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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 7- 1.0 I.I 1.25 lis m II 2.8 IIIM IIIM 114 1.4 III 2.5 11 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 _^ APPLIED IM^G^ Inc Z^« Ibbi tost Main Street ~.Ji Rochester. Ne* York 14609 uSA '— — ' ' ' •-" tS? - OJOO - Ptione — • .MS - S989 Fax IKGLEMES ADDRESS TOTHE ELECTOES OF SUNBURY (J ^'); LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT MiUKailCc .. * (./Lb>:]r;'. nidioi^. i i he o]':r^M;5 ;.! i!k* P: i i, on 1 u ; ■ o,\'^- t]->c ;(! L\j^ljn.^.wr\ oi'tlu: Proccw'^linL^s r r n x: t u i t^ iiorsi-. ;-.i-'.\.SSEMBLY,,cSi*. &c. • K' n by a PcrioT-j prcient, in Short Hand, and 1 . ^iVidicd at the paiuuular Requeft of a lar^r ■Minority of the Ek(5tors. - ^=;A nib Septemhcry 179;. 5//?, 'T17F. ffJ/oivi>f^ ohfervations cnntain the fuhfta' ■' ''I Mr. fjh.:c'i Mirrfs to the Eire'/"' y . . .vrv. juft hrjb-^ thr cpr^fingrffhc Poll vi that O-io^ty, ■ t> '//"/ 1)^\ ''f'tfi^ Month. I tcck th>-mJoi.-?in7j/.'>: h--' \'U^.r'rtnv .IS IcouUL As they nuulc a drrp iwp^'-poi the mimhofthe I'Jethrs, iihre tijlrncd (0 linh //: mo;! \ prq}Arnd lilencc fucucded hy a hr/l of .'fpLrul- . <^ i • furnijh the hejl account, Jhairmcticith.ojti. proWai- ^wgs of the lajl Houfe of Afmbly. c^i lihichlhme t^rhns have attempted to tbrcnv a great deal of oImc'^U), iemhrace cation, at the requejl of a large majority of the LletJun. lam, Sir, Tour mojl obedient humble Serianty A Byjla?ider, To the PRINTEK. -Vf ;v:i '^y-ft'-^'^-: .- '" ^- J 'w-X' . . rZ^'-^Cl^'b^^r^P-* ^41^ ADDRESS, &c. BI-: !•' () R K the :-!km itr proreeds to open ihe Poll, 1 miift lx-4 kavc to lay a few vNords to you, to prevent both inifconception and milVepiifcntation iclpc ^ing Ibmc particu- lars, which it will not perhaps ht impro])er for you clearly to undcrllaiid. — Von have now lieard the \v*i fur ici^ulaLin^ Eicc^ionc rc-id to you , the very fir(V vliuk ot wlkich futticiently lhe\v:>, that there w \i no connet-lion whatever hetwcccn His Majef- tv*'; approbation of it and tlic diUbliition of the late I'i >ulc of Airembly — fnr it contains provifions for "thi regulation tiot oi\\y of any general Eledion iubkqucnt to it's receiving the Royal aflent, but aUVi of any particular one, that might be occafioned by i vacancy in t]\at very Houli:, which framed it. This A6f was palTed with a fufpending claufc in 1 79 1, in the tifth Seflion of the firft Houf^, t^^t was called in this Province after its feparatioiV froto Vova-^-cotia.-^A fecond Houfc was fummoned hi * 793, which has been fuddenly diflblvcd befcttft it had Mk' f •Al f 4 ) had fat half its natural time — W rits hm-c lately been ilfued for calling a third one — A-hI I canm/. help thinking, Gentlemen, that the fvvidcn diliblu- tioii of the late Houfe withovit {iny dii-tftions from Home, without) in ftiort, any vihble or apparent reafori for it, ought to excite in all your minds the moft ferious reflexions, and render you on this occafion extremely cautious and circumfpeft in the choice of your Reprcfentatives, whom yon arc going to intnift for a certain number of years with the guardianihip of your Rights, Liberties, Property and Privileges, both civil and religious. — If there have been no orders for it from home, as manifeftly appears to be the cafe, if there ii nt> oftcnfible rcalon afligtied for it in His Excellency's Proclamation, if none can be drawn for ir'from th'^ ^ct you have now h^ard read, every Man of you muft naturally be led to alk himfclf thi> qucf- tion; for wlwt pu^pdfc or purpoici» tivm ftasit been diffolvcd iTjjjUiittatcly ^roj^intiul ^'.fh the fpndu£l of that rloufe ^n4 tlie differences in mat- .