■■■ #. IMAGE EVALUATION Tl T TARGET (MT-3) // <. b ^<5 1.0 1^ IM ,2 ■^■32 ■^ 1^ III 2.2 u iiii I.I i/- 1^ IhUU 1.8 1.25 |||.4 lli± ^ 6" — ► v: Hiotograpbjc Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET V*MirfN*i«hf^!i^'ar>Mki» -' :*.';^.j^rt-«^ ivJ - -' '■^ "'■• IFTHdU BE 4 /^^«-- — * ^^-e.-,^,^ MATT^ IVTV g&*' ^ ?^ N [•iiii i r ii " I fir iT" "T. — gi^^— r-ff^a PICTURE PUZZLES OR , HOW TO READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS DESIGNED ESPECIALLY FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS TO STIMULATE A GREATER INTEREST IN THE HOLY BIBLE ILLUSTRATED /■ ...BY.... FRANK BEARD AND OTHERS % 4* COLLECTED, COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY THE PUBLISHERS ^ % J. L NICHOLS & CO. TOHONTO, ONT. NAHEHVILLE. ILL. ATLANTA. GA. ^!°^ " ' ' ' '^ """^if^ ■iti :i i^i ^ 1 Wi^' ' Jtato, I PREFACE. THE plan of Picture Puzzles is ideal; many of the great golden truths — the cornerstones of Christianity — from both the Old and New Testaments, are put in beautiful pictures, hence the eye assists the mind to indelibly impress them upon the heart. Every book that will help to impress upon the memories of the young the truths of the best book, ought to be prized by all; and we believe that turning over the pages of this volume will lead many of the youth and middle age to treasure up in their hearts many a precious Bible text. The young of our day know less about the Bible than did their forefathers. Many, even graduates from our high schools and acad- emies, are unable to say whether Jude is found in the Old or New Testament. These striking passages and beautiful parables, put in the fascinating garb of artistic picture puzzles, will constrain the youth to solve them, and hence he must consult the Bible and unconsciously become familiar with many beautiful passages and at the same time learn where to find any book of the Bible. This little book, it is hoped, will stimulate our young friends to read and love the best of all books— the Bible. The best children in the world have been those who have loved this book more than any other; and some of the best men and women who have ever lived were those who, when they were quite young and not able to speak plainly, used to talk about it by day, and think, and even dream, of it by night. Little children who can read, know how joyful a thing m M it is when they are at sciiooi, to receive a kind letter, all full of love from home. Now, the Bihie is a dear, l r.) 6 ^•r.' :" fe ■ !'i l^j[^m^m^ti£*^k^i[^k^t^*^^^*^^^^'^^*^^*^^*^f^^^i^^^ « r mil w. i^^mmm^^t^^^ti^i^Mi£±m^iLiM^d READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. 1 will Uka au out ^ nor he ever of thy out of thy is mine, an d the upon a thousand hills. Psalm l. 9-10 wmt^^^\m^wm^m '?MV i its s ,5 '* IB ^ I i i'f i I J .1 ^ ji i M =="=^^^ PICTURE PUZZLES, OR IIOIV TO hath y found as a the riches of the people; and as one gatherelh that are left, have I gathered all the and there was none that moved the or opened the ^...