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 or THE 
 [Reprinted /roin the NaihviUe edition »/ IMS,] 

 l'/«rj;'r-3-.airt- ^t-e'^'^ 
 ^ < 
 The first edition of these Narratives was printed 
 in Pittsburgh, in 1782, in pamphlet form : a copy 
 can hardly be procured now at any price. Another 
 small edition was printed in Nashville in 1843, which 
 has become exceedingly scarce. It is hoped this 
 reprint may prove acceptable to all interested in tho 
 early history of our country, and struggles of the 
 Pioneers with the Indiana. ' 
 * ¥:■ 
 Five hundred copies only, (letter press) are printed 
 of this edition. 
 U. P. JAMES, 
 Cincinnati, O., 1867. 
 G^ LSO 
 i ^ j:^»,,^^- 
 ^^^ ^r ^^^^^^^^ mii^L^^% 
 The two following Narratives were transmitted for 
 publication in September last, but shortly afterwards 
 the letters from Sir Guy Carlton, to his Excellency, 
 General Washington, informing that the Savages 
 had receired orders to desist from their incursions, 
 gave reason to hope that there would be an end 
 to their barbarities. For this reason it was not 
 thought necessary to hold up to view what they 
 had heretofore done. But as they still continue 
 their murders on our frontier, these Narratives may 
 be serviceable to induce our government to take 
 some effectual steps to chastise and suppress them ; 
 as from hence they will see that the nature of an 
 Indian is fierce .nd eruel, and tbat an extirpation of 
 hem would be useful to the world, and honorable 
 to those who can effect it. 
 ^uguzt 3, 1782. 
 ■ I 
 Mr. Baily : 
 Enclosed are two Narratives, one of Dr. Knight, 
 who acted as Surgeon in the expedition under 
 Col. Crawford, the other of John Slover. That of 
 Dr. Knight was written by himself at my request ; 
 that of Slover was taken by myself from his mouth 
 as he related it. 
 This man, from his ohildhood, lived amongst 
 the Indians ; though perfectly sensible and intel- 
 ligent, yet he cannot write. The character of 
 Dr. Knight is well known to be that of a good 
 man, of strict veracity, of a calm and deliberate 
 mind, and using no exaggeration in hiu account of 
 any matter. 
1 1 
 ' I 
 i : 
 As a testimony in favor of the veracity of Slover, 
 I thought proper to procure a certiHcate from the' 
 Clergyman to whose church he belongs, and which 
 I give below. 
 " I do hereby certify that John Slover has been 
 for many years a regular member of the church un- 
 der my care, and is worthy of the highest credit. 
 Pitulurg, August 3, 1782. 
 BOUT the latter end of the 
 month of March or the begin- 
 ning of April, of the present 
 year, (1781) the western Indiana 
 began to make incursions upon 
 the frontiers of Ohigan and 
 Washington, Youghugany and Westmorleaa 
 counties, which has been their constant practice 
 ever since the commencement of the present war 
 between the United States and Great Britain. 
 In consequence of these predatory invasions, 
 the principal officers of the above mentioned 
 counties, namely : Colonels Williamson and 
 Marshall, tried every method in their power to 
 »j ST. 

 set on foot an expedition against the Wyandot 
 towns, which they could effect no other way 
 than by giving all possible encouragement to 
 volunteers. The plan proposed was as follows : 
 Every man furnishing himself with a horse, a 
 gun, and one month's provisions, should be 
 exempt from two tours of mihtia duty. Like- 
 wise, that every one who had been plundered 
 by the Indians, should, if the plunder could be 
 found at their towns, have it again, proving it 
 to be his property, and all horses lost on 
 the expedition by unavoidable accident were 
 to be replaced by horses taken in the enemy's 
 The time appointed for the rendezvous, or 
 general meeting of the volunteers, was fixed 
 to be on the 20th of May, and the place, the 
 old Mingo town, on the west side of the 
 river Ohio, about forty miles below Fort Pitt, 
 by land; and I think about seventy-five by 
 Col. Crawford was solicited by the general 
 voice of these western counties and districts 
 to command the expedition. He accordingly 
 set out as a volunteer, and came to Fort Pitt 
 two days before the time appointed for the 
 assembUng of the men. As there was no 
 Surgeon yet appointed to go ^ith the ex- 
 pedition, Col. Crawford begged the favor of 
 Gen. Irvin to permit me to accompany him, 
 (my consent having been previously asked,) to 
 which the General agreed, provided Col. Gibsou 
 did not object. 
 Having obtained permission of the Col., I 
 left Fort Pitt on Tuesday, May 1st, and the 
 next day about one in the afternoon, arrived at 
 the Mingo bottom. 
 The volunteers had not all crossed the river 
 until Friday morning, the 24th, they then dis- 
 tributed themselves into eighteen companies, 
 choosing their captains by vote. There were 
 chosen also, one Col. Commandant, four field 
 and one brigadier Major. There were four 
 hundred and sixty-five that voted. 
 We began our march on Saturday, May 
 25th, making almost a due West course, and 
 on the fourth day reach the old Moravian town, 
 upon the river Muskingum, about 60 miies 
 from the river Ohio. Some of the men having 
 lost their horses on the night preceding, re- 
 turned home. 
 Thursday the 28th in the evening, Major 
 Brenton and Captain Bean, went some distance 
 liom camp to reconnoitre j having gone about 
 one quarter of a mile thoy saw two Indians, 
 upon whom they fired, and then retreated to 
 camp. This was the first place in which we were 
 discovered, as we understood afterwards. 
 On Thursday the 4th of June, which was 
 the eleventh day of our march, about one 
 o'clock we came to the spot where the town 
 of Sandusky formerly stood ; the inhabitants 
 had moved 18 miles lower down the creek 
 nearer the lower Sandusky ; bat as neither our 
 guides or any who were with us had known any 
 thing of their removal, we began to conjecture, 
 there were no Indian towns nearer than the 
 lower Sandusky, which was at least forty miles 
 However, after refreshing our horses we ad- 
 vanced on S( arch of some of their settlements, 
 but had scarcely got the distance of three or 
 four miles from the old town when a number of 
 our men expressed their desire to return, some 
 of them alleging that they had only five days 
 provisions ; upon which the field Officers and 
 Captains, determined in council, to proceed 
 that afternoon and no longer. Previous to the 
 calUng of this council, a small party of light 
 horse had been sent forward to reconnoitre. 
 I shall here remark by the way, that there 
 I i 
 are a "^ent many extensive y)l.'iins in that coun- 
 try. The woods in general giov very thin, and 
 free from brush and underwood ; so that light 
 horsemen may advance a considtrable distance 
 before an army without being much exposed 
 to the enemy. 
 Just as the council decided, an express re- 
 turned from the above mentioned party of light 
 horse with intelligence that they had been 
 aVout three miles in front, and had seen a 
 la.ge body of Indians running towards them. 
 In a short time we saw the rest of the light 
 horse, who joined us, and having gone one mile 
 further, met a number of Indians who had 
 partly got possession of a piece of woods be- 
 fore us, whilst we were in the plains ; but our 
 men alighting from their horses and rushing 
 into the woods, soon obliged them to abandon 
 that place. 
 The enemy being by this time reinforced, 
 flanked to the right, and part of them coming 
 in nearer, quickly made the action more 
 serious. The firing continued very warm on 
 both sides from four o'clock until the dusk of 
 the evening, each party maintaining their 
 ground. Next morning, about six o'clock, 
 their guns were discharged, at the distance 
 of two or three. hiindrod vards, which continned 
 till day, doing little or no execution on either 
 The field officers then assembled and agreed, 
 as the enemy were every moment increasing, 
 and we had already a number of wounded, to 
 retreat that night. The whole body was to 
 form into three lines, keeping the wounded in 
 the centre. We had four killed and twenty- 
 three wounded, of the latter, seven very dan- 
 gerously, on which account as many biers were 
 got ready to carry them ; most of the rest were 
 slightly wounded and none so bad but they 
 could ride on horseback. After dark the offi- 
 cers went on the out-posts and brought in all 
 the men as expeditiously as they could. Just 
 as the troops were about to form, several guns 
 were fired by the enemy, upon which some of 
 our men spoke out and said, our intention* was 
 discovered by the Indians who were firing 
 alarm guns. Upon which some in front hurried 
 off and the rest immediately followed, leavinj; 
 the seven men that were dangerously wounded, 
 some of whom however got off on horseback, 
 by means of some good friends, who waited 
 for, and assisted them. 
 We had not got a quarter of a mile from 
 the field of action when I hea 'd Col. Crawford 
 calling for his son, John Crawford, his son-in- 
 law, Major Harrison, Major Rose and Wm. 
 Crawford, his nephews, upon which I came up 
 and told him I believed they were on before us. 
