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[Afisentfil to ,'50//( Jime, 18G I.J WIIKIIK.AS Gold liii^ l)ren (lisfovcrt'il in this Province ; Preamble, imd wliort iis it is expedient tliiil provision sliould be made resjtectiiig the development and prt'duelion thereof, and lor the working of mines of the saino : Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice !ind consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. In the construction and for the ))iirposes of this Act, and Tntcrpre- of all Orders in Council or Regulations under it, if not iticon- tation of terms sistcnt with the context or subject matter, the following terms ^'ct. '" '" shall have the respective meanings hereby assigned to them, that is to say : First. The verb " mine " and the participle "mining" sliall "Mine "and be held to mean and include any mode or method of working "mining" whatsoever whereby the soil or earth, or any rock or stone may be disturbed, removed, carted, carried, wiislicd, sifted, smelted, refined, crusiied or otherwise dealt with for the purpose of obtaining goitl, whetiicr the same may \m\r. been previously disturbed or not ; Secondly. The word " Gold " shall be held to mean and" include as well any gold as any earth, clay, ([nartz, stone, mineral or other substance containing gold or having gold mixed therein, or set apart for the purpose of therefrom ; Gold.'' extracting gold Thirdly. The words " Quartz mines, " shall be held to mean .. yuarti and include all auriferous rocks containing gold ; mines " 1 • Fourthly. Cnp. 0. (i»l(l Mi/HS. 27-28 Vict. " AlliiTiiil F(>iir//ili/. 'riic words '' Alluvinl mines, " sliiill \h- held to miucM." iiu'Jiii Mild include ,\\\ >oiN or >ir;it,i conlainin:,' i^'old ; jind llic word " mines, " >li;ili include I)(iiIm|ii:iiIz mines iind idliivial mines and all oilier ijold mines whalsoever, and all |)laei's where the work of " ndnini,', " as al)ove delined, may I'e eai- ried on ; " Proprict..r." Fiftfifif. The word '' proprietor, " siiall he held to mean and inchide the person or persons lor the time heini,' eiililled to the rents, issues and pro'ils ol' the land, or the person who is the owner of the mining,' rii,'lits and i,'old lound on the lane! on which any " mininy " may l»e ij;oinu: on ; " OoM mining divi5iou," Sixthlii. The wonis " (iold >finin:j Division," si snail he '• Crown Lands." " Private Lfknds." " rlnim " Claim.' '■ Party wall." " Mill li- cense." held to mean and include an\ tract o| couiMry (lc( hired to he a " (told Mining' Division," under this Act ; SfVfntfifff. The words " Crown Lands," shall lie held to mean anil include all ("rowii Lands, Ordnance Lands (traiislerred to the Province), Sciliool Lands, Cler^'v Lands, or lands of the Jesuits' Estates, (,'rown Domain or Seii^Miiory ol'Laiizoii, which have not hem alienated by the Crou n , Eiiihthhi. The wcinls " Private Land-," shall lie held to in- clude all lands which have been alienated hy the down; Sinthlij. The word " claim," shall be held to mean a parcel of land taken pos-essioii of under this Act fi)r mining,' purposes ; Tcnthl}/. The words " party-wall" shall l)e held to mean a bank of earth or rock Icit between two excavations ; Elevoiihhj. The words" Mill License," shiill lie held to mean a license to use machinery lor the i)iirpose of < xtracting gold from rock ; " Licensed mills," " Li- ccn!ier illininlsli tin' liiiiil« (il'siicli division, I >r iiciy ollinu i>c nmciid, or iii;i\ laiicrl, mkIi Ordrr in Conncil ; iiiid Irom iind iillcr llic pnlilicMlion in the Caniifhi (Uizrltf ul' any ^iicli OrdtT in ('(iinicil, tin- (lnl<| Minin:^ f)ivi>i(in llicrcin tnchiioni'd ;ind dcscriln'd, ;ind llir i,'nl(l niinrv, (jniiilz mines iind :diuviiil mines, siunite in mkIi Division, sludl Ik- nnl>jeei lo ilie |ii't)visions of iliis Ai'l, mid to any r<'i;Mliili(iin* lo Ik; Mi!ule nnder lliis Aet, I'.tlt'ct of luch lU'clurntioD. 1 Ajijinin'mcnt lui'l idwcrs of nllic'cr I of iiiiiilii); ilivi- !