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Entered according to Act of Par- 
 liament in the year 1898, by Lydia 
 Leavitt and Thad. W. H. Leavitt^ 
 at the Department of Agriculture. 
 Illustrated by Atma Lake >^ 
 It is probable that the reader will 
 discover among the "Short Sayings" 
 some familiar acquaintance and even 
 old friend, unconsciously appropri- 
 ated. Should such be the case, 
 kindly credit to the "Wise" and 
 leave the " Otherwise " to 
 The Authors. 
 "Lead, kind- 
 ly light." The 
 words are 
 lightly spoken 
 by the young, 
 who tread 
 life's pathway 
 with nimble 
 f e e t, whose 
 eager hands 
 are outstretch- 
 ed to gather 
 life's roses, 
 regardless of 
 thorns, whose 
 voice is rip- 
 pling with laughter and mirth, with blood 
 coursing through the veins and bright eyes 
 looking fearlessly into the future ; the words 
 have merely a joyous, musical ring. " Lead, 
 kindly light." 
 " Lead, kindly light." The words are gravely 
 spoken by the middle-aged, whose feet have 
 grown a trifle weary, whose hands have gath- 
 ered the roses, only to find them turned to 
 ashes, whose laughter has more sadness than 
 mirth, whose eyes have grown dim, whose 
 lips tremblingly plead, " Lead, kindly light." 
 " Lead, kindly light." The words are whis- 
 pered by the old, whose tired feet are unable 
 to move, whose palsied hands are helpless, 
 whose head is bowed by the weight of years, 
 whose eyes are sightless, from whose tremb- 
 ling lips are scarcely heard the whispered 
 prayer, " Lead, kindly light." 
 " Lead, kindly light." The sunken eyes are 
 closed in death, the tired hands are folded, 
 the heart has ceased to beat, the mute lips 
 are stilled, the weary feet are at rest, a look 
 of ineffable peace rests upon the still face, 
 while all the air is filled with sweet music and 
 the murmur of gentle voices pleading, "Lead, 
 kindly light." 
 one of 
 the German 
 fo rests the re 
 stood a tree, which " r^^^' 
 could not be classified by any 
 of the learned scientists. It was not more 
 beautiful than many others, but there were 
 distinctive peculiarities which no other tree 
 possessed. Her dress was of a sadder hue 
 than that of her companions, and the birds 
 refused to build their nests in her branches. 
 She was unable to understand the language 
 of her brothers and sisters and so stood alone 
 and unheeded in the dense forest. One 
 morning she awakened and found standing 
 by her side a companion tree, odd, like her- 
 self, and she said in her heart : — " I shall be 
 no longer alone. He will understand my 
 language and we shall hold sweet converse." 
 But he, in his heart, was saying — "What 
 strange tree is this ? We two are unlike all 
 our companions. I like it not." But she did 
 not hear the murmur of discontent, and her 
 heart grew glad within her at the great joy 
 that had come to her and she said in her 
 heart : — " I will cause him to forget that we 
 are unlike our companions ; I will sing to him 
 my softest songs and gradually her dress of 
 sombre green assumed a brighter hue, young 
 buds sprang forth, her branches waved softly 
 in the breeze and she wooed the birds by 
 gentle voice to build their nests in her arms, 
 " In foul weather and in fair, 
 Day by day in vaster numbers, 
 Flocked the poets of the air." 
 At eventide she folded them in her bosom, 
 that their songs might not disturb the sleep of 
 her companion, and while all the forest slept, 
 she alone was awake and, in the silence of the 
 night, she murmured softly, " Ich liebe Dich," 
 and when the sun arose the birds from her 
 arms flew throngh the forest, singing, " Ich 
 liebe Dich," and all the trees took up the 
 song ; the birds, the trees and the brooks 
 caught up the refrain and all the great forest 
 sang, " Ich liebe Dich, Ich liebe Dich." 
 So the summer passed and her heart grew 
 sad, for she saw the discontent of her com- 
 panion, but she said to herself, " When the 
 winter comes I will shelter him from the 
 blasts," but he said complain ingly, " I would 
 I were like the other trees ; I would like my 
 garments to be as those I see around me. I 
 would my limbs were as those of my com- 
 panions all through the forest." And she 
 heard, and said to herself, " I will make his 
 garments of brilliant green." So she sent 
 from her own roots and branches the sap — • 
 her life blood — to enrich the roots and beautify 
 the dress of her companion. When the cc Id 
 blast of winter swept through the. forest she 
 sheltered him with her long limbs, when the 
 snow fell she covered his head with her 
 brancheii and caught the weight of snow in 
 her own arms ; so all through the long winter 
 she sheltered him from the blasts and the 
 weight of snow bore heavily on her branches 
 and at times they grew weary almost to 
 breaking but her great heart never faltered. 
 So the spring came and day by day she sent 
 from her own store of life-blood to enrich 
 that of her companion and soon his garments 
 assumed the most brilliant hues of all the trees 
 in the forest ; the leaves glinted and glistened 
 in the sunlight, and from the branches there 
 was ever a low murmur of song ; the birds 
 came to build their nests and rear their young 
 in his arms ; and over all there floated a 
 delicate perfume born of the love which she 
 had breathed over him all the long winter. 
