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Las diagrammaa sulvanta iilustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 z<5i?irc 4 CATALOGUE LfH.l Of THE LIBRARY or THS LITERARY AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ov QUEBEC. ^W*«V«»«M«*^IMM'*'^^**MVMVMi X QUEBEC : PRINTED BY AUGUSTIN c6Tfi & CO. M.DCCC.XLV. 1. 1 ^aJi)^. t^k^gij 3HT iJlT rmdo^ ^A'Jiao'r;>!;ij (i>:^ vh T I mm:ji) > t CATALOGUE. AcADEMiE Roy ALE, Histoire de 1'. 8 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1719. Ilarfue, 17*24 AccuM (Fred.) on Gas Light. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 181 S Adams (Geo.) Astronomy. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 178f) (6th Edition) 181-2 ^LiANi Varia Historia. 18mo. Leipsic, 1819 jEoidii de Regimine principum lib. 3 Editio princeps. 1473 AiKiN (John) M. D. General Biography. 10 vols. 4to. London, 1799-1815 Alcedo (p. Ant. De) Geographical and Historical Dictionary of America and the West Indies, translated by G. A. Thompson. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1812-15 Alexander (J. E.) Transatlantic Sketches. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1833 Almanacs : — Nautical Almanac from 1830 to 1838. 8vo. London, 1S21ASS5 Stewart's Dublin, 1816 Connaissances des Temps pour I'an 1838. Paris, 1835 Quebec Almanac, 1804-35. America, Account of European Settlements, in 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1760 Anberry, Travels through the interior parts of America, 2 vols. 8vo London, 1789 Andui; (Major) Mouody on, l»y Miss. Seward. I vol. Tin 10. LuHilon, IH'21 A.NNALKs (lu Museum d llistoire Nutuiellc. ',^0 vols. 4to. - ' ' raris, lH()^.l:j Annai.s oftlio T.vcciim of Xatiiral History of Ncvv-V'ork, vols. \'^'c'J. Hyn. X-icVod', ISVU and parts I w^ '2 of \(.l. '.) IH!>8 of Natural History, vols. I to H. (Svo. London, Ls;iS.lSl*i ( Dniilicdlo of parts t>8 & '.>!)) . 1 840 ANTiutiTArKs AmkiucaiNm:, sive Scriijtorcs Si'ptcntrio- iialcs rcrnm aiitc-Coluinbiauaniin in America. I vol. -ito. Coih'h/ku/cii, 1837 ANTwr.ur, Sieire of in 1n;5-J, 1 vol. Hvo. L'nidoti, \H',Vti Ai'oM.oMi Kiionii Arti:(mauti('a. iXnio. Lcipsic, 1811) Ai'iMAM Ak'\. Koju. ilistoiiaM|uai bupcrsunt. 4 vols. Lvipsic, 1818 Au( iiivr.s. Ancient French. (luchcc, 171)1 AuuHTs I't Onlomiaucesconcernaut la (jua(U'loiip(>.l vol. -Ito. (Jffa(/(loiij'(\ 18()',>-18():S AuuiAM Mxpeditio Alexandri. hSmo. fj'i/isir. 1818 Asiic (T.) (jii'oi^rapliical Sketch of tlu^ lirasils. 1 vol. 8vo. Lniuhni, 1812 AsiiiiTON (AN'illiam) 1). 1>. Conference with an Ana- baptist, rimo. London. l()9.j Atiienm:i Deipnosophistaruni lihri XA'. (ir. et Lat. Animadversionihns cum Is. ( asauboni aliorum- fpie tum suis illustravit Schwei.i>h'a'user, 14 vols. 8\o. An/cnf. 1801 AuuuBON (J. J.) Oniitholopjical Biography of the United States of America. 3 vols. H\o. Edinhnrt/h, 1831-5 Aytoun (Sir liohert) Poems. Svo. Iklinburgh, 1844 AzuNi (D. A.) sur Torigine de la Boussole, 1 vol. Svo. Paris, 1809 Bakewell (Robert) Introduction to Mineralogy. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1819 4 11(1. I vol >i'ls. tto. — l^'2S «'. ^''iX-lHl'2 1N40 <'ptcntrio- '''>/', IN;JIJ ^'"i', 1811) 4 \ ols. tr, I7f)l JX'.l vol. '•• 1818 • I \oI. ", J.S12 " Aiui- . JG9o 't Laf. Jioruiii- '. 1801 Jf the 18;31.5 1844 I. 8vo. 180.9 1819 3 nANrKoiT(rii'oi|2;(?) History of the United St;it<"4. {\ vols. Hvo. Ilostoti, 1812 BauufjU'. (Pierre) Noiivolle relation de la Fraiiee Kquinoxiale. 1 vol. I'^'mo. iV/n.v, 17-1 •'! Baurington (Hon. 1).) rossihility of iqiproadiinij North pole. 1 vol. Hvo. J,ou\'ill.) Travels in N. & 8. Carolina, ^t. 1 vol. 8\f). Jjmclon, 1794 Bayfield (H. W.) (icoloL,'y of Lake SnjHU'icn- 1vol. folio. AI(imisrrij)t 1829 Beaijour (Felix de) Sketch of the T'nited States of N. Anieriea, translated hy ^\ in. Wallon. 1 vol. 8vo. Lomh)n, 1814 Beaufoy (Col. M.) Nantical cxperiinents. 1 vol. 4 to. lAwdon, 1834 'Beche (Henry T. do la) (leoloorieal Manual. 1 vol. Hvo. l'/n'ln(h'(j}/,w, 18IJ2 (rcolonfical jVIemoii's eontfiined in the "Annales ■'^-'» '• des Mines." 1vol. 8vo. Lomhn, 1824 Begin (L..T.) Therapeutics. 2 vols. ^\o. New-York, 1829 Belair (A. P. G.) I'ilemeiits de fortifications. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 179i} Belknap (Jeremj ) I). D. History of Nca\ Hainpshire. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1792 Bell (Sir Charles) on the hand. (Bridgcwaicr Trcalisc.) 8vo. London, 1837 Bennett (James 11.) Questions in practical Anatomv. 12mo. London, 1829 Berry (AVni.j Genealogia Antiqna or Mytholoi^ieal and Classical tables. 1 vol. folio. London, 1816 Bibles: German, 12mo. Frankfort, 1687 Irish, 8vo. Dldlhu 1827 - ' ■ Welsh, IHmo. • Undon, 1825 ■ Bibliotheque choisie de Litttrature FranQaise. 1 vol. Hvo. PhilaMphia, 1833-4 il 1 BiGELOw (Jacob) American Medical Botany. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1817-1820 BioT (J. B.) Astronomie physique. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1810-11 Bonaparte (^Chas. L.) American Ornithology. 4 vols, folio. Philadelphia, 1825-33 Bonaparte (Jacopoj Tableau Historique des evenemens survenus pendant LE SAC DE KOME. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1809 BoRGNE (Le Borgne doj System e de Colonisation pour Saint-Domingue. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1817 Botanical plates. 1 vol. 4to. {A collection.) BoucHETTE (Jos.) Statistical accoun^ of the British Domi- nions in North America. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1831 Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada. 1 vol. 4to. London 1831 BouiLLOT (I'Abbc) Biographic des Ardennais. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1830 BoYER (A.) French Grammar. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1720 Brackenbridge (II. M.) Voyage to South America. 2vols. 8vo. London, '[S20 Brande (Wm. T.) Tables of Definite Proportionals. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1828 Brathwait (Richard) English Gentleman. 1 vol. fol. London, 1641 Bridgewater Treatises : Bell, Buckland, Chalmers, Kidd, Kirby, Prout, Roget, Whewell. (See names.) Brissot, (J. P.) Voyage dans les Etats-Unis. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1791 British American Register, vol. 1. Quebec, 1803 {Duplicate of the above.) Brown (Thomas) Book of Butterflies, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1832 I 'ols. 8vo. in.1820 8vo. 1810-11 I- 4 vols. 1825-33 ienemens '. 1 vol. [is, 1809 ton pour 'is, 1817 ) h Domr- w, 1831 Canada. on 1831 ols. 8vo. is, 1830 n, 1720 lerica. w, 1820 lals. «, 1828 ^ol. fol. h 1641 aimers, J. (See [s. 8vo. . 1791 1803 >. 1832 t Bryan (Daniel) Thoughts on Education. Richmond, 1830 Buchanan (A. C.) Emigration practically considered. 8vo. London, 1828 BucKLAND (Rev. Wm.) Reliquiae Diluvianae. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1824 Geology and Mineralogy ( Bridgenater Treatise. ) 8vo. London, 1837 BuRGOYNE (Lieut. Genl. John) A State of the expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons. 4to. London, 1780 BuRNABY (Andrew) Travels through the middle settle- ments of North America in 1759 and 1760. