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 0ffle»-44 Chureli Street, I 
 ToroBta S 
 DlAB Sib :— If you are out or employment and wliih to cnirwe in a Hirlit, plesaaut. 
 and hlahly profltsble occupation, wit think you can find nothinit tliat will suit you 
 better or remunerate vou more largi'lv. than tlir ai-IUnn of onr JCSTLv CELBBBATBD 
 PATBKT WHITE WIEK FOR CLOTIIKS LINES. It ii. a bu»inc»s rcqnirinir but 
 amall capital, and if properly conducted it ia sure to yield you an abundant prom. 
 100 feet is the amount uaually t iken by a family, and It is only a common day's 
 work for an agent to sell to ten familie" IflO fenl .^acli. Now, acrordinn to our whole, 
 aale pricen you make li cents per foot. Suppose yiu i.('ll to ten (limilieH per day, 
 your pniflts amoinit to ?15 per day, or ¥.1()0 iwr month, and we can refer you to 
 scores of aironts who are >clli»!< to flrtecii familiPB iwr day. But put it down clear 
 liclow the lowest poxUilii estimate for the jiooriNt nucnt, anil suppose you stOI to 
 only Ave (kmiliea per day, !.iid even then you make S7..'S0 pir "lay or «105 per month, 
 fully twice as much as you could possibly hofie to m t at any employment by the 
 month. 8on)e families will tske two Iiuiidred fiit. while hotels will often take (Ivo 
 hundred. We have often known families to take only llfly feet at Hist to try It, and 
 afterwards order one or two hundred. 
 Retail Price, 3 Cents per Foot. 
 Wholesale Price to Agents, U Cents per Foot, 
 And Five per cent, off for cash in advance. 
 We do not restrict! asents to territory, but allow each one to sell where he can do 
 the best. The more wire there has been sold in a pbice, tho better; for every line 
 put up is as (rood as an advertisement. 
 An auent will always do better in territory that has been canvassed, or the second 
 or third time (tointt thmuiih a place, than the llrst, ftw by this time the people who 
 did not buy at first linvu had a ehiincc to see tlint the articles is really Rood, and 
 worth more tlian the price asked for it, and eonsequ(M)tly they buy without iiesita- 
 tion. One of our atrents in Gliiin, a short tinio r-iio, took orders for 6,0(10 feet 
 ju a sinitlo day. in a villsKe where he had been n tbv/ weeks before, and got the wire 
 Each order should iMmtain tho name of the express olTlco, station, or steamboat 
 landing, to which you wish the wire sent, toietlier with the County and Township, and 
 .vour own nauie, very plain, so as to fiuard against i^ven n possibility of a mistako on 
 our part 
 If you cln«we to send cadi in advance with your order, you fan deduct 5 per cent 
 from the amount of your bill. If not, we will se;id tlio wire to yonr nearest cxpi-csa 
 office, O.O.D. 1 or, in other words, collect on delivery by the express agent. 
 Five per cent, discount made when casii in full accompanies the order, for it costs 
 us from two to five per ci lU. to collect bills through tho ]<)xpress, and Agents may 
 as well "ave that amount iui to give it to the Express Companies. This flvo per 
 cent, which afients thus save, in most cases, will pay the express '>r freight charges 
 on the AVire, so when received 11 only costs the regnl.ir circular price. We simoly 
 tttnke the mminrstiun, leavtnK evcr.y ngent lo do 'la ho pleases. 
 If yon send money in advance, and arc eonvcjiient to an express office, send by 
 express, and nuirk on the envelope " order for floods by express;'' and tho money 
 will come free. Another means equally safe is lo Imya check on sonic Hank or P. (5. 
 money order, and send by mail. Should i lo of tho.-.e be convenient, send bllli in 
 a rctfistei'cd tetter. 