 So in all the forest there was none so beauti- 
 ful and stately as he. 
 His companion said, " Now will he be 
 happy," but her own great iicart began to beat 
 more slowly, the life-blood of which she had 
 given him could not be replaced, and her 
 garments gradually assumed a sombre hue and 
 her arms were empty, for the birds no longer 
 nested there. 
 One morning she awakened and found her 
 companion gone. He had joined the other 
 trees in the forest ; and now the limbs that 
 had borne the weight of snow began to wither, 
 her leaves began to fall, and when the winter 
 came again there was no raiment to cover her. 
 And the woodman said, 
 " We will cut this tree down, it is dead." 
 "HARK to the 
 voice of the wind!" 
 ows rattle 
 and house 
 \n ^ shakes; the 
 winds as 
 fthcy shout in 
 angry voices, 
 "" clamoring loud- 
 er in their fury, 
 are telling of storms 
 at sea, of the bat- 
 tles with the ships 
 and the brave 
 hearts that have 
 gone to their death. 
 "It has been on the 
 desolate ocean 
 When the lightening 
 struck the mast ; 
 It has heard the cry of 
 the drowning, 
 Who sank as they 
 hurried past. 
 The words of despair 
 and anguish 
 That were heard by 
 no living ear ; 
 The gun that no signal 
 answered — 
 It brings them all 
 to us here. 
 Hark to the voice of 
 the wind !" 
 It shakes angrily the trees whose limbs are 
 swaying in protest against the onslaught ; it 
 carries the leaves rustling to the ground, and 
 in its fury uproots the giant oaks, which groan 
 in agony as they are hurled to the ground, lying 
 like soldiers on the field of battle. 
 '• Hark to the voice of the wind !" 
 Its fury is abated, and softly, like a benedic- 
 tion it enters the room where the weary 
 mother is watching by the bedside of her sick 
 child ; it gently fans the fevered head ; it 
 touches with a caress the parched lips of the 
 babe, and with murmur of song it lulls the 
 child to rest. 
 ** Hark to the voice of the wind." 
 It enters the counting room of the tired man 
 of business, bringing a perfume of flowers : he 
 lays down his pen, while his thoughts go back 
 to the home of his boyhood, to the meadows, 
 to the hillside covered with flowers, the new- 
 mown hay, and the tired brain is refreshed, 
 he knows not how, and the unseen messenger 
 is gone — 
 •• Hark to the voice of the wind !" 
 It visits the silent City of the Dead and 
 gently scatters the leaves over the new-made 
 grave of a young child, sighing softly the 
 while, the voice now rising, now falling, sobb- 
 ing and moaning, and at last dies away in a 
 melancholy sound, like the strings of an 
 Aeolian harp touched by unseen hands. 
 •• Hark to the music of the wind I" 
 Human nature approaches the Divine in 
 moments of great sacrifice, forgiveness and 
 " It seems the fate of woman to wait in 
 silence while men act," ' Men must work and 
 woman must weep.' 
 How delightful it must be to understand 
 one's own nature thoroughly, to know that no 
 whirlwind will ever sweep us off the beaten 
 track, no stormy passions stir the calm placid- 
 ity of our life. But is that life ? No, give 
 me the glories of expectation, the wildest ex- 
 haltation ; the heart beating, the brain throb- 
 bing, the stormiest passions with force enough 
 to carry everything before them, even if they 
 bring deep grief— that is lite." 
 People who deal in dry, hard facts are not 
 interesting. They may make themselves 
 names in the financial world, may become 
 railway magnates and coal kings, may control 
 the money market ; but they are not interest- 
 ing. They are the prose of life. They who 
 see the clouds forming into fantastic shapes, 
 the glories of a sunset, the shadows in pools, 
 the colour on a bird's wing, the rose tint on 
 the cheek of a child, — they and such as they 
 are the poetry of life. 
 Man's inhumanity to man is proverbial, 
 woman's inhumanity to woman is diabolical. 
 " Society, as it exists at present moment in 
 Colonial towns and cities, possesses neither 
 birth, brains or breeding." 
 **We hear men speak so frequently of 
 womanly women, ending their praises with, 
 * 3he is essentially womanly.' I knew one of 
 these womanly women, whose voice was like 
 liquid music, wiiosc ways were gentle, whose 
 eyes filled with tears at the recital of some 
 tale of woe, and always about her was an air 
 of gentle, womanly sweetness and dainty 
 femininity. She had a friend who loved her, 
 one whose voice was not so soft, whose 
 manner was brusque, who was considered, 
 "not quite good form, you know." My 
 womanly woman allowed this friend to take 
 upon herself the burden of a sin which she 
 herself had committed, allowed her to bear 
 the brunt ot scorn ai J x:intumely of her 
 world, allowed her to die w thout righting the 
 great wrong. A lonely grave and a plain 
 marble slab mark the spot where she who was 
 " not quite good form," lies : v/hile she, to 
 whom she had given more than life, gathers 
 the rose leaves with dainty grace, for she is 
 so essentially * womanly.' " 
 Life : a little joy, great Forrow,some tragedy, 
 and the curtain falls. 
