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Eaton c*i Son, 694 Craig Stbeet. 1890. >-*-.J"^'"^'^ 1; ,*> ..i - The EDITH and LORNE PIERCE COLLECTION of CANADI ANA ilueeris University at Kingston \i^' FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND STATISTICS OF ATTENDA.NCE OF TirB or- pi<otiB^lanfs Boaiiil of ^chool (}oinnii^^ionei<^ \^i FOR MONTREAL, FOR THE SCHOLASTIC YEAR 189S-6. t montreal: Printed by W. H. Eaton & Son, 094 Craig Street. 1806. tl a Statement of Receipts and Disbursements. Protestant Board of Sciol GoioisiQers for JULY 1st, 1893, to JUNE 30th, 1896. (1) On Income Account. City School Tax, 1895 $153,216 24 TiGss taxes in St. Gregoire le Tliaumaturge re- funded ;U8 00 Government Grant, Common Seiiool Fund " " Superior Education Fund Ordinary Fees, Hifrh School of Montreal 18,827 17 " " High School for Girls 21.4(M 38 PUBLIC SCHOOL FEES. Aberdeen 2 277 51 Ann Street l|210 25 Berthelet Street 2 007 75 Britannia 322 00 Uufferin 1J75 50 Hochelaga 278 75 Lansdowne 2,04() 50 Lome I^'y84 75 Mount Royal 2,230 50 Riverside 2,141) 75 Royal Arthur l'^497 7-, Senior 2',304 00 Victoria 2,094 50 Pupils' Deposits, Night Schools 150 25 l.ess refunded 79 50 School Commissioners of St. Jean Baptiste, propor- tion of neutral panel tax for year ending 30th June, 1895 15 70 School Commissioners of St. Jean Baptiste, propor- tion of neutral panel tax for year ending 30th June, 189t) 10 07 School Commissioners of Hochelaga, proportion of neutral panel tax for year ending 30th June, 1890 Interest, per Mrs. IM. G. Edson 278 60 " " A. S. Ewing 535 27 Total Ordinary Income 1. $152,868 24 5,()4t) 36 1,185 00 30.291 55 22,179 51 70 75 25 77 427 35 813 87 $213,508 40 ^ •'*-^ ic)'5 4 (2) On Capital Account. (a) AsBots reulize.l ; Panel Street Scliool Property : First payment by purchaser $ fiOO 00 Insurance preiniiini recovered 42 XH ()42 8H Less expenses of sale 177 02 A. S. Ewinjj, bailleur de fonds transferred Britannia Scliool Property (shed sold) Panet Street School (furniture sold) Dorchester Street School (furniture sold) Sherbrooke Street School " Dorchester Street Scliool Property (special aseessment recovered City of Montreal, advances repaid ............ H. R.Ives & Co. " (b) Amount borrowed. Interest, per John Frothingham Endowment— Piyiflend | 120 00 Interest on Savings Bank account 1 55 Pension Fund :— Amount deducted fiom teachers' salaries July 1st, 1895, to December Blst, 1805 841 85 Amount deducted fvom teachers' salaries, Jan. Ist, 189G, toJune 30th, 18«6 1,273 15 Murray Legacy (interest in trust) Temporary loans Molsons Bank, overdrawn 30th June, 1896 465 m 15,000 00 10 00 24 00 5 00 18 20 32 05 227 06 76 00 $15,857 17 121 55 2,115 00 20 52 5,100 00 16,243 63 ^23,600 70 (1) On Income Account. Maintenance of Schools, as per abstract annexed. ..