 He asked was that the doctor ? I told him it 
 was. He then replied they were not in front, 
 and begged of me not to leave him. I promised 
 him I would not 
 We then waited and continued calling for 
 these men till the troops had passed us. The 
 Colonel told me his horse had almost given out, 
 that he could not keep up with the troops, 
 and wished some of his best friends to remain 
 with him. He then exclaimed against the 
 militia foi riding off in such an irregular man- 
 ner, and leaving some of the wounded behind, 
 contrary to his orders. Presently there came 
 two men riding after us, one of them an old 
 man, the other a lad. We enquired if they 
 had £.een any of the above persons ? They 
 answered they had not. 
 ^y this time there was a very hot firing be- 
 fore us, and as we judged, near where our main 
 body must have been. Our course was then 
 .nearly Southwest, but changing it, we went 
 north about two miles, the two men remaining 
 ' ^ 
 f i 
 <\ i 
 1 « 
 in company with us. Judging ourselves to be 
 now out of the enemy's lines, we took a due 
 East course, taking care to keep at the distance 
 of fifteen or twenty yards apart, and directing 
 ourselves by the North star. 
 The old man often lagged behind, and when 
 this was the case, never failed to call for us to 
 halt for him. When we were near tho Sandusky 
 creek he fell one hundred yards behind, and 
 bawled out, as usual, for us to halt. While we 
 were preparing to reprimand him for making 
 a noise, I heard an Indian halloo, as I thought, 
 one hundred and fifty yards from the man, 
 and partly behind him. After this we did not 
 hear the man call again, neither did he ever 
 come up to us any more. It was now past 
 midnight, and about daybreak Col. Crawford's 
 and the young man's horses gave out, and they 
 left them. We pursued our journey East- 
 ward, and about two o'clock fell in with Capt. 
 Biggs, who had carried Lieut. Ashley from the 
 field of action, who had been dangerously 
 wounded. We then went on about the space 
 of an hour, when a heavy rain coming on, we 
 concluded it was best to encamp, as wo were 
 enc^umbered with the wounded officer. W^e then 
 barked four or five trees, made an encampment 
 and a fire, and remained there all that night. 
 Next morning we again prosecuted our jour- 
 ney, and having gone about three miles found 
 a deer which had been recently killed. The 
 meat was sliced from the bones and bundled 
 up in the skin, with a tomahawk lying by it. 
 We carried all with us, and in advancing about 
 one mDe further, espied the smoke of a fire. 
 We then gave the wounded officer into the 
 charge of the young man, directing him to 
 stay behind whilst the Colonel, the Captain 
 and myself walked up as cautiously as we 
 could toward the fire. When we came to it, 
 we concluded, from several circumstances, some 
 of our people had encamped there the pre- 
 ceding night. We then went about roasting 
 the venison, and when just about to march, 
 observed one of our men coming upon our 
 tracks. He seemed at first very shy, but 
 having called to him, he came up and told us 
 he was the person who had killed the deer, 
 but upon hearing us come up, was afraid of 
 Indians, hid it in a thicket and nnade off. Upon 
 this we gave him some bread and roasted 
 venison, proceeded all together on our journey, 
 and about two o'clock came upon the paths by 
 which we had gone out. Capt. Biggs and 
 !' I 
 myself did not think it safe to keep the road, 
 but the Colonel said the Indians would not 
 follow the troops farther than the plains, which 
 we were then considerably past. As the 
 wounded officer rode Capt. Biggs' horse, I lent 
 the Captain mine. The Colonel and myself 
 went about one hundred yards in front, the 
 Captain and the wounded officer in the centro*, 
 and the two young men behind. After we had 
 traveled about one mile and a half, several 
 Indians started up within fifteen or twenty 
 steps of the Colonel and me. As we at first 
 discovered only three, I immediately got be- 
 hind a large black oak, made ready my piece 
 and raised it up to take sight, when the 
 Colonel called to me twice not to fire, upon 
 that one of the Indians ran up to the Colonel 
 and took him by the hand. 
 They were Delaware Indians of the Winge- 
 nim tribe. Captain Biggs fired amongst them 
 but did no execution. They then told us to 
 call these people and make them come there, 
 else they would go and kill them, which the 
 Colonel did, but they forgot us and escaped 
 for that time. The Colonel and I were then 
 taken to the Indian camp, which was about 
 half a mile frum the place where we were 
 captured. On Sunday evening five Delawares 
 who had posted them -elves at some distance 
 further on the road brought back to the camp, 
 where we lay, Captain Biggs' and Lieutenant 
 Ashley's scalps, with an Indian scalp which 
 Captain Biggs had taken in the field of action ; 
 they also brought in Biggs' horse and mine, 
 they told us the other two men got away 
 from them. 
 Monday morning the tenth of June, we 
 were paraded to march to Sandusky, about 
 thirty-three miles distant ; they had eleven 
 prisoners of us and four scalps, the Indians 
 being seventeen in number. 
 Col. Crawford was very desirous to see a 
 certs in Simon Girty, who lived with the Indians, 
 and was on this account permitted to go to 
 town the same night, with two warriors to 
 guard him, having orders at the same time to 
 pass by the place where the Col. had turned 
 out his horse, that they might if possible, 
 find him. The rest of us were taken as far 
 as the old town which was within eight miles 
 of the new. 
 Tuesday morning, the eleventh. Col. Craw- 
 ford was brought out to us on purpose to be 
 marched in with the other prisoners. I asked 
 J ^ 
■■' !.t 
 : .-V 
 the Col. if he had seen Mr. Girty ? He told me 
 he had, and that Girty had promised to do 
 every thing in his power for him, but that the 
 Indians were very much enraged against the 
 prisoners; particularly Captain Pipe one of the 
 chiefs ; he likewise told me that Girty had in- 
 formed him that his son-in-law Col. Harrison 
 and his nephew William Crawford, were made 
 prisoners by the Shawanese, but had been 
 pardoned. This Captain Pipe had come from 
 the town about an hour before Col. Crawford, 
 and had painted all the prisoner's faces black. 
 As he was painting me he told me I should go 
 to th^ jhawanese towns and see my friends. 
 When the Col. arrived he painted him black 
 also, told him he was glad to see him and that 
 he would have him shaved when he came to 
 see his friends at the Wyandot town. When 
 we marched the Col. and I were kept back 
 between Pipe and Wyngenim, the two Delaware 
 chiefs, the other nine prisoners were sent for- 
 ward with another party of Indians. As we 
 went along we saw four of the prisoners lying 
 by the path tomahawked and scalped, some 
 of them were at the distance of half a mile 
 from each other. When we arrived within 
 half a mile of the place where the Col. was 
 jcuted, we overtook the five 
 remained alive ; the Indians had caused them 
 to sit down on the ground, as they did also the 
 Col. and me at some distance from them. I was 
 there given in charge to an Indian fellow to 
 be taken to the Shawanese towns. 
 In the place where we were now made to sit 
 down there was a number of squaws and boys, 
 who fell on the five prisoners and tomahawked 
 them. There was a certain John McKinly 
 amongst the prisoners, formerly an officer in 
 the 13th Virginia regiment, whose head an 
 old squaw cat off, and the Indians kicked it 
 about upon the ground. The young Indian 
 fellows came often where the Col. and I were, 
 and dashed the scalps in our faces. We were 
 then conducted along toward the place where 
 the Col. was afterwards executed ; when we 
 came within about half a mile of it, Simon Girty 
 met us, with several Indians on horseback ; he 
 spoke to the Col., but as I was about one 
 hundred and fifty yards behind could not hear 
 what passed between them. 
 Almost every Indian we met struck us 
 either with sticks or their fists. Girty waited 
 till I was brought up and asked, was that the 
 doctor ?— I told him yes, and wont toward him 
 1 1 
 reaching out my hand, but he bid me begone 
 and called me a damned rascal, upon which 
 the fellows who had me in charge pulled me 
 along. Girty rode up after me and told me I 
 was to go to the Shawanese towns. 
 When we went to the fire the Col. was strip- 
 ped naked, ordered to sit down by the fire and 
 then they beat him with sticks and their fists. 
 Presently after I was treated in the same man- 
 ner. They then tied a rope to the foot of a 
 post about fifteen feet high, bound the Col's 
 hands behind his back and fastened the rope 
 to the ligature between his wrists. The rope 
 was long enough for him to sit down or walk 
 round the post once or twice and return the 
 same way. The Col. then called to Girty and 
 asked if they intended to burn him ? — Girty 
 answered, yes. The Col. said he would take 
 it all patiently. Upon this Captain Pipe, a 
 Delaware chief, made a speech to the Indians, 
 viz.: about thirty or forty men, sixty or seventy 
 squaws and boys. 
 When the speech was finished they all yelled 
 a hideous and hearty assent to what had been 
 said. The Indian men then took up their guns 
 and shot powder into the Colonel's body, Irom 
 his feet as far up as his ueck. I think not 
I . 
