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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 d I ( MIBUND lAIWAY OF CANADA. Local Freight aid hmmi Tariffs, CLASSIFICATION OF FREIGHT, .A-OSriD #ttttral llotkes, Instrnctiotts, tfc, FOR THE GUIDANCE OF AGENTS. A// Previous Rates, and all Special Contracts and Agreements conflicting with these Tarifl[s are hereby Cancelled, The C<)iu|mii)' reserves the right to make, at its pleasure, any change in these rates or Conditions. TO TAKE EFFECT FROM THE FIRST OF JANUARY, 1882. General offices, - - Peterborough, ont. A. WHITE, General Traffic Agent. GEO. A. COX, General Manager. PETERBOROUGH: J. R. STRATTON, HOOK AND JOB PRINTER, EXAMINER STEAM PRESSES, GEORGE STREET, 1882. ! "1 O DEC 7 - ms -J Mil M4/?2 ^ /973 INDEX (IKNERAL NOTICES AND CONDITIONS OF CARRIAflE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO FREIOHT AGENTS Receiving Traffic Tlirougli Bills of Lading Freigiit Loaded and Unloaded by the Company Traffic Loaded and Unloaded by the Owners Stray Freight, Transfeiring Freight, &o Form of Declaration when Car Seals are broken Sealing Cars Customs Regulations United States Customs Regulations United States Customs Power of Attorney Payment of United States Duty, &c United States Free Goods Goods Sent to the United States for Repairs United States Goo<ls Returned United States Inland Customs Ports of Entry Canadian Imports Reports Inwards ReportH Outwards Way-Billing Labelling Cars Unloading of and Discrepancies in Freight Traffic Examination of Way Bills Claims for Loss, Damage, &c Fish Inspection Delivery of Live Stock and Freight Traffic Storage Charges Demurrage Unclaimed Traffic Seizure of Goods in the Company's Custody or on the Company's Premises. Freight Books General Instructions I'nijr. g » 12 12 12 13 13 U 15 16 IT 17 17 17 17 18 18 IS • 18 10 19 20 20 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 TABLES ; Estimated Weight of Goods Quantities Estimated to Weigh 12 Tons . Contents of Round and Square Timber. . STERLING EXCHANGE TABLES :- At 8 Per Cent. Advance At 9 Per Cent. Advance At 9i Per Cent. Advance At 10 Per Cent. Advance 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 GRAIN TABLES :— Rates Per Bushel on Grain from 1 Cent to 50 Cents Per 100 lbs ^ Equivalent Rates Per 100 lbs for Grain from 2 Cents to 30 Cents Per Bushel 30 Rates in Pence, Sterling and Cents, Gold Per Bushel ; and Equivalent Rate in Cento, Gold, Per 100 lbs, at 8 Per Cent. Advance, Ql With and Without Primage Rates, Flour Per Barrel, in Shillings and Pence, Sterling ; and Equivalent Rate in Cento, Gold.With and Without Primage ; also Per Ton of 2240 lt>8 atS Per Cent Advance 31 CUSTOMS WARKIlOUSlSd I'ORTS ;- Paf,,. 32 In Province of Ontario 32 In Province of Qnelmc 32 In Province of New Brnu»wick 32 In Province of Nova Scotia UST OF STATIONS IN CANADA, Ac, on Railway. connecti„« with the Mi.Uan.l, or ■•(« the Orand Trnnk Railway 33 Upon the Chicago and flrand Trunk Railway, Michigan Air Line, Ac *» ALPHAUKTICAI, CLASSIFICATION OF FHKKIHT ;- 37 Kxiilaiintion of Terms iiseil, and (ieneral Inatructions ,39 Clasailication of Articles, Alplmhctically Arranged FRKKiHT TARIFFS :- 83 Toronto, to and from KJ Uxbridgc, to and from 61 Coboconk, to and from 65 Halilinrton, to and from 89 Whithy, to and from ' 37 Lindsay, to and from 77 Peterborough, to and from 81 Port Hope, to and from 85 Orillia, to and from 87 Belleville, to and irom 89 Local Freight Tariff between Way Stations TIMBER TARIFF, Conditions and Regulations *• PKRIODICAL TICKETS ^ BAGGACJE REGULATIONS ^^ INSTRUCTIONS TOCONDUCTORS "5 PASSENGER TARIFF ^^ Pni/f. 33 32 32 32 33 3S 37 39 S3 »7 61 65 69 37 77 81 85 87 89 90 92 93 93 97 GENERAL NOTICES AND CONDITIONS Ol- CAKKIACiK Arri.KAlU.K TO Live Stock and Freight Received for Transportation ON TlIK I.I.NT. OK Till'. MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CANADA. AnJ -iMch are to In' Endorsed iif^on the Form of CoHsii;nment Azotes and Rei-eif<ts used at the various Stations. St id !clgrrrtr antr S^nlrrrdtoolr :— 1.— That the MIDLAND RAILWAY COMPANY OF CANADA will not be responsible for ^'oods (f any kind conveyed upon their Railway, unless receipted for by a dulj' authorizeil Atjeiit of the Coinpanj'. 2. — Nor will they be responsible for the loss of or for damajje done to Money in Cash, or Hills, rroinissory Notes, Hills of l'".\chantje, or Securities, Jewellery, Trinkets, Rinfjs, I'recious Stones, Gold and Silver, ni;mufac- tured or unmanufactured, in an;- form whatsoever ; nor for Plated Articles of any description ; Clocks, Watches, Time-Pieces, Statuary, Marble, in anj- form or state; Stationer)-, Lace, Furs, Silks, in a manufactured or unmanu- factured state, and whether wroUL;ht up or not wrouyht up with other materials; WritinL;s of all kinds, Title- Deeds, Prints, Paintinf^s, Maps, Engravint,'s, Pictures, or Other Valuables ; nor for any damaj;e done to Marble, Crockery, Stoneware, China, Glass, Weariny; Apparel, Musical Instruments, I'urniture, Toys, Castini^s of an\' kinil. Cast Iron Work, Stoves, Stove I'urniture ; nor for anj- Hazardous or Hrittle Article in packai^e or otherwise which shall have been delivered either to be carried for hire or otherwise. I'resh P'ish, I'resh Meat, Dressed II(il;s, and Poultry or any other Perishable Articles, are carried only at the Owner's risk. The Company will not c;irr\- ;iii\- Hoiler, Cylinder, or Machinery of any kind, unless by Special A^'reement, and in any and every case where such arc carried it is at the Owner's risk only, and not otherwise. 3. — Nor will the Company be liable for damages occasioned by delaj-s caused by storms, accidents, over- pressure of freight traffic, or unavoidablf^ causes, or by the weather, wet, fire, heat, frost, or delay of perishable articles, or from civil commotion. 4. — Nor for of or damage to ar.^ \- ickages or their contents insufficiently or improperly packed, marked or directed, or containing a variety of ar.. :les liable to breakage ; nor for loss or damage to cases of boots antl shoes or either, or to cases containing other articles liable to peculation or fraudulent abstractions, unless such cases or packages arc strapped with iron or worjd, or otherwise securely protected, nor will the Company be liable for leakages of any kind, or loss of liquids arising from any cause whatsoever. Oil antl molasses, also litjuids in dcmi-johns will, under no circumstances, be carried, save at the risk of the Owners or paities by or to whom they arc consigned. 5. — Nor will the Company be liable for loss or damage done to goods put into return wrappers or boxes, or packages described as empties ; nor for any goods left until called for, or to order, and warehoused for the con- venience of the parties to whom they belong ; or by or to whom they arc consigned ; and in all cises where not otherwise herein provided the delivery of goods shall be considered complete, and the responsibilities of the Company shall terminate when the goods arc placed in the Company's shed or warehouse (if there be convenience for receiving the same,) at their final destination ; or when the goods shall have arrived at the place to be reached on the said Company's railway. The warehousing of all goods will be at the Owner's risk and exjiense ; and if the Company arc unable to store or warehouse goods received by them, they shall have the right to place such goods in any warehouse that may be available, at the risk and expense of the Owner of the property so stored, and all charges for storing, warehousing and conveyance, shall form an additional lien on said goods. 6. — Lumber, coals, bricks, and other goods carried by the car-load, shall be taken as delivered, and the Com- pany's responsibility in respect thereof shall cease, upon the car in which they arc carried being detached from the train at the station on the Company's line to which it is consigned, or at the station where, in the usual course of business, it leaves the Company's line. 7, — The Company will not be responsible for any deficiency in weight or measure of grain in bags (jr in bulk ; nor for loss in the weight of pig-iron ; nor for loss or deficiency in the weight, number or measure of lumber, coal, or iron of any kind, carried by the car-load ; nor for shrinkage of all or any kinds of sugars, or short weights of the same unless the damage to the package can be shewn to have happened whilst in the pos- sion of the Company ; nor for any injury to grrin by heating. 8. — Senders of any dangerous articles will be held accountable for any damage arising therefrom, unless the contends arc described as such upon the directions, marked thereon ; and in no case will the Company be liable for the loss of or damage to any such articles. And the Company will only undertake the carriage ol Aquafortis, Vitriol, Friction Matelies or Gunpo'oder, on special terms to be superadded to these conditions. 9. — All goods from whomsoever received, or to whomsoever belonging, shall be subject to a general lien, not only for the carriage of those particular goods, but also for any general balance that may be due by the Owners of such goods to the said Company. And if, in six weeks after notice .shall have been given that such goods arc detained for any such claim of the Company, the money due be not paid, the goods will, at thediscre- tioi) lif llif C'<iiii|)nii}\ be sold In- atictidii ur In private sale to (kfia)' -.aid clairDs, and all frcij^dit and char(,'c.s, includinn the costs nf sale- iiiciiitid therLnii Hut li-li, fruit, meat, dresseil lio^'s, poultry, ;iiul all other perishable articles, will be disposed of at the discretion of the', innnedi.itely ,ifter ^;i\int,' the above notice, if said cl.iiiii is not paid at once, and in such case the (.'onip.iny need not await the expiration of the abo\c peri(jd of six Weeks. or AW dl' IIS ((iMI'Ot'NDs, will not. Onn Cotton, Dnalllne, Dynamite, Ifitro-Olyoerine, utiikr an)' circiMnsi.inccs, be carried by the Company. 10. — 'I'hat all ^'onds addresseil to Consij^'nees at jjoints beyond the pl.ices at which the Company have stations, ,'iMd rispectin;,,' which no directions to the contrar)' sh.ill h;ive been received at those .stations, w ill be forwarded to their destination In- public carrier, or otherwise, as opportunitj- ma)- offer, without any claim for delay aj,'ainst the}- for want of opportunitj' to forwani them ; or thej- may, .it the discretion of the Coinpaii)', be sull'ereil to remain on the Company's premises, or be plact-d in a shed or warehouse (if there be such convenience for receisinj,' the same) pending' communication with the Consi^'nees, at the risk- of the ()w-ners as to damnire thereto from an\- cause whatsoever. Hut the delivery of the floods b)- the Coinpaii)' will be consiiiered comiiiete, and all responsibility of the s;iid Compaii)- shall cease, when such other carriers shall liave received notice that saiil Company are prep.-neil to deliver to them the s.'iid j^'oods for further conveyance ; and it is expressly declar- ed and aj^reed th;it the said Midland Kailvv;iy Compan)' shall not be responsible for any loss, inistlelivery, damaL'c or detention th.-it niaj- happen to ijoods so sent by them, if such loss, misdelivery, d.-imn}^e or detention occur after the siiitl ^'(jikIs iurive at siiid stjitions, or places on their line nearest to the points or places which they arc con- si.^'ned to or bej-ond their said limits. 1 1. — That all |)ropert)- contracted for at a through rate, or otherwise, to or from places beyond the line of the .Midl.-mii k;iilu-ay, if shipped by w,-iter, shall while not on the Com|)any's railvv.)', or in their sheds f)r warehouses, be entirelv at the Owner's risk. In case of loss or dam.-i.L;e to ,-in)- ^'oods for which this Comp.-inj- or conncctinLj lines may be liable, it is a;.,'reed that the (>)m|)any or line so liable shall have the benefit of any insurance effected by, or for account of the Owner of the said ^'oods, and the Company so liable shall be subro^';ited in such ri"hts be- fore ,-my demand shall be matle on them. 1^. — That no claim for dam.ii^e to, loss of, or detention of, an)- j,'oods for which this Company are account- .ible, shall be allowed, unless notice in writing', and the p;irticulars of the claim for said loss, misdelivery, damage or detention, ;ire ,i,'iven to the st.'ition I'rei^'ht .-\j,'ent at or nearest to the place of delivery, within thirty-six hours after the _L;oods in respect of which said claim is made are delivered. i,v — .StoraLje wiU be char_L;cd four hours after its arrival. on all freii,'ht remainin^^ in the ("om])any's sheds or warehouses over tvvcnty- 14. — I hat in all cases where Ljoods are carried by the c.-u--lo,-ul, tIemurraLjc will be char;j;e(l on ever)- car not unlfmded by the Owners or Consiijnees within twenty -four hours after the arriv.d of the car at destination, at the rate of two dollars per clay, and for this the Compan)- sh.dl have the same lien as for freij,dit. dollars per day, and for this the Company shall have the same lien as for freij,dit. hat the Comp.iny shall not in any case, or under an)- circiunstanccs, be liable for loss of market, nor :■ liable for claims arisinj,' from delay or detention of anj- train in the course o*" its journey, or at' any Dns on the VVav. or in st,-irtin<r nild the Cntntmnv dn nitt iin.lf.rt.'iL-f. tt\ Ir.i.; />,• t(.,i,l .r.^.^,1. _.. i-_- -Th; will they be jiaoie lor ciaims arisnij,' irom delay or detention o| any tram m the course o' its journey, or at any of the stations on the way, or in starting;, and the Compan)- do not undertake to lf)a(i or send !,'oods upon, or by an)- train, if there be an insufficient number of cars at any station, or that the cars cannot be conveni- ently used for the purpose, or if from any cause cars loaded at a s'tation are unable to be .sent on by the trains passinij, or startintj from such .station. 16.— No less char^rc will be made for any single packa^'e or consi,t,'iuncnt than twenty-five cents. 17. --Live stock must be fed by the Owner, or at his expense, while in transit ; and is taken entirely at his risk of loss mjury,, and all other contingencies, whether in lo.-idinjj, unloading, conveyance or and under the conditions contained above. All live stock shall be carried by sjiecial contract only, and unon the followinjr conditions of carriage:— ■^' 1 I.-The Owner of animals UNDERTAKES all risk of loss, injury, damage, and other contingencies in loading, unloading, transportation, convcjance and otherwise, no matter how caused. I I.-Thc Railway Company DO NOT UNDERTAKE TO FORWARD the animals by any parti- cular train, or at any specified hour; NEITHICR SHALL THEY iJE RESPONSIBLE for the delivery of the Animals witliin an)- certain time, or for any particular market. in.- When FREE I'ASSES are given to persons in charge of animals, it is only on the express condi ion tha the Railway Company ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for any ncdivLnce default, or otherwise, on the part of the Company or their .servants, or of any other person or persons whomsoever causing or tending to cause the death, injury, or detention of persons with such free passes, and whether such free are used in travelling by any regular passencer train, or by any other train whatever. ^ b "' pa.ssen^Lr When sent in quantities of less than one car load, live stock will be charged at per head. h„i 1 '.^"'^''i'' ''''"'^'" on live stock and freight traffic must be paid before delivery ; and this Comoanv do not Ss:c:^Snl^.^ri:;Sual:^ ''' '''"-"'-' °^ ^">' -"'- charged as " bac^ehargeS' '^.I'Sr^/othe; rates;^^^^^S;.:^?&S-;r .;:S4^^'" '' ^""^"^^^^ ^' ''' °^^""'^ ''^'' -^ ^-^-^^^ at lut^ber the .4^^e?a^?:i,X?c:rngSdi^. '''''''' ''"' '^ ^^'^" '=""^^'>' ^' ''' ^-"'^ "^^ °^ ''-^^0 fron, we, fire. GEO. A. COX, President and General Manager. Midland Railway Offices, Peterbokough, Jan. 1st, 1882. and cliar^jes, ur ijcrishiiblc lolicc, if said Dvc pciiix.! of i)s, will not, lia\ c stations, he forwarded clay .i^'ainst L'oin|)any, be I convenience IS to daina^je red complete, d notice tliat ressly declar- very, daina(;c )n occur after tlicy are con- he line of the r warehouses, )r conncctinj^ ranee effected uch riiihts bc- arc account- very, damajje, irty-six hours over twcnty- cvcry car not ination, at the f market, nor iicy, or at any Is upon, or by Dt be convcni- by the trains ts. entirely at his : or otherwise, , and upon the contingencies caused. i by any parti- Sl'ONSlBLE arket. on the express ny nci,dijTence, )thcr person or 3f persons with ular passenger id. impany do not raffic, by other rged at lumber e from wet, fire, i. COX, jetteral Manager, General Instructions to Freight Agents, 'rill'. Tk.M TIC l)i:i'.\Kl'Mr,NI' is chari^cd with the (liii\- of arrani^inj; for, and supcrintc■ndi^^; the transporta- tion in and upon freij^'IU cars rif all coinmodillcs d(li\ercd to the Cdnipaii)-, actordin;^ to tlic fore^;iiin|,' and following,' rej^ulatinns iind conditions, which are ,in epitome of the mo-it important of the t!>'>. rt';.;iil,iti()ns relating' to live stock ;ind fri'i;,dit traflic, and .ire printed in the present form I'or more easy rcferince. I'hey arc not, however, intended to supersede the more detailed orders which m.iy from time to time be i>sucd. ,\^;ents must m.ikc themsi;lves, ;iiul the em|)loyces 'especi.dlv new hands) under them, lliorou;^dily ac(iuaiiitcd with tlicm, as no excuse cm be .'ulmitied for an>' nei;leet thereof: and to plead ignoranoo will only be OOUfllder* ed an agBravation of any offence against them. RECEIVING TRAFFIC. I. — No article of frci^dit marked in the classification as "only taken when specially authorized," is to bo received for transportation, witlioul an oriler in writing' from the (ieneral Traffic A^;ent. 2. — Agents are required to use their best endeavours to ensure the ])rompt loading and unloading of cars, in order to prevent their unnecessary dctfiition. At Junction stations, personal effort must, by correspondence or otherwise, be persevered in, with the object of expediting the /•(/;//■« of cars which have gone upon foreign lines. Car mileage nliinis and iiiUniiiw/is must have prompt attention. V — No Agent of the Company, without available sujiplies, is ;iiitliorizei.l to agree to furnish cars for live stf)ck, grain or other freight tr.itlfic, at .my specifictl time, lie must make rc(iiii>ition on the Superintenilent or Assist- ant-.Superintendent of his district for cars reciuired, in the oriler in which .Ship|)ers have applied for them, and when receiveil must distribute them in like m.inner, otherwise instructctl. 4. — I'ropcrt)' which the Agents of the Company ilo not consider worth the charges for freight at funrJ miIc will not be received for traiisport.ition, unless freight on s^ime i^ pre-p.iid. I'ropcrty destined for stations where the Company have no Agent, Misr ill': l'i<i;-l'.\ll), ami receipted for .it the Owner's risk of loss f)r damage from anv cause, from the time of or unloading at such station. as specified in the i/iissijiuilicii, must not be recciv- New York ;■/(/ Portland, I'arry Sound, \-c., as the 5. — Articles of freight of ,1 d.mgeroiis or bulky char.icter, ed fur /'/(iiYS where a portion of the route is by avj/.v. such as steamers will not carry such traffic. 6. — (jUNI'0\VD1'"R between local stations, when specialls' aiithori/.ed to be carried, can only be received under the following special regulations, and the .»///>/'///:,'■ /v.w// should he endorseil as follows: — " If not t.'iken de- liver)' of by Consignee on .arrival at station, it may be stored in /<iMh- miii^aziiit' or /iW/isiJ GiiiipiiUHlei- slim at Consignee's risk and expense." /vn7. - When received ;it stations, great care is to be taken to see that it is properly jiacked in X'tii,'.!, the ktxs ag.iin packed in strong casks, bo.xts or magaziiits, and that each package is properly addressed and marked "(iunpowder." Stroud. — It must not be allowcil to remain in the freight 7i'ar,'lio:isc and .Agents when loading it must see that it is placed in a good grain car, with the door and each opening siriinly hnttcmd up so as to prevent the /'tissil'ility 0/ sparks getting into the car T/n'rd. — A regular (iunpowder label must be [)Ut on the car, the Conductor of the train notified of its num- ber, and told that it contains Cninpowder, so that he may see it placeil at the rear of the train by which it is con- veyed, and take all nccessarj- precautions on the journey; the Comluctor must give a receipt for the car before it leaves tlie station. Foiirlh. — Receiving Agents must be very particular in unloading Guni)owdcr cars, and must when practicable have the Gunpowder ilelivered to Consignees the day il arrives ; they must also ha\e the packages carefully watched while they remain at the station ; and in case unavoidable circumstances should necessitate the Gunpowder remaining over night, they must if possible deliver it to a public ma\;aziiie or licensed i^tinpo-i'dcr store in the vicinit)', subject to storage charges to be j);iid by the Owner. If there is no public mai^azine or licensed };iinpoii'der store, near the station, care must be taken to see it securely placed, a-way from the Company's buildiuf^s in case of accident. />/?/;. —The law rei/uires ke,\;s i/ Gunpowder to be .securely packed in strong (VMvi'.v or boxes, and on each cask or box on both ends or on both sides marked the word " Gunpowder " in large letters. No combustible materials must be used in the packing of .said casks or boxes. The lani also requires that no person whatever, handling Gunpowder, shall have on his person or clothes, any lucijer matches or other substances of a dangerous or inflammable n.'iturc. Sixth. — Gun])owtlcr must not be accejjted at any Station at an hour that would prechule the Agent from shipping it on the same tla\- it is received. Agents must not receive Onnpowder for transportation over other Railways, with- out first obtaining an order in writing from the General Traffic Agent. Nitro-Glyoerine, or Compounds containing Nitro-Glyoerine, Dynamite, Dnalline, Onn Cotton, Giant Powder, Hercules Powder, Rend Rock and like explosive compounds, uiust not be received or transported. 10 ,r,„„'^h:. 'hippcr Ihat the sa,nc arc no, tiahle t,. .xi-l...!. thmUKh cncussi-.n l)f received for shipiiR Ml vshcii .iccompanieil by a certificate .,mr„W unk-^ tluMi M, coMsi-Mc.l upon M/'fm Ai/ors. ,S._.\II packages will be subject to char-e f<.r <v'"Awc", if such is necessar>'. -iii)isi,i;>iiiiiii/ iiih'i' Hit J ;■(<■<///, ,> -.\.'e,ns must re,,uirc Consignors to furnish tl]c necessary shippin^^paiKM-s, vix ; „„ the CninpaMy's form, ui-on which are to be enteral the foll.nvm^j particulars .- ,;.— 'Ihe name ami aildress of the Consi^^nee. h-\\yv U .ihvav statio.i or mher //-'.v to which the i.roperty is to be sent, and when such //.^v i;; n<'t "H the ,i,„- i tl!^ Midland Railway, the Midland Kaihvay station to which it is to be sent, an.! (when poss.ble) the par- li.ular loiilc by which it is to be forwarded to destmalion. .-._ rhe number an.! .lescription of kind of packa^'e or article offered for carriage, and the various marks upon each lie careful to see that t'lie followin:; iy:;iihUioi,.< ,ire ol)ser\ed. -/.-That the name of one Consignee alone is -iven, and when frei-ht is c.nsi-ned to the Order of any lUmk :ir finii, that tin: receipt simpls' reads — — , Moiitrciil" or "Order of Smith, J a ma J- fc, MoiilrdiL' To ensure prompt delivery should be adiled. "Order of Iniiik nf the words " notify I'reJLjht charges upon live stock consiijned to order must be i)rei)aid. /..-Ihat all articles noted on the classification or tariff at "Ou ner's risk" are so marked upon the recipt, and that shippers understand th<ise conditions. <-.— Flour, j,'rain anel olh.r hull; traffic offered in car loaJs or lar-er .piantities are not to be receipted f(jr until loailed upcjn the cars, unless with a remark inserted : "At Owner's risk until cars can be obtained to send it forward, and subject to such rate.s as may be in force at date of shipment," and the /w/<//v must actually be in possession of the Company. ,/._That freijjht received from any cv/imr/in.< railway, steamer, &c., is receipted for as — " Received subject to the .c-v/.n// eoitJitioiis of earria,^'e endorsed f)n the usual rcceijUs for j,'oods ^'ivcn by the Midland Railway Company." ,.._That ])ropcrty received in baJ. condition from any conncctin,;,' railway, steamer, &c., is first carefully weiL,'hed,and the exact wci^'ht and precise condition of the articles inserted upon the receipt. General tcrm.s.such as " bad order," " loose condition," should not be u.sed. y:_Shipments of Flour to all places where a portion of the route is by water, must be receipted for as "Not accountable for wcijjhts. X.— Coal Oil, Varnish, Spirits of Turpentine, Camphor, Iknzine, or any other burning fluid or like freight, must not be accepted for carriage in tin [)ackages, unless such packages arc securely boxed in wood. //.—That freight loaded by Owners, when the quantity is unknown, such as grain in bulk, live stock, lumber, &c., &c., is receipted for as " more or less/' and if cars are considered to be overloaded, " subject to extra charges for overloading," or if the car or cars ^^'— detained, "subject to $ for demurrage," in the paid on column. /. — The term " .Shippers Count" has been much misap])lied. While it is quite right to receipt for Potatoes, Hay, Pig anil Scrap Iron, Coal, Plaster, Lime and Grain in bulk, at " Shipper's weight," or " more or less," or "said to weigh," and Lumber of all kinds. Common Hricks, &c., at "more or less," or "Shipper's count," or "quantitj' unknown," receipt must not be given at Shipjjer's count for Barrels of Apples, Barrels of Flour, Grain in bags, Dressed Hogs and such like, as they admit of beiiij:, counted easily. Hags of Grain must be receipted for " said to weigh," but the bags themselves must be counted by both .sending and receiving stations. j. — For FVcight shipped to Kurope via Montreal, Portland, Boston, or New York, the proper Ocean Bill of Lading form must be used according to special instructions issued from time to time by the General Traffic Agent, and the greatest possible care, must be taken in making out these Bills. Bills of Lading for each route must bear their own con.secutive numbers. The description and contents of packages not be specified, but the Ijy a certificate f^es, ami luj;iljly Mldli'S inii>>t lint 'Owner's risk of )xes. Marl in^ -•i\e ^;()()ils until iMiers, beini,' iii- .'n toCdiisiniKir. 1st be coiiif'li-U/v t note and lUtif't, hi is not on the issible) the par- ami the various rsor in its ware- ^nain and bulk •; eacli tiiiidc to the Consij,Mior, they not a^jree, ;1, or containing,' ith, and further '/v/iT (/ liny lUinl; [irompt delivery J pen the rictil<t, c receipted for may be in force tis fjiven by the is first carefully icral terms such ;ed for as " Not I or like freight, od. uik, live stock, subject to extra ;," in the paid pt for Potatoes, norc or less," or pcr's count," or of Flour, Grain e receipted for :r Ocean Bill of .1 Traffic Agent, :;ach route must pecificd, but the 11 Hill of Ladinj; must read so many packages " said to contain " l.ard, Cheese, &c., and in the case of Grain in bulk, the words "more or less," "said to l)e white wheat," or "f,ill wheat," must iilways be used in rcg.ird to (jiiantity or grade This restriction does not apply to /nvoi.n of I'li/m- ly./iiinJ hy the Cintonn Rtf^uUitiom. Agent-, must see that these documents state the exact kind and quantity saiti by Shippers to be sent forwanl,' without any i/iiiili/yint; remark. k. — For grain consigned to the Miilland IClcvating t'ompany's elevators at Toronto, Midland, I'ort Hope or Hellcville, shipping note receipts, printed in red ink, form No, 3.53, arc to be used. /. — For all other freight the usual shipping note form No. 164, must be used. ;/;. — That a release form in duplicate (form No. jcx)) is first obtained, for all liouu-lioU xoo.h and Jiirniiure shijjped ; that each article is marked with the Owner's name and destination, ami entered separatel)' on the j/t////'«,i,' hilt, and if to be delivered to a connecting line, that the charges through to destination are prepaiil, im- Icss si)eci.illy authorized to the contrary, or else the articles simf>l\ consisned to a Midland Kailuw station and the Midland Railway freight pre-paid. 1 1. — No iiersonexcejjt the Station Agent is to sign receipts for live stock and freight, unless duly authorized, and when so authorized, must sign his name in full, for the Agent. Agents must not receipt for property ron- signetl to i)articular ilepots, sidings, switches, &c., upon this or foreign lines, unless authorized b\- the (ieneral Traffic Agent. 12. — W'iien goods arc carried at an authorized sfeeial or tlirouf^h rate, on or beyond the system. Agents may enter the same upon the receipt given to Shipi>er, but in all such cases thev must .(;V« their name immediately tielati' the rate, jjarticularly s|)ecifiying the station to which the nite is applicable, and must be care- ful to guard against speci;d rates bein;,; used for a less i|uantit\', higher clas-, of traflic, or a longer period, thiin authorized. Special rates issued for live stock, grain, flour or linnber, must not be used for other traffic carried at lisc stock, grain, flour or lumber rates, unless so ;idvised. 13. — Freight rates upon goods in transit through or consigned to points in the United States, arc subject to customs e/iarx'es, unless specially advised to the contrar\\ Agents in quoting rates, or accepting i)re-payment of freigiit upon such traffic, must endorse the remark "exclusive of customs charges" upon the shipping receij)! "','' acknowledgment of payment. 14. — The consignment note signed b)' the Shipper, must be carefnll\' filed away for reference, in case it should be subsetpiently recpiired. qualit)' to be described, it must be receipted in bulk reepiire the c|uantity III 15. — When Shippers of grain for as "more or les.s" as to quantity '"'^'' weight, and "said to be" as to ([uality "',!' description, or it cannot be ac ccptcd for transportation. No such clause permiH' ! upon shipping receipts or Ocean bills of lading as — "identit)' of grain to be preserved '^"^' guaranteed." 16. — The Company reserve the right to discharge grain in bulk at the expense of the Owner into the elevators at Toronto, Port Hope, Hellcville, Nliilland, or othe; ])()ints at which they ma,\' be provided, immediately on arrivals of cars at those stations, as consigneil. 17. — No advance charges are to be paid on traffic, excepting such as are incidental to the transportation there- of, and in no case must Agents advance as freight charges, a greater amount than the goods would be worth at forced sale at their destination, less the Midland Railway freight, unless by special authorit)' from the General Traffic Agent. 18. — Agents must be specially guarded, in advancing charges on goods in bond, to make sure that in case of a sale they will realize the value of customs duty, in addition to the amount of advanced charges anil the Midland Railway charges to destination, as the practice of the Customs Department, in cases of bonded goods being left upon their hands, is to sell them, deducting from proceeds amount of duty, and handing over only the balance, which usually is little or nothing, to the Carrier. If, when making advances on propcrt)' of this description, agents have any iloubt that all charges (including duties) could be realized at a sale, they must obtain a guaran- tee for payment of advanced charges from Shippers or Carriers delivering Freight. 19. — The charges on all articles of Freight marked to be pre-paid in the classification, and on all such articles as Agents may deem not worth the carriage at a forced sale, must be pre-paid before Receipt is given. 20. — The Company do not agree to deliver live stock or freight traffic within any stated time. Agents must be careful not to give receipts containing such aguarantee, or promise Shippers delivery at any particular time. 21. — Traffic for Kurope or points beyond the sea, via Montreal, Point Levi and Portland, must not be accepted for transportation, unless shipped under Ocean or through bills of lading, without written au.hority of the General Traffic Agent. Export traffic via Montreal, Point Levi, and I'ortland, consigned under Midland Railway local receipts, must only shew Montreal, Point Levi or Portland, as the case may be, as destination. There is no objection, however, to export traffic being consigned to the care of Steamship Agents theij under local receipts. When authorized to issue a local shipping receipt for Furopean traffic, Ocean bill of lading must not, under any circumstances, be issued until the said local receipt is surrendered, and it must then be cancelled by writing across the face — "cancelled by Ocean bill of lading number , date ," and filed with the Ocean bill of lading. 22. — Agents must Shippers that stoves cannot be used in cars containing perishable traffic without a man in charge. Passes issued m connection therewith must be made "not valid upon passenger trains," unless otherwise authorized in writing by the General Traffic Agent. 23. — Agents must render shippers every assistance in making out the necessary papers required by the Com- 12 »i,„„ ^„ct ^.c far as nracticablc have them made out in their handwriting, so l];Sh:^S;r^4-,;r::r'^lp;SS^s^<^e bein. ^..y a.are or their contents. ,4 -Goods tendered for transportation to Flag Stations, or stations at which there are no agents, must be prepaid, and consigned by shippers and receipted for as follows : ..,,,■ II I p ■,;/,,„,, rmiiMnv liaviiK no Aisent at above Station, they are not to be held the Freight was taken. THROUGH BILLS OF LADING. 2S,-Thc following Instructions must be observed in the issue of Through Bills of Lading for direct Ship- ment to Europe. „- A.^nts issuing Through Hills of Lading must hand two of them .signed to Shipper, and fill them up so as'tVclearly "l"cw that three, and only three, original Hills of have been .ssued, one of which bemg accomplished the other two to stand void. ^ r>- • • . u /, -One signed Hill of Lading, shewing Car numbers and initials, and Through Rate and Divisions must be sent by F?rst Train, to the General Traffic Agent, together with nine unsigned copies, five of the latter bemg tissue copies. ,-.-Hlank Bills of Lading will be supplied from the Office of the General Traffic Agent. (/.—Note carefully clause 10 of instructions, paragraph/ FREIGHT LOADED AND UNLOADED BY THE COMPANY. <j -Examine carefully the condition of all cars before loading, and sec that they can be securely fastened Goods liable to damage must not on any account be loaded in cars with leaky roofs. 1 he numbers of cars with kaky roofs or otherwise damaged must be promptly reported to the Car department for repairs. Gram and other merchandise liable to damage, must not, under any circumstances, be loaded m cars which may have been im- properly used, or tainted with the smell of coal oil, &c. Vitriol and other acids not be loaded into box cars with gcncial merchandise. Petroleum, gunpowder, and like substances of a combustible nature, must not be un- loaded into the Company's 27.— All freight carried by actual weight must be weighed before being loaded. .8 -Freight is not to be mixed in loading ; each lot must be kept separate If freight for more than one statio'n is loaded in a car, that to be unloaded first must be put into the car last. Sec that a 1 goods are carefully handled and loaded ; that bales of cloth, and articles of similar description, are so placed that there may be no possibility of damage by friction, through chafing against hard substances put too near them without proper pro- tection. Casks or "barrels, containing oil, tar, molasses, .syrups, liquors, or other articles subject to leakage, must be loaded on the bilge, bung up, securely blocked, and when practicable in separate cars from but \vhen placed in cars with other merchandise, put as far as possible from the packages liable to damage. All traffic must be checked as it is loaded "o'r° or unloaded from the cars. Agents will be held responsible for loss or damage caused upon by rough handling or want of care. -.g— To avoid unnecessary transhipment at Junction stations freight for places on different divisions should be loaded as far as possible in separate cars, and in the case of the Midland division, freight for stations north and south of the Junction station should, when practicable, be loaded in separate cars. 30.— Coal oil, or empty coal oil barrels, must only be loaded in box cars, marked petroleum, on platform or in cattle cans. (Box cars, other than those marked petroleum, must )iot be used for such traffic.) Cattle cars must be kept clean, and never sent away empty or loaded in a dirty state. Box cars must also be cleanly swept before being used for merchandise or other traffic. 31. — To save unnecessary haulage of cars, Agents must use discretion and economize their use as much as possible, never sending one with a small lot of freight that cannot be readily unloaded after arrival, and without in- convenient detention of the train. Machinery or such like traffic must not be loaded on platform cars beyond the width of the car, and the height must not exceed nine and a half feet from the floor of the car. Anything higher than this will not clear the bridges. Note.— Cars coiitiii not be loaiieil over 1!2,0(H) niiig traffic for California aii<l otlier points iipoii tho Union nnil Central Pacific Railroads, and British Columbia must « lbs., and for Jvorthern Pacific Railroad or Noitli-West Provinces above 24,000 Iba . TRAFFIC LOADED AND UNLOADED BY OWNERS. 32. — The Company reserve the right to load and unload all cars, charging the expense of the same upon the traffic, when such is not provided for in the rates entered in the tariff. Agents must not agree to stop cars at an intermediate station for the purpose of completing load, upon a through rate from their station. 33. — When cars supplied to Shippers are detained over the regulated time, demurrage according to the Com- pany's regulations must be enforced, the amount being entered upon both the shipping receipt and way-bill in the paid on column. •I % 4 n M? % handwriting, so contents. gents, must be e not to be held the goods are the first station e point whence for direct Ship- I must fill them of which being ■isions, must be the latter being LNY. :urcly fastened. :rs of cars with jrain and other ■ have been im- ;d into box cars Tiust not be un- more than one ds are carefully lere may be no out proper pro- ) leakage, must ut when placed traffic must be damage caused livisions should • stations north n platform or in c cars must be ly swept before use as much as ind without in- ars beyond the nything higher tish Columbia must same upon the stop cars at an ig to the Corn- way-bill in the 13 34. — The greatest possible precaution must be tiikcn to prevent cars being over-loaded. The tables which are annexed, and the classification of lumber, will enable Agents to estimate the weight loadctl upon cars ; but in cases where they consider Shippers have ovcr-loatlcd them, they will enter upon the receipt "subject to extra charges for over-loading," and upon the way-bill " receiving or other statif)n to check weight." Track Scales have been provided at Belleville, Toronto and Tort Hope. 35. — Agents must in all cases .sec that, when cars are loaded by Ship])crs, the traffic is sufficiently secure to be hauled without moving or falling off, as they will be held responsible for all accidents arising froni bad loading at their respective stations. When authority is given to load timber, spars, &c.. Agents must sue that they are .securely roped or chained, and when projecting too far over the end of the car, that a guard car is u.scd and charged for .it one half rate unless advised. 36. — In no case must a package of merchandise be put by Agents, or allowed to be put, into a car loaded with grain in bulk. 37. — Live Stock must be loaded and unloaded at the expense and risk of Owner, in car loads or otherwise, and should as far as practicable be accompanied by a man in charge. Morses must not be otherwise accept- ed in than car load.s. When less than a car load, the party in charge must purchase a second class ticket. Where it is authorized to give passes to men in charge of live stock. Agents will do so on the proper forin, taking the signature of the man in charge on the back of the pass, and witness it. No other form of pass is to be given. Passes to drovers and parties in charge of live stock and perishable freight must not be issued beyond Mid- land Railway Junction stations, except where specially authorized to the contrary. Where the receipt is given for more than one car of live stock, the numbers of all the cars must be enteretl upon the pass. Any one lf)t of 1 , 2 or 3 cars belonging to one person will be entitled to a pass for one man ; a lot of 4, 5 or 6 cars, for two men ; 7, 8, 9 or 10 cars, for three men ; over 10 cars in one lot, for four men. Return passes are not to be given, unless specially authorized by the General Traffic Agent. Cattle and hogs "^" sheep must not under any circumstances be loaded in the same car, unless each de.scrijjtion is jiartitioned off. When Shippers half or quarter deck a car, the full rate for a double deck must be charged. Race horses, stallions, blood or other valuable live slock, must, for the purposes of transportation to or through the United States, bj declared on consignment note and shipping receipt as not exceeding $100.00 in value each for horses and horned animals, or $10.00 each for sheep and hogs, otherwise they cannot be accepted. If Shippers desire to jirotect themselves against accident for a higher value they must do so in some other way. 38. — Live stock receipts must invariably be collected from Owners or men in charge, before the live stock is delivered up. 39. — Agents will note, that when Shippers desire to consign their live stock with the privilege of its being stopped off for sale or otherwise at an intermediate station, except for feeding purposes as noted below, there will be an additional charge of $5.00 per car This additional charge must be added to the through rate, to cover the terminal expense, and way-billed in the "net freight" column, with a remark "additional charge for privilege of having car stopped at " When delivery is taken at an intermediate station, the Agent there must tele- graph the Auditor at Peterborough, stating number of car stopped, place from, and amount collected ; aiul also write to him enclosing the original way-bill, with the receipt for the live stock given by the forwartling Agent. The current rate must be charged by the station at which the live stock is stopped. The ainount collected must be entered in the cash book " to wait debit way-bill," for which the .\uditf)r will give instructions to be sent. Cars not way-billed from point of shipment with privilege of stopping at an intermediate station, must go through to destination, unless sjiecially advised to the contrary by the General Traffic Agent, in which case the additional charge must be collected if the live stock has been stopped olT at a prior station, except at feeding stations. Above extra charge is not to be made on live stock stopped off FOR FKKUIXG PURPOSES ONLY. STRAY FREIGHT, TRANSFERRING FREIGHT, &c. 40. — When loaded cars are left at stations for the property in thein to be transl'errcd into other cars, a note must be made on the way-bills (by the Agent at transhipping station,) giving the dale and name of the station where such transfer has been made, with the number of the car or which the propertv was transferred, and the upun ' Agent must sign his name in full. If the goods do not tally as way-billed, note the difference plainly on the way-bill, and report " shorts" or "overs" to the General Traffic Agent, as instructed on proper form. 41. — When stray Freight or Freight destined for any station is unloaded at another station, and waj'-bilis not left it must be forwarded to destination without unnecessary delay, and billed on a regular waj'-bill free, to the order of the General Traffic Agent, gi\ing number of car loaded from, station forwarded from (when known,) and name of Conductor, and reported on " Over Report" to the General Traffic Agent. 42. — Whenever, from any cause, freight is transferred from one car to another, the number and initial of the car from which the transfer is made must be noted on way-bill. 43.— When bonded goods in transit through Canada, have from anj' cause to be transferred on the jour- ney, and the car seals broken, a declaration as per form annexed to these instructions, must accompany the way-bill, stating why they were transferred. This is necessary to satisfy the Customs authorities, who may other- wise stop the cars upon arrival at the frontier port or port of entr)'. Form of Declaration Referred to Above. I, (A. B., Conductor of the M. R. Co.) do hereby declare that car No. (5762,) laden with (400 bushels ot corn, or general merchandise,) in transit from (Midland) to (Portland) and scaled with car seals Nos. (156 and 157,) became disabled at (Lindsay,) and that the said car seals were broken by me and the contained in the car 14 as prescribed in llic acconi|)an>in- ua>-bill transfcrrctl to car (4768) [excepting' (here detail the articles,) which were (iestrojed or burnt ;] and car (479**) scaled with car seals (249 and 351.) ♦Declared before me, (Signature.) H'lacc and date.) (Signature.) 