■•. or peeped. ISAUII X. 14. i 10 .T*" I ! 5 ■rja 'i^Ki 12 t ! !i ffi 1, IS II mmm I \.: f* ', y I for mine house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. Isaiah Ivi. >a mmm \ \j: .ii-X _v ^ - ■ -. i M f J « PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO Although the i shall not neither shall fruit be in tlie the labour of the fhall fail, and the ^r shall be cut off from the U and there shall be no in the stalls : yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. H\BAKKUK iii. 17, IB. bJ^ - ■-^^ J8 ^ ^1 •m^Ot^ -i^-^ . ■ ^ ^r^ j. I .--fc rf ^g^^^ .U ■ L ^^J i?iF^Z? r//^ BIBLE BY SYMBOLS ^9^9 And lifted up his and looked, and behold behind him caught m a ^^^^^ ■'>; ■>*#.*«*- >^ and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a in the stead of his \l 10 y ■■n V' 1 1 I n-- 1!!! PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO P"^ "" ^JtlM(i^if!^s>M^-^-f^-'>ISi^ of God lHKlL(m-.>^''i '<}l WSS^^^^^^M- - Having whole l^»6-^^MlMr /^.JliSlla. on the I I of righteousness. Above all, taking the of faith, wherewith ye shall be abld to quench all the fiery of the wicked. And take the of salvation and the of the Spirit, which is the word of God Ephesiai»s. vj. 11, 14, 16, 17. 20 il^ f^ f k iiggi^^ail^*^i^*^Aategt^*^*«A?S<^*^i^*SBl^t^t^t^t^^i §mm I i 21 m '■iri 1 m: & \.' It ? 'i I a I J i t JiJSA£> THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS We remember the ff^'mmm^mim WOr W ^ JJuMni Wi ^ P W i ^ffi"!* " . i Wj ii^ j I : !>: P wmm IM I;! 111 iii M.n.T- fg T.- .2,3: I mmm Ir' t * P ;>■ iiiaMia.-»tte <■. i-.u. I / ^' wni r~~\ ?i ■■ ^ ■ifsr"^^^?'^ ^v. iy ricrURE PU7./.LES, OK now TO ^"^^^ '^C ^Voe uiilo ll.cin thai n.e up early in llie niori.iiig, thai lliey may fallow strong dniik ; thai continue until night, till wine mnaine them I S^^ but they regard not the work of the m i:'! ^^ I P'f ^ I lit) a i! 33 "1^. ,- and W^\. and the DEirrBaoNOMY xiv 4, 5. wim- a5 J il Si 1; I m ill 96 # F' \ i i il 37 / ^/ ■*" Ml if El m >i; Mi 5S=si READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. And he spake of that is in Lebanon even to the hysscp, that springcth out of the ■^SS^^W^'^'^^*'^^^^^S^ he spake also of and o^ -Lf'^P^J^ftSCX«.,33HBSWfeZ/ ^ anri of fishes. And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all I' [ I! J ■■■i n i! If. ' i 1: Sf' ;i 1 40 I ■ for David. &. the people that were with him, to eat : for they said. The people and weary, and ■g^^^^^> •n^ ! t i! :i tl 41 42 \ m ill. I . y il 46 % p ihe ■c. 47 ■ If I w T ^^a ^ a i ^m# T ^#>^^4^y^ y *i^>^i^i^ y^y^fe*^^>^^^ 48 -V- READ THE BIBLE B Y SYMBOLS. Thou madest him to have dominion over iIm work* of ihy , thou hast put all thmgs under his ^tS^.-.sfej All ;^PS and the beasts of the ; The of the air, and the of the 49 ^ I 60 ii S"?