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CALCULA'lF.n FOR THE MERIDIAN OF IIAMFAX,' BUT WILL SERVK FOR ANY PART OF THK PROVINCE. ^^Contajnin}^, besides the large number of Astronomical Calcnlatloir and the Farmer's Calendar for every month in the year, a great variety of useful and entertaining matter. IP- ■or?.- -T. ^' Where eri'la this yniv^htji builrlivg ? %chere begin The Siihurbs of Creation ? where the wall Whose biiitl: me-nls look o'er into the vale " ^ Of non-ex iG-cnce'^ J\'ot.hing:'s slran^^e abode i - ^'fi/, at what point of spnce JthoDah dropped Us slackened line, and laid his hnlance by ; Jfcighed worlds, and measured infinite no more ? c — _-© :t) SOLO r>Y C. H. RELCIIHR, % *■■"• »• % I W t •/ y' 2 ""^ farmer's At?,TAVACir. THE PUBLISHER'S NOTEf?. Reidor, Vv-ilt tlio i take our No es ? H ippily they may be of ;if rniich advantapje as better n^.eii's p.per — mistake us not; ours are no Nov'a Scotii,or H tlif ix" i>'<Xo Ci! — v.o ild tiiat they were,' oh for our own cake and thine! Nor are they even those blue things, issiud from the Proviiioial Treas try, fur wLicli, turn -ip our no en , -it them HH we miy, or decry them as we will, we mist l.o legily coiifess, ^^c feel nevertheless iin itchinn; palm for them. No ! our rotes are but those of prai-^e, and thanks, nnd rejoicinj;;. Our production, wp hope will be found to possess somewhat more merit fh.'.n maj;nitiide, and i:i that hope we hive tlie honor to pre-ent to tiie public " The Fannrr's Ahnanark.''^ io: J83t. As the greater p.irt of an Alman- fick must, of necessity, consist of repetition?, duIJ as a Greek J,r.\i. ro;i, and ;is stale o.-^ a seed cucumber, we have to make i' as ;;e lerally i lfere^ting as its limited exteut wo ;!tl ;i!!o\v, by intro d icia ',• such inform I'io.i, as ha»» bee i heretofore given. The various couiniunicatjons received, we should have had much jloisuro in pubii.';^, few o' them are firte.l for the Ahnuiiack, al- raoit all boiu.'j; too lo i;j:. Of puetry all that is wunted is something suitable for the colu:^":^ of eich month, which we have heretofore :-C''cctcd. Should any of our friends favour uy witli some for that p j;-po--e, v.c shall fetil highly iudebted to iho:n. TiiC fo'lowinpj let'e- received in tiie fall of 1S32, and wliich came toolale for p jblishin^ in the Al.ui.inack for 1R33, v.c c tntiot refrain TroiTi giving here. It is copied verbalum fro a the o.i^ia il, and we ^laall be happy to hear ag «ia from the writer. Gcr OF Caivso, Sept. 29, 163-2. Dear Sir, — T feel it a d ity incumbent on me to re'iirn you my hin- cere th:\nks for the many useful and entertai.iing informations in your Aim muck, and as I am a poor mm, and canjio' pay for a newspa- per, and iudeed this preseut year I got none O' the Alnianac'js but I }iOpe if I am alive I wiil have oue f)r the ensuing yeir, I therefore f irnestly hops yo i will, instead of givinr the poor farmer any direc- tions, as thejloor m in is always do'ng his best, that you will now di- rect the women how to teich their children how to take care of there crockery, kn'ves and forks, and spoons and how to keep every thing iu in proper pLice. I feel confident if such directions were jiiven by i you that niy own wife woild tate barter cire and most lively shew \ S0U18 goo 1 e.YimpIea in the ne ghbourhood, as the poor woman places ^ collide ice in your Alniin.rck; pe hap-i tiiere are plenty houses .as uiruly as mine, but I hope if I live till this time next year, that I will b'? able 'o give you a fiir account of my own. I feel concerned I ,';m raiher late for yo jr c ilculation-*; if I am,ple:se (.Mre some of jour rei.;hi)ouring printers a hint of t};is kind, although it would not be }!a!f PT U'cfql in my own house as the Ahnatiack v.-ould bp, peih^ips it .* wo il( h^ve Pome eTect on our nei,:;!ibours, and thu the example would be followed some way or o'her — had you known perfectly what the "poor people sntTers here from the no:ilc;U of there wifesand }iO ise keepers, I am sure lou would no* hesitate in giving them jomeus^fi! dirf^ciiois, which woild beoffrreit se*vice. Tliere are many bad brid,'es and some rivers and creeks, having none at all j 1 ilii* pi tee, if you were to see it, you would abnost think that the 1 ..St inh ibiiants anivod lis' ye\r. I jieed no; put you in mind of tl.e » 1 f vp' uli ure of our pio viti.ud reve luc, you well know it ; if I see ' ^ tl'ityot t,i':e any notice oT tLi-<, I will liercifcr explain my^^elf '* more, nnd give any u.^eful information required from this place. ■^; r n\ I re <.- ^r ce3 ,t I dl our t be -t^ ii ctly and Lhem ; are all t the f tl:e I 50^ place. V. fatimer'j^ almanacs. 3 Abstracts from the Journals of the House of Assembly for 1833. The Joint Committee of II. M . Council and House of Assembly, ppointef! to examine the Public Accourtls reported 19th Feb. 183o, as follows; — TiiFAsuiiER OF TUB Phovince, — His accouttts to 3Ist Dec. last, have been received. Balance in his hands, £1,^-23 7 7 A Collcdors of Impost and Excise. Halifax — His accounts. loS'T.n.e date, have been received. Bonds in his iiand.*:, 52,414 15 2 (He has collected and paid the Treasurer on account of the Poor citiOO, and has l^onds for A'Szl 6 0) i^helburne. — His accounts to same date, do. 194 12 Ik Yarmouth — His accounts do. do. 629 2 9 '1 he ('ommittee havinj; consider- ed the statement made hv hiri on the subject of Drawbacks, do aj^ree with the report made by foimer committees, that this amount must be set off and placed to the credit of the Province, 87 3 7 716 6 4 Lunenbur^ — His accounts do do 250!»0 17 3 He states in his acct. currt. that he has in hand and bonds,the balance stated to be due; by the list of bonds sent, the amount is »t^l5!0 11 5, leaving the sum of <i'«5lO 11 5 retained in his hands. The conunitlee re- commend that inquiry be made uliy this sum has not been remitted; also to inquirewhy he has not sent his accts. of made remittances on account of Light Duty for 1830, ','<1&.'32, Liveipool — His accts. ,. .do. .. .do. ... 1,595 8 i King's County. .His accts. do. .. .do .... 266 4 7^ Pictou. .His acct5 do. . . . do. . . .500 16 9 A nnapoli'. .His accts ... .do. ... do .... 45 4 6 Sydney Co. .His accts. .. .do. .. .do 148 2 4h Digby. .His accts do.... do 77 15 7 Amherst. . His accts. .«*. .do. .. .do .... 1 87 17 Port Hood. .His accts. .. .do. .. .do 46 I 8 Colchester. .His accts. .. .do* .* ft 183 6 3i tr 4|..— — '■ farmer's almanack. Cnmhci'lanc], ,No accounts or rpturns, ba- lance due as reported last year c£7l 3 I, of >vliich it appears by the Treasurer's receipts he has remitted £S0 41 The committee recommend that there should be only one Collector for this and Amherst. 3 1 2 9.i 9 Wevmouth. .His acct do. . . . do. . . .579 Tie has not sent a list of Uonds. The com- mittee recommend that inquiry he made why a hi r;!;er remittance was not made, as the ba- lance remains much the same as last year, he having paid the Treasurer only. ,JL^\^ 10 Sydney.C.B...llis 10 lOJ S. Curry's bond transmitted ; bal. due thereoti 9 In his accts. for 18*28 he chaijjed the Treasurer £60. A. iM.fjilverv, Tweednaj^e, which oujjiit onlv (o have beenX'40, there is an error in bi'insiing over the balance of acct. for 1 8r50 to that of I iiS I , ofc£ I , ma- king a diliertnce of this sum. .. .9 0—631 19 lOi Hants. .No accts. from the late Collector, he is accountable for balance reported last year 571 i6 5 Less remitted the Treasurer.. ..67 5 i',— 504 1 I The presentCoUectors accts. have beenrec'd to 3ist Dec last ; bal. in his hands 182 11 Argylc.No accts. or returns, he is ac- countable for bal. reported last year297 4 10 Less lemitted the Treasurer 52 9 li 3 (1 ■244 15 8.; Anchat. .His accts. have been ^ec'd. to 31st Dec. last ; he charg;ed a commission or d a^vbaclc, which has been deducted; he is iiow accountable for this amt 1,412 4 II t ■■ " y \ ; ^'69.819 5 2i /i\ ttiffT; n A, 4 lOi ll s.^ n '2h I FARMER^S ALMAXaCK. Q Loan Offices. — The balance due as reported by tiie Coiumisbioner at Anna- polia last year Principal. Interest. £71)0 9 iJGO 1 J lie has collected this sum (jiftcr ('e- diictiug his couiinis^iun,) the t.ilieience has been rcaiiucd the Treasurer 58 12 4 10 14 II Due £731 10 8 343 G o Isle of Saule, — The C'onimiss^iorier' 31 St Dec. lafct, have been received : the I'rovic- oial Grants have been drawn to that dale, and Government Grant to 31st March, \bo2, leaving a bala' ce in their hands of £1,034 IG Tliere remyius undrawn of the Government Grantto31bt Dec. Last, £310 Bterling 333 6 1 8 £1,908 2 9 The Committee recommend that this balance be paid the Treasurer ; to be ajiplied as required, for the support of the Establishment. Province Notes. — Amount of Notes in circulation 31st December last. ..£54,999 10 Delivered by the Commissioners to the Trea- surer, under the Act of 183'2 ..25,000 Ditto— for torn and defaced Notes 4,000 S3,999 10 Notes received and destroyed by the Com mVf . 4 ,( CO Leaving in circulation 31st Dec. last. ... £79,999 10 6 CuSTOM-IIousE.— The Hon. Collector's Quarterly Re turns have been received to the 10th of Oct. amounting to £12 C95 4 Hi stg. and that he has paid, as appestrs by the Treasurer's Account, the sum. of £18,307 17 2 Halifax cur rency. The quarter's salary ending 31gt Dec. last, has net been paid. Light-duty, collected and paid per Account.s for 1832. Halifax £1008 9 9 Liverpool 95 10 Shelburne 40 8 9 Yarmouth 27 10 2i Annapolis 10 4 Colchester 11 6 JJictou 210 10 9 Digby 10 Sydney 1 17 Weymouth 20 Sydney, C. B 410 Hants, Windsor, '31 & '32 15 G 2 H 11 23 10 A 3 £2,057 5 Q it m 6 F4RMEU'S ALMANACK. pifrby. — There reninins due from the Collector for the years 182(), '27 ^ "^8 ; which he snys hus been paul the Treasurer; unless lie can make ihis appear, the CouiniiUcc rccoiiuuend that steps be taken to enforce pfiyniont £JU D 5 ('apn Ur«^ton. — He has collected and paid the Trrnsurer, 410/. leavinj; a balance due of 1) 3 3 Tilt! Committee agree vvitli the lornicr reports on the subject of keppinj^a JJuat at the expcncc of the Province, and reijucst the C( nunissiouers of tlie llevonuo will direct the Collector will dispose of the Boat and remit the proceeds. C<-ui)ty of Sydney. — It nppeiirs by his accounts, that he has collected and paid Trcisurer 1 J 7/. (Js. b//. and retains in his hands tJie sum of 30 18 C It havinjr been collected, ounht to have been re- mitted, llo has made charges in his Accourts whiclj are inadniissable, and though frecjuoutly in- formed oT it, still conliniies to do so. Tiie (.'oin- ijiilteo recommend th;it the Glfic(.' of Collector of Lijrht duties be discontinued at (iiiysboro', as it ap- pears to them the trade is much embarrassed, wilii- uut the Province receivinfr any atlvant;io-e. Cumberland no accls.or rciurns for Ibo^', 'IJl, & KV2. Argyle do do 1831 &, '^{2. Hants do do ..183*2. Lunenburg. .. .do do 1830, '.3"2, &. 32. Arichat do do 1831, & 3">. ilis Account for 1830, was received, he had col- lected oil. 1)5. lid. which appears to be still due 54 6 11 £143 18 I The Commissioners Accounts to 3 1st Dec. last, have been received, for the Supplies, &c. amounting to 2,'2t»8/. I2s. Drf. iftliey have received of the Treasurer, l,l()L/. leaving a balance (iue them of £1,198 Vi 9 No reuiittance has been made from New-Brunswick. The Committee are of opinion, that if the Light duti^es were collected at the ditlerent Custom-llouses tiiroughout the Province » the Reveiiue would ue much greater thaji it is by the present mode* Common-Schools. — There has been drawn from the Trea- sury, between 31st De«. 1831, & 3Ist Die. 183-2, £4,35.U 7 L Of this sum there has been paid of old balances For Cape-Breton Xllt) J3 4 Annapolis KUi Halifax 100 For the year 1832, 3,973 J3 9 — 4,o5G 7 I JSalance remaining from Grant for 183"i. i n I ■m3m^'*f* '!■■"»» . Farmer's almanack. rx. Cf. c o. 4w !qc^ JC or. Ci"** •^i ^. ^J X o =1 i^ ^^ * a' o K< o s m^ o Oi « cx f>^ *"1 y p <' »U CC or. riv --, »c OL =: s ^ a.' c ^- 'Z LT >r .:* <o re u. ^> u r; c ^ C;» Gr.> .;^ <w »«- i.ji_»- ■"» :.ti ^t c *^i «0 iC — c w o •-J o s 2 ?r «^ >«"- ox CO c- 2 c c 1 o p o o o h CO JO ■ >o i:. Tc »-* 00 ►- ~. ^ — cc CO *- or o ■^) '^ '^ Si io cr. "— "I2 "z^ ^ ~ o cr. -o •„- o ,-x :■; c< .? 'j *- o^ ii -. M ;,'ru c.uco-<o cmcttt Cy X >B» O o n CC ^ en ^ CO '-' O O O P C ■K ►^ *^ -^ *^ 00 »Vj *- "^J <i- r^ >— a- -^f to w< CO •^» ii ^5 «u -- ^ cr. CO <c o 4* to VI ri vi CD ^ *. c: c- ^ o Jo'sDOol-J^otontocooo^ca^cocjco a 3"^ • o <^ (S - • ^■•<5 O CD -• O VI - C^' ;? !^ r^^ c. CD ^^ p -•^ h- -• • o *^ • o I— • r-t- 10 J-' ►— • 'TIJ CD 2, ? ^ > o 3 ^ O ^ ■ s Kd o-o CD t— ' • CD- f^ » o- B. :^ o 2 7 I 9 FARMKft S ALMA.VACK. Dr. The Province of Nova-Scotia, To this sum appropriated on account of Roadii ond Bridges, and otlicr services not yet drawn from tiie Treasiiiy Loan Certificates due sundry persons Notes in circulation to date Survey of Boundary Line Smallllarboiir at Suul lalands Bal. for Liglitliouse on Cross Jsland Protect Burringtcn Beacli Balance ^or Grist Mills in Cape Breton Do Do Do Do Do Encouragement of Schools Post Communication ... S.Green, pension, 2 years Quebec Steam Boat, 2 years Steam Boat between Annaj)oli3 and St. John, 3 i years Do Ea.^tern StageC. Company, 2year8 Do Western do I year Do Steam Boat between Pictou and P. E. I?;la,nd, 4 years - - - For School House in Cape Breton Hitchin's aiuiCrowell, Seal Islands Health Officers Bishop Eraser for School N.Jenkins for drawback Guysboro' Packet. Balance for Annapolis Academy Speaker of Assembly - - One quarter's salary ducCustom-House Officers l,7bG Due Cominisf-ioners of Light Houses Due sundry persona on acct. Province Building £5,944 5 a 2L45U 7 () 7D,!'l)!) 10 4U0 100 41^0 ;jo 40 - 2(i i) ' > 31 5 4 - 40 1,IC0 - G50 5CiO 300 1,200 2(0 50 V5 50 u 5 11 50 75 I) 40 s l,7bG 4 8 1,11)8 12 9 r 221 15 7 i;jl5,874 18 4 T T i C B j£Si^ifC:i': fafimer's almanack. * A > Dec. 31st. 1832. Cr By Dal. in the hnnils of tho TrcasurcT £7 ,t'i7} Loan to Dalhousio ('ol,»'!jro - - r> rCO Aiinajiolis C utility - - l,U75 Due by Coiiiinissioiiers >! Isle of Sable iC)']-\ KJ I Cuvenuiiciit, 3 Uis. - ''i'^*) 1,070 7 7 7 3 ,i.Mii ir. Q Collectors of Li 'ht duty Securities iii ilie hand-s of the Collector of Impost and lOxcise lluliiax ;'>".' deduct probable drawbacks 14.014 15 2 _ :j7,n00 Securities in the hrnd.s of the Out-Port Collec- tors, With a statcLi'^'n? of liie jnoney paiil by each iiilo tho Treasm v. Cash paid ii, '3\ l() 1 J 43 id J Bonus in Ilanda f 1 1 Shelburne £'i:^> VM Ii IM Yarmouth 40") 11 i) 710 17 3 Lunenburg :U! Ii 3 2r- 17 3 Liverpool i,i;r> Ii 3^ l.oor, 8 1 Kin<;'a County j...> ^ 'U -a:*; 4 7i Cumberland '.M) 41 3 1 Pictou 7:)3 OA nijo \i\ 9 Aniiopdlis 20-2 V2 (> 51 4 t) Sydney County »-{5 14 7h 148 4i ir VVey mouth 08 !(• r>7!) 2 s>i I Dicrby (14 n 15 7 Anclrnt Amherst 4\ri l,41-> 14 11 j?i) 1S7 17 Hants 1]7 r> 2 Ob7 2 5 9 Port Hood 38 1(5 4(1 1 8 7 Argyle r/,» H 24 4 15 Sh Icr Sydney, C. B. 3t7 (i31 10 1(».J Colchester Halifax 94 ()( Custom-IIouse J8.3o7 3 2 ' £47,535 8 H 0,7:0 12 5i deduct probable drawbacks 4,570 12 5^ 5,0C0 Balance 5 57,359 9 je 1 15,874 18 4 10 farmer's ALMaNACK. ts o«ocooo»e«5>»oocM ph f^ f~ >-^ '^H """ cT o o o" o o cTo o c o o 3 o ^ f-< — — « '-^1— II— I ^Hl-^ l^™<,-<''' 05 ->i "» (» c^ X) X -r -" Qtj o M f -. ;* •-0 o so t* f ^" " f-^ w ;.>* a> O CQ <7< ^ ■^ "^ "^ I O '«« kfj •— < eo '.o o •?• ■?> '^ o » CI io CO -M (-1 f-t r-i rl Tl M ■« ?< ;< W C< C< CO Ci CO C^ ;,'< F-. ^ V rj a> 3 3« c 3 o o a (U ^ C w u 3 X! ea s • ■•« C -^J" O "If o eo o w ^ t- ~< t- ca — < <-• 1-< 1-1 CJ • • • , 'n • • • |1 4) 3 S ^ ^ 3 .2 o S3 S I I o CO 3 -O — « -5 s sJ { ,* t M ^ 'laSSl^ farmer's almanack. X <^ -a • 6> a R t=3 v. M ^ *< i O: • • • • • • • • • • • • : : : - to' O • ••H^Ci^Ot •• . . . o ec to H-l . . . ?£ O — • Ci • • • tT tS 1— • • -J — «> C5 • to 1 . . ^ hS CO • *•. Ci o • • 1-^ 1— 1 • Qi O CI • 05 t* O — (U. Cl ^i . . t3 O -- M . n: ff: »0 *. ! • CO -si hs M o oi sr: -» • • (X CO W >*»' • CO CO o 1-- 1 . , i<. M NS v\ . <t- i^ i: oa -^ -i ' . , ^ , >_ 4^ ^ *-» , cc c< Ci ^ ^^l ci . 1^ • . 1— 1 . rf- . cn c: « 10 •^>— cic»m<©i cc« • >— - c^ -— . .— 4*. o ts co: '* CO OC l«». Ml it' C9 •«4 >— o C5 iC Mi tn to M. 00 C!1 — — W to s ■"" O > CO • •(>. r^ ^ S^ K r c: • to r- — C>} r rc &d >t> 4^ • • »— ^--rfUCl. 4 CO CO ^ <w I— Oi '.O • • 'O I& • C^i (£ 0< CO o -^ • Ci oc en c< © ^ Ci o -^ CO Ci Ci O til C5 C5 iC ••0 CO CO i-: w rx t-< ic 05 CO ^ *.. tU C» •-! '— c. o to C <w CO t— [tk 00 GO <0 O K'. 5^ iC; to _. ' WW ; >-* P "n ,_ •-I (I (C a. ■ h- ' ►>• {i be V. 1 <£ V— iO Ol ^t p I ft P» ^j 'cj? -1 1 iC CD CO I— 1 CO CO 03 to CO i^i 10 o 1-3 o o o t« CD ^--» p C/3 QO - n ' *"» ^ I r-^ I— < • >', t« to o 12 farmer's almanack. Cometary Astronomy, Witliin the la?!t few years L-roatcr lii'lit }jns born thrown onth'j naUire of (Jo.nels, a^ to tln.Mr pl.y^ structure, and laws of motion, tiian could po-sibly bo tiiiiijinate'i by the as- tronomers of aiitiiniity. Comets SLH'ui in all nge.stohave made peculiar im[)ro. <!')» oti every cl isy, of fsociciy, the loarned as well as tlie uiileariiod ; ihov were a terror t(» { r ivces, a my.s- tery t(^ |)hilr,soj)i;ors, f. lo< my jresnpes of cilainity to tho^e countries trdui vvijonce tiioy wera vi ible, and po\ erfiil ag-enle for the crulry to excite tli • fear^ of tlie superstitious and cre- dulous. The (ierinan and P^rench ph.losopljers piedirted that the comet of Hicla wuuKl, in the year \ti'-i2^ breathe desola- tion on the htmi in race, and by it,s snock, reduce Ihis Ijeauti ful world to its original chaos. Noiices appeared relative to a coiuet, said to be visible, and tbose wlio p()sse.«;sed tele- scopes v.'ere directeil to llu; i)lac9 in the lieavens where the monster was to be found ; every one, who saw it, wondered that it remained stationary ; it would, indeed, have been a wonderful pbenonieuon if iihad moved, tor this fancied comet prove! to be tbe nebula in tiio ;jirdle of An irome.Ja, the posi- tion ef which, in the heavens, was as jierniancnt as t!)nt of any of the iixed stars! At iejigth the expected comet did apj)ear, but only dimly seen v>ith the teiescoj)e : it passed the cartii's orbit, crossed tlie paths of Venus and Mercury, mingled its niy.'terious cloud-liKe iorm with the solar ray--, Lnd dis- R])peared. The periods of comets vriry from .'li years, (that of the comet of Eucke,) to 7.") yenrs. t!ie pcrio I ot' ilie llaliey cornet; 575 years the crmel of ll»8u; '■S'\6'-\ years that of IHl | ; and '331 years, which is the ppr od of t le comet of 17.;l.}. The mind conteiuidu'es w;th astoiii-hment the very lenoth- rned peiit-ds assirrnpd to some of these erratic b.idies; tlie imaj^inaliou tnivels bark totliose epochs, vviien they were seen by our anee-'ors witli s;u])ersJitii'Us awe, or devout reli- gious feriingr. The ( oniol of {[alley :—t!;is mny. it i •• proba- ble, be seen in Ir-.j."), by the ()c'o:ier;eiijn who it in V/T)[) witii chil.lisii curios'ity nnd terror. Wh'it a Cf.i^r -j-t is at onre presente ! to tlie miul. t'le I'e'ui'y nn 1 simnl'.eity of in- fancy, and the qi'.eruluusiip.-s aii'i docri;.ti!U''e of ui;e, A fiour- isiiiniy. p.opuloii.:, e:. tensive eini» rj wil,i'.e>ses one of these {•plrMuii'i h .di'.'o shaKinir its tr(.;.-^...'.-j as i[ p'l.-scs onv/aj-ds to t!ie re.ihn.:? of ;'p:ic.'.' ; it comide't's i;s revi-lution of ce'-tinies, it return?, — the ri:i;iire liJts t'ec'iyod, the ntuue scarLoiy remem- bcred, it cxi'is (Mily on the i.^i c wf hl-jtory. A co'ivt: pro- cee js on itsawlisl (M'lrsf,- of th'Mi -.'inds of ye".rs, ;ind claticimv by a brijht wi\\ lenu iful worjd. \> r< aim ; beyon' tl-ie reach of tho!r:;h', ; it wheels i^i- car hoineward?, and pi'r-aea this bri<riit aiv! b^.-iMtiird world ir .)"ii ne m, or n .:ei o WilU ii:i Cii; lUlJ nly sea t,i cd i)\.n:mcniti ! Thuu,:h vr.^t lo I- farmer's almanacs. 