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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour atre reproduit en un seul clich«, il eat fUmi i partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de haut en bea. an pranant le nombre d'Imagae nteeasaire. Las diagrammes suivants illuatrant la m^thode. 1 2 3 22X 1 2 3 4 5 6 STATUTES, RULES AND ORDINANCES -OF THE- UNIVERSITY OF KING'S COLLEGE, AT WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA. REVISED BY THE GOVERNORS IN 1891. WINDSOR, N. S. .1. .1. Ansi,()\v, BduK AMI (Jknkha). .loii I'kintkk. 1891. I STATUTES, RULES AND ORDINANCES -OF THK- UNIVERSITY OF KING'S COLLEGE, AT WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA. REVISED BY THE GOVERNORS IN 1891. WINDSOR, N. S. J. J. Ans,,„vv, Book ani, (Jenkkal Job Printkk. 1891.' \ INDEX Cap. ,, 1. Of the I'iitroii, Visitor iiiid (ioveiiiois 3 '2. Of tile University •i- Of the I'rofessorH - 4. Convdciition ami Degrees u ■). Tlie College ' ,., ti. I )iseij)liiie . ■ 7. The Library 1^. Appendix .„ Table of Fees and Dues 20 ■// STATUTES, RULES AND ORDINANCES -OF- THE UNIVERSITY OF KINB'S COLLEGE, AT WINDSOR, NOVA SCOTIA. CAP. I. OF THE PATRON, THE VISITOR, AND THE GC : ' RNORS. 1. — The Lord Archbiahop of Canterbury, for the time being, it* * Patron of the College and University. i^- — The Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, for th(3 time being, is * Visitor of the same. It is his office to take care that the Statutes are observed. He may summon before him, within the College, the President, Professors, and all other members of the University or College, and examine them touching all matters whatsoever, relating to the University and College, or any of its officers or members, and more particularly as to their religious principles and behaviour. He may admonish offenders, either publicly or pri- vately, but he shall not inflict any further punishment without the • See Cliarter. consont and couciirronce of tho (lovornors, or the major part of thoni. S— Thero aro oightoon (Jovornors, incliidiug the Lord Hishop of Nova Scotia, who is ex-ojO'icio Proaidunt of tho Board. Twelve aro elected by the incorporated Alun:ni, two going out of oftico an- nually in rotation. Two are elected by the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, iu accordance with the Act of Legislature, 4fi Vic , Chap. 63 ; and under the provisions of the same Act, tho Lord Bishop of PVedericton is tx-officio a member of the Board, and two members are elected by the Diocesan Synod of I'redericton. They meet once a month in Halifax or Windsor, and five aro a quorum for the transaction of business. A special meeting may at any tinifi bo called by the President of the Board or by any three member.'^ thereof. 4.— The government of the College and University is vested in this Board. They have power to frame such rules and ordi- nances touching any matter or thing respecting the College and ITniversity as to them shall seem meet, provided that such rules and ordinances shall not be repugnant to the laws and statutes of the realm or of tho Province or to the Charter as amended by the Act of 1853. 5.— The appointment of all officers of the College and Uni- versity, except as hereinafter provided, belongs to the (Jovoruors. C —At their annual and any other meetings, which they mav think proper to hold at Windsor, the Governors are entitled to the free use of all public rooms, buildings and gardens, belonging to the College ; they shall be supplied with meals according to their own choice, and at their own expense, by the steward, and shall be waited upon and attended by the College servants. 7. —The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Governors during pleasure, and shall find competent securities for the faithful per- formance of his duties. He shall have a seat at the Board, and may speak but not vote on all questions of finance. He shall sub- mit his accounts for the inspection of the Governors wlienever required to do so. CAP. II. OF THE rNIVKIJSITV. 1 — 'I'lio oflioiMN of tho rnivorsity sliall bo the Chancollor, Vice-Chuncollor, Tublic Orator, Proctor ami i;»'f,Mstrar. •2.— The Chancellor shall he ehtcttnl by (.'oiivoeation. Ho shall be a nieinbnr of tho (Jhurch of Ktigland, ami shall hold oince for five years. Me shall preside, wlion pn-sont, at all nieetinj,'s of Convocation. 3.— The Prfisii.scn'LiNi':. I'-'l'J'^ immediate government of the College shall be vested m he 1 resident, Fellows and Professors, who shall constitute the (.ollege Loard and Board of Discipline. The President may con- vene a meeting whenever he may think proper, or when requested by two members of the Board ; and iu case of equality of votes he shal have a second or casting vote. This Board shall alwavs meet on the second day of each term, not being Sunday, and sh;il pre- pare a table of Lectures, which shall be afHxed to the notice board in he hall, as soon as adjusted, but always within tha first week of he tenn. It sl.all decide upon all cases of irreguhuity and viola- tion of rules which the respective officers are not authorized to punish at then- own discretion, provided that in case of any sentence of banishment for more than one term, or of expulsion, an appeal ".ay ue made to the (Governors, but the infliction of the punish- ...ent shall not be suspended pending such appeal. All applica- tions for testimonials are to be referred to this Board. In case of appeals, a day shall be appointed for hearing the ease, ol which due notice shall be given to the President and to the party appealing, and the Governors will in each case give orders touching the mode of proceeding therein. :i^-Th,. punishments to be inrticted by the College Board are -conhnement to rooms or College ; detention after the end of the term ; banishment from the University for a time or entirely • an.l suspension or removal from office, with forfeiture of privileges and emoluments. " ■l-Any member of the Cniversity refusing to submit to law- 1ft fill puuishnieut .sliall he expelled : (inJ every lueinlter expelled for whatever cause, shall be deprived, de jure and dc Jhcto, of every office, place, salary, euiolunient or privilege that lie may liave en- joyed or been entitled to in the University or College. X. — No member of the Fniversity shall be guilty of immoral or ungcntlemanly conduct, or shall hold, maintain or teach any principles contrary to the Christian faith, or to good morals, or subversive of the J'.ritish Constitution. ^- — Juniors shall pay proper respect to seniors, and especially to those in authority in the University. 