^- 51 ^ ^ PfmiMMHnHMmnmnwffVi" IHHiP i •ii it' PICTURE PU/.ZLES, OK HUlV TO Then fearing lest we shoUld have talleii upon and wished for the day And as the were about to flee out of the ^:^'0.:^<^^^^& under colour, as though they would have Cast the foreship. . . . Then the and let her fall off. acts xxvii 29. 30, 32. i*-Jf^ '*: ifi r Ji£AD THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. And the showed and received us every one, because of the. present and because of the And when Paul had gathered and laid ihem on the fire, there caine a out of the heat, and fastened on his 68 HPHHWHMHMV'^^ Ml i^i^ I /" ^ mmm V f PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO That lie upon of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their and eat the like David ; that drink to the . sound of Ihc viol, and invent to themselves and anoint themselves with the chief ointments. Anos vi. 4—6. :S^ 66 ^.I. /J-- nt W ; ^ ' J \ '?( i\ l«feEt^fai^A^*^*^^i^A^^^g*^t^*^^<^*^*^*^*^^ PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO Passover was at and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, and found in the temple those that sold chancers of ^^^^^^^ And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them out of the 'If I '^ 1 1* r 'H Ilii T^mmm^^mm&mm^^^i^i^^^^m^^^^^f^'^'^^^^^^^ IL ■AJMMMWMM M ■w, wc ^ " ' Y ' . ' » ta m A'£/ID THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS, As an ;,. / stirrcth up licr nuUcreth over her Eli) tdketh them, beareth them on her so the alone did lead him, and there was no ev ■^sss ^L * I § I ;|(,ji 68 W I; c. 17. 63 ■"""VRHWiw*" / ..' mmm 1^ ' '^^iftmmmm^mmmmm iL s Milii I t 'I ■il 11 ; II w i i h^ > ^ :■ sasssr^!! /i£AJ? THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. m '\. t : Si I I And she went, and sal her down over against him a good way off. as it were a for she said, Let ^„.,^__ me not see the *ii>#S:v^M^^ii^^^^l^P^ death of the Genesis xxi. 14, 15, 10 n I 6C *;■.•„ I • ' ■' tms^ mi H; If 69 i^^'^ w i- -I ^ ^ ^1 I ; i ; i 1 t i i i ; ?*»*T*?*i*»*r4i«i*m*»*i*m*i^^ ^^^^*^feEtgi^«^^^*ai^i^i^^^^»^^-*'^^-*^^*^'^^^^ of 71 r . 1 !i 72 ii mp \j^-i 'HE BY SYMnOI.S. '^wM n • ^' 74 \i\ ^» grown /lEAJ? THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. And Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go into the ^^^fBciSfS^fe and unto all s ; peradvenlure we may find alive, that we lose not all the ^y. . ^ jwiill WH.iuil.il ' 7ft M ; PICTURE PUZZLES, OK HOW TO He made him ride on the high places of the that he mi^hl eat the increase of the T; and he made him to suck t^m^ and out of the flinty 78 ir^"y •'5. / / ij .^ « 1,^ itMmn«N«MW«f!tv«"m*c^ away. 15. 1 mm A. s , and their mmm I * - "T- and i I « a 83 ■iV Wn % if =^^= =^ '. ' i .'^i^ ^ PfCTUKE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO He removed Ihe high places, and brake the and brake in pieces the brasen that Moses had made : for unto those days the (Hr % % did burn incense to it. 2 KiKCS xviii. 4. m % w =^ -*n*wW^w i-ww^wrCSi^ -^ 84 I— *i L ^ *m i '%\ CLJ1^!!J ! JCJ^ W w m ir %»\ \K -V 86 'I •' vii. '25i f' ] i ■I i ■ if '■\'\ m / j> / "f" MM ^>. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I tii ■so IT ■is i- ,. UUi. 2 2.2 •^ lis La IL25 i 1.4 1.6 9-. I '^ ^^^1'^ 7 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 J-.^^&f,^^i4i5^t«i^^!e;?<^?J«j=s;ii^^ vl?»n^^f■^^?^^3fia.^wB^,■-.v?^.i^»JWta^g»'e^va»^«^»^lB■^^ <.c t/j CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/ICIVIH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreprcductions historiques 'SS<, ..„J 88 '* '" ' ^^ READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. He built it, and covered it, and set up the s thereof, and the i • of the s garden, and unto the stairs that go down from the city of David. \m Mi iit:' 5jSta-;,^-^.v-.i„-.§i ■«.«- ,, "rtiin'T " miS.fiiiSSSmii^m^ -'miJi i '!'^hy'fk-*-'- ■^J'Ji^^f'^f- ' - i. ! ■. ' Vf 1 ' I - i^ I JM » M H *T t w i '*i'^SSTS:^^&>' t i( iiiiw« " i>" " ,» 'S PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO Mine anger was kindled against the s : for the Lord of hosts hath visited his of Judah. and hath made them as his goodly in the 5S^^ *if ' v - 'j M **' ' " ' ' ' * ^' Vlmr-I, A'^I ^'.*^^»] 1 i WwiwyiK ( I I I 'I" 94 -T-t»'^i«*-M j'?'tiM:h->rTS«if**%.v*E.*jj*-5i.iAH'3;,**iSrtwi.v^ »■ r^=.>,,»^.tt*v^i^ .■-_>.-• w.-j^i-swwt c- fl I 1 96 mimAASmaUbm^^^mu i*um Mifca I u 9(1 s^i^*^n«sia;^?«^e^-jfca"->^!??e??^ »*ir«iST£C,-%to.A;^>;^;t4li(,e^i9;4#«-,iV£^ IS* 11 wm li w ^ II iii«(WII—ilM HOMI ll PICTURE PUZZLES, OR HOW TO '■^S' of Gilboa, let there be no dew, neither let there be upon you, nor of the mighty is vilely cast away, the of Saul, as though he had not been 2 Samuel i. 21. . 08 v»«- ^^'.^i-i>'j;--a.»^'- ' V ' '." ' ' ' --j«.!Jn';!---. --."'■■ ■ ■ ■ '■ ■; g*' »i«' ' . 'g . ? rr' \WS ' v^-?'"trrttt ' i'";« T — " ■• M t git ^» .-» jiit -i majng^g^^ •>«e**^^«v?*5wS*«i^iS«s*!!Ssai**is***;n*At%^ts^^^'>a^j^ I i I I I t^m^m^m^mm^mm^^^m^mmm^^mm^^mm U9 !P laffff"!** I 1!^ i ;.'■ 100 ,i't^nu«,.' i„-v, .— - •--"-— -«^?f5'.':>>'«:»r«iT>t»C"4in«K'>'>i««;«tt ,vwirj,.-«ca,n/i>»i.»i-a^'i«iaJt«tis.!ia>j. J'l ^rr. cart, )f the Lord upon the 7 i i \SSi ^^^ — —t^ — -• #aMMi«iiiMM>«£MiMpi J?£AD THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. And the took the straight way to the way of Beth-shemesh, and went along the lowing as they went, and turned not aside to the right or to the left , and the went after them unto the border of Beth-shemesh. And they of Beth-shemesh were their wheat-harvest in the and they lifted up their and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. ]01 1 1y ^t^^fl'?^r=-^^«*y*^J*.?lSfl'«»' i-!^< j i i ) j i ! i |> p IPW Mi -i— i£™..i:'i:di;^.'^-_^:tivi\'j J- . -. mm^m^i^i&m^ i ^mm^j^^ f *j*^*^ j m^i^^m^ ^^!^smmi^mm 102 tmtf u «..^.i ij._u.^j|^t.. . »^^ _. 1^ ^j y^ --«-,- r««p5-,^y- S ■,iiftS5-.*?