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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 26 aENTS. \ u .wil'/J*/*t^„.v.-)lUf'* Toronto Publio Libraries Pamphlet Collection HAND-BOOK XM Social I^Sciencea STACKS OF THE 1884. ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. '•-^^^••' — TORONTO : WILLIAM BRYCE) PUBLISHER. ^m ■"■^Hi^V.'."!!l*»L." EXCISE TARIFF, CANADA. Spirits— A^ ,.« „r, J . • $1.50 p. proof When made trom raw grram J^j *^ *^ When made from malted barley. ^^^^^ P* P'"^* When m&de from molasses or other sweetened $1.53 p. proof matter gal. Malt. lie. p. lb. Malt liquor, when made in whole or part from any other substance than malt 10c. p. gal. Vinegar 6c. p. gal. Tobacco. . .' 25c. p. lb. Cigarettes, weighing not more than 3 lbs. per M $1.50 p. 1,000. Cigarettes, weighing more than 3 lbs. per M $6 p. 1,003. Tobacco, made from Canadian leaf 5c. p. lb. Canada Twist Tobacco 5c. p. lb. Snuff, when containing not more than 40 per cent, of moisture, or when containing over 40 per cent, of moisture and put up in packages of less than 5 lbs. each • • • 25o. p. lb. Snuff, moist, when containing over 40 per cent, of moisture and when in packages of 5 lbs. and OYgr ' 18o. p. lb. Cigars, frt)m foreign leaf $6 p. M. Cigars, from Canadian leaf $3 p. M. Cigars, from any leaf, .vhen put up in packages of less than 10 each $7 p. M. wm^ BI2;"3rCE'S 24 fe 1942 V roof roof roof HAND-BOOK OF THE OOO. CANADIAN TARIFF, 1894. ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY. — M "^ W TORONTO : WILLIAM BRYCE, PUBLISHER. J AN ACT TO CONSOLIDATE AND AMfiND THE ACTS RESPECTING THE DUTIES OF CUSTOMS. HER MAJESTY, by and with the advioe and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as fbUows : — 1. This Act shall be cited as •• The Customs Tariff, 1894 " 2. In this Act, and in any other Act relating to Customs, unless the context otherwise requires, — (a) The initials " n.e.s." represent and have the meaning of the words " not elsewhere specified " ; (6) The initials " no. p." represent and have the meaning of the words " not otherwise provided for " (c) The expression " gallon " means an Imperial gallon ; (d) The expression '* ton" means two thousand pounds avoirdupois; (e) The expression "proof" or" proof spirits" When applied to wines or spirits of any kind, means spirits of a strength equal to that of pure ethyl alcohol compounded with distilled water in such proportions that the resultant mixture shall at a temperature of sixty degrees Fthren* heit have a specific gravity of 0. 9198 as compared with that of distilled water at the same temperature. (/) The expression " gauge," when applied to metal sheets or plates or to wire, means the thickness as deter- mined by Stubbs' Standard Gauge ; {g) The expression "in diameter," when applied to tubing, means tne actual inside diameter ; - > 3 (h) The expression " sheet," vhen applied to metals, means a sheet or plate not exceeding three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness. (i) The expression " plate," when applied to metals, means a plate or sheet more than three-sixteenths of an ' inch in thickness. 3. The expressions mentioned in section two of " The Customs Act," as amended hy section two of " The Customs Amendment Act, 1888," whenever they occur herein, or in any Act relating to the Customs, unless the context otherwise requires, have the meaning assigned to them respectively by llhe said sections two ; and any power conferred upon the Governor in Council by "The Customs Act" to transfer dutialbie goods to the list of goods which may be imported free of duty is not hereby abrogated or impaired. 4. Subject to the provisions of this Act, and to the require- ments of " The Customs Act," chapter thirty-two of the Revised Stattttesv aa amended, there shall be levied, collected and paid upon, all goods enumerated, or referred to as not enumerated, m Schedule A* to this Act, the several rates of duties of Customs set fort& and described in the said Schedule and set opposite to each item respectively or charged thereon as not enumerated, when such goods are imported into Canada or taken out of warehouse for consumption therein. 5. Subject to the same provisions and to the further con- ditions contained in Schedule B* to this Act, all goods enum- evated^'in the said Schedule B* may be imported into Canada or may be taken out of warehouse for consumption therein, with* out* the payment of any duties of Customs thereon. 6. The importation into Canada of any goods enumerated, d&soribed orr^erred to in Schedule C to this Act, is prohibited ; and any such goods if imported shall thereby become forfeited to theOrown, and shall be destroyed ; and any person importing fMy sacH prohibited goods, or causing or permitting them to be imported, ahall for each offence incur a penalty of two hundred dollanek .} . ; 7> T^OA whole or part of the duties hereby imposed upon fiok Mul olfaer products of the fisheries may be remittt'd as respects either the United States or Newfoundland, or both, ODOn proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may * Schedule A indndes all' goods on which duty is payable, Schodule B all 0oodfl in the free list, but the two arranged by us alphabetically for geueiral cQnrenietic?-— FvB. 4 be issued' whenever it appears to his satisfkction that the Governments of the United States and^ Newfonndfand, or of either of them, have made changes in their tariffs of duties imposed upon articles importied' firom Ganadk in redaction or repeal cf the duties in force in the said countries respectively. 8. Eggs may be imported into Gianadifc ftee of dlity, or at a less duty than is provided for by this Act, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that eggs from Canada may be imported into the United States free of dbty, or at a rate of duty not exceeding that payable on eggs under such proclama- tion when imported into Canada. 9. Whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Governor in Council that the Governments of France and Spain, or either of them, have made changes in their tariff of duties imposed upon articles imported from Canada, in reduction or repeal of the duties now in force in the saj4 countries, he may by proclamation, order the whole or part of the duty of thirty per centum ad volorerH' hereby imposed upon wines imported into Canada to be remitted as respects importations from the said countries or firom that one of the said countries by the Government of which such change in , its tariff of duties has been made as a^resaidi 10. Shingles and pulp wood, or either of them, may be imported into Canada free of duty, upon proclamation of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that shingles and pulp wood, or either of them, from Canadb may be imported into the United States free of duty. 11. Any or all- of the fbUowing- things, that is tO' say : green or ripe apples, beans, buckwheat, pease, potatoes^ rye, rye fldur; hay and vegetables specified in Schedule A to this Aott (p. 66); shall be free of 'duty when imported^nto Canada from the country of production upon the proclamtttion of the Governor in Council, which may be issued whenever it appears tO' his satis- faction that such country imposes no duty on the like product or products imported into it from Canada. 12: Barley and Indian corn shall' be free of duty when imported' into Canadtt from- the country of produotiou; ilpon proclamation of the Governor in Counoiii vf^ioh^raay be itisued whenever it appears to his satisfaction that such country whence either or both tJiese psoduotB aneimfiorted^ 9idmit»both these products free of duty iraport«d)>ili4l9>i1lkil»m!<CifQada|. ft ;. 13. If any country imposes a duty upon the articles enum- rated in jtems 734 to 745, | botli inclusive, in the schedule to this Act, or upon any of such articles, when imported into such country from Canada, the Governor in Council may, by pro- clamation published in the Canada Gazette, declare the follow- ing export duties, or any of them, chargeable upon logs exported from Canada to such country, that is to say : oii pine, Douglas fir, spruce, fir balsam, cedar, elm and hemlock logs, an export duty not exceeding three dollars per thousand feet, board measure ; and in case of the export of any of the above- mentioned logs in shorter lengths than nine feet, then a rate per cord may be levied in the same way, not greater than the equivalent of the above-mentioned rate per thousand feet, board measure ; and such export duty shall be chargeable acoorJingly, after the publication of such proclamation : Pro- vided, that the Governor in Council may, by proclamation, pub- lished in like manner, from time to time, remove and re-impose such export duty. , ; • 14. Any goods or packages being the growth, produce or manufacture of Canada, and having been exported there- from and intended to be returned, may be admitted free of duty on being re-imported into Canada, provided such goods or packages were entered for exportation, and branded or marked by a collector or proper officer of Customs, and are , fully idp^tified by the collector or proper officer at the port or pl^ce where they are so r ^-imported ; and provided further, that the property in such goods or packages has continued in the person by whom they were exported, and thftt snch re-im- portation takes place within one year of the exportation thereof. . , 15. On imported Indian corn, to be kiln-dried and ground into meal for human food, or ground into meal and kiln-dried for such use, under such regulations as are made by the Gpvernor in Council, there may be allowed a drawback of ninety per cent of the duty paid. , ^ 16. The export of deer, wild turkeys, quail, partridge prai- rie fowl and woodcock in the carcase or parts thereof, is hereby declared unlawful and prohibited; and any person exporting or attempting to export any such article shall for each such o£fence, incur a penalty of one hundred dollars, and the article so attempted to be exported shall be forfeited, and may, on ' I The itotaiiB NoS 781 to 746 in the Government Act refer to lumber in jtB varioafl foxms, aawa and unaawo. : .< 6 in reasonable cause of suspicion of intention to export, be seized by any officer of the Customs, and if such intention is proved, shall be dealt with as for breach of the Gustonos laws ; provided, that this section shall not apply to tl:e export, under such regulations as are made by the Governor in Council, of any caicase or part thereof of any deer raised or bred by any person, company or association of persons upon his or thoir own lands. . 17. Regulations respecting the manner in which molasses and syrups shall be sampled and tested for the purpose of deltrmining the classes to which they belong with reference to the duty chargable thereon shall be made by the Controller of Customs ; and the instruments and appliances neeessary' for snob determination shall be designated by him and supplied to such officers as are by him charged with the duty of sampling and testing such molasses and syrups ; and the decision of any officer (to whom is so assigned the testing of such articles) as to the duties to which they are subject under the tariff shall be final and conclusive, unless upon appeal to the Commissioner of (!)ustoms within thirty days from the rendering of such decision, such decision is, with the approval of the Controller, changed ; and the decision of the Commissioner with such approval shall be final. 18. In the case Ox all wines, spirits, or alcoholic liquors subject to duty according to their relative strength of proof, such strength shall be ascertained either by means of Sykes' hydrometer or of the specific gravity bottle, as the Controller of Customs directs ; and in case such relative strength cannot be correctly ascertained by the direct use of the hydrometer or gravitj' bottle, it ^hall be ascertained by the distillation of a sample and the subsequent test in like manner of the distillate. 19. All medicinal or toilet preparations Imported for comr pleting the manufacture thereof, or for the manufacture of any other article by tbe addition of any ingredient or ingredients, or by mixing such preparations, er by putting up or labelling the same alone, or with other articles or compounds, under any pro- prietary or trade name, shall be, irrespective of costs, valued for duty and duty shall be paid thereon at the ordinary market value in the country whence imported of the completed preparation when put up and labelled under such proprietary or trade name, less the actual cost of labour and material used or expended in Canada in completing the manufacture there- of or putting up or labelling the same. 7 30. All medicinal preparations whether ohemical or other^ uaoally imported with the name of the manufacturer, shall have the true name of such manufacturer and the place where they are prepared permanently and legiblv affixed to each parcel by stamp, label or otherwise ; and all medicinal preparations imported without such names so affixed shall be forfeited. 21. The value of all bottles, flasks, jars, demijohns carboys, casks, hogsheads, pipes, barrels, and all other vessels or packages, manufactured of tin, iron, lead, zinc, glass or any other material, and capable of holding liquids, — and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines or malt liquors or other liquids are contained, — and every package being the first receptacle or covering inclosing goods tor purpose of sale, shall in all cases not otherwise provided for, in which they contain goods subject to an cut valorem duty or a specific and ad valorem duty to be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty, and shall be charged with the same rate of ad valorem duty as is to be levied and collected on the goods they contain ; and when they contain goods subject to a specific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a dutyof customs of twenty per cent, ad valorem, to be computed upon their original fair market value ; and all or any of the above packages described as capable of holding liquids, when containing goods exempt from duty under this Act, shall be charged with a duty of twenty per cent, ad valorem, provided the contents thereof are not of such a nature that the destruction of the package becomes neces- sary in order to release the goods,— and all other packages containing free goods and being the first receptacles or inner covering inclosing goods for the purpose of sale, and which are not the usual and ordinary outside packages in which such goods as they contain are packed for exportation shall be dutiable at the same rate as if imported empty ; but all packages not hereinbefore specfied, and not herein specially eharg^ with or declared liable to duty under regulations, and being the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation, according to the general usage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty. Provided further, that all special packages or coverings unlike those in which such goods as they contain are .usually packed for home oonsump- lion, and all such packages or coverings as are apparently designed for use other than injthe importation of the goods they contain, shall be subject to the same rates of duty as they 8 i' would be subject to if imported empty or separate from their contents. 22. Any person who, without lawful excuse, the proof of which shall be on the person accused, sends or brings into Canada, or who, being in Canada, has in his possession, any bill-heading or other paper appearing to be a heading or blank capable of being filled up or used as an invoice, and bearing any certificate purporting to show, or which may be used to show, that the invoice which may be made from such bill- heading or blank is correct or authentic, is guilty of an indict- able offence, and liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars, and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months, in the discretion of the court, and the goods entered under any invoice made from any such bill-heading or blank shall be forfeited. 23. With respect to goods imported for manufacturing purposes that are admissible under this Act for any specific purposes, at a lower rate of duty than would otherwise be chargeable, or exempt from duty, the importer claiming such exemption from duty, or proportionate exemption from duty shall make and subscribe to the following affidavit or affirma- tion before the collector of Customs at the port of entry :— I, {name of importer) the undersigned, importer of the {name of the goods or articles) mentioned in this entry, do solemnly {swear or affirm) that such (names of the goods or articles) are imported by me for the manufacture of {names of the goods to be manufactured^ in my own factory, situated at {nam£ of the place, countir^nd province), and that no portion of the same will be used for any other purpose or disposed of until so manufactured. 