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1 798 BuRNEY (James) Chronological History of North Eastern Voyages of Discovery. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819 Burton (Richard) History ol the House of Orange. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1814 C.ESARis Opera, cur. Oberlin. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825 Commentaries, translated by William Duncan. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806 Calculus Differential and Integral. 1 vol. 8vo. {Lihy. Useful Knowledqe) London, 1832 Callimachi Hymni, Epigrammata et Fragmenta recen- suit et cum notarum delectu edidit C. J.Blom- field. 8vo. London, 1815 Cameronis (Joannis) Opera. 1 vol. folio. Geneva, 1658 Cap BRETON, Histoire du. 1 vol. 12mo. Hague, 1760 Carbonari, Memoirs of the. 1 vol. 8vo. London, \S2l Careri (Gemelli) Voyage autour du monde. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1719 Carlo V, Vita di, discutta dal S. Alf. UUoa. 1 vol. 4to. Venice, 1566 Carolina, Rise and Progress of South. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1779 B I' s e Cartwright (George) Journal of a residence of sixteen years on the Coast of Labrador. 3 vols. 4t(). Neioark, 1792 Carver (Jonathan) Voyage dans rAmerique Septen- trionale. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1784 Travels in North America. 1 vol. 8vo. Catalogues: London, 1778 Appleton's Catalogue. Neiv-Yorh, 1841 *. Blake's Annual, do. New- York, \%A\ Bohn's (Henry G.) of Books. London \^i\ Faribault, d'Ouvragos sur I'Histoire de 1' Ame- rique et en particulicr sur celle du Canada. Quebec, 1837 Griffin's Description of Chemical Apparatus. Glasgow, 1841 Henslow's (Rev. J. J.) of British Plants. London, 1835 Jones, of Mathematical Instruments. London, 1831 Rich's of Books relating principallv to Americi. London. 1832 of tlic most important "Works in English Litterature. London, 1833 ,. Rivington's. London, 1833 Weale's of Books. London, 1835 of Books pubished in London in the year 1839 Do. Do. 1840 of Quebec Library. Quebec, 1841 of Advocates Library. Quebec, 1840 of Library of Quebec Mechanic's Institute. Quebec, 1841 Legislative Council. Kingston, 1842 Royal Society of Dublin. Dublin, \S^9 Mathematical Society. London, 1831 of Contents of British Museum. London, 1832 of Museum of Literary & Historical Society. Quebec % ^ h^ L i 2 of sixteen vols. 4t(). '^'ark, 1792 ue Sopten- '«m, 1784 o. mdo?i, 1778 yorh, 1841 ForA-, 1841 «'«rto/2 1841 ■ clel'Ame- (Hi Canada. uebcc, 1837 Apparatus. •5//o?«;, 1841 udoii, 1835 ts. «^/w, 1831 to America. n(fon, 1832 tJvs in 'n-or Egypt, K'l. 8vo. ''^//w, 1803 rAiiicriquc ^«'w, 1G72 qncs snr Ics W/«, 1771 %ypticns i'i-Jin, 1773 il Navy. '^^''V^w, 1805 i^don, 1677 •Jnisctts. %^', 1840 >if's. 2 vols. '''^'''", 1827 l^reton. 'n-c, 1665 to. iris, 1814 1719 1750 I'Acadie ^w, 1710 '\ Doson. •w, 1837 is. 1 vol. rt, 1543 o. 2c, 1818 4 vols, r, 1818 1 I DoDUiuDGE (Rev. Dr. Jos.) Notos on Indian ^^'al•s of Western ])art.s of Virginia and Pennsvlvania. 1 vol. V2mo. ' WeUshnrifh, 1824 DoNKix (Sir Kufanc) On the Course of the Niger. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 18L9 DumATZ (Lepage) TTistoire de la Louisiane. 3 vols. r2mo. Varis, 1758 Dryden (John) Fables from IJoecacio and Chaucer. 1 vol. r2mo. Chiswkk, 1822 Du PoNeEAU (Peter S.) L.Ii. 1) On the Chinese system of writing. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1838 DupuY (M.) Traite touchant les droits du lloi. 1 vol, folio. lioven, 1570 FiCiiARD (liawrence) History of England. 1 vol. folio. London, 1705 (Jazetteer. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1731 Ei)E (J.) View of the Gold, Silver and Copper coins of all Nations. 1vol. 12mo. London, 1808 Eggede (Hans.) Ilistoire Naturelle du Groenland. 1 vol. 12mo. Copenhagen, 1763 Natural History of Greenland, 1 vol. 4 to. liiohenhawn, 1741 Emmon (Ebenezor) Manual of Mineralogy and Geology. 1 vol. 12mo. ' Albany/, 1820 I'ncvclop^edia Britannica. 21 vols. 4to. Edinburgh, IS'k^ FiNCYCLOPiTiDiA TIeraedica. 3 vols. 4to. Erasmi Colloquia. 1 vol. 12mo. Tmj. ad Rhen. 1676 Exemple (L') De la France, avis a la Graxde-Bre- TAGNE, par Arthur Young, Ecr. 1 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1794 Facciolati et Forcellini Totius Latinatis lexicon. 2 vols. Hoyal 4to. London, 1826 Fauna Boreali- Americana, or Zoologv of B. N. Americav 4vols. 4to. ' London, 1829-37 Groenlandica, Othonis Fabricii. 1 vol. 8vo. Leipsic, 1780 0' f I I t \ ■ ( I \ ) < ^% 12 Ferishta, History of Dekkan, by .lonathan Scott. 2 vols. 4to. Shrewsbury, 1794 Flint (James) Letters from America. 1 voj. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1822 Formula Oratori.i: (J. Clark.) 1 vol. 24o. London, 1659 Franchere (^(jlabriel) Voyage a la Cote du Nord-Ouest dc rx\.ni6ri(j[ue Septentrionalc. 1 vol. 8vo. Montreal, 1820 Franklin (Benj.) Historical lie view of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania. 1758 Private Correspondence of, by his Grandson. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1817 Frederic II. (Kin^ of Prussia) Giuvres Posthumes de. 15 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1789 Freebairn (James) French Grammar. 1 vol. l2mo. Edinbvrgh, 1734 Fry (Mrs) Observations on the government of Female prisoners. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1827 Gardiner. Tables of Logarithms. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1742 Gall & Spurheim. Des dispositions Innees de I'Ame et del' Esprit. 1 vol. 8 vo. Pam, 1818 Geographie Moderne, par le Rev. J. Holmes. 1 vol. l2mo. Quebec, 1833 Gesner (Abraham) Geologv & ^Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Ivol.Svo. " Ilnlifax, 1836 Cieological Survey of N. Brunswick. 1vol. 8vo. St. John, 1839 Gibbon (Edward) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. 12 vols. 8vo. London, 1823 Glass (George) History of the Canaiy Islands. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1774 Gordon (Patrick) Geographical Grammar. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1711 Gould (A. A.) In vertebrata of Massachusetts. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1841 f Scott. 2 vols. U'sburi/, 1794 |. 8vo. nbur^h, 1822 London, 1G59 Nord-Ouest vol. 8vo. mfreal, J 820 Constitution 1758 I Grandson. London, 1817 sthumcs dc. Berlin, J 789 12mo. Mirqh, J 734 It of Female .ondon, 1827 0. London, 1742 ?s do I'Arne Paris, 1818 1 vol. 1 2mo. 'uehec, 1833 Nova Scotia. 'lifax, 1836 k. /o^w, 1839 nan Empire. ondon, 1823 s. 1 vol. 4to. ndon, 1774 vol. 12mo. ndon, 1711 . 1 vol. 8vo. mdge, 1841 13 Grammatica Gallica, studio Thomec De la Grue. 24o. , Amsterdam, 1664 Iluronica. Mimnacript, Gray (^llugh) Letters from Canada. 1 vol. 8vo. "^^ London, 1809 Green (AVm.) Guide to the Lakes of Cumberland, West- -'• ' . .' mordund and Limcushire. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1819 Greenough (Q. 15.) First principles of Gcoloj>;y. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1819 Memoir of a Geological Map of England. 1 vol. '-:' 4to. .'. London, 1820 GuESCUN (13. Du)IIistoiredc, Connetabledc France, &c. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1618 GuEUDEviLLi:: (Mr.) Atlas Ilistorique. 7 vols, large folio. Amsterdam, 1719 CiuiLLERMiN (Gilbert) Precis Ilistoiiqiie de Saint-Do- mingue. 1 vol, 8\o. Paris, 1811 GusTAVLs Adolphus, Life of, King of Sweden. 1 vol. 8vo. Breslaw, 1775 Haliburton (Tlios. C.) Historical and kStutistical account of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo. llaUfax, 1829 Halkett (John) Historical Notes on tlie Indians of North America. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1825 Halma (Francois) Dictionairc Fran^ais et Flanumd. 2vols. 4to. Utrecht, 1719 Harmon (1). AV\) Travels in North America. 1 vol. Svo. Andovcr, 1820 Harris (T. W.) Insects of ]Massaclmsctts, injurious to vegetation. 1 vol. Svo. Cambridge, 1841 (\yi\) Memorials of General Oglethorpa. ^'. ■; •• Bo>iton, 1841 Hawkeswortii ( Jolni) LL. D. Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere. 3 v ols. Svo. Diihlin, 1773 Hawkins (Alfred) Picture of Quebec. 1 vol. 12mo. Quebec, 1834 C u it Hearne ("Samuel) Journal from Prince of Wales Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. 1 vol, 4to. London^ 1795 Henderson (James) History of the Brazils. 1 vol. 4to, London, 1821 Hennepin ( Louis j Description de la Louisiane. 1vol. 12mo. Paris, 1688 ■ Nouvelle Description d'un tr^s grand pay» entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale. 1 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1698 ' New Discovery of a vast countay in America. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1698 Heriot (George) Travels through the Canadas. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1807 Histoire Naturelle, Nouveau Dictionnaire d'. 36 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819 Hitchcock (Edward) LL. D. Geology of Massachusetts. 1 vol. 4to. Amherst, 1841 HoMERi Ilias, durante Heyne. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1834 — — Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Clarkii. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1815 Hooker ( Sir W.) Flora Boreali- Americana. 11 parts. 4 to. London, 18'<:9-1839 — British Flora. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1831 HoRATii Eclogae. cum Scholiis veteribus et Baxteri, Ges- neri et Zeunii annotationibus. 8vo. London, 1816 HosACK (David) M. D. Memoir of De Witt Clinton. 4to. NeivYork, 1829 Medical Essays. 3 vols. 8vo. New- York, 1824 — ■ Inaugural Addi ess at Rutger's Medical College. '" Neiv-York, 1836 Houghton (Douglass) Geology of Michigan. 8vo. Detroit, 1841 Howard (John) State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 4to. tVarrington, 17 7T / nVales Fort ^^cean. 1 voj ondon, 1795 ■ \ voJ. 4ta o»tfo«, 1821 siane. 1 vol ■^^'•w, J 688 ffrand pays ^r GJaciaJe. ^/-fl^awi, 1698 " America. ^^on, 1698 idas. 1 vol. ndoti, 1807 d'. 36 vols. ^'•w, 1819 ssachusetts. «^r*/, 1841 ^on, 1834 "J- 2 vols. ^on, 1815 Jarts. 4 to. 8".9.1839 "n, 1831 teri, Ges. «. 1816 ton. 4to. ^, 1829 ^ 1824 College. , 1836 0. . 1841 1 and 16 Ho\VE (Samuel E.) M. D. History of the Greek Revo- lution. 1 vol. 8vo. NeW'York, 1828 HuMBOLT (Alex. De) Vuesdes Cordilleres et Monu- mens des peuples indigenes de I'Amerique. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1816 IIuMPiittEY (David) D. D. Historical Account of the Missionaries in the British Colonies. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1730 Hutchinson (Thos.) History of Massachusetts Bay, from 1628 to 1691. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1765 Do. from 1691 to 1750. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1768 Do. from 1749 to 1774. 1 vol. 8vo. l/>ndon, 1828 HuTTON (W,) History of the Roman Wall which crosses Great Britain from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea. 1 vol, 8vo. London, 1813 ' fCharles) LL. D. Philosophical and Mathe- matical Dictionary. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1815 Indian Territories of North America, Narrative of oc- currences in, since the connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, emd his attempt to establish a colony on the Red- River. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1817 Ireland (Samuel) Miscellaneous Papers of Shakspeare. 1 vol. 8vo. London^ 1796 (Duplicate of the above.) Irexionger (Rev. F.) Suggestions on Bell's system of Tuition. 1 vol. 8vo. Winchester, 1813 Jackson (Chas. T. j Mineralogy and Geology ot Nova Scotia. 1 vol. 4to. Cambridge, 1832 James I. Works of. King of Scotland. 1vol. 12mo. Glisgow, 1825. Jameson (Robert) System of Mineralogy. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1820 Jefferson (Thomas) Notes on the State of Virginia. Ivol. 8vo. PfiiMelphia, 11^^ • V 16 Jeffery f Thomas) Nntuvnl nnd Civil 1 Fistory of the rrench Dominions, in N. &S. Anii'iitn. 1 vol. folio. L'wdon, 11 (11 Aiiiciiriin Atir.s. 2 vols, folio. IjihiJ)n, I17ij IS'ortli Amcridin lilot. folio. Jj.mloii, 1175 JOUUXALS : of tho Commons' House of rnrlinmcnt from " ' HKi'i to KU."). J) vols iblio. (Maniis(n)jt.) '- oftho JIouso of Assomblyof I.e. JlDO-lhST U. Vioviiiro of Caniuia. 1S41 of tho Lcijislativo Council of Lowor (^mada, from 1792 to 1S;J7. Proviuco of C;inn(la. 1841 of tlio Special Council of Lcnvcr Canada, is;;s.;}{) '^> American Journal of Science. (Silliman.) 17 vols. Svo. N<'ir-If(urn • 1 i i [i^: , Uii* ■v 'I' ! ». .>\ •■ 'I American Mineralo«;fical. (l}ruc(\) 1 vol. Nf)v-Yod\ 1814 Edinburg Journal of Science. 2 vols. Svo. EiJiulwnjh, 1S27-1830 of Natural Il'story. Piirt 1. 8vo. Jhsfoih 18.34 of the Academy of Natuv;il Science,' of Phila- delphia, vols. 1 to (3. Fhilmlplphia. 1817-29 Royal Geoi^raphical Society. Svo. vols. 1 to 10 '' & vol. 11 part 1. Zom/^?;?, 18:31-1841 ' ' of the state of the Thermometer at Cape Dia- mond during 1839. Ilistorique d(\s cvcnemens arrives u St. T.wt- tache pendant la llehellion de 1838. JouTEL (M.) Journal du dernier voyage do ]\[. T "l .-. Salle. 1 vol. 12mo. . Paris, 1713 " *" [Dvplicate of ihe ahnir.) JucHER Au ( \. De) IJcvolutions do Constantinople en 180"^ et 1808. 2 vols. Svo. raris, 1822 J ^ y$ JussiET "A. Ti. Dc) Principcs de hi M<''thodo Naturollo (Ics W'Ui'tiiux. Mvo. J'ft'is, lJS'2-i I)' r,ui)!iorl)i.u;e;ua;n gcnrrH>iic. 1 vol -. fo. Juvenal ot rcrsius, ciiiu uotis llupciti ct Kodiii^ii. Hvo. JjOtidon, \^',i'} KiDi) (John) Physical Condition of Mjin. (Jii''rrw(iter Tn'df'Si'.') Nvo. London L-j/JC) KiRDv (W h .) Introduction to I',iitoni(do^''y. 1 vol Hvo. London, 18'28 i History. h;d)its nnd instincts of Animids. { lifid'/cicdtcr Tirafisc.) Hvo. Lowfon, IHU") Knox (John) Historical .lournid ofCanijiaii^ns in North Aniorii a. '2 vols. London, HfiiJ Lacreteli.i: (Cli.) llistoirc do France dans Ic IScnu^ sicch\ l4\ols. Svo. rnris, 1812-20 Lafitau (.)os('|)]i.i''ran(;ois) MaMirs dcs Saiivages Anie- ritains compares au\ inanirs (k's ])rcniicr'! tiMiips. 4 v(ds. rjnio. Pai'itiy 17*24: LAiiAiirr, (J. 1'.) Lycco, on Conrs do Littcraturc on- cicnno ot )nod(>rno. 14 vols. Svo. Paris, 1818 La Maillvudihui; (Vic \)o) llistoire politique (h; I'Al- leaiai;ue. 1 vol. 12ino. Paris, 1777 Lamarck (ClievuHer dej llistoire NaturcUc des Ani- niaux sans vcrtcbres. 7 vols. 8\ o. Paris, 1815-22 C'onchol y^) ahri:lL;'ed by Dubois. 