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Lss disgrammss suivsnts illustrsnt Is methods. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ilMi Fem TflE YEAR- 1851. .^ ♦ /' n nnnr i virr^y^rvvv>*^n^wv'rf>rw^nnfVvv>rwV^nriAr > rt « ~ i r » N»f lb* woifkit aeMtriiiif latlMHftiHkl eoat- ^ rdtigto'itM ItWii,* (eoM^ J^'i Tear af B«r MOwty't Bvia, 4 Va^^ Af l^akniikniMlMi Vf^ TMt<«r tb« iMdneudeiiee of ■ i)M^MMiieNlifly4) stn|sa%s3fc. ;*•**>= m-'^Z. ? it, ■*,' ;«' *!£?."fr/;:/ ".::::: 21SSfflS*i::;r^^:::: 81 SKW^^ lwol«iipMi(Nrtb«««ftMdMraor9i|lfbon. «. . * la the ytW ISH U»» will I* ,--. , , I. A p«nl«l«UM of the Moon. JaaiMrjF IV. 18»t, not vlalM ! ^iTa Mfttal l*tiiM)^«f*ibl| Moon. My l%WiLyUmin ... Man of % Belip^bM UKvrlaelpal rImw Ip tlwBrlttA Pfe*l|w«ik VUM. r. 5^' IX' ihironto • . . . . Uwsbee.< IfaplfhStN, 8« . , '■L9ohir«;'N' B. ..... . • » ■ • • • • • f • » ' • " • I $ #.«!. 1 SS A.M. 1 M ««a*. The «)»»«»% »We ^221% till ipRHimMe.UoMt of tbe teglnnlng. greawit pba»e,«n«l*u«M»B of ibli E«lli«e, at t|iipri*mall |»aa»iaii» Briiiah Proviineea. J^ 'iL. Irofonlp... • ••*••«••«•••••. . • . aiottMaai .•••••«..........•. i^isaaaa* •.•^.•.. ... ••*... HaiintX. H ft . titt ••• • •• • .••»'• Be. JolMa a. li.B««.«. • • .. . . .*•. Vitbwnim, M. B . . . Jk ' ' gt* JoWn'a, WewtouniH.i '> f. rLAQK. HEAM Tflfl or PbAOK. Beginning. 7 11.9 cai. 7 30.7 cafe *7 M<7 cai. 8 98.1 mm. 81S.9 «.ai. 8l9.«cai, 9 9^9 cat. GtttlktU pbaae. A. «. 7 % a SSB 8 44 cat. 19 •.ai. 9 8 cat. 9 4 a-ak to 'O cat. Mf Mia 8 93.S cat. 9 89.1 cai. 9 S1.7 cat. '19 14.9 cai. 10 7.8 cai. 9 93.9 cat. 11 10.9 c«. The ponloa -of the buo'b little exceed one-third oriudlameier. oaftho uppet lliulw El«naeaits of tlie Eollpaes of Uie «vn»* 1S3I. Janaarjr at. W ■'' ■ * ■ : . 'fin A. A. Greeiw'l) wean iinieol a VjiA tuut Moott'B right a^^ MM»ta fWlination, , ^ Apa'a Beeiiiiation. ^thoA't^iittlkujuo. in B>A* Sun'aEWary Wtion in R A MIoottHi-ftorarjr um. in Deel. ~afi*a Itorwy mo. in Duel. *MKi*#B()tia. Boris. Pbrai. 'n!^iiaua. lteria.Paraltox »olt'« TruaiMiiidtaaMtter lilk I'rue ^nidiattteterw 'k, m, .$■ 17 40 n.t 90 97 10.S • I tl s n flD%.« 5 17 t9 1».i! 30 #.1 ir 9 39.11 =» tr 49.3 93 97.> 8.'* 14 4«I8 19 11.9 July 98. 8«8 47«4 iiri8 90 49.4 iY19 4 a.9 at 0.9 «t7.» 8 99.8 .«3i.9 M30.9 8.4 19 99.9 U 49.9 Elcillioitte of tlw IBelipaea «i^<»m» W****' 1891. Oiiecnw'h naaan tiine of ff Mooa'arightjuwan. liniU Maott'a DealMiailoii .... ifUB'a Declination^.. , . . m&a Horary inotioMa B A Maoti*ailorairaio. in Ocel BuQ^a HonfirflM. la DeeL \lf u w.» llloon'a]S|iia.iloria.PaM|{ «l 4.4 8ttn'8Bqua.Harik'.P«raUM 8.7 Mooo'aTrtiaif idiartbier Byafa Trtia aauttatanii^ter January 17. July^13.< 4ti7 4;t.9 lirm 7 98 f7.4 19 97 5 19 98 44.9^^91^91: «ii'49 49.8,jr MS;-' «.8.«L ' ' ^ 9,40.^ ^ ► 8 94.i JiiiiSy Cor Jup Jup VbeMi preaeiittii aeroNipan permitted are eiubod theniailve ObMrvalo pueiiliara tor aevera Boo'B Tra lietter&ur in partieiii •riiera, w Dtiarepreai Uiereloro i tlie rlimnii Lowei '.' JliitataM mnir.-Tu render Bdturn'f ftteg vi«)^«>'*h9«v^L^ ^ "f^ dvlM^mm PTatiet, he elanted oa (ha raiaO al#jir tt^jalifth la the K^Vltl tflaj^, iti iwhtaat appawatcilia mttef ^»«lOritta' lM | ii i|M b,^ - -' ii ■ * '"L ' ' 1. ^ i W iH li >ij' i II ' I' t i U ia n^f^aaary that Ihefiun iiddS ' aoaadurMiii^ihi^wlilMh 9m J* % Xj rv- •>'m i ^ M.r S #' • •IBM •.;vf ■M [>} ii *mh 5sa "g'l'fi'mi,"! ■na eanra Ctprleofti y? Maiell ..•!•« Sun ealtn Oanecr.. . is (Svwawrlwgim} IWt, Jaii0. ., SI 13 41 8«B eMw%Mbr« ... % (AutuniB begina) IMMteptembw « « )t SuR mien Ciprieoni }ff (Winter begine) 1S»« DeeMber U U 9» 'f m n ■wir""; A A M. Am hi the Wrinirr ■!««• M 6 1) •onlit (he Sprtng ■inie ft SO 48 Sua la the Swnaler eitM 83 UM ■jS, • Oraeawkli 1^. •■1 -^1 flflMntlwAMvmn atgae. gMrii Ifonh ofthe Jtqaaior, fwlRf it 9imMNer. . 8«M AMitii oftbe Equator, WlBlir * Aiwiaa. I m^ 118 II U, t he fluo*8 •ipritt (Hi bue-tiiiril r. oat^ie f *^'; 5.- at Si 11 *1»J tua-rfw onrka t«cl«eo*eioek. :«;♦ '* i ^ . BxplwMi«l«li mi tk« Anlclfs Im tlie ^^anrtan l!z?J!''y°'P"!^*^'*!'.'Ml'^'^'>^" "<><>" **TdraiilA, for every d«r mmlhr ant olJwf ^bM Id tiw BrUiafi Provlneea. wW raiair wnounl »«ne miQUMu ^^ *^ AmaaiiT irooR, Bnowtm »■■ B«datw!i or Tivr,— Tblacddina eonialna the awaa time eorwMMiNnf S-I^SiP^^S! "~? •».««••<«•?. or tiie hoar wHieb irtioaW Ut •bowa by a eloek or waieh at TbrantTltSeira ■uii..ita}»..k. .K.-i.»....i».i, Itaarforai fay oilier plieela (be Briti«b Proviaeea wW iare(yaailoimt m«m Fdqr for T^nanlo and fi^.!l'!'!*"*'***^ir"!>l'^.i*' fi**" for«vet noon, wi^gfipeibe boar efriitngoraotiing. -i2?l]!!?**'!'":?'!*"*i*^.^.'"""*»'* •'••" fiir«wiyd«y atMorwreal and Toronto > the time efTiiainc faaiaa S!S?i^ *".? <<"r>n[dariliilK ; and tbo tiiae of aettfag wbei^ ate Han during dayligbt. Tto time glveiTfor 8?fflZi''L'ffik'^."L*" fear •••nuloiiBer;^ for Hi«h*^7&oem»«M«*««> «*4 .«* beyond ii. The mean time for IVKinnintt and ending ibr ewry tcnili dar will be found at pagelP, together with tbe Uuie of the 8an'a riaing aiid Rc^iHg at aueUe, Prelricton^ Halifo*. i-f .""""^J"***''. ABoii.—Thla table ia uaeful for determining the timea of tiuHf and teHimf of Ujo heaTenI* 22"'?i hnier Hie taWc wlU» the dertiuatioiiorihe oWect | umtcr tbe proper column (bribe Ijcality will ti Itmnd halfthetlme Whfob the object remninaabore the liorison, which ia to be rabtraeted from ifeo liiMn of iu meridian paMage.ifthe time ofriviog is required, or added, Ibr the time of aettiar. "<«« oi lu jij^Hj^^--Re««'«l««lM«ofrlalDgfer the Planet Juplujr, at Sfoutreal, June 16th, 1831, DccUnation of Oorretpondingtowbicb weandtbeteml-diurnalai« a £.'j Jupiter oh meridian . . « . , S «!? ^ Jupiter riaea U ua«a.« TBB^MBTKoaoLoeiCAi NoTicM tor tbia year are derived from a journal kept wlih great care ftom 1831 to tie preaeiittiinc, by the Rev. C. Hade, in or near Teronio, and kimily eointnuiiicaied by that ceatleman. wl* aerouipanying remnrkis of which we have freely avaHed onraeivea. We regret that our Ilmiia Imva net permitted any ihinii like a Aill use of ibe vnluablonnd elaborate Miile« in which tbe fe«tdlBofbia obwtfvatimia are embodied. A I conirilmiioiia townrda a juater knowlc'geqf the climate of Upper Canada are vatuabte in theniKlvef, and twill be reaarded with intercat for tlie cz&neion they give to tWpolJic reeoVda w 11. m" Ob8erv8tory*,to Which we "have in pmvfoua Aimanaea had reeourw. Tlic present Kerica, however, baa the pueiiliar advautAji^ of having lieen eomtnenced ninej»-ean before the date of thatvli»buent. and eontiniM^ tor aei;erai year* roiiiempomaeouaiy with it. Bueh ifetiona aa the crossing Like Ontario on an Ice-boat ?Da Ro^a Travels B. lia-a) ar^perbaps not oitea ra .h^^^n..*^ J3> .-l.a'L ITOOB* Tear. 1831 18M im 1833 Loweat o — 1« —10 — « -13 Highest I Mean. « 84 84 86 W 84 o 40.7 4S.9 4*i.4 41.3 4a.o Tear. 1888 1837 1838 1830 1840 liOweat « -40 — « — 4 * —11 Oigheat. o 85 89 80 * 84 Mean. 40.0 41.0 43.S * 41.7 Year. 1841 184« l»i3 1814 1813 Loweat. Highest. Ifcan. o u —9 «• ■«•» 87 -« 0* —9 » -a •4 44.1 '41.1 4«.8 S 3 S 2!lf-3K.?"iJl2.'"*k *? I?/"* *I'''*^ '"'*"■ <»l«>"'»Mons at 8 a. m. alone, awl ire below the true mean of the 'VStlNMi' Tlwl^wertandb^^ i SSS J 1, s-jrj*,.. .it ' ^-. ., '^s^ i Warn dCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. by obamrailom at nt 7 nnrf 3 p. m Takiiin ilw iinml«r or dnya in Meb year in whhli the Ihermomewr at 8 a. m. Inrti«at«l IVoet, we I are 'lie foRoMrtiin ilirtrihutloni— or Venr. 1031 1S3S IrQt ins 19M bellow. s 9 7 fi 10 11 U-10 *9 10 11 II 19 13 10-ao 37 «l « 83 81 34 80-33 40 07 00 70 83 80 Total. 118 fl8 11.1 11(1 fllO 111 1^37 IPW 1^30 1?40 IPI) li^n * * 10 * • 8 31 91 87 81 71 on 03 0^ IM ri ltf4 08 The average of which !• Mi dny* of frost nt S a. m. (luring ilie year. The winds at Toronto are divldeii into three prcvaillns rl'iiiet, namely nurtb'weat,8o!>ih-weat and East i tlie Irat prevail mo^t from Novcwher to March, and with tliii wind the srenteat degree of col'l tnkea plaer, and the peMest vnrlmioca of tein|>cra|ure. The •ouib-wcal wind prevniU ftoin Mav to Octoher. and briiiga the fealett neat. Eabte'ly witida prcilonimaie in March, April, May, June, Ausnat, Septcmlicr and 0<-ti)iicr, and are aeromponlpd by rain or anow. Tlie average numlier ofobfervaticns for each month ia aa fbl'owa : — Motrrss. *.W. 13 11 7 a.w. E. 8 11 13 MOATOa. N.W. ^W. E. MONTBS. v.vv. ■4.W. B. January February. . . . March April 11 10 May June July August 8 8 3 8 13 18 17 14 U 13 8 18 ■September. . . October .... NovtfDilier . . . Derember... . 8 It 13 IS U 11 10 IJ II e 8 giving an average of 87 days from N W, 130 days from S W, nnd VXi days from E. Taking broader division again, Westerly winds are to Easterly In the pro|ionion of-JSii to I'iO, or as 9 t Mr. Dndv's results the average quantities given In the Canadian Atmanae for Inst year ; the former cotnpriM! the yeais from 1634 to 1£4I. and give an average annual quantity of only 9i.(H inches ; thn Intier from 1810 to I34B, and aive an avernoe annual quantity of .38.80 inehes. MONTiT. January . . February. March.. . April.. . . May June . . . Inehea of Riin. | No. of Days. Observ. Dade. Rain. Snnw. 8.4V 1,19 3.5 fl.i 0.03 ti.40 8.8 7.3 1.04 0.»7 4.3 8.4 2.40 1.41 7,8 8.3 8.08 S.8U 9.1 3.37 3.01 10.1 MONTB. July. . . . \UK.iHt. . . •-kpteinber. October.. . Wovenibcr. DpcPMihrr . Inches of Rnin. Observ. Onde 3.80 8.HI 4.01 8.81 3.83 1.71 2.97 iM 3.38 8,10 1.04 O.RO No. of Daya. Rain. Snow. 10.1 8.9 0.3 6.4 8.0 3.(1 0.7 4.1 7.1 We must coiiclinlc tliese noiicesbya short account of the winters of 1:^35-0 and of 1841-2, which were eitremes of their respective kinds, nnd well adnntcd to illnsirnte the fluct'iationsof the climnte of Tppe* Canada. The winter of 1635-0 may be said to^liave coiunenced Nov. 33rd, with therm, at 33deg., gale from Bast and iieavy snow. On Dec. I, Toronto bny was frozen over, Ivinii about n fortnight earlier than usual. The tempe- rature of Dec. wns as follows :— 3 nnys below zero : between 10 deg. ami 30 dcg ; 13 between 20 deg. and 38 deg. ; and 4 fVoin ,32 deg. to 40 de|{. Jniiuary 1B30 was no' rcnmrkabte for severity, the minimum being only 3>deg. nnd innximum 15 deg- ; this inlldneM was however compens.ited by the r tfour of tlie succeeding month, in which there were no less than seven days below /.vro, and only oiie nl>ove tht! freezing point at 8 n. m. I'he minimum was 20 deg.. nnd the rnnze of tlie iiipreury during the month 08 dea. in the shade. 'I'he fullowing table gives the temperature for the first six days of February 1830, nt the iioiirs of 8 a. m., noon, and 3 p. m., the wind tieinir N \V the whole time. IKW. February 1 •' 2 8n, m. o — 7 —13 Noon. Zf-ro. Zero. M > p. m. o —3 3 9 1&30. February 1 2 " 3 8 a. m. —10 —20 —15 Noon. o - I 4 12 8 p. m. Zero. 3 10 March wns likewiat; unusunlly sevcri;. On April 2iid the ire in the h.iy was 2^ feet thick, ani aliout the middle of the month, n vessel in crossing! from Niaitira ft'll in witli n large field of ice In the open lake. There was n heavy snuw storm on tlie 13th, and the bny was not iloa- of ice until the 23th of April, This winter may be said to have continued l.)3 day^, which may be classed as follows. Temperature at 8 a. in. At or below zero M days, 32 deg. to 4n deg. . . .%5 days. deg to 10. deg 15 " 40 " to .50 " .... 4 " 10 " to 20 •» . . . , 35 '• 80 " to 00 " . . . . 1 " 20 " to 32 " .... 02 During the whole iieriod there fell no more ihnn 1| inehes of rain ; tlic number of days of snow was 34, of which V.i were due to Febriiary nlcme. We ha«c here then an example of the utmost rigour of the winter of Upper Canada. In contrast to lf35, the lowest temperature of the winter of 1341-8, at 8 a. m , was 5 deg., and on Feb. 23, at noon, the therm, stood nt ,53 deg. Fjg and rain early, then fair, wiih warm close we.-itlipr. On Jan. 20 was the unusunl occurrence orihuniler with neavy sliowi-rs, at also on Feb. 4. '1 he ice was gone ftosn Toronto bny on tlie 17ih March, and tht- spring was projiortionaMy ndvnnced. On the other hand, this mild I winter was followed by n cool summer, the mean temperature of May, June and July having each bce Fii»l QiMitfr. 9 23 04 O Full Miion ... 16 23 2S 4 Lmt Quarter.. 23 IS 00 New Moon... 31 12 45 ( Apogee 5 11 4 IVrn^.'e 17 21 HfrniSTm-iK trr 'at UrrtHunH^ Sium. • Nil*. o 1 10 20 Si) Ut Ollll. ~ I II 16 i7 3 16 17.1 16 16.4 16 1) 1 ur Atoori. II 14 59.5 15 05.1 16 31 3 14 47.5 Thr Plankt*. 1st Jandart. 15tk Jamoakt. 9 Venus. $ Mar*. i^Jupiler. ^Saturn. iflUrat.iM. Meriiiiai) Riglit Aiwen- ■ion. ninif Si ing Si«i 18 07 13 1« 56 1 38 Oeci. MeridlM o I ar. 24 07 9 7 00 5 A. m. An Eve 9 34 »i II 15iii 5 4tfiR 3 20 i^ 5 19 a 9 412^, 5 59 RlgHt AaettH m» Hi* nint 6i 17 12 18 y. 13 24 5 1 3 Deel. «r. 17 80 5 23 41 S 7 255 3 37 2^r 9 43^n Pole Star on the .Meridian 15d. 5A. 26qi. !'•. P.M.. U. T. Tbormoinetric Besulla for Ibe mouilt of Jauaary* at or uear Totontqf^ Year. 1831 1832 1833 1834 18:)5 1836 1837 1833 Mean nt 8 A. M. 17.4 19.0 25 5 16 20 22 15. 25 4 5 .7 4 Montiily Range. «6 51 48 43 59 47 50 51 Gre«le»l daily Range. 27 37 29 26 27 21 33 25 Fruki at B. A.M. DATS. 28 27 22 30 19 27 31 20 Year. 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 Vfean at 8 A. M. IMonilily Range. 15 ^.0 25 26 6 19 23.8 24.7 53 48 44 ureaieM daily Range. 29 4? 30 KrtMt ate. A.M. OATt. 30 25 23 Day of ifie Weelc. 1 Wed 2Thur 3Fri(l. 4|Satur. 5Sun. 6 .VlOHd . ' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 \H 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 26 27 28 29 Tiresd Wed. Thur. Frid. Sattir. ^un. i«lond Tiiesd Wed. Thur. Frid. Satur. Sun. .vioial. Tuesd. Wed. Fiid Satur. Snn. Moni'l . Tuewl. Wed. ncmarkalilo Dayf. 31 1 Cireumemoit. 2 9 New Moon Sh. '27m. A.M. 3'Bu'le of Princeton, 17*7. 4 Bartliqiinkc- in Cannila, lOff). 5 Treaty bei'n Brilniu Ai U.S. '64 7 i=ir T. U«Ti'ii*e d. 1630. 8|Oalilco d. 1612. 9 Foutciielle d. J757. 10^ D FirsiQiinrter.llh U^lm.a.m. 1 l,Dr. Dwight d. ('.'3. 12 Sir C. nngot, Gov. Hen. 1842. 13(19) I.innajusd. 1779. 30 Thur. FrM. UjHaltey d. 174-2. 1 5 General VVulfe h. I7*». l6,nattlcofCorunnn, 16(9. 17 OFuII Moon, llh. 35ni.,a.n<. IdjCuidad Bodrigo stormed U3. 19|J.iineaWatf, l>. 1783. 20 Howard, il. 1700. 21 ^ enters Aqiiariua. 22|Dyron. »>. I7e8. 23 W. Pitt, d. 18(i«. 24 f Last Qunrtcr 3b., a. m. 25 Sir F. D. Head, U. Gov. '36. 26'Prniici« Je(ri«>y, d. 1850. 27 Mbcurt, b. 17.50. 286it>lion,d. 1704. 29 George ill, d. 18 «. 30CliarleB lit beheaded MO. 31 Berl of Elgin, Gov. Gen. '47. _ . I A pp. noon , »"'! • Kliowing '^'|;|n;eJie Eq. of time. Hottth. l^, »3 01. 11-2 ii 55 9,12 12 50 3 12 n 44 212 >2 37.7 12 12 3)712 22 23.312 l>.4il2 »>7.1|12 5S412 49.212 39 612 29.Hli I9.1,'i2 08.3 1 2 10 57.112 20 45 412 20 33.412 20 21.012 20 08.212 19 55.012 9 41.412 19 27.5 12 19 I3.2;12 18 58.6:12 )8 43.612 18 28 312 i8 12.712 m. »• 03 50 04 19 Sun. Toronto. | .Montreal. Klr^e^ e>eit>. KiiH:i> :;^is. m 7 4(: 7 40 04 47 7 40 05 14J7 39 05 11 7 39 06 Ui8 7 39 A.m. 47 47 47 46 4«i 46 4G itToon. »2 22 21 21 21 21 21 21 Toronto Hl>fw . m.\h. m. 211 6 50 m 22;Seie. 23 24 25 26 28 06 31:7 39 4 34 07 00 7. 39l4 3)!7 4.7 4 07 23 7 38;4 36 7 4,.> 4 07 507 384 37 : >'^i 08 14 7 38 4 38'7 4 ;; 08 377 38 4 40!7 44,4 33 09 00|7 37 4 41 17 44'4 34 09 22 7 37 4 4-2i7 4d4 35 09 4317 37 4 43 7 4 10 O4I7 36,'4 44i7 42 10 24l7 36l4 45 7 4 10 43 7 35 '4 46!? 40 1 1 02|7 35 4 4817 40 11 19 7 33 4 49 7 39 5 45 (• 6 41 7 41 8 37 9 37 29 10 .^5 .30 i I 56 (/ 31 Morti'g 32 37 m 1 39 2 45 3 51 4 57 6 01 tn 37 38 Montreal. Httea. k. in. . 6 55« .Sets. 5 39 (1 6 37 7 37 8 33 9 35 10 34 11 37 «'g. 3*" m 1 41 2 48 3 55 11 37 7 33,4 50 11 537 324 5W 17 56 7 17 404 17 23 81 12 09 12 23 13 37 12 51 13 03 13 15 13 26 13 36 13 45 314 53 314 54 30 4 56 29 4 57 28 4 58 7 26 5 00 25>5 01 25 6 03 39 as 37 30 35 34 33 32 31 30 7 iSb 05i7 28 5 00 4 39 Rises 4 41 6 36 i 42 7 51 4 43 9 m 4 <45 10 18 4 4611 28 47 Moiii'n 49 5» 62, 53 54 4 56 4 58 35 /;. 1 41 2 46 3 47 4 44 5 47 6S5 7 08»i 5 02 6 07 m Rises. 6 32 a 7 48 9 04 10 17 \l 26 a •Moui'g. 38 /A 1 44 2 50 3 52 4 50 5 53 6 3! 7 13» •] FGBRUARYHA»S8 0AYSAIVDHeOf.\giO\HATITRDAY. [1951. MOON'S PBA>£B. d. h. m. llT orFsBRVAaT. 15th Febroary. > Fi St Quarter.. 7 1) 39 O Full Moon ... 15 10 11 The Planets. " Right Right C Lilt Quarter.. 2*2 04 21 Meridian Anci-n- Dcel. Meridian Asei-iio Dcel. C Apo«ee 1 19 H IViigee 16 08 sion. ■ion. h. m. h. m. O 1 h. m. A.m. O ( i V Merc. ' $ Venua t Mara. 1 ,l^Jupiter^ \ Morii 9 OSm >iil{ Sia 1 17 53 18 31 5 10 28 m 9 03 in 20 08 18 43 19 50 5 19 12 5 19 45 5 7 32 5 S*midiamtl*r at Urttnmieh, tfoon. I'Mie. Ol Hull. Of Moon. 1 04 1» 4 43ffl 19 49 13 27 12 01 5 7 37 5 10 64 m 3 47 wi 20 35 13 26 1 II / // 1 10 16 14.8 16 13. 4 14 41.9 15 42 8 1 h Saturn. 4 16 1 02 4 07 iV S 26 a 1 07 4 37 A' i^Uranua. 4 5i 1 40 9 49 A 4 00 / 1 41 9 58 iV • 20 28 16 11.4 16 09.5 16 09.2 14 41.9 Pole Star on the Meridian 15ri:. 3A. 25//i. 5.5« . A.M., L. T. | Veor. Mean nt S Moiitlily A. SI. 1 Ranne. Greatest dally Range. Frost at 8 A. M. Year. ' Mean nt (• A. M. Frost at 8 A. M. DAVil. o DATS. o o 1831 12.4 60 27 'i6 1839 • • • • 1832 16 7 65 30 28 1840 36 5 67 .31 19 1833 14.6 64 42 24 1841 20 52 29 34 1834 27 3 40 35 19 1842 25 8 50 27 SO 1835 14.4 45 29 26 1843 13 5 1836 10.9 68 34 28 1844 24 2 ■■' 1837 195 46 38 26 1845 24 6 • • 18^J 12 8 42 S2 28 1846 18. 8 w 1, Dnv or Week. O 1 Bomarkable Day*. Sun's Dcclin'i SouUi. \pp. noon allowing > the Eq. of time. Sun. Moon. Toronto. Montreal. 1'oronlo. Montreal. Hises, Heis. Rivesi tfeu. Sets. Hits. O 1 k. m. a. A.m. h.m. A. fn.iA. ffi h. m. h m. 1 :^atur. 32 #.Vew Moon, Oh. 4Sid.» a.m. 33.Candleuiai. 17 06.{ )\2 13 51 7 22 i 06 7 27 5 01 5 32 a 5 28a 2 anil. 16 49 ( )12 14 10 7 21 5 07 7 266 02 6 32 628 3 Mond. 134 Illlnry 1'crm bcglni. 16 32.1 12 14 08 7 2i; ■> 08 7 255 03 728 7 26 4 Tue«d. 35 Order ot St. Fatrick init. 1783 16 14.: 112 14 14 1 19 5 m 7 235 05 8 28 8 27 5 Wed. 36 air R. reel b. 1788. 15 56.: t 12 14 ID 7 17 •■) 11 7 225 06 9 27 9 27 6 Thiir. 37 R. Liiuler, A. 1834. 15 37.J i 12 14 33 7 16 5 12 7 20'5 08 10 26 10 27 7 Frid. 38 (0) DatiIcofElizatietlitown,*13 15 19.: il2 14 27 7 15 > 13 7 I9'6 09 11 27 a 11 29 a ^ Satur. 39 D First Quarter, 31). 30iii.,a.iii. 15 00.< 1 12 14 2J 7 14 15 7 185 11 Morti'ij Vlorii'*. 9 Snii. 40 Caiiadu ce(!e.l to Britain, 17C3. 14 41.. 3 12 14 31 7 13 > 17 7 17,5 13 28 m 32 m llJ Mond. 41 Qiiren Victoria married, 1840. 14 21. 1 12 14 32 / 10 J 18 7 16,5 14 1 33 1 37 11 Tue8d.4;i Lord Syduiihani, Gov.Oen., '40. 14 02. U2 14 3:> 7 11 .-> 19 7 145 16 2 37 2 42 I-.' Wed. 43 Lnily J me Grey lielieaUed 1.U4. 13 42.' 1 ;2 14 3. 7 0!i j 21 7 135 17 3 41 3 47 13 Thur. 44 B. Cellini d. 1370. 13 22.311-2 14 31 7 07 5 22 7 115 18 4 43 4 48 14 i-'rid. 45 s»«. Viilcntliie. 13 02. 12 14 28 7 0»i -) aa 7 095 19 5 38 ffi 5 43 in 15 Sdtur. 4() O^all Mgoii, lOh. llin-, p.m. 12 41.1 112 14 2« 7 04 i 24 7 085 20 [iises. Ki6<-8. It $1111. 47 Septuaguima. 12 20.! ) 12 14 22 7 02 5 2ti 7 (65 2i: 6 39 1, 6 36 a 17 iVioi.d'. 48 Partition of Poland, 1773. 12 0U.( J 12 14 IS 7 01 > 27 7 045 24 7 64 7 53 18 riipsd. 49'Cnniida Killed, 1S34. 11 38! )\2 14 13 6 5H 5 28 7 035 25 9 07 9 07 VJ Wed. 50,0 enters Fisccii. 11 17.' r \i 14 07 i> 58 ■) 30 7 01 '5 27 10 2) 10 21 Hi I'hur. 51,Voltiii«!b. lOM. 10 56.: n2 14 01 6 57 .1 31 7 005 28 11 3i c. n 33 a 21 Fiid. .VJ O-iReKOluiions passed 1834. 10 34.( il2 13 54 (3 65 -) 33 6 595 3li MornV. Morii'i;. -^js^itir. 53 C Last Quarter, 4h. 21m., p.m. 10 I2-! )|2 13 46 6 51 -> 34 6 575 31 36/n 4091 ^3 8 nil. 54 Sir J. Reynolds d. 179*2. 9 50.! 112 13 38 (5 bi ') 36 6 65,5 33 1 40 1 45 24,Moi.d 55 Handel b. IC84 9 28 J I 12 13 2& 6 50 5 37 (> 536 34 2 39 245 25,Ti.e.J. 5fi France, a Republic 1948. 9 06.( 3 2 13 2( 6 48 j 38 6 615 35 3 33 3 39 2t<' Wed. 57 James Uarvcy b. 1714. 8 44.: n2 13 10 6 47 ) 39 (i 495 37 4 23 429 27!rhur. 58 A\ti. Colbornc, Admin. 1833. 8 21.> > 12 13 0( rt 45 5 41 6 475 3:-) 6 07 5 12 59 Montaigne b. 1333. 7 b'Ji 2 12 12 41 6 43 ') A'i 6 46 5 39 5 45 m 5 60»i SRK ^^ -.f • T)iite: I 10 20 30 3 ■4' 6 6 10 11 12 13' 14 151 24 26' 26 27' T. t)iU. 1 45 2 45 3 39 429 5 12 5 50m IMl.] Mi%BCU HAS 31 DAYS AND BEGINS ON SATURDAY. [T MCON'S PBA9B1. d. k. m New Mi)on.... 2 07 58 Firil Quarter. Full Monn . . . Last Quarter... Apogee 22 Perigre 15 19 Aptigcr 28 06 lU 04 28 16 20 02 23 20 09 o « ii*mi iiam»ler at Ortinwltk, Jfoom^ ' Ume. I 10 20 30 Ol Hitll. or Moon. 16 09 2 16 07.0 16 04 3 16 01 5 14 41 15 39 3 16 04 5 14 44 6 lax Planbti. IsT March. ! Klfht Meridian' Aieen- ■Ion. h. m. 9 MeiruryjlO 46 m ^ Venttn. ^ Mara. 2^Jupiter. ^Snturn. I^Uranui. 9 06m 10 43m 2 5Uffl 2 36 ATa 14 17 10 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Day of ihe Week. 1 Satur. 2Stin. Mon3. 67 Hon. a. Smith, Admin. ISW. 63 Auicricu* Vcupiiciui b. IMI. 69 9 First Quarter, 4b. 9$>m. 70 TafBO b. im. 71 Admiral Byng, vhot 1715. 72 Pl.-iiict Hcrwhel d. 17dl. 73 YorK.U.C, a Market town,'14 74 Corwallisdef. tlic Ami-r. 1781. 7.5 b. 10*5. 76 O Cull Mnon, ^h. 02m. a.m. 77J(17) St. Patrick. 78fl.e nrun b. 1730. 79,Newton d. I7«. 80 tSil enters .\rics,Sprin8Conim*s. 8l|GoPthed. 193-i. 82 Sir W. Allan d. 1850. 83, d Last Quarter, 8h. 00m. a.m. 84,7'Ae Jnnunriation. 85,nnnk of England incor. 1694. ''6 Veaeeof Amiens, 1809. 87,Planet Pallas difc. 1803. S8 Swertenliurg d. 1772. SgiiOrd Mctcaire, Gov.Gen., '43. 90!Uaydon b 1733. Sun's Oeclin'n South. Nurili. / 7 364 7 13.6 6 50.7 6 27.6 6 04.5 5 4l.» 5 17.9 4 54.f) 4 31.i.' 4 07.7 3 44.2 3 20.7 2 .'^7.1 2 33.4 2 09.8 1 46.1 1 22.4 58.7 35 (» 11.3 l-.;.3 36 59.7 1 23.3 1 46.9 2 10.4 2 33.9 2 57.3 3 20.7 3 44.1 4 07.3 A pp. noon ■howing the £q. of time. Bun. Toronto. I Montreal. Kiiiv* k.m 6 42 6 41 () 3U 6 37 6 35 6 34 A. m. ». 12 12 37 \i 12 25 12 IS 12 12 11 59 12 11 46 12 11 32 12 11 18|6 32 12 1 1 036 31 12 10 48 6 2i) 12 10 326 i7 12 10 166 25 12 10 00 6 23 12 09 43 6 S2 12 09 27 6 i!() J 2 09 09 6 l^ 12 08 d2|6 16 i2 08 3.16 1.*) 12 Ot 17|6 12 2 07 59 6 10 12 07 41 6 Oy 12 (l7 23 6 i(i 12 07 04l6 05 6 06 6 10 6 07 6 09 6 08|6 07 6 096 05 12 06 46 6 03 6 Jl 6 03 ecu. Kiiiea h.m. h.m 3 44 6 44 .5 45 « 42 .3 46 6 40 i 47 6 39 5 496 37 5 49 6 36 .j 506 34 ■5 51 6 31 > 53 6 29 5 55 6 27 5 56 6 25 i 57,6 24 ") 58 6 22 5 59!« 20 »» 0l!6 18 6 02 6 oa rt 04 6 16 6 14 6 12 12 06 27 6 01 12 06 09'6 00 12 05 51 5 58 2 Oj 32 5 56 12 05 14 5 54 12 04 55 5 53 12 04 37 5 51 12 04 19 5 49 6 126 OJ fj 13 5 59 6 145 57 6 16 5 55 6 165 53 6 171 552 6 19 5 5! 6 20.5 47 Sen* A. m i 42 > 43 } 44 5 45 5 47 ) 48 3 49 5 51 5 53 5 54 5 55 5 56 5 58 3 59 6 01 6 02 6 03 6 04 6 06 3 07 6 Of< 6 09 6 II 6 12 6 13 6 15 6 16 6 17 6 18 6 20 6 21 Moon. i'oroiuo. Montreal Hit*. U9U. A. ffi. 4 V3 5 22 6 22 7 20 8 19 9 21 10 2i 11 23 a Moin'g. 27w i 29 2 V9 3 25 4 16 5 01m Rises. 6 42 a 7 55 9 08 10 19 11 27 a Morn'g. 30 m 28 20 06 46 23 53 m Sets. 5 13 o A. m. 4 «0« 5 20 6 20 7 20 8 20 9 $3 10 25 11 27 II Morii'g. 32m 1 35 2 36 3 31 4 21 5 04 IN Rises. 6 41 a 7 56 9 10 10 22 11 31 a Morn'g. 35m 1 34 2 26 3 12 3 51 4 27 4 57ffi Sets. 5 IS •J APnifi HAS 80 DAYS AND BEGINS ON TUESDAY. [18ftl MOOM't PBAMI. d. k. I O c N«(W Moon... FirilQuaitcr.. Full Moon.... Last Quirter.. Ntw Moon... Pvrige* 13 ill Apovvr 24 S3 m. 01 16 8 13 43 13 03 18 23 13 41 30 15 45 titmidimmnttr at Ur**i»mteM, Avum. Date. i 30 Ot Hun. 16 00.9 15 58.5 15 53.8 15 53.3 Of Moon. » ti 14 53 16 11.3 15 20.5 1.5 08 1 The Plankts. 9 Mercury $ Venua. $ Mart, ijpjupiler. ^Siilurn. >^Uranu8. ItT AvttL. Merkdinn k. m. 05 o 9 film 10 14 m 30 m 48 n 1 11 u Right Atcen* ■Ion. A. tilt 21 32 5:; 13 I 1 Decl. 3 28 iV U 175 8 285 5 68 5 6 37 JV 10 \\N ISth .\piiil. I RlKlM Meridian Aiicen •Ion. A. m. An Kvr 9 28 m 10 00 m 11 30 a 11 56 m 19 1 3b 1 52 Decl. tar. 7 4 5 7 II 13 5 13 5 17 5 01 N Pole Star on the Meridian 15«i. IIA. 20m. 44«. P.M., L. T. Thermomotrlo Boaolta for tho month of April} at or uear Toronto. Year. 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 lilean aid A. M. 41.8 38.0 43.7 43.0 39.0 37.2 37.0 35.0 Monthly Range. 40 43 49 45 49 43 42 4J Urcairwi dully Rc;;ip. noon showing the Kc]. uf time 30.6 63.6 16.7 39.6 OiA 25.1 47 10.3 32 54 16.9 38.9 9 00.8 22.4 9 43.9 10 03.3 10 26.5 10 47.0 11 08.3 11 20.0 11 49.5 12 09.b 12 29 9 12 49.7 3 09.4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 A. 12 12 12 12 12 12 li 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 II II 11 U 11 It 11 11 3 28.9|ll 3 48.1 14 07.6 14 25.9 1 1 14 44.51 Sun. Toronto. KIses »ett II m. 01 0I|5 03 12 ■ 03 21 03 07 Oi 49 02 31 02 14 01 57 01 40 01 23 01 07 00 51 00 33 00 19 00 04 59 49 59 33 59 21 59 07 58 54 58 41 58 28 58 17 58 03 67 54 57 44 67 34 57 24 57 15 57 07 m 47 46 44 4i 40 3f« 3b 3o 311 31 30 28 2C 23 21 19 17 16 14 13 11 09 08 07 06 04 0-: 01 0( Montreal. Moon. Toronto. { Montreal A m 6 21 i6 22 16 23 6 24 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 '29 1 6 31 6 32 I 6 33l5 34 35 36 37 39 40 t) 41 i6 42 6 44 16 45 6 4h 16 47 i6 48 6 49 651 6 5t> 6 53 8 .^.4 1 55 Uixe* ^t>i8 m 4(: 45 42 41 3h 37 35 3S 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 17 15 13 11 10 08 06 05 03 Oil 58 5(5 55 A.m. 6 22 23 24 25 27 6 'j9 6 30 6 31 6 33 6 33 6 34 6 36 6 37 6 38 6 40 6 42 6 43 6 44 6 45 6 47 6 4,« 6 49 6 30 6 .<>I 6 53 6 54 65 6 67 6 58 6 59 HetH. i>«t«. A. m. A. f». 6 13 a 6 13 a 7 14 7 16 8 16 8 18 9 18 9 23 10 21 10 26 11 24 M 29 a Mnin'g. Mom'g. 2i w 30 m 1 21 I 27 2 U 2 17 2 57 3 01 3 38 3 41 4 13 /n 4' 15 m Rises. Rises. 6 43 696 a 7 55 768 9 06 9 10 10 43 10 18 11 16 (■ 11 22 a Morii'g. Morn'g. 13m 19 m 1 03 1 09 1 43 1 51 2 23 2 27 ■i 56 3 00 3 24 3 27 3 51 m 3 53m Seta Sets. 5 04 f 505 a 605 608 I 1 2 f) 4 6 61 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Ih 17 : 18! 19 20 21 22 23 1 24 J S5i 2(ii 27 I 28 V 29 I 30 F 9ftl 3 i Mil. |Monta'nl 1 l>«M. k. m. I 6 13 a 7 16 8 18 8 23 10 26 30 m 1 27 2 17 3 01 3 41 4' 15 m Rises. 6 45 A 7 68 9 10 10 18 11 22 a Morn'g. 19 m 1 09 I 51 3 27 3 00 3 27 3 53in S«t8. 505 a 608 IWl.] MAY HAS 81 wsswnsaMs: d, A. m. 9 Fiiat Quarter.. 7 40 17 O F«M Moon... 14 14 48 a Lasi Quarter. . 22 U7 48 # New Moon .. 30 03 3J ( Peiigpo 10 14 (f Apogee. 22 18 DAYS AND liEGINS ON THUUSDAV. (t a*miHmmtl*r ol Orttnwich. Soim. Ualfi. 1 10 30 90 Ul riiMI. 15 53.1 15 51.1 15 41) I 15 47.5 Ul .MuoM. /' 15 16.4 16 14 2 It 58.6 15 :«7 6 Thk Planrts. liT Mat. Morldlnii 9 Mercury % Venus. t Mars. Ijpjupiter. ^Saturn. >;tf(Jranus. A. m An Kve 9 35 m 9 42 m 10 20 u 11 I4»< II 19m KiKlii Amvii- ■lon. Docl. ning St ar. Olio 18 12 58 4 1 40 8 1 5611 I 30 iV 43 iV 36 5 00 A 20 A 15th Mat. I Mlvlii Meridian A»ecii- •ton. A' m. 28 a 9 41 m 9 26/11 9 91 a 10 15 m 10 27 Ml A M 3 59 I 12 57 12 54 1 47 1 51 Decl. 30 5 4 4 8 II 48 JV, 41A; 57iV| 09 5 36 A, 37 A Pole Stur on the Meridian \bd. 9A. 31m. 58f-, P.M., L. T. Tlicraiom<«trle Beaulto for tlio luoutli of IHar* at or ncnr Toronto. Year. 1831 1832 1831 1834 183) 1836 1S37 1H38 Menu at 8 A.M. Moiiildy Ratine. 49 48 56 52 54 52 4S, 47 43 35 34 53 36 40 51 33 lireiiieil dally Range. Kru«i al 8 A. M. 24 16 S5 18 21 36 21 21 DAYS. 1 1 Year. 1839 1810 18-11 li(42 1843 1844 1845 1846 Mean at 8 A. M. 55 5. 5 51 53 3 ua.'i 51 4 57 Monilil/ Range. 39 47 31 Urviiivift I Vtutl dally { at S Raiig«. ' A. M. 25 23 23 VATS. 1 u 1 s «> 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 Ih 17 18 19 2(> 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 "o7 Weeli. Thur. Friday Sarur. Sun. Mond elTuesd. Wed. Thur. Fiida) Salur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Frida\ Satur.' Sun. Vlon- 13! IK 14 Hi 4; 14- i4.' 14 1 4': 14 14 15 151 Bomarkable Daya. Sun's Oecliii'ii North. iXewMoon, 3li. \b 02.'i Uamdpnb. lUl. l5 3U.8 Jniimlca disc. 1401. 15 38.(i :teige of Quebec raised 1770. 15 56.1 .Napoleon d. li-Sl. 16 13.4 Oswego in ken 1814. 6 30.' ^ir J. Suckling d. 1041. 16 47.'^ DPirsi Quarter 8h. 17in.o.iii 1 7 03.7 dcbiller d ie03. 1 7 19.b Battle of Lo4i 1700. 17 35.7 Lord Ch.itlmm d. 1778. 17 61. dtraffbrd beliuaded 1011. :8 06.G Ann Doicyn bch. l&U. 18 21.5 Fahrenheit b. 1060. 18 36.2 OPi.1I Moon,'2h. 48in. n. in. 18 50.1, Battle of Albucra.lSll. 19 04.6 Talleyrnndd. 1839. 19 18.3 Na|)Olcon, Gniiicror 18(>4. 19 31 airC. Bagot (1.1843. 19 44 8 Columbus d. 1300. 19 575 0eiiters Gemini. jO 09 l> ([ Last Quarter, 7h. 48in. 20 22 (J dattleof Ramilies nue. -20 337 aueen Victoria b. 1610. 20 '"5 Rogation. 20 56 1 Jnlvhi d. \SM. 21 06.7 Port George talcen 1814. ' -H 16.9 T. Moore b. 17fcO. 21 26.9 J»etii$'on. 21 36.4 #Ncw Moon, 3h. 30in. p. ui. 21 45.4 Dr. Clialmcri d. K47. 21 54.4 A|'p. noon •liowiiig the Eq. of liiue. 11 11 11 II II 11 II 11 11 11 II II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 II 11 il 11 II 11 11 11 in. a 56 5*j 56 5 56 45 56 3^' 56 33 5fi £fe 56 23 56 lU 56 16 56 13 56 10 56 Ob m 07 5H 06 56 01 56 0"; 56 08 56 0^ 56 II 56 14 56 17 56 21 56 2< 56 3( 56 3( 56 4'. 56 4^ 56 55 57 OS .^7 11 57 li Sun. Toront 0. Riscraetr A. rn.lA. 58 6 57 55 54 1 53 1 51 4 49 4 48 1 47 1 44 42 4 40 39 38 3^ 3( i 35 1 3 4 33 1 3 4 32 4 31 1 31 1 30 1 39 4 28 4 28 4 27 Montreal. Uiao Seu m. 56 57 59 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 174 164 m 54 53 51 50 49 7 47|7 43:7 42I7 4ll7 4(/7 39 7 37 36 357 34 33 32 31 30 29 19 4 28 20 4 21 4 27 27 22|4 26 25 24 23 2 SI 20 24 25 2« 26 27 m 00 01 03 04 05 07 08 19 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Moon. 'roroiiio-lMoiitreol hcis. tkis. A. m. 7 09 a 8 14 9 17 20 11 18 R Moin'g. 10 m 57 38 13 47 18 m Kikefl. 6 45 (/ 7 51 9 01 10 01 10 55 11 42 o Morn'f!. 20 m 57 1 26 1 54 2 21 2 44 3 11m Sets. 6 00 7 06 8 10 A. III. 7 12 a 8 18 9 22 26 11 24 a Moin'g. 16m 1 OJ 1 42 2 16 2 48 3 18m Rise's. 6 8 « 7 59 9 06 10 07 11 01 11 47 a Morn'g. 25 m 1 01 1 30 1 56 2 23 2 44 3 10m Sets. tOA„ 7 11 8 16 10] JU.VB HAS 30 DAV&» AND BBUINS ON SU!VDAY. [18A|. MOON'S PHASES. d. h. m. 1st Juke. l&TH JlTNC. ]> First Quarter. 6 01 11 O Full Moon ... 13 01 27 The Pl.inets. Right Right C Last Quarter . 21 01 18 Meridian Ascen- Decl. .Mcriilian Ascen- Decl. % New Moon... 28 13 08 H Perieee 4 20 <[ Apogee 19 13 sion. { sion. h. tn. ^ Mercury A Morii A. tn. ingSta r / • h. tn. 10 25 jn h. in. 3 59 > 16 58 A ? Venus. $ Mars. yJupiifr. ^Saturn. 9 51 in 2 28 1-2 50 JV 10 02m ^ ^'S tt Ay K Semidiameter at Greeitieieh. Noon. 9 07 m 8 10 a 9 ]5fl> 1 43 9 50iV 12 50 3 63 5 1 541 9 15 A 8 51m 7 15 fl 8 26 m 2 25 13 27 A^ 12 50 3 55 5 1 59 9 42A Date. 1*1° Sun. Ut Muon. / II / II 1 15 47 2 15 55.4 Ij{ Uranus. 9 24ni 2 02 11 54 A 8 31m 2 04 12 07 A 10 15 46.2 15 45 4 15 5G.8 SO 14 46 . 3 30 15 43.1 16 16.9 Pole Star on the Meridian I5d 7A. 30m. 26«., P. M., L. T. Therntometrlc Rosnlta for the Montb of June, at or near Toronto. Year. Mean at8 A. M. Monthly Rniitsc. Greatest dally Raii|gR>. Frost at 8 A.M. Year. Mean at 8 A. M. Monthly Range. Greatest daily Rnnne. Frost at 8 A.M. o o DAYS. DATS. 1831 63 3 33 20 1839 « • • • 1832 62.7 29 23 1810 62.0 35 26 1833 58.0 38 20 1841 67.0 31 20 1834 60 8 36 22 1842 58.5 31 23 1835 62.7 31 S5 1843 69.7 1836 60 4 35 21 1844 62.6 18.37 62.0 30 18 1845 6i.4 1838 65.6 30 18 1846 65 o S Day ofttie Week >< Bomarkable Days. Sun's Declin' North Ap|i. nooi vhiiwiiiK " the Kq. ol Sun. Moon. 'J'oronto. Montreal. Toronto. Montreal £ & Time. Kiuei- h tn. Oeto. HimfH aeu. BCtS. ideis. ( h. m. s h m. h.m. A. m. Ji. tn. As ftia I Sun* 152 Lord Uonre's Victory, 1794. 22 02. 811 57 2S 4 27 7 28 4 20 7 34 9 10 a 9 17 a 2 Mond. 153 Raster I'enn liegina. 22 10 8 1 1 57 .^7 4 27 7 29 4 20 7 36 10 07 10 13 3 Tu<>sd. Id if Or. Hutton.b. 1723. 22 18.51 11 57 46 4 26 7 30 4 19 7 37 10 57 11 02 4 Wed. 15jjLeopold K. of ndgiauv, 1831. 22 25. 7 11 57 56 4 26 7 31 4 19 7 37 11 40 11 44 a 5 Thur. 153 KiiiR of finnover h. 17"1. 22 32 5 11 58 06 4 25 7 31 4 1^ 7 3S .Morn'g. Morn'g. 6 Fri'iay 137] ]> PirBtQu!irter,lli.lliii.p.m. 22 39. Oil 58 17 t 25 7 31 4 18 7 38 16 m 20m 7 Satnr. 158 VVarburton, d. 1770. 22 43. 1 1 1 58 28 4 24 7 32 4 17 7 39 50 52 SSiin. 159VA»t Sunday. 22 50.7|11 58 3a 4 24 7 3> 4 17 7 40 1 23 1 23 9 Mond. 160 St. John's N. F. burnt, 1816. 22 560 11 58 5U 4 24 7 33 4 17 7 41' 1 51 1 51 iDTuesd. 16i:noll:ind, b. 17tl«. 2t 00.911 59 02 4 24 7 34 4 17 7 41 2 23 2 21 11 Wed. 162 Hon. S. Smith, Admin. 1S17- 23 03.3' 11 f,9 13 4 24 7 31 1 17 7 42 2 55 m 2 52m 12 Thur. 163 New York incur. IHOS. 23 09.4! Ii 59 26 4 24 7 35 4 16 7 42 R isf'S. Rises. •13 Friday 161 OFuII M.>on, 111'. 27ui. p. m. 23 13.0,11 59 3^ 4 24 7 36 4 16 7 43 7 48 « 7 54 i4;Satur. 165 G:iiiter Term ende>. 23 16.3 11 59 50 4 24 7 3(i 4 16 7 43 8 45 8 51 ISSnn. \m\ Trinity. 23 19.1 12 « 7 47 2 41 2 37 87 Fridav 178 ZitcliohKe d. 1«48. l3 20 a; 1-2 0> 37 4 26 7 39 4 18 7 46 3 21W 3 16tR 28Safiir 179 nrpat Fire at audee, 1S4;S. 23 1S.3 12 Oi 49 4 26 7 39 4 19 7 46 Sets. Sets. 2»Snn. 18;)\v Mut Fron Tear. at 8 daily ate Year. atB daily ate A. M. Range. A.M. A. M Rnnfie. A. M o DA VS. o o o DATS. 1831 61.2 30 24 1«39 66 3 23 23 1832 67.1 29 20.0 1840 69 24.0 20 1833 C6 37.0 23.0 1841 67 7 'J8 20 1831 70 8 25.0 20 1842 «7.0 31.0 27 1833 67.4 32.0 24.0 1843 66 8 1836 68 4 24 16 1844 68 6 1837 65 4 28 23 1845 67.2 1838 70 29.0 19 1846 71.8 o\ or •? . Weclt. a '- I 1 Tuecd 2 Wed SThur. 4 Friday 4 8 9 10 11 12 Sattir. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. VVid. Tbur. Friday Satur. l3Snn. Ul.Vioiid. ijlTuesd. 161 Wed. l7Tliur. 18 Friday i9i!aMir. 20 Sim. 'JlMond 22Tiie8d 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Friday 26 Satur. 27Snii. 28Mond 20 Tuesd. .ft 1^ Wed. 311 Thur. 18. 1S3 18-i 180 186 87 lS8i 189 1 90 191 19-' 193 194 19.0 i:»G 1197 il98 199 |-iO() ■20\ ;2,) !i03j 1 204 •iO."- 20t; 207 |2U9 l--M(t i21 212 Kcmarkable Days. ^irE.I'.Robinron, Ll.Gv.l8IS .Sir R. Peel d. lii'30. aiiebec foundc/! 1006. Ctiiiiitenul>rinnd d. IS49. D auarter 5U. film, UatilcofMaid.-i.ieCO. Col. Sinicoe, Lieut.Gov. 1703. Dtirke d. 1797. frt'siileiii Taylor d. 1830. Columbus b. 1447. Lalandeb. 17P5. Erasmus d. l.)')0. O^'i'I Moon, Ih. S7m. a.m. i.Mri). i^i'ldons h. IT.'U. (1.5) Detroit tnlicn IHi. |Sir J. Reynolds b. 1723. Michiliniarkiiinc taitcn 1813 Ilnm|idcn d. 1043. PriiirciiH AiisiiRta b. 1832 Playfair d. 1810. 1 Last Uuar. 5li. 2im. a.m. i Battle of i^alanianca 1813. iS^.^uu cntura Leo. UiLraltar taken 171)4. B itilv of Lundy's Lane, 1813. Ilatilcof Alioukir 17C0. Kovolution in France 1630. #New Moon Oh. 3Sin., a.m. Rulespiere guillotine I KOI. IVnn d. 1*18. Tlioninm Gray d. 1771. Snn's Decliii'n North. A pp. noon showing the Eq. of time. 23 23 2i 22 22 22 22 2 22 J2 22 22 21 21 21 21 .1 21 A. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 8.2 4.1 59.5 54.5 49.2 43.4 37.4 30.7 23.8 16.4 8, 0.6 52.1^ 43.3! 12 31s !12 24.6! 1 2 14.U!I2 4.3 12 10 53.612 20 4,'.6il2 •>0 31.2112 z>; 19 5 1? 21) 7.6 12 19 53.1|12 19 42.4 12 29.312 15 912 2.2 li 43 312 18 34.012 18 19.312 m. «. 3 25 3 37 3 48 3 59 19 19 l9 18 bun. Toronto. Scui. RlSCH A. m. 27 10 20 30 4(» 49 58 6 14 2l|4 2X4 3414 4()i4 4«>|4 514 55 59 I 8 10 II II II II 10 .8 6 2^ 29 30 30 30 31 32 33 34 34 31 3o 3h 37:7 38 1 r 39|.^ 40 7 41 7 42 ir 4317 43 7 44-7 Mimtrcal. RiiieH fc!eti. A. m A. m 4 207 46 4 217 46 4 227 46 38+4 23 7 45 3814 237 45 38I4 247 38 4 25!7 38I4 26 7 3714 26 3(i 4 27 .•i6 4 27 44 44 44 44 43 43 46 4K 47 48 49 50 51 52 3(> 3.i; 34 34i 34; 33; 3-: 3H 30 29 25» 28 27 26 25 24 i^ 224 2l'4 2o!4 Mbon. Toronto. I. Montreal diets. Ceil". 7 2^17 42 2i;i7 41 3;|7 41 317 41 32 7 401 33 7 3f I 31^7 38| 35 7 a~7 3717 3t<|7 397 407 4li7 427 42 7 44 7 45 7 467 477 37 3(i\ 35| 31 33 32 31 30 30 28 27 26 25 A. m. 9 38 a 10 18 10 53 11 £6 11 57 Morn'g. 27 m 58 1 32 2 9 •2 52 3 40 Rises. 8 .^4 « 9 30 9 57 10 24 10 50 11 14 1 40 Morn'g. 8m 38 1 13 1 55 2 44 3 43 Sets. 8 13 n 8 52 9 25 A. m. 9 42 a t0S2 10 55 11 27 II 56 Morn'g. 25rA 55 1 27 2 4 2 46 3 34 Rises. 8 59 a 9 34 10 1 10 26 10 51 11 14. 11 39 Morn'g. 5m 35 1 9 1 50 2 33 3 37 Sets. 8 17 a a 5S 9^7 ■* i ' <*, • . • 1 I 19] AVOUST HAS 81 DAYS, AND BBGINS ON FRIDAY. [18ftl IMI MOON'S PHASES. 1 m d. h, in. 1 IST AUCCgT. 15th Acgcst. ]> Fii 91 Quarter. 3 11 50 O Full Moon... 11 4 26 The 1) I J Planets. " Right ; Rlght- i tf LiistQdurter.. 19 7 41 # New Moon ..26 4 3 a Ap'iuee 13 17 Merldinn Ascen- sion. Dccl. Merldlar 1' Ascen- sion. D«el. k. m. h. m. / h m h. tn. / C . ft a P^risjee -26 18 1 ^ Mercury An Eve 1 ? Venus. A Morii $ Mars. 8 1 m 2|[Jupiler. 4 25 a ^Saturn. 5 33 ;n uins. Si i ing Sill 1 4 40- It 4 2 1 1 ir. An|Ev( r. 11 16ffl M 502^:7 46w 5 3i &' 3 37 (1 32 iV 4 38 ffl ! ningSl I 8 51 I 5 20 t 13 12 ar. 18 36^ 22 59 ^ 6 33 5 « F Stmidiameter ' Greenteich, Soon. SemU i Date. Ofeiuii. Oi Moon. Dull* f» / // 15 47 15 4^ 3 / II I 2 1-2;iU32iV m J 1 10 16 22 5 14 54 J^ Uranus. 5 31 m 2 9 2 30iV 4 36ffi 2 9 12 30 N 1 10 «0 31 15 50.1 15 3-2.4 15 21 2 16 6 3 ' • Pole Star on the Meridian, \5d. 3h. 33m. 2\s. A. M , U. T. 20 30 t Tberinometrlc Results for tUe raontb of Anffnat, at or near Toronto. Tbi Mean Moiithly Range. « Greatest Frost Mean Monthly Range. Greatest | Frost ; Year. ntS daily nt 8 Year. •Its daily > nt 8 A.M. • Ranup. A.M. A. M. Range, i A.M. Year. 1811 * 1839 62 31 230 1832 63.8 29 19.0 1840 67 25 18.0 1831 1833 « • • 1841 6S 8 v9 20 1832 1834 65.7 37.0 18 1842 67.1 25.0 19.0 1833 ' 1835 • • « 1843 68 7 1834 1836 60.7 30.0 28 1814 64 5 1833 ■ - 1837 62 4 30 21 1845 67.0 1836 1838 65 4 33 25 1846 70.2 1837 1838 1 j 1 o >. Week. > Urn O >. a Remarkable Dujio. Sun's nclin'fi North. App. noon fllniuiiig the Eq. ol lime. Sun. Moon. i >. Toronto. Monlrt. il Ti-. Toronto Montreal Da, .ilisps rieis Kiscs h.m St Sj'tR. ^«et«. Wet o / A. tn. 8. h.m. h.m- h.m '». M». fi. tn. 1 FiiJav 213 I.amin.'if). 18 4.^ 12 6 3 1 54 7 18 4 4S 7 24 9 59 a 10 « 2 2ialur. 214 Bnt.oftheNilo, 170S. 17 49.'J • 12 5 5D I o.i 7 17 4 .30 7 2U 10 29 10 27 I Vfon . 3'Smii. 'ho D First Ur., llti. 50in. p. m. 17 33.; 12 .5 53 4 5!j 7 16 4 5! 7 21 10 59 to 53 2 rue 4 Mund 216 Sliilley b. 1703. 17 17.1 112 5 31. i 57 7 1 4 5z 7 -JC II 33 11 23 3 Wei 5 fuescl. 217 Qnt. of Brownston. 1913. 17 i.i il'l 5 4 1 4 58 7 14 4 53 7 19 Morn»g. Morn'g. 4 Thn 6 Wed. 2.-S Priiice Alfred Ernest b. 1844. 16 43.£ ) 1-2 5 3f 4 59 7 13 4 55 7 17 10 7n 4m 5 Pi id ■ 7 Thur. 219 Ocrzelius d. 1818. 16 28.i 112 5 31 .5 7 12 4 5() 7 |(. 51 46 6 .S.I In 8 Friday •220 Canning d 1827. 16 12.( )12 5 2J J 1 7 10 4 57 7 1^ 1 36 1 30 7 Hill 9 Salur. 1^21 Mirryattd. 194?. 15 54 J M2 5 16 J 2 7 8 4 58 7 U 2 27 3 21 8 VI Of 10 8lltl. 222|'^''>'' t^fBawano. 15 37.{ )12 5 7 5 3 7 7 4 59 7 11 3 22 3 16 9 File 11 Vforid. ■>23 Of ull Moon, 4h. 2Cin. p. m 5 I9.f il2 4 59 .3 5 7 5 5 1 7 9 4 <21 4 1.5 10 Wei 13 Tuesd. 2J4 George IV. b. 178"2. 15 l.i 112 4 49 5 (. 7 45 2 7 8 Rises. Rises. II Thii la Wed. 225 Sir P. Maitland, Lt.-Gov.lSlP 14 43.* il2 4 30 •j 7 7 35 3 7 7 8 28 <. 8 31 a 12 Fill 14 Thiir. •226 Tfie Argus captured, 1814. 14 25.-1 12 4 28 .j 8 7 1:5 3 7 8 53 8 55 13 Satr .15 Fridiiy 227 Niipoleon b. 17G9. 14 o.h. 12 4 17 5 9'6 595 5 7 3 9 13 9 18 14 Nil 16 Satur. 228 .Aii(!rc^* Marvel d. 1073 13 48.t 12 4 5 5 10 6 58'5 6 7 2 9 43 9 42 15 .Mor 17 8UII. m Duchci's of Kent, b. 1780. 13 29 ( 12 3 53 5 11 6 575 7 7 ; 10 8 10 6 16 Tiie 18 Mond. 230 (17) Gen. Hunter Lt.-Go. 'CO 13 9.7 12 3 40 5 12,6 563 8 6 59 10 37 10 33 17 Wf( 19 Tuesd. 231 H Last dr., 7h. 41 tn. p. m. 12 50.2 12 3 27 5 1 6 51 5 9 6 57 11 9 11 4 18 Thii #' 20 Wed. 232 Treaty of Washington, 1944. 12 30 6 12 3 13 3 14 6 5-2,5 11 6 55 11 48 II 43 19 Fri( 21 Thur. .'33 Dr. Ailatn Clarke, d. 1632. 12 10.7 12 2 69 5 16 6 .50,5 12 6 54 VJorii'ij. •Vlorn'g. 20 Sail •« 22 Fiiday 234 Hattle of Poswortli field 1 493. 11 50.(3 12 2 44 3 17 rt 49'5 13 6 52 32jn '26 m 21 All V3 Satur. 235 # enter* Virgo. 1! 30.4 2 2 '.9 5 18 6 47,5 14 6 50 1 21 1 18 22 Mo J Z\ iSiin. 23fi Wnsliitijjion token, 1814. 11 9.8 12 2 13 3 19,6 46 5 16 6 48 3 28 2 23 23!TuJ 25 Mond. .'37,Trinity Tcria liegins. 10 49. S 12 1 5H 3 -.06 44 5 18 6 46 3 33 3 32 24 We 26 Tae»d •.'38 •-Vcw Moon, 4h.3 in. p. m. 10 28.3 2 1 41 3 '21 6 43 5 19 6 45 Sets. Sets. 23 Thi .27 Wed. .'39jRa». of Long Island, 1775. 10 7.5 12 1 25 5 22 6 405 20 6 43 7 20 « 7 23 a 26 Frii !■ 28 Thur. 240|Grotiugtl. 1643. 24l|lyan d. 1868. 9 46.4 12 1 7 3 24,6 38,5 2 6 41 7 .56 7 56 ' 27 Sail i 89 Fiiday 9 23.S 12 50 3 23 6 37:5 22 6 41 8 V7 8 -26 28 At 30 Satur. 9 3.7 12 32 3 26 6 36 5 23 6 38 8 59 8 67 29 VIo 31 Sun. 8 42.S M2 14 |5 27 6 34,5 24 6 ;>6 9 33 9 29 j 30 Tu If* i .■■■■ • • .' Don. . Montreal fet». h. m. '-10 a 10 27 10 53 11 2S . Morn'jf. t 4/A 46 1 39 2 21 3 16 4 13 RiSFB. . 8 31 a 8 55 9 18 9 42 10 6 10 33 11 4 11 43 . Morn'g. « i:6m 1 18 3 23 3 32 Sets. 1 7 a3 a 7 56 8 i6 8 67 9 29 IMl.] SEPTEMBBRlIASaODAY8ANDBE(2]N»ONMON»iiY. [ft MOON'S ft O a • c c First Quarter, Full Moon... Last Quarter, New Moon... ApiiKee 9 23 Perigee..; ... 24 5 PHASES. d. h. m. 1 20 36 9 20 27 17 20 12 24 12 55 Semuliameter at Orteuwirk, Ao»». "l)«ti\ _ Of IJuhT Of Moon. 15 52 6 15 54 9 15 57.4 16 4 / II 15 51 6 14 41 7 16 9 15 25 5 The Planets. I? Mercury ? Venus. t Mara. If fupi'er. 1? Niturn. i^[JiaiiU5. 