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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 i\ '-' I i >'. m. .1 > ^ «*(■ '4} ^rj "•% 't.^!^: 'i r'Vis' a' DOMINION GIAL TRAVELLERS' '^OciaT^^' MONTREAL ,p 1888. tW ■.^ y?^';.?«(r^^^ .-.^i.^.i*.',-'. ii^'^ CONSTITUTION /IP OF THE dominion Commercial XTravellers' 1) association, MONTREAL Instituted A..D. 1878. Incorporated by Dominion Act of Parliament A.D. 1880. ALSO BY-LAWS As revised at Annual Meetings December loih, 1887. And List of Members for 1887. • <•» > Montreal : Printed by D. Bentley & Co., 1746 Notre Dame Street. 1888. f LIST OR ©fHcets an5 :©itectors Kor 1888. -♦•-♦•--' -•<♦-•«-' Fred. Birks, Esq. Belding, Paul & Co. Wm. Percival, Esq. Crathern & Caverhill. %XfA&XXXtX I Geo. Forbes, Esq. 5iwft0r« : 1 Year. Alex. Gowdey. Wm. Galbraith. J NO. Taylor. R. B. Haix, F. S. Cote. 2 Years. Jos. Armstrong. Geo. Browne. Jas. Croil, Esq. Chas. Hutchison. Wm. Mussell. 5 ji H. W. Wadsworth. Office: 260 St. James Street, Montreal. [■xcnio^ I 4 DOMINION OOMMEROIAL TRAVELLEIIS' ASSOCIATION. OFFICERS FROM 1875 TO 1887. 1875 to 1879. And. Robertson J. A. Cantlie R. C. Simpson President, . Vice-President, .... Sec, - Treas, 1880. J. A. Cantlie D. L. LCCKERBY. . R. C. Simpson 1881. President. , Vice-President, .... Sec. - Treas, J. A. Cantlie A. GOWDEY President, . Vice-President. . . . .Sec, 'Treas, R. C. Simpson . . . 1882. A. GoWDEY F. Massey Geo. Sumner .... President, . Vice-President, .... Treasurer, Geo. Sumner.... R. B. Hutchison . Geo. Boulter 1883-4. President, . Vice-President, .... Treasurer, Geo. Boulter.... 1885. President, R. B. Hutchison . Alex. Gowdey. . . Vice-President, .... Treasurer, 1886. R. B. Hutchison. R. C. Simpson. . . . President, . Vice-President, .... Treasurer. Alex. Gowdey . . . D. L. Lockerby . . Thos. Harries Geo. Forbes 1887. President, Vice-President, .# i DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAYBLLBBS' ASSOCIATION. 5 Certificates of /iBembersbfp* MAY BE OBTAINED IN MONTREAL. . At the Rooms of the Asso- ciation No. 260 St. Jas. St. P.O. Box 534. TORONTO ... P. G. RouTH, at Gordon, Mackay & Co., 48 Front St. BROCKVILLE. John Grant, of Abbott, Grant & Buell. TRUSTEES OF EDUCATIONAL FUND Geo. Sumner, Chairman, E. M. CoPELAND, Secretary, David Watson. Robt. Henderson. George Boulter. ASSOCIATION READING ROOMS, 260 St. James Street, Montreal. ■j^l m^jgj^ ^'1 '! I 6 DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAVBLLERS' ASSOCIATION. LIST OF NEWSPAPERS and ILLUSTRATED WEEKLIES ON FILE at the ROOMS. Dailies. Montreal Gazette. '• Herald. Chicago Tribune. Montreal Journal of Com. ** Moniteur ** " Trade Review. London Graphic. ** Illustrated News. ** Punch. N. Y.Puck. Scientific American Life Toronto Globe. " Mail. N. Y. Herald. Toronto Empire. Weeklies. Irish Times. Montreal Shareholder. Winnipeg Commercial. Glasgow Herald. Illustrated Weeklies. New York Frank Leslies. ** Harpers Weekly. Toronto Grip. Paris L'lllustration. Forest and Stream. (N.Y.) Monthlies. Dominion Dry Goods Report. Insurance Chronicle. The Com'cial Traveller, Syracuse, N.Y. The Com'cial Traveller, Toronto, Ont. The Rooms being comfortably furnished and situa- ated in the very heart of the city, are found very convenient. Strangers to the city are allowed the use of the Rooms when introduced by a member. >N. 'ED Y. DOMINION GOMMBHCIAL TItAVKLLKKS' ASSOCIATION. o t— ( h <: o Oh ^ i fXH ^ pL, ^-^^ I 5» 5r I -2 V ^^ O ^ "Si '^ •s. «^ K > ,'^ C3 CO 5 ^ ^ >. ^ CO ^1 Ul u; «> ^ tf> • ^ s \» "^ •^ -2 -^ ^ "- * ^ <5> « © •>■> ^ >sC3 « if o «» u ^ o<5 §0^ "C d) b^ o •esi "^ je •^ J^.Si ■^ "V» 9io 99 $23,540 14 GEO. FORBES, Treasurer. B 18 DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAVELLERS' A8BO0IATION. List of Assets, IOth December. 