44— At stations where goods are transhipped, or at Junction stations, a transfer book is to be kxpt in which all thnni.'h way-bills for i^'oods transhipjjcd are to be entered, shewing the date when the goods arrived, date for- warded, also tlie No. of the car into which they were transhipped, with an explanation of detention, if any. SEALING OAES. 4:;— The follow in;; re-ulations are to be strictly observed in regard to sealing cars pa.ssing from one place in the'United States tlirough Canada to another place in the United States ; also cars containing freight in bond from Canada iiassing through the United States for export to British territory, or for appraisement at a place beyond the U.S. froiitier port, also for liuropean and other foreign goods consigned to Canada in transit through the United States. /».,/._,\ll box cars loaded with such traffic arc to be scaled, and below arc particulars of the seals now used. „._Cars with bonded goods loaded at a United States Customs port for another United States Customs port are sealed by U. S. Officers with wire and lead, with brass tag attached. /,._Cars with Canadian goods for British I'lovinces when passing through the United States are sealed by U. S. Officers with wire and lead, with brass tag attached. ,-._Cars with Canailian goods for Portland and Boston, or for export via Portland or Boston, under seal from Coaticooke, arc sealed by U. S. Officers with wire and lead, with brass tag attached. ,/_Cars loaded with domestic gootis in the United States, and passing through Canada to another point in the United States, are .sealed b}- tlie'United St.ites Officers, at frontier ports of entry with wire and lead. <■,— Cars with bontleil goods from a Canadian frontier port of entry to an interior port of entry are sealed by Canadian Officers with car lock and glass seals. The u])|)er marks and numbers on seals will designate the station where the)- are put on, the lower numbers being for Canadian Customs Officers to be governed by while the cars are in transit ; except that at Point lulward goods in bt)nd for a Canadian port are sealed by the Canadian Cus- toms with tin ami lead, the present mark being _'.'^ 5<vw/r/. — The Customs Officers of the Canadian and United States Governments keep a record of all the marks and numbers on both sides of the cars. Their records can be compared with the Agents', in case of error being made on the Customs manifests, or in case of wrong numbers being taken by the Agent.s. 7///>v/. — When cars have been opened for transferring traffic for any purpose the numbers of the .seals on the cars must be taken before they are broken, and the instructions in clauses 42 and 43 carried out. When traffic is loatled into another car, it should be sealed at once with the station .seal where it was transferred or the car opened, and a note of the Nos. of the new seals put on the car in which the goods are forwarded must be made on the w;i)-bill ami manifest, als(D any other remarks in regard to goods damaged, short or over, when transferred, which the circumstances may render necessary. Car seals must not be broken at any station until a record is maile of the marks and numbers of each seal, which should also be inserted on the way-bill at the time for future reference, anti in case the cars are sealed with Customs seals, it shall be necessary, unless otherwise instructed, to have the Customs Officer present, and have him take the numbers before the .seals are broken and the car opened. (See clause 43.) Cars with bonded traffic should bear a Customs label. Fourth. — The seals must be kept in the hands of a reliable man, under lock, and must not be exposed so that any person ma)- have access to them. Agents must be particular to see to this, as it is of the utmost importance that no one should be able to obtain possession of these seals without the knowledge of the Agent. To open the locks when the cars are scaled it will be necessary for the .seal to be broken with the proper instrument for the purpose, and the small bolt under the glass pushed down until it will clear so as to let the lock be opened. Fifth. — Agents are particularly requested to sec that great care is used in preserving the locks from getting broken or damaged, and that the glass seals arc not unnecessarily used, as their great expense renders it neces- sary that the utmost caution and economy should be exercised. 46.— On all loaded cars passing from one station to another in Canada, the common lead .seal must be used, and Agents must see that the following instructions are carried out ; — First. — That a proper .seal press is used. &(W(./.— That the seal is properly fastened, so that it cannot fall off in transit. Tliird. — That the impression on the seal is legible. /■<;«/•///.— That every precaution is taken to prevent the dies used for scaling being injured ; they must be kept when not in use in a secure place, and no one must have access to them except the Agent or other person whose duty It IS to seal the cars. Fifth.— In case any of the dies are destroyed, or not in condition to make the impression sufficiently legible Agc-nts must at once apply to the Storekeeper at Peterborough, for another and report the matter to the General Iranfic .Agent. •To be ileclarcd before .1 Justice of the Peace only when required by United States Customs authorities. articles,) which c kept in which rrived, date for- m, if any. from one place freight in bond Ticnt at a place transit through seals now used. United States s are sealed by nder seal from lother point in d lead. y arc sealed by latc the station while the cars Canadian Cus- cord of all the II case of error he seals on the When traflRc rred or the car must be made en transferred, itil a record is :ime for future ■ise instructed, 2n and the car xpo.sed so that )st importance To open the umcnt for the opened. 5 from getting idcrs it neces- must be used, / must be kept person whose iently legible, o the General 15 CUSTOMS REGULATIONS. 47. — Agents and others must strictly carry out instructions as to Customs regulations. Special instructions upon the carriage of live stock between the United States and the IJominion of Canada must have the most careful attention. See regulations as to cleansing of live stock cars, &c. 48. — The several stations where the United States and Canadian Customs authorities examine goods of the documents required by those Officials, are given below. Agents will be held personally respons- ible for having all the necessary Customs documents and invoices of value forwarded with promptness and rct;u- larity, and Agents at forwarding Jutiction stations must also see that Customs regulations arc complied with before cars from connecting railways leave their stations. As any omission or irregularity in the des|iatch thereof will always lead to the detention of cars, no excuse can be taken for neglect in this respect. 49. — Canadian goods forwarded for exportation where there is a Custom house or Customs Officer inust be reported on Canadian Customs entry outwards Fortn No. 563. From stations where there is no Customs Officer, Agent must prepare and forward a Canadian Customs report outwards R. R. M.4, form 5C3, signed bvhiinonthe part of the Company, one for each car, attached to the way-bill for the Canadian frontier port. The actual destination and the measurement of all grain, &c., in bushels ; net weight of wool, butter, lard, cheese, and meat of all kinds ; numbers of barrels of pot and pearl ash ; separate number of furs, hides, &c. ; the board measure- ment of lumber (cubic or superficial ;) shingles, clapboards and staves in thousands ; laths in cords ; ;dso the value per bushel, pound, gallon, barrel, cord or thousand ; name of .Shipjier and destination ; further, whether the goods are the produce of the Dominion or not, and the number of the Crown land certificate for lumber, timber, &c., exported from Canada must be shewn. Jinvias ofvcilue should imnriably be made out in the same definite manner. Domestic goods consigned to be forwarded in transit through the United States, for the Lower Provinces via Island Pond, &c., or Manitoba and North-West Territory via Port Huron, do not require these Customs documents. 50. — On arrival of train at the Canadian frontier port, the Agent will be required to hand the Customs Officer the said outwards reports after checking them with way-bills, and as soon as jiossible after make one entry outwards for the said goods on that train (mentioning it by number,) which he should be authorizeel by power of attorney to pass at Custom house. 51. — Ontario and Quebec shippers of domestic goods, for transportation through the United States to Xew Brun.swick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, or British Columbia, will require to furnish Consignees with a certificate, shewing that the article is the produce "",' manufacture of the Dominion. The certificate should be signed b)- the Collector or Chief Officer of Customs nearest to point of shijiment. 52. — Shippers should be advised by Agents to take out U. S. Consul's certified invoices of value for all goods, &c., exported to the United States, at the nearest U. S. Consulate or Commercial agency. For further particulars see Customs regulations. Shippers of lumber exported to the United States must be careful to shew the exact quantity of each quality of the same kind of lumber, and the separate value thereof, in each car, and if different kinds of lumber are loaded on the same car (which is never to be done if it can be avoided,) the different kinds and qualities must be loaded separately, and so invoicetl. Invoices of value for live stock exported to the United States must shew the sex, colour, age and height of each animal, in addition to the value. a. — Agents authorizing M. R. agents at U. S. Consular stations, to take out U. S. Consul's certified invoices of value, must previously collect the Consular fee and 50 cts. commission charge, and authorize re-charge of the total amount. Should cases arise where M. R. Agents at Frontier Ports of luitry, have to request Agents at U. S. Consular stations to procure these documents, and are unable to previously collect such amounts, they must note them fully upon the original way-bill of the property, and attach re-charge way-bill, to enable the M. R. Agent at Junction .station or destination to collect. b. — In consequence of delay to cars at U. S. Frontier Ports of Entry, it has been found necessary to stipulate upon the Company's receipts, issued for freight consigned to the United States, that a demurrage charge of two dollars, per car, per day, will be made, if cars are so delayed through irregularity in, or waiting invoices of value or funds to pay duties. c. — U. S. Consul's certified and plain invoices of value of European and other foreign or Canadian goods, to be entered at Port Huron Custom House, must be sent under cover to the Junction Agent with directions con- sidered necessary as to bonding or payment of U. S. duties. Sec Customs regulations. 53. — Agents must not forward spirits to the United States, except in accordance with the following regulations ; Casks of distilled spirits (except arrack and sweet cordials) must contain ninety gallons. Casks of brandy must contain fifteen gallons. Hrandy or other spirituous liquors in bottles must be packed in cases, containing not less than twelve bottles. 54. — Invoices of value should shew, and separately, the cost of teaming, loading, &c., incurred after the pro- perty is purcha.scd, or a remark inserted that all dutiable charges are included. 55. — When freight is forwarded for the Western United States separate cars should, as far as practicable, and separate Customs manifests must, be used for all rail, and rail and lake traffic. 56. — As the Customs regulations in rcf;ard to live stock and freight traffic are subject to alteration. Agents keep them.selves well informed upon all orders, which may be issued from time to time. The following are t! e latest : — 16 i!i UNITED STATES CUSTOMS REGULATIONS. IinoicLs .,f Value of r,r,o(ls I'lxportccI to and beyond the United States, must shew the marks and numbers, description of, (|iinntitics and vakic in each package, and of each car separately. Ajicnts, unless otherwise advised, must demand Invoices of Value for traffic consigned to or beyond the United States, previous to cars being supplied. |-ach Shipment of Merchandise to the United States must be accompanied by an Invoice of Value Cert^- ed l)>- the United States Cmsular Officer, or Commercial Agent nearest the place of purchase for shipment. To this rule there may be made the following exception, viz : — In cases where the amount of the Invoice is under $97 in value, and the neglect of the Shipper to procure a Consular Certificate is unintentional, or would be attended by unrca.sonable delay and expense. Form 334 can be useil. I-'or Household Goods and Immigrants' removals Owners must appear before any United States Consul or Commercial Agent, and make oath upon Si)ecial Form No. 334, one of which must be handed to you before the .Shipment is accepted. I'o avoid ilelay at Frontier I'ort of Entry, Shippers should use M. R. printed Form No. 564, same as for goods not eijuiring U. S. Consul's certificates, altered excepting when via Portland, as below :— Invoices of Value without United States Consul's certificate, may be accepted for goods passing in transit t/iivii,^/i the United States, when .so consigned upon Railway shipping papers, using Form No. 564, altered as under: 1st.— /V,;7',v//////v« (Fort Gratiot,) for the Province of Manitoba and Briti-sh Columbia, altered to Port Huron, Mich., &c. 2M\.— ri,i Jihhk AVX-, for Europe, Brazil, and the West Indies, altered to Buffalo, N.Y., &c. 3rc|.— /•/„ A'oiise's Point, for Europe, Brazil and the West Indies, altered to Rouse's Point, &c. 4th.— Kw St. Albans, for Europe, Brazil, West Indies, _&c., altered to St. Albans, &c. 5th,— Tw Island Pond, for Lower Provinces, via Danville Junction, altered to Island Pond, &c. 6\.h.~ Via Portland, for Europe, &c., use Form No. 564. 7th.— /Vrt Portland and Bostonundcr Seal from Coaticooke, for Europe, Brazil, West Indies, Lower Provinces, tVc, use Form No. 5C4. -Alter name of Agent as well as Port of Entry in all cases. -(*cntcr names of Bo.ston Consignees who have agreed to pass Sth.- " Port of Boston, Mass., consigned to- cntrics at Custom House there.") Note. — Cars with Live Stock from Canada to be fed, &c., at Island Pond, Vermont ; and Fruit, Cheese, &c., for which stoves arc used to protect same from the weather, require U. S. Consul's Certified Invoices of Value, worded same as Form No. 564, for Customs Entry at Island Pond. A violation of this rule will in all cases subject the Company to inconvenience, if not liability to claim for damages, and, when F'ruit, Cheese, &c., are for Export, to a charge of $5.00 for U. S. Consul's Certificate of Landing, which will be charged to the Station at fault. Invoice of Value Forms may be had upon application to the Stationery Department. Invoices of Value must be forwarded in Value Letters to Junction Agents by first Passenger Train after shipment is made, except for Live Stock and Perishable F'reight Traffic, and for all Traffic from Stations within 50 miles of the I'ronticr Port of Entry, through which Goods arc to be exported, in which cases Invoices of Value (unless they can be forwarded by a preceding Passenger Train,) must accompany cars, and receipt be taken from Conductor of Train. Manifest No. 563 must be made out and attached to each way-bill separately. " United States importations of Live Stock and Perishable Freight, with or without parties in charge, must " be entered for consumption at the first Custom Port of Entry, except Live Stock and Potatoes for Portland, "which may be forwarded under seal from Coaticooke, if so con.signcd, you must advise Shippers to provide funds " for the payment of duties." Live Stock and Perishable Freight in transit through the United States may be bonded as heretofore. For Box Cars containing Goods in Bond to pass under Seal, via Port Huron (Fort Gratiot,) U. S., Consular Manifests in quadruplicate, shewing marks and numbers, description of, quantities in, and value of each package, and contents of each car, separately, must be made out, but only one of the Forms will accompany the car attached to the way bill, the others will be retained and distributed at the United States Consulate. ''•'ii 17 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS POWER OF ATTORNEY. When United States Consul's Certified Invoices of Value arc not made out, consigning the property to either of the parties named below, request Shi|)pers to immediately notify Consignees to ajipear before the nearest Collector of Customs, or Notary Public, and make out a Customs Power of Attorney in his or their favor, as the case may be, otherwise cars will be delayed for Customs Entry, unless Consignees prefer to make their own entries, and will do so upon arrival of cars. Invoices of Value, consigned " Can of" Agents at Frontier Ports of Entry, cannot be used fay them without Customs Power of Attorney. 34, same as for iltcred to Port ver Provinces, FOR PORTLAND ISLAND POND . . ST. ALBANS ROUSE'S POINT. OGDENSBURG . . NAME. OK COUNTY OF BUFFALO ) For New York, Lake Erie, and West- V ern R. R. Traffic ) BUFFALO ) For Merchants Despatch Freight Traffic j BUFFALO For all other Freight Traffic via Buffal 0} PORT HURON NEWPORT John Main . . John Reeve... J. S. Story . . Myers & Co.. Frank Owen. J. S. Ham- mond .... J. A. Barton.. S. S. McCrea, :F. Granger. . F. Sherman.., Portland . Cumberland.. Island Pond..' St. Albans.. .Franklin . . . ..Vermont. . Rouse's Point Clinton New York. I Ogdensburg.. St. Lawrence New York. STATE OF Maine , Vermont. . PORT OF I ! I Buffalo Erie New York. 1 Buffalo lEric New York, Portland Island Pond . . .St. Alban.s .Rouse's Point. . Ogdensburg . . Buffalo Erie , .Buffalo. 1 .Buffalo. i New York.. . Buffalo.. Port Huron... 'St. Clair. . . .'Michigan Port Huron. Newport .... Orleans Vermont .... Newport PAYMENT OF U. S. DUTY, &c. As far as practicable, Shippers should insert upon Invoices of Value, whether Agents at U. S. Frontier Ports of Entry are to pay Duties upon Goods or forward them in Bond to destination; if the former they should be supplied with United States Treasury Notes or coin of full value. Silver pieces under a dollar are not ac- cepted, except for the fractional part of a dollar, for that purpose. When rate of Duty is ad valorem, add 21/2 pc. to value before computing. Use no fractional part of a dollar, for 50 cents or over add one dollar, and cancel cents under 50 cents. Agents at Forwarding Stations will accept Deposits in current funds, and afterwards ad- vise Agents at U. S. Frontier Ports of Entry upon Way-bills, giving full particulars, that said amounts may be advanced to Collector of Customs, as instructed by Treasurer. Agents at U. S. Frontier Ports of Entry must promptly communicate with Consignees, at points not Inland Customs Ports of Entry, when not previously authorized by M. R. Agents to pay Duties. Cars should not be delayed. U. S. FREE aOODS. Invoices of Value of Goods imported into, and for Consumption in, the United States, require U. S. Con- sul's Certified Invoices of Value, same as if the Goods were subject to U. S. Dut)-. Live Stock imported for Breed- ing Purposes also requires them. GOODS SENT TO U.S. FOR REPAIRS. Agents at U. S. Frontier Ports of Entry will give Repair Bonds, for the return of Goods to the U. S. Port of Importation, upon being indemnified against loss, and authorized to do so upon Invoices of Value, otherwise Goods will be subject to Consumption or Bonded Transportation Entry same as other U. S. Importations. U. S. GOODS RETURNED. Manufactures and Products of the United States, when returned to the United States under Free Entry, require Invoice of Value, U. S. Collector of Customs Export Certificate, showing route and date of Exportation to Canada, also Canadian Report Inwards signed by the Collector of Customs at Port of Entry and authenti- cated by nearest U. S. Consul or Commercial Agent. 18 i ' U.S. INLAND CUSTOMS POETS OF ENTRY. Via I'okt Hi kon, ("Fort Cratint) :— Detroit, Mich.; I'ittsburg, Pcnn.; Ciiicatjo, III.; Indianapolis, Ind.; St. Louis, .Mo.; Miluaukct,', Wis.; .St. i'aiil, Minn.; Cleveland, O.; Toledo, O.; Cincinnati, O.; Louisville, Ky.; San I'Vancisco, California. Vi.\ Hi,.\(K Rock and Hun.u.o:— New York City ; Jersey City, N,J.; Rochester, N.Y.; Albany, N.Y.; Cleve- land, ().; rhilailclphia, I'cnn.; I'ittsburi,', IVnn.; Haltimorc, Md. Via I'KK.SL'oi T : — 0^;densbur(f, NY. Via Island Tond :— Hangor, Me.; Vanccboro', Me, Via Portland (JK Pond, a.s dk.sirld hv Siiiri'KR.s:— Portland, Me.; Portsmouth, N.H.; Salem, Mass.; Hoston, Mass,; New York City. Via RoUsk'.s J'oint or St. Johns: — Albany, N.Y.; New York City; Philadelphia, Penn.; Baltimore, Md. Vi.\ St. Johns :— Portsmouth, N.H.; Salem,; Boston, Mass. To i)rcvciit delay at United States Ports of Entry of Goods shijipcd from a Foreign Port, via Portland, for Canadian points cast of the Detroit or St. Clair Rivers, Shijjpcrs should mail a plain Invoice of Value, addressed to .Mr. John .Main, .Agent, Grand Trunk Railway, Portland, Maine, United States. For United States Importa- tions via Portland, for Interior Ports of Entry, Sliijipcrs should mail as above an U. S. Consul's Certified Invoice of Value with Bill of Latling attached. For U. S. Importations consigned to Order, Customs Officers require an endorsed Bill of Lading before Entry can be made. Consignees in your vicinity should be advised that above- mentioned documents are required for U. S. Customs Entries at Portland. .Mr. l'^. P. Beach, .Agent, 2S5 Broadway, New York, will make Customs Entries, &c., for Importations, via .New York, under Local Bills of Lading from Europe &c., if furnished by Importers with U. S. Customs Power of .Attorney, U. .S. Consul's Certified Invoice of Value, with endorsed Bill of Lading attached, and other In.struc- tioiis which they may consider necessary as to the forwarding of their goods to Canada. .Mr. George H. Peters, .\gent, 2,So Washington Street, Boston, will make Customs Entries, etc., for Importa- tions; via Boston, umier Local Bills of Lading from luiropc, etc.. if furnished by Importers with U. S. Customs Power of .Attorney, U. S. Consul's Certified Invoice of Value, with endorsed Bill of Lading attached, and other Instructions which they may consider necessary as to the forwarding of the goods to Canada, Buffalo, N. Y., or Western United States. I'or Canadian importations, a jjlain Invoice of Value is sufficient, if Customs Entry is made upon the arrival of the vessel, and before goods are ordered to Warehouse by Collector of Customs under general order. CANADIAN IMPORTS. .Agents at Canadian Ports of Entry must not advance the Company's funds for Duties unless by the request o{ Shipjjcr or Consignee, and then not exceeding ten dollars, without deposit or advice of same from Receiving Station, unless authorized to do so by the Treasurer. Care should be taken not to pay Duties with the Com- pany's Pounds upon Traffic liable to be left on our hands upon arrival at Destination. REPORTS INWARDS. Canadian Customs Reports Inwards for goods, to be transported in Bond to Interior Ports of Entry must be carefully made out, separate reports for each car, in triplicate, showing Consignee's address ^^- marks — num- bers. Leave a blank line between each entry. Goods consigned to order must have a line for°each mark REPORTS OUTWARDS. Canadian Customs Reports Outwards must be made out for export traffic in duplicate, one to accomoanv the freight, the other being retained by the Collector of Customs. Where shippcTs cannot personally appear before Canadian Collectors of Customs, in consequence of distance Customs I ower of Attorney should be made out in favor of the M. R. Agent at the Canadian Frontier Port' where the goods arc to be exported, viz.: ' ^'•j,'-^^'-^^' Belleville, Ont. I A. BuRTON, Lindsay Ont T., Peterborough, Ont. | H. V. Fairbairn Port Hope Ont" F. M. Upton Toronto, Ont. ' Shippers may desire to make similar Powers of Attorney in favor of Agents, at Port Hope Belleville °o JhrUmtS Smes '° '^^'"' '"'^ ''"''"■" ''""°''' ^"''''^ ^'''" ^°"'"'' '^' "^^"'^ "^ '^''" S°^^' ^^^^^^ cars tl'Tihtir Stationf^ ■'""'"'"" ^''"°"' ""'' '" """' ""' "'""''^'y ^"^^^'"^ documents are supplied before Ind.; St. Louis, ville, Ky.; San r, N.Y.; Cleve- Salem, Mass.; ore, Md. I Portland, for lue, addressed ates Importa- rtified Invoice :ers require an J that above- lortations, via ustoms Power other Instruc- , for Importa- f. S. Customs :d, and other falo, N. Y., or oms Elntry is jstoms under y the request m Receiving :h the Corn- Entry must rks "5^^ num- mark, accompany of distance, ontier Port, ly, Ont. )e, Ont. )e, Belleville ds exported plied before 19 WAY-BILLING. 57. — Way-bills must be written in a plain and legible manner, also contain the following information. These instructions must be particularly observed. a. — All articles must be way-billed according to classification at the rates set forth in the station tariff, unless special authority has been received from the General Traffic Agent, granting a different rate, which authority must be filed for the inspection of the Travelling Auditor. In such cases the uumhr and dtite of authority must be entered upon the way-bill. No traffic is fj be carried free by freight train unless for Company's use, or authoriz- ed by General Manager or General Traffic Agent. b. — Way-bills must be numbered consecutively for each station, from first January to thirty-first December of each year. c. — The Owners and numbers of cars into which goods are loaded. d. — The name and address of the Shipper and Consignee exactly as entered upon the consignment note. e. — The marks -- numbers upon packages, and brands of flour, S:c. / — When goods are way-billed to places beyond the line of the Midland Railway, shew the route by which the property is to be forwarded. g. — When goods arc receipted for as " more or less" or at " Owner's risk," it must be so shewn. //. — When several articles of the same classification are way-billed at one weight, the entries arc to be bracketed together. /. — The minimum weights for a car load as laid down in the classification, must be strictly adhered to, maxi- mum weights to be regulated by the description of the car loaded. j. — Charges advanced upon traffic must be entered in the " paid on" column separately from the net frcii,'ht, but included in "total to pay." Charges for cooperage, cartage, commission and wharfage, must be shewn sep- arately, and not lumped with other amounts. In the case of large consignments received from vessels or con- necting lines, and forwarded in separate cars, the total amount of "paid on charges" must not be way -billed on one car, but each car load charged with its proper proportion. k. — All property for Company's use, such as stores, timbers, cordwood, &c., must be shipped free of charge, but in every case a Way-bill must be made out and accompany same, and a free Freight declaration signed b\- the officer at the head of the department on whose account the service is performed, attached to the Waj-bill. 58. — Way-bills must in all accompany the cars in which the goods are loaded, and no goods must be sent from a station without Way-bills, or Way bills without goods, excepting as provided in clause 76, orexcejjt- ing in cases of full car loads, which can be sent forward with a car slip and a Way-bill of charges sent under cover by first train. 59. — Goods consigned to flag stations must be way-billed " freight charges pre-paid" upon and at rates to the way-billing station beyond, unless otherwise authorized, with notation in ink inside and outside of way-bill, "goods to be left at ." Conductors if practicable to take receipts for same, and note upon way-bill par- ticulars of delivery. 60. — All merchandise or sundries offered at Flag Stations must be plainly marked and be accompanied by a shipping bill. It is the Conductor's duty carefully to check such goods by the shipping bill, which he will hand to the Agent at the next Station, who will make Way-bill and label the car. 61. — Live stock for local stations in less than car loads must be way-billed "freight pre-paid or guaranteed." 62. — Bonded live stock (see special Canadian Customs regulations) or freight traffic for local stations must be way-billed upon the station to which it is bonded, "/« bond— Care of Collector of Customs;" and if destined to any station beyond the bonded port, the rate to destination must be charged, and the following remark inserted on the way-bill : — "To be forwarded to destination with the same charge," " paid on," and " to pay." Agents at bonded ports must give full particulars of charges upon the re-charge way-bill, to enable the Agent at receiving station to check its correctness. A list of bonded ports is appended. 63. — When a through rate of freight is quoted from a station on a connecting line to a station on this Rail- way or on a connecting line beyond (see clause 106 of general in.structions) through and local way-bills must be sent with the car containing the traffic. Both way-bills are to be fastened together. The through way-bill must shew the several Railways' proportions, according to advised divisions. The local way-bill must shew in net freight column the Midland Railway proportion, and all particulars which are entered upon way-bills of local traffic. The local way-bill must be taken to account in station books, the through way-bill being on'y required en route, and for the information of connecting railway at destination, in order that delivery may be made accord- ing to contract. Agents at M. R. Junction stations must make out a through way-bill, when traffic is carried at a through rate, if such is not received with the car containing the traffic. LABELLING GARS. 64. — All cars when loaded are at once to be labelled with the proper description of label shewing the date, place of shipment and destination of the car. When a car is consigned to a place reached by two or more different routes, the label must specify the particular route by which it is to be forwarded. When traffic is loaded in way cars, Agents must see that the names of all the M. R. stations for which the car is loaded are inserted on the label. 20 65.~Hcwarc- of improper interference with cars bearin(r Canadian or United States Customs labels, rtr,.-l'erishable traffic labels must not be put on cars, unless they contain ,oods which shm^^^^ for- ward with the ^neatest possible despatch. Use special labels for Gunpowder and hteamsh.,, falhc. ^All labels must be removed from cars when contents have been unloaded, and retained for further rcfcr- 67.- ence in case ■ of beini,' required by Company's Solicitor or General I raffic Ayent. UNLOADING OF AND DISCREPANCIES IN FREIGHT TRAFFIC. N riS — Upon the arrival of cars, the Aj,'ent. Foreman -„ i n ■ , fill in the No, of train, titne of arri^"d, and t.ame of Con.h.ctor. in the i.ropcr place ..n the way-bill, and or Frei},dn Checker must scrutinize and retjister seal . ...' Conductor, in the jiro, shoul.l there have been an>- .lela>- in transit, forward a report to the (ieneral Traffic Auent, ^Wuv^ full particulars. 6.>-The fr„„.|s should then be checked out of the car, to see that they correspond with the entries upon the way-bill, and iT it be ascertained that any articles u ay-billed are not to hand, the A^ent shall fill up form 180, k^nt' a that all the particulars called for arc correctly ^nven, and transmit it by first ram to the station from uhich the ,.„xis are ua>-billed. In like manner when an>. article is received Ak which no way-bill or account has been furnished, the A-eiU shall fill up form \o. 181, taking care to yive an accurate description of the pro- perty-marks, &c„ and seiKMt b>' first train' to the station from which the car was l=|bel ed.and afterwards see that !. wa -bill is duly recei^•ed, It is necessary that Af^ents be supplied with a way-bill for all yoods received ovxr. Live stock must be checked out of car, and discrepancies in way-bill reported on same forms as for freight traffic. ra-Over reports uhen cleared are to be sent to the General Traffic Agent, also over and short reports when Agents are unable to clear them, accompanied by all papers and a letter advising him what has been done in the matter. 71 -Over reoorts for goods received in error, and forwarded to the jiropcr station (.see clause No. 41) shew the station at uhich' thev were originallj- shipped, and receiving Agent when acknowledging their arrival, must also shew the way-bill, car,' and date, of original shipping station, by which they were entered to his station. --.—(ioods of a i)erishable description received over, when consignee is unknown, must not be allowed to become worthless. The Agent must dispose of them to the best achantage. (but not to the Company's cmplo)-ees,j and report full particulars to the General Traffic Agent. EXAMINATION OF WAY-BILLS. 73.— All way-bills must be examined as to extensions, additions and rates, and compared with the tariff or special advices from the General Traffic Agent. Agents at receiving stations must not honor special rates, unless authorized by the General Traffic Agent. 74. — Receiving stations should weigh goods, in they doubt way-bill weights. 75. — The examination and correction of way-bills must precede the making of freight notices or the delivery of proi)erty. All discrejiancies, whether in rate, calculation, weight, or description of the goods, must be advi.sed to the forwarding station the same day the goods arc received. Agents will be held responsible if they omit to correct errors on way-bills of goods received. Pre-paid charges must be checked, and if incorrect must be dealt with as if they were billed to pay, 76,— Immediately an undercharge is discovered by the forwarding Agent, he must, if it is on a " paid" entry, send a way-bill of the amount short-billed to the receiving station ; and if a " to pay" entry, he must debit re- ceiving station with difference, by a "to pay" way-bill. Receiving Stations discovering under-charges must get a debit way-bill for the amount. Should an undercharge not be discovered in time to collect the amount before the goods are delivered, and consignee refuses payment, the particulars must be specially reported to the General Traffic Agent and Auditor. Undercharge way-bills are not to contain other entries. The word "undercharge" must be written in the column for the car No., and full reference must then follow to way-bill in which the under- charge occurs. These way-bills must be abstracted and treated in precisely the sam.e manner as those on which other traffic is entered. Agents must keep a register of both forwarded and received undercharges, and shew against each entry the number and date of way-bill debiting the amount. Amounts collected on account of undercharges must be entered in the cash book at the time they are received, each item separately. Under- charges for which a debit way-bill has not been received, dated within the month in which collected, shall be debited specially as " undercharges waiting debits ;" and said debit way-bills are to be cleared by " audit overcharge." 77- — Agents must not enter amounts debited by undercharge way-bills in the outstandings — but promptly clear them on date of receipt by making out audit overcharge voucher, in case " .special debit has been made." 78. — Errors in tariff or special rates must be corrected before making out advice notes, by overcharge or undercharge, as the case may be, and when overcharges are thus discovered, an overcharge voucher without other documents is all that is necessary. CLAIMS FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, &c. 79.— It is not absolutely necessary because a claim is made against the Company that the same should be submitted to the General Traffic Agent without Agents making an effort to have it set aside— provided that in their judgment it is a claim that by negotiation with claimant should be withdrawn— failing in this, a prompt report must be made, keeping in view the following directions : 21 further rcfcr- 80.— For OvERCHARfiE IN Rates.— ARcnts must request claimants to furnish Hills of l.adinK, rcceipti'd advire note and bill of claim, and attach thLrcto a copy of hilling to their station ; and when special contra( t^ are claimed, not slated on the Hills of Lading, request claimants to give reference to agent by whom contr.nct was made, hcl re submitting the claim to General Traffic Agent. (/.—When claims for overcharge in local rates are submitted, reference to that part of the Local Tariff which supports the claim must be given. *.— When a copy of Way-bill is furnished in connection with a claim, either at the reqnest of Ceneral Traffic Agent or otherwise. Agents must note on the records in their office when and to whom copy was furnished, also particulars as to dates and nature of claims, .so as to prevent a repetition of any deinand on the Company. • ^.—Agents must not make correction sheets for overcharges on anything but purely local business, except on the authority of the Cieneral I'ratYii' Agent. 81. — I'OR OvKkcilARci: IN Wf.iout, CtHNi- OK .\lEAsrKK.MKNT.- Hills of L.ading and rei eipted advice notes must be submitted with copy of billing of such gooils, accompanied by the original invoice for the articles claimed overcharged, or a coiiy of the same endorsed as correct by the agent or an employee of the Companies. When invoice weights cannot be obtained, or have no bearing upon the claim, the agent, or an employee of the Companies should certify the correct weight, count or measurement by actual test ; but in the absence of his certificate that of the claimant must be attached corroborated by a second party. <7. — When any apparent overcharge in weight occurs, agents must test the weights before delivery of the articles and preserve a record of the same to be submitted with the claim. 82. — For Loss or Damacik — In cases of p.-irtial loss or damage apparent upon unlo.ading, .agents and clerks must make a thorough examination and record of the condition of packages, extent of loss or damage, and ilie jirobable causes of the s.ame, t.iking care to count, weigh or incisure the articles carefully, |)reserving a record of the same with a view to facilit.-ite the accurate and just settlement of claims likely to arise therefrom. a. — In cases of concealed losses, and damage to goods delivered, in apparent good order, claimants must be recjuired to support their claims, if entertained at all, by the alVulaviis of both forwarder and receiver, as to cpianlity or condition of con- tents, previously and subsequently to shipment, or by an assessment of not less than two disinterested parties ; or by both means if considered desirable. h. — The Companies reserve to themselves the right to take for their own use, damaged articles, upon payment of the invoice price, (with freight, if paid.) c. — When total damage is claimed and acceptance refused, agents must take pos.session of the property damaged, and procure jirompt estimates of its value, to submit with other reciuired papers to General Traffic .\gent. d. — Particular care and promptness must be shewn in cases of damage to perishable articles, and when any damage can be arrested or lessened by attention and care, it must be ])romptly given. t. — Agents must in all these make prompt personal examinations, submitting full reports of the same, accompanied by liills of Claims, Hills of Lading, original or certified invoices when ret|uired, copies of billing therefor, statement shewing by whom and how receipted, conscise statements of employees who may be cognizant of facts bearing uiion the cases, and all items of inform.ilion that may promote speedy and proper adjustments. / — If parlies present Hills of Ladmg for articles never way-billed, or w.iy-billed and never received. Hills of Lading there- for, with original or certified invoice must be sent to General 'I'rafitic .\gent. 83. — Leakage. — Receipts, Advice Notes, Bills of Lading, Ganger's Certificates, both previously and subsequently to ship ment, original or certified copies of invoices, copy of billing and statement of hfiw and by whom receipted, must alwavs be submitted with claims of this character. a. — As this cl.ass of claim is only entertained when there is evidence of neglect or bad handling by the carriers, agents must give special attention to such packages when received and delivered to consignees, with a view to asc:ertaining the nature and probable cause of damage to packages, or jiossible original defects, or bad coojjerage of them. 84. — As nearly all claims must necessarily be referred for v.arious explanations, agents, to whom claims are presented, must submit them to the General Traffic Office as complete as possible with full notations, .\ttention to this will ensure speedy action and decision upon them. 85. — In submitting foreign overcharge vouchers for collection from other Companies, care must be t.aken to see that the necessary pajjcrs, such as bill of hading and receipted freight advice note, in every case accompany the voucher, and the Agent take a receipt for any overcharge amount which he is authorized to .allow ; also the overcharges are prepared on ])roper forms, local or foreign ; and that a separate voucher and billing statement are prep.ared for each Comjiany interested in the claim. In the case of claims to be collected from the Midland Through Line, however, the following number of vouchers and statements shall be required for the road.s souih of St. John. a. — For Central Vermont Railroad jiroper, between St. Johns, P. Q., and White River Junction, Vt, and St. Johns, P. C^., and Bellows Falls, Vt., inclusive, one receijited voucher and statement of billing. b. — For Stations on Northern New Hampshire and Concord R.ailroads, from Lebanon, N, H., inclusive, to and including Nashua, Portsmouth and Lawrence, two receipted vouchers and two statements, and made up in the following order : — Stations between Lebanon and Concord, N. H., both inclusive, kept together. Stations between Concord and Manchester, N. H., both inclusive, kept together. Stations between Manchester and Portsmouth, N. H., both inclusive, kept together. Stations between Manchester and Nashua, N. H., both inclusive, kept together. Stations between Manchester and Lawrence, Mass., both inclusive, kept together. For stations between Nashua and Lowell, including Lowell, three vouchers and three statements. For stations between Nashua and Worcester, including Worcester, three vouchers and three statements. 00 For statioMH bcwccn I.owcll an.l Hos.on, inrlu.linK Boston, four voucher, and four statement.. |.'„r Stations I.nwcll and Salon,, n,. Iu,lin« Snlcm, four vouchers and four statement. Z stations on C:hes.,ire, .,.,.,..... an.. Host < 'linton an.. ..•itch.,ur« Kond,. south of ..Cows Kn... V... three voucher. am. three statements. ,.„„.. ,„ ,„,,„„ „„ Tonne. t,.u, .<,ver an,. New London N.,rthern Rni.roads. two vouchers and two statement. V- . 1 , ..- r.lni,. voiii her lie must lie .arefu. to note particulars of ,l„«„,,,,«,.,yl,ill,.i..~i.i;i ~- l«".»>il'';;'""»V '^^ ;r;st';£:;«;;iT;:;;*''K';M;:2^*- "^ *-* ' »' ' •""""- , . , FISH INSPECTION. , ■ f 11 -11 I , Id, ,nr.,l mirket or ex|)ortation, and of alllish oils, codfish, tongues, or codfish "The insi,e<-tKm of all im;l( ed lis i < ur.d '^"^ ';"'^' /'I '',;,, ,,i,, ^ ..tli^T -Ttirles as aforesaid, are removed beyond sounds, cured f.r s„rh l'''T'-^■^^''•'^"''7^■r^;,^ ' JJ ,t'k Ji\^.^^ k^ "' ^'V-O' I'rovincc of the Dominion ,|,c limits „r the Ins,,e.t,on .Mr,.- '^^'j'' \' ;^>,; ^ j ' .^^ -^ , i^^^^^^^^^ md if any such tlsh, lish oil, or other article penalty of not less than one .lollar. and not than live dollars, for each an.l c>tr> such package. DELIVERY OF LIVE STOCK AND FEEIGHT TRAFFIC. .SS ^On arrival ot live sto.k an.l freight traffic, Consignees must he promptly advised upon proper form, and when practic- ■ihle a recei t t ed lor the written noth e, in a lu.ok to he kept f.,r the purp.)se. U hen rereip canm.t !,c obtained, the reason n uVbe s. lo . (■ .. signees n..t known, .,r residing at a distan.e, must be n.itilied by postal card at their expense, and hey u be il t e.l be .re the pr.ipertv leaves the Cmpany's premises. Agents at receiving station.s, in advising arrivals of ro ert). sea points upon loreign'railways. or han.le.l to this ( V.mpany at .v.ater frontier ports o entry, where they have aaslm to believe that a through rate has been .pioted, must only shew the weight and iimount to pay. Delivery book must be signed in ink. 89.-.\gents must not deliver a part of a consignment without first collecting charges on the whole. Receipts from Con- signees must be taken before delivery. oo.-Upon no a.:count must goods be delivered to a teamster without the written order of the Consignee, nor until they are a.-ain clrefullv checked out of tlie freight shed with the advice note. All such orders are to be care-fu ly filed in guard book with the way-bills. Teamsters must not be allowed to take delivery of property except in presence of Agent or staff. n,.-Too much caution cannot be exercised in delivering property subject to the order of a bank or firm ; such property must on no account be delivered until the original bill of lading or shipping receipt, /n-A;-/,. f«.