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EXPLANATION OF CHARACTERS AND ABBREVIATIONS OTS USED m THIS ALMANACK. Golden Number 19 Etpact 18 fSolarCycIe 3 Sun Moon Mercury Venus The Earth Mars Ceres Pallas Vesta Jupiter Saturn TheGeorgian Quadrature Conjunction ^'Opposition Q Ascending node Q Descending; node N. North. E. East S. South. W. West " Degrees ' Minutes of Arc. '' Seconds of Arc. h. Hours m. Minutes of time s. Seconds of time m. Morning a. Afternoon. SIOiVS OP THE ZODIAC. Y Aries governs the faceb ^ Taurus - neck, [head D Gemini - 25 Cancer - SI Leo - . ■n)ij Virgo :C: Libra ni Scorpio - t Sagittarius V^ Capri eornus SSI Aquarius K Pisces - - - arms - breast - heart bowels - reins secrets - thijp^hs knees legs - feet .<K COMMON NOTES FOR 1842. Dominical Letter R. Roman Indiction 15 Julian Period 6355 FIXED AND MOVEABLE FEASTS, ANNIVERSARIES, &c. Epiphany - - Jan. 6. Pentecust-r-fVhit-Stm, Septuageaima Sunday — 2.SJ Trinity Sun. - - - Martyrdom K. Charles I. 30 Corpus Christi Shrove Sunday \ff8h Wednesday - Ut Sunday in Lent tet. David - - St. Patrick - - Palm Sunday - - jAnnun— rLady day Good Friday [Easter Sunday - Low Sunday St. George - - Rogation Sunday Ascension Day^- - } Hol^ Thursday > Feb 6 9 13 - March 1 17 20 — 25 27 April 3 - May 1 - — 5 Restoration of K. Chas. 29 Accession Q. Victoria June 20 Proclamation (1837) — St. John Baptist-Mid- ) __ sumer-day \ Coronation Q. Victoria 28 St. Pefer - - - - 29! 21 24 Birth of Q. Victoria, 1819 — 24 — ^5 Q. Adelaide, b. 1792, Aug. 13^ St. Michael — Michael- ? « . qJ mas day. { " "^ 23' Gunpowder Plot - - Nov. 5 ls< Sunday in Advent 27 St. Andrew - - - 30, St. Thomas - - - - Dec. 21] Christmas Day - - 25 ♦ The Year 5603 of the Jewish Era begins, September 5, 1842. The Year 12.58 of the Mahometan Era begins Feb'y. 12, 1842. Ramadan, the month of F*a»ttng observed by Mahometans, commences Oct. 6, 1842. mmmmmmmmmmmJLmmmmmmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmm r \ k -k 1 brillia 1 Sai I 25th o 1 and a f easily \ URi 1 March ( seidon V S S A • V n )DIAC. he faceSi :. [head - arms - hreusl - heart bowels - reins secrets - thijprhs knees lejrs - - feet • • • • T»* •'* • « - JO . . . . .6355 May l5 — 22 20 29 June 20 2J 5, 1842. 12, 1842. imetans, r i If -% farmer's almanack. 1 I MORNING AND EVENING PLANETS. Mercury, the least of the Six Old Planets is hut seldom seen by the naked eye and is nut. even under favourable circumstances, visible more than two hours before the rising, or after the setting of the Sun, but when seen, it appears like a red star oT the first magnitude, viz. — Artares or Arciurus — The following will be the Imost tavourable opportunities for seeing this planet in Nova Scotia in 184i»— Feb'y. 9 to 21, in the evening after Sunset, bearing W. by S. May 24 to June 6, «♦ '« " W. N. W July 22 to 31, in the morning, before Sunrise bearing E. by N. Nov. 9 to .30, »* " « E. S. E For the conjunctivn of this and the other plpneta tee Calendar pages, ViCNUs will be visible in the morning', in the Ea^t, before Sun rise, until Februaiy 16, the day of her Superior Conjunction, then in the Evening until her Inferior Conjunction on the 18th Decetiiber, then in the morning «he will be most brilliant as Rven ing star about the midrlle of November at which time she may be seen without much difficulty by the naked eye even amidst the brightest sunshine. " - Mars will be visible in the Evening: in the West, after Sunset until his conjunction on the 27i.h of June, and afterwards in the Knsty ill the morningr, before sunrise — Throughout the year his distance from the Earth wilt be very great, and he will therefore shine with but little of his splendour when in opposition.' The four small planets, Vesta, Ju>o, Ckkbs, and Pallas, are seldom if ever, seen by the naked eye, even when in opposition, or nearest to the Earth. JupiTKR will be visible in the mornin? in the East, for some months, gradually rising earlier and earlier, until his opposition on the 10th of July, when he lises as the sun sets — after which ihe will set in the West longer and longer before the sun rises— jThis planet is always easily distinguished by his beautiful white jlicfht, which though inferior to that of Venus, is, by far, more brilliant than that of any other planet, or star. Saturn will be very near Jupiter the whole year, and on the 25th of January will be only half a degree to the North of him — and afterwards a little to the West. It consequently will be easily distinguished. Ukanus or Hkrschrl will be in conjunction on the 15th ofi March, and in opposition on the 19th of September, but is seldom noticed by the naked eye. Beginning and length of the Seasons, H. M. Winter begins 1841, Dec. 21 - 6 41 afternoon. Spring « 1812, March 20 - Summer " " June 21 Autumn " ♦« Septr. 23 - Winter *' «< Dec. 22 7 5 7 50 afternoon, 8 afternoon. II morning. 41 morning. FARMBK I ALMANACK. Length of Winter Season Spring Summer Autumn (I D. 89 93 89 H. 1 21 14 17 18 !) 3 30 Lenpth of the year - - - BfiS 6 Average lengh of the year being 3(15 5 49 The present year will be eleven minutes longer than the mean ECLIPSES IN 1842. There will this year happen Fivk EcWpnea— three of the Sun, and two of the Moon, but not one of them will be visible in Nova- Scotia, either wholly or in part — they will taice place as follows : I. Tuesday, January lllh, an annular eclipse of the Sun, vifliblo in very hiv h Southern latitudes, and partially at the Capes of Good Hope and Horn. ^ IL Wednesday, January 26th, a partial eclipse of the Mooif, risible in Europe, Asia, and part of Africa. I HI. Friday, July 8th, a total eclipse pf the Sun, very large throughout Europe, Asia, and the North of Africa, end cen-j tral in" part of Portugal, Spain, ^outh of France, North of{ Italy) Austria, Poland, European and Asiatic Russia, China and^ the North Pacific. It wfII be total at St. Ubes, Madrid, Toledo,' Sarragossa, Montpellier, Marseilles, Nice, Turin, Milan, Vienna,| Pressburg, Cracow, &c. IV« Thursday, July 2tst, a partial eclipse of the Moon, visible in the Western part of North America, in the Pacific Ocean, &c. V. Saturday, December 31st. an Annular eclipse of the Sun, visible in the South Pacific Ocenn, and throughout South America, in about the middle of which it will be central. Fit *#* It will be particularly noticed that all the calculations in this Almanack have been adapted to mean solar time; a mode: of computation which has rt'cenlly come into very general use, and which will probably soon entirely superstede the old mode of reckoning, as a clock regulated to npparent solar time, must, in consequence of the inequality of the solar days, be frequently^ adjusted. To those persons, however, who may prefer to use apparent time the calculations will be equally usefiil,as mean is easily converted into apparent time by subtracting the qiian-i tity in the sixth column of the left hand calendar pages, when the Sun is slow of clock, and addmg it when fast of clock. — Thus, on 1st February the Sun rises in mean time at 7h. 19m. and sets at 5h. 9m. from which (if we subtract 14m. the quanti- ty by which the Sun is that day too slow,) we obtain 7h. 5m. and i4h. 55:1). the apparent, time. i( the ons in mode use, ode ot" j jst, in uentlyl to use mean qiian-| when jck. — I 19m.! uanti- aud •♦ % parmkh*s almanack. a, EXPLANATION OF THE CALENDAR PAGKS. I.RKT HAIVD I'AGi:. Column, Int and 2(1, contain the days of the month and of the w«ek. 3d and 4:h The ri>ing and uetting in mea i time of the highest point, oroi the upper /cmbof the sun, corrected lor re- fraction. 6th. Days length in hour^ and minutes. 6th. The Equation of Time (or quantity by which the Sun Is' «/<m> or/irifff of the clock), at noon, apparent lime (not. mean) at Greenwich, or at a quarter beibre eight in th^ morning nt Mnlifax, 7th. The Sun's declination, for the same as the Equation, 6th column. 8th. The rising or setting of the Moon. The aetting being given from the New Moon to Full, and her rising from Fidl to New Moon« 9th. The Place of the Moon in the Ecliptic. 10th. The time of the Moon'a southing, or passing the meri dian. llth. Days increase or decrease in hours and minutes. The top of the columns of each month shows the moon's phases, or the times of new and full moon, and of the first and last quariers, or two quHdra'ures with the sun. The Farmer's Calendar is placed at the foot of the columns of eacb month. [ R<6HT HAND PAGE. 1. Contains the days of the month. 2. Sundays, Phenomena, Anniversaries, Ac 3. Time of Hig.>i Water at lialifiix. 4 ••••Annapolis. ' 5. Charlotte Town, P. E. Island. 6 •• Windsor, and at St. John. N. B. of that tide Wiiici. immediately precede? the southing otthe Moon. The?e four columns bfcing computed on the supposition, that the time of High Water on the days of New and Full Moon, (L'e^tablissement du port) is at Halifax, 7h. I5m. — at Annapolis, lOh. 45m. — at C'harlotte Town, lOh. 15m.— and at Windsor, and St. John, N. B. llh. 46m. The tides of January 27, February 26, March 27, August 7, September 6, October 5, and November 3, will be the highest of all* this year, uninfluenced by wind, especially those xibout March 27, August 7, September 5, and October 6, at.din like manner the tides of January 12, February ll, May il and 26, June 9 and 28, July 23, August 22, October 20, November 19, December 3, 18 and SI, will be reiy low for spring tides. OCCULTATIONS. The most importnnt occultations probably visible in Nova^ Scotia in 1842, nre those of Artarks, April 27th, anil June 20th. That of Jupiteb on November 7lh, (doubtful), and those of the followine Stars of the third magnitude, viz. of Eta Plei- adum on the 21st January, and Delta Q. 10th June. SiiSlimSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSS^ A 3 ^fl I/- m J 842, January begins on Saturday. IT I son. Last Qnarter,3rd. d. 5l>.54fn. aliernooii, C under the hori New Moon, II til, d. Oli Ini. alternoon, C heating south. First Quarter, l'2lli. «l. 4h. 4(im. ttllernoon, C S. S. E. Pull Moon, 2(ith.<I. Ih. :^5 n. alternoon, CC under the horizon Neat Cattle form a very important part of every Farmer's live stock. In selecting them, two things are very material : First, the health and soundness of the stock from which they are pur chased; and Secondly, the quality of the soil on the produce of which it is intended to feed them. Stock for the dairy or the butcher should be selected from a breed of which you know or can ascertain every particular relative to their general health and soundness, an,d the manner in which they have been reared, including their food, shelter, &,c. Always purchase Cattle that have been fed on lands of ^ poorer quality than your own ; huti T, 4 : i I B 114 15 B 17 \\S jlS) 1^0 191 |92 \B , 24 1 25 29 B Is I U ^4 24 2i;i 281 30| :}2 34 36 38 40' 42! 45 47 50! 53 55 0^ r's live First, •e |)ur- uce of or the now or health •eared, le that! n : but •f / V ) * f h n^ JANUARY ai Days. Winter D M Sundays, Weather, Auniversnricf, &c. lligh Wilier, mean time, at Ciiiirloitc Mnlifax N 8. Anna- polJH. Windaor, St. John 1 B i 3 5 (i 7 8 B JO 11 12 13 14 |15 IB ||7 \\S jl9 20 121 |22 IB ,24 |25 i26 !27 ;^8 loo IB 31 Earth nearest the Sun. |1() 5-Ih. 2ud ^:und. aft. Christmas. 1 1 37 [^ ^ 2l.\ morn. Blusteriiif]^^ 25 cold. Low tides. Epiphany. Fery cold, ^ ^ 111 ^ near approach, ist Sun. aft. Kpiphany. <5 <C 9-^&' h. bul (i) eel. invis. Mid. tides. clearjine C apogee. winter \ (5 }> (?• bracing 2nd «un. aft. Epiph. Sup. (^ y . weather. Lnrg'e noses look red. Low tides. More snoto. (5 C Pleiades. Septuagesinia Sun. Becomes C perigee. Very H. tides. [decl. irivis. milder with snovr Sexniresima Sun. K. Chas. 'Middling tides. [I. Martyr. 1 8 2 13 3 30 5 (i 4 () 52 I .'it in .2 24 3 7 38 43 30 7 8 8 30 9 41 <J 14 9 45 10 17 10 48 11 23 a. 40 1 36 2 57 4 26 5 39 6 38 7 34 8 21 9 4 '9 48 10 28 11 9 3 4 5 7 8 9 84 10 22 n 11 39 a. 11 44 15 47 18 53 30 10 G 27 56 9 8 4 51 morn- ;i4 1 18 1 58 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 11 8 39 9 38 10 34 11 21 morn. 4 48 1 28 lyou must not too suddenly put them to the richer food, or they will be liable to several dangerous diseases. It rarely happens, however, that cattle purcliased from rich lands, thrive well in poor soils ; but, on the contrary, those from poorer farms do well Ion good land. The choice of neat cattle, therefore, for the stocking of farms, must, in a great degree, be regulated by the nature and quality of the soil intended to feed them on. Cut or Chatf your Hay, Straw, Corn tops, or blades, and even your Stalks with a StrawCutter, and you will save a ijreat proportion which is otherwise wasted or passed through the animal without contributing to its nourishment. One bushel of chaffed Hay at a mess, given in a trough, 3 times in 24 hours, is sufScienl for a Horse, Ox, or Cow. A Horse or horned beast thrives more on 15 pounds thus piven, than on 24 or 25 as commonly oxpendet!. ltJ4ii. FhlUttUARY, begins on Tubs oat. t Lnit Qunrter, *2n(l. d. fih. 12m. morninjr, > benringS. by >V. New Moon, loth. d. 7li. 4Uni. lno^nin^^ ]) bcnrin^ K. S. E. Firnt Quiirler, IStli.d. 7li.'27ni inoniinit, D under the horizon. Full Moon, '<25lh. d. Ch. Im. morniiiir, ]} bearing exactly S. D M I 2 3 [) W cj) 8 u|»|)er limb, riseit. Ihets. (A jC ^■< flj (2)sl\v of i'|0('l<. dec. S rises. 1.5 16 17 AS 19 •20 TV? Ii),5 D W 7 18 5 10 l^i? 1U 5 12 I 5 Vi 1415 14 IM'5 Kil Vila ibi I I 5 li)j 9 5 m h 5 22 7 5 24 5 5 2() 4 5 27 2 5 28 1 '5 29 Tu\7 VV 16 59 Th'6 58 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 50 52 55 58 P S Su 6 r.(> 6 5.")i 5 .^O 5 32 5 33 5 35 6 54(5 30 21 M r> 5215 38 22;Tu 6 50 1 5 39 23; Wit; 4'>5 41 3 5 8 II 14 17 20|14 10 23 14 10 2<)|!4 10 26(14 14 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 24 ThiG 47 25 F 2ns 27;Su 28 M 6 4.1 110 31 1 10 34 ;10 37 1 10 40 10 43 10 41! 10 49 10 52 5 42! 5 43 i (> 43 5 44 6 41 5 46 6 40 5 47 10 10 II II II 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 55,13 5813 13 13 12 a.) 3 10 16 21 25 29 31 33 34 35 34 33 31 28 25 21 16 10 4 57 49 41 32 23 13 2 51 TP~F 16 50 C soulh- inn- >. b 14) 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 33 15 57 39 20 I 42 23 3 43 23 3 42 21 1 40 18 57 35 13 52 29 7 45 22 morn. 1 2 3 4 5 5 2 II 15 14 3 40 12 6 41 set?. 6 48rt 7 50 8 53 9 58 11 5 morn. 14 1 22 2 27 3 28 4 45 visos. 4 Oa 4 5 6 7 8 "I t t vj 9 vjio 15 iO .-c^lll K 1 X X T I D D 5 21 6 43 8 5 9 25 10 42 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 'lEHlO SI njjim. n 1 5Um. 46 38 31 24 16 5 53 •AS 20 I 41 21 o I 2 45 .32 22 17 16 16 17 17 15 s 9 I 53 45 1 I I 81 I 6 1 9 1 II 14 Ui 19 I 22 1 25 128 I 31 1 34 I 37 I 39 ! 42 1 45 1 48 1 51 I 54 1 57 2 (1 3 ( 9 12 15 '2 18 In selecting Cows for the dairy, the followingindications should be attended to. Wide horns, a thin head and neck, dew-lap larfje, full breast, broad back, large deep belly, the udder capa cioiis but not too fleshy ; the milch veins prominHnt, and the bag tending far beliind 5 teats long and large; buttocks broad and fleshy; tail long pliable, and small in proportion to the size of the carcass, and the joints short. The keeping of Cows in such a manner as to make them give tbe greatest quantity of milk, and with the greatest clear profit, is an essential point of economy. Give a Cow half a bushel ol" turnips, carrots, or other good roots per day, during the six winter months, besides her hfiy, and if her summer feed be such as it should be, she will give Kieariy double the quantity of milk she would afford if only kept ^ In IM '{ B 7 6 9 10 I] 12 B 14 15 16 17: 18 19 B 21 22 23 id R 28 had; IWPtl should lew-lap T capa- ind tlie broadj the size Cows in [ntiiy ol jpoint of ►r other Ides her Ivill give \\y kept] ^ V FEBRUARY, 28 Dayi. Winlor. Ili^h Water, mean litnc, nt Sundays, Weothcr, Annivcrsariex, &c. I |Charioi;e Hhlifax, I Anna- 1 Toun, N.S. I polis I P. E. I. Windsor, k St. John. 4 B 7 8 9 10 I] \'2 B )4 15 1(1 17 18 19 B n >8 25 i(\ R •^8 A'<iii» /ouu oi'l 1 1 47a. Low tides. Candleinns./«r morn. a slonn. l\ .*i5 <5 <J ¥• <? 4' N. 1 :i:i Grows fine, ti 57 Shrove Sun. <^ }) >2 *^ :/ 4 27 6u/ Ash Wednesday. <5 }) 9. ]>ap()gee. Midlin<;lides.(.i (J ])§. [Victoria m. 1840. Matiometan y. ]258be;<ins. Iftt Sun. in Lent, d "]> ^. Valentine's Pay. Knoiv. ^ greatest eastern eloiig 5 4.) 2 iiiUn 3 17 4 5 5 .3 6 27 7 57 i) 13 () 34 10 4 7 15 7 5'i 8 23 8 51 9 17 9 45 10 15 unsettled for \0 44 Low tides. some days. Several old maids enter the slate of 2nd ^^un, in Lent. More snow double with rain, blessedness. 2) f»erigee. St. IMatthias. Tides extremely high. more settled. 3rd Sun. in FiCnt. dear and cold. II 21 a. 10 1 3 2 26 4 5 22 6 27 7 18 8 1 8 43 9 22 10 2 10 45 11 22 11 53 a. 21 47 1 15 1 45 2 14 2 51 3 40 4 33 5 5(; 7 30 ,8 52 9 57 10 48 11 31 inorH. 13 52 2 9ni. 2 47 3 35 4 33 5 57 7 27 8 43 9 34 ]0 15 10 52 ]i 23 11 51 a. 17 45 1 15 1 44 2 21 3 10 4 3 5 2f) 7 8 22 9 27 10 18 11 1. 11 43 morn. 22 3 3i)in. 4 17 5 5 6 3 7 27 1 8 57 I 10 13 . M 4 II 45 a. 22 1 4: 2 15 2 45 3 14 '^ <*i 1 3 51 4 40 5 33 (» 5u 8 30 9 52 10 57 11 48 morn. 31 1 13 1 52 ilurinjr the winter in the usual manner; and the milk will Ix richer and of better quality. Cows should he treated with great gentleness and soothed by mild u.^ajje, especially when young •u»d licklisih, or when the paps are tender. A Cow never pive.s down her milk pleasantly to a person she drends or (iislike.s. Keep no more Cows than you can keep well ; one Cow well ted will produce as much ntilU as two indifferpntly trented and if the Cow be wintered badly, she will rarely recover, during the suc- ceeding Summer, so as to become profitable to (he feeder. Cows should by all means be housed in extreme weather, and particu- larly those which give milk, or a failure in the quantity of milk will be experienced. Wherefore, instead of keeping 20 Cows poorly fed, and but half of them Stabled, sell It) and give the remaining ten food in amount equal to what the '-^0 originallyl had; procure constant stabling for them, an I you will receive quite as much milk and initter in return as was derived from the! from the former mode of tresitinjr twenty. * X r^ 1842. MARCH begins on Tuksday. 7-^- Last Quarter, 3rd. d. 9h. 8m. afternoon, }) under the horizon. New Moon, 12th. d. 2h. 14m. morning, ]) under the horizon. First Quarter, 19th. d.6h.27m. after. ]) bearing S. k point W. Full Moon, 26lh. d. 9h. 42m. morning, ]) under t.he horizon. D M D W (i^'«upper limb. riseii. netH, en , iTu 2:VV 3Th (j 38 .5 48 H 36 5 49 F 6iSu 6 34 G 33 (> 31 jW IOi.Th lliF I2|S 13'Su i4iM I5|Tl I6'|VV 17,Th isIf 19|S •20' «u 21 1 M j22iTu ■23 W m'Vn |25F !2G,S j27lSu l28|M 29iT\] 30' W :U1Th 5 50 5 52 5 53 of clock. I0il2 39 13 12 27 12 14 12 () 29 5 54 (> 28:5 50 ti 20 1 5 ,57 () 2415 58 « 22'6 6 20 6 rt 186 6 16 6 6 15 6 13 ,6 6 6 16 (i 5 53 5 49 5 47 6 20112 6 2ri2 6 23 12 6 24!l2 45'6 25 12 43 6 26 12 Unless the Farmer has a very diligent and industrious wife, ivho se(3s minutely to her dairy, or a most honest, diligent and careful house-keeper to do it for him, (but >ve would recommend all Farmer's to a wife,) he will assuredly lose money by his daily. The <lairy ii.aid must be up every mofningf at four o'clock, or she will he backward in hnr business. At five the SjCowsmustlte milked, nnd there must be milkers enough to finish 'by six Tiie same rule must he nbserved in the evening. After the milk is drawn from (he Cow, it should be carefully strained through a linen clolh, or hair ^ieve into the cream dishe$i, which 'V D M •I 5 B 7 8| 9 lOi lit 12! B J 14 15 16 17 18 19] B] 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 j^ \. he horizon, le horizon. k point W. horizon. oulh- inp. 3/ m. 30 24 18 ]] 2 50 35 18 40 20 1 44 30 ]9 12 8 6 5 3 59 53 45 37 29 22 7 12 8 2 2] 2 24 2 27 2 30 2 33 2 36 2 39 2 42 2 45 2 49 2 52 2 55 2 58 3 I 3 4 3 7 3 10 3 14 3 17 3 20 3 23 3 26 3 29 3 32 3 35 3 39 3 42 3 45 3 48 3 51 3 54 ■)U8 wife, ^ent and oniinend oney by at four five the to finish After strained , which '\ I |( MARCH, 31 Days. Spring. D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. High Water, mean time, at Halifax. N. S. Anna- polis. Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Very pleasant. Snow. becomes', more Sup. <$ 9. 4th Sun. in Lent. 4^h- unsettled with Jrequent 9 1 ]) apogee. showers of lOl (5 }> ^. V snoio lit and rain, 121 (5 D 9. ip. Middling tides B 5lh. Sun. in Lent. <$ $ 9. liSt. David. 3 Inf. 6 ^• 4 Low tides. B 7 8 10 39a. 11 21 morn. 1 2 3 5 14 15 16 17 18 19 B 21 22 23 24 25 26 fi 28 29 6 l> i- 6 wO- St. Patrick. Cool nights and mornings. Low tides. becomes finer and milder. Palm Sun. Spring begins. iVo news in the papers. anow or rain. \i Stat, ]) perigee. Grocers refuse Good Friday. Lady Day. Extremely high tides, to Easter Sunday. trust Easter Monday, strangers, hail, rain, and 30| ^ J) hi ^' ^'^ow storm 3l| ^ greatest 'V. elong. 7 3 27 54 10 6 12 6 52 7 25 7 56 8 23 8 51 9 20 9 52 10 26 11 5 11 52 a 50 32in 9 51 37 33 57 24 40 2 3 5 6 6 7 19 54 12 7 54 37 8 19 8 59 9 41 10 20 11 1 i 9 42 10 22 10 55 11 26 11 53 a. 21 50 1 22 1 56 2 35 3 22 4 20 5 49 7 24 8 42 9 37 10 24 11 7 11 49 morn. 29 1 11 1 50 1 1 2 3 4 5 2m 39 21 7 3 27 6 54 8 10 9 12 9 52 10 25 10 56 23 51 20 52 Windsor, & ^t. John. ~2 32m. 3 9 3 51 4 37 5 :i3 6 .57 8 24 9 40 10 42 11 22 11 11 a. 26 5 52 50 19 54 12 7 9 54 10 37 11 19 11 59 morn. 41 1 20 1 2 2 3 5 6 8 9 II a 55 26 53 1 1 2 2 21 50 22 56 3 35 4 5 6 22 20 49 8 24 9 42 10 37 11 24 morn. 7 49 1 2 2 29 11 50 should never exceed three inch# in depth, though they may be made so wide as to contain any required quantity, and which ought to be perfectly clean, sweet, and cool. The proper re ceptacles (or milk are tin or earthern pans, not glazed nor lined with lead, or wooden trays. Cheeses should not be set to dry in the same room where your milk is set, for they communicate an acid matter to the surrounding air, which will have a ten dency to make the milk sour. Churning ought to be regularly continued till the butter comes, or is formed. If the motion in summer be too quick, the butter will ferment, and become ill tasted; and in winter it will go back. Churning may be made easier by putting (he bottom of the churn about one foot deep into a vessel of cold water, and contiuu<«d there until the butter !■ made. > wmm I ' j i L.nj Man 1842. APRIL hcv;ins on Friday. yf ■■ Last Quarter, 'inrl. d. 2h. Ifim. afternoon, }) under thehorizom New Moon, 10th. d. 6h. I7m. alternoon, ]) betiring W. by S. First Quarter, 18th. d. :^h. 18m. moi ning, D under the horizon. Fnll Moon, 24lh. d. 7h. 13m. alternoon, ]) bearing E. S. E. 11 12 13 14!Th I5|F 16S 17SU 18M I9:Tu •20 W •21 22 M .5 23()4J U 5 216 421 Wj5 20 () 4;^ 18 6 44 16 (5 45 15 6 4<i| 13 6 47 5 II 6 48 5 9'6 4y 5 7i6 50 5 6 6 52 4 6 53 2 () 54 P 23,S 24!Su •25 26 27 28 29 30 M To VV. Th P S' 1 59 () 55 6 57 58 6 56 6 59 13 5-2 13 55 13 58 14 54 4 53 4 51 2 3 14 3 2 27 14 6 2 36 J4 9 2 46 14 12 2 54 Above two hundred and forty years have elapsed since the in- trodmrtion of the potatoe into Great Britain. During that period, it has been {,Madually makinfr its way in favor of the inhabitants ; but its profrfess for a loner time, was very limited, it began, however, to be extensively cultivated *ibout the middle of the last century; and now it is grown in every farm and, Cottage garden, almost without exception. One of the chief, ifj hot the primary agent in effecting vegetable development and maturity, is Light. Deprive a plant of fAoi and you either pa- ralize tiie operation of its vital principle, or induce imperfect a nd disnasod action. Hence the rows of p otatoes ought to poiM ^h ) ) IS 'tT-.. je hot izom : W. by S. le horizon. S. S. E. > to (b >» I- uth- . IS c 3in . J 57 55 4 45 4 4 31 4 7 J5 4 10 57 4 13 88 4 16 18 4 19 59 4 22 41 4 25 27 4 28 1() 4 31 8 4 34 3 4 37 1 4 40 59 4 42 56 [4 45 1 52 4 48 ' 44 !4 5l \ 35 4 54 ) 26 4 57 ) 16 5 1 8 5 3 Z 5 6 . I 5 9 1 57 5 U I 53 5 14 I 50 5 17 ^ 45 5 20 t 36 5 23 since the in- Ouring that favor of the ery limited, t the middle ry farm and the chief, if| o|)ment and u either pa- e imperfect ight to poiiit P )'i APRIL, 30 Days. Spring. D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, ^c. High Water, mean time, at 1 Fool's Day. weather 2 c5>l2* 609 • continues B Low Hun. A ])^. to groio 4 n l2 © Low tides. 5 ]) apogee. warmer. 6 7 8 9 B 11 12 13 14 15 16 B 18 19 20 21 22 23 B 25 26 27 28 29 30 Halifax. N. S 11 46a. Umbrellas in demand. ^ I) W' rain. Middling tides. 2nd Sun. after Easter. ^ a 21Q' 6 ^ 9' [^ W- ici ]) ^. cloudy. occasional showers, loith some thunder. 3rd Sun. after Easter. Low tides. chilly rains with 5 perigee. some kail. St. George. Ij stat. 4th Sun. after Easter. High tides. clears ap warmer. Occ. of Antares. ^n Editor gets hi^ nose (5 ]) Iz . weather [pulled. (5 }) J/. becomes warm. morn. 38 1 48 3 16 4 33 5 31 6 19 6 49 7 20 7 50 8 21 8 53 9 32 10 9 10 52 11 46 a. 46 2 12 3 33 Anna- polis 2 31m 3 16 4 8 5 18 6 46 8 3 9 1 9 49 10 19 10 50 11 20 11 51 Charlotte Town, P. E I. Windsor, & St. John, 2 Im. 2 46 3 38 4 6 7 4 5 6 7 7 45 38 31 16 56 8 40 9 2 10 1 10 39 11 22 a. 23 1 2 I 39 2 22 3 16 4 16 5 42 7 3 8 15 9 8 10 1 10 46 11 26 morn. 10 51 1 31 2 9 48 16 33 8 31 9 19 9 49 10 20 10 50 11 21 11 53 a. 32 1 9 1 52 2 46 3 46 5 12 6 33 7 45 8 38 9 31 10 16 10 56 11 40 morn. 21 1 1 1 .39 3 3im 4 16 5 8 6 18 7 46 9 3 10 1 10 49 11 19 11 50 a. 20 51 1 2 2 3 4 23 2 39 22 16 5 16 6 42 8 3 9 15 10 8 11 1 11 46 morn. 26 1 10 1 51 2 31 3 9 North and South', for, in the first place, plants so exposed com mand the greatest breadth and duration of light ; and in the second, the Sun, at the time of his highest meridian altitude, that is, at the hour of noon, shines directly along the extent of the rows; his light is also most equally distributed upon the whole foliage as he approaches to and recedes from the meridian, the perpendicularity of growth, which is of considerable im portance to the complete success of the crop, is less likely to be disturbed by this mode ofarrangement,thanby any other that has been heretofore employed. A fact of great importance to the growers of potatoes remains to be noticed. The out side rows, and all single rows, will be found to produce far greater crops than any of the interior rows of a plot in the garden or field. This depends upon a variety of causes, the chief of which is, .the more perfect exposure of the foliage to the agency of air and light. B M* 1842. D M MAY) beginH on Sunday. 5. wf Last Quarter, 2d. d. 8h. 32in. morning, }> bearing S New Moon, lOth. d. 7h. 24m. morning, ^ bearing E. First Quarter, 17th. d. 7h. 56m. morning, J} under the horizon. Full Moon, 24th. d. 5h. 25m. morning, ]> under the horizon. D W (2)'supper limb. rise:). setH. ©fast of clock. dec. N. rises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39 30 81 iSu M TV) W 'ni F s Su M lb W Ta F S Su M lb W Ta F S Su M lb W Th F S StJ M lb 49(7 4717 46 44 43 7 42 41 40 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 14 14 14 21 9 14 24 10|l4 27 ll'l4 29 13 14 14 15 3 18 3 3 3 3 3 14 32 3 14 34 3 o^3 15 16 17 18 19 20 14 47 21 14 49 22 14 51 14 39 14 41 14 43 14 45 IS'' 2' 15 20 15 38 15 56 16 13 16 30 16 47 3 19 4 21 20 19 19 18 23 24 25 14 14 53 55 2614 2715 14 57 59 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 19 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 10 17 23 29 34 39 431 17 461 17 491 17 35 51 53 54 55 55 54 53 52 50 47 44 40 3(> 31 26 20 14 7 52 44 17 51 18 6 18 21 18 36 18 50 19 4 19 18 19 31 19 45 19 57 20 10 20 22 20 33 20 45 20 56 21 6 m. 44 1 12 1 36 1 2 2 2 3 21 21 21 21 21 17 27 36 45 54 57 16 35 55 18 3 46 sets 8 55a. 10 4 10 58 a 40 morn. 14 42 1 8 1 31 1 55 2 20 rises. 7 ,5a. 8 21 9 20 10 5 10 43 11 14 11 39 morn. 1 C pll. K y a D SI SI TIJJ t t vj 3£ C south- ing. Si 5 24m 6 10 6 53 7 34 8 14 8 55 9 37 10 21 11 9 a. 1 0,56 1 54 2 54 3,52 4 48 5 41 6 32 7 21 8 10 9 9 51 10 44 11 40 in 36 1 32 2 26 3 16 4 4 4 48 5 29 5 26 5 29 32 35 38 40 43 45 48 50 52 54 56 58 2 4 6 8 6 10 6 12 6 14 6 16 6 17 6 19 6 21 6 23 6 25 6 27 6 29 6 30 In light .lands Buckwheat may be raised to advantage. It should not be sown till after the middle of May. One bushel is seed enough for an acre, if sown broad-cast, as is usual; but if sown in drills, less than half that quantity is sufficient. Buck wheat is harvested by mowing. After it is mown, it should be [several days before it is housed. It is in no danger of the seeds falling, nor does it suffer much by wet. From its great siiccu- lency it is liable to heat in a mow, on which account it is better to put in into small stacks of five or six loads each, than either A larjs^e one, or in abarn. The most common mode of sowing 5 i 6 7 B\ 9i lOii 111 112 |13 1(4 17 B |23 ;24 !.