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".d 4th Cohce-ion. to the We.tem D.v,..o«, with lot 9 on the 3rd Concession. ^ImTIp^iion^entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and PARI I. *^«^»^iy5oija to the Legislative Assembly. No. ON NAME. Roll. I.T 1 Athton, Thoinat J 2 Akani;, Henry .T 3 Akam, Adam J ; 7 Allen, William .t f 8 Akam, Abraham J 9 Allen, J )hn J , 10 Allen, Richard J 11 Allen, William .T J7 BiagOj Frederick J 18 Brago, William J 29 Ba^r, Nathaniel J 26 Beeen, John ,T 30 Baer, David J 31 Baer, W. H. J 32 Blake, William J 33 Butti, Henry . 78 dn^, William J 79 Crewe, Thonwa J 92 Cu]Uinaon, William J 93 Church, George ^'l03 Dunt, JohnR. J 104 Duret, Wm. C. j|106 Dnwt, JohnR J 119 ElWey, Ovaries j|117 Event, G. rge CON. 3 3 3 MC 3 4 MC MC BM V MC MC 1 3,4 3 3 4 3 BMV MC MC 2 2 LOT. Pt 8, W D 14, 16, E D 14, 15, E D 12 12, ED Pt7,8,BD Pt7,E D Pt 5, E D P.O. Addrksh. Owner Oimer Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner 11, ED 29 16 Ownef Owner Owner Owner 23 Owner ^4 Owner 13 Owner Pt 7, 6, E D Owner & Pt Tenant Pt 1, 2, E D Ptl, 2 9, ED 5, WD Ptl, 2 27 Pt 27 4, ED Pt7 Owner Farmer's Son Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Teiuuit 2. POIXING SU$-BmslON yo. li-CoHt yPf^./ No. ov ROLli. .r 125 .r 126 .r 130 .1 131 J 132 .1 133 .) 134 .1 136 .1 Jl 3 136 137 138 144 147 148 149 NAME. Felker, Louis Flick, Jacob Fisher, J. P. Fisher, .'. T. Fisher, Aioos Foster, W. B. Fisher, Valentine Fisher, Abra^jani Jiisher, Abraham Fisher, Peter Fisher, J. J. Fisher, Heth Fisher, Isaao Fisher, David Fisher, O. S, J 161 Green, John 162 Good, Thomas .T 163 Gledhill, Jesse J 16^ Glodhil!, ThoB. n 166 Gun, Patrick J 166 Gun, Peter J 167 Ginder, Charles a 168 Good. Edward J 169 GQi)4, William ,r 170 Good, William J 172 Gledhill, James s 184 Hart, Samuel 186 Hart, Samuel i 186 Eeddle, Andrew f 189 gaUiday, John 190 HalUday, Andrew 207 HabeJ, George 208 Habel, Menrj 209 Harris, W. J. 210 m William 216 ^obronr Christopher J p& Jettkip*. James 224 Jenkuwi, John 225 Jenkins, Edward ,1 229 John, Nathan CON. 1 MC MC BMV i»a MO MC MC « 2 1,1 4 1,2 2,4 8 BMV 1 2, 3, 1, 2 MC MC 2 3,4 3 LOT. A 243 f 244 JJ^nriMhinkie, Fred. Kerniithan, John » 252 Long, William .253 i^^.J*^,,.. J 256 LinroQsel, J. c. 2 2f % li 2 MC MC M C, 8, 4 1 4 2 2 2 %^^: MC 2 3,4 2,4 o MC P. O. AUDKKHHl. 11, ED 28, 29, 30 31 3 16, IT, 18 26,27 25,26 6, E D 6, E D 6, 7, 8, E D Pt6 6 3,4,7 4,(3eeSD Pt3, 4 4 Ptl, 2 7, 8, 9, 10 28,29 28,29 14, E D 6, 11, E D 10 10 Pt6, 7 Oilier Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner No 2) Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Tenattt Omtikt 8, WD 8 PtFR 15, £ D 15 22, Pt 10 8 9 19, 20, 21, 8, 9 9 3 Ownte Oirniir Owner Owner Oirni^ OwnW Owner Own«|T Own^ Owner 6, W D ^ Owner 5, W D Farroer't S<m 5 Farmer's Son 14, pt 8, E D Owner & Pt T«ri^t Pt 11 ld,£D 8, Wt> 1, E D, pt 6 p* 1. 2 Pt 9; 6, 7, 8 Owner 0#ti4r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 ■ *•■>,. 4 1 1 i 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 * 2 • 2 3 ■ _1' 1 1 0#tier 1 Owner 1 OiHitr ' 1 Oirti«T i ' J 362 .T 969 J 270 .1 271 J 323 J 326 POLLING SUBDIVISION y» L~Co»Tmuw. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 2 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 ' 2 2 1 ' * , 1 1 No. ON NAMB. Roll. J 256 Levy, Matthew J 362 MoC*be, Oeorgo .T 969 McCorvie, Neil ,j 270 MoMuUen, John .1 271 McCurvie, Duncan J 323 McMurchie, Donald ,1 326 McClure, Jas. ,f 263 Mitchell, Emanual ,j 264 Millon, Wm. J 266 Mwrrish, Thomas J 281 Mohring, Nicholas .f 282 Mohring, W. M. J 283 Mannings, Benjamin .J 816 Mitchell, Thomas J 517 Mu'icford, John J 318 Moore, William J 819 Maddle, Paul .1 320 Maddle, Godfred .1 321 Miller, Jonathan ,) 324 Malloy, Archibald J 325 Moon, Abraham J 329 Million, Patrick 828 Million, Edward 336 Mapning, Francis J 337 Morrish, Nicholas ;t^ Ki*«le, Joseph I'M .1 366 Nott, N. W. ,1 370 O'Mara, Michael J 371 Ohler, William J 373 Oke, Thomas J 374 Piatt, Samur* .1 380 Phramer, Miv^hael J 391 Robertson, Wm. ^^ J 392 Rogers, John J 393 Rogers, David J 394 Rowden, Richard J 426 Stewart, John 427 Stewart, Geo. .T 428 Snyder, Jesse J 429 Snyder, John J 430 Stewart, R. W. CON. 3 MO 3 3 3 MO 1 2,4 3 4 2 2 2,J|fG; 6,4 4 , 2 BMV B^y BMV 2,i 1 4 4 3 3,4 LOT. Pt 8, 9, E D 13 Pt9 Pt9 Pt9 Pt 11,1 10, pt 6, E D Pt8 Pt2 2.BI]^ 2 P. O. Addrvss. Owner 2 Owner Owner • 51 Owper Farmer^ Son Owner Owiier Owner Owner Own^ ■ Own«r Fanheii's, Son 11, U / Owner & Pt t^nafit / 1, 6, E D, W P 1 \ (SeeS-DNo-S) j Pt 1, 6, K D Ptl 11, 16 . 6.6,7,ptFR. 12, 13, 14, pt F R 11,10 Ptl6 Pt ly ■ roiHii Ptio ; Pt2 Pt3,4 I 1 1 i 1 i I 1 2 i i Owner Tenant iTentmt Own^r Owner Tenant Own«r t» ,11k. pwn^r Owner 1 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 TJ/ieil, 2,BD 1 MC MC 1 1 BMV ■ro v\ 2 2 3 1 1 I MC,1 MO 1 8, WD , Pt 11,129, 30,31 ' Ptaf,4,6,7,ED FR 1, B D Ptl, 2, 9, 10 Ptli BP 2, ED 2, ED Pt 7, B D Pt 2, F R PtFR Pt4,5 Pt 6, 4, 5, E D 24, BD 14 0Hb^:5Vf^: Owner 3 Tenant 9 Owner I Ownfir 1 Owner 7 ' Owner 1 Tenant 1 Owner 1 Tenant 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Fanner's Son 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 POLLING SUBDIVISION No. I.-Continukd. X^;^'^ NAME. CON. J 432 Schvanz, Michnei M J 442 Stniughan, R«bt. 6, 4 J 469 Taylor, Robt. M J 470 Tabb, Ja«. 3 J 471 Taylor, Richard 4, 5 J 477 Vanatpne, Wm. 1, 2, 3 J 481 Vanatone, Samuel 3 .r 497 Walters, Charlw 3 a 498 WeiM, Ferdinand M C J 499 Wilaon, Arthur M J 600 Wilaon, Jacob M C J $01 Waltora, Richard 2 J 502 Warner, Samuel 2 ' J 506 Walters, Kichard 3 J 507 Waiters, Nathan 3 ' ' J 508 Walters, Win. 4 ' ,1 509 Walters, Richard 3 '■'■II-)'' ■ i , . J )511 Wlt^rs, Wm. 4| ft J 521 T6ung, Henry 4, 4 J 52S Ydu^ff, Edward 4 J 627 Tottog, Richard 4 LOT. 11 < 10, pt 11, 12 \ \ (SeeS-DNo3) / P.O. Addrkm. Owner 1 PtlO Pt8, 9 Own (MP Owner Tenant 11, 12, (See S-D No 3) Tenant 6,7,9 Pt5 Ptl, 2 6,7,8 PtlO Pt 10 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner '^Farmer's Son Owner t 4, ED 4 4, ED Pt 5, 6 Owner f Pt 2, 3, 5, 6 \ \ See S.D No. 3 | Owner Pt 5, 7 Owner Pt 5, 6 Tenant Pt 5, 6 Owner 1 1 (i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 PART n.~Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. No. our , ;NAME. :.; Joriion, Edward ' MclLean, Richard C0^» BM V 4 '■ LOT. 3 8 , P.O. Adubjbss. 1 T<)nant — ^* — ■ ; . ■ ■ . ' ■ — 1-^ — ^ fc* . i — pJ-* ' » > I . ■ r— . . — -: . PART in.>.Persons entitled to Vote at Elections for Legisla- tive Assembly ONLY. NONE. ■f: 'I ! * II »«<» p. o. AoDRVilS. wner 1 •rnor 6 wrner 1 nant 1 nant r> nrner 1 irnar 1 wner •.>t wnw 1 nant 1 frner 1 wnar 1 nant 1 rner 1 8on 1 rner 1 vner 1 rner 2 rner 3 nanc 2 rner 2 Slections p. O. tiffADDlUISH. 1 lant .■7 • VOTERS' LIST-1884. MUKltilPAUTY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GOLBORNE. SCHEDULE OF POST OfflCES: 1, B.N««L.. ; 2, Sa..tk«k« , S. C.Low ; 4, DuH«.r ; 6, N.L. , 6, A..u«N , 7. Odi'RKicH ; 8, Shbppaedton. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2., Con,pri.ing Block. A. B. 0. D, E and G a^so LK>t. 1. 2. 