*®*^t'ff®iA-?N?fTrw«e- I^j^^^l^t^^^im^t^ki3^^imc^t^i[s>im^tmti^^fl^t§fmm^ READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. The shapes of the swere like , '' unto prepared unto battle ; and on their s were as it were I like gold, and their s were as the faces of Kevelation ix. 7. w^^^mwmm^mim^^wm^^^ 103 S '^it&^M^-. ■'-wmMMcfMNK^ mmmmfs^ ■| i .-^B'j i -'i « m» * tn«.n» » B rii I i ^ .1 :_<,'u<. i , i)'W i i'" i »t ' , j f X ■."■. ' ■> ■" ■ ;ir" ' ^" t.«i5? J k ^ <& READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS. He that is the the is the the good seed are the Matt, xiii, 37-39. % > zs:SS% 105 il! ill if- V ii: toi I" m i ' ■»ii»«il^!J i|^^ Ml ii ! li! PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO As the panteth after the SO panteth my soul after thee, O Psalms xlii, 1. 108 ''Aii''rSi\i4^\^Si'jaaiiS.iXtir''ii»-A^ JRS*gSiti^^ . :.<^iifK^=e»>i'feUiv:&,t>:',-f loe s»<-^> f/ il N»*^w— ^OM iiiwilii n i r lllf i! I PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOIV TO But tliey that 110 '-«M' " -?C.'^^Jr^^''*;*^i^^.;^-^"^:i*r.-W^"'^4'.'?v^ ■->»~'- T'i^*:^'"'--^.*^,*:-:'-. ■^i■fcl(^■^^^,??n^"■*^. iSr^ 1 m "ffe''^«3^:^ -■•w«Ji^i;H.^i^it:;!i=\, , feiv'^g^4#ifel^fe^^" i' •I i ,1 !§ l\ I fl I if J t i 1 If t ,1 t !' ( f JU ;tlfi^t¥|gmill^i:l^jl^t:feta-i^ ^-i^^t^'*^^> qill^ p/rri'A/i rr/.zLiiS: ok, how to Behold went forth to sow; and when he sowed, some seeds fell by the and the came and devoured them up; some fell upon !.;^iT. xiii, 3, 4, 5, 7. I I I r ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^j^i^^^^^ 112 a'-.:/^e-,.-„ ^:v^^;4 '.^!;''-^,v*'ri^'':-wV^V->*-''-'''->v,^^'?B--?v;-=i;H~^^^^ --■.,:,rV' ^^^f^''--:. J I s I I i i I i B I Eiai^A!£A^t^i^A:ti;tei^»^t^ta^ifeMt#J I 1 I i I I FEAD HIE Blhl.E BY SVMHOLS. where thev had not much ■5f^''^-,- '^ and forthwith they sprunjT up, because they had no deepness of earth: and some fell amonj; and the thorns sprung and them. Matt, xiii, 3, 4, 5, 7. 118 ^^^^^^l^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^^^^^^ I i i 'J ,i ini '-»U^ wy wjtttM f jJ ii ■I^ UH B JI .iifr;: i i'-^¥''»;fe5.iM.>S.... .s^mmmm miMi &s'^mii ; a^.»., a i ' :^.#.^4 '^^^i^i^ ' "^^ MMHPd Ilitf •u PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO Though s, and have 1 Cor. ziii, 1, ' ' • iV n il ( i ii i j iir i iiiii m I TTSPS«^35*wriS$*5r ^■p^fe^«t.4lEiK. ,.-S>«t'i-' '"i^ ■ "^ ' ^- '*'" ^ •-L,. idJUln ^!^iUi^i»iMS^^SJSJmil^JM!. ;S if J >m ii!>3''tyii|*. ^ "^ y-' IKHUUU IJ^ WI ll .i J^ ! . i „j ; PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO the encouraged the him that saying, It is ready for the soldering; and he fastened it with that it should ^m»^ttm ^^ uiu p .tjwiww fe^ be moved. Isaiah xli, 7 118 Tr~T~iW'jTrinnT»rjiinwm«riiiTO.»>!iiiTii'ri ,\\^,, » ,,, _. '; ' m ,r # 119 •■* > '-■'^^m^i^^ ^di^i^S^Mimm^WA^^^^ ^ M^ S ^m.'ir if! ; ii'll i ' S ii !| ''' 'I 11 !■ 120 fmftmnmmmmimtmmm *l. li 121 :;m k- ^,t^. 4;. -'..„- j%^«t':v+-^^K;"'-" -5'S!T?!?S5ria>t^isi;i^i^ta?t;*?<^^^la?feH^t35ta?igtaL»^tetagfefct^i PICTURE PL ZZLES; OR, HOW TO EITHER WHAT Luke xv, 8, 9. 