^r§ of opinio;! thAt arofe between -it and the othci , \ ^l niyfelf at no lofs to i^ndevftand the real mo>^ tives, pf thofe, who adviJied its diflblution. — I mni> leave you liowevq-, on this fubje6l, to form an opinion for yoiyfelvcs. The mentioning of ^ feu incontroyerpble facts may neverthelefs enable y(ui to form one^ith more accuracy, than perlioipii yc^ otherw'ife mi^i do. But bdfoVc I mention thcra I will juft advert to ani obicrvatioii^ which I lindei ' <:oGl\itut«diic thc^Wl OIK coiiid not' legally fit - * ■. . . ■ . * • • ^^ .5 :-:'^€'^' I i ( .5 5 ^er the Election Bill -came oiit approved of, m iic Membcis compofing it were cholen by Eleclon ricrcntly qualified from thofe, who arc intitlcd ♦.I vote by that A6V.— -Thettoiife, hoWfcver.wliich affed h, was.conftituted exactly as the lad was.-^ His Majefty's approbation df the Bill made neifncr *he one nor the o^her legal or illegal— and if thert ?^c any force in the obferviation, this Aa itfelf, which proteires only to regulate general Eledliofts, rttbfcqucnt to its meeting v^rith the Royal affent, md particular ones for filling up vacancies in the *Tiy Houfc that paffed it, muft be confidered Oi »!legal, and ev cry A^ of Aflembly in the Province rqually fo — hut it is too ridiculous to merit faious examination or difcuflion— and I am convinced it will never be given as a relafon for the diflblutioti 'if the late Houfe, but by thofc who are intapabk of affigning any probable or gdbd ont. ^HE late Houfc of Aflembly, Cenitkmen, In my opinion, jvifTeired a& morh-pflfitrca! virtue, as finccic a regard for your Intercfts, mi nlt)u>ugh it did not fucoied in re- 'rdling Ibni-oftlieni, it directed its Committee f corrdpondcucc to write home reipeding them, •id therefore dcfu ves not the lefs credit for its ertions — ile(iuifitions were made to- it, which if * nplicd with, it imagined would be ^t by yHi •id the people at hige, as hoairy burd^m— 4t ^^rcfore found it necej&iy tepfeitmifm yp ail 'm ^^m\c1s and to intefpdfc its pirii^iilkien^ ri|^ aSid '■I: t ■i 3 ( 6 ) ftvid!lty to fiiield you againft their picliu . In iliC tirll place it difcovcred for Im^anci. grc:it nr.xietv ii.s the former Houfe about gcttii^a. an A:> paiicd for regulating tht holdir.i!, -lui f. t'^jz;. of the Supreme Coi|rt, in order to cariv th .idminr.tiation of Jullice by that Court into rvcry County a"^d to eveiy Man's doQi' as much a;. ^ >. - bki ihw vjiy purpofe, I conceive, for whicli li Jiidifvs racivc their falaries. — It is needlcfs for i to infv)ini yv)u, that a Bill of this falutary tendency h:\^ ilvL inr.cs palled the Hqufe of ReprcfentatiN in CtnciA Allcmbly, and has as often dropped u^ the— Laft winter the Houfe dpfned to knew the rcafons of the Council for fetting it afide, b /. could get none--I delivered a meflfage myfelf put- ting them in mind of it as a Bill tending greatly to promote the happinefs and convenience of H»s Majeity's fuhjeas in this Province. I'indin^u its en(ie>iv get the Bill paiied into an A5> t; n t- kio, it directed its Cummiitce of correipundr , . t^ reprefent the matter to Mr. Knox the Provimj ^ Agent at home as a grievance feverely felt throu^*'- out the Province and particularly in the Count- . diibnt from 1- redericton, and to requeft him to c - cverv thing in his power to get' it rali-elied.