24. The following Acts are hereby repealed : — Chapter thirty-three of the Bevised Statutes intituled " An Act respect- ing the duties of Customs " ; chapter thirty-nine of the statutes of 1887, intituled " An Act to amend the Act respecting the duties of Customs " ; chapter fifteen of the statutes of 1888, intituled *' An Act to amend chapter thirty-three of the Bevised Statutes of Canada, respecting the duties of Customs " ; chap- ter twenty of the statutes of 1890, intituled '* An Act to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs " ; chapter twenty- one of the statutes of 1890, intituled *' An Act to amend the Act of the present session, intituled An Act to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Cucuoms " ; chapter forty-five of the 9tM»tuteu of 1891 1 intituled '* An Act to amend the Aots respect- 9 ; .. ing the duties of Customs " ; chapter twenty-one of the statutes of 1892, intituled " An Act further to amend the Acts respecting the duties of Customs" ; and chapter sixteen of the statutes of 1893, intituled •• An Act further to amend the Act respecting the duties of Customs." 25. All Orders in Council and all departmental regulations inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. 26. The foregoing provisions of this Act shall be held to have come into force on the twenty-seventh day of March, in the present year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, and to apply and to have applied to all goods imported or taken out of warehouse for consumption on or after the said day : Provided that in the case of goods which were imported or taken out of warehouse for consumption, and on which duty was paid, on or after the 27th day of March, 1894, in accord- ance with the rate of duty set forch as payable on such goods in the resolutions respecting the duties of customs introduced in the House of Commons on the said 27th day of March, or in any such resolution subsequently introduced in the said House, the duty so paid shall not be affected, nor shall the person paying it be entitled to any refund or be liable to any further payment of duty, by reason of such rate of duty being altered by any resolution introduced subsequently to that in accordance with which such duty was paid and bafore tho passing of this Act. I 1 If ,. p. S.— Yon will notice that in many cases we refer you to another clause rather than give the rate of duty, as we think it better fr. you to read the whole clause bearing on the article in question . [Pub. • DOMINION OF CANADA CUSTOMS TARIFF. For diity oh packages see section 21 of the Act, page 8 of thio book. T>uty. All goods not enumerated in this Act as subject to any other rate of duty, nor declared free of duty by this Act, and not being goods the importa- tion whereof is by this Act or any other Act pro- hibited , shall be subject to a duty of 20 p,c. Sobednles A. and B. alphabetically arranged. \'i'M Acids used for medicinal, chemical or manufacturing purjwses, not specially provided for in this Act. Free, Acid, acetic and pyroligneous of any strength, when im|x)rted by dyers, calico pi*inters or manu- facturers of acetates or colours, for exclusive use in dynig or printing, or for the manufacture of such acetates or colours in their own- factories, V imder suoh regulations as are festttblishfed by the " " '•' Governor in Council . . . ... .'.*. . ... ;....... . . ; . 25'p.o. Acid, glacial acetic acid or acetic acid' exceeding the ' strength of proof, when imported by druggists and other than dyers, calico printers, manufac- turers of vinegar or acetj^es or cokmrs, to be ,, ,,., used in their own factorieis. for. purposes of manufacture other thaxi those, mentioned in the next; preceding item a specific duty equal to the loc. per Imp. strtirigth of proof ., ,'. ....... . , . . . . , , gallp ,. i ; Additional per gallon for each degree ■ of strength , in excess of the strength of proof , . lo. add. 11 \{i. I ! 1 ■■?[ JBKfUy. Aidid, .Antlpbusic 440 p. «. Ah. Atjid, acetic and pyrdligenouB, Tie. 8., -and vinegar, a specific duty for each gallon of any strength not exceeding the strength of proof 15 p. c. And for each degree of strength m excess of the strength of proof an additional duty of 2c. add'U. l^he stvenffth of preef shall lae -held to be equal Jto six per i«ant df abfsolute aoid, and in all cases the stueQgtth ihKlhbe 'determined in su<!)h manaer as is established by the Governor in Council. Admiralty charts Free. Advertising^bllls andloldew-^see Labek 25^0^0. ^^' * Advertising calendars- see Pamphlets. Adzes — see Picks. Albumenized and other papers and films chemically prepared for photc^aphers' use 30 p.c. Ale, beer and poHer, when imported in casks or otherwise than in bottle IGc. p. «all. Ale, beer «nd porter^ when imported m bottles '(six quart or twelve pint bottles to be held to contain ov.e g»llon) ..:. 24c. -p. gall. Alligator leather— see Leather, upper. Album insides made of paper Free. Almanacs— see Pamphlets. Almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, pecans and shelled pea-nuts, n.e.8 3c. per lb. Alum, in 'bulk only, ground or unground Free. Aluminum, or Aluminium sheets and aluminia and chloride of aluminum or dh'loralum, sulphate of alumina and a;luin cake Free. Ambergris , Free. Ammonia, sulphate of , W-ammoniac, Free. " Blanc fixe " and " Satin TThite," nitrate of . Free. • Anatomical preparations and lakeletons or ;pai«tH thereof Free. Anchors Free. Anchovies and sardines, packed in oil or otherwise, in tin boxes measuring not more than five inches long, four inches wide and 'three and a ha;lf inches deep 5c. p. box. In half'boxei. mea^suring not more than five inches long, leur inches wideand one and ifive- eigbths'deep 2^ |>. ^ box. tl Duty. Acid» phosphate '2c. p. lb. Acid, muriatic and nitric, and all mixed acids 20 p. c. And in quarter boxes, measuring not more than four inches and three-qirarters long, three and a half inches wide and one and a quarter deep. 2c. ,p. ^ hfsn. When imported in any other form 30 p.c. Aniline salts and arseniate of aniline, aniline dyes and coal tar dyes in bulk or packages of not less than one pound weight, including alizarine and artificial alizarine Free. Aniline oil, crude Free. Animals brotight into Camida temporarily, and for « period not exceeding three months,^ for the pur- pose of exhibition or of corapetlti'oh for prizes offered by any agricultural or other association ; (but a bond shall be first given in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Controller of of Customs, with the condition that the full duty to which such animals would otherwise be liable shall be paid in case of their sale in Can- ada, or if not re-exported within the time speci- fied in such bond) < Free. Animals, living, n.e.s 20 p.c. Annato, liquid or solid Free. Anodynes — see Medicinal preparations. Antelope leather — see Glove leathers. Antimony salts ; antimony, not ground, pulverized or otherwise manufactured Free. Antiquities — see Coins. Apparel, wearing and other personal and household effects, not mei'chandise, of British subjects dying abroad, but domiciled in Canada Fre*. Apples, including the duty on the barrels 40c. p. bbl. Apple — see Trees. Apples, dried, dessicated or evaporated dates, figs and other dried, dessicated or evaporated fruits, n.e.s 25 p.c. Arc and incandescent — see Insulators. Arsenic Free. Arfcicle<i for the use of the G.)VBrnor-General Free. Articles when imported by and for the use of the Army and Navy : Arms, military or naval clothing, musical instruments for bands, mili- tary stores and munitions of war .. i .......... . Free, 18 ' :ii J I Duty. Articles for the personal use of Consuls-General who are natives or citizens of the country they repre- sent and who are not engaged in any other business or profession Free. Articles imported by or for the use of the Domin- ion Government or any or the departments there- of, or by and for the Senate or House of Com- mons, including the following articles when im- ported by the said Government or through any of the departments thereof for the use of the Canadian militia :" Military clothing, musical 'istruments for military bands, military stores and munitions of war " Free. Artificial flowers 25 p.c. Asbestos in any form other than crude, and all manu- factures thereof 25 p.c. Asphalt or asphaltum and bone pitch, crude only . . . Free. Axes of all kinds, scythes, hay knives, lawn mowers, pronged forks, rakes^ n.e.s., and hoes, and other agricultural tools or implements, n.e.s 35 p.c. Axle bars — see Axles. Axle blanks— see Axles. Axle grease — see Lubricating oils. Axles, springs and parts thereof, axle bars and axle blanks of iron "or steel for railway or tramway vehicles, but not less than thirty -five per cent . . $20 p. ton. Axles, springs and parts thereof, axle bars and axle Ic. p. lb. and blanks of iron or steel, n. e. s 20 p.c. Babbit m«^tal .' 10 p.c. Bags — see Paper eiacks. Bags or sacks of hemp, linen, or jute, and cotton seamless bt^gs 20 p.c. Baking powders — see Yeast. 14 . Duty, Balances — see Safes. Balls, billiard — see Billiard tables. Balls, glass — see Carboys. Bamboos, unmanufactured, bamboo reeds, not further manufactured than cut into suitable lengths for walking sticks or canes, or for sticks for umbrellas, parasols or sunshades Free. Bandages — see Belts. Bank books — see Papers. Bank notes, bonds, bills of exchange, cheques, pro- missory notes, drafts and all similar work un- signed, and cards or other commercial blank forms printed or lithographed, or printed from steel or copper or other plates, and other printed matter, , n.e.s 35 p.c. Bar iron or steel, rolled or hammered, comprising rounds and squares ; shapes of rolled iron or steel, not more than four inches in diameter, and flats not thinner than number sixteen guage, whether in coils, bundles, rods or bars, n. e. s. . . $10 p. ton. Barbed wire fencing of iron or steel |c. p. lb. Barley 30 p. c. Barrels, containing petroleum or its products, or any mixture of which petroleum forms a part, when such contents are chargable with a specific duty . 20o. each. Barrels or packages of Canadian manufacture which have been exported, filled with Oanadian pro- ducts, when returned, under such regulations as the Controller of Customs prescribes Free. Batting and sheet wadding — see Batts. Beans 15c. p. bush. Beans, viz : — Tonquin, vanilla and nux vomica, crude only, locust beans and locust bean meal, and cocoa beans, not roasted, crushed or ground Free. Beans in cans — see Tomatoes. Beer and porter — see Ale. • Bees Free. Beeswax 10 p.o. Bells, when imjjorted for the use of churches Free. Bells of any description, except for churches, and gongs 25 p.c. Belts or trusses, surgical, and suspensory bandages of all kinds 23 p.c, B<^lts — spe Laces, 15 Belting^ leather— see Leather. Beltinf^T ^ leather or other material, 20 p. e. Bicycles and tricyclea 30 p.c. Billets — see Iron and steel ingots. Billiard tables, with or without pockets, and baga- telle tables or boards, cues, balls, and cue racks. . 35 i).o. Bills of exchange— see Bank notes. Bird cages 35 p.c. Bitd skins and skins of animals not natives of Can- ada, for taxldermic purposes, not further manu- factured than prepared for preservation Free. Biscuits of i 11 kinds 25 p.c. Bismuth, metallic, in its natural ^.tftte ,,...,... Free. Bitters — see Medicinal preparations. Blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, cherries and currants, n.e.s., the weight of the package to be included inthe weight for duty ... 2c. p. lb. Blacking, sh^, and shoemakers' ink, and shoe, harness andleather dressing, and harness soap. . 25 p.c. Blanketing and lapping, and discs or mills for engrav- ing copper rollers, when imported by cotton manufacturers, calico printers and wall paper manufacturers, for use in their own factories only Free. Blankets— see Manufactures. Blast furnace slag Free. Blood albumen and tannic acid Free. Blooms — see Iron and steel ingots. Blue vitriol — ^see Sulphate of iron. Blueing, laundry blueing of all kinds '. 25 p.c. Boiler tubes of wrought iron or steel, including cor- rugated tubes or flues for marine boilers 7^ p.c. Boilers — see Steam engines. JBolsters — see Furniture of wood. Bolting doth, not made up >,. Free. Bolts— see Wrought iron. . . Bonds— see Bank notes. Bones, crude, not manufactured, burned, calcined, ground or steamed *. . . Free. Bonnets — see Hats. Books, viz. : — Bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn and books printed in any language other than the English aqd French languages , . . Fre^t B •B B4 Bo Be B(] B<^ bJ B BJ bJ BJ m Dviy. Bookn, embossed, for the blind, and books for the instruction of the deaf and dumb and blind Free. Books printed by any government or by any associa- tion for the promotion of science or letters and official annual reports of religiwas or benevolent associations and issued in the course of the pro- ceedings of the said associations, to their mem- bers, and not for the purpose of sale or trade. . . Free. Books, not beinff printed or re-printed in Canada, which are included and used as text books in the curriculum of any university or incorporated college in Canada for the use of students thereof ; books specially imported for the ho'na fide use of incorporated Mechanics' Institutes, public free libraries, and university and college libraries, and law libraries of any duly organized law association or society for the use of its members, not more than two copies of each book, under regulations made by the Govemor in Council ; and books, bound or unbound which have been printed and manufactured more than twelve years Free. Books, printed, periodicals and pamphlets, n.e.8., not being foreign reprmts of British copyright works nor olank account books, nor copy-books, nor books to be written or drawn upon, nor bibles, prayer-books, psalm and hymn-books 6c. per lb. Bookbinders' cloths Free, Bookbinders' tools and implements, including ruling machines 10 p.c. Boots and shoes, n.e.s 25 p.c. Boracio acid, and borax, ground or unground, in bulk of not less than twenty-five pounds only Free. Borax — scq B<)racic acid. Border and coated papers — see Paper. Borders— see Paper-hangings. Botanical specimens Free. Bottles, glass — see Carboys. Box papers — see Paper. Braces aad suspenders and paints theriebf .' . . . . ...... 35 p.c. Braids, chains, cords, manufacture of hair — see Laces. Braids — see Laces. Brass and copper nails, rivets and burrs, and manu- factures of brass or copper, n.e.s 30 p.c. 17 Duty, Brass, iron and copper wire twisted, when imported by manufacturers of boots and shoes for use in their own factories Free. Brass cups, being rough blanks, for the manufacture of paper shells or cartridges, when imported by manufacturers of brass and paper shells and cartridges, for use in their own factories Free. Brass, in bars, rods and bolts, drawn, plain and fancy tubing, not bent or otherwise manufactured, in lengths not less than six feet Free. Brass in strips for printers' rules, not finished Free. Brass, iron or steel, ribs of, runners, ring«, caps, notches, ferrules, mounts and sticks or canes in the rough, or not further manufactured than cut into lengths suitable for umbrella, parasol or sunshade sticks, when imported by manufacturers of umbrellas, parasols and sunshades for use in their factories in the manufacture of umbrellas, parasols and sunshades only Free. Brass, iron or steel rolled, round wire rods under three-eighths of an inch in diameter, and rolled copper rods one inch or under in diameter, when imported by wire manufacturers for use in mak- ing wire in their own factories Free. Brass scrap, and brass in sheet or plates. Free. Brazil nuts — see Almonds. Brick for building and paving brick 20 p. c. Bridge steel and iron sections — see Rolled iron. Brimstone — see Sulphur. Bristles Free. Britannia metal and German and nickel silver, manufactures of, not plated 25 p. c. Britannia metal m pigs and bars Free. British copyright works, reprints of, until the end of 6c. per lb. and the next session of Parliament 12^ p.c. And thereafter 6c. per lb. British gum, dextrine, sizing cream and enamel sizing 10 p.c. Bromine Free. Broom com Free. Brooms— 8e« Fails. Brushes — see Wood. Buck leather — see Glove leathers. 18 Bi Duty. Buckram for the manufacture of hat and bonnet shapes Free. Buckthorn and strip fencing of iron or steel ^c. p. lb. Buckwheat .