^mv/ by the bank or firm is, collected. Immediatelv after delivery has been m.ide. Agents must write upon the face of the bill of lading or shipping receipt, 'U:mr/A:/ hy ddivery to " and file it in the guard book with the way-bill. n2 —Hills of hading or shipping receipts issued by the Company's United States connections for grain, flour, provisions and other merchandise consigned to imties direct, are in all cases to be produced for receiving Agent's inspection, and can- celled before delivery of the traffic. It is desirable that they should be retained by the Company in the same way as bills of lading or shipiiing receipts of freight consigned to order. Should Consignees insist upon keeping them. Agents must write across the face " cancelled by delivery to "and may then return them. // mmt be distinctly uiiJentml that this does not afplv to traffic consigned to order. Ocean bills of lading should in all cases be collected previous to delivery of goods. Care should be taken to compare the bills of hading with inw.irds way-bills, and in case of undercharge the difference must be collected. 93. —Agents before delivering lumber, staves, or any other traffic, loaded by Owners, must satisfy themselves that the (luantity shipped corresponds with the way-bill, and that cars are not overloaded. 94.— Petroleum, kerosene, coal oil, naphtha, benzole, gunpowder, and any like substances of a combustible character, must not be unloaded or received at the Company's warehouses. Consignees must be notified to remove such traffic without delay. Keej) it away from the Company's building.s. gj.—Every exertion must be used to induce consignees to take away their traffic within twenty-four hours after its arrival as the Company re.iuires all its wareiiouse room for the daily movement of freight. STORAGE CHARGES. 96.— Freight will be stored free for the first twenty-four hours after advice of arrival ; if not then taken away, the charge for storage will be, for the second twenty-four hours ; — First Class Traffic, 2C. per loo lbs. Second Class Traffic 2C. per loo lbs. Third Class Traffic ic. per loo lbs. Fourth Class Traffic ic. per loo lbs. , Flour, 2c. per barrel, or in bags. . . . ic per loo \h^^ Grain ic. per loo Im; ■and for class traffic an additional one cent per hundred pounds; flour, one cent per barrel, or bags half a cent per loo lbs; and grain half a cent per loo lbs ; for each twenty-four hours, or part thereof afterwards, up to seven days ; after that time, for every week or part of week, first class 2c. ; second 2c. ; third ic. ; fourth ic per loo lbs. ; flour 20. per barrel, or bags, ic. 28 iier 100 lbs. ; prain ic. per loo lbs. Lumber (unloaded) uniform charge $j,oo \m car |icr week, cxcluiive of unloadinii charac Vehicles, reapinK and threshmg machmea each J5C. to soc. weekly, according to npace occupied. DEMURRAGE. 97.— Demurrage must be charged on cars not unloaded within forty-eight hours after arrival, at the rate of two dollars per car |)er day. 98.— Ocmurmgc .it the rate of two doli.-irs per car per day must also be iharKcd when (ars ore .IdaycMl by Shippers beyond twenty four hours after they have ennage(l to load them, the amount of surli ilenuirraKc beinn iiitered in p-iid on or advanced charges columns upon the receipt given to Consignor and way-bill of the property. UNCLAIMED TRAFFIC. 99.— When goods, other than perishable, have remained fifteen days at a station unclaimed, after ailvi( e has been sent to the Consignee, the Agent must notify the forwarding station, and the .Agent there must asrertain the wishes of the Shipper in respect to the m.itter, and communicate the same to the receiving .Agent. In the c ase of goods refused, or consijjned to parties who are not known in the neighborhood, .Agents will at <ince advise forwarding station, and a,k for better address or instructions .IS to disposal, also report full particulars to the Ceneral TratVic .Agent. Should .\gents at forwarding stations not be able to give better .address, or obtain any instructions, the goods are after 45 days from date of arrival, to be sent with debit of freight jind advanced charges to Port Hope as unclaimed freight, and a report forwarded to the (kneral Trartic .\gent, accompanied with a copy or e.\tract of the way-bill by whi( h the articles were originally received, also a copy of the wav bill sending the same to Unclaimed freight ilepartnient, with all the correspondence relating thereto. Perishable traffic un( lainied should be sold to the best advant.ige (but not to the tlompany's employees) before it becomes worthless, and an a( 1 ount of sale, together with full particulars (copy of w.aybill, &c.,) for\yarded to (Jeneral 'I'ratTic .Agent without delay. I'roc eeds of sale, less charges, are to be entered in cash book to the credit of compensation account. Coods in bond cannot be sent i> Port Hope without permit from Collector of Customs. 100.— In tracing missing, or delays to, good.s for points beyond the Midl.ind system, .\gcnts at Junction stations must jjromptly rei)ly to encjuiries made as to disposal of same .it their stations, in additicjn to reipiesting .Agents of connecting lines to through to destination and reply as to delivery, which information is to be sent upon receipt to the (ieneral I'ratTic Agent, other Officer, or .Agent who desired the inform.ition. loi. — Cioods refused must not be returned to the sending station until Consignee has given a rec eipl for then) and re- consigned them upon the (Company's form. Should {\>nsignee refuse to give receipt, cVc., .Agents will report the circumstances to the (leneral Tratlic Agent. When Shippers or Owners order goods returned to them before delivery at destination, .Agents must collect their receipt, and t.ike a new consignment note from them for CJeneral 'rraffic: .Agent's instructions, to whom they nmst promptly reiiort full particulars, and also advise the receiving station to hold the grjods to the order of (Jeneral Traffic Agent. 102.— Goods in bond unclaimed or refused, arc ultimately ordered by the Collector to the Customs' unclaimed In order to secure to this Company the payment of uncollected charges thereon, the Customs regulations recpiire a previous declaration of the amount of such charges. .Agents are Iheret'ore instructed to give the necessary iiifcirniation in the form pre scribed by the Cu.stoms authorities, in order that the Company's freight andc:harges nviy be obtained. Sliduld this instruction not be observed, the amount lost to the Ccjmpany will be debited to the station in fault. If .Agents have any reason to suppose that goods in bond, whether refused, unc laimed, or otherwise, are in bad condition, a ccjinpelent person must accompany the same to the lixamining warehouse for the purpose of seeing such pack.ages opened, and taking note, on behalf of the Coni|iany, of their condition, and of any articles dam.aged or deficient. Full particulars must be reported to the (leneral Traftic .Agent. SEIZURE OF GOODS IN THE COMPANY'S CUSTODY OR ON THE COMPANY'S PREMISES. 103. — Agents must, when goods are attempted to be seized under execution, warrant, or attachment, forbid the seizure. If the Officer .asks the .Agent to retain the goods for him, the .Agent will ; if the Officer wishes to leave the goods on Ccjnipany's premises, the .Agent will give him notice that if he does sa the goods will be forwarded ; if the Officer attempts to remove the goods, the Agent will give him to understand that the (Company and the i)arties owning them will hold him respon- sible for his so doing. The Agent will obtain from the Officer the particulars of the authority under whieh he makes the seizure. If after this notification the Officer leaves the goods on the Company's premises, wilhout someone in charge for him, the .Agent will forward them in the usual course. In .all cases the .Agent will c:learly and distinctly give the Offic:er notice that he will not act for him, or aid him in any w.iy whatever, and whatever the Officer does, he does at his own i)cril. The .Agent will at once send full jiarticulars of the seizure to the General Traffic .Agent at Peterborough. When Shipper or f )wner give notice to hold traffic or return it owing to insolvency of Consignee, .Agents must retain it, and immediately telegraph full particulars to the General Traffic Agent .at Peterborough, and wait further orders. If the property is in the hands of Cartage Agents for delivery an effort must be made to have it returned to the st.ition ; if in transit to another station, the .Agent there must be telegraphed to hold it to order of (Jeneral Traffic .Agent, and when any legal document having reference to property in the Company's possession is served upon the Company the hour and date must be noted thereon in >;J ink, and it must then be sent to the General Traffic .Agent at Peterborough. In all cases of seizure the .Agent will at once telegraph the Gen- eral Tr.affic Agent full particulars, in order that no time may be lost in obtaining advice. FREIGHT BOOKS. 104. — The several books and forms of the freight department must be kept clean, and entered up daily, in a legible manner, care being t.iken to give full jiarticulars therein called for. 105.— Station books are not to be accessible, except to employees of the Company, duly authoruftd In examine them. 24 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. inotc Mierial raUs for llie transportalioii «( live Jtock anil froiKlit traffic, for points lust strictly atllifTf to instniclions issued l.y the CKiicral Traliic Anoiit. FreiKlit Infi.— Ayi'ts ailtlirtri/f.'d to i\u licyond tlu' Cuiiiliaiiv's system, must strictly .- -•• ,- . .' ,■,.,. ., e ,, tariffs au.l riassifi. ations ,,( l..rci«M Coiiipatiies, turiiisli.M| you only for the inl.irni.itioii of Shippers, mubt be carelul y road and inidrrsi.. ..| iMlnr.' iiauiiuu' ratos. Special rates .puitrd liy the General Traffic Agent iniiRt be promptly acccptc'il liclorc tlir traflic is shipped, otherwise they will not he valid. ,».- Where there in any doiiht ns to the proper rate, &c.. the matter must be at once referred to the General Trafhc A({ent, who will sufiply tlii' desired inforiiiatioii. fi.- Foreign rate* and classifications must be carried out to the letter. r.-ClaimH arising from ipatteiiton to thi« instriicticm will be charged to the Agent in fault. AgentH muni not depute the <piotiiig of foreign rates to their stall; if necessary, Clerksat stations will be specially authorized to do so. ,/. Calilorni.i I'ast I'leight Line; Chicago & North Western Revised |oiiit ; Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'aul Revised Joint ; Middle and Western St ites ; St I'aul. .Minn.M|'ulis t'i: M.initoba K.iilway and Northern I'acihc Rail- i Oflicial East bound ; VVestd.ouiid ; uiid other classifications differ in many particulars fr(mi those in force Iroin ('annda, both east bound and west-bound, io7.--i;p<in no pretence wh.itcver may Agents guarantee that property will reach its destination, or promise ocean shipment from the sea-bo.ird within a certain time. io8.-- Warehouses must never bo left open unless an employee is present 109— The Consignee '";' the destination of traflic must not be changed " en route" without authority of the (ieneral Tralfic Agent, unless caused through an error of the staff at sending statiim, in which case full particulars must be reported to the General Traflic Agent. In case of accid<>nt to live slock or other freight in transit, .Agent at nearest station must see that the property is protected, and telegniph the facts to the Superintendent and General Ti.iflic Agent lor instructions, but must not order the sale of .inimals killed or injured in accident, they must notify •he owner or person in charge that the Comjjany will not assume any liability for such loss or damage. 1 10. — Agents must retain for future reference copies of all letters and telegrams sent from their station. 111. — .\genls must not indiscriminately deimte to Clerks, Checkers or others, the duty of signing receipts for tralTic, but on all occasions when possible sign such documents themselves. They must not insert upon shipping receipts any special clause without authority from the General Traflic Agent, and where such is authorized it must be initialed before recei|)t is issued They must also, by constant su|)ervision, satisfy themsolvcs that freight traflfic received or delivered, is pro])erly tallied upon the consigmniunt notes and way bills. Correspondence, manuscript tariffs, special rates, or pajiers sent to .\geiits for inform.ition or report, are private property of the Company, and are not to be shewn to the public, unless so authorized. 112. ■ Agents must, on the i5tli of June and the 15th of December send to the General Traffic Agent a report, giving full particulars of any amounts outstanding on their books, which they are unable to clear. 113.— It is the duty of .Agents t > secure all the traffic they can for the Company, not only from the immediate vicinity of their stations, but from all places tributary to them, and carefully watch that no traffic is diverted by any other route. Should they find that the Company is losing traffic, they must inmiediately communicate with the Gen- eral Traffic Agent, submitting all particulars, and stating what in their opinion is necessary to retain it, or to obtain for their station increased traffic. 114.— Manuscript tarifls, special rates and instructions issued by the General Traffic Agent, will supersede the book tariff. 115.— For the convenience and guidance of .Agents the following tables are appended ; — t.— List of estimated weights of various descriptions of traffic, to be used when it is not requisite to weigh it- i.— List of sterling rates converted into Canadian currency at the regular rates of exchange, &a, &c. 3.— List of stations in Canada upon which tr.iffic may be bonded. 4.— List of stations on the lines of railway in Canada, &c., connecting with the Midland Railway, TRblft N«. I. TABLE OF ESTIMATED WEIGHTS TO BE USED BY AGENTS WHEN NOT CONVENIENT TO WEIOU GOODS. Al(i)hi)l, per liarri:! Ale, Hccr, nnd Porter, per harrtl Jo <li> per lialf barrel do 'l'> pef ip'^fer barrel do <lo per one-eighth barrel Apples, ilrieil, per bushel do >>i barrels, Canada pressed, per brl, do ureen, per bushel do per barrel , llacon, per box do tlo summer cured Darley, per bushel llcaiis, per bushel Deans, per barrel Hecf, i)er barrel Hccf, per tierce Ilran, per bushel Hrick, common, each Drick, tire, each Buckwheat, i)er bushel Cement, Canadian, per barrel ilo American, do Cheese, per box Ciller, per barrel Clover Seed, ))er bushel Coal, per bushel Coke, do Corn, shelled, per bushel Corn, in ear, do Corn Meal, do Corn Meal, per barrel Kjjus, ])acked in Ilran, per barrel do do Oats, do Fish, Cod, per barrel do Herrings, iVc, per barrel do per half barrel do ])cr quarter barrel do per kit l''iax Seed, per bushel I'lour, per barrel 4ao lbs. 330 " •75 " 100 " 75 " 34 " i°° " 56 " 160 " 560 " S20 " 48 " 60 " a6o " 3»o " 480 " 20 " 4 " f)i " 5» " 290 " 265 " 70 '• 375 " Oo '• 80 " 40 " 56 '• 70 '• 48 '• 200 " lOo " 200 " 230 " 300 " 160 " 80 " 40 " 56 " (irass SlciI, per IiusIrI, ('li)Vir do do llung.irian do ill) I'iniothy di> ilo Millit (Iravel, per i iiliii yard Hemp Seed, pir llll^llt■l Hit;!) Wines, per barrel [ , Ii e, per cubic foot I.inie, per bushel Malt, per bushel Molasses, per barrel Nails, per keg Oats, per t)iishel Oil, Pelroleuu), and Oils manufactured from Pe- troleum, per barrel Oil, other than above, per barrel Onions, per bushel Onions, per barrel Pearlies, dried |)cr bushel Peas, per bushel I'eas, per barrel Pork, per barrel Potatoes, per barrel, common do per bushel, i onunon , do p;r bushel, sweet Rosin, per barrel Rye, per bushel Salt, fme, per bushel do per barrel Salt, coarse, per barrel do per sack Stone, ilresstd, per cubic foot Stone, undressed per cubic yard Tar, per barrel Tobacco, per hlul 'I'urnips, per bushel Vinegar, per barrel , Water 1 .ime, per barrel Wheat, per bushel Whiskey, per barrel (1 ll)r 45 " 45 " 45 " 3500 •• 44 •■ 420 " 62J" 80 " 38 " 520 " 107 " J-* '• 400 " 3«o •■ 56 " 170 " 33 " 60 " 240 " 320 " '75 " 60 " 65 " 280 " 56 " 56 " 300 '• 35° " 200 " 160 " 4000 " 400 " 1600 " 56 " 375 " 300 " 60 " 4U0 " Lumber. — 7,000 feet of fully seasoned lumber, 1 2 feet long, 1 2 inches wide and i inch in thickness, loaded in two lengths upon a flat car, and 8 feet or 8 boards in width, should not exceed 3 feet i inches in height, but as the greater part nf lumber shipjjcd is of unequal dimensions no table can be given which would ensure accuracy. .Agents must therefore carefully meas- ure the quantity loaded, multiplying the feet in length and breadth together and the product by the height in inches, which will give the number of feet board measure in the car, and they must exercise discretion in making allowance for vacant spaces caused by the lumber being of unequal length or width. Grain IN Bulk. — The depth of 24,000 lbs. in grain loaded in box cars will average as follows;— //. 1)1. //. in. /■/. ///. 1 Wheat, 2 •^ ( Length, 29 6}j Width, 8 Barley, 2 3H ox car, internal j 1 Oats, 3 ay. measurement. ( //. in. //. /■//. 1 Wheat, 2 1 1 Length, 27 6 Width, 8 T/. Barley, 2 3!4 1 Oats, 3 s'A The quantity of grain in bulk in a car can always be ascertained with sufficient accuracy by multiplying the internal length and breadth of the car together, and then by the height of the grain; multiply this |)roduct by 1728 and divide by 2150; thus, 27 ft. 6 in., x 8 ft. Tji in. x 2 ft. i in. = 494 ft. i in. 8 pt.s., x 1728 and -i- 2150 = 400 nearly. 26 Table No. 'i. THE UNDERMENTIONED QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATED TO WEIGH 12 TONS. White Pine and Basswood, dry 9000 feet. U'liitc I'inc and Basswood, partially dry 8000 " White I'inc and JJasswood, green 7000 " Red Pine and Butternut, dry 8000 " Red I'inc and Butternut, green 6500 " Oak, >[a|)lc and Beech, dry 7000 " Oak, Maple and Beech, green 5400 " SHINGLES, LATH, SLABS, &c. Shingles 84,000 '■^'''' t'ry 54,000 Lath, green 36,000 Pine Wood and Slabs, dry 10 i^ cords. Pine Wood and Slabs, partially dry g " Hardwood, dry . r/ n Hardwood, green 6 1/ » Cedar Posts, dry '../. 1,800 cubic feet. Posts,grecn ,^200 .. Shingle Bolts, dry. 9 >^ cords. .Shingle Bolts, green - „ To compiitc the mcisurenicnt of a car load of .sawn boards of uneven widths, loaded in two lengths on car assuming fc^t on car. " ''" '" ''"^''' ""'^ '''"' '""'' ''' "^ ^^"' ^°"'''"'" '°° ^^^ "B' M-J" 45 layers on e'ach car wm gL™^ Laths are put up in bundles of two sizes. Large ones, 100 laths ; small, 50 laths. ' Laths, dry, load, 540 large; 1,080 small bundles. Laths, green, load, 360 large ; 720 small bundles. Cedar Posts, green, load, 6 feet high, 9 feet wide, 28 feet long. Cedar Posts, dry, load, 7 feet high, 9 feet wide, 28 feet long. lield Stone, car load, 260 cubic feet. Load, 27 feet long, 8^ feet wide, 13 inches deep. thu.s, 27 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF ROUND AND SQUARE TIMBER. ROUND TIMBER 12 FEET LONG j i! SQUARE TIMBER 20 FEET LONG. Diameter in Cubio Contents. Board | Measure Dimensions. Cubic Contents. 1 Dimensions. Cubic Contents. Dimensions. ICubic Contents, inches. Feet. in. pts. Ft. in. pts. ; Ft. in. pt8. Ft. i Ft. in. pts. 10 4 10 6 6 7 8 in. by 8 8 10 8 15in.byl8 87 6 0- 28 in by 25 ' 79 11 7 U 1 1 8 " 9 10 10 " 16 35 8 i 23 •'20 ; 83 8 12 U 6 2 48 8 " 10 11 1 4 16 " 17 37 9 4' 24 " 24 ! 80 13 11 9 61 8 " 11 12 2 8 16 '• 18 40 U ! 24 •• 25 1 83 4 14 12 10 75 9 " 9 11 8 16 " 19 42 2 8 24 '• 26 1 «r, 8 15 14 8 9 91 ! 9 " 10 12 17 " 17 40 1 8 24 " 27 00 (1 16 10 9 2 108 9 " 11 13 9 17 " 18 42 6 i 25 " 25 86 8 17 18 11 1 127 9 " 12 15 17 •' 19 44 10 4 ' 25 " 26 90 8 4 18 21 2 7 147 10 " 10 13 10 8 17 " 20 47 2 8 i 25 " 27 98 9 19 23 7 8 169 10 " 11 15 8 4 18 " 18 45 ' 25 " 28 97 2 8 20 26 2 3 192 10 " 12 16 8 18 " 19 47 26 " 26 98 10 8 21 28 10 6 217 10 " 18 18 8 18 " 20 50 1 26 " 27 97 6 22 31 8 3 243 11 " U 16 9 8 18 " 21 52 6 26 " 28 101 1 4 23 84 7 8 271 11 " 12 18 4 19 " 19 60 1 8 26 " 29 104 8 8 24 87 8 7 300 11 '• 18 19 10 4 19 " 20 52 9 4 27 " 27 101 3 9 26 tC. 11 1 881 11 •• 14 21 4 8 19 " 21 65 5 i 27 " 28 105 tl 26 44 3 2 368 12 " 12 20 C 19 " 22 58 8 27 " 29 lOH y 27 47 8 9 397 12 " 13 21 8 20 " 20 55 6 8 27 ■' 80 112 6 28 51 4 432 ; 12 •' 14 23 4 20 " 21 58 4 29 64 9 469 , 12 " 15 25 20 " 22 01 1 4 30 68 11 2 607 ' 13 " 13 2G 5 8 20 " 23 63 10 8 31 62 11 1 547 ' 18 " 14 2.> 8 4 21 " 21 61 3 32 67 7 688 1 13 " 15 27 1 21 " 22 64 2 33 71 3 8 681 13 •' 16 28 10 8 1 21 " 28 6", 1 34 76 8 9 675 14 " 14 27 2 8 i 21 " 24 70 1 85 80 2 6 721 14 " 15 29 2 22 " 22 67 2 8 1 36 84 10 3 768 j 14 " 16 81 1 4 22 " 28 70 3 4 87 89 7 8 817 1 14 " 17 33 8 22 " 24 73 4 ' 38 94 6 7 867 1 15 " 15 31 3 22 " 25 76 4 8 1 39 104 9 2 919 1 16 " 16 33 4 23 " 28 73 5 8 40 110 9 1 972 ' 15 " 17 35 5 23 " 24 76 8 The number of feet in any piece of round timber, of greater lengtii, can be found by the " Rule of Three":— thus, for a log of round timber, l6 feet long and 30 inches in diameter, the number of feet board measure will be : As 12 : 16 :: 507 : 676 — the number of feet required. 16 3042 507 I 2 15 I I 2 676 The cubic contents of any piece of square timber of greater length can be found in the same manner, but if the lateral dimensions are greater, multiply the two measurements together and find the nearest measurement given above, which is an aliquot part thereof, and proceed by " Rule of Three." Pioo/— Find the cubic contents of a piece of .square timber, 30 feet long, 26 by 28 inches square. 26 X 28 = 728 ; then taking the cubic contents say of 12 by 14 in above table 23 feet 4 inches. Ft. in. pts. Ft. in. pts. As 12 X 14 = ' ^^ :: 23 4 o : loi 14 as given in above table. • 10 X 9 + 1 = 91. 233 4 9 2100 23 4 21)2123 4 lOI I 4 Ft. Then as 20 Ft. Ft. in. pts. Ft. in, pta. 30 ;: loi I 4 : 151 8 o the cubic contents required. For tapering square and round timber find the dimensions at each end, and in the centre, and add them together, dividing the total by three, which will give the average or mean dimensions. I 28 STERLING EXCHANGE TABLES. \rANCE. TABLE AT 8 PER CENT AD' ,Sl«. ' Can Cy. 1 Stc 0,111. Cv. ' St-. Ciiii. Cv. ! Sl({. C'ftii. Cy. 1 1 Stij. Ciiii. Cy. Sig. 1 Can. Cy. <l. : 8 c ! fl. 8 <■■ I' 8 f. ; £ i 8 0. £ 1 8 <;. £ 1 8 c. •i 01 12 2 S8 10 ru «0 i 40 102 (10 64 307 20 88 422 40 1 (12 1 V.i 3 12 17 «1 00 41 100 80 05 812 00 89 1 427 20 2 04 1 !■» 3 30 18 1 80 40 1 >2 201 00 66 1 316 80 90 1 432 00 8 0(i 15 8 00 10 01 20 48 1 200 40 07 i 321 60 91 4H6 80 4 08 l(i [ 3 84 20 00 00 44 211 20 68 320 40 92 441 60 5 iO 17 : 4 08 , 21 100 80 45 210 00 09 331 20 08 446 40 6 12 18 4 32 ' 22 105 00 46 220 80 70 336 00 94 451 20 7 14 10 4 50 23 110 40 47 225 00 71 340 80 95 456 00 8 10 £ 24 1 J 15 20 48 230 40 72 345 60 96 460 80 !) 18 1 4 80 25 120 00 49 235 20 78 350 40 97 465 60 10 (1 20 2 i> GO 1 20 124 80 1 50 240 (M) 74 355 20 98 470 40 II 22 3 1 14 40 I 27 129 00 i 51 244 80 75 360 00 99 475 20 it. ; 4 HI 20 i 28 184 40 02 249 60 70 864 80 100 480 00 1 24 n 24 00 29 139 20 58 254 40 77 809 60 200 960 00 •J 48 28 80 1 30 144 00 1 64 259 20 78 374 40 300 1440 00 8 72 7 33 00 ; 31 148 80 , 65 204 00 79 379 20 400 1920 00 j I !)0 « 38 40 1 32 158 CO 1 56 268 80 80 384 00 600 2400 00 1 20 !t 48 20 88 158 40 57 278 60 81 388 80 600 2880 00 li 1 -14 10 48 00 31 103 20 , 68 278 40 82 393 60 700 33G0 00 7 1 08 11 52 80 85 108 00 ' 59 283 20 83 398 40 800 3840 00 H I 1 "J2 12 57 GO 1 8« ! 172 80 , 60 288 00 1 84 403 20 900 4320 00 'J i 2 l(i 13 ! •!2 40 1 37 177 CO 1 61 292 80 1 85 408 00 1000 4800 00 10 ! 2 40 14 1 07 20 38 182 40 02 297 60 1 86 412 80 11 2 64 1 15 72 00 ' 39 ' 187 20 ' 03 ' 302 40 ' 87 ' 417 60 1 TABLE AT 9 PER CENT ADVANCE. St.,' Can. Cy. Sli;. i Can. Cy S(" Can. Cy. St«. I Can. Cy. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 10 11 01 02 04 00 08 10 12 14 10 18 20 22 24 48 73 97 1 21 45 70 94 18 42 66 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 £ 1 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 8 0. 2 91 3 15 3 39 3 63 3 88 4 12 4 36 4 60 4 84 9 69 14 53 19 38 24 22 2!» 07 33 91 38 76 43 00 48 44 53 29 58 13 62 98 67 82 72 67 £ Hi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 80 81 32 38 34 35 86 37 88 39 8 <^ 77 51 82 36 87 20 92 04 96 89 101 73 106 68 111 42 110 27 121 11 125 96 130 SO 135 64 140 49 145 33 150 18 I.">5 02 159 87 164 71 169 56 174 40 179 24 184 09 188 93 £ 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 65 56 67 58 59 60 61 62 68 8 (.•. 193 78 198 62 2((3 47 208 31 213 16 218 00 222 84 227 69 232 58 2,37 38 242 22 247 07 251 91 256 70 201 60 2(i6 44 271 29 270 13 280 98 285 82 290 07 295 51 300 36 306 20 A' 04 65 06 67 68 69 70 71 72 78 74 75 70 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 86 87 8 0. 310 04 314 89 319 78 824 58 329 42 334 27 839 11 343 90 348 80 363 64 358 49 363 33 368 18 373 02 377 87 382 71 387 60 392 40 397 24 402 09 406 93 411 78 416 62 421 47 £ 8 u 88 426 31 89 431 10 90 436 00 91 440 84 92 445 69 93 460 53 94 465 88 96 400 22 96 465 07 97 469 91 98 474 76 99 479 CO 100 484 44 200 968 89 300 1453 33 400 1937 78 600 2422 22 600 2906 67 700 3391 11 800 3875 60 900 4360 00 1000 4844 44 29 STERLING EXCHANGE TABLES. TABLE AT 9V2 PER CENT ADVANCE. Stg. Can. Cy at'A- Cnn. Cy. Stg. Can. Cy s.« Cun Cy. s.. Can Cy. 8 c. st^'. £ 87 Can. Cy. cl 8 c. B ? c. £ 8 c. £ 8 « £ 8 c. 423 40 428 27 438 18 i 01 12 2 02 10 77 87 40 194 07 63 306 60 1 02 13 3 10 17 82 73 41 199 53 04 311 47 88 2 04 14 8 41 18 87 00 42 204 40 65 316 83 89 3 00 15 3 on 19 92 47 43 209 27 66 321 20 90 4 08 1G 3 80 20 97 83 44 214 13 (i7 326 07 91 442 87 447 73 4?2 t'ld 5 10 17 4 14 21 102 20 45 219 00 1 08 830 93 92 12 18 4 38 22 107 07 40 228 87 09 385 80 93 7 14 10 4 62 23 HI 93 47 228 73 70 340 67 94 457 47 H 10 £1 4 87 24 116 80 48 283 CO 71 345 53 95 462 3'i 18 2 9 73 25 121 07 49 288 47 72 850 40 96 407 20 47'' 07 10 no 3 14 00 26 126 53 50 243 33 73 855 27 97 u 22 4 19 47 27 131 40 61 248 20 74 360 13 98 476 98 8 r. 24 33 28 130 27 52 25!1 07 ! 75 365 00 99 1 24 6 i 20 2(t 20 141 18 53 257 93 70 869 87 100 4Hri 07 2 4!) ( i 34 07 I 80 140 00 54 202 80 77 374 73 2(IU 973 34 ji 7:? 8 38 03 31 150 87 55 207 r,7 7>* 379 60 3CHI 1400 (10 4 07 1 43 80 32 155 73 no 272 .■•3 79 3H4 47 4(iu 1940 07 ti 1 23 10 : 48 07 33 100 00 57 277 40 80 389 33 5(J|| "433 3:1 fi 1 40 11 ! 53 r,ii 34 Kio 47 58 283 27 81 304 20 OdO 20'>l) (1(1 7 1 70 12 58 40 35 170 33 59 2H7 13 82 899 07 700 IMoO (17 H 1 !»') I.T 03 27 36 175 20 60 292 00 ! 83 ■ 403 93 «('() ',iH'x\ :v,\ !) 2 10 14 08 13 , 37 180 07 01 296 87 , 84 ' 408 80 90(1 43,H(I IK) 10 2 43 15 73 00 38 184 98 02 301 78 85 413 07 lOOii iXiV) 07 11 2 08 89 189 80 80 418 58 TABLE AT 10 PER CENT ADVANCE. Stt;. Cun Cy. sti" Can Cy. Stg. Can. Cy. Stg Cm. Cy. Stg 1 Can. Cy. Stg. Can. Cy. Stg. Can. Cy. Sig. Can. Cy. (1 8 c. R 8 c £ 8 c. £ 8 c £ 8 e. £ 8 c. £ 8 c. f. 8 c. \ 01 5 1 22 ' 2 9 78 20 97 78 38 185 78 56 278 78 74 8(il 78 92 449 78 1 02 1 47 8 14 67 21 102 07 39 liMI 67 57 278 67 75 306 07 93 454 07 »2 04 7 1 71 4 19 56 22 107 56 40 195 56 58 288 56 76 371 5i; 94 459 50 3 00 8 1 9li . II 24 44 23 112 44 41 200 44 59 288 44 77 370 44 95 404 44 4 08 9 i 20 ' 29 83 24 117 33 42 205 33 60 293 33 78 381 33 90 4(i9 33 5 10 10 2 44 7 34 22 25 122 22 43 210 22 61 298 22 79 381) 22 !»: 474 22 12 11 2 69 8 39 11 26 127 11 44 215 11 Ii2 303 11 80 391 11 98 479 11 7 14 12 2 93 9 44 00 27 132 00 45 220 00 03 308 (rO 81 390 00 9!1 484 00 8 16 13 3 18 ' 10 48 89 28 136 89 40 224 89 64 312 89 82 400 89 100 488 89 9 18 14 3 42 11 63 78 29 141 78 47 229 7H 05 317 78 83 405 78 200 977 7H 10 20 15 3 67 12 58 67 30 140 07 48 234 67 00 322 07 84 4HI 07 3fi|) 1406 07 11 22 16 3 91 i 13 63 SO 31 151 no 49 239 56 07 827 50 85 415 5(i 4011 195.-i .5(1 17 4 10 14 08 44 32 150 44 50 244 44 68 882 44 80 420 44 51)0 2444 44 H 18 4 40 15 73 33 33 101 33 51 249 33 09 837 33 87 425 33 liOO 2933 33 1 24 19 4 64 16 78 22 34 100 22 52 254 22 70 342 22 88 430 22 700 3422 22 '> 49 17 83 11 35 171 11 53 259 11 71 347 11 89 435 11 800 3911 11 3 73 £ 18 88 00 30 176 00 64 264 00 72 352 00 90 440 00 900 44110 00 4 98 1 4 80 ' 19 92 89 37 180 89 55 208 89 78 356 89 91 444 89 lOUO 4S88 811 30 m TABLE SHEWING THE BATES PER BUSHEL ON GEAIN. FROM 1 TO 50 CENTS PER 100 LBS OiitH Wiii'.it nt lid IIm. 1,01- KH) IVr liiislii'l. Corn lit .-,« lh». IVr HusIii'Ih. Barley at 4.S 11)8. I'ur Bushel. Outs at ;t4 lbs. Per Mudiel. Cta. II.Ir.lH.i Cts. IMids. Ct». Hdrcls. CU. H.lnls. 4 5 li 7 8 II Id II 12 i;i 14 15 III IT IH ID 20 21 2-2 2H 24 00 I 20 1 Kll 2 40 a Oil ;< (iO ti 20 Wl 40 (HI i; oil 7 20 7 HO 8 40 00 !l (ill 10 20 10 80 11 40 12 0(1 12 00 13 20 13 80 14 40 ir> (III riii 48 1 12 !I0 1 08 1 44 2 24 1 02 2 80 2 40 :i 80 2 88 3 02 3 30 1 4 48 3 81 t ,•> 04 4 32 :< 00 4 HO i; 10 r, 28 li 72 r> 70 7 28 24 7 84 72 8 40 7 20 8 IKi 7 08 II '12 8 10 III 08 8 04 Id 04 <l 12 11 20 00 11 70 10 OH 12 32 10 SO 12 88 11 04 13 44 11 02 ( 14 00 12 (III ( 84 08 1 02 1 30 1 70 2 (14 2 38 2 72 3 flO 3 40 3 74 4 (18 4 42 4 70 :, ID • > 44 -. 7H 12 40 80 14 48 82 10 iiO Cunts per 100 20 27 28 29 :<o 31 82 33 84 35 30 87 38 89 4" 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 60 Wheat at (iO Ihs. I'er Biisliul. Ciirn at 50 ll>8. I'er Busliul. Barky at 48 lf>s. I'cr Bushel. Oats at .'14 llis. I'or Busliol. Ct«. CtH. Hdnls. Cta. IMnls. Ctfl. Hilnls. 15 10 10 17 18 IH 19 111 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 20 27 27 28 28 29 30 UO 20 80 40 00 (ill 20 80 40 00 00 20 80 40 00 00 20 811 40 00 00 20 80 40 00 14 50 15 12 in 08 10 24 10 80 17 30 17 02 18 48 19 04 19 60 20 10 20 72 21 28 21 84 22 40 22 00 23 52 24 08 24 (i4 25 2(1 25 70 20 32 20 88 27 44 28 00 12 48 n m 13 44 13 02 14 40 14 88 15 30 15 84 10 32 10 80 17 28 17 70 18 24 18 72 10 20 19 08 20 10 20 04 21 12 21 CO 22 08 22 50 23 04 23 52 24 00 8 84 9 18 9 52 9 80 10 20 10 64 10 88 11 22 11 50 U (Kl 12 24 12 68 12 02 18 20 13 00 13 94 14 28 14 02 14 90 16 30 15 04 16 08 10 32 10 00 17 00 EQUIVALENT RATE PER 100 LBS. FOR QRAIN. FROM 2 CENTS TO 30 CENTS PER BUSHEL . 1 (irain, j \Vheat. ' Corn. Barley. Oats. (iraiu, Cts. per Bushel. Wheat. Corn. Barley. Oats. Cts. per 1 Bushel. Per 100 lbs. IVr 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. 1 Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. Cts. Hilrds. Cts. Hdrils. 1 Cts. Hilnls.! Cts. Hdrds. Cta. Hdrds. Cts. Hdrds. Cts. Hdrds. Cts. Hdrds. 2 3 H4 3 57 4 17 5 88 m 27 50 29 40 34 37 48 63 24 4 17 ' 4 47 5 21 7 35 17' 28 34 30 35 .35 41 50 00 5 (10 5 30 25 8 82 1-J 29 17 31 25 30 46 51 47 4 5 83 25 7 29 10 2!) 18 30 00 32 14 37 50 62 04 07 1 7 14 8 33 11 70 IHJ 80 83 33 03 38 64 54 41 4i 6 7 60 j 8 03 9 37 13 23 19 81 07 83 08 89 58 60 88 8 U 8 93 10 41 14 70 19i 32 50 34 82 40 02 57 35 5J 9 17 9 82 11 40 10 10 20 88 34 35 71 41 07 58 82 10 00 10 71 12 50 17 64 : 201 34 17 30 CO 42 71 00 20 S* 10 83 U 00 13 54 10 11 1 21 35 00 37 50 43 75 01 70 11 07 12 50 14 6'* 20 69 214 35 83 38 39 44 79 03 23 n 8 12 50 13 89 15 02 22 00 22 30 67 39 28 45 88 04 70 18 34 14 28 16 67 23 53 1 221 37 60 40 18 40 87 00 10 Sk 14 17 15 18 17 71 '.•5 00 1 28 8H 34 41 07 47 91 07 04 15 00 Hi 00 18 75 26 47 , 231 39 17 41 90 48 90 09 11 9i 15 83 11! 06 19 79 27 94 24 40 00 42 80 50 00 70 59 10 10 07 17 80 20 83 2!l 41 241 40 H8 43 75 51 04 72 00 ICi 17 no 18 75 21 87 30 88 25 41 07 44 04 52 08 73 63 U 18 34 10 04 22 91 82 35 25J 42 50 45 63 68 12 76 00 Hi 10 17 20 63 23 00 33 82 20 43 34 40 42 64 10 70 47 12 20 (10 21 42 26 00 35 29 201 44 17 47 32 55 20 77 94 12A 20 t<3 22 32 20 04 30 70 27 45 00 48 21 66 25 79 41 13 21 07 23 21 27 08 38 23 271 45 83 40 10 67 2'J 80 88 134 22 fiO 24 10 28 12 39 70 28 46 67 50 00 58 33 82 35 14 23 .•!4 25 00 28 10 41 10 281 47 60 50 89 59 37 83 82 14i 24 17 25 89 30 20 42 64 29 48 84 51 78 00 41 85 29 15 25 00 26 78 31 25 44 11 291 49 17 62 07 61 46 80 70 151 25 83 27 67 82 29 46 69 1 80 60 00 58 67 62 50 88 28 10 26 07 28 57 83 33 47 00 1 2 2 .' 2 ( 2 ! 3 .- 3 ( 3 i 4 4 : 4 (; 4 f r> 5 3 5 81 Rates in Pence, Sterling, and Cents, Gold, per Bushel ; and Equivalent Rate, in Cents, Gold, per 100 lbs., at 8 per Cent. Advance, with and without Primage. D. s 1 H 2 2J » 4 45 J^T^IIE^T I>ER BXJSHEL (GO ibb.) I'tr 100 11)9. Cents, Gold. 'v ^ |Ti ' § ^1 ^ 3 Pri S.S h •3 ic 1 il J= -c'E 8 5 is is (2 c. i 1 H 2 3 4 « 7 8 i s I C. IlU.f. C. HD8.! »• 1 83 87 ; '' 1 (!« 1 7o I 3J 1 2 f>0 2 03 (i 3 33 3 50 • "4 5 00 a 2.1 1 7 fl 07 7 00 i 7i 8 33 8 75 i 8 10 00 10 M 8i 11 (i« 12 25 13 33 14 00 9i lu 00 13 75 10 1 c. 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 1!) 20 Per 100 ll>g. Cents, Gold. d ^ is S3 O.S0 C. II DM. 10 (iU 18 .-ii 20 00 21 GU 23 33 25 00 2G U» 28 33 ■30 00 31 Oil 33 33 c. iins. 1 17 .50 1!) 25 21 00 22 75 24 .TO 20 25 28 00 1 2!l 75 31 .50 33 25 35 00 I'er lUO lbs. Cents, Gold. i>. 104 II llA 12' 124 13 134 14 144 15 I5i^ c. 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 2i( 30 31 C. IIIJS. 35 00 3U (Hi 38 33 40 00 41 (iU 43 33 45 00 4li Uli 48 33 50 00 51 OU is .1 «'. IIUS. .SO 75 1 .38 ,50 40 25 42 00 43 75 45 ,50 47 25 4!» 00 I M 75 52 50 j 54 2.) 1 1 ^ I>. IU i«4 17 17.\ 18 ISA III 1!I4 20 c. 32 33 34 35 311 37 38 .3!) 40 Per 100 Ibi. Cents, Gold, c. iiiw.l 53 33 ; .5.") 00 I 5(1 «o ! 58 33 ' «0 00 01 OU 03 33 I (l."i 00 I III! Uli u u s "■ Ml XT ' ('. IIUS. 511 00 57 75 ,■)!! M III 25 03 00 04 75 11(1 M 08 25 TO 00 In above calculations the Pound Skrliug is taken at 84.80 Gold Value. Rates Flour per Barrel, in Shillings and Pence, Sterling, and Equivalent Rate in Cents, Gold, with and without Primage, also per Ton of 2240 lbs., at 8 per Cent. Advance. FXjOTJTI. u ' -^^^1.3^ ;:^ =;=:r^.z.-.zrTr^ — s. Equal to in Cents, Gold, Equal to per Ton, ten & Equal to in Cents, Gold, Equal to per ton ten liarrols to 2,240 lbs. 1 per Hariel. barrels to 2,240 lbs. 8 per Barrel. £ 1 Shillings and Barrel. Without Primage. With 5 per cent. Primage Added. Without Primage. With 5 per cent. Primage Added. it Without Primage. With 5 per cent. Primage Addeil. Without Primage. With 5 pui cent. I'rimjigi' Added. ■1, d. c. c. h. 8. (1. 8. d. 8. d. e. c. b. 8. ii s. d. 3 on 6 30 2 6 •-' 74 5 1 38 144 no 57 6 60 44 6 12 12 00 5 3 6 1 44 151 20 60 03 ' 18 18 00 7 7 lOi 6 3 I 50 1.57 50 02 Ii 65 7 k 1 24 25 20 10 10 6 6 1 56 IliS 30 65 68 3" 2 48 .50 40 20 21 6 9 1 62 170 10 07 6 70 104 2 3 54 56 70 22 23 74 1 68 170 40 70 73 6 2 60 03 00 25 20 3 7 3 1 74 182 70 72 6 76 14 2 a 00 6!) 30 27 28 lOi 7 6 1 80 IS!) 00 75 78 9 3 72 75 00 .30 31 7 9 1 86 195 30 77 6 81 44 3 3 78 81 00 .32 6 :« 14 8 1 92 201 60 80 84 3 84 88 20 35 30 9 8 3 1 98 207 90 82 6 86 74 3 9 BO 04 .50 37 30 44 8 6 2 04 214 20 8i5 89 3 4 96 100 80 40 42 8 9 2 10 220 50 87 91 104 4 3 1 02 107 10 42 6 44 74 9 2 16 226 80 90 94 6 4 6 1 08 113 40 45 47 3 ' 9 3 2 22 233 10 i 92 Ii 97 14 4 1 14 119 70 47 40 104 2 28 239 40 ' 95 99 9 5 1 20 126 00 50 .52 ; 9 9 2 34 245 70 97 6 102 44 5 3 1 28 132 .30 52 55 U 10 2 40 2.-2 00 100 105 5 1 32 1.38 00 uu 57 « ' i 1 Estimated weight, 200 lbs.; actual weight, 216 lbs. 32 CUSTOMS WAREHOUSEING PORTS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. STATION. IIAILWAY. STATION. Aiiilii'ivtliui'K lianii' lUlll'Vlllu i;.j|iii llowiiiaiivillL' (ill DnrliiiKt"") lilurkvillc (•arilili;ll ('Ii.ith.'iiii I'liltMII ! r M.i-K (■c.|lMini;(l'"rtO)ll)onic) I Ciillponii: -ill Ciiiiiiiihf, (Jii. N'tliiiiiilM'i-ril ( '()ilillL,'\vonil I'c.iliwall li.Ai'i- (I'ort Dover) HuM.liiH iiiii:iivill(5 Koit Ki-ic Halt (Ianan(n|iu' (iO(K>l'icll (iui-lpli Ilaiiilltnn Iluiw (I'ort Hopi') Illlif'I'Soll Kint.-ariliiic- KiiiL'ston l.iii'lsay Canada SuiitlR'ni, NorthiTP anil N. \V MMIaiKl. (iniii'l Trunk. (ircat Wistcrn. anil Trunk. Northern ami N. \V. 1!. , tiranil Trunk. . (Ircnt Western. , llrand Trunk. . , (it. Wist, also Cr. , (ireat Western. , (irand Trunk. .IMidlunil. Valley, KAILWAY. (jrand Trunk. (it. Went. nlwiCan. .S'tli'ni. (ireat WeHtern. l/indon .Matilda (IrcK|uni8) .Morrialaii'i,'"' N'fwcaatlo Niii^am (Mkville ihUnwii Uviuid hunk. Offiu'ii ^t. L. and O. albO C, (J«e» .Sounil I- •■. "lid It. I'ariB <*'■"'" i'»"^- I'oMibroko Cannilnm I'acific. IVterliorouKli I.Midland. I'icton Il'' ••'■ <-'"■ I'ort Credit "'"'» " estern. I'reseott i( iruiul Trunk. iCnnada Southern. Grand Trunk. .1 , (it. West, also Wellnnd. Queenstown Sarnia ( I'oint Kdward) Sinieoe St. .Mary's St. Catliarines St. Thomas *■'• West, also Can. So. Stiatl'urd , (irand Trunk. Toronto Midland. Trenton firaud Trunk. 1 Walkertou (ireat Western. ; Whitliy .Midland. Windsor (ireat, Western. I Wooilstock iOraitd Trunk. I^RO'VIlSrCE OW QXJEBEO. STATION. RAILWAY. rnatieookc (irand Trunk. Mimtreal (,'neliee and for I'oint Levi I " Kictunoud ; " Kiinouski Intercolonial. St. .-Vrtnand Central N'eruiout. STATION. RAT-WAY. KSt. .lohua 1 .St. Hyaeiuthe [ Siieri)rooko |Sorel StiUistcad Tluee Rivers for IJoucet's Lamliii^ Grand Trunk. South Eastern. I'lissuinpsic. Graiul "Trunk. La\';i I=»IiO"V"I3SrOE O^" ITE'W" BRTJ]SrS"W"IOIC STATION. RAILWAY. STATION. RAILWAY. Ilathurst Intercolonial. (Janinbellton " Chatham " Dalhousio " llorelicster ' " Kreilerietou N. ]i. and C. Moueton Intercolonial. McAdani .Junction K. and X. A. Newcastle 'IntcrcoloniaL Sackville " .Shediiic \ St. Andrews iN. B. and C. St. .lolin Intercolonial. St. Stephen iN. B. and C. Su.ssex |Interoolonial. 1 Woodstock 'N. B. and C. I=EOVI3SrOE OF ITO-V-.A. SOOTTA STATION. RAILWAY. STATION. Amherst Intercolonial. .Vmiapolia W. &. A. .Antijjonish Halifax and C. B. Hridj(etown W. and A. Halifax Intercolonial. I Kentvillo W. and A. i Londonderry , Intercolonial. j Picton Truro liWindsor W. and A RAILWAY. •And •AuK •Itoll •Cas Des 1 M)ill( Aylm Itatl.. Helaii *Bcln liertli liucki *Caliii C.ilun Cha Desch •Duel Kast '1 (iatin (iram (ironi (iron( Hochi Hull, .loliet .Joliet Lac a Ladle 33 LIST OF STATIONS IN CANADA, &c., ON RAILWAYS CONNECTING WITH THE MIDLAND OR VIA THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Avcr's KlnU, T.Q. Ikiriiot, Vt. Iliu'toii, Vt. Hartuii Lnniliii);, Vt Binclford, Vt. (;nplcloii, I'.y. Covtiitry, Vt. Kly, Vt. Fniilco, Vt. l,il>l>v'a Mills, Lynimii, Vt. Lynilonvillo, Vt Fassumpsio Railroad. St. r.Q. Mii.HHawjppi, l\lj. Mclnilot's, Vt. Niiwliury, Vt. Ni'wiKirt, Vt. NurriH\ill(', Vt. Ndith llatli'y, l'.(;. Nditli TliftfoMi, Vt. Xurw lull, N't. I'liHMUiiipxie, Vt. I'dtnpanoiiHiU', Ct. llyujiiitc, Vt. St. .IcilniHliury, Vt. InlinBliury Cen- tii', Vt. Smith's Mills, I'.y. South Hiirt(Jii, Vt, South Nuwliury, Vt. Stiumtcad, I'.Q. StaiiBtfail .Ic, I'.Q, Thctfoiil, Vt. Wrlls Kivir, Vt. Went Ituikf, Vt. WhitoHivur.lcVt. liirvlitun, * Huhver, Cooki'liiii', •(iwil.l, International Railway. Mdlinvillf, Kolilu.suu or Bury, Lakt! Mckfdutic, .SeotHtown, '.MoLfod's I'rosKiU),', Spriiig Hill. *.Mars-l('n, Quebec Central Rail'way, Aauot, *Hii»i», Ui'aucc .Junctioi), Black Lake, Brou^'htuii, *Colc'raiiie, It'Isnali, Duiltiwi'll. (iarthliy, I^vku \\'t;LMion, "Kobeitson, St. Kri'duriu, St. .I(wph, Tlictfunt Mines, Tiing, Wteilon, "Wfstbury. Levis and Kennebec Railway. Conncutiii),' with Intercolonial Bailway at St. llcuri, and (iueliec Central Kailway at Ueaueu ,1 unction. 'Ilanianne, *St. Henri Village, .St. .Mary, .St. Anselnic, *.St. ttervais, Scott's. .St. Henedlne, Intercolonial Railway. For List of Stations, see Current Taritl'. Bouth-Eastern Railway. Aliereorn, P.Q. Brinliani, I'.Q. Brouic Corner, I'.Q. •Chanildy Basin, !'.(,» ClianiblyCanton.l'.Q Cowansvillc, V.i). Ilrunnuondville, I'.Q East Kandiain, I'.Q. Kicliforil, Vt. •Karnden, I'.Q. •Foster, l'.(^ (ilcn Sutton. I'.Q. Knowlton, I'.Q. Lavalh's Corner. I'.Q , Vt. I.ongui'uil. I'.Q. Mansonvillc. I'.IJ. .Maricville, I'.Q. Newport, \'t. Newport Centre North Troy, Vt. Uichelieu.'l'.Q. Kichford, Vt. Roxton Falls, I'.Q. St. Anjiele, I'.Q. .St. Bridget, I'.Q. St. David, I'. (J. St. (ierniain, I'.Q. St. (inillauiue, I'.Q. •St. Robert, I'.Q. •.Savage's Mills, r.Q. Sorel, I'.Q, •South Kci.xton, I'.Q. Sutton .)o., I'.(^ Sutton Flat, I'.Q. Sweetsburf,', I'.Q. WardiTi, I'.Q. Waterloo, I'.Q. West Bronie, I'.Q. West Farnhaui. I'.Q. Wiekhani, I'.Q. Vaniaska, !'.(.). Lake Champlain & St. Lawrence Junction Railway. Alibottstord, Ij'.AuL'c (iardien, .St. I'ie, llcdfonl, .Mystic, St. Simon, Farnham, St. tinilkuHue, Stanbridge. St. Ungues, Central Vermont Railroad. (Canadian Stations Oidy. ) *Aud>re Brook, •Angeline, •Uolton Forest, •Castle Brook. I>es Rivieres, •Dillonton, Craidiv, Magog, •Orford Lake, .St. Alexandre St. Ariuand, St. lirigide. ".South Stnkely, Stanbridge, Verselles, Waterloo, West Farnham. West Shetlord. Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental. .Ayhuer. Bati.ican, Bclair, •Belmont, Bertli'er, Buekinglmm, •Caban Ronde, Calumet, Champlain, l)escliand)ault, •Duchenc Mills, K.astTenipleton, (, (Iraudes Files, (Trenville, Crondines, Hochelagn, Hull, .loliette, .Joliette Junction, Lac a la Tortue, Laehevroticrc, Lachutc, Lauoraie, L'Ange tJartlien, L'As.somption River La Valtric Road, L'Kpiphanie, Loi'ctte, Louisville, Maskinonge, .Mile Kml," Moutcbelh), •North Nation Mills Ottawa, I'anincanvillc, I'onite an Client?, I'ointe du Lac, I'ortii'.'.if, Queb"c, Rockland. Ste. .Anne de la I'a rade, St. Auguatin, St. Bartlielcmi, St. Ba/ile, St. Cuthbcrt, .St. HciH'i de .Mas- coiichc, .St. Hennas, *St. .lanvier. St. .Jeanne de Neu- ville. (Font Rouge) St. .lerome. St. Martin Junction, St. Maurice, St. Philippe, Ste. I{ose, St. .Scholastitpie, Ste. 'J'lieresc. St. Vincent de Paul, .Sault aux ItecoUets. 'rerrebonne. Three Ku'crs, Thurso. Vamncliiche. St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway. Chaudiere Je., Ont., t Jloucester, Kemptville, Mancjtiek, Osgoode, Ott'iwa, Oxford, Saubourin's Siding. Spunc'jr\ille. Canadian Pacific Railway, Eastern Division. Almonte, •.\)ipleton, Arnprior, Ashton, •lleckwith. Bell's Corners, Bellamys, •liell's, •Itraeshle, •Ih'itaimia, liroekville, t-'arleton , I unction, •Castleford, •Clialk River, •Clark's, •Clcary's, .1.. Cobden, •Fairlicld, I'i'auktown, •( iraham's, •llovernment Itoail. (Jraml Trunk , Haleys, Irish Creek, Mellv's. .Mackii'S. •M..ia-sLake Ottawa, I'aki'uliam, I'endiroke, Perth, •Petewawa, •Pike Falls, •point .Mexandei Ri'ntrew, •l!u>.scirs. Sand I'oint, •Skeads, Smitli's Falls, •Snidden's, "Story's, Stitt-villc, "Walia Nurseries •Welsh's. •Weston's, •Wolford. Kingston and Pembroke Railway. Bedford, (ilenvale, Harrowsiuith, llartington. Hincidnlirooke Mississippi, Murvale, Ohien, Oro. Parham, Sharlnit I^ike, Verona. Prince Edward County Railway. Bloomlielil, •Carrying I'lace. Consecon, •Four Corners. Ilillicr, Picton, •Stiii-sou's Creek. Wellin/ton. Cobourg, Peterborough and Marmora Railway. I •Hultimore, •Braden's, Alma, Appin, Aylmer. •liaircl's, •Paptiste Cre Beachville, Bean)sville, lielle Ri\er, iielgrvive. Pdue Vale, Both well, Blythe, Brecon, BrueeticM, Bnrford, Branchton, Bronte, Brussels, Burlington, ' '^'yuiia, Clanileboye, Clilhn-d, CMiftou, Centralia, Chatham, Co|)etown, Corinth, Courtland, Darling Head Delhi. Diltz, Dorcliestei-. Drayton, Dunilas, •Dunkeld, IOast«ood, •Kkfrid, Flora. Fthcl, Ktobicoke, Kxcter, F--rgns, •Olanworth. (ilencoe. "llanun. Great 'Western (Joblcs, OcddstolH', (Jouaustown, (irimsby, ek. Hamilton, Harrisbnrg, Il.'uriston, llateldey. Harlcv, lieiis,all, llenfryn, Hcspeler, •llvde Park. Ildcrt.pu. Iiigi-rs(jll, •larvis, .lennete's Creek. .Ionian, Kitrwood, Kippeu. Kiiu'ariliue. Komoka. 'Lawrence. •Lewisville. Listowcll, Lougwood, Londcsborough. Lncknow, Silling, Lynileri, .M.'iuilauniin. Marshville, Merritton .Innction, Midillenn'ss, Mildmay. .Mimico, .Mnorclield. •Moulton. Mount Brydges, Mount Pleasant. Mount \'crnon. NcUes Corm-rs. Newbury, Newry, 'New Snruni, llarwoocl, "Snuimit. Railway. Nixiju, Norwich, Oakvillc, P.iislcy, I'almcrslon, Paynes, I'ctiolia, Pctii.lia .Innction, Piiikcrloti. Port Credit. Port Fl-iii. Port Stanley. l'll■^lou, Princeton. •Itcnton Rii'lcj. .St, Catharines. St, O.orge. St. Tliomas, Sin.coc. Southampton, Springfiird, Sti'vensville. .st'iny < 'reek, .stonv Point. Strathroy. .Suspension liridgf Thainesvillc, ■Th;nncs llicer, Tilsonlairg, ■'J'uriH'r's. Walkerton, •Waustead, WaterdoHii, Watfoid, * Waubnno, Westnnnstc-r, NVhitcchurdi, White'.s Windsor. Wingham, Winona, Wf)oilstock, Wyoming, Varmoutli. Welland Railway. -.Allanburgh, "Loop Line Junction St. Catharines. ■Allanlmrgb .le. Merritton, Thorold, 'Humberetone, Port Dnlhousic, WiiUand. Port Robinson, 'Flag Stations. FrciKhi must be Prepaid. 84 I I I 11 ii! ,11; LIST OF STATIONS IN CANADA, &c., (Continued.) Northern iind North-Western Railway. Grand Trunk Railway. .\llMll(lalr, .\MHt»ii, Aiiioni, .\ri>;ii». •All., 1 1.. V, Av.niiiK', ■llallsvillr, l!.nijr, i:.<'t<.M, ■i:..,t..i, Mill... I',r.l, niiiliiii:t"ii. CiLclciii KmU (',.|itii\illi-. ( 'itukstuwii, t ''tlliiiL'wou)!, l-nlHvll. * 'iK'ltrnliaiii, •(.■|Mi;^l(itll, ( 'i-iiiyvidc. ' 'neiiinre. "I'ilVrnpiU't. iMiiiti'Min, Kill. ^, ill'. Kni-i'tt, "Aul.iiiii, Am-. AitMll, "l;l,iii,l(ur.l. I'.f.iclivill,., I'..'liii..i.t, Mniiiiploii. •I'.irlt.iii. ( 'ntiksvillc, l'.'IIM|llil!|s\'i||l', "( 'lnirL-li\illi', '<'iiiii|iliiirsCn C'llcItl-llllUMI, I ■hiiivl.sKill.s •llixii', lll.llM- »t. 'i;iiiiii'it, i;illi.r.|. ■illiinliinl, (ilriHMirii. Iil>ii Ilium "llliii Will *4hi\iiiII. (irini'lihil) ll.iL'.r^villi, ll;nvk> ■lliL.llif. IIiiIIiiihI L -l;li\ is. Kiii^', l.ttioy, l,i»lf, 'L..iig!'onl, Mi'.'ilKi',!, Miltiiii. Mitit'ssing, Mcmki.k.'i Wl.iuf. Xfwiiiarkrt. X.'W l.i.u.'ll, *.\ott.iua. i.iiiiL; Dr.llia. I'algiaM', I'l'iH'taiigiiltilii'iiD, I'liit Miivip, l'lli'ln»t.MI, liirhli ,1 Hill, liivenlalu (luijricrly XliXol, 'Kyiiiai, Saliiiiiiiviili', 'Saiirin, Si ^i-ni. SrayiiiT, 'St. .\ii(i'h, Sicwaiton, ''riu:.')