1887. Cash on hand and in Banks $ 5,910 99 Furniture 500 00 $ 6,410 99 INVESTMENTS. Albert Hall ,TSt Mortgage 21,500 00 Calvary Church, " 5,000 00 W. L. Maltby '* 500 00 Thos. Ligget, *' 5,00000 Montreal Corporation, 6 per cent. Bonds . . 2,095 00 *• Harbour, 6 ** ** .. 7,970 00 6^ " " .. 1,12000 *' 5 " •• .. 8,18000 51,365 00 $57,775 99 MEiMO. ""— ~" 1886. Dec. 10 — Amount of Assets per last Statement $47,916 32 ADD. 1887. Dec. 10 — Amount of Revenue for year. . 21,988 82 Less Disbursements 12,229 '5 9,859 67 $57-775 99 Verified, RIDDELL & COMMON, Auditors. Montreal, loth December, 1887. DOMINION OOMMEROIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. 19 BY-LAWS OF THU Dominion Commercial Trarellers' Association^ AS AMENDED DEC. lO, 1887. Article 'I. — Membership, 1st. — In order to be eligible for membership in this Association a candidate must be a "Commercial Tra- veller," being a resident, or having a place of business or office in Canada, and not having been expelled from membership by any Commercial Travellers' Association in Canada, for any offence involving a breach of faith with any Company granting privileges to this Association, or on any other justifiable grounds. 2nd. — A Commercial Traveller is a person who travels to sell merchandise, whether Employer or Employee for a Wholesale business, to take orders from Dealers or Manufacturers for Goods which shall be delivered afterwards. 3rd. — Each applicant for Membership shall fill up the Kquired form (see page 7), and be proposed and seconded by two members, who shall sign their names on his application, such application to be also endorsed by the firm he represents ; he shall then be balloted for at the first meeting of the Board thereafter, when a two-thirds vote of those present shall elect him. 4th. — No application, however, for membership shall be entertained when the applicant is over fifty- five years of age, except on the express understanding and conditions that he waive all right or claim for mortuary benefits, excepting the benefits covered by accident policy, as per clause 3 of article I of the By- laws as now amended. 5th. — It will be competent for the Secretary to issue conditional certificates to applicants subject to subsequent election, and should applicant not be elected, to annul the certificate and return the sub- scription. 6th. — On and after ist February, any member having failed to renew his subscription shall cease to be a member of the Association and shall be required to make application as a new member, but if re- elected within the current year, he shall not be deprived of any previously acquired rights or benefits. Article II, — Subscriptions. 1st. — ^The Subscription of an ordinary Member, being a bona-fide Commercial Traveller, shall be Ten DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAYRLLBRS' A88O0IATION. 21 Dollars per annum, which will entitle him to all the privileges of the Association, such as concessions from Railways, Steamboats, Hotels, &c. Duplicate Certificates $2.00 each. 2n(l. — A subscription of Fifty Dollars will constitute a Life Honorary Member, which will only entitle him to hold office, and to vote at all meetings of the Association. 3rd. — Wholesale Merchants, Manufacturers and Wholesale Salesmen not over 40 years of age are eligible for election as Associate Members, subject to the approval of the Board, and any member ceasing to travel and in good standing for the three previous years may continue his membership with the Association as an Associate Member. 4th. — The annual subscription of an Associate Member shall be ten dollars, which shall entitle him to all the privileges of the Association except travelling privileges. 