13 thrown re, and tlie as- Q matlp rued as a iny.s- O tllOsC 1 ao-enle md crc- led that desola- l)oauti ative to f'd tolc- loro thf [))idered been a d comet he posi- that of tmet did ssod r/he miiigied nd dis- le comet it ; 575 .d :33i Icno'tb- the les ev were t rel ba- ba ' pro cd it in ;tis at \y of in- A fiour- sf these Ulot! in; le it ire.nem- ■'i pro ancinor •10 r Ises ea ch this )U only :t 10 I the finite mind — these numbers, periods, and distances, what arc they, but a drop in the ocean of infinity ! a point in the abyss of eteriiul duration ! On the vast scale of eternity and the broad region of intnrminablc extent what are thousands of year?, and millions of wandering bodies— but the duration of the splendour of a dew-drop before it is exhaled ! There is time, and there is space fi»r all these revolutions in the ample dominions of the universe of GOD. Counting- House Calendar, for 1834. 5 § ^ ^ ^ ^ CD '-el » ^ S o C3 <^ P- ^ C/i ^^^y} ^ty :i.^ Jan 5 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 27 28 29 30 31 4 11 lb 25 Feb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 March. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 luLV. p : ^ I 1 2 3 MS p P- C P -s ^^ p- 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 31 4 11 5 12 18 19 25 26 Aug S3 3. EPT. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ]7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oc April, Mat N ov. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ] 2 3' '4 *5 6**7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 JuxNE....! 2 3 4 5 6 7 Dec 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 I B 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ■ ( 14 ii -PARMER'S AtMAlfACK. Signs of the Zodiac, of> Arie<j — head. y Taurus— neck. Q (jlemim— arms. <r5 Cancer — breast. ^ Leo — noart. J^u Libra — reins. v\ Scorpio— secrets. t ►jiigittarius — knees, yj Cu|>iicornna — knees. ^ A*^4uariu3— legs. X P.iices — feet. © The Sun. C The Moon ^ Mercury. 21 Jupiter. Vi tSaturn. ^ Georgian. The Planets. 9' Venus. Q The Earth. ($ Mars. £1 A Planet's asceii<un<r node. ^ The descenJing node. (5 Conjunction, or Planots situated in the same long-itiide. D v^uadrature, or Planets situated in longitudes differing 3 signs trom each oiher. g Opposit.on, or Planets situated in opposite longitudes, or differing (> signs from each otlier. Chronological Cycles for 1834. Dominical Letter I'.. Roman Indiction 7 Goi<len number II Julian Period (J547 Epact \10 l)yoni>sian Period 163 Cycle of the Sun '^3 | Number of Direction 9 Feb. 19th and 21st and 2'2d. May '^Istaud'^ad and 24th. Ember Days. Sept. 17ih and 19th and 20th. Dec. I7th and 19th and '^Oth. Moveable Feasts. Septuagesima Sun Jan. 2(j Low Sunday April 6 Uuinq or Shrove Sun. Feb. 9 j Rogation Sun May 4 AshVVed.or lstdayLentFebl2 j Asc. Day, or Holy Th. May 8 WhitSun. orPeritecostMay 18 TriuitySun May 25 Advent Sun Nov. 30 Mid-Lent Sun March 9 ! Palm Sun March 23 EASTCd DAY ... . March 30 Fur other remarkable days and Sundays, aee calendar pages. Holidays at the Public Offices. New Year's Day Jan. I Eister Tuesday April I St. Patrick March 17 Queen's b. d. kept... Aug. 13 St. George April ^3 King's b. d. kept May 28 Good Friday. ...... March 2tl :S«0tBr Monday. . . .March 31 Wiiit Monday May 19 Whit Tuesday May 20 St. Andrew Nov. 30 Christmas Day Dec. 25 Powder Plot Nov. 5 I. n. ^ lonffitude. s d'iflforing ongitudcs, 7 .... (3547 163 on 9 and 20th. and 20th. |.... April 6 - May 4 ? |Th. May 8 losiMay 18 ..May 25 ...Nov.30 ndar pages. ..April I |....May 19 ...May 20 ...Nov.30 I... Dec. 25 ....Nov. 5 Eclipses in the Year 1834. '•* Who marshals this bright host ! enrolls their names, Appoints their post, their marches, and returns, Punctual at stated periods ? who disbands These veteran troops, their final duty done, li" e'er disbanded ? — He, whose potent word. Like the loud trumpet, levied first their powers In Night's inglorious empire, where they slept In beds of darkness ; armed them with fierce flames; Arranged, and disciplined, and clothed in gold. And called them out of Chaos." 15 There will be five eclipses this year, three of tlie Sun and two of the Moon, as follows, viz : — I. The first will be of the Sujv, on Thursday January 9th at Ch. 5Gm. evening, invisible. It would also have been invisible in the Provinces, had it hap- pened before sunset, on account of the moon's south latitude; but in the Antartic ocean and the greater part of the south frigid zone, it will be visible and very great. II. The second will also bo of the Sun, on Saturday June 7th at 5h. 43m. morning, invisible by reason of the moon's south latitude : but visible and total in a great part of ihe south polar regions. III. The third will be of the Moon on the morning cf Satur- day, June 2Ist, total and mostly visible. Should the air be clear at the time this eclipse will exinbit a rare and most grand and beautiful spectacle : the Moun during the tim>- of her total immersion in Uie earth s sliadovv will appear ot a variable blooa red, or brown or copper color, and her light will be weak and pale for some tiuie before and alter immer- sion. Its phases at iiaiifax will be us follows, viz. Beginning 2h. 18m. 'j Total immersion begins '3 23 | Middle of the eclipse 4 5 ! Apparent time. Ecliptic opposition 4 8 j End of total obscurity 4 47 j Moon sets near 7 digits eclipsed 4 23 j Depth of immersion in the earth's shadow 16 digits on the southern side. IV. The fourth will be of the Sun, on Sunday, Nov. 30, in the afternoon, a great and visible eclipse ; total at Charles- ton, S. C. and at other places in that state, and Georgia, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Its phases at Hali- fax, will be a« follows, viz. 7 .•i r. i ■{ IG iarmer's almanack; Eclipse bcging 2h. IGm.'] Midule .....3 32 j GreiitebLobscu ity 3 35 ^ Apparent time. Visible/ conjunction 3 36 j End of the oclipfjC 4 48 j Digits eclipsed 10° 30' on the Sun's southern limb. V. The fifth and last will be of the Moon, on the evening of J.ondai/, I ho liith, and morning of Tatsduy the 16th of December, visible as follows, viz. Betfinning llh. 4m. eve. '^ Middle 33 m. I . Ld.ptic^ 40 m. ^ Apparent time End 2 2 m. ) Two thirds of the moon's diameter will be obscured on her southern liuib in thenortii side of the earth's shadow, rt"^ The Asteroids. Sevpral strange opinions have been entertained respect- ing these beuutihil bodies ariniiig from the remarkable pecu- liarities of their moiioiis and physical phenomena. Some have supposed that ihe lUimense aiiiiospijeresi of two of them are derived from the '' lost comet of 1770." Others have con- sidered them as the fragments of an exploded planet, and that meteorolites, which occasionally full to the earth, are some of the smaller masses. On this subject it has been sug- gested that, as the component parts of lueteorolites are simi- lar to terrestlal subsia ces, thert does not seem any neces- sity for tracing them to so distant a source as a planet that once moved between iMais and Jupiter. But these small planets are neither the wreck of a ruined world, nor are tiiey wrapped in the levvly acquired train of a comet wandering from its course. In ihe wnole of creation, wherever the power of the Divine Being is evinced, there is also displayed iiarmony, and an arrangement for the general preservati m ; a beautiful connection may be traced, uniting bodies appar- ently opposite in their natures, gliding tdrough the various links which ascend from the minute to the stupendous — from the gram of sand that fetters the proud ocean, to the rolling world, and all the vast orbs that move through im- mensity. Moi-ning and Evening Stars. Venus ( 9 ) wil be xMorning Star until March 7th, then E\ Stur, uniil December 21st and thence Morning Star- through tlie year. Jupiter ( 21 ) will be Evening Star till May 9th, and then Morning Star to the end of the year. UifflJSilWS-SfcrTO,, Farmer's aluanack. 17 it time. venmg 16th of nt time ired on ow. espect- e pecu- Some of them ,ve con- et, arid h, are en sug- re simi- neces- et that e small re they [itlering ver the splayed vati 'H ; appar- various dous — , to the ugh im- h, then ng Star- Astronomical Phenomena. The Moon will run highest this year about tho I'^Hh rie- i^ree of Cancer i 05) anl lowest about the defrreo ofC'npricom Latitude of ner3chell ( ^ ) about 44 minutes Soutli this year. longitude of Mnon's ( Q ) ascending noJo in tho middle of this year, 2 signs, 2(j degree^} Mean obliquity of tho Rchp'ic in the middle of thi3 year 23° 27' 40, 7". True obliquity ^3^ 27 41, 4". .K^auK^a^ Explanation of the Calendar Piiges. Left hand Page. — First column contniii?) the tiaya of tho month. Second, days of Llie Week. Tkirl, Rising of the Sun. Fouitk, Setting of tlie Sun F{f:h, lom/t!! <i' dr.y.^ m hours and minuter. Sixth., S ui's ('on ly; hcr.!r> and minutes. Seventh, Moon's Itisinj or Setniig. lJio;:ifh, Mooa'3 Southinj?: — this column also irives tfie tims) of i^Iiii-h Water at Wifidsor, Parrsboro', Horton, ('ornwalli^ &.;, A'iniA, Moon's place in the signs. Tenth, High Water at liahfax. Right Hand Pack. — First column, contains tho days of the month. Second, Holidays, Weather, &c. ThirJ, Farm- er's Calendar. The top of the columns on each pajre shows the Moon's I phases, or the times of ne-.v and full inoon, and of the first and last quarter, or two quadratures with the sun. All the calculations are in apparent or sojar ti ijc, The Sun's declination, is taken from the Nautical AltuTnack. C nd then * I » •* JANUARY, 31 (lays. I iMontI K:',^^^*^^^^^^^^''^^''^^^^>^'^0^'-^^^^'^''^-^'<^'-'Cy^<ri'^ S 1^ i; 'A v I •-^^^^i^ wmr^o-^--^ Last C iid I 111 5f^m morn. | New ^,;»th d. ()h.r>(i m. eve. R.' D M I) VV rises 1 o 5 () 7 8 y 10 11 VV Tn Fr Si E M Tlt W Th ,F- Sa 13 M 14 T 15 1(5 17 18 19 QO 21 22 VV T.I Fr Sa E \I Tu W 23Tu 24 25 26 27 28 Fr Sa E M Tu 29 W 30Th in Fr 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 17 l7 3!» ;]!) 38 38 37 37 3() 3'i 35 35 sets ~fl 8 l):iy;^' leii th Sun's I ]) (lec.S W S. sonti 21 3414 3314 32|4 31 4 30'| 1 2!M4 ■28 4 2714 2(JI4 25 24 27 21 4 4 4 4 4 20i4 11)4 17 16 15 14 13 8 2>8 2.}U 23' 8 2418 24 .> 8 8 8 8 2; 8 2: 2: 28 2.) 'i 31 32 33 31 35 3;) 37 38 31) 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 i) ;) i) \) 9 :) ,) i) 9 :) 9 9 9 J 9 M 23 42122 4ll2i 44 n 4i|>i 4;i>2 481 i-i 48' 2) 50 M 50'n ,) ) 54! 5'? I) 4 6 8 10 12 14 }1 >1 i I l\ 21 2) 2;) 20 »9 2) 1!) 1 ) 2 57 51 45 3!) 32 215 166 8' 59 5 '^9 11 2(, 4 5!) morn. 5 50 i) 38 6 37 I 5') 7 2 5 ;3 V'^ 15 '4 10 9 6 5> 4(5 16 1 ) 18 1) 2) 19 2 > 18 417 31 18 201) lOjlO 58 11 47 35 22 10 5J 43 29 19 !) 23|I0 I5'art.38 1411 27 15,2 172 19 3 20:4 20 5 ;norn. 5 216 25i7 29 7 3 1 43 49 9 10 14 58 41 22 43 26 10 59 51 48 48 49 place. £% in t t K K K 8 8 n n n water. 2f) 28 30 32 34 18 18 17 17 17 15 6 49 11 rises, mora. 45 6 22 4"^ 30;7 41 I 14 9 0|2 58 10 16 3 42 11 30 4 26 morn. 1 5 46 41 33 24 14 SI 11 .)3 morn. •j 3 4 5 6 () 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 57 11 26 30 24 8 ,51 32 10 42 J5 49 23 44 aft.39 1 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 50 o /u 15 13 5 53 41 24 o 42 25 10 11 morn 13 TdySBft^^**^*^' '* 'i I Month '-Cr\ v^ '.^^ ,^. i) m. eVG. ce. m water. '^ li .)a O- norn. c^ J 57 nt i 11 ^n :i 26 t 4 80 T •1 24 V5 (5 8 V? <) :a >? 7 3> 8 10 8 42 K 9 15 K !) 40 K 10 23 v a v 11 44 w aft.39 H 1 50 n 3 2 n 4 15 n 5 13 io 6 5 Z5 f) 53 ;i, 7 41 ^. 8 24 n)j 9 2 "^ 9 42 Q. 10 25 /x 11 13 morn. Winter. JANUARY begins on Wednesday *<> u> '■<y »«2' <-<5' i-'l' t.^ to lo i<, lO yKy >-^ *^ ><.- ><• wj^ kj^iuJ' i,^iVCntC>^(«^%<'^ivC.t<;'"« Eternal ^ isdotn and eternal ' ove, Joined with imerminable Power above, Union inetfable, in bliss supremo, Give to existence tliis stupendous whole, VVIieie'er the eye can reach, or soarhis: soul Kxtends aroutid its intellectual beam. Unrivalled order and celestial grace, Seen tluonoh the si j-jjesol unbounded space, Whene'er the mental eye, with steady view, Surveys its s;lv>ry, to ibe lieaxeuiy King Lil'ts the rapt soul on ' ontemp at ion's wing;, v\ridev(i} pov\er expands with rsipluie need. p. ^ ^ ,.,, , , . .,, Full O '-•>■'» '• 51i ."i^ ni.nujrn First^]) lahcl. Khj^ni.eve. ^^^^^^ ^ n si .> <>h. Cm . cve^ niM I Holidays, weather, &c. | i vr>,er''* t u.f.nuar. IjC^ircumrision. I Once uiom- |yoi,tU; reader 2i(v)\^ long. 281'' 42m. Co/./rr we ci;i\e tho |ri\ ilc^e of ush 3|Low tides. U'iik si^nscnwj: our-oU' i 'to your pre- 4lB:itt. oft'Pointe a Petrc'9.") o/ senre, with onr i-nU'iilations, Ej ;})'s Decl. 14° 24' S. snoiy. i roccpts, aini < tlnr niattord (i|Ei)iphMny. and thiniis f( ni cal and eco - /jBattoirCape StVincontl782 noin.cnl. Br.^'ht :• ol, to speak 8jLiician. jpoot cally, is. i o\ -a-dnys?, 9|I'iL'hf'r Tides. ('[car rr»</ 'uihcr iiii indolent -ortota l(;'(^:'s loiit^-.li89^ -51' mU(^er.\\)^'rs^)\]•,\^rQ. lie lies in bed 1 1 (istenburoii t.iken. 17t2. the gre.'itpr part itf the fore- E li-t lifter Epij)hiiiiy. 13 7 ::<c's south 7, 5(i. 14 3)'. Dec. 10° 35' S. 15 3 Apogee. 10, 17 Very low tidpj?. nnon, and when he rises ho seems ns cold, unsociable, and illiberal as a bnchelor of 'seventy. If you intend your Hard/rost3.'domv:-Uc animals .'^hall be 18 E 2(. I'risca. O O 2/- ')i\ after EpiphHuy. Fahiau. ©citers : i))rotitably kept, you will at tend to their comtbrt as well as their f^ustenancc. Care Qnile should bo taktu that your cat- rovs;h,n\e are well li'. teicd, this will 22iVinct nt. L».r(lByron b. I7b8.ji ot only keep them from do- 2'- \ J) runs high. <n>(l hlnsirij g penance for their keep- i iiKulaU.uj)le takeu 1759. ^ery ncglgence, hut the ma Coil, of St. Paul, llirh tides. iterial." uicd tor li;ter will be- Sortuage.'ima. J) Penjiee-come the best wt" manure, T) ^ux.h.^^^.Signs of a thaw, and manure f«»r a farmer is 2l!A«ines. I2 «*at. 24 25 E 27 28 ^s long, 308° 10'' becomes 29i :>'s Decl. 2° 35' N. milder. 3niK,Chas. 1st mar. better than money at com-, ])ound interest. Attend steadily to business 31IL0W tides. Snow or rain, and let not amusement, gos u FEBRUARY, 28 days. II Month VJn \^■^ »tf^ l^n I tf T ^^ T t<> , L^ uCn t^n 1.^1 uC>i u5o vSH ys- , >^i i,^ uC^ k^% (O^ iC^ v.^> '-e^ uC-> *^ ^ ; I '•^. i<5-. Li^i Ki-' i-^'->i.5o'^'r-^T.'I^i>5'>>->^T<i.ii.->i'^<>iu^.uCi^i.'^. 1^5^ i/> L(5' v^ "-^^ Ui5- u5- i-^ Wi, r^iev/ 9, 8tli d. (;h 47rii cvc. | Fiii^t J), JUth i!. 5li 27m. eve. IJ © ; © |l)ays'|Sun's,3)U.| J> \ })'s | High Wl rij^os I sets |lcirth|dec.y! c\: ^.Isouili.! place. |Watcr ■l^ Sa M ' 1 2 E 4 \V Th Fi 7 8 Sa 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (J 30 M HiTuKJ () () 161 K J7M IBTu 19|VV li) 21lFr|<5 22lSa (} 23; F 24'M (I 25iTi-lfi - 2o|U !() ^1 «:/ lii «) ni4 1014 8!4 7|4 ():4 4|4 814 2J4 05 rsj5 ;;7lij 5r> 5 .5] 5 4j>i5 4'; 1 5 4v)i5 4:^'5 4:)l5 4^>l^> 4o;5 •^5 •..|5 'M 5 3:^,5 41)| i) 38 17 r)Oi U 4i)il6 52 y 44' K; 34 D 4(i,IU l(i 53 54 5- 1 57 581 y 4r^;i5 58:5 9 5i{15 405 [) 54 15 21 H 'J 5«i 15 2 sp 4 55 47 40 33 10 1 10 2 iO 3lJ0 5|lu G 10 8,10 9:io llllO i:|io 14110 l."vlO 17!!0 18|!0 20ii0 2^::i0 ''3':o 2(] 'J8. 44 (i 55, (J 4;7 88 g;9 58' 10 20 39' 11 ](\\ s. aft. 4 10 49 4 1 4 2 ()'l4 43:0 2114 24'7 4 14 4,8 13 4519 5i2 10 13 24 1 10 (iLs I2'13 411 8;4 lnil2 44! morn '5 32 13 54 35 17 1 47 3 1.9 2( 20 18 12 ^:3L i;:,5 !<»-ijl2 i.jl 17|0 21|n 4!, 2 2:i7 •:{!>. 1 1 20 3 1'8 8 30|l0 ^^|4 5^-;9 8 no 37 5 2o*il0 27 :]{l\v 15^0 10,11 2t •}0 9 5^j rises iuiorn 4l| 9 -I '>iO 24 4 i 9 97 50' 1 ',0 14 0! 581 10 .-01 8 4/ 9 13l2 10 5>1 8-^4 10 ^'9 3 iO 501 8 2:11 45,3 t t yj 8 n n SI 9 2t) 43 1 58 47 27 5 41 13 42 12 45 1 2 4 4 5 () 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 18 ;iO 59 11 49 a ft. 5 J o 3 4 5 t) 7 8 8 9 18 39 50 49 30 21 5 44 22 10 2 10 49 I ,1 Mojitli •> k5- <-^ i-:^ >,•:, 27in. eve. 's liiph :c. Watcr I'l r> T»l 1 2t) t •-i 43 t 4 1 V5 4 5b> yj 5 47 **v <; Of •♦V O fit <%4V AM' 7 5 7 41 K 8 l;i K 8 4-2 Y .) 12 T 5) 45 c^o 10 18 H 10 59 H 11 4iJ n aft.5J n 2 18 iD 3 ;39 Z3 4 50 15 5 49 X ej 3() ;i 7 21 ^ 8 5 a: 8 44 PL 9 22 :i: 1 10 2 'I 10 49 Winter. FEBRUARY begins on Saturday. I\()\v yo that hoar the hoav^ily Muse's voice, Fuisue her joiirnov throu;;h the op'iwng skies, vVherc thefiist motion wheels her niii^hty round, And n''irls the planets with resistless sway ; Tlien tliink ofllin) who?epowe! yon orbs obey, In sell-enjoyment wrapt, aiul bliss prol'ound, Heboid yon shinin"^ path obliquely run, VVhern, with his oiorious retinue, the sun .\iarshals the seasons, and conducts the year : What wisdom in tlie power that taught his ray Tc warm the sul)ject world witii tempered day, Not coldly (listant nor op|)r<'s<-ive near Ful \0^\\ :1 d. 4h 4<i ni. eve. dm! Holid'.iys, Weiiihor. ^-c. FAHMEK S CALENDAR. 1 (irco:. iGili el.I'ope'MI .Ulorm E ;S(>x"tjesima, l'iir.l3.V.M. 3(v)*8 lohff. 314° 15' 4i of , snow ni'iir at hand. 5|Ai:atha. ]> runs low. GiDr. Priestly tl. 1804, sipint,^ and jjamblinLS turn it IipoIn foremost out of doors at d «»ut of mind. Care is ng necessary as industry to com- mand, or indect* to deserve success. If you do tvot in- 7'7 ^'s set 1. 4 L luiir &L vuld'tcwi] your lambs should die 8 Mary Q.of Scota beli. 158(1. 'ofV by wholesale, you will give E Quinquiigesnna. liinh tides. jtheni health and streigth, be 10 for a h'mc. j feed in (r Hit' ewes with a pro- 11 ]| apoj^eo. per quantity of nutriciou3 12 Ash Wednesday. .'T7o?-e snoiv, articles of (.iet. Turnips are 13 ^de.l°55'.N Vtri/ cool,ii'itli vevy good for this ))urpose, 14 Valentino's Day high winds, and by a proper supply of 15 Pope driven fromRomel798-ithem, or of other roots, the E 'ist Sun. in Lent. .'Ii)pcarance''m\\k of the ewe's is much iii- l7|Micliael Angelo u. 15(»3. creased, and the jrrowtli of 18i0 ei'ters X- o/ rain. [the lambs greatly j^romoted. 19 p runs low. Look out for a li^ lambs are stinted at aa 20 21 2S E 24 25 20 27 28 snow storm. ©'along. 332° 2u'. Don.Miuuel arriv'd atLisbon early period of their exist- ence, they never become so thrivui^- as if they had been 2d in Lent. II. tides. [I8v8|well started when their ]) per. St. Matthias Ka//jer'growth commenced. Neglect 7 ^'s 34. Jine /or j not your forward cows, see Queen's b.d. i<, afeio duys.hhdt cleanliness is in all your (v)'a long. 338" 28' Ibusiness at the barn, without S's dec!. lt)° 49' 8. jthis attention there can be -? •^ ■^c^'^yt^j ,0 ^//^-y^ y .'.C 2 •i < I 'if MARCH. 31 (lays. HI Month LaoL C /id (1. Uh. Cm. iniirii. 1 Now ^, 1 ;<i i>Co w5o u^-i i>5^, 1,^, ,y^ , 1^5^ ,^. 0th (1. 71). 'i 111. morn. i! 1) ]) V © © Days' Siui'h) I>1^ 3) /dV" iTi^^h 1 hi Vv'i ri .S(J.S 30 tS leirth lee. S i^- a. SOlltll. place. walcr. 1 s,i;<; :}j,r) ;;() 11 7 '.)\) morn. 1 51 i?l 11 4(; ^ ]'] •; iii* 5 :ji 11 'i 7 Hi 5S 5 45 t nioni. •> >.I l!) 'j; 5 ;jMi (;<; 5:{ •i 4 «) ;}8 t 57 4T |o 2')i5 .'M II 8 ;iO :} 5 7 02 V? 2 23 5 W () *Jli:-> :m I! i\»(i :{ 57 8 24 >^ 3 37 (3iT: ii y;3 5 ;{7|II J !!•', 44 4 4'i 15 4 31) 7:-' I-;. 5 '^ii5 \V.> 11 L^!') 20 -> 15) 10 4 5 20 8 Sa i;j A. J H > ^10 J I '.>U 4 5; 5 5'2 10 51 (5 8 K jii ].^ 5 4>'ll '24 I IJ! 1) 18 11 34 () 41 l')iM !(> 1715 4;J,U 2(i 4 10 sots •,rt ir> K 7 14 , li!T' <j I ') r> 1.1 1! :i :? 47 7 2 58 r 7 48 l>iW () i:].-) ^17 11 :M:5 ■ yi 8 :^:l ;<8 o,o 8 17 WiTi (i n 5 4!) 11 ;j8:i i 5:2 11) 'f 8 4G ^ 11' Pr 6 if :•'.-) :>[) 1 1 40 ai ;0 8:i * 1 » > 8 :> 20 15;.Sa '1 :>5 51'U 4-2 ') " n II i;j;} 47 8 !) 54 loll'; »; bT) 5>11 4^1 inoni.;4 a5 □ 10 34 17LM i; (i5 5 Ml 48, 1 ti.j 17,5 25 n 11 24 i^:^!^rui«; 4 5 5(1 11 5'n 1 1 20 <; 20 n att,20 10 vv;() -J 5 58 II r>*5/j n8 2 2'» f 1 h] ^0 I i:f)iT,A5 '.•"^ 5i>|Il 5-^ !4!:] 17 ^^ 15 Co 3 2<)'V .') 5'j,a lil-^ '^ N 10 ; 4 ()'9 14 a 4 38 2L^'Sa tv G^J ^\\i 4;o ;m 4 4l)ilO 12 a ,5 3<J i>3lE f) 5ii|() 4 12 e 5 2v; 11 9 '^ 1(1 22 .■ 24| M i) 1 5 li 10; I 21'.) 5^; n»orii. irij 7 5 1 ii5!T-i.> n;j: .; I'll \A\ 4-1|riscs 4 ^Ih 7 48 -^^ 2^>:Wi:i :>i;<i {>\V?^ 181-3 88 10 58 iQ: 8 2;i 27iTa:5 50 ;> I0il2 '^0':? 0| t) o » » I ' t.l ~- 1 58 n 9 7 i28,Pr "> 'l,'^ (,! V2 \l '>4-2 10 4^^ 47 ^'i :> 41) S9uS:i ■ ) 1 >-< , • 4 ; , < ) 1:3 1-2 So 8 18 inor.'i. •J 4'> :f iO 37 1)0 E .i r>^i 15ii^ aO,:i 4-2 0|4 C.^ ^ 11 33 a.: '; -- J ■!• l!. ii^2 :32 1^ 6 11 ^> 5 33 >5 ir.orn. I HI Month .\^ WC>A4> i^.bC^ 1>5' '.-5' '■^. <-<5ni^ l.'ill 1. morn w Itizh ice. water. — - »fl N 4(> t moni. ^ 57 V? •-> y.'i V? .3 a7 1 ;3o r> 2u (5 8 V ^ ^ <) 41 K 7 IJ r 7 4H 1^ H 17 i*^ 8 4G 8 ;> 90 y :) 51 :j 10 34 n 11 24 n aft. 21) ^o I s .'J 2() "i 4 3H I 5 Si; '^' () 2^' X' 7 5 .