!, •riii.niliill, ■rii..iii|i«iiiiviiii', ', Tl.i.MilMiiy, 'r<.tti'iiliani, Victoria, \VM»liim". Wyivalf. XiiiiiiK'i'iimii, Credit Valley Railway. 'Ihiiiifi'ii'a, Druiiilii), I'diiKln.", 'Kilinui.tim, Klin, Kliaa. •Kuiksi.fCiv.lit, Kcrg.iH, lialt. "lintafra.xa, 11,'iiiiitsvillf. IlilM.iii-, 'Islington. liiiii-ikip, lll^'.'l'S..|l, l..;ii)i{.tun. Milt.iii, ".\lc'l!iie'.s Mia.liiHvalc, *,\l.lvillc, ()raiii:i-vi!It', I'alk.lalc, riitiiaiinillt', Kiv.nlalr, '.Sjiriiti^ticM, Stni't-sville, Sl-Ii.-iw, St. 'riioinas, "IVafaipir, •WiioUiiton, W'oijiUtdck. Toronto, O-rey and Bruce Railway. .\lt"ii, .Viiiaraiitli, .\llhitl, Ai'liii.'. li.TkL-l.'y,, ('liaili'.''tiMi. I'liatsHiirtli. Illll.ilalk. I-'lt'slllTtoIt, Kunlwii'h, Hiiriii', llarri.-ituii, IlllMlI'LT SuilUliit, Kiiiilwurtli, Klfiiilmrg, Laurel, l.iitlii'i', .Maik.lalc, .M.>n.> lloa.l, .M.iiint I'uivst, Di'iiiiguvillf, Owt'M Sijuinl, l-agc--, I'licuvilk', I'lUtdll,, Slic'Ilmini*, TL-f.-<\\-;ltcr, W'al'lcniar,, Wingharn Hoail, \\'.iuilliriti^'i', Wro.XL'ter. *.-\ir Ijih; C'rusHiiii.'. Alvinsliiii, Ainlii-iiitlmfy, .Mtciiliiri', '.AyliiHT Koa.l,, •Hnj;i|i'n, 'lii'ciokliuM, lilaik (.'irck, HriiHiibvillo, Uuxtiin, Cliaiiii),' C'i-09.s. Cliippeu'i. *CoIuIieater, Coniliei', • 'oniill, ('iiiiit right, Pi'iins (or Cayuna), *ri 1 .» ■^ " liflawaro, Duttdii, Canada Southern Railway. •Kkfri.l, K.ssu.\ Cuiitre, Kli'tc'liei', Hagirsvilk' .liiiRtion * Harwich. Highgate, 'lllWClOll, Ii.i.a, Kingsniill, *.Mt'll)(iuriio, Miiirkirk, Xiagara, Niagara Kails, *Nijigara Junction, Oil City, I'crry, I'ctrolia, I't. D.&L. H.Hy..Jc. *(^hicenstoii, Kiilgctown. Kdilucy, *St. Clair .lunction, .St. 'rho»na8, Shclilcii, *South\vol(I, S|iriiigHehl, Stcveusville, Su.spension liiidge, 'Taylor, Tilhury, Tilsonliurg, lunction, •'I'ownscnil, Villa \ova, Watcrfonl, nVchlon, NVcUanil .runction, *\Vcllanilj)ort, Winilham, Wooilslce. •Klaif .-lationi. FrciKht nia«t, bo Prepaid. Auburn, .Actonviilc, Aultuvilh', Alton \Vr.,t, .\il.ia Craig, An. laila. ArthahaHka, Antou, llryniit'a lioinl, lluthcl, lUrlin KaIN, McatticH, Hrdi)i|.ton KiilU, Hiitannia .Mills. lii'ldcil. Ik'acdiisticliI, llainsvilU', Hn.ckvilli', *llallaiit>nca, licllivillc, Ihi^htdii, liiiwni.'invillc, Itraiiijitdii, ItrcHlau, llcrlin, Blair, Itailcn lilackttcll, Ilull'ald, lilack Kdck, lic'rtic, lirantfonl. liulstrodc, ISright, IJurgt'.ssvilli', Itninttoril .)uncti()n *Brou«.scau's, Cunilicrlanil, Coatifddke, Con.pton, Cotcau, Cornwall, Cardinal, •Collin's Hay, Colh"rms Colioiirg, Carltdii, Canitachic. Chcstirlicld, Canlidd, •Cook'.s, Calcdunia, *Caiii8ville, Clinton, C. S. U. .Innetion, C'haudicre Curve, Cliaudierc, Craig's Koail, I leering, llanvillu, llixvillo, llaiily, Durval, Dutlin's Creek, I). & li. C. Crossing, Doon, I letroit Junction, I letroit, Dunville, IJrunibo, llnlilin, Knipire Road, Krneston, Erie, Falmouth, 'I'arron's Point, Krederickshurg, Fraser, Forrest, Freeman's Crossing, Fort Erie, Oilead, (iorliani, (iroveton, (iroveton Junction, fiananocjue, (iraftdii. (ieorgetdWIl, iHlelph, (lalt, < li.uiton. Ilmlerii'll, (Iralid I'igne, llainliurg, llaniiltun, lldllllesvilU', HnglicH, Heniniingt'ord, Island Tdnd, iruijiiois, 'Ililllisnn's, Kingston, Kiiigsly, Lcwiston Junction, I.eH'iston, Lock's Mills, Lake, i-enniixvillc, "IJsgar, U'ichine .lunction, Lachinc Hank, J..ancaster, l.Minsdd\vn, Liniehotise, London, Lucun, Listowel, Lystur, ■..jicadid, La,.olle, Laprairie, ''Lai)ig('onioru, .Mechanic's Falls, ".Milan, .Montreal, .Mille lioches, .Monislmrg, .Maitland, -Mallorytown, .Malton, Mosliorougli, Mordon's Crossing, .Milwaukee J nnction, Mitchell, -Mount Clemens, -Mill Rmk, .Mihertown, -Methafa Mills, Xcw Vork, North Vai mouth. New IJloncester, Norway, .\orth Stratford, Norton Mills, Najiance, Newtonville, Newcastle,, New Haven, Norwich, Oxford, OttJiwn, Osliawa, Ottcrville, Onondaga, I'ortland, Portland & R. Je. I'ownal, I'ointe Cl.aire, I'rescott Junction, I'ort Hope, Port Union, Park Hill, I'ort Colborne, Petersburg, Paris, Port Huron, Pontiac, Port Dover, Point Levi, I'dint St. Charles, I'r'vince Line, Kichly, "Rii'hnidnd, Itivieru Iteaudelte, Itiilean, "Kidgeway, Hiehwooil, Honico, lloehestcr, liiviere iln Loup, Kduse's Point, .Sontli Paria, •Shelbourne, Stirk, \V. ,S., "Stark, Summit, Shcrbrooke, South Hurhnm, St. Liborie, *.Ste. Rosalie, St. H,vacintlie, Ste. .AlaileliuL ■St. Ililaire, •St. Iiruno, St. Hubert, .St. Landiert, St. Anne, St. Iloininiquu, .Summerstown, ".Sidney, •Sniitlitield, Shakespeare, Shannonville, Seal boro .Innetion, Stratford Junction, Stratford, St. Paul's, St. Mary's, ■Sarnia, Smith's Creek. .Sebringville, Seaforth, Shelby. .St. .lohn's, St. Agapit, St. Julie, Somerset, •Stantold, Stottsville, .St. Henri, St. Constant, St. Isidore, St. Remi, ■JSt, Celestin, ".St. (Jregoire, Trenton, Toronto, Thorndale, Tavistock, Tavistock Junction, Tyendinnga, Upton, Valoisvillc, V'audreuil, West Paris, West Milan, West lietlicl, •Wenlock, Waterville, Windsor Mills, Wales, Whitby, Weston, Waterloo, Widdor, Waintleet, Woodward Ave, Washington, Woodstock, Warwick, \Valker's Cutting, Yarmouth, Yarmouth Junction, York. 85 LIST OF STATIONS UPON THE CHICAGO AND GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY MICHIGAN AIR LINE. &c. Chicago and Orand Trunk Railway. Aiimuoi'tli, Iiiil. Atticii, Mich. Itimcriift, Mii'li. Itiittli! C'lwk, Miuh. Ui'lluvui', .Miili. Hliiu Ulniid, III. Ciipau, .Mich, CiiHuopoliH, .Mich. Chiulottc, Mich. Chiciijju, III. Chicago Jc, Mich. Cliiiiiix, Mich, '(.'mpo, .Mich. Cniin's Point, Iiid. Dawson, Midi. Davison, .Mich. •Dodgevillf, Mich. •DulHcliI, Mich. Duntnd, Mich. Kdwardaliurg, Mich. Kllm, Mich, Kniiiict, .Midi. "Kisli Lake, Ind, Flint, .Midi. llmngci'H, Ind. ilaiiiiltdn, .Mich. HaHkcllx, Ind. Iiiihu <'ity, .Mich, 'Indian l.akc, .Mich, .lolict CnisHiiiir, Ind. KingHliury, linl. Ijipccr, Mich. I^nnsing, Midi. *I*c»))ni'g, Mich. Miu'cclliis, Mich. .Mayniird, Inil. •Milluta, Mich. .Mislmwuka, Ind. Morricc, Mich. Dliviit, Midi. *l'eiin, Mich •IViry, Mich. "I'inc Ijikc, .Mich. I'ottcivillc, .Mich. KaiiHiiiii, .Nlii'li. KcdiMdali'. Ind. •Ropcru, Mich. .Saiiliiini, .Mich. Schoiilcnift, Mich. ScottH, Mich. Scdicy, Ind. Shaftshiirg, Mich. Soiitli Hciid, Ind. South I,awn, 111. StillHcll, Ind. Tliointon .Ic., III. Union .Milln, Iml. Valpamiso, Ind. Vii^kslniry, Midi. Wakdcc," .Midi. Wdlahoro, Ind. Michigan Air Line District. Armada, Mich. •Aulmrii, .Mich. I'onti'ic, Mich. Rochester, Mich, lionico, Mich. ♦.Slielhy, Mich. •Wasliington, Midi. 'Flag Sitallans. Frelghl iiiinit. be Hropaid, ction, ting, notion, Detroit, Saginaw, and Bay City Railroad. Ami, (ioodiMun'h, Hay City, lluntci's (Vci'k, liucna Vista, Mctaincjia. t'l'i". MillingtoM. Carpenter's, MuiiK'cr's. Centre Line, Xorris, Coluinhiuville. Orion,' Ijenniark .Innctioii. Otter Lake, Kast .Sa>(iiiaw. Oxford. Five Jjike-, Ueesc, .SaKinaH ( ity. Stephens, 'riiunias, Ctiea, N'a.Hsar. Veenlliets. NN'ahjanieyn. \\"airen, Watruiisiille. Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway. Ada, Uerliii, Itiriningliani, Clarkston, Coopersville, t'orunna, DavialmrgI', Drayton Vlains, Fentoii, Ferryslmrgh, Fowler, (iaines, <lrand Haven, (■rand liapidn. O. H. Si I. .hinction. Holly, lolii.l, l.inileii, LuHdl, Mnir, Nnilie;i, Ovid. , OwosNo .Inru'tioii. I'ewanio, Royal O.ik, Saranae. St. .lohns, Shej>ards\ ille, Spnnu Lake, \ i-rnon, Waterford. Port Huron and North-Western Railway. Ainadore, Anderson, lirockway Center, Hrown Citj , Carsonville, Crosswell, Deckerville, Downing, Farr's, (irant Center, Jeddo, Kingsleys, .Marlctte, Mdvin, .Mindeii, Sand Keach. Midland Railway of Canada. Alphabetical Classification of Freight, EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED. I, 2, 3, 4 stand for First, Second, Third and Fourth Class, respectively ; 4-1, 3-1, D-i, i^^i stand for fou times First, three times First, double First and one and a half times First Class ; S. R., Special rate ■ I S K Live Stock rates ; L., Lumber rates articles. . _ --., SpL_ ^ , .,. ,, „ Articles not enumerated to be char^xd the same as similar or analo^^ous le charged as Smalls, unless the actual \veij,'ht, at the rate per 100 lbs. f^iven . Articles from one Consignor to different Consignees must be chari'ed for SMALLS.— All articles are to be in the Classification amounts to more. ^.^., v. v,..,...,^,,,,, ,., v,,iii;ii.iii ^.,oIlMgllees must ne cnarged lor I scparatcl)'. When small consignments of two or more p.ickages each under 100 lbs. are sent by one Consignor to one Consignee, their weights are to be added together, and the charge is to be at the highest class in which^any of them is placed, but no less charge is to be made than the rate for Smalls. First and Second Class goods must be charged as 20,000 lbs. Third Class rate, if the charge for actual weight at per 100 lbs. at l-'irst and Second Class r.ites e.\ceeds said Car Load rate and Ihird Class Freight must be charged as 20,000 lbs. Fourth Class rate, if the charge at weight at per 100 lbs. Third Class rate'e.xceeds said Car rate. CLASS A.— Charge 16,000 lbs. per car, .same figures in dollars as First Class rate per 100 lbs ; excess over 16,000 lbs. to be charged in proijortion. Light and Uulky Freight classified Class A, in car loads, must be charged one-third extra if loaded in large furniture cars. As cars capable of carrying 15 tons have lately been placed in use, it has been decitled that the rates on freight arc not in future to be quoted or charged by the car load, with the exception oi livestock, and such freight as hay, wool, uncompres.sed cotton, and excelsior when shipped in large tiuantities. When shippetl in snVall ciuantities, and all other freight must be charged at so much per 100 lbs. I-lourand analogous traffic in car loads, where the weight of the packages is definitely ascertained, ma\- be rated b\- the i)ackage. "^ Agents will please note that cars may ba loaded with any description of freight to the extent of 24,000 lbs. and they are requested to see that they arc loaded to their full capacitj All car freight loaded at Stations where there arc Track Scales must be weighed before the cars are forwarded ; and where there are no Track Scales, the freight, if not otherwise weighed, can be billed at estimated weights given in list of estimated weights, but the car must be labelled to and weighed at the first Weighing Station it reaches en route to destination, and notation in n// cases must be made on the W. K as follows :— " Car weighed at . . Gross . . lbs.. Tare . . lbs., Net . . lbs." This net weight is to be accepted by receiving Station, and if car has been underbillcd in wcitrht, Agent must at once ask sending Station for account W. B., as directed in Instructions. Narrow Kaage oars on the Toronto and Nipissing Division must continue to be loaded and charged for at weights as per regulations of the Toronto and \i])issing Railway, dated prior to 1st January, iiS,S2. Articles of Mixed Freight must not be charged at Car Load rates without special authority, but each de- scription weighed and charged as per Classification. All Articles marked at Oicmer's risk in this Classification must be so receipted for by Agents. Grain in bulk must ahvay.s be receipted for as " more or less." LUMBER. — When freight is classified to be charged Lumber rate in car load quantities, it is per car of 24,000 lbs. If the cars are loaded above that up to 26,000 lbs. ordinary car, or 30,000 Ib.s. fifteen ton car, the excess must be charged a proportionate rate. Flour, Grain, Live Stock or Lumber rate columns are given for car load quantities only ; they arc invariably ;i8 exclusive n( ( .irt.ij,'!', hut for S.ilt in barrels or hnj,'s, l'i^; nr Scrap Iron, Scccln in barrcJH or bags, Furniture, &c., ilic , tr> or frotn Stations whore c.irtaj^'c is |i 'rfortned l)y the ("oinpan)', Af^ents will acid the cartage rharjjcs to the rati's ^jiven in the Classification ill ai'corciaMcc with the terrn^ of the (ieneral Traflk' A(,'ei)t's Circulars, as issued from time to tnne Special attention is clirccted to those Artic:les in irked " not t.iken unless by special ajjrccinont." Ajjcnts Millet not (|ucite Kates upon such l''reij,'ht, but in iill dists refer |)arties to the (ieneral 'Iraffio Af,'ent. I',iu;ines, Machiiiei)', iin|)leinents or other Hulkv Articles, not exceeding,' i.'.cxx) lbs, too lar^e for an ordinary box i_,ir, and rei|iiiriiii,' ,i |)l,itioiiii car for'it, to be charged as jo,(kxi lbs. at Lumber rate. Al^ciUs must be i.ireful from whom the>' .iccept a guarantee of l-'rei^'ht charges, as they will be responsible for the Collection of the same in of loss. I'Vuit, \'cj,'etables, and other |)erishable freij,'ht must alw.ijs be prepaid ;ind released when consi^,'ncd throujjh '£ the L'niteil St.ites ; and alscj in Canada, between the 1st Uecember ami J 1st .March. .\ UIIITI';, (iiiieiii/ 7'r,ifli, .li;,iil. Cii:.\i:k.\i Oiiicis, I'i iKKiioumcii, {).\ i.vuici, | First Jaitiiaiy, /SSj. ) (ii:o. A. COX, Otntral Afiintiy:tr. Ale, AUspil Almol Almol Aluml Aluml Amml AnchI AnchJ Antic Anvill Apple! llUlf :iisl Apple! (iiiT Apple! For ll CL.V.S L. :{!• AI.I'WAUKTICAI. CLASSIFICAIION ol' rULKiin AHriCLK. Aoida niuil not Iw ukon (ur ihipinvnt l>y wnttr, un li'M liy ii|iai'|nl cniitrnrt. AcidH, lina tlinii 1.^ inilHiy*, (lirntr'n rink Aoidil, 1-^ curltoyi itriil npwnrtU, liwnrr'ii riik I Aoida, ill t'jtrliiiyii, nir limiU uf lint Ium tlinii '.'O.IHMI llii,, (hrn^r't l-ink Auratod Wutera, in kIau or •tone, Owmr't rink}, |ii-ti|iiiij Aeratud Waters, |l">ttlril|, in l><>x>ii (ji- liarmU,' ihn,.r'» i-i»k Aoratad Waters, in Wduil, any i|ui>ntity, (heiur't lid iif li'iiliiiKi' I Agricultural Implementa, tukcn nt uvufr'^ yt*k ill cur ImihU Inailt-<1 uml iiiiliia<It-<) liy uwiitTH. Svu fiii.t iiotu Affrioultural Implomentb, niii|>|.i'<i liy nuiuufau- turi-iH : In iiill iMr liKiilM.Niimo an 'I'm iirKI<iiir rate pi'i-cnrfif I'JOIilili.; Iiiiiilinx mill niiliuiiliii^> to bu ilmiu liy IIWIICIII. 1 WImn nil Hat I'arit ". A', at 'I'aiilT l.iiiiilitT inton,! V'4,(>IHi llm, ; t(i lie loaileil uinl tihluailL-il liy ii\\iit'r». Afirrioultiiral Implementa, ItM tlnui mr limiln,' at ftiriiir'i ri.ii:^ ad fullnwH : MiiwiiiK MacliiiieM iilii|i|ii.'>l in iijieen, iiiliial wil^lit Koa|iin^ Mai'liiiicH, \\ umls' Sulf Uakrr, •lii|i|iiMl in pluoL's, Hiiiall parts Imxi'il. autiinl weiijlit Marsh's llurvfutur, II.IMHI Dm Ciiiiiliiiii'il Miiwiiiu anil Krapinx Mnoliinei, iiliippod in piucfH, uctiml wiiiglit I'ut t(i((«tlii'r ro»(ly for operation, • , , , , . .J 5,H) |j„. ' ' loHiloil uml j ThrV-.hiiiK ' .Mu(liinr«. SiMiaratiir, ( , ""I'""'''' , M.IMIU It",,. I ''J' "»"'^^'"- j lliMKii I'uHem, Tread or Kmllcas L'liuin, '2 liorsea, •1,1100 ll.» I Imisi', H.tXHlfliil Otiiii iliHiriptiiiim, 10 llorau ;i,OnO tt>H. (I Hmm' I.liim lliM. 4 Hjiho I, '.'IK) \U. •J Horni' I.IHH)!!*. (Jrain lirill", actual weight (iaiif! I'lniifjlm Same n» I'IoukIih Kuiiniriw MacliinoH, AOOttw Hiiisu HakcH Ilui'so KakcH, in liit» of nix, actual weight ( irain t'luancm, "lOO ttw (iruin t^'riiHhcrs I iarilt'ii Kollcri* drain llrillK, l,(MK) Itw. uncli Knot ( 'utters anil I'ulpcrs Hay anil Straw Cnttirs, tly wlicel ilctncliud May anil Straw Cuttcra, liy wheel on I'liiu^hn, actual weight Alcohol inuat not he taken for Nhipnicnt liy water, unlcMH by Hpecial contract. Alcohol, in liarrels, Oiimc'i rid- of leukajje Alcohol, in liarrels, car loail.s iif not less than 2U,0UO Ills., f/iciii'r'.i ri.d- of lenkanc ' Ale, luuat be picpniil between Hecombor and .Slat! .March I Ale, in ({lasa or atone, Oinipr'n link Ale, (buttleil), aliippeil in boxes or barrels, Owni'/i ri-ik Ale, (bottleil), Hliippeil in boxes or b.'irrela, (iirnn-^n ritk, car loads of not less than 'JO.OOO Itis ] Ale, in wood in any ipiantity, Ownrr't risk of leakage. Allspice, in boxes or bags Almonds, in bags Almonds, in boxes, barrels or casks Alum, in barrehi, cask.-*, kegs or boxes Alum, in barrels, car loads of not less than 1!0,(H)0 lbs. Ammunition, (iovcrnnient 8eo Special TarifT. Anchors Anchors, in car loads of not less than •.•0,000 His Antimony, crude Anvils Apples, only carried at Owmr's ri'k of freezing, and be prepaid and ruleaaed 1st December to :ilst March Apples, in bags, boxes, or baskets, prepaid, at (hnirr's rink Apples, in barrels, under 50 barrels j (Vilao. 1)1 I 4 I ;i 4 Claaa A I U 1 I Aliriri.K, I Applaa, In b«rr»l<, ovnr ."iil and mulKr liNI barrrli Applea, In b«rr«l», omt Iini un.l undt-r llUt kumlii Applaa, in liarn l». car l.iudi nf 1,'Ul lurii'U uml ov.r. luntf r hair rates pur barrtl Apples, dried, in lianela Applea, dried, in barrela, ear loaiU nl not U'» than JO.lMiO Itta Arrow Root, in lania or Iwrrula AHbeatOM, in pnikuKca AHbeatOH, in cai liiada, '.'O.IMHI tin. anil over Aahea, Tot, I'eurl ami Sudu Ash Boilera and KettUm, large and heovy . . Aah BoilofB and Kettles, Uriie and heavy, cur hiada lil not lisa than ■.'ll,IKHI ll.« Aaphaltura Asphaltum, eur load« of not leat than 'JlMKH' «.», Axes, in hoxcH. bai mis or euakt Axea, ill liiixi». ,1 loadii of not less than •.'0,0»KI Un. Axle Oreaa*?, m bairclsi.r caskn Axle On'tt.17*), m hanela or caaka, ear load) of not leas thii J.I,0{HI Ilia Axlea, li' "r l,(iciimotlv» Axles, I' M, <Mt loads of not leas than 20,000 Iba. . , , Axles, L'airiuge or Waggon, wood Axles, < un iage or Waggon, car loads. See foot note, ( I,!,, A Bacon, hiuae or ill bags, liiriirr'i rink Bacon, loose, car Iliads of not leas than -JiMlOO Ilia., iiieiifi't riik as to ipuiiitity and weight Bucon, in boxes, barrela or casks Bacon, in lu.xea. barrels or casks, car loadi of not le»» than oo.OIKI Iba Baggage, .Military, carried on Government account, ,^ce Special 'rarilV. carried for (oivernmeiit. Baggacre, not Military I SeelliiusihoM Uimdx Bagging, car loads. See foot note ! ( Bags and Bagging, in bales or Imndlos ' Bags, 'sed ill transporting grain or vegetablea over, this lloiid. See Keturiicd lOiiipties. i Baking Po'wder Band Boxes Banu Boxes, in car hmda. See foot note i Bark, K.^'Mct of, in casks, "icin /•'» rid i f leakage, , Bark, Kxtract of. in casks, do., car loads if not leas thun I'O.CKM) Itis Bark, 'ranners Bark, 'ranners, ear loads, 24,000 lbs. See Lumber. Barley, I'earl and I'ot, in barrels or bags Barley, I'earl and I'ot. Lota of 2,(HH) lbs. or over, , Barley, in bulk, in car loads only. 21,000 It.s, TarilV (iraiii rates per 1(10 llis. Barilla Barrels, empty, prepaid Barrels, empty, now, in ear loads, 24,000 lbs., pre- paid , I, Barrels, empty, returned, prepaid, except oil barrels, ill any (|uaiitity, actual weight, aame rate as charged when full, but not lc.s,s Kourth Class. Barytes Baskets Baskets, in car loads. See foot note ( Bath Brick Bath Tubs, wood Bath Tubs, wood, carloads. See foot note. < Bath Tubs, tin Batting Bay Rum, in glass or stone, ihnii-r'it rid- Bay Rum, in wood Beans, green. See N'egetables Beans, dry, in barrels Beans, car loads, 24,000 Itis. Tariff (irain rates per HMI Itis. Bed Cords Bedding Sec Household (ioods. Bed Springs las- \ i-i las. ,A II I liate.. ;t 4-1 'lass A :i I 'lass \ |i I ;<•! Kor lat, 2nil, and Hid Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at bead of ChusiHcatioii. a. — Charge l(i,(X)0 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars as rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 10,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. 40 AI.I-IIAMI-.TICAI. CLASSII-ICATION OF FRKICIIT, 1 tf' 11 Mrni-i.i:. Boflstoftds, Ii"ii Jo ill liiiiiilli'S, in riiii«li ntntf Bedstead Stuff, •" ^'■'■"»- «"' •""' "»"■'■. ' .' : BedHteads, «iii|'|-l I'.v '/»■„,-,• -»■..<■ ..f iliMlini,' ;iii'l liliMk.i«i'. I 'nlllMM.II, ill « liitl'. llll'iiUc'l llo« II .■ l-nii.>liicl. Hill .sliittiil or tii'il tiiKi'tlur . ■■,■;•• •• K.Mni, i-.iivcil H":k nnlulKinitoly hiil.ilieil. I t'lass A I I) I Car W.vU. Si'.> f..(.t imtr (■'"'"•^ Beef fnsli, plipaid .•111.1 ivl.Mscil, ll,i-nn-^mk i do fri»li, >■."■ I"^"l» "f ""t I'*-* '!'•"' -"•"'" ""•; iiirifr'.^ rid; |iri>|iaiil himI irluasi'il Beef, "alti'il. ill biixi's, liai-rels (irfasks do Maltc'.l, ill liiixc'.H, liarifls m- wiskH, o'ar liiails nf ii„t 1,.^H than -JM !!•» I Beehives and Bee-houses, invp.ii.l I Beer, iM"»t l.i- iiri/pai.l 1st liweiiiluT t.i .'tut Miivcli. .1 do ill ylas" "■• utiiiiis liinirr'ti ihk do (liuttleill, iliippwl ill lioxes or liarreU, ()inin':< Beer ilinttlfil), »lii|ipi'il i" l"|'^i''< m- li"ii'fl». ""■"'■'•'•'■ :»/•, .'ar Inailx el net less tliaii 'Jd.nOII Beer, in wo.ul, in any ipiaiitity, i/iriii r'.^ W4- Beeswax Beets. Suu vi'^ctalilrs do ill I'.'i' Kiaila. .'^I'l- \oj;pt:ililc'.s Bellows Bells Belting, l-catiiiT 111' nibliiM- Bent Carriage Stuff, (except Imuvs) in ImuhIIus, luitinislit'il Bent Carriage Stuff, i" ear inada. .•<ef font note. Benzine or Benzole, in «.iwi only, omin'n ri-).: (Jo do in wooil only, ear loails, tiiniir'n li'l:. Tliis Kreiglit must not lie taken fcir sliipiiieiit liy water Berries, n"t ilrieo. in liaskets orliarrels, Uinifr'iir'ii'k; prepaiil anil ri'leJlseil Berries, ilriuil. in lioxe.s or liarrel.s ^ Billiard Tables, ii i\e.l, at omi. r'.< rid- Binders' Boards do Boards, in ear loads, not U™ than •JO.OOO II.S I Biscuits, in lioxes j do sliippeil liy inanufaeturer.s, j Bird Cages j Bitters, in >:lass, at tiirii'r'.i rid- ! Blacking | Black Lead | Blankets, in bales , Bleaching Salts or Powder, in barrels or casks. I Bleaching Salts or Powder, in bands, car] loads ol not less than l!0,(KIO lbs Blinds, Window, 4e I Blueing, in boxes Boats, l.'i fi^et and under to be cliarguil not less than' I In nil \ 1,000 lb,. ,iei(,'ht I CM^^^ 1 '20 feet and under to be charged not less I, i>re)uiil. \ than 1 ,,'iOO lbs. weight (Jver 20 feet not to be taken unless by special MV thority. j Boilers, over 'J.') feet long, to be leaded and iinloadcd by ihrjttr,^ Special agreement Boilers, ~'' feet and under, loaded ami unloaded by fhriti vA Boilers, by ear loads, loaded anil unloaded \>y Oirnn-». .S'je foot note Boiler Flues do Tubes, brass, copper or iron do Plates Bolsters, Feather. Hair, &c Bolster Plates Bone Black do Dust, in barrels or casks do Dust, in barrels or casks, car loads of not less than •JU,0(K) lbs Bones, in casks or sacks :i 4 I) I I :) 4 4 I (■ A 4-1 I Class A 3 IM Bones, m ea •J4,IMI0 lbs Mivici.i-:. sks or sacks, ear loads of not less than I HitKM. L. Rates 41 1 Bonnets, i'oxe.l Books, in Inindlf*. iin-uir'n rid- do ill I'oxes Boots, ill trunks do in tiunks, coiiHigned at Slii/i/if r'n rid- Boot Crimps Borax Bottles, empty, in crates or casks, well packed nirnt^r\^ rid- Bows, Carriage, in bundles Boxes, eliiptv, new, prepaid do empty, new, in ear loads, iHiOOO lbs., preimid L. Rates do empty, returned, preiiaid, in any ijuaiitity,' aetnal weight, same rate as charged when full, but' not less tlian Fourth Class. | Boxes, Waggon or Carriage j - Bran, in bags I -^ do ill lots of •_',000 IliB. or over do in bags or bulk, car loads of not less than il.OOO lbs. TariUliraiii rates per 100 lbs. Brandy, in glass or stone, at ihciier'-i W4- do in kegs, bjirreb'. or casks, ()u-in:rn rink. . . . Brass inaniifaetnred, not otherwise enumerated do ill sheets, rods, or rivets do oM do in ear loads of not less than 20,000 ttis Bread, (iirurr^ rid; jirepaid Bricks, Bricks, Fire. .'<eo Fire Hriirk ' Bricks, in car loads of not less than 24,000 Itis L. Rates Brick Machines j -^ Brick Machines, by ear loads. !Seo foot note I Class A Brimstone, in boxes or kegs I Brimstone, in casks or hhds I Brimstone, in car loads of not less than 20,000 ttis. I Bristles i Britannia Ware j Brooms do sbippeil by .Manufacturers [ do lioxed I 2 do in ear loads. See foot note ! Class A Broom Corn, pressed, in bales, Oirnir'n rink I Broom Corn, eai- loads of not less than 20,000 Itis. 4 Broom Handles, in bundles ' ,1 Broom Handles, in carloads. .See foot note. .. .] Class A Brushes, in boxes I I Buckets ' 1 Buckets, in car loads. See foot note ' Class A Buckwheat, in sacks or barrels | Buckwheat, in sacks or barrels, in lots of 2,000 lbs. or over Buckwheat, ear loads, 24,000 Itis. Tariff Groin rates pur 100 lbs Buffalo Robes, i" bales Buggies, Carriages, or Sleighs, crated, actual wciglit, Dinier'.i rink of chafing and breakage i Building Material (Joiner's Work), in cori loads at Tarili' Flour rates per car of 120 barrels I) I 1 I 3 I I I 3 4 I I 1)1 I 3 4 u 3-1 (exclusive of cartage Bulbs and Roots, well packed, Uwner't risk, pre- Pi'l Burial Cases, metallic Burial Cases, in nests Burlaps, in bales or bags Burning Fluid. •'<ee lienzine Burr stones, or block Butter, in crocks, jars, baskets, or pails, Dirner't riik Butter, in tirkins, kegs, or barrels Butter, in car loads of not less than 15,000 lbs Button Blue, in boxes Cabbage, in crates, bags, or barrels. .See Vegetables Cabbage, in car loads. See Vegetables. For 1st, 2ud, and 3id Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at head of Classification, CLAS.S A. — Charge 10,000 lbs. per car, same figures in ilollars as Ist class rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 16,000 lbs. to he charged in proportion. 41 AI.l'KAHI'TICAL CLASSIFICATION OF FRKIGIIT. MITICLE. Cabinet Orgrans. Sco Nlimicnl instiiimcnta. Cabinet Ware. .Sci' I'mnituru. Cables, Chain Caissons Calcined Plaster, in l>iiiicl» or bags Calcined Plaster, in car loa.ln of not less llmn •J4,0(ll) \U Calves. Sfi! l.ivu stock. I Canipheno, in wood only, i>irnrr'.i risk. This KieiKlitl nnist not In; taken to sliip liy watur uxci'pt liy spu- I'ial fontriu't ,' Camphor Gum Canada Plates Canary Seed, in iian-ds "• Candied Peel, in \m\i-s m hamU Candies, in lioxes or ham'l.s. ISi'f ConfictioniM-y. Candles, in hoxes Candles, in Iwxes. ear loails of not li'.is tlian iO.OUO Ihs Canes, in hundles Canned Fish or Fruit, in <«isls Canned Fish or Fruit, in oases, car loails tjf not less tlian ■M,m» IIps Cannon or Cannon BaU, if fiovcmment prop- city. Sii-' .^pi-i-ial 'I'aiiir. j Cannon or Cannon Ball, not (iovcrnnnnt prop-' •^'•ty Canoes. .Sto Hoats. Cans, inipty, oil or liijnid. Iiiiii'i'a ri.-l: Canvas, in rolls Caps and Hats, in easis Capstans Car Axles, iron Car Axles, in lar loails of not luss than '.'((.OOO Ihs. . Carboys, inipty, (nrnn-'n riA- Carboys, imply, ntunifd, (.inicr'i rid', prepaid. .Sue Ui-tni'iifd I'jiipties. Cardboard, in ea.sis Cards, in castH Carpets and Carpetingr, in hale.s Carpenters' Tools, in hoxes Carriages, hoxnl. aetual weight, (ini'i'H i-lnk. See V'lliieles Carriages, not l.oxed .See Vehiclee. Carriage Axles See Axles. Carriage Bows, in liundies Carriage Boxes Carriage Springs Carriage Thills, linished Carriage Thills, "nliinsliKd, in Imndlcs Carriage Thills, ear loads. See foot note Carriage Wheels and Running Gear Carrots, in urates, baskets, hags or barrels. Sec \'eget'ible« Carrots, in ear loads. Seo Vegetables Cars, Railway, on tlieirown wheels. Passenger Cai's, l.'n*. per mile, liox and Haggage t'ars, I'JJc. per nnle Platform (.'ars, He. )ier mile No less charge than .«S.n(). Hall- way Cars not taken on ("ompany's ears \inless by spi eial auri enn-iit. Car Springs, volnte, boxed Car Springs, ellipiie Car Springs, mliber, loose Car Springs, rnblier, boxed 1 Car Springs, ear loads ol not less than 'JO.OflO Itis. . I Carts, Unoeked down, actual weight Carts, knocked down, ear loads. .See foot note. ... I Carts, set np See Vehielcs. Car Wheels Car Wheels, car loads of not less than 20,000 llis. Casks, empty, new, prepaid CIlIM, I.. Kates I U .•1 I) I I I' I >) 3 4 I) I h I :t Class A I) i ;t ;t •2 :< 4 1 Class A ;< 4 1) I Casks, empty, new, ear toads, 24,000 ttis. , prepaid , . h. Hates AHTICLE. I Casks, empty, returned, prepaid. See Heturned empties Cassia, in bales, lings or boxes Castile Soap, in Imxes Cast Iron Grain Mills Castings, Iron, light, loose, or in Immlles Castings, Iron, light in Imxes or barrels Castings, Iron, lieavy, Ulll ll.s. or move to the piece. Castings, Iron, heavy, ear loads of not less than •JO.OOO Mis Castings, dressed, ready for nse, only taken at (iit'tti ri ri/ii' j Castings, old, broken See Iron Sernp.' Castor Oil, in tin. only taken when boxed, o,™.t'»' rish Castor Oil, in casks, (iifiiri-'a riik of leakage ' Castor Oil, in casks, car loads of not less than' •.;0.(HK) lbs., itmiir's mk of leakage ' Catechu, (Terra .laponiea) i Cattle See Live Stock.! Cattle Tails I Cattle Food !'!!..!! Cauldron Kettles, "ini./.s rW of breakage.. ..! Caustic Soda, in drums Cedar Posts, car loads of 24,000 ttis Cement, in barrels or bags do in barrels, car loads of not less tlian 24,0(HI lbs Chain Chain Pumps and Fixtures Chairs, shipped by manufactiinrs : Set up, linislied or iinliiiislied, iiinin-'n ri.ik of chaf- ing or breakage Knocked down in bundles or boxes Chair, Lounge and Sofa Frames Chair Stuff, in r.aigh, knocked down j Chairs, c.-me .seat or liiiir .seat, or rocking, Oini.rV rink of ■•lialiiig, actual weight Chairs, Common, all wood, om,, ;■■« ,;,</• of ehaiing, actual weiglit Chairs, car loads, (>ii'ii)r'.i /■ii'k <:( dialing or break- age. See loot note Chair Seats, in bundles Chairs, Iron, railroad Chairs, Iron, railroad, ear loads of not less tlian •Jd.llllll lbs Chalk, in boxes or casks Charcoal, in barrels Cheese, loose, (urn, r'.< /■;..<■ from all causes do in boxes, barrels, or casks do car loads of not less than l.'i.OOO Itis Cheese Presses do Safes do Setters Chewing Gum Chicory, in cases Chicory, in bags or barrels Children's Sleds, or Sleighs, Cabs, Wagons, entirely at <finhr'.-< ri^k Children's Sleds, or Sleighs, Cabs, Wagons, knijcked down ami packed in e.-ises Children's Sleds, or Sleighs, Cabs, Wagons, car loads. .See loot note Chimney Pots, earthenware, ijfrnii'i risk Chimney Pots, /inc Chinaware Chloride of Lime, in casks or bands Chocolate, i" eases Churns, wood and earthen Cider, must be prepaid 1 Dec. to 31 .March. do in glass or stone, fhrntr's risk. do (bottled), shipped in boxes or barrels, Oinirr's risk Cider, (bottled), shipped in boxes or barrels, (hrnir'n riA; cnr loails of not less than 20,000 llis 1 ChftA. I 2 4 1 2 2 I I! L. Hates 4 1>. Hates ;i I II I I I 3 .'M II I Class A 1 3 I 3 4 I 4 1 I I 2 3 41 1 Class A 11 I 1 3 I I) 1 I 3 4 For Ist, 2nil, and .'hil Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at bead of Classilication. Ci..\.ss A.— C'bargc 111,000 lbs. per car, same ligurcs in dollars as Ist class rate per IIX) lbs. ; excess over lli,0<M) lbs. to be charged in proportion. 4 2 AI.rilAHKTiLAI. CI.ASSIFICATIOX OF FREIGHT. ^''' A/rr/r/.i:. Cider, in vnu<\, in any i|iiiintily, iin-ii, ra r'lA- (jf Iciik- C/»« Cider Mills Cider Presses Cigars, cnly tnkcn wlicn liiisi's all' will ntr/ippi'd, or in I'.isi's I Cinnamon, m rases nr ij.iirs , Citron, m cases Clams, in sliills, O/iH. ,•'.« ri'k, )nT|)iiiil Clnms, in kii;« or I'an.s Clapboards Clapboards, ■ar loads. .See LniiilHT Clay, I'iic orotlii-r Clay, in car loads, ■.'(.(KH) ll.s Claw Bars Clocks, iioxcii, I Will ,■'.« /•;..■,!■ Clocks, lioxi'il, slii|i|u'd Ijy inaiiiifactnri'r.i Clock Weights I'o.ved Clothes Lines i 2 Clothes Pins, iioxf.l I •> Clothes Fins, mr louls. .Sw foot note ! A I) I 1 i I 1 3 4 J-. Hatis I) I I 1 Clothes Wringers Clover Hullers I Clover Seed, in bays or barrul.s ' Clover Seed, m liajjs ur liarrda, car loails of ncjt less' th:Ui L'U,()(HI ll.s I Cloves, iil c.iscs I Clove Stems ' Coal or Coak, in l.nik, cai' loails of not less than' •JI.IKKI Mrs Coal or Coke, in l.arrds Coal Facings Coal Oil, rclincd or otherwise Before isMiin;,' rcceii)t.s for shipments of Coal Oil. I relineil or otherwise. Agents will mark on them the| words " Al iiinir/.i rixk /nun jhv in linii.iil," imi(\ see that this remark is also lin the consi^jrniitnt I nis IS necessary, in (jnler that shippers will ipiite uiidcrstaiifl that wu cannot assume the lire risk cai .so dangerous an article. Coal Oil nmst not ho taken to be shipped by water unless hy special authority. Coal Oil or Petroleum, crude or k-\ . Coal Oil or Petroleum, crude oi' re- 1 ,",' "' ■ ' leakage 1) I l.'i 4 I I L. Kates 4 ;< lined, car loads of not less tfinn L'O.mKt lli Coal Tar, in hanels, Uin„i-\ ,U' of leakage Cob Mills Cocoa, in boxes Cocoa Nuts, in bags Cocoa Nuts, in boxes, barrels or casks Cocoa Nut Matting Codfish, in barrels, b.-igs, bales or boxes. Same as fish Coffee, in sacks Coffee, Kssence or Kxtraet of, in eases Coffee Mills CoflBns, metallic Coffins, in nests S. K. Coffins, wooden I r. , Coffins, woollen in nests i , Coffin stuff, in rough ■■'■'■■'...'.....'..'. .'.'.\ 3 Coffin stuff, car loads. .See foot note ! chss A ^°^^^ Same as Goal. Combs, in cases Confectionery, in cases Confectionery, shipped by manufacturers. ... Confectionery, shipped by manufacturers, car loads of L'0,(KK) lbs. or over Cooper's Flags ......!!.. Copperas, in cases Copper, in boxes or barrels Copper, old, in boxes or barrels Copper Ore, iu cases AltriCLE. Copper Ore, in cai' hjads of not less than 20,000 lbs. Copper Vessels, Pipe and Tubing Copper Vessels, in c.isks or boxes Copper, Jiig, plate sheet, bolt, wire, rivets anil bot- tiaiis Copying Presses Cordials, in cases Cordwood, not taken unless specially authnrizeil. Corks Corkwood Corkwood, ear loads. See foot note Corn, in sacks or barrels Corn in Bulk, car loads 24,000 It.s. Tariff Grain rates per 100 lbs. Corn Cutters, Planters, Sbellers Cornice Poles Corn Meal, in barrels or sauks Corn Meal, in barrels or sacks, 2,000 lbs. or over. Corn Meal, in barrels or sacks, car loads of 24,000 lbs. .Same as Fl-iur. Corn, Popped, in cases Cotton, ]ircsse(l. in bales, Owmr'n ri/it of tire Cotton, in bales, iiiimr'n rink of Hro, car loads of not less than 20,(KI0 lbs Cotton Goods, in bales Cotton, Domestic, manufactured Cotton, Domestic, ear loads of not less than 20.. (1(10 ll.s Cotton Waste, in bales or sacks, Umiir'n risk of Co\ i's Crackers, in boxes or barrels Crackers, in boxes or barrels, shipped by nuinufae- turers Cradles, Children's, (linnr'K r'wk Cradles. ( ir.iin See Grain Cradles, Cranberries, in boxes or barrels Cream Tartar, in cases Crockery 8ee fJarthcnwarc. Croquet Sets, in boxes Crow Bars Crucibles Cucumbers, in baskets, Oini'i-'i rM, prepaid Cultivators Cultivator Teeth, in bundles Currants, uot dried, in baskets or pails, entirely at (Iu-iiii-'k rixk, nnist be prepaid Currants, 'tried, in barrels. Currants, dried, in barrels, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Cushions, carriage or sleigh, must be boxed. These aitieles must not be receipted for as part of any vehicles forwarded by railway ' Cutlery, in cases Cutting Boxes, for hay. straw and stalk. . Dates, in mats or casks Deer, in carcase Deer Skins, pressed, in bales Demijohns, empty, at Oivmr'n rink, prepaid Ditching Machines Dog Powers Domestic Cotton Goods, in bales, sheetings, shirtings, tickings and denims CUlHt, 4 1 2 1 1 I 1 Class A .3 14 Dl 3 3-1 Domestic Cottons, car loads of not less than For 1st 2nd, and 3rd Class goods, in ear lo.ids"of 2o7oOO lbs., not gh^ Class A.-Charge l(i,000 lbs. per ear, s,une figures in dollars as Istelass Domestic Liquors, in wood Domestic Liquors, in wood, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Door Frames Door Frames, uu-iirr'.i rhk Door Farmes, in ear loads. Tariff Flour rates of 120 barrel per car exclusive of cartage. Doors Doors, Owmr't risk Dressed Hogs •.•'. i.!!.. .!....! ,3 above, see note at head of Classification. ~ rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 16,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. 1 14 2 1 3 Dl 1 14 I D 1 1 D 1 14 Dl 4 Dl I Kor Isl Cla.s,s I 48 ALl'iiAiiK riCAL CI.ASSIFICATIOX OF FkKIGIIT. AHTICLK. Vlami. AltTIVI.E. (7,1, Dressed Hogrs. i>i cm- \m>U uf not Ii'KS tlian I'O.OOO U.S. Dried Fruits, in liainls. nut otliurHinuinuniumttil. 'J Dried Fruits, in ImiTil!", nut utliLiwisevnumeratt'il, fill- luails iif not lesa tlian ■JD.iKK) llis | 4 DrU£rs. in ln'XL'H. lijiU'.-*, ki'^s, \'c., not otiierwise' t'niuniM-ati-<l I 1 Drugs, in liairc'ls or casks I VJ Drums, in casi'.i 4-1 Dry Goods, in buxta or lialua I Dry Goods, in trunks, entirely at Owm-r's risk- j 1)1 Duck, in lialua i 1 Dye stuffs, not othurwiso ('iiunn.'ratt'il 1 Dye 'Woods, in sticks or paukaKfs I •-' Dye "Woods, in lioxts or IniTuls ! .'t Dye "Woods, in lioxus ui- ItarreU, car loatla of nut k-.Hs than 'JO.OOD tl.» 4 Earth-Paints, Ochre, &C., in lianuls or casks. .1 ;f Earth Paints, Ochre, &c., m Ijarrda w casks, car loails ol not less than *Jl),()U(l Ihs i 4 Earthenware, in crates or casks, (timr'n r'lA- ' 'A Earthenware, in crates or casks, Oiniir'n rial; car loads ol not less tlian ■JU.OUO Ihs ! 4 Earthenware, loo.ic. only taken hy car load, •JO,0<H); Ihs., to he loadcfl and unloadeil hy uwni-r and en-; tirely at <hnti r.^ fit/: Edgings, .'^ee l.nndjer. Edge Tools : :i Eggs, in hoxes or harrcls. iiiiii'i-'h risk, releaseil ! ."i Eggs, in hoxis t,r harrels, Uicini\i rink, released, ear loads of ■.'l),(l(X) lh.s. auil | 4 Egg Cases [ :)-i Egg Cases, ear loads, 24 000 Ihs ' L. Hates Egg Cases, returned, iirejiaid. See Heturneil Knip' I L. ,S. IJ. Elni Bark, in hoxes or hales I Emery, in cases ! •_• Empties, of all sorts, new, prepaid or guaranteed .. .' II 1 Empties, of all sorts, new, ea; loails, '^4,000 Ihs.,' prepaid or guaranteed L. Hates Empties, of all sorts, returneil, i>i-upaid. .See He- turncil Ktnpties. Empties, Smalls, half rate, hut nut less than 35 eta. II carted Empty Oil Barrels returned must he charged an' cstitnated weight <if ().") Ihs each i I Empty Oil Barrels, car loads ! j^. s. H. Engines, Caloric 1 Engines, Lue.anotive, on their own, wheels, HOc. peri mile. .See note Locomotive Kiigilies. Engines, large, other than Locomotive, oidy takoni iiy special eontraet. .See note at head of (.'hiaaili- cation. Engines, I'ortahle Epsom Salts, in eases Essences, in cases Evaporators Excelsior, inhales. This Freight must not be taken lor shipment l»y watei- Extract of Bark, in casks or bairela, Hiriiir'n rink'. uf leakage Extract of Bark, in casks or harrels, car loads of not less than I'll.OOU Ihs ] Extracts, in eases, nut othei h ise enunierateil .... Fancy Goods, in cises Fancy Soap, in cases Fanning Mills. .See .Agilcultural implements. Fans, I'alni l.,eaf, in eases Farina, in casis Feathers, in hoxes Feather Beds Feather Pillows and Bolsters Felloes Felloes, in car Icjaila. Sec foot mite Class A Felt Roofing ,1 Felt Roofing, ear londa of not less than 'JO,(HM) ttis. 4 1 I 1 li I) I u .■i 4 l-i 'i 1 II I 1 41 II I II I ;i 4 2 4 L. Hates I I II I 1 :! I I) I 1 Clasa A ;< Fence Posts and Rails, car loads of 24,ooo ihs. L. Hates Fence Wire, harheil or otiier Pence Wire, do earloadsof-JO.OOO Ihs. and over Fenders and Fire Irons Fertilizers Fertilizers, car loads of nut less than •.>4,0(10 Iha Figs, in drums, (iirnrr'a riik Figs, in hoxes, barrels or casks Files, ill hoxes Findings, .Shoe ami Leather, in eases Fire Arms, < iovernment pro|>erty . . See Special Tarill' Fire Arms, nut utlnrwise enumeniteil Fire Brick or Clay Fire Brick or Clay, car loads of not less than . •-■'."»" »'* L, Hate: Fire Engines, hand ur steam, only taken hy special contract Fireworks Firkins, empty Sce Empths. Fi ihing Rods, in hundlea or cases Flt.h, canne.l See Canned Fish Fish, fresh, entirely at "ici.rV rixk. must U: prepaid, .illd released Fish, fresh, ear loads, <)ii-ii,.r\ rid; prejiaid and re- leased. .See foot note Fish, dried, salted or sniuked, in hags, boxes or bundles Fish, salted or pickled, in barrels, casks or kegs ;{ Fish, salteil or pickled, in barrels, casks ur kegs, car luails ol not less than 'JO, 000 Ihs 4 Fish Kits, empty See Empties. Flags, Cooper I i Flannel, in bales | Flat Irons, buxeil i .j Flax, ill boxes or hales, <liniirr'.t ritk uf tire | •_• Flax, ill boxes ur hales, Oini/'r'n rid- of lire, ear loads' of not less than •J4,000 It.s 4 Flax Seed, in bags or barrids ;) Flax Seed, in bags ur banids, car luails uf not les?| than •J4,00l) ttis. Tarill (irain rates |ier UK) lbs. . . ' Flax Seed Meal, in hags or barrels •_' Flax Seed Meal, in bags or barrels, car loads of not less than 'JO.OOO lbs 4 Floats See Lumber Flocks, in cases I Flour, ill paper bags, Piitirely at Hirmr'.^ /•/'.</■ •> Flour, in sacks or b.igs, (tinirr'.i ri.ik, wet and waste. :i Flour, ill sacks or hags, Owni'r'.i rid; in lots not less than 2,000 Ihs 4 Flour, ill bags or sacks, car loads of not less than 24.000 lbs. Tarill' (irain rates ))er 100 ttis Flour, in barrels ;i Flour, in barrels, in lots of not leas than 2,000 lbs. . . 4 Flour, in barrels, lots of not less than 120 barrels Tarill' Flour Hafe.i Flour Slate, in barrels H Flour Slate, car loads of not less than 24,000 lbs. . L. Kates Forks, in bundles 'J Forks, ill car loads. See foot note Class .A Fork Handles See Handles. Fowls, ill coops, <)inier\ riik Ill Fowls, in eoojis, ear loads of 20,000 His L. S. K. Fruits, canned .See Canned Fruits. Fruits, dried, not otherwise eniiinerated, in barrels or cases 2 Fruits, fresh, in baskets or pails, Owncr'i, rid; pre- paid 1 Fullera Earth, in eases 2 Furnaces I Furniture, in car loads, owners signing release and assuming all risk. See foot note Class A Furniture, car loads, owners signing release and as- suming all risk, in large Furniture Cars, one-third above rate for ordinary Cars For I at, 2nd, and Hrd Class goods, in ear loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at head of ClassiHcatiou. Class A. — Charge 10,000 lbs. per ear, same ligures in dollars us Istclaas rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 10,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. 44 ALI'IIAUKTICAL CLASSIFICATION 01- FREIGHT. MlTICI.i:. Furniture, I.<x» tlmn car loails aa follows : KiiH,ki-.i ilowii an.l tliw.'ly l>o«cil Sit u|i ami clnatly lioxuil ,■ Sut up, not Ijoxcd, uotisiynccl at ilviitrt rink' .• : S.t up, nut lioxcil. t\imi«imj > ritk Furniture, Slnpp,-,! I.v m.-inufactururH at (hnvrx risk lif rlialiii),' an. I blenkagi^ : Si.t up, luit Ipusucl ur ijialtiiil r....viil, matti'.l 01- pailileil Kuc.iki'il ilowu auil Ijuxt'd I'iiliiiinlii'il, niuHli SL't up • ■ ■ ■ I knockcil (Inwii auil lioxeil. . .j Furiiituru stock or stulV, knockial down.; ( al- Load.H ■'^cu above. Furs, in I'ulc-', Uut (.thcnvisc uuuimratcd ^ Fuse, SalVty and other I Galvanized Iron j Gambia j Gamboge, in cases Game, in li"X«vs oi' barrula, '/«■«. /■■.« rid; prepaid ... Garden Seats Garden Roots, in cases j Garden Seeds, in cases Gas Fixtures, in boxes, lianels or casks , Gas Pipe Gas Pipe, loads of not less than 'JO.OOO lbs Gas Retorts, n,vwrx rU- Gas Retorts, car loads of not less than 'JO.OOO tbs. . Gelatine, in boxes Ginger, in eases Ginger Ale ^'^<' •A'"' Ginseng Glass, eonnnon window, (iiriirr'-i i-iik Glass, liroken or in scraps, in boxes or in barrels. . . . Glass Plate, well lioxeil, Oivncr'a rink Glass Plate, a;;cnts must not receive large Casus ol I'late lilaas, or other packages which arc too bulky to be got iuto liox liars, without previously con trading with the shippers thereof the exact rate wliicli the Company w ill charge and the conditions upon which they are to be carried, {riz. rate, "owner's risk, &c.,") anil these conditions must be agreed to by the shippers thenjselvi s vritiinj Illicit till cvimijiiiiii III null iiii'l ricii/il nuli l/n Kiiiil liriii,^, before (Uir Agents leceivc such trcight for transportation. As a guide to Agents for arriving at a proper rate, remember, the Conijiany should not get LKSS than " Iambek 1!.*tk '' where a Cur has to be I'xelusively used for conveying a very bulky [lackage or packages, such as above refcired to. Glassware, in casks or crates, ijienrr'x risk Glassware, when sliipped by or to wholesale firms, iiivni r'" ri'k Glassware, iu casks or crates, (Jinifr'n rink, carloads of not less than ai,000 lbs Glauber Salts, in cases Gloves, in cases Gloves, leather, in eases Glue, in cases Government Ammunition Stores, &c. 'Sec Special Tarill'. Grain, in bags or barrels Grain, >lu 'lo lots of 2,000 lbs. or over. . . Grain in Bulk, not less than car loads of 400 bushels of (iO lbs. each, to bu Icjaded auil unloaded by and at risk of owner as to ipiautity. (!rain rates as per Tarill ' Grain Cradles, loo miles or less, lO cents each. Grain Cradles, over lOO miles, 20 cents each. Grain Cradles, over 200 miles, 35 cents each. Grain Cradles, over liOO miles, 50 cents each. No less charge than li.") cents. Grain Cleaners See Agricultuial Iniplemcnts, Grain Drills See Agricultural Implements. Grain Mills Granite See Marble. Grapes, in boxes or barrels, Utener'f ritk, prepaid . . . | Clnno. II 1 II I I- 1 I) I I :< I a a 1)1 I 3 1 I 1 1 1 :i 1 ,1 4 I I a u 1 AJtT/CLE. a I I) I H link, and must bu pre- ■i.ii from all Oraes Seed »^»n>« »» Clover Seed, Grates, omui-'i ri*k Gravel only by car loails of not leas than 24,000 It*, Grave Stones must not be accepted for carriage unless corjsigncd at Oiriirr' paid. Grave Stones, lettered, Ou-m-r's causes, prepaid Grave Stones, unUttcicd, Oii-mr'n riik from all causes, prepaid Grease, in barrels or boxes Grindstones, innin-'n mk of breakage Grindstones, Ou-iki-'i '«<■ of breakage, car loads of nut less than 20,000 It.s Groceries, mit otherwise enuuierated Guano, in boxes or barrels Guano, lar loads of not less than 24,000 lbs Gum Camphor, in cases Gum, Chewing, in cases Gum, not otherwise spociliod, iu cases Gun Barrels Gun Carriages Gun Caissons Gunny Gunny Bags, in bales Guns, Ciuvernment pioperty Sec Special Tariff. Guns, not (Jovcruuicnt property Gunpowder, taken oidy by special contract and under special regulations Particular attention is directed to the Instruc- tions as to Gunpowder. The l.iw requires kegs oi Gunpowder to lie packed in stiong boxes or casks, wliicli must bo well secured, and on each cask or box on both ends or on both sides, must be marked the word " I'uwder " iu large letters ; and no combus'tible nmterials nmst be used in the packing of the said box .'S or casks. The law also requires that no person whatever, liandling Gunpowder, shall' have on his person or clothes any lucifer matches or other s\d)stance of a dangerous or inttammable nature. Tin' law also requires that no packages of Gun- liuwder sludl be broken or opened nor powder removed therefrom whilst in transit ; and the packaL'cs must not be rolled or dragged along the earth "oi- Huor ; they must be very carefully baniUud. The law empowers any Revenue officer or any de]nity or deputies appointed under Section 138 of tlicAct, to enter at any reasonable hour any building or premises, where Gunpowder is stored 01- kept, or where he believes it to be, and to re- poit to the Treasury I)e|)artment any infraction of the law or of these regulations. The law declares tbat any person offending against any one of tliess regulations is liable to a line not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offence, conseijuently agents will refuse to receive or permit to be brought on the Company's premises any packages of Gunpowder otherwise than in accordance with the law. Common lilack Gunpowder, when authorized to be carried, and accouipanieil by a certilicate that it will not explode bv concussion, will be classitied and charged as follows : — In kegs, boxed, "i^ in magazines. Double First Class book Tariff rate. Subject to mininiums, as under : t;nder i'i miles 82.00 Over 25 and not exceeding 30 miles. . 