— 1 ^ this'reipect then it certainly has not negleded, b ' zea'ouliy confulted your intereft and happinefs. Secondly. It pafl^ a Bill laft wmtw rcdu. cing both the width of wads and the number ^t days work to he performed on thcnv— 4)ut this {hlutary and beneficial Biil was alfo loft in amfr- queike of fuoie alterations made by ihe Counc 'J I I , which the lloufc thought k couia not give its oacnrcnc. conlUtcntW ^^•.tU the duty ,t owed to „s . oMftkuents ana tlK I'ubhc-ln th.^' [Kuticu-.u il ,h, r.on-com- nliance it fiirelv di.l not ne-leet yo..r l''te'x'ts.— in 170, it was lecontnten.led to tl.e !-.,;l> llonle to ,t >,n pa't of Fredcricton C:hureU r >; mts purpofe. -1,1 1702 Jad-e Santidcvs pvelcnted a i)lnn tor fuch a Buildini wnh an elnn.tte ammmtmg to /■,77 • 10 • lo.-l have eav>ca. Gentlemen, ^oJmilit,,ry' works and jntblic ^ff"^J^ auv other peifon ii^ thi. I'rovmce, and I tieve. law an clVnnate fur or:- yet, .veu «ner made by exjK- rienced, intelligetit and Kngov.ers, who muft be fuppofed ntueh tnoro capable ot tonnmg efti- mates. than thr: Centktran who prefented this, that ,eacj' i 1 .^"^^ •heir ry ni AS MS ll- ficy- im^ne, that if they can ORly r plans approved of by keeping their eilimat low, tliey will ;ifiervvaixli> liiccccd m getting fanillicd. — Such a huildini; ot acconimodnrion particiilai ly and carnelU) leeixniniencic^: ii) Excellency's fpeech in 1793 at the opu'.ini^ of hrft Seihon ot the lull lloufe, togetlui wi'l » lowance for a collegiate cftabliihr.ieut. — l Ik , nly pledged themielves hcAever to nnke fueh piv). .on for thefe obje(^^, as the abilities of this iataiu !'.o- vince wouUl enable thent. But finding like the former iioule the inability of this bnrel\ -exiting Colony to defray the expcnce of. erecting fiich buildings and fupporting fuch an eihblii'hmetit, for which the allowance piopofed is not halt iuffi- cicnt, and which without rariih-Schools t^ pic- p.\re Children for it, they conceived would l)c uCi^- lefs and nugatory, they havi left both thcit ' rs icjxatallv rccomnuntiedto them as u*.^ . ill Uiy..yVHlLd fci. ili(^ ^I'V |U«iiC10ll. y 4l.:\1l k^U' a ten- dency to monopolize education — And howe er much fome perfons may dillike the general tV-e- mination of knowledge among the people and v- kon it dangerous, it ought in my opinion to ^' te firlf obiccf of attention in every well reu«. -ed i^ ;ut . VoY we can hardly view realbn itlelf a jh from the beneficent Author of our natuif. iuiefs v\e al.Unv, that whatever improves the uii itilfai.d- •I ■; ; i .r; I'^'nr!' -To t"» 'vctt:M- t H." henri.— The iinillt ■ /^\;- .. tr ai!i)A..iM-.- jrr>|" .;•;' ir.r ihv f;^!^;;'. x,'j..> cell .*; yj ^"'^o> ^'in*^ --'^ •« ""'^ ' ' ^ • -^ ■' r^*'" '-^'^^ It ^' • \'o:u knvnvs t!"'. '(Mbic ui -v n- ir":j-!e J 1,1,) .\;innUly wo.ud 'I'v'.ly l-. ''.'.ttuieut tor ip;)(>riMn; .-^M clIabliP.'TK-n .jvil -c ot^^Hoi^ini; i .Ic lb! , l^'Kid Collcgc-rfii.cri; 'on.— 'C()lic;;cs ?»re toi •^c piimolc of giviivj, the tmithing touch .md p*-'- >; U) that knovvlcdi'i- oi' lai^guage which yoMng all have acquiiea ut ^aIwoI, and of mlVrucHng 'M tn the various branches of fcioncc. But n«- ..