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Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, II est film* A partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'Images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iiiiBtrant la methods. by errata led to ent une pelure, Fapon A 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 32X tU9./^^J Uj^clo^ae mmAQ m.\ ttjmi ■^,^,/, '-.fl*»»^i(, ♦ , '■ .1,'i ., ,;■ I ?!:<'t ..if . >'. ,:i6.';-r ; ,4i ...,,3 .> .s-.'S •1^; .•■; -s ■ ■i.i 2 e®ii)ni$ jess aitiE^ .: »!iiti' y>"v JL chasers of bad Seeds, is determined to use his utmost vigilance to prevent a f^inglci'ack.ngcof doiu>tf'iil Seeds leaving his store. Those varieties that are raised in greater perfection iiiEHroponro inipnrte.l f;->ni a lirst-class Establishment in Loudon, and those that grow to perfection in this country arc procured fruni the most reliable sources. ^ ^fany Seeds, snch as I3eot, Carrot, Onic, Parsley, 'M^angel Wurzel, &c., &c., grow TnnrGrTreciy if soaked in water fur 2-i hour^, and allowed partially to dry, particidarly if the ground is in a dry st^to. Tlie. nu:h- sion of this, together with unskilful or careless management, or uniavorablc weather, riv(jue!itl; jircvont.s tlio vegetation of Seeds of the lirst quality, and gives occasion for unjust charges against the tteedsinan. IIerb Seeds, and all lino Seeds, roq«iro to be carefully sown on a bed of fine rich (latli. Sil't a littlo line soil over the seed, and shade from the sun until the plants come up. Dwarf Apple- and Peat Trees, Grape Vines, Rcdj.Wliite, and Clack Cnri'an.t Du ihw, (bestlclndf^,) door- berry Bushes, (fine sorts,) Strawberry Plants, (the best varieties,) lihubarb Koot^-, (.^niannntal Trees, h-hrulir', Hoses, Fuchsias, D.ihlias, and Bedding Plants of every description. In tiieir sonson, I can can famish choice Flo\«)r Plants, (seedling?;) ('abb."gc, Cnuliilov.oi, (.Wory, Drocoli, Tomato, and Pepper Plants. Flower Pots, all sizes. Prices, on application., : . Agent for 2£oora''s Jiural Aew Yorker, at $1' 50 per anmnn. Genesee Farmer and liural An)iv(fly tho! tw) f..»r 50 cents.. ,u'i .v.^o: :,),.«.;.:..'.;..'■: .; .- ,,.. .. _; ■ .■„:_.■ -^sj/^iak ■J.,; ■) :■•:■ 1 .■ • is; A. t-!. I A. lUn ■ ■o.."::,i/.v' VEGETABLE SEEDS FOR THE FIELD AND SARDEM. fc u. Si lipaMRtU— New Oifet. Uf liah Broad BMUii*-K»rlr Maiagan Per Qt Mtckle'a Monarch Long-pud. . . Tpker Hroad Windsor Kiduy or Vrtaoh Baui— Dun Dwarf Mpecklcd Dwarf Fulmera " While " Ca«e Knife, (runners) Scarlet Kunnera BMt— Irurohead, HaHon's, extra fine ilreeu Curled Savoy Larce Ci^age Savoy, extra fine • Yellow MiToy Kolil Kabbi, (purple) Kohl Kabbi, (green) Carrot— I^fly Horn New Intermediate, very ear> Larse White Belgian, 60 cts.° ^ n> Yellow Belgian, 7U cts. ^ lb Cauliflower— Karly Paris Waite's Alma Cilery— Sbepherd'i Giant Red Cole's Crystal White White Solid Citron— For preserves Crea- Fine Curled Corn— Early Sweet Sugar Per Qt St»w«U'» EvsrgreeB, awea t .... Caonmber — Long Qreen Per oz Kenyon's Favorite Nursery Gbtsrkiu, true BggFlant- Purple Ctanio— Extra fine, Sfi cts. |) dozen Leek— Larse Mussclburch, or, Scotch , Lettsoe — Drumhead, or Malta Royal, or. Grand Admiral White SilesiMi Waite's Large White Cos Xangel Woriel— Long Red Per fi) Yellow Globe New Olive-shaped, red, large and fine Per Ol 8 8S 39 •if> 8fi ilS V> 26 80 80 7 7 18H 17 00 40 Vil4 12K 1' 124i 18H 10 15 10 '^ 10 10 10 10 10 10 c 7 fiO 00 15 15 15 25 20 15 16 15 16- 20 46 45 50 Pkg. 