« 7 48 J. 8 2;'i I 7 I :) 4i) V 10 37 1. 11 30 ? 'ing. MARCH begins on Saturday. '»?) Si)i llnil ! liail ! revived, lovivin;^ m'rino, Fair ty[»c ol hoaven''* eternal vear ; VV}ii!<? N.\TL'iu:'s \\oiK> liiy praises Nilig;, Lo ! s;''iit'l^'tif- '^alutt'.'i liiee lieio. Swell, geiitlv swell the i>ol<Mii!i xjnj; INow pour the houiidinj^ lioles n O';;^, Teach choirs b'^lovv, lu (•)ii()i> ahove To echo hack t!ic comiiioii Ki\'; And as tliey praise unhoinided love, To join in hoiirity's lioliday . First J) IH'li. d. eh. Idni. i:i. dm| Holidays, wcatln r, &c. | '^ y>' -6^ v5« wfir. w5» I »^»- -5 ^ I'ull O -•'th d. Ih. WMw, in7 I^asi (L .'>Lst d. ill. 12m, ev(?, F A II !\1 F', K 's (; A L K .N D A K . l|St. David. neither tlirit't nor economy. H 3 I in Lent. J. Wesley (!.':)! I F'iiisli cutting, spHtiin^, 3]li'.)w ti'lrs. {Jiruxvs finer. ^\\(\ \)\\\\\g your wood, it i.s 4, "5 ru;is lo^v. }wi.'jl to keep at least ono r)jl.a I^laee (I. I^>'i7. lyear's stock of wood be- 8 E 10 II 12 0|H. Ill's l^'. 315^ 2'VC'oo/;r wHh forehand. Ncve^ be hacking 7[i'ur})(i't ja. Kind ani rain ^ few .-plinLe's from a loji- to Mid. Lent. v.r .nnotc. heat the tea kettle when you oiiiiiu to wi-rK in the tiold. JJecomtsfineK-i'\i yoiii cattle a vay troin (urain. the fruit trees, current bu. h- OS, &c. ana OMt of the garden 6'/i7?7i>*c.<» and door yard. VourploUiiliH, \'m'j: -iin with strong; S'lmpfo.iis harrows, carts, hoes, rake?, 5 Cornwiillis s ViCtory l''.i'2. tiy'kJvLC. should he uveriiauled aad " a storm o/.some hekl in readiness for use. — 2) apon-oo <Lir< i^orv iMartvr. ]3:7>{<'! N. 31 \\\as iin J E 17 18 hind. ^ stai. St Patrick. fiow tides. 19i ]) runs hijrh. 20 21 K 24 7) }-engee. Bcomts they siiauld be cut from the 25 LadyDay.An.P.V.M. H.tidcs extremities of the branches 26 Pruice Geo. William b. IHl'J.'of the most thrifty and best 27 -* ' • ~ .. • 28 29 E This is about the time to cut scions for irrafiina", thev ^ -.«--■ should be taken off just a.s (,'nters Oj°. Dss. of Cumb.ithe buds begin to swell, and Benedict. [b. 1778. | placed with their lowo ends Willi's Ig. I °'>j'r^ozu/y ^' trM:7,, 111 the ground in some dry l\tlm Sundcy. jpart of a cellar till wanted; S'-J deci. lO^JBt's rcr^/ne.lbearin;: trees of the last years Good Friday. u'j;ain. growth, sever tiie scion from Swcdonbnrg d. 1772. filaster Day. 31 1 Low tides. i)runs low. the tree in the old wood, leaving enough of the bulb, which separates the two last oiorn. I •# mm APRIL, 30 Havs. IV Month. •■>i -^ ^5^ --^ -^ -^ ^/^i ■vi>^ v;?^ ^^oujn •C""-C^'^5"'.'5ov5>-.'-^'-^>-'5^''5^i'5o i>5o 1^^ J^i ■;<•■ 1^^ ./ 'Vi '^^ "./^ '^2^ ■ ^5o '.-^ iv^ ■ .Jn •^yT^t-'yi-^z^ viVi ><o i^5o i-^' New^. <»th d. Oh. '^^rn. morn. |Fi r::;t J), 16th (!. 8h. 4m. eve. D|D| © © 1 days 8iin'.? \ J) R.l D 1 D's High Mi\V| rises s et9 Ion 'till doc .N «Si S. isoi !tll'] place vva' er \ 1 Tii .) 4'.^ () 18 i i 36 4 'ir< 2 3 6 27 V? 38 i 2 W 5 40 6 20 12 40 4 51 2 51 7 20 VJ 2 4 -h W Tm 5 ?^'^ 6 21 12 \'l 5 14 3 3' 8 10 AM* 3 19 \ Fr 5 37 23 12 461 5 37 4 3 8 57 4 21 5 Sa 1 :?(i 24 12 48 1 6 4 3> •'\ 41 X 5 6 \ 6 E 5 34 26 12 52 6 23 4 55, 10 23 K 5 40 ty -> M 5 3:^, 27 12 :a 6 45 5 IS 11 5 K 6 18 8 Tu 5 31 6 29 12 58 7 8 bets. 11 46 T 6 51 ; ■ ^ 9 W 5 29 31 13 2 7 30 7 5 aft .26 T 7 23 1 .' r 10 Til 5 28 32 13 4 7 52 8 10 1 10 8 7 56 1 IJ Fr 5 27 33 13 6 8 15 9 14 1 54 8 8 29 1^ 12 Sa. 5 26 34 13 8 8 37 10 18 2 4(1 § 9 2 13 E 5 25 36 13 12 8 58 11 21 3 29 n 9 39 14 M ^ a 23 37 13 14 9 2v) morn. 4 22 n 10 23 15|Tu 5 21 39 13 18 9 42 24 5 17 25 11 16 re "v 16 W 5 20 40 13 20 10 3 1 21 13 25 ait 21 & 17|Tir 5 18 42 13 24 10 24 2 10 7 10 SI 1 50 18Fr 5 17 43 13 26 10 45 2 52 8 4 SI 3 14 1: \ '' 19 Sa 5 15 45 13 30 11 6 3 300 \ "n^ 4 25 20 E 14 46 13 32 11 27 4 1 9 55 ■njj 5 20 . 21 M 5 V^ 48 13 36 11 47 4 30 10 \% £^. 6 <i 22 Tu 5 11 49 13 38 12 8 4 58 11 42 £V 6 49 1 \ V ■ "I 23 W 5 9 51 13 42 12 28 rises. morn. m 7 31 \ j! "V 24 Th 5 8 52 13 44 12 48|8 28 37 in 8 Va J 1 "••v "• 25 Fr 5 () ! 1^ 54 13 48 !l3 719 45 1 3.3 :r 8 54 1 t 26 8a 5 5 55 13 50 13 27 110 57 '> 29 / 9 38 ' w 27 E 5 3 57 13 54 13 46 !morn.i3 27 VJ 10 26 ^ 28 M lr> 2 6 58 'l3 56' Il4 5 |0 1 4 25 VJ i: 18 29 Tu 5 7 14 14 24 54 5 19 VJ morn. 30 W i 59 7 o 14 1 14 4211 38 G 11 ?» ._ 4- Vtt' IV Month i/So '-•^1 '■C^ 1-5" v5^ ^.^'ISl^-.. ^^^.•^■•'■.VvGr- Sli. -Jm. eve. >luce V5 X X X i n n SI SI |\va er 3d 2 4 3 19 4 21 r> G 5 40 G 18 G 51 7 23 7 5G 8 29 !) 2 9 39 10 23 11 IG ait 2 1 1 51) 3 11 4 25 5 20 G (> G 49 7 31 8 1^5 8 51 9 38 10 2G U 18 mc >rn. fa i^pring. APRIL begins on Tuesday. By Spring's first sunbeam from her wintry rest, Lo ! wakerl to toil th' industrious sivaUow hies To seek a slie'ter for her clayey nest, And for her curious masonry supplies ; She cleaves the air with steady speed, and gay Gathers her insect prey, still journeying on, Sips as she skims the river, on her way, Prattles to pas«ers by, but halts with none. 'Tis done, 'tis tenanted, that little dome ! With duty <stitl untired her young she rears ; Prunes and instructs the unfled<;>'d uing to roam. Then cuds her destim^d task, and disappears. () ! bjaitfui rectson, loitering life away, 'See how poor instinct fills her hi-mhler day, Fuir0 23d (irruh2nrrrnorn.~fLast f 30th d. OlTTTmeve. DM I Ilolicays, Weather, ^-c. 1 7?ic's sot 10. ^3 0\l<)a<r.l'i° IG' JJnscltlfil wtatficr. Sum's ii)ng 312*^28' 4jSi AiuDFose. SjCoiiimoi) ti les. Mi'hr EjL/ow Suniay. ^un.^hinr 7: ^ apoo-ee. an : 8j ^ dtdt Tides hiijlier.j/io.'f«r.'< ' 9|Lor 1 15 icon d. IG'.^t) 10,'^i!^s ;oiijr.20-^ ^' Fa^raiid \\\ys docl. 13^33' N. 12| .'cfssjickle wctt'ier E l<\ al't.^or. 14 15 ) runs ]iii>"!i, T'mnder IGi 17 Low tides. Grows wnriinr 18 Sun's long. 27° 5/' aii'i the 19 Al!)ho<j:i' nppearaacc E '-id alt. roaster. O i-utors y 2lj (fan 22; I'o:al eel of Sun 1/45. y^mr 23 iSt tioorue. eaiiy sp/in^. 24'Verv lii'jh tides Mon 25'I)si.'Uloacestcr b.7().S.Mirk 201 sh'junr.^' i^ ;4tli oi't. East. ^ gr. e.u,... 28 ^ runs lovv. I'tryjun: 291 D's dec!. 23" 26' a. 3('iLo\v tidt'ti. weather. fa»i.u?;ks calenovr. vea .s' orowtli, for i senion to tbrai tlie wedge. Sec to your fences, if these are ne«,lecLed you may a;- well neglect plou^ihing, plani- ng, .'tnd every other require- aont 0(1 your farm. Attend o p)!ouglji LS 10 farmer, 1 ,)re:-U!ue, ever ]douglied hib ^lound too nv.icli, no matter now njclloV; the soil is. F'ling 'ij> the garden into ridge;", ^^'ardening is too much ne- :!uctei' m our country; if ha!r the time was euijdoyeJ in cultivating a kitche • gard- en, that is spent doing no- tiiino", or what is worse, we siiould live much che;!j)er, ai.d tar more to our comfort I'rocure good seeds fir all tiie crout^ you intend to raise, nd If 1 jem be put into iinuiii early. Ifyour snung gra; is not 11 sou'i', lose no tune in <ie[t.iig it into the -round. Do not tuio « attle into pa^te^ ground too e.riy '0 the spring, untjet tli^ l: i «i^'^ :iavc a chance to start a little 1 MAY, 31 day. V Month. «> ■ i»5r, 1^^ V5' i<5n i.^^ w^ itf T >-^. t(5)i v<5n '^5n L<5n u^T) L^;/^ .^^o i<J-i (.rirv <^l 1^1 1^ .1 I •8 New ^,8tli d. 4h. 11m. eve. jFirst J). ^ 1)1 D M VV rises sets I) lya leti'th 1 <i (locN ;;. I 16th d. ;ili, 40rn. eve :j)Pt.| 3) t^ S. IsomMi. place. '^J.Sa:4 •>|14 ;i 14 5!l4 (;|i4 7 11 4 1.-) 10 15 iri :]7;:i 54:J li 40 () UJiG ' >'^ 9 14 l.^'hi r>i4 10,14 .V i() l.">4 12 r>!) 44 9 .5u 11 '!4 '2-2! 17 J s CIS VIA\ •>4:i7 lH,-i II i^J 14 •2i;'i7 ■^v^ -iii ir>ill :5j 17 .A) 10 -^i-i :5j Iti U 17J11 1H114 .U) IH .J I 18 18 '>),0 l.>il4 ;58'I8 lo; ) J2u 14 40,10 :nil 5 1 1 o-a iO in )rn. 9 .5 10 31 11 12 1 1 5 ; aft. 4-2 :n 21 14 42 2>iU 41 2^14 4(1 21 14 48 25 14 5 58|4 aih; 5l7 ;u'i8 •2h) 2<; 1 1 27!n 28 14 20,11 3o;i5 31, )5 3! 15 3!i!5 • > > 1 1 ) 35115 J 14 50 29 »0 .)■> ^0 21 1!) i;i-2 19 30 2 W) \\\\ 19 5 m3 913 ris .3 ; 8 >0 44, > 411 .5-\i->0 55 10 44 2 ;ill 3^3 KJ morn. 4 20 I !.| 1 300 43'5 45 1 ll| > lUi21 olil 33i7 17 13 i 571 40| 41 32 ()i-:»i 4j-M ■.>i 28110 24 55 IMS) 2 > niorii .'^0 14 12 9 4 1 51 30 23 G 0,0 8 n n SI -r\. V5 Hi'^li water 1 o 3 4 5 5 (> 7 7 8 8 31 39 40 33 15 52 25 5 3(> 12 48 29 10 15 11 aft 1 o 4 4 5 7 7 8 9 10 5 10 50 11 40 morn. 31 I. 43 7 . 8 29 40 2 57 47 32 15 53 39 I V Month. 3^. >- LO^ • /^ ,„5,, (.<5^ I, 40rn. eve ace. K 0,0 8 8 a E5 iLo ^l SI ■/"\- n t t V5 K water I •> 39 :i 40 4 83 .-, 15 5 52 (> 25 7 5 7 m 8 1-2 8 4S 9 29 10 15 11 7 aft . 8 I •29 4t; 4 2 4 57 5 47 1) 82 7 15 53 39 9 22 10 '5 10 50 11 40 morn. 31 I. 43 Spring. MAY begins'TTti^hursda}^ "A^ain the daisies peep, trie violets blow ; Af^aiii tiie voca! tenants of tiie jjrove, (Forgot the patteri)!*^ hail, the driving snow,) Renew the lay to melody and love " *' Advancing spring profusely spreads abroad Flowers of all lines, with sweetest fiagrance stored ; Where'er she treads, love gladdens every plain, Delight on tiptoe, bears her lucid train; Sweet hope, with conscious brow before her flies, Anticipating wealth from summer skies.'' Fn"l1 O '>-'(l i. (i.i T.^nr"evp. i Lasi"^3'TtTi d. 4li. 3r?n-i. mori! I»M| Holiday."', weuther, »&-c.| farmer's cale.npar. 1 St. I'hiiip ».V> St. J.iiin'.s. botbre ilis luiten close to the 2 0's lonL^ 4i'^ 34' Fair rni'/soil. 3 Inv. of tie Cross. //a77. Tiicro i.s no time for spor^ I'Mlo^atlon. })ap<)j]ree. nr loit?>rinLr this month; v. e 5: 3)>:ec.3'' 8' > Go )d wenllicriwwrit be wide awake to see () St John Kvan. for fanning. tii a the aL^'icultural nia- 79 J^ets21i. 21m. chiiiery kee|)S in operation, 8 As<;<Mision. (^iias. IT. procl'dji'id up in good season and Olliijli tides. ^ O 21 CooUru) the fields, if thishabit i.s lOj 6i(<yi,'ie,followed» much may be ef- E Sundny aft. A?c. rnctcil by it, without incon- 12;Mr. Percival as.sasst'd. 1812.venieiice, to the benetit of 13|7 :!|c's set 7, 45. health aud increase of our 14 C/.a/i^g'frrfc/t' comfort— there is a great rc- 15j 5's decl. 20° 25'N. t^•e«f//e/^ hictance with some to see Jd Low tides for som", (iai/s.ihe risiiifr sun, notwithstnnd J7 E 39 20 2i 22 23 24 E 26 27 28 20 30 31 □ O ¥ VVhit Sunday. Dunstan. 3) perigee. O enters n 2) runs low High tides. Aram\\\(i its ravs are so conducive sloiffi mnyU) vigor of both body and be expected, mind. Awake ! thou that slcepest. Farmer, awake and hasten into the fields,, where business and labour F<tir andfme Prs. Ale.\. Victoria b. 1819 Trinity. B runs low. High iciiids accompanied Sun's long. (15* 39' King's b.d. k. >dec.l9''57's King Chas. 11 reit'd. Pr.«. [Sophia M. b. 1733. Low tides. loitk rain. md health call aloud for thy attention. Young cattle may be turned out. Oxen must be kept well fed at this sea- son, if you mean they ihall work to profit. You must aow attend to corn plant- ing, the bright yellow kernel is best for meal. I rj! JUNE, 30 (Jays. VI Month <>» -C»' '-^ ^5^ • ■S^ '-'^ y5^ t<5^ .ypi t.^ ;>5^ w5" ^.^ L.^ u©i <-5n ' -5^ »<»* w^ I'^i u^ i •'*»^'.«.«^'t...r-;'V''^-. -.v. I I N«3u ^, 7th d .")h.1.;{m. morn. [First 3,14th d L>5o u<>i i-5o cio <Oi u9s Sh 4.*^m morn (T'^s I ili.rh ianc [Water 9 18 10 1 10 49 11 43 aft.50 9 28 3 22 (> 9 G 55 7 40 8 20 9 37 10 15 10 54 In 38 'morn. 20 1 30 i I tsaae ^em I Month L.5nM9T-&^»^i Summer. n-5n (..^ "-^o i>9» f^m morn d I rliy^h !C [Water 44 40 31 15 55 6 33 7 13 7 55 8 30 1) 18 10 1 10 id 11 43 aft.50 ,> ■w 9 3 2?. 4 28 5 22 r> 9 55 7 40 8 20 9 37 10 15 10 54 11 38 morn. 20 I 30 i 1 JUNE begins on Sunday. By sweet-brier hedges, bath'd in ^ew, Let me my wholesome path pursue ; '• here issuing forth, the frequent snail Wears the darkway with shmy trail, While as I walk, from pearled bush, The sunny-sparkling drop I brush, And all the landscape fair 1 view, Clad in a robe of fresher hue ; From sheltered deep of shaggy rock, The siiepherd drives his joyful ilock ; From lowering beach, the mower blithe With new-born vigor grasps the scythe. While o'er the smooth unbounded meads, His las' faint gleam the ranibow spreads." Full O 21st d 4h. 8 m. morn. | Last C 28th d. 9h. 43m. eve. DM I Holidays, weather, &c. | e' 2 3 4 5 6 7 E 9 10 11 12 13 14 E 10 17 18 19 FARMER S CALENPAR. 3) apocfCG. Nicomc'de. ■ Otie of the most simple ye^ Sup. <$ O ^ • Verijfinr.ynladihle discoveries in agri" W. I'ervey d. 1657. Icnlture is that of mixing lay* 5's dec. 11° 5' N. wentherAcrs ot'jrreenor newcutelov- D. of Cumberland b. 1771. jer with layers of straw in h. Aasond. 17^)2 quite warynlhci mow or stack. In this © eel. invis. High tide.^, and wn.y the strength of the clov- 2d aft. Trmity. everi/ tliniger is absorbed by the straw, ^ runs high, f^rowin^^ wcUJwh'wAi, thus impregnated, ihor'^e.-! and cattle wdl eat Changes <0;greodiJy. (7et every thing diiU, with iritoor ter for your htiying la- St. Barnabas, Q's long. 8ir .58' 7 5|c s rise 43. Lower tido<. 3d aft. Trinity 3) perigee. St. Alhan moderate shoicej-s. Thunder. bonrs: it is no verv af^reenble movement to be obliged, in the very heart and core of your busines.s to drop 'every .Becomes, tiling in hand, and to scamp- Bat, of Waterloo, 1815. cUar^QT oif in quest of a thousand 7 :|c's rise 2. 18. .■.•nfijand one things which oua'ht 20iSun's lo' g. 88° 36' pleasant. do have been provided before 21 E S3 24 25 2(; 27 28 O (.el. vis. 15. tides, ent. 2S hand. Het cabbage and be 4th aft. Trinity. i> rnns low. 'sure they are l;oed -about Much finer. St. JohnBap jMiJsnnimerda>f ya lee. 13^^ 58' Wm. IV's evory other morning* half- hill corn ; loo!>. oni for weeds. Keep y«)ur temper botii in doo s ; n.l out, a crabbed, sour [ncc. '30. (letting very. look is attended with' suspi. Very -o'v tides. Wm.lth pro. 'cion something, goes TiJ J> apjgee. 5th aft. Trin. 'wrong, ani tiierofore your oOl warm .lomestios will be jej!ou;Uhat D y«)n ii iIi.':G them. # k JULY, 31 days. VII Month ^T-.k^t^l^.l^t-tf^tC^*^. «^M^iW^.«^ *^^i-^ ^J^.<^'.*^<<^0^\^^^.C^^^.^.C^\.Cn<^C*\'<r^^J^ v\ J \ \ New 0, Oth d. 4h. 59m. eve. First ^, 13iiid . 111. Im. eve D D © © 1 Days' Sun's. D R. ~2> " 3)'8. Higl. ■A M W rises I sets lea'th dec.N ^ S. south, place water 1 Tu" 4 I'J 7 41 15 22 23 9 56 7 39 y 2 33 '^ ^ » W 4 20 7 40 15 20 23 5 1 19 8 23 8 3 37 VO 3 Ik 4 20 7 40 15 20 23 1 4« 9 9 D 4 33 4^ Fr 4 21 7 39 15 18 22 55 2 18 9 59 D 5 24 V.^ Sa 4 21 7 39 15 18 22 50 2 57 10 53 D 6 9 , V6:£ 4 22 7 38 15 10 22 44 sets. U 40 <^ 6 52 .' I <TM 4 22 7 36 15 16 22 38 8 46 aft.47 H5 7 40 Tc; 4 23 7 37 15 J4 22 32 9 28 1 44 a 8 22 .W 4 23 7 37 15 14 22 25 10 2 2 39 a 9 1 'Rl 4 24 7 3() 15 12 22 18 11 33 3 33 T»J> 9 42 Pr 4 24 7 36 15 12 22 10 11 1 4 25 ""^ 10 2^ r K • ^ ^ Sa 4 25 7 35 15 10 22 2 11 26 5 15 11 14 i'^i £ 4, 2G 7 34 15 8 21 53 11 52 6 5 ■TL aft.l2 JVl 4 27 7 33 15 6 21 45 morn. <\ 55 T»l 1 25 .TV 4 i^7 7 33 15 6 21 35 19 7 46 m 2 41 ' • w W 4 28 7 32 15 4 21 26 47 8 40 m 4 t ■\ *v 'Hi 4 29 7 31 15 2 21 16 1 25 9 35 f 5 vi^ Zip- Fr 4 30 7 30 15 21 6 2 6 10 32, t 5 53 Sa 4. ai 7 29 14 58 20 55 2 57 11 28 VJ 6 37 E 4 32 7 28 14 56 20 44 rises. morn. >? 7 '40. M 4 33 7 27 14 54 20 33 8 32 22 AM. 8 Q U/."<'^«!» 71t 4 34 7 26 14 52 20 21 9 3 1 14 MM ' 8 3<? t 513 W 4 35 » * / 25 14 50 20 9 9 30 2 3j K 9 7 i ^ Th 4 36 7 24 14 48 19 57 9 53 2 461 K 9 39 515 Fr 4 37 7 23 n 46 19 44 10 15 3 29 r ic l^ !» Sa 4 38 7 22 14 44 19 31 10 36 4 10 f 10 4J? ^ B 4 39 7 21 14 412 19 18 10 55 4 .50 Of 11 31: M 4 40 7 iW 14 40 19 4 11 17 5 31 iBPi'JD* \ *S^ Tu 4 41 7 19 14 38] 18 50 11 42 6 14 g 21 \ ;., *)iw 4 4i? 7 18}14 3(5 18 36 morn. 6 58 n 1 30 31 'Ta i 44 7 \i 14.32 18 %\ a 121 7 46 D 2 4^ . \ ^- Summer, JULY begins on Tuesday. " How beautiful is night ! the balmiest sigh Which vernal zephyrs breathe in evening's ear, Were discord to the speaking quietude 'i'hat wrapg this moveless scene. Heavens ebon vault, Seems like a canopy which love has spread To curtain her sleeping world." *^ One sun by day, by night ten thousand shine, And light us deep into the Deity ; How boundless in magnificence and might ! 0! what a confluence of etherial fires, From urns unnumbered, down the steep of Heaven, Streams to a point, and centres in the sight." Full O '^tii il. 3li. '^m. eve. | Last ^ ^dlh (i. 2h. 54m. evi*. bm| Holidays, Weather, ^'C. farmer's calendar. 1 2 3 4 5 E 7 8 9 10 11 12 E 14 15 16 17 18 19 E 21 22 23 24 25 26 £ 28 29 30 31 7 *'3 rise 1. 29. Fair Vis. B. V. Mary, and venj Dog days begin, hot y^ dec. 21° ()' N. ivith thunder showers. J} runs high. 6th aft. Trin. Eligh tides. Becomes Edm. Burke d, 1797./ne and ©'s long. 106° 43' pleasant. l>'s dec. 14° 18' N. ^ perirree- Rather steady Juliui«C«Bs.b.B C.lQOweather. 7th aft. Trinity. Low Tides. St, Swithin. Cltar.hright and steady J)»s dec, 20* 16' S. 2) runs low. Grand for Prs. Aug. Carol, b. 1822. 8th aft. Trin. St. Margt. High tides. hay making. St. Magdalen. Union of [England & Scotland 1706. Come on, my hearties ■ let us begin our work in due time, this month calls out all the energies of him who gets his bread by tug and toil, and sweat of the brow; noworkin^ man eats bread&bnlterwith ^ better relish than the farmer, he is seldom troubled with the dyspepsia-'th'is plonghihg and mowing, and raking, and hoeing, are very effectual scare-crows to the disorder. Let us now try the experi- ment, and hoe our corn and attend to cur winter grain, which may probably want cutting; let us be up be tiitcs and in the field before the sun shows itself; Capt. CIo\'€r and Timothy Herdsgrasshftve been at it full an hour ; but Nat Foggy has to take hia ©'s long. 121«* 2'. Very fine, bitters and grind his scythe, St. James. Ds. Cumb. b. 1797. and mope about a spfelJ, ht 3> Apogee. St. Anne. 9th aft. Trir.:ty, Threatens rain. Quite low tides. see to Sun's long. 126" 46' your ys dec 20° G' N. hay fore he can cut a lock. Cut your thin grass early ; have your beans poled; be sure fo have a good garden. Ad- ministfer your affairs With economy and prudence atfd J- r ','> AUGUST, 31 days. VIII Month •C' tO^ ''©I 1^1 i©i 1^1 w^ c^i 1.50 <■<©> >^i >.Co M^^ ttfri cCn t^n i^ t^ u^ i-Oi v^n 1^1 1.^ lO* 1.^^ ..^1 fJ^f^.- l5». {^y^ * I r jpu mm m ^11 '& 1, 1^ ^i i.' »* fiilifmr iliM ¥ In New 9, 5th d.2h . 21m.mrn. |Pirst, Q^ Hth d. 5h. 59n 1. eve. High ^ DD © © Days' Sur.'s DR. ^ D's 1 ' M W rises sots 1 en'th dec.N & S south place water 1 1 Fr 4 45i7 I5il4 30 \S 6 J 47 8 38 "Zo 3 59 . 2 Sa 4 40 7 14 14 28 17 51 1 31 ) 33 <^ 4 57 ■., 3 E 4 47 7 13 14 26 17 36 2 27 10 30 23 5 51 j 4 M 4 4817 12 14 24 17 20 3 30 11 29 a 6 38 5 U 4 4!)i7 11 14 22i 17 4I sots. aft.28 a 7 24 6 W 4 50 7 10 14 20 16 48 8 33 1 24 TT)J '8 7 t1 7 Th 4 51 7 9 14 18 16 31 9 2 2 18 irtj 8 45 8 Fr 4 53 17 7 14 14 16 I4I9 29i 3 10 -njj 9 24 I 9 Sa 4 54 17 6 14 12 15 57 9 55 4 1 .r\. 10 5 10 E 4 55l7 5 14 10 15 40 10 22 4 52 ■TV. 10 50 i 11 M 4 5(il7 4 14 8i 15 22 10 51 5 43 n 11 44 12 lu 4 57 7 3 14 6 15 4 11 25 6 3(5 Til aft.53 i 13 W 4 m7 1 14 2 14 4(>|morn. 7 31 t 2 21 i 14 Ti \ 5 017 01 14 OiU 28;0 6 8 28 t 3 44 ?' 15 Fi • 5 U () 58 13 56 14 9 53 9 23 vj 4 47 IG Sc L 5 3iG 57 1 13 54 13 50 1 48 10 17 VJ 5 38 17 E 5 510 55 13 50113 31 2 48 11 10 6 23 1 ^ 18 M 5 6 6 54 13 48113 12 3 55 11 58 AW *** 7 1 1 19 Ti J 5 86 52 13 44 12 53 rises morn. AM) 7 38 !? 20 \\ ' 5 9 6 51 13 42|I2 337 59 45 K 8 11 ii 21 T] 11 5 10 6 50 13 40 12 13 8 21 1 28 X i8 3i) 1 1 [ 22 F r 5 12 6 48 13 36 11^53 8 42 2 10 T 9 10 * 23 S a 5 13 6 47 13 34 11 33 9 2 2 50 T 9 41 t 24 E 5 14 6 46 13 3-2|U 12 9 24 3 31 T 10 14 i 1 1 ^ii ► M [ 5 16 6 44 13 28 10 52 ,9 47 4 12 8 10 54 26 T L 5 17 6 43 13 26 10 31 10 h 4 56 8 11 44 1 ■\ 27 V V^ 5 19 6 41 13 22 10 IC ) 10 5f 5 32 u morn. 2PT H 5 21 6 39 13 19 9 4e HI 28 6 3i • n 47 r 29 F r 5 22 6 38 13 If] 9 28 morn J7 25 n '3 11 SOS a 5 23 6 37 13 14 9 6 Ifi 18 2C 1 E5 3 3) P 3^ i h : 5 25 6 35 13 10 8 45 ►il 1(J ► 9 U ! 