1»T Skptcmbeh. Meriillan A. 01. Evenin 1 33 m 7 2om > 41 (I 3 31 m 3 28 m Rixhi I Anci- • 1 ■ion. I Dcel. 15th Scptsmbip* Meridian h. m.\° llStar.' 10 1412 7 23 •23 7 13 2 2 20 i\r 35 iV 31 5 IIJIO 24 A h. 12 11 7 1 2 911 26 iV 2 m. 37 a 43 m 7m 58 o 34 m 32 m' KiKht A«rcu iiion. reel. A. m. 12 11 11 6 13 2 2 5 39 5 19 5 61^1 43 23 29 A" 33 8 33 S\ 9 10 lOA", 7 12 19A^ Pole Star on the Meridian 15i. lA. ilm. 44s., A.M., U. T. Tlteriuoinctric llesults for tbe niontli of Sepfembert at or near Toronto. Year. 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 Muan at 8 A. M. 55.7 • 55 2 51.8 56 I 5i.O 56.4 Kloiiihly Banije. 32 • 49 35.0 37.0 30.0 3-.J.0 Grcniust daily Rnniie. 21.0 « 25 18 25.0 16.0 28.0 Fro«it nt 8 A. M. DAYS. Yciir. 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 Mean at 8 A. M. 53.4 55.0 61.2 56 2 61.7 59 58.0 63.7 Monthly^e. 44.0 3.J.0 36 47 Greiitesi daily Ranftc. 19.0 26 23 19 :# Pi at A. M 1>ATS. 1 " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "o7 Week. Mond . Puesil. Wed. Thur. Fiiday S.ilur. Sim. Vlond Fuesd. Wed Thur. Fiiday Satur. Sun. Mond Tuesd Wed. Thur. Friday 2ojSalur. 2iSun. 22 Mond 23! Tuesd. 241 Wed. 23Tbur. 26|Friday 27 28 29 30 Satur. Sun. Mond Tuesd. 1214 •<>45 >46 i4- :48 49 250 2,1 .'52 253 b\ 255 256 257 ^58 259 i60 261 1 262 263 264 265 •2b6 267 268 269 270 71 272 273 Remarkable Days. aueen visits Scot ind, 181-2. D First Qiiar. 8h. 30tn. a.m. •?ir E Coke d 1033. River Hudson discov. 1609. riic Roxer captured IS14. I'riniiy Term ends. Fl Store d 1S33. VIotitreal 8iir. to Dritisli 1760' RatilcofFlsdden 1.513. OFuII Moon 8li.27in. a.m. riioinson b 1700. Battle at North Point 1-14. C. J. Fox d 1806. Moscow burnt 1812. Maltn taken 18U0. New York taken 1770. Sortie from Fort Erie 1814. ([ LastQiiar.Sh. I3ni., am. Lord Sydenham d ie4«. Denicrnrn tnl 56 lo'5 40 55 54;5 41 53 335 43 55 125 43 54 51 5 45 54 30!j 46 6 54 95 47'6 53 48 5 48 T) 6 1615 37 6 I5I5 39 6 13 5 39 6 l.Si5 36 115 4(1 9 5 42 7I5 43 6*5 44 6 3 5 45 6 l'5 4G'6 5 48 6 6 34 « 32 6 30 6 28 6 27 6 24 6 23 6 21 19 6 17 6 16 6 14 6 12 6 10 6 7 I 4 2 Moon. Toronto. I Montreal Sets. 51 27:5 49'5 57 5 4^ 5 57 53 6 5 50 5 56 5 50i5 56 52 4515 525 54 5 51 5 54 52 24|5 52;5 52 5 52!5 52, . . 52 4i5 53;5 50 5 54 5 60;Set8. 51 43;5 54:5 49 5 56 5 48| 6 23 p 51 235 55 5 47 5 565 46 6 56 A. m. 10 9 a I'J 49 11 34 Morn'g. 24 m 1 18 2 14 3 14 4 14 Rises. 7 22 7 46 8 12 8 38 9 8 9 43 10 V4 11 13 .VIorn'g. 8?n 1 13 2 25 3 41 51 3 50 43 50 23 5 57 4 59 5 45 5 57 5 45 5 43 5 59 5 43 6 00 5 40 6 00 5 40 50 4,6 l|5 39 6 25 38 7 29 8 3 8 46 9 28 Ck'W. k. m 10 4 a 10 44 11 28 Morn'g. 17 m 1 12 2 9 3 9 4 10 Rises 7 23 a 7 45 8 10 8 35 9 5 9 3.S 10 19 11 7 Mo.-n'g 1 m 1 7 2 20 3 37 Sets 6 22 a 6 54 7 28 8 1 8 39 9 22 r • 1 14] OOO'OBBK HAS 31 DAYS, & BEGINS OK WEDNEs^DAY. [1851 MOON'S PHASES. d. h. m. T) First Quarter.. I 9 13 O FullMo!)n ... 9 13 16 H Last Quarter.. 17 6 56 ^ New Moun ... 23 21 43 D First Quaiter.. 31 2 00 H Apogee 7 2 d PerigfB 2i 15 1 btmidiameter at (Jreciiinc/i, Moon. Dnie. 1 10 23 31 Of Sun. ( II 16 0.4 16 29 16 5.S 16 8.5 Ui Moon. // 15 25 5 14 4S 2 16 18 1 14 54 5 The Planets. I8T OCTOBEB. ? Mercury i Venus. $ Mars. 2f Jupiter. ^Saturn. Mcridiai h. m. A Morn II 53 M 6 43 m 1 5 a 1 27 m 1 27 m Rli;lu Ascen- sion. h m. ing Sttt 12 33 7 23 13 45 2 5 2 5 Deel. 15th October. Meridian h. rn. A Morn 1-2 2 u 6 19 m 13 22 a 9 49 .Vj 28 m 12 9-V 30 m r. 2 65 22 50 iV 9 4<) S RlHht Aflcen- tion. h. tn mij; St)i 13 39 7 54 13 56 2 2 2 3 Dcclin. r. 9 21 10 9 11 as 68 iV 50 S 26 .V 08 N Pule Star on the Meridian I5d. Uh. 29m. d6s P. M., U. T. Tlierinoiautrlo llcsiilta for tlie montli of October^ at or rear Toronto. ■%". 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1833 Mean at 8 A. M. Katijje. Ureaiesi ilnily Ranee. Frost at 8 A. M. Year. Mean ai8 A.M. Monttily Rnn|:e. GreaiCBt daily Range. DAYS. o o 4-2 5 43.0 21 2 1839 47.3 40 20.0 44 5 38 30.0 5 1840 44.0 39 21.0 43 3 43.0 25 6 1841 41 33.0 18.0 41.2 35.0 17.0 5 1842 44 3 39 21.0 47.2 34 2H 1813 42.0 37.7 27.0 27.0 8 1844 41.2 41 41 22 6 1845 46.5 « • • • 1846 43.3 Frost at 8 A.M. DATS. 1 1 3 1 ^ |»# « • ■5" O a 1 3 4 5 6 7 « lb 11 !•: 13 14 15 16 17 1- 1.9 •2(1 21 2- 23 o 25 •2(i 27 2- 29 3(1 31 Day of O Week. >» fl Q Remarkable Days. Wed. ■271 riiur. 275 Friday 27C Sarur •277 Sun. •278 Mond •279 Tuesd •2-0 Wed. 2i\ Thur. 28^: I'Vidav 23:i Salur. •234 Shu. 28.5 Mond. 28 fuo^d. •237 W.d. 2S I' •28' Friday •29(1 Satur. 291 Siiii. 293 .vlon). 293 ruptij. •294 Wed. 29.5 Thur, •2f)fi Friday 297 Satur. 298 Sun. •29! Moi d. 100 Tuesd. 30 Wed. 30.. Tliur. 3'Ki Friday 30 D First dr., Oh. 13in. p. m. Major Andre executed 17S0. TilloiEon b. 17:20. Belgian Iiidip. decl. lS-33. Bat. of the Tliamcs, 1813. Louis Phillipe l^ 1773. Ziinmermau d. 1703. Otho King of Greece, 1832. Bnt. of Savannah, 1707. OFuII Moon Ih. 16n). a. m. The Bahamas disc. IWi. Venn b. 17U. Gen.Brocltkiled 181-2. Bat. of Jona 1900. r,. E. London d.lS33. Kosciusko d. 1817. d Last dr. Gh. 50ni. p. m. Rat. of Leipsic, 1813. H. K. White d. 18i 6, Rat. ofNavarino, 1827. Xolsoii d. 1803, , f^npe Nicliolns taken 1793. i eiitorg Scorpio. IXcw Moon, 9h. 43m. a. m Bnt. of Agincourt, 141.5. Dnt. of Chateauguay, 1813. I Capt. Cook h. 17^29. Alfred the Great d, 000. Bat. of Fort Eric, 1812. Dr. Cnrtwrlghtd. 1823. D First Quarter 2li. p. in. Sun's rccliu'n South. o / 3 8.5 3 318 3 55. 1 4 18.3 4 31.7 5 4.« 5 27 .C .5 50.C 6 13.5 6 36.3 G 59 7 21.6 7 i4.2 8 6.6 8 2S.9 8 50.1 9 13.2 9 35.1 9 56.9 10 18.5 10 40.1 11 1.4 11 22. J 11 43.({ 12 4.5 2 25 1 ;2 4.5.H 13 5.!) 13 25 ! 13 4.5.8 14 5.4 App. noon' showing Sun. Toronto. tlie Eq. ofj •'"•e- RlieTHetlT tn. s. k. m.\h. m 49 44 6 49 25 6 •i 38 Montreal. Rl.«e8 76 4 6 3 1 16 136 55 6 38 6 22 6 (i;6 5t,6 46 35,6 46 2! 6 46 7|6 45 53 6 45 40 6 45 'Z^& 21 45 16 6 *.i2 49 43 ;8 48 47 47 47 •J7 16 43 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 5|6 24 23 27 55 6 -15 6 36 6 28 27 6 29 20 8 136 66 6 43 56 6 43 526 43 49 6 43 46 6 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 40 366 346 33}6 32,6 •i96 2;6 26,6 i4,6 22:6 •jojd It' 6 17 6 15 56 3|6 26 59;6 586 h7.6 56,6 54{6 53,6 52;6 50,6 48 6 m 3 4 5 7 8 9 11 12 li 14 15 1. 18 20 23 24 25 20 ■2h 2 31 3i> 3:i 35 36 3 39 «l 4 43 Si'ts. m 37 35 33 31 311 27 '^5 24 21 20 19 17 14 U 1* 9 7 5 4 2 1, 59 57 55 53 52 50 49 47 46 45 .Moon. Toronto.; Montreal Scis. Sets. h. m. 10 1>: a 1 10 .VIorn'i 7m h. m. 10 10 a 11 4 Mofn'g. 2m 6 7 4 4 4 2 1-i-T? 7 10 a 43 21 7 59 10 59 .\loriiV. 6m 1 17 2 3 5 32 47 1 Si-t*. 5 50 a 33 13 7 :9 9 57 10 56 Rises. 7 7 7 39 8 14 9 1 9 52 10 52 Morn'g. P Im 1 13 2 29 3 46 5 1 S.'t*. 5 51 a 6 23 7 li 8 8 5i 9 51 50 I < . • >BER. DcdUk o I r. 9 35 21 58 2^ 10 50 S 9 26 -V 11 58 iV \U U. T. »iito. Moon. itc; Montreal i7~l Sets. . A. m. ; a 10 10 a 11 4 Murn'g. 2m >y » First Quar. lOh.lOni. a.m. 21 39.1 A. 11 il4 38-14 43 9|ll 15 113 !15 Sun. Alcion. Toronto. Ull-ft! tj(;tjj m. 43 44 43 43 43 43,6 4 J 44 6 43 45 6 43 47 6 43 50 6 43 54 6 7« A. 4l;4 43i4 4414 45^4 47 i4 48|4 4914 50i4 Montreal. Rises. Hets, A. m. h. 3 4414 4o|6 46 4 4-)l6 48 4 40 11 43 5916 51 j4 37 11 44 4 6 53 4 35 44 44 10 6 5414 18 6 55 4 ;ir 44 26 6 5«i 44 35'6 58 44 45'7 44 55:7 1 45 717 45 19:7 45 33 7 45 47 7 46 27 4 r 46 17 7 46 34 7 46 517 47 97 47 28|7 47 48;7 48 817 48 29 7 48 507 32 3] 30 29 28 9' 12;4 13! 4 154 7' 7 7 7 7 7 '!'■ 27|7 26|7 2517 24!7 241 7 237 2:i7 21 ■2\ 20 19 lb 6 49 6 51 6 52 6 54 6 55 6 56 6 57 6 58 1 3 5 6 7 8 II 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 39 3; 36 34 3> 31 29 28 27 26 26 25 24 23 22 2 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 15 14 13 13 Toronto. Montreal t-eiti. m. 56 fl Murn'g 66 m 1 56 2 54 3 54 4 54 5 55 Rists. 6 21 u 7 4 7 54 8 51 9 55 11 3 Morn'g. 14 /» 1 28 2 41 3 54 5 10 Sets. 5 6 » 5 52 6 45 7 41 8 41 9 42 10 43 11 42 Sets. A. rn. 11 52 a .Morn'g. |i 52 7n 1 9 2 53 3 54 4 55 5 58 Rises. 6 15 a 6 58 7 48 8 44 9 50 1.0 59 Morn'g. 1 ! /n- 26 40 55 12 Sets. 5 00 5 46 6 38 7 34 8 35 9 37 10 40 11 40 ^'■;^:/ ft«] OfiCBMBER HA.S 81 DAY8 AND BEGINS ON MONDAY. [1«»1 MOOVS PHAaBS. * d. A. m. O Full Moon ... 7 22 10 t Last Quarter. .15 10 # New Moon.... 31 22 17 ]» First Quailer.. 29 19 58 4 Apogee 1 4 Perigi>e 16 C Apogee 29 9 4 6 Semid iameter al Ortenieiek, Noam. DSiT or dun. Of Moon. 1 10 2) 31 II 16 14.9 16 16.1 16 16.9 16 17.3 // 14 46 6 15 44 1 15 57 5 14 49 7 The Plakbts. 9 Mtfrcury. % Venuf. i Mars. 2(Jupiier. ^ Saturn, i^ Uranus. IsT Dbckmbck. Meridian h m. 13 44 a Gvenin^ 4 25 m 9 SGffi 9 8a 9 11 a Bight Ascen- sion. A. m. 17 25 Star. 9 4 14 36 1 4!) 1 sn Decl. Meridian .'5 19 5 19 27 W 14 II 8 20 2^ \\i\N 15th Decembkr. A. m. CveninK Kvenin; 3 36 in 9 12 m 8 10 u 8 1/ a Right Ascen- sion. A m. Siar. Star. 9 9 i4 47 1 46 1 55 Deel. 19 40^ \^ 1 fir 8 \1N 11 UN Po'e Star on the Meridian 15*/. 7A. 29m. 4S«. P.M., U. T. Thcrinnmetrlc Reaults for the montU of January, at or near Toronto. IP' 1831 in3-2 1833 1331 IB 5 1836 1137 183) Mean at 8 A. M. 12 6 28 7 23. S 23.6 21.4 23 2f5 .7 .3 Montlily Rtinge. 29 38.0 * 41.0 61.0 41.0 42.0 tirenteit dally Range. SS.O 18 « 43.0 37.0 23.0 24.0 • Prom at S A. M. DAYS. 31 17 21 2) 27 25 22 Year. 183!) 1340 IRIl 1341 H43 \H\ 1845 lS4(i Mean at 8 A. M. 27.0 21.5 27.3 34. 30. S 27.5 19.6 Monthly Rango. 4^0 41.0 47.0 39.0 UreniCHt dnily RnuRC. 22.0 26.0 24.0 26.0 Frost at 8 A. M. DATB. 23 25 19 27 Day ha of o Week. >. a .. . Remarkable Days. .Mond. 335 Oat. of Anstcrlltz ISOS. Tues(i.,3 JfiiNipo'fon crowned 1901. Wed. 337|Bat.oriIolienlinden 1805. Thur. 3381 Richelieu iHjrn 1648. Fi ida y 339 Mnrahal Ney shot 1813 Satur. 13 in]V. Knox died 1*21. $tun. '311 R<'belBdRr. at Toronto, 1337. Mond. |342 O FuilM.>on lOh. 10m. a. in Tue8d.'3 I3'C8J Conetption. .(44 WIlua taken by Ruisi-i 1818. 345'Charlca l-2th killed 1713. 3 leBrunel died 1340. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. {347iDr. Johnson died 1784. 14'Slln. '3 is Washington dIeJ 1700. 15 Mond. J319 C LnstQuar. 12h lUm. p. m 16 Tuesd.jS.iOlG. Whitfield born 1714. 17 Wed. j3.) t |Rolivar died 1830. 13 Thur9.|352 Sir H. Davy born 1773. 19 Friday 353 Bat. of Niagara 1913. 20;Satur 2i;Siin. 22, Mond. 23,Tuesd. 24] Wed. 25,Tliurs. 26, Friday 27|Salur. 28 SUN. 29 Mond. SOTuesd. 3llWed. 354 Gray born 1716, 3 j5 (22) enters Caprirornus 356 % Xew moon lOh. 17ui. a. m. 357 Newton bornlG48. 353 Treaty of Gljent 1814. 359 Chrislmat. 36 )|st. Stephen. 36 1 Belgium indep.ack'd 1830. 36 2,Oiitralo burnt 1813. 363,Coleridge born 1772. 364| ^ ^irat Q^iar. 7h. 53in. a. m. 365|wricklifrediedi:^. Sun's rU' "I"®" n„,i!.,'.. snow ng Declin n ,.,_ ui. "f south. |"«Eq;°f ' I*- 48-6 II 57.8 11 6-5 11 14.3 22.7 302 37.2 437 4!)-< 53.5, 0.7||1 ■in. 49 4!) 41 50 50 48 51 13 5.4 9.7 13.4 16.9 19.« 2>.2 ^4.2 23 2 )./ •23 2 '.8 •>3 27 3 23 27.5 23 27.0 26.2 2I.B 23.0 23 20.7 2.) 13.0 23 14.8 23 11.1 ■23 23 •23 11 11 II II 11 II 11 II II II II II II 12 12 12 12 12 13 51 52 52 52 53 53 54 51 Sun. Toronto. LtlSC .<)5 20 55 49 23 6.9 12 56 56 57 57 5H 58 59 5 24 25 26 27 28 38 29 3» 31 32 32 33 33 31 31 33 36 37 37 33 33 33 3) 39 39;4 394 39 4 Montreal. 'tises 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 197 19i7 3U|7 20 7 207 207 217 21 7 22 7 23 7 317 24 7 25 7 25 7 26 7 27 7 Petfi Moon. Toronto. m 26 28 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 35 36 37 38 39 39 4» 41 42 42 43 43|4 44 4 41 45 45 45 4 451 46 4 4(i'4 47 4 in 12 12 12 II 11 II 11 II 11 11 11 11 II 11 II 12 19 12 12 13 13 11 11 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 46.4 20 ii>ci8. Montrca Seta. A. m. 43 m 42 42 42 44 47 Rinses. 5 48 a 6 41 7 47 8 55 10 5 11 17 Morn'g 28 m 1 41 2 52 4 4 5 16 Seti*. 30 a 2; 23 23 8 28 9 30 10 31 11 23 .Morn'g. 28 m /« m. 42 m I a 41 43 44 4/ 52 Rises. 5 41 6 7 8 10 II 37 41 50 14 Morn'g. 27 m 1 42 2 54 4 7 5 21 Sttts 4 24 a 5 19 6 13 7 20 . 8 24 9 26 10 29 11 28 Morn*g. 28 m ■TW*" •»1 IXR. Deel. Fron at 8 A. M. DAYS. 23 25 19 27 Mooirca S«ts. /( m. 42 m 1 41 2 43 3 44 4 4/ 5 52 Rispi. 5 41 a 6 37 7 41 S 50 10 11 14 Morn'g. 27 7tt 1 42 2 54 4 7 5 21 Sets 4 24 a 5 19 6 13 7 20 . 8 24 9 26 10 29 11 28 Morn*g. 28tn 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. ir The Hojral QuBBic, Victoria (Alexandrtna.) b. May 31, 1810. (ucceedeil to the throne June'2tiih, 1807 ; married Feb. 10th, 1840, to FRAKcia Aibkut, Uuke of Sazo, Prince OfCohourgand Gotha, h. Aug.tW, I»:^t0. Isaue I'rinrest Vieloria Jdelaid* Mary Louiia, b. N«v. 3Ui, 1810 ; JlbeH Edttard Print* of Waitt, b. Nov. Olh, 181 1 ; MiMMoMd Marp, h. April 83(h, 1£43 ; jyred F.rnt$t Jl^rt, Duk» of Kent, b. AuguatGlli, 1844; Helena JUgtutm yiUorta, b. Mny 95th, 1846 \ Lotiiea Carolina AlStrtm, b. March 18th. 1848 \ Arthur jrHliam Patrick Albert, b. May I, 1840. HKIBS FRBBOMPTIVB. 1. Erneit Auguatui, Dulce of Cumberland. King of Ilnnover. b. 5th June, 1771. Iwue, 2, Prince George, b. S7th May, 1810. 3. George, Duke of Cambridge, b. 90th March, 1810. 4. Princewa Auguata, b. 19tb July. 1829. S. Princeas Mary. b. Nov. 97, 1833. 6. Prineeaa Mary, Ducheaa Dowager of Glouceater, b. S3th April, 1770. MOTUBH or TBB QCEBN. — VlCTOHIA Maria LODiaA, Ducheaa of Kent, b. Aug. 17(h,1786 •, married May 99th, 1818, to the late Edward Duke of Kent, laaue her pre- aent Majesty. BBR majbstt's ministers. First Lord of the 'J'reaaury— Lord John Ruaaell. Chaneellorof Exchequer— Sir Clinrlcs Wood, Bt. Lord Chancellor— Lord Truro. Lord President of Privy Council— Marquis of Lana- dowiie. Lord Privy Seal— Earl of Minto. Home Seerclarv— Sir George (Jrey, Bt. Family, 4ce. > Foreign Secretary— Viscount Palmerston. Colonial Secretary— EnrI Grey. First Lord of the Adnilriiliy— Sir F. Baring. President of the Board orCmitrol— Sir J. C. Hidibouse. Paymaster-General and Vice-President of Board of Trade— Earl Grenville. Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster— Earl of Carlisle. First <^mmissioner of Land Revenue- E»rl of Carlisle. President of Board of Trade— Henry Laboucbcre. Postmaster-General— Marquis of Cflanricarde. Tile ahne emmpoee the Cahim»t, Commander-in-Cliief— Duke of Wellington. Secretary at War— Hon. Foi Maule. Lord Cbamberlaiii— Marquis uf Breadalbane. Lord Steward- EsrI Fortescue. Master of the Horse— Duke of Norfolk. Master of the Buckhounds- EnrI of Beshorough. Master of the Mint- R. Lnlor Sbeil. Master-General of the Ordnance — Marquis of A nglesea. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland— Karl of Clarendon. Chief Secretary for Ireland— Sir W. Bonierville. Attorney General of England— Sir John Jervis. (Solicitor General of Enghiml- Sir John Romilly. Lord Advocaieof Scotland— A. Rutherford. Solicitor General ofScndand— Sir H. P. Cockburn. Attorney General of Ireland— J. H. Monalian. Solicitor General of Ireland— John Hatchel. COLONIAL secretary's OmCE. Under Secretariea — Benjamin Hawea, U. Merivale. Chief Clerk-Peter Smith. Librarian and Keeper of Records- George Mayer. lilst Of GoToruon of the British North American Provlucea, FKOM THEIR -SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. CANADA!^^^5mMERLYlfii\FFRANCE. Year. IS40 1508 1300 1608 1638 1647 1630 1037 1661 1003 1603 1064 1679 1689 1684 1680 1600 1703 1720 1746 1747 1739 1735 1765 1766 1766 rRBNCB. Jacques Cartier Marquis d« la Roche,. . < SSieur Chauvin, Captain Pontgrave... . . Captain S. du Champlnin. Sicur Montmagny '• Dailebout " De Lauzon Visct d'Argenson Sleur d'Avaugour " de Mezy Marquis de Tracy Sieur de Courcelles 5 Count de Fronienac. . . ( Sieiir de la Salle " de la Barre Marquis Denonville. . . . Count de Frontcnac .... Ctiev. de Callieres Marq. de Vaudreuil . . . . " de Beaiiharnois. . . " de la Jonquiere. . . Count de la Galissoniere... Marquis du Quesne . . . . " de Vaudreuil. . . BRITISH. James Murray P. M. Irvine Guy Carlcton title. Captnin General. Lt. Gen. and Vice- roy of New France. " and Commandant Gov'nor and Lt. Gen. Governor. Gov'nor and Lt. Gen. Lieutenant General. Gov'nor and Lt. Geu, (I 41 Lieutenant General. Gov. and Lieut. Gen. Governor. President. ( Lt. Gov. and Com- I mander-in-Cliief. Year. 1770 1774 1778 1784 1765 1703 1796 1799 1807 1811 1811 1816 1818 1810 189U 1890 1894 1895 1898 1830 1835 1838 1838 1836 1839 1849 1843 1843 1840 BRITISH. TITLE. H. J. Cramahe . Guy Carleton. F. Haldiniand. If. Hamilton.. H. Hope President. f Lt. Gov. and Com- { mander-in-Cbief. Lord Dorchester Governor General. General Prescott Sir R. S. Milnes Lieut. Governor. ^ir J. Craig Governor General. lion. 1'. Dunn President. Sir G. Prevost . Sir J. C, Sherbrooke. I Hike of Richmond. . Hon. James Monk.. . Sir P. Maitland . . . , Earl of Dalhousie. . . Sir F. M. Burton. . . ISarl of Dalhousie. . . Sir James Kempt.. . . Lord Aylmer Barl of Gosford .... Sir J.Colborne Barl of Durham. . . . Sir John Colborne. . . Lord Sydenham . . . . Sir Charles Bngot. . . SirClmrlea Metcalfe., Ijord Cathcart BnrI of Elgin Governor General. President. Governor General. Lieut. Governor. Governor General. Administrator. Gv.Gcn.&Ld.H.Com Admitiistrator. Governor General. Ad. iL Com. in Chief. Governor General. Upper Canada. — ^From the division in 1791 to the Union in 1838. Year: 1709 1706 1700 1805 1806 1811 1819 1813 1P13 1815 NAMES. Col. John Graves Siincoe. Hon. Peter Russell Lieut. Gen. Peter Hunter. Hon. Alexander Grant. . . His Excellency F. Gore.. . Sir Isaac Brock SirR. HaleSheaflTe Rottenburgh Sir Gordon Druminond.. . Sir George Murray TITLE. Lieutenant Governor President. Lieutenant Governor President. Lieutenant Governor President. (4 44 Prov.Lleut.Govemor Year. 1815 1815 1817 1818 1890 1890 1898 1836 1838 MAME8. .^ir F. Philipse Robinson. His Excellency F. Gore.. . (Ion. Samuel Smith. . . . Sir Peregrine Mnitlaud... Hon. Samuel Smith Sir Peregrine Maitland... Sir John Coll)Orne Sir Francia Bond Head.. . Sir George Arthur TITLB. Prov.Lieut.6overnor Lieutenant Governor Administrator. Lieutenant Governor Administrator. Lieutenant Governor B 18 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. " >* GOVERNORS, &c.— NOVA SCOTIA— FORMERLY ACADTA. Y'r. iao3 looe 1013 1632 163.) 103 1606 1670 1073 1661) 1014 1U87 1H90 IMI I7(HI 1703 17IU 1740 r40 173*1 17.W 1754 1<» rRKNOR. M. Oe MoiiM .... Poutrlncourt.. . De It Sniimaye. De Razllly. . . . U. Latour ChariilMy Deiivi Le Isorgne Maraon Grnnd Fontaine. Chnmhly La Vallier Perroi Caatlne Meiineval. . . . Vtlleboii Brouillan Suhercais? Caatine, Jr.. . . DeRiiinezay. . . Pe la Coriie. . . Vassan Mnrtiiiiere .. . . VeriEor Boiahchert TITLI. Lit.Oeiier'l Com'dani. •4 U.Gener'l Com'dant. Y'r. 1710 1714 1710 BKlTiaH. colonel Vetch. r.Niciiolaon. . R. Phllipa i 1733 J. Doucett 17'i5 L. Armairong. . . . t730|J. Adaina 1740 P. Mnacareiie. . . . 1740 Hon. E. Cornwallia 1732 P. Hopaon Lawrence. . . . 17S4,C. i736 • • • '1C« 17601 J. 1764 M 1760 M Moncton..... . . BHcher Wilinot Frnnklin Lord W. Campbell. l77'i|M. Franklin ...i Lord W. Campbell. 1773 F. Legge M. Franklin M. Arbuthnott. . . . R. Hughea Sir A. S. Hammond J. Pnrr 1770 1778 1781 1783 TITLC. Governor. •* " tL GV. of PIncentia. Adniiniair Lt. Gov'r. Admlnlair Lt.Gov. Governor. II Lt. Cover. Governor. Lt. Govcr. II Governor. Lt. Govcr. Governor. Lt. Gover. Governor. Governor. Lt. Cover. II II II. Governor. Y'r. 1783 1791 1702 18U8 ieiio 1811 1811 1814 1816 1810 1818 1810 1820 1824 1823 1838 im 1840 1846 ■RITiaH. Sir A S. Hammond B. Panning R. Biilkley J. Wentworth Sir O. Prevoat. . . . A. Crooke Sir G. Prevoat. . . . Sir J. Slierbrooke. . General Uarroek.. . r)ir J.Sherlirooke.. General Smyth. . . . Barl or Dalhouaie.. .M.Wallace Lord Dalliouaie. . . Sir J. Kempt.. . . . M.Wallace ^ir J. Kempt M.Wallace Sir J. Kempt M. Wallace Sir P. Maitlnnd. . . SirC. Campbell.... I., Charles Shay and Charles W. Macon; Correspondence, &c , J. C. Titrbuti, VV. F. Whitcner, J. Donagh ; Senior Surveyor, Andrew Russell ; Assist, do. and draftsman, Tiioinas Deviiie ; Chief (TIerk. W. Spra|(ge ; Clerks, Thomas Hector, H J. Jones, F. T. Roclie, J. Alley, Fred. A. Hitll. Employed under Act I'i Vic: ch. 31— W. M. Dawson. Gt-orge A.Holmes. Lower Canada Branch — Qfiee in Monlreat, — Ass't Coininissionor of Crown Lands, — — ; Survey- ing:— Joseph Bouchetie, Senior Surveyor ; E. T. FIct- elier, 3iid do. do. and Draftsman ; P. L. Morin, 3rd do. do. do. ; E. A. Labrasse, Copying Clerk. Correspond- ence s— J. Langevin, Chief Clerk; N. F. Laurent, Ass't Corresponding Clerk ; T. Hammond, Copyina Clerk. Accounts :—VV. F. Collins, Accountant; J. C. Gibh. Jesuits' Estates and Queen's Domain :— F. Fortier, Clerk Board for the Examination of Provincial Land Surveyor* (acting under Act I'i Vic. c. 33) —Hon. J. H. Price. Pretldent J Joaspii Bouchetie. John Booth, Alphonso Wells, A. Lokue, Andrew Russell, P. V. Elmore. B. T. Fletcher, Secretary, Montreal ; Thoa. Devine. Acting do., Toronto. The meetings of ttie Board are quarterly, on the first Monday In each of the months of January, April, July and October. Local Aobnts roR Crown Lanm.— 8ault 8le. Marie, .loseph Wilson ; Northern Division of Owen's Sound Seilletnent, Georse Jaekaon ; Southern Division of Owen's Sound Setilemeni, George Buidcr. For County Agents, see Lists, page 33 et seq. Receiver ijenrral's OrpiOB. — Receiver General, Hon. B. P. Tachrf; Coiifldential Clerk, C.E. Anderaon, CterkSv T. Dufort, I. B. Stanton, and E. C. Bourrei. Department op Public Worrs.— Chief Commis- sioner, Hon. W. II. Merrill ; Assistant do., Hon. J. Bourrei; Secretary of Department, T. A. Begly ; Book- keeper, 8. t B„.,,i,.-„iii. Bouchervillei^"'"**"""*- " J. Morris .... Broekville. •• J. Gordon .... Toronto. " H. Pinhey. . . .March. " J. Ferrier . . . .Montreal. " R.Matheson. . .Perth. <* G. 8. Boullon . .Cohourg. " D. B. Viger. . . .Montreal. " B. P. Tachtf. . .Montreal. " James Leslie. . .Montreal. " Fred.A. QuesnelAfonfreo/. " J. Bourret . . . .Montreal. NAMES. RESIDENOES. Hon G. S.DeBeauJeu. Cotean duLae. " J. Ross BelleviUe. " L. M^tliot . . . .Si. Croix. *' J. O. Turgeon..7>rr«6imfi«. " 8. Crane Prescolt. " R. Jones .... ChrittivUh. •• J.Wylie Ramtay. " S.Mills Hamilton. Permanent Otncttna. — J. F. Taylor, Clerk and Master-in-Chan- cery ; Robert LeMoine, AssiHtant Clerk and French Translator ; J. F. Taylor, Jr., ndd'l Assisi't Clerk and Chief Office Clerk ; Rev. W.A. Ad- amson. Chaplain and Librarian ; E. L. Montizatnbert, Law Clerk ; F.8. Jnrvis.Gcntleman Usher of thcBlack Rod;O.Vallerand,SergeBnt-at-Arma liCfflslatlTe Assembly of Canada. Hon. a. N. Morin, Speaker. constitdbn- hbhbbrs. cies. Beauhamois.Jneoh Dewitt. BellechatK .Hon. A. N. Morin. Berthier . . .David M. Armstrong. AonaventHreWiiliutn CuthberL Broekeille, \ (Toum) ' *?TSi*«;} Jo"" Scott. Carleton. .. .Edward Mallocb. > George Sherwood. conbtitcen- members. cies Chambly. . .1,. Lacoste. Champlain. .Louis Guillet ^"(T^n) ] "°"- '• "• Cmeron. Dorchester. .Francois Lemieiix. Drummond .Robert Nugent Watts. Danda* . . .John Pliny Crysler. Durham . . .James Smith. Essex . , . .John Prince. kembrro. CONSTITUEir- niBS. Frontenae . .Henry Smith, Jr. Oaspi . . . .Robert Christie. Olengary . .John 8. Macdonald. Grenville . .Read Burritt Haldimand .David Thompson. Malton . . . .Caleb Hopkins. Hamilton, )8ir Allan Napier Mc (CUy) .5 Nab, Kt. Hastings .. .Billa Flint. 20 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861, CONITITUBN- MBMnRBI. OIBt. Hmntin/fdon.T^nenAe Sauvaaeau. Hurom. , . .Hon. Witlinin Cayley. Kmmo»rtuk»V. Caime dli Marquli. Ktut Hon. MkMii. Cameron. (Cilf) Lanark . L«ed$ . . Leintler > Hon. J. A. Macdonah) . . Robert Bell. . . Win. Duel Richardi. .Nortiert Uumai. LiHcoln . . . Hon. W. H. Merrltt. L'Mct Clmrle* F. Fournler. London . . .John Wilson. Lotbiniere . .Jo»e\^tt Laurln. Meganlie . .Ddnhiii RoMii. Middletex . .Wiltlani Noltnan. Mi$ii$qutti. .Hon. William Radgley. MunimortneyiotepU ('auclion. Montreal, \ Hon. L. H. Lnfontalnc. Benjamin Holmes. Andre Jobin. (City) . Montreal, (County) Niagara, {Town) Nieolet . . Norfolk I Walter H.Dickson. .Thomas Fortler. .Hon. H. J. Boulton. NortkumherVd,\Atim H. Meyers. Ottawa .... John Egan. Onford .... Hon. Francis Hincks. Ptterboro^ ..James Hull. Portnenf. . .Antoliie J. Duchesnay. PreicoU . . .Tlioinns H. Johnson. OONSTITUKN- MBMBBRS. OIKS. Prinee Ed». David B. Stevenson. quthee, 5 F. X. Mclhoi. (CUy) \ Hon. Jean Chaliot. ^cJi«Vy; } *''•'"''■'• °' '^hauveau. Ai'cAeUcM . . .Wolfrcd Nelnon. Rimouiki .. .Joseph Charle* Tache. tUmeille . . .Pierre Davignon. RuMell . . .George Byron Lyon. ,_,_,._, J Hoi>. M. P. I>e Sales Saugenay J ^a 'I'crriere Shefford . . ' Skerbrooke (Tuwn) J, S. Sanborn .Lewis T- l>runimond. ' B. O. A. Gugy. Sherbrook* ] (County) J Stmeoe . . , Stanetead . Stormont . Hon. W. B. Robinson. .John McC'onnell. .Alexander McLean. St.Hyaeintht Thoma« Uoutillier. St. Maurice .Hon. L. J. Fnpineau. Terrebonne .Hon. L M. Viger. Three Rivere A. Polelte. Toronto, ) Hon. Henry Sherwood. (City) . 3 Wm. Henry Bouhon. ^ainiT!". } W"' "«"'y ^^o"- yaudreuil..Jean B. Mongpnais. Verehere* ..George Cartier. Waterloo . . . Adam J. Fergtisson. Wetland .. .DuncanMcFarland. Wentworlh .(larinanns Smith. Yamaeka .. .M. T. dit. Leveille. CONSTITOBIf MBMBBBS. OIBB. Vnmh ) (N.Rid'g) ^°"- '°''' Baldwin. (s'.'kiJ'g) : "on- Jo""" «• ''»ce. Do. ( lV.Rib C. MorrisoD. PERMANENT OmCEHS. W. B. Lindsay, Clerk iO. B. Fair- banlt. Asa't do. ; G. W. Wieksieed, Law Clerk and English Translator ; W. B. Lindsay, Ass't do. -, W. P. Patrick, ChiefUfflce CIcrkt Thomas Vaux, 'Jnd do., and Accountant i Win. Ross, Oiief Clerk of Commit- tees \ Alfred Patrick, Alfred Todd, Thaddeua Patrick, and J. PI«pro- hon. Clerks of do. ; Henry Voyer, French Translator ; G. Levcequc, D. r. Myrand, J. Huston, Ass'is do.; P. E. Gagnon, Clerk of French Joutnnhs G. M. Mulr, Clerk of English do. ; H. Ilartnuy and H. B. Stuart, Engrossing Clerks; King Barton, Clerk of Peiilions ; W. II. LeiROlne, W. Spink, L. F. Bcrthelot, and E. Denfchand, Junior Clerks ; Wm. Winder, Librarian : Alpheus Todd, Ass't do. \ Geo. K. Chishohn, Sergeant-at-Arms ; Felix Fortler, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery. JUDICIARY. I. Upper Oaitada* Law Soctety or Upper Canada, Osooodb Rai.l, Toronto. Benchers— Bariholomew Crannell Beards- ley, Samuel Sherwood, Henry John Boullon, Thomas Ward, George Ridout, John Rolph, George S. Boulton, James Edward Small, Marshall S. Bidwell, William Elliott, Robert Baldwin, Robert Syinpson Jameson, David Jones, George Rolph, Robert Berrle, George ."J. Jarvis, Donald Bethune, Sir Allan Napier McNab, Rot)ert E. Burns, H.Sherwood, Thomna Kirkpatrick, Clarke Gamble, Marcus F. Whitehead, Thomas M. Radenhurst, George Mallorh, George Boowcll, Edward C. Campbell, Miles O'Reilly, Wm. Notman, W. Hume Ulake, John H. Cameron, James C. P. Eaten, George Sherwood, Edmund Murney, James Smith, John Wil- son, John Alexander Macdonald. John Wellington Gwynne. William Bucll Richards, John Ross, Samuel Beally Harrison, Hon. J. E. Small, J. 8. Macdonald. John O. Spragge, Treasurer. OoRT or Appeal, U. C— The Judges of the Courte of Queen's Bench, Chancery and Common Pleas. Clerk— John Shuler Smith. CooRT or Chancery, U. C— Chancellor— the Hon. Wm. Hume Blake; Vice-Chancellors— the Hons. Robt. S. Jameson, and James C. P. Esten ; Master— John G. Spragge; Registrar— John Shuter Smith; Reporter, Alexander Grant. The sittings are four in the year, each lasting for two weeks, and commencing respec- tively on the second Mondays in January and April, and the first Mondays in July and December. Long Vacation from the 13tli of August to 1st October. Court days, Tuesdays and Fridays. CoDRT or Qdbbn's Be.nch, U. C— Chief Justice— Hon. John Beverley Robinson ; Puisne Judges— Hon. William Henry Draper, and the Hon. RobertE. Burns. The CircuiU are held twice a year in each county, between Hilary and Easier terms, and between Trinity and Michaelmas terms, except in the County of York where there are three In each year, commencing on the flrsi Monday in January, May, and November, reiipeetively. CoDRT or Common Pleas, U. C. — Chief Justice. — Hon. James Buchanan Macaulay. Puisne Judges— Hon. Arch. McLean. Hon. R. B. Sullivan. Clerk of the Crown and Pleas— Andrew Norton Biielt. Clerk of Assize— Chas. Horn. Reporter— Ed. C. Jones. Clbkk or the Crown and Pleas. — Chas. C. Small. Clebks or Assize.— W. A. Campbell, Thos. McLean, W. J. Draper, and Heyden, and J. Uutton. Re- porter — John Lukin Robinson. Law Terms. — Hilary, Feb. 3; Easter, June 2; Trinity, August 33 . Michaelmas, Nov. 17. The Long Vacation commences 1st July, and ends '2Ut August. Court or Probate, U. C— Official Principal— S. Brough, Toronto ; Registrar— C. FitzGibbon, Toronto. Division Courts, U. C— For the summary disposal of cases by the County Judges. In certain cases Juries are granted. Courts are held once in two months in each division, or ofcener, at the discretion of tlie Judge. Ttie Divieions are established by the court of Quarter SeMs>ions. (For Divisions established, see Municipal Manual for U. C.> The jurisdiciion of the court ex- tends to cases of debt or account, or breach of contract or covenant, or money demand, whether payable in money or otherwise, where the amount or balance claimed does not e.Yceed jC23, and all torts to personal chattels to ihe amount of XIO. (A plaintiff may not divide his claim, so as to bring it by moie than one suit within the Jurisdiction of the court, but he nmy abandon the excess, provided the amount in dispute does not exceed £30, and thus sue for the restricted amount of £25.) Suits to be tried in the Division where the defendant resides, or the debt. Ice, was con- tracted. Servants underage may sue for wages in this court. Judgments recoverable against goods and chat- tels in certain cases. Where Judgments exceed jClO, it will HiTect lands. Attachments may issue against the goods and chattels of absconding or concealed debtors, going from one county to another in Upixr Canada, or to Lower Canada, or leaving the Province. The Act lakes effect from the 1st of January, 1P5I. County Coorts, U. C— Presided over by a resident Judge in each counly. The Jurisdiction of the court extends to all causes relating to debt, covenant or con- tract, to the amount of jC50 ; and in causes of debt or contract, where the amount is ascertained by the signa- ture of the defendant, to JCIOO ; and also in all matters of tort relating to personal chattels, where the damages shall not exceed Jt30, and where title to land shall not be brought in question. The plaintiff at his option may bring these suits in the courts of Queen's Bench or Common Pleas, but County Court costs will only be allowed. For County Judges and other officers, see County Lists, page 33 et seq. Insolvent Debtors' Coort, U. C— The County 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 21 JuUlie ill each Coiiiiiy prcnidc* In tliU court for tliu rellfl' of IiiMOlvviit Ui:l)lori. UuARTKR tiKNHioKi, U C— Clinirinan— the County Judge In each Comity, who with one or more Ju«tici-i ortlie Hracc, liolilii a Court orUuarter e4eit«ion in liiit coiiiiiy four timceiil, held yearly at each (ilacc orsittlnerior Court ; and also, out of term, in Kamourasku and Ottawa. The Siiiierior Court, in term, at Gaspd, criminal Jurisdiction. The terms of this Court are at Montreal and Quebec, from 1st to 20th April ; Ist to 2Uih September, and tst to 20th Dec t Three Rivers, from l-2ih to 25th February ; Isi to 14th June, and lat to 14th November : Sherhrooke, from 2Uth to 3Ut January ; 16th to 27lh July : Perce, from Stst loSOth AiiKuat: New Carlisle, from 4th to 13th Septemlier. The aittingx at Perce and New Carlisle form only one term. (See Act, ISth Vic. cap. .3S.) Chief Justice -Hon. Edwtird Bowen : Judges — Hon. Edward B.irqiiet, Hon. John F. Dtival, Hon. William C. Meredith, residing at Quebec ; Hon Charles D. Day, Hon. James Smith, Hon. George Van Fcloor, Hon. C. Mondelet, at Montreal ; Hon. Dominique Mondelet, Three Rivers ; Hon. Robert H. Gairdncr, St. Francis. Circuit Courts, L. C. — These Courts have original civil jurisdiction, lotheexlentof £50,currcncy. When the sum in dispute does not exceed jC 13, and title to property is not involved, the proceeilinga are summary If the amount docs not exceed £6 5s., the suit is to be determined accor^iins to equity and good conscience. In cases exceeding X 15, an appeal ia allowed to the I Superior Courioflhe Diatrict. The Circuit Juilg** ate Chairmcu of ilie Quarter Seaaion*. (Hue Act, IMiVie. cat). 38.) TIm Circuit* are lieiil as follow*, vli. i UiaraicT or Qurrkr— at Quebec, on ihn lul ali Juridical ilayaofeach month, except Auguaii Rlmouaki, in the pariah of St. Germain, from 19th lo 'iHtli of each of January, May, and Ui-ptemlier \ Kainouraaka, In ilie Pariah of St. l,ouia, from Ist to luih of each of Feb., June, and October ) St. Tiiumaa, from I3ili to 22iid uf each of February, June, and October ; Boauce, in the pariah of St. Marie, from tlie lat lo the lUUi of each of March, July, and November ( Leeds from lOth to S3th of February, Ittth to2^tli June, and SOth loWtli Oct. \ liOtbiniere, from 13ih to !l2iid ot each of March, July, and Nuvoinlier ; Portiicuf, in the pariah of Cap Same, from 7tli lo lOili of each of January, May, and Sept. ; Sauuenny, in tliejmriah of Lea Ebouleiiienta, f-oni lai to lUth ot each of March, July, and Oclol>9r ( Chicou- timt, at the Village, on the liiat six Juridical daya of January,Fehiuary.May,June, Septemlier 4i November. DiarRicT or Mo.NTRKAii— In Montreal on the laalaix Juridical daya of each monili, except Auguat ; Berthicr, Iroiii 2lat to SUili of each of January, Alay, and Sept. ; St. Pierre dc L'Asaumptlon, from lat lo lUth of each of March, July, and Noveinlicr ; St. Irfjuiade Terrebonne, from Pith to 2lai of each of March, July, and Novem- ber s St. Beiioii, Two Mountains, from 7ih to the lUili of each of January, May, and Sepicmbcr ; Ayliiier, Ottawa, from ilUth to 2Uih oi each of January, May, and Septemlier ; St. Micliid de Vaudreuil, from lat lo lUih of each of March, July, and Novemlier ; Stc. Mar- line, Beauhatiioia, from Pith to21iitof each of March, July, and Novemlier; St. John the Evaiigeliat, from to lUth lOih of each of February, June, and October ; NiUonville, in the Townvhlpof Durham, MiwlMjuoi, from 21at lo 30th of each of Feliru.iry, June, and Oct. ; St. Ilyaciiithe, from lUth to 19th of each of February, June, and October ; St. Our*, Richelieu, from 31al to 3Uth of each of February, June, and October. District or TiiRKG Rivers- At Three Rivera, on the Inst fix Juridical days of each of .March, May, June, Septctnlier, November, and December. District or St. Francis— At Slierbrooke, on the last six Juridical days of each of February, March, June. September, and October ; and on the first six Juridical daya of December ; Richmond, in the lown- ahlp of Sbipton, from lUth to lOih of each of March an^ Sciitembcr ; Stanstead Plain, from 13th to 24tli of each of May, and November. District or Gaspk— At Perce, from lat to 10th of each of Match and November : at the Basin ofGaap^, from 13th to 21ih of each of March and Novemlier : at Grande Riviere, from 1st to lUth of each of April and Dccemlier; at Amiierst Harbour, Magdalen lalaiida, from lat to loth of July ; at New Cailiale, Bonaveiiture, from 15th to 21th of each of May and December ; nt Carlton, Bonavcnture. from 15ih to 2ttli of each of January and July ; and at the MiMiuii at Rcstigouche, Bonaventiire, from 27th January to 5th February, and from 2?th July to 3th .august. The « Circuit Judgea in Oasptf, are Judges of the Superior Court ; they also exercise there criminal Jurisdiction, in term. Judges, Wm. Power, J. A. Taschercan, at Quebec; Hy|iolilc Guy, Jean C. Bruneau, John 8. McCord, Montreal ; Hon. J. 6. Thompson, and J. F. DeBloia, Esq., Gnsptf. JuniciAt. OrriceRs— At Montrkai.— Prothonotariea and Clerks of Circuit Courts— S. W. Monk, W. C. H. Coffin, and L. J. A. Piipinenu ; Clerk of Crown— A. M. Desllsle ; Slieriffs— John Boston and W. F. Coffin ; Coroners— Joseph Jones, and Charlea Coursol ; High Constable— Benjamin Driiale. At QutsBEC— Prothonotaries and Clerks of Circuit Courta-B. Burroughs, and L. Fiset t Clerk of Crown- James Green ; Sheriff-Win. S. Sewelt ; Coroner- B. A. Panel and J. A. Panel. At Tiirge Rivers— Prothonotary ond Clerk of Crown— E. Barnard; Sheriff— J. Ogden ; Coroner— V. Guillet ; High Constable— Philip Burns. At St. Francis— Protlionotary and Clerk of the Crown— W. Bell ; Sheriff- F. G. Bowen ; Coroner— C. A. G. de Tonnancour. At Gaspe— Proihonotary and Clerk of Crown— J. Wilkie, and O. F. Tremblay ; Sheriff— Martin Shep- pard ; Coroners— W. Tilly fbr Gasptf, and R. W. Fitton for Bonaventurc. 29 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. Vioi court.— Judga— Hon. II. Blnek, QuebM I Regtouar, Cbarlet Drolei \ Maralial— John U. Parkin. Olbku Of Pbacb.— Quebec, F. X. Perraull, and P. DoiMM I Montreal, Alexander M. Dellale, and W H. Brehani i Three Rivera, H. B. Hugliea \ 8l. Pranela, William Rell i Onaiitf, John Wllkle. ami A. Behee t nonnveniiire, O. F. I'reniblay. Court ofQuarier 8ee- alwia held qunrierW In tlteieveral DUirirta. CoMMiaaidNKRa' L'ouaTt held monthly In the Country Parlahe*,ft>r determining ea»e« In a lummnry way, not axeneillni X6 Oa. eurteney eaeh In amount. C LERG Y. VaitedClinrctaof England and Ireland. DIOCESB OF QUEBEC. DUTRicT np Quaaao. Lord Bi$hop qf Qafftce^K laht Rev. G.J. MotyiiaIn, D.D. BUkop'iOjU- tini itnd BxmmimiMg Cktplniit— Rev. Ueo Muck |p. D.D. Private 5m; — Rev. A.W. Monntnin, A.B. Q««6e<>— Biihop of QiieNee, Rec- tor t O. I'owell, A.M. Chnplnin to the Forcee j K. W. 8«well, H »ly Trinity ) O. Mnckle, D.D. Cathe- dral Diatrlct I R. O. Fleet, St. Pe- ter'at Gilliert Percy, B. A. 8i. Paul*! i A. W. Moiiiitnin, Curate; C. H. Sie.«art, B. A. Aaaintant Miniiter Trinity Chapel ( Point Lievy, J. Torrance. y»learli*r, Laht Beimpori, Slw kam—K C. Parkin. St. Sylv*Utrtr St. Ot7«*- W.King. Utdt—Vf. Lloyd. Upptr Irtlamd, Invtrnen, und pmrt of Halifax— a. H. SinipiKin Riviire du LNi]r/«(oa— Win. McMaster. OrenvUle aa lAsOMaw*— C. Forrest. Hull, Aylmerand Eardleff—J, Juliii- sion. C/ar«atfoa— F. S. Neve. yaudrenil — J. Pyk<*. Coteau da Lae—J. H.Mountain,B.A. HMntingdon—W. Morris. Ormetinon and Ckateau/fuaif — W. Bretliour, A.B. Laprairie, Lajtifueuil, tfC. — R. laul, LL.D., President of Toronto Uni- versity ; J. Renven, D.D. Profes- aur of Moral Philosophy and Ethics,Toronto University; Geo. Maynard, M.A., Mathematical Master, Upper Canada College t V.P.MnyerhoflTer, M.A., Suneran. floMw**— II. C. CbO|ier, U. A., Rector. Tironto TSmnekip—J, Magrath, M. A., Rector. • York Millt—A\ex. Sanson, Rector. Stre$t*eille—Roh. J. Marseoriie. TAornAi//— D.E.IIInke, A.B. Rector. Markkam—a. S. J. Hill. ReiMor. Newmarket— 8. F. Ramsey, M.A. Oiorgina—i. Gibson. Broeh—R, G:irretl. Wkiiby-JoUn Pentland, B.A. Searboro'—Wm. Siewnri Darling. /i//«— Alexander Pyne, A.B. /VMsa^faiesya— George Graham. Iforval — D. Fraser ; Travelling Missionary— R. N. Merritt, B.A. Missionaries to the Six Nations In- dians on the Grand River— Abrn- hnin Nelies, Adam Elliott, and John Kennedy. WRLMNOTON DISTRICT. Oae/pA— A. Palmer, A.B., Rector; R. M. Stewart, M. A., Assistant Minister. Elora—S. W. Marsh, B.A. Oven Sound— \. R. H. MulhollaiHl. MAOARA DISTRICT. iVin^ar«—T. Green, Rector, Offlci- ntina Chnplnin to the Forces. Onmsfty— F.J.Lniiriy.D.C.L.Rcctor. Ckippewa, Slamfard, Queenilonand Drummondnitlt — W. I^eininn, Rector ; O. L. Indies, B.A. Assist. Tkorold—T. B. Fuller, Rector. FoH £rM— Elliott , Grasett, M.A., Rector. St. Calkarinei — A. P. Atkinson, Rector ; R. Sbnnklin, Assistant. Louth. Alexaii(lerDixon,R.A.,Rcrt. Port Maittand and Bunville—Adam Townley. Seltlemenle on Grand River — B. Cudniore Hill. M.A. Travel ling Mi>'sionBr> -W. C.Clarke TAI.BOT niSTniCT. Simeoe — Fnincis Evans, Rector; George Salmon, Siipcrnnnnntcd. Travelling Missionary— E. R. Slim- son. 