3. and 4. on the l.t. 2nd. 3rd iwad 4th ConceMJ on* in the We»tern DiviMon. FAKi 1. *^^"^ieotions to the Legislative Assembry. No. CM NAME. Roll. 12. Adams, David 13 Attrill, H. Y. 14 Allen, Anthony 15 4^90. Benjamin J 37 BiiBett, Samuel J 39 Bucljannan, Allan J 40 Buohannan, J. K. J 41 Beck, Joseph J 42 Beck, Andrew J 43 Barker, John J 44 Bogie, Alexander J 46 Barling, Moses J 52 Bissett, Geo. J 173 Betzner, Jacob J 56 Canroil, Patrick ,F 84 Cottle, Charles J 85 Campbell, Geo. J 94 Clarkson, Geo. J 95 ConftfeU, John J 96 tJhtoholm, Wm J 108 Datidson, Jas. J 110 IKjad*, Thos. J 112 Bwii; Jm- _ -«-iO .>V&««aM>.An 'AIaT. J 114 Dean, John ^ ..... rt*. > CON. 2 8, LEW LRW 4.6 1 1 MV MV 3 1 .... 4. 6,7;!"* 8 .MV MV 2 3 3,3! 2 1 M VI LOT. P.O. ^DDRVSS. Pt 3 4 Owner 2 Pt Bk A B C Owner 7 Pt Pk B (See S-D No 4) Owner 4 Pt Bk B Farmer's Son 4 } ( Pt 1, 5 \ (See S-DNo 3) Pt 1, 2 , Ptl 29, pt B C 33,34 LRW Pt4 PtBkB ( Ptl, 5, BkF 1 (SeeS-DNo3) PtBkG 5,WP Pt Bk C 26,28 Pt 4, W D Pt Bk C PtBkC Pt4;» Ptl PtB€ K; Owner ft Pt Tenant Owner Owner Owner Ovmer Oirner Owrier Occupant V Owner & J Pt Teftant Owner 0#n<jr Tenant Owner Tenant Own^r Owner H Owaer i Owner ' Owihtr Pt B C^ 72, 73, 74, 75 Owier rt Bku 3 2 ? 2 4 2 2 3 2 7 2 7 2 2 2 2-.. 2 2 o • POLLING HUB-DIVIS JION No. 2. CoHTiNOW). 1 t™ N*M«- CON. ^ LOT. ^ P. o. AunRiinH. 1 No. ON a HOLL. J 120 EllU, l^ibt. MV 9 Owner 2 Sj :{82 1 J 121 Edwards, John 4 Pt Bk E Owner 3 ■ .1 H83 I .1 122 FritzU}, Richard Pt B C (twner 2 ■ j 384 I .1 123 Fritiley, Joseph MV 14 Owner 2 1 J 148 Fiiher, David 4i2,2 Pt 3, 4, 7 Owner 2 I J 399 1 J 149 Fiaher, G. E. 2 4 (SeeS-DNo 1) FHiiuer'sSon ■ ,i 403 1 ■ j 404 1 .1 174 Green, Robt. 3 Pt Bk « FHriiier's Son 2 s J 175 Graer, R«bt. MV 14 Own'jr 2 ■ .1 445 f J 177 Goldthorpe, Joseph 3 PtBE, 1, 2 Owner 2 ■ .1 446 1 J 178 Goldthorpe. J. T. J 179 Gilders, Thos. 3 I Farmer's Son 2 m.\ 447 ! MV 67 Owner 2 ■ J 448 i " ■ .1 449 ^ 217 Healey, Robt. MV 13 Tenant 2, ■ J 451 ■ i 452 J 233 Jones, James 2 Ptl. 2 Owner 2 ■ J 463 J 237 Jones, James 7 Pt B G Owner 3 ■ .1 454 ■ i 456 J 257 Long, Wm. MV 43 Tenant 2 ■ .1 537 J 258 Lasham, William MV M V, 5 Owner • 2 I J 472 J 267 McLaren, Daniel MV3 Pt Bk G, B Owner 2 1 ,1 491 J 338 McGilive^y, Donald 4 2, WD Own«r 3 1 .1 614 J 339 McKinnon, Donald 1 Pt 4, W D • Owner 2 I .1 515 J ,340 McKinnon, Angus 1 Pt 4, W D Tenant 2 I .T 516 J 342 McQuarrie, John PtBC Owner 2 .T 343 MoPride, Arch. PtBC Owner 2 H J 344 McAvoy, Owen 1 Pt 1, W D Owner 2 ■ .1 520 J S45 Mcliaren, Dancan 3 3 3 PtBkE PtBkE **tBki Owner Farper's Son ., ' Owner ■ 2 2 2 J 346 McLajren, Duncan J 847 McNeil, Alex. ^^B 1 PARI J 350 McLean, Jaa. MV 8 "V, Owner 2 B J 351 Molutyre, John MV 65 Owner 2 ^H ^H J 352 Mdntyre, Archie MV PtBkC Pt Bk C Owner 2 ■ No. ON ,1 354 MclSwen, Peter MV ^ Tenant 7 ■ Roll. J 355 McEwen, Geo. 2 Pt2 ■ Owner ' 7 ■ J 444 J 357 McPougall, Daniel MV MV 48,49 . FtBkC 1 Owner ' Owner 2 2 ^H 10 TTWm J 358 McDougall, John ^H ^^B .M^ A «F^ 1 J 350 Mpl^nald, A. C. 7 r Pt Bk D • Owner 4 I PAR' J 341 Mitchell, Thos. 2 .;\ Pt4 f ' ! Owner 2 H ,r 348 Morris, WUliam 1 ..? PtBkC ./ Owner 2 ■ J 349 Morris, Charles 1 PtBkB Owner 2 ■ J 353 Martin, Henry MV Pt Bk C 3 Owner 2 B ^ 356 Moere, J. B. MV 31, 34, 35 Tenant 2 H J 359 Morris, Joseph P» Bk B Ownfr jp.. ........ __»_ « 2 H J tan IffnMri. R Ti PiE Bk B ; ■ / 1 / z ■ i 369 Neibtrgall, George PtBkD Owner v n s: - ^^ ' ^» ' \c '^. i r t t jauijamtvr t u fttftaw POLLING HUB D1V18U)N No. 2. -Coktiniikd. I No. ON NAMK. Roll. I J ',\S2 Patton, Jas. 1,1 :i83 Patton, Geo. I J 384 P(»ttB, William • J 3»fl Reid, Alex. ,1 40,1 Robertson, P. A, J 404 KobertBon, John .1 446 Sands, Archy .1 440 Sands, Jai. 1 .1 447 Sand's, John J 448 Smith, Abraham .1 449 Stewart, Jas. J 461 ShultJS, Arthur J 462 Simmonds, Robt. J 453 Simmonds, R<»bert .; 464 Shaw, John J 466 Stewart, Charles .1 637 Spenc*, Henry CON. »><>'r- 3 Vi Hk C 3 Pt Hk MV 4 1 Pt Bk (J, 2, K 1) \ 7 I (SeeHD No 3) ) 3; 4 Pt 3, 3 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 2 1, LSC Pt»kA,B 2 68,69 M V %, 5)7 MV 6,7, pt 8 MV 41,42 L R VV Pt Bk B M V Pt Bk C MV 31,34,35 J 472 Tichbourne, Henry L R W Pt B B .1 491 Wells, Henry .1 614 Watt, Williftiu ., 615 Wells, W. C. J 616 Walters, John M V, 1, 2 MV 2 MV PtBkC 40 PtBk C 2 Pt Bk C P. (). AnuKCMft. Tenant 2 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Owner Tenant Owner Owrner Owner Tenant ( >wner Owner < Iwner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner < )wner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner 3 7 7 2 7 2 2 'J 2 4 2 7 2 2 2 2 .1 520 YounR, William 7, 8 f Pt Bk G, 10 \ \(SeeS:DNo3)/ Owner PART~n^er8on8 entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. No. ON Roll. LOT. P. O. Addkesa. Owner 2 NAME. CON. J 444 Slattery, Thos. tive Assembly ONLY. " ~ ~ NONE. hi u'i VOTERS' LIST-1884. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBOKNE. ;. I SCHEBUI^ OF POST OFFICES: 1, Benmillbe ; 2, Saltford ; 3, Carlow 4, ^^^"^j ,^^-f, ^^^v ., GOUEBICH ; 8, SHEPPAftlf ON. POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3. cept lots 9, 10, and 11, on tne win »"" J^ o ^ and 4 on the 12th Conc«s8ion, in and 4, on the 11th Concejiion, and lots 2, 6 ana 4, on the Eastern and Wentei-n Divi.ionU. ^_-— i— — — ^"^^Tli^rs^ns^ntm^dto^ at BOTH Municipal Elections and PART L-Persons enx^^ t6 the Legislative Assembly. No. ON NAME. Roll. J 5 Allen, Samuel j 6 AUeu, Itobert A 16 AUep, T^qnaas J 27 Buchannan, J. M. J 35 Brock, Wm. J 36 Beadle, George J 37 Bissett, Samuel J 38 Bissett, Robt. J 639 Barkwell, Wm. J 46 Buchanan, John : 47 Baohiinan, Robt. J 48 Boms, ThoB. 51 Bamby, R. J 52 Bissett, Geoi, J 53 Bell, Joseph 54 Coates, Isaac 56 Cbates, Johii .T 57 CfctToll, Thomas .r 58 (7unn!n><hAm, John J 59 Cunningham, Wm. ,T 60 Otttiy, Geo. J 61 €6Tit»lon, John .T 62 Oarter, John J 67 Cuirtpbell, Thos. J 80 eSldWell, Samuel CON. 5 . 5 11 8 8 ' 6. 6 8 8 8 7 7 7.5,4 7 8 8 7 ■' 8 8 10 11 11 9 .: f . LOT. Pt 1, W D Ptl, V7D Pt 1, W D Pt 9, T^ D Ptll 5, ED P. O. Addrkhm. Owner 3 Ownef 3 OWQtr 4 K' / Pt 1, 5 \ \ (See^S-D No. 2) / 5, WD 3 Pt8, 9 9 6, ED PtBkF PtBk I (See S 2, WD: Ownfr Owner Tenant Owner & Pt Tenant Owner Owner & Pt Tenant O^rper Owf!«r Owner Owner 4s Pt Tenant Own»r 3 6 6 7 3 3 S k F, 6, 1 1 .DNo2)| 7,8 7.8 5, WD 9, ED 8, ED 4, 5, ED Ptl, WD Ptl.WD 4, WD Pt 16, E D Farmer's Son Faimer'ft Son Tenant Owner Owner • ' Owner , 7/ 43m<er Owner Owner Tenant 3 5 3 3 3 3 5 6 5 3 6 'ii 10 POLLING SUBrDIVISION No/s.- Continuid. ^i I' ^ It '* No. ON Roll. NAME. J 81 Carey, Lucius r 82 Carey, Oswald F. .1 83 Cousins, Thomas J 86 Corty, William r 87 Clark, Wm r 88 Chidlon, John .r 98 Dustow, J as. J 107 Dobie, Joseph ■r 109 Davidson, John J 115 Datv'idson, Alex. J 124 Fersjuson, Wm, .) 140 Fowler, Jas. .r 141 Fowler, John J 142 Fowler, RoU. 143 Fowler, William .t 145 Fagan, William 146 Fatran, William 'J 150 Glen,, Alexander •I 151 GleDj John •I 152 Glen, James J 153 Glen, Georu[e 164 Glen, Robt. J 155 Girvin, Hu^^h 171 Gun, James .T 180 Gallagher, John 187 Huston, James Ji 188 Huston, Robert J 191 Horton, Joseph .r 192 Hutchens, William 'J 194 Headen, Henry <f 195 Headen, William •I 205 Hogab. Patrick J 211 Hamilton, Thos. J 212 Hamilton, Thos. jr, T 213 Howatt, Jas. J 214 Hamilton, Wm. 315 Hamilton, W J. T 218 Howell, Harry 221 Haughery, John 222 Haughery, Arthur J 226 Jonek, Owen J 227 Jonbl, Wm. J 231 Jonek, William J 232 JoneM, James .T 235 Jewell, Wm. J 236 Jones. Wm. CON. LOT. 6 13,14 6 13, 14 5 7,BD 7 Ptl 