|, 'I'lie (iovriiinr may a|i|)ipitil ^ncli Otlieer or Ollieers as hu shall deem necessary lt>r llie pnrposes of this Aet, who shall respeeiisely he mnhT the direeiion ol' ihe Commissioner of Crown Land-, and hy Order in (duiieil may preserilie llii'ir duties and ti\ lh''ir lilies ani (\f ilie |'ea<'e o|' the District or Districts whieh a (lold Mining Division may .'omprehend or inclndc, in whole or in pari, or in whieh, or in any por'ion of which, a (ioiil Mining' Di\i*-ion may lie ; and it sliall not he necessary that any sih li Olliccr shall possess imy property (Hialificalion \\ hatever in order to laialile him law fully to act . ■ sucli .insticc; of the I'eace ; and every '-ui'li Olliier ■hall ha\e juri'^diction as a .Instill' of ilie Peace ovr all ilie territory comprised within the Division lor wbich he may he appointed, with |)o\ver t(» settle smninarilv all disputes as to extent or hoiiniiary of claiiu-', nse ot' water, access iherelo, damaee hy licensees to others, forleiinrc of license-, and ir'tierally to settle all diiruailties, matter- or (juestions, w lii( h may arise nndcr this Act, or oli( iices a:raiii-l any of the pmvisions of this Act, or the rc^nlation'^ to he made under it ; and ihr deei-ion nf any such Olliccr, in all ease- under this Act, -hall he final, e\cept when otlierwi-e providcil h\ thi- Act or when another trihunal is appoinleil under the aulh(ail\ ol mis Ai't ; and no ea-e nnder Suc^riiordri this Act shall he removed inio anv Court hv Writ (A' Ctr/iorori. l'oci>ion tinal. •I l'"rom and afnr the puhlieation of any such Order in Ciaincil as afore-aid in the Cuinihi ddZiltr, it shall not he lawful for any jierson to mine lor Cold either for himself or any other per-ou within the Division therein defiied, and ihcrchy constituted a (iold Minim,' Division, exi'cpt under a *" Cnwn L(I)m!s (laid lAc(tisi\^'' or a '■'I'liralc Linitis Hold Litrir'c,'" as proviiicd by this Act. N(i ]i('rson 10 iiiirii' ill liny Mii'li dividiun witliout a liv'i'nsc. TViKilty for iMiiiiii^^ there- in without a license. a Vny perst>n I'ound miniiii; wuliin any (Iold Minima Division, w ilhout a license as afon-said or upon |)rivale laiuls aj,'ainst the will of the proprietor thereof or without such license, shall, upon convidion hefore ihe Olliccr for the i)i- vision, forfeit and pay a sum not exceiilimr live dollars and costs; and in default of payment of sneh line and costs he may he imprisoned for any jieriod not exceedi:]^' one month ; I'roviso. Provided alway-, that tut license fee shall he exacted for L'.xplorini.'' for i^old milil the |)recious tintiil he discovered. o. Ciiji. n d'ofd Minr.H. 27-2M Vict. LlcrnKci.ilr O. K\i I) lici'ii^rc will ill- lii'lil 1111(1 ii(|iiirr(| to |irn(lii( r :ilitl (ihibit> it' I'xiiiiiil Ills lirisiM- to \\u' OlIii'iM- lor tin Di. i>ii>ii, utid to prove, offlcor, n,. .1,- ,^^,||^, ^,„j^f,„.,|,,„ ,,f ,1,,. ()iii,...r. lliiil Mi.h (.i.rii>.. is in lore.' niauii. , , , , II- 1 1 / «.!• ,• w liiufvcr rr(|iiiii'(i Id (jo so tiv lniu ; iiiid 111!' Olliccr lor any eiitiroi, pn (•old Miiiiii:,' Division sliiill liavc tin- nirlil locnti-r ii|)on privulo MitcUiil-. lands, vvilliin micIi Division, lor llir |inr|)OM's oi tliis Ad. Lici'iisc>tu 1,1) 7. Kt'i ill'' piir|ii>si> III' this /\cl llini' >li;ill lie Iwo dr-icrip- (iftMO'loH- tioiis dj' licriisr, nriUn'rol wliu'li sli:ill I"' lr;iiisriM;il)l<' ; o?i(' to crirlio.iv i^j, ^.,^11^, I, ,,^,. ., ^y„„.„ f^„,„i^ (;„i,i /jrnisr" and the ollnr llir '•' Piirnlr Ij,iiIi/s llohl Litrnse ;'' cadi ol' siiili licriiscs >|i:dl liwuorit iii.iy foiitaiii llir iiaiiir ol' the lii rnsri' ; liiit il shall lie lawliil I'or any t:ik<< licoii c^ |)idprii'lor oj a lot (it land to talo' out a liirn^r lor racli iiiiiicr for miim-. \\ orkiiii; iipoii his land, in tlir iiaiiir ol such inini'r, wliicli li- cense shall lie ^ood liir the periml ilierein im ntioned, lor the piir|»o>c of aulhori/iiiLj such miner to niiiie a* aloresaid. Crown LiuU ^- A " Croicii Lands llohl IJcrnNr '' shall aiilhori/e ihe lioM Lii'iiv. |), isoii therein named to mine, dminij one month tir mori t'roiii the