IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I "- IIIIIM I JO ° IIIIIM t m IIM 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► V <^ /^ „^>.^'-.^' V r *^ .>"^ Photographic Sciences Corporation ^^ \ 4^ o 9> V o %^ /Z WIST MAIN ^TRCET WEIV>TIR, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4303 <^ ^J^ <^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbole V signifie "FIN ". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 tl >' A ( ■ - S ! M I 1 , >^. ^/^-^^x >^7^ / ' vJ /'• <: / X/ , %i '-H cf > ' .y^c .? - eoy^-Cf \ ~>/r>-^Al fyt on Comp of De and Ha French > Po i/^ rv <• r/ ^ 7 if 2 t*'/i^r> ^^^-0 — I of De Bry (in Latin and German) V; ulsius Thevenot Purchas and Hakluyt with early separate Voyages of the Dutch English and French Navigators; Early American History and Literature; Burns's Autograph Poems ; black-letter and other early English and American Ballads ; Chaucer's Works 1532; highly important Collections of Manuscripts relating to Sir Francis Drake, the colony of Georgia, New England & Virginia including 18 of the earliest Autograph Letters of WASHiNciTON AND 1E)ent|) ^tebens's JTranklin CoiJection Bibliograpky WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SOTHEBY,WILKINSON& HODGE, VttctionttrB of ICitttars ^^ropcrtv anb Wmk* iUttatratibe of i|)e JPine 1lrt«, ijAT THEIR HOUSE, No. 13, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. LONDON, I On MONDAY, i ith of JULY, 1881, and Four following Days, AT ONK o'clock PRECISELY. May be Vie^^|;d Tho Days prior, and Catalogues had. Price Js. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shaU be immediately put up again, provided the Auctioneer cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than 6d; abuve five shillings, Is. ; above Hve pounds, 28. 6d. ; and so on. III. In the case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10«. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. V. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense imn^ediately after the conclusion of the sale ; in default of which Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale,and the expenses the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodoe will have the option of reselling the lots uncleared either by public or private sale without any notice being given to the defaulter. VI. All the books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise expressed ; but if upon collating, any should prove defective, flie purchaser will he at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-mouey will be returned. VII. The sale of eny book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix or platen. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any illustrated book, lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or error of description. VIII. No Imperfec'Book will be taken back, unless a note accompanying each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date ot tne sale at which the same was purchased. L\. To prevent inaccuracy in the delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the reselling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, alt charges on such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulters at this sale. X, Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have their Commissions faithfully executed by their humble servants, bOTHEHY, WILKINSON & HODGE, Wellington Street, Strand. V n si va fo in Pi to ar H th of a] Ct he Cc an th( lee col of Sp EXPLANATORY required loss is for, aU sale. ithfully )aE, |FTER a life- long Collector has passed his three score years and fairly entered upon the downhill of Life, it becomes him to pause, and, like the House of Commons, as the close of the Session approaches, scrutinize his docket and throw out such projects, favourite and otherwise, as are, for various causes, not likely to be brought to maturity; a policy necessary for the success of the rest. In this view the under- signed submits to unreserved competition the first portion of his miscellaneous historical collections as described by himself in the following pages. He has ventured on a somewhat new departure in describing the less known lots with brief collations, names of printers, and in not a few instances, with bibliographical and his- torical notes, while the better known and more important books are left to stand on their recognized merits to protect themselves. He trusts that this will be so understood, though he confesses that the extended notes are in many cases disproportioned to the value of the lots to which they are attached. They are intended to give a bibliographical flavour to the whole, and if possible to lift the Catalogue out of the common run, hoping that it may be deemed hereafter of some bibliographical use to Librarians, and to Collectors of this class of Books and Manuscripts. The Collections are very miscellaneous, and no attempt has been made to classify them beyond the democratic alphabet, but if the persevering Col- lector reads to the end he will have noticed nearly all of the great collections of early Voyages and Travels, together with very many of the separate voyages of the earliest English, Dutch, French and Spanish Navigators ; books relating to the East and West India mmm IV EXPLANATORY Companies, Dutch and English ; the English and French Colonies in North America ; Canada, New England, New Netherlands, Penn- sylvania and Virginia ; Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and other parts of Spanish America ; China, Japan, India, Australia, the Philippines, the Moluccas, and the Isles of the Seas ; Greenland, Iceland and the Northern Eegions generally. Besides these tliere wUl be found many uncommon books relating to the early history of America ; the American Ee volution ; and the war of 1812, all pertaining alike to American and English History; also examples of early printing in America, especially New England, and e great variety of miscellaneous American Literature, political, historical, geo- graphical, genealogical, local and general. Besides the Americana, mention should be made of the great collections of Early English Black Letter Eobin Hood and other Ballads, rivalling in importance and quality, not in number, the famous Eoxburgh Collection; the first edition of Chaucer's col- lected works, 1532, and various others. Among the Manuscripts particular* attention is called to the unrivalled Collection of autograph Poems of Eobert Burns ; the collection of transcripts for the Life and Exploits of Sir Francis Drake ; the original records of the Trustees in London for the Colony of Georgia ; Collections for the History of the Eevolution in New England in Governor Andross's time 1688-1690 ; Papers relating to the progress of the Gospel in New England 1641-1654 ; the important original Eecords of the Colony of Virginia, 1752- 1758, including no less than 18 original Autograph Letters of the youthful George Washington ; Spanish Tracts (69), manuscript and printed (Papeles Varies) mostly relating to America, 1638-1671, believed to have been brought together by Solorzano y Pereyra, author of Politica Indiana and Councillor of the Indies ; and lastly Henry Stevens's entire rRA> klin Collection. Without further general specification the reader's attention is respectfully invited to the following summary : Lot 12-13 American Almanacs, 17G9-86 37-39 Old English Ballads, iroo/Zevtn 40 Early American Ballads, 4 vols. 41 Robin Hood Black Letter Ballads 80 Beauties of Liberty. Boston, 177;l 89-'.)4 Burnb' original Autograph Poems 108 Chaucer's Works, 1st edition, lo;{2 111 John Checkley's Tracts, 172M-38 118 Tractate on Church Music, 1786 129-U8 Columbus, various editions 140-44 Connecticut Tracts, 1774-1785 107 Pennsylvania, 1695 ICO ii 1380 Cornutus, Canada, 1C35 1 7 1 Cunningham's Cosmog, Glassc, 1 559 LOT 179-194 De Bry's Voyages, Lat. & Germ. 200 & 1395 Vander Uonck, 1C55 & 1666 202 Hir Franci.s Drake, MSS. 209 Eguiara, Bibliotheca Mexicana, 1 755 227 Fernandez, Hist, del Peru, 1571 239 Original Records of Georgia, M.S. 241 Qirava, Cosmografla, 1570 242 Giustiniuni. Aunali di Genoa, 1637 247 Gorges. America painted to the life 255 Hakluyt's Voyages, 1599-1600 262 Heede. Eylant Cnnaria, 1599 247-282 Hulsius's Voyages, in German 306 La Concepciou. Philipinos, 14 vol. 31 1 Lo-i Casas, Lsis Obras, 1652-3 EXPLANATORY LOT LOT 329 L'Heremite's Voyage, 1st ed. 1626 1348 342-44 Peter Martyr, 1521, 1532, 1534 1361 358 MatelifiE de Jonge, Joumael, 1648 1368 359 Cotton Mather's Vigilius, 1719 1379 393 Mein's Imports to Boston, 1769 1384 455-470 New England, various rarities 1398 462-468 New England Primers 1405 469-70 New England Synod, 1662-79 1418 471-74 New Netherlands, 1663-1673 1428 478 New World. Der Newen Welt, 1535 1429 508 Urian Oakes, The Souldier, 1674 1432 541 0\dedo, de las Indias, 1547 1454 619-23 Penu i Pennsylvania, 1681-84 1462 678-82 Ptolemy, Geogr. 1540-1598 1465 685 Gen. Israel Putnam" Funrl. Sermon 1477 756 Rumsey's Steamboui, 1788 1482 780-789 Schouten's Voyages, 1618-1766 1485 831-33 Capt. John Smith's Virginia, &c. 1489 844 De Soto's Florida, 1686 1494 920 Solomon Stoddard'sl47MS.Sermons 1505- 972 Tennent's Truth Stifled, 1741 1509 995 Thevet's India America, 1561 1523- 1038 Vandalia. or Ohio, 1774 1589 1044-49 Gerret de Veer, 1598-1648 1525 1055 Virginia&Washington,MSS.1752-7 1539- 1056 Voisin de la Popelliniere, 1582 1543 1057 Titus Andronicus, in Dutch, 1656 1544 1079 War with Holland, 1667 1556- 1058-67 Rare Voyages, 1598-1652 1558 1118-20 Welde of New England, 1644 1563 1137-49 West India Company,1628-176l 1573 1202 Willard, Duty of a People, 1680 1584 1247 Xeres, Conquesta del Peru, 1535 1587- 1269 Stevens's Franklin Collection 1593 1270 Abbeville, La Mission, 1614 1596- 1283 Observations de La Douceur, 1771 1599 1318-19 Barkstead & Downing, 1662 1607 1335 Blaeu's pair of Globes, 1606 1612 1336 Bland, New Brittaine, 1651 1616 1337-40 Bohemia, four rare tracts, 1620 1618 Bunyan, A Caution, 1680 Leyes del Estilo, 1520 ■9 Charlevoix, La M6re Marie, 1724 Columbus, Hist, de suo padre, 1571 Counoly's Nan-ative, 1783 Dresser, Harriot's Virginia, 169 Federal Lands in Ohio, 1787 Geraldinus, Itinerarium, 1631 Hakluyt, Voyages, with Map, 1589 Hakluyt, Molyneux's Map, 1599- ■38 Hennepin, 1688-1712 [1600 Indian Treaties, 1756 [1714 Joutel's Voyage of La Sale, Journal •66 Keith, Quakers in Penna.1692-4 Lalement, Jesuit Relation, 1664 Le Jeune, Relation, 1658 Le Mercier, Relation, 1669 De Cautelen, London, 1568 Lopei!, Congo, 1591 ■8 Cotton Mather, 1693-1703 Mather's Indian War, 1676 24 New England & Indian Wars Stobo's Memoirs, 1st edition, 1800 N. Nederland, Breedea Raedt,1649 40 Pennsylvania, RecueO, &c. 1684 Philadelphia, W. Bradford, 1691 Psaltenum (Columbus) 1516 57 Ptolemy, 1548-1562 Purohas,his PUgnraes,5 vol, 1625-14 Reed's Explan.of Map of Phila.1774 Sahagun, 3 vol. MS. Notes, 1829-30 Smith's New York, uncut, 1757 88 Stith's Virginia, 1753 & 1865 Thevenot'a Divers Voyages, 169G 67 Diego de Torres, Peru, 1604 Spanish Tracts, 69, MS. & printed Verrazano, Elogio, 1769 New Life in Virginia, 1612 Simple Cobbler of Agawam, uncut, Washington's Journal, 1754 [1647 The above and the rest of the Catalogue are respectfully com- mended to the attention of the reader by Henry Stevens 6f Vermont 4, Trafalgar Square, Loiidon, April 10, 1881. The first Traveller in Ametica CATALOGUE OF AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS RELATING CHIEFLY TO AMERICA. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 1 Arranged in one Alphabet, Sizes Mixed. Arercrojibie (Robert) a Rejoinder to the Reverend Mr. Robert Aliercronibie's late Remarks on a fair Narrative of tlic Pi'o- ccedings of tlio Presbytery of Boston against hims(>lf, wherein his mistakes are detected, &c. by J. Parsons and D. McGregore, published by order of the said Prcsl)ytry, /«(', clean aitJ uiinif, scarce 8ro. Boston, Green and Iiiissell, 1758 AcosTA (Joseph de) The Natvrall and Morall Historie op THE East and West Indies, translated into English by E. G. [i.c. E. Grimstone] splemUdlij bound in fancy blue calf extra, by Pratt, g. e. and gold borders on sides ito. Lorulon, Val, Sims for Edward Blount and JVm. Appley, 1604 Adams (Eliphalct, Pastor in Neto London, Connecticut) Eminently good and useful men, etc. A Sermon at Stonington on the death of Rev. James Noyes, pastor in that place, calf gilt by Pratt, title and 46 pp. fine clean copy, scarce \2mo. New Loiulon, T, Green, 1720 B 4 Adams (Zahdicl, Pashr in Limenhnrfj, Mass.) The Bishop's Office a good work. A Sermon at the Ordination of liev. Charles Stearns to the Church in Lincohi, Nov. 7, 1781, ^incut, ZO jip. 8ro. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1782 5 Adams (Zabdiel, Fasten' in Lunenburg, Mass.) Massachusetts Election Sermon, M.ay 29, 1782, 5^ p}). fine and uncut 8co. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Fleet and Gill [1782] 6 Address of tlu; Twelve United Colonies of North America, by their Kepresentatives in Congress, to the People of Ireland, 16 i>p. half hound, fine copy, scarce 8w. Philadelphia, printed ; Norwich [Conn.l repiinted by Robertsons and Trumbull, 1775 7 Address (An) of Members of the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States to their constituents on Uie subject of the War with Great Britain, nncid, 2\ pp. Qvo. Ilartfffrd, reprinted by Hudson & Goodwin, 1812 8 Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled, fine copy, uncut 8iu Philadelphia, printed, 1783; Boston, repiinted by Order of the House of Eepi-esentatives of the Com. of Mass. 1783 Papers No. 4 and 5 show in a very frank and clear manner how and to what enormous amount Dr. Franklin raised the sinews of war for America in France 9 Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled, with an Appendix, containing a Report of the Committee of Pay-Table, to the General Assembly, respecting the public Accounts of the State of Connecticut, uncut, bd pp. and {at end) ix tables of 18 leaves, on Receipts, Expenditure, Taxes, Public Debt, &c. of Connecticut, excessively rare Mo. Philadelphia, printed : Hartford, repiinted by Hudson & Goodwin, 1783 10 AoRlcOLiV (RvDOLPHUS) Literaturse peritissemi, nonulla opuscula hac Sequuntur serie, &c. fine copy in calf extra by Pratt Uo. Anverpim, 1511 1 1 Algerine (The) Captive ; or, the Life and Adventures of Doctor Updike Underhill, six years a prisoner among the Algerines, 2 vol. in 1 [a popular novel by Royal Tyler of Vermont] 252 2)1). 16'«o. Hartfwd, Peter B. Gleason & Co. 1816 12 Almanacs. Seven very rare American Aljunacs in 1 vol. 8ro. 1769-1876 1. The American Calendar ; or, an Almanac for 17G9, by f hilo Copernicus, Phil. Wm. cf Tlios. Bradford [17C9] 2. Fiithcr Abraham's for 1770, by Abraham Weatherwise, Phil. J. Ihmlap [1770] with the curious woodcut frontinpiece 3. New Jersey. The Burlington Almanack for 1771, by Timothy Trueman, Burlington, Isaac Collins [1771] 4. New Jersey. The Burlington Almanack for 1772, by Timsthy Trueman, wants title and next leaf 5. Hutchins' Improved Almanack for 1773, by John Nathan Hutchins, New York, Hugh Gnine [1773] C. New Jersey. The Burlington Almanack for 1774, by Timothy Trueman, Burlington, Isaac Collins [1774] 7. New Jersey. The Burlington Almanack for 1776, by Timothy Trueman, Burlington, Isaac Collins [177C] 13 AUUNACS. Ten rare American Almanacs in 1 vol. 8vo. r, 77-1786 1. Father Abraham's for 1777, by Abraham Wcatherwise, the Astronomical Cal- culations by David Kittewhouse, /ViiV. John Dunlap \\ini,'n!ith the rare coarse woodcut /rontinpiece 2. New Jersey. The Burlington Almanack for 1778, by T. Trueman, Burlington, Isaac Collins 3. Tlie New Jersey Almanack for 1779, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins 4. The same for 1780, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins B. Tlic same for 1781, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins 6. The same for 1782, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins 7. The same for 1783, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins 8. The same for 1784, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Colli m 9. The same for 1785, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collin* 10. The same for 1786, by T. Trueman, Trenton, Isaac Collins 14 Almanacs. Two rare American Almanacs The New England Almanack for 1775 and 1778 (1775 wq)erfect) \2mo. Providence, R. J. John Carter 15 Alphabet. Forty-six Illuminated Capital Letters, aJw. ' /«« inches square, in rjold and colours, one on each ^lagc, draini on fine vellum, and hound in silk in 1 vol, nearly 4i inches tall, a neat sample of illuniination 16?«&. CiVm 1G80 16 Amboyna. Een waer Verhael vande onlaucksche ongr'hte, wrcede, ende onmcnschelycke procedure teglicn do Eiigii. ische tot Amhoyna in Oost-Indien, door de Nederian-kndo! s fildaor gliemaeckt op een versiede pretentie van een const, ''.i tie vande solue Enghelschen, ivoodatts, 8 im'liminary lea . , text 36 pp. title and 1 leaf, text 21 and si pp. ivith 2 leaves, fine copy, r:/linjt Uo. [JmsL] .'')24 17 America. L'Ameriqu" Angloise, ou Description des Isles ut Terres du Roi d'Angleterre dans I'Ameriqu", calf extra by I'latt, no maps 16//J0. Amsterdam, A, Wolfgang, lu38 1 8 America : or An exact Description of the West-Indies, more espe- cially of those Provinces which are under the Dominion of the King of Spain, title, dedication, &c. (xiv) text 484 j^- '^''^^* errata, p. Boston, Russell d: Culler, n. d. [1808] 26 Analysis. Supplement to the late Analysis of the public corres- pondence between our Cabinet and those of France and G. Britain [by John Lowell] ?«nc«<, 28 j;i^>. 8ro. [1808] 27 Another Cry for the Innocent and Oppressed for Justice, or a third Relation of the unjust Proceedings at the Sessions held at Hixes Hall, in the Old Baily, London, 18th and 22iid Fob. 1G64, with and against 45 Quakers, of which 39 were sentenced for breach of the late act, 34 to be transported to Gamaica for seven years, &c. \(S pp. scarce \to. [Zon(/')7t] piinted in the year 1665 28 Appleton (Nathaniel, Pastor of the First Church in Camhidge) Tlie Great Blessing of Good Ruling, &c. Mas.sachusetts Election Sermon, May 26, 1742, clean cnjiy, half title, title and GO pp. 8vo. Boston, J. Draper, 1742 29 Appleton (Nathaniel, Pastor of the First Church in Candii-ulge) Faith- ful Ministers of Christ, the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World, a Sermon before the ]\Iassachusetts Bay annual Convention of Ministers at Boston, May 26, 1743, uncut, f>(S }>jt. 8(U Boston, printed by Rogers p- Svo. New Haven, T. <£• S. Green [1770] Bellamy (Joseph) A second Letter to the Rev. Joseph Bellamy, D.D., occasioned by his fourth Dialogue, which ho calls The Sacramental Controversy brought to a Point. From The Paiishioner, 19^. &vo. New Haven, T. <&, S. Green [1770] 47 48 8 49 Benezet (Anthony) Some Observations on the Situation, Disposi- tion and Character of the Indian natives on this Continent, 59pp. \2mo. Philadelphia, J. Crulcslui7ik, 1784 Also ill same volume ; — Remarks of Mr. Owen, of Alabama, on the Claim of Georgia for indemnity for property lost and destroyed as provided for in the Treaty of the Indian Sprinjis, 1 S21 , embracing an examination of the power of the Govern- ment of the United States to make treaties with Indian tribes within the limits of any of the States. Delivered in the House of Representatives on Jan. 10, 1829, SI pp. \2mo. Washington, Gales and Seaton, 1829; and Humphrey (Heman, President of Amherst College') Indian Rights and our Duties, an address delivered at Amherst, Hartford, &c. Dec. 1829. 2ipp. 12oto. Amherst, Adams and Co, €^'c. 1830. Three tracts in 1 vol. half calf, bcabce. 50 Benzoni (Girolamo) La Historia del Mondo Nvovo. La qval tratta delle Isole, & marl nuouamente ritrouati et delle nuove Citt^ da lui proprio vedute, per acqua, & per terra in quattordeci anni. Nuouamente ristampata, et illustrata con la giunta d'alcune cose notabile dell'Isole di Canada, fine copy in bright highly polished rich French gros grained red morocco extra, by Pratt Svo. Fcnetia, 1572 Benzoni was the first regular traveller in the New World. He was gone 14 years, and printed his first edition in 1503. This second edition is better. The 16 or 18 spirited woodcuts served as hints for De Bry's Voyages, part III. 51 Benzoni (Girolamo) Nov^ Novi Orbis Histories, id est, rcrum ab Hispanis in India Occedentali hactenus gestarum, libri tres, Vrbani Calvetonis opera ex Italicis, &c. fine copy in polished calf extra, by Pratt 8vo. Genevce, E. Vignon, 1578 First Latin edition, with the brief narrative of the French expedition to Florida in 1565. 52 Benzoni (Girolamo) Beschryvinghe van West Indien, &c. 48 pj). ftlntfe letter, ill double columns, ivith many woodcuts in the text, a rare edition in Dutch, fine copy in vellum Uo. Amsterdam, n. d. [circa 1660] 53 Berriuda. a Proposal for the better supplying of Churches in our Foreign Plantations, and for converting the savage Ameri- cans to Christianity, by a College to be erected in the Summer Islands, otherwise called the Isles of Bermuda, 20 pp. very rare Dublin, George Chicrson, 1725 An important historical tract not mentioned by Gen. Lofroy in his Bibliography of Bermuda. 64 Bernard (Francis, Govcrnoi- of Mass.) Letters to the Ministry from Gov. Be 'uard. Gen. Gage, and Commodore Hood. And also tlie Memorials to the Lords of the Treasury, from the Commissioners of the Customs, &c. fine copy, original edition, nncut Svo. Boston, Edes & Gill, IT vritten by Burns at Kilmarnock in his native Ayr, probably before he was twenty- five, comprises 14 nine-line stanzas, and is generally con- sidered one of the Poet's most successful efforts The "Ordination" first appeared in the Edinhurgh edition of 1787, and has ever since maintained its interest. This manuscript is unquestionably autographic and genuine, but it is more closely written than usual, and is in a somewhat smaller character. Its authenticity cannot be doubted, It differs, however, in . 16 mnny places from the enrlier and later printed vcrsionji, and the various readings are numerous. Besidew, the handwriting appcara more ynulliful and less formed. Let the eritic notiee the heading and the name of " Rab Rhymer." Let him also notice that the motto in two lines at the beginning is not quoted as in the printed editions, but instead has as its author "liuhKeniij;" which is French for rivulets or hums, an ingenious way of signing liis own niinie. Also in the seventh line let him see the name " Crooki's's " afterwards altered to Beghie't, but above all let him scan the fourteenth line. "This d.ay Mckin[lay] taks the flail." This line has generally been considered as giving the date to the poem, for that gentleman was ordained the (ith of April, 17HG. Now the young man Mi'kinlay " took the flail " when he succeeded Mullric and became the colleague of Old Robertson one of the " twa drones." The ordination therefore may have taken place after many months trial or use of the preacher's flail. Burns intimates, 17th Feb. 1780, that he had written this Poem on the Laigh Kirk of Kilmarnock. It might therefore have appeared in the Kilmarnock edition of that year. But it did not. It is not unlikely therefore that the present title is an afterthought, for the Edinburgh edition, to give it a less local and personal character. A better title would be the Laioh KiRK. From all these circumstances one is forced to the conclusion that this is really an earlier Pt)em than has been hitherto supposed. In order that there may be no mistake in the readings, an exact transcript is given of the whole Poem. It is written on the four pages of a foolscap sheet of paper, and is neatly bound in limp red morocco extra by Pratt. For Sense they little owe to friiRal Hkatbk There try his mettle on the Creed To please the Mob they hi.le the little Biven. Formula an' Confession Ruisneaux [Fr.Jur Hums']. Kil ck wabsters lidge an' claw, An' pour your croeshie nations ; An' ye wha leather rax an' draw, Of a' denominations ; Swith to the I^aigh-kirk ane an' a' An' there tak up your stations, Then ail to Crookes's in a raw An' pour divine libations For joy this day. (Jurst Common-sense, that imp o' h-11, Cam in wi' Maggy Lauder,* But 01 .... nt oft made her yell, An' liuss . . 11 sair miscau'd her ; This day McKin . . . taks the flail An' he's the boy '11 blaud her. He'll clap a shangan on her tail An' set the bairns to daud her Wi' dirt this day. Mak haste an' turn king David o'er An' lilt wi' holy clangor, O' double verse come gio us four An' skirl up the Bangor ; This day the church kicks up a stoor, Nae mair the knaves shall wrang her, For heresy is in her power An' glorously she'll whang her Wi' pith this day. Come wale a text, a proper verse. An' touch it off wi vigor. How HAMf leugh at his father's a — Which made Canaan a niger; How PHiNEAstdidfour buttocks pierce Wi' whore-abhorring rigor ; Or Zipporah§ wi' scauldin haerse Was like a bloody tiger I' th' inn that day. • I Buppose the Author [Riib Rhymer] here means Mrs Lindsay, wife to the late Revd. and worthy Mr Lindsay, as that was her maiden name I am told. N.B.— He ROt the laigh kirk of Kil t Oenesis 9 ch. 2'ld v. % Numb. 25 oh. 8 v. § Ezod. 4 oh. 25 v. An' lay your haims upon his head An' seal his high commission The holy flock to tent an' feed An' punish each transgression, Especial rama that cross the breed, Gie them suflicient thrcshin, Spare them nae day. Now auld Kil ck cock thy tail An' toss thy horns fu' cantie, Nae mair thou'll rowt out owre the dale Because thy pasture's scanty. For lap-fows large o' gospel-kale Shall fill thy crib in plenty. An' runts o' grace the pick an' wale. No glen by way o' dainty But every day. Nae mair by Babel -streams we'll weep To think upon our Zion An' hing our fiddles up to sleep Like babie-clouts a-dryin; Come screw the pegs wi' tunefu' cheep An' o'er the thairms be tryin ; O rare, to see our elbricks wheep An' a like lamb-tails flyin Fu' fast this day. Lang Pathonagk, wi' rod o' iron. Has shor't the Kirk's undoin, As lately Finw . . ck, sair forfairn, Has proven to it's ruin; Our Patron, honest man Glen . . n, He saw mishief was brewin, An' like a godly, elect bairn He wal't us out a true ane An' sound this day. Now Robin . . n harangue nae mair But steek your gab for ever. Or try the wicked town of A-r, For there they'll think you clever Or, nae reflexion on your lear. Ye may commence a Shaver, Or to the Netherl . . n repair An' turn a Carpet-weaver Aft haun this day. 16 Mutr . . an' yon were just a match We never had sic twa drones, Auld HouNiE did the laiph kirk watch Juat like a winkan liaudrons, An' ay he c.itch't the tithor wratch To fry them in his caudrona, But now his honor maun detach Wi' a' his brimstone squadrons In haste this day. See, see auld Orthodoxy's fast Sho's swingin thro the city. Hark how the nine-tail't cat she plays, I vow it's unco pretty. There Learning wi' his Greekish face Grunts out some latin ditty, An' Common-Sense is gaun she says. To mak to JAMIE Bkatie Her plaint this day. But there's Morality himsel Embracing a' opinions. Hear, how he gies the tither yell Between his twa companions I 95 96 97 98 99 See, how she peels the skin an' fell, As ane were peclan onions I Now there they're packed off to h-11 An' banish't our dominions Henceforth this day. O happy day! ! ! rejoice, rejoice 1 1 1 1! Come bowze about the porter ; Get up — whiievcr's fit to rise. An' thro the room let's thorter ; Mckin . . . , Russ . . . , are the boys That Heresy can torture. They'll gic her on a raep a hoise An' cowe her measure shorter By the head some day. Come bring the tither mutchkin in An' here's for a conclusion. To every New-light Mother's Son From this time forth confusion j If mair they dcavc us wi' their din, Or Patronage intrusion. We'll light a Spunk, on' every skin We'll rin them aff in fusion Like oil some day. Finis. Byles (Mather, Pastm- in Boston) The Glories of the Lord of Hosts and the Fortitude of the Eeligious Hero; Artillery Election Sermon, June 2, 1740, scarce, fine and uncut 8ro. Boston, T. Fleet and J. Edwards, 1740 Candish or Cavendish (Thomas) Iournalen van drie VoYAGiEN, te weten 1. Van Mr. Thomas Candish, met drie Schepen door de Magal- laensche Stract rondom de Werelt, 1580-88, 2. Vande Heer Francoys Draeck, ende Heer Jan Houkeins, 1593. 3. NassauscheVloot onder AdmiraelIaquesL'Hercmite,1623-1626. mry fine copy in vellum, tvith the 2 nuips, 2 leaves and 100 j?/;. 4:to. Amsterdam, hy lacob Pietersz JFachter, 1643 Carate (Augustin de) The History of the Discovery and Con- quest of the Province of Peru, and the wars and other notable things which there happened, translated out of the Spanish by T. Nicholas, blutk letttr, udth woodcuts, imperfect, the text only, viz. signature B to Z in fours and Aai to finis, icanting sig. V. or folios 73, 74, 75 and 76, good size and condition 4/0. London, liicliard Jhones, 1581 Carolina. An account of the Province of Carolina in America, [by Samuel Wilson] together with an abstract of the Patent, pp. 5-26, wanting title and next leaf Uo, London, G. Larkinfor Fr. Smith, 1682 Published for the use of intending emigrants. Caron (Francoys) Eechte Beschrjrvinge vn,n het Machtigh Koninghryck van Jappan, bestaende in verscheyde Vragen, betreffende des selfs Kegiering, Corphandel, maniere vanLeven, strenge justitie, &c. voorgestelt door Heer Philips Lucas, Directeur Gen. wegens den Nederl. Staet in India, ende door de Heer F. Caron, President over de Co. ommeslach in Jappan, beantwoort in den Tare 1636, 4 preliminary leaves, map of Japan and text in 96 pp. plate at p. 36, besides one on title and one in text p. 32, fine, large, clean and scarce \to. In's Gravenhage, loluinnes Tongerloo, 1662 | i ii Matwrw rii)>Mtiia%> i vr ii u iii i iii i M U i ( ii ff ii^ %. i Mff iMri aiM 17 100 Gary (Richard) [Letters] to the Members of the Society for Propagating tne Gospel among the Indians, and others, in North America, Charlestown May 27, 1789, 9 pp. 4to. Boston, S. Hall [1789] 101 Case (The) of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia as represented by themselves, signed by the President of the Council and Speaker of tlie House of Burgesses, to whicli is added a vindi- cation of the said Keprescntation, yjne copi/, uncut, 64 j;^. 8fo. London, J. Iwberts, 1733 102 Catalogue. Isaiah Thomas's Catalogue of English, Scotch, Irish and American Books for sale at the Worcester Book Store, 72 pp. with prices 8vo. JVorceder, Masa. Isaiah Thomas, author of the Histurij of Printing, 1801 103 Catalogue of Books in the Theological Library in the town of Boston, March 1, 1808, 2,"^ pp. 12nw. Boston, Smiling (ft Simons, 1808 104 Catalogue of Books belonging to the Li1)rary of Rhode Island College, 382>p. 8vo Providence, J. Carter, 1793 This is the small beginning of one of the now best selected college libraries in the United States. 105 Catechism. The Shorter Catechism, agreed upon by the Reverend Assembly of Divines at Westminster, with scripture proofs, ZO pp. 8vo. New-Haven, Meigs dt Dana, 1786 106 Champigny (Le '""ol. Chevr. de) Supplciient au Minist6re de Mr. Pitt, avec Une Recapitulation exacte De toutes les demarches De CO sage Politique Depuis le 5 Septembre 1761, Qu'il quetta le Minist6rc, Jusqu'au 30 Juillet 1766, Qu'il a 6t6 cr66 CoMTE DE Chatham, Et garde du Sceau priv6 d'Anglet6rre, Contenante un Espace de pr^s De cinq ans, Seconde edition, corrig^o et augmentde de quelques Notes. Imprimi h Londres, Chez. Ckiillkmme Franklin [1767 ?] viii. and 115 pages, fine copy, very rare, 8vo. This important volume relates almost entirely to America and American affairs. 107 Charles II. Proclamation dated Dec. 13, 1682, resp .otiug the frequent abuses of a lewd sort of people called Spirits in se- ducing many of his majesty's subjects to go on shipboard where they have been seized and carried by force to his Majesty's plantations in America, &c. a large bvadside folded and half bound, scarce folio. London, J. Bill, &c. 1682 108 Chaucer (Geoffrey) The Workes newly printed, with DYVERS Workes which were never in print before, large copy, very nearly complete, three or four leaves in facsimile, and about as many wanting, some leaves fatigued and mildewed, hut generally a good and serviceable copiy, the First Edition of the entire Works of Chaucer, except The Ploughman's Tale folio. Ltndon Thomas Godfray (?) 1532 D 18 109 Chuancy (Charles, Pastor of (lie First Church in Boston) All Nations of the Earth blessed in Christ, the seed of Abraham ; a Sermon at the ordination of Kev. Mr. Joseph Bowman to the work of the Gospel Ministry, more especially among the Mohawk Induns on the Western Borders of New England, Aug. 31, 1762, half title, title, letter to tlie Marquis of Lothian, via pp. and 50 vp. Servian 8w. Boston, J. Draper, 1762 A large portion of this tract relates to the Indians at Natick and Punkapog, two ancient Indian Settlements within 15 miles of Boston. The learned Doctor exhibits some startling facts and views respecting the rapid diminution of the Indians in numbers, and the prevailing mode of christianizing them. 110 Chauncy (Charles, D.D. Pastor of the First Church, Boston) A Letter to a Friend, containing Remarks on some Passages in a Sermon by the Right Rev. John [Ewer] Lord Bishop of Landaff, before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1767, in which the highest Reproach is undeservedly cast upon the American Colonies, 56 pages, fine copy, Imlf roan, scarce Uo. Boston, Knecland & Adams, for Thomas Leverett, 1767 110* Chauncy (Charles) Another copy, UNCUT 111 Checkley (John) A short and easy Method with the Deists [by Leslie] tcUh A Discourse concerning Episcopacy [by John Checkley] 132 pages, 8t!0. London J. Applebee, 1723, foHoived by The Speech of Mr. John Checkley upon his Tryal, at Boston, in N.E. for publishing " The Short and Easy Method with the Deists," to which was added a discourse concerning Ei^is- cop.icy, &c. ; to which is added the Jury's Verdict, &c. Second Edition, London J. Applebee, 1738, ^d pages, followed by a single leaf entilled A Specimen of a true Dissenting Catechism upon right true blue Dissenting Principles — Question, Wliy don't the Dissenters in their Public worship make use of the Creeds 1 Answer, Why ! Because they are not set down word for word in the Bible. Question, Well, but why don't the Dissenters in their Publick worship make use of the Lord's Prayer 1 Answer, Oh 1 Because that is set down word for word in the Bible. Fine copies, all in 1 volume in calf extra by Pratt, 8vo. Checkley undertook to show the " Sacred Order of Men" in Boston thai; not being episcnpally ordained they were no ministers, and he commented rather aarshly on the Church courses of New England and tlio associated pa.slors of Bo;iton. This gave great offence, and Checkley was prosecuted in 1724 for publishing "a false and scandalous libel." He was convicted and appealed. His speech is his defence. The sentence, &c. is given in Stevens's Nuggets, No. 635. 112 Chesapeake. Peace without dishonour, war without hope; being a calm and dispassionate Enquiry into the Question of the Chesapeake, and the necessity and expediency of War, by a Yankee Farmer [John Lowell of Boston], clean and uncut, 43pp. 8vo. Boston, G-reenough & Stebbins, 1807 113 Chesapeake. Letter from the Secretary of State [Jefferson] to Mr. Monroe, on the sulyect of the attack on tlie Chesapeake ; the correspondence of Mr. Monroe with the British Govern- ment ; and also Mr. Madison's Correspondence with Mr. Rose, Mch. 23, 1808, uncut, 88 pp. 8m Washington, A. & 0. Way, 1808 1V.J 19 114 Chesapeake. An Essay on the Rights and Duties of Nations, relative to fugitives from justice ; considered with reference to the affair of the Chesapeake. By an American, 62 pp. 8vo. Boston, D. Carlisle, 1807 115 Child (David Lee) Trial of the Case of the Commonwealth [of Massachusetts] versus David Lee Child for publishing in the Mass. Journal a hbel on John Keyes [chairman of the Com- mittee of Accounts, accusing him of influencing the giving out of the public printing to " that Reprobate Jackson Press," the Boston Statesman ; found guilty.] Cambridge Oct. term, 1828, reported by J. W. Whitman, uncut, W^pp. 8vo. Boston, Diiiton <& Wentwarth, 1829 116 Choctaw Spelling Book. Chahta Holisso, Ai isht ia Vmmona. Third Edition, revised, looodcuts, 72 pp. paper hoards 8vo. Boston, printed for tlie American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1835 117 Christianity the true Theology and only perfect Moral System, in Answer to " The Age of Reason : " with an Appendix in answer to " The Examiner Examined," by William Patten, A.M. Minister of the Second Congregational Church in Newport {R.I.)fine copy, scarce, uncut, {ten words on pp. 175-6 torn off) 12mo. Warren {Rhode Island) Nathaniel Phillips, 1795 118 Church Music. A Tractate on Church Music, being an extract from the Reverend and learned Mr. Peirce's Vindica- tion of the Dissenters, dedicated to Dr. CJuiuncy and members of First Congregational Dissenting Church in Boston [by Mr. Thomas Brand Hollis], 31 pp. good copy, sairce 8vo. London, 1786 The story of this rare tract is wortli repeating, as part of the history of the Old First Church in New Ensland, which when abandoned as a church may be used as a museum of rare Boston notions and curiosities, of which this should be one. This Society in the days of the venerable Dr. Chauncy was rich and of the patrician or Beacon Street Order. Some of it- members were prominent in good works, but as the hat was passed round so often they had acquired the safe habit of being the first to put their hands in their pockets in cases of charity and public subscriptions, and the last to take them out. They countenanced good works and always rejoiced to see others do them. In 1786 they felt the want of an Organ, and as their Pastor was a man of extraction, having received large sums of money from Mr. Thomas Brands Hollis for Harvard College, they prevailed upon him to write to this gentleman in London and endeavour to extract from him JEOOO for the said organ. Instead of granting this extraordinary request Mr. Hollis caused 500 copies of this Tbactatb to be printc.i and sent over to the Pastor, Deacons and Members of the " Old First," endeavouiing thereby to inculcate in them that modesty and simplicity in their public worship, which was formerly Bostonian, but which they were now apparently outgrowing. Never befoi'c or since probably was there ever so much polite gammon or pious sarcasm concealed in so small a book. What became of the 500 copies is not known. The tract is now scarce, only two or three copies being known. 119 Church of England in America. The Real Advantages which Ministers and People may t'lijoy especially in the Colonies, by conforming to the Church of England, faithfully considorocl, and impartially represoiited in a lector to a young Gentleman, uncut, 17 pj). very carce 8iu Printed in the year 1762 Considering the date of this prodii on, written with more zeal than judgment, it is no wonder that the place of print m ,' ia concealed. The author went to Virginia during tlie Old French War, and gleaned his information respecting the dlnsentcra of the northern colonies by correspondence with the Church of England missionaries there. His abuse and information are really amusing, his news being lo distorted and up-side down as to be worth reading even now as curiosities. 20 120 Cincinnati. A Gratulatory Address, delivered July 5tli, 1790, before the Society of the Cincinnati of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, lipp. half bound 8vo. Boston, B. Russell, 1790 121 Citizen. A Short History of late Ecclesiastical Oppressions in New-England and Vermont, by a Citizen, in which is exhibited a statement of the Violation of Keligious Liberties which are ratified by the Constitution of the United States, valuable and scarce, \^ pp. 8w. Richmond, J. Lyon, \7^9 Relating chiefly to the misappropriation of the church lands of Vermont and New Hampshire, but referring generally to the practices of other States of New England, with many severe remarks upon the conduct of Presidents Stiles and Dwight of Yale College, President Wheelock of Dartmouth, and many other public men of New E".g?and. 122 Clark (Peter, Pastor in Salem) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 30, 1739, uncut, half title, title and 5Spp. 8vo. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1739 123 CLAES VAN PvRMER-ENDT (CoRNELis) Joumael, ofte Een Oost- Indische - Reys - beschrijvinghe, gliedaen. Verhalende veel besondere vieemdigheden van Linden, lieden het belegeren van Monsanibiecke en Goa, met het verovcren van de Portuguese Karccke en andere Schepe, 2 leaves and 79 j^P- wry fine large and clean copy, with tlie folding plate at p. 31, very scarce Uo. Amsterdam, Gerrit van Goedesbergen, 1651 Tliis was the Toyagc of the ship Bantam from the Texel, one of five ships that sailed the 20th April, 1U06, and returned the 9tb of August, 1609. 124 Coalition (the) or, an historical Memorial of the negotiation for Peace, between His High ^lightiness of C. . . . m. . . . t and his Sublime Excellency of H . . . y . . . s, with the Vouchers, pub- lished by authority of one of the contracting Powers, H pp. half hound ito. London, J. Hinxman, 17 G2 This take-off of the Negotiations of the Treaty of Paris has considerable wit and a good deal of personality, but it bo abounds in initials and skeleton names that it is somewhat difficult to read without a previous knowledge of the times. 125 Cobbet (William) The Political Censor for Sept. 1796. Life of Thomas Paine, interspersed with Remarks and Reflections [by Porcupine] 49 jjp. 8m Phil. 1796 126 Coffin (Paul, Pastor in Buxton) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 29, 1799 8vo. Boston, Young & Minns, 1799 127 Collection of Papers (A) relative to Half-Pay and commutation thereof, granted by Congress to the Officers of the Army, to- gether with a Circular Letter from General Washington to the Several Legislatures of the United States, fine copy, excessively rare, uncut, iii^p. half houiui Ato. Boston, by Order of tlui General Court of Massachusetts, 1783 128 Colonizacion y Navegacion del Amazonas, \(i pp. 4to. Lima, J. M. Monterola, 1853 A rare tract, referring to Brazil, Peru, Mexico, California, ko. 129 Columbus (Christopher) Questa o la hysteria dolla inventisfe delle diese Isole di Cannaria In diane extracte duna Epistola gg____. 21 to- 1853 di Christofano Colombo & per messer GiuHano Dati traducta de latino in uersi uulgari . . . . a di xxv. doctober M.cccclxxxxiii. [colophon] Joannes dictus Florantinus This is a facsimile of the unique copy of the first and last of the four leaves of the second edition of Dati's Italian version of Columbus' first letter announcing the discovery of a new route to India by the West, printed at Florence the 25th Oct., 1493, taken from the unique imperfect original preserved in the British Museum. 130 COLUMBUS (Christopher) Eyn schon hubsch lesen von ETLICHEN INSZLEN / die do in kurtzen zyten fiuiden synd durch de / kunig von hispania, vnd sagt v6 groszen wun / derlichen dingen die in do selbeinszlen synd [Culuphon]GetTuckt ziiStraszburgvff gruneck vo meister Bartolomesz / kiistler ym iar. M.'^ccc.xcvij. vff sant Jeronymus tag. 7 leaves, with a wood- cut on tilt title and repeated on the last page, vellum ito. This is an excellent facsimile by the elder John Harris executed about 1850 for Mr. Henry Stevens, of the celebrated first Letter of Columbus, translated somewhat freely into German and printed at Strasbourg in 1497. The original German copies are of the highest rarity. Of this facsimile edition Mr. Stevens, who had the tracings only of Mr. Harris, had only a half-dozen copies taken off, and the work erased from the stones. These two arc the only copies left. 131 Columbus' Letter in German, a facsimile, another copy, vellum 132 Columbus (Ferdinand) Historie dtl Signor D. F. Colombo nolle quali s' hi particolare, & vera v latione dt'lla vita dell' Ammi- raglio. D. Chriatoforo Colombo suo Padre, fine copy in blue calf extra, g. e. 16mo. Fenetia, Appollvnis Zamboni, 1685 Columbus (Ferdinand) La Vie de Cristofle Colomb, et la Decou- verte qu'il a faitc des Indes Occidentales, appellees le Nouveau Monde, ^";ie copy, 2 parts in 1 vol, in fancy blue calf extra, g, e. by Pratt 8vo. Paris, C. Barbin, 1681 Comets, An Essay on Comets. Part I, The Phenomena of the Tails of Comets, and their perpetual Opposition to the Sun. II, The Ends for which these Tails were probably designed. With Observations and Reflections on the Sun and primary Planets. By Andrew Oliver, jun. 6 preliminary leaves and 87 pp. tvith a copperplate, scarce 8vo. Salem, N. E. Samuel Hall, 1772 Common Sense and Plain Truth, addressed to the Inhabitants of America 8ro. London, J. Almon, 1776 Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America [by Thom. Paine] Sixth Edition, uncut, 33 j)p. a scarce edition ito. Philadelpliia printed. Providence reprinted, by J. Carter, 1776 Common Sense and Plain Truth, Lond, J. Almon, 1776 ; and also Additions to Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, ib. 1776 Conduct (the) of the French with regard to Nova Scotia from its first settlement to the Present time, title and 78 ^tp. half roan Hvo. London, T. Jcfferies, 1754 Confession (A) of faith and Church Order adopted by the Baptist Church of Christ in Newtown, New Hampshire, Con- stituted February 17th, 1796, U pp. 8vo. Exeter, Henry liaiUet far Eev. John Peak, 1796 133 131 135 136 137 138 139 22 140 141 Connecticut. Reasons why the British Colonies in America should not be charged with internal taxes, by authority of Parliament, humbly offered, for consideration, in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut [by Governor Fitch] scarce, uncut, 39 pp. 8w. New Haven, B. Mecom, 1764 Connecticut. Remarks on Dr. Gale's Letter to J. W. Esq. [by E. D. Le. Eliphalet Dyer, afterwards one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence] uncut, 27 pp. rare and VALUABLE 8w. [Hartford ?] printed Anno 17 69 In this important historicnl and constitutional tract Mr. Dyer answers seriatim Dr. Gale's grumblings about the elections of Governor and Deputy Governor under the Charter ; the Affairs of the Susquehanna Company ; the printing of the Assembly's Journals ; the Paxton men of Pennsylvania ; boundaries of the Colonies and their Chartered Rights, &c. 142 Connecticut. A Plea in Vindication of the Connecticut Title to the Contested Lands, Lying West of the Province of New- York, addressed to the Public, by Benjamin Trumbull, splendid copy clean and perfect, uncut, \6^pp. followed by a leaf of Errata, VERY SCARCE in this state 8w. New-Haven, Thomas and Samuel Green, 1774 143 Connecticut. An Address of His Excellency Governor [Jona- than] Trumbull, to the General Assembly and the Freemen of the State of Connecticut, Declining any further Election to public office, with the Resolution of the Legislature, in Con- sequence thereof, /tw, clean and uncut, 10 pp. ito. New-London, Timothy Green, 1783 At the age of 73, after 61 years of public service, " Brother Jonathan," as Washington delighted to call him, issued this "Parting Address" full of sound sense nnd good advice to his IStatc both in reference to domestic affairs and its rclatious to the Congress and the old Confederacy. The Almighty left Wa.shing- ton childless that a Nation might call him " Father," while at the same time the same Nation assumed the familiar nickname of '• lirothvr Jonatluin." Trumbull's " Parting " and Washington's " Farewell " Addresses must ever remain two revered and sacred books in the United States. 144 Connecticut. The Address of the Episcopal Clergy of Con- necticut, to the Rt. Rev. Bishop Seal)ury, with the Bishop's Answer; and a Sermon before the Convention at Middle- town, Aug. 3rd, 1785, by Jeremiah Leaming, Rector of Christ's Church, Stratford ; also Bishop Seabury's first Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese, Aug. 4th, 1785, with a List of the Succession of Scot's Bishops, from the Revolution in 1688, to the present Time, uncut %vo. New-Haven, Thomas & Samuel Green [1785] 145 Connecticut. The Dignity of Man, especially as displayed in Civil Government. A Sermon on the General Election at Hart- ford, May 14, 1801, by Benjamin Trumbull, D.D. Pastor in North Haven [and Historian of Connecticut] 39 pj). fine and uncut 8m Hartford, Hudson d; Goodwin, 1801 146 Connecticut. To the Freemen of Connecticut [an historical and political statement of Election affairs, by Uriah Tracy, in which the Federalists, Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Pickering and other federalists are vindicated against the charges of the Democrats] uncut, IGpp, 8vo. Litchfield, 1803 n C 1 1{ U pr 23 and in ItOD, the 11803 147 Connecticut. The Mischiefs of Legislative Caucuses, exposed in an Address to the People of Connecticut, by Trumbull [pseudonym] MWM<, 15^. 8to. Hartford, Goodwin <& Sons, 1819 148 Connecticut. Considerations suggested by the Establishment of a Second College in Connecticut, umut, 36 pp. 8vo. Hartfm-d, Gleason & Co. 1824 149 Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. A Statistical Account of the City of New Haven, by Timothy Dwight, being vol. I, No. 1, of a Statistical Account of the towns and parishes on the State of Connecticut, published by the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, uncut, xi and 8ipp. 8vo. New-Haven, Walter & Steele, 1811 150 Connecticut Election Sermon before the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, on the Anniversary Election, May 11, 1775, by Joseph Perry, Pastor of the first Church in East Windsor, 2Zpp. clean and fine copy, scarce, uncut ito. Hartford, Men. Watson, 1775 161 Conquista de la America, 9 vol. Spanish calf 12mo. Madrid, 1829 Vol. I contains A. de Soils' Mexico ; vol. II- V, Garcilasso de la Vega's Com- mentarios Rculcs ; VI & VII, La Florida del Inca. ; and vol. VIII & IX, Essays Cronologico para la historia de la Florida. 152 Considerations on the Measures Carrying on with respect to the British Colonies in North America, GS pp. half roan, uncut, a scarce edition 8vo. Hartford reprinted, E. Watson, 1774 153 Constitution (the) or frame of Government for the United States of America as reported by the Convention of Delegates at Philadelphia, begun May 1, 1787, an early and rare edition, 32 pp. 8m Boston, Adams <& Monroe, 1787 154 Constitutional Convention op Massachusetts. Result of the Convention of Delegates Holden at Ipsmch in the County of Essex, who were Deputed to take into Consideration the Constitution and form of Government, proposed by the Con- vention of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, 68 pp. fine and uncut, very rare 8m Newhury-Port, John Mycall, 1778 155 Convention (the) between the Crowns of Great Britain and Spain, concluded at the Prado on the 14th of January, 1739, N. S. ; the King of Great Britain's Full Power ; the King of Spain's Full Power, etc. ; the Two Separate Articles belonging to the Convention and the ratifications, &c. 28 pp. half roan Uo. London, Samuel Buckley, 1739 Relating mainly to the limits, trade, commerce and navigation of the several provinces in America and the West Indies, 156 Convention of Ministers of New England. Faithful Ministers of Christ, Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. A Sermon before the Ministers of Massachusetts-Bay in New England at their Annual Convention in Boston, May 26, 1743. By Nathanael Appleton of the 1st Church in Cambridge, uneat, rare 8vo. Boston, Rogers & Fowle, 1743 24 167 CoPiA EiNES SEND-ScHRiBajENS Ausz DER NEUEN Welt, betreflFend die Erzehlung einer gefaherlichen Schifffarth, und gliicklichen Anliindung etlicher Christliclien E^isegefehrten, welche zu dem Ende diese Wallfahrt augetratteu, den Glauben an Jesuni Christum allda Ausz-zubreiten, 1 1 pp. excessively rare, fine ccrpy in dark him vwrocco hi/ Bedford Uo. GedrucU im Jahr, 1695 We know of no other copy of this volume. It begins, " Salutem ex Antipo- dibus ! " and ends with the signature, " N. N. Germandon in Pensylvania AmericsB d, 7. Aug. 1694, " Qermantown in the Antipodes 1 158 COPYEN [Copy of Statements addressed to the States General res- pecting the East and West India Companies], 16^. 4fo. 1668 159 COEBET (John, Late of Chichester) Self-employment in Secret. Third Edition, carefully corrected, Oppen. 1619 13 by 9 13J by 9 J Smith's N. England . ) XI. Voyages of Schouten & Spil- [ bergen to the South Sea . | Oppen. S,- Franckf. 1 1619 13 by 9 13i by 9J XII. Hcrrera's Description of the i West Indies . . .) )» 1624 13 by 9 14 by9i XIII. Short papers on N. Eng.Vir- 1 ginea, Brasil, &c. . .J 1634 13i by 9 14 by 9J 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 De Bry. Latin America, Part II, BiiEVls Narratio eorvm quae in Florida Americse provicia Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam Navigatione, duce Kenato de Laudoniere classis Praefecto : Anno MDLxilii, first edition, very fine and clean, 13^ plump, doth folio. Franco/. 1591 De Bry. Latin, America, Part II, first edition, brilliant im- pressions of the titles, map and plates, 13J inches tall and 9 luide, half green morocco folio. Franckf. in Officina Sigismundi Feirabedii, 1591 De Bry, Latin America, Part III, second impression, good copy, 13 J inches tall, half red morocco Franckf. 1609 De Bry, Latin America, Part III, first edition, first issue, fine clean copy, brilliant impressions of title, maps and plates, arms be- fore the virtues, 13§ inclies tall, 9i wide, with both titles and Adam and Eve folio. Franckf. in Officina Sigismundi Feirabendii, 1592 De Bry, Latin America, Part III, first edition, complete, early and hilliant impressions of the plates, with the arms before the vir- tues, fine copy, 13| inches tall folio. Franckf. Officina Theodore de Bry, 1592 De Bry, Latin America, Part V, second edition, 14^ tall, very fine and clean, tempoi-arily bound in cloth folio. Francof. 1595 De Bry, Latin America, Part VII, first edition, fine copy, 13 inches tall by 8 J, half green morocco folio. Francof. 1599 28 187 De Bry, Latin America, Part VIII, first edition, 13 J inches tall by S^ wide, with the map, and also the 2 small maps on pages 78 and 3, good impressions, edges of some plates turned in, half green morocco folio. Franckf. opera & sumptibus T. de Bry, P. M. relictm ViducB & fUiorum, 1599 188 De Bry. Latin, America, Part IX. first edition, 13 inches tall, quite complete folio, Francof. Apud Matth. Beckervm, 1602 189 DE BRY. Latin, India, Parts I to XI, fine tall set all first editions complete tvith all the maps and plates, clean and in good Older, wanting only Fart XII and the Appendix Eegni Congo (see lot 191 below) temporarily bound in half red morocco, uniform with the America, lot 17^, folio. Franckf. etc. 1598-1619 This set comprises tlie following ; — Pabt I. Regnum Congo. Per Phil. Pigafettam Francf. 1598 II. Johan Hugonis Lintscotani Navigatio in Orientem ib. 1599 III. J. H. Lintscotani Navig. Contin. ih. IfiOl IV. Lintschot & al. Fructus, arbores, Animalia .fee. in Indiam ib. IGOl V. Descriptio Navig. Hollan. cum 8 Nav. in terras Orient. ib. 1601 VI. Hist, descrip. avrifcri regni Guinea ib. 1604 VII. Navig. duse h Siiilbergio & Casparo Balbi ib. 1606 VIII. Navig. (il) i I. Neccio, I. H. de Bree etc. in Ind. Orient. ib. 1607 IX. Hist, descrip. Navig. ab. Hollandis in Ind. Orient, ib. 1612 X. H. Hudson, Linschot & De Quir ib. 1C13 XI. Vespucci, Spitzberga3, etc. Openheim, 1619 190 De Bry. Latin India, Parts / to XI another set as above, very fine, tall, clean and crisp, in 2 volumes, in the original pigskin binding, in matchless condition, with all the maps and plates. All FIRST editions folio. Francof. & Oppenheim, 1598-1619 191 DEBRY. Latin India. APPENDIX REGNI CONGO. Qua continentvr navigationes quinqve Samvelis Brunonis, fine clean and perfect copy, measuring near 11 J iiiches tall by 7f wide, tcmpcn-arily bound in cloth Francoforti, Sliulio and Sumptibus hceredum lolmn. Theod. De Bry Typis Caspari Eotelij, Anno 1625 Of all the Parts of a perfect De Bry, Latin and German, this Latin Appendix TO Congo is by far the rarest and most difficult to meet with. It first appeared in 1625 and was never reprinted. We do not recollect that a copy has ever before occurred for sale by auction separately. As many excellent sets are known to want this piece only, we venture to let it stand idone on its own merits. 192 De Bry. Gerinlvn America, Part I, Vinginia by Thomas Hariot, first edition, complete good copy, 12J inches tall folio. Gedrukt zu Frankfort am Miiyn bey Johann JFechel in verlcgung Dietrich Bry. Anno 1590 193 De Bry. German America. Part II, Florida, first edition complete, good copy, 12| inches tall folio. Francof. 1591 194 De Bry. German America, Part III, Brasil, first edition, complete, fine copy, \1^ indies tall folio. Francof. 159S 194* De Bry. German America, Part IV. Benzoni, first edition, first issue, 12| inches tall, brilliant imp-essions of all the plates before the cyphers, exceedingly rare in this state folio. Gedrukt zu Franckfort am Mayn bey Johann Feyrabend, in verlegung Dietrichs von Bry. 1594 ■KjtMa^k^-A^'jnBflgBl, , trntJit^^ 29 ancf. 1598 ib. 1599 ih. IfiOl ih. 1601 ih. 1601 ih. 1604 iJ. 1606 ib. 1607 t*. 1612 ift. 1613 ieim, 1619 195 196 De Laune (Thomas) A Plea for the Non-Conformists shewing the true state of their case : In a letter to Dr. Benjamin Calairy, title ani preface \^ pp. text 150^. good copy, old calf, scarce \imo. Boston, reprinted by D. & J. Kneelandfor W, McAlpine, 1763 Devotion (Ebenezer) A Mourning Piece, A Discourse at Brooklyn in Pomfret [Connecticut] Oct. 22, 1754, at the funeral of Eev. Mr. Ephraim Avery, Pastor there, 23 pp. half bound, fine clean copy, scarce ito. Boston, J. Draper, 1755 197 Dier6ville (Mr.) Relation du Voyage du Port Royal de I'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle France, fine clean copy in calf extra by Pratt 8vo. Amsterdam, Pierre Humbert, 1710 198 Divine Right. The Scripture Bishop or the Divine Right of Presbyterian Ordination and Government considered in a Dialogue between Prelaticus and Elutherius examined in two letters to a friend, uncut, title and 52pp. 8vo. [Boston] printed in the year 1733 199 Domestic Industry, National Interests and Domestic Manufac- tures. Address of the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Domestic Industry to the Citizens of the United States, uncui, 114: pp. wants all after p. 114 8vo. Boston, W. IF. Clapp, 1819 200 DpNCK (Adrien vander) Beschryvinge Van Nieuw Neder. LANT, etc. FIRST EDITION, icith the engraved view of " t' Fort nieuw Amsterdam op de Manhatens " on p. 9, not in the second edi- tion tlie next year, fine large clean ami perfect copy, vellum Mo. Amsterdam, Evert Nieuwenhof, 1655 What the first folio is to an English Collector, a Vander Donch is to the American. When a New York Collector has once screwed his courage to the price of a good Vander Donck, the first edition with the Vicn or the 2d edition with the Map, he seldom flinches at the price of any other rare Book on America that may turn up. Copies for the last 40 years have usually sold from £12 to £21. 201 Dorchester, Mass. Remarks on the Result of an Ecclesiastical Council, which met at Dorchester, on November 16, 1773, with reflections on the printed Narrative, and on the Reasons of the Rev. Mr. Bowman's Dismission, 39^. 8vo. Boston, John Boyle, 1774 202 DRAKE (Sir Francis) A Collection of important Historical Manuscripts relating to Sir Francis Drake, 1580-1603 ; his several voyages to the West Indies and round the World, trascribed about 20 years ago from the original papers and correspondence preserved in the British Museum, Lincoln's Inn, the Bodleian Library and the Ashmolean, Oxford, the Public Record office, &c. comprising above 380 pages in folio, quarto and octavo, amounting to about 700 folios of 72 words. This important lot was brought together with a view of publishing a volume of materials for the life and exploits by sea and land of Drake. Some have been printed since, but the collection is still valuable. The contents comprise the Will of Sir Francis, the Narrative of John Drake, in Spanish, with a translation. Extracts from Correspondence, Extraordinary Payments, Letters relating to Sir John Norris, Capt. Fenner, Sir Christopher Hatton, &c. &;c. 203 Dudleian Lecture. Popish Idolatry: a Discourse in Harvard College in Cambridge, N.E. May 8, 1765. By Jonathan May- hew, Pastor of the West Church, Boston, 52 pp. good copy, scarce 8vo. Boston, Draper, Edes & GUI, Fleets. 1765 80 204 Dutch East India Company. An Official Placcat or Manifesto against a libellous Book entitled " Nootwendich Discours oft Vertooch aende Ho : Mog : Heeren Staten Gen. vande Participanten der Oost-Indische C'ompagnie legen de Bewint-hebbers," black Ulltr, broadside, folded and bound in brown adf extra by Bedford ito. MiddelJmrgh, Julii, 1622 205 Dutch East & West India Companies, Ooghen-Salve tot verlichtinghc, van alle Participanten, so vande Oost, ende West-Indische Compaignien, mitsgaders verscheyden notabele Consideratien, etc. [Eyesalve for opening the eyes of the managers of the East & West India Companies to the import- ance of a union of their interests] 35 p. black lttttx,fine clean copy in red roan, scarce ito. In 's Graven Haghe by Lieven de Lange in April, 1644 206 Dwight (Timothy) Virtuous Kulers a national Blessing, a Connec- ticut Election Sermon, May 12th, 1791, uncut, '^2 pp. two or three lines gone from p. 41 Bvo. Hartford,Uvdson& Goodwin, 1791 207 Dwight (Timothy, President of Yale College) Discourse in New- Haven on the Death of Governor Trumbull, uncut, 2% pp. 8m New Haven, 0. Steel & Co. 1809 208 Dyer (Mary) A Brief Statement of the Sufferings of Mary Dyer, occasioned by the Society called Shakers, 35 pp. uncut 8vo. Boston, W. S. Spear, 1818 209 Equiara y Eguren (Joannes Josephus) Bibliotheca Mexicana sive eruditorum historia Virorvm, qui in America BoriaU nati, vel alibi geniti, etc. Tom. I, A B c. [all ever printed] good clean copy, old calf (a few leaves slightly injured by a nail), exces- sively rare, 80 preliminary leaves aiul text in 384 fp, folio. Mexici : Ex nova Typographic in JEdibus Authoris,l755 Though only the first volume of this important work was printed, it is still of great use, and has by no means been superseded by the later Bibliotheca of Beristain de Souza, into whose hands Eguiara's collections fell. 210 Election Sermons. Nine Massachusetts-Bay Election Sermons, 1742-1750, bound in 1 volume, in finest possible condition, scarce and valuable, 8vo. viz. By 1. Nathaniel Appleton, Pastor of First Church in Cambridge, May 26, 1742 Boston,, J. Draper, 1742 2. Nathanael Eells, Pastor of Second Church in Scituate, May 25, 1743 Boston, S. Kneeland 4' T. Orecn, 1743 3. James Allen, iV^tor in Brookline, May 30, 1744 Boston J. Draper, 1744 4. Ebenezer Gay, Pastor in Ilingham, May 20, 1745 Boston, D. Gookin, 1745 5. John Barnard, Pastor in Andovcr, May 2fe, l? IB Boston, J. Draper, 1746 6. Charles Chauncy, Pastor First Church in B^. _ _^ ^' .a 31 1622 (, 1743 r, 1744 I, 1745 ", 1746 i, 1747 •, 1748 1749 , 1750 >litical New All every aries 211 Election Sermon in the Audience of the Council & Representa- tives of tho Province of Massachusetts-Bay in N. E. May 25, 1757, the Anniversary of the Election of the Council of the Province. By Ebenezer Pemberton of Boston, 32 pp. uncui 8vo. Boston, John Draper, 1757 212 Election Sermon in the Audience of the Governor, Lt. Governor & Council of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New England, May 31, 1759, the Anniversary for the Election of the Council. By Joseph Parsons, Pastor of the Church in Bradford, yi7i« copy, uncut 8vo. Boston, J. Draper, 1759 213 Election Sermon at Cambridge before Gov. Hutchinson, Lt. Gov. Oliver, the Council & House of Representatives of Massachu- setts-Bay, May 27, 1772, 43 pp. 8m Boston, Edes & GUI, 1772 214 Election Sermon before the Council & Representatives of the State of Massachusetts-Bay at Boston, May 27, 1778. By Phillips Payson, Pastor of a Church in Chelsea, fine and uncut 8w. Boston : N. E. John GUI, 1778 215 Election Sermon preached before Governor Hancock, the Council, &c. of Massachusetts, May 28, 1788, the Day of General Election, iG pp. 8vo. Boston, Adams & Nourse, 1788 216 Election Sermon before the Lt. Governor, the Council, the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts, May 29, 1793, the day of General Election, very fine copy, uncut, 42 pp. 8vo. Boston, T. Adams, 1793 217 Embargo Laws. The Reply of the Majority of the Representa- tives from the State of Massachusetts, in Congress, to the Resolutions and Instructions of the Legislature of that State, on the Embargo Laws, 16 pp. uncut 8vo. Salem, Poole & Palfray, 1808 218 English Orthography. A Minniature ov Inglish Orthoggraphy, uncui, title, contents and if) pp. 8vo. n, p. n. d. [London, circa 1810 1] Here is a sample of this precious stufE — for improving spelling ! Dhe pubblic monnitor ov truith, Swor'n ennemy to'hwat'z uncooth, Widh blockheds siramilarly spels, (Orthoggraphy widh plezzure tels) Dhat dhua dhe foarce ov riddicule Shood laf dhe lerned bac to'scool. 