* 10c. p. bush. Buckwheat meal o** flour Jc. p. lb. Buggies, carriages and pleasure carts, and similar $5 each & 25 vehicles, n.e.s., costing not more than $00 p.c. Costing more than $50 35 p.c. Children's carriages 35 p.c. Builders' hardware, cabinet makers', undertakers', upholsterers', harness-makers', and saddlers' hardware, including curry combs and curry cards, carriage hardware, locks, buts and hinges, n.e.s., saws of all kinds, and table cutlery, n.e.s. 2t2]^\..Q. Building plans— see Paintings. Building stone — see Flagstones. Bullion, gold and silver, ia. bars, blocks or ingots, and bullion fringe Free. Burgundy pitch Free. Burnt siennas — see Oxides. Burr stones, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, not bound up or prepared for binding into mill stones Free. Butter 4c. p. lb. Buttons of hoof, rubber, vulcanite or composition . , . °o<P* ^' Buttons of pearl, vegetable ivory or horn ; ^hox^e Buttons, pantaloon, and all other buttons, n.e.s 20 p.o. O. Cabinet makers' hardware — see Builders' hardware. Cabinet organs — see Organs. Cables — see Telephone. Calcareous tufa J'ree. Calf skins — see Leather, upper. Candied peel — see Sugar candy. Candles, n.e.s 25 p.c. Cane and rattans, not manufactured Free, 19 Cane, reed or rattan, split or otherwise manufactnred. Canes— see Walking sticks. Cans and packages mad^ of tin or other material, oont lining fish of any kind admitted free of duty under any existing law or treaty, not ex- ceeding one quart in contents And when exceeding one quart, an additional duty for each additional quart or fractional part thereof ;.....* Canvas, and sail twine of hemf) or flax when to be used for boats' and ships' sails Caplins, unfinished leghorn hats, and Manilla hoods. Caps — see Brass. Caps— see Hats. Caps, hats, muffs, tippets, capes, coats, cloaks and other manufactures of fur Capes, coats, cloaks — see Caps. Carbons, electric light, or carbon points, not exceed- ing twelve inches in length, and in proportion for greater or less lengthsr. Carboys and demijohns, glass, empty or filled, bottles and decanters, flasks and phials, glass jars and glass balls, and cut, pressed or moulded glass tableware. , Carpet-ba^fs— see Trunks. Carpet liuing—see Carpetings. Carpeting, mats and matting of cocoa, hemp or jute, and carpet linings and stair pads Carpets, mats and rugs, n.e.s Carpets, treble ingrain three-ply and two-ply, com- posed wholly of wool Carpets, two-ply and three-ply ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other material than wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal Carriage hardware — see Builders' hardware. Carriages for travellers and carriag^es laden with merchandise and not to include circus troops nor hawkers, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs. ............:......,.... Carriages — see Buggies. Carts and drays— see Wagons. Cartridge cases—see Gun. Cartridges- see Oun. 20 Duty. 17i p.c. 1^. p. can or pKg. lie. p. qt. 5 p.c. Free. 25 p.c. 1^.50 p. 1000. 30 p.c. 25 p.c. 30p.c. 5c. p. sq. yd. & 25 p.e. 3c. p. sq. yd. & 25 p.c. Fre*. I Ml or t. 1000. .yd. .e. yd. .c. DiUy. Cases for jewels, watches, silverware, platedware, 5c. each & 30 cutlery and other like articles, p.c. Cassimeres — see Manufactures. Cast inm pipe of every description, provided that the duty shall not be les^i than thirty-five per cent. ad valorem ^10 p. ton. Cast iron table forks, not handled nor ground, or otherwise manufactured 10 p.o. Cast iron vessels, plates, stove plates and irons, sad irons, hatters' irons and tailors' irons 27i p.c. Casts as models, for the use of schools of design Free. Cat-gut strings, or gut-cord for musical instruments ; cat-gut or worm gut, unmanufactured for whip and other cord Free. Catsups — see Pickles. Castile Soap, mottled or white 2c. p. lb. "C.C." or cream-coloured ware — see China. -^ Celluloid collars — see Cf)llar8 of cotton. Celluloid lamp shade blanks — see Celluloid. Celluloid, moulded into sixes for handles of knives and forks, not bored or otherwise manufactured ; aZsn, moulded celluloid balls and cylinders, coated with tinfoil or not, but not finished or further manufactured, and celluloid lamp shade blanks. 10 p.c. Celluloid, xylonite or xyolite in sheets, and in lumps, blocks or balls in the rough Free. Cement, including Portland or Roman and hydraulic or water lime, including the duty on the barrel . 40c. p. brl. Chains (iron or steel) five-sixteenths of an inch in diameter and over 5 p.o. Chalk stone, China or Cornwall stone, felspar and diff stone, ground or unground Free. Chamois skins — see Leather, upper. Champagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles containing each not more than a quart but more than a pint $3.90 p. doz. Containing not more than a pint each but more than one-half pint $1.65 p. doz. Contain one-half pint each or less 82c. p. doz. Bottles containing more thun one quart each shall pay, in sedition to three dollars and thirty cents per dozen bottles on the quantity $1.6.'> p. gall, in excess of one quart per bottle the quarts and for all over pints in each case being old wine measure. , . . 1 qt. p. bott. 21 Duty. In addition to the above specific duty, there shall be an ad valorem duty of 30 p.c. But any liquors imported under the name of wine, and containing more than forty per cent, of spirits of the strength of proof shall be rated for duty as unenumerated spirits. Charts— see Maps. Cheques and promissory notes — see Bank notes. Cheese 3c. p. lb. Cherries— see Blackberries. Cherry heat welding compound Free. Cherry — see Trees. Chicory, raw or green , ., 3c. per lb. Chicory, kiln-dried, roasted or ground 4c . i^er lb. China and porcelain ware, also earthenware and • stoneware, brown or coloured and Rockingham ware, white granite or ironstone ware, * * 0. C. " or « cream-coloured ware, decorated, printed or sponged, and all earthenware, n. e. s 30 p.c. Chimney Imings or vents — see Drain pipes. Chloride of lime Free. Chocolate paste — see Coco paste. Chocolate — see Cocoa. Chrome steel 15 p.c. Chromos— see Pamphlets. Chronometers and compasses for ships , . Free. Chums — see Earthenware. Churns — see Pails. Cider, clarified or refined 10c. p. I. gall. Cider, not clarified or refined 5c p. 1. gall. Cigars and cigarettes, the weight of cigarettes to "^2 p. lb. & 25 include the weight of the paper covering p.c. Cigar and cigarette holders and cases — see Pipes. Cigarettes— see Cigars. Cinnabar • Free. Circulars — see Pamphlets. , Citron, lemon and orange rinds in brine Free. Clays, including China clay, fire clay and pipe clay . Free. Clocks, n.e.s 25 p.c. Clocks, tower 30 p.c. Cloths— see Manufaclures. 22 ■ Clot Clot Clot Clot Coa Coal Coa' Coal Coal Coa Cob Coc( Coo Coc Coc Coo Coc( Coc Coc Coc Cod Cofl Cofl Cofl Cofl Cofl Cog Coil Clothes wringers |^^ ^^-^^ * Clothing, donations of, for charitable purposes Free. Clothing, ready-made and wearing apparel of every description, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other 5c. p. lb. & like animal, n.o.p 30 p.«. Cloths, not rubbered or made waterproof, whether of wool, cotton, unions, silk or ramie, sixty inches or over in width and weighing not more than seven ounces to the square yard, when imported exclusively for the manufacture of mackintosh clothing, under regulations to be adopted by Governor in Council 12^ p.c. Coal, anthracite, and anthracite coal dust Free. Coal, bituminous 60c. p. ton. Coal dust, n.e.s 20 p.c. Coal oil fixtures — see Gas. Coal tar and coal pitch Free. Coatings — see Manufactures. Cobalt, ore of Free. Cocoa paste, chocolate paste, cocosand cocoa butter. 4c. p. lb. Cocos —see Cocoa paste. Cocoa butter — see Cocoa paste. Cocoa matting — see Carpeting. Cocoa nut, dessicated, sweetened or not 5c. per lb. Cocoa nuts, n.e.s $1 per 100. Cocoa nuts, when im[X)rted from the place of growth, by vessel direct to a Canadian port 50c. per 100. Cocoa shells anc' nibs, chocolate and other prepara- • tions of cocoa, n.e.s 20 p.c. Cochineal Free. Cod liver oil 20 p.c. Coffee, condensed — see Condensed coffee. Coffee, extract of, or substitutes therefor of all kinds. 3c. per lb. Coffee, roasted or ground, when not imported direct 2c. per lb. & from the country of growth and production 10 p.c. Coffee, roasted or ground, and all imitations of and substitutes for , 2o. per lb. Coffins and caskets 25 p.c. Cogged ingots — see Iron or steel ingots. Coins, cabinets of j collections of medals, and of other antiquities, including collections of postage stamps Free. 23 f''; 4 III Coins, gold and silver, except United States silver coin Free. Coir and coir yams Free. Coke Free. Collars of cotton, linen, xylonite, xyolite or celluloid 05^ q ^^' Colours, metallic, viz. : — oxides of cobalt, tin and copper, n.e.s Free. Colours, dry— see Ochres. , Colours — see Paints. Colours — see Paints. Combs, for dress and toilet, of all kinds 35 p. c. Commercial blank forms — see Bank notes. Communion plate, when imported for the use of churches , Free. Composition metal for the manufacture cf filled gold watch cases 10 p.c. Composition nails and spikes and sheathing nails .. . 15 p. c. Condensed milk 3c. p. lb. Condensed coffee, condensed coffee with milk, milk foods and all similar preparations 30 p.c. Confectionery — see Sugar candy. Copper, black oxide of — see Platinum. Copper, old and scrap, and copper in pigs, bars, rods and bolts, in lengths not less than six feet, copper ingots, sheets, plates and sheathing, not ]ilan- ished or coated Free. C«>pper, precipitate of, crude Free. Copper rollers, for use in calico printing, when im- , ported by calico printers for use in their factories in the printing of calicoes and for no other pur- pose (such rollers not being manufactured in Canada) Free. Copper, seamless drawn tubing Free. Copper wire 15 p.c. Copperas — see Sulphate of iron. Cordage, n.fts..,. ,,.,.,...,., ^^ib p.a ' * Cordials— see Medicinal preparations. Cordovan leather— see Leather, upper. Cords— see Laces. - Cork matting or jq^ rpet — see Oilcloth.. 24 Cot Cor Cor Cor Cor Of>ri Corks and other manufactures (A cork wood or cork bark Corkwood, or cork bark, unmanufactured Cornmeal Corn — see Tomatoes. Corn syrup — see Glucose or grage sugar. Corrugated tubes — see Boiler tubes. Corsets, linen, silk and cotton clothing and other articles made from cotton fabrics, n.o.p Corset clasps, spoon clasps or busks, blanks, busks, side steels and other corset steels, whether plain, japanned, lacquered, tinned or covered with paper or cloth ; also back, bone or corset wires, covered with paper or cloth, cut to lengths and tipped with brass or tin, or untipped or in coils Cotton batts, b&tting and sheet wadding, dyed or not Cotton clothing— see Corsets. Cotton cordage— see. Twine, etc. Cotton fabrics, gray, unbleached. White or bleached, n.e.8 Printed, dyed or coloured Cotton wool and cotton waste Cotton yams, number forty and finer Cotton, warps, and cotton yarns, dyed or undyed, n.e.s Cranberries, plums and quinces Crapes, black Craam of tarter in crystals, etc- Creosoted lumber Duty. 20 p.c. Free. 40c. p. bbl. n 32i p.c. -see Tarter emetic. 5c. p. lb. & 20p.c. 22^ p.c. 22i p.c. 25 p.c. 30p.c. Free. Free. 25p.c. 25 p.c. 20p.c. Free. Crochet cotton -see Thread. Crocks — see Earthenware. Crossings — see Switches. Crowbars — see Track tools. Crucible sheet steel, eleven to sixteen guage, 2^ to 18 inches wide when imported by manufacturers of mower and reaper knives, for the manufacture of such knives in their own factories Crude petroleum, fuel and ^ oils (other than naph- tha, benzine or gasoline) when imported by manufacturers (other than oil refiners) for use in their own factories for fuel purposes or for the manufacture of gas «6 Free. 3c. p. gall Duty, Crystal and decorated glass tableware, made ex- pressly for mounting with silver-plated .trim- mings, when imjwrted by manufacturers of plated ware 20 p.c. ... A * 'JD Cuffs of cotton: linen, xylonite, xyoliteor celluloid. . "^^^ ^^^ Cultivators — see Mowing machines. Cups and other prizes won in bona fide competitions . Free. Curling stones of granite Free. Currant bushes— see Grape vines. Currants, dried — see Prunes. Currants — see Blackberribs. Curtains — see Laces. Cutlery, plated, namely, knives plated wholly or in part 35 p.c. Cutlery cases— see Oases for jewels. Cutlery, n.o.p 25 p.c. Cut nails and spikes of iron or steel, including rail- road spikes § of 1.0. p. lb. Cut tacks, brads or sjmgs, not exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand lie p. 1000. exceeding sixteen ounces to the thousand l|c. p. lb. Cutters— See Railway cars. Cyanide of potassium, blancfixc and satin white Free. Dexi Dial Dial Doe Doll Don] Dam Doy Draj Drai Drai Dra^ Dres Datnisk stair linen and dia|>er— see Linen. Dates — see Apples. Decanters, g'-iss — see Carboys. Deer leatJier— see (xlove leathers. Degras — see Oleo-stearine. Demijohns — see Earthenware. Demijohns, glass — see OarVM)ys. Desks, writing, glove boxes, liandkerohief boxes, manicure cases, perfume cases, toilet cases and fancy cases for smokers' sets, and similar fancy articles male of bone, shell, horn, ivory, wockI, leather, phuili, satin, ailk, satinette, celluloid, aluminum, fibre ware of all kinds, or paper , dolls and toys of all kinds, including sewing maclnnes, when of not more than two dollars in value ; ornaments of alabaster, spar, amber, terra cotta or composition, and statuettes and bead orna- ments, n.e.s , . , 35 p.o, Dri< Dro Dru Dry Due Duf Duty, Dextrine — see British gvaa. Diamonds, unset, diamond dust or bort and black diamonds for borers Free. Diamond drills for prospecting for minerals, not to include motive power Free. l)oe8kins — see Manufactures. Dolls and toys of all kinds — see Desks. Dongola leather —see Leather, upper. Domestic fowls, pure bred, for the improvement of sto&k, homing or messenger pigeons, and phea- sants and quails Free. Doylies — see Linen. Dragon's blofxl Free. Drain pipes, sewer pipes, chimney linings or vents or inverted blocks, glazed or unglazed, and earthenware tiles 35 p.c. Drain tiles, not glazed 20 p.c. Drawings — see Paintings. Dress goods, women's and children's, coat linings, Italian - cloths, alpacas, Orleans, cashmeres, henriettas, serges, buntings, nun's cloth, benga- Imes, whip cords, twills, plains or jasquards of similar fabrics, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the camel, alpaca, goat or like animal, not exceeding in weight six ounces to the square yard, when imported in the gray or unfinished state for the purpose of being dyed or finished in Canada, under such regula- tions as are established by the Governor in Council 224 p.c. Driers — see Varnishes. Drops — see Medicinal preparations. Drugs, crude, such as barks, beans, berries, flowers, roots, balsams, buds, bulbs, fruits, insects, grains, gums and gum resins, herbs, leaves, nuts, fruits and stem seeds any of the foregoing which are not edible and in a crude state, and not advanced in value by refining or grinding or any other process of manufacture, and n. o. p Free. Dry plates, photographic 30 p.c. Duck for belting and hose when imported by manu- facturers of rublier goods for use in their fac- tories Free. Dutch and metal leaf — see Gold. 27 i I w \ Duty. Dutiable breadstuffs, grain and flour and meal of all kinds, when damaged by water in trarisitUf upon the appraised value, such appraised value to be ascertamed as provided by Sections 68^ 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76 and 76 of the Customs Act 20 p:c. Dyeing or tanning articles, in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, n.e.s. ; berries for dyeing or used for composing dyes, turmeric, nut galls ; lac, crude, seed, button, stick and shell indigo, indigo paste and extract of, and indigo auxiliary or zinc dust ; persis or extract of archill and cud- bear, terra japonica, gambier or cutch, extract of logwood, fustic, oak and of oak bark ; camwood and sumac and extract thereof, tanners' bark, hemlock bark and oak bark ; gound logwood, ground fustic and patent prepared dyes Free. Earthenware and stoneware, viz. , demijohns or jugs, 3c. p. gall, churns or crooks capacity. Eartheaware — see China and porcelain ware. Eartlienware tiles — see Drain pipes. Egg yolk Free. Eggs 5c. p. doz. Elastic rubber thread , Free. Elastics — see Laces. ^nr"otrio motors — see Telephone. »<lectrio light fixtures — see Gas. 'Hctric light shades — see Insulators. ' .titrotypes — see Stereotypes. ^' /•.r,i'oiaeries — see Laces. '' . '^ry in bulk, crushed or ground Free. Emery wheels and manufactures of emery, n.e.s ... . 25 p. c. Emery paper — see Sand papar. Enamel sizing — see British gum. ... Enamelled leather — see Japanned leather. Enamelle<l letters — see Iron or steel ware. Enamelled ware— see Iron or steel ware. Entomological specimens Free. Envelopes— see Paper. 