 '. t 
 less thnn seventy loads were discharged upon 
 his naked body. They then crowded about 
 him, and to the best of my observation, cut 
 oil' his ears ; when the throng had dispersed a 
 tittle I saw the blood running from both aides 
 of his head in consequence thereof. 
 The fire was about six or seven yards from 
 the post to which the Colonel was tied ; it 
 was made of small hickory poles, burnt quite 
 through in the middle, each end of the poles 
 remaining about six feet in length. Three or 
 four Indians by turns would take up, indi- 
 vidually, one of these burning pieces of wood 
 and apply it to his naked body, already burnt 
 black with the powder. These tormentors 
 presented themselves on every side of him with 
 the burning faggots and poles. Some of the 
 squaws took broad boards, upon which they 
 would carry a quantity of burning coals and 
 hot embers and throw on him, so that in a short 
 time he had nothing but coals of fire and hot 
 ashes to walk upon. 
 In the midst of these extreme tortures, he 
 called to Simon Girty and begged of him to 
 shoot him ; but Girty making no answer he 
 called to him again. Girty then, by way of 
 derision, told the Colonel he had no gun, at the 
 ^ I 
 same time turning about to an Indian who 
 was behind him, laughed heartily, and by all 
 his gestures seemed delighted at the horrid 
 Girty then came up to me and bade me pre- 
 pare for death. He said, however, I was not 
 to die at that place, but to be burnt at the 
 Shawanese towns. He swore by G — d I need 
 not expect to escape death, but should suffer 
 it in all its extremities. 
 He then observed, that some prisoners had 
 given him to understand, that if our people 
 had had him they would not hurt him ; for his 
 part, he said, he did not believe it, but desired 
 to know my opinion of the matter, but beiiig 
 at that time in great anguish and distress for 
 the torments the Colonel was suffering before 
 my eyes, as well as the expectation of under- 
 going the same fate in two days, I made little 
 or no answer. He expressed a great deal 
 of ill will for Col. Gibson, and said he was 
 one of his greatest enemies, and more to the 
 same purpose, to all which I paid very little 
 Col. Crawford at this period of his sufferings 
 besought the Almighty to have mercy on his 
 soul, spoke very low, and bore his torments 
 with the most manly fortitude. He continued 
 in all the extremities of pain for an hour and 
 three-quarters or two hours longer, as near as 
 I can judge, when at last, being almost ex- 
 hausted, he lay down on his belly ; they then 
 scalped him and repeatedly threw the scalp 
 in my face, telling me " that was my great 
 captain." An old squaw (whose appearance 
 every way answered the ideas people entertain 
 of the Devil,) got a board, took a parcel of 
 coals and ashes and laid them on his back and 
 head, after he had been scalped, he then raised 
 himself upon his feet and began to walk round 
 the post ; they next put a burning stick to him 
 as usual, but he seemed more insensible of 
 pain than before. 
 The Indian fellow who had me in charge, 
 now took me away to Capt Pipe's house, about 
 three-quarters of a mile from the place of the 
 Colonel's execution. I was bound all night, 
 and thus prevented from seeing the last of the 
 horrid spectacla Next morning, being June 
 12th, the Indian untied me, painted me black, 
 and we set off for the Shawanese town, which 
 he told me was somewhat less than forty miles 
 from that place. We soon came to the spot 
 where the Colonel had been burnt, as it was 
 ) ! ' 
 partly in our way; I saw his bones lying 
 amongst the remains of the fire, almost burnt 
 to ashes; I suppose after he was dead they had 
 laid his body on the fire. 
 The Indian told me that was my Big Captain, 
 and gave the scalp halloo. He was on horse- 
 back and drove me before him. 
 I pretended to this Indian I was ignorant of 
 the death I was to die at the Shawanese towns, 
 assumed as cheerful a countenance as possible, 
 and asked him if we were not to live together 
 as brothers in one house when we should get 
 to the town? He seemed well pleased, and 
 said yes. He then asked me if I could make 
 a wigwam? — I told him I could — he then 
 seemed more friendly. We went that day as 
 near as I can judge about 25 miles, the course 
 partly Southwest. — The Indian told me we 
 should next day come to the town, the sun be- 
 ing in such a direction, pointing nearly South. 
 At night, when we wont to rest, I attempted 
 very often to untie in) sellj but the Indian was 
 extremely vigilant ^.nd scarcely ever shut his 
 eyes that night. About daybreak he got up 
 and untied me ; he next began to mend up the 
 fire, and as the gnats were troublesome I asked 
 him if I should make a smoke behind him — he 
 said yes. I then took the end of a dogwood 
 fork which had been burnt down to about 18 
 inches long ; it was the longest stick I could 
 find, yet too small for the purpose I had in 
 view ; then I picked up another smaller stick 
 and taking a coal of fire between them went 
 behind him; then turning suddenly about, I 
 struck him on the head with all the force I 
 was master of; which so stunned him that he 
 fell forward with both his hands into the fire, 
 but seeing him recover and get up, I seized his 
 gun while he ran off howling in a most fearful 
 manner. I followed him with a determination 
 to shoot him down, but pulling back the cock 
 of the gun with too great violence, I believe I 
 broke the main spring. I pursued him, how- 
 ever, about thirty yards, still endeavoring to 
 fire the gun, but could not ; then going back 
 to the fire I took his blanket, a pair of new 
 moccasins, his hoppes, powder horn, bullet bag, 
 (together with the gun) and marched ofij 
 directing my course toward the five o'clock 
 mark ; about half an hour before sunset I came 
 to the plains which I think are about sixteen 
 miles wide. I laid me down in a thicket till 
 dark, and then by the assistance of the north 
 star made my way through them and got into 
 I I 
 I i 
 the woods before morning. I proceeded on 
 the next day, and about noon crossed the paths 
 by which our troops had gone out ; these paths 
 are nearly East and West, but I went due 
 North all that afternoon with a view to avoid 
 the enemy. 
 In the evening I began to be very faint, and 
 no wonder ; I had been six days prisoner ; the 
 last two days of which I had eat nothing, and 
 but very little the first three or four; there 
 were wild gooseberries in abundance in the 
 woods, but being unripe, required mastication, 
 which at that time I was not able to perform 
 on account of a blow received from an Indian 
 on the jaw with the back of a tomahawk. 
 There was a weed that grew plentifully in that 
 place, the juice of which I knew to be grateful 
 and nourishing; I gathered a bundle of the 
 same, took up my lodging under a large 
 spreading beech tree and having sucked plen- f ' 
 tit'uUy of the juice, went to sleep. Next day, I 
 made a due Ea it course which I generally kept 
 the rest of my journey. I often imagined my 
 gun was only woo^l bound, and tried every | 
 method I could devise to unscrew the lock but ■ 
 never could effect it, having no knife nor any 
 thing fitting for the purpose. I had now the 
 satisfaction to find my jaw began to mend, and 
 in four or five days could chew any vegetable 
 proper for nourishment, but finding my gun 
 only a useless burden, left it in the wilderness. 
 I had no apparatus for making fire to sleep by, 
 so that I could get but little rest for the gnats* 
 and musketoes ; there are likewise a great many 
 swamps in the beech ridge, which occasioned 
 me very often to lie wet ; this ridge, through 
 which I traveled, is about 20 miles broad, the 
 ground in general very level and rich, free 
 from shrubs and brush; there are, however, 
 very few springs, yet wells might easily be dug 
 in all parts of the ridge ; the timber on it is 
 very lofty, but it is no easy matter to make a 
 straight course through the same, the moss 
 growing as high upon the South side of the 
 trees as on the North. There are a great 
 many white oaks, ash and hickory trees that 
 grow among the beech timber; there are like- 
 wise some places on the ridge, perhaps for 
 three or foui continued miles where there is 
 little or no beech, and in sr.oh pots, black, 
 white oak, ash and hickory abou .d. Sugar 
 trees grow there also to a very great bulk — 
 the soil is remarkably good, the ground a little 
 ascending and descending with some small 
 rivulets and a few springs. When I got out 
 of the beech ridge and nearer the river Mus- 
 kingum, the lands were more broken but equally 
 rich with those before mentioned, and abound- 
 ing with brooks and springs of water ; there 
 are also several small creeks that empty into 
 that river, the bed of which is more than a 
 mile wide in many places ; the woods consist 
 of white and black oak, walnut, hickory and 
 sugar tree in the greatest abundance. In 
 all parts of the country through which I 
 came the game was very plenty, that is to 
 say, deer, turkies and pheasants; I likewise 
 saw a great many vestiges of bears and some 
 I crossed the river Muskingum about 
 three or four miles below Fort Lawrence, and 
 crossing all paths aimed for the Ohio river. 
 All this time my food was gooseberries, young 
 nettles, the juice of herbs, a few service 
 berries, and some May apples, likewise two 
 young blackbirds and a terrapin, which I 
 devoured raw. When my food sat heavy on 
 my stomach, I used to eat a little wild giiiger 
 which put all to rights. 