219 Erie Canal. Report of the Commissioners appointed by Joint Resolutions of the Honorable the Senate and Assembly of the State of New-York, of the 13th and 15th March, 1810, To Explore the Route of an Inland Navigation from Hudson's River to Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, large folding map of the Western Part of the State of New Ywk, by John Eddy {title mviUated but only 2 letters gone) 35 pp. uncut and scarce 8w. Albany: S. Southuiick, 1811 220 Essay (An) by several Ministers of the Gospel [in New England] for the satisfaction of their pious and conscicncious brethren as to sundry questions and Cases of Conscience con- cerning the Singing of Psalms in the Publich Worship of God [signed at end by Peter Thacher, John Danforth and Samuel Danforth]^w« and uncut, title & 22 pp. very scarce 8vo. Boston, S. Kneeland for S. Gerrish, 1723 32 221 Evidences of Christianity. The Nature, Certainty and Evidence of true Christianity. In a Letter from a Gentlewoman in New England to another, uncut, 15 pp. 8vo. Boston : S. Kneeland, 1755 222 Exami"ation of the President's [T. Jefferson] Peply to the New Haven Remonstrance with an Appendix containing the Pre- sident's Inaugural Speech, the Remonstance & Reply ; with a list of Removals from office & new Appointments made since 4th March, 1801, uncut, 69^. 8vo. New Ym-k, G. F. Hopkins, 1801 223 F. (J.) A Letter to the Rev. Mr. William Hobby, Pastor First Church in Reading [Mass.] by J. F. [against Itinerancy, and the Conduct of George Whitefield the Itinerant Preacher] title and 9 pp. scarce ito. (Boston "i) 1745 224 F. (J.) i. e. The Rev. Dr. J. Freeman. Remarks on the American Universal Geography [of Rev. Jedediah Morse] by J. F. clean and uncut, 62 pp. 8vo. Boston, Belknap d; Hall, 1793 This scarce tract exhibits, a severe overhauling, dissection, and general sitting-to- rights of the enlarged edition of Morse's Geography. J. F. points out the author's want of uniformity and method ; inconsistences, contradictions, defective maps, deficient judgment of materials and authorities ; general bias and particular pre- judices ; thorough haste and profound carelessness ; mistakes, confusion and omissions. Though not taken with a very good gr.ace, it is not to be denied, that the influence of this tract on American topographical history and geography, both general and local, was efficient, marked and salutary. Morse's subsequent editions show all this. But Morse contended that while he was " Orthodox," J. F. was Arrian, and the attack was a step in revolutionizing the constitution of Harvard College and turning a Congregational into a Unitarian Institution. 225 Farmer (A Yankee) Peace without dishonour — war without hope. Being a calm and dispassionate Enquiry into the question of the Chesapeake and the necessity and expediency of War, by a Yankee Farmer [John Lowell] 43 2)p- uncut \ 8w. Boston, G-reenough & Stcbbins, 1807 226 Federal Constitution. Amendments proposed to be added to the Federal Constitution, by the Congress of the United States of America, held at New York, 4th March, 1789, uncut and scarce, 8 pp. 12mo. Boston, Mass. Tlwmas Adams, 1790 227 Fernandez (Diego) Primera, y segvnda parte, de la His- TORIA DEL Perv, qve se mando escreuir, h Diego Fernandez, vezino de la ciudad de Palencia. Cotiene la primera, lo succedido en la Nueua Espaiia y en el Peru sobre la execucion de las nueuas leyes [1543] : La Segvnda, Contiene, la TjTannia y al9amiento de los Contreras, &c. fine clean copy in old calf extra, folios 115, 116 <& 120 of part I, being in facsimile folio. Sevilla, en casa de Hernando Diaz, 1571 228 Fine Arts. An Essay on the use and advantages of the Fine Arts. Delivered at the Public Commencement, in New- Haven, September 12th, 1770. [By John TrumbulH] MncM<, \6 pp. 8w. New-Haven, 1\ and S. Green (1770) 229 FiSK (Mrs. Levina) A Plea before the Ecclesiastical Council at Stockbridge [Massachusetts] in the cause of Mrs. Fisk, who was excommunicated for marrying a man whom they called im- 33 moral and profane. Delivered the 6th and 7th October, 1779. By a Gentleman of Connecticut [Eev. Jonathan Huntington] UOpp. Umo. Boston, N. C'overly, 1782 230 FiSK (Mrs.) A plea before the venerable Ecclesiastical Council at Stockbridge in the cause of Mrs. Fisk [who was excom- municated on the charge of marrying a person openly immoral & profane]. Delivered the 6th & 7th Oct. 1779. By a Gentle- man of Connecticut [Rev. J. Huntington] 46 pp. first edition, half bmind, same, fine copy ivo. Norwich, John Trumbull, 1780 231 Foxcroft (Thomas, A.M. One of the pastors of the First Church, Boston) A a Apology in behalf of the Rev. Mr. WTiitefield : offering a fair solution of certain Difliculties objected against some Parts of his publick Conduct in point of moral honesty and uniformity, etc. 38 pp. good copy, ivith the autograph signor- tv/re at the end, of Tkjrnas Foxcroft, very rare, advertisement 1 page ito. Boston, Rogers t& Foule, 1745 232 Freemasonry. Legislative Investigation into Masonry; being a correct history of the examination under civil oath of more than fifty adhering and seceding masons, before a committee of the General Assembly of Rhode Island, held at Providence and Newport between Dec. 7, 1831, and Jan. 7, 1832. Re- ported by B. F. HaUet, Geo. Turner & others, uncut, 87 pp. large imp. 8vo. Boston, Daily Advocate, 1832 233 Freemasonry. Report of the Committee appointed by the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations, to investigate the charges in circulation against Free- masonry and masons in said state, together with all the official Documents and Testimony relating to the subject, 149 pp. 8vo. Frovidence, W. Marslmll, 1832 234 Feobisher {Sir Martin) I.N.J. Historia Navigationis Mar- tini FoRBissERi Angli Praetoris sive Capitanei, A.C. 1577. Majo, Junio, Julio, Augusto & Sept. mensibus, ex-Anglia, in Septemtrionalis & Occidentis tractum susceptiB, ... ex gallico in latinum Sermonem, h, Job. Thoma Freigio translata, «& Noriberguae, ant6 A. 94, cum prefatione utili, observationibs alequot & appendice edita, denu6 prodit, 6 museo D. Capelli, P.P. Frontispiece, title leaf and 15 pril, pages ending on recto of C 2 ; text beginning on verso of c 2, and ending with page 24 on F 2. The annotations beginning on same page end on page 29 ; Appendix pages 30 to 37, th^i end. Five copy, calf extra, by Pratt 4fo. Hamburghi, Jnh. NaunMnni tfc G-.m-gi Wolffii, 1675 This rare edition, as will be seen by the nbove titio and collation, contains much not in the previous English, Latin, French or <>ircmn editions, 235 Garcia de la Concepcion (Joseph) Historia Bethlehemitica. Vida exemplar, y admirable del Padre Pedro do San Joseph Betancvr, Fundador de el Regv'i .r lustitutio de Bethlehen en las Indias Occidentales, good cleai^ ropy, vellum folio. Sevtlla, Jvan dela Pverta, 1723 236 Garcilabso do la Vega (El Ynea) & Do Solis (Antonio) Commen- taries r.i 39 j La Florida del Inca ; and Conquista de Mexico, 7 vol. U^pJ Umv. Madrid, 1829 34 237 Garcilasso de la Vkga (El Ynea) Historia General del Peru, trata el descubrimiento del, y como lo ganaron los Espanoles. Las Gverras ciuiles que huuo entre Pi^arros, y Almagros, &c. vellum folio. Cffrdova, Por la Viwda de Aiulres Barrera, 1617 238 Gay (Ebenezer, Pastor of First Church in Bingham) A beloved Disciple of Jesus Christ characterised, in Two Sermons at West Church in Boston, July 27, 1766, . \er the decease of Jonathan Mayhew, fine and uncut, 30 and 44 pp. scarce 8vo. Boston, R. & S. Draper, 1766 239 GEORGIA. Transactions of the Trustees for the Estab- lishment OF the Colony of Georgia in America, being the Original Manuscript Records, never yet printed, of their Meetings, weekly or oftener, held in London between the 14th of June, 1738, and the 24th of May, 1744, together with a full Index of the Proceedings of the previous year from June 1737 to Juno 1738, and a parcel of notices of meetings, notes and memoranda a year or two later to 1746 or '47, the whole giving detailed accounts of the doings of the several meetings of the Common Council, the Board of Trustees, the Committees of Correspondence, the Committees of Accounts, etc. comprising a great deal of private and secret correspon- dence, evidence, gossip, and minute details respecting Officers, agents, colonists, parsons, servants, adventurers, Indians, negroes, charity-sweepings, jail birds, blacklegs, deported paupers, laudsharks, etceteras. Two volumes in folio, very closely written, mostly in tlie neat small round Juind of Sir John Perceval ilic first Earl of Egmont, the President of the Board of Trustees, the soul of the Enterprise at Iwme, as General Oglethorp was the spirit of it in Georgia It is impossible to give bore any adequate idea of the historical value and literary importance of these two Volumes for the History, biography and bibliography of the Province of Ueorgia, the youngest of the thirteen British Colonies in America, all fronting on the Atlantic, with tL ur back doors, according to their charters, front- ing on the South Sea or Pacific. These two volumes arc the Sibylline leaves of Georgian History. What has become of the five or six other volumes referred to frequently in records, is not known, but what remains covers the half dozen most important and eventful years of trial Trust under the Old Charter. These volumes arc marked 2 Sc Si. the third breaking off in the midtile of the volume at May 24, 1741, the remainder being blank paper, because probably of the ill health of the Earl of Egmont. Vol. I probably contained the records of the first seven years, 17;!2to June 1738. Internal reference shows that Egmont kept several volumes of letters in two scries, one of letters to tieorgia and the other of letters from Georgia to the Trustees. The more important of them, however, are noted in these volumes, from day to day, in their chronological order. The matter speaks for iiself, being full, concise and to the point, exceedingly well written, clear, honest, and convincing. Indeed, it is ready for the press at once, and is all well worth jjrinting. The matter has been cast off roughly, and is found to be sufficient to fill two ordinary domy octavo vommcs in pica type, set, of 0(X) pages each That is, the manuscript, allowing for blanks, m.'ikcs about C2u full folio pages, closely written, averaging WIO words on a full page, or in all about !)12,()00 words, enough to cost HH). for record co])ying and revising at the u^ual price of fdur pence per folio of 72 words. Hence at the usual valuation of three times the expense of ft t'o/>y the original should |)roi;'-or, 8' . .om found in the book. This copy has it in excellent facsimile fro ■• ii:-.t ia rae British Museum, so well done as to be detected with difficulty. 242 GIUSTINLVil (Agostino) Castioatissimi Annali di Genoa. Opori. ^p*" "r;"' .; aiolto laudouole,(,7t'. fine complelc coj)y in vellum, EXCESSIVELY UAUE folio. Oenoa, hmrcntio Smnellino, 1537 The Epistle Dedicatory is dated the 10th of August, Ifjltfi. The venerable author (who had written and published the first LiFK OP Columbus, in a long note on tlic opening of tlie 19th Paalin, in his Polyglott Psalter of 1516) died at Sea in iriltO. These Annal)t of Oenoa were soon after put to press by liis executors, but without iufficient revision or oxf)lanation. They gave groat offence in some ([uarters, and are said to have been suppressed. At all events they provoked Ferdinand Columbus to finish the Life of his Falher, and to strongly repel llie mlsrcpieseii- tations first t^ Id In the Psaltor, and now partly repeated in these Autiala, respecting the hnmblc '7,in of his father the Admiral. F 36 243 Glad Tidings. Or an Account of the State of Religion, within the bounds of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America ; and in other parts of the world, 48 ^. half roan 8to. Philadelphia : Jane Aitken, 1804 244 Gleason (Benjamin) An Oration, in Wrentham, Feb. 12, 1800, in Memory of Gen. George Washington, uncvi, S2pp. 8vo. Wrentham, Mass. N. and B. Heaton, 1800 245 Golden Fleece (The) divided into three Parts, under which are discovered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decays of the Kingdome, and lastly the waies to get Wealth, and to restore Trading so much complained of. Transported from Cumbrioll Colchos, commonly called New Foundland. By Orpheus Junior [William Vaughan], fine, large, clean and per- fect copy (except map in facsimile), hound in green rnnvcco extra by Pratt in 1872 ito. London, Francis Williams, 1626 246 Gordon (William, Pastoi' of Third Church in Boxbury) The Sepa- ration of the Jewish Tribes after the death of Solomon, accounte< 'i i\ and applied to h\ie present day. A Sermon before thi ( Court, Friday, July 4th, 1777, being the [1st] aanivei. ;' the Declaration of Independency, 37 pp. scarce 8w. Boston, J. GUI, 1777 247 GORGES (Sir Ferdinando) America painted to the Life. The true History of the Spaniards' proceedings in the Conquest of the Indians, &c. &c. More especially, an absolute Narra- tive of the North parts of America, and the Discoveries in Virginia, New England and Berbadoes. Very fine large and clean copy, with all the four parts ctmplete, except that the frontis- piece and little map are wanting, ami the first title is in excellent facsimile hy Harris. Richly hound by Pratt in 1872, in best gros grained red inororco extra, excessively rare ito, London, Natlmniel Brooke, 1659-1658 One of the most difficult of books relating to New England to find complete with all the four Parts. Gorges has been much blamed for pirating, or rather appropriating Johnson's Wonder Wurking Prtnndencc, \)Vih\iH\\QiX by N.Brooke in 1G54, and by cancelling title and preface incorporating it entire in this work, with new title and introduction. We are now for the first time enabled to explain this matter and clear Gorges of the imputation of literary thievery. Johnson's book belonged to Brooke, and not being swift of sale, after four years, when publishing Gorges' book, he took upon himself the responsibility of working in and off his dead stock. As soon as Gorges 'ound out this trick of his publisher he inserted in the Mcraurins Pitblicut, Newspaper of the 13th Sept. 1660, the following " Adveutisement. I Ferdinando Gorqeb, the entitulud Author of a late Book, called Ahebioa Painted to the Life, om injured in that additional Part, called Sion's Saviour IN New Enuland, (as written by Sir Ferdinando Gorges ;) that being none of his, and formerly printed in another name, the true o-mer." 248 249 Granados ^Joseph Joaquin) Tardes Americanas : Gobiemo gentil y catolico : breve y particular Noticia do toda la Historia Indiana, soiled copy, plate at p. 8, oilier two wanting ito. Mexico, 1778 Gray (Edward) An Oration at Boston, July 5, 1790, in celebration of American Independence, uncvi, 16 pp. «w. Boston, S. IMl, 1790 mm J -Mi 1800 37 250 Great Britain and North America (The Present State of), with regard to Agriculture, Population, Trade and Manufactures, impartially considered : TUle and Contents vi, Preface rvi, and Text 363 jop. half hmnd 8vo. London : T. Becket & P. A. de Eondt, 1767 Grynaeus (Simon) See Nows Orbis 251 Guiana. Een Vertoogh van de considerabele Colonie, by de Edele Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West- Vrieslandt, uytgeset op de vaste Kust van America. Splendid copy, uncut, 70 pp. calf extra, by Bedford, very scarce Uo. Gravenhage, J. Scheltus, 1676 This is a full and official statement respecting the Colony proposed by the Dutch Government to be established in Guiana, on the river Wyapoca, in which is shown the advantages to emigrants to this new colony. 252 Guiana. Conditien, de Welcke by de Ed. Groot Mog. Heeren Staten van Hollandt ende West-Vrieslandt, toegestaen werden aen een yeder, die genegentheydt mochten hebben om een aensienelijcko Colonie uyt te setten op een seer bequame ende wel-gelegene plaetse, op de VASTE KusTE van America, die daer toe vast ghesteldt ende aengewesen sal worden, 1 1 pp. fine copy, scarce, calf extra, by Bedfm'd ito. [Amst.] Jvly, 1675 263 Guiana. Conditien. Another edition, blnck Utter, fine and tmcut, 8 pp. calf extra, by Bedford [Amst.] 20 Jvly, 1675 This edition difiers considerably in form and orthography from the preceding but the contents are similar. 264 Haerlems Schuyt-praetjen, op't Reders vande West Indische Compagnie [Gossip relative to the Eeform of the Dutch West India Company, and trade to Brazil] 12 leaves, blath ktttt,fine copy, vellum, scarce ito. Gedruct op't Jaer, 1649 255 HAKLUYT (Richard) The Principal Navigations, Voiages Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, etc. 3 volumes in 2, fine tall copy, in vellum, vol. I. 11^ inches tall, wanting the title, and 2 leaves (pp. 599-600, and 603-4) are shorter ; the Voyage to Cadiz in admirable plwto4ithographic facsimile. Vol. II perfect, but Vie preliminary leaves slwrter. Vol. Ill wants title, sig. Hhh 5, andpage 861 to 868 the last 4 leaves folio. London, G. Bishop, &c. 1598-1600 256 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates, from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island J the Counties of Cheshire and Grafton, New Hamp- shire and the County of Windbam Vermont, convened at Hartford, Conn. Dec. 15, 1814, uncut, i^pp. 8vo. Hartford, C, Hosmer, 1815 267 Hartford Convention. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates, from the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode- Island j The Counties of Cheshire and Grafton, N.H. ; and the County of Windham, Vt. convened at Hartford, Decem- ber 15th, 1814, 39 pp. uncut Hvo, Hartford, Aiukus and Starr, 1816 268 259 260 261 262 88 Hartford Convention. Public Documents, containing Proceedings of the Hartford Convention of Delegates, etc. 5i pp. uncut, By Order of the Senate 8vu. 1815 Haven (Samuel F.) Historical Address before the Citizens of Dedham, 21 September, 1836, being the Second Centennial Anniversary of the incorporation of the town [with an his- torical Appendix] mwcm/, 79 ^j). 8vo. Dedham, H. Man, 18S7 Hawkins (Sir Richard) The Obserrations of Sir R. Hawkins, IN HIS VoiAGE INTO THE SoUTH Sea, Anno Domini 1593, fine dean copy {the title a little discoloured) in calf extra, g. e. by Pratt folio. London, printed by I. D. for John laggard, 1622 Heckewelder (Jean) Histoire, Moeurs et Coutumes des Nations Indiennes qui habitent autrefois la Pensylvanie et les Etats Voisins. Traduit de I'Anglais par le Chevalier Du Ponceau, title and 571 pp. half calf 8vo. Paris, De Sure, 1822 Heede (Michiel Joostens van) Discovrs ende Beschrijvinge VAN het groot Eylandt Canaria, ende Gomera, midts- gaders het innemen, ende verlaten van dien, woodcuts, blath Utter, calf extra by Bedford, fine copy, VERY RARE 4to. Rotterdam, G. Pietersz, 1599 This is the original account of the celebrated Dutch Expedition under Admiral Vandkr Does, comprising some 70 vessels for the redress of grievances. The Admiral lost his main object, but took Alligona one of the Canaries and inflicted considerable damage c'\ St. Thomas. 263 Hkyn (Peter) Practiicke van der Spaenschen Aes-Sack : [satirical poems t'V A. Duyreant relative to the capture of the Spanish Silver-Fl^et off Juba in 1628, by Admiral Peter Peterson Heyn] very scarce, fine large copy with rough leaves, in calf extra by F. Bedford ito, in'sGravenhage, Ant. lansz. Tongerloo, 1629 264 Historical Notices of Connecticut published by the Conn. His- torical Society. No. I, Hartford in 1640, 46 p^). ; No. 1\, Hartford & West Hartford. By William S. Porter, 48^. uncut 8vo. Hartford, E. Geer, 1842 265 Historicus. The Sham-Patriot unmasked ; or, an exposition of the fatally succesoiul A.cts of Demagogues to exalt themselves by flattering and swindling the people, etc. [By Henry Cros- well] uncut, i8 pp. 8vo. Concord: G. Hough, 1805 266 Hooker (Thomas, of Hartfmd, New England) The Sovles pre- paration for Christ, or, a Treatise on Contrition, fine copy, in polished brovm calf extra by Pratt ito. London, Robert Dawlman, 1632 267 Hooker (Thomas) The Covenant of Grace opened in several SeTiaons, wants title and preliminary leaves. Text pp. 1-85, last page blank 4to. From the Crowninshield Library, with book plate. This tract bound with 14 others in one volume originally belonged to Eliphclct Adams, and there is still his autograph on the fly leaf, I7()J, with a list of the Ifl tracts, all printed in New England, except the first (this one). On the last page of this (p. 8G) is written the presentation, " To Mr. Roger Williams, Tresur of N. E." 268 [Hooker] (Thos.) The Sovles Preparation for Christ or a treatise of Contrition, old calf l2mo. London, R. Allot, 1635 I 39 269 Hoornbeek (Johannes) De Conversione Indorum & Gentilium. Libri Duo. Accessit ejusdem Vita ab Amico edita, very fine tall copy, calf extra by Bedford 4to. Amstelodami, 1669 270 Houghton (Thomas) Royal Institutions : being proposals for articles to establish and confirm Laws, Liberties and customs of Silver & Gold Mines to all the Kings Subjects in Africa & America, with Rules, Laws, etc. 12 and 126^. old calf 12mo. London, for the author, 1694 A curiously printed book, in large type, with only 14 lines on a page. 271 House (E.) A narrative of the Captivity of Mrs, Horn, and her two children, with Mrs. Harris, by the Camanche Indians, after they had murdered their husbands and travelling com- panions, with an account of the Manners and Customs of that Nation of Savages, scarce, 60^. 8vo. St. Louis, C. Keemk, 1839 272 HOUTMAN (Cornelis) Erste Schip-vaert gedaen van de Hollanders naer Oost-Indien, met vier Scheepen, onder't Beteydt van CoRNELis Houtman, uyt Texel t'Zeyl gegaen, Anno 1595, etc. \Oipp.fine dean copy, many woodcuts and some copperplates in the text, a rare edUion of this celebrated voyage ito. Amsterdam [1650 ?] 273 Howard (Simeon Pastor of West Church in Boston) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 31,1780, 48 /?p. 8m Boston, J. GUI, 1780 274 HULSIUS (LiviNus) Collectiones Navigationum et Pere- GRINATIONUM INInDIAM OcCIDENTALEM,InDIAJI OrIENTALEM, ET AD SePTENTRIONEM, XXVI PARTIBUS COMPREHENSiE, ab anno 1598 ad annum 1650 {Germanich) ; Opus illustratum figuris seneis Livini Hulsii et aliorum, Uo. Nurimbergce, Franco- furti ad Mainnm, Oppenlieim et Hanovia, 1598-1650 Pabt I. Voyages of the Dutch to the East Indies, 1596-97, 4th ed. Franokf. 1606 II. Second Voyage to the East Indies, 1598-1600, 2d ed. ib. 1602 III. Three Voyages to the North in 1594, 1695, 1696, 1st ed. 2d issue ih. 1602 rV. Voyages of Ulric ochmidel to Brazil, 1534-54 ih. 1599 V. Raleigh's Dcscripticn of Guiana, 1594-6 ih. 1699 VI. Four Voyages of Magellan, Drake, Cavendish and Van Noort ih. 1603 VII. The Gold Coast of Guinea, edited by L. Hulsius, 2d ed. ih. 1606 VIII. Voyages of the Dutch to the East Indies, 1599-1604, 2d ed. ih. 1608 IX. The Dutch in the East Indies, 1604-5, under Vander Hagen ih. 1606 X. Voyage of Matelicf to the East Indies in 1605-8 ih. 1608 XL Voynge of Verhoeffi to the East Indies, 1607-9 ih. 1612 Xl.»Continuation of VerhoefE's Voyage, 1607-12 ib. 1613 XII. Henry Hudson to the North East ; and De Quiros Oppenheim, 1614 XIII. Ralph Hamor's Discourse of Virginia, 1614 Hanaw, 1617 XIV. Capt. J. Smith's Description of New England, 1616 Franckfurt, 1617 XV. Captain Robert Coverte's incredible Report, 1612 Hanam, 1617 XVI. William Cornelis Schoutcn's Voyage, 1615-17 Franckfurt, 1619 XVII. Second Voyage of Joris van Spilbergen to tlie Pacific, 1614-10 ih. 1620 XVIII. Herrera's Description of the West Indies, 1601 ib. 1623 XIX. Five Voyages of Samuel Braun to the Coasts of Africa ib. 1626 XX. Whitbourne's Newfoundland ; Virginia, Bermuda, etc. ih. I(i29 XXI. Description of Brazil, and Conque-sts by the Dutch ib. 1629 XXII. Voyage of Admiral Jacques L'Hereinite, 1625-6 ib, 1630 XXIII, Brcethaupt's Description of Malta, from Streithberg's Voyage ib. 1632 XXIV. Bontckoe, Voyages to the East Indies, 1618-25 ih. 164P XXV. Brouwer and Hcrckeman's Voyage to Chili, 1642-3 ih. 164 J XXVI. Voyage of Captain John Munk, 1619-20, to Hudson's Bay ih. 1650 The pons asinorum of collectors is to make a complete set of Hulbiub. The 40 Parts of this set are generally large and yery fine, most of them with all the maps and plates, ready for binding. Parts XX and XXVI are wanting altogether. Part XXI wants the map and 4 plates. Part XXIV wants portrait. All the other parts are complete, in good order and correct, according to intelligent collation and abundant study, but some duplicate and misplaced plates that certain inconsiderato writers have described are purposely omitted as confusing and unbibliographical. They can however be supplied by the proprietors. It will be perceived that all but five of the parts are F1E8T Editions. Mr. Stevens' fine set in red morocco, all first editions except Part VII, sold in the Crowninshield Sale, in 1860, for £335. Most of the parts in this set are as fine or finer than in that set, all the rare parts are here save 20 and 26. 275 HULSIUS (Livinus) Collection of Voyages and Travels (in German) another set of Parts I to XVI, mostly but not all first or early editions, in general a good set, and most of the parts perfect, but some maps and plates may be wanting, sold therefore subject only to collation before the sale 4fo. Franckfurt, Norib. 4r Oppenheim, 1598-1649 END OF FIRST DAT'S SALE. SECOND DAY'S SALE. LOT 276 HULSIUS (LEVINUS) ANDER SCHIFFART in die Orien- TALISCHE Indien, So die HoUandische Schieff (welche im Martio 1598. auszgefahren, dauon die 2. letzste im Mayo 1600. mit grossem Schatz von Wiirtz wider kommen seynd) verrichtet. Darin kiirtzlich, ochd warhafftiglich, der gantze Succes der Keyse erzehlet v/irdt. Met etlichen uotigon erklarung, Garten vnd Figuren gezieret Durch Levinum HuLSlUM. Editio Secunda, a fine and complete copy ito. Franckfurt, In miegung Levjni Hulsii, 1605 The indefatigable Collector has here the opportunity of acquiring "Anuee ScHiFPAET's Second Voyage" that went forth " without a Dedication." It is so rare that the writer has for the last fifteen years through France and Germany advertised for it in vain. For further particulars see Bib, Am, Vet, page zxvii, Note. 277 HULsnis (Levinus) Sechster Theil, &c. the Sixth Part con- taining the 4 voyages round the World by Magellan, Drake, Cavendish and Oliver van Noort, edited by Hulsius, first edition. Title and dedic. 3 leaves : text 5Spp. 4 maps and 9 plates .4'o, Nm-ibergcB, impensis colledoris, 1603 278 HULSIUS (Levinus) Sechster Theil, Kurtze Warhafftigo Rela- tion vund Beschreibung der Wunder barsten vier SchiflFahrten, 80 jemals verricht worden. Als neinlich : Ferdinandi Magellani Portugalesers mit S. de Cano. Francisci Draconis Engellanders. ThomsB Candisch Engellanders. Oliuarii vonNoort, Miderlanders. So alle viervmden gantzen Erdtkreisz gesegelt, etc. Durch Levinum Hulsium, the last and very rare edition, 3 II and 5ipp, 4 maps and 9 plates ito. Gedruckt en Franckfurt, by Hartmanno Palthenifi, in Verlegung der Hidsischen, Im Jahr, 1626 279 Hulsius (Levinus) Ein Wariiafftiger vnd Grvndtlicher Bericht, von dem jtzigen Zustandt der Landtschaft't VlR- GINIEN, etc, Durch Raphe Hamor. [The 13th Voyage wherein is a true Account of the present state of Virginia, how the Peace was concluded with the Indians, and how different towns and forts have been built by the English for the pro- a Bi!;: 42 tection of the Country. Written in English by Raphe Hamor, Secretary, &c. and translated by a lover of history]. Complete in 76 J)]), with 4 copperplates 4to. GedfUcU zu Hanimw In Verlegung cler Iluhischen, Anno 1617 This 13th Part of Hulsius, being an illustrated translation of Raphe Hamor's Virginia, which appearnd in London in 1614, is an important booli; and is almost as rare as the original English edition. Smith's map of New England is sometimes placed in this work, but manifestly it does not belong to Hamor, but to the next. 280 Hulsius (Levinus) Viertzehende Schiffahrt, oder Grundliche vnd Warhaffte Beschreibung desz Newen Engellands, unter dem Capitein Johann Schmidt, &c. fine copy, excessively rare, with the map of Neio England with Capt. John Smith's portrait in the corner, 4 p-el leaves and 62 pp. itu. Geclruckt zu Frankfurt am Mayn. In verlegung der Hiilsischen. Im Jahr Christi, 1617 This 14th Part containing Capt. John Smith's Description of New England, with the map, is one of the rarest of the Parts of Hulsius. 281 Hulsius (Levinus) Funffzehende Schiffaet. Warhafftiger vnd zuvor nie erhorter Bericht eines Engelischen, welcher mit einem SchiiF, die Auffart genandt, in Cambaia, dem eussersten Theil Ost Indien, etc. vnter Capitein Egbert Coverte, 75 pp. complete Mo. Getrvckt zu Hanaio in verlegung der Hulsischen, Anna 1617 282 HULSIUS (Levinus) A parcel containing about 16 parts of the Voyages of Hulsius, some copies very fine and clean, others good, some indifferent, many perfect, some imperfect, some duplicates of different editions, ranging between parts I and XI, various editions, early and late. A speculative lot, sold with all merits and faults. The debris of Hulsius sufficient to minister for years to the tvants (f a painstaking CuUector o) commercial pv- cUvities ito. Franckfurt, &c. 1599-1623 283 Hutchinson (Thomas, lAeut.-Onvernor of Massachusetts) History of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay from the first settlement thereof in 1628 until its incorporation with the colony of Plimouth, Provence of Main, &c. in 1691. The Second Edition, Vol. I only, old calf, jine copy 8vo. London, M. Richardson, 1765 286 Impressed Seamen. Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, on the subject of Impressed Seamen : With the Evidence and Documents accompanying it. Published by order of the House of Representa'^^ives, 8\pp. unait 8vo. Boston, Russell & Ctler, 1813 287 Another copy, mutilated 288 Indians. Some transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsylvania in 1791 & 1792, 16 2}p. 8vo. London, J. Phillips, 1792 289 Indians. Question whether Gqd is not Angry -with the Country for doing so little towards the Conversion of the Indians ? This is spoken to in the following Discourse by the Rev. and Learned Mr. Solomon Stoddard of North-Hampton [Massachusetts] 12 pp. fine copy and of the greatest rarity ito. Boston of tlie Massachusetts : Printed by B. Green, August 9th, 1723. And Sold by Samuel Genish at his shop near the Old Meeting-house mmmm 43 290 Indians of N. America. Three Tracts respecting the Conversion and instruction of the Free Indians, and Negroe Slaves in tlie Colonic^ ddressed to the Venerable Society for Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 47 pp. Svo. n. p. [1770 ?] 291 Inquisition. Historie der Inquisitie tot Goa. En in andero genesten van Indien, 12 and 2^9 pp. plates, calf extra hy Bed- ford \2mo. Amsterdam, P. Mortier, 1G97 A book vfiluable for its many copper-plates illustrative of the mild influence of inquisitorial Christianity among the heathen of the East. 292 Instrumental Music. The Lawfulness, Excellency and advantage of instrumental Musick in the public worship of God urg'd and enforc'd. By a Presbyterian, 38 j)p. 8w. P/t/7arf. 1763 ' K gowns and cassocks are the rage, Of the old scarlet doxy ; What is an Organ piping psalms But worshipping by proxy 1 ' 293 Interesting Correspondence between Governour Sullivan & Col. Pickering ; in which the latter vindicates himself against the groundless charges and insinuations made by the Governour and others, 32 j;p. 8iu Boston : G^eenlmigh d- Stehbins, 180S 294 Ipswich (Massachusetts) The pretended Plain Narrative convicted of Fraud and Partiality. Or a Letter from the Second Church in Ipswich, to their separated Brethren in defence of their deceased Pastor [Rev. Theophilus Pickering] and themselves, against the injurious charges of the said separated brethren in a late Print of theirs. At the close is annexed the Kesult of the Council. 38 j/j^j. Judf bound, fine copy, scarce 4/0. Boston, S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1748 295 Ipswich {Massachusetts) A Reply to the Vindication of the Result of the late Council at Ipswich. By Marcus [all about Mrs. Dana the Parson's wife who was completely overlooked in the hard-knocks of the Council] uncut, 52pp. 8i!0. Neivburypmi, E. M. Blunt, 1806 296 Israel (John) and Henry Lundt. Journal of a Cruize in the U.S. ship Delaware 74, in the Mediterranean, in the years 1833 and 34, together with a sketch of a journey to Jerusalem, title, preface and 106 2^P- half bound l6mo. Mahon, The JVidow Sena & Son, Printers, May, 1835 This sailor-like little book is a veritable curiosity, printed in American at Port Mahon in Malta for the use of the men, ofBcers and crew of the Delaware, all of whose names, 876 in number, arc printed in full, with the journal, statistics, events, deaths, &c., of the entire cruise in the Mediterranean and elsewhere for two years. We have never met with another copy. 297 Jamaica. The Privileges of the Island of Jamaica vindicated ; with an impiartial narrative between the Governor and House of Representatives upon the case of Mr. Oliphant, a member of the House, xx, 67, and xxviii pp. half bound 8w. Jamaica printed, London repinted, J. WUlrams &c. 1766 298 Jefferson (Thomas, President U.S.) Message from the President of the United States transmitting a Roll of the persons lining r W\ u office or employment under the United States : Feb. 16, 1802, Jine copy, calf 8w. Washington, W. Duane, 1802 This, believed to be the earliest official directory of persons holding office or rank in the public service is of great interest. It was suggested by President Jefferson in his messages in Dec. 1801. This copy has many manuscript corrections and alterations ; also a supplemental printed slip equal to 2 or 3 pages. 299 JoURNALEN VAN DRIE VoYAGiEN : 1. Van Mr. Thomas Candish, 1586-88. 2. Vande Heer Fransoys Draeck, ende Heer Jan Haukeins, 1593. 3. Nassausche Vloot, ofte Beschryvinge vande Voyagie om den Aert-Kloot, door de Straet Lemaire onder Admirael laques L'Heremite, 1623-26, 2 maps, copy rather closely cut, bound in broion polished calf extra by Bedford ito. Amst. lacob Pietersz Wackier, 1643 300 Kelley (Hall J.) A geographical Sketch of that part of North America called Oregon : containing an account of the Indian Titles, the nature of a Right of Sovereignty ; the first dis- coveries ; climate and seasons ; face of the country and moun- tains ; Indian tribes ; a settlement of the Territory, &c. To which is attached a new map of the country, uncut, 80pp. scarce and valmible, half bound 8vo. Boston: J. Howe, 1830 301 Kelley (Hall J. General Agent) A General Circular to all Persona of good character who wish to emigrate to the Oregon Terri- tory, being some account of the character and advantages of the country ; the right and means and operations by which it is to be settled ; and all necessary directions for becoming an emigrant [woodcut map on last page] 2% pp. First Edition and uncut 8vo. Cliarlestown, W. W. fFheildon, 1831 302 Kennedy (William) Texas : its geography, natural history and topography, x and 118^^. Jujlf bound 8vo. New York, Benjamin and Young, 1844 303 KERCKHOVEN (Johannes van) Wijtloopig breede en waerach- tige Beschrijvinge van de ongeluckige Voyage van't Schip Aernhem; van Batavia vertrocken ^den 23 Dec. 1661 in Compagnie van noch ses andere Schepen, onder 't commando van de Heer Aernout de Vlamingh vn.n Outshoorn, etc. 28pp. fine copy, very scarce ito. Amst. Jacobus van der Fuyck, 1664 304 King (Walter, Pastor of the Second Church in Norwich, Conn.) St. Paul's Manner of Preaching recommended for Imitation, in a Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Daniel Hall to the Church in Sag-Harbour, Long Island : Sept. 21, 1797, 31 pp. 8vo. Norwich.- by Thomas Hubbard, 1798 305 Knoxville (Tennessee) The Half-Century of Knoxville : being the address and proceedings at the semi-centennial anniversary of the settlement of the town. Feb. 10, 1842. To which is added an Appendix of Historical Documents, 106 pp. 8vo. Knoxville, printti at the Register Office, 1852 306 LA CONCEPCION (Juan de) Historia General de Philip- inas. Conquistas espirituales y Temporales de estos Espaiioles Dominios establicimientos Progresses, y Decadencias. Compre- hende los Imperios Reinos y Provincias de Islas y Continentes con quienes lui havido Communicacion, y Comercio por imme- diatas Coincidcncias. Con Noticias universales Geographicaa vniMMa 45 Hidrographicas de Historia Natural de Politica de Costunbroa y de Religiones, en lo quo deba interesarse tan universal, &c. 14 voliirms, with maps, a good set of a very rare and important Work, and complete. In old stiff Spanish vellum ito. Manilla, Por Augustin de la Rosa, En el conv. de Nuestra Shi de I/rreto del Pueblo de Sampaloc, por Balthazar Mariano, 1788-1792 307 La Hontan (The Baron) New Voyages to North America, con- taining an Account of the several Nations, etc. Description of Canada, Dialogue, &c. To Avhich is added a Dictionary of the Algnnkine Language, 2d edition, majK and plates, very fine copy in bright blue, calf extra, g. e. and extra gilt borders, splendid and scarce in this condition, 2 vol. 8vo. London, J. & J. Bonwick, 1735 308 Langdon (Samuel, President of Harvard College) The Coincidence of Natural and Revealed Religion, a Sermon at the Annual Dudleian Lecture, November 1, 1775, 2& pp. 8w. Boston: S. Hall, 1776 309 Langdon (Samuel, President of Harvard College) The high value of a great and good Name, and Death an entrance into perfect Life. A Sermon in the First Church in Cambridge May 9, 1779, being the Lord's Day after the interment of the Hon. John Winthrop, Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Nat. Philosophy; died May 3d, 1779, uncut, 2Zpp. fine 8m Boston .- T. & J. Fleet. 1779 310 Langdon (Samuel, Minister in Hampton-Falls, N.H.) A Discourse on the Unity of the Church as a Pillar of the Tnith, ])efore an Association of Ministers convened at Portsmouth < t. 12, 1791, etc. 30 pp. 8vo. Exeter, Henry Ranld, 1792 311 Las Casas (Bartolome de) Las Obras, a remarkably fine, clean, large avj, sound set, of the eight black letter tracts of Las Casas in Spanish, unbound, hut ready for binding to taste Uo. Sevilla, en casa de Sebastian Truxillo, 1552-53 These eight tri eta, written between 1541, when the worthy Bistiop with the Emperor was gettnj; up the celebrated Leyrs de las Indiasoi 154.% and 1550, when he was going into battle with Sepulveda, to prove that the conquest (if the Indies was tyrannical, unjust and iniquitous. From the day of publication these tracts have maintained thoir historical importance, interest and rarity. The Latin rules [Principia quidiim ej. quibus proccdendum] for the Discussion, a tract of 10 leaves sometimes attached to the collection, is not here. Here follows a list of them : — 1. Brevissima relacio. ■ de la Destrucyon de las Indias. 2. Lo que so sigue es Vi- pedago de vna carta, ete. 3. Aqui se contiene una l isputa, o controversia. 4. Aqui se contienen trecitntas proposicioncs. 5. Este es un tratado sobre ^os Indios que se han hecho enellos esclavoa. 6. Entre los remedios que La'' Casas, 1542, reftrio para reformacion delas Indias, 7. Aqui se contienen vnos auiiLis y reglas para los confessorcs. 8. Tratado comprobatorio del iL'perio trinen sobre las Indias. 312 Las Casas '^Bartolome) t'-evissima Relacion de la destruycion de las Indians, &c. 2li folios, old calf 4fo. n.p. Am. 1552 This is a reprint of Las Casaa black letier tracts of 1552-3 at Barcelona in roman type in 164C, an edition almost as scarce as the original. There is sometimes pre- fixed a collective title " Las Obras, &c." not in this line copy. 313 Las Casas (Bartolomeo de) II Svpplice Schiauo, in Spanish and Italian, in parallel columns, large copy, perfectly uncut ito. Venetia, 1636 \ i ■I ■ 46 314 Las Casas (Bartolomeo de) La Liberta pretesa dal supplice Schi- auo Indiano, in Spanish and Italian in parallel columns, fine large copy, clean Uo. Venetia, 1640 315 Las Casas (Bartolomeo de) Istoria 6 Brevissima Relatione della Distrvttione dell' Indie Occidentali, splendid c pp. uith 12 leaves of table, imperfect, wantiuy title ami next 5 leaves, fine large copy, with rough leaves ito. Jm. Jhar, 1597 320 Late Occurrences (The) in North America, and Policy of Great Britain considered, title and 42 pp. d>vo. London, J. Almon, 1766 321 La Peyuere (Is.\jVC de) Bericht von Grohnland gezogen aus zwo Chrouikcn : Einer alten Ihslandischen, und einer neuen Dfinischen ; iibergesand in Frantzosischer Sprache. Von Henrich Sivers, very fine copy, with all the maps and plates, in calf hy F. Bedford ito. Hamburg, 1674 322 La Trobe (Benjamin) A Succinct View of the Missions established among the heathen by the Church of the Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum [In South America, Caribee Islands, Greenland, the American Colonies West of New York and Pennsylvania, &c. S2 pj). half bound Svo. Lomlon, M. Lewis, 1771 323 Lawson (Deodat) Christ's Fidelity the only Shield against Satan's malignity. Asserted in a Sermon delivered at Salem Village the 24th March, 1192. Being Lecture day there, and a time of Publick Examination, of some Suspected for Witchcraft. The Second Edition, Q prdiminary leaves and 120 pages, the last leaf mutilated, in fine condition, hound in brown polislied calf extra by Pratt in 1872 \2mo. Boston in N.E. and Eejrrinfed in London hi/ R. Tookey, for the Author, 1704 One of the few linoks on " Snlem Witlicraft " outside of the Mnthers. There haa been a puzzle almut this beinjrcall(>(l tlia 2(1 edition, as the first edition in this form has not yet turned up. But it nppearod in l(>!».'!aa a sort of Introduction to Increase Mathcr'ii '• Cases of Conscience. ' This edition haa 3 Dedications, and is certified to by Increase Mather, Charles Morton, James Allen, Samuel Willard, John Bailey and Cotton Mather. 324 Leon [Pinelo] (Antonio de) Epitome de la Bibliotheca Oriental, i Occidental, Nautica i Geografiea, fine large clean copy in old vellum, scarce ito. Madrid, luan Gonzalez, 1629 325 Letter (A) from Phocion [Alexander Hamilton] to the Con- siderate Citizens of New York, on the Politics of the Day, 2Z pp. first edition, scarce Siu New York: Samuel Loudon, I7si mrnum mmmHmmm 47 326 Letter (A) from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of New York on the Politics of the Day, 19 pp. fine and uncut, a scarce edition Qvo. New York : Printed by Samuel Loudon. Boston: Reprinted by T. tfc J. Fleet, 1784 327 Letter (A) from Scots Sawney the Barber, to Mr. Wilkes an English Parliamenter. Price 4 Coppers. At end signed, Philo- Britannicus, 8 j)p. uncut 8m Boston, sold at tlie Printing Office in Back Street [1763] 328 Letters under the signatures of Senex, and of A Farmer, com- prehending an examination of the conduct of our Executive, towards France and Great Britain, out of which the present crisis has arisen, uncut, scarce and valuable, \Q% pp. 8vo. Baltimore: P. K. Wagner, 1809 329 L'HEREMITE (Jaques) Iournael vande Nassausche Vloot, Ofte Beschryvingh vande Voyagie oni den gantschen Aerdt- kloot, ghedaen met elf Schepen : Onder Admirael Laques I'Heremite, ende Vicc-Adniirael Gecn Huygen Schapcnham, indo larrcn 1623, 1624, 162r), cu 1626. Waer in de gantsche Historic, so wel haer wcdervaren, als heyt dcr Landcn ende des Volckx, so in woorden als in Figuren voor gcstelt wordt. 4: prelimiiuiry leaves ami 100 pages, with cnpptr plate on title, and at pages 41, 47, 54, 65, 69, 79,81,85, 89 in bliuli Idkt, splendid copy in best red morocco by Pratt ito. Amsterdam, Hessel Gerrctsz & Jacob Piefersz IFachter, 1626 This FiKBT Edition of the Journal of the Nassau Fleet of eleven ships from Holland is one of the rarest and moat valuable of the early Dutch voyages. 330 L'Heremite (Jaques) Journael vande Nassauche Vloot, Beschrij- vingh vande voyagie on den gantschen Aert-Kloot, Gedaen met elf Schepen : 1623-1626, title a7ul 76 ^«(//('s, fine large and clean copy, sewed, copper plate in 6 compartments ito. Amsterdam, 1648 331 LORING {Capt. Joseph^ Jn7i.) An Exhibition of facts, supported by Documents, for the Information of the Militia officers of the State of Massachusetts, 5 prel. leaves and pages 5 to 88, scarce and valuable 8vo. Boston: B. Carlisle, 180Q 332 [Lowell (John)] Peace without dishonour — War without hope. A calm and despassionatc Enquiry into the question of the Chesa- peake, and the Necessity and Expediency of War. By a Yankee Farmer [John Lowell] 43 pp. w'cut Svo. Boston, Greciwugh & Stebbins, 1807 333 Lyman (Joseph, Pastor in Hatfield) A Sermon before Gov. Bowdoin and Lt. Gov. Cushing, the Council, &c. of Massachusetts, May 30,1787 ,61 p2). fine anduncut 8vo. Boston: Adams & Nourse, 1787 334 Lyman {Rev. Joseph) A Sermon, &c. another copy, not uncut 335 MA(VNDA08 Relaes. Erste-Negende Maandags Relaos [a sort of weekly gazette of letters givintj lunvs of the day respecting the War between Holland and France. 'Die 8th and 9tli Letters contain Reports upon the disputes between the Spanish and English in America], a very fine set complete with all the nine parts, clean and unciU, scarce, vellum ito. 1673-74 48 336 M'Afee (Robert B.) History of the late War in the Western Country, comprising a full account of all the transactions in that quarter from the commencement of hostilities at Tipper- canoe, to the termination of the contest at New Orleans on the return of peace. viii and 5M pp. fine dean copy, calf 8vo. Lexington, K. Worsley & Smith, 1816 337 Madison (James, Secretarij of State) Letters from the Secretary of State to Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney, on subjects committed to their joint negotiation ; with their communications to the Secretary of State. Part III. accompanying the President's Message, received 22 March, 1808. Printed by order of the House of Representatives, 226 pp. 8w. Washington City : A. & 0. Way, 1808 338 Madison (James, President of the U. S.) Perpetual War, the policy of Mr. Madison. Being a candid examination of his late Message, &c. The pretended negotiations for peace .... the Conscript Militia .... and the establishment of an r mense Standing Army of guards and spies under the nam. o; a Local Volunteer Force. By a New England Farmer, autho» of "Mr. Madison's War" [John Lowell], 119^. very fine copy, uncut . 8vo. Boston : Chester Stebbins, 1812 339 Magnus (Olaus, Arch Bishop of Upsal and Metropolitan of Sweden). A Compendious History of the Goths, Swedes & Vandals and other Northern Nations, 6 prel. leaves anxl 342 pp. old calf folio. London : Printed by J. Strcater, 1658 340 Martin (Samuel Sr.) An Essay upon Plantership. The Fifth Edition, with many Additions, and a Preface upon the Slavery of Negroes in the British Colonies, showing that they are much happier than in their native Country, &c. ludf bound 8vo. London, T. Cadell, 1773 341 Martinique. Relation de ce qui s'est pass6 au Fort S. Pierre, Isle de la Martinique, au sujet des ordres donn6s par le G6n6ral Anglois aux Missionnaires, de laisser leurs Eglise libres k Certaines houres les jours de Dimanch, pour que ses Troupes passent fairo les Exercises de leur Culte : xiv leaves & 162 pp. Privately printed and very scarce, calf \2mo. «.;). w. d. [17631] 342 Martyr (Peter, of Anghiera) De nuper svb D. Carolo Repertis Insulis, simulque incolarum moribus, R. Petri Martyris, En- chiridion, Dominie Margaritoe Divi Max. Goes, filiie dicatum. 43 pages. Fine, very large and clean copy, in vellum, scarce ito. BasileoE, 1521 A Qopy of this rare volume hn« been recently sold in London for £25. It is the firHt publication of this piece, written by Peter Martyr (one of the Household of Charles V, und sometimes one of his private Secretaries) towards the end of 1510, n« a kind of Introduction or Preface to Hernando Cortcss Secimd and Tliird Relations of the Conquest of Mexico, and hoa been used to supply the place of the First Relation which was lost. 343 MARTYR (Peter) Extraict ov Rccvoil des Isles nouuclleniet trouuees en la grand mer Oceano en temps du roy Despaigne Femad & Elizabeth sa fomino, faict premieremeut en latin par 49 Pierre Martyr de Millan, & depuis translate en languaige francoys. Title and table, 8 leaves ; text, 207 leaves ito. Paris, Simon de Colines, 1532 A volume of the highest rarity, fine large copy in old ruasia. The last copy sold by auction in London brought about £30. The work is drawn from the first three decades of Peter Martyr ; the Letter of Martyr written about Cuba to supply the place of the lost first lleport of Cortes ; and tlie second and tliird Relations of Hernando Cortes, relative to the discovery and Conquest of Mexico. 344 MARTYR (Peter) Oviedo & Xeres. Libro Primo della His- toria de I'lndie Occidentali, 79 leaves. Libro Sccondo [Oviedo] delle Indie Occidentali, 1534, 66 leaves. Libro vltimo (Xeres), 1534. [Colophon] In Venegia, Del Mese d'Ottobre, 1534, 15 leaves. Fine large copy in red morocco extra, by Bedford, tlie first two leaves a little mended ito. 1534 The two maps are in facsimile. The large ' Carte universale,' the best delineation of the Eastern Coasts of North and South America, published up to WH, is from the unique copy supplied to Mr. Lenox in 1853 for £16 18s. Notwithstanding al research this map has remained unique to this day. 345 Massachusetts Election Sermon before Govr. Bernard, Thomas Hutchinson, Lt. Gov. and the Council, May 25, 1768. By Daniel Shute, Pastor of the Third Church, Hingham, 70 2>P' clean 8vo. Boston, N.E. Richard Draper, 1748 /or 1768 346 Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 25, 1757. By Ebenezer Pemberton, Pastor of a Church in Boston, 32 pp. uncut %vo. Boston, J. Draper, 1757 347 Massachusetts Election Seraion. A Sermon at Cambridge before Governor Hutchinson, Lt.-Gov. 01iver,the Council and Repre- sentatives, May 27, 1772, the day of Election 8w. Boston, Edes & GUI, 1772 348 Massachusetts-Bay. A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachu- setts Bay. The Sixth Edition, yi/ie copy, uncut, 2,ipip- 8w. London Printed. Boston Reprinted, Edes <& Gill, 1774 349 Massachusetts-Bay. Order in Council, Jan. 20, 1777, for the Levy of 5,000 Blankets for the Army now raising for the defence of tlie American States, together with each Town's quota. A Broadside of great rarity ami public interest, Boston, 1777 350 Massachusetts-Bay. The true Sentiments of America : contained in a collection of letters sent from the House of Represen- tatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay to several persons of high rank in this kingdom. Togetlier with certain Papers relating to a supposed libel on the Governor [Bernard] of that Province, and a dissertation on the Canon and the Fevdal law. 158 pp. Svo. London, J. Almon, 1768 351 Massachusetts-Bay. The Proceedings of the Council, and the House of Representatives of the Province of the Massachu- setts Bay, relative to the Convening the General Assembly at Harvard-College in Cambridge. 83 pp. 8vo, Boston, Edes and C-ill, 1770— Continuation of the Proceedings, 66 pp. Svo. .' 'istoti, Edes and Gill, 1770 — Chauncy (Charles, Pastor of the First Church in Boston) A Sermon, May 30th, 1770, at the re- quest of Friends of the Liberties of North America, Svo. Boston, Daniel Kneeland, 1770, three exceedingly rare tracts in 1 volume, half nissia 60 352 Massachusetts-Bay. Result of the Convention of Delegates holden at Ipswich, in the County of Essex, who were deputed to take into Consideration the Constitution and form of Government, proposed by the Convention of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, 68 pp. fine copy, perfectly uncut and very rare 8vo. Newhury-Pmi, JohnMycall, 1778 This BescIiT, or Constitutional Report, is said to have been drawn up by Chiev JuBTiCK Paesonb. It was read and accepted, as attested at the end by Pktee Coffin, Chairman. 353 Massachusetts-Bay. An Address of the Convention for framing a new Constitution of Government for the State of Massa- chusetts-Bay to their Constituents, uncid, \9> pp. 8w, Boston, fFhite and Adams, 1780 354 Massachusetts. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1781. An Act for forming and regulating the Militia within the common- wealth of Massachusetts : and for repealing all the Laws hereto- fore made for that purpose. Title and 24 pp. uncut 8vo. Boston, J. GUI, 1781 355 Massachusetts. Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts on the subject of Impressed Seamen : with the evidence and documents accompanying it. Published by order of the House of Representatives, 84 pp. fine large cvpy, uncut 8w. Boston, Eussell and Cutler, 1813 356 Massachusetts. National Arithmetic; or, Observations on the Finances of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : with some hints respecting financiering and future Taxation in this State. By a late Member of the General Court [Dated from Dorcliester, 2nd Oct. 1786], viii and 9i pp. fine, clean and uncut 8vo. Boston : Adams and Nourse [1786] 357 Massachusetts. Reports of the Commissioners on the Zoological Survey of the State, 107 pp. clean and uncut Bvo. Boston: Button and Wentwmih, 1838 358 MATELIFF DE liONGE (CORNELLS) JOURNAEL ENDE HiSTOBISCHE Verhael, van de treff'elijche Reyse, gedaen naer Oost-Indien, ende China, met olf Schepen. Uyt-ghevaren in den Jare 1605. En wat haer in de Volghende-Jaren, 1606, 1607, ende 1608, weder-varen is. Een seer Vreemde en Wonderlijcke Reyse. Title, and 1 42 pp. with a large copper plate in 6 compart- ments, very fine copy, excessively rare, velhim ito. {Amsterdam, J. Hartger's, 1648, \Colophm\ Gedrucht by Adriaan Harmensz Boest, 1648 359 MATHER (Cotton) Vigilius. Or the Awakeneb, Making A Brief Ess> y, to Rebuke first the Natural Sleep which too often proves a Dead Fly, in the Devotions of them that indulge it. And then the Sleep, wherein the Souls of Men frequently Omit the Duties, and Forfeit the Comforts of Re- ligion in Earnest. Title and 1 4 pj). fine, large, clean and perfect copy, bound in best green mmvcco extra by Pratt in 1861. Ex- cessively SCARCR 8m Boston; Printed by J. 'pRA.-iiK\.m,\1\^ Tliero arc mnny poirts uf interest about this little book, l^t, it is from the pen of the p««ncnt Cotton Mather. Tliough his name does not appear, yet the work ii unmistakably his, and it appears in the list of bis 283 works at the end of his Life, 51 With all his wit and startling quaintncss, it appears that even he had to preach against the drowsiness of his hearers. There are men of a ' drowsy Constitution ' whose only effective and determined spirit on a Sunday is ' the Spirit of Slumber.' To overcome this the Doctor makes a ' Proposal that it may become fashionable for us to ivahe one another.' Take notes of Sermons, he cries, ' The pen of Ready Writers would be a cure for the Heavy Sleeper.' Indeed this sermon on Sleep is one of Cotton Mathers best Essays. 2, This book, neat, tidy and well printed, came from the Boston press of Jameb Franklin, at a time when his younger brother Benjamin Fbanklin, a lad of 13 or 14, was iorcman or manager. There is a tasteful head piece, and an initial letter. 360 Mathee (Cotton) Genuine Christianity; or, a True Christian both in Life and in Death. A Sermon on the Departure of Mrs. Frances Webb, the Virtuous Consort of Mr. John Webb, who expired Sept. 14, 1721. Fine copy, half title, title and 20 pp. calf extra by Pratt Svo. Boston, S. Kneelandfor S. Gerrish, 1721 361 Mather (Increase, v.D.M. of Boston, N.E.) De Successu Evan- GELIJ Apud Indos in Nova-Angled Epistola. Ad. CI. Virum D. Joannem Leusdennum, fine copy, first edition, green mo- rocco l&mo. Lmidini, Typis, J. 0. 1688 362 Mather (Increase) A Discourse concerning the Grace of Courage, wherein the Nature, Beneficialness, and Necessity of that Virtue for all Christians is described in a Sermon, preached at Boston in New England, June 5, 1710. Title, Preface and a pp. calf extra by Pratt l6mo. Boston, B. Ch'een, 1710 363 Mather (Increase) Ichabod. Or, the Glory of the Lord is departing from New England, wants title and all after page 72, half bound 12nw. Boston for N. Boone, 1129 364 Mather (Moses, A.M.) A brief view of the manner in which the Controversy about terms of communion in the visible Church hp.8 been conducted in the present day, uncut, 20 pp. 8m New Haven, T. and S. Green, 1772 365 Mather (Moses, A.M.) A Brief View of the Manner in which the Controversy about Terms of Communion in the Visible Church has been conducted in the present day, 20 pp. 8m New Haven, T. and S. Green, 1772 366 Mather (Moses, Pastor of the Church in Middlesex, Conn.) A Sermon preached in the Audience of the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, in Hartford, on the day of their Anni- versary Election, May 10, 1781, 22 pp. fine and uncut ito. New London : Timothy Green, Printer to the Governor and Company, 1781 367 Mather (Moses) A Sermon, &c. Another copy, fine and uncut 368 Mather (Samuel, m.a. Pastor of a Church in Boston) The Fall of the Mighty lamented. A funeral Discourse upon the Death of her Majesty Wilhelmina Dorothea Carolina, Queen-Consort to his Majesty of Great Britain, etc. preached March 23, 1737/8, in the Audience of the Governor, at tlie Thursday Lecture in Boston, N.E. TUle and 33 pp. oalf (nira by Pratt Svo. Boston in N. E. by J Draper, 1738 I 52 369 Mather (Samuel, Pastor of a Church in Boston) A funeral Discourse on the occasion of the death of Prince Frederick Lewis, Prince of Wales, &c. In the Audience of Lt. Gov. Phips and the Council of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay : May 22nd, 1751. 31 pp. scarce 8vo. Boston : John Draper, 1751 370 Mather (Sa]«uel) An Attempt to show, that America must be Known to the Ancients ; to which is added an Appendix, concerning the American Colonies, and some modern Manage- ments against them. By an American Englishman, Pastor of a Church in Boston, New England. 35 pp. fine, large and clean copy in polislied brown calf extra, by Pratt 8vo. Boston, KB. J. Kneeland, 1773 '»! 371 Mather (Samuel, Pastor of a Church in American Boston) All men will not be Saved : or an attempt to prove That this is a Scriptural Doctrine ; and to give a sufficient Answer to the Publisher of Extracts in Favour of the Salvation of all Men. The Second Edition. 32 pp. fine clean copy, in calf extra by Pratt 8vo. Boston, Benjamin Edes & Son, 1783 372 Mather (Samuel) All Men will Not be Saved ; etc. Another copy, in calf extra, by Pratt, 1783 373 Mather (Dr. Samuel) A Letter to Doctor Mather. Occasioned by his disiiigenous Reflexions upon a certain Pamphlet, en- titled. Salvation for all Men. By One who wishes well to Him in common with Mankind. Title and 9 2>^ff<^^f fi'^^ '"^'^ clean, calf extra by Pratt 8vo. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1782 374 Mather (Samuel) To the Author of a Letter to Doctor Mather. By one of the Readers [Samuel Mather], 6 pp. in calf extra, by Pratt 8vo. Boston : Benjamin Edes & Sons, \18Z 375 Mather (Samuel, id Church of Boston in N.E.) Vita B. August! Hermanni Franckii, S.S. Theologiae in Academia Fridericiana nuper Professoris eximii; Nee non V.D.M. apud Glaucham, &c. propo Hallam Magdeburgicam : Cui adjecta est, Narratio, rerum memorabilium in Ecclesiis Evangelicis per Germaniam, &c. Half-title, title, iv ; Vita 31, and Narratio ii, and Errata 1 p. scarce 8vo. Bodoni, N. E, Typis Samuelis Kneeland et Timothei Green, pro Thomas Hancock [1750 1] 376 Maury (M. F.) Refraction and other tables for the Reduction of Olaservations of the National Observatory, Washington 4/o. Washington, 1846 377 Maxcy (Jonathan, President of Rhode Island College) Sermon in the Baptist Meeting House in Providence, Oct. 14, 1798, on the Death of Welcome Arnold, Esq ; One of the Trustees of Rhode Island College and Member of the Gen. Assembly, tmcut, \5 j}p. 8vo. Providence, Carter and JVilkinson, 1798 378 Mayhew (Experience) Grace Defended in a modest plea for an important Truth, etc. viii ami 208 pp. splemlid copy, clean, boards 8vo. Boston, B, Oreen& Co. for D. Henchman, 1744 11! m 53 379 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Seven Sermons at a Lecture in the West Meeting-House in Boston. Begun the first Thursday in June and ended the last Thursday in August 1748. lltle ami dedication and 163 pp. vacVT, fine copy 8vo. Boston, first printed : London, Repiinted, J. Noon, 17 50 380 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Massa- chusetts Election Sermon, May 29th, 1754, utKut, title and 52 pp. 8vo. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1754 An unusually interesting and important tract, an historical summary of the prevailing opinions and events of the year, especially the situation of political and domestic affairs, and the encroachments of the French and ludians on the rights and interests of the British Colonies. 381 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) A Dis- course occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Stephen Sewall, Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize and General Gaol-Delivery ; a Member of his Majesty's Council for the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England, who died Sept 10, 1760-1, fine copy, G6 pp. an im- portant historical arul biogi'aphical essay 8w. Boston, B. Draper, 1760 382 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Two Sermons on the Nature, Extent and Perfection of the Divine Goodness, delivered Dec. 9, 1762, the Annual Thanksgiving of the Province, 90 pp. tJie last 3 lines in MS. Boston, D. d J. Kneeland, 1763 383 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) Observa- tions on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, designed to show their non-conformity to each other. With remarks on the mistakes of East Apthorpe, M.A. Missionary at Cambridge, in quoting and representing the sense of said Charter, &c. As also various reflections relative to the Church of England, in New England. The miginal edition, very scarce, 170 pp. (want- ing all after ), uncut 8vo. Boston, B. & S. Draper, 1763 384 Mayhew (Jonathan) A Candid Examination of Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, with a Vindi- cation of the Society. By one of its Members, uncut, title, contents, and d3 pp. 8vo. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1763 This elaborate Writer ' in showing the Dr. [Mayhew] to himself,' held the mirror up to Nature, but Nature always responds, a-i Dr. Mayhew did, with truthful force and effect. The controversy was long and strong. Its value now consists chiefly in the vast amount of historical gleanings j)rcscrved. Tlie hard knocks have long since evaporated, but the works of Mayhew, Chandler and Apthorpe survive as valuable historical publications. 385 Mayhew (Jonathan) An Answer to Dr. Mayhew's Observations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts [By East Apthorpe ^^fine apy, uncvt,68pp. %vo, LoTulon, J. liivington, 17 Qi 386 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of West Church in Boston) Remarks on an anonymous Tract entitled an answer to Dr. Mayhew's Ob- servations on the Charter and Conduct of the Society for the I I 54 Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts [By East Apthoi-pe]. Being a second Defence of the said Observations, fine and uncut, 87 pp. 8vo. Boston, R. & "?. Draper, 1764 The 87th page is an Advertisement dated Boston, June 20, 1764, and signed J. Mayhew, to the effect that these Remarks, may fall into the hands of some public spirited gentleman abroad, who wish well to New England ; and then after mentioning that the Library and Apparatus of Harvard College had lately been destroyed by fire, hints, &c. This mere ' paper-weight' to the Doctor's ' Remarks ' led to generous responses from London. 387 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Bostm) A Letter of Reproof to Mr. John Cleaveland of Ipswich, occasioned by a defamatory Libel published under his name, entitled An Essay to defend some of the most important principles in the Protestant reformed System of Christianity, &c. against the Aspersions cast by Jonathan Mayhew in his late Thanksgiving Sermons, very fine copy, uncut, 49^^. half hound 8vo. Boston, R. <& S. Draper, 1764 388 Mayhew (Jonathan, d.d. Pastor of the West Church, Boston) Popish Idolatry : A Discourse in the Chapel of Harvard College in Cambridge, N.E. May 8, 1765, at the Lecture founded by Paul Dudley, biptp. scarce, loith the autograph of Bartholomew Kneeland tlie publisher on tlie titlepage 8vo. Boston, Draper, Edes & Gill, Fleet, 1765 389 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor in West Church, Boston) Popish Idolatry : a Discourse in Harvard College, May 8, 1765, at theDudleian luGciuve, fine copy, uncut,52pp, 8vo. Boston, R.t&S. Draper, 1765 390 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church, Boston) The Snare Broken. A Thanksgiving-Discourse in West Church, Boston, N.E. May 23, 1766. Occasioned by the repeal of the Stamp Act, tincut, viii and iipp. 8vo. Boston, R. & S. Draper, 1766 The Rev. Dr. Mayhew, of Boston, who died at the age of 46, forty-seven days after this appropriate and judicious discourse, had more historical and contempo- rary knowledge than any other of New England's eminent writers, except perhaps Thomas Prince. This learned discourse is a good example of his wonderful power and freedom, 391 Mayhew (Jonathan, Pastor of the West Church in Boston) A Dis- course concerning unlimited submission and non-resistance to the higher powers, with some reflections on the resistance made to King Charles I. and on the anniversary of his Death : in which the Mysterious doctrine of that Prince's Saintship and Martyrdom is unriddled, delivered 30th Jan. 1749, iSpp. 8vo. Boston, 1750 ; reprinted by Hall & Goss, 1818 The sentiments of this historical Discourse delivered in Boston on the first Cen- tennial Anniversary of the Execution of Charles the First by this rising son of New England, at the age of 2!), in George the II's reign, in due growth culminated in the Declaration of Independence. Years and years later, on the 30th of January, Charles' Saint's Day, while in London the bells of St. Martin were tolling, the bells of Centre Church in New Haven, behind which Gofl, Whaley and Dixwell three of the " Regicides," were buried, rang a merry peal for Liberty and the Constitution. 392 Megisser (HiERONYMUS) Septentrio Nouantiquus, oder die newe Nort Welt, dark blue morocco extra by Pratt 8vo. Leipsig, 1613 This rare book with many maps and plates contains an early account of Hknrt Hudson's first, second, and third voyages. iiiaiittiiiiaii MMH 65 393 Mein (John) State of the Importation from Great Britain into the Port of Boston from Jan. to August, 1769 [title mutilated and lower part gone] uncut, title, preface and 130^. excessively SCARCE and very important Uo. Boston, 1769 This fearless exposing of the non-importation agreement and schemes of certain " Well disposed " Merchants of Boston is now valuable for many more points than when published in 1769. John Mein, an enterprising Scotchman, had established a good miscellaneous business in Boston as printer, stationer, bookbinder and book- seller and publisher. He declined to sign the non-importation agreement, and was consequently " posted " by name in the Papers by the " Well Disposed," and every town in the Colony warned against trading with him. Seeing the trickery of the well-disposed merchants, Mein, having the Chronicle at his back, not only printed the names of the leading merchants calling themselves the " Well Disposed," but printed the full " cockets " and manifests of many ships arriving, with the names of the owners and consignees. These lists then fully supported Mein, but now are valuable sources of the state of the Colony and its trade and traders, such as John Hancock and his neighbours, who vainly attempted to isolate him, 394 Mellen (John, of tlie Church in Lancaster, Mass.) The Duty of all to be ready for future impending Events. A Sermon, June 16, 1756, at the Second Parish in Lancaster, occasioned by the General Muster and Inspection of Arms on that Day, Imlf title, title and 2i pp. fine copy, scarce 8vo. Boston, S. Kneeland, 1756 395 396 397 Mellen (John, Pastor of Church in Hanover) The great and happy doctrine of Liberty. A Discourse at Hanover, Mass. Feb. 19, 1 795, on the day of Public Thanksgiving appointed by the President of the United States, SApp. 8vo. Boston, S. Hall, 1795 Mellen (John, jun. Minviter of Barnstaple) Election Sermon, Massa- chusetts, May 31, 1797, uncut, 36 pp. 8vo. Boston, Young & Minns, 1797 Mendon. a Short Account of the State of Mendon Third Parish relative to Mr. Balch's settling there in the work of the Ministry, Sep. 1 4, 1 768 ; of his conduct while with said people ; and the Manner of leaving them, March 27, 1773. By an Inhabitant of said Parish, \6 pp. xincut, scarce 6vo. Boston, printed in the year 1773 398 Merino-Mania (Antidote to the) now progressing through the United States ; or, the value of the Merino Breed placed by observation and experience upon a proper basis, 52 pp. 8vo, Philadelphia, J. & A. Humphreys, 1810 The Merino-mania that ran through the United States just before the war of 1812 and upset many an honest farmer, may well be compared to the famous " tulip mania " that once spread itself over these islands. 399 Michaux (M.) Rapport sur les Voyages de M. Michaux pour la naturalisation des Arbres Forestiers des Etats-Unis, 1 1 pp. uncut 8vo. Paris, Mme. Huzard, 1809 400 MiDDLEBOROUOH. The Confession of faith and Church Covenant : Solemnly made and entered into by the Church of Middle- borough [Massachusetts] Dec. 26, 1694, id ])p. 8vo. Boston, mi. Reprintedin tJie year 1771 401 Military Discipline. A new system of Military Discipline founded upon Principle. By a General Officer. Fim copy, hoards, unctU, 2Q7 pp. 8vo. Philadelphia, R. Aitkin, 1776 This early military manual for the use of Washington's Army is of the highest rarity, especially in this completely uncut state. nl n 56 402 Miller (Moses, Farmer Pastor of First Congregational Church in Heath) A Historical Discourse at Heath [Massachusetts] Oct. 13, lb52, m]yp. 8m Shelhurne Falls, G. W. Mirick, 1853 403 Mills (Samuel J.) and Daniel Smith. Eeport of a Missionary Tour through that part of the United States which lies west of the Allegany Mountains performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society, 64 pjh uncut 8i'o. Andover, Flagg & Gould, 1815 404 Mills and Smith. 405 8? .'. Eeport, &c. another fine copy, unctit II V Miltimore (James) An oration in commemoration of the Indepen- dence of Federate America delivered in Stratham (N. H.) July 4, 1806, 16^^. Jincut 8vo. Exeter, Itanlet & Norris, 1806 406 Minot (George Richards) An Eulogy on George Washington, who died Dec. 14, 1799, delivered in Boston. Second Edition, 2ipp. -presenlation copy toith the autograph of the author 8vo. Bustan, Manning & Luring [1800] 407 Mitchell (Ammi R.) Address on Sacred Music before the " Benefi- cient Musical Society " in the county of Cumberland [Maine] Aug. 25, 1812, at the Baptist Meeting House in North Yar- mouth, 18 pp. 8vo. Portland, Hyde, Lord dc Co. 1812 408 Mitchel (J.) Letter to his brother from Harvard College in Cam- bridge, May 19, 1649, and A copy of an excellent letter by the Rev. ,T. E. of Guilford, May 18, 1644, to his Brother Mr. B. E. of Roxbury, carefully corrected by Thomas Prince from five several Manuscripts [with a poem of 6 stanzas] 23 pp. scarce, 12mo. n. p. n. d. (Boston, 1735?) 409 MOCQUET (Jean) Voyages en Airique, Asie, Indes Orientales & Occidentales, title and contents 4 leaves, text 453 pp. plates, good copy, vellum, scarce 8vo. Rouen, J. Caillov^, 1645 410 Mocquet (John) Travel and Voyages into Africa, Asia and America, the and Wc^t Indies, Syria, Jerusalem and the Holy Land, translated from the French by Nathaniel Pullen, title, preface, dc. 16 leaves, text 352 p}). curious English woodcuts, old calf 8vo. Loridon, iV. Newton, 1696 411 MoLAi (James) The Tomb of James Molai, or the Secret of the Conspirators. Addressed to those who wish to know every- thing, 22 pp. uncut, scarce ito. Boston, B. Edes, 1797 412 Monardes (D. Nicolas) Simplicium Medicamentorum ex novo orbe delatorum, etc. ^1 pp. woodcut 8vo. Antveipiae, C. Plantini, 1582 413 Monroe (James) To all who are honestly searching after truth. Mr. Monroe's Letter on the Rejected Treaty, between the United States and Great Britain ; concluded by Messrs. Mon- roe & Pinkney. Also the Treaty itself ; and documents con- nected with it, scarce and uncut, 52 pp. 8vo. Portland, Gazette Press, 1813 414 Montgomery (James) The West Indies and other Poems, Fourth Edition, boards, uricut, 168 pp. 12mo. London, Longmans dc Co. 1814 ■PHiiil 415 416 67 Moore (J. Bishop of Ely) Sermon before the Society for Propaga- tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Feb. 20, 1712-13 with Abstract of the year's Proceedings mostly in America MS. title, 56 pp. 8vo. hnulun, J. Boicning, 1713 Moore (John, M.D.) An Essay on the Causes, Nature and Cure of Consumptions. In a letter to a friend. To which is prefixed the Charter of the Massachusetts Medical Society [with Dedi- cation by William Green] 48 pp. 8vo. Boston, li. Hodge, for JVm. Green [1783 1] 417 Moore (Martin, Pastor of llw Church in Natick) A Sermon at Natick, delivered Jan. 5, 1817, containing a history of the said town from 1651 to the day of Delivery, 24^^. uncut 8vo. Cambridge, Hilliard & Metcalf, 1817 With Natick must ever be associated John Eliot, the Apostle of the Indians, and the translator of the " Whole Bible into the Natick Indian language." 418 Moore (Thomas, Poet, &c.) An Attempt to Vindicate the American Character, being principally a Reply to the intemperate ani- madversions of Thomas Moore, Esq. 43 pp. 8w. Philadelphia, B. Johnson, 1806 419 Moore (Zephaniali Swift, A.M.) An Oration on the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, pro- nounced at Worcester, July 5, 1802, 2^ p^p. uncut 8w. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas, Junr. 1802 420 Morgan (Joseph, Pastor of the Church in Freehold in tlie Jersies) The Nature and Original of Sin Explained ; and the Fruits and Effects therein Bewailed : in a Sermon preached at Norwich : title and iipp. mutilated ard soiled, hut a rare imprint l^mo. New-London, T. Green, 1727 421 Morgan (William) A Narrative of the Facts and circumstances relating to the kidnapping and presumed murder of William Morgan. And of the attempt to carry off David C. Miller, and to burn or destroy the printing office of the latter for the pur- pose of preventing the printing and publishing of a Book entitled " Illustrations of Masonry." To which is added, the late Trials at Oanandaigua, 82 pp. uncut 12mo. Brookfield, E. & G. Merriam, 1827 422 Morse (Jedidiah) Geography made Easy. First Edition, scarce, 215 ^. nuip of the world, old calf \2rrw. New Haven, Meigs, Bowen & Dana, 1784 423 Morse (Jedidiah, Minister in Oiarlestoicn) The present Situation of other Nations of the World, contrasted with our own. A Sermon at Charlestown, Mass. Feb. 19, 1795, the Day re- commended by George Washington for Public Thanksgiving and Prayer, /mioricdl, 37 ^)p. 8w. Boston, S. Hall, 1795 424 Morse (Jedidiah, Minister in ClMrlestoicn) The Duty of resignation under Afflictions. A Sermon at Charlestown April 17, 1796, occasioned by the Death of the Hoa Thomas Russell, who died in Boston, April 8, 1796, aged 56, 31 j>j7. uncut 4to. Boston, S. Hall, 1796 425 Morse (J.) Another copj,fine and uncut 'ii: 58 426 Morse (Jedidiali, Minkfer in Charkstmrn) The Character and Re- ward of a good and faithful servant iUustrated in a Sermon at Charlestown, April 29, 1798, following the interment of Hon. James Russell, who died April 24th, aged 83, 2\ pp. 8m limton, S. Hall, 1798 427 Morse (Jedidiah, Pastor in Churkstmrn) A Sermon at Charlestown Nov. 29, 1798, on the Anniversary Thanksgiving in Massa- chusetts. With an Appendix exhibiting proofs of French intrigue and influence in the United States, 74 pp. 8vo. Boston, S. Hall, 1798 428 Morse (J.) Another, Second Edition. [To which arc added the Memorials of M. Reneval and M. Turgot], Boston, S. Hall, 1799 429 Morse (Jedidiah, Pastor in Charhstom) Sermon on the present dangers and consequent duties of the Citizens of the U.S. delivered at Charlestown, April 25, 1799, the day of the National Fast, 48 j>/>. Qvo. Cfuirlestown, S. Etheridge, 1799 At the end of this historical " Sermon " are notes, pp. i!3-48, in reference to " Eluminatism," Masonry, ete. 430 Morse (Jedidiah, Pastor in CMrlestnim) A Prayer and Sermon, at Charlestown, December 31, 1799 : On the Death of George Washington, i6 pp. With Sketch of his life, 36 pp. The Address of the late George Washington, when President to the U.S. on declining being a candidate for their future suflF- rages [wants after p. 22) uncut 8m Charlestown: Samvd Etheridge, 1800 431 Morse (Jedidiah) An Appeal to the Public on the Controversy respecting the Revolution in Harvard College, and the events which have followed it ; occasioned by the use which has been made of certain complaints and accusations of Miss HANNAH Adams against the author, /«e copy, uncut, viii and 192^^. 8m CluirJestown, printed for the author, 1814 This blue-stocking sqnabHe in the Metropolis of New England lasted just ton years or as long as the other Trojan War; and so fiercely \va.s it ciJiiductcd that everybody took sides. The Boston Helen however was soon forgotten in the magnitude of the din, while the wooden horse full of Arians was introduced into Harvard College and opened wide its gates to the Unitarians. 432 Morton (Nathaniel) The New England's Memorial: or, a brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God manifested to the Planters of New England, with special reference to the first colony called New Plymouth, etc. fine copy, with the bookplate of E. A. Crowninshield, 204^. morocco 12mo. Plymoidh, Mass. Repinted by A. Danforth, 1826 433 Morton (Thomas) New English Canaan or New Canaan, contain- ing an abstract of New England, composed in three Bookes, halfrussia 4fo. Amsterdam, 1637 This is a neat transcript of the whole book by S. G. Drake from the then sup- posed unique copy in the possession of John Quincy Adams lent him for that purpose. Mr. Drake's prefatory explanation of his interesting and rapid W' rlc is given on a flyleaf. A good memorial of Boston's most active and en*''-!, ntj antiquary. 434 Morrette (Sieur) Travels in the Kingdoms of Fez and , co uuring his Eleven Years' Captivity in those parts, 120 ith map, a fragment complete in itself from Capt. Stevens's Voyaij^ ito. London, 1709 mSSSSSSSSSSm 69 435 Murray (James, 0/ Newcastle) An impartial history of the present War in America, containing an account of its rise and pro- gress. With its various successes and disappointments on both sides, 2 vol. old calf, 23 purlraits 8m Newaistle-vpm-Tijne [1779] This and the next are two editions nearly tlio game, but the 8ec(in. uncommon 8w. New York, W. A. Davis, 1797 484 New York City and County. Truth Triumpliant, or A De- fence of the Church of England, against the Second Solemn League and Covenant, published under the title of the Glo- rious Combinations, &c. with Addresses to the Members of the Dutch Churches, &c. Qi pp. ito. New York, 1769 A volume of cxccsbItc rarity. In 17G9 all the dissenting Congregations of New York combined in a confederacy against " the Church," that is, for ranning dis- senters into the Legislative Assembly against Episcopalians. The Reasons for the Combination and the Episcopalian antidotes arc herein set forth. 485 New York Magazine or Literary Repository for April, 1794, and June 1795, uncut, both imperfect New York, 1794-5 486 NicoLAUS Venetus. Keysen Naar Indien, en d'Oostersche Landen ; Gedaan by Nicolas Venetus, en Jeronymus van St Steven, 25 pp. fine copy, vellum ito. (Amsterdam, Abraham Wolfgang, 1664 487 Niles (Nathaniel) Secret Prayer Explained and inculcated, in Four Discourses. Published for several of the Inhabitants of Med- way. West Parish, uncut, wants all after page 80 8m Boston, J. Kneeland, 1773 488 Niles (Nathaniel) The Perfection of God the fountain of good. Two Sermons at Torringford in Connecticut, Dec. 21, 1777, uncut,wants all after page 54 8vo. Noi-wich, Green & Spooner,m8 489 Niles (Samuel) Vindication of Gospel Doctrines, wants all before page 5, 120 pp. uncut 8m Boston, 1151 490 Noble (Oliver) The Knowledge, or well grounded hope, that, we shall go to Heaven when we die, &c. Two Sermons in New- bury, June 3, 1781, occasioned by the Death of his amiable consort, uncut, iO pp. 8m. Neicbury-Port, John Mycall, 1781 491 Nodal (Bartholome Garcia de) and Gonzalo de Nodal, Brothers. Eclacion del Viago hecieron los Capitanes al < lescu- brimiento del Estrecho Nuevo do San Vicente, que h jy es nombrado de Maire, y Reconocimiento del de Magellanes, 10 p-eliminoi-y leaves {lOth blank), 164 and iSpp. with tlic map, fine clean copy, in vellum ito, Caditi, por Don Manuil Espinosa de los Monteros, n. d. [Licence dated 1766 and map 1769] 492 Nodal (Bartholome Garcia de & Gonzalo de) Rclacion del Viage, quo par orden de su magestad, y acuerdo de el real consejo de Indias, al descubriraiento del Estrecho Nuevo de San Vicente, que hoy es nombrado do Maire, y Reconoci- miento del de Magallanes. tnth tlie rare map, fine clean copy in Spanish calf ito. Cadiz [1766] 493 NooRT (Olivier van) Wonderlijcke Voyagie by de Hol- landers gedacn, door do Stkaet Magalanes, ende Voorts den gantscnen Kloot des Aertbodems om, met vier Schepen ; onder den Admiraol Olivier van Noort, ujiighevaren Anno 66 1598. Hier achter is by-gevoeght Do twede Voyagie van lacob van Neck, naer Oost-Indien, 88 pj>. with a large cqrper- plate in six compartments, fine cojnj, scarce, lutlf vellum ito, t' Amsterdam, Joost Hartgeiis, 1648 494 NooRT (Olivier van) Journael van de Wonderlijcke Vooyagie door de Straet Magalanes iu't Jaer 1598, etc. \B pp. fine clean copy, unhound. With several copper plates and ivoodcuts inserted in the text, which is printed in double column, a scarce edition ito. t' Amsterdam, Gillis Joosfen Saeghman [1662 1] 496 NooRT (Olivier van) Journael van de Wonderlijcke Voyagie, by de Hollanders gedaen, door de Straet of Enght van Magal- lanes ende Voorts den gantschen Kloot des Aertbodens om, met vier Schepen, etc. 1598, Ti pp. ; with many extraordinary woodcuts in the text, good copy of an exceedingly rare and quaint edition, in blath letter, lialf vellum ito. t' Utrecht, gedruckt by Weduwe ; J. van Poolsum, 1708 496 North America. The late Occurrences in North America and Policy of Great Britain considered, title and 42 pj). 8vo. London, J. Almon, 1766 497 North West Territory. Report of the Committee on the Petition of Sundry Inhabitants of the Counties of St. Clair and Randolph in the Territory North- West of the River Ohio, 13 May, 1796, committed to a Committee of the Whole House, 11 pp. uncut 8vo. n.p. 1796 This Report is signed by John Edgar, Wm. Morrison, Wm. St. Clair and John Dumoulin, and dated at Easkaskia, 12 January, 1796. 498 499 500 Northern Grievances set forth in a letter to James Madison. By a North American [an important paper on the History of the War of 1812], 16 pp. 8m New Ywk : for the Author, 1814 Nova Scotia. The Conduct of the French, with regard to Nova Scotia ; from its first settlement to the present time, boards, clean 8vo. London: T. Jefferys, 1754 NOWS Orbis Regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum una cum tabula cosmographica & aliquot alijs cousimilis argu- menti libellis, quorum omnium catalogus sequenti patebit pagina [edited by Simon Grynaeus], tcith tlie vmp, 600 pp. fine large copy, vellum folio. Basilice, apud Jo. Hervagium, 1537 Of the four Latin editions of this Collection of Voyages that of 1587 is generally said, but crrdneously, to be complete without the largu woodcut map of the World by Sebastian Miinster. This tine original copy, however, has the map. 501 Novvs Orbis regioniem ac Insularum veteribus incognitarum vna cvm tabvla [map] cosmographica [edited by Simon Grynaeus], very fine large copy of the last ami fullest edition, with tlie rare map folio. BasUiat, apud lo. Hervagium, 1556 502 Nova Scotia and St. Lucia. The Memorials of the English and French Commissaries : vol I, concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Arcadia ; vol. II, concerning St. Lucia, 2 vol. 771 and 520 pp. }w,lf bomd, large map ito. London, 1756 1814 67 603 NOVES (James, Minister of Christ, sometimes of Newbury in New England) MosES and Aaron : or the Rights of Church and State : containing Two Disputations, &c. Published by Benj. Woodbridge, Rector of Newbury in the County of Berks, UNCUT, title and dedication, 7 leaves, text 96 pp. the first two leaves torn, but nothing gone 4to. London, E. Paxton, 1661 Tlie Dedication and the Epistle to the Reader arc both signed by the Editor, "Thomas I'lirkcr, ii minister of tlie Gospel, though unworthy, and Pastor to thii Church of Newbury, in Now England." " Written from Newbury, in New England, Aug. C, ICOO." 504 Noyes (Thomas) Review of a Pamphlet entitled "A Report of the Evidence in tlic Case of John Atkins, vs. Calvin Sanger, et al. Executors, relative to the will of the late Mrs. Badger, of Natick (H. and W. Mann), ^mcid, iv. and 71 pp. 8m Dedham [1825] 505 Nott (Eliphalet, Pastw of the Presbyterian Church, Albany) Discourse delivered in the North Dutch Church, Albany, occasioned by the ever to be lamented Death of General Alexander Hamil- ton, July 29, 1 804 [with an Appendix of Documents], 40 pp. smrce 8vo. Albany : C. R. & G. Webster, 1804 506 Nott (Eliphalet, Pastor of Presbyterian Church in Albany) Discourse in the North Dutch Church in Albany occasioned by the death of General Alexander Hamilton, July 29, 1804 [with an Ap- pendix of Papers and Correspondence], Third Edition, uncut, 40 pj). 8vo. Salem, Joshua Gushing, \804 507 Nott (Eliphalet, d.d. President of Union College, Schenectady) A Discourse on the Death of Gen. Alexander Hamilton ; de- livered in the North Dutch Church of Albany, July 29, 1804. Fourth Edition, 24 pp. uncut, fine and clean 8vo. Boston .• David Carlisle, 1805 508 OAKES (Urian, Pastor- of the Church of Christ in Cambridge, New Englaml) The / Vnconqverable, / All-Conqvering, / & / more-then-Conqvering / Souldier : / Or, / The Successful VVarre which a Be-/liever Wageth with the Enemies of his Soul : / As also the Absolute and Unparalleld Victory that he ob-/tains finally over them through the love of God in Jesus Christ./ As it was Discoursed in a / Sermon / Preached at Boston in New England, on the Day of the/ Artillery-Election there, / June 3rd, 1672. Title tcithin type-metfd b(mler, reverse blank; To the Christian Reader, 4 jij). signed by Thomas Shepard : I'ext 40 2wges, with 40 lines on a full page ; Signa- tures \ to F in fours, the sig. F iv being blank ; fine, clean and perfect copy (with the exception that some leaves are slightly cut into, especially into the pagination, but the text is not timched. Bound in lest dark green morocco, by Pratt in 1861 4/o. Cambridge : / Printed by Samuel Green, 1674/ On the blank leaf at the end is the nutogra])h signature of " William Adams, Ex-Oono Ueverendissinium Authoris." Hooka bearing the imprint of Samuel Orien of Cambridge, in New England, are of the highest rarity. 509 Observations leading to a fair Examination of the System of Government proposed l)y the late ('onvention [for forming the Constitution] ; and to several essential and necesMry Altera- ' 11 th 68 tiona in ii In a number of Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Bepublican, wwut, and uncommonly valmible, 40 pp. 8w. Printed in tlm year 1777 [for 1787] 510 Observations on a late State of the Nation. Second Edition. Title, half-title and 155 pp. Svo. Lmulon, J. Dodsley, 1769 This veiy elaborate publication is a thorough answer, step by step, to a ministerial pamphlet issued the year before, entitled The Present State of tlie NatUtn, relnting mainly to American AflEaira, including the trade, navigation and commerce growing out of our connection with the American Colonies. The affairs of tlie Stamp Act, the commercial regulations, the Canada Bills, West India negoti.ations, and the C'olonial Administration generally, are inspected and thoroughly examined by the author of these Observations. 511 Occurrences (The late) in North America and Policy of Great Britain considered. Title and i2pp. %vo. London, J. Almon, 1766 512 OCCOM (Samson) A Sermon Preached at tho Exocntion of Moses Paul, an Indian, who was executed at New Haven, on the 2d of Sept. 1772, for the murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury, on the 7th of Dec. 1771 [with biographical sketch of Moses Paul]. The Fourth Edition, /{He and unctd copy of a scarce edition 8vo. New London, T. Green, 1772 513 OccoM (Samson, ifmtsfe?- of the Gospel and Missionary to the Indians) A Sermon, at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, at New Haven, Sept. 2, 1772, for the murder of Mr. Moses Cook, late of Waterbury, the 7th of Dec. 1771 [with a biographical sketch of Moses Paul], i2 pp. Sw. Boston, John Boyles, 1773 514 OccoM (Samson) A Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, etc. another edition, to which is added a short account of the late spread of the Gospel among the Indians. Also Observations on the Language of the MuHllEKANEEW INDIANS; communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences. By Jonathan Edwards, d.d. 24 and 16 pp. scarce 8vo. New Haven, Conn, pinted 1788 j London, repainted 1788 515 Occom. Another Edition. To which is added a short Account of the Late spread of the Gospel among the Indians, also Observations on the Language of the Muhhekaneew Indians by Jonathan Edwards. 24 and 16 pp. %vo. New Haven, piinted 1788; London, repinted, Bachland, etc. 1788 516 Occom (Sampsom) A Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, &c. anotluir ediiion 8m Springfield, Henry Brewer [18001] 517 Occom (S.) A Sermon at the Execution of Moses Paul, an Indian, anotrier edition 8m Baxter .• J. Eicluirdson, 1819 518 Occurrences (The late) in North America, and Policy of Great Britain considered, clean, ludf roan 8m. Land. J, Alnwn, 1776 519 Ogden (JohnC.) An Epistolary Correspondence between the Rev. John C. Ogden, Rector of St. John's Church, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and the Rev. Samuel Macclintock, Minister of the Congregational Society in Greenland [N. H.] on a variety of Subjects, principally tlie high powers and prerogatives claimed by Diocesan Bishops as successors of the Ajiostles, scarce ami uncut, 38 pp. ^ra. PortsiiKAith, J. Mclclier, 1791 1772 69 520 Ogden (John C.) An Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth in Pennsylvania in the year 1 799, with a succinct history of the Society of United Brethren commonly called Moravians, title and 168^, old calf 12mo. Philadelphia, C. Cist, 1800 A fine copy of a very rare book. 521 Olcott (Bulkley, A.M.) Righteousness and Peace, the Way to be acceptable to God, and approved of Men : A Sermon before a Society of the Most Antient and Honourable Free and accepted Masons, in Charlestown [New Hami>shirel December 27, 1782, smrce and uncut, 16^. ito. Windsm, Vt. Hough & Spootier, 1783 522 OLINDA de Pernasibuco. Copie vande Missive, gheschreven byden Generael Weerdenbvkch, aende Ho. Mo. Heeren Staten Generael, noopende de veroveringhe vando Stadt Olinda de Fornarabuco, met alle sijne Fosten ende stercko Plaetsen, 8 pages not mimbered, fine clean copy, vellum, EXCES- SIVELY RARE 4fo. In 's G-raven-IIaghe, by de Weduwe, ende Erfgenamcn van JVijlen Uillebrandt lacohssz van Wouw, etc. 1630 523 Oliver (Andrew, Jun.) An Essay on Comets. Part I, the Tails of Comets. Part H, the Ends for which these Tails were probably designed, &c. 6 p'el. leaves and 86 pp. fine large copy, uncut, large paper %vo. Salem, N.E. Samuel Hall, 1772 524 Oliver (Andrew, jun.) An Essay on Comets, title and preface 6 leave)!, 87 pp. and plan, half calf, ivith tlte rare copper plate arul appendix 8vo. Salem, S. Hall, 1772 525 Opinions respecting the commercial intercourse between the United States of America and the Dominions of Great Britain, including Observations upon the necessity and importance of an American Navigation Act. By a citizen of Massachusetts, fine clean copy, G2 pp. 8vo. Boston, Samuel Hall, 1797 A full and candid discussiun of the principles and practices which led to the war of I8I2. 526 Original Letters [1739-1746] to an Honest Sailor [Admiral Vernon] fine, clean and uncut, ^pp. 8to. London, R. lliomas [1739-46] A bundle of letters of extraordinary interest to this day. After serving some six years in the West Indies at Porto Hello, Carthagcna and elsewhere, and receiving for his gallant conduct votes of thanks from the House of Commons and House of Lords, with very many letters of congratulation and thanks from the Ministry and many distinguished persons in and out of office, Admiral Vermm was on the 4th of April, 1746, asked by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty whether or not he was the author of 'A Specimen of Naked Truth' nnd ' Some Seagonahle Advice.' The Admiral gave four days later an evasive reply without admitting the suspicion. He wa* then summoned before the Commissioners, brow-beaten and charged with the authorship, and an answer yet or m demanded. Tlie Admiral expressed his willingness to answer all questions of Duty, but was under no obligations to onswer this. He was the next day informed that the two pamphlets had been laid before the King, " and his majesty has been pleased to direct their Lordships to strike your Name out of the List of Flag Officers. 527 Osborn (Benjamin) Conformity to Truth, in Knowledge and Prac- tice, essential to happiness. A Farewell Sermon at Tinmouth [Vt] Oct. 28, 1787, 24 jrp. 8m Bennington, Vt. Haswell & Russell, 1788 70 628 Osgood (David, Pador in Medfmd) Reflections on the goodness of God in supporting the People of the United States through the late War. A Sernion on the Day of Annual and National Thanksgiving, Dec. 11, 1783, scarce and uncut, 35 pp. 8m Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1784 529 Osgood (David, Pastof in Medfori) The Unsearchable Riches of Christ. A Sermon at the Introduction of Rev. Peter Thatcher to the Pastoral Care of the Church in Brattle-St. Boston, Jan. 12, 1785, 28^. ito. Boston, E. Draper, 1785 630 Osgood (David, Pastm- in Medfm-d) The Wonderful works of God are to be remembered. A Sermon on the Day of Annual Thanksgiving, Nov. 20, 1794. Third Edition, 29 pp. 8m Boston, S. Hall, 1795 531 Otis (Harrison Gray) Letter to the Hon. Wm. Heath as Chairman of the Roxbury Committee, for petitioning Congress against permitting merchant vessels to aim, iincut, 30 j^. 8m Boston, J. Russell, 1798 532 Otis (Harrison Gray) Eulogy on General Alexander Hamilton at Boston, July 26, 1804, clean and uncut, 24 pp. 8m Albany, C. R. &G. fFebster, 1804 533 Otis (Harrison Gray) Letters in defence of the Hartford Conven- tion and the people of Massachusetts, unciit, viiiand lOi pp. 8vo. Boston, S. Gardner, 1824 534 Otis (James) A Vindication of the Conduct of the House of Repre- sentatives of Massachusetts Bay, more particularly in the last Session of the General Assembly, 53 pp. ludf calf, fine copy, scarce 8vo, Boston, Edes & Gill, 1762 636 Otis (James) A Vindication of the Conduct of the Mouse of Rep- resentatives of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, uneiit 8m Boston, Edes & Gill, 1762 536 Otis (James) A Vindication of the British Colonies, title, advt. and i8 pp. 8m London, J. Almon, 1769 537 Otis (James) The Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved. First edition, fine and uncut, 80 pp. 8m. Boston, Edes & Gill, 1764 538 Otis (James) The Rights of the British Colonies asserted and proved. Third Edition corrected, \20 pp. 8m. Boston printed ; hmdon , rejirinted for J. fVilliams, 1766 539 Our Chronicle of '26. A Satirical Poem, 40 pp. 8m. Bosto7i, JVells & Lilly, 1827 540 OvAGLiE (Alonso d') Historica Relatione del Regno di Cile, e delle missioni e ministerii che esercita in quelle la Compagnia . di Giesv, plates and i""p of Chili, old calf folio. Roma, 1646 Ovalla, after returning from A ica, resided for some time in Rome nnd wrote this important work there and pu .shed it in both Italian and Spanish. Rewrote equally well in both languages, and throughout the work used the rights of an author to change or modify to suit his own notions of what was best for the Spaniards and for the Italians. Both editions arc original, and differ essentially in many places, in matters of the Church. Tliougli a good Catholic he put some things into the Spanish edition that he dared not publish at Rome in Italian. se ca th th 5^ 5' 54 64 54 54 541 541 661 71 541 OviFDo y Valdes (Gonzalo Fernandez de) Coronioa de las Ii.>DlAS. La hystoria general de las Indias agora nueuamcnti impressa corregida y emendata, 1647, Con la conquista del Peru [Colophon] Salamanca en casa de Juan de Junta, a dos dias del Mes de Mayo, 1547, 4 prel. leaves, text, etc. 192 foliod leaves, followed by Francisco de Xerez, his Conquista del Peru, in 23 leaves This i8 n fine, large (Hi inches « 8) clean and perfect volume, except that the separate work of Xbbes wants folios 9, 10, 17 and 24. Get these and the proprietor can make a matchless copy. Xebes is a separate work, but is tied to the Oviedo by the words " Con la Conciuista del Peru " at ihe bottom of the first title page, below the border. Copies of Oviedo are sometimes made perfect by removing this. 542 Oviedo y Valdes. Salamanca 1547, another copy, in good conr diiion and sound, but wants folios of text 1, 8, 113 and 120, and Xercs' Cor.ijuista del Peru, measures 11| hyT\ inches folio* 543 Owen (John, d.d.) Eshcol: a cluster of the Fruit of Canaan brought to the Borders, for the Encouragement of the Saints, or Rules of Direction, 8th edition, 59 pp. 8m Boston, Isaiah Thomas, n. d. 544 Paaneah (Zephnath) The Two Covenants fairly described : or Believers Baptism Vindicated in answer to Rev. J. Strong and Rev. J. Huntington, 16^. \2mo. NetiPLondon, 1781 545 Packard (Hezekiah, Minister at Chelmsford) The Plea of Patriotism, a Sermon on the Day of General Thanksgiving, Feb. 19, 1795 8vo. Boston, W, Greenough, 1796 546 Paige (Lucius R. Pastor of first Universalist Society in Cambridge) An address at the Centennial Celebration in Hardwich, Mass. Nov. 15, 1838 [with notes, historical, biographical and genea- logical] 76jjp. 8w. Cambridge, Metcalf, etc. 1838 647 Paine (Thomas, Pastor of a Church in Weymouth, Mass.) The Doc- trine of Earthquakes. Two Sermons Preached at a particular Fast in Weymouth, Nov. 3, 1727. The Friday after the Earthquake. With examples of many earthquakes in history, uncut, scarce, corners of a few leaves damaged, and wanting after page 86 8vo. Boston, D. Henchman, 1728 548 Paine (Thomas, Pastor in fFeymouih) Of the Evidence of Christ's Death, Burial and Resurrection, &c. A Sermon at Braintree after the Burial of Mrs. Ann Niles, Virtuous Consort of Rev. Samuel Niles, who died Oct. 25, 1732, scarce, uncut, 28^. 8m Boston, S. Kneeland & T. Green, 1732 549 Paine (Thomas, Poet of Boston, afterwards Robert Treat) The Inven- tion of Letters : A Poem written at the Request of the Presi- dent of Harvard University, and delivered on the Day of Annual Commencement, July 15, \1^5, scarce and uncut, 16 pp. ito. Boston, for tJie Subscribers, July 27, 1795 550 Paine (Thomas, Boston poet, afterwards Robert Treat Paine) The Ruling Passion. An Occasional Poem, written by the appoint- ment of the Society of the *BK and spoken on their anniver- sary in Cambridge, July 20, 1797 [Dedicated to Washing- ton] uncut, 32 pp. 4to. Boston, Manning <& Loring,for the Author, 1797 '. « 72 n 551 Paine (Thomas, after imrds L'uhert Treat) Tlie Ruling Passion ; 4>BK Poem. Spoken in the Chapel of the University, Cam- bridge, July 20, ndlfjine clean arpy, 15 pp. ito. Boston, Manning & Loring, 1797 552 Paine (Thomas, uftei-wards Robert Treat) An Oration written at the request of tlie Young Men of Boston and delivered July 17th, 1799, in commemoration of the Dissolution of the Treaties and Consular Convention between France and the United States of America, 30jjp. Sw. Boston, J. liussell, 1799 553 Paine (T.) Another copy, 30^. lower corners injtired Boston, J. Eussell, 1799 554 Paine (T.) Another copy, very Jim, uncut and not cut open, Secoml ^ Edilim,iQ j>p. Swo. Boston, J. liussell, lld'J 555 Paine (Thomas, A.M. Poet of Boston, afterwards Robert Treat) The Ruling Passion : an occasional Poem. Spoken on the 4>BK Anniversary of the University Cambridge, N.E. July 20, 1797, S2 2)p. uncut, scarce ito. Boston, Manning & Loring, 1797 556 Paine (Thomas) Additions to Common Sense, addressed to the Inhabitants of America, 48 pp. half bound 9>vo. Phil, pointed London, reprinted J. Ahnon, 1776 557 Paine (Thomas) The Crisis, Numbers III and V, 2 sheets of 8 pages each, uncut 8vo. London : printed, Nwtvich Wonn.J Reprinted and sold by Judah P. Spooner [1776] very scarce 558 Paine (Thomas) Letter to the Abb6 Raynal on the affairs of North- America. In which the mistakes in the Abba's Account of the Revolution of America are corrected and cleared up, 70 pp. 8vo. Philadelphia printed. Boston repainted, B. Edes&Sons, 1782 559 Paine (Thomas) Rights of Man. Part the Second. Combining Principle and Practice, xvi and \7ipp. uncut 8vo, London, J. S. Jordan, 1792 560 Paine (Thomas) Rights of Man : Part the first : being an answer to Mr. Burke's Attack on the French Revolution, 87 pp. 8vo. Boston, T. & J. Fleet, 1793 561 Paine (Thomas) The Trial of Thomas Paine for a libel, contained in the Second Part of the Rights of Man. Before Lord Kenyon and special Jury, at Guildhall, Dec. 18, 1792, scarce and-unmt, ^Z pp. 8vo. Boston, Isaiah Thomas, etc. 1793 562 Paine (Thomas) Prospects on the War and Paper currency, fine copy, uncut, viii and 68 pp. 8vo. upper outer corner of last leaf torn 8vo. London, J. Ridgway, 1793 563 Paine (Thomas) Jests, etc. {loants title) 8vo. Phil, Printed by Richard Folwell, 1793 564 Paine (Thomas) Dissertation on First-Principles of Government, fine copy, uncut and not cut open, 32 pp. 8vo. Paris [1795] 565 Paine (Thomas) The Age of Reason. Part the Second, being an investigation of tnie and of fabulous Theology, uncut, viii. and ^&pp. wants all after page 96 8vo. Printed fm- the Booksellers,1796 566 Paine (Thos.) The Decline and Fall of the English System of finance, uncut, 33 pp. Svo. Phila. by J. Page, for Benj. Franklin Bache, 1796 73 567 Paine (Thomas) The Speeches of Hon. Thomas Erskine on the . trial of Tlie King versus Thomas Williams for publishing the Age of Reason written by Thomas Paine ; together with Mr. Stewart Kyd's Reply and Lord Kenyon's Charge to the Jury, 23 ipf. half roan 8w. Philadelphia, W. Cobbett, 1797 568 Paine (Thomas) Agrarian Justice, opposed to Agrarian Law, and to Agrarian Monopoly, being a plan for meliorating the condition of Man, by creating in every Nation, a National Fund, to pay to every Person, when arrived at the Age of 21 years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, to enable him or her to begin the World ! And also ten Pounds Sterling per Annum during life for every person now living of the Age of Fifty years, &c. 32 pp. uncut, scarce 8vo. Phila. B. Folwellfor Benjamin Franklin Bache [Grandscm of Dr. Franklin, 1799] This cnrious piece, the author states, was written in the winter of 1795-96, but was not published until he read a sermon by Bishop Watson, entitled "The Wisdom anu Ooodnefw of God in having made both Rich and Poor." 569 Paine (Thomas) Examination of the passages in the New Testa- ment, quoted from the old, and called prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. To which is prefixed An Essay on Dreams. With an appendix containing my private Thoughts of a future State, 56 pp. 8vo. New York, for the Author, n. d. circa 1800 570 Palmer (Alber^j G.) Discourse on the Hundredth Anniversary of the Organization of the First Baptist Church in North Stonington [Connecticut] Sep. 20, 1843, doth, 72 pp. \2mo. Boston, 1844 A good sample of Xew England local history. 571 Papers presented by His Majesty's Command [Correspondence with the French Republic] 80^. 12mo. [London] 1797 572 Paradisisches Wunder Spiel, Welches sich in diesen letzten Zeiten und tagen in denen Abendlandischen Welt-Theilen, als ein Vorspiel der neuen Welt hervorgethan : Besthend in einer neuen Sammlung andachticher und zum Lob des grosen Gottes eingcrichteter geistlicher, und ehedessen zum Theil publicirter Leeder [vignette and motto of Ephrata] ito. EphratcB : Typis & Consensu Societatis A: D : MDCCLXVI. This thiok 4to volume of 472 pages on fine and thick paper is one of the most bejiutiful volumes ever printed in Pennsylvannia. In is of excessive rarity, being from the German Press at Ephrata near Lancaster. This copy is unfortunately imperfect, the Preface ending with page 8, and the text leading on with page 9. Sheets A and c are wanting. 573 Parker (Benjamin, Paslm' of tlie Fourth Church in Havei-hill) The Difficulties, Duties and Encouragements of Christ's Ministers Considered in a Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Jonathan Eames, to the Church in New-Town in the Province of New Hampshire, Jan. 17, 1759, uncut, 33^. 8vo. Portsmouth, N. H. D. F&wle, 1759 L r," 574 575 74 Pariah (Elijah) An Eulogy on John Hubbard, Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy in Dartmouth College, who died Aug. 14, 1810, uncut, 27 pp. 8m Hanmer, N. H. C. W. S. & H, Spear 1810 Parker (Daniel, of Barnstable) A Persuasive to make a public pro- fession of Christ and come up to all hi3 Ordinances in particular those of Baptism and the Lords Supper, And Objections Answered &c. 2i pp. red morocco 8vo. Salem : Reprinted by S. Hall, 1770 With a biographical Preface by Thomas Prince respecting Parker, dated Dec. 1, 1780. This Salem edition is almost na rare aB that of Prince. The Tract is dated at the end " Barnstable, June 5, 1717." 576 Parker (Nathan, Minister of South Church) A Discourse occasioned by the death of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, Pastor of North Church, Portsmouth, who died at Readsborough-Vermont, June 10, 1812, delivered June 19, 1812, 22 pp. fine and scarce, uncut ito, Portsmouth, S. IVhidden, 1812 577 Parker (Samuel, Rectoii' of Trinity Church, Boston) A Sermon before the Lt. Governor, Councel, Senate & Representatives of the Commonwelth of Massachusetts, May 29, 1793, the day of General Election, good copy, 42 pp. 8to. Boston, Thomas Adams, 1793 578 Parker (Samuel, Rectm- of Trinity Church, Boston) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 29, 1793, very fine copy, uncut, i2 pp. 8m Bost&n, T. Adams, 1793 679 Parsons (David, Pastor in Amherst) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 28, 17S8, fine and uncut, id p}>. 8m. Boston, Adams & Nourse, 1788 580 Parsons (J.) and D. McGrcgorc. A Rejoinder to the Reverend Mr. Rol)ert Abercrombie's late Remarks on a fair Narrative of the Proceedings of the Presbytery of Boston, against him- self, &c. clean and unmt, 27 }^p. 8w. Boston, Green & Russell, 1758 581 Parsons (Jonathan, Minister of Presbyterian Church in Newbury Port) Funeral Seimon on the Death of Rev. Mr. George Whitefiold wlio died at Newbury Port, Sep. 30, 1770. And speech over his Grave by the Rev. Mr. Jewot. Some Verses by Thomas Gibbons, title, dcdirntion and 36 j>p. 8w. Poirtsmouth, N. II. Printed London, Reprinted, J. Buckland, 1771 582 Parsons (Joseph, Pastor of the First Church in Bradford) Religion liecoMimended to the Soldier. A Sermon to the Hon. Artillery Company, June 4, 1744, being the Day of their Election of Oflicers [Dedicated to Governor Shcrley], 30 pp. fine, clean and uncut 8(U Boston : B. Oreen & Co, \7 M 583 Parsons (Joscjih, Pai^fnr in Bradford) Massachusetts Election Ser- mon, May 31, \7b9,fine and uncut, S5 pp. 6vo. Bostmi, J. Draper, 1759 584 Parsons (Joseph, Pastor of First Church in Bradford) Two Dis- courses concerning the Importance, of the Belief and Pro- fession of the Gospel to Eternal Salvation, 37 pp. Svo. Boston, J. Draper, 1759 75 585 Parsons (Moses, Pastor of the Church at Newbury Falls) A Sermon at Cambridgo,before Gov. Hutchinson, Lt. -Gov. Andrew Oliver, the Council und House of Representatives of Massachusetts Bay in N. E. May 27, 1772, 43 y>/;. Jine copy 8m Boston, Edes & Gill, 1772 586 Parsons (Moses, Pastor at Newhury Falls) Massachusetts Election Sermon, May 27, 1772, Jine aipy, uncut, i3 pp. 8vo. Boston, Edes and Gill, 1772 587 PASSIO DOMINI NOSTUi Ihesu Christi / ex euangelistarum textu q. accuratissime deprompta additis sactissimis exquisi- tissimisq. figuris. Heres Erne Lector Nam & lachrvmas nisi lapideus fueris ista tibi excutient : & sanctiorem vitam proti- nus inspirabunt, 30 leaves, A to E in sices, fine clean copy, mlj calf [Coloplwn] Matlms IlupfuJJ impiimebat folio. Argeii. Anno. M.D.XITI With 2(? large woodcuts filling a folio page, all bcarinj; the engraver's mark v'/.i [Urse Graft!]. This edition w.ia edited l)y I'HiLESius Uingmann, tlint is Mn'/.' us Kingman, who was the leading spirit of the Gyiuniisiuni at St. Die, who in l,i07 Buggcstcd that the new world should be called America. On the title page i.s a douljle Aorottio, mors xbisti and vita nostra, by this Latin Poet. 588 589 Patten (William, A.M.) A Discourse delivered at Halifax, in the County of Plymouth, July 24, 176G, on the day of thanks- giving throughout the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, for the Repeal of the Stamp Act, 22 pp. excessiivly scarce 8m Boston, 1). Knecland, 1766 Patten (William, Pastm- of South Church in Ilartfm-d) The Death of Men of Virtue and Usefulness deserves great Lamentation. A Sermon at the North Meeting House in Hartford on the decease of Capt. Daniel Goodwin, who dt-parttid Jan. 7, 1772, vncut, 25 pp. »iv. Harlfurd, E. JFatmi, 1772 590 Patten (William, Minister of Second Confirefjational Church in Ncie- jmt, li.I.) Christianity the true Theology and only perfect moral system ; an answer to " tlie Age of Reason : " Witii an Appendix in Answer to " The Examiner Examined." Very Jine copy, SCARCE, uncut, 180 /»/». 12/;w. mirren (If r.) Nathaniel Phillips, 1795 591 Patterson (Samuel) Narrative of (lie A 1 ventures and Sufferings of S. I'atterson, experien ed in ilie Pacific Ocean, and many other parts of the WorKi, witli an account of the Feegee and Sandwich Islands, \'H 2>p. bixtnls, scKrrc 1 2m). Palmer [lihmle Island], 1817 A Yankee sailor's account of his many voyages. I'lnipleis x, .xii, and xiii, are accounts of three successivi! voyage-i in 1h()2 and later, to tlic N'orlli U'l-sl Cia-t nt America, California, Vancouver, and what is now Itriti-.h t'oliiinliiii. Oilier elj:i|iters contain accounts of the iSandwich Islands, Fecgtu'. iSte. An intercsling and scarce iKiok. 5i)2 Payson (Phillips, Pa.'^lor if the Church nl CluUcn) A Sermon at the Ordination i>f liis brutlier tlie llev. JdIiii Pajson to tlie Church in Kitclilmrg, .Ian. 27, 17(i.S, uwid, 27 y/*. 8m lh)siun,lL Drajicr, 1708 76 593 Payson (Phillips, Pastor in Chelsea) Election Sermon, Massachusetts- Bay, May 27, 1778 [Political and Historical], Jhie and clean, 39pp. 8m Boston.- John Gill, 1778 594 Payson (P.) Another copy, clean and fine 595 Payson (Phillips, Pastor in Chehea) A Sermon at the Ordination of the Eev. Seth Payson to the Church in Rindge, Dec. 4th, 1782, with Charge, &c. uncut, dO pp. 8vo. Boston .• T. & J. Fleet, 1783 596 Payson (Rev. Seth) A Sermon at the Ordination of Rev. Seth Payson to the Care of the Church at Rindge, Dec. 4, 1782. By his brother Phillips Payson, 30 pp. wmd,fine and scarce Svo. Boston: T. & J. Fleet, 1783 597 Peabody (Oliver, Pastor in Natick) The Foundation!,, Effects and distinguishing Properties of a good and bad Hope of Salvation considered in a Sermon delivered at the Evening Lecture at the New-North Church in Boston, June 8, 1742, b2 jy}). 8vo. Boston, L). Fmie, 1742 598 Peabody (Stephen, Pastor in Atkinson) A Sermon, March 18, 1801, at the Ordination of the Rev. Moses Dow to the Second Church in Beverly (Mass.) 26 pip. uncut 8vo. Salem, J. Cmhing, 1801 599 Peabody (Stephen, Pastor in Atkinson, N.H.) A Sermon at Con- cord before the General Court of the State of New Hamp- shire at the Annual Election, June 1797, 23 pp. fine and clean 8 (VI. Concord: George Hough, \797 600 Poale (Rembrandt) An historical disquisition on the Mammoth or great American Incognitum, an extinct, immense, carnivorous, animal, whose fossil remains have been found in North America, viii awl 91 pp. fine and uncut 8vo. London: E. Laivrence, 1803 GOl Peck (Tracy) Historical Sketch of the Congregational Society and Church in Bristol, Conn. With Articles, Covenant, Members, Scc.npp V2mo. llart/urd: D. B. Mosrlcg,]8r)2 END OF 8i;CUNU 1)AY'.S SALE. If m THIRD DAY'8 SALE. LOT G02 Pembeuton (Ebenezer, Pastor of the. Prejbi/ter'um Church in New Ywk) A Sornioii in New- Ark, June 12, 1744, at the Ordinia- tion of Mr. Daniel IJrainenl a Missionary among the Indians, upon the Borders of th(i Provinces of New- York, New-Jersey and Pennsylvania ; With an Appendi:^ touching the Indian Affairs. Title, io tt id j>p. Sro. Jloslim, Roijers awl Fowle, 17 ii A very rare and important tract, fine i\tu\ clean, a fuw letters gone in the lower back corner of the leaf after the title. The hiuturical appendix contains 18 large pages, 603 P-rabcrton (Ebenezer) All Power in Heaven, and in Earth given :/ito Jesus Christ. A Sermon at the Public Lecture in Uoston, Jan. 29, 1756, witli a Preface by the Kov. Dr. Sewall, Mr. Prince, and Mr. Fo-Kcrott [with an Appendix of 10 pages], 4 leaves and 30 jip.Jine ami clean 8vo, Boston, D, Fowle, 1756 604 606 Pemberton (Ebenezer) A Sermon preached to the Ancient and hon. Ai'tillery Company in Boston, N. E. June 7, 1756, 22 j*^. 8vo. Boston, Edes <{; GUI, 1756 Pomborton (Ebenezer) Election Sermon, Massachusetts Bay, May 25, 1757, ««(■?. ; follotced by \l leaves ' cujiye,' signatures & & tu d d in eights, fine copy, scarce, ludf vellum iio. t' Amsterdam, Joost Hartgcrs, 1648 Pelsaert (Francovs) Ongei.uckige Voyaoie, van't Schip Batavia, Nae Oost-Indien, &c. &c. 78 pp. with copper-plate in 6 compartments, fine copy, vellum, signatures KtoV. in eights \to. (Amsterdam, Joost Harlgerts, 1648 This edition differs very much from the other one by the same publisher and the same year, tlio contents and nrratigomont varyinj; considerably. See the Preface til the Header in Jan Jansz. edition of the same date. 6 1 6 Pelsaert (Franco ys) Nieuwe en vermeerderpe Ongeluckige VoYAGiE, van't Schip Batavia, Nae de Oost-Indien. Geb- leven op de Abrolhos van Frederick Houtman, op do hooghte van 28| graot, by Zuydcn do Linie .(IC()uinoctiael. Vytgheva- ten ondor den E. Francoys Pelsaert. (Jlioschiedt in den jaren 1628 on 1629. Als medo de grosto Tyrannyo van Abas, Koninck van Persien, 1645, etc. En nu in desen tweedon Druck, wel cen derden-deel vcrmeerdcrt, 64 pp. with 6 copper plates, as per text at end, fine large copy, excessively rare 4/o. Tot Amsterdam, roor Jan. Jansz. Anno 1648 Beo the back of the title for what our publisher has to soy about Joost llartgorg and his editions. See also Title p. 2(iH rcsjiecting this disastrous voyage;. 617 Pelsaert (Francoys) Onoeluckige Voyaoie, van't Schip IJatavia, Na Oost Inpien : (fee. &c. Mp/i. with beautiful copptr plates inxerted in the text, a scarre edilinn, nllnm ito. t' Utrecht, by Lucas de Files, 1663 79 618 Pelsaert (Francoys) Onoei.uckioe Voyagie van hex Schip Batavia, uytgevaren onder't beleydt van den E. Francoys Pelsaert, na Oost-Indicn, En gebleven is op de AbroUos van Frederick Houtman, op de hooghte van 28 i gra. bezuyden de Linie iEquinoctiael. 44 pp. text in dmwle columns, copper plates and uvodcuts in text ; fine, clean and scarce Ato, t' Amsterdam, Gillis Joosten Saeghman [1662 1] 619 Penn (William) Een kort Berrcht Van de Provintio ofte Landschap Penn-Sylvania genaemt, leggendo in America ; [with other Papers], 24 i^. blue morocco extra bif Bedfm-d, very fine copy . 4/0. Rotterdam, 1681 This DutchEdition was issued at the same time us the Enf^lish in London, and is perhaps the rarest book on I'ennsylvania. Penn had lived in Holland, and was familiar with Dutchmen and their language. 620 PENN (William) Missive van William Penn, Eygenaar en GOUVENEUR van PENNSYLVANIA, IN AMERICA. Gcschrevcn aan de Commissarissen van de Vrye Societeyt der Handehiars, op de selve Proventic, binncn London resideerende. Waer by noch gevoeght is een Beschrijving van de Hooft-Stcadt Philadelphia. 23 pp. fine large copy, UNCUT, excessively rare in this state ito. Amsterdam, Jacob Glaus, 1684 621 Penn (William) Een Brief van een zeker Heer aan William Penn, eygenaar en Gouverneur van Pennsylvania ; beneffins zyn Antwoord daar op. Uyt het Engelsch vertaald, very fine, large copy, IGpp. blue morocco extra by liedfitml Ato. Amsterdam, Steven Swart, 1689 From the outset William Penn was well supported by the Dutch. All his tracts, adTertiscmcnts, and inducements were prompty issued lu Amsterdam or Rotterdam. 622 Penn (William, Pseud.) Essays on the Present Crisis in the Con- dition of the American Indians ; first published in the National Intelligencer under the signature of William Penn, clean and uncut, 112 pp. 8vo. Boston, Perkins & Marvin, 1829 623 PENNSYLVANIA. The Frame of the Government of the Province ok Pennsylvania in America : Together with the Laws Agreed upon in England by the Governour and Divers Free-Men of the aforesaid Province. To be further Explained and Confirmed there by the first Provincial Council an»i General Assembly that shall be held, if they see meet. Title, reverse blank ; Pre/ore 2 pp. si'jned William Penn ; Text, The Frame, &c. 11 pages, the V2th being blank, Fineatjvj in old luilfcal/. ExcEssnEi-Y scarce Folio [London], Printed in tlie year 1682 This copy came from the IVnn Kamilv, and hn* pnsti'il on tho Imck of the liilc, Pciin's own ciiKravod llookiiliito witii motto DUM f'l.AVUM tknraii, iiiidcrneuth wliich arc the wonls " Wiu'inm Penn, Knq, Proprietor of I'ennny I atnin, 17()M," 624 Pennsylvaniii. A Brief(> State of the Province of rciiii.sylvania, in which the Con Cause of tin- Continued llncroadiments of the Frencli displ.iyccl, more especially the secret design of their late unwaniintable Invasion and Settle- ment upon the Ohio, &c. Sermid Kditinv, VS pp. cIcini and fine copy 8i,u iModon: IL Grijfittw, 1750 f ■M i :l 80 625 Pennsylvania. An Answer to an invidioub Pamplilet intituled A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. Title and 80pp. Jim and clean Svi. London, S. Bladon, 1755 626 Phelps (Noah A.) History of the Copper Mines and Newgate Prison at Granby, Conn. Also of the Captivity of Daniel Hayes of Granby by the Indians in 1707. ^ipp. 8vo. Hartford, Case, Tiffany & Burnham, 1845 627 Phelps (Richard H. of East Granby, Conn.) Newgate of Connecticut : a History of the Prison, its insurrections, massacres, &c. im- prisonment of the Tories, in the Revolution. The ancient and recent workings of its mines, &c. Second Edition. 2i pp. 8vo. Hartford, Elihu Gecr, 1844 628 Phelps (Richard H.) Newgate of Connecticut, &c. Third Edition. 33 pp. 8vo. Hartford, Elihu Geer, 1844 629 Philenia (a Laity of Boston, Pscmi.) Ouabi : or the Virtues of Nature, an Indian Tale, in four Cantos, 52 pj). and, good copy, scarce 8vo. Boston, Isaiah Thomas, 1790 630 Phillips (John) Oration, July 4th, 1794, in Boston, in Commemo- ration of American Independence, clean and uncut, \^ pp. 8vo. Boston, B. Edes, 1794 631 T^hillips (Samuel, Pastor of Smth Church in Andover) Election Sermon. Massachusetts Bay, May 30, 1750, uncut, half-title, title, and 59 j*;>. 8vo. Boston, J. Draper, 1750 632 Phiniipy (Eliiis ) History of the Battle at Lexington on the morn- ing of the 19th April, 1775, iO pp. clean copy, scarce 8vo. Boston, I'helps £ Farnlmm, 1825 633 Phips (William, Pastor in Dotiglass) A Breach in Jerusalem's Walls, deplored. A Sermon at Oxford [Massachusetts], May 31st, 1761, on the Death cf the Rev. Mr. John Campbell [with Biographical sketch from the Boston News Letter], uncut,29pj>. half bound 8vo. Boston, J. Draper, XT G\ 634 Phocion [Alexandra Hamilton 1] A Letter from Phocion to the Considerate Citizens of New York on the Politics of the Day, 19 pp. hi df bound, five copy and scarce 8vo. New Yo^-k printed. Boston ; reprinted T.&J. Fleet, 1784 635 Phocion, A Letter from, to the Considerate Citizens of Now York, on the Politics of the Day, a, scurce edition, uncut, 19/7*. 8ro. New York, S. Loiulon. Boston, Preprinted by T. &J. Fleet, 1784 636 PiCKEKiNG (Timothy, Jxin.) An Easy Plan of Discipline for a Militia, \12pp. and 14 copperplates, half calf , fine large arpy n'iih rough leaves 8tH>. Salem: S. d E. Hall, 1)75 S. 0. Drnki'A >.Mpy with bis RutogrBphs and tliccopy of an wilvcrtiscmeiit showing tlint this vohimo was jmMished in jMly, 1776, ft shurt time after the opcnitig b.attliiS of Lexington riinl liunkof Hill. IVrfeot copies like tliis that have not been through the wars are -earco. 637 I'ickeriiig (Tiiuothy^ Letter from, oxliittiting to his constitueiitd ;» view of the inimi'innt danger of an unnecivssjiry Jiiu! ruinous war J addressed i > Govortiour Sullivan. ?/«(>»(/, 16 /'p. 8w. Bodvn^ irletiWUjfk tfc SUbbins, lt*08 046 81 638 639 640 G41 642 643 (144 Pickering (Timothy) Letter exhibiting to his Constituents a view of the imminent Danger of an Unnecessary and ruinous War, I6})p. 8vo. Boston, 1808 Pickering (Timothy) Interesting correspondence between His Excellency Governour Sullivan and Col. Pickering in which the latter vindicates himself against the groundless charges and insinuations made by the Governor and others, 32 j)p. 8vo. Bontun, Greenoufjh & Stebbins, 1808 Pincknpy (Charles, Senator for South Carolina) Three Letters originally published under the Signature of A South Carolina planter 1st. On the Case of Jonathan Rollins decided under the 26th Article of the Treaty with Great Britain. 2nd. On the Recent Captures of American Vessels by British Cruisers contrary to the laws of nations and the Treaty. 3rd. On the Right of Expatriation. uncut, title and 65 pp. half bound 8vo. Philadelphia, Aurora Office [Benj. Franklin Bache], 1799 PlUATKS de la America, y luz k la defcnsa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales. De la lengua Flamenca [do, Exquemalen] in Espaiiola por el Dr de Buena-Maison, Si'gunda Impression, vellum 24)/w. Colonia Ariri^^pina, 1682 PiRATKS de la America y luz i la defonsa de las Costas de Indias Occidentales. Traducido del Fl.amenco en Espafiol por Dr do Buena-Maison, _/t«c copy in »S^a«i,s7t calf sm. Ho. Madrid, 1793 PiZAHKO y Okellana (Fernando) Varones Ilustros del Nuevo Mundo. Descubridores, Conquistadores, y Paciticadoros del Imperio de las Indias Occidentales : sus Vidas, Yirtud, Valor, Hazatias, y Claros Blasones, cmirse paper, smncirlmf stuincil as ufiuil, 2 letters of lower outer corner of title gone, half bound folio. Madriil, Diego Diaz dc la Carrera, 1639 Plantation Work, the Work of this Generation. Written in True Love to all such as are inclined to transplant them- selves to any of the Engli>h Plantations in America, title and pages 1 iv 14, waidiny loifi 2 leaves ito. Loiulun, B. Clark, 1682 645 PlI'MBENs^is (NtioLAUH) 0|iiiGspuhim Vita\ Virtum, et Mira- culonum Vem. S«'rvi Dei bV Skiustiaxi ab Al'PAi;iTlo, Ordinis Min. (le OVi^icrvantia Laici IVifossi Provincia) Mexicanaj, cm- i/rared front i~p. 8vo. Harlfmd, E. Geer, 1839 668 83 658 Prayers for Shabbath Rosii-hashanah and Kippur, or the Sabbath, the Beginning of the year and tlie day of Atone- ments, etc. according to the order of the Spanisli and Portuguese Jews, Translated by Isaac Pinto, iv and 191 ^tp. good dmii ropy in old calf, SCARCE Uo. NevJ York, John Jlolt, A. M. 6526 659 Predestination. The Fatal Consequ(!nc(!s of tlie iinscriptural Doctrine of Predestination and Kcprohation ; with a caution against it. Written in High-Dutcli by M. K. and trauslated on desire, \i jip. \2m». Gcrmaiiloini, Cluistoplicr Sour, 1753 660 Prentice (John, PunUn- in Lnnaxder) Pure and undefiled Religion, the highest obligation and truest glory of Rulers. A Sermon at Boston in the Audience of the General Court of the Pro- vince of Massachusetts-Bay, May 28, 1735, the Anniversary for the Election, iincut, Z2 pp. 8vo. Boston, S. Krweland, 1735 661 Prentiss (Thomas, Pnstm- in Mcdfidd) Death the Inst Enemy, destroyed. A Discourse in Dedham, May 29, 1803; after the interment of Rev. Jason Haven, 32 pp. d,vo. Dedham, II. Mann, 1803 662 Present (The) State of North America, &c. Part I. title, content.'i and 88 pp. 4io. London, R. d- J. Ihdslcy, 1755 663 Pretender. An Account of the Veteran Scheme. With List of Subscribers, 8^);;. 4fo. 1745 664 Price (Richard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, etc. & the Justice and Policy of the War witli America, nnctit, 71 pp. 8vo. Boston, re-printed, T. & J. Fleet [1776] 665 Price (Richard) Observations on the Nature of Civil Liberty, the Principles of Government, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America. 