thomp«)n, Mary pt327 178 Tackaberry, Mrs. Ehz'h. 1376, 1376, 1377, 1378 Tenant Tenant Owner i88 Wilson, Mrs. Jane 424 ... Owner 43 Wilson, Mrs. Mary 1142 Owner 16 Widder, Mrs. Lucy pt 8 -"onA.. Owner 155 Watson, Mrs. Mary 124 Owner ] 1131, 11J^2. 079, 66 Wilson, Mrs. Margaret. . \ 1074, 1076, Owner PART III. — List of Persons ErUUled to Vote at Eleetxcnvi. .^ the Legisltitive Assfmbly ONLY. No. ON ' Roll. NAME. LOT. NONE. Con. OR Strset. Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant I'enant ■/- - ■r^M VOTERS' LIST~1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE 'own of Goderich POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2. >nipri8tng as fulluws : — Bounded on thft South- west bjr the Huron Rn«d, Toronto, Elgii. and Kingston Street* ; on the North bv KMt Street ; on the East by the River Maitland ; and on the South £a»t by the Mili BoMl. *ART L—List ofPersmis Entitied to VoU at BOTH Munici and Electiorui to the Legislative Assembly. Ikctions iRoix. ^^^®' ^^* Strkbt. r W I J«79, 1363, 1304, 1389, 6 Andrews, James 11340 6 Atkins, John L pt 12 con A . . 3 Owner Owner Black, Robert W hf 137, 558 ,.,.,.,..., J Qwoer Brennan, Richard. B hf 13T J Tenant Borland, James 179 J Tenmt r210 Bell, Robert A 82, 23, 24, 26. . • . Pine street . . J l^enant 212 Bates, Charles 841,242 Qwqer 213 Birnie, Alex 1313 ,...,,.... Qwper 214 Bates, George. • 1347...* .,.,^. ... J Tenant 1216 ^e\\, William 1361 Owner |21« Bate8,JolmH E hf 87 J Tenant 220 Bell, Henry 1337., J Owner Jl Butler, John, pt70.. Tenant 222 Breckenridge, John pt 13 and 14 con A . . Owner [227 Bi:own,JohB 280 ?•••• - J Owner 46 Crabb, Christopher. 84 Campbell, Xeil . . 70, 27, 1308, W hf 1348. . r. .,♦;» Owner . . pt 126, •:*<%' !•( .,ii*> ;' Tenant r558 ,^,.4.^,; Owner 226 Chrystil, Alex 1280 J Tenant 2^ Cooke, James 1316 ...4 CAdaritcMt.. Owner 229 Coursol, George 881 J Tenant 281 Crawford, Hugh 1S60..»... v.,^.. Owner / pt 226 Tenant 227 Clucas, Henry \WpfcIi30 . ij. ,«,,; j Ownpr 146 Cantelon, William ' Xacome 48 Cameron, M. C ptllaiidptl2 coo A.. Owner 228 Card, Levi Wpt2y4 ^h^pmh^ Owner 267 Cantelon, David 281 .i«'*.«nM44. ilwoij^ gunn, John. 1361, 1362, 1341, 1342 j Tenant _ ijff Ry^bAr^ 1319 1320 TonikBlL 234 Dark, Thomas E pt'29, W pt 3», B hf f4 td; Owner 236 Douglass, John E hf 77 ;f.. Owiier 229 231 . h . I 8 Ko. ON Roll. ^PPLLING SUB^DmglOK No. 2.-CoKxiNnKi>. NAME. LOT. Con. or g OXRBET. 236 . Downinif, Ephraim «t27 259- lM6t«6n, James... -:'.... 133'ifi.V '*'■" "'•■•••••'••^'^ TdnAnt Owner 240 DickBon,' WilliaiB. ...'..[ bCck'^B' " ' * " * * * * * " • • • • ' <^^n« Owner 86 Elliott, Lewis . : W hf '7^ »*q 243 Bdwwds, ThoB. R log 74,, j... j Owner 242 Emott,Oeon?e 178 Owner 244 Elliott, John. a\r'\\:\^:\"i:. J Tenant 245 2 '247 Evana, Georsfe,. iQi Edwards, Joseph B. . . . . 2 i 6,7,12,13,14. ■Pine street. . ..Haitoon. 2 graham, Edward. Wpt36....-., fpt 31, E pt I.. 99 Owner Tenant Owner J Tenant J Tenant 249 Fisher, David..... 83 84 299 Fulford, Robert. . 136 J Owner Owner 225 Graham. Geon?e........ 233 ^ 250 Grace, Wm.E 7835 lii^ • J Owner 251 Gillens. Richard , wVt36: ^"'"" 30. »nd 3 Mait road . . ^ 18 Cedar street . . j Owner 253 Glover, William 26 ^^ Cypress street . . 255 Graham, 3eon?e....*'* 1307*VqVK"* '^P'*"''*^®®'* tenant 258 Graham, Thon,as....::' 1343 1344 1 Wo 1 o^A ' ^''^^ 280 Gordon,' .', E^T 131 ^^' ^^^ "^ R''"* 335 Gmham, Thomas EotSO X^^^ ^ ^,\] J Ownet 260 flillier. John 17^''^ 261 Hate, Hezekiah 23l"'*** -../Owner m fc.te!:,- ■••••••• 9^'M'^:Mptm: '"*'"" Uley, Robert 4 Owner 263 flumber. Charles I ! ". '. '. 76* 33' * ^■*' """"^ ' ' ^''"«*' 264 Hyslop,John EptD ^ Owner T9 Horton, Horace - . . nt 1 :-i.-_/^ •• P*A^O.« J Owner 337 Kyle, Richard.. '**" 40 "••* J Tenant ^^ .f"^ 277 Mathews, Wm. B. . 36 278 Millejc, James... 39 38"aqo J Tenant 279 Morrow, Thomas..:: ptl3i; S™*^ ^ • ' J Tenant POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2.--Costinuisd. 315 316 318 31d S20 230 321 154 322 323 325 3l4 327 328 329 248 ^^•,^» NAMR , LOT. g«f; «« Roll. Stkekt. 281 ^Manro, James pt 331, 234 / 1314, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1330, 108 Murney, Wm. H ..... . \ 1331, 1332. I T and 8 Toronto street . . 283 Miller, James. . . '.'.. . . . . \ 7 and 8 Oedar street . . 284 Murray, Wm. G 3 ......... ..Pine stseet . . 286 Mettler, Alex 240 . . . . 288 Mitchell, William 1322, 1 Mait road, 28 Cypress st. 290 Morrow, George ptll>f . .con A.. r 12 and 13, Mait road, 16 and 292 Miller, James \ 17 Cypress street. . 294 Martin, James 16 and ?6. Cedar street . . 295 Manners, George. pt 138. 109 Mosely, John, sr. 132 ..... 215 Million, John 1347......... 3 J Owter J Owner 3 Owner Tent it J Tenant Owner Tenant J Tenant Ownier J Tenant Owner Owner 2rJl McCarty, Patrick 80..... .. 