10, 11 S H 1, pt 1 12, 11 2, pt 2 12 Pt 3, W D 7 Pt 16, E D 6 Ptl6 6 Pt6 10,7 Pt 2, 3, W D 5,6 6, ED 6,6 6, ED 5,6 6, ED 5, 6 6, ED 6.6 2, 3, 3, 4, E D 5 2,3 9,9 Pt 6, 4, E D 9,7 2,3,4 9 3 9 3 9 3 '*ii 3, WD 8 12, E D 7 3, WD 9, 10 Pt 7, 6, E D 9, 10 Pt6 11 Pt 1, W D 11 Ptl 8 Pt 8, W D 8 9 7 1. E D 7,8 4,11 8 11 7.7 15,14 5 11 5 11 8 2 7 PtBkF 7 Pt Bk F , 9, 10 1, 2, W D 9 1, WD 8 13, ED 8 13 .7 Ptl, WD i, 7 Pt Rk F P. O. ; Addkehh. Owner 7 Tenant G Owner 3 Tenant 3 Owner 6 Owner 5 Owner 5 Owner Owner 6 Owner 3 Ownf r 3 Owner 3 Farmer's Son 3 Farmer s 3on 3 Farmer's Son 3 Owner .'» Farmer's Son 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 Farmer's Son 3 Farmer's Son 3 Farmer's Son 3 Tenatit 5 Owner Owner 3 Owner 5 Farmer's Son 5 Tenant 5 Owner 5 . Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 3 Owner 3 Farmer's Son 3 Owner 6 Owner 6 Farmer's Son 6 Farmer's Son 3 Tenant 3 Owner 3 Owner 5 Farmer's 6<mi 5 Farmer's Son 6 Farmer's Son 6 Farmer's S«n 4 r\ r» POLLING SUB D1V1SI«)N No, 3. -Continued. 11 P. O. Al)DRE8«. 7 3 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 3 3 5 5 6 6 4 n o^ Coll. NAME. 239 Kennedy, James 240 Kirkpatrick, Robt. 246 Kerr, R.>bt. 240 Kerr, John 261 McHardy, Chas. 268 McDonagh, J. A, 273 McPhee, Wm. 274 McPhee, \3«o. 276 McPhee, Dayid 277 McPhwe, Richard ,) 278 McPhee, Thomas J 279 McPhee, John .r 280 McPhee, Charles .1 284 McWhiney, ■'ohn ,1 285 Mcllwain, Robert .» 287 McVittie, Wm. .1 288 McWhiney, Wm. ,j 289 McKnight, J as. .r 290 McKnight, Wm. .) 291 McWhiney, Geo. .1 300 McHatdy, John .J 302 Mclntyre, Wm. J 306 McCracken, Jas, 329 McLarty, John 361 McDonagh, -las. J 362 McDonagh, Frank .J 363 McBride, Jas. ,] 259 Morrish, Thos. .1 260 Morrish, Daniel J 265 Mitchell, Jas. .1 286 Morrow, Wm. ,) 303 Morris, Geo. .J 304 Morris, Henry J 305 Morris, John J 316 Mitchell, Thos. ,r 316 Mitchell, Samuel .T 330 Mutch, Robt. .1 331 Million, Jas. J 332 Million, Andrew J 333 Million, J. H. J 334 Million, John 335 Manning, Wm. J 367 NeavBB, William J 368 Nagle, John E. J 376 Potter, Willot .f 377 Potter, Samuel J . J .T CON. 11, L R W 11 5 5 10 8 9 9 9 9 8 9 9 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 9 9, 10 9 ^ o 7 8 8 7 7 6 11 10 9 9 6,4 6 8 5,6 6 6 6 7 7 10 10 LOT. ( Pt 1, pt 10 I (See S-D No 4) Pt 1, W D Pt 9, E D 8 P. O. Addbe.sk. } 4, WD I, WD 6 a 8 8 II, E D 9,10 Pt6, 6 Pt 1, W D Pt 1, W D 2 Pt3 4 4 4 1, E D, 8, 2, 3, W D 7 Pt6 1, WD Pt 1, E D 1,ED 7, pt 16 7, ED Pt5 Ptl «, WD 6, WD 6, WD 1, pt5 1, WD 12, ED Pt 10, 11 10, ED Pt9 Pt9 Pt8 Ptl6 Pt 16 7,8 Pt8 Owner & Pt Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son I* armer's Son Farmer'* Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant W D Owner Owner & pt Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Occupant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner (See S-D No 1) Owner Owner Owner Owner 5 5 3 3 3 3 • i a 5 6 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 4 3 7 . 3 3 3 3 3 3 ,9 f 7 7 7 3 3 3 a 6 6 6 2 6 6 7 7 12 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3.— Continukp. I "■ P No. ON Roll. J 378 J 385 NAME. Potter, Samuel Precious, Thos. 387 Rhyan, Richard 888 Rhyau, David 390 Robertson, Wm. 395 Robertson, Thos. 397 Robertson, John 398 Robertson, Wm. 399 Reid, Alex. 4uO Reid, John jlOl Robertson, Alox. ^ Robertson, Foter 406 Shepherd, Geo. 407 Shepherd, J. J. 408 Stewart, Christopher 409 Stewart, Charles 410 Stothers, Thomas .T 413 Sallows, Thos. J 414 Sallows, Robt. 424 Stevens, John 433 Symington, Jas. *34 Symington Wm. 435 Syminfl'to. , John 436 Stitt. Joseph J 437 Straucrhan, Edward 438 Straughan, Edward 439 Straughan, Geo. J 