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I Aiidrows Willittiu 1 Npt 18 a Alexander Jolm *) 9 3 Andrews William 2 Npt 8 4 Audiows Jolui B i 6 :; Burke Samuel 1,2 S U 2J5 8 11 22 tj Bruce Dounld juiir. 2 21 7 Bruce DonnlJ senr. 2 20 y Benvera Samuel 2 13 'J Beit William 2 12 10 Beer Joliu I 12,18,14,1.), sul> D. 11 Buxton KisliArd M.C . p3 ■a Bently Thoma* 4 12,13 13 Blake Cluirlus MtB 102ptr> c 11 Cliishoira Alexikiiiltr 2 W pt 25 15 CelwellJolm 5,4 E. 31 E p( 2.5 IG CInrko Juliu 2 N H24 17 Clarke David 1 N H 25.8 H 24 18 Clarke J oliu 1 24 19 Clirko Alexander 1 N H 24 2a Cantelon John 1 22 21 Cook Tliomas 2 M. 7 '22 Cinwen Henry 2 6 ■i3 Curweu James 2 W pt 2 24 Campbell Aloxrtuder 1 2 25 Crabb Christopliev I Subdiyisiun Lot 4 do do Noi. 2,8,4,5.8,9,10, tlo Ao BayE4 16,18, 17,U.'-i« 2G Collins \V. Jolii* M.C pt 3 106,107 -il Clark Henry M c a 28 Cameron M. C M.C pt 5 29 Craig JnmcH • M.C 100,107 M Clifton John M.C 106,107 31 Clark Collin ivt.C 104 a2 Cbiihohu Witliaia 3 9 »» Campaign* Siwunel D 8 10 34 Davidson Uiigb 1.2 15,20 aa Deyer Williiuii 1 3 :«G Doak Henry E a 17 a? Elliott Jamas H. 3.4 S pt 25,2» «3 Elliott Archibald 4 22 39 Elliott George 4 21 40 Elli»tt Itubert 3 23 41 Elliott James 4 25 42 Edwards Jame» M.C 108 43 Edwania William M.C 10» 44 Elliott William 4 15 45 Elliott Iioi)erl 4 15 45 Elliott Robert F 4 19 t7 Foley Michael 2 17 48 Fowte* Gaorgo 1 anb 10 1,2 49 Fowler JameB 1 ■ub 10 1,2 Si) Furse Samuel t 8ub4 19,20,21,2:1 a 1 1^ \ NAUU. i ^ s S 121 Soepmiller Heury 24 122 StokeH Sauford W pt 10 128 Smitli Frederick W pt 16 124 Stokes Jacob E pt 16 125 Swaffield William eub-div 10 8,4,6.7. 11,12,13,14,16 SH15 126 Shelly Stephen 9 127 Smith William ti. 9.8 128 Salkeld Isano 5 129 Salliold Isaac 5 180 Sulkeld Joseph H pt7 121 SalRold John 5 d« d« ■ub d41,C,7,24,25,26 182 Salkeld John 2 8.4 183 Sturdy Thomas M.C ; pt 107 134 Sloan Sanmel M.C 106,107 185 Sourby Thomas 8 12.22 do do 2 12,13 T 1«C Truumau Mr. w M.C pt 8 189 WilKon William 2 Wpta 138 WfllB Charles M.C pt 8 189 Whi.lcy John M.C pt 107 140 Wildon Jobr>ph M.C 100,101 141 Woodcock Eobneier Y M.C 104 142 Younp Richard 1 EptlC 143 Y'-uiig Oeorgo 1 11 Sub - Division No. 2, A 1 Achoson John M.C 29 2 AchaFon Edward M.C itO H Achofon Robert M.C 90 4 Barkwoll William 6 Ball Henry c 6 Cos James 7 Cox David 8 Cox George senr. 9 Cox George jnr. 10 Cox James 11 Cox William J. 12 Cox Alexander 13 Cottle Chcrles 14 Carter Peter W. 16 Counoly William do do 16 Courtioe JoLu L. 17 Clark John 18 Clark William 19 Collins James C. 20 Chambers Riehard D 21 Doxtodder John W. 22 Driver JosopU 23 Duggau Edward 8 Mt 6,6 S 6 6 6 6 S 7 6 7 8 7 6 6 Mt 17 i-t 18 pt9 22,23 20 Npt 21 20 19 pt ao 18 17 14 19 22 S pt 32 22 24.26 18 14 11 Bpiia M.C 91 M.C Glebft M.C pt9 .OlIUlH «|U1M«H )F VOTERS srSHIP OF GODERICH. o . e NAME. i s S o U d o MAHS. a o y i 1 1 90 Tnylov Alexander M.C 21,20 F 01 T.iylor Rob»rt M.C E pt 19,22 106 Pratt George 6 81 J pt 10 * w 107 Phlpps Albert 7 28,20 ptl6 ptl6 ib-div 10 8,4,5.7, 92 Willox James 8 Npt23 R 93 Whitely Thoma; 6 10 108 Russell Robert S 89 