 Nothing can hurt so cruelly as the hand of 
 love. The hand of hate is velvet in com- 
 There are women who consider the world 
 well lost for the man whom they love and 
 idealize ; while upon close acquaintance they 
 would discover that he was not worth even 
 the loss of a dinner. 
 Twelve " good men and true," will, after 
 mature deliberation, consign a man to the 
 gallows. Twelve women, good and true, will, 
 without any deliberation, send a woman to 
 death by their venomous tongues. 
 There are a few people who would change 
 their individuality for that of another. We 
 might be willing to exchange positions, to ex- 
 change all that is apparent to the eyes of the 
 world, but our inner consciousness, our 
 memories, our thoughts, feelings and desires ; 
 all that is part and parcel of ourselves, we 
 hold sacred. 
 Some minds are so small that a favour 
 weighs heavily upon them. 
 At times one is inclined to believe that even 
 the gods are guilty of favouritism. 
 Some people's lives are like a flower, the 
 more they are crushed, the sweeter the per- 
 fume they exhale. 
 There are some people who look so rigidly 
 virtuous and repellant that it is a satisfaction 
 to feel one's self just a little bit wicked. 
 We look to the higher classes and to the 
 lower for good breeding. Middle class people 
 are proverbially ill-bred. What can equal the 
 airs and assumptions of the retired grocer's 
 wife, who has neither the breeding of a lady, 
 nor the unaffected manner of the working- 
 What a pity there is such an incessant 
 babbling of human tongues, when the daisies 
 by the wayside, the trees of the forest, the 
 birds in their nests, could tell us such wondrous 
 things if our ears were attuned to hear, but 
 the senses are deadened by the discordant din 
 of dismal sounds. 
 Love is the one power which transfigures 
 the common things of life. 
 One-half of our lives is spent in making 
 blunders, the other half in trying to rectify 
 How useless to tell many people to think, 
 for they have nothing to think. A man 
 reasons, a woman divines. 
 There are so many inconsistencies in life 
 that at times one is appalled. Take marriage, 
 for instance : — A young woman marries a man 
 who is tottering on the brink of the grave j 
 old, blaze, a worn-out roue ; but with money 
 enough to gild and gloss the antiquated ruin. 
 She goes before a clergyman and promises to 
 love, honour and obey. Yes ; she loves the 
 luxury with which she will be surrounded, 
 the glitter of diamonds, the equipages, the 
 great house, all the paraphanalia of wealth, 
 but she hales the trembling, tottering, blear- 
 eyed object who bought her. 
 The clergyman gives his blessing, society 
 receives them with open arms, and legalized 
 prostitution is upheld by the majesty of the 
 law and encircled by the sanctified robes of 
 the Church. 
 The ruling passion of the age : worship of 
 self and worship of pelf. 
 The age of good breeding has passed ; in- 
 solence has taken its place. 
 A woman ceases to think of self when she 
 looks in the face of her new-born child. 
 There are people who go through life as if 
 they were going to their own funernl — and did 
 not enioy it. 
 I would rather have for a friend the most 
 thorough-paced scamp, with a generous heart, 
 than the most respectable, canting, whining, 
 To stand in a rarefied atmosphere on a 
 mountain height and view the struggles of 
 ordinary mortals below may be poetic, but it 
 is very lonely. 
 A woman may defy the world for a man she 
 loves, and imagine that he will love her for 
 the sacrifice, but no greater mistake can be 
 made. Men are not so constituted. When 
 he sees her standing aione, dishonored, a 
 mark for the finger of scorn, her charm for 
 him is forever lost. 
 Realism is the grave of love. 
 A woman's smile is two edged. 
 Life is too short to prepare a soul for eternity 
 A great love is only inspired by a great 
 It is as wise to cultivate forgetfulness as 
 Society, a haven for fools ; literature and 
 art for brains. 
 Many people have courage to face anything 
 but themselves. 
 A woman is always in love, either with her- 
 self or with love. 
 Two things in life man regards with esteem : 
 himself and his pipe. 
 Truth and sincerity are only found in the 
 face of a child and the eyes of a dog. 
 A young face and an old heart are sorry 
 companions, but an old face and a young 
 heart are sorrier still. 
 What people will 'say' is the bugbear of 
 small minds. 
 Love would cease to exist were it not for 
 the gift of idealizing. 
 A fly is but a small thing, yet it can disturb 
 the greatest philosopher. 
 Is a new soul created at every birth, or are 
 we merely corpses warmed over? . _ 
 Kind words and a sympathetic handclasp 
 have done more to reclaim lost souls than all 
 the tracts ever published. 
 A minute is a short duration of time, yet in 
 that interval one may experience the whole 
 gamut of human emotions. 
 If the world valued us as we value ourselves 
 the heavens would not be sufficiently large 
 whereon to inscribe our greatness. 
 What becomes of the characters who play 
 an important part in fiction ; the strong, 
 brave, true fiction-people, whom we love as 
 we read ? Is there no place for them in the 
 world peopled by shadows ? 
 There are men who will accept any and 
 every sacrifice from a woman and after making 
 her a wreck, socially and morally, will say to 
 her, " I fear that I am injuring you, so I will 
 sacrifice myself and deny myself the pleasure 
 of your society." Such men would sneak 
 into heaven by a side entrance. 