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 23 UINDOH DlfTmcT. L9iid»n—H. Otonyn, M.A., Rector, (MAetntlitf Chaplnln ioiIm f'orret. L»mdii Tvmukip—C. C. Brough. A.B., Reclor. St. Thmmm—M. Burnhain, B.A., Rector. Jditmidt—A. Mortimer. Reclor. CarfM^M— R. PlcHMi. M.A., Rector ami Miaeioiiary to llie Muneey Town Indiana. Part Bmr»*U—T. Bolton Reiil. TureonntU, 4re., Henry Holland. MulmkUU—C. Bruwii. Port Stmithf—a. ('. Street. aaOTK DI'TRIOT. iroodtlor.k—Wm. Kctirlilgc, B. D., Rector. Jiurford—A. 81. a. Cniiirelld. A.B. 0//»rerti, Minifier of St. Jnines'" Church, and Chnplniii to the Pro- vincial PenitciHJnrv ; T. H. M. Rnrtlelt, M.A., Oflflr-iatina lain to the Forced ; W. Greia. Mi- nister of St. PauIN Church ; lienry Brent. Mini»ier of St. Mark's Church, Barrieflcld. Wolfe r.'land-J. Aiiliselt Allen. Hal'h—W. P. S. Harper, Rector. ^/i«/;>Ai(a/oiett — Vncn nt. M'iAah) j: — S.nltern Givin.o Rector; GiiHt.TViiJ Anderson, acting. ffapanee — W. B. L'ludor. Amhertt /«/iaih>i«(— Ktiene/er Morria. Ill i.nniiaia oisiNh r. BylowM— S. H. Hlronn, Rector. ff»v*i»on(i_Joliii ri0"d. Rector. Mil '■'•*— Matthew Kef. RAtTKRN DiaTRICT. Coramo/Z-lleiiry Pnttoii, Rec »er. triUiameburgk-V,. J. Uoawcll, Rec- tor f)f««ftr«rJlt— Roin.ilne Rol|ih. II. U. Flee*. Travellinit Missionary. OTTAWA DISTRirT. fCul Uatckeeburif-Rvv. i. Traver^ Lewis, A. II. NANI'IOUMN ISLAND. F. A. O'Meara, LI..D. PrOBbjrtorlaii tJharcli of C'aiiada, IN CONNECTION WITH THE OHORCH aCOTLAND. Synod meets at Montreal, on the flrat WcdiieMday in July. 1^.11. Rev. John Malcolm Hmlth, A.M., Moderator of Stinod. Rev. Andrew Bell, Dundas, Swnod Clerk. John Cninrron, Esquire, Toronto, Synod 'Preaiurer. PRF.SaVTKRV OP nLENOARY. Meets on the third WediieHday of Jtinuary, May and Sepleniher. ffiltiamstoten — John McKenzie, A.M. CfTHien//— Hush Urqnhnrt, A.M. AfaWtal own— John McLnurin. P*aa.Vtir4— Unnc Purkls. mtlittmeburgk —John Hickey. Laneanter — Thomas McPherson, A.M., Clerk. Dalkoueie Millt and Coti St. George — iGiiens McLean. facant Charifee — Loehiel, L'Orig- nnl, Fiiicli, du Lnc. Donald Munro, Mitisioiiary. PRFISBYTKRV Of HAMILTON. Meets at Hamilton, on the second Wednesday in Jaiiuary, April, July nnd October. iVe^soa— Willinin KiuR. Mount Pleasant — John RryninfZ. Clinton ifOrimshy—fi. Mc't'latchey. OrtrfcriVA— Alexn'nde' M.icKid. Dundat and Jaca»^«r— Andrew Bell, Clerk. r«r^B«— Hush Mair, D.D. OHelph—V.oWn Gregor. Stralfurdaiid y.Eaalkope—VfWWam Bell, A.M. Simeoe and ntloria—Georce Bell, A.B. Niagara— J. B. Mnwat, A M. //ami'Aon— Daniel Mac nee. Vacant Charges — Woodi'tock and Norwich, IjOndon nnd Wcftmin- ater, Woolwich, Sariiia, Ainherst- hursh, Aldlioroniih, Varmoiith, Dover, Fredrickdhurgh.Wiiliains, Gilt. PRRSBYTERV OF BATHrRST. Meets at Perth on tlie second Wed- iiesilny in January, May and ilicpiemher. J7ecilcK!i°tA~John Smith. Perik, 1st Ckurck, William Bell, A.M. South OawMt— Joaeph Aniteraon. iP«*««A«ai— Alciander Mann, A.M. MrAaiimrf-DavId Rvana. Lmnmrk" I lionias Fraicr. Porlk, SI. <(). Ayfowa— Alexander Hiience. ^aeier»fty— Willinin Bnrr. Srott and Uxbridge—Vfm. Brown. M"rkkam—Jn\uF9 Stewart. yaeant CAorir"— Vaughan. Dar- lington, Newmarket, Whilhy, Brock nnd Reach, Cnledon, Tlio- riih, Noitavvasagn and Suiiiiidale, Mara. PRRSRVTERT Of MONTRBAt.. Meets at MontrenI on the drat Wed- nesday of February, May, Aiiguat and November. Montreal— it. Andrew' »— A. Mathle- son, D.D.; Frenek Congregation — K. I, pellctrie; 67. fa«r«— Robert McGill. />«»(/«<— Duncan Moody. Chatkam—Wm. Mair. Ormsroiea— James .Anderson. Georgetown — J. C. Muir. St. Andrew's QucA«e— John Cook, D.D racAinf— Willinin Simpson. f«/far/i>r— Dnvid Shan!:s. //«fflmt»x'/ord— .lolin Miirlin. Tliree Rivers— Jnine* Thotn. Huntingdon— A\e-i.ani\eT Wallace. New Cnrliale— John Davidson. Melbimrne—\toWt\ MfFnrlntie. St. Louie— JnmeH T. Paul. Vorant CAarv««— Reaiiharnois. La- pr.Tirie. Beech Ridac, St. Eu«- lache. New Richmond. Misslonnry—Rev. Hamilton Gibson. Presbyterian CbnrcU of Cuiiada. The Synod meets at Kingston on the Oih June, lt^.jl. Rev. William Reid, A.M., Pictoa Moderator; Rev. Wm. Riiitoul> A.M., Montreal, Clerk to Synod., 24 SCOBIE»S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. PRBSBVTBRV Of TORONTO. TVrtmto— Kiiox'a Churcli, Robert Burns, D.P. Sireet§t>ilU—Ro\ien Ure. OakviUe and Trafalgar — James Nialiet. Rarrie and fnnif^l-ThoinnBLowric. Caledon and £r*«— Duncan McMil- Inii. Mar!iham—Jnn\e% Boyd. York Mill* and Scarborough —T . Wi^htmnn. Chingaar.outy — A.T. Holmes. Vacant Charge*— TSnxvuX & Union, St. Vincent, VauiJhnn and King. West Gwilllmlmry, Orillia, Tlio- rah nnd Eldon, Oro, Medonte, Nolawasagn, Mono and Essn, Acton and Nnsngawayn, Hninber and Wedton, Brocic and Reach, Whitby. Ministers without Pastoral Chirge —James Harris, Miclmel Willi>>, D.U., Henry Esson, A.M., Alex- ander Gale. PRESBYTERY OF MONTREAL AND qUKBEC. Indian Lands~n!ime\ Clark. Sle. TheregS— David Black. La CAu/e— Thomas Henry. SI. Gabriel Street, Montreal — Wni. Rliitonl, A.M., Presbytery Clerk. Melbourne— Jumps Uordnn. Cornwall— J. C Qilin. Vacant Charges— Si. John' a dneliec, Portiteuf, St. Enstache, Beach- ridge, Vanleek Hill, Cole Pfrcet Moiitrenl, Mariintown, Eimlish River, N. Georgetown, Lochiel, Henry ville,&c. PRESBYTKRY OF t.ONDON. Port Sarnia—Wm. Macniisier. Z«rrrt— Donald McKenzie. North East //«;>«— Daniel Allan. TMcfters»i«//t~Williiiin Graham. Kckfrid if Mosa—W. R. Sutherland. Chatham — Angus MrColl. tngersoll — Robert Wallace. lytlliams—h. Mc Pherson . St. Thomas— John Fraser. Sirtiford— Thomas Macpherson. London — John Scott. fyoodttoek—Wmam S. Ball. Vacant Charges — Amherslhurgh, Aldboro', Fingal, St. Andrew's, Howard. PRK8BYTERY OF HAMILTON. Orftifs^y— Daniel Eastman. Hamilton — Snllflcet if Binbrook— Geo. Clieyne. Ayr— Robert Lindsay. Diiudns and Aneaster — M. Y. Stark, Presbytery Clerk. Gnlt — John Bayiie. fie r^'t/s— George Smcllie. Puslinck — William Melilriim. fVellififfton Square — Alex. McLean. Guelp/i— John G. McCJregor. Si/deiiham — John IWoKiiinon. Vacant Charges — Niagara, Hamil- ton, Wooiwic'i. Dnimville and Wcllamlport, Flninl'oro* West,|)ole,Tliorol(l, Caledonia, Jar- vii. PHRSnVTERY OF COBnORO. Cavan [. Son/A |— James Douglass. Petcrboro' and Cacau—J. M. Roger, Presbytery ('lerU. Cobuiirg — Donald iVtcLeod. Grafton and Colbome — John W. Smith. Vuranl Charees—0(on!\]ice, Dnr- lington, Baliimorc & Coldspriiigs. PRICSDYTKRY OF KINfJRTON. Demoresfoille—Jmnei' RoL'crs. Qananoque— Henry Gordon. JTin^ston— Cbalrner's Church, Rob. F. Burns ; Bagot Street, Robert Reid. JSc;/eoi7/e— William Gregg, P. C. Picum/We»— Alexander Ritchie. St. George, jl/irfrf/e/on— James Roy, Clerk. Beverly — John Porfeous. Eramosa—\Vm, Barric. fi«fi//)A— Robert Torrance. Branlfard — Alexander Driimmond. St. Ciilhtrints — Alexander Hender- son Cliippaca—Wm. Christie. /?/a7irf/or(i— Robert Roiljiers. ^^flcaMci'es— Hamiltrin, Mount Plea- »lcsworth. 7jr4>An—A. Wright. Oiford—V. M. Jeflrries. Crosby— i. Sinipsori. Oolboum and Drummond — N. C. Govan, W. Peck. KASTERN DISTRICT. Slanstead and Bnrnston — L. P. AilaniH, Chnlrman. Slukely—P. Hunt. Bolton— H. Bursal). Polton—S. Blake. Dunham— 'V. Ogilen. Henrysburgh—i. Histon. PaetUodurKpiMC^Tc^ 111 Canada. John Reynolils, IMillandcr Smith, General Superintendents. BAY aiJINTE CONFERENCE. J. F. Wilson, Presiding Elder. //o//«— Alexander Wright. Coboiirg—S. W. La Dii. Brighton — L. S. Church. Percy— Win. Graham. Sidney-iohn .Sills. Rawdon— Ezra Union. Belleville— O.J. Belts. Tyendinaya—V . H. Howard. f/untiugdon—ioUn Tuke. Consecoa—Cicoi gc Jones. HiUloieeU—Uenry Lane. Milford—W. E. Norman. Siiiicrannuateri — Joseph Gatchell, H. H. Joh ison, J. N. D.West. WATKRLOO DISTRICT. James Gardiner, Presiding Elder. Bay QKiR/e— David Wilson. Camittit— John G. Bull. Jf'a/er/oo — .Shelden Young, D. F. Hutchinson. Leeds— i. A, Rogers. Bii|)eraniiuatcd — David Perry. Without charge— Robert Perry. Supernumerary — John Hill. AUOUSTA niSTRICT. W. Bird. Presiding KIder. Elitabelhtoaa — B. \V. Blanchard, Benson Smith. Broc4ot"M«— Joshua H. Johnson. 'Augusta and Spencerville—y\'\chae\ Daw, II. H. Dockhain. Matilda and fVinehesler-W.BtOwn. Stormont—3o\tn W. Sills. Ottoiea — Jolm Mc Mullen. Butoan — Robert East. Honnachenr— Hiram Williams. Rideau—L. Hurlliert. Crosby— C. Mansun Supernumerary— James McNally. Ne.\t conference to b»' held in Lolioroiigh, Waterloo Circuit, in Septenilier. NIAGARA CONFERENCE. TORONTO DISTRICT. Samuel Morrison, Presiding Eider. Darlington'— John Foster. H^hitby —John Hay ward. iVr.iDmnrket — W. f). Hiiglison. Markham — A. Jonr-a, D. M. Shaw. roHife Street— W. D. Brown. Toronto— J. W. Byam, E. Draper. Nelson- \. R. Roy. G. Abbs. Qarafaza—B. Lnwrence. Amaranth and St. Vincent — W. Woodward— G. Grosfleld. Oaiwood- William Sutton. Without Charges— Geo. Lawrence, A. Hall. James Richardson. Superannu.ited— David Cul|)h, Dan. Pickett. Supernumerary — C. F. Fraser. NI \OAR» DISTRICT. Samuel Dtintieti, Presiding Elder. //ami7/«n— Thomas Webster, Gide- on Slieparl. John Bailey. Barlon-]^. Bristol, G. Bennet. CVi/j6o»v;'— R. B. Cook. Niagara— tf. A. Fraser, J. N. Elliott. Norteich-'n, Brown. Oaldaid-J Tuttbrd. Gainsbnrough-W . F. Lowe. Otford — G. Loiinshury. Blenheim— "V. Rolison. Dumfries— h. P. Smith, J. Wood. Rainham — J. Gibson. Long Point— E. I.. Koyle. Supernumerary— Ca lei) Svvea/.y. Sui-erniitiuatcd— B. Maskle, G. Tur- ner, J. Owen. LONDON DISTRICT. Win. Cape, Presiding Elder. Loudon— L. L. Kerr. J. McJjCan. Malahide -G. P. Harris. Dorchester~S Stewart. Soulhicold—J. W. J icohs. Thames— 'V. Daws. Howard— D. Grifflii, N. Roy Sanble — John Ormerod. Mailland — James Mitclicll. Huron— S. M. Eagtinan. St. Clair— mm H. Gilmore. Superannuated— Charles Petlis, J. H. Haslon. In addition to the above Travel- ling Preachers, there are Monging to the CoiiiieJiion IU5 Local Preach- ers. CoiiirreRrationalDvnoni'n. The Annual Meeting of the Con- gregational Union win take place in Toronto, on the second Wed- nesday in June. Chairman of Union — Rev. L. Krihs, Sioulfeville ; Secretary —Rev. R R. Robinson, Hamilton -, Trea- surer — . Asphodel— "V . Seawright. Brantficd-T. Baker, J. Lightbody. Bolton's Mills-J. Wheeler. SrockS. McKinnon. Brockeille-J. T. Byrne. Culd Springs— W . Hayden. Cobourg—'V. Snell. Darlington— J. t'limie. Drummondoitle — E. Ebbs. Eramosa—J. Williams. Esqiiesing — H. Dcntiy. Qlanflf,nrd—S. FiiiKm. Hnmilton—U.. R. Robinson. Kinoston — K. M. Feiiwiclc. London— VJ. P. Clarke. L'Origual Anderson. Oakland— W. Hay. Oro—.\. Raymoixl. I'aris and Barford-J. Vincent. Pelham—S King. .St. Andrews— 'V. Bayne. Smcoe— William (JIarke. Soiithicold—J. Silcox. ^louffei'ille—li. Kribs. SIralford—J. Hiirant. Port S/«ii/«y— William Alworlh. Port Sarni'i and Moore— J. Armour. Turon/o— John Roaf, A. Geikie and Adam Lillie. Vaughau — T. Hodgkin. Whitby— J. Geikie. Vacant Charges — Georgetown, Guclph, Byiown, Caledoii, Glen- gary, Newmarket, Warwick and Nottawasaga. I.OWRR CANADA. Montreal— VI. Wilkes, A.M., and F. H. Marl i lilt. QueA«c— A. C. Geikie. Sherhrooke Robertson. Oranby iMcGleod. Russelltoicn — H. Lancashire. Melbourne Dutikcrly. Shit>ton Pnrkrr. Abbolsford — R. Mill's. Sliinsfead Hall, — Fish. .St. Attilreirs—'V. Uavncr. Vacant C'A/ir^. D. Neiemarket — J. E. Iloud. Niugara—V. Lnrey. Nissuvri — S. Vininz. iVarifif A— I. Hovvcy b. W.McLellan. Oaklaud—i. Harrig. Ofgoodi—D McPliail. Osiiabmck — J. Smith. Paris— A. ("leghorn. Pelerbnrimgk—i. Gilmour and E. Roheru. Port Hope— J. Baird. Port Rowan— H. Fitch. Port Harnia-G. Watson and J. S. Crelliii. Potton, Soulh—T. Merriinnn. Quebec— I). Mnrch. Qneetislon — D. Curry. Raleigh — W . Gorrie. Raiuham and Towuiend — J. Van Loon, Juiir. RawdoH — W Geary. Reach — J. Holman nml W.Miirlburt. Sandwich — IJ. Jacotps. Simcoe — A. Austin iind T. Gundy. St. Andrews — J. Denipsey. Seotland—W. Lench. St. Ciilharines—J. Anderson and E. Rverson. St. Thomas— n. W. Rowland and M. W. Hopkins. Stdnleij-W. Frn^'er. Stanebridge — F. N. Jersey. Slanslead—J. Mitchell. Thurlow—i. Bridges. Toronto— J. Pyjier and R. Derby. yilloria—A. Duncan and G. J. R vc r0C> fFa/>o/«-T. Stillwcll and A. Un- derhill. iraterfurd—A. Slaehl. fVal»ingkam—li. Fitch. Windham— A. Stewart. fFoodstork—W . H. Landon. f trlct Meeting to he held ntGuidel>onrd, Hope i to commence on the first Wednesday in .M.irch. Paul Ro- bins, Siiperinteiideni. Cobonrg—V Rollins, II. El.bolt. Darlington — J H. Kyiioii, Abraham Morris, John Edwards. P«rrREAi. — Principal, Edmund A. Meredith, L. L. U., T. C. D. ; Vice-Principal, Rev. W. T. Loach, D.C.L. Profkssors— Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, William Andrews ; Classical Literature— Rev. W. T. Leach. Lkcturers — Law, Hon. W. Badgley ; History and Geography, Rev. J. Abbott, A. M. ; French Literature and Language, L. DeMoniier; Professor of Medicine, A. P. Holmes, M. D. L=:cTL-RER3— Siirsery, G. W. Campbell, M. I). ; M.iterlfi iMedicaaml Pharmacy, A. llall.M.D. ; Obste- trics, .M. McCulloch, M. D. ; Clinical Surgery, James Crawford, M.D. ; Clinical Medicine, R. L. MacOonnell, M.D. ; Institutes of Medicine, W. Fraser, M. D. ; Anatomy, O. T. Bruncaii, M. D. ; Chemistry, William Siitlierland, M. D. ; Forensic Medicine, S. C.Sevtell, M.D.; Botany, ; Demonstrator of Anatomy, W. E. Scott, M. D. ; Registrar, Knrsar, and Secretary, Rev. J. Abbott, A. M. The vvliitor course co.innences in November and terminates in May. Victoria Com.kok, Codouro.— Colleoe .Senate. — Hon. tbcPrcsiileiilofihe ExecuiiveCounci'., the Speaker of the Legislative Council, Siieaker of the Legislative Assembly; Aito'ney General West, Solicitor (Jeneial West; Revs. M. Riichoy, D.D. , Egi'rion Ryerson, D.D., Rnocli Wood, Anson Green, Thomas Bevitt, John Ryerson, William Cisc, Richard Jones, C. Van- (tu-nii, 11. Biggar and John Beatty, M.U., John P. Robliu and ('harlos Kiggar. Faculty. — President and Professorof TliSology— Rev. M. Ricliey, D.D. ; Profes- sor of Classical Literature— JohuWilson, A. B.jT.C.D.; M:ithetn.uicel Tutor — O. Campbell, A.B. ; English Classical Tutor ; Instructor in Pentnanship and Geometrical Drawing— R.S. Kelly; Governor and Treasurer — Rev. C. Vauduscn ; Professor of Natural Science— John Beatty, jr., M.D. The Summer Vaca- tion extends to September. An.\ctoftl)C LegisUiure passed last St'ssioii, authorises the removal of the site of Victoria College from Cobourg to Toronto. Kndx's Colleue TonD.Nro. — (The TuEoi.ooxcAt. Sciioor, o» the Presbyterian Church of Canada.) Professors — Divinity, including Biblical Criticism — Rey. M. Willis, D.D. ; Acting Pniiessor of l^hurch History— R(!v. Robert Burns, D.D. ; Intellectual and MonI Phtloaopiiy— Rev. H. Essou, A.M. ; Hebrew Tutor- .M. Ilirsclifelder, University of Toronto. DiiiCKSAN TiiEOLiioicAC. Coi.LEOE, CuBDuiiu. — Prin- cipal— the Venerable the Archdeacon of York. Bisiiof's Ciii.i.KOE, LENNdXvii.t.E. — Principal- Rev. J. H. Nicolls, M.A. Professors. — Chssics-E. Cbaptnan, A.M. ; Hebrew— Rev. J. llcliuuth \ Mathematics- R. Mills, M.A. Cot.t,EaiATE Gramm'.r Sciionr,, LnNNOxvir.t.E. — Head Master— Rev. J. Butler ; Chemistry and Experi- mental Philosophy— S. C. Sewell, M.D. C(>nori.:o4T1onai,TiieO'.ooicai,Institute,Toronto. — Tutor— Rev. Adam Lillie ; Treasurer— Rev. John Roaf; Secretary— Rev. Edward Ebbs. CoMMirrEE — Rev. Joiin Roat", .\. Geikie, Adam Lillie, Edward Eblis, Robc'l Robinson ; Messrs. Freeland, Jolin Wialilinan, t) iri n i I P^irrv. Ciit.i.EQk- OF Rkoiopoms; Kingston. — Very Rev. Angjis McDoiiell,V. G.. President ; Rev. John O'Nell, Director. Rev. Patrick McAvoy, Professor of Logic and Metaphysics ; John Hogan, Michael Kennedy, John O'Connor, Mc\. McDoiit'll, John Burke, Professors. Bytown Cot.i.EOE.— Father Allard, Sunerior; Nap, Mignault, Boyle, Priests; Colliiis, Art. Mignault, Re- gents. Divinity Hall op the United Presbyterian Synod.— The Divinity Hall meets in Toronto, on the 1st Monday in August, and coiitinnes in Session Ten Weeks. Professor- Rev. W. Proudfoot. Department of Common Scbool*. Upper Canada.— Chief Su|ieriniendcnt— the Rev. E. Ryerson, D.D. ; ('hiefClcrk— J. Geo. Hodgins ; Junior <:!lerk— Thomas Hodgins ; Education Olllce,— Albany Chambers, King Street West, Toronto. Office Hours— from 0, a.m., to 4, p.m. Council OF Public Instruction. — The Hon. Samuel Bealv Harrison, Judge Home District Court, Clinirinan; the Rev. Egerton Ryerson, D. D. ; the Rev. Henry J. Grasett, A. M. ; Joseph C. Morrison, M.P. P. ; Hugh Scobie ; James Scott Howard; (; ditto,duringiIie third t^essioii, ending the l.ith April, 1840, 70 males, •32 females— total, 108 ; ditto, during the fourth Session, ending 1.3th October, 1810,90 males, '21 females— total 111; ditto, during the fifth Session, ending the t.Mh April, ia.)0; 02 males, 43 females-total 133. The Ses- sions were formerly half yearly, but now they are yearly, commencing the 1st' of September, and continuing nine months each. Students not admit- ted after the first week of Session. Lower Canada.- Siiperinteedent of Education— J. B. Meillenr, M. D. ; Secretary— L. iJiard ; Clerk— W. S. Williams. Education Office, Government House, Montreal. General Abstr.vct of the Apportionment of the Le- gislative Sch'iOl Grant, for the Years 1819 and '30 : In lHi9. Apportioned to the ' Counties £17233 18 llj Apportioned to the Cities 837 10 2|i Apportioned to the Towns 731 7 4 District Model Schools and Poor Schools. . 43 In 1850. £17394 4 4i 843 3 4g 73S 3 35 Gr and total a pportioned £ 18807 10 £19008 13 lOj Apportionment of the Legislative School Grant, for the Years 1849 and 1830, to Cities and Towns :— CITIES. Toronto Kini!8ton Hamilton TOWNS. London Cjbourg Bytown Niagara St. Catharines. . Brockviilc ncllcville BrantfoJd Diindas Port Hope. . . . Picton Prescott Cornwall 1849. 1850. £423 10 2 £426 10 5 223 10 10 225 1 « 190 2i 101 5 10] 115 12 6 110 8 1 73 4 7 73 14 5 03 5 It 08 13 1 01 2 Oj 01 10 01 1 01 3 57 10 3 iJS 4 54 2 3 54 48 5 1 48 It 7 40 5 40 11 3 40 1 8 40 7 1 38 10 10 38 10 30 3 Oi 30 7 11 30 10 8 31 10 1851. i»i m ~ 'A — « » «)• sat « — aa 3 _ ■at ■siooip •B|00 • « iO 'iO ■8|00li V JO 'am *«! •B mm ISJIJ J e -^ L 1 U |'J3 5 iii < m ►3 *i3 e s s e ^ Xjg S .^^ H •SlO'J BiuauK 2 •0 fiU a eu -^ f a SE 4 ■< A ■ — ^ a. X p H a< no i § 3 t'J -3( ^ • d -Ul M H £ ^q U m i > u •^ % O B S^ H ^ — b N j g UK 04 -Bjado •8U0I1 OQ H O M M E'* SQ >-« Q 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 29 •scuniOA JO jaquinji ••>ll't"J m '■A ^ mniiiOA JO JaqmtiK a 3 ■ilooi|3g Xepiing ■ujajain j tainniOA JO jagiiinn •|00'|3H IIOIIIIIIOJ s :l M '% •CS •«« • — 51 1 in »!!♦-• — «»< •«»» • ••-01 SX -f" . •'5 S CO •1-t -ni-g :-a <-«»-" .woo . .t- ■s :3' ts : :5f"«ss is'-sa ?? : 1 .- ..I fW^ U( i-!r?r f=Tr i "i 8[OOI|3t;) JlL'lUiUit JO 'Ol^ JO 'ioijajm JO j3(|uitiM c; . en-- • • — •■■3 • ^ ^r — . *r .4^ • *i 4^ . « c; -. M e s s e h a ft 00 8[ooi{3g 88U1;) piioaog JO 'Sui|pp!(\| JO j3(| iiinM g"SS«'g!S*S='S"S'S"''3'"S?5="'"'S"*f.S3S :Eg 19JIJ JO poo;) JO j.T|iiinM s'^'S : la^i^s :£-2 :2 :s •?» , ff» ^ fl II ^ I -(UL-OH »iioi|i!.%v U i'J3I|3U»,I,'^I''"''>l1J0 2 |i7 ;!. ';t "(r T» — * t^ '-t i^ 7» cc « CO 2 ifl M c? ■^r -f o t?? 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Abstact of Statistical Tallies of Schools wliirli linve received their share of the Legiolotive grant, fyom the year iSii to the l«t of Jiiiiunry, 18JU, Inclusively. PERIOD OF INSTRUCTION. I o 'It '^ 1812 1B43 1844- Ist part of 1845 184.5—1846 2nil part of I84d— Tahle, Jiihp l«, 1847. •iad part of 184U, from date of this table Ut ix iiionihs of 1847 ■2nd do do l«t six months of 1848 'ind do do Isl six months ol 1849 2ud do do 8()4 1208 1832 1737 183U 1211 um 1727 1741 1U.51 17.50 1713 1417 " as s 1 = 8 511 -^5 bu g 4oa5 3I»»7 01031 snm »l9,-i.'7 4032.5 U(M18A 681.33 672.57 00370 07152 06422 51758 £ s. 0200 7 17131 18 35400 12713 16 20007 12 a 8008 IS 8 lia50 13 12510 2 1 12283 12 10 IIU27 2 4 12030 10 3 11005 17 3 0704 1 H d. 6 8i fig _ .a >- 2 K O I. Q. "I II ih 2 « S O Zi o 8. d. Ornnd Total. 181033 8 m 30511 6 I 820544 S| MEDICAL. MiiDiCAL Board, Canada Wkst. — i3stnlilished by Actof Parliame I, 1810. President— lloii. C. Widiiicr, M. D., F. R. C. S., Eiig. Monibers— W. C. Gvvyiine, M.B. ; Rotiert Horiihy, M.D. ; Walter Telfer.Surgeoiii J. King, U.D. ; W- Bcnuniont. F. R. C. S. Enu'.i G. Ilerriclc, M.D.; Win. B. Nichol-, Secretary— F,. Clarko, M. R. C. S. Eng. The Board meets at Toronto for the examination of Candidates on the tlrst Mondays in January, April, July and October, and continues its sittings dnring the week. CoLLKOE or Physicians and Suroeons of Lower Canada. — President, Joseph Morriii, M.D, ; Fice-Pre- sidetils, Wolfred Nelson. M. U., District of MoiitrCiil ; J. Blanchet, M. D., DIsirict of Ciuebec •, Secretaries, A. II. David, M, D., District of iMontreal ; Dr. Uardy, Diiitrict ol Quebec ; Treasurer and Registrar, F. C. T. Aruoldi, M. D. Tiiese six with tlilrty other members of the profession, constitute a Council or Board of Governors, of whom fifteen are resident in the City and District of Quebec, Hfteen in the City and District of Montreal, three initie Districtof Three Rivers, and three ill the Districtof St. Francis. The Council meet twice a year at Montreal and Quelicc alternately, tm the second Tuesdays of May and October, for the examination of canilidaies for license to practise ; for tiie preliminary examination of all yeuug men entering upon the study of medicine, and for other business. The Council is elected triennially, at a meeting of the Corporation, held at Three Rivers. This is the only licensing board for the Province of Lower Canada. Quebec School of Mkiucinb. — Pres".ent, Dr. Mor- rin. Lecturers— J»fi»to'/«ry, Dr. Painchaud; Practice of Physic, Dr. Sewell ; Practice of Surffery, Dr. Fre- mont -, Medical Jurisprudence, Dr. Bardy ; Materia Medici, Dr. Nnult ; Chemistry, Dr. Jackson ; Analumy and Physiolugy, — ^— Clinical Medicine, Dr. Painchaud •, Clinical Surgery, Dr. Rowand ; Botany, Dr. Bardy. Secretary, P. M. Bardy. A six moiiihs course of lecturers is delivered at this school, com- mencing the first week of November and terininatitig the last week of April. Toronto School of Medicin. . ■ The Toronto School of Me. licine opens the last ^ lay in October, and closes the last Momlay in i^ , ■. The Lectures correspond to the requirements of i q., Chnirniiin, Hon. Mr. t.liiikley, Mr. John Carroll, Mesors. Wakefleld, Barrow, Lewin, Yates, Kneeshnw, M. J. O'liierne, <'lieney, and the Medical Atteiidniiis, ex. nfficio Treasurer, Angus lieihune, F.M]. Secretary, Williuiii Hallowell, M.D. Medical aid afforded to |ioor fein:iles Of every (lersnasion, requiring assistance. Supported by voluntary siibscripiioi.s. Pereons are vac- cinated on Wednesdnya and Fridays, from 12 to 3 o'clock, p. m. Vaccine matiercaii be obtained by per- sons ai a distance, by transmission (freeof (lostage) of one dollar. During tl'c winter months. Lectures deli- vered—on Mondays, U|ion ibe anatomy, physiokgy and pattiology ol the parts concerned in paliiriiioii,nnd ii|Kin Embryology ; by Dr. Hethuiie. On Wcdni'sdays, u|ioiithc merhanisin, stages and ilevelopinent of naiu- rnl labour, and uyow the varieties and phenomena attendant upon didirult and unnatural Inbour ; by Professor Derrick. On Saturdays, upon the diseases Incidental to the puerperal stale, and those iieculiarto Women and Children : by Professor King. N.B. Clini- cal instruction given daily, by the Medical Officers iu attendance. Kingston General Hospital. — Board of Maiiage- nient.— S. F. Kirkpatrick, County Judge ; D. Roblin, Warden ; J. Counter, Mayor ; T. A. Carbett. Shcrilf *, Alexander Campbell, Alderman ; John Jenkins, do. ; A. J Macdonell, do. Medical Attendant and Secretary, Dr. Harvey. BANKS, &c. Bank OP Montreal: Capllnl jC73(),(HX) currency. In- corporated.— Hon. Peter McGill, President; T. B. Anderson, Vice-President 5 and eleven Directors— i .Alexander Simpson < 'ashler, Quebec, William Gjnn, Manager, Toronto, James F. Smith, President ; W. j Wilson, t/'nshler. ..^^enfs— Kingston, Andrew Drum- i niond ; Hamilton, James Stevenson, Jun. -, Coboure, I C II. Morgan; Bytowii, George Dycit ; Brockvillc, Thomas Lee ; London, J. Fraser; St. Catharine:<, H. M til'ber-'er ; Belleville, Q. Macnider ; Brantford, W. ! Miiirliead ; r^ctoiijC. Mortimer i Peterboro', R. Ni- j cliulls; (Jiielph, F. Marcon ; St. Thomas. E. Erma- liiiger; Cornwall, W. Matiice; Port Hope, R. N. Waildcll; Port Stanley. R. Smith; Bowmanville, Jno. Siiii|ison. Great Britain— Loiiiloii, Glynn, Halifax, Mills & Co.; Liverpool, Bank of Liverpool; Edin- burgh, British Linen Company and branches. Nova Scotia an.1 New Brunswick— Halifax, Bank of Nova Scotia. United Stales— New York, D. S. Kennedy Boston, Samuel Heiishaw & Son. Bank OP Upper Canada : Capital £300,000 ; Incor- porated IftJl —William Proudfoot, President; James G. (Jhewett, Vice President; and thirteen Directors; T. G. RIdout Cashier. O^res and i^^rencies— Montreal, J. Wenham ; Byiown, T. J. Let'gatt ; Kingston, Wm. G. Hinds; Port Hope, Elins P.Smith ; Niagara, Thos. McCorinic ; London, James Hamilton ; Chatham, George Tlipmas ; Goderich, John McDonnId ; St. Catharines, Thomas L. Ilelliwell ; Barrie, Edmund Lally ; Penetansuishene, W. B. Hamilton ; Cliip|)cwa, James Macklein ; Stratford, C. W. Daly Foreign .^^enrs— New York, James G.King and Sons; Lon- don— Glynn, Halifax, Mills & Co. ; Comts tc. Co.; Barclay, Bevan, Trition It Co. ; Herries Farqnhar & Co. ; Scotland- British Linen Company's Bank at Edinburgh, and all its branches. COMMEHCIAL BaNKOF THE MIDLAND DISTRICT, KING- STON. — Capital JE.)U0,0«O. Incorjiorated 1832. Hon. John Hamilton, President ; Hon. John Macaulay, Vice President; and seven Directors. Francis A. Harper, Cashier. £rancAes— Toronto, John Cameron Cashier; Montreal, C. S. Ross, li^asbier ; Hamilton, H. MoKin- stry Cashier. Agent$—Vott Hope, W. F. Harper; Brockville, C. J. Campbell; Belleville, R. Finlay; Gait, A. Ainsleyt Holland Landing, A. Mc M aster ; London, C. Monsarrat ; Oshawa, J. Laing ; Picton, David Smith ; St. Catharines, Geo. Kykeri. England, London Joint Stock Bank. Scotland, Commercial Bank of Scotland and its Uraiiclies ; ('lydesiiale Bank, and Western Bank of Scotland, Glasgow. Inland, Bo>le, Low, Pirn it, Co., Dublin. New York, David S. Ken- nedy. B.vNKOP British North America, London, England: Capital XI,OUO,UOt) sterling.— Incorporated l'-4i>. Board of twelve Directors— Secretary, George De Bosco Att- wood ; Iiis|)CCtorof Branches, Thos. Paton. Branches; and Managers — Toronto, Walter (Jit son Cast^els; Q..t'bec, U. Cassels; Montreal, David Davidson;! Kingston, Samuel Taylor ; Ilamllton, Alex. Campbell. Diindns, J. B. Ewart, Agent; Byiown Agency. A. C. Kelly, Agent ; Brantfuni, James Christie, Agent ; Sault Ste. Marie. J. Ballenden, Aacnt ; London, Court of Directors; New York, Bell, Maclacblaii tc Ransom ; Nova Scotia, Halifax, Manager— Stephen N. Binney, Accountant- J. W. Smith ; Newfoundland, St. John's, A. Mildriiy Murray. Gore Bank, Hamilton: Incorporated. — Capital! jEfO,000.— Colin C. Ferrie, President- Andrew Steven, Cashier. Jgents — Slnicoe, Duncan Campbell ; Wood- stock, James Ingersoll ; Gait, Absalom s^liade ; Guelph, TliomasSandllands; Saint Thoinns, Thomas Hodge; Chatham, Witlierspoon and Charteris ; London, C.W., William W. Street; Paris, James Niinnio; Toronto anil Montreal, the Bank of Upper Canada, and all its Agents, where the Gore Bank has no Agents; Quebec, the Quebec Bank; New York. Ward It. Co., Wall Street ; Albany. New Yp, Allan Gilmour, James Law, D. L. Mac(loiigall, L. H. Holton, Hew Ramsay. Board of Arbitration. — H. H. Whitney, John Lremine, Thomas B. Anderson, Alexander Bryson, Thomas Kay, C. 8. Ross, Win. Lyman, Edward Way, James Gilmour, Thomas M. Taylor, Henry Veiinor. Alexander Clerk, Secretary. The Council meet every Tuesday after- noon, at their office, St. Frangois Xavier Street. The election of officers takesplace yeaily, in January. Toronto Board ok Trade. — Incorporated by Act of the Provincial Parliament. Council Chamber, over Carless's Book Store, Yonpe-strect. Geo. P. Ridoui, Esq., President ; P. Paterson, Esq., Vice- President ; R. H. Brett, Esq., Treasurer ; J. W. Brent, Secretary. Council.— yf. McMaster, E.T. Whitfemore, R.Brewer, W. L. Perrin, R. Kneeshaw, S. Thompson, W. M. Gorrie, D. Macdon II, J. Harrington, D. Paterson, Jno. Shaw, M. P. Hayes. Board of Arbitration.— V . Free- land, J. Mitchel*, James Shaw, J. D. Ridont, J. Lesslie, H. Rowsell, W. Henderson, E. H. Rutherford, Robert Beekinan, J. McMurricb, 6. Michie, H. Scobie. 1 Hamilton Board op Tradk. — Juhn Young, Presi- dent ; Archibald Kerr, Vice- President. Members <^ Committee.— K. Jnson, D. McNnb, W. C. Baker, Win. Aikinson, J. T. Gilkinson, J. P. Larkin, J. Osborne, VV. P. Maclaren, C N. Sims, Trcsham Beekle, J. D. Mackay, Robert Roy, Dennis Moore. Secretary, J. T. Brondgeesl. The flection of officers takes (ilace yearly. In January. TttiNiTY House, Quebec. —Henry LeMesurler, Milliter ; Richard Israel Alleyn, Deputy Master. Wardens— George Burns Symes, Henry Burstall, E. lioxer. Harbour Master; Louis Massuc, P. X. Methot, Francois (ionrdeau. Senior Supt. of Pilots ; llaimnond Gowen. Robert Jiilyan, Assistant Harbour Master ; J. Smith, Junior Supt. of Pilots ; Alexander Lemoinc, Treasurer; Eirol Boyd Lindsay, Clerk; B. Simon, a/ia«Lalleur, Water Baililt'; John Hrercton, Messenger. TRiNirv Board. Montreal.— Robt Armour, Master; William Burton, Deputy Master. Wanleiis- William I'^dinonstonc, A. Shuw, J. L. Beaudry, II. Starnes. J. Holmes, Keijistrar and Treasurer ; P. U. Morin, Ilar- ■•our Master ; II. G. 'J'hompson, Deputy Harbour Master. AoENTS FOR Lloyd's. — Canada.— Montreal — Ryan, Chapman Sc, Co. Quebec — John Jameson. New Car- lisle— II. Kavanagh. Bathurst — William Stevens. Gasptf— J. D. McConnell. Magdalen Islands— Jiio. Francis Muncey. Labrador— P. De Uuetieville. . . . Nkw Hru.vswick.- Henry P. Sturdee, St. John ; Hon. Thomas Wyer, Si. Andrews; J. Cuiiard & Co., Mira- miclii ; John Wheton, Ricliibucio ; and William Ste- vens, Bathurst.. . .Nova Scotia.— J. &M.Tobin, Ha- lifaK ; J. Dawson, Picton ; P. H. (Marke, Sydney, Ca()e Breton ; «» C. Lawrence, Port Hood,CB.; 8. Donovan, Arichat,C.B; J. G. McKcen, Plaistcr Cove, C. B. ; H. Gcsiicr Pines, Pugwash ; E. VV. B Moody, Yarmouth, Edward A. Jones, Sub-Agent, Westiiort.. . .Prince Edward Island. — Daniel Hodgson, Charlottetown.. . . NEWPouNDLAND..Robinson, Brooking tt Co.,St.John'8; William Hooper, Burin. Emior *NT Aoents, Canada. — Chief Emigrant Agent for Lower Canada — A. C. Buchanan, Uuebec. Sub- Agent — A. Conlan, Montreal. Chief Emigrant Agent for Upper Canada— A. B. Hawke, Toronto. Sub- Ageni— A. B. Hawk", junior, Kingston.. . .New Brunswick. — Moses II. Perley, Emigration Officer at St. John ; Jamea Boyd, Emigration Officer at St. Andrews. In other barts of the Province, the Deputy Treasurers net as Emigration Officers. . AORICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OP UPPER CANADA. — ' President, J. B. Marks, Esq., Kingston ; Vice-Presi- ' denis, Thomas Clarke, Esq., Niagara Falls, and Win. Matthie, Esq., Brockville : Treasurer, R. L. Denison, Esq., Toronto ; Secretary, Geo. Buckland, Toronto. The Annual Show will be held in Brockville, in the third week of September, 1851. Provincial Penitentiary Kingston. — Inspectors, Hon. Adam Fergusson ; W. Bristow ; George Brown; E. C. Thomas; N. Amiot. Warden, D. M. McDonell. Chaplains, Rev. R. V. Rogers, Protestant- Vicar-Gen. McDonell, Roman Catholic. Physician, James Samp- son, M.D. ; Head Keeper, W. G. Murray. This insti- tution was established in 1831, as the Upper Canada Penitentiary, but at the union it was made applicable to the whole province. No prisoner is' received for a shorter term than three years. The system pf dicipliiie is that known as the silent or congregate. The con- victs are kept at hard labour for the benefit of the Crown during dayJiiiht, their services bein^ leased to contractors, who teach them useful occupations. 'I he buildings have bi-en ctiiefly erected by convict labour, under the superintendence of the officers, but they are not yet complete. The draft on the public exchequer for maintainins the prison for 1810, 1847, and 1848, averaged over £10,000 per annum. For 1840, it was X10,500, and for 1830, the estimate is for £7,900. Post Office Department.— Deputy Post Master General, Thomas Allen Stayncr, Montreal ; Chief Clerk, Gilbert E. Griffin ; Accountant, Edwin A. King. Surveyor. Quebec, William Henry Griffin. Surveyor. Toronto, Edward S. Freer. Surveyor, Kingston, John Dewe. 1861.] SrOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 33 COUNTIES, CANADA WEST. The following lilts of tlicrcvcrnl Counties and unioni of Counties in CanndaWest. / (he Townaltipa, Villages ami Towns, coinpri»cil In cncli. The Cities form Coiinlles by ihcinsrlves. It is likely thnt rimnges will be made in the coinpositiou of sonic of the Counties, as there is now a Bill for that purpose under the considcrniion of the Lcyirlnturo. Sliould it pass tlic changes will be nntcd in nnollicr part of the Almanac. The subjoined Vtan alsio coninin tlic nainen or the various Corporate and other Otticers. The Elections take place linmltnncoutfly in nil the Muiiicipnlities on the first Monday in January, in cnch year. Sec Act 11 Vic. Cap, 81. Tlie populiition is only pnrtiully given in tlie annexed lists, on accouiu of tiic census returns frcm most of the places not liaving l>een received, [tlith July, 1850. j I. CARLETON. COUNTy TOWN, EVTOWN. M. P. P. for Carlcton, r.dwnrd Mnlloch, Byiown ; negiatrar for Carlcfon, T. G. Duike, Bylown \ Sierif, tilinon Frascr ; Clerk Ptact, V. C. Powell; Jitputf Clerk Crown, Henry J. Friel ; Judge County Court, C. Armstrong; Clerk do , Henry J. Friel ; Judge Surrogate Cuurt, C. Armstrong ; Regiitrar do., Henry J. FricI ; Croten Lands Agent, John Ihirie : J'riiteipat Urammar fchool. Hcv. J. Kubb. Jtettttue Intptttor, John Barreille. COUNTY COUNCIL. FTcrdcn— Hon. Hainnctt Piiihcy, Murch, P. O. ; Tr«a»ur«r— Daniel O'Connor, Charles HainnLtt Pinhey, Bytown, P. O. Bytown, P. O. ; Clerk— To«*shipt. Reeves. Bytown (Town) Henry J. Friel ; Chas. Sparrow, \Dtputij Reece. Fitzrov Jnines Steene. Gloucester James Beveri;;!)!. Gouibonrn Thomas Gnrlniid. Gower, North. . . . Roliert Craiu. Huntley Johneton U. Fenton. Totomhipt. Reeves. March Hon. H. Pinhey. Marlborough John Piet'ce. Ncpeaii Fredericl{ Hearinan. O^gooile Arthur Allen. Kichmoiul (Village; Win. R. R. Lyon. Torboltou David McLaren. TOWN or BYTOWN. M. P. P. for Bytown, John Scott. JVfoyor— John Scott, M. P. P. ; Reeve-^. J. Friel : Dejfuty Reeve— C\\A9. Sparrow; Treasurer — Edwani MasBo; C/«rA— Francis Scott, Bytown, I'.tJ. ; Sii/ier- iMteudent of Scltuols—A\ex. Workman : Cmcicil- lore— Centre JVard. J >hn Scott, M. P. P. ; CharlPs Sparrow, l.s;inc ileniebon, Jr. Enti Ward, H.J. J'riel ; Jnmes Lc:tiiii>y ; P. A. Kyleson. tVest H'ard, Nicholas ■Sparks; H. V. Noel ; L. PerKiim. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND. Coumeillors-\X. R. R. Lyon, iJee»« .• Geo. Brown, Patrick McBllrov, James McLean, Tiioinas Lewis Treasunr— Dr. ' Jivans. C/«rA:— Oarreit FitnGeralJ, Rishmonil, P. Jolin Flood. O. Sjperigteiul::il, of ^Schools— "Rev. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. FiTzaoY : OiunciVorf, James Steene, Reeve ; Win. P. Taylor, William Oenii, J.iiiips Howe, Robutt ('arss. Clerk, •riiomas Elliolt, Am Trior P.O. Huperiiilentlent I of Schools, Rev. Alex. Henderson. IVeaturer, Thos. Elliott. Gloucester: Cuun«7/wr», James Severifilif, Reeve; Thomas Bearinan, Patrick Nelllaan, Isiinc Brown, John Cunningham. Clerk, Thos. Uoxey, Bytown P.O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. William Locklicad. Treasurer, John Otterson. GouLBOuRN : Councillors, Thomas Garlnnil, Reeve ; James Chillington, Thos. McCiilfry, James Henderson, William Hodpins. Clerk, Cnrlcton Calhcart, Rich- mond P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. John Flood. Treasurer, ('nrleton Catlicnrt. North Gower : Councillors, Robert Craig, Reeve ; John Cole, Jnmes Lindsay, John Callander, David McEwen. Clerk, A. C. Hartwell. Norili Gower P. O. SuperitUevdeut of Schools, Rev. John Flood. Treasu- rer, Roliert Graham. HuNTi.Ev : Councillors, Johnston E. Fcnton, Reete; Henry McBride, David Moorehead, Robin Holmes, William Bradley. Clerk, James Lowery, Huntley P.O. Superintendent of Sehools, Jaiues Gilchrist. Treasurtr, Wm. Montgomery. March : Ciuncitlors, Hon. II. Piiiliey. Reeve ; John Street, FrediTJck Richarrlsoti, Tlioiiuis . Morgan, Wm. Askin.x. i/cr/c, Ceor^c .VIor;,'an, !t E*afsx. .byn. Thontaa Fisher, (•eorge Hyde. George Stevenson. L H. Johnson. Robert Campbell. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. Andbkdon: CouniiUore, John Sloan, Reeve; Win. Gatticid, John Cunningham, Williaui Anderton, Oliver Reauine. Clerk, Win. Simpson, Amherstburgli, P. O. Superintendent of Selioole, Rev. F. Mack. Coi.cHKflTEa : Cottttcilliire, Peter Wriiiht, Reeve;' Jehn Wright, Wheeler Cornwall, John Fisher, C. R. Quick. Clerk and Superintendent of School*, Thomas Hawkins, Colchester, P.O. GosFiKLo: Ceuncillore, Joseph Malott, Reeve ; Win. Sandford, M. Fox, Solomon Wiiilc, Theodore Wigle. Clerk, John Parry, Gosfldd, 1*. O. Superintendent of SckooU, Henry Scratch. Maidstone : Councillore, AITr, Jacob Fox, Francis Wilkinson, Theodore Malott. Clerk, Joseph Dottby, Mersen, P. O. Trenn- urer, Robert Coulter. Superintendent of Schools, Jonathan WigfieH. RocHHSTER ; Coutirillors, Joseph Morin, Reeve; Peter Phnrron, Andrew Martin, Edward MulliiiK, Samuel Wilcox. Clerk, Win. FInnlgaii, Sandwich, P.O. Sandwich: Coiinrillor8,\V.D. liahy. Reeve ; Thos Woodhridge, Deputy Reeve ; St. L'lC OiielU-tle, L'eiinis Downing, G. Bondy. Clerk, Dennis Moynaliaiii, Sandwich, P. O. ; Superintendent of Schools, Patrick McMullcn. Ca.mdkn and Zone: C[>Maet/I->rs, James Smith, Reeve; David Sherman, (/hristopher Arnold, D. R. V.nn Allen, John Tiffin. Clerk, Charles Baxter. Dawn Mills. P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. John Guniie. Treas- urer, George P. Klrhy. Chatham : Councillors, Samuel Arnold, Reeve ; J. W. Keating, W. Everett, John Blackburn. John Shaw : C/erk, Win. Cosgravo, Rnleijjii. P. O. Treas- urer, Richard HouBton. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. W. GriSa. DnvKR, EVact AN-n West: Councillor.V.obt. Mitchell, Reeve ; Andrew Peltier. Ali-x. Urqiihart, S. Emery, A. Rcanme. Clerk, Thomas W. Smith, K.-ilt-luh. P.O. Trenturer, Crow, sen.. Superinlsndent if Schools, Dr. 'I'hoinas Cross. Harwitr : OouneUtori, A. R. Robertson, Reeee ; Alex McKay, Deputy Resv* ; Samuel Fields, George Young, Shaeklrton. Clerk, Win. Cosijtravc, Ra- leigh, P. O. 7Ve7f*r«, Thos. Fisher, Reeoej Froonic Tal/brd, John Galloway. William 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 36 ESSEX, KEKT, AND Fentheritone, JnmM Daby. Cltrk, Thoniat Bimpaon, Moore, I'. O. \ SuperinUntUnt of School*, Rev. George Bailer. Trtaiurer, Alexander Vid.-il. Plynpton: CuuntMor; «• Hyrti'. Rtnt f Jamea Diinlop. SiiiiMoii BItopherd, Peter McGrefror, VVillinin Waildell. Cltrk, Alex. Scon, Erroll, P. O. Suptrin- fndent of SfhooU, Rov. Jutin Armour. Trtmiurer, J. Fiahcr. Barnu! Counc.iUoT$, George Sievenion, R»eve } Robert Syiii, Jniiieii Robcrtaon, i. B. Hwuru, J. Porier, CUrk, Tlioiiiaa Moodle, Bariiln, P. O.j Suptrintendent Dre—UT. Rotait LAMBTOa-OtnUnutd. §f SektcU, Rev. John A'' kilbcck. BoMiRA 1 OMaeepH/y Reect, Kitlndar (uninhabited.) Slicfficid Neil Stewart. KINGSTON CITY. — Population, 10,097. M P. p., for Kingston, Hon. John A. Macdonald. CAamAer/atn William Anglin; Counter, ilfayar : Cininei7/or«, John Shaw, nnd John Wiley.— Cataraqoi Ward: ^/<<y, Patrick Lindsay nnd George Webster ; Superintemleut of Schools, R. 8. Henderson. SYDENHAM Ward : Alderman, Archibald John Mc- Donell ; Ctntncillors, Sninncl Smyth, nnd Robert Waddinghain.— Ontario Ward : Alderman, James O. Reilly, ; Councillors, Robert Anglen, and James Linton.— St. Laweisncb Ward: Alderman, John TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. Bedford, Oi.dbn and Oao : Ctuncillors. Richard Luchins, Reeve ; Joseph 1'aggnrt, William Ju, M. D., Mill Creek, P. O. Population, 4233. Divided Into Wards. LouoHDnaocnH : Councilfors, Sylvester Holden, Reeve ; J. Nichols, IVIichael Keely. Charles Joiner, L. Pixley. aer*. John VValsli, LouKhboro' P. O. ? Trea- surer, Nicholas Ainev, Loughhoru' P. O. ; Superinten- dent of Schools, Asa Pnilli|is. Loughboro' P. O. Popu- lation, tiSfi. Divided into Wards. PiTTsnoRon WITH Howe Island : CSiniiiet//ar«, John n. Marks. Reeve ; Jainei Birmingham, Jolin Mcl.ean, William Starks, John McNiece. CXtrk, Robert Breeoe, Kiiiflaion, P. O. ; 'Preamrer, William Ferguaoii, King- I ston, P. O. ; Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Henry Brent, Kingston, P. O. Population, supnosed, lS5-i. Portland andHinchinbrookb, Couneiliors, Matthina Clowe, Reeve -, Samuel Jackson, Jos. Watson, Jamea Spike, Win. Smith. Clerk, Aaron Spike, Spike's Cor- ner^!, P. O. t Treasurer, John Herchmer, Spike's Cor- ners ; Superiulendent of Schools, James J.McDonalrl, Spike's Corners. Population, 1811. Divided into Wards. Storrinoton, Councillors. Henry Van Luven, ile«ce; John Spring'. Christopher Lnngwith, John McGrath, Alexander Cnmpl)eli. Clerk, Hugh Spriiii;, Storingion, P. O. ; Treasurer, John Walilron ; Superintendent of 5cAoo/s, Bernard Canady. Population, ISIO. Divided into Wards. WoLFB Island, Councillors^ Angus Cnineron, je««r« ; Hawkins, J. Grant, Ranilal MacDonnId, S. Me- Crae. CUrk, Baker. Wolfe Island. P. O. ; Trea- surer, John Dawson ; Suptrintendsnt of Schools, R. S. Henderson, Kingston. P. O. Population, 8j&|. Adolphostowm, OoumdUars, Jo«ipb B. Allison, Rmus; Peter ▼. Dorland, Archibald Campbell Jr., John P. DoMand, Simeon Trumpour. Gtrk, Richard 30 SCOBIE»S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. FROIfTeifJC, LKHNOX, A Davernc. Aclolphuitown, P. O. t Trtatrnfr, John Oui- woier ) SuptrinUndtiti ^ Sekoott, Joltii J. WalMii. rojnilalioii, Ml. pRKiHiiiirKiaoiian. CouneiUtn, Kdwin Mallory, ■Rittti Allen Utapp. Doiiovnn Hllli, Richard ilniii, John Chninberlnln. Cltrk, Daniel ftillr, Frcderlctia- hiirgb, P. U. I Tr«Mtir«r, Holoinon Wright ( Suptrin' Ututnt ofSthoali, Matthew (Jcrman. Populailon,*J'>H. Richmond, CuM«iri//er«, Davlil Ilolilln, /<««»<,■ Ull- brrt 8. Clopn. iJeputif Reeve \ Jnnii-it Wilran, I). Mac- nher»on, R.Mnrifn. Clerk and Trtaeurer, Wllllnni V. Dotlor, Nnimtieo, P. t>. \ SuperinttnUrHt vf iifhool§, T. ChinilK-'rlHiii, M. I)., Na)>:iiiL'c. I'opiilaiion, iWHf . AMiiKRvr Im.ANn, Couneilhri, Jolni UoyPH, Iteevt ; D, l>rcHloii.H;itnii(!l (Jlriiii, Willi.iiii Trclt'vi'ii, (li-orne Howard. Clerk and Treanurer and SuperinleHdeHt if/" Sckoelt, Rol)itli. aerk, Michael ArreUtine, Dnth, P. O. t Treatuier, I'arkcr 'riinnivrninn \ Superiuleudtnt of Schoah, O. P. Yeo- ninna, M. I)., Milfl'rpi'k, P. O. Popniniioii, liM. I CuunriUore, Neil Blcwnrt, Reere ; Cnl- vln Whe«'ler \ Mellon, Kirke, Alcxiindiir Cum- ininit. Clerk, Lnird, Tnmworili, P. <).