23 4 4^. ■ Summer. AUGUST begins on Friday. *^ k<i»^ «^> u5i«^.,u>i V3-1 c^< i^^ u9^ »<di*^i v5^ uo>( u9% w<^ w9n w^c^, ..5, t^,^^,^^,vdi,«,^^v<)> Oh ? were I spiritual as the wafting wind That breathes its sighing nnusic through the wood, Sports with the dancing leaves, and crisps the flood* Then would I glide away from careswhich bind Me down to haunts that taint the hea/thful mind ; A nd I would sport with many a bloom and bud, Happiest th* iarthe>t from the neighbourhood, And from the crimes and miseries of mankind ! Then would I waft me to the cowslip's bell ; A nd to the wild-rose should my voyage be ; Unto the lily, vpstal of the dell, Or daisy, the pet-child of Poesy ; Or be, beside some mossy forest well, Companion to the wood-anemone ? Full O n>ih d.3h.57m7 morn 7 1 Last C '^7th Oh. fSm.mofM dm| Holidays, Weather, ^'c. I farmer's CAL«iND\n. 1 Lammas Day. Cluite hot 2 J> runs high. and EilOth aft. Trinity. showery. 4i ya Dec. 22° 48'N. 5| took out for GITrans. of our Lord, a storm, 8 9 E 11 32 13 14 15 16 E 18 19 20 21 22 2a E 26 26 be strictly attentive to bus>- ness. From the middle of August to the middle of September, is said to be the best time ftn 7 Name of Jesus, ^per. as //le sowing winter rye, by eow- Sun's long. i;j5° 23' weather looks wns*'iiled. 11th aft.Trin. St.Lawrence. Dog days end. Low tides. Q.Adelaide b'92.7*'3 r.lO.Sf) Good weather for some days. Ass. B.V.Mary. >runs low ya Decl. 24° 5' S. 13th aft.Trinity. Ds.Kt.b.'8C High tide?. Dull ami Sun's long. 146° 56' cloudy. K.W.IV.b.'t;5. T)'s de.7°44'S. Wm. Whiston d. 1571. > Apogee. 13th aft. Trinity. St.Barth. Brie:ht, pleasant Sun's long. 152^43' and 27 Battle of Algiers 1817. Quite 28 St.AugU8tine. [low tides. 29 30 E St.JohnBap.beh. a little 1> runs high. cooler 14th afl. Triuity. ing early you provide green food for sheep late in the fail and early in the spring, and by early sowing and feeding in the fall, the roots of thi grain take such firm and ex- tensive hold of the toil that they are less likely to be thrown out of the ground by frost, or winterkilled, when sowed so early; 3 pecks of seed \n\{ be sufficient to ad acre. If you have paid pros- per attention to your garden it is now a source of profit pleasure and health ; but if you have neglected it, the fault is yours, it has been ob- served, and there is a wortl of homely knowledge in the observation, that wherever you sec a flower in a cottage garden, or a bird cage at the D 2 t I- il ii SEPTEMBER, 30 days. IX Month «^ l^ i^ td^V^. l^% i^^ t^f «^^ l^>^ i^n b^, u^. i.Cn uSri bC^ o9n h^^ (^ , L^, i^n k^-, t^'t tC*- i^^ ^^ New 0, .'id (1. 10h37n). morn. | First >, 10th d.lh. 12m. morn D D I M VV rises 5) I Days' Siin'sl :> R. sets llen'th dec.Ni &. S 1.3 4|8 l;{ '2\7 south i olace .35(1 6 9 ir5 .3'> .31 2!) 28 9() 23 1 12 -5817 12 12 25! 12 2.3 22 2f) *i9 17 l(i 14 13 11 .')iilG 52 if) .50 i() 4( 12 12 44 12 40 12 .38 12 34 12 32 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3!) 17 55 '8 33 1 8 10'8 48 25 2 26 3 42 sets. 7 35 12 28 12 2(ii3 12 2212 10112 2012 8ll2 iOU 6ll2 1211 5ll2 loll 312 1 12 12 58 11 571 1 1 55111 54I1I 52' n 5llll 49lir 6|0 2!0 0|0 56 IS .^410 50 48 44 42 3812 2 39 17 54 31 8 44 21 58 35 11 48 25 1 22 46 9 32 56 19 43 3 3{/ 59 9 32 10 13 10 ryt] 11 50 morn. 48 I 2 4 rises. 53 59 2 10 17| 11 14! aft.l3J 1 5 1 58 2 51 .3 44 4 39 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 6 7 7 8 8 8 55 10 38 94 55 9 30 10 16 11 9 morn. 12 1 24 2 40 35 30 26 21 14 3 50 34 morn. 17 57 1 38 2 19 3 2 3 46 4 34 5 24 6 19 7 14 8 10 9 8 10 3 SI SI n t f X n n SI SI High Water 5 40 6 26 7 U 7 r,G 8 35 9 10 9 51 10 .38 11 36 aft.45 2 12 3 38 4 38 5 23 6 7 6 42 7 15 7 47 8 17 8 46 9 18 9 57 10 3:7 11 23 morn. 28 1 55 3 17 4 32 5 48 V fv'V . Fall. SKPTIiMBER begins on Monday. ^ i\ A H3W biijrlit, how beautiful, the day Initscahn lu.stre dies away, A.s ifthe clouds that wept the while Now dried their tears, and tuni'd to smile Down on the verdant vales of earth, Whose looks have changed from gloom to mirth . On every blade, and leaf and stem, Of diamonds drops a diadem Around is sprinkled, bright and clear As Beauiy's sympathizing tear When sinless sorrows cause its (li^w ; The fiuits depend from every bough. Mellow and ripe ; the downy peach, The purpled plum, and nectarine. ^ Vull O I'th (I. 7h. 4m. eve. | Last (C 25th d. lOh. ;V2m. eve DMJ HolKhiys, weather, &-c.| fakmku's calcnoar. 2; 3's dec. 17*40' N. London 3 4 5 6 E 8 9 10 11 12 13 E 15 16 17 18 19 J^O E 22 23 24 25 26 27 E 29 20 hurnt lG6(i, O. S. Great window, you may feel sure that, tlie occupiers are better and wiser than their neiffh [onn-, vm^ 2-2'. Very high tides. 3)j),/>p«'^< mic/jbours. .VlaltataKen ISOO. showiirs.\ Now Mrs. Farmer, I know you will mind th? main chance ; but as you have just commenced the pleasant 6fn- ployment of a house wife, permit me to remark that " attention to order and re- gularity will contribute much to the comfort of your hus- 15th aft. Trinity. St. Unchus. Nat. B. V. Mary. K, Wm. & [(^. Adelaide crownod, '31 Low tides. Changeable and i> runs low. looks dull. >s dec. •^l^t.'G/S. Gen. Wolfe k. 1739. 16th aft. Trinity. HolyCrosa. band. Men particularly like Mr. Iluskisson k. 18J0. neatness, tidiness and me- High tides. Fair thod ; any ihing soiled or out St. Lambert. of place discomposes them ; Sun's long. 175° 4'. and and a littered room will often 7 5|c'^ rise 8, 20 pleasant mdike them peevisii. Rise "]) Apogee. weather. 17th aft. Trhi. St. Matthew. Coron. Geo. III. '1)1 Htgk J'sd. 18«'29' N. icinds. Getting cooler. I> runs high. Low tides. St. Cyprian. Clear and 18th after Trin. St. Michael & all Angelas day St. Jerome. early ; bpeakfast early ; ha at the business of the day in due season, but if you are fond of lying in bed, then good bye to all system and order. The farmer's wife, who prefers her pillow to the advantages which carlyrising prodaces, will not. I fear, have strength of mind an«l 6rig"Af\^resolution to perform the im- m OCTOBEP 31 days. X Month. *C^ >lJ^<^0^'>»'9-i'9ld«'>.'^-5^ ■y\ f^ ^% 0^4>\ ♦» ^» >-<.«v#»v^<»-*»v^«.*» <^ -'V3 .<J' Nfiw©, '2d d. fih. 48m. eve. V\l ^ \^ First >, yth (1. Ilh. 4«iin. morn. M1W| rjsos WIG set3 Days' lont'hl Sun's . > R. dcc.S.|& S. y SOtltll. 2)'s place. 1 Q o u 4 5 () ^' / 8 Tm Fr Sa E M Tu VV Th lOlFr IjISaC) () f5 H 6 G G G G G 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 E 6 M 6 Tu G W 6 Th Fr Sa E M Tu ^2iW S3Th 24lFr 125 ^'^^^ 2f) 1?7 28 29 no 31 E M TV W Fr G G 6 G G G (> 6 G G G G 6 G G 6 N|5 14 .5 15 17 lf< 20 5 91 15 2415 2G 5 28 29 31 33 34 3G 37 38 40 41 43i 44 4G M 49 50 52 54 55 571 5<> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ,^ 5 48 11 3G 4(5 11 32 45 11 30 43 n 2G G4 1 ■29'sets. 53;G 3G High water () 12 G 5G 7 40 8 in 8 58 9 4<3 10 31 11 29 aft.30 2 4 3 16 4 21 5 7 5 47 G 18 6 50 7 25 7 -% 8 27 9 6 9 37 10 19 11 13 morn. 13 1 35 2 55 4 1) M ;> G 5 55 VI J G 37 mm A Fall OCTOBER liosins on WcdnesdBy. Hail, winter ! rijjid winter, hail ! Thou dost not come with aspect bland; Yet from thy {jlance I do not quail, Nor shrink beneath thy icy hand. For though thou come with churlish mien, And sadden grove, and hill, and plain, Thy frowns may change the smiling scenci . But they are bent on me in vain. Then, winter, howl without otir dome, Within it they thy hours beguile; Thy frowns can ne'er invade a home ^ here even thou art made to smile. Full O 17th (1. Oh. l*im. eve. |Last (C 2rnh d. Ch. 14m. eve. DM I Holidays, weather, «^.c. | KAKMKR S CALENDAR. IjSt. RemiL'iu?!. B(3lj:iinu drcl. portant du'ies of a well regu- 2 Very \\'\s;h tides, [ind. !83 >.|latod and industrious family." 4 E 6 7 3 perigee. 19th aft. Trinity. 5's (inc. 19^ id' S. St. Faith Grows 8j J) runs low. much ceoler. 9 Low tides. St. Deny's. 10 Unsettled weather 11 Sim's long. 197° 42' fur E 2()th after Trinity. aomt 13|7 *'s south 2 25. days. 14 Peace of Vienna 1809. tHnefor.'VhwH he— But hark! me- the *c.75on. 'thinks some fair one comes 'out in hit^h dudgeon ; " don't. tell mo, ahout managing 15 16 17 18 E 90 21 22 23 24 25 E 27 28 29 30 Com. tides. Comes out fin f Ridley«fc Latimer burnt 1.555 louseiiold affairs, why, mat- ters have come to a fine pass indeed! Mere's an Alma- nack maker undertakes to regulate the concerns of the porridge-pot, and to tell ua when to open our eyes and when to shut them ! I tell you what HenHussy, you had better keep on your own side 3) apogee Tides rise, /or //je of the hedge." Dear Madam, St. Luke. Bat. of Nav. 18-i7.';'I hope I don't intrude." 2l3t aft. Trinity. season) A button for your energies, High winds if you don't sprini;^ mow, when 3>'s dec. 2 1** 3' N. with there is so much tc^ ■ - done, 0's long. ■<i08'' 37' 5om€ra»'n, to the care of the wiiVf''^ .ip- J) runs high, perhaps snow, pies, and gather them, as i/ard iVosta do them much injury. Low Tides. St, Crispin. Select seed corn from the 22d after Trin. ffet and field, culling fine, fair, sound uncomfortable rain. St. Simon and St. Jude. 3)'8 dec. 6° 31' N. Higher tides. )1' J) perigee. ears from such stocks as pro- duce 2 or more ears, taking the Lest of the two. [Husk- ing now comes on, and if yon love fun and frolic, and waste. f t ' NOVEMBER, 30 days. XI Month v\ n s^t.^c^40i''^>^ wJT pnvO^»'0^i^it«3nv<5nt<^v^'.^^<>>t-^i<>)0^iO<^L^i<>%<^i^»^ii,5.-> New H. 1st J. 3h. 53nl mom | thirst j), 8th d. 2h. lt)in. morn D M D W rises © sets Days' lent'h Sun's ' J)R. dec.S.i& S. south. place. High water 1 Sa 2 3 4 5 () / 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 i5 1(3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 E M U W 1^1 Fr Sa E M Tu W Th Fr Sa F. M Tu W Tfi Fr i'\ h M Tu 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 4 314 5'4 2() W 27!'ni 28 29 30 Fr Sa E 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 (i 8 9 10 V4 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 5J3] 24 25 2(5 27 28 29 30 31 3214 3314 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0|10 5919 5S19 5719 5519 54 19 52|9 5119 5019 14 23 58 14 42 56 15 1 54 15 20 50 15 38 48 ilo 5/ 48 ^7 4) 45 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27!8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 17 23 17 40 17 5(i 18 12 18 27 18 43 18 58 19 12 19 26 19 40 19 54 20 7 20 20 20 32 20 44 56 att.23 I 20 2 20 3 19 4 18 5 15 6 8 6 57 7 42 8 25 9 6 9 ^J> I) 10 rises. 7 21 8 5 8 48 9 31 10 19 11 14 aft.14 29 37 morn. 35 morn. 3 3 40 4 30 5 11 5 48 6 1» 6 53 7 30 8 8 8 43 9 22 iC 4 10 51 11 48 morn. 47 2 7 3 31 4 33 5 27 6 13 6 56 ' 1 ( ' ,1 1 Fall. NOVEMBER begins on Saturday 1 ( ' I .>«<>i'9l-0iO>-5n'9i'-^'V>O'>>-^'Sn-3^^^-:>iC>^'>>-?1'>-i-i V< >i CJ^ C^ •. Sunk arc the winds that late swept hill and shore. The raging billows cease their wild loud dash, Above no longer bursts the thunder-crash, And the big rain descends to earth no more : Clear is Heaven's face, and sweetly in the west The sun hangs o'er the hush'd hill's purple top ; The bird that sought its nest, with lively hop Again peeps forth, and warbles him to rest : The hawthorn blossoms scent the cool fresh air; And general nature, ere day breathes his last, Wears loveliest smiles in guerdon for the past. Thus o(t life's first hours, sorrow, ills, and care, Wrap in dark gloom, then sudden flee away» And leave all bright and blest our closing day. Full Q l^ilh d. f)h. 33m. morn. New A 30th d. Qh. 33in. eve. LastC 23d d. 11 h. 22m. eve DM I Holidays, weather, &-c. FARMER 9 CALFNDAR. 1 Very high tides. All saints. E 23d after Trin All souls. 3 Prs Sophia, b. 1088, fiather 4 3 '3 dec. 24*^ 2' S. cooler, 5 D runs low. Powder pl.»t 6 Sun's lonjr. 223^ 33' [1(J05. 7 7 ;|c's south 0, 49. bulfme. 8 Prs. Aug. Sophia, b. 17(i8. E Quite low tides. !:^4th aft. T. 10 Milton d. 1074. Clouds up, 11 St Martin. looks like 12 ©'s long 229*^ 40' S710W. 13 P apogee. St. Britius. 14 More Mild, 15 St. Machutus- JVet nasty E High tidea. 25th aft Trin. 17 Q. Charlotte d. 1818. wea- 18 ^.runs liigh. iher, 19^ Sun's ioii". 236^ 44'. Hard 20 21 22 24 Hi 27 i>a E more than economy and pro" fit, then make a husking.] — Plough summer-fallow as often as you liave leisure; gather in roots and manure your land, then heave it up into ridges for next year. — [" Why Mr. Calendar," saya old Lounge, ''you jriveuino time for rest, but keep us at it and it eternally."] Now is the time to prepare for starm and tempest, hail and snow ; mend your win- dows, fasten on your filling clapboards ; see to your roof above, ai your banking^ below — if -y^ „neglect to se- cure the cella^'^^^u know the consequence. Ho ;/», faiming utensils, putting ev ^ \ thing in its proper place, thti^^'hcre may be no difficulty in the spring to find them. Clean your yards, take otf the sum- mer dung; and then bring new materials from meadows, pond-holes, drainp, &c. thi» is not to be neglected where Very high tides. AdvcntSun| the soil is old and requirea t dec. 25-' 5' N. frosts. Very stormy, St. Cecilia. Low tides. 26th aft Trin. Peace with America, 1814. 7 *'8 south 11, 3J.St Cath. Sua's long. 243^ 48'. Milder wUh snow. >'s dec. y°30' S. ^riilv comes ^ Perigee. a storm H DFXEMBER, 31 days. Xll Monlli «o j^.^l'J?1<^iv©iiOit<5nOit^iuC<M<nv«f iuC>iLC>ni«'>i^^i0^i^i«Oii^iv6^«<^i^-iK2>-, W»^ M vv 3), 7th d.8h29m. eve.| Full 0» lt) th d. Oh. 4 1 m. |south.| place. rises © set3 jDavs'jSun's, J)R. lent'h decs. & S. morn. High water M — ^ i^-* 10 11 13 J4 ]5 17 ^1:. 18 \ N 1'^ h 19 ^20 21 22 23 24 25 '^ 27 28 29 :iO 31 M T W Tn Fv Sa E M Tu W Th Fr Sa E M lb W Til Fr Sa E M Tv W Tu Fr Si E M li; W 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ;<JK- . r 34 35 35 3(J 3l> 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 4J 41 42 42 42 42 42 M: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 iil4 - 3^ 42 42 42 41 41 4* 4C 40 ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 26 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 J '^•'•8 .8 18 18 18 18 18 19 J 9 J9 20 2C 52 50 50 til 21 4822 4822 4t) 46 44 44 42 42 40 40 3S 38 38 3() 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 3(> 36 38 38 38 4i.' 40 48 15 57 6 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 6 14 22 30 37 43 50 55 5 U) 13 21 17 18! 25 33 39 43 morn. 46 7 8 9 10 H aft. 54 1 55 2 54 3 50 4 42 30 48 49 49 53 57 17j7 I 20 rises, 5 39 22 24 2(1 2/ 28 28 28 26 25, 23'3 4 5 6 39 47 59 12 6 / 8 10 n mom. 40 1 25 5 6 6 55 7 34 8 15 8 55 9 37 10 21 U 8 11 59 morn. 51 1 2 21 19 15 12 8 5o n 29 45 59 sets 5 51 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 II 45 39 32 24 14 2 51 40 31 2(> 23 23 aft.23 V5 r 8 D D D SI 7 44 8 28 9 14 9 55 10 41 11 30 aft. 24 1 27 2 28 3 26 4 17 5 2 5 44 6 21 7 7 43 8 23 9 1 9 42 10 25 11 13 morn. 6 1 17 2 34 3 5o 4 5U 5 46 6 34 20 6 Z' ■' ••) •*i. »l 7 Winter. DECEMBER boirins on Monday. >i -Oi ^yr\ ^^'^^i^c-- x>i '.^ v^i ^ O'l '>vi <^"' ^>^ -^'•'^'^-^ ^:^''C''i ^^'>-»^V~ •■>* ■^•'->-.S5^i<;-i III verdant Sprinu;. tho breeze which gently blew W'oke in the heart f)'ithe echoes as it past, — - Youi;;" hope's foid (1 ttteries, — whl^peri^o; ;i | would last, IJut wi!i^;e(r with pfraMires, fiesh, and fair and new, And b:-i;iht. andioveiv. — oh. f» >w spri, f|;-tiine flew ! 'J'he 1, like full mmdiood burstinnj fr<>ni a l)oy, Siunai;*)' snone nut — so rile in th)werv toy • Tnat 'it^aree the ho^om ouncfd what \vo;l it unew ; How "^oon pale Jlalumn like a dynijij fneid, Enire'iderinj; solemn tlioiijrhts oflite's decay, Wonhlcome; and — withorinj;— with'^i i^— day hy lar^ IJrini;' dark Dkcj: 'IBER on— and lo. the end ! Leafless and iVuitiess, the year's pride i- irone — And wintry \5an ioo >s round— and finds hinisell' «/o»c<i Last C '~'''l d.r^h. :]<! ni. morn iNow Q oOili d."^h.r)f)ni. morn, mil llolidiiys^ Wciither, ^'C. | k.armf.r's caie.ndvk. I 7 :llf:'s south 11, r». O^Wj replonishinLT. lark! 'tis your i J) runs low. winds, and neio'hhour's ll:ul,ho is before n.'lzoni .1 \^r•^. •1 i:^'/^ iono\ ir^i^ r>rv snow, you, and me as to bo before the rats in irettin-jf "bo jraiii, 5 2)"s dec. '21)* ."if)' S. Bread is Lho st-ift'of life'-, while n St.Xicboias. orleratc, icilh \ rum. ratsbtno, an i corrnsivo /; I'M in Advent. f(tlli,rx n-eiffhr.r. ' .subliinntsi brm-v poverty and »^»j Vory hi^ii tid.'s. Cuiicep. B. ruin — bo-.vare then of such !>' VVa.s!iinL>-ton d. '*,>;). [V.Mary, o-roceries. lo' D apog-po. Cnll. bnfftncj'jr Take care of your liealt!! y; M|<-'liar-.XII k. I7IH, ^ -lis thcri^*^!//ja/iVof jiim who P2;0\s lon<^. *2(!0"' )i'. il.c season labors ; if you loso it. its roco- \') rSt. Lucy. .i hcav}) very will h ■ attr'-uled wit'.i no /<; |3d in Advent. snow slonn litile expon-o and much aux;- 151 ?.s' a/?^/v)rtr7/j/in'; j cty. To ptc-^erve it, is cheap J.'i'Oecl.vis. H. tides. ]) easy, — •• Keej) your ieet l7jriirH. Davy Ik '7H. ij mild il 18| 3)'- dcc.'2'F ;n' N. maij lurn .1P|7 :fc's south !),4f). /o nwi. OQJWar with Holland '80. /•;|5^!iin .Vdvent. ^^t. Thoniis. ri'?!©'^ Ion <r. '270 "'1 4 shortest d. , the pysloni without any ofit^ '2.*j!Low ti Ics. Newton b. iC)V2. \ for every drop oi" ardent sj)!^ warm and dry.y tur head <;ool, your back strai.rht." Avofil ardent spirits —More v.IioIg some drink may be used for tlie purj)ose of iuvi'^oratiri^* rits wliicli is taken into tlici stomach ])rodiiccs the niosf. OdISir .\LI!a!e d. I(;7*;. Ikcoines ^>r,|CHllLST\L\S DAY. ^!(;|S^. Stephen. /ros/^. , set ions injury to t!ic body St. .Tohn. ■}) pr»ri,';"ee. j When their u>c is habitiially 1st Sun. aft. Chru-:. Innocents indulnftsd in, and even ahs<»'iijtp '27 :10 ^ rinijs hii?!:. Clear and (iuito high tides. cold. Silvester. V/.r^ifford d.l8"2; E drunkenness may not occuF", .still the si>ark of life is lunh'r- ined, and selijocted to <\ m ease.3 a!u iS-. 1 ]) K.v rn r,"" L' or u leasoii Faiuwejl, 'f^ 1 rt farmer's ALMAxNACK. TJeutenant Governor, His ExcellencyLieutenajit General Sir Peregrine Mailland, K.C.B. President, Administering the Government, diiviiig the absence of the Lieut.Governor, the Honble. THOMAS NICHOLSON JEFFERY. HIS M/iJEsrrs coiJjYcrL.^ Honorable Brenton Halliburton, President Hon. and Right Rev. The Lord Bishop. Hon. Thomas Nicholson Jeffery, Hon Hibbert Newton Binney, Hon, Enos ColUns, Hon. Sim/^n Bradstreet Robie, Hon, Charles Ramage Prescott, Flon, Samuel Cunard, Hon, Henry Hezekiah Cogswell-, Hon, Peter Mc Nab, Flon. James Tobin, Hon. Joseph Allison. OibYii, Sir Rupert D, George, Baronet. Asst. Clerk, John C, Halliburton, Esq, Gfeaplaiu, Rev, Robert Willis, D. D. jyFessenger, Mr, Joseph Skaliisli, *The Members of His Majesty's Council, and ihe Speaker ofiUf^ 'House of AascmUj j?<re Justices of the Peace tlaoughout ttcPiOviucc, farmer's almanack. 43 HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. S. G. W. Archibald, Esquire, Speaker.^' COUNTIES. Halifax. . . .'. \ Jf ' ^' ^^- Archibald fWm. Lawson, fGco ( femith, and Jot ham Blanchard, Esqrs. Cumberland fAlex. Stewart, and f.^oscph Oxlcy, Esqr^, Hants f Benj. Dewolf, and VVni. B. Bliss, Esqrs. ^ King's Elisha Dewolf, jr. and S. Cliipma: , Esqr.--. Q^'EK^'s fJoscph F eenniii, fJas. R. DevvoJf, Esqrs. Annapolis jWm H. Roach, and t.Ino.Johnston, Esqrs. Li'NENLLRn fVVni Rudolf, an'i Jno. Creighton, Esqrs. SiiELBiJRNE Herbert Huntington, and Ja.'^.Lcnt, Er^qrs. Svi'NEY fJohri Younnf. and Thos. Dickson, Esqrs. Cafe Breton.. 5 ^^\^"™^ ^fo' "?""';.' J'^n^s B. Uniacko, ( and Richard Smith, Esijrs. TOWNSHIPS. Halifax. S K'liarlcs R. Fairbai.ks, and Stephen W ( Deblois, E^^qrs, Truro .... Alex. Archibald, Esq. Onslow Roben Dickson, Esq. liONDONDERiiY. . ..fJohn Wier, Esq. Amherst [James Shannon Morse, Esi|. Windsor Lewis Mortis Wilkins, jr, Esq. Fai.moutii fWilliani vShey, Esq. Newport Felix Cochran, E.-^q. Cornwallis f John Mo> ton. Esq. HoRT(iN..c fJames Harris, Esq. Livkkpool .,. James Bars.<, Esq. Annapolis fJamcs R. Lovott. Esq. Granville James Delap, Esq. DiuBY Ciiarles Budd, Esq. Lunenburg fJohn Ileckman, Esq. Bakrington fJohn Homer, Esq. SiiELBURNE Charles Roche. Esq. Yarmouth fSamuel S. Poole, Esq. Sydney, C. B Edmund M. Dodd, Esq. Arichat, C. B.. .Lawrence O'Connor Doyle, Esqr. Chaplain, Rev. R. Fitzgerald Uniacke, A.M.; Clerk, Jolm Whidden, Esq.; Asst. ( lerk, J. F. Gray, Esq.; Sergeant af. Arms, Mr. Mathcw Forrester; Asst. Sergt. at Arms, Mr Alc.Y. Boyle ; Messenger Mr. John Gibbs. i i . » I I* 1 4} faiiimer's almanack. Treasurer — rharlfs W, 'Wallacn, JOsq, !-u'veyor-('etioiri oM.aj <Is : Cornmissionors of ^^ lowii LiM cl>«. and ^ unogatc (.cteral— John > pry IMorris Esq. Srrielar\,aud li cgi.stiar ol Deeds- iMJ' IvD. Gcoigc. Bt. (^ollrctorof iistoins — 'on Thoma^ N.