28 Ft Ft Ft Ft F« Essences and oils — see Medicinal preparations. Extinguishers — see Fire engines. Extracts of meats and fluid beef — see Meats. Eyeglass frames — see Spectacle. Eyeglasses — see Spectacles. Eyelet hooks aad eyelets — ^see Shoe buttons. . . Duty. I Fabrics and manufactures composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the nair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal, n.e.8 3(> p.c. Fabrics — see Cotton fabrics. Fancy articles made of bone, shell, horn, ivory, etc. — see Desks. Fans, according to material - Famia, corn starch, etc. — see Starch. Fashion plates — see Pamphlets. Feathers, n.e.s 30 p.c. Feathers, undressed 20 p.c, Felloes of hickory wood, rough sawn to shape only, or rough sawn and bent to shape, not planed, smoothed or otherwise manufactured, and "D " shovel handles of yfood Free. Felloes — see Hubs. Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels Free. Felt, pressed, of all kinds, not filled or covered by or with any woven fabric . 17i p.c. Felt cloth — see Manufacture. \ Ferrules— see Brass. Fertilisers, compounded or manufactured 10 p.o. Fertilizers, unoompounded or unmanufactured, in- cluding kainite or German potash salts, German mineral potash, bone-dust, bone-black or charred bone and bone-ash, fish offal or irefuse, guano and other animal or vegetable manures ..... Free. Ferro-manganese — see Ferro-silioon. Ferru-silicon, spiegeloisen, ferro-manganese ........ 5 p. o. 29 m h:iii! Duty. Fibre, Mexican, and tampico or istle and vegetable fibres, natural. Free. Fibre ware, n.e.s., Kartavert, indurated fibre ware, vul- canized fibre waro and all articles of like material 25 p.c. Fibrilla , Free. Figs — see Apples. Files and rasps 35 p.c. Fillets of cotton and rubber, not exceeding seven inches wide, when imported by and for the use of manufacturers of card clothing Free. Fire-arms 20 p.c. Fire bricks, not to include stove linings, for manu- facturing purposes Free. Fire engines and extinguishers 35 p.c. Fire-proofs — see Oxides. Firewood, handle bolts, heading bolts, stave bolts and shingle bolts, hop poles, fence posts, rail- road ties, ship timber and ship planking, not specially provided for in this Act Free. Fireworks 25 p.c. Fish hooks, nets and seines, and twines to be used in ' making nets or seines, and fishing lines, not to include sporting fishing tackle or hooks with flies or trawling spoons, or threads or twines commonly used for sewing or manufacturing purposes Free. Fish skins or fish offal Free. Fish, all other, pickled or salted, in barrels, n.e.s. . . 1 c. p. lb. Fish, foreign caught, imported otherwise than in barrels or half-barrels, whether fresh, dried, salted or pickled, not ppecially enumerated or provided for by this Act 50c. p. 100 lbs Fish, smoked and boneless fish Ic. p. lb. Fish, preserved in oil, except anchovies and sardmes. 30 p.c. .Fish, fresh or dried, n.e.s., imported in barrels or half-barrels Ic. p. lb. Fish, salmon and all other, prepared or preserved, including oysters, not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act 25 p.c. Fishing rods 30 p.c. Fittings, wrought iron or steel pipe and chilled iron or steel rolls 35 p.c. 30 ty. 3. e. ).lb. p. 100 lbs .lb. I. lb. c. c. c. Ituty. Flagstones, granite, and rough freestone, sandstone and all building stone, except marble from the quarry, not hammered or chiselled 20 p. o. Flannels— see Manufactures. Flasks — see Carboys. Flax fibre and flax tow Free. Flaxseed oil — see Linseed oil. Flint, flints and ground flint stones Free. Florist stock, viz. : — Palms, orchids, azaleas, cacti, and flower bulbs of all kinds Free. Folise digitalis Free. Foot grease, being the refuse of cotton seed after the oil has been pressed out, but not when treated with alkalies Free. Forgin^s of iron and steel of whatever shape or size or m whatever stage of manufacture, n.e.8., but not less than $15 per ton 35 p'c. Fossils .' Free. Frames, clasps and fasteners for purses and chatelaine bags or reticules not more than seven inches in. width, when imported by the manu- facturers of purses and chatelaine bags or reti- cules for use in their factories 20 p. c. Frames, picture and photograph, of any material 30 p.c. •Fringes — see Laces. Frogs — see Switches. Fruit juices— see Lime juices. Fruit plants — see Grape vines. Fruits, viz. : — Bananas, plantains, pine apples, pomegranates, guavas, mangoes and shaddocks, and wild blueberries, wild strawberries and wild raspberries Free. Fruits in air-tight cans or other packages, the weight on which duty shall be payable to include the weight of the cans or other packages 2c. p)er lb. Fruits preserved iii brandy, or preserved in other spirits $1.90 p. I. gal. Fuel and gas oils — see Crude petroleum. Fuller's earth Free. ^ Fur skins of all kinds not dressed in any manner Free. Fur skins, wholly or partially dressed 15 p.o. 31 ,1 \\ Duty. Furniture of wood, iron or any other material, house, cabinet or office, finished or in parts, including hair and spring and other mattresses, bolsters and pillows. 30 p.c. Galvanic and electric batteries — see Telephone. Galvanized iron ware — see Tinware. Galvanized iron wire, numbers six, nine, twelve and fourteen gauge, when imported hy makers of wire fenoing, for use in their factories only Game — see Poultry. . Gannister Gas, coal oil and electric light fixtures, or parts thereof Gas lights — see Insulators. Gas meters Generators and dynamos — see Telephone. German and nickel silver — see Britannia metal. German looking-glass, unsilvered Ginger — see Spices. Glass, ornamental, figured and enamelled coloured ; painted and vitrified glass ; figured, enamelled and obscured white glass ; and rough rolled plate glass Glass, window, common and colourless ; and plain coloured, stained, tinted or muffled glass in sheets Glass bulbs for electric lights Glass, all other, and manufactures of glass, n.o.p., including bent plate glass Glass paper — see Sand paper. Globes, geographical, topographical and astrono- mical Globes for lamps, etc. — see Insulators. 32 20 p.c. Free. 27i p.c. 85 p.c. 17i p. o. 25 p.c. 20 p.c. 10 p. c. 20 p.c. Free. Duty. Glove and handkerchief boxes — see Desks. Glove fasteners (metal)— see Shoe buttons. Glove leathers, viz.: kid, lamb, buck, deer, antelope and waterhog, tanned or dressed, coloured or' uncoloured, when imported by glove manufac- turers for use in their own factories in the manufacture of gloves 10 p. c. Gloves and mitts of all kinds 35 p.c. Glucose or grape sugar, jflucose syrUp and corn syrup, or any syrups containing any admixture thereof . Ic. p. lb. Glucose syrup — see Glucose or grape sugar. Glue and mucilage 25 p.Q. Gold-beaters' moulds and gold-beaters' skins Free. Gold and silver sweepings ... •«. Free. Gold and silver, manufactures of, and all other articles, n.e.s., commercially known as jewel- lery 25 p.a Gold and silver leaf, and Dutch or sqhlag metal leaf. 25 p.c. Gongs — see Bells. Gooseberries — see Blackberries. Gooseberry bushes — see Grape vines. Grain, flour, meal, etc.— see Dutiable bread»»tuflf8. Granite or agate ware — see Iron or steel ware. Granite — see Flagstones. Granite, flagstones and freestones, dressed ; all other building stone dressed, except marble, and all ' manufactures of stone, n.e.s 30 p.c. Grape vines and gooseberry, raspberry, currant and rose bushes ; also fruit plants n.e.s,, and shade, lawn and ornamental trees, shrubs and plants . . 20 p.c. Grapes 2c. per lb. Grass, Manilla, Esparto or Spanish, and other grasses, and pulp of, including fancy grasses, dried but not coloured or otherwise manufac- tured Free. Gravels Free. Grease, rough, the refuse of animal fat, for the manufacture of soap only Free. Green coffee — see Tea, etc. Grindstones, not mounted, and not less than twelve inches in diameter $1.75 p, ton. Grommits Free. 33 Duty. Grub-hoes — see Picks. Gum chicle or Sappato gum in a crude state Free. Gums, viz. : — Amber, Arabic, Australian, copal, dammar, elemy, kaurie, mastic sandaroo, Sene- ?ral, shellac ; and white shellac in gum or flake, or manufacturing purposes ; and gums tra- gacanth, gum gedda and gum barberry Free. Gums- - ee Sugar candy. Gun rifie and pistol cartridges ; cartridge cases of all kinds and materials ; percussion caps and gun wads of all kinds. 30 p.e. Gun wads — see Gun. Gutta percha, crude Free. Gypsum, crude (sulphate of lime) Free. ;'!; 1 l^^'lt Hair, cleaned or uncleaned, but not curled, dyed or otherwise manufactured Free. Hair, curled or dyed , 20 p.o. Hair-cloth of all kinds 30 p.e. Hair brush pads Free. Hair mattrasses — see Furniture of wood. Hair oils — see Perfumery. Hammocks and lawn tennis nets and other articles manufactured of twine, n.e.s 30 p.e. Hand-Carts — see Railway cars. Handkerchiefs— see Laces. Handles of knives and forks — see Celluloid. Harness-makers' hardware — see Builder's hardware. Harness and saddlery of every description 30 p. c. Harness soap — see Blacking. Harrows — see Mowing machines. Harvesters — see Mowing machines. Hat-boxes— see Trunks. Hatches — see Picks. Hats, caps and bonnets, n.e.R 30 p.e. 34 .e. Duty. Hatters' bands (not cords), bindings, tips and sides, hat sweats and linings both tips and sides, when imported by hat and cap manufacturers only, for use in their factories for the manufacture of hats and caps Free. Hatters' furs, not on the skin, and hatters' plush of silk or cotton Free. Hatters' irons — see Cast iron vessels. Hay ... $2 p. ton. Hay knives — see Axes. Head lights — see Insulators. Hemp, all manufactures of, flax, or jute, n.e.s., or of flax, hemp and jute combined 20 p.c. Hemp paper, made on four cylinder machines and calendered to between .006 and .008 inch thick- ness f ^r the manufacture of shot shells, primers for shot shells and cartridges ; and felt board sized and hydraulic pressed and covered with paper or uncovered for the manufacture of gun wads when such articles are imix>rted by the manufacturers of shot shells, cartridges and gun wads, to be used for these purposes only in their own factories, until such times as the said articles ai J manufactured in Canada Free. Provided always that the said articles when imported shall he entered only at such port or ports as are named by the Controller of Customs, and at no other place ; samples of such articles to be furnished to the collector of said port or ports by the Customs Dept. for the guidance of the offi- cer when accepting free entries of such materials. Hemp, undressed Free. Herrings, pickled or salted ^. p. lb. Hides and skins, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled, and raw pelts Free. Hoes — see Axes. Hogs, live l^c. p. lb. Homing pigeons — see Domestic fowls. Honey, in the comb or otherwise, and imitations and adulterations thereof 3c. per lb. Hops 6c. p. lb. Hoofs, horn strips, horn and horn tips, in the rough, not polished or otherwise manufactured than cleaned Free. Hoop iron, not exceeding three-eights of an inch in width and being No. 25 gauge or thinner, used for the manufacture of tubular rivets Free. 36 1 J 1: Didy, Horse clothing of jute, shaped otherwise manufac- tured 30 p. c. Horse hair, not further manufactured than simply cleaned and dipped or dyed, imported for use in the manufacture of horsehair cloths Free. Horse-powers — see Portable machines. Horse rakes — see Mowing machines. Horse shoes — see Nails. Horses, cattle sheep, swine and dogs* fo;.- the improve- ment of stock, under regulations made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor in Council Free. House furniture — see Furniture of wood. Hubs for wheels, posts, last blocks, waggon blocks, oar blocks, gun blocks, heading, and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn or sawed oi:ly Free. Ice Free. niuminating oils, composed wholly or in part of the products of petroleum, coal, shale or lignite, costing more than thirty cents per gallon . . 25 p. c. Illustrated advertising periodicals — see Pamphlets. Imitations of stones — see Stones. Indian corn 7ic. p. bush. Indian com of the varieties known as ' * Southern white Dent Com " or horse tooth ensilage corn, and "Western yellow Dent Corn" or horse tooth ensilage corn, when imported to be planted or sown for soiling and ensilage, and for no other purposej under regulations to be made by the Governor in Council Free. India-rubber boots and shoes, with tops or uppers of cloth or of material other than rubber 30 p. o. India-rubber boots and shoes, and manufactures of India-rubber and gutta percha, n.e.s 25 p.c. India-rubber clothing and clothing made waterproof with India-rubber 35 p.c. Indurated fibre ware— see Fibre ware. Ingot moulds Free. 36 Duly. Ink bottles, earthenware or stone, not exceeding three ounces capacity 20 p.c. Ink for writing 20 p.c. Insulators of all kinds and lamps, including arc and incandescent ; lamp-chiinneys, side-lights and head-lights, lamp, gas-lig-ht and electric light shades, and globes for lanterns, lamps, electric lights and gas lights 30 p.Oi Intersections — see Switches. Inverted blocks — see Drain pipes. Iodine, crude Free. Iron or steel being pieces, punchings, f)r clippings of boiler plate or other plates, sheets or bars of iron or steel, whether the same have had the rasrged or cropped ends or edges sheared off or not, and crops from iron or steel rails having both ends sawn, or sheared off, the same not having been in actual use and being tit for re-rolling or re-manufacture only $4 p. ton. Iron in pigs, iron kentledge and scrap iron $4 p. ton. Iron or steel ingots, cogged ingots, blooms and slabs, billets and puddled bars, lo(jps or other forms less finished than iron or steel bars, but more advanced than pig inm, except castings $5 p. ton. Iron, steel or brass manufactures, which at the time of their importation are of a class or kind not manufactured in Canada, when imported for use in the construction or equipment of ships or vessels Free. Iron bridges and structural iron work, but not less than one cent per pound 30 p.c. Iron liquor, solution of acetate of iron for dyeing and calico printing Free. Iron or nickel caps for whip ends — see Sqnare reeds. Iron or steel beams, sheets, plates, angles and knees for iron, steel or composite ships or vessels Free. Iron or steel masts for ships, or parts of Free. Iron or steel ware, enamelled, including signs and letters enamelled on any metal and granite or agate wave 35 p.c. Iron or steel rivets — see Wrought iron. Iron or steel sheets, or other iron or steel of all widths, sheet iron, common or black, smoothed, polished, coated or galvanized and Canada plates, number seventeen guage and thinner 5 p.c. 3t u Duty, Iron or steel plates or sheets, sheared or unsheared and skelp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves, and iron or steel of all '>\'idths thicker than number seventeen guage, n. e. s $10 p. ton. Iron or steel hoops, bands and strips, eight inches and less in width, number eighteen gauge and thicker $10 p. ton. Iron or steel railway bars or rails of any form punched or not punched, n. e. s., for railways, which term for the purposes of this item shall include all kinds of railways, street railways and tramways, even although the same are used for private purposes only, and even although they are not used or intended to be used in connection with the business of common carrying of goods or passengers 30 p.c. Provided that on all iron and steel bars, rods, strips, or steel sheets of whatever shape, and on all iron or steel bars of irregular shape or section, cold rolled, cold hammered or polished in any way in addition tf» the ordinary process of hot ^ of Ic. per lb. rolling or hammering there shall be paid in ada. Iron or stef 1 manufactures not specially provided for — see Manufactures. Iron sand or globules, and dry putty for polishing glass or granite Free. Ironstone ware — see China. Ivory and ivory nuts, unmanufactured, and veneers of ivory, sawn only Free. Jugs .lunk Jute, Jute i Jute ( Jute Jute 3'- Jams— see Jellies. Japans — see Varnishes. Japanned ware— see Tinware. Japanned, patent or enamelled leather and moi-occo leather 22^ p.c. Jars, glass— see Carboys. Jeans, sateens and coutils when imported by corset and dress stay makers for use in their own fac- tories 26 p.c. Jellies, jams and preserves, n.e.s 3c. per lb. Jewellery— see Gk>!d and silver. 