 Fate, in a sportive mood, performs some 
 wonderful acrobatic feats with human nature ; 
 gives love of oriental luxury to the woman 
 with nothing a year ; appreciation of all that 
 is beautiful and artistic, to the ploughman ; 
 an epicurian taste to the starving mechanic ; 
 while to the woman rolling iu wealth is given 
 the manners and tastes of the fish-wife ; to the 
 multi-millionaire the habits of the canaille, 
 and fate laughs with glee over the fantastic, 
 incongruous muddle of the thing called Life. 
 Man's greatest enemy is himself. 
 Never chide fate while will sleeps. 
 The prophet must know the past. 
 Foul words kill the sweetest flowers. 
 Repentant tears are the soul's pearls. 
 Common customs are not nature's laws. 
 No man blesses the calm until after the 
 Much study makes a full head and an empty 
 You cannot fan the ashes of a dead love 
 into a flame. 
 Innocence, like a beautiful dying day, goes 
 out with a purple blush. 
 To steer the true course, one must not only 
 see the star but have a pilot. 
 It is easier to remove a mountain than to 
 wash out a spot on a woman's reputation. 
 The marble heart has valves of flint. 
 Women covet satin, as men covet gold. 
 The garments of virtue are of spun gold. 
 When law is blind examine your own heart. 
 Valour in defence of wrong becomes a crime. 
 Man ceases to be a man when his passions 
 Trembling patience is better than proud 
 Malice and ignorance constantly itch for 
 Life is not a funeral dole but a living 
 He honours the state who refuses to commit 
 a wrong. 
 Opportunities, like pretty maids, should be 
 Man's injustice to man shall not be an 
 eternal stain. 
 Defeat may be more glorious than victory. 
 Venom is the juice of a toad tainting the 
 sweet air. 
 You have but to sow the seeds of malice to 
 reap a crop of grief. 
 Men who would face a cannon, tremble 
 before a golden calf. 
 There is no music for man so sweet as that 
 set upon a woman's tongue. 
 I never could understand why doleful songs 
 should herald a joyous hereafter. 
 If you keep your eyes fixed upon the stars 
 you will fall into the first mill pond. 
 You are told, " That if you violate a sacra- 
 ment of the church you will howl in hell lor 
 it." You know that if you violate nature's 
 laws you will howl here. 
 While poverty spins threads of gold with 
 which to weave a garment to cover her naked- 
 ness, the plutocrat melts the threads into 
 sovereigns for his own use. 
 Kvcry yellow stream Is not the Tiber. 
 The wise man dreads, not noise, hut eternal 
 Loud complaints may be only vents for 
 little ills. 
 It is not enough to conceive a truth, we 
 must act. 
 When one is bereft of hope the last sorrow 
 has arrived. 
 The woman who loves not flattery has yet 
 to be born. 
 This must be a golden age — everybody is 
 running after it. 
 Beauty is the recompense given to women 
 for her weakness. 
 Some sins squeak like a snared rabbit — 
 others roar like a lion. 
 An immaculate reputation may hide a 
 multitude of black lies. 
 Angels walk on threads of gold from heaven 
 to earth. These threads are only spun in the 
 loom of the human heart. 
Abject spirits creep — men walk. 
 A small hole is a cavern to a mole. 
 A kiss hangs not long on a pretty lip. 
 You cannot rear a new babe on old milk. 
 A man may woo a dove and marry a screech 
 Satire is a javelin which pierces the thickest 
 A mist may hide the sun but it does not 
 blot it out. 
 Some women prefer a great infamy to a 
 little honour. 
 Regard not the manner of your death but 
 your daily life 
 A churlish silence is harder to endure than 
 a sharp tongue. 
 The man who gives away his freedom is 
 everlastingly bankrupt. 
 The rubbish from men's tongues is hoarded 
 while nature speaks unheard. 
 Human misery is not a volunteer. 
 Mirth's best nursery is contentment. 
 Men fly, women melt into a passion. 
 Prejudice is the marrow of superstition. 
 Better a crust of bread than a funeral elegy. 
 Woman's first fault is no excuse for man's 
 Kind words are honey drops to the tired 
 A bad tongue is not the clapper of a good 
 Crossed love is forgotten — crossed opinions, 
 Distrust but do not refuse an untried 
 Hope is the only flavour for a diet of 
 He is near to happiness who makes an- 
 other smile. 
 Greed is swifter than a greyhound. 
 Results give the lie to many boasts. 
 Nothing beslimes like a fawning tongue. 
 The smallest pirates fly the blackest flags. 
 The coming tempest is no less a great wind. 
 Better a bleeding wound than pent up agony. 
 Gigantic robberies are nevertheless rob- 
 Every furrow in the brow represents a drag- 
 tooth of care. 
 A tempestuous petticoat is more bewitching 
 than a satin gown. 
 For the light of beauty men go down into 
 the darkest pits. 
 The smart of the lash soon dies — the 
 memory of it never. 
 The meaner a man is, the meaner he not 
 only feels but looks. 
 The greenest turf covers the blackest soil' 
 Only an earthquake can shake a selfish soul. 
 One woman-wolf is more to be dreaded 
 than a den of lions. 