 I came upon the Ohio river about five miles 
 below Fort Mcintosh, in the evening of the 
 21st day after I had made my escape, and 
 on the 2 2d about seven o'clock in the morn- 
 ing, being the fourth day of July, arrived 
 sale, though very much fatigued, at the 
 OLONEL Crawford, was about 
 50 years of age, had been an 
 old warrior against the sava- 
 ges. He distinguished him- 
 self early as a volunteer in 
 the last war, and was taken 
 notice oi by Colonel [now general] Washing- 
 ton, who procured for him the commission of 
 ensign. As a partisan he showed himself 
 very active, and was greatly successful. He 
 took several Indian towns, and did great ser- 
 vice in scouting, patrolling and defending the 
 frontiers. At the commencement of this war 
 he raised a regiment in the back country by 
 his own exertions. He had the commission of 
 Colonel in the continental army, and acted brave- 
 ly on several occasions in the years 1776, 1777, 
 and at other times. He held his commission 
 at the time he took command of the militia, 
 in the aforesaid expeditioii against the In- 
 dians; most probably he had it with him 
 when he was taken. He was a man of good 
 judgment, singular good nature, and great 
 humanity, and remarkable for his hospitality, 
 few strangers coming to the western country, 
 and not spending some days at the crossing of 
 the Yohagany river, where he lived ; no man 
 therefore could be more regretted. n 
 I HE circumstances that took place, 
 previous to his being taken a 
 prisoner by the Indians the first 
 time, when he was only eight 
 years old, as related by his older 
 brother, Abraham. My father's 
 residence was on New river, Yirginia ; the 
 Indians came to my father's house, he be- 
 ing absent; we were a short distance from 
 the house; on discovering the Indians there, 
 the smaller children all ran to the bouse; while 
 I turned my course through a meadow to a 
 thick place of woods : when I came near the 
 woods I turned my eyes and saw two Indians 
i >■ 
 pursuing me. I escaped, and they returned to 
 the house. They took my mother, brother, 
 and sisters prisoners, phmdered the house, and 
 took all they could cany ; then they took up 
 the line of march. But they had not gone far 
 before my father came home, and seeing the 
 devastation about the house, his family all 
 gone, being well assured it was the work of the 
 savages, it was too much for human nature to 
 bear. He hallooed ; the Indians hearing him, 
 they all stopped ; two warriors went back with 
 their guns, and in a short time my mother 
 heard the report of a gun ; in a few minutes 
 they returned with the horse and saddle my 
 father was riding ; my mother knew her hus- 
 band was killed. 
 They then went on their journey towards 
 the Indian towns, having nothing to eat but 
 wild meats ; through the latiguo of the jour- 
 ney, the two youngest children died in the 
 Our mother was exchanged after a number 
 of years, and returned, and lived with her chil- 
 dren ; she shortly afterwards died. 
 John Slover died near Red Banks, Kentucky, 
 at an advanced age, leaving seven childrtii, 
 some of whom are now living. 
 AVING in the last war been a 
 prisoner amongst the Indians 
 many years, and so being well 
 acquainted with the country west 
 of the Ohio, I was employed as a 
 guide in the expedition under Col. 
 William Crawford against the Indian towns on 
 or near the river Sandusky. It will be unneces- 
 sary for me to relate what is so well known, the 
 circumstances and unfortunate events of that 
 expedition ; it will be sufficient to observe, that 
 having on Tuesday the fourth of June, fought 
 the enemy near Handusky, we lay that night 
 in our cump, and the next day fired on each 
 other at the distance of three hundred yards, 
 doinff Uttle or no execution. In the evening of 
 that day it was proposed by Col. Crawford, as 
 I have been since informed, to draw off with 
 order; but at the moment of our retreat the 
 Indians (who hid probably perceived that we 
 were nbout to retreat) firing alarm guns, our 
 men broke and rode off in confusion, treading 
 down tho^'e who were on foot, and leaving the 
 wounded men who supplicated to be taken 
 with them. 
 I was with some others on the rear of our 
 troops feeding our hordes in the glade, when 
 our m(^n began to break. The main body of 
 our people had passed by me a considerable 
 distance before I was ready to set out. I over- 
 took them bef »re they crossed the glade, and 
 was advanced almost in front. The company 
 in which I was had separated from me, and 
 had endeavored to pass a morass, for coming 
 up I found their horses had stuck fa.st in the 
 morass, and endeavoiing to pass, mine also in 
 a short time stuck fast. I ought to have said, 
 the company of five or six men with which I 
 had been immediately connected, and who were 
 some distance to the right of the main body, 
 had separated from me, &c. I tried a long 
 i ■ I 5 
 t ■ 
 I '■ 
 I ^: 
 time to disengage my horse, until I could hear 
 the enemy just behind me, and on each side, 
 but in vain. Here then I was obliged to leave 
 him. The morass was so unstable that I was to 
 the middle in it, and it was with the greatest 
 difliculty that I got across it, but which having 
 at length done, I came up with the six men 
 who had left their horses in the same manner 
 I had done; two of these, my companions, 
 having lost their guns. 
 We traveled that night, making our course 
 towards Detroit, with a view to shun the 
 enemy, who we conceived to have taken the 
 paths by which the main body of our people 
 had retreated. Just before day we got into a 
 second deep morass, and were under the neces- 
 sity of delaying until it was light to see our 
 way through it. The whole .of this day we 
 traveled towards the Shawanese towns, with a 
 view of throwing ourselves still farther out of 
 the search of the enemy. About ten o'clock 
 this day we sat down to eat a little, having 
 tasted nothing from Tuesday, the day of our 
 engagement, until this time which was oa 
 Thursday, and now the only thing we had to 
 eat was a scrap of pork to each. We had sat 
 down by a warrior's path which we had not 
 snspected, when eight or nine warriors appeared. 
 Running olf hastily we left our baggage and 
 provisions, but were not discovered by the 
 party ; for skulking some time in the grass and 
 bushes, we returned to the place and recovered 
 our baggage. The warriors had hallooed as 
 they passed, and were answered by others on 
 our flanks. 
 In our journey through the glade?5, or wide 
 extended dry meadows, about twelve o'clock 
 this day, we discovered a party of Indians in 
 front, but skulking in the grass and bushes 
 were not perceived by them. In these glades 
 we were in great danger, as we could be seen 
 at a great distance. In the afternoon of this 
 day there fell a heavy rain, and then traveling 
 on we saw a party of the enemy about two hun- 
 dred yards before us, but hiding ourselves in 
 the bushes we had again the good fortune not 
 to be discovered. This night we got out of the 
 glades, having in the night crossed the paths 
 by which we had advanced to Sandusky. 
 It was our design to leave all these paths to 
 the right and to come in by the T'^ -^arawas. 
 We would have made a much greater |> /ogress, 
 had it not been for two of our companions 
 who were lame, the one having his foot burnt, 
 the other with a swelling in his knee of a 
 rheumatic nature. 
 On this day, which was the second after 
 the reti'eat, otie of our company, the person 
 affected with the rheumatic swelling, was left 
 behind some distance in a swamp. Waiting 
 for him some time we saw him coming within 
 one hundred yards, as I sat on the body of an 
 old tree mending my moccasins, but taking 
 my eye from him. I saw him no more. He had 
 not observed our tracks, but had gone a dif- 
 ferent way. Wt^ whistled on our chargers, 
 and afterwards hallooed for him, but in vain. 
 Nevertheless he was fortunate in missing us, 
 for he afterwards came safe into Wheeling, 
 which is a post of ours on the Ohio, about 70 
 miles below Fort Pitt. We traveled on until 
 night, and were on the waters of the Muskingum 
 from the middle of this day. 
 Having caught a fawn this day, we made 
 fire in the evening and had a repast, having in 
 the meantime eat nothing but the small bit 
 of pork I mentioned before. We set off at 
 break of day. About nine o'clock the third 
 day we fell in with a party of the enemy about 
 12 miles from the Tuscarawas, which is about 
 135 miles from Fort Pitt. They had come 
 upon our tracks or had been on our flanks and 
 discoveied us, and then having got before, had 
 wavlaid us, and fired before we perceived 
 them. At the first fire one of my companions 
 fell before me and another just behind me; 
 these two had guns; there were six men in 
 company, and four guns, two of these rendered 
 useless by reason of the wet when coming 
 through the swamp the first night ; we had 
 tried to discharge them but could not. When 
 the Indians fired I ran to a tree, but an Indian 
 presenting himself fifteen vards before me, 
 directed me to deliver myself up and I should 
 not be hurt. My gun was in good order, but 
 apprehending the enemy behind might dis- 
 charge their pieces at me, I did not risk firing, 
 which I had afterwards reason to regret when 
 I found what was to be my fate, and that the 
 Indian who was before me and presented his 
 gun was one of those who had just before fired. 