>5 ,30 31 ■^Jii. ;. wf B horizon, lorizon. uth- :^4m 10 53 34 14 55 37 21 9 1 56 54 54 52 48 41 32 21 10 51 "26 29 32 35 38 40 43 45 48 50 52 54 56 44 40 iQ 32 16 16 4 18 >9 58 2 4 6 8 10 6 12 6 14 16 17 6 19 6 21 6 23 6 25 6 27 6 29 6 30 tage. It bushel is 1 ; but if Buck- hould be he seeds t siiccu- is better n either f sowinp ^ ,\ D Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. MAY, 31 Days. Spring. High~Water7 iiriean time, at Halifax. N. S. Annapo- Jis. Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Windnor, St. John B Ru^atiun iSua. St. Philip 2 <^ 9 ^- 917'S. [&St.Jas. 31]) apogee. phfisant 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 111 12 17 !18 !l9 i^O 21 B 123 124 !i5 Very low tines, weather. Ascension day, (5 }> i|^. St. John) Evang. Sun. aft. Ascension. some showers. Sup. 6^. 21 Stat. Middling tides, <^ }) 9 ». <J fine growing weather. Whit Sun. Pentecost. Whit. Monday Low tides. ]) perigee. 6 ^ S' Trinity Sun. changeable. pleagani and warm. Very Q.Victoria,6.1819.^5© Middling tides. fine ;2ei Corpus Christi-FeteDieu 6 1> h- alillle il^ll- o ?0- cooler. 1st. 8un.aft.Trin. KChns. signs [restored, 1660. D npogee. of rain. ;27 '28 B ;^o ■31 1 2 3 4 5 6 morn. 8 12 22 30 33 25 3 6 41 7 17 7 56 8 35 9 17 10 I 10 46 11 42 a 41 1 51 3 5 4 15 5 12 6 6 6 56 7 42 8 22 9 2 9 40 10 17 10 59 11 42 morn. 2 52m 3 38 4 42 5 52 7 8 3 8 55 9 33 10 11 10 47 11 26 a. 5 47 1 31 2 16 .3 12 4 11 5 21 6 35 7 45 8 42 9 36 10 26 11 12 11 52 morn. 32 1 10 1 47 2 29 3 12 2 22m 3 8 4 12 5 22 6 30 7 33 8 25 9 3 9 41 10 17 10 56 11 35 17 1 46 42 41 51 5 15 8 12 9 6 9 56 10 42 11 22 morn. 2 40 1 17 1 59 2 42 a. 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 3 52m 4 3d 5 42 6 52 8 9 3 9 55 10 33 11 11 11 47 a. 26 1 5 1 47 2 31 3 16 4 12 5 11 6 21 7 35 8 45 9 42 10 36 11 26 morn. 12 52 1 32 2 10 2 47 3 29 4 12 |FteU< peas is broad-cast; but the advantages of the row culture |in a crop so early committed to the ground, must be obvious. In Kent, where immense quantities of peas are raised, both for Igalhering green and for selling ripe to the seedsmen, they are igeneraliy^sownin rows from 18 inches to 3 feet asunder, according to the kind, and well cultivated between. Peas laid a foot below !lhe surface will vegetate ; but the most approved depth is 6 inches in light soil, and 4 inches in clay soil; for which reason they ought to be sown under furrow when the ploijghing is de- layed till spring. Of all grain, beans excepted) they are in the least danger of being iiuried too deep. When peas are sowed thiii, the plants will lie on the'ground, and perhaps rot ; when they are thick.the plants will hold each other up with their tendrils, form ing a continued web, and will have more benefit of the air. ■MarKi rnr-r»TT— .-ar, T^'oxvaaaM J 1842. JUNE begins on Wednesday. Last Qir.nif r, 1st. d. 2h. 37m. morning, }) bearing S. E. New .Moon, 8lh. d. 5h. 59m. afternoon, }) bearing W. by N. , First Quarter, 15th. d. Gh. 38m. afternoon, j) bearing E. by S.j Full Moon, 22d. d. 5h. 7m. afternoon, }) under the horizon. Last Quarter, 30th. d. 7h.26m. afternoon, }) under the horizon.! M 1) W 's upper limb nse^.l sets. (2)last of clock. dec. N rises. pi. C south- ing. gn ao Q e t 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12j 13! 14! 151 16: 17| 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1127 28 29 30 W Th P s Su M Tu W TYi P S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M lb W Th F S Su M lb W Th 4 ib 7 3; 4 17 7 38 4 17 7 3!) 4 16 7 40 4 16 7 41 4 15 7 41 4 15 7 42 4 15 7 43 4 15 7 44 4 14 7 44 4 14 7 45 4 14 7 4<) 4 14 7 46 4 14 7 47 4 14 7 47 414 7 47 414 7 48 414 7 4f 414 7 4^ 4 14 7 48 4 14 7 49 4 14 7 49 4 15 7 49 4 15 7 49 4 ^5|7 49 4 16,7 49 4 16 7 49 4 16'7 49 4 17 7 49 417 7 4r: 15 20 15 21 15 23 15 24 15 15 15 15 15 25 26 27 28 29 2 35 2 361 2 17 2 7 1 57 1 46 15 30 15 31 15 32 15 32 15 33 15 33 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 .35 15 .35 15 35 15 34 15 34 15 34 15 33 15 33 15 33 15 32 15 32 35 24 13 ] 49 37 25 P 12 S 13 2() 39 52 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 18 30 43 56 9 , 22" ' 3' 1 22 11 22 18 22 26 22 33 22 39 22 45 22 51 22 56 23 1 23 5 23 9 23 13 23 16 23 19 23 22 23 24 23 25 23 20 23 27 23 28 23 28 m. 21 39 57 1 1 2 2 r I D 18 42 II 47 sets 8 51a. D 9 38 25 10 15 SB 10 45 !gl 36 59 6 10m 6 50 31 14 7 8 9 11 11 11 9 50 10 44 11 a. I 2 42 42 43 41 3 36 morn. 22 48 1 2 20 I rises 2 21 2 34 2 2 3 46 58; lOl 23 27 23 2t) 23 25 23 23 23 21 23 19 23 16 23 12 7 8 9 58a. 40 13 9 40 10 3 10 24 10 43 11 11 1 20 ^ ^ t t 28 18 7 6 56 7 46 8 38 9 32 10 27 11 22 m. 16 1 8 1 57 2 42 3 25 4 6 4 46 5 26 3I! (I 32 6 34' 6 35 6 3(i! 6 37i 6 38' 6 39i 6 40! H 41! 6 42| 6 43I 6 43i 6 44! 6 44| 6 45 6 45| 6 451 6 45 6 461 dec. i 0! Oi ]! 1 2 2 2 O; 3! Ploughing, is the most important of all agricultural operations. On the manner in which this is performed depends all the subse-l quent operations xof tillage on the same land. It is very fashion- able, and as a general rule, very correct to recommend deep ploughing. But this rule has a great many exceptions, and the cultivator who should be governed by it without regard to the nature of the soil and the proposed crops, would only labour hard to injure his land and reduce his products. Deep plough- ing has been recommended by some modern writers, upon par- ticular kinds of land, where the bottom and top'* Were of two *v p \m 1 2 3 4 14 15 16 17 18 B 1 20 21 122 123 B IP 28 .E. byN. r E.byS.i orizon; horizon.! ! an OD 50 5 id 3! eralions. le suhse- fashion- j nd deep; and ihe! id to the| r labour! plough- )on par- of two JUNE, 30 Days. Summer. P Im 1 2 3 4 B G 7 8 9 10 11 D 13 14 15 16 17 18 B '^0 31 |22 |23 124 25 Ib 128 129 30 Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, N. S. High Water , mean time, at I Charlotte I WindBor J Town, I & P. E. 1. 1 St* John, Annapo- lis. Very low liues. Clear (^ ]> $• and warm. growing 2nd Sun. aft. Trinity. showers. Tides rather high. d H ^ . dully with 6 J> 5« 9 oc. flelta D. ^ greatest E. elong-. 3rd Sun. aft. Tiin. ]) per. some rain. ,Lo\v Tides. f Clears up fine again. Battle Waterloo, 1815. 4lh Sun. aft. Trin. D ^• Access. Q. Victoria, '37. Summer begins. Proc. Q. Low Spring tidos. 6 1> \' [Victoria. St. John, Baptist. (^ D ^. \6 <? ©• dull with 5th Sun. aft. Trin. appearance of rain. "P apogee. [Cor. Q. Vic- very low tides, [toria. 6 > ]^. [S t. Pete r. m. 29 1 19 2 18 3 19 4 18 5 16 6 5 6 53 7 40 8 24 9 8 9 55 10 41 11 31 a. 1 2 3 4 5 27 19 20 29 47 52 6 46 7 31 8 12 8 50 9 25 9 59 10 33 11 10 11 48 morn. 1 3 59ni. 4 49 5 48 (i 49 7 48 8 46 9 35 10 23 11 10 11 54 a. .38 1 25 2 11 3 1 3 57 4 49 5 50 6 59 8 17 9 22 10 16 11 1 11 42 morn. 20 55 1 29 2 3 2 40 3 18 3 29m. 4 5 6 7 19 18 19 1ft 8 16 9 5 9 53 10 40 11 24 4 5 49 6 48 7 49 48 9 46 10 35 n 23 a. 10 54 a. 8 1 38 55 2 25 1 41 3 11 ^ 31 4 1 3 27 4 57 4 19 5 49 5 20 6 50 6 29 7 59 7 47 9 17 8 52 10 22 9 46 11 16 10 31 morn. 11 '2 I 11 50 43 morn. 1 20 25 1 55 59 2 29 1 33 3 3 2 10 3 40 2 48 4 18 opposite qualities, and neither of them perfectly good, that a mixture may sometimes be very beneficial, and the experiment of going below the depth sometimes answer; but that when the top and bottom for 18 or 20 inches depth consists of the same toil, it is not believed it is ever worth while to exchange the upper' part, whicli has been enriched for years back, for a part less richj merely because it is more fresh. On retentive soils, where the! 'practice of loosening them to some depth by other implementi isj 'omitted, deep ploughing is however extremely necessary. Dry jsandy soils, such as ought not to be ploughed in ridges, should! be turned over completely, and be laid and kept level as possible.'! jSuch soils, if rendered loose, and light by cultivation, will be Irobbed of their fertilizing particles as well by rains as bjr sun- shine. In other words they are liable to suffer by washing, by scorching, and by too much draining. m |184^ JULY begins on Friday. I . n f- Nevv Moon, 8th. d. 2h. 46m. morning, ]> under the horizon. First Quarter, 14th d. 5h. 51m. aiiernoon, }) bearing S. Full Moon, 22nd. d. 6h. 4:{m. morning, }> under the horizon. Last Quarter, 80th d. lOh. 27m. morn. }> bearing exactly W. 0'8 dec. N. rises. 1> pi. south- 10 J* i>3^ 9/ 23 4 23 22 .55 22 50 22 44 22 38 22 31 22 24 22 17 22 9 22 1 21 53 21 44 21- 35 21 25 21 15 21 5 20 54 20 43 20 32 20 20 20 8 19 5(5 19 43 19 30 19 17 19 3 18 49 18 35 18 20 11 42 morn 8 41 1 22 2 13 sets 8 12a 8 46 9 15 9 40 10 3 10 27 10 53 11 22 1 ¥ D D SI SI 11 57 morn. 39 1 30 2 28 rises. 7 8 43a 7 8 28 8 47 9 5 9 25 9 46 10 9 10 37 11 14 6 7i«. 6 51 7 38 8 30 9 26 10 26 1,11 27 a. 28 1 26 2 21 3 14 4 4 4 53 5 43 6 34 7 27 8 21 9 16 10 10 11 3 11 52 i m. 38 1 22 2 3 2 43 3 23 4 3 y^. n t t V5 K Of li 4 45 5 30 6 19 '4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 20 22! 241 26! iO 28' I029; 3l! 33 35; 37, 39 41i 44 46j 48: 50 52 It is a matter of much importance to the Farmer, that hej should take time by the foretop during the season for making! Hay. He must drive his business instead of being driren by it.' Indolence or improper management in hay time, will soon give' a sorry complexion to a farmer's affairs. A day or two lost, or! miiiicmploy ed while the sun shines, and your grass suffers for lack! of the scythe and the rake, or your grain is going back into the' ground, while the sickle is rusting on a peg behind the door, and' itf owner is asleep or gone a journey, may be the means of in-! troducing the Sheriff on your premises to take all that remains; !M 1__ IT' 4] 5 J 61 7H 8' 9il f.l I12 ,13 ,14 I ,15 !: Il6| hi 18 ,19 20 21 22 l23 1 B \ 25 26 i27 1281 !29 30 b' — f- onzon. ij S. I horizon, aclly W. ith- TTiiT ;i 18 10 16 m \7 !8 (6 1 4 4 3 3 4 17 II 6 3 2 ? ■A % '4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 !0 13 14 15 17 18 20 22! 241 20: iO 28^ ;0 29, 3l! 33 35 37; 39 4li 44 4«; 48: 50 52- that he| r rnakingi en by ItJ 3on give o lost, or! 3 for lack! into the| oor, and! ins of in-i remains D M JULY 31 clays. Summer. High Water, mean time, at Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. HMlifax, N.S. Anna- polis. Charlotte Windsor Town, P. E. I. & St. John 1 Low Hues. 2 B Sultry S l2 a. Vis. B. V. Mary f)th Sun. aft. Trin. and Earth furthest from (^. 5 'Dog Days begin. hot. fi' shoiverswith 7 High tides. thunder. 8'0 eel. total in Europe. 9 Inf. <^ ^ 0. B 7th Sun. aft. Trin. "5 per. li [s Jne-d c 9. 12 13 fatfolhs quite uncomfort- 14 Low tides. [able. 15 St. Swilhin. Look out for 16 1 rain. B 8th Sun. aft. Trinity. 18 cloudy. 1 9 * warmer i20 (5 ]) 12. XKith 21 <$ 5 ^. }) eel. invis. 22 occasional 23 Low spring tides. B 9th Sun. aft. Trin. 25 5 apogee. St. James. 26 refreshing 27 (5 ]) ^ showers. 128 1 !29 greatest W. eloncr. K 130 Very fine and I B'lflth Sun. aft. Trin. xcarm. 1. 26 3 .56m. 3 26m. 4 56n 1 9 4 39 4 9 5 39 2 1 5 51 5 1 6 31 3 15 6 45 6 15 7 45 4 30 8 7 30 9 5 36 9 6 8 36 10 6 rt 34 10 4 9 34 11 4 7 26 10 56 10 26 n 56 8 13 11 43 11 13 a. 43 8 59 a. 29 11 59 1 20 9 44 1 14 a. 44 2 14 10 27 1 57 1 27 2 57 11 12 2 42 2 12 3 42 11 58 3 28 2 58 4 28 a. 40 4 10 3 40 5 10 1 38 5 8 1 4 38 6 8 2 57 6 27 5 57 7 27 4 24 7 54 7 24 8 54 5 37 9 7 8 37 10 7 6 34 10 4 9 34 11 4 7 20 10 50 10 20 11 50 8 1 11 31 11 1 morn. 8 33 morn. 11 33 31 9 5 3 morn. 1 3 9 35 35 5 1 35 10 6 1 5 35 2 5 10 35 1 36 1 6 2 36 11 9 2 5 1 35 3 5 11 44 2 39 2 9 3 39 morn. 3 14 2 44 4 14 20 3 50 3 20 4 50 of the crop. It is best, generally speakinor, to cut your very iheaviest grass first of all ; and if it be lodged, or in danger of jlodging, although the grass is hardly headed, and appears not to have obtained more than two thirds of its growth, you had better begin upon it. But when you have help enough, and your grass stands up well, you will do best to wait till the blossom is fully formed, and is beginning to turn brown. Clover is the most critical grass, and requires the most attention, and ought to be mown before the seed is formed that the full juice and nourishment of the plants may be retained in the !hay. By the adoption df this system the hay is cut in a better season, it can be more easily secured, and is much more valuahle, nor is the strength of the plant lodged in the seed, which is often lost. r i K '\&i'i. AUGUST boginsi on Mondav Lrtsl Quarter, ()lh. d. lOli. 31iii. morning, }) bearing S. sTfi. First Quarter, I3th d. Jli. 7in. morniny, }> under the horizun. Fnll Moon, :^Ullj. d. lOh. Om. atlernoon, }) bearing S. S. E. Last Quarter 2blh. d. I lh..'35ni. alternoon, ]) bearing E. by N. I) W I 2 4 5 (i r « i J) :io II 112 IM '14 15 IG J7 ;i8 19 i20 2\ 22 2;i 124 25 2t) 27 28 29 30 31 D M W w Th F S Su Yi Tj W 'Ri F is j5 !Sui5 jiM 15 !Tu 5 IW jTu F is Sr (^ Aupperi « limb. Jo' ri8ea.| >^ets. 2(i 4G|7 47|7 48:7 49!/ 507 51 ;7 53|7 54 i 7 ;)0,/ 5()i7 58j7 51)7 7 2!7 3 7 4|7 <ij7 8y, 25 23 22 20 11) 17 l(i 15 13 12 11 9 8 t> 5 3 2 58 5(> M 15 10 G 55 W Ttt F S Su M To W 11 jo 5.S I2i(; 51 1410 50 15 t» 48 l«j() 40 17 (J 44 18 fj 42 20,6 40 5 21 (> 39 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 J4 14 14 J3 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 of clock. G 5 57 s 7o 38 35 5 53 33 30 27 5 3G 24' 5 30 22,5 23 19|5 15 171 5 7 14' 4 58 5 48 5 42 dec. N. ,go--57 17 50 rises. pi 12 9 4 48 4 38 7|4 28 4'4 17 2 4 5 59 50 53 50 47 4r> 42 39 3(; 3 53 3 40 3 26 3 Vi 2 58 2 44 2 28 2 13 1 57 33 1 40 30 27 24 21 18 1 24 1 6 49 31 13 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 U 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 35 19 3 46 ;50 13 56 38 21 3 45 26 8 49 30 11 51 31 12 52 SI II 50 29 9 47 26 43 I morn. 57 2 4 3 22 sets 7 4ia 8 7 8 31 8 r>7 9 26 10 10 40 11 28 rnoni. 23 1 23 2 26 rises () 35 6 55 7 13 / 7 D D D 31 51 8 14 8 42 1) 9 15 55 10 43 11 41 morn. t t K n D n south- iny. I8uj. 9 8 9 8 6 1 54 4(> 4 8 9 10 11 a. I 1 Q 3 37 4 29 23 17 12 7 5 6 7 8 8 55 57 2 69 9 49 10 87 11 20 tn. 2 42 1 22 2 2 2 44 3 28 4 15 5 4 5 57 6 54 7 52 51 8i lOj 15^ ^7 2(i 2$^ 25 271 3o; I 321 1 3^1 1 381 1 4l! 1 44 1 47 49 52 55 68: 10 2 i:^ 2 16! ' The farmer wbo has it in his power to drive his business, in Istead of being driven by it, will do well to sow his winter rye sometime between the middle of August and middle of Septr. If it be sowed so early, it will be less apt to winter-kill, will require iless seed, the grov/th will be stouter, and the produce greater, iother things being equal, than if the sowing was deferred till late in the Autumn. Rye is capable of bein^^culti vated on most kinds of land, but the light sandy soils, where wheat will not thrive, are the sorts of soil on which it will, generally speaking, be found ,most profitable to raise this kind of produce. Rye if sowed sue D M J L 2 3 4 5c^ 6V B 1 8<! y e i«;^ 11 12 13 L B l: 15 A 16^ 17 (! 18 19 20 ^ B 1. 22 3 23 ^ 24 S 25 26 P 27 V B 1- 29 30 '311 c^ tma ori/uii. S.E. E. by N. ih- 2u] i) 8 9 8 G 1 4 6 7 y 13 7 2 7 d D 2 2 2 I 3 5 t J' I 2 « 70 55! 57j 01 2, 5! 8i 10) 1 li$ 1 15 1 17 1 211 1 2^ 1 25| 1 27 1 ao; I 321 1 3^ 1 38 1 41 1 44 1 47 1 49 I 52 1 65 1 68; 2 1| 2 4 2 7 2 JOl 2 13[ 2 16 ess, in- iter rye ptr. If it require greater, 1 till late L)St kinds ; thrive, be found ved sue ■MMMMMpn AUGUST, 31 Days. Summer. D Sundays, Weather, Higl 1 Water, meal tini< !, at i Jharlotte WindHor, M Anniversaries, &c. Halifax Anna- Town, c ^ i N. S. 1 poJia. I'. E. I. ! St. John.' T Lammas. Clear 1 15m. 4 45m. 4 15m. "5 45m. 2 and pleasant. 2 31 6 i 5 31 7 1 3 359 7 29 G59 8 29 4 Some rain. 5 15 8 45 8 1-5 > 9 45 5 6 ^ ^> i- G IG 9 4G 9 IG 10 46 (> Very high tides. Trans, of ' 7 12 10 42 10 12 H 42 B lllh S. alt. Trin, [our L. 7 59 IJ 29 59 a. 29 8 69^ t>eta i»jj,a very near 8 44 a. 14 H 44 1 14 9 (< > 2. [approach 9 2G 5() a. 26 1 5(> lO;^ § <?. ^IG'N. 10 4 1 34 1 4 2 34 11 Clears up 10 45 2 15 1 45 3 15 12 pleasant. 11 28 2 58 2 28 3 5S 13 Low tides. Q,. Adelaide b. a. IG 3 46 3 16 4 46 B 12th Sun. alt. Trin. ['92. 1 13 4 43 4 13 5 43 15 A&S. B. V. Mary. 2 35 G 5 5 35 7 5 IG (H 1> H' 'Siit7/ continues 4 8 7 38 7 8 8 38 17 ]) JJ^. tvarm. 5 27 8 57 6 27 9 57 18 G20 9 50 9 20 10 50 19 Now look out 7 5 10 35 ■10 5 11 35 20 Not very high tides. 7 40 11 20 10 40 morn. B 13th S. aft. Trin. 8 13 11 43 11 J3 20 22 ]) apogee. for 8 4i) morn. 1 1 40 43 23 6 ^ ^' f^»p. (^ $ ©• . 9 8 10 morn. 1 10 24 St. Bartholomew. rain. 9 33 38 8 1 38 25 1 10 3 1 3 33 2 3 2G, Prince Albert. 6. 1819- 10 32 I 33 1 3 2 33 27 Very low tides. cloudy 11 10 2 2 1 32 3 2 B 14th S. aft. Trin. St. Au- 11 53 2 40 2 10 3 40 29 [ffustine. morn. 3 23 2 53 4 23 30 1 and dull. 47 4 17 3 47 5 17 31 (5 9 Spica. 2 G 5 36 ' 5 G ({ 36 cessively tjvery year upon the same land, both the crop and the^ |land will be greatly improved, insoinuch that some grounds, which would yieM but 5 bushels to liie acre at tirsi, have in time produced a crop of 15 bushels, vvitiiout the charge of miinure ;| but this will not be the case unless the soil is naturally of a good quality, and the stubble be con»ploioly turned under, immediately, .after reaping. Jf the ground is sutfered' to remain alter harvest Iwithout being ploughed till the stubbie is dried and shrivelled so ithat it possesses but little substance, and the seeds of weeds; have had time to ripen, the crops of grain in each succeeding yearj will be diminished, and the weeds will take an almost exclusive! possession of the soil. Rye may be sown in the Autumn to great| advantage for green fodder, for cattle and sheep, particularly! in the spring. Ewes and Lamb will derive mnch benefit from it.! iiTr nwnwiiiiinrTTiwrrmiiT- r raraiw HI 184*2. SEPTKMBER, begins onTHUKsi.AY. n M D W Ci)'8 Upper limb. 1 1 Til 5 '4'2 2 P 5 24 3 S |5 4Su5 25 2{) 5 M (Jill 7iVV 8Th 1)|F lOJS II St^ I2M j.-nv 14 vv ir>iTii IGF 17 18 5 27 ti a? l:f 15 () 85 13 120 24 G 33 J 3 6 32 13 G3013 10 s Mo •2o;n,ir> •21 VVi5 ■32,1^1 23 F •24 25 2(i 27 H Hu 5 5 .VI ;5 Tlm5 28 VV,5 2J),ThI5 3()' f|5 28 6 28 13 29 G 27 12 57 2 316 25 12 54 2 32 6 23; 12 51 12 33|6 21:12 48 3 34 'g !J) 12 45 3 35jG 17,12 42:3 3G|G I5;i2 3m!4 3716 I3JI2 3G'4 30 6 I1JI2 32 4 4(M5 12 2!)5- 41 G 7 12 26 5 42 6 5^12235 4316 3 12 21)!6 44 6 I ! 12 17 6 46 6 12 14 6 47 5 59 12 117 48j5 57|12 8 7 49:5 55! 12 5 7 50 1 5 53^2 2S 52'5 5I n 59 8 53 5 49 11 5()i8 54i5 47 1 1 53 9 55 5 45; 1 1 50 5615 43 11 47 2 19 2 22 2 25 2 28 2 3l| 2 34! 2 371 2 40! 243! 2 46 2 49 2 52 2 55! 2 58' 3 2! 3 5j 3 8| 3 111 3 14; 3 17! 3 201 3 23! 3 26! 329; 3 32: 3 35 3 38j 341' 3 44! 3 47^ , Notwitlistandinj? their evil proj)ensities, filthy and mischievous {habits, and insatiable voracity, swine are very profitable animals' to a fiirmer. The old fashioned thin, long-lej;ged, long-nosed,^ iTiiant-l'odied hofjs are now, hardly tolerated, and are becomin^j ,as scarce as they are u^]y and unprofitable. We are but little^ acquainted wilh the different breeds of their successors, and shall' Jiot theiefore assinne the responsibility of recommending any particular race. The marks of a good hoj; are, a moderate ilen;j:Hi in. proportion to the size of the body ; the fioso short; the cheek plump and full; neck thick and short; quarters full; Sfiurass (hick and full; hair fine and thin ; with a symmetry i » "^ 21 B 4] 5] 6 7 8i 9. 10 B 12 13 14 15 17lJ:j B 19 20 21 221 23 24 B 26 27 IWWWi aclly W. e horiz(»i). ) horizon. I igW 'C~" >uth- inj;. 'STm 4b 45 39 32 25 i9 13 9 « 1 55 Hi 33 IB 1 42 22 2 43 2({ 11 51 41 i 42 39 35 29 go « It tj Q « ^19 2 22 2 25 2 28j 2 31 2 34! 2 371 2 40 2 431 2 46 2 49 2 52 2 551 2 58' 3 2! 3 5! 8i 111 u; I7i 3 20| 3 23! 3 2Gi 3 29; 3 32! 3 35^ 3 38j 3 4l' 3 44: 3 47 schievous e animals' ng-nosed, becoming! but little andsliair ding any moderate djort; the ters full ; yminetry I % IS v.'J SEPTEMBER, 30 Days. Autumn.' D Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &.c. High Water, mean lime, at Halifax, I^ 8. Anna- polis. Chailoite Town, P K, I Windier, k St. John B 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B 12 13 liSt. Giles. 2 London Burnt, indO. j^ 5 ^, Eveninsiss 15th Sun. uft. Trin. ]> per. Extremely h. tides. Jew- [isli year 5( 03 begins. Nat. B. V. Mary, cooler. Jll slat. appearance I6th Sun. aft. Trin. of Low tides. Ij stat. 14 D $ O. 15 Days grow shorter. 16M ^ Regulus. 17iSt. Lambert. B I7th Sun. aft. Trin. C np. 19 Tides rather high. ^^0 20 [^ 1> ^p. 21 St. Matthew. 22 Pigeon pies very whole- 23 Autumn begin.s. [some. 24 some rain, B ISthSun. aft. Trin. 26 succeeded by 27 Very low tides. warm. 28!Bat. of Busaco, 1810. 29j Michaelmas day. St. Mi- So! sunshine, [chnel. 3 39ni. 4 59 2 (I 54 7 41 8 21 9 40 10 21 11 5 11 53 a. 48 2 10 2 38 5 G 6 38 7 16 7 46 8 10 8 35 9 3 9 32 10 8 10 46 11 31 morn. 27 1 44 3 19 7 9m 8 29 9 32 10 24 U II 11 51 a. 30 1 10 i 51 2 35 3 23 4 18 5 40 7 8 8 30 9 30 10 8 10 46 11 16 11 40 morn. 5 33 6 ;?i).ii. 7 59 9 2 9 54 1041 II 21 a. 40 J 21 2 5 2 53 3 48 5 10 38 8 9 9 38 10 Hi JO 46 11 10 11 35 morn. 2 38 16 1 57 5 14 6 49 1 1 2 3 3 3 32 1 8 1 46 2 31 3 27 4 44 6 19 8 9m 9 29 10 32 11 24 a. n 51 1 30 2 10 2 51 3 35 4 23 5 18 6 40 8 8 9 30 10 30 11 8 11 46 morn. 16 40 1 5 1 33 2 2 3 4 4 2 38 16 1 57 6 14 7 49 adapted to the breed to which it belongs, above all, it is essential that it be of a kindly disposition to fatten early. According to the quality of pork wanted should be the number oi breeding sows kept over, and there should be no other hogs on the farm, (that is, kept over winter) but the breeding sows. These, when they pig the latter end of March, should be fed in the most attentive manner, with swill and shorts. Vhc pigs from a full grown sow will generally be twelve in number ; thes« should be thinned down to eight, and as soon as they begin to feed freely out of the trough should be weaned, and afterwards fed regularly with green tares, clover, boiled potatoes, ground peas, corn, or any other nourishing food ; turning them out every day into a small yard, where there is a shallow pond for them to lie in. Young sows will sometimes eat their own offspring, which may be prevented by washing the backs of the pigs in an infusion of aloes. m HHP 1842. OCTOBER begins on Saturday. ?: New Moon, 4th, d. 2h. 9m. morning, C under the horizon. First Quarter, 11th, d.2h. 2Gra. morning, C under the horizon. Full Moon, 19th. d. 6h. 58m. morning, C bearing W. by N. Last Quarte:,26th d. 8h. 2t)in. afternoon, C under the horizon. ID Im D W @'s upper limb. rises.] sets. 9 «i (glfast of clock. dec. S. rises. south- ing. ilS 2Su M 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [17 18 19 20 21 22 123 !24 |25' 126 i27 !28 |29 iSOjSu '31 M 5 58 5 59 6 Tv W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Tk F JSa Su M lb W Ik F Sa Su M T\i W Th F Sa 6 9 6 10 6 II 6 13 6 14 6 15 6 16 6 18 6 19 6 20 6 22 6 23!5 4111 4;iilO 39,11 40; 10 37 1137 10 35 1134|11 34111 31,11 6 24 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 30 6 314 6 32 4 6 34 4 6 35 6 37 32 30 28 26 25 23 21 20 18 16 15 13 11 9 8 6 4 3 1 58 57 55 54 52 51 1128111 1125|12 11 22; 12 11 19 12 11 16:12 11 13 13 1110 11 7 11 4 11 1 10.58 10 55 10 52 10 49 10 46 10 43 10 40 10 37 10 34 1031 10 28 10 26 10 23 10 20 10 17 10 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 J6 35 54 12 30 48 5 22 38 54 9 24 39 53 6 19 32 43 55 5 15 24 33 41 48 54 5 9 12 15 3-' 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 8' 31 54 17 41 4 27 50 13 36 58 21 44 6 28 50 13 34 56 18 39 1 22 43 4 25 45 5 25 45 5 j^ 2 28m. 3 49 5 10 sets 5 54a. 6 30 7 15 8 8 9 8 10 11 11 16 morn. 20 1 23 2 35 3 27 rises 4 23a 4 45 5 15 5 53 6 39 7 32 8 32 9 41 10 54 morn. 10 1 26 2 44 Ti)J 4 3 £:: St 9 23m. njjlO 16 TTJjll 9 £^ 58 6 30 57 TIJJ Poultry — In order to have fine fowls, it is necessary to choose a good breed, and have a proper care taken of them. A hen-house should be large and high ; and should be frequently cleaned out, or the vermin of fowls will increase greatly — but hens must not be disturbed while sitting ; for if frightened, they sometimes forsake their nests. Wormwood and rue should be planted plentifully about their houses ; boil some of the former, and sprinkle it about the floor, which should be of smooth earth not paved. The best age for setting a hen is from two to five years; and you should remark which hens make the best brood- — 4 D M Tin B 19 3i> 4E 5 6 7 8 B 10 11 14 < 15: B a 17 18 19 2or 211 22 if ! 24 25 26 27 28 29 B 31 orizon. e horizon. MyN. e horizon. r uth- 16 9 3 58 55 53 3 5J; 3 54, 3 57. 4 51 4 13 J7 4 16 10 4 19 50 4 22 16 4 25 59 4 28 10 4 31 n 4 34 2 4 37 \2 4 40 !4 4 43 4 46 9 4 49 \7 4 52 8 2 7 3 8 I 3 14 5^ 4 58 1 4 6 9 12 15 5 18 5 20 ssary to em. A »quently Lly— but Hi, they ould be former, th earth to five ; brood- '.^^ #.^ ' ."vl D M OCTOBER 31 Days. Autumn Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. Halifax, N. S. High Water, mean time, at Charlotte I Windsor, Annapo- Town, i & lis. P. E. I. St. John, I B 3 4 5 6 7 8 B 10 11 12 13 14 15 B 17 18 19 20 21 22 B 24 25 26 27 28 29 B 31 D >i 0. (5 C (?. Much 19th Sun. aft. Trin. dull ]) perigee. loeather. Extremely high tides. {J }) ^. Milder Ramadan begins. 6 1> 9-0 :i(D' \ ^ & 9 at greatest E. elong. 20th S. aft.Trin. St. Denysj d D hi ^ near approach. Rather finer. Very low tides. ($ 9 Antares. high loinds 5 apogee. and rain. 21st Sun. aft.Trin. i J)^ becomes r ? . colder Tides rather high. A storm near at 22nd Sun. aft. Trin. hand. Low tides. More rain, ' ivith some snow. 23rd Sun. aft. Trin. ]) perigee. Inf. J ^ . 4 4hn. 5 40 6 29 7 15 7 54 8 37 9 18 10 10 44 11 30 20 33 4 18 18 4 6 35 7 11 7 39 8 8 8 38 9 12 9 50 10 32 11 17 morn. 14 8 iim. 9 10 9 59 10 45 11 24 37 48 a. a. 1 3 4 5 6 30 14 50 3 6 34 7 48 8 48 9 34 10 5 10 41 11 9 11 38 morn. 8 42 1 2 2 1 2 4 5 33 54 12 10 20 2 47 3 44 5 3 6 24 7 42 8 40 a. 7 4!m. 8 40 9 29 10 15 10 54 U 37 18 44 30 20 33 4 18 18 4 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 9 35 10 11 10 39 11 8 11 38 mom. 12 50 32 17 14 33 5 54 7 12 8 10 9 11m. 10 10 10 59 45 24 7 48 30 14 50 3 34 48 11 a. 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 7 8 9 48 10 34 11 11 5 41 morn. 9 38 1 1 2 8 42 20 3 2 3 47 4 44 6 3 7 24 8 42 9 40 ers, and keep those to laying who are giddy and careliess of their young. Hens sit 20 days— convenient places should be provided for their laying, as these will be proper for sitting likewise. If the eggs of any sort are put under a hen with some of her own, observe to add her own as many days after the others as there is difference in the length of their sitting— a turkey and duck sit 30 days. Choose large clear eggs to put her upon, and such Inumber as she can properly cover — ten or twelve are quite enough. When some of the chickens are hatched long before the others, it may be necessary to keep them in a basket of wool till the others come forth. The day after they are hatch d, give them some crumbs of white bread, and small grits soaked in milk. As soon as they have gained a little strength, feed them with curd, cheese parings cut small, boiled corn, or any soft food< 'I t 1 I! h i842. NOVEMBER begins on Tuesday. New Moon, 2ndd. llh. 53m. morning, }> bearing exactly^S. First Quarter, 9th d. 9h. Im. aflernoon, }) bearing S. W. Full Moon, 17th d. llh. 15tn. afternoon, }) bearing S. by £. Last Quarter, 25th d. 4h. 45m. morning, }> bearing S. S. £. W D M (2)«upper limb. rises. Hets, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 J5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 33 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 W W Tn P S Su M lb W P S Su M TVj w P s Su M lb W 'Ri F 7 S 17 Su,7 M,7 1^17 WI7 6 38 6 39 6 40 6 42 6 43 en J3 ST bA (2) last of clock. dec. S. rises, pi 3) south- ing. 4 49 4 48 4 47 4 45 4 44 6 44 4 43 6 46 4 41 6 47 4 40 6 49 4 39 6 50 6 51 6 53 6 54 6 55 6 57 6 58 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 5|4 27 6 4 26 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 4 26 4 25 4 24 4 24 423 4 23 4 22 4 22 10 11 10 9 10 6 10 3 10 1 9 59 9 56 9 53 9 51 9 48 9 46 9 43 9 41 9 39 9 36 9 34 9 31 9 29 9 27 9 24 922 9 20 918 916 914 913 911 9 9|ll 9 7!11 9 6 11 17 18 18 17 16 13 10 6 1 56 '49 15 42 15 34 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 12 25 15 5 53 41 28 14 59 43 27 10 52 12 33 12 14 53 14" 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 32 21 1121 24' 43 2 21 39 58 Ki 33 51 8 24 41 57 13 28 44 59 13 27 41 55 8 20 33 45 56 8 19 29 39 5 2om. £^ sets 5 5 6 7 9 10 11 5a. 58 55 56 7 12 morn. 15 1 2 3 4 4 5 17 18 19 22 rises 3 52a. 33 24 6 24 7 8 10 11 32 45 15 morn. 30 1 46 3 4 4 21 5 35 t f X X r I a n SI \0 11 a. 