-y one nor tu-o Protcliors at-e able to dilch nge > dutv properly.— t:v.ri i\j<^mi i(>lU';nato biiiW- irs for'thc accommodatjon of ihc "^tudt^nts and '>f«iibi-^^ coulii not W eu', tc;l iiivlcj 6 m' -• rhon- }.ound.s. What v.v Iv.v: u .v k' p 'rnpov-ny diet! the Collerc at ! :o! -.ct' ;i, vvv.ui<« \vn \n >!i a lo' n your Repicfentativc^ ^<> be . . on by the,r Comn^tte^ vrf co»W*«, «.' „„ „ prw.nal:oi, Bat, vu. lh«, ,t is nnrmtimwn,. a|jd ,^o,.ft«utwnal in the Houfe o/Mbmbly to ^fe of any pubhc money for any other p„nK>. fcto fcrvices than thofc recommended iy H,s ^n^7' Vl^'^^ 'f'' '" *' f^ thing A»n tho^, ^vhKh'they choof. to adv^fe hi«, to re- «^^ as theyare . Council' of ^vicTas w. :: tion «, the part of your Repiei -nl^tives I was t:^, of^nion. and am fo ftill, woul^^ave been „. »«K»Uilt to M) abfolute fwrrendrf of your n.i, . g^; nghts andJibert'ies, imo^lieLd.^" .^e '?;-■ tV'* I tver a^rcnting to fuci\ dodrine, and aclcd an the occaiion with that temper, firmnefs and fpifk, which became the repi efentativc body of the peo- ple. It is a propofition, to which I hope in God no Houfc of A(lcm!)ly wilt ever give its afTent.-- For it is a parliamentary maxim as old as pailii- ment itfelf, tliat thoic who have the iblc rij^lit of granting have an unqueftionable right to diipolc of what they grant. It alfo paiTed the dcchratoi y Bill, wliich it would be improper for mc to ontc. into an explanation of at prefent. Refpccting tliat Bill therefore, unqueftionably the moft important and falutary one in its tendency, which was ever introduced into that Houfe, I Ihall only obferve. that it was calculated tg afcertain what Laws you live under, to remove even the power or poirdVdity of capricious coudua from the Bench in regard at leaft to theii- opemtion by fixing conftitutional limits for the judges in giving their decifions, and to put you m poikHion of all the bencftc^'^' llatute<5 of England :u\d Gi'cat- Britain, applicable to our cojonial htuavion dowti to a much later period than the reftoratioji, which iii my opinion, has been very erroneoully fixed on. r— It has been prin- ted in the Newfpapers for fome months. But none of tKt^c, who were fu clamorous agaiiift it on its firft appearance, have as yet ventuied to ftcp forward and cjueftion either tlie principles or ^ authorities on which it is founded. Lastly. Unwilling t6 open your purfes un- aeceTarily, they alfo declined making Mr. Odell an allowance for ading as Clerk of the Le^illativc Council, othei-wifc than conditionaily, till they Hiould. ^MiM be pcrfcftiy I»formed whether he docs not loccive part oihifi filai7 fiwm home for doing that diity.— ^y ojnmbn, i misft acknowledge, was <^- dUedly mi kvour of theeoncUifion, that he d»/t^ FfOv'mctt priiitoi m the Jotzniais of the Houfc i€ CoiQmoos is, " Secretary Regillcr and Cksrk •€ th« Council." wtheiilary 0*^250 ftcrling, in* d^pt^cnt of his lilts aod pcrquifites of ottice. In r«garf to thfe ttualifications of Reprcfent*- tif«8, <5enticin«ti, i mufl fay but little.— I cmnai h^ oWfcmng howtvcr, that I tliink you ov.ght to C6n!rdei- Independence, ptitictilarly on the (»overr- iiient ofthcPrcMntJeas the firft, and to be c.^ tfcmely careful riot to choofe nny perfon, who hi^ds offices iinder it^that may tend to lubje^ him Ui infiucncc from 1^ oi^cr two branches of the l>gi(!«ttii«.