 Two of my companions were taken with me 
 in the same manner, the Indians assuring us 
 we should not be hurt. But one in company, 
 James Paul, who h id a gun in order, made 
 his escape and has since come into Wheehng. 
 One of these Indians knew me, and was of the 
 party by whom I was taken in the last war. 
 '; i 
 t - 
 ( -' 
 Ho C!imo up and spoke to me calling me b3^my 
 Indian name, Mannnchothee, and upbraiding 
 me for coming to v/ar against them. I will 
 take a moment here to relate some particulars 
 of my first captivity and my life since. I was 
 taken from New River in Virginia by the 
 Miamese, a nation called by us Picts, amongst 
 whom I lived six years, afterwards being sold 
 to a Delaware and by him put into the hands 
 of a trader. I was carried amongst the 
 ShawanesCj with whom I continued six years ; 
 so that my whole time amongst these nations 
 was twelve years, that is, from the eighth to 
 the twentieth year of my age. At the treaty 
 of Fort Pitt, in the foil preceding what is called 
 Dunmore's War, which if I am right, was in 
 the year 1773, I came in with the Shawanese 
 nation to the treaty, and meeting with some 
 of my relations at that place, was by them 
 solicited to relinquish the life of a savage, 
 which I did with some reluctance, this manner 
 of life havitig become natural to me, inasmuch 
 as I had scarcely known any other. I en- 
 listed as a soldier in the continental army 
 at the commencement of the presort t war, 
 and served fifteen months. Having been 
 properly discharged I have since married, 
 hnvo a family and am in communion with tiie 
 To return, the party by whom we were 
 made prisoners had taken some horses, and 
 left them at the glades we had passed the day 
 before. They had followed on our tracks from 
 these glades, on our return to which we found 
 the horses and rode. We were carried to 
 Wachatomakak, a town of the Mingoes and 
 Shawanese. I think it was on the third day 
 we reached the town, which when we were 
 approaching, the Indians in whose custody we 
 were, began to look sour, having been kind to 
 us before and given us a little meat and flour to 
 eat, which they had found or taken from some 
 of our men on their retreat. This town is 
 small and we were told was about two miles 
 distant from the main town to which they 
 intended to carry us. 
 The inhabitants from this town came out 
 with clubs and tomahawks, struck, beat and 
 abused us greatly. One of my two companions 
 they seized, and having stripped him naked, 
 blacked him with coal and water. This was 
 the sign of being burnt ; the man seemed to 
 surmise it, and shed tears. He asked me the 
 meaning of his being blacked j but I was ibr- 

 bid by the enemy in their own language, to 
 tell him what was intended. In Enj^lish, which 
 they spoke easily, having been often at Fort 
 Pitt, thev assured him he was not to be hurt. 
 I know of no reason for making him the first 
 object of their cruelty unless it was *t he 
 was the oldest. 
 A warrior had been sent to the great town 
 to acquaint them with our coming and prepare 
 them for the frolic ; for on our coming to it, the 
 inhabitants came out with guns, clubs and 
 tomahawks. We were told that we had to run 
 to the council house, about three hundred 
 yards. The man that was blacked was about 
 twenty yards before us in running the gauntlet. 
 They made him their principal object, men. 
 women and children beating him, and those 
 who had guns firing loads of powder on him as 
 he ran naked, putting the muzzles of the guns 
 to his body, shouting, hallooing and beating 
 their drums in the meantime. 
 The unhappy man had reached the door of 
 the council house, beat and woinided in a man- 
 ner shocking to the sight ; for having arrived 
 before him we had it in our power to view the 
 spectacle — it was indeed the most horrid that 
 can be conceived. They had cut him with 
 £1 < 
 their tomahawks, shot his body black, burnt 
 it into holes with loads of powder blown into 
 him; a large wadding had made a wound in 
 his shoulder whence the blood gushed. 
 Agreeable to the declaration of the enemy, 
 when he first set out he had reason to think 
 himself secure when he had reached the door 
 of the council house. This seemed to be his 
 hope, for coming up with great struggling and 
 ende'ivors, he laid hold of the door but was 
 pulled back and drawn away by them ; finding 
 they intended no mercy, but putting him to 
 death, he attempted several times to snatch or 
 lay hold of some of their tomahawks, but 
 being weak could not effect it. We saw him 
 borne off, and they were a long time beating, 
 wounding and pursuing and kiUing him. 
 That same evening I saw the dead body of 
 this man close by the council house. It was 
 mangled cruelly, and the blood mingled with 
 the powder was rendered black. The same 
 evening I saw him after he had been cut to 
 pieces, and his limbs and head about two hun- 
 dred yards on the outside of the town put on 
 poles. That evening also I saw the bodies of 
 three others: in the same black and mangled 
 condition j these I was told had been put to death 
 ! ',:, 
 the same clay, and just before we had reached 
 the town. Their bodies as they lay were black, 
 bloody J burnt with powder. Two of these were 
 Harrison * and youn^ Crawford-f I knew the 
 visage of Col. Harrison, and I saw his clothing 
 and that of young Crawford at the town. 
 They brought horses to me and asked if I 
 knew them. I said they were Harrison and 
 Crawford's ; they said they were. 
 The third of these men I did not know, but 
 believe to have been Col. M. Cleland, the third 
 in command on the expedition. The next day 
 the bodies of these men were dragged to the 
 outside of the town and their carcases being 
 given to the dogs, their limbs and heads were 
 stuck upon poles. 
 * This wa8 Col. Harrison, son-in-law to Col. Crawford, one 
 of the first men in the Western country. He had been 
 greatly active on many occasions in devising measures for 
 the defence of the frontiers, and his character as a citizen 
 in every way, then a young man, distinguished and respec- 
 table. He had been a magistrate under the jurisdiction of 
 Virginia, and I believe a delegate to the Assembly of that 
 State. I know no man with whose grave, sedate manners, 
 prudent conduct, good sense and public spirit on all occa- 
 sions 1 was more pleased. H. B. 
 t This was a son of Col. Crawford. I do not remember 
 to have seen him, nor was I acquainted with his character 
 before the expedition, but have since been informed uni- 
 ■versally, that he was a young man greatly and deservedly 
 esteemed aa a soldier aud as a citizen. 11. B. 
 My surviving companion shortly after we 
 had reached the council house was sent to 
 another town, and I presume, he was burnt or 
 executed in the same manner. 
 In the evening the men assembled in the 
 council house; this is a large building about 
 fifty yards in length, and about twenty-five 
 yards wide, and about sixteen feet in height, 
 built of split poles covered with bark ; their first 
 object was to examine me, which they could do 
 in their own language, inasmuch as I could 
 speak the Miame, Shawanese and Delaware 
 languages, which I had learned during my early 
 captivity in the last war; I found I had not 
 forgotten these languages, especially the two 
 former, as well as my native tungue. 
 They began with interrogating me, concern- 
 ing the situation of our country, what were our 
 provisions ? our numbers ? the state of the war 
 between us and Britain ? I informed them Corn- 
 wallis had been taken, which next day, when 
 Mathew Elliot with James Girty* came, he 
 • These men, Elliot and Girty, were inlitibitunts of the 
 Western country, and since the commencement of the war, 
 for some time protessed an attachment to America, wont 
 off to the Indiana. They are of that horrid brood called 
 Refugees, and whom the devil has long siuce marked for 
 hia owu property. 
 ! * 
 " ij 
 .p ., i 
 ■f \, 
 .1. I ,, 
 affirmed to be a lie, and the Indians seemed to 
 give full credit to his declaration. 
 Hitherto I had been treated with some ap- 
 pearance of kindness, but now the enemy began 
 to alter their behavior towards me. Girty had 
 informed them, that when he asked me how I 
 liked to live there, I had said that I intended 
 to take the first opportunity to take a scalp 
 and run otK It was, to be sure, very probable 
 that it' I had such intention, I would commu- 
 nicate it to him. Another man came to me and 
 told me a story of his having Hved on the south 
 branch of Potomac in Virginia, and having 
 three brothers there, he pretended he wanted 
 to get away, but I suspected his design ; never- 
 theless he reported that I had consented to go. 
 In the mean time I was not tied, and could 
 have escaped, but having nothing to put on 
 my feet, I waited some time longer to provide 
 for this. 
 I was invited every night to the war dance, 
 T\hich they usually continued until almost day, 
 I could not comply with their desire, believing 
 these things to be the service of the devil. 
 The council lasted fifteen days ; fifty to one 
 hundred wai'riors being usually in council, and 
 sometimes more. Every warrior is admitted 
 to these counjcils : but only the chiefs or head 
 warriors have the privilege of speaking. The 
 head warriors are accounted such from the 
 number of scalps and prisoners they have 
 The third day McKee * was in council, and 
 afterwards was generally present. He spoke 
 little, and did not ask any questions or speak 
 to me at all. He lives about two miles out of 
 town, has a house built of square logs with 
 a shingle roof; he was dressed in gold laced 
 clothes. I had seen him at the former town 
 through which I passed. 