1,12,13,14,16 SH15 94 95 WiUon Duniel Whilely William E 5 G 14,15 1^ 109 HO Rutledge Audrevr Rusael Robert 7,8 6 80.30 Npt86 9 96 Whitely .Tames 7 111 Rutledge Hall 4 81 97 Whitely Josepli 7 15ptl8 112 Rutledge James i 81 9'^ Whitely .T«hu 7 16 118 Rioliard David Bay SB4 09 \Thite)y Robert 4,5 12 pt 12 s pt7 100 WilkonR Charles G S pt 10 J 1141,0,7,24,20,26 4 107 3,107 '22 101 Woloy I'etor M.C Dt9 114 SimraoDR Charles Bay 12 102 Wnlters Charles M.C "10 115 Switzer James M. Boy 69.70 do do B E pt 18 116 Jtepheus William 6 pt 34,85 103. White Jolin M.C Wot 17 117 Sterling William a 84 104 Whitely AiidreMT M.C S pt 95.97 1.18 Sterling Alexander 6 Spt37 ,13 do do 7 pt 13 119 Sterling Robert 8,6 88,37 • 105 Whitely Noble M.C 88 120 Shaw Charles 4 89 , 100 Whitoly Tlioinui M.C 88 121 Stirling David 4 84 3 Y Yno William 122 Stirling William 4 Spt82 107 7 25 123 124 Stirling WUliam Sterling John 4 4 83,82 80 ptJ 8 107 108 Yeuol James 6 11 125 Stauboiry Richard Bay E pt t Sub - Division No. 3. 126 127 Spikemau Robert Stonehouse Jamea Bay pt 4 Bay 14^5 5,101 . A 1 T i 1 Allan Jamen Bay 71,72 128 T' ivnseDd William Boy 10 2 Alexander Robert 6 86 129 Torrance Jamei 6 29 ptlO 8 Anderson James 5 N pt 28 do do a 89ptg8 4 Alexander William 7 84 w 6 Alfcxander John 8 84 No. 2. 6 AnicTRon Robert 8 35 180 Weston <ieorgt « 8B 7 AldNwoith William 2,1 87.37 ! ISl WaitonJohn 6 89 8 Aldanrortli Rieiiard 2,1 89.89 182 W<tl*U Thomoa « 88 B ■ 188 WcstonGeorge 6 88 , ■ ■do do 6 88,84,&T 9 Beacom James Bay E pt 17 184 Wakefield William 6 82 10 11 Beacom Hubert BpAcora Henry Bay Bay 17 w pt 17 ; 135 186 Wakefield William Woods William 5 . Bay 82 Npt7« It 18 9 12 13 Beacom JoUu Beacom Robert Bay Bay E 06, M 74,66 66 t 387 188 Woodsilohn Woods David 4 Spt40 88 • 14 Bencoin Robert fi.8 30 pt 88 -^ ! 189 Weston ltiohar4 t 86 15 Burnett George 7 40 i 3140 Woods Thomas » 29 23 16 Blnir Siimnel 1 27 j 141 Woods John 8 80 17 Bluir William 2,8 26.26 I 142 Wallii John ^ 28,29 pt21 18 Burke Juoies 2,1,8 30,81,82 ^ do do a 86 Colwell Jamei Cox Joliu Crydermara Cliarles i 148 Wilson David I 29 ptao 19 20 21 6 6 31 ! pt 26,27 pt26 144 1-45 340 Wallm James WelRli David sent. Welsh Daviitjanr. 1,2 Bay Say 35,38 IS 18 22 Cox Samuel 5 26 Y Spt22 38 24 CluHliolm Alexander Cook Henry 4 8 27 ! S pt 26,27,28 ' 1« Yoang Jamea i 26.26 ,26 25 27 28 Caiitelou Petnr CsuteiOu G-cOrgo Cantelan Samuel Curry Joiiu 8 5 8 7 N pt 29 a pt 29 , S ut 29 28 I , ^118 29 Curry Denois 7 81,82 i 80 Curry John 8 88 81 Curry Patrick 7 83 82 Curry William 6 N pt SO ; 83 Cantolon George 7 86 ; 84 Cantoloa William B.y S pt 68 85 Cantelou Artltur 8 86 29 Cuny Dennis LIST OF OR THE TOWNS] Sub - Division No. 4. r NAins. 