38 Kar Kai^ Kel Kid Kui Kni Kn Kr Lfl Li Li Duty. Jugs — Bee Earthenware. flunk, old Free. Jute, flax or hemp yam, plain, dyed or coloured, when imported by manufacturers of carpets, rugs and mats, and of jute webbing or jute cloth, and of twines for use in their own factories Free. Jute canvas, not pressed or calendered, when imported by manufacturers of floor oil-cloth for use in their own factories Free. Jute cloth, not otherwise finished than bleached or calendered 10 p.c. Jute and jute butts • Free. Jute cloth, as taken from the loom, not coloured, cropped, mangled, pressed, calendered nor finished in any way Free. if ( Kangaroo leather — see Leather, upper. Kartavert — see Fibre ware. Kelp Free. Kid leather — see Leather, upper. Kiiiiti blades or knife blanks, in the rough, for use by electroplaters 10 p.c. Knitted goods of every description, including knitted underwear, n e.s 35 p.c. Knives, plated — see Cutlery. Kry rolite or cry rolite, mineral Free. id %: !i Labels for fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, confectionery and other goods, also tickets, posters, advertis- ing bills and folders, whether lithographed or 15c. per lb. & printed 25 p.c. Laces, boot, shoe and stay, of any material 30 p.c. Laces, braids, fringes, embroideries, cords, elastic round or fiat, including garter elastic, tassels and 89 Ill ' ''i ! r ii Duty, bracelets ; braids, chains, cords or other manu- facture of hair ; lace collars and all similar goods; handkerchiefs, lace nets and nettings of cotton, silk, linen or other material; table cloths and curtains, when made up, trimmed or untrimmed, and belts of all kinds, n.e.s 30 p.c. Lacquers — see Varnishes. Lamb— see Mutton. Lamb leather — see Leather, upper. Lamp springs 10 p. c. Lamp black and ivory black ' Free. Lamp chimneys, etc. — see Insulators. Lamps — see Insulators. Lampwicks ." 25 p.c. Land sides — see Plough plates. Lap dusters — see Shawls. Lap-welded iron or steel tubing, threaded and coupled or not, one and one-quarter to two inches inclusive in diameter, for use exclusively in artesian wells, petroleum pipe lines and petroleum refineries, under regulations to be made by the Governor in Council 20 p.c. Lard, lard compound and similar substances, cotto- line and animal stearine of all kinds, n.e.s 23. p. lb. Lard oil — see Linseed oil. Lastings, mohair cloth, or other manufactures of cloth, when imported by manufacturers of buttons for use in their own factories, and woven oi* made in patterns of such size, shape or form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for covering buttons, exclusively — these conditions to be ascertained by special examination by the proper officer of customs, and so certified on the face of each entry Free. Laths Free. Lava, unmanufactured Free. Lawn and ornamental trees — see Grape vines. Lawn mowers — see Axes. Lawn tennis nets — see Hammocks 30 p.c. Lead, bars, blocks and sheets 60c. p. 100 lbs. Lead, manufactures of, n.e.s 30 p.c. Lead, nitrate and acetate of, not ground Free. Lead, old, scrap and pig 40c. p. 100 lbs. Lead pencils of all kinds, in wood or otherwise 25 p.c. Lead pipe and lead shot U^'o^' ^^' * 40 »., ..- -.^-.-e-TiJti^J m lbs. lbs. b. & Duty. Leather, upper, including dongola, cordovan, kid, lamb, sheep, kangar(»o, alligator, chamois skins, and calf, dressed, waxed or glazed 17i p.c. Leather and skins, n.o.p., tanned ; belting leather, and sole leather 15 p.c. Leather, sole, tanned, but rough or undressed ...... 10 p.c. Leather-board and leatheroid, and boot and shoe counters made therefrom 20 p.c. Manufactures of leather, n.e.s 25 p.c. Leatheroid — see Leather-board. Leeches Free. Lemons — see Oranges. Lime juice, crude only Free. Lime juice and fruit juices, fortified with or contain- ing not more than twenty -five percent, of proof spirits 60c. p. gall. When containing more than twenty -five per cent. of proof spirits ^2 p. gall. Lime juice and other fnvlt syrups and fruit juices, n.o.p 20 p. c. Limes — see Oranges Linaments — see Medicinal preparations. Linen, damask of, including napkins, doylies, tray cloths, sideboard covers, damask stair linen and diaper 25 p.c. Linen cuffs — see Cuffs of cotton. Linen Collars — see Collars of cotton. Linoleum — see Oilcloth. Linseed or flaxseed oil, raw or boiled, lard oil, neats- foot oil and sesame seed oil 20 p.c. Liquorice paste and liquorice in rc»lls and sticks 20 p.c. Litharge Free. Lithographic stones, not engraved 20 p.c. Litmus and all lichens, prepared or not prepared. . . . Free. Locomotive and car wheel tires of steel, when in the rough Free. Locomotive and railway passenger, baggage and freight cars, being the property of railway companies in the United Htates, running upon any line of road crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian locomotives and oars are admitted free under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs Free. Locomotives for railways, n.e.s 35 p.c. 41 Duty, Logs and round unmanufactured timber, not specially enumerated or provided for in this Act Free. Lozenges— see Medicinal preparations. Lubricating oils, n. e. s., and axle grease 25 p. c. Lubricating oils, coi?" >sed wholly or in part of petroleum, nnv^ ^ 'ting less than twenty-five cents per l^pf ^ .lion 6c. p. I. Lumber and timlte. , «il and boards of amaranth, cocoboral, boxwood, cnerry, chestnut, walnut, gumwood, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandalwood, sj o&.in.Te, g^'ii^'sh cedar, oak, hie- kory, whitewood, .-.'ncun .'eai:, black-heart ebony, lignum vitae, red cta.A,»v /edwood, satin- wood and white ash, when not otherwise manu- factured than rough sawn or split or creosoted, vulcanized, or treated by any other preserving process ; the wood of the persimmon and dog- wood trees, hickory billets, and hickory lumber sawn to shape for spokes of wheels, but not further manufacturea ; hickory spokes rough turned, not tenoned, mitred, throated, faced, sized, out to length, round tenoned or polished . . Free. Lumber and timber, manufactured, n.e.s 20 p. o. Ms gall. Ib^. Macaroni and vermieilli 25 p.c. Mace — see Nutmegs. Machine card clothing 25 p.c. Mackerel lo. p. lb. Madder and munjeet, or Indian madder, ground or prepared, and all extracts of Free. Magazines — see Newspapers. Magic lanterns and slides therefor, philosophical, photographic, mathematical and optical instru- ments, n.e.s , 25 p.c. Malleable iron castings and iron or steel castings, n. e. 8 •. 25 p.c. Malt, extract of (non-alcoholic), for medicinal pur. poses 25 p.c. 42 Duty. Malt, upon entry for warehouse subject to excise regulations 15c. p. bush. Manganese, oxide of Free. Manicure, toilet and fancy cases — see Pesks. Manuscripts and insurance maps and album insides and hair brush pads Free. Manufactures, artifice of ware not specially enumer- ated or provided for, composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, and whether partly or wholly manufactured 27^ p.c Manufactures composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal, viz. : blankets &-q^ flannels of every description, cloths, doeskins, cassimeres, tweeds, 5c. p. lb. & coatings, overcoatings and felt cloth, n.e.s 25 p.c. Maple sugar 2P p. c. Maps and charts , 20 p.c. Maps and charts for the use of schools for the blind . . Free. Marble in the rough in blocks Free. Marble blocks, slabs, sawn on not more than two sides 10 p.c. Marble slabs or blocks, sawn on more than two sides 20 p.c. Marble, finished, and all manufactures of marble n.o.p 30 p.c. Mathematical instruments — see Magic lanterns. Matrices — see Stereotypes. Mats and rugs — see Carpets. Mattocks — see Picks. Meats, canned, and canned poultry and game, extracts of meats and fluid beef not medicated, and soups. 25 p.c. Meats, fresh, n.e.s 3c. p. lb. Meats, n.e.s 2c. p. lb. When in barrel, the barrel to be free. Medicinal, chemical and pharmaceutical prepara- tions, when compounded of more than one substance, including patent and proprietory preparations, including tinctures, pills, pow- ders, troches, lozenges, syrups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences and oils, n.o.p. ; all liquids 50 p.c. Provided that this item shall not be held to include drugs and preparations recognized by the British and United States Pharmacopoeia and the French Codet as officinal. All others 25 p. c. 43 Diiti/. Medals — see Coins. Meerschaum, crude or raw , Free. Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs Free. Mill-board, not straw board 10 p.c. Mineral waters, natural, not in botile, under regula- tions prescribed by the Controller of Customs . . . Free. Mineralogical specimens Free. Mining and smelting machinery imported prior to the sixteenth day of May, 1896, which is at the time of its importation of a class or kind not manu- factured m Canada '. Free. Mitts— see Gloves. Models of inventions and of other improvements in the arts ; but no article or articles shall be deemed a model which can be fitted for use Free. Mohair cloth — see Lastings. Mohair yarns Free. Molasses produced in the process of the manufacture of cane sugar from the juice of the cane when imported in the original packages from the dis- trict where produced in the country where the cane was grown and which has not been subjected to any process of treating or mixture -after leav- • ing the country from which originally shipped. (a) Testing by polariscope, forty degrees or over. . . . l^c. p. gall. (6) When testing by polariscope less thun forty degrees and not less than thirty -five degrees. . l^c. p. gall. And in addition thereto for each degree or frac- 1 c. p. degree tion of a degree less than forty degrees additional. The packages in which imported, when of wood to be Free. Molasses, second iirocess, or molasses derived from the manufacture of " molasses sugar," testing by polariscope less than 35 degrees, when imported by manufacturers of blacking for use in their own factories in the maniifacture of blacking, conditional that the importers shall, in addition to making oath at the time of entry that such molasses is imported for such use and will not be used for any other purpose, cause such molasses to be at once mixed in a proper tank made for the purpose with at least one fifth of the quan- tity thereof of cod, or other oil, whereby such molasses may be rendered unfit for any other use, such mixing to be done in the presence of a customs officer at the expense of tne importei, 44 Mo Mo Mc M( M( M< M. M' M^ m: M M M M M Duty. Tee. 'ree. Op.c. ''ree. 'ree. ree. ree. ree. \c. p. gall. b. p. gall. c. p. degree additional. 'ree. Duty. and under such further regulations as may from time to time be considered necessary in the in- terest and for the piotection of the revenue, and that until such mixing is done and duly certified on the face of the entry thereof by such customs officer the entry shall be held to be incomplete and the molasses subject to the usual rate of duty as when imported for any other purpose. . . Free. Morocco leather — see Japanned leather. Mosaic flooring of any material 30 p.c. Moss, Iceland, and other mosses, seagrass and sea- weed, crude or in their natural state or cleaned only Free. Mould boards— see Plough plates. Mouldings of wood, gilded or otherwise further manufactured than plain 25 p.c. Mouldings of wood, plain 20 p.c. Mounts — see Brass. Movements, watch — see Watch action. Mowing machines, self -binding harvesters, harvesters without binders, binding attachments, reapers, sulky and walking ploughs, harrows, cultivators, seed drills and horse rakes 20 p.c. Mucilage — see Glue. Muffs, tippets— see Caps. Musical instruments of all kinds, n.o.p 25 p.c. Music, printed, bound or in sheets 10c. per lb. Mutton and lamb, fresh 35 p.c. Musk, in pods or in grains Free. Mustard oake .;::;;« : . . i . i i, 15 p. c. Mustard, ground ; 25 p. o. 3iT- Nails and spikes, wrought and pressed, galvanized or not, horse shoe nails, and all wrought iron or steel and other nails n. e. s., and horse, mule and ox shoes 30 p.o. 45 Duty. Napkins — see Linen. Naphtha and petroleum — see Oils. Neatsfoot oil — see Linseed oil. Nets and nettings — see Laces. Newspapers, and quarterly, monthly and semi- monthly magazines, and weekly literary papers, unbound Free. Newspapers or supplemental editions or parts thereof, partly printed and intended to be completed and published in Canada 25 p.c. Nickel Free. Nickelanodes 10 p.c. Nitro-^'lyoerine, . g^ant powder and nitro and other explosives 4c. p. lb. Notches^see Brass. Nutmegs and mace 25 p.c. Nuts of all kinds, n.o.p 2c. per lb. Nuts shelled, n.e.s do. per lb. O. Oakum < . * • < Free. Oatmeal , 20 p.*. Oats lOo. p. bush. Obscured white glass — see Glass. Ochres, oohrey earths, raw siennas, and colours, dry, n. e. s \ 20 p.c. Office furniture — see Furniture of wood. Oil cake and oil cake meal, cotton seed cake and cot- ton seed meal, and palm nut cake and meal Free. Oilcloth, enamelled floor, stair, shelf and table, cork ^ P;°i' ^" u matting or carpet, and linoleum J^^^ ^®"' *'*•** ^c. p. sq. yd. Oil finish — see Varnishes. Oiled silk and cloth, India-rubbered, flocked or coated with rubber, n.o.p 37^ p.o. 46 uty. Duty. Oils, viz : — Cocanut and palm, in their natural state, carbolic or heavy oil, olive oil, n.e.s., for manu- facturingr and mechanical purposes, and oil of roses including ottar or attar of roses Free. Oil, spermaceti, whale and other fish oils, and all other articles the produce of the fisheries, n.o.p. 20 p.c. Oils, coal and kero'sene distilled, purified or refined ; naphtha and jDetroleum ; products of petroleum, n. e. s , 6c. p. I. gall. Barrels— see Barrels. Oils, essential 10 p.c. Ointments — see Medicinal preparations. Oleographs and artistic work — see Pamphlets. Oleo-stearine and degras, when imported by manu- facturers of leather for use in the manufacture of leather in their factories Free. Olive oil, prepared for salad purposes 30 p.c. Opium (crude) $1 p. lb. The outwai-d ball or covering to be free of duty. Opium, powdered $1.35 p. lb. Opium prepared for smoking $5 p. lb. Optical instruments — see Magic lanterns. Orange mineral — see White and red lead. Oranges, lemons and limes, in boxes of capacity not exceeding two and one-half cubic feet 25o. per box. In one-half boxes, capacity not exceeding one and one-forth cubic feet 13c.p. half box. In cases and all other packages, per cubic foot holding capacity 10c. p. c. f. In bulk, per one thousand oranges, lemons or limes $1.50 p. 1000. In barrels not exceeding in capacity that of the one hundred and ninety-six pounds flour barrel 55c. per brl. Ores of metal of all kinds Free. Organs, cabinet ; 30 p.c. Organs, pit)e organs, and sets or parts of sets of reeds for cabinet organs 25 p.c. Ornaments or alabaster, spar, amber, etc. — see Desks. Osiers Free. Overcoatings — see Manufactures. Oxalic acid Free. Oxides, dry fillers, fire-proofs, umbers, and burnt siennas, n. e. s 25 p.c. Oysters in cans over one pint and not over one quart, including the cans 5c. p. can. 47 ■^ i Duty. Oysters in cans exceeding one quart in capacity, an additional duty for each quart or fraction of a quart of capacity over a quart, including the cans. 5c. p. qt. Oysters in the shell 25 p.c. Oysters or fish, packages of, n.o.p 25 p.c. Oysters, seed and breeding, imported for the purpose of being planted in Canadian waters. . . .- Free. Oysters, shelled, in bulk 10c. p. gal. Oysters, canned, not over one pint in cans, including the cans 3c. p. can. I i;!; Paintings in oil or water colours, by artists of well- known p. fit, or copies of the old masters by such artists Free. Paintings, in oil or water colours, the production of Canadian artists, under regulations to be made by the Controller of Customs , Free. Paintings, prints, engravings, drawings, building plans, photographs and pictures, n.e.s 20 p,c, Paints apd colours, ground in spirits and all spirit varnishes and lacquers $1 p. gall. Paints and colours, rough stuff and fillers, n. e. s . . . 25 p.o. Pails, tubs, churns, brooms, washboards, pounders and rolling pins ,.,......,..., 20 p.o. Palm leaf, unmanufactured Free, Pamphlets, advertising, pictorial she v cards, circui- lars, illustrated advertising periodicals, illus- trated price lists, advertising calendars, advertis- ing almanacs, tailors' and mantle-makers' fashion plates, and all chromos, chromotypes, oleographs or artistic work of similar kind, produced by any process other than hand painting or drawing, whether for business or advertisement purposes or not, printed or stamped on paper, cardboard 6o. per lb. and OF other material, n.e.s. . . 20 p,Q. 48 iU Duty. lb. lb. I Paper, manufactures of, including ruled and border and coated papers, paiietries, boxed papers, envelopes and biank books 35 p.c. Paper of all kinds, n.e.s 25 p.c. Paper sacks or bags of all kinds, printed or not 25 p.c. P&l)er, tarred .' 25 p.c. Papetries— see Paper. * . Papier mache — see Shoe buttons. Parafine wax 2c. p. Parafine wax candles 4c. p . vrasols— see Umbrellas. •is green, dry ..... 