 There are women whose smile is poison, 
 whose touch is death. 
 Bequeath your good deeds to memory, your 
 bad deeds to oblivion. 
 Pity, as soft as feathered flakes of snow, 
 whitens all it falls upon. 
 If we peep behind a curtain we may see 
 the ghost of our own hopes grinning at us. 
 The albatross, like a great soul, remains 
 aloft without the flutter of a feather. 
 My sovereign hope is the inate desire of 
 the human heart that justice be done. 
 Love is as much higher than justice as is 
 the tallest mountain above an ant hill. 
 The people have so often been beguiled 
 that now they refuse to believe the truth. 
 Why is it that down hill is always greased ? 
 A stain upon a woman's honour is indelible. 
 Insolence is brutal — arrogance, intolerable. 
 The seeds of ill grow best in the most sterile 
 A heart pickled in gall cannot be called a 
 The promise of eternal sleep is not sweet 
 to a live man. 
 The most worthless woman is bought at 
 the highest price. 
 A man can put away his wife but he cannot 
 divorce a memory. 
 ** t 
 Many of our good intentions are so feeble, 
 that like snow flakes, they melt as they come. 
 The earth is a fertile womb bringing forth 
 fruits for all. A few men claim they are God's 
 first sons and take the crop. 
 There are women who breath forth intox- 
 icating perfumes. The man who inhales them 
 is in danger of great good or of great evil. 
 Nature, unheard, performs her greatest 
 Ingratitude is a tree whose fruit poisons the 
 very air. 
 Many could make lye out of the cold ashes 
 of their hopes. 
 Gather the blossoms daily — the frost may 
 come at night. 
 Plant no flowers on the graves of those we 
 have neglected in life. 
 Some men are not content so long as an 
 unfinished crime remains. 
 Some men prefer the drudgery of the devil 
 to the sleep of innocence. 
 Women are tempted to taste a little evil, 
 just to know what it is like. 
 Every life leads up to a precipice, over 
 which a few jump, the others tumble in and 
 are lost. 
 We know that death is ever marching be- 
 hind us but we never name the day when he 
 will catch up. 
 To hurt for mischief is to catch disaster. 
 Even a sigh trembles through the universe. 
 Nature must love woman to fashion her so 
 The chain of some men's fate must be made 
 of adamant. 
 Revere the dust— it was the men and women 
 of long ago. 
 The keenest blade in South Africa is made 
 from Ralph iron. 
 He believed her an angel— married and 
 found her only a woman. 
 A curled knot of snakes is not as deadly as 
 the signature to a mortgage. 
 In London they no longer say, " Lend me 
 your purse— but your name." 
 A painter's description of matrimony 
 Introduction : the background. 
 Courtship : the middle ground 
 Engagement : the foreground. 
 Marriage : the nude subject 
 Kruger is the epitome of obsolete ideas and 
 living force. 
 A bleating lamb in a great city is in greater 
 danger than in the darkest wood. 
 There be three birds. 
 One lives only in the highest altitudes. 
 This bird is Truth. 
 One lives on the plain. 
 This bird is Expediency. 
 One lives in the mire. 
 This bird is Subserviency. 
 He who writes with a feaiher plucked from 
 the wing of the first bird will not be listened 
 to for ages to come. 
 He who writes with a feather plucked from 
 the wing of the second bird will receive the 
 plaudits of the people. 
 He who writes with a feather plucked from 
 the wing of the third bird will be worshipped 
 by the mob. 
 Not gold, not broad acres, not vast power, 
 not blazoned titles, not eloquence, but truth 
 is the lever which moves the world. 
 When Europe completes the process of 
 Christianizing China that nation will have 
 disappeared from the map. 
 The truth-seeker never digs in the columns 
 of the political newspaper. 
 A money shaver with a conscience would 
 soon be poorer than his clients. 
 I have read of the dog-like affection of 
 woman — I have seen their cat-like character- 
 Bread snatched from the poor becomes a 
 stone in the rich man's belly. He has only 
 to eat his fill to sink. 
 What a gas lamp is to a moth, the same is 
 a rose diamond to a woman — neither see the 
 danger till they are dead. 
 In olden times Sodom and Gomorrah 
 swallowed up the wicked. In modern times 
 Chicago swallows up the good. 
 \ Chinaman's soliloquy. "First come mis- 
 sionary, big prayers, little book. Singee 
 ^ Peace on earth and good willee to all men.' 
 Russian Bear swallow Manchuria, French 
 Eigle strippe off Yellow Jacket, Bille Em- 
 peror stealee Peacock Feather, English Lion 
 grabbe Pig Tail. Damme, hungry lion want 
 Slander is more subtile than any microbe. 
 You cannot squander ten thousand a year 
 and then balance the account by thrusting a 
 stale bun, dipped in charity soup, into a 
 beggar's hand. 
 Lolling on a velvet cushion in a fashionable 
 church will not be a valid answer when you 
 meet the poor girl ' beyond ' whom you ground 
 down to make trousers for twenty cents a pair. 
 You did'nt do it ? You wore the trousers, it's 
 all the same. 
 A cynic's description of the honeymoon — 
 Kisses allopathic. 
 Kisses homeopathic. 
 The cold douche. 
 Hot mustard plasters. 