dale I hi 'rein named on any unsold Cro'vs n Lands v. it li in the Ftc. (iold Minin;,' Division nieiiliolicd in Mich liei iim* ; and lor ever\ sticli license a lee of two doll ir- |)er luoiilli shall lie jiaid. Privaif Laiiis O. A *' /V(r(//'' Liiili/s (in/il /^iiv ■" sha'l ant hori;'.e the per- iiold Li'UiM. ^(,1, therein named to nnnc tliiriiii,' one iiioiilli or more Irom the dale therein named on |)riva!e land-, williin t!ie (iold Miniiij,' Di\ision iiieniioiied in such lieen-.e, 1)111 only hy and with the coii-eni 1)1 the projirieior olsiieli laii'U, liy such lieen-ee liisl had and olilaiiied, and io the limit or extent a'_'i'i ed npoii het ween pgj, sneh licensee and proprienn- ; and lo|i'Vei\ -neh license a lee of one dollar per nioiiih shall I'c |)aid. niglits ol 10. llacli (^rowii Lands (iold Licensee shall have the rij^dit r'^iT'i ■ !',"'"''' '*^ >'iil*'' out one claim on tinocenpied Crown Lands within the j|.j^ ' ' Di\islon (hy planting a wooden piekei at "ach of tin roiir coi- ners thereof,) and to \\ ork the .same. Dimcnsiuiib ot II. llacli claim shaii he of one of the follow iny; dimensions, cluiius. viz ; KOH AI.I.l \ 1 \ 1. MINKS If on any riser or lar::,. ( reek, tu eiii_\ feet lioiil l.y liftv feet to the rear, to i'c measured Iroiii the \s ater's edi^c. If on a small creek or minor siream, l(irl\ feet front by fifiyfeet to the rear, to he measured from the centre of tli(> stream. If in a i.nillv, sixty fee; aloiiif said t;iiil\ and lo extend from hill tohilL If on a surface or hi!' side digi;infr, sixty feci .'<(iuare. Except where a Company intend to hill-tunnel, then, upon ai)|)lication I8G1 (ioltl Min M. Cnp. 9. :ip|)liriiiiiiii, ilir Oilici'i- liir ili(M)ivisi()n luiiy gram surli liiri;i'r rlnim ns lii< iiniy iliink lit. Ami I'lT workiiijif a \niiilr linrs shall luf drawn as nearly as possible nt ri.i,'lit angles 1,1 the ireneral cdnrne nl' die s'treani, for half il mile (111 each sidi- y one liiiiidred feet on each side thereof, ineasnrin^ I'mni the eeiitre of the lead. C'ompanie- of two or more persons may sialic- out and work addilionnl feet aloni,' a lead hy the alio\e width in the pripportioii of tucniy-live additional feet in leiiLrili lor every additional miner, not to exceed live imndred feet in ienytli .'dtoi^ether, and work llie chiim jointly. t'i. The Ollicer for the Division shall decide as to eaeii claim ciiiiniHto bo under wliich of the heads in the iii'Xt |>reccdini,' section it shall j'''^i*'*<""'y In' classed ; ami his decision shall he linal. ( illici'i-. ISI. Claims siiall be laid out as fir as possiide uniformly liuUvsusto and in cinadrilatrral and reciaii^.'nlar shapes ; mcasnreiiiciits of I'.vni^uut all claims shall he horizontal ; and tliey:roimd included in every '^^'■""'^• claim shall he deemed to lie boiuiili'd nnder the siuraee ijy lines V(!rtical ■,() the hori/.oii. 11. Licensees ha\ iii;^ so slaked oul their claiin-i (;n Crown r.ieriispc^ to Lands shall not have the ri^lit to a coiiliiiued occupation of ""'1^ '••li'i"''' -lU'li claims mile -s tlicy work the same conliiinoiisly, ;,nd ""'"""°"^^' widioiit intcriiii-sion lor a loni,'er period than one week, nor unless tlu'V comply with the reipiirciiieiiK of this Act, and the rec[iilatioiis to he made under il, and rcmilarly renew their Licenses. I»l No person shall occupy :it the sanu- lime more than one No person to claim on Crown Lands, excepi in the eases hereinafter provided ocfupy n.nro fa- of iv-islralion of claims rendereil temporarilv miworkal)le. )/,'"" ^'''timj-" lXOC'|itiOIl. 10. Tlie discoverer of any new mine shall he entitled to a |.i„i,t ^f license free of lees for twelve; months, lor one cla im of the ili:y any rciruiation which "cwmine. may he issued under it and in force when such discovery may be made ; IVovidcd that such discovery shall have iiecn iinme- I'rovlso : lio_ diattdv reported in writinir to the ollicer of the Division; and '""^'"r*""'''' anv one nol immediately reportiui,' such a discovery shall not be allowed to mine on any Crown Lamls for one year. 17. 