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 10 12Ji 5 6 5 5 5 6 6. . 6 10 19 5 5 H ox 6 6 6 Xaak Xelon— Oreen Citron Yellow Cuntelope Watermelon- Long Island Xnitard— White London Broud Leaved Onion — Largo Red Large Yellow Italian Tripoli, very fine White Lisbon Parenip— Hollow-crowned Fanloj— Entiold Matchless, extru'curled Muyalt's Uurnishing Muss Curled, new rom«i> or, Oapeicnnia— lA>ng i^l^A ' 8quur« . . . j '. Fninplin— Large Y'ullow Field, SO cts. |) lb Fell, (choke /iof/lith •(>/•<«)— Uituiul O'Hourke, very earjr 2>i feet /peryt Early Prise-taker, excellent, S leet Eugenie, the earliest, white wrinkled marrow Pea, dwarf Bishou's Long Podded, M^ teei Dwarf Sugar, edible pods, 2 feet Fairbeard s Clmmniun of England, 6 feet BatUah-Searlet Short Top » London Particular, long scarlet frame '. White Turnip Red Turnip Ulive-shapcd, scarlet, extra fine, early .Per oi Rose, or. Winter rb — Victoria, large , or, Vegetable ojpttet Il— Hound, or. Summer, 50 cts. * lb Prickly, RO cts. ^ lb New Zealand Sqnilh — Vegetable Marrow Uubbard role " white Belichrysnm Bracteatum » Zeranthemum, white.-, 6 " purple.', ,•; " fclxed..... n Briia Maxima, \>r, Shaking Qroig. r, ' ''^t:^ J fc U. Se^'-^ c A t ^v ) oj-u-e FOR 1869. AtH^vitTinm, -rnLn*.— Bl, Mm ; er. rnmmn ; fT, » iMit ; nr. onnge | r. r«d i M« warlet ) Mr. Mripedi il. liRhi ; (Ik. durk ; ro. roM j wh. «;hil< j |\ purple i pi. piiik i li. lilac. V. vioUl; var. variegated; yel. )«ll«»^ ili». itvtral Flower the Fint. Seuoa. AIW1IUFL08. AMTIBKUUrUll, miTTiTiTiTT, or, InapAncoB Huleiidid Mixed, irom Dew Tsrietie* ASTIB— New globe-flowennB, miied Dwart liouquet, pyramidtl, extra Double Turkajr, Hoe Now I'oenr-flowerod, TrjCout't BAiaAX— Good, mixed Double, or, Roae, mixed BABTOHIA AQBIA. CAOOAUA OOOOnnA-Soarlet Taasd Flower. . CAHDTIXrFX— Kragrant Hcarlet , White Rocket CLAXDA FPICnMtnU— Beat oftheClarkia CURTOHIA FUIiOHEIXA— Qraodiflora dwarf.. COOKSOOMB— Dwarf orinidon , ^^ German, mixed OOLLimiA— Bi-color Orandiflora Multi-color OOLLOI PA— Cocclnea GOHVOLYVIVS— Minor New Dark New Striped Hnjor, Morning Qlorr, misjd Color. Red. DiT. Dir. Dir. Dir. Div. Dir. Vel. 8e. Dir. 80. Wh. Ro. Cr. Dir. Var. Red. Var. Cr. 0. AW. Dk. 8tr. Dir, Ft, tnnjxii I 4ia«fi UlllK VTIurVf ■■■■*. JU. . A/IV. CAIUOFSia, or, CWl'^OniB- New Marbled |Y. A Dk Druramondii Y. A Dk Elesans ficta.... Var. Nigra Speciosa. . . Dk, OOSKmnril BVBBIOGIAinni-Splcndid for bedding DAIOBA— Double White FOBOET-XE-HOT QODKTIA— Alba OTPSOFHILIiA— Muralis HEABTSBA8E, or, FAKST-I'inc Mixed. . . . HIBI8CTTS— Africauiiii Major lOBPLAMT i.. IiABKSPUB— Daiiblo Dnnrf Rocket, mixed. LEPT08IFH0K ABDBOSACEUS USVM OBAKDIFLOBTIM IiUPmUS — Mixed. MABIGOLD— French Dwarf XABVEL of P£BTT— Mixed mOHONETTE— t* "^i- 12 eta M MULPS — Queen Victorin NASTUBinTHS— Mixcci. x> nz. 10 cts Now DwnrC, Bcarlet " dark crimson Turn Thumb, scarlet Wh. Bl. Wh. Pi. Div. Pi. Dir. W. A