$144,742 52 Subsidy to McGill Model Schools 2,969 15 " to Baron de Hirsch Day School 2,040 00 Salary of Rev. M. DeSola, Teacher of Hebrew 744 00 of H. H. Curtis, Director of French 332 50 of W. H. Smith, Director of Tonic Solfa 850 00 ±.xpense8 of Training School for Kindergarten Teachers 733 27 Night Schools .....'.".'.'.. 468 13 Prize Books, Medals, etc 1,778 92 Printing ; Advertising ..........*.........'."!!! Law Charges .'.*!!.!..".*........... F0RWARI>, 154,658 49 1,067 75 108 37 279 10 $156,113 71 iSchool Exaniiners (two yearB). Interest on Bonds BaououT Forward, $120,000 at 6% 7 200 00 1380,000 at 4% _15!200 00 Inteie.stper Estate H. B. Smith " " Mrs. E. Binmore " " Protestant House of Industry and Retujje Interest per J. E. Dou^all, Ex ......"!!!!..!! " " Koyal Institution for tlie Advancement of Lourniii;.' Interest per T. C. Aylwin. " Miss E. C. Oi <l It <l « « <( « <l l( l< Orkney. Estate Clierrier. Sduirs Hospitallieres de St. Josepii. Temporary loans Molsons Bank Murray Legacy (in trust) RENT. Dufferin School, Caretaker's House Lome Scliool, " " Riverside School, " " ...!!....'.'. Lansdowne School, " « !!!.!!!!!"!! EXPENSES OF ADMINISTRATION. Secretary-Superintendent Treasurer Office Expense Miscellaneous Charges !..... Total Disbursements Schools for the Maintenance of (2) On Capital Account. (a) Sinking Fund on Bonds, (b) Land, Buildings and Furniture. High School House Office Furniture. Higii School Furniture .$400 18 . 286 48 Mount Royal School House " " " Furniture Dufferin School House " " Furniture Victoria School Furniture Aberdeen School House " " Furniture , Girls' High School Furniture , Cooking School Furniture Senior School Furniture Lome School House Riverside School (Special Assessment) Lansdowne School (Special Assessment).. FORWARO, 5 1,063 60 16 15 686 66 327 60 35 85 448 37 10 21 162 85 32,255 68 4,391 24 434 83 186 42 90 00 376 11 3 53 96 37 1156,113 "I 30G 00 22,400 00 750 00 400 00 800 00 495 00 1,000 00 350 00 730 00 2,400 OO 36 00 409 00 493 13 20 52 7,883 65 167 00 120 00 143 00 120 00 550 00 3,000 00 2,000 00 1,246 (iS 3.170 88 0,417 56 $196,664 92 $4,777 96 $40,585 47 UnotJfinr FomvAKr*, |i4(»,r>N'') 47 Viotpria S..|,nol Homho 57H 94 HncholnKa School HouHe jo r,; „ . " . " Fiiniituro 12 76 Hrituri 111.1 Hclriol Furniture {[ 15 I'linBdovviio School Furniture U 26 HortheletStroet School Furniture "....'"' 99 50 lUverside School Furniture ' m on HouHo 1 73H <m; Lome School Furniture '^IJO 34 Ann Street School Furniture ......".*.',' i(i ))f, Punot Street School Property (assesHuients). ...".'.'.'.'.'.'.", 77 78 MiirlboroHsrh Street Froiierty " .... or, Ar^ Fulluin Street Property " ....'