298 McKenzie, Charles 136. 301 McKnijjht, Richard pt 89 302 Mcintosh, William (89 303 McManus, Charles. 182, W | 232 304 McLeod, Robert 432 305 McCaughan,-VVm 1336 308 McDougall, Stewart ptC. con A.. 309 MoMath, John S 17 Cedar street, 11 Pine street . 243 McCaig,Wm 178 , 132 McLean, Robert.. pt 131 Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner 310 Nevins, Wm. . .... pt 131 ... .." j Tenant 311 Neelon, Michael .... 8 Mait road, 21 Cypress street.. Owner 319 Neelon, John 22 and 23 Cypress street . . Owner Pridham,Fred pt27..., j Tenant Pridham, Albert.. pt 27 jr Tenant Pretty, Charles. .'. 75, pt 74, pt 32 j Tenant Porter, John 1349, pt 1348 j Owner Price, Rees pt27. ._. Owner Porter, John 381. Owner Ridley, W. H pt 70. j Tenant Rines, Henry H 132. j Tenant Roberts, Robert., ptl30. j Tenant Robertson, W. R pt 87 j Tenant Rumball, Wm 1321, pt 11 con A . . j Tenant Rice, George Income Russell, John 34«o«» Owner Runciman, Robt. W 82, 81, 40, 41. .. « j Owner Runciman, J. B 82, 81, 40, 41 ... j Owner Ransford, Henry 2 ^.Maitcon.. Owner 330 Smith, George pt 125 j Tenant h* I io No. ON Boll. NAME. LOT. 332 333 206 169 232 246 296 165 338 340 342 344 346 349 350 367 336 353 355 19 371 254 Con. or s 8teebt. 3 SruMl, James . ... / f^^i* "t-„.„» Salkeld, Wilson. :•- ,\i?^5'' ^26 :;-• ^ J^"*"/ l^&L^.r- &••••••:::.■.■.•...■.•.•:::•:■" '£r &.rrr :■.■••••• |K«^'.^.'.";;:;;..-;-- «£ IfpgSo:::.-; fe---:::::::::::::::: sE Schaler, Godfried ^J J^' q^^^ Shannon. Edward ^5 i^' ^wner |^'-ke,R.A : 5^ MiitRoad. olner IffiL^S...-:: S.^:: fc T«m.,r««„F. ptp;;:;-;::: .-Te„,.t Owner Owner Thompson, James Van Everj, Edward... Wilson, Benjamin -con A, f Pt 226, pt block C 655, 656, 632, G33 Wilwn, Jonathtn ... 3- 19. 2», 21, 26, 27 m& Sr • "27:::;;::: «■»•"«'■. Owner J Tenant Owner ^ Owner 285 345 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 368 369 Piiwstreetl,2,'8;9;io, 18, 26,27 treet.. whitei/?Z^ ^ -•' ^»* A !':::::" ••••"• ' owZ: wis w^*"*^*" 227..,.. Owner. ^yift T?Jf^'''' ••• 13W.. .:.:: — ^ owner W;M?ar J^A ^3' 1^ - . -To-rintiVt-reet ' ' , J^"*"* Sllfpn. Oeor"e:.\\:;: l2^^lS~«-ff«t 28 Pi j:XVt TeTsl't 339 Yale, John fl29f 1 665, 656, 632,'633." J Tenant • .«.*••• J Ownef Tenant f BO. OR I BET. 3 POLLING SUB.DIVISION No. 2. -Continued. Tonant •••J Owner ••-J Oiirner Ovn«r Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant -•J Owner Owner Tenant - J Owner Owner Income Owner Tenant • J Tenant Owner Owner J Tenant Owner ^ Owner Owner Owner ' Owner f Tenant Owner ' Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owiier Tenant Owner Tenant 11 PART II.— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at Municipal Eledioiis ONLY. No. ow Roix. Con. or g NAME. LOT. Street. = 201 Allan, Mrs. Mary 134, pt 77 Owner 230 Andrews, Mrs. Isabella. 1361, 1362, 1341, 1342 Owner 209 Brown, Mrs. Mary 24 and 25 Cedar street . . Owner 211 Bell, Mrs. Jane 22, 23, 24, 25- .. .Pine street.. Owner 217 Barrett, Miss Kate 5, 6 Mait road . . Owner 219 Clifford, Mrs 87 Owner 259 Carey, Mrs. Isabella ... 1343, 1344, 1359, 1360 Owner 287 Cowherd,Mrs 240 '. Owner 223 Cooke, Mrs. Louise pt 27. . • • • • Tenant 238 Donaldson, Mrs* •• • 278... Owner 256 Gibson, Mrs. \nn 1338 Owner 265 Hilliard, Mrs pt29 Owner 276 Knight, Mrs. Jane. pt331... Tenant 293 Miller, Mrs. Grace 12, 13 Mait R, 16, 17 Cypress st Owner 326 Mitchell, Mrs. Isabella.. 1321, pt 11.. !. .!.... con A. OwSeJ 252 McCutcheon, Miss Luella 36 Owner 224 Nolan, Mrs 126. 317 Parsons, Mrs. Mary 28.. 341 Simons. Mrs. Ellen. .... pt 135. 334 Struthors, Mrs. Ann pt 30. . 354 Trueman, Mrs. Elizabeth pt 180. 66 Wilson, Mr«. Margaret.. 15,16,15 Pme, 12,13,14 Cypress 291 Young, Mrs, Mary pt 11 ...con A.. Owner Owner Owner Tenaut Owner Owner Owner PART Ill.^Ust of Persons Entitled to Vote, at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY. No. ON Roll. NAME. LOT. NONE. Con. or | Street. ^ I VOTERS' LIST~-1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE Town of Goderich POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3. Coroprisincr as follows :— Bounded on the South by East Street ; on the East by the River Maitland ; on the North by Nelson Street ; and on the West by North Street. PART I. -List of Persons Entitled to Vote at BOTE Municipal mectims and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. No. ON Roll. 340 341 NAME. LOT. 11 342 343 344 346 14 347 500 348 350 351 353 17 356 222 358. 359 360 361 416 362 363 364 365 95 47 367 368 372 373 374 Con. oe Stbeet Antliff, John pt 973 Aikenhead, John 943 „ . ...1 '..'.'. . Acheson, William 943. pt 878 ....'.'.[.'.'.'..' Armstronsf, Edward 859, 912 !".!!!!.!!!!! Armstron*?, Thomas 859 .!!!!!!! Armstrong, J. U 859,860 '.!.!.,.!...]. Acheson, George 933, pt 934 Andrews, Stephen pt 934 .'.'.'... Acheson , John pt 934, 863, 864, 886, 887 ". 