4th Edition, 128 pp. 8ro. London : T. Cadell, 1776 666 Price (Richard) Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution, and the Means of making it a Benefit to the World, nncut, 87 pp. a scarce edition 8vo. lie-printed in Boston, In) Pon'ar.s awi IHllis in 1784 667 Priest (Josiah) Story of Early Settlers in the Wilderness : Em- bracing the Life of Mrs. Priest, late of Otsego County, N. Y. witli various and interesting accounts of otiiers : Tlie first Raftsman of the Sus(|uehannali ; a short accoinit of Brant, the British Indian Chief : And of the Massacre of Wyonn'ng, (mints plate) uncut, 40 p}). 8i'o. Allan ij, J. Munsell, 1837 6G8 Prince (Thomas, me of the Pastors of South Church) Extraordinary Events the Doin','s of God, and marvellous in jjIous Eyes. Illustrated in a Sermon at the Soutii Cluirch in Boston, N. E. on the General Thanksgiving, Tliursday, July 18, 1745. Occasioned by taking tiie City of Louisbourg on the Isle of Cape Breton, by New-England Soldiers, assisted by a British Squadron, 35 pp. fine copy, UNCX'T, scarce 8vo. Boston : D. Henchman, 1745 Dedicated by Prince to Wm. Shirley, Oovcriuir of MiisHnoliusettti-Biiy, as the Principal Former and Promoter of the lixpedition to Cape Ureton. 609 Prince (Thomas) Extraordinary Events, etc. Anutlier copy, clean and (/ood This copy formerly belonged to Andrew Eliot, whose autograph is at the end, " A. Kliot, 1745," together with sorae MS. corrections. 84 - ! 670 Prince (Thomas, Pantfyr of Suidh Church, Bodun) A Sermon delivered at the South Church in Boston, N. E. August 1 4, 1746. Being the Day of General Thanksi^iving for tlie great Deliverance of the British Nations by the glorious and happy Victory near Culloden. Obtained by His lioyal Highness Prince William Duke of Cumberland, April 16 last, 39 j>p. sairce 8vo. Baslon : D. Ilendnmin, dx. 17 iQ TTistoriciil, political and impnrtnnt. This copy formerly bolor.KCil to Andrew Eliut of l!ii>t,i 11, wlio si^'ned it at the end, " A. E. 1740," and made several manu- script eorrciidiis in tlie text, adding at the end " cupicd from a copy corrected by I'riMie hinisell." 671 Princc! (Thomas) The Natural and Moral Government and Agency of God in causing Droughts and Kains. A Sermon at the South Church in Boston, Thursday Aug. 24, 17 19. Being the Day of General Thanksgiving, in the Province of Massa- chusetts, for the extraordinary reviving Kains after the most distressing Drought which have been known among us in the Memory of any living, title, dedkathn to the lioi/al Society, and 40^*/;. nniijh leaven Svo. Boston : Kneclnnd and Green, 1749 Historical and scientific, one of the most learned and elaborate of all of Prince's usefid Ksgiti/s which he, after the manner of his New England craft, delighted to call Sfrmuns. 672 Prins (Jeurian) Journael, ofte Dag-register, van de Eeyse die gedaen is door's Landts Vloot, onder Admirael Michiel A. de Kuyter : en de Middelandtse Zee, Cabo Verde, de Kust van Guinea, Can-bise Eylanden en Terra Nova [8 May, 1664 — 24 Augt. 166.5] 3 jildtes on one folded sheet, fine copy in rulf extra by F. Bedford, very rare 4to. Amsterdam, by Samuel Imbrechis, 1666 67.'} Privilegien Vergunt de Ceur-Brandenburgese Americaense Compagnie [Privileges ceded to the Brandenburg American Company by the Elector of Brandenburg in Embden] 16/>/). fine fiipy, nilf extra liy Bcdfml, no other copy known, iltis copy heimj No. 406 of the fromel catalogue 4/J. In't Jaer, 1690 674 PROMFrEK (The) or a Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the Best Sense in the World [By Noah Wtsbster, Lexicogiapher] 96 pp. calf extra, by F. Bcdfurd, scarce 12//(((. Boston, Thomas and E. T. Andrews: 1792 fi7r) Prudden (Nehemiah, Pastor of the Church in . .ifield) To Marry a Wife's Sister, not inconsistent with the i)ivine Law. To which are added, Some Kemarks on Dr. [Benjamin] Trumbull's late Appeal to the Public, 31 pp. clean and tmcut 8ro. Hartford: Peter B. Gleason and Co. May, 1811 676 Psalms (The) of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, and ajtply'd to the Christian State and Worship. By I. Watts. The Third Edition, with the Preface and Notes, fine copy in polished calf extra by Pratt, SCARCE \2mo. London, for John Clark, 1722 677 PsAi.Ms. A Vindication of David's Psalms, from Mr. J. Watts's Erroneous Notions and Hard Speeches of them, / and 3677'. re ry rare 8ro. Londoi: Andrea; Jacob, 1727 Dr. Isnac Watts's Psalmody here rcceivesa broa^' ^^^ '> o 7 M Photographic Sciences Corporation n -\VI SY MAIN STRECT WEk'.STEII,N.Y, 14S80 (71«! 877-4503 16> 4SJj ///// ^^ I! ; 86 685 Putnam (Majm-'General Israel) A Sermon, Occasioned by the Death of The Honorable Major-General Israel Putnam, of Brooklyn ; Who departed this Life on Saturday the 29th day of May, 1790, and Delivered at his Funeral on the Tuesday following. By Josiah Whitney, a.m. Pastor of tlie first Church in Brooklyn [Connecticut] 28 pp. good copy, in brown polished calf extra, (j. e. hi IF. Pratt sm. 8vo. Windham : Printed hy Jahn Byrne [1790] General rutnnm at one time ranked noxt to General Wasliinptnn. This dis- course is of the greatesi, rarity, Tages 27-2,S are occupied with " Euloginm, By Albigence Waldo, delivered at the grave of the late Gen. Israel Putnam." The historical notes are fresh and valuable. 686 QuiNCY (Edmund) A Treatise of Hemp-Husbandry : Being a Collection of approved Instructions agreeable to the Experience both in Europe and America. With some Observations upon the Necessity which the American British Colonies are under to engage in the said Production ; etc. 32 pp. fine aipy, scarce Uo. Boston : Green & Russell, by Order of the Honourable House of Representatives, 1765 In June, 1764, the Parliament offered a bounty of £8 a ton on hemp. This and other circumstances induced Mr. Quincy and the General Court of Massa- chusetts to distribute this Treatise among the Townships. It is a valuable treatise. 687 Quincy (Josiah, Jun'r.) 0})servations on the Act of Parliament, commonly called the Boston Port-Bill ; with Thoughts on Civil Society and Standing Armies, title and 82 pp. half calf 8ra. Boston: N.E. Edes ami Gill, mi 688 Quincy (Josiah) An Oration, July 4, 1798, at Boston in Com- memoration of American Independence, 31 pp. nncvt Svo. Boston: Mm Russell, 1798 689 Quincy (Josiah) An Oration, July 4, 1798, Second Edition [from the same type as the first without altei'ation] 31 pp. 8ro. Bostm: John Russell, 1798 690 Quincy (-osiah. President of Havard Colleyr) An Address to the Citizens of Boston, 17th September, 1830, the Clo,se of the Second Century from the First Settlement of the City, 68 pp. 8w. Boston: J. H. Eastburn, 1830 An historical and statistical production of consid arable importance. A presenta- tion copy to the Rev. Dr. Popkin, with the autograph signature of the author on the title page. 691 Rafinesque (C. S.) Ancient Hi.stokv, or Annals of Kentucky; with a Survey of the Ancient Monuments of North America. And a Tabular View of the Princii)al Languages and Primi- tive Nations of the whole Earth, title ami tabic ir, and text and appendix 3d pp. fine clean copy, uncut, and very .scarce 8vo. Frankfcrrt, in Kentucky, Printed for the Author, 1824 692 Raleigh (Sir Walter) Vcrclaunge endc verhael hoe de Hcere WoUTER Raleighe, Riddcr, h(!m gliedreghcn heeft, soo wel in siine Voyaghe, als in eude sedcrt siine wedercomste. Ende vande ware mortiiven ende rcdoncn, die siine Majesteht Ijewoghcn hebben, teghens hem te procederen by forme van Justitio : ghehick gheschiedt is. Nacr de Copye tot London, by Bonham 'HorUiU, title and iO pj). bl;ich \ttUx,finecopyinbrmim pollslted calf extra, y. e. by Bnlfard ifo. Ins' Graven-Uayc, by Aert Mcuris, 1619 87 693 Ealeigh {Sir Walter) The Life of the Valiant & Learned Sir Walter Kaleigh, Knight. With his Tryal at Winchester, 2iS pp. old ca}f ' \2mo. London, \Q77 694 Eamsay (David) An Oration, on the Cession of Louisiana, to the United States, delivered on the 12th May, 1804, in St Michael's Church, Charleston, South Carolina, 27 pp. scarce, stained and mutilated Charleston: W. P. Young, 1804 695 Randolph (John) Observations on the Speech of the Hon. John Randolph, of Virginia, in the General Congress of America : on a Motion for the non-importation of British Merchandize, pending the present dispute between Great Britain and America. By the Author of War in Disguise, 43 pp. uncut 8vo. {London printed) New Yoi'k : re-printed for E. Sargeant, 1806 696 Kankin (Adam, Fastm- at Lexington, Ky.) A Review of the Noted Revival in Kentucky. Commenced in the year of our Lord, 1801, 10 pp. uncut and scarce 8w. Printed \in Kentucky] in the year 1803 697 Rantoul (Robert, Jr.) An Oration delivered at Concord, on the Celebration of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Events of April 19, 1775. DeHvered before the Massachusetts Legis- lature, 135^^. 8vo. Boston: Button and JVentwmih, 1850 698 Raymond (Miner, Principal of the Wesleyan Academy, Wilhraluxm) A Sermon delivered before the Legislature, etc. of Massa- chusetts, at the Annual Election, Jan. 4, 1854, 5i pp. %vo. Boston : W. IHiite, 1854 699 Raynal (The Abb6) The Revolution of America, title, advertise- ment, etc. vii and text 92 pp. very fine copy, uwut 8vo. Salem: Samuel Hall, 1782 Tliis Kmay is valuable, and still worth the reading. A very curious comment on the French arrogance of the learned Abbe is found in his Prize (jucit'wn pro- posed to all comers through the Academy of Lyons, for the year 1783, " Has THE Discovery op Amkrica been useful ob hurtful to mankind " ? Mankind probably here means Frenchmen, for elsewhere the people of the western hemisphere are considered an integral portion of mankind. One might just as well expect the Historical Society of Vermont to issue a imze question for 1883 to all comers to discuss '• Whether or not the Old World is any longer of any good to mankind except to consume the eatables or make a market for the inventions of the New World?" 8w. Salem, 1782 Real Compatiia de Comercio para las Islas de Santo Domingo, Puerto-Rico, y La Margarita, que sa ha dignado el Rey Conceder con diez Registros para Honduras, y Provincias do Guatemala, etc. scarce, Spanish calf IGmo. Cadiz, 1756 700 Raynal (Abb6) Another copy 701 702 703 Reasons Assigned by the Church in North Wrentham [Massa- chusetts] for withdrawing from their Masonic Brethren and others, and being formed into a dintinct and separate church, 32pp. vncut 8m Boston: T. It. Manin, 1830 Reed {Hev. John, of Bridgeimter) A Sermon, jjreached December 12, 1787, at the Ordination of the Rev. Kilborn Whitman, in Pembroke, 31 pp. uncut Svo. Boston : Edmund Freeman, 1788 704 Reed (John) Another copy, uncut \l 88 705 Keese (Thomas, Pa-tor of tlie Presbyterian Church at Salem in South Carolina) An Essay on the Influence of Religion in Civil Society,87^. SCARCE 8m Ckirleston: Markland db 31clver, IT 88 706 Eegulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States. Part I, 138^)^). conffiits {6 pjh) boards sm. 8vo. Hartfwd : Hudson and Goodwin [1779] Tliis copy has the excessively rare eight folded copper-plates engraved by J. Allen, though the first one appears to want the outer margin. 707 Reid (Adam, Pastor of tlie Chirch in Salishuri/, Conn.) A Historical Address, before the Congregational Church in Salisbury, Conn, at their first Centennial Celebration, November 20, 1844, 63pp. 8vo. Ilartfm-d .- Elihu Geer, I8i5 708 Remarks and Criticisms on the Hon. John Quincy Adams's Letter to the Hon. Harrison Gray Otis [By John Lowell] title and 62 pp. 8vo. Boston, Joshua Cashing, 1808 This interesting tract is compiled from papers in the New York Evening Post. The severe criticisms on Professor John Quincy Adams's literature and grammar .are amusing and instructive, but the real value of the publication is in the discussion of the facts, principles, opinions and details relating to the approach- ing war of 1812, such as neutral rights, right of search, the Berlin and Milan Decrees, the Chesapeake, &c. &c. 709 Remarks on a Pamphlet, entitled " An Enquiry respecting the Capture of Washington by the British, 24th August, 1814. By Spectator," map, title and 72 pp. uncut and scarce 8vo. Baltimore: J. Robinson, 1816 710 Remesal (Antonio de) Historia de la Provincia de S. Vincento de Chiapa y Guatemala de la orden de Santo Domingo : escrivense juutamente los principios de las Indias Occidentales y lo Secular de la Governacion do Guatemala, 5 pi-el. leaves and 784 2U>- {u'cints engraved tithi) old vellum, good ■ copy, scarce folio. Madrid, 1619 7 1 1 Remonstrantie, van weghen den Coninck van Bohemen aen de H. M. H. Staten Gisn. der V. Nederlandtsche Provintien, ghepresentecrt cnd(! overghcgheven. Op het Tractaet van TretVes. [Remonstrance of the King of Bohemia respecting the Truce with Spain, of 1629-30] 8 pp. large blatk hiitx, fine copy, official ito. [Gravov-IIage] na de Cojrpye by Glaude Fonteyn, 1629, see Asficr No. 131 and Trbmel 139 712 Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, on the subject of Impressed Seamen : with the Evidence and Documents accompanying it. Published by order of the House, 84 2^p- uncut and clean {corner of title torn and 5 letters in first irord gone) 8vo. Boston, Russell iS; Cutler, 1813 713 Revel (James) The Poor Unhappy transported felon's Sorrowful account of his fourteen years transportation at Virginia, in America, 2 leaves ami 2 half leaves out of 4, mutilated 8vo. Printed ami sold in Aldermay Church Yard, Bow Lane [Zom^m] n. d. [circa 1730] 714 Revolution (The) in France, considered in respect to its Progress and Eflects. By an American [Noah Webster] 72 pp. uncui; page 53 slightly mutilated 8vo, New York, George Bunce, 1794 89 715 716 717 718 719 Ehode Island. A Brief Account of Emissions of Paper Money made by tlie Colony of Rhode Island [By Elisha R. Potter] is pp. half bound 6vo. Providence, J. E. Biinn, 1837 Richards (George, G.C.P.T.) Remove not the ancient Land JMark ! A Masonic Discourse, pronounced at the Consecration of Ancient Land Mark Lodge, and the Installation of its Officers ; By the M. W. tlie (^rand Lodge, of Massachusetts, Convened in Portland, July 14, 5808, \^ pp. 8i-o. Portsmouth, N. H. Samuel JFliklden, 1808 Richmond (Edward, Minister of Stoughton, Mass.) A Sermon preached October 21st, 1801, at the Consecration of the Rising Star Lodge in Stoughton, 18 pp). uncut 8iu Boston: B. Russell, 1801 Eights (The) of Parliament Vindicated, on occxsion of the late Stamp-Act. In which is exposed the Conduct of the American Colonists. Addressed to all the People of Great Britain, a pp. a scarce tract Svo. London: J. Almon, 1766 Ripley (Ezra, D.D. with other Citizens of Concord) A History of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775, with a pa':'ticular account of the military operations am I interesting events of that ever memorable day ; showing that then and there the First Regular and Forcible liesistance was made to the British Soldiery, and the first British blood was shed by Armed Americans, and the Revolutionary War thus Commenced, Q(i pp. fine copy, ^uicut 8w. Concord: Allen li; Atwill, 1827 Ripley (Ezra, D.D. tvith other Citizens of Concord) A History of the Fight at Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775 [as above]. Second Edition, 40 pj). uncut 8 m Concord, Herman & Atwill, 1832 Ripley (Ezra, D.D.) Half Century Discourse, delivered November 16, 1828, at Concord, Massachusetts, il pp. of important " Local History," SCARCE 8m Concord: Herman cH Atwill, 1829 Ritchie (Andrew, Jun.) An Oration, July 4, 1808, at the request of the Selectmen of the town of Boston, in Commemoration of the Anniversary of American Independence. Second Edi- tion, 19 ^y?. iuiciit (Boston) Russell & Cutler, 1808 Ritchie (A.) Another copy, uncut Rittenhouse (David) An Oration [on Astronomy and Astronomers, with their history] delivered February 24, 1775, before the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for Pro- moting Useful Knowledge, 27 ]p. clean and uncut 8vo. Hartford : Hudson and Goodwin, \78d Ttia Eev. Ammi, after giving the Governor and the General Assembly some good political advice, shows himself in this second year of the New Constitution of the United States somewhat ot a pessimist. " The day and age in which we live is evil." And then he dares to say, " O Conneeticiit, how art thou fallen I Once famous for benevolence, righteousness and the fear of God ; for the belief and practice of religion, &c. Now abounding with impenitence, infidelity and all manner of impieties," etc. etc. 727 Robbins (Rev. Ammi) Another copy, clean and uncut 728 Robbins (Chandler, Pa.itor of the First Church in Plymouth) A Sermon before Gov. Hancock, Lt. Gov. Samuel Adams, the Council and Senate & House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, May 25th, 1791, being the day of General Election, 51 j)p, 8vo. Boston, Thomas Adams, 1791 A political disquisition upon the Constitution and Civil Government ; good administration, Public Spirit, duty as subjects, both to the local and general Government ; the Union, Industry, Attention to business, National Character and National Government, &c. 729 Robbins (Chandler) Another copy 8vo. 1791 730 Robbins (Chandler) Another copy, M?icM< 1791 731 Robbins (Chandler, D.D.) A Sermon preached at Plymouth, De- cember 22, 1793; being the Anniversary of the landing of our Ancestors in that place, in 1620, with some enlargements and particular anecdotes relating to their sufferings before they left England ; never before published, 56 pp. clean and uncut, 8m Boston: Joseph Bumstead, 1794 A valuable historical discourse in which the learned author endeavours, among other surprising and important matters, to show the influence of America on the Old World. "To the revolution in America, as a viean. in the hand of Pro- vidence, may probably be ascribed the surprising scenes which are acting in the European Continent at the present day [1793;] where the 'nations, like apotier's vessel, are dashing to piccis,' one against another." 732 Robbins (Chandler, Pastor of the First Church in Plymouth) A Sermon preached at the General Convention of Congregational Ministers in Boston, May 29, 1794, 31 pp. fine, clean and uncut, tvith the autograph of Er. Byles 8vo. Boston, Samuel Hall, 1794 733 Robbins. Another copy, 31 jtp. uncut 734 Robbins (Nathaniel, Pastm- of the Church in Milton) A Sermon preached at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Peter Thacher, to the Pastoral Care of the First Church in Maiden, Sept. 19, 1770, iOpp. fine copy, uncut Svo. Boston : Richard Draper, 1771 On page 30 is an interesting note giving an account of the Thatcher family in New England. 735 Rol)bins (Nathaniel, Pastor of the Church in Milton) Jerusalem's Peace AVished. A Sermon, preached to the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company in Boston, in New-England, June 1, 1772. Being the Anniversary of the Election of Officers, 23^)^. uncut, scarce 8m Boston: J. Boyles, 1772 91 736 Bobbins (Nathaniel, Pastor of the CImrch in Milton) A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth, to the pastoral care of the First Church in Danvers, Dec. 23, 1772, SO pj}. uncut 8vo. Boston, T. and J. Fleet, 1773 737 Bobbins (N.) Another copy, low toned 8w 738 Bobbins (Thomas) A Century Sermon, delivered at Danbury, January 1, 1801, in which is exhibited A Brief View of the most remarkable events of the Eighteenth Century : With a Sketch of the History of the Town of Danbury, from the first settlement to the present time. Third Edition. With an Appendix containing Revolutionary Beminisceuces, incidents connected with the destruction of Danbury, &c. 32 pp. 8m Danbury, E. B. Oslmne, 1846 739 Boberts (William) An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida. With Detail of several Expeditions made on that Coast. Map by T. Jefferys, plates, x and 93 2>P' old calf ito. London : T. Jefferys, 1763 740 Bobin {Abbi) New Travels through North-America : In a Series of Letters, Exhibiting the History of the Victorious Campaigne of General Washington . . . and the Count Eochambeau in the year 1781. Also Narrations of the capture of General Burgoyne, and Lord Cornwallis, etc. 95 pp. old calf 8m Boston, E. E. Powars & N. Willis, 1784 741 Bobin {AbU) New Travels through North America, with a His- tory of the Campaign of 1781, ^b pp. {wanting title and p-etim. leaves and last page) uncut 8vo. Boston, 1 784 742 Robinson (John, Pilgrim Father) Essayes ; or, Observations Divine and Moral. Collected ovt of holy Scriptures, Ancient and Moderne Writers, both divine and humane. The Second Edition, I6prel. leaves, text 566 pp. calf extra, by F. Bedford 12mo. London, printed by L D. for / Bellamie, 1638 743 Boby (Joseph, Paster of a Church in Lynn) A Sermon delivered at Lynn on the General Fast, May 3, 1781, kdf title, title, and i\ pp. fine and clean, scarce 8«/'0. Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Boston,r.££'/. /"Zee/, 1781 744 Bogers (Nathaniel, Pastm- of the First Church in Ipswich) The Office of Gospel Ministers, in Preaching the Word of God. A Sermon Preach'd at Lynn, March 2, 1763. At the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. John Treadwell. To the Pastoral Office over the First Church in that Place. To which is added The Charge by the Bev. Mr. Wigglesworth : and the Right Hand of Fellow- shii) by the Bev. Mr. Robie, 41 pp. clean and UNCUT 8to. Boston, N.E. T. & J. Fleet, 1763 745 Rogers {Major Bobert) A concise Account of North America, calf 8w. London, 1765 746 Rogers (William) The Mystic's Plea for Universal Bedemption, as held forth and preached by Mr. Elhanan Winchester; Being an answer to his persecutors, in a number of letters to the Rev. William Rogers, &c. [of Philadelphia]. By Mordecai iiarvQiVii, \Q pp. uncut aiid scarce 8t'o. Philadelphia, XT 8\ 92 !, 747 Eosewell (Samuel) A Sermon preacli'd to the Societies for Eefor- mation of Maimers, at Salters-Hall, on Monday, June 29, 1719, half title, title, introdmtion, and 40 pp. 8vo. Londm : Em. Matthews, 1719 748 Rowland (David S. Minister of tlie Presbyterian or Congregational Church in Providence) Catholicism : or, Christian Charity. Illustrated and improved in a Discourse, before the Congrega- tional Ministers of the Colony of Rhode-Island, in N.E. at their Convention in Bristol, May 20, 1772, 75 pp. uncut and scarce 8vo. Providence : John Carter, at Sluikspear's Head, 1772 The many historical and other notes considerably enhance the importance of this learned Discourse. Ezra Stiles, afterwards the President of Yale College, was the Scribe of this Convention. 748* Rowland (D.) Another copy, ad 749 Rowli)nd (David S. of the First Church in JFiiulsor, Connecticut) Ministerial Necessity, in the Discharge of the Gospel Embassy: illustrated and improved in a Sermon, March 27th, 1776. At his Instalment in the First Church and Society in Windsor, i5 pp. uncut 8vo. Hartford: Eben. JVatson, 1776 On page 21) tliis author gives a history of Ministerial investure or ordination as practiiicd in tlie first New England Church at Plymouth ; and other historical matters respecting New England Church Ways. 750 Rowland (David S.) and Hinsdale (Theodore) Heresy, Detected and Exposed, in a brief Narration of the Disputes, .... in Second Society in Staiford [Connecticut] with Judgments of several Councils on Tenets adopted by the Rev. Isaac Foster, 63 pp. very fine copy, uncut, excessively SCARCE 8t'o. Hartfm-d: Hudson & Goodioin [1781] 751 Roavlandson (Mary, A Minister's TFife in New-England) A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Row- landson; wherein is set forth, The Cruel and Inhumane Usage she underwent amongst the Heathens, for Eleven Weeks time : And her Deliverance from them, closely cut margins and one or two headlines gone, and tlie sennon wanting, calf extra by Bedford, excsssively rn re ito. Priiited first at New England, and reprinted at London, 1682 752 Rowlandson {Mrs. Mary, JFife of a N.E. Minister) A Narrative OF THE Captivity, Sufferings aad Removes of Mrs, Mary Rowlandson, who was taken prisoner by the Indians with several ollusrs and treated in the most barbarous and cruel manner by those vile savages ; written by her own Hand, for her private use, &c. title facsimUie, iOjjp. red morocco, excessively scarce 8vo. Boston: T. tS; J. Fleet, 1791 753 Roys (Auren, Town and Ecclesiastical Societi/ Clerk) A Brief History of the Town of Norfolk [Connecticut] from 1738 to 1844 : And a summaiy of events which have occurred from its first settlement, &c. To which is added, A Description of the Town, incidents, list of officers, &c. title, contents, and 89 j^p. 8vo. New York : Henry Ludwig, 1847 754 Ruiz de Leon (Francisco) Hernandia, triumphos de la Fe, y gloria do las Armas Espanolas. Poema heroyco. Conquista de Mexico, cabeza del imperio Septentrional de la Nueva-Espana. Proezas de Hernan-Cortes, etc. 10 prel. leaves and 383 ^jo. Spanish calf ito. Madrid, Fiuda de Manuel Fernandez, 1755 93 755 Ruez cle Leon. Anotlicr copy, vellum 4/o. Madrid, 1755 756 RUMSEY (James, of Berkeley Cuiiuty, Firgin'ui) A Short Trea- tise ON THE APVLICATION OF Steam, wherel)y is clearly shewn, from Actual Experiments, that Steam may be applied to propel Boats or Vessels of anj-^ burthen against rapid currents with great velocity. The same principles are also introduced with effect by a machine of simple and 'tlieap construction, for the purpose of raising Avater sufficient for the '.vorking of Grist- Mills, Saw-Mills, &c. and for watering meadows and other purposes of agriculture, 26 p2}. Jim clean and uncut copy, ex- cessively rare 8m Philadelphia, Joseph James, ll^'ii Hvo. Jjoston, l\.Ji. H". MAljnned; J. J'leimrng, ITM This ambitious founder of the Sect •)f Sandemanians, bom in Perth, 1718, edu- cfited at St. Andrews, Pii^tor of ca r it^regation in London in 17fi2, emigrated to Boston in 1701, and the next year settled over a church in Danbury, in Connecticut, and from thence cstahliiihed several societies in New England resting on the SandcmaH platform of Faith without HtiUnesB. He answered Hervey's Theron and Atpasio, and wrote other books. 774 Sargent (Winthrop, erMovemor of the Mississippi Territory) Papers in relation to the Official Conduct of Governour Sar- gent, Ji7ie copy, scarce and uncut, 64 pp. Svo. Boston, Thomas d; Amlretos, 1801 Important documents for the history of Mississippi Territory, and the South West generally. 775 Scales (William, icho wishes the Prosperity of Truth) The Confusion OF Babel Discovered ; or. An Answer to Jeremy Belknap's Discourse upon the Lawfulness of War; or Military Duty. 87 pp. fine copy, uncut, very rare '■ • ■ I '•■ Ji. ;../.«.,„„/;,«, /i/ /;,» »,„a;.v7. Tron 757 Russell (Charles Theodore) The History of Princeton, Worcester County, Mass. From its First Settlenumt, with a sketch of the present religious controversy in that place, title, introduc- iion, etc. Viii and text \^0 pp. 8to. Boston: Henry P. Lewis, 1838 758 Russia. The Resources of Russia, in the event of a War with France ; and an Examination of the prevailing opinion rela- tive to the Political and Military Conduct of the Court of St. Petersburgli, with a short description of the Cozaks [Jiy Mr. Eustaphieve, the intelligent Russian Consul at Boston] 52 jjp. uncut and scarce 8lv. Boston: Munroe d; Francis, I81'.i 759 Ruyter (M. a. de) Journael, Ofte Dagh-Register, over de Reyse, Gedaen door de Heer Luytenant Admirael M. A. de Ruyter. In de West-Indies. Door A. F. 8 j)}}- scarce, calf extra, by F. Bedford ito. Amsterdam, Samuel Ivibrechts, 1665 This rare, if not unique piece, contains a Journal of Jan van Eyndhovkn, who accompanied the Expedition, beginning in Oct. I(jfi4. and ending in August, 1U(15. This is the identical copy described by Triimel under Nn. 3;i2. 760 SACRO BOSCO (Johannes de) Noviciis Adolescentibus : Ad Astronomicam rempu. capessenda aditu impetriitib' : p breui rectoq, tramite a uulgari uestigio semoto : loANNis DE SACRO BUSTO spha3ricum opusculu Georgiique Purbachii i mot' planetaru accuratifs. theoricaj Necnon contra Cremonensia in eorunde planetaru theoricas delirameta loANis MONTE regio [John Midler] disputatioes til accuratiss. q utiliss. dicatu ojius utili serie contextu inchofit. [Colophon] Impressum est fwc 94 i opusadum mini arte <(: dilir/eiitia Erhardi Radolt Augustensis. 1485. ^f(> form, tnth sirjimtnns 1 to 6 in t'i[/hts, ond 7 in ten leaves, roman ti/pe, ivifh niaiiji iroodcuti und diagranis, some cohiared. A very fine large and dean copy with rough leaves. A scarce cditio.i 761 Sacro Bosco, another fine copy ito. August. 1485 7G2 Saddi (Nathan Ben, A Jew) The Chronicles of the Kings of Eng- land, from WilHam the Contjueror to the year 1795. In Imi- tation of the Holy Writings, 19G^. old calf l2nio. TVorcester, Mass. Isaiah Thomas, 1795 In this edition this Scripture history is brought down to include the American fliis I'eafn'OU iJiscourse. Jizra snics, attcrwarcls the I'resident of Yale College, was the Scribe of thi.s Convention. 748* Rowland (D.) Another copy, ad 749 Rowland (David S. of the First Church in Windsor, Connecticut) Jlinistcrial Necessity, in the Discharge of the Gospel Embassy: illustrated and improved in a Sermon, March 27th, 1776. At his Instalment in the First Church and Society in Windsor, i'i p>p. uncut 8'vo. Hartford: Men. Watson, 1776 On page 21) this author gives a history of Ministerial investure or ordination as practised in the first New England Church at Plymouth ; and other historical matters respecting New England Church Ways. 750 Rowland (David S.) and Hinsdalk (Theodore) Heresy, Detected and Exposed, in a brief Narration of the Disputes, .... in Second Society in Stafford [Connecticut] witli Judgments of several Councils on Tenets adopted by the Rev. Isaac Foster, 63 fp. very fine copy, uncut, excessively SCARCE 8w. Hartford: Hudson & Goodtvin [1781] 767 Sagitarius's Letters and Political Speculations. Extracted from the Public Ledger. Humbly Inscribed to the very Loyal and truly Pious Doctor Samuel Cooper, Pastor of the Congrega- tional Church in Brattle Street 8i'0. Boston : Printed, by Order of the Select Men and sold at Donation Hall, for tlic benefit of the Distressed Fatriuts, 1775 A book of great and historical interest. This copy wants title and last four leaves. It contains only page 1 to 120, but it is so scarce and the miitfer so important that it is still well worth having. The title and a large part of the 23 long letters are satirical and severe upon some of the prominent men of Boston. It is always well to know what a thorough and intelligent tory antiquary who apparently knew everybody, and everything going on, could write and publish in Boston in 1775. 768 Salazar y Olarte (Ignacio de) Historia de laConquista de Mexico, Poblacion y Progressos de la America Septentrional. Secunda Parte. Border of title defective, and corners of some leaves gnawed by a rat, but scarcely to the text, half bound, scarce fol. Cordoba, 1743 De Solis's work is here treated as Part I of this Book. 769 Salter (Richard, Fastor of the First Church of Christ in Mansfield) A Sermon, before the General Assembly of the Colony of Connecticut, at Hartford, on the Day of their Anniversary Election, May 12th, 1768, 42 pp. uncut, scarce ito. Neio London: Timothy Gi'een, 1768 Salter, another copy ito. 770 771 Salvation for all Men, illustrated and vindicated as A Scripture Doctrine, in numerous extracts from a variety of pious and 96 learned men. Together with their answer to the objections ui^ed against it. By One wlio wishes well to ull Mankind, title and preface iii, and text 2G pp. ncarce Svo. Boston: T. £ J. Fleet, 1782 The Preface is siftnod T. W., that is the Rev. Dr. Charles Chauncy, the eminent and venerable Pastor of the First Church in Boston. 772 Salvation, &c. Another copy 8vo. 773 Sandeman (Robert) Some Thoughts on Christianity. In a Letter to a Friend (title damarjed) ry\ pp. uncut. To which is annexed by way of illustration The Conversion of Jonathan the Jew as related by himself. %vo. Boston, N.E. W. M' Alpine & J. Fleiming, 1764 This ambitious founder of the i ect of Sandcmanians, bom in Perth, 1718, edu- cated at St. Andrews, Piistor of a cnnirregatiuu in London in 1702, emigrated to Boston in 17C4, and the next year settled over a church in Danbury, in Connecticut, and from thence established societies in New England resting on the Snndcman platform of Faith without Holiness. He answered Hervey's TheronaxA Atpasio, and wrote other books. 774 Sargent (Winthrop, ex-Governor of the Mississ\j>pi Territm-y) Papers in relation to the Official Conduct of Governour Sar- gent, fine copy, scarce and uncvt, 64 pp. 8w. Boston, Tlmmas & Andrews, 1801 Important documents for the history of Mississippi Territory, and the South West generally. 775 Scales (William, who icishes tlie Prosperity of Truth) The Confusion OF Babel Discovered ; or. An Answer to Jeremy Belknap's Discourse upon the Lawfulness of War; or Military Duty. 87 pip- /'"^ '^'yV) unod, very rare divo. America printed, for the infm-mation of the publick, 1780 This author places eight years after publication Dr. Jeremy Belknap and his Discourse on Military Duty, in his own Scales, and, weighing, tosses them to the left as wanting, with all the coolness of the weighing machine at the Bank, believ- ing, as he says of the learned historian of New Hampshire, that " through inatten- tion to the teachings of God, he got lost in the fog of Antichrist." The book is a philological curiosity, and the author is manifestly in a denser fog than Belknap. Read his Introduction and take note of the words he has coined expressive of the tricks of deceivers. 776 Schermerhorn (John F.) and Mills (Samuel J.) A Correct View of that part of the United States which lies West of the Allegany Mountains, with regard to religion and morals, 52 pp. uncut 8ro. Hartford .■ Peter B. Gleason and Co. 18H In 1812 these gentlemen were sent to the West and South West by the Missionary Societies of Massachusetts and Connecticut to report on the State of Religion and Moi'als in those districts. They reported to the Connecticut Society in tliis tract, upon West Pennsylvania and Allegany, Ohio, Now Connecticut, Kentucky, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri Territories, Louisiana, &c. with many interesting statements and numerous important statistics. 777 Schermerhorn. Another copy 778 Schlegel (J. F. W.) Neutral Rights; or, an impartial examination of the right of search of neutral vessels under convoy, and of a Judgment pronounced by the English Court of Admi- ralty, the 11th June, 1799, in the Case of the Swedish Convoy; Translated from the French, uncut, title and 162^^. Iialf green roan Svo. Philadelphia : Aurora Office, 1801 96 ; : . . f. 779 Schoettgenius (Christianus) De Originihus Russicis, Dissertationt^s septem, 16, 8, 16, 16, 8, 14, uwl 10 imrjen, calf ijilt, bi/ Pratt, very scarce Ata. Dresdie & Lipsice, 1731 The Seven Dissortiitions on the Origin of the Rns>iiins were dolivercd at Dresden, between the 22nd Feb. 172!) and the oth of October, 1731, having been written in 5 Sections (Section ill in 3 parts). 780 SCHOUTEN van HOOEX (Wii.lkm Cornelisz) Iournael / ofte / Beschrijvinghe van dc / ^vondorlicke roysc, gedaen door VVillem / Cornelisz. Schouten van Hoorn, inde Jarnn / 1015, 1016, en 1617. / Hoe hy bczuyden de Straet van Magellancs eeii / nieiuve Passagie tot inde groote Zuyd-zce ontdeckt, en voorte den / gheheelen Aerdt-kloot cm glicseylt heeft. / Wat Eylanden, vrecmdo Volcken en vvonderlijcke / avontueren hem ontmoet zijn. / [vif/itette] Tot Aruhem, j By Ian lansz. Boeck-rerkuopp.r. Anno 1618. / via and Q2 pages bluth kittt, icith the uswd 9 nuqys ami pilates, and JFm. Jansou's Map of the Wwld, dated 1606. Venj fine copy, every vay pterfect, clean, large, and with many rough leaves, vellum, an edition of excessive rarity 4fo. This was the late Mr. Frcderik Mullcr's copy, the identical one described by P. A. Tiele in his '■ JtmrmiHj; des jVarigirfeiirs A'eerlandaii,' under No. 3+, page 43. Mr. Muller ranked this edition, for some reason not fully cxj)lained, as the xecond instead of the Jirst. This and the Amsterdam edition of the same year are equally rare, and both bear the name of Willem Jansz [Blauw] at the end of the dedication, with the date of 2i> Sept. 1018. The Amst. edition has the name of Willntn Jansz. in the imprint while tlais has Ian lansz, probably hi.s father. Both editions have in some few copies known the old map of the world by Willem Jansz. dated lt;O0, but with the addition of Terra del Fiirgo and Frettim le Maire, so named in 161(!. This edition, be it the first or second, is not in the British Museum, and it is difficult to find materials to settle the doubt, 'i'he expedition of Sch,>uten and Le Maire wus 80 important, and the work so sugtrestive of new gecjgraphical notions, that there were no less than six editions iu I>utcli and French the flrst year Ki 18, and as many in 1019, including the two separrte ones in Latin. It appeared in 1019, also in German in part xvi of Hulsius, and part xi of Ue Bry's America, both Latin and German. 781 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) L -vrnal / Ou / Description / du merveilleux voyage de Gvilliavme / Schovten, Hollandois natif de Hoorn, / fait es amines 1015, 1616 & 1617. / Comme (en circumnavigeant le globe terrestre) il a descouvert / vers lo Zud du destroit de Magellan un nouveau passage, / jusques a la grande Mer de Zud. / Ensemble, / Des avantures admirables qui luy sont advenues en / decouvrant de plusieurs Isles, & peuples estranges. / [Fignette], A Amsterdam, / Chez Guillauiae lanson, Van 1618./ vill and 88 pages, complete ivith all the nine maps and 2)lates, fine, large and clean copy, vellum Mo. There were two issues of this First Edition in Fre: , m 1018, both by Guillaume lanson in Amsterdam, differing only in the titles and prefiices. They are both in the Lenox Library of New York, but Mr. Muller appears not to have seen either of them when he published his valuable book, edited by Tiele in 1807. Which of the two issues is prior it is difficult to say. 782 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Diarivm vel Descriptio laborissisimi, ife Molestissimi Jtineris, facti a Gvlielmo Cornelii Scliovtenio, Hornano. Annis 1615, 1616 & 1617. Cum a parte Australi freti Magollanici, novum dictum, aut fretum, in Magnum Mare Australe detexit, totumq Orbem terrarum cir- cumnavigavit. Quas Insulas, & regiones, & populos viderit, & 97 qua) pericula subierit. 4 jn'd. leaves and 71 [79] pages, with tJie nine iikijjs and plates. Very Jim large clean and perfect copy, with ruiujh leaves, a scarce edition Uo. Amsterdami, Apud Petrum Koirixim, Ao. 1619 There were two Latin editions this same year, both with full text and like number of maps and plates, but the translations are different, the one edition by Wm. Janson (Blauw) and the other by Van dcr Kccre. Blauw's Dedication is to both versions. It is diliicult to say definitely which edition is prior, though Mr. MuUer gives that honour to Blauw's, why we know not. He, however, is certainly mistaken about the mixed plates. Van der Keere was an engraver, and publisher. This copy wa.s in its original state and had no plates with the French text on the versos. 783 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Jovrnal on Description dv merveillevx Voyage, 1615-1617, etc. etc. [as above], viii and 88 2^'W^> y^"^ ^'""i/^ clean and perfect copy, tvith all tlie nine maps and plates, vellum Ato. A Amstredam, chez Harman lanson, 1619 This very early edition in French was believed by the late Mr. Muller, who, how- ever, had never seen it when he wrote, to be the same with a different title, as the edition of the same date bearing the name of Pierre du Keere (see his No. 42). He refers to a copy possessed by the late Mr. Jacob of the Hague, but without settling the questions of identity or priority, 784 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Beschreibung derWundep- BAREN Eeise Wilhelm Schouten ausz Hollandt, in Jahr 1615. 16. vnd 17. Darinnen er eine neiiwe Durchfalirt neben dem Freto Magellanico, etc. etc. 90 ])p. fine copy, clean, tvith all the four maps and nine plates ito. Oedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Nicolaum IIojj:'cLnn, Sumptibus Hulsianis. Im Jahr, 1619 This forms the 16th Part of the Collection of Voyages and Travels of Levimis HULSIUS, and is a book of extraordinary rarity, see lot 274, 785 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Iournael ofte Beschrijvinghe van de wonderlijcke Reyse, gedien door Willem Cornelisz, Schouten van Hoorn, inde Jaren 1615, 1616 en 1617, etc. etc. Desen laetsten Druck verbetett, en uyt eenige geschreven lournalen, van Aris Claessz. en andere, gehouden op de selfde Reyse, merckUjck vermeerdert, 56^. fine, large and clean copy, vellum ito. Tot Hoorn, Gedmckt by Isaac Willemsz. Voor Ian lansz. Deutel, 1648 The editor in this edition takes a new departure. In a preface to the reader on the back of the title he intimates that, of the twenty editions of this celebrated Voyage round the World the more recent ones were rather a disgrace than a monu- ment to the town of Hoorn, by reason of the bad paper, print and illustrations. He proposes to remedy this by giving good paper and plates, and by revising and adding to the text by means of other manuscript journals kept by those on the same Voyage, viz. Le Maire and Aris Claesz. In this way ho has revised and added to the text, and re-ingraved or retouched the maps and plates, and printed all in good style on good paper. Mr. Muller under his No. 52 traces the plates to their origin. A flying lish and some coast lines are added in coarse woodcuts in the text. At the end in pages 53 — 50 is for the first time added a Vocabvlaer ofte Tale van de Eylanden which is a list of common words of the several islands, ex- plained in Dutch. The Islands so noticed are, the Stilovum Islands, the Cocoa Island, New Guinea, Moyses ^' Moo Islands. The maps and plates are numbered from 2 to 9. No. I (Map of the World) is not in this copy, nor have we ever been able to see it in this edition, though called for in the register. Mr. Muller also confesses to his never having met vnth it. We have seen it supplied from other editions. 98 786 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Oost-enWest-IndischeVoyagie, Door de Strate Magallanes naer de Moluques, met ses Schepen onder den Commandeur lORls Spilbergen. Als mede De Wonderlijcke Eeyse ghedaen door Willem Cornelisz Schou- TEN van Hoot;;, en Iacob le Maire, en den Jaere, 1615, 1616, 1617, etc. etc. 120^^. fine, large and clean copy ito. t'Amstelredavi, voor Joost Hartgerts, 1648 This volume contains the Second Voyage of Joris Spilbeboen, and the Voyage of SCHOUTEN and Le Maire ; the first extending to page 65, the second, with a new title, begins with page 66 and extends to the top of page 117 ; the rest of that page to page 120 is filled up by questions and answers on Navigation. There is one folded plate of the size of two leaves, divided into six compartments, three relating to Spilbergen's Voyage, and the other three to Schouten's and Le Maire's. The jealousies and petty squabbles of the partisans of these two celebrated expe- ditions are perhaps better hinted at here than any where previously. 787 ScHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Journael, etc. etc. 1615-17, iSpp. blatk kttn, in two columns, fine clean and large copy ito. t' Amsterdam, GedrucU by Gillis Joosten Saeghman [16601] On the back of the title is a copperplate portrait, called Willem Cornelin Schonten, with a woodcut border, an ingenious bit of printing. In the text are six illustrations — three of which are copperplate and three woodcuts — but all with type-metal borders. The Vocabulary at the end is somewhat abridged so as to occupy only two pages. This edition has been used as a model for the text of several subsequent editions. 788 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Journael ofte Beschrijvinge van de Wonderlijcke Reyse, etc. etc. 56 pp. good clean copy, vellum ito. t' Amsterdam, Gedi-uckthy Ian IacobszBouman,\6%\ This is a reprint of the Hoorn edition of 1648 [see lot 785] the preface to the Reader on the back of the title, the additions, vocabulary, &c. ; but there are only six maps and plates and these are all engra/ed on wood. A list of them is found in page 62. 789 SCHOUTEN (Willem Cornelisz) Journaal van deWonderlijke Reyse, &c. &c. 1615-1617. 48 pp. blatk Ittttr, double columns, fine copy, vellum 4to. Tot Amsterdam, by Joannes Kann^wet, 1766 With six coarse woodcuts, one on the title and five in the text. What some of them represent it would be difficult to say. The vocabulary is considerably abridged. 790 Seabury (Samuel, Bishop of Connecticut) A Sermon before the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society, in Trinity Church ; at their Anniversary Meeting, March 25, 1788. [With an Ap- pendix, containing an account of the origin of the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society], 24 and 6 pp. 8m Boston .• T. and J. Fleet, 1788 791 Searl (John, Pastor of the Church in Stonekim) Revelation, a Guide to Reason : or, the Word of God our Supreme Rule in Religion. A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Stephen Peabody, to the Pastoral Care of the Church in Atkinson, Nov. 25, 1772, 35 pp. uncut 8m Boston, N.E. T. and J. Fleet, 1773 792 Sears (Freeman) An Oration on the Nature and Perpetuity of American Independence pronounced at Natick, July 4, 1809. Before the 6th Regiment of the 1st Brigade, and third Division of the Militia. \% pp. uncut 8vo. Dedham: H. Mann, July, 1809 793 Seaver (William) A Historical Sketch of the Village of Batavia [the oldest Village West of Gennessee River, in the State of New York]. 5% pp. 8m Batavia: fV. Seaver <& Son, 18i9 99 1648 794 Serious Considerations on several Important Subjects; viz. On War and its Inconsistency with the Gospel. Observations on Slavery. And Kemarks on the Nature and bad Effects of Spirituous Liquors, 48 'pp. \^mo. Philadelphia: Joseph Ci-ukshank, 1778 795 Sewall (Joseph, d.d. Pastor of a Church in Boston) Christ Victo- rious over the Powers of Darkness, by the light of His preached Gospel A Sermon preached in Boston, Dec. 12, 1733. At the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Stephen Parker, Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell, and Mr. Joseph Seccombe, Chosen by the Commis- sioners to the Hon. Society for Propagating Christian Know- ledge at Edinburgh, to carry the Gospel to the Aboriginal Natives on the Borders of New England. With a brief Account of the Hon. Society, &c. Charge by Kev. Dr. Coleman. And Right-hand of fellowship given by Rev. Mr. Prince. Title and Dedication, viii, and Text 46 pp. scarce 8vo. Boston, printed, Edinburgh Reprinted, R. Fleming, 1734 796 Sewall (Joseph, Pastm' of a Church in Boston) Nineveh's Repent- ance and Deliverance. A Sermon before the Governour, Coun- cil and Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, on a Day of Fasting and Prayer in the Council Chamber, Dec. 3, 1740. IHtle and Introduction iv, and Text 33 pp. 8m Boston in New England; J. Draper for D. Henchman, 1740 " In Tiew of the pressing Difficulties which have long attended, and do still attend, the public affairs of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, ' and are likely to increase upon us,' the House of Representatives and the Council, on the 29th Nov. 1740, voted that the Governor should appoint a day for fasting and prayer. Gov. Belcher appointed Dec. 3 for the Solemnity in the Council Chamber. The Rev. Dr. Sewall preached Nineveh's Repentance and fervently pointod out to the General Court by way of Deliverance the abuse of Taverns and the want of a suitable circulating medium of Trade, that is, he recommended them to look to their 'Hills of Public Credit,' so that the people might strike a fair balance in their private and mercantile affairs ; "for a false Balance is abomination to the Lord." 797 Sewall (Joseph, Pastor of a Church in Boston) All Flesh is as Grass ; but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever. A Sermon Preached at the Thursday Lecture in Boston, January 1st, 1740, 1. Title and 24 pp. cut 8w. Boston; S. Kneeland and T. Ch-een, 1741 798 Sewall. Another copy 799 Sewall (Joseph, one of tlw Pastms of the South Church, Boston) The Thirsty invited to come, and take the Waters of Life freely. A Sermon preached on the Friday Evening-Lecture at the South Meeting-House in Boston, March 5, 1741, 2, 2ipp. 8vo. Boston, Rogers and Fowle, 1742 800 Sewall (Joseph, one of tJw Pastors of the South Church, Boston) God's People must Enquire of Him to bestow the Blessings promised in his Word. A Sermon preach'd February 26, 1741, 2. On a Day of Prayer observed by the South Church and Congre- gation in Boston to snek of God the more Plentiful Effusion of His Holy Spirit upon them and His People, 30 pp. 8vo. Boston, D. Fowle foi- D. Henchman, 1742 801 SEWALL (Samuel, smnettme Fellow of Harvard College) Pheno- mena (^UiEDAM ArocALYPTCA Ad Aspectum Novi Orbis con- 100 figunata. Or, Some few Lines towards a description of the New Heauen as it makes to those who stand upon the New Earth, the Second Edition, pmirait and table of Pedigree inserted. Title and Dedication viii and Text, Gi pages {wanting page 33-36 SAt End\ The Fountain Opened : or the Conversion of the Tews, by Samuel Willard, the Third Edition, pages 1 to 20, wanting all after ito. Massachuset ; Boston, Bartholomeio Green, 1727 With the exception of Nathaniel Morton's New England's Memorial, this book written in lp. uncut 8vo. Boston : By Order of tlie Legislature, 1824 804 Sharp (Granville) A General Plan for laying out Towns and Townships on the new-acquired lands in the East Indies, America, or elsewhere, 24 pp. uncut 8w. n. p. 1794 805 Shaw (John, Pastor in Bridgewater, N.E.) The Character of a Pastor. A Sermon preached in Braintree, at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Moses Taft, August 26, 1752. Title and Zbpp. half calf 12mo. Boston: N.E., S. Kneeland, 1753 806 Shaw (Oakes, Pastor of the West Church in Barnstable) A Sermon preach'd in Marshtield first Parish, April 2, 1766. At the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. William Shaw, 36 pp. 8w. Boston: Edes and Gill, 1766 807 Shepard (Samuel, Cong. Minister of Lenox) A Sermon before Governor Strong, the House of Representatives of Massa- chusetts, on the Anniversary Election [political, historical, and foreign and domestic Affairs], May 28, 1806, uncut, 31 ^. 8vo. Boston: Young and Minns, IS06 808 Shepard. Another copy 809 Shepard (Thomas, Preaclier in N. E.) The Sound Believer; or a Treatise of Evangelical Conversion. Title, Dedication, and 308 2^. old calf 24?no. Glasgow, Alex. Carmichael, 1734 810 Shepard (Thomas, Minister of Cambridge, N.E.) The Autobiography. With additional notices of his life and Character. By Nehe- miah Adams, 12Q pp. cloth 12mo. Boston: Pkrce and Parker, 1832 811 Sherwood (Samuel) The Church's Flight into the Wilderness : an Address on the Times. Containing some very interesting Observations on Scripture Prophecies : Shewing that sundry of them plainly relate to Great Britain, and the American Colonies : Delivered on a Public Occasion, January 17, 1776, 5ipp, SCARCE 8m New York: S. Lmtdon, 1770 i* 101 812 813 814 Shipley (Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph) A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charter of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. London, Printed : 12 pages in double columns. %vo. Boston, N.E. Re-printed, and sold for 6 coppers, that every Nmih-American may he possessed of so valuable a pamphlet for a small expense, at Greenleaf's Printing Office [1774] Shipley (Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph) A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts-Bay. \& jyp. a scarce edition 8w. Salem : Reprinted by S. and E. Hall [1774] Shipley (Jonathan, Bishop of St. Asaph) A Sermon before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, February 19, 1773, 19 j^^p. scarce edition 8ro. London, Printed, Nonvich [Conw.], re-printed by Ch-een <& Spooner [1773] The Bishop of St. Asaph was a friend of America, and in all his publications he endeavoured to revive the union and cordiality between the mother-country and its Colonies. This edition has an advertisement by the Connecticut Editor, who remarks that this republication '■ is admirably well adapted to lead those, who may think proper to read it, into just sentiments of the impolicy of the British Ministry in their conduct towards the Colonies." 815 Shirley (William) A Letter from William Shirley, Esq. Governor of Massachusets-Bay, to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle : With a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, and other operations of the Forces, during the Expedition against the French Settlements on Cape Breton ; drawn up at the Desire of the Council and House of Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay : approved and attested by Sir William Pepperell, and the other Principal Officers who commanded in the said Expedition. Pul)lished by Authority. London pinted 1746, \& pp. scarce, the outer upper cm-ners of last two leaves torn off Svo. Boston : Reprinted by Rogers and Foivle, for Joshiui Blanchard, 1746 816 Shirley (William, Governor of Massachusetts-Bay) A Letter to the Duke of Newcastle : With a Journal of the Siege of Louisbourg, &c. &c. Published by Autliority, 31 2>P- fuilf calf 8fo. London: E. Owen, 1746 ; Boston in New England: Re-p-iiited by J. Draper [1746] 817 Shute (Daniel, Pastm' of the Third Church in Hingham) Artillery Election Sermon, June 1, 1767 [on the text, Eccl. ix. 18, Wisdom is better than Weapons of War], very fine copy, wmit, iipp. 8m Boston : Eiies and Gill, 1767 818 Shute. Another copy, clean 819 Shute. Another copy 820 Shute (Daniel, Pastoi- Third Church in Hingham) A Sermon before Governor Bernard, Lt. Gov. Thomas Hutchinson, the Council, and being the Anniversary Election of the Council, May 25th, 1768, 70 pp. fine copy, uncut 8w. Boston : New England : R, Draper, 1748 /or 1768 821 Shute. Another copy, uncui 822 Shute. Another copy, /«e awi c/cfln 102 I'i I ; i 823 Shute (Daniel, Pastm- Second Church in Hingham) A Sermon in Hingham, March 23, 1787. At the Interment of the Rev. Ebenezer Gay, Pastor First Church in Hingham, 32 pp. uncut 8vo. Salem: Dahney and Cushing, 1787 From 1717 to 1787 the Rev. Dr. Gay preached to the same Church. On page 25 is an Account of the three Ministers who occupied this Hingham pulpit from 1635 to 1787, viz. Peter Hobart, John Norton and Mr. Gay. Pages 31, 32 contain a biography of Dr. Gay. 824 Sidney (Algernon, Pseud.) A Vindication of the Measures of the Present Administration. 32 pp. uncut 8to. Hartford: Luther Pratt, 1802 A spirited defence of Jefferson's Administration against the Charges of the Feds. An explanation and defence of the purchase of Louisiana, and the opening up of the Mississippi Valley, &c. &c. 825 Sidney. Another copy, uncut 826 Simple Truth Vindicated : In Sundry important Theological Queries J 72 pp. uncut 8vo. London, Printed : Boston : Be-printed by Kneeland and Adams, 1771 827 Sketch of Our Political Condition, addressed to the Citizens of the United States, Avithout distinction of party. By a Citizen of New York, 47 pp. uncut 8vo. Netv Fork: Printed fm- the Avilwr hy C. S. Van Winkle, 1813 An interesting and important tract on the origin, progress, and condition of the disputes between England and the United States, resulting in the War of 1812, 828 Skinner (Otis A.) The Claims of the Militia. A Discourse before the Ancient and Hon. Artillery Company, June 3rd, 1839, being their 201st Anniversary [historical], 23 pp. 8vo. Boston: Mudge & Evans, 1839 829 Slator (Lionel, of Cabi-agh) Instructions for the Cultivating and Raising of Flax and Hemp in a better manner than that practised in Ireland : Printed at Dublin 1724, and now Pub- lished for the benefit of the Inhabitants of New England. Title and Introduction IV, and Text 39 pp. 8vo. Boston, N.E. : S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1755 830 Slave-Trade. A Letter Addressed to Mercator in reply to His Letters on the Abolition of the Slave Trade. By A Planter, 21 pp. 8vo. London : J, Bidgway, 1807 831 SMITH {Capt. John, Sometimes Governor of Virginia) The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles : with the names of Adventurers, Planters and Governours from their first begitming Ano. 1584 to this present 1626, etc. etc. engraved title and 6 pi'climinary leaves ; text pages 1 to 96 and 105 to 248 {the hyatus of pages 97 to 104, sheet never printed) with Vie 4 maps complete hut somewhat skilfully restored where necessary folio. London, I. H. fm- Edivard Blackmore, 1632 A good, clean and sound copy, except that some of the maps have been restored in the mai'gin. It has been the fashion to depreciate Capt. John Smith of late years and discredit some of the statements made respecting him and his achieve- ments rocnrdcd in this volume. But when it is recollected that the materials of this volume were placed in the hands of the Rev. William Simmons, of Oxford, afterwords Rector of St. Saviour's, Soutbwark, cut down, edited and published 103 by him in 1612, and only moderately restored in 1623, by Smith himself when most of his friends and enemies were alive and ready to vindicate or accuse him of untruthfulness ; and when we call to mind that most of the charges made against him came to light in Massachusetts just at a time when it was deemed desirable to take Virginia's pride down ; and this too by men who had not sufficiently studied the origin of the book and the history of its compilation, it is only fair to say that the disinterested case against Capt. John Smith and his Historic of Virginia is far from made out, and that the tough, stout-heivrted, honest explorer, surveyor and sometimes Governor of Virginia still stands the unrivalled hero and benefactor of Virginia and friend of the estimable Pocahontas. 832 SMITH (Capt. John) The True Travels, Adventures and Obser- vations of Capt. lohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Ai'rica and America, from Anno Domini 1593 to 1629, &c. &c Together with a continuation of his generall History of Vir- ginia, Summer lies. New England and their proceedings since 1624 to this present 1629. All written by actuall Authors, whose names you shall finde along the History, 6 prelim, leaves and 60 pp. good clean copy, tvith the large plate in compartments in excellent photo-litlwgi-aphic facsimile folio. London, printed by J, H. for Thomas Slater, 1630 833 SMITH (Capt. John) Grundliche vnd warhaflfte Beschreibung desz Newen Engellandts, einer LandschafFt in Nordt Indien, eines Theils in America, vnter dem Capitein Johann Schmidt, Rittern, Admiral derselben Landschafft, auch dem gliicklichen Fortgang so er mit Sechs Schiffen deren Orts gehabt, Durch einen Liebhaber der Historien ausz dem Englischen in Hoch Teutsch versetzt, 4 p-elim. leaves and 62 pp. fine complete copy wUh the large copper-plate map of New England tvith Capt. John Smith's portrait in the top left-lmnd cwner 4/0. GednicU zu Franckfurt am Mayn, In verlegung der Hulsisclien. Im Jahr Christi, 1617. [Coloplwn] Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Meyn, Bey Hartman Palthenio, 1617 This excessively rare German Edition of Capt. John Smith's Dkscbiption of New England surveyed in 1614 and published in London in 1616, forms the 14th Part of the Collection of Voyages and Travels by Levinua HULSIUB, of which no complete set with all the 26 parts, with all the editions, was ever yet made up, notwithstanding the life-long trials of several eminent collectors. Of Smith's map of New England there are at least nine different impressions from the same plate. This close copy by Hulsius in 1617 enables us to determine with certainty which was really the first. 833* Smith (Captaine John) The Trve Travels, Advwitvres and Obser- vations, in Europe, Asia, Africke and America: From the London Edition of 1629, 2 vol. portrait, maps, &c. old calf 8to. Richmond ; Republished at the Franklin Press, 1819 834 Smith (Michael) A Geographical View of the Province of Upper Canada, ana promiscuous remarks upon the Government. In two parts, with an Appendix : containing a description of the Niagara Falls, and remarks relative to the situation of the Inhabitants respecting the War, 107 ji>p. 12n!0. Hartford : for the Authm; by Hale among which may be mentioned " The Star Spangled Banner ; " American Naval Victories ; " We have met the Enemy and they are ours ; " Perry's Victory ; The Yankee Tars ; Hail Columbia ; Yankee Doodle ; Tlie Frigate Constitution, etc. 844 Soto (Fernando) A Relation of the Invasion and Conquest of Florida by the Spaniards, under the command of F. de Soto. Written in Portuguese by a Gentleman of Elvas. With some discoveries in the Island of California in 1683, blue morocco 8t'o. London, John Lawrence, 1686 With the autograph of Robert Southey on the title, Edward A. Crowninshield's copy with his book-plate. 845 846 South-Carolina, A Short Description of the Province of S, Carolina, Avith an account of Charles-Town. Written in the year, 1763, 96 pp. boards 8vo. London: J. Hinton, 1770 SPAIN. The True Copie of a letter sent from a Gentleman, who was in al the services that were in the la*;e lourney of Spaine, and Portingall, to a friend of his, images 1 to 58 want'mg the pre- limiary leaves and pages 27-30, blatk Utter ito. London, 1589 Relating to the famous expedition of the Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, General Norriss and others in 1589, against Spain, in which Raleigh, whose achievements were marvellous, used to declare that all he gained was a lame leg. From the circumstance that Raleigh's name is not mentioned and some internal evidence, it has teen claimed that this plain unvarnished tale is by Raleigh himself, the real chief of the expedition. 847 Spain. Observation on the Commerce of Spain with her Colonies, in Time of War. By a Spaniard, in Philadelphia. Translated from the original Manuscript, By another Spaniard, title and 63 jj^. icith folding leaf of table at end 8vo. Philadelphia, James Carey, 1800 This is an argument against the Spanish Royal Decree of the 20th April, 1799, excluding neutral vessels from the ports of Spanish America. P t 1 106 i' i 848 SPILBERGEN (Joms van) Eigentliche vund warhaftige beachrei- bung, der wunderbahre Reisz vnd Schiffart, so durch Herr Georgio von Spilbcrgen gliickliclien volbracht, 93 'pp. fine perfect copy with all the 8 maps and plates Ato. Gedi-uckt zu Franckfnrt am Mayn, durch Johan Hofern, swntibm HuLSlANiS, Im Jahr, 1620 This is the Second Voyage of Spilbcrgen in 1614-1019, to the Pacific, and forms the Seventeenth Part of the Collection of Voyages and Travels by Levikus HULBIUS. It is very seldom that one can meet with a fine and perfect copy of this Part like the present one. 849 Sf ILBERGEN (JoRis van) Oost-en-West-Indische Voyagie, door de Strate Magallanes Naer de Moluques, met ses Schepcn onder den Cammandeur loRls van Spilbergen [1615-1617] Als mede De wonderlijcke Reyse ghedaen door WiLLEM CoRNELiz ScHOUTEN Van Hoom, en Iacob le Maire, in den Jaere 1615, 1616, 1617, etc. etc. \20 pp. bhuh letter, very fine large copy, ivith the folding plate in 6 compartments ito. t'Amstelredam, Foot Joost Hartgerts, 1648 This Second Voyage of Spilbergen should be studied in conjunction with that about the same time of Schouten and Le Maire. This volume affords facilities for the camparison. They should be used also with the two German versions by De Bry and HulsiuK. 