2.50 Over 50 and not exceeding 75 miles... 3.50 Over 75 and not exceeding 100 miles. . . 4.25 Over 100 and not exceeding 1.50 miles. . . 5.00 And 50 cents extra for each additional 50 miles or part thereof. The mmimum charge r,iay be made up of two or more consignments, when loaded in the same car for the same station In kegs, Ijoxed, lot of 10,000 pounds or over. First Class Book Tariff' rates. Qun Stocks, finished, in bundles Gun Stocke, rough Clau. 1 L. Rates 3 ,. K;ites I 1 1 1 1 For 1st, 2nd, ami 3rd Class goods, in car loads of ?",000 lbs., not given above, see note at head of Classification. Class A. — Charge 10,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars as Istclass rate per 100 !bs. ; excess over 10,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. 4r. AI.IMIAHKTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF 1-RKIGHT. MtTICI.i:. ChiA*. AIITK'I.K. t'ltlMI. Gun Stocks, rmigli, car liwiils. see fcmt imte Cliiss A Gutta Percha Goods ' 1 Gypsum. See I'liister Hair, preMseil, in iKilea -J Hair, iMes»e.l, in \a\in, ear lij.iil* ;i Hair, in liairels or Hiieks 1 Hames, in cii»k.s 2 Haraes, loose i Hams, louse or in Iia^a, Oirni r\ rink I Hams, loose, ear loailn of not less than 20,00() Itjs., nirnrf'A rink ns to quantity anil wei^'iit -1 Hams, in luixes. Iiarrels or e.isks H Hams, in lioxes. llarrl•l^ oi- casks, ca'- loaiU of not less than 20,(1(11) ll.s 4 Handles, in humlles ;! Handles, in ear loail.i. See foot note ( 'lass A Hardware, in casks, not otherwise eininierutcil 'J Hardware, in avy .'i Harness, nc w, hoxed i do new, lo,jse I) I do ohi 1 Harrows '■ 1 .J Harvesters 1 .1 Hats and Caps, in h"Xcs hi Hats and Caps, siiipiiecl hy manufacturers 1 Hay, ill hales, only taken in ear loails 1.. S. H. Oirinr* rink of tire am] water. This freight nnist nrit he taktn to he slii[t|jcd hy water. j Hay Cutters. See AHrienltural Iniplcrjiciils I Hay Knives I Hay Presses, 2,(km) ii,s each I Headings. Sce Uimhcr Hemp, in liahs, thrill r'n rink of lire .ami water '.' Hemp Seed, in o.irrcls 2 Herrings See Kjsh. Hide Cuttings, in packages ;i Hides, ilry, loose I Hides, ilry, in hales 2 Hides, ear lo.nls of not less than 2(),(l()() Ihs ■( Hides, green, loose 2 Hides, urcen, lajokcil or in hunflli'S M Hides, ureru, in car loads of not less than 20,000 Itis. 4 Highwines, in wood, tlini' r'.i risk of leakage .'f Do., in wood, ear loails ol not less than 211,000 Ihs 4 Hinges, in boxes ! ;i Hearses, 'Spceial contract. i Hobby Horses 41 Hoes, in handles ! 1 Hoes, in ear loads. See foot note ; Class A Hogs, live See Live Stock. I do dressed See Dressed Hoi{3. | Hollow Ware, .it Owntr'n ritk 1 Hollow Ware, car loads. .See foot note ! Class .V Hominy , | '- Honey, in hoxes or kegs ! 1 do in hari-cls or casks i 2 Hoofs and Horns, in crates or hags ! 2 Hoofs and Horns, in car loads of not less than 24.000 Ills L, Hates Hooks, in hoxea Hoops, truss Hoops, Hoop Poles, Hop Poles, ear loads. See J.ninher. Hoops, Hoop Poles, Hop Poles, less tiian ear loads Hups, in hales or ho\cs do car loails. 20.000 Ihs. or over Horses See Live Stock. Horse Collars Horse Nails. See Nails Horse Hoes See .Agricultural Implements. Horse Power do. do. Horse Bakes do. do. Horse Shoes, in kegs or hoxes ;t Horse Shoes, loads of not h'ss than 20,00tl Ihs. 4 Hose, Leather, Hnhher, cjr other | Hose Cart or Reel, lated at I.OOO Ihs. each 1 Household Goods, hy car loads, owm rs signinj; release, prep li.l. .S|.e foot iiote Class A Household Goods, less than ear, owners si-niie,' 1,1. i-r, and piTpai,! 1 Household Goods, hwse furjiiture prepai.l |i i Household Goods, h'xid fmiiitare pii,paid , , i Household Good.S. chests prepaid. , I Household Goods, and Kmigrauts' .Moveahle Klleets, ineludnig Live Stock ilimn-'A rink. See toot IHjte Class .\ -Agents must hi all cases ohtain a releasi- from owner hefore receipting for househoKl goods, an 1 also a deposit of cash sullieieiit to co\ er freight charges thnaigh to .hstination. , Hub Blocks. See Lundier Hubs, Spokes, Fellows, Wagon Bows, in ear loads. See loot note Class .A Hubs, turned, unliuished ;i Hungarian Grass Seed, s^e clover Seeil Ice, noist he iirepaid. and owner signing releas". ... 1 Ice, must he prepaid, car loads of not less than 24.000 Ihs.. owners signing release (,. Kates Ice Boxes i India Rubbar, crude s India Rubber Goods, not othi'rwise enumerated. I India Rubber Car Springs. See Car Springs.. India Rubber Belting, Hose and Packing i Indigo, in eases 1 Ink, I'riiiters', in casks or harrehs 2 Ink, I'linters', in casks or harrcls, car loads of not than 20,0110 Ih- 4 Ink, Writing, in harrels or casks 2 Insulators 1 I Iron, har, hloom, holier, hand, holts, chairs, lish- plates. gaiv.ini/.ed, hoop, nuts, ore, pipes, rails, rivets, routing, sheet, washers, wire ;t Iron,, hloom, holier, hand, holts, chairs, fish- jilates, galvanized, hoop, nuts, ore, pipes, rails, rivets, rooting, sheet, washers, wire, i;ar loails of not less than 20,0(JO Ihs 4 Iron, holster plati!s, doors, facings, leneing, railing. shutters, sash, safes, screws o Iron, holster plates, door.s, facings, fencing, railing, shuttirs. sash, safes, screws, car loads of not less than 20,00(1 Ihs .( Iron Ore s. U , Iron, liig and scrap x Iron, pig nnd scrap, car loads of not less than 24,000 Ihs. iliriiir's rink as to ipiantity L. Hates Iron Castings. See Castings Isinglass, in eases 1 Ivory D I Ivory Black 1 Jack Screws ' 3 Japanned Ware 1 Joiners' Work, not otherwise enuineiated ) Joiners' Work, car loads. Tariir Flour Rate jier car of 120 hhls, exclusive of cartage Junk 2 Jute 2 Kettles, .Ash. large and heavy, iiinur'H risk 'j Kettles, Cauldron, 'hnirr'K ri-fk | Kegs, empty Sci' empties. Kerosene See Coal oil. Knees, Ship, excepting Taniarac See Lumher. Knees, Tamarac H Knees, 'ramarac, eai loads cf not less than 24,000 Ihs L, Rates Knitting Machines 1)1 Lacrosses 1 .J Ladders 1) 1 Lambs See Live Stock Lamps, well packed, Uwnrr'a rink I J i\ For Ut, 2iul, niiil Srd Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 Ihs., not Class A. — Charge 10,000 Ihs. per ear, same ligures in dollars as L given aI)ove, sce note at head of Classificitioii. it class rate per 100 Ihs. ; excess over l(i,0(H) Ihs. to he charged in piraportion. Hi ■llAliiniCAI. CI.ASSIFICATIOX OF I'RKIGIIT. .t/:ric /./■:. I Sco IMiitter Lampblack, in aisva Land Plaster Lantorns Lard, i" lilinl'lui-* j Lard, i" ["ila , i Lard, in imil-, Ina.U of iO.OOO lbs tuid ov«r i Lard, i" Imiiul* or tirrucH , Lard, i" i..'rr.l» "'■ 'i'''-'^^'''- '■''"■ '"'"'" "' ""' '''" """'| •.'(1,110(1 It.H j Lasts, looMi I Lasts, ill »i".'k8 j Lasts, ill lioxPB 1 Lasts, ill I'oxrs, rai- lca.1!. .if not Ic-sh than -JO,** Its, Laths, in I'll' loails ..St'f Luiiilicr, Laths, in biiiiill.s, lusstliaii cai loads Lnth Yarn,«i' ! Lead, liar, iiiy, slii'i-t, pipu I Lead, l^r. pin, 'lutt, pipu, c-ar loads of not less tliaii' •.'0,1(00 tlis I Lead, lilack. in Iwxus | Lead Rcil and White, in tins, packed in liarrfls or^ hoyshrads | Leather, locsn Leather, in humlks, rolls, hoxcs and halts Leather, in hiinillcs, roll? boxes and halts, car loads of ;,ot h-3s than '.'O.OUO ths Leather Belting or Hose | Leather Scraps, in iiaukagcs j Lemons, not Backed or in boxes I Lemons, sacked or id boxes Letter Presses ; Lightning Rods Lime or Lime Watar, in harreU Lime, car of not les.s than '.M.fXK) ths Lime Water, in barrels, car loads of not leas than •-'■», 000 ll.s Linseed and Linseed Meal. Same as Flax Seed. Liquorice, in boxes j Liquorice Paste, in boxes i Liquorice Paste, in boxes, ear loads of not less than 'JO.OOO lbs Liquorice Root Liquors, Domestic, in ke^s, barrels or casks, iliinrr'.i riil,- of leakage Liquors, Domestic, in kegs, barrels or casks, iiinipi-'x rial: of leakage, car loads of not less than ■JO.OOOtls Liquors, or Liquids, in bottles, hcII packed and boxed, (HnifrA ri<k } Liquors or Liquids, in demijohns, entirely at| Itviirr's rid- 1 Liquors or Liquids, in tins, only taken when se curely boxed Liquids, not otherwise enumerated, in barrels or casks Litharge Litharge, in car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs. . Lithographic Stones, owner n risk Live Stock w ill only be carrieil at Uinirr'n risk, to| be loaded, unloaded and fed by owner at his ex- pense, as follows : In car luails The owners or drovers will be taken free on the same train with their Live Stock, under the fol- lowing regulations : One. two, or three cars, one person. Four, tive, or six cars, two persons. Seven, eight, nine, or ten cars, three persons. Over ten ears in one lot, four per.sons. Keturn passes will not be given. In less tiian car loads, as follows ; One Horse, .Mule, or Horned Animal, 2,000 ths. Kaeli adilitioiial Animal in same car, l,riOO tbs. Hogs. Calves. Slicep, Lambs, actual weight, but not less than 200 tt)S cacli. Hull-Calves, under one year old, 1,000 Itis. Stfillions, Bulls, each 4,000 lbs. Kace Horses, each 4,000 tbs. Knee Horses, going to and from Races held un-l Ctnn*. 1 I) 1 1 2 4 3 4 li 1 2 4 ,S 2 3 4 2 3 I 4 1 » 1 1 1 3 L. Uates L. Rates 1 3 4 1 3 4 1 D 1 1 L. >S. R. Airr/c/.K. der Ihi' inaiiagenicnt of the Dominion Turf Associ ation, may be way-billid at tlio TarilV Katu fur ordinary llorwa, provideil the owners sign u » ritteii agreement as foUowH j "At owner's ri«k if daniago or loss arising from liny cause whatever." Tiiis must be written on tliu face o( the consign- ment note and the receipt. Nip li ss charge in any ease than .'iO cents, and the cljarge tor a part car of Live Stock in no case to exceeil 11 Live Stock rates. When double deck eais are furnished onu and a half Live Stock rates to be charged ; but the Com- pany do not undertake to jiiovide double deck cars. When shippers are allowcil to donblu deck cars at their oini risk fiml ..///. ».•<(', .*,"),(M) per car less than one and a half Live Stock rates to be charged. The Company will not be responsible for loss or injury happening or occasioned by unruly or vicious horses, cattle, swine or sheep, nor for Hceidents to tliesaiiio in loading, eariyiiig or unloailing i nor for any damages however c.-iuseil to Live .Stock or Animals transported or carried on tlieir railway or in their ears. Blood Animals, or .Animals deemed specially valuable will be carried only by special contract, Wlun Live Stock is delivered to owners, the Company's receipt for same must always be col- lected from owners or di'overs. Live Stock, when sbiiiped in less than car load i|U.(n'itit's must lie pie[iaid or elinrges guaranteed. Lobsters, fresh, in casks Lobsters, in tins .Sco Canned Goods Locomotive Axles See Axles. Locomotive Engines See Kngiues. Locomotive Kngines, whether Miillaiid Railway Company's property or the property of other owners, cannot be hauled over the .Midland Kail- way " dead, " unless accoiiipanieil by a person fully competent to take charge of them. Should an Fngiiie, not the property of the Mid- hinil Kailwiiy Company, bo tcndereil for transit over the .M. K., witliout such a re' son in charge, ourageiit will ajiply to the Locomotive Department of his district, which department will supply a projierly (pialitied man. and will instruct what charge is to be made for liis services ; this charge will Tie entered on the way-bill as " paid on " and charged in addition to oui Freight charges on the Kngine ; and the amount taken specially to debit in your Freight Balance Sheet as ** Loconiotiri' Di'imrliimil." When Owners of Locomotives send a person witli the property, authority for such person to travel in charge as far as it may go on the line ofj this Company, may be written across the face of the receipt, as in the case of men travelling in' charge of .Stock. The locomotive head-imarters on the dilTerent districts are as follows : — I'eti rborougli, I'ort Hope, T(Monto, Belleville, Whitby, Lindsay, Uxbridgo,! and Midland, j Locomotive Tires, Wheels Locomotive Tenders, by special agreement Logwood Extract Logwood, in packages Logwood, in stick Looking Glasses, well boxed, Oimer'a lisk Lumber will only b(^ carried by the Company at their convenience and nt the risk of the owuer, shippers furnishing their own stakes, and the fol- lowing articles must not be accepted for carriage unless when specialty authorized, viz. : Ties of all descriptions, and Cord W^ood. The term Lumber to include .Staves, Laths, Shingles, Clapboards, Bolts, ■" ■ - -•' •• "' 1- ■■ ' ■■ Hoop Float-, -„„---, -, (juoted ill Tariff Book arc for car loads of 24,000 lbs. ininiinuin. Wheninoieisloaded, tliocxcessupto 20,000 tbs. or 30,000 lbs. according to the descrip- tion of the car used, must be charged for at a proportionate rate to that given in Turilf Book for 24,000 lbs. Owners in all cases to load and unload cars, the Company reserving the right to unload include .Staves, Laths, Shingles, Clapboards, jlts, Kdgiiigs, Slabs, Shooks, Heads, Hoops, oop and Ho|) Foles, Bark, Rafting .Material, viz., oats. Oars, Traverses, Toggles, \\'ithes, Ratesj ClaM, 1 1 2 D 1 For 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Class goods, in loads of 20,000 lbs,, not given above, see note at head of Classilicatiou. Class A.— Charge 10,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars as Ist class rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 10,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. 47 ALPHAHKTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF FRKIGIIT. AHTICLE. ClaiM. I nil cars nn<l clmr^c Con»i{jnue.<) with the oxpciiHe. Whtii the freight caiiiKit l)u cunvenieiitly wiiyhcd, I the mmiititicH xhiiwii nt the cml of claHttiKcatidii.' will ho cimsiilereil a car load of 'it.CHM) llis. Shippora are riM|iiireil to fnrni»li a tcrtiticato of the miiiiber of feet, ile-scriliirig the kiml ami Gener- al iliinensioiiH loadeil on eaeh ear. If Ijumoer in nliiiiped in the log, anil the diinenHionx are uiven in Uoard MeaMnr'e for the actual nuiiihcr of feet that ean he cut Iruni the logn. Agents must nut allow more than ;i,(HK) fert for a car load. If ears are uvifrloailed the exti-a weight will Imj eharged Third ChiHS rates, and deliveiy »ill only he niailc of the quantity speciHed on the Consignment Note, the exeess i|uantity loatleil on the t.-ars being retained until the Company's charges for freight ami ilaniage are settled. The measurement of the' Company's Surveyor in all eases to be final. i Lumber, in lets of ,'>,0(K) lis. and over Macaroni, i» hoxes Machine or Cattle Cards Machinery, hoxed at iiwin r'n risk Machinery, in frame, light and Imlky, (linin-'H rink Machinery, heavy Machinery, ear loads. .See foot uoto i Madder, i" cases Madder, invcasks Ma^razineS, empty, used in transporting (iunpowder, ret\irned Mahogany Boards, plank or veneering Mahc^any Log's j Malt, in bags ' Malt, in hags, L'.CtOU lbs. ami over. . Malt, car loads of 24,000 ttis. Tariff (irain Kates. ! Manilla Hemp and Ropo Manilla Hemp and Rope, car loads. .See foot note Manure See (Juauo. Maple Sugar, in boxes, nmi, r's risk Maple Sugar, in boxes, car loads of not less than •JO.OOO lbs Marble, Lettered, (Iwner'n rink, prepai<l Marble, wrought or finished, Uinier'n ritk Marble Slabs or Blocks, unwrought Marble Slabs or Blocks, unwrought, and ship- ))eil by tlealers in small lots Marble Slabs or Blocks, ear loads of not less timn '.'0,000 Ihs Marble Dust, i" boxes or barrrels Masts, ship, not taken unless specially a thorized. Matches, Kriction, only taken at the option and convenience of the Company Matches, Friction, 20 boxes or over, actual weight. Matches, shipped by Manufacturers or Wholesale (Irocer Matches, Friction, when shipped iu car loads. See foot note Match Splints Match Splints, car loads. Sec foot note Mats Matting Mattresses Meal, Oat, or Corn, iu bags or barrels . . Same as Flour. Measures Meats, fresh. Owner's risk, prepaid Meats, salted or dried, loose or in bags Meats, salted or dried, loose or iu bags, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Meats, salted or dried, in boxes, barrels or casks Meats, salted or dried, in boxes, barrels or rasks, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Mechanics' Tools, in boxes — Medicines, in boxes, owner's ritk Melons, Owner'a risk, prepaid .... Merchandise, packed in trunks, consigned at Owner's risk Merchandise, packed in trunks ARTICLE. Class. 4 1 u I u 2 Class A ,1 H 4 » 3 4 Class A 1 D 1 1 1 Class A 2 Class A I 1 1) 1 u 1 1 3 3 4 1 1 I I V 1 1 1 I I II I ;t 4 1 I li V I 1 2 Milk, in cans entirely at (linter'a risk, prepaid, by special agreement only. 1 Milk, condensed, in can> ."j Mill Boards ,See Binders' Hoards. Millett Same >• Clover Seed. Mill Dogs I MiU Peed See Bran, Millinery, in cases [> | Mill Stones, tinished a Mill stones, rough -j Mills, hark MUls, cob Mills, iron, grain Mills, portJible, burr atone Mineral Water See Aerate.l Waters. Models, for statuary, Stucco woik, Ac Molasses, in barrels or hhda.. Owner's risk of leakage Molasses, in barrels orhhds., iiwner's risk, car loads of not less than 20,000 Itis Mop Sticks Mop Handles .See Handles. MOSB, pressed, in bales or boxes Moss, in sacks Mouldings Mouldings, Owner's risk Mouldings, boxed, Ownt-r's )(4- Moulds Mo-wing Machines. Sec Agricultural Implements Mules Sec Live Stock. Musical Instruments, boxed, Owner's risk Musical Instruments, boxed. Owner's risk, car loads 10,000 ll.s Muskets, (■ovei;inient property. See Special Tarili. Muskets, not (iovernment property Mustard , in boxes Mustiir ■ Seed, in boxes .^tu*-+ \. See Meats ! N' .iij, in bags Nails, in boxes or kegs Nails, in hoxes or kegs, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Nail Bods Naphtha. See Benzine Neck Yokes Nitrate of Soda, in boxes Nitro-Qlycerine will not be received for transport under any circumstances whatever. Nutmegs, in boxes or barrels Nuts, edible, in bags Nuts, edible, in boxes, barrels or casks Nuts, iron Oakum Oars Oars, iu car loads, see foot note Class Oatmeal. Same as Flour Oats. See Uraiu Ochre, in cases Oil, in glass or stone, well packed, at Owner's risk. . . Oil, in kegs or cans, not taken unless securely boxed, Owner's risk of leakage Oils, (except Coal or Mineral Oils) in wood Oils, i" wood, car loads of not lees than 20,000 lbs. . Oil Cake or Meal, iu barrels or bags Oil Cake or Meal, in car loads of not less than 20,000 nis Oil Cloth, in rolls or bales Oil Cloth, too long to get into Box Cars, can only be taken by special agreement. Oil Soap, in boxes Old Braes. See Brass Old Canvas or Rope, for paper stock Old Copper. See Copper Old Iron. See Iron ! irgod in proportion. For 1st, 2nd, and 3r<l Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at bead of Classification. A.— Charge 10,000 lbs. per cor, same figures in dollars as Ist class rate per 100 lbs. j excess over 16,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. »h AI,l'II.\Iii:'H(AI. CLASSIFICATION OF FREIGHT. Mrrici.i:. CtliHA, Omnibuaes. Sif Vehicles i Onions, Hec VegcUlilo*. Oninges, lu suckn or boxes, ihrii,/^ rUk ' Orani^es, I'lir hmiU. See foot note (,'ln«» A Orsrims. Ni'e Mii»iial Instrmiient». ! Ornnments, I'lasterof Tarin, Himfr'n (il liienk- ;m Ox Yokes and Bows Ovens Oysters, in nliell, ftirnrri rini'. pi'epaid Oysters, in ki^jn or e.iiis. JSec Ciniieil Fish. Oziers, in boxes, linleu or humlh's Pdils, in ne^ts Pails, Ciii" I<»ails. .*>ee foot noto ! Cinsn .A Paintings, (I'.-mr't ii»k j .'M Paints, Iviith, ill l)oxes, Ac I '.' Paints, lOii'th, ill boxes, Ac.-., car loads of not Icssi tli.iii '.'((.(KHI !t,s \ -l Paints, dry or in oil i -J Palm Leaf I Pamphlets, .^^ee liooks Panoramas and Theatrical Scenery I> i do iioxed ' '.' do not boxed I 1 do Goods, such ns ('oll:irs, &e., in boxes I Paper Hanging, in bundles I I Paper Hanging, in boxes ' i.> Paper, I'nnting I -i do rrinlin;,', (iirmr^ riik of cbaling, shipped by nmniif.-ictiirers .'I Paper, \Viapi>inj; and rooling ' 3 Paper Scraps or Shaving, in sacks or bales, . . i - Paper Scraps or Shaving, car loads. .See foot Class A 4 U 1 Paper, car loads of not less tliiui 'JO.iiOO ttis Papier Mache Goods Parsnips, JSec Vegetables. Pasteboard Pasteboard, ear loads. See foot note j dagj \ Patterns 1 1 Peaches, diieil, in boxes or b.irrela o Peaches, fresh, ilmii )•'« nuk, piepaid I i Pearl Ash See Ashes. ' Pearl Barley Sec Barley Pears, fresh, ilmirr'.^ riik, prepaid Peas, green, prejiaid Peas, dried ur split, in barrels or boxes Peas, dried or split, in lots of '.',000 lbs. or over j Peas, drieil or split, ear loads of '^4,000 lbs. Tariff] (.iraiii rates. i Peat, only in full car loads of not less tliaii 24,0UO His, Peltries, furs | 'j^ L. Rates Pelts, slieep, loose Pelts, slieep, in bales Pelts, sheep, ear loads of not less than iO,000 Itis. . . Pencils, Leail, in boxes Pencils, .Slate, in boxes Pepper, in boxes and bags Pepper Sauce, in cases Percussion Caps, Hoverninent property. ,See Special 'I'ariir. Percussion Caps, not (iovernment pro|ieity Perfumery, in cases Per^'y ^.' .'.'.' .See Cider! Pianofortes See Musical Instruments. Pickles, in glass or st(jne, well packed, '/«■)» ;'a rid: Pickles, in kegs, barrels or casks Pictures, ""•«./•■,« risk Picture Frames, Vwner'a rid- r d 1 Pigs, boxed, actual weight, but not less than 50 cents' each I Pigs Feet, in barrels or caiks 3 I 15 D 1 Mirir'i.i:. Piles . . Sec Lumber. Pillows, Kealher, Hair, &c Pimento, in boxes ur barrels Pine Apples, iiwinr'a ri»k, prepaid Pins, toib't Pipe Clay Pipes, iron do Drain, (earth) do Drain, car loads of 24,000 tbs. . . do wooden do smoking, in cases Pitch, in barrels, Uwin r't rink u{ leakage. Planing Machines Plaster of Paris, in barrels .See Iron, Plaster of Paris, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs .,, I Plaster of Paris, casts, models, omamenta, Oum-\ t's ligkt prepaid t Plaster, calcined, crude, or ground, in barrels , Plaster calcined, crude, or grounil, in barrels, car' buid.s of not less than 24,000 lbs I Plated Goods or Ware I Plate Glass ,See Glass. Ploughs. See .Agricultural Implcinenta I Plough Castings j do Handles. See Handles ; do Beams, rough do Beams, car loads of not loss than 24,000 lbs Plums, fresh, nirrii r's mk, prepaid Plums, dricil, in boxes or barrels Pop Corn j Porcelain, ihnnr'x rink I Pork. See Meats ...'..'.' i Portable Mills, burr stones ' Portable Engines ' Porter. See Ale I Potash. See Ashes 'I Potatoes, sweet, in bags or boxes Potatoes. See Vegetables Potato Hooks and Diggers Poudrette, in bags Poultry, dressed, in boxes or barrels, Uirnrr'a riak. prep.lid Poultry, live, in coops or boxes, Owiicr'n ritk, pre- paid ^ Poultry, in coops, car loads Powder. .Sce (luupowiler Preserves, in glass or stone, well packed, Oioner'a ri-ik Preserves, in cans. See Canned Fruit I Presses, Cojiyiug, cheese. Cider, Printing Printing Paper, owner's risk of chafing, shipped by in.'inufacturers Provisions. See Meats Prunes, in bottles cr jars. Owner's risk, well packed do in barrels or casks do in barrels or casks, car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Pumice Stone Pumps, at Owtifr's risk Putty, in barrels or boxes Quicksilver, in iron flasks Quills, in boxes Quinces, in boxes. Owner's risk, prepaid 1 Rags, in sacks or crates. Owner's risk from all couses.i Bags, pressed in bales. Owner's risk of fire | Bags, pressed in bales, Owner's risk of fire, car loads' of not less than 20,000 !t)8 Rag Sacks, empty Railroad Chairs, Pins, Axles, or Spikes Railroad Chairs, Pine, Axles, or Spikes, car, loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Railroad Ties, not taken unless specially authorized Raisins, in boxes, not strapped Raisins, in boxes, strapped CIttss. I I I 1 ,1 3 L. Rates 1 1 3 I D 1 4 L. Rates 3 L. Kates 1 •2 1 IJ 1 1 D-1, L. S. R. For 1st, 2nd, 1 2 4 1 1 3 1 D 1 1 2 3 4 • 2 3 and .-ird Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not CLASS A.-Cl.arge 16,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollai-s'as Istclass above, see note at head of Classification. ' rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 16.000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. m ALPHAUKTICAL CLASSIFICATION OF FRKIGIIT. ARTICLE. Cta»». Rakea, Hand | RakeSi lluise. See Agricultural ImplumenU ' Rake Teeth. Iron or Steel, in bundloa ' Rape Seed See Soedt. Rattan ! Reapers Sec Agricultural Implomenta, ! Reaper and Mower Knives Red Lead, in buxca or kc'ga ! Reeds RefHgerators Resin or Rosin, in \mw» or barrels I Retorts, <ius or iron Retorts, car londa of not Icaa than 20,000 Itia Retorts, hjirtlion Retorts, K.irtlion, car loada ' Class A Retorts, Olass, Oumer'n rink Returned Empties, in any quantity, other than bags, to bu cnarge(l actual weight, same rate as when full, but not less than Fourth Class. i Ribbons, in boxes Rice, in sacks or barrels Rice, in sacks or barrels, car loads of not less than ■20,000 11.3 , Riddles i Rifles, Government property See Special Tariff. Rifles, not (iovernment property j Rigeringf Rivets, brass See llrass.l Rivets, copper Sue Cupper.l Rivets, iron Sue Iron. Road Scrapers See Scrapers, Rollingr Pins, wooden ware Rooflngr Composition, in barrels or casks Rooflngr, Pelt or Paper 1 3 4 V MiriCLE. Rooflngr, Pelt or Paper, car loads of not less than •JO,000 lbs ] Root Cutters and Slicers Roots, Oardun See ( Jarden Roots. Roots, other than esculent, not otherwise enumerated, well packeil, prepaid Rope Rope, car loads of not less than 20,000 Itis | 4 Rosewood 1 2 Rubber, crude ! 3 Rubber Qoods | 1 Rubber Car Springs Suu Car Springs. ^ Rubber Belting, Hose and Packing j 1 Rugs, in bales j 1 Rum, in glass or stone, packed, (Jwmr'n r'lA- 1 Bum, in wood, Dianr'n rink of leakage I 3 Rum, in wood, Owmr\ riiik of leakage, car loads ofi nut less tlian 20,000 lbs | 4 Bushes I Rustic Work, Omm-'s rifk 1 Bye See Cirain.l Sacks, rag or wool I Saddles 1 Saddlery Hardware, not otherwise enumerated . . I 2 Saddle Trees \ 1 Sad Irons 2 Safes, kitchen 1 Safes, iron 2 Safes, car loads of not leas than 20.000 lbs.. Oiriicr's ri«k of breakage 4 Safes, cheese, meat. &e 4-1 Saleratus or Sal-Soda, in boxes 2 Salt, in small bags, bottles or boxes 2 Salt, in sacks or barrels 3 Salt, in sacks or barrels, car loads of not Icsa than 24,000 fts I L. Rates Salts, Epsom or Glauber 1 Saltpetre, in boxes 2 Sand. See Gravel Sand Paper 1 riik, ruleoaed and prepaid . Sand Screens Sardines. See Canned Finli . . J Sashes, glazed, ilinin-'j riA' I do not glazeil, Oirifr'/i ritk Sawdust, only in car loads of not leaa than 24.000 Itis Saws Sawing Machines, IHmn-U riA, ear loads. Sue foot note In kas (piantitius with power eondiiued. 2,000 I1.». Withi.ut do., 1,00() Ib.i. Scale and Scale Beams, nut boxed Scale and Scale Beams, buM..! Scale Boards School Slates, boxu.i School Slates, buxed, car loads of not lus.i than — 0.(KK) lltH School Furniture, shii.pud by nianutacturer.! at Uiriurn rink ul uluiliug and bruukage ; Knocked down anil packed Sut up. all woud Set up. irun flames ....].! Car loads, see foot note Scoops Scrapers, Horse. Road or Dust, actual weight do Hand Screws, iron do wooden Sculpture, Oinin-'n ;■ Scythes, in Immlh Scythe Snaths Scythe Sharpeners or Stones Sea Grass, in packages Seed Drills or Planters Seeds, Garden, in boxes do ( irass or Kiuld, in barrels do (iniss cr Field, in barrels, car loads 24.000 It.a.' Saparators. Sue Agricultural Implements ' Sewing Machines, not boxed, or oidy paitially! boxud, or crated, (Krnir'n riik I do entirely boxed do ear loads, see foot note Sheep. See Live Stock Sheep Pelts, loose do in bales do car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs . . Shellac, in boxes Shells, skeins Shingle Machines or Mills Shingles, in bundles do car loads. See Lundjcr I Ship Masts, nut tu be taken unless specially autliori^eil. Shoddy ' Shoes, in trunks, consigned at Owivr'n rink do in trunks do in boxes or cases Shoe Pegs and Findings Shoe Nails. Sec Nails Shoe Wax, in boxes Shooks Shocks, car Iliads of not less than 24.000 lt)s Shorts See liran. Shot, (iovernment property See Special Tarill'. Shot, in bags or boxes Shovels and Spades, in bundles Shovels and Spades, cur loads. See foot note . . Shovel Handles Sec Handles. Shower Baths Show Cases, Vwnrr'n risk of breakage Shrubbery, loose, Uuner'H rink prepaid Shrubbery, in boxes or bundles, well pack id, Otimtr'a rink, prepaid Shrubbery, car loads, Ou-wr's rlik, prepaid. See foot note CUtnn. 1)1 1)1 I I.. lUtuN I Cldt... .\ 1 I l> I 1 .1 II I I Class A |i 1 1 1 '-'lass .\ 1 D 1 1 1 1 3 L. Rates 2 ■J Class A D 1 3-1 D 1 1 Class A For Ist, 2nd, and 3rd Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at head of Classificatiou. Cl.\8S a. — Charge 16,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars ns 1st class rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 10,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. no AI,ni.\l!i;TltAI. CLASSIFICATION OF FUFKilFF Mrrni.i:. Ai.'T/ci.i:. Sii'VoS SilkH Sizinsr Skeina, » iiunn Skins, I'ifi. iire»">'il. i» '«»'''• do Kiilti'il, ill liani'l" 111' i'a»li» do Sheep iiikI < 'alf, luui"" do sliei'|i iiimI ''alt, ill liiiU'H do SImt|i an.l Calf, <ai- lodiU (if not !>■»• tliaii •JII.IHHI II.H Slate, I'l'air, in liariTl" or r.ifkn Slatoa, Silinol, lioxcil Slate, H'>"iiiiK ■■■• Slato, l!i"'Mii>!. on- loail" of iiiit li'ns than 'U.WW lim. . Sleds' or Sleighs, i-liil>iicn or Imiul Sleighs, liliasuiv "f Hue Vuliiolcii. Sloigh stuff, rniis'li do ear liiails. Mue foot Iioto Sleicrh Shoes, imn or iitoel Smut Machines Snuff, ill jai" '■'■ lila.l.lurs Snuff, ill l"'Sia. Iiairel«, cnnks oi kegs Soap, I'lMiiiniai ill lioxei do Castile or faiiey. In linxis do • '.iKlile or faiiey, sliipiieil liy Maiiiifaetmers. . . j Soap Oil, ill liarrels [ Soap Stone j Soda, ill l"ixe« ol l>anel» Soda Caustic, in ilrmns ^ Soda Ash, in l'">i'» or iianel» ^ Soda or Soda Ash. eai lonils of not less tlum •JO,(KI(l Itii Soda Water i^fo Aeintud Watcrn. Solder Sour Krout, in lianeU Spades and Shovels, in Imnillus do car liiaili). .Sen foot note . . Spars, taken only liy spccinl contract. Spelter, in Imxes Spices, not (itliervvise eiininernteil, in ^^:^•t'8 Spikes, in ke):s or boxes. Same as nails. Spinning Wheels Spirits, Alcoholic Sec Alcohol. Spirits of Turpentine, in barrels, Vmirr'n rifkoi leakaije 01 D I I !i I .1 I t ;i •i 3 L Kates 4-1 3 Cliiaa A .Spirit* if any sort must not lie taken to be sliippod by water. Splints fi r matches, in bundles Splints for inatchen, ear loads. Sec foot note Spokes do car loads, see foot note Sponges, in boxes Spools do ear loads of not less than 20,000 ITis Spring Beds Spring Bed Frames Springs, Carriage or Waggon do Upholsterers' Stage Coaches. Hee Vehicles Starch, in boxes do in boxes, over "i.OOO lbs. weijjlit do siiippcd by Manufacturers do in boxes or liarrels, car loads of not less than 20,000 Itis Stationery, in boxes Statuary, at Okih/'j rink, releawil and prepaid . Stave and Stave Bolts. See Lumber Stearins Steel, in bars and bundles Steel Springs Steel Yards Stills, copper or iron Stock Glue ■i I 2 Class A 1 1)1 Class A 3 Claas A U 1 •2 4 Dl Dl 2 L) 1 3 4 4 1 U I 3 3 2 1 Dl 3 Stone, wronijlit, iimir'n ri»k Stone, nil" rouKlit stone I'iimli or eobhle, only taken III eat InaiUof not l,.ss'thaii'J4,IKM» Itw Stonevirare •'*'•■'• •'i'ltlion* are Stoves Stoves, eoiisiuned at Unmr't ruk Stoves, sliipiieil by inaniifacturcrH, conniKiieil nt I itrnfr * ' Stoves, ""■""■" /•''"'■, ill ear liiadi, 'J0,()0« lti« or over Stove Blacking or Polish, in easea Stove Brick and Lining Stove Plates, ""■«(•;■'< li/k Stove Pipe Straw, only taken in car loads by apccial contract, must not be taken to he ahlpped by water Straw Boards Straw Boards, ear loadH of not less than i!0,0()0 Iba Straw Cuttfira. See .\Kri™ltuvol ImpUnients Straw Goods, in boxca stucco, ill barrels Stucco Work or Models, nmtr'nuk, released and linpaid Sugar, Maple, ill biixes, <iinirr't r'uk do .Maple, in barrels do Maple, ill boxes, car loads of not less than •JO.OOO %* do lit'tincd, in ba^^s do Kaw or Heliiied, in barrels, kegs, or boxes . . do in ear loads of not less than '20,000 lbs Sugar Evaporators or Pans Sulkies See Voliicica Sulphate of Copper, in boxes Sulphur, in boxes or kegs do in Imrnds or casks do in car loads of not less than 20,000 lbs Sumac, ill 'loxcs Superphosphate of Lime, in barreU Superphosphate of Lime, car looda of not less than i4.(K)0 lbs Sweet Potatoes. See Potatoes Syrup, in barrels, fhnii-r^n rink of leakage Svrup, in barrels, Vwner'f risk, car loads of not loss ■ than •JO,(H)0 lbs Tackle Tacks, ill boxes Tallow, in barrels or casks Tallow, in bar'- '.1 or casks, car loads of not leaa than '.'0,000 tt IS Tamarac Knees See Knees. Tamarinds, in jars, boxed Tanners' Scraps, in packages Tapioca, in boxes Tar, in barrels, (Jwner'n risk of leakage Tar, in barrels, Uiriirr'n ritk of leakage, car load* of not less than '20,000 lbs Tarpaulins Tartar, Cream of, i" boxes Tea, in boxes not matted Tea, in boxes matted Tea, in boxes matted, car loads of not less than '20,000 lbs Teazles Telegraph Insulators Telegraph Poles, car loads of not less than 24,000 lbs Telegraph Wire Tents and Fixtures Tent Poles, in bundles Terra Japonioa Thills, finished Thills and Rims, unfinished, in bundlea Thimble Skeins, loose or in bundles Thimble Skeins, packed in boxes Thread, in boxes ('Iiiml. » 4 L. Hates 1) I I 3 4 1 ;i •I U 1 1.. s. K o 4 I) 1 3 1)1 •2 3 4 L) 1 L. Rates 4 1 ij 3 4 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 1 2 3 D 1 1 L, Rates. 3 1 1 1 D 1 2 1 2 1 For 1st, 2nd, and 3iil Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given above, see note at head of Classification. Clash A.— Charge 16,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars as Ist class rate per 100 lbs. j excess over 16,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. ''lilH4. HatcH II 1 t 1 :i •2 II 1 S. K •1 4 IJ 1 III .'I 4 V\ I 3 I 3 4 2 1 I 2 3 D 1 1 L. RatcB. 3 1 1 1 D 1 2 1 2 1 f.l AI.PHAHKTICAI. CLASSIFICATION OF FRKIGHT. AHTIVLH. Threshinsr Machines liK'litn. . Heo AKriculliird Implf Tierces, impty Soc Kin|itlei. Ties, ruilriinil, not ti«k«n uiiIfm •pm'ialljr nuthuiii!«il. Tiles, ilmiii or roollii({, "i/n>'r'« ritk Tiles, •Irnlii <ji' rouliiii;, onr loadii of not lc» than '.•♦.(XKI I1i« Tiles, rncniiatic, i nnini'lluil, or floor Tile Maobinea tV'IM, a L. RatM I 1 Timber. Si|iiar« or IIuuihI Tiiiilxr, when iiu ii|Mii'lnl tiritl in in ftjrct', will liu convuyL-d nniltT the- RninL' I'uKuliitiiinii iiH Luniliur, IIIIU culilc fcit uf Onli and otIiiT Imrd wuuda i>n<l ri40 culiic fuet uf I'inv and otliiT Hi)ft wiMjdM liuinu cdDHJdcroil n cur load of 24, (HK) Itia. iSi'ii niito matlnx tii Luniliur. I'lir ilistani'OH uf 100 nilluH nnd nndur, i'.VOO per cnr ti) lio ml ml tn l.unilitr mtt'H itnd nii i.xti* ilol- Inr fur iviiy iiilditliinul lUO ur purt uf 100 iniloa, I c ...I liiMliur uliartju than i^.'i.OO pur car aliuv« Luinlier rntus. Timothy Seed See Secd», Tin Foil Tin, pi« ur platu Tin Pipe or Troughs Tinned Iron Sheets Tinware Tobacco, <-'"'■ in liurrels Tobacco, in Imlus Tobacco, in lialuH, car luads uf nut Iubi than 20,000 Itia Tobacco, manufnctiirod, in Iiuxi-h Tobacco, in huxta, «liippud liy inniiiifacttircr* Tobacco, unnmmilautiirud, in lilnlti Tobacco, in Ikixcs, liarruls ur lilidn, car luadii of njit IcaH than 20,000 «.« Tool Chests Tools, Mechanics', in huxus Tow, in liuxuH ur lialus, Uiniir'ari^k from all cnnsos. . Tow, in liuxu.s ur lialcs. (iii'iitr'n riik fruni all cansus, car loaila uf 12,000 tlm. and over Toys, in casca i Travelling Bags ' Trays ! Trees, loose, Owmr'K ri»k, prepaid Trees, in boxta ur bnndiea, wull packed, Oumtr't rink, prepaid Trees, car loads, Ownrr'n rink, prepaid. Sec foot note. Tripe, in boxes, Owner's rink, prejiaid ] Trunks, empty See Empties. Trunks, noateil or lilled with Satchels Truss Hoops Tubes, liuilcr, (Hrasa, Copper or Irou) Tubing, «a8 or iron Tubing, brass, copper or wooden Tuba, in nests Tubs, in oar louds. .Sea foot note Turned Stufl, woo<len, not othorwiso enumerated. . Turned Stuff, wooden, nut otherwise enumerated, cai loads. .See foot note Turnips, See Vegetables Turpentine, Spirits of, On-wr's ritk of leakage. Thia freight must not be tiikun tubs shipped liy wotor Twine, in boxes Type, in cases Type Oases Umbrellas, boxed Vault and Prison Windows, iron Valises Varnish, in cans when boxed only, awnrr'* risk Varnish, in wood, Oii'iiti's rink of leakage. This Freight must not be taken to ship by water Vats, empty Veal, fresh, Owner's ritk, prepaid Vehicles, can only be taken under tlie following regu- lations and at Uiriier'a rink of chafing and breakage : When boxed, actual weight, wliuels, I 3 D 1 3 1 I 1 3 u :< 3 4 n 1 3 I) I II I 1 II I I Class A I •i 1 t> 3 1 1 Class A Claai A 2 I 2 I I 3 D 1 H I I) I 1 AUTICLt:. shafts and pules sauarate Iluggifs, carnages, sfeigln, craUil, Mtual weight Stage uuauhes, omnibuses, Urg* aUiuiia and wagons, .I.IXH) Itw. " i Tun hiirsii carriage, hack or aUlgli, 3,OOo' tlis. I Oii.i hniKe buKgy. elinise, e»b, gig, wagon cr sleigh, 2,(HH) n.H. I One horse curiohi, outtur, two wheeled cart ur sulk did, knuoked knouked l,(H)0 n.s Cuinnion liiiiilier Hagons, ^ down at I, (Kill I1,a. Kaiiners' market wagons, new iluwn at 2,(KHI \\,t. Steam lire niginu, (1,000 ttis. (land lire engines, 4,(HI(I n>s. Huso eart or reels, 1,(H)0 Itis. .'\t Kirst Class rates. Veneering, in boxes Venison, Oinnr't rifk, prepaid Vermicelli, in boxes Vices Vinegar, in liarrela, iiwn'r'n rink of leakage Vinegar, in barrels, Uwnrr'a rifk uf leakage, carloads uf not lesa than 20,000 ttis Vegetables, in baskets, boxes, bags ur barrels, owners signing release Vegetables, in liaskets, boxes, bags or barrels, luud.s of 24,(XI(I Itis., owners signing releaso and prupaid. Tariff (iiuiii Kates. Vegetables must bo prep„id or guaranteed be- tween 1st llecenilier and 31st Murcli. Volley, zinc guttering Vitriol Oil, in wood. Tliis Freight must nut be taken tu bu shipped by water Wadding Wadding, pressed ill bale! Wagons See Vehicles. Wagon Axles See Axles. Bows ,See Bow Boxes Rims See Rims. Thills SeeThilla. Stuff, ruugh, not otherwise enumerated. . . Stuff, rough, oar loads See foot note. . . . do do do do do do Warp Warp Beams Washers, iron Wash Boards, in bundle.s . . Washing Machines, set up W^aste, eottuii ur wnol, in sacks ur bales, llinier'n ritk from all causes Waste, euttun or wool, in sacks or bales, car loads of 20,000 11)8 Water Drawers Water Lime, in barrels do., in barrels, car loads of not less than 24,000 lbs Water Pipe, iron do cur loads of not leas than 20,000 I6a, . do wooden do in large quantities taken by apeoial agreement Water Wheels, iron W^ax, in boxes Wearing Apparel See Houaehold Goods. W eights, metal, not otherwise specified Whalebone Wheat See Grain. W^heels, iron, 8 feet and upwards in diameter do iron, less than 8 feet do iron, in sections do carrian or wagon Wheelbarrows do car loails. See foot note Whetstones VUut. I 3-1 I) I II I II I 1 3 Class A I I 3 1 II I 1 3 1 3 L. Kates 3 4 I I 3 14 IJ Class A 2 For 1st, 2ud, and 3rd Class goods, in car loads of 20,000 lbs., not given aliovo, see note at bead of Classification. Class A.— Charge 16,000 lbs. per car, same figures in dollars as latclaes rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over 16,000 lbs. to be charged in proportion. la AI.I'IIAUKTICAL CI.ASSIFICATION OF F-KKIGHT, .i/r/ici.t:. Whippletrees, tunnvt, nnnnUhsct WhipH, l...t Ihh.'iI do l".<i'.l WhiHicy, ill !{'"■>■ <>■' nt'iiWi wvll |iuckinl, Oiniir't riot, do ill wockI, iiinirr'i rW' nf IinkiiKF do ill wood, Oirthi-'* /->'.'•/' iif linkage, car luAiU .,( iKjt li'HH tliim '.'(), OOtI trm Whito Lead Whiting, ill Inixi'H iir liiirruU Wicker Work Wickinsr WilJow Cradlea do WafronB do Ware do Reeds, in Ihixi'i, halea, or buiiHIei do Reeds, in lur lomliiaf not teia than 2O,00OR>a Window Frames I Wine, ill (ilasH or Btoiii', ucll piickcil, (linrr'a ntk, , , do "f all kiiiila, ill wood, Oini'r'H rinU- ut Itakn^o. of all kiiiilH, in ivcioil, Oiivi. /'i W»il' of lHakAUO,| car liiadu of imt It'wi than 'JO.UOO ttw ill ImiiiiIIi'H or Imxes Iliirliwil or Ffiico l!ai lii'd or Fence, car loaila of 'J0,000 Ria. or over. ' Rope Cloth, in rolln of ISO Itia. or over 'IVIcgraph "cicgraph, car loads of 20,000 llis do Wire, do do do do do do (.7,i«, a a- 1 I I » 4 !2 .1 41 t)l 4-1 41 41 I 4 l» 1 I 4 2 » 4 3 3 3 4 Aiirici.t:. Wood, tiirnail, not othrrwla* snutnerutad do tiiniuil, not ntlicrwiao viiuniuriiti<il, oar loadi Sue fiKit liot« , do foruiKii, of value, in l>onrda do foreign, of valuo, in lot|a Wooden Pipe Wooden Screws, Tubing or Ware Wooden Ware, car londa. Sm foot not* ^Vool, foreign, coiiipreHMed Wool, forcii^n, conipreaacil car loada of not leaa than '.'D.ooonw Wool, in Hacks Wool, ill Hacka, cur loada of 10,000 It*, and over, . Woollen Oooda Wool Sacks Wrapping Paper Wrapping Paper, car loada of not leaa than Wringing Machines, boxed Wringing Machines, not boxed Yarn, proimcd in lialcM Yarn, in Imndlea or lioioa Yarn, lath, or spun In coila Yeast, in lioxcD Zinc, ill casks, pi({a or alaba Zinc, in slicot or roll Zinc Guttering \\ C'lau, 3 C'loaa A •t A I I CUaa A 3 4 1 3 1 3 3 4 li Dl 3 I 2 1 3 3 Dl For Ut, 2nd, and 3rd Class goods, in car loads of 20 onn llu. „,,t ™-., il I ^ — ' — Clam A —Th.r™ IB nnn ii. JT ' ™" ""' P^®" ^^"o- see note at head of Classifioatiou CLASS A.-Charge 16,000 lbs. per oar, same figures in dollars as ,st class rate per 100 lbs. ; excess over t6.00^£ to be charged in proportion. 6S Tftc Midtandt t^ailwuij of (Ssju^da, FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM TORONTO. BETWEEN TORONTO And the following BtationB. MEROHANDIBB. PIral Cl»i. Per ICO Ibt. Second Cliii. Per lew Ibl, Centi. I Cent!, Canti. Cenli, Third Clan. Per 100 Ibl, Fourth Cliu. Per ■oil Ibl, SPECIAL CLASSES. .i,<l.|||i| Uliluiil. J by iiwner. Onin FIniir I anil Mill and Mrnl| Kiullit iti ill Car Ina.U IiihiIh (it ' of J4.OIII liiililiN. ' Ihs |ier libl. biKli. ol do Ibl, Cent!, Lumlwr In car Inaila nf I4.i»ill» |nr l(j<i Ibtt, Live Slick car load. Canta. I Centa, I Dollari Siimlls eacti. I Cenla. Scarboro Junction.. .Vginroiirt Millikcns Unionville Markh.Tiii StoufTville (ioodwood Uxbridne ♦.\I.irsh Hill *\Vicl< Simdcrland *.\l.inilla Crossing.... Cmnington W'oodvillc l.orncAillu Junction *Arnylc ♦Hidon *l'ortage Road Kirkfield N'ictoria Road ■Corson's Crossing.. Colioconk *Hallantrae *Vivian Mt. Albert *Ravenshoc Sutton Jackson's Point *Cameron ♦Hall's Kcnelon Kills *Kcirs *Rt'ttics Kinmount *Myles Ry. Jet ♦Mindcn 12 15 in 10 18 ID :M) 21 -2 24 2:) 2G 27 27 28 29 HO :io ;)l 32 32 19 20 21 23 24 25 10 12 12 12 13 in 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 22 24 25 25 25 2ti 27 2" IG 17 18 20 20 40 34 40 34 40 34 41 35 41 35 42 30 42 30 42 30 8 10 10 10 11 13 14 15 15 10 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 22 14 15 10 17 17 18 7 8 8 9 10 10 II 11 II 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 10 10 10 17 17 17 10 11 11 13 13 13 21 20 27 20 27 20 28 20 28 20 29 21 29 21 29 21 10 10 10 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 10 17 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 2(1 211 20 13 14 10 10 17 18 2 3 -'; H -' 4 4 2! *h 3 y 3 5.i 3 3) S! 4 4 1 J! 7 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 B ■ 5 7 5 7 ft 7 5 1 5 7 4 H 4 (•> 4 4/5 H 4 4/5 7 4 4/5 7 44 5 7 8 8 9 10 13 13 IS in 10 10 17 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 22 22 22 Is 14 15 10 10 10 3(1 30 30 31 31 32 32 32 Sh 8 8)! 8 8j 8 9 8 9 8 9 8J 9 9 8j 20 20 20 27 27 28 28 2d 35 35 35 35 35 .",5 35 35 45 45 45 45 4C 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 35 35 35 45 45 45 00 CO 00 GO GO GO GO 00 Thi.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriaijc adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or witiiout notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. Rates on Merchandise specified in the first four classes, and Smalls include collection and delivery in Toronto. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. * 51 Tfts Atidta«4 Itattwag of •Canada. FEEiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM TORONTO. MERCHANDISE. BETWEEN TORONTO And the following Stations. I'lrst CI.1SS. Second Class. Thiril Cl.iss. Fourtli Class. Per l<m II'S. Per 100 lbs. Per 100 lbs. Cenls. ; Cents. Cents. SPECIAL CLASSES. ''°'^ty'Sw unloaded ler. Grain j Flour ami Mill Lumber and Mi-nl Stutls ill ' in car Live car iuatts : loads of Stock, loads uf of Ji.oo" ,24.'"K)olbs. per liD libls. lbs. pur car load. per bbl. busb. of Go lbs. loo lbs. Cents, i Cents. 1 Cents. Dollars. Cents. *Inj;o]ilsbv.., *l)v.sart ..'... ♦Cniikl's Mnliluirton. 