5th. — ** Any ordinary or associate member in good standing, and whose business or health may necessitate his changing of domicile to some other place outside the boundaries of Canada, may continue his member- ship by the payment of his annual subscription, and shall be entitled to all the benefits of the Association the same as if he resided in Canada." ^m I 22 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. Article III. — Benefits 1st. — Each Member, except a Life Honorary Mem- ber, upon payment of his Subscription, will be entitled to receive One Thousand Dollars in the event of death by accident, or Five Dollars per week for twenty-six weeks or less, during the continuance of disabling injury by accident. 2nd. — Should a member die from other causes than accident the following amount shall be paid to the person or persons designated in writing, or, in default of such designation, to the heirs, assigns or legal representatives of deceased members, viz: — After payment of Subscription for two previous consecutive years, two hundred dollars, ($200). After payment for three previous consecutive years, three hundred dollars, ($300). After payment for four previous consecutive years, four hundred dollars, ($400). After payment for five previous consecutive years, five hundred dollars, ($500). After payment for six previous consecutive years, six hundred dollars, ($600). After payment for seven previous consecutive years, seven hundred dollars, ($700). After payment for eight previous consecutive years, eight hundred dollars, ($800) DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS* ASSOCIATION. 23 After payment for nine previous consecutive years, nine hundred dollars. ($900). After payment for ten previous consecutive years, and over, one thousand dollars, ($1000). Such sums shall be payable within sixty days after satisfactory proof of death has been furnished the Association. Claims to be filed within twelve months from date of death, otherwise claim to be forfeited. Article IV. — Officers, 1st. — The Officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President and a Treasurer, who with ten Directors shall form the Board, and con- duct and supervise the affairs of the Association. 2nd. — The Board shall have power to appoint Honorary Directors for the Cities of Toronto and Quebec, and such other places as may be desirable. The number in each place not to exceed four. They shall also have power to appoint a Secretary and such other officers as they may deem necessary for the purposes of the Association. 3rd. — Security to the satisfaction of the Board shall be required from the Treasurer and Secretary. I' I t :|v^ 24 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVBLLERS' ASSOCIATION. Article V, — Meetings, 1st.— The Annual General Meeting of the Associa- tion shall be held in December in each year, for the purpose of receiving the report and balance sheet of the past year, for the election of officers for the en- suing year, and for the transaction of other business — thirty to form a quorum. 2nd. — Quarterly Meetings of Members shall be held at a place to be appointed by the Board on the second Saturday in February, May, August and November, at 8 o'clock P. M., fifteen to form a quorum. Notice of these Meetings to be given only through daily papers, except the November meeting, of which the Secretary shall also give three weeks* notice by circular. 3rd . — Regular Meetings of the Board shall be held at such times as they may determine by resolution. Five members shall form a quorum of the Board. 4th. — The President or Vice-President, or, in their absence, one of the Directors, shall preside at all Meetings of the Board and of the Association, and subscribe the minutes thereof. 5th. — The President, or in his absence the Vice- President, may call special Meetings of the Board. The Secretary shall also call a special meeting when- ever required, in writing, by three members of the Board. One clear day's notice shall be given of all special meetings. 