850 SPILBERGEN (JoRis van) Historis Journael van de Voyage Gedaen met 3 Schepen uyt Zeelant naer d'Oost-Indien onder het beleyt van den Commandeur Joris van Spilbergen, syn eerste Reyse. Inden jare 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604. Als meede Bescliryvinge vande xweede Voyage ghedaen met 1 2 Scliepen na d'Oost-Indien onder den Adrairael Steven vander Hagen, 96 pp. fine large and clean copy, SCARCE ito. t' Amsterdam, Door Joost Hartgers, 1648 Containing the First Voyage of Spilbergen and the Second Voyage of Vander Hagen. The folding plate is in 6 compartments the first two of'which pertain to Spilbergen and the other 4 to Vander Hagen. 851 SPILBERGEN (Joris van) Journael van de Voyagie Gedaen met drie Schepen, uyt Zeelandt, Naer Oost-Indien, Zijn eerste Reyse, 1601, 1602, 1603 en 1604, 5Q pp. in two cohmns, blatk ktter, with copper-plate and wood engravings in the text ito. t' Amsterdam, Gedruckt by GUlis Joosten Saeghman, [1660 ?] 852 Sprague (Charles) An Oration, 4th July, 1825, in commemoration of American Independence before the Executive & Council of Boston, 31 pp. uncut 8vo. Boston: JVue and Greene, 1835 853 Sprague (Peleg) An Address before the Pilgrim Society of Ply- mouth, Dec. 22, 1835, Zipp. uncut 8w. Boston ; Light and Stearns, 1836 854 Sprague (William B. Pastor of the First Church in West Springfield) An Historical Discourse, at West Springfield, Dec. 2, 1824, the day of the annual Thanksgiving, 91 pp. uncut, fine copy on thick paper 8vo. Hartford : Goodwin (S; Co. 1825 An important volume of New England local history, biography and genealogy. 855 Sprague (William B. Pastm- in West Springfield) The Claims of Past and Future Generations on Civil Rulers. A Sermon at the Annual Election, May 25, 1825, before Marcus Morton, Lt. Govr. the Council and the Legislature of Massachusetts, iQ pp. uncut. Historical Svo. Boston : True and Gi-eene, 1825 851 85; 85{ 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 107 1836 856 Spring (Gardiner, Pastiyr of the Brick Pres. Ch. in N. Y.) The Dis- criminating Preacher : A Sermon, in tlie North Cliurch, Hartford, Dec. 1, 1824, at the Ordination and Installation of Eev. Carlos Wilcox, as pastor of the said Church, 37 pp. unmt 8vo. Hart font, 1825 857 Spring (Samuel, Pastor of Vie North Church in Newhunj-porl) The Exemplary Pastor. A Sermon, preached at Ordi:; ition of the Rev. Azel. Washburn, in Royalton [Vt.] September 3d, 1789, Z^ j)p. 8vo. IFindsor, Vermont, Allien Spoo?ier, 1791 858 Spring (Samuel) The Sixth Commandment Friendly to Virtue, Honor and Politeness. A Discourse in consequence of the late Duel [between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr] addressed to the North Congregational Society of Newbury- port : August 5, 1804, 28 pp. uncut, scarce 8vo. Newburyport: E. IV. Allen, 1804 859 Stamp Act. The Eights of Parliament Vindicated, on occasion of the late Stamp Act. In which is exposed the Conduct of the American Colonists, addressed to the People of Great Bri- tain, 44 ^j>. 8vo. London: J. Almon, 1766 860 State of the Constitution of the Colonies, 4 pp. very rare folio. Loiulon? [1720?] 861 Steadfast (Jonathan, Pseml.) Count the Cost. An Address to the People of Connecticut, on sundry political subjects, and par- ticularly Oil the proposition for a New Constitution [with an Appendix, presenting a View of the Fiscal Concerns of Con- necticut] 23/i/>. «?ic«< 8vo. Hartford: Hudson <& Goodwin, I804t 862 Stearns (Charles, Pastm- in Lincoln) A Sermon : at an Exhibition of Sacred Musick, in Lincoln [Mass.] 19th April, 1792 [the Anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord] 15 pp. 8vo. Boston: Isaiah Thomas & E. T. Andrews, 1792 863 Stearns (Charles, A.B. since Pastor of the Church, ami Preceptor of the Liberal Sclwol in Lincoln, Mass.) The Ladies' Philosophy of Love. A Poem, in four cantos. Written in 1 774. Now first published — according to Act of Congress. 76 pp. fine copy, VERY RARE Uo. Leominster, Mass. John Prentiss & Co. for tlie Author, 1797 Stearns (Josiah, Pastm- in Eppimi) A Sermon on the Ordination of the Kev. Mr. Nicholas Dudley, to the Pastoral Care of the Church and congi'egation in Townshend, in the State of New York, June 26, 1777, 31 pp. uncut, scarce 8w. Newbury-Pmi : John Mycall, 1778 Stearns. Another copy Stebbins (Rufus P. Congl. Minister in Leominster) A Centennial Discourse, delivered to the First Congregational Church and Society in Leominster, Sept. 24, 1843, it being the completion of a century since the organization of said church. With an Appendix [of historical, biographical, statistical and genea- logical Notes] i prelim, leaves and pages 3 fo 112 8vo. Boston : Little and Brown, 1843 867 Stevens (Benjamin, A.M. Pastor- of the First Church in Kittery) A Sermon occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Sir William Pepperell, Bart. Lieutenant-General in his Majesty's Service, 864 865 866 108 'o. London, sold by Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, March, 1861 This catalogue contains 2,415 lots, with collations, etc. This work served as the model of the Maisonneuve elaborate Biblioth^que Amdricaine. 109 879 Stevons (Henry, of Vermont) Schedule of 2000 American Histo- rical Nuggets taken from the Stevens Diggings in September, 1870, and set down in Ciironological Order of Printing from 1490 to 1800 [17761 described and recommended as a Supple- ment to any printed Bibliotheca Americana foUi). Chisivkk Press, London, Oct. 1, 1870 Privately printed, iv and 20 pasjS'*, describing above 1,350 works on America. Blue cloth extra, on thick hand-made paper. 880 Stevens. Another copy, on thin hand-made j)aper, bine doth 881 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont, Editor of) MEMORIAL de Don DiEOO Colon, Uirrey y Almirante de las yndias a S. C. C. Mag^ el Key don Carlos sobre la conversion e consvacio de las gentes de las yndias, en q ofrece con su psona y hazienda de ayudor pa q aya efecto cierta negociacio q olant de S. M. se avia puesto por pte del clerigo Casas pa el remedio de la trra firme. Ano de Mdxx. 1 2 2>2>- bliitk letter, morocco ito. Ivipressa por Carlos Whittingluun en la Ciiidad de Lomlres a costa de Enriipie Estevans de Vermont, 2ijnnio, 1854 Edited, with Epistle Dodicatoiy of two pages to Dr. Reinhold Pauli, from the original manuscript of the Second Admiral of the Indies, then in the possession of Henry Stevens, and printed at the Chiswick Press. The young King of Spain, Charles, had asked Columbus respecting the benevolent scheme of La.s Casas for civilizing and christianizing the Indians or Terra Firma, urging the Admiral's co-operation. This is Don Diego Columbus's favourable reply. This and the next five lots form an interesting series of Spanish historical tr.acts, printed uniformly in blstft Utter, similar to that of the Las Casas tracts of 15.52, and 43. The Emperor had asked Cortes's advice respecting the cncomiendas and the treatment of the Indians in Mexico. This i.s the Conqueror's sensible reply. The volume is dedicated in a long epistle in English to Leopold vp. 3. A Catalogue of Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, 10 jvp. 4. A Catalogue of American Maps in the Library of the British Museum, Christmas, 1856, W i>p. cloth 8w. London, printed bi/ Chdrlex Whittinfjham , Chimvick Pres.'!, 1866 These four Catalogues, bound in one volume, comprising aliout 7r>0 largo Kvo pages in double columns, uniform with the " IMbliothcca Orcnvilliana," desoribing about 20,000 volumes, were printed by Whittingham on tine tuned paper, in the best style of the Ohiswick Press. At the beginning iire inserted the rules for Cataloguing Book'*, Maps, Music, Sec, ap. doth, uvcut 8vo. Bostm, 11. 0. Hoiighton (& Co, River-Side Press, Cambridge, 1870 897* Stevens. Another copy, bine cloth, uncut 898 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) BiBLiOTHECA Geographica et His- torica ; or, a Catalogue of a nine days' sale of rare and valuable ancient and modern books, maps, charts, manuscripts, auto- graph letters, et cetera, illustrative of historical geography and gcograpliical history, etc. very many relating to North and Soutli America, and others to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Ocoauica. Collected, used, and described, with an Intro- ductory p]ssay on Catalogues, and how to make them upon the Stevens system of photobibliography. Part I. \iill ever jmb- li^hed.'] Dispersed by auction by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Nov. 18713. Frontispiece, iv, 14, and 361 2)p- in 3109 lots, cloth, vncut 8m London, 1872 898* Stevens. Another copy of the same on fine paper, interleaved and illustrated with about 400 photographs of the titles, necdli/ mounted, and hmnd in ludf blue nwrocoo, (jilt tops, published at £5 5.S. Onli/ ten copies so done up. 899 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) American Books with Tails to 'em. A private pocket list of the incomplete or unfinished American periodicals, transactions, memoirs, judicial reports, laws, jour- nals, legislative documents, and other continuations and works in progress supplied to the British Museum and other libraries. By Henry Stevens, G.M.B. F.S.A. etc. rrivatelji printed Idimo. London, 4 July, 1873 Forty pages in pearl type, very beautifully printed by Messrs. Clay on thick hand-made paper, comprising about 2(KK) titles. 900 Stevens. Another copy on thin hand-made paper, cloth 900* Stevens. Another copy on thick hand-made paper, blue cloth 901 Stevens (Henry, of Vermont) TllE BiBl-KS in the Caxton Exhibi- tion Mdccc Lxxvii, or a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand rei)resentative Bibles in various languages, chrono- logically arranged from the first Bible printed by Gutenberg in 1450-1456 to the last Bible printed at the Oxford Univer- sity Press the 30th June, 1877. With an Introduction on the History of Printing as illustrated by the printed Bible, from 1450 to 1877, in which is told for the first time the true his- tory and mystery of the Coverdale Bible of 1535. Together with bibliographical notes and collations of many rare Bibles in various languages and divers versions printed during the last four centuries. Special edition, revised and carefully corrected, with additions, \62 pp. eluth, uncut, medium ivo. 907 Stevens (Henrj'^, of Vermoid) Photo-Bibliography, or a word on Ijrinted Card Catalogues of old rare beautiful and costly books, and how to make them on a co-operative system ; And two words on the establishment of a Central Bibliographical Bureau or Clearing-House for Librarians. Neatly Ixmnd in roan square 16»w. London: privately printed fn the Author by C. JVhittingham, Chisivick Press, 1878 Dedicated to the Librarian of the Future, whose bibliogr.iphy is to be as exact as his spelling. Extensively illustrated with reduced facsimile titles, and six sample Cards. 908 Stevens (Henry, g.m.b.) The Universal Postal Union and Inter- national Copyright. With a Bibliographical Appendage, 66 pp. cloth. Only 250 copies printed post 8vo. London : printed at the Chisicick Press for the Authm; 1879 The object of this little book is, in giving a history of the origin niid working of the Universal Postal Union, to show that selfish and unnecessary impediments have been thrown in the way of its success by the United States of America. 909 STIGLIANI (Tomaso) Del Mondo Nvovo del Cavalier Tomaso Stigliani Venti primi Canti. 700 imges follmced by 3 leaves of errata and the register. The fir.4 editimi. Splendid apij in polished adf extra, g, e, by Pratt 16//W. In Piacenzaper Alessandro Bazacchi, 1617 910 Stiles (Ezra, President of Yale College) Oratio Inauguralis habita in Sacello Collegii Yalensis, quoc! est Novo-Portu Connecticut- tensium, in Nov' Anglia, vili, Id. quintil. M.DCCC.LXXVIII. Quum, Auctoritato Senatus Academici, EzKA Stiles, s,s.t.d. Pra3ses Academiie ejusdem, et in oadem Historian Ecclesiastics Professor; Prsepositus et (yonstitutus fuit. Oratoro Praeside, M pp. bvo. Harffmdice: Typis Watsoni et Goodwini M.DCC.LXXVlii. AniioqM Jndepcndentiw Americamv Tertio. This book is a veritable curiosity, and is deservedly scarce. The fr.ct is that the learned Doctor, who was one of the best Latin scholars iiiNcw England,was asliiimcd 114 to distribute it. Ou the back of the title of this copy, in bis own hand is this note : " The Author's distance from the press prevented a seasonable correction of typo- graphical errors. The Reader is desired to coiTCCt." This copy has about 100 corrections in the hand of the author himself. 911 Stiles (Ezra, d.d. President of Yale College) The United States elevated to Glory and Honor. A Sermon before His Ex- cellency Jonathan TnimbuU, Governor, and the Gen. Assembly of the State of Connecticut, at Hartford, the Anniversary Election, 8th May, 1783, ^^ pp. fine copy, uncut and scarce 8vo, New Haven : Thomas and Sanmel Green, 1783 This marvellous book called a Sermon is really a history. It fills nearly 100 closely printed pages. The learned President had been long cramming for an ecclesiastical and civil record of America, and during the war had collected exten- sively, materials for a political history of the United States. As soon as the War was over he \va.s in 'ited by the Legislature of Connecticut to give the Anniversary Election Sermon. His heart enlarged with the occasion. It was a grand oppor- tunity to fire the first historical gun of Peace. The work is a full and condensed account of the origin, progress, standing and prospects of the United States. A most important and opportune work, but never fully appreciated, being considered out of place and overdone. There are many jokes afloat respecting the size, weight and stuffing of the ' IScrmon.^ On one occasion shortly after the Peace, the Presi- dent, Professor and Students at Yale were endeavouring, but in vain, to make a balloon go up in honour of the occasion. There was something wTong with the gas and the President asked one of the Students what was to be done to make the balloon rise ? The reply was, ' I think, Mr. President, if you would throw in one of your Election Sermons it might go up.' However, the 'Sermon' has gone up since, and though weighted as a Sermon it is really one of the best early histories of the United States. 912 Stiles (Ezra, President of Yale College) The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor, another copy, good 913 Stiles (Ezra, D.D. LL.D. President of Yule College) A Sermon at the Ordination of Henry Channing, A.M. to the pastoral Charge of the Congregational Church in the City of New London, May 17, 1787, 41 pj). uncut and scarce 8m New-London: T. Green, 1787 On page 30 is an important historical and biographical note respecting the Con- gregational Clmrch of New London, Connecticut, tracing the Succession of " The Bishops of the Congregational Church of that City " from 1G47 to 1770. 914 Stillman (Samuel, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston) A Sermon preached to the Ancient and Hon. Artillery Company in Boston, New England, June 4, 1770, the Anniversary of the Election of Officers, 32 jW- uricut 8w. Boston : N.E. Edes and Gill, 1770 A considerable portion of this Anniversary Essay is directed to the operations of the Militia of Massachusetts, and the successes of the New England troops against the French and Lidians, particularly the Siege of Louisbourg, the expenses of the New England expedition, the Boston Massacre, &c. 915 Stillman (Samuel, Pastoi- of the First Baptist Church in Boston) Young People called upon to consider, that for their Conduct here, etc. A Sermon to Young People, May 8, 1771, in Boston, SI pp. Sro. Boston : John Boyles, mi 916 Stillman (Samuel, Pastor of tlie First Baptist Church in Boston) Sermon before the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts, at Boston, N.E. May 26, 1779, SS pp. uncut Svo. Boston, N E. T. and J. Fleet, 1779 This is a strong political and Republican Essay on the text, " Render unto Cassar the things that arc Cassar's," &o. ' CeBsar' in the United States is the Congress and the Magistrate. 917 Stillman. Another copy f 115 918 Stillman (Samuel, d.d.) An Oration, July 4th, 1789, iit the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston, in Celebration of the Anniversary of American Independence, 30 pp. 8m Boston: B. Edcs dk Son, 1789 This is no common fourth-of-July utterance, but a well-written historical and political addicss, full of instructive lessons of history, and encouraging predictions for the future of the United States, winding up with Bishop Berkeley's prophetic verses, ending with, " Time's noblest offspring is the last." 919 Stillman (Samuel, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston) Thoughts on the French Revolution. A Sermon, delivered Nov. 20, 1794 : Being the Day of Annual Thanksgiving, 27 pp. 8vo. Boston : Manning £ Loring, 17^5 A political disquisitirn upon the state of republican contented and flourishing America, in contrast with the lessons taught by the French Revolution. 920 STODDARD (Rev. Solomon, Minister of Nortlmmpton, Massachu- setts) One hundred and forty-seven Autograph Manu- script Sermons, neatly written in microscopic characters and bound in a small duodecimo volume of 300 pages, of which there are blank spaces equal to 80 full pages That is 147 full Sermons occupy only about 220 full pages, the writing being so very minute, that but few persons have eyes sharp enough to read a line, yet by magnifying it one sees how plain and beautiful is the handwriting. The Volume is in the original primitive New England sheepskin binding : and is a wonderful production. Mr. Stoddard was one of tlie most prominent of the Ministers of New England, born in Boston 1G43, graduated at Harvard (Allege in 1(!()2, and was ordained at Northampton, Mass. in 1G72, where he preached most of the time till his death in 1729, aged 85. In 1727 his grandson Jonathan Edwards became his colleague. He was an author of eminence ; and this little volume is a remark- able relic or memorial of a remarkable man. The History of the volume is recorded on one of the fly-leaves in the following Letter ; — " The Rev. John Rippon, D.D., Southwark, London. Rev. Sir, It having been suggested by my worthy friend Capt. T. Edwards that it would probably gratify your curiosity to be possessed of some Original Manuscript of my Great Grandfather the Rev. Solomon Stoddard, I beg leave to present you the one annexed, being almost the only one, which has escaped the ravages of time. I am, Sir, with the most profound respect, your very obedient servant, Solomon Stoddard, jn. Northampton, Massachusetts, Sept. 13, 1813." 921 STOFLER (Joannes) Elvcidatio Fabriese vsvsq; Astrolabii, a loanne StoHerino lustingensi viro Germano : atq; totius Spherice doctissimo, nuper Ingeniose Cocinnata atq; in luceni edita. 12 preliminary leaves; Text foliod I to LXXVIII. Splendid copy with many woodcuts and diagrams, uith a great variety of ornamental initial letters ; a rare and impmiant mathe- matical icork folio. Impressum Oppenheym, Anno (tc. 1513 922 Stone (Eliab. A.M. Minister of the Second Church in Beading) A Dis- course delivered at Reading Feb. 22, 1800; the day recom- mended by Congress to the Observance of the People of the U. S. by their assembling and publicly testifying their grief for the death and respect for the Memory of General George Washington, 23 pp. unciii 8«;o. Boston : Manning and Lming, 1800 923 Stone (Eliab, Pastor in Reading) A Discourse [Half-Century Ser- mon] at Reading North Parish, May 19tn, 1811, in which warnings of Death are considered as excitements to review Life. Second Edition. [Containing some historical Notices], 2Z pp. uncut 8w. Boston: JFatson and Bangs, 1811 116 924 Stone (Micah, Senm Pastor of the Evangeliml Church in Brookjield) Reminiscences of a Half-Century Pastorate. A Discourse de- livered March 11, 1851, being the fiftieth Anniversary of his Ordination to the Ministry in that Town. With some of the Exercises of that Commemorative Celebration, 72 pp. 8vo. West Brookjield, Cooke & Co. 1851 The Discourse, mildly historical, ends on page 40, and the rest of the book is taken up with the proceedings at a banquet, speeches, notes, poems, music, sketches, and other things of local interest. 925 Stone (Timothy, Pastor of tJie Third Church in Lebanon) Victory over Sin and Death to be obtained, only, through Faith in Jesus Christ. A Sermon, in Lebanon, May 31, 1780. At the Funeral of Madame Faith Trumbull, wife of Governor Trumbull, 16^^. uncut, fine copy, scarce 8m Ilartford: Hudson and Goodunn [1780] 926 Stone (Timothy, Pastor in Lebanon) Election Sermon, before Gov. Huntington and Council of Connecticut, May 10th, 1792, 35 pp. 8m Hartfmd, Hudson and Goudwin, 1792 927 Stone. Another copy 928 Storrs (Richard S. Pastor in Braintree) The Spirit of the Pilgrims. A Sermon at Plymouth, Dec. 22, 1826, 44 pp. uncut, histm'kal, with an historical appendix 8m. Plymouth: Allen Danforth, 1827 ! ;i n w Mass.) A Discourse at ~ Calvin Park, d.d. 929 Storrs (Richard S. D.D. of Braintree, Stoughton, Mass. at the Funeral of Rev. Jan. 8, 1847, ^b pp. biographiad 8m. Andover: Allen, M&rrill & Wardwell, 1847 930 Story (Joseph) A Discourse at Request of the Essex Historical Society, 18th Sept. 1828. In Commemoration of the First Settlement of Salem, Massachusetts, 90 pp. uncut 8m. Boston: Hilliard Co. 1828 931 Stow Joshua) vs Converse (Sherman) Report on the Case of J. S vs S. C. for a Libel ; containing a History of Two Trials before the Superior Court, and some Account of the Proceedings before the Supreme Court of Errours, &c. Title and 182 pp. uncut 8m. New Haven : S. Converse, 1822 932 Strictures [by Gen. Charles Lee] on a Pamphlet entitled a " Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans, on the Sub- ject of our political Confusions." [By Dr. Myles Cooper] the Second Edition : To which is prefixed An Advertisement, Wrote by a Gentleman in Connecticut [signed ^] 16 pp. a very scarce edition 8vo. Philadelphia, Printed: New-London: He-printed by T. Oreen, 1775 END OF THIRD DAY's SALE. FOUKTH DAY'8 SALE. 934 LOT 933 Strictures [by Gen. Charles Lee] on a Pamphlet, entitled A " Friendly Address to All Reasonable Americans, on the Sub- ject of our Political Confusions." Addressed to the People of America [ByJDr. Myles Cooper], 20 ^j:). scarce 8yo. America: Boston: Reprinted at Ch-eenleaf's Printing Office, 1775 Strong (Caleb, Governor) Speech before the Legislature of Massa- chusetts [respecting the appointment of Electors for the New President and also relative to the order from the General Government for Massachusetts to provide her quota of troops for the defence of the Northern frontier], October 16, 1812, with Documents : and Answer of the House of Representa- tives, 40 2>p- half roan, uncut 8vo. Boston: Russell and Cutler, 1812 Strong (Cyprian, Pastm- in Cluitham, Conn.) Animadversions on " The Substance of two Sermons, preached at Stepney, by John Lewis," entitled ' Christian Forbearance to Weak Con- sciences, a Duty of the Gospel.' 56 pp. 8w. Concffrd : Elijah Russell, 1 793 Strong (Cyprian, Pastor of tlie First Church in Chatham, Conn.) The Kingdom is the Lord's. Election Sermon, at Hartford, May 9, 1799, 4:6 pp. 6vo. Harffwd: Hudson and Goodwin, 1799 Strong (Cyprian, Pastor of tlie First Church in Chatham, Conn.) A Sermon at Ordination of Rev. Jedediah Bushnell as a Mis- sionary to the New Settlements [Vermont ?] Jan. 15th, 1800, \^ pp. uncut 8vo. Hartford: Hudson and Goodicin, IHQO Strong (Jonathan, A.M.) Oration, July 4, 1810, at the request of the Inhabitants of the Town of Randolph [Mass.] in Com- memoration of the Anniversary of American Independence. 25 pp. uncut (a small hole in 3 end leaves), historical 8vo. Dedlmvi: Herman Mann, Aug. 1810 939 Strong (Joseph, Pastffr of the First Church in Nm-wich) A Sermon, at the Funeral of Samuel Huntington, Governor of Connecti- cut, who died Jan. 5, 1796, 19 pp. uncut 8vo, Hartford : Hudson and Goodwin, 1796 On pages 15-17 is a biographical sketch of the Governor and his family, with his geivealogf and an account of bis wife. 935 936 937 938 940 941 942 944 945 946 pi 118 Strong (Joseph, D.D. Pastm- of the First Church in Norwich) A Sermon, at the Funeral of Dr. Joshu? Lathrop, who died October 29, 1807, aged 84, 15 pp. umut 8w. Haiifwd: Lincoln and Gleason, 1808 Strong (Joseph, D.D. Pastor in Nonvich) A Sermon at the Interment of the Rev. Asahel Hooker, Pastor in Chelsea, Norwich, who departed this life April 19, 1813, in the 51st year of his age, 20 pp. uncut 8w. Norwich: Russell Huhhard, 1813 Strong (Nathan, Pastor of a Church in Coventry) A Sermon (Jan. 9, 1776) At the Ordination of the Rev. Nathan Strong, Pastor in Hartford, by his father 36 pp. uncut ^.Imo. Hartfm-d: Men. ^afooji [1775J 943 Strong. Another copy, fine and uncut Strong (Nathan, Pastm- of the First Church in Hartford) The Rea- sons and Design of Public Punishment ; A Sermon delivered before the people who were collected to the Execution of Moses Dunbar, condemned for High Treason against the State of Connecticut, and executed March 19th, 1777, ISpp. scarce 4fo. Hartford: Eben. Watson, 1777 Strong (Nathan, Pastm' of the First Church in Hartford) A Sermon, March 18, 1778. At the Ordination of the Rev. Joseph Strong, Colleague Pastor of the First Church in Norwich, with the Rev. Benjamin Lord, D.D. 24: pp. imcut, clean and scarce 8w. Nm-wich: John Trumhdl, 1778 , Strang (Nathan, Pastm- of tlie First Church in Hartford) Election Sermon before Gov. Huntington, May 13th, 1790, i2pp. uncut 8vo. Hartford : Hudsmi and Goodwin, 1 790 947 Strong. Another copy 948 Strong (Nathan, Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church in Hart- ford) On the Universal Spread of the Gospel. A Sermon, January 4th, the first Sabbath in the Nineteenth Century, uncut, 46 pp. a Century Sermon 8vo. Hartfm-d : Hudsmi and Goodwin, 1801 949 Strong (Nathan, of tJie Nm-th Church, Hartfm-d) A Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. Thomas Robbing, appointed a Mis- sionary to the County of Trumbull, in the State of Ohio ; delivered at Norfolk, June 19th, 1803. 27 j^p. uncut 8to. Hartfmd : Hudson and Goodwin, 1803 950 Strong (Nathan, jun. of Hartfm-d) An Inaugural Dissertation on the disease termed Petechial, or Spotted Fever. Submitted to Committee of the Medical Society of Connecticut, for the County of Hartford, 52 pp. uncut 8vo. Hartford: Peter B. Gleason, 1810 951 Stuart (Moses, of Andover) Election Sermon before Gov. Lincoln, May 30, 1827, 42 pp. uncut 8w. Boston: True & Greene, 1827 952 Sullivan (Govemour) Interesting Correspondence between Gov. Sullivan and Col. Pickering : In which the latter Vindicates |i 963 954 955 119 himself against the groundless Charges and insinuations made by the Governor and others, Second Edition, 24 pp. historical, biographical, political and important 8vo. Boston: Ch'eenough and Stebbins, 1808 Sullivan (Governour) Interesting Correspondence between Gov. Sullivan and Col. Pickering : 32 pp. uncut 9)V0. Boston: Greenough and Stebbins, 1808 Sullivan (James, Attorney-General of the Com. of Mass.) Observations upon the Government of the United States of America, uncut, 55pp. half roan 8vo. Boston: Samml Hall, 1791 Sullivan (John L.) The Answer of Mr. Sullivan. To the Letter and Mis-Statements of the Hon. Cadwallader D. Golden, in his " Brief Exposition " of himself as the Advocate of Mo- nopoly. iO pp. half roan Svo. Troy: W. S. Parker, Jan. 1823 Relative to steam and steam-boat patents of the North River Company, and the history, difficulties and successes of steam-boat navigation on Hudson River, the the Connecticut and Merimack rivers, from 1790 to date. 956 Sumner (George, President of Conn. Med. Society) Proceedings at the Forty-Ninth Annual Convention of the Connecticut Medical Society, May, 1851. With list of Members, and the address on the Early Physicians of Connecticut, ^i pp. historical and biographi/:al %vo. Hartford: Case, Tiffany and Co. 1851 957 Swedenborg (Emanuel) Arcana Coelestia : or Heavenly Mysteries contained in the Sacred Scriptures, or the Word of the Lord manifested and laid open ; beginning with the Book of Genesis. Interspersed with Relations of wonderful Things seen in the World of Spirits and the Heaven of Angels. Translated from the original Latin, vol. I, 48 pp. uncut, with the autograph of Isaiah Thomas, autlun- of " The History of Printing " 8w. Apollo Press in Boston, Joseph Belknap, 1794 958 Symmes (William, a.m. Pastor of the First Church in Andover) A Sermon before Gov. Gushing, the Council & General Court of Massachusetts, May 25, 1785, the Anniversary of General Electio 1, 28 pp. clean copy 8vo. Boston: Adams and Nourse [1785] 959 Symmes. Another copy, good 960 Taggart (Samuel, Member of Congress) Oration delivered at Con- way, July 4, 1804, the Anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, 30 pp. uncut %vo. NortJuimpton : Wm. Butler, 1804 961 Taggart. Another copy, uncut 962 Talcott (Hart) A Sermon preached at Warren, Connecticut, August 9, 1829. Occasioned by the Death of Rev. Peter Starr, 18^. uncut 8w. New-Haven, Baldwin and Treadway, 1829 963 Tanguy de la Boissiere (C. C.) Observations on the Dispatch written the 16th January, 1797, by Mr. Pickering to Mr. Pinkney, 50 pp. half roan 8w. Philadelphia : Mm-eau de Saint-Mery, 1797 120 964 Tappan (David, d.d. Prof, of Dkinify in Harvard C-Vege) A Sermon before the Annual Convention of Congregational Ministers of Massachusetts, in Boston, June 1, 1797, Mpp. urwut 8vo. Boston, Samuel Hall, 1797 965 Tappan (David, Pastor in Newhury) A Sermon preached before Gov. John Hancock, Lt.-Gov. Samuel Adams, the Council, Senate, and House of Massachusetts, May 30, 1792, the day of Gen. Election, 39j)p. Bivo. Boston, at the State Press, by Thomas Adams, 1792 966 Tappan (David, Prof, in Harvard College) Discourse on the Annual Fast in Massachusetts, April 5, 1798, 31 pp. half roan 8vo. Boston, Samuel Hall, 1792 967 Tarbell (John P.) An Oration delivered before the Democratic Citizens of the North part of Middlesex County, at Groton, July 4, 1839, Zb pp. 8vo. Lmvell : A. JTatson, 1839 968 Taylor (Nathaniel W. Professor of Didactic Theology, Yale College) A Sermon to the Legislature of Connecticut in Hartford, May 7, 1823, i3 pp. uncut 8vo. Hartford : Ckirles Babcock, 1823 969 Taylor. Another copy, uncut, wants after pp. 38 970 Teasdale (Tliomas C. Pastw cf said Church) Historical Discourse on the Rise and Progress of the First Baptist Church in New- Haven, delivered April 3, 1842, 43^^. 8vo. New-Haven, Hitchcock and Stafford, 1842 971 Teller (William) Confessions of two malefactors [Wm.] Teller & [Caesar] Reynolds, who were executed at Hartford, Connecticut, 6th Sept. 1833, for the Murder of Ezra Hoskins, at the Con- necticut State Prison, containing an account of their numerous robberies, burglaries, &c. 84 pp. uncut 8vo. Harffwd: Hanmer & Comstock, 1833 972 Tennent (John, Physician of Williamsburg, Virginia) Truth stifled, and an Appeal to the Genius of the Ancient Romans [with Dedication to the Lords of the Admiralty, presenting his claims to a, place in the Expedition to the West Indies] 61 pp. title ivanting 8vo. [London, 1741 ?] Though this very rare book was written in the apirit of an unappreciated man it is full of information, and is perhaps one of the most important books for the early history of Medicine in the American Colonies, especially Virginia. Old Dr. Banner- man of Middlesex County, Virginia, wrote to his correspondent in Edinburgh to send out to him a youth competent to become his medical assistant. Young Tennent was accordingly sent in 1727 in his 17th year. Dr. B. dying soon after his assistant became a practicing physician at the age of 18. He 8oon became acquainted with the uses of the " Saneca rattle-make root," and being of an inquisitive mind applied this medicine not (mly to bites of rattlesnakes but in curing diseases which poison tlie blood somewhat in the manner of rattlesnake venom. This invention was announced by the publication of a little book at Williamsburg in 1736, entitled " An Ksmy on tlie Plearisy" reprinted in Phil, and New York. So sanguine was he that he bought up large quantities of snaJte root for use in Virginia and sent quantitici to London. The next year, 1737, he came to Europe to announce his discoveries and reap the rewards, bringing letter's from Governor bpotswood and others to Dr. Meade and Sir Hans Sloane and many more. The young man was not received with the warmth he expected in London, though he was by no means neglected, He next proceeded with recommendations to Edin- burgh, and was again disappointed by not receiving a Medical Degree. While there he published his Epistle to Dr. Mead, 8vo. 1738, which was reprinted therein 1742. But his circumstances were such that he was obliged to return to Virginia. Out of money and in debt, his friends the Qovernor and Council recommended his 121 case aa a benefactor of mankind to the Burgesses for some suitable reward out of the public chest. At first the House declined, but on secontl application of the Council voted him £ 100 currency. The Doctor expected £ 1000 or £2000, and hence withdrew from Virginia, and, returning to London, applied to the Admiralty to be sent to the West India fleet. Dr. Tennent's books are rare and interesting. 973 Tenney (Caleb J. Pastor of the First Church in Weatherafield) A Ser- mon preached at Weathersfield on the Death of the Rev. Alfred Mitchell, of Norwich City, lipp. %vo. Hartfffrd: G. F. Olmsted, 1832 974 Thni her (Moses) A Sermon, in Foxborough, at the Funeral of Mr. Shubael Pratt, who departed this life July 18, in the 33rd year of his age, 21 pp. uncut 8vo. Dedham : Register Office, 1822 975 Thacher (Moses, Pastm- at North Wrenilmm, Mass.) Masonic Oaths neither morally nor legally binding. An Address delivered at Weymouth, South Parish, June 21, at Worcester, July 5, and at Keading, July 12, 1830, ZQ pp. uncut 8vo. Boston: Pierce and fVilliams [1830] 976 Thacher (Peter, a.m. Pastor in Boston) Wise and Good Civil Rulers, to be duly Acknowledged by God's People as a great Favour. A Sermon preached before the Lt. Gov. the Council & Representatives of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in New England, May 25, 1726. Being the Anniversary for the Election of His Majesty's Council there, title and 28 pp. fine clean copy^ UNCUT, very rare in this condition 8i'o. Boston: B. Green for Samuel Gerrish, 1726 977 Thacher (Peter, a.m. Pastor of the First Church in Maiden) The rest which remaineth to the people of God, and the character of such as shall enjoy it, shown in a Sermon in Boston on the Death of the Rev. Andrew Eliot, Sept. 13, 1778, iO pp. uncut bvo. Boston, T. and J. Fleet [1778] The last 14 pages containing the Character of Dr. Eliot were not delivered with the sermon, but were afterwards added for the printer. 978 Thacher (Peter, a.m.) A Reply to the Strictures of Mr. J. S. a Layman, upon the Pamphlet entitled Observations upon the Present State of the Clergy in New-England, &c. 22 pp. half roan 8w. Boston : Norman, White and Freeman, n. d. 979 Thacher (Peter, d.d. Pastor in Boston) A Sermon before the Ancient & Honorable Artillery Company, June 3, 1793, the Day of their Election of Officers, 27 pp. uncut 8vo. Boston, Manning and Loring, 1793 980 Thacher (Peter, Pastor of the Church in Brattle Street) A Sermon preached to the Society in Brattle Street, Boston, April 17, 1796 ; occasioned by the Death of the Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq. 32 pp. biographical ito. Boston: B. Sweetser, 1796 981 Thacher (Peter, d.d.) Sermon, June 12, 1799, before Lt. Gov. Moses Gill, the Council, &c. of Massachusetts at the Interment of Governor Increase Sumner, who died June 7, 1799, .^t. 53, 18 pp. uncui 8vo. Boston: Young (& Minns [1799] 982 Thacher (Peter) An Oration before the Inhabitants of the Town of Boston on the 31st Anniversary of the Indepeudance of the United States of America, 18^. (Ode ai end) 2 pp. 6vo. Boston : Mvnroe & Francis, 1807 %L. 122 983 Thacher (Thomas, A.M. Minister of a Congregatioiutl Societij in Dedham) A Discourse at Boston, before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, June 10th, 1800 [with an Appendix of Records, Statistics and Correspondence] 31 pP- uncut ito. Bustmi : J. (ml T. Fleet, 1800 984 Thacher. Another copy 985 Thacher (Thomas) A Discourse on the Errors of Popery, delivered in the Chapel of the University of Cambridge, May 8, 1805, at the Lecture founded by Paul Dudley, 26 pp. uncut 8vo. Cambridge, Wm. Hilliard, 1805 986 Thacher. Another copy, nncut 987 Thacher (Thomas, a.m. A.A.s. Past(n- in Dedham) The Principles and Maxims on which the security and happiness of a Republic Depend : A Sermon before the Gov. Lt.-Gov. Council and Legislative of Massachusetts, May 29, 1811, the day of General Election, 32 pp. fine, clean and uncut Sm. Boston, Monroe ^French, 1811 The historian will probably find no more trustworthy mirror of the times, the War of 1812, than in these political Sermons. They breathe the spirit of the age and are the voice of the people, though perhaps clothep. vol. II, via and 666 pp. index 24 leaves, cloth, uncut royal Svo. Albany, Joel Munsel, 1874 999 Thomas. Another, 2 vol. cloth, unnd This important work, published at 10 dollars net, was i.ssued separately, and also with the collective titles as volumes V and VI of the Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society of which Mr. Thomas was the founder. These copies have both >cU of titles. 1000 Thompson (James, Setiior Pastor of the First Church) A Discourse, at Barre [Mass.] Jan. 11, 1854, At the end of a ministry of 50 years in that town. With an Appendix [of Correspondence, proceedings, historical matter, &c.] 9 1 pp. 8vo. Boston: Crosby d; Co. 1854 1001 Thurston (Benjamin, Minister, North-Hampton) Four Sermons. Two on the Subject of Gospel Election, and two on the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper, 71 pp. half roan 8m Portsmouth, iV. R by G. J. Osborne, Jr. 1791 1002 TiELE (P. A. Conservateur it la Bibliothhque de I'Univer.ntd de Leide) M6moire Bibliographique sur les Jouruaux des Navigateurs N6erlandais r6imprim6s dans les Collections de De Bry et de HULSIUS, et dans les Collections HoUandaises du xvil" si^cle, et sur les anciennes Mitions HoUandaises des Journaux de Navigateurs fitrangers; la plupart en la possession de Frederik MuLLER h Amsterdam, xii and ST 2 pp. large paper, sewed, uncut imp. Svo. Amsterdam, Frederik Midler, 1867 Mr. Frederick MuUer in getting up and publishing this book, rendered an essential service to the bibliography of voyages and travels. For the field that it covers it supercedes all other bibliographical works. Mr. Muller was the proprietor of the books and really the projector and author of the work, Mr. Tiele being the pains- taking editor. 1003 Townsend (Alexander) Oration, delivered July 4, 1810, at the request of the Selectmen of Boston on the Feelings, Manners and principles, that produced American Independence, 27 pp. uncut and clean Svo. Boston, J. F Hot, fun. 1810 1003* Townsend. Another copy, uncut Of 4th of July orations this is one of the most suggestive, learned, historical and philosophical that we have dipped into. See the historical notes and references. 124 1004 Tracts on America, 15 in 2 vol. half calf, fine copies 8ro. Lindon, &c. 1752-1778 1. Trial of John Peter Zenger of New York, Printer, for printing and publishing a Libel, Land. P. Jiron-n, 1752 2. Thouglits on the Causes of the Present Discontents, 3rd Ed. Dodtley, 1770 3. Macaulay (Catherine) Observations or Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents, ard Ed. corrected, Dillii, 1770 4. S|ieech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts, Cadell, 1774 5. Letters of Hutchinson and Oliver, and their remarks, Wilkk, 1774 6. Taxation no Tyranny ; Answer to the Ameticiin Congress, Cadell, 1775 7. Remarks on Price's Observations, KeartU'ij, 177(i 8. Tucker's Humble Address and earnest appeal, whether a connection or separa- tion from the Colonies of America be for tlie National Advantage, Gloucester, 1775 9. Tucker's Tract V, Pleas of the Mother Country and the Colonies, ib. 1775 10. Tucker's Letter to Burke, agent fur New York, ib. 1775 11. Address of the people of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America, Land. 1775. 12. Glover. Substance of Evidence on the petition of West India Planters, ib. 1775 13. Robinson (Mat.) Peace the best policy, 2nd Ed. ib. 1777 14. Pultne.v's Thoughts on Affairs with America, .")th Ed. ib. 1778 16. Witherspoon's Address to Natives of Scotland and America, ib. 1778 1005 Train (C.) A Masonic Oration at Fraraingham, June 24, A. L. 5812, on the Anniversary Festival of St. John the Baptist, 16 pp. uncut 8vo. Loftnv : Lincoln & Edmunds, 1812 1006 Treaties. All the Treaties between the United States and Great Britain ; from the Definitive Treaty of Peace, signed at Paris, 1783, to the Treaty of Peace, signed at Ghent, 1814. Pub- lished by Order of the House of Representatives of Massachu- setts, ^di pp. uncut 8to. Boston, E. G. House, 1815 1007 Treaty (The) its Merits and Demerits fairly Discussed and Dis- played, Hipp, uncut 8m [Boston, 1795] 1008 Treaty. Another coT^y, warding pac/es \39-lil 1009 Treaty. [Authentic]. Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navi- gation, between His Britannick Majesty, and the United States of America. By their President with the advice and consent of the Senate [with some Correspondence and Proceedings attached] 27 pp. uncut, half bound 8vo. Philadelphia, Benj. Franklin Bache [1795] 1010 Treaty 'with Spain. Tractaet tegens Pays, Treves, en Onder- handelinge met den Koningh van Spaignien, 16 leaves, In's Qraven-Hage, By Aert Meuris, 1 629 — Redenen waerorame dat de V. Ned. geensints eenighe vrede met den Koningh van Spaignien Konnen mogen, noch behooren te maecken. Zynde het Tweede Deel van't, &c. 34 leaves, last blank, In's Graven-Hage, By Aert Meuris, 1630 — Klare Aenwusinge, dat de V. Ned. gheen Trews met den Vyandt dienen te maecken. Synde het Derdeii ] *eel van't Tractaet tegens Peys, &c. &c. 36 leaves ito. Iv'sG^aven-Hage, By Aert Meuris, 1630 This rare volume contains the three Part? complete, and in the finest possible condition, wholly uncut, of this Treatise against Peace, truce and negotiation with the Kin? of Spain. 2nd. Why the United Netherlands neither can nor should make this Peace, &c. ; and 3rd. A clear Demonstration that the United Nether- lands should make no Truce with the Enemy. &c. A considerable portion of these Treatises relates to the affairs of the West India Company, the affairs and trade in Bracil, the West India Islands, &c. 125 1011 Trench (R. C. Dean of Wedminxter) On the Authorized Version of the New Testament : In connection with proposals for its revision, \iipp. doth 8vo. Londm, 1858 1012 Troup (Robert) A Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson, Esq. to the merit of projecting The Lake Canal Policy [of New York] Canal Act of 1792. Also a Vindication of Claim of General Schuyler to the merit of drawing that act, title and ^S pp. half roan 8iu Geneva, N. V. J. Bogert, IS2\ 1013 Trumbull (Benjamin) A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of its First Planters from England in 1630 to 1713, vol. I, map, text 587 pp. old calf 8vo. Hartford: Hudson & Goodivin, 1797 Of this original edition no more was ever published. 1014 Trumbull (Benjamin, d.d.) A complete History of Connecticut, civil and ecclesiastical from the Einigration to 1764 and to the close of the Indian wars, 2 vol. fine copij in the primal ive sheep, portrait, SCARCE 8vo. New Haven, IS'* S 1015 Trumbull (Benjamin, Pastor in North-Haven) A Sermon, at North- ampton, Dec. 11, 1783, a day appointed by the United States for a General Thanksgiving on Account of the Peace Concluded with Great-Britain, very fine copy, uncut, 37 pp. half roan, scarce 8m New-Haven : T. tf; S. Green, 1784 An important historical summary of the war by the distinguished Historian of Connecticut. 1016 Trumbull. Another co])y, hedf calf , from the Croiminshield Library ivith book plate 8vo. 1017 Trumbull (Benjamin, a.m. Pastor in North Haven) An Appeal TO THE Public, especially to the learned, with respect to the Unlawfulness of Divorces, in all cases excepting those of In- constancy. The substance of the argument was pleaded before the Consociation of the County of New Haven, Dec. 9, 1785. To which an appendix is subjoined, exhibiting a general view of the Laws and Customs of Connecticut, and of their Defi- ciency respecting the point in Dispute. 53pp. uncut, fine clean copy, scarce 8m New Haven : J. Meigs, 1788 A presentation to Nathaniel Gaylord from the author. 1018 Trumbull (Benjamin, D.D. Pastor of the Church in North-Haven) " What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder." An Appeal to the Public with respect to the un- lawfulness of Divorces, in all cases excepting those of incon- tinency ; pleaded before the Consociation of the County of New Haven, December 9th, 1785. Second Edition abridged, iO pp. uncut 8vo. Neiv-Huven: S. Converse, 1819 1019 Trumbull (Benjamin, d.d. Pastor in North Haven) The dignity of Man, especially as Displayed in Civil Government. A Sermon preached on the General Election at Hartford, Connecticut, May 14, 1801, 39 jjp. uncut 8vo. Hartford, Hudson & Goodwin, 1801 1020 Trumbull (Jonathan, First Governor of the State of Connecticut) An Address ; To the Gen. Assembly and the Freemen of the • State of Connecticut ; Declining any further Election to Public nil 126 Office. With the Resolution of the Legislature, in consequence thereof. 10 pp. uncut, fine copy, SCARCE ito. New-London : Timothy Ch'een, Printer to the Governor and Company, 1783 For an accent on this Address of ' Brother Jonathan ' see Note under lot 143 of this catalogue. 1021 Tucker (John, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Newbury) A Sermon at Cambridge before Gov. Hutchinson, Lt.-Gov. Oliver, &c. of the Province of Massachusetts-Bay in N.E. May 29th, 1771, the Anniversary for the Election of His Majesty's Coun- cil, 63 pp. fine copy, uncut 8vo. Boston: N.E. Bkluml Draper, 1771 A political Essay on the origin of Civil Government and the rights of the people, well suited to the meridian of Cambridge and the people of the colony. 1022 Tucker (John, A.M. Pastor of the First Chiirch in Newbury) The validity of Presbyterian Ordination argued, from Jesus Christ's being the Founder, the sole Legislator, and supreme Head and Ruler of the Christian Church. A Discourse in Harvard College in Cambridge, New England, Sept. 2, 1778. At the Lecture founded by Paul Dudley. 32 pp. 8vo. Bo.4on, Thomas harie, vers les Royavmes de China & Catay : ensemble hi J jv-ouvremons du Waaygat, Nova Sembla, & du pays situ6 sou. H h(i lieur de 80. degrez ; lequel on presume estro Groen- lauoo, L u oncques porsonne n'a est6. Plus des Ours cruels & ravissans, & autres monstres marins : & la froidure insupport- able. D'avantage comment a la derniere fois la naviro fut arrestee par la glace, & les mateiots out basti vne maison sur le pays do Nova Sembla, situ^ soubz la hauteur de 76. degrez, ou ils ont demour6 I'espaco do dix mois ; & comment ils ont en petittes, barques pass6 la mcr, bien 350. lioves d' eaue ; non Runs peril a grand travail, & difficultez incroyables, 44 foVud leaves, the M edition in French, fine original copy in old vellum, icith the rMmerous maps and plates in tlie tc.rt folio. Ainstelredam, Vornille Nicolas, Anno M. Vr*; [1600] 130 1047 VEER (Gerret de) Vraye Description de Trois Voyages de Mer par derriere Norwege, et Tartaric, vers les Eoyaumes de China & Catay : etc. etc. 4:4: foliod leaves, with text and plates, every way like the last, second French edition, except the date folio. Amstelredam par Cwnille Nicolas, M-Vr^-IIlI. [1604] This date ia genuine, but wo have met with it in no other copy. It may be called the 2d edition, 2d issue. 1048 VEER (Gerret de) Vraye Description de trois Voyages de mer tres Admirables, faits en trois ans, a chacvn an vn, par les Navires d'Hollande et Zelande, av Nord par derriere Nor- v/ege, Moscove. et Tartaric, vers les Royaumes de China & Catay : etc. etc. 44 foliod leaves, with many niaps and plates in the text, fine perfect copy of this third edition in French folio. Amsterdam, chez Cornille Nicolas, L'An 1609 1049 VEER (Gerret de) Verhael van de eerste Schip-vaert dor Holland iii ho ende Zeeusche Schepen door't Way-Gat, By Noorden N "x.pireii, Moscovien onde Tartarien, om, na de Coninckrijck '. 7 cnde China, Met drie Schepen uyt Texel gczeylt iu ^;ire, 1594, &c. &c. title and 5Q purjes, fine copy, vellum 1: T' Amsterdam, Vooi' loost Hacrtgers, 1648 1050 Veitia Linage (Joseph de) Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occideutales. Fine copy in mlf extra, with both titles folio. Sevilhi, 1672 This is the best book on the Spanish Rules of Trade to the West Indies and America we have. The translation of it by Capt. John Stevens published in English about 1700, purporting to be complete, is only an abridgment, but it baa now become of prime importance for indicating the source of many errors that have crept into the Englisii History of Spanish affairs in America. This original work should now cast Steveu.-/ abstract and all its faults into the shade. 1051 (Miguel) A Natural and Civil History of Calfornia: 2 vol. map, plates. Vol. I, front, title, preface and contents (xx), text 455 pp. Vol. II, front, title and contents (vili), text 387 jip. fine copy, old calf 8ro. London, 1769 1052 Vermont. The Constitution of the State of Vermont, as estab- lished by the General Convention elected for that purpose and held at Windsor, July 2nd, 1777, and continued by adjourn- ment to Dec. 25, 17''7, 24 ^y). half bmmd, fine copy, very scarce 8vo. Hartford .• JVatson and Goodwin [1778] 1053 Vermont State Papers ; being a Collection of Records and Documents, .... of Vermont; With the Early Journals of the General Assembly, and the Laws from the year 1779 to 1786 inclusive, &c, By William Slado. 5G7 pp. sheep 8vo. Middlebury.- J. W. Cupeland, 1823 1054 Vietor .(Joannes Daniel) Disputatio Historia Secunda, do America Ik quidem do Origino gentium ejusdem, etc. not numbered. 27 leaves. Blue calf extra, by I'ratt, scarce 4to. Jencp, 1670 This book, after the Dedication and Proface, is divided into two chapters. Ist, Whether the Anoiunls bad any knowledge of the Countries discovered by the Moderns ; and 2d, Upon the Origin of the Americans. 131 1055 VIRGINIA. The original manuscript Records or Entry Books of the Colony of Virginia for five years, 1752-1757, during the Administration of Lt. Governor Robert Dinwid- DIE, containing upwards of 950 separate documents and letters in 630 large and closely written folio pages comprising above 6,300 folios, enough to fill if printed (and every scrap should be printed) 3 large octavo volumes, the size of Sparks's Franklin ; including upwards of Sixty letters (many confi- dential and of great historical importance) from the * Old Governor ' to his youthful Friend George Washington, the ' Widow's Son ; ' and no less than Eighteen long and origi- nal Autograph Letters of Washington to Governor dinwiddie, among the earliest known from his pen, written between March 9, 1754, and May 2, 1756, when he was but 22 to 25 years of age folio. 1752-1758 These original and private Records of the Governor of Virginia were among his own papers brought to England early in 1 758. What became of the Colony's Records of this period is not known. From the Colonial Calendar lately published at Richmond they do not appear to exist in Virrinia ; and only a very small propor- tion of them is preserved in the Public Record Olfice in London. These volumes therefore fill the hyatus in the Virginia Archives which so much distressed Chief Justice Marshall, Hcnning and others. They are of the highest historical value, comprising as they do, the Governor's Letter-Books, Correspondence, Speeches and Messages to and from the House of Burgesses, Charges to the Grand Jury, etc. during the most eventful period of Virginian History, the quinquennial that brought out Washington and the many other Virginia officers, patriots and statesmen, schooled them in the ' Old French War ' of I753-17CO, and drilled them for the Union of the Colonies, and the Struggle for National Independence twenty years later. No historian has hitherto given us anything like a trustworthy account of the pioneering operations of Virginia, her marvellous energy in protecting the Western frontiers and arousing the neighbouring Colonies from their ' lethargic supineness ' for two or three years before and for some months after Bkaddock'S Defeat, the 9th July, 1755. The story is fully told in these Virginia Papers. Dinwiddle and Virginia, from very dearth of materials, have hitherto by historians been unjustly shunted, misrepresented and set aside in favor of other colonies, other leaders, and other campaigns, Dinwiddle, however, sooner or later must stand forth on the page of history as the honoured and enterprising champion of the Old Dominion, the promoter of the Union of the Colonies, the patron and firm friend of young George Washington, and the prime mover against the French and their encroachments on the Ohio and elsewhere. A new chapter of Virginia's history drawn from these Papers (long lost but authentic materials), must eventually raise ' the Mother of Presidents ' to her high n.nd true rank among the Original Thirteen Colonies. We trust that the quick-eyed historian will perceive by the following very brief analysis of them, that these papers will restore Dinwiddle to his proper niche, and enable Virginia to resume her Colonial leadership ; for they are to the modern history of that Colony what the old Records of the Virginia Companjr of 1607-1624, now preserved in the Library of Congress, are to the ' Ould Virginia' of Smith, Dale, Gates, Delaware and Yeardly. Those are corner stones of Colonial history. These arc the foundations of the story of the American Republic. The Records then should go back to Old Virginia ; but they would not be out of place by the side of the Declaration of Indcpeudenee and the 257 volumes of Washington's writings in the Department of State ; or the Record Books of the Virginia Com- pany in the Congress Library j or by Hou'.^on's Statue of Washington in the Capitol at Richmond ; or near ' Stuart's v.nflnished Head ' and the 800 volumes bearing Washington's Autographs in the Boston Athenajum ; or as companions to the ' Farewell Address ' in the Lcno.x Library ; or with the Washington Relics in the largest and best of tlic State Libraries, at Albany ; or in the Public Record Office of London next to the original autograph of Washington's Journal to the Ohio ; or, last not least, to stand in the GrenviUo Library, British Museum, next to the original portraits and paintings of the Indians of Virginia, executed by Gover- nor John White in 1585-80, for Sir Walter Raleigh, and engraved in 1590 by Theodore De Bry. Virginia, the United States, and the Mother Country are equally interested in the historical materials contained in these Records. Washington's Papers fell into the hands of the French at Braddock's Defeat, but theBe Papers Hupply many of the 132 deficiencies occasioned by that loss. As to quantity, there are about 75 addresses i messages, speeches and charges to the House of Burgesses and the Grand Jury, 400 letters of Gov. Dinwiddle to various officers in the military service, and 475 to the Governors of other Colonies, the ministry, friends, banker, London agent, etc. ; making in all about 950 separate Documents, addressed as follows to some 160 difEerent bodies and individuals : — Governor Dinwiddie's Letters to — 86 To Ja. Abercrombie 6 Maj. Gen. Abercrombie 6 Earl of Albemarle 8 W. Alexander 6 W. Allen 1 Dr. Anderson 1 Arbuthnot 4 Atkins 1 Col. Bayliss 10 Gov. Belcher, N. Jersey 4 John Blair 1 Col. Bland 8 Adml. Boscawen 8 A. Boyd, I'ay-maater 10 Gen. Braddock 4 Capt. J. Buchanan 1 Col. W. Byrd 2 Col. W. Calloway 1 Maj. Colin Campbell 1 John Campbell I Capt. T. Campbell 1 Captains of Va. Forces 18 Tho. Carlyle, Commis- sary 1 Col. Chs. Carter 4 The Catawbas 1 Lord Cathcart 3 The Cherokees 10 The Cherokees and Ca- tawbas 2 Capt. Clark, N.J. Ind. Co 8 J. Cleveland, Sec. of the Board of Admiralty 1 Richard Corbin 2 Dr. Alex. Colhoun 8 Capt. Cocks 1 Cressap to bring the prisoner La Force 25 Gov. DeLancy, N. York 1 Capt. Demcne 25 Gov. Denny, Penn. 10 Charles Dick 89 Gov. Dobbs 3 Druillon (the French Prisoner) 2 Col. Dunbar 1 Col. R. Eastham 1 John Ewing 1 Littleton Eyre 14 Lord Fairfax 10 Col. Fairfax 2 Fitzhugh 1 Lt. W. Fleming 3 Col. Peter Fontaine 14 Henry Fox, Sec. War 4 Col. Joshua Fry 1 Col. Thomas Gage 1 Lt. John Gery 2 Christopher Gist 15 Gov. J. Glen, S. Carolina 1 The Governors, plan of operations 11 Earl Grenville 2 Benj. Grymes 1 The Half-King 31 Earl of Halifax 1 Sir Peter Halkett 9 Gov. Hamilton, Pa. 1 Lord Hamilton 6 J. Hanbury, his Banker 2 Gov. Sir C. Hardy, N.Y. 7 Capt. Hogg 4 Earl of Holdemess 1 Col. Hunter 80 Col. James Innes 2 Col. Jefferson 1 Arch. Kennedy 3 Cctm. Keppell 1 Hon. Aug. Keppell 2 Gov. Lawrence 22 Maj. Andrew Lewis 1 Lt. Joshua Lewis 1 Legge, Commander, H.M.S. Shoreham 10 Gov. Littleton 2 Bishop of London 25 Lords of Trade 10 Lords of the Treasury 25 Earl of Loudoun 2 L/rfunis McCarthy 3 Capt.McCoy, S. Carolina 4 Lt. J. McNeill 3 Col. T. B. Martin 2 Capt. Mercier 1 Mercier, Waggoner & Stewart 1 Andrew Millar 1 John Mitchell 1 Monacatoocha 2 Andrew Montour 16 Gov. Morris, Penn. 6 Capt. Orme 1 Capt. Overton 3 Col. Patton 6 Richard Pearls 4 Wm. Pitt 1 W. Pitt, Pay-Mr. Gen. 2 Capt. Poison 8 J. Pownall, Sec. B. T. 3 Capt. Preston 1 Capt. Prince 2 Peyton Randolph 8 Peter Randolph 12 Col. Clement Read 1 Benj. Robinson 1 John Robinson 24 Sir Thos. Robinson 1 Capt. Hugh Rose 6 M. Rowen, Pres. N.C. 4 Hon. John Rutherford 4 Sir John St. Clair 48 Gov. Sharp, Maryland 18 Gov. Shirley, Mass. 1 Six Nations 1 Abr. Smith 1 B. Smith 2 Capt. John Smith 3 Col. Spotswood 1 A Spy's Commission 1 Col. Stanwix 5 Ben. Stead 21 Col. Adam Stephen 12 Col. Stewart 1 Talbot, Calloway & Philips 2 Capt. Terry 1 Gov. Tinker 1 Lt. James Towers 2 The Treasurer 2 Wm. Trent 1 Robert Tucket 1 Turner, Compt. Ord. Bd. 1 Capt. Waggoner 8 Thomas Walker 4 H. Walpole 61 Geo. Washinqtow 2 Wolstenholmo 3 Capt. O. Woodron 3 W. Wragge 1 Peter Wraxall 1 Capt. Wray 1 Alex, Wright 2 Lt. Wm. Wright 1; Abstract of the 18 Original Autograph Letters from Washing- ton, all of which are to Governor Diuwiddie unless otherwise stated. March 9, 1754. Alexandria. Urging the necessity of cloathing the Recruits and deducting cost from their pay. May 9, 1754. Little Meadows. Slow progress on account of bad roads. Intelli- gence of French. May 18, 1754. Yaughyaughgani. French not yet reinforced. Wants wampum for Indians. Going to explore the river. I' 133 May 27, 1754. Great Meadows. Received warning of La Force's Party of 50 men. May 29, 1754. Great Meadows. In answer to letter of 25th. Justifying former statements as to bad pay and hardships. Account of the engagement with Jumonville, May 28, and capture of Drouillon and La Force with their whole party. Dinwiddie wrote to Washington May 25th (see Record Books) and after remon- strating about the discontent and dissatisfaction of the other officers as to their pay and status, continues "Now Col. W: I shall more particularly answer wt " relates to Yr Self, & I must begin with expressing both concern Ic surprize, to find " a Gent, whom I so particularly consider'd, & from whom I had so great expectata. " & Hopes, appear so difierently from himself, & give me leave to say mistakenly as " I think, concuring with Complaints in general so ill founded. I am sensible of " Yr Difficulties & You may believe I shall not let Your merit pass unnotic'd. I " believe You sincerely attach'd to Yr Country's Wellfare & Prosperity, wch You " know veiy much depends on the Success of Your present Expcditn. & this I per- "suade myself vrill sweeten the Toils, that You will hereafter reflect on with " Pleasure & engage You to think of nothing less than resigning Yr Comd. or " countenancing in any sort the Discontent that cd. never be more unseasonable " or pernicious than at present," &c. Washington replies on the 29th. " To answer your Honour's Letter of ye 25th " by Mr. Birney. I shall begin with assuring you, that nothing was further from " my intention than to recede, tho' I then press'd and still desire that my services " may be voluntary rather than on the present Pay. I am much concerned that " your Honour should seem to charge me with ingratitude for your generous, and " my undeserved favours, for I assure you Honble. Sir, nothing is a greater stranger " to my Breast, or a Sin that my soul more abhor's than that black and detestable " one. Ingratitude. I retain a true sense of your kindnesses, and want nothing but " opportunity to give testimony of my willingness to oblige as far as my Life or " fortune will extend." After discussing sundry details as to the pay and sentiments of his brother officers he continues " I would not have your Honour imagine from " this, that I have said all these things to have the Pay increas'd — but to justify " myself, and shew your Honour that our complaints are not frivolous, but are " founded upon strict Reason : for my own part, it is a matter almost indifferent " whether I serve for full pay, or as a generous Volunteer ; indeed, did my circum- " stances corrispond with my Inclination, I shd not hesitate a moment to prefer " the Latter : for the motives that lead me here were pure and noble. I had no " view of acquisition but that of Honour, by serving faithfully my King and "Country." The second four pages of this remarkable Letter are devoted to a modest account of his engagement of the previous day with the French, telling how De Jumonville the leader and nine others were killed, and Druillon and La Force with the remainder of the party taken prisoners. May 29, 1754. Great Meadows. To Colonel Fry, asking for immediate reinforce- ments. May 29, 1764. Great Meadows. Letter to Dinwiddie, with the French Prisoners. " The bearer hereof Monsieur Druillong with Monsieur La E'orce." June 10, 1754. Disputes as to priority of Virginian and King's Officers. Imper- fect, wants a sheet or leaf. Aug. 20, 1764. Alexandria. Martial or Civil Law. Deserters. Bad pay, &o Commission not signed. Aug. 20, 1754. Alexandria. Recommending Mr. Wright for a Commission. Com- plaining of Mr. Campbell being appointed his Deputy at half his salary. Oct. 11 to 14, 1755. Winchester. State of the Country. Bad Discipline. Apathy of people and officers. Urges Martial Law, Oct. 11, 1766. To Andrew Montour. Inviting him and his family and friendly Indians to come and reside among tho Inhabitants, Jan. 13, 1756. Alexandria. Major Lewis sent to Augusta County to command against the Shawaneese. Building forts on Faterson River and suggests others. Wants cloathing, &c. Jan, 14, 1766, Alexandria. Disputes as to the providing the Maryland and Carolina Companies with Virginia stores and priority of Captain Dagworthy. Urges putting Virginia Regiment on the Establishment. Asks leave to go and consult General Shirley at Boston, April 16, 1756, Winchester. Disappointed at not getting men to scour the neigh- bouring Mountains, Plan for raising and maintaining Regiment of 2,v)T0 men as authorised by tho vote of Assembly of A20,000. Asks for Commission for his brother. .1 I n 134 April 19, 1756. Winchester. Encloses Account of engagement within 20 miles of Winchester (enclosure wanting). Consulted with Colonel Innes and thinks it advisable to stop at Winchester till the Militia are raised as an attack is anticipated. Enclosing a copy of Letter tu Lord Fairfax asking for the Militia. April 19, 1756. Winchester. Copy of Letter to Lord Fairfax referred to in the preceding. May 2, 1756. Minutes of a Court Martial held on Sergeant Lewis for retreating with a party without orders, with the Sentence of Death and signatures and seals of the 13 officers of the Court, approved and countersigned by Washing- ton (In one of Dinwiddle's letters to Washington the governor eucloses the Death Warrant of Sergeant Lewis.) Abstract of the Letters from Gov. Dinwiddie to Washington during the time covered by the above 18 Letters of Washington to Governor Dinwiddie. Feb. 4, 1754. Instructions for the Expedition to the Ohio March 15, 1754. Instructions for marching to the Ohio on the information of the approach of the French received from Messrs, Trent & Cresup May 4, 1754. Received advices per Mr. Ward, kc. May 25, 1754. As to Complaints of pay and hardships of service (see Washington's Letter of May 29th) June 1, 1754. Introducing George Croghan as interpreter June 1, 1754. Acknowledging letter per Mr. Gist (of May 29th) containing the account of the capture of La Force's Party and congratulating him June 2, 1754. As to the uneasiness about the pay. Respecting the French Prisoners under Lieut. West June 4, 1754. Enclosing Commission to command the Virginia Forces on the Death of Colonel Fry, Major Muse to be Lieut.