0<] o'3. Whitby ; Drookliii ' . *.\Iyrtlc.... , I *lli)4li I'oint E *M;iiuhustcr • : a" *l'riiicc .MlKTt j "^ Port I'orry j 5 Soagnivc j 3. *Suiiv,T j 5' M,aiiill:i ; P .M.Tripusa | *()l)S I 4t U 14 30 : .•50 ' :jo i 30 I 30 1 30 32 32 32 ^-> 35 ! 30 29 22 1 .30 29 22 3(! 29 22 30 29 •)•> 34 34 34 34 25 25 2:) 25 25 25 27 27 27 29 29 lidlcvillc *Cannil'toii *l''oxl)()ro *H.)lli)way North Hastings Jc. Stirhng *Hoar(rs Camiihcllforil Hastings ♦liirdsall's *Ki.'one *\Vcst Huntington.. *Ivaiihoc *C'rookstoii *.\Ioira Lake Madoc *Hcniatitc Mine *ICklora(Jo *l)iifircrin Mine I jr. I 44 44 44 44 44 40 3« 37 37 37 42 43 44 44 44 45 40 47 34 34 30 30 30 33 31 30 30 30 32 33 34 34 34 35 37 38 See 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 Special 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 18 18 I'arifr. 20 20 20 22 22 23 24 24 24 20 20 10 10 10 10 .■) 5 5 5.V 5j 0.1 See 28 28 29 29 29 20 20 25 20 27 28 28 28 28 30 31 Special! 22 I 22 22 22 22 ' 20 i 19 I 19 19 19 21 21 22 22 '■' 23 23 23 24 rariir. 30 30 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 8i 81 30 30 8.i 30 8.t 30 60 60 60 00 7 7 I 7 7.1 n 7 A 8 8 19 19 19 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 no 50 45 45 45 50 50 60 60 00 00 60 60 j Thi.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- I pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. i j All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. I Rates on Merchandise specified in the first four classes and Smalls, include collection and delivery at Toronto. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. bb ^1k^ Midlaitd Hailwag of ^afiada. FREIOHT TARIFF TO AND FROM TORONTO. SmallH, each, 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 5" 50 60 60 60 50 50 45 45 45 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 60 MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES, '-""'b'y owier."'"''''' BETWEEN TORONTO And the following Stations. First Class. Sucotid Class, Third Class. Fourth Class, Flour and Meal 1 in Car Itiads of lio bbls. lirr bbl. Grain and Mill Sltifls in car Inads of 34,000 ,lhs. bush, of 6o lbs. Lumber in car loads of i4,ouolbs per lou lbs. Live Stock per car load. Smalls, Per loo lbs. Per 100 lbs. Per loo lbs. Per too lbs. each. Cents, Cents. Cents, Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents, Dollars. 1 Cents. I'ort Hope *Quay's *l'crrylown (Kirdcn Hill *Siiinmit Millhrook licthany *lirunswi(;k I'ranklin Oincmce *Rfal)oro Lindsay., Cambray *(;rass Hill Hcaverlon *("ianicl)ridge Hrcchin *.Scliciiclcr.. Uptfrgrove *.\tlicrlcy *Couchii:liiiig Orillia ♦Silver Creek Uluhoff, *l''i).\mead *.\lma Coldwatcr *l'csserlon Waubaushene *Sturgeon Bay \'ict()ria Bay *01d I'ort Midland * I'lazervillc I'eterborough ♦Nassau Mills Lakeficld This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriat;c adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. Rates on Merchandise specified in the first four classes, and Smalls include collection and delivery in Toronto. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. ......•..• 50 Tf6« Midlatid Batlwaf ©f ©aiiada* FREIGHT TAEIFF TO AND FROM TORONTO. MERCHANDISE. BETWEEN TORONTO And the following Stations. Hir«l Class. Second Class. Por loo lbs. Per 100 lbs. Third Class, SPECIAL CLASSES. Loaded and unloaded by Owner. Per 100 lbs. Fourth I Flour Class, and Meal r in car ' loails of , 120 bbls. per bbt. j Per ! 100 lbs. Cent8. I Cents. I Cents. i_G^Wi_iLr:''i!l!!- Crain and Mill Lumber Stuffs in ' in car carloads loads of of 24.O00 lbs. bush. of 6o lbs. 24,ouo lbs, per loo lbs. Live Stock, per car load. Cents. Cents. I Dollars. I Smalls, each, This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. Rates on Merchandise specified in the first four classes and Smalls, include collection and delivery in Toronto. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. Smalls, each, Cents. y Com- foronto. 6T I 'f 6@ Midland Haitwag &( <Sana4a^ FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM UXBRIDaE. BETWEEN UXBRIDGE And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. First Class. Second Class. Per too lbs. Per 100 lbs. Third Class. Per luo lbs. Cents. I Cents. I Ccn Fourth Class. Scarboro Junction... Agincourt *Millikens Unionville Markham StoufTville (ioodwood Uxbridge ♦Marsh Hill *\Vick Sunderland ♦Manilla Crossing Cannington Woodville Lorncville Junction *Argyle *Eldon ♦Portage Road Kirkl'ield Victoria Road '■'Corson's Crossing... Coboconk ♦Uallantrae ♦Vivian Mt. Albert ♦Raven.slioc Sutton Jackson's Point *Canieron ♦Hall's ' S- Fenclon I'alls ♦Fell's ♦Retties Kinmount *Myles Ry. Jet *Minden 20 20 18 18 IT) 1.") 12 10 12 15 15 10 18 18 20 20 20 20 ■)0 IG 18 18 20 22 99 17 17 15 15 12 12 10 8 10 12 12 13 15 15 17 17 18 18 la 15 15 17 18 18 <l 22 "^ 24 27 3. 8> 27 P 28 30 30 i 30 18 20 22 22 22 13 13 12 12 10 10 8 7 8 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 11 12 12 13 lo 15 Per loo lbs. 10 10 9 9 8 8 C f) 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 8 9 9 10 11 11 SPECIAL CL.^SSES. Koadt!<t atitl unluuded by Owner. Flour I Grain Lumber and Meal I nnd Mill in car in Car ] Sltiils in loads of carloads 24.1)00 lbs. loads of 120 bbls. l>cr bbl. of 24,otxi lbs, per 100 lus. Cents, I Cents. per 100 lbs. Live Stock per car load. Dollars. Cents. If) 8 14 25 15 8 G 14 25 14 ( 5.1 13 25 14 1 5.) 13 25 10 :) 4 9 25 10 5 4 9 25 8 4 H 7 2."i 8 4 H 7 25 8 4 3.1 ( 25 10 5 4 9 25 10 5 4 9 25 13 i 5 12 25 14 t 5.', 13 2.' 14 7 5Jl 13 25 15 8 14 25 15 ^ 6 14 25 10 8 14 25 10 f< G 14 25 18 9 15 25 i '^ 9 15 25 ! 13 7 5 12 25 ; 14 ( 5.V 13 25 1 14 7 •'•1 13 i 25 1 10 8 14 i 25 1 18 15 1 i 25 18 9 ! 15 1 i 25 1 , 15 10 17 17 18 20 20 20 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 18 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 10 ! 01 10 11 11 12 13 7 8 8.V 9" 9 This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. • 15 ! -'' 16 ^■' 10 ! 35 18 35 20 35 20 I 35 ')■) 1 35 22 i » 58 Tfie Mijrand ^attwaii of <^atta<gfci. FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM OXBRIDGE. BETWEEN UXBRIDGE And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. l.omjed .inil iinloa<.lcd by Owner, l-"irsl Class. Si'conil I Class. lou lbs. IVr 1(H) lbs. Thinl Class. I'pr lou lbs. I'oiirtli Class. Cents. ' Cents. ' Cents. ' FUnir I Grain and Meal ami Mill ' in Car StuHs in Per UK) lbs. Itiatk at wo bbls. per bbl. I.nitibcr in car loads of r Itiads J4,i«x>!bs. of Jt.'XMi per lbs. prr . luo lbs. loo' lbs. I I I.tvn Stock per car load. Cents. I Cents. I Dollars. 9.S < a jS.o H;ilil)urlon a p' i *liyoklsl)y. »l)ysarl *(I(llll(i'.S.... :!0 •2rt :!2 liT :!•_' L'( Wliilhy... I!l(jnklill ♦.Myrtle *Hii;li Point ... *.\hiiKlicstcr... , *riiiux' .\ll)ort.- Port Perry Scagr.nvc *S(iiiva Manilla .Mariposa ♦Ops ^ licllfvillf j ♦C'annil'lon I * I'l >\l>or() *Holl()way Q North Hastings Jc g Stirling 3 ♦Hoard's ('ainpl)t'llforil fi Hastings : g ♦liirdsall's g: ♦Kucnc B *\Vcst Huntington q * 1 vanlioL' 3" *C 'rookston K" *.Moira I.akc 5' .Madoc • * Hematite .M inc ♦I'^ldorado *l)ufferin Mine ;iO ■M) .-SO .iO 28 28 27 27 24 •)0 40 40 37 37 37 36 30 33 32 30 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 40 ■JO 21 21 1.5 16 16 •-'."l 20 2.") 20 25 20 25 20 22 18 22 18 22 17 ] 22 17 20 !« 18 1.') 18 15 3.'5 27 3r. 27 30 2") 30 2.") 30 2.'> 30 24 30 24 28 23 27 21 2.i 20 30 2.5 30 25 30 25 30 25 31 26 31 26 31 26 32 26 1.5 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 11 11 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 17 16 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 26 28 28 L'.t 24 22 22 21 21 20 19 18 18 18 35 35 34 34 34 33 32 30 28 26 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 13 14 14 10 13 12 11 II 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 18 18 17 17 17 17 16 15 14 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 9 8l 8" 8 7 6.1 6" 6 12.V 12.V 12" 12 12 Wh 11 11 10 9 12 13 13 13 14 22 24 24 23 22 20 20 20 20 18 16 16 15 15 29 29 28 28 28 27 26 25 24 22 29 30 30 30 32 32 32 34 I Smalls, eacli. 35 40 40 35 35 35 35 35 Zo 35 35 35 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 This TariiT is suhjcci to IJciicral Rules and Conditions of Cairiaye adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictinjj; with above arc hereby cancelled. ^Flatj Stations, P'leitjht must be prepaid. 59 f%Q Mi4tand Umt^at^ of ^atfa4a, FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM UXBRIDGE. BETWEEN UXBRIDGE And the followiner Stations. MERCHANDISE. First Class. Per loo lbs. Second Class, Per too lbs. Cents. I Cents. Third Class. Per too lbs. Port Hope ♦Quay's *Perrytown Garden Hill.... ♦Summit Millbrook ]5ethany ♦Brunswick Franklin Omemce ♦Reahoro Lindsay Cambray ♦Grass Hill Beaverton ♦Gamebridge.... Brechin ♦Schepeler Uptergrove ♦Atherley ♦Couchicliiiig... Orillia ♦Silver Creek... Uhthoff ♦Foxmead ♦Alma Coldwater ♦Fesserton Waubausheno. ♦Sturgeon Bay.. Victoria Bay.. ♦Old Fort Midland ♦Frazerville Peterborough . ♦Nassau Mills. . Lakefield 30 30 30 30 28 27 27 27 24 22 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 20 18 17 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 2? 22 22 22 22 25 2.') 25 25 25 25 25 25 Fourth Class. Flour I Grain and McalJ and Mill Per 100 lbs, 25 20 15 25 20 15 25 20 15 25 20 15 22 18 14 22 17 13 22 17 13 17 16 15 13 13 13 15 15 15 10 10 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 13 12 ii 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 SPECIAL CLASSES in Car loads of 120 lihls. per bbl. Lumber in car Cents. Siufls in [ loads of car loads 24,000 lbs, of ii.OKKt I per lbs. per lou lbs. 100 lbs. Cents. 1 Cents. TTiQ I.o.itlr<l .in<l unloaded ■CiO- l>> Owner. Live Stock per car load. Dollars. 25 24 24 22 21 20 19 19 18 18 16 15 16 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 24 24 24 25 26 25 26 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 n 13 13 9 9 9 H 8" 7 6.\ 6?. ej 6 6 6 6 6 6.1 6j 6j 8 8 8 8.'. 9" 9 9 9 9 22 22 20 20 18 16 16 16 15 14 14 14 15 15 15 10 10 10 18 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 20 22 22 SlnalU, e.ich. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ;\-> 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 This Tariff i.s .subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictinfr with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freijjht must be prepaid. CO T'fta Midteitd Bailwag of @aitada< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM UXBRIDaE. BETWEEN MBBCHANDISB. SPECIAL CLASSES. '"'"""'bVotnet'""'' I'irst Class. UXBRIDGE — Second Third i Fourth Class. Class, Class. And the following Stations. I'er j loo lbs. Cents. Per loo lbs. Cents, Per I Per IDG lbs. I too Ibi. ; Flour and Mual in car loads of 120 bbls. per bbl. Grain ' Lumber and Mi Slnfls in carloads of 24,000 lbs, per 100 1 per lbs. in car loads of 24,uuolbs, per 100 lbs. Cents. I Cents. H Cents. I Cents. Cents. Live Slock, per car load. Dollars, Smalls, each, Cents. This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *FIag S'ations, Freight must be prepaid. 61 1^ft@ Mtdtattd Hattwag of ^^uadu. FEEIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM COBOCOM. BETWEEN COBOCONK And the following Stations. Scarboro Junction... Agincourt ■ Millikens Unionville Markham Stouffvillc Goodwood Uxl)ridge ♦Marsh Hill *\Virk Sunderland ♦Manilla Crossing Cannington Woodvillc Lorncville Junction , *Argyle ♦Eldon ♦Portage Road Kirkficld Victoria Road '■'Corson's Crossing... Coboconk ♦Ballantrae ♦Vivian Mt. Albert ♦Ravenshoe Sutton Jackson's Point *Canieron j <j ♦Hall's ! a Fenelon Falls ♦Fell's *Retties Kinmount *Myles Ry. Jet , |: *Mindcn j § 3. a 25 25 25 25 22 22 22 20 18 18 17 17 17 15 15 15 13 12 12 10 8 20 20 20 20 18 17 17 IG 15 15 1.3 i;i 13 12 12 12 11 10 10 8 22 18 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 27 21 15 15 15 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 G 5 14 15 15 15 15 IG 18 15 , 18 15 20 16 22 17 22 17 25 20 1 25 20 25 20 1 11 II 12 13 13 15 15 15 25 24 24 22 21 20 19 18 18 18 10 10 15 14 14 14 13 10 10 8 8 21 22 24 25 26 28 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 5 5 ■ 4 i 4 i 11 i 12 i 13 1 13 14 20 20 18 16 10 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 9 9 7 7 20 20 22 22 22 24 35 35 35 35 35 ;!.■) 25 2.") 18 18 18 19 20 92 9 fl 15 ' 9 15 9 16 ! 10 6 16 t 10 7 18 ; 11 8 20 11 8 20 13 il 22 35 35 35 35 35 40 3.". 3.-1 This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are heieby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. MERCHANDISE. [ SPECIAL CLASSES. '" iilnl ,tiid iinli)atiL'<l by Owinr. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. 1 Fourth Class. 1 1 Flour Grain j Lunihcr and Meal .iml Mill , in car in Car Stiilts in loads of Live Stork per car load. 1 Sm.tlls. Per loo lbs. Per too lbs. Per too lbs. Per loo lbs. 1 I2U bbls. per of 24,oo<i lbs. per 100 lbs. pt-r luo lbs. each. Cents. 1 Cetits. Cents. Cents. 1 Cents. Cents. Cents. Dollars. Cents, 2.') 62 k I \ Tfie MiJiaiiJ Raitwag of ^auoi^dm. FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM COBOCONK. BETWEEN COBOCONK Aud the following Stations, MERCHANDISE. I'irsl j Second Class. Class. Thiril C1.1SS, Fourth Clans, I'lr too lbs. IVr Urt) Ills IVr ... lbs. Cents ' Conta. i Cents. ' 'ri-nts. SPECIAL CLASSES. '' adi'd and unloaded by Ownt^r. 1 1 Flmir ('.mill I.iiiiilHr and M<'al am) Mill in car In car StuOs in load.s nf loads nf carloads i.f-'**'*'"*^* ! liobbtn, of a4.o(Ki | pi-r per bbl. j lbs. ncr | i(«' lbs, j 100 lbs. I.ivn Stnck, per car load. Smalls, cacb, i Cents. 1 Crnm. 1 Cents. Dollars, Cents. *Ill{,'ol(lsl)V... * I (ysart ..'... '(idlllll's Ualihiirion. 00 i p S.o ' §§•! Whilhy... Ilrocikliii. ^\Iyl•tlc *Higli Point ... *Mnn(lifstcr... *l'rin(c .MI)LTt. I'ort IVtiv Sc.nijinvc *.S()ny,n Manilla Mariposa *()l.s I lidlcvillc *C'annil'lon *Fo.\l)oro *HolloHay Norlli Hastings Jc, Stirling *Hoard's Campbdlford Ha.stings ♦liird.sall's *Kccnc *U'est Huntington. *Ivanlioc *Crookston *.Moira Lake Madoc *Hciiiatitc .Mine.... *Eldorado *Du(Terin Mine a u St. § .•((1 .•!2 .'fj 30 •SO :)0 .•50 '2S '2S ■27 •27 24 22 2.1 2.") 27 27 20 I 15 20 i 15 21 I 16 21 I 10 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 33 32 30 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 25 211 15 25 2'i 15 25 20 15 25 20 15 22 18 U 22 18 U 22 17 13 22 17 13 20 IH 12 18 15 11 18 15 11 20 20 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 28 27 25 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 2;> 25 25 25 25 25 24 23 21 20 25 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 10 15 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 25 24 24 22 21 21 20 19 18 18 18 13 13 14 14 34 34 34 34 34 33 32 30 28 20 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 14 13 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 9 22 9 22 9 24 10 24 35 35 40 40 9 22 9 22 I) »<) 8 20 8 20 8 20 7 18 10 10 15 15 13 13 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 9 12 12 13 13 13 •3.'. 13i 13| 30 30 29 29 29 28 20 25 24 22 29 29 30 30 30 32 32 32 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 This Tariff i.s subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 63 ded Smalls, each, Cents. 35 35 10 \0 35 art 35 30 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Railway Com- 11^^^ Midland l^ailwag of Canada FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM COBOCONK. BETWEEN COBOCONK And the following Stations. I'ort Hope ♦Quay's ♦Pcrrytown Cardcn Hill ♦Summit Millbrook Bethany *l!runswick I'ranklin OniL-mce *Rcaboro Lindsay Cambray *(;rass Hill I.orncvillc Jc Ik'avcrton ♦(lamcbridgt lirucliin... ♦Schepclcr, Uptcrgrov *Atlicrloy *C()Ui;hicliiiig Orillia ♦Silver Creek Ulithoff ♦I'oxiiiead *Alma Coldwatcr *l''esserton \Vaul)aushene... . ♦Sturgeon 15ay Victoria Hay ♦Old Fort Midland ♦Kra/erville I'eterborough ♦Nassau Mills Lakelield. . . . This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carria-e adopte.l by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictintj with above are hereby cancelleil. *Flag Stations, Freij^ht must be prepaid. 64 It I 1 i !i: 'N Tfi^ MidHand iZailwai) of ^attada^ FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM COBOCONK. MBROHANDISB. BETWEEN COBOCONK And the following Stations. First i Second Clafs. I Class, ThInI Class. SPECIAL CLASSES. '"■"'"bVot^';,';''"''"' Fourlll Flour I Grain I Lumber i Class. niul Mt'al and Mill | in car Live in > Stutls In | loads of Slock. loads of jcarloiuls J4,ooolbs.l per ijo bbls. of j-(,cNxi i piT ! car load. Ivr li>o lbs I, ! n In i P'ir bbl, lbs. per . loo lbs. Per Per Per ' in„ its CHI lbs. loo lbs. ino lbs. ! '"" ""• Ctnli. I Cents, i CenH. I C«iiH. 1 1 Cents. I Cents. I Cents, i Dollars. I Smalls, tach. I Cents. I nanv'in.l Iwl^.ll^'f '" ^""'T\ ^"''' ^"-^ Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. .All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. *l| 65 ^ Mldtand Raitway of ^afiaJsj. FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM HALIBURTON. MERCHANDISE. BETWEEN HALIBURTON And the following Stations. Scarboio Junction, Agincourt '.Millikuns Unionvillo Mnrkhnm .Stouffvillo (loodwood Uxbriilgi *.\lar,sh Hill *\Viik Sunderland ♦Manilla Crossing Cannington Woodvillc I.orneville Junction *.\rgy!e *r.ldon *rortago Road Kirklici \'ictoria Road '''Corson's Crossing Coboconk *l!allantrae *Viviati Mt. Albert *Ravcnsboc Sutton Jackson's I'oint *Camcron i <{ *Hair cnc *l'Vll's *Rettics Kinmount ■»Mylos Ry. Jet *Mindun | § :t.) ■2'' 2ii This Tariff i.s .subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted b\- the Midland Kaiiuay Cnm- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any tiinc, with or without notice. All prcviou.s Rates conflictin<j with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. m 1^1 I ii : I I T(ic AtiJIwiiiJ iZaUtvay oj[ ^anada^ FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM HALIBURTON. MER0UANDI8B. SPECIAL OLASSBB. I.uailril atiil unlnadcd by Uwiier. BETWEEN HALIBURTON — And the followinsT Stations. rirft ' Si'contI C'latR. ! Clfim* Pit Per ItK) lbs. ' I cm Ibt, Third Claiv. Per loo IbR, II Crnn. Crnli, ' CpnU. Pnurtb CIlM. Per I0() UlB, Flour aii<l Moil In Car InndR of No bblx, p«r bbl. Ctnia, I OraIn and Mill 8lllfla In car liiatU nf J4,u<)(> lb. , IfiO I per Ibi. t.drnlicr 111 oar luailR nf i^iixmlba. per loo Iba, Live Stock per car load. Dollara. Smalla, uch. Cania, •In-olilsliy g<ll *l)vsan <l'5' I ♦(inul.l's E^ DP 11^ Wliitby linidklin ».\lyrtl *Higli I'oint *.Maii( la-stcr... *l'rin<c Albert, I'orl IVrry SeaHravc *Sonyn Manilla Mariposa *Ol)s 10 10 8 L'S ■27 I f» ! H ! 7 1 1 r. •2n 17 i •n Hi ■2\ M! . -.'1 10 ' Iklleville *Cannifton *l'"oxboro *Holloway North Hastings Jc. Stirling 'Hoard's CampbcUford Hastings *HirdsaU's *Kcfne *\Vcst Huntington.. *Ivanlioc *Crookston *Moira Lake Madoc 'Hematite Mine *Eldorado *l)ufferin Mine 40 38 38 38 37 37 37 37 30 34 38 38 40 40 40 42 42 42 27 21 2'> 211 23 20 2f) 20 25 20 yr) 20 •).l 18 22 17 32 20 31 20 31 20 31 26 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 29 24 28 23 31 20 31 26 32 20 32 20 32 20 32 20 32 20 32 20 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 20 10 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 30 28 28 28 28 20 20 24 24 22 •i\ 2(1 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 32 30 34 34 35 35 3.') 36 36 30 16 14 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 11 II 10 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 15 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 11 10 10 U 9 !) 9 9 9 8 8 7 14 . 13i Uh 13j 13' 13 12 12 11 11 13.i 13i 14 14 14 14.\ 14i 25 24 24 24 24 22 22 22 22 20 20 18 34 32 32 32 30 30 29 28 26 25 32 32 34 34 34 35 35 35 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 .",5 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 Th'.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Station.s, Freight must be prepaid. C7 Small!, •iich, Ctnti, an 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 35 36 3B 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 no 50 50 Iway Com- TPfie MiJraiiJ iZaitwaij of Canada. FREIGHT TARIFF T(^ AND FRO'/I HALIBURTON. BETWEEN Haliburton And the foUowingr Stations. MERCHANDISi:!. SPECIAL CLA8S<ES. «!<'{ "I.I Mill I') <lMI<l. nril 1 Srconil Third Foiirlh I! Flour i Cu ' l.imil«r (Ion, I Claii, { I'Uia, ^ Clui. | rnil Mcul •ml . ' in ..ii l.ivii liiCnr "Ml . Ill I U ni Siiick ItwiUiil ■ . 1 lilt J)...- lt>« prr Ijiihl.l- ' 1 ... |„.i ,at liiail, '! |wr bbl I Iba. i er imi ibi, IW ib>, Cfnli. J_C»iita, I Canla. | C« l«. I| ttut: Otn». I C>n». I Uollwa. I'ort Hope *(Jiia)'s *l'crryt()wn Cardcn Hill.. 'Summit Millhrooiv IWtli.iny *llrunswi(lc I'rnnkiin Omcmee *Rcal)or() I.iiuis.iy ('aml)ray *(; Hill .... l-orncvillc Jc Hcavcrton .... *(ianK't)ri(lge... liricliiii *S(li(.|)(.'lt'r UptLTgrovc... *.\tliLrl(.'y *('()ii<lii<liing.. Orillia •Silver C'rcck.. Uhthoir *l'o.\mcaci *.\lina C'oldwatcr *l''csserton Wauhaushene 'Sturgeon Hay. Vi( toria Day. *01(1 I'ort Midland *l'razerville I'eterborough. *Na.ssau Mills. Lakcfield Bmalla. Mcb, 2» 14 28 14 2N 14 20 13 26 13 24 12 24 12 21 12 r ' 32 0') IM 20 i :M 20 1 '-■'■ 20 1 25 20 27 21 27 21 27 21 27 21 28 23 28 23 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 30 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 27 21 28 23 28 23 14 15 15 15 15 10 10 10 10 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 16 17 17 21 20 21 22 25 25 20 28 28 28 28 30 30 32 32 33 33 33 33 34 34 28 80 30 II II 10 II 11 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 10 16 10 10 10 17 17 14 15 15 10 !l 9 9 9 !l 8 8 7 8 '.I II '.) 9 10 1(1 111 11 11 II II II 11 12 12 12 12 11 II 24 24 24 22 22 2(1 20 18 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 21 24 25 25 26 26 28 28 29 29 24 25 25 40 4(1 40 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 3.-) 35 35 35 3.-. 3.". 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 4(1 40 40 40 40 40 This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriaj^c ado])tcd by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or w ithout notice. All previous Rates conflictinjj with above arc hereby cancelled. *Fla;4 Stations, Freij,'ht must be prepaid. G8 » )'. A ' fft© Midt^ud I Cl< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM HALIBURTON. MERCHANDISE. ' SPECIAL CLASSES. '"^"^VSl^r^^'"' BETWEEN 1 ' 1 1 First Class. Second Third | Fourlli i Class. Class. Class. Flour and Meal Grain 1 Luinbcr and Mill ! in car Live Sliills in ] loads of Stock, Smalls, HALIBURTON 1 1 ' 1 loads of I2ubb!s. per bbl. carloads 24,000 lbs. per of 24,000 per car load, lbs. per 100 lbs. 100 lbs. each. ! 1 ■ Per ! Per ( Per Per 1 100 lbs. ' loo lbs. ' 100 lbs. loo lbs. And the following Stations. 1 1 Cents. 1 Cents, i Cents, i Tents, i Cents, i Cents. 1 Cents. 1 Dollars, 1 Cents. 1 i ! i 1 1 Q ;^ ^ ^ t> ^ CQ M fe! Thi.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 69 e Midfand l^attwag of Canada. FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM WHITBY. Smalts, each, Cents, BETWEEN WH ITBY And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. I.o.ich.l.iilil iiim.uli'cl l>) OwniT. Fiisl Class. Hpcond Class, Third Class, Fourth Class. IVr loo Ills. IVr loo lbs. rcr im ll*s. Por iciu lbs. Ccnis. 1 Cents. Cents. Cents. Scarboro Junction... .■\gincoiirt ■Millikcns Unionvillc Markhain StouflVillc (loodwood U.\britlt;c ♦ Hill *\Vick Sunderland *.Manilla Crossing ("aniiington Woodville I.orneville Junction . *Argylo ♦Kldon *I'ortag<.' Road Kirkficid \'ictoria Road "Corson's Crossing... (^oboconk *liallantrac.. *Vivian Mt. Albert *Ravenslioc' Sutton Jackson's Point •I ^ *Canicron ♦Hall's I'enclon Kails ♦Fell's *Rettics Kinmount *Myles Ry. Jet *Minden § Ciraiii 1-loiir ar.l Mill l.iinib.r anil Mfal Smlls in in Live in t'.ir car U.^ils loaiis of Stock loads ot , ot J4.<H.i. (.(HK. Ills. jior I20 M.Is. : ills. piT per ' car loail. per lilil. bush, ut unt lbs. 1 fio lbs. \ Cents. I Cents. :i() 2il 1 24 30 21) 24 34 28 23 34 28 23 33 28 23 32 27 21 32 27 21 ! 30 25 20 ^ 30 *Tl ' 30 i 30 30 1— ( 28 Q 27 07 O •17 < : 28 7 30 3 30 !z; 30 30 30 33 34 30 30 37 37 2,') 2.') 22 22 22 22 22 2.5 2.-) 2,') 2,j 2.') 2'' 28 29 29 30 30 20 20 20 20 18 17 17 17 18 20 20 20 20 20 2.! 2;! <l 27 22 1 27 27 22 22 §• 28 22 §■ 30 2.") 30 2.') 30 32 f; 17 17 17 18 20 20 20 21 ]8 18 17 17 17 16 10 15 1.-) in !.■) 1.') 14 13 13 13 U 15 15 15 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 19 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 IG 33 82 30 30 30 28 28 2t; 21 20 20 20 21 22 22 24 25 20 30 30 32 33 33 33 9.1, 91 !»" 9 9 8.1 Cents^ II II 10 9 Dollars. 8 9 7 9 : fi.', 8 ; 0.1, 8 ol 8 0" 7 ! 1 7 ! 0.1, 8 1 Oi 8 : 7 8 8 9 9 9.', 91 91 10" i» 9 9 11 1! 11 11.', 12' 12 HI 20 25 25 2.") 24 24 22 22 22 20 20 20 18 18 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 2.5 28 28 Smalls IMrh 19 16 i 19 C i 16 20 7 18 21 0.', 8 20 22 C.I f^ 20 25 8 • 9 22 25 : 8 1 9 00 1 ^« ! H 9 24 4( 4( 4( 41 4( 41 41 3.- 3.^ 3.- 3.- 3." •.\'> ■X ■X ■.\: ;!.- 3." 3.- 3." 3 4(. 41 4( 4( 4( 4( 3.") 3.^ 3.- 3.- 3.- 3.- 3.- 41 1 This Tariff is subject to General I'vulcs and Conditions of Carriay;e adopted b)- the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any tiir?, with or witliout notice. All previous Rates conflicting; with above are iieieby cancelled. ^Flaff Stations, Ficiijht must be prepaid. Tfte JViiJIaiKi jR^aitwa^ q| ^attaJa. PREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM WHITBY. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. Loaded and nnluadcd by Ownei , BETWEEN WH ITBY And the following Stations. Fii-sl Class. I Second I Class. I'or KKj lbs. Third Class. Cents, i Cents. Tour III Class. IVr io() lbs. Cents. I-lour and Meal in Car Inails nt uobbls. per bbl Grain and Mill StuHs in car loads of i^.lXM" lbs, per bush, of Tiu lbs. Lumber in car loads of I 24,iHx> lbs pt-r loo lbs. Cents. Live Stuck per car load. *lngokl.sby.., *l)ysart ..' .. ■^douUl's Halibiirion. , 0<1 , S.o o3. PCD \Vliitl)y lirookliii *Myrtlc *Higli I'oint ... *.Manchi.'.stL'r... . *l'rin(x- .\)l)i.rt. Tort I'cnv Soagravc *Sonva .Manilla Maripusa *()l(S ^ Jc. licllevillo *Cannifton * I'oxboro *Holl(nvay North Hastin Stirling *Hoard's Cam|il)cllfor(l Hastings ♦IJirdsall's ♦Kccne *\\'ost Huntington *Ivanliot' *Crookston *.Moira Lake Madoc * Hematite Mine... *Kldorado *I)ufferin Mine.... e-i § :v2 :V2 U) i:t 14 1.^) l.T 17 17 1!) 21 00 3>< 38 3" 37 37 37 37 36 33 .^2 37 37 38 38 38 40 40 40 2S 4 8 10 II 14 14 16 17 18 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 28 27 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 21 23 26 26 2.'') 25 2.') 24 23 21 25 25 26 26 20 20 20 20 10 4 4 ; 5 ; 7 1 9 7 , 10 8 il 10 8 12 9 13 9 14 l(t 15 10 15 11 j 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 10 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 28 28 30 30 < .*> 8]f 10- 10 1(1 13 13 10 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 32 30 28 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 »l 9 tl t2.^ t2J t3 t3 t3 t4i t4 Hi 18 I t5 18 ; t5 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 10 10 11 11 24 24 P 4 4 4 5 5 5i 0' 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 6 8 9 11 11 11 13 13 14 15 15 32 32 30 30 29 29 28 26 25 24 30 30 32 32 32 34 34 34 Smalls, each. Cents. 40 40 40 40 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 .ir 'I'his Tariff is subject to General Rules and Condition.s of Carriatje adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, or without i.otice. All previous Rates conflirfinii; witli above an hereby cancelled. *Flag .Stations, Freight must be prepaid. In .)f havtig received Municipal .iid from a portion of the Count v nt Victoria, and Aronn Ate \illaKe of Port Perry, md in acco: dance with the tcrnis of all ajii fi'inent entered into twtween Ilie Knilsvay Company and tlie said Municipalities, the folluwinR nav* irmn Statinnb named to Whitby shall not be eiceeded lur the term ol io years, namely :-irom Lindsay, Wheat .t cents per bns., Harley 3^ cents per bus. J-rom M*eip*>w. Manilla and Seaffavo, Wheat 3 J cents per bus., llarlcy 3 cents per bus.. Oats i^ cents per bus. From Port Perry, Wheat i\ cents per bus., Uarley 2 cents (ler bus-. Lumber 90 cents per loon It. B, M. - 40 40 40 40 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 AC 4'' 71 m- Mtdllatid flaifwag of Zanad^, FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM WHITBY. BETWEEN WH ITBY And the followingr Stations. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. I.ondt'il ati'l iiiiloaJ(Ml by (JwiiLT. I'irst SccDiHt Class. Class. Fer loo lbs. Port Hope... *Quay's *l'errytown Cardcn Hill.. *Sumniit Millbrook Ik'tli.nny *Hruns\vi(;k I'ranklin Omcmee *Ruaboro Lindsay Cambray *(;rass Hill.... LoriiL'villc Jc Beaverton *(ianicbridge.. Urccliin *.S('lic|>clcr Uptcrgrovc... *.\therlcy *(;oucliicliing.. Orillia *SilvL'r (!rc'ck.. Uhthoir *l''oxmfad *.\lma Coldwater *l''cssorton Waubaushene *Sturgoon Hay. Victoria Bay. *01d Fort Midland *I'razorvillc Peterborough . *Na.ssau Mills. I-akeneld I Cents. I Cents. Third I rourlh Class. I Class. I I Grain • Flour ( and Mill , l.umlii'r and Mual| Slutls in ' inc r in car I car loads lonils of Per I'er iiio lbs. 100 lbs. loads of i of 24,(KMj uo bids. ' lbs. per per bbl. I bush, of ] Co lbs. I Cents. I Cents. 'I Cents. ! Cents 24.iKK»lbs. PIT loo lbs. Live Slock, IKT car load. Cents. I Dollars. Sin.ill.s, cacti, 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 •)•) 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 «).) 17 18 15 20 10 22 17 22 17 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 20 25 21 » 25 20 25 20 27 21 27 21 27 21 28 23 28 23 28 23 28 23 30 24 M 24 30 24 30 25 30 25 25 20 25 20 27 21 27 21 15 1 1 26 15 ' 26 1 15 25 15 21 15 24 14 21 ! 14 ' 21 i 14 21 13 20 13 i 19 11 : 18 12 1 '** 13 1 li» 13 20 15 0.) 15 22 15 24 15 25 15 i 26 15 i 26 15 i 26 IG 28 16 I 28 16 \ 28 17 : 30 17 j 30 17 i 30 17 ; 30 18 ! 32 18 32 18 33 19 34 19 34 15 : 25 15 26 16 28 16 ! 28 6. I Gi 6 J 6" 6 t 5.', 0" 6 6.\ 6 1 7 8 8 8 8 ^.',- »l 9' 9 9 9 9.1 9i 10" 10 10 8 8 8.1 H 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 6.^ C" 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 II 11 11 11 11.'. 12" 12 9 9 9.1, 10" 22 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 18 16 15 16 16 18 20 2<i 22 22 22 22 22 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 22 22 24 24 35 3.-) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 3.") 35 35 40 4(1 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 This Tariff i.s subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriai^e adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. ♦Hag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. le terms tortile tin consideration of having received Municipal aid from a portion of the County of Victoria, and from the viilaRe of Port Perry, and in accordance with the ol an agreement entered into between the Railway Compauv and tlie said Municipalities, the follnwins rates from Stations nanjed to Whitby shall not beexcccded term of 20 years, namely :—l''rom Lindsay, Wlieat 4 cents per bus.. Barley 3 J cents per bus. Prom NIariposa. Manilla and Seagrave, Wheat 3J cents per bus., Uarley 3 cents per bus., Oats ij cents per bus. P'rom Port Perry, Wheat J.J cents per bus., i3arlcy 2 cents per bus.. Lumber go cents per 1000 ft. U. M. 72 Tfte Midiaud %mtw<i§ ©f Canada* FEEIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM WHITBY. MERCHANDISE. BETWEEN WH ITBY And the following Stations. I'irst Class. Second Class, Third Class, Fourth Class. SPECIAL CLASSES. Loaded and unloaded by Owner. IVr loo lbs. Per loa lbs. ' Per loa lbs. Per 100 lbs. , Flour and Meal in car loads of 120 bbls. per bbl. Grain and Mill Stufls in car !oads of i4,()oo lbs. per bush, of 6o lbs. Lumber In car loads of 24,000 lbs, per 100 lbs. Cents. I Cents. I Cents. I Cents, H Cents. I Cents. I Cenls^ljJoUars. Live Slock, per car load. h3 O w o izl O Smalls, each, Cents, Thi.s Tariff i.s .subject to General Rules and Condition.s of Carnage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 73 TO© Midland H^aitwag of i^aitgida< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM LINDSAY. Smalls, each, MERCHANDISE. |i SPECIAL CLASSES. ^°''"'^b'l'owne"r°*"''''^ BETWEEN LI N DSAY! And the following Stations. rirst Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth ! Class. 1 . Flour ! Grain ; Lumber and Meal; and Mill ! in car in Car 1 Stutls in | loads of Live Stock per car load. Smalts, Per TOO lbs. Per lou lbs. Ver loo lbs. Per i loo lbs. j 120 bbls. per bbl. of 24,()IH1 tbs. pi'r too lbs. per loo lbs. each. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents, i Cents. Cents. Cents. Dollars. I Cents. Scarboro Junction... /Vgincourt 'iVIillikcns Unionvillc Markham Stoiiffville (loodwood U.xbriduo ♦Marsh Hill *\Vi(k Sunderland ♦Manilla Crossing' Canniufiton Woodville I.orneville Junction . *Argyle *Eldon ♦Portage Road Kirkfield Victoria Road "'Corson's Crossing... Coboconk ♦liallantrae ♦Vivian M' Albert ♦Ravenshoc Sutton Jackson's Point *Canicron ♦Hall's I''cnelon I'\alls ♦Fell's *Rcttics Kinmount I § *Mylcs Ry. Jet I $'. *Minden | § 28 2S 27 27 21 20 20 18 18 IG 1() ir. 10 IG 18 18 20 20 22 27 27 28 30 30 30 12 1.") 1") 10 18 20 20 22 22 20 18 18 17 17 15 1") 13 13 12 13 13 15 15 17 17 18 22 22 22 25 25 25 20 18 18 17 17 10 15 15 13 13 12 12 11 U 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 15 17 17 18 20 20 20 10 12 12 13 15 17 17 18 8 10 10 11 12 13 13 15 15 14 U 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 y !) ,s 8 8 8 8 10 10 11 13 13 14 15 15 15 G 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 21 21 1!) lU 14 14 15 15 18 20 20 21 22 24 25 8 10 10 13 14 15 15 18 11 II 11 10 10 18 'J i 18 9 ' 18 9 15 8 15 8 14 7 14 7 !3 »• 1 1 '=' 7 10 5 i 13 7 1 13 ' 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 8.1 8" 8 0.', oS o" G G 5.1 5T 5 5.1, 5.i c c G 7 7 8 8.', 9' 9 3 3 3,1 4" 4 4.'. 4l 4i 20 20 20 IG IG 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 12 9 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 18 18 20 20 00 9 9 12 13 14 14 15 35 3.-) 35 35 3.-. 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 I This Tariff i.s subject to General Rules and Condition.s of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or catTCellcd at any time, with or without notice. . All previous Rates conflicting with above are hcrebj- cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 74 'V(i<s Aiidlaiia l^aifwag of i^attada. FEEIGHT TAEIFF TO AND FEOM LINDSAY. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. l.oadi-tl iind iinluadccl by Owner. BE'IWEEN LI N DSAY And the following Stations. First Class. Socoml Class* I Per ' HM lb». Third Class. Fer loi) lbs. Cents. I CcMlK. I Ccnl^. I'aiirtli Class. Per lou lbs. Flour Grain and Meal' and Mill iiiCi loads ot I2(i bhis. per bbl. Sditls in car luads of i^,mH-> lbs. nor lUO llJS. Cents. 1 1 Cents. I Cents. I.unibLT in car toads of i4,ouulbs. per loo lbs. Live Stock per car load. Cents. Dollars. | *lng(»l(lsljv P<1 *I)v.sart ..' ^.o *(;oul(rs g.o iiiiiilmrioti p p' ,1 Whitby ! lirooklin ! *Mvitlc ^ *Hi-li I'oiiU g *.M :iii('lK'stL'r 5 *l'rincc Allicrt , "^ Port I'crry , ' g Sc.igrnvL' : i. *SoMya . Mnnilla... Mariposa. *Oi>s Ikllcvillc *Cannifton *l-'()xl)oro *ll()llo\vay Xurtli Hastings Jc. Stirling 'Hoard's CampbcUford Hastings *Birdsairs *Kecne *\Vcst Huntington.. *Ivanlioe *Crookston *Moira Lake >radoc *Heniatitc Mine *Etdorado *nufferin Mine 24 L'l 1!) li) IS 18 17 1.') in 10 'JO 34 33 32 32 30 30 30 27 27 24 32 32 33 34 34 36 36 36 k; IG 13 15 14 12 12 10 8 28 28 27 27 26 25 25 22 22 20 28 28 28 30 30 30 16 16 12 12 13 13 18 18 11) 20 11 13 13 12 12 12 10 10 7 6 4 23 23 21 21 20 20 20 17 17 16 21 21 23 23 23 24 24 24 10 1(1 1(1 9 9 9 8 8 (i 5 4 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 13 13 12 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 16 16 14 14 13 12 12 10 7.1 5' 30 30 28 28 26 25 24 20 19 18 28 28 30 30 30 32 32 33 9 9 10 10 15 15 14 14 13 13 12 10 1(1 9 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 a 15 15 16 16 6 6 6 6 5.', 5j 5" 5 ; 4 I 3 3 15 14 14 14 14 13 11 11 9 8 6 I 11 10 10 9 9 9 8 7 6 6 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 25 25 24 24 22 22 22 18 16 16 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 Smalls, each. 35 35 35 85 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Condition.s of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 76 '. Cents, 35' 35 35 85 25 25 25 ''5 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 © Mldlaitd l^aiti^ag of ^aitada^ FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM LINDSAY. BETWEEN LI N DSAY And the following StationB. MERCHj Flrit Scconil Class, r\ma. i 1 \.NDISE. 1 Third Fourth \ Chiss, ; Class. 1 I 1 For Per 1 100 lbs. loo lbs, 1 for Per 100 lbs, 10(1 lbs. ' Cents. 1 Cents. Cents, 1 r:cnts. SPECIAL CLASSES, '°^''' 1 and uiilii.iik >y Owner, 1 1 I Flour Grain Lumber and Meal and Mill in car [ in car ' Sinfis in loads of loads ot I car loads J4,iHiolbs, ■ i2obbls, ; ot 2,(.iK>o , per II per bbl. lbs, per , loo lbs, |! ' 100 ilis, I !. 1 Live Slock, per 1 car load, ' Smalls, each. Port Hope *Qiiay's *l'crrytown Cardon Hill..,. *Suiiimit Millhrook Ik'thany *Hruns\vick Franklin Onicincc * Rcahoro Lindsay Canibray *C' Hill Lorncvillc Ji' . licavcrton *(innK'l)ridge,., Hrcchin *S(;l)c|)ulcr Uptornrove ♦.'Vthcrloy *Coucliicliing.,. Orillia *Silvcr Crock... Ulithofr *l''oxnieafi *.\lnia Coldwater * I't'sscrton Wauhaushcnc, *Stiirgoon Hay,. Victoria Hay., *01(1 Fort Midland *l''ra/crvillt' IV'tcrhorougli. *Nassau Mill.s. . Lake field 20 20 2.1 18 16 IG 15 12 10 10 12 15 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 -'( 28 28 28 30 30 20 22 24 18 17 17 17 15 13 13 12 10 8 8 10 12 15 17 17 17 18 18 18 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 90 15 13 13 13 12 II 11 10 8 7 7 8 10 12 13 13 13 15 15 15 IG 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 13 11 18 10 IG 10 16 10 15 il 14 s 13 8 13 8 10 G 8 G 8 6 8 6 8 8 10 Cj.nt3. ' Cents, . Dollars. 9 10 10 1(1 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 10 18 : I.-) • II 20 i 16 i 12 14 15 15 16 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 22 24 in 18 18 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 5 4 4 5 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 6 6 6 G 5,1 5' 5 I 4 3.'. 3j, 3 3 4 5 6 G G G G 6 Ci Gi GJ. 6J 8 8.1 15 14 14 14 13 12 12 9 7 7 7 7 9 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 18 20 20 20 20 22 14 15 16 25 25 25 25 25 2,"i 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 3.") 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 Thi.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag .Stations, Freight must be prepaid. i 76 'I l^fi^ Midland B-ailwag of Saiiada< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM LINDSAY. BETWEEN LI N DSAY And the following Stations. MBR0HANDI8B. SPECIAL CLASSES. ''""''''iVowm"'.'""'"'' First Clan. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. Flour and Mt'iil in car loads of 120 bbls. per bbl. i Grain Lumber and Mill in car Stutts in loads of carloads 24,000 lbs. Live Slock, per car load. 1 Per loo lbs. For too lbs. Per 100 lbs. Per 100 tba. of H,OfM lbs. per 100 Ids. per too lbs. Cenli. Cenla. Cents. Cents. 1 Cents. 1 Cents. 1 Cents. Dollars. 1 1 Smalls, each, Cents. This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. ( ♦ ♦v M lia *H.T K( n\ *Rc Ki *M) *Mi pan 77 ^&Q Midland Haitwag of ^sj^nada. FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PETERBOROUaH. BETWEEN PETERBOROUGH And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. by Owner, Hirsl Soconil Class. I Class. I'er I Per loo Ills, i loo lbs. Cents. ' Cents. Tliiril I Fourth Class, I Class. Fer For loo lbs. loo lbs. 1 1 Flour I and Meal in car loads of I20 bbis, I per bbl. Ciinin and Mill StuHs in carloads (if i4,lK« lbs, i>or busb, of 60 lbs. I Lumber t in car loads of a4,cHK(lbs. per I too lbs. Live Stock, pir car load. Cents. I rents. II Cents. 1 Cents, i Cents, I Dolia Snialli. each, Cents. Scarboro Junction... .\gincourt ■'Millikcns Unionville Markliain .Stouffvillo Cioodwood U.xbridge »iMarsh Hill *\Vick Sunderland *Manilla Crossing Cannington Woodvillf I.ornevillu Junction. *Argylc *Eldon * Portage Road Kirkfield Victoria Road *Corson's Crossing... Coboconk *Haliantrae *Vivian Mt. Albert *Ravcnshoe Sutton Jackson's I'oint *Canieron *Hairs Fenelon Falls ♦Fell's S" *Relties d Kinmount *Myles Ry. Jet *Minden Si 3.1 33 32 32 30 30 30 30 28 28 •^1 27 27 28 28 30 30 30 32 33 34 30 36 36 •2'J 28 28 28 27 27 2.") 25 2r) 2.') 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2.') 2r) 23 27 28 28 29 29 29 24 23 23 23 21 21 20 20 20 20 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 20 20 21 23 23 24 24 24 18 17 17 17 16 16 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 13 16 17 17 18 18 18 32 0* 11 1 80 9 11 30 9 11 1 30 U 11 1 28 8 10 1 128 s 9.J 22 18 24 20 27 22 27 22 28 22 30 23 30 23 30 23 13 16 17 17 18 20 20 20 11 12 13 13 14 13 13 13 26 23 24 22 21 21 20 19 19 19 20 21 21 22 24 24 28 30 30 32 33 33 S 7J 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C'h 6i 7 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 9 9 9 H 8 8 7 0,1 6" Ci 7 8 8 ?' 9 10 11 11 11 11.1 Hi 26 25 25 '*") 24 24 22 22 22 20 20 20 18 16 16 16 18 20 20 20 22 22 24 25 25 26 27 27 18 18 19 20 21 24 24 26 5 6 6 6h 7 7 8 6 6 ? 8 9 9 9 40 40 40 40 40 40 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 40 40 40 40 40 40 13 • 16 16 1 18 i 20 22 1 22 1 22 1 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 This TarifT is subject to (iencrai Rules and Conditions of Cania^^c adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaitl. I 78 Tlid MiJruiiJ ItaUway of Canada. FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PETEEBOROUaH. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES, id, ,1 .111,1 iiiil,< Lfy Uwiiur. BETWEEN PETERBOROUGH And the foUowingr Stations. I-'iral Claan. I 'IT rnu Ibff. Si 011,1 Per nut ttj*. •Ililid KMI ll)S. :i *Iii^()lil>,i)v 0<) *l)vs.irt...' 3!S ♦Omild's 2.0 Haliljunoii B 5' Wliilhy lirookliii *.\lyrtlc *HiKli INnnt *.\Iaiiihcstcr ^ *l'rinro Allien I'ort IVrry Scaijravf *Soiiva Maiiill,T .Mariposa *0|).s b: 5' P 1)11 .•!o :io (.'cnli. ' C emt. 'l J.'l L'O L'7 -'I •-'7 :.'l 20 lid 20 20 20 20 20 licllcvillc *C;anniftcm *l''()xl)orn *H()lloway Q North Hastini;sjc g Stirliii;; '...'. 3 ■^Hoard's ^ CampbcUford c Hastings § *I!irdsal'rs A O 27 21 22 2S 27 27 27 21 20 IH 17 16 15 Fourth Per KMi lbs. i:. Ill l.-i IT) 15 i:i i;i 12 11 I Grain riour I ati,l Mill unij Mt-'al. Stiitfa in III Car liuiila nt I ill Mils. per hit. I CHI' luuil IbH, per liiisli. of ' bu llin, l.iiinlicr in car toniN ol' i^.fNN) lbs, iwr t(X) lbs. I.ivu Slock liur car load. I Cenli. I C'snti. Cenis. I Oollart. Siilalli, earl). 3 a *Kci.'in; *\Vcst Hunlin^ton *Ivanliof *Crookston ^' *Moira Lake o .\Iadoc " * Hematite .Mine *lCldi)radii *l)iifreriii Mine , 20 1.S 1(1 12 27 27 27 28 ■M ao 30 22 22 22 20 I.S 17 15 13 10 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 18 14 I" 13 17 13 17 13 IG 12 15 11 13 10 12 9 11 8 8 6 17 13 17 13 17 13 18 14 20 15 20 20 20 15 15 15 20 8 9 OO 35 28 8 <l 21 1 40 28 ^'l 10 21 40 28 "l 10 24 40 2(5 8 22 1 35 25 8 22 1 35 24 1 9 22 35 21 t 9 22 35 , O^l (i 8.1 20 36 •}•} (i 81 20 35 22 ii\ 8 20 35 20 (i 7 18 35 20 1 IH 35 19 (i (■>!, IC. 35 18 5 n ii; 35 18 5 (i 15 1 25 21 01 8 20 35 20 7 18 35 19 G IG 35 19 G 10 35 18 5 16 35 IS ;> (1 15 25 III '} (i 14 25 14 4 5 13 25 13 1 5 12 25 8 n 3 7 25 19 G 16 35 20 7 18 35 20 c 7 18 35 21 Gf. 8 20 35 22 er 8 20 35 ■}•> H »S 20 35 24 7 9' 22 35 24 7 9 22 35 This Tariff is subject to Gciier,il Rules ,iiul Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All pi ivioiis Rjites conflicting^ with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, l-'reit^ht must be prepaid. 1. I n C( *l'-i W: *.Slu \'i( 70 Tfie MiJtaiiJ Itaitwsig of ^aiiaJa FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PETERBOROUaH. Cent!, 35 40 40 »0 sr) 35 35 35 35 35 ;i5 ;i5 35 35 35 25 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 BETWEEN PETERBOROUGH And the following Stations, MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. iilr.l :ni,l mil., i,> IhVIM'l. I'oil Hopu... *(^iiay's *lVrrytown.., (lardcn Hill. *Siiiiiiiiit Milllm..,k,... ISL'tliany *llriinswi< k..., I'Vankliii OlIUllK'L' 'Rcalioro Lindsay Canibray *(;rass Hill l.oniL'ville Jc .. . Hcavcrtoii *(iamul)ritliiL' Hrcchin *S(lio])L'lfr UptLTurovc *.\tlicrli;y *('ouilii(:liiiig Orillia '. *Silvor C'rcfk Uluhoff *l''oxnn;ail *.\lma Cokhvater *l''c's^(jrton WaubausliciiL'... . *Sturgcon Hay Victoria Hay *Okl Fort .Midland *l''ra/L'rvillc I'otL'rborough *Nassau Mills Lakcfield FIril Claifi. 2(t IS If* Hi ' Second ! Clnii, luu lbs. riilnl Clwi, I'rr c» Ibi, Crnia, ' Cnnli, I Cenli, |."i i<; 13 l.s 1.-. !.>< |."i 20 17 20 17 .)•» 1.S •)•> IX 2t 20 27 22 27 22 2,>< 22 .30 25 3(1 25 3() 25 30 25 30 25 30 25 32 27 27 27 32 32 32 27 27 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 12 10 10 8 12 10 13 12 10 II 13 13 15 15 k; u 18 20 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 S H'uurlh Clan, lou lb>. CdiiK. !» 11 Id III II 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 10 16 16 16 16 10 10 Hi 16 10 ti (i 6 < <,i.tiii I'liilir i.iiul Mill I iiiiilirr anil Mralj Slllllh iii in in ('.II c.irlnails loail.nt liiailH (it ; ol j).tHH, .t),HM,ll)it IJn bills, ' lliH. pel per inr bill. 1 bush. Ill Ills. do lbs. t.lvp Htiick 16 IH IS IX 19 20 21 .)•» 21 24 25 25 26 28 28 28 28 Smalla cacli. C«nli, I Conts. | Csnii. I Dollnri. I II l:> 13 l.'l t 1 1 1 II 4 i:i 1 . 