1 Acheson, John, jr pt 966 Tenant J Tenant Owner J Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Tenant J Owner Tenant Black, George. pt 1008 j Bridget, Richard 949 j Ball, Frederick pt 983 '.'..'.'.'. '. '..'.'. ' " j Beatty, John pt 869 j Bates, John F . 942 .....'... j Byers, Wm pt 980. ............ Breckenridge, John 952, 946, 625, 548, 627* j (918 ;;." Barry, George. \pt905 j Belcher, Egorton pt 878 '...'.'.".'.'.'.. j Brooks, James pt 939 '.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.' Bailey, James , 857 ..'.'.'.''.'..'.'.... j Bowen, Joseph 549... !!!*!!!! Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Cornell, Augustus pt 905 Tenant Card, Levi pt934 j Tenant Colborne, J. H pt934 Tenant Colborne. Wm. A pt934:. ....:.:; j TeSJSt Cantelon, Arthur pt906.. j Owner Cathcart Alex pt 1014, pt 13 conO.. j Owner Curtm.John 946. ..... j Tenant Crawford, Lindsay pt 952 ...;.. ]l'^ Oressman, Moses pt 907 t Tfinant Campbell, George 5t881 ',[' TeSaSt n...: """^^ ^ Johnston, Wm.E gje^^^' Owner ^7 JohlT'^r^^ Pt548:^ -^Tenant 407 Johnston, James ggg*"* Tenant 270 Johnston, F.W m." 9ib; •949::: ^-- Ownet Kennedy, John 1024 i::;:;:;;- ! <^^ne' Moss, James ^, ,,«,^ " "^ *"*"* fr'««-rKe lll^ll Tenant Mahoney Timothy. . . £49'"^** J Tenant Mosely, John, sr. ,.... sr?..] J Tenant '^.•fc ipt935 ;.::;;::: , ?""«^, pt936. '' l^enan^ 408 409 412 414 415 109 m 418 Mitch Mobs, Wilham 4i9 422 lil^^kft (p^'^^ ::.:■■■••■•■■■•■•■••■••■•■■■■ 'fc Owner J Tenant BI). POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3. -Coniinubd. 15 . OR 5ET. Tentknc Owner • • • Owner • - - J Tenant Tenant • • J Tenant - • J Owner • - J Tenant Owner Owner Owner • J Tenant • J Tenant • J Tenant Owner Owner Owner TeRant Owner Owner I'enaint Owner Tenant Owner Owner J Tenant Tenant Owner Ownoir t'enant Ownel' J Tenant Tenant ' Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant NAME. \ ^ 395 465 421 424 425 426 427 4^8 fli 430 1 132 H 431 H 432 ■■Vi 136 435 •^ 134 « 403 No. ON Roll. 279 Morrow, Thomas. Moore, J, B. LOT. Con. or 5 Street, | Pt907 Tenant 979 Owner Middleton, Charles pt 630. Owner r938 Owner Martin, John C \937 J Tenant McMath, Samuel pt 1008, pt 1007 Owner McCreath, William pt 976 j Owner McKay, D. 864 Tenant McKay, James A 854.. Owner McLean, Allan F pt 934 j Qwner McKay, Hector 985 Tenant McLean, Robert.. pt 1001, pt 966, pt 910 Owner McGillicuddy, Thos ... pt 933 Tenant McGillicuddy, Daniel. .. pt933. Tenant McKenzie, R. W 911 j Owner McKenzie, Thomas pt 883. j Owner McLean, William. pt 934. Owner Mcintosh, Charles 950. . . Owner 436 Neibertjall, George 628 j Owner 437 Newton, Charles, pt 933 j Tenant 438 Noble, Philo pt 935 Tenant 439 Nairn, Charles 938, pt 966 j Tenant 441 Olds, GeorgeH pt934 .....j Tenant 429 O'Dea, Patrick pt934 jTenant 446 Pridham, V/ilIia.n, jr. 447 Parks, George 148 Proudfoot, V^ra 490 Potts, William 345 Pentland, Thomas 449 Rusk, James. .... 450 Rhy nas, Georpie . . . 461 Runciman, Robert. 463 Ralph, John 454 Robertson, John. . . . 455 Robinson, Henry. . . . 456 Robertson, William. . 187 Robertson, G. C 457 Robertson, Thomas. . 328 Runciman, Robt. W. 329 Runciman, J. B 460 380 461 462 466 Saults, Wm. H Sharman, Edward Sharman, William, jr. a J n n ' Secord, Horatio pt 1004. J Tenant 1011 J Tenant Income, pt 934. Tenant 888 Owner 912 Owner pt 1014.. Tenant Pt980. J Owner pt 629, pt 630 J Tenant /pt9C6. Tenant 1948 Owner pt908 Owner 921 J Owner 917. ; . . J Tenant pt 1001 J Owner pt 1004 J Tenant pt 1014, 1015, 977, M. Tenant pt 1014, 1105, 977, 978 Tenant 1012 Tenant 1010 J Owner pt976 J Owner vi}\!' ... J Tenant 947 J Tenant h: 16 No. ON „ , „„ Roll. NAME. 206 Sheppwrd, A. M, 468 Story, Thumaa 469 ~ 470 471 472 3S3 ^^^:}^^^^^m^lYmiON No. 3.-Co«xrN.Bn. LOT. pt630. OON. OR Street. 352 15 473 475 169 459 476 477 356 Sharman, William, sr. S Q^?' ^ Owner Straubel, Charles ',[ ^ S „; «;« Tenant Sutton, George ntSTo'^'^^^^ ^ Tenant Salkeld, Wilson ;. ^^^ J Owner Smeath, Francis H^' ii^^l/ m, pi "^i," 8^2; ^'"*"' Sloan, Samuel ' * j^o nV cSl •••..■ J ^ Owner Slattery, Thomas. ...;:; J«J' Pt 906, pt 907 j Owner Stewart, Georj?e ntodfi -^ Tenant SmUb,Abr.h.m ; p^'S/ptbie ' J,""^' ^t. OAK '^ Uwiaer Tenant J Tenant Sea«:er, Charles, jr.. siitt, William:: r;:.:;: gJI* Toms, Isaac F. J Tenant 479 Traunch.Frank.:::::;- ^970' ^' ^^^' ^^^' ^i'^hUV. Owni 467 Taylor.Alex, ; ^ly^';; J Owner 481 Van Every, Thos. B. 909, 940. 482 483 423 434 486 488 489 196 491 492 494 496 53 498 378 359 478 Wallis,John... 1009 Owner Owner Wilson, James pt 933... ".".'....; Owner ™ell», Lambert nt t o'ss ^ Tenant Welsh, Wm. T. ^Jjg Owner Whitely, James Sjg Tenant Whitely, John fJig Owner Wrijfht, Jame« pt868 Owner ' Owner 499 Yates, James J Tenant PART Il.-Ust of F. No. ON Roll. 203 ^!!!!^!!!!