-Colonel June 25, 1754. Warning him against jealousy of the officers of the Independent Companies June 27, 1754. Impressing caution .and to beware of surprize at Red Stone Creek July , 1754. Acknowledges letter of June 3. General news and instructions Aug. 1, 1754. Order to complete Regiment to 300 and march to Wills Creek Aug. 3, 1754. Sends £G00 on account Sept. 11, 1754. Assembly prorogued without supplies. Orders Washington to give 40 or 50 men to Capt. Lewis to proceed immediately to Augusta County and protect frontier. Hurry to Wills Creek Deo. 20, 1754. Cant send money at present July 26, 1755. After battle of Monongahela and Death of Braddock. Commending Washington and asking his opinion as to the efficacy of another immediate attack on the French Aug. 14, 1755. Commibsion as Colonel of Virginia forces and Commander in Chief. Instructions and Memoranda Sep. 17, 1755. Details of Clothing, Provisions, &c. Oct. 18, 1755. Hopes with assistance of Militia and recruits Washington will be able to drive those Banditti from the frontiers Oct. 26, 1755. Orders Militia back if i.ot absolute wanted on account of expense Dec. 14, 1755, General news and instructions Jan. 23, 1756. Reed, letters of 13th and 14th. Expedition against Shawnesse. Agrees with proposed journey to Shirley and advises thereon Apl. 8, 1756. Commission to appoint Courts Martial Apl. 23, 1756. Received letter of 19th. Two generals appointed, Loudoun and Abercrombie ; believes blank Commissions will be sent for Americans, if so " I doubt not you will be taken care of " Apl. 28, 1756. Concerned at State of the Country. Orders Militia, arms and ammunition to Winchester May 3. Hope Militia have arrived Approves plan for fortifying Winchester And 3S othbbs between May 1766 and Nov. 1767. 135 1066 VOISIN DE LA PoPELLlNlERE (LANCELOT) Les trois Mondes. Par le Seigneur de la Popelliniere. 28 prelim, leaves: Text, 1st book 55 joliod leaves; blank leaf; 2nd book, 56, awl 3rd book, 50 numbered leaves, follmved by a colophon leaf. 'Acheu6 d'lm- primer pour la Seconde Edition en Septembre, 1582. Splendid copy in calf extra, g. e. by Pratt 8vo. A Paris, A VOlivW de Pierre VHuillier, 1582 This second edition, in octavo, with the splendid little elaborate woodcut map called for on folio 4 of the First Book is of excessive rarity. The map here is a photo-lithographic facsimile. The map is so rare that we have met with only two copies of it. 1057 VOS (Jan) Akan en TIT^'S, of Wraak en Weenvraak : Treura- pel van Jan Vos. Den vijfden Druk, op nieus oveizien en verbetert. A to h in fours, including frontispiece, fine copy, in vellum, excessively scarce Uo. t'Aemsteldam, Jacob Lescaille, 1656 This rare Dutch Drama, of which the first edition was in 1641, seems to bep"" a close resemblance to Shakspeare's Titus Andronicns. The Characters or Dramatis Personse are almost identical, and the scenes are similar, sulficiently so to give this play a place in a Shakspeare collection. 1058 VOYAGES. Prima Pars Descriptionis Itineris Navalis in In- diam Orientalem [under Admiral CoRNELls Houtman] earvmqve rervm qvae navibvs Battavis occvrrervnt : vna cvm particvlari enarratione conditionum, etc. etc. Authore G.M.A.W.L. [i.e. Willem Lodewijcksz], 5\ foliod leaves, tcith one separate plate of coins, and many maps and plates in the text, fine complete c(py, Ftrst Lati7i Edition, scarce folio. Amstelrodami, ex Officina Cornelij Nicolaj, 1598 This is the Journal kept by William Lodewycks of the first expedition of the Dutch to the East Indies in 159.5, under the command of Admiral Cornells Hout- man. The success of this Voyage gave a new turn to Navigatinn and maritime enterprise. It set the Dutch wild for Eastern trade. The impulse given by Linschot's wonderful book was first realized in this Voyage, and its .success aroused the Lii>;:don SIcrchants to follow suit in 16i>9 with a combination which resulted in the English East India Company. 1059 VOYAGES. Premier Livre de I'Histoire de la Navigation avx Indes Orientates [under Admiral Cornelis Houtman], par les Hollandois ; et des choses a evx advenves : ensemble les conditions, les meurs, & manieres de vivres des Nations, par eux abordees. Plvs les Monnoyes, Espices, Drogues, & Marcliandises, & le pris d'icelles. Davantage les decouvre- mens & apparences, situations, & costes maritimes des con- trees : avec le vray pourtrait au vif des habitans : Le tout par plusieurs figures illustr6 : tres-recreatif a lire a tous navigans & amateurs des niivigations lointaines ez terres estrangeres. Par G. M. A. W. L. [i.e. Willem Lodewijcksz], 53 foliod leaves, fine tall copy, perfect folio. Amsterdam, Cornille Nicolas, 1609 1060 VOYAGE. Erste Schip-Vaert der Hollanders naer Oost- Indien, met vier Schepen onder't beleydt van Cornelis Houtman uyt Texel t'zeyl ghegaen. Anno 1595, etc. etc. Title and 102 2Mges, blath Ittttt, very fine, large and clean copy, with tlie copper plate in six compartments, vellum ito. T Amsterdam Voor loost Hartgers, 1648 For a full account of the many editions of Houtman's first voyage, see Tiele, page 116 to 18C. It was this voyage that first unlocked and opened up the Eait to the Dutch. im ' !• L 186 1061 VOYAGES. Le Second Livre, Iournal ov Comptoir, con- tenant le Vray Discovrs et Narration Historique, dv Voyage fait par les huit navires d'Amsterdam, au mois de Mars I'an 1598, sous la conduite de 1' Admiral Iaques CoRNlLLE Nec, & du Vice-Admiral VVihmnt de VVarvvic, etc. etc. Aussi est adiouste un Vocabulaire des mots Francois, lavans & Malaits, 22 foliod leaves follmved hij a 2ml Ct3. To which are added the accounts of Frobisher and others to the West, & the early voyages to Nov. Zemla. But the most important and least accessible are the accounts of the voyages of the Danish Jan Munk to Hudson's Straits and Bay, where he wintered in JVew Denmark on the west side of Hudson Bay north of Nelson River. 1610 187 1066 VOYAGES. Wonderlijckc Historisclic eude Journaelsche Aen- teyckeningh, van't ghene Pieter VAN DEN Broecke, op sijne Rev";n, soo van Cabo Verde, Angola, Gunea, Oost-Indien, etc. u. \\2 pages : fine large perfect and clean copy, vellum, blatk letter, with the rare double copper-plate in six compartments ito. t'Amstelredam, Voor Joost Uartgerts, 1648 The intrepid Van den Broeck mude mnny voj-ages to or towards the East. I, in 1605-160G to Cape Verde. II, in ICOT-lliOi) to Angola and Congo. Ill, and IV, in 1609-1012 to Angola with a description of Loango. Between 1613 and 1630 he made several other still more important voyages to the East Indies, and performed much public service in firmly establishing the Dutch, in their trading enterprises in the East. See lot 103!) for another copy of this rare book. 1067 VOYAGES. Journael van de Nassausche Vloot, ofte Beschrij- vinghe van de V^oyagie om dem gantschen Aertkloot, Gedaen met elf Schepen : Oiider Admirael Jacques l'Heremite & geen Huygen Scliapenham, inde Jaren 1623-1626. Noch is hier by gevoeght een Beschrijvinge van de Eegeringhe van Peru, sijn grooten Rijckdom ende vruchtbaerheydt, Door Pedro de Madriga, ^lahoovcn tot Lima. 12 pages: very fine, large, and pure copy, blatli letter, I'dlum ito. t'Amstelredam, Voor Joost Hartgersz, 1652 This second edition of Hartgcrt's with the 6ve beautiful copper-plates inserted in the text with type-metal borders is far rarer than his other edition. The voyage of l'Heremite ends on page 64, and Madriga's account of Peru occupies the last 8 pages. 1068 Wafer (Lionel) A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. Second Edition. To which is added, The Natural History of those Parts, by a F.E.S. and Davis's Expedition to the Gold Mines, in 1702. Map, plates 8i'o. London, James Knapton, 1704 1069 Wager. An affecting Narrative of the unfortunate voyage and catastrophe of his Majesty's ship Wager, one of Commodore Anson's Squadron in the South Sea Expedition. Title and IQQ pp. clean and uncut 8i'o. London, J. Nm'wood, 1751 1070 Wainwright (Jonathan M. d.d.) Inequality of Individual Wealth the ordinance of Providence, and essential to Civilization. A Sermon, before Gov. Davis, &c. of Massachusetts, on the Annual Election, Jan. 7, 1835, &0 pp. 8ro. Boston: Button and TFentworth, 1835 107 1 Waldo (Samuel Putman) An Oration pronounced at East Windsor [Conn.] July 4, 1805 [historical and political], 22 2)p. uncut 8vo. Harljm-d : Hudson & Goodwin, 1805 1072 Waldo. Another copy, micut 1073 Wales (Samuel, d.d. Professor of Divinity in Yale College) The Dangers of our national Prosperity ; and the Way to avoid them. A Sermon before the General Assembly of Connecticut at Hartford, May 12th, 1785, 38 pp. ^historical and political] 8w. Hartford: Barlow (& Babcock, 1785 1074 Wales. Another copy 1075 Walker (James) A Sermon, before Gov. Lincoln, &e. &c. of Massachusetts, the day of Gen Election, May 28, 1828, 16^. wictU 8m Boston: Button and Werdworth, 1828 T 138 1076 1077 1078 W.alter (Nathaniel, A.M. Pasic/r of the Second Church hi finxktnj) Tlio C'liaracter of a Christian Hero. A Sermon before the Ancient and lionorable Artillery Company, on tiieir Anniver- sary Meeting, June Snd, 1746, 22 ]ip. same 8ra. Bvdon in New England: J. Draper, 1746 Walter (William, D.D. Uedor of Chri.4 Church in Boston) A Dis- course before the Humane Society of Massachusetts, at their Annual Meeting, 12tli of -lune, 1798, [With an Appendix, containing Charter, Report, Proceedings, &c,] ^^pp. htilf bound, uncut, fine copy 4to. Boston: J. and T. Fleet, 1798 Walton (Augustus Q.) A History of the detection, conviction, life and designs of John A. Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate, with his system of Villany and plan of exciting Negro Kebellion. And a catalogue of the Names of 445 of his Mystic Clan, and a Biographical Sketch of Mr. Virgil A. Stewart, 75 i'/ ). scarce 8(VA Aihem, Tennessee, Journal Office, 1835 1079 I' ■ WAR WITH HOLLAND. Kort en Bondigh Verhael, | Van 't geene in den | Oorlogh, | Tusschen den Koning van Engelant, &c. | de Ho : Mo : Heeren Staten der Vrye Veree- nighde Nederlanden, | en den Bisschop van Munster is voor- gevallen. | Beginnende in den Jare 1664. en eyndigende met het sluyten van do Vrede | tot Breda, in 't Jaer 1667. Waer in de voornaemste Geschiedenisseu, | in den selven Oorlogh voorgevallen, beschreven worden. | Met een korte Inleydingh, vervattende de ballinghschap en herstelling | van den tegen- woordigen Koningh van England t. | Met verscheyde Kopere Figuren verciert. 256 pages, a map and large plate, with otlier ' plates in the text, fine cop//, crcessivelij .scarce Uo. t' Amsterdam, voor Jacob Benjamin, Boeckverkoper ojj't IFater, 1667 This rare and important book is perhaps the most comprehensivo and authentic we h.avc relating to the war of 1(1(14 between England and the United Provinces, which ended in the Tkeaty of Bueda, liy which New York or New Nederland was ceded to the Entrlish. This war also terminated the active career of the old Kulch West India Company and gave the English supremacy in North America — a supremacy, however, which had to be battled for again with the Frencli in 1756. The illustrations are excellent. The map illustrating the exploits of the Dutch Fleet within the mouth of the Thames is curious. In the folding sheet is a com- partment engraving, well executed, representing the signing of the Treaty of Breda, resembling the famous picture by Terburg now in the National Gallery. The characters, the furniture, and the room are similar, but the arrangement differs. 1080 War of 1756. A complete history of the origin and progress of the Late War [in Germany and America] from its com- mencement to the Exchange of the Ratifications of Peace, between Great Britain, Frame and Spain, 1763, and to the signing of the Treaty of Hubex'tsburg, 2 vol. half bound, clean cop!/ 8ra. London, J. Knox, 1764 1081 War of 1812. A Letter from Timothy Pickering, Senator from Massachusetts in view of the unnecessary and ruinous War, \& pp. uncut 8t'(). Boston, Greenough & Stebbins, 1808 1082 War of 1812. Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles : 2 vol. in 1, iv and ^26 pp. old calf 8vo. Butland. Ft. Fay and Davidson, 1815 139 1083 War with Great-Britain (Tlic Question of) Examined with Moral and Christian Principles. Sermon. 14 jq). [excelleiit] Hvo. Bii.stun: Snelliiiff and Simons, 1808 1084 1085 Ware (Henry) A Sermon before Gov. Brooks, Lt. Gov. Phillips, the Council, &c. of Massachusetts, May 30, 1821, the Day of Election. 2-i pp. uncut 8vo. Boston ; Ji. liussell, 1821 Warren {Dodar John) An Oration delivered July 4th, 1783, at the request of the Inhabitants of tlie Town of Boston ; in Cele- bration of the Anniversary of American Indejjcndence, 32 pp. fine oipij, scarce and hnpoiiant ito. Boston .■ John Gill [1783] This is one of the earliest anil best disquisitions after the conchision of the war and the neg(jtiations tor roace, in which are cahnly considcreil " the Feelings, Manner, and Principles which led to this great National Event" [The Declaration of Independence], It breathes the spirit of the times. 1086 Warren. Another copy 4/0. 1087 Warren (John) An Eulogy on The Hon. Thomas Eussell, Esq. late President of the Society for Propagating the Gospel antong the Indians, in North America : the Humane Society of Massachusetts ; the Agricultural Society ; the Boston Chamber of Commerce ; and the National Bank in Boston, who died at Boston, April 8, 1796, delivered May 4, 1796, fine copy, uncut, 31 jJp- i 2)p. calf extra by F. Bedfm-d, top back corner of title slightly mutilated 2imo. Concord .• George Hough, 1827 1096 Waterman (Jotham, Minister in Barnstable, Afass.) Oration, pro- nounced at Orleans, July 4, 1809, thirty-first Anniversary of American Independence [with historical notes] 33 j^. 8 m Boston : Joshua Belcher, 1809 This spirited historical and political tract affords rich hints and materials for a history of the rise and progress of the war of 1812. 1097 Watts {Dr. Isaac) A Wonderfull Dream. With a surprising and visionary Account of the Triumph over Satan, the subtle adversary of Souls, \2 pip. uncut, a chap-hook in verse, 2 woodcuts of the coarsest kind 12ma Charles-town, J. fFhite, 1812 1098 Wayland (Francis, d.d. President of Broun University) A Discourse in commemoration of the Life and Character of the Hon. Nicholas Brown, November 3, 1841, 30 j'p. half bound 8vo. Boston. Gould Co. 1841 1099 Wayland (Francis, d.d. President of Brovn University) A Discourse in commemoration of the Life and Senices of William G. Goddard, ll.d. March 12th, 1846 [with an Appendix] 31 pp. 8m. Providence : B. Cranston S Co. 1846 1100 Webb (John, M.A. Pastor in Bosttm) Tlie Government of Christ considered»and applied. A Sermon at Boston in the Audience of His Excellency Jonathan Belcher, the Council, and House of Representatives of tlie rrovince of tlic Massachusetts, May 31, 1738, the Anniversary for the Election of the Council, 39 pp. good copy, scarce 8vo. Boston : J, Draper, Printer to the Governour P- uncut and scarce Svo. Ncwhedford, Mass. John Spooner, 17S5 Dr. Samuel West, of New Bedford, was perhaps one of the most sound and logical thinkers of Ne«- England. Whoever is sufficiently interested in metaphysics to read Jonathan Edwards on the Will, ought also to read this, his shrewd and straightforward critique. The First Part was published separately two years earlier, 1134 West (Samuel, d.d. Pastor of the First Church of Christ in New- bedford) Essays on Liberty and Necessity ; in two Parts, uncut. Part I, iSpp. Part II, 96 pp. 8vo. Newhedford, Mass. John Spooner, 1795 Splendid copy of both parts. Part I, the author informs us, was struck oil in 1793 in Boston, and in a few months was out of print. "A second impression is now [1706] offered to the public : which, with the Second Part, it is hoped will meet as welcome a reception." 1135 West (Stephen, Pastor in Stockhridge, Massachusetts) A Vindica- tion of the Principles and Conduct of the Church in Stock- bridge. In excluding from their Communion, one of their Members, for marrying a Person immoral and profane. In reply to the Connecticut Gentleman's [Rev. Jonathan Hunting- ton of Coventry, Connecticut] Plea, &c. By Stephen West, Pastor. With an Appendix by John Bacon, 99 ])p, uncut, very fine copy, scarce 8vo. Hartford : Hudson and Goodwin, 1 780 For other tracts on this Stockbridge Ecclesiastical War gee lots 229 and 230 of this catalogue. Ml 145 1136 West (Stephen, A.M. Pastor in Stotkbridge, Mass.) The Scripture Doctrine of Atonement, proposed to careful Examination. Half title, title and preface xii, and text 164^^. and page of Errata, very fine copy, SCARCE Bvo. New-Haven : Meigs, Bowen and Dana, 1785 This Dr. West was also a distinguished New England metaphysician and succeeded Dr. Jonathan Edwards in his pastoral charge of the Hou-^satonnoc Indians of Stockhridge, Massachusetts, and their white neighbours. He criticised Edwards' writings ; and in his own severely handled his namcsakrf Dr. Samuel West, being his very antipode in all reasonings respecting tlic cause and effect of volition, and other equally abstruse subjects of metaphysical warfare. 1137 West-India Company. Vereenighde Nederlandschon Raedt, het eersten Deel [het tweede Deel] Bewysende met Klare Exempelen ende levendige redenen, datmen dese Ver. Ned. (met Godes hulpe) in Korten tijd. etc. (Advice how the Nether- lands may be freed from the present War, &c.) The first and second hooks complete, 40 and 60 pp. fine copies, uncut, in I vol. vellum Ato. Ms Ch-aven-Hage, by Aert Meuris, 1628-1629 The advice is mainly to unite the East and West India Companies and reserve the trade with the Brazils, the West Indies, Coast of Africa, &c. The hints are of considerable, historical importance. The book was popular, no less than four editions appearing the first year. Of this copy Part 1 is the first edition, and Part 2 is the second edition. See Asher, No. 127 and 128, 1 1 38 West-Indja Company. Verhooginge der Capitalen vande West- Indische Oompagnie Voor een derde part, a large blatk Utter folio broadsu.! 2, folded and bound in atlf extra by F. Bedford, 1629 This is a public Notice that the capital or stock of the Dutch West-India Company is proposed to be increased by one-third. See Asher, No. 71, and Triimel, No. 143, this being the same copy described by both. 1139 West-India Company. Nader Odre ende Reglement, etc. (relative to certain Eules & regulations of Commerce for Free Trade in Wood, Tobacco, Cotton, etc. in the Brasels, Oranoco, Carthagena, Honduras, Campeche, Golf of Mexico, Florida, &c.) black ittUx, folio, broadside (folded) calf extra bi/ F. Bedford (Jan. 6, 1635) Perhaps the only copy known, being the one described by Triimel, No. 151. These flimsey posters or broadsides like the present, are frequently of the utmost import- ance in the details of history in fixing dates and localities with precision. 1140 West-India Company. Aenwysinge: Datmen vande Oost en West-Indische Compagnien, ecn Compangie dient te maken. Mitgaders Twintich Consideratien op de Trafyque, Zeevaert en Commertie deser Landen, Concordia res paruaB crescunt, 18 leaves not numbered, blath [dUt,fine clean copy, vellum ito. Ill's Graven-Haghe, by Ian Veeli, 1644 Considerations why the East and West India Companies should lie united in one for the promotion of trade in wood, tobacco, cotton, itc. to Brazil, tlic Orinoco Country, Honduras, Campeche, Gulf of Mexico and Florida. The very copy described by Asher, No. 187, and Triimel, No. 200. 1141 West-India Company. Remonstrantie . . . overgogevenden, Juny 1664. By do Bewint-hebberen van de W. I. Co, op endo jegens Verscheyde Memorien van den Resident Carisius, wegens de (gepretondeerde) Deensclie Africaensche Com- pagnie. aen haer Ho. Mo. overgegeven (Remonstrance against the pietended Danish African Company) 32 pp. black Ittttr, fine copy in calf extra by Bedford {see No, 320 Asher and 327 Triimel) iio. Amsterdam, Pieter lanszde Koningh, 1664 U 146 'Ki: ij II 1 1 42 Wkst-India Company. Den toestantder Swevende Verschillen, tusschen de Oost, ende West-Indische Compagnien, van En- gelant, endo van de Vereenighde Nederlanden, 22 pp. fine copy, calf extra by Bedford ito. [Amsterdam] Naer de C'opye, I66i A statement of the difEereuces between the English and Dutch East and West- India Companies. The claims on the part of England were presented by George Downing. 1143 West-India Company. Voorslagh van Verdragh, tusschen de Bewint hcbberen der W. I. Comp. mitsgaders der selver Participanten, debiteuren, ter eenre, etc. etc. (Proposition for an Agreement made between the Directors of the W. I. Company and the Stockholders to be submitted to the States General, 16 pp. stained, calf extra by Bedford, very scarce ito. Printed for pivate use [Am^t. f] 1672 1144 West-India Company. Eemarques van Bewinthebberen der Gcoctroyeer de West-Indische Compagnie op het gerappor- teerde Concept der Heeren Gecommiteerden van haer Ed. Groot Moog : op den 15 Feb. 1674,behelzende het oprechten van een newe Compagnie [Report concerning the formation of the New West India Company, the old one having been brought to ruin by the costly wars in which during half a century it had been involved] 1 4 pp. fine copy, mif extra, g. e. by Bedford, scarce, Trbmel, No. 358 4fo. n. p. 1674 1145 West India Company. Octroy, by de H. M. H. S. Generael, verleent aen de West-Indische Compagnie, 20 Sept. 1674, 34 p2). folloued by 3 leaves not pages of " Publicatie." Large blatll Ittttr, fine copy large paper in polished calf ea:ira by Bedford ito. t' Amsterdam, by Marcus Doorinck, Gedruckt voor de Bewinthebberen, dx. 1675 This is a reissue of the New Charter of the New West India Company, but diflEers in the document at the end. 1146 West-India Company. Articul-Breif, Van de Gen. Ned. Groet. W. I. Compagnie, ter Vergaderenge van de Thienen der selver Compagnie gearrsteert, ende by de H. M. H. S. Gen. der. Ver. Ned., op den 12 April 1675, geapprobeert ende geconfirmeert. 40 pj). very fine copy on LARGE paper, bound in polished brotvn calf extra by F. Bedford, Na de Copye van's Gravcn-hage. ito. Tot Middclburgh, by Bartlwlomeus de Later [1675] 1147 West-India Company. Another, the official edition, different throughout, iO pp. fine copy, calf extra by Bedfrrd ; Tromel No. 363 ito. In 's Gravenhage, by Jacobus Scheltus, Ordinaris Drucker van de Ho. Mo. H. S. Gen. der. V. Ned. Anno 1675 1148 West-India Company. Octroy, by de Ho. Mo. H. S. Gen. ver- leent aen de West Indische Compagnie, 20 Sept. 1674, 39 ^)p. calf extra, by Bedford, fine copy ito. Graven-Hage, by Jacobm Srheltus, 1681 In 1(!"4 the old Dutch West India Company of high renown that had gone MiriHigh the wars (if half a century became involved, and wa« wound up. A charter for a new Company was granted the same year. This is the third edition of it with some additional papers of 1675. 147 1 149 West-India Company. Nader prolongatie van het Octroy voor de W. I. Compagnie voor den tyd van nog dertig jaaren. Gearresteert den 31 Dec. 1761, 38 pp. blatk Itttn, very fine copy, unctU, and in vellum ito. In's Gravenhage, by Isaac Schelhis, 1761 The various extensions and prolongationa of the Charters of the Dutch West- India Company and the various moditications and changes in its privileges and sources of commerce, can be tr.aced no where so well as in these official bulletir,). 1150 1151 West-India Company. vellum Nader prolongatie, another fine f jpy, WESTZANEN (Willem van) Derde voornaemste Zee-getogt (Der verbondene vrye Nederlanderen) na de Oost-Indien : Gedaan met de Achinsclie en Moluksclie Vloten, onder de Ammiralen lacob Heemskerlc, en Wolfert Harmansz. 1601- 1603. Getroeken Vyt naarstige aanteekeningen van Willem van West-Zanen, Schipper op de Bruin-Vis, en met eenige noodige byvoegselen vermeerdert. Door H. Soete-Boom, i prelim, and SOfoliod leaves, fine large copy, blatk Utttr, two columns, fine plate in text, vellum, SCARCE 4/o. t'Sanerdam, by Hetidrik Jakobsz, 1648 This account of the third expedition of the united Dutch Aikin and Molucca fleets under Admirals Jacob van Heemskcrk and Wolfert Harmansz was drawn out of the notes of Wm, van Westzanen and enlarged by Soetboom. For an account of this expedition see Tiele page 207. 1152 1153 Wheaton (Nathaniel S. Bector of Christ Church in Hartfm-d) The Providence of God displayed in the rise and fall of Nations. A Sermon at the Annual Election in New Haven, 7th May, 1828, 18^^. uncut 8vo. New Haven: .J. Barber, 1828 Wheelock (Eleazar, A.M. Pastor of a Church in Lebanon, Conn.) A plain and faithful Narrative of the Original Design, Kise, Pro- gress and Present State of the Indian Charity-School at Lebanon, in Connecticut. 55 pp. very fine large copy, scarce 8m Boston : B. and S. Draper, 1763 This "Indian Charity School" was subsequently removed to Hanover, New Hampshire, and became Dabtmoutu College. This first of an important series of tracts is of very considerable rarity. 1154 Wheelock. Another coT^y, wanting page 55 1155 Wheelock (Eleazar) A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, Conn. N.E. With an Appendix, 146 pp 8vo. London ; J. and IV. Oliver, 1769 1156 Wheelock (Eleazar, Brest, of Dartmcndh College) A Continuation of the Narrative of the Indian Charity-School, in Lebanon, in Connecticut; from the year 1768, to the Incorporation of it with Dartmouth-College, and Ilemoval and Settlement of it in Hanover, N.H. 1771, scarce, uncut, 61 pp. 8m [New-London, Conn.'] Printed in the year 1771 1157 Wheelwright (William) Obscrvjitions on the Isthmus of Panama : as comprised in a Paper Head at a Meeting of the Royal Geo- graphical Society 12tii Feb. 1844, with a Map of the various routes that have been proposed for connecting the two Oceans, 3\ pp. 8m Lomlon.- W. JVeale, 18U 1168 Whipple (Edwin P.) Washington and the principles of the Revo- lution. An Oration July 4, 1850. 30pp. 8m. Boston, J. H. Eastbnrn, 1850 148 1159 1160 1161 1162 l163 1164 Whipple (Joseph) A Geographical View of the District of Maine, with particular reference to its Internal Resources, including the History of Arcadia, Penobscot Kiver and Bay, with statis- tical tables, 102 ^. toar^Zs 8m Bangor: ^der Edes, IS16 Whitaker (Nathaniel, d.d.) A Brief History of the Settlement of the Third Church in Salem, in 1769 : and also of the Usurpa- tion and Tyranny of An Ecclesiastical Council, in 1784. S2pp. scarce 8m Salem: Samuel Hall, \l%i White (Alexander) A Narrative of the Life and Conversion of Alex. White, -^t. 23. Who was executed at Cambridge, Nov. 18, 1784, for the murder of Capt. White at sea, 24 pp. ^vo. Boston, Powars and Willis [1784] White (Daniel Appleiion) A View of the Jurisdiction and Pro- ceedings of the Courts of Probate in Massachusetts, with par- ticular reference to the County of Essex, 158 pp. 8i'o. Salem, J. D. Cushivg and Bros. 1822 VTiite (John Duncan) The Trials of John Duncan White, alias Charles Marchant, and Winslow Curtis alias Sylvester Colson, for the Murder on the High Seas of Edward Selfridge and Thomas P. Jenkins, Captain and Mate of the schooner Fairy, of Boston, before the Circuit Court of the United States, at Boston, Oct. term 1826, 176 ^jjj. uncut Svo. Boston : Button and fFentivmih, 1827 ) ( S ! Whitefield (George) A Letter to the Rev. the President, and Professors, Tutors, and Hebrew Instructor, of Harvard-College in Cambridge ; In answer to a Testimony publish'd by them against the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, And his Conduct, 22 pp. fine clean copy, scarce, calf extra hij Bedford Mo. Boston : N.E. S. Kneeland and T. Green, 1745 1164* Whitefield. Another copy, uncut, ivants a leaf, pp. 17-18 1165 Whitefield (George) Britain's Mercies, and Duty; a Sermon, Philadelphia, August 24, 1746. Occasioned by the Suppression of the late Unnatural Rebellion, 2d Edition, 22 pp. Svo. Boston: S. Kneeland id T. Green, 1746 1166 Whiterield (George) Observations on some fatal mistakes, in a book intitled, The Doctrine of Grace ; By Dr. Wm. Warburton, 24^. 8m Boston, N.E. B. and S. Draper, 1764: 1167 Whitefield (George) A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Durell, Vice-Chan- cellor of the University of Oxford, occasioned by the late Ex- pulsion of Six Students from Edmund-Hall, 39 JU^- Svo. Boston, N.E. T. and J. Fleet, 1768 1168 Whitman (Bernard) National Defence. A Discourse, before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, June 1, 1829, being the 191st Anniversary, 3Q jjp. Svo. Cambridge: E. IF. Metadf & Co. 1829 1169 Whitman (Levi, A.M. Pastm' in JVellfleet) Sermon, preached October 6, 1786, at the Interment of Rev. Isaiah Lewis, Senior Pastor of the Church in Wellfleet [Mass.] 20 pp. [slightly muti- lated] Boston : Edmund Freeman, 1787 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 149 Whitman (Samuel, A.M. Pastor in Goshen, Mass.) A Dissertation on the Origin of Evil, 31 pp. unciti ito. Northampton, Mass. IVm. Butler, 1797 Whitman (Samuel, a.m. Pastor in Goshen) The Nature and Design of the Baptism of Christ : lUustrated in a Sermon, 31 pp. un- cut ito. Northampton, Mass. IF. Butler, 1800 Wliiting (Lyman, Pastor of the Church in Laivrence, Mass.) A Sermon, at the Dedication of the Meeting House of the Law- rence Street Congregational Society, Lawrence, Oct 11, 1848. With Historical Notices of the Church and Society, Lawrence, Mass. 16 pp. 8vo. Laurence: Hayes, 1849 Whitney (George) Some Account of the Early History and Present State of the Town of Quincy, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. View of Church in 1 827, 64 pp. with frontis- piece, fine copy, scarce 8vo. [Boston] S. B. Manning [1827] Whitney (Josiah, A.JL Pastor of the First Church in Brooklyn) The essential requisites to form the good Ruler's Character, illus- frated and urged in a Sermon in the audience of Gov. Samuel Huntington, Lt. Gov. Oliver Wolcott, the councillors, House of Representatives of Connecticut at Hartford, May 8th, 1788, 40 pp. uncut, fine copy, scarce 8vo. Hartfoid: E. Bahcock, 1788 Whitney. Another copy, uncut and fine Whitney (Josiah, Pastm- of the First Church in Brooklyn) The effec- tual requisites to form the good Ruler's Character, illustrated and urged. A Sermon in the audience of Gov. Huntington, &c. of Connecticut, the Anniversary Election, May 8, 1788, Z^ pp. uncut 8vo. Hartfmd, Flisha Bahcock, 1788 Whitney (Josiah, A.M. Pastm- of the First Church in Brooklyn) A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Rev. Noadiah Russell, of Thompson; who departed the 27th Oct. 1795, 21 pp. half hound 8vo. Providence: Carter and Wilkinson, IT ^Q Whitney (Josiah, A.M. Pastw of the First Church in Brooklyn, Conn.) A Sermon, Addressed to a Military Company belonging to the 1 3th Regiment of Infantry in the Army of the United States of America, Under the Command of Capt. Asa Copeland at their rendezvous in Brooklyn, Aug. 25, 1799, \b pp. uncut 8vo. Windham, J. Byrne, 1800 1178* Whitney (Josiah) see lot 685 (Putnam) 1179 Whitney (Peter, a.m. Pastor in Northharough, Mass.) The Trans- gression of a Land punished by a multitude of Rulers. Con- sidered in two Discourses delivered July 14, 1774, observed throughout the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, as a day of Fasting and Prayer on Account of the dark Aspect of Public Affairs, 71^. [historical and political], uncut and scarce {last leaf mutilated) 8vo. Boston : J. Boyle, 111 i 1180 Whitney (Peter, A.M. Pastor of the Congregational Society in Qtiincy) A Discourse at Quincy, Oct. 19, 1811, at the Interment of the Hon. Richard Cranch, who died Oct. 16, 1811, and of Mrs. Mary Cranch, his wife, who died Oct. 17, 1811. 19 pp. [hio- graphical], wumI 8vo. Boston : John Eliot, jun. 1811 150 1181 Whittelsey (Chauncy, A.M. Tufnr of Yale College, New Haven) A Sermon preached at New Haven on the Sabbath preceeaing the Publick Commencement, Sept. 9th, 1744, Wherein is considered the true Nature of a Faithful Improvement of our Talents, and the Wisdom of being Earhj & in Earnest therein. viand Si pages, very rare 8vo. N. London: T. Green, 1744 Dedicated by tbe Author to the Cl.asa of 1744 : followed by another dedication in verse to the Class, occasioned by the good advice of this sermon and sigaed J. HUBBABD, Esq. who was probably the Class Poet — "The Author then, before you always pLace, And when you read his Precepts, view his face. 1 In them you're only told how to be great. In him you plainly see that happy state." 1182 Whittlesey (Chauncey, A.M. Pador of the First Church in Neio Haven) A Discourse, occasioned by the death and delivered at the Funeral of Mrs. Mary Clap, Relict of the late Rev. Presi- dent Clap, who departed Sept. 23d, 1769, in the Ixvith year of her Age, 24 pp. uncut, scarce 8t'o. New-Haven : T. and S. Green [1769] 1183 Whittlesey (Chauncey, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in New- Haven) The Importance of Religion in the Civil Ruler con- sidered. A Sermon, preached before the General Assembly of Connecticut at Hartford, the day of the Anniversary Elec- tion, May 14th, 1778, 2S jjp. fine clean copy 9)Vo. New-Haven: Thomas & Samuel Green, \119i 1184 Whittlesey. Another copy 1185 Whittlesey, Another copy, /ne 1186 Whitwell (Samuel) Oration, July 4, 1789, to the Society of the Cincinnati in Massachusetts, 20 pip. half hound 8to. Boston: B. Russell, 1789 1187 WiAPOCA River. Een Kort en bondigh Vertoogh van de con- siderable Colonic, &c. [A Proclamation (in Dutch) of the States General of Holland and West Friesland concerning the Colony on the River Wiapoca, a branch of the Orinoco, large broadside folded :uid in calf extra by Bedford folio. Graven Hage, Jacobus Scheltus, 1676 This broadside is in four columns, small type, and has at the end, "J. P. a. Ap." It is a document of great historical interest, about a projected Colony of which little ia now known. 1188 1189 1190 Wigglesworth (Edward, D.D. Cambridge, N.E.) An Enquiry into the Truth of the Imputation of Adams' first Sin to his Pos- terity, being the substance of several private Lectures in Harvard College on the 3d Act, 6th Ch. of the Westminster Confession of Faith, fine copy, uncut, scarce, 90 pp. {a few letters gone from last leaf 8ro. Boston: J. Draper, 1738 Wigglesworth (Edward, D.D. Hollisian Professor of Divinity) The Sovereignty of God in the Exercises of His Mercy ; and how He is said to Harden the Hearts of Men. Considered in two Publick Lectures at Harvard College, Cambridge, S6pages,fine clean copy, half roan I2m«. Boston: Rogers tit Fuwle, 17 il Wigglesworth. Another copy, with rough leaves, very fine, half roan 151 1191 Wigglesworth (Edward, D.D. rrafemn' of Divinity, Cambridge) A Letter to the Kev. Mr. George Whitefield, by way of Reply to his Answer to the College Testimony, against him and his Conduct, With the Rev. President's Answer to the things Charged upon him by Mr. Whitefield as Inconsistencies, fine and uncut, acARGE, G8 pp. ilo. Jhislan, KE. T. Fleet, 17 i5 1192 Wigglesworth. Another copy 1193 Wigglesworth (Edward, d.d. Camhridf/e) Some Evidences of the Divine Inspiration of the Scriptures of the Old Testament, a Public Lecture in Harvard College, June 24th, 1755, scarce, uncut, fine copy, 26 pp. 8vo. Boston: N.E. D. Fouie, 1755 1194 Wigglesworth (Edward, m.a. Hollis Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, in N.E.) Calculations on American Population, with a Table for estimating the Annual Increase of Inhabitants in the British Colonies. The manner of its Construction ex- plained : and its Use illustrated, 24 pp. 8to. Boston.- J. Boyle, 1775 These calculations and predictions as to the increa-c of population in English America are very curious, and time has shown that the Professor was not so far out in his calculations. The tract is of excessive rarity. 1195 1196 Wigglesworth (Edward, A.M. Hollis-Professor of Divinity) The Authority of Tradition at the Lecture founded by Judge Dudley, in Harvard College, November 5, 1777, Sd pp. fine copy, scarce 8vo. Boston, N.E. I. and J. Fleet, 1778 Wilks (John) A Narrative of the Proceedings against John Wilks, from his Commitment in April 1763, to his Outlawry. Half title, title, & 48 pp. %vo. London: Ricliardson & Urquhart, 1768 1197 Willard (Joseph, A.M. President of tlie University in Cambridge) A Thanksgiving Sermon delivered at Boston, December 11, 1783, to the Religious Society in Brattle Street, under the Care of the Rev. Samuel Cooper, d.d. 39 pp. scarce 8vo. Boston: T. & J. Fleet, 1784 An important liistorical Discourse, sketching the main features of the War, and the negotiations for Peace, and the prevalent spirit of the people. 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 Willard (Joseph) An Address in Latin by J. W. and a Discourse in English by David Tappan Feb. 21, 1800. In Commemo- ration of General George Washington, 44 pip. 8vo. {Bostm,:] S. Etheridge, 1800 Willard. Another copy, uncid Willard (Joseph) An Oration vo. Boston: Cummings, Ililliard .£• Co. 1825 Willard (Joseph) An Address to the Members of the Bar of Worcester County, Mass. Oct. 2, 1829, Hipp, historical, bio- graphiad and impmiant 8vo. Lancaster, Carter, Andrews & Co. 1830 Willard (Samuel, of Boston in N.E.) The Duty of a People that have Renewed their Covenant with God, Opened and < 152 Urged in a Sermon Proacliecl to the Second Church in Boston in New Enghiiid, March 17, IGJ'. Title and 13 pp. very fine copy, green mmvccu by F. Bedfm-d Mo. Boston: Printed by John Foster, 1680 About this the good people of Boston, and indeed the whole of New England, felt tliemsclves afflicted by the hand of God. The Indians were in re- bellion ; the soldiers were not forthcomins; ; dninkenness and its attendant sins were on the increase ; while the churches were not so well attended. The " Pastors " therefore got together and renewed their covenant with God for themselves and their flocks. This sermon was one of the first in wliich the ' new way ' was pointed out, and therefore very curious and in.structive. 1203 Willard (Samuel, M.A. late PastP- 8ro. Salem : H. Whipple, 1849 1243 Worcester. The same, Second Edition, 1849 1244 Worthington (Erastus) the History of Dedham, from the begin- ning of its settlement in September, 1635, to May, 1827, \^& pages, hoards, fine clean copy, iincut, scarce 8vo. Boston : Button & Wentworth, 1827 1246 1246 Wright (Luther, A.M. Pastor of tlie First Church in Meihcay) A Sermon, occasioned by the Death of Capt. Cyrus Ballard, May 25, 1806 [Biographical], 2^ pp. uncut 8ry. Dedham : H. Mann, 1807 Wright (Luther, Pastor of the First Church in Medivatj) A Sermon at Medway, Nov. 4, 1813, on the Close of a Century since the Incorporation of the Town [giving a historical and biographical sketch of it from the beginning], 32 ^yp. uncut 8w. Dedham: Gazette Office, 1814 1247 Xeres (Francisco de) Libro Primo de la Conqvista del Perv & Prouincia del Cuzco de le Indie Occidentali, russia, g. e. ito. Finegia,per S. de Sabio, 1535 A fine large and perfect cojiy. The original Spanish of Xcres ' work on the Conquest of I'eru was printed by Bartolouieo Perez in folio, in Seville in 1534, but only two or three copies are known. There is also a small (luiirto edition in Spanish about the same time. This contemporary luilian translation by Doniinico Oaztelu, a Spanish gentleman of Tiidela is also of very great rarity. 1248 Yale College. A Valedictory Address to the Young Gentle- men, who commenced Bachelors of Arts, at Yale College, July 25, 1776, 22 pp uncut »ro. New Haven, T. and S. Green [1776] This patriotic and sensible address, delivered to the ;13 graduating Students of the Class of 177p. the first edition in pamphlet form and excessively rare 8vo. N(wi-Portus : Typis Thomie et Samuelis Green, 1778, Annoque BeipubliccB Americana tertis 1253 Yale College. Catalogus (Triennial) Eorum qui in Collegio- Yalensi quod est Novo-Portu Connecticuttensium ab anno 1702 ad annum 1778 8w. NovirPartm ; Typis Thomrn & Samuelis Green, 1778 Also for 1781, 1784, 1787, 1790, 1793, 1796, 1799, and 1802. The first nine editions in pamphlet form of Yale College Triennial Catalogue, uncut 8yo. Nori-Portus, 1778-1802 Some of these editions are of very great rarity. That for 1793 appears to want the last two leaves. 1254 Yale College. Catalogus Collegii Yalensis (Triennial) for 1808, 1811, 1814, 1817, 1.''20, 1826, 1832, 1835, 1838, 1841, 1844, 1847, 1850, 13 editions 8m Novi-Portus, 1808-50 1254* Yale College. Catalogus [triennial] Academiae Yalensis, 1781, 1790, 1802 {all imperfect), and for 1808 and 1832, b pamphlets 8ra. Novi-Portus, 1781-1832 1255 Yale College. Triennial Catalogue of the Theological Depart- ment, Aug. 1841. Catalogue of the OfiScers and Students, 1834-35, 1837-38, 1844-45, i pamphlets 1258 Yale College. Catalogues [annual] of the Officers and Students of Yale College for the years 1820, 1822, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1830-31, 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-36, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1839-40, 1840-41, 1841-42, 1842-43, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1845-46, 1846-47, and 1849-50. 23 years, some scarce 8vo. New Haven, 1820-1850 1257 Yale College. Catalogue (Annual) of the Officers and Students, 1822, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1830-31, 1831-32, 1832-33, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1835-36, 1836-37, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1839-40, 1841-42, 1843-44, 1844-45, 1846-47, 18 Pamphlets Svo. New Haven, 1822-47 1257* Yale College, Catalogues [Annual] of the Officers and Students for 1826, 1827, 1833-34, 1834-35, 1837-38, 1838-39, 1844-45, lU&AI , 8 Pamphlets 8iu New Haven, U^Q-M 1268 Yale College. Reports on the Course of Instruction in Yale College ; by a Committee of the Corporation, and the Aca- demical Faculty, 56 j)/*. //«c«/ 8n>. New Haven: H.Hoire,\S28 1259 Yeomans (John W. Pastor of the Congregalionid Church in Pittsfield. A Stirmon, before tlie Governor, Council and Legislature of Massachusetts at the Animal Election January 1, 1834, uncut, iOpp. 8/'0. Boston: Dutton d- U'entworth, 1834 1260 Young (Alexander) Christianity designed and adapted to be a Universal Religion. A Discourse, at the Ordination of the Rev. James W. Thompson, as pastor in the South Congregational Society in Natick, Feb, 17, 1830 [with a historical and bio- graphical appendix about John Eliot, the Apostle of the Indians, and about the Town of Natick] 48 pp. 8i'o. Boston : Gray tfc Bowen, 1830 1260* Young. Another copy 158 1261 1262 1263 1264 I 1265 1266 Young (Alexander, Minister of f^ Church on Chitrrh O-reen, Boaton) The Good Merchant. A Discourse, March 26, 1837. on the Death of William Parsons, Esq. 29 pp. hiogrujihh'al 8((.. BosUm .■' HilUanl A Co. 1837 Young (Alexander) The Varieties of human greatness. A Dis- course on the Life and Character of the Hon. Nathaniel BoWDlTCH, delivered in the Church on Clmrch Green, March 25, 1838, 119 7*;;. uncut, Uocjniphical and important %vo. Boston : Little and Broivn, 1838 Young (Alexander) The Church, the Pulpit and the Gospel. A Discourse delivered at the Ordination of Rev. George Edward Ellis, as Pastor of the Harvard Church, in Charlestown, March 11, 1840, 64: jrp. uncut [with Notes, Charge, tf-c] 8(vy. Boston : Little & Brown, 1840 Young (Alexander) A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Eev. John Thornton Kirkland, d.p. ll.d. President of Harvard University, delivered in the Church on Churcli f Jreen, May 3, 1840, 104 pp. [aith an Appendix, tracing Dr. Kirkland's Descent from Miles Stamlish, with, other family genealogies] 8vo. Boston : Little tt Broimi, 1840 Young (Alexander) The Stay and the Staff taken away. A Dis- course, on the Death of the Hon. WiLUAM Prescott, ll.d. December 15, 1844 [biographical] 'S4 pj). Sro. Boston : Little "TION OF Manuscripts and Printed Books all written by or IN SOME WAY relating TO DR BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, Comprising nearly Three Thousand different Manuscripts, a large portion of them Autographic, and nearly Three Hundred volumes of printed books of and concerning Franklin, among them almost all of the earliest and rarest ones known; described on this and the following 29 pages. The whole to be offered in ONE Lot (if not previously disposed of) at the upset price of Seven Thousand Pounds. lURlNG THIRTY YEARS Mr HeNRY STEVENH HAS LOST NO opportunity of adding to his collection of materials for the Life, Times and Works of Franklin. Stioner or later everything saleable is believed to turnup in London, the centre of money and mutability. Here it is said most do congregate historical materials and historic doubts. At all events the present collection is a sample of what one may achieve in a single generation in Ijondon by good luck, persistence, vigilance and a dogged weakness for sacrificing other worldly gains to a pet object. Rightly or wrongly this lias been done and the results are here for the first time summarized and set forth. Has the enthusiastic collector ' paid too dear for his whistle' ? In bringing it together he has exhausted bis three score, and locked up his ' staff of life.' Whether foolish or wise let another generation pmnouuce the verdict. The intrinsic value must be tested and measured, like everything else, by posterity's judgment of the extent and real bistm-ic importance of the collection. There IS probably no man in all history playing a prominent part, who has been more unfortunate in bis record than Bknjamin Franklin. He was iis ciu'eless as Shakspeare of bis literary iuid scii'ntilic reputation. He wns too busy in making history ever to overtake biuiself and find time to sit down iiuietly to record it. His pen was always on the wing, but bis chickens never cane home to roost. When once on the road to fame, be never more had a home of his own, but always lived for the pulilic, the prey of interested friends greedy editors, hungry publishers, enterprising booksellei-s and such like human parasites. Of all his many liooks published during his lifetime, Frank in never revised a proof sheet or saw one of them through the press himself. He invented, but secured no patent : he wrr)te but took no copyright. Yet notwithstanding he was proud of liis achievements in science, in literature, in piditics and in diplomacy ; and he ever petted his parasites. Rut with all this liberality and apparent carelessness he wns parsimonious of his papein though unmethodical in their pre- servation. He took copies of everything, and trusted b>yally to posterity to see him correctly posted into the archives of two hemispheres. But posterity though honest is sometimes dilatory and unfortuimte. It is well known that Franklin's ' Papei's,' l)y his will, became tlie patrimony of his gramlson. It has many times been asserted, and sometimes believeil, that that graiidfon, with some dishonorable motive or purpose, made away with, destmyed, or mutilated the better part of them. These charges still flourish and have been reiterated over and over again, with increasing gusto, for the last eighty yeara, until they liegin to dwarf the real and true history of Franklin and his Times. The Papers, however, still exist, and Truth, as ever, will prevail. "To help kill once more these groundless charges, the writer with his Franklin Collection on his sbouhlers rises to explain. Franklin died ninety years ago. He lived eighty-five years, and left to the world his Autobiography down to his fifty-first year, a masterpioce which makes every one regret that he 160 broke off in tlie very middle of his manhood. What do we know I What can we learn of the last thirty-three years of that eventful life, fropi 1757 to 1790 1 Nearly twenty years of that time were passed in England as agent of Pennsyl- vania and other Colonies, staving off or snaping the inevitable crisis of American Independence. Nino years he passed in I ranee as Minister Plenipotentiary of the Congress during the Revolutionary War for establishing that same American Independency. In all these years, in which a new Nation was born and came of Age, Franklin more than any other one man living might have exclaimed with truth * quorum pars magna f'ui,' but he never did. He left that egotistical classic expression to his coming and going associates, whose envy, malice and all uncharitableness were apparent to his keen eye, and rather amused than offended him. Nothing of this is reached in his Autobiography, but it is found in his unpublished letters with names and dates in full. Many a self-asserting artist has tried to fill out and complete Phidias's matchless, footless and handless figure of Theseus in the British Museum, but no one has yet succeeded. In like manner many an ambitious author has vainly endeavoured to piece out Franklin's Autobiography. The last state of that patch-work is even worse than the first, as one might expect, from the simple reason that the real materials of a Life of Franklin from the end of his Autobiography to the end of his career have been and are still inaccessible. What is more, no writer has for the last sixty years supposed or even suspected that the unpublished papers of Franklin are still in existence. Yet with the exception perhaps of the revised and polished Autobiography, they are fully equal in bmk and importance to what has already been printed. Hence as yet no biography of Franklin : and hence as yet no full and comprehensive history of the foundation and structure of the American Republic. But when this corresponding European portion is added, American History, thanks to Franklin and to France, will assume its due proportions. This IS not all. An important part of the history of the British American Colonies from a little before the acquisition of Canada to the Declaration of Inde- pendence : and of the United SUites from the beginning of the Revolution to the final ratification and adoption of the Federal Constitution, is mixed up and locked up in Franklin's unpublished papers. While the Colonial legislitive Assemblies, and afterwards, the Continental Congress, were working out their great problems and achieving national independence beyond the Atlantic, Franklin, on this side, almost alone, was carrying on the coumterpart of the great work, first in England, and afterwards in France. Congress sat with closed doors and left but meagre recortls, few of its Members being given to pen -work. Franklin on the contrary, sat and deliberated with pen in hand. But for the last sixty, nay ninety years, the main portion of his papers have by the hand of fortune or misfortune become ' things lost upon earth.' Hence American History pines for want of authentic materials. Peter Force, one of America's noblemen, undertook to remedy this misfortune by the publication of his American Archives, but when the Congress, through innate narrowness of party, had endeavoured to break the government contract with him, and had abandoned the effort in 1840, a single Secretaiy of State sat upon the enterprising historian, and, uiost unfortunately for Amencan history, extinguished him and his great national work. Still Franklin, though he has been shunted into the cool shade of the Second Century of the Republic which he heljied to found, survives, and the existence of his Papers is here formally announced and recorded. From the time Franklin returned home from France in 1786, to the day of his death, the 17 April, 1790, much of his leisure from public business was occupied in selecting and arranging his papers. It was well known that before going to France in 1776, he deposited his literary and scientific treasures, up to tliat time, with his friend Mr Galloway. Mr Oallownv joining the enemy not long after, the trunk containing the papers was brolciMi open and the contents, scattered about the room in his empty house near Philadelphia, trodden upon, injured and probably partially destroyed. Much more, however, of these Papers was saved or recovered than is generally supposed. The Twyford portion of the Autobiography to 1731 fell into the hands of honest Abel James, who wrote the Doctor at Passy in 1782 urging its continuation. The 2d part was added in 1784, and the 3d to 1767 in 1788. Some of the Craven Street IGOa Letter Books, with other and earlier papers, wei'e also recovered, though many had lieen wet and injured. Some of them with dates as far hack as 1728 are still visible witnesses of their rough treatment, nej^dcct and narrow escapes. In his will Franklin, after disposing of a good j)art of his library, adds " The residue and remainder of all my books, manuscripts and papers, I do give to my grandson, William Temple Franklin." The Papers thus became the absolute property of his grandson, without fiualitication, direction or instructions as to disposition or publication. In the course of tlie year 1790 young Franklin came to I;imd(m with the view of editing the Life and Works of his grand- father, and in some way realizing the value of the copyright by publication in Englisli and other languages. He promptly announced his intention of imme- diately priiitiu" the Auti ibiograjihy and other works in English. He had already written from Phil. 22 May, to ^I. le Veillard at Passy, announcing that his grand- father had left all his ]),ij)ers and manuscripts to him, and requesting him not to show any one that part of his Life which the Drsent him some time before, lest it might be copieit and published. As he had the original of the portion sent to JI. le Veillard, it would not be necessary for him to return it then, but requested M. le V. to put it in an enveloi»e, securely sealed and addressed to himself. This is clearly a sufficient proof that the Manuscript in M. le Veillard's hands was considered the property of Temple Franklin. In like manner it may be presumed he reclaimed and got possession of the other revised copy sent at the siime time to the doctor's friemls in London. M. de Rochefoucaiild-Liancourt declared publicly that the doctor had sent his memoirs to M. le Veillard and himself, at the same time sending a duplicate of the revision to Dr Price and Mr Benjamin Vaughan of London. These facts are stated in the Euhtgium which M. de Rocliefoucauld delivered before the ' 89 Society ' of Paris the 13 June, 1790, adding, "His Memoirs, Gentlemen, will be published as soon as we receive from America the additions he may have made to the maviuscript in our possession ; and we then intend to give a complete collection (jf his works. This assertion probably explains how the first portion of the Auto- biography got into the hands, of Ruisson, the publisher, before the arrival of Temple tVanklin's letter to M. le Veillard. Ruisson's edition of the 'Memoirs' (114) came out in the beginning of 1791. On the 21st of March following M. le Veillard published a protest against this publication and declared that he did not know how the translator Itecame possessed of the Autobiography, and declared that it was not furnished by him. This announcement was necessary to vindicate himself in his trust to Temple Franklin. Prior to this an anonymous writer in London hail issued as ' Printed and sold for the Autiior by A. Orant,' and others, Mftiwirs of the hUf Dr. Fnaildiu (112) London, 1790. The doctor's old publishei's, Henry (C9), and Newberry (77), and Johnson (87, 88), and Dilly (108), were still in the market. Temple Franklin, seeing how matters stood, naturally felt aggrieved, and eomplaineil that the publishers were snatching the market from him, the rightful owner, and he became very properly e.xceedingly close and careful of his manuscripts. Two projects were in hand as early as the beginning of 1791 for reproducing by translation Ruisson's V(dume, but in conse([uence ol' Triiiple Franklin's announcements they were both kept back nearly two yeai's, and did not appear till the summer of 1793, one in one volume published liy Parsons (121), and the other in two volumes published by Robinson (119 and 122). They are very different trans- lations, but arc both from the French of Ruisson's pirated edition, itself a trans- lation from Dr Franklin's Englisli. l)r Price and Renjamin Vaugham were the editors of Robinson's edition. Price had died in 1791, but a letter of his is appended to the preface, in which he says that he had seen the Manuscript Autobiography to 1757, though the portion given in the French edition to 1731 is all that is published. The continuation hail proliably been reclaimed from Mr Vaughan. The plan of the work was changed during its suspension. The ' Essays, humorous, moral and litemry,' were originally printed as volume I, and the Autobiography, with \)r Stul>er's continuation as vol. II, but reversed by the letterings. Robinson's edition is far superior to Parsons'. There were three issues of Robinson's editions in a short time, and it was soon after reprinted in Dublin (120), Dundee (129), Edinburch (139), New Vork (124 and 125), Salem (128) and many other places, while Parsons' eilition was, we believe, never honored by a reprint, though it conUiius some things from the French that 160h U had not appeared when Buisson's work came out. It is still worth consulting. In the Advertisement is the following confession : " The Translator would have presented the world with this volume long since, had he not been restrained by a certain degree of delicacy, mingled with veneration, towards the family of this great man ; for on being informeil l)v a respectable bookseller in St Paul's Church-yard [Johnson ? Franklin's prior publisher] that the works of Franklin were about to be published by his grandson, he with-held the present publication for several months, in expectation of that event." All these books become ' trade editions,' and thus the interest of the trade was against Temple Franklin and his proposed larger work. He not only found difficulty in procuring a publisher not interested in any of these rival works, but his expressed annoy- ance and disappointment were answered liy gossiping inuendos and flings on account of his delay in fulfilling his announcements and gratifying the hungrv public with an opportunity of reading the real Autobiogniphyand the Doctors other genuine and revised works. Meanwliile the trade Wiia reaping good harvests in the small and nimble editions, as abundantly appears by the list of printed Frankliniana given further on (No. 1-204). This gossip at length took shape and culminated in positive charges of dishonorable conduct on the part of Temple Franklin, as given in the preface of Johnson's trade edition in 3 volumes, 1806. Johnson had been a publisher of Franklin's works for some thirty years, including Benjamin Vaughan's4'' and 8° editions of 1779, admitted to be with the approval of the Author, thougli the Doctor derived no profit from the publications. This edition is sometimes called Longman's, but it has been ascertained that the house of Longman had nothing to do with it beyond taking a ' trade share ' in its publication. The work was fairly edited by Mr Marshall assisted by Benjamin Vaughan, who about that time removed to America. In the preface to volume one is found the following trade-protection cry in behalf of the generous public, containing in outspoken language the charges against Temple Franklin. We give it entire to show its true spirit. " The character of Dr. Franklin, as a philosopher, a politician, and a moralist, is too well known to require illastration, and his writings, from their interesting nature, and the fascinating simplicity of their style, are too highly esteemed, for any apology to be necessary for so lai-ge a collection of them, unless it should be deemed necessary by the individual to whom Dr. Franklin in his will consigned his manuscripts : and to him our apology will consist in a reference to his own extraordinary conduct. In be([ueathing his papers, it was no doubt the intention of the testator, that the world should have the chance of being benefited by their publication. It was so understood by the person in question, his grandson, who accordingly shortly after the death of his great relative, hastened to London, the best mart for litcrarj' property, employed an amanuensis for many months in copying, ransacketl our public libraries that nothing might escape, and at longtli had .so far prepared the works of Dr. Franklin for the press, that proposals wei-e made ))y him to several of our principal booksellers for the sale of them. They were to form three quarto volumes, and were to contain all the writings, published and unpublished, of Franklin, with Memoirs of his Life, brought down by himself to the year 1757, and continued to his death by the legatee. They were to be published in three different languages, and the C(nuitrie8 corresponding to those languages, France, Germany and England, on the same day. The terms asked for the copyright of the English edition were high, amounting to several thousand pounds, which occasioned a little demur ; but eventually they would no doubt nave been ob- tained. Nothing more, liowever, was heard of the proposals or the work, in this its fair market. The proprietor, it seems, had found a bidder of a different descrip- tion in some emissary of government, whose object was to withhold the manu- scripts from the world, not to benefit it by their publication ; and they thus either jiassed into other hands, or the person to whom they were bequeathed received a remuneration for suppressing them. This at least has been asserted, by a variety of persons, both in this cinmtry and America, of whom some were at the time intimate with the grandson, and not wholly unac([uainted with the machinations of the ministry ; and the silence, which has been observed for so many years respecting the publication, gives additional credibilitv to the report. What the manuscripts contained, that .should have excited the jealousy of government, we are unable, as we have never seen them, positively to affirm ; 160c but, from the conspicuous part acted by the author in the American revolution, and the wars connected with it, it is by no means difBcult to guess ; and of this we are sure, from his character, that no disposition of his ■writings could have been more contrary to his intentions or wishes. We have only to add, that in the present collection, which is probably ail that will ever be published of the works of this extraordinary man, the papers are methodically arranged," etc. Dated April 7, 1806. This farrago of suspicion, groundless charges, and boundless assumption would not have been quoted here but for its having been generally credited at the time, and quoti^d as 'good history' even down to the present day. In the Edinburgh Review of July 1806, this edition was fully noticed and the charges sifted. The reader is referred to that able article. Mr Bigelow has fortunately turned up some curious circumstances in this connection, by which it appears that in 1807 there was published in Paris The Argus or London Review, which periodical, on the 28th of March, reiterated these charges, on the respon- sibility of an article taken from the American Citizen, of New York, under date of 6 Sept. 1806, the substance of which, as given by Mr Bigelow, was " William Temple Franklin, without shame, without remorse, mean and mercenary, sold the sacred deposit, committed to his care by Dr. Franklin, to the British govern- ment. Frantlin's works are therefore lost to the world." On seeing this colimin of the Argus, Mr Temple Franklin, who was then in Paris, the same day addressed a letter to the editor of the Argus, warmly and indignantly an- swering and disproving, to the satisfaction of the editor, every one of the •falsehoods.' Three days later the Argus inserted Franklin's letter, with " We publish this letter with the greater pleasure as it contains a full and satisfactory answer to the calumnies circulated on his conduct," etc. ; but it does not appa- rently satisfy Mr Bigelow who closes his summary of the matter (page 66, ed. 1879, vol. I) with these words: "Whatever impression this letter may have upon the mind of tlie reader of to-day, it is certain that it did not shake the general conviction of William Temple's contemporaries that he had yielded to influences anything but friendly to the memorv of his grandfatlier or honorable to himself." Temple Franklin again referred to these foul aspersions on his conduct and character in the preface of his edition of the Life and Works of Franklin in 1818, but as he did not do it in the precise words, warmth and style of his Paris letter, the explanation of his delay in bringing out the work has been severely cavil'd at. The papers themselves exist in this collection, and they bear no thumb or finger marks of the British government. The condition and history of them abundantly prove the falsity of the chiu'ges both against Temple Franklin and the British government. It is not to be denied that Temple Franklin's editions of the Life and Works of Dr Franklin in 1818 did not satisfy the craving public. More was expected. Very few of Dr Franklin's political writings during the nine years of diplo- macy in Paris were published, and no one ever knew why, but many again jumped to the conclusion that they had been suppressed. Mr Bigelow again revives the discussion by bringing Jefferson himself on to the stand. He says, vol. II, page 253 : " Unhappily, there is too good reason to believe that Wm. Temple Franklin took the same liberties with this precious document that he appears to have allowed himself to take with the Aut()V)i recollection. He tells a round story and ijuotes only three or four lines, and even these from memory. He luid never seen Temiile Franklin'.