— ^ot* offices like gifts have a tendency tdcoiTtipt the heart. Otir colwiial conihtartoA W^tttrfertoisattljp^in fev«f«t rr^p^& widely rtirtermt fnkii that'i&f thettsothcr country.— Tree it is, that fmr LegiffAtwre confifts of three diftinit branches, liiwthat of Chreat-BtTtffln.— The two Legiilatdm are hovrelTer eflcntially different.— Tht Hoilfe dt LorAj or ^conij finmch at home, is a dignlhcd, opulent and ifidejpcrt^cirt body. — The'reers hoUl their fe«t8 hy v#rit, jatent or mheritance, and i»^ attthwitfin Ae ^te ihort of an Acb of the Brittlh Lcgiflature can retnovcthem from them. — But the moQibers compo^ng the Ckmncil or fecond bvai^i here hoW thfiir iwtltto^ hercdttarily, not even doiinf r^ MmninKt hat durii^ tbe pieaUuc a* Hi$ Maiilly's icrvMls wAMoiAia^, ^A are ircoovA* •■*■*, I { n ) hie at their ptearuie, without any reafons afTigned. — There is alfo another circumftance, which ren- ders the dift'erence iVill nioie fti ikiiig, which is this, tlvu even the Judges ot the Supreme Courts who ibmetimes form a majority of the Legiflative Couri- c\] during the fitting of the General Affcmbly, are not only dq)endant on the fervants of the Crown foi- their feats in that Houfe, but alfo foi" their feats on the Bench, and aie liable to be difoiiifed at a moment's notice. — If therefore an attentive^ watchful and vigilant opixjfition has «ver been found peccifary in the Houfe of Commons to pre- fcrve the rights and liberties of tbe people in Great Britain, it mull: certainly be doubly requifitc hcrt, where two Branches of the Leeillatuie ai*c in a great meafure thrown into one leak. Knowledge or Information I think occnjMC« the next ^^ilace to IndejKndenoe among the qualifi- cations of a Rcprekntat vt, pii'ticulariy if it be of A parliamentary and ranitltutiun«l 4 ttattirc.— 4t lends even to create Indepetwtence— 'For the more information a man has, the r.iooe capable b lie of fwTning opinions for himfclf niid the Ath ^pe#i* dant on thofe of others. It i* a knowiodge of the privil^es and authorities bekmging i>cfp«cnvety to the chrtcrent component Branches-of oar c6k}rM L^giiiature and that alone, wiuck can eiM^le ^ Reprefentative to difcein and riioceili6iUy' «pfK:4# j their encroachments on one another, and pieierve -^ ^hc jiift equilibrium between them. As for probity, caniteur antf iutstgAtf, «re mi^ qucntly du;^ companions of ^Ltiidnnrlfidgcv than oH§^ .**'' nQcancci T { r 1 r . '4 •' noraiicc •, ii. i-..^ v,c can allow ourklvcs i-^ form h fuppoiition uiihonouiahlc and dilgiatciiil to oiu nature, tliai tlu im])iovement of the iindcrlland- ing has a tetukncv to pollute the mind. '1 is the mutilated lelhlii ruiu defective education iliat tea- ches trick ;ind ehicanen-. — A liberal one ijitliis fentiments of '^enerofty, jnltice and honour. F will not take np your time by entering; into an explanation of my own conduct in the tuo Jloufes of Atilinhly, in which l have hnti the lu>- nour to repiefeiu you. — As it was ever juiMic, o- pen and avf)\ved, 1 have always wiihcd tt) have n fubjecfed to the mol\ fcrupulous examination.— I never made a f icrihce of your rights and liberties to pleafe anv man or let of men. — 1 never (hrunk from the difchaige of thofe duties I owed to you and the community at large, through fear of of- fending any man. — I have ever oppofed to the ut- timft of my power meafures, which I conceived tn be unconOitutional, dangerous ii» tiii-n ntidcncv, or injurious tu your real liUereO an