 A lawyer's description of matrimony in the 
 United States — 
 Court — Appeal. 
 The suit filed. 
 Rival — an interpleader. 
 Marriage. Judgement given. / 
 Household expenses. Costs. ' 
 Family jars. Proceedings for alimony., 
 Final hearing. Divorce absolute. j 
 Quit claim. Deed to another man. 
 The sea-side resorts attract many queer fish. 
 The pohtician is wliat the ^eople make him. 
 The child which cries for bread is a menace 
 to the state. 
 Infamy may rise to such a height a?; to be- 
 come famous. 
 More women have been killed by innuendo 
 than by hard work. 
 To the small boy a circus is more alluring 
 than the Psalms of Solomon. 
 Eternity is an endless chain whose links 
 are youth, old age and decay. 
 Ihe shark turns on his back to devour his 
 prey — the hypocrite prays that he may devour. 
 The money lender should provide himself 
 with an asbestos overcoat when he leaves this 
 Every girl in store or office means a man 
 without employment. Every man without 
 employment is a man incapable of supporting 
 a wife. Do you see the inevitable result? 
 laughter is ihc doctor's deadliest enemy. 
 Praise is the cheapest coin but more potent 
 than gold. 
 If all men were brothers nations would 
 cease to exist. 
 Years are required to make a brutal man — 
 hours, a woman. 
 We praise God for our victories. What 
 does the other fellow do ? 
 Patriotism is but another name for, ' love 
 yourself and hate your neighbors.' 
 If churches were made as attractive as gin 
 palaces, the former, not the latter, would be 
 open six days in the week. 
 When you get there, you will find that 
 Eternal Justice is not built on the depart- 
 mental store system. Some pale-faced girl 
 will offer the evidence. 
 Once Pity and Charity perched on every 
 cloistered gate and cried, 'welcome.' Now 
 they only venture forth on public occasions, 
 when they will be seen of all men. 
 The cat's serenade gives tone to the back 
 Mental problem. Suicide or side-tracked. 
 Which ? 
 The laugh of a child is sweeter to God than 
 a forty miuute prayer. ' • 
 The Klondike is as alluring as a pretty 
 woman and equally as freakish. 
 The greatness of the Yukon is only sur- 
 passed by the greatness of its liars. 
 Innocence is a rose bud with a worm out- 
 side waiting to gnaw a hole in it. 
 A blood-sucker on a boy's toe looks bigger 
 to him than a sea-serpent to a man. 
 An Easter bonnet is more satisfying to a 
 woman than the most eloquent sermon. 
 The witch doctor taboos a banana tree, the 
 parson the joyous dance. Both are bigots. 
 The nigger who has learned to drink rum 
 does not regard civilization as an unmixed 
The beautiful is eternal. 
 An epitaph. " He went North and found 
 his grave." 
 The cold marble becomes a living flame 
 under the hands of the sciili)tor. 
 We «-annot turn wjiter into wine but some 
 men come very near turning wine into water. 
 The coral shell stores up the glorious tints 
 of the sun's rays — the thoughtful man the 
 words of the wise. 
 A returned Klondiker with gold very much 
 resembles charity — frequently read of, seldom 
 Whence comes eter-^al truths ? They are 
 written in the rocks, they are breathed out of 
 the soft, South wind ; they are painted in the 
 sunset, they speak in the flowers and the tiny 
 blade of grass, they twinkle in distant stari. 
 Ages go by and yet man grasps but one, here 
 and there. They are messengers to every 
 man, gifted or untaught. He who seizes but 
 one and embalms it has done a greater service 
 to mankind than the mightiest king. 
 Prohibition is a frozen dream, real life a 
 red-hot time. 
 Inquisitivness is but anutiicr name for tlic 
 Auditor General. 
 Capital account is a cavern wherein poli- 
 ticians hide their sins. 
 The .summer girl, in the biggest wind, is 
 never blown away from a man. 
 The editor writes most charmingly of 
 country life in his easiest chair. 
 Church choirs are always at sixes and 
 sevens. One day of harmony and six of 
 A young widow's sorrow for her husband 
 is a phantom minnow — looks genuine but 
 hides the hook. 
 While the bankrupt tradesman rides in his 
 carriage, his honest competitor is in the back 
 yard sawing wood. 
 The uglier a woman's face, the nearer to 
 her chin is the hem of her bathing skirt, no 
 doubt to hide her blushes. 
 The French are steadfast of purpose. 
 What purpose ? 
 Changing the Ministry ! 
 English Poet in the Soudan, — " We 
 are carrying * Sweetness and light' into dark- 
 est Africa!" 
 Tommy,— "Yes, we let the light in with the 
 Lee-Metford and the Egyptian tax-collector 
 will sweeten these coves later on." 
 Mayor of New York, — "We must re- 
 turn the * Torch of Liberty' by the first 
 French steamer." 
 "What for?" 
 " To dispel the Dreyfus gloom." 
 Irate Mother-in-law (to son-in-law 
 about to marry second wife), — "Is this the 
 way you treat my daughter, lying in the dark 
 " Only striking a match to see into it." 
 Out of the loins of pride and avarice comes 
 the innocent child. Why is this ? It cannot 
 be chance. It means something. When we 
 discover what that something is we shall re- 
 main innocent. 