 There is no risk in sending by any of the above menns, and we will stand all losses 
 that may occur in sending bank checks, P.O. money ordei-s, registered letters, or by 
 express, accordiuit to our directions We also receive largo amounts of money in 
 letters withoe*; being register! d. Me think there is hut little risk in si^nding money 
 by mail, il letters are plali.ly directed, yet it la ui» ays better to register mouey 
 letters, to make sure. 
 Wb never sell less than 1,000 feet at wholes.tle price, and never less than 100 feet 
 nt any price. 1.000 feet and upward, li cents per foot ; 500 feet and upward to 1,000, 
 2 cents per foot ; 100 feet and upward to .100,3 cenls per foot, retail price. About ten 
 lines to every 1,000 feet. It is always economy for an .luont to order in large lots, 
 when ho can , for tho exnress charges on small lots are greater in proportion than 
 on large. We can send largo lots,— Ave, ten. flfiCL'n, or twenty thousand feet— by 
 last freight, in ahonc double tho timo required by express, and at about one-half tho 
 usual express charge. For small lots, under 6.000 ;e«t, the expn ss is the best, by far. 
 Goods cannot Ihj sent C.O.D. as freight. 
 On entering a now place always secnie tho names and influonoc of the most influ- 
 ential families. Sell to Mrs. Pbominbni, if you can, (Irst. An influential name at 
 the head ot your list will always be of service to yon, and it is sometimes lietter to 
 let one or two leading fainilies in a place have lines at wholesale price, rather than 
 not secure their names and influence. Never run from place to place, in search of 
 better territory, but canvass thoroughly and systeniatically wlicrever you go. Make 
 it a point to sell to every person you call upon, if it can possibly be done. Never 
 forget the part oragoiiileman. Ai.swor all questions politely, and bo prepared to 
 meet all objections. Never allow yourself to oxagge-ate, but confine yourself strictly 
 to facts, for this is the surost road to success. 
 No tools are neoeasary in putting up the wire, except a file to cut it off, 
 We also hire Agents by the month, so muoh and travelling expenses. After a 
 poinon has been in the business thirty days, we will corresiwmd with 1dm In reference 
 to a regular engagement by the month. 
 We never, under any eircumstances, hire an Agent until ho has tried the business, 
 and wo see Just how much ho can do at it, then wo can calculate accordingly how 
 much wo can afford to pay him. We are now paying flftv dollars and upwards per 
 month, and travelling expenses. according teaman's ability for selling: some we 
 can afford to pay as high as one hundred dollars per month and travelling expenses 
 We are confldent there is not another agency business in the United States that 
 will pav you anywhere near as well as this, and you will Miy corroborate our state 
 mants before you liive been m the business two weeks. It is a waste of paiwr and 
 ink to write us askin;; us to vary from the terms stated in this circular, for we know 
 but one proper way of doing business, and that is to deal with every one alike, and 
 with all fairly and liberally. Now, if you wlsii to go into tlic business, and stand an 
 equal chance with others that are making money all you have to do i.s to send on 
 your ordar, and our part sliall bo promptly attended to. 
 -_^if'lJ?"'« order for Wire we funiish from twenty to flfty public elrculara, ftw 
 for distribution. Peraoiis wanting them in large quantities, will be furnished at 
 coat of printing them— 14 per ''houwnd. 
r-t. /Wj. A/Atc ^«r^. 
 The following we • Urn of the flattering testimonUlii we have 
 received and are constantly receiving : 
 (*. W. KiMotCo.— Qiiitb: 
 London, Ont., Sept. 4th, 1867. 
 I can report on White Wire as follow* : — I have been out 
 one day and I gold just 1000 feet. My family has been sick, which 
 has kept me at home My next order will be foi 10,000 feet. There 
 is no limit to the amount that can be sold in this country. You will 
 hear from me again in a few days. Your*, Ac, 
 — — H. R. Fun. 
 BlRLIN, Oct. 1st, 1867. 