-elleiy. ('ollectoi- "f Impost aixl h xcisp- iion. [1. N Birmny. P')stniastei-G("i oral, for JNova-' cotia and New- BrurisAMck, John Ilowo. jv. Ksc]. C mirf of ( hanccr^f His 'fonoi <hc Frrsiilo:it : Master oft/u Bolls, i.on "S. ' . Hobie. L \. Mnshyf^. ilon. P. : alliburtoii Lewis lAI . -Vilkins, Vv ej;- ^'' isvval!, J. G. A arsliijii and T \V, jSiittinjr- Ksqrs; R, ^^wtrar-, Nathaniel ^V Vv hit«^ Esq; ( onusi llors ami Solicitors^ the l;atrjs- ters jiiKJ Attoriiies of ibo Supreme ^ curt. Court I Erro- ; Mcrrici^f and Vir r, ( ,- I is alc^l; 's Cou. ei. • Jlilv<:( i U^ (tv(( Pv cforsi the I'aM'istMs oiu! * t- ton ir: oMho S' p,rem( - ourt. Ciul<* V'cc ■u'jdmirciltii. — -hid<re. ' on. (5 ' iairbii' ton A<lv()e;ite Gonl. S U A , Archibald. Esq. E. L. H. ; 8(> ic:(» r G .. < ■ a^ R '-"airban s E-^q.; re;ii'-trar, 1j S*ouii'^'i Esq. |)('p Re^islrar. .' S.Ttcmain Esq. i\.;!is!i;r! S \V. ' eb o-^ P'sq.; Dep. Marshal!, Advocjii es and Procters, the Barristers and Attornlcs oft I e .'^uprv^me ' <>■, t mi <>■ FjHchctVi.^ i.idF >rfciliirefi. — omtni'^Sioner. .las. \V Nnttin^r, ^-q. ; flenfistr-ar. Sir 11. D, neoiijf, '>t. St PHKiMF CoiiR! . — • hief lustice, [Ion. Breuton Halli- burton , Puisne .liuljjes, lje\\i- VJ. * iikijis. 'iichard-l. ITiiiacke. and VVibiarn Mill, Esqrs V'^sociate Jiidj^e. Pelejr '*'iswall, Esq ; Attorney General. S G. \V, Arcliiba'd ''sq L E. D. ; Solicitor-General, Charles R F irbanks Ksq ; King's ^'oiiiispi, and ' sqrs. , < Icrk of the Crown, and rot'ionotary W^. Tho;i];^on, Ksq ; Deputy, J. VV 'Nutlii o^, l.sq. BAIIRISTEIIS AND ATTORMES AT LAW OF THE SLTREIME COURT, RESIDING IN THE PROVINCE. Haiifar. \Umb' :. II. tl. Cogswell, D. S. Clarke, S, G. W. ArchibakL Attorney-General ; .las. \V. Nultin^, Clias. K. Fairbiiuko, Solicitor-General ; Jas. VV. Johnston, iSfal. White, li •' 1 farmer's almanack. i|^ .fno/ohnston,\V B. Bliss, B Arurdoch, Alexander Primrose, James S. Tromaiii, Charles Twininp-, James B. Uniackc, j! J Sawyer J.F.Ci ny. J.8 Clarke, W.Flicger, Wm. Yoiincr, ^^has XYr/^xi^'''"^''' ""-^' f lartshorne, E. \\. Harrington, La'wronct; O C. Doyle, Jno. C. Halliburton, Wm. Bowman, VVm. Suther- land. T.B. A kins, Jno.Ritchip, JW Ritchie, H Pryor, Nepeau Clarke, Chas. fiill Wall.icc, James R. Smith, Geo. R. Youno-, and Chas. E.-W. Schmidt, Esqrs. Pkioxi, Thomas Dicksoj', Joth.-im Blanchard, Henry Bla'^k adr?r. Martin Wilkin«, Edw. Roaci), Esqrs. Truro, Jonathan Marstcr.s. Ceo. R. Grassie, Esqrs. Anmtpolis, Henry Goldsmith, Wm. H Lee. James A Den nison. Chas T C Mc Colla, and Geo S IMilledo-e, E^nr-- Di^hy, G K Nichoils, Esq. ^ ^ -\- Briii^ctown. Stephen Bromley, Alex H WMnnictt, Silas ]li Mo'se, Esqrs. * .Amherst. Jas S Morst^ Alex Stewart, Chas D Roach, Silas G Morse. Robt B Dickey. Esqrs Kenlville, John Whiddcn, Jno C Hall, Stei)hen H Moore, Esqrs. ' l'arrshoro\ Robert B Dickson, Esqr, Windsor, L M VVilknis, Harry Kiu'.r, Esqrs. . Xcwport, D D Stcw.-»rt. Esq. Antigoniah, John T Hill, Alox McDougall, Esqrs. Yarminilh, Wm H Keating', Esqr. Giu/sboro\ V/ n. F DesBarros, Esq Liverpool, Wui Sterns. Saml P Fairbanks, SnowP Freemanv Esqrs. - ^ Lunenburrr, Jno Creighton. Goo F. Solomon,Chas B Owen Chas Bolman, and Daniel Owen, Esqrs. ' Chcslfr, Wm Greaves, Esq. Cape-Ri;eton. JJrichJ^WmC. Dc!aney,Jas TtirnbulKEsq^ Sijdnei/, R Gibbons. E M Dodd, and Donald N McQueen, Es(jrs. Port Hood, Arch McQueen, Esq. Non-residents practising- in Cumberland, E B Chandler and Jas Stewart, E^qrs. of Dorchester, N. B. jVova- Scotia fUirrislcrs Society. Patrons — tho Chancellor, and the Chief Justice :— 'Honorary xMembers, the Judi^es of the Supreme Court, Treasurer* Hon H 11 CogsAvell; Librarian &. Scc'y J W Nuttin^^ Esq Commissioners of the Revenue. Hon S H. Ilobie. Hon. H H Cogswell, \Nw Law- son, Ltm-. Hartsliorne, and Chas W WalJace, Esqrs. Clerk, Mr. Edw. Duckett,jun. i ilU F 4 n AI E R*S A L !M A N A C K . ( cinniissioncrs of Lii^hl I.Igusch. H«)n S.ini! i iiiiaiil, liios MnMuud, iind Jas II Tid- riiarsli, ^^(ir:-; ' omniissiomrs qft'^'ahh Island. Win Lawson. VAw VVallacc, Kdw Cmiaivl and Ja- il Tuiniarsli, K.ajrs Clerk, Mr i^dvv Duekctt, jun. t'^huhenacadln Canal Compan}). Board oi' Directors — lion T N Jclttiry, Pics'idcnt : Hon Sainl Ctiiiard, \^ I*. ; Hon. .losei)!iAllison,V.P; ^<ecy. Cha> (I Fairbanks, Ksq. COLLEGES AAi) CLERGY. Kin.u's C'dlt'go. Windsor. Patron. liin; (h'iu-e tlio Lord Arclilii^liop ni' Cniiloiuury Vi-it.or, tho l/ovd Hi-liop ol' X()\;i-Scoli;i. (lovoi-nor:-, i!iO lit. Ciovor /)r of Novii-tScdtiti, tlio Lora lijshoj) of Nov;i. Scotia. Ilie Ifo'^. t!ic CliitM'.Just,ico, the Judg^^ of liio Vico A(i!riir;iity Conit, tho Spo^ikor ol' tlio TIouso of Assonihlv. fii' Pi-dviiioinl Secretary, the Aliornoy Goiiera]. tho Soliriior (ioiiM-al. tlio Pro.>?i(]eiit and Vice Prcsiilcnt of ■tijp C(ilh\'n'. Proitidont cv'. Profof;si>r of Divinity niid Ilobro-w. Rov Clias 'Porter, ')!>; Vioo l're.-;dL" t, Profe!:?.sor of (jimmmnr, Rlictorio. lo;>ic, moral -ci'ji)coa ;ait! ui-tapliysiri^, :.actinpf pri)fes.-:or cf oiathomatici-. nat'iral philosopliy nnd aPti-or.omy, Rov.loliii Stov(Mis(;ii, A -.] : poc'y iiiui treasurer. J C Hallibur- ton, Esq ; f;;lh)\v, bursar and lihrarinn, Rev "Wni P. Kin(]',\ y,, ]>rincipid of the acidemy under the direction of the governor- <jf Ki,nii'"i? Collev.c. Rev .j^osoidi I' Clinch, a ai. TFiRAlS — Micjiaelnir'.s Tcriu coirnuet ces 1st Sept. anu end? on the ir>;i) Dec. iiilary Term commences 15th Jan. and ends on the SaUirdnv ))rec<.'diniv Pahu ^rundav. Easter Term conunencos oi the Monday after iiiastcr Mondoy. anii ends Saturday se'niiig'lit l.'oforc Whit Sunday, 'i'rinity Tern conuuences on tho morrow of Trinity Sunday, and ends on the lal of July, P i c to u A c a (1 m y , P i c to ii . TausTF.r,?— RevThr.s APCulloch, DD; RtRev WmFrascr.. Rishop of Tanen. Rev 1) Ro^^s, Rev .lames Robi^on, Rev Jno McKiiiley, Rev DA Fr;!ser, Rev JC.l McKenzie, Rev J M'Rao, fc> G W Archibaid;LIiD: Alex Grant, Tlios Diclvs-^ii and David' r 1 \ 1" A II ?.I n R .-i A I. M A N A C K . 47 1 t Creirrhton^Esqr.--. Piiucipnl.Rcv Thus ^rcriillcr;!). DT).: I'm lessor, Mr M McCuUoch ; 'I'l^m Ixn f)rt!io Iiit'oiior Hru; clio.-, ; Tenii'-' — lirst l;;nn cominciico^ ]pl April. Soco'.iil tenn, conirncnco^ It-t Octohc;*, ciich tcnu lasts lull! months. Ijiipti.^t -cadrniy, ^^'olivillo. Matmpinf^ Coimniltco — Di-.Lruls Joliiist.-iii. [\v.\ K A Crau'- ley, llo'v Will ( .'liipmiin, iJov .Tohn Pi yor, .1 W NiiltiuLS J W •loliiustou, W .loliiisoii aiul tSinuin r'lloli. iioqrs. PriiicipaV Rev John Pryor, A IM ; a.-st. jjc»r.!en. C^lcr^y of" liic K:ni\l)li^h<Ml Ciuncli in \. .Scolni. The Hon. aiuil!:t! R', Rov. John, Lord P.isliop of Nova-Sro'in. Neu'-HMUi«5\\ ick, rrinoe EtUviird l:-l;;iul, Nc v\ iVjiindlaiid ;in(i )'t'r- miula. llalifdx. Veil Robt Vv'iHis. 1) D Archde;coii iiul Rector of St PauTs, Rev Win Co::swe!l, A JM CMra:c. Rev R Fii/.. U' u-.ekc^ A M. Rccor ui' Si ()eor;.e's. Rev J;io Tl'.os I^vmn;^, 1) I). d-iV ri>on (. l)'tiihi:ii. ^\) U'jxnt, Rev.Clia> Porier, 1)1). Ft/hiioirth^ Rev . IVhithor, Rev V.m I^. Kiiifj.A ... Roc- tor of ihe I iiivcr>ity * iiurcli JJii^^by, Rev Vie f^, A H. .li/leafonK Rev 11 LOwen, A R.' Granull,, Rev Frax Wh.dley. iSridi^elown, Rev jahi Rolcrtson 71 ih//!(iiifh,lit'v Alfred (jiiiiiii. A M. Yar'nouth, Rev Thos A Gramh m, A M l-helhrrnc^ Rev Thos R Rowlai.d, LLD. Livcry^oo/, Rev .f F T INIoodv, A B. Lian'iibfira;, il(tv Jas C ( ochraii, A B. La Have, Rev .f VV \\eck«, A H. Chfshr, RevJas Shreve, A R. Co*-'. wa///.s, Rev J Monn Cami^bell, A M. Hon on, Rev Jiio ( laik, A !M. Ravdon, Rev G W Morris, A M Sachitillr. Rev Arch (Jr v, A R //,fr<- nunit/i, Rev M H Desbrisay, A R. Trura^ ]*ev John I^iir; yt;at AnnapoVis. RevEdwin Gilpii., A M. Jimli( rst.Ro- R R Wij;gi!i>^ A B. Picfou, Rev (has Elliou, A R. Jlntio;oni^h, Rev Tho,- II Wiiite, A 15. auijf!huro\ Rev Chas W Weeks, A IM Srjd- luy, C B. Rev Chas "in-les, A B Jlrichat, C B. Rev J.isShw. Visiiing ?»Iis:-jion,;ry, Rev V\''m R Kin/r, A M. Principal C'olie^i ate School at ^Vii■2d3or, Rev Joseph H Clinch. A M. IM misters ol" tluj Estah]i>lie(l Clnircli of Scothmd. Halifax, St. Malhews, Rev Jno Scott, ("ornwallis. Rev Win For syth. J^rcshyfe) 1/ of Halifax — St Andrew-^, Rev Jno Mania ^ Lawrence Town and L ike Porter, Rev Jas Morrison ; West River,. Rev Donald Mcintosh. Pres.hytery of Piclon — i'icton 1 own Res Ken. Jno McKenzie. McLennan's Mountidn and New Glap;iOw.. Rev Don A Fraser ; East River, Rev John McRae; Meri;;omish. Rev Alex TvIeGillivary. Ptesbt/tcry jf FrinceEdwaturs Island- Charlotie Town, Rev James Mcintosh ; Belfast, Rev John McLen- nan; Wallace, Rev Hn^h McKenzie. At Cape Breton, Siraij^ht c Canso, RevL'uga'd .McKitchan; MiddleRiver, RevAngu'- McLean -^8 fahmku's alma.nack. Travelling Mi>>:rionary for NovuScotia, Rev. David Ilonry. Cfipe Hrelon, Ki'v. Alex Far(|uharson Licentiate-; — IMesbrs Alex RcimuiiH, A. M. fl'irl Kodk. McAuly- (f/^Tho Synod will incoi at Pictou on tiic liist Thursday of AiifTUst, ]t^')\. ( hrfu;}) of the lioman Catholic ( hurch i?ip;ht lU'AiX \)v Wni Fraser. bishop ofTincn. and Vicar Apos- tolic of Nova Scotia* -Halifax ftev John L;;ufi}inaii» •(hezetcook, llt'v Dennis Geary 'Liverpool, Rev Simon La\vlor« -St Mary'» Hay, Rev Mr Segogno. • Aiichat, Rev Mr La Rai. .M.inche-ter, Rev J iiios Grant. .Sydney, F.ev Henry McEageney • • Bra'* d'Or, Rev !Mich;.cl McEagency. .Gidf SJiore, Rev Mr McLeod* .Picou, . .Tracadie, Rev Pere Vincenl* .Poraket, Rev Mr Francis* "St Pcier?, Rev Patrick McEa-eney. Wo'levan Mission;) rios. Halifax. Rev Mr Kniglit and Rev M Richey Rev Wm Black, siiperminicrary. Lunenburp:. Rev K Pope. Liverpool, Rev Wni JMcDonaid Barrington, and V-rniomh. RevWmWel'b. Hoi on, Rev John Snowball, l^'indsor. Rev St*:!phcn Bamford chairnian oi the district. Newport. /«^ev Wm Temple >ee*y ; Rev Wm Bennett, superuu.'iierary. Shubennc^die- Rev Tliom.-.s Taylor, Parrsborough, Rev George Miller. Walldce aid River John, Rev Thomas H D: vi-. (juy>boroiigh Rev Matthew C'rnnswick. Sydney^ Rev John Marshall. Ship H;irbour, C B. Rev Thoiras Cro^th^vaite. Charlotte Town. Rev Wm Dowsoji. Bedeque, Rev Wm Smith. Murray Harbour, Rev Mr Cooney, Jjaptist A/misters. Hal'fax, Rev John Euron and Rev E A Crawley, A M.^Ham- »no id's Phiin'^ « -Newport, Rev Geo Dimock. • R;)':vdon and Windsor, Rev Rich McLearn- -Horton, Rev Theo. S Harding and Rev John Pryor, A M* •CornwalliH, Rev EdwlMan nin:r, Rev David Harris and J^ev Wm Chipman. • Falmouth, jRev i^obt Dickie- •Ayle><ford, Z2ev Ezekiel Marstcrs- .Nictaur, J?ev In- ^?ah:!in E Bill- .JiOwer Granville, i?ev Joshua C Cogswell. -Upper Granville, /?ev Nat. Viditoe- -Annapolis, i?ev Wm Elder. -Digby Neck, A'ev Peter Crandall- -Clements, licv Israel Potter and Rev Henry Saunders- .Wilmot, 7?ev i? W Cunningham. -i^rier Island, -•^Yarmouth, A*ev Harris Harding and Rev Wm Burton.. i?agged Ifland^, 7?ev Jno Craig. -Chester, Rev Jos Dim- ock- -Amherst, . -/?iver Philip, Rev Sam McCully. . ©nslows Rev Jas Monro- - Lunenburg, Z^cv Maynard Parker- • Liverpool Rev Anthony Dimof k. -Tryon, Rev ChasTupper*. Wi'.dsnr ffoad. i?ev Jno Doylc' "Clemeiiis, Ticv Di?nl McGregor* • Antiionish, Rev J Whiddei; - - Waterford, Rev H Hull. .Siewiacke, Rev Geo 7\ichardson. Sis^iboo, I<cv E Stronach. Licentiates — Cornwallis, Thomos H Porter- -Annapolis, Silas ^lorse. - Aylesford, Obadiah Saunders. -- -Guysboro' Jas Brown. iCJ^The Association for this year will he ht Id at Amherst Count 1/ of Cumberland, on the firk Monday after the 20th June. I] I" AlllMril a AI,-M A.V.VCK. 4f> FCIpMnMOiiANDt'M. — Tlic Sittiiij^s of Courts, \;\mr> <>f' Otficcr-i, SiP, will 1)0 lounfl arraiif:;(Ml under t'lo re spective counties to whirl) tlioy belonj^. ''5'i *^ '^ 'C^ >i y^ ^n ^i >n >i VI VI n --> Vi ' 1 v» -^ ^» c^. c^ COUiNTY OF HALIFAX. Ili^''h SIkmiiI' of thf (\)nn;\', John Jiirus f^jnvyor, Ej-q. r'oroiicr. Jauios l'\ (ircy, Kscj Iii'j;ti ('ourt, of Chsr ccrv, iiel i before the Miu-itcr of th' Rnll>, every Mondny tliroii^'hout the year. Supreme Court sits ar Halilax. -2(1 Tnes. of Jan. 'ii\ Tiies of Ajiril, 'J(l Tues. of July, iiia .U\ Tuesday of October. Iiilcrior Court .^ils a !I tlifax. 2d Tnes. of INIaroli, June. Sojii and Dec. -Judyes, Jas. Forma . .Ino JIowc, :iml Sam! Head, S\. [). Ksqrs. < 'olnm:s^;i(> er> i.'<.nrt sits at II:ilifa.\, l~t .Mnndiy of every rrioiiUi.;)iu;rs, J;;. Foriiiii. , llicli 'lYemain, Jiio. Liddell, aim !>. S. Clark(\ ll-iqr Clerk. N. Clarke, \']s(\. I'cjjico OlUce op "! evciy day throuixliout the year, Holiday.'^ and Suii;;ays exoej.ted. — Justicis, Jno. Lid(hdl, II, Voonians. and M. llici ar(U.on, lOstir... Clerk. D. S ( lar;«<', Es'i. Sessions of the I'eace held at Halifax, iat Tues. ot Marcii, June, Sept. a d Dec. Jus'tircsoJ'tkcPcncaforllie District of Hal ifar, J Forman. Ciislhs RoUdorum . Jiu). Howe. Knfiis Fairb;iukr>, Samuel JJead, AI. I). Juo. Li idell, Ricliard Trcmaif, ii. Veouinn;?, J,is. lienvic, A(i:im- Archibald, S.innud Alhro, Juo. Aibro, Tho.s IJoUaiui, .M . Hichurdsou, l.saac liaym , lien. V. Mott. <ieo. N. ilus.sell, J. ijejuider Stiirr, Wui. Logan, \\u\. H. Roach, ilonry A. Cladwi •, Juo. Spry Morris, Juo. [iou(;,jr. Ja'^. N. Shiiuion. J;is. IL Tidmarsh, Wiiliaiu Aunaud, Wni. Stewart, VVui. K. Reynolds, Cdwd. 11. 1-iOwe, (icorije 1>. Creightoii. Thos. (^rcen, Wui. H. Snelliuf^s Thos. B. Dcdbri- .say, Alfred L. Corau, Francis I'arker »So Jo.scph Starr, Ksqrs. Clerk ofllic Peace, D. S. Clarke, Esq. Inspector nj Pickled Pi-<k, Jno. Tromaii, Esq. Flour, Win. \l. Roach, Esq. Commissioners for vi^iiling the Asiilum for iii-. Poor. Hon. Thos. X.Jeir.M'v. (Ion. Joseph Aiiison, J:iia. Forman. Ricli. Tremaiu, .M. R.cha^dsou IL Yeoimns, Juo. Clark, M. I'obin. (ieo N. R issell, Thos. Pykc, Jiio. Spry Morris, andJas. N. Shannon. Esqr.s. Cominiss'ioners of Streets. Halifax, Hon IL H. Cogswell, IL»n. Joseph Allison, Geo. N. Russell, Jas. Tremain, and \Vm. IL Suellinsr, Esqrs. Dartmouth, Samuel Albro, Edwd. H. Lowe, and Hug-! Ilartshorae, Esqr.-'. BHHBH 60 iaiimf-r's almanack. Commissioners jov the Common of llaUfax. flon, II. >i. I'ogswcll, -Stephen W. Dcblois aiidJamc=< B. Uniacl^c, Kb(jr.s. « ojnmissioncrs of Schools. U n-. Archdeacon Willis, Uov. John Scotl, Ilov. M. I^ i3e.sbrisay, Lawrence Hai-tshornc and Edw U Lowe, Ksqrs — lcr», HiJ*3'h Jartshornc, Kst[. >'ATi()N \L sriioo!. Mr. JamoH Maxwell, ) ACAPiA.N hluool lU'v. fas*. Morrison, > Mai'tci:-. HALIFAX ORAM MAR Hcnoo/. . . ilev,J.T.'r\vining-,n D S Co?7i/ntsslonerfi to examine and select Pilots for tlv Port oj JhiUfax. — ^ iliiam Pryor, James II Tidmarsh and Edw. Cunard, E.sqrs. Health Oliiccr, Wiiliann i Almon. Fsqr M D ; ^nper- intcndant of ^juarantine, Mr ac^ob Millor. Officers oflT'.'i Majcstij s Customs Collector, Ion Thomas • .seOery ; Comptroller, ^no Wallace, Esq ; Waiters ai-d Searchfi-is. D 11 Watson &c .Joseph Dean. Escjps; Siirvovor of Shipping;, Mr Edw Duckett ; Tide Surveyors, Messrs. F W Aclif son and T Holder; Warehouse-keeper -V II I!es, Esq ; Locker, Kobert Dimmett ; Clerks, Messrs. R Best, .1 W Mad- den- John Garby and *^aniuel Story, jnnr. Tidesman, Errol Boyd ; Boatmen. Jas V\ all and U'Hays; I'rokcr, IVIr Adam Gi'ieve. fficers of the 'Provincial Revenue ■ Collector, on N Binney ; Gnao;er and VVei»;her, Andrew Uichardson. Esq ; Waiters and Shippinji; Officers, James r^arratt, Kobert Hodjres and .'obn 1 empstrr ; ( ollector of light duty, Mr Edward Duckett ; Collector ofLicen-e duty, \Vm M Deblois, Esq. OPFICEUS OF II. M. NAVAL VAP.D. Caprain Superintendant, Sir Tnos. Ussiier, C. B. &K C. II. Naval SorcKeeper, J R Glover, Esqr 1 31 Cler;; , ^ C James Ritchie, > ;o Naval Storekeeper. < 2cl Do. 3 (JW McEwcn. (iate Per er Mr Thom'S Matthcv.s Officers of H. M. Victualling Yard. Victualling Storekeeper •• •• John R. Glover, Esq. Clerk to Do Mr, Duncan M'Queen. •■» #i» fatimehs almanaCk. ni ♦^ ¥» HALIFAX BAXKLXa COMPACT. I'vcsiilcnt, iloii. 11. li. Cogswell; Vice Prosidriit, \Vm. Ji'ryor, FiS<i. ; Hun. Eiios Collins, Hon, ►Suniuol Cuiinrd, Hon. .Tosfpli Allison, Hon. Jns. Tobi i, Jno. CiarU, at d iMiirtin CJ. Black, E.sqrs. Cashier, N. T. I. ill, Ksq. Clerks, Messi-H. J. C. Wilkic, B. Ik'lclici- and Charlfs VVUkic. Mc^jen-^cr, ^Ir. Jo^cpll Kccllcr. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of business) from 10 to :{ o'l^lock, Sundays and Holi- days excepted. Noted for Discount to be left the day pre- vious, before one o'clock, with theCaoiiicr. f'>Aj\'K o F ,yo I 'A- S C O riA. President., Wni. Lawson, Hsq. Directors, Alex. Murison, W 15 lilisH, ISI B Ahnon, Jas W Johnstoo, Lewis Blis.-?, S N Bin^ey, Jus B Uniackc, Jas Leishnuiu, Jas Donaldson, Wni H SnelliufT, and Jno S Morris, ICscirs Ca.shier, Janies For- man, jr Es<i. Clerks, Mei^srB. Henry Mundell, and Benjamin Carliciie. JNlessenj^er, Mr J Maxwell Discount Days— Tuesdays and Fridays, Hours of business from 10 to li o'clock, ISimdays and Holi- days excepted. Notes for Discount to be \ *'l the day provious, before one o'clock, with the Cashier. SAVLYGS' BAJ\1^. Commissioner and Trra.-urei, Mr. Edw. Duckett, jr: Com- mittee for examining the Accounts, Hon H N Binney, Sir R. 1) Cinorgo, Bt. and C. VV. Wallis, Esq. The Bank is kept at rhc oflice of the Treasurer of the Province, in the Province Building-. Hours of attendance from 8 to 10 o'clock every Monday morning-. Fire Hardens of the Town of rhdifax. Richard Tremain, Esq Chairman; John Albro, Esq Sec'y and Treasurer. Soutli Suburbs, Edward Pryor, C. li. Fair- ftanks aiul James Tremain, Esqrs. St. Peter's Ward, John Albro, J, E. Fairbanks and J as Hain, Esqrs. St Mathew's Ward, L. Hartshorne and J A Barry. Escirs. St. Paul's Ward, Cieorge N. Russell and W A Black, E-iqrs. County Court House Ward, Thos Bogfrs and Esqrs. St John's Ward, Hon Joseph Allison, Jno Liddell, and Jno Clark, Esqrs. North Barrack Ward, Michael Tobin and S W Deblois, E?qrs. North Suburbs. Hon. S Cunard, J N Shannon, and Joseph Starr, Esqrs. Cominitfoe of the i'ire Wardens appointed to man3g'e and direct at Fires, Richard Tremain, Thos Bo;4-trs, John Albro, E*5qr«. Yj Prvor and J Clark. Posers to direct th-j Axe men. ■■ "0 FAIlMrn S ALMANACK. Fire Engine Company for the. rownofJlalifax. James DrxioiAN, sonr. Ca])tain. First Division— Win Caldwell, Liout ; Henry Hill, Tho? Mackiij, Tiios Pallistor, Wax J Rogers, Timothy Connor?, Win Murriy, J Maiiony, H St Andrew:^, Joseph Bennot, F.i Stiu'my, Wni Liswoli, Wni Flyn, Henry fjani^loy. Hen (i Hill, ianies ^Mnithers, Joiiii Riiind, John Pallistcr, John Woodil!. and Jauios Unmphrey. Second Division — Tiios Cassody, Lient ; Edw Sturniv, J Drillio, Daniel Mc Lean, Thos Wilson, Chas liiintor. /ore- niiah Mnhl'g, Jwo Richardson, Benj Smithers, Jatnos M'll- colm, Wni Crawfurd, Jno J<d)nson, Joseph Srrivcn, Wni \'l!!cr, Thos Lowmls, Mannal DeiVeyas, J< s. li' lis, John K.sson. Daniel Uolnian, and ?vjiciia*^l Mnlnny. Third Division — Cieo liittle, Lieut ; Henry Siiike, Jamep Thompson, Iv Havcr^tock, Snrnl C.'.rien, II A Bi^rby, Set 'y, Win Dillon, Geori^c Barton, Be' jamin Wier, Cieo Smithors and John Johnson, jnnr. Fourth Division— Michael Byron, Lieut; Elias Caboll.Jno West, Alex Boylo, Robert Woo lill, Stephen Studley, Wmi V^alciiti'ie and .lohn (jibson. James Sinitli, Honorary Mem- ocr and Treasurer. FiRK JXF-AIEA. .Robert Richardson, capt. — Michael Creamer, lieut. — Thos McKio, sec'y. Wm Johnston . . Rrnd Boyd . .John McNeal . . Win Marvin. .Ilenrv Miller. .Wm Mose. .Matthew Lowds.. •las xMcNut. ..lames <"(ant. .P.'itrickAlahoney . . John MclMior- .-^on. .Samuel (iCor':o. .Arch Lion;;. .CharlesMarvin. . I'pliraiui Lawlor. .Georg'e (Jauld . .Peter Artz. IjiZP'^'Ik^ Fire Engine Company and Axe Fire-Men arc exempt Ironi .Vlilitia duty and iVoni serving as jurors. CIMMBEh Ol COMMERCE. Hon S Cunarl, P'osidoat. . Andrew Belcher. Esq Vice President ... Law. Hatshorne, James Lcishmaii, J L Starr, S W Deblois, U^n Saltns, TR Grassic, D Allison, George P Lanson,Esirs. HALIFAX MKCHAMc's INSTITITK. President, Wm (rriiror, Esti. iM D. Vice Presidents, Joseph Howe, and (»eo W \'ounn-, Esqrs. Treasurer, Jas. Fornuin, Jr. E.-qr. Secretary, Mr .1 S Thomson. M'^'Cl. V Vic's rjnuAKY. President, J Ij J'ltnrr Esq^-'-'Sccrelnry, Mr J Xaylor.