 Greed grasps while poverty gasps. 
 The agony of despair breeds the monster, 
 ' Human Hate.' 
 The man who refuses to lend to the Lord 
 distrusts the security. 
 The blood of the pauper shall smear the 
 couch of the indolent. 
 The sweat of the poor, frozen into gold, 
 gilds the rich man's purse. 
 The time must come when the dragon's 
 teeth, sown by the rich, will bring forth a 
 harvest of cold steel. 
 Mother in the kitchen at the wash tub. 
 Daughter in the parlor at the piano. Quite 
 proper ; its a case of rub-a-dub-dub. 
 Why came we here ? By blind chance or 
 design ? The books are full of guesses, half- 
 truths and lies. We only know that we are 
 here. From whence we came and whither 
 we go is the problem. Being here, our high- 
 est endeavors should be to do some little 
 good. Then close our eyes and wait for the 
 answer. We can find it in no other way. 
 Man and niisery are not twins but father 
 and son. 
 The woman to whom temptation never came 
 cannot be said to be virtuous. 
 The blast of the golden bugle shall not al- 
 ways drown the wa^' of the poor. 
 When faults lie thick and die, the crop of 
 good deeds to follow will be the greater. 
 A priest at ten thousand a year is a monu- 
 ment erected over the grave of Christianity. 
 The cry of the child for bread reaches 
 further into the universe than peans sung to 
 When Eve was created nature must have 
 cried ' no,' for ever since woman has continued 
 to repeat the word. 
 The rich go about the world on stilts, lest 
 the poor should touch the hems of their gar- 
 ments. They are so so high in the air that 
 they gather no perfume from the wild flowers 
 blooming by the wayside. 
 The hand of Justice has lost its thumb and 
 Vulgar speech is a drop of filth from a 
 rotten heart. 
 A fly never sees the window pane until his 
 bruised nose bleeds. 
 The greatest kindness is that which we are 
 not compelled to remember. 
 My aspirations are cut out with a broad 
 sword. My results with a pen knife. 
 The mathemetician can measure a world, 
 yet he cannot weigh the secret thing which 
 stirs a poet's heart. 
 Man has waited for ages for heaven to help 
 him. Heaven has waited equally long for 
 man to help himself. 
 Slaves are bound with fetters of steel — poor 
 men with fetters of law. One corrodes with 
 age, the other is perpetually renewed. 
 The devil fish of the sea claws his victim, 
 then sinks to the bottom. The devil fish of 
 the land claws his, then rises to the top. 
 Want issues from the womb of greed. 
 Justice will be done when greed dies. 
 Sympathy is the sheet-anchor of the Ship 
 of Life. 
 One tear is more potent for good than a 
 thousand laws. 
 Charity, though white of plumage, is born 
 of black parents. 
 The avenger strikes down one evil and 
 creates a thousand. 
 Universal love is but another name for 
 universal happiness. 
 Life without hope is death without a grave 
 wherein to find rest. 
 A man is not only responsible for his acts, 
 but for their influence. 
 To know, and not to do is vile — to do and 
 not to know, an accident. 
 The white flowers of sympathy shall yet 
 bloom over graves in which the rich rot. 
 Luxury lulls— poverty dulls. 
 A fat priest and a poor flock. 
 The hooked fish has an open mouth. 
 The money lender loves a close shave. 
 Preachers and brokers, alike, deal in future 
 Humility is sweet but its prj.th is strewn 
 with bitter herbs. 
 The change for which every woman prays 
 — a change of name. 
 Passengers inside the coach 'Prosperity,* 
 never see the galled steeds, 
 The knout pinches the slave's back. The 
 combine, the free man's belly. 
 The ball dress is diplomatic, in that it re- 
 veals what it pretends to conceal. 
 There is colour in the statement that one 
 nigger in a missionary report throws a shadow 
 greater than ten white men. 
 Vile thoughts only bloom on the dung-hills 
 of depravity. 
 Coarseness is as akin to vice as the flame 
 to the candle. 
 Indolence lolls in luxury while energy goes 
 hungry to bed. 
 Toil with recompense is sweeter than 
 recompense without toil. 
 Hkp . ♦ 
 is the African heathen more precious than 
 a sick child in a London garret? 
 The ashes of a bad woman cannot be 
 cleansed with the waters of an ocean. 
 She who walks the street by night is an out- 
 cast. She who seduces a Prince may die a 
 Princes on sale for gold, women for titles, 
 virtue for bread, statesmen for place, and 
 priests for salary. 
 Monopoly. A whip in the hands of 
 plutocrats, which bites the backs of men and 
 saddens the hearts of women. 
 No soul can remain stagnant. 
 A gossip scatters more ills than a pestilence. 
 'Tis useless to kill the serpent after she has 
 laid her eggs. 
 The poison on the fang cannot injure till 
 the snake strikes. 
 When thetunctious' priest wants to borrow 
 he cries, * Lend to the Lord.' 
 We should not blot out the sun because its 
 rays will hatch the eggs of a serpent. 
 The lion of the jungle seizes his prey by 
 night. The lion of the city by day ; one is 
 stripped to the bone, the other to the shirt. 