6th. — On the requisition of twenty-five of the en- rolled Members, the President or Vice-President shall authorize the Secretary to call a Special General Meeting of the Associanion for the purpose or pur- poses set forth in the said requistion. 7th. — The Secretary shall give seven clear days notice of all Annual and Special General Meetings of Members both by advertisement in one or more of the public newspapers, and through the Post to the registered address of the Members on the books of the Association. 8th. — All notices of Special General Meetings shall state the business of the meeting, and at such meeting no other business than that stated in the notice shall be transacted. U Article VJ, — Election of Officers. 1st. — The President, Vice-President, Treasurer and five of the ten Directors shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Candidates nominated for said ofiicfcs to be declared elected on receiving the highest number of votes. In case of a tie the President shall have a casting vote. Retiring officers and directors shall be eligible for re-election when nomi- nated. 2nd. — When two or more candidates are nominated for any office a vote shall be taken, but if only one candidate be nominated he shall be declared elected. 26 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVELLBRS' ASSOCIATION. 3rd. — Nominations for Ofificers and Directors for the ensuing year shall be made at the Quarterly Meet- ing held on the second Saturday in November of each year. 4th. — The Secretary and Committee appointed shall also within one week after the nominations furnish each member with an envelope containing a slip of paper (through the Post Office prepaid), on which are printed the names of all the persons nomi- nated for officers or Directors, with a request that, if unable to be present at the Annual General Meeting, such member will place a X opposite the names of the persons he wishes to be elected, and enclose said list of names in a sealed envelope ad- dressed to the Secretary, who shall at the said Meeting hand the same to the Scrutineers. 5th. — The Secretary shall issue no voting papers other than those mailed to each Member, unless per- sonal application is made by party, who shall satisfy the Secretary that the one mailed to him had not been received or had been destroyed. Article VII. — Secretary, 1st. — The duties of the Secretary will include the keeping of accurate minutes of all meetings of the Board and of the Association, and the Register of Members. DOMINION OOMMEROIAL TBAYELLBRB' ASSOCIATION. 27 2nd. — He shall also conduct the correspondence, and in general carry out the management of the Association under the direction of the Board ; all certificates of memebership must be signed by him. He shall receive all fees for membership and deposit the same with the Bankers of the Association, when the amount exceeds Fifty dollars. He shall also pay all monies on behalf of the Association, under the direction of the Board of Directors, and submit a statement of all receipts and expenditures at each monthly meeting of the Board. 3rd. — The Secretary's remuneration shall be fixed by the Board. Article VIII. — Iieasurer. The Treasurer shall see that all monies when they exceed the sum of fifty dollars are deposited with the bankers of the Association, and that all Bonds and securities of the Association are deposited in the vaults of some chartered Bank, which shall be under the joint custody of the President and Treasurer, who shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the same. He shall also check the Bank Books as often as possible, and sign all checks conjointly with the President and Secretary. 