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 11 m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 41ni. 37 35 34 33 29 21 10 55 37 18 58 38 20 4 52 42 S 36 32 28 24 18 10 49 39 30 23 19 5 23 5 26 529 5 31 5 33 36 39 41 44 46 49 51 53 5 56 58 1 3 5 8 10 12 14 16 18 6 20 6 221 6 24 6 26 6 27 6 29 The most healthy stables are those which are open to the east, or have an eastern aspect — it is a common practice to build them joo close — The stable should never hje completely closed up, however cold the weather may be, although it is desirable that strong draughts of cold or damp air should be guarded against, especially in winter. It may be held as a general rule, that stables or cow houses are too close when on entering the breath is affeujted, or any smell of urine can be perceived. It is also very important to keep cow-houses, or cattle stables clean and well littered. Dung left in stables soon renders the air unwhole- some, and is the cause of disorders. Colts are usually foaled tAtout the beginning of Summer, and it is the c ustom to let them i I I D M Ti 2i 3 4 5 Bi 7' 8 9 10 11 12 B 14 |I5 16 t3 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 J43 5 26 529 5 31 5 33 36 39 41 44 46 49 51 53 5 56 58 1 6 6 6 6 3 5 8 10 6 12 6 14 6 16 6 18 6 20 6 22 6 24 6 26 6 27 6 29 ' f^-^ -iU D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, fyc. NOVEMBER 30 Days. Autumn.1 High Water, mean time, at Halifax. N. S Anna* polis. Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Windtor, & St. John Ail Saints. All Souls. Hisfh tides. Ratherjine but cool. c^ D 9» Gunpowder plot. B 24th Sun. aft. Trin. ^ D Ij 7 Occ. of ^ about noon. 8 Dnzzly rain. 9 Low tides. 1 Strong symptoms 1 1 9 most brilliant as ev. star. 12,]) apogee. <$ 9 Etati^, B 25th Sun. aft. Trin. 14 of snow. 15 the cold 16 5 at greatest W. elong. increases. Tides rather high. more settled 26th Sun. aft. Trin. for some days. 17 18 19 B 21 22 23 24 25 26 B 28 29 30 Changes to rough and dulli Low tides. toith rain or snow. 1st Sun. in Advent. ]) perigee. <i }) ^ 9 Stat. rain. St. Andrew. (5 3) ?• 6 lin. 6 50 7 36 8 20 9 I 9 44 10 25 11 9 11 57 a. 57 2 5 12 15 10 52 6 30 7 4 7 42 8 20 8 58 9 40 10 23 11 15 morn. 10 1 11 2 21 3 31 4 36 5 35 o 4 5 5 9 31m. 10 20 11 6 11 50 a. 31 1 14 1 55 2 39 3 27 4 27 5 35 6 42 7 45 8 40 9 22 10 10 34 11 12 11 50 morn. 28 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 53 45 40 41 51 1 6 5 9 lin. 9 50 10 36 11 20 a. ] 44 125 2 9 2 57 3 57 5 5 6 12 7 15 8 10 8 52 9 30 10 4 10 42 11 20 II 58 morn. 40 1 23 2 15 3 10 4 11 5 21 6 31 7 36 8 35 10 31m 11 20 a. 6 Q50 1 31 2 14 2 55 3 39 4 27 5 27 635 7 42 8 45 9 40 10 22 11 11 34 morn. 12 50 1 28 2 10 2 53 3 45 440 5 41 6 51 8 1 9 6 10 5 run till Michaelmas with the mare, at which time they are to be jweaned. When first weaned they must be kept in a convenient jhouse, with alow rack and manger for oats and hay; the hay imnst be very sweet and fine, especially at first, and a little 'wheat bran should be mixed with their oats, in order to keep itheir bodies open, and make them drink freely. When the ';vin Iter is spent, they should be turned into some dry ground, where ithe grass is sweet and short, and where there is good water, ■that they may drink at pleasure. The winter afler this, they jinay be kept in the stable, without any further care than that iwhich is taken of other horses. But after the first year the mare foals and horse foals are not to be kept to<rether. We hear it often |lamented, fliat our breed of horses is bad, but, as our colts are itnanaged, if we had any other breed, we 5<hould soon make it ap- pear to be as mean as our own, if not worse. 11842. DECEMIJER begins on Thursday. I: ii I * i New Moon, 1st d. llh. 59ni. afternoon, 5 under the horizon First Quarter, 9th d. Ch. lOm. afternoon, D bearing S. by W. Full Moon, 17th d.2h. 3'2m. afternoon, ^ under the horizon, Last Quarter, 24th d. Oh. Sim. afternoon, "J) under the horizon. New Moon, 31st d. 2h. 48m. afternoon, }) bearing S. W. D M D W (^'supper limb riseH. setH. CO mS3 el M 3§ (^fast of cfock. dec. S. seits. 11^1 2,F 3 8 4'Su: 5;M OTu W Th F S 4 8 9 10 II 12 M 13 Tu 7 17 4 7 194 7 20 4 7 214 7 224 7 234 4 4 7 24 7 25 7 26 7 27 Su7 28 14 W I ISlVi 16iF 17 S 18 19 20 21 '22 J23 24 2.5 26 M 27 28 29 30 31 Su M TVj W IVi F S 7 29 7 29 7 30 7 31 7 32 7 32 733 7 33 7 34 7 34 7 35 7 35 7 36 Su 7 36 Tu W F S 7 37 7 37 7 37 7 37 7 37 7 38 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 20[8 208 208 21 8 21 2J 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 §0 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 8 24 8 25 8 268 26|8 27,8 28 29 30 4 10 48 21° 49' 2 10 25 21 fifi 1 10 2 22 6 59 9 38 22 15 58 9 13 22 23 57 8 48 22 30 56 8 22 22 87 55 7 55 22 44 54 7 29 22 50 53 7 1 22 56 52 <)34 23 1 52 6 6 23 5 51 5 38 23 K) 50 5 9 23 14 50 4 40 23 17 49 411 23 20 49 3 42 23 22 49 3 12 23 24 48 2 43 23 26 48 2 13 23 27 48 1 43 23 28 48 1 13 23 28 49 43 23 27 49 F. 13 23 26 49 S. 17 23 25 49 47 23 23 50 1 17 23 21 50 1 46 23 18 51 2 16 23 15 51 2 45 23 11 52 314 23 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 53a. 45 42 44 49 56 1 4 morn. 5 5 6 7 9 10 11 6 9 i3 16 22 rises 4 12a. 23 35 49 4 20 36 morn. 52 2 7 3 21 4 33 5 40 6 41 7 32 pi. t t t VJ VJ a? K K Quo i iD D E5 ?? SI SI "^ TIJJ "^ t t south- w '«« V 11 ra. 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 Tt7ra. 14 9 47 31 13 53 33 14 57 43 32 25 21 2 m. 18 I 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 16 12 6 57 47 36 26 17 11 7 4 1 57 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 incr 31 33 34 3 37f 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45i 45| 46; 46, 46 47i; 47! 47|| o! 1 11 li I % A writer for "The Genesee Farmer" observes, that " the fre-j: quent abuse of our laboring animals by those who receive the!> benefits of their labors, and who ought in return to treat them' mercifully, has often given me great pain. 1 have em[)loyed in; Uie course of my business a great many men and teams, both, \vith oxen and horses, and I never yet knew a bawling-, noisy,' whipping teamster, who did a great days work ; nor have I scarcely known such a one who kept a fat team. The best man; who ever did me any labor was a good substantial farmer ; Ins oxen were always fat, and spry ns colts ; he would never! nvt ' %.i D M 1' 2 3 B 5 6 7 8 9 10 B 12 13 114 15 16 17 B 19 20 21 22 23 24 B 26 27 28 29 30 31 I e horiznn. S. by W. e horizon e horizon. S. W. 7m. 6 31 6 33 6 34 G 3!? 6 37 6 38 6 39 G 40 6 41 G 4.2 6 4-2 6 43 6 44 6 45 45 6 4G 6 4G, G 4G: G 47i G 47|i| 16 47! incr'sl"* 0! 1 1 11 2 2i 3; 31 4S ' the fre- eive the at them loyed in; ns, both! h "oisy,' r have I )est man; farmer ;' (1 never! »A ^< ' s » "J DECEMBEK, 31 Days. Winter. D M Sundays, Weather, Anniversaries, &c. High Water, mean time, ht Halifax, N.S. Anna- polis. Charlotte Town , P. E. I. Windsor & St. John 1 1 a/ipearance 3|Tide8 quite high, of 3 c$ 5 9- snow. B Snd Sun. in Advt. <^ ]) l2 • 6 changeable 7 and cloudy. 8 Concep. B. V. Mary. 9 Very low tides. snow. 10 D apogee. ^ ^ !§. B 3rd Sun. in Advent. 12 weather noxo 13 - feels like 14 , . winter. 15 16 D ¥ ©• clear and 17 Low spring tides, pleasant. B 4th Sun. in Advent. 19 ^ $ O. Inf. 6 9 0- 20 hardfrosts.l 21 St. Thomas. j 22 3> perigee. Winter begins. 23 a snow storm 24|Low tides. near. B Christinas day. cold. 26 c^ }) ^. St. Stephen. 27 St. John Evang. 28 Sup. <5 5 ©. (5 5 0.1n- 29 [nocents. colder, but clear. 30 Tides rather high. S 1> 9 - 31 Qecl. vis, in S. America. G 31m, 7 23 8 6 8 48 9 29 10 G 10 46 11 26 a. ]6 1 1 53 2 54 3 56 4 59 5 55 6 40 7 25 8 7 8 50 9 32 10 15 10 58 n 50 morn* 40 1 34 2 45 4 8 5 21 G22 711 10 Im. 10 53 36 18 11 a. 59 9 31m. 10 23 11 6 11 48 a. 29 1 2 2 3 4 36 16 56 46 30 5 23 6 24 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 7 26 8 29 9 25 10 10 10 55 11 37 morn. 20 1 2 1 45 2 28 3 20 4 10 5 4 6 15 7 38 8 51 9 52 10 41 6 46 26 16 53 54 6 56 7 59 8 55 9 40 10 25 11 7 II 50 morn. 32 15 58 50 3 40 4 34 5 45 7 8 8 21 9 22 10 11 II 11 Im. 53 a. 36 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 18 59 36 16 56 46 30 2^ 24 8 26 9 29 10 25 11 10 11 55 morn. 37 1 20 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 45 28 20 10 4 15 38 9 51 10 52 11 41, J hitch them to any thing which he knew they could not draw ; o! course they were not discouraged ; and he hardly ev«r spoke to them louder than in a low tone of common conversation. !He would frequently talk to them soothingly, and encourage them when he had a hard job on hand, which was often the case. After making a heavy pull he would sometimes pat them on the back, but I rarely ever knew him to strike or worry his team. He carried a slender goad with a short lash to guide them with, and a mere swing of the whip was sufficient for his purposes, have known several such persons in my life, and I do not hesitate to say, that any person who so manages his team will get more labor at less expense, and with more ease to himself, thaa by the ordinary bawling, whipping method so much practised in our [country. C2 t ii •30 paumer's almanack. 1842 PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTL/1. The Right Honorable LUCIUS BENTINCK, Viscount FALK- LAND, Knia;ht Grand Cross of the Guelphic Order, and Member of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander-in-Chief, in, and over Her Majesty's Province of Nova-Scotia, and its Depend encies. . Aide-de-Campi Capt. Hon. H. C. Grey, 52nd Light Infantry. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie, M. L. C. Hon. Sir Rupert Dennis George, Baronet. Hon. James William Johnston, Sot Gtn.M. L. C. Hon. Edmund Murray Dodd, M. P. P. Hon. Thos Andrew Strange Dcwolf, M. P. P. . Hon. Alexander Stewart, M. L. C. Hon. James Boyle Unlacke, M. P. P. Hon. .Tames McNab, M P. P. Hon. Joseph Howe, M. P. P. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. lion, and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Nova-Scotia, Hon. Simon Bradstreet Robie, President, M. E. C. Hon. Peter McNab Hon. Norman Fitzgerald Unlacke y.^-r? > Hon. James William Johnston, M. E. C, /^ .' ,; , ;* Hon. William Lawson ~ r^ \ Hon. George Smith ,'; , Hon. Alexander Stewart, M. E. C. >-. Hon. William Rudolf :,,[..'^, Hon. Lewis Morris Wilkins, jr. *',,'. Hon. James Shannon Morse . ' .. Hon. Robert Mollison Ctitler ' ' Hon. Alexander Campbell ».;•:,?- Hon. James Ratchford ,-; -i Hon. John Leander Starr ^r **; .,t: ■ •; h^^M = Hon. Michael Tobin, jr. v ?•■-. viy ; Hon. Jt't.uja; Bond Hon. Daniel McFarlane Hon. Peter DeCarteret ■■, i- '^^ -^t-h^ , lion. John Morton. • /ft v v- chaplain. Rev. Archdeacon Willis, D. D. Clerk, John C. Halliburton, Esq. Law Clerk, John W. Ritchie, Esq. Gentleman Usshev of the Black Rod, J. J. Sawyer, Esq. Messenger, Mr. Joseph ^kallish. >fl 1842 I ^- r FALK •iler, and r Council. , and over Depend Infantry. C. jcotirt, C. if '-"! ;;'"■■■! 0.. er, Esq. >fi I 1842. karmek's almanack. 31 HOUSE OF ASSEIVIBLY^- Speaker, Hon. Joseph Howe, bi. e. c. COUNTIES. * Hon. Joseph Howe and * Win. Annand,Esq. Halifax CoLCHESTEK - Thos. Dicksou, Esq PiCTOU - - *Jno Holmes and Henry Blackadar, Esqrs. Cumberland - * Gains Lewis and b'tephen' Fulton, Esqr* Hants - - - " " KlNG*S - - - Annapolis - - DiGBY - - - Yarmouth Shelburne Queen's lunenpuug Sydney - - jGuYSBonoufrii - Cai'E-Bketon - lllCIIMOND - - Inverness - - I Halifax Tuuno - - Onslow LoNOONDERRY PiCTOU - - Amhkrst [Windsor Henjamin Smith and Geo McKay, Esqrs * Hon. T. A. S. Dewolf, m. e. c. and *SamI Chipman, Esq. Samuel ii. Chipman, Esq. * James Holdsworth, Esq. * Herbert Huntington, Esq. Gilbert McKenna, E-iq. * S.P. Fairbanks and Jas. R. Dewolf, Esqrs, * John Creighton and E. Zwicker, Esqrs. * K.J. Forrestail and Win. A. Henrv, Esnrs * W- F. DesDaircs & J. J. E. Marshall, Esqrs.! * Hon. J. B. Uniacke. m. e. c. William C. Delaney, Esq. * Wm. Young and Jas. Turnbull, Esqis. TOWNSHIPS. ■ Thos Forrester & Hon Jas. McNab, m.e.c * Alexander Archibald, Esq. , Esq , lu-. * G. N. McLellan, Esq. * Henry Hatton, Esq. * Robert McG. Diokey, Esq. * Henry Goiulge, Esq. Tohnl)od Oirnock, Esq. Lewis J. Payzant Esij. PJayijow Beckwith, Esq. Willinni Johnson, Esq. * Stephen S. Thorne, Esq. Henry Gates, Esq. ..,,.,.. Charles Biidd, Esq. Anslem F. Coinmo, Esq. *Reuben Clements, Esq. John Ryder, Esq. . ,. ■ .^ • • - * Peter Spearwater, Esq. John Homer, Esq. * William B. Taylor, Esq. * .Tohn Heckman, Esq. , * Hon. Edmund M Dodd, m. e. c. Arichat ,C. B. - Henry Martell, Esq. Ofpic E as— C/er/c, John Whidden, Esq. AssistCleTk, Jas. F. Gray Esq. Sergeant at Arms, Mr. Matt. Forrester, Asst. Sergt. at Armt Mr. John Jennings, Messenger, Mr. John Gibbs. iNEWPoRr Falmouth - icorn wallis HoRTt'N Granvillf, JJAnkapolis - DlGBY - - Clare - - Yarmouth Argyll Shelburne Barrington Liverpool - Lunenburg Sydney, C. B. * Members of the former House. IBMM UMM I 32 FARMERS ALMANACK. 1843. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORMES RESIDBIVT IN NOVA-SCOTIA. Names. Admitted AttornJes. Admitted BarristerH Residence. Hon. H. II. Cogswell,.. b. S. Clarke, \Hon. James S. Morse, • • J. W. Nuttinj;, John Thos Hill, Wm Sterns, Thomas Dickson, Hon. J W Johnston, AG. John Creighton, ..••.... O . D. Ste'.vart, Samuel P Fairbanks .... Wm. Q. S.Hwers, Nat. VV. White, George T Salomon, • • • • Jonathan Marsters, • • • • JohnWhidden, Hon. EAm M Dodd, • • • • Wm F DesBarres, Beamish Murdoch, Hon. Alexander Stewart, Hon. Lewis M Wilkins, Alex Primrose, Wm.'C. Deianey, Chas.D. Roach, Jas. Scott Tremain , • • • • Hon- Jas B.Uniacke, S G Charles Twining, Joiin James Sawyer, • • * . Henry Blackadar, George R. Grassie, .•»• James F. Gray , John C Hall, Alex. McDougall, Went. Fleiger, James S.Clarke, Wm. Young, Charles B. Owen, Chas. T. C. MacColla, . . James A. Dennison, .*•• Robert B. Dickson,**.* James Stewart, *. C.W. H.Harris, Silas H . Morse, *....... Alex. H. Winniett, **•* Hugh Hart shorn e, • lOOctr. laOcfr. 1 1 Octr. ^^8 Octr. 23 Octr. 14 April 14 April 23 Octr. 1^ April J 8 April 15 April 22 Oct. 16 April ] 9 April 25 July 25 July 1 5 Jany. 17 April 14 July 14 July 9 July lUJuly 10 July 9 Octr. 18 Octr. 6 April 5 April 28 Jany. 13 April 13 April 20 July 19 Jany. 19 Jany. April 25 Octr. 25 Octr. 24 Jany. 24 Octr. 24 Octr. 24 Octr 24 Octr. 23 Jany. 23 April 24 July 24 July 1798 1802 1810 1810 1810 1813 1813 1813 1815 1815 1817 1817 1818 1820 1820 1820 1821 1821 1821 1821 1822 1822 10 Octr. 12 Octr. 11 Octr. 23 Octr. 23 Octr. 14 April 14 April 23 Octr. 18 April 18 April 15 April 22 Oct. 16 April 19 April 25 July 25 July 15 Jany. 17 April 14 July 14 July 9 July 10 July 1798 1802 1810 1810 1810 1814 1814 1814 1816 1816 1818 1817 1818 1821 1821 1821 Halifax. Ditto Amherst. Halifax. Antigonish. Jjiverpool. Pictou. Halifax. Lunenburg. Newport. Liverpool, Halifax. Ditto Lunenburg. Truro. Halifax. 1822 10 July 1822 9 Octr. 1822 18 Octr. 1823 5 April 1823 5 April 1824 28 Jany. 1824 13 April 1824 13 April 1824 20 July 1825 24 Jany. 1826 24 Jany 1825 18 April 1825 24 Octr. 1825 24 Octr. 1826 23 Jany. 1826123 Octr. 1826 23 Octr. 1826 23 Octr. 23 Octr. 23 Jany. 27 Jany. 1826 1827 1827 1827 1822 Sydney, C.B 1822 1822 1822 1822 1823 1823 18^3 1823 1823 1823 1825 1825 1825 1825 1826 1826 1826 1826 1826 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1827 1829 1827 24 July 1827 Guysboro'. Halifax. Ditto Windsor. Halifax. Arichat,C. B. Amherst. Halifax. Ditto Ditto Ditto Pictou. Truro. Halifax. Kentville. Antigonish. Halifax. Ditto Ditto Lunenburg. Annapolis. Ditto Truro. Halifax. LowerHorton Amherst. Bridgetown. Halifax. 18452. Edw. J Staph* ;Law. i Marti John Wm. liWm. iWm. iidence. »* >urg. irg. P*n<M 1842. FARMER S Al.ltlANACK. •«••«« Edw. H. Harrington, Stephen H.Moore, •• Law. O'C. Doyle, •• I Martin I. Wilitias, •• John G. HtilliburiDn, >Win.Bowin»ti, •••• Wm. H. Keatiag, Win. Sutherland, •• JHimry Kin^, D C L Edw. Roach,«»«» iSwow P. Freemam, :Wm EdwSmith, JTliOH. B. Aktn», John W.RitoMe, • • • Henry Pryor, Silas L. Morse, Nepean Clarke, • • • Arch. McQueen, Cha.-*. Hill Walluce,.... Robert B. Oickey, iDonald N. McQueen, •• George R. Young, jGeorge S.-Rlilledge, •••• Daniel Owen, James R. Smith, Andrew M.Uniacke. •••• Henry H Grantham,-.- • jHenry B. Webster, • • • • I' [Stewart Campbell, jGeorge Botsford, Perez M Cunningham. • • • • Thos N Jeffery, jr • . • • Li D Morton- •••- Thos V B Bincav Wm M Hoffman Elias Tupper --- - -- John D Kinnear ] Jno. McGregor , jJoiiathan McCulley,- • •• '\ IjEben. F. Munro, jChas, I. Halliburton, - - • • Wm. B. Chandler, -••• Chas. F. Harrington . • - Wm. C. Whidden David Matheson Peter Lynch , jr. • Gustavus Halliburton •- Henry P. Hill Samuel Gray • •James Fogo iGeorge H MacColla. • • •Fredk. W. Granth.nm ♦• iDanl. Dickson ■ I»^« ttT. .1.— i«— f, —^i^ 23 Octr. 22 Jftny, 22 J any. 22 Jany. 22 July 2 SOotr. 2 80ctr. 2f8 Octr. 27 Jany. • 6 May j28 Joly 8 Nov. 4 M«y 26 Jbny. 26 Jahy. 3 May 1 Nov. 24 July 30 Octr. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 22 Jany. 80 April 23 April 29 Octr. 29 Octr. 29 April 22 July 4 Nov. 25 July 3 Mar. :} ISliiv. :j Mar. 5 .^ray 25 July ys July 3 Nov. 14 Jan. I4 Jan. I4 Jan. 1 26 July Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1 8. Tan. Id Jan. 2 May 2 May 2 May 25 July 827128 Octr. 828 1 27 Jany. 8?i8 27Jany. 828122 Jany. 828 28 July 828, 3 Nov. 828 8 Nov. 828 8 Nov. 829 27 Jany. 82»i 4 May 27 July I Nov* 3 May 24 Jany. 15 Jany. 1 May 30 Octr. 23 July 30 Octr. 838 21 Jany. 8331 2 1 J.!iiy. 833'22Ji(ly Ss53'21 Jany. 833 20 April 833i23Julv 833129 Octr 829 829 680 t-81 831 831 831 832 SS2 1828 AntigoniKh. 1829 Kentville, 1829,Halil«x. 1828'Pictou. 1829 Haiifax. 1829 Wlnd«»r. 1829 Halifax. 1820 Ditto 1829 Windt-or. l»80|Pictou. J 830 1 Li ^rpool. 1830 Sydney 833 S34 4 Nov, 5 Mav 834 1 25 JulV 8341 3 Nov, S35 25.1iily 835 I4 Jan. 835 14 Jan. ^35 1 4 Jan. 8.35' 3 May S35 26 July 835 S35 2()July 1 Nov. 836' 16 Jan. 836 836 S36 836 16 Jan. 14 Jan, 836 31 836131 S36 836 837 837 837 837 837 Oct. Oct. Oct. 31 Oct. 1 Nov. 16 Jan. Jan. May May Mav 16 1 1 1 1837i24.Tulv 1831 Halifax. 1832 Ditto 1831 Ditto 1832 Bridgetown. 1832. Halifax. J833|PortHoodCB l832|Halifa.\. 1834 Amherfst. I8;vl Hydi,fy,C.B l'^='-i Hnlifn.v. 1834 An.napoiis. l834'].i,„t>iil)Mr;:. 1833 Hri(l<:cMo\vn. '«33|Hr.lifax. 18341 Yjirnicuth. l835JKentviJI('. i835j Aniigoi;ish. ifoujAniiierst, l835iWii (ixir. 1836'ii.,lifiix. l83(>JKpni\ iile. l-3{)|V;iinioutii. lS3();H;,llf;.X. ]836jKeiitvi!ie. 183();,\nil!erst. lS3()iH;.lilax. iJioT' Aniiit-rsl. ]837 /J'rnrf). 1S36 Aii.iierst. • ••• Ditto. J 837 Antigoninh. l837jKentville. KS37 Pictoii. 1837,'Halifax 1836 Sv(lney,C. B. 1837 PoriHood, C.B.^ 1838 Halifax 183* Pictou l{-'3S|Digby 1838 1 Yarmouth 1838iFictou tanixx^si . uismatii^,^ 34 farmkr's almanack. Jaineii McKeagney • • • • ThoB. D. Archibald •••• Tho». Newcomb Adams G. Archibald •• Stephen Roggs • • Jas. J. Ritchie ••* Hen. C. D. Twining • • Edward A. Pyke ■ •James Ttirnbull, • • - » • ■ .Geo. A Hlanchard'wx** Robt. K. Gilbert jS. Leonard Shannon • • • ' jJas D. Fraser }Jas. Robt. Prescott •••• 31 Oct. 16 Jan. 16 Jan. 16 Jan. 16 Jan. 16 Hn. 1 May ,24 July 1837 1838 1838 1838 1838 1H38 16 Jan. 1838 30 Oct. 1838 16 Jan. 1889 15 Jan. 1839 16 Jan. 1S39 J 842 -J' Sydney, CB. Halifax Amherst. Truro 16 Jan ISSSiHalifax 1838 SOApril 1839 1838 Wm. Howe •••• ('harles Morne •• Edw. RuggleH •• John C. Wade • • Wm. M . Howe • • Al<?xander Fraher (jilbert Seely ..... William A Henry William II. Troop, William H. Dill, . James Murrray, jr. < Tho». NVm. Hunt, - Joseph Whidden ■ 30 Oct. 30 Oct. 16 Jan. 30 April 30 April 28 July 29 Octr. 5 May 2S July as July 3 Nov 3 Nov 3 Nov 19 Jan. 27 April 27 April 24 July 24 July 23 July 1839 Annapolis Halifax Bridgetown Arichat, C B. 29 Oct.. 1889JPictou 6 May 184o!AmherHt 1838 183S 1839 16 Jany 1839 Halifax 1839 6 May 1840 Windsor 1839 30 Aprill839 Cornwallis 1839 23 July 1839 Halifax 18391 3 Nov. 1840 Liverpool 1840J27 April 1841 Bridgetown I840l24 July 1841, Annapolis 1840128 July 1840> Halifax 1840 1840 1840 1841 1841 1841 1841 1841 Pictou Liverpool Antigoninh Bridgetown Truro Yarmouth Lunenburg Halifax Roads to the principal Towns in the Province, and the route to St. John and Fredericton, AC J^. Halifax to Digby. [Gibbon's Edward's Valley Birch Cove rhornson's' ■ Fultz's jHjiniilton'b JHiltz's Fitzmaurice's Lynch's Lakelands (Golf's) Sweet's Westcott's, Newport Road (35) !Diirs Windsor (45) Bishop's Ga-ipereaux river Wolfville Kentville (68) HheiField's 2 J. 'Leonard's 21 jBridgetown oi \nnapoli8Town oiDitmar's 1 1 Winchester's 5 15 8 8 a 9li Digby 5' Halifax to Yarmouth 2j and Shelburne i Annapolis 12S . 3 Ruggles', Digby 20 3 Seely's, St. Mary's 7| Bay 7 8i Everett's, Weymouth 6 road 5 3 1 Jones', Scissiboo 6 7'Terrean's, Billevous 10*1 Cove 5 1 21 Molonson's, Clare 7 11 Tucker's Montagan Cove 9 Philips'.BeaverRiver 15 Parry's, Yarmouth Ijakes 7 Richan's, Yarmouth 6; 1481 IT5I Porter's, Eel brook 13ji Spinney's. Argyle 9 Larkin's,Pubnico 8|j Kendrick's Barring- | ton 12^1 Nickerson's. Beaver Dam 12' Mcintosh's, Shel- j burne 10 A r 28 U J842J \x T8t. IX polis IX etown at, C B. u BfHt nx Hor ivallis iax rpool ;etown polls ax lU rpool 'OniHh etown ) outh nburg ax ', and the , Clare [ontagan iverRiver 15 rmouth 7 'armouth 6; el brook 13|| A.rgyle 9j ubiiico 8| Barring- i. Beaver Lr 12 1, Shel- I 10 28U aei ^'^ . > Hx. to 1842. iarmeh'h almanack. ^ u 18 10 8 Cutnberlandt via Dartmouth. AcroMS the Ferry Shultz's Key's Miller's, Gay's ) River > Sibley's Hill's Truro (64) Gourley's Onslow Yewill's Foot of Cobq. Mnts Purdy's, top of do Hewson's River Philip 9 Stewart's 10 Amherst 10 Fort Cumberland 7 Halifax toAnti^oni Blanchard's, We^ River, Pictou, Chisholm's New Glasgow 10 Copeland's, Meri- gomish 12 8 Murray's 6 .ois' Co ? ^enry Dougl , 11 ^g Kenne cook bridge 4 MoutJb of the Shu- benft«ttdie river 16^ II 17 6 14 6 6 McDonald's, Arisaigl2 Harrington's Antigoniah 17 144 The road over the Anti- gonish mountains dhort ens the above distance about 11 miles. 131 To Cumberland via. Windsor. Wind'or 45 Parrsboro' by water (Webster's) 30 Fullerton's 11 Jenks's j Macan River 6^ Pugsley's, Napan 9 Bent's, Amherst 9 Fort Cumberland 7 118 79 Halifax toLunenburg Liverpool and Shel- burne via Windaar. Windsor 45 Gildert's 20 Church's Hill 6h Wether's Hill* Middle River bridge Barkhouse's Ernst's Mrs.Zwicker's, Ma- hone Bay Canao to Antigoniah^ Guysboro' SOJLunenburgVlOli) Boyle's 22 Tnn j>^..^^*t^i^ ir>.. Antigonish 12 "^84 6 4 7 6 2 6 Halifax to Guysboro*. Antigonish 144 Boyle's 12 Anderson's 10 Miller's 12 178 Halifax to Pictou. To Truro 64 Archibald's, Salmon HalifaxtoSherhrooke , St. Mary's. Antigonish 144 Lochaber Lake 11 Archibald's forks 1 2 Sherbrooke 12 River Irving's, Mount Tom Pictou 1 14 6 20 104 179 Halifax to Wilmott Cape Canso. Guysboro' 178 Crow Harbour 16 Wilmot 15 I Jno.Pernette's Ferry at Lahave river Across the ferry Mrs. Manning's, ) . Petite Riviere J Teals, Broad Cove 4 Mack's Mill Village 9 Liverpool (138) 8| Port Mouton 10 Port Jolly 5 Sable River lo Jordon River 8 Shelburne 7 178 From St. John, JV. B. to Halifax, JV. S. Hennigar's Campbell's Ketchum's Hampton Ferry Hays' 9 3 4 7 5h 209 • AtGay'sRiverthe road turns oflF to Mus- quodoboit & to Shuben- acadie, from Miller's to Mrs Colbeck's in Mus- quodoboit, is 10 miles. Hx. to Shubenacadie. Westcott's 35 Cochran's 4 Murphy's, Rawdon Church 84 • A little beybnd Webber's the road turns off to the right, avoid- ing Chester ; at Middle iver Bridge the road again meets that leading from Chester Town. — Frcm Webber's Hill to ChesterTown is 6 miles i 36 farmer's almanack. 1842. Baxter')) (finger board) 4^ Roache'n 10 McMonagle'tt, Susuex Vale (46) 3 McLeod'H(Portage) 1^ Pittfield's 13 Nixon'8 12 Lewis', bend of the Petticodiac (95) 12 Charter'ti, Memra- I rook 16 Hickman's, Dorches. ! ter 8 Evans', Westcock 7 Wells', Tantramar 10 Bent's, Amherst I (146) 9 Halifax 124 270 ToFredericton^JS'. B. Bent s, Ainherat 124 28 Dorche-ter Bend of the Petti- codiac River 23 Jacque!)' 16 BlaUeney'a 10^ Pittfield's 10 Susilex Vale 13i Finger Board at Baxter's 12 Wa»hadomoak 13 Gimseg Ferry 6 Tiley's (Sheffield) 13 Widow Purley 8 8 Fredericton 1 2 "288 Fredericton to (^ue iec Burgoyne's Ferry 16 Woodstock Ferry 4 1 Kearney's, Itiver deChute 42 Restook River 18 Ryan's, Great falls (J32) 16 Madawaska Chapel 34 I Entrance to the Ma- ! dawaska 4 ' Do. of Lake Tamis- ! quata 24 Do. of the Portage 14 River St. Lawrence 36 j Kamouraska 16 i Quebec 90 ! I ^ 349 Hx . to Fredericton 2 88 637 li 1 STAQE COACHES, &C. The Western Stage Coaches, (carrying H. M. Mails,) duringj the Summer, leave Halifax for Windsor, every morning, Sunday iexcepted, — lor Windsor, Kentville and Annapolis, on Tuesday,] Thursday, and Saturday morning, — Leave Windsor for Halifax every morning, Sunday excepted. — Leave Annapolis for Kent- ville, Windsor and Halifax on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. During the winter three times in the week, between! Halifax, Windsor, Kentville and Annapolis. ■ | I The Royal Eastei i Stage Coaches (carrying H. M. Mails,) tun three times in the week from Halifax to Truro and Pictou, l^nd vice versa. Leave Halifax and Pictou on Monday, Wcdnes- Iday, and Friday mornings. j "~BAY~OF FUNDY STEAME^fts"- ! During the Summer Season, a Steamer leaves St. John on (Monday and Wednesday mornings for Digby and Annapolis — re- ^turning from Annapolis on Tuesday and Thursday mornings^ — tind on. Tuesday and Thursday evening leave St. John for |Windsof — returning from Windsor oa Wednesday and Friday ijirit k tbft same tide they arrive with. * 'k k 349 cton 28fS "637 8,) during, g, Sunday Tuesday,! or Halifax for Kent- Saturday , between M. Mails,) id Pictou, , Wcdnes- \t. John on ipolis — re orningg-i- John for nd Fridayi , ^ii >'^J rtiita I841i. farmkr'm almanack. 37 _ j^ _ The Pansboro' Packet runs to Windsor and Horton every week, from the Ist of April till Chri^ttmas ; lenvf.'S Parrsboro' for Windsor, on Monday, Irom thence to Parrsboro' on Tuesday, immediately after the arrival of the mail by the Royal Western Mail Coach ; leaves Parrsboro' on Thursday, for Horton, and from thence for Parrsboro' the first high water at, or after, ^o'clock Friday mornin^r. Passengers who wish to crossfrom Parrsboro' should be at Partridge Island the evening* previous to the Packet sailing. British and North American Royal Mail STEAM SHIPS. Of 1200 Tons, and 440 Horse Power each. Appointed by the Admirally to sail btttveen Liverpool and Boston, calling at Halifax, to land fy receive Passengers, and H. M. Mails. Acadia, Capt. Alex. Ryrie. Bkitanma, Capt. Galkdonia, ... Capt. J. McKellar. Columbia, Capt. C. H. E. Judkins. The North American Mails are made up in London on the 3d| and 18th of every Month, except when either of these dates fall on the Sunday . and then on the succeeding day. The Sttam^ Packets will depart from Liverpool the next morning, inunedi-j ately after the arrival of the London Mail. In the Winter Months, however, viz : December, January, February and March,{ but One Mail in the Month, that of the 3d will be des-i patched. And will leave Boston on 1st and IGth, and Halifax* on 3d and 18th of every Month, (when those days do not fall on a Sunday, and then they will leave the following day,) except during the Winter Months above named, when but one Mail will be despatched, viz: that of the 1st from Boston, and that of the 3d from Halifax. Passage, to Liverpool, £30 Stg. from H alifax to Boston $20 Apply in Halifax to Hon. S. Cnnard & Co.; in London to J. B. Foord, 52, Old Bond Street; in Glasgow to J.G. Burns: in Li- verpool to D. & C. Mclver, 12, Water Street; and in Boston to[ Z. S. Lewis; and in New York to Barclay & Livingston. The Steam Ship Unicorn, Capt. Douglas, plies between Pic Tou and Quebkc, in connexion with the above vessels, carrying the Mails and Passengers for Canada. j The Steamer Pocohontas plies during the Summer months' between Pictou and Charlotte -Town, P. E. L carrying H. M.! mails. Sails from Pictou every Friday morning, at 8 o'clock,) and returns the following day. — Sails on alternate ?»Ionday«i ifrom Pictou for Charlotte -TowYi and George Town, P. E. I. at! '8 o'clock in the morning, returning on Tuesday. If 38 FARMER 8 ALMANACK. 