3 6 7 8 9 10 A Aeheion Robert Anderson John Anderson Robert Allen John B Bailey Joiin Butler William B^asley John Beacom David Beaootn Robert Blair William A 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 «0 21 22 28 » 96 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 88 39 40 41 42 48 44 46 46 47 49 c Connoll Willinm Churchill John Churchill Joseph Cock Joseph Cook William Cook Robert eenr. Cole Henry Cole Henry Dr. Craig Williau do d« Craif; Benry senr. Craig William Cooper Robert Cowan John Cook Tiiouias Colo Peter eenr. Colel'oter juur> Cluff John Clu£f Robert Counell James- Churchill J«m«s Cokely William Cnntelon W Uiami Cokely William Cantelon WilliBuv Calbeok Jo!m Cook David. Cook John Cook Peter Cantelon Dnvitl Cantelon Adam Cook Henry Churchill Axthnr Cook Adam Carter Thomas Col* William Cole Vbtev Cook Henry \-'OvprT AsiOSJaS- do do Cunningham John B Kfl Tlrxlairnrtli Wnttnn 51 Deeves Ste|>l)ea 52 Deeves Johnjunr. 58 Deeves John senr. £4 Divine Thomas (6 Dike Thomas 14 81 B.C 69 B.C Wpt 28 Bay 80 16 88,84 16 86 B.C Ept67 Bay Wpt 1ft Bay W pt 18 JO 42 18,14 86 W 86 14 84 14 88 18 81 18 81 H.R 8 H.R Ept7Wptei H.R E pt 7 W pt G 14 N pt 63,64 Bay Ept87 B.C 4A Bay 61 Bav Spt20 B«y W pt 24 Bay Ept24 Buy &pt 62 Bay N pt 62 Bay £ptl8 Bay 18 11,12,18 86,86,86 11 88 12 82 11 Spt82 11,12 81,80 10 27 H.R 88 9,10 E pt 26 S pt 37 9 80 10,9 80,81 10 82 ft 84 10 86 9^10 86,86 9- 88 pt 89 » 8pt&7 ia,ia88>pt86 10 Spt87 110,9 8»S pt 89 » i- pi 1\S Bay sub uf 4 pt 841 n.B S pt 7 %» N pi ao,o« 18 87 18 Spt86 18 Npt86 H.R Wpt 7 16 86 I 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 180 181 182 183 184 A86 136 137 188 189 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 160 161 162 168 164 166 166 167 168 169 160 161 162 168 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 • 178 -XffT KA&LB. Flewes John rardiie Tliomis Purdue Henry Pratt James Pnrdy Iliram Pearson John Prootor Joseph R Ribinson William Itowden James Rumball Ebeiiezor Rccy Re belt M. Robinson James RutledKe William Reed William Rood Bonjiimin Reed Thomas Rathwell William RatUwell John Rathwell John Rathwell Edward Rathwell Snmuel Richardson James Reed Willinm H. s Steep William Sheppard Jacob Sheppard Thomas Sheppard John Stanley Edward Sheppard Mnthew Skimmings William J Steep Peter Stanley Georpa Stanley William Sheppard John Sheppard Williom Sparling Joseph Spnrling Joseph H. Sheppard James Sheppard George Smeltzer John Steep Henry Steep James Sheppard George T Thompson George Towers Peter Taylor Alexander Trick Thomas Tuner William Thompson John w Wier William Wier John Wlieatley Joseph Wiicginton John Wi^ginton Thomas Walker James Wise William ^ do do Wise Henry 4'J CuuniDali:i'.n lolm 11 R S r.t 7 lAR AVior .Tnlin OF VOTERS V^NSHIP OF GODERICH us o o U 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 NAUB. Flewoi John rardue Tliomia Purdue Henry Pratt Jnmea Purdy Ilirnm PoarBon Joint Prootor Joseph R 125 Bibinnou William 126 Uowden Jamea 127 Ruinbnll Ebenezor 128 Rocy Rcbort M. 129 Robinson Jamea 180 RntledKe William 181 Reed William 182 Rood iionjiimin 183 Reed Thomaa 184 Rathwell William 186 RalUwell John 186 Rathwell John 187 Rathwell Edward 188 Rathwell Samuel 189 Riohardaon Jamea 140 Reed William H. s steep William Sheppard Jacob Sheppard Thomaa Sheppard John Stanley Edward Slieppard Mathew Skimmings William J. Stepp Peter Stanley Georpe Stanley William Sheppard John Sheppard William Sparling Joseph Spnrling Joseph B. Slieppard Jamea