8 Cap. 9. Gold Mines. 27-28 Vict. covery. ^Thftt slwU be 17. No person sliall he con.sidi'rocl the discovcrrr of ;i new deemed a dia- (nuuiz mine, uiilosj* tin; placi' of llic allt'Uft'd discovery shall he distanl, if on a known load, sit least three miles from the nean-st known mine on the same lead, and il'not on a known lead at least one mde at right angles iVom the course of the lead ; if in alluvial workings, at least two miles distant from any previously ilisi'overed mine. s to Tarty wull be loft between claims. ;uiil kejit clear. Teii'ilty Ibr contr;ivciitii Piirtv ve- 18. \ party wall ot ;it least three feet thick shall bv. iel't betwi>en eaeli holding on Crown Lands, which said party w;ill shall be used in <'omiuon by all parties as a mode of access to the stream, where one exists ; and such ptirty wall shall not be obstructed by any person or persons throwing soil, stones or other material llnreon ; and every prrson or [/ersons so obstruct- ing such |)arly wall, shall, upon conviction lu'l'ore the Ollicer for the Division, be liable to a line of not more than live dollars, and costs ; ami in default of payment of such line and costs he may be imprisoned for any period not more than one month. U>. If at any time it shall be fotmd necessary or exjicdienl ™°Y"^ '"*''• to remove a p.irly wall as aHuTsaid, the |)arty so r-movin^' it stniitaiiew shall, if re(|uired so to do, construct anew modi' of access to iiiudeof.iocess the water in nowise mor ■ tlillicidt as an approach than the one lowntcr. destroyed by the removal of the |)arty wall, uniler a like penalty In c.iseofip- '''^ provided ill liie next precediuij; section ; and in ease of a moviil of Willi, removal o|' a paity A\all the gold Ibund tlicr in shall belong to tho owners of the adjoining claims, tjach ol whom shall own the half next to his claim. Crown Lntiiis Licensee? not to i!!iiii:it;i' other claim--. Pen.aty. •.JO. No |)erson mining u|)on any Crown f.ands shall ( au>^e any (hinmge or injury to the holder of any other claim than his own, by ihi-owing earth, clay, stones or other material upon such other claim, or by causing or iillowing any water which may be pumped or bailed or miiy (low from his own claim to ilow into or u|)on such other claim, luider a penally of not more than live dollars, and costs; and In defaidt of pavmeni of such fnie and costs, lie may l'(> imprisc)ned for any period not more than one month. fienernl use of '«J 1 . Claims on Crowii Lands fronting on streams shall he ffivtcrs. sulijec:t to the general Use of the waters of such streams, in a manner to lie regulated by the Ollicer for the Division. Provision for *i2. Any person occupying a claim on Crown lands which rc^istriuion of jn conscciuencc of excess of water or other unavoidable reasons iiinv^.rUble^' ''''"'ii't \\u'n be worked, may, upon payment of one dollar, for a time. ri'gister his right to such claim in the Ollice of the Ollicer for the Division, in a book to be kept for that purpose, and may then proceed to work elsewhere ; but in case such jierson do not return and occujiy the claim so registered within one week after the surrounding cliiim or claims have been shewn to be worktiblc. 27-28 Vict. \'r of ;i now ery sliall he s I'roin the nil ;i kiunvii ourM- ol ihe istiint iVoMi liill br left 1 parly wall ol' access to ill shall not lil, stones or ; so obstruct- I' the Olliccr live dollars, and costs he le month. ir expedient T'lnovini,' it of access io than the one like ]ienalty in case of a dl b(dong to shall own shall cause iiini than his lalerial i!j)on water which iwn claim to nidty of not f payiHcnl of ly period not ims sliall lie treams, in a sion. lands which lable reasons f one dollar, c Olliccr for sc, and may eh |)erson do lin one week shewn to be workable, 1864. Gold Jlincs. Cap, 9. 9 i workable, he shall forfeit all ri,ii;ht and title to said claim; pro- rrovisordaim vided that every person so rei^istcrinij; a claim shall be held to ^ohc markeJ. plant a wooden picket, in the ceiilre tliercnf or :is near the centre thereof as possible, upon which shall be cut or painted, in Ici^ible (ignres, the registration number of said claim. 