440 Straughan, Jas. .7 441 Straughan, Edward .J 442 Skrauprhan, Robt. J 443 Straughan, Wm. J 466 Scott, R. B. .J 457 Sterling, Alex. .T 468 Smith, Albert J 459 Smith, Lewis J 536 Sterling, John J 463 TiflFen, John J 468 Treble, C. W. J 471 Taylor, Richard J 473 Tindall, William .T 474 Tewsley, Joseph J 475 Tewsloy, James ,T 476 Tewsley, Wm. J 479 Vanstone, Charles .T 480 Vanstone, G. A. J 482 Yarcoe, John CON. 10 7 11 11 8 7 6 6 7,6 6 6 6 10 10 11 11 11 9 10 5,6 8 7,7 7,8 7 6 6 6 6 5 5,4 5 7 7 8 8 7 9 5,6 4,5 8 7.8 8 8 6 6 8, 8 Pt8 2 2, ED 3, ED Pt8 12 15 15 PtBG, 2 2 2 TOT ' ^- -M ^^'*-' Aopapas. *« Farmer's Son 7 Tenant 3 Owner Owne^r Owner Owner Owner Owner 2 (See S-D No 2) Owner Farmer's Son Tenant 0«fn^r Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner 5 Owner Ptl, 5 Tenant 14 Owner 17, pt 16, 17 Owner A pt tenant 1 1 1 3, WD Pt 4 5 Pt 16, 15 Ptl6 11, 12 11, 12 11, 12 11, 12 Pt 9, E D Owner Owner Ojrnev farmer's Son Farn^fjr's Spn Farmer's Son Owner / Pt 10, 11, 12 \ (SeeSDN«3) Pt5 Ptl 2, ED 2, ED 2, ED 2, ED } Owi^er Owner Tenant Owner Owqer Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Pt 4, 1, E D 11, 12 (See S-D No 1) 3, ED 11, 5, E D Pt6 Pt6 Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Pt7, 8 Pt7, 8 4, 0, *>• D Farmer's Son Farmer's Sop /-» 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 6 5 5 6 5 7 7 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 o POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. S.-Continuko. la F. 0. Addrphm. 'a Son 7 'enanti 3 3wner 5 )wne^: 5 3wner 3 3wBer 5 3wner 5 Jwner 5 Jwner 3 s Son 3 'enant 3 Dvrner 3 Dwner 5 sSon 5 3wner 5 Jwner 5 Jwner 5 Owner 7 Owner 7 tenant 3 Owner (i rena^it 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Ofrner 6 :'8 Son 6 r'» Spn 6 r's Son 6 Owner 6 Owner 6 Owner 3 renant 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 r'aSon 3 r's Son 3 Owper 3 Owner 3 Tenant Owner 3 QTTfter 3 Owner 3 Owner 3 p'« Son 3 p'ft Son 3 r\ o No. ON NAME. Roll. ,, 483 Wilion, Robt. I 484 Wilson, John .1 495 Walters, William J 496 Walters, John .1 603 Wilson, James .f 604 Wilson, David .1 510 Wilson, John J 511 Walters, Wni. .1 512 Walters, John ,1 613 Walters, iVilliam .» 517 Walters, James f ,f 519 Younsr, Jas- ., 520 Young, William .r 522 Yates, Stephen .t 523 Young, Robert J 524 Young, R>bert ,T 526 Young, Andrew ,T 528 Young, Charles J 529 Young, Gordon .1 530 Young, Alex. J 531 Young, William .r 632 Young, Alex. J 633 Young, Alex. .1 634 Young, William CON. 9, 10 10 5, «, 5 5 7 7 6 « 4,5 5 5 7 8, L R E 7,7, 8 8 6 6 6 8,7 ^7 10 8 8 6,7 8 { LOT. Pt 7, 7, E D Pt7 Ptl, 4 Ptl Ptl6 Ptl6 4, W D Pt 5, 6, 2, 3 (See S-D No 2) 2,3 2,3 Pt 1, E D f 11, 12, W D I (See S-D No 4) ( Pt Bk G, G, 10 I (See S-D No 2) 13 • 3 Pt8 3 10,8 9, 10 Pt 1, 2 Pt8 i 5 4, ED P. O. Addren^.. Owner Farmer's Son Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner j Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Owner 5 5 3 3 6 (> 3 2 2 2 8 } 1 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 7 3 3 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^^^^^^^^-^^'^^i^^'^^'''^'-' ^'""'"^^ No. on Roll. NAME. 238 Kirkpatrick, Chailos CON. 11 LOT. Ptl P. O. Address. Owner 6 — ■"" ' NONE. xiirA t •ill .'■■■ > I i "! M f ■■■- ' . V! -•> ^tjV i /■ • ^ ■ * t«r ON )LL. 4 14 >v r * 1 19 20 21 23 24 25 2e 49 50 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 89 90 .-, i VOTERS' LIST--1884. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES: I, BbnmIllbr ; 2, Saltford ; 3, Oarm)w ; 4, Ddnlop ; 5, Nili ; 6, Auburn ; 7, GoKERicH ; 8, Shepparoton. M AM POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4. i/omprising the Lake Road East and West and lake shore from lot 1 to boundary line, ftlso the 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th Concessions, in the Western Divuion (save and except lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, on the 11th Concession, and lots 2, 3, and 4, vn the 12th Concession), also lots 9, 10, and 11, oti the 9th and lOth Con- cessions, W. D. — — — — — ' — ■ ^ : >ART I.— Persons entitled to Vote at BOTH Municipal Blections and Elections to the Ijegislative Assembly. \0. OS ElOLL. ' NAME. CON. LOT P. 0. ADDRE.S^<. 4 Antcliff, John LRE Ptll Tenant 4 14 Allen, Anthony LRW, 8 PtBB (See S-D No 2) Owner 4 ^^v 19 Bogie, Jamea 11 9, 10, W D Owner 4 ^^H 20 Bo}d, Thos. 11 5,Wt) Owner 5 H 21 Bogie, D. C. 11 9,10 Farmer's So|i 4 H 23 Bogie, Andrew LRW 13,15 Owner 4 H 24 Bogie, W. J. LRW 13, 15 Farmer's Son 4 H 25 Bennett, Andrew LRW Pt 17 Owner 8 1 26 Brindley, Wm. LSO Pt 18. 19 Tenant 8 1 49 Burk, Wm. LRE,LSCPt7,5 Tenant 4 I 60 Bean, Robt. LSC,LRW2 Tenant 4 1 64 Clark, James 9 9, WD Owr.er 4 ^B 65 Clark, Wm. 9 9, WD Farmer's Sou 4 ■i 66 Clfirk, John 9 9, WD Farmer's Son 4 1 68 Chisholm, Hujfth 9, LSd 6, 10, W D Owner 4 ^> 69 Chisholm, John 9 10, WD Farmer's Soif 4 H ro Cook, Joseph LRW Pt8 . Owner 4 H 71 Campbell, Jaa. 14 Ptll Owner 8 H 72 Campbell, Henry 13 Pt 10 ' Owner 8 ■| 73 Campbell, Henry, sen. . 13 PtlO , Occupant 8 ^f 74 Clutton, W. M. LRW 4 : •■" Owher 4 B 76 tlluttpii, W. H. LRW 4 ■ ■' Farnter's Son 4 ^1 76 Cluttop, Alex. LRW 4 Farmer's So^ 4 ;H 77 Cluttbn, J. B. LRE 4 Owner & pt Tenant 4- ^1 89 Coweq, Alex. 11 11, WU Tenant 4 ■ 90 OMmw. Thoi. LR E Pt^ Owner 4 16 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 4. CONTISIBIK No. ON NAME. Roll. .1 91 Christlaw, Thos. .1 97 Cummingi, Donald J 99 Dustow, John .1 100 Drew, William J 101 Dougherty, Geo. J 102 Dougherty, ThoB. J 116 Dulmag9, Chris. .J 118 Evans, James J 127 Fulford, Richard J 128 Foley, Matthew .T 129 Finlan, Martin CON. LSO LR^T 12 12 LRW LRW LRE LRW LOT. P. O. Address. 16 Pt2 7, W D 11, WD Pt 18, 19 Pt 18, 19 PtlO Ptl7 Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner 8 4 4 8 8 8 4 LRE Pt8,9 LRW,LCS9,9 LRE 18 Tenant 8 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 8 .T 156 Green, Andrew J 157 Green, Henry 158 Green, Peter J 159 Graham, Frank J 160 Graham, William 181 Hoggarth, Ben 182 Ho'/garth, John 193 HeatheringtoB, Joseph 190 Hortcn, James 197 Healey, Joseph ^98 Healey, Michael 199 Henderson. DavkI 200 Hoggarth, Jo<.eph 201 Hackland, Dan 202 Haynes, R. T. 203 Hawtins, Charles .T 204 Herton, .)<»hn J 219 Horton, Horace ,j 220 Horton, Fred J J J ,f ,) J •T J J J 10 10 14 LRW LRW LR E LRE 12 LRW LRE LRE LRW L R E, W 14 LR E LRW LRW LRW LRE, W NH9 Pt9 Ptl6 16 16 14 14 6 7,8 Pt7 Pt7 PtlO 14, 13, 14 Ptl6 16 Ptl7 5 Pt Bk B Ptl, 7 Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Farmer's Son ' Owner Owner Owner ** Owner Owner Owner & pt Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner & pt Tenant .. ri .1 228 Johnson, Samuel 12 Pt8 Kelley, Patrick Kirkpatrick, Jas. J 239 Kenedy, James J 241 Kelley, Theophilus J 242 " '^ " ■'' J 247 J 248 Linklftter, Jas. J 249 Linklater, John J 250 Lindfield, Samuel J. 251 Lindfield, Robt. .T 297 McCann, W. G. J 301 McHardy, Jas. 11, LR W LR E LRE LRW, E LRW LRW LRW LSC 12 LSC { Ptl, (See S-D PtlO Pt 10 Pt 12, 11 10 N' 6 Pt8 Ptl3 8 PtlO Owner ) ^ Owner A o 3) j pt Tenant Owner Owner Owner Sn pt Tenant Owner Owner , Owner Owner Owner 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 5 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 o 8 8 8 4 4 ,.:4 8 B 7 m POLLING SHB-DIVISION No. 4. CojiTiMr«i». 