28 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAYELLBRS' ASSOCIATION. w Article IX. — Arbitrators, The Board shall after each Annual General Meeting appoint ten Arbitrators from the Life Honorary and Associate Members of the Association, who are not members of Board ; and any dispute which may arise between Directors, Officers or Members shall be dis- posed of by reference to three of the nominated Arbitrators, one of them shall be chosen by the complainant, another by the defendant, and the third to be chosen by the two Arbitrators themselves, and their decision shall be final. l-i Article X, — Audit. The Board shall employ the services of a chartered Accountant to examine the accounts to be presented to the Annual General Meetings of the Association. Article XL— Removal of Officers or Members. 1st. — Any officer may be removed by the resolution of a Special General Meeting on a two thirds vote. 2nd. — It shall be competent for the Board to expel any member of the Association who may be guilty of abusing his privileges or otherwise misbehaving him- self, but such Member shall have the right to appeal to an Annual General or Special General Meeting of Members for restoration to privileges. I3c^n DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVBLLBRS' ASSOCIATION. 29 3rd. — If any member of the Board removes from Canada or is absent from meetings for three months without reasons satisfactory to the Board, his seat may be declared vacant. Vacancies occurring from death, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board. Article XII. — Educational fund. 1st. — The object of this fund shall be to provide for the education of children of deceased members in accordance with the following Rules and Regulations. 2nd. — This fund shall be administered by a board of five Trustees to be elected from the members of the Association not holding any other office. Said election to take place at each Annual General Meeting of the Association by an open vote of members present. In the event of death, resignation, or removal from Canada of a Trustee, the remaining Trustees shall have power to appoint one to fill such vacancies for the balance of the unexpired term. 3rd. — The Trustees shall, after each Annual Meet- ing, elect from among themselves a Chairman and an Honorary Secretary who shall have charge of all securities and monies of the Educational fund, and shall pay into a chartered Bank all monies in their hands when they exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, and shall be held responsible for the proper administration of said fund. ! I 1 \ 30 DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TEAYBLLBRB' ASSOCIATION. 4th.— No payment over ten dollars shall be made unless by cheque signed by the Chairman, one of the Trustees, and the Honorary Secretary. They shall balance their accounts annually and submit a state- ment of all receipts and expenditures on account of the fund at each Annual General Meeting of the Association. 5th. — Trustees' meetings shall be held from time to time as may be deemed necessary by them. Three to form a quorum. 6th. — Candidates for scholarships shall be sub- mitted to the Trustees for approval, and shall then be voted for in same manner as provided for by Article 6, Clause 3 and 4, of present by-laws. 7th. — The number of scholarships at any one time shall not exceed five, and candidates will not be accepted under nine years of age. The term of scholarship to cease on the pupil attaining the age of fourteen years. 8th. — It shall be competent for the Trustees to place pupils in such public schools as they may deem best for carrying out the objects of this fund, and they shall also have power to suspend or dismiss any scholar who may be guilty of continued bad conduct or who may fail to use due diligence in the prosecution of his or her studies. DOMINION OOMMBRGIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. 