33. Any person found removing or disturbing with intent p, „j„ ,-qj. to remove, any stake or picket placed under the provisions of romovin.^ this Act shall forfeit and pay a stun not exceeding ten dollars l''ckct. anil costs., and in defa\dt of payment of such fini; and costs, may be imprisoned for any perioti not (>xceeding one month. *Il. Every person holding a gold mining licens(> shall upon aii t.iconsccs renewing the same and to entitle himsell' fo a renewal, make lonmkecor- a full and true statcmenl, upon the expiring license or other- '"'" *""'"•'" wise, to tin; proper Oillccr, upon oath, of the lubor |)erformed monthly. and gold obtained by him during the term of smii lic-cnse. ^ii. From ;iiid after the pa>sing of this Ael it shall not be x,, n.ill or lawful for any person or prr-oiis to use or employ any mill or imiohinpry for macliinery (oIIut than mills or machinerv worked by hand) '"'i'^'''"*; wilhm or near any dold iMmniL; Divisam lor the eru^hin^' or ^\,.^„\ i,, n^y reduction of ciuarl/, or the obtaiHini;' of the gold tlieiel'rom by *'ol'l Miniiiij; cnishini,', slampim,', amalgamating, or otherwise, without a ^'^■"''°" "''"'" !• .1 r r . I 111. 11- .1 i\,f I- I t'Ul 11 License, license therelor lirst had and ol)tained Irom the Olliccr ot the Division, which shall be g'ood for one month cir more, :uid for which he shall pay a fee of live dollars per month; and (!very p^,g person convicted of any contravention of any one of the „ ,. /■ • . . ,• 1 • ••ill.- 1 "^ 1 • 1 1 Teiiiil'v fop provisions ol this section shall, lor every day on winch such cmuiavention, contravention shall have oeiurreil or been continued, forleit ami pay a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and co>ts ; and in default of payment of such tine and cosis he may be imprisoned for any period not more than two months. *2(i. Kveiy licmised mill owner shall keep a book or books i;,)o)j^ (g 1,^ of account, in which itook or books shall be entered a clear kopt by and distinct statement of all (luarl/ ci-nslicil, amala'amaled or l''^'i'"scd mill 1 1 .1 •Hi- 11- 1 11 II r 1 Dwners nna rediued at the mill ol siicti licensed mill owner, and the lol- lowing particulars in respect of llie same : Firsl. — The name of the owner or owners of parcel or lot of (piart/. (a'lished ; Mch cerium s^tate- nicntsrtinl particulars to ,. . ^ lie cntorcJ ilislinct therein. Second. — The weight of each such parcel (h* lot ; Third. The date of the crushing of the same ; Fourth. — The ai-tual yield in weight of gold from each such parcel or lot ; Fifth. — The number or numbers of the licimse or licenses of the licensee or licensees by whom said claim was worked. And 10 Cap. 9. (Inld Mines. 27-28 Vict. montlily shewiiiL' cer tain ji'irticu hvs. Mill owner to And t'wry sucli Mill owner sliull fiirnisli nionllily, In llu; make a return Ofl'u'cr lurtlio Division, n return on o;ilh,eoiiipile(l iVoiii siieli liook or 1k)oIvs and containinii; statenieuts and ])arlienlars as aforesaid, for eaeh and every day dining tiie nionlli dien last past, together with gucli other inlbrnialion as such Ollieer or llio Governor in Conneil may leipiire; and tor every day on which any such Licensed Mill Owner oniils to enter any sucli --taii'- incnt, or any ])ariicnlar or parlicnlars as aforesaid, or delays lo fnrnisli such reliirn when dne, he shall I'orfeit and pay a sntn of not more than twenty dollars, and costs ; and in defanlt of payment of sneli fmc and costs ho may I'c imprisoned for any period not more than one month. rcnii'ity for U'!;iult, Act to csteuJ 1!J7. \olhini,' in this Act sliall i)e held or constrned to mean to piirtios i]j,,^ parlies searcliing for, dii,'ion3. ' to ihe |)rovisions of this Acl, as if their operaiions were carried on within such Gold ^linim; Division nutmn; iio;\r ijol'l Milling iSale of li.iU[)r near irolil mines without speciii! IJ- C'en>e