Li. Cr. Dir. Str. Dir. Or. 8c. Dir. Sc. Cr. Sc. high 1 to IX 1 toS l^toS 1 tolJi IMtoS iktos l^toS 1 toll, Wtol Xtol \ tolU 1 toS Jitol >itol 1 1 1 8 toS l^toJ l>^to3 t a 1 2 Hl^ 1 tOiV IK to 2 1 1 IJitoJ l}^to2 S to8 1 1 1 e«i. 6 10 5 ft 5 5 5 6 10 S . S 5 5 8 ft ft 10 S s 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 S if 5 ft 6 6 5 5 5 10 5 IL- 5 ft 10 S 6 ft 6 8 6 6 5 8 __„___ Color. mCOPHXZiA — Insignia Bl Harginata B. AW mCtSIXA— Double Dwart Wh. BOLAVA— Atripliclfolia W. Al.i OAn— Animated Var. FBAI, B ir»tt— Mixed, V ax. 10 ots Dir. PH'UJIIA— Choice hybrid, mixed ^Dlr. Oreen-bordered and reined V. A R, FHLOX mmOIOMSn- Mixed Dir. Alba, true , ^....^Wh. Quern Victorin P. A W. Pm— Chinese, One, double I^i^. POPPT— German, mixed Dir. PQRTDLACA- Fine, mixed Div. I>R1NCE'8 FEATHER— New, largc-tlowering. . . Cr. 8ALPIOLOSSIS— Fine, mixed „DiT. 8ANVITAMA PROOUMBENS Y. A J 8AP0NARIA CALABRICA MlIi.T!FLORA.. .. ^ „ SCniZANTUCSORANDlFLORUH OCULATUSP. A W 8EN8ITI PLANT 8T0CK— Ten-week, German, mixed TIIUNBERQIA-Alba, (climber) Arantiaca *' VISCABIA OCCLATA ZINNIA— Mixed ;Flbwer the Secoad SeMoa. AQCILEOIA, or. COLUMBINE— Fine,ioized.. Dir. CAMPANULA PTRAMIDALIS-Rlue IM- CANTERBURY BELLS-Double, blue Ul. " whita Wh. COWSLIP— Fine, mixed Yel. DIGITALIS, or, FOXQLOVE-Alba Wh. Purpurea P. New Slotted.... Var. Fine, mixed Dir. GENTIANA ACALUIS-Border Plant Bl. UOLLYIIOCK— From the newest show rarieties double Dir. IPOMOPSIS-Elegans Cr. Superba , PICOTEE— From double flowers POLYANTHUS— Mixed , •STOCK— Brampton, fine, mixed SWEET WILLIAM— Fine, mixed Striped, fine, mixed. - Uunt'ii VERONICA— FiM, mixed VINCA-PeriKikle, Ft. high, eta iiU>\ Xtol , X 1 tolX to4 toS to W to IX lWto2 H 8 1 to 3 X^l 1 to IX Dir. Wb. . Or. A PX( R. A Pf Dir. WALLFLO — , trailing, mixed. iSr^Qerman, mixed ... . Dir. Dir. Dir. Dir. 8tr. Dir. Dir. Dir. Dir.^ to IX to6 tofi 1 IX to 2 li tot 1 t«ix 1 toix 2 to 8 2 to3 % toS 2 to 8 to 8 to) 1 Xtol 1 1 1 to IX to IX tolXl 7 ft 6 A 6 6 ft R S 8 la 10 6 ft ft .'. s ft .% 10 ft 6 10 Ki ft ft 8 • ft ft ft 6 ft ft ft 10 10 ft 10 10 ft ft ft 1 I 1 to IX SUMMER F3L,0"WEIlINa BULBS. GLAUIOLUS- -Gnndarensis Flonbundus Kmicans Colvillii each lOfits. 10 '^ 10 10 ANEMONE— FiD«, double, 4 cU. GLADIOLUS— Prince Albert «t no 4H • 44 14 a 43 VE(itTAHI,r:S. PotatocK, I'nmuips Cnrrnts, Tnriiipii RertM niid Oniuns Suit ... Tftiitor Bennx ' ■ Mnit Dried I'eaelic* -' ■ , Dried Applri «> S'l 40 W. :a3. Qaantity of Eeed required for an Acre. Wheal IVtoa bushsls Rye • 1^ " ■ Oatii s " llarley 2 " I'lai 2 to 8 " WliitoHeana ij^ " Uiickwheat J^ " Corn, in hills 4 to 8 quarts I'ntatoea 10 to IS bushels Jlects 3 pounds Tarrots 2 " Tiirtiips ItolJi " rio\Cr, white 4 quarts OloTor, red 8 '• Tiraotliy o '• Mirod tawn CJruss 1 to J bash«I(, Ihe fbllowing Table ihowi the number of Planti to the acre, at any of the diitancea mentioned DiSTANCK. KO. Of PtAKTS. IFoot ..* .. 43,flfi0 IM •• •• .. Iti.iirtO , 2 . . . . lO.MO ■■' ' 2>i fl.Slft ' ' S .... .. 4,S40 ' 4 5 « ... 9 12 ... 16 18 20 :: o 7**2 l,T4i 1,210 .M7 ^ . .intt ' 10S 134 110 ro :' rt .'jcrri i^ft-HfiS!. k „,A — 1 ...\ •i -.•■» ;y''. ■'•'*fctatT»ji94(a " *- aP '' i/K % r)?4f *..s. f ft »)».ie-