Slieppard George Smeltzer John Steep Henry Steep Jamea Sheppard George T Thompnon George Towera Peter Taylor Alexander Tiiok Thomaa Tuner William ThompaoD John w Wier William Wier John Wheatley Joaapb WiKgintou John Wigginton Thomaa Walker Jamea Wiaa William ^ do do Wae Henry 141 142 143 144 146 146 147 148 149 160 161 162 168 164 166 166 167 168 169 160 161 162 168 164 166 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 • 178 i 1 k 1 11 10,18 pi 86 E 46 B.C 87 R.C 85 B.C 60 Bay K pi 21 87 9 26,27 H.R 8 18 84 13 38 Bay 49 B.C Spt45 Bay 84 B.C Ept20 B.C EDt20 Bay W pt 22 Bar E pt 25, W pt 28 Bny W pt 26 S pi 28 Bay S pt 28 Bay 26,27 Bay Spt26 la" 88 9 29 H.R EDt6 B.C 60 Bay W pt 22 Bny Ept28 Bay 81 Bay 61 11 88 12 86 11 NptSO 11 Spt80 11 28 11 29 10 Npt27 9 N pt26 9,12 82 pt 80 9 88 10 S pt 86 N pt 37 10.11 40,40 9 Spt 40 10 42 H.R N pt 9 Bar Npt48 Bay E pt87 Bay 89,65 Bay 29 Bay 64 16 84 15 88 16 86 B.O S pt 58,64 B.C 40 12 29 11,12 40,43 Bay £ pt 41.41 Bay Wpt66 lAR AVior .TM,n 1 NAmk J 1 ^ 1 r 00 Jolinaton Jamea 16 vi 21 64 Jeukiua Roland 16 26,26 do do H.R Nptai 66 Jervia William Mt 81 56 Jordon Edward 12 E pt 81 67 Jnrvia William H. H.R N E 15 58 Jenkins Thomaa H.R 18,19 69 Jenkina William H.R 18,19 60 Lovett Charlea 17 12 61 Lovett John 17 12 62 Lovett Charl«a 17 9 08 Lawaon Anthony M.C 67 64 Lawsou William M.C 67 65 Lawaon John M.C 61 66 Leithwait Jamea M.C 48 • 67 Leithwait William Mt 15 47.20 68 Lobb George M.C 76 «9 Lowry Samuel 16 as 70 Lindsay Jamea H. M H.B N pt 20 71 Mason Robert 17 28 7a Mason William 17 22 73 Miller Ro4»ert 17 20 74 Miller William 17 20 75 Mnir Jumes M.C 66 7« Mair William M.C 66 77 Moora Lawaon M.C 69,60 78 Murphy Henry 16 19 V9 Morley Henry M.O 41 80 Murphy William 16 22 61 Murphy Richard 15 28 82 Moore Rob at W. H.R 21 S8 Miller Jacob 11 29 84 Mureh William H.R Spt 88 85 Mcllwane Thomas 17 17 86 Moilwane Robert 17 18 «7 Mollwaiio Thomaa 17 W pt 16 «8 McCartney George 16 12 fi9 MoBrine William 1« 16 :90 McBrine Thomas 16 16 «1 McAllister Archibald Q.K^2 «2 McCartney John M.O 40,79,80 £3 Nesbitt Absolom 1«,16 16,18 «4 Nesbit James 15 pt 17 «5 Keabit Obriatophex o 16,16 17,16 S pt 17 «6 Oakes George M.G£0 P •• «7 Plnmmer Stewart 16 21 N pt SS 98 Parker Jolm H.B pi 91 K.B 16 •9 Fottor TiomHa eeur. 100 Proctor Robert M.C 88 101 Proctor William M.C 83 102 Prootor Joaepb R H.R \T pt IS i03 Raparn Isaac M.C 68 104 Rudd John M.O 68,70,71 106 EM Richardson Robert 16 21 ^ 0« P...-V.i> T„l.„ rr .. „« .11 ■ .OlMllR JaiUHH U I'ole.v Miohael • 1 17 'iO Cliumbsrs Rieiiard Mt Upiia m l>'owt»r (juorgo I aul) 10 l.'i D 49 l''owl»i- jRiuen W FurBe Siiiiiuel 1 1 sub 10 1,2 sub 4 lJ».20,21,i;l 21 'i-i Doxtoddor John W. Driver Josopli M.C 91 M.C Ulebe a 23 Dugguu Kilwnrd M.C pt9 il Gordon John 1 28 E 02 Gordon William 1 23 •J4 Edward WiHiaa 5 16 SH Oerraril Alexander 64 Gordon Robert 2 M.C 11 ptl06pt 107 26 Edward George B pt 7,8 CS Gordon Murdo C. 3 i6 F CO Gordon Willinuk 3 16 2C Findlay William 5 13 H G 67 Hewet Goorge 1 17 27 Gale Alfred 8 18 58 Harris John 2 11 28 Gardiner John 8 ?4.26 * 59 Heath lioury 2 8,4 29 