prniii- MteJ. I-'oo for li- C' n-o. Penally for se'.liug witli- cut •.JH. No jierson shall sell or liarter any wine, heer or oilier spirilnons liiiuor within one mile ol any place .hen-lJold Mining is being prosecnled wilhoul a monlhly Tavern Ijioense j'rom ihe Olilcer for tlu> Division, payiiii,' for ihe same a fee of ilve dollar^ ; and such Tavta-n shall lie under llie -super- vision of siicli Ollieer, who may rescind such license, should the Tawrn not be conducted in an orderly and projier manner ; and atiy jierson who shall so sell or barter any wine, Deer or other spirituous licpior a^ aforesaid, wilhoul lir.^l oblain- ing such a liiuaise sliall, upon conviction before ili(> OlTKcr fur the Division or a Justice of iht! Peace, forleil and pay lor every such olFenoe, a line of not more; llian one hundred dollars, and costs ; anti in default of payment of such lim^ and costs, he may be imprisoned forany period iiol mon; than two months, and ho shall, moreover, forfeit all wine, beer and other spirit- uous liquor found in his possession in such Tavern. sue! sha! Sfieoial Li- cense to be C'lit-iineil only ll[ ull ploJiK- ti'iiiof Tavcin License. 29. Mo ])erson shall receive a Tavern Licenso under liiis Act without producing lo the Ollieer for ihe Division, a Tavern License in his favor issued by the Collecior of Inland Kcvenuo Ibrllie lleveniie Division in \\ liich llii' hotel, lavmi, house, vessel or ])laco lo which the license he seeks for under this Act is to a])i)ly, shall be siUiale, ,and then in force and to bo in force I'or and during the month for which he setdis for u litionsc tuider llii?- Act. Appriintment of Constiibles in Cold Mi- DiDL' Divi- sions. 30. Each OlTiccr appointed in and for a Gold Mining Division under this Act, may ajjpoint any number of Constables not (exceeding lour; and the jjorsons >o from time to time a|)pointed shall be and they are hendjy eonsliliiled respeclively Constaliles and Peace OUlcers for ihe juirposes of lliis Acl, for and during the terms and within the Gold Mining Divisions for which they may be aj)|)ointed respeclively. :ii ould IHil. Gold Mines. Cap. 9. {\ StI. 'I'lii; (lovcriioc may, liom lime lo time, appoint any Appointment pnricciMcn or \)u\\va\ force in and tor any (iold Mining Division of i|olicemuii orCioid .MiiiiniT Divi>iuus, in nunil)i,'r not cxcei'din;; one hundred J,'in'r jjiv^i'.'' in dir wliole ; and may make regulations lor llie manai^ement, .noi"-. diseijiline and |)ay ol' sueli loree ; — and die jxilieenien or Powcm mil ucli diseijiline and |)ay ol' sueli loree ; — and die jxilieenien or Powcm mil incmi)ers ol' llie poliee I'oree >o appointed, siiidl iiave ail the ilntics of :ii powers, aulhoriiies and inimunilies ol' Conslal)les ami I'eaeo P'^"'^'-' Ollicers, and siieh additional jnjwers and aulhoriiies as the Governor in Conneil may eonler on llieni ; and they may he emploM'd in sueh duties as the Governor in Couneil may, t'roiii lime lo time delevndne. ' i)v I'roelamalion ihat he deems it ncH-essary viots ni'ar dial lh( Aei " re^-peetiii^' iiiols near l'nlili(' Works," heiuL' '"'''-'^ ^™»'''» 1 I tl'l V IK' cliapler U\enly-nim! of the Consolida'ed Slaliites ol' Canada, i,i'oiif;lit into should, so jar as die jirovisions theicin are applieai)ie, 1)0 in f'oi'fo ia (lul.l force williin a (Jold MininL' Division or Gold .Miniii:;- Divisions ; V""";: Uivi- and upmi, hdin and aili'r tlie day lo he naiiird m e.ny such J'roelamalion, ihe said Aet :.i,all, so far a^ die provi--ions Ih^r'^oi' eaii he ajiplii'd dierrin, lakr eli'eel \\ iiliin tiii' Gold Miniii:^ l)i\isii)n wr Gold .Mining:' Divisions desii^naled in sueli I'riHhimatioii, and llie provisions of die said Act shall apply to all per.