1 vol. 12nio. London, 1825 Lambly (Capt. J.) Sailnig directions for the St. Law- r(>nce. (Quebec, 1818 La PoriiEuic ( M. Uacqueville dej llistoire do VAme- ri([ue Scptentrionale depuis 1534 jusqu'u, 1701 4 vols. 12nio. Paris, 1753 Laure (LePen^) Apparat Francais ct ^lontaonais. 1 vol. 4to j»p. S(i5. Manuscript, 1726 Lawremce (Wia.) Lectures on Man. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1822 r V I II I ti I I 18 Lax (Rev. W.) Tables to be used with the Nautical Almanac. 1 vol. 8vo. London^ 1821 Lebrun (Isidore) Tableau Statistique et Politique des Deux Canadas. 1 vol. 8vo. Faris^ 1833 Le Febvre (Ingenieur) CEuvres Completes de. 1 vol. 4to. Maestricht, 1778 LESCARBOT(Marc) Ilistoire de la Nouvelle-France. 1 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1611 Lex Parli*^ Tientaria. Traduit par J. F. Perrault. 8vo. Quebec, 1803 Library of Useful Knowledge : History of the Church. England. France. Spain and Portugal. Rome. Greece The Literature of Greece. The American Revolution. Outlines of General History. Lives of Eminent persons. Manufacture of Iron. Mathematics. Differential & Integral Calculus. Theory of Algebraical expressions. Value of Annuities. On Commerce. On Probability. Natural Philosophy. Vegetable Physiology. London, the Foreigner's Guide to, {in Englishes French.) 1 vol. I2mo. London, 1752 Long (J.) Voyages chez difFo rentes Nations Sauvages de rAmeriqnc Septentrionale. 8vo. Paris, 1794 LoNGiNUS, De Subliniitate &c. Gr. et Lat Animadv. vir, doct. aliisque subsidiis instruxit Weiske. 8vo. London, 1820 ^ the Nautical ondon, 1821 i*olitique des Paris, 1833 es de. 1 vol. stricht, 1778 ^'rance. 1 vol. Paris, 1611 •ault. 8vo. Quebec, 1803 ^ French. ) tdon, 1752 linages de 'iris, 1794 iiiiadv. vir. ske. 8vo. ion, 1820 19 Lours XIV, Sieclede. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1823 * Histoire de, par M. De La Martiniere. 3 vols. 4to. Hague, 1740 LowRY (Mr. & Miss.) Conversations on Mineralogy. 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1822 Lyell (Charles) M. D. Principles of Geology. 3 vols. London, 1833 Macculloch (John) M. D. Geological Classification of Rocks. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1821 Magazines : British Farmer's. 1834 Canadian, vols. 1 to 4. 8vo. Montreal 1823-5 Entomological, vols. 1 to 5. 8vo. London, 1833-8 Nautical, vols. 1 to. 5. • (Neiv Series.) Penny, vols. 1 to 6. Philosophical, vols. 1 to 16. London, 1832-6 Lotidon, 1837-9 London, 1832-7 8vo. Loudon, 1827-32 London & Edinburgh, vols. 1 to 16. 8vo. London, 1832-40 London, Edinburgh & Dublin, vols. 17 to 20. 8vo. London, 1840-42 Quebec. 1 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1793 Mante (Thomas) History of the War in America. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1772 Marie de France (Poesies de,) Recueillies par B. De Poquefort. 2 vols, 8vo. Paris, 1832 Marshall (J.) Statistics of the British Empire. 1vol. 4to. London, 1833 Martemont (M.) Theory of Field fortification. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1810 Martin (R. M.) History of the British Colonies. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 Maseres (Francis) Collection of several Commissions, &c. relating to the province of Quebec. 1 vol, 4to. London, 1772 V 20 I } i i ii Massachusetts' Bay. Original papers relating to History . [1? '. . of. 1 vol. 8vo. liosfon, 17 (59 ^Mathematical ]Mis(ellanT. No. 1. 8vo, Xcir-Yoiic, 1830 Mather (Cotton) History of New-England. 1vol. folio. .Ltiudon, 1702 May (Tlios,) Causes of the Civil AVar of England. 1 vol. l2mo. L')!ulo)i, IGyO MiiAsi (James) Thermonietrical Observations as con- nected -witli Navigation. 8vo. ' riuhulclphia, 1841 Memoirf.s et instrnrtions concernant les droits dn lioi de France. 1 vol. folio. Pan's, 1605 l)es Comniissaires du Eoi de France et do tSa jNfajesto Britanniqne sur les possessions ct droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Ame- rique. -t vols. Ito. J oris, 1755-7 Memorias da Academia Real das .Sciencias de Eislioa. 1-1 vols. 4to. Lisbon, 1797-1831 Mequinez, a jourm^Y to. 1 vol. 8vo. 1720 jMichalx (F. Andrevr) North American Svlva. 8^•o. parts 1, 2, 4, 5, & 7. 'Paris, 1817-19 Miege (Guy) I'resent state of Great Britain and Ireland. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1710 MiLiCE, Kettles de. Quebec, 1812 ;Oo. English. 1812 (.'anadienne, IJole Cicnc'ralede. 1775 Mills (Wm.) On the Tlieorv of Moral Obligation. 8vo. (Xv/onL 18C0 M'';ot (Geo. Richard) History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in 1780. 1 vol. 8vo. Jl'oircster, 1788 — ■ Continuation of the Ilistorv of Massa'husetts' Bay. 2 vols. 8^•o. ' Bosfon, 1798 Missionners, Travels of sc^veral learned, oftht^ Society of Jesus, into divers parts of tlu^ Archipelago, India, China and America. I \o]. 8vo. ,>;-:-' London^ 1714 igto liostou, 17(J9 '-York, IcS^G l^oI. folio. ojiilon, 1702 ^laud. 1 vol. '"(don. IGyO ons as con- 'ch^hia, 1841 t'^i chi Win (le ^^^'^/.v, 1()G5 cc cttle Nil -sessions ct ^^ til Ame- '^v.s\ 1750-7 c nf)7-]8.']l 1720 • ^"^vo. parts '>, I. 'Mio. Amsterdam. 1701 Palmer (John) Trjivels in the United States of North America and T^. Canada. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1818 Pamphlets : 8vo. Vol. I. — ProcTOtliiigs of a General Court Martial on Lieut. Genl. Sir John Mordaunt, pp. 116. London, 1758. — Memoirs of John Murray, Esq. Secretary to the Young Pretender, pp- G4. London, 1747. — Human Life, a Poem, pp. 20. Hdhibuiyh, 1755. — Hervey's Remarks on L6rd Bolingbroke's Letters on the study and nse of the History of the Old Testament, pp. 80. London, 1752. — Fielding's Proposal for mating an effectual provision for the Poor, pp. 02. London, 1753. — Dryden's Alexander's Feast, pp. 11. Vol. 2. — (^Relaliny chiefly to Canada.) Memorial of Chief Justice Livius, pp, 52. 1778. — Let- ters from an American Loyalist in Upper Canada to his Friend in England, on J. M. Jackson's Pamphlet, pp. 108. Halifax, 1810. — Thanksgiving sermon during the War with the United States, by Dr. Straohan, pp. 38. Blontrcal, 1814. — Letter from Dr. Strachan to Thos. Jefferson Esq. Ex-president of the United States, in reference to a comparison of certain proceedings of the Britisli and Americans, during the War, pp. IG. 1815. — New Year's Sermon, reviewing the events of the War with the United States during the year 1814, by the Hon. & Rev. C. Stewart {Afterwards Lord Bishop of Quebec), pp. 22. Montreal, 1815. — Des- truction of the Earl of Selkirk's .settlement at the Red- River and the Massacre of Governor Sem pie, pp. 218, with Map. London, 1817. — Short view of the P]astei'n Townships of Lower Canada, by the Hon. & Rev. C. Stewart, D. D.pp. 20. with Map. London, 1817.— Ser- mon on the Death, from Hydrophobia, of the Duke 23 }o Muscovy, ^ojidon, 16S2 Ormitliolo- mj/m. 1828 Jm. foJio. {two'p, J575 vol. 8vo. fo6^fon, 18,33 i'dam. 1701 '« of North ). mb?f, 1818 tial on Lieut. ido7i, 1758.— to the Younff uman Lift., ^ 'y's Reinarts tudyand nse 80. Lojidoii, '•in effectual 3", 1753.— i778.-Let. Canada to 'non during 'iRhan, pp. trachan to J ted States, •eedings of '■' pp. IC. events of ear 1814, rd>i Lord [5.