10 p.c. Pastes — see Medicinal preparations. Pastes — see Perfumeiy. Patent — see Medicinal preparations. Peaches, n.o.p., the weight of the packages to be in- cluded in the weight for duty Ic. per lb. Peach — see Trees. Pearline, soap powders, etc.— see Soap. Pea-nuts — see Almonds. Pear — see Trees. Preserved ginger 30 p.c. Pease 10c. p. bush. Pecans — see Almonds. Periodicols and pamphlets — see Books. Percussion caps — see Gun. Perfumery, including toilet preparations (non-alco- holic) viz. : — Hair oils, tooth and other powders and washes, pomatums, pastes, and all othei perfumed preparations n. o. p. used for the hair, mouth or skin 30 p.c. Petroleum products^— see Oils. Pheasants -see Domestic fowls. Phials — see Carboys. Philosophical instruments and apparatus —that is to say, such as are not manufactured in Canada, when imported for use in universities, collleges,, schools and scientific societies Free. Philosophical slides — see Magic lanterns. Phosphor bronze, in blocks, bars, sheets and wire. . . 10 p.c. Phosphorus Free. Photographic slides— see Magic lanterns. Photographs and pictures — see Paintings. 49 r )i i '1 Duty. Pianofortes 35 p.c. Pianofortes, parts of 25 p.c. Pickets and pailings Free. Pickles, sauces and catsup, including soy 35 p.c. Picks, mattocks, grub-hoes, adzes, hatchets and eyes or polls for same, and tools oPall descriptions, n.e.8 .• 35 p.c. Pictorial illustrations of insects, etc., when imported for the use of colleges and schools, scientific and literary societies Free. Pillows — see Furniture of wood. Pills — see Medicinal preparations. Pine clapboards Free. Fins, manufactured from wire of any metal 30 p.c. Pipes, tobacco, of all kinds, pipe mounts, cigar and cigarette holders and cases for the bsme 35 p.o. Pipe org^ans — see Organs. Pitch (pine), and pine tar in packages of not less than fifteen gallons each Free. Plaits, chip, manilla, cotton, mohair, straw, Tuscan and grass Free. Planing mills — see Portable machines. Plasters — see Medicinal preparations. Plaster of Paris, or gypsum, ground, not calcined. . . 15 p.c. Plaster of Paris, calcined or manufactured of SOO lb Plate glass, not coloured, in panes of not over twelve square feet each 4c. p. sq. ft. And when bevelled additional 2c. p. sq. ft. Plate glass, not coloured, in panes of over twelve and not over thirty square feet each 6o. p. sq. f t. When bevelled additional 2c. p. sq. ft. Plate glass in panes of over thirty and not bver seventy square feet each 8c. p. sq. ft. When bevelled additional 2o. p. sq.ft. add. Plate glass in panes of oyer seventy square feet each. 9c. p. sq. ft. When bevelled additional 2c. p. sq.ft. add. Platedware — see Silver, sterling. Platedware oases — see Cases for jewels. Plates engraved on wood, and on steel or other metal, and transfers taken from the same . 20 p.c. Plates — see Oast iron vessels. Platinum and black oxide of copper for use in the maDufagture of chlorate Free, 60 Duty. Platinum sheets and wire; and retorts, pans, con- densers, tubing and pipe made of platinum, when imported by manufacturers of sulphuric acid for use in their works in the manutacture or concentriition of sulphuric aoid Free. Playing cards. ... Go. p. pack. Pleasure carts — see Buggies. Plough plates, mould boards, landsides and other plates for agricultural implements, when cut to shape from rolled plates of steel, but not moulded, punched, polishod or otherwise manufactured, and being of a greater value than four cents per pound 5 p.c. Plum — see Trees. Plums — see Cranberries. Plumbago, all manufactures of, n.e.s 1 . . 25 p.c. Plumbago, crude 10 p.c. Plumbago crucibles Free. Plush fabrics — see "Velvets. Pocket-books — see Trunks. Pomades, French or flour odours preserved in fat or oil for the purpose of conserving the odours of flowers which do not bear the heat of dis^tilla- . tion when imported in tins of not less than ten IX)unds each 15 p.c. Pomatums — see Perfumery. Pop-corn — see Sugar candy. Porcelain — see China and porcelain ware. Portable machines, portable steam engines, threshers and separators, horse-powers, portable saw mills and planing mills, and parts thereof in any stage of manufjuiture 30 p.c. Portable steam engines— see Portable machines. Postage stamps — see Coins. Posters, advertising bills and folders — see Labels. Potash, chlorate of, in crystals, when imported for manufacturing vHirposes only ; potasn, muriate and bi-chromate of, crude, caustic p',>tash, and • red and yellow prussiate of potash ; also ashes, pot and pearl, in packages of not less than twenty-five pounds weiglit Free. Potash, chlorate of, not further prepared than groimd, and free from a^lmixture with any other sub- stance ,>%*»..... Free. 51 / Potatoes Pounders and rolling-pins— see Pails. , Poultry and game, n.o.p Powder, blasting and mining. Powder, cannon, musket, rifle, gun and sporting, and canister Powders — see Medicinal preparations. Precious stones, in the rough Precious stones, n.e.s., polished, but not set or other- wise manufactured, and imitations thereof Preserves — see Jellies. Price lists — see Pamphlets. Printing presses and printing machines, such only as are used in newspaper, book and job printing offices ; folding machines and paper cutters, such as are used in printing and bookbinding estab- lishments, and lithographic presses Prints and engravings — see Paintings. Pronged forks — see Axes. Pr<»prietory preparations — see Medicinal. Prunes, including raisins and dried currants Prunella Puddled bars — see Iron and steel ingots. Pumice and pumice stone, ground or unground Pumps of all kinds and wind mills Purses — s'es Tfunks. Putty Duty. 15c. p. bush. 20 p.o. 2c. p. lb. 3c. p. lb. Free. 10 p.c. 10 p.c. lo. p. lb. Free. Free. 30p.o. 15 p.o. Q. Quails — see Domestic fowls. Quicksilver »...«.*.... Free. Quills in their natural sta.t^.Qi: unplqineKi Free. Quince— see Trees. . Quinces — see Oranberries. Quinine, salts of. .,,« *, »•»•• Fi;qQi 52 DvUy. Backs, billiard — see Billiard tables. Rags of cotton, linen, jute, hemp, and woollen, paper waste clippings, and waste of any kind except mineral waste Free. Railroad spikes — see Cut nails. Railway cars, sleighs, cutters, wheelbarrows, trucks, road or railway scrapers and h&nd carts 30 p. c. Railway fish plates and tie plates $10 p. ton. Railway or travelling rugs — see Shawls. Raisins — see Pruner . • Rakes — see Axes. Raspberry bushes — see Grape vines. Raspberries — see Blackberries. Rasps — see Files. Raw-hide centres — see Square reeds. Raw or boiled— see Linseed oil. Raw siennas — see — Ochres. Reai)ers — see Mowing machines. Red liquor, a crude acetate of alluminium prepared from pyroligneous acid, for dyeing and calico printing ' Free. Reed or rattan — see Cane. Reeds— see Organs. Rennett, raw or prepared.' Free. Resin or rosin in ptickages of not less than one hun- dred pounds, and rosin oil Free. Ribbons of all kinds and materials 30 p.o. Rice and sago flour and sago 25 p.c. Rice, cleaned l|c. p. lb. Rice, uncleaned, unhulled or paddy 3-lOc. p. lb. But iu>t to be less than 30 p.c. ad valorem. Rice when imi)orted by makers of rice starch for use in their factories making staroh ^c. p. lb. Rings — see Brass. Rockingham ware — see China and iM)rcelain ware. Rolled or hammered bar-iron or steel — rtee Bar-iron or steel. 68 It i J\ \L Duty. Rolled iron or steel angles, channels and special sec- tions, weighing not less than thirty-five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel beams, joists, girders, column sections, trough sections, and other building or bridge structural sections, weighing not less than twenty-five pounds per lineal yard, and rolled iron or steel bridge plate not less than | of an inch thick, nor less than fifteen inches wide, and flat eye bar blanks not punched or drilled 12^ p.c. Rolled iron or steel angles, channels and other sec- tions, weighing less than thirty-five pounds per lineal yard, n.e.s., but not less than ten dollars per ton 35 p.c. Rolled iron tubes not welded, under 1^ inches in diameter, angle iron, 9 and 10 guage, not over IJ inches wide, iron tubing, lacquered or brass covered, not over 1^ inches diameter, all of which are to be cut to lengths for the manufacture of bedsteads, and to be used for no other purpose ; when imported for the manufacturers of iron bedsteads to be used for these purposes only in their own factories, until such time as any of the said articles are manufactured in Canada Free. Roofing slate — see Slates. Roots, medicinal, viz : — Alkanet, crude, crushed or ^ound, aconite, calumba, gentian-, ginseng, jalap, ipecacuanha, iris, orris root, liquorice, sarsapa- rilla, squills, taraxacum, rhubarb, and valerian, unground Free. Rosin oil — see Resin. Rose bushes — see Grape vines. Rough rolled plate glass — see Glass. Rough freestone — see Freestone. Rove, when imported for the manufacture of twine for harvest binders 10 p.c. Rubber, crude, caoutchouc or India rubber, unmanii- faotured ; hard rubber in slieets, but not further manufactured, and recovered rulaber and rubber substitute Free. Rubber or gutta peroha belting, hose, packing, mats and matting, and cotton or linen hose lined with rubber 32^ p.c. Runners— see Brass. Rye 10c. p. bush. Rye flour. 50o. p. bbL 54 '••. Saddlery — see Harness. Saddle jiggers, stirrups, and saddle-trees o£ all kinds. Saddle-trees— see Saddle jiggers. • Sad ircms — see Oast iron vessels. Sadlers' hardware —see Builders' hardware. Safes, doors for safes and vaults, scales, balances and weighing beams Saffron, saffron cake, safflower, and extract of Saffiower— see Saffron. Sago — see Rice. Sails for boats and ships Salmon, pickled or salted Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British ijossession, or imixirted for the use of the sea or gulf fisheries Salt, fine, in bulk and coarse salt, n.e.s Salt, n.e.s., in bags, barrels or other packages the ba^s, barrels or packages to bear the same duty as if imported empty Saltpetre Salves— see Medicinal preparations. Sand . » Sandstone — see Freestone. Sand paper, glass, flint and emery paper. .......... Sardines— see Anchovies. Satchels— see Trunks. Sateens, for use of corset manufacturers, etc Sauces --see Pickles. Sausage skins or casings, not cleaned Saw mills —see Portable machines. Sawdust of ^he following woods : Amaranth, coco- boral, boxwood, cherry, chestnut, walnut, gum- wood, mahogany, pitch pine, rosewood, sandal- wood, sycamore, Spanish cedar, oak, hickory, whitewopd, African teak, blackheart ebonv, lignum vitae, red cedar, redwood, satitiwood, white ash, pL^rsimmon and dogwood Sawed boards, plank, deals, and other lumber, undressed or dressed on one side only , §6 Duty. Free. 30 p. c. Free. 2.T» p.c. I'c. p. lb. Free. 5c. p. 100 lbs. nc p. 100 lbs. Free. Free. 20 p.c. 26 p. c. Free. i.t \ Free. Free, Duty. Scales — see Safes. School writing slates — see Slates. Scrap iron— see Iron. Sbrap iron and serap steel, old and fit only to be re- manufactured, bein^ part of or recovered from any vessel wrecked in waters subject to the juris- diction of Canada Free. Scrapers— see Railway cars Screws, commonly called " wood screws," two inches and over in length 3c. p. lb. one inch and less than two inches 6c. p. lb. less than one inch 8c. p. lb. provided that the duty shall not be less than thirty -five per cent, ad valorum 35 p. c. Screws of iron, steel, brass or other metal, n. o. p. . . 30 p. c. Scythes — see Axes. Seagrass and seaweed — see Moss. Seed drills— see Mowing machines. Seedling stock for grafting, viz : — Plums, pear, peach and other fruit trees Free. Seeds, viz : — Annato, beet, carrot, flax, turnip, man- gold and mustard, and aromatic seeds which are not edible and are in a crude state, and not advanced in value or condition by grinding or . rt^finmg, or by any other process of manufacture, viz : Anise, anise Star, caraway, cardamon, coriander, cumin, fennel and fenugreek Free. Seeds, viz.: — GardeUj field and.other seeds for agri- cultural or other purposes, n.o.p., when in bulk or in larere parcels 10 p,o. When put up in small papers or parcels 25 p. c. Separators — see Portable machines. Sesame seed oil — see Linseed oil. Settlers' ejffects, viz. : Wearing apparel, household furniture, books, implements and tools of trade, occupation or employment, musio«U instrumentH, domestic sewing machines, live stock, carts and other vehicles and agricultural implements in use by the settler for at least six months before his removal to Canada, not to include machinery, or articles imported for use in any manufactur- ing establishment, or for sale ; also books, pic- tures, family plate or furniture, personal effects and heirlooms left by bequest provided that any dutiable article entered as settlers' effects may not be BO entered unless bnxight with the settler 6a Buiy. lb. b. b. on his first arrival, and shall: not be sold or other- wise disposed of without payment of duty, until after twelve months actual use in Canada ; pro- vided also, that under reflations made by the Controller of Customs, live stock, when imported into Manitoba or the North -West Territories by intending settlers, shall be free until otherwise ordered by the Governor in Council Sewer pipes — see Drain pipes. Sewing and embroidery silk and silk twist Sewing machines, or parts thereof Shades for lamps, etc. — see Insulators. Shawls of all kinds ; railway or travelling rugs and lap dusters of all kinds Sheep leather — see Leather, upper. Shells, tortois and mother-of-pearlj and other, un- manufactured Shingles .'......... ........ Shingles. ;,.,..... Ships and other vessels, built in any foreign country, whether steam or sailing vessels, on application for Canadian re^ster, on the fair market value of the hull, rigging, machinery and all appur- tenances ; on the null, rigging and all appur- tenances, except machinery On boilers, steam engines and other machinery. . Shirts, costing more than three dollars per dozen Shirts, n.e.s ,,,,,,,... Shoe, harness and leather dressing— see Blacking. Shoe buttons, papier mache ; metal glove fasteners, eyelet h(K)ks and eyelets Shoe tacks, one-half ounce to four ounces to the thousand Shoemakers' ink — see Blacking. Shot— see Lead pipe. Shovels and spades, shovel and spade blanks and iron or steel cut to shape for same Show caies Show cards — see Pamphlets. Shrubs and plants — see Grape vines. Sideboard covers— see Linen. m Free. 25 p.c. 30p.c. 25 p.c. Free. Free. 20 p.c. 10 p.c. 25 p.c. 25 p.c. & doz. 35 p.c. Free. Ic. p. 1000. 50c. p. doz. & 25 p.c. 35p.c. I I I Dviy. Silex, or crys^lized quartz Free. Silk in the gum, or spun; not more advanced than singles, tram and thrown organ zine, not coloured. 15 p.c. Silk raw or as reeled from the oacoon, not being doubled, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any way, silk cacoons and silk waste Free. Silk velvets and all manufactures of silk, or of which silk is the component part of chief value, n.e.s., except church vestments ... 30 p.o. Silk clotning— see Corsets. Silver, German silver and nickel silver, rolled or in ' sheets Free. Silver, sterling or other ware and platedware, all other, electroplated or gilt, of all kinds, whether plated wholly or in part 30 p. o. Silver — see Gold. Silver leaf — see Gold. Sillverware cases — see Cases for jewels. Silvered glass, n.e.s 27^ p.c. Silvered glass, bevelled 32^ p.c. Sizing cream — see British gum. Skates ....i\P;r'' & oU p.c. Skins for morocco leather, tanned but not further manufactured 15 p.«. Slabs— pee Iron and steel idgots. Slate mantels — see Slates. Slate pencils 25 p.c. Slates, slate mantels and other manufactures of slate, n.e.s., school writing slates, and roofing slate ; 30 p.c. Provided that the duty on roofing slate shall hot exceed seventy -five cents per square for black or blue slate, and ninety cents for slates of other colours. Sledges — see Track tools. Sleigtis — see Railway cars. Snuff— see Tobacco. Soap, n.e.s. , pearline and other soap powders, pum- ice, silver and mineral soaps, sapolio and other like ai^ticles 36 p.c. Soap, common or laundry, not perfumed Ic. p. lb. Sockets and electric apparatus — see Telephone. Socks and wtockings of all kindi, n.e.» ^^ ^ ^"J-P" 68 Uk Duty. Soda, sulphate of, crudej known as salt cake, barilla or soda ashj caustio soda ; silicate of soda in crystals or in solution ; bichromate of soda, nitrate of soda or cubic nitre, salsoda, sulphide of sodium , nitrite of soda, arseniate, binarseniate, chloride, chlorate, bisulphite and stannate of soda Free. Sole leather — see Leather. Spades — see Shovels. Spectacles and eyeglasses ..