-; edition, but had only heard that it did not contain his phantom. \\'e would gladly let him off on the score of bad memory, were it not for his slow- scented followers who war|i the truth by the very weight of reiteration. There can be no que-^ion about wliat the paper was. It was "An Account of the Negotiations in London for effecting a Reconciliation between Oreat Britain and the American Colonies," and \\a.-i written by Franklin on board the Packet b(mnd to Philadelphia in March, 1775. It tills about 80 pages of an ordinary printed octavo volume, eiiual in extent to more than one-tnird of the Autobio- graphy, of which it should foiiu a part. The original i)aper, in the autograph of Franklin, forms a part of the present Collection. It was fairly edited and printed by W. Temple Franklin, and now exi.sts as a voucher against all cornel's. Its importance cannot well be over-estimated. Th(! paper .si)eaks for itself, and gives an honest verdict against the treacherous meniorv of Ex-Prcsident Jefferson, Jefferson must also have been mistaken about Temple Franklin's remark when he received the paper, as well as to the doctor's wish to have him retain it as a ' confidential deposit.' The fact apjjcars to be that the Narrative was drawn up at sea, without the many original notes, letters and memoranda referred to in it. Blank si)aees were left in the foolscap paper with memoranda ' here insert it.' Temple Franklin therefore had all the original ' insertions,' while Mr Jefterson had the Paper. The narrative reads well without these voucher's, liut infinitely clearer with them. It was natural therefore that young Franklin should be anxious to rei'over the original narrative and put it safely in his pocket in order that the document might be complete. This paper with the original insertions is one of the gems of our Collection. Let us make one more c[uotation, cut damp from a morning Newsjjaper, the Daily News of the 18tli March, 1881. It is the telling of the stfiry of the suppressed Papei-s, and was probaldy intended as mere literary gossip : — "There is rather a curious history attaching to the FraTiklin manuscripts which were offered to the American Congress the other day for the sum of 25,(XM) (hillars [this is an error for 35,00(1]. The manuscripts were originally left to Benjanun Franklin's gran man who did not hesitate to mutilate the autobiography of Benjamin Fnmklin would scarcely be inclined to regard 160F » > i-'i i M Li f ml i f i the remaininj,' manuscripts with any throat reverence, and it is quite possible that hi' may iiavc taken lilu-ities witii thfiii wliich ^^rcatly iletenf his autobiii<,'raphy in 1771, l>ringinn the narrative down to a little beyond hi.-i niarria^'e in 173(1. In 1784 at Pmay, and in 1788 at Phil, he continued it down to 1757. He was ur),'ed by many triends after his return home in 1785 to {,'o on and finish it to 17!Mi. I'ut he was ill, and crowded with work too much for his old aj,'e. He pronused and promised, but failed to accomplish. He how- eviU' revisiMl, altered and amended what was already written and sent coi)ies to Paris and to Lonibju, retaining thi^ ori},'inal draft, a ^'ood tleal corrected. The 'mutilations' therefore were Dr Franklin's own revisions and amendments. He was anxiou.s to improve it, and even asked his friend Benjamin Vaughanto look it over and suggest corrections, for he said, in his old age he had not con- fidence in his own judgment. Temple F'ranklin in 1790 brought the original draft to London and sijon after exchanged it for the revised coi>y, both belong- ing to himself, deposited with M. le Veillard. He uu([uestionably tlid right in printing from Franklin's own corrected copy instead of the autographic original draft. That his old friend might possess a sub.stantial memorial of Frankliji the gmndson left the original ilraft with the Veillard family. The writer .saw it in 1852 at Amiens in the possession of M. de Senarmont, a relative by marriage of M. le VeiUard, who hail been beheaded in 1794. He .spent two days with that amiable gentleman and his family, and was permitteil to collate the auto- graph draft with Temple Franklin's printe L,Maiiiltion now iiml heroaftpr Here is one of them, given as a sample, to show liow the old man of fourscore could considerately ai)ply the ' l)eui:h seal ' to an indiscreet youngster. B('j,'inning at six o'clock in the morniuf; tlie doctor wrote four letters to Mr William Jack- son the same day on the same sulycct and to the same pui-poi-t. Temple Franklin, and after him Mr Sjiarks, have given us the first three, hut this fourth good letter has been kept until now. Tliis, with hundreds of other paper.'', were, we think, wisely withheld for Mr Colliurn's second Series of six volumes. The letter will e.xjdain itself. "Passy, July 10, 1781. " Sir, — Last night I received your fourth letter on the .same subject. You are anxious to carry the money with you, because it will reanimate the credit of America. My situation, and long acquaintance with affairs relating to the public credit, enable me, I think, 1 1 ju00 sterling's worth of goods over anil above tlii^ .£10,(>"() worth, which I had agreed should be purcliased by him on my credit; and that you had induced me to engage for tlui jiayment of your ])urchMse by showing me a paper said to contain his onler for making it, which 1 then took to be his handwriting, though I al'terwai'ds found it to be yours, and not signed bv him. It woultl be additional reason with him when I shotdd remind him tliat he himself, to induce me to I'ome into the jiroposal of Commodore (iuillon and the rest of the Holland traiisnction, to which L was averse, iissured nw he had mentioned it to the Minister, and that it was approved of. That on the contrary I find the Minister remembers nothing ol it, very much dislikes it and absolutely refuses to rurnish any money to discharge that amount, You finish vour letter by telling me that ' the daily enhancement of expense to the United States from these dilliculties is worthy tliejiltcntioji of thos" whose ituty it is to economise the public money, and to whom the commonweal is entrusted without deranging the special department of another.' The ship's lying there with f)(>() or ()(>() men on board is undoubtedly a great daily exjiense, but it is you that occasion it ; and the superior airs you give yoursi:lf, yiaing gentleman, of rejiroof to me, and reminding me of my duty, do not become you, whose special ilepartment and employ in )iublic affairs, of which you are so vain, is but of yesterday, and would never have existed but by my concurrence, and ?' 1601 (I lioroaftpr i)f fourscore . Bcj,'iiitiiiig illiam Jack- I't. Temple X, liut this (Is of other ■Jerics f)f six ly 10, 1781. bject. Yon te the credit atiiig to the , who are a eu'l ; and I 3 advatitagc. rour having mind nie of given onlers you i And lie Congress it the blame Kid )>y your made aliout I asked and K ,(«)(» worth, d tliat you showing me to lie his ind by llim. im t1mt ho ■ iiillon and 1 nil! he had hilt on the lislikes it ouiit. You ii' t and gratitude of his cr)untry for the manly, consistent, undeviating, honourable, and efficient course he pur- sued, in the i'nce f)f numerous obstacles and embarrassments, during the wnole nine years of his residence in France. His patriotism aiul fidelity to his trust were equalled only by his unrivalled talents and sagacity." This full vindica- tion Mr Sparks endeavoured to present in his sul)sc(iuent 10 volume edition from material derived mainlv from the French Archives, but it must be con- fessed that his arguments fall somewhat short of the practical demonstration that may be drawn from Franklin's anrl Vergennes' own original unpublished manuscripts existing in the present collection. In the year 1840 the ' Franklin Papers,' which had lain more than seventeen years on the top shelf of an old tailor's shop in St James's, in loose bundles (both those that had been to the printei-s and those reserved for the second in- stalment) were rescued by a gentleman who had known Temple Franklin a quarter of a century before, and had been a fellow lodger with him over the same tailor's shop. This gentleman, an officer under government, kept these manuscripts for ten or eleven years, fully appreciating his charge, but never tiuding sufficient leisure from his public duties to look them through. From time to time in his vacations he offered them in bulk to the British Museum, to Lord Palmenton, and to the successive American ministers in London, from 1R40 to 1851. He knew nothing of the difficulties of Mr Colburn, or of the division of the j>apers into the two instalments of printed and not printed, but supposed and said that they hail all probably been printed and published. For this reason the collection, though repeatetlly offered, was as repeatedly declined at his fixed price. In 1851 this gentleman again applied to the American minister, then Mr Abbf)tt Lawrence, who at once ai>pointed an interview. On hearing the gentle- man's propositions Mr Lawrence frniikly told him tl.'it he peiTOnally knew nothing of such nuitters, and moreover lie had no power to purchase them for the goveriiment, but offered to give him a note of introduction to iin American gentleman at Morley's who he thought would be likely to know all about the iiapei-s, an- not carrying to th« ei[ual Hi^ain That p. "es all above. Dryii. London: I'liiiii-d ii- he yei Dr. Frankli I nai pi'-'esaii aoove. i»Ktii. 'liiili'd ii he year 1725, 32 pp. blue mowcco by lleilford. ft' (N' 1) liii ill hi- \utobiogi:i])|iy, ,i,HM not i|Uote the linos from Drydun the 8aiu« aa given hero iu llic uioUtv 163 Tat UuuaiON of Nature Duliueated [2 (jreek luottos and tlie viynottp, a print- ing press]. Lonilon : Printed by Samuel Palmer, in Bartlioloniew Close, and Sold Ijy B. Lintot, W. and J. liiuys, J. Osbom and T. Lonj^nian, and J. Battey, 172fi. 219 pj). sij^ned at end by the author Wli.i.lAXi Wollaston, followed by one blauK paf,'e ; Index, 11 paj,'es not niinibered. Splendid copy on Large and thick Paper, in old red morocco j,'ilt edges, royal 4° On this book Franklin worked while with Palmer in 1725. The general style is similar, and the identical woodcut on the title of this volume appeareil at the end of Franklin's Dissertation on Liberty and Necessity. See Autobiography. (2) A Dissertation on Liljerty and Necessity, Pleasure and Pain. In a Letter to a Friend. [Motto asabove.] Dublin :'Pri7ited in the year 1733, 16 pp. 8° (3) Dr. Franklin, in his Autolnography says, " At Palmer's [in Bartnolomew Close] I was employed in composing tor the second edition of WoUas- ton's " Religion ot Nature." Some of his reasonings not ajipearing to me well founded, 1 wrote a little metaphysical piece, in whicli I made remarks on them. It was entitled "a Dissertation oti Lihert;! and Xecessitti, Pleasure and I'ain." I inscribed it to my I'rieml Kalpli ; I printed a small number. . . . My printing this pamphlet was another eirntvut. In another place Franklin says he printed only KM) copies, of which he gave a few away and burnt the rest. No mention is made of this Dublin reprint. The IXFAM.iBii.iTY of Huuiiiu Judgment, Its Dignity and Excellency. Being anew Art of Reasoning, and discovering Truth, by reducing all disputable Cases to general and self-evident Propositions, etc. AVith The Supiile- ment, answering all Objections, etc. The Fourth edition. To which is now added a Postscript, etc. By Mr. Lyons. London, J. Brotherton, 1724, 6 prelim, leaves and 252 pp. " 16' (4) Pages 209-240 are occupied by "A dissertation on Liberty and Neces- sity." Dr. Franklin in his Autobiugraphy says, "My pamphlet [' A dissertation ou Liberty anti'r, at the New-Pritiiting-tHHce v 'Nliuket, ju'ice liis. a veiir. Where Advertise- iti«Mits an' taken in, an-:. tw'ok-Bindin:; is done pHusomiidy, in tbf b((8t Manner. 4 {■mges ton uunibt-r. Eleven n\iniliers complete in 173!l 4" '6) The Pennsylvania (Gazette, etc. 1740, No. 577 to 628, 52 Nos. complete. 4* The Pennsylvania Ga/.ette, etc. 1741, No. 629 to (i81, 53 X 's. comtdete. 4" The Pennsvlvania Oazette, etc. 1744, No. 786 Jan. 3 to 83., 52 ^oH. wanting 816, 821, 823, 825 and 828. T The Pennsvlvania Gazette, etc. 1745, No. 838 to 890, 53 Nos. wanting S5i, Im* half of 875 and 879. f" The Pennsylvania Gazette, etc. 1746, No. 891 to 942, 62 Nos. wanting 912, 21. 25, 27," 33 and 934. f The Penn. Oazette, etc. 1747, No.943to994,52 Nos. wanting 947,51, 60&978. T Tlie Pennsylvania Gazette, etc. 1748, No. 995 to 1046, Dec. 27, 52 Nos. wanting 1018 and 1035. f° The number 996 for Jan. U, 1748, N.S. lias this Colophon " Philadel|)hia : Printed by B. FrMnklin, PoMtMiwter, and D. Hull, at the New Printing- • +:-i ' 164 Office, near the Market," and ho on to the end without change. The papers usually contain 4 pageA, hut there are many supplements, advertising sheets or half sheets, and double nuniljei-a. Barring tlie 2(1 Numbers want- ing as stated the whole of these two series of 377 nunibers are in excellent condition. Poor Richard, 1740. An Almanack for the Year of Christ 1740, Beinj; Leap Year, etc. etc. Fitted to the Latitude of Forty Degrees, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from Loudon, but may without sensible Error, serve all the adjacent Places, even from Newfoundland to South-Carolina. By Eichard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia : Printed and sold by B. Frank- lin at the New Printiu}^ OtHce near the Market. 24 pp. wanting lower half of title, the upper half of 2d leaf and the last 3 leaves. 12° (T) Poor Richard, 1741. An Almanack, etc. Phil. B. Franklin, 24 pp. 12° (8) Poor Richard, 1742. Phil. B. Franklin, 24pp. wanting title and next leaf. 12° (9) Poor Richard, 1743. Phil. B. Franklin, 24 pp. wanting last leaf. 12° (10) Poor Richard improved, 1748. Phil. B. Franklin, 36 pp. 1st Edition, wants last leaf. 12° (11) Poor Richard improved, 1750. Phil. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 3(1 i)p. 12° (12) Poor Richard improved, 1752. B. Franklin and I). Hall, 30 ,., . 12° (13) Poor Richard improved, 1754. B. Franklin& I). Hall,3C]ip. wants last leaf. 12" (14) Poor Richard improved, 175(3. B. Franklin & D. Hall, 3Gpp. the 12th and 18th leaves are mutilated. 12° (15) Poor Richard improved, 1757. B. Franklin and D. Hall, 36 ])p. wants last 3 leaves. 12° (16) Poor Richard improved, 1758. B. Franklin & D. Hall, 36 pj). lino copy of the rarest and best of all Poor Richaid'a Almanacs, with the proverlis collected in a speech. [See St evcius' Nugget ts. No. 110] 12" (17) Poor Richard improved, 1759. B. Franklin&D. Hall, 36pp. wantslast21eave9 (18) Poor Richard improvctl, 1761. B.Franklin&D. Hall, 36pp. tine copv. 12° (19) Poor Richard improved, 1762. B.Franklin&D. Hall, 36)ip. 12° ' (20) Poor Richard improved, 1763. B.Frankliu&l).Hall,36pp. 12° (21) Poor Richard improved, 1764. B.Franklin&D.Hall,32pp. 12° (22) Poor Richard imi>roved, 1765. B.Franklin&l).Hall,36jtp. 12° (23) This is believed to be the last almanac that bore l''ranklin'» name, Continued as PoorRichardimproved,17()7. BvR.Saimders. Pliil.Hall&Sellei'a,36pp. 12° (24) Poor Richard improved, 17()8. Bv I!. Saunders. Pliil.Hall&Sellei's,36i)p.l2° (25) PoorRichardimproved,1775. By B. Saunders. Phil.Hall&Sellei's,36pp.l2° (26) Poor Richardimi>roved, 1780. Plul. Hall & Sellers, 36pp. 3 leaves mutil. 12° (27) Poor nichard improved, 1781. By H. Saunders. Phil. Hall& Sellers, 36pi). 12° (28) PoorRichard improved, 1782. P>v H. Saunders. Phil.Hall&Sellei's, 36pp. title torn. 12° (29) PoorRichard improved, 1783. By R. Saunders. Phil. Hall&Sellers,36pp. 12° (30) PoorRichard improved, 1784. 15v R.Saunders. Pbil.HalKS:Sellers,36pp.l2° (31) PoorRichardimpnived, 179(1. By K.Saunders. Phil. Hid! & Sellers, 4()pp. 12° (32) Poor Richard improve! 1,1792. By R. Saunders. Phil. Hall &S'dlers, 44pp. 12° (33) The Oenkhal Magazine, and Hist\>. 8° (04; ,, ill 166 PuvsicAL aiul Metuorologieal Obseivutioiis, Coiiji'ctun'S, ami Sui>po.xitii>ns, Hy Benjamin J''ninklin, li..u. f.k.s. Read at the Royal Suciety, June 3, 1766. Ltinduu : Printed in the Year 1766, 15 pp. uncut. 4^ (65) THt; New Lundon (.Jazette [e.xtni] No. 152 for Oct. 10, 1760. The Examination of Dr. Franklin before an August Assembly, relating to the Repeal of the Stamp Act, 2 pp. of 3 columns each. sm. 1° (66) The Examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin liefore an Honourable Assembly, relative to the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, in 1766. London, 1766. 50 pp. 8' (67) Interrooatoire de Mr. Franklin Depute de Pensilvanie au Parlement de la Grande Bretngne. Traduit de I'Angloi.s par Cli .... D. H . . . . Maitre de la langae Anglois u Strasbourg. A Strasbourg, Simon Ktirsner [1767?] 35 pp. half roan. 8" (68) Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadelphia in America, by B. Franklin, I.L.D. arid I'.R.s. to which is added Lettew and Papers (m Philosophical Sul)jects. The whole corrected, methodized, improved, and now tii'sf collected into one volume, and illustrated witli copperplates. London : David Henry, 1769, plates, iv, 4a6i)p. and Index, old calf. 4' (69) A Paradle against Pewecutioii, in Imitation of Scripture Language. A small quarto leaf so pi'inteil as to be i)iserted at the end of Oenesis as Chapter 51st, the only coj)y known. Mutilated and worn [1770?] (70) Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent, and Samuel Wharton, Escjuires, and their Associate.s; for a Grant of Lands on the River Ohio, in North America; for the purpose of Erecting a new Government. With Observations and Reimirks. London: J. Almou, 1772, 109 pp. uncut, .sewn. 8' (71) OiuvHES de M. Franklin, Traduites de 1' Anglois sur la (juatrieme edition. Par M. Barbeu Dubourg, avec des additions nouvelles et des Figures en Taille douce. Pari.s, 1773, 2 Tom. in 1, blue morocco extra by Beclford. 4" (72) Copy of Letters sent to l!reat Britain, by His Excellency Thomas llutchiiiscm, the Hon. Andi'ew Olivei', and several other Persons, born and educated among us. Which original Letters have been returned to America [by Dr. Franklin] and laid before the honourable House of Representatives of this Province. In which (notwithstanding his Excellency's Declaration to the House, that the Tendency and Design of them was not to subvert the Constitution, but rather to ])re.serve it entire) the judicious Reader will discover the fatal .source of the Confusion and Bloodshed in which this Province especially has been involved, and which threatened total De.?truc- tiontothe Liberties of all America. Boston: Edes& Gill, 1773, 40 pp. 8° (73) The Representation.s of (iov. Hutchinson and others, contained in certain Letters Transmitted to England, And afterwartls returned from thence [by Dr. Franklin] and laid before the (General Assembly of the Massachusetts- Bay. Together with the Resolves of the two Houses thereon. Boston : Edes & Gill, 1773, title and 94 pp. 8" (74) The Letters of (iov. Hutchinson and Lt. (!ov. O'-'-er, &c. Printed at Boston. And Remarks thereon. With the Assembly .^ \dilress, and the Proceed- ings of the Lords Committee of Council. Together with the Substance of Mr. Weddeibnrn's Speech relating to those Letters. London : J. Wilkie, 1774, title and 134 pp. H° (75) The Letters of Gov. Hutchinson, and Lt. Gov. Oliver, &v. Printed at Boston. And remarks thereon. With the Assemlily's Address, And the Proceed- ings of the Lords Committee of Council. Together witli the Substance of Mr. AVedderburn's Speech relating to those Letters. And the Report of the Lords Committee to his Majesty in Council. The second edition. London ; J. Wilkie, 1774, half-title, tUle and 142 pp. 8" (76) Experiments and Observations on Electricity, made at Philadeljihia in America, by B. Franklin, to which are added Letters and Papers on Philosophical Sulijects. 5th Edition. London, F. Newbery, 1774, plates, title and preface v, text 514 pp. index, lilue UKjrocco extra, g. e. by F. Bedford. 4° (77) Principi,i;s of Trade. I-reedom and Protection are its best Support : Industry, the only Means to render Manufactures cheap. Of Coins ; ExchauLie ; and !" r Iti? Bnuntys ; nnrtioulnrly int'iv. Willi f on Coni. By a \W11-Wishpr to liis Kinp nnd Country. AVitli an Aiiiiciiilix. CmitiiiiiiiiK Ht'tli'i'tiiins on (Jdld, Silver, anil PiijxT |)as.'»iii^' ii^< ^lcmy. The SiTond Kilitinn currectt'd ami i-iilaru'd. London, lirotlii'iton and Si'Wfll, MDccLXXiv. 3 jirel. K-avi-s .ind 48 pp. 'Apppndi.\ ' Ifi mi. old tree calf. 8' (78) This copy (Hire lieli>nj;i.Ml tn William Vaiiglian, who ha.s wrifton on its tly leaf " N.B. Tin- Nutes l>y Dr. Franklin. The inlorniation j,'ivi'n hv Sewell, to W. V." JounxAi, of the PrortM'din^js of the t'ongvpss held at i'liiliulelphiii Sept. 5, 1774, containinj,' the Bill i>f Rij,dits, a List of (Jrievaiu'es, itc. To whieh is added (hein^,' now fii'st printeil l>y authority) an authentic Copy of the Petition TO THE KiNti. Lonilon, J. Aliuon, 1775. 8' ' (79) Dr. Franklin, about the L'jth or IGtliofDec. 1774, received these Broeeed- infjs of the Con^-res.-, with the Petition to the Kinj,' dated the 2(jth October previous. The times were },'rowin;,' very serious, and it was thouf,'ht best to let Alnion publish them immediately. The effect was startlinji, for the jianiphlet proclaimed to the discriminating British jjublic (if there was at that time such a boily) that the English language had acquired new vigour and clearness in being transnlanted to the Western shores. The \nih, point and soiinilness i(f these public papers astonished the statesmen and con- founded the politicians, and at the same time delighted the frienils of the Colonies jiarticidarly Loiil Chatham and Lord Camden. But the ministry were bomb proof. For a full account ot the negotiations that immediately followed thidugh Lady Howe and her brother see Franklin's long letter tn his son dated 22 March, 1775, on shipboard bound for home. The original Petition of the Congress, from which the above was printed, containing the signatures of .'id .. ?• ^••> \W 1%. :>% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIIIM «A0 2.2 12.0 U 111 1.6 V] . London: Fielding & Walker, 1V78, sewn, title, introduction and index iv and text 163 pp. 8" (86) Political, Miscellaneous, and Philcsophical Pieces ; Now first collected, Witli Explanatory Plates, Notes, And an Index to the whole. [Eilited hy Benjamin Vauiihaii.] London: J. Johnson, 1779, xi, text, appendix and index with aildenda, 574 pp. portrait, plates, large paper, blue morocco extra, gilt edges by F. Bedford. 8" (87) Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces : arranged under the fjUow- ing Heads, &c. Written by Benj. Franklin, ll.d. and f.r.s. etc. Now first collected, with explanatory Plates, Notes and an Index [Edited by Benjamin Vaughan] London, J. Johnson, 1779, portrait (88) This copy has the autograph of S. Knight on the title page, and under the portrait in the same handwriting, Eripuit ctelo fulnien, sceptruniq Tyrannie, and underneath in the same hand, but with diffsrent pen and ink, Eripuit(| Jovi fulmeu, sceptrumq Tonanti viresque j'Lu cretiua | Manihus Remarks on the Rescript of the Court of Madrid and on the Manifesto of the Court of Versailles. In a Letter to the Court of Great Britain. To which is added an Appendix, containing the Rescript, the Manifesto, and a Memorial of Dr. Franklin to the Court of Versailles. Loudon, T. Cadell, 1779, viii and 91 pp. 8" (89) Franklin's memorial occupies pages 88 to 91. It had already been printed by Almon, who omitted about one (quarter of it. La Casette Verte de Monsieur de Sartine, trouvee che/ Mademoiselle du Thd (Cinquicme edition) revue & corrigde sur celles de Leipsic & I'Arasterdam. A La Haye : Veuve Whiskerfeld, 1779, half-title, title and 71 pp. [Franklin concerned]. 8" _ ^90) The Green Box of Monsieur de Sartine, found at Mademoiselle Du Thd's lodginas. From the French of the Hague edition ; revised and corrected by those of Leipsic and Amsterdam. [By ^Ir. Tickell.] London, Becket, 1779. 8' (91) Two LeT' ^rs from Dr. Franklin, to the Earl of Shelburue, " Government is the Art of Oppression with Impunity." Loudon; M. Foliugsby and J. Deljrett [1782] ii and 31 pp. sewn. 8° (92) Numb. 705. hupplemeut to the Boston Independent Chronicle, Mch. 1782. f (93) This is a skit on the Great British Public, lieing a close imitation of a Boston newspaper, with letter from Paul Jones, British Advertisements for Scalps, and account of bundles of Scalps of the Americans consigned by the Indians in British pay to Agents in London, all of which fell into the hands of the Yankees and hence this exposure iu the newspaper. This "Supple- ment," printed by Franklin at his private press at Passy, is believed to be nniciue. Provisional Articles, Signed at Paris, the 30th of November, 1782, by the Commissioner of His Britannic Majesty, and the Commissioners of the United States of America. Published by Authority. London : T. HaiTi- Bon and S. Brooke, 1783. Signed by Richard Oswald, John Adams, B. Franklin, John Jay and Henry Laurens. Witnesses, Caleb Whitefoord and W. T. Franklin, 8 pp. 4° (94) Fragment de Xenophon, Nnuvellement trouvd dans les Ruines de Palmyre, par un Anglois ; & deposd an Museum Britannicuin, k Londres. Traduit QU Qrec, par un Francois; Et In h I'Aasembh'e pul)lique du Musde de Paris, dujeudi 6 Mars 1783. A Paris, De I'linprimerie de Ph.-D. Pierres, Imprimeur Ordinaire du Roi, 1783, 52 pp. calf extra. 32° (95) Mostly about Franklin, probably a take-off of Sir William Jones's pretended Fragment of Polybiua which he showed to Doctor Franklin to hint a treaty of Peace with Great Britain. WiPIP—i wg 169 Oi'EUE Politiclie di Beniainine Frtviikliii, ll.D. f.r.s. nuovaraente ruccolt'', e dull' Orif^nale Ingleae recate nella lingua Italiana. Padova, 1783, poitrail, viii and 287 pp. uncut, stitched. 8° (96) Address and Recommendations to the States, by the United States in Congress assembled. Phil, printed ; Boston Reprinted by order of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, 1783. [Papers No. 4 & 5 show in a very frank and clear manner how and to what an eno- mous amount Dr. Franklin raised the sinews of war for America in France.] 8° (97) Address & Recommendations to the States. Another edition with Connecticut additions. Hartford, 1783. 4" (98) Remarks concerning the Savages of North America [By Dr. Franklin]. Bir- mingham, 1784. 8° (99) Two Tracts: information to those who would remove to America. And, Remarks concerning the Savages of North America. By Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Second Edition. London : John Stockdale, 1784,39 pp. 8°'(U«>) Two Tracts: Information to tliose who would remove to America. And remarks concerning the Savages of North America. Third Edition. London : John Stockdale, 1784, 39 pp. half roan. 8° (101) OssKRVAZiONE a chiunquc desideri passare in America ; e rittessioni circa 1 selvaggi dell' America settentrionale del Dre. Franklin dall' originale Inglese regate in lingua Italiana da Pietro Antoricutti. Padova, Gio. Antonio Conzatti, 1785, 38 pj). half morocco. 8° (102) Report of Dr. B. Franklin, and other Commissioners, charged by the King ot France with the examination of the Animal-Magnetism, as now practised at Paris. Translated from the French with an Historical Introduction. London, J. Johnson, 1785, 108 pp. blue morocco extra, gilt edges by F. Bedford. 8° (103) Observations on a late publication intituled. Thoughts on Executive Justice : To which is added, A Letter [from Benjamin Franklin] containing remarks on the same work. London : T. Cadell, 1786, 162 pp. 16° (104) The Letter from a Gentleman abroad [Dr. Franklin] fills i)ages 137 to 162, dated March 14, 1785, and signed at end " ever yours * * *." Observations on the Causes and Cure of Smoky Chimneys. In a Letter to Dr. Ingen-Housz, Physician to the Emperor, at Vienna. Second Edition. Philadelphia Printed ; London : Re-Printed for J. Debrett, 1787, 56 pp, and 1 plate, clean and uncut. 8° (105) Joseph and Benjamin, a Conveisatiou. Ti'anslated from a French Manu- script. London : ])rinted at the Logographic Press [of J. Walter] for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet Street, 1787, xvi and 238 pp. 12° (106) Joseph II, Emperor of Germany, and Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Plan of the new Constitution for the United States of America, agreed upon in a Convention of the States. With a Preface by the Editor. London: J. Debrett, 1787, 30 pp. 8" (107) The London editor at the end of his preface has this note : " Some of the London Newspapers mentioned a strong opposition between General Washington ami Dr. Franklin for the Presidency [of the Convention] and that Gen. Washington was elected hy a nnijitrity of one Vote. W« liave authority to contradict this account. The fact is, that Gen. Washington was elected with one voice, and not by a majority of one. Dr. Franklin, as the senior person of the Convention, and who is already President of the State of Pennsylvania, was the Member wlio put tfen. Wa.shington into nomination, and he was conducted to tin; chair with a unanimous voice." pHiLOSOPHiCAii nnd Miscellaneous Papers. Lately written by B. Franklin. London: C. Dilly, 1787, plates, 3 prel. leaves and 186 pp. uncut. 8° (108) Hydraumo and Nautical Oiiscrvations on the currents in tlie Atlantic Ocean, forming a hypothetical theoi-em for in\'e8tigation. With a corre.sponding Chart of the Ocean. Addressed to navigators By Governor Pownall, F.n.s. & F.s.A. To which are annexed some Notes by Dr. Franklin. London: Robert Saycr, 1787, 17 pp. with large Chart of the Atlantic Ocean. 4° (109) l^!! !• 170 l)l88EnTATiON Oil tile English l.aiit,'ua^'o. To which is adtled an Essay on a reformed mode of S]i Uing, witli Dr. Franklin's Arnnments on that snliject. By Noah AVelister. [Declicateil to Dr. Franklin]. Boston : Isaiah Thomas, 1789 [Franklin's letter to Miss Stephenson, dated Sept. 28, 1768, Craven St. London]. 8° (110) Eloge Civi((ue de Benjamin Franklin, Prononce le 21 Juillet 1790, dans la Rotonde, an nom de la Commune de Paris, par M. I'Abbd Faiichet. Paris, J. R. Lottin, 1790, title and 50 pp. 8° (111) MEM01R8 of the late Dr. B. Franklin : with a review of his Pamphlet, entitled " Information to those who would wish to remove to America." London : Printed and sold for the Author by A. Grant, etc. 1790, 94 pp. 8* (112) This first memoir of Franklin after his death was written by no friendly hand. Many of the anonymous waiter's unjust and erroneous statements soon found their way into other books and other biographical sketches. As usual, prompt lies are so difficult to eradicate that to this day most of the scandal that has found its way into type is traceable to this early volume. Columbian Magazine (Sept. 1786 to June '90) vol. i to iv ; then. The Universal Asylum and Columbian Magazine, vol. v to ix (JiUy 1790 to Dec. 1792). Phil. 1786-92. 8° (113) Dr. Franklin died April, 1790. In the May number of this Magazine there began on page 268, vol. iv, a biographical sketch of Franklin of consider- able merit, intended probably as a continuation of the Dr.'s Autobiography which had not then been printed, anrian for H. Gain, V. Nutter, R. McGill, T. Allen, J. Read, E. Duyckinck & Co. ami Edward Slitchell [1793 ( 1st American Edition] portrait with fo.\ skin cap and spectacles, title, engraved by P. R. Maverick, 172 and 142 pp. (124) Works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin; consisting of his life, wrii.en by himself, together with Essays, humorous, moral & literary: ChieHy in the Manner of the Spectator. In 2 vol. The second American Edition. New York, Samuel Campbell, 1794, portrait engraved by B. Tanner, N. Y. Sept. 1794, 206 and 142 pp. 12' (125) The Way to Wealth or Poor Richard Improved. By Beuj. Franklin, pp. 1-30 ; La Science du Bonhomnie Richard, pj). 31 82; Lettres de I'ranklin, 82-114; Dialogue entre la Goutfe et Franklin, pp. 115-144 ; Queli[ue8 tots Rur I'Amerique, pp. 145-184; 01«ervations sur les Sauvages duNord de rAineri(iue, Par Franklin, 28 pp. Paris : A. A. Renouard, 1795, Large Paper, calf extra, gilt edges, fine portrait. 12° (126) The Way to AVealth or Poor Richard Imjiroved by Benj. Franklin. La Science du Bonhomme Richard. Lettres de Franklin. , Dialogue entre la Goutte et Franklin. QueUiues Mots sur rAmeri(|ue. Epitaph; Table; Catalogue des Lines impremes par J. B. Bodom, i|ue se trouveiit chez A. A. Renouard. Paris, A. A. Renouard, 1795, fine portrait by Tardieu,-after Duplesis, 185 pp. and 31, large paper, old calf, 12° ' (127^ The Life of Dr. B. Franklin. Written by liimself. Salem: Cushing and Carlton, 1796, 132 iip. sewn, 12° (188) Works of the late Dr. Benjamin Franklin, consisting of his Life written by himself; together with Essays humorous, moral and literary, &c. In two volumes. Dundee, G. Milln, 1796, vol. 1, x and 232 pp. ; vol. II, London, for C. Dilly, 1796, iv end 227 pp. 10" (129) II !• ! 172 Chess nuule easy. New iiud C'oiupieliensiv(! Rules lor phiyiut; the Uiiiiif of Chess ; with Examples from Philidor, Cuuiiiii^haiu, &c. To which is ])iv- fixed a pleiwiii' 1608 1279 Allen (Heman) Statement [by the defendants] of the cause of Heman Allen v. Hathway and Peirson [with Judge P>rayton's Keport of the Case of Heman Allen r. Hathway and Peirson, containing all the evidence admitted] 48 pj). prirnfc/// printed, uiiruf, scarce 8vo. [Burlingtun, Vcniwid, 1822] 1280 ALLEN (James, v.d.m. Pastor of the Church in BrooUine) Magis- tracy an Institution of Christ upon the Throne. A Sermon preached in the Audience of his Excellency William ^I'i'ley, the Council and House of Representatives of the Pro\'r!"e of the ALassachusetts-Eiiy in New-England, on the Day of Election of Councillors for said Province, b^ pp. fine cop;/, seived Svo. Boston in New-Enfjland : Printed bij John "h-aivr for Daniel '< 'ikin, 1744 1281 ALLING > Teremiah) A Register of the Weather, or an Account of uio o. veral Rains, Snow-Storms, Depth of each Snov, Hail and Thunder ; with some Account of the Weather each ilay, and some other Events worthy of notic ., for the last Twenty- Five Years, ending March 31, 1810. From observations, taken most of the time in Hamdem, near New-Haven, in Con- necticut. Lat. 41. 23 N. Long. 73. 14 W. 847)^. sciced, uncut, scarce 8i'o. Neiv-Haven, Oliver Steele and Co. 1810 1282 ALVARADO (Pedro de) Proceso de Residencia contra Pedro de Alvarado. Ilustrado con Estampas sacadas de los antiguos Codices Mexicanos, y Notas y Noticias biograficas, criticas y arqueologicas, por D. Jose Fernando Eamuez, Lo publica paleografiado del MS. original el Lie. Ignacio el Rayon. (Frag mentos del Proceso de Residencia instruido contra Nuno de Guzman, etc.) Cover, half-title, xxiv and 204 pp. portrait of Alvarado, and 3 coloured plates 8vo. Mexico. Faldes y Eedondas, 184:7 1283 AMERICA. De I'Am^rique et des Am^ricains, ou Observations curieuses du Philosophe La Douceur, qui a parcouru cet Hemisphere pendant la derniere guerre, en faisant le noble metier de tuer'des hommes sans les manger, title and 80 pj). fine, clean and uncut, calf extra by Pratt, SCARCE 8vo. A Berlin, Chez Samuel Pitra, 1771 In 1768 De Pauw, a young Dutch priest at the ape of 28 published his Itecherches Philosnphique siir les Americains, vol, I, vol. II, following it the next year. He was a fresh-water traveller, having never seen anything whereof he wrote, but drew on his prejudices and imagination for his facts to prove that the Ameri- cans were a miserable set of deteriorations, and that America was Europe made worse. In 17()9 Dom. Pernotty replied in his Dis'-rtation with considerable ability and acidity, but he also was nn Abb6 who had : ever seen America and wrote with great indiscretion and little knowledge. Thw brought forth from i 4* 180 h t De Pauw in 1770 his Defence of his first two volumes, which added no new facts, but sopped the whole controversy in bitterness and absurdity. In 1771 Pernetty published his £xarr, i in two volumes as a rejoinder. By this time he had studied the subject pretty well, and successfully refuted many of De Pauw's siatementa, but the difficulty was that he had had no practical experience in the mutter and reasoned only from what he could see from the top of a pile of books. His vision was limited and his experience nothing. Meanwhile the witty anonymous author of this little work, seeing the absurd wooden sword contest of these two PP in historical darkness, having himself been in America and lived among the Savages during part of the seven years' war, put his plain common sense notions in type in these fifteen chapters, casting a pleasant veil of obscurity over the two priestly champions. This book fills 80 pp. counting the title and preface. In some copies there is inserted, as in this (jne, a leaf after the title called Arerimemcnt an Lecteiir, to show that he takes no notice of Pernetty "s last work because his and that work were in the press at the same time. He could, he says, have made a book on the subject but did not think it worth the trouble. 1284 Ameukjan (Tlie) and British Chronicle of War and PoHticsj being an accurate and comprehensive Register of the most memorable occurrences in the last ten years of His Majesty's Reign ; in which will be found above Eighteen Hundred interesting Events, during the late War between Great Britain and America, France, Spain, and Holland ; from May 10, 1773, to July 16, 1783, in Chronological Order, 120 pp. setced,fine ropy, scarce %vo. Lundon, for the Author, 11 ^i 1285 AMERICAN Tunes arranged for the Pianoforte. By John Clarkson, junr. Nos. I— IV fol. Edinburgh [1805 ?] Among the old tunes are "Oh dear, I wish I had not come here;" "The Whine ; " " Manniiy's gone away, and Daddy's dead for ever ; " " Row the boat ashore ; " " Ilicket's Dance ; " '" Iho Brook ; " " Fire in the Mountains ; " •' Yanky Doodle ; " " Spirit of France ; " " Tobacco Hill ; " " The Corn Planter ; " " Some- times drunk and somiitimes sciber ; " "Jump up, Joe;" "President Jefferson's Favourite ; " " Hunt the Squirrel ;" " The Itummngc ; " and " Thump the Devil." 1286 American War. The detail and conduct of the American War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Burgoyne, and Vice Admiral Lord Howe : with a very full and correct state of the whole of the Evidence, as given before a Committee of the House of Commons : and the celebrated Fugitive Pieces, which are said to have given rise to that important enquiry. The whole exhibiting a circumstantial, connected and complete history of the real causes, rise, progress and present state of the American Rebellion. Third edition, fine copy 8vo. London : Jiichardson and Urquhart, 1 780 1287 AMERICAN War. Pr6cis politique sur I'origine de la guerre des Anit^'ricains et sur la paix qui vient d'etre conclue, ou Dialogue. I, entre la Vt'Hte et nn Anglois. II, la Liberty et un Am6ricain. Ill, la Politique et le Francois, 39 pp. fine copy, uncut, stitched, scarce Svo. A Londres, 1783 1288 AMERICA'S Appeal to The Impartial World Wherein the Rights of the Americans, as Men, British Subjects and as Colonists ; the Equity of the Demand, and of the Manner in which it is made upon them by Great-Britain, are stated and considered. And, The Opposition made by the Colonies to Acts of Parliament, their resorting to Arms in their necessary Defence, against the Military Armaments employed to enforce them, Vindicated. [3 mottos] 72 jap. half calf , scarce 8w. Jiartfmd : Ebenezer H^atson, 1775 181 1775 1289 Anania (Giovanni Lorenzo d') L'Vniversale Fabrica del Mondo, overo Cosmografia. Di nuouo ornata con le figure Jelle quattro parti del Mondo in Rame ; 28 leaves aiid 402 pp. 5 maps, fine copy, vellum 4to. In Venetia, Presso il Muschio, 1582 1290 Anderson (James S. M.) The History of the Church of Eng- land in the Colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire. Second Edition, 3 vol. cloth, uncut fcap. Svo. London: Eivingtons, 1856 Few modem works relating to America evince so much original research as this. The Author produces his authorities for all important statements. They are numerous, and many of them being new to American students have led some of them into undignified scrambles for the honor of reproducing them a.s '■ discoveries in Anderson." Meanwhile this excellent work has been too much neglected. 1291 ANDREWS (David, Pastor of the Church in Pepperell) The Sure and Only Foundation, with historical notices. A Centennial Discourse, delivered before the Church of Christ and Second Parish, in Pepperell, Mass. January 29, 1847, ^^ pp. 8i'o. Bostm; A. J. Wright, 1847 A good sample of the local and church or parish history of New England. Though called a sermon, this is really a history of the town and church of Pepperell. 1292 ANECDOTES Americaines, ou Histoire abr6g6e des principaux ev^nements arriv(5s dans le Nouveau Monde, depuis sa d^cou- verte jusqu'a I'cipoque pr^sente. [Par Antoine Hornot] ?>vo. Paris, Chez Vincent, 1776 The above title gives no just idea of the character and value of this exceedingly useful and handy book of nearly 800 pages. The whole history of the New Continent is arranged in the form of annals under each year, from 1492 to 177(1. There is a good and copious index of 32 pages. The book is a handy compendium of the chronology, geography and biography of America. 1293 ANNUAL REGISTER (The) or, the History of the Present "War, from the Commencement of Hostilities, in 1755 ; and continued During the Campaigns of 1756, 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760, And to the End of the Campaign, 1761. Illustrated with Maps of the Countries that have been the Theatre of the War, and the Heads of the Commanders, that have been employed, &c. title, i leaves of contents, and 25^ pp in double eolumns,! portraits, 3 American and 4 German Maps of tlie seats of war, fine copy, old calf, excessively rare 8w. London : li. & J. Dodsley ; & Dublin : Re-pinted by John Exshmr 1294 ANSWER (An) to a Pamphlet call'd. The Conduct of the Ministry Impartially Examined. In which is proved. That neither Imbecility nor Ignorance in the M r have been the Causes of the present unhappy Situation of this Nation. By the Author of the Four Letters to the People of England [Dr. John Shebbeare] \QQ jyp. sewed Svo. London: M, Cooper, 1756 Relating to the inefficient c6ndnct of the Ministry in the disputes with France, especially in America, on the Ohio and elsewhere, under Washington, Braddook, &c. For this and later publications, the Doctor was fined and put in the pillory. A change of government brought hiiii a change of sentiment and a pension. 1295 Arenas (Pedro de) Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castel- lana, y Mexicana, en que se contienen las palabras, preguntas, y respuestas mas con.munes, y ordinarias quo se sullen ofrecer en el trato, y communicacion entre Espanoles, 6 Indios, 6 /we/. leaves and 145 pp. vellum, fine clean copy IGmo. La Puebla de los Angeles. Don Pedro de la Rosa, 1793 182 1296 Armstrong (Edward) The history and location of Fort Nassau upon the Delaware. A Paper read before the New Jersey Historical Society, January 20th, 1853, 23 pages 8vo. Newark, 1853 This Paper is unquestionably the best authority we have for the early maps and bibliography of New Netherlands, New Jersey, Delaware, &c. prior to Dr. George Asher's List .u 1855. 1297 Armstrong (Lebbeus, Pastor of (he Congregational Church, Moreau, N.Y.) A Discourse, delivered December 17, 1807, to the In- habitants of the west part of the town of Northumberland, called Palmerstown ; on the importance of building a Meeting- Housc, and settling the Gospel Ministry in' that place, 23 pages, uncut %vo. Balston Spa : Miller and Riggs, 1808 1298 Arnold (Benedict, Traitor) Complot d' Arnold et de Sir Henry Clinton contre les Etats-Unis d'Amtirique et contre le Gc^ntiral Washington, Sept, 1780. [By the Marquis Fran9ois Barbe- Marbois.] 44 and 184 pages. Poiiraits of JFanhiiigton and Arnold, after Du Simitier of Phil, and plan of JFest Point, fine copij, uncut, half roan 9>vo. Pans; P. Didut, 1816 1299 Arthus (Gotard) Historia Indiae Orientalis, ex variis Avctori- bvs collecta, et ivxta Seriem Topographicam Kegnorum, Prouinciarum & lusularum, per Africae, Asiajque littora, ad . extremes vsque laponios deducta, Qva Regionvm et Insvlarvm situs & commoditas ; Regum & populorum mores & habitus ; Religionum & superstitionum absurda varietas ; Lusitanorum item Hispanorum & Batauorum res gestse atque Commercia varia, cum rebus .idmiratione & memoratu dignissiinis alijs, iucunda breuitate percensentur atq. describuntur. M prelimi- nary leaves {Ih' 8th blank) and 616 jiages 8vo. Coloniae Agrippinae, Svmptihvs VVillielmi Lutzenkirch, 1608 Master Gotard Arthub of Dantzig was one of the editors of De Bry's Collec- tion of Voyages, and was therefore neeessarily well read in tlie early voyages and discoveries of the I'urtuguest, the Spanish, the French, the Dutch and the English to the Ea'^t Indies by the routes of biith Capes. He resided at Frankfort and finished this work in Septonibcr. lOOn, after the first sevjn parts of De Bry's India Orientalis had been published. In a condensed form this work is perhaps one of the best summaries there is of all the various East India Voyages down to 1C05, and hence to the bibliographer ami geographer it is of very considerable value. Chapter x.xxv treats of the Molucca Islands and the divers routes thither especially by the Straits of Magellan. The book, enabling the American historian to trace the gradual and mysterious separation of the new hemisphere from the old, is entitled to a permanent place among books on America. 1300 Ashley (Jonathan) A Letter from the Reverend Mr. Jonathan Ashley, to the Rev. Mr. William Cooper. In answer to his Objections to Mr. Ashley's Sermon ; as publish'd in the Boston Gazette, January 11th, 1743, 7 2Miges,fine copy, scarce ito. [Boston]: S. Eliot, 1743 1301 Auctions in America. The Auction System; being a series of numbers ]iublished in the Federal Gazette, addressed to the Citizens of Baltimore. 8vo. Baltimore, John D. Tog, 1824 1302 Auctions. An exposition of some of the evils arising from the Auction System 8w. New Ywk: Van Pelt and )S|pe«r, [1821] 183 1853 1303 Auctions. Reasons why the present system of Auctions onght to be abolished. Title and \& puyes, scarce 8vo. New Ym-k: A. Ming, jr. 1828 This curious tract contains the Report of a public meeting of prominent citizens of New York, of which Thomas H. Leggett was Chairman, and a Catalogue of Nineteen Reasons against the whole system of Auctions. 1304 Auctions. Remarks on the Auction System as practised in New York, tp which are added numerous facts in ilhistration. By a plain practical man New Yvrk, 1828 1305 AuTEROCHE (Chappe d') A Voyage to California, to observe the Transit of Venus. With an historical description of the Author's Route through Mexico, and the Natural History of that Province. Also, a Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments on Mr. Le Roy's Time Keepers. By Monsieur De Cassini. Half-title, title, 'Advertisement,' unci ' Contents' 4 leaves. Text 2\b pp. Flan of the City of Mexico, 10 by 7| incites. 8vo. London : Edward and Cliarles Dilly, 1778 1306 Avery (David, v.d.m. Chaplain to Colonel Sherburne's Regiment) The Lord is to be praised for the Triumphs of his Power. A Sermon, preached at Greenwich, in Connecticut, on the 18th of December, 1777. Being a general Thanksgiving through the United American States, 47 pages, scares 8w. Nui-wich: Green and Spooner, 111% Though this interesting and scarce pamphlet appears in the form of a sermon it is really a detailed account of the first three campaigns of the War, from Lexington to (Saratoga, by one who had singular opportunities for knowing whereof he wrote. His preface is dated from the Camp at Fish Kill, 2 March, 1778. 1307 Avery (David, v.d.m.) A Narrative/ of the/ Rise and Pro- gress of the Dif'/ficulties which have issued in a/ Separation between the Mi-/nister and People of/ Bennington, 1783./ With a/ Valedictory Address./ 55 pages, fine large copy with rough leaves, very rare 8w. Bennington : I Ilasicell and Russell,! 1783 At a meeting of the Supporters of Mr. Avery at Bennington, Sept. L*."i, 1783, Jiinas Kay and Moses Robinson were the Committee and Isaac Tichenorthe Clerk, names well-known among the Green Mountain Boys. 1308 AzARA (Felix de) Voyages dans L'Am6rique M6ridionale, par Don Felix de Azara, Commissaire et Commandant des Limites Espagnoles dans leParaguay depuis 1781 jusqu'en 1801 ; Con- tenant la Description gt'ographique, politique et civile du Paraguay et de la riviere de La Plata ; Publics d'apr6s les Manuscrits de I'Auteur, avec une notice sur sa vie et ses Merits, par C. A. Walckenaer ; enriches de notes par G. Cuvier. Suivis de I'histoire naturelle des Oiseaux du Paraguay et de La Plata, et augment6e d'un grand noinbre do notes, par M. Sonnini. 4 volumes. I, luilf-titU', title, and pages v to Ix prel. and text 389 payes. • //, half-title, title and text 362 pages. Ill, half-title, title and avb, 3 leaves ; and text 479 j^gcs. IV, half- title, and texti%0 pages 8fo. Paris : Dentu, 180^ 1309 AzuRARA (Gomes Eannes) Chronica do Descobriniento e Con- quista de Guin6. Translado do MS. contemporaneo que so conserva na Bibliotheca Real de Pariz, e dada a Luz por Vise, da Carreira, com Introduc9ao e Notas pelo Vise, de Santarem, portrait and facsimile 8w. Pom, 1844 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 184 BACHELOR (The Old) [Essays reprinted from the Richmond Enquirer], a scarce old Dominhm novel Hm. Bichmond, Va. 1814 Backus (Isaac, Baptist Preacher) All True Ministers of the Gospel are called into that Work by the special Influences of the Holy Spirit. A Discourse shewing the nature and necessity of an Internal Call to preach the Everlasting Gospel, 116^^. histori- cal and important, scarce 8m Boston : Fowle, nsi Backus (Isaac) A History of New England, with particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists, Vol. I, good copy, old sheep 8vo. Boston : Edward Ih-aper, 1777 BACQUEVILLE DE LA POTHERIE (Mr. de) Histoire de L'Amerique Septentrionale. Divis6e en quatre Tomes. Tome Premier. Contenant le Voyage du Fort de Nelson, dans la Baye d'Hudson, a I'extr^mit^ de I'Amerique. Le premier ^tablissement des Fran9ois dans ce vaste pais, la prise dudit Fort de Nelson, la Description du Fleuve de saint Laurent, le Gouvernement de Quebec, des trois Rivieres & de Montreal, depuis 1534, jusqua' 1701. Tome I, 7 prel. leaves inclvding en- graved title, and 370 pp. Table i pp. Copperplates at pp. 16, 17 (2), 51, 56, 66, 67, 76, 80, 81, 100, 105, 132, 232, 311, 334, 351. II, Nouvelle France, les Nations des Lacs Superieurs, les Hurons, les Islinois, etc. Ill, Histoire du Iroquois, etc. IV, L'Histoire des Abenaquis, la Paix general dans toute I'Ameri- que Septentrionale, etc. 4 vol. luilf calf, fine copy, vmps and plates, scarce 8yo. A Paris: Jean-Luc A ion et Francois Didot, 1722 Bainbridge (John) CI. V. Johannis Bainbrigii Astronomiae In celeberrimS, Academic Oxoniensi Prof. Saviliani, Canicvlaria. Auctore lohanne Gravio, good copy in old calf, scarce IGmo. Oxonim : Henricus Hall, Impensis Thmnce Robinson, 1648 a« -niii I' Bancroft (George, Instructor at Bound Hill School and U.S. Historian) An Oration delivered on the fourth of July, 1826, at Northampton, Mass. 26 pp. 8vo. Northampton : T. Watsun Shepard, 1826 This is in more senses than one an extraordinary production. It is high Ameri- can. The style ist that of the Round Hill School. Europe has had her day : see page 9, " Whatever destiny may hang over Europe, mankind is safe. Intelligence and religion have found another home ; not only in our own free States, the cross is planted on each side the Andes, and the rivers which empty into either ocean fertilize the abodes of civilization." 1316 Barbados. The Groans of the Plantations, or, a true Account of their grievous and Extreme suiferings by the heavy impo- sitions upon Sugar, and other hardships. Relating more par- ticularly to the Island of Barbados, 31. pp. cloth, corner of two or three leaves fretted and mended, scarce ito. London : M. Clark, 1689, and re-printed 1698 1 317 BArBE-MARBOls (Mr.) Histoire de la Louisiane et de la cession de cette Colonie par la France aux Etats-Unis de I'Amerique Septentrionale : pr6c6d6e d'un discours sur la Constitution et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis. Par M. Barb6-Marbois, avec une Carte relative a I'^tendne des pays c6d(5s, 3 prel. leaves and iS5 pp. Map at page 109, half calf 8vo. Paris : Firmin Didot, 1829 tmms^ss 1320 1321 135 1318 Barkstead ^John, and two other Begicides) The Speeches, dis- courses and prayers of Col. John Barkstead, Col. John Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet; upon the 19th of April, being the Day of their Suffering at Tyburn, S piel. leaves and 71 pp. very fine and clean copy of an exceedingly rare book ito. Printed in tke Year 1662 These three members of the Long Parliament having voted with the majority against Charles the First felt it prudent to go over to Holland in 16(12, where they considered themselves safe. Col. Okey " being confident that Sir George Downing had a particular kindness for him who gave him his first bread in Kngland," &c. Downing not long after he graduated at Harvard College loft New England, and was greatly befriended by Okey. Downing's treachery therefore in entrapping these three gentlemen is roughly handled, and New England is rated accordingly. 1319 BARKSTEAD. A Memoriall intended to be delivered to the Lords States, Monday 10th March [1662] Stilo Novo, to the High and Mighty Lords the States of Holland. By the Forraign Anabaptist Churches, upon the apprehending and giving up Colonel Barkestead, Colonel Okey, and Mr. Miles Corbet. To the English Resident [Sir George Downing, some- times of New England]. Written originally in Dutch and translated into English, 12 pp. fine and scarce ito. London ; printed in the year 1662 Barlaeus (Caspar) Rervm per Octennivm in Brasilia et aUbi nuper gestarum Historia, ma7\y map^ andplates, fine copy, vellum folio. Amstelodami, ex, Typog. : loannis Blaev, 1647 Barlow (Joel) The Political Writings of Joel Barlow, containing Advice to the Privileged Orders. Letter to the National Con- vention. Letter to the People of Piedmont. The Conspiracy of Kings, a netv edition corrected, 258 pp. sheep 12mo. New York : Mott & Lyon, 1796 Barozzi (Francesco) Cosmographia in qvatvor libros, svmmo ordine, moraqvo facilitate, ac breuitate ad Magnam Ptolemoei Mathematicam Constructionem, ad vniversamque Astrologiam instituens. Cum Prefatione .... in qua .... Joannes de Sacrobosco ver6 84 errores, & aUj permulti suorum Exposi- torum, & Sectatorum ostenduntur, rationibusqi redarguuntur, fine copy, vellum, scarce Sro. Venetijs, Gratiosi Perchacini, 1585 Barrore (Pierre) Nouvelle Relation de la France Equinoxiale, contenant La Description des Cotes de la Guiane ; de I'lsle de Cayenne ; le Commerce de cette Colonic ; Ics divers changemens arrives dans ce Pays ; & les Moeurs & Coutumes des differens Peuples Sauvages qui I'habitent. Avec des figures dcssin(5es sur les lieux, i p'cl. leaves and 251 pp. and numerous plates, calf 12mo. Paris : Piget, 17 ii Barros (JoAo de) L'Asia : de fatti do' Portoghesi nello scopri- mento, &' Mari & Terre di Oriente Nuouamente di Lingua Portogheso tradotta. Dal S. Alfonso VUoa. I'he first and second decades, fine and clean, 2 vol. in 1 , all that ever appeared, old ailf extra ito. In Fenetia, appresso Ftncenzo Valgrisio, 1562 Batolomei (Girolamo) L'America Poema Heioico di G. Barto- lomei gii'i Smeducci, frontispiece, fine copy in the miginal limp vellum folio. Roma, Lodomo Chignani, 1650 B B 1322 1323 1324 1325 If I ill 186 i SA - 1326 Bayard (Ferdinand M.) Voyage dans I'lnterieur des Etats-Unis a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vall6e de Shenandoah, etc. etc. Pendant rfit6 de 1791. Second Edition, Augment6e de des- criptions et d'anecdotes sur le vie militaire et politique de Georges Washington, sewed, uncut, scarce 8m Paris, An Vie [1799] 1327 Beausardus (Petrus) Annvli Astronomici Instrvmenti cvm Cer- tissimi turn commodissimi vsus Petro Beausardo Matheseos studioso auctore, fine copy in vellum 8vo. Antverpice, Ex Officina loannis Steelsij. 