^'^xTreasiirer* Ml J Slav!or<"'''Commit!ec,MeNsrH J Moriow.Jost'pii, R Gar- itnd, Joseph Wliylal and ./ S Tiionip^oii Trustees Public Eropcrty. James G A Crei^hton, Matker Alinon, Wm A B;ii;;k. ••'oseph Starr, and C P Lawson, Esqr.-, gsBnen farmer's almanack. 58 i *»» PRESBYTERIAJSi' CHURCH OF J\rOVA SCOTIA Presbytery of Truro — Londonderry, Rev J Rrown. Truro, Rev J VVaddell Onslow, Rev J Baxter. Do:)glas, Rev T S Crowe. Mus- tjXiodoboit, Rev. J Sprott. Economy, Rev A Ke^r. Stewacke, Rev J Smith. Presbytery of Pi:tou — Ea-t liiver, Rev D Roy. West River, Rev D Ross. River John, Rev J Mitchell. Merigomi-'h, Rev WPatrick. AriUironi-h, Rev T Trotter. St Mary's, Rev A Lewi*. Mabou, Rev Wm Miller. Pictoii Town, Rev J M'Kinlay, A M. Upper Seitie:nent, (E R) Rev A iM'Gilavrey. Tatauiajjouche, Rev H Rois. Presbytery of Halifax — Upper Shubenacadie, Rov R Blackwood Windsor, Rev J Murdock. • •••Preachers, Rev Alex Bluikie and Mr W Eraser* .Rev Thos M'Culloch, DD* Professor of Theology. Rev Jas Rob-on. Synod Clerk. Synod meets annu- ally at Pictoii on f he last Tue-^dav of June. M///LS AT UALlt\IX, For Wiiidsor, Kcntville, and Annapolis, on Monday and Wednesday at 4 o'clock, and Parsboro' in tlie Summer. For Windsor, Kenlville, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shel- burne, and St. John, N- 13. on Friday at 4 oV.lock. For Chester, Luncnbur|tr. Liverpool, and Shelburne, via Windsor, on Monday, at 4 o'clock. For Truro and Pictou, on Thursday and Saturday, at 4 o'clock. For Gay's Iliver, Mu^quodoboit, Truro, Pictou, Prince Ed. Island, Cape Bretorv, Onslow, Londonderry, Economy, Cum- berland, Antifroiiish, New-Brunswick, Chaleur Bay, and the Canadas, on Wednesday at ope o'clock, and in the Winter to Parsboro'. MAILS ARRIVE, Prom Windsor, KentviUe, Annapolis, Chester, Lun«n burgr, Liverpool and Shelbiirne, Monday evening. From Windsor, Kentville, Annapolis, Digby, Yarmouth, Shelburne, and St. John N B. Wednesday eveninor. From Truro and Pictou, Tuesday and Thursday evening. From Truro, Pictou, Gay's River, Musquodoboir, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, Onslow, Londonderry, Econo- my, Cumberland, Antigonish, New-Brunswick, Chaleur Bay and the (^anadas, Saturday eveninir. EASTIlRN DJPASIOISJ Includes the Counties of Cumberland and Sydney, and Districts of Colchester and Pictou. Chief Justice of the Infe- rior Courts of Common Pleas, and President of the Courts of Session in this Division, Wii.mam Q, Sawers, Esquire. District of Colchester, County of Halifax. Deputy Sheriff, G R Grassie, Esq. Coroner, Nathaniel Marsters, Estj. Supreme Court sits at Truro, L«t Tuesday of June, and 4th Turs of Sept. Dep Proth'y. George Dill, Esq. \nferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Truro 2d Tuo'jdav of Jan. and 'lA Tuesday of July. F p^ fil farmer's almanack. Aast. Judgfes, Thomas T. Brown and R. Dickson, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, John Dickson, Robert Dickson, Nat. Marstcrs, Thos I. Brown, Jas. Flemmiiig, Edw Blanchnrd, D. V.Crowe, John Wier, Win Rutherford, Alex Campljell, John S Fulton, Samuel Archibahl 8d, Silas H Crane, James Mahan, Duncan Black, Alex Kent, James Moore, Joseph Fulton, David BLynds, W Cultcn,jr. and Charles D McCurdy, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, William Dic-kson, Esq. Surrogate Judge. Jonathan Marstcrs, Esq. Comm'r. for taking Special Bajl on Actions depd'g in the Sup. Court, and Regr. of Deeds. Geo Dill, Esq. Post-masters, Gay's River, 8, Moore; Truro, Jon. Graves, Esqrs. Collector of Impost and E.xcise. and of Light duties, Robert Dickson, Esq. Comm'rs. of Schoolsj Rev John Burnycat, Rev J Brown, Robert. Dickson, James Flemming and Edward Blanchard, Esqrs. District of Pictou, County of Halifax-. De})Uty Sheriff, J W Harris, Esq. Coroner, J McKay, Eaq. Supremo Court sits atPictou last Tnes of May and SrdTufs ofSept. Dcp. Proth'y. James Skinner,Esq. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held nt Pictou 3rd Tues of Jany atid 3rd Tiics. of July. Aijst Judges, Hugh Deuoon, Geo. Smith, R. Lowden and William Mortimer, Esqr.^:. Justices of the Peace, Hugh DenooL, Cuslos Rotuloruin ; Robert Lowden, James Skinner, George Smith, John Eraser, Ab. Patterson, William Matthewson, David McLean, Robert McKay, James Carmichael, John Olding. Wm Mortimer, Geo McLeod, Henry Ilatton, D Crichtun, J Holmes, Ken. McLean, Adam Carr, James Fraser and Richard Smith, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, James Skinner, Esq. Surrogate Judge, George Smith, Esq. Comm'rs. for takinjj Special Bail on Actions depd'g. in the Supreme Court, Hugh Denoon and James Skinner. Esqrs. Registrar of Deeds, H Denoon, Esq. Post-master, Alex P R >ss. F^stj. Collector of Customs, J [l Noonan, Esq. Coliec-'o" S Impost and Excise, Thos Dickson, Esq. Waiter, Soarcr'sr c^.. \7arehouso-kcepcr, (")\T;en Cotton, Es<(. Collector of lii'rht dutie;3, Thomas Cor- l.iett, E^(\. Harbour mister. Joliti McKay Health Ofiicers, T)rs. Joseph Chipman and Cha-!. Martin. Comm'rs. of Streets, Robert McKay, J Patterson. Hon (.'auitibcll and John Taylor, Esqrs. Comm'rs. of SchooLs, Rov Dnican Ross, Rev Cluirles Fdjiott. Rev K J McKenzie, (ieo {Stiutli an..l H Hatton, Esqrs. Dop. Insp Fish, A D (Jordon. U. S. Co;i?',ilar Agent, Joiham Bianciiard, Esq. COUNTY or SYPNEY. High Sheriff,KennethMcD.)iMl<i.Ksq.-Dep.Sheriff,WmO. Ileflornan, Esq. Coroners J H Weeks and J G Peabody , Esqrs. , . ' ' Supreme Court sits at Dorclicst'^r. 5M Tuesday of Sept — dpp proth'y Alex McDonald, Es{) M D. M farmer's almanack. 55 Inferior Court, and Sessions of the Peace for the Upper Dis- trict, held at Dorchester, first Tuesday of May and 3d Tues. of October. Asst Judges, John Cunningham and Benjamia Ogden, Esqrs. ; And for the Lower district — at Guysboro' 3d Tuesday of May, and 4th Tuesdayof Octr. Asst Judges, Jos Marshall and Robert Hartshorne, Esq'"3. Justices of the Peace — U/)per District — Jno Cunninnrhani, C\istos Rolulonini; Alex McDonald, John McDonald, Robert N Henry, Henj Ogden, Jamas Randiill, Hugh McDonald, Jos Symonds, William C Hierlihy, George Brcnnan and William James Corbett, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, R N Henry, Esq. — Lower District, Thomas Cutler, Castas Rolulorv-m: Joseph Marshall, William Atwater, Christian Miller, Robt M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Chas Archibald, William McKeen, Robert Hartshorne, John Newton, David Campbell, Hugh McDonald, Joshua Maxwell, Thomas Glencross, Jno Smitli, Don. Sinclair and Charles Brodie, Esqrs. Clerk of Peace, W O Ileffernan, Es(irs. Surrogate Judges, Upper Dis.Wex McDonald M D.\Lowtr Dis. W. F. DosBarres, Esqrs. Dep.Regr's. Deeds. Upper Dis. Jno Cunningham, Lower Dis. Tiios Cutler,Esqr3.Commr's for taking specialBail on Actions depd'g in the Sup. Court — Up- per Dis. Alex McDonald; Lower Dis. Went.Taylor,Esqrs.^ — Collector of Customs ; of Impost and Excise ; and of Light Duty, Duncan McColl, Esqr. — Postmasters, Antigonish, R. N. Henry ; Guysboro', Robert M Cutler, Esqrs. — Commis- sioners of Schools, Lower dis. Rev Chas Weeks, Robert M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Robert Hartshorne and DuncanMcCoU, Esqrs. Upper dis. Right Rev. Bishop Eraser, Rev Thog Trotter, Rev T H White, Alex McDonald and Hugh Mc Don- ald, Esqrs. Health Officer Guysboro' Dr. William CantreH. Inspector of Pickled Fish, Lower dis. Robert M. Cutler, Esq. Cnmm'rs of Streets at Guysboro', W F Dcs Barres, EH Frenehville and Wm Hart, Esqrs. COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. Itligh Sheriff, Jo?5hua Chandlei", Esq. Coroners Jno Morse and W W Bent, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Amherst 2d Tuesdny of June. Dop. Proth'y., JSilas H. Morse, Fisq. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Amhcret l^!t Tuosihiy of Jan'y and last Tuesday of June. Assistant Judges, I) McFaihine, R McG Dickey, and W Baker, Esqrs. Justices oi' the Peace, Edward Baker, Gabriel Purdy, Danl McP;,rhino, Wm Baker, Gains I ^wis, John Morse, George Borgmau. James McNab, Stephen Oxley, Robt McG Dickey, Jno .'ohnotcn, Wm Smith, Michael Gordon, Luther Lusby, Tho:> Wal:-'on, Wm Fowler, and Chas Chappell, Esqrs. Cleik of tiio Pence . Surrogate Judge and Registrar, Alex. Stewart, Esq. Dep. 56 FARMKR's ALMAff \CK< Registrar of Deeds, Wm Baker, E-sq. (/Omm'rs for taking Special Bail onActions dep'g in the Sup. Court, Clias Baker, S II Morse D McFarlane, Esqrs. Col of Customs Michael Gordon, E.-iq. Col'r of Impost and Liffht Duties, Joshua Chand- ler, Esqr. Post-master, Silas H. Morse, Esqr. Coininr's. of Schools, Rev R B Wiggins, James S Morsei Alex Stewart, Daniel McFarlane and Jos. Oxiey, Esqra. middle' DIVISION Iricludes the Counties of Hant*?, King's, Queen's and Lunen- burg Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas and President of the Courts of Session in this division, Thomas C. Haliburton, Escj COUNTY OP HANTS. High Sheriff, Charles J Wilkins Esqr. Coroners, Nathaniel Jenkins and J Smith, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Windsor last Tuesday of May, and 4th 'J'uesday of September. Dep Proth'y. Hugh Jenkins, Esq. Inferior Court and Sessions of the peace, held at Windsor, 1st Tuesday of Jan'yand 1st Tues of July. Asst Judges, Wni HShey, Jno Elder and Benj ShilUto, Esqrs Justices of the Peace. — Thos C Haliburton, Castas Rotulo- riim ; Shubael Dimock, Wm H Shey, Jno Smith, Benjamin, Dewolf, Joseph SL'ntcU, Jacob Withrow, Jno Dimock, Jno El- tler, Richard Smith, Daniel Wier, Wm O'Brien, Jno Allison, Patrick Wright, Thos Kmg,Benjamin Casey, Benjamin Shillito, Jno Cochran, Benjamin Smith, Saml Dennison, Jno Otis King, Richard A McHaffey, Francis Parker, Wm Mumford, and Jno N Grant Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Benjamin Dewolf, Esq. C omm'rs. for taking Special Bail on Actions uepd'g in the Sup. Court, Pat Wright and Hugh Jenkins, Esqrs. Heg*r. of Des-ds; Col. of Imp. and Eixciso ,• and of Light duty, Asa Torrie, Esq. Col. of Customs, P Wright, Esq. Post-masters, Windsor, John Linnard; Rawdon, J Withrow, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets, WinJsoi\ H Goudge, J O King, and Jos Sontell, Esqrs ; Falmouth, Charles Inglis, James Songster, Elias Pay- xant, Allan Young and Thoui is Currie, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Sciiools, R?.v W C King, Win II Shey, Lewis x\I Wilkins, junr John Allison and Benjamin Shillito, Esqrs. COUNTY OF KINGS. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held atKentville ,'id Tues. of May ^•3d Tues. of Nov.— Asst. Judges, Jno Chip- mm, WmCr.uipbcll, Wm A Chipman, and Jas D Harris, Esqrs. juiticcsoftlio Pcacj. Jno Chipman, Cfxstos Rotulorum ; Wm 4- :. farmer's almanack. 57 Campbell, James Ratchfonl, Daniel Dowolf, Saiiil Bishop, Henry V Buskirk, .luo Wells. Shearman Denoison, Jas Den- nison, Daniel Lockliart, Jiis Ftillerton, Jas 1) Harris, William Chipman, IJMrris llariington, Jas N Crane, J W Maynard, Caleb H Raud, Jcs.-^e Lewis, Saml Beckwith, David Whiddcn, Jno Morton, Elisha Dewolf Jr. \V C Cnmpbcll, S Chipman, James IJurris, Junr. iSimon Fitch, Thos Tapper, and Abraham Gesner,Es(jrs. Clerk of ihc Peace, VV II Chipman, Fsq. Surro(ra»,e Jud^c W. Cumj)bel], Esq.; Rej^r'. of Deeds for Horton, Aylesford and Cornwallis, VV Campbell,; for ParrH- boro' J Ratchfor*!, j'. Esq's. ; Coinm'rs for tukino; Special Bail on Actums depd'o- in llio JSnp Court, Samuel L Allison and James Raiclifoid.j . Es^q s. Col's, of Customs, ('ornwiillis, J) Whiddcn; i*arr.^boro' RB Dickson, Esqrs. Coloflmpand Excise, D Whiddcn, Esq. Post-mar's. VVoHville, E Dewolf; Kentville, J F Hutch itison ; Parr.-^boro', Jas Ratchford, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev J S Clarke. Rev J M Campbell, Sarai Bishop, Janies Allison and Caleb 11 Rand, Esqrs. COUNTY OK QUKENS. High Sheriff. Benj Knaut, Es(i, Coroner, J Whitman, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Liverpool 1st Tuesday of July. — Dep. Proth'y iii^ Comm'r. for taking Special Bail on Actions dep'dg ii\ the Sup. Court, Jns Rogers, Esqr. inleriorCourt and St'ss. of the Peace, held at Liverpool 4t{i Tues. of April atul 4th Tues of Oct. Asst. Judges, Joshua New- ton, Joseph Freeman, Jas Dewolf^ Caleb t»'ee!ey, Esqrs. Justice's of the Peace. Thomas C Halliburton. Joshua Nov.'- ton, Castas Jiotulorum ; Isaac Dexter, Joseph I'^ocman, Snow Parker, Benjamin Knaut. James Gorcham. James R Dewolf, Jno Barss, Jas Dewolf, Jas Barss, Wm B Tnylor, Nat Smith. John Campbell. Freeman Tupper & Whitman Freeman, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Jnmes Rogers, Esqr. Sur. Judge ; C/ollector of Imp. and Ex ; of Light Duty ; and Col. of Customs, Joshua Nevton, Esq. Comptroller, John H Freeman, Esq. Reg of Deeds & Post-master, B. Knant, Esq. Com'rs of Streets, J R Dewolf, John Roheits & Wm Stern.s, Esqrs. Conun'rs. of Schools Rev J T T Moody, Joshua Newton, Benjamin Knaut. Jno Barss and Nat Smith, Esqrs. Health Officers. Drs. A Webster fj D Grieve. U. S. Consular Agent, Snow P Freeman, Esq. Liverpool. COUNTY OF I.UNENHLIIG High Sh^riT, H Ka ilb ick, Esq. Coroner J C Rudolf Esq. Supreme Court sits at Lunenburg last Tuesday of June. Dep proth'y. and Comm'r. for taking Specjai Bail on Actions dep'g in the Sup Court, D. Owon. Esq. Inferior Couit and Sess. of the Peace held at Lunenburg 2d Tues of April and l^d Tues of Oct. Asst.Judges, J Pernette. G Miller 4' E James, Esqrs. I \ 58 FARMKR's AL3IANACK. Justices of tho Peace, E Jamos, Cua Rot. J Pernette, Jas. Walker, J C Rudolf, John Evans, G Miller, W Alexander.Jno. lfeckman,Jas S Wells, Thos Godfrey, Jno Hunt, Wrn Rudolf, Geo Mitchell, fy Win S Morris, Esqrs. C.P.C B Owen, Esq. Sur. Judge, J Pernette, Et-q. Reg'r, Geo T Solomon, Esq. Regr. of Deeds, F Rudolf, Esq. Corr of Customs, A S liruce, Esq. Col of Imp and Ex.; and of Light duty, Thos Godfrey. Rev J C Cochran, G Miller, John Heckman and John Hunt, Esqrs. Health Officer, Doctor Jacobs. Insp of Pickled Fish, Mr. J A Frederick. WESTERJV DIVISIOJV Includes the Counties of Annapolis and Shelburne. Chief Jus- tice of the Inferior Conrts of Common Pleas and President of the Courts of Session in this Division, Thos Ritchie, Esq. COUrrTY of ANNAPOLIS. High Sheriff, E H Cutler, Esq. Coroners, Sil Snow, J R Lovett, David Hall, Edward J Young, and Peter Bennett, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Annapolis 2d Tuesday of June, and 2d Tues of Septr. Dep. Proth'y Sf Commr. for taking Special Bail on Actions depd'g in the Sup. Court, Eben Cutler, Esqr. Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, held at Annapolis ■ Id Tuesday of April, an 1 1st Tues of Nov; and at Digby 1st Tues of July, and 3i Tue.silay of Dec. Asst. Judges, Elkanah Morton, Wm F Bonn^ll, C oreuo U Jones and Thos Ritchie, [son of Andrawl Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Thomas Ritchie, Castas Rotidorum ; Elkanah Morton, Phineas Lovett, John Morehouse, John M Sigoysfne, Thomas Ritchie [Son of Andrew,] Joshua Q,uereau, Wm F Bonnell, Cereno U Jones, Charles Jones, Wm Bent, Saml Campbell, Saml Chesley, Anthony Hannan,S. Doucett, Jno Ditmars, Thos James, Goo Robinson, Benj Potter, Chas Budd, Colin Campbell, jr. Chas McCarthy, Elisha Payson, Jas Hall, James R Lovett, Jno Robinson [of Digby,] Wm Spurr, Wm Randall, Zebulon Phinney, Thomas Mills and Jno Bent. Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Sanil Cowling, Esq. Sur. Judge, E H Cutler, Esq. Reg'rs Deeds, Eastern Dis. E H Cutler ; Western, dis. C Jones, Esqrs. Col'a. of Cus- toms, Annapolis, H Goldsmith; Digby, John E Morton, Esqrs. Corrs of Impost and Excise, and of Light Duty, Annapolis, H. Goldsmith; Digby, W. F. Bonnell, Esq ; Dep Postmasters, Annapolis, Samuel Cowling; Digby, W F Bonnell ; Bridge- town, Thos. Spurr, Esqrs. Coram'ra of Schools, Eastern dist. Rev Edwin Gilpin, Rev. Fras Whalley, H. Goldsmith, Jno. V > ARMEH S AI,MA>'ACK. 5f« Johnston and Thos. Jameg, E^qrs ; Western dis. Rev Ho^er Viets, W F Bonnell, C U Jones, Clias M'Carthy a-^d Chas IJudd, Esqrs. Health Officer at Digby, Dr Btnt. COUNTY OK SHELBURNE. High Sheriff, Jno Bingay, E.sq. Coroners, G Bingay, and J Wiser, Ksqrs. Supreme Court sits at Shelburne, 2d Tucs. of July, Dcp. Proth'y and Comm'r for taking Special Bail on actions depd'g in the Supreme Court, M Huntington, Esq. Inferior Court, and Sessions of the Peace, for the district •>!* Yarmouth and Argyle, held at Tuskot Village, Ist Tues. of May, and at Yarmouth, 4th Tues of Sept ; and for the dis of Shelburne, at Shelburne, 2d Tues of May 4* 2d Tues of Sept. Asst Judges, dis of Yarmouth and Argyle, S S Poole, and Henry G Fariish, Esqrs.; Dis of Shelburne, Gideon White, EbenezerCrowell, Jacob V Buskirk, Thos Cron'oll, and W B Sargeant, Esqrs, Justices of the Peace, dis of Yarmouth and Argyle, Saml S Poole, Ciistos Roiulorum ; Hen G Farish, Jno Bingay, Gabriel Van Norden, Jacob Kelly, Benj Bingay, Jno McKin- non, David Van Norden, Abraham Lent, Jas Bond, A V S Forbes, Esqrs and Rev John B Robbin ; dis of Shelburne, Gideon White, Ciistos Rotulorum ; Jacob V Buskirk, James Lent, Ebenezer Crowell, Obadiah Wilson, Thos Crowd], Robert Currie, Jno. Homer, and Wm. B. Sargeant, Esqrs. Surrogate Judges, district of Shelburne, Gideon W^hitc ; distrist of Yarmouth and Argyle, Wm. H Keating, Esqrs. Dep Reg'rs. of Deeds, Eastern district, Gideon White, jr ; Western dis U G Farish, Esqrs ; Dep Postm;isters, Shel- burne, Jacob Wiser; Yarmouth, HG Farish, Esqrs. Col'rs of Customs, Y^'armouth, A V S Forbes; Shelburne, J V Bus- kirk; New Edinburgh, R. Hankinson; Barrington, Jos Homer; Argyle, Jno McKinnon, Esqrs. CoPrs of Impost and Exci-^c Yarmouth, H G Farish ; Shelburne, Jacob V Buskirk ; Argyle, Jno McKinnon; New Edinburgh, S Campbell, E.«qrs. Col'rs of Light Duty, Yarmouth, Jas Bond; Shelburne, J V Buskirk; Argyle, J McKinnon, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, dis of Shelburne, Rev Dr Rowland, Thos Crowell, Jno Homer, W Robertson and Joshua Snow, Esqrs. dis of Yarmouth and Argyle, Rev T A Grantham, Rev Mr Morino, Saml S Poole, H G Farish, and J Lent, Esqrs. Health Officers, Drs Alex Jamieson, T Geddes, HGFarish, T I Wilson, &. — Webster. Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, W Keating, Esq. Yarmouth. COUNT! OF CAPE BRETON. Chief Justice of the Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, and President of the Courts of Session in this County, John G Marshall, Esq. High Sheritf, Gibbs Gesner, Esqr. Coroners, John Smith, and John McDonald, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Sydney, last Tuesday of Aug. and at Arichat> let Tuesday of Sept. Proth'y for the County, C E _rr_-— - '^- il h 60 FARMEn's ALMANACK. Leonard, Esq. Dcp Proth'y, Arichat, A. Madden ; Mabou, J LTremain, Ksqrs. / Inferior Court and Sessions of the Peace, for thf N E dis held at Sydney, '-^d Tues of MHtcli, and 4tl) Tuos. of October; for the Southern dis at Arichat. '^d Tues ut April, and 2d Tuch ofNr-yember; and for the N VV dis at Port l:iood, 3d Tues of April, and 3d Tues of Nov. Asst Judges, N E. dis Thos. Crawley, and VVm Ouseley. Esqr:?; Southern dis Clement Hu- bert, Jno Jean ai'd Peter de Carteret, Esqrs j N W district Jno Watts and Wni McKeen, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Jno Geo Marsiinll, Cuslos Rolulornm; N E dis Archbd Dodd, Thos Crawley, Richd Gibbons, Chas E Leonard, Petei II Clarke. Wm Ganiniell, James Duftus, Norn?an McLeod, Robert d'aminell, Jacob S Injrraham, Jno Mc Kiniion, Richd Smith, Jno Mehjney, Alex Munro, Chas Barrington, Chas McAlpine, W R Browu and Wni Ouseley, Esqrs. Southern dis Clement Hubert, Chas McNab, Andrew Madden, Thos E Chandler, Nicholas II Martin, Jno Jean, Jno Janvriii, Peter D Carteret, Wm Crichton, Morgan Doyle, Dougald IJ McNab, Jno Luce and Law. Kavanagf), Esqrs. North dis Wm Watts, Jno Campbell, W McKeen, Nicliolas Paint, Jno L Tremain, Irad Hart, James Hawley, Henry Taylor, Nat (lough, KeuChisholm, Miirdo MtCaskill, Andw McDonnald, H Skinner and Jno Campbell, Esqrs. Sur. Judges, Southern dis Wm C Delancy ; N W dis Jno LTremain, Esqrs; Dep Reg'rs Deeds, Western dis Jn<» L Tremain ; Southern dis. Jno Turnbull ; Northern dis Charlea R Ward, Esqrs; Col'rs of Customs, Sydney, J //> Renn; Bridgeport, Hector Leonard, Ksqrs ; (/omptroller Chas E lieonard, Esq; Tide Surveyor, Chas Barrington, Esq ; Col'rs of Impost and Excise and of Light Duty, Sydney, Chas E Leonard ; Port Hood, Jno L. Tremain ; .