 (i. W. Kino k Co.— Ginthmin : 
 The weather remainn bad, hence I have not done q-ite 8o 
 much since 1 received my Wire as I would have done under more 
 favorable circumstances. Veiy fortunate for me, some one has been 
 through hero and sold a few Lines, and they have stood the test, and 
 are highly endorsed by men who are well known throughout the 
 country. My hopes' are high <va.dL you may expect another large order 
 from me soon. Bespeotfully, Ac, 
 F. P. Hamilton. 
 BOTHWHLL, Oct. 1st, 1887. 
 MessfS. O. W. Kino k Co. — Ointlbhen : 
 I have used one cf your lines, and I am happy to say that 
 it is the best Clothes Line I ever saw, I sec by the papers that you 
 still want agents. If you wUl send me your terms to agents, I am 
 sure I can sell a lino here to almost every family. I hope to hear 
 from you soon. Truly yours, 
 Titus Brainkrd. 
 Pbrth, Co. Lamabk, Sept. 26th, i867. 
 Dbab Sirs — 
 Inclosed please find a draft, payable to your order, for 600O 
 feet of your White Wire, which send to my address, per Canadian 
 Express, to Perth. My prospects are encouraging, and I think I can 
 sell large amounts of this Wire. It seems to give perfect satisfaction 
 so far as I can hear. Respectfully yours, 
 L. O. EooERLBr. 
 Sarkia, Oct. 12th, 1867. 
 a. W. Krao * Co.— Gents : 
 Inclosed you will find a check for 10,000 feet of your White 
 Wire. It is now just twelve days since I received my last 10,000 feet, 
 and I have only 300 feet on hand. Don't you consider that about as 
 well as clerking in a store ot $'40 per month. Please send immoill- 
 Btely and much oblige Yours truly, 
 David U. Hall. 
 Barrik, Ont., Oct. 3rd. 1867. 
 U. W. Kino * Co. 
 Sirs — Lost Thursday I sold 1,000 feet before noon, but it wins 
 in a neighborhood where I had been a few weeks before and got tlir 
 Wire introduced. I find there Is no trouble in selling to almost 
 every family the second time around, but if a man will holf work, he 
 can do v/cllthe first time. Send me, to Barrie, 6,000 feet, for whirli 
 please find a bank check enclosed. 
 Respectfully yours, A. W. Johnsok. 
 llSr Space will not allow us to introduce more. 
 See testimonials from the Press and Ladies, in Public CMrculiir, 
 CATinOH.— We have no Branch OfBces, and all partins prctemlini? thds are iiii • 
 postt^m, ana our aientii are rcqut'Bted to report every such case to us. The nenuiuf 
 PATENT WHITE WIRE, manufactMred only by the Cniiadian Wire Co. (owuIhk 
 and controlling tli« patent for the same) can be had at wliolcBale only from onr 
 If you cannot engage in the business yourself, will you have the 
 kindness to pass these circulars into some other goo<l bunds ? 
 Awaitintt your order, we remain, yoiin truly, 
 G. W. KING & Co., 
 SqU Agents for the White Wire C'«., 
 Office, 44 Church St., Toronto. 
 P.8.— We beg to be excused for answering Letters of inquiry en- 
 tirely with printed circulars, but with our extensive correspondeiicr 
 it is impossible for us to do otherwise. A score of clerks could not 
 answer all our letters, if we were to do it by writing, and then not 
 half so full and satisfar'ory. We have, therefore, prepared these cir- 
 culars full and unnecessarily explicit for most people ; we have tried 
 to answer every question any one would be likely to ask, and in sucii 
 a way as to avoid the possibility of being misunderstood by any. If, 
 however, we have omitted anything, we shall be liappy to answer any 
 reosonable questions by letter. We trust, therefore, that > ou will 
 accept these circulars, and treat our confidential terms with the same 
 confidence as though they were written out. Any of our agents or 
 others visiting Toronto, are cordially invited to call upon us at our 
 office. With others not having this opportunity, we can transact all 
 business by mail and express with equal accuracy as though here in 
 person. With present railroad facilities it seldom requires more than 
 two days to receive and fill orders by express from almost any part of 