1553 1328 BELTRAN (R. P. R Pedro, de Santo Rosa Maria) Arte de el IDIOMA Maya, reducido a succintas reglas, y semilexicon Yucateco. Mexican calf, title; 7 prel. leaves and IS8 pp. mar- gins of title and first leaf mended, wormed throughout arid some leaves stained at back, wanting the two plates, excessively rare ito. en Mexico por la Viuda de J. B. de Hogal, 1746 1329 Benjamin, Ben Jonah, of Tvdila, Rabbi. Itinerarivm Beniamini Tvdilensis ; in qvo res memorabiles, qvas ante qvadringentos annos totum fere tenarum orbem notatis itiueribus dimensus vel ipse vidit vel i fide dignis suae setatis hominibus accepit, breviter atque dilucid^ describuntur ; Ex Hebraico Latinum factum Bened. Aria Montano interprete, fine copy, Imlf calf 8vo. Antverpice, Ch. Plantini, 1575 1330 BiBLIOTHECA AMERICANA J or, a Chronological Catalogue of the most curious and Interesting Books, Pamphlets, State Papers, &c. upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present, in print and manuscript ; for which research has been made in the British Museum, and the most celebrated public and private libraries, reviews, catalogues, &c. With an Introductory Discourse on the present State of literature in these countries, fine copy in old calf ito. London: J. Dehret, etc. 1789 1331 Bibliotheca Americana, being a Choice Collection of Books re- lating to North and South America, and the West Indies, etc. [By B. D. Warden, United States Consul at Paris], y?n6 clean copy, uncvi, half roan 8m i'am, 1840 1332 Bicardus (Ariel) Qvsestiones novae in Libellvm de Sphsera loannis de Sacro Bosco, in gratiam studiosce iuuentutis collectse ab Ariele Bicardo, & nunc denuo recognita), figuris Mathematicis ac tabulis illustrataj, quse in reliquis editionibus a^tehac desi- derabantur, fine copy, vellum 8w. Parisiis, Apud G-ulielmum Cavellat, inpingui Gallina, 1562 1333 Bishop (George) New-England Judged, by the Spirit of the Lord. In two Parts. First, containing a Brief Relation of the Sufferings of the People call'd Quakers in New-England, from 1656 to 1660, &c. Second Part, Being a farther Relation, 1660 to 1665, 5 prel. leaves including tlie two titles, 498 and 232 /)p. darJ: nwrocco 8m London: T.Sowle, 1703 1334 Blades (William) A Catalogue of Books printed by (or ascribed to the Press of) William Caxton in which is included the Press-mark of every Copy contained in the Library of the 187 British Museum, engraved title and S8pp. handmade paper, uncut, onli/ 30 copies printed for sale ito. London, 1865 1335 BLAEU (Gulielmus) Nova/ et accurata/ Terrye marisq,/ Sph/ERA, denuo/ recognita et,/ correcta k/ Gulielmo/ Blaeu./ Omnium Virtutu genere ornatissimo/ viro, Domine Cornelio Petreio Eccle/siastae apud Edamenses vigilantiss. et/ Mathe- matico eximio, amico suo Singula-/ri Hanc Orbis Sphseram k se hoc mo-/ do delineatam. L. M. Q. D. D./ Gulielmus Blaew, Anno D. 1606, losua uinden Ende scul. • Sphsera Stillifera/ Accurate exhibens disposi-/ tionem Stellar, fixar. ex cer-/ tiss"'*- D. Tych. Brahse obser-/ vationib' ad annum 1606 ac-/ cdmodatarum : et australib' stil-/ lis nostra instruc- tione a Frederico Houtmano observatis insignita./ Auct. Guil. Blaew./ Doctissimo clarissimoq; vio D./ Adrian© Metio Divinse Mathesios/ in Academia Franicanjl professori/ ordinario. Hanc Sphaeram stel-/ latam benevolitia ergo dedicat./ Guil. Blaew/ 1606/ A pair of Globes (one terrestrial and the other celestial), by William Blaeu of Amsterdam, dated in lHO(i ; 5^ inches in diameter, mounted on stands, with copper fittings; the terrcstiial in good ciindition, the celestial one cracked, shewing the material and mode of manufacture. The two fitted into a mahogany case lined with green baize and polished outside, with brass handles, lock, &c. The globes earlier than these are excessively scarce, such as the Behaira Globe of 14U2, at Nurnburg, the Leon Globe, the Lenox Globe, that of Naunce, that of Buckingham Smith of 1542, in the New York Historical Society, the Mollineux Globe iu the Middle Temple. But this pnir of Globes by Blaeu is especially valuable from its giving the scientific geography in the terrestrial, as well as the Astronomy of the celestial. He had no difficulty in the northern hemisphere of the latter, because he had at hand the tables of Stars by Tycho Brahe, but for the southern hemisphere he was fortunate enough to secure the advantages of Frederick Houtman s as- tronomical observations and experiences. He accompanier' his brother Cornelis Houtman in his first voyage of the Dutch to the East in i j35, and having been taken prisoner, remained there two or three years. We do not recollect another pair BO early having occurred for sale. 1336 BLAND (Edward, and others) The Discovery of New Brit- TAINE. Began August 27, Anno Dom. 1650. By Edward Bland, Merchant. Abraham Woode, Captaine. Sackford Brewster, Elias Pennant, Gentlemen. From Fort Henry, at the head of Appamattuck River in Virginia, to the Fals of Blandina, first Eiver in New Britaine, wlaich runneth West, being 120 miles South-west, between 35 and 37 degrees (a pleasant country) of temperate Ayre, and fertile Soyle, 4 prel. leaves and IG pp. {the engraved frontispiece, Indian corn and bird wanting) fine clean copy, one of the rarest books on Virginia ito. London : Thomas Hamper for John Stephenson, 1651 1337 Bohemia. The Present State of the Affaires betwixt the Em- peror and King of Bohemia, and their Confederates, as it hath been very Truely related by certaine Letters sent by Persons of extraordinary qualitie, &c. Together with the Occurrents lately happened in the Armies of Generall Veere, the Princes of the Vnion, and Spinola. Translated out of the French, and High Dutch Coppies. Title and 38 pp. wry fine copy, scarce ' ito. Printed 1620 1338 Bohemia. An Answere to the Qvestion: whether the Em- perour that now is, can bee Judge in the Bohemian Contra- li! |i i 188 1339 1340 uersie or no 1 Together with the Extract taken out of the Acts of the Dyet at Auspurghe, in the yeare 1584 : Concerning the Kingdome of Bohemia, 24 pp. fine dean copy, excessively rare 4/o. 1620 Bohemia. A Eelation containing the manner of the Solemni- ties at the Election and Coronation of Ferdinand the Em- perour, in Francford the 30 of August last past 1619. With other occurrences in Bohemia and divers parts of Germany, for three months last past. Title, v & 43 pp. splendid copy, uncut {but wants ."lieet B 8.) ito. London : Robert Mylbourne, 1620 Bohemia. A Proclamation made by the High and Mighty Fredericke by the Grace of God King of Bohemja, &c. Com- manding all those his Subjects which are now in the Service of his Majesties Enemies, to repaire Home within the space of 14 Dayes, upon paine of his Highnes displeasure, and Con- fiscation of Goods and Lands. Translated out of the Dutch Coppie. Title & 6 pp. excessively scarce ito. Printed at Prague, 1620 1341 BOSS (Peter) The Tryals of Peter Boss, George Keith, Thomas Budd and William Bradford, Quakers, for several Great Misdemeanours before a Court of Quakers. At the Sessions held at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Dec. 1692. Printed first Beyond Sea, and now Reprinted in London, for Richard Baldwin, IG93, fine large and clean copy in calf extra, by Pratt ito. The proceedings and results of this trial droTC William Bbadfobd, the first printer of Philadelphia, to New York, where he became the first printer there. 1342 Bossi (Luigi) Vita di Christoforo Colombo, portrait and woodcuts 8vo. Milano, 1818 Lettera Rarissima di C. Colombo riprodotta e illustrata dal Cav. Ab. Morelli, 2 vol. in I, fine copies in half russia Qvo. Bassano, 1810 1343 1344 Bossu (M. Capt. dans les Troupes de la Marine) Nouveau Voyages aux Indes Occideiitales ; contenaut une Relation des difFerens Peuples qui habitent les environs du grand fleuve Saint-Louis, appell6 vulgarrement Mississipi ; leur Religion ; leur gouvem- ment ; leurs moeurs ; leurs guerres & leur commerce, 2 vol. in 1, old calf, icith plates l2mo. Paris: Le Jay, 1768 BoTERO (Juan) Razon destado Contres libros de la Grandeza de las Ciudades, de Juan Botero ; traduzido de Italiano en Castellano por Antonio de Herrera. 8 preliminary and 175 leaves IGmo. Burgos, Sebastian de Canas, 1603 This early translation of Botebo into Spanish, by Herrera the Historian of the World and of the Indies, is rare and valuable. 1345 Brasil. Antwoordt op sekeren Brief Evlaly, vervatende de redenen waerom datmen met den Vyandt in geen Conferentie behoort te treden. Door wien, ende met wat ordre de selve voor den dagh gebracht ende versoeht is Ende eyntlijck dat den Treves in alle manieren schadelijck voort Landt is (against trading with Spain in Brasil & the West Indies, & against the Truce), etc. sewed ito. Qedruckl in't Jaer, 1629 i i t f J ii > UUtaMkMUIBiiMlli 189 1346 Bromley (Thomas) The Way to the Sabbath of Rest. Or the Soul's Progress in the Work of the New-Birth. With Two discourses of the Author never before Printed, viz. The Journeys of the Children of Israel, as in their Names and historical Passages, they comprise the great and gradual Work of Regeneration: And A Treatise of Extraordinary divine Dispensations, under the Jewish and Gospel Administrations. To which are added a Discourse on Mistakes concerning Reli- gion, Enthusiasm, Experiences, &c. By Thomas Hartley, Rector of Winwick, viii and 280 pp. *A Discourse,' by Thomas Hartley, etc. 168^. 8vo. London printed; Oemiantoion, re-printed and sold by Christopher Sower, Also sold hy Solomon Fnssell and Jonathan Zane in Philadelphia, 1759 1347 BuLKELEY (Peter) The Gospel-Covenant; or the Covenant of Grace opened. Wherein are explained ; 1. The Differences betwixt the Covenant of grace and Covenant of workes. 2. The different administration of the Covenant before and since Christ. 3. The benefits and blessings of it. 4. The Condition. 5. The properties of it. Preached in Concord in New-England by Peter Bulkeley, sometimes fellow of Saint John's College in Cambridge. The Second Edition, much enlarged, and corrected by the Author. And the chiefe heads of Things (which was omitted in the former) distinguished into Chapters, 1 prel. leaves and Text in 432 pp. table 5 leaves Mo. London : Matthew Simmons, 1651 1348 1349 1350 BuNYAN (John) A Caution to Stir up To watch against Sin. By J. Bunyon The first Eight Lines one did commend to mee, The rest I thought good to commend to thee : Reader, in reading be thou rul'd by mee, With Rhimes nor lines, but Truths, affected be. a broad sheet in ttco columns, with woodcut borders, containing xvi eight-line stanzas, scarce if not unique folio. Printed for N. Ponder at the Peacock in tlie Poultry [16801] Burnaby (Andrew, Fimr of Givenwich) Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America, in the years 1769 and 1760. With Observations upon the State of the Colonies. Second Edition, xv <& 198 pp. boards 8vo. London: T.Payne, 177 5 Bryant (William Cullen) The Embargo ; or. Sketches of the Times. A Satire. The Second Edition, corrected and enlarged together with the Spanish Revolution and other Poems. 36 pp. uncut, fine clean copy, scarce 8vo. Boston : E. Q. Home, 1809 This poem was written and published in 1808, when the author was thirteen years old. 1351 Camus (A. G.) M^moire sur la Collection des Grands et Petits Voyages, et sur la Collection des Voyages de Melchisedeck Thevenot ; fine copy in old tree calf ito. Paris : Baudouin Frimaire An XL 1802 1352 Canada Bill. Thoughts on the Canada Bill now depending in Parliament, half-tUle, title and 50 pp. 8w. London.' J. Debrett, 1791 190 m f \% ! 1353 Oancellieri (Francesco) Dissertazioni Epistolari Bibliografiche sopra Cristoforo Colombo di Coccaro nel Monferato discopritore deir America e Giovanni Gersen di Cavaglia' Abate di S. Stefano in Vercelli Avtore del libro de Imitatione Christi al Ch, Sig. Cavaliere Granfrancesco Galeoni Napione di Cocconato Passerano, fine large and uncut copy, half nuyrocco, SCARCE 8to. In Roma, per Francesco Bovrlie' nel 1809 1354 Canovai (Stanislao) Elogio di Amerigo Vespucci che riporto il premio dalla nobile accademia etrusca di Cartona nel di 15 Ottobro deir anno 1788. Con una dissertazione giustifi- cativa di questo celebre navigatore. Quarta edizione, 196 pp. rough edges, half morocco, fine copy ito. Firenze, Giovacchino Pagani, 1798 1355 Canovai (Stanislao) Viaggi d' Amerigo Vespucci con la Vita, I'elogio e la dissertazione giustificativa di celebre navigatora Opera, •poatuma, fine and clean, half Jttssia 8vo. Fireme,l8n 1356 Caribbeana. Containing letters and dissertations, with Poetical Essays on various subjects and occasions ; chiefly wrote by several hands in the West-Indies, 2 vol. fine copy, old calf, SCARCE 4/0. London: T. Oshmie and JV. Smith, and others, 1741 1357 Carolina. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina [By JohnLock],Iutlf morocco, separately paged folio. ».. d. 1358 Carrara (Ubertinus) Columbus Carmei) Epicum, r/ood copy, roan 8vo. Augustce, Sumptibus Matthice Wolff, 1730 1359 Carver (Jonathan) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in 1766, 1767 and 17 68, fine large copy in old calf 8vo. London, for the Author, 1778 1360 Casco Bay. Chronicle of Casco Bay, commences page 8 to 56, and plate 8m Poiiland, Sanborn and Carter, 1850 1361 CASTILE. Leyes del Estilo. Las Leyes del estilo. E De- clarationes sobre las leyes del fuero [verso of title] Aqui comiem^ ii las leyes del estilo : que por otra manera se llaman declaracion de las leyes del fuero, 30 foliod leaves, black Ittitt, double cohtmns, fine copy folio. [Sevilla t circa 1520] 1362 Chabert (Joseph Bernard de, Marquis) Voyage fait par ordre der Roi en 1750 et 1751, dans I'Am^rique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des C6tes de I'Acadie, de I'lsle Royale & de risle de Terre-Neuve; Et pour en fixer les principaux points par des Observations Astronomiques, maps, &c. half calf ito. Paris, 1753 1363 Chambersburg (Pennsylvania) A Bill of Rates of Carpenter and House-Joiner Work, settled and agreed on, by the subscribers, Chambersburg April 13th 1790, to which is affixed an Appendix,by other subscribers,Chambersburg December, 1799, lipj). l2mo. Chambersbw-g, Bobert Harper, 1799 1364 CHAMPLAIN (Samuel de) Les Voyages dv Sievr de Champlain Xaintongeois. Ou Jovrnal tres-fidele des Observations faites 6s descouuertes de la Nouvelle France, etc. fine large copy, but wanting pages 5-10 in signature A and B, and all the folded maps not printed in the text, except two fragments about the size of a page, vellum iio. Paris, chez Jean Berjon, 161S 1 191 1366 Champlain (Samuel de) Voyages de Sieur Ghamplain, ou Journal ha D^couvertes de la Nouvelle France, 2 vol. half calf, m. e. 6vo. Paris, imprimd aiuefrais du Gouvemment, 1830 1366 Charibbs. Authentic Papers relative to the Expedition against the Charibbs and the Sale of Lands in the Island of St Vincent, fine and clean, sewed ito. London, J. Almon, 1773 1367 Charlevoix (Pierre Francois Xavier) Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Eoi dans I'Am^rique Septen- trionnale, 6 vol. calf, rebacked, numerous maps, fine clean copy l2mo. Paris, Pierre-Francois Giffart, 1744 1368 CHARLEVOIX (Pierre Francois Xavier) La Vie de la Mere Marie de l'Incarnation, Institutrice & premire Superieure des Vrsulines de la Nouvelle France, fine clean copy in hcdf black morocco, red edges, with the excessively rare portrait engraved by Poilly. One of the scarcest books relating to Canada 8vo. A Paris, chez Ant. Claude Briasson, 1724 1369 CHARLEVOIX (Pierre Francois Xavier) La Vie de la Mere Marie de l'Incarnation, Institutrice, & premiere Supdrieure des Vrsulines de la Nouvelle France, very fine large copy, UNCUT, bound in half black mordcco, gilt top, excessively rare in this state, no portrait. Query, should there be one to this issue ? 8vo. A Paris, chez P. G, Le Mercier, 1735 1370 Charlevoix (Pierre rran9ois Xavier de) Histoire de I'lsle Espagnole ou de S. Dominque, 2 vol. fine copy in old calf ito. Paris, J. Guerin, 1730-31 1371 Charlevoix (Pierre Francois Xavier) Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres giving an Account of a Voyage to Canada and Travels through that vast Country and Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico, etc. map, Imlf calf 8vo. London: B. Goadby [Sherburne] and Sold by B. Baldwin, 1763 1372 Charlevoix (Pierre Fran9ois Xavier de) Historia Paraguajensis ex Gallico Latina, cum Animadversionibus et Supplemento, fine large copy in half vellum folio. Venetiis, Apud Franciscum Sansoni, 1779 1373 CIEQA DE LEON (Pedro de) Cronica del Gran Regno del Peru. Parte Prima [all ever printed]. Tradotta nella Italiana per Agostino di Cravalez, vellum, fine copy 8vo. Fenetia, C. Franceschini, 1576 1374 Cities of Europe, Asia, Ai'rica and America. Afbeeldiuge van Een-Hondert der voornaamste en sterkste Steeden in Europa, title, contents and 100 copperplate views oblong folio. Te Ainsterdam By Jan Boman, 1752 This interesting volume has views of Seville, Lisbon, Paris, Geneva ; 8 in Italy, 34 in Germany, 2 of LondoA and 1 of Oxford ; 16 in Holland, Denmark, Sweden and Turkey; 12 in Asia, 13 in Africa and 10 in America, viz. Acapulco, New Amsterdam, Pernambnco, Francis de Campeche, Havanna, Carthagena, Nombre de Dios, Panama, St. Juan de Porto Rico and San Salvador. 1375 Clavigero (Francesco Saverio) Storia Antica del Messeco, etc. 4 vol. maps and plates, FIRST EDITION, fine copy in half vellum Uo. Cesena, Gregorio Biasini, 1780-81 I m u ■ 192 1376 Clavius (Christopliorus) In Sphaeram loannis de Sacro Bosco Gommentarios. Nunc tertio ab ipso Auctore recognitur, & plerisque in locis locupletatus, Jine and clean, old calf 4/0. RonuB Ex Officina Dominici Basm, 1585 1377 Clavius (Christophoms) Epitome Arithmeticse Practicse, nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognita, & aucta, vellum 8w. . Colonice Agr. Apiid Bernardum Gualtherium, 1601 1378 Colonies. Dello Stato e della sorte delle Colonie degli Antichi Popoli opera nella quale si tratta del governo delle antiche republiche ec. Con della osservazioni su le Colonie delle Nazioni moderne e la condotta degli Inglesi in America, 27Spp. Tavula 1 page, fine, dean and scarce 8vo. Filadeljla, 1780 1379 COLUMBUS (Ferdenando) Historie Del S. D. Fernando Colombo ; nelle quali s'ha particolare & vera relatione della vita & de' fatti dell' ammiraglio D. Christoforo Colombo, suo padre; et dello scroprimento, ch'egli fece dell' Indie Occi- dentali, dette Mondo Nvovo, liora possedute dal Sereniss Re Catolico : Nuouamente di lingua Spagnuola tradotte nell' Italiana dal S. Alfonso Vlloa, 20 prelim, leaves, 20th blank, text 247 foliod leaves, wants sheets D/ol. 25-32, and R 129-136, half miyrocco, red edges 16mo. Venetia, Francesco de' Franceschi Sanese, 1571 This is the Book and the editicm that Washington Irving more than a half century ago, in his Life of Columbus, named The Coenkb Stonk OP Amebican History. So it has passed, and been generally aclinowledged in all countries, until recently. About ten years ago a Society of Andalusian bibliographers was formed at Seville. Their first publication, which has deservedly given the " Biblio- filos Andahices" a character for iconoclasm, was a fierce Hisp.ano-French attack on the authenticity of this Life of Columbus by his second son Ferdinand. The Paper was ^vritten by Henri Harrisse of Paris in French, and was translated by Senor , one of the Seville Bibliofllos, adapted and published by the Society. The Book is boldly pronounced a Forgery and a fraud on Ferdinand Columbus. Some 15 reasons are given in proof of these charges, all of which after abundant research and study have been pronounced frivolous, false and groundless. The little book still stands the " Corner Stone." To brand it as spurious, would undermine most modem history, for many important facts and conclusions, respecting the great Age of Discovery are traceable to this book alone. The author accompanied his father in his Fourth and long Voyage, and subsequently became one of the most accomplished scholars and perhaps the most profound bibliographer in Europe. This life of Columbus, translated and properly edited, should be in every village and common school library in Europe and America. 1380 Columbus (Christopher) Primera Epistola del Almirante don Cristdbal Colon dando cuenta de su gran descubrimiento k D. Gabriel Sanchez, Tesorero de Aragon. Acompana al texto original castillano el de la traduccion latina de Leandro de Cosco, segun la primera edicion de Romt. de 1493, y precede la noticia de una nueva copia del original manuscrito y de las antiguas ediciones del texto en latin hecha por el editor D. Genaro H. de Volafan [Anagram of Varnhagan] x and 25 pp. cloth Uo. Valencia, D. Josd Mateu Gnrin, 1858 1381 Columbus. Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano ossia Racolta di Documenti Originali e inediti, spettanti a Christoforo Colombo alia Scoperta ed al Governo dell' America Pubblicato per ordine degl' 111""' Decuroni della Citt^ di Genova [Edited by Gio. Batista Spotomo],y?ne copy on thick paper, half mwocco ito. Geneva, Nov. 1823 193 1382 Columbus (Christopher) Elogj Storici di Christoforo Colombo e di Andrea d'Oria, fine copy in Juilf calf, on thick paper ito. Parma, della Stamperia Reale, 1781 1383 Connecticut. The Connecticut GoreTilte, stated and considered, showing the right of the proprietors to the Lands lately purchased by thtsm from tlie State of Connecticut ; lying west of the Delaware liiver, uncut, wants after page 40 8c(/. Hartford, Hmlson it Goodwin, 1799 1384 Connolly (John) A / Narrative / of the / Transactions, Imprison- ment, / and / sufferings / of / John Connolly, / an / American Loyalist, / and / Lieutenant-Colonel in his Majesty's Service. / In which are shewn, / The unjustifiable Proceedings of Con- gress, in his / Treatment and Detention. / 'f We an(i \\1 pp. Privately printed, sewed and of excessive rariiy fine clean copy on thick writing paper Svo. London : / Printed in the year MDCCLXXXIII./ After the Old French Wav Major Connolly, an American born, served as a volun- teer two campaigns in the Puntiach War, studying much the Indians, and ex- ploring their territory. After these Indian wars he finally settled in West Augusta County, Virginia, beyond the mountains, and acquired property on the Ohio. He became an officer in the service of the Assembly of Virginia. He coiiimanded at Fort Pitt, or Pittsburg, and by Gov. Dunmore was commissioned to command the Militia of West Augusta '^"unty. On the breaking out of the Kebellion in 177.5 Gov. Dunmore authorise ■ him to pacify the Indian Tribes and induce them to join the Royal side. He orought them together and made an Indian anym7, maps and plates, coif 4to. London : Far the Author, 1808 199 1810 1424 Grant (James) The Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery performed in his Majesty's Vessel The Lady Nelson, of 60 tons burthen, with sliding keel, in 1800, 1801, and 1802, to New South Wales, etc. maps and plates ito. London: C. Eoworth, 1803 1425 Graner (N. F.) Histoire de la Ville ^piscopale et de I'arondisse- ment de Saint-Di6, D6partement des Vosges, sous le Gouverne- ment Th6ocratique de quatre Monast^res en opposition avec les Dues de Lorraine et les Princes Constitutionnels de Solm, seived, uncut, scarce 8m Epinal, Gerard, 1836 1426 Gkoot (Jeldert Jansz) Beknopt en getrouw Verhaal, van de Keys van Commandeur J. J, Groot, uit Texel na en in Green- land, &c. Deszelfs Verblyf op de Kust van Oud-Groenland, naa het Verongelukken van deszelfs onderhebbend Schip, tusschen Ysland en Staatenhoek. Voorgevallen in Ao. 1777 en 1778, \& pp. ito. Amsterdam : Gedrukl vom- den Autheur 1427 Grynaeus (Simon) Nows ORBis,^ne large copy, no map folio. Basilice, Apud lo. Hervagivm, 1555 1428 HAKLUYT (Richard) The Puincipall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English nation, made by Sea or ouer Land, to the most remote and farthest distant Quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these 1500 yeeres : etc. &c. 8 prelim, leaves and text in 825 pp. followed by a " table " of 9 pp. folio. Imprinted at London by George Bishop and Ralph Newberie, Deputies to Christopher Barker, 1589 ThiH matchless copy, large, and every way perfect, is bound uniformly with the next lot, by RiviEBE in his best gros grained French morocco to l , 206 U71 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 the Constitution and promoting the prosperity of the British Empire. By a late Under Secretary of State [\V. Knox], 2 voL in 1, halfi-ussia 8vo. Londo.i: J. Debrett, 1789 KcEBELius (Jacobus) Astrolabii Dictaratio, ejusdemqve usus mire iucundus, non modo Astrologis, medicis geographis, ceterisque literarum cultoribus multum utilis ac necessarius, fine copy, vellum 8w. Parisiis, G-ulklmus Cavellat, 1552 Labat (Pere) Nieuwe Reizen naar de Franse Eilanden van America. Bohelzende de Natuurlyke Historie van die Landcn, derzelver Oorspronk, Zeden, Godsdienst, Hegoring, etc. in't Nederduitsch in't ligt gebragt door W. C. Dyks. Met veel fraye Kopero Plaaten verciert, 2 vol. in 1 , very fine copy in old calf extra Uo, Amsterdam, BaJthasar Lakeman, 1725 La Condamino (M. de) A succinct Abridgment of a Voyage within the Inland Parts of South- America ; from the Coasts of the South-Sea, to the Coasts of Brazil and Guiana, down the Eiver of the Amazons : to which is annexed, a Map of the Maranon, no map, sewed 8vo. London: E. Witliers, 1747 La Condamine (M. Charles de) Relation Abr6g6e d'un Voyage fait dans rint6rieur de I'Am^rique M«5ridionale, Depuis la C6te de la Mer du Sud, jusqu'aux Cotes du Brdsil & de la Guzane, en descendant la Riviere des Amazones. Nouv. Ed. fine copy, lutlf calf 8w. Maestricht, chez Jean-Edme Dufour & Philippe Roux, 1778 Laet (Joannes de. Secretary of tlie Dutch West India Company and its Histmian) Belgii Confederati Respublica : sev Gelriae, Holland, Zeland, Traject. Fris. Transisal, Groning, Choro- graphica Politicaque descriptio, 8 prelim, leaves and 352 pages : Index 5 leaves, old red morocco, g. e. splendid copy 32/Ho. Lugd. Batav. Ex Officiiui Elzeviriana, 1630 La Hontan (M. le Baron de) Nouvoaux Voyages, dans I'Am^ri- que Septentrionale, 2 vol. maps and jMes, good copy in old calf 12mo. A La Haye, chez les Freres I'Honmx, 1703 LALEMANT (Hierosmk) Relation do ce qvi s'est pass6 de plvs remarquable avx Missions de Peres De la Corapagnie de lesvs en la Novvelle France, es Annees 1662 & 1663. Enuoy6e au R. P. Andrd. Castillon, Provincial do la Prouince de France, fine copy in the original vellum 8co. A Paris, Ches Sebaslien Cramoisy, 1664 LARRAINZAR (Manual) Estudios sobre la Historia de America, sus Ruinas y Antigiiedadcs, comparadas con lo mas not.ible que se conoce del otro continente en los tiempos mas remotos y sobre el origen de sus habitantes, 6 vol. sewed, uncut, plates royal 8vo. 'Mexico : Imprenta de VUlanueve y Camp, 1875-1878 In tho Archseology of Central America, Mexico, etc., it ia understood that this elaborate work supersedes all previous works on the same subject. Published in Mexico at 35 dollars. 1479 Laudonniere (Ren6 de) L'Histoire notable de la Floeide situee, es indes occidentales contenant les trois Voyages faits en icelle par certains Capitaines et Piloles frau9ois descrits par le capi- 206 taine Laudoniii^re, qui y a commands I'ospace d'un an trois moys : h laquelle a e8t6 adjou8t6 un quatriesme voyage fait par le capitaine Gourgues. Mise en lumiere par M. Basanier, Gentil-homme fran9oi8 Matliematicien, xvi & 228 jyp. cloth, uncut, scarce reprint \2mo. Paris: P. Jannet, 1853 1480 Layman (A.) A Description of Fox-like Teachers; together with a short Address to the Ministers of this Land, 15 pp. mended l2mo. Boston, 1757 1481 Lejarza (Juan Jo86 Martinez do) Andlisis Estadistico, de la Provincia de Michuacan, en 1822, half calf ito. Mexico: Imprenta Nacianal, 182i 1482 Le Jeune (Paul) Relation de ce qui s'est pass6 de plus remarqu- able aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouvelle France 6a ann^es mil six cens ciuquante six & mil six cens cinquante sept [1656-7] Q jn-el. leaves and 211 pp. a fine copy except that B iii-viii, pp. 21-32, arc in MS. 8vo. Paris, S. & G. Cramoisy, 1658 Few books arc rarer or more important for the history of Canada than these Jesuit Relations, some 40 volumes or more between 1632 and 1672. 1483 Lee (Richard, Bookseller and Radical) Political Curiosities, in- cluding an account of the State of Political Affairs in Europe, sheep, and scarce 8vo. Philadelphia: Printed for Bkhard Lee, No. 89, NorthrSecond Street, 1796 Citizen Lee, of London, was a character in his way, and probably being in some other person's way he removed to Philadelphia early in 1796, taking some of his stock-in-trade [radical and liberty pamphlets] with him. The collec- tive title alone of this volume was printed in Philadelphia, all the rest con- sisting of nearly 20 tracts had been printed and published at various signd in London the year or two previous, especially at the " Jiritith tree of Liberty," in the Haymarket, and afterwards at 444, Strand. Three of the tracts are frontispieced with Liberty caricatures, 1484 Letter (A) to a Person of Honour, concerning the King's [Charles II] disavowing the having been married to the D. of M's Mother, 23 ^. ito. [London ?] 1680 The object of this apparently privately printed tract is to elicit an inquiry into the validity of Charles II's marriage with Mrs. Walters, the mother of the Duke of Monmouth. It is charged that the Duke of York induced Charles II to repudiate his marriage to the mother of Monmouth in order to establish his own claim to the throne, The tract is without name or printer, but is dated at the end June 10, 1610 [1680?] 1485 LE MERCIER (Francois) Relacion de ce qvi s'est PAssi; de plvs remarqvable aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de lesvs, en la Nowelle France aux ann6es 1667 & 1668, fine large copy in the original vellum, mki\.r,^ 8vo. Paris, Vhei, Sebadian Marhe-Cramoisy, 1669 1486 Lima. A True Relation of tie Dreadful Earthquake which happen'd at Lima, the Capital of Peru, and the neighbouring Port of Callao on the 28th of October, 1746, etc. maps and . plates, fine and dean, old calf 8vo. London: T. Osborne, 1748 1487 LiTTERAE Annuae Iaponicae A Reverendo P. Francisco Pasio V. Provinciali, ad Admodum R. P. N. Claudivm Aqvavivam Societatis lesv Prsepositum generalem Anno Domini M.DCI. datse. Romae primum anno MDCIll apvd Lvdovicvm Zanet- tum Italico Idiomate, 79 pp. 8vo. Mogvntiaci it Balthazare Lippio Latino excusa, 1604 I 207 1488 LiTTERAE SociETATis Iesv, anno MDCli. et MDCiii. E Sinis, Molvcis, lapone Datae, progressvm Kei Christianae in ijs oris aliq,* memoratu iucunda complexae. 259 pp. fine copy, scarce 8vo. Mogvntiaci, Balthasari Lippii, 1607 1489 LITUEGY. De Cautelen ^dat is te segghen, de Waerschouv- vinghe ofte onderwijsinghe) met het Canon ende Ceremonien vander Misae. Mitsgaders de Misse gheintitnlert, van tlichaen Iesv Christi. Al in Latyn ende Duytsch, het latyn ghetrau- •weiijck glietrocken die ghedruckt was tot Lyons door lehan van Camerick int laer m.d, en xx. van den welcken dopschrift in de ander syde volcht, 160 foliod leaves ; 2d title, Den Sack met die stucken voor den Pans van Roomen, syn Cardinalen, Bissclioppen, Abten, Menieken, etc, 67 leaves, very fine large clean copy in vellum, excessively sairce 8vo. Gheprint te Londen, Anno. 1568 Wolophon] Den. 19 Nouembris, Londini Jn cedihus Henrici Jiynneman. 1490 Llorente (Mariano) Saggio Apologetico degli Storici e Conquis tatori Spanuoli dell' America, cleaii and unctit 8vo. Parma, Presso Luigi Mussi, 1804 1491 LOCKE (John) A Collection of several Pieces of Mr. John Locke, never before printed, or not extant in his Works. Publish'd by the author of the Life of Mr. John Hales, &c. old calf 8vo. London: B. Francklin, 1720 The first piece in the volume, p. 1-53, is " The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina." For a folio edition of this same paper see lot 1357 above. 1492 London. A True and faithful Account of the Several infor- mations exhibited to the Honourable Committee appointed by the Parliament to inquire into the late dreadful Burning of the City of London, together with other informations touching the Insolency of Popish Priests and Jesuites ; and the Increase of Popery, brought to the Honourable Committee appointed by the Parliament for that purpose, 32 pp. scarce ito. Printed in tlie year 1667 1493 Long (Major Stephen H.) Account of an Expedition from Pitts- burgh to the Rocky Mountains in 1819 and 1820. Completed by Edwin James, Botanist. With an atlas, 2 vol. Jialf calf, the atlas wanting 8vo. Phil. Caray & Lea, 1823 1494 LOPEZ (Odoardo) Relatione del Reame di Congo et -delle circonvicine contrade Tratta dalli Scritti & ragionamenti di Odvardo Lopez Portoghese, Per Filippo Pigafetta, fine large copy with rough leaves, having the 8 copperplates and tlie large map of Africa, the other aid smaller map wanting, vellum, the original of Part I of De Bry's India, scarce Uo. In Roma, Appresso Bartolomeo Ch-assi, 1591 1495 Lopez de Castanheda (Fernando) Historia dell' Indie Orientali, scoperte, & conquistate da' Portoghesi, di commissione dell' Inuittissimo, Re Don Manuello. Distinta in Libri VII. Noua- mente di lingua Portoghese in Italiana tradotti dal Signor Alfonso VUoa, fine large copy of the whole seven Books complete, in 2 thick volumes 4to. In Venetia, Appresso Giordano JZUetti, 1578 1496 LORING (Israel, Pastor of the West Church in Sudhun , Mass.) Jus- tification not by Works but by Faith in Jesus Const. A Prac- tical Discourse, title and 9Spp. few pages mviUai.d and mended, sprinkled calf Z2mo. Boston, Knulavd & Green, 1749 ■" I I 1497 208 Loring (Israel, Pastor in Sudbury) The Duty of an apostatizing People to remember from whence they are fallen, and repent, and do their first Works. A Sermon Preached before his Excellency Jonathan Belcher, Esq. the Couiicil, and House of Eepresentative of Massachusetts Bay, May 25th, 1737, half title, title and 68 pp. fine copy, uncut 6vo. Boston : S, Kneeland, 1737 1498 1499 1600 Louisiana. Vue de la Colonie Espagnole der Mississipi, ou dcs Provinces de Lousiane et Floride Occidentale, 1802, fine copy, map, uncut, half roan 8m Paris, B. Duvallon, Editeur, 1803 Maestlin (Michael) Epitome Astronomise, qva brevi explicatione omnia, tain ad Sphaericam qu^m Tlieoricam eius partem per- tinentia, ex ipsius scientiae fortibus deducta, perspicu6 per quaestiones traduntur consciipta, etc. etc. vellum 8vo. TuUngce, 1624 Maffeus (loan. Petris, Bergomatis, e Societate lesv) Historiarvm Indicarvm LIbri XVI. Selectarvm, item, ex India Epistolarvm Libri IV. Accessit Ignatii Loiolae vita. Omnia ab Auctore recognita & emendata. In singula copiosus Index, all bound in one thick vohiine in old pigskin 8vo, Coloniae Agrippinae In Officina Birekmannica, sumptibus Amoldi Mylij, 1590 Maldonado (Lorenzo Ferrer) Viaggio dal Mare Atlantico al Pacifico per la via del Nord-Ovest fatto dal Capitano L. F. Maldonado I'anuo 1588. Tradotto da un Manoscritto Spag- nuolo inedito da Carolo Amoretti, maps and plates, fine and clean ito. Milano, 1811 MAEIE DE L' INCARNATION. La Vie de la Mere Marie de r Incarnation, Institutrice & premiere Superieur des Vrsulines do la NouVELLE France [Par Charlevoix] fine copy, in old adf, with the pmirait, excessively scarce %vo. Paris, Cliez Ant. Claude Briasson, 1724 Marvin (J. G. Councellar at Law) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish and Scotch Law Books, together with some Continental Treatises. Interspersed with Critical Observations upon their various editions and authority. To which is prefixed a copious list of abbreviations, 3 p'el. leaves and 800 pp. law sheep, fine copy 8m Philadelphia: T. & J. W. Johnson, 1847 This rare and valuable volume has long been out of print. It is the fulloot and best bibliography of the subject, A copy sold a few months since for £8. 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 MARYLAND. A Relation of Maryland ; together with a map of the Countrey, The Conditions of Plantation, His Majesties Charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English. Inv- perfect, wanting map and pp. 37 to 56 of text, and 1 to 20 of Clmrter Uo. [Londmi] Sept. 8, 1635 Mather (Cotton) Meat out of the Eater. Or, Funeral- Discourses occasioned by the Death of several Relatives. A work accommodated unto the Service of all thaf. are in any attliction : but very particularly such as are afflicted with the loss of their consorts or children, 3^we/. leaves and 222^^. dark polished calf extra, gilt edges by Pratt, the title and two or three leav's restored, SCARCE 32oto. Boston, 1703 209 1506 MATHER (Cotton) The Wonders of the Invisible World : Being an Account of the Tryals of Several Witches lately executed in New England : and of several Remarkable Curi- osities therein Occurring. The Second Edition. Ends p. 60 (icaniinc/ last leaf only) fine large and clean copy ito. Printed first at Boston in Netv England, and reprinted at London for John Dunton, 1693 This Second Edition haa a very different title from the first London edition the same year, and is much rarer. 1507 MATHER (Cotton) The Everlasting Gospel. The Gospel of Justification by the Righteousness of God ; as 'tis Held and Preach'd in the Churches of New-England : Expressed in a Brief Discourse on an Important Article ; made at Boston in the year 1699. By Cotton Mather, and asserted with the •attestations of several Reverend and Eminent Persons, now most considerable in those Churches. 2Me; Dedication 22 pp. signed by John Higgimon ; To tlic Reader, 4 pages signed by Samuel IFilhird ; text IQ pp. Some leaves damaged and 4 ivant- ing, B 3 and 4 and F 3 and 4 32mo. Boston, B. Green tC /. Allen for NicJwlas Buttolph, 1700 1508 MATHER (Cotton) Ecclesiastes. The Life of the Reverend and Excellent Jonathan Mitchel, a Pastor of the Church, and a Glory of the Colledge, in Cambridge, New-England. Title reverse Uai\k ; Epistle Dedicatory signed by Increase Mather, pp. 3-32 ; text, pages 33-80, wanting pages 81-111 16?/, here he devotes m; less than 10 full pages to it. To him belongs the honour o.. !i in 1849. Since then ii ft sold at prices irora £'J0 to . Mr. Murphy, who publi>;hod :■. Eaedt to Coviielis ^f(;IlJll, but g and announcing its biblidgriiphical importance • 'copies have Ijccn brouglit to light and liave been Mr. Brodhead in his History of New York, and .nsl.itionnf it, .attribute tlic authorship of Breeden- Ur. George Asher, on tlie oth' r hand, declares his opinion that Melyn was not the author, and gives four reason., (page 200) why he could not be. The book however is abundantly able to stand on its own merits. 1526 NICOLAI (Eliud) Newe vnd warhaffte relation, von der mo was sich in beederley. Das ist, Inden West vnd Ost-Indien, von der zeit an zugetragen, dasz sich Navigationes der Holl- vnnd Engelliindischen compagnicn daselbsthin angefangen abzuschneiden, etc. fine copy in old vellum, gilt, scarce ito. Mmclien, durch Nkolaum Henricum, 1619 1527 NiCOLAl (Nicolo de) Le Navigationi et Viaggi nella Tvrchia, di N. de Nicolai del Delfinato, con diuerse singolarita in quelle parti dair Autore viste & osseruate Nouamente tradotto di Francese da F. Flori da Lilla. Con sessanta figure id naturale si d'huomini come di Donne, secondo la varietS dello nationi, i loro portamenti, gesti, habiti, loggi, riti, costumi & modo di viuere, in tempo di pace & di guerra, etc. vellum ito. Anvcrsa, Appresso G. Siluio, 1577 1528 North America. The Present State of North America, &c. Paxt I, ail printed, 2 prelim, leaves and 88 pj). ito. London: 11. and J. Dodsley, 1755 1529 NoVA-ScOTiA. A fair Representation of His Majesty's Right to Nova-Scotia or Acadie, brietly stated from the Memorials of the English Commissaries ; Avith an Answer to the Objections contained in the French Memorials, and in a treatise, entitled Discussion Sommaire sur les anciennes Limites de I' Acadie, 64 pp. good copy, scarce 8vo. London, Edward Owen, 1756 1530 Nova Scotia. An Account of the Present State of Nova Scotia, via and 157 pp. old calf 8vo. Edinburgh: William Creech, IT M 1531 Observations on a Pamphlet, entitled A short History of Opposi- tion, during the last Session of Parliament. With a Postscript to the Author. Containing, some strictures on his arguments 213 1756 in support of a corrupt influence in the Crown, dr. To which is prefixed an Address to Messr. Wedderburne, Gibbon and McPherson. By a Member of Parliament, title and 121 fp. %vo. London: W. Davis, 1779 This is one of the best of the neglected authorities upon the American ReT(j- lutionary War, especially in 1775 to 1778, with a great amount of personal gossip at home' and abroad respecting almost all the British officers in the wiir and the ministry who directed it. 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 Observations on the conduct of Great-Britain, with regard to the Negociations and other Transactions abroad [relating chiefly to depredations committed by the Spaniards on English Sliips and commerce in the West Indies] uncAd, sewed %vo. London, J. Roberts, 1729 Ogle {Sir Chaloner) The Tryal of Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. Rear Admiral of the Blue. Before the Chief Justice of Jamaica, for an assault on Mr. Trelawney the Governor, etc. With authentic copies of the Letters between Mr. Concanen, now Attorney General of the Island, Sir C. Ogle, the Governor, and A 1 V [Vernon] 22 pp. 8ra. London: IV. Wehh, 1743 OsoRio (Jerome) The History of the Portuguese during the Reign of Emmanuel : containing all their Discoveries, from the Coast of Africk to the farthest Parts of China ; their Battles by S(!a and Land, their Sieges, and other memorable Exploits : With a Description of those Countries, and a particular Account of the Religion, Government, and Customs of the Natives. In- cluding also, their Discovery of the Brazils, and their Wars with the Moors. Written originally in Latin. By Jerome Osorio, Bishop of Sylves. Now first translated into English By James Gibbs, 2 vol. old calf, rchacked Svo. London: A. Millar, 1752 Oughtred (William) Clavis Mathematicaj denuo limita, sive potius fabricata. Editio quinta auctior & emendatior, (jood copy, calf %vo. Oxoniw, Leon. Lichjield, 1693 PAGin' (Ephraim) Christianographie, or the description of the multitude and sundry sorts of Christians in the ^^'orld, not subiect to the Pope, etc. The second Edition inlarged. five large copy ttdth all the rare maps. Map of America at page 85, calf by Pratt, scarce ito. London, IV. J. and N. 0. for Matthew Costerden, 1636 Parliament. The Privileges and Practice of Praliaments in England : collected out of th3 Common Laws of this Land. Seen and allowed by the Learned in the Laws. Commended to the High Court of Parliament, /rr)?!vo. London: J. Almon, 1772 1565 Revilla Gigedo {El Conde de) Instruccion rescrvada que el Conde do Revilla Gigedo, dio a su succesor en el mando, Marqui'js de Branciforte sobre el Gobierno de estc Contincnte en el tiompo que fue su Virey [dated at the end Mexico, 30 June 1794] portrait, 6 2}rcl. leaves and 353 pp. fine copy in Spanish mottled morocco, smrce ito. Mexico. C. Augtistin Guiol, 1831 1566 Ridley (Glocester) A Sermon before the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, and the Associates cf Dr. Bray, March 20, 1745-6, and 7 other tracts by same author in same volume, calf ito. London: J. Clarke, 1746 1567 RiviNus (Johannes Augustus) Dissertatio Physica de Terra AvsTRALl, qvam inclvtae facvltatis philosophicae consensv ervditorvm disqvisitioni svbiicit D, IV ApriUs MDCCXVI. M. Johannes Avgvstvs Rivinvs, Lips. Respondente Friderico Wilhelmo Preusero, Nebra Thvring. S. S. Theol. Stvd. Fine copy, scarce, 24: pp. ito. Lipsia:, Typis Immanvelis Titii, 1716 1568 ROCHEFORT (Charles de) Natuurlyke en Zedelyke Historic van d'Eylanden de voor eylanden van Amerika, good copy, vellum ito. Rotterdam, Arnold Leers, 1662 1569 RocHEFORT (Charles de) Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles de I'Am^rique. Enrichie d'un grand nombre de belles Figures en taillo douce, des places & des raretez les plus considerables, qui y sont d6crites. Avec un Vocabulaire Caraibe. Second edition. Reveue & augment^e de plusieurs descriptions, etc. old calj ito. Roterdam, Arnout Leers, 1665 f 219 1571 1572 1573 edition 1574 f 1570 R 'iKRH (Major liohort) A Concise Account of North America containing a Descrii)tion of the British Colonies inchiding New- foundland, Cape Breton, etc. To which is subjoined, an account of the Indians, their customs, manners, etc. fine clean copy in old calf 8vo. Lmuion: For the Authm; 1165 Rogers (Robert) A Concise Account. Another copy, clean, calf RosACCio (Giuseppe) II Mondo e sue Parti cioe Europa, Africa, Asia, et America, (/ood copy in the original vellum, scarce 8vo. Fim-enzu, Francesco 'Tosi, 1595 Sahagun (R. p. Fr. Bernardino de) Historia General de Las Cosas de Nueva Jlspana, que en done libros y dos volumenes eacribio El li. P. Fr. Bernardino de Sahagun de la observancia de San Francisco, y uno de los primeros predicadores del Santo Evangelio en aquellas regiones. Dala a luz con notas y suple- mentos Carlos Maria de Bustamente, 3 vol. Mexican calf sm. Mo. Mexico, C. A. Valdcs, 1829-1830 An exceptionally interesting anrl important copy. It was once the Property of Licenciado Jose Esparza y Teredo of Durango, who added notes and corrections in JIS. In Doc. l,s(!;j it passed into tlie h nds of Don J. F. Ramirez, who compared it with the original MS. and noted many variations. The margins arc filled with Ramireii' viiluable notes, collations, additions and corrections, as if for a new These are believed to be of great historical and bibliographical value. San Fermin (Antonio dc, El P. Fr. Carmclita Descalzo) Defensa del Homo Attritus. Con licencia en Gtuidalaxara, por Ban Mariano Valdcs Tellez Giron. 1 prel. leaves and \60 pp. with one 2)nije of " erratas," fine copy, Mexican sheep, scarce ito. 1802 St'ilERER (Jean Benoit) Eecherches Historique et goographique sur le Nouveau-Monde, fine and in old calf 8iv. Paris, cliez Brunei, 1777 Schmidt-Phiscldek (C. F. von) Europe and America or the re- lative state of the civilized world at a future period. Trans- lated from the German by Joseph Owen, 6 prel. leaves, viii and 258 2>p. uncut 8w. CopenJiagen, Bernhard Schlesinger, 1820 ScHOUTEN van Hoorn (Willem Cornelisz) Journael van de Wonderlijcke Reyse gedaen door W. C. Schouten van Hoorn, in de Jaren 1615, 1616 en 1617. Verhalende hoe dat hy bezuyden de Straet Magellanes, eenen nieuwen Doorganck gevonden heeft, streckende tot in de Zuydt-Zee, met de vrecmdigheden der Volckeren, Landen en Wonderheden, die men aldaer gesien heeft, 48j)p. a scarce edition with curious wood- cuts in text ito. Amsterdam, By de Weduwe van Gysbert, [1720?] Schuster (Michael) Q. D. B. V. Dissertatio Geographica de Terra Austral:, quam praeside viro excellentissimo et prae- clarissimo Dn Julio Reich elt, Mathem. Professore Publ. Cele- berrimo, Patrono & Praeceptore suo aetatem colendo. Publico examini submittet Michael Schuster Memminga-Suevus, ZQpp. scarce ito. Arrjentoraii, Johannis Fastorii, 1669 ScoRESBY (^William, Jttn.) Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery ; including researches and discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland, in the summer of 1822, in the ship BaiHn of Liverpool, very fine copy, uncut, half roan, maps and plates, scarce 8vo. Edinb. A. Constable <& Co. 1823 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 220 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 (Sentiments relating to the late Negotiation [with France, relating more particularly to the War of 1756 in North America and especially Canada] half title, title and 44 jip. 4/0. London: For B. Griffiths, 1761 Sheffield (John, Lord) Observations on the Commerce of the American States. With an Appendix. Containing Tables of the Imports and Exports of Great Britain to and from all Parts, from 1700 to 1783. Also, the Exports of America, lo loa la da, 223 IX, folios 174 to 83. DiEZ DE Atienza El Bachiller Pedro, Preshitero : " diclamen en la vista de ojos y visita que los Sres. DO Andres de Billela y Don Antonio de Calatayud, come jueces nombrados, y Don Gcronymo de Mantilla, como vydor mas moderno, hicieron en la Mina do Guancabelica," Lima, 18 March, 1G50, printed. X— 184 " Juicio y adbitrio en servicio de Su Magd. y en beneficio de los naturales del Piru, y nucba Espafia ab Exmo. Sr. Conde Duque," por Pedro de Morales," MS. original XI— 185-94 " Relacion de la ruyna del Cuzco [IfioO] hecha por el Padre Juan de Cordova. Orig. y firmada. " Quando succdio la calamidad," MS. XII— li)5-2()8 " Papel contra la pretencion del Comisario General de Indias de San Francisco, que pretendia ser en todo independiente en ellos (tic) del ministro General de la Orden." XIII— 209-51 " Discurso A instancia del Revmo. Pe. Fr. Joseph Maldonado Commissario General de las Indias de la Orden del Seraphico Pe. S. Francisco ccrca de la potestad y jurisdiccion ([uc su Magd. patron de aquel Mundo, tiene y le estfi concedida por delegacion Apostolica para el gouierno d61 ; que se tom6 a instancia de la Magd. del Sr. Ray D. Felipe 2» para mexor y mas facil execucion de la dicha jurisdicion en quanto A los Religiosos de aqucllas Provincias de la Orden del Seraphico Pe. San Francisco," MS. XIV— 252-55 " Medios para que no passeu extrangcros & las Indias, de que resultan tantos danos." MS. XV— 256— 61 " Querella contra D. Pedro de la Mota sobre no auer dado noticia del leuanta- miento de Portugal," MS. XVI— 262 " Instruccion de la derrota que el Almirante D. Joan de Chauerri (sic) lleu6 el afio do [16]48 en los nauios de escolta para assegurar la flota que venia de Nucva Espafia." *,* Original and signed : El Conde do Frigiliana; D. Pablo Fernandez do Con- treras ; Juan de Vrbina ; D. Pedro Nunez de Villaviccncio ; Matheo de la Sal CabuUo. Dated, Cadiz, 18 Aug, 1648, MS. XVII— 262-5 " Memoriade los Administradorcsdu laConipania-Oricntal de las Provincias Unidas." xvin— 2(i6-9 " Memorial do Pedro Luiiue Cozar Bueno, vccino de Lima Hobri que los Galeones de la Carrera de Indias bueluan & nauogar todos los afios," printed, n. d. XIX— 270 " Viage regular de las flotas de Nueva Espafia," MS. XX— 273-4 Duplicate copy of the same paper, MS. XXI— 275-7 " Viage regular de los Galeones que ban do Spafia a las Indias por la plata de Tierra Firme con liis Islas y Paraxcs que do ordinavio suelen reconoccrse en huna (tic) navegacion de ida y buelta, cilando todas sus alturas y distancias," MS. XXII— 278-9 " Consulta para (lue los officios y encomiendas pcrdidas por aucrse passado el tiempo de pedir conflrmaoion con algun seniicio tengan otros 3 afios, y esto pare en la Camara de Indian," Abril de 1661, MS. XXIII— 280-3 " Otra consulta [original y en borradiir] para quo S. M. mande prevenir A, los suporiores de las Heligiones que no embaracen la cxecutoria do los diuzmos," Madrid, 6 Sept. 1660, MS. XXIV— 284-5 ' Papel Sobre Comcrcio entre Batauia y Manila en los Filipinas," MS. XXV— 286-90 " Otro papel sobre la misma materia," MS. XXVI— 291-3 " Viaxe regular de los Galeones que van de Espafia por la plata de Tierra Firme " (duplicateof No. 2I)MS. XXVII— 294-809 " Consulta sobre si cs menester breve de Su Santidad para que ol estado eccleslaBtioo contribuya en las sisas, y si so podr& empevnr a cobrar con solo enbiailo it pedir," Madrid, 20 Juno, 1888, MS. 224 XXVIII, folios 301 to 25 " Noticiaa del Real Govierno de la Real Hazicnda de Castilla, en lo antiguo y raodemo por Francisco Carrillo, cauallcro del Orden de Santiago, Seretario de Indias," Madrid, 31 Dec. 16G9, signed by the author and printed without place (u' date XXIX— 32G-7 " Papcl sobre la tasa del Pan," MS. XXX— 328-33 " I'apel sobre el Consume do vcllon," MS. XXXI— 334-42 " Otro papel sobre lo mismd y subroiracion do otra moneda," MS. XXXII— 343-8 " Sobre los dafios que causan los Millcme.s," MS. XXXIII -34'J-52 " Sobre el rebclion de Portugal," MS. original draft XXXIV— 3r(3-(j5 " Memorial de las diflcultadcs que al Kcyno so le ofiErecen en el medio del Arina («c, Harina)," MS. XXXV— 3fi0-82 " Relacion muy particular y puntual dc todo lo que [h]a pasado en Coi fuera dellas en la nialteria del impuesto ce la harina derde las de [lC]7b, ^ue fuo quando se comencu esta platica " MS XXXVI— 383-4 " Papel sobre la obligacion de servir los obispos con lanzas," MS. origina: ngned Joan Morales Varrionnevo. XXXVII— 38.'5-9G " Papel ofrecicndo modios para aumentar con un arbitrio nuevo los valores di I acuear de Motril sin pcrjui9is de torcero," MS. (the first sheet being written on stamped paper of the year 1052) XXXVIII— 397-9 " Breue discurso en que se apuntan las Rngones de justicia combenientia y utilidad que [h]ay para que su magd. se sirua roformar el estado prcsentc de la Coniision do Millones de el Reyno y diaponerla al modo que Combiene para satisfacer 4 todos ires puntos," MS. XXXIX— 400-ir. " Papel sobre si serA licito il sa Magd. introducir alteraciones en Francia fomentando las herexias de aqucl Reyno," 30 Sept. 1G43, MS. IJeing the original corrected draft of a Consulta of the Council of Castille, signed by the Count deCastrillo, Dn. Francisco Antonio de Alarcon, Joseph Goncalez, Fr. Juan de San Agustin, Maestro Fr. Angel and Padre Maestro Arauxo. XL— 41G-21 " Papcl en favor dc la jurisdiccion Real y on contra de los Jueces Ecclesiasticos, sobre que 6, los condunados li pena de tormento no se lea prohiba el Sacramento de la confeaion antes del tormento," MS. XLI— 422-8 " Quaistio ex quibus causis in hoe Neopolitano Regno inter Ecclesiasticos et Becnlares llinistros tot discrimina quotidi j re.surgunt, inde atque Clericorum mores," aliorum seditioncs, et an aliqua iusta ct juridica, uel forte colorata ratione seeulares Indices ad ea quaa eis licerc priuteiidunt, moucantur, MS. , XLII— 429-40 " Utrum conditio si meruerit adimpleatur in non demerente," MS. original. XLIII— 441-6 " Papcl sobre que so dcbo procedcr mas severamente contra los auxiliadores de los presos ([ue luiccn fuga y que los asisten en las carceles, que contra loa mismos presos,'' MS. orig. corrected draft XLIV— 447-8 " Consulta sobre los cxcckos de las Visitas (*jt', Vistas) del Consejo los Sabados," MS. orig. corrected draft XLV— 449-54 " Papel sobre la immunidad de las Iglesias," MS. XLVI— 455-0 " Papel Bobre el Consulado del Rosellon," MS. original. XLVII— 457 " Papel sobre si pucde auer dos oratorios en una roisma familia con quartos separudos,'' MS. original. XLVIII- 4G0 " Papel sobre elccciones ecclesiasticna," MS, original. XLix— 4G3-7 " Papcl sobro los pcrjuicioa do estar las Iglesias vacar y Sin pastor." n lo antiguo y o, Scretario de ! witlwut placK edio del Arina Co I fuera lC]7b, ^ue fuG original nigned los valores iu\ ;ing written on jntia y ntilidad de la Coniision ara i-atinfaccr k cia fomentando ginal corrected int deCastrillo, le San Agiistin, EcclesiasticoB, I el Sacramento coH ct BccnlareB corum mores," ilorata ratione IS. riginal, iliadores do los itrii lua mismoH los Sabadop," ia con quartos 225 L, folios 408 to 96 " Papel sobre si puede Su Maf^d. per causas justas y recelo de tnrbacion mandar k nn obispo que saiga del lugar de su habitacion, y vaya &, otroa y no venga de 61 sin su licencia," original draft. LI— 495-9 " Papel accrca de los Hospitales Militares (Hospitia Militum)," MS. Lii— 500-49 " Traduccion de algunos capitutos de la ' Corte Santa ' del Padre Cansino," MS. LIII. " Discurso politico del estadoy prosperidad en que se [h]alla el Rey de Prancia." Liv— r)57-(i3 " Dedicatoria al Pe. Ramos [del Manzano] de la tnwluccion de los Emblcmas del Sr ^o\ox(iBXio" printed [l(i(i3]. LV-oGl-eC " Papel del Sr Don Juan de Austria & la Reyna Na Sa " [Doria Maria Ana de Austria, widow of Philip IV] MS. copy of a broadside of the time. LVI— 567-70 '• Papel por los abogados de la Corte sobre darle.s licencia para traher Coches," heg. La prematica de Felipe 2^," printed and nigned, " Licenc. Alonso Carran^a." LVII— 572-017 " Papel en defensa de los Indios sobro las que padecen en Portugal," ligncd " Licdo. CiAVtxi^o,^' jirinted, s. d. but wanting the first leaf, LVIII— 018-24 " Discurso politico dirigido al Rey Christiani.ssimo de Francia Luis decimo quarto afio de lOOC. Traducido de lengua franccssa en Caatellana." Lix— 025-28 " Constitutio Innocentii divina providontia Papae X, qua declarantur & definiuntur quinque Propositiones in materia Fidei. Romse Ex TypogriipUia Rev. Camera Apost. \G63," printed. LX— 629-32 " Papel sobre si os neccsario para Uamarse Rey legitimo en Castilla el que sucede, que este jurado," MS. LXi-6;W-4 " In controverso successionis Regni Lusitanici articulo ut infra dc iure Laconice respondnt Apollo," MS. LXII— 635-0 Spanish translation of the above paper, MS. LXIII— 037-077 " Las Felicidades de Espafia y del Mundo Christiano por el Dr. D. Qeronimo Basilico, Siciliano Mesines," Madrid, por Pablo de Val. ICii'S, printed, and with engraved portraits of Queen Maria Anna of Austria, and her son Charles IL LXIII*— 677-93 " Por el Sefior Don Antonio Ferrer y Die/,, claiiero dc la Orden de Na Sa de Montesa y San Jorge dc Alfama, del Consojo dc Su Magestad, y Rcgeiite en el Supremo dc Aragon, Sefior de la Uaronia dc Andilla, y Lugar de Bonicalaf en cl Reyno dc Valencia. Con el Senor Don Pedro Villacampa, A.s.^cssor Gcncial de la dicho Orden, del Consojo de Su Magestad y Regente en el diclio Supremo de Aragon. L'n re»i>ue»ta dc un )iap(;l quo ha dado el Senor A8.s(\ssor Oencial, protcndicndo preceder al Scnor Clauero." Madrid, y Mayo fi ;t de 1071, printed. LXIV— 694-6 " Sobre la preccdencia entre el Assessor ({encral do la Orden, y el Clavoro dclla en las Juntas dc la Orden de Montcsa," printed, s. a, LXV— (i97-707 " Por Don Pedro de Villacampa y Pueyo clel (^maejo de Su Magestad y su Regcnte en el Supremo de Aragon, y Assessor Qcncral y Cnuallcro de la Orden de Mimtesa con el Scnor Don Antonio Ferrer y Diaz del niicirao Conscjo y Clauero del niismo Orden " [1071] printed. LXVI— 708 " Soneto do D. Qeronimo de Porras," beg. ' Porque en esto caduco, en esto rano,' MS. LXVII— 709-722 " Oratio gratulatoria ad Excellentissinium D. Petrum Nuflez Oiizmanum, Comitem VillsB VnibrosBB, et Ca.stri Novi, Marchionom Quiiitnno!, Doniinum Villariim Sancti Thonise, in Portu Novo, Naviani ac Nuez ; Priefcctiim Castri dc Lentan, et PrBBsidem Costcllw meriti.ssinium. Scripta ab V. I. D. D. Hieronyrao Basilico, Siculo Mossanensi, Ivdice Regite Cvriie straticotialis Vrbis Measanaj, Kt in Supromis Castellio Trlbunalilms, Regni>|ue Siciliiu Regio Advocalo. Matriti. In Ofticina Lucao Antonii de Bcdmar. Anno MDVLXX," printed, 226 IXVJII, folios 723 to 40 " Memorial & la Reyna [Da. Maria Ana de Austria por Pedro Garcia Conde, criado de 8. M. herrador y Albeytar de las Eeales Cauallerizaa de el Key [Don Carlos] nuestro Sefior, sobre la Crianza de los Cauallos, y perjuisio de las mulas de los coches," printed. LXix— 741-8 " Carta del Padre Diego de Valdes, Provincial de la Compailia de Jesus en esta Provincia de Toledo, para los Padres Superiores de ella sobre la muerte y virtudes de el P. Andres de Rada, de la misma Compania. Madrid y Abril 17 de leiS," jmnted. 1598* Trumbull (John) The Poetical Works, containing McFingal, A Modem Epic Poem, revised and corrected, with copious Explanatory Notes ; The Progress of Dulness ; and a Collec- tion of Poems on various subjects, written before and during the Revolutionary War, 2 vol. fine dean copy, boards, uncut 8vo. Hartford, fm- Samuel 0. Goodrich, 1820 1599 Tyranny the worst Taxation ; a poetical Epistle to Lord N . . . . [North] ostensible Prime M r. By the Author of Royal Perseverance, 28^. uvcut, seiced Svo. London, fw J. Beu; 1778 1600 Updike (Wilkins) Memoirs of the Rhode Island Bar, doth 8w. Boston; Tlrnnas H. Wehh, 1842 1601 Uztariz (Geronymo de) The theory and practice of Commerce and Maritime Affairs. Written in Spanish, Translated by John Kippax [Relating extensively to America], 2 vol. good copy, old calf 9>vo. London : Fm' J. & J. Rivington, and J. Crofts, Bristol, 1751 1602 Valerius (Cornelius) De Sphaera, et primis Astrononomiae Rv- dimentis Libellvs vtillissinivs. Cui adiecta sunt breuia qusedam de Geographia prajcepta maxim^ necessaria, fine copy, vellum 8vo. Antverplce, Ch. Plantini, 1561 1603 Valverde (Antonio Sanchez) Idea del Valor de la Isla Espanola, y utilidades, que de ella puede sacar su Monarquia, fine cqyy, vellum 4/0. En Madt hi: Pedro Marin, 17 85 1604 Vane {Sir Henry, Kt.) A HeaUng Question propounded and resolved upon occasion of the late publique and seasonable Call to Humiliation, etc. Title and 26 pp. ito. Loiidon; T. Brewster, 1660 1605 VANE (Sir Henry, Kt. sometimes Governm- of Massachusetts-Bay in New-England) The Tryal of Sir Henry Vane, Kt. at the King's Bench, Westminster, June the 2d. and 6th, 1662, together with what he intended to have Spoken the Day of his Sentence (June 1 1 ) for Arrest of Judgment (had he not been interrupted and over-ruled by the Court) and his Bill of Exceptiona With other Occasional Speeches, &c. Also his Speech and Prayer, &c. on the Scaffold, ISA pp. very fine apy, SCARCE 4/0. Printed in tlw Year 1662 1606 Verb ((Sir Francis) Extremities Vrging the Lord Generall Sir Era : Veare to the Anti-parle with the Archduke Albertus. Written by an English Gentleman of verie good account from Ostend, to a worshipfull Gentleman, his friend heere in England, Imprinted Verbatim according to the Originall. With a declaration of the desperate attempt made since, by the sayde Archduke's forces, for the winning of the ould Towne. 22 pp. black Utltr, uncut, a little wormed, scarce 4/o. Printed for Thomas Pauycr, 1602 227 1660 aipij, 1662 Derail ertus. from in inall. e, by ould 1602 1607 Verrazzano. Eloqio di Giovanni da Verrazzano Fiorentino Bcopritore della nuova Francia nel secolo XVI. \\ fip. 4to. Firenze: Guiseppe Allegrini, 1769 Verazzano the first explorer of the North American Coast from Florida to Nova Scotia, has unaccountably been stricken from the late great Centennial edition of the History of the United States, and his name erased even from the index. As if this was not enough his name has of late been loaded with conjecture and suspicion. Geographical notions have been attributed to him of which he is blameless. Let his shade be patient and History will restore him to hia true position as one of the great explorers of the North American Atlantic coast. 1608 Vespucci. Viaggi d'Amerigo Vespucci con la Vita, I'elogio e la dissertazione giustificativa di questo celebre navigatore del Padre Stanislao Canovai, frontispiece, fine large copy, pei-fectly vmcut, rare in this condition 8w. Firenze, 1817 1609 Virginia. Reply to the Vindication of the Representation of the case of the Planters of Tobacco in Virginia. In a Letter to Sir J. R from the Merchants or Factors of London, 56 j^. 8w. London: R. Charlton, 1733 1610 Virginia. An Address from the Clergy of New York and New Je '■'>y, to tlie Episcopalians in Virginia; occasioned by some late transactions in that Colony relative to an American Episcopate. Half-title, title and 58 pp. uncut, fine copy, scarce 8vo. New-York: Hugh Gaine, 1771 1611 Virginia. A Collection of such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in (oTce, half bound folio. Richmond : Augustin Davis, \19^ 1612 VIRGINIA. The New Life of Virginu: declaring the former svccesse and present estate of that plantation being the second part of Nova Britannia. Published by the Authoritie of his Majestie's Counsell of Virginia. Blank leaf and tiile 2 leaves ; Epistle Dedicatorie 4 pages signed R I. [ie. Robert Johnson] ; text 24 unnumbered leaves. Very fine copy, probably large paper, in immamdate condition, richly bound by Pratt in his best gros grained red morocco, lined ivith blue morocco, with joints and rich tooling ito. London, Felix Kyngstonfor William Welby, 1612 1613 Vox PoPULi, OR Newes from Spayne, translated according to the Spanish coppie. Which may serve to forwarne both England and the Vnited Provinces how farre to trust to Spanish pretences, 14 unnumbered leaves, very fine copy, UNCUT, scarce 4fery<, nbi The original Williamsburg edition without a map sold last year at New York in the Brinley sale for "iGO dollars or £112, and this London edition with tlie map for 80 dollars. These prices speak for tlie rarity of the work. 1619 Washington (George) Address of George Washington to the United States of America on his resignation, 21 pp. 8m Edinburgh, J. Mtindell & Co. 1796 In same volume : Publicola's [President Adams] Observations on Paine's Rights of Man, in a Series of Letters. Third Ediiion, ^9> pp. 9>n). Edinburgh, J. Dickson, dr. (1791) Protest against the Bill to repeal the American Stamp Act of Last Session, 10 ^^A 8vo. Paris, 1766 Second Protest, with a List of the Voters against the Bill to Repeal the American Stamp Act of Last Session, 15 pp. Paris, 1766. Tlie four tracts in 1 volume, half nmvcco Qvo. 1620 Washington City. MS. Plan of I. & F. A[tkinson'8] Lotts in the City of Washington. This plan measures 20 by 23 J inche , with a scale of 200 feet to an inch. At the bottom is written " The Red shade shows the part of Port Royal belonging to Messrs. Sands & Lynch. City of Washington, June 8th, 1 796 " James R. Dermott Extends from I to P Street North, and from Ud to 10th Street, including Massa- chusetts, New Jersey, and New York Avenues, rather curious for the date. 1621 Whipple (Joseph) The History of Acadie, Penobscot Bay and River, with a more Particular geographical and statistical view of the District of Maine than has ever before been published, I 1622 1G23 229 Also Statistical tables shewing at one view the comparative progress of the population of Maine with each other indi- vidual State in the Union, with an Alphabetical Lh'. of all the towns with their date of incorporation, Census in 181C &n^no^^"^^'''" }^ ^^^2, counties, and distances from lioston, 102^. uncut, fine copy, sewed 8m Bangm; Peter Edes. 1816 Wilderus (Joannes) Institutiones Matheseos Selectis Observa- FhSm f/"" "" ^'"^^ praelectionvm Academicarvm, Editio Nova, vellum 8w. Fittenbergae, 1736 ^^n.'lf "^ (Samuel, Tenchcr of a Church in Boston) A Brief Discourse of Justification. Wherein this Doctrine is plain^ laid down according to the Scriptures. As it was delivered in If,/ f /F"/ '^ "^f' fARCE,«/e«; letters tmched up in in- imnt, calf extra, g. e. by Pratt ^ lemo. Boston .■ Printed by 8. G. fw Samuel PhUlips, 1686 ^S^r;^,/^r W ?' ^'"^^" "f ^^^^'-^ Delineated, fine copy, old calf ivith the fine mezzotint pwtrait by J. Faber imerted ^h2.prapl^ of John HUl of ClL Hall, ind later of^inUy «i£,f'/"^ ^''^^'J;"'"^ "»««yo/A« manuscript notes, cmnments and rejutations on ilie margins 4to. London : Printed by Samuel Palmar, m Bartholomew Close, 1726 dnrinrAir.mtTLS^''''' ^"^^ ''"'' "'^ ""'^^^ «" '^'^ ^^-^ at Palmer's 1625 York (James Duke of. Godfather of New Ym-1c) A Short View of YorWn^t'lJ "^'^-eul^^S' "'*''* Illustrious James Duke of I?*' *°S^*^'' ^''^ ^>« Character. Title and 26 pp. fim copy, ^^'^^ 4^0. Londm : Henry Marsh, 1660 1624 KND OF THE SALE. -:^^ .1. DAVY it mas, 137, LONG ACBB, LONDON. J I.