\richat, Jas Turn- bull, Esqrs ; Dep Postmasters, Sydney , ; A richat, Jno Fuller ; Marga'ee. H Taylor; Judique, A. McDonald; PlasterCove, Nat ('lough, Msqrs ; SurrogateGenl of Land.«, J Crawley, Esq; Comm'r of Crown Lands, H Crawley, Esq; Comm'rs of Schools, N E dis Rev Chas Ingles, Rev. George McKeagt)ey, J G Marshall, Thos Crawley and C E Leonard, Esqrs ; Southern dis Rev Jauies Shaw, Rev Betvin, Dr. Madden, Thos E Chandlc^, ard Crichton, Esqrs. N W dis. Rev Lawlor, Wm Watts, J L Tremain, Jno McKeen, ajid Nat Clongh, Esqrs; Inspector of Pickled Fish, N E district Jno Ferris; Southern dis. Law Kavanagh ; N W dis William Watts, Esqrs ; Inspectors of Flour, N E) dis Nicholas Martin; Southern dis Lawrence Kavanagh; N W dis J L Treuiiin, E-jqrs ; Health Ollicors, Arichat, Dr. Mad- den ; Port Hood, Dr. Currio ; Sydney, Dr. Jean; Gut of Canso, Dr. Noble; Bridgeport, Dr. Haire. U. S. Consular Agi.-nts, Peter Hall Clarke, Esq. Sydney ; Thos S Brown, Esq. Bridgeport, C B, farmfr's almanack. 6f S I AFF OF THE ARMY In Nova Scoti.i tit, der he cominand ot Major General Sir AUCIII-^ BALU CAMPBELL, Bt. G. C. B. Lieut. Governor ol New-. Bruii: wic'<, &c. &c. Military Secretary, Capt P Mai'Iaiul, 74tli F.. Deputy Adj * Gcnl Lt Col 11 B Harris, h p 8()ili F. .DepUr Mr Gen Lt Col H GBroke. .Maj of Brigfadc, Maj J liazaj^'ette. h p iinatt.. Insp Field onicV-rs of Miliiia, Lt R 11 Lorin^r, »^\VniMar- . shall and P (iriovc.Dcp Com (irn.W IJcwctsoii, Ks(]..Asst Com (ien William Green, Esq. .I)op Asst Com Gciils, Jainoe Slade, VVm Low, Chas Williams, WmMilliken and Richard Inglis, E<(!rs. .S ,r<reon to the forces, Colin Allan, lOsq. MI). . , Assist Siir^oi.; ;<. S M Hadaway, S Lau's<»n */• J L Ilartwel!,' Esqrs. . Apotnccary to the Forces, .1. Carter, Esq. Garrison ofUitliJnx, Commandant. LKa)! Fullarton, C B " 9Gth Rt. . .Town Major, Lt J McColla . .Tar Master Esq. Ch,;pIaiP, RevJT T^vinin.j, DD. .Windsor, Bar ' Master, A Mi'DoiirjalJ, Esq. .Chaplain. Rev W C King. A M. . Annnpolis, Bar Master, Jos N(jrman, Esq. .Sydney, (.' B, Bpt . Master, S Rigby, Esq.. Town Adj. Lt Sutherland, DGth R^ Engineer Uepartment. . •. ;• Lieut Col Rice Jones, co}nmnndingEi)(>;inecr ^ . • -Capts Loyalty- Penkc A jMarshall Chav Itii^ers" •• Lifutenants C JUcJCemie- SH Wentioorth"'- Clerk of the works, R Creed- * "Clerk* Wm Rogtrs Thos G judge G Creed and John Barron'**- Edw Pry or. Master Carpenter* -»- John MeKenzie, Foreman**" Wnt .McDowall, vuiMcr mason • • • • JV Gossip, master smith* • • • P Dow ling, ojfice Keeper and mcss/ngfr. Officers of IL M. Ordnance. • LtColRfiBrough,comdgRoy Artillery * • "LtCol R Jones, comd. Roy Engineers ".- J IV lapp. Esq Ordnance Storekeeper* * •- Hen Ince, Esq dep storekeeper C 11 Fife, first clerk"*' J' Forrester, "id do W H Tapp 'id do / Rigby J Barron If Jl P Dixon,a-ist clerks • • • • C J\'\Fifc, foreman of carpenters **" J Plnmmcr, armourer " *IV Balling, overseer of labourers ••♦•.. J Anderson, gate porter. .. OFFICIOUS ()F TUK UiMY, ' Lt. Col. J. FULLARTON. C. B. DCtii Rejrt. Commandant. Royni.'h'tVlcnj "Waterloo"' J^t col. Jl S Br o ugh majors Rtephcn Kiib}- Fred Arabia capts J W Spelleii Mark Evans Licuts FA Griffiths adj Roht Robertson; Loyalty Poake Robt Pigot T (i Marlay,(^.7/j Surg A \Lii>hall C Rivers It tuts \]l MucDoriald, ;C MacKeiizie Ulue— facings j^^ H WoMlwortlil St a L Lyster Scarlet — lacings bine velvet, lace. Ri fj'tl Staff" Corps red: lace j. old Royal Engi- ne er.t It cot RiceJone.J gold. cap I I F2 " Ey:ypt." " Peninsula." " Waterloo." I Cuft. B Jackhon. Lieut. V. Shearman, Ill i\\ I , i ■' 'I 6e 96th REGT, Colonel !Hr Lion el Smith KCB mat gen Lt col •J PHllarton C B and KH Ma) on Ilea White It col A Cajrncross Capta ns yfm Hulme m Rich G thin ££Hill,m C B Cumberland Peter Che^pe B H Cumberland Jno Auldjo T M Wilson Robt Bush O Pilling Lieuts LF Jone* Wm Kidman dp A McKenxie Jos Telford ot^' Thos Abbott p. F de Meuroji J W A Wray Henry Nixon R Ma^KeiiJue Jas Clyde R H Bunbury rARMf:a's almanack. R S Murray ^nsigt\s Edw Barclay E Hathaway Geo Anderson M R Campbell John Lee P W Taylor W PLewes R 8 O'Brien Pay E Griffith* AcifJ Telford It q m H Mair Suxf^ J Shorland ASA WMur- ray Mich Nugent Facings yellow. 1st BATT. Riffc Brigade. *• i^'openhagen" "Montevideo" '« Roleia" " Vimiera" *» Corunna'* '< Busaco" •♦ Barrosa" " |»'uente3 d'Onor" '* Ciudad Rodri- go" " Bud.ijoz" '♦Salamanca" " Viltoria" ♦• Nivelle" «( Nive" "Orthes" '♦ Toulouse" ** Peninsula" " Waterloo." Colonel in chief * Arthur Duke of lVeUins;ton ICG G C B & GCH field tnar col conim . *Sir A F Bar nard irCB HfK C H. m^. Lt Col *W Eeles K H Mcyors *A Si«wart,KH *J C Hope, KH Captmn9 ThoE Kelly W Warren *G Simmons J^a Maister Hon J SlV Sau- marez *John Fry J S Cameron Wm Sullivan J A Henderson D Burges \st Lts A Maclachlin W S H Norcott Robt Walpole Cha. F Napier Roynon Jones John Rooper R S Smith R HFitzHerbert RWDFlamstead dep. pm. RWilbraham ad Alex Monro 2d /<s ' K W Young R Petley A Stewart G K Carr W H Frankland W L M^llish R Vis. Jocelyn A. Earl of Cas- lit AH Horsford pay W Holden capt Adj R WilbM- ham \8tlt. Q jM ^tWra HiM Surg.T H Ridg- Vfs\y M D AS EG Lloyd W Woodforde Reg'tls— green,, facings blacl| . This mark (*) prefixed to the names of Officers denote their havi^a been at Waterloo. The words subscribed to the titles of Reghnci\tli M "Peninsula," «♦ Waterloo," &c. denote the honorary distinctioi>% permitted to be borne on their colours and appointments,in commemo- ration of their service?. \ I - I li n :ott e er Cii r bert tead I ad PAItMEH^S ALMANACn. MILITIA OF NOVA'S COTIL K3 land h !lyn Vaa- iford den IbTA- HiH Ijdg- D ayd e emo- A : Lieut. Colonel, the Honble. Thomas Nicholson Jeffery, Commander in Chief. . Aide do Camp to the ComV. in Chief, Lt. Cols Sir R. D Gtorge,/^/. Insp. Field Officers, Lieut. Cols. R R Loring, *\V Marrihall and V (.irieve; theWesiernDis. It. col. A V S ForbcH;AdjuUn'. Tienl. Lieut. Col. JohnMcColla ; Qr. Mr. Genl Lt. CoL Edward Wallace, Judge Advocate Gen. Hon 8 B HobieJiLD. Volunteer Artillery. Lt Col. Richard Tremain. .W^q/or, James Tremain. 1st Company . • • • Capt. James Cogs well. \8t Lieuts. Joshua Le<*. and Richard Tremain> jr. 2d lieut. J Forman, jr 2d Company* '-'Capt 1st Lt ^d Lt » • Surgeon,Matthi&» Hoffman » Blue • • • • facings red — lace gold . ist HalifaxRe- s^ment. Lt.CoU G N Russell Majors A Richardson » James McNab Captains WmPryor,jr John Slayter,ad; Jas Black Jas G Boggfl Thos Lydiard iJhas DeWolfe ThoH Adams LawO'C.Doyle S Binney W A Flieger A B llichardson F Stevens Robt Romans Saml Lydiard Thos Kinnear Wm Emerson Kdw Binney Jno Romans ThosNJeffery,jr Edw LawBon 2d Lts EG Fife S Campbell Arch Sinclair Andw McKinlay W G Anderson AndwUniacke S S B Smith C E W Schmidt Adj} SIayter,cp< q J/GTFilli« iSttri^f.AWallace A. S.\Y Grigor BIue*< • • facing s red — lace gold 'id Hi\ Regt. Lt Col Hon. S« Cunard Majors Chas J Hill W U Deblois Capts G B Creighton A G Eraser M Tobin,jr Jno Cunard John E Starr Jas S Clarke adj Henry Pryor H Mignowitz Edw Cunard jr 1st Lts Jas A Moody GeoH Starr Thos A Bauer Jos SentcU Thos Bartlett Edw Scaife F B LeCain 2d Lts Chas Wilkie Geo Deblois J A Bauer ./Idj J S Clarke c Q M C Keefler SMr;o:WBAlmon M. D. .'i.S^C Cogswell Scarlet — facings blue — lace gold 3d Hx. Regt. Lt Col J Leaiuler Starr Majors TohnE FairbankH Edw Cunard Capts H Y Mott S W Albro Eklw H Lowe JM Chamberlain E G W Green- wood, adj Daniel Starr W J Starr Jno Harvie C H Belcher, -'/m R D Clarke Jno Leslie G P VanBuskirk Isi Lts W Hall G GAawHon C Marks E Duckett jr,;>/M T Kenny J Kennedy H Leslie J A Moren Jno Gammon MartinNiforth Hen Gorham Adam Rcid JFCox WJPMattocits 2d Lts J A Findlay J W C Parker F R Starr D S Sutherland H Stamper W Cocken ^djEGWGrecn. >cood, eapt ; I ) t I 'I' , m \ ' i ■ti r. I ':'•] ,.nf '')-. a I! \ C4 Q.V.CHBelcher, capt Pai/iCl)ovkci{ li &'Mr^SIIe;Ml,V|| Green — faciiiK>* rc'J — lace gold ■ithHx.Rcirt. Lt Cot J Albro. Majors WA niack Kclw I'ryor jr captti F Daiiphiney John Piirker VVrn M Allan Th03 Pyke Jas Hearne PcterP( wtT W UonaldfcOii Azor Stevei)8 H Yeoman s jr Jno Daupliiiiey A Scott adjl Edw Allison Nepeati ("Jarke P J Holland \sl 1(3 W B Hainiltoii Bcnj E P»lack h C Brehni Angus Fraicr Jno Adams l[ J Cr('i<i;hlon Wni Vickei> Cha« M Cleary Chas Ijawsoii Arcli Fraser 2d Us Jno Martin J Biichannan Pat Purccll F. Ryan James Saul C Hamilton Geo Leppart Geo Grono Wm J Carritt Edw Albro G D Miinro Jas Ricl!ard«on FARMERS ALMANACK. Ohas Gray JldjA Scott cpt f^niT Ho&terman Surf; J Stirling Jl S Wm Owen othlfulifaxRrgt Lt col II A (ij.idwin MujT li Grassie capis. A Taylor PO;;ilvie A Dunbrack John Watson (» li Grassie David Fle'cchcr S Breedin J Parker \stLts Win Anderson J Brown A Kent 11 A Logan q m Alex Keith V/m Guild lohn Leslie How. Blades Wm jMuir '2d Lis A Tavlor jr J T Bjshop J E Miller W Dow line: John Shnltz Geo VVeale adj Jno Hutchin'^on WG Archibald David Archi!)a!d VV^m Farnal Wm Archibald rieo Weal adj. Ino Shultz Ad] G Weaie, H (i M R Logan// Siu!^ E Carrttt Colchester Rirls IstBATT^ r.t cot Jas Kent niajora Alex Archibald Jas D Blair rapts Jo« Fulton John Gammill W C Eaton adj Geo Corbet Wm Blaii Wm Phillips Andw Yuill Lvt tts Jus Rutherford S Archibald Wm Logan Jas Diinlap E Parker Jno L Fisher M T .Smith Jno Johnston Wm Flemming 2d lis Wm McCulley Ji'O Gammill Jas Pollock Geo S Flemming Jno Tup per David Page GeoSRutherford WmMcNutt Saml Creelman Jldj WC Eaton c Q^V/-Ale.\Knighi SgW B Lynds A S. Ben j Page 2d BATT. L/CWR Dickson Afojors Thos I Jirown A Campbell Jas Flennuing Capis Jas Dickson ino Wier Jolin C'rovv R McLelland R Spencer A Thompson E DDickson adj Jas 1) Baird Alex Vance Lis Rufus McNutl Wm Baxter TliOH Corbet! J Urquhart Jno McGrath Wm Vance Jac. Marsh J Archibald Jas Wilson Robl Spencer '2d Us D V Crow Alex Blair Sam Waugh D V Crow Robt Corbett Jas M Spencer Wm Fletcher II M'Laughlan .. Pat M<-u-8h Wm Cutien : Jno Blair 3d Sleph Linten Ja' Barnhill J T Dickson Wm Flemminp; ^r/jEDeW Dick- son capt Suri^ Chaa Hea<i q m W Cutten 3d BATT // col Alex Campbell major R B Dickson capts JMcL.Dicksonnr D Dewtr D Baxter . Alex Conkoy Hugh M>ui1ro» G*;orge Ross C D McCurdy Is/ Li^uts Ed Langille • John McKay M Waugh R Murray , Wm Scott " Urf LuvtH John Langille I J.- nka.-. FAUMKll'S ALMANACK, I \ J as Campbtll ' David Wil'Oii Donald Koss D MtK.y adji M J^Diek- t-on cupl JI}D.«vidi?oii qm I'idoii Rt'i^i- mcnts. l8t HA IT. Lt Cot Geo Sniitli major Robt McKay Cap is Ceo McDonald John Paticifion "WmCorbelt John Gordon Wm Mortimer D Cameron Abm Patterson Anthony Smith <ieo Campbell 8aml Arcliibald Mi;:hMcCulloch JnoTaylor R McDonald \st Its Wm Clark David Davison Jas Dawson Mat Langille ChasPatttToJOn Don Fraser Colin McKenzie JasCrichton Jno Mcl.eod 'Id Lts II Douglass F McDonald David II OSS Thos M'Cabe Jas Perin GeeGiant JasMcGill Jno Graham Robertson Jno Campbell Jno Lorrain Th03 T;.ylor A Wallace J 1 iirvirt J SiNinnor 1> Muulii!\vhon adj Geo M' Don- ald capt Q M H Hatton NjifJoftChipman R 2d liATT. /./ Cot McG Dickii- miijors D Murray John Oklin^ Capt>i T McPherron Simon McKay D McDonald Thos Munro Simon Fraser D Mc Lenrian Don McDonald John Smith A McDonald Rod'k McKay John FinlavhOn Jacob Olding Alex Fraser \ St Its W Jas Corbelt Hugh Fraser Don Munro Alex McDonald Don INIcDonald Jacob Oldinp; Don Robertson Wm Chisholm Wm Friiser Robt Walker John Fraser Ang McDonald 2d Lts Paul Foster Wm Fraser Peter Ro^s Ilec McLean ' Pet Grant Jas Fraser Thos Copeland Don McDojiiral Don Sutherland Alex (irant .1 McDonald JohiiMcPherfioi Art h Fru^er v'hah Ives David Merry Alex Frater A McKenzio Hod iMcGre^'or (idj J lIolmeH (^ M A Fraser Ni^D Finlayson Co an I J of Sijd- ni 1/ liiniminls. 'isi liATT. Lt fo/JnoMunro major Jno G Pe;ibody Capts J I) C^unningliani Ang McDonald li McLennan Wm Hierlihy James Wilkie A D Harrington Ang. Ogden GA Forreslall Jas Thompson 1st Lts Alex McDonald Allan McDonald Jas A Ogden Geo Rrennan Wm J Corbet t Alex Campbell Alex Thompson Colin Chisholm Hugh McDonald )>d Lts Zepli Williams Jus Ross Jno Corbelt Arch McDonald .*i</j A M Chis- holm It Q ;?jJ Forrestall S^rA McDonald ""2d R ATT. /:«to/RM Cutler major Isacc Wylde (55 r.npts J K McKwn WmHeffernan • D Atwater Jno Souiir John Grant C Archibald Jas Lylc Fdw Morris* Win McKetti Robt Boles adj JfioArcJiibald Wmi Lynch Ust Its Jas Tory jr Wm Bedford Jos Maxwell ^- M Taylor '• Hugh McDonald Wm Sinclair Thos Peart : Wm Stropel Alex Martin Jjio Hudson '•' 2d Lts ^^■ Wm Hart ' ' Jno Newton jr Jno Stewart Spin Whitman • • Jno Kennedy Chas Bromley E J Cunnigham "V^'m Simpson jr Wm Hadley EJw Frenchvilio JasMarshall * Hall Foster ...^ fry Pride Aaron McKinly Da Martin JnoJamison ' Jno Mitchell ^dj Robt Bol.^ capt ; Q m Jno Jb!*t' .SV W Cantrill 3rd B ATT. ; It Col Robt N Henry major \ Joseph Symond* ' FJ,.rt^^» ^^mm *!■ \^ \:U -'! - t, Capts Jos Jcrroir Ja» Runda]l Jxio McMillan ElishaMRandal Don McDonald Don McPhee Allan Crimeron Don McKenzie Cel Doiront Wm A Henry Ut Its Luke J'eviToir HugbMcDonalJ Don McDonald Dob McDonald Alex Cameron John Mason J no Fraser Colin Mcintosh Rich Connors 2d Its AngjUB Ker .ed} Benj Heany Hugh McDonald Hugh McGregor Jno Sutherland Colin Ch.'sholm .idj JMcDorald FARUER^S ALMANACK 1 1 Cumberland Regiment. It col B McG Dickey major Gto King capts Wm Chapman T Chapman adj Henry Pur-^y H Pur^y 2d Dan King Jas Robevts Jos Black Thos Logan Wm Fowler Gaius Lewis AntbTaytor Josh Hu«ti» 1st lU G Lawrence S&ml Purdy R Cormo \V M'Nab B Chapman Jos Morse Brown Pipes B Stevens Amoi* Eaton Jno Rushlon H Chapman Jno Farlin 2d Its Josh Bedee Jno Dothen ThsChapman 2d Ezra Bent Jas Cotes Tim Weatherby J G Purdy Dan Pugsley Gilbert Seaman s Martin Bent jr Thos Smith Jacob Ackerly adj T Chapman^ capt Surg E Purdy 2d Its Wm Palmer Jno Jenkins jr Thos Tonge - Robert Hill Nathan Taylor Robt Walker Jno Payzant Jos Davidson Peter Jadis JohnParker ^dj J Songster QMT O'Brien .S^ J4»s Wiley l%FCPike County Hants Regiments. 1st BATT. LtCol WHShey S Jenkins capts Wm S Church JonM IBmith Rich McHaflFey JSongstet adj £tias Payzant G Curren H Goudge SamlPalmer R McHaff«y l»t Its T McLaUihy E Cwer Jno Otis King Edw Bennett |Ed,w McLatchy Jas Fit^maurice Fat Walker 2d BATT. Lt co/RichSmiiti major Bciij Smith Capts J Withrow adj Alex McPhee £2dw Murpliy J no C Withrow John Grant Don Grant Jas Densmore C Putnam Jno Wood worth Wm Knowles \st Us Alex Ferguson John Sterling Hy Btois J J Blackburn Wm G WithFow Wm WitbFew Jas £ Nelson Mich Terhune Philip Densmore 2d Its Sam Meek Evan McPhee Arch Cox Caleb Burges Jno McDougall Hy MiHar Jacob Withrow Jas Gilvie J J 0'Bri«ti» Adj J Withrow e Q m Jas- Grant 3d. BATT. It Col Daniel Wier Major ElishaSandford Capts. Ich. Dimock Fras Parker Jno Cochran Jas Sterling Geo Brightniai Stephen Wier Felix Coehran J Fit2>maun«c Wm CFoaby \st. Lts. Francis Harvic Jno Lockhart Anthy Siiaw jr Arch. Smith jr Harris.Dimocli Thos Allen I Lake Wm Parker S Martin 2nd Lts Nich. Mosher Geo. E Laverg MichSalter jr. C W Rathbura JnoMumford Job.Harvie Jas Mosher Wra Fish T F Wier cui,f Mich Saiidfori Job Harris — M'CaJlum E TomlinsDR Jno Fitamaurico Wm Stariing- MjT.F.yifier Q.I/.D.t/'ochvKs Sg Geo Harvta M D I jv»" ' r.lRMEa's ALMtNACK C? f A'tng'# Counlif JUs^lments. Isi BATT. It Col WCMooje majors JiioWelb Jno Morion Capts T Bftrnaby N Woodworth LV BuskirU Saml Chipmaa J T Allison John Belcher W C Campbell O Cogswell J C Magee Wm Pearce Thos Welton D |)urbidge H^G\sner ytadj \»t Its Judah Welti) Saml Sharpe John Prescott J H Allison Jer Tupper E Burbidge T B Campbell J F Hutchinson Rich Starr Saml Lowden Wm H Chipman Henry Magee W A Tupper P Carruthers Fairfield Smith 2dlt^ Wip Starr Ben Donaldson David Whidijtea Dan M Moore /noE Cogsykrdj Seth Burg^si Saml Cox H L Dickey /«8 Bent Lttih^ Purling As LockwQod M«t Fiiher Jo» Chase G Lock wood 7m Jas Lockwood J Pierce B W Jakes Law Harris A Patterson 3d sdj H Gii.ier cpt QmGLockwood Surff. Chaplain Rev M Campbell 2d BATT. Ltcol S Dennison major J N Crane Capts Chas Brown Eben Bishop Enoch Forsyth Jno Fuller E Forsyth J Johnston D Rathburn C H Rand adj C Randall S Avery jr P M Benjamin 1st Ul Elijah Fowler Jas Bragg Geo Terry A Bishop Dan S Dennison Eliphilet Fuller Jas Woodman Chas H Brown 2d Us S Parminter /as T Davidson Wm C Dennison Jacob Liamans Thos A Caldwell Edw J Bishop Hugh Blown Jas Parminter Jaa Rattiburn .^djCHRand ept Q ^ T A S De- wolf Hg W Wtbetor 34 BATT. major Jos Crane eapta Jon Crane adj Wm Miller 1st Its h P Jakes 2(i Its H W Crane adj J Crane cpt q m W H Morse Parrsborough Regt It Col JasRatchford jr. major Jesse Lewis Capts Oman Lewis A Thompson CERatchforda^; B Fullerton Robt Dewis 1st Its Elben Kerr Wm Marsh Danl Dickenson Wm H Dewolf Jas Fullerton 2dlt9 Edw Morrison John Petis JFulmore 9WI JosCox A F Rat ch ford Chas W Baker Jno T Smith adj C E Rateh- ford capt QmJ Fulmore/^ Sg A Gesner EitstAnnapolia CountyRtgtt. 1st BATT. LtCol.T Ritchie Major Capti EThorne •WiaDavi* G Robinson S Cowling E Whitman Abner Troop Wm Saunders Step Thorn e Robt Spurr SamMcCormack Hen Gates Foster Bolsor \sl Its Jacob Bogart Wm Harris S Parker S Chipman A Fowler Edw Hinkle Isaac Ditmars Hen Gisner • Jas LeCair Jno Hicks ' 2d Its Jon Woodberry J H Ditmaro Weston HaH Geo Barteaux Jno Kennedy Constant MorM Jas Wade Adj Geo Robert- son capt Q m JasGray 2d BATT. ' it Col majors- Jno Deiancy C Shafner Foster Bolsor Capts EPhinney Arch Hickft H Parker J Armstrong Robt Stoae a<lf Seth Leonard Chris Bank* Jno Fritz Wm Rjknk» Zcb Phinney Jno ShaSher Jno Dodge mmmmmmm I f,8 Jag Gates Geo Fitch C Mar^liall Stcph NlchoUs J no Banks Phin Bent FARMFU'S ALMANACK Hhclhimic Re- ifiinr.nts. 1st B ATT. 2d ItH Alplieus Jones JonesMorehonse JHFitzRandoli R Journeay Isaac Morehouse mdjor W),i e Capts Saml BChipmaniJonasKeen Felix Mc N«al SarnlStarritt Suml Morse B W Chipman 'U lis J no Smiili inH Hail IlMcGee Jas Charlton Geo Brown Alfred Parker Sam > ariejr Fct Delancy Chas. Baneaux Jas Gill Jaii Grinton Wm Chipman Starrit Parker Atmer Sai.ds ^dj R cpt ^ m Jno Boss Sg J y Buriii Israel Outhouse Jmo Haynes H E Pay son C S R Crowley Jno Viet s BotsfordViets (/(/JEMOrtonr;)/ qm W Taylor W " foot atlj ,SVJ Light- 2d BATT. It Col S Doucett majors Saml Campbell C Shislfner Capts II Barr adj Saml White Jos Terrio F A Robichau Jo.-i;ih Porter JVesUinnopohs j,,^^ ;: olden Co'yRe'sLt- 1st BATT. It Col W F Botmell major WmMuir Capts J Timpai\y T H Ru|;j;le-< DRutheilo.d Edw Moif;a.i Geo Jor^ 'Vliile Taylor 1st Its Jos (Jommo J P.-^.ry Jno Terrio Friis Bournuf B Robichau I G Eiislow Rei.j Perry \^ m Holder) Jas Barclay P Spear water Jno J.ock Wm Muir ].s/ Its Saml J^oek Wm McMillan Thos Johnston tLLen IMartin Wm Striker i>d Us Rich King D Matthews Jas Griflin |(jeo Boole jjo-h Snow Gi beri Keniia A Vernon adj I GEnslow capt q 7n J Tot tie ~ "7d~BATfr' LI Col A Lent major J McKinnon Capts DVNorden adj Jas Hatfield W Whi ehouse J J UEntremont J rervan Morehoute M Amero Saml 'id Its I'eni White J EMor o;i oJj;Capr'?an Manin B McCoimc.l C Budd^ ^ 1st Its Hen Sa\- trt Cha«»C :\!ooJy Israel U 'v t J03 Hill C ofl MRHitc i Se Robichau Ciriac Helivo While Jas Amero Gil' f rt Tucker ^r/ UIBarrr fa;>^ Sil Porter Q 7/? (I Barr jr iVl JeiFcry cn.Uugglca Jno Rider D Bodreau Tlieo K Frost l.s;f Us John Williams Jno Hatlleld S D'Kntremont P DEntremont Ceiil Porter 0.-!.