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Tous las autres exemplaires originaux sont filmAs en commenpant par la pramiAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impr'sssion ou d'illustratic.i et en terminant par la darniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — »> signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A des taux de rAduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA A partir da I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammas suivants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 BETH WOODBURN I /u E Moh p. /// /^ BETH WOODBURN. BY MAUD PETITT. TORONTO: WILLIAM HRICGS, 29-33 Richmond Street West. Montreal: C. W. COATFS. Halifax : S. F. HUESTIS. 1897. PETrrr^ M Enterrd according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety Be ven, by Wioliam Brioos, at the Department of Agriculture. in the year one I Bkioom, at the Co /Rs ^otbcr THIS MY FIRST BOOK IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED. r f i. CONTENTS. ClIAPTKK I. TAOK Ik'tli at KiglitotMi . 9 (.'llAI'TKK II. A Dirain <*f Life 21 ClIAI'TKK III. Whillier, IVtli? [\0 Chai'TKR IV. Millie 42 ClIAI'TKR V. " For I Love You, H.'tir' 47 ClIAPTKR VI. Varsity Ja ClIAITER VII. KikUvI 64 Chaptkr VIII. The Ht'avenly ('aiiaaii 78 ClIAPTKR IX. Varsity Again 95 (.'HAI'TKR .\. Death . . ." II3 Chaptkr XI. '-♦ ve 124 Chapter XII. Farewell I37 ri til Br it dk hil .sp( tin del tac eac wa UIK trei BliTII WOODBURN. CHAPTKH T. BETH AT EIGHTEEN. } In the ^oo()ssession of the tine old manor beside the lake, and she had ])ecome friends with the only daughter, Edith, at school, and then with Clar- ence. Clarence wrote such pretty little poems, too. This had been the foundation of their friendship, and, since their tastes and ambitions were so nnich alike, what if — Her eyes grew brighter, and she almost fancied he was looking down into her face. Oh, those eyes — hush, maiden heart, be still. She smiled at the white cloud drifting westward — a little Iniat-shaped cloud, with two white figures in it, sailing in the sunnner blue, 'i'he breeze rutHed her dark hair. There fell a louir shadow on the grass beside her. "Clarence — Mr. Mayfair ! I didn't see you coming. When did you get home ? " 14 liETH WOODUrUN. I !i 1 1 ; . 1 " Last nij^ht. I .stayed hi 'roronto till tlio report of our * exams ' came out." " I see you have been successful," she replied. " Allow me to con trratu late you." " Thank you. I hear you are comin<( to 'Varsity this fall, Miss Woodljiu-n. Don't you think it (juite an undertaking ? I'm sure I wisli you joy of the hard work." " Why, I hope you are not wearying of your course in the middle of it, Mr. May fair. It is only two years till you will have your B.A." " Two years' hard work, though ; and, to tell the truth, a B.A. has lost its charms for me. I long to devote my life more fully to literature. That is my first ambition, you know, and I seem to be wasting so much time." " You can hardly call time spent that way wasted," she answered. " You will write all the better for it by and by." Then they plunged into one of their old-time literary talks of authors and books and ambi- tions. Beth loved these talks. There was no one else in BriarsHeM she could discuss these matters with like Clarence. She was noticing meanwhile how nuich paler he looked than when she saw him last, but she admired him all the more. There are some women who love a man all the more for bein£r delicate. It jrives III BETH AT EIGHTEEN. 15 tliein better opportunities to display their wo- manly tenderness. Beth was one of these. " By the way, I nmstn't forget my errand," Clarence exclaimed after a lon^ chat. He handed her a dainty little note, an invita- tion to tea from his sister Edith. Beth accepted with pleasure. She blushed as he pressed her hand in farewell, and their eyes met. That look and touch of his went very deep — deeper than they should have gone, perhaps ; but the years will tell their tale. She watched him goinj; down the hill-side in the afternoon sunshine, then fell uo dreaming again. What if, after all, she should not alwa3^s stay alone with daddy ? If someone else should come — And she began to picture another study where she should not have to write alone, but there should be two desks by the broad windows looking out on the lake, and somebody should — " Beth ! Beth ! come and set the tea-table. My hands is full with them cherries." Beth's dream was a little ruflely broken by Mrs. Martin's voice, l>ut she complacently rose and went into the house. Mrs. Martin was a small grey-haired woman, very old-fashioned; a prim, goo> 18 HETH WOODHIJUN. i 1 I I , I i witli Ikt tin-pail on her arnj, started up the roae r()a the lesson once or twice, and she noticed Arthur in the opposite corner teaching a class of little j^irls — little tots in white dresses. He looked so pleased and self -forgetful. Both ha