31 9th. — It shall be competent for the Trustees to appoint a guardian to each scholar resident out of Montreal, whose duty shall be to supervise the edu- cation of the scholar, and to report to the Trustees from time to time as may be required by them, such guardian to be appointed for one year only, but may be re-appointed. loth. — The Trustees shall report to the Association as early as possible in October of each year, giving a full report of all work done, and any vacancies which may then exist or are to occur within the current year. nth. — Any donations, legacies or bequests made by members or friends of the Association to this fund, shall be applied by the Trustees for the furtherance of this object only. Article XIII, — Dissohiiion 1st — The Association may be dissolved only by a Special General Meeting called for that purpose, and upon a vote of two-thirds of the membership present who shall also have the power of appointing the manner in which the then existing funds of the Association shall be disposed of. 2nd.- -The foregoing Rules and By-Laws or any of them, may be amended, altered, added to, or rescinded 32 DOMINION OOMMBRCIAL TRAVBLLBRS' ASSOCIATION. with the consent of a majority of the Members present, at any Annual, Quarterly, or Special General Meeting. 3rd. — Notice of proposed alterations to be given at a previous Annual or Quarterly Meeting of the Association. 4th. — The former By-laws and Amendments thereto are hereby repealed and abrogated. ^•7^- DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAVBLLBRS' ASSOCIATION. 33 STEAMER ARRANGEMENTS. I <•> I BLACK DIAMOND LINE. To Lower Ports. , The Magnificent new Iron Steamships "Bonavista" and "Coban" sailing between Montreal and St. Johns, Newfoundland. The Agents of this line, Messrs. Kingman, Brown & Co., Montreal, offer great inducements to Commercial Travellers using their line of steamers. RICHELIEU & ONTARIO NAVIGATION COMPANY. Fares to Commercial Travellers between Toronto and Montreal 20 per cent, off regular passenger rates, meals and stateroom going west included ; going east meals only included. OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY. No reduction in fares. 300 lbs. baggage free. - EXCESS BAG In force on i the Canadian Paclflo and Grand Trunk In effect April 16th, 1888. Where 1st Class Where 1st Class Where 1st Class Unlimited Excess Unlimited Excess Unlimited Excess Passenger Rate Rate will Passenger Rate Rate will Passensrer Kate Rate will r » be for 100 lbs. IS be for 100 lbs. be for 100 lbs. From To From To From To e .05 $ .60 8 .15 117.61 $17.96 $2.15 $34.21 $34.60 $4.15 .61 .85 .20 17.96 18.35 2.20 84.61 85.00 4.20 .86 1.10 .25 18.86 18.76 2.25 35.01 35.45 4.25 1.11 1.40 .30 18.76 19.20 ii.SO 35.46 35.86 4.30 1 41 1.70 .35 19.21 19.60 2.35 35.86 36.25 4.35 1.71 2.00 .40 19.61 20.00 2.40 86.26 36.70 4.40 2.01 2.40 .45 20.01 20.46 2.45 88.71 37.10 4.45 2.41 2.80 .50 20.46 20.86 2.60 37.11 37.50 4.50 2.81 3.25 .55 20.86 21.26 2.55 87.51 37.95 4.55 3.26 3.76 .60 21.26 21.70 2.60 37.96 38.35 4.60 3.76 4.35 .65 21.71 22.10 2.65 38.36 38.75 4.65 4.36 5.00 .70 22.11 22.60 2.70 38.76 39.20 4.70 5.01 5.80 .75 22.51 22.95 2.75 89.21 39.60 4.75 6.81 6.70 .80 22.96 23.35 2.80 39.61 40.00 4.80 6.71 7.10 .85 23.36 23.75 2.85 40.01 40.45 4.85 7.11 7.50 .90 23.76 24.20 2.90 40.46 40.85 4.90 7.51 7.95 .95 24.21 24.60 2.95 40.86 41.25 4.95 7.96 8.36 1.00 24.61 25.00 3.00 41.26 41.70 5.00 8.36 8.76 1.06 25.01 25.45 3.05 41.71 42.10 5.05 8.76 9.20 1.10 25.46 25.85 3.10 42.11 42.50 5.10 9.21 9 60 1.15 25.86 26.25 3.15 42.51 42.95 5.15 9.61 10.00 1.20 26.26 26.70 3.20 42.96 43.36 6.20 10.01 10.46 1.25 26.71 27.10 3.25 43.36 43.76 5.25 10.46 10.86 1.30 27.11 27.50 8.30 43.76 44.20 5.30 10.86 11.26 1.35 27.51 27.95 3.35 44.21 44.60 5.35 11.26 11.70 1.40 27.96 2.S 35 3.40 44.61 45.00 5.40 11.71 12.10 1.45 28.36 28.75 3.45 45.01 45.45 5.45 12.11 12.50 1.60 28.7^ ?1>.20 3.50 45.46 45.86 5.50 12.51 12.95 1.65 29.21 29.60 3.55 45.86 46.25 5.55 12.96 13.. S6 1.60 29.61 30.00 3.60 46.26 46.70 5.60 13.36 13.75 1.65 30.01 30.45 3.65 