% ^dlti C Blanvelt G V Buskirk W Larkin j B Bodreau Jo -J Porter H Nickerson Chas McLarrin Jij 1) V NordoHf, Q in Jas Lent "^dl5ATT. Lt Co/ J BingaT major G BVan Nord^a Capts Jas Dane D Pattm Israel Kelly John Cook Hen\ Lewis ' " M k ilium A Huntingdon Geo Bingay adj Thos B Tooker W B Moody \sHl9 Jos Shaw Jno Fattin Z Churchill Jas Allen R Robins G Bond M Shaw A Raymond '2d Us J Cann J Hilton DGowen J Crosby C Lcwir- Slayley Brow« Jos Stoneman H Chipman H Huntingdon Edw Huestji J Uliev '• GeoTrcfoy AndwLovett adj GHiiigfay cpt Q m J Tooker SurzH G Fnnnh JlSJoi B l>oncI - ■ FARMER 8 ALMANACK. I rin ion<r , g«7 don 1 :< -^ id 4th BATT. Li col W B Sargeant capts J P Doane J as Smith Geo Peart on Jiio Fraser 'lid Us John Cobb Jos Ford Gen Freeman, J Sargeant adj Jno McDonakl J Osborne K Reynolds Andw Crow ell UtUs Jas Kenny JelhroColviJle E Knowles Josh Atwood /no Lyle 2^ Us Thos Coffin / Kenny J C Crowe!! Wm Patterson arf J Sargeant cpt A McDonald Gf-o Freeman jr E Knowies Jno H Freeman Jas A Taylor Jno Kemp* on Robt BoLerts H Fr;ider adj W Freeman Q m Sir A Webster .IS D Grieve Coil III If Luneii binfrRcirl^. Q m SO Doane' , , , t/.i> i i - • - _ I Lt col JC Rudol Qhcch'.v Co »/;/(, lic{^iinFnt. JJ. col Jos Freeman majors JRDewolf J Whitman Capts J Roberts Jon Dewolf Wm B Taylor John ('itmpbell rnauirs Wm Rudolf M Oxner capts C Oxner Jno A ndertion H Kaulback C J Rudolf P W James |HenOxiier[,irty] iCeo Anderson JM Rudolf W Freeman ndj Geo Crei;;l)fon Jas Morton Mat Parks Free Tnjiper JnoJj Darxnv Nat Freeman John McViker \ St Its T Freeman Wm Irwin Sam Freeman TliosP Calkm Wm McGill Z Freeman S Freeman Stephen Mack Fras Rudolf \sl Us .Milt Ernst ( h s Porn jNich Oxner jPhilip Mason iJos Riidolf iJno Helb j(ieo M Fanry I J no Ernst I Fras Poehner |jno Frederick j 'id Us 'Jno Ernst iCiji.s Bolinan P Kaulbrck Chas J Rudolf Wm Mosher Jno Rudolf Fdni Zwicker Josh McRae Lewis Arenburg ^</;GT Solon on Q m D S Gram .S'^y G Jacobs Td^RAlT. lA col Jno Heckman 77tajors JnoCrei^ih'on 7a s S Thomson Jno Hunt rnpts Hen Erns' adj P Strum Thos Zwicker Jr.o Zwicker Geo Ernst Geo Zwicker Robt Mooiiey 1" Metzler J; o Crandle J.B Com n;o//7?j Jno G TKomso!, .U)hn Nass Jos Gates L'has T. Evans 15/ Us LeoHertlie JT) omson (aty) .M Publico ver A ZwicUer All am Ean'z Jos Lordly Leon Giidert Edw Z^^ icker WmHo^s H 8 Jo^t A W.ilker '2d Us Fras Z\\ icker Ed\N Copley J M Smith Jj-< Cro'i-her Jas Willianis Fred ErnSi Jno Kcdy 6& Dan Linock Wm Heckman Wm Gilbert Alex McKay CorneliusLordljr Geo Dimock Will Marvin Adam And.ews JidjH Ernst c;jf Qiu3 B Comingo Sir Jno Harley .>7 SWA Kearney ' 3d battT // col Garret Miller capt.t. Wm. Dre\y Jr.o Harley )st Us. G T Miller J P Miller Jio Publicover Wm Newcomb (\/lPE BRE- TOJ\. 1st Rcfrt IstBATT, /,/ col Zhaa E Leonard major WinHCrawley cnpls and Plant S.iin Rigby adj Rich Brown Chas M Dodd Edm M Dodd (' Barringtoa Jno Ferris I^e\vi^ \V Bown Josh W Wceki Geo Rigby Lieuls. Luke Hall L Rowii J Week 8 Win Gammil! Chas Dumaresq Arnold Holme« Jno Hill Peter Moore Syd Barringion V. ^ wm jr II 70 Wm Cook JKich Gibbons R Campbell A Ross J Ross Edw Rown / Dodd Niel McKay .^dj S Rigby cpt Q M. John Ball ^urg Wm Hare fahmkr^s almanack. 2d BATT. IjI. col. ?uch. H Martin capis John JoneM G McKi.v J McKay Don Logan Wm Jones V Hume l^ieuts. Wm Jones Don Carmichael Jno McNeill Samuel Peters Jas Sparling Robt Sutherland Alex Anderson Jno Sperling Jas Frr^ser Thos .'/oice .^<i;. John Smith 3rd bTFTT Lt col Peter H Clarke major Wm Gammill Citpts C McAlpine Jno Scott hieuts. JnoMurtin Dun Currie Alex Campbell Thos Pembrooke Neil McNeil Don McDonald OibbsGesner adj Ang McGJlvery Jno McEacran adj G Gesner //. Q 7n. T McKea- geny 4th BATT. Lt col Jno McKinnon capts Don M'Leod Jno Munro Jas Brown adj Alex McKinnon Alex Munro R Buckmaster ]st Us Robt Sutherland Jno Fraser James Fras-er JnoMcLeod 1st JnoMcLeod 2d David Corbett Don McLeod Suther McLeod "id Its Hec.McKenzie Jno Fanning LauchRobertson A Mcintosh Dun Stewart adj J Brown cp 'M lies^mt 1st BATT. It. cot. Clement Hubert major J Janvrin en pis M Doyle T E Chandler ad Peter de Carteret John Ferrier John Fuller E F Le Montais Wm Crichton Thos Le Noir John R Smith licvts. DesirezBoudroit Jno Ballaine A Brvmer J F Wilson B G G Potts V'ictor Terriot Isaac Paon Thosdu Bois SimBabin Benj Terriot Chas Wood Cha Terriot Hen Martell Peter Terriot Peter Forest JnoHubert JoshAlexander Don McDonald Isaac Nicolle Jno Bourinet Chas Blampied adj Thomas E Chandler eajft Q m Jno Walsh iSjo^And. Madden i>d BATT It col L Kavanagh, major Chas M McNab capts Jno Cameron Dougald McNab DanlPellier adj Jno B McNeill Jno Walsh Thos Simons M Kavanagh AndLe Biocque Robt McNab D McPherson lie Ills J Maubourgette Jno Matheson Alex Murcliison F McPherfon N McMullen Don Campbell Jno McDougall Jno Smith J Morrison Jno Proctor Ad McPherson Peler Legat /as Proctor Geo Strachan ad;DPcllicr,c;)f 3'/ Regimf. Ist B \TT //. coC. Wm McKeen majors H McMillan Nath C lough capts J L Tremain ad Jno Campbell Jno McKeen Robt Patterson I Alex Mclnncs D Grouchy Jas Doyle Dun Campbell Don Cameron WmR Mullin And McDonald Alex Beaton FeterBvonvard AnMcDougald Don Campbell lieufs Alex McMuir C McMuir Ph Le Brocque II McDonald T McDonald A Chisholm Jas McDonald Jas Hawley A McDonald Jno McKay DonBeaton Jno Doyle Allen Cameron Mat Hawley Wm Watts jr DonMcLean Jho McMillan Thos Emery Rod McLean HyWilliams Jno McDonald Jno McKinnon Dou'T. Smith E Cameron D McDougrald A McDonald 1 t farmer's AL51ANACK. A ng Beaton A Campbell Mai, McKay .^(fj J L Tre- niain, cnpt 2d BATT major HenTaylor ca'pts N McLellan A McLellan A McDonald A McDonald R McKinnon — Bown lieuls JnoRoss Jno McKinnon Jno McFarling Jas McLellan A Smith H O Quin Chas Boudroit Dun McRae M McDonald WmCampbel 71 A Mc Lei Ian A Mc Innis JiioMc Lcllan A Chisholni R McDonald JnoMcLean Angf Isaac adj DCampbell ^. THE NAVY. ViceAdmiral of theRed, the Rt.Hon.SirGEORGE Cockburn, (TCB.Conimander in Chief, on the West India, Halifax, and Newfoundland Stations. Thos. Woodman, F'S(\ Secretary. ARIADNK, 28.- Capt. C. Phillips; Lieuts. A, Lavie,J. H. Murray, J Russell; lr:t Lt. IVIarines, F S Hamilton ; Master, .) R Fittock ; Purser, C H Osmer; Snrjreon, E Hildilch. ARACHxNE, 18.. Com. WG Agar ; Lts J B Woodthorpe, A G Bulnian; Master, il Mapleton; Purser, J Warwick; Surg- W Martin, asst, surg. ALBAN (r^team ship). .Lt. Com. A Kennedy; asst. surg- W fJlasgovv. ANTELOPE.. Bermuda. BERMUDA— Yatch, Capt. Sir Thomas Usher; Kt C. B. K C H COMUS, 18. .Com. W P Hamilton; Lts. T B Dc.bree, C J F Campbell ; master, J N King; anrg. G Symers; purser, A N Earle ; asst. surg. W M'Gili. CORROMANDEL. .Convict Ship, Bermuda. DISPATCH, 16.. Corn. G D.miell ; Lts. F Smith, Hon G IT St Vincent, DKinnaird; master. Thos Richardson; surg. W Aitchison ; asst. surg J Crichton; purser, J E Key. DROMEDARY, 2.— Convict Ship, Bermuda. Master, R. Skinner. FORTE, 44.— Capt. W O Pell ; Com. W A Herringham ; fiieuts J V Baker, H BroaJhead, H Kyres ; 2(1 Lieuts. Mar. G Hollingworth, W K Shoveller; Master, Jas Sprent; Jos Marshall; Surg. Thras Clarke ; Purser, Rich Goodridgc ; Assist. Surg. John Dunn , Super. John Sloan. FLY, 18,, Com. P M-Cluhae;LtsGeo Byng, & J L R Stoll : Master, J Rogers; Surg. C M'Arthur, m d ; asst. surg, T W Jewell; Purser, JLyall. FIREFLY, .3..Lt.Com. J J M'Donell; asst. surg. J McRae. JACKDAW, 4. .surveying ship, Lt. Com.EBarnett ; asst. surg. G Burn. LARNE, 18. .Com- W S Smith; Lts. H H Bingham, Right Hon Lord F J Russell; master, J Hales; surg, R M*Corniickj us^t. surg. W Monro ; purser, J Breaks. pna T 72 F4RMEH..S ALMANACK. n tf 1 1 MAGNIFICENT, 4.. Receiving Ship, Jninaicn, Lt. Com. J Paget; master, R ('unic; purser, J Biyan; bUig.R H Biowj); ftsst. surg. Jus J;ickson. PEARL, •::0. .Com. R Gordon ; Lts. G Beaufoy, T Smith ; master, VV JeftVexs: purser, F Leaii; surg. A Lane; usst.surg. G A Munro. PALLAS, 4-2.— Capt. Wm. VValpolo ; Lieuts. J W Noble, W C Nowe'l, Georye St. V King, C J l3osnr.qtict ; Lieuts. Mar. J.CoUiss, E llocker ; M{^^ter, K Rose: Purser, J Porter ; Chaplain, J 11 Malet ; Surgeon, J ilatcly; Asaist. Surgeon, T II Nation. PYRAMUS,4->.. Receiving ship, Hriifrix. RACER, Id.- Cm. J Hope; Lieuts. W W Chr.mbers, H VV Parnel! ; Mutator, John ilunlley ,• Surgeon, Issac Wesley ; Purser, A H Giiheir; Assist. Surgeon, Charles Rankine. BHADAMANTllUS, 4..sie;im )-l.ip, Com. G E^ ans; Lieut* W S Blount, G T Goidon ; ma>ter, II Lodckr ; surg C France ; aest 6urg A Stewart; purser, J Bell. RACE H(MISE, 18.— Commander, Francis V Cotton, Lieuts T Hope, (J M Hunter; i\l:isior, J Cooper; Purser, J Halse; Suraenn, J B Hatton ; Assist Surgeon. A Sanderson. SAPPHiRK, '^8.— Capt. Hon. (i VV R Trclusis ; Lieuts. S II Ussher, I) C Cuinby; Lieut. xMniiios, Master, J Tonkin ; Purser, VV Crane; Surg. R 11. Campbell, Assist. Surg. VVBayne. SERPENT, IG. — Com. J C Syn)on(]s ; Lieuts. J. Hallowes. W Brown Oliver ; Master, R- A Newman ; Su geon, W M McCluro ; Purser. Thos Triage JuftV-ry ; Assist. Surg. J C Folds. SKIPJACK, 5..Lt.Com. AV H Willes ; Asst. Surg. T E Ring. TWEED, 2i).— Commanlcr, A liertr.m; Lieuts C H M Buckle, F VV Austen; Master, J B Tucker ; Purser, Thos M*Knight; Surgeon, VV Bothwell. As>ist Siroeon, VV Orr. THUNDER, 6.. surveying ve^sel Com. II Owen; Lis.BAllcn. J Cannon, T Sm.h; master, E Dun-ierville; surg T Johnston; pur- ser, J C Harris; Assist. Sur^. Jas VERNON, 50 Guns.— Cnpt Sir G. A. Westphall, Knight. Com. H. M, Sweny ; Sup. (^»in. H. VV. IJaylield, Lieuts. Thos M Curric, H, L. Maw, J. S. Foremnn, Hon. VV. B. Devereux, Henry G. Hamilton, F.L. ; Capt. Marines, J R Coryton ; 2d Licutena'.st, S Eraser; Masier, VV Brodie; Chaplain, J. Baker; Surg. A. Nisbet, M.D.; Ptirsc, G. V. Ougliton. Kt. of Tower & Sword; Assist. Surgeons, J. Goub n, and A. Tucker. VICTOR, 16.. Com. R Russrll; l.t. M Tiiomas; master, H J Strutt ; purser, H South; snrg. J West; asst. surg WASP, IG-Com. Jas Burney; Lieuts P Duthy, P H Dyke; Master, VV G A King; Surg. J W Johnston ; Purser, Thos Rowe; Assist Surg. James Hussey. WEYMOUTH, ICrcceivinghuli, Bermuda i i farmer's almanack. 7S Signals made at the Citadel Hill, Halifax. One ball close, a sqnare ringed vessel. One do half hoisted, two. Two ball3 close, three. Two balls sepirated, four. A pendant of any coiotii-, five. A petwlant under a ball, six. A pendant over a ball hylf hoisted, seven. A pendant under two balls cio?c, eiuht. A pendant between two balls sepa- rated, nine. A fliofof any colour, ten or more vessels. A Union, for a Flau Ship, with or without a squadron; with a red pendant over if, a Two D.'ckcr ; with a blue pend- ant over it, a Fiiijate ; a white pendant over it, a small armed vessel. A Red Wast pierced white, a Packet. A blue pendant, a Mercl\ant Ship. A Red pendant, a Merchant Brig. A white pendant, a topsail schooner or sloop. A blue and white flag, horizontally divided, neutral fleet. A white and blue pendant, neutral nrin of war. A blue flag, neutral mer- chant ship. A red, wiiite and blue i\\g, an enemy's fleet, A red flag, an enemy's merohantm m. A Union Jack over neutral or enemy's signals, vessel is detained or prize. A white flag over any signal, vessel bears a flaj- of truce. A ball at tlie mast head, vessel is on shore in ciisiress. Should immediate aid be necessary guns are to be fired. Eaplanation OF Signals made on the Ensign Stafl^, at Citadel Hill, to denote the part which vessels entering the Harbour are from. A red flag. Great Britain. A red and wljite flag Mediterranean. A red pendant Continent of Eu- rope. A white and red pendant, Madeira, Canary or Western Isles. A blue flag, West Indies. A blue pendant, Bermudas, Bahamas, or Turk's Island. A blue and white flag, United States. A white flag, Newfoundland A red and white flag horizontally divided, Quebec or Gulf of St. Lawrence. A blue and white flag horizontally divided New-Brunswick, or Bayof Funday. A white and blue pendant, vessel has no English Mail on board. A white pendant, Coasts of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Repeat from Out-Posts at Citauel Hill — For a square-rigged vessel, two balls of a size. A ship, a large ball at the end of the yard with a small one in the Centre. A Brig, a small Ball at the end of the yard, with a large one in the centre. A lozenge in the centre close up, a sloop or schooner. A lozenge half hoisted, two or more schoonora. Merchants' Private Signals. BLUE--J. H. Tidmar?h,Bluo flag. A. Belcher & Co do . . . crossed white. S. Cunard, & Co do. . . .centre a white star. Win. Story do . . . .centre a white square, John Clark do . . .crossed white diagonally . ' Wm. Pryor, & Co. a bli" and white do blue uppermost. M. Richardson, a blue and red do blue next the mast. V ill 1; I 74 FARMER^S ALMANACK. (t. p. Lawson, a blue and white chequered do. \V. B. Hamilton, a blue white and blue flajj blue uppermost. Francis Stephens, a blue white ^' blue do blue next the mast. W. & R. Lawson, a blue and white do crossed diatjonally. W. M. Doblois, a blue do bordered white centre a D enclosed by two triangles reversed. M. B. Ahnon a blue ^ rod do crossed white blue next the mist L. I). Cochran, a blue do crossed red. J A Moody, a blue do centre a white diamond. L'Rpousie & Hall, a blue and yellow che:juored do. The Aberdeenshire a blue white and red doblue uppermost. Geo Innes, a blue do crossed white diagonally. ^ Joseph Allison & Co. a blue burgee, (yonrad West, a blue do centre a white star. A Mitchell, a blue and white burgee blue uppermost. Lydiard & Fitzgerald, a blue white and red burgee blue above and b(>low, outer part red. • •• ■ RED— D. ^' E. Starr, a red flag. J. & M. Tobin do crossed white. Creighton if Grassio do crossed white diagonally. Deblois & Mitchell do centre a white square. C. & W. Roche do centre a white diamond. Boggs <fc iJartshorne, a red and white chequered flag. E Collins & Co. a red ^* yellow striped flag horizontally divided Thos. Laidlaw, a red white and red do red uppermost, Fiddes ^' Robertson a red and white do red uppermost. Robert Noble a red do centre an N. Scott & White a red blue and red do red next the mast. W. Neil, a red do centre a white star. Saltus & Wainright a red white and blue flag red and white next the mast. f .1. Donaldson, a red dnd white chequered do. John Brown & Sons, a red burgee. Jas. Leishman, & Co. a red burgee crossed white diagonally. WHITE— J. & T. Williamson, a white flag. «rH^if' J do centre a blue star. W. J. Starr ^ ... Fairbanks & McNab, do crossed blue Jas. G. Ritchie, do striped horizontally J. ^- H. Grant, do centre G. & S. - : . , ; Wm. Stairs, do centre a blue square T. M. Morris, do centre a blue ball with blue border W. Strachan, a white red & white do white noxt the mast Darrel &- Smith, a white do three sides bordered blue Wm, Foster, a white do centre a fish , Snedon, & Co. a white red and yellow do white uppermost. J. Moren, a white do bordered red Piers's junr. a white do indented blue from the outer part A. Bazalgette, a white do five blue stars J. 4- D. Starr, a white burgee , . » A- -y ^ farmer's ALMANAck. lojfJs, 4* Co do crossed rod 75 //fax and Liverpool Packet Company, a white blue white idl red do white next the mast. [star. \ /LtiOW— T. «fc L . Piers, & Co. a yellow flag c entre a blu e ►ADS to the PrincipalTowns in theProvincc,with the name« /of Innkeepors, and the number of niiles distant in addition from Hnlifiix. To Digbi/. — Birch Cove Hotel .5. Rockingham I. Gough'.s Fultz's 3. Hamilton's 4. Hiltz's 9. Fitzmaurice's J^, 'enco's 3i. Fit'/maiirice's4. Te fry's, Newport Road, 5. HVallace's 1. Mrs. Wilcox, Wiiulsor, f). Songster's, Fal- nouth Bridge 4. Smith's 1. Watt's 5. Morton's 4. Gra- jam's and Fowler's, Horton, 0. Strickland's G. Kentville, [72 ) Sharp's 7. Crane's 8. Harris's 1. Gibbon's Mi. Leonard's 10. Bridgetown .5. Annapolis ]5. Ditmars 8. Winchester's DiiTby, Rnnrgles'7. Total 149. To Cuniherlanf.—Fi}\lz's Hi. Fletcher's 0. Shultz's 5. Hall's;}. Key's f). McKecn's 3A. Corbett's and Miller's,Gay'< River, 3. Sibley's 7-1. Hill's li. Polly's 3. Clark's 7. VVit- ter's and Blanchard's, Truro, (G4). Gourlcy's, Onslow 5, Y^vvill's, Lower Village, 14. Clark's, foot of CobMountains (>. Purdy's, to[>of do.G. Hewson's,RiverPhilip,9. Stewart'slO. Bent's, AmherstlO. Wetherhead's,forlCumberland7.Totall31. Via Windsor 4.5. Parrsboro' by water *3l), Fullerton's 1 1 . Jenk'si. Furlong's, Macan River G^. Pugsley's, Napan 9. Bent's, Amherst 9. Wetherhead's,fl.Cumberland 7. Total 1 J8. ToPictou. — Truro G4, Lyon's 7. Archibald's, SalmonRi- ver, 8, Stewart's Mount Tom 10. Blanchard's, West River3. Pictou town 10. Total 102, Via Musquodobit, Dartmouth across the ferry IJ. Preston, Bradley's G. Putnam's nirm5. Hart'sS. McKeon's 11. Leckie's 13. Archibald's 4. Ged- des'4. Heney's 4. Dunbar's, W.branch E. River 2G. Mc- Kay's 8, B'raser's7. Across the harbour toWalmsley Court House 1. Total 95^. To »/1iitigonish. — Blanchard's, WestRiver, Pictou 92. Chis- holm's. New Glasgow 10. Sutherland's, Merigomish 7. Mur- ray's 10. McDonald's, Gulf Shore 10. Mtn Simmond's and *The Parrsboro' Packet sails regularly to Windsor and Hortoft every week, from the l.stof April to Christmas ; leaves Parrsboro' for Wiadsior, on Monday (wind and weather permitting) and will sail from thence for Parrsboro' On Tuesday, imraediuiely after thf arrival of the Mail by the Stage Coach, if practicable — leaves Parrsboro' on Thursday, so as to be at Horton on Friday, and will sail from thence for Parrsboro' the first high water at or after 8 o'clock in the morning. Passengers ivho wish to cross ftom Parrsboro'' should be there the evening previous to the Packet's sailing, as she often leaves Patridge Island River before daylight in the mornin?. The Packet frequently makes extra trips both to iVindsor and Horton. # ^ ? y , M i \ 76 - farmkr's almanack. Wilmsley's 16. Total 145. The road over the Anti^oni moiintiiiiis shortens the above dist'iuce about 10 miles. \ To Shdbiirne, via Lunenburg and Liverpool.— JoUnion', Hammond's plains I'ii. PhllUp'ps', Ingraham River 13. Hei berths Cove 7. Lovett's, Chester 12. Gold River (>. Dlacl| house's 4. Martin's river ;<. Krn8t'.s,Mijsi);ira(i9h river 5. Mn Zwicker's, Mahone bay2. Heckmaii's, Lunenburg (704) (>> Jon Pernette's ferry at Lahave river 7. Across the ferry f. Mrs Manning's. Petite llovierc?. Teal's. BroadCove 4. Mack')^ mill village l». Liverpool town ( 107) 8il. Port Monton lOi Port Jolly 5. Sable River 10, Jordan River 8. Shelburne 7 Total 147. To Shnb^'nacailie. — Terfry'rt35. Cocliran^s 4. Murphy's, Rawdon Church 8i. Henry Blois' Cove, Doiij^las 1 1. Ken- netcook bridge 4. Mouth of the fcJhubenacadie river 16*1.— -jv Total 79. From Annnpolisio Skclburne. — Clements' Church 6. Bear River Bridge 8. Digby 9. Everet's, Weymouth Road 13. Cosman's, Weymouth Church (I. Joiirnie's, Sissiboo 4. Cos- man's, Clare 4. Tcrrilu's, Monlagau Cove 15. Coming's, Bear River 14. Parry's, Yarmouth Lakes 8. Smith's and Richan's, Yarmouth Church 5. Blanvelt's. Tusket 10. Nic- kerson's, Apubtic river 8. Spinney's, Apubiic Bay 5. Larkin's, Pubnico 10. Ken duck's, Barrington, i:l. Powell's, River Clyde, 5. Hargrave's, Shelburne 16. Total 102. ' II ' . ' ' ' . " ' MAIL COACHES.— The RoyalWestern Mail Coaches run from Halifax to Windsor, Kentville and Annapolis, and from Annaptdis to Kentville, Windsor and hWil'dx, three times awttk^ leavinor Halifax and Annapolis on the mornings of Tuesday, Thursday and S.iturday,and le iving Kentville for Halifax and Annapolis on the mornings of Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day at 5 o'clock precisely, until Ist A-ugust, and from thence at 6 o'clock. ;, . V j • Jj Agents — Halifax, John Harvie. Windsor John Stark. Kentville, Wm Strickland. Annapolis, Samuel Cowling. — C H Rand and John Harvie, superintendants. The Eistern Mail Coaches leave Halifax and Pictouontho mornings of Monday,Wednesday and Friday at (> o'elock.AM and arrive at Halifax on the evenings of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at -2 o'clock, p m. Agents, Halifax, Alex Paul. Truro, E S Blanchard. Pictou, James Grant. The Henrietta Steam Boat, plies three times a week be- tween St John, Digby and Annapolis, and St John, Eastport and St Andrews, carrying the mails and passengers. Monday, leave*^ Sc John for Digby and AnnaporM ; returns from Annapolis, touchin<rat Digby, to St John on T(ie?day. Wednesday, leaves StJohn forEastportand St Andrews; re- turns from St Andrew's, touching at Eastport, to St John, on Thurpday. Time of leaving, 7 o'clock in the morning. Windsor and Halifax Stas^c CoacA— Agents, Halifax, Benj Wier. Windsor, Benj. L. Dewolf. ^ I /- .1 ' .. ,1. » .// '' r ' A