•••• 30 p.c. Spectacle and eyeglass frames, parts of 20 p.c Spelter, in blocks and pi^s. . ; Free. Spices, viz., ginger and spices of all kinds, n.e.s., unground 12ip.c. Ground 25 p.c. Spiegeleisen — see Ferro-siticon, Spirituous or alcoholic liquors, distilled from any material, or containing or compounded from or with distilled spirits of any kind, and any mixture thereof with water, for every gallon thereof of the strength of proof, and when of » greater strength than that of proof, at the same rate on the increased quantity that there would be if the liquors were reduced to the strength of proof. When the liquors are of a less strength than that of proof, the duty shall be at a rate herein provided, but computed on ^reduced . quantity of the liquors in proporti<ft to the lesser clegree of strength ; provided, however, that no reduction in quantity shall be computed or made on any liquors below the strength of fifteen per cent, under proof, but all such liquors shall be computed as of the strength of fifteen per cent, under proof, as follows : — {a) Ethyl alcohol, or the substance commonly , known as alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl or spirits of wine; gin of all kinds, n.e.s. ; rum, whisky and all spirituous or alcoholic liquors, n.o.p. ; amyl alcohol or fusel oil, or any sub- stance known as potato spirit or potato oil, methyl alcohol, wood alcohol, wood naphtha, pyroxylic spirit or any substance known as wood spirit or methylated spirits, absinthe, arrack or palm spirit, brandy, including artifical brandy and imitations of brandy ; ooraials and liqueurs of all kinds, n.e.s. ; mescal, pulque, rum shrub, Bohiedam and other schnapps; tafia, angostura and similar alcoholic bitters or beverages $2.12^ p. gall. 69 h\ Duti/. (6) Spirits and stronjf waters of any kind, mixed with any ingredient or ingredients, as being or knoWn or designated as anodynes, elixirs, essences, extracts, lotions, tinctures or $2.12^ p. gall, medicines, n.e.8 « & 30 p.c. (c) Alcoholic perfumes and perfumed spirits, bay rum, cologne and lavender waters, hair, tooth and skin washes, and other toilet prepar- ations containing spirits of any- kind, when in bottles or flaskis containing not more than four ounces each 50 p. c. When in bottles, flasks or other packages, contain- ^.12^ p. gall, ing more than four ounces each .• & 40 u.c. (d) Nitrous ether, sweet spirits of nitre and $2.12^ p. gall, aromatic spirits of ammonia & 30 p.c. (e) Vermouth, containing not more than 30 p.c., and ganger wine, containing not more than 26 p.c. of proof spirits 75c. p. gall. If containing more than these percentages re- spectively of proof spirits $2.12^ p. gall. Si^okes— see Hubs. Spring mattrasses— see Furniture of wood. Spruce clapboards Free. Spurs and stilts, used in the manufacture of earthen- ware Free. Square reeds and raw-hide centres, textile leather or rubber heads, thumbs and tips, and steel iron or nickel caps for whip ends, when imported by whip manufacture^, for use in the manufacture of whips in their own factories Free. Stained glass windows 30 p.c. Stair pads — See Carpetings. Starch, including farina, com starch or flour, and all preparations having the qualities of starch ; the weights of the package to be in all cases in- cluded in the weight for duty 1^. p. lb. Statuettes and bead ornament-,s — see Desks. Staves of wood of all kinds, wood unmanufactured, . Free. Steam engines, boilers and machinery composed wholly or in part of iron or steel, n e.s 27i p.c. Stearic acid — see Tallow. Steel bowls for cream separators Free. Steel for the manufacture of files, when imported by file manufacturers for use in their factories Free. Steel for the manufacture of hammers, augurs and augur bits, when imported by the manutacturera of such articles, for use in their own factories only Free, 60 Duty. Steel for saws and straw cutters, cut to sha|)e, but not further manufactured Free. Steel of No. 12 gauge and thinner, but not thinner than No. 30 gauge when imi)orted by manufac- turers of buckle clasps and ice-creepera, to be used in the manufacture of such articles only in their own factories Free. Steel needles, n.o.p 30 p.c. Steel nuts — see Wrought iron. Steel, No. 20 gauge and thinner, but not thinner than No. 30 gauge, to be used in the manufacture of corset steels, clock springs, and shoe shanks ; and flat wire of steel of No. 16 gauge or thinner, to be used in the manufacture of crinoline or cc»rset wire and dressed stays, when imported by the manufacturers of such articles for use in their own factories Free. Steel of numbers 24 and 17 guage, in sheets 63 inches long and from 18 inches to 32 inches wide for the manufacture of tubular bow sockets, when •imported by the manufacturers of such articles for use in their own factories only Free. Steel rails weighing not less than forty-five {KJunds per lineal yard for use in railway tracks, but this Item shall not extend to rails for use in the tracks of railways used or intended for private purposes only, nor shall it extend to rails which are not used or intended to be used in connection with the business of common carrj^ing of either goods or passengers, nor shall this item extend to rails for use in the tracks of street railways or tram- ways Free. Steel, rolled rods of, under half an inch in diameter or under half an inch square, when imported by knob or lock manufacturers or cutlers, for use exclusively by such manufacturers in their own factories Free. Steel strip and flat steel wire when imported into Canada by manufacturers of buckthorns, plain strip or other fencing, and safety barb wire fencing, for use in their own factories in the manufacture thereof Free. Steel valued at two and one-half cents per pound and upwards, for use in the manufacture of skates . , Free. Steel washers— see Wrought iron. 61 ^1 ! ' Duty. Steel wire, Bessemer soft drawn spring, of numbers 10, 12 and 13 gauge, respectively, and homo steel spring wire of numbers 11 and 12 gauge, respectively, when imported by manufacturers of wire mattresses, to be used in their own factories in the manufacture of such articles Free. Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids for almanacs, calendars, illustrated pamphlets, newspaper advertisements or engravmgs, and all other like work for commercial, trade or other purposes, n.e.s., and matrices or copper shells for the same 2c. p. sq. in. Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids of newspaper columns, and bases for the same, composed wholly or partly of metal or celluloid |c. p. sq. in. And matrices or copper shells for the same 2c. p. sq. in. Stereotypes, electrotypes and celluloids of books, and bases and matrices and copper shells for the same, whether composed wholly or in part of metal or celluloid , Free. Sterling ware, etc. — see Silver, sterling. • Stick or canes — see Brass. Stirrups — see Saddle jiggers. Stoneware — see China and porcelain ware. Stoneware — see Earthenware. Stove plates and irons — see Cast iron vessels. Straw boards, in sheets or rolls, plain or tarred .30c. p. 100 lbs. Strawberries — see Blackberries. Structural iron work — see Iron bridges. Sugar, all above number sixteen Dutch Standard in colour, and all refined sugars of whatever kinds, grades or standards 64-lOOc. p. lb. The usual packages in which they are im{K)rted to be free. Sugar candy, brown or white, and confectionery, including sweetened gums, candied peel, and pop-corn 35 p.o. Sugar, n.e.s., not above No. 16 Dutch Standard in colour, sugar drainingps, or pumpings drained in transit, inelado or concentrated melado, tank bottoms, and sugar concrete Free. Sulfate of iron (copperas) and sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) ,,,,.,, Free. 62 1 Duty, Sulky and walking ploughs — see Mowing machines. Sulphur and Brimstone, crude, or in roll or flour Free. Sulphuric ether. ... 5c. p. lb. Sunshades — see Umbrellas. Surgical and dental instruments of all kinds 15 p.c. Surgical dressing, anti-septic, such as absorbent cotton, cotton wool, lint, lamb's wc»ol, tow, jute, gauzes and oakum, prepared for use as surgical dressings, plain or medicated 20 p. e. Swedish rolled iron rods, under one-half inch in dia- meter and of not less than one and three-quarters of a cent ])er pound value, and Swedish rolled iron nail rods under half an inch in diameter for the manufacture of horse-shoe nails ; . 15 p. c. Sweet potatoes and yams 10c. p. bush. Switches, frogs, crossings and intersections for rail- ways 30 p.c. Syrups and molasses of all kinds, n.o.p., the product of the. sugar cane or beet root, n.e.s., and all imi- tations thereof or substitutes therefor 5-10o. p. lb. Syrups — see Medicinal preparations. ■I " T " and strap hinges — see Wrought iron. Table cloths — see Laces, Tableware, glass — see Carboys. * Tableware, cryst <1 and decorated glass ; made ex- pressly for uicunting with silver-plated trim- mings, when imported by manufacturers of plated-ware 20 p. c. Taggin&r metal, plain, japanned or coated, in coils, not over one and a-half inches in width, when imported I manufacturers of shoe and corset laces for use in their factories Free. Tailors' irons — see Cast iron vessels. Tails, undressed Free. Tallow and stearic acid 20 p.c. Tannic acid — see Blood albumen. Tar (pine) — see Pitch. 63 8 i Il i Duty. Tartar emetic and gray tartar; creem of tartar in crystals and argal or argols Free. xassels and bracelets — see Laces. Tea and green coffee, n.e.s 10 p. c. Tea and green coffee imported direct from the country of growth and production Free. This i tem shall include tea and coffee purchased ' in bond in any country where tea and coffee are subject to customs duty, provided there is satis- factory proof that the tea or coffee so purchased in bond is such as might be entered for home consumption in the country where the same is purchased. Teasels Free. Telephone and telegr.«»rU instruments, telegraph, telephone and electric light cables, electric and galvanic batteries, electric motors, generators, dynamoc, sixikets and electric apparatus, n.e.s. . . 25 p.c Textile leather or rubber heeds — see Square reeds. Thread, cotton sewing, in hanks, black, bleached or unbleached, three snd six cord : 12^ p.c. Thread, cotton sewing and crochet cotton, on spools or tubes or in balls, and all other cotton thread, n.e.s 25 p.c. Threshers — see Portable machines. Thumbs and tips — see Square reeds. Tickets — see Labels. Timber, hewn or sawed, and timber used for spars and in building wharfs Free. Timber, squared or sided Free. Timber — see Lumber. • Tin crystals, tin strip waste, and tin in blocks, pigs, bars, and sheets and tin plates, tin foil ana tea lead Free. Tinctures — see Medicinal preparations. Tinware, stamped, japanned ware, galvanized iron ware, including signs made from these materials, and all manufactures of tin, n.e.s 25 p.c. Tobacco, unmanufactured, for excise purposes, under conditions of "The Inland Revenue Act " Free. I'pbacoo.out •lil'^c."''* Tobacco pouches — see Trunks.. 64 3. & Duly. Tobacco, manufactured, and snuff, n.e.s ?59" P* ^^' "'"^ Toilet preparations — see Perfumery. Tomatoes, fresli 20c. p. bush; & 10 p.c. Tomatoes and other vegetables, including corn and baked beans, in cans or other packages, n.e.s.; the weight of the cans or other packages to be included in the weight for duty. \ha. p. lb. Tonics — see Medicinal preparations. Tools, n.e.s. — see Picks. Tooth ixiwders and washes— see Perfujuery. Towels of every description 25 p. c. Toys of all kinds (including sewing machines when not costing over $2) .......:........ 35 p. c. Track tools, wedges, crowbars and sledges 30 p.c. Travellers' baggage, under regulations prescribed by the Controller of Customs ; Free. Tray cloths — see Linen. Tree-nails Free. Trees, viz., ap])le, cherry, jjeach, pear, plum and quince, of all kinds 3c. each. Trees, n.e.s Free. Troches — see Medicinal preparations. T'-ucks — see Railway cars. ^ "unks, valises, hat-boxes, carpet l)ags, satchels, pocket-books, purses and tobacco pouches 30 p.c. Trusses — see Belts. Tubs — see Pails. Tubes not welded, not more than one and one-half inches in diameter, of rolled steel 15 i>.c. Turpentine, raw or crude Free. Turpentine, spirits of 6 p.c. Turtles Free. Tweeds — see Manufactvires.. Twine and cotton cordage, of all kinds 25 i).c- Twine for harvest binders of hemp, jute, inanilla or sisal, aad of manilla and sisal mixed 12^ p.c. Twine, manufacture of, n.e.s 30 p.c. Type for printing 20 p.c. Type metal 10 p.c. Typewriters, tablets with movable fixtures, and musical instruments, when imported by and for the use of schools for the blind, and being and remaining the sole property of the governin^f bodies of said schools, and not of private mdivi- duals, the above particulars to be verified by speqiivl affidavit on each entry when presented , , Free, i5 » Duty. Ultramarine blue, dry or in pulp Free. Umbera — see Oxides. Umbrellas, parasols and sunshades of all kinds and materials 35 p. c. Umbrella, parasol or sunshade sticks — see Brass. Umbrella, parasol and sunshade sticks or handles, n.e.s ; 20 p.c. Undertakers' hardware— see Builders' hardware. Union collar cloth paper in rolls or sheets, not glossed or finished 15 p.o. Glossed or finished 20 p. c. Universal mill or rolled edge steel plate, less than thirty inches wide, and plates or sheets of iron or steel thirty inches wide and over, one-quarter of an inch and over in thickness 12^ p.o. Upholsterers' hardware — sse Builders' harkware. Vaccine and ivory vaccine points Free. Valises — see Trunks. Varnish, black and bright for ships' use Free. Varnishes, lacquers, japans, japan driers, liquid 20 c. p. gall, driers and oil finish, n. e. s and 20 p.c. Vaseline and all similar preparations of petroleum for toilet, medicinal or other purposes 35 p.c. Vegetables, when fresh, or dry salted, n.e.s 25 p.c. Vegetables — see Tomatoes. Velveteens — see Velvets. Velvets, velveteens and plush fabrics, n.e.s 30 p.c. Verdigris, or sub-acetate of copper, dry Free. Vermicilli — see Maoardni, Vinegar— see Acid. Vitriged glass — see Glass. VulcaniztKl fibre ware—see Fibre ware. 66 Wago V( Walk Walli Wain Wash Watc Watc Watc Watc Watf Webl Wed( Weig Wha Whe Whe Whe Whi] Whi Whi Whi Win Win Win Win T77-, D%ty. Wagons, farm and freight, carts, drays and similar vehicles 25 p.c. Walking sticks and canes of all kij|ds, n.e.s 25 p.c. Wallpaper, not including borders, printed on plain ungroimded paper and colored with any mater- ial except bronze, gilt or flitter 35 p.c. Paper-hangings and borders, all other, per roll of eight yards and under, and proportionally IJc. per roll for greater lengths '. and 25 p.c. Walnuts — see Almonds. • Washboards— see Pails. Watch actions or movements 10 p.c. Watch cases — see Cases for jewels. Watch cases 35 p.c. Watches 25 p.c. Waters — see Medicinal preparations. Webbing, elastic and non-elastic 20 p.c Wedges — see Track tools. , Weighing beams — see Safes. Whalebone, unmanufactured . . Free. Wheat 15c. p. bush. Wheat flour 75c. p. bbl. Wheelbarrows — see Railway cais. Whips of all kinds, including thongs and lashes .... 35 p.c. White granite— see China. White and red lead, dry, orange mineral and zinc white 5 p.c. Whiting or whitening, gilder's whiting and Paris white Free. Wind mills— see Pumps. Window shade rollers 35 p.c. Window shades in the piece or cut and hemmed or ^^ j^^^ iheixi mounted on rollers 5^. p. ^q. yd. Wines of all kinds, except sparkling wines, including orange, lemon, strawberry, raspberry, elder and currant wines, containing twenty-&ix per cent, or less of spirits of the strength of proof, whether imported in wood or in bottles (six quart or twelve pint bottles to be held to contain a gallon) 25c. p. gall. 67 Duty. And for each degree of strength in excess of the twenty-six per cent, of spirits as aforesaid, until the strength reaches forty per cent, of proof spirits Other wines — see name in alphabetical order. Wire, crucible cast steel .- Wire cloth of brass or copper .....* Wire cloth, n.e.s. . . : Wire covered with cotton, linen, silk or other material Wire nails Wire of all kindS} n.e.s Wire of brass Wire rigging for ships and vessels Wire ro{)e of iron or steel, n.o.p Wire of iron or steel, Nos. 13 and 14 gauge, flattened and corrugated, used in connection with the ma- chine known as the "Champion" nailing ma- chine, wire grip machine for the manufacture of boots, shoes and leather belting, when imported by manufacturers of such articles to be used for these purposes only in their own factories Wood, manufactures of, n.e.s., and brushes. Wood, veneers of, n.e.s., not over one-sixteenth of an inch in thickness Wood, veneers of, not over one-sixteonth of aninch in thickness, made from woods native to Canada. Wood pulp Wool and the hair of the camels, alpaca, goat and of other like animals, not further prepared than washed, n.e.s. ; and noils, being the abort wool which falls from the combs in worsted factories . Wool or worsted yarns, when genapped, dyed or finished, and imported by manufacturers of braids, cords, tassels and fringias to be used in the manufacture of such articles only in their • own factories 3o. p. gall. 1 each degree from 26 up 40, & m p.c. "or to Free. 20 p.c. 30 p.c. 30 p.c. Ic. p. lb. 25 p.c. 10 p. c. Free. , 25 p.c. Free. 25 p.c. 5 p.c. 10 p.c. 25 p.c. Fret Free. Wool, viz., Leicester, Cotswold, Lincolnsliire, South Down combing wools, or wools known as lustre wools and other like combing wools, such as are grown in Canada 3o. p. lb. Wrought iron or steel nuts and washers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt blanks, less than three-eighths of an Ic. p. lb. & inch in diameter. 