1^ P. 1. AUDRESM. jr 8 3r 4 tit 4 2t 8 er 8 er 8 er 4 ,nt 8 ler 4 lev 4 ler 8 ler 4 ner 4 aer 4 ner 8 3on 8 3on 8 . Son 8 ner 6 rner 4 rner 4 WQT 4 rnet 4 lant 8 rner 8 rner 8 nant 8 vner 4 irner 4 nant 4 wner 8 r ft tnant 6 wner 8 ivrner 8 anant 8 (wner 4 )wner 4 )wner 4 )wner 8 DwQdi ^ 7 No. ON Roll. J 307 .r 308 .1 309 .1 313 NAME. Molfanus, 3mm. McManat, HamiUon MoManut, Wm. MoLaod, Alex. 3 292 Mwris, Alfred J 293 Morrii, Frank J 294 Morrii, Kenneth J 296 Morrow, Richard J 298 Morrow, Richard, jr. J 299 Morria, Samuel •T 311 Morriah, Richard J 312 Morriah, William J 366 Nafthal, Alfred .T 372 Otway, Robert 376 Price, Reese J 379 Penybaker, Samuel J 386 Quade, Robt. J 389 Renton, Henry J 406 Shields, Alex. J 411 Shepherd, Samuel J 416 Sterling, David J 416 Stewart, Jas. O. J 417 Stewart, Percy i 419 Shields, Wm. J 420 SterltDK, Jm. J 421 Strachan, William J 422 Strachan, Jas. J 423 Shaw, Edward ,T 412 Sturdy, Thoa. 3 462 Thomson, Joseph J 464 Taylor, Jas. 3 466 Thurlow, Jas. J 467 Tobin, Jas. J 486 Watson, Jas. J 487 WilUams, R. .1 488 Williams, S. B. J 489 Williams, R. B. H. J 4S0 Williams, A. A. .1 493 Watson, John J 494 Wright, J. J. J 618 Ytung, William CON. LSO LSC L8C LR E 11 11 11 11 11 11 14. 14 ' LBVV LSC 12 13 LOT. Pt7 Pt7 Pt7 15 6 8 Pt6 7 7 Pt8 ptie, WD Pi 16, W D 10, WD Pt 18. 19 11, WD Pt 10, W D LSC.LRWPtl.WD L R E 6, W D 10 12 10, L S C 9,10 9,10 13 13 LB E LR E LR E 11 Pt 6, E D 5 Pt 9, 10 11 11 9 11 5 9 Pt4 11 12 Pt 10 LSC Pt 8 L R W Pt 12 LSC,LRWl»t3 lO. 10, 11 LR E LR E LR E LRE 12 LSO LBW 9, 10. pt 8 Pt?, 3 Pt2, 3 Pt2, 3 Pt2, 3 Pt3 8 n lo P. O. '' AttItRR»fl. Owner 4 Owner 4 Farmer's Son 4 Tenant 4 • Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 5 Farmer's Son 5 Owner 6 Owner 8 Tenant 8 Owner 8 Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant 7 8 Owner r> Owner 6 Owner 8 Owner 4 Farnier's Son 4 Owner 8 Owner 8 Tenant 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Tenant 8 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 5 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 7 fi^nmr 18 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No! 4. — Continuid; No. oit Rom. NAME. .1 619 VouTif;, .Tm. J, 535 Zeoknder, Henry CON. LOT. ^J;^^i;, L K 4:, 8 11, 12 (See S-D No 3) Oitmr 4 L 8 C 12 Ow/Kt 4 PART n.-- Persons entitled to Vote »t Municipal Elections ONLY. NONE. .Mi. PART in.--Persons entitled to Vote nt Elections for L^giUla- tive Assembly O^T. , NONE.. ,. , . • .- ; ,", r '"■< ' '• t^t'\1l> t Vf » . M<-> ,,. . >■"'■! ■'m'*-^'' !-.> * ;:* F.., ,;«!(',•• . --^ 1 ■• :*■■'■''■ 1 -.; - ■ *J ' U ... v'^ , ' '■J ^. ' J M .;! ; .-' ' .\!<!'..f4i ■ . ■/ .'ih!,, «! UV ; is .'.i ■■} # ■. ; ' f,\\ «■'■, i' *•'!?» J ;•,■. . q ,v ' '1 M r •It 1, ' :<>./, •■■.., .y-:- ... . ' t ■ ■» ^.1 1 1 \ 1 ■ ; ■.■•■ -^ ' :' ^'■' i ■>.:< 1 ■ ->. • :...<.f ■ '■ ■■ 1 ,.. .; '• ' ~i i. f .! • ' I ■ ,^M .' J ; ' 'J. '{ A<ujREGATE Number of Persons Entitled to Sirve on Jurtis, 489. I, .1. A. M( DONAGH, Cleik of the Municipality of the Townsliip of Col borne, in the County of Huron, do hereby certify that parts One an<l Three of the within list constitute a correct list for the year J 884, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote at election > for members of the Legislative Assembly, and that parts One and Two constitute a correct list for said year, of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections, in the said Municipality. And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or "other errors are perceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. * Dated this 6th day of August, 1884. JOHN A. McDONAGH, • Township Clerk, Carl < .