10 3 : 13 4 ■ 14 4 14 4 5.', 6' 0.1 6 1 7.1 8' 8 8 8.1, 8? 2i) il' 29 9 :!() •1 3(,> il 30 !) 30 9 30 9 8 2.', 8 •) 1: 8 1 I:; 1 1 1 1 I.". 10 10 18 20 211 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 L'.'l 25 2.> 3.^ 3.-I 3.-I .■!.-) 3."i 411 10 411 40 40 40 III III 40 40 40 2-' 25 This Tariff i.s subject to General Rule^ iiul Conditions of Carrias^c adopted by the Midland Kailway Coiii- pany and may be altered or eancellrd at aii\ time, with or without notice. All pre\ious Rates conflictin;.,^ with above .ire hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Frciffjit must be [nepaid. 80 Tftc AUJIaiia Raitwag of ^anadsjt^ FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PETERBOROUGH. BETWEEN 'ETERBOROUGH And the followinB StatioiiB. i MER0HANDI8B. I'irtI Clau, Sucarul ClaHf, fir loo Ibi. Per Ilia llil. Third I Fourth ClnM. I Cllll. SPGOIAL OLASSBS, Luaili'il atiil utitnaJcil by Owner. For Pur ion llii, iiK) Ibi. Grain Flour anil Mil' l.uuibcr and Meal Biufli In In cnr In car carloads lumtN of loadfi of nfi^.oon 34,iHioll)i, ijobbli. Ib«. |KT I pi'r iiir bbl. I bush. o( , loo lbs, 60 lb>. I l.ivo Slock, per car load. Canti. I Cenla. I Cenla . I Cenla. II Ce nla. Cenia. I Cenli. I Dollara. I Small!, each. Cenla. This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carnage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 81 Tfiivj Midtaif J Raitwuii of ^diisjsia^ FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PORT HOPE. Smalli. r.ich. BETWEEN PORT HOPE And the followincr Statiuns. Hcarli'iri) JuncliDii Aniin ourl Millikcns Unidiivillu Markliam Stoiiffvillo (ioodwdod Uxhridnc 'Marsh Hill *\Vi(k ! i^ SiindcTland ' g *Manilla Oossing i M (;aniiin(il(jii S W'oodvillc I Q l.orivvillj Juiiclion „ ♦Argvlo 2 ♦Kldl.ti < *\'orU\nc Road S Kirklicid i Q \'i(loria Read i Szj ■•Corson's Cn. ssiiij; C'(jl)oroiik I *llalLmlrat' I *Vivian j Mt. Albert i * Ravcnshoo I Sutton Jackson's Point i *Camcron I ^ *Hairs I I' l''cni;lon I'alls ' 2 ♦Fell's ■ p- *Rcttics I g Kinmoinit i ^j' *Mylcs Ry. Jet ' S. *.MindL'n ' § MERCHANDISE, SPECIAL CLASSES. ul. .|..ii,liMll< I'V DvviUI, ririt CUtti. I ScCDIItl ■(JO Iba. Vrt ■ai Ibt, Thlfl cull. I'lT lot) Ibi, Crnti, ' Ctnii, I Ciintii. I'uinrli Cla», ; I'liMir iinil Mill ' t.iimbsr mill Ml III' 8liiR> In In car ' |.i\i< I ill Cnr r..rl...ulH IimiIi nf Sim k . I InniUol <M J|.i-«i l|.i»<i||» |i,.r I til] bblH, Ibti. iii'i |K r ciir loail, l'«r ■Ml IIk, I Ccliln, |irr bbj, 30 ;io MO 31 33 32 32 30 30 30 :i(i ;tu 2>s :'7 •2- •27 '28 30 30 30 30 30 33 3+ 30 30 37 37 24 28 30 30 30 32 29 2!) 2!) 28 28 27 27 2n 2.1 2."> 2.") 22 22 25 2.") 25 2."i 2") 28 28 30 30 30 30 20 22 22 22 2") on 2 ! 24 21 2( 23 23 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 18 17 17 17 18 20 20 10 17 17 18 20 20 20 21 18 18 18 i>; Kl 15 15 15 15 15 U 13 13 13 14 15 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 10 20 15 20 15 20 15 ; 23 17 23 17 24 18 24 18 25 19 25 19 33 82 ;^2 ;ii) 21 20 20 20 21 22 22 24 25 25 30 30 32 33 34 34 18 19 20 21 22 25 25 28 bimli, of no Ibt. luj Ibl, Cinla. I Cenli, I DsIImi. H '.n 'A II " !l <) !l 9 10 lu 10 It II II s u H 7.1, 71 9 7 9 •l'. 8 0.'. 8 OT 8 ('." 7 i'l li 7 j 8 8 8.1 9" 9 9 II II II II 12 27 I'll 20 25 25 24 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 18 !.>< 18 20 20 20 22 22 22 25 25 20 27 28 28 .5 10 5.', 10 C 7 18 c. 8 20 G.I 8 20 7 DO 7i 9 22 8 9 24 lull, Crott. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 3fl 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 40 35 39 39 39 39 39 39 40 y Com- Tliis T.iriff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriaijc adopted by the Midland Kailua)- Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictini^ with aboxe are hcreb)' cancelled. *Fl,ig Stations, yrciifht must be prepaid. i ' S" r Tfia MiJiaiiJ Railwug of panada. FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PORT HOPE. BETWEEN MERCHANDISE. First Class. PORT HOPE--- And the following Stations. I'd .») Mis. SrcoiiJ ('I.1SS, Per M llis. Tliira Cl.nss. IVr («j lbs Cents. < Cclils, i Cents. Follrlh CI.1SS. Cents. SPECIAL ( Grnin -<T A a a IT Q I.oadfd and untoadod vLiAStiiiite. i,j. Owner. 1 Ftoiir and Mill ' Lnnibrr 1 and Mi^al Siiilis in i in car l Live in ( ai |i:,irli.aiis loads of Stock Snialls, loads ol ot i4,ot>o .j^.ooolbs.] per wii hills. ' lbs. prr 1 per i car load. each. per bbl. - bush, uf > lOo lbs. \ . 60 Mi. \ Cents. 1 CentA, Cents. Dollars. ' Cents, I *liij;i)li.W)y ■ *l)vs:irt 'CniiM-s Il.ililnirioii. . §0' BO ■ o'3. ■ 09J , Whitby lirnoklin 'Myitlc *Hij;li I'oiiU ... *.\Iaii(licsU'f... . *l'iin(L' .Mbcil.. Port IVrrv Sca-r.ive.'. *.Siiiiv:i M.tMilln Mariposa *()|i.s :!l' :!-' :!.l L>7 L'l !(! ■11 I'l Hi ■_'s L'.-i 1? L.'.-^ ■r\ 17 2,s .•id •M) 8.1 24 21 2.") ■).-. ^ .•ill Xl ■M) 30 d. 2S 2. •>•>< ■ P 1 * 27 1 1 24 2.") 2(1 2.") 20 '*."i 20 . 2.'i 20 2fi 20 licllovillL' *{!aiiiiil'toii 'P'osboro *Hollo\vay Nortli Hastings Jc. Stilling *H()ard's ('am|il>clllord Hastings *Hir(lsalVs *Kccnc' *\Vi;st Huntington. *lvanhoL' *('rookston *.\loiia l.akc -Matloc *llt'iiiatito Mine ... *l'",l(lorailo *l)uffcrin Mino i g o 32 .32 MO 30 ;!0 30 28 27 cj- 24 22 ' « 30 ! 3: m 32 32 32 a 33 34 34 36 2.") 25 2") 22 22 20 18 :;( 28 28 28 29 20 20 IS 21 21 20 20 20 20 IS 17 10 l.j 211 21 21 21 23 23 23 24 1.-) 2.") I.'l 1"' 25 24 '''' t 24 15 24 11 21 II 21 Itt 20 13 It) 7 OJ, tj' (i IG 16 15 15 15 15 14 13 12 11 15 10 10 10 17 17 17 18 28 28 20 20 25 22 21 lU 18 18 20 28 28 28 30 30 30 32 8.', sl 71 0.1 ol c' 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 !) i) 9 22 22 22 22 22 22 20 20 18 IC 10 40 40 40 40 10 9.', 9' 9 9 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 II 11 24 24 22 22 22 20 20 16 10 15 22 24 :'4 24 2fi 25 25 20 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 40 40 35 36 35 35 35 35 25 25 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 'Iliis TaiiiT is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictinj; with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Frcltjht must be prepaid. *.\tl »C Or ».Sil' Uht l'l ^\a Lak 88 Tffts Mldtan4 nattwag of Canada. FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PORT HOPE. BETWEEN ' PORT HOPE And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. '■°'"'ty''o>ln"r'""''"' Port Hope *QiKiy'.s *IVTryto\vn Cardeii Hill... *Suiiiinit Millhrook licthany *liruiiswi';k I'ranklin OiiiLMnce *Rcal)oro Lindsay (^imbray ♦Crass Hill I.orin'villc Jc . licavorton *(iamul>ri(igc... Hrocliin *S(:licpclcr L'plcrgrovo.... *AthLTlcy *(xni<:liicliiiii;-" Orillia '... ♦.Silver CrL'ck... UluliolT ♦Foxmuad *.\lnia Coldwatcr *l'"csscrton W'aubauslicne. ♦Sturgeon l!ay.. Victoria Bay.. ♦Old l-'oit Midland ♦I'Va/crvillc IV'tcrboroiigh . ♦Nassau Mills. . Lakcfield H J H > b b < h 01 H In St Class. .St:C((tl(l . Class. i I'liiril Class. I'.. 1.1 lb C1..S5. I'lr ..... lbs. UK) Ills, I'lr ItHJ lbs. 1'..- ....) lbs. t:f.ils. Cents. I Ceiils, 10 I-.' II Ul 10 l.s IK ;!0 lid .s 10 II !•_' l.-i l."> 1") 17 17 \-2 l:i l:! ^ J I.-* I.I : 2 + 2U u; ! ar ■)•) 17 ! 27 •i.) 17 2S .).) 18 ■M 2.") 20 ;!() 2.'> 20 ;!() 2.'i 20 .•iu 2--> 20 ;!0 2.") 20 .■10 :!i! 2."i ■>7 20 :v> 2 1 li*' ;i-j 27 22 :V2 27 22 ;!:; 27 22 1 32 27 22 32 27 22 32 27 •).» 32 27 •>■> 32 27 •)•) 32 27 22 32 27 i)2 18 15 12 20 17 13 22 l.>< 1.^. 22 18 1.^1 i I .s II !l lU III I I i:i l.i M ].■. l.-i |.-| |."i 1.") ].". u; Ki 11) Hi Ki Ki Ui Ki Ki Ki 10 Ki ;» 10 II 11 C.l, .1.1 I'l.'.i. anil Mill I. b.'. and Sliitis ill in car l.ivc in car ; carloads lo.uls ot Stock, loails ot nt 24.0(Hi .i4,no.Tli)s. p.-r ijubbls. lbs. pel per car loaii, per bbl. biisb, of io.i lbs. bo lb'.. 8 8 8 10 12 i;i II I. -I lit 111 Kl 18 l!» 111 2(1 **2 J I 2."i 2."i 2fl 2(i ;io 2.1 2i 2^ " 2 I 3,'. 31 4" tl tl tI tl tl I.' 4 ■1 1 l.l \l ■n u 8 ,S 8.1 II 1' I I I.") I.-| 1(1 1(1 18 2U 2' I 22 ')0 Sinalli, •ach, CriltS. as 26 25 ^ 25 25 26 26 26 36 au s xl 2:1 30 8 8.1 2:1 1 30 8 8.1, 2:1 ' 30 8 8.', ■2:, , .-10 8 S' •J.'l 30 fi 8i 2.-! •M 8 •s.i, 2:i .'to 8 8.1, 2;s 30 8 8', 2:! 30 8 81 2.-! i 30 8 8.'. 2:i i 11 1 ■1 M ! l.j 1 4.', 11 i : 10 4.', :> Kl 1 i; Ifi H H 10 ! 26 36 St at 86 36 36 35 36 36 35 35 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 26 26 25 25 Tiii.s Tariff i.s suiijcct to (icneral Rules and Coiidition.s of Carriage adopted by tlic Midl.iiul Railway Coni- paiiy and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with abo\e are he.cby cancelled. *F"laff .Stations, I'leii^ht must be prepaid. ■j-Thc rate on Harley from these Stations to I'ort Hope is y/^ cents per bushel, of 48 lbs. i:^ ; 84 Tft« MiJIatiJ iRalfwag of panada i FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM PORT HOPE. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. '■"'X'l^tlf"' BETWEEN First Second 1 Thini I-ourtli I-Iotir am) Mill . I.unibur Class. Class. Class. Class. mui M(-'al Stiifls in 1 incur Live PORT HOPE 1 in car ; loails of ijo hbis. carloads , loads of of 24,(xx) 24,000 lbs, lbs. per ! per bush, of 1 100 lbs. per car toad. 1 each, 1 ' IVr 1 Per Per Per 6oIbs. 1 1 loo lbs. i too lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 1 1 And the following Stations. 1 1 1 1 1 Ccnis. i Cpiits. i Cents. Cents. Cents. 1 Cents. 1 Cents. Dollars. 1 ' Cents. I 2 < i S !z« This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or capcellcd at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *=Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 85 ^ Mtdtaifd l^aitwag of ^ansjda^ FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM ORILLIA. BETWEEN ORILLIA I And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. I-'ourtli Class. IVr 1..) lbs. Per loo lbs. I'er luo lbs. Per too lbs. Ci'iits. Cents, i Cents. Cents. SPECIAL CLASSES. oa(l(<l and iiiitnadt-i by t)wnur. ■ Flour Grain Lumber | 1 and Meal and Mill in car ; in Car Stutts in loads of ] loads ot car loads i4.o<x)lbs. : , I2U bl>]s. ot 24.0011 per 1 per bbl. lbs. ner 100 lbs. ion lbs. 1 1 1 Cents. Cents. Cents. I Live Stuck per car load. Siiutib, each, Scarboro Junction. i-i '.Millikcns Unionvillo Marklmm Stoiifrvillo Ciooilwood Uxljiidiic *.Marsh Hill *\Vick Siindciland *Maiiilla Crossing C'aiinington ; 3 Woodvillo Q I.oriicvillc Junction *Ar-vlt; • 2 *Kldon < ♦I'ortagL' Road CQ Kirkfickl o \'i(toria Road SJ *('()rson's Crossin;,' C'olxjcoiiK i *l!allantiao *\'ivian Mt. .MIiLTt I *Ravcnslu)c [ .Siiiton ! lackson'.s I'oint 1 30 30 30 30 30 28 27 2" 24 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 24 27 30 30 30 30 32 32 22 22 20 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 IS 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 17 17 10 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 10 17 20 20 20 20 21 21 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 15 15 26 25 25 21 21 21 20 19 18 18 18 18 10 10 15 15 10 18 18 18 18 19 24 24 8.', 81 12 8i 12 11 8 10 7 1 10 9 9 9 9 e 8 8 ,s (i s (i *ranicron ' <] *Hairs ' o I''onclon I'alls 2 *l'cirs S' *Ri-tlics I Kinnionnt ' < *Mvlcs Rv. jet ' a *Mindcn.;..; § 24 27 27 28 30 30 30 20 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 10 17 17 17 18 20 20 20 15 20 10 2K 10 28 12 18 13 19 13 20 13 20 14 21 15 21 ,s 9 9 9 10 12 12 13 13 14 1! 20 18 10 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 1; 15 10 1 10 J-; 22 ' 8 22 ; 8 22 j 8.1 81 24 1 15 .•I 20 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 13 10 10 18 18 20 40 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 25 25 I 25 i 25 I 25 25 i 25 ; 25 25 35 1 35 ' 35 i 35 i 35 I 35 I 40 40 35 35 35 35 33 35 35 35 This Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriai,re adopted by tiic Midland Railwaj- Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at an\- time, with or witlioiit notice. All previous Rates conflictin;,' with abo\'e arc hcrcb)' cancelled. *Fla^ Stations, I"rci<,dit must be prepaid. S5a ,i TtiQ Siidtand l^aitwa^ of <^aiiada< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM ORILLIA. MERCHANDISE. BETWEEN ORI LLI A And the following Stations. l-'irst Class. Second Class. Tliird Class. Fourlh Class. Per Ifto lbs. i I'cr icKi lbs. VCT 100 lbs. Per ' 100 lbs, ' Ccnis. Cents, Cents. Cents. 1 SPECIAL CLASSES. Loaded and unloaded by Owner. Flour 1 Tiiain ; Lumber i and Meal, and Mill ! in car ' Live I in Car | StuHs in j loads of ' Stock ! Inads of ' car loads '24,iMX)lbs.i pur 120 bbls. of 24.aM> p(r , car load. per bbl. | lbs. per I loo lbs. Cents. I Cents. Cents. loo lbs. Dollars. Smalts, each. 0<1 3" ■ I? H:ilil)iirt()il § g' Mii,:;<jldsl>y. M)v.-,art ►(;nuiirs.... Whilhy 1 llrookliii I *.\lvrtlc : ^ *Hii;li I'oint B. *.\la'nrlicslLT ^ *\'r'mrv ,\lt)crt "^ I'ort IViry , d .Scaijiavo §. *S(iiiya Manill.i .Mariposa *Ops ■■V2 •■]■> :V2 3.j 30 :W ;!0 30 30 30 ■2i 28 •21 ■21 ■23 IG 10 10 17 liollovillc *Caiiiiirtoii *l'<)<il)010 *H()llo\vay North Hastings Jc. Slirliiij; *Hoar(i's (^ampbcllford Hastings *l!irdsairs *Kei;ne *\Vcst Huntington.. *Ivaiilioc *Cnjokst()ii *Moira L.ikc .Macloc *Hi;inatito Mine *I''-Ul<)rado *Puffc'rin Mine f p. g o a 38 37 37 37 37 37 30 34 33 33 37 ■2if ■25 ■2'i ■2n ■2 a 22 22 22 20 20 rl, 37 09 3,S .9 38 ^ 38 40 40 40 31 30 30 30 30 30 29 28 28 27 30 31) 31 31 31 32 32 32 20 20 20 20 20 20 18 17 17 10 10 20 25 25 25 25 25 24 23 23 21 25 25 20 26 2C. 20 26 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 13 13 12 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 17 17 10 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 2.S 14 9 24 40 28 14 9 24 40 28 14 9 24 40 30 15 10 25 40 20 13 S\ 22 35 2."i 13 8.', 22 35 24 12 8i 22 35 24 12 H 22 35 V, 12 11 8.V 8' 22 20 35 35 •2'\ 11 8 20 35 20 10 7 18 35 20 10 7 18 35 18 9 6 16 35 18 9 16 35 34 17 12 32 40 34 17 12 30 40 34 17 12 30 40 34 17 12 30 40 34 17 11 29 40 34 17 11 29 40 33 10 10 27 40 30 15 10 25 40 30 15 10 25 ■ 40 28 14 9 24 40 34 17 11 30 40 34 17 11 30 40 34 17 11 32 40 34 17 11 32 40 34 17 12 32 40 35 18 12 34 40 35 18 12 34 40 35 18 12 34 40 This Tariff i.s subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriasje adopted by tiie Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictini,' with above are hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. 86 e j^i idtand llaitwag of ^aitada< FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM ORILLIA BETWEEN ORI LLI A And the following Stations, i MERCHANDISE. ! Second Class. 1 Class. Third Class. Fourth ,1 Class. ; Per Per 100 lbs. lou lbs. Per TOO lbs. Per ' 100 lbs. Cents. Cents. 1 Cenls. Cenls. SPECIAL CLASSES. Loatli'cl and unloaded by Owner. I Flour Grain [ Lumber and Meal an.l Mill , in car in Car Stutls in : loads ot loads of I car loads 2(,(joolbs, 120 bbls. ' ot J4.pno per per bbl. . lbs. per , loo lbs. loo lbs, I Live Stock per car load. I'ort Hope *Qu.iy's *l'errvtown Carcicn Hill..., *Sunimit Millbrook Hctli.iny *l!riins\vick I'r.inkliii Oineiiici; *Reaboro l.inds.ny Cambrav * Hill t.ornt'ville Jc . Ucavortoii *Gamebriilge... Urcchiii *Sclicpeler Uptcrgrovc... *.\tlic'rit;y *Coucliiching... Orillia *Silvcr Creek... Uhthoff *F()\mcacl *Alma Coldwatcr * Kessertoii Waubausbene. 'Sturgeon li.iy.. Victoria Hay.. *01(1 Foit Midland *l'"razcrville. . , . Pctcrborougb . *Nassail Mills Lakefield Cents. I Cents, i Cents. : Dollars. I H b I b b H <l H Ul H 30 30 30 30 30 28 2S 27 27 21 20 20 18 16 1-5 12 12 10 10 10 12 15 \5 l.") 16 16 18 20 20 20 30 30 32 2.'> 25 25 25 25 22 22 22 22 20 18 18 17 17 15 13 12 10 10 8 8 8 10 12 12 12 13 13 15 17 17 17 55 27 20 13 28 14 H 22 1 20 15 27 14 8j 22 20 15 26 13 8 22 20 15 24 12 8- 22 20 15 22 n 8 20 18 14 21 11 8 20 18 14 21 11 8 "0 17 13 20 10 7 18 17 13 19 10 6 16 16 12 IS 9 6 16 i 15 11 18 9 6 15 1 15 11 18 9 6 15 13 10 l(i 8 6 14 13 10 15 8 6 14 12 9 14 7 5 13 11 8 1 13 7 5 12 10 8 I 10 5 4 9 1 8 6 1 8 4 3 * 8 6 ! 8 4 3 7 7 6 I 8 4 3 7 7 6 1 8 4 3 7 7 6 1 8 4 3 7 8 6 8 4 3 7 1 10 8 10 5 4 9 10 8 10 5 4 9 10 8 10 5 4 9 ' 11 8 13 7 6 12 11 8 13 1 6 12 12 9 ! 14 7 6 13 13 10 ! 15 8 7 14 13 10 I 15 8 7 14 13 10 16 8 7 14 20 15 24 12 H 22 20 15 26 13 9 22 21 16 ', 28 14 10 23 :!5 3.-. 3.-) 35 35 35 35 3.-) 2.") 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 35 30 40 Tiiis Tariff i.s subject to General Rules aiul Conditions of Carriai^e adopted by tlic Midland Railway Com- panj' and may be altered or caiieeilcd at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conHictincj with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. If ll SGa I Tfi<^ Alidrand llaitwag of ^atiadla< rH,EiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM ORILLIA. BETWEEN Oh. ; L. L I A And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. CKlss. Second Class. Third Class. Per loo lbs. Per loo lbs. Per 100 lbs, Fourth Class, Per loo lbs. SPECIAL CLASSES. '■'"%"Slnel°^'^"^ I Flour I Grain j Lumber and Meal anc] Mill i in car Siufils in I loads of carloads 'i4,ooo]bs. in car loatls of 120 bbis, per bbl. of 24,000 lbs. per 100 lbs. per 100 lbs. Live Slock, per car load. Cents. I Cents. I Cents, , Cents. H Cents, I Cents. I Cents. I Dollars, Suiatis, each, Cents, Thi.s Tariff is subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carriajje adopted by the Midland Railway pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All prcviou:. Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *Flaf,' Stations, Freight must be prepaid. Com- 87 g Midland B^attwag of ®anada^ FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM BELLEVILLE. B BETWEEN ELLEVILLE And the following Stations. MERCHANDISE. First Second Class. CI.1SS, Third Class. Fourth Class, Per Per too lbs. { lou ILs. Per too Ilia. Per 100 lbs. ^ Cents. : Cents. Cents- Ceulb. 1 SPECIAL CLASSES. '•'""''';,'l,'';';:i",:''™'''^'' Grain | | Flour and Mill : Lumber I and Menl Stiitta in , in car I.ivc in Car 1 car loads loads of Slock loads ot ot J4,o(M' i^.ijoolbs, per Ijo bbls. I lbs. per per car load. per bbl. bush, ol il.o lbs. (lo lbs. Cents, I Cunts. I Cents, i Dollars. Smalls, each. Cents. Scarboro Junction... ;\i;iiu'ouit •Millikons Uiiii)iiville Ni.irklKUii StouriVillo (tooilwood U\bri(lj;c *M.irsli 'Mill *\Virk Sunderland *.Manilla Crossing CanniiiL^loM W'oDilvillc I.orncvillc Junclion . *.\rgvlo ♦Kldon ♦I'ortago Rond KirklK'ld Victoria Road '■■■Ct)rson's (.'ro.ssiiig... ('<)l)oconk *l!alkintiac *\'ivian Mt. .\ll>crl *Ra\viislioc .Sutton Jackson'.s Point hH IT) h-t m CO M S! O O i-i CO o *("aiiK'r(in *Hall's Fcnulon Talis »l''fll's »Ruttics 1\ inmount : ^ *.Mv1l's Rv. let ■ »: *Miiiden.'. : g i-2 42 42 40 40 IIS i]S 37 ;!" ;»- ;$7 :J7 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 40 42 42 43 43 44 32 32 32 32 32 31 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 .34 26 20 20 20 20 20 36 2") 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2(i 20 20 20 28 21 21 21 20 20 19 I'J 1!) 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 30 30 37 37 37 37 37 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 20 IS 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 ao ■M 35 35 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 30 30 38 38 40 33 :)3 34 34 34 34 ;ii 34 1 11 1 14 35 f)0 11 14 35 60 11 11 35 50 11 11 34 40 11 U 34 40 10 13 3l' 40 10 13 31' 1 40 10 13 30 ; 40 1(1 13 30 40 10 12 29 40 1 10 12 29 40 10 12 29 40 9 12 28 40 9 12 28 40 9 12 28 40 ! 10 12 29 40 1 "^ 12 29 40 10 12 29 40 10 13 ;!0 40 10 13 .■iO 40 , 1(1 13 32 40 i " 14 34 40 ' 11 14 35 50 11 14 35 50 12 15 36 50 12 15 30 50 12 15 38 j 50 10 11 *^7 ' 1 40 10 11 27 i 40 10 12 28 40 10 12 29 40 10 12 29 40 10 13 30 40 10 13 30 40 10 13 32 40 This Tarilf is subject to (icncial Rules and Conditions of Carriaj^c adopted by the Midland Raihvaj' Com- l)aii,\- and iiia_\- be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All pic\i."i.-; i-latc ■ conflicting; with above arc herein- cancelled. *Fia}]- Slations, i'"ieight must be i)icpaid. i Ull 'rfte AUaraiia Rattwaij of <Sanad^, FREIGHT TARIFF TO AND FROM BELLEVILLE. BETWEEN ELLEVILLE MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES. ulr.l.lJMl IJ I»y liwiHi, B And the following Stations. First CIilSH. I'll .u lbs. S/icoikI CInHit I'll I.I Ills. Tliird Class. i Cciils. Coins. I CcnU. Ol.iiii I'ourtli I rioiir I ami Mill [.iiiiilier Class, atiil Mciit Sliills ill in ciir Live ; I 111 Car Inails liiails ijf i Stock | ; Inailsiit ' III J4,ixHi J4.wMi|bs., per i ijii bills, ' lbs. pur ; per car loail. ! per bill bilsli. nl kni lbs. | 6u lbs. I'lT HI lbs. Suialls inch. I Cents. I Contt. I Cents, i Uollari. i 'ImhdIiIsIiv... •i); .. ♦Cmild's llalilnirtoii. 00 3'o- o'a. a p Whilhy lirudkliii *.\lyrtlc' *Hi>;li roiiil ... *.\Ian( liL'stcr... *l'riM(c .Mbcil. I'lirt IVrry .Scagnnv *.S()iiya .\I.nnilla Maripttta »0|is ^ 10 ID III 10 .•18 .•is 37 37 37 37 37 37 30 30 .■12 3:; 31 3! 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 Hullcvillc ' *( ,'anniftoii *l'()\l)()ro * Holloway q N'ortli Hastings Jc g Siirliiig ...'. B * Hoard's ( 'am|)l)cllf()iil Hastings g *Hirdsall's ft *Ki.'Liie § *\Vcst Ilimtington u *lvanhoe a' *Crookstoii s" *.M()ira I.akc 5' .\I.idoc P * Hcmatilc Mine ■T.ldorado *l)uffcrin .Mine 10 12 12 12 U U 1.5 10 20 24 12 U IT) 10 10 18 20 20 10 10 10 11 II 12 13 17 20 10 11 12 13 13 15 II 1 20 1 20 35 11 ' M 34 40 20 21) 35 II 1 1 .34 40 20 20 35 11 11 34 40 20 20 .•!.-) 34 II 10 1 1 13 34 40 20 1!) 32 1 40 20 19 .U 10 13 32 1 40 2.") 19 34 10 13 30 1 40 25 19 34 10 13 30 : 1 40 j 25 19 34 10 13 30 I 40 25 19 34 10 13 30 1 40 , -'.'> 19 34 10 12 29 40 25 19 34 10 12 29 40 i 25 19 34 10 12 28 1 40 24 18 33 10 11 27 40 24 18 32 9 11 20 40 7 5 8 3 7 25 « 8 •> 3 7 25 8 10 .3 4 9 25 « 1 10 3 4 9 25 9 7 10 ;» 4 9 25 9 7 15 4 5 14 25 10 8 10 4 5 14 25 11 8 17 U. 5 10 25 i 13 10 18 5" 6 16 35 ' 10 12 20 5.1, 7 18 35 8 10 3' 4 9 25 9 ( 11 3 4 12 25 10 8 12 3 4 13 25 11 8 13 3 H 14 25 1 11 8 14 3.^ n 14 25 i 12 9 15 4" 5" 14 25 13 10 10 4.1 5 15 25 13 i 10 10 5' 5 15 25 This Tariff is subjuct to (jcncral Rules and Conditions of Carri.i.q;c adoi)tcd by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflictin^j with above arc hereby cancelled. *Flag Stations, Freijjht must be prepaid. er Oei- lioff.... Head . •T W.-uihaiis *Sliiige(iii Vicliiria *()ld I'oit Midland. *l''ra/ervill IVterhori *Nassaii .N Lakefield This pan_\- and .All 1 *Fla 1 1 88 e Midtaitd i^aitwag of ^aitada^ FREiaHT TARIFF TO AND FROM BELLEVILLE. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES, BETWEEN Belleville And the following Stations. tlcil iui'l miluadeil i by Uwner, I'Irit Class. Second Class. I'er I Per loo lbs. 1 100 lbs. Third ' Fourth Class. I Class. Fur I Fer 100 lbs, 100 lbs. 1 1 Cents. I Cents. I Cents, I Cents. r.raiii Flour ' and Mi]| 1. limber and Meal SliitN u\ in car in car car loads loadH of tua<U of I ofi4,[NHt J4,<HIO Ills, lio bblH, lbs. |M:r per per bbl. , bush, of loo lbs. I i do lbs. ; Live Slock, car load. I Cents, I Cenli. I Cents. DnlUrs. Port Hope ' *(^uay'.s 1 * Tcrrytown ' Carden Hill j *Sii niiiiit I .Millhrook I Ik'tliany *Hrunswiik , Franklin ! OniL'incc I u * Real )oro i j^ Lindsay ! H Cambray 1 H ♦Crnss Hill ' - I.orncville Jf IJcavcrton *( lamebridge Hrccliiii , ^ ♦Schepeler \ Q Uptergrovc *.\tlicrlcy., y *Cou('hi(;liing lj Orillia ' J ♦Silver Creek : 3 Uliilioff 1 H *l'oxiiK'a(l JM *.\lnia rH Coldwater U *l''esserton H Wauhaiisliene P *Stiiinei 111 l!ay Victoria I'av *()1(1 I'ort,..,' Midland *I''ra/erville IV'tcrl)oroiiL;li ■'Nassau .Mills Lakefield i 32 1 27 21 16 28 8 10 24 32 1 27 21 10 28 8 9 24 32 ! 27 21 10 28 1 8 9 24 30 2.') 20 15 20 9 •>') 30 25 ; 20 15 25 9 .).> 30 25 20 15 20 9 >)>» 32 27 21 10 28 8 9 24 32 27 21 1 10 28 8 y 24 32 27 21 1 16 28 8 10 24 1 33 28 23 17 30 'J 11 25 3+ 28 23 17 30 9 11 25 30 29 24 18 32 9 11 26 30 29 24 18 33 10 11 27 37 30 25 19 34 10 12 28 37 30 25 19 34 10 12 28 37 30 25 19 \ 34 10 12 I 28 37 30 25 19 34 10 12 28 37 30 25 19 1 34 10 13 : 30 3S 3! 20 19 i 34 10 13 32 3K 31 20 19 34 10 13 32 3H 31 20 19 34 10 13 32 38 31 20 19 34 10 13 32 •10 32 20 20 35 11 14 34 40 32 20 2(1 35 ' 11 14 34 40 32 20 20 35 ■ 11 , 14 31 4(1 32 1 20 20 35 1 11 14 34 42 ; 32 : 20 21 30 i 11 14 35 ' 42 32 26 21 36 11 14 ; 35 42 32 20 21 36 i 11 14 ; 35 42 1 32 20 21 36 1 11 14 35 1 43 : 33 27 21 38 12 15 36 43 1 33 '-'7 21 38 : 12 15 ' 36 44 ' 34 28 22 40 1 12 15 38 30 ' 25 ; 20 15 24 7 9 22 30 25 20 • 15 22 1 1 '^ 20 30 •J') 20 15 22 ■: 6 ' 8 20 30 ; 25 2(1 15 1 24 1 7 1 y 1 22 Smalls, each, Cents, 411 40 40 35 35 3,-. 40 40 40 10 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 35 35 35 I'liis Tariir i.s .subject to General Rules and Conditions of Carria-ic adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and ma>- be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. .Ml previous Rates confliclini; with above arc hereby cancelletl, *I'"iai; .Stations, lMeiL;lU must be prepaid. 88,7 '('fi« MiJIanU RaUwag of ^anaUa FREIGHT TAEIFF TO AND FROM BELLEVILLE. MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLiAoBHiO. i,y ()„„i.r. BETWEEN Belleville And the following Stations. I Grain ' I I loailsDf ! Ill J|.(«"i l4.'««>ll'H.j per , liolibls. Ib«. |>.r i>ir icarluad, DM bbl. : bush, of liHi Ibi, i (,0-M, ' I'cr I'lT lou lbs. I too lbs. Cenli. I CenU, Per l'i:r 100 lbs. li«) lbs. SllialU. racli, Cents. 1 Cents. I Cpnis. .^enu. _ !><!)l_a!:t. I r Tlii.s Tariff is subject to General Rules aiul Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland Railway Com- pany and may be altered or cancelled at any time, with or without notice. All previous Rates conflicting with above are hereby cancelled. *l'"lag Stations, Freight must be prepaid. I LOUA Ascertain thi D] Not cxcuodiiig il Over 'i mill not " 11) " 15 "20 "25 "30 " 3.-> "40 " 45 "50 " 55 "00 "05 "70 " 75 "80 " 85 "00 "95 "100 " 105 "110 "115 " 120 " 130 '140 " 150 " 1«0 " 170 "180 "100 "200 "210 "220 " 2.S0 " 240 "250 "200 " 270 "280 "290 "300 "310 "320 " 330 " 340 "350 " .S60 " 370 "380 " .390 "400 "410 " 420 " 430 "440 " 450 " 460 " 470 "480 "490 Tin.) Tnrif cancelled at sn Freight t. 8!» Midland Railway of Canada. LOOAL FREIGHT TARIFF BETWEEN WAY STATIONS. To h*! Appllrrf whi-r« no M«-pnrate Ttirlir Ir4 ulveii. Ascertain the distance by the shorteBt routo per Company g tiiuo tableB, and charge lud forward Freight accordingly TO TAKE EFFECT ANUARY 1ST, 1882. DISTANCES. Not exoeediii;.' "• Over •'' mill nut " 10 " 15 " 20 " 25 " .10 " 35 " 40 " 45 " 50 " 55 " 00 " 65 " 70 " 75 " 80 " 85 " 90 " 95 "100 " 105 " 110 " 115 "120 " 130 '• 140 "150 " 1«0 "170 " 180 "190 "200 "210 "220 " 2,S0 "240 "260 "260 "270 "280 "290 "300 "310 "320 "330 "340 "350 " .S60 "370 "380 "390 "400 "410 "420 "430 "440 "450 "460 "470 "480 "490 MERCHANDISE. SPECIAL CLASSES.* FIril , SncoDil CUoa, Cku. Third Clan. P«r 100 Mil. Per loo lbs. Miles 10 over 10 inilca, , 15 1 12 16 20 ' in 25 18 30 20 35 W 40 22 45 22 .10 55 24 27 «0 V7 (15 28 70 30 75 .30 SO m H5 30 HO 32 95 32 100 33 105 ,14 no .16 115 3U 120 37 130 37 140 37 150 38 160 40 170 180 42 43 190 44 200 46 210 46 220 47 2.10 48 240 49 250 50 260 51 270 t>9 280 53 290 54 300 55 310 56 .320 57 330 58 340 59 3.J0 60 360 61 370 62 380 63 390 64 400 65 410 66 420 67 4.30 68 440 69 450 70 460 71 t70 72 480 73 490 74 600 75 Canti. ' Centi. Tcr loo lbs. Fourth ClAII. Per loo Ibi. Cents, I Tents. Flour in<l Meal m Id.iiU of IJu h))lB, per bbl. Grain nnr] Mill Ltimber in car Stults in j loailfi of carloads i^.rxitilbi, of iJ.tlOO lbs. ICO . per Jibs. Cents. 1 Cents. per loo lbs, live Stock, per car load. Cents, I Dollars, 8 7 1 8 4 10 8 6 8 4 12 10 8 10 S 13 11 8 13 7 15 12 9 14 7 17 13 10 1 IS 8 17 13 10 16 8 18 15 11 1 18 18 16 u 18 9 20 16 12 18 9 22 17 13 19 10 22 17 13 20 10 22 18 14 21 11 23 20 13 22 11 25 20 IS 24 13 25 20 15 23 13 25 20 IS 26 13 27 21 16 28 14 27 21 16 28 14 28 23 17 30 13 28 23 17 30 15 20 24 18 .12 16 29 24 18 .13 16 .10 25 19 33 16 .10 25 10 .14 17 .10 23 19 34 17 31 26 19 34 17 32 26 20 :a 18 .12 26 21 ,16 18 33 27 21 38 19 .14 28 22 40 20 35 28 22 40 20 .16 29 23 42 21 37 30 23 44 22 38 31 24 40 23 39 32 24 48 24 40 .12 25 50 25 41 33 25 50 25 42 34 26 50 25 43 34 28 50 25 44 .15 27 50 25 45 33 27 50 25 47 37 28 .54 27 47 37 28 58 29 48 38 29 60 30 48 38 29 02 30 60 40 30 62 30 .50 40 .10 62 30 52 42 31 64 .12 53 42 31 66 .12 53 42 32 68 34 55 43 .12 1 70 34 66 44 33 72 30 67 44 33 72 36 58 46 3* 72 30 59 47 34 74 37 60 48 35 76 38 61 48 35 78 39 62 49 30 80 40 63 49 .16 80 40 64 50 37 80 40 65 51 38 80 40 3 3 4 5 5 II 6 6 U 6 6 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 m 15 154 16 16i 17 17i 18 I8S 19 19i 194 20 20i 21 21 i 22 22J 23 234 24 244 25 25i 20 264 27 274 28 284 29 29J 30 304 7 7 9 12 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 18 20 20 22 22 22 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 .10 32 :u 35 ,10 38 40 41 42 43 44 44 44 44 48 48 48 50 53 54 54 ,54 54 60 60 00 60 60 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 72 72 Smilla, each. Ctnla. 23 2.^ 25 :m ,15 35 .15 35 33 35 .15 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 .W 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 ,50 60 60 00 60 60 (iO 60 60 60 00 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 80 This TBriff is subject to Qcne~al Rules and Conditions of Carriage adopted by the Midland R„ .ivay Company, and may be altered or cancelled at .\ny time, with or v.ithout notice. Freight t • F'ag Stationr must be prepaid. All previous rates connicting with above are hereby cancelled. '.Special Classes Loaded and unloaded by Owner. ■■% '^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) V#.>^ <^ <5?^/% 1.0 I.I S 1^ lllllio 1.8 1.25 1.4 ^ ^ 6" - ► ■71 <^ /J ^1 /: /A ¥^'W '/ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)873-4503 90 ^(ie Midfsattd ^aitwagi of ®aitadla< TIMBER TARIFF. TO. Masts and Yards, each. Spars, each. Timber per looo cubic feet. Rafting Stuff, Per Cat, of 12 tons. I'ROM. White Pine. Red Pine and Elm. $ Oak. $ $ $ .Midland to Silver Crock, inclusive. . . . Toronto, Pt. Hopcit Whitby 1.5 7 37 42 •*7. 19 .Minden to Halihurton, inclusive do do 15 7 37 42 47 19 Orillia to I.ornevillc, inclusive do do 1.5 7 30 41 40 18 I.intls.iy Port Hope and Whitby. Toronto, Whitby or Pt Hope !. 5 25 30 35 13 Coboconk to I.ornevillc, inclusive. . . 1.5 7 30 41 40 18 Woodville South to (loodwood Toronto. 13 C 32 37 42 16 Port i'crrv Whitby. Delleville. 7 I 20 25 30 10 I.ornevillc to Coboconk, inclusive .... 20 11 44 49 54 22 .Midland and Silver Creek, inclusive. . DcUeville. 21 12 45 ,50 55 23 .Minden to Haliburton, inclusive Belleville. 21 12 45 50 55 23 Fenelon I'alls and Kinmount Whitby or Port Hope. 13 6 34 39 45 17 I.akefield and Peterborough Port Hope. 12 « 25 30 35 }?i I.akefield and I'ctcrborough nelleville. U 7 30 35 37 50 15 Keene and Hastings Belleville. 13 G 20 35 40 13 Campbellford and Hoards Belleville. 11 ,5 20 25 30 10 Belleville. 11 5 20 25 30 10 CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS. I. — The above rates arc exclusive of loading or unloading, or Engine service. 2. — Masts, Yards and .Spars be piled along the Railway, butt and tip alternately, so that two or more can be taken at a load. 3. — The sainc rule must be observed in piling timber, the lengths of which must be assorted. 4. — Every pile of Tiinber, Hlocking and Spars must be at least six feet from the rail on the main track or siding. No skidway or platform for loading must be higher than the level of the platform cars. 5. — Actual cubic contents of Timber to be computed in mea.surement for freight, and in measuring "wany" timber each stick inust be girthed and charged for accordingly. All timber to be measured when loaded, and no deductions made after shipment. All Timber to be .subject to rc-mcasurcment by the Companies at Toronto, Whitby, Port Hope or Belleville, and excess charged. 6. — Cars arc to be loaded with and will be charged for the following minimum quantities ; — 500 cubic feet White Pine, 450 feet Red Pine and Elm, 400 feet Oak. (The term "Rafting Stuff" shall only apply to Floats, Traverses, Toggles, and Withes.) 7. — All loading in excess of above quantities and tonnage shall be deemed "overloading," and shall be charged at one and one-half Tariff rates. 12.- ^ ting uff, Cai, I tons. 9 9 8 13 18 IG 10 00 •23 3 7 3 15 13 10 10 ir more rack or "wany" and no 'oronto, ibic feet 1 Floats, shall be 91 8. — Ropes, Chains, Block and Tackle of every description, as well as Roliways, Hodins, &c., must Ik- furnish- ed and kept in repair by shippers. g. — The .shippers and their ajjents will be held responsible for all damafje done to the C(inipaii\'s fences, gates, &c., by their servants, and for all loss and cost to the Compan\' arisiiv^ therefrom. .Any fences or ^'.ites removed or damaged for the purpose of piling or loading timber will be measured, and the cost of restoring the same surcharged upon the timber loaded at each point, antl collected with the freight and other charges thereon. lO. — The loading and unloading of Timber, anil the management of the traffic, will be subject to the direction and authority of the Company's officers, and an\' damage that may occur to the Coni|).iiiy's rolling stock through neglecting to obey their instructions, will be charged to the owners of the timlMr. 1 1. — I.oajling and unloading shall be done by shippers, or contracts shall be mad<' for siunc on behalf of --hip pers, and charged on timber in addition to the rate. 12.— Freight charges on Timber taken up between two stations will be cliargeil ;is from the further st.ition. 13. — The Company reserves the right to hold any part lot of Timber that may be on their premises, or in the water at Toronto, Whitby, Port Hope, or IfcUeville, until all arrears of freight and other charges are paid in full. 14. — The delivery of the Timber will be considered as accomplished when it is unloniled from the cars and phiced on the Company's wh.irves or in the water at Toronto, Whitby, Port Hope, or Melleville, ,ifter which It will be entirely at the risk of owner.s. 15. — The Company will not be responsible for the order or tpiantities in which Timber or Spars in,i_\- or m,i\- not be taken by them for transportation. 16. — The Company will endeavor to provide boomage or storage room at Toronto, Whitby, Port Hope and Hclleville, for the accommodation of shippers, free of charge, but the_\- do not bind themselves to do so, and the)- will not, under any circumstances, be liable for breaking of booms, or for any loss or damage whatsoever to Timber in booms or on the ground, or for breakage while lo.iding or unloading, ami any 'Timber in booms or stored be removed immediately after notice has been given b)- the Company. Uivision booms must be provided by shippers, but their locality will be subject to the direction of the Company's agents. 17. — No contract, engagement, or service involving reward or payment of any kind wliate\fr, to be entered into between the shippers, their .igents or .servants, and any emphnee or olTicer of the Compan)-. d 92 1 Tfte Mtdtattd %miwi»tf of ^anada^ ! PERIODICAL 'I'lCKETS Will be issued on the following terms. Parties desiring such must apply to the General Traffic Agent, or Station Agents will apply for them. — 1 DISTANCK. MILKS. Onk Month. TlIREK MONTH.S. Six Months. $ c. 10 00 20 00 24 00 28 00 32 00 36 00 40 00 44 00 48 00 52 00 56 00 60 00 64 00 68 00 72 00 76 00 80 00 84 00 88 00 92 00 100 00 One , Year. $ c. 4 00 5 00 00 7 00 8 00 9 (10 10 00 11 00 12 00 1,1 110 14 00 15 00 IC 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 20 00 21 00 22 00 23 00 ; 25 00 $ c. 10 00 12 50 15 00 17 50 20 00 22 50 25 00 27 50 30 00 32 50 35 00 37 50 40 00 42 50 45 00 47 50 50 00 52 50 55 00 57 50 62 50 $ c. 24 00 30 00 36 00 42 00 48 00 54 00 CO 00 66 00 72 00 78 00 84 00 90 00 96 00 102 00 108 00 114 00 120 00 120 00 132 00 138 00 150 00 i; " 10 " j 1 II " ifi " IG •' :.'() " :>! ••:;:) " •JO "30 " .?] "35 " ■.W " 40 " 11 "50 " 51 "00 " ' 01 "70 " 71 " SO " SI "90 " 91 " 100 " 101 "110 " HI "120 " 121 " i;to " l:)l " 140 141 "150 " ... 151 "100 " 161 "200 " RliTURN TICKI'LTS, between any two Stations, good for ten (lo) trip.s each way, will be Lssued at a rate of two cents per mile, provided the .said ten (lo) trips are taken within three months from the date of purchase. COMMU lATION TICKETS are not tran.sferable. f i I mmm m^ f&9 Mi4iau4 l^attwag of $anad< General Baggage Regulations, I. — First-class Passengers will be allowed lOO lbs. Personal Ha5Jj;ai,'c each. All excess of Personal HaK!,'aui- will be charged as per Kxtra Haggagc Tariff, and charges must, if taken on a Passenger Train, be prepaid and ICxtra Baggage Ticket issued. 2. — Emigrants will be allowed each Adult 200 Ib.s., and each half-ticket 150 lbs. Haggage KkKK. 3. — Commercial Travellers, on jire.sentation of Commercial Traveller's Ticket, will be allowed 100 lbs. Per- sonal Baggage and 200 lbs. Samples free; all in excess of 300 lbs., or failing of iiresentation of Certificate, all above 100 lbs. will be charged as Kxtra Baggage, and Ticket issued. 4. — Through Kxtra Baggage Tickets between Stations issued as per Tariff. Ivxcess Baggage 'Tickets issued to Flag Stations will be taken up by 'Train Baggageman before delivering Baggage to Passenger, and forward same to the Audit Office. Passengers holding these will, when laying off .it Way Stations, obtain their B.iggage on producing ihcir Kxtra Baggage 'Tickets, which Agents must stamp with Station .Stamp, ;nul return to passenger. Agents at receiving Stations, will be cireful in collecting 'Tickets issued for all Kxcess Baggage and Dogs, and notify General Traffic Agent of all cases where such may have been forwarded without being properly book- ed and paid for. In such cases Agents at receiving Stations will make out l-'xcess Tickets, showing number of Baggage Check and Station from wiiich it was forwarded, and collect at rates from your St.ition to starting point before property is delivered. 5. — Dogs must be accompanied by their owners, and the Company will not take charge of or be responsible for them at their Stations. They must not be received to be forwarded unless furnishetl with collar and chain, or other safe fastening by which they can be secured in the car. Charges for carriage will be asjjer h'.xtra Baggage 'Tariff. Must be pre-paid and Ticket issued b>- Station Agent. 6. — No Freight or Parcel of Goods will be taken upon a Passenger Train unless .iccompanicd by the owner or way-billed by Station Agent. 7. — Baggage will only be checked to Station f( r which Passenger holds tickets, and Baggage Master must see 'Tickets before checking Baggage. None but Personal Bagg.ige must be checked. 8. — Every piece of Baggage must be checked with a Card Check or Tag, as well as a Brass Label, and the Card Check Label must have plainly written on it the Station and route for which the Passenger is ticketeil. A"ents must compare all checks before giving them to I'assengers, and see that thev correspond with those attached to the baggage. g. — Baggage for Flag .Stations must not be checked, but oidy marked with the Station name. 10. — Baggage will not be checked until shortly before the time for the departure of the train, and must after- wards be carefully watched and handed over to the 'Train Baggageman. 1 1. — Checks shall always be strung on the wire holders, and except when in use at Train times be locked up. Station Agents and liaggagemen will be held responsible for the use and safety of all checks passing through their hands, and a fine of one days pay will be levied if the loss of a check or duplicate is traced to their error or negligence. 12. Requisitions for Checks will be made to the General Traffic Agent, who, in issuing same, will keo]) a record of their numbers, and to what Station sent. Agents will keep an .iverage sufficient stock of checks on hand. Surplus or mixed Checks must be at once sent to the (ieneral 'Traffic .Vgent, w ho will note their numbers and from what Stations received. 13. —Checked Baggage is only to be delivered up on the production of a Duplicate Clieck. .'ind care must he taken to remove the Strap Check before giving up the B.iggage. 14.— Should a Passenger lose his Duplicate Check, the Baggage may be delivercii at the itisrniioii of the Station Ai^fiif, upon satisfactory proof of ownership, by production of the key, description of the contents, or otherwise, .\N I), if po.ssible, .in identification of the cl.i'imant being given. A receipt in writing shall be taken for the Baggage, and fifty cents be charged for the lost Check. /\n immediate Report shall be m.ide.aiul lixcess Baggage 'Tickets i.ssued for the money so collected, which, with the Receipt .-ind the remaining Check, be sent to the^Gencral Traffic Agent. If the Station Agent is not satisfied with the proofs given, he shall send the Bag- gage, with a full report, to the General 'Traffic Agent, and to whom the claimant will be referred for further action. 94 15.— Should .my H,iKt,'.ij;c be missiiv^, tlu' Station .\.u;c'in sliall A r (>N( i, report to the Station from which the lost Has,'t,'aue is alU'iid \n have startecl.lmd to the (leneral Traffic A^'eiit, who will take all the necessary steps for a vij,'i!ant search for, anil immediate tracini,' of the missing' property. 16. - LInclaiine.l HaL,'t,'aj,'e shall be locke<l up in the Ha^'^'a-je Room, and after remaining' unredeemed for one month shall be sent, properly billed as " Unclaimed HaiJtjatje," to the General Traffic Afjcnt. 17. -Creat care must be used in the handlinj; <)f Haij^'ai^e. All damage done, resultint; from careless or roU!,'h usaf,'e, will be deducted from the p,iy of the offender. iS. -A Corpse, accompanied by a passentjer, will be chari,'eil rei,'ular Ticket rate; unaccompanied, double first-class fare ; but tickets will not be issued for, nor will Corpses be received for carria;^'e, unless accomi)anjcd by Ccrtilhah of a ,/i/<i.'//i,;/ /'/iv>/i/,iii. that the person did not die of any contaj^'ious or infectious disease. Tiiese Certificates must be handed to the Train HaL;i;at,aman. [<>— All Ha^'^'a^e Reports to be sent to the General Traffic A},'cnt. JO.— Ha"^'aKC \Va\-bills must be made out for all bai^Ljaj^'e transferred from one Division to anotlier, or from one train to another, and a receipt taken for tiie same !>>' tjie Ha^'iia^eman in his train Ba.L,'f;aijc book. When all Ha<,'i,'a;4L- thereon has reached its tiestination, train Ua';i,'aj;cman must send such bill to the General Traffic Agent. 21.— A rej^'isterof all Baggage forwarded and received, must be kept by Haggagcman or Station Agent at eacli Station. EXTRA BAftGAaE AND DOG TARIFF. 100 to 150 to MILKS. KXTRA \VKi(;iIT. INUKIl 25! to 50 to 200 to 250 to 300 to 350 to 400 to 500 to 000 to 700 to 800 to 19 99 149 199 249 299 349 399 499 599 099 799 1(100 C. ! c. c. f. c. c. *:• c. c. e. c. C. C. c. Uiidt-t L'."i Ihs., 10 15 1 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Oil 70 80 90 100 I'roiii L'."> Ihs. to i'.) Ihs 10 20 :)o 35 45 55 05 75 85 95 105 115 130 145 •• no " 74 " 15 25 1 35 40 50 (iO 70 80 90 105 120 135 150 105 " 7."( " 119 " 20 30 40 45 55 05 75 85 95 110 125 150 175 200 100 Ihs. and over, (per 100 lbs.). . 25 35 ' 50 00 70 80 90 100 110 1.10 170 145 105 190 220 OOCS,...'. Each 25 35 60 75 100 115 130 140 150 185 200 225 250 II. a shippm GENERAL REMARKS. I'2.\cursions and parlies of ten and upwards will be granted Return Tickets between Local Stations at one fare ami a third upon application to the General Traffic Agent. The same rule will apply to pupils going to and from school during vacation, but in the latter cases they must produce ccrtific.ites from the Principals of the Schools with which they are connected. Theatrical parties of ten or more will be charged two cents per mile and are allowed two hundred pounds lilxccss Baggage /•'/ic, for each person. *mmm/mm 05 e Midtand Haittvag of Canada* Instructions to .Conductors, 250 « I )f all [K'rsoiis who li;ivc traxcllt-d with I. — All persons trhvcllinjj on trains, other than the n\L;ular train staff, must be providcil with cither a ticket or a pass; this rule applies tr) all eniplo)-ccs of the road not env,'a;^'ed upon the service of the train nctu.dU- run- ning, as well as to the general public. 2. — Conductors will be supplied with duplex tickets, w hich the\- must sell at tariff rates to such persons as they may find unprovided with a ticket or pass. These duple.x tickets are to be i>unchecl -k-fore Ih-ih^ lorn off the hook — throu^'h the printed stations from and to, for which the ticket is sold, ;md also throu.L;h the date upon which issued. One half of the duplex ticket is to be retained by the I'asscnj^'er, who will be refunded ten cents upon presenting it at any re^jular Ticket Ofiice ; the other half, with all tickets collectetl, is to bi' sent to the Audit Office, I'ctcrboroutih. • 3. — At the Station where the Conductor's daily trip entls, he will, before leaving,' the Company's premises, make up his Collection Sheet, and hand over the amount to the Ai,'ent of such station, obtainin;.; a receipt for the same on his Collection Sheet, which must then be forwarded to the Auilit Office, I'eterboroutjh, by fust train. 4. — On the back of the Collection Sheets must be entered the names Passes — officers of the road excepted. 5. — It ha.s been intimated that some Conductors are in the habit of conveyin;^ money, cheijue^ and other valuables for the public. This must be discontinued. 6. — Conductors are on no account to redeem the ()assengers' duplex ticket ; this is only to be (l<ine in- Ticket Agents. 7. — Passes are only to be honoured when si^'ned by the (lenera! Manatjer, "" when countersi;^'ned by the General Traffic Ajjent, or the General Manaijer's Assistant ; but Passes for emploj'ees travelling; on duty, will be countersigned by the Heads of Departments or Assistant Superintendents authorised to issue them. 8. — All Passes when collected, are to be .sent to the General Traffic At,'ent's Office. 