^!l^^_^^ NAME. LOT. Con. oh Strebt. Beaumont, Miss tfrrt ofjA 349 Bissett. Mrs. Catherine: pt 1(2^ Owner 446 Carlt ^''"''* on J Mrs, -Tor*/** pc IW/ft... Owner ID. OR ET. POLLING SUB-DIYISION No. 3. -OoNrmuBD. 17 o 3 2, J Tenant J Owner J Owner Tenant J Tenant J Owner Tenant J Owner . J Owner J Tenant J Tenant Owiaer Tenant J Tenant J Tenant Ownet J Owner Owner Owner Owner J Tenant Owner J Tenant Owner J Owner J Tenant Owner J Tenant Owner Tenant J Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner J Tenant Owner Owner Owner J:iO. ON Roll. Con. or g NAME. LOT. Strbbt. 4 869 Oullerton, Mrs. Catherine 547 T« 366 Oarrick, Mr. pt973 ,[[ Tenant 223 Cooke, Mrs. Louise pt933 t!"!?! 371 Carey, Mrs. Sarah 918 1 1 ['.'.[[['.'.' [[[[^ TeSJSt 355 Dixon, Mrs. Martha 936, 861 nwn^r 381 Doyle,Mrs 1013 OwnSr 384 Delane, Mrs. Ma^xaret . . pt 881 rlr!^^*^ 385 Donagh, Miss Ann pt 933 T!n?«J 390 Dobbie, Mrs 971........ Atnit 389 Duckham.Mrs pt880 WW.' V I .]" " T^^^J^t 406 Donagh, Mrs. Esther. . . 882 .;.';; Owner 395 Fletcher, Mrs. Ellen.... pt876 Tenant 400 Hadden, Mrs. Sarah 855 n-»,« 401 Healey,Miss pt 933... ...:::::;;;;:::; i;;; Tenant 405 Judge, Mrs. Bridget. . . 411 LawBon, Mrs. Sarah. . . 882. Tenant Pt97^---- Tenant 413 Moss, MA. Sarah 1018 r»»««- 326 Mitchell, Mrs. Isabella.. 967 .■.'::.*.".".'.'.'.';." Owner 433 McConnell, Miss Sarah, pt 1001 n«,«« 434 McLennan, Miss Mare't. pt 970 iZ^Z 448 McKonzie, Mrs. Sarah.. 1011 ::,[[',::::::::::[[ oZ^ 442 O'Neil, Miss pt 880 Tenant 444 Pennington, Mrs. Mary, pt 910 Owner 452 Runciman Miss Agnes.. pt629,pt630 Owner 357 Rhynas, Mrs. Jane pt980... .;.;; qJ^ot 474 Shannon, Mrs lOW.. f\ 464 Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth.. 1020....:.:::;:;;:::.:.;:::: owSw 485 Wilson, Mrs. Helen pt 982 n„„«, 487 Waddington, Mrs. M. A. pt553 aZ^tl ^88 Weddup, Mrs pt869 Owner PAET Ill.-Ust of Persons Entitled to Vote, at Elections to the Leqislative Asuemhly ONLY. No. ois^ Roll. NAME. LOT. NONE, CON. OR I Street. ^ II ''r> I . f >V I :v, f VOTERS' LIST-~1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE Tow^n of Groderich POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4. ComprisinK as follows : — Bounded on the South by Nelson Street ; on the North and East by the River Maitland ; and on the West by North Street. PART I.— List of Persona Entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to th^ Legislative Assembly. No. ON Roll. NAME. LOT. OoK, oa 5 Strebt. = 533 634 535 11 500 346 17 539 541 542 543 221 Andrews, Wm., sr 81?. Owner Andrews, John 840 Orner Attrill, H. Y pt block* F and E Owner Acheson, William 742, 743 j Owner Acheson, John, jr 765, 766 j Owner Acheson, George 809, 810, 833, 834 ; . j Owner Bates, John F Bates, Thomas Bissett, William. Bissett, Wm. C Buchanan, James, sr. Butler, John 546 Cook, Adam 547 Crawford, James. . . 548 Cain, Bartholomew. 48 Cameron, M. C. 550 Carroll, Patrick.. 551 Crae, Michael. . . . 96 Cantelon, Arthur. • 237 Dancey, Thos. N. 552 Davis, Patrick... 606 Dodd, Heary . . . 653 Embury, Allan. 555 Elmes, Euseby. 994 Eagle, William. 557 Farrow, Asoher. .. 558 Fritzley, Jonathan. 660 Green, George J.. 561 Given, Robert.... 663 Gallagher, James. pt739 Tenant 689 Owner 671,738.... Owner pt738 J Tenant 737, 717, 718, 698 Owner 636, 537, 613, 614 Ow ner 769 Owner 702 Owner 512 Owner ('658, 661, 659, 672, 590, 691, { 637, 638, 640, 639, 647, 648, Owner (.649,660 719. Owner pt696 .* Owner pt767 Owner 636, 537, 613, 614 Owner 616 Owner 727 , Owner 786 J Tenant 805,829 J Tenant 726 Owner pt 845 Tenant 592 J Tenant 816.839. J Tenant pt 790.. I . . . , J Tenant pt767 J Owner I 20 ■III I No. ON Roll. POLLING Srj B.DrvrsrON No. l-^oKTmtno. NAME. LOT. Con. or 5 504 Qfiffin, Jerry .... ... Henni'ne, William..,.. Horan, Thomaa ».', Henderson, Robert Hamlin, John Horne, William ....... Hurley, John .' .* * 674 Jenkins, William.:.... 678 Kelly, Edward 544 Lawson, Darid nfe. Street. 5(i7 668 669 572 573 »wner 7^5, rC4 ,o 607 ' X 726 : rn "^' 594 'nr*** Owner pt811 682. ., 421 580 582 683 422 585 586 562 646 Martin, John C, Murray, Colin.. . Milne, James . . . . Morrison, Angus. Morton, Alex Mullen, James... Maw, Elisha. ... Martin, Henry. . . Murray, Peter.. . . J Oimer " Owner 717.737,718,702 owt,i»|. 703. 70,. es, e88 Own. 613 ■■•.:;: J Tenant 509 .: g^n«; ^779........ J Tenant 699 , ^wner 788.790. :.::::;:::::: 'S;rr 587 588 589 590 691 693 McBride, Archy. . McLean, Thomas * * McNiven, Alex .*'.*.* McKinnon, John MoGrefitor, Wilder. .... ^„- Mc31aw, Samuel.. Ha JI<=gi">o«ddy, Daniet. . ," ^"^ McPherson, David. MoEwan, Peter.... Mc Avoy, John " MsLeod, .John ', McBride, Thomas.. McFarlafie, Wm. R [ McLean, Thomas F. . . . .' McGregor, Alex. M Mcintosh, Charles 785 pt yg^' ' J Tenant 696 697 698 599 600 30 602 463 004 606 607 606 609 Nairn, John . . . Noble, Thomas. Noble, Joseph.. O'Rourke, Peter.. . O'Reilly, Michael nt7ftft " ' Owner 1:1^ -... J Tenant h;^' J Tenant pt723::.:::: :::;• •'Tenant Pt72a : ,^'^"« pt706. S°*"i 691,707..... ^"•^^ 686,pt673,pt66o.:::::.:::::;g:;;- 688!!!!.