Giun Thomas M.C 11,12,18,19 00 U»vB B. 1 W pt 2 80 Gordon Samuel M.C 24 01 Hiiiiard Williara M.C N pt a 1 H 63 Hara Joseph B.M N \V 6, M 6 pt i 6!) Hunter John M.C Wpt6 81 Hamilton Alexander 6,8 24,89 61 Hincks Harvey 4.8 10,11,11 82 Hillock Francis 6 19 6,5 Hawlev Kiolinril M.C 7 pt 8 1 33 Henderson Willliam 6 12 I 84 Heiideroou Joim 6 12 % r /^ 85 Hodge Cavid B. 5 9,10 60 Inglis John M.C pt 3 do do 6 pt 10 67 IjK'i* William M.C ; pt » 36 Hiok William M.C 90 J 68 Johnston Joiiu 69 Johnston Samnel 87 Ilotmes John M.C 93 •J 21 22 88 S9 Hay James Hiok Walter Mt 26 M.C 99 70 Johnston Thomas 2 SHU J ■Jil Johnston Hoory 72 Jo!' 'iston Georgo 2 2 14 Nptl4 40 Johuston James M.C S pi 9 73 Johnston RoUrt 1 18 L 74 Jenkins William 76 Johnston Janaea 1 1 12 7 41 Lami-rey William MC 6 100 S pt 10 76 Johnston Hugh 4 14 M 77 Johnston Robert 4 Spt 26 42 Mairs Jamss 7 21 K > 48 Miller Robert 8 28 78 Kirkpatriok JoLtt 1 aub-D lot 10 No. 8 44 Montgomery Alexander 5 Npt9 79 Kedslio Francis go King I^ano H. L 1 sub 10 Nos. 9,10 45 Montgomery Alexander 15 N pt 9 M. ptS 46 Mounlcastla Lmdsay H. 5 8 47 MoDougill Stewart 6 24 48 MoDougill Alexander 6 25 81 Lindsay David a 24 49 McDouKiU Archibald 5 25 82 Lindsay Christopher 3 24 50 MoK»e Rory 8 18 B3 Lindsay Nixou 2 23 51 McGregor Charles 7 pt24 M 52 McCabe William M.C 15,16 B pt 17 63 McCulloch Robert Ml N pt 96 et Mavwood Alexander 1 21 54 McCulleoh James Mt 23 £5 M ddletou John M.C pt 8 66 McCulluch Simon Mt Spt96 fifl Munro James M.C pt 3 66 McLeod Robert M.C 89 97 Mo*l«7 John M.O N pt 6 and Taxable Income 1500 N 88 McLean Edward S N pt 25,28 67 Nairn David 6,6 S 21.20 89 McLean Thomaa 8 27 90 McLean William 2 27 91 McKay Jamoa 1 21 58 O'Qrady John B 8,9 ' 92 MoBrine DAvid 1.2 18 8 H. 21 P 93 Mollwaia Johuston 94 Mollwain Georgo «5 Mollwaia Robert 96 McLean A. P. f7 MoAvoy Owoa 98 Melulosh Joha 99 Molntoih Charlea 100 Molntosh James 101 McLoskcy Joseph 102 MoMath William M8 MeMath Jamea 104 MoKee Tliomaa 2 2 1 18 16 £ptl» 69 60 Patton David Phipps Stilwill 7 17 8 18 M.C M.C 4 B. 4 3 4 4 4 pt8 pt 8 8 Npt» 9 14 16 16 17 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Phipps George Patton James Phipos William Porter John Parker Richard Papst Samuel Purvis David A. Papst George Papst William M.O 91 7 18 8 21 B pt 10,12,18 B pt4 B 14.15,16,17 M.C 94 M.C 25 M.O 25 105 McDonald WiWiam 8 19,20 R 106 Mcllwaiu James Iff! McQueen Hogb 4 1 18 11 70 71 Ross John Rogers David 6 M pt 13 B pt 10,11,11 N 72 Rutledge Joseph M.C 92,37 108 Kaftel Charles I ** 'S 109 liewton Horace tlO Newton Charloa S » 19,20 78 74 sturdy John Sturdy John junr. 7 19 7 30 o 76 Stueily Oeorge 8 30 111 Ofr Robert > SpIS 76 77 Sturdy John , Stewart 0. sear. 8 81 6 S pt 10 P 78 Slattory Thomas M.C 18 112 PratI Oeerge 118 Pawona George 114 Peaoook Jame* 115 PoUeyA. M. Ar^ Aq 4 1 1 M.O S NptW 22 14 pt8 76.6 79 80 81 62 88 Scott Adam Scott Oeurge W. Shaw Joseph Sturdy Samuel Sturdy Hugh M.O 98 M.O 98 M.C 28 M.C 80 M.O 81 116 ^rlerJame* 4 7 84 Sturdy Hugu ti.U Bl do 4o 8 P*^;^ .» T 117 FortevIehB 8 18 H pi 19 86 Tiohboorne Henry 5 31 R 86 