1842 Chas W. Wallace, Esq. ''" John Spry Morris^ Esq. Hon. Sir R. D. George, Bt. Dep'y.John Whidden, Esq. John Howe, Esq. Hon. Samuel Cunard. Uichard Brown, Esq. Treasurer of the Province Surveyor-General of Lands, Commissioner of Crown Lands Surrogate General , Secretary of the Province - Registrar of Deeds - - - Treasurer Casual Revenue Postmaster General, for Nova- ? Scotia and New-Brunswick . . ^ Agents for the General Mining ) Association, London, ^ United States Consul, T. B. Livingston Esq. Halifax. Brazillian ^ice-Consul, Hon. Michael Tobin. jr. Halifax. Spanish Vice-Consul, J. G- A. Creighton, Esq. Halifax. Court of Chancery. Held before the Master of the Rolls, every Monday through- out the year. Chancellor, His Excellency The Right Honble. Lucius Ben TiNCK, Viscount Falkland, Lieut. Governor of Nova Scotia Master of the Rolls, and Responsible Judge in Chancery, the Honble. S. G. W. Archibald, L. L. D. Attorney General, the Honble. James W. Johnston. Solicitor General, Honble. James B. Uniacke. Advocates and Solicitors, the Barristers and At tornies of the Supreme Court. Registrar, N. W. White, Esq. Asst. Regr. Jno. McGregor, Esqr. Senior Examiner, Nat. W. White, Esq. Junior Examiner, Jno. McGregor, Esqr. Com missioner of Escheats, Jas. W. Nutting, Esq. Accountant Gene- !ral. Sergeant at Arms, Jno. Jas Sawyer, lEsqr.'Cryerand Messenger, Mr. Thos. Pyke. Officers for serving 'process, the Sheriffs throughout the Province. MASTERS IN CHANCERY. Lewis M. Wilkins, Esq. Windsor. Jas W Nutting, Senior Master ; Jno Whidden, Second Master;' and Beamish Murdoch, Third Master, Esqrs. Halifax. MASTRRS EXTRAORDINARY. Colchester. — TrurOf Jonathan Marsters, and Adams G. Archibald, Esqrs. also Examiners. Londondeiry, Jno McN. Wier. Tatamagouche and Earl Toivn, Hon. Alex. Campbell. Stewiacke, Wm. Rutherford, Esqrs. PiCTOu— PtcfoM, Thos. Dickson and H'y Blackadur, Esqrs. also Examiners. jVew Glasgow, Jas. Carmichael, Esqr. I SroNEY. — Antigonishj Jno. Thos. Hill and Alex. McDougall, Esqrs. also Examiners. I 'GuYSBORo'. — Win. F. DesBarres and Stewart Campbell, Esqrs. also Examiners. St. Mary^s, Hugh McDonald, Esq. | Cumberland. — Hon Jas S. Morse and Robt B. Dickey, Esqrs. alio Examiners. Amherst Township^ Chas Inglis Halliburton,' lEsq. also Examiner, fVallace Township, Jas B Davison, Eiq.' land Hon. Dun. Mc.Farlane. i .1 Q ' } ]842 |Esq. )rge, Bt len, Esq ird. psq. ifax. lifax. through- lus Ben- a Scotia icery, the neral, the )]e. James s and At hite, Esq. , Nat. W. qr. Cora :ant Gene- is Sawyer, for serving td Master; \dams G. Fno McN. Campbell. ur, Esqrs. r. I [cDougall, ell, Esqra. ey, Esqrs. alliburton,' ion, Eaq.' '} V '; ' :^ 1842. farmrr'» almanack. 39 Kings. — Horton, Chas. W. H. Harris, Esq. also Examimer' CormoaUis, Jas. Robt. Prescott, Esq. also Examiner. Hants. — Windsor^ Hon. L.M.Wil kins and Harry King, D.C. L. also Examiners. Newport, Jno. Cochran. Maitland and Noel, Richd. Smith. Douglas and Rawdon^ Jacob Withrow, Esqrs. Annapolis. — Annapolis, Henry Goldsmith and Chas. T. C. MacColla, Esqrs. also Examiners. Bridgetown., Silas L. Morse, Esq. also Esaininer. Wilmotand Lawrence Town, Jno Wiswall and Major Chipman, Esqrs. DiGBY. — IHgby, Jas. A. Dennison, Esq. also Examiner. Clare, Fredk. A. Robichaii and Anselm Doucette, Esqrs. Yarmouth. — Yarmouth, Henry A. Grantham and Thos. V |B. Binijcay, E^sqrs. also Examiners. Shklburne. — Shelburne, Cornelius White, Esq. QuKENS. — Liverpool, Samuel P. Fairbanks and Jas. Knaut, Esqrs. also Examiners. I Lunenburg. — Lunenburg, Jno. Creighton and Geo. T. Solo>| mon, t^sqrs. also Examiners. i Sydney, Cape Breton. — Hon. Edmund M. Dodd, also Ex- ^aminer. and Chas. E. Leonard, Esq. j LivEsNESs—Porf Hood, Jno. D. Tremain, Esq. for the iCounty. , t . » ' Supreme Court of Judicature. Chief Justice, the Hon. Brenton Halliburton. Assistant Judges, Lewis M Wilkins, William Hill, William Blowers Bliss, and Thomas C. Haiiburton, Esqrs. Attorney- General, Hon. Jas W. Johnston. Solicitor-General, Hon. Jas. B. Uniacke. Qneen's Counsel, Clerk of the Crown and Prothonotary, James W. Nutting, Esq. { Court of Error.— The Lieut. Governor and Her Majesty's Exe- icutive Council. j Court of Marriage and Divorce. — ;The Lieut. Governor, (Presi- dent), the Hon. the Chief Justice, (Vice President), and the Members of Her Majesty's Executive Council. i Advocates and Proctors — The Barristers and Attornies of the ^Supreme Court. Court of Vice JIdmiralty at Halifax., Judge and Commissary, The Hon. S G W Archibald, L. L. D.; Surrogates, Halifax, Jas W Nutting. John Whidden and Beamish Murdoch, Esqrs. Sydney, C. B. Hon. E. M. Dodd. Antigo- NisH, Alex. IVlcDougall. Guysboro', William P. DesBarres. PicTOu, Thos. Dickson. Lunenburg, Jno. Creighton, Liver- pool, Saml. P.Fairbanks, Esqrs. Dep. to the Receiver Genl. of Admiralty Droits, Geo. R. Young, Esq. Registrar, Jas. Scott Tremaiii, Esq. Marshall, S. W. Deblois, Esq. Actuary, Jno. Mc- Gregor, Esq. Mes^enger and Cryer, Mr. Thos. Pyke. Advocate General, Hon. J. W. Johnston. Solicitor General, Hon. Ja§. B. i .1 i fi 40 FARMRH S ALMANACK. J 842.! Uniackc, Advocates and Proctors, The Barristers and Attorrfies of the Siipreme Court. The Court of Vice Admiralty sits at Halifax, on the fij'st and third Monday in every month. Nova-Scotia Barrister^s Society. Patrons — The Chancellor, and the Chief Justice— Honorary Members, The Judges of the Supreme Court. Committee, John Whidden, (Chairman), Hugh Hartshorne and John W Ritchie, Esqrs. Treasurer, Librarian and Secretary, Jas, W. Nutting, Esq. ,• COLLEGES, ACADEMIES AJVD CLERGY, King^t College^ Windsor. Patron, His Grace the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Visitor, the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Governors — His Excellency the Lt. Governor; the Lord Bi- shop ; the Chief Justice ; the Judge of the ViceAdmirahy Court; the Speaker of the House of Assembly : the Provincial Secretary; the Attorney General: the Solicitor General ; The President; Honble. S. S. Blowers, and Hon. 7". N. JefFery. President, and Professor ofDivinity and Hebrew, Rev. Geo. McCawley, D. D.; Vice-President and. Professor of Mathema- tics, Natural Philosophy and Astronomy, Rev. John Stevenson. A.M.; Bursar and Librarian, Rev. J. Stevenson; Sec'y. and Treasurer, J. C. Halliburton, Esq.; Principal of the Collegiate JAcademy, Rev. W. B. King, A. M. I Terms. — Michaelmas Term commences Ist. Seplr. and ends on the 15th Deer. Hilary Term commences 1.5th Jan. and ends on ihe Saturday preceding Palm Sunday. Easter Terra commences on the Monday after Easter Monday, and e ids Saturday sen'night ibelore Whit Sunday. Trinity Term commences on the morrow of Trinity Sunday, and ends on the 1st of July, Dalhousie College, Halifax. Governors f The Governor General of British North America ; iThe Lt.-Governor of Nova Scotia; the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia; the Chief Justice and President of Council ; the Speaker of the House of Assembly, and the Treasurer of the Province. Sec'y. .T. W. Nutting, Esq. j President^ and Professor of Logic, Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric, Rev. Thomas McCulIoch, D. D. Professor of the Classics, Rev, Alex. Romans, A, M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Rev. Jas. Mackintosh, A. M. j One term commencing October 21, and ending May 31. I Acadia College, Wolfville. \ Professor of Classical Languages, Rev. John Prynr. A. M. Professor of Moral Philosophy, Logic and Rhetoric, Rev, E. A. Crawley, A. M. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philo sophy, Mr. Isaac Chipman. ri > i I ! ' h <i»riii#iiwami'.»i J 842.1 Mtorn'ies; first and lonornry I Jolin W' Jas. W. RGY, bury. Lord Bi ty Court; Secretary; resident ; Lev Ge<». Mathema- kevenson. ec'y. and Collegiate . and ends id ends on ommences r sen'nighl le morrow America ; |) of Nova e Speaker Province. ophy and or of the ithcmatics iy31. or. A. M. lev, E. A. ral Philo- 'J^ > I ^w ^.l^: T >.» ' ^!^ > Jl!■il!J ii l ; a » ■ ■ i^ »^ a^lm ■ lla al ayl ' U 8 a lP J ^a■Ml 184'^. f fARMER 8 ALMANACK. 41 First Term— commences QOth January and ends iiOth June. Second Term — commences 1st September, and ends 20th December. St. Mnryfs Seminanj, Halifax. Under the Special Patronage of the Rt. Rev. Wm. Fraser, C D. HisUop of Tanen, &c. Superior^ Rev. R. B. O'Brien. Professor of Spanish, Rev. L. J Dease. Professor of French, and Moral Philosophy and Mathe matics, Rev. VV. Ivers. Professor of Theology and Scripture, English Coniposition, Reading and Elocution, Rev.H. B. O'Brien. Professors of Greek and Latin — first class, Mr. M. ilannan; se- cond class, Mr. R. O' Flaherty. Writing, Book Keeping, and Arithmetic, Mr. E. G, Gleeson. HoHon Academy. • "• Principal, Mr. Edward Blanchard; Assistant, Mr. Thomas Soley. Two vacations of a month each at Christmas and Midsummer. Pictou Acadtmy, Pictou. Trostkes. — Rt. Rev. VVm. Frasser, D. D. Bishop of Tanen. Rev. Thos. McCulloch, D. D. Rev. Jno. McKinlay, A. M., Rev.D. A. Fraser, Rev. J. McRae, Rev. Jas. Ross, Hon. Geo. Smith, Hon. S. G. VV. Archibald, L. L. D. Thos. Dickson, Jas. Carmichael and David Crichton, Esi\ts— Professor, Mr. M. McCulloch. Open all the year, except the month of August, and last Week of December. Annapolis Academy. Trustees, Rev. Edwin Gilpin, J. W.Ru^gles and Thos Ritchie, Esqrs. Principal, Mr. Chas. M.' Forbes. Ktntvilk Grammar School. Principal, Mr. Tiios. Hardy. . ' .,-> Albion Academy, Annapolis. Trustees. H'y Hudson, and H'y Gates. Esqrti. Principal, Mr. Andrew Henderson. Halifax Grammar School. ..5- Principal, Rev. John Thos. Twining, D. D. v,'. ;, JVational School, Halifax. Trustees, The Lord Bishop, the Chief Ju^tice, Rev. Robt. Willis, D. D., and the Church Wardens of St- Paul's. Principal, Mr. James Maxwell. Royal Acadian School, Halifax. President, the Lt. Governor. Vice-President, Hon. Thos. N. Jeflfery. Treasurer, Hon. H. N. Binney. Sec'y. James C. Hume, Esqr. M. D. Trustees, Hon. Enos Collins, Hon. H. N. Binney, Hon. T. N. Jeffery, Hon. H. H. Cogswell, Hon. Sir R. D. George^, Bt., Hon. A. Stewart, Hon. J. W. .Johnston, Rev. John JScolt, Rev. John Martin, John S. Morris, G. N. Russell, Hon- S. G. VV. Archibald, D2 t A2 FARiMEa's ALMANACK. l^'^''^-! bohn McNeil, J. W. Nutting, Robt. Hume, M. D., Charles Twi- Ining, Jno. Slayter, Hon. Hugh Bell, M. B. Alinon, Jas. F. Gray, 'jaa. C. Hume, M. D., Adam Esson, Hon. Jos. Howe, Win.' JYoung, Henry Pryor, Robt. Brown and Alex Keith, Esqrs. Prin cipal, Mr. A Reed, A. M. Yarmouth Academy. Principal, Rev. John Ross, Trustees, John Murray, E. W. B* Moody, Reuben Clements. Charles Lewis and Stayley Brownt Esbrs. Lunenburg Academy. Trustees, Rev, J. C. Cochran, Rsv. D. A. Fraser, Rev. Chas jCossinan, Jno. Creighton, and Geo. Thessiger, Esqrs. Principal^' Mr. Clergy oj the Established Church in Nova- Scotia. The Hon. and Right Rev. John Inglis, D. D.Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia exercising Episcopal Jurisdiction over Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick, and Prince Edward Lsland. j Ven. Robert Willis, D. D. Archdeacon of Nova-Scotia and; Prince Edward Island. I Halifax, Ven. Robt. Willis, D.D. Rector &- Rev. Win. Coirswell, | A.M. Curate of St. Paul's ; Rev. R. F.Uniacke, A.M. Rector. otSt. George's ; Rev. Jno. Thos. Twining, D. D. Ganison Chap- lain. Eastern Shore, Rev. Robt. Jamieson. Visiting Missionary," Rev. Chas. W. Weeks. ! Windsor, Rev. Geo. McCawlov, D. T). Pros, of King's College;] Rev. Win. C. King, A.M. Rector of Christ's Church ; Rev. Win. B King, A. M. Principal Collegiate School ; Falmouth, Rev. John Stevenson, A.M. jYewporl, Rev. R. J. Uniacke. Dizby, Rev.; Wm. Bullock. Jlnnapolis, Rev. Edwin Gilpin, A. B.. Clem- ents, Rev. Wm. M. Godfrey, A. B. Bridiretoum, Rev. Jas.' Robertson, A. M. Granville, Rev. J. M. Campbell, A. M. Wejf- mouth. Rev. W. H.Snyder, A. B. Jiylesford, Rev. H. L. Owen,' A. M. Cormvallis and /for/on, Rev. John Storr, A. B. Yarmouth, Rev. Alfred Gilpin, A. M. Shelburne, Rev. Thos. B. Rowland, L. L. D. and Rev. Thos. H. White, A. B. Liverpool, Rev. J.' T. T. Moody, A. M. Lunenburg, i.'ev. Jas. C. Cochran, A. M. and Rev. Richard Aveiy. New Dublin, Rev. J. W. Weeks, A.B. Chester, Rev. Jas. Shreve, D. D. and Rev. W. A. Weinbeer. Dartmouth, Rev. A, D. Parker, A. M. and Rev. Thos. N. De- wolf. Sackville, Rev. Archibald Gray, A. B. Rawdon, Rev. Geo. W. Morris, A. M. and Rev. Thos. Maynard. Parrsboro\\ Rev. N. A. Coster. Amherst, Uev. G. Townshend, A. B. Truro,\ Rev. Jno. Burnyeat, A. B. Visiting Missionary. Piclou, Rev. Chfis. Elliott, A. 3. Guysboro', Rev. Chas. J. Shreve, A. B. &7. Margaret's Bay, Rev. Jno. Stannage. Antigonish, Rev. Thos. C. Leaver, A. M Sydney, C. B , Rev. Chas. Ingles, A. B. Arichat, C. B. Rev. Jas. A. Shaw. Sydney Mines, Rev. Win. Elder. Travelling Missionary, Cape Breton, Rev. V/. Y. Porter I i 184*2. rles Twi F. Gray, we, Win.' [irs. Prin- , E. W. B iy Brown* Lev. Chas Principal,' •a. I Bishop of ova-Scotia, I Scotia and I. Cojrswell, .M. Rector J lison Chap- Missionary,' jg's College;! ; Rev. Win. mouthy Rev. Di^hy, Rev.; .. B.. Clem- Rev. JasJ .. M. rrev-. H. L. Owen,' i. Ynrmouthj B. Rowland, oool, Rev. J, hran, A. MJ Weeks, A. B. ,. Weinbeer. rhos. N. De- awdon, Rev. Parrshoro\ \. B. Tmro, Piclou^ Rev. e, A. B. St. , Rev. Thos. ngles, A. B. }, Rev. Wm. W, Y. Porter, ) 1842. i>-arm>h's almanack. MMMH 43 r Nova Scotia Diocesan Church Society. Patrons, The Society for Propogating the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; and the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledcre. Presi-. denty The Rt. Rev. and Hon. the Lord Bishop of Nova-Scotia. Vice President<!y the Ven. Archdeacon Willis*, D. D. Hon. Chief] Justice Halliburton, Hon. Thoy. N. Jeffery, Hon. C. R. Prescott, and David Hare, Esq. Sec'y. Rev. Wm. Cogswell.— i^ss/. Sec'y.l Henry Pryor, Esq. Trtusurery Law. Hartshorne, Escj. General] Committeey All Clergymen of the Established Church, and HonA J. L. Starr, J. G. A. Creighton, Jas. Tremain, E. Bartlett, Win. H. Roach, Joseph Starr, Stephen Binney, P. Richardson, Jiio* Tempest, Edw. Pryor, Chas. W. Hill, A. M. Uniacke, H. Ince,' Thos. Maynard, R.N. C. H. Belcher, N.Clarke, W. K. Milward, Crtvie Richard.son, and R. Tremain, Jr. Esqrs. Committee of Re- vision, Rev. R. Willis', D. D., Rev. R. F. Uniacke, Rev. Edwin Gil- pin, Rev. J. C. Cochran, Rev. A. D. Parker. Evangelical Lutheran Church. — Lunenburg, Rev. Chas. Coss mann. Minist".rs of the Established Church of Scotland. Synod of Nova-Scotia, in connection with the Established Church of Scot!: id. Mtderator, Rev. John Scott, A. M. Synod] Clerk, Rev, Don. Mcintosh. Presbyteuv ok Halifax. — Halifax, Rev. Jno. Scott, A. M.j and Rev. Jno. Marrin. Dartmouth, Rev. Alow Romans, A. M.! Cornivallis. Rev. Geo. Struthers. Bermuda, Rev. Jas. Morrison.: Lawrence Town, Rev. Yarmonlh, Rev. Jno. Ross.' Lunfinbursc, Rev. Don. A. Fraaer, A. Af. Shelburnc. Rev. Wm. T. Wishart. Pkksbytkry of Pictoi;. — East River, Rev. Jno. McRae. St. Marfs and Lochaber, Rev. Hugh McKenzie, McLennan^s Moun- \tain, Rev. Ale*:. McGillivray. Merigomisk, Rev. New Glasgow, Rev. Jno. Stewart, A. M. Pictou, Rev. R Willliamson, A.M. JFallnce, Rev. West and Middle Rivers, Rev. Don. Mcintosh. Rogers* Hill, Rev. Don. McConnachie. Presbytery op P. E. \ii. Kim. —Belfast, Rev. Jno. McLen- nan. George Town, .^ Charlotte Town, Rev. Anofus Mclntyre. f .r Presbytery of Cape-Breto>'. — Boularderle Island, Rev. Jas. Fraser. Middle River, Rev. Alex. Farqiiharson. River Inhabitants, Rev. Dugald McKichan. St. George's Channel, Rev. Grand River, Rev. Whycogomah, Rev. Peter McLean. Margaree, Rev. Jno. Gunn The Synod will be held this year at Halifax, on the third Wednesday of June. Nova-Scotia Auxiliary Colonial Society. President, The Rev. the Moderator of the Synod of Nova Scotia. Vice Presidents, Charles W. Wallace, Esq. and Rev. D. A. Fraser. Committee of Management. All Clergymen connected 44 FAKMKH'i ALMANACK. 1842. with the Synod. Halifax. Jainea F. Gray, William Young R. Hume, M. D., Alexander Keith, Geo. N. Russell, Alexander iMcLeod, and Robert Romans. Pidou, David Crichton. New Glasgow, .lames Fraser. East River, John Holmes. Arichat, Wm Crichton, and .Fas. B.Turnbtdl. Margaree, Thomas Taylor. Sydney C.B;^' G. Archibald. St, George's Channel, Doujjaid Kennedy. Cornwallis,Hon..]o\inMoT\.on. y</rmou/^, Robl. Kelly, fiallact Hon. Danl. McFarlane. iiifcr/n/w6t/an/«, Jno. McLeod. Esqrs. Treasurer, Secretaries, Rev. John Stewart, and Presbyterian Church of Nova- Scotia. Moderator, Rev. Robt. Blackwood. Synod Cierk, Rev. Jas. Ross. Professor of Divinity, Oalhousie College, Rev. Thomas, 1). D. PuESByrKRV OF Tri'ro. — Londonderry, Rev. J. Brown. Truro, Rev. Wm. McCulloch. Onsloiv, Rev. Jno. Baxter. Dou- glas, llev, T. {?. Crowe Musquodoboit, Rev. 3 uo f>\>roit. Eco- nomy, Rev. A. Kerr. Seivincke, Rev. Jas. Smith. IVindaory Rev. J. Murdoch, A. M. Maugerville, Rev. Jas. Reid. River John Rev. Dunl. McCurdy. Prksbvtf.ry of Pictou. — East Rivei, Rev. A. McGillivray. if est River, Rov. Jas. Ross. Merigoinish. Rev. W. Patrick. Jinligonish, Rev. Thos. Trotter. Mabou, Rev. Wm. Miller. Pictou Town, Rev. Jno. INlcKinlay, A. M. Tatamn^ouche, Rev. Robt. Blackwood and Rev. H. Ross. Miramichi, Rev. Jno. Mc Curdy. St. Mary's, Rev. Jno. Campbell. Albion Mints, Rev. David Roy. Link Harbour, Rev. C. Sinclair. pRFsBvTKJiY OF P. E. Is LA ND.—Prmcefown, Rcv. Jno. Kclr. St. Peters, Rev. Robt. Douglas. Richmond Bay, Rev. Wm. McGrio^or. Bedtquc^ Rev. R. S. Patterson. jYew London, Rev. Jno. Geddie. The Synod meets at Pictou, on the second Tuesday of July. Society for the Propogation of the Gospel in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Nova-Scotia. — This Society consists of the wiiole members of Synod. Offick Be AKF.ixa.— Secretary , Rev. Wm. McCulloch. Trea- surer, James Dawson, Esqr. Committee, Rev Jno L. Murdoch, Rev. Jas. Waddell, and Mr. Jas. McGrigor. Trustees of a Fund for founding a Theological Professorship in connection with the Presbyterian Church of Nova-Scotia, Rev. Jno. McKinlay, A.M. Abrra. Patterson and Jas. Dawson, Esqrs. ' Clenry of the Roman Catholic Church. Right Rev. William Fraser, D. D. Bishop of Tanen, and Vicar Apostolic of Nova-Scotia, residinjr at Antigonish. Halifax, Very Rev. Jno. Laughlin, Vicar General ; ReT. L. J. Dense Dartmouth and Chezetcook, Rev. Dennis Geary. Li- verpool, Rev. Jas. Doyle. Scissiboo, Rev. Abbe Sygogne. Argyle, Rev. Mr. Goudout. Cape Sable, Rev. Jno. Ansart. Prospect, Rev. Jno. Kennedy. Pictou and Merigomish, Rev. Mr. O'Reily. } 1842. _ _vv Young Jexander ton. New :hatj Wni »r. Sydney "leiinedy. Wallaci \A. Esqra. hcretaries^ Rev. Jas. r. Thomas Brown, ler. Dou- ott. Eco- dsory Rev. liver John. cGlUivray. . Patrick, m. Miller. ouche, Rev. n'. Jno. Mc Rev. David Jno. Keir Rev. Wm. ndon, Rev lay of July jclioii witli ;ty consists »ch. Trea i. Murdoch, ofessorship cotia, Kev. son, Esqrs. , and Vicar 1; Rev. L. Jeary. Li- ;ne. Argyle, ospedf Rev r. O'Keilv. ') k 1842. farmer's almanack. 45 Tracadie, Rev. Jno. Quinan, Rev. Pere Francois, and Rev. Pere Vincent. Onysboro\ Rev. Mr. Meiofhan. Cape Breton^ Jlrichat, Rev. J. B. Miranda. Z#'./?»v/owe, Rev. J. McKeafrney. Red Islands, Rev. Neil McLeod. Bras d' Or, Rev. Jno. Grant. Sydnef/, Rev. Jas. 13. Drummond. Judique, Rev. Alex. McDonell. Broad Cove, Rev. Ale.\. McLeod. Arisuig, Rev. Wm. McLeod. Weshyan Methodist Missionary Jiuxiliaty Society, Treisurers, M. G. Black, and Danl. Starr, Ejsqrs. Secy's. John H. Anderson, Esq. and Rev. Wm. Croscombe. Committee. — Halifax, J. N. Shannon and W.J. Starr, Esqrs. Liverpool, Joshua Newton, Roht. Burry and James Barss, Esqrs. Lunenburg, Mr. Wm. Drew. Shelhurne, Mr. Alex. H. Cocken. Barringlon, Mr. Sam], Reynolds. Yarmouth, Mr. — Alien. Wi7id- sor, Mr. Jno. Smith. Newport, Jno. Allison. Esqr. Shubenacadie. Rich'd Smith, Esqr. Horton, Hon. T. A. S. Dewolf. and Jas. N, Crane, Esq. Cornwallis, Nath. Tupper, Es() Pansb(iro\ Hon. J. S. iMorse, and Mr. Win. Umphrey. JVailacc, Mr. Geo. iWells and Saml, Fulton, Esqrs. Guysboio\ Frn.s. Cook, Esq. \Sydney,C. B. Mr. W. Cann. Charlotte-Town, Isiuic Smith and :R. Brecken, Esqrs. Berleque, Jas. P(»pe, Esqr. I (J^ The Conference this year will be ht'ld at Amherst, on the ISecond Thursday in June, ; JVesleyan Methodist Missionaries. Halifax, Rev. Wm. Croscombe and Rev. Cha?. Dewolf. Luntn- burgh, Rev. Wm. Webb. Liverpool. Rev. Ri(;h'<i Kni;rlit, Chair- jman; and Rev. J. V. Jost. Bnrnngton, Rev. W. E. Shnnstone. \Yarmouth, Rev. Chas. Churchill. Horton and CdrinnalUs, Rev JHenry Pope, and Rev. • Wheehick. J Windsor and Newport, Rev. John B. Strong, Rr.R Morton, and Rev. Wm. Bennett. Su- Ipernumerary. Digby, Rev. S. BanWord, Sunornumerary. «^nmi- \polis. Rev. Richardson Douglas. Bridgetown, Rev. Ja.«! <r Hen- Inigar, Aylesford, Rev. Jos. F. Bent. Shv.hcnnradi*'. Rev. iNarrowav. Parrsboro* and Mnccnn, Rev. Wni Wilson. Wallaci'., jRev. James Buckley. Guysboro', Rev. Jno. Marshall. Sudney, \C. B., Rev. Thomas H. Davies. Charlotte Town, Rev, William [Smith. Bedeque,'Re\'. Alex. W. McLeod. • Wesleyan Association Church — ll\\\ii\K, Rev. Rich'd. Breare. HiiUfax, Ministers of the Baj)fist Church. . Windsor void and Bawdon. Rev. T. H. Porter. Newport, Rev. Geo. Dimock. Falmouth^ Rev Jas. Stevens. Horton, Rev. T. S. Haruinor, Rev. Jno.j Pryor, A. M. Rev. E. A. Crawley, A. M. Rev. R. K. BiirpeJ Cornwallis, Rev. Edw. Manninjj;. Rev. David Harris, Rev. Wm.i Chipman, and Rev. A. Stronach. ..Aylesford, Rev. Ez''k. Mars-j iters atid Rev, Eben. Stronach. Wilnwt and Nictnvx, Rev. Nat-' jViditoe. WUmot and Granville Mountaim, Rev. R.Cunninirha.ii.i '■HiWaH w»itii"fWH'»Mi-niii Wfrifn rw i w i nMnnfyrr'P-~^"-T'*"'~'^"r''""'" «■•""" Miawif y 46 FARMRR's ALMA^(ACK. 1842. Annapolis and Upper Oranville, Rev. Jno Chase. Lower Gran- vilhy Rev. Joshua B. Cogswell. Ckmenta^ Rev. Israel Potter, ■and Rev. Israel Potter, jr. Dighy Neck, Rev. Henry Saunders, \Scissiboo, Rev. Chas Randall. Tasket and Argyle, Rev. JasJ ;Lent, and Rev. Wm. Burton. Varmouth, Rev. Harris HardingJ iRev Wm. Burton, and Rev. A. V. Dlinock. Long Island, Rev^ iVVellington Jackson. Lunenburg and Chester, Rev. Joseph Dimock. Liverpool, Rev. T. S. Rand. Brookjield, Rev. Thos. Delong. Onsloio, Rev. Jno. Mann. River Philip, R«v. Jno. E Cogswell. Amherst, Rev. Stiinl. McCulley, and Rev. Chas. Tupper. Waterford and Wallace, Rev. Maynard Parker. Three Rivers and East Point, Rev. Jno Shaw. Guysboro\ Rev. H Hull. Licentiates, Messrs. Sainl, C. Well, Loonier T. Rand, I. S. Rand, W. Hall, D. W. C. Dimock, D. Pineo, Willard Parker, Jas. Newcomb, and Jas. Parker. The Association this year will be held at Wilmot on the first Monday after the 20th June. Nova-Scotia Baptist Education Society. Board of Directors. Rev. Edw. Manning. President ; Rev. Chas. Tupper and Jas. W. Nutting, Ksq. Vice-Presidents ; Rev. Messrs I E Bill, S Bancroft,! Jof». Crandall, Alexis Caswell, Win. Chipman, E. A. Crawley,' Jos. Diii.t.ock. Geo. Dimock, T S Harditiir, Harris Harding, Jas. Lent, R. McLearn, E Marsters, F W Miles, Israel Potter, Jno Pryor, Jno Chase, Silas T Rand, Wm Burton, W Jackson, N V»4itoe, J E Cojfswcll, Jno B Cogswell, A V Dimock, T H Porter, H UmH, Jno Shaw, Jns Skerry, Eben Stronach, Thos Delong,' Israel Potter, Jr., Saml McCulley, M Parker, C R Bill, and C Randall ; — Wm A Chipman, Jno Cunningham, Simon Fitch, Jas I) Harris, E F Harding, M. D. Lewis Johnston, M. D. Hon Jas W Johnston, W B. Kinnear, Jas R Lovett, Thos Pettingall, Chas Twining, Zech. Chipman, Major Chipman, Homes Chip- man, Jno Ferguson, Wm Johnson, W B Lynds, M. D. Stephen Chipmat), Gains Lewis, and SamI Chipman, Esqrs. Treasurer, Simon Fitch, Esqrs. Sec'ifS. Rev. Wm Chipman, and J W. Nut- ling, Esqr. Managing Committee, Rev. E. A. Crawley, Rev. Wm. Chipman, Rev. Jno Pryor, Rev. Chas Tupper, Rev. I E. jBill, and Rev. R. McLearn; Lewis Johnston, Jas W Nutting, Hon. Jas W Johnston, W Johnson, and Simon Fitch, Esqrs. Board for Foreign and Domestic Missions. Rev. Messrs^. Edw Manning, T S Harding, W Chipman, David Harris, Jno Pryor, L E. Bill, W, Burton, R. McLearn, Chas. Tupper, Jos. Dimock, and E. A. Crawley ;— J W Nutting, Wm. A. Chipman, Simon Fitch, E. F. Harding, Homes Chipman, WJ Cogswell, Walter Reed, and John Ferguson, Esqrs. Treasurer, W. A. Chipman, Esq. Sec'ys. Rev. Wm. Chipman and Rev. R. McLearn. Treasurer for Forctg-n JWtssions, J. W. Nutting, Esq. Sec'y.for foreign Missions, Rev. E. A Crawley. African Baptist CAurc/i— Halifax, Rev. Richard Preston. i . ,^ Mitmitm 1842. ;r Gran- PoUer, launder?, ,ev. Jas.' I Harding,! fnd, Rev.| Joseph IV. Tlios. |. Jno. E. sv. Chas. ir. Thrtt Kev. H. . Rand, .. Willard n the first! nd Jas. W. Bancroft,! . Crawley,' rdincf, Jas. 'otter, Jno ackson, N r H Porter, OS Delong,' Bill, and C Fitch, Jas 3. Hon Jas Pettingall, tmes Chip- D. Stephen Treasurer^ J W. Nut- wley, Rev. ', Rev. I E. N Nutting, , Esqrs. man, David earn, Chas. itting, Wm. hipinan, W. Treasurer^ nd Rev. R. utting, Esq. Preston- ) ^ \ 'J farmer's almanack. 1842. •■ vj > ; Free Christian Baptist Ministers. Barrington, Rev. Asa McGray and Rev. Joshua Nickerson. Yarmouth^ Rev. Thos. Brady. Bridgetown^ Rev. Asa Bent. Nova Scotia Bible Society. Patron, Sir Colin Campbell, K. C. B. Presidenfy Hon. H. H. Cogswell. Vtce-PresidentSy Hon. J. W. Johnston and M. G. Black, Esq. Committee^ Rev. Jno Martin, Rev Jno. Scott, Rev. R F Uniacke, Rev. W. Cogswell, Rev. Jas. Mackintosh, Rev. D. N. Sheldon, Rev. Chas. Churchill, Rev. Jno. Marshall, Rev.j A. D. Parker, Rev. Jno. Storr, Rev. J. T. Twining, D. D ; M Bj Almon, Hon. Hugh Bell, David Allison, Jno. H. Anderson, Jno. Howe, David Hare, Hon. Jas W. Johnston, Jno. McNeil, Geo NJ Russell, Jas N Shannon, Andw. McKinlay, Henry Pryor, and C. Richardson, Esqrs. Treasurer, M. G. Black, Esq. Sec'i/*a. J. W. Nutting, and W. Pryor, jr. Esqrs. Depositorjf, Corner otBar- rington and Sackville Streets, opposite the Halifax Grammar School. Life Members^ Hon. C. R. Prescott, Rev. Wm. Chip- man, Dr. Webster, Wm. A. Chipman, and Snow Parker, Esqrs. Central Board of Education. — At Halifax, Hon. Jas. W. Johnston, Hon. Joseph Howe, Hon. M. Tobin, jr., Chas. Cogs- well, M. D. and Beamish Murdoch, Esqrs. 47 MASONIC. 17 i most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free Masonry. Grand Master of England^H'is RoyalHighnessthe Duke ofSussex. Grand Master of Ireland, the Duke of Leincester. Grand Master of Scotland. Sir Jas. Forrest, Bt. Officers of the R W Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia. R. W. Alex. Keith, Esq. Provincial Grand Master; R. W. Jas. Fornian, Jr. Esq. Dep. Grand Master ; R. W. R. F. Hare, Esq. Senior Grand Warden ; R.W. Hon. J. L. Starr, Junior Grand Warden; V. W. J. T. Twining, D D. Grand Chaplain; V. W. A. G. Blair, Esq. Grand Sec'y. ; V. W. Mr. Jno. Richardson Grand Treasurer; W. Mr. R. D. Clarke, Grand Marshall; W. Dean, Grand Sword Bearer; W. Mr. Jno Rogers, Senr. Grand Deacon; W. Mr. R. Pyke, Junr. Grand Deacon; W. Mr. Geo. Anderson, Senr. Grand Pursuivant; fT.Mr. Geo. Anderson, Junr. Grand Tyler. Royal Union Chapter. Held under a Warrant from the Most Excellent Grand Chapter o( • England. Three Chiefs^M. E. C. Alex. Keith, Esq. Z ; M. E. C. Rev. Dr. Twining, H ; M. E. C. R. F. Hare, Esq. J ; C. A. G. Blair, Esq. Sec'y. and Treasurer. C. R. D. Clarke, Esq. C. H.; C. Henry Twining, Esq. P. S. ; C J. Jennings, R. A. C. ; C. C. N, Fife, Capt. 1 V. ; C. Jno. Richardson, Cnpt. 2 F. ; C. Robt. Pyke, Cap/.3 V. C. ; Robt. Jamieson, Architect; Geo. Ander- son, Centinel. ■ \ \ I t 48 farmkr's almanack. CITY OF HALIFAX. 1843. Mayor, Stephen Binney, Esqr. Recorder, William Q. Sawers, Esqr. ALDERMEN. Janiefl Treinain, Ward No 1; Thos. Williamson, No 3; Edw. Kenny, No 3; Jno. Duffus, No 4; Andw. McKinlay, No 5; Jno. Edw. Starr, No (i ; Esqrs. COMMON COUNCILMEN. Edw. Allison and Wm. G. Anderson, Ward No 1 ; Alex- Keith and Wui. Story, jr., No 2; Wm. Caldwell and Andw. M. Uniacke, No «*3: Hon. Hugh Bell and Joseph Jennings, Esq. No 4; Conrad West, and Adam Hemmeon, No 5; Jno. Steel, and Nepean Clarke, No ; Esqrs. The Mayor's Court held in the County Court House on the first and third Tuesday in every Month. The Police Office is open every week day from 10 till 4 o'clock. One of the Aldermen presiding weekly in rotation. CITY ASSESSORS. Jas. H. Reynolds and Chas. Hill Wallace, \7ardNol; Jno. Strachan and Robert Noble, No 2; Fras. Stevens, jr. and Jno. Slayter, No 3 ; Wm. Chaplain and Alex. Troup, No 4 ; Wm. Marvin and Wm. Cutlip, No 5 ; Daniel Mitchell [and Jno. Lon^rd, No 6 ; Auditors, ■ ' Clerk, Jas. Stewart Clarke, Esqr. Assistant Clerk, Mr. Edward Young. Treasurer and Clerk I ^^^^^^^^ Hartshorne, Esqr. , ' " ofLicenfie, <> » m . City Marshal, or High Constable —J. J. Sawyer, Esqr. Constables. — Police — George Glazebrook, James Ham; Wm. Mills. — Wards — Garret Cotter, Philip Parsons, James Aull, Michael Mulliyran, and William Roddick, Keeper and Superintendant of Markets — Mr. Fras. Stevens, jr. Clerk of the Markets— ^iGssvs. Fras. Stevens, jr. and W. H. McCurdy. Surveyor of Roads ani Superintendant of Common — Mr. Jacob Currie. Collcciors — Ward No 1 ; Pound Keeper — The Goalor for the time being. > ,,, Board of Health — The Mayor and Aldermen. Fire Wards — Ward No 1, Jno. Howe, J. J. Sawyer and Josh. Lee; No2, Wm. Story, jr., Andw. Richardson, Chas. W. Hill; No 3, Wm. Caldwell,' Wm. K. Milward, Archbd. Sinclair ; No 4, Robt. Romans, Thos. S. Tobin, and Jno. Esson ; No 5, Geo. P. Lawson, Conrad West, and Adam Hemmeon; No 6, Jno. Lon- gard, Alex, G. Eraser and Wm. N. Silver, Esqrs. '.' : ) 1842. Jo 3; Edw. iNo 5 ; Jno. I ; Alex- Andw. M. lings, Esq. Ijno. Steel, ouse on the 11 4 o'clock. No 1; Jno. jr. and Jno. No 4 ; Wm. 1 |and Jno. qr. : ■ Ssqr. Ham; Wm. fames Aull, Stevens, jr. and W. H. —Mr. Jacob ir and Josh. s. W. Hill; clair ; No 4, ) 5, Geo. P. , Jno. Lon- \ \S4% FARMKR'g ALMANACK. '/ire Constables— W&rd No U III Comm^rs of Streets — Jas. Tremain, Wm. Story, jr. Wm. Culd- well, Hon. Hiif^h Bell, Conrad West and Jno. Steele, Esqrs. Harbour Master — Comm'rs of the Common — Tlios. Williamson, Edw. Allison and Andw. M. Uniacke, Esqrs. Co)nm*rs of the Cemetery — Edw. Kenny, Jno. Duffus, Hon. Hugh Bell, Wm. Story, jr. and N.Clarke, E^qrs. CommWs oj Public Property — Thos. Williamson, J. Edw. Starr, Alex. Keith, Conrad West, Andw. McKinlay. Edw. Allison and Wm. G. Anderson, Esqrs. Fire Engine Company for the City oj Halifax. William Caldwell, Captain. No. 1 Engine; Station, Grand Parade. — Fred. Sturmy, Lt.; Jas. Mahony, Thos. Lownds, Saml. Caldwell, Jno. McLean, George Caldwell, Jas. Smithers, Jacob Blum, George Room; Wm. Sturmy, Chas. Barnstcad, Wm. Eraser, Jno. Dunn, J Bell, T. Hutt, and T. Mackie. No. 2 Enoinf. ; Station, Grand Parade. — Wm. Crawford, Lt. Eldw. Sturmy. Thos. Cassedy, Danl. McLean, T. Muhlij?, Henryt Laurilliard, Bruce McDonald, Wm. Stevens, David Calder, Wm. Bentley, Wm. Steward, Wm. Saxton, Wm. Wood, Jno. Bennett, Robt. Woodill, W. Bolton, and W. Lannnigan. No. 3 Enginr; Station, Mason Hall. — Jasr Jackson, Lt. Geo. Little, R. A. Rigby, (Sec'y. and Treasurer^ ; Gilbert Elliot, Zebina Hall, Arch. Goreham, .