184 *•" 125 >wa«>it.-^ y43ag feaM'^.A ' i.d^ f'; K{ «' feUW^ Ill I .1" If I 1 1 iilli»il~ 'II iWWiiHwiiM 1 I i I ' i .'wiBlba EccLEs, xii. 1-8. 126 •\^i^^-ji^iu$'-ttrX'^:i!^}'firi4K^^^ RIIAD THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS -r«t.>W'MCiirO;itwJ»,iu»ia»J'«i;^4'!i.JJi..ak..-L'sJ.4'.lt"l" n I' I w I ; ; PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO *'^ ■mtm .J(V^.'-"'i*l"''' shall brought low; EccLEs. xii, 1-8, ^,»^.^ . -.-T=g=-^-r^Sg-. . .,,.. -1,^ * -f!S4^-^>t^^x^=a^gsagigl aJ;^a^4 -: l?'.,^ ' a^^ f -r iv"" ' - ' i » i i af y ^,^ . y_,^ i, y y, _ n.Mnfc^ ^i^ i ' wi - i Y' itJii ' iil 'i' i W lii rAV./inv'i 'j;''|'!f^1iK5viA^-|i K f J i 'M i iliiWAit m m ; mm '*-%-toi53»!l|lt»J«tiU«lt JtD I ,«. Ml i iii' :-'<'\\{- - F,.-.!,'^-^-^'- .;tii<^-iUi^..»-^VTUt -tt--.JWi4**»»jj.i- m gr.-^i.-,%.aiae»,Sa«PBag.-: '■UU>-j-.ljaL ' W ' ."iW.Ji'lU.|||La'.b:..,-,T>.j i ; ' in- g»,^.>-mi:-;5Kr-v,«,»»^-,i»^,^,^ ,.rt,.^,,„,5„^.,.jy.,,,„-^^.j^^ -t.awremr'snHt-r-; ?T/^lil?it4*Il'^'!*lWLHS' i w 1 1 >i 1 . 11 :l I ' ^J^p^lT^n l ^^n!)>f^ ^.V-^':L;;!i. •Vi°^ ''"kV'"-> - ■ t - ••^-''-V-^-'»--"-^ --'--v- y-''.- ' ■ -r. :. T^>. -:^-'^i.'.H>''->'J'-^-V"^-v-^^-'^ | ff'T'^^''>i>Ji' '^'^^ ^ .L. 135 ■ r^)iiS!3^.vac^^,--^jiM^ssas M-^.s% i >, ' x ' ^^^^^ ' .' ...'. ' ' :i»-" ' - -.- :u ..i i i n .l »M li lt : l» , 11 . V wvnwf^*/?^:;.Bi^f'»^i--4r**'*'w^'-^ 'II F ' • !l i ,1 i i ^t^i^i^t^t^j^m^i^t^iaic^A^iaBt^t^t^^t^f^^t^t^l^t^t^j 198 ^" . fe -MCf^'^ i r-i^^^ rt'V'w^ . u , ; 1 1 ii.ijSU*^''g'»'iiiry.^-»r.y»''ACii - -^jg«ig^-:-?- M;ii;jd.\KAM^tteJ,^Vr .T ' ^te^^t^^jSe^^ ^He«'**«3.^(VyiB«lbirf,*^fti<*i=/^ •■--■. ■«'»rJ«i*«,?N>>y -— < .'^ mi=*«3s,a».>sss*oJva:a«5;;*Bsii«iV •, f '4 l;l !; ' Ml' 1 111 -J^^u ■^■■-- 4*':-:-', ■ >-; i^\itlv--,;;^v ff.'*;:ii"--iV--"*->i^> • ■■ ^ 1 .'i:!ii r,!; H I' ^^i ^: ! i i ! Ill I Ik" ! iii •I* '•i ■ liM 11 ! w...... _ .,._,.^K-^ ^ - ^^ PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO i! .hTtVS'eftSi..- i .1 ■:; -i . --:.-^^--i^-.=^:.=*'^ir^L:,^^,y;,r---'?s m-r ' Va ^ X ni^r ^^^ MM ■• ]!i m III t'l. MPii •- ■'■■/k \- Tfiy-'-'^i'-.w V: ■,":■'/''- •■ ' kifl.- ',:..;: I ':>'■: ^'':fSi' -t^'"'. ^^ f feJ-=^ , 9-13. READ THE BIBLE BY SYMBOLS And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And INLS & LIQUORS DRbos ' but For thine is the kinirdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen Mati-. vi, 0-13. ■ftww— aJpwiBri* \ \ M WI M I J[ iiii M, P«"ii* LJI-- ■■" U3 1^ I I I I ff^ i^'' 'ill! 1 1 I I 14 (" k ( ! i, i t »fc^'..i -J'iJUM,. n 4 145 ■■;-t. i I i I I it ;^ rr ""5 w r I : p 1 i'il ■ t If ; ,1;: : ; y'' 146 .? ?- - I 147 m ii r ■ii^iSi^fe^t^lat^iSA^A^iSl^i^t^f^t^^^t^^^tat^^t^Aasi. PICTURE PUZZLES; OR, HOW TO And he and gathered I with the choicest "^l ^...-i. -^-.>\- '•-..,-> kV and Isaiah v, 2. I \ \ y^}^^mmmm^^m^^m 0^m^m^i^s^0^sm&s&si^ 148 I 3 \ iwwwwww Ma i"wiii a' ji^ aT i aihttSTj^ ^^ \-, \, 149 i ^i u \ I ; ii:; i 11' - •■ Iti Is f 'i: n f iliiii «fc«- i