•, lyeaeurer, Kolirrt ll.i/.r.nrd i SuperinlendtHl of Sehuule, Rev. Chrlmopher Thompson. Populnllon, WM, Ulvidvd Into Wnrdi. \.^,'.w-vyv.v ^-^.v^.v.%^ IV. HASTINGS. Populutioii, 2*2,982. COUNTY TOWN, DELLEYILLE. M. P P. P. for na«tlng», Dllla Flint, nellevllle s Regitlrar for Hn»tin«i, fieorse nenjninln, nellpvlllo. Sheriff, J. W. D. Moodio. Clerk Pence, VVillinni rii/.uiblion. Depultf CUrk Crown, W. II. Ponton. J»df* Oimnty Court, Wm. .Sinnri. CUrk do , W. II Ponion. Jmdir* Hurro/fole Court, J. M. Crowe. Regte. trar do., Wltliuni Uowen. Aiieitt Croun Landi, i\ Mc.Xnnuiiy. Principal Grammar School, A. Bunion. ReveMue Ineptetor, Paul Petcmon. COUNTY COUNCir.. rr«r<{«n, Edward FiJlar,Unw, Superintendent of Schuoli,OGntffi noiijaniln. Divided iulo Wards. Population, Vim, HoNTiNODON: Couneillori, Anthony Denikc, Reevt ; George Graliain, Henry Ostroin, Fletcher. Clerk, Samuel Baker, Huntingdon Eabl,P. O. Superintendent . o/ .S'r/iau. n/ 5rA»n;«, Wm. Ilutton. Population, 3r;o. TllDRLOW : Couneillori, William Slll.», Iheve ; Wm. C. Shorey, Deputy Reeve t Archibald Rosii, David CInpp, Daniel Fairman. Clerk and Superintendent of SrA«o/»,Is,iOC Dcnike, Thurlow,P.O. Population 370^. Tykndknaoa ; Couneillori, Wallington Frl7.7.ell, Reevt t Alex. McLaren, Deputy Reere; Huali Keys, MichncI Neolon. Clerk, Thomna McKeany, Tyendcn- aga, P. O. Superintendent of Schonli, R. McMiclmel. Divided into Wards. Population, 453J. V. HURON, PERTH AND BRUCE. UNITED COUNTIES. COUNTY TOWN, OODERICH. M. P. P. for Huron, Perth and Bruce, Hon, William Cnyley, Toronto •, Regitlrar for Huron, Perth and Bruce. John Oalt, Goderich ; Sheri£', John McDonald i Clerk Peoee, Daniel Li/.ars ; Deputy CUrk Crown, M, Hamilton; Judge County Court, A. Acland i CUrk '»\\'MH>: CouneiUore, VViKinm Wntlncc, Jamc:i (•culler, C. ('ralib. SuperiulendeKt 0/ SckvoU, Rev. Chark'n Fli'lclicr. AmiriKi.n, Wawakosii, HimoN, KiNrARiUNK, and nil the othur To\vii«Iii|h rorinliii{ the (Joiiiiiy of Hnire : Ci»iiMci7/ur«,'l'hoiims Johnson, Reeve; John llawkinit, William (irithain, Joremiiih Flyiin, Jnhii King. C/erIt, Michael llealcy, Uodericli, P. O. : SHjieruitendenl of Schoiiti, Rev. Chas. FIfirtier. UiDDUi.Fii: Cnuncillart, JainCii Hod^inn, Reeve; Qeorgc Carter, 'rhoinati W. Stanley, John Courey, T. HodginH. Ctc.rit, James I'ortt, Mc(iillivray, P. O. •, SupcriHlei;Uiit nf Sihiwh, Cnrier. Coi.iioliNH : Counr.illors, Jiihn Annnnd, jr., Rf.r.te ; nenj.iniin Miller, IVtiT Finlier, Joliii Morri*. WiHinni Youn;? . Clerk, Davi I I/Avdom, Ooderlrh, P. O. •, Superinleiiiltml of HihjuU, llev, Alex. McKld. Trea- turer, l);ivid JiHWr^on. '«ei»* ; Robert Chrii-tie, Win. Hull, Edward TurKKKsMiTO : Councillors. Win. Chalk, Reeve ; C. ' Prindible.Pntrick Collins. C/er/(r,U.Cana, Mitchell P.O. L. Van Kjiinond, John Alclntosh, Junes Murray, A'upcrjw/ewrfenf 0/ &'cAoo/», Rev. Clias. Fletcher. VI. lanarkTnd ii^ UNITKD COUNTIKS. COUNTV TOWN, PERTH. M. P. P. for T>nnark nnd Renfrew, Robert Bell, Cnrleton Ploce ; Reffislrars for I.niinrk, Jnmrs Bell, Perth ; for Renfrew, Jmiies Morris, Seiir, MoNah. Sheriff, Andrew liickson. Clerk Peace, \V. F. R. Ilcrford. Deputy Clerk CVuibm, Charles dache. Judge C.i'tity Court, J. G. Malloch. Clerk do., C. Sache. Judge Surrogate Court, D. McMartin. Reffistrar tfc , <>. Sache. Agent Crown Lands, A. Leslie. Principal Orammar Sehuol, John Mclntyrc. Revenue Inspector, Antliony Leslie. COUNTY COUNCIL. jyardcn— Robert Bell, M. P. P..Carteton Place ; Treasurer, Thomas M. Radcnhursl, Perth ; Clerk, W. F R. Berford, r'erlh Town»hip», Lanark. Reeves, Lanark. Bathurst nnd South ."thcrhrooke. .Josiah Ritchie. Beckwith Robert Bell, M. P. P. Buruesa, North John Doraii, Jr. UalhouHie, North Shcrbrooke and Levant John Kay. Drunimond Muidoch McDonnell Elmsley, North James Shaw, senr. Lanark and Darling Andrew Stevenaon. Townships, Lanark. Reeves, Lanark. Montague R. R. Mathieson. Ramsay John Robertson. Tovenshipi, Renfrew. Reeves, Renfrew. Adinaston, Bromley and Blithfield. Ellas Moore. Horton and Rosa John Burwcll. .McNaband Bagot James Morris, Jr. Pakcnham Wm. M'Adam. Wesiincatb.Pem' tke and Stafford, Alexander Moffatt. - 38 SCOBIE'S CANAPIAN ALMANAC. 1861.] LANARK Aim RENFREW— Conlinued. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. Batbdrst and SnoTH SuERBROOKB : CuMncillors, Jo«inh Ritchie, Reeve ; Joaliun Ailanisi, leiir., James Nonnen, Richard Bennett, John Modderwcll. Clerk,- J. Young, Perth, P. O. Population, Untliuret, 1530. Superintendent of Sehooli, J. A.Murdoch, Perth. Becxwith : Conncillors, Robert Bell, M. P. P. Reeve; Xohn McDiarnnid, James Burrows, Peter McGrigor, Robert Kennedy. Clerk, Evveii McEvven, Franktown, P. O. Population, 17U2, (incomplete). Superintendent of Schoala, Rev. James Padfield, Franltlown. BoROEsa : Couneitlora, John Doran, Junr., Reeve ; Michael Stanley, Peier Kennedy, John Allan, Alex- ander Cameron. Clerk, Priincis H. Cousilt, Penh, P.O. Population, 047. Superintendent of Schools, Edward Byrnes, Perth. Daliioi'sie, North Siierbrookk and IjEvant ; Couneillore, John Kay, Reeve ; William Purdon, Ed- ward Kiiiroy, James Smith, Alexander McMichael. Clerk, Andrew Mclnnln, Perth, P. O. Population— Dalhousie, 1437 ; N. Sncrbrooke, 377. Superintendent of Schoolt, J. A. Murdoch Perth. | Drcmmond : Councillors, Murdoch McDonnell, Reeve; Patrick VowiUxU , Deputi/ Reeve; Thomas I McCafiery, Sutten Frizcll, James Thompson. Clerk, \ Thomas Brooke, Pcrtli, P. O. Superintendent of ] Schools, J. A. Murdoch, Perth. | Ei.MSLBT'i CounciVtors, James Shnw, senr., Reeve ; \ James Taylor, Abel U. Ward, Alexander Fraser, ! Robinson Harper. Clerk, W. B- Carrol, Smith'ii ; Falls, P. O. Population, 1713. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. J. B. Worrell, Smirh's Fails. Jjanark and Darling : Councillors, Andrew Stev- enson, Reeve ; Robert Stead, J. W. Anderson, Robert Robertson, Alexander Stewart. Clerk, John R.Gcm- Diill, Lanark, P. O. Population— Lnnnrk, 1501; Dar- ling, 50*^. Superintendent of Schools, 3. R. Gemroill, Lanark. i Montague : Councillors, R.E. Mathicson, Reeve; I R. A. Knnpp, James Giltiully, William McDonnell, ' Rufus Andrews. Clerk, James Allan, Smith's Falls, ; P. O. Population, 3040. Superintendent of Schools, : Rev. E. Morriii, Merrickville. i Ramsay : Councillors, John Robertson, Reeve ; Gra- ' vel Tashack, Daniel Galbrenth, Wilson, Wil- j liam Houston. Clerk, David Campbell. Rnnisay, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. J. McMorine, Cnrle- ton Place. Admaston, Bromlet and Blithfield : Councillors, Elias Mnore, Reeve ; Robert Smith, He-ry Fitzpa- trick, John Uremner. James Dunn. Clerk, George Brown, Admaston, P. O. Population — Admnston, 507 i Bromley, 509. HoRTON AND Rosa : Councillors, John Burwell, Reeve; I. I,. McDougall, Edward Farrell, Roderick Ross, John McNab. Clerk, James Johnston, Castle- ford, P.O. ; Superintendent of Schools, E. Billings. McNad and Baoot : Councillors, James Morris, junr., Reeve ; John Parris, John Fisher, Allan Stew- art. William Storie. C/erk, McNab, P.O.; j Superintendent of Schools, E. Billings, Renfrew. Fo- pulntion— McNab, 1466: Bagot, 630. Pakbniiam : Councillors, William McAdam, Reeve; David Oglcvie, YuungScott, James Dickson, Peter Russell. Clerk, James Cannery, Pakenham, P.O. Population, 10J8. | Westmeath, Pembroke and Stafford : Council- lors, Alexander MolTall, Reeve ; James Rowan, ' Chi istopher Kelly, David Reach, Willianj Brownlee. \ Clerk, John Robertson, Westmenth, P. O, Superiu' tendent of Schools, Rev. A. Milville, Westmcaib, VII. LEEDS AND GRENVILLE. UNITED COUNTIES. COUNT V TOWN, BROCKVILLB. Total Population, 44,308— Leeds, 27,071 ; GrenviBe, 17,'i35. M. P. P. for Leeds, William Buell Richards, Brockville. M. P. P. for Grenville, Read Burritt, Prescott. Registrar for Leeds, David Joneii, Brockville. Registrar for Grenville, John Pattoti, Prescott. Sheriff. . Amel Sherwood. Clerk Pea< •■, James Jessup. Deputy Clerk Crown, T. D. CampheTI. Judge Counttj Court, George Malloch. Clencdo, T. D. Campbell. Judge Surrogate Court, (JeornB M.illoch. Regis- trar do., James Jessup. Agent Crown Lands, W. J. Scott. Principal Grammar /S^caoo^, James Windeat. Revenue Inspector, John Weatherbead. i COUNTY COUNCIL. | fFardsn, Ogle R. Gowan, Brockville. Treasurer, James L. Schofield, Brockville. Clerk, James Jessup, Brockville. Surveyor, Thomaa Hume. Townships, Leeds. Reeves, Leeds. Leeds & Lanadown, Rear, Edward Green. Yonge Joshua Bates, Townships, Qrenville, Reeves, Grenville, Augusta William Garvey ; Jamea Howard, Deputy, i Edwardsburgh Allan Hunter ; L. Adams, ' Deputy. Gowcr, South Nicholas J. Shaver. | Oxford Henry Burritt ; Robert Kernuimn, Deputy. , Prescott (Town) Alexander Smith. { Wolford John L. Rend ; Elenzcr H. ; Whitmarsh, Deputy. Toterhips. Leeds. Reeves, Leeds. Bastard and South Burgess, Philo Hicok ; Hirnin S. Davison, Deputy. Brockville (Town) John Read; Wm.Parkin, Deputy. Crosby, North William H. Frcdenburgh. Crosby, South Richard Pteston. Elizabetlitown Ogle R.Gowan ; A.Cham- bers, Deputy. Eiliiisley Elisha Landon. Eacott ... James I'homaon. KItley Jamea Graham ; Alex- ander iMorrison, Deputy. Leeds St Lansdown, Front, Jamea Kirker : William Robinaon, Deputy, TOWN OF BROCKVILLE. — Population, 2757. M. P. P. for Brockville, George Sherwcod. Councillors, Robert Peden, Mayor; John Read, Walsh, Chas. Vanoman. C/erft, Worship B. McLean, Reeve; Wm. Parkin, Deputy; Ogle R.Gowan, John ' Brockville, P.O. Superintendent of Schools , Rev . Crawford, Fordycu L. Lotbrop, Allen Turner, Henry Thomas Haigh. TOWN OF PRESCOTT. — Population, 1828. Councillors, Barlholomcw White, Mayor ; Alex. I Prescott, P. O. Superintendent nf Schools, Rev. Robt. 9m\iU, Reece ; William Dunn, James Sweeny, Alex- Boyd. iV«a«i(rer, John FcrgU8:Jon. McMillan, Joseph Cowan. Clerk, Roger McCarthy, I TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. Bastard AND BtTROESS : Coitnci//orf, Philo Hicok, I 5cAoo/«, Mathew Connora. Population, 3i:}4. Treat- Reette; Hiram 8. Davison, Deputy Reeve ; Stephen j urer, Rascalns D. Davison. Divided into Marda. { Simmons, Thomas Rogers, and James Hart. Clerk, i North Crosby : Cimncillors, William H. Freden- John Warren, Beverly, P.O. Superintendent of burgh, Jieer«; Benjamin Teit, Albert Taggert, John > St. Ue. James Deputy. Ailams, Deputy, nzcr II. , Deputy. IcLcnn, Is, Rev. V. Robt. Treat- lids. I Freden- rt, John 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 39 LEEDS AND GRENflLLE—CoMtiHued. McGregor, nnd John Cmncron. Clerk, Walter Wlieinn, 1 Oeorse Murphy, and Sciicca Wnsliburn. Clerk, John Wert I'on, P. O. SMperintendeHl tf Sckaole, Mnthcw Kciiuriek, Beverly, P. O. Superintendent of School*, Connor*. Popiilation, las-i. 7'reosiirer, S. Chaffey. 11 Washburn. Poptilntloii, 1197. TVctuwrer, Hiel miter. Siiurii Crorby : Councillors, Kich. Preston, Reeve ; ' Yonou : Couneillore, Joshua Bntea, Reeve ; llnrtno- ThouiaaMorriK, William Leg^ett, Jesiie DelonR, and i nius Alguirc, Joseph J. Mclniosh, Neloon fe^hipinnn, James Kennedy. C/erJIc, John l.eKgeti. Newboro' , P.O. and Ira Mallory. Clerk, John Purvii^, Yunge Mill*, Superintendent of SclutoU, MixiUew CounotB. I'opula- P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Joiihua Johnston, tion, I'iXi. Divided into WarcU. | Population, S4I9. Divided itito wards. Ki.iZABETHTowN : Councillors, Ogle R. Gowan, Reeve ; Jantcs A. Clianibers, Deputy Reeve ; Thomas Bell. George Crawford, nnd WiMiani K. Glazier. Clerk, Jacob A. Biown, Btockville, P. O. Superin- tendent of Schools, Jacob A. Brown. Population, 4?73. I £i.MSLEV : Councillors, Elislia Laudon, Reeve ; Wal- ter Armstrong, Hugh Flooke, Joseph Falkner and AoousTA : Councillors, William Garvey, Reeve ; James Howard, Deputy Reeve ; Thos. Kelly, William I Humphries, and Charles Lane. Clerk, Philemon Pennoek, Maiiland, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, James Cinppcrton. Population, 4*201). EowARDSBURnn : Councillors, All..n Hunter, Reeve ; Levi Adams, Deputy Reeve ; (icorge Holmes, James Robert Wood. Clerk, Edward <;iianibers. Smith's ; Keeler, and John Adams. Clerk, John Mitchell, S|ien Falls, P. O. 5«j>erititcn(2eN( 0/S^cAu«^, Rev. William cerville, P. O. Superintendent of 5rAoo/«, Rev. Jai. Aitken. Population, 1383. Divided into wards. iGeggic. ■ Population, .174)1. Treasurer; Wm. Emery. EacoTT : Councillors, James 'I'homcon, Reeve ; Jas. ! South Gower -. Cuuncillora, N icholns J. Shaver, Brooker, John Neil, William Webster, and John John- ; Reeve ; Jamea McGoe, Milo Mct^arger, David Shaik, Bion. C^erJt, Joseph L. Douslcy, Escott, P. O. Super- ! and Benjamin Bench. Clerk, WilliHm Bench, South intendent of Schools, T. Vancion. Population, lUU, KiTLEY : Councillors, James Graham, Reeve ; Alex Morrison, Deputy Reeve ; Robert Ferguson, James Edgar, and William Smith. C/er&. Joseph GofI, Kitley, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Samuel Graham. Population, 3361). Front or Leeds and Lansdown : Councillors, Jas. Kitker. Reeve; William Robinson, Deputy Reeve; James Turner, Bphraim Webster, and Hugh B. Cain. Clerk, Thomas Cheevers, Gannnoque, P. O. Superin- tendent of Schools, W. S .Macdonald. Population, 2!)3j. Rear of Leeds and Lansdown : Councillor*, Ed- ward Green, Reeve ; Thomas Sheffield, John Berry, ....« ».,..j ....uv... u»b..., .viiiinii. •.vit.^i., .^uu,i, Gower, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Harvey McAlpin. Population, TVi. Divided into wards. Oxford : Councillors, Henry Bnrritt, Reeve ; Robt. Kernahan, Deputy Reeve; William H. Bottom, Ambrose Clothier and Benjamin Tomkin. Clerk, Robt. Leslie, Kemptville, P. O. Superintendent of School*, Rev. Harvey McAlpin. Population, 37.M). WoLFORD : Omincillors, John L. Rend. Reeve ; F.lcnzar II. Whitmarsh, Deputy Reeve; Samuel S. Easlon, Philip WicKwire, and Robert Putnam. Clerk, Ricliey Waugh, Mcrrickville. P. O. Superin- tendent of Schools, Thomas GratF. Population, 3684. Divided into wards. I VIII. LINCOLN, HALDIMAND AND WELLAND. UNITED COUNTIES. COUNTY TOWN, NIAGARA. Total Population, 49,506— Lincoln, 17,035 ; Hnldiniand, 14,025 ; Welland, 1S,040. M. P. P. for Lincoln, Hon. W. H. Merritt, St. «'atlierines. M. P.P. for H.ildimand, Divid Thompson, Indiana. M. P. P. lor Welland, Duncan McFarlainl, Port Robinson. Sheri£, Win. Kingsmill. Clerk Pence, Joseph Woodfuff. Deputy Clerk Cronn, W.D.Miller. Judge County Court, E. C. Campbell. Clerk do., J. B. Clench. Judge Surrogate Court, W. Glaus. Repslror do., C. B. Secord. Crovn Land Ageni, Henry Smith. Principnl Qrammar School, J. Whitlaw, M. D. Registrar for liincoln nnd Wfl- Innd, John Powell, Niagara. Regiitrar for Haldimand, Agnew P. Farrell, Dunnvillc. Revenue Inspector, W. D. Miller, Niagara. COUNTY COUNCIL. n'arden, Bernard Foley« St. Catherines. Treasurer, Daniel McDou^all, Niagara. Clerk, J. G. Stevenson, St. Catherines. Auditors, John Ro$s, and Joseph Kirby Townthips, Lincoln, Reeves, Lincoln Caistor John D. Bradshaw. Clinton Robert Henry. Gainsborough George Secord. Grantliam John Gillelnnd. Grimsby Abishai Morac. Louth William Adams. Niagara GilbertMeMicken. Niagara, Toicn John Simpson, John Law'er [Deputy. St. Catharines, Toun Bernard Foley, Richard A. Clarke [Deputy. T\ttBnthipe, Haldimand. Reeves, Haldimand. Canboroueh Rarion Fnrr. Cayuga, Nortb David Thompson. Cayusa, South RoltertCook. Uunu A P. Farrell. Moulton and Sherbrooke. . .John Jarron, M. D. Tounship*, Haldimand. Reeve*, Haldimand. Oneida Philip Murray. Rainham Joseph Gee. Seneca Richard Brown. Walpole John Gowan. Township*, Welland. Reeve*, Welland. Bertie Isaac S. Hawn. Chippnwn, Village James Cummings, Crowland Solomon Doan. Humherstone William Steele. I'elham John Fraser, M. D. Stamford. Thomas C. Street. TItorold John Radclifle, Robert Hobson, [Deputy. Thorold, Village WiUiam Jiimes. Wainflcet John B. O'Reilly. Willoughby John Us^ber. PROVISIONAL COUNTY COUNCILS. The Reeves for Haldimand and Welland, respectively, have formed themselves into Provisional Councils, under the provisionaof the Act 12 Vie. Cap. 7P, known as the County Divisions Act. Provisional Warden, of Welland, John Fr.iser, M. D. Provitional Clerk, Dexter Dcvernrdo. Fonthill, P. O. Pclham. Provisional Warden, of Haldimand, John Jarron, M. D. Provisional Clerk, R. V. Grimth, liidiaha, P. O. NIAGARA TOWN. — Population, 2,936. M. P. P. for Niagara, Walter H. Dickson. Mayor, Alexander nnvidson. Tre(Murer,_ Thomas | Boomer, James Harvey. and Superintendent of Schools, CAiV Con*tabU and CoUeetor, McComiick. Clerk Isaac II. Johusoo. Beaver Bonner. St. Lawrknor Ward : Couneillori, Walter, El- liott, TliomaH Daly, Michael McGuire. St. OBOROR'a Ward: Couneillori, John Simpson, Reeve; George St. David's Ward : Coun- cillor*, James Blain, James Munro. John Davidson. St. Patrick's Ward : Coundllor*, Alexander Uavid. ■on, Magor ; Gage Miller, Bernard Roddy. S^r. Andrew's VVaru : Councillor*, John M. IjAwdcr, Deputy Steve ; Andrew Hcroitt John Rogera. 40 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. LllfCOLS, UALDIMAND, AND tVELLAND-Continutd. ST. CATHARINES Mayor andRttw, BernnrI Foley. CUrk, Charles M. Arnolil. CouneUlor$, Ciilvin ('helps, Joh.i F. Mit- tlebergcr, Uicbard A. Clarke, Deputy Reeve ,- John U. CHIPPAWA CouneiUort, Jnnies Curnmlngs, Reeve ; Jnmeti Miiekleoi. John Kirkpairick, W. S. Buriihain, Peier Morse. 7Vea«itrcr, William Nichoisoii. Clerk. J. A. THOROLD Couneillars, William Jnnies, Reeve ; Win. VVaud, Alexander Christie, John Boyle, Win. B. IloiiJerrihot. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. , TOWN. Rnnney, Willinm A. OliUliolin, Henry Bron-nlee, Etias S. AdanM, P. M.irrm. B. E-'oley. Treat H. Mittlcberger. Superintendent of Schoub, Rev. R. Siiaiikliii. VILLAGE. WilhliisDti. Aa»e»sori, John Flcit, William Fatierson, .1. W. Poll, fiil/cr.lor, Burnet Coiiklin. Auditort, John Ko^ei, Uaviu Nicholson. VILLAGE. Clerk, Win. Rainsiy, ThoroM. P. O. Treasurer, Geo. Koorer, jr. SuperintendeHt of Schools, Win, Beitty. Caibtor : Councillors, John D. Brndshaw, Rerve ; Michael Lyinburner, Williiin Hoover, CooradTee- ter, Isaac Corman. Clerk, Jniues TIadnle, Wellaiid Port, P. O. Population, 1074. Treasurer, James Tisdale. Superintendent of Schuolt, J. Tisdale. Oi.iNTON : Councillors, KoiiCTt lU'A>ry, Reeve; Row- ley Kilborn, John J. Patterson. Joseph Linderberry. Robert Davis. Clerk, James S. Henry, Beainsvillo, P.O. Population, 2ti5iJ. Treowrer, James S. Henry. Superintendent of Schools, Kev. Wllliaiii Hewson. UAINSBOROUOH : Councillors, George Scconl, Reeve ; John McCollum, Caspar, Gilbert Lane, James Swayze. Clerk, John Upper, Gainsborough, P. O. Popul.ition, 'iia3. Treasurer, John Upper. Superintendent of Schonls, G. M. G ihnore. Grantham : CouncHlors, John Gillcland, Reeve ; John Read, Robert Lawrie, John Ker, Walter Diitrick. Clerk, Charles Rolls, St. Cathiiriiiea, P. O. Popula- tion, 3387. TrcAiiurer, Charles Rools. Superintendent of Schools, J. G. Stevenson. Gkimsdy : Councillors, Ablshni Morse, Reeve; Jami-s Oill, John B. Pettii, Cyrus Killiorn, Gcor->e Adams. CVerJfc, Henry Smith, Sinitliville, P. O. Popu- lation, 2*22. TVetisurer, Henry Smitli. SuperitUen- dent of Schools, J. Wolvertoii, M.l). Louth : Councillors, William Adaiii!", Reeve ; Jas. W. O. Clark, Baniabns Gregory, William Smith, I). Bradt. Clerk, John Roberts, Jordan, P. O. Popula- tion, 1780. Trensiirer, Philip Beamer. Sap:rinten- dentof Schools, Rev. O. M. Armstrot:-.'. Niagara : Councillors, Gilbert IMcMickeu, Reeve ; Hamilton Gorins, Willtnm Woodruft', John .McKar- land, Lainberl. Clerk, Arthur Slnvv, Niagara P.O. Population, '2N5. Trensurer, Arihar Shaw. CAKnoR'>uoiT : Councillors, Barton Farr, Reeve ; .\braham McCollum, Adam Moote, C-ilviii S. Kuleiov, Isaac Swayzic. Clerk, William Co.'itos, Diiniivillc, P. O. Population, 093. Treasurer, John Folmslce. Superintendent of Schools, W. Strinscr. North Cavooi : Cmncitlors, Davil Thompson, Reeve ; Duncan Campbell, .lohn Welsh, John Crvsl^r, William Decpw. Clerk, Robert V. Griflith, Indrina, P.O. Population, l.'Hrt. VVcn*«rer, Robert Griffiths. Superintendent of School*, Kdmutid D'K. Cen. HoL'Til Cayuoa: C«wnr(7/ors, Robcrl Cook, Reeve; John I'ry, Abraham Shirk, Christopher Rittenliouso, (Jeorgn Webster. Clerk, William Cook, Dunnvllle, P. O. Superintendent nf Schooln, Mark Hichard Jukes. Population. I^i Treasurer, Wm. Cook. DoKN : Councillors, A, P. Farrell, Reeve; W. B. Shpehan, F'rederick Hyde, Henry Imbick, William Blolt. Clerk, Georae Shochan, Diinnvillc, I*. O. Po- pulation, 7 H. 7Vr«sarer, Robert Spratt, S:ipcrinten- dent of Schools, W. J. Iinlach. Mour.roN and Sheriirookk i CounHHors, John Jar- roH, Rwvc ; John Kirk, John Oldfield, John Bow- man, William B. Bnllivniil. Clerk. John iNIrirtin, Diin- ville, P.O. Population, Moulinn,, Slierbrooke, 3'M — Totnl, 1*71. 7y«n«arer, John Martin. Superinlei, dent t^ Schools. John Mnttin. Oneida: Councillors, Philip Murray, Reeve; John Donablsoii, Roheri Mahudy, Daniel Piager, Thomas Siott. C/erA, Jiimes Carten, Seneca, P. O. Popnba- tion.'JOOH. Treasurer, John .Aniterson. Superinten- dent of Schuoh, Rev. W. Beiliune. Rainham : Councillors, Joseph Gee. Reeve; Henry Vockhum, John Yai-er, Lewis Augustine, Peter Cul- ver. Clerk, Jo»m (I. Cooper, Walpolc, P. O. Popu- lation. 1W9. -Trcjaurer, J. T. Cooper. Superintendent of Schools, William H. Wil-*on. M.D. Sknkca: Councillors, Richard Brown, Reeve : Robert ' Young, Jacob Young, Michael Harcourt, Paul Park, i Clerk, Alfred Brown, York, P.O. Populilion, IWi:}. \ Treasurer, Dennis Young. Superintendent of Schools, William McCaruon. Walpole : Councillors, John Gowan; Reeve ; Wil- liam Best, John Shirk, Bowman. Thomas Falls, i C/«r/f, Jolin Heasman, Jarvis, P. O. Popula!ion,27e8, Treasurer, John Ileasman Rev. W. Bothunc. Bertik : Ciuncillors, Isaac S. Hawii Saperintendeut of Schools, Reeve; Rlch- nERTiK : 5. Treasurer, J. Wannie. Superintendent of Schools, \> D'Everards. VVainflki^t : C'lUHcilliirs, John B. Orcilly, Reeve ; Leonard Misner, John Graybiel, Hiram Wilson, Jere- I iiiiah Forrei-ter. Clerk, E.ji> J. Hniiili, 1). Soalnn. D. Lockivood. Clerk, llecior .McFarinne, Kkl'ri.l, 1'. (). I Lono : Councillors, Koliert Al.iinsoii, Reeve ; Georye Barker, II. C. R. Bechrr. J. Curliii)f. Clerk, iamcB Farley. Supcrintenthnt of Schools, John Wilson. NICIPALITIES. Clialiom-r, A. .'McAriliiirjDavidLvnch, Thomas Caver- hill. Clirk, I.. (;. Wood, Lobs, P. O. lOVioN: Councillors, F.Talbot, Recre .'.,. v.«..„,,,,o„.., ,. i„,i,u,, J........ , Willlatn McMillan, Deputy ; Genrye Rohson, F. Waldon, T. Ilarrijoii. Clerk, Win. Taylor, t'.luiiilielil, P. O. MAi.AiiinK: Coiuirillors, F. II. Wright, Reere; Dr Tt:\nc\, Deputy ; A. .AIcF.weii, P. Clayton, I;*. Gritfin. Clerk, Ueiilien Crandi-ll, Ayliiier, P. O. MuTCAi.FK : Councillorj, R. W. Branan, Reeve ; T. Moyle, O. Mortimer, Reuben Hill, .Archibald Campbell Clerk, Kdward Goiildrick, Katesville, P. O. Mosa : Cnnnrillors, Williaiii Neal, Reere j Robert TliOMison, William Weeks, N. Munro, P. King. Clerk, Adam Ihitchie, Wardsville, P. O. Svptri7itcndent of Sdiools, Uov". John Gunne. .SouTiiwoi.n : CoiirtciUors, Levi Fowler, Recte ; C Munro, Deputy ; (Jcor^'c RobI', John Allworth, N. MjcCoII. Clerk, D. Carpenter, Ein(-nl, P. O. Wkstminstkr : Councillors, Isaac Campbell, Reeve \ Richard Frank, Deputy ; Jos. Odell. James Rae, D. Rymel. Clerk, James llaldiine, London, P. O. Wn.i.iAMS : Councillor}, Donald Frnscr. Reere ; G. S!ii;)l(>v. 11 Fraspr, James Brcmiier, John McLaughlin, ClirU, Colin McKonzie. Williams, P. O. Ya«>ioit!i: Ciiuvriltors, Alexander Love, Reere; R. .loliiipnii, Deputu : I). Black, M. T. Moore, D. Parisii. Clerk, J. Mackay,f70. 'treasurer, John Rollins. WooBiiousK : Councillors, i. B. Urouse, Reeve; J. W. Powell, Deputy; Jaincs Walker, Jolin IJecow, Levi L. Douglass. Clerk, D. Mnrr, jr. Siincoe.— Siiperiiitetitlcnt of Schools, Rev. William Clarke. Po- pul ition, 3985. Treasurer, Henry GrotT. XI. NORTHUMBERLAND AND DUR^IAM. UNITKD COUNTIES. COUNTY TOWN, COBOURG. M. P. P. for Xorlhuniliorlan.l, A Inn II. Meyers, Trent. M. 1*. P. (or Dnrliam. James Smith, Port Hope. Regis- trar for Norlhntnberland, Hon. G. S. l!oiilti)H,Colionrg. R-:ffislrar for Unrhnm, Georire G. Ward, I' jrt Hope. Sheriff, H. Ilnttaii. Clerk Pence, Thomas Ward. Depulij Clerk Crown, H. W. Jones. Jud^'e Cm>My Court, G. M. Uoawell. Clerk do., R. D. Olintterton. Jul/re Surrogate Court, Thomas Ward. Registm du., M. F. Wliiiehead. Jgenl Croirn. Lands, R. P. Sini[n. Principal Grammar 5cA0u/, R. Hudspeth. Revenue Inspectors, (J. S. Uainlry, Northumberland ; and James McKibhIu, Durham. Warden, Henry S. Reid, Darlington. Townships, Northumberland. Reeves, Northumberland. Colwurg, Town T. Scoit, A.MiUw.Dep'ij. Cramahe John iM. (Jrover, William Pollock, Deputy. Haldimand and Alnwick. . .James G. Rogers. J. R. Clark, Deputy. Hamilton A. 0. Carpenter, John Creighton, Deputy. Monaghan, South Joseph Graham. Murray Joseph L. Peterson, Allan Way, Deputy. William Humphries COUNTY COUNCIL. Treasurer, Hon.Z. BurnliamCohourg. Surveyor, Thomas S. Gore. Clerk, Morgan Jcllelf, Colwurg. Toicnshipa, Durham. Reeces, Durham.* Cartwright James Caesar. Cavan J.Thorn.T.Syer.Cep'y. Clarke Allan VVilmot, Andrew Lock hart. Deputy. Darlington Henry S. Reid, Mich- ael Crydcrman, Deputy. Hope Samuel S. Powers, Alex- ander Morrow. Deputy. Manvers, William Hunter. Port Hope, Town Dr. William Smith. *The Reeves of the County of Durham have formed themselves into a Provisional Council. Percy Seymour. Di. Robert Denmark TOWN OF COBOURG. — Population, 3402. Couneillo's, William Weller, Mayor; Thomas I Burnett, John Helm, George Perry. Clerk and Super- Scott, Reeve ; Andrew Milne, Deputy ; Asa A. intendenl of Schools, David Brodie, Coboure. Burnham, Jaiuea Canavan, Robert H.Throop, Francis I TOWN OF PORT HOPE. Councillors, Joim T. Williams, Mayor ; Dr. Wil- Schools, Reverend Jamca Baird. Treasurer, Charles liam M.Smith, Reeve; William H. Untterfleld, Hughes, ^jsestw^, James Grant, James Clarke, and William Barrett, jr. John Haton, William Mitohell, John Reid. Collector, Best Fair. High Constable, T. W. Metcalfe, John J^ynn, Archibald Porter, i James North, lasptclor of WeiglUt and Measures, Clerk, Francis Evatt, Port Hope. Superintendent of, David Gillespie. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. CRAMAnB : Councillors, J. M. Grovcr, Reeve ; Wil- liam Pollock, J5«puty ; J. W. Cryderman, J. .M. Grover, Josiah H. Procior. Clerk, J. P. Bcoit, Culborne, P.O. Superintendent of Schools, Joshua Webster. Treasu- rer, Tliomqs Webb. Divided into wards. Haldi.hand and Ar.NWiCK : Councillors, James G. Rogers, Retve ; J. R. Clark, Deputy ; Charles Vernon, James Campbell, E. !?. Barnnm. Clerk, P. M. Grover. Haldimand, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. John W. Smith. Hamilton : Councillors, A. B. (Carpenter, Reeve ; John Creighton, Deputy ; Allan Mcintosh, Joseph Phillips, John Wade. Clerk, George Stewart, Cold Springs, Cobourg. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Thomas Snell. Treasurer, Robert llarston. South Monaohan : Councillors, Joseph Graham, Reeve-, Robert Wadrlell, Thomas Perrin, W. Thompson, Robert Willin. Clerk, James Aikins. South Nlon- nghan, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Francis Howe. Treasurer, James Enkins. Divided into wards. MuRRW: Councillors, Joseph 8. Peterson, Reeve ; Allan Way, Deputy ; William Bniler, Renlien I'owell, i wards. perintendent of Schools, T. E. TilJesley. Treasurer, George Ranney. Divided into wards. Cartwrioht : Co»?t6t'Uors, James Caesar, Reeves; John Bruce, Maihew Devit, John Mclianghlan, Wil- liam W. Gerow. Clerk, William Vance, Cartwright, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, William Lucas. Treasurer, David Deacon. Divided into wards. Cavan : Councillors, John 'i'horn. Reeve , Thomas Syer, Deputy ; John Swain, Foster Cain, Georce Hetheringion. Clerk, Patrick McGuire, Milbrook.P. O. Super intendenl of Schools, Rev. Samuel Armour. Treasurer, James Fitzgerald. Divided into wards. Ci.akick : Councillors, Allan Wilmot, Reeve; An- drew Lockhert, Deputy ; Hiram Hodge, Robert Hodge, Samuel Way. C'r.rk, Samnnl Wilmot, Newcastle, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. W. Ormiston, A. B. IVeasurer, Henry Munro. ividet' in.o wards. Darmnoton : Councillors, Henry S. Reid, Reeve; Michael Cryderman. Deputy; John Simpson, J. C. Frull, John Rush. Clerk, John Scott, Bowtnanville. P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Reverend John Cleinie. 'L'reasurer, Charles Lister. Divided into John McPliail. Clerk, Dennis M'Cuulay, 'J'reiit I'ort, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, James L. Bigger. Treasurer, Henry Fox. Divided into waids. Pkkov t Councillors, William Humphries, Raeve \ Andrew Dorlin, Joseph Errington, Isiael Humphries, Charles Goin. Clerk, John Douglap, Percy, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, George Hart. Treasurer, AI)rahaiD S. Plait. Seymour : Couneillori, Dr. Robert Denmark, Reeve; Henry Rowed, Georso Tunnah, John Mitchell. David Allan. Clerk, G. VV°. Ranney, Seymour, P. O. 5ii- H(>"E : Councillors, Samuel S, Powers, Reeve ; Alex. Morrow, Deputy ; 'V. Campbell. Samuel Dickinson, John McMurtry. Clerk, .'ames H. Hagerman, Port Hope, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Jamei Baird. Treasurer, William Peters. Divided into ward*. Manvers : Couneillors, Willinm Hunter, Rsev* ; Alexander Preston, Robert Magill, Thomas Benson, Thomas Staple*. Clerk. Robert I'oucbhiirn, Man- vers, P. O. Treasurer, James Vance. Divided into wardi. ion, J. G. 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 43 XII. OXFORD. Population, about 14,000. COUNTY TOWN, WOODSTOCK. M. p. p. for Oxrord, the Hon. Frnncig Hinckfi, Toronto ; ReffiUrar r?r Oxford, James Ingersoll, Wooistock. SAert/f, Jaiiii'8 Carroll. Clerk Peace, W.Lapes, John Dohliin, Robert Smart, John Tully. Clerk, Oharlej Ormund, Peierlwro, P. O. Superiuleiidenl of Schools, Rev. John Gilmour. Popu- lation, (J7.>. 'IVeasurer, Wm. Fowler. O.'s; Councillors, William M'Doniiell, Reeve; Thomas, Thomas Rea, P. M' Hugh, John Oildi. C/iri, Thomas Bird, I, liidsay, P. O. Superin- tendent of Schools, John M.-Neally. Population, *J33. Treasurer, Dr. Jolin Allanliy. Otanmikiu : Councillors, 'i'homas Short, Reeve: Henry Haivliell, Ijepuuj \ William Emmerson, Wil- liam Armstrong, D. Md'arlane. C/erA:, (ieorge Reid, Olonahee, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Adam .Stark. Population, 3'J:». 'IVeasurer, George Reid. Divided into wards. Smitii, l-'xNlsMnRB ANi> Harvkv • CouncHloTS, I'll )ina3 llill, Reere ; J. Oari'Uti, A. Braden, John .Vliltiiii'ii, Daniel Costcli^ C/erk, 'J'liomus Milburn, I'eterhoro, P. (). Superintendent of Schools, ReV. Edward Rolierts. Poimlation, ao?'J. Treasurer, T. Mlllmrn. Diviiled into w.irdij,, Fknki.ov, Ui;.\.!,i;v and Som.mkkville : Cmttcitlors, John Ijaiiijion, Reeve ; J. W. Dnnsford, Willium Snddaby.S. IJro^k, J. Thurston. Clerk, Wm. I'owles, Feiielon Falls, I*. O. Superintendent of Schuoh, John Langton. Population, 033. Divided into wards. XIV. PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL. M UNITKD COUNTU^S. COUNTV TOWN, I.'oUIGNAL. P. P. for Prescolt niid Rusti(.>ll, Thoiiiis II. Jolinson. Registrar Cur Prescott and Russell, Geo. D. Reed, L'Orignal. Slieri^, C. P. TrcailwoU. Ckrh Peace. D. McDonald, F. Dcimlij Clerk Crovjn, T. H. John- 80. 1. Judge Cjiiiitii Court, Peter Fioel. Clerk do., J. W. iMarslon. Judife Surrogate Court, D. Pattee. Registrar do., J. W. Marsion. Agent Crown Lands, 11. W. iMcCann. Principal Qrammar School,\W. A. Ross. Revenue /Hsy>«c/or, D. JNlcDoiial I, (F.) COUNTY COUNCIL. WarJcn, Chauncey Jolmson, L'Orignal. '/"reniurcf, Thos. II. Johnson, L'Orignal. Clerk, D. McDonald, (F.) L'Ori^lnal. Toiei,ships, Presculf, Reeves, Prescott, Caledonia Hawkesliury, East. . Hawk'jsbury, West. . Longueil and Alfred. .William Uradley. . J iMie!) Simpson. .11. W. McL'ann. .Oiiaunccy Johnson. Townships, Prescott. R;eces, Prescott. Plantagenet, North. . ..Patrick Ryan. Plantagennt, if^onth. . . .I'oter .McI.auieM. Toionships, RnsicU. liaeces, Russell. Cumberlanil, Russell. Claronce &CamL It;;^!!- I George G. Dunning. TOWNSHIP MUNICIP.^UTIES. Caledonia : Cjniicdlors, William Bradley, li^nce ; | 1/Orignal, P. O Jame.5 Renwii'iJ, I)nn;an .McLeoi, Darhy Flood, lltiiih Munro. Ckrk atid Treasurer, J. G. Ilradlev, (Jaleilonia, P. O. Svperinleiideiit of Srhuu!s,'V\\oa. lligginson. East H.vwxksuuuy : Cjiincillurs, Jas. Hiinjisoi), Reeve; Andrew Allison, Nelson llnrwi^h, Colin McPherson, Chas. II. Tweed. Clerk and IVeasurer, James Gamble, VanlUeeck llill, P.O. ; Superintendent of Schools, 3ns. Gamble. West H vwiiKsnuiiv : C.)H;ieillors, Henry Wellesloy McCann, Recce ; llimh Louuh, John Fraser, Hiram Johnson, Asa llmicroft. Clerk, (^'liarle.-t XVaters, Vankleeck Hill, P. <).; SaperintcnUtnt of Schools, T. IIii?ginson. Treasurer, D. iMcDoiifli. LoNouKiL AND Ai.FRKD- Councillors, Channcey John- son, Reeve ; Humphrey Hughes, Channcey Johnson, jr., Charles Flyn, Olivier St. Julien. Clerk, John Pattee, Supcriuleiident of Schools, Robert llainiiton. Treasurer, V. I\I. Cushnian. North PL'.Niw^iXNKT : CnunrH'urs, Patrick Ryan, Rcece ; Peter JM-.M.irliii, .lamos ,Mclf indlay, Jaines I iVIcFiul, Frantjois lliiplanit' dit Helllble! Clirk, T. Rhatigan, Plantagenet 1'. C; Superintendent of Sciwols, iMatliew Eliler. Trcusurr.r, J. li'gs^s. I SnuTii I'LANTAd'-.NKT : CjuttciUiirs, Peter McLauren i^fcuc ; Samuel Hunter, Hugh iMcLean, Christopher Metcair, Ueiij.imin franklin. C'erk, AVilliain Owen, Plantaiienet, P. O. ; Sii;ierintendeitt of Schools, Mat- tliew KIder. Treasurer, P. Me Lauren. Cu.MIlKKI.ASl), Rl'SSKLt., ClvRKVOI; AND Camdridge : Councillors. Geo. (Jibb Dnniiin^', lieece ; Archd. Petrie, Wm. Edwards, Martin Castlcman, J. Stewart. Clerk, II. McAfee, Cumberland, P. O. : Superintendent of Schools, Rev. John Edwards. Treasurer, J. Wilson. XV. PRINCE EDWARD. COUNTY TOWN, PICTON. M. P. P. for Prince Edward, T). B. Stevenson, Picton •, Registrar for Prince Edward, .Tohn P. Roblln, Picton. Sheriff, O. McMahon. Clerk Peoce, Phillip Low. Deputy Clerk Cronm, C. Mortimer, .fud^e Counttf Court, D. L. Fnirfleld. Clerk do., O. Mortimer. Juisfe Surrogate Court, S. Washburn. Regutrar do., S. Merrill. Jgeut Croton Lands, J. P. Roblin. Principal Grammar School, G. K. Mulligan. Jt«o«iiir< Inspector, Adaui Hubha. COUNTY COUNCIL. lFard*n,3oha Howell, DemorcBtville, P. p. ; TreatHrer, David Smith, Pieioti, P. O. { Cl«rk, R. J. Chapman, Piclon, P. O. 851. ulation, Fortye, Siimri, 0, r. o. Popu- Reeve ; [i, John Superin- L)ti,'2-i33. Reeve ; )ii. VVil- ge Reid, 1, Adiiiii •c Reid. ineillorf, en, Joliii Milburn, 1 1, Rcv. rurer, T. iKVlLLG : JiiiiDford, trk, VVui. \ndeiU of Divided D. Reed, li. John- D. I'aitee. chool, W. lald, (F.) U. lell. I Robert I It Rynn, ' V, James i Cto-fc, T. Sclwola, ■ I Icl-auren ' -iintopher { 111 Owen, 1 oh, Mnt' [bridge: : . id. relrie. Clerk, ! eudent of Wilson n, Picton. re County ttrar do., Reotnnt :!h8pman, 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 45 1 PRiyCE EDiyjRD— Continued. To»n$hip$. Reevei. Ameliaiburgh VVillinm Deiiipiey. Alhol WilHOii lieiilley. Ilnllowelt Caleb VVilliMiiifi. Uillier JuineiT. Lane. TOWN OF Couneillort, Philip Low, Mayor \ D. I). Stevenson, M. P. P., Reeee; Willlaiii lliile, Joh. McDonald, Cnl- vin Pier, Jainet Porter, Walter Rob8, Juhn Miller, Townekipt. Reerei. Mnrysburch Andrew VVycolt. Picioii ('lV)wn) l). n. tnpE:ey, Reeve ; Owen Robliii, Reubi-n Yoiin^t, S.iniuel S. Wiil- bridge, Tiiomas G. McGrnth. C/er4, Riehnrd C. H. Cotton, Anielinsburi;!! P. O. ; Svperintcvdent of Schonh Daniel Brianl. Divided Into wards. Athol: Cownciflore, Wilson Beiilley, Reeve: Win. Blakelcy, Willlain A. I'alin, P^terld. flare. James P. Spencer. Clerk, Dyer Piantoii, Clierry Valley, P. O. ; Superintendent o: A'cAvo/e, Rev. Gilbert Millar. Divi- ded into wards. HALLowEt.t: C. (lii.LiRR: Coiiiifj7/or», James T. Latie, JJ«ere ! Cdleb Piatt, Nathaniel Nile!>, Gcor|;e Arlliur, Williiiin Henderson. Clerk, I'nilip Fli.ylcr, Ilillicr, P. O. Divided into wards. MARVBDURnii ! Counrillore. Andrew ^Vycotl, Reeve ; Edward W. Wright, John G. Iljcko, James Ulapp, A. Sliannon. C/erA, I'aleii Clnrk, Millbrd, P.O. Super- intendent of Schools, R. Whitley. Divided into wards. SopiiiAsncRoii : CounciUore, John Howell, Rette \ Jacob Shorts, Daniel Glllieri, Dnvid R. Solnies, Hollet Sprntjue. Clerk, Thomas Moore, jr., Demorestville, P. O. Superintendent of SchooU, J. F.Curlelt, M. D. Divided into vvardn. XVI. SIMCOE. Population, 25,753. COUNTY TOWN, EARRiE. — Population, 686. M. P. P. for Siincoe, the Hon. W. B. Robinson. Registrar for Siincoe, George Lounf, Dnrrie. Sheriff, B. W. Smith. Clerk Peace, W. B. McVity. Deputy Clerk Crown, H. H. G'owan. Judge County Court, James R. Gowan. Clerk do., Jonathan Lane. Judge Surrogate Court, J. U. Gowan. Registrar do., J. Lane. Jgent Crovn Lands, J. Alexander. I'rtneipal Grammar School, Frederick Gore. Revenue Inspector, E. A. Walker. COUNTY COUNCIL. ITortieii, William Arinson, Bradford, P. O. Treasurer, Edmund Lally, Barrie, P. O, Barrie, P. O. Surveyor, Henry Creswick, Oro, P. O. Clerk, John McWatt, ToKnskips. Reeves. Adjala Robert Keenan. Artemesia . . Essa and Tosoroiiiio Henry Morris. ' Gwillimbury, (West) William Arnison, ThcB. McCoiichy, Deputy. Tnnisfil William Cross. Medonte, Tiny, Tay, North Orillin, and MatcheiUtsh. . .Georpc W. Bell. Mono and Muliiiur Michael Island. Tousnships. Reeves. Nuttawasagu Peter rerguson. Oro and South Orillia .Andrew Moflfatt. Osprey . St. Vincent, Euphrncia and Collin;^wool James Robertson. Tecuni:eili Koliert Crosf", John (^aiswell. Deputy. Vcspra, Flos and Suiinidale. .Jonathan Lane. TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. AiMALA : Councillors, Robert Ktenan, Reeve ; Thomas Langley, Samuel Ilevslip, William Bentty, George Kidd. Clerk, Jamet; Hart, Ailjnla, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, J. Hart. Po|)ulatlon, 180-i. Essa and Tosohontio : CwMwcj'Wftrs, Henry Morris, Reeve; Patrick Kelly, William M'Lean, Andrew HainiltO!!, James Lattlnier. Clerk, William Strong, i Bond Head, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, 1'honias Driiry. ropiilation, 10:1. Divided into wards. West Gwili.imdury : Cout.cillors, William Arm- son, Reeve; Thomns McConUey, Deputy; Zcaiirs Uo|r, John Craig, John«McKiiiley. Clerk, Edmniid iMuon, Coldwnter. Aip«rinfl5. NottaWas/.oa : Councillors, Peter Ferguson, Reeve ; Malcolm Livingston, Archibald McMuichy, Ale.xan- derCampliell, Donald Palierson. Clerk, Anuiis Dell. Noitav\asiiga, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, John Ferguson. Population, 143U. Treasurer, Francis Hewson. Oro and Soo'ih : Councillors, Andrew Molfatl, iJecre ! Richard Urury, John Flalurty, Chas. Jaiiett, JiMiies Greeiifcliiclds'. C/erk and Superir.ten- tlcnt of Schools, Duncan Clark, Oro, P.O. Poiiuiatioii, 2a.itJ. Divided into wards. ^ St. VlSC.'KNI, Cor.MNOWl OD, ANB EurHR«HIA : Councillors, James Rolierlson, Recce; 'I'ront, Curry, William Corley, Rorke. C/«rA:, John Williams, St. Vincent, P.O. Population, 2177. JVeas- urer, Joliii Williams. Diviiled into wards. Tfcijmseth : Councillors, Robert Cross, Reeve s John Carsvvell, Deputy! James l.onsj, IIughDiinwoodie, William Agiiew. Clerk, David Kvans, Bond Head, P. O. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. F. L. Ostler. Population, 3l>74. Treasurer, Alexander Caviller. Viisi'RA, Fixis, ANu Su.NNiDAi.e ; CovnciUors, Jonathan Lane, Reeve; Miles Kenny, Stephen Bishop, Jonathan Sixt-ions. Samuel Lamoiit. Clerk, Williaia Mann, Barrie, P. O. Superintendent of Schottts, Patrick Smith. Popult^tion, 1863. Treasurer, Ediuund Lally. Divided into wards. ;iT» ill .feili 11 ! 