.'.'.',...', 201 35 lioyul Arthur School Furniture .' 140 (»() Froi)erty, :!4(i Magdalen Street ..'...,■.■■ 3 OOO 00 (-mint for Teaciiers' Library ' go o^ {(•) Loans repaid. * Pension Fund : Amount deducted from CJovernment Grant Jan. iHt, 1895, to June 30th, 1895 $1,177 10 Amount deducted from Government 'Irant July Ist, 1895, to Dec. 3l8t, 1895 841 85 Molsonc Bank, overdraft 3()tii June, 1895, repaid John Frotiiingham Endowment (deposited in special accounti Q'empora ry 1 can s r epa i d ..........,'.'..'.....*.".,.... . . . . . .... $47,077 85 2,018 95 1,165,05 121 55 1,140 00 $4,445 55 1 I RECEIPTS. Total Ordinary Income $213,508 40 Assets realized 15857 17 Amount borrowed '.........."!!!! 'is'eOO 70 DISBURSEMENTS. Total Ordinary Disbursements for Maintenance of f'^^hools 190 604 9" Sinking F'und on Bonds " 4*777 y5 'Hll 442^7 Land, Buildings and Furniture "47077 85 Loans repaid 4445 55 $252,906 27 I $252,966 27 I I 85 95 ,05 55 00 55 27 i 27 1 1 #: '51^?; rS c-^'5 iX ^ c^3 35 X i'< t\ lo 11 -; -t -1 01 01 X I'. 35 01 CO XiftOl— .coi^xcoisx ■2" %%'^'S'^'zt%'^% [S.^ •H4 05 2^1 3 rt 5 CO = !5S F^ 05 1 M ^^ - - E i'^ 2 r: S 5 at 'r '" i2 *' = t *■* " t i>- ^ «■! a ic 35 lO « o 1-1 1 ^ :t « rt — . 1— ( Oi ~ -^ ri '-s -** ''^ 'C 7 1 !■? « .- -t 1 » r fi O OO ® r 12 «: ?: n v."^- ^ r =5 S "^ — o 01 rH 5 1 D lO Ss S ic cR c to — ift 1 ci5.-HS<ic ^-^'\ 35Q X 0* -»< $ cj tr !'' '.5 c 35 ;^ lo — CO -t — CI o —1 1- O 1- X lO 1- 01 CC 01 IC C5 -X) C5 — SI CO o cS ^k CQ X ' ■r CO — r o 1 r jr'x oT^ ' ?j d5 ic irr c* c o 01 i(t T* 1- -i; i<.-i ic o — : S^;;?,j5i;,^;^|::S? o w ;2 CO -1 — 1 .■; O ifM - t -C f -f li? 01 — 1 1^ O-X 01 -f C-i - i M CO 1- S— X at 1- C5 l-H o 5 —I — — 01 , « -< 00 enan c 1— ( 1^ rt -f O — CO 1^ X ^ X 'T 1- Oi Q iQ 1- c 1- — . f o 1- CO i lO 1^ \o CO i5 X !!? c ;^ n CO lO lO ^ -t< C :c — ' TO C. iQ C 01 CO t* SI 01 -. — — CO IC CO C5 -t CO KM •r r^ r-H 01 >*< 1- 01 01 01 01 1-1 ™ Ol r>. o o. •l-H •i-t Si CO <4^ CO 1^ ^ Cf-, i X iQ CO o 1- 1- .n o c — ic X lO r-. -c Q CI X lO^ O O -f C C — iC 01 O T -coo I- O 9J — rfCl^wCOcO— '-fl--t'C0iCX;r5O -H lo t- 01 CO ss 1- Ci CO >c o 1« -t< o .^ — --5 CO X oi lo c 01 lo o X t — 01 •■»< 1 - -^ i^ M t- -f 1(0 -^ X t^ f>. 1- ;0 ;o 1 - Ol "u I-- 4-a 02 " c4 l-* rt SI O CO I-l O tOD P •— 4 ^ o ^ OQ 4^ -5 O i c3 is & 03 .Jd o "o <1 11 o : j= : o : *J o a> o "p o o o "o : o : "o : o : 1 i '3 "o «^-^ « oq fi o 35 P2 f-^ ^-1 ;5 05 W CZi P' o I 8 Statement of Assets and Liabilities. It Board of Sclool JUNE 30th, 1896. (a) School Sites, Buildings and Furniture, as per Trial Balance Sheet $1,017,068 66 Less portion of Aberdeen School Property available for sale '. 