25 p.c. Not to be less than 35 p.c. 68 II. for free up to p.c. Duty. Wrought iron or steel nuts and washers, iron or steel rivets, bolts with or without threads, nut and bolt and hinge blanks, n.e.s., and " T "and strap le. p. lb. & hinges 20 p.c. Wrought iron or steel tubing, threaded and coupled or not, over two inches in diameter 15 p.c. Other wrought iron or steel tubes or pipes " qq°* P' Wrought scrap iron and scrap steel lieing waste or refuse wrought iron or steel, fit only to be re- manufactured, the same having been in actual use, not to include cuttings or clippings which can be used as iron or steel without re-manu- facture, and steel bloom ends and crop ends of steel rails $3 p. ton. On and after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and ninety -five $4 p. ton. Wrought iron or steel pipe, fittings of, and chilled iron or steel rolls 35 p. c. Xylonite — see Celluloid. Xylonite collars — see Collars of cotton. Xylonite cuffs — see Cuffs of cotton. Xyolite — see Celluloid. Xyolite collars — see Collars of cotton. Xyolite cuffs — see Cuffs of cotton. Yams — see Sweet potatoes. Yarn spun from the hair of the alpaca or angora goat, when imported by manufacturers of braids for use exclusively in their factories in the manufacture of such braids only, under such regulations as are adopted by the Controller of Customs Free, Yams, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, the hair of the alpaca, goat or other like animal, 5c. p. lb. & costing twenty cents i^er pound and under 20 p.c. Yarns, woollen and worsted, n.e.s 30 p. c. Yeast cakes and baking ymwders, the weight of the package to be included in the weight for duty. . . -6o. p. lb. 0» f Duty. Yeast, compressed, in bulk or mass of not less than ftfty pounds 3c. p. Ih. In packages weighing less than fifty pounds, the weight of the package in the latter case to be included in the weight for duty 6c. p. lb. Yellow metal, in bolts, bars and for sheathing Free. ! Zinc, in blocks, pigs and sheets, and zinc seamless drawn tubing ; . Free. Zinc, manufactures of, n.e.s 25 j).c. Zinc, salts of Free. Zinc white— see White and red lead. I SCHEDULE C, PROHIBITED. Books, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. Goods manufactured or produced, wholly or in part by ijrison labour, or which have been piade within or in connection with any prison, gaol or penitentiary. . Oleomargerine, butterine or other similar substitute for butter. Reprints of Canadian copyright works, and reprints of British copyright works which, have been also copyrighted in Canada. Tea adulterated with spurious leaf or with exhausted leaves, or containmg so great an admixture of chemical or other deleterious substances as to make it unfit for use. 70 •>V <;'■'»•■' FRENCH KILOGRAMMES OR KILOS. Converted into Pounds Avoirdupois. — Kilo, 2.21 Lbs.- 1,000 Grammes, 1 Kilo. '2 "5 '2 « 'O 00 '2 » flra S'^ S-i C'^ eS «S eS ^ c§ <3 «8 5 tn 0? a • a 03 a O i'8 1— s i"i • 1— t M'% S M >^« M 3fl M H^« S !-;« 1 2.21 31 68.51 60 132.60 89 196.69 2 4.42 32 70.72 61 134.81 90 198.90 3 6.63 33 72.93 62 137.02 91 201.11 4 8.84 34 75.14 63 139.23 92 203.32 5 11.05 35 77.35 64 141.44 93 205.53 6 13.26 36 79.56 65 143.65 94 207.74 7 15.47 37 81.77 66 145 86 95 209.95 8 17.68 38 83.40 67 148.07 96 212.16 9 19.89 39 86.19 68 150 28 97 214.37 10 22.10 40 88.40 69 152.49 98 216.58 11 24.31 41 90.61 70 154.70 99 218'. 79 12 26.52 42 92.82 71 156.91 100 221.00 13 28.73 43 95.03 72 159.12 105 232.05 14 30.94 44 97.24 73 161.33 110 243.10 15 33.15 45 99.45 74 163.54 115 254.15 16 35.36 46 101.66 75 165.75 120 265.20 17 37.57 47 103.87 76 167.96 125 276.25 . 18 39.78 48 105.08 77 170.17 130 287.30 19 41.99 49 108.29 78 172.38 135 298.35 20 44.20 50 110.50 79 174.59 140 309.40 21 46.41 51 112.71 80 176.80 145 320.45 22 48.62 52 114-92 81 179.01 150 331.50 23 50.83 53 117.13 82 181.22 160 353.60 24 53.04 54 119.34 83 183.43 170 375.70 25 55.25 55 121.55 84 185.64 180 397.80 26 57.46 56 123.76 85 187.85 190 419.90 27 59.67 57 125.97 86 190.06 200 442.00 28 61.88 58 128.18 87 192.27 250 552.50 29 64.09 59 130.39 88 194.48 300 663.00 30 66.30 ' : I .71 i i I ■ 1 i O O O O P < > O H I— I o h » 99 Hcrs S • 1-1 ^ &ii o soo A to aS 'OCR«*H CO iS^ fl o II' .-a 2 — ^ a Jf ,r- ® 00 o 1 o 00 0) « (4 o > 302 « O o aa m 3 .1-1 (» r^^ S O fe Ci5i»0 OD CS'O - ^^^ 0(0 " ** * ^ d 222 o o o o. » P «S g a 5o US 9i rH «i«00 CO OS 1-1-* CO (M « 0?0«OaOr"* tH 1-1 r-i ^rH'*.i?Oci «0 OS CO OSOOS(NCO o anghai (Custi) :i J3 fl QC « o a*>£ c ^ c g£ as ^rs7^ " 9C V. «y2 9' O C S ;^m^ fs (i P- osrn ii> i- 3 pi < Q I u r— 1 u 0) I 2 2^2 cc OcocS. > :d on -3 u m m u > CO a ei 22^ O Or3 & fl •M O fl3 ? fl fl fl w I c8 1.2 -d M 00 • . • • ^cQtf a s ^-S <«; <j i^fSwo ti «? « 2 e g > • ■♦a C3 o fl^-«^:d a ct I .a a a fl fl fl « 5 U lO .5^ -OS •■1 OS «8 8 2; en H g-g 2:oiO uSi^<^» '3jo p>'o o ^^ eoeo OS OS :3 t2I 03 i •0 2 > ( COO o CD; I 'fl 0,4; s: •2^ "HI Fu. /Gold.. ^- t Silver. ■ft c •5? (1 »^ c8 e8 c3 ?• 55*5 o .sgjri Q Pigc: •^r^ Mi; >eji •- « oo ^ c«'j S2S^=«.3'o Top* ;±i es a 2^i3i3 ^ c£ 1^ »4 O) 4) > I* 01 0) <i> m <A ■■ _ , , Si • (d u • V a> . 0) . !> > . > • o5 • 02 / CO :' § : c8 t^ 1,' U 1 ':' c8 . 'CO, 'O'C o o o o Or2 73 o O :v2 •rtOi 'rt-Tja^'Tj >'T3'd'd? 73® T-k L2 rh rK .S 'r </-' rK rk rk VR rk VK oo oo o^ o iP ctjZ ooc«;d ^ eoccc ei^ I m «8 o; s 'c.i "p -s >. ft c3 <V c3 X « o gf .3 -5! .. .. 2 (DO 5 -3 : : «S ^ ^ C fl^» Sp^ oo W5 « ^ ;3S ;z;52;p:p:5 « j«Mc^B &h> coo li to « l!0 38 cb S ■t-> m >>ea'7 « 2 S " ® 2 &4 . (0 .ho fe ® a > Se 3 cc (D -a "25 9 * -ia CO ■saa S o-o gflfl " © e8 -•a ,"0 -■- - © Ocp ^-9 73 STERLING TABLE AT 9^ OR (Continued.) Par or Exchange. £ $ c. £ $ c. £ $ c. £ $ c. 139 676 47 182 885 78 224 1090 13 266 1294 53 140 681 33 183 890 60 225 1095 00 267 1299 40 141 686 20 184 895 47 226 1099 87 268 1304 27 142 691 07 185 900 33 227 1104 73 269 1309 13 143 695 93 186 905 20 228 1109 60 270 1314 00 144 700 80 187 910 07 229 1114 47 271 1318 87 145 705 67 188 914 93 230 1119 33 272 1323 73 146 710 53 189 919 80 231 1124 20 273 1328 60 147 715 40 190 924 67 232 1129 07 274 1333 47 148 720 27 191 929 53 233 1133 93 275 1338 33 149 725 13 192 934 40 234 1138 80 276 1343 20 150 730 00 193 939 27 235 1143 67 277 1348 07 151 734 87 194 944 13 236 1148 53 278 1352 93 152 739 73 195 940 00 237 1153 40 279 1357 80 153 744 60 196 953 87 238 1158 27 280 1362 67 154 749 47 197 958 73 239 1263 13 281 1367 53 155 754 33 198 963 60 240 1168 00 282 1372 40 156 759 20 199 968 47 241 1172 87 283 1377 27 157 764 07 200 973 33 242 1177 73 284 1382 13 158 768 93 201 978 20 243 1182 60 285 1387 00 159 773 80 202 983 07 244 1187 47 286 1391 87 160 778 67 203 987 93 245 1192 33 287 1396 73 161 783 53 204 ^2 80 246 1197 20 288 1401 60 162 788 40 205 9^ 67 247 1202 07 289 1406 47 163 793 27 206 1002 53 1007 40 248 1206 93 290 1411 33 164 798 13 207 249 1211 80 291 1416 20 166 803 00 208 1012 27 250 1216 67 292 1421 07 166 807 87 209 1017 13 251 1221 53 293 1425 93 167 812 73 210 1022 00 252 1226 40 294 1430 80 168 817 60 211 1026 87 253 1231 27 295 1435 67 }69 822 47 212 1031 73 254 1236 13 296 1440 53 170 827 33 213 1036 60 255 1241 00 297 1446 40 171 832 20 214 1041 47 256 1245 87 298 1450 27 172 837 07 215 1046 33 267 1250 70 299 1455 13 173 841 93 216 1051 20 258 1255 60 300 1460 00 174 846 80 217 1056 07 259 1260 47 400 1946 67 175 851 67 218 1060 93 260 1265 33 500 2433 33 176 856 53 219 1065 80 261 1270 20 600 2920 00 1V7 861 40 220 1070 67 262 1275 07 700 3406 67 178 866 27 221 1075 53 k63 1279 93 800 3893 3;^ 179 871 13 222 1080 40 264 1284 80 900 4380 00 180 876 00 223 1085 27 265 1289 67 1000 4866 67 181 880 87 • 76 LNGE. c. STERLING TABLE AT 9i OR Par oh . Exchange. POUND STG. $4,86 2-3. Pence Cts. £ $ e. £ $ c. £ $ c. 1 2 7 34 07 51 248 20 95 462 33 2 4 8 38 93 52 256 07 96 467 20 3 6 9 43 80 53 257 93 97 472 07 4 8 10 48 67 54 262 80 98 476 93 5 10 11 53 53 55 267 67 99 481 80 6 12 12 58 40 56 272 53 100 486 67 7 14 13 63 27 67 277 40 lOi 491 53 8 16 14 6() 13 58 282 27 102 496 40 9 18 15 73 00 59 287 13 103 501 27 10 20 i 16 77 87 60 292 00 104 506 13 11 22 17 82 73 61 296 87 105 511 00 12 2ih 18 87 60 62 301 73 106 515 87 19 92 47 63 306 60 107 520 73 Shil's. 20 97 33 64 311 47 108 525 60 21 102 20 65 316 33 109 530 47 1 24.1 : 48i ; 22 107 07 66 • 321 20 110 535 33 2 23 111 93 67 326 07 111 540 20 3 73 1 24 116 80 68 330 93 112 545 07 4 97;^ 25 121 67 69 335 80 113 549 93 5 1 21^ 26 126 53 70 340 67 114 554 80 6 1 46 27 131 40 71 345 53 115 559 67 7 1 70^ 1 94i 28 136 27 72 350 40 116 564 53 . 8 29 141 13 73 355 27 117 569 40 : 9 2 19 30 146 00 74 360 13 118 574 27 10 2 43^ 31 150 87 75 365 00 119 579 13 11 2 67i 32 155 73 76 369 87 120 584 00 12 2 92 33 160 60 77 374 73 121 588 87 13 3 16i 3 40i 34 165 47 78 379 60 122 593 73 14 35 170 33 79 384 47 123 598 60 15 3 65 36 175 20 80 389 33 124 603 47 16 3 89i 37 180 07 81 394 20 125 608 33 17 4 13i 38 184 93 82 399 07 126 613 20 18 4 38 39 189 80 83 403 93 127 618 07 19 4 62 40 194 67 84 408 80 128 622 93 20 4 86g 41 199 53 85 413 67 129 627 80 42 204 40 86 418 53 130 632 67 £ $ c. 43 209 27 87 423 40 131 637 53 > 44 214 13 88 428 27 132 642 40 ( 1 4 87 45 219 00 89 433 13 133 647 27 . 2 9 73 46 223 87 90 438 00 134 652 13 3 14 60 47 228 73 91 442 87 135 657 00 4 19 47 48 233 60 92 447 73 136 661 87 6 24 33 49 238 47 93 452 60 137 666 73 6 29 20 I 50 243 33 94 467 47 138 671 60 74 TABLE OF Belgian, French and Swiss Francs, Spanish ' Pesetas, Grecian Drachmas and Italian Livres. Customs Value, Each, 19.3 Cents. B 1 B T3 a • B -§ B 'H • 9 c3 . dj c8 . 9i e! . D eJ . 9% a u a Is i 2-2 f |6 S -30 a 1" t -SO s b P^ pR Q f^ Q 1 19 31 5 98 61 11 77 91 17 56 2 39 32 6 18 62 11 97 92 17 76 3 58 33 6 37 63 12 16 93 17 96 4 77 34 6 56 64 12 35 94 18 14 6 97 35 6 76 65 12 55 95 18 34 6 1 16 36 6 95 66 12 74 96 18 53 7 1 35 37 7 14 67 12 93 97 18 72 8 1 54 38 7 33 68 IS 12 98 18 91 9 174 39 7 53 69 13 32 99 19 11 10 1 93 40 7 72 70 13 51 100 19 30 11 2 12 41 7 91 71 13 70 15e 28 95 12 2 32 42 8 11 72 13 90 200 38 60 13 2 51 43 8 30 73 14 09 300 57 90 14 2 70 44 8 49 74 14 28 400 77 20 15 2 90 45 8 69 75 14 48 500 96 50 16 3 09 46 8 88 76 14 67 600 115 80 17 3 28 47 9 07 77 14 86 700 135 10 18 3 47 48 9 26 78 15 06 800 154 40 19 3 67 49 9 46 79 15 25 900 178 70 20 3 86 50 9 65 80 15 44 1000 198 00 21 4 05 51 9 84 81 15 63 2000 386-00 22 4 25 52 10 04 82 15 88 2500 482 50 23 4 44 53 10 28 83 16 02 3000 579 00 24 4 63 54 10 42 84 16 21 4000 772 00 25 4 83 55 10 62 : 85 16 41 5000 965 00 26 5 02 56 10 81 86 16 60 6000 1158 00 27 6 21 57 11 00 87 16 79 7000 1351 00 28 5 40 58 11 19 86 16 98 8000 1544 00 29 5 60 69 11 39 ' 89 17 18 9000 1737 00 30 5 79 60 11 58 9» 17 87 10000 1930 iM) 1» TABLE OF MARKS OF GERMAN EMPIRE. Customs Value, Makk 23.8 Cents. 09 '§ •B TJ ns fl G a flj , c3 . e3 e8 . OB if i gig ■ i| • if Ut ^^ V ^ ii •—1 3) u ^m V e8 •cO ^ ^o e8 30 03 -30 ^ Q ^ 7 38 1^ P '^ Q 1 24 31 61 14 52 91 21 66 2 48 32 7 62 62 14 76 92 21 90 3 71 33 7 85 63 14 99 93 22 13 4 95 34 8 09 64 15 23 94 22 37 5 1 19 35 8 33 65 15 47 95 22 61 6 1 43 36 8 57 66 15 71 96 22 85 7 1 67 37 8 81 67 15 95 97 23 09 8 1 90 38 9 04 68 16 18 98 23 32 9 2 14 39 • 9 28 69 16 42 99 23 56 10 2 38 40 9 52 70 16 66 100 23 80 11 2 62 41 9 76 71 16 90 150 35 70 12 2 86 42 10 00 72 17 H 200 47 60 13 3 09 43 10 23 73 17 37 300 71 40 14 3 33 44 10 47 74 17 61 400 95 20 15 3 57 45 10 71 75 17 85 500 119 00 16 3 81 46 10 95 76 18 09 600 142 80 17 4 05 47 11 19 77 18 33 700 166 60 18 4 28 48 11 42 78 18 56 800 190 40 19 4 52 49 11 66 79 18 80 900 214 20 20 4 76 50 11 90 80 19 04 1000 238 00 21 5 00 51 12 14 81 19 28 1500 357 00 22 5 24 52 12 38 82 19 52 2000 476 00 23 5 47 53 12 61 83 19 75 3000 714 00 24 5 71 54 12 85 84 19 99 4000 952 00 25 5 95 55 13 09 85 20 23 5000 1190 00 26 6 19 56 13 33 86 20 47 6000 1428 00 27 6 43 57 13 67 87 20 71 7000 1666 00 28 6 66 58 13 80 «8 20 94 8000 1904 00 29 6 90 59 14 04 89 21 18 9000 2142 00 30 7 14 4 60 14 28 90 21 42 10000 2380 00 77 TABLE OF FLORINS OF AUSTRIA. Customs Value, 34.1 Cents. Florins. Dollars and Cents. a 31 ! Dollars and Cents. • 1 Dollars and Cents. • S •c Dollars and Cents. 1 34 10 57 61 20 80 91 31 03 2 68 32 10 91 62 21 14 92 31 37 3 1 02 33 11 25 63 21 48 03 31 71 4 1 36 34 11 59 64 21 82 94 32 05 6 1 71 35 11 94 65 22 17 95 32 40 6 2 05 36 12 28 66 22 51 96 32 74 . 7 2 39 37 12 62 67 22 85 97 33 08 8 2 73 38 12 96 68 23 19 98 33 42 9 3 07 39 13 30 69 23 53 99 33 76 10 3 41 40 13 64 70 23 87 100 34 10 11 3 75 41 13 98 71 24 21 150 51 15 12 4 09 42 14 32 72 2^ 55 200 68 20 13 4 43 43 14 66 73 24 89 300 102 30 14 4 77 44 15 00 74 25 2f 400 136 40 15 5 12 45 15 35 75 25 5b 500 170 50 16 6 46 46 15 69 76 25 92 600 204 60 17 5 80 47 16 03 77 26 26 700 238 70 18 6 14 48 16 37 78 26 60 800 272 80 19 6 48 40 16 71 79 26 94 900 306 90 20 6 82 50 17 05 80 27 28 1000 341 00 21 7 16 51 17 39 81 27 62 1500 511 50 22 7 50 52 17 lo 82 27 96 2000 682 00 23 7 84 53 18 07 83 28 30 3000 1023 00 24 8 18 54 18 41 84 28 64 4000 1364 00 25 8 53 55 18 76 85 28 99 5000 1705 00 26 8 87 56 19 10 86 29 33 6000 2046 00 27 9 21 57 19 44 87 29 67 7000 2387 00 28 9 55 58 19 78 88 30 01 8000 2728 00 29 9 89 59 20 12 89 30 35 9000 3069 00 30 10 23 60 20 46 1 90 30 69 10000 3410 00 78 TABLE OF FLORINS OF THE NETHERLANDS. Custom Value, 40.2 Cents. )0 a C o F— I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(> 27 28 29 30 to 4J 40 80 21 61 01 41 81 3 22 3 4 4 4 62 02 42 82 5 23 5 63 6 03 6 43 6 83 7 24 I 64 8 04 8 44 8 84 9 25 9 65 10 05 10 45 10 85 11 26 11 66 12 00 S-l o 31 32 33 34 35 3() 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 f)l 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 i . 12 46 12 86 13 27 13 67 14 07 14 47 14 87 15 28 15 68 16 08 16 48 16 88 17 29 17 6£ iC 09 18 49 18 8<) 19 30 19 70 20 10 20 50 20 90 21 31 21 71 22 11 22 51 22 91 23 32 23 72 24 12 O 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 i . 24 52 24 92 25 33 25 73 26 13 26 53 26 93 27 34 27 74 28 14 28 54 28 94 29 35 29 75 39 15 30 55 30 95 31 36 31 7(5 32 16 32 56 32 96 33 37 33 77 34 17 34 57 34 97 35 38 35 78 36 18 a •c o i-H Eh 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 ;woo 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 \mo 10000 36 58 36 98 37 39 37 79 38 19 38 59 38 99 39 40 39 80 40 20 60 30 80 40 120 60 160 80 201 00 241 20 281 40 321 60 361 80 402 00 603 00 804 00 1206 00 1608 (X) 2010 00 2412 00 2814 00 3216 00 3618 00 4020 00 79 A COMPARATIVE TAEIjE OF FRENCH AND ENGLISH MEASURE. Metres into Yards. One Metre = 39.37 Inches. CO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3{{ 37 Kj P 1 3 2 7 3 10 4 13 5 17 6 20 7 24 8 27 9 liO 10 34 12 1 13 4 14 8 15 11 16 15 17 18 18 21 19 25 20 28 21 31 22 35 24 2 25 6 26 9 27 12 28 16 29 19 30 22 31 26 32 29 33 32 35 00 3(} 3 37 7 38 10 39 13 40 17 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 (>7 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 41 20 42 23 43 27 44 30 45 34 47 01 48 04 49 08 60 11 51 14 52 18 53 21 54 25 55 28 56 31 57 .35 59 02 60 05 61 09 62 12 63 15 64 19 65 22 66 26 67 29 68 32 70 00 71 03 72 W) 73 10 74 13 75 17 76 20 77 23 78 27 79 m 80 33 m ■ OJ u 01 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 1 4 7 11 14 18 21 28 89 24 90 91 31 92 34 94 02 95 05 96 09 97 12 98 15 99 19 100 22 101 25 102 29 103 32 105 00 106 03 a07 06 108 10 109 13 218 26 .,28 03 437 16 546 29 65() (K) 7(55 19 874 32 984 09 1093 22 1640 15 2187 08 80 SPECIAL AFFIDAVIT REQUIRED WHEN GOODS ARE TTSED FOR A SPECIFIED MANUFACTURING PURPOSE AT SPECIAL RATE OF DUTY. T n) the undersigned, importer of the (2) menUoned in this entry, do solemnly (3) that such W r '■"'^r y: '" %T aM It no ^.tion ofti^^'s:;: IT^^'rr?^ -yo J^pose » disposed^f «ntU so manu- factured. (1) iTame of importer. (2) Name of the goods or arrioles. (3) Swear or affirm. (4) Name of the goods or articles. (5) Name of the goods to be manufactured. (C) Name of the place, county and province.