9. — Passengers travelling to a Flag Station will have to retain their tUi|ilex tickets until lhe,\- are able to present them, after (ompUtion vf the trip, at a Regular Ticket Office. 10, — W.iy-bills of freight consigned to I'lag Stations, arc, unless otherwise advised, to be left at the first station having an Agent beyond where the goods are left, and if jjracticable, Conductors will obtain a receipt for the freight on the Way-bill when delivering the goods. II. — All merchandise or sundries offered at Flag Stations must be plainly marked and be accompanied by a shipping bill. It is the Conductor's duty carefully to check such goods by the shipping bill, which he will hand to the Agent at the next Station, who will make Way-bill and label the car. 12. — Conductors conveying value jjarcels or letters upon Company's account, must give and take receipts for same, retaining the latter for proof of delivery. Tc Sc U M SI G U 8' ili C V L A E F E To So ( Ui Ml St Gh U: X. , II P " ' IP Duilerin AIuk- 3yni3DXj_A STATIONS. Toronto Scarboro Junction-.. . • Agincourt MiUikens Unionville Markham StoufPviUe Qoodwood Uxbridge Marsh Hill Wick Sunderland Manilla Crossiner Cannin^on Woodville Lorneville Junction Argryle Eldon Portage Road Kirkffeld Victoria Road Corson's Crossing — Coboconk Ballantrae Vivian Mt. Albert Ravenshoe Sutton Jackson's Point Cameron Hall's Fenelon Falls PeU's Retties Kinmount Myles' By. Jet Mmden Ingoldsby Dysart Gould's Haliburton Whitby Brooklm Myrtle High Point Manchester Prince Albert Port Perry Seagrave Sonya Manilla Mariposa Ops Belleville Cannifton Foxboro HoUoway North Hastings Jc . . . Stirling Hoard% Campbellford Hastings BirdsaU's Keene West Huntington ... Ivanhoe Crookston Moira Lake Madoc Hematite Mine Eldorado DuflFerin Mine Port Hone Toi'unto. 35 iScftiijoi'o .liiiiutiuti. 30 AgiiK'ourt. 35! .'JOlMillikius. 20 Uiiioiivillf. 301 .-20 Mnrklmin. 50 .35! UOStdullvilk .00 .60 .70 .80 1.00 1.15 .!K)i .70; .05 1.35 1.10 .OOJ .85 1.50 1. '-'5 1.05 1.00 l.»>0.1.35 1.15 1.10 I. (K) 1.701. -45 l.'.»5 1. -JO 1.10 l.(Ht 1.75 1.50 1.30 1. -J."! 1.15 1.05 I.<l0 1.(i5 1.45 1.40 1.30 l.-JO I. (Mil 2.(H) 1.75 1.55 1.,->(I 1.40 l.;t(l 1.10 ■J.05 I. SO !.()(• I. ,-.5 1.45 |.;t,-, 1,1,-, .45j .551 .75' .!K)i 1.10 25 15 -.'•.'1 .iM) .45 .05! .80 .!K) .4; .70 .SO .m; .30 Ux .45 Oooilwouil. xhri( '-•5 M 35 45- 50 (15 .05 .70 .85, .05 l.tHI iMc iii'xli Hill. 25 WifU. •-MO 1.85 1.05 1.00 1..50 I.40 i.V-'O 1.05 •.'.•25'J.OO 1.80j|.75;1.05 l.,V. 1 35 l.-JO I. •2.35,2.10 I. IKn. 85 1.75 1.05 1.45 1.30 I. 2. 40 2.20 2.(H) 1.05,1.85 l.;.", 1.,-,,-, I..K1 1. 2.50 2.25 2.05 2 (HI l.!K> I. no I.(i0 1.45 I. 2.05 2.40 2.202.15 2.05 I.!t5 1. 75, 1. 00 I 1.8.-.;1.70 1 1.15 .<K)j .75 1.20 .95i .80 1.351.10 .95 1.55! 1.30! 1.15 1.701.451.30 il. 75 1. (-101.35 12.05 2.30 2.20 '2.75 2.5o!2.35 2.<K)2.00;2.45 3.05 2.75 2.00 3. 15 2. <H) 2.75 !3.45 3.20:3.05 3..-i0 3.20'3.05 3.70 3.45 3.30 3.85 3. "m 3.40 3.95,3.«5i3.50 4.05 3.80'3.05 4.10 3.85|3.70 t |3.55|3.40 3.05 3.40,3.25 3.55 3.30 3.10 i,25|2.15 2.05 .05 .551 .001 .75; .95 .45 .50 .05 .85 .05! .85 I .(Ml I .70 .85 1.05 1.20| 1.10 1.00 1.25 1.15 1.05 2.05 2. a'> 1.95 2.25]2. 15 2.05 1 .85j 1 .75 1 . 2.35 2.25 2. 15 2.00! 1. 85 2.50,2.45 2.35 2. I5'2.(K) I . 2.05 2.55 2.45 2.30:2. 15 I . .301 .35! .50 .70: .85;! .45! .50! .90:1.05 I 1.75! 1.00 -i; 2.95 2.95 3.20 3.35 3.40 3.55 3.00 3.35 3.15 3.05 2.85 2.75 2.00 2.45 2, 2.!K) 2.80 2.00 2.45 2. 2.70 2, 3.25 3.15 2.95 2.80 2 3.35 3.25.t.05 2.!M)2. .3.45 3..35 3.20 3.05 2. 3.50 3.40!;i.25:3.10'2. .3.25|3.15|2.95J2.80!2. 3.05:2.95!2.80l2.05!2. 2.95 2.85!2.05|2.50i2. 3.45 3.2;> 3.05i3.00!2.90 2.h0 2.05l2.i50!2 3.40 3. 15:2.95 2.!K)|2.80 2.70:2.50 2.35 2 3.35 3. 10|2.90 2.85j2.75 2.05I2.45 2.3oL' 3.25 3.00 2.85 2.75 2.a') 2.00 12.40 2.2.-)i2. 3.05 2.80 2.05 2.55i2.45 2.35i2.20i2.05 1 3.00 2.75 2.00 2.50 2.40 2.30 2. 15 1 .95 1 . 2.90 2.05 2.45 2.402.30 2.20 2.00: 1 .85 1 2. 70 2. 45 2. 30 2.20 2. 10 2.00: 1.85i 1. 70*1 2.60 2. 35 2. 15j2. 10 2. oO 1.90 1.7011. 55:1 t 5.35 5.20 5. 15 5.05 4.95 4.75 4.00!4. 5.50 5.a> 5.0515.00 4.90 4.80 4.(» 4.45 4 5.35 5.05J4.90|4.85'4.75 4.05 4.45 4.30 4. 5.20 4.95 4.80 4.704.00 4..55i4.35 4.20 4. 5. 15;4.90!4.75 4.054.55 4.454.30 4. 15 3. 5.00!4.75:4.00 4.50 4.40 4.30 4. 15 4.(K( 3. 4.80 4.55 4.40 4.30 4.20 4. 10 3.95 3.80 3. 4.00,4. 35,4.20 4. 10 4.00 3.95 3.75 3.00 3, 4.30:4.05 3.85 3.80 3.70 3.00 3.40 3.25 3, 4. 10;3.85 ;3.70|3.00 3.50 3.40 3.25 3. 10 2 3.90 3.053.50 .5.20|4.95!4.80 5.30 5.054.90 5.45 5.205.00 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.05 2.85 2, 4.75 4.05 4.55 4.35 4,20 4. 4.8(J 4.70 4.00 4.45,4.30 4. 4.95 4.854.75 4,55:4,40 4. .5.50,5,25 5, 1015,00 4.!K» 4.85 4.05:4. ■.0;4. 5.60|5.35'5,20|.-i, 10 5.00 4.!HJ'4.75'4.00 4, 5.75|5.50 5.3015.25 .5. 15 .■).05:4.85;4.70!4, 5.80 5.55 5.35,5.30 5.20 5. 10 4.90,4.75|4, .5.!H) .5.05 5..-)0'5.40 5.30 .5.20 5.054.904, I 3..50 3.3.T3.'J5 3.20 3. 10 2.90 2.75 2, ,so, 85, (N) 10 I 20! 25 1 40 I .50 I 05 70[ 85 05 I 20 1 25 1 40 1. ■55 1. 05 1. HO 90 1. 20 2 25 2 .50 2 00 2 (i5 2, 80 2, !M)2 00 2, 45 2, 30 2, 30 2, 15 2, 10 2. 05,1. 85 1. 801. 05: 1. 45 1 35! 1 40!4, 25:4, 10:4, oo;3, 90 3, 80 3, 55 3, ■103, 052, 902, 05!2. 003 103 20|4, 30:4, 404 50;4, 55,4, 704, .55 2. 20.SMlicleliiiliil. 25i . 15 MiiiiiilH ( 'luMrtin iiiiiiiiKtiii 20 Wouil 25 .20 I .40; ..50| ..5.5 .(io! .75' .851 .95' 1.<K)' .30 .40! .45! ..50 .05, 75 .20* .35 .40 .45 ..10 .70| K- 30 15; .85' .SO .!K» .S5; .30 1.15 1.05 1,10 40 1.25 1.15 1.15 75, .<,M) l.(H( 1.05 I 80 .95 1.05 1. 10 I 95 1.10 1.20 1.25 1 15 I..30 1.40 1.45 1 30 1.45 I. .55 l.(H( 1. 35 1..50 1.00 1.05 1. 30 1.15 :.o5 1.00: . 40 1. .'5 1.15 1. 10 1. .", 1.40 1.30 1.25 I. 05 1..55 1.40 1.3.5 1. SOI.70l.55 l.iV) I 10 2.(K) 1.85 1.80 1 ;52.00'I.!M» 1.85 I 35 2.25 2.15 2.05 I .50 2.35 2.25 2.20 2 (H) 2. 45 2. .35 2. 30 2. 70 2.00 2.45 2.40 2 75 2.05 2..50 2.45 2 50 2.35 2.25 2.20 2 .30 2.20 2.05|2.00:i. 20 2.05 1.95 l.!M):i. 15 2.05 l.iM) 1.85 1. 05 1.90 1.80:1.75 I. 00 1.85 1.75,1.70 1. .25 .35 .45 .5.5 .(io! 0.5 70 85! .75; 95: ..S5 20 1.30 1 25 1.35 1 40 1..50 I 00 1.70 1 75,1.85 1 80 I.IH) 1 85 85 1.00 ilk.. ,<iiiii'villc .liiiit'liuii. ,20,\i>.'vlo. .35: .25 Kl.luii. .40 .35 .20 I'oi tiiKc 1:. 20 Kii kti .70 .80' .45 ..50 .05 .Xt. 20 \ .35 I' 95 1.80l.70il.00 1 70 1.00 1.4511. 40;i 25I1.IO 1 40^1,25 I 70 I.. 55 1 70! 1. 00' 1 95ll.8i5 1 05|l.95il 15i2.05 2 :U)!2.15:2 2.20 2 1.95 I 1.75 1 1.05 1 l.fiOl 1.50; 1 1,45! 1 1,40 1 I 05 1.. 55 1,40 55 1.401.30 351. 25; 1, 1,15 OiLOO 1.40il, 1,251 i.iol , .951 4.003 3.85!3, 3.70^3 3,55|3, 3,50i3 3,*5!3. 4,15 4,05 4,00 3,90 3,853,75 3.05 3.55 3. .55 3. 40 3.3.5 3.20j3.15.3, 3,15 3,05'2.95:2. 2.802,70|2,65!2. 2,05 2,.50 2.452 2.45,2,30 2,2512 3,75 3,C5!3,60'3, .3.85;3.70!3.65 3. 3,95'3,85 3.80 3. 4,05!3,95 3.85!3, 4,1.5:, 4,25,4. 15|4,I0l.3, 4.30 4,20:4, 15'4, 4.4.5!4.30:4.25'4, 15'2..30 2.20'2.15,2, t{l215 2 ((5'JOO I 1.15 1.15^ 1.00! , .8.5, , ,70' , .S,75 3, 3,00 3, 3.45 3, 3.351,3, 3.25 3, 3,10 3, 2,90 2. 2,75 2,40 35|2,20 lol2,00 3,35 3.40 3.55 3, (JO 3,70 95 3,85 (K)3,!K) 15l4,(K) (M)il.90 s,-,' 1 > i50! 40 m ..55 ..50 , ..35 1.40 1..55 1.05 1.70 I, .40 1.45 1.00 1.75 1.75 1 ..55 l.(M) 1.75 1.85 1.<K»2 .75 1.80 1.95 2.05 2.102 .IMt 1.95 2. 10 2.20 2.2.5 2 .95 2.0< 2. 15 2.2.5 2.:«) 2 .70 .75 .90 1.00 1.05 1, .80' .85 1.00 1.10 1.15 I, .95 l.(KI 1.10 1.20 1.25 1, .05 1.10 1.25 1..35 1.40I, .20 1.25 1.40 1.50 1. .551, ..50 1.55 1.70 1,80 1.85 1, ..55 1.00 1.75 1.85 1.90 2, .75 1.8.5 1.95 2.05 2.102 .<.H) 1.95 2.00 2. 10 2.20 2 00 2.05 2. 15 2.25 2.:M) 2 10 2.15 2.30 2.40 2,45 2 .15 2.20 2.35 2.45 2..50 2, .90 1.95 2.10 2.15 2.20 2, .70 1.75 1.90 2.00 2.05 2, .00 1.05 1.80 1.90 1.95 2, ..55 1.00 1.75 1,80 1,8.5 1. ,45 1.50 1.0.5 1.75 1.80 1, ,40 1,45,1,00 1.70 1.75:1. ,;«1,40 1,.55 1,00 1.05 1. .10 1.1511.30,1.40 1.4.51. .I0 1.15;1.25,1.35'l,40;i, .95 1,<J0 1,15:1,25,1,30 I, .80! .a5! ,95,1,05:1.101, .05! ,70| .85| .95, 1,00! I,'4.0O4. .55:i.00 3.75!.!K)'4. 40:3,45,3,(K)3.70'3.75.3. 25 .3..35l3.45;3, 551.3.00 3, 20 3,25 3,40:3,.50 3.55 3, 05 3,10 3.2.5 3,, 85:2.!H) 3.20.3, fl5'2.75!2.85:2,95!3.00 3. 2.40 2,20 95 2,00 .30! 3.. 3; 35:3,40 .50|3,.55 55'3.00 05 3.70 80.3.85 85 3.90 95 4.00 90 1.90 70 1,7 2..55'2.05i2,70 2, 2.35 2,4.5 2. ,50 2, 2.15 2.25 2.30 2, .3.45 .3.55 .3,00 .3. .3„553.05 3,70 3,80 .3,75 3,85 3,85 3.95 4,00:4,10 4,05 4.15 4,15*4,25 2.05 2.15 2.20 2, l.90 2.(M)'2.05 2 3.70 3, 3.85 3, 3.904, 4.00 4, 4. 15 4 4 20 4, 4.304 ^. 80 1, 85 2, 00 2, 20 2, .35 2. •10 2. 15 1. 25 I r. 1 .50 1, 05 1, 95 2. (K) 2. 20 2. 25 2. 40 2. 55 2. (K) 2. .30 2 15 2 05 2 95 2 90 2. 8.5 2. 75 1 55 1 .50 1 40 1. 20:1. 10 1, 104. 004, a5!4, 703, 05 3. .50 3. 30 3, 10 2, 80 2, 00 2. 40 2. 70 3 80 3 95'4 00|4 104. 254 ia Kiiail. DIMMIIH ( 'I'U.'i.sillf;. 25.('(il)()c<)iik. 95 2.05 llHllniitiiic. 2. 10 2.2.5 .35 2.45 .502.00 ,5512.05 ,30|l.40 .40|1.,50 ..55il.00 .70jl.75 .20|Viviiui. 30 .25 Mt. ,.5o! ,45 ,.30 ,45 ,.50 2,15 2„30 2,:ii5 2. .50 2.05 2.95 .3.(K) .051 .110 .70 .(15 1.95 2.05 2.05 2.15 15 2.25 2.30 2.45 .85jl.l»5!2.45 2.55 10!2.20'2.75 2.85 15 2.25,2.80 2. <H) .35 .50 2.00l3.l5,3..10 3.;i.5 00 .3.;i.5 3.45 70 2.80.3.;t5 3.45'3..55 75 2.853.40 3.50 ,3.05 45 2.00l,3.15,3.25.3..^5 .30 2.40/2.95 3.05 3.20 20 2.30,2.85 2.95,3.05 .. _. 15 2.2.5 2.80 2.85'.3.00 2.0-5 2. 15!2.70 2.80 2.90 ■^ -00 2.10l2.05 2.75 2.85 95 2.(X) 2.00 2.65 2.80 70 1.80,2.35 2.45 2.00 ,05 1,75 2..30 2.40 2..50 ,.5^5:1.0.512.20 2.30 2.40 35l.45!2.00 2.10 2.20 25,1. 35!l. 90 2.00 2.10 30 4.45'4.95.5.«5 5.15 , 15 4.35!4.80 4.90 5.00 00 4.10 4.05 4.75 4,85 ,85;i.95 4..5.5 4.(i0 4.75 .80.3.90!4.45 4.,''m4.70 65 3.75!4.30 4.4((4.55 45 3..55!4.10 4.204.,30 25 3..35L3.95 4.(Kt4.15 ,95,3.70 3.80 75 2.85|3.40 3..J0.3.05 ,55 2.05 3.20 3.30 3.40 Alliuit. Kavoiisjioc'. .Siittoi .20.) 2.50 2 2.05 2 2.702 2.90 2 3.05 3, ,3.35 3, 3,35,3, 3,«I0!3. 3,70 85 3,95 95 4,05 104.20 15 4,25 25 4,;]5 5 4.40 4.40 ..30:4. 404. 30;2. 15 •15 4.. 55 ,55 4.05 45 2.. 55 .302.10 4.55 4.05 4.75 4.00 4.70 4.85 4.75 4.85 4.95 4.85 4.90,5.00,5.15 5.05 5.15,5.25,5.30 5.45 .3.10 3.20 3.30 2.95 3.05 3.15 30 ..35 2. .35 2.45 2.55 2.7 2.85 3.20 3.40 3. .55 3.05 3.75 3.80 3. .55 3.:}5 3.i5 3.20 .3.10 3.a' 2.9," 2.75 2.70 2.00 2.40 2.30 5. .35 5.20 5.05 4.!K» 4 85 4.70 4..50 4. ,30 4.00 3.80 3.00 4.90 5,00 5.15 5,20 5. ,30 5,45j5,60 5,50:5.05 5,00!5.80 3, .50! 3, 05 3. 35' 3.. 50 I. (ckHuirH I'ltii: ,55Ciinn;ioii. .3.80 3.95 4.00 .3.70 3 ;i..55'3 3.403. 3..3ijl3. 3.253. 3 25'3. 3,15|3, 2,953, 2,90|2, 2,75(2, 2.00 2.4; .5..50J5. 5.35:5, ,5.20l,5, .5,10 5. 5.05!5, 4.90;4, 4,70:4, 4,504, .1. .3; ,50 ,05 .!H) ,95 Hiiir ,25 :iS: ,8o: ,85 i.2o;i,io l,.3.5|l.20, 1, 401, .30 1.55,1,40 1.00 1,45 1.701,80 1.. 50 1,00 1.401,50 l,30!l,40 l,25jl..35 1.1.5|l,30 1.10,1,25 90 1,00 85 ,95 ,85 .05 .,55 .40 r 4.004. 3.80 3 4.15l4.-.;o 05 85 15 25 :« 45 55 5,10 5,20 5,30 5.40 5. ,50 ,3.45 ,3. .55 3.;};5'3.45 3. 20 3. .30 3,05 3, 2( .3.00 3. U 2.85 2.9; 2.05 2. 7f 55|2.452.0( ''•'■•>;2.2; 1.9512.0; 1.7511,8; 3,053,2' 3.15:.3,2 3,253.41 .3,35i3,.5l 3.45 3. 5I 6513.553. 7I 75 3.65 3.7I 3.75'.3.f 1.001. 1.451. jjll ■.>.'}(i:-.'.,S5 2.!t5 3.05'3.2.5' 3. 4o' 3. 50' 1 . 45' 1 I'll ,"i.i;."i .■").,",( iii.v:!ii.v-.'(t.-i.ii.-i I. no i' ilLLilLiiiiiilM ■■-*.' 1 15 ViMriiiini^;!! 1'I5.L'0.-1 .'id -. -,(1 -. 1 ID Hi .A. 3Sr X) II;^A^IIj"W OIF O PASSENGER TARIFF. ( 'iDS.sill^,'. (H'dllk. i Itiilliiiitiac. lK)|Viviiiii, .70' .■2.-iMt. .4.".| .;iOj .tiO .45 Alliurt. knvi'iisliiH,'. I. ! I ■.'.'.().■) •J. 15 •2.30 •.'..'{5 '-'.50 •J. (15 •lit; .'.05 '2. 15 .M5-.>.'25 .2.. "JO •-'.45 ■('•2. 45 '2.55 )''2.75'2.8.5 )i'2.H0-2.!H»M.(K) ij;j.()5:{.io::j.25 )l;j.l5.T30M.;{.-. ii3.'25:).r.;{.45 i3.:i5:t.45':).55 i'3.40 3.5();{.«5 >!M.15;i.-25 3.r) •■•2.!»5;i.05;{.^20 l|-2.H5 -2.95 3.05 i -2.80 2.85 3.00 '2.70 2.80 '2.90 l'2.ft'>'2.:5'2.85 l'2.«0'2.65'2.H0 I -2.35 -2.45 '2.(10 i -2.30 '2.40 '2.50 i|'2.'20 -2.30 '2.40 I -2.00 '2. 10 •2.20 il.!K)^2.00'2.10 i4.i»5 5.05 5.l5 1 4.80 4.110 5.00 1 4.05 4.75 4. a"> 1 4.55 4.(10 4.75 1I4.45 4.55 4.70 i|4.30 4.40 4.55 4.10 4.^20 4.30 3.!».")4.00 4.15 3.00 3.70 3.80 3.40 3.50 3.05 3.'20 3.30 3.40 4.55 4.(15 4.75 4.00 4.70 4.8;5 4.75 4.85 4.95 4.85 4.95 5.05 4.90 5.00 5.15 115.05 5. 15|5.-25 1 5. 10;5.'20,5.30 I5.'20 5.30 5.45 13.10 3.20 3.30 (•2.95 3.05 3. 15 i;\?.H5 2.il5 ..•{0 iAi '2.55 '2.7 2.85 3. 15 3. '20 3.40 3.55 3.05 3.75 3.80 3. .55 3.:j: 3.'2.'- 3. '20 3.10 3.a5 •2.95 •2.7 •2.70 Sutton. .•20>lackHuirM I'oiiit. 50 '2.55 •2.(15 •! 70 70 '2. 80 '2.90 '2.95 3.05 3.10 3.35 3.40 3.:{5,3.45 ;>.(10 3.«5 1.70 3.80 3.803.85 3.95 U.OO 4.004.05 3.70'3.80 3.55'3.(J0 3.40:3.50 3.ft)i3.40 3.'253.;i5 3 25!3.'25 3.15|3.'20 •2.953.00 2.90l^2.95 Caiiii-ion. .35 .50 .(li"> .90 .95 liall's. .'25 Koiifloii Falls. .35: .'25 Fell's. •2.00 -2.75 •2.80 •2.40 2.30 5.3.'i 5.20 •2.00!^2.(15 •2.45h2.50 5.50jo.(K) 5.35|5.45 ).05]5.'20i5.30 4.!M)5.10 5.15 4 85 5.05J5. 10 4.70 4.90!4.95 4.50 4.70 4.75 4.504.55 4.15 4.25 4.00 4.05 3.80 3.85 4.30 4.00 3.80 3.00 4.!K) 5.00 5.15 5.20 5.10 5. '20 5.30 5.40 5.30 5.50 5.45|5.60 5.50j5.05 5.(J0j5.80 3.503.05 a. 15 5. '25 5.35 5.4: 5.55 .50! .40 .80! .70 .IW) .85! .75 .(10 I.'20jl.l0l.00 .85 .70! I.35JI.20,1.10! .05 .80 1. 40, 1. 30' 1.15 1.00 .9; 1.55l.4oll.30l.l5;i.0O l.UO 1.45:1.40 l.'25!l. 10 iiuttiuM. .40 Kiiiniuuiit. 45i .'2()MyU!8Hy .40 .75 .80 1.70 1.80 1.90 '2. 05 '2. •20-2. 50 Jot. 35iMiii(U'ii. .50 .'25 IiiKoldsliy. .55 .35j .'20|Dysart. .70 .45i .351 .•25|()oiil<rH. .75! .iTOl .40| .35| .'20 Halibmton. '2.502.75 '2.90;2.95 3. 10 3. 15 1.50 l.«0;l.75 1.85'2.00'2.30'2.35'2.00'2.70'2.80;'2.95'2.95 1.4011.501 1.(10 1.75 1.90i2.'20;'2.20;'2.50'2.«0 1.30,1.40 1.55 l.(Ml.80;'2.10h2.15;'2.35 '2.50 l.'25]1.35 1.15|l.30 l.lOjl.25 .00 1.00 .85 .95 .75 .85 .55 .05 .40 .55 3.453.55 3.'20 3.30 3.05 3.'20 3.00 3.10 •2.8512.95 2.C52.75 1.45 1.(10 1./.) 1.40 1.551.70 1.35 1.4.5J 1.00 1.15 1.25! 1.40 1.101.'20 1.35 .95; 1.10} 1.30 .80 .90,1.05 .65) .80 .95 3.70 3.80;3.95 3.55 3.70 3.8; 2.45 2.15 1.95 1.75 3.05 3.15 2.00 2.25 2.05 1.85 3.20 3.2; 3. 40 3. .55 3.30 3.40 3.^253.35 3. 10 3. '20 '2.903.00 2.702.80 •2.35!2.50i2.05 •2.15>2.30|2.45 '2.00'2.10i'2.25 3.25;3.40i3.55 3.35,3.50 3.65 5.65 3.55 5.75|.3.65 5.8513.75 3.25j3.40 3.3513.50 3.453.55 3.70 3.70 3.85 3.70jl.(10;i.75 ;j.35!.S..-.o;3.5.5;i.45l.60 3.70 3.55 3., 50 3.35 3.15 '2.95 •2.(X) 2.05:2.30 '2.45 1.95 1.90 1.70 1.65 1..50 1.35 1.'20 4.'25 4.154.15 4.00;4.00 3.853.90 3.80:3.85 3.65|3.70 3.453.50 2.00i'2.25^2..')5 1.95 1.75 1.70 1..55 1.40 1.'25 4.30 •2.45 '2.'20 '2.30 '2.40 '2.00 '2. 10 -2. '20 1.90 '2.05 2. 15 I.8O1I.9O 1.60;i.75 1.50 1.60 4..'")54.65 4.404.55 2.00 1.80 1.70 4.75 4.60 4. '25 4.40 4.15 4.'25 4.10,4.'20 3.95 4.05 3.70 3.85 3.25;3.30 3.55 3.65 3.50 3.65 3.00 3.70 3.70 3.80 3.85:3.95 3.854.00 4.00 4.10 •2.95!2.95 2.75|'2.80 •2.55'2.60 3.853.90 3.95[4.00 4.104.10 4.15!4.'20 3. '20 3.35 3.03 3.15 2.80 '2.95 4.15,4.'25 4.'25;4.35 4.35I4.45 4.454.55 3.80 3.85 3.95l4.'25|4.30j4.55;4.«5 4.10 4.40 4.4014.05,4.75 4.1514.45 4.45:4.70 4.85 !4.'25 4.55,4.60!4.85:4.95 1.85;2.00|'2.15|'2.45'2.45;'2. 70,2.80 l.701.85;>.00i'2.30l^2.30!^2.55|'2.05 •2.90 2.95|2.()0 105;3.'2.5'!3..')0 1 .45' 1 . ,5()' 1 .60 1 .75 1 .90 •2.^20^2.'20 -2.45 •2.60 '2.65^2.80''2.90 2..')0 4.45 4.;}5 4.25 4.15 3.95 3.75 3.40 3.'25 3.05 4.35 4.40 4.35 4.60 4.75 4.85 4.90 5.05 2.90 •2.73 > .45 .60 .65 .70 .70 .!K) .95 1.10 1.30 1.40 4.70 2.65 •ISO 2.85 2.6()r2.75^2.75 ••50 -2. 65 '2.70 '2.60 '2.65 '2. .55 '2. 60 •2. ,35 '2. .35 •2. .30 2. .30 •2.15 2.20 1.95 '2.00 1.85 1.90 4.85 4.95 4.75 4.85 4.55 4.00 4.70 4.40 4.45 4.5i> 4.25 4.40 4.50:4.20 4.'25!4.35:4.05 4.00 4.13 3.83 3.85!3.95 3.70 3.55,3.6o!3.35 3.35;3.45 3.15 3.15:3.25 2.95 4.454.55:4.25 4.554.654.35 4.704.75 4.45 4.73 4.85 4..53 Whitby. .35 Hrooklin. .25 Myrtle. .35| .•25Hi«h I'oint. 4.85 5.00 5.05 5.15 3.05 4.954.65 3.05]4.73 5. 10 5.^25 3.10 4.85 4.95 2.80 .45 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.10 1.20 .35 .40 .45 .60 .65 .80 .95 .10 .'25 Manchester. .."10 .•20irrince Albeit. .35: .50! ..I .iK>: .70' .85 1.00 .'25 .45 .-,0 .65 .801 .95 .'20 .40 .45 . 55 .75 .85 Port Perry. .35Seagrave, .401 .•20Sonya. 4.50 4.40 4..35 4.25 4.'20 4. 10 4. 10:3.05 .3.85 3.80!3.75!3.70 4.00;3.90 3.80 3.753. 70 3.65 3.85 ,3.753.65 3.60 3.55|.3.50 3.G5!3.55|3.45 ;i.40;3..35 3.-25 3.10 .30 .,50 .60 4.1013.90 .■50 .70 .801 -> 1 4.30 4.^25;4.15 4.15 4.104.00'3.95|.3.75 4.00,3.95 3.85'3.80i.3.60 3.5013!35!3.^25 .3.2013. 15 2.80 .3.15.S.05^2.«5^2.iH) .)|. '2.95 2.75 4.10 4.15 4. .30 4.40 4.45 4.60 4.65 4.73 2.60 2. ,50 •2.40 '2.83 2.65 3.95 4.05 •2.65 2.45 ,3.75 •2.75 2.60 •2.35 3.70 3.85 3.80 3.95 3. (K) 2.75 •Z 70 2.55 2.50 .3.85 3.80 3.95 3.90 4.15 4.10 4.00 4.'25 4.15 4.10|4.05]4.00 4..35 4.^25 4.'20 4.15 4.10 4.45l4.40 4.30|4.25 4.^20 4.304.25 4.454.40 2.302.20 .'.lO'^ZlO •2.30 •2.-20 •2. 10 •2.00:2.00 4.55 4.45 4.40 4.65 4.55 4.50 2.50-2.40 2.30 2.40i'2.30 2.20 ) 3.50 3.40 3. '25 3.05 '2.90 2.55 •2.35 2.15 3.50 3.55 3.70 3.80 3.85 4.00 .ISiManilla. 40 .30 55 .40 3. 70' 3. 55 ,3.55!3.40 3. 40' 3. .30 3.,353.'23 3.'20;3.10 3.00-2.90 2.802.70 •2..502.35 •2.302.20 2.00 3.30 3.40 3.50 '2.10 3.40 3. ,50 3.65 3.703.60 3.80|3.70 3.9513.80 4.15 4.10 4.00 Mariposa. 25 Ops. .3.50 3.40 .3.40 3.25 .3.25 3.10 .3.10 3.00 3.05 2.95 •2.90 '2.80 2.70!'2.60 2.5012.40 2.20 2.05 '2.00 1.80 3.10 '2.00 1.90 1. .(15 -2.75:2.85 -2. .50 -J. 40 ■> 30 -2. '20 -2, 1(1 2.00 2.00'!. SO Belleville. .25CaiiDiftoii. •2.00 1.80 1.90 1.70 ,3.00 3.20 3.10 .3.353.20 3.4013.30 3.5013.40 3.6,5 3.5011.15 .3.70 3.60 1.^20 3.80 3.70 1.. 30 .40 .50 ..55 .70 .95 ; 10 1.45 1.60 1.83 .65 .70 .85 .95 1.00 1.70 1.80 1.70 i.,50 1.701.001.40 1.70 1.601.40 .25.Foxboro. 1.50 3.05 1.40 2.90 1.30 2.80 1.30^2.75 40 45 60 80 1.00 1.30 1.30 1.70 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 '2.90 2.75 .25 Holloway. ,30 .45 .65 .85 1.15 .20 North Hastings Jc. .35 .55 .70 .'25 ..50 .65 1.05)1.00 .80 1.35 1.25 1.15 1.00 l.,55 .33 .45 ..55 .65 .95 1.05 1.45 .25 .35 .45 .55 .65 .73' .801 .95I 2.75 2. 65' 2. 60 •2.00-2.50''2.45 1.40 .'20 .'25 .40 .30 .35 .70 .73 .83 Stirling. ..35 Hoard .50 .30Ci .65 .8O; l.OOi .,-)5| .6i5| .73! .85;i .95 1 •2.6,-J2..-.0i'2.35'2..30 .•25 .:« .40 .55 .63 .70 inipbellford. 43, Hastings. 30 Birilsairs .30 .35 Keene. 1.05 1.25 1.45 West Huntington. .85:1. 05:1. .OOll.lOil. 1.00,1.2311, 2.4512.232 2.302.0511 80 1.15 1.301.00 95 1.23 1.45 1.65 00 1.331.35 1.75 10 1.45 1.60 1.85 25,1..55 1.73 1.95 JO 1.60 1.802.00 1.75 1.90;"2.15 1.701.53 1.30 .'20 Ivanhoe. .35 .40 .50 .65 .70 .80 .•25 Crook.stoi 35 .•20Moii .30'; .^20 M ..50! .00! .40 .55, .60 .70 .:j5 .40! ..50 2. 65 •2.73 2.83 •2.95 90|l.55 1.40 1.15^2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2. 40 •2.50 -2 a L; .Mill .4(1 3.0a •2.9(1 IJpMflMJI^^Titt^Biflj^KIJjBMjHwlwfc 2.65;^2..">0 •2.40'2.35 2.20 2.00:1.80 1.45 1.30 1.10-2. 40,-2.,50 •2.60/2.70 -2.8(1 •2.I5I1.95 1.75il.45 1.25il.0,5|2.35 2.45 2.60 '2.05; .15-2.00 1 SO 1. 00 1.30 1.10 .90-2.-20 2.30-2.45 '2.50 -J (ij J-2.1II: A.D5r.A.D RULES AND REGULATIONS. I. Tickets will be sold at Regular Stations at Ten Cents less than Tariff Rates. :!. Full Tariff Rates must be charged by the Conductor for all Fares collected. , Children over five and under twelve years of age, Half Fare -adding 2^, cents when necessary to make the half-fare terminate in o or 5. ., Whenever a Fare is collected in the Cars, the Conductor >nust at once issue a Ticket to the Passenger, punched j;" ^^.^^^IT^;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ from and to. and date of issue. One side of this ticket is to be retained by the Passenger, and w. 1 be ^^-^^angeabe after comP»eUon of journey, for Ten Cents at any regular ticket office of these lines. The other side is to be retamed by the Conductor, and dealt as per Conductors' Regulations. 5. Conductors are on no account allowed to redeem I'asscnger Slip Tickets, and Agents are positively instructed not to accept them from Conductors. 6. Employees arc not allowed to transport Letters or other Documents for the public. A. WHITE. General Traffic A^ent. GEO. A. COX, President and General Manager, GK.NKKAL OIUCKS. PliTEKHOROUCiH, ONTARIO, First January, 1882. \ like. iH I'liiiitite MiiiL'. ■20 Eldorado. 30 .25 Puffeiiii Mine. 15 3.20 3.35 Port Hope. ,00 3.05 3.20, .30 Quay's. ,90 2.95 3.10 |o3 90 2.95 3.05 752.802.90 ,60 2.652.80 ,80 2.85 2.95 .85 2.9013.05 .90 2.95:3.101.00 1.05 3.1013.251.10 •20 3.25 3.351.30 .40 .40 .60 .70 .90 .90 20 Perrytowu. .30 .40 .50 .70 .80 .80 1.00 1.10 20 Garden Hill. .30 .40 .60 .70 .70 .90 .301Sumiiiit. .40 .60 .70 .70 .90 l.OOil.OOl .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 80 Millbrook. .30,Bethany. .401 .20 Brunswick. .30 .20 Franklin. ,3 3.40 3.55:i.40|l.30il.20 1.2ni.00 .40 .60 .70! .90 .40 .50 .70 .30Oinemee. .40, .30Renboro. .60, .40| .30 Lindsay. .)(! .10, .30 .20 Eldovailo. Dutleria Aluit' Port Hope Quay's Perrytown Garden Hill Summit Millbrook Bethany Brunswick Franklin Omemee Reaboro Lindsay Cambray Grass Hill Lorneville Junction Beaverton Gamebridge Brechin Schepeler Upterprove Atherley Couchiching Orillia Silver Creek Uhthoff Foxmead Alma Coldwater Fesserton Waubaushene Sturgeon Bay Virtoria Bay Old Fort... Midland Frazerville Peterborough Nassau Mills Lakefield ."i.'.Hi,-,,ii.-, ....-,(1 -, i(),-,.:;i).-, -.'ii.-Mi,-, i.iiii 1,7(1 i.,Vi i.t.-| ».;{(».».■_'.■. 4. i;i j.imi., i n..".(i :(.;{.".:{.•_'.". ;i,-.>(i ;!. lo •j.<i(i '-'.T'l •.>..">."> •_M.'( •.'.;«) -J.-Jo •_'. l.'i -^.w. i ,<)(ij X 10 ;i.4(i :<.-.'(i ;!. i:. .•(.().■) •.•.it.") •.».::. •_'.('.(> •.>.4() •.'..•«i -.M j li.or. •.».()(» I. s,->!i.7,-)| n. 10 ;(.;«» 'A. 10 ;t.o,"> •.>.!»."> •-'.«:> •_>,(;."> •_'.:>() •_>.;«» •2/2o;-_'.(i."> l.'X) i.oo l.7.'>| {.im :i 10 ;!.•_>,-, ;{. lo h.(H) -.mio -.'.so ■j.o.-i •_»..".o •.>..'«) •_». i.Ji-.MH) i.'.K) i.8,")'l.7r) i lio ;i. 10 ;{. 10 •.'.!»:. •j.s.-) •j.7."> •.'.(>.') •-'..■)0 •_».;».■) -.m.-) •i.ooli.iM)' 1.7.") 1.70 i.(i(i;i.4:. :«. 10 ;!.(M» '.'.so •.'.7."> •_'.().■. -J..").") •.'.:;:> •-'.•_>o 2.00 i.<k)|1.7."> i. <).">, 1.00,1. 4'>ii.;C) :{. 10 .'.Mt 2.0.-. •.>.•.'.-. •J.4.-. •.>.:(.■> •.'.•.'() 2. 05 \M 1 .70' l.(M>| 1.4,-) 1.40 1 .30 1 . 15' 3.05 •2.75 -'.00 -^..'m -2.40 2.:«> 2. 15 2.(K) 1.75 1.0511.55 1.40 1.35 l.-2,5 2.05 2.70 -'.50 2..50 2.35 2.25 2.(t5' l.!K> 1.70! 1 .00 2.S(» 2.50 2.35 2.:t0 2.20 2. 10 l.!H» 1.75i.55' 1.45 2.05 2.40 2.25 2. 15 2.05 2.(H> 1.80'1.05 1.45il.30 2.50 2.20 2.05 2.00 1.90 l.KO 1.00:1.45:1.25 1.15 2.35 2.05 1.00 1.S5 1.70 1.05 1.45:1.30 1.10 l.OO' 1.45 1.35 1.301. 15 1.30 1.20 1.15;i.00 1.20 1.10 1.00! 2.20 l.iH) 1.75 1.70 1.00 I. .50 1.3011.15 2.05 l.SO 1.00 1.55 l.-t5 1.35 1.15|l.00 2.30 2.05 l.'.M) l.hO 1.70 1.00 1.45|l.;W) .05 .80 1.10 52.00 1.00 1.S5 1.75 1.,->5U.40!1.20 .85 .70 .!>5 1.10 1.00 .85 .70 .55 .8.J .05 .iw: .75 .60i .45: .70| .05 .8.-. .401 ■s .!K)I .1)0 .70 .55 .40 .25 .55 .05 .80 .85 l.lOj 1.05 • tKl! .80i .OOi .45 .30 .15 .40 3.05 4. (HI l.!IO 1.00 1.70 1.75 1.00 l.(i5 1.00 1.00 1.40 1.45 1.30 1.35 1.10 1.15 1.101.10 l.(M) 1.05 .00 .(Ml .70 .00, .40 .so! 2. 4.- 2 .v. 2.30 2. 15 2.00 1.05 1. 85 1.70 1.55 1.301.20 1. 101 .05 .!M)i ,80 .05 2.115 2.35 2.20 2.15 2.05 1.05 1,75 l.(M) 1.40:1.30 1. 15tl. 05 l.(K) 2.75 2..-iO 2.30 2.25 2. 1 5 2.05 1 .<K) 1.75 1 .55' 1 .40' 1 .,30: 1.15 1.10 1 .(HI .85: 2.S5 2.li0 2.4()2.35 2.25 2. I5 2.(K) 1.85 1.00; 1.50^1. 40; 1.25 1.20 1.10 .05 2.00 2.05 2.45 2.40 2.:!0 2.20 2.(K1 1.85 1.0511.55 1.40^1.30 1.25 l.K) l.oo t 2.70-'..">O2.45 2.35 2.25 2.05 1.00 1.70 1.00!l.45ll. 35 1.30 1.15 1.05 t 2.S0 2.(15 2..V)2.45 2.:!5 2.20 2.05 1.85 1.70:1. 00]1. 45 1.40 l.,30 1.15 i- 2.002.752. 05 2.(10 2.."iO 2.30 2.15 1.05 1.85;1.70'l. 00 l..')5 1.40 1.30 t 3.00 2.,S(I 2.75 2.05 2..V. 2.35 2.20 2.00 1.00 1.75jl.()5 1.00 1.45 1.35 t 3.05 2.,S5 2.M»2.70 2.(10 2.40 2.25 2.05 1.05 1.80 1.70 1.05 \.M 1.40 t 3.20 2.05 2.0O2.SO2.70 2..">O-'.35 2. 15,2.tl5 1.85 1.75 1.70 1.55 1.45 •I 3. 15 3.05 2.05 2.00 2..S0 2..55 2.40 2.25 2.15 2.(H) 1.00 1.85 1.70 1.00 , t 3. 25 3.10,!.(i.-,2.05 2.S5 2.05 2..5O2.30 2.202.05 1.05 1.00 1.75 1.05 + 3.:i5 3.20 3. 10 3.(K) 2.00 2.75 2.00 2.35 2.25 : t :!.45 3.30 3.20 3. 10 3.05 2.85 2.70 2.50 2.35 t 3..V. 3.40 3.35 3.25 3. 15 2.05 2.,S0 2.00 2.."'0 + 3.70 ;!..55 3. 45 3.35 3.25 3.05 2.00 2.70 2.00 . 3. 10 3. ll» 2.05 2.00 2. SO 2.70 2..50 2.35 2. 15 2.05 . 3. 10 3. 10 3.20 3. 10 3.05 2.05 2.75 2.00 2.40 2.:t0 . .3.25 3.,50 3.35 3.25 3. 15 3.(15 2.00 2.75 2.50 2.40 .80 .00 .45 .301 .15: .40i .551 .05! .85 .05 5 2.(K) 1.05 I.S5 1.70 2.25 2.15 2.05 1,05 1.S5 2.35 2.25 2.20 2.05 1.05 2.45 2 .35 2. .30 2. 15 2. 05 l.!M) l.SO 1.75 1.00 1 .50 2. 15 2.05 2.<Kt l.,S5 1.75 2.30 2.15 2.102.(M) 1.85 3..50 3.05 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.00 2.85,2.05,2.55 2.40 2.30 2.25 2. 10 2.00 .40 .50 .00: .70i .801 .!M> 1.00 l.(H! I. (M) 1.05 1.10 1.15 1..30 1.3(1 1.30 l.:i5 1.30 1.40 1..50 1.45 1..55 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.70 1.70 l.SO 1.85 1.<K» 1.05 2.(M>2.05 l..-.0 1..-'0 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.S5 2.00 2.00 1.15 2.05 1.00 1.80 1.75 1.00 1.50 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.05 .!M), .75 .00, .45 .30 . 55 .0.5 .80! .00 1.00 1.10 1.15 1.20 l.:io 1.40 1..-.0 1..-.5 1.00 1.75 l.SO 1.85 1.05 2.05 2.20 1.110 1.S5 2.(M) 2. 15 4.25 2.15 2.00 I.'.K) 1.85 1.70 1.00 1.40 1.35 l.;«) 1.15 1.00 .85 .70 .55 .40 .05 '.'M) 1.00! 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.40 1..50 1.00 1.05 70 1.75 1.00 1.05; 2.05 ' 2.15 2.20' 1.70 1.05 2.10 2.25 .,„ , . . . "'•'■■-O5.3O,5.,-)O5.05 5.75;3.(i5,3.75 3.85 4.(M)4.15 4.45 4.45 ;• . . " ■*■■""- ■*■''•' •''■-" •'■••"^ ■>•«•"':•'>•«) 5.80, 3.85:4.(M) 4. 10 4.25 4..55 4.00 ^•-'O2.,•iO2.4•.2..-...:t.lO3.20 3.3O:^.5O,3.05l3.7O;l.OO 1.75 1.0.) '.' ' " ■ ■■" ' '" ■ ■" ■" ■■" ■ " " ~' '■'> •-'. 15;2.30 2.40,2.05 3.05 3. 15-3.35 3..50 3.55 1.45 1 00 05 2.05 2.20 2.30j2.85 2.!l5;3.05:3.25 3.40 3.50 1.45 1.50 !K) 2.(K) 2. 15 2.25|2.80 2.!I0!3.05!3.20 3.40 3.45 1.35! 1 45 3.05 V.> 1.85 2.(K) 2. 10'2.05 2.75'2.(M) *>■> l.75;i.00 2.00|2.55 2.05'2.75 4"> 1 .55 1.70 1 .80 2.35 2.45 2.00 40 l.iV) 1.05 1.752.30 2.40 H5 1.4.5 1.00 1.70:2.25 2.35 20|l.30ll.45 1..55 2.10 2.20 05 l.lo'l. 30 1.40 2.00 2.05 .901.00 .75 .60 .45 .70 .80 .85 .70 .55 .80 .no 1.15 1.25 1.00:1.10 .851 .05 .70! .80 .05 1.05 1.101.15 05 1.051 1.20i 1.30 05 1.15ll.30|1.40 15 1.25; 1.40 1..50 ■-'5 1.35:i.,50 l.(i(l 30 1. 40' 1. . 55 1.0.- 1.80,1.!K) 1.0511.75 1.50 1.60 1.35 1.45 1.00,1.70 2.50 2.45 •2.m 2.20 2.00 1.85 1.70 1.00 1.85 2.95 2.75 2.70 2.65 2.50 3.40 3.25 3.10 2.95 2.00 2.80 3.45 3.30 3.20 3.00 2.05 2.90 2.0512.75 2.00 2.35;2.55 2.20|2.3n 2.05,2.20 1.00,2.05 1.75,1.95 2.45 2.30 2.15 2.00 '2.00 2.20 2.25 1.20 1.10 .90 .85 .80 .65 .50 .35 .40 .55 .70 .95 2.35 1.05 1.30 1.25 1.00 .95 .im .75 .65 .45 .55 .70 .80 1.05 l:i: 2.501.151.30 ■ I ■ 1 75 1 •Mi5 1.70 .75 1.85;2.(Hi:2. 102.70 2.80 .80 1.00i2. 15i2.20l2.80;2.»() .05 2.052.20:2.30 2.85'2.!l." .(M» 2. 10 2.25:2.35 2.!K)3.(M) .10 2.20 2.352.45 3.05 .3.10 .20 2.30 2..50 2.00*3. 15 3.2. .35 2.;i5 2.t)Oj2.70 3.25 3.,35 .75 1.S5 2.OOJ2.10 2.70 2.80 .(«» 2. 10 2.3012.35 2.05 3.05 .15 2.25 2.40i2..'>0 3.05 3.15 :.30 2.40,2.5512.05 3.2013.30 1.25 1.40ll..5.-,!l. 90 1.00 1.4o:i,5.5|j.7ol2.(K)2.(M) 1.50 I. OOi. 75 2.05 2. 10 1.00 1.75 1.00 2.20 2.20 1.701.85 2.00 2.30 2..30 1.85 2.(K)2.15;--'.45 2.45 1.70 1.85 2.00,2.30'2.30 1.00,1.75 1.90,2.20 2.20 1.55,1.70,1.85 2.15 2.20 1. 45,1. 55il. 70,2.00 2.05 1.30,1.45;i.60|l.!M),1.90 1.15 1.25 1.40 1.701.75 1.10 1.00 .85 .75 .55 .65 .80 1.201.35 1.151.30 1.001.15 .85 1.00 .70 .85 .80] ,95 .95 1.10 .951.051.20 1.651.70 l.OOll.OO 1.451.45 l.30!l.:i5 1.1011.15 1.25 1.25 1.40 1.40 1.501.. 55 1. 1511. 3011. 45il. 75 1.75 1.75 1.85 1.95|2.152.30-. 1 .851 1 .05 2.05 2.25 2.45 ■. 1.05;2,05l2. 1512.35 2..50;'.:.,)if i. 2.05:2.15j2.30'2.45 2.05 2.70 1.401. 50 2. 15, 2.25:2.,35 2..55 2.752.80 1.45 1.00 1 2.20;2.3(i:2.4(»,2.00 2.75 2.80 1..-.0 1.0011.75 1.85 2.00 2..30 2.35 35 1 ..(51 1 .()0| 1 .70'2.2.) 2.35j2.45,2.05 2.80 2.80 1 ..55 1 .70: 1 .80 1 .90 2.05 2.35 2.40 45 1. .55! 1.70:1. 8(1:2.35 2.45i2.(l(» 2.75 2.05. 3.00 1.70 1. SOJ 1.90 2.05 2.20 2.50 2.,-.0 05, 1 .85 1 .00;2..")(» 2.00 2.70 2.'.M) 2.80 3. 10 1 .SO 1.0(ti2.05 2. 15,2.30 2.00 2.<i5 05 1.75; 1 .00 2.00 2..55 2.05 2.80 2.95 3. 15 3.20 1.90 2.0012. 10 2.25 2.40 2.05 2.75 70 1., SO 1.05 2.05 2.00,2.70 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.25 l.iK) 2.05 2.20 2.30 2.45 2.70 2.75 2.00 3. 10 3.25;3..35 2.(M) 2. 15i2.25 2..35 2..-.0 2..S0 2.S5 2.05 3. 10 3.;i5 3.40 2. 10 2.20 2..35 2.45 2.00 2.00 2.05 3.05 3.25 3.40 3..50 2. 15 2.30i2.40 2..'>0 2.(i5 2.95 3.(M» 3. 10 3.30 3..")0 3..">5 2.20 2.35:2..50 2.00 2.75 3.05 3.(.." i.25 3.40 3.00 3.05 2.35 2.45|2.0(I12.70 2.S5 3. 15 ,3.20 H.35 3..-.5 3.70 3.80 2.45 2.0012. 70l2. 80 2.95 3.25 3.30 3..50 3.05 3.S5 3.!M) 2.00 2.70 2..S(i 2.95 3. 10 .3.40 3.40 2.95 3.10 3.35 3.40 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.00 1.75 2.05 2.05 .3.20 3.40 .3. .-.5 3.05 1.45 1.0o'l.7O 1.85 2.00 2..30 2.30 3.35 3.45 3.70 3.75 l.(!0 1.7011.80 1.95 2. 10 2.40 2.45 ,3..50 3.05 3.85 3.90,1.75 1.85'2.00 2. 10 2.25 2.55 2.60 tSee Special TarifiF. WT^wwwwn^sw^^w • til ji.-m _ .»! . muTHUiuini TTtTr^.fH' -I. -ti .".-;V7<) l.tio i.T.')! 1.85 •i.m-2. \-,;2.4:> •.•.45 -.'.TO •2.m •.'.!M)';).o5 :<. ki -i.m'-i do •>-)() •' 40 <> .-jo •> :«)•_>.'. o:{.55 ;i.45 1.f)Ol.70;i.85;2.()0,2.:W2.:«)->.55lV05i'i.75'i.90l2.<t5'2MW|2 50''>'4o"».S0 2i!0'' 10 2.1 3.50|1.45|1.50 1.00,1.75 1.00,2.20 2.20 2.45 2.110 2.05 2.80 2.9012.50 2.40 2 30"> 202 10-'.00 2.( .75;;i.(i5 :i.75::t.85 4.(M» 4. 15,4.45 4.45 4.70 4.s5 4.00 5.05 5. 10 ».,s,-,j i.(i,-,;4 ,-,,-,14 4,-, 4 .m 4 ;jo 4.2.". 0,5.85:3.75 ;{.,S5i4.(H);4. l(»!4.25|4.55 4.0i)'4.85 4.0515.05 5. 15 5.-.>5 4.!»5!4.75|4.(I5 4.55 4.50 4.45 4.40 " " " 20 10 l.(M) 2.40|2.;i0 2.20 2. 10 2.00 2.00 2.20 2.102.(H) 1.00,1.90 1.8(1 2.10,!l.9O 1.80 1.70 1.70 i.oo;i.5o 1.5011.50 1.40il.40 1.30! 1.20 ,i.(i.) .»..»" I . 4,05 4.(M) 3.85:3.70 3.(10 1.20; 1. 10 .il H.45 3.30 3.20 3.00 2.95 2.90 15 2.75 2.60 2.45 2.30 2.15 1.35! 1.20 1.10 .510 .85 .80 .«J5 .50 .35 .40 .55 .70 .95 1.45 1.30 1.2. 1.00 .95 M) .75 .65 .45 .55 .70 .80 1.05 t5!2.00 >0'2.25 10 2.35 1.0511; 15 15|2.50 1.15i|.30 ■)0;2.00 1.25 1,40 1512.70 1.40 1.50 (5 2.80 1.45 1.(iO 1.55|1.70,1.85 2. 15 2.20I2.45 2.55 1.45il.55il.70 2.00 2.05,2. 302. 40 1.30,1.45 1.60 l.!H)il.90 2.15 2.30 1.15 2.50 2.35 1 .25; 1 .40| 1 . 70' 1 .75:2.00 2. 1012.20 2!75 2;85l2.50 1.90 2.05]2.10 1.85 2.00 2.05 1.90 2.60 2.50 2.30 2.25 2.20 2.05 1.10 1.20 I.35II.65 1.70 1.00 1.15 1.30 l.OOil. 60 .85 1.00 1.15 1.45 1.45 1.70 1.85 .75 .85 1.0oll.30;1.35 1.60 1.70 1.7511.90 .55 .70 .86 1.1011.15 1.401.55 1.0011.75 .65 .80| .95 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.601.70,1.85 .80 .95 1.10 1.401. 40 l.ft5 1.75!l.85|2.00 .95 1.05:1.20 1.501. 55 1.75 1.90;2.00 2.10 1. 15;1. 3011. 45il. 75 1.75,2. 00,2. 15!2.20:2. 35 1.25 1.40 1.55! 1.90 1.9012. 15 2.25i2.30 2.45 1.4o'l,.55{j.7o;2.(H)2.(K) 2.25 2.35 2.45 '.'.(iO 1.50 1.60 1.75 2.05 2. 10 2.35 2.45 2.50 2.65 2.40 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.10 2.3512.00 2.30:1.00 .'.15; 1.80 2.0O;i.7O 1.75,1.40 1.90,1.60 5 05! 1.80 15 1.00 l.JWil. 80:1.70 1.60 1.90 1.80 1.00 4. 15 4. 10 4.(M) 3.80 3.70 1.30 2.00i2.00!l.80 1.70,1.50 3.05 l.tW 1.80,1.70 1.50 1.40 2.90 (» 1.6011.40 1.30 2.80 1.80,1.701.60 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.50 1.401.30 1.50:1.40 1.30 1.20;1.20,1. 10 l.:«)il.20 1.10 1. 00' .95! .90 1.50,1.40,1.30 1.2011.10,1.10 I.6OI1.5O 1.40 1.301.30 1.20 1.80 1.70 1.601.50 1.40 1.40 -'. 40 2.20|2.(H),1. 90:1. 80 1.70,1.70,1.60 i.5() 2.3012. 10'2.(M) 1 .90 1 .80 1 .80: 1 .70 J.65 2.40 2.20 2. 10 2.00 1.90, 1 .90 1 .80 ^.75 2.5012.302. 20 2. 10 2.00 2.00 l.!K) -'.85 2.6OI2.50I2.4O 2.30 2.20,2. 10 2. 10 1 .60 1 .75 1 .90,2.20 2.20 2,45 2.60 2.65 2.80 1.70' 1.85 2.00 2.30 2.30 2.55 2.65 2.75 2.90i3.00 2.70i2.5o!2.40 2.30 2.20 2.20 2. 10 ,512.80 1.50|.(i()|1.75 1.85 2.00 2..30 2.35 2.(iO 2.70 2.75 2.90i2.95;.'.70l2.60!2.')0 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.20 ■iO'2.80 1.55 1 .701 1. SO 1 .90,2.05 2.35 2.40 2.65 2.75 2.S5 2.95 3.05 •J.S()'2.60 2..">0 •_>.40 2.30 2.30 2.20 15.3.00 1.70 1. sol 1. 90 2.05 2.20 2.50 2..')0 2.75 2.90 2.95 3. 10'3. 15 ■J.!M)i2.80'2. 70 2.60 2..-)0 2. 40 2.3(1 <0 3. 10 I .SO 1 ,90 2.05 2. 15|'J.30 2.(i0 2.(i5 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3,-J5 3.(M)l2.90 2,80 •_>.70 2.60 2.50 2.50 1.80 1.80 1.00 1.50 1.30 1.30 1.20 1.00 .90 .70 .90 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1. 1.70|1.60ll.40 1.60 1.4011.30 1.40 1.30!l.l0 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 .90 .65 .80 1.00 1. 101.00 1.10 .90 1.00 .80 .70 .50 .70 .80 l.lOll.OO 1.4011.20 1.501.30 .80 .70 .60 .35 .50 .70 .80 1.10 1.20 1.30 2.75 1.10 2.60 1.00 2.50 .80 2.65 .80 2.75 .70 2.80 1.20 1.(1,- .'.90,2.7."i .SO .75 .!)(l I 10 l.;tO 1.60 l.S0 2.0(> .70 .()() .50 .10 .:itl .20 Kiamado, .95 .85 1.00 1 25,1.40 1.75 1.90 2.15 .80 .70 .60' .50, .40 .30 .25 iHill.riii ,\lni. 2.65 2.<I0 2.45 2 25 2.05il.70 1.55 1.30 2.65 2.75 2.85 2.95,3.05 3. 15 3.20 3,:!5 I'.nt 11"),. 2.75 2.60 2.50 2.45 2.652..'>0 2.40 2.35 2.ft-)l2,50 2.352.30 2.50i2.35l2.20'2.15 2.35'2.20 2. 10i2.05 2.55'2.40,2. 30:2.20 2,60 2.45 2.3512.30 2.6512. 50!2.40 2.35 2.30'2 05'l. 9011.55 1.40 1.15 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.05 3.20 .30 Qim,\ 2.20'2!00 I.80I1.45 1.301.1012.402.502.602.702.802.902.95 3.10 .40 .2(t ' 50 2.90 2.802.65 .40 3.0512.952.80 .20 3.25 3.10 2.95 .40 3.40 3,25 3.10 ..'(O 3.5513.40 3.25 .70 3.65,3..-i5|3.40 .90 3.90 3.SOi3.65 1.00 4.00. 3.90'3. 75 2.55,2.50 2.65:2.60 'i. 852.80 2.15|l.05 2.001,80 1.00|1.70 2.05 1.85 2.15 1.90 2.202.00 2.35 2.15 2.45 2.25 1.75 1.45 I.25,1.05!2.35 2.45 2.60,2.65 2.75 2.90 2.95 3.05i . ...| l.OOil. 30 l.iol .902.20 2.30 2. 4512.50:2.60 2.75 2.80 2.90 ■ 1.5o!l.l5 l.OOi .8012. 102.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.00 2.65 2.80 1.701.351.15' .95 2.30 2.35 2.50 2.60 2.65 2.80 2.85 2.05 1.75 1.40 1.25 1.00 2. 35 2.45 2.552. 65,2. 75 2.85 2.90 3.05' 1.80,1.45 1.30 1.10 2.40,2.50 2.60|2.70,2.80 2.90 2.95 3.10 1.00 I.95I1.6O 1.45 1.25'2.55 2.65 2.75 2.85 2.95 3.05 3.1013,25 1.10 2.05 1.75 1.55'l.35 2.65 2.70 2.90l2.95 3.05 3.20 3.25 3.35 1.30 .40 .60 .70 .90 .00 3.00 2.95 2.80 2.60 3.15 3.10 2.95 2.75 2.65 2.4512.25 1.90 1.75 1.55:2.85 2.95 3.05 3.15,3.25 3.35 3.40 3.55 1.40 *1 2.40 2.05 1.00 1.703.00,3. 10 3.20 3.303.40 3.50 3.55 3.70 1.60 3.25 3.20 3.50:3.45 3.65 3.55 1.601.40 1,30 1.10 4.154.10 3.8513.75 3.70 2.55 2.20 2.05 1.85 3. 15 3.25 3.35 3.45 3.55 3.65 3 70 3.85 1.70 3.052 85 2.65 2.35 2.15 1.95 3.25 3..35 3.50 3.553.65,3.80 3.85 3.95 1.90 3.30 3, 10 2.90 2.60 2.40 2.20,3.50 3.60 3.70,3.80i3.90,4.00 4. 104.20 2. 10 U.40i3.20 3.05 2.70 2.50 2.3013.05 3.70 3.85,3.9514.00 4. 15:4.20 4.30 2.20 3.55 3 35 3. 15 2.80 2.65 2.45 3.753.85 3.95 4.05 4. 15'4.25 4.30 4.45 2.30 I.70I 1 .50' i ;40 1.20 4.25 4. i()l3 95|3. 85 3.8013.65 3.40:3.25 2.!M) 2.75 2.50l3.85 3.95 4.05 4. 15 4.25l4.35,4.40,4..55 2.40 1.9011.80:1. 70:1.50' 1.40 4.35 4 25*4 lol3.95 3.90l3.75 3.551.3.35 3.05,2.85 2.65 .3.95 4.05 4.15 4.25 4.;V),4.45|4..-i5:4. 65 2.50 1 .901 1 .90 1 .70I1.6O 1 .40 4.45 4 304 1514.05 4.00 3.8i"> 3.653.45 3. 10 2.95 2.75 4.05 4. 15 4.25 4.35 4.45 4.55 4.60 4.75 2.60 2.(H»1 1 .iK) 1 .SO, 1 .(iol 1 ..-)() 4.45 4 354 2ol4. 10 4.00 3.85 3.65;3..-)0 3. 15 .l.(M» 2.75 4. 10 4. 15 4,30 4,40 4.45;4.60l4.»J5 4.75 2.70 2.00 - - . _....,.._._. 2.20 2,00 1. so: 1,70 1 ,50 4..V. 4, 10l4.25l4. 15 i. 10 3.95 3.7013.55 3.20 3,05 2.80:4. 15 4.25 4.35 4.45;4..")5,4.65 4.70,4.85 2,70 2, 102.00 1 .80 1.70 4.()5 4. .V) 4.40,4.25 4.20 4.05 3.8513.65 3.35 3. 15 2.95 4.25 4.35 4.45 4..-)5l4.65 4.75 4.85 4.95 2.80 .,30 .40 .,">() .70 .80 .80 1.00 1.10 !.( 1.30 I. 1.40 1. 1.60 I. 1.70 l.t 1.90 I 2.1(»2.( 2.20 2. 3( ••_•.•- 2.40 2. :2.."iO'J. 2..")0'.'. 2.(iO-.', 2.702 2..S0-.> 2,30 2,20 2, 10 |,<H) 1,S0 4,75 4 (15 4 ,-.0 4.40 4.30 4. 15 .3.95|3.S0 3.45 3.25 3. 10 4.40 4.45 4.60 4.70 4.75 4,90 4,95 5,05 .3,00 '. 5 3.20 1 ,90 2,0012, 10 2.25 2.40 2.65 2.75 2.95 ,3. 10 3, 15 3,30.3,.35 3, lol:{,(M» 2.iH) 2.S0 2.70 2.60 2.(l(l|2.40 2.30 2,20 2 00 1.90 4 85 4 75 4 ()(V4.45 4.40 4,25 4.05 3. 85 .3,55 3,35 .3. 15 4.45 4..-)5 4.70 4.754.85 .5,00 5,05 .5, 15 3. 10,2.00 •J.| ;o 3.25 l.!K) 2,05,2,20 2.,30 2.45 2,70 2.75 ,3,00 3. 10 3,20 3,35,3,40 3. 10l3.00 2.90 2. SO 2.70 2.60 2.6(l|2.40 2.,30 2.20 2.00 1.90 4.90 4.75'4.6o|4..-)0 4,45 4.30 4. lOl.S.OO 3.55 ,3,40 3.20 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.S0 4.!H) 5,(M) .5,05 5,20 3. 10 2.90 •_>.: .'5 3.35 '2.00 2. 15 2.25 2.35 2,.-)0 2,.S0 •.'..S5 3, 10 3.20 3,30 3,40'3.,-,0 3,20 3, 10 ,3.(M) 2.90 2. SO 2.70 2.70|2.,M) 2.40 2.30 2. 10 2.00 .->,00 4 ,S5,4.70:4.60 4..')5,4.40 4. 15:4,00 3,65 3,.-)0 3,25 4,(iO 4.70 4.S0 4.90 5.(H) ,■>. 10 5. 15 5,30 3,20:3.(MI -.'.I 15 3.40 2. 10 2.20 2.35 2.45 2.60 2.1H) 2,95 3,20 3,:!0 3,40 3,50 3,.-.5 ;!,,30 3,20 3. 10 3,00 2.iM) 2,80 2.S0 -.'.(iO 2..->0 2.40 2.20 2, 10 5,05 4,95 4.804.70 4.(M):4.45 4.25 4. 10 3,75 3..">5 3.35 4.70 4.75 4.<K) ,5. 00 .■■).05 :>.-20 .5.25 ,5.35 3.30|3. 10 :tJ 10 ,3.,")0 2. 15 2.30:2.40 2,.")0 2,(i5 2.95 3.(Mt ,3.25 3.35 .3.40 3..")5 3.(15 3,40 3.20 3. 10 3.00 2.90 2,90 2,S0 2,(i0 2.(10 2,40 2.30 2. 10 5, 15 5.00 4.85 4.75 4.70'4.,55'4.30 4. 15 ,3.80 3.65 3.40 4.75 4.85 4.95 ,5.05,5, 15 5,25 ,5,:iO 5.45 3,30|3,'J(» ' '.0 3,.".5 2,20 2.35:2..^)0 2.60 2.75 3.05 3.(.5 3.30 3.40 3.,-)0 3.65!3,70 3,40l3.30 3.20 3. 10 3.00 2.90 2.9oi2.70 2,60 2„-)0 2.;iO 2.20 5,20 5.05 4.90 4.80 4.75 4.60 4.40l4.20 3.85 3.70 3..-.0 4.80 4.90 5.00 ,5. 10 5.20 5.30 5.35 5..-)0 3.40i3.2(> .!. iO 3.(>5 2.,35 2.45:2.6(1 •2,70 2. S5 3, 15 3,20 3,40 3,.V. 3,65 3,75,,3,,S() 3.60 3.40 3.,30 3.20 3. 10 3. 10 3.00l2.S0 2.S0 2.(iO 2.50 2.30 ,-.,,30 5,20 5.05 4.90 4.85 4.70 4,,50,4,30 4.00 3.80 3.60 4.90 ."..(Ht 5. 15 5.20, .5.30 5,45 .->,.-.0,5.(i(» 3..-.0:3.4(l 3.1 ro 3.80 2.45 2.(i0;2.70l2.S0 2.95 3.25 3.,30 3..->5 3.65 3.75 3.85,3.95 3.70 3..50 3.40 3.,30 3.20 3.20 3. lol2.9() 2.90 2.70 2.60 2.40 5.45 5,30 5, 15 5,05 5.(M) 4.85 4.60|4.45 4. 10 3.95 3.70 5,05 5. 15 5,25 5.35 5,45 5.,-.5 5,(iO,5,75 3,(IOi3..'>0 3. C. 3.!Mt 2.(!0 2.7()l2.S(i 2.95 3. 10 3,40 3.40 3,65 3.S0 3.85 4.(H) 4. 10 3.80 3,70 ,3.(>0 3,.50 3,40 3.30 3.,30 3. 10 3.00 2.90 2.80 2.60 5„m 5,45 ,5.30 ,5. 15 5. 10 4.95 4.75i4..55 4.25 4.05 3.S5 ,5.15 5.25 5.35 5.45,.").,")5 5.(i5 .■).75|."..85 3.70 3.60 .!. 15.3.40 1.25 1.35 1.45 1.60 1.75 2.05 2.05 2.:i0 2,45 2..50 2.65 2.75 2,40 2,20 2. 10 2.00 1.90 1.90 1. SO l.(iO 1.60 1,40 1.30 1.102.35 2.20 2.05 1.95 1.90 1.75 1.55jl.35 1 .00 .85 .65 1.95 2.05 2.15 2.25 2.35 2.45 2..50 2.65 ■.5,3.(;5 1,45 1,00 1,70 1,85 2,00 2„30 2,30 2„-.5 2.(i5 2.75 2.90 2.95 2.60 2.40 2. 40 2.30 2.20 2. 10 2. 10 1.90 1.80 1.70 1..50 1.40 2.102.00 1.85 1.70 1.65 l..-.01.:<Ojl.lO .80 .60 .40 1.70 l.SO 1.90 2.00,2. 10 2.20 2.,30; ;0.3.75 1.00 1.7011.80 1.952.102. 40 2. 45 2.65 2.802.85 3.00 3.05 2.80 2.60 2.,'>0 2. 40 2.30 2..30 2.20 2.00 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.50 2.20 2.10 1.95 1.85 1.75 .90 .65 .,50 1.85 1.85,2.05 2.1512,20 2.35 2,40 ; C. 3.90,1.75 1.85'2.00 2. 10 2,25 2.55 2.60,2.80 2.95 3.05 3. 15 3.25 2.90 2.80 2.70 2.00l2.50 2.40 2.40 2.20 2. 10^2,00 1.80 1.70 2.35 2.25 2. 10 2.00 1.90 1.75 1.5511.40 1.05 .80 .65 2.00 2 05 2.20 2.30 2.35 2.402.55 ! SO .'.40 1.10 ■iOl.20 .70 . .90 . 1.00 1. 2.65 1.30(1.20 1 itl .10. .:iO .'JO Kliliiiaii till S.'i 70 (iO tiO A-,\ •TO ,:.(); ,55 .00 .75 !K) .05 20 35 50 70 ,S5 05 05 15 •_>5 :«) :t5 .45 tiO 70 70 so •10 !I5 00 15 •.>5 :f5 15 !tO 05 20 50 05 -.i. 80 2. 702. 652. 50i2. 40 2. 60 2. 652, 702, 85 2, 05 3, 15 3 30 3, 453 55;3 ,803 05 4 05i4 15:4 ,2514, 3514 404 45|4 55|4 704, ,754, 804 iK)'5 i.OO 5 i.05,5 1.10 5 .205 .355, .45 5, '.25:2, .00|2. .15|2. .30 2, 40 , 05 3 00 3. 80 2. 75 2. 60 2. 50 2. 65 2. 75 2, ,802, ,05 3, .05 3, 253 403 553 653 !K)4 004, .15 4, 254, 354 45'4 45;4, 55;4, .65 4, 5'4, .85,5, m 5, (X)5, 05 5, 15 5. 20 5. 30 5. 45 5. 55 5. 35 2. 10 2. 20 2. 35 2. 30 15 3 00 3. 90 2 90 2. 75 2. 60 2. 802. .85 2. 90 2. ,05 3, ,20 3, .35 3, .50 3 1.65 3 80 3 00 4 .15 25 3.-. .454, .554, ,60 4, ,65 4, .754, ,90 4, ,00i-), ,00,5, 10 5. 20 5. 25 5, 30 5. 45 5. 55 5. 65 5. 45 2. 20 2. 35 2. 40 2. .'5 II H) 3, 05 3. 95 3, 95 3. 80 2 65 2. 85 2, 903 95 3. 103. 25i3, 40 3, .55 3, 703, i.85 3, .io;4, 204, 304, 40:4, 554 .60 4, .65I4, 70[4, .85'4, 955, 05J5, 05;5. 15;5, 255. 30!5. 35;5. 50i5. 605. 755. 50:2. > iilU'iiii Mint'. 35 I'mt Hopt'. 20 .30Qiiiiy"^. 40 .20 IVnytowii. .30i .20Oiir(lenHill. .40 .60 .70 .90 .90 101.00 25 1.10 35 1.30 551.40 701.60 ^111.70 95 1.90 202.10 30 2.20 45 2.30 55 2.40 .65 2.50 ,75 2.60 ,75 2.70 ,85 2.70 .95 2.80 05 3.00 15 3.10 20 3.10 30 3.20 35 3.30 45 3.30 50 3.40 (!0 3.50 75 3.60 85 3.70 65 .80 40 1.10 50 1.20 65 1.30 .40 ,50 .70 .80 .80 1.00 .30 .40 .60 .70 .70 .90 .30;Siiintnit. .40 .60 .70 .70 .00 .SOiMillbrook. .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .30 Bethany. .40 .20 BruDBwick. 1.10,1.001.00 I.3O1I.2O 1.20 1.00 1.40 1.:M) 1.30 1.20 1.60{l.50,1.50 1.30 1.701.601.6011.40 1.90jl.<K»,1.8Ji,l"0 2.IOI2.OO 1.90 1.80 2.2012.102.101.90 2..30i2.20 2.20,2.00 2.40 2..30|2.30 2.10 .40 .60 .70 .90 1.00 .30 .40 .50 .70 .90 .20 Franklin. )0l2.40,2. 40,2.20 2.50 2.40i2.40!2.20 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 2. 50 2. .50 2. 30 2.60 2.60 2.40 1.201.00 .40 .60 .70 .80 1.00 .30 Omeniue. .40, .SOReaboro .60; .701 .90 1.30;i.l0 1.10 1.00' .40 .60 .70 .90 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 1.401.301.301.10 .30 Lindsay. .60 .60 .70 1.00 30 Camhray. .40, .30GraseHill. .40 .30LornevilIeJc. 40 Beavcrton. .70 .50 .801 .60 .70 .80 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.50 1.401.401.201.10 1.60 1.60;i.50 1.30 1.20 1.70 1.60 1.60 1. 4011.30 1.80 1.80 1.70 1.60|1. 40 2.101.90 1.90,1.80 l.fiO 1.50 2.1011.90 1.90 1.801.701.60 2.202.00 1.90 1.90 1.70 1.60 2..30i2.10 2.10 2.00 1.90 1.70 2.70i2.70;2..50 2.40 2.20 2.20 2. 10 2.00 1.90 2.80 2.80 2.60I2.5O 2..S0 2..30 2.20 2. 10 1.90 2.W) 2.80 2.80 2.60 2..50 2..30 2..S0 2.20 2. 10 1.90 .3.00:2.90 2.90 2.80,2.60 2. "lO 2.40 2..S0 2.20 2. 10 3. 10 3.00 3.00 2.80 2.70 2.50 2..-)0 2.40 2.30;2.20 3.20L3.10.3.10 2.902.80 2.60 2.50 2..50 2..30,2.20 3.20 .3. 10 3. 10 3.00 2.80 2.702.00 2.50 2 402..3o!2. 10 l.!M) 1.80 1.70 3.40 3.30 3.30 3. 10 3.00 2.80 2.70 2.70 2.50 2.40|2.20 2. 10 1.90, 1.80 3. .50 3.40 3.40 3.20 3. 10 2.!K) 2.80 2.80 2.(;o'2.,50 2..30 2.20 2.00 l.!K) .60 .8OI .90; 1.00' .90 I 101.00 1.301.101.00 1.3011.20 1.00 1.40 1.20 1.101.00 1.40 1.30 1.10,1.00 1.60il.401.30,1.10 1.7011.50 1.40,1.30 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .70 .80 .90 1.00 l.80|1.60 1.50:1.301.10 1.80 1.60 1.50 1. .30 1.10 (ianiebridge. 1.901.70 1.60 1.50 2.001.80 1.70 1.60 2.00 1.00 1.70 1.60 3.00 .70 .90 1.00 1.20 3.50 .00 .80 1.00 0.90 1.101.10 3..50,3.30 3.20 3.00i3.(X) 2.!K) 2.S0 2.60 2..50 2.30 2.20,2.00 .60 .80 .40i .30! ..50 70| .501 .70 .80' .90 .70' .80 .801.00 1.20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.00 Brechin. .20 .40 .40 .50 .50 .70 .80 .90 .90 Schepeler. .30 .40 .40 .40 .60 .70 .80 .80 .90 Upteri{rove. .20 Atherlei .30, .2OC01I .201 .2( .40 50 .60 .6OI .7O1 .8O; .80; .!)0| .30 .40 .60 .70 .70 .80 .{»0 .!K) 1.00 .3( .t .8 .9 I.10|1.00 1.3011.2011.101.00 I.40I1.. soil. 101.00 1.4011.30 1.20 1.10 I.6O1I.4O 1.30 I.2O1I.IO 1.00 l.Ol 1.70|1.60 1.40,1. 30|1.20 1.10 1 1.80 1.70 1.601. .5011. .30 1.30 1.2 1.70 1.80 1.902.00:2.20 2.20 2.f .50 .00 .70' .90 1.00 1. 20 1. .30 1.50 1 .80 .80 1.00 1.10 1.. 30 1.40 1.60 1. 70|1. 90 2. 10:2.20 2.3012.40 2.50 2.f .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.00 1.70 1.80|2.10,2.202..30 2. 40,2. 50 2.00 2.f 1.00 1.10 1.30 I.40I1.6O 1.70 1.90i2.0012.20i2.30l2.50;2.50i2.70 2.80|2.J HS8 Hill. Lorneville Ju. K) K) iO iO 90 DO 10 1.00 101.00 30 1.10 40 1.30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .00 Beavcrton. .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.10 801 901 00 70 80 90 20 2.00 30 1.50 Oaniebridge. 50 1.30 501. soil. 10 60 1.501.20 70 1.60 701.60 Brechin. 30 .40 .50 .60 .60 .70 .80 .90 1.00 1.00 l.lOjl.OO 1.3011.2011.10 .20 .40 .40 .50 .50 .70 .80 .iK) 90 Schepeler .30 .40 .40 .40 .60 .70 .80 .80 .90 1.00 Upterijrove. .20 Atherley. .30 .20 Coucliiching .20 .20.Orillia .40 .30 50 .40 .40 .60 .50 .501 .60 .50 50 .70: .70 .60 .80' .70 .70 .80; .80 .70 Ml .90 .80 .90, .30 .40 .60 .70 .70 .80 • •K) .90 1.00 30 Silver Creek. 1.40ll. 3011. 10,1.00 1.4011.30 1.201.10 1.60il.40 1.30 1.20 1.7011.60 1.40,1. 30|1.20 1.10 1.10 1.00| 1.80 1.70:1.601. soil. .30 1.10 1.00 1.00 .30 .40 .40 .50 .60 .60 .70 .80 .90 Uhtlioff. .20 .20 .40 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .!K) Foxmead. .20 .30 40 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 Al. .20 .40 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .na. Coldwater. .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 ,70 Ffsserton .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 Waiibaushene. .20 Sturjieon Bay. .30l .30 Victoria Bay. .40 .30 Old Fort. ,40! .60! .50: .40 ..^.,i..,^,..>^...,^...^ ...SO 1.20 1.20 1.00, w„ -_1.70;1.80|1.90 2.00!2.20 2.20 2..S0 2.30 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.70 ,_..,„ .„ 60 1.70il. 90,2. 10|2.20 2.30:2.40 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.!»0 2.90 3.00 3. 10 3.20 3.20 3.40 3.50 3.60 70 1.80j2. 10,2.20 2.30 2.40|2.50 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.00 3. 10 3.20 3.30 3. 40 S.-W 3.60 3.701 .50 .SOiNassau Mills. 9 0,2.00|2.20i2.30i2.50!2.50i2,70 2.80i2.80i2.80 3.00 3. 10 3.20 3.20|3.30 ' 3.40;3.40 3.50 3.60i3 .70 3.901 .70 i . 40| .30 | Lak efield .,„ — . — ...„ .,„, .30Midland. 2.80 2.JK);2.90 3.00 3. 10 .3.20 3.40 Frazerville. 40 Peterborough. 50 .SOjNassau Mills.