— Des. the UeiU PP- 218, ' Eastern Rev. C. 7. — -Ser- 9 DiiJfe AMPULETS : 8V0. Vol. 2. {Continued.) of Richmond, Governor-in-Chief, by the Rev. G. J. Monntain, A. B. (Afterwards Lord Bishop of Mon- treal), pp. 17. Quebec, 1819. — Missionary Report of the Rev. Dr. Stewart, pp. '2\. London, 1821. — Do. Do. pp. 28. London, 1822.— Stetch of a Plan for set- tling liibonrers from England, in Upper Canada, by a (Settler, pp. 2;j. London, 1821. — Reply to the first re- port of the House of Assembly of Lower Canada, on Crown Lands, pp. 15. Quebec, 1821. — Essay on the Juridical History of France, with application to the Laws of L. Canada, by Chief Justice Sewell. pp. 34. Quebec, 1824. — Obse.tvations on tlie Petitions of Grie- vance in L. Canada, pp. .') I. Quebec, 1838. — Memoirs of tlie Administration of the Earl of Dalhousie, in L. Canada, liy Robert Christie, Esq. pp. 92. Quebec, 1829. The Administration of Sir Francis N. Burton, by the same. pp. ID. Quebec. 1829, — Picturesque Guide to Quebec and its environs, by Lt. Col. Cockburn, R. A. pp. 42. Quebec, ]831. — Retrospect of the summer and autumn of 1832 (first year of the Cholera) by the Hon. Archdeacon Mountain, pp. 33. Quebec, 1833. — Letter to the Colonial Secretary, by an Emigrant, (Ad- Thorn, Esq.) pp. 10- Montreal, 1834. Parkinson (James) Organic remains of a former world. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1820 Introduction to tlic f>tiidy of Fossil Organic re- mains. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1822 Pasley (C. AV.) Essay on the JMilitary Policy of Great Britain. 1 ^'ol. Svo. London, 1813 PausaniyE Gneciae dc^scriptio. Gr. ex rccensione Facii. 4 vols. 8vo. LeijisiC) 1794 Pays-Bas, llistoire des Revolutions des. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1730 Pearson (llev. W.) Introduction to Practical Astrono- my. 2 ^ols. 4to. London, 1824 Penn (GiranvillcO Estimate of tlie Mineral and Mosaical Geologies. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 Penrose (Jno.) On human motives. 1820 ifi i >' i I Petit-Radel (L. C. F.) Examen Analytique des Syn- chronismesderHistoirede la Grcce. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1827 Recherches sur les Monumens Cyclopeens. 1 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841 Phillips (Wm.) Introduction to Mineralogy. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1823 PiNDARi Carmina, curante Heyne. Leipsic, 1817 PiNKERTON (J.) Petralogy, a treatise on Rocks. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1811 Platonis Opera Omnia, Gr. Var. Lect. Annotat. Va- riorum, cum vers. Latin, cura Bekken. 11 vols. 8vo. London, (Yalpy.) 1S2Q Plutarchi vitae. 9 vols. 18mo. Leipsic, 1812 PoLETiKA (M. de) Internal condition of the United States of America. 1 vol. 8vo. Baltimore, 1826 Pope's (The) Nephews, History of, from Sixtus IV (1471) to Alexander VII. (1667.) 1 vol, 12mo. London, 1673 Popple (Hen.) Maps of America, folio. London, PowNALL (Thos.) Administration of the British Colonies by. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1774 Topographical Description of parts of North America. 1 vol. folio. London, 1776 Prayer Books : Book of Common prayer, &c. to which is added the Gospel according to St. Mark, trans- lated into the Mohawk Language by Capt. Joseph Brant. Svo. London, 1787 Do. Do. Translated by MM. Andrews, Barclay and Oglivie. Svo. London, 1769 Prescott (Wm. H.) History ofthc Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Svo. London, 1839 Prevost (Sir George) Public life of 1 vol. Svo. London, 1823 Prince d'Orange, Memoires du. 1 vol. 4to. Berlin, 1031 11 i li X*4 ( ue des Syn- e- 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1827 -yclopeens. Paris, 1841 '- 1 vol. 8vo. ^^on, 1823 e'>*«c, 1817 cks. 2 vols. •««?ow, 1811 motat. Va- EN. 11 vols, alpy.) 1826 i>«zc, 1812 lited States ^ore, 1826 Sixtus IV vol, 12mo. ^(^on, 1673 «w, 1769 SiDINAND >, 1839 '*, 1823 I, 1031 25 Prisons, Remarkable forms and constructions of. 182G Sketch of the origin and results of Ladies' pri- son associations. 1827 Prout (W.) Chemistry, Meteorology and the functions of Digestion. {Bridgewater Treatise.) 8vo. London, 1834 PuFENDORFP (Barou de) Histoire de rUnivers. 8 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam^ 1746 Histoire de Suede. 3 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1748 Puissant (L.) Traite de Geodesie. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1819 Quebec, Papers concerning the Province of. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1775-6 Acts of Imperial Parliament, relating to. 1 vol. folio. London, 1759 Several Acts relating to. 1 vol. folio. London, 1773-1775 Proceedings of the Inhabitants of the Province of, to obtain a House of Assembly. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1775 Racine ( Jean) (Euvres de. 5 vols. 16to. Paris, 1824 Ramsay (David) History of the Revolution of South Carolina. 2 vols. 8vo. Trenton, 1785 Raynal (G. T.) Histoire Philosophlque et Politique des Etablissemens des Europeens dans les deux Indes. 5 vols. 8vo. Maestricht, 1777 Recueil de Fables, traduites du Latin etdu Fran^ais en Turc. 4to. Manuscrit ecrit a Constantinople, 1721 Records, (Public.) Statutes of the Realm, from Henry I. to 13th Queen Anne, mth Indices. 1 1 vols, folio. London, 1810-1822 F(Edera, Conventiones, Litterae, et cujuscun- quc generis Acta Publica inter Reges An- gliae et alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges,&c. > Records, (Public.) ab ingressu Gulielmi I. in Angliam, 1066, ad nostra tcmpora. Cura ac studio llymcr ot Sanderson. 3 in 6 vols, folio. London, 1816-1830 Doomsday book, sen Libor Ceusualis Willelnii Primi Regis Anglue inter Arcliivos Kegni in 1 )oTno Capitulari Westni onasterii asservatus. 2 vols, folio. London, 1783 Dissertation and Index to tlie above. 2 vols. folio. London, 1816 Calendarinm Ilotulonnii, Cliartarum et In- quisitionum ad quod Damnum, folio. London, 1803 Calendarinm Tnquisitionum post mortem sive Escaetarum. 4 vols, folio. London, 1 808 Calendarinm Kotulorum patentiimi in Turri Lond. 1 vol. folio. London, 1802 Calendars of the proceedings in Cliancery in the lleign of (^ueen Elizabeth. 3 vols, folio. London, 1827-1832 Inquisitionum ad Capellam Domini Regis re- tornatarinn quse in publicis Arcluvis Scotiae adhuc ser^•autur Abbreviatio. 3 ^ ols. folio. London, 1811-16 Nonarum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii, temp. Edw. III. folio. London, 1807 Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum in Archivis publicis asscrvatum, 1306-1424, folio. London, 1814 Catalogue of the Ilarleian MSS. iu the British Museum. 4 vols, folio. London, 1808-12 of the Lansdowno MSS. in the British Mus(;um. folio. London, 1819 of the ]MSS. in the Cottonian lAbrarv deposited in the British Museum, folio. London, 1802 c fam, 1066, |idio Rvmer 1816-1830 |s Willelnii 'S Keg^ni in issorvatus. f(fofi, 1783 ^- 2 vols. ffon, 1816 ;!'» Ot Ll- olio. '''>^^ 1803 I'tom sive ^^^w, 1808 in I'lirri 'f^f', 1802 ncoiy in :)ls. folio. ^27-1832 Regis re- *^ »Scotife s. folio. 1811.)6 caccarii, m, 1807 )ruiii in 6-1424, ?, 1814 British 808-12 British ,1819 library . folio. 