9294 75 (b) Assets capable of realization : Property on FuUum Street 6,475 25 Less bailleur de fonds 6,000 00 r. X ,, „ 475 25 PropMty on Marlborough Street 1,599 9? Portion of Aberdeen Sch'l Prop'tv as above 9,294 1^ City of Montreal, claims for refund of tax'n 923 82 Mrs. M. G. Edson, bailleur de fonds 4 GOO 00 Iheo. Deguire 4,500 00 (a) ^''JJ'^8. 6 % , 120,000 00 ** A 880,000 00 T c- 1 • T, . . 500,000 00 Less Sinking Funa in hands of City Treasurer December 31st, 1895 73,008 12 (b) Mortgage Debts. Estate ILB. Smith I5 OQO 00 Mrs. Jii. Bmmore 8 000 00 Protestant House of Refuge 16000 00 J. R. Dougall, Executor 9',000 00 iCoyal Institution for Advancement of Learning 20,000 00 1. C. Aylwin. 7 000 00 Miss EC. Orkney 8,000 00 Heirs Cherrier G0,000 00 Soeurs HospitaJlieres de St. Joseph 6OO 00 (c) Floating Debjt. Molsons Bank 16,943 63 lemporary loans , 9 200 00 Pension Fund I973 15 Murray Legacy ".,*.".'.".;;.' '302 42 (d) Frothingham Endowment , 1792 87 Represented by : ' 15 Shares Merchants Bank Stock, $1,763 00 Deposits in Savings Bank 29 87 1,792 87 Total Liabilities, Surplus $1,007,773 91 21,393 75 $1,029,167 66 426,991 88 143,600 00 27,079 20 597,«71 08 431,196 58 $1,029,167 66 91 Montreal, 5th September, 1896. To the Protestant Board of School Commissioners. Gentlemen : — 18 I beg to report that I have completed the audit of the books o*^ your Board for the year to 30th June, 1896, I have checked the payments charged in the Cash Book monthly during the year, as per certiffcates furnished ; vouchers being fully produced for said payments. The receipts have been verified by the Secretary- Superintendent's certificate of school fees, by the City Treasurer's statement of school taxes, by other vouchers, and by the Bank pass-book. I have now checked the Journal, have checked the postings from Cash Book and Journal into Ledger, and the whole of the additions in all the books. I have also checked the statements herewith, which I have verified by the books of your Board, and signed, consisting of The Balance Sheet, Abstract of Maintenance, Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, Statement of Assets and Liabilities, and hereby certify that I find the whole to be in accordance with the books of the Board, correct, and the books carefully and correctly kept. I remain. Gentlemen, Yours respectfully, ARCH. McGOUN. Atiditor. 