* J®"«°* 688..... ^ 5«"»n* 782 !!! X'^ner 715,734 !:!.! JJ''"'''' 816,839 ."!!.'."!!!! Own^*" 744 727!!!!!.'.'!!.'! * ' S*""*' p*77^ -•":::::::•!!:, oZ? 685,701 506 •* «11 Pridham.John. ei2 Pennington, Wm. L. . . . { 741. . pt739. J Owner J Tenant J Owner Uwnwr J Tenant D. OR S POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4. -CoiiTiWUiD. ET. 3 i»-. Oifiner '••J Owner Ovf ner Owner Owner • . J Owner Owner • • J Owner Owner Owner Owner •• J Tenant Owner Tenant - J Tenant Owner - J Tenant Owner J Tanant T Owner J Tenant f Tenant f Tenant Owner r Tenant Tenant ' Owner ' Ownv Tenant J Tenant Owner Qwnwr Owner Owner J Qv^ner Tenant J Owner J Owner J Tenant J Owner Owner •' Tenant 91 No. ON Roll. 613 614 616 571 616 NAMB. LOT. 3 618 619 620 621 622 545 584 554 OOK. OB Htrbist. Piatt, Samuel. TOO, pt E and F Own«r Piatt, Johns 669.. , Te^.ant Payne, Charle. 693 ' ' J Owni Pollock, Samuel 783, pt 762. . . . .' olu^ Proudfoot, Robert 835.., .'*,!;.'.;;', j Tenant Rijhards, Henry pt 766 , Ten»nf Roberts, John pt 706..... . . .. l! Owna, g«'*^'j;"'«" pt673, 674 ;;..,:::::;; J owne. Rupp.Jacob pt673 j Tenant Robinson, James 760 J lenant Robinson Woi. J pt 762, 761. 717^ 737, Hs ...':: Ownel iuw... UWI 624 Swanson, Magnus 469 Storj, John 625 Stoddart, David 626 Spence, Henry . 351 Sparlin({, Alexander 628 Sterling, John 629 Shannon, G. C 630 Sullivan, .Tohn 631 Stewart, William 632 Sillib, Henry 576 Strachan, D. K 634 Swift, Dean 635 Strang, Hugh 168 Stokes, Jacob 559 Strachan, James 15 Sloan, Samuel 641 Shepherd, James M . . . 637 Taylor, Robort. 627 Treble, Lewis.. 'uer PJ^87 ...,. J Owner P*790 J Tenant li^ ^ J Owne* ^ '... Ownw ^ J Tenant ^r;,;; J Tenant ^J'^7 Owner HOC "••"••••' ,....,,,,, Owner ^f^,^ J Owner g/18 Tenant Hll....... . J Owner te2"""*'.::::;::;:;::;-j?:„r, If^-^^ :::.::: i?;r °rf*"' Owner 699 Owner 536,537,613,614 Owner ^9Jv591 J Tenant 588,789 J Owner 639 Vanstonc, Joseph 684 . 642 Walker, Robert F 197 Walkur,John 643 Weller, Samuel 345 Watson, William. ... 645 Wilson, Abraham...., 368 Williams, Joseph 610 Wells, Charles 617 Wells, Henry Owner g*fj^-- J Tenant ^21' 845 Owner 5f'«S^7 i. J Owner FJJSO Tenant oi9 J Owner 541, 542, 543, 544, 618, 619, 620 O-^ner If. Owner ^35 Owner 647 Yateb, Stephen. . 499 Yates, James. . . 595f Young, William. -670. 669 Owner n—^ 723.724 5-;, >m 22 POLLING SU B.Dmsioy No. 4.-Cokt,k™. Con. or g Stbe£t. 5 PART n.-Lut of Perm^^ mmMtoVote at Municipal EUctiotis ONLY, Roll. NAME. j^q^ 632 Armstrong, Mr». Gert'de 838 Owaer 549 Oampaigne, Mn. Kate, fion Rni Owner 566 Hyslop, Mm. Mary 700 670 Harris, Mrs. Sarah... . LV^o ' Owner *^ ' Owner 676 Jamie8on,Mrs pt767. 566 Kay.Mrs. - T-jnant «>5,829. Owner 679 Morris, Mrs. Ann. rpt7i t?03. 780. Owner 704,687,688 Tenant 596 McPherson, Mrs i\^*Toti 601 Mcintosh. Mrs. .* ptm,'\V.\ ^''"®' 638 Par:nore, Mrs. E 739,740. q^^^^ 168 Watson, Mrs. Mary.... ^'««2, 676 o;ner ative i-ABT m.-iM 'f^^^^i^^^i^v^u.ii^ ^^;n:^ Assembly ONLY. IfO. ON Roix. NAME. LOT. NONE. Con. or 5 Strjbbt. 5 ^'f.; VOTERS' LIST-~1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE Town of Goderich POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5. Comprisinff as follows :— That portion of the Town known as St. Oeorf^e'i Ward. PART I.— List of Persons EntitUd to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections ^ and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. No. ON Roll. NAMB. LOT. Cow. OK 5 Strbet. I 648 Armstronfif, Robert. .. . 751 j Tenant 346 Achesoti, Oeonte. . 1000, pt 965 Owner 650 Armstrong, Henry pt 1000. Tenant 651 Adamson, Peter 873 Owner 653 Austin, Nicholas 960. Tenant 754 Andrews, Charles pt929. j Tenant 654 543 655 656 659 660 221 222 364 664 665 667 668 669 45 670 671 46 696 Blake, Charles Buchanan, James, sr.. ituchanau, James, jr. . Buchanan, Duncan ... Babb, William . Ball, H. W Butler, John Breckeuridfi;e, John, . . . 926 J Owner pt848... , ..J Owner pt 848 J Owner *S4 J Tenant 1048 J Tenant pt 965 J Tenant PtlOOO J Tenant 957 . Owner Colborne, John H. . pt 924, pt 925, pt 894. j Campbell, Calin 994 j Clark, Robert 560 !. ' j Chambers, Alfred pt 957 '. j Crai«,.Johu 20, 21, Off Res. Campbell, Robert pt 1027 Crabb, Christopher 1027, 1033. Currie, David 988, pt 965 j Currie, John 988, pt 965 / Campion, Edmund pt 929. Cummiugs, Donald 991 Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner (5, 6, 7,8,9,10,11, 12, Off Res \pt ?2? S^y!®' i"^^!