1802 91 Hecokda, (Public.) Rotuli Littcrarum Oaiisarum in Turri Londi- ncnsi assorvati. folio. London, 1833 llotuli S(G.ia\ 2 vols, folio. 1819 Kotuli Hundrcdoruni, 2 vols. fol. 1818 llotuli Nonnaiiniae in I'urri Lond. asservati Johanno ct Henrico V. Anglian llogibus. 8vo. London, 1834 llotuli sclccti ad res Anglicas ct Ilibcrnicas spcctauti's. 8vo. London, 1834 llotuli C'liartarum. 2 vols, folio. 1837 llotidi Littcrarum pat(nitium. 1833 llotulus Canccllarii. 8vo, 1833 llotulorum Originaliuni in curia Scaccarii ab- broviatio temp. Hen. 111., Edw. 1 et E(hv. II. 2 vols, folio. London, 1805-10 llotulorum I'atentium ct Clausorum Cancclla- riae Hib(^rniaB. 1 vol. folio. London, 1828 Magnus Eotulus pipsc. 8vo. 1833 Ducatus Lancastriae. 3 vols folio. London, 1823-34 Valor Ecclcsiasticus, temp. PIcn. Vlll. aucto- ritato regia institucus G vols, folio. London, 1810-34 Placitorum in domo Capitulari Westmonast. asservatorum abbroviatio. temp. Hie. 1., Joliann., Hen. 111., Edw. I., Edw. II. folio. London, 1811 Plaeita de quo warranto temp. Edw. 1. 11. et III. in curia rccepta; Scaccarii Westmonas- terii asscrvata. folio. London, 1818 Testa do Neville, temp, llenr. 111. et Edw. I. folio London, 1807 Rcgi strum vulgariter nuncupatum "The Record of (.'aernarvon. " 2 vols, folio. London, 1838 > ? ' 28 H Proceedings 1802 folio. 1840 Privy 1436. 181*5 Records, (Public.) Inquisitionum in Officio Rotulorum Cancella- liee Hibcmiae asservatarum repertorium. 2 vols. London, 1829 Taxatio Ecclesiastica Angliae et Walliae auc- toritate P. Nicholai IV. circa. A. I). 1291. 1 vol. London, Ancient Laws and Institutes of England. Ijondon, and Ordinances of the Council of England, from 1386 to 4 vols. 8vo. London, The Parliamentary Writs and Writs of Mili- tary Summons, &c. 4 vols. London, 1827 The Acts of the Parliament of Scotland from 1424 to 1707. 10 vols, folio. London, 1817 Reports from Commissionners, respecting Re- cords of the Kingdom. 2 vols, folio. London, 1824 Reports from Commissioners respecting Re- cords of Ireland. 3 vols. foHo. London, 1819 General Report to the King in council from the Honourable Board of Commissioners on pu- blic Records appointed by His Majesty King Geo. IV. folio. London, 1837 State Papers published under the authority of His Majesty's Commission. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1836 Fines, sive pedes Finium. 8vo. 1835 Ellis' (Sir Henry) General Introduction to Domesday Rook. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1833 Palgraves's (Sir Francis) Essay upon the origi- nal authority of the King's Covmcil. 8vo. London, 1834 Antient Kalendars and Inven- tories of the Treasury of His Majesty's Ex- chequer 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1836 / 29 ^2, 1824 ^ng -Re- n, 1819 ■om the on pii- , 1837 'ity of I. 1836 1835 >n to 1833 origi- ). 1834 iven- Ex. 836 Records, (Public.) Palgrave's (Sir Francis) Documents and Re- cords illustrating the History of Scotland. 8vo. London, 1837 • Rotuli Curia; Regis. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 Nicholas' (Sir Harris) Proceedings and Ordi- nances of the Privy Council of England. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837 Hardy's Uotuli de Oblatis et Finibus. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 Roberts' Excerpta e Rotulis Finium. 2 vols. .8vo. London, 1836 Red RivER'-^ettlement, papers relating to. 1 vol. folio. London, 1819 Register (New Annual). 27 vols. 8vo. London, 1772-91 Regnault (P.N.) Entretiens Physiques. 4 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1732 Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la mission des Freres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle- France, dcpuis 1642 jusqu'a 1670. 1644-71 Rexnie (James) Conspectus of Butterflies and Moths. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1832 Reports. {Parliamentary, $^c.) Of a Commitee of the Council on the subject of promoting the means of education. Quebec, 1790 On the Navigation and Trade of Great Britain, Ireland and the Colonies. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1807 On the Bogs of Ireland.s. 3 vols, folio. London, 1814 Of Commissioners for exploring the Saguenay. 1 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1829 ' Do. {Li French.) Of Commissioners under 9 Geo. IV. Cap. 29. for exploring the country between the St E V 30 ' V! ! I Bepobts. [Cnntinucd.) Manriro {xwA Oti^wti. {French and Fjiiqliah.) 1 vol. Hvo. Quvhccl 1S;H) Report from tlio scloct roiniiiitt(M^ on F.inii;vii- tioii from th(^ United Kiiindom. 5i vols, folio. LomUm. iN'iT Tables of the Ivcvenue, pojitilutioii, »S:c. of the United Kingdom and its (l(>pend<>nees. Loiiihti. IS 11 On the e\]iovtation of'Macliin(ry.( 1st. and 'ind. Reports. ) London^ l^^4l On secondary ])nnislnn(Mit. IH-Al On National Monnmentsand Works of Act. •Tjmdoii, iHtl Railway eomnnniiealion between London, E- dinlnirgli and (Jlas'^ow. ('4tli.) London^ 1841 Appendix to do. with ])lans,&e. IVanks of Issne. Canada, Correspondcnec relative to Knii^ration to. ' London, 1841 Gaols. 1841 Railwiivs, retnrns relative to. 1841 North American boundary, correspondence on ike. lNl:3 National Education in Ireland, Connnissioners for. Didd'ni, 1841 Do. Do 8th Report. ■ 1842 C\italo«ne of ParliamentiUT Reports i'roni 1 (!{)() to 18134. * London, 18134 Do. 1885 to 18:37. USI37 Of Deputy KeejHM- of Pnhlie Renn-ds. US42 On l-'niigration to N. America and Ninv Soutli Wales. London, 1848 Finance accounts for 1841. 1842 Health of Towns, (effective interment of bodies.) London, 1842 JC/if/fis/l.) ['*^'r, i,s;jo KiMi],i,n-,'ifioii ^'>y/, IN-Il — lcS41 — IN^I i f)m Kifjo >>/, lN;j4 — Ls;j7 kv Sou til 1842 t of ', 1842 31 CuiiiuHan Ucvirw niid Ala^uziiic Qtirhcr, 1*^2G iMoiitlilv Itcvicw. vols. 1 toi}. .Svo. /-.'^/^/u/i, 1822 "NV cstiuiiistui Ucviow. XoH. ;U to JJ7. /y)/^^/^>//., 18:32-3 Iionr.UTsoN (W'illiaiii) I). I). A\'orks of. i2vols. 8\o. hmdiin, 1S22 ])(). Complcto ill 2 v(,l.s. Svo. FAinhiiriih, 1h:U Jtom.N (^I'Ahhr (Ic) Noiucaii voyai^c (hiiis l'Arueii(jiio Si'i)t(".itrioHaIo. 1 vol. Mvo. P/iUmltlplild, 1182 RoBsoN (Jos('| ill) Six years' vi'sidiMicc in Hudson's Day. l\t)l. (Svo. L'iikIon. 17;V2 llociii;r()Ui;Ai i.T (Do la) Mcuioircs do Mr. 1 \<)1. 2io. Coh'/tir. IIWIO lloErr.ii (J.) Balsaniiiuiu. 1 \<)1. 8\o. Jlosil, 18)30 lloGiir (I*. M.) Animal and \'oi>-('ttd)lo riiysiolooy. {liriih/cirdter T.nitisr.) 8\o. ]]N(/on, 1795 KoM.v Modcrna, Ivitralto do. 1 vol. 8vo. Komc, KUj lio.MALNs, CVmsidrratioiis bur les causes de la j^iaiidour dos. 12ni(). Paris, MiW) IloMAN Civil liaw, Analysis of the. 1774 Sac'IIKvi:rl;i.i- (Dr. Henry) Account of 'vvliat passed in the last session of parliament conceriiinj^'. 1 vol. folio. London, 1710 ^T. PaiI; cm.) Traite Complet de Fortitieation. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1792 St. Pieuuk flJernardin do) Voyage to the Isle of France, Cape of (iov)d-llope, «!s:c. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1800 Sandy (Cieorge) Travailes : Containing a History of Turlvcy, (ireece, Fgypt, Holy-Land and Italy 1 vol. folio. London, 1652 Sav (Xhojnasj American Entomology. -3 vols. 8vo. P/iiladelphia, 1824-28 — Glosary to the abo^e. 1 825 I' I'T - i * 1 . t^ WW, 1821 oerce des f^w, 1789 ^, 1839 »s of the of Ame- ter, ^n, 1767 8vo. Cy 1815 Reports, vol. 1. 