-on- em|)loyed m any mine, oi- in miniiii,', wiihin die limits of siirh (inid MiimiLC Division (>:• Gold .Minim,' Div!sit)as, as fully and elfeclually to all inlcnis i.iid |Mirj)osc:-- as if pei>ons so lanploycd had bemi sp"ciaily iiii'iilioni'd and refiared lo :ii die >aid Act : .1. And the (iovianor in Council may. in like maimer, from Aiulilcclnroif linic to dmc, declare die sail .Vd lo he no Ioniser in force in nut in I'oroe, -ucli (ii'lii Minim,' i>ivisioii or Gold Minim,' Divisions ; but '■*^'^" this shall not prevciu the Ciovcrnor in (.ioiincil from au;ain declaring ihc >aine lo he in force in any such (iold Mining Di\isi(in or (ioid Mining Divisions ; u. Hii; i.(p siicii I'roelamalion shall have e'leel v^' it h in the Cities cscept- Jimiis of any Ciiy : '^'^* 1 i'or ihe I'Urposcr- ol this and the ! wo last preceding sections Ccvtnin tracts each scuarale exu ni of :'round, area or territory mentioned in "i'""' '"'""' '" I .. II . 1 ,1 /< . iL- 1 !■ .1 II l.ettors Piilcut ai'.y l-ciicrs I'alcni under Ihe Great Seal ol tins • I'ovince ,q i,,, ^^yj-g^.^ wliereliy jier Majeslv's l\oy;d piainission and aiilhority to to tlip .sail make researches for and dig and work gold, or gold miaes has r«>vijieu. hecn :,'iven and graiUed to any person or persons may he held and deemed lo he a (iold Milling,' Division or for such ]im'poses ina.y he iiieliided in anv existing (iold .Mining Division. 31. MM. l'".\ery pi rsoii who ha-, at any lime hcfore die passing Persons wlio of ihi- Aei, hy him-elf or lit r-ell, or hy any olher person or l;kvo mined |iersoiis, made researches for and dwit, and worked gold, gold jj'i'^.ii'^etters ' ore or gold mines, in any jjarl of ihis i'rovinee under or by Patent to virtue 12 Cap. y. Gold Mhics. a'-'JS Vic-v. furnish accouuts ftiid pay over niiiouuts duo to tlio CrouM, Penalty for dcfavilt to render fiudi account, \c. Persons niiniD}; in I'titure umler such Letters Vatent to furni?li siuli account.'* and pay over sucli nmounts monthly' Penalty for ilelauU. Existing rights of ctown not alfected. virtiii' (if any such I.cttcrs I'alciit as aforesaid, shall, wilhiti two iiioiilli> from and after the p;issiiii; of this Ael, fiuiiisii lo the Coiiiiiiissionor of Crowti Laiid< a full, trtie atid (lr'taileli:dl nci^dect or delav, after the expiration of either of tiie ~aid tertn>, lo liirnish such aecoinil and ptiy such proportion or its e,|nivalent as aforesaid, he or slie shall incur a fine of live dollars ; and nothing herein contaitied shall interf''re witli existin^ri<.'lits or remedies of the frown: atid nolliin., in this act coiilained >hall he construed into an acknowlcdgmeiil thai any -uch Leiter-- Pateiit were legally issued, or that ihi'y liav" not been for- feited, 5M. Ivery person who shall, at any time al'ler the p''slf or herself, or l)y any other pi'rson or per- son-, make researches lor iuid dii: and work gold, irold ore im" gold mines in any part of this |*i(i\inee under or hy virtue of anv -uch Letters I'atetit as afon '•:ui!, -Iiali, on the last day of each tnontli in which he or she ha- hy liimsell'or herself or liy anv other persoii or persons as aloresaid madi- re-earches lor, dug or worke(l £j;olt rate of gold in this Province, ;is tilt- said Coimnissioiier shall then ;ind there elect; and for every day on or during which ;my such person shall neglect or delay to cotnply with the ri'(|uiremcnts of this si'ction he or she shall incur ii line of twenty dollars ; and nothing herein contained shsdl in any wise interfere with the existing ri'.dits or remedies of the Crown for the non-performance of atiy of the coiidiiions or stipulations contained m anv such Letters Patent. I Governor in Jl»5. Thi' Governor in Council m;iy Irnm time lo time msike Council may .^\\ ;,,j(| ,.verv such r^'irulation ruid reirnlations a- lie may deem make regula- tieces-ary lS(i-J. Gold Miiirs. Cap. !). 13 iioccs>aiy or expedient, loi- iliiiiiuisliinji,' or iiK nasing llie si/e tiona for ccv- or altering the I'oriii oi claims, for |)reserii)iiin the conditions tuiu purposes, and terms of licenses, and for fixiny^, diminisliing or increasing j^ave'ibrcc of the license fees cliargeal)l(! under this Act, for the appointment law. of Arl)itrators or Mining Hcards to hear and deterndnc appeals from tlie (leci-ions of (Jold Miniiii,'- Odicers, and for the pre- serihinLT, delininij; and eslaljlishini,^ tlic powers, duties and mode of proeedme of siieh Ari)itrators or JMining Hoards ; for tile eonstruction and maintenance of roads thronL;ii th(! Ciold Mininu Divisions, and generally for the jxirpose ol' carrying onl this Act; and such regulations, after puhlication in the ('uiKiild (,'a:('tt>\ shall have tin- force and cll'ect of law. 