46 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. XVII. STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARY. UNITED COUNTIES. COUNTY TOWN, CORNWALL. Total Population, 40.249— Siormont, lj,336; Dundat, 11,739 { Glcngary, 13,070. M. P. P. Tor Stnrmoiit, Alexander McLcnii, Cornwall. M. P. P. for Dundni, John P. Cliryiler. M. P. P. for Gleiigary, John S. Maedonalil, ie/>i<(.i/; George J. Dixson, Donald McDonell, Alexander McDonell. Clerk, Alexander E. McDonell, Cornwall, P. O. Populutio. , 3897. Trea. surer, John Johnstone. Finch : Councillors, Adam Cockburn, Reeve ; John Crystcr, John Smuii, Alexander Ban McMillan,George Munro. Clerk, John Cockburn, Finch, P. O. Super- intendent of Schools, Donald Mclnnip. Population, 132.1. Vreaturer, Donald Mclnnis. OsNABRDOK : CouucHlors, John Rnmbongh, Reeve ; Samuel Ault, Hiram Baker, Henry Bradcn, William Warner. Clerk, John Backus. Superintendent of fcAoote, James B. Tuttle. Po|iulation, 4-200. Treasu- rer, William Colquhoun. RoxoonoDOii : Councillors, James Sprowl, Reeve ; Thomas Bennett, Demean McCaliuui, John Hounih, E. Blair. derJfc, James Be^g, Martiiitown, P. O. Super- intendent of Schools, John Frascr. Population, 1704. Treasurer, Donald Davidson. Matilda : Couneillors, Jacob Brouse, Reeve : Geo. Brouse, Wm W. Cossciman, Chiirles C. Rose, Robert Lawrie. Clerk, Philip Carman, Williamsburgh, P. U. Population, 3334. Treasurer, Adam J. Dixson. MoDNTAiN ; Councillors, Kdward Brouse, Reeve ; Joseph Hyndman, Thos. Arnislrong, Elijah Vancamp, Hugh McCargar. Clerk, John Morrow, Moiiutain,P.O. Population, •l437. Treasurer, James CInland. W.LLiAMSBDRQH : CouncHUtrs, Walter liell. Reeve ; Alexander McDonald, Sophremas Casicrliy Richard Carney. Townships, Reeves. Fisremonl ' David Cochran. Brainosa Thomas Armstrong. Erin W. Clarke: O.IIwialMW,0«|r. * J 1851. Y. p. p. for wall ; for iff, n. E. nciloiiaUI. Landt, S. irk, Jamea *ndM. aUngaty. oU.Daiiiel e, Deputy. )nald. Ja«> I, JDejmly. icll. nell. John rt, DeptUf/. \y, Robert irintendeni ft SehooU, ; William iro, Reeve-, i Huminell, Vinchester, . T. Caskel- Blackwood, lin S. Mnc* Macdonald. Superinte*- Population, ial(I,R«er« i )nell, James III Murray, koot$. Rev. irer, Angiw )neU,R«eee ; ) X.M.icplier- Lniicaster, I Mclennan, j riand. | iicll, Rttve 5 1 lell, Donald Owen dui^- of Schooh, Treaeurer, ph. Skerif, udge CvHirfy ejTutrar do., Stewart. ar, Guelptu oitK. MWtMW.DV * 1/ 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 47 Rtevte. WATERLOO— ConUuned. Townehipe, Totenihipi, Oararrnxfl, Amaranth, and MelnncUion Jniiica Donaldion. Glciieig A. B. McNab. Ouelph 1). Thuricll : George Sunley, [Deputy. Holland Charles Thorp. Luther (Newly lurveyed.) Mlnto (Nci\ ly surveycU.) Nieliol John Wati. Noriuanby W. Fox. Peel and Maryborough. .Cornelius ('allaghan. Proton (Newly surveyed.) TOWNSHIP MUNICIPALITIES. Reette. Pusiinch John Cockburn: 1 ..os. F.lli*, [Deputy. Sullivan W. Hiilliday. Sytleiihani Rohert Iloaih. Waterloo Jonailiuii U. Bowman: Ellas Snider, Deputy. VVellctley & Mornington. Jno. Hawk: W.Cunningham, [7^«/;i«(y. Wllinot Jiio. Knist, Woolwich John Meyer: Edw I Deputy . Pfldiiore, [Deputy. Arthur : Couneillore, 3. M. A. Cameron, Reeve ; Andrew Mitchell, llatfleld, Ijlinw, Townseiiil. Clerk, Robert Mitchell, Arthur. Super- intendent of Sckooh, Thomas Uonloii. Kektinck: Councillort, George Jackson, Reeve; Alexander Smith, Alexander McPhnil, James liurgess, H. S. Schofleld. Clerk, John Uoyd, Liuiuiick. Derby : Couneillore, Richard Carney, Reeve ; John Miller, Simon Hull, Nathaniel Hcrriinoii, William Neelands. Clerk, George James Gale, Owen's Sound. Superintendent of Srhoolt, W. A. Stepliens. EoREMONT : Councillors, David Cochran, Reeve ; U. Crittenden, J. Smith, J. Sterrit, J. Brown. Clerk, Thomas Aicheson, Noriimnby. • Gramosa : Councillort, Thomas Armstrong, Reeve ; James Parkinson, Donald DIack, A. L. Argu, James Mitchell. Clerk, W. Oliplmiit, Guelph. Superin- tendent of Schools, John Harris. Grin: Councillors, William Clark, Reeve; George Henshaw, Demily; A. Reiinic, George Ferguson, John Kott. Clerk, W. Tyler, Erin. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Duncan McMill.'in. G.tRAFRAXA, Amaranth, and Mei.anctiion : Coun- cillors, JameM Donaldson, Reeve ; John DoMitn, H. McGowan, NcUon Hujilison, Amaranth ; Henry Bales, Melancthoii. Clerk, John Hkippen, Grin. Superin- tendent of Schools, W. W. Shanfl. Gi,K.NKi.n : Councillors, A. B. McNah, Reeve ; Allan Cameron, Donalil McCormick. Jamo!< Loileiibam, Duncan Smith. Clerk, NicI Mcliuyre, Btntiiick. GuBLPH : Councillors, B. 'J'hurtrll, Reeve ; Georse Sunley, I>epitf (/ i Robert Boyd, William Logan, Jolin Folton. Clerk, Jamefi lloiigh, Guelph. Superinten- dent of Schools, John Kirkluml. HoM.ANn : Councillors, t.'^harles Thorp, Reeve ; Thomas Willoughliy. Wni. Clark, Thomas Nicholson, Thomas Byeri>. Clerk, Henry Cardwell, Owen's Sound. Superintendent of Schools, Robert Breeze. NicuoL : Councillors, John Wall, Reeve ; Laiighrin, John Valentine, Archibald F. Sherrati, John Brockie. C/cri, James McQueen, Fergus. Super- intendent of Schools, Rev. George Smell ie. NnR,MANBv : Councillors, Vv. Fox, Reeve; Munro, Sicvenson, W. Wright, Win. Watt. Clerk, John Nowlan, Normanby. Pkkl and MARVDoitnuoii : C-uncillort, Cornelius O'Callaghan, Reeve; Timothy O'Callaghan, John Naiighioii, Thomas Garbuii, Benjamin Jones. Clerk, John Wilton, Elora. Superiutendcnl of Schools, John Wilton. PusLiNcii : Councillort, John Cockburn, Rteve ; Thomas Ellis, Deputy; David Siortoii, James McKobie, Win. Leslie. C^rAc, Alexandur Smith, Guelph. Super- intendent uf Schoolt, John Kirkland. Sullivan : Councillors, W. Halliday, iZsece ; Job Parson, John Walker, Robert Laurie, Chas. Crutchtey. Clerk, , Sullivan. Superintendent of Schoolt, Hobert Bree/.e. Svoe'NiiAM: Councillors, Rol)ert Honth, J7eeee; Thomas Lunn, John Telfer, John Frost, Caleb Mordcn. Clerk, Wm. McKenzie, Owen's Sound. Superinten- dent of Schools, W. i\. Stephens. Waterloo: Couveillors, Jonathan B. Bowman, Reeve; Klias Siiiilcr, Dejmlif ; Elias Eliy, Henry Snider, George Davidson. Clerk, David S. Shoemaker, Berlin. Superintendent of Schools, A\cxnni\vT Allan. Wellesi.ev and Morninotiin : Cou'atiUors, Jolin Hawk, Reeve ; W. ('unningham, Deputy ; Adam Isb.ich, J. B. Krotsch, R- RohertKon. Clerk, G. Ballard, Waterloo. Superintendent of Schools, A. liiiciianan. WitMOT: Councillort, Jacob Bettschen, Reeve; John Ernst, Deputy ; Wm. Scott, Anthony Kaiser, Peier Ir8cherhnrt. Clerk, Michael Myers, Petersburgb. Superintendent of Schools, W. Schuler. Wooi.wicii : Councillors, John Meyer, Reeve ; Edward Pnsmore, Deputy ; Peter Hay, Peter Wingtr, Wm. Veitch. Clerk, Jaines Dow, Woolwich. Sufcr- intendent of Schools, W. Reynolds. XIX. WENTWORTH AND HALTON. UNITED COUNTIES. COUNTY TOWN. CITY OF HAM LTON. M. P. P. for Wrnl worth, Dr. HarmanimPiniih. M. P. P. for HHlion,(7a!eb Hopkins. iJe^'/s^rir for Wentworth, Alexanili-r Stewart. Ilainilion. /ie«'i«(rnr for H.ilioii 'i'hoinas Raccy, Dundas. Sheriff, E. C. 'i'homns. Clerk Peace, S. B. Fieeinan. Deputy Clerk Croien, Alexander Stewart. Judge County Court, Miles ti'ttielly. Clerk do., Andrew Stuart. Judge Siirronale Court, S. B. Freeman. Regislrnr do., Geo. Rolph. Agent Croicn Lands, i. T'. Gilkison. Frincipnla Grammar School, Georije Elinslic, Hamilton; James Re;:.-)n, Ancaster. Revenue Inspectors, Duncan McUuugnll, North Divibion ; Hon. John Willson, South Division. COUNTY COUNCIL. Treasurer, James Kirkpntrick, Hamilton. Clerk, .Tames Durand, Hamilton. C. Buker and T. M. Simons. Solicitor, John O. Halt. Touinshipt, Halton. Reeves, Halton.* Beverly S.Holeomb. J. Beunett.Dsp'y. Dumfries Absalom Shade. Weiidal Bon man, Deputy. Warden, Robert Spcnce, Dundas. Auditors, H, Toumthipi, Wentworth. Reevet, Ji'enttcorlh. Ancaster John Hcslop. Mosses II. Howel, Deputy. Barton Michael Burkholdcr. Binhrooke Andrew tlnll. Brantford David ChriKile. Herbert Bicgar, Deputy. Draniford, Town William Mntheis. John H. Moore, Deputy. Glandlbrd Joseph Hniinon. Onondnpa and Tuscarora. . Wm. N. Alger, Paris, Village Hiram Oapron. Salifleet John WiHiamson. Dundas, Toten Robert Spence. EiiqiieHing J Macnau'.'hton. N.Lindsay, Flamhorough, East. . . . Thomas Smith. [Deputy, Flamhorough, West. . . . James Logie. Gall, Villnge Andrew Kliiolt. Natisagaweya Alexander McNaughton. Nelson Andrew Gage. R. Doiivlas, [Deputy. Trafalgar G. K.Chisholin. J. Orr,I>ep'y. *Thc Reeves of Halton have formed thcinselvea into a Provisional Council, in conformity with tlie provisions of Jl»c Act. ii 48 SCOBIR'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. I WESriVORTH AND HJLTOJf-CoHtinued. CITY OF HAMILTON. — Popultllioil, 10,248. M. P. P. for Uamilion, SirA. N. McNab, Kt. Mayor, John FiKhcr. Police Magi»trale, O, II. Ann- «troii|{, At. Aniiiikw'h Waru: JlJennan, Joliii Ki*hvr, Mayor, Cnuitcillori, llutcliiiiith. Assessor and Enumerator, Robert Cairiia. Superintendent of Schools, Rev, David Caw. Ancabter: Councillors, 3oh\\ Iteslop, i2eere ,- Moed H. Howell, Deputy; (Jeorae It. Uosseaiix, Philip Rymal, and Jainesi C;ilder. CUrk, M:ithew Crooks. Treasurer, Janiei Chep. HuperirUendent of Schools, Fiancis Ciimeron. Uarton : Councillors, M.chnel BiirkhoMer, Reeve; Rymal, Horriin<;, D. K. Servoc, M. Aikrimn. SuperinlenileHt of Schools, Patrick Thornton. HiNURoiiK : Councillors, Henry llnll, A'cece; Jatnc^ Spittal, Joint Si'ley, Andrew H.Sweazy, Dr. Kennedv. Clerk, Jauii'i* Dull'. Collerlor, llrook Finlin. Super- iiitentlent of SchoUs, Rev. George Clieyne. Assessors and Ennm'erutors, Wni. Ploleniy, Wm. Servos, and Wm. Moilat Auditors, James Rice and Peter Dickson. Treasurer. Jainea Dnrt'. Hrantkoiui : Councillors, Dnvil Christie, Reeve ; Herbert Ui^ianr, Deimty ; .lames Cocksliutt, Ilenson Jones, and JM ward Vanderlip. Clerk, Jolin Cameron. Treasurer, II. R. Strowlirid;;e. Superintendent of Schools, Wei lesly Johnston. Divided into wards. GLANfoRD; Councillors, Joseph Hannon, Reeve; Junies S. Wetenlinll, James O. Lone, Alex. Uinkley, an 1 McSherry. Clerk, 'riiomas Clioate, jr. Treasurer, Cyrus Smith. Collector, James Gleni. Assessors and Enumerators, Jeremi;di Horning, Gideon Smith, Richard Springer. Auditors, Wm. Smith, and Hewat Baker. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. Samuel Fen ton. O.soNnAOO AND TcscARORA : CuunciUoTS, Wm. N. Algar, iicere ; Peter Mc Kerracher, Richard Cattan, George ftlay, and William Dliver. Clerk and Trea- surer, Robert Wade CuUeclor, Thomas Butler. Assessors and Enumerators, .Adrian Marlet, John Hassard, niid Peter Smith. Auditors, Robert Alsier, and David Dick. Superintendent of Schools, R. Wiide. Sai-tflek r : Councillors, John VVilliamson, /Zeerc; Cariienier, Freeman, Sowles, Gnge. Superintendent of Schools, Rev. George Cheyne. Treasurer, Samuel Green, senr. Clerk, David Wil- liamson. Beveri.t : Councillors, Sell) Ilolcoinb, Reeve ; John Bennett, Deputy; Mulachi Sager, William Dicktoii, and John Vallance. Clerk, Wm. H. linrlow. Trta- sunr, H. G. Barlow. Collector, Thomas Dyut. Superintsndent of Scliools, Rev. John Forteoiis. Assessors and Enumerators, John Allan, James Thom- son, Win. Henderson. Divide I into wards. DuMPRics : Councillors, Absalom Shade, Reite ; Wcndel liowni.'in, Deputy ; Dr. StiinEon, Daniel Anderson, David Shanty. Clerk and Trcii$urer,.t.Mc-\ Naiiuhi, sen. SuperiHtendenl of Schools, Alex. Allan. I Divided into wards. I EstiUKSiNo : Councillors, John M'N.iughlen, Reeve ; 1 Nininii Lindsay, /^e/>i((y ; James Y>.nng, Wlllinin Thomson, and Robert Hall. Clerk and Treasurer, Ricliiird Tracy. Collector, James (J^ollitii". Superin- tendent of Schools, lie*. Donald Fraser Assessors and Enumerators, Jacob Snider, Joseph Ruddel, and James Stirrii. Auditors, Alexander Grout, and Thomas C. Wntkins. Fi.AMBORo' East : Councillors, Thomas Smith, Reeve ; Alexander Urciwn, junr. James McMornics, Mark '1". Crocker, and John Page. Clerk and Super- intendent of Schools, JanieA K. Gritiiii. Treasurer, Edward Evans. Collector, Henry F. Graham. Asses- sors and Enumerators Wm. H. Griflin, Thomas Stock, and Richard I.. Johnson. Auditors, Robert Lotendge, and Robert N. Hopkins. Population, 2110. Divided into wards. Flamdoro' Wkst: Councillors, James Lo;;ie, Reeve; Wm. Miller, Joseiili Webster, Walter Bnin, nnd Mathew Peebles. Clerk, Alexander Crooks. Treasurer, John Weir. Superintendent of Schools, Richard Craddock Assessors nnd Enumerators, Tlxoi. Morris, Samuel Binckly, Walter McFarlane. Auditors, A. T. Kirby, Dr. J. Hamilton. Divided into wards. Nassaoaweya : Counri'lvrs, Alexander M'Nanghtcn, Reeve ; Thomas Eat-terbrook. Superintendent of Schools, A >gns Stewart. Population, ,ls03. Nki.siin : Councillors, Andrew Gaue, Reeve ; R. Douglas, Deputy; James Gnge, Win. Kelly, T. Cooper, Titus G. Cumniings. Clerk and Treasurer, Wm. McCoy. Collectors, Vicor" Pearl, and Walter O'Rielly. Assessors and Enumerators, George G. Crooks, Robert Miller, and Wm. Paiiton. Auditors, Wm. Spence, and F. Hamburgh. Population, 3702. Dividetl into wards. Trafalgar : Councillors George K. Chisholin, Reeve ; Joseph Orr, Deputy ; Samuel Clark. James Applebee, nnd Hugh Foster. Clerk, Robert Balmer, Treasurer, Justus W. Williams. Collector, William Moore. Assessors and Enumerators, Robert Leaeh« Michttcl Snider, and John Jackson^ Superinttndtit I pli C. Moriinon. #{«fr||e Gurneit. CUrk Orttem, Q, B.. €. C. Small. Do,, C. I'., A. N. Huell. Jud/fe Cannt^ Courlj Tlie Hon. 8. B. HarrlMii. CUrk 4».. W. Mnekpnziu. Jud/ft SmrrofiUt Court, Hon. H. H. Hnrriran. R»gi$lrnr do., W.J. PiURerald. Agtnl Crown L»nd$, 'I'hoinaa U/itn<'i//(M'f, Joi. Gould, Rtevfi i J. fill- hiirii, 8. WIdiliheld, T. Millard, HanKHer. Clerk, John Wideinnn, SioufTvlllc, P. O. SuptrinUndtnt nf 5eAaa<«, A . UnR«haw. Population, lUMK VauohaN! CotiMeiUor$, J. W. Gnmlile, Rttvt i II. Rridilftird, Dtputfi D. Hinellle, J. Ixiwry, J. Addiiiii*. CUrh, J. Aalilon, Pine Grove. Population, 0-iM. Divldeil Into ward*. Whitby : CmneiUon, Esra Anne*, Reeve iW. Alli- ■on, Dtipulf I J. Itlnck, L. Harden, jtinr., J. -. Iliiriia. CUrk. Clienler Drnpcr, llrooklyii, P. O. Superinlen- deiU of Seku«U, Rev. R. H. Thornton. Population, aiMH). WHiTCHfRCH : Omneillore, Joi. llartman, Reeve ; Henry Wideinnn, Deputy ; S. Penrion, G. Playter, John Mackliii. Clerk, Joneph llewett, Newmarket. SuuerinteHdeitt of Schoole, L. Kribbi. Population, York : Gmneillon, F. JnekeB, Reeve ; W. Jnines, Deputfi J. Uiiatwood, T. Mulliolland, C. Duncan. Clerk, J. Wilion, 4lh, York Milli. Superintendent of A'e*ooi«, Elihu Peaae. Populition,887*i. OivMed into wardi. The Currency. By the Act 13 and 14 Vic. Cap. 6. the legal v:.lue of the dollar and halt' dollar, it reduced (from Itt January, IKSI,) Trotn ^ Id and 'it ttjd currency, rc«nectlvcty, to 9:4 and 2d U'^ Acl 4 and S Vic. Cap.»3;— Oirrtiiey. The British Sovereign XI 4 4 The multiplet or divitions of the Sovereign to pats in like proportion, so long as any of the coins do not want more than two grains of the weight. In payments over X.3U either party may Insist on taking the coins by weight, at the rate of 94s lUd currency, per ounce Troy. The British Silver Grown • 6 1 " ** half Grown 3 01 •• » Shilliiis 1 M •< " Sixpence • 74 '< » Copper Penny 1 •• » Hair-|i«nny «( '• '< Farthing.... Oj The Eagle of ilie United States coined belbre 1st July, 1834. and weighiug II dwt. 6 gr. Tray. . .Xa 13 4 Oo, coined after the above date, and befbre 1841, and tveighiiig 10 dwt 18 gr. Troy. . . S 10 The multiples or divisions of the above, coined befbre 1841, and of proportionate weiglit. to pass in like pro- portion of value, 80 long as any of the coins do not want more than two grains of the assigned weight. In any payment over Xw either parly may insist on the eoin being taken by welnhi, at the rate of 04s lOd eur- reiiey per ounce Troy, for gold coined befbre Isi July, 18M. Gold of the United States, coined ■iibaequenl^, to be a legal tender in bulk, when oObred in sums of not leas than X30 eurreney, at the rate of Ms currency, per ounce Troy. The Silver Dollar of the United Slates, coined before 1811, and not weighing less than 17 dwt. 4 gr. Troy 5 0' Do. Ifairdollar do 3 tt Do. Qimricr dollar do. 13 Do. iJigliih of a dollar, do 7i Do. Sixieenth of o dollar, do SJ The milled dollar of Spain, and of the several states of Peru, Chill, Central America, and the States of South America, and of Mexico, coined rmiieclively before 1841, and weighing not leas than 17d wt 4gr. T(oy. S Do. Hnlf dollar, do. do 2 & Do. Uuarter dollar, do. do 10 Do. Eighth of a dollar, do. do Do. Sixteenth of a dollar, do. do 3 The Five Franc silver piece of France, coined before 1H4I, and weighing not less than 10 dwt 4 8 The following may be weighed in bulk, and be a legal tender at tne following rates respectively, when olKred in turns of not leit tnan £3ti currency :— The Gold coin of France, of fbrty francs, and itt mul- tiples or divirions, coined before 184lt Rt the rate of 03s id currency per ounce Troy. Tl)e old Doubloon of Spain or Quadruple Pistole, and the Mexican and Chilian DouMoon, and the parts thereof res|iectively, coined before 1841, at the rate of 80s 7d currency, per ounce Troy. The Gold coins of La Plata and of Columbia, coined befbre 1841, at the rate of80sSdcurrency, per oz.Troy. The Gold coins ofPortugal and of Brazil, coined hefore 1841, at the rale of Ols 6d currency, per ounce Troy. The Governor in Council may, by proclnination, assign the same value to any Gold or Silver coiiif, of Ihe nations, weiuhts, and denominitions above eniiiiie- rated, but of later date, which having been assayed at the Royal Mint, shall have been found equal in fineness to llioee above mentioned. British Silver coin ia a legal tender only to ibearanunt of Xi lOa ( and Copiier coins to the amount of la. The sub-divitlona oi dollars being less lliaii halves, are a legal lender to the amount of X3 lOs only. When ihey lose one-twenty-flfth part of their legal Weight, then they sliall not ne lawful money. The dollars and hnlf dollarii. above enumerated, and llie Ave fVanc silver piece of France, are a legal tender to any aiuount \ as are alto the various gold coins. Bank HalidaF*. Uppcr OANAnA.— Queen's Birth Day ; Christmas Day t New Year's Day « Good Friday. LoniVBii Canada.— New Year's Day ; The Epiphany; Annunciation Day; Good Friday ; Ascension Day ;' Ccrpua Ohristi Day ; St. Peter and St. Paul's Day ; All ; Salnia* Day \ Conception Day ; Christmas Day ; ' Queen** Birth Day. Any day appointed by Proclamation fbr a solemn Faal, or d^y of Thanksgiving. ( I I 8 C L E I] V S 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 61 Slatomeut ot Ui« affair* of tbe Province of Canada* for tb« rear •ndliic the 81«l of Jaunaryy 1850. Lomnt to Ineorporaltd Ofrnpanitt, Cobours llnrbour Coinpnny do (i.8. HouKon'iAce't. Dffjardini Caiinl C^oinpniiy Erie niid Ontario Railroad Conip'y.. (.rand River Nnvigniion Company Graiiilmin Academy Oakville Hnrbour Company Port Hope Harliour Company.. . . Tay Navlgailon Company Provineiut fTorkt, je4,403,888te.l{d |)t. Lawrence Cannli Wfliand Canal Chambly Cannl and River Rictielieu Lnke St. Peter Burlington Day Canal Ottawa Work( Hnrtiouri and Lighthouiei Improvement of tlie Trent Roailiand Brldgei, Upiwr Canada, du I^wer Canada.. Provincial Pcniientlnry MiHceilnncoui Works Loiiies by Public Worku and other wive Currency. I Mlemn. rariou$ X161,900 10a. lid. Rebellion and Invasion Cloinia.C.W do do C. B Quebec Loan Lunatic Atylum Law Society Special Vnndt InvttlmtnU, X33»,030 17i. i&k d. Clergy Reiervea Fund, C. W., 5 pei cent. Provincial Debentures. . . Do. do. within the Province Do. do. new Sales Do. do. C. K., 5 |ier cent. Pro- vincial Debentures Do do. within the Province.. Do. do. new Sales Grammar School Fund Do. do. do. SpecinI Account Jesuits' Estate Fund Cullers* Fund, Quebec. Indian Fund Miicellaneoui, JE'211,806 3s. l|d. Marriage Licenses, Canada West, do do Canada East.. Montreal Harbour Company Barinit, Brothers it Co Ti nnage Duty, Quebec. ....... Trinity Fund, Queliec Bosanquet, F ...nks tc Co. Crown Lands' Department Bank of England do do Investment Unprovided items Services of 1890 Cash Account Lunatic Asylum Fund Emigration. 1847. . Unprovided Public Works Windsor Harbour Tolls Scugog Road Tolls aoooi 8436 oeofls S6791 euoi 16794 4i1M 11710(1 88301 lOWi 230i 81002 1.WC 53715 4751 165 II 16 814 at IK 171 6B0f 243 63306 36154 1531! 48139 1883 90S80 lOK 1350 Total Currency X] 5543381 10 £ s. 11977 8 3351! 19 3000J 10 70 11 9 W. 11 431- 3 9961 18 IIOK 4 1041 t4.'i078fl 9 l4-,i6IU'J 14 lAtfy, 5 73558 15 509tN- 6 1U0U44 16 9.VJ40; 3 iwm 11 50(^3: 10 20537*^ 13 34907 15 33sil'J 14 119061 3 s* 3 8 4 Imperial Quarontced Loan Debentures, (Prineipni and Interest payable in England Du. ( do. payable in Canada) Do. (in small Debentures) .... Redemption of Public Debt Currtney. 1895000 1366163 7.M»5« 133910 454117 11 5 3 8 10 7 10 3 3 H 3 10 3 - 0|B Provincial Debentures,Act 8 V. c.09, do do do do. 65. do do do and 10 Vic. cap. 69 and 35. . do do do Vic. cap 61, and 19 Vic. cap. 32 do do do Vice. 33. Special Fund; X5e7080 14s 7d. Clergy Reserves Fund, C. W . . . do do do new sales. Cit'gy Reserves Fund, C. E (io do do new sales. Clergy Revenue Fund, C. W do do do new sales. Clergy Revenue Fund, C. E do do do new sales. School Land Fund do distributive.... do Special Account. Jesuits' Estates Fund Cullers' Fund, Quebec Indian Fund Clergy Suspended Sales Tavern Licenses, Canada West, do Canada East. . Law Fees Quebec Loan Sinking Fund °. . . . . Consolidated Fund Emigration Fund, 1840 Cotnmissariat Department War Losses Montreal Decayed Pilot Fund . . Quebec do do do . . Trinity Fund, Montreal Tonnage Duty, Montreal Olynn, Halifax k. Co. M titreal District Council Montreal Court House Total (Currency. SOOOO 8453 00003 30750 6000 913463 193445 51053 7008 0405 13170 9040 543 39614 6443 150U 51093 5549 ••650 5000 34900 3588 9894 13 409 03366 131703 075 9007? 471= 71 399 61(1 •a 14(1 313 183 8543361 10 8 Hi 11 1 6 3 5 ? J' 9 1 8 6 ?* 7 ?* 10 11 7 3 11 5 1 5 9 10 I H H. (2 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. 1 849. AbBtraet Statement of tiao Bevenne and Expeiiditnre of the CIVIL LIST. ■BAM or ■XPBNDITDSB. Canada E. :Cana«la W. Province. £ t. d I MalDieiianceof LighthouKi Emigration Pentiona 3441 3 9 Indian Annuiiiea 0636 Miwellaneoua ! . . . . 3898 13 10 I £ a. d.! £ I. d. Interest on Provincial Debt IniereitonTurnpilteTruita Civil Goverumeiit ' 'iXtBi, 4 Adiuiniatration of Juatice.. 14974 1 3, 9949 9 9 Provincial Penitentiary Legi«lature Education Agricultural Societies . . Hoapilala Jt other Cliaritiea Provin'l Geological Survey Militia [PBRMAWKNT AOTg AND ORDINANCEg. Total. Canada £. £ a. d £ a. d 2602 18 4 31483 4 « ■J3819 10 lU 1192 \ 8 COS ff 9 £ 17713 9 2 19789 3 3 32081 11 2 398 6 7U29 17 6633 Canada W.. Totul. £ a. d. 358 4 3 1274 12 00385 19 7 10 3 28 1977' 8 11 4830 11 10 £ s. d. 2602 18 "4 liso" 4 ' 8 1977 8 11 4850 11 10 4407 8 8 4765 12 11 1274 12 11263 9 S 16631 8 8 RKAra OP RBVENCE. Ouatoma DMtie$from Commere*. ! Montreal and Quebec. . . . Inland Porta Inttmal JDutit$. Etcise Light House or Tonnage Duty Bank Ini(iosta Militia CoinmiMiens, Fines, tec Fines and Forfeitures, including Seizures. Casual Revenue WHiCRC COLLBCTCD. Canada E. Canadi W. £ 8. d 243892 4 2 27236 9 9 6140 12 8 Public Works Territorial . . Total C,-rency. 12750 1 1 £ s. d. I'otals. 141513 4 6 £ a. d {243832 4 3 168774 14 3 Grand Totals. 11001 4 1U09 9 7 21 9 1 1020 2 a £ s. d. 413620 18 3 31131 16 8 1009 9 7 10763 4 21 5 1315 9 14379 3 48620 8 4 42015 1 7 9368 14 7 613431 2 11 1850. General Estimate or thb probable akount op the Public Expenditorb and Net Rbvenob OP THE Consolidated Fdnd op tub Province op Canada, por tub tear 1830, as laid beporb THB Leqislature, Jdly, 1890:— EvriMATBD Expenditure, 1890. Civil List Jt73.884 11 Acts and Ordinances 17,294 Acta of the Province 101,111 12 Interest on public debt 900,000 Redemption of publ ic debt 73,000 Amount (br wliicb a vote of Parliament la required 144,143 17 Supplementary amount, for which a vote of Parliament is required 30,304 6 10 Estimated Rbvbnce, 1850. Customs . .~ £325,000 Internal duties 43,880 Put.lic Works. Territorial. Total estimated Expenditure, 1850.. . .£640,608 7 8 Estimated deflciancy in, 1850 90,000 7,600 £628,380 12,318 7 £640,008 7 8 1848. Re venae and Expenditure for 1848. (Se4 Canadian Jlmanme for 1850, pp. 60 and Ql.) Expenditorb, 1848. Civil List £ 70,039 10 3 Acts and Ordinances 13,966 6 4 Acts of Province 90,766 8 2 Votes of Parliament 113,804 6 7 Interest on Public Debt 166,014 12 2 Redemption of Public Debt 13,000 Rbvbkdb, 1848. Custom £304,338 7 4 Internal duties 48,048 2 PuMie Works 24,057 16 9 Territorial 8,181 10 CxeesB of Bxpendlture over ReceipU. . 04,845 13 10 £474,401 3 6 £474,401 3 6 CroM BeYeune and Expenditure of Canada, 1842 to 1850. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1849. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1840. 1890. £ 465142 476309 £ 895106 770869 £ 1108134 936972 £ 849040 909910 £ 644034 709803 £ 710806 716099 £ 379643 474491 £ 913431 490913 Estimated. £09^80 Bipenditurv 640008 fltirnlna Ki^wiiilM .«*>>>.. 134397 ...... 191963 3837 ■ 94846 62918 Beneii in Revenm . . . > . J 1U«3 90579 1349n' 13318 t u 7 t) 7 8 10 3 6 4 8 3 6 7 12 2 3 « 0. nnlf .H i L 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 53 Consolidated Fund of tbe Province of Canada^ for ibe Y«-ar 184B. PeRMANBNT ACTS Or THB PROVINCR. CauadiiE. Canada W. Province. Total £ 1. d. 3321 17 8 12836 11 1 3073 14 2U0 3714 13 5 24036 10 11 £ u. d, U018 7 e 22019 S 1 3411 10 (i 179 138 1 11 40702 1 8 £ 1. d, 380 3 3 44 8 mi 17 3 £ ■. d. 18720 8 7 44 34845 13 7385 4 1071 17 3 375 3932 15 4 2300 1 207104 10 VOTES or PARI.IAMKNT. Canada E. Canada W. Province. 17171 3 6 107 15 4 000 eS02 11 2 317 IS B loos 16 e 287r.-J' 3 3 X 1. d. 1630 e anil 2 2 6:)0 U 3020 2 10 341 16 2 226 15 5 0030 4 7 £ ■. d. 767 16 2 13800 50220 9 7 2034 11 1 3735 13 11 ittioS 10 Total. £ •. d. 767 16 18810 11 13800 50220 2778 17 1200 12422 14 2034 11 1 65» 13 to 5001 6 117335 18 7 Add excess of Revenue over Espcnditure Total Currency £ •RAND TOT AM. £ a. 180125 1 3603 18 32251 63630 15 13800 90204 10 3B001 1« 8.585 4 IS-ISS 14 1071 17 3034 11 48.50 11 .508 13830 3 C6.5.5 1U788 13 450013 8 62517 14 S13431 2 11 REOAPITC- LATION. Cannda Enst. Civil LUt Acts & Ordi- nances . Acts of the Province . Votes of Par liament. . . Interest of Public Debt Totals. .£ Cnnada West. Province. Totals. £ s. 0.1 £ s. d.' £ s. d. X p. d 17715 5 3 10780 3 3 33091 11 2 08395 10 7 5387 10 3 11263 5 16651 8 8 24036 16 11 40762 1 8 3306 1 2 67104 10 9 2875S 3 3, 9030 4 7 70558 10 11735.5 18 I 190125 1 7iie0125 1 7 75998 4 7 809.53 18 lllH41tfl 4 8 I,5!i013 8 2 I^gitUtiire emhrnces — £ •. d. Priming till! Laws 5000 Sal.iries nnil Contingencies of | tiic liCgielature 534G0 11 4 Pensions embrace — I Militia 4765 12 11 Legislative 839 12 10 ; Juilses 3183 B Scliedule B 0033 9 7 Misctllaneoti» embraces — i Rentorni;»ho|i'gP.ilr.ce . . . . 1111 3 Rebellion Cominitsion 2100 0' Rcifisti-yConiniitsien 646 4 10 Central Board of Hc:ilth, Mon- I treat 334 5 Rent and Repairs to Public { Knllilines 3.'93 4 Relief 10 liihahiinnts, Gael d.. lOUO Venders of Temperance Tracts, &c. The Act 13 Sc. 14 Vie. cap. 7, decl.ires, that notwilli- Btanding anything contained in the Acts of Parliament in force rel.-itini; to hawkers and (ledlers, it »hnll not be necessary for persons in the employ of any Tempe- rance, Benevolent or Religious Society in this province to tatte out licences ns hawlters or peillers, in order to enable them lawfully to sell and peddle temperance tracts, and other moral and religious publications, under the direction of such society. L.and Scrip. The Act 13 & 14 Vic. cap. 10, passed lOth August, 1850, declares '* that no land scrip heretofore issue-l, or that may hereafter be iss'ied under tlie autliority of any act, ordinance, or law in force in this province, shnli tie redeemable by ttie Provinoial Government, or receiva- ble In payment upon sales, or for deferred payments of instalments or other dues of or ii|)on pulilic lands or otherwise, unless ttie same be presented and ofTi'red in fayment at the office of the Commissioner of Crawn lands, or at tlie office of one of his agents, within one year from the passing of this act - and all such scrip which shall not be piesented am', offered in payment within the period aforesaid 8h.'.ll be null nnd void ; any act, ordinance or law to ttie contrary notwith- standing." (^'ustonifl. The Act 13 Sc 14 Vic. cap. 5, empowers the Governor in Council from lime to time to order any article not enumerated in tlie schedule to the Cusitoms' Amend- ment Act (12 Vic. cap. I), and tliereby made sutiject to i\ duly of m per cent, ad valortm, to lie placed among tlie articles suhjeet to a duty of 2J per cent, ai valorem. Tlie 2J per cent, duty, and no other, shall lie (layiible on such article, so long as the order in Council remains in force. InterproTlnclal Free Trade. | Reciprocal free trade has been some time cstabliiihed between (Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, tiy Acts of tlie several Legislatures, in articles of the growth, produce or manufacture of these provinces re»|)ectively. By ttie Canadian Act, 13 & 14 Vic. cap. i 3, itie Governor in Council is eaipowered from time to time to declare, that any article whatever, wlien of ttic: grovvtii, produce or manufacture of Nova >>cotia. New ] Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island and Newfound- land, or of any one or more of them, is or is not admis- sible into this province free from duty, and utder wliat circumstance?, conditions and regula'tiona. British Coprrlffht Worlcs. The Act 13 & 14 Vic. cap. 6, empowers the Governor in Council to impose an mi ealurem duty, not escend- ing 2(1 per cent., u|)on foreign reprints of British Works, wherein ttie copyright stinll be subsisting, and with re:{ard to wliich the notice to ihs Comniissionera of Customs, required ly itie Imperial Act, shall have tieen given ; and from'time to time to alter the duly, (but not to exceed the 20 per cent.,) and esiablisli such regulations and conditions as may lie consistent with any Imperial Act then in force, and as he may deem requisite and dqultalde with regard to ttie admission of sucti liooks, and lo ttie disirltiiition of the proceeds of such duty ainonir the parties lienrno tally interested in Itie copyright. The net to come in force wlirn approved , ofhy the Queen in Council, and proclamation is made in the province of such approval, and not before. Division of Counties. Tlie Bill referred lo at the top of pafte 3.1, f«r a new Division of certain Counties in Upper Canada, did not pass the Legislature. 54 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. Interest on Pnblle Debt, 1849. Internt on the Publie Debt of the Province of Canada, from 1st of February, 1849, to 31it January, 1850. TO WHOM PAID. ■BRVICB. Bank or Enolani>— For 1 year's Interest to Slat December, 1849, on X1,000,000, attrling, at 4 per cent. Do. I per cent. Commission thereon Do. I year's Interest to Ist October, 1840, on X500,000, sterling, at 4 per cent. . . Do. i per cent. Commission thereon Do. Discount on Drafts remitted in payment of dividends Sterling. £ s. d 40000 300 iWOOO 100 80 10 9 Gltn, Mills, Halifax St Co. — For 1 year's Interest, to 31st December, 1819, on £400,000, sterling, old Vpperi Canada Delienturcs, at 5 per cent, is • • ' Do. 1 per cent. Commission thereon { ^^ ^ Do. 1 year's Interest to 31st December, 1S49, on X<6,e55 7b. 8d, sterling, Welland Canal Deljentures, at 5 ptr cent, is Do. I per cent. Commission thereon Do. 1 year's Interest, to Slst December, 1849, on £71,000, sterling, Debentures at 5 per cent Do. 1 per cent. Commission thereon Do. 1 yenr's Interest on Debentures issued in 1849, on £'28,000, sterling, at 6 per cent X1680 Do. i year's Interest on Debentures, issued in 1649, on £18,500, sterling, nt per cent 555 Do. 1 per cent. Commission on £2-^35 22 7 Less Interest accrued thereon at date of sale. £22.57 7 . 130 5 5 For CoinmiiiBion on snic of Debentures. . .* Do. Biilnnce of Interest Account, to Slst December, 1849. Do. i per cent. Comm.seinn on l.oan of £17,700, sterling. Do. Postages, to 3l8t December, 1840 Bariko, Brothers & Co. — For 1 year's Interest, to 31st Deceml>er, 1649, on £469,650, sterling, old Upper Canada Debentures, at 5 |ier cent Do. 1 |)er cent. Commission '.iiereon Do. i year's Interest, lo Slcc Octolicr, 1849, on £500, sterling, at 6 per cent. . . . Do. 1 per cent. Commission iliereon Do. Coniinit'sion and Brolcernge on sale of Debciitures Do. A'dvcrtising to Slst December, 1849 £*^4 6 Do. PoaUgea do. do 11 2 Leaa Balance of Interest Account to Slst December, 1849 BcsANQDBT it Co.— For 1 year's Interest, to Sis! December, 1849, on £870, sterling, Welland Canal Debentures, at 5 per cent '. . RecBivBR Gkneral — Do. this sum paid for Inlerext on Debentures held in the Province, to the Slst January, 1850 D. Davidson— Do. Interest from 1st November, 1848, to 14th September, 1849, oo £20,000, Chnmbly Cnnnl Loan Wm. Fii.DiiR, Com. GeneraI/— Do. paid ImperinI Treasury, for expenses attending the issue of Detienturei>, on nc-countof Enplisli ftiinranteed Loan Rawdon, Wrioiit tt Co.— Do. Ei.Krnviiie Itlnnlc Debentures C. E. AnnERsoN— Do. Expenses to New Yorl< to procure Plate for Enitli^h Debentures S(;nort Banks, &c.— Do. Interest on Temporary Loans, «tc., effecteil during the year lt:40 For Preiniuma on Rills . Ixchange . Totnl Currency Currency. £ 60380 10 9 aoooo 31842 15 38 8 3550 35 10 2101 1 45 566 8 3 88 10 C 13 6 6 30481 1 23182 10 234 16 6 15 3 C 744 2 7 33 17 2 24510 9 3 205 3 S 24305 6 1 43 10 £ a. d. 7.3463 19 8 37085 4 5 29571 83 18 6 35958 3 5 1050 8 72 17 1 840 3 25 009 12 9 178827 18 1 1207 3 1811125 1 7 COURT OF APPEAL, U. C. Alexander Grant, Clerk, vie* John S. Smith, re- signed. COURT OF CHANCERY. U. C. Alexander Grant, Registrar, vice John S. Smith, resigned. '^T COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, U. C, Should have been ploced between the Clerics of Assize and Law Terms. Vidt page SO. d L 8 e 3 5 8 17 1 3 1-2 8 3 1 1 7 tilth, ■, •^T <1 L. 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 65 Ileveuae from Castonui Duties iu Canada, 1840* aud nameit of Collectors. Ports. Montreal, Qtieliec, St. JohiiB, Pbiltptiliurg, Coie.'iii du Lac, StniiBtead, Be.iuce Dunilee . , Lncolle Ooill|40ll Clarencevllle... ilemiiiingrord Hereiord HiiiitiiiKdoti Ru^seltowii Enton Freliiulifiburgb Potion Sutton St. Rests Ainhprstliurgh Belleville Baih Brockville Bond Head Bruce Bytown Ciiiii|«wa Cri.. ,11 C.»i)i... '.-..■ , ...... CU..-h Dick' 6: (j 'landing. Diint, tl! ' ....... KJgin , .. Fort Erie Gaiiniioque Goderich Grnt'ton Hamilton Hnllowell or Picton. . , KiiiL'Bton Maria Town Mniilnnd , Niagara Newcastle.. Oakville , Owen's Sound , Penetanguishene. ... Prceeoit . . . . Port Burwell , do Cri'dit Colhorne Darlington Dalliousie Dover Hoiie. Miirord Sariiia Stanley. Kowan. .> Qiieension Riviere aux Raisins.. , Rot)d<^aii Sandwich. ......... Sanli Sie. Marie Toronto ., . . . Wallnceliiirgh Wellington Whitby ICollectors. do do do do do do do do do T. Boutin ier, H. Je^sopp, W. McUrae P. P. Ruesell, J. Perrigo, J. Thompson, T. J. Taschereau. . . JoIhi Cameron, Thomas Gordon,. . . . Abolished Charles Stewart,. . . . C. N. Johnson, Robert Vincent JanicB Botham, John Davidson, Abolished A. Kemp, James H. McVay,. . . B. Seaton W. B. Gwyn, I**. Chldwell 8.8. Findei V. McKeiizie, W. B.Simpson, E.Clark Henry Acton Duncnn Graham,. . . O. T. Macklcm, ;. C. Wood, W. H.Kittson, W. Cosgrove, J. Verner, W. B. Sheehan, Alex. McMillan J. Kerby, K. Webster, John Gait S. S. Walsli John Davidson, John P. Roblin, . . . . . James Hopkirk, A. McDoncH D. Jones, Thoino* McCormick,. Joseph Bertram,. ... R. K. Chisholui R. Carney Wm. Simpson, A. Jones, J. P. Bellair J. R. Yielding Thomas Parke, H. S. Reid John Clark, P. H. Haycock M. F. Whitehead, . . . . R.K.Bullock R. E.Vidnl Richard Smith G. J, Reade McMicken, Wm. Robinson,. . . . . . Thomas Croiiyn, James F. Elliou, Jos'.ph WiNon W. F. Meudtil John Bell Thomas Worihington,. Win. Warren Gross Revenue. I Salaries, Ite,* IN et Revenue. *\s £ 191888 64901 a7it» 757 18 i«ie 35 399 434 81 233 433 198 113 35 410 590 108 2S0 774 3400 684 5040 116 348 2831 438 21«» 017 135 663 17 1U97 343 408 04 451103 1043 13833 1711 61 367 1308 08 18 1338 375 163 33 483 1296 3014 1870 74 567 6767 689 561 8 1.50 1013 533 91336 UO 87 058 1X444347 18 3 13 3 6 14 14 5 8 8 3 10 Itl 4 6 1 11 14 1 16 8 4 16 15 3 16 18 5 9 13 1 3 5 14 11 1 18 8 10 5 3 4 6 10 3 3 5 10 10 7 10 4 II 5 11 4 10 5 7 10 9 9 9 8 10. II 3 7 10 1 9 1 3 £ 70^5 15S3 3U3 400 3:10 75 333 187 03 136 80 113 168 86 130 118 05 337 lOii 234 16-.t 418 50 433 150 330 174 163 333 205 158 115 89 1451 139 1301 167 140 303 140 133 75 23 340 100 95 212 161 3S3 334 194 93 lai 418 133 334 113 154 270 loo 1309 83 106 160 1 . 20647 10 8 5 6 5 11 10 5 6 11 3 5 10 17 13 10 13 15 16 18 15 13 15 3 £ 180030 57810 3M33 435 1386 36 317 97 342 86 300 433 13 II 613 3231 431 5331 66 5 7 e 6 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 1 1 9 4 10 348 3408 1830 743 17 801 89 308 5 40134 003 11441 2080 231 1174 998 275 70 333 1043 1760 1084 15 5 18 6 3 5 4 19, 15 11 403 6340 33.^ 336 4 736 334 50836 03 798 413870 18 1 8 1 9 • 5 11 7 10 10 11 1 6 10 3 3 3 10 7 * This Column includes Sal.iries and other expenses of collection ; also Return Duties amounting to X005 178. 5d, currency, viz. t Montreal, X638 Ms. 6d. •, St. Johns, jE76 Is. 5d. ; LScolle. £7 \ Brockville, X6 lOs. 4d. 5 Fort Erie, £1 13s. 5 Hamilton, XlOO 2s. 7d. 5 Kingston, X3l 3s. 3d. j Preseott. XI4 13s. 8d. » Port Dover, X5 Is. 2d. ; Queenston, X4 16s. 3d. : Toronto, X39 13s. 7d. ' 66 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. RBVBNOB rROH COSTOM* DDTIIS IN OAHADA, OONTINDBD. Biougbl forward. Deduct ExceM ofiSipencea above > OoUeciioD* «i (be Port* of. . ) ' Benuee Cdieau du Lac Oompion RiiMcItown Eaton DIckenion'* Lsotling. Maiilatid Owen's Sound renetnuKUiihene PortColboin« do xMilford Rivipieaux Raiiini. , Wellington LcM— Salaries, ite.,ot the Cuntoms Branch . Do MisceVaneouB Charges liCss— Balances at Credit of Collectors. 3Itt January 1849. Off— Balances alxredit of Collectors, 31st January. 1830. ,. Net Revenue, Currency., 30 381 11 SS SO 26 78 ft 6 180 21 86 18 1620 S41 628 518 s. H Net Revenue. £ 419870 010 414800 2(02 412737 110 £112626 18 i^nsSsoM Dattes. Orou and Net Produce of Customs Duties In Canada, from 184T to 1840. ^ Cross Ractipts of Dutias.. Charges for Collection. . . Net Revenue of Customs Duties. TEARS. 1847. 1848. 1840. £ B. d. 414833 9 6 32185 7 8 On 1st Janunrv. 1649. the Goods in Warehouse, under Bond, in Canada, were consi- derable, — the duties upon tliero, if taken out for consumption, ninounting to X62,10U 1.3s. Sd. On Ut January, 1830, the value of Goods in lioiid, was jeil9,.374 4s. Id., and the iluiies upon therii, if inken out for coiisunip- ijoii, i.*10.544 Is. Id., currency. Tlie value of articles imported, free, into ftuebec and Monirenl, in 1810, from Great Britain or the British North American Pr ovinces, unde r ihe Act 12 Vic. Cap. 1, is £12,033 3s. lid., oy. £ s. 334029 8 %!d0a 11 t»-lU7 17 10 301431 to II £ 441347 31810 •12737 3 Beet and Pork Classlflcatiou. (4 and 3 Vic, cap. 88.) 1st quality, •' Meu." I 3rd quality, *' Prime." and do " Prime Me$$." | 4th do '* Cargo." Bbbp, barrel, 200 lbs.; half barrel, 100 do. : Tierce. 30(1 do. ; half Tierce, ISO do. PoKK, barrel, 200 bs ; half barrel, 190 do. : Tierce, 30»do. I, half Tierce, 130 do. BcBi* shall be cut into pieces as nearly square as may he, not more than 8 flu, nor less than 4 lbs weight. " JIfcss " shall cotMlst of the choicest pieces only , viz. , Briskets, the thick of the Flank, Ribs. Rutupsand Sir- loins of Oxen, Cows, or Steers well fatted. "Prim* Met*" shall eonsiat of pieces of meat of the second class from good fai catile, without shanks or nxcks. " Prime" mall consist of choice pieces of fat cattle, amongst which there shall not be more than the coarse pieces of one siile of a carcase, tlie houghs and necks being cut off above the Rrst Joint. " Cargo" shall consist of the meat of fatcaiileof all descriptions of 3 ye.irs old anil upwards, with not inure than hnlt'a neck and three shanks, (with the liuuglii cut off above the Arst Joint,) ami the meat otherwigc merchnntalle. Pork ohnll be cut in pieces as nearly square as niny lie, and not exceeding 6 lbs. nor less than 4 Hm. wfighu "IfeM" sh.-dl consist of the rib pieces only of Kood hogs, not weighing less than 200 Ihs. each. "Prime Mtee" shall consist of ilie pieces of good fiit hogs not weigliing less than 100 esich, the b.trrel to contain Ihe coarse pieces of one hog only, viz., two hnlf heads (not exceeding together 16 iSs. weight,) with two shoulders and two hams and the remaining pieces of a hog ; the tierce to contain tlie relative proportion of bead, slioulilers, and hams, and the remaining pieces of 1| hng. " Prime " shall consist of the tiieces of good fat hogs not weighing less than 1-50 lh!