Tichbonme William 6 23 118 BoblDSon WUliAU 119 Boss JaoMi 120 Bom Oeorge • 8 18 15 87 88 Tiohbourne James Tiohbonrne William J or. 6 IS 6 17 » 1$ 89 Tiohbounts WiUwm Hor. 17 1 It) .18,1» 9 3ptl0 9 '.9 i E pt 17 96 ao 12.18 16,17 13 .ll.Xl 10 29 Cuny Dcnuig 7 01,32 80 Ciury John 8 88 81 < urry Piitriok 7 88 83 iirry WilUnin 6 N pt 86 83 Cantoloii Giturge 7 80 S4 Caiitoloa Willikia B»y S pt 63 8fi Caiitelou Arthur 8 86 86 Cnrry JoBcpii 8 87 ^ 87 Curry Auttm 8 87 88 Cox Juha 1,2 88,88 89 Clevo Samuel Uay 4 40 CUve Paul D Bay 4 41 Donglas Jolm 6 88 42 Duiiclioe Joha 6 82 48 Dembo John 7 80 ! 44 TaviB William 8 41 1 E ' 45 Elliott James 6 81 46 X liolt John 6,8 29,89 47 Elliott Thoma* 6 29 ' 48 Elliott Thomas 8 80 49 Elliott Authony 8 81 60 Elliott James 8 81 i 61 Elliott Robert 8 82 M Elliott John 8 84 68 Elliott Thomas 8 84 i 64 Elliott William 4,8 29,39 ': 65 Elliott Thomas a 84 66 Ett({lesou Joha Bay 7 F 1 67 Eraser Jolm Bay 78 58 Eraser Douald Bay 75 G 69 Green Georgs Boy 67Wpt«» 60 GallftKher James 7 87 61 Gallagher John 7 87 62 Govenlook Joha Bay 5 68 Gardiner It. H. H Buy iinb-^iT4 Nos. 36, 28,29,80,25.101,70 64 Haneeek Samuel Bay 11 , 6 N pt 20 ! 65 Houilrv James 66 Huilie William 7 88,85 67 llaitie Jiimes 7 tl9 68 HaiiUy Georg* 8 89,40 do do Bay 77i>»74 69 Ilai rison John 4Bay87Upt78 70 XtAn(iiif(0 0«9i}rK« 4 Btt 71 Ua8ttD/;s Honry 4 86 72 UaatiuKH John 4 86 78 Hiirriiinii Thomas 4 Bay 85 E pt 70 74 Hall William 1.2 41Hpt41 do do Bay 78,79 J 76 Jowett Thomas Bay 68.8.9ptof4Na.M 76 JaokBun Alexander l.'i 40,40 L 77 Lindsay James M Bay 78 ^^l?-'/^n William 5 89 79 M'- !j '-ii Jolm 7 27 60 Maikr Diomas 1.2 Spt40SplM 81 Marks Robert 2 E pt 41 82 Murray Anjrus Bay WptO 63 M^yor H. W. Bar 2 84 Middleton GharUs Bay 1 pt 3 Taiabit la- eame tSOO 85 McGregor James 6 40 86 nioGref^or Oharlss Bay UptO 87 McL<>nuan John 6 N 87.80 88 McGiiire Andrew 6 88 89 McOcrrait Keiiry 6 88 90 McDitnald John 6,8 80,80 91 McDonald John 6 as 92 MoPhail Archibald 26,37 98 McDonald William 5 37 94 McDonald James 8 N pi 40 96 McDouicill John 8 26,37 96 MoNeilly David 8 SS •7 MoNeilty Samael 8 88 98 MoKenzie John J, 3 NHsa 99 McLeod Daniel Bay N pi t loo McL/uimiii tiuuiei Bay pi 5 101 MeAuley Noruaa N Bay plO lOS Naftel John 3.1. 11.81 108 Naftel John T. 1.3,8 81 pt 83 91 it 104 N.iftel Thomas 0. 3,8 pt 83,80 fin 105 Haftei Dauisl I 88.84 I'J Cauuiogliain Join: lUl TinAmvrnrl]t VVnItnn 51 Deevei Steplien 52 Detves John junr. 63 Deevea Joliu near. iA Divine Thomas 16 ril«e Thomai ftfl Dike Henrjr 61 riinpsey Tolin S8 Dimpiey VViiliam 09 Dimpioy Joha 60 Elliett CtAbriel 01 Elliott Jolia 63 Elliott Joliu 63 EraDB-HeDry B>. F C4 FiRVerA^S. 65 FiUr Jaiues 66 Fiiltou G«org» 67 Fulton Oeorge 68 Fox WilliHU) 69 B'oHter Chaiiea G 10 Gordon Jnmei 71 Grnut Aioliibald 73 Gralmm George 78 Graham Jauiei 74 Gordon Tlioiaaa H 76 Holmea Joan 76 Henry Chnrle» 77 Henry Jlainei 78 Hortoii ^lin< 19 Henvy Bobert 80 BevbiBon William' do do •1 Sioki William •3 BOollaud Joseph to Uienry George I t4 laxard Joseph 8fi Jenkins John 86 Jenkins William 87 JobnHton John 88 Jnuiur Hector 89 Jobnstou Charlet 90 Jenkins Williara 91 Kennedy Archibald 98 Knox. Arthar 88 Kake Edwin 0. 