^ndw. McGrigAr, T. Lyons, Jno. Mcllreith, Arch. iVlcIntosh, Patr. Lyons, W. Pyke, and S. Morris. No. 4 Engine ; Station, St. George's Church. — Benj. Smith- ers, Lt.; Stephen Studley, Thos. Holloway, Geo. Gauld, Thos. Wilson, Amos Padlar, Don. Sutherland, R. Frost, Jno. Ervin, Wm. Morris, Jno. Smithers. Sam. Marshall, Robt. Motton, W. Roast, R. Davis, and P. Hay. No. .5, EivoiNE, Station, Grand Parade — Hen. Spike, Lieut. ; Jos. McGill, Jno Wills, Jno Robertson, Thos Harrison, Jno Har rison, Jas Reaves, Jno Smith, Alex Taylor,JasCarter,& A.Neall. Honorary Members, James Smith, Michael Byran and James Dechnian, Senr. Axe Fire Company. Captain, R. R. Richardson ; Lieut. Errol Boyd ; Sec'y. A H Im lay ; Pat. Mahoney, Chas: Marvin, Eph. Lawlor, Nelson Marvin, Peter Thoroughgood, Robt Graham, Jno. Muhlig, Roland Eus tace, Geo Dravis, Peter Artz, Wm Wisdom, Jno Small, Geo. Wells, Henry Smith, Thos Harrison, Jno Bosse, Danl McPher son, Rich'd Room, Jas Carter, David Heckman, Jno McPherson, Geo. Carter, and Edw Imlay. O^;^ The Fire Engine Company and Axe FirCrMen are exempt from Militia duty and from serving as Jurors. E . •, • ' ! I ; 50 farmer's almanack 1842. Ph(£nix Pirf. Company. — President, Mr. Wm Laidltiw. \Nlce Pre*. Mr. Wm. Full. Treasurer, Mr. CD. Hunter. Sec'y. Mr. Jos. Whytal. Sun Fire Company. — President, Edw. Kenny, Esq. Vice Pres. Edw Cunafd, Esq. Treasurer, Thos. Williamson, Esq. Sec'y. John Watt, Esq. Hand in Hand Fire Company.— President, Alex. G. Fraser, Esq. Vice \Pres. Jas. F.Gray, Esq. Treasurer, Edw.Binney, Esq. Sec'y. Geo. Lowes, Esq. Heart and Hand Fire Company. — President, J. M. Cham berlain^ Esq. Vice Pres. IWm. Adams, Esq. Treasurer, John Mnnro, Esq. Sec'y. Mr. Wm. lost. Star Fire Company. — President, Mr. Jas. Hobson. Vice Pres. Mr. John firandor- Treasurer, Mr. Jno. Richardson. Sec'y. Mr. C. D. Witham. COUNTY OF HALIFAX. High Sheriff, John James Sawyer, Esq. Coroner, James F. Gray, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Halifax, on the Ist Tucs. of April; 2d Tuesday of July ; and 3d Tuesday of November, Prothonotary, and Clerk of the Crown, Jas. W. Nutting, Esq. General Sessions of the Peace held at Halifax, IstTues. of March, June, Septr. and December. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :— John Lid dell, Geo. N. Russell and Law. Hartshorne, Esqrs. Justic'es of the Peace for the City of Halifax— The Mayor and Aldermen of Halifax, and for the Countv of Halifax — William Q. Sawers, {Cusios); John Liddell, Richard Tremain, Geo. N. Russell, Hon. J. Leander Starr, Thos. Hosterman, Chas. W. Wallace, Law. Hartshorne, W. A. Black, Jas. Tremain, Edw. Cunard, Senr. Stephen Binney, Wm F Black, Edw Allison, Wm. Saltus, Wm T B Tiers, Samuel Albro, Adams Archibald, Henry Y. Mott, Edw. H. Lowe, Geo. B. Creighton, Thos. B.Desbrisay, M. D.J Henry A. Gladwin, Jas. Kent, Wm. K. Reynolds, Wm. Logan, Joseph Green, Thos. Holland, Jno. Smith, Wm. Ander- son, Andw. Mclqnes, Colin Mitchell, Senr. Jno. Shelnut, Geo. Shelnut, Jno. Belong, Robt. A. Logan, Jno. Stewart, and Jno. Stidele, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace^ J. S. Clarke, Esq. , m ' CommU-s ofSchoolSj Western District — Ven. Archdeacon Willis, D. D., Rev. Jno. Scot, Rev. A.D.Parker, Law. Hartshorne, Eidw. Lowe and Wm. Grigor, M. D., Esqrs. Eastern District^ Rev. John Sprott, Adams Archibald, Jas. Kent, Jas. Annand and Wm. T. Lydiard, Esqrs. 1843. r. \Nlce Sec'y Vice »n, Esq. Fraser, |ey, Esq. [. Cham- |-er, John \n. Vice :har(l8on. April; 2d thonotary it Tues. of > Insolvent ifior Court -John Lid rhe Mayor Halifax — d Tremain, roan, Chas. main, Edw. Ilison, Wm. )ald, Henry Desbrisay lolds, Wm. Im. Ander- elnut, Geo. t, and Jno. aeon Willis, Hartshorne, '.rn Districty Annand and A J^ PARftlER'S ALMANACK. 51 1842. "Board of Land Commissioners.— Hon. 3 Howe, J.J. Sawyer, and THiis Smith, EMqrs. Comm'rsfor the Poor Jisylum. — Geo. N. RMSsell, M. B. Almon, Jas. W. Nutting, Jno. Howe, Hon. Hugh Bell, Thos. William son, Wm. Lawson, jr. W. M. Allan, Henry Fryor, Edw. Allison, T. S. Tobin, and Chas. Twining, Esqrs.— C/crfc, Mr.Robt. Fhelan. ' Comm'rs to Examine and Select Pi7o/».— Port of Halifax, E. Cu- nard, John Williamson, Hon. James McNab, J. E. Fairbanks, and Geo. P. Lawson, Esqrs. Comm^rafor the charge of Government House end the Protinee Buildinjf,. — Hon. J. B. Uniacke, Chas. W. Wallace, and Jno Whidden, Esqrs. CommWs for the Erection of a Provincial Penitentiary. — Hon. J. B. Uniacke, Hon. M. Tobin, jr., Jno. E. Fairbanks, Edw. Allison, and Wm. Grigor, M. D. Esqrs Officers of Her Majeaty^a Customs. Collector^ htn. Thomas Nickleson Jeffery ; Landing Surveywt Jno. Wallace, Esq. Landing Waiters and Searchers , Jno. Black- 'more, and Alex. Forsayeth, Esqrs. Landing fVaiterSj Searchers, and Tide Surveyors, Robt. Cleghorn and Jas. G Boggs, Esqrs. IfVarehoiise Keeper, W. H. lies, Esq. Clerks, Edmund F. Stewart, J.T. Lane, and E. Hackett, Esqrs. ExtraClerka, Jno.Garby, Saml. Story, Jas. S. Richardson, and J S Morris, Esqrs. Warehouse Locker. Mr. E. Boyd. Extra Lockers, D. Jones, Alex. Hay, and Jas. Miller, Acting Tide Surveyor, Mr. Jas. iWall. Boatmen, Wm. Hays, and A Carman. Tide Waiter, Wm. Hills. Messenger, Robt. Boke. Surveying Officer, Edward iOuckett, Esq. Broker, Mr. Wm. Hill. I Collector of Light Duty, P. P. James, Esq. I Officers of the Colonial Revenue. I Collector, Hon H N Binney ; Giiager and Weigher, Andrew Richardson, Esq ;• Waiters and Shipping Officers, Messrs Robt. Hodgera, Jno. Dempster, and John B. Tropoleit. Commissioners of the Revenue. Hon. S. B. Robie, Hon. H. H. Cogswell, Hon. Wm. Lawson, Law. Hartshorne, and Chas W. Wallace, Esqrs Clerk, Edward Ducket, jr. Esq. Commissioners and Justices of the Peace for Sable Island, Seal Islands and Mud Islands, Wm. Lawson, jr. Edw Wallace, and Edw Cunard, Esqrs. Clerk, Edw Duckctt, jr. Esq. Superin- tendant residing on Sable Island, Mr Joseph Darby. Commissioners of Light Houses, Hon. S. Cunard, Thos. May nard, R. N. and .lacob Miller, Esqrs. Shubenacadie Canal Company. — President, Hon. Thomas N. JefFery. Vice President, Hon. Samuel Cunard. Secretary, Trustees of Dartmouth Common. — John E. Fairbanks, Wm. Foster and H. Y. Mott, Esqrs. $3 I— » im » i " ammmmm FARMER S ALMANACK. 1842 Halifax Banking Company. *^ Partners, Hon H H Cogswell, President ; Wm. Pry or, EsqJ Vice-President; Hon. Enos Collins, Martin G. Black, Esq. and Hon. Michael Tobin. Cashier, N. T. Hill, Esq. Clerk, Mr. J. C. W. Wilkie. Messenger, Mr Jos Keefler. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of business from 10 to 3 o'clock, Sundays and Hdly-days excepted. Notes! for Discount to be left the day previous, before one o'clock, with the Cashier. Bank of Nova- Scotia. Directors, M. B. Alraon, {President); Jno. Bazalgette, Jos. Starr, Jno. H. Anderson, Lewis Bliss, Jas. Donaldson, Alex. Keith, J. J. Sawyer, Alex. Murison, Wm. Murdoch, Jas. Tre- main, Hon. Jas. B. Uniacke, and Alex. Wallace, m. d. Esqrs. Cashier, Jas. Forman, jr. Esq. Tellers, Messrs. Benj. Carlisle, and John Cooper. Messenger, Mr. Jas. Maxwell. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays. Hours of busineRi^ from 10 to 3 o'clock, Sundays and Holydays excepted. Notes (for Discount to be left the day previous, before one o'clock, with the Cashier. Bank of British North America. Established in London. Capital One Million Sterling. Halifax Branch — Manager, Stephen N. Binney, Esq. Directors^ jHsn. Samuel Cunard, Wm A. Black, Hon. Jas. McNab, S. W.| Deblois, and '■ Esqrs. Standing Counsel,] Solicitors and JVotaries, Wm. Youbjj and Geo. R.Young, Esqrs. Accountant, 3. W. Smith, jr. Esq. Tellers, Messrs. W Carritt & S. Stirling. Messenger, Mr. D. McPherson. Discount Days — Tuesdays and Fridays, Hours of business from 10 to 3 o'clock. Notes for Discount to be left at the Bank! the day previous, before 12 o'clock. Saving's Bank. Comni'r, and Treasurer, Edw Duckett, jr. Esq. Committee for examining the Accounts, Hon H N Binney, Hon Sir Rupert D George, Bt. and Chas W Wallace, Esq. The Bank is kept at the Office of the Treasurer of the Province, in the Province- Building. Hours of attendance from 8 to 10 o'clock every Monday morning. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Halifax Fire Insurance Company. — Directors, Chas. Twi- ning, {President), Chas. J. Hill, (Ficc Pres.); Andw M. Uniacke, Alex. Keith, Robt. M. Brown, Thos. Boggs, and M. B. Almon, Esqrs. Solicitor, Atidw. M. Uniacke, Esq. Sec'y. fy Treasurer} Rich. Tremain, Esq. Albion Life and Fire Insurance Company. — Directors^ Hon, H. H. Cogswell, Pres. ; Jno. Spry Morris, Chas. VV. Wallace, Jno H. Anderson and Robt. Romans, Esqrs. Solicitor, Hon. Jas^B^niacke. Sec'y. and Treasurer, Henry Pryor, E^q. 'l^ 1843. )r, Esq,' Isq. and Ir.J.C. )U6incss Notes Ick, with kte, Jos. fi, Alex.' Fas. Tre- L Esqrs. Carlisle, business . Notes ock, with g- Directors, ab, S. WJ ^ Counaelj {oimo; and! iq. Tellers) [cPherson. f business the Bank Committee r Rupert D is kept at Province lock every has. Twi- [. Uniacke, B. Almon, Treasurer^ !tors, Hon, ^ Wallace,! citor, Hon. r, Epq^ 1842. FAHMER 8 ALMANACK. 53 S^arlford Sf Prolection Fire Insurance Companies, of Hartford Conn.— (Cttpital oi each $250,000), Agent for Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland, Hon. J. LeanderStarr, Esq. at Halifax. •Alliance British and Foreign Life and Fire Assurance Com pany of London. — (Capital five millions Sterling.) — Agents foi' Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, William and George R. Young, Esqrs. Halifax; Charles Young, Esqr. Charlotte Town, P. E. I. Physicians, R. Hume, M. D. and James F. Avery, M. D. Esqrs. Halifax. JVova Scotia Marine Insurance Company. — (Capital £40^000) Pfes. Wm. Pryor, Esq. Directors, Jas. G. A. Creighton, J. C Allison, S. W. Deblois, Jno. Williamson, Law. Hartshorne, Edw Cunard, Wm. Law8on,jr. //on. M. Tobin, jr. S. Hinney, Robt. M. Brown, Thos. Williamson and Robt. Noble, Esqrs. Soli citor, Jas. F. Gray, Esqr. Auditors, Edw Binney & Edw Allison, Esqrs. Brokers, Messrs. Yeomans and Eraser. Office, Bedford-Row, opposite the Commissariat Office. Halifax Marine Insurance Company. — (Capital £40,000). Di- rectors, M. B. Almon, Pres. ; W. B. Fairbanks, Jno. Duffus, Jno. Edw. Starr, Geo. P. Lawson, W. J. Starr, Jas. Tremain, E Cunard, Jr., Wm. M. Allan, J. V.N. Bazalgette, J. J. Sawyer, J. N. Shannon and Edw. Allison, Esqrs. Solicitor, Wm. Young, Esqr. Auditors, Edw. Kt»nny and Chas. J. Hill, Esqrs. Sec'y. and Broker, Hon. J. Leander Starr. Office, Granville Street, in the Building recently occupied by the Bank of Nova-Scotia Union Marine Insurance Company of Nova Sco/m.— (Capital £40,000). Pres. Jos. Starr, Esq. Directors, Wm. Stairs, David Allison, Jas. A. Moren, Jno. Strachan, Danl. Starr, Jno.U. Ross, S. B. Smith, Jos. Fairbanks, Thos. R. Grassie, Hugh Lyie, Jas H. Reynolds, and J T. Wainwright, Esqrs. Solicitor, Jno. Whidden, Esq. Auditors, Wm. D. Hunter, and Geo. H. Starr, Esqrs. Sec'y. and Broker, Geo. C. Whidden, Esq. Offi,ce, Bed- ford Row, opposite the Commissariat Office. United Kingdom Life Assurance Company^ No 8. Waterloo Place, Pail-Mall, London. — (Capital one million Sterling,) Agent at Halifax, Alex. G. Eraser, Esq. Physician, W. Grigor, Esqr. M. D. Icj* See Advertisement, page 92. Pelican Life Assurance Company of London. — Agent, for No va-Scotia, and New Brunswick, M. B. Almon, Esq. at Halifax Minerva Life Assurance Company of London. — (Capital one MILLION.) — Agent for Nova Scotia, Jas. Stewart, Esq. aX Ha ifax. Medical Adviser, Rufus S. Black, Esq. M. D. Neto York Life Insurance and Trust Cowjooni/.— -(Capital $1,000,000). Agent for Nova Scotia, P. E. Island, and New Brunswick, Hon, J. Leander Starr^ at Halifax. National Loan Fund Life Assurance and Deferred Annuity Society of Cornhill, London— (Capital £500,000 Sterling). Board of Management at Halifax, N. S, for the Branch including Nova- Scotia, and Pr ince Edw ard Island. Local £2 If: I 54 farmer's almanack. 1642. Directors, Hon. J. Leander Starr, (Manager unci Ageliit,) Ged. P. Lawson, Thos. R. Giassie, and Jno. Edw. Sturr,' Esq^. Phydcian^ Wm. J. Almon, Esq. M. D. Standing Council,^ Hon. J. W. Johnston. Solicitor, Jno. C. Halliburton, Esq. — Office in Granville-Street. Agents jor Lloyds. — Halifax, Messrs. J. & M. Tobin. Pic- tou, J as. Dawson, Esq. Cape Breton, P. H. Clarke, Esq. Yarmouth, E. W. B. Moody, Esq. Ageuis for Unxlenvriters Rooms, Liverpool, G. B, Messrs. Yeomans & Eraser, Hili'ax. S0PX£TI£S) &c. Nova-Scotia Philanthropic Society. — President, Mr. Robt Richardson. Vice Prest's. Doctor W. J. Almon. Asst. VicePres. Messrs. Thos. McKie and Jno. Northup. Sec'y. Mr. IJ. A. Findlay. Jisst. Sec^y. Mr. SamI Cdldwell. Treasurer^ Mr. Wm. Caldwell. Steward, Mr. J* D. Nash. Committee of Charity, Messrs. J. Shaffer, Chas Keefler, Wm. Marvin, and R. A. Bifjby. Youth's Nova-Scotia Ph!Lanthrop:c ociety — Presl, Master Jos. Keefler. Ftce Pr^^/s. Masters 1 V'tnon, and E. C. Twining, .^ss^ F. P. Master J. Mitchell. ^*^^'> Master U. Chipman. St. George's Society. — President, Hon. T. N. Jeffery. Vice Pres. S W. Deblois, Esq. ^sst. Vice Pres. Law. Hartshorne, and Stephen Binney, Esqrs. Sec'y. Edw. Duckett, jr. Esq. Treasurer, Edw. Binney, Esq. North British Society. — President, John McLean, Esqr. Vice Pres, Robt D Clarke, Esqr. ,^sst. Vice Pres. John Me-, iGregor and Wm S Moore, Esqrs. Sec''ys. Alex McNab, &. Don- Murray, Esqrs. Treasurer, 2 no W&it. Eaq. Committee of Chari-^ ty,W\Q. Grant, Jno. Esson, Alex. Stewart, Thos. Laidlaw, and Jno Blander, Esqrs. Irish Sovaety.-^ President, Edward Kenny, Esqr. Vice Pres. Mr. Danl. Creamer. Treasuntr, Mr. Michael Maloney. Sec'i/i. Mr. Jas. Fitzgerald. Highland Society of Nova Scotia. — President, Chas, W. Wallace, Esq. Vice Prests. Right Rer. Dr. Eraser, Bishop of Tanen, Rev. Peter ftlcLean, Jas. F. Gray, Alex Keith, R. C McDonald, Alex, and Jno. Williamson, Esqrs. Direc- tors, Rev. Jno. Martin, Hon. Jas. McNab, Wm. Young, Robt. D. Clarke, G. R. Young, J. A. Sievewright, Angus Fraser, and Arch. McDonald, Esqrs. Scci/'j. Jno. McGregor and Sam). Gray, Esqrs. Chaplain, Rev. Jas. Mackintosh. Treasurer, Chas. W. Wallace, Esq. Messenger, Mr. John Robb. Halifax DisPENSARY.-^a/ron, Sir Colin Campbell, K.C.B. Pres. The Lord Bishop. V. Prests. Her Majesty's Ex. Council Governors, Rev. Dr. Willis, Rev. R F Uniacke, Rev. Jno Scott, Rev. John Laughlin, Hon, Samuel Cunard, Hon. H H Cogswell, Hon. S G W Archibald, M G Black, Jas Forman, Law. Harts* ■4 1642.' \getit,) Sturr; ouncilf* ■-Office Pic- i, Esq. Messrs. ity Mr. Asst. 'y- Mr. trer^ Mr. Charity, R. A — Presl, 9nd£. aster U. •y. Vice rtshorne, jr. Esq. n, Esqr. Fohn Mc-, , &. Don. of Chari illaw, and '^ice Pres. ^. Sec^ifj Chas. W. lishop of ilh, li. C s. Dirtc- Robt. D. and Arch. 111. Gray, Chas. W. l,K.C.B. . Council Jno Scott Cogswell, w. Harts •; i > I84Q. FAHMKR 8 ALMANACK. iic/fne, S W Nutting, Geo N Russell, and. Kich'd Treinain, Eeqrs. Secretaries and Medical Attendants, Wm Grigor,MD. and Thos J Stirling, Esqrs. Dispensary, Granville Street, in ■rear of St. Matthew's Church, open every day except Sunday, from 1 to 2 o'clock, p. ni. •' Halifax Mariner's Society. — Comniitlee, Captains Thos. Boole, (Chairman) Chas R McLean, James Morrison, and J no Stairs. Trustee, Mr. Gasper Roast. Halifax Mechanic's I.nstitute. — President, A. McKinlay, Esq. Vice Presidents, Jno. Slayter and Jno. McLean, Esqrs Treasurer, Jas. Forman, jr. Esq. Curator, Mr. Jno McDonald. Sec'y. Mr. Jno. S. Thompson. Committee, Geo L O'Brien, R. Creed, Hon. Joseph Howe, Hon. J. L. Starr, Geo. R. Young, A.. Mitchell, Andw. Downs, Wm. Grigor, M. D. and Chas. Robson, Esqrs. Halifax Mechanic's Library- — President, Mr. C H Belcher. Treasurer, Mr. Jno Munro. Committee, Messrs. Thos. McKie, Andw. McKinlay, Geo Smithers, Andw. Mitcliell and Jno Naylor. Sec^y, and Librarian, Mr. B. Carlile. The Library (nearly oppo- site the BunU of Nova-Scotia,) is open every evening except Sunday and Wednesday from 7 to 9 o'clock — on Wednesday evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Halifax Library. — Committee, B. Murdoch, Jas. F. Gray, J. Scott Tremain, Chas. J. Hill, Jno. Whidden, Peter Lynch, ijr. Esqrs. and Rev. Jno. Martin. Treasurer, R. F. Hare, Esq. Sec^y and Librarian, Mr. Saml. Boggs. ^ Halifax Literary Society. — President, Mr. Chas. Rob- son. V. Prcsts. Messrs. D. B. Clarlte and R. Nugent. TVea- \surer, Mr. J A Bell. Sec'y, Mr. J B Flowers. Asst. Sec''y. Mr. iJos. Bell. Committee, Messrs. J S Thompson, Jno Chaml>erlain, R M Barratt, J B Leishman, and R W Young. Carprntf.r's Society. — President, Mr. Geo Cullip. Vice Prcs. Mr. Edw Butler. IVeasureri Mr. Robt Richardson. Sec^y. Mr Wm Lovett. St. Mary's Total Abstinence Society. — President, Very Rev. .lolin Lautrhlin, V. G.; Vice Pres. Rev. L. J. Dease. Ass Vice Prests. Messrs Patrick Mahony, Jas Wallace, Jno English, and Jeremiah Longard. Treasurer, Mr Patrick Power. Sec'y. Mr Joseph vV Quinan. Asst. Sec'y. Mr Patrick Walsh. Halifax Teh:perance Socikty. — President, B. Murdoch, Esqr. Vice Prests. Messrs. Jno. Neil and Rich'd Creed. Sec'y. Mr. W. M. Brown. Asst. Sec'y. Mr. Jno. Mcintosh. Corres- ponding Sec'y.Mr. Chas. Robson. Treasurer, Mr. C. B. Naylor. Committee, W. H. Roach, J. S. Thompson, J. Uhlman, J. Dunn, J. McDonald, M. Herbert, W. C. Silver, R. W. Youitg, Forbes, P. Beuree, H. G. Laurilliard, Edw Young, Sergt. Jon R, A.; Wm. Moore, 6Rh Regt.; Wm. Field, Corporal Sapp( V' i| ill Halifax Reading Room. — Coinniittee, Wm M AIlan(Cb^r man), Thos S Tobin, Thos R Grassie, Jas H Reynolds, Jno U Ross, Geo C Whidden, and Edw Lawson, Ksqrs. Keefler's Reading Room. — Opposite the Exchange Coffee House, conducted by the Proprietor, Mr. Chas Keefler. Halifax Gas Light and WATEit Company.— Prcsirfenf, The Honhle. Jas. B. Uniacke. Directors, Andw. Richardson, Andw. McKiiilay, Alexander Keith, Stephen Binney and Jas. Treinain, Esqrs. Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. M Hoffman, Fsq. Solicitor, Andw. M. Uniacke, Esq. Auditors, Geo. C. Whidden, and Edw. Allison, Esqrs. iioTEL Company. — Committee, Hon. T. N. Jeffery, Hon. J. B. Uniacke, C. W. Wallace, Jas. Treinain, Joseph iStarl', Wra. Lawson, jr. and Wm. Murdoch, Esqrs. Sec'y. and Treasurer, H. Pry or, Esq. Central Board of Agricl'lture. — At Halifax, /Zbn. Jas. McNab, Wm Young, Matt. Richardson, Jno E Fairbanks, Thos. Williamson, Edw. Allison, Edw. Pryor, jr., Sainl. Chipman (for Middle Division), Ricb'd. J. B^orrestall (tor Eastern Division), Jas. Holdsworth (for Western Division), and Edw. Sutherland (for Cape-Breton Division), Esqrs. 56 FARMKR S ALMANACK. 1842. POST OFFICE. Mails made up at Halifax, On Monday Afternoon, at four o'clock, for Newport, Windsor, Wolfville, Kentville, Bridgetown, Annapolis, Yarmouth, Digby St. John, N. B., United States^ Chester, Lunenburg, Liverpool, Shelburne, Barrington, and during the Summer for Pairsboro'. On Wednesday, at one o^clock, for Gay's River, Musquodo boit, Truro, Pictou, Prince Edward Island, Cumberland, Anligo- nish, Guysboro', Cape-Breton, New-Brunswick, the Canadas and United States, and during the winter for Parrsboro.' On Friday afternoon at 4. o^clock, for Windsor, Kentville, Wolfville, Bridgetown and Annapolis. On Saturday, at 4 o'c/ocA, for Truro, Cumberland, Dorches- ter, St. John, Fredericton, and the Canadas. On the 3rd and 1 8th of every month, for England, (except dur- ing the months of Deer. Jan'y Feb'y and March, when but one Mail will be made up, that of the 3rd.) by the British and North American Royal Mail Steam Ships, and On the Arrival of these Steamers (from England), for St. John's, Newfoundland, Boston, Pictou, Canada, and Bermuda. Mails Arrive at Halifax. On Monday Evening from Shelburne, Liverpool, Lunenburg Chester, Annapolis, Kentville, Wolfville, Windsor and Newport On Tuesday Morning from Canada, Fredericton, St. John, Dorchester, Cumberland, and Truro. prize.] -Ma 1843. ciST- Fno U| Coffee sidenti ii'dsoii, id Jas. }ffinan, ieo. C. n. J. B. Wm. asurer, m. Jas. I, Thos. nan (for vision), herland Vindsor, I, Digby iverpool, rrsboro'. isquodo* Anligo- idas and entviile, Dorches- ept dur- i but one! id North t. John's, nenburg Newportl Bt. John, €m Wednesday Evening iVum the United States, New Brims wick, Annapolis, KentviUe,Wolfville, Windsor, Shelburne, Yar mouth and Digby, and during the Summer from Parrsboro.' On Saturday Mornin^ from (Jay's River, Musquodoboit, Truro, Pictou, Prince Edward Island, Cumberland, Antigonish,- Guysboro', Cape Breton, New Brunswick, the Canadas, and the United States, anddurinjj the winter from Parrsboro'. | On or about the 15th and 30th of every month (except during the months of Deer. Jan'y Feb'y and March, when but one Mail, that oT the 15th, will be received) by the British and North' American Royal Mail Steam Ships from Great Britain. 1642. FARMER S ALMANACK. 57 Kvplanation of Signals made at Citadel Hill, Halifax, when Vessels are coming up the Harbour. [ One ball close, a square rigged vesselt A Pendant under a ball 6 do One do. half hoisted 2 dot Do. over a bull half hoisted*. 7 Aiv\ Two do. c'ose« 'S do Do. under 2 do close .8 d«». Two do. separated •• ■•4 do Do. between 2 do sepuruted ». 9 doj A. Pendant of any colour 5 do A flitg of any colt>ui, 10 or more du The above Signals are hoi9te«l at the east or wear yard arm, according to the quarter the vessel tirst appears in, wiih the addition of a bull nt the centre of the yard, until the vessel ear be seen, wimn one or more of thi following descriptive colours will be hoisied at the mast head. An Union, a Flag Ship, with or without a squadron. Do. with a red pendant over it, a two decker. Do. with a blue pendant over it, a Frigate Do. with a white (tendant over it, a sluop of war. Do. with a white and red nendant overil, a Schr, or Cutter of War [ A whiio pendant, centre a black ball, with the Union uoderita Man-i uf>War iSteamer. ' A red flag, centre a white square, a Packet. A blue pendant, a |Slerohant £hip. A red do. a Merchant Brig. A white do a topsail Schooner or Sloop. A biueand white flag, horizontally divided, Neutral Fleet. A white and blue pendant, with a white pendant underneath Neutral I\!an«of.War. A blue flag, Neutral Merchant Ship. A red, white and blue flag, an Enemy's Fleet. A red flng, an Enemy's Mercliai.tman. An Union Jack over Neutral or Enemy's Signal, vessel is detaintd or prize. A white pendant with two blue crosses, a Tran«port or Troop ship. A white with a b'ue ball, and the Packet flag underoenth, — Mail Steamer from England A white pendant with a blue ball, aid a red and blue flag undernestb. -Mail Steamer from Boston. A white ppndant with a blue ball only — Steamer from Quebec. A while flag over any signal. Vessel bears a flag of truce. A white and blue pendant, Newfoundland M.iil Coat. A whilf and red pendant, Bermuda Mail Boat. 58 farmer's almanack. 1842. A ball at the mast head. Vessel is on shore in distress. — Shoald tm mediate aid be necessary, guns are to be firod. Explanaiion of Signals — Made on the Ensign Staff, to denote the part which Vessels entering the Harbour are from. A red FIng, Greal>Britain. ' A red and white do Mediterranean. A red Pendant, Continent of £urope. A white and red Pendant, Madeira, Canary, or Western Isles. A blue Flag, West'lndies. A blue Pendant. Bermudas, Bahamas, or Turk's Island. A white and blue pendant, vessel has an English mail on board A blue and white Flag, United States. A white flag, Newfoundland A red and white Hag, horizontally divided, Quebec, or Gulf of St. Lawrence A blue and white Flag, horizontally divided. New Brnnswick, or Bay ofFundy. A white Pendant, coasts of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. Repeats from Out-posts j at Citadel Hill. For a square rigged Vessel, two bails of a size. A Ship, a large ball at the erd of the yard, with a small one in the centre. A Lozenge, in the centre close up, aSluop or Schooner. Do. half hoisted, two or more Schooners ,. MerchanVs Private Signals — Port of Halifax, R E D— D. & E. Starr, & Co. a Red Flag. J &M.Tobin, - do . crossed white. Creighlon & Grnesie, - do - crossed white diagonally. Deblois & Merkle, do . centre a white square. Robert Noble, do . centre a white N Win Roche, do . centre a white diamond. W f 1. S. Neal, - do . centre a w hite star. R. Frost, do - centre a white ball. N. LeCain ^ Son, do - crossed blue diagonally. W Saitus & Wainwright, a red, white, and blue do. red and white next the mast ; red uppermost, blue at the end. Jas. Donaldson, a red and white chequered do 11. D. Clarke & Co. a red white, blue, white, and red striped do. Alex. A. Black, a blue, white and red, do. blue next the mast. Robt. M. Brown, a red burgee, centre a white B. W. &. J. McNeil, do. centre a white star VV H I T E.— J. & T. Williamson, a White Flag. Wm. Stairs & Son, do. centre a blue square. James A. INloren, do. bordered red. Fairbanks & McNab, do. crosed blue. Thos. C. Kionear, & Co. do. centre a red star, bordered red at top and bottom. McN-ib, Cochran ^ Co. do. centre a red square. . Peter Furlong, - - * do. bordered red at top and bottom, with a Shamrock in the centre. John U. Roes, do. centre a bine Maltese cross, with a blue border. Wm. Strachan, a white, red, and white do. white next the mast. 1843. >te the Ird. of St. or Bay e in the illjr. id. ind white peddo. nast. 1 red at top torn, with le border. ; mast. 1842. farmer's almanack. 59 llGeo. Handiey, white, bine and white Flag, white uppermost. Jos. Fairbanki, white and blue do. the blue meeting in the centre at a point from the four corners. T. Pierfl, a blue and white do. blue indented from the outer edge. J. A. Bauer, a white and red do. divided dingonaily. Jno. Strachan, a white, red and white do. white uppermost. Geor>!e H. Starr, a white Burgee. J. H. Reynolds. do. crossed red. Frith, Smith & Co. a blue and white do. white next the mast, crossed red in the white. Wm. Donaldson, a white and red do. white next the ma«*t. Lyie & Wiswall, a white and red do. white next the mast, a ^ed B on the white, and a white L on the red. Geo. C. Whidden, white, red and white Burgee, B L U E. — J. Leander Starr, a blue Flag. S. Cunard & Co, do. centre a white star. Stephen Binney, & Co. a blue Flag, crossed white. Wm. Story, do. centre a white square. Wm. Fryor & Sons, a blue and white do. blue uppermost. G. P. Lawson, a blue and white chequered do. M. Richardson, a blue and red do. blue next the mast. W B. Paniilton, ablue, white and blue do. blue uppermost. Francis Stevens, a blue, white and blue do. blue next the mast. M. B. Almon, a blue and red do. crossed white, blue next the mast. Wm. Lawson, jr. a blue, white, and blue do. blue next the mast, Fairbanks & Allisons, a blue Burgee. Conrad West & Son, do. centre a white star. YELLOW— T. & L. Piers, a yellow flag, centre a blue ball. COUNTY OF COLCHESTER. High Sheriff, G R Grassie, Esq. Coroner^ Nat. Marsters, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Truro, ad Tues, of June, and 2d Tues. of October. Dep ProtVy. George Dill, Esq. Comin'rs.for taking Bail in the Sup. Courtf Geo. Dill, Wra. Campbell, and Wm Creelman, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late IrJerior jCourt were formerly empowered to perform out of Court : — lEdwd. S. filanehard, SamI, Archibald, David B. Lynds, Jos. Dickson, Jno. Wier, Wm. Rutherford, Wm. Campbell, and Silas H Crane, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Thos Brown, Esq. Jud^e & Reg'r. Court Probates, Jonathan Marsters, Esqr.— Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds, Geo. Dill, Esq. Dep. Post-masters, Gay's River, S Moore ; Economy, Silas H. Crane ; Truro, Jno Ross, Esqrs. Coll'r. of Colonial & Light Duties, Geo. R. Grassie, Esq. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev. Jno. Burnyeat, Rev. Jno. Brown, Rev. Jas Smith, Edw. Blanchard, Jno. Bonnyman, Alex D. Mor rison and Silas H. Crane, Esqrs. Trustees of the Academy— ■fea 60 Farmer's almanack. 1849 Rev. John Burnyeat, Adams G. Archibald and Thos. M. Cj^w, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyor, Alex. Miller, Esq. Board ofl Land Commr's., Geo R Grassie and Alex Miller, Esqrs. COUNTY OF PICTOU. High Sheriff, John W Harris, Esq. Coroner, David Matheson, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Pictou 3d Tues. of June and 3d Tues. of October. Dep. ProWy. and Clerk of the Pea^e^ Jas Skinner, Esq. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Jas Skinner, Hon. Geo. Smith, Abram Patterson, and D Crichton, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Pictou on the 1st Tues. of Jan 'y. and first Tues. of July. Justices of the Peace to execute all Arts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court ; — David Crichton, Geo Campbell, Danl Hockin, Edw Smith, Jus Fraser, Robt Murray, Hon. Geo Smith, and Robt McKay, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Robt Louden, Hon. Geo Smith, Jno Eraser, Wm Matthewson, David McLean, Robt McKay, Jas Carmichael, Jno Olding, Geo McLeod, Henry Hatton, David Crichton, Jno Holmes, Ken McLean, Adam Carr, Jas Fraser, Jos R Smith, Robt Murray, Edw Smith, Geo Campbell, Peter Ross, Alex McKenzie, Danl Hockin, Angus Sutherland, Jno McKay, Geo McLeod, Dun McDonald, Wm Fraser, and Adam McKenzie, Esqrs. Judge andReg'r. Court of Probates, Hon Geo Smith. Dep. Reg'r of Deeds, Peter Crerar, Esq. Dep. Post-master, Alex P Ross, Esq. CoH'r of Customs, Hen Davenport, Esq. Warehouse Keeper, Jno H Lane, Esq. Coll'r of Colonial Duties, Tatama- jgouche, Jas Campbell ; Pictou, Thos Dickson, Esqrs. Coll'r of Light Duty, Wm Corbett, Esq. Harbour Master, Mr. Jno McKay. Light House Keeper, Mr. Dav Louden. Commission- ers for Examining Pilots, Geo Campbell, Danl Hockin, Jas Skin- ner, Jas Crichton and Jno Ives Esqrs. Pilots, Wm AdamsOn, Angus McDonald, Jno Powel, Wm Powel, Robt Powel, Wm Powel, jr. Thos Powel, Allan McDonald, H McDonald, Jno McDonald, Jno Munro, David McDougald, and Chas Cook. County Treasurer, Mr. Matt Patterson. Comm'rs. of Streets, Pictou, Jno Taylor, Peter Crerar, Rodk McKenzie, Don Fergu- son, and Adam D Gordon : New Glasgow, Jno Fraser, Geo McLeod, and Rodk McGregor, Esqrs. Firo Engine Comp'y. Wm Corbett, Capt ; Adam D Gordon, 1st. Lt. ; Wm Murdoch, 2d Lt. ; Fire Axe Coiiipany, Capt. J D B Fraser. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev. Jno McKinlay, Rev. Robt Williamson, Rey. Chai^ Elliott, Hon. Geo Smith, and Jas Crichton, Esqr. Trustees of Public Property, Jas Crichton, Jno Yorston, and Thos G Taylor,[ Esqrs. U. S. Consul, Pictou, Jas Primrose, . Esq. Dep. Land *mn 1843* ard of theson, \ Tuea. kinner, kinner, rs. Lbe 1st solvent Inferior -David Fraser, ith, Jno ay, Jas , David Lser, Jos >r Ross, McKay, cKenzie, h. Dep. Alex "P irehouse Fatama- Coll'r of Mr. Jno miission- \s Skin- damsOn, el, Wm aid, Jno IS Cook. Streets, n Fergu- ser, Geo'' Comp'y. •dpch, 2di ivm'rs. of I Ley. Chai^i ustees of! J Taylor,! 3p. Landi 1842. farmer's almanack. 61 Suflteyors, Peter Crerar and Jno Holmes, Esqrs. Agent foi Lloyds, Jas Dawson, Esq. Clerk of License, Wm Harris, Esqr. Board of Land Coniinisioners, Jno Holmes, Jno W Harris and Edw Smith Esqrs. Board of Health, Hon. Geo Smith, Henry Hatton, Alex. Patterson, Danl Fraser, David Crichton, Henr> filackadar, Rodk McDonald.— Doctors Martin, Forrest, John- ston, W J Anderson and Jno McMillan. Health Officers, Doctors Johnston, and Wm Jas Anderson, Pictou Auxiliary Bible Society, Pres. Hon. Geo Smith, Trea- sureTf Mr Jno Patterson. Sec'y. Jas Dawson, Esq. Bank of British North America, Pictou Branch. — Directors Hon. Geo Smith, and Jas Purves, Esq. Manager, Arthur O jMedley, Esq. Discount day, Tuesday. Notes for Discount to be left with the manager before 12 o clock the previous day, Office hours from 10 to 12 o'clock. Bank of Nova-Scotia— Pictou Agency. — Jigeni^ Jas Primrose, Esq. Office hours from 10 to 4 o'clock. Pictou Literary and Scientific Society. — President^ Jas Prim rose, Esq. Vice Pres. W J Anderson, M. D. Esqr. Sec'y. and TreaaureTj Mr. Jno McKiulay. ^ COUNTY OF SYDNEY. High Sheriff, Edward H. Harrington, Esq. Coroner, Alex. Mc-^ Dougall, Esq. Supreme Court sits at Antigoni^h on the 4th Tues. of June, and 4th Tues. of Octr. Dep. ProWy. ; Alex. McDonald, Esq. Comm'rs.for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Alex McDonald, M. D., Jno Cunnigham and Robt N Henry, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Dorchester on the 1st Tues. of January. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court ;— " Alex McDonald, Robt N Henry, Hugh McDonald, Jas RandallJ Geo Brennan, Rich'd J Forrestall, and Angus Gillies, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace — Jno Cunningham, Alex McDonald Robt N Henry, Jas Randall, Hugh McDonald, Jos SymondsJ Wm C Hierlihy, Geo Brennan, Rich'd J. Forrestall, Augustui N Ogden, Robt. McDonald, Angus Gillies, and Allan Came- ron, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Rohi N Henry , Esq. Judge & Reg'r. Court of Probates ; Alex McDonald, Esqr. M. D. Dep. Regr. Deeds, Jno Cunningham, Esq. Coll. of Colo- nial and Light Duties, Allan McDonald, Esqr. Seizing Of- ficer, J G Hierlihy, Esq. Dep. Postmasters ; Antigonish, RoW N Henry ; Tracadie, Dominick Dorley, Esqrs. Commr's of School. Rev. Thos Trotter, Rev. Thos C Leaver, Rev. Coliiij McKinnon, Rev. Jno Quinan, Alex McDonald, Hugh McDonald; and Richd J Forrestall, Esqrs. Ciimmr's. of Streets, Jno W Irish, Jno R Power, and Aaron '.0 Harrington, Esqrs. Dep. mmmm 62 FARMKR S ALMANACK. 1849, Land Surveyor, Alex. Thompson, Esq. Board of Land dJhn- inissionersy R J Forrestall, E H Harrington and Alex Thomp- son, Eiqra. COUNT Sr OF GUYSBOROUGH. High Sheriff, M. McLean, Esq. Coroner^ Stewart Camp bell, Esq. Supreme Court aits at Guysboro' on the J?d Tuea. of June; and 3rd Tues. of October. Dep. Protli'y, Wentworth Taylor, Esq. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Went. Taylor, Don Sinclair and Chas Archibald, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Guysboro', on the 1st Tu«s. of January; and at St. Mary's on the 1st Tuea. of July. Justices ofthe Peace to execute all Acts relating: to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perlorm out of Court; — Jos Marshall, Hon. R M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Robt Hartshorne, Fras Cook, Abner Atwater, Edw J Cunning-ham, Hugh Mc- Donald, Thos Glencross, Wm McKeen, and Wm Bent, Esqrs. Justices ofthe Peace, Jos Marshall, Hon. R M Cutler, Went. Taylor, Chas Archibald, Wni iMcKeen, Robt Hartshorne, Jno Newton, Hugh McDonald. (Custos for the Dis, of St. Mary's), Thos Glencross, Jno f^milh, CIihs Brodie, Spinney Whitman, Francis Cook, Henry Cowley, Abner Atwater, Wm Bent, Jos D Hadley, Jno A Hudson, Wm O Heffernan, and David Dobson. Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, Wm O Heffernanj Esq. Judges and Reg'rs. Court of Probates, Guysboro': W F DesBarres; Dis. St. Mary's, Hugh McDonald, Esqrs. Dep. Registrar's of Deeds, Guysboro', Robt Hartshorne ; J^t. Mary's, Hugh McDonald, Esqrs. Coll r of Customs, and of Colonial Duties, Duncan McColl, Esq. Coll'rs of Light Duty. Guysboro', Duncan McColI ; Little Canso, W^m Bigelow ; Gut of Canso, Jno Jas B Hadley, Esqrs. Dep. Postmaster, Hon. IC M Cutler Comm'rs. of Streets, Jno Jost, Wm Walsh, and Jno Edw Irish, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyor, R Hartshorne, Esq. U S Consu lar Agent, W F DesBarres, Esq. Clerk of Licence, Stewart Campbell, Esq. Board of Land Commr's., H McDonald, Went Taylor, Wm Bent and Wm McKeen, Esqrs. Comm'rs. of Schools, District of Guysboro', Hon. R M Cutler, Rev. Chas J Shreve, Rev. Rich'd Mihan, Robt Hartshorne, Went Taylor, Duncan McColl, and Stewart Campbell, Esqrs. District of St. Mary's, Rev. Campbell, Hugh McDonald, Thos Glen cross, Wm McKeen, and Wm Bent, Esqrs. Trustees ofthe Academy, Hon. R M Cutler, Wm P DesBarres, and Wm Hart, Esqrs. Health Officers, Doctors Jno Pyke and Alex Mitchell. 1842. FARMER S ALMANACK. G3 ^ COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. High Sheriff, Joshua Chandler, Esq. Coronertt John MorM, CHhs ScHles and W W Bent, Esqis. | Supreme Court sits at Amherst on the 1st. Tues of June, and Ist Tues. of October. Dep. Proth'y. Silas H. Morse, Esf^ Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Sup. Court, Silas H Morse, Jasper N Murphy, and Chas D. Roach, Eaqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Amherit on the lit Tuesday of Janunry. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relatini; to Isolvent Dehtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court : — Hon, DanI McFarlane, Robi McG Dickey, Mich Gordon, Wm W Bent, and W m Fowler, Esqrs. Justices of the Pence, Hon. DanI McFarlane, GaiuB Lewis, Jno Morse, Geo Bergman, Jas McNab, Htephen Oxiey, R McG Dickey, Jno Johnston, Wm Smith, Mich Gordon, Luther Lusby, Wm Fowler, Josh Huestis, H G Pineo, Jacob G Purdy, C Baker, Eph Piers. J Hent, Gilbert Lawrence, A Black, Jos N B Kerr, W W Bent, Wm Waugh, Peter Tidd, Jas Fullerton, J W Maynard, Jesse Lewis, Hon Jas Ratchford, Jno Fulmore and Eben Kerr, Esqrs. Clerk ofthe Peace, SilasC Morse, Esq. Jud^e & R'eg'r. Court Probates, C Tnglis Halliburton, Esq. Dep. Re^V^. of Deeds— Parrsboro', Hon .las Ratchford; Am- herst, Gilbert Purdy, Esq. . Coll'rs. of Customs. — Amherst, Mich Gordon; Wallace, Bowden B Oxiey ; Parrsboro', T D Dickson, Esqrs. Coll'rs. Colonial and Light Duties.— Amherst, Josh Chandler ; Pugwash, Jas McNab, Esqrs. Dep. Postmasl ers— Parrsboro', Hon. Jas Ratchford; Amherst. Jno Smith; Pu^wash, Geo Bergman, Esqrs. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev G Townshend, Rev. Wm Wilson, Rev. Chas Tupper, Hon. Jas S Morse, Hon. DanI McFarlane,R McG Dickey, Jos Oxley,Jno Woodman, and Thos Logan, Esqrs. Trustees of the Academy, Rev- Chas Tupper, Hon. Jas S Morse, Jno Woodman, Stephen Fulton, and Kobt B Dickey. Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyors, Andrew N Stevens, Jas McNab, Gaius Lewis, and Wm P Moffat, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, Silas H Morse, Esq. Supervisor of the Grindstone Quarries, Josh Chandler, Esq. Board of Land Commr\4., Josh Chandler W P Moffat and Thos. Logan, Esqrs. Health Officer, Dr. Joseph Bell. COyNTY OF HANTS. High Sheriff C\\Bir)e» J W'i\k[n9y Esqr. CoronerSf Nathaniel Jenkins, J. Smith and I<iaaG Smith, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Windsor, last Tues. of April; and 3rd Tues. of October. Dep. Proth'y. and Clerk of the Peace, E F Harding, Esqr. M D. Comm'rs. for taking Bail in the Sup. Court.— E. F. Harding, M. D. ; John Elder and Asa Torrey, Esqrs. fm fU rARMER it ALMANACK. 1842. I General Scttioiisot' the Peace, held at Windsor, un th^st jTuefi. of January. i Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent iBebtors, and all other Acts which Jiidues of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court : -Jno Elder, Jas. Son^^iiter. Jno O. Kinj;. Asa Torrey, Rich'd. A. McHefTey, Jno. Cochran, R. 8mitii and Jacob Withrow, Esqri. Jiiiitices of the Pence— Shuhael DimockfW-H. Shey, J.Smith, Benj Dewolf, Jos Scuitell, Jacob Withrow, John Dimock, John Elder, Rich Smith, DanI Wier, Wm O'Brien, John Allison, Thos King, Benjm Smith, John Cochran, Saiul Dennison, Jno Otis King, Rich A McHeffey, Fras. Parker, Wm Mumford, Jno N Oram, Chas Boggs, David Clow, Asa Torrey, Nat Jenkins, SamI P»lmcr, Jas Songster, M Salrer, senr. Tboi Moxon, Ar thur McNutt, and Wm. Sanders, Esqrs. Judge and Reg'r Court of Probates, Hon Lewis M Wilkins. Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds ; and Coll 'r. of Colonial & Light Duties ^Asa Torr,ey, Esq. Collr. of Customs, Reginald B. Porter, Esq. ijDep. Postmasters, Windsor, Jas L Dewolf ; Petite, F Parker; Kawdan, J Withrow, Esqrs. Commr's of Streets, Windsor. [Asa Torrey, P. lyi. Cunnin^rham, and Chas Smith ; Fulmoutb, N Davidson, E Payzant, C Wilson, Jno Armstrong, Thos Curry, Mich Baker and P Wiilker; Village of Maitland, Rich'd ^mith, jAdam Dickie, and Alex Nelson, Esqrs. Commr's. of SchooU,! iRev W C King, //on Lewis M Wilkins, W H Shey, E FJ iHarding, m. d and Jno. Allison, Esqrs. Deputy Land Sur-j [veyors, A Arn^strong, Wm O'Brien, Jacob Withrow, and Andwi Harvey, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Anient, Hon L M. WilkinsJ ^von Bridge Company^ Directors, Thos C Il&liburton, Pre9.;' Benjm Dewolf, W H Shey, F^qrs. and Hon Lewis M Wilkins. 'Sec'y and Treasurer, Harry King, Esq. Clerk of Licence, Mr. [Jno Stark. Board of Land Commr's., Benjm Smithy Chas J Wilkins and W O'Brien, Esqrs. Bank of Nova- Scotia.—Wimlsnr Agency — Agents, Harry King & Jas D Fraser, Esqrs. Windsor JFVitr— Held at Windsor, on the Fair Ground annually, on the first Tuesday and Wednesday of Oct. for theExhibition and Sale of Horses* horned Cattle, Swine and Sheep, Fanning. Utensils, Seeds and Agricultural Produce. ..« i.v> COUNTY OF KINGS Hlsh Sheriff^ W C Cajnpbell, E.-:q. CoronerSy Wm C Moore, Jas Allison, and Jno Fisher, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Kentville, Ist Tues of May, and 2d Tues of Octr. Dep. Prolh'if., and Clerk of the Peace, Wm H Chip-| man. Esq, Comm'rs. for taking Hail in the Sup. Court; Wm Hi Chipman, Caleb H Rand, and Thos B Campbell, Esqrs. | General Sessions of the Peace, held at Keniville on the '2d Tues of Nov. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior I842.| solvent Inferior I : -J no h'd. A , Csqrs. .Smith, «, John Allison, ion, Jno >rd, Jno fenkini, on, Ar i^ilkins. Duties er, Esq. Parker; hTinrlHor. lOiitb, N B Curry, i ^mith, Schools,! ey, E F nd Sur- id Andwi ^ilkinsJ >, Presi.; Wilkins. [)ce, Mr. , Cbas J Windsor Windsor , on the Lion and Farming ;:; Moore, 2d Tues 1 H Chip-' ; Wm H] an the '2d Insolvent } Inferior 1843. FARMKR 8 ALMANACK. 63 Oifurt were formerly empowered to perform out of Court :— Wm A Chipniiin, D Harris, Cnleli ri Rnnd, Jno F Hutchinson, Hiirris H«rrinjiton, Elishu Dewolf, Jus Harris, jr., Hugh L Dickey, Caleb H Bill, Rich'd Starr, Edw Palmer, Henry Magce, and Selh IJurjiess, Msqrs. i Justices of the Peaoe^ Wm A Thtpman, Jno Welly, Shearman^ Dennison, Daniel Lockhart, Jns D Harris, Ja.<> N Crane, Harris! Harrinjrt«m, Caleb H Rand, Hon. Jno Mort<>n, Elisha Dewolfji Wm C Campbell. Snml Chlpmtm, Jas Harris, Simon Fitch,l Hugh L Dickey, Seth Bnrgess, Caleb \i iSill, J \ Bent, H'y Magee, .Ion Crjine, Jno Putlerson, (Jf^o D Pineo, Edw Palmer, Nathan Davison, Geo Lockwood, IJioli'd Starr, Jro F Hutchiti' son, Wm Joh/^son, and MayliPw Bcckwith, Ifisqrs Judge and'r Court of !*ioln>tes, Jno C H^M, Esq. Dep. Rejf'r of DeeOs, Thos B Campbell, Esqr. ColTr of Customs, and of Colonial nrtd 1 4a;ht Duties, David Whiddon, Esq. Seizing Oflic«r, W H Lovett, Esq. Pep. Postmasters, Kpntville, {Jno F HutclufiSon, VV'olfvilt' , E Dewolf; Aylesfnrd, J Van Buskirk ; Esqrs. Dep. Lan-i ; urveyors, WmJohnson, and C Patterson, Efjqrs. Comni't » of S('h«<ols, Jas Allison, Caleb H JRand, Elisha Dewolf VJ\n HChipnu' >, Hugh L Dickey, Nathan |rupper, Wm Miller an(' Caleb H Bill, Ksqrs. Board of Land Comm'rs., Hon. Jno Morton, WC Campbell srH WmJohnson, Esqrs. ^ COUNTY OF QUEENS. Hi<^-h Sheriff", Robt Itoberts, Esq. Coroner^ Freeman Tuppor, Esq. Supretne Court sirs at Liverpool on the 4th Tuos. of April ; and i'd Tues. of October. Dep. Proth'y. and Clerk of the Peace. Jas N Knuut, Esqr. Comm'rs for laking bail in the Sup. Court, In<i!'s Van Buskirk, Jas N Knaut and Jas Barss, Esqrs. General Passions of ihe Peace, held at Liverpool on the Friday before the ■^^ui Tues of April. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtoni, and all other Acts which Juilges of the Jate Inferior Cour', were formerly empowered to perform out of Court:— Josh. cwlon, Jas R Dewolf, Caleb Seely, Elisha Freeman and Jno Campbell, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Joshua Newton, {Custos)-, Isaac Dexter.| Snow Parker, Jas R Dewolf, Jno Barss, Jas Barss, Wm B Taylor, Nath. Smith, Jno Campbell, Freeman Tupper, Whitman Freeman, Caleb Seelcy, and Elisha Freeman, Esqrs. Court of Probates, Judge, Joshua Newton ; Reg'r. Samuel p Fairbanks, Esqrs. Coll'rof Customs ; and of Colonial and Light Duties, Joshua Newton, Esq. Acting Landing Wait' & Search- er, Jno H Freeman, Esq Dep Reg'r of Deedi, *jm N. Knaut, Esq. Comm'rs of Streets, Ja.s. Barss, Jno P. Carten, and Rich'd Mitlhall, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev. J. T. T. Moody, mmmmmmmmmmmmmimmammmmiimti' ■ai mm mm P2 : 1 ;■ i f 66 farmrr's almakack. 1842. Joshua Newton, John Barss, Nat. Smith, and Saml. P. l^'^r- banks, Esqrs. Dep. Postmaster, Thos P. Calkin, Esq. U. States Consular Agent, Snow Parker Freeman, Esq. Dep. Land Surveyor, Whitman Freeman, Esq. Trustees of Public Property, S P Fairbanks, Wm B Taylor and Jno Campbell. Esqrs. Trustees of the Academy, Snow P Freeman, Edw C Barss, Andw. Cowie and Thos. R. Patillo, Esqrs. Board of Land Comm'rs., Wm B Taylor, Robt Roberta and Whitman Freeman, Esqrs. Bank of Nova Scotia.- Liverpool Agency — Agents, S P Fairbanks and Jas N Knaut, Esqrs. COUNTY OF LUNENBURG. HighSheriff, Henry Kaulback, Esq. Corontr, Jno Creighton. Esq. Supreme Court sits at Lunenburgf on the Thursday before the 3d Tuesday of April; and on the. 3d Tuosday of October. Dep. Proth'y. Henry Ernst, Esq. Comm'r.s for taking Bail in the Sup. Court, Henry Ernst, Jas Wells and Wm Ross, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace held at Lunenburg on the 2d Monday of April. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to insolvent Debtors, nnd all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior! Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court; — Jno Heckraan. Hon. Wm Rudolf, Jno Pernette, Jas, S Wella and Jno Hunt, Esqrs. { Justices of the Peace, Jno Heckman. ( Cwsfos); Jno Pernette,i Jas Walker, Wm Alexander, Jas S Wells, Jno Hunt, Jhn. Wm Rudolf, Geo Mitchell, Wm S Morris, W Greaves, Caleb A; Shreve, Joseph P Miller and Edw J Ross, Esqrs. Clerk of the] Peace, Chas B Owen, Esq. | Court of Probates, Judge, and Reg'r, Geo T Solomon, Esqr; Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds, .Ino Hunt, Esq. Coll'r. of Customs, J H| Moyle, Esq. Collr's. of Colonial Duties, Lunenonrg. Chas B: Owen; Chester and St. Margaret's Bay, Caleb A Shreve, EsqrsJ CoU'rs of Light duty, Chester, C. A. Shreve ; Lunenburg, Daniel, Owen, Esqrs. Dep.Postmasters. Lunenburg, C Godfrey; Chester,' J S Wells, Esqrs. Comm'rs. of Streets, Lunenburg, Wm Ross,i Henry S Jost, andH'y Ernst; Chester, Jno Wm Marvin, Michj Schmidt and Amos Lovett Esqrs. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev J Ci Cochran, Rev Dr Shreve, Rev Chas E Cossman, Rev. D.A.'; Eraser, Rev, Wm Webb, Geo Ernst and Jno Heckman, Esqrs.i Dep. Land Surveyors, W S Morris and T Holland, Esqrs U. S. Consular Agent, C B Owen, Esq. Board of Land Comnir's., Jno Creighton, Henry Kaulback^ Jos P Miller and W S Morris, Esqrs- COUNTY OF ANNAPOLIS. High Sheriffy Edw H Cutler, Esq. Coroners^ Jas R Lovett, David Hall, Peter Bonnett, Jno Sanders, G F Ditmars, Jno Ross, Walter Willett, and Stephen Crosscup, Esqrs. i 1842. q. U. Dep. Public mpbell. ,dw C ts and verpool rs. eighton. before X'tober. Bail in ii^sqrs. a the 2d nsolvent Inferior! It ; — Jno ells and 'ernette,i loii. Wrn| Caleb a; rk of the' on. Esqr. oms, J H|i Chas B :e, EsqrsJ g-, Daniel, Chester,' im RosSji in, Mich| Rev J C; ev. D.A.; n, Esqrs.! d, Esqrs.j [Caulbacky R, Lovett, mars, Jno 1842. rAHMER 8 ALMANACK. 67 Ithpreme Court sits at Annapolis 2d Tues of May, and 1st Tues of Octr. Dep. Proth'y. and Clerk of the Peace, Sainl Cowling, Esq. Comm'rs. for taking Bail in the Sup. Court, Saml Cowling, Henry Goldsmith, and Esqrs General iSessions of the Peace, held at Annapolis on the 2d Tues. of May; and 2d Tues. of Nov. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the laie Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court : — Geo Robinson, Jas R Lovett, Jno Ditniars, Rich'd James and Major Chipnian, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Geo Robinson, Jas R Lovett, Saml Chesley, .las Hall, Wm Randall, Richard James, Zebulon Phinney, Jno Wiswall, Jno H Chipi-mn, Seih Leonard, Jno Ditmars, Israel W Riiggrles, Henry Hud.-jon, Peter DeLancey, Jno Tupper, Jos Shaw, Chas Whitman, Major Chipman, Jas^ Whitman, Geo Vroom, and Wm Harris, Esqrs. Judge and Reg'r. Courtof Probates, and Dep Reg'r of Deeds. E H Cutler, Esq. Coll'r of Customs ; and of Colonial and Light Duties, H'y Goldsmith, Esq. Seizing Officers, Moose River, Gilbert F l)ilm:irs; VVilmot, Thos James, Esqrs. Land- ing Waiter, Guager and Seizing Officer, Annapolis, Geo S." Milledge, Esq. Postmasters, Annapolis, Samuel Cow ling; Lawrence Town, S B Chipman ; Bridgetown. Thos- Spurr; Wiimot, A Gibbon; Clements, G F Ditmars, Esqrs Commr's. of Schoolt!, Rev M Gilpin, Rev J iVl Campbell, H Gold- snyth Thos .lames, Major Chipman, and Peter lionnett, Esqrs. Comm'rs of Streets, Bridgetown, Jno E Dodire, Jno Neily, and John Quirk; Annapolis, Thos Ritchie, Henry GoWsmith. and E H Cutler, Esqrs. U S Consular Agent, Jas R Lovett, Esq. Fire wardens. W llugglos and .las Gray, Esqrs. Fire Enjrine Company, Capt., Jas Ronch; Lieut. Jas Roach ; P Lecain, Wm Lecain, 'Clias Jainos and W II O Haliburton. Board of Land Commr's., Wm Holland and EH Cutler, Esqrs. Dep Land Sur veyor Hank of Nova-Scotia — Annapolis Agency— Agent, CTC MacColla Esqr COUNTY OF DIGBY. High Sheriff', Jacob Roop, Esq. Coroners, Thos White, Thos Ruggles, Chas Jones, Sanil Doucette and Jno Ward, Esqrs. Supreme Court sits at Digby 'M Tues of May ; and last, Tues of Sept. Dep Proth'y- and Clerk of the Peace, Heniy Stewart, Esqr. Comm'rs. for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Henry Stewart and Thos Smalley, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Digby on the Ist Tues. of July, and 3d Tues. of December. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court. — Elk if 1 WH ww t uttn iJ. ' «MMaU W Mltt » A' I < tU ! Ll. WJJ ' Jg.HMttJimlUM WI G8 FAltMEK a ALMANACK. 1843JJ Moiron, Cereno U Jones, Chas Jones, Jno Robinson and i^Jias jBudd, Eqrs. jf Justices of the Peace, Elkanah Morton, Charles Bndu, § Jno Robinson, Cereno U Jones, Samuel Campbell, Colin iCampbell, Charles Jones, Eiisha Payson, Jno M Segoigne, Saml Doucett, Cenj Potter, Chas McCarthy, Jno Ward, Jno JMcNeil, Fredk A Robichau, Jas Harris and Edw Hegan, Esqrs. j Judcre and Kej^'r Court of Probates, Lemuel D Morton, Esqr. jDep RegT of Deeds, Guy C Jones, Esqr. CoUr's. of Cii$lon).s, jDigby, Geo MacCoUa ; New Edinburgh, Saml Campbell, Esqrs. jColl'rs of Colonial Duties, Difrby, Jno Robertson; Weymouth, iH I) Rno-gles ; Brier Island, Elisha Payson, Esqrs. CoU'rs of jLiisht Duly, Diirby, G«o MacColla ; Weymouth, H 1) Rugbies ; Brier Island, Elisha Payson, Esqis. iSeizing Officers, New lEdinburgh, Mr Jno Hood; Weymouth, Mr. Jno G C Jones. iPoslmnster, Henry Stewart, Esqr. Coir.m'rs of Schools, Rev VVm Bullock, C UJones, Chas McCarthy Chas Bu(id, Jas Filz jRaiidolph and Jno Robinson, Esqrs. Trustees of Digby Academy, |Rev Wm Bullock, Jas A Denuison, Wm L Bent, and Colin iCnmpbell Esqrs. Dep Land Surveyors, Thcs Smalie, Tho> Rugglcs, Alpheus and Jacob Roop, Esc,rs. County Trea- surer, Chas Budd, Esqr. Commr's. of Streets, Jno Robinson and Wm Farnhani, lisqrs. Boo!;d of Land Conim'rs., Jas Holds- iworlh, and Alpheus Jones, Esqrs. COUNTY OF SHELBUIINE 1>.«.^ - High Shcrij^, Cornelius While, Esq. Curoner, T. J. Crowell. Esqr. Supreme Court sits at Shelburno, on the Tne«. x^cxi after the 4th Tuos. of April ; and on the 1st Tuos of October. Dep. |Prolh'y.; Clerk of the Peace ^ and Clerk of Licence, Isaac G Enslow, E?q. Comm'rs. fortakinor Bail in the Sup. Court; Isaac G. Knslow, Cornelius White andD. B. Mackenua, Esqrs. Gen^rnl Sessions of the Ppace, held at Shelburne, on the 1st Tues. of May and 1st Tues. of October. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating- to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acta which Judges of the late Inferior jCourt were formerly empowered to perform out of Court. — Tho^ Crowell, G. II. Deinstadt, W Sargent, Josiah Coffin and Robt Currie, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Thomas Crowell, Robert Currie, Enos Churchill, Cornelius White, Jaaies Geddes, William B, Sargent, Thos Johnston, Geo H Peinstadt, Obadiah Wilson, Jr., Winthrop Sargent, Josiah Coffin, Saml Reynolds, David Svvaine, Saml Doane, Wm Sargent Jas Smith, jr., Jaa Sargent, land Geo H Deinstadt, Esqrs- 1 Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates, and Dep Regr. of Deeds, if id i^as Btidxi, Colin goigne, •d, J no , Esqrs. », Esqr. uslonts, Esqrs. MYlOUtil, )ll'rs of igjrles ; , New Jones. s, Rev H8 Fitz lademy, i Colin , Thos y Trea- ohinson Holds- Lowell. St afler Dep. [saac G [•^nslow, the Ul isolvenl Inferior —Tho^. id Robt Currie, IliHm B, Wilson, , David Sargent, ' Deeds, 184^2. farmer's almanack. 69 Cofrteliua White, Esq. Dep. Post-master, R. S. Thompson, Esq. Coll'rs. of Customs, Shelburne, C. While; Banington, J. Crew, Esqrs. CoH'rs. of Colonial and Light Duties, Shelburne, Cornelius White ; Harrington, Fraa Homer, Esqrs. Commr's. of Schools, Rev. Thos. H White, Thos C Geddes, VV Robert- son, Josh Snow, Robl. Currie, Thos Johnson, Jno H Homer and O. Wilson, jr. Epqrs. Trustees of the Academy, Jno Robert- son, Cornelius White and Matt. D. Mackenna, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, Jno Robertson, Esq. Dep. Land Surveyors, A D Harrington, and Jas Hamilton, Esqrs. Board of LandCom- m'rs., Jno Sargent, Cornelius White, Jas Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Joshua Snow and Geo H Deinstadt, Esqrs. COUNTY OF YARMOUTH. High Sheriff, John Bingay^ Esq. Coroners, Geo. Bingay, and Matt Jeffery, Esqrs. Supreme Court held at Tiisket Village, on the Tues. next but one after the 4th Tues. of April ; and at ynrmoulh on the last Tues. of Septr. Dep. Proth'y. Herbert Huntington, Esq. Comm'rs. for taking- Bail in the wSupremr Court, Ilerben Huntington, Henry G Farish, and Abr. Lent, E<»qrs, General Sessions of the Peace, held at Tnsket Village, ois the 2nd Tues of May, and at Yarmouth, on the la>t Tues. ol Sept. Justices of the Peace to execute »11 Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Ads whicfi .IiidL'esof the late Inffjrion Court were formerly empowered to perform out ofCourt. — Henry G. Parish, Abraham Lent and Henj. Sir>gi»y, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Henry G Farisii, Gabriel B Van Nor-' den, Benj Bingay, Hon, Jas Bond, Reuben Clements, AmoKJ Baker, Jno Bingay, Jno iMcKinnon, David Van Norden, Abr Lent, Jno Ryder, Simon D'Entremont, Thos Killam, and Jno Sanders, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace^ and Clerk of Licence^ ^n, Tonker, Esqr. Court of Probates. — Judge, Thos V. B. Bingay ; i?«jyV. Henry H. Grantham, Esqrs. Dep. Registrar of Deeds, and Postmaster, Henry G. Parish, Esq. Collectors of Customs, Yarmouth, Wm Hobertson *, Jirgyle, John McKismon, Esqrs. IVarehouse Keeper, Landing IVaiter and Searcher^ Alex. J. liabington, Esq. Surveyor of J^avigaUon, and Broker, Benjm. Barnard, Esq Guager, Jos B Bund, Esq. Coll'rs of Colonial Duties, Yarmouth, H. G. Parish ; Argyle, D. Van Norden, E.sqrs. — CtWrs of Light Duty, Yarmouth, Jos B Bond; Argyle, D Van Norden, Epqra Commrs of Schools, Rev Alfred Gilpin, H G Farish, .John Mur- ray, Jno Bingay, Jas Lent, Stayley Brown and John Burke. Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, H"y A. Grantham, Esq. Hoard of Health, Yarmouth, H G Farish, Herbert Huntington, Hon. Jas. Bond, Stayley Brown, E W li Moody and F A Webster, M. D. Esqrs. Arpiylc, Israel Hardinjr, Jno Spinney, Jno Horque,- Jas Bingay, Jno R y der and Simon D'Entremont, Esqrs. //«u//<A y h |- I wt 70 farmf.r's almanack. 1842. Officers, Doctors J B Bond and Jas" Geddes, jr, A^enf^for Lloyds, E W B Moody, Esq. i'lrc Wardens, Benjin Killam, H G Parish, Israel Kelly, Chas Tooker, Eben Scoti. and Thog Hilton, Esqrs. Fire Engine Cormany, Capt. Chas Tooker; Lieuts. Geo W Bond and Robt S Eakins. Board of LandCoin- ni'rs., H Huntington, Jno Binji^ay, and Abr Lent, Eqrs. Dep. Land Surveyor, H. Huntinjrton and Abr Lient, Esqrs. Bank of Nova Scotia— Yarmouth Agency—Agents Stayley Brown, Esqr. and //on. Jas Bond. COUNTY OF CAPE-BRETON. High Sheriff, Joshua W. Weeks, Esq. Coroner, John L Hill, Esqr. I Supreme Court sits at Sydney on the last Tues. of May ; and on the last Tues. of Sept. Dep. Proth'y,; Chas E Leonard,! Ksq, Comm'rs. for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Chas E Leonard, Chas R Ward, and Wm Ouseley, lilsqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Sydney, on the 1st Tues. of March. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to |)erformoutof Court: — Chas E Leonard, Peter H Clarke, Chas R Ward, Cha« McAlpine, and Ken. McLeod, Esqrs. Gominissioners Court held at Sydney, on the 1st Monday of Jan. March, Mfl.y> July, Sept. Nov. Commissionert, Chas E Leo- litrd, P H Clarke, Thos S Bown, Chad Barrington, and Jno L Hill, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Chas E Leonard {Custos), Peter H Clarke, llobt Gammell Jno McKinnon, Jno Meloney, Chas Barrington, Chas McAlpine, Wm Ouseley, Jno L Hill, Thos S BowH, Chas R Waid, Jno Clarke, Murdo McAskill, Ken Chisholm, Ken. McLeod, Robt K Masters, Don McLeod Jas R Dodd. Philip Di.dd, R.ibt McNab, Geo Hill. Wm Warren, JnoBourinot, J. McLeod. C Bariington, jr. Saml G Archibald, NH Martin, Wm. Jones, Norman McDonald, Duncan Curry, Stephen McPherson, J)uncan McRae, Jno Campbell, Arnold Holmes, Thos D Archibald, and Jno Campbell, (of St. Paul's ilsland,) Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, C R Ward, Esq. Judge & Retjr'r CourtofProbates, TCrawley,Esq. DepReg'r Deeds, CR Ward, Esq. CoiPrs of Customs, Sydney, J W Benn : Bridgeport, C E Leonard, Esqrs. Tide Surveyor, C Barring- ton, Esq. Seizinj? Officer, Henry Cowley, Esq. Comptr. ; Coll'rof Colonial and Light Duties, Chas E Leonard, Esq; j Dop. Postmaster, Sydney, N. H. Mrirtin, Esq. Surveyor jGen. of Lands, Thomas Crawley, Esq. Asst. Surveyor Xxen, H W Cruwiey, Esq. Dep Land Surveyor, B. Cossit, Esq. Commrs oj Schools, Rev. H McKeagney, Hon. EM Dodd, Sffm iKuwmw^a 1842, [enf^for Killam,' id Thos ['ooker; d Coin- p, Dep. Stayley John L ay ; aiid| jeonard,! Chas B the 1st isolvent Inferior : — Chas sAlpine, •nday of I E Leo- id Jno L Peter H sy, Chas II, Thos ill, Ken leod J as Warren, rchibald, 1 Curry, Arnold t. Paul's spReg'r. / Benn : Barring- omptr. ; rd, Esq; iurveyor Jurveyor Cossit, M Dodii, 1843. FARMER ■ ALMANACK. 71 HW Crawley, Chas E Leonard, Peter H Clarke, and Saml G Archibald, Esqrs. (/. S. ConsuZarw^en/a, Sydney, PH Clarke; Bridgeport, Thos S Bown, Esqi's. ^gent for Lloyds^ P H Clarke, Esq. FirewardenSf Sydney, P fl Clarke, (J R Ward, and W R Bown, Eaqrs. Trustees of the Sydney Jlcademy, Rev. Chas Ingles, Rev. H. McKeagney, Hon. E M Dodd, Wm Ouseley and Chas E Leonard, Esqrs. Board of Land Commr's Hon. E M Dodd, Joshua W Weeks and G H Gesner, Esqrs. Comm'rs for encouraginj? the Seal Fishery, Peter H Clarke, Saml G Archibald, and Jno Bourinot, Esqrs. COUNTY OF RICHMOND. High Sheriff, John A Fuller, Esq. tjroner, J R Smith, Esq Supreme Court sits at Arichat on the 1st Tues. of June; and Jst Tues. of Octr. Dep. Proth'y. Andw. Madden Esq. Commas for taking Bail in the Supreme Court, Andw Madden, Hon, Peter de Carteret, and Wm Crichlon, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace> held at Arichat, on the^ 1st Tues. of March. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court: — Hon. Peter de Carteret, Andw Madden, Jno Janvrin, Doug B McNab, Arthur Brymer and Wm Crichton, Esqrs. Commissioners Court held at Arichat, on the 1st Monday of Jan'y, March, May, July, Septr. and Nov. Comm'rs. Andw. Madden, Jno Ballaine and Wm Crichton, Esqrs. Justices of the Peace, Clement Hubert, Jno Jean, Andw Madden, Chas McNab, Dougald B McNab, Jno. Janvrin, Wm Crichton, Hon. Peter de Carteret, Jno. Ballaine, Dougald Kennedy, Geo Bissett, Arthur Brymerj Jno Smithy Henry Martelle, Don. McLeod, and Isaac Nicolle, Esqrs. Clerk of the Peace, J. Turnbull, Esq. Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates, Wm C Delaney, Esq. Dep. Reg'r Deeds, Jno Turnbull, Esq. CoU'r. of Colonial and Light Duties, Jas Turnbull, Esq. Dep. Post-master, Arichat, Jno Fuller, Esq. Comm'rs of Schools, Rev. Jas Shaw, Rev. B \1iranda, Hon. Peter de Carteret. Andw Madden, Clement Hubert, and Wra Crichton, Esqrs. U. S. Consular Agent, Wm C Delaney, Esq. Trustees of the Academy, Rev. J B Miranda, Rev. Pat. McKeagney, Hon. Peter de Carteret, Jno Janvrin, and Jno R Smith, Esqrs. Board of Lan<l Commr's., Jno A. Fuller, D McNab Arthur Brymer and W C Delaney, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyors, D B McNab, and Robt Sutherland, Esqrs. Comm'rs. for encouraging the Seal Fisheryi Henry Martell, Geo Jean, and Jno R Smith, Esqrs. /* ^ I m n rARMER S ALMANACK. 1843. COUNTY OF INVERNESS. ^ High Sheriff, Geo C Lawrence, Esq. Coroner, Dunsier Tre- main, Esq. Supreme Court, held at Port Hood, on the 2d Tues. of June; and 2d Tues. of Octr. Dep. Proth'y. and CUrk of the Peace, Jno |L Tremain, Esq. Comm'rs for taking Bail in the Sun. Court, Jno L Tiemain, Thos de St. Croix, and Nat. Ciough, Esqrs. General Sessions of the Peace, held at Port Hood on the ]st| Tues of March. Justices of the Peace to execute all Acts relating to Insolvent Debtors, and all other Acts which Judges of the late Inferior Court were formerly empowered to perform out of Court: — Andw McDonald, Jn<. L Tremain, Jno D Tremain, Henry Taylor, Wm McKeen, and Nat. CloucjH, Esqrs. Commissioners Court held at Port Hood, on the Ist Monday of Jan. March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. Commissioners, Jno L. Tremain, Jno Campbell, Irad Hart, Matt. Hawley, and Henry Taylor, Esqrs. justices of the Peace, "Wm McKeen, Jno L Tremain, Irad Hart, Nat Cloujrh, Hugh Skinner, Henry Taylor, Andw Me Donald, Matt. Hawley, Ken Chishoim, Jno Campbell, Fredk Bown, Wm, Buck, Peter J Bronard, Don McLean, GeoC Law rence, Don Cameron, Patk. Delaney, Jas Hawley, Jno Campbell, Thos Etheridgo jr., Jno McLeod, Jno D Tremain, Jno McLennan^ Angus McLennan, Jno Smith, Don Gray, Jas G McKeen, Peter Smyth, Don McDonald, Jno McLean, Wm McDonald and Alex McLean, Esqrs. Judge and Reg'r. Court of Probates ; Dep. Reg'r. of Deeds ; and Collector of Colonial and Light Duties, Jno L Tremain, Esq -Dep. Post-masters, Port Hood, Dunsier Tremain ; Lake Ainslie, Anirus McLellan ; Judique, A. McDonald ; Plaister Cove, Nat Clough ; Mabou River, Wm McKeen, Esqrs. Dep. Land Surveyors, Messrs. Wm Revell and Jas. McKenzie. Comm'rs. of Schools, Rev. Alex McDonnell, Rev J Courteau, Rev. Peter McLean, Andw McDonald, Wm Watts, J L Tremain, Wra McKeen. and Nat Clough, Esqrs. Board of Land Com- mr*s., Andw McDonnell, Geo C Lawrence, Jas Hawley and W Revell, Esqrs Trustees of Port Hood Academy, Rev Alex Mc Donneli, Rev Jno Courteau, Rev. Peter McLean, Peter Smyth, Jno L Tremain, and Andw McDonald, Esqrs. Comm'rs for en couraging the Seal Fishery, Henry Taylor, Patrick Delaney, and Peter 0'Q,uin, Esqii. 1643^ er Tre- >f Junev ice, Jno . Court^ Ssqrs. the ]sf isolvent Inferior loiirt:— Henry Monday srs, Jno d Henry in, Irad Iw Mc- , Fredkl C Law- impbell, Lennan^ t, Peter nd Alex Deeds ; >in, Esq. ; Lake] Plaister rs. Dep. ie. ourteau, remain, d Coin- r and W lex Mc- Smyth,} J for en-i Delaney, 1843. farmer's almanack. 73 AGRICULTURAL SOClblTIES, Agricultural Society, Halifax— Prwiden/, Edw Allison Esqr. Vice Prests. Edw Pryor jr. and Jno Kin?, Esqrs. Trea- surer^ H. Wright, Esq. Se'cy. Win. Forsyth, Esq. Committee^ Adam Reid (chairman), Jno. Longard, Jno. Artz, Jno. Howe, Arch. McCulloch, Wm Mitchell, and Jno. Kline, jr. Esqrs Dartmouth.— Prcsirfenf, Jno. E. Fairbanks, Esq. Sec'ys. A\e\. James and Jno. Tempest, Esqrs. Eastern District— PrM/. S F Archibald, Sec'y. Win Annand, Esq. Colchester.— Pres^ Jno Ross, Esqr. Sec'y. Dr. Edw Carritt Stirling — I'rest. Hon Alex Campbell. Sec*y. Jno Honnyman, Esq. PiCTOU.— Prcsidfi/jf, Jno W Harris, Esq. Sec'y. Jno Stiles, Esq. New Glasgow—President^ Adam Carr, Esq. Sec'y. Rev Jno Stewart. River John.— Presidejit, Ken McLean, Esq. Scc't/. Law Jno Den, Esq. Sydney, Central— Prmcfcn^, Geo Brenan, Esq. Sfec'y., Dr. Chas Creed. Arisaij? Branch.— Pres^ Peter McNiel, Esq. Sec^y. Edra Corbet, Esq. Tracadie Branch.— Prgstden*, Jas Randall, Esq. Sec'y. Mich Pottey, Esq. St. Andrew's Branch.— Pre*/. Angus McDonald, Esq. Sec^y. Don McDonell, Esq. GuYSBOROUGH. —Pres/. Robt Hartshorne, Esq. Sec'y. Stewart Campbell, Esq. Cumberland County, Amherst. — Prest Hon J S Morse. Sec'y. J McCulley, Esq. River Philip.— Presf. Stephen Oxley, Esq, Scc'2/.JnoC Philips, Esq. Wallace.— Prc«/. Hon D Mc Farlane. Sec^y. Danl B Munro, Esq. "" Hants County.— Pre&«. R A McHeffey, Esq. Sec*y. Wm Bowman, Esq. East Hants.— Prcst. Richd Smith, Esq. 6'cc'y. Wm Bldis, Esq. King's County.— Pre*/. Hon T A S Dewolf. <S^ec't/. Jas Harris, Esq. Cornwallis. — Prest. Hon Jno Morton. Sec^y. Dr C C Ha- milton. Aylesford. — Prest Thos Tupper, Esq. Sec'y. Jas D Van Buskirk, Esq. Queen's County, Brookfield. — Prest, Sec^y. E H Burnaby, Esq. Lunenburg County, Chester. — Prest. Edw Zwicker, Esq. Sec'y. Jas S Wells, Esq. Mahone Bay.— Prcs^ Benj Zwicker, Esq. Scc'y. Jno A Jost, Esq Annapolis County.— Prcs/. Jos F^tz Randolph, Esq. Sec^ys. Rev Jas Robertson, and Jas R Smith, Esqrs. Digby— Presi. Jas B Holdsworlh, Esq. Sec^y. Shelburne County, Sable River. — Prest. Peter Spear water, Esq. Sec'y. Richmond County, Prest. Wm Crichtvn, Esq. Sec^y, Geo E Jean, Esq. Cape-Breton County. — Prest. Edw Sutherland, Esq. SecUj. G P Halliburton, Esq. Broad Cove. — Prest. Neil McLellan, Esq Sec^y. M McPherson, Esq. County of Inverness.— Pre«trfen<, I William McKeen, Esq. Sec^y. Henry Young, Esq. I • I 74 FARMER 8 ALMANACK. 1849. dbatract from the Journals of the House of ^8semoty, FOR 1838 9, OF THE POPULATION OF THE PROVINCE, Made up to September 10, 1838. o •^ ► a* ► s* 2. c* 9 O < 9 S Qb t-< Ni' I-' 2 a- O. 5 O 00 "vi IX! *». Ci "Jl"^ rR ss- -1 ^ ;k -r 2 ® ° " 55H^tC«0<» — OCIODCC-MQDO^- •>^ V s« *• »• "^^ a 5 do do Settle- as ^ %• ^ **^"^*** V *• «• w p.ooociqp*fiCfe050*s*jt5cci*3cc »OQ04a.rf^COWMOJOiCOCCMrf--- "^ o&ODWtcico»ti.ota'sioii5(Mt-a poo S". o 00 135 ooV tn <i'o'<o cn*Jo"(0 "i^ a S ScO0D00iaMOiCOrfi.CoS^-^C: ^ p W<©aiCiCDOOD4*;OtnOi4«M.- 1 o o o ^ CC OD"rfi. OD M tix ^ CO — Vh-to CO'Vl 0)0icn<:0if^020icoocwcov0)^ • ■ • • • return- ! ot lyt CO 00 *- Oi CO i*i» tn cn o CO *«. ir . O^OO-^OIMCOOW'- — 1— CiS No. of Males heads of Families. No. of Males under six years of age. No. of Females under six years of age. No. of Males under 14 years of age. ^ !r* ^ — ^ccio'-oijccc i-JCOMCp^MCOOMSkH-iyTO'-a: W 06 J)fi O ►f^ Ci Ol M S O H- O J-- ^ 4^ o if 00 rf4»c;»ooocoM*.vi<cc;»Ci'nta-coi— IZta-QD OCJlOO^^0i^^fc>.O•^0D— C0"<!(.0 *k AS'oi OCOOgi05»-»<^ClCOOQDCX)OC0^5S-ii OOOOC0Mi-'v|000Dh-'g0t0C0(0(g Vi C No. of Females under 14 yeas of age. No. of Females above 14 years of age. No.ofMalesab' 14, not heads of Families Total. /? 1843. farmer's almanack. m STAFF OF THE ARMY. In Nova-Scotia, under the Command of Major-General *Sir Jeremiah Dickson, K. C. B. Aidt'de-Camp. — Capt. Cheamley, 8th F. AssL Military Scfc'y.— Lieut. C. Fred. Gibson, 70th F. Dtp, Quarter Master Qen. — Lt. Col. John Baza Igette, una<l. Major of Brigade. — Capt. SamI Tryon, 43d Lt. Infantry. Staff Paymaster.— A G Blair, Esq. Dep. Com*y. General. — Wm Hewetson, Esq. Asat. Conu GenVs. — Wm Green, Wm Low, and Wm Howe, Esqrs. Dtp. Aaat. Com. Gen. — Wm R A Lament, Esq. Surgeon to the Forces. — Walter Henry, Gsqr., P. M. O. Asst. Surgeons to the Forces. — Peter Robertson, and Jno D Grant, Esqfs. Apothecary to the Forces. — Jno Carter, Esq. Commandant, — Lt. Col. Jones, K. H. R. E. Town .4djuton^— Sydney, C. B. Lt. E Sutherland, h^p. £«rrrac/e Jifa«<er5.— Halifax, Lt A. Child ; Annapolis, Joseph Norman ; Sydney, C. B., S Rigby, Esqrs. Chaplains. — Halifax, Rev. Jno Thos Twining, D. D. ; Anna polis, Rev. E Gilpin ; Sydney, C. B., Rev. Chas Ingles. Toton Sergeant. — Halifax, Wm Cahill ; Engineer Department. Commanding Officer^ Lieut. Col. Rice Jones, K. H. Majors A W Robe. Capts.y Jno Hawkshaw, and S H Wentworth. Lieuts. J W Gordon, and P B Whittingham. Clerk oj Works, !R Creed, Esq. Clerks^ Thos Goudge, Geo J Creed, and A Jenkins, Esqrs. Master Carpenter, E Pryor, Esq. ForemMnf ;Mr Jno McKenzie. Master Mason, Mr Wm McDowell, Foreman, jMr Jas Swan. Master Smithy Mr Wm Gossip. Foreman of [LabourerSy Mr G Hamilton. Office Keeper and Messenger, Mr iWin Pickles. Ordnance Department. Storekeeper^ John W Topp, Esq. Dep^ Storekeeper, H Ince, jEsq. Clerks, C H Fife, Jas Forrester, W H Tapp, and Isaac iRigby, Esqrs. Asst, Clerk, Read, Esq. Master Carpen- ter, Mr C N Fife. Master Armourer, Mr Wm Boyd. Omrsesr of Labourers, Mr Wm Dalling. Gate Porter, Mr J Anderson. .^-\ \' -1 1 .?»HSi,.' 76 FARMER S ALMANACK. J842 OFFICERS OF THE ARMY IN NOVA-SCOTIAS Commandant, Lieut. Col. Jones, R. Royal Artiller}}. The Royal Armf and Supporters, with a Cannon, " Ubigue." over the Gun, and Quo fas et Glona dueunt below it. '• Waterloo" Lt. Col, • A. C. Mercer. Major. Chas. Dulton. Capts. Lewis E Wnlsh R. M. Pouiden 1st. Lts. H. Francklyn Carter Evelegh H. R. Eardley Wilmot. adjt, RS. Allan, q. m [adjt. H. R. E. Wilmot, It. QJlf.RS Allans Swror.T.H. Quig- ley. Blue— facings red Scarlet — facings blue 30th. (Cam- bridgesl^ire) Regt. The Sphinx. " Egypt" " Badajoz" •• Salamanca" '♦Peninsula" "Waterloo" Royal Engineers The Royal Arms and Supporters with a Cannon, " Ubtque" over the Gun, and Quo fas et Gloria ducunl below it. Lt. Col. Rice Jones, K.H. Major Alex.Watt.Robe, Capts, Jno Hawkshaw S.H.Wentworlh, Ht. Lts. Tno W Gordon P B Whittingham Col. Sir T Bradford, G C.B. & GCU. It genl. Lt Col. H E Robifuton Majors H S Ormond Jno Tongue Capts Jno Proctor, m J GGeddes Ja» Poyntz R A Andrews Chas Sillery Edw J Grant S J L N^coll Hon. J H Pery P C Cavan H J Gregory, m Lieuts. H Marechaux W A Steele W H Heard A J H Lumsden Alex McDonald, adj- H Shum, d- adj. R D O'Grady Jno Tongue flen Broome D J B Edwardes P Bayly, d, p m. Robt VV Smith r W Wilkinson Ensigns. L G F Broome A P Atherley Jaa B PattuUo C D Oliver Hen Keogh Armar Lowry Geo F DeCarteret E A Whitmore P M.C Macdon- ald Adit. Alex Mc- Donald, It Q M Jno Ward Sur. J TriganoB j2 iS. A F Lock- wood JjkS Codfiaprn Facings — yellow 64th. (2nd Staffordshire) Regt " St. Lucia." "Surinam." Col. Sir R Bourke, ] C B. It. gen. Lt. Col. J E Freeth .Majors S W LStretton Hon G A Browne Capts. Jas Draper D H Lawrell Geo Duberley M J Western Edw C Fownes W J James Chas Norri* G C B Stirling D W Battley Barry Fox, m Lieuts. J Canavan E. K. H. F A Errington, d pm. S Hen Sqiyth E. Jones Coxe,a((/ A. B. Parker, H. A. Cumber- lege JasD Smyth Ramsay H 'Smith W. W. Lyttleton Mich E Smith Hon. G. F. W Yelverton W BJopp, d. adj F H. Kilvington Ensigns. N, Tho Williams Carey Handheld Thos Stirling Wm Parker Geo Amiel HMB Willeslord Chas Scott Jeffery Geo L Maddison P. M J Ralston, capt. Adj.EJ Coxt,U. Q. M. J Howes Sur. MFogarty As. R K Kynoch W H Brown son, M. D. Facings — black 76th. Regt. "The Elephant' circumscribed '♦ Hindoostan" « Peninsula" Col *Sir P Maitland, KCB. It gen Lt. Col. Jos Clarke Majors J H Grubbe R F Martin 1642. FARMEK a ALMANACK. 77 w Vaptn Itich'd Gardiner |K6bt C Lloyd G F C Scott R Shepherd WWJL'ockcralt jG P Pickard Fra S Priltie Hen Qrewttter Col Fenwick LeMarchant Ca- rey Lieuta J B Flanagan Char. S S Evans Chas Murray, d. adj M S T Dennis, d. p, m- J Gore Ferns, adj Thos Tydd A Rutherfoord W H M Simmons W Wood Senhouse WWood Whitter J D Beresford Hen H Lacy Geo Aug Bayly, Enngns G R Hopkins Cha O Donoghue Hen Smith RobEPBrereton Wm H Barton Jno W Frerid Svveton Grant R H H Keightley P M. Wm Web-' ster jf </}. Jno G Fcrn« t QM3 WPreston Sur Wm Milligan MD As. RT Scott J DeVerd Leigh, M D Facings — Red MILITM OF m)VA'SCOTlA. Commander in Chief— His Excellency the Right Honorable Lord Viscount FALKLAND, G. C H. ^. , , « S I-"ieut. Col. Edw Cunnrd, jr. 2(1 Hx. Regt. Mes-de-Camp ] Capt. John H. Mc Nab, N.S. M. Paymaster General — Lt. Col. Andrew Richardson* Adjutant- General — Lt. Col. Edward Wallace. Quarter-Master-General— lA. Col. Geo. N. Russell. • Major nj Brigade— far the middle District, Major Hon. Michael Tobin, jr. Judge Advocate General — Andrew M. Uniacke, Esq. Surgeon- General — VOLUNTEER ARTILLERY. 1st CoMi'ANV — Lieut. Col. Richard Tremain. Major, James Cogswell. Captain, Joshua Lee. Lieuts. Richard Tremain, jr. and J. Forma n, jr. 2nd Company — Major, James Tremain. Capt. Alex Farquhar son. 1st Lieut. Jas. MacNab. 2nd Lieut. Alex Lyle. Surgeon Mathias Hoffman, ». v. Blue, .facings red — lace gold. \st Hx. Regt. Lt. Col. Hon JasMcNab, Majors John Slayter Jas Black Captains Thos Lydiard Thos Adams A B Richard£>on P M Robt Romans Thos C Kinnear Edw Binney , Qm. Edw Lawson W G Fife Arch Sinclair W G Anderson Andw McKinlay SSBSmith 1 st Lts. Wm Roche Geo Lowes Geo Mitchell Thos W Cochran Geo Pryor John V Bazalgette Jas Scott Geo Gray 2d Lts Lewis H Jacobs JasS Richardson Wm H Tidmarsh W M Hoffman, adj Wm Scott Jon Blanchard Jas A Rathburn Chas T Prescott Pay A B Richard- son, capt Q M Edw Binney capt G2 .^tfjWMHofiFman It Sur Jas C Hume, M D j3ssSRS Black, MD Blue* •••facings red — lac* gold 78 farmer's almanack. 1842 t2(/, or Qiiee7i'9 Halifax Regt. Li. Col. Hon S Cunard Majors. Chan J Hill, /< CO/. G B Creighton Capts A G Fratier J Edw Starr Jas S Clarke Henry Pryor, adj 11 Mignowitz E Cunard, jr it col {Aide-de-camp. ) Geo H Starr Thos A Bauer FB LeOain 15/ Lis J A Bauer Thos Archibald Pet«r Archibald Cha» Wri;!ht S L Shannon Jno Tho8 Lane Jas Cogswell Jail Mitchell QdLt8 Win Clarke H'v Harvey E Cutler G E Morton G A F LeCain Thos U Tidinarsli Jno B Leishmnn Jldj H Pryor, cpt Pay Hen Boggs Qm C Keefler Surg Clias Cogs- well, ^D Aaa S Scarlet — facings blue— -lace silver Orf Hx. Regt. LtCol Hon J. L. Starr. Majors Edw Cunard Daniel Starr Capts Wm J Starr C H Belcher Adj R D Clarke Jno Leslie Adatn Reid EDuckettjrPJl/ Thos Kenny Fredk R Starr J A Findlay ^st Lts Martin Niforth W Andereon Joseph Salter Robt Gruber C J Dovle H Le»li*5 Arch Harshaw Wm Scott 2d Lients. Chas H Rigby A H Taylor B Wier, Q M H D S Frith Jno H Cro!^skill J J E DeMolitor W H Kr.owlan H S Blancklev Adjt. C H Bel cher, Capt PJkfEDuckett,jr capt Qm B Wier, It. Surg W Grigor, MB AS Green — facings black m Hx. liegt. Lt Col Wm A Black Majors Exiwd Pryor, jr John Parker Capts Wm M Allan Thos Pyke Peter Power fl Yeomans W Donaldston Azor Stevens Jno Dauphiney Edw Allison Nepean Clarke, Adj W B Hamilton Ben E Black ,/>.»??. Arch McDonald Angus Frasier Chas M Cleary Edwd A^lbro 1st Lts. Tno Martin Chas Hamilton Geo Leppart Wm Carritt Jas Richardson Andw Mitchell Robt Lawson Jart Pryor Jno Yeomans J E Hosterman D B Clarke Jos Wier S D S Huyghue 2d Lts J Buchanan Edw Ryan James Saul Geo Grono Geo Munroe Chas Grey Wm J Stairs Wm Richardrion Wm M Allan, jr. Wm E Brine Adj N Clarke, cpt Pay B E BIu>k, Cpt Q m T Hosterman Sur A F Sawers A S Green — black facings 5//t Hx. Regt, Lt Col H A Gladwin Major Thos R Grassie Capts Peter 0|5il vie Saml Braden Jno Parker Jas Brown Robt A Logan q m Alex Keith \st Lts Alex McDougal Jno Schullz I W G Archibald David Archibald Wm Dow How Blades 2rf Lts W Gladwin, arfj^. W S Hutchinson Stephen Boggs Miles Logan Geo Parker Jno Tupper Mai Mclnnes w4</;W Glad win, Zf Q m Robt A Lo-: gan, cpt Svr W J Almon, MD ung 1849. L Jno E M H Y ^ J M C C Jas \ JnoG: RM I SamlE Geo C p m Ij ni-Td' Adjt. cpt PMC cpt Q m SursC' M] Catch 1st iJamcH J Alex Jas E ^ty 1649. U Col Jno E FairbankH Majors. H y Mott J M Chamborlnin Capts. 3m \ Moren Jno Gammon R M Harratt Saml B Smith, adj Geo C Whidden p m lit Lit. FARMKR 8 ALMANACK. 79 JIdjt. S B Srtiith cpt P 3/ GC Whidden cpt Q m Swr^'TDesbrisay MD CaptM Jos Fulton John Gammill W C Eaton, adj Geo Corbett Tim Putman David Patj;e Geo RGrausie VVm Fleuiming Jno Johnston Saml Creelman Is/ Lts Jas Dunlap Wm Logan Fra:4 Parker Jilt* Rutherford J B Waddell (/'has Blanchard Wm McNutt Thos Miller Robt Carter 11 Nelson 2d Lts Jno Gammill las Pollock !)anl Cecil Robt ITiirris Jno G Nelson Jas Johnson David Coulter Geo Carter Geo S Rutherford Wm McCulley Saml Moore -'/e//WCEaton,c/> Qm J R Dodson Svr W B Lynd»» AS Colchester Rgts, 1st BATT Lt Col Jame» Kent Majors Alex L Archibald Jas D Blair 2d BATT. Lt Col. Thos I Brown Major Jas Dickson Capts. Jno Wier Jno Crow R McLellan Robt Spencer Jas D Baird Alex Vance I St Lts. Rufus McNutt J Urquhart Robt Spencer I) H Crow Thos Corlett Jas WiImou Jno Marsh Jno Archibald 2d Lts, Alex Blair Robt Corb. tt Wm Fletcher D McLaughlan Jas M Spencer Jno Blair fas Barnhill Jno Dickson ^(/jEDeWDick- son QM W Cutten Sjirg 3d BATT. Lt Col. Hon Alex Camp- bell Majors Robt B Dickson Alex Conkey Capts. C D McCurdy Hugh Munro Wm Scott Wm Campbell Edw Langille M Waugh J OS McL Dickson Adjt. Jas Hepburn, q m i St Lts. Jno McKay R Murray Jas Campbell Jno Lnn^ille 2d Lts. Don McKay Donald Ross Don Ross, jr Jas Simpson Alex McCurdy Wra Bryden Jno Lockeiby Robt Byrea Wm McConnell Jno Miller Jno Lombard Robt Purviit bphr Langille Jno Nelson Adjt, Jos. McL Dickson, ea};t QmidH Hepburn ept Piciou Regta. 1st REGT. 1st Batt. Lt.Col. Hon. Geo Smith Major Wm Corbett Capts. Geo Campbell Abm Patterson Jno Taylor Geo Grant Wm Murdoch Alex McKenzie Jas Purvis Jas Skinner Jno B Davitfon arVy Jas I) B Eraser Wm H Hopper Hen Blackadar Chas McKenzie Ut Lt9. rhos G Taylor Jas Crichton Thos M'Cabe Thos Campbell Ken McLean Martin J Wilkine Jas Johnson arf'^ Geo S Thuno Jas Yorston Robt Corbett 2d Lts Thos R Eraser Wm H Harris adj Jno Ives mtm 80 FARMER^S ALMANACK. 1842. Kobt Patterson Dav Crichton Geo Hatton Jno McKenzie Jno McKinlay, jr Jno Crerar Rodk Fraser Jas Fogo >^dj Wm Harris, It Q m H Hatton -So: W J Ander- I son jm H McKenzie Jno Munro Andw McKenzie AdjtJa»MaicDon- aid Q^Edw Smith Sur C I Martin AS J 2nd Rkgt. 1st Bait. Lt. Col. Carmichael Major „ 1st Regt. 2nd Batt. Lt Col Robt McKay Major Geo McDonald CapfM Colin McKenzie Don McDonald Jno Gass Dun Cameron Anlh'y Smith 'Jno Graham Jno McLeod Hugh Douglas Finlay McDonald D Matthew son \st LtH Thos Rogers Angus Sutherland Jas Reid ArchGunn Jas JNIcLean Huffh Ross Ken Fraser Simon A.chibald Wm Smith Anth McCleland 2d Lis Don McLeod Jno McKenzie Dun McLean Jas Stewart Saml McDonald H McKein Jno McDonald Copts Rodk McKay Simon McKay Don McLellan Alex Fraser Thos Munro Simon Fraser Wm H Davis Wm Fraser Jas Fraser Dav A Diikson Niel McKay I'st Lieuts Hugh Fraser Don Munro Alex Fraser Rod McGrigor Arch Fraser Jno McP Fraser Jno Fraser Robt P Gnint \lfred E Russell Smith McKay Don McDonald '2nd LtH Jno McKay Wm Robertson J W Carmichael Jno RobertBon Peter Ross David A Fraser Alex Fraser Wm McKay Jas Blair Geo McLeod Horatio Hopper Jno Henderson Isaac Mathewson David R McKay QJWHughMcKay Adjt 2nd Regt. 2nd Batt. Lt Col. David Murray Major Angus Mc Donald Copts D Murray, adj Alex Grant Don Robertson Jno Forbes Chas Ives Thos Copeland R S Copeland Jno McDonald Don Chisholm Wm Powell \$t Lts Paul Foster Alex Dewar Walter Murray Jno Dunn Wm Smith Angus McKinnon N P Olding Alex Grant B R Buckles 2nd Lts Jas McPherson Dav Smith Wm Brown A McKenzie Jno Thompson David Smith Jno McDonald Ang. McDonald Don McKinnon James McKenzie Jno McDougali ./I (//'D Murray, rp< Q M Su^gJno Mitchell AS Guyaboro^OsLn- ty Regimtnts. 1st Batt. LtCol Hon R M Cutler Major Capts W O Heffernan Robt Boles, adj E J Cunningham Wm Hart Jno J Marshall Jno Jamieson Jos Martin Thos Cutler Thos Peart, At'y E H Frenchville 1st Lts Wm Simpson E C Wheaton Geo Scott Styles Hart Don McGrigor Jno Ehler H R Cunningham Abner Myers Jas Marshall 2d Lts Lothrop Myers Danl Lav'lor Thos Keating Jno Myers Jno T Taylor W R Cutler Wm Martin Rich C Mori is Wm Bigelow Jas Hunt Wm Moir Wm Hartshorne Jno Mahoney Thos Simpson Jos Had ley Adjt, Robt Boles Capt Q m Jno Jost Sg Jno Pyke > / ' 1842. farmer's almaivack. 8] -ftdBATT. Lt Col. WmFDesBarres Major Capts Wm Lynch Jno Mcintosh Wm A McKeea Angus Kirk Wm Mc Danifcl Jno W Archi • bald Jno A Hudson Ist Lts Day McKeen Dav Archibald iJno W McKeen. iSam Archibald Jno Stewart Thos Smith Hall Foster 2nd Lts Jno Campbell Dav Glencross Jno Sinclair Jno Archibald j2d/7DMcKenzie Q m J B Archi bald Sg Henry Elliot Ut Lts Hugh McDonald Geo Brennan J as Thomson C O Chisholm Alex Thompson Edw Corbett H McGiUivray Thos Parker 2d Lts Jno Thompson Jno McKinnon Jno Wilkie Jas B McN a Steph McDcnald R Mclsaac JiioMcDonald,2d Jno Chisholm Adjt A W Chis- holm Q m SgA McDonald M D Angus Kennedy Hugh McGrigor Jno Sutherland Peter Stewart | Adjt W A Henry cpt Qm.R JForres- tall Surg. Chas Creed Sydney County Regiments, Ist BATT. Lt Col John Monro Major Capts. J D Cunningham A D Harrington Hugh McLellan Jas Wilkie I Augustus A Ogden Wm C Hierlihy Z Williams, art^y Wm F Bent Wm B Chappie Simon Burgoynd Amos T Seamen .^(/jt.T Chapman Capt Q m Gil Purdy Sg Elijah Purdy 2nd BATT. Lt Col Robt N Henry Major Joseph Symondi Capts Don Mc Don ell Elisha M Randal Jos Gerroir Jno McMillan Allan Cameron Don McKenzie Cel Doiiont Wm A HenryjDav Pugsley jr Cumberland County Regis. 1st BATT. Lt Col R McG Dickey Major Benj Chapman Capts T Chapman, adj Thos Logan H Chapman Amos B Pipes Wm Fowler Gil Lawrence Thos Smith Jno Glennie T ('hapman, 3d Martin Bent Gaius Lewis \st Lts Jno Wood Jas Coates Jos Morse Rapliael Commo A S Biinkhorn Dav Lawre: "e Matt Jirown Adjt \8t Lts Don McDonald Hugh Mr-Donald Colin Mcintosh Alex Cameron 2d Lts Colin Chisholm Jno Fraser Rich Connors R B Dickey ChasI Halliburton Benj Smith 2d Lts Wm P Dickson John W Oxley Thos Coates Isaac F Bliss Aslier Black Wm Pride 2nd BATT. Lt Col Geo King Major Henry Purdy Capts Hen Purdy, 2d DanI King, 2d Josh Uuestis, ad; Jno McFarlane Tim W^sji^efbce Jno Schumtian Isaac Ackerly Amos Eaton Stephen Fulton Sam Rushton Roger Timlin Jno Tuttle Alex Tail Benj Stevens \st Lts Ainos Black Robt McNutt Jno Dott«n Martin King Isaac RendreM Alex McFarlan* Jas Jones J N B Kerr Mark Patten Horatio N Oxl«y Josh Bebee Sam! Bigney 2nd Lts Nat Stevens Jas Angervine Abrier Smith GeoKinj;, 2nd Jno (J Warner Evan McPhei^on Geo Baxter Geo Thompson {^ I 1 >l 82 farmer's almanack. IB4.U, Jas D Purdy Ken McDonald G P Belts Robt Donkjn ^dj J Huestin, cpt PM Thos Page qM i B David- Ron Surg S Mitchell AS Parrshoro^ Corps Lt Col Hon J Ratchford Major Jesse Lewis I Captf ;B Fiillerton RobtJj^wia iino Pettis jKben Kerr Cbas W Baker ;GeoUmphray,arfj I 1st Lts Wm Marsh •HughFullerton,jr. Jno Fullerfon Josh Dewis 2d Lts la? Corbet Jas W Allison Chas Ward JidjtG Umphray capt Q m. Sg R McHeffey Jno Otis King Edw McLatchey Nat Taylor E Carver 1st Lts Jno Jenkins Harry King, p m Wm Bowman Jno Payzant Peter il Jadis 2d Lts Thos Tongue Jno McHeflfey Jas Wilcox Elk Young ThosChamberlain Jno Cunningham Jno L Aimstrong Geo Dewoif .Jno Palmer David W Shaw Adjt. J Songster capt P M H Kin^ It Q m EdwO'Brien S^FC Pike AS David Wiley Hants Count}) Regiments. 1st BATT. Lt Col R A McHeffey Major Jas D Fr,.ser Capts. J Songster, adjt. Elias Payzant Cuth Curren 2d BATT. LtCol Benj Smith Major Edw Murphy Capts 3 Withrow, adjt I no Grant Don Grunt Alex Fergujion Jas J O'Brien Saml Meek A M Cochran Alex Thompson Jno Woodworth Jno Sterling Suml Densmore 1st Lts J J Blackburn Men Blois Wm McPhee Wm C Casey Jno Meek Don Ferguson Saml McLellan Caleb Burgess Hy Miller Jos Madell Wm O'Brien, jr. David Smith Adam Dickey 2d Lts Jno McDougall Geo Dill Is;iac Withrow J W H Withrow Jas Thompson Matt McLearn Ang McDonald Jno McLellan Andw Main Jacob Withrow Robt Sterling Jas Douglaa Adjt J Withrow Capt QMD Frieze Jos Rathburn** Robt Weatcott Win Sterling 2nd Lts Hugh McCallum Henry Cochran Geo Cochran Jas Harvie J S Shaw S B Dimock Adj JnoCochran, capt Qm D Cochran Sg H Hooper, Surg A S ■ 3d BATT. Lt Col. Daniel Wier Major Francis Parker Capts JnoCochran, adj Jas Sterling Jas A Fitzmaurice Felix Cochran Fras Harvie John Lockhart Anthy Shaw Arch Smith Nich Mosher Bernard Wier 1st Lts Sam Martin J Maccomber Job Harvie Jno Chambers, jr King^s County Regiments Isi BATT. Lt Col W C Moore Majors Jno Wells Tim Barnaby Capts Sam Chipman Jno Belcher Henry Gesner,atl/ Rich Starr Chas Finch Saml Lr>wden G Lockwood Dan M Moore Jas Lockwood 1st Lts Day Eaton Wm A Chipman Jos Starritt Jas Hall Levi Eaton G F Robinson Thos E Barnaby Peter Carruthers 2d Lts Jno Burbidge Juo M Caldwell Danl Sieadman David Ells Amos Davison Abner Pearson B B Woodworth > I 1849. FARMER S ALMANACK. 83 Ai]fft H Gesner Capt QmJasM Dickey Sg C UatniUon 2d RATT. LtCol |Jo8eph Crane Major Jno Fuller Capts |C H Rand, adj |P M Benjamin Chas H Brown Jac Seaman Geo M Terry jjas Woodman jJas TT Davison |Jas ralmeter I \st Lis |Elijah Fowler |W C Dennison SamI Avery Augustin Brown Jas Rathburn ;Edw P Borden iCyrus II Davison Robt E Crane R M A Moore 2d Lts Jared Benjamin 'jas Solmes ,Geo Graham Thos Duncanson Arthur Wier jThaddeus Harris Josh W Borden iChas Terry 'Adj CH Randc/)^ P M Jno Fisher 'QmJ LLockhart i^^ W B Webster ./2 S E L Brown 3d BATT. LtCol Jonathan Crane Major Capts SamSharpe, adjt Dav Davidson Seh Burgess Wm Miller G G Wood worth Thos Welton Henry Magee Fairfield Smith Law Harris D V Bent Rich Winsby \st Lts Wm Davison Nathan Parker B W Jakes Alex Patterson A Spmney Obed Parker Jno G Patterson Eben Conden Wm H Lyons Henry Best Jas Shaw Wm Davison Jno Cogswell 2d Lts J W Morton Arch Walker Jon Parker Jas VanBuskirk Jno Orpin Saml Sharpe, jr. Lem Morton Jno N Boles Wm Burgess, jr. Benj Calkins Adj S Sharpe cap QmliW Morse Sg J J VanBurin Annapolis C'ty Regiments Ist BATT Lt Col Major Thos Ritchie, It. col. Capts Wm Davis Saml Cowling E Whitman Steph S Thome Robt Spurr, arty H jn Gates Jacob Bogart Jas Whitman Wm Harris Steph Parker Alex Fowler Hen Gesner Weston Hall Geo Robertson ist Lts Jas Lecain J II Dilmars Isaac Ditmars, ar' ty Jno Kennedy Jas Wade W^m Lecain Ezekiel Chute Abr Chute Handley Chute Wm Young 2d Lts Andreas Bohaker G S Milledge,adj VVel Wheelock W Bancroft Moses Shaw Jos Fellows Jno LeCain, ar'fy Sam Parker Harris Miller Job Wade Wm Fowler Jas Copeland .