 I think it was on the last day of the council, 
 save one, that a speech came from Detroit, 
 brought by a warrior who had been counselling 
 with the commanding officer at that place. 
 The speech had been long expected, and was in 
 answer to one some time before sent from the 
 town to Detroit. It was in a belt of Wampum, 
 and began with addressing them, " My chil- 
 dren," and inquiring why they continue to 
 take prisoners ? Provisions are scarce ; when 
 * This man before the war was an Indian agent for the 
 British. He was put on parole, broke it, went to the Indians 
 and has since continued violeatly to incite them to make 
 war against us. 
1^ 11 \' 
 •im It 
 t ' 
 prisoners are brought in we are obliged to 
 maintain them, and still bome of them are run- 
 ning awaj and carrying tidings of our aff tirs. 
 When any of your people fall into the hands 
 of the rebels, they show no mercy ; why then 
 should you take prisoners? Take no more 
 prisoners, my children, of any sort ; man, 
 woman or child." 
 Two days after, a party of every nation that 
 was near being collected, it was determined on 
 to take no more prisoners of any sort. They 
 had held a large council, and the determination 
 was, that if it were possible they could find a 
 child of a span or three inches long, they would 
 show no mercy to it. At the conclusion of 
 the council it was agreed upon by all the tribes 
 present, viz.: the Tawaws, Chippawaws, the 
 Wyandots, the Mingoes, the Dela wares,, the 
 Shawanese, Munses, and a part of the Che- 
 rokees, that should any of the nations who 
 were not present take any prisoners, these would 
 rise against them, take away the prisoners and 
 put them to death. 
 In the course of these deliberations I under- 
 Btood what was said perfectly. They laid plans 
 against our settlements of Kentucky, the Falls, 
 and towards Wheeling. These it will be un- 
 necessary for me to mention in this narrative, 
 more especially as the Indians findhig me to 
 have escaped, and knowing that I wculd not 
 fail to communicate these designs, will be led 
 to alter their resolutions. 
 There was one council held at which I was 
 not present. The warriors had sent for me as 
 usual, but the squaw with whom I lived would 
 not suffer me to go, but bid me under a large 
 quantity of skins. It may have been from an 
 unwillingness that I should hear in council the 
 determination with respect to me, that I should 
 be burnt. 
 About this time, twelve men were brought 
 in from Kentucky, three of whom were burnt 
 on this day ; the remainder were distributed to 
 other towns, and all, as the Indians informed 
 me, were burnt. This was after the speech 
 came from Detroit. 
 On the day after, I saw an Indian who had 
 just come into town, and who said that the 
 prisoners he was bringing to be burnt, and who 
 he said was a doci or, had made his escape from 
 him. I knew this must have been Dr. Knight, 
 who went as surgeon of the expedition. The 
 Indian had a wound four inches long in his 
 head, which he acknowledged the doctor had 
 given him ; he was cut to the skull. His story 
 was that he had untied the doctor, being asked 
 by him to do so, the doctor promising that 
 he would not go away ; that while he was em- 
 ployed in kindling the fire the doctor snatched 
 up the gun had come behind and struck him ; 
 that he tnen made a stroke at the doctor with 
 his knife, which he laid hold of, and his fingers 
 were cut almost of}*, the knife being drawn 
 through his hand ; that he gave the doctor two 
 stabs, one in the back, the other in the belly ; 
 said the doctor was a great, big, tall, strong 
 man. Being now adopted in an Indian family, 
 and having some confidence for my safety, I 
 took the liberty to contradict this, and said 
 that I knew the doctor, who was a weak, little 
 man. The other warriors laughed immode- 
 rately, and did not seem to credit him.* At 
 this time I was told that Col. Crawford was 
 burnt, and they greatly exulted over it. 
 The day after the council I have mentioned, 
 about forty warriors, accompanied by George 
 Girty, came early in the morning round the 
 * It is well known that Mr. Slover mentioned these cir- 
 cumstances at his first coming into Wheeling, and before 
 he could have known the relation of the doctor, for that this 
 is an evidence of the truth of the doctor's account, and his 
 own. H. B. 
 house where I was. The squaws gave me up, 
 I was sitting before the door of the house ; 
 they put a rope round my neck, tied my arms 
 behind my back, stripped me naked, and 
 blacked me in the usual manner. George Girty, 
 as soon as I was tied, d — d me, and said that 
 I now should get what I had deserved many 
 years. I was led away to a town distant 
 about five miles, to which. a messenger had 
 been despatched to desire them to prepare to 
 receive me. 
 Arriving at this town, I was beaten with 
 clubs and the pipe onds of their tomahawks, 
 and was kept lor some time tied to a tree be- 
 fore a house door. In the meanwhile the 
 inhabitants set out to another town about 
 two miles distant, where I was to be burnt, 
 and where I arrived about three o'clock in the 
 Here also was a council house, part of it 
 covered and part of it without a roof. In the 
 part of it where no cover was, but only sides 
 built up, there stood a post about sixteen 
 feet in height, and in the middle of the house 
 around the post, there were three piles of wood 
 built about three feet high and four feet fiom 
 the post. 
 > . 
 Being brought to the post my arms were 
 tied behind me, and the thong or cord with 
 which they were bound was fastened to the 
 post ; a rope also was put about my neck, and 
 tied to the post about four feet above my head. 
 During the time they were tying me, piles of 
 wood were kindled and began to flame. 
 Death by burning, which appeared to be now 
 my fate, I had resolved to sustain with patience. 
 The divine grace of God had made it less 
 alarming to me ; for on my way this day I had 
 been greatly exercised in regard to my latter 
 end. 1 knew myself to have been a regular 
 member of the church, and to have sought re- 
 pentance for my sins ; but though I had often 
 heard of the iiith of assurance, had known 
 nothing of it; but early this day, instantaneously 
 by a change wrought upon me sudden and 
 perceivable as lightning, arn assurance of my 
 peace made with God, sprung up in mind. 
 The following words were the subject of my 
 meditation — '* In peace thou shalt '^ee God, 
 Fear not those who can kill t^ b iy. in peace 
 shalt thou depart." I wa. ais occasion by 
 a confidence in mind not > be rosiste*., fully 
 assured of my salvation. Tliis ^ uing the case 
 I was wilhng, satisfied and glad to die. 
 ls were 
 d with 
 to the 
 ck, and 
 ly head, 
 piles of 
 ) be now 
 it less 
 ay I had 
 tiy latter 
 , regular 
 )ught ve- 
 lad often 
 ,d known 
 Iden and 
 ce of my 
 in mind. 
 }ct of my 
 see God, 
 ill peace 
 ccasion by 
 iatev., fully 
 \cf the case 
 I was tied to the post, as I have already 
 said, and the flame was now kindled. The 
 day was clear, not a cloud to be seen. If 
 there were clouds low in the horizon, the 
 sides of the house prevented me from seeing 
 them, but I heard no thunder, or observed 
 any sign of approaching rain ; just as the fire 
 of one pile began to blaze, the wind rose, 
 from the time they began to kindle the fire 
 and 4:0 tie me to the post, until the wind 
 began to blow, was about fitteen minutes. 
 The wind blew a hurricane, and the rain 
 followed in less than three minutes. The 
 rain fell violent ; and the fire, though it began 
 to blaze considerably, was instantly extin- 
 guished. The rain lasted about a quarter of 
 an hour. 
 When it was over the savages stood amazed, 
 and were a long time silent. At last one said, 
 we wdl let him alone till morning, and take a 
 whole day's frolic in burning him. The sun 
 at this time was about three hours high. 
 It was agreed upon, and the rope about my 
 neck was untied, and making me sit down, 
 they began to dance round me. They con- 
 tinued dancing in this manner until eleven 
 o'clock at night ; in the mean time, beating, 
iS ^J 
 i; ' 
 kicking and wounding jne with their toma- 
 hawks and clubs.* 
 At last one of the warriors, the Half Moon, 
 asked me if I was sleepy? I answered, yes, 
 The head warrior then chose out three war- 
 riors to take care of me. I was taken to a 
 block house : my arms were tied until the cord 
 was hid in the flesh, they were tied in two 
 places, round the wrist and above the elbows. 
 A rope was fistened about my neck and tied 
 to a beam of the house, but permitting me to 
 lie down on a board. The three warriors were 
 constantly harassing and troubling me, saying, 
 " How will you like to eat fire to morrow — you 
 will kill no more Indians now." I was in 
 expectation of their going to sleep, when at 
 length, about an hour before daybreak, two 
 laid down, the third smoked a pipe, talked to 
 me and asked the same painful questions. 