84 Kennedy Laugblio 86 Kelly Ecward L 96 Lavin Thomas M 97 May Albert 98 May William 99 Middlstou OeorgH' do do SOO Miller /oha 101 Marshall £1 ward! lOa Marshall Joha lot Marshall Jaool^ 1G4 Molvin Jolm 105 Miller Oeorg* X06 Miller Jaoob 107 Middletoa Jolm do do 108 Marshall BobeH 109 MeMilUnJtohn 110 Meftlanffhlin Oeorga til MoOurdy James 111 MeOUncMi WUlian 118 114 115 116 U7 o OBbaldiston* Alozutltr Oeies o/iy«fiMtr P Phillips Boberl Peokard ThemM 0, do do PeuaybkkwMw Il.B Bpt7 ** N |.( ao,o« 18 87 18 S pt 86 18 N pt 86 H.R Wpt7 Ifi 86 16 86 10 28 12. 86 11 86. Bay 8^,82,82,88: B^-y E pt22 Bay 48»Wpt61 B.R a 16 84 16 86pt85 Bay 4e Boy » w pt 48,47,Kpt 4» Bay irpt4a 10 88. 15> 85. 11 98 11,12 S pt 87,87 11,12 M pt 87.8Z 12 8 pt 81 H.R 4 14 82 U 82 H.R 8 pt la Bay Wpt67 Bay SS 11 89 ll.]i2'Spt&4Spt8« 11,12 N pt 84 N pt 8« 12 2» 14 87 14 14 Bay Bay Bay II 86 E pt 8ff 8&Ept86. 48 87,88 SptSl 36,27 H.R pt 12 No. » H.R pt 13 No. » 10 ai Bay N pt 46> 10 S» H.Bff H.R S 13 41,43,48,44^46,48: Bay 86 Bay £ pt SDi Bay 8ptl9 Bay Wptl9pt80 Bay WptlOptSO 13 88 10 84 10 ptSS 0,10 41,41 Bay Mpt88,88>W8< B.0 03 Bay 63 Bay Spt« 11 N pt 83^ 9 p(8ff H.S N pi 10 W pl^M 9 iS- 1< 8T B.B pt 18 M». 8; 11 26,27 U Np«» 168 WierJohn 16 KiU WJiealUy JoMpb j 16 170 Wieginton Jolm * B.O 171 WiKK>nton Thomaa B.C 172 Walker Jumes 12 • 178 Wise Willtnm . do do 'JlK' Wse Henry ]^76 Yoang Henry 176 Y«Mug .William Jan. Sufcr- Division ^v. "" ■ va.^ « s 1 1 ■ < • c ji r Jt 5 % •^ ^ A 1 Andrcj^s Silas 17 8p 2 Archer Samuel 17 24 8 Arolfer John 17 21 4 Armstrong John ^ Artnstron^ Qourga * 17 18 * 17 IS 6 Aulikuap James M.C 86 do do B Baits Josiah H.R Spt 7 17 19 8 Baker James 16 18 B.'kker William M.O 67 10 Baker Richard 16 24 11 Baker Henry M.C 72,'S 12 Biirnn DaviJ 16 18 18 Burns George 16 18 H Barr David 16 19 16 Barr George 16 19 16 Burns David M.C S pt 17 Baker Robert M.C NE do .do M.C 48 18 Badour Clinrles M.C 8 pt 19 Badonr Frank M.C 42 20 Baker William c M.C E pt 21 Gokely John 17 26 22 Cokely Joseph 17 8 pi 28 Cook Robert M.C 78 34 Churohill Thomas 16 24 S 26 Cottle Thomas f «r 14 «6 26 Cole Henry seur. H.R 18,1 37 Calbeok John D H.R E pt 38 Disney Eeppel 14 241, 29 Disney Charles M.C 86 80 Disney Henky M.C 87 81 Docking Richard E H.R ptlO 82 Evans John H. senr. M.C NW 88 Elford Henry H.R 18,14 84 Evans Henry B. F H.R17 86 Foster Thomas H.R B pt 86 Ford Thomaa M.C 84 87 Ford William M.C pt 8( 88 Fares Robert jnnr. 9 22 89 Ford Henry do do G Mt pt86 9 W2 40 Oorrell Alexander 17 Spt 41 Gorrel James 17 Spt 48 Oorral John M.C 61 48 Origg Joseph H 16 Mpt 44 Hall Hagh 17 EpI 46 Hardy John 17 16 46 JbLill Joshna W. 16 14 47 Halstead David M.C 89 48 Halstead Stephen M.GptSI 49 Holmes John M.T 86 60 Holmes Robert John M.T 85 fl Holmes Samnel Mt 84 88 Holnw Joseph 9 88 iVier JoliD 15 88 IVliealley Joiiapb i 16 86 VinKiiiton Jo}ia - B.O S pt S8,04 kViKRinton Thomai B.C 40 IVnlker Jamei 12 29 kVis* Willtnm 11,12 40,42 «lo do Day £ pi 41.41 ifiit Ueory B»y Wi,i«6 Y fonng Henry ID SI r«Mug .William Jan. 9 BptW fcr- Division No. 5. > i \ 1 1^ '1- A indre^fl Silaa 17 8 pt 28 rcher Satnuel 17 24 .roh'er John 17 21 ruistrouR John ^ rmstroriK Ouurga * 17 18 17 IS ulikuap JamfcB M.C 80 do do B ntts Josiah H.R Spt 18 17 19 nker Jnynes 16 18 fikor William M.O 67 aker Richard 15 24 aker Henry M.O 72,Wpl78 iiriiB David 16 18 urns George 16 18 arr David 16 19 arr Oeorc^e 16 19 urns David M.O 8 pt 46 N W 40 aker Robert M.C N E 46 So .do M.O 48 ailotir Charles M.C 8 pt 77,77 adonr Frank M.C 42 aker William M.C E pt 72,78 c okely John 17 26 okely Joseph 17 8 pt 2f ook Robert M.C 78 tiuroliill Thomai 16 24 S pt 28 ottle Thomas t •^ 14 «6 nle Henry seur. H.R 18,19 albeok John H.R Ept 11,12 D Isney Eeppel 14 241,28 isney Charlei M.C 86 ioiiey Henky M.C 87 ockiug Richard H.R ptlOKoi.l7.» E vans John H. senr. M.C N W 46,45,74 Iford Henry H.R 18.14 vans Henry B. H.R17 F aster Thomai H.R B pt 14 3rd Thomai M.C 84 ord William M.C pt 86,85.87 «reft Robert jnnr. 9 23 ard Henry lo do Mt pt86 W 34,98 G 9rrell Alexander 17 S pt H 3rrel Jamai 17 8 pt 11 orrel John M.C 61 rigg Joseph 16 MplSI H all Hagh 17 E pi 16 ardy John 17 16 lii Joihna W. 16 14 alstead David M.O 89 alitead Stephen M.C pt 89,88 olmei John M.T 86 olmei Robert John M.T 86 olmei Samnel Mt 84 olmw Joseph 9 88 9rt «9 100 101 102 108 104 106 i06 107 108 109 110 ail 112 118 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 321 123 J28 124 126 126 127 128 129 180 181 182 388 I'liikor John f otior Xlioraai tanr. Proetor Rohert Proctor William Procter Joseph II Rapion Isaae Rudd John Richardson Robert Reveale Louii Rumball Samnel Rumball Ebenecer Rye Richard Rye Joseph s Sheppard STohn Sproug Fitzallen Sheppard John do do Shane William Swan William T Tiplady Wiiilam Tibbmtt Wal<li(ate Thompeen Roberl Tibbstt Frederick Tibbntt€hristopb«r Twallow George II. Ik 1)1 H.Il U M.C 88 M.C 83 H.R W pt U M.C 68 M.C 68,70,71 16 21 M.C 8 pt 76 16 25 H.R Spt 9 H R W pt 19 H.R B pt 10 M.C 68 M.O 63 M.C 63 16 17 16 23 H.R N pt 31 17 M.C 16 14 14 9 w Wade William 17 Whitely •Villiam H. 17 Watkios Henry 17 Watkius James 17 Watkins Joseph 17 Wright John 17 Ward John M.O Whitehead Joseph lA.Q, Williams Charles senr. M.C Williams Charles W. junr.M.C Wliittingham Arthur « Whittioghau Franois 8 N ptSC 49,83 SO 28 SI u Kpt 28,27 14 Nptll Nptll 10 8 68,64.66,86 64 44 .75 21 21 T. 7amM Pattos, Clerk «f th« Haai^fdl^ «P fhe Township of Oodarich. in tho Oonnty of Hana, jb «irtify that the foregoing list ii a correct lilt of all Mr* «ons appearinn bf the AsNSsment Roll of the said Mai* «ipality oftheTowoihip of Qoderioh for tho yoav 1871, antitled to yote at oloctions for members of tho Logida- tivo Assembly of tbo Provinoo of Ontaria. And I farther oortify that aeepy of thofortgoiof Hit wai first posted ap ui my oi&oa on tho sixth dat of AusmI 1875. ^^ And I hereby sail npon all alsotom to azaaiiM Iba •aid lilt, and if any omiiiions or other oirors an paa»> •lived therein, to take immediato proooodiaga to hit* lbs said onnHioni :<t airron oorrootod ao«o.'rdiaf to iM*. 2»at«d Angut Mb, 1876. JAMSB PATTOl, ^•t^vsbit