>. each, the barrel lo contain tlie coarse pieces of li hog only, viz., throe hnlf heads, (not exceeding toaether 21 lbs. in weiuhi,) three hams, and three shoullcrs, and the remaining pieces of \i hog : the tierce to contain the relative pro . iwrtioiis of head, phoulilers, ami ha and the remain- ing pieces of 2^ hogs. "Cargo" Shan consist of the (lieces of fat hogs, weighing not less than lOU lbs. each, the barrel to contain thecoarse pieces of not more than 2 hogs, viz..4halfheads,(not exceeding together in weight 30 lbs.,) four shoulders, and four hams, anil the remain- Ini! pieces of 2 hogs, iind shall be otherwise merchant- able Pork : the tierce to contain the relative proportions of head,slK>ulder8, and hams, and the remaining pieces of three hogs. In all cases the following parts shall be cut off an4 not packed, viz., the ears close to the head, the snout above the tusks, the legs above the knee Joints, Ihe tail and the brains, tongusand bloody grizzle taken out ..^^.,.,.^.,..^ Standard mrelKht of Oraiu, Pulse, See. (Act U. C, 3 Wm. 4th, cap. 7.) Wheat, bushel, 60 lbs. , Indian Corn, hushet, 56 lbs.; Rye, bushel, S6 do. ; Peas, bushel, (10 do. ; Barley, bushel, 48 do. ; Dais, bushel, 31 do. •, Beani", bushel, 30 do 1 Timothy and Clover Seed, bushel, 60 do. Floor ano Meai..~(AcI 13 and 14 Vic., cap. 29.) Flour, half barrel. 98 lbs., do. barrel, 100 do. ; Rye Four, half barrel, 99 do. ? do. barrel, lo6 do. : Indian Meal, half barrel, 84 do, or 98 do. ; do. barrel. 108 do( or 106 do: Oatmeal, half bid, 1 12 do ; do., barrel, 324 do. Quarter iiesslons, f>. C. Act 13 and 14 Vic, cap. 3.5, provides (br holding Bedsions of the Peace, by one Circuit Judge, or by any two Justices of Pcac)^, of whom a Circuit Judgi; shall he one, or by any two or more Justices of Peace, in tlie absence of a Circuit Judue. The Quarter Se.osions to commence as follows : In Uuehec, Montreal, and 1'hree Rivers, respectively, on 8ih Jaminry, 4th April, 4>h July, and 4lh Octolier, in each year : and at Sher- hrooke, let Felirimry and 1st Octolier, in ench year. The Sessions respectively to coniiiiue, until declared closed liv the Court, when the business is completed.— ( Vide Page 22.) r T » 7 r » 5 4 8 ~»" rrom 9. I c the indir onsI- See. t lbs. ; larley, husliel, |60 do. 29.J Rye llhdiRD 108 do { mi do. olding by niiy ■hull III the ioiia to 1 Three hi. <»h Sher- yenr. tclnrcd >ied.— 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 67 ReTeiine from Licenves for Shopt, Retailing Splriliioui I.iqiior«, Siills, Bllllaid Talile«, Hawkera and Pedlera, Steamboau, and Ale and Beer Hourea for 1819, and i^anies off Inapecton. Revenue Diatrlcta. Montreal, No. 1 Diviilon Do. No. 3 do Quebec Three Rivera St. Francia Oaaptf Bntliurat Brock f'olhcrne DalhouBle Eastern Gore, South Divialon . . Do. North do York East West do do do Honi3, Do. Do. Huron Johnstown Kent London, First Division Do. Second do Midland Newcastle, Norihuinheriand Divls ■ Do. Durham Division.... Niagara ••«.••.••.••.••.... Ottawa Prince Edward Simcoe Talbot Victoria Western Wellington Inspectors. D. S. Stewart P. Durnford J. McP. Leinoine, . L. B. Garceau. . . . (;. Bullock John Eden A. lje«lie Jordan Clutrles.. . . riioiiias Milliurn.. . lolin Bnrrirlle. . . . P. VanUoughnet. . John WillDon n. McUoiiumII .lames McDunell. .• John Rose I'ctcr Morsnn I'harlesWIilder. . . John Weaiherhead . W. A. McCiae... . John B. Clench.. . Daniel Ilanvey. . . A. B. Thiboilo i. S. Dnintry James McKibbin... W. D. Miller 0. McDonald Adam lliihhs K. A.Walker B. P. Ryerst Paul Peterson W. G. Hall James Hodgert. . . . Grosa Revenue. Expenses of Collection. Net Revenue. Totals. £ 14:» 1170 Ma 130 14.'J «3 17'J 333 17J 4.'t3 , S~i9 P? "^ 039 704 631 146 1UU4 331 008 SOU 141R 11p8 700 7l« 110 US 100 678 SOS 121 135U Add Auction Duties. Total Excise, Currency. 3 II 20571 4158 TjFss— Receipts during Jan., 1?49, includf-d in Revenue IS48, Off— Do. during January last, on nccountoneSO Add— Balances outstanding, SIst January, 1849. 1 8 2 5 5 1.1 3 S 13 3 February 5-S March 9.0 April 10 May 11.3 June 12. July 12.:) August 13.2 S<;pteinlier Octol)cr 7.U November 0. Deccmlwr 4.- Tlie variation Id least liable to fluctu ations in ilie afternoon ; it is nearer Its Inclination or dip of the Needle at Toronto, 1813 Horizontal intensity in absolute measure, I 750 18' 3 N IDT Vide page 3, and foot note to pag0 8.5915.13 6-53 318 8.3t!5 25'6-38 338 8.2915 28 ',6 32 3 38 8.08|5.38 6 16 3-52 7.46i.5.49 5.57'407 7.23 6.00 540 '4 20 6. 10 7.52 '4.15 5 55 72116.03 7.0316.16 6.45628 6.20 640 6.27 6. 44 616 656 6.08 710 603 7-23 6.031724 6.02733 6.05740 6.I1I7-44 5304.21 517'433 502 4 45 4 45 456 4-43 5 00 4 32 5. 10 4 22 5 22 415531 415 529 413 541 416 5.47 4 23 .5.51 A. m. 6.10 6.24 6.34 0.46 0.48 0.59 7.13 7.83 7.25 7.37 7.51 6.05 8.09 823 8.40 8.99 9.01 9.12 938 0.50 10.00 10.19 10.19 10.17 10.17 10.08 9.54 9.31 9.29 9.10 8.48 8.23 8.21 8.01 7.39 7.20 7.18 7.01 6.44 6.29 6.28 6.18 6.10 6 04 6.10 0.05 6.09 0.15 Tabic Of Scml-Dliiriinl Arcei) culcuMed for Iht principal plauiin lirilitk Nurlh America. Decl. o I 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:) 24 TOUO.NTO. N. 430 39'.4. North. A. tn. 6 3.8 6 7.6 6 11.5 6 15.3 6 191 6 22.9 6 26.7 6 30 5 6 34.8 6 38.7 6 43 7 6 46 8 6 51.0 .5.5.1 59 2 3.6 8.0 123 16.7 212 26.0 30.7 35.6 40.4 South. 01. 56.2 52.4 485 44.7 40.9 37.1 33 3 29.5 25.2 21.3 17.3 13.2 KiNCiSTON. N. 440 80' .0. North. 5 9.0 5 4.9 5 0.8 4 56.4 4 .52 4 47 7 4 43.3 4 38.8 4 34.0 4 29 3 4 24.4 4 19.6 A. m. 6 3.9 6 7.7 6 11.7 6 15 5 6 19.4 6 23 3 6 27.2 6 31.1 6 35.3 6 39.4 6 43.5 6 47.6 6 518 6 56.0 South. 0.2 7 4.7 7 9.0 7 13.5 7 18.1 7 22.6 7 27.5 7 32.3 7 37 3 7 42 3 A. m. 5 56 1 5 52.3 5 48 3 5 44.5 5 406 5 3C 7 32 8 28 9 247 20 6 16 5 12 4 8 2 40 59 8 55.3 51.0 46 5 41.9 37 4 32.5 27.7 23.7 17.7 Halifax, N. S.{ N. 440 39' .3. AIONI'UGAL. N. 450 31'. North. A. m. 6 4.0 6 7.9 6 11.9 6 15 9 6 19 9 6 23.8 6 27.8 6 31.8 6 36 2 6 40.3 6 44 5 6 48 2 6 .53 6 57.4 7 1.7 6.2 10.7 1.5.4 20.1 24.8 29 7 34.7 39.8 44.9 South. I North. A. m. .56.0 52.1 48.1 44.1 40.1 362 32 2 28 2 23 8 19.7 15 5 11.8 70 26 53 3 .53 8 49.3 44.6 39.9 35.2 30.3 25.3 20.2 15.1 A. m. 6 4.1 8.3 6 12.2 6 16.3 6 20 3 6 24.4 6 28.5 6 32.6 6 37.1 6 414 li 45.7 6 .50.0 6 54.4 6 58.8 3.2 7,9 12.6 17,3 22.0 269 32.1 37.3 42.4 47.8 South. A. m. 5 5,5.9 5 51.7 5 47.8 43.7 39.7 35.6 31.5 27.4 22.9 18 6 14.3 10.0 5.6 1.2 56.8 52.1 47 4 42.7 38.0 33.1 27.9 23,8 17.0 12.3 Fkhdkhicton. N. 46° 3'. North. A. m. 6 4.1 6 8.3 12.5 10 6 6 20.7 6 24.9 6 39.1 6 33.1 6 37.9 6 42.3 6 46.5 6 r>t).9 6 5.5.4 6 59.9 04 5 9.2 14.1 18.7 237 28.5 34.0 39.1 44.5 50.0 South. A. m. 5 5.5.9 5 51.7 5 47,5 5 43,4 .39.3 35.1 30.9 26.9 22.1 17.8 13.5 9 1 4.6 0.1 55,5 50,8 45,9 413 36.3 31.5 260 20.9 15,5 10.0 Quebec. N. 463 49' 3. North. A. m. 4,3 6 8,5 6 12.7 6 17.1 6 31,3 6 25.6 6 29.'8 34.1 38.9 6 43.3 47.8 6 '52.4 56.3 7 1.6 63 11.4 16.0 21.0 26.1 31.3 36.6 41.7 47.6 53 4 South. m. .55.7 51-5 47.3 42.9 38.7 34.4 5 30,3 5 25.9 5 31.1 167 12.2 7.6 3.7 58.4 .53.7 48.6 44.0 39.0 33.9 28.7 23.4 18.3 12.4 O.P h. m. 6.10 0.24 0.34 0.40 0.48 0.59 7.13 7.23 7.25 7.37 7.51 8.05 8.09 833 8.40 8.59 9.01 9.13 938 9.50 10.00 lO.ia 10.19 10.17 10.17 10.08 9.54 9.31 9.29 9.10 8.48 8.23 8.21 8.01 7.39 7.20 7.18 7.01 6.44 6.29 6.28 0.18 6.10 6 04 6.10 0.05 6.09 6.15 SEC. 49' 8. South. k. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 m. 55.7 51-5 47.3 42.9 38.7 34.4 30.2 25.9 21.1 167 12.2 7.6 3.7 58.4 53.7 48.6 44.0 39.0 33.9 4 28.7 4 23.4 4 18.3 i 12.4 I 4 0.6 , 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 59 CANALS IN CANADA. From the Report of James Stewart, Civil Wellano Canai..— This Canal extendi from Lnke Erie to Lnke Ontario, anil overcoines the interruption to the navigation cauied i>y the Falln of NiaRara. It ha* two entrnncea from Lake Erie, about revcitteen mile* apart ; the upper entrance being from the GraiKi River, n liiile above Port Maitlnnil, nlwui ihirty-ieven miles west from Buffalo, and the lower at Port Col- borne, about twenty niilei wett from Buffalo. It alM> cominunicatea with the Grand River by a branch coinmencinK on iltnt stream at Dunville. five miles above Port MBllland,tiirou|j|h which branch the whole canal has hiiherlo been supplied with water. The icr- mination on Lake Ontario is at Port Dalliousie. The Port Maitland entrance has an advantane in spring over the Port Colborne, in beina clear of ice several weeks before either that or Butfalo Harbour. The work was originally undertaken b; " Company, for which an Act was olitained n the ^, wilh a capital of jC37,5U0. Tiie Cana. " eon. 'ed was a smnll one, and meant to exte- ' om a p. n Lake Ontario lotiie Chippewa or Wetimid Rivei uuiy.down which ve«8e!8 would proceed to the Niagara and then ascend that River to Luke Erie. In 1825 another Act was passed providing for the enlargement of the work. It was tlii.>n propoiewa, but that vcf>M'lB from Lake Ontario, on reaching ihal stream, should proceed upwards to a iiolntoii its south branch, from whence another cannl would leiiing a direct coin- municaiion between the waters of tlie two Lakes. The summit level wsk to be at the Chippewa, from which therefore the Canal would be supplied wilh water ; Imt some ilifileiilties liaving occurred in exravntinu what is culled the •• Deep Cut" to the necfpsary level, that inteMlioii was alnimlonei), and a small cannl, to f^erve as a feeder, and which would also be navigable for l)oal!i, extending from a point a little south of the ChipjM'wn 10 Dunville on the Grand River, was siJi- stitnied. The Canal from the rouili brrinch of the Chip|)cwn to the mouth of the Grand River was nUo nbniidoiird, and a shorter route adopted from tlie junc- tion of the feeiler, to Port Colborne on Lake Erie. I'lie Comp.iny iindrr the new An was authorised to ra'se a sum of X2UO,0<'>0, which, in 1834, was extended to £2j)),II0I), and a portion of this stock, amounting to jCil.\04lll, assisted in certain documents of that u: te, but in inter ones at £117,800 was tnken by private in- dividuals. In a despatch of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Upper Canada, dated the 30th Sep- teml>er, 1820, the estimate on tlie extended plan np- penrF to linve been £147.240, of which the Iinperial Government agreed to pny jCI0,360, or one iii: th, for the free passage of vessels with public stores, being about the same proportion as was paid in ihe cnse of the Lacliine Cannl ; but this arrangement was altered afterwari's, and n lonn siibsliliitcd. Tlie work was commenced on the 3fiih November, 18i2l: the trunk from F^nkc Ontario to where the feeder joins it, and the feeder terininaiina on Ihe Grand River, were \ opened on the 30th of Noveinhrr, 1&'>9 ; anil the trunk I from the jiinciion to Port Coiliorne, in 18:^ The < general width of the cannl was twenty-six feet on hot- { toin, and nboiil flfty-six feet at top wnter-line, with eieht feet depth of water In the "DeepCut" the . breadth on hotioin wn< flfircn feet, and at top water- line foriv-ihree feet The number of locks was tliirty- iiine, nil of wood: from I^ake Erictn St. Cnthnrines they were 100 feet long and 22 feet wide, with seven j feet of water on the initre-siils •, lielow St. Catharines thev had the same depth of water on the sills, but were 12.1 feet lo'ig by 32 wide. Ill the end of Ihe year 1834 the accounts nppcnr to have stooil thus ; — Stock— Held bv private parlies £1 1.^,000 Do. do. Province of Upper Canada. . 1(17,:'II0 Do. do. Lower Canada 2.5.(100 Loans— from Imperinl Covernnient.. . . 5.'?,.').'.5 P Do. do. Province of Upper Canada. . Kili.min Engineer, to the Board of Worls, in 1848. At tlie beginning of the year 1837 the accounu stood! thus Stock— Held by private parties i:it7,f:(IO Do. do. Province of Upper Ciiiiada.. 1U7,.>0I» Do. do. Lower Canada 23«i:(i0 Loans— From Iiii|ierial Government. . . 55,'>.%'S U Do. do. Province of Upper Canada . . 102,000 Sumraised. .. .£407,855 In the year 1837 the Legislature of Up|ier Canada converted nil the loans previously made by that Pro- vince into Stock, and authorised a farther siibxcriptioii ofje24.'),000, of which £06,144 apiicars lo have been paid and s|ieiit during that year ; £40,144 of it on the works, and £20,000 oh the re-purcliase of property for- merly sold by tiie Company. At the end of 1837 therefore, the accounts would pro- bably Bland thus :— Stock— Held b; , ,. > p.irtie £117,800 Do. Province ' '\.,/er Canada (old). . 107,5(0 Do. do. do. foi iiier loan 102,000 Do. do. do. (new) 66,144 Do. do. Lower Canada 23,000 U Total Slock £118,444 Loan from Imperial Government 55,335 Sum raised £173,1100 The expenditure on works to nlioiit the same period is siateit in a document of Mr. MiicaiilayV, Pri-sideiit of llieWelland Canal Company, dnte.1 I2ih Fel'rnary, 1838, and printed in ilie proceedings of the Assembly of Upper Canada, to be — Private Slock £117,800 Public Money 3S»,2flO Total *£447.«eO At this time, the Stock raised, and authorized to be raised, wo'iid stand thus : — Slock r.iised— Held bv private parties ..£117,8tO Do. Provinceof Upper Canada. ... 2;.V!44 Do. do. Lower Canada 23,(jU0 Total raised £418,444 Stock not raised, but nuiliorised to be contributed fioni the funds of tlie Pro- vince of Upfier Canada 178,836 Total £307,300 In 1830, an Act was passed nuiliorising the Govern- ment of Upper Canada to purchase the Stock of private stockliolders, by an issue of Delientures, redeeinnldc in twenty years from their date, lenring interest at the rale of two per cent, for tlie two first years, thrte per cent, for the third year, four per cent, for tlie fuurih, five percent, for the fiftli,andsix percent, for the sixth and following years ;— and so soon as parties owning two-thirds 01 the Stock siionld have agreed to Ihe terms, to nssuine the entire responsibility and nianngeinciit of the work thereafter, which arrangement was, in >ibout two ye.trs, carried out accordinfily. No statement has been found of the total sum ex|)eiulcd on tlic Canal up to the period when it came entirely under the con- trol of (lie Government, but it, probably, was vrry near £3t)0,()00, witliont reckoning tlie expenditure annuuliy made front the tolls. Thi'eiilargemenl of the entire work was rommrnced in 1811, and is nut yctconipletcd. A lietailrd estimate of the expense hits not lieen obtained, but innnienio- rnndiim submitted to the Governor CenernI, dated the Pith August, 1841, £430,(100 is ptit down as an np- proxiiiintion to tlie cost, and this seems to liave Ijccu the amount of the first grant made by the Legislature. Under this uranl, the locks were to be ofslone, 120 fret Ions; by 24 feet wide, witli 8J feet of water on the sill, exreptinc one at Port Dalhousie, and another at Broad Oeek, which were to he Bienml)ont locks, 200 feet Slim raised £4(13,055 And tbere had been expended on the works to this time aliout £411,000 * Either this sum must le too small or that of £411,000, stilled above as the expemliitire at tlie end of the year 1834, must be too large ; for in 1837, £10,144 was spent on the work, and £20,000 in purchase of property. I 60 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. L long l>y « feet wide, wiih nine fcelwntcron the ■111) I ami the Biiiiply of water iieceMttry for the imvinntloii 1 anil machinery wnn to be formerly, from the Grand River, tlie •iinunit level of the t'annl thut re- maining unehange'l. It wat afterward!) Ihounhtdciirn- ble to enlarge the smaller locks lo 130 feet long by 86 feetO Iticliea wific, witlieifeeiof water on the«>ll,and also to eidarge the trunk of the Canal, and alter the curvev, to luit the inrreated 8i/.e of veaaeli that wotild enter the enlarged lock* •, to reilncc the suinmit level low enough to allow the water of Ijnke Erie to flow througli the Canal, from wliicli Lake, therefore, both it and the tnachinery wouM in future be snpplied, and to ipiibHtliiitc a iteamboat lock lietween Port Dalhouaic and St. Catharines, and another at Port Colborne, in plaee of the small ones previously contemplated- It was considered by the Engineer in cliarge at the time, thai these Improvemfiiis might be made without ex- ceeiiiiigthc sum of je.iUO.OtiO, being the amount then »] propriated •, and the large excess of expenditure ha* been explained as arising inahily from the great dif- ciiliy both of estimating the extent of work re- quired, and of nsccrtair.ingihc cost when carried on in connection with an olil canal much out of repair, and the navigation through which having to be always maintained, the two works continually interfered with each other. It will be seen from the tabular statement of canals, that the expenditure on the enl.ugement of this one, up to the Dec. 31, 1849, was £*».01378. 8d. ; and that jeM2,350 is the sum estimated as required to coinplctc it fully, makina upwards of XI,4UU,000 for both the old and new work. CoRNWAT-L Canal.— The object of this Canal is to overcome the difficulties to the navigation of (he St. Lawrence, presented by the Long Saull Rapids. 0\\e- rations were commenced in 1-34, under local Com- iui«sioncrs, appointed by an Act of the Legislature of Upiior Canada, and suspended in 183H. when the work was well advanced, for want of funds. Up Wnhis period the expense was defrayed by the Uovcriiment of the UptMjr Province. In IS4'2, the operations were re- sumed, under the direction of the Board of Works. Tlie Canal was partially opened in December of that year, and completed in June, 1843 ; but various slides and breaches have since occurred, which it has taken a consiilcrahle outlay to repair. The lock? are the large-it in Canada, having a chamber aoo feet long and 5.1 feet wide, in the clear ; the depth of water on the sills being nine feet, as in the other large CuiinU of the Province. The ori!!inal estimate for this work, as staled in Mr. Killaly's Report on the Public Works of Canada, dated April, 1840, was £191.90.3. Ill the end of 1833, when work to the amount of £95,791 was calculated to have been done, the total co!4i, vicluding that sum, was estimated in the Re|)ort of the C!inal Commi!,^49 12 e| 1836 e-i.^il " - 1837 117,424 1933 38,078 1339 7,931 13 8' 19 10 17 6i 9 g| Total. . . .£302,134 11 10^ At this period a sum of jE5,?13 ISs O^d. due on outstanding notes given by tMe Commissioners to Con- tractors. In 1840 the books Khovv an expeu'liture of only a few pounds, while none is shown either in 1841 or 1842. WiM.iAMiBi;Ro Canals.— These are a serie.t of four ; short Canals and six locks, lying between Presrott and : Dickenson's Landing, constructed for the purpose of, overcoming the rapids at the Galops, Point Iroquois, i Rapid Plat, and Parren's i'oint They were cum- | meneetl In 1843 ; the flrsi of them fliiished in Novem- , ber. 1848, and the last In October, 1847. Since thm,! fiirther works have been found necessary, some, if not all, of which will be fliiished for the navigation of 1849, 1 and they will be carried on so as not to Interfere wttb the iiavigatiun. Beaciiaknois Canal. — ^The Bcauharnois Canal, ex- tending from the lower end of Lake St. Francis, nearly opiiosite Cotcau du Lac, to the head of Lake St. Louis, overcomes the rapids of the Coieau, the Cedars, and the Cascades. It was cmnmenced in 1842, and fliiished in the autumn of 181^?, Further works have been found iie:eirt of the Directors of the Welland Canal, dated ihe3Ut December, 1820. the cost is stated at £120,000.) The funds were ftirnished by the Government of Lower Canada with tlie exception of £10,000, contributed by the Military Government, to secure a free passage for troops, stores, Ste. (In a des- patch from the Secretary of State to the Governor of Upper Canada, dated the 30th September, 1820, it is Slated (hat £13,000 was granted by the Imperial Go- vernment.) i'he length of the Cunal is eight miles and 7l8yarl8; its breadth at bottom tweniy-eiglit feet, at top water line in rock excavation thirty-six, and in earth excavation forty-eight feet. The prescribed depth was (or vessels drawing four and a half feet water, but those drawing Ave, ami even Ave feet three inches, have passed through. Tliere are seven locks, all of cut htone, 100 feet long by 20 feet wide in the clear. The Guard Lock at Lacliine has usually no lift; the two next have a lift of six feet e.nch ; the three next of eight feet each; and the remaining one, the entrance lock at Montreal, a lift of nine I'eet ; making f^rtv-flve feet altogether. There are three culverts and fourteen bridges. The earliest period nt which the navigation ever opened was on the Pth of April, in ihe year 1928, and the latest period at which it closeii, the 8th Decem- ber, 1830; tiut on an average of years, 'he 15th April may be reckoned as the period of opening, and the IStb November as that of closing the Canal. The enlargement of this work l>egan in the end of 1843. It was sufficiently advanced in the spring of 1848, to allow the passage of vessels, and will be com- pleted in 1849. The general dimensions are calculated for the same size of vessels as the Beauharnois and Williamsburg Canals, but the two locks at the Mont- real terminus have each a depth of sixteen feet water on the sills, to allow of large sea-going vessels passing into the second basin, which it is proposed to excavate 10 a corresponding deptli at a future period, the flrst basin having been deepened already. CiiAMBLT Canal. — The Chnmbly Canal extendafrom St. Johns to Chanibly, a distance of about eleven and a half miles, and was made to c vercome the interrup- tions in the channel of the Richrliep, l)etween the two places. It forms the chief portion of the works neces- sary to connect the naviL'aiion of the River St. Law- rence, by jvay of the Kirhelieu, with that of Lake Champlain. At a period not later than the year 1919, a pri'/ate company was organized fur the construction of a canal at Chanibly, and an instalment of Ave per cent, on each share, was paid to cover the expense of prelimi lary examinatinns ; but the proposal seems to have lain over, and ultimately to have been dropped without any practical result. The work, as finally undertaken, was authorized by the 3 Geo. IV. c. 41, which provided for the advance of £60,000 currency, from the funds of the Province of Lower Canada, for - 1851.1 !.< of Tour ; gf ott nncJ : urpo«e of, Iroqiiuls. { ere com- \ 1 Novena- , Ince thi n, i me, if nol 1 HI of 1849, 1 rfere wtUi | ;;nnnl, 61- j :1s, iienrlyi 8i. Loui*. ' Mlnrs, and 1(1 fliiished ; jeeii found i )t' flnished cnrried on . iin the vil- 1 iuIh, to tlie : pids in tlie i old Cannl MonirfBl, Tlie worli Binlsntute, ned in 1824, D,60108. Od- :org of tiie 320, tl»e co»t iirnished by 18 exception rernmenl, to . (In a lies- Governor of r, 1846, it is niperial Go- 1 jht miles and; •Iglit fee', at i y-six, and in scriheddcptli I •el water, but hree inches, locks, nil of In tlie clear. ■ no lift ; the three next of the enifnco ing f ^»tv-flve and fourteen ie navigation the year 18S8, le eih Oecem- hclSth April and the I5ih n the end of the spring of will be coin- are calculiited uharnois and at the Mont- leii feet water wels passing ;d to excavate iod, the first extends from , eleven and a the interrup- ween the two works iipces- iver St. Law- ihnt of Lake the yenr IS19, construction .lit of five per Jie expense of oiial seems to been dropped rk, as finally Jeo. IV. c. 41, OCO currency, Canada, for 11851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 61 ,.-, the completion of a Cannl from Chambly Ilasiii to t^t. . Johns. The original eslimute ap|«ars to have liecn aliout XJO.UOU, and although Captain Mvlhuikh, of the Roynl Biiglneers, conslilcied it as much too low, and stated XIM>,743 as the amuuiit that would probably be required, the CoinmisHJoiiers under whose directions the operations were commenced and carried on, phicvd reliance on the smaller sum, and ac(unll) li't the whole I work for X4MI^- it was begun on the Isi Uciobcr, i 1831, and carried on till the autumn of IbS.), when although the Canal was very far Iruiii lieing coinpteied, not only the original appropriation of XtiO.OtiU, but a farther one of X'O.IJIMI, made by the 3 Win. IV. c. 30, for enlarging the locks, weie Ibiind lo be exhauvit'd, and the work was in conseqiience stopfied. At this period it was evtiinnted that x'<20,VU0 would he required to flnish the Canal, ami again in 1C39 when aloiit XA.UUO, advanced by the Provincial Governiiicnt, hnil liceu s|ieiit in uphoUling and repairing the work, it was estimated that X20,000 would be required. Au- thority was granted by the 'i Vic. c. 01 to borrow XUU.UiiU for this purpose, but the money could not be raised on the terms specified, and nothing was done beyond the ordinary repairs, until a now power to borrow X33.U0U on the security of the Province of! Lower Canada, was conferred by the 3 Vic. c. 'i\. In I84U, the operations were resumed on this new appro- 1 priiiiion, but aliout April IB42, it became apparent that even that would be insuflicicnt, and a further sum of XI2,UVU was craved to complete the work. Advances exceeding that aniount were made from lime to time through the Board of Works, from the funds of the province of Canada, and ultimately the canal was finished and opened in 1843. 1'he outhiy up to the 3t)th June of that year may be stated appioximately, at jCl'iU,!204 ; disbursed as under :— For new canal. Repairs. Total. From the funds or under the security of the pro- vince of Lower Canada XIOI.OIO X5,755 XU)7,004 From the funds of the united provinces of Up- per Sc Lower Canada. . 13,200 .... ISflOO Total. . . .Xil4.440 X3,733 *Xl'iO,2U4 From the susiieiision of operations in 1835 up to 1840, the Canal was used between St. Jolins and the com- bined Lucks at Chamiily only, nnd yielded a revenue of about X3U0 gross ; while, from 184U to 1843, as there is no return oi revenue, it was probably out ol use. Tliere are nine locks nil of stone, I'iU feet long by 'i/l leet wide, and six leei of water on (he mitre sllU. St. Ours Lock, &c. — This I,ock is in the river Richelieu, at the foot of the artificial navigation, about fourteen miles from Its mouth, and with a dam raises the water above it siiificienily to overcome the shallow portions of the stream, and afford a free passage to Chambly Basin. In conjunction therefore with the Chambly Canal, this Lock opens a communication be- tween the St. Lawrence at Sorel and Lnke Chainplnin; while, by the Northern Canal, the cominunicntion is continued from Whitehall to the navigable waters of the Hudson near Troy. At the site of the work the Ricliclieu Is divided into two deep channels by a small island, In the eastern and narrowest of which tlie lock is built, while the dam extends across the western. The work was begun in llic autumn of 1S44, but in con- sequence of various hlndr.'inces, will not be finished until 1S49. The length of the lock is 2U0 feet, by a width of 4J feet, with six feet of water on the sill. At the head it is joined to the shores by an embankment. The dam is about 000 feet long, formed of cribs filled with stone, and is connected with the shores by ham- mer dressed abutments. St. Ann's Look. — This Ijock is situated on one of the branches of the River Ottawa, between the Village of St. Ann's and Isle Perrot, about twenty-five miles west of Montreal. It overcomes the St. Ann's Rapids, and thus, in conjunction with the Lnchine and the Ottawa Mlllinry CanoU, opens a communication Ironi Montreal to lljlown, and ibenre by the Ridenn Canal to Kinuslun. It was U-gnn in ihe nutunin of Iclitl, hiid completed in June, 1843. The I>uck is IIM) feet long by 4.1 leet wide, wiili 7 feet of water on the sill in the or- dinary state of the river during summer, and 4 feet at it< very lowest state. DtssJARtiNKs Can*!..— On the 3Cth of January, 1^-26, an Art pasted the Lcuislnturc of lJp|icr Canada, incor- poraiing a company fur ilie construciion of a CiinnI, for sloops anened on the Iflth of Auguvi. 1^37, for vessels drnwlng 74 feet water; and, according to a Report of tlic Uirectors, dated the 2nd May.lHU, I cost X24,«71. I The money advanced by Government to the com- 1 Bany is as follows : — y 2nd Wm IV., chap. 24, passed in the year 1832 X3,0C0 " Sth do. ehnp. 34, passed in the year 1835 7.000 " 7th do. ch. 65, passed in the year 1837 S.UCO Total property and Intercut of the Siockholders in th<> said Ciinal until such time as the sum due Goveiniiient was repaid •, and on the 19th of June, 1841, the Directors again made the same oflcr to Lord Sydenham, but without success. In 1845 and 1840, estimates were made by the Board of Wnrkti for enlarging and com- pleting the Canal, but the works were not undertiiken. The estimates were for an enlnrgeinent from a breadth of 60 to a breadihoflUO feel at the surface, with twelve feet depth of water, and embraced two methods; the first, by following the present canal, and Ihe line of the Creek, to rish Point, a distance of 3 68-80 miles, nt a cost of X3l,lr93 ; the second, by following Ihe pret^cnt Canal for about two miles from Dundas, and then passing thrKugh the Burlington Heights in the direc- tion of Fish T'olni, reducing the distance 10 2 69-80 miles, but at r. cost of X30,OS3. MoNTRBAi. Harbour. — 'l"he cost of Montreal Haibour and the debt due thereon is as follows : — First Cost. Paid by Debentures issued under 8Vic., chap. 50 jeiig,375 Paid under !0 aud It Vic , chap. SO, au- thorizing a issue of Debentures, but for which none have yet been ir^sucd . . . ^fiO0 Paid from monies advanced by Govern- ment at various times, by warranL . . 20,684 13 * In addition to this sum there was cx|iended by the Commissioners X3,530ror interest on borrowed money, of which X2,900 was paid by warrant from Ihe Go- vernor General, and Xt,030 through the Board of Works. This was up to the 1st of May, 1843. .X141,150 13 4 ^081 •••••• Second Debt. Debentures outstanding as above . . . .X110,275 Due, for which no Debentures have been Issued 1,200 Sum advanced by Government .'^11,684 13 or which there has been repaid 9,684 13 Balance due Government not bearing in- terest 11,000 Debt X13l,475 • G2 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. CANAIi TOIiliS. TOLLS ESTABLISHED FOR THE USE OF THE CANALS, 1st May, 1880. ARriCLBS. 1. — Steiinboat^ nnd other vcdscl^ per ton measurement 3.— Pai)8eii|{ersol'or over 'il of uge Illiio uiicier the iiiiiil age 3. — Brick, Lime, dand, Slute, tStoneg, wroui^ht or uiiwroiight, Marl)le, Cliiy, (ivpsum, (.'emeiii. Manures, Malt, Coal, Mniignneiie, Bark, ' ileiiip, ifiiriiaiiuruciureil Tobacco, Ores, t'oiatocK, Apples, Unions per toil weight 4.— Brnn anil Ships' Stutf, Uirley, Ky«', Corn, Uais anil the Meats thereof, FIru and FlaxSecil, Clover Sceil.Fresscd liny and Pressed Broom Corn, Kaw ('uttoii. Oil (/'like. Oil Meal, Cuiile, ijlieep, Ilui{s, Horns, Hoofs and Bones, Broken CactiiiKS, Pig Iron and Scrap Iron, per do 3.— Pork, Beef, Bacon, lliiui!*, Lanl, Reeswax, Fish, Whisky, Stoneware, Earthen ware, tilasswiire. Horses. Furniture and Bagvage of Settlers, Caru.Wangona, Sleighs, Plout;li!<, Mechanics' Tools, Railroad Iron, pr do 0. — Pot anil Pearl Ashes, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Bi»cuit, Tallow, Beer, Cider, Vinegar, Wheat and all other Agricultural products not enu merated and not heing Merchandize, Sugar, Mola:j8e8, CollVe, Siove and oiher Iron Castings, Nails, Spitted, all i.'escripiioiis of Iron not described elsew'iere. Steel, Window (31 iss, Copperas, Raw Hides and Skins, Wool, Rags, Junk, Manilln, Charcoal, per do 7. — All other Goods and Merchandize nut enumerated, per do 9.— Timber : Square in Vessels, Boats or Crafl. per M.C. feet Do. ill Rails passing through the Canals, per M. C.feet Do. Round or Flatted in Vessels, Boats or Craft, under I'iin. m12 in per M. L. feet Do. do. do. in Rnfu passing through the Canals Boards, Planks, Scantling or Sawed Lumber, in Vessels, Boats or Crafi, per M. feet inch nrasurciuent Do. do. do. in Rafts passing through the Canals Pipe Staves nnd Headings, per M West India do. do. do Barrel do. do. do Shingles, per M Firewooit, ptr Cord Rafts descending the River Free. Saw Logs each of 12 feet Mahngany (except Veneering) per M. feet Sawed Lath, Hop and Hoop Poles. Oars, Handspikes, Spokes, Hubs, Felloes, Boat Knees, Plane Stocks, 'Treenails. Fence Pickets, Chair and Bed- stead Stuff, Broom, Brush, Axe and Plough Handles, Brush and Look- ing-glass Backs, Gun Stocks, Lasts, Turned Woo lenware. Door, Buati and Blind sawed stuff, Split Post and Rails for Fencing, per ton measurement of forty cubic feet Empty Barrels, each <3 s 1 1 3 3 3 5 30 30 IS '20 ^t. Lawrence Up. 9. D. li 6 3 Dow I S. D. 0| 3 H 10 10 1 i 3 3 3 5 10 3 9 7 « 9 1 74 1 2 3 9 3 1 1 6 1 10^ 1 lOj 1 lu] 9 10 3 9 7 e 6 1 8 9 3 3 3 1 3 U 3 3 9 3 1 e 6 9 9 1 S 10 3 9 7 6 111 1 3 6 1 3 1 s. D. 3 1 3 8 3 6 4 lOi » 71 7 lu] The following Way Rates to be levied on Vessels and property passing the several subdivisions of tlie Canals :— WELLAND CANAL. 1. From Port Maitland, Dunnville and Port Colborne, to Port Robinson or Allanburg, not pass- ing the Allanburg Lock each way • half Rate. 3. From Port Robinson or Allanburg to Thorold one-eighth do. 3. From Thorold to St Catharines one-quarter do. 4. From St. Catharines to Dalhousie one-einhth do. 5. From Dunnville to Port Maitland one-^iahth do. 0. From Dunnville to Port (Jolliorne < .three-eiuhth do. 7. Port Robinson through l^ock and Cut at Chippawa one-eighth do. 8. From Port Maitland, Dunnville and Port Colborne to MarshviBe one-qunrier do. (Freight and Vessels paying half rate from Dunnville, Port Maitland and Port Colborne, to pay no additional rate ifgoingout through tbo Chippawa.) THE ST. LAWPENCE CANAL. Navigation to be divided into four sections, viz : Edwarasburgh, Cornwall, Reniihamols and Lachine. Vessels passi^ig one section only are charged one quarter rate ; two tections one half rate, and so on. CHAMBLY CANAL. Vessels passing from Sorel to Chambly to pay one-third Rate. " trom Chambly to St, John's do two-third do. Cargo discharged at Lanrairie will not be charged for the Lachine Section ; but iiiould be duly reported to the Collector of Canal Tolls, Montreal Terminus. * The Tolla in tliis Column are payable whether the Canal or River he used. •I I.- I «.- 13.- V ^ 4.- y- Prcsc Laii »?•»'*'• Thro Sect lUiii From 01 Be Stoni Throi nois Tow; Beanh Lneii Towi Throui Seciif 8 mil I Gov« the Be; and fri charge NOTI reporie Oaiia Gross : Cbargei Statei Tot Forest , Agriruli Farm S Vegeiali .Manufai Merchai Paiiengi Boats of Tou I. I>. 1 8. B. 11 o( e 3 l» 3 I D U 6 6 9 1 a « 3 6 4 10i 5 7j 7 lU 3 6 1 3 6 1 3 I visiona of the half Rate, e-eighth do. e-quarter do. e-eiehth do. leKiishth do. 'ce-eiubth do. le-eighth do. le-qunrter do. y no additional jachlne. iBOon. ne-thirdRate. wo-ttilrd do. reported to the 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 6.3 CANAL TOJiLS—Contitniffl. •t. Auue*S liOCk.— RATE8 OF TOLLS rvinl Untied for llic ute of lliii Lock, (tir ll e yrnr H80, to ec iiiio o|ierniloii June I. 1.— Sienmboau and other Veneli per Ton Meo- •ureiiienf ; 0} 3.— Pnaaenocrt, eneh Uj 3 —Brick, Lime, 8nnd, nypmini, Ccineiii, Blonei, wrcughlor unwroUKht, (iaii, Coiil, .Mmignneie, Mnnurea, Clay, Ores md Bark, |icr Ton. ... 9 4.— All other goods, per Ton 3 S.—TiMBBR— Square, per M. O. feet 1 3 Round or Finl ed, under 19 x 19 In. per M. L. feel • Board*, Pl.-iiik>>, Entitling or Hnweil LuinU-r, per M. ret't inch iiien«urenirn( Pipv Hinvt'D nnectioii, Strain Tow'ge,4Uniile8 3 0—0 3 8—00 Through the Benuhar- noia Section, Horie Towage, 13 miles Beaiiharnois to Head of Lacliinc section, Steam Towiise, 31inilP8. Througli the Lachiiie Section, Horse Towage 8 miloH a. D. a. D. a. t>. 15 0-0 025 0—30 90—0028—00 15 0—0 035 0—30 4 OtoO (I 35 0-30 t 4 0—0 •25 0—30 . 4. D, a. D. 3110 St under a. o. 1 OtoO 15 0—0 1 0— U 15 0—0 I 0—0 •. n. 1 4 too '25 0—30 14-00 *25 0—30 14-00 15 0— 35 0—30 3 OtoO ■25 0—30 3 0— fl U ■25 0—30 3 0—00 •25 0—30 per luile pr veaael per mile pr vetsel per mile pr vparel Government Steam Tuga are provided to tow sailing or other ve>>sela from Lacliiiie to the Eastern entrance of the Deauharnoia Canal ; nUo, from tlie Wex'ern Terminus of the anine to the lower entrance of the Cornwall, and from the Western Terminus of tlie Cornwall to Preacott, at tlic at)ove rates, to wiiich are appended the charge of Horses for Towing Vessels through the several Sections, and also the distances. NoTK.— Cargo discharged at Lanrairie will not hechaiged for the Laekine Section ; but should be duly reported to the Collector of Cnnal Tolls, Montreal Torininus. Gaiial Tolls— €aiiada. Gross and Net Produce of Canal Tolls from 1847 to 1840. Gross Receipts for Canal Tolla, Chargea of collection, Net Revenue of Canal Tolls,. 1847. £ 8. S0I3I 16 8»90 11 d. 1 41132 5 I 1S48. £ a d. 46403 15 6 0678 10 11 36815 4 7 1849. £ a. ?630O 15 ei37 3 d. 5 3 481133 13 3 Statement of all Produce passing through the Welland, St. Lawrence, and Chambly Canals, showing the Total Tonnage Weight of all Articles on which Tolla have been collected during the years 1848 and 1849. ARTICLES. Forest Agriculture ... . Farm Stock.. . , Vegeialilp Food. Manufactures.. . Merchandize . . Passengers Boats of all kinds... Total Tonnage. 1SI8. Welland. Tons. 53003 113441 43 1360561 630111 453541 307610} 3487 3-280 373854 St. Lawrence. Tons. 68351 5603 8l3ti7| 3WIU 48181 1643671 31071 9648 476875 Chambly. Tons. 16564 38 • • • 49 889 1305 18835 480 659 93333 Welland. Tons. 73556 170931 35i 141534 75850 43931 41IS05I 1640 3378 468410 1849. ^t. Lawrence. Tons. 70310 4315 833 89.101 31U47 17347 313153 36007 5448 444640 Chambly. 'i ons. 61161 64 18 7858 1348 6764 77316 8430 1304 138643 Ii|i G4 SCOUIE»S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. Oponlnv and «il«Mlnff •! tlio <'an«l» ffroni 1840 to 1850. Wulliiiid Ciinnl VVniiimiihury Ciniil.nrtlO|i'(t Coriiwiili Cniinl Beiiuli iriioUCiiiial..flritO|)'el Ajiril. H Dec'r. 14 April 3U Nov. il April II Dec'r 10 April .... 16 April 31) Nov. iHPeb'y 43 Dec'r ■-)1 M'rch au Nov U April I Mny.. 9 Dec'r 1810. Optntd. I April, It April. 7 April 10 April il April elated. 7 Dec'r. IS Dec'r « Deer. rt Dec'r il May. •iU April 7 April. I April. 43 M'rch 1 May 10 Dec'r i^cpfber I Dec'r. « Dec'r 40 Dee'r Dec'f. 9 Dec'r IHM Optntd. 1 April. 17 April 17 April 48 April I i7 April 30 April ■i April'. iVd<«.— Tiie Toronto llarliour i* o|ieii all winter, and a itlciiincr plic» regularly between the Port and tht Ning.ira River. .^^a..n.r^,^x^^w^^^/-^-.-,-nn,- Nu tuber and Toiiuago of VohmvIm liiivardst at (|u«beo and RIoulrca]} from 181t to 1849* MTltU tko averaKO Number of Rleu employed. PORTS. (iiieliee . Montreal , Total IcMI. Ships. iiai 407 1430 Ion. 4.MI44 4U03A J(W777 1643. Shtpi. 'i'on. 14HU 57II.UI '".U I 41-48 lUOO U4e«l-.V 1646. Ships, I l.-'d 410 lUOU Ton. .'^08443 333(M) OiU70l Ships. 1410 434 1444 IT. 1 1§4S. 1&I9. Ton. Iships. Ton. Ships. Ton. 4701M 633S1 11^ 104 4.Vil36 41-111. 1184 144 403088 37445 94'3309 1330 404217 1338 503313 ^^ early Average Number of Men employed.— Qncliec, 19)330 ^ Montreal, 3479. Total, 30038. Sbipt Inward and Outward ut Quebec and RIontroal.— 1849. INWARD. Montreal, Qiichrc,. . 'i'otnl. ie4»,. Total, 184;*.. Great Britain. No. 84 847 O-.M) 674 Tons. 31038 3U3740 3U3(kt8 40I3U7 llritlsh Colon let No. 94 178 «.1i 4iJ Tons- 8883 33.130 44083 United States. No. 1 100 107 84 371 0401.5 04080 48871 Foreign States' No) 7 53 00 74 Tons. 1431 14410 13140 TOTAL. No. 144 1184 1348 13.W Tons. 374>3 46.'M)88 504.^13 404247 Men. 1S47 l(»71 I8II8 184H Gusptf, l>y Sra. 47 Vissels .... 4137 Tons, .... 384 Men. doastways, 60 " .... 4005 •' .... 333 " Total 113 7154 096 OUTWARD. Montreal, . Quebec,..'. Total, Great BriMin. No. Tons. 83 1037 37309 4aW41 1140 .1048Blt British Uolon lev No. It>3 331 Tons. 3114 10134 "1344T United States. No 40 40 Tons. 4936 4030 Foreign States. No. Tons. TOTAL. No. 149 1443 1393 Tons. 40377 481437 541004 Men. 1480 17154 18643 Gasptf, Outward, by Sea 34 Vessels .... 8000 Tons, Coastways 77 " .... 3449 " Total Ill 7129 251 Men. 343 •• "574 Ve«iiels III CauadOi 1849.— Number and Tonnage of Vessels Registered at the Poru of duebec and Montreal ami inland Ports of Canada, and of Vessels belonging to the Province employed on the inland waters, not registered, 1840. PORTS. Montieal. .. . Quebec . . . Inland Ports . Total Registered . . Total Unregistered , Grand Total . . Number of Sieainera. 31 S8 33 91 13 103 Tonnage. 4U10 4403 6049 mm 1109 10169 Numlier of Sailing Vessels. 63 348 69 475 149 640 Tonnoge. 85.35 40410 7406 64480 8815 71293 'Total Steamers and Sailing Vessels. 03 376 97 966 197 Tot.ll Tonnage. 13191 50852 13941 T7544 0940 733 87464 [1851. • u. IH»I Cli>ud. Optn*d. 1 7 Dec'r. IS Dec'r « Deer. H Dec'r. 10 Dec'r Sept' her 1 Dec'r. ff Dec'r. M Dec'r 1 Dec'r. • • • • • 1 April. 