^ ^ \ pt A, pt X. . . J Owner 676 Doyle.J.J 846 j Tenant / 964 Owner 386 Davis, G.N \pt965 Tenant 678 Dunlop, Hugh pt997,pt999 j Owner 195 Davison, John pt999 Tenant 679 Dixon, Archy pt963,pt999 Owner „, ^,, ^, ^ fpt930. Tenant 23 Detlor,JohnC \ 1028, 1029, 1032. Owner 24 No. ON Roll. POLLING SUB-DIVISrON No. 5. -Continued. — — — — -* — ■ ,.i i NAME. 4. At -t-p- LOT. Con. or Strbet. 62 Detlor, Thos. D. W, . . _ ^ 6^0 ■■> Doyle j James V- <- ., .'- . • 872 ; en Ddfty, Dariua. . . .:... . t'T' 897*' 237 Dancey, Thos. N. ..... . 1034. . 682 Davis, Charles pt964 /pt930 -^v 11028, 1(>29, 1032.. v-V- • 683 Elliott, Gabriel. pt 899. 685 Flannaj?han, Wm. 493 . . 687 Gordon Daniel 961, pt 962, 998 pt 999 688 Grant, George pt965 SJ S'**^' Douglass pt 962, pt 998, pt 999. ." . '. '. V. 250 Grace, Wm. E 1040 1041 692 Girvin,c.H pt 930. ...!..!.".".;;.'. i;;;;*.;: 693 Henuing, John. • • • . pt 995 694 Hodgson, George pt926 .....11!!! 695 Hamilton, Hugh... , 991 697 Haye8,R.c pt looo!!!!!!!!!! ! 377 Holt, Phillip, 478 and W pt old church lot. . 698 Holmes, Wm. J. R { pf 89a ^! . ! 79 Horton, Horace. 569, 570, 486, 486, 931,'93o! ! »93 Hocking, Jesse pt 561 78 Herr, Joseph 2, Off 'Res.!! ! !!!'.!!!!!!.'!!!! 737 Hutchison, Matthew ... 1038,1042,1043 , 700 Trarie, Ja.ne8. . . . pt930. 270 Johnston.F.W 797,798,992,487 673 Jordan, Francis 929, 928, 894, 927 701 Kneeshaw, Albert pt893 88 Knight, William pt 1000 !.!!!!!!!!!!!' 702 Kidd, Joseph, jr ptl044 ii,', ' ' 663 Kirkpatrick, R. H 955. ..!!. '!!.!.'! 703 Lee, William 1033, pt 1027. 704 Luttrell, JohnD....... pt999:. 94 Lynn, Patrick 481 705 Morrison, Angas Sp lot 1052 706 Mtiuger, Arthur J 481 /pt95T !!!!!!' 707 Murray, Allan ^479 K^ „ jptibob.. .!.'!!!.'.'!! 708 Morrow, David \pt896 l^ ii" V°' ^^^'^ P* 925, pt 926* pt' 896 . 710 Marlton, William 1064...... ....... 711 Mitchell, James. 563. .[ Tenant , Owner V 0w9«)j Owner Owner J Tenant Owner J Tenant Owner J Tenant J Tenant Owner J Tenant Tenant J Tenant Tenant Tenant J Owner Tenant J Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Ownet Owner Tenant Owner Owner J Owner Tanonf Owner J Owner J Tenant Tenant J Owner Tenant Owner J Owner J Tenant J Tenant POLUNG SUBDIVISION No. S—Comtinukd. 29 Oirner Owner Owner r Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Ownet Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Ownef' Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Tenant NAMK Na oir Boll. 713 MaloonoBon, Sutherland. LOT. 492.575.... Con. OB Stbcet. ,h Owner, o 3 716 McBrine» Robert ... 307 McBrine, Johnston. . . 717 McBrine, Moses 718 McLeod. Nonnan 719 McCormac, Bernard '. 720 McAuIay, Norman.... 723 McArthur, John 724 Mcintosh. Charles L. 727 McEvor, Angus 729 McEvor. Daniel 135 McKenzie. Robt. W. . 730 McDonald. Daniel. . 426 McKay. D. C 657 McDermott. Henry. 133 McDoutarall, J. S.... 732 Mcintosh, J. C . 134 McLean, William. 759 McNamara. Wm.. pt870.... pt87o. ...;."' Dt870... . ' . . 798. pt899. .. ", 564. 480 pt561 1, Off Res. 1063.... pt929,pt930 ( Off Res 19, pt 13, pt 14, pt 18. \ 953 .,..,... 565.567,482,483, 994........ 568,484. W. 850, 851, 849, 874 ....... /3, Off Res... \4, OffRes .... 799, 800. 801, 825, 826, 827. .. 954 ' ... J Owner J ,Owner Oiivmer J Tenant J Owner J Tenant J Owner Tenjyi^ J Tenant Ijenant tenant •Ownet'' i^wner Owner Jl^Owner Tenant J Owner Owner" 138 Naftel, John T. 733 Nicholson, Malcolm.... 734 Naftel, Daniel James... /488, 489. 490, 491, 571, 672, 1573,574, 922 Owner J2$ J OwLer »22 J Tenant 735 Ogilvie, Wm.. 736 ORil vie, John. 1038, 1042,1043... 1038,1042,1043... Owndvc Ownorl* 147 Parsons, G. fl 738 Parsons, James G. 740 Phillips, William. 146 Polley, A. M 728 Pharis.John W .. 741 Robinson, William. 742 Reid. James A 744 Robertuon, John.. . 584 Ross, A. M 1064,1048, 988 Owner ^^ J Owner P*^ ;.,.. jr Owner 900,901.986 J Owner l.OffRes. Owner S^^- J Tenant PJ929 J Tenant ^3. ... ^. . Owner 752, 753, 754, 775. 776, 761. . . Owner 747 748 749 750 634 751 753 167 166 Smith, wiimer O^^;::**:::::::.-;—: ?:natiV Smith. William F 7^,567...... ! .r , TeSJ! Smith,Arthur 796 .,j Tenant Smith, Wm.G 796,823,824 ....:::. Ownt^ Swift, Dean 577,67a Owner Sallows, Reuben pt899 . , oJSw Stokes, Sandford 958 i oISot Wders, Jamea pt 963, pt 964, pt 999. Owner Saunders, Alex. pt 963, jrt 964, pt 999. Owner POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5. -Contin ubd. No. ON VAMR Tr\fn Oo». OR 5 Roll. ^^^^ ^^' Strbbt. | V56 Saunders, Thomw pt 963, pt 964, pt 999. Owner 466 Seoord, Horatio 871, pt church lot R Own«r /pt929. Tenant 743 Stieyd, Thomaa. \895 4 Qwner 766 Stewart, James pt'562 J Tenant 757 Somer8,John pt562. • Owner 721 Stewart, John. 564.. v Owner 367 Seymour, William 960 .,... Owner 760 Taylor, Atex. Sp loto 1053, 1059.......*.... « Owner 761 Vanatter, John 986v.... J Tenant 762 Webster, Wm,S pt9a6. ^ ^enai&t 200 Watson, B. R. pt 964, p«; 990. j tenant / pt church lot S, old church lot Owner 308 Williatas, Jt»8eph..w... \ptlOOO., J Tenant 686 ToonK, James. 