 Birds are charmed by snakes, women by 
 beasts in human form. The glitter of the eye 
 subdues the one, the glitter of gold, the other. 
 Over the grave of each child which dies in 
 the slums should stand a tablet inscribed, 
 " Died for want of sunlight and pure air." 
 " Who stole the land ? " 
 One tyrant dies that two may be born. 
 A wise man prefers virgin soil to a cultivated 
 The bone of contention is never covered 
 with sweet meat. 
 The woman is most lost who forgets her 
 babe for the ball. 
 * ** 
 Self-righteousness can walk so straight that 
 it leans backwards. 
 More women are drowned * in the swim ' 
 than in mill ponds. 
 When death knocks at the door the servant 
 answers, ' Not at home.' 
 A winged Cupid without a feather can soar 
 higher than the pinioned eagle. 
 He who seeks for spiritual rest in dogma 
 will find only a bottomless pit. 
 A wish from the heart travels beyond 
 the blare of the loudest trumpet. 
 It is better to lavish your affections upon a 
 faithful dog than upon an unfaithful friend. 
 The poor man craves for bread — not logic. 
 A woman without love is a tree without sap. 
 The plutocrats, like the Jews, thrive on 
 Good advice is an atom ; good deeds the 
 The beautiful seraph makes the most dan- 
 gerous fiend. 
 The ghost of poverty is more dreadful than 
 poverty itself. 
 A religion of details is a fruit tree which 
 produces only blossoms. 
 Each grain in the universe is a unit, re- 
 move but one and chaos will follow. 
 Hills sunlit with promise are easier to 
 traverse than the level road upon which hope 
 It is as easy for the poor man to pluck 
 money from the rich as for the missionary to 
 pick the pocket's of a naked savage. 
 A tainted heart soils the sweetest lip. 
 I'lxchange the virus of hate for ihe antidote, 
 A woman i^rcfcrs a fervent lover to a cold 
 A ficHc woman may conquer the most 
 constant soldier. 
 The begrimed soul cannot be hidden with 
 a white- wash brush. 
 Our efforts should be to harmonize, not 
 simply to change. 
 The most precious gem is found in the 
 most worthless sand. 
 The Senate joined to the Commons is an 
 impotent man wedded to a vigorous maid. 
 The bombastic egotist floats on the crest of 
 prosperity while the philosopher starves in 
 his tub. 
 The priest counsels men in the sterile 
 present to feed upon a pregnant future. To- 
 morrows dinner never yet ted a hungry man. 
 All the good in a human heart can never 
 You cannot denude ii woman of her masked 
 Diplomacy is cultivated in men and bred 
 in women. 
 He who would pluck contentment must 
 abandon force. 
 To console a widow is more agreeable than 
 to court a maid. 
 The man who stains the purity of a woman 
 tarnishes his own soul. 
 It is difficult to distinguish the fleshy lie 
 from the ghostly truth. 
 Tiie private ownership of land is crystalized 
 in the question " Is the unborn child an 
 heir or a bastard ? " 
 Love of the artistic does not account for 
 the crookedness of men, though the curve is 
 the only true line of beauty. 
Sly women walk where blunt men fall. 
 The stench of corruption is fragrant to the 
 A shrivelled soul may hide in a bishop's 
 A slippery friend is more dangerous than 
 thin ice. 
 The kangaroo and the miser carry all they 
 love in a pouch. 
 You cannot staunch a bleeding wound with 
 a memory or a promise. 
 Marriage is a covenant which few women 
 refuse and many revoke. 
 Emotion in woman is the locomotive — 
 wisdom, the cow-catcher. 
 A misfit policy is as dangerous to a states- 
 man as a misfit dress to a woman. 
 The sting of a bee is not the less to be 
 dreaded because the bee makes honey. 
 Creed is as akin to righteousness as a 
 'bucket shop' to the kingdom of heaven. 
 An act cannot die. 
 To exist is not to live. 
 Degeneracy is born of many parents. 
 'I'lu; rich man gives advice, the poor man 
 Happiness is now a theory, 1 would make 
 it a fact. 
 The statute of limitation runs not against 
 evil deeds. 
 The ([uickest cure for a passionate longing 
 is a cold woman. 
 Through lapse of time the few claim the 
 inheritance of the many. 
 The cause of truth will not triumph so long 
 as it is intrusted to fools. 
 If the weakness of the present industrial 
 system were realized it would cease to be 
 Snakes eggs are hatched by the sun. 
 Misers eggs — gold — by labor. Young snakes 
 hiss at their mother, misers at men. 
 The charitable heart hath an empty pocket. 
 The cry of the poor is an eternal re- 
 The ocean of hope springs from a single 
 drop of sympathy. 
 The old-time robber was the flither of the 
 new time financier. 
 Injustice sleeps in a bed of roses which 
 rests on a bed of thorns. 
 The lamb 'love' and the wolf *hate' tarry 
 not long in the same pen. 
 A feather from the wing of truth is of more 
 weight than a mountain of lies. 
 Only the key sympathy can unlock the 
 sacred chamber hidden in every heart. 
 The bloodless wreath of love is stronger 
 than a tyrant's chain. The one shall yet bind 
 the world, the other be broken by a simple 