'JBO. Every person contravening this Act, or any ruh' or Poimlty for re^idation made under it, in any case where no o'lier penalty eontmvoning or punishment is imposed, shall for every day on which such 1^"^,^!^^';"^'"^" I'onlravenlion occurs or continues (ir is repeated, incur a line of inuvideil. not more than twenty dollars ii.nd costs; and in default of payment nl' >ueh line and co>l> he may be im|)risoned for a term ol' not more than one month. !{7. Any (lold Mining l)i% ision OHiccr may convict u])on omcor may view of aiiy of the ollcnees puni-hahle mider the ])rovisions of i-'^'ivict on this Ael, or regulations made under it. lis. The contravention on any pariito of- of this Ael, or of any re;,'uiation iuadi' undi'r it, shall constitute t|->"w on each ;i .«.c|)arate oll'ence and may be punished accordinirly. ;I9. .Ml fees, penalties and tines received under this Act Application ;,nd the costs of all such convictions as shall take place before ^J^J'p^.^l^l^f.g^ any ma>,n>trate appointed under this Act, shall lorm |iart ol the Consolidateil lU'vcnuc Fimd of this I'roviiice and be accountt>d for and otherwise di'alt with accordingly; and the expenses of carrying this Act into elli'ct in any (ii>ld Mining Division or (iold Mining Divisions, shall be paid by the (Jovernor out of the said Consolidated Kevcnuc Fund. -10. This .Act may be known and lited as "The Gokl f^liort Title. Mining A<-t." Quebec :—rrinled by (I. Dr.siiAu.vTs iV: M. Cameron, Luw I'l-intcv to the ijin'iifs M'i^t l'..u'clleiit -Miiji'sty. From the "Canada Gazette" of 16th July, 1864. ;ti.' DEPAUTMHNT OF CROWN LANDS, ("iinw.:- Domain Kiuncii. Qiitim; mil J till/, l8t)J. Il.v |-.\C.'.I.I.1;m:\ IIIK (inVKHNOR (iESKllAI. ill Cuilli- |l;|s I .'l p'lM'C I In (ItU'liUt^ IIIkIcI- M'ctioU 'i Ol Aii 27lh St 'JHlIi Vu-tiiiia. t'liapter 9, iiitiluli'.l ; ■the (io! Act," till t'oiliiwiii^ triU'tH o; •..miilry in Lowci Ciiiunl:! to hu- " (iolil MiiiiiiL; Divi- r..ims" rt''i)'!i;iivL'ly, uh.Iim tlio suh! Act, viz: A (liviVinii to I)! ciilli!.! " till" ClKiiulieri! CoKI Mi- ii:i:i Divisiiiii " ti< I'oiiipri-c tlic i-oimtiuH of Mi'i;aatu', D.iiTlif.-tlcr, ."\l.):r.iii;\miv, ami lit.-aiu-c, incliulin;; in I'm lalljr tiirt nM:Anio!V Ht Kiiiaiul Vainlrfiiil tor tlie ..iir|iosi:s uf l!ie aoth, SL'^taii.! 32ikI sections of the saiil Ac!, aiul L'Xf',iiliii„' ll!'j Tnwiislup.s of ypailliliiitr, D.lclilicM, Ciialoii aii.l Wobiini, altacUcil to ihi; St. Kra'icis [)ivisi>i;i htMcalt.T intnitioiifil : (-"tiarles Lcfe- hiiw lie llelleleuille, Hsqliie, to lit; liolil ISIiiiin;^ lii- >[>.tIi.i for l!iin division iiii.ler tlm saiil Act, Ollice at Si. Kiiii:(;j)is.l(»liilieaiic.e;— i fjr ibi- ilivisloii iiinler the saiil Act, Oliici^ tl >t,i!i^n ;i I. KNDKKW lUSSKLL, Asst Cnii. of Cruwii *'..: From the" Canada Gizette'of 30th July. 1864. lil.l' \i; 1 MI \ I 1 'i' ( |;o\V\ I, \\ |i>. t !;"■. ■■ i 'ii^l *i^ I'l' *■>' i>- (^((,l„r, 'Milt, Jul ,. IShl is l> Ci'i'l'lll'V till' IImWIIIhI (il'IICl i'., ) 1 < "hhl'll, ;,.,, 1 1 |.,r,i>,.| I.I a. lit, u'mI.-i -it;!. :i •.'. ..' I; ,< ■\( ■ ■JTlii .mil -Hii, Virl..!.i, i'lii\|.'.M ", I. :ilii!"'i| ■. •• '1 ... Cn.A Mil, ,1,1.' N.I." ihl' ll.l i.W li ■• l.'i.Mi^'iilw ,,i;,' jMll,.,! riiWll-!li|l-.!i.llH' lilll l-"l ii < li HI i I'll' (, ) ,1 MiMiiiL' |)ivi-".iii.".<-i'i.'i'!i'.t In ilil.'i ri r,.,.i., il •ni,.U>i,.',l III I'll' r.i(ii/(/./ (i i.HiiiHin, I'll' li'rii,i«-.', liiHiv H'l 1 ,M,rl,.iii\. Ill l!ii' ('iiiiiit\ 'I lii'lli'iliii- ■■■-. ■!•< i i!Mi-;i' |i;i,.s III ilir I .i\Mi-lii|i> 111 Ariii.iL''! ainl lliirkluiKl wi.Kli nil: Ml i,i;.' iii I II' ^iii'' CiiiiiiU. A.NDKKVV i{rs,*^i;i,i., AfiM-U CiMii. Ill ' iiiwii LiiihIh II i0 :'■ ' ap^^^ '?«*"* '*>.