1828 ^aJ So- ). 1840 1 of (0-44 r 33 Societies. (Continued.) Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society. 1 vol. Bvo. Worcester, 1820 Transactions of the Historical and Literary Committee of tlie American Philosophical Society. 1 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1819 Transactions of the Society'of Arts. 52 vols. 8vo. London, 1783-1843 Proceedings of the Ashmolcan Society. 1 vol. 8vo. Oxford, 1835 Reports of the British Association for the ad- vancement of science* 10 vols. 8vo. London, 1833-42 Proceedings of 5tli meeting of do. held at DubHn. 4to. Dublin, 1835 Transactions of the Geological Society of liOn- don. 7 vols. 4to. London, 1811-26 Proceedings of do. do. from 1826 to 1838. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-38 Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, llvols. 8vo. Paris, 1830-40 Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement pour rindustrie nationale. 1 vol. 4to. Paris, 1805 Transactions of the College of Physicians of Dublin, vol. 5. 8vo. Dublin, 1828 Transactions of the Plymouth Institution. 1 v ol. 8vo. Plymouth, 1830 Report (7th.) of the Society for the improve- ment of Prison discipline. London, 1827 Collections of the Massachusetts' Historical Society. 4 vols. 8vo. Boston Sg Cambridge, 1825-34 8th vol. 8vo (3d series.) Boston, 1843 Report (56th) of the Regents of the Univer- sity of the State of New-York. 8vo. Albany, 1843 !^ 1i; ii 34 Societies. [Continued.) . . ,•» Transactions of tlio Literary and Philosophical Society of New- York. 1 vol. 4to. Ne W.York, 1815 Collections of the New-York Historical Society 5 vols. 8vo. i\r«;-lV/V, 1811-39 {Duplicate of vols. 1 Sf 2.) (Second series.) 1 vol. 8vo. Nm'.Yorh\\^^l Proceedini^'S of tlu^ Nuniisnnitic Society for 1830-37. 8vo. London, 1837 Memoirs of the Historical Society of rc-niisyl- vania. () parts. Svo. PJiiiniU'lpIiia, 1827-10 ( Vol. 1. p. 2d. vols. '2 % :} &; vol. 4. /;. 1.) Memoirs of iho rhiladel])hia Soci(^ty for ])ro- motin,£>" Agriculture. P/illadelpJiiff, 1826 Transactions of tlie liiterary and Historical Societv of (iuehec. 3 vols, and 1st part of vol. 4.'8vo. Q'ichec, 18'J().43 Transactions of the lloyal Society of I.dinhnrgh. vols. 12, 13, 14 and part 3 of V(j1. 15. 4to. Eilinbun/h, 1S32-43 Transactions of the Iloval Irish Acad(Mnv. vol. 18. 4to. ' iJiiJdiih '[H:]^) Transactions of the lioyal Society of 1 iit(n-ature. 8 vols. 4to. London, 1S27-3J) SoPHOCLis Trai>(rdia\ (ir. et Lnt. editio Ihunckii cum Erfuratii Annotationibiis. 3 vols. 8v'\ London, 1824 South Seas, Missionary voyage to. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1799 SowERBY (James) Generic Character of Shells. 1 vol. Svo. London., Spurzheim (See Gail.) Stanhope (Col. lieicestcr) Greece i\\ 1823 and 1824. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1825 < iiosopJiical r^^'"'^-, 18] 5 'ill Nof'iety I. Nvo. '^^'•/•, 1841 ciVly ihv '"II, 1837 l^'lllisvl- lor pro- '"'', 18l^6 li.sforical I'.'irt of iiihin-n-h. -•. 4fo, 18;ji>.43 "'}"• vol. '^ 18;].9 Ji cuni , 1824 , 1 7f)D A'OI. 1824. 1820 35 State Trials (Report of) Before a General Court Mar- tial held at Montreal in 1888-9 exhibiting a complete History of the late Rebellion in L. Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. Montreal, 1839 Statutes : Of Upper Canada, from 1792 to 1840 (revised.) 1 vol. 8vo. 1844 Of Province of Canada. 1841-3 Of the llcalm. (6V'6' Records.) An Act for cleaning and lighting the streets of London, 4 Geo. IV. Cap. 114. London, 1824 Stedman (C.) History of the American AVai. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794 Stirling (Earl of) XarratiAc of the oppressive I^aw proceedings against him. 1 vol. 4to. Edinhmrjh, 1836 Storer (I). 11.) Ichthjology andllerpetology of j\Ias- sachus(^tts'. 1 vol. 8v(). Boston, 1839 Stowk, a description of the House and Gardens of Earl Temple. 1 vol. 8vo. Buckhuiham, 1783 STRARONisGcographiiE Lib. XVH. Gr, et Lat. recen- su(>rnnt Var. Lect. Annotationibusque illustra- verunt Siebenkees et Tzschucke. 7 vols. 8vo. Lcipsk, 179G-1811 Stratton (Thos.) On the affinity of the Latin Language to the (laelic. Troofs of the Celtic Origin of a great part of the Greek Langunge. I vol. 8vo. Kinr/ston, 1840 Stuart (Andrew) Review of the proceedings of the Le- gislature in the session of 1831. ■ (James) Three years in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. * New- York, 1833 Swift (Dr. Jonathan) Wcn'ksof, arranged by Thomas Sheridan A. ]\I. 17 vols. 8vo. London, 1784 Taciti Opera ex recensione J. A. J^lrnesti, denuo curavit Oberlinus. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825 \ ^1 ■I J1i ■I *' I", 36 Talbot (Ed. A.) Five years' residence in the Canadas, and a Tour through the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824 Tatler (The) Translated into Dutch, by P. Leclerc. 4 vols. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1733 Taylor (Henry) Attempt to form a system of Creation of our dobe. 1 vol. 12nio. Toronto, 1836 Terentii Comccdice, curantc Zeunio. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1820 Teschemacher (J. R.) Tables of Exchanges. 1vol. 4to. London, 1802 Testaments : London, 1 827 1830 In the Irish Language. 12mo. Do. Do. 1 2mo. French, Do. 12mo. French and Latin. 32mo. 1807 Before 1625 Gospels, Esquimaux. V2mo. London, 1819 Epistles. Do. l2mo. 1830 Theatre of the Greeks. 1 vol. 8vo. Cambridge, 1830 Thenard (Baron L, J.) Traitude Chimie. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1834-6 Thompson (David) History of the War between Great Britain and the United States. 1 vol. 12mo. Niagara, 1832 Thucydides Gr. ad optim. liborum fidem, ex vet. nota- tionibus llecent. Observationibus recensuit, &c. F. Goellcr. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835 Timberlake ( Lt. Henry) The Memoirs of, who accom- panied the C'herokee Indians to England in 1762. 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1765 Tito Livio, Delle Historic Romane di, gia tradotte dl Jacopo Nardi. 1 vol. folio. Venice, 1575 ToLAND (John) History of the Druids. 1 vol. 8vo. London, > TooNE( W.) Chronological Historian, or Record of pub- he events in the History of Great Britain. 2 vols. 8vo. Xo?M?ow, 1828 To Ti U! C^anadas, ?s. 2 vols. ion, 1824 ^eclerc. l^, 1733 Creation \^o, 1836 |o. ?w, 1820 jvoJ. 4to. N, 1802 'o«, 1827 1830 1807 {ore 1625 % 1819 - 1830 't', 1830 .8vo. 1834-6 Great 2nio. ^ 1832 nota- it, &c. 1835 ccom- rid in 1765 ttedi 1575 3ub- tain. 828 37 TouRON (F. A.) Ilistoire Gen^rale de rAm6rique. 14 vols. l2mo. Paris, 1768 Tracts, Relating to America, 1 vol. 4to. 1760 to 1770 Trifles from my Portfolio, by a Staff Surgeon. 2 vols. Svo. Quebec, 1S39 Troubles in England, a short view of the. 1661 Umfreville (Edward) State of Hudson's Bay. 1 vol. Svo. London, 1790 Vansittart (Henry) Narrative of the transactions in Bengal from 1760 to 1764. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1766 Venice, Fall of the Republic of 1 vol. Svo. . ' London, 1804 Venner (Dr.) Via recta ad vitam longam. 