10 CO o o > P o a <X> i— H •4^ O ■♦-a O 03 ^ O I I § i is OQ o -■<Sg CO O a; CO o C3 "« 2a o c J* OQ P O 3 «. to o S CO lo CC C 1^ IC t^ -t 05 C5 OD Oi lO Xi CO !;0 05 I ^ ?l 1^ CO l^ l>. X I- o © o (MiCCOCI — OCi-HCli-i'«tiCiO ■<tl 00 ic IN CO JOgsr •OCCi-iOOiTfiOh-.COOO 1-1 CO S'l C-l CO O O S O iM "ifl -Tf o ,— IrHi-lf— i^^C-lrHi— irH— <r-l'Mr-l CO IM 00 r-l 00 CO o o 05 05 IC ■«' ir ^ !M O C: 00 CO lO 1—1 00 CO l^ ift t ?1 S ^ P v2 -^ 1^1 00 CO lO >C lO t^ O 1^ X lO 1 ^ 'O CO <S O -r OD IM O CO rJ ?5; 'ro " 52 ^ r? '-= <^ ^ — 'I' ^ '« t^COCOf— It^i— lt--;OOt^COrrCO CO O rH ^ CO >o I^ -"^ X (M — r-l X rH i-< X (M t^ C UO t^ lO t^ lO I^ 1^ O iC i^ot^iMioxcOTtH003r^-ti-»h h-i-ioo^". r^i^-*ixco-^03005 01 e-I C CO t^ (M O CI Ol -< TT CO o (N r-< (M i-H 0-1 >— I (N 0^ 1— I I>| C<) o CO w Tf X CO (M X X o CO I— 1 t^ 05 X CO CO e<i i-i — IM Oi CO 2? i2 S^' ?; ^ — "*■ ^ '*' Ci 51 iC lO <M OJCOt^iMiCt^cOOOOXiCCOiNiO ;3;£J£;rr'J£i^t^Oi(Mcoa>or- XXCiXiOCOt^XCOOJXtNOCO osi>-Xi-i3ioioxa!05?-cDao t^ X CO TP t~- 'J CO o; 1^ >— 1 03 c: Tt< X C3 » v-1 — => CO CO C5 CI X CO l^ -41 Tt. ;h S X'OCO'-HCO'— iXt-t^t^iOCslCO o l^ CO C^l t^ r— 1 (M iM X 1* W CO -T Ol X X 05 1-1 lO ,-1 -o rl M i-< 5-1 oi 1>^ -T i^' r^ t~~' M 1-5 05 'r S ^■^ ~ "^ <» C5 — 1 01 o CO X I- COCOlOi-'O COCOCCCO-^ir-llC '"^ . ^ . . . -^ CO Tt< If: t^ CO Ti< CO t--' I* 33 t^' x r^ s<i i-^ 10 , CO X o CO CO X IM CO IM o o rC tJO o .0 o o .a c« 60 K ffi o o ^ 002 ox: « J3 CJ OJ oj c; « •f ? ■5 = 't 3 ^ o S o CJ :r ^" 02"'-^ O -* i> o get MH I-) 1-3 1§^ -c O 33 t: c; X ce, 5 -a £ S 03 O O r.c O O o 3 o o X3 o (» CJ 1— I 3 05 X IM iC CO IM Ol irt X T-H CO IC 05 CO t^ in I— 1 CO IM CO <M uo X 10 CO 1— I 1—1 IM CO 10 X N ■* r- C5 •* 05 ■* 1—1 o 05 CO CO o CO X iM CO CO CO 05 X OS X CJ •i o o OS ,0 p F-4 .2 (0 an 0) 1 OQ If) ■^ ^ 0) eto U) a H s « s § o o3 oa CJ OS -I— I •4-a -^ Averape No. of times late. •■C ^ >C X -^ li t-i T) : 1 i 1 Percentage of daily attendance. ("^ -"A "^ ] ! ^ c? 35 S Total days of Attendance. ^^1 "«t .^* ;C rt T ■^H ic iC o -f lO O O rr O O iC 30 •* lO ° - - 2 s g fl 1-H ^-3 <! C 1— ( I-H _ S^ O (M" -4 ic Tj t^ — (» Q t- 1.0 -f — c5 >.: CO No. of School Days. -t< M CO CO 05 M C5 O I-H d f— f ,— ( 1 Name of School. 1 i- c c o o s T e o o « CO ) 6, 1 r "o 02 O J "c 0) c o 02 FT r-i CO OS IC X I-H Total, 1894-95 12 STATEMENT OF THE COST OF MAINTENANCE OF THE Night Schools under the Control Protestant Board of Sclool ComiDissioners for FOR THE SESSION OF 189&-96. Salaries Books and Stationery 14S 77 Printing, Postage, &c Ki 75 Cartage Heating and Ligliting Oas-fitting, Cliinese Night Seiiool PAID AS FOLUOVA^S: Provincial Government, Grant for Salaries City of Montreal, Grant for Books, &v Boys' Home, Heating and Ligliting Baron de Hirsch Institute, Heating and Ligliting German-English Seliool " " ( "liinese Night School : Salary of Teacher 77 00 Gas-fitting 05 99 Protestant Board of School Commissioners : " Heating, Lighting, &v $407 8S Printing (balance) 25 of the treal, $2,108 95' 1()5 52 50 017 88 S2 25 !,978 92 57 $2 ,091 75 ](i5 27 48 50 1 1 00 25 00 102 92 468 L3 $2,978~57