17 April 17 April ' 48 April : n April W Ap'ri'l •i April. 3 Dec'r he I'ort and the real, from i&ie. ahipi. Ton. } 1184 1. 144 4^1088 374-iS 7 1338 503313 1)1,20038. )49. TOTAL. Hi TOTAL. 51 Men. 574 rta of ttuehec and yed on the inland 8COBIE'8 CANADIAN ALMANAC. 66 iMpurM iHia Canada, 184*« skoirlnff flram wkeaee laiporUd. ARTICLE!. •wgar't ll)O.ONcwt MolaaM*. U,7ncwb Tea, 3,inM« llM CoiA«,9.«iewL Tobacco, CiMari and Snuff Wincfl, 337,^ UalU Liquor* Bait. LU«7,?31 Bu«>w< Pruiu and Spicea ^ralna and Flour Aniinala Buuer.tftcwu ClMMe, 1,777 ewt nsn • • • •••«••••••••••••••• • •• Meal, fkkit and Freah Oandiea Leaiber and Manuteeiurea of. Oila Paper Olaaa and GiaaawarM< Pura r. Cotton* Iron and Hardware Woollen Linena Silka Uuenumeraled ** paying3| per cent Total Good* liable to duly . . PSEX flOODfl.-Animal* . ' Book* Drawing* Military Sutrea . . . Beed Uuenumeraled .... Total Free Good*. ToMi ; . . Total imp. Value. £ *. 131170 n IftS-M IMM31 9 17180 II •0407 13 38388 17 44400 •iSOt^S 15 v*n • IMIM 14 3074 11 100 3111 13408 31'Je0 4304 38307 83730 13 703i 17 8103 8 7811 14 300703 10 390413 17 iOO-.»4 10 90130 10 3871'4 18 874001 371700 10 7i^» 4 348 8 14350 4 IJIO 8 30H31 5003 14 8 3105M 3 aoosiio 7 » WIIBBB PBOM. O. Uritain. , Colonie*. X 35701 18 90510 133 50 3io>n 0374 0330 107 a. d. 10 8 15 10 18 18 4 £ *. 38713 10 7107 II 1003 13 370 4 175 S 880 14 1319 • 90O 7 785 10 504 944 13 1' t I 1 9 0140 19 8 1881 4KM 11505 3103 5603 3030 3.')01.'13 3.'Ka7 103100 13U13 18033 a518« 03400 3 3 19 11 10 ii: 10 4 15 13; • 1119 10 V. Bute*. Por. Countr. £ 550M 0841 lOOOlM 13038 •0019 4.173 4730 18933 31007 440 10 'litii 14 1031437 18 3 48014 • no 0073 10 10 474 17 9 30031 1 093 IH It 31U0 4 3 47544 14 4 3 3003390 13 4 1009003 13 Tj 48017 7 1343£'30 9 10 3074 109 9185 7089 31080 908i 91011 P«W 5430 1813 4700 30337 •7080 97005 0174 7K1II 331II0& SImIQ *. d. 18 8 II 8 19 3 18 14 10 a 4 13 4 3 1 9 II 11 1 3 5 10 10 lb • 15 19 1 3 5 • « IS 3 18 • 11 13 8 4 (i ». II 9417 19 9 9850 18 108 17 149M 10 •3M • 978 10 1051 8 1091748 8 4 918 8 ' 7413 18 ti •!?! 5 10 aaat 3 r >.i«>7451 13 t- 391108 19 • • • • « • 39 a • • • • • 7 a • 'i • m a • .. • • • • 1809 19 '9 10O7 9 11 • • • • 075 13 « • 5 a • «5 • • a • 4 • • a • 8 • ■ • • • • 1099 • • • • 7 • • • • 7 1347 1 7 •17 4 )) , •mu 4M ii ')' 77 • • • • • • S • V • a • a • * • • • • 544 • 5 41834 11 11 Bxporto of tbe Prodaee of Cauada, 1849, nlioivlnc to nrftere exported. CLASSES. Produetoof tbe Foreat.. . •« " FUheriea Aniinala 4b their produce. Manulaeturefl. Liquof* Agrieultural productlona.. Vuenumerated Totala Prom Quebec ** Montreal ** Inland Porta Total value of exporla. £ a. d 1327537 13 4 5803 10 8 1043U (■ 30084 14 II 3003 10 £ 83t«08 5 1 1 3591 1 14 II 2337504 12 ( 1030178 14 4. 451343 3 1( 850013 13 r, Great Britain £ a. 1000000 8 13 H 3 9000 17 4 1083 10 3 1318 10 330340 8 363 15 10 1348424 f- 943103 8 4 401030 7 3380 7 (• N. America. £ *. d 1475 3 lU 935 7300 M74 '» 338 (5 0, 105.WO ■■'. •% 413 8 We*t Iiidiea. £ *. d. 505 no 1<>93 4 8 1903 10 l> ^ llOSei 13 3501 14 8 t-i'itn 1 4 49719 l« 3 301 14 5 3306 10 U '333 4 'i United State* £ a. d 314373 3 4 5403 13 I 80300 13 3 37130 19 1438 7 3^8334 34330 837449 5 4 S4U0 t 853041 is 'i Foreign Countrica. £ a. 1335 1335 9 1335 9 The above includea only the Bzporta tbb. produce of Canada aa reported, to tlie Ezpori* from Inland Pon.> we uMty aafely add 20 per cent. The Total Eiporta (Vein Quebec and Montreal amounted to X1813i09 3 10 AM Export* from Inland Port* 856045 15 £mmi i8~4 Tbe diflierence X340680 5*. 8d. reprcaeat* good* not ibe manufacture or produce of Canada. Taking tbe Eiporta of Canadian Produce atQuebec and Montreal, ...... .Xi47ISlS 17 9 - » MM from Inland Poruwitli 90 pr cent, added 1037354 18 7 Of X3408773 15 9 / IT 66 SGOBIE'S CANADIAN AF.MANAC. [1861. LIGHT HOUSES IN CANADA. : -uoiiaiduioajo inax\ f f l^lfif j §11 • j § jjl § 11111 j | j jj j ^ i»a| j m M» a» Ml! nn w«:e« e aotneauoo wj ^■1^ f^ 1^ ^ G4 see M|S!TWjUjiny»!aH i " . - - - u ', _: o e o o o o o o Bi h I O • «!?« •ajilSn jo jaquinN .00 u _ • n £ V 9J ■8u|pi!n({ JO mSlSH out S=>3 SS' ?1 -" « ■9"'' ** ^ ■ ss a s^s s s^'sss s s § as s a c 3 ca e ■a s 12 -3 a 3 o § «k- '— •_ o o 3. o o o 63 ce :^ = 2.0 s s 3_ S O O • O o Q • «£ i S o . . . • 4) ! ."5 _i = <_i . o u o o ■ T- s ■ *a iM^-S s - - IS-- rs . g : a 9 3 •qai.ttiisojymoj; a ° 2 msH ' ^ e» » M !S s l«3\A'0Ullll3(IO'Tj ■«'"-■'■ L " 2* ««'« O ou _aL!_'JJ Jb uu s s"i?s » s = § =§?'"'2 s 5 :? I: o in '« t? f 3-"r> ^O .j' ~ -r-T-T WW =§»»« a T T T "T ■» "T I 9 g § 2;SS':2§ g S !5 ='» = » c 5 ■5*' 2 -i A c = 2 2 53J 3 u (S Mi 3 -sil! o to PL, - O S • O c .!f b :< n ■:; = ■^ .•: 'Z Z'Z-' ,=• « a> » V v M 3 eg • 3 o .•5f . I- <3 = «32S O o = r'=' ' . — S ». ^ k" .2 5JS"^JS K 3 O !e 2 s HOpS 3 3 OuHoOO i> a *> V V o SR *« iS *' jej •^■^•"'QCJ J J ■« H" It « n'-'^-' "-I "^ 15 .^ • ? J = o ■- « 3 ' *« 5 • 5 • u. • - - S t- — 4' 2 Tt ^ ^ • j« j« jf *" . 3 a • ii ;a . o • •a . « .•= 3 • iJ ■> . i! ■ •fc-S • ^ 3 ■ t,f i2 I a i K I « 3 j5 = c * I I i i I I as*: [1861. iiii 1 tft «* a C e w^ -^ 9 S4 » K 1 € €■ §€ -8 ^ ^.S € ^ m4 «M w -< ^ s S8 i : 1 ^^i'V-^ C • <>. • o ; •a . s s . V . ^1 €^ §8 a «2 ^n^^^ 1 « « • • 1 . n . . D • • I* • • -ca • : ' "Sr ■ • g • . . o • • «: : . •"3 * . • • OJ . • ; C O • -t-i 8 2=. '«5 illll ; = «) 1 O 3, M ' ? •* '• 5 2 '^-^ « -^v~ 1861.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 67 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OP CANADA. TiMt oritin, progren and rewlci, up to die prawiit lioie, of this InlerMting work ii given in thfl following brlel abriraci drawn froiu tli« moot authentic source* s — In January, 1832, a (ictition from Ur, Rae, praying for pecuniary aNittance in proaecution of a geologicnl and itaiiMicul survey of ibe Province was sent down by ineaauge to the Legislative Assembly, with a favour- able rccoiniiiciidation troiii His Excellency Sir John Colborne, Lu Gov. ol Upper Canada. It waa read and , praying that a sum of money Natural History of ilie Pro- l!t referred to the Uounniitee of ijuuply, but not consiitered. Ill December, lt?3'i,a |ieiitiou from the York Literary and Philotophical Society, might be grained to for an iiive*lr. W. L. MackenKie, seconded by Mr. Diirand, Messrs R. O. Dunlop, Gibson aud C. Uuncoinbe were named a select coiniiiittee to consider and rt- port on a plan for a Geological Hurvey of ilie Province. Three hundred copies of this report were ordered to be printed, and it was referred ' to Ilie Coiiiiiiiitee of Siip|>ly, but it was not conoidered. In November, lf3(t,Mr. R.G. Dunlop gave notice of a motion for leave to bring in a Bill for the purpose of in- stituting a geological uxuiniimtion ol ilie Province, but the bill was not iirocvedcd with. In November, I83U, on the motion of Mr. R. G. Dunlop, seconded by Col. Prince, the House went into a com- mittee of the whole to coiii>ider the expediency of a fieologicni survey, and, on their ri>|iortb<'ing received, it tvns resolved that an addruiii should be prcKeiited lo His Excellency the Iortance of an examination into the mineral resources of Canada, (he country is indebted for the coinincnccinent of the guuloi;ical survey which has been instituted. In July, 1841, in the lirst united parliament, a tietiiion from the Natural History Society of Montreal, praying for aid lo carry out a systematic geological survey of the Province, wasi prei^euicd by Mr. It. ilelines. It was referred to n select committee consiijting of Messrs. Holmes, Neilson, QiiesncI, Merriti, and the Hon. Mr. Kil- laly, but it was not r<)ioricd on. A similar petition was presented by Mr. Black, from the Literary and Histo- rical Society of Uuftii.-c, ivhicli was read. 'I'lic Government took up the matter, nnd on the motion of the Hon, S. B. Harrison the !o doubi favorable to a continuation of the Canadian examination, nnd therefore' well pleaoed that the present administration should renew the act, which they did (aijain without a dissentient voice being ra-ieed in tiie Legislature,) during the iastFession of parliament, tor 5 yenis more, The tr4cl8 examined, according to the leports of progress that have been piil lished, are ns follows :— : Tlie ('ana !iau coast and i^iands of Lake Supeiior and two rivers on the north shore for distances of 40 and 00 miles up. Tlie Canadian coast and islands on Lake Huron with distances of 90 to TO miles up 4 principal tributary rivers on tlie rorth shore. I The coast of the lower part of Lake Erie and the npper part of Lake Ontario, as well as the country back from i Toronto to the exit of I.ake Simcce and Maichednsh Ray. 'I The Ottawa from its mouth near Montreal to the head of Lake Temiscamaiig. i distance of 400 miles, wiiii. irnny of its tributaries on the right bank for distances of *ii) lO 10 miles up, The Eastern Townships from the Kichellcu to the Chaudiere River. The country between the Chaudiere River and the Temiscoiiaia Portage road. The coa^t of the (>aspe peninsula from the Metis road round by Caiie G.isiie ni . . by Cajie G.i»|)e and Isle Perce to tlus moudi of the Matapediii River a distance of about 600 miles, with several sections across the peniniiila from the St. Lawrence to the liay Clialeur. From tnis it wotibl appear that there slill remain to be examined the following districts:— The region on the south side of the St. Lawrence between the Temiscounta and Metis roads. The whole of the north shore of the St. Lawrence, including tb« Island of Antieosti, Ooui Lalnador to (Sue- bee, with the exception of Murray Bay and Bny St. I'aul. The north shore of the St. Lawrence from Quebec to Montreal. The same from the Cascades to Kingston, including various parts of the interior between tlic St. Lawrence and the Ottawa. The country between Kingston and Lake Simeoe, ntendiog baek lo the Mattawa. The interior of the ren insula between liakes Huron and Erie. The whole of the region extending along the height of land aeparating Canada from tha Hudson Day Territory in the entire length of the Province. | A large and valuable collection of specimens has Iwcn made to illustrnle the m. jrals, rocks and fossils of the districts exauilned, which is prewrved at the office of tlie survey, for the present at No. 10, Little St. James- 1 street, Montreal ; a full suit of these specimens is intended to form the nucleus of n provincial museum, and j Ito4 dup icaies, after they have served the pur|io«>s of the survey, ate to he distributed among such eduoa ioiml j establishnieiiu of both sections of the Province as the Oovernment may determine. ! It heitia iiniKM«ible to understaml the tru« bearing and relaiion of geological facta as parti of a whole unless ' ffteir geographical |iosition is accurately asceriaiiied, and ao lariee a portion of Canada being still imsurtrcyell I •opograHhicaily, it has been necessary for the geologists to nieawir* eitenaiva linos of Mploraiioii, and the maps retiilting from these to|iographic:«l adineasiiremento have proved of great value to the Crown Land Oc- 1 MfMent. 'lu this eoHnieral wark on the geoloitieni survey we are Indebted for the ekief part of what we 1 toow of tlie interier of the |«ninsula of Oas|ie, where six rivera have beea measured.— the Matoaw. the Chat. Nw mn. Ann, the si. John, the BounveutMre, ai|d the Great Catpedia. ProiB it else we kave the eourse of the i 68 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. KaiiianixUqua and the Michipicolcn riven on Lake Su|jerior i ibe ThetMlon, the MiMiMague, the SpanitH and the French rivers on Lake Huron ; in addition to ISO niilea of the 'Ottawa, and 40 niitea (the wholeof ila length) of the Mattawa. Thete nieawrcuienbi are effected by Rocbon'a niicrcnieter, an initrunient by wliich much time is saved { and, as showing how Ihr it may be de|iemied on, it may be mentioned that the Mattawa Inving been re-surveyed by Mr. Sinclair, a Provincial Surveyor, by the cliain, by order of the late CoinnilMioner of Orown Laud«, Mr. D. B. Papineau, tlie map resulting from the re-siKvey is alinott a eompleie counierpart of the other. Tlie map of the Ottawa is used in the Crown Land OOlce for the distribution of timber limits, ibr that part ofthe river represcnteiJ by it. Mr. Hunt, the chemist attached to the survey, was appointed three years since, and as the resuitt of his labours, in addition lo the analyses of a great multitude of useful metallic ores and other mineral*, we have those of thirty valuable mineral springs, and, by the last refiort of progress, it wilt be perceived that a com- mencement baa been made upon the soils of the country : with great diligence 18 soils were compieied last It would extend our notice of the geological survey to too great length for the limits of this publication, were we to attempt a deacription of the geographical distribution of the formations of the i'rovince as flir as axer- lained, and sliow how these formations present concentric zones, f^ncircliiig the great coal flelds spread out in ilie miildle and wCiftcrn states on the one hand, and our sister provinces on the other, with a wider and a wider sweep in their range as they descend in tlie order in which iliey are placed upon one anotlier, the whole being arranged nfier tlic manner of a nest of weiglits or of irregularly rimmed but close Ailing dishes one within an- other, the edges of which constitute tlie g«ograpliic surface ; the edges of the lower dishes only strike throush Canada, and Urns leave it without coal. To make thii perfectly intelligible would require such a model of the (brms aa has been constructed by Mr. Logan, and was exhildied here to the members of the Legitilaiure during i the last session. In preference wc give below, as containing much inrormntion in a small space, a catalogue of some of the mineraU and deposits of the Province, capalde of useful application, prepared by Mr. Logan, for lite purpOHe of promoting a collection of native specimens to be sent to ilie grand Industrial Exhibition in Lnnddn, in May, 1831, and ap|iended lo tlie Inst report of progress, that for 184^-00. We would first, however, wieli to show tlie iinportanre attached to geological examinations by giving a few facta cuiinected with that of the State of New York. The area of New York is 46,300 square miles, and on the geological survey there instituted, 4 principal geologists, and 4 assistants, were employed, besides a clwmist and a palasontologiiit, to examine and describe fossil organic remains. The examination of ilie geographic distribu- tion of tlie rocks required Ave years. Tlie act esialilishing the geological survey, comprehended alM a general examination of llie natural liisiory of the State, including a description of its quadrupeds, birds. Ashes, shells, liisecta aiKl plants, and nattiralisu were appointed for nil the separate brandies. The works resulting irom all -ilieM investigations, of which a copy in \S volumes was presentel by tlie State to ihc library of the Provincial Legislature, and unrortiinately burned in Montreal, are too well known to require mention. Though the exa- mination of the geographical distrilmtion of the rocks was so far compk'ie in ■> years as to perniitfmie publica- tion of a geological map of the State, tlie fossils belonging to them (which arc of great iin|)ortance as alfordiiig brands or marks by means of which to follow out the formations, and therel'ore the useful materials associated with them; required farther investigation, and 5 vears more have been bestowed on tliem ami on the examina- tion and analyses of soils. The works connected with these branches are beginning to appear; one volume on each branch haa been published, and several more a e to follow. Up to the lerniination of the year 1841), the sum which had been ex|)ctided by the Stale on these investiRations rxcpcded $30(i,uiio, ami it was staled to !« -the intention of tlie Government to propose a further outlay of $l-2.>,, (tellow $ulphmr»t.) Bruce Mines, a 4 fleet vein, (ytltow, 9mrief*Ud, ami vitreous eulpkmrett.) Wallace Mine, WliileAah River, (feUou eulpuret.) Eaiterii Town- •liips— Upton, range '21, lot SI, {argenUferoa* fellow nUphtrel,) n I foot vein. Aocot, ran^Ee 7, lot 17, (or- fenti-auriferoui feUote $ulphurel,) a 2 feet vein. In- verncw, range 'i, lot 4, (variegated sulpkurel,) a 2 feet vein. V iCKKh— Sttlphuret, 4'C. — Lake Huron, Wallace Mine. Aijgineni.-ition to La Nornye and Dautraye Seigniory, (witli iron pyrilee,) 'races. Brouiitton, range II, lot 10, (jiiekel oAre,) traces. SiLvitn— Native, ^c— L:ike Superior— Prince's loca- tion, a bunch or 4 cwt. of 3| per cent, met with, equal to 72 lbs. of silver per ton of rock. St. Ignace iKland, Harrison's, Ferriers's, and Merritt's locations. Michi- picoten Island, north side. Gold — Native, in GraocI— Vaudreuil Beauce Seiano- ry, Rivitrc Guillauine -/Rivitre Bras; Ruisscau Lcs- sard ; Riviire Touffc Aea Pins for 3 miles up ; Ruis»eau du Lac. Aiibert de L'lsle Seignory, Riviere Famine. Auliert Gallion Seignory. Rnisseau , Puwr's River for three miles up. Rivi6re Metgermet opposite Jersey. Gold— TVo/tee, tn Vein—\,a.\ne Superior, Prince's location, (traces.) Ascot, nnae 7, lot 16, ( > ith copper and eilver, value of Qold $1 per ton of rock.) CHEMICAL MATERIAL?, BEING SUCH AS RE- aUIRE PECULIAR CIIBMICAL TREATMENT TO FIT TIIEM FOR USE. Ubanidm— (For glass staining, and porcelain paint- ing, ^c.)— Mndoc, raiisc 4, lot Vi, traces in tlie iron ore hcd, in the lorm nf uran ochre. CRRnKii.'H — (For glass staining, porcelain and ail painting, 4«.) — Bolton, ranKit«— Smnstead, range 9, lot 13 ; Leeds, range 13, lot 17. Soapstone— IfAiVa— Suiton, ranzc?, lot 13; Potion, range 5, lot 2^, very pure ; Bolton, range I, lot 17 ; range t, lot 0; range 4, lot 4i range 11, lot 1 ; Mel- bourne, range 2, lot 19 ; Irelaiul, range 3, lot itt ; Vau- dreuil Beauce Seigniory, range 3 on the Bras, pure \ Broughton, range 4, lot 12 ; Elzevir, range 1, lot 27 t range 2, lot 13, pure. Sbrpbntinr— OresaJfA fTAtfe— Eastern Township*, in |>laces too numeroun to be particulariceJ. (For the range see Marble ) Fbrkooinoo* Cla^— Light Acd— Nastagawcya, Me- Kann's Mill ; Nottawasaga, Mad River. MATERIALS APPLICABLE TO THE ARTS. LiTHOORAPHic Stone.- Marmora, range 4, lot 8i Rama, on St. John's Lake, south of the Jnnetio i, and on Laiie Gouehiching ; there are probably many cxpo- surea lietween Rama and Marmora, the distance being 7U miles. MATERIALS APPLICABLE TO JEWELLRY AND ORNAMENTAL PURPOSES. AoATBs.— Lake Superior— St. Ignace and neighbour- ing Islands; Michipicotcn Island. Jasper.^Ascoi, near Sherbrooke, in a bod ; Gasp#,, in pebbles. Labraoorite.— Drummond,range3,Iotli Baihursi, < range 9, lot 19. ScNsroNK.— Bathurst, ranue 0, lot 3. H.'ACiNTiis.— Grenville, range 3, lot 10. AMKTiiYsr.s.— Lake Su|)er!or, Spar Island, and sun- dry places along the neighbouring coast. Ribboned Chert (For Cameos)— Lake Superior- Thunder Bay. Jet.— Montreal. S.!ffhire I Burgesa, range 9, lot 2 (in minute grains.) MATERIALS FOR GLASS MAKING, White Qoartz Sandstone.— Lake Huron— on tbc noith shore, and the Inlands nehr, in great abundance. Cayuga, lots 45 and 40, ToVFn line, north of Talbot road ; Dunn ; Vaudreuil Seisiniory. Isle Perrot Seig- niory ; Beaubarnois Seigniory. PlTCIf«TnNE, B.VSALT AND ALMCD RoCKB — (For Black Glass.)— Lnke Superior — North shore and la- landi< ; Michipicotcn Island, and Enst const. Lake Huron— in the trap dykes of the North sliore, and neighbouring lelnnds. Rigaud niountnin ; Montreal mountain ; Montarville mountain. REFRACTORY »fATERIAL8. SoAPsTONE— Elzevir — range I, lot 27 ; range 2, lot 13 ; Potion, range S, lot 20 ; Vaudreuil, Beauce Seig- niory, range 3 on the Bras ; Broughton, range 4, lot 12; AsBESTUs—Potion, ranges, lot 2(1. Sandstone— Lake Huron, It-land of Caropment d'Ouri), wext vide : St Maurice Forges, Pldmbago— Grenville, range S, lot lU, 2 veins. MANURES. Phosphate of Lime— Ottawa, near the division line between Wcstnicatli and Ross, above the head of Moore's Slide ; Cnluinet Slide ; UnrKeys, range 8, lot 4 ; Hull, ranee — , lut — , near Blasdell's mill ; Bay St. Paul; Murray Bay. Gvpsum— Dumfries, range 1, lot 21 ; Village plot of Pari!) ; Uraniford, range I, lot IS ; range 2, lot Id ; range 3, lot 17 ; Oneidn, lot 57, and the Mock next l«low on the Grand River ; Seneca, lots 17 and IB, on the Grand River, and the Town plot of Indiana ; Cayuga, range 3, lots 1», 2 ,2I.2>,2.3. Shell Marl— North Gwillimsbury, east point of Cook's Bay ; Calumet IMand, in a small lake 2 miles south-east from mcnt des Plaines; Cnlumet !(•- land, 1 mile north-west of Deejnrdiii's clearing, oppo- site Moore's slide, and in several small lakes lower down the iciand; Cla'endon, rnnee I, lot 23; Mink Lake, west of Bromley ; McNnb, While Lake ; Nepc- ati,on Spark's land, near Bytuwn ; Gloucester, Hon. Mr. McKay's land, near Bytown ; Argenieull. range 1, i lot 3: East Hawkeshnry, range 7, lot II ; Vaudreuil } Seiiininry, rear of Cavagnol Point ; St. Benoit, Grand Brultf, on Chenier's farm : Grande Cote, between St. Thtfrtee Ferrv and St. Eustaehe, on McAllister's farm; opiiosit* St Rose, on the road to St. Th^rfew, en Hen- rich's farm ; St. Arinand West, lou LW and IS7 ; Sianstead, range II, lot S or ; St. Hyaeinthe Seignory, 70 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. JUDClloii of Granby nnd St. Pie rondt ; Montreal, St. Jowph t New Cnrlisle, in 4 or 5 small lakes, 1 or S iniltts from the village. GRINDING AND POLISHING MATERIALS. Mill SxoNes— The localities of granitic and syenitic liouKlers strewed about the country, and usc-d for mill 8t0iicr, nre too numerous and too accidental to be slated; these tioulders are derived chiefly from the erauitic oraneisBoid rocks, which rani;e on the north side of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence, from Lalic Supe- rior to Labrador. Inde|)cndcnt of them various rocks in titu are and may be used far the purpose, Huch as— Sitieiout Conglomerate— \a{uire\i'\\ sScign lory, Cascades and Poinie du Grand Detroit; Ham, rancc II, lot 10; Port Daniel, nt L'Ance Ik la Veille. Granular and Corneoui Quartx Jtoot— This rock accompanies the serpentine of llie Eastern 'I'owuships, (for the range of which sec Marble,} and occurs in loo many places to be enumerated ; a good sample has been obtained by the Hon. Mr. Knowlion from Kolton, range 0. Granite — Siansiead ; Barnston ; Harford ; Hereford ; Ditlon ; Marston ; Strafford ; VVet-ilon ; Vaudreuil Ueauce Seig- niory, near the band of ser|)emine. (The Vaudreuil Beauce sione is highly esteemed-) Pseudo- Or anile (icitkout ^artz grains)— 8t. Thtfr*.NEs AND HoNEs— Mndoc, raiipc 5, lot 4 : >!nrinor,i, rnnge «, lot 22; Lake Mazinaw, rear of Palinorsion ; Fitzrov, Whclxtone Point, Lake Chon- dift'O ! Potion, range II, on Mayog Lake ; Stanstend, from Wlii'tstone island, in .Manog l.ake, by range .% lots 10 and 20. and range 7, In»a0, to ranjie 0, lot a-' ; thence through Hatlcy, to range 9. lot 3, on Massawippi Lake; Stantend, range 9, lot 4 ; Bolton, rnnge 14, lotS ; Ship- ton, range 14, lot 10, and range 5, lot 10 ; Marston, on Megnntic Lake. Canadian Tripoli, a tiheioue infueorial deposit— Augmentation to La Noraye und Dajtraye Seigniory. MATERIALS FOR PAVING, TILING, Ac. RoopiNo Slates— Klngsey, rnnae 1, lot 4; Halifax range I, lot 14 ; Frampton, on the land of Mr.Quigley' Fi.Aoo Stones— Toronto, Rivers Credit, Little Mlm- ico, nnd Etobicoke ; Eloliicoke, River Humber ; York, East Branch of River Don ; Lake Tcmiscainang, 7 miles below the Gii!6rc; Hngoi, nt Calaboga rapids; Horion ond Clirendon, nt the Chennux ; Suiton rnnge, 2, lot 19: Poiton, nnge IH, lot Sr, at Potton Ferry; Stanstead, east side of Mcniphremagog Lake, for some miles nhove the Outlet; Inverness, range 2. lot 5; Pert Daniel, L'Ance ft la Vielle. BUILDING MATERIALS. Granite nf superior quality, white, and cleavahle.— Stanstead, ranges 4, 5, 0. 7, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; range 9, lot 4, to range 14, lot II; Barnston, range 9, lot 1; ranges 10 and II, lots 7 to W ; Barford, ranges 1 and 2, lots 3 to ; Hereford, ranges 4 and 5, lots 19 and 20 ; Marston. U miles from upper end of Megantic Lake; Great Megnntic Mounlnin, occupying tin area of 12 square miles, oboqi the united corners of Marsden, HomiMlen. nnd Diiton \ Little Megantic Mountain, 6 square mllei in Window, about U miles south-west from line between Aylmer and Gayhnrst ; Weedon. I mile south-east of Lake Ijoulsa ; Winslow, 3 miles long, about 5 miles south-east of Lake Aylmer? Straf- ford. 1 mile, nnd 3 miles up Felion River ; also 6 inilei fVom foot of Lake St. Francis ; Lambton, 6 miles from ibot of I^lie 81. Francis. PsEDDO-GRANrrE. ¥)ilkoHl guarlt graini, white, tltaw- aMe— St. Th^.-*e, BelcsH.Rougemcni, Yamaska, Shef- ford, nnd Brome Mountains. Sanostonr, yellowieh white — Niagara, at Queenston; Barton, at Hamilton ; Flamborongh West ; Nelson ; Nnssagaweya ; Enqucsing, range 9, lot 17 ; range 0, lot — ; Mono; Nolinwasaga ; Cayugn, range — , lots 4!i and 4fl ; Rigaud Seigniory. Rivitre & la Graise ; Vau- dreuil Scigiiory, Pointe Cavagnol; Isle Perrot; St. Eustnche ; Terrebonne Seigniory ; Beauhnmois Seig- niory ; St. Maurice Forges ; Alliimeites ; Filzroy. CALCAREni's Sandstone- Ridenn Canal ; Bylown- vnrlous parts of Ottawa, north side from Bytown, to Papineau Island; various places from Grenville to Point Forintic ; Brockvillc ; Murray Bay, nt Los Ecor- chals, and White Cape, and the lots of J. B. du Berger and T. Clmpreon ; Lauzon Seigniory, at St. Nicholas ; Cap Rouge, near Quebec. Limestone — Mnlden ; Maniloulin islands, along the south side ; St. Joseph Island ; Coast of Lake Huron, from Cape Hurd to Rivifire an Sable (north); variou* parts from Cabot's Head to Syd^idinm, in Owen Sound; nnd from Sydenham, by Euphrat ; McNnb ; Bytown ; and various parts to Plantrigenet and llawkesbury ; Cornwall : Isle Biz- nrd ; BcHuharitois Island , Cauiihnawaan ; Montreal s Isle Jesus ; Terrebonne; Phillipsbiirgh : St. Domin- ique ; Grondlnes ; Dcsehnnihault; Beauport; Bay St. P.'iur ; nnd Murray Bay ; Upion ; Acton ; Wickhnm ; Stanstead; llniley ; Dudswcll ; Teiniscouata Lake; Ga!>ptf; Port Daniel; Richiiioiid ; Aniicosli Island. Lime— Common — In the v rious localities above en- umerated for limestone Magnesian — In the localities indicated for dolomite. Hydraulic— Fnint Douglas, Lake Huron ; Cayuga, half a mile and .1} miles lielow the Village, and the Grand River; 'I horold ; Kings- ton ; Nepeaii, near Bytown ; Argenteuil? MATERIALS FOR BRICKS, TILES AND POT- TERY. Clay— For Red BnV*»— This is so widely spread In the valleys cif the St. Lawrence, Ottawa, Richelieu, Asc , that the lornlhies are loo immeroui to be men- tioned. For White Bricks— York, i^itge 9 from the- Bay. lots 19 and 20 ; Peterborough. ForTVesandeom- mun Pottery — All the same localities. MATERIALS FOR ORNAMENTAL ARCHITEC- TURE, Marble— JTAiVs— Dodswell ; exH of Lake Mazinaw, rear of Palirerstim (a t toinite.) iJ/osfc—Cornwnll ; Phillipslinrgh. frown- I'ackenhnin. nt Dickson's mill Grey oarf A/o«/«rf— MeNab ; PhiHips'bnruh ; St. Doiniiiiquu ; Montreal. Variegated, white mid grnen — Grenville. ferrf /tn/ffite— Stiikely. Serpentine — Iii mnny p.nrls suitable fo/ornamenial|iurposes,»ii a range' of ia> miles, running through Potton, llohon, Stukely, Orford, Rrompton, Melbourne, Shipton, Trngwick, Wotton, Ham and its Augmentation, Wolfeitown, Oarihby, Ireland, Coleraine, Adstoch, Tring, Vau- dreuil Beauce to Oanboiirne ; and in another range of 10 miles, running through Leeds. COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. Peat— Wainfleet; Humlersione: Westineolh; Beck- wlth ; Ooulbiirn ; Neftean ; Gloucester ; Cumberland : Clarence; Planlagenet; Alfred ; Caledonia; L'Orig- nal ; Osnnbruck ; Pinch: Winchester; Roxburgh; Longtienil Seignnry ; St. Hyacinthe Pelanory, at St. Dominique: Sie. Marie de Monnoir S^ignory ; Ri- vl*re du Loup Seianory ; Rivifcre Ouelle Seignory : Miitan and MoNi ■, otig the Huron, vnrloiw Sound-, krasaga ; I to An- Rama ; •, De'.le- 1118 parts Isle Biz- ontreal : | Doni in- Bay St. ckhnm ; d Lake ; Iskintl. tiove cn- localiti«3 Douglas, ics liclow •, Kings- D POT- spread in iciielicu, be men- frsin the : andtom- 3HITEC- Jazinaw, ornwall ; icbson's ush-, St. mil ffvttn HI a range- Stukely, rm»wick, ilfeitown, np, Vnu- fange of th; Beck- ibefland : L'Orig- oxburgh -, ry. at St. lOry ; Kl- 3eignory < nchd anil lot 30. Thames ( lilesupon Prescott ; inn'ii nllli 1851.] SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 71 MILITARY. CjMMJiNnEii OP Till FoRCKs— I.iuut. Gcncr.ll Wui.'Itowan, C. B , Head duarierSi Montreal. Mnjor Tnltot. 43.1 Foci. MilUuri/ Seerelary; Cnp»aln WcllH-'ratl. Rifle Ufi|>n., St. lldens ; VV.Rutiier- tord, M. D., do., <.'lia:nbly. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. RtespECTivE OrrirERs—J»fi^»»o»— John Dunford, W. M icintosh, G. Dupuv, 11. J. Rogers. Quebec— A. F. Thomas, D. Grant, 'V. Trigue. Montreal— K. Fayrcr, J. Greig, E. VVilgrcss, G. VVilsiress, J. Peuii. />'y/oio/i— Thomas McDonal I, James Uulf. BARRACK DEPARTMENT. Iftaslers—W. U. Grav, Montreal and St. Hclcas ; Major J. B. Eliot, (5hnnibly ; T. Stepliens, VV. Henry ; Butcher, St. Joints ; F Rnynes, Kingston; I. Lunrd, Prescott; U. Cornwall, Toronto ; T. Wil- son, London ; VV. Diitl', .inihcrstburg ; D. Ilogj, Pciie- liingui»hene. ROYAL ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. Head Quarters Office MoNTRK\r,.— Afititory Branch— Co\. Vavasoeur.Coniniandiiig Royal Engineers in Canada ; l^Jnpt. B. S. Steheling. Asst. Com. ditto ; Lieut. I. A. Murray, Acting Adjt. R. Engineers. Civil JUrnncA—McUe.iii, Clerk of Works, P. Manloii, do. ; Foiiiu'l, Foreman of Works, Mr. Shaw, (Jlerk. KiKdiTDS—MtUlary IJranch—lAcM. Col. Streaiflcid, Capt. C McCausland, Lieut. J. Y. Moggridgt!, G. F. Dawson, C. H. Seadley. Civil Branch— 'V. Rovve, Clerk of VVork«. S. Shaw, do., J. B. Harfier. do.;. I Oakes, do ; <'. J. Clarke, do.; J. Grist, Forennii of Works. A. Kempt, do. ToRosTo— ,Vi7i/ary />V««cA— Cnpi. i>anit»ion Froetli, Lieut. W. II Nutjli;. Civil. liranek—i. Iloiinett, Herk of Works, P. Ma- honey Po'cmaii of Works. LoxDD.N. — Lioiu. B. A. Wilkinioii, Royal Engineers Bi'TOWN — Military llranch. — Captain C. F.. Fo .1, Lieut. F. VV. King, Lieut. VV. L. Morrison, Lieut. S. B. Farr.ll. Civil liranch. — Nt'lson Walker, Surveyor and Drafis- ninn ; t;. A. Lancaster, do, do. : C. S. T. Harvey, Clerk of Works; J. PiizGibbon. Foreman of Works; — Cockburiie, do.; W. CieiiB. Clerk jG. H. Pcakc,do. C.kiiu.iON— Lieut. R. U, Kerr. REGLMENTAL. Rfiv..i. Artillery. — Licul.-t.'ol. T. G. Iliggint, Quet)ee ; Lieut. -Col. R. Palmer, Kingstou ; Capt. Sliakes|)ear, London. Royal Enoinrkhs.— Lieut.-Col.Ord,Qtieliee; Lieut.- Col. Sirentfleid, Kingston ; Capt. Frecih, Toronto. UHh Foot, Lieut.-Ool. Hay, Queliec ; '2i:th Foot, Lieut.-Col. Horn, Montreal ; 'i3rd Foot, Lieut. -(Jol. Crutchley, liOndon ; 7l!ie Ibui united, shall have together not leaa than 100 freeholdora and house- holders on the collecior'e roll. The New Act amends the 16th clause of tbfi. former Act, to the rollowlnu:— " That whenever any township so attached or uniied to another shall have within it •»• hundred resident freeholders and householders on the collector's roll, such township shall, /or tk* y»mr n«xt but on* following tlie making up such roll, and thenceforth, be incorporated by itself, and such township and that to which it shall have been so united, shall ihencclbrlli, to nil Intents and puriKMca whatsoever, be held and considered as separate townships." The provisions contained in the 308ili section of the farmer Act, as amended by this Act, shall be and con- tinue in force till the 3l8t December, as follows ;— (Sec. *iU8.) " That no provision in the foregoing en- octmenis of this Act which requires that any |ierson be possessed of any property qualification, or be assested lor any particular amount, in order to his having a right to voiG, or to !« elected at any election to l« held under tliu authcrity of this act, shall have any force or effect, unless or until some act be imsscd by the parliament of this province In the present or some fUture session thereof, to provide for the regulation of assetsmenis, and ilie levying and collecting of local taxes in Upper Canada, aiiil to repeal ihe general provisions or the acts heretofore in force for that purpose, but all such persons as have heretofore bad the right to vote or to be elected at the annual elections of parish and township otficers, for the several townships in Upper Canada, siiall have the right of voting and being elected for the township and village councillors to bk elected under this act, and such persons ns have heretofore had a right to vote or bo elected at the iiiunici|ial elections of any city, town or village hnreiofore incoriiorated, or having aboard of police established bylaw for the same, shall have the right of voting and being elected for the city, town or village, nidernieii and councillors to be elected under this net for such city, town or viilnae respectively; and the persons entitled to vote or be elected at the municipal elections of every town and village not Incorporated asaforcsaid, licfore the passing of this act, shall be the resident male inliahitanis, liciiig either householders or freeholders of such town or vil- lage, of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, being supjects of iter Majesty by birth or naturalization, and who shall have residra in s«ich town or vill.i|{e fur six calendar months next previous to tlie holding of the said election, and who shall 'have been rated on Ihe assessment roll of the said town or village as house- holders or freeholders for the year previous to such election. Provided always, nevertliele»ti, flrstly, that tlie value of the property by the provisions ol thio sec- tion, renuircil as the quallncaiion of n township coun- cillor, shall lie one hundred instead of three liundred pounds, ns heretofore required for Uistrict Councillors; and provided al«o, secondly, that in the case of nil township councillors, it shall be a su'lHcienl quolinca- timi, if in lieu of such one hundred pounds of real property, they shall be seized or possi-fsed of reni and personal profierty, which shall, touetlier. amount to two hundred jmunds ; and provided alin, iliirdly, thai in the rase of all such towns and vill.iues as are' I:i8ily above mentioned, every person to !>e elected a council- lor for any such town or village, shall be seized and possessed to hisown use in fee. of lands ,'ind icncinents within the county or union ofcouniios in which such town or village slinll be situate, or within some one or other of the counties or niiions of counties, next ad- joininu such first mentioned county or union of coiin- tiOB,of the real value ofonc hundred pounds currency, over and above all charges and incumlirnnces due and payable upon or out of the stmc ; and provided also, fourthly, that in the cities and towns in which, nt the passing of this Act, a provision exists for the registering of voles, the same shill continue and be In force until re- pealed altered or amended by a by-law ofthe corporation of such city or town ; provided also, fifthly, that whether any such new Act for regulating assessments In Upiier Canada, shall or shall not be passed prior lo this Act coming into force, the persons herolnhefore in this sec- tion dcserllied ns entitled to elect and lie elected under this Act, until such new assessment law shall have boen passed ns aforesaid, shall he ilinno entitled to elect and be elected reapeeiively % and provided alto, sixthly, that any town, the Act of Incorporation of which had been disallowed, or had expired befor» the first of January, in the year of our Lord one tbouaand eight hundred and filly, shall be uken and beld to b« an Incorporated town within this section." The member of council having the higbeat aness- inent, to havea casting vote, in case of an equality la cliuoer8, and the keeping of nki and beer houses within such town or city, orthclilicrties thereof, under such by-laws ns may be made for that purpose by the municipal corporations thereof, shall be vested in and belong to such police inngistrate ; and whenever there shall be no police magisirntc for any such town or citv, such (tower, under such hy-lnws as nibresaid, shall lie vested in nud betong to the mayor of such town or city. Uy sec. 7 of the new Act, the powers .tnd duties, by the 30th and 3lE>t sections of the Iviixl Surveyors Act, I'i Vic. cap. S.'i, conferred and iinpoeed on the county councils, are tran»ferrc(i to township councils. See. lU cin|)Owers county coiinciU to establish a lock-up house In any town, incorpornted village or (lolice village within their respertive conntirs. it may lie used for comniiiment, inter aliUy by magistrates acting uiidiH' the snininnry ii.inisliinent Act. Sec. II, e( seq., relates to provisional councils and their powers ; nuiiiorizes ilictn to borrow money for county pnrposcK, under the i>nnie restrictions as muriT' cipal council*, and declares that they always |iossesscd the |)ower. Itc. Now System of Asscsaiueiitt In th» leveral Totenihip$, ViUages, Town* and CUUo, in Upper Canada, eslaHi$hed by the Ad 13 and 14 Vic, cap. 67. Sec.l. For all pirposes for which local and direct taxes are or shall be levied by authority of law, unless the same shall lie otherwise specially provided for by law, all i.ANitand nil such PKKsoNAb'rROHRRTT ns is liere- afier defined In Upper Canada, shall be liable to taxa- tion, subject 10 the exemptions hereinafter s|)ecifled; and the occu|iant of any land lielonging to Her Majesty. shall be liable to taxation for it, but the land shall not be chargeable for the tax. Pkc. 'i. The term "mnd" shall Inrlnds the land Uself, [1851. >rovidt(l alw. orporatiOB of rea before the one ibouMiMl id beld to be Iff ighett atMit- in equaliiy itt detmiy rcevct r •eati in the copy of town- Bt, ii supplied wiihout any ek. >n. h. ■ehedule, are Hce, inclusife fanmttt. luch thing! as ality of whici) (pt ibove cases I actually been kci, nRd which r tribunal. the following [•ni, are either 'ille, Cobourg, hnrines. eciiled by the IHW, onawrit •mnto. irtors to be sp- 'scribeil by the see. 14, leavn tppoiut one or lice mngistrate 11)^ licenses to id beer houses s thereof, under piirpo(>e by the vested in and mid whenever any such town ^s as nfbresnid, or of such town ami duties, by Surveyors Act, on the county luncils. . to establish a nteii villnge or juiities. It may by magistrates Act. nl councils anil row money for itions as mui ways |iotsesscd lueiitt mu and CUU», e Jet VioHd U and direct tsies law, unlesx the dcd for by law, RTY as is lierc- liable to taiS' infter s|>eciflert? to Her Msjcsiy, > land shall not » the land Itself. 1851.] III buildings, 4te. erected upon it, all trees and un sum, ns the ninouiit of his not taxable |ier«onnl property, tlinii the ninount derived from such income during the yearihun lart pasi, which shall be held to be his net tnxablc iierstonal property, unless he has other, to nn equal or greater ntiioiint. Sko. 5. Exempts from Taxation Public i>ro(icrty. Col- leges, SehooU, Churches, ilospitaU, &c. Sec. 0. All taxes shall be levied upon the whole taxable real and personal property ol the locality, in profiortion to the assessed value thereof, and not upon any one or more kinds or siiecies of pro|ierty in particular. Sec. 7. All lands shall be assessed in the townxhip, village, or ward* In which they lie, ond in the name of the owner, if known, and if he resides and lias a legal domicile, when the asseosment shall be made, within the municipality, and if such lands be occupied by such owner or wholly unoccupied ; but if the owner be not resident or l)e unknown, and the land be occupied, it shall he assessed in the name of the occupant; ond occupied land owned by a party residing or having a legal domicile in the inunicip'ility where it is situate, but occupied by another party, may be assessed in the nninc of ihc owner or the occu- pant, and the taxes recovered Trom either, or from any future owner or occupant, saving his recourse against any other parly ; and if an viand lie owned or occupied by more than one party, then anyone or more of ihcin may be deemed the owner or owners, occupiiit or occupants, and shall he lialile accordingly, saving his or their recourse against the others; andnnyoccupnnt may deduct from iiis rent any taxes lie may have paid, if the same could a1$o have been recovered from the owner, unless there he a special agreement between Ibetn to the contrary. Sre. 8. Unoccupied lands, not known to lie owred by any party, residiMit or having a domicile in the municipality where they are situate, or li(*loiiging to any party, whose resi- dence or domicile, ui>on diligent inquiry by the assessor of the municipality, shall not !