 About half an hour after, he also laid down ; 
 I heard him begin to snore. Instantly I went 
 to work, and as my arms were perfectly dead 
 with the cord, I laid myself down upon my 
 **■ I observed marks on the man when I saw him, wliich 
 was eight or ten days after he came in, particularly a wound 
 above his right eyebrow, which he had received with tho 
 pipe end of a tomahawk; but his back and body generally 
 had been injured. H. 13. 
1 * ■ 
 right arm which was behind my back, and 
 k(>eping it fast with iriy fingers, which had 
 still some life and strength, I slipped the cord 
 from my left arm over my elbow and my 
 wrist One of the warriors now got up and 
 stirred the fire. 1 was apprehensive that I 
 should be examined, and thought it was over 
 with me, but my hopes revived when now he 
 lay down again. I then attempted to unloose 
 the rope about my neck; tried to gnaw it, 
 but it was in vain, as it was as thick as my 
 thumb and as hard as iron, being made of a 
 buffalo hide. I wrought with it a long time, 
 gave it out, and could see no relief. At this 
 time I saw daybreak and heard the cock 
 crow. I made a second attempt, almost with- 
 out hope, pulling the rope by putting my 
 fingers between my neck and it, and to my 
 great sur[)rise it came easily untied. It was a 
 noose with two or thi'ee knots tied over it 
 I slipped over the waniors as they lay, and 
 having got out of the house, looked back to 
 see if there was any disturbance. I then ran 
 through the town into a corn field ; in my 
 way I saw a squaw with four or five children 
 l3'ing asleep under a tree. Going in a dillereut 
 way into the field, 1 untied my c'lm, which was 
 \ I 
 ,!,■ M\\ 
B i/f ' 
 t -A s 
 greatly swollen and turned black. Having 
 observed a number of horses in the glade as 
 I ran through it, I went back to catch one, 
 and on my way found a piece of an old rug 
 or quilt hanging on a fence, which I took 
 with me. Having caught the horse, the rope 
 with which I had V>^en tied served for a halter, 
 I rode ofl*. The horse was strong and swift, 
 and the woods being open and the country 
 level, about ten o'clock that day I crossed 
 the Scioto river at a place, by computation, 
 fifty full miles from the town. I had rode 
 about twenty-five miles on this side of the 
 Scioto by three o'clock in the afternoon, when 
 the horse began to fail, and could no longer 
 go on a trot. I instantly left him, and on 
 Ibot, ran about twenty miles farther that day, 
 making in the whole the distance of near 
 one hundred miles. In the evening I heard 
 hallooing behind me, and for this reason did 
 not halt until about ten o'clock at night, when 
 I sat down, was extremely sick and vomited ; 
 but when the moon rose, whi(;h might have 
 been about two hours after, I went on and 
 traveled until day. 
 During the night I had a path, but in the 
 morning judged it prudent to forsake the path 
 and take a ridge for the distance of fifteen 
 miles, in a line at right angles to my course, 
 putting back as I went along, with a stick, 
 the weeds which I had bent, lest I should be 
 tracked by the enemy. 1 lay the next night 
 on the waters of Muskingum ; the nettles had 
 been troublesome to me after my crossing 
 the Scioto, having nothing to defend myself 
 but the piece of a rug which I had Ibund 
 and which while I rode I used under me 
 by way of a saddle ; the briars and thorns 
 were now painful to, and prevented me from 
 traveling in the night until the moon appeared. 
 In the meantime I was prevented from sleep- 
 ing by the mosquitoes, for even in the day I 
 was under the necessit}^ of traveling with a 
 handlull of bushes to brush them from my 
 The second night I reached Cushakira, 
 next day came to Newcomer's town, where 
 I got about seven raspberries, which were the 
 first thing I ate from the morning on which 
 the Indians had taken me to burn me until 
 this time, which was now about three o'clock 
 the fourth day. I felt hunger very little, but 
 was extremely wetik. I swam Muskingum 
 river at Oldcomer's town, the river being two 
 i' i 
 hundred yards wide ; having reached the bank, 
 I sat down, looked back and thought I had 
 a start of the Indians il' any should pursue. 
 That evening I traveled about five miles ; 
 next day came to Stillwater, a small river, 
 in a branch of which I got two small crawfish 
 to eat. Next night I lay within five miles 
 of Wheeling, but had not slept a wink during 
 this whole time, being rendered impossible by 
 the mosquitoes, which it was my constant 
 employment to brush away. Next day came 
 to Wheeling, and saw a man on the island in 
 the Ohio opposite to that post, and calling to 
 him and asking for particular persons who 
 had been on the expedition, and telling him I 
 was Slover, at length, with great dillicalty, he 
 was persuaded to come over and bring me 
 across in his canoe.* 
 * It has been paid that the putting to death the ^loravian 
 Indians has been the ca\ise of the cruelties practised oa 
 the prisoners taken at Sandusky, But though tiiis has been 
 made an excuse by the refugees amongst the savages, and 
 by the British, yet it must be well known that it has been 
 the custom of the savages at all times. I have it from 
 Col. John rampbell, wiio is lately from Chamblee, where he 
 has been in confinement a long time, nnd was taken on the 
 Ohio some years ago, that two men who were taken with 
 him were put to death at the Sliawanese towns in the same 
 niannor in which lliirtison was afterwards execi'tod, viz.: 
 by blowing powder into their bodies. A large load blown 
 At the same time, though I would strike 
 away this excuse which is urged for the 
 savages, I am far from approving the Mora- 
 vian slaughter. Doubtless the existence of 
 that body of people in our neighborhood, was 
 of disadvantage, as they were under the neces- 
 sity of recei\ing and refusing the Sandusky 
 savages as they came to war, and as they 
 leturned, and as no doubt some amongst them 
 communicated intelligence of any expedition 
 on foot against the enemy. I am also dis- 
 posed to believe, that the greater part of the 
 men put to death were warriors ; this appears 
 fi'om the testimony of one against another, 
 from the confession of many, from their sing- 
 ing the war song when ordered out to be 
 tomahawked, from the cut and painting of 
 *heir hair, and from other circumstances. The 
 greater part of the Moravian men who were 
 really peaceable or well affecced to us, having 
 into the body of one of these men, reaching his kidneys, 
 the pain throwing him into rage and madness, the savages 
 were uncommonly diverted with the violence of" his excla- 
 mation and gestures ; boys of the town, particularly, fol- 
 lowing him, and considering it as excellent sport. In the 
 evenirg his head wa^^ cut off and an end put to his misery. 
 Col. Campbell himself was led out to make sport of the 
 same kind, but was saved by the interposition, I think, of 
:, If 
 ? ' 
 been carried ofT the fall before, and still 
 detained at Sandusky, 
 But the putting to death the women and 
 children, who sang hymns at their execution, 
 must be considered as unjustifiable, inexcusable 
 homicide; and the Colonel who commanded 
 the party, and who is said perseveringly, con- 
 trary to the remonstrances of officers present, 
 to have enjoined the pei^^etration of the act, 
 has not yet been called to an account, is a 
 disgrace to the State of Pennsylvania. 
 Mr. Baily : 
 With the narrative enclosed, I subjoin 
 some observations with regard to the animals, 
 vulgarly called Indians. It is not my inten- 
 tion to wi'ite any labored essay ; for at so 
 great a distance from the city, and so long 
 unaccustomed to write, I have scarcely reso- 
 lution to put pen to paper. Having an oppor- 
 tunity to know something of the character 
 of this race of men, from the deeds they 
 perpetrate daily round me, I think proper to 
 say something on the subject. Indeed, several 
 years ago, and before I left your city, I 
 had thought different from some others with 
 respect to the right of soil, and the propriety 
 of forming treaties and making peace with 
 In the United States Magazine in the year 
 1777, I published a dissertation denying them 
 to have a right in the soil. I perceive a 
 writer in your very elegant and useful paper, 
 has taken up the same subject, under the 
 signature of " Caractacus," and unanswerably 
 shown, that their claim to the extensive coun- 
 tries of America, is wild and inadmissible. 
 I will take the hberty in this place, to pursue 
 this subject a little. 
 On what is their claim founded ? — Occu- 
 pancy. A wild Indian with his skin painted 
 red, and a feather through his nose, has set 
 his foot on the broad continent of North and 
 South America; a second wild Indian with 
 his ears cut in ringlets, or his nose slit like a 
 swine or a malefactor, also sets his foot on the 
 same extensive tract of soil. Let the first 
 Indian make a talk to his brother, and bid 
 him take his foot off the continent, for he 
 being first upon it, had occupied the whole, to 
 kill huflaloes, and tall elks with long horns. 
 This claim in the reasoning of some men 
 would be just, and the second savage ought 
 to depart in his canoe, and seek a continent 
 where no prior occupant claimed the soil. Is 
 this claim of occupancy of a yery early date ? 