1650 Verax (Theodorus) Anarchia Anglicana or History of Independency. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1649 Veritas, Letters of Svo. Montreal, 1815 View of the late troubles in England. 1 vol. folio. London, 1681 Virgile, Les CEuvres de. traduites en prose par . • Michel De Marolles. 1vol. folio. Paris, 1649 ViRGiNiE, Histoire de. Amsterdam, 1707 VoNDENVELDEN ( Wm.) Extraits des Titres des anciennes concessions de terres, etc. dans le Bas-Canada. 12mo. Quebec, 1803 Walker (Sir Hoveuden) Journal of an expedition *o Canada. 1 vol Svo. London, 1711 Waring (Edward Scott) History of the Mahrattas, &c. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1810 Webster (John W.) D. D. Description of Island of St. Michael, its geological structure, &c. 1 vol. Svo. Boston, 1821 Weld (Isaac) Travels through the United States and the Canadas. 1 vol. 4to. London, 1799 Whewell (Rev. W.) Astronomy and General Physics. {Bridgewater Treatise.) Svo. London, 1S36 F 38 Wilkinson (Qenl. James) Memoirs of my own times. ,;. i 3 vols. 8vo. Philacielphia, IS\Q -i-^-^ — Diagrams and Plans, illustrative of Memoirs of my own times. 1 vol. 4to. Philadelphia^ 1816 Williams (C. W.) On the Combustion of Coal. 1vol. 8vo. ' t London, 1841 Williamson (A. J.) Poems on various subjects. 1 vol. l2mo. Toronto, 1836 Wilson (Alex.) American Ornithology. 9 vols, folio. Philadelphia, 1808-24 WiNDET (J. A.) M. D. de Vita Funchtorum statu. 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1677 Wynne (Mr.) General History of the British Empire. ;^.i)r 2vols. 8vo. London, 1770 Xenophontis Cyropspdia, recensuit Schneider. 8vo. Oivford, 1812 Young (John) Letters of Agricola, by. — — (George R.) On colonial Literature, Science ; and Education. 1 vol. 12mo. Halifaa;, N. 8. 1842 Zwingle (Ulrich) Life of the Swiss reformer by J. G. ! .; Hess. 1 vol* 8vo. London, 1813 ■'■,"■ ■* ^ ' J '•i i:ii i!Sl I .■ •J: . . I *'•' / INDEX. 1813 Africa. Donkin. Glass. Hawkesworth. St. Pierre. ■, Agriculture. Coleman. Magazine. Algebra. . ^ ■- s Library of Useful Knowledge. ^ %- .- /^ America, North. Alcedo. Alexander. America. Anberry. Antiquitates. Bancroft. Bartram. Beaujour. Belknap. Bouchette. Brissot. Burgoyne. Burnaby. Cap Breton. Carolina. Cartwright. Carver. Chabert. Chalmers. Champlain. ' Chappell. Charlevoix. Chastelleux. Colden. Cooney. ' Coxe. Debry. De Laot. De la Hontan. Denys. De Pauw. Diereville. Doddridge. Dupratz. Flint. Fran- ch6re. Franklin. Gray. Haliburton. Halkett. Har- mon. Hawkins. Hearne. Hennepin. Heriot. Hitchcock. Houghton. Humbolt. Hutchinson. *' Indian. JeCerson. Jeffery. Joutel. Knox. Lafitau. ' La Potherie. LeBrun. Lescarbot. Long. Mante, • Martin. Maseres. Mather. May. Minot. Missioners. Montr^sor. Poletika. Pownall. Quebec. Ramsay. Red-River. Relation. Reports. Robertson. Robin. Robson. Schoolcraft. Selkirk. Sheffield. Simcoe. 40 11 I i America, North. (Continued.) Smith. (W.) Stedman. Stirling. Stuart. (Jaa.) Talbot. Thompson. Touron. Tracts. Umfreville. Veritaa. Virginie. Vondelvenden. Walker. Walton. Weld. Wilkinson. America South. r .... Ashe. Bertram. Brackenridge. Havvkesworth. Hen- derson. Hennepin. Anatomy. Bell. Bennett. Antiquities. America:. Buckland. Hutton. Petii-Radel. Societies. Arithmetic. Cocker. ' ''• Arts. Academic. Encyclopaedia. Journals. Mushet. Societies* Astronomy. Adams. Biot. Connaissances. Pearson. Whewell. Bibliography. Catologues. Dibdin. Records. Biography. Aikin. Andubon. Bouillot. Carbonari. Carlo V. Charles V. De Ruyter. Franklin. Guesclin. Gusta- yus. Harris. Hosack. Ord. Plutarch. Frevost. Prince d'Orange. Rochefoucault. Ulloa. Wilkinson. Wilson. Zwingle. Botany." _ , ." '' ' ".. V- , Barton. Bigelow. Botanical Plates. Chiranthodendron. Cornutus. De CandoUe. Dewy. Dioscorides. Fabri- ciu9. Hooker. Jussieu. Michaux. Roeper. Roget. HEMISTRYJ . Brande. Prout. Thenard. : ~ ■a. •( ■ ,!,>,: ■■ ■:>]. .If •, c Talbot. Veritas. Weld. Hen- 41 Chinese Language. Du Ponceau. ••^' Classics. (Greek ^ Latin.) -•' »- '^^ iGlian. ApolloniuB. Appian. Arrian. Machines. Athe- nsBua. CsBsar. Callimachus. Demosthenes. Dionysiua Halle. Dion Cassius. Erasmus. Homer. Horace. Ju- venal. Livy. Longinus. Pausanias. Persius. Pindar. Plato. Plutarch. Sophocles. Strabo. Tacitui. Te- rence. Thucydides. Virgil. Xenophon. Compass. (The.) . ,.1^ AzUni. ftt:,, it .•;;, , . f' CONCHOLOGY. _ V'l ' i fv ' ' Lamarck. Montford. Sowerby. < ' ', Denmark. . < Molesworth. ■ , ; Dictionaries, Lexicons. ^j I, . Breton, Arabe. Fran5ai8. Cotgrave, Fr. Engl. De la Grue, French. Facciolati, Latin. Halma, Francais & Flamand. Huron. Scapula, Greek. DrVINITY. Asheton. Cranmer. Druids. Toland. ' Dutch Language. Halma. Education. Biyan. Cousin. Iremonger. Mondelet. Reports. Young Egypt. Denon. De Pauw. Donkin. Sandy. Emigration. Buchanan. Emigration. Reports. :i • i 'H. } '"II i>f < L M K li •I I ') «i( • ; , I,' ■. Entomology. ,i.. i >/iA .'U-a. ar< Brown. Harris. Kirby. Magazine. Rennie. Say. Fortification. i .v*. v\ -«. \'v..<\- ..^ -t-hm f jilt/i B61air. Martemont. St. Paul. " • ■' Fossils. ."K • Buckland. , French Language. Boyer. Cotgrave.. DolaGrue. Diotionnaire. Freebairn. Gas. Accum. Williams. .si';..'. Geography. Alcedo. Echard. Geographic. Gordon. Gueudeville. Je'frey. Journal. ' Murray. Ortelius. Popple. Strabo. Geology. Bayfield. Buckland. Cleaveland. De la Bdche* Go. nybeare. Cozzen. Emmon. Gesner. Greenough. J ' Hitchcock. Houghton. Jackson. Lyell. MaccuUoch. Parkinson. Penn. Pinkerton. Societies. Taylor. Webster. , , Greece. . Howe. Library of Useful Knowledge. Petit-Radel. Sandy. Stanhope. Theatre. r Greenland. . , Crantz. Eggede. Heraldry. Berry. Encyclofsdia. History. Alcedo. Bonaparte. Burton. Echard. Gibbon. Jef. frey. La Maillardi^re. Lacretelle. Library of Useful Knowledge. PufTendorf. Societies. TitoLivio. Toone* •i -M I: .1 Jh£land. r 48 IiA\r. fieporta. Archi •AXi! »i. :|' * Logarithms rchives. Crabbe iir . * * '** Statute.. "*• ftecord. liON: Gardi fioman. liner. ^DON. >tm^ De Lau] ' i. I ,, (ifK.Oti t 1 1 / y i II, I t If Ornitholooy. Audubon. Bonaparte. Wilson Phrenology. Combe. Gall& Spurzheim. ./ . POITRY. '• ^'''"'' Aytoun. Cocking. Dryden. Marie de France. Mitford* Pamphlets, vol. I & 2. Racine. Seward. Wilson. Williamson. Prisons. Fry. Howard. Prisons, lieports. Societies, Quebec. Hawkins. Pamphlets, (vol. 2.) ^^ . i ,h J Railways. . . uv j Records. Reports. .Mri;.*iWl. Silk Worms. * •''''''' '' "^^^"- '"'':'^' Dandalo. . ar.rM.^ Spain. ./;K...u»iw:n-Mt/; Prescott. ,iuf)/i yy^4f, ..'i;,'..iil Statistics. ./;fuj/;^.i/jtf! Bouchette. Marshall. Reports. Tescbemacher. Surveying. ^<-^' .?-!■:< t .tji-rj-jit .a{.->'f!'. Puissant. .(M/Ji'j^ ji'I , |::*iuM; .•natl/' Sweden. , ., !i Pufiendorfl ,. ' ; Turkish Language. • Recueil de Fables. Turkey. ^-'« Jachereau. Sandys. ^ Voyages. ■ « '' '''''' '- '''"' Burney. Careri. Cook. Oleahus. Outre-Mer. West Indies. .^^jr.uw^w «/^ Alcedo. Arrets. Borgne. De Laet. Guillermin. ,:/ y, ri/.'A ]K /.'ni:?.Oi M; ^ .i/.-. ' ..t' ..:U !/: i i '•im.:-. :^Mk i '•'i« . '¥• dNi» Mt; 4sc9>^^^c^ ^ i v^ , .■- ., iv^-:v- .-"'^r ..%,v.-. ■-'%-, V. ".'- t ♦* " ■^*i?K >^-^4; 4. ,11 tf