46.71 47.10 5.65 13.76 14.20 1.70 30.46 30.85 3.70 47.11 47.60 5.70 14.21 14.60 1.75 30.86 31.25 3.75 47.51 47.95 6.75 14.61 15.00 1.80 31.26 31.70 3.80 47.96 48.35 5.80 15.01 15.45 1.85 31,71 32.10 3.85 48.36 48.75 5.85 15.46 15.86 1.90 32.11 32.50 3.90 48.76 49.20 5.90 15.86 16.25 1.96 32.61 32.95 3.95 49.21 49.60 5.95 16.26 16.70 2.00 32.96 33.35 4.00 49.61 50.00 6.00 16.71 17.10 2.05 33.36 33.76 4.05 50.01 50.45 6.05 17.11 17.50 2.10 33.76 34.20 4.10 60.46 60.85 6.10 GAGE TARIFF system of Railways ,— Ontario and Eastern Divisions • No Charge less than 26 Cents . Where 1st Class Where 1st Class Where 1st Class Unlimited Excess Unlimited Excess Unlimited Excess Passcncfcr Rate Rate w'lll Passeneer Rate Tr Rate will Passcneer Rate Rate will be for 100 lbs. i be for 100 lbs. be for 100 lbs, From To From To From To $50.86 m.25 $6.16 #67.61 $67.96 88.16 $84.01 $84.45 $10.15 51.20 61.70 6.20 67.90 68.86 8.20 84.46 84.85 10.20 51.71 52.10 6.25 68.86 68.76 8.25 84.80 85 26 10.26 52.11 62.50 6.30 68.76 69.20 8.30 85.26 85*70 10.30 52.61 52.95 6.86 69.21 69.60 8.35 85.71 86.10 10.36 52.96 63.86 6.40 69.61 70.00 8.40 86.11 86.46 10.40 63.36 63.75 6.45 70.01 70.45 8.45 86.46 86.85 10.46 53.76 54.20 6.60 70.40 70.86 8.50 86.86 87.25 10.50 54.21 64.60 6.65 70.86 71.25 8.65 87.26 87.70 10.56 54.61 65.00 6.60 71.26 71.70 8.60 87.71 88.10 10.80 55.01 66.45 6.C5 71.71 72.10 8.65 88.11 88.46 10.66 55.46 66.85 6.70 72.11 72.46 8.70 88.46 88.85 10.70 55.86 66.25 6.76 72.46 72.86 8.76 88.86 89.25 10.75 56.26 56.70 6.80 72.86 73.25 8.80 89.26 89.70 10.80 66.71 67.10 6.85 73.26 73.70 8.85 89.71 90.10 10 85 57.11 67.50 6.90 73.71 74.10 8.90 90.11 90.60 10.90 57.61 67.95 6.96 74.11 74.45 8.96 90.61 90.90 10.95 57.96 68.35 7.00 74.40 74.86 9.00 90.91 91.30 11.00 58.36 58.75 7.06 74.86 75.26 9.06 91.31 91.70 11.06 58.76 69.20 7.10 75.26 75.70 9.10 91.71 92.16 11.10 59.21 59.60 7.16 76.71 76.10 9.16 92.16 92.60 11.15 59.61 60.00 7.20 76.11 76.46 9. 20 92.61 93.05 11.20 60.01 60.45 7.26 76.46 76.86 9.26 93.06 93.45 11.25 60.46 60.85 7.30 76.86 77.25 9.30 93.46 93.90 11.30 60.86 61.25 7.85 77.26 77.70 9. 35 93.91 94.30 11.35 61.26 61.70 7.40 77.71 78.10 9.40 94.31 94.75 11.40 61.71 62.10 7.45 78.11 78.45 9.45 94.76 05.20 11.46 62.11 62.50 7.50 78.46 78.85 9.50 95.21 95.65 11.60 62.61 62.95 7.65 78.86 79.25 9.65 95.66 96.10 11.65 62.96 63.35 7.60 79.26 79.70 9.60 96.11 96.50 11.60 63 36 63.75 7.65 79.71 80.10 9.65 96.61 96.95 11.65 63.76 64.20 7.70 80.11 80.50 9.70 96.96 97.40 11.70 64.21 64.60 7.75 80.51 80.96 9.75 97.41 97.85 11.76 64.61 65.00 7.80 80.96 81.40 9.80 97.86 98.25 11 80 65.01 65.45 7.85 81.41 81.85 9.85 98.26 98.65 11.85 65.46 65.85 7.90 81.86 82.30 9.90 98.66 99.05 11.90 65.86 66.25 7.95 82.31 82.75 9.95 99.06 99.45 11.95 66.26 66.70 8.00 82.76 83.15 10.00 99.46 99.85 12.00 68.71 67.10 8.06 83.16 83 60 10.05 99.86 100.25 12.05 67.11 67.60 8.10 83.61 84.00 10.10 100.26 100.65 12.10 I IMPORTANT NOTICES. Members are not permitted, undei' any circum- stances whatever, to lend their certificates, and must in all cases show them when required by any officer of any Railway Company from whom privileges are obtained, a refusal to do so renders members liable to a severe penalty. See clause on back of Certificate. In all cases it is desirable that Travellers should be at the station at least lo or 15 minutes before the time train is advertised to start, and so avoid giving un- necessary trouble to the employ6s of the Railway Companies. Quarterly Meetings of members shall be held on the second Saturday in February, May, August and November, at eight o'clock, at the Rooms of the Association. See By-LaWy Article Sy Clause 2, Members changing their address should notify the Secretary of same to insure prompt delivery of any notices that may be sent out by the Association. Directors meet on the first Saturday in every month at which meeting all claims and accounts are sub- mitted for approval. TURKISH BATHS, MONTREAL. Members, on production of their certificates, will be allowed a discount of 25 per cent, off usual charges. mm DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAYBLLERS' ASSOCIATION. 