//</;• GSMilledge It. Q m Jas Gray 2d BATT. Lt Col Caleb Shafner Major Elijah Phinney Capis Robt Stone, adj J Armstr{>ng Seth Leonard Chris Banks Zeb Phirney Jno ^hafnei IS'-tm 3 Chij-man Jno Dodge Caleb jHarf 1.311 Jno Banks Henry Magee Felix McNeal Sarritt Parker Jas Grinton let Lts Phin Bent Wm Chipman Sam Morse Steph Nicholls Handley Shafner Chas Bartaux Jas McGill Jno Wiswall '2d Lts Jas Charlton Benj Leonard Jno F Outhed Edw Morse BarnabasPhinney Abner Sanders Wm Morse Geo Bishop Ambrose Dodge Pet DeLancy Chas Wiswall Fras Dorcey Rufus Banks Henry Ruffee T C Wheelock Isaac Roach Hez Forster Jesse Oaks Adjt R Stone,cpt Q in Jno Ross Sg Jno Primrose 84 FARMRR S ALMANACK. 1842. Digby County Regiments liit BATT. LtCol Thos Ruggles Major '»^.. .t> Q wiJas T Small Shelburne Co'ly Sg Jno R Light-i Regiments ^°°^ l8t BATT. Lt Col Cornelius White {Charles Budd Hen Stewart, adj lAlpbeus Jones Jno McNeil Chas Tucker 'Jos Bancroft J A Timpany M R Hutchinson Chab C Moody Jones Morehouse Israel Outhouse Ist Lis iJno Chute Chris Specht Chas Everatt Jno Christie Ij HFitzRandolph IH E Payson SamI Young RobtK Timpany, Jos Gidney Jno Barr R Journeay 2d Lts C S R Crowly Jno K Viets Botsford Viets Jno Dakin Jno W Wright Wm Saunders, Robt Jones Wm Denton Jas M Roop Peter Brooks Wm NichoU Robt Jones H Kenney Thos C J,ines B H Ruggles Adjt H Stewart, capt 2d BATT. LtCol Sam Doucett Major Saml Campbell Capts Jno Holden Jos Commo Fras Bourneuf Geo Taylor G A Tucker Jno Parry Jno McAlpine JnoTerrio Jos White 1st Lts Ciriac Belivo Wm Moore Jas Amiro Wm Hall Joseph Belivo C Seabins Benj White B Bolocho Cel Robichau 2d Lts Angel Belivo Aug Melanson Jas B Stuart Jno K Weaver Chas Melanson Danl B Porter Jas McAlpine Nic White Thos Titus Adjt H Barr Q m H Barr jr SgKD Ruggles Major Wm Holden Capts 2d BATI^ Lt Col W B Sargent Major Capts J P Doane Jas Smith Andw L Crowell I G Enslow, aditfJno Lyle Wm Muir, arty Gilbert McKinna Chas Stalker Wm Stalker Thos Johnsor. Aug Vernon M D McKenna Rand McDonald b Matthews 1st Lts Eben Martin, arty Saml Lock , jr Jno Thomas Thos J Crowell H G Onslow Ira Pride Fras V Forbes Alex Hamilton Jno Prince 2d Lts Josh Snow, arty Jas Griffin Jno Doan R R Thompson Geo Snider Robt Mcintosh Wm Bell Jno McDonald, jr Alson Perry Thos Johnson jr Adjt I G Enslow capt Q m Andw Bar- clay Surg A Jamieson Wm Patterson S Nickerson Jno Crews W Nickerson 1st Lts Jas C.Smith D Thomas jr J Snow, 3rd Dun Cunningham G Kenny I srael L Crowell Wm Chetwynd 2d Lts. Gavin Lyle Sam Snow Jos Kendrick, jr Geo Smith Tos Wilson Thos Coffin S Nickerson Adjt J Sargent Q m S O Doane Yarmouth Cty. Regiments. 1st BATT. Lt Col Abram Lent Major J McKinnon Capts DVNorden, adj J J D'Entremont Mark Amiro Theo H Frost Matt Jeffery Mich Susette Andw JefFery CorneliusBlanvell AbriTi Blanveit » r ^ * r 1842. farmer's almanack. 85 wist Lis S D'Entremont Jas Bingay, art'y Reuben Abbot^ Jno Rider Sion Porter S S D'Entremont E Susette 2d Lts S D'Entremont jr Jas Purdy Lewis Susette Amb Amero W A Frost Gab Babin Adjt D Van Nor- den, capt Qm JVN Hat- field Sg G J Farish Jl SJ C Farish 2d BATT, Lt Col John Bingay Major G B Van Norden Capts Geo Bingay Jas B Dane John Cook E W B Moody Herb Huntington Jos Shaw Geo W Bond Jacob Hilton E Huestis, arty Siayley Brown T V B Bingay 1st Lis J Stoneman JnoTooker,ar<'y Jno Flint W H RoUa Andw Lovett Dane Chipman Jacob Utley Wm Robertson Geo Cann Dav Gowen 2d Lta Benj Bingay Edwin Wetraore arty Thos'S Eakins Jesse Shaw Nathan Fatten J Cook Benj Raymond Nathan Butler Thos Hilton Geo Terfry Adjt Q in I Jos Tooker PM WHKeating Surg H G Farish ^6' Jos B Bond Qwecn's CHy Regiment. Lt Col Jas R Dewolf Majors Jon Dewolf Mat Park Capts W Freeman adjt Jno Campbell jas Morton Free Tupper Jno L Darrow Nat Freeman Jno McVicar W McGill, arVy Thos P Calkin Dav Freeman Sam Freeman Steph Mack Jno H Freeman Geo Freeman Z Freeman \st Lts Thos Freeman Sim Freeman Jos Ford Jno Cobb, arVy Andw McDonald Matt McClearn Smith Roberts J F Parks Edw Mack JasA Taylor Edw C Barss Jas F More Jno Kempton 2d Lts Jos Dexter, arVy Jas Dewolf S Freeman Nathan Tupper E H Burnaby Geo Freeman Owens Cole Jno O Morse SylvCobb W Johnson P^SP Freeman Adjt W Freeman Cpt Q m A Cowie Sg D Grieve Lunenburg CVy Regis. 1st BATT. LtCol Hon Wm Rudolf Majors Henry Oxner Casper Oxner Capts Jno Anderson Chas Rudolf P W James Mich Rudolf ThosBoehnr, arty Jno Ernst Geo Creighton Geo Anderson j Joseph Rudolf | Philip Mason 1st Lts Chas Born Matt Ernst, arVy Jacob Moser Jno Frederick Peter Kauiback Geo M Fancy Jno Jost Lewis Oxner Edm Zwicker Josh Kauiback Chas J Rudolf art*y 2d Lts Jno G Rudolf Thomas Hunt Alfred Rudolf Nich Zwicker HHays Henry Shupe Jeflfeiy Oxner John Born Lewis Rudolf Geo Kauiback Simeon Oxner Henry O'Neil Godfrey Rudolf , jJdj^GTSolomon Q m D S Grant ' Sg G Jacobs 2d BATT. Lt Col Jno Heckman Major John Hunt Capts Hen Ernst, a^t Geo J Ernst J B Comingo qm Alex Zwicker Fredk Hiltz Adam Lanty H S Jost FrasZwicker Fredk Ernst 1st Lts Kedy Heckman Adam Andrea* Ben Legg Dan Dimock Jno Mader Jas Hunt Edw Strum 2di./f Robt Scott Wm Ross Jas Selig Edward Ernst 86 FARMER S ALMANACK. ]843. Adolphiis Gaotz DavWCrandall Peter Strum jr Jos Zwicker Casp Eisenhauer Chas Creighton Jiiljt Hen Ern&t capt Qm JB Comingo capt John Harley 4th BATT. Capt a Lt Col P""^ A^'g'^y' «4?' Sg Capts Jno Nass Charles Evans M Schmidt, adj Edw Zwicker 3d BATT. jWmKoris Lt Col ;I^ot)t Mooney Jno H ICaulback | A Walker, a'rty Jno Creighton Majors Jas S Thompson Peier Strum Major Capts Jno Harley Wm Drew Nich Oxner GarretTU Miller Jos P Miller adjt Jno Publicover Wm Newcomb 1st Lts John Miller John Smith Jos Pence Andw Wile Philip Wile Levi Whitman Daniel Sperry Jas Kock* 2d Lts Asaph Newcomb Tim Rice Aaron Morse Enos Sponagle Ephr Oxner Nelson Chesley Benj Manning John Kock Panl Owen, p m Sam Pernette J P Miller capt PMDanl Qwenlt Sg Edw Bolman 5 1«« Lts. Edw Ross Saml Shatford 2d Lts Alex McKay W Marvin, art'y Geo Ross FrasMillett Ben Masion James Kearney Jno Mcivin.ari'y Rob Russell Jno Frail Elisha Zwicker Jno Anderson M Publicover jr. Jas Chandler William Robb Adjt M Schmidt capt Sg. J Steverman Chas M Dodd C J Barrlnglon Wm Gammell Peter Moore ThoH Archibald Robt Bridge, art'y Georate Rigby Josh W Weeks Jno L Hill JAeuls Chas Dumaresq R C Campbell Rich Gibbons John D Clarke Jas Dumaresq D G Ri^by C W Dickson Alex Bown Y Barrington L Robinson E Q Bown B Archibald Geo Hill Don J McNeil Arnold Holmes n Biirrington D N McQueen Geo Burchell Pat Lanagan Alfred GibVons Edw Harrington H V Bown Adjt S Rigby cpt PM Qm A S A W Haire Thos E Jean Lieuta ^ Pefer Hume Alex Anderson Chas McLeod Rod McKay Jno Smith, adj •hio Sparling [J Leaver II I..eaver Wm Anderson Jno Campbell Ciias M'Kenzie Jno Ferguson Dun McRea, qm Adjt.ino^xm\.h,U QM D McRea, It ;> Cape Breton. 1st. REGT. Col Comm, Thos Crawley 1st Batt. Lt Col Chas E Leonard Majors H W Cra^^ 1 Saml Piant ley 2nd Batt. Lt Col. Sam G Archibald Major Jonathan Jones Capts Geo McKay Wm Jones JoH Campbell Ken M'Leod Don Logan Saml Peters 3a Bait. Lt Col Peter H Clarke Major Jno Scott Capts Jno Martell Jno McElachran ios Farrell Aug McGilvery Hugh Ross Jos Slattery C Mc Alpine Dun Curry Lts Thos Pembroke Jos Martell Arch Gilles D Curry, jr Jas Smith P McLellan DonGilles Thos Dickson Chas Lee R McDonald Wm Cryer Jno Bagnell Allen McDonald R McEachran D McDougail Jos Gilles Alt. Halliburton Adjt G H Gesncr Surg. H B For- man. 842. on adj on 11 zie n i,qm lith ,lt cRea, IT" I rko ^ hran very oke on }nald ran all irton lesncr JFor- ) j if I 1842. KARMRR S ALMANACK. 87 •^th Batt. Lt Col ,Jno McKinnon I Major :Don McLeod John Fuller VVni Crichton H Martell Chaii Blampied JohnR Smith Desire Boiidroit Peter Janvrin Mat Heleur 1st Lieuts Isaac Paon Simon Babin Ben Terriot Peter P Terriot j Captt iJno Munro jJas Brown, adjt iJno McLeod 1 |Jno McLeod 2 lAlex McKinnon Robt Sutherland J,;;;; p^,^; K K Marsters I Lieuts iDavid Corbett Thos Hyde Andw Mcintosh iDouMcLean ijiio Fraser Jas Matheson Jacob S Darin Dun Stew ait Lii'her McLeod Jas CTuinn iWm \V'arren Thos Power ;C Morrison Jesse Roper ,L McLean Jno Butheiland Fin xMcCraw Isaac McLeod Alex McLeod Alex Munro Ad}t J Brown : (Jiwt iQ 7H Don Munro Alex Wright Pat Duan Pet McNeill Thos Bordest 2nd Lis. Wm Quinn Jef Eoiidroit J no Fuller, jr Isaac LeVisconte Geo Amy Jas M Ball am Jno LeCain Thos n Fuller Peler LeNoir Jld}t D Campbell QmHMcDonald M J Kavanagh L B Kavanagh Jno Shaw Thos Shaw PI McKeagfney Jno Anderson Jno Morrison Alex Wilson Jno Matheson Jno McKay, jr. Thos Grady Jno McKenzie Jas Spencer Jno Proctor Jas Proctor Jno Smith Dav Smith Geo Brymer Geo Handley Kidjt D Pellier capt. Wm McKe«n,jr Jno McDonald Alex McDonald' Jas Smith Saml Beateon Aug McDonald Wm Watts, jr. Peter Smyth Peter Smith Adjt J LTremain Capt QmW Watts, jrJ :ird REGT. Isl B:itt. Lt Col Wm McKeen Major John Campbell Capts And Madden Jno McKeen jJ L Tremain, adj (Don Campbell |Jas Doyle j 2nd REGT. j 1st Batt; I Lt Col Jno Janvrin I Majors Morgan Doyle f/«nPeierde Car- teret Capts Thos Ln Noir JohiiFerrier art'y 2nd Ball: Lt Col N H Martin Major Jno Cameron Capts Dougald McNabi Danl Pellier, adjt Jno B McNeil Jno Shaw Arthur Brymer Don Gray Alex INlurchison M Kavanagh L Kavanagh, jr D McPherson Lieuts Don Campbell Jno McDou"all Ang McDougald Alex Beaton Jas Ilawley Saml McKeen Dun Campbell Lieuts Don Beaton Arch Campbell Ang Beaton Jno Doyle R McDonald D McDougald Malt Haw ley Allen Cameron Jno McEachran Lambert Smitn Jno Campbell Hy Williams 2nd Batt. Lt Col Henry Taylor Major Capts iR McKinnon ,at(; .Ang McLellan N McLellan Jno McDonald R McLellan Ang McDonald Chas Boudroit Jno McLean Allen McDonald' Lieuts Jno Ross R McDonald M y.< Daniel Jno IVi'.'Tnnis Jno ?'cLellan John McFarlane Ang McLellan Jas McLellan Peter Delaney CO Queen AiHgus Smith Allen McLellan Jiis McLellan Ang Mclsaac Don Kennedy Jno McKinnon Ken McLean Wm Campbell Adjt R MtKiu- non, capt Qm DonMcLea 1 88 farmer's almanack. 1842. 4th REGT. 1st Batt. Lt Col. Nat Clough ! Major Jno Campbell i ^Capts P J Bronard JAndw McDonald Rod Cameron Don Cameron Tho8 McDonald Jno McKinnon Ewen Cameron Jno McDonald Don Gray, adjt 1st Lts. Alex Chisholm Jno Campbell Fidw Lavin Arch Cameron Al'^x Dowlan Ma! Jackson Don Campbell Rodk Mcintosh 2nd Lts. Hugh McDonald Arch Mclntyre Thof* Cameron Alex McKinnon Wm McKay Rodk McNeil Don McDondM Neil McDonald JIdj DonGray.c/)/ QmHMcDonaJd . THE ^AVY, sir CHARiiES Adam, K. C. B. Vice Admiral of the Blue. Com mander-in-Chief, on the West-India, Halifax, and Newfound- land Stations. Commodore^ Secrdarxj^ James A. Smith. Esqr. Flag Lieut. ....... Lt. Wallace Houston. Officers of Her Majesty^s JVavy Yard, Halifax, store Keeper — Alexander Elliott, Esq. Clerk King and Jas G. Ritchie, Esqrs. Officers of Her Majesty^ s Victualling Yard^ Halifax, store Keeper — Alexander Elliott, Esq. Clerk — J. W. McEwen, Esq. ANTELOPE, 60. Bermuda. BLAZER, Steam Vessel. \Lt, Com.^' • • -Jno Steane 2d Master ••Jas W L^wson Asst Surgeon Robt W Clarke Clerk WG Hopkins iCHARYBDIS, 3 Brig. iLt. Com M DeCourcy l2d Master • • J G H Thain As Surg. • . . .Jos Caldwell Clerk C A Thorne CARRON, 2 Steam Vessel Bermuda. CLEOPATRA, 26. Master Surg • • ■ Purser Jls Surg' Capt Chris Wyvill Lieut. Thos H Page 1«* Lt Mar* *D A Dorratt Master • • • • Henry G. Raynes Surg Jaa Kittle Purser • • • • Jas Halse As Surg • • • • Wm Henderson COLUMBIA. 2 St earn Vessel. Master Com. B W Robinson 2d Master »» Henry Hunter As Surg'*'' Jas Mitchell, m. d. COMUS, 18 Sloop Commander, Evan Nepean Lieuts » • • • • •Thos Smyth Robt K C Jenkins W J W Burney D P Williams Edm Brown Geo Whitmarsh COROMANDEL, Convict Ship Bermuda. DROMEDARY, 2- • Convict Ship Bermuda. FAIR ROSAMOND, 2 Schooner. Lieut Com* 'Arch G Bulman 2d Master* • Jno N Willis As Surg • • • • Alex Scott Clerk E S F Cheesman ELECTRA, Sloop. Philip Gostling Edm Heathcote Robt Ellis John Kellock R R B Hopley Henry H Chimmo Jas Rae Commander Lts Master* •*» Surg. •••• Purser • • • • As Surg. i84'>. I ■Fm E FLY, Steam Vessel \Lt. Com ...•\Vm Wiiiniett ''idMaslcr •' Henry Baker Us Sur .... TliosBellott \C1erk Francis Cole FLAMER, 6 Vessel. \Lt Cum Win llobson 2d Master • • Jno E) Petley As Sur • • •• 4 Clerk FURY, Steam Vessel Bermuda. GLEANER, 1 , Steam Vessel. LtCom"" JnoJeayes 2d Maaier- • Geo Moore Jis Siirg.--' H II Miickarsif Cleric ' GW Pickthor.i IlECLA, Steal,' Vessel. Lt Com • • • • Jno P» Craj^g |2rf Alaster*' Jas Drysdale '^.9 Svrg .... [Clerk Geo W Pit-klhorn IhORNET, G Brigatitine FAIIMKR 8 AI.MAJVACK. ~8^ Lt Com- • •' Mastc . • • • Jls Surg . . IllYDRA, \Commandtr Licuts. RobtB Miller Jas B Andrewd G St G Bowen Sfetwi Vessel. Alex ?tTurr;(v R (.; Mic'.ieli Irwin Malinp Purser « • •. Joseph Mnson jJVau Instruc-'^ tor^ !School- > A W Lano Master j Jls Surg G T M Mariin . Jas Clark, M D Jas Laird LARK, 4 Schooner, Surveying Service. Lt Com •••• Thos Smith 2d Master* • Wm Blnckford Jls .'«/•«•.'••• Jno J Aclieson Clerk G W G Robins MAGNIFICENT, 72.. Recv Ship^ Jamaica. Commodore. • Commander .."EtiXw B Tinling Licuts K E Wingrove Jldditional • • Master Robt Currie Surg Geo Burn , M D Purser Jno Bryan, Jls Surg . • . -L C Urquhart Additional.. Robl Clarke, M D. MEGyEilA, iiteatn Vessel Li Com .... H G Goldsmith Fredk Wills R Carpenter G F C Bateman Master .••• Kobt Salmond 'Surg David l)ea:s \Purser •••• C N Framplon ^ Jls Surg' .- . Wm Leitch ILLUSTRIOUS, 72. Flag Ship. \Captain .... Jtio E Erskine [Commander Arthur Forbes Licuts .... Chas H Beddoes . Geo K Ogilvy R Strode Hewlett Jasi E Katon G BiJutherford W Houston, F L Additional Wm H Kennedy I H E S Winthrop ^•Capt Mar. Hugh Evans 2nd Lt Mar. P H Feilowes Chas F Menzie* • Jas Brown Master. . Surg Chaplain - ■ Rev Allan Fieldnmg 2d Master. As Surg ... Clerk PICKE, 5 Lt Com. • .■ 2^/ Master. > As Siirir - . . . Schooner. F B Montredor Henry Dormer Clerk ...... James Shambler PILOT, IS.. Brig Com Geo Ramsay Lieut s R J Le M McHare Wm P Jamison Master .... Surs^ Robt McCrea Purser Thos E Gould As Surg ••••II H Turnbull, MD. PYR^MUS, 42 Recv. Ship Halifax, RACEHORSE, 18 Sloop, Com Jno C Fitzgerald Lie tits G Le G Bowyear Henry W Hire Jas JefFery Jas Taylor Jno Forster Robt Grigor Master.' Surg • • • Purser • ■ As Surg u ';i Bsaaf 90 rARMKH 8 ALMANACK. J 842 RACER, 16, Sloop, Com Thos Harvey Lieuts Wm Chambers Master .... r! T A Noddall Surg Harvey Morris Purser Edw B Robins ^8 Surg ....Jno Thom«on, M D RESOLUTE, Diving Bell Vessel. Bennuda. ROMNEY, 80 Reev Ship. Havanna. Lt Cgm*'** Chas Hawkins Surg Thos Brenan 2nd J^/as<er.. Jno P Weston -fs Surg .... Clerk Geo G Nelson ROVER, 18 Sloop. Com Chas Keele Lieuts Jack H Murray Benj H Bunce Master - • . Edm P Cole Surg Jaa Booth Purser Rich T R eep ^« Surg .. Jno Maclear IrOYAL oak, 74 Becv Ship. i Bermuda. SAPPHO, 16 Sloop. [Commander Thos Fraser I Lieuts .... Thos Hope j Jno Hollinworth [Master »••• Saml Lark i Surg ...... M Thomson \ Purser .... Edw F Roberts Us Surg ^. S Sproule, M D 'spitfire, 6. Steam Vessel. \Lt Com • • . . Wm Tringham ':2nd Master Thos Walker [As Surg"" Ja» Atchison \cicrk D Slapleton ITART^RUS, Steam Vessel. \Lt Com-'" Geo W Smith i2«d Master Thos W R Pike \As Surg .... F B Prit chard I Clerk Jno G Braid rrWEED, 20 \Com H DC Douglas ] Lieuts J S Ellman, [Master .... Robt Sludwell Surg Jno C Bowman **. Purser ..•• Jno Prance As Surs • • • • Jas Fisher VESTAL, S6. Capt' Lieuts Sst Lt Mar Master . . . ■ Surg Purser . . ■ As Surg ..' VICTOR, 16 Jno Parker (ieo S Hand Jno H Norcock JnoO Bathurst J H Gascoigne Win Forbes GeoSymers Thos Fairweather Wm P Banks, M D Sloop. Commander Chas C Otway Lieuts .... Jas C Prevost Master . Surg . . . Purser . As Surg* Edw Mallard Wm Bayne Geo S Plumbly • FM Williams WINCHESTER, 50. Captain- »• -Thou W Carter Commander W W P Johnson Lieuts .... Thos Fischer Jno Lodwick . Wm Coles Wm A Fellowes Addl Lieuts S O Wooldridge W M W Douglas A La Touche Jno Dutisterville Chas Clavell Cap Mar Robt lienry \st Lt Mar Alex Itainsay Chaplain Rev H S Slight Surg . ... Geo A Munro Purser" "Stephen Clare Aau Instruc-'^ tor fy School- > Jno II Bond master j As Surg"" Wm McCrea T H Lowry, M D Mditional Alex AVoodcock Alex Anderson Philip Porter Thos Wallace Jno D MaCdonald I f -< » BBm 1842- tnan**. ;ock urst me i^eatlier k», M D| Sloop. 18 rter inson idge mglas e ^ille 5^ ;ht ) e ond rea ry,MD >dcock jjson ter lace Cdonald f ^> ♦ nwi i iwmm 1842. rAUMF.R 9 ALMAMACK. Ul! HINTS TO YOUNG FARMERS. Never be above your calling, nor be afraid of the frock brid the apron. Put off no business till to-morrow, which ou^ht and can be done to day. As soon as the Spring opens, and the frost is out of the ground put your fences in order. Plant no more ground than you can well manure and cultivate to advantage. Never hire a man to do a piece of work which you can do yourself Every day has its appropriate duties ; attend to them in suc- cession. Keep no more stock than you can keep in order, and that of the best kind. Never contract a debt without a reasonable probability of pay- incr at the lime agreed upon. Remember that economy and industry are the two great pillars of the Farmer's prosperity. Should you take any Periodical Journal, pay for it in advance Never carry your notes in your pocket-book, as the desk or trunk is a more appropriate place. Keep them on file, and in order, ready to be found when wanted. Keep a place for your tools, and your tools in their places. Instead of spending a rainy day at the dram-shop, as manj ' o to their ruin, repair whatever wants mending; post your books. Drive your business, and do not permit your business to drive you. Never trust your money in,thc hands of that man who will put his own to hazard. When a debt becomes due, pay it at the time, whether your creditor wants it or not. Never ask him to ^'toaittill next week" but pay it. Never insult him by saying, "you do not want it. Punctuality is a key to every man's chest. Always have one of Belcher's Almanacks in the house. Hy constant temperance, habitual, moderate exercise, and unaffected honesty, you will avoid the fees of the lawyer and the sheriff, gain a good report, and probably add at least ten years to your life. When a friend calls to see you, treat him with the utmost com- plaisance ; but if important business call your attention, politely excuse yourself and he will excuse you. j Should you think of building a house, be not in a hurry, butj jfirst have every material on the spot, and let your cellar be as large as the frame. Keep a memorandum book ; enter all not'^, whether received or given ; all monies received or paid out ', «.il expenses, and ail circumstances of importance. }i ^w^ \^^< > ^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I IM 125 ■^ 1^ 1122 ^ W V^ 1'* < 6" ► Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 «- ■^' V^ '% %*■ vtsm ■■■«>■ FARMER S ALMANACK. 1842. II^VSIlTIiliiE^TS. 8, WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL, LONDON. HONORARY PRKSIDK.NTS. Earl of Errol Earl Vomers ' ' ' Earl of Courlown Viscount Fiilkland Kurl Lev(<n and .Melville Lord Elihinstone Earl ofNorbury Lord Belhaven & Stenton. Earl ol Stair ' ' DIHECTOnS. J. i^tuart, Esq. Chairman. VV. Flasket, Esq. Dep.Chairjnan. Samuel Anderson, Esq. Charles Downes, Esq. H. Blair Avarne, Esq. Hanjincl -De Castro, Esq. Morton Hehnanno, l-sq. Charles Graham, Esq, Edw. Boyd, Esq. Iksident Fred. C. Maitland, Esq. E.LennoxBoyd,.,^ss/. (/i/fo. John llitchie, Esq. Agent at Halifax, N. S. ALEX. G. FRASER, Esq. Thi^ Cofnpany, established by Act of Parliament, and whose Rates will be found on the lowest scale of any offered to the puldic, atfords the most jxM't'ect security. The ea^•y and ready mode for a person of moderate income to ■secure by such an arran<icinent a provision for his fafnil}', is )bvious, — for instance, a man of 2.5 years old, may, by r-.n annual payment of £'28 10 *i, for the first live years, and aft(M"wards the full premium of £r>7 Ifi <> yearly, secure to his widow and children at his death, the payment of no less tban £3000, sub- ject only to the deduction of £144 1 3, being the amount of premiunx unpaid. This Company holds out in various other respects, ^reat in- ducements to the public and when such facilities are afforded, it is clearly a moral duty in every man, who is not possessed of a fortune but of an income however limi;ed to Insure his Life for \ sum which may yield a comforlablo provision to those who durinjif hi.^ life have been dependant on him, or who at his death would hi', rendered destitute or in want. Incase of persons Insurint; for Ihe whole term of Life by the rable of Rates which allows a participation to the extent of two 'hiris of th''. profits , in preference to tiiatofthe reduced rates, I heir share of profits will bo added to the amount of their re -pcctivo Policies, or deducted from their future Premiums, at periods of not less than five and not exeeeduiff seven years. The high opinion entertained of this Otfice from the com- mencement of its business, March 1884, and its progressive ^ _____,_--^ ^ f - f 1842. inSi n. airman. d, Esq. (1 whose to the! come to (mil)', is \ annual ards the low and 00, sub- liount of rreat in- irded, it ^sed of a Life for :)se who lis death ^e bv the it of two ed rates, their re- iunis, at ars. he com- )gres8ive 1642. farmer's almanack. 93 pr^erity and stability was manifest at the first General Meet ing of the Proprietors of this Company, held at their Office, London, Ist July, 1841, William Plattkett, Esq. in the Chair, the persons Assured under the participating Rates with p'ofits, had two per cent per annum appropriated to them from the dates oj their Policies — appliable at their option, either as an encrease to the amounts due on their Policies when they became exigible, or in diminution of the annual premiums paid on them. PREailDM FOR INSURING £100 Ol» SINOIiK LITKS. -a o ■ « « 5 -2 >^ .1^ nH r-4 pM -- _i ^9it4me«m0ie)»mefi'«'<4*'«'^^^toioiatt;o<o(o« o fa « e O ^w^ttmtw^mmw-fm^r^ mm ,^ ,-t —^ r— y^ I F^ ^4 ^^ I** ^^ Mrt V.M fa^ ^ f.^ t-^ ^ « I ( « "o .a o fa ^3 21 J; •*! o 5 " c .2 I- a o fa Q o 9 bo .•^w»«®t»QOo>©iHWww^iafc»Qoc»©-H«'^<o»«. MOI«4<»C«e<IMe40l»«9«MCinCI!M -:cnt«>Ae<i©©ao«e'^'<yiaia(oxoi©>«e4;e©'<«'©ia MA©^(?)MM'^iaOt«QiA©^e>leOiO(St»QO©'-^M -;iae«ioo>iee4Qome>M-«io©ui^-<# — ce©0)(e^M •wt«aoQO0)©eiHiHe«ic<MCQ^^u}iOC0t«t«Qoek© ™ Vi« p^ |S< ■« |pM »^ M©©0©©^lH»M^^rt-^|M^1-l»-P-«.HFH^^lM-< •WQ0tO"1'^'<'CIO5^©^'^^'^»Oi-<«tt'^^©>O'-'t* .•^'tj«io»r»x)Oio>©©^pHwcieoeo^'i<»o»a«o«»» '*l©©©©©©©©-^p-<f-« — ,Hr-if-f-(i-*P-.-iFM^-<»- »O«Ot»MOS®-^'NW'1"iO«C«>00©©">*MM'*»ft<Ot ^ ^ ^ — r^cie4e<ie>ie4eMe^e«i(Me4eoeQeQC4eoMeoM 94 FARMEa 8 ALMANACK J842. QC/^ Blanks; and any infuiination required, will be furni%«d jat the Office of Yeomans & Frasku. I Halifax, Dec. 3, 184]. DRY GOOD STORE. CORNER NEAR THE MARKET, Oj^posite the Book Store of Mr. C. H. Belcher, At iiHis Establishment, will be found at all seasons of the year, ais Extensive an Assortment in the above line as the City can produce, and always at the very lowest price the market will afford ; CLOTHS ^^^ VV0OLHN3» generally in great variety. Orleans and Saxonys of e\'ery det-cription ; Cottons and Silks; Linens and Small Wares ; Cotton Warp of the very best quality j red, white and real Indioo Blue. Always on hand best Spanish Indigo and TEA of the (biest jBuvour. STOVES! STOVES!! An immense saving of fuel and for ease and clean- liliess in cooking. . , J. M. CHAMBERLAIN, U1P0RTEH OF STOVES AND GRATES, Store ileal' the Ordnance, Halifax, JV. -S. . Received from Scotland, New York and Boston, and con-! ■itantly on liand, an extenf^ive assortment of Cooking, Frank- iih, Close Canada, Cannon and Cabin STOVES ; with the Improved Union Cooking Stove, cast in Glasgow, the con ^triiclion of this Stove is simj>le, compact, of superior Iron and most substantial for durability, convenience, and the least re- quired fuel, it surpasses all others — is already proved and pre- ferred. REGISTER GRATES, AND SHIP'S CABOOSES. Terms liberal — a considerable deduction made for Cash. Orders from the Country punctually attended to. JAMES BOWES Moot sfiti j-aiipi 3^ S^itnte, barrington-street, NEAR THK «JL,D BAPTI.'»T CHURCH. ~ iiii jiifii|jiiw;r.iiriii iMiiaM cher, 50ns of as the ce the n great /ottons le very of the lean- 3, 3 con- Prank- ith the e C0T1-; )n and ast re- id pre-! I Cash. - ► t 1842. farmer's almanack. 95 INDEX. Anniversaries Attornieff - - - Academies Albion Life & Fire Ins. Com. Alliance ditto Army in Nova-Scotia Advertisements Acadia College, Wolfville Agents for Lloyds — Underwriters Rooms, Liverpool, G. B. Agricultural Societies Barristers . - - Society Baptist Ministers Education Society Min. Free Christian African Church, Hfx, Bank of Nova Scotia British N. America Commr's. of Govt. House and Province Building for the Election f ofaProv. Penitentiary y of the Revenue - — ^: — Sable , Islaiul Light Houses 2 32 40 52 5:3 7(i 92 40 54 54 73 32 40 4t 4(i 47 AC) 52 52 51 51 Commr's. Poor Asylum, Hfx. Halifax Common - Cemetery Common Notes, 1842 Calendar pages - Consuls • City of Halifax County of Halifax Colchester Pictou Sydney Guysboro^ Cumberland Hants King's Queen's - Lunenburg Annapolis - Digby - 6 to 51 51 51 51 49 49 2 29 38 48 50 59 60 61 62 63 63 64 65 66 66 67 County of Shelburne - ) — Yarmouth , Cape- Breton — Richmond Inverness - - 68 69 . 70 71 - 72 - 38 - 39 - 39 -S39 Marriage &Divorce 39 Court of Chancery - i V. Admiralty Supreme — Error 40 Colleges, Academies & ) Clf.rgy S Clergy Established Church 42 Rom. Catholic Church 44 Cape Breton Island - - 70 Central Board of Education 47 Ajjriculture 56 Dalhoiisie College, Halifax 40 Diocesan Church Society 43 Explanation of Characters 2 . ■_ Calendar pa'ge^'5 Eclipses . _ - 4 Executive Council - - 30 Engineer Department - 75 Feasts - - \ - - . 2 Farmer's Calendar f.» 6 to 29 Governor of Nova-Scotia 30 Halifax Gramma* School 41 BankingTompany 52 52 ig company Fire Ins. Company Marine Ins. Company 53 Dispone ry - 54 Mariner's Society 55 Mechanic's Institute 55 Library 55 Library - - 55 Reading Room - 56 Literary Association 55 Hotel Company 56 Temperance Society 55 Gas Light & Water ) gg Company ^ Hints to young Farmers - 91 House of Assembly - - 31 Hartford Fire Ins. Com'py 53 96 Highland Soc'y of Hand-in -Hand Fire Heart & Hand tire 9S9K Insurance Cprnpanii Irish Society, P'3f . ^ 52 Judges Supreme ^^u^ % 39 King's College, t#y|^» - -, 40 Keetfer'fl R<iading KoOii(n, Hi. 56 Leiigtb of Seasons ..^» . .- 3 Lutheran Ciiurch, L^it^nburg.43 Morning & livehing- Planeta Member^ Executive Legislative House of fahmsr's almanack. l84<Si l^otia 54 Officers Royal Artillery %S'6 50 50 Ma^iters in Cba iMihisters Chut _ Preabyteiria* ©if IJova ScotijI' Mttils mflde itp at HaHfiipc arrive at Halifax,^ National Schoolj^lia)U ,....,.. .Loan Fund 1} Assurance J Soci NovaScotia Bible Spci .Philanthro't .'...*.... .Colonial A ^ .'..;... . % Poptilcl^iol New York Li/<&' In^o Navy « • • • • . \f ■«,. ■ .t- 30th Regt. . ' . 76 64th Regt. - - 76 '76th Eegt. . - 76 r^taSeotia MilHii 77 the Navy - - 88 . . .,^. of H. M. Cu^tonii 51 *,;%'... .\.rthe Cjol. Kevehiie 51 Pii^Jic Officers - -^ - 38 Prdtedti<»l| Fire Ins. Comply 53 PeticaA*|>ife Ins. Cotap.^y - 53 3 Pl)QBnixi*ire Company >r - .50 P«iiCfffice, Halifax -k.J.- m Petition of Nova-Scom - 74 Roads and Distaneer i; V^^ M Stage poaches - - i ;3e Steam^ ^#>' - - - 86 St.Mary 'a Seiiiiiiary, lialiTax 41 . . « . * . ; . Total AbstkieiijEe - Society -^w v-:;^55| jShubenacadie Canal Coinpy '51 Saving Hank - ^ ■■ 52 St. George's St)eiety • -' Si- 54 Signals, Merchant»,«Ha)i&x $8 .... t . . .at Citadel Hil},Hx. 57 6ta£f of the Army . *% v 75 .. . . . . . . . 4 Militia^ t-; ,.**--?- 77 Sun Fire Company r'-->^ 50 Star, Fire Company ■>^ ■ 50 North British :8iciBl^.^*^M J^^'5 4 OccultatioDS " '^ ^Officers Ji^W Engineeir' Ordnlince of • • •■"•'■»^-,« ^ • • •' • • 5 47 75 Trustees of Dartmouth tk^. 51 Union' Marine Int. Comg^ 53 Umfed iiing^om We A^kh ^rance po'iiipa43| " "~ V\^ey#-Mi^'^ naries 53 45 '21 • '* • Missionary Sot;ie^'45 V*^4''^|&^5^ • • •*• Associatioi^ Church 4S PorT'AHaras^'w: P. 5. 12th line fr< >^^ »«'"' y xfSiXi ' *■ Antarts. *» *» '.♦^ ^ _ -"^for thesame asthe'EqoaiSbiif** read " for the iaini^ Itme as iyi^E«|uatioti . " ~^ " IP. 6. January--for First quarter, H2tHtlayf read "19th .'dc^/ P. 15. May 4— for "very low tiraiBsJ" read "rery Zoto *iife»}"' . , 1% "" '-- ■" « * • ', ■' .-,•••*.- FliNIS. ^1 r 1 <i \ w ■4Ja(^ I