483. Owner A PART IL—List ofPenoM EnUOed to Vote ai Munkipal EUsctions ONLY, No. py ItoLL. NAME. LOT, 649 Adams, Mrs. Elisabeth. . pt995... Owner OoN. OK I Street. ' 658 Black, Mrs. Sarah.. i^yi 990,956 Owner 663 Bruce, Mrs. Sarah.. . : . . pt 924, pt 925, pt 894. Owner 223 Oeoke, Mrs. Louise. . pt965. . Owner 406 Denagh, Mrs. Esther. . . 995.... Owner 67fi Duffy, Bfrs pt561. ., Owner n'.ti."' ■ ' 091 Graham, Miss. pt965...,..« Tenant / 1025, 1026, 1046, 1047, 1049, 699 Hfcwley, Mrs. B.....*ij \ 1039, 1035, pt 1036 Owner 722 McLeod, Mrs. Jemima.. 477 Owner 7ai Macara, Mrs. 57.6| pt 4!93 Owner 789 IVescioua, Mrs. Flora. . . 2,0ffBe«. ...j Tenant 746 Robertson, Mrs... 923'.-... Tenant r ♦! 7«"««o*es, Mrs.EUen...... 563. ..., Own«» '^^ fptm. * 69V "fliiiith. Mn. Sn«afi Tenant! y^ POLLING SUB-DIVISION !# B.-Continubd. 27 Na ON NAME. LOT. Con. or Street. ^ 746 Seej?miller, Miss Elizb'th 923 .♦ Owner 762 Shannon, Mn. 927 .'..['.'..'.'.'.'.'.. Tenant 768 righe, Mm 954. Tenant / 1030, 1031, pt 13, pt 14, pt "6 Widder, Mm Locy 1 18, 15, 16, 17, OflF Res. . . . l Owner 763 Wilkinson, MiM. ptlOOO Tenant PART JII.—List of Person* Entitled to Vote at Ekctums to the Legislative Assembly ONLY. N- - NAME. LOT. NONE. Con. or | Stribt. ^ Owner Tenanfti VOTERS' LIS'r-~l885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE . Town of Goderich POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 6. ComprhiinjasfollowBr-Bounded on the North by West Street ; on the bj^ath^treef ""'" ' "*" ^''"^^ ^^ Britannia Road ; on the East PABT L-Li$t of PersomEnmed to Voie at BOTH ~M'micipal EUctiona ^ ««« Mect%on» to the Legialatwe Ammbly. No. ON Bou.. 650 765 766 16 768 NAME. LOT. 770 771 772 774 777 778 779 780 781 659 835 871 782 268 783 784 786 788 790 791 793 95 870 668 795 796 195 23 6?9 Con. or 5 Strbbt. ^ Armstrong, Henry. ..... pt 206. . . ; j Owner t"*"'?'\-. !^^267 :::::::::::: J Truant Alexander Andrtw... 406 , q^^^ Addison, James, i ill ,.... X™^ Aidsworth, Richard..... 24........ ...".'.■::::::;;;;:; own^J Bain, John 402..... Owner BuchOTan Wto 403,404 :.:.:..:;: Owner Ball, Stephen 90, 142, /pt69. .. Bingham, Edwin \68...... Brophy , John • • • • pt 23. . Berry, G. W 5, 53. ..'.*.'. Brophy, Wm pt 163. ... Bain, Hugh. 158 , ^„„ Bonomy, Richard pt359 " j (CnS Barke, Sar uel ..200 ^ "w: Burke, Jan/es ...... 365 eniiqt Owner TfJUiwt Owner Tenant Ownpjp Owner Owner Cttmpaigne, Samuel 1C6. , . . . . Cantelon, David 23 .... . Carl, Michael 18, 17, pt 19*. Craigie, John 14 . . . ^ . , . . . Oonnell, Wm 300...:!.... Campbell, Langhlan : . . . 352 ........ . Cox, Capt. Wm; 121 i . . . O^ig, William pit26.. ;.... Campbell, WilHam 159, pt 26.. . . Cantelon, Arthur. 112 Cox, Geoi^e pt 167. . , Craig, John.. 149 , J Tenant J Owner J Owner J Oprn^ , 1^ena»^ Ofrn^ I^eaacoo, .Tohn. 150^.^.^ . ... geacon, Henry; Vi6»iAi'::.\'.ll^MlVS '.[.[". Dkviaon, John;..,. .... 107'!^.. .i Detlor, John C.. ♦.».... 169...... .-...,.,:•.'....'.' i^oD, Archy. 10, 11. 'jf.J. ^ . . !; J Owner Owner Owner 90 No. ON Roll. 239 POLLING SCJB^ DmgioK y,. 6.~Ook,™™. NAJfE. LOT. 237 386 797 S47 798 299 800 667 815 803 375 Dixon, James. . . .i. . Dancey IWN .;..: '^Z:] Darls, G. N. 199 OOK. oh I Stbbbt. =; • 296,297 Owner - Owner • Owner Elliott, William 4J0 Edwarda, Joieph B pt 69. . * ' ' Fox, Peter oqj one Fulford, Robert ** 100' ??;• "'^ner Fiazer.Donald ' 157* J Tenant Farrow, Aacher [ ^^^ ^1— - Ford, George 64 . Grieraon, SamaeL pj ^99 Garrow, J. T Tenant Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner m or:wi'i;:.\:;;;; Z':t^^^^^:?j^^. Tenant Owner Owner 801 805 806 737 73 76 845 830 700 807 808 810 270 813 813 92 662 816 ftl7 818 703 96 876 J Owner Heale, James 247 Hay, David. . iify «*'iii' Healey, Thomas 161 ^ J Owner Hutchison, Matthew. . . 04 qV J Owner Hall,Thomas ,', ^f'^fl *■ '2''"*' Harrison, J. C... ...... ^^^" ••• Tenant Henley, Edward 53 Owner Halden, John qa iV'r' Owner »», 147. Owner Iidrie, James , 96. 3 Tenant 710 821 822 824 826 711 466 Johnston, Robert 203 ^ Jenkins, Jtmes Dtl64A --r Owner Johnston, Alex 258 2M ^®°*°* Johnston; F.W........ 1^' ^^' J Owner Johnston, John H r± Owner • *** Tenant Kent, Francis A lOR — Kay, William ^oa J Tenant, Kirkpatrick, R H...... go 4 * ^*°»°* ' Owner Lawaon, Alex 197 Lloyd, Saudford.. 52 J Owner Lawrence, YnxkV. * \ak ' Tenant Lee, William. 148"** ' Tenant J«'^M, ^ra .*.' 1. 2''68 110 ^ Owner Lewis, E.N...... JjAN*,110. ..„,Owner Owner Marlton, William ... fti Miller, WiUiam .*: ptbbb ' 5*"*"^ Milligan, William PJ«»».-.-" Owner Moore, Elijah. 204*255 ' Tenant Miller, John R ^10 *•• ^""""^ Mitchell, James St26 ' S^"^'' *'•""'• - - P^*»- -* Tenant .»