37 1887 lilST op rnEmfiE^s. Jvfr@=«-S^— Abbott, jr., Frank Auerbach, Z. Abrahams, L. E. Auld, R. S. Abrahams, L. Auldjo, Geo. Abrahams, S. Austin, Sam. Adams, C. K. Austin, Jno. S. Adams, W. C. Agar, M. E. Agnew, Wm. Barnard, H. A. Allan, J. H. Bartlett, A. A. Allen, Jos. Barclay, Wm. Allard, J. A. Balmer, R. G. Allan, Alex. Badenach, W. F. Allyn, A. S. Ball, J. R. Amyot, G. E. Barry, Geo. Amyot, Geo. E. Barry, Edmund. Amyot, L. P. Barnes, C. W. Angus, W. R. Ballentyne, Geo. Angus, W. M. Barette, O. A. Annett, Jas. R. Barbeau, O. Andrew, A. Barber, W. E. Andersqn, A A Barber, W. R. Anderson. '; iio A Bacon, F. Ande'son, 0. R. Baillie, Jno. Andre If. H. M. Baxter, Wm. ArmKiroi;^;, i). Balcer, E. Armstronf.j Jos. Barr, F. H^ Armstrong;, Jas. BarnVic . "'. T, Armstrong;, G. A. Bacon, i. P. Armstrong, Robt. Bailey, Wm. Armstrong, J. C. Baillie, Thos. S. Archambault, J. R. Bartram, C. E. Archambault, A. R. Basil, Felix. Arnoldi, E. C. Battis, A. J. Arpit;, Z. Bpgg, H. E. Aronstam, P. j UrMen, U. r. Ascher, J. G. 1 Bauiaann, J. i> 38 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Barlow, A. L. Black, J. C Beach, A. C. Blackader, C. H. Beach, W. G. Blackley, H. P. Beach, Asa. Blackwell, A. T. Belleau, G. N. Blyth,jr., Jno. Beattie, J no. Blaiklock, H. M. Besserer, L. J. P. Blain, Z. H. Bennett, Chas. H. Bloor, C. H. Belodeau, F. X. Bluth, Hy. Beauchamp, W. P. Blundell, W. C. Bernstein, Abel. Boxer, R. J, Belanger, F. X. Boxer, S. S. Belanger, L. L. Boxer, Fred. Bell, Thos. D. Boulter, W. Bell, Andrew. Booth, Robt. Beckett, Jas. Bourgouin, Geo. 0. Bedard, A. Boyd, Jas. N. Bertrand, L. N. Boon, W. E. Beaudry, Jos. Boissey, A. Begin, L. H. Boisseau, E. Beaudet, Geo. Bolton, Ralph. Beaumont, H. H. Bond, H. E. Benjamin, F. P. Bourret, G. Beauchemin, Hy. Bowes, Archd. Benjamin, E. A. Bogue, jr., Hy. Bell, Robt. Bourdeau, J. Benson, J. W. Bourdeau, T. Beuthner, C. A. Bourbon, A. Belcher, H. M. Boas, Feodor. Beaudry, L. J. D. Boas, B. A. Beauchamp, L. G. Bcsse, C. S Beulac, R. Bcurbonais, 0. A. Billingsly, F. Boivin, Geo. Bishop, Geo. H. Brown, Wm. Bishop, A. F. Brown, Thos Binks, C. H. Brown, J. Harvey. Biumore, Fred. Brown, A. A. Birks, A. Brown, T. V. R. Birks, Fred. Brown, Jas. Bickley, F. A. Brown, J. S. Birmingham, Jno. Brown, Cecil A. Bigneli, C. A. Brown, Allen. Birch, Sam. Brown, W. H. Black, D. D. Brown, W. Godbee Black, Jno. P. Brown, J. G. H. Black, Jno. Browne, Geo. Black, L. S. Bruueau, F. Black, Jas. F. Bruneau, Louis w DOMINION OOMMEROIAL TRAYBLLERS' ASSOCIATION. 39 LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Bruce, D. S. Buzzell, L. B. Bruce, J. K. Buzzell, H. R. Bryson, D. Bryson, C. Brais, N. E. Cann, A. E. Breton, J. P. E. Cantwell, Thos. Brooks, Geo. Canfield, W. A. Brooks, Thos. Cantlie, J. A. Brayley, R. E. Cantley, Thos. BradLy Jas. Cantellon, Frank. Brankin, Ed. Came, F. E. Brady, Thos, J. Campbell, Colin. Brady, F. A. Campbell, D. J. Brophy, Thos. Campbell, Jno. Brophy, Jas. Campbell, Duncan. Brophy, D. Campbell, C. C. Brophy, Thos. S. Campbell, W. T. Bryce, R. H. Campbell, D. M„ Braastad, H. Campbell, A. S. Brunei, L. J. C. Caldwell, R. Bremner, W. T. Cadieux, L. A. Bremner, Wm. Cains, Geo. L. Brims, J. C. Cains, Fred. L. Brennan, Jas. Carter. S. J. Browley, W. J. Gathers, W. A. Brosseau, Geo. Carter, S. M. C. Bray, J. L. Carter, Wm. Briggs, A. T. Carter, E. J. Brodeur, A. N, Carnegie, Jno. H. Erunnelle, Jos. Carter, F. E. 1 Bullock, C. C. Casson, W. S. Bullick, J. S. Casey, Thos. R,, Buchanan, S. P. Cass, M. ' ! Buchanan, J. E. Calcut, J. Y. Burnham, Silas. Carrier, Jos. Burch, Frank. Caron, L. D. Buckley, M. J. Carss, Hy