6. — Students residing in the College are not to be oul of it after 9.30 P. M., without the permission of the President, or in liis absence the Vice-President, and such regulations shall be made aa may be found necessary to secure the strict observance of this rul«. In no case shall permission be granted to be out of (Allege after twelve o'clock. 'I"he College authorities may enter the apartments of any undergraduates at all hours of the day or night. ^To undergraduates shall resort to any inn, tavern or public house, except for some special cause to be approved by the Presi- dent, or shall spend his time in the streets of the town. Any member of the University who shall disobey the Proctor in the performance of his office, who shall refuse to go home wlien reijuired by him, or who shall be guilty of disrespectful language or beha- viour to him. shall be liable to expulsion. 7. — The Academical habits shall be the same as those which arc worn in the University of Oxford. 8 — All bills of Undergraduates are to be sent by the trades- men with whom the debts are incurred, to the liursar, at the end of every term ; and parents are particularly re<[uested to refuse pay- ment of any bills not thus sent in. 9. — The introduction of spirituous li<[uor.s into the College, under any circumstances, is absolutely prohibited. Hi l«».-Stiulouts, with tho ponmasiou of tho President, may ro- sulo ,n houses withiu tho preciucts of the town of Windsor, approved by the author, They are ro,uirod to attend tho proscribed "n.n W of week-day and Sunday Chapel services, and are su Jic to th same rogu at.ons as those residing' in the Collogo, un os. spociallv exempted by tho Uoar.l of Discipline. n.-Oraduatos below tho degree of Master, rosidin- in Col- h-go or attending lectures at tho College, shall bo subjo°t to the .«'' «-'l t'^ko Section 4 ) ""^ ""' '°*'""° *^"" '"" ^''' ^^'^'^^^'^ book (vide 3.-The Librarian or liis Deputy shall attend iu tho Library when necessary. I 'ndorgra.luates may use tho Library when lie is present, and may obtain book.s from him to bo taken to tlieir rooms 17 ami to 1)0 rotaiuetl for Huch time as he, witli the .sanction of tlm Prosidout, tiiay permit. 4.— A liegistor shall l)e kept by the Librarian, in whicli the date of taking out and returning each volume, with the name of the borrower, shall be carefully entered. 5 — Damage done to any book, plate, or other thing belonging to the Library, sliall be made good by the person in whose nan^e i^ is entered in the Kcgister. 6 — The College Board may prepare a list of books which are not to be taken out of the Library. Donors have the same right of restriction to their benefactions. 7.— No person other than a member of the University shall be admitted into the Library unless introduced by a Professor or Graduate. 8.— All books shall be returned to the Library before the close of term ; and no student shall be allowed his exeat until he ha,s complied with this requirement. Students shall not be allowed under any circumstances to take books away from the College. 19 APPENDIX. I. I, A. I!., ilo soloninly dpolaio tliat I will obsorvo the Sta- tutes of the I'nivcrsity of Kiii-'.s Colle-e at Wia^mr, to tho host of uty ability. II 1, A. I!., do soloninly d.-cluro I will porforni all the duties of tho oflico of , to which I am appoiutod, aecordinf; to tho Statutes of tho UnivorH ty and College to tho host of my Judgment and abilities. III. I. A. H., do Rolomnly declare that I will observe all tli<^ Statutes and regulations respecting the Library of King's Collegu, WintlW, and I will not lend any of tho Library booksrand I will be careful so to use them that they may not be injured whilst in my possession ; and 1 will endeavour, to tlu- utmost of my power, to prevent any other person injuring either tlie books or auythin-' belonging to the Library, " IV. I, A. 15, do .solemnly declare that I will faithfully and impartially perform the oltice of I'l.xaminer, according to the direc- tions and true intentions of tho Statutes, and that I will not refuse to sign tho tivstimunials of any candidate whom 1 believe to bo ([ua- litied, nor sign the testimonials of one whom I believe not to be qualified to pass the Kxaminations. V. A. H. (die meusis ,.t anni,) Examinatus prout Statuta requirunt, satisfecit nobis Kxaminatoribus. C.J). I'Examinatores in lit: human: .(in I)i.scij)linis Mathematicisvel E. F. I in Theologia, etc. VL A. B., Student of tho Cniversity of King's Colle"e at Windsor, being of four years' standing, having resided nine «eniis having constantly and regularly attended the appointed Leoturo,s' and performed tho prescribe.l exercises,-having passed his exam'- mation and fulfilled all the re.iuiremont^ of the Statutes, humbly supplicates this venerable Convocation that ho may be admitted to the 24.(M) , . 40. . 4.(N) 8 illis escara licquid vivit ne J tuisque )er Christum ata Trinita*. m. Lauda- 'ertio, hujus no Patrouo, ies ut nume- lis ad tuaii) uro feliciter