-«.... ....; ^., Owner Middleton. Charlaa. AM POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 6.-Continui:d. 31 No. ON Roll. NAMB. LOT. 307 McBrine, Johnston 826 MoMickinjf, G. M 827 McLean, Samuel. 828 McDonald, Malcolm . . . . 829 McDonald, John.. 831 McDonald, Norman 832 McPhail, Donald 834 McLean, John , . 836 McDonald, Murdock.... 98 Mc Vicar, Adam 837 Mc Vicar, John 431 McGillicuddy, Thomas. . 838 MoKenzie, Alex 427 McKay, James A 839 McKenzie, Donald 724 Mclutosh. Charles L. . . . 841 McPherst i , Finlay. • • • . Con. or " Stbkct. 4 JSJ- • Owner 195,305,294,210,261 Owner ??J J Owner if,'' Tenant ?fi\*l: J Tenant i^. 1« J Tenant IS Owner *W J Tenant ^"*iv -. J Owner PJ^J Tenant P'J?1 J Owner ?i?^;-- ••• ^ Tenant 254,201 Owner 3J«.307 OwneJ "3-- Owner P*J^- • Tenant ^^ J Tenant t^ x*^*^*'pi?r'" ^ 311.312.313 J Owner 843 Nunn, Phihp 56 Tenant 438 Noble,Philo pt266. .. r tI^^I 733 Nicholson, Malcolm... 96,97 .'.'.*!!:..:.'.".::::: Ownw 847 Osbrook, Thomas pt267 Tenant 320 Price, Rees. 160 t T«n-«* 848 Pearin, Joseph Wm. .. . 97 '.'.'...: j Ten^t 849 Patter«>n, Daniel 252 i]! '^ o"^* 850 Peacock, Edwin 209 .'.; j Teli^t 853 Price, James. 407 j Tenant ,.„ t, ^ „ (246, 194,196,192,193, 243, ''t7 Parsons, George H 1244.245 !....... j Owner 864 Reynolds^ R. G. 856 303,304. Q, Rutson, Thomas 16 ....',. J Owe r 867 Radcliffe Richard. pt 26, 265, 342, 343. 293. ! ! .* ." *. j Tenant 859 Rutson, Wiira?n 61 O»nor 860 Reid, David 314,362 .'..'*:.": J 0™J 646 Robinscm, Wm. J 406,407.... oJSot 861 Reid, Jamieson 412 j Owner 460 Rhynas, Georjje pt69. Tenant 742 Reid. James A pt4ia o3 m Reid, John pt413 : j oJSS 863 Ro«i, Oharle. 211 i. TriSSi 166 Strachan, D. C 56,67 *.. j Owner 864 Sutherland, James. 397 ;* 'i J Tenant 866 Somerville, Claudius. ... pt 199. Tenant 3M Sturdy, John 21 Owner ___ -._...,_,... -_,^_..g^. , ^yo , Owner 867 Simmonds, Richard 266 j Owner n No. ON Roll. 869 POLUNQ SUB ^DmsrON No. 6.-Co«.^„. NAME. LOT. 9 3 872 169 873 761 874 332 876 877 878 792 819- 753 879 809 880 881 882 180 883 Con. oh SwartE, George ptl67 3f« ^™'"* ' Sheppard, Jamei M 414 ' *^' J Tenant Smith, Abraham 31/1 o^m '^' ' • ; • • • • - • • J Owner Spence, F. fl / pfjo^^^' ^' P* 69, 287 j Owner Sallowa, Keuben [ L^' Tenant Stivena, Oeorare. pj;26 Tenant Small, Jamea 59 J Tenant ltt*'5'n'*'^'?'-' 358;p;3i6':: ^ Tenant Shepherd. Geoiye, jr.. . . 363 pt 310 2"''^' Shaw, Jamea. 291. 292. 340 "sil ' ^®"*"' Saults, Beniarain pt 26 Owner Slack, Charlea E I66. Tenant Stokea, Sandford. . , . ' igQ* Owner Owner Tait, Jamea 202 Taylor, Robert 164AVlKiifi Owner Troy. Thomas. 308 * ^ Owner Torrance, Jamea. 1^2 260 ' Owner ' Owner C«.R,,.E„b.rt.... 3,61,391,392,393. Owne, Videan, Thomas , Vivian, Jamea. ptl9. 884 885 886 887 888 846 889 890 498 107 892 495 359 692 893 119 J Owner J Tenant William.. Jamea H (ifm ^* ^^^ Owner Watson, James. foo ••• J Tenant 9 ••• Owner 4;;;;;*' j owner 369! .'..'. -^ Tenant J Owner Wjffjjinb, James. Williamson, Andi*ew. MfPlson, William.... Watson, Alex 21T 91» oaa J uwner Wilkinson, Jamea ...,. HI ^' ^^^ Owner Wilkinaon, Robert P.... 315! m ^ Tenant Welsh, Wra.T. ^^o. ^hkj- ^ q^^^^. Wallace, Alex.......... 25.*.*.*. J Owner Williams.RS Owner Woodcock, Ebenezer.. . . pt26 Income Whitely.John 169 ' Tenant _ Owner I^"°8'Wm 65 Young, Robert.... 114.. ..i.*' Owner Own4Mr PAJi^Il-^li^^p^ No. ON Boll. ersansHntmd to Vote «« ^W;^^^^;^^;;;:^]^ NAME. LOT. Con. or Stbebt. 3 SJ Aldtworth. Mttk Kate. . 62 . 'm Armstrong, Mrs. Fmncia pt 206. ;.*;.. ;;;;;;•• '■' Own^r 7I K'J'S.^--*-*^- 301. T • . liM. i\ ^_ Tenant No. OS Roll. POLLING SUB- Dm^loy^No. 6. ^Contiku.:,. LOT. 33 NAME. OON. ok I 776 BUke, Mr. Ann nfc 69 2fl ^'*'*''^' ^ 658 Black, Mrs. Sarah ::::: m ' ^® Owner Oirner 794 Doran, Mrs Margaret . . 396 801 Jalloway, Mra. Margaret 191 Owner Tenant 699 Hawley, Mra E { and^B "i^'*^^'''" ^^^^ P' ^ 74 Hayea. Mrs. Mary...... 6b ' ^''"«»' Owner 814 Jonea, Mrs. Betzy IQR ^ Owner 799 Mack, Mrs. Hannah ... . 100 ^ 787 Mationey, Mrs 300 Owner 820 Marlton, Mrs . . 91 Owner Sf? ^''"'^^"'Mrs. Ai?nea!!.' ptlii.'!! S''"®' 731 Maoara.Mrs 144 145 ^«»"** ' Owner ^ ^«g."ty M„ E^len.... 298,299.... ^ 840 McKay, Mrs. Elizabeth. 207. ." * S^"®! 852 Payne, Miss Rebecca.. . . 257 Owner Owner 866 Kioh. Mr. Sarah 161.162,163,166,166,102.103 Owner 868 Sneyd.Mrs 360 C^91 Simmonds, Mrs .'. 165 Owner Owner 802 Turner, Mrs 191 * Owner PART la-UH ofP^^m^ U,VoUai MU.ii^ .Tl)-^ Asiembly ONLY. jislative No. ON Roll. NAME. LOT. NONE. Con. oe g Strbst. = . VOTEBS' LIST~1885. MUNICIPALITY OF THE Town of Godericti POLUNG SUB DIVISION No. 7. ' ComprisinR ap follow* :— Bounded oa tho North by BritannU Ho»d ; on ^jip West by Lake Huron ; pd the South by Qudwrioh Townthip ; on the East by South Street. 33= PART I— List of Persons Entitled to Vote at B(>TH Mwnidfxd Mecticnt and Elections to the i0egi9l