« found therein, shall be denominated "lanps op NON-nesi. DSNTS," and assessed as siiecially provided by the Act. Sec. 0. Every party shall be n*gpRgod in the Town- ship, Village or Ward, where he actually resides when the assessment is made, for all taxable personal pro- perty, situate therein owned by him, including all tax- able personal property in his possession or under his sole controiil as Trniitec, Guardixn, Executor or Administrator ; and in no case shall prop«>rty so held be assessed against any other party, and if it be owned or possessed by or under the coiiiroul'of more than one party, each shall be aRscle against me, (or against C. D. in the Township, Village or Ward of , and that the amount or value (or yearly value) therein assigned to the same, arc the full and true amount and value (or yearly value) thereof, to the be«t of my knowledge and belief; (and ifthe ileclnration be made by an Agent,add, ' And that I have the nieansof knowing, and do know the extent and value of the property assessable against I the said .')" \ Any wilfully false statement in any such declaration shall ben inisdeineanor, puniiihablc as perjury; and if any such assessable party shall fail to deliver such statement and dcrlarnilon to the Assessor, when so re- quircil, he shall thereby forleit to the Municipal Corpo- ration of the locality the sum of jC.t currency. Providtd mat no such stntement shall bind (he Assessor, further than he shall from his personal knowledge, believe it to be correct, nor shall it excuse him froiii making due inquiry, whereby to asccrt.-iin whether it is or is not correct. Sec. 10. Relates to persons assessed in a repre- sentative character, as Trustee, Guardian, &.C., and directs tliat such assessments shall be kept distinct from the individual assessmenis of the parties. Seo. 20. The Lands of non-rksidents shall be desig- nated in the Assessment Rnll, sepnrnie from the otiier assessments, and headed " Ni>n'-rejiuf:n-is' Ijand As- sessments." Sec.21. All REAL and I'ERso.tAL property liable to taxation, sliall hi> eKtIniiitcd by the Assessors at its pull valcp, (or Fvi.t. vear>,y value as the case may lie),n8iheywoiililap(ir'iise the same in payment of a Just debt due from a solvent debtor. JSecSQ. Every Male iNHABi'^ANr of any City, incorporated TowNor Vil- LAOB, of the age of *2I or upwards, and not over 00, not othertvis*! a>-'sos8cd, and not now exempted by law from performing Statute Ladour, shall instead of su':h labour, be ianed IDs. yearly, failing payment, to be levied by distress and imprisonment. Every Mali Inharitant of any Townsitip, between the ages afore- said, and not otherwise assessed, shall be liable to two days Statute Labour on the roads and highways, in such Township ; and every party assessed upon the Assessment Roll of any Township, shall, if the pro- tierty of such party be assessed — At not more than JCSO, be liable to 3 dayslaboer At more than .€.iO, but not more tlinnXlOO.3 " ■* 74 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1861. At more tlmii £ lOU.biit not ii.ore iliiinX I3U 4 iay lubor 5 •« •• Atniorotlmii £1.10, do do XttJO Aiiii>retliuiiX.tlM. do do Jt'JOO « •> » AliiiornthaiijCdtM, ('o do i.'40U 7 " •• AtmorethnnXIOIl, do do £MU 8 '• " At more than X.!UU, do do Xaou » •' " AtMio'ciiiaiijfiHKt, do do JCtJOO 10 " " AtmoreihniiX-'UO, do do XIUUO l-J " " And for every jCiUU aliove the jCIUUO, one day, unlcai the Municipality of the ro\vniihi|) rhall hnve nirected by By-lnwr, ihnt a sum of mo >cy be piid in eoinniiitn- tion ofMueh I il)our. Provided, itxunUe Miinici(Mlity may by By-law, to operatu generally and ruicably, reduce, and at llieir discretian ivcrcniie itic nuintier of dayi lubour lu which any nich piny rated on the An- •eiimcnt Roll or otIierwiH-.Bhall lie liable under thin a :t. Sro. if). CoMMorca the Statutr Labour a^a'nst NON-RESiDENTi for 'is. Ud. currency for each day'iiTii x>r, to be collectuil with their other iaxe«. iSkc. 'it. Ai seb- •DRi to complL'tc their Koi.i.s, by the time to be aproint- ed liy tlic Municipality, dec. !&>. And immediately after to leave for kvkry party named tiiereon, and resident or domiciled in the Muniripality, a notice of the actual or yearly at which his real pro|)erty, and of the «um at which Ilia tnxalilc itersonal pro|ierty (hall have been Asscs^BD BY THiiM. Sec. 2U. AgE>e8M>r8 to certify their rolls. Sec '£1. And to deliver (hem to the clerk of the Alunlcipility. Siic.St^toSJ. Allows parties dcemin;; theinselvus aggrieved by the val'ialion of the assess jrs, to api-cai. within sit itays after the assessor's notice shall have been left with dUMu. Non-residenta may ap|ical within six days after the roll shall have been lel't with tlie clerk.. The complaint to be tried l>ya court of five members of the Council. Skc. 31. In every case in which any sum is to be levied for county PURPosKs, the municipal council of tlie county shall, by by-law, direct what portion of such sum shall he levied in each township, or incorporated town or village in such county. Suction !i'i. The clerk of the city, town, villige or township, to make out the col- lectoi's roll. Src. 3:). 'i'hu Coi.i.enroR to call at least once on each p:irty taxed, or at the pliicc of his usual residence or do iiicile, if within the municipality, and demand payment of ilie taxes. 'J'axm u|ion lands of NON-RESIDENTS, iiiay bc pild to the county trea- SBRisA, with five pur cent, commission ad. Surplus, if any, after paying taxes and costs, to be re- turned to the party. Sec. 37. If a party removes from his locality without having paid his taxes, the collector may levy and collect the tax and costs by distress and sale of his goods and chaitel!:. In any township, village, town or city, which for judicial piir|)0..«es t^hall be within (he same county, and to which tiie party shall have removeil. Sec. 3S. Collector may receive taxes on undivided portions of lands. Sec. 39. The Commissioner op Crown Lands, witliin tliiriy days after Isi January yearly, shall trnnsinit to each County Treasurer a list of all t)ic lands granted or leased during the preceding year ; and the treasurer shall fur- nish eaci) township clerk in their re:>pectivc counties with a list of all the rreii granted or leased during the said temi. Sec. 40. Collector to receive (axes on lands of noii-resi- dend if tendered to him within the time of his collection. Sec. 41. Collectors to return their rolls, nnd pay over the moneys yearly to the treasurer or chamberlain of their respective municipalities, l>y tlie I'tth Derembcr, or such other day as the County Council shall appoint. Sec. 4*2. (Collectors to render accounts on oath of unpaid taxes. County treasurer or city chamberlain to sell the lands. Sec. 43. Clerks to furnish local treasurers or chamberlains with ropy of collector's roll, so far as it relates to lands of non-residents. Sec. 44. Treasurer to enter t.ixes in a liook. Sec 45. As to taxes not paid to collectors, treasurer to send, within a month, circulars to the parties by irast, dc- uandiiig payment : where (he parties are not known, a list to lie published in the Ca'i4tda Qaiette. Sec. 40. The trbarurerb of the Bcvernl countieb, shnll, on or before Ist January, le.'it, make out and submit to the Municipal Council of the County, a true list of the lan4B i» their couptles respectivel y, or in any citlt-s or iilieriie.4, lying within the limits or on llie liorrisrB mt such county un wliich niiy taxes stinlt tlieu rkmaid unpaiu, stating Itiu number of acres in uuch lot, or part of I jt, deacriiiing the same as hcrrinbeiure | scrilied with regard to such lands, the numlierof years for wliich it is in arrear fur taxes, and tlie amount of taxes due on each lot or part of lot respt'C lively, both fur taxe« chargeable under ilie Wild Land AyscMimcnt Law, an8ineiit Uoll for I8JI, and collected in like iiinniier, and the pro|ier (iruportious of the moneys so ruilected slitill be accounted lor nnd paid over to the treasurers of the several miini-.Mpaliiies for the purfiusus fur which tiK'y were oriijinaily ini|iosud. Sec. 47. In all cases where any township or townships, or part or parts (hereof, shall have been detached from any district or county, for tlie formation of any new district or county, since the passing of the Wild L-.iid Assess- mcnt Law, the truusurers of each of such districts or counties respectively, shall, on or before I.'«t January, 1931, meet together at some cnnveniKiit place, to be agreed on tietweeii them, nnd make up a correct list of the arrears of taxes due on the lands in such townships, or parts of townships respectively, up to the |x;riods at which such lands bccnnie parts of (lie said new dis- tricts or counties, and it sliall be the duty of tlie clerk of the coun'y in whicli (he township then actually lies, (0 include the amount of such arrearsof taxes due in the township in his list of arrears of (axes due on such lands respectively for the year l@51 -, nnd it sliall he the duty of the treaKurer of the county (o pay o^er to the treasurer of the county or district from which such townships or parts of townships were res|)ec- ti vcly detached, that portion of the said nricnrs accrued while the township was part of such district or county, which is by law applicaidi! for county purposes, re- serving for the use of his own county that portion only of sucli arrears which is applicable for the roads and bridces in the said townships respectively, the pay- inen(8 to be made on or before 1st January, ISS/i. Sec. 43. County treasurer or city chambrrlair, within 30 days after collector inakei! his return, to issue a warrant, under his liand and seal, directed to the sheriff of the county, or liigli bailiff of the city, to levy 0 Sherifl'orhigh-bailiir to execute warrant with- in thcthcn current year. Sec. 5U to Si. To advertise sale Sec. 53. If taxes not paid, land to be sold on the day named. Sec. 51. SbcrilTor high-balliff togive certificate of purcliaseto (lie purchaser. Sec. 53. Holders of certifi- cates to pay sulisequeiit (axes. Sec. .^0. Three years ol- lowed original owner (o redeem the land from holder of certiflcatr, by paying principal a..d costs, and interest at the rate of ihp'er cent. Sec. 57. If nut redeemed, slieriff or liigh-liailifT to convey the land ab^joiiitely to pur- chaiier. Sec. SS. Right of purchaser to protect the property before the ronvpyniice is ninde to him. Sec. 50. County Treasurer to pay over to local treasurers the amount of taxes OF non-resiurnt.s collected, nnd lieloiigingiothein respectively. Sec. 00. Treasurers and rhamlierlaiMs to give security. Sec. 01. 1'cnaltyoi'jC'i.), on assessor refus- ing or neglecting to perforin his duty. Sec. O'j. Assessor or collector making an unjust or fraudulent assessment or collection, to bc guilty of a iiiisdeincaiior, nnd on con- viction, lialilc to a fine of £25, nnd imprisonment till paid, or imprisuntiient for six months, or botli. Sec. 63. Summary mode of enforcing payment from a collector in default. Sec. 04. Duty of sheriirorhigh-baiiifTin such case. Si.c. 05. Iroccedings againB( sherifT or high-linilitf for negleciing his duty. Sec. GO. Penalty for same. Sec. 07. Interpretation clause. Sec. 63. Commencement of Act, 1st January, 1851. Neur school Liaiv. 13 St 14 Vic. cap. 9 — The annual meetings for the elee- (ion ol school truBieeB, shall be held on the '2nd Wednes- day in January in each year, commenciiiR at lOo'clock, a. m. Ill nil school sections in which there were three trusteei> in office when this Act came In force, vis.— Mtli July 1830 (except in cities, towns and iiicorporaied viltaxes), one trustee shall be elected at each annual meetint, in place of the one who shall have htf* three [1861; lior<1«ra m( leli RKMAlN ucli loi. or lielure |>r«> HT of >•«•« : niiiouiit of lively, both AfltVMIIICIII o«C(t uiirtvr er with tl)e « flueli trea* lie ; niid tha fi:ie rrojwr lildud to ilic ikeinniiiier, 10 roilecleti ic (rcaturcn :» I'ur wliicli 11 all caMi nrt or paru y clintrict or district or Mid Amcm- diiirictior January, place, to be 3rrL>ct lint of li lowiishipi. le |)crioda nt id new dif- of the clerk len actually of taxea due axci due on and it aliall to pay o^er froiu wliieb vere rc«|)cc- cars accrued let or county, )urpos«ii, re- port ion only lie roads and •ly, the pay- iiuory, 185a. iAMBKRLAlN, turn, to issue Kcicd to the j eiiy, to levy | c and costs. arrant with- ■(tvertistisnle Id on the day ve ceriificnte lers of certifi- iri-e years ol- -oiii holder of and interest cnied, sheriflT iitely to pnr- I the properly . 59. CoUNTT :hc amount of iigin|{iothein iinlterlains to ssessor refus- U'2. Assessor It assessment ', and on con- isoninent till oth. 8bc. 63. in a collector .gh-liailiflTin St sheriff or 06. Peunliy I. Stic. ea. for the elM- 2nd Wednss- at lOo'clock, 1 re ware three | force, »l«.— I incorporaitd each annu*! re ht-eii thr— > 1 851.] SCOBIE»S CANADIAN ALMANAC. 75 rears in office. A trustee, if wllliuK. may l« rc-rlecled. Irurices fur the cuuniy griiininnr scltoOl, and itic local No trustee shall lic8of the notice to be posted in at least three |)nblic places in the section, at least six days before the time of holding the meeting. 1'he order of proceeding at the meeting to lie the snme as above described, 'i'hree trusters shall be then chosen for the new section, who shnll coniiinic in cfHce as follows : — the last person elected, until the next annual school meeting in the liection, on the sccoml Wednesday in January following, and until liis 8uccpfI^or ix elected ; the second |ieriion elected, one year, and the first periion elected, two years from such annual school meeting, and until their BiiccesFOrs nre elected reii|ieclively. A trustee refusinu to serve shall forfeit 3.5s. A truster not havin;,' refused to nccept, who sliiill nt any time nfier- ivards refuse or neglect to perfurm his duties, shnll forfeit X.). A trustee may resign, with the written con- sent of bis coiiencues and of the local superinlutuleiit. In case of there being no annual or other school section meeiing held, for the want of due notice, the trusties or others whose duty it was to give tli» notice, sIki!I forfeit a-ls. each for llieir neglect; Any two freeholders or h uscholders In the section are authorised, within twenty days after the meeting should have been held, tuc;ill a meeting for the performance of the reqtiisite duties, by siviiigsix days' notice, to be |)Osted in nt lensi 3 public |il»ce8 in the section. In crrus andtiiw^s, two school trustees are to be elected in each ward by a mnjo- rity ofihe taxalile inhabitants therein; oneoftheiii(iobe determined by lot. nt the first trustee meetini; after their election) shall retire from ofTice the second Wednesday of January followinu such election ; and the second shall continue in ofiice a year lonser, and until his successor is appointed. The persons thus elected in the >everal wards to form one board of trustees for such city or town. The first election of trustees incities and towns took place on the first Tiiesdny in September 1S50. The annual election fshail take pince on the se- cond Wednesday in Janu'iry, when one fit and proper person shall be elected in each ward (in pInce of the retiring trustee), who shall continue in ofiice two years. In incorporatisd vii.i.aofis, on the second Wednesday In January, lail, a meetiiic of the taxa- ble iiiliabitnnts, to be called by the Keeve iiOKting no- tices in at least six dilTerent places, at Icnst six days previously, shall be held, which shnll be organised and conducted as above specified for meciinL's in cities and towns, and at it six fit and proper (lersons from nmone the resident freeholders or householders shnll be elected school trustees for such incorporated villaee ; the per- sons thus chosen shall be divided by lot into three clasws of two each, to be numbered one, two and three ; the first shall hold ofiice one year, the second two, and the third three years, and until their sucres- ■orsarc elected. There shall be a like school meeting annually in ea'tiiniion and duties of the council of public instruc- tion ; and Instly, iiiisicetthneons provi^ioI)s. For these tltc .'ct itself must be coiiHiilied. Second qnnlitv, do do Tliird quality. do do Fourth quality, do do Fit'lli qualitv. do do Sixth qualiiy. do do Seventh quality, do do BrniidiiiK FJoiir. (Act l:» and M Vic. (7np. 29) All Flour brnndeil, or inorked, shall be equal In quantity to flour inspected nt the City of New York, and bearing the like brnnd or ninrk of quality. 'Jlie ilirtereiitqiialiiie* shall be designated oh lollowK.viz.:— Very siipcrlorquality, by the wonl.- '^'Kzlra Huptrjix:" " ' ""■ ' '• fivpcrjine.'' " fiuptrjine No. 4.* " FineMiddlingt," •' Middlings." " Pollards." Quality cnlled "FarineKnlitre," by the letters *• e.w.r," by which latter deccripiion of flour, ^linll be under- stood the whole jiroduce of the wlient, when ground, excepting the coarse bran and pollards. Rrakdei) " Rye Flour," "Indiiiu Meal," and "Onl- iHcnl," to have the nnine of the flour branded on ti e bbis , nnd the quality to be designated as lolloivs »— Very 8u|)erior, by the word, " First." Next Inferior, do do •' .'teeund." Next Inferior, do do " Third." Lowest quality, do do " Unhrandabh." When the grain from which Hour or meni, nf miy de.'cription, is manufactured, has been (ireviously kiln dried, the same fhall he dranded, eiilier at length or liy the word ami letter " Kiln I).'' on each blil. Population of Canada. L'eiigiis Lower Canada. Upjier Canada. l-^-t. *7ll,(M.O 7A'>,H0O Censna I^^SO. V'J'.WIO 7!)l,(iU0 Total, Cnnadn. ,4»5,ti01) 1,5rJ,0UV The Cciisu.-) returns for IS50 have not yet lieeii publish- ed. The detai'c of the t'enstis, of 1848 were gi the Canadian Jlmanac for 1S.V). > given to Emlgrrauts and ibcSt. Iia^vreuceRont«. TARirK of fARKS. «. d. From Quebec to Montreal 3 9. 1)0. *' Kii.gston 13 U Do. " Coliourg&l'ortllope l(! 3 Do. " Toronto 18 J) Do. " Hamilton, Nia>:nrn, and Quceiiston... 81 3 Do. " Buffalo 20 3 Do. " Cleveland .14 3 Do. " Detroit 3U 3 Do. "Wisconsin, Chicago, and Milwaukic . . 3d 4 MILlifc. , IHO 3H) 488 sao 6r« c-is 770 iNa 12M M^ H'j t;: :i- u 76 SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC. [1851. FaoHTiiiAo, LiNNoi AND AooiNaTON,— p. O'Reilly, Okrh of the County Court, tie* Alexnnder Priiiglf, dteeued. KM* pan 33. Unitimitt or '1 orontO|— ProfcMor of Prnetie*! AnaUNny, J. li. RiehardMii, M. D. and M. R. C. S. Enc. Fia«|Mce37. UPPCR Canada School op Mkdioinb, Toronto.— Prif4Mori! Midwirery and DiaeaMtof Women and Children, bv fid. Hodiler, M. D., and Mem. Rov. Coll. Burs., Enofand. Aiiatonty and Physiology, Norman Reihune. B. A., M. U. Prinelplea and Practice of Medicine, Jamei Bovell, M. D., Lieentinte Roy. Coll. Phya., London. Materia Mediea and Pliarmaey, Wm. flallowell, M. D., Mem. Roy. Coll. Suri;., Edinburgh. Principles and Praeilce oft^urgery, H. Melville, M. D. Medical Jurifprudence, Francis Undgley, M. D., late "**"*' Lect. on Med. Juriap. in the University McOill Colleite, ^ _, PrlinlUve Rlclbodlat Chvrch !■ Canada Wesl.' Couflsrenee meets flrst Wednesday In February. Rev. J. Dnvison, OtnertU Sitp*rint«nd«nt, Toronto. Mr. W. Lawson, Secretary, Hamilton. Mr. R. Wal- ; ker, Tr0m$urtr, Toronto. i Toronto District.— 7V«M(a CUw—Vf. Lyie. R. Parsons. Brampto»-K. tioyle, W. Oledhill. EloH- eoke—i. Lficey, J. Edgnr. iUarMam— M. Nichol, W. Phillips. R<«cA— T. Adniiis. Quelpk—l. Towler. CUdl—i. Garner. Darlinglun—i. Oariicit, '1'. Rowling. H*miUon—V. Uerry, T. Lawion. TaUot—i. tSiinp* son. frmlpeU—T. Fostor. lyooditoek—W . Loinaa. Titsearara- To supply. Practical Anatomy, under the superiiitcndeiiec of the Uictureron Anatomy, yide pp. 30, 31. The above was not received in time for iuseriloa un Jer the projier head. Fidi pp. 3-i to 97. INDEX. PAOR, Acta of Parliament, Ah- stracM orw, 33, S6&7lto75 Add'gton (bounty 33, 90 It 70 AdiiiTralty, Vice, Court. 32 Advertiiiemcnts . . . .77-84 Agricultural Asuociat'n. 3i A^eulsC.Liinds, lU&33lo30 Aniliersiburgiri' 73 Apiienls. Couri,.. 30 tc 31 Assembly, IIoii»e of, 19, 30 Assessing Act.U.C.72to74 AstronoinicalTable#, I to 10 I. » 5t AsylUiiis 30, 31 Banlcs 31,33 Bank Kolidaya 5i> ■* Ini'iosU SO Bar, Li. o. ••••. . ■ ... 31 liarrie, T 4S&73 Ke.iuharnois Canal 00 to 04 llcef. Curing St Belleville, T 3C lloMsof Tradc&Trinity 32 Brandingflour, &e. . . .73 HrniitforiJ, T 48 Uroctivllle,T 38 Bruce, Co 30 & 37 Bylown. T 3:i Calendar 4 to Hi " Explanation of, 3 Canada, Atfuirs of . . . ."1 Canada Company. ... 33 Canal fit) to 04 " opening &cl08ing64 ** Tolls 03,63 " Tonnage, sent by 63 •• Towage 63 Carleion, Co 33 & 34 Chaiiibly Canal. . . .00,61 Chancery Court, U.C. 30, 34 Chatham, T 34&73 Chippawa, V 40 Clironological Cycles . . 3 Circuit Courts, L.C. . . 31 Citios, U.C. . . a>, 46, 4U City Councils, ...35, 48, ID Clergy Lists. . 33 to 37 &. 7o Clerks of (Vn tc, Assize. 30 •♦ Peace, 32 & 331030 •* Deputies ..33 to 5ti •* County Courts, 33 to 50 Coliourg, t 42 Collei«es 37.39,30, 31 Collectors ofCuKtoins.. 55 Coininiss. Courts, L. C. 30 Conipas!!, Variations of, Hf* Copyright 33 Con'i'n Pleas Court, 30 & 84 Cornwall. T 46| " Canal 60 CouRcil, Executive ... ISJ PAat. Council Legislative. .. . 19 •' of Pub. Instruct. 38 Councils, Municipal.33lo30 Councillor .33 to 3 Hospitals 30, 31 Huron, Co 30 fc 37 Imports, Canada 4.^ Ins|iec's, Rov. 33 to SO k. 5't Interest on Public Debt 34 Intorprov*! Free Trade 53 Insolvent Debtors Court, 30 Judiciary. 3Uto33 Judges, County . .. .33 to 3ii Kent, Co 31 It 33 Kingston C 38 Lacniiie Canal On Lambton, Co 31 & 33 Linark.Co 37 fc .38 Land Scrip .13 Law Society, U. C. . . . 30 " I'erins 30 Leeds, Co 33 Ic 31i LegislativeCounril ... IP *' Assembly, l!», 3( Irfinnox Co 33 Ic 31! Ligbt-Hoiises 04i Lincoln Co 39 & 4(i Lloyd's Agent 33 Uicki,St.<>ur's,St.Aiiii's 61 London, r 41 L Orignal, T. ... 4I&79 Wayor .33 to3U Meal. Ilc 5U&73 Medical Coll., Itc.30,3l&.7li Middlesex, Co ... 40& 4i Military 71 .Minerals in Canada,68 to 7i Ministry, British 1< Montreal Haibour 01 '* Shipping ... 64 Moveable Feasts .... 3 .Municipal rouiiciU,33to.5i " Act,ainenilcd 71-9 Niagara, T 30 Norlolk. Co 41 Ic43 Normal School 38 Northumberland, Co. .. 43 Observatory, Toronto . . 4 Opening Canals 64 Ores in Canada. . .68 to 70 Osbawa, V 49 Oxford, Co 43 Paris, V 48 Penitentiary 33 Perth. Co. & T. 30, 37 * 73 Peierlioro', Co.t T. .43, 44 Picton, T 43 Population of Canada.. . 73 Population of Counties, Towns' p!>,Cities,lcc.33toS0 Pork, curing, k SO Port Hone, T 43 Post Office 33 PrescottiCo 44 PAOC. Prercott, T 38 friiice Edwnrd, Co. .44, 48 Prlnei|>als Or. 8ch. 3310 80 Probate Court, U. C. . . 90 Quarter i^'essions,.. 31 It 86 Queliee, Shipping. ... 64 Uueeu's Bench,. . 90 Ic 91 Queenston, T .|79 Reeves &. I)cputies.33to80 Registrars. U. C. . 33 to 30 Renfrew. Co .37 & 38 R'iveniie Inspectors,33to80 Kcvenue of I'rovince.SS, S3 Richmond, V 33 Royal Family, 17 Rusiell, Co 44 Saturn's Rine 9 -Sandwich, T. . . .341c 79 ■School Act 74,73 .Schools, 37 to 30 " Medical 3(1, 31 It 76 :^chool.^, Prin. Orain.33toSO !icTi\u Land 83 Scasonii, 3 -'cinl-Diurnal Arcs.. . . 88 Sherinrs, U. C. ... 33 to SO Shipping of Canada. . . 64 Siincoe, C&T.4l,4Slc 73 St. (Catharines. T . . . . 40 .St. Anii's,St.Our'8,Locki 61 Siormont, Co 46 Su|>erior Court, L.C. . . 91 Surro!;at''B 33 lo 80 reinpernnce. Tracts... 83 I'ernis, Law 30 Terms, University.. . . 37 Thorold, V 40 rulli>,<^-innl 63,63 Toniiaizc, Canada. ... At Toronto, C 49 Towage. Canals 63 Towns, U.C 33to50 Town C, V.P. I Wm. Atkiimon, I J. J. IIatki, M. U., | J. Lniin RoaiNtoN, Vr. Im Pbekim, I Wm. GoonaaHAV, | Jonh Q. Bowca, | J. C. Morrim>n, SMeUor—iOna DUGGAN. £awkS— PurginK. Diuretic. Cough, Alterative, Farcy and Fever. Hin Alterative or Condition Powders lor Horse*, are well worilty the attention of Farmers ur Horsekeepers, as tieing one of the safest Medicines that can lie given, as they do not prevent them being worked as usual. COW DRINKS, of all desciiptions, with full directions. DURABLE PAINTS, at low prices, lor Fences, Cans, fce., and all uut door work, with every article in the Drug, Oil, and Colour Trade, at the lowest pricea, and warranted of th« bestqualiiy. CT RKiiBNBRa tiik Addrbss, O. B. GRBEN. 8V, Kinjr Strttt Wut. Tvttmlo. H CLOTH !NG & WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, AND B£TAII% WALKER & HUTCHINSON'S I4S(IMEN8E OUTFITTING ^ GENERAL DRY GOODS WAREHOUSE, n»N OF THE GOIiDEN lilON, 80 KINO STREET EAST, TORONTO. THE largest and moxt complete Sioelt of well cut and well made Cloihltig in Cnitndn West, toeether with every variety of Dry Goods, cnn nlways le had at this Edtabiislitnent, nt unu^tinlly low prices. Mcrchrintr, Pedlers and Tnilors, supplied on lilwral Wholesale Terms. Garments made lo ineanuie in superior style, lints. Caps, Stocks, &c. Jic. Purchasers will do well locnil nt this House, before buying eli^e where ; and rememlier, we hav e !£^l^!LfiL.,*iL5L2Jl ® PR! C.E !jci), '^ jijST~P1[]RWSlIED : TWO LECTURES ON AORIGULTURAL 0HE1SI8TRT, BT HBNRY YOULG HIND, Mathematical Mas er and Lecturer on Cheniiitained firom England, New York, &c . to the sfieeial ordier of fiarties, wlien desired. In the PRINTING DEPARTMENT, cnte is taken to add regularly to hia slock the best and newest descriptions of Ty|ie; and he isai all time» prepared 10 execute orders for Plaii and Ornamental Priming, in all their branchies, with neatness and expedition, and on the most reasonable terms. The BOOKBINDING DEPARTMENT is equally well attended to ; and every description of/lain and Fancy Binding executed to order, in the very best and most substantial style Aiinched to tlw Bindery is a superior RULING MACHINE, by which Books and other blank work are executed to any pattern, on (be abortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. The LITHOGRAPHIC DEPARTMENT is particularly worthy the attention of all requiring Ibis description of work. Maps, Plans, Charts, Diagrams, Landscaiies, Portraits, Circulars, Bank f'heqiies. Notes, Stc, can be executed on the shortest notice, at a price far below Uiai of Engraving on Copper or Steel, and in many inatances not perceptibly inferior in execution. COPPER-PLATE and WOOD ENGRAVING executed to order, and printed either from the Plates or Wood Cuts, or (bybeiiig transferred) from the Stone, at the option of panics. Orders in et ery department of the businiMs, will be at all times promptly attended to { and it will, moreover, be the constant aim of the Subscriber, to merit a continuance of the very extensive and daily increasing support with whieh he bos been honoured, by tbe due obaervanco of promptitude and economy in all bis transacifona. HUGH SCOBIE. JACOB BARNES, ENGINEER AND BLACKSMITH, OAKVIIiliE, MANUFACTURER of the Itever Poivor Stnijp Extractor, for which a Prize was awarded at the Toronto Indmlrial Exhibition of I8SU. Pump .Augers aixl Reamers made to any size. Millwrichls Screw Augers, Edge and odier TooIh, to order. J. I), would call tlie attention of Blnckstnithii, CoppersniTthr, and others, to his PATENT BLAST REGULATING IRON, one of the mom scientific articles in use for Charcoal or Coke Furnaces : tlie blast being regulated in the fire to suit lighter heavy work. A few always on hand. Journal of Education for Upper Canada, DEVOTED TO EDITED BY THE REVEREND EGERTON RYERSON, D.D., Chief Superintendent of Schools, ASSISTED BY MR. J. GEORGE HODGINS. HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL, IN COUNCIL, has been pleased to eonatilute the Journal of Education The Official medium of commimioatioii from the Educational Department, on all matters relating to the administration of the School Law of Upper Canada. YOLITM E IV., FOB 18S1. PUBLISHED MONTHLY.— TERMS Ss. PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. Toronto, October, 1830. "" NEW^ YORK BOOK STORE, ™~ AND SUHDAT SCHOOL DEPOSITOBT, KinrO STREET, HAMIIiTOJV. C. A. SKINNER, INSi 1851. iphcT, BAST, n the »arlou« tnfidence and and to make Iv replenUhcd ' ice, obtained t and newert ' ntal Priming, nof/lainand B Bindery it a lattern, on Ibe ] ibiadeieriiHion >a, Stc, can be iiany inatancet piaiea or Wood nfiii, inoreow. ally iucreaainff omy in all )>>• SCOBIE. [ITH, was aw*'*^*! e. MiUwilfhw 1, I'onperaniitw, riiclca in «te for . Afewalwaya lada, [ to constitute ttie Departiaent, da. VANCE. !OET, NNER. 1861^ ADVERTISEiMENTS; »l •ADVICE GRATIS! ^Ai'VWWW^^^^'SA^VS^rfVV^MM^ im.F.A.CADWELL, OCULIST AND AURIST, Member of the Cdlege of PhytieioMS and Surgeon* of Cauada and ths United SkMty dDIPieiEAIFm (D.M VlHtIS ISYIS EAR ABE CUSABLH. at some period of time, and are only rendered otlierwise by neglect, and improper tieaUnent. Hundreds of cases may be found in the Province* of persons who are partial or wlioUy BLIND or DEAF, and who will probably always remain in that state for (he want of pnt;,ier advice; it is equally ofvtain that with proper treatment, seven tenths of those cases could be restojed to oomfortaUe sight and hearing; and as a thorough knowledge of theae delicate and important organs is not at the disposal of every one, I have determined to GIVE ADVICE GRATIS to all who may vrish to know my opinioc as to whether their disease is one whieh may or may n«t be cured. No excuse need therefore be made in future for aliowing curable cases to remain lutdieved by treatQiiBnt. The charges will always be moderate when treatment is recommended ; and where patients remain under direct treatment, subject to my directions, without being relievA, Ko ohmge will be made fbr eiihei Hedidne or Attendaaoe. AU CommunieatioiU, if post-paid, will be promptly answered, and a card of reference will be forwarded, if requested. ARTIFICIAL EYE INSERTED WITHOUT PAIN, »t MADE TO MOVE, k. MATCH THE SOUND EYE FERFECTLY. Sqiiinftiiig or Cross-Eye oared in lesi fluui one minute, By a very simple and easy operation, with guaranteed success. OFFICE: No. 5, KING STREET EAST, Three JkorebOcw Yonge Street, OVER MR. ROBERT LOVE'S DRUG STORE, TORONTO, C. W. J' I I !' I 82 ADVERTISEMENTS. 1861. THE CikXViLDiL LH E ASSURANCE COMPANY. nrOQlKPOBATBD BT AOI OF PABUAMEHT. HUGH C. BAKER, Esq., Pnsidentj JOHN YOUNG, Esq., rice-President. Bankers— 'THE BANK OF MONTREAL. THE Busineta of thU Company ineludn AMurancei upon Single Lives, either with or without Profits ; AMuraiiees upon Joint Lives and Survivorships ; Endowment Assurances, to secure sums to parties on the attaiumentofa given age, or to their represet^tativea should they die before attainins that age ; Endow- Biento for Children, payable on their aiuining a given age ; Immediate, Deferied, and Survivorship AnnoiUes } and every other legitimate transaction contiiigent on the duration of Life. The originators of this Company had long seen that, although Canadians were to a very great extent indebted to British Comr^nies for the succeasAiI Introduction among them of the advantages of LiOb Assurance, there were nevertheless Important objections against the monopoly by those Companies of the Life business in the Province. One was, that an enormous revenue was yearly transmitted to Great Britain for the purposes of Lile Assurance, to the detriment of the already impoverished resources of Canada ; nnd the other, that the advantages which Life Assurance secured through these Companies were secured at too high a cost— an evil to be attributed to their expensive management, and tlie low rate of interest which they made on their Invest- ments. There were other objections, too, of minor importance : such as the delay attendant on the settlement ofclalms, and the frequent nractlee of making no allowance for premiums paid, when parties, from inability to continue them, alloweU their policies to lapse. To do away with thete evils, this Company was formid « and to show how well it has succeeded— while its staMltty is unquestionaole— it offers, in consequence of the smallness of its expenditure, and the lucrative rates at wkieh Its ftiiids have been invested lower rates of assurance and more liberal terms, than have ev?r been oArad in Canada ; its income is now nearly equal to two-thirds of what was calculated to have been annually sent out of the country for Life Assurance premiums. It oflfers every facility to enable a speedy adjustment of claims, and it makes an equitable allowance for payments on lapsed policies. As regards the REDUCED SCALE FOR LIFE WITH PROFITS, the Dirisctors have found that their antleipatlona regarding the extent of profits, or rather the excess of premium, have been well grounded ; they have been enabled to return 25 per cent, of the premiums received after paying all expenses, and reserving not only the flill amount requisite to cover increased risk, but In addition thereto, the fiat turn tokiek $kMadJUu>e it*m last ty dimtk ; and tliey therefore feel that the time has arrived to warrant a moderate reduction in the "Scale with Promts" (rather less than 10 per cent.), admitting the assured to an immediate participation in the peculiar advantages of the Company, by a diminished payment. The scale has been entirely revised, and a comparison will siraw that while as a whole it is materially below the rates of other Companies, it is yet more favourable to the assurers at younger ages, this being the evident result of even a small advance in the rale of Interest at which the funds of a Company can be invested. TkefoHtneinf are tpedmens iff the ratee to aeture jClOO at death : With Profits— (New Rates.) WiTHODT Profits. Age. ». .. SO . . S5 . . £ ».d. 1 8 1 12 8 1 17 10 T. 45 SO 55 W £ i.d. .310 . 3 11 8 .453 .578 . fin 6 \T. . . . so S5 .... 30 at £ 1. d. 16 5 1 Oil 114 7 SOS S 6 4 Age. 40 45 50 55 00 £ :d. . . . . S 14 8 .... 3 4 . . . . 3 17 11 30 . . 3S . . S 4 3 11 4 . ... 4 19 11 .... tl 11 The following table is given as showing in the fairest way the superior advantages which the Canada ofifem ; (as great advantages will be apparent If the non-participating rates are similarly compared). Sum of the PnmiMme to aeture £100 at the several agee from 15 to 60 inelueive, teith participation : £ e. d. Canada (New) 147 7 Colonial 154 S S American (3o's. generally 150 5 6 United Kingdom 156 7 10 Church or England 167 S 5 , British Cemroerclal ISO 9 8 Eagle and Protector 100 11 4 National X^an Fund 161 4 Britannia ((h>m 16 to 60 inclusive) lOS 11 6 Premiums payable either in one sum, or annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, for Mt^, or for a limllad number of yeara. The Uvea of Females assured, according to age last birth-day. All Policies payabJe within three months after proof of tieath is lodged to the satisfaction of the Board. Travellinf and residence limits very liberal. RIedieal Fee for oiamination paid by the Company. Mo eitra charge made for sea risk to or from Europe In first data sailing or steam vessels. Prospectuses, Fonnaor Proposal, and all pertleiuan relating to Aaauranee, may be obtained at the Head Ofllce, or any of the ComMuy's Agencies. i_ . _ THOS. M. SiMONS, Secretary. 9S King Street, ) Hamilton, ISth October, 1810. 5 L851. n. knt. iHt Profits ■, , partioi on e • Endow- AnnaiUeat I BDt indebted ranee, there ineMin the purposes or ,er, that the ;oBi— an evil their invest- \ lie BCltlement om inability | ed-whi1e Its I ucrative rates ive ev^r been i hcen annually | ly adjustment ind that their \ rounded ; they eduction in the | (articipallon in . ly revised, and anies, Itisyct advance In tne | ■or fi>r a llmlW [ the Board. tinedatUie Bead Secretory. #* 1861. ADVERTISEMENTS. 83| PHCEHIX mOH AMD STOYE WOKKS. stoves] stoves I STOVES ! At Chreatly Reduced Prices for Caah. THE Celebrated VULCAN iilR-TIGHT NEW YORK KITCHEN RANGE, GREATLY IMPROVED PREDtlUMS. IRON KING (patented in the United States in 1849), and tlie BURR COOKING STOVES ; also, PARLOUR, AIR-TIGHT, and other STOVES, are manufactured by the Bubflcriber. The mere examination of these Stoves will satisfy any person of their great utility and superiority, together will) the improvements, entitle ttaem to universal favour. Purchasers are requested to inspect for themselves. STEAM BNOINES, FROM a TO 30 HOBSE POWBB, On the latest and most approved plans. />l80, GRIST MILL and other CASTINGS made to order ; BARK Mli^LS, SUGAR KBTTLES. COOLERS, FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, SMUT MACHINES, « aiae MOTT'S AGRICULTURAL BOILER, from one to four barrels. POTASH KETTLES, Cast in Loam, with bottom down, being fxr superior to the mraal mode. PLATFORM, HEAVY BEAM AND COUNTER SCALES. Old Castings and StOTes, and 'Wrought Iron Scrup, taken In Excliange. GEO. B. SPENCER, 68 Yonge Street, Toronto. jr. AiiiiAjyeoiv, HISTORICAL Subjects, Public Buildings, Hotels, Official and Municipal Seals, Arms, &c., Slc, Engraved with care and despatch. Tonse Street* near Alice Street, TORONTO. JOHN MATJLSOH, Notaiy, Aoorantant ft General Cemmereisl Agent, TORONTO, CANADA. AGENT, tec, in Bankruptcy ; Banlcrupt, Executors, Absentee and Estates generally taken in ciiaree ■, Stocks, Produce and Real Estates sold and purchased to order ; Rents, Debts, Gk>vernment Claims, tec, collect- ed ; Conveyancing, &c.,&c. Retcrences and Securities given, if -t; quired, XasVOi COLONIAL liirt ASSDRAIiO^ oompamy. WILLIAM 08BCRNE, NOTARY PUBLIC, LAND AGENT, AND CONVEYANCER, 16 Tean eetaUiahed at No. 16, Ein^ ^ix«e1. West, Torocto. NOTARIAL and Land Agency business of every dexnription transacte.) ■ tiso. Notes, Debts, and Rents collected. Farms, Wild Lands, Houses, Mills, and ^t! )r Property, boukhl, sold, or exchanged. Deeds, Leases, Bonds, Wills, and other Instruments, prepared on . .^osonablc tertnj Land Scrip, Bank Stock, Mort- : gages and other Securities, purchased and sold. KING STREET, TORONTO, Wholesale Merchants, General Dealers in Groceries, Hardware and American Dry Goods; ,.*%»■ ¥ Fdll THE F OLLOWING FI RE INSUR ANCE COMPANICS OP HAnTFORD, CONN, t HAXTFOBD, JPXT A. AT PRCTBOTION. Risks taken fbr short perlodi on pradnA In Mills and Btorabeoses. *Ag«iis fbr tkn (I:H;ash adv. . AND ALSO, Life liMuranoe Company of Hartford, Connecticut. made on Bnduce coiaigMdto them, or to their Corresjxmdents in New York and Moi^red. as ;, II liii % sai ABvtmmsEmmNTB. lisi. ANGUS DALLAS, ,I|i|#OBTBR, MANUFACTURER, AND GENERAL DBAIiBRi If^ ao Siof Stratft (^r*iS), Toronto. WOODEN WAIIE, BGOR MATS, W00LM0P8, fRUSHES, eOMIS, R05DS, Tmm, '* THE Woo()eu Ware comprisef-iiPprn AroonW, Auketti, Pa i b, Watli Tuba, CbUfnv, Butter Bowli, Ladlea, Priotft fiuuer Tabs, Meat CmK^. wash Board*, Paate Boardi and Rollers, Bievea, Rtddlea, Meaaaiea, Ootha P«4Bt| %rd Onoce, Coal Riddle^ Seoop ShovQia, ^llowi, Knifil Board*, Clotbet HorMa, Potato PouiKierf^9.'*e.— WHOLESALE AKIt RETAIL. TO ADVERTi9iR& ~~ '^ S-COBIE*S CANADIAN AIMANAC TIRBSEKTB unrivalleri advantagea to Advertiaera. Tbere were 80,000 COPISB printed of the MTjaJmiVSAV iwii M^O^ and in t|i*c6wae of a few tnontba the vfji^le wer* aotd— ^ deuMOid atilt eontinuiiigijihrougttout the year, without the means of supplyinji it. Tbia baa Induced the publlaber to enlarge thecdKKfif.ind be tias aecordingiy printed 9l>,00P CNHnaW of the jamJ&AV SfPl 19*1. .from the ainoumtofOrdtts aiready received, it is obviodstl^at the edition j}>c:ie9riinll qieei wUli a|!, gintrU and rapid a aale aa did that for 18Su. No other periodical in British North America enjoy»ao large a circulation aa ttteCMaMliaB JAtMAjiM, is therefbre the best niedldBitor advertlatm in tbe-Provincr. An e^lfiDn of SSjMM copies, spread over the whole cminuy, in tbe liousca and places of businem of the inhabitants, and refined for daHy reference during the year, must coiiie frequently under tbe notice of at least 12^,000 neraons. The r£«f^ of Aduertising-in the Almanac, taking into accouut the large circulation, are less in profiortfon than the otdiiuup rates for ad veriiiiqgia Newspapers. They we the following :— forftWbd|.Mgl».' XIO 1 P'or a qmrier page t£»10 • rbr n halfpiigr. ^ .,. ..... . . . . . 5 1 Por an eighth of«|»*ge 1 r • ' It is pittbabia that ttae^itionofthe .rffoMiuH; for 1883, will exceed b|r leveial t^opfandevpiQitbatformu f4ii(iww||iiiiig 10 advertise in Uiare requested to send in their advertisements to the Publisher on or be^K^ thelsiofDclbber next. AH lett«ri mw!t bedpost-paid. ' . ■ , - . ' , HUGH SC0BI5,>«N^^. Toronto, November^ iWIO. fOB VPPEB CAHABAr CONTAIMma the BimitcipBl OorpeMAloia M^ OeneM Bo«4 Aet, tmd the varipua other Aets of the JiCtf«taiiir#.iWi)ic)t coii^r poweb or Iw^ duites on the Mudiclpklitiml, waa pubiisbed in May im, ttt the 4C£^S^'»n4>%^c« (»f ^ by the Leglite^, wAieh render a aecond publication neeeaaary. Tbe aubscrlbK tm tnerefbi* anuicgfd tc| pablM»^IIRMtdelay,s* ^ ' ^ OoBtaiafof tbe attM«Mta tvitie Municipal OorpdratiOBa Aet, ihe new AafesaiMnt Act. «fcc. .The i to piwpei ^ : will be Ottlform in^^^'^.^^■^l^^j^^^/^^W^^%|^.•'■■^■ | .^^^ ■H* aPWi^W^WWi^y i» i »viM^N^.^^i^»'W^^^^^ ?30 .v&i*.<