 When Noah*8 three sons, 8hem, Ham, and 
 Japhet, went out to the three quarters of the 
 old world, Ham to Africa, Shem to Asia, 
 Japhet to Europe, did each claim a quarter of 
 the world for his residence ? Suppose Ham 
 to have spent his time fishing or gathering 
 oysters in the Red Sea, never once stretching 
 his leg in a long walk to see his vast do- 
 minions, from the mouth of the Nile, across .e 
 mountains of Ethiopia and the river Niger to 
 the Cape of Good Hope, where the Hottentots, 
 a cleanly people, now stay ; or supposing him, 
 hke a Scots pedlar, to have traveled over 
 many thousand leagues of that country ; would 
 this give him a right to the soil ? In the 
 opinion of some men it would establish an 
 exclusive right. Let a man in more modern 
 times take a journey or voj^age like Patrick 
 Kennedy and others to the heads of the 
 MissiRRppi or Missonri rivers, would he i^ain 
 a right ever al'ter to exclude all persons li'om 
 diiiikinj2; the waters of these streams ? Might 
 not a second Adam make a talk to them 
 and say, is the whole of this water necessary 
 to allay your thirst, and may I also drink 
 of it? 
 The whole of this earth was given to man, 
 and all descendants of Adam have a right 
 to share it equally. There is no right of 
 primogeniture in the laws of nature and of 
 nations. There is reason that a tall man, 
 such as the chaplain in the American army 
 we call the High Priest, should have a large 
 spot of ground to stretch himself upon ; or 
 that a man with a big belly, like a goodly 
 alderman of London, should have a larger 
 garden to produce beans and cabbage for his 
 appetite, but that an agile, nimble runner, 
 like an Indian called the Big Cat, at Fort 
 Pitt, should have more than his neighbors, 
 because he has traveled a great space, I can 
 see no reason. 
 I have conversed with some persons and 
 found their mistakes on this subject, to arise 
 from a view of claims by individuals in a state 
 of society, from holding a greater proportion 
 of the soil than of hers; but this is according 
 to the laws to which they have consented ; an 
 individual holding one acre, cannot encroach 
 on him who has a thousand, because he is 
 bound by the law which secures property in 
 this unequal manner. This is the municipal 
 law of the state under which he lives. The 
 member of a distant society is not excluded 
 by the laws from a right to the soil. He 
 claims under the general law of nature, which 
 gives a right, equally to all, to so much of the 
 soil as is necessary for subsistence. Should a 
 German from the closely peopled country 
 of the Rhine, come into Pennsylvania, more 
 thinly peopled, he would be justifiable in de- 
 manding a settlement, though his personal 
 force would not be sufficient to effect it. It 
 may be said that the cultivation or melioration 
 of the earth, gives a property in it. No — if 
 an individual has engrossed more than is 
 necessary to produce grain for him to live 
 upon, his useless gardens, fields and pleasure 
 walks, may be seized upon by the person 
 who, not finding convenient ground elsewhere, 
 choose to till them for his support. 
 It is a usual way of destroying an opinion 
 by pursuing it to its consequence. In the 
 present case we may say, that if the visiting; 
 one acre of ground could give a right to it, 
 the visiting of a million would give a right on 
 the same j)rinciple ; and thus a few surly ill 
 natured men, might in the earlier ages have 
 excluded half the human race from a settle- 
 ment, or should any have fixed themselves on 
 a territory, visited before they had set a foot 
 on it, they must be considered as invaders of 
 the rights of others. 
 It is said that an individual, building a 
 house or fabricating a machine has an ex- 
 clusive rights to it, and why not those who 
 improve the earth ? I would say, should man 
 build houses on a greater part of the soil, than 
 falls to his share, I would, in a state of nature, 
 take away a proportion of the soil and the 
 houses from him, but a machine or any work of 
 art, does not lessen the means of subsistence to 
 the human race, which an extensive occupation 
 of the soil does. 
 Claims founded on the first discovery of soil 
 are futile. When gold, jewels, manufactures, 
 or any work of men's hands is lost, the finder 
 is entitled to some reward, that is, he has 
 some claims on the thing found, for a share 
 of it 
 1^ M 
 When by industry or the exorcise of j^cnius, 
 something unusual is invented in medicine or 
 in other matters, the author doubtless has a 
 claim to an exclusive profit by it, but who will 
 say the soil is lost, or that any one can found 
 a claim by discovering it. The earth with 
 its woods and rivers still exist, and the only 
 advantage I would allow to any individual 
 for having cast his eye first on any particular 
 part of it, is the privilege of making the 
 first choice of situation. I would think the 
 man a fool and unjust, who would exclude me 
 from drinking the waters of the Mississippi 
 river, because he had first seen it. He would 
 be equally so who would exclude me from set- 
 tling in the country west of the Ohio, because 
 in chasing a buffalo he had been first over it. 
 The idea of an exclusive right to the soil 
 in the natives had its origin in the policy 
 of the first discoverers, the kings of Europe. 
 Should they deny the right of the natives 
 from their first treading on the continent, 
 they would take away the right of discovery in 
 themselves, by sailing on the coast. As the 
 vestige of the moccasin in one case gave a right, 
 so the cruise in the other was the foundation 
 of a claim. 
 Thoso who under these kings, derived grants 
 were led to countenance the idea, for otherwise 
 why i-houkl kings grant or they hold extensive 
 tracts of country. Men become enslaved to 
 an opinion that has been long entertained. 
 Hence it is that many wise and good men 
 will talk of the right of savages to immense 
 tracts of soil. 
 What use do these ring, streaked, spotted 
 and speckled cattle make of the soil ? Do 
 they till it ? Revelation said to man, " Thou 
 shalt till the ground." Tliis alone is humun 
 life. It is favorable to population, to science, 
 to the information of a human mind in the 
 worship of God. Warburton has well said, 
 that before you can make an Indian a chris- 
 tian you muht teach him agriculture and 
 reduce him to a civilized life. To live by 
 tiUing is more humano, by hunting is 7nore 
 best arum. I would as soon admit a right in 
 the bufialo to grant lands, as in Killbuck, the 
 Big Cat, the Big Dog, or any of the ragged 
 wretches that are called chiefs and sachems. 
 What would you think of going to a big lick 
 or place v^here the beasts collect to lick saline 
 nitrous earth and water, and addressing your- 
 self to a great bullalo to grant you land ? It 
 ', ^' I 
 i i 
 is true he could not make the niark of the 
 stone or the mountain reindeer, but he could 
 set his cloven foot to the instrument like the 
 great Ottomon, the father of the Turks, when 
 he put his signature to an instrument, he 
 put his large hand and spreading fingers in 
 the ink and set his mark to the parchment. 
 To see how far the folly of some would go, 
 I had once a thought of supplicating some 
 of the great elks or builaloes that run through 
 the woods, to make me a grant of a hun- 
 dred thousand acres of land and prove he 
 had brushed the weeds with his tail, and run 
 fifty miles. 
 I wonder if Congress or the dilTerent States 
 would recognize the claim ? I am so iar from 
 thinking -the Indians have a right to the soil, 
 that not having made a better use of it lor 
 many hundred years, I conceive they have 
 forfeited all pretence to claim, and ought to be 
 driven from it. 
 With regard to forming treaties or 
 making peace with this race, there are many 
 ideas : 
 They have the shapes of men and may 
 be of the human species, but certainly in 
 their present state they approach nearer the 
 character of Devils ; take an Indian, is there 
 any laith in him ? Can y()U bind him by 
 favors ? Can ycu trust his word or coni-ide in 
 his promise ? When he makes war upon you, 
 when he takes you prisoner and has you in 
 his power will he spare you ? In this he 
 departs from, tho lav/ of nature, by which, 
 according to baron Montesquieu and every 
 other man who thinks on the subject, it is 
 unjustifiable to take away the fife of him who 
 submits ; the conqueror in doing otherwise 
 becomes a murderer, who ought to be put to 
 death. On this principle are not the whole 
 Indian nations murderers ? 
 JMany «if them may have not had an oppor- 
 tunity of putting prisoners to djath, but the 
 sentiment which they entertain leads them 
 invariably to this when they have it in their 
 power or judge it expedient ; these principles 
 corstltute them murderers, and they ought to 
 be prevented from carrying them into execu- 
 tion,«as we would prevent a common homicide, 
 who should be mad enough to conceive himself 
 justifiable in killing men. 
 The tortures which they exercise on the 
 bodies of their prisoners, justify 'extermination. 
 Gelo of ^yria made war on the Oarlhaginiaus 
 Ik y. 
 because they oftentimes burnt human victims, 
 and made peace with them on conditions 
 they would cease from this unnatural and 
 cruel practice. If we could have any faith 
 in the promises they make we could suffer 
 them to live, provided they would only 
 make war amongst themselves, and abandon 
 their hiding or lurking on the pathways of 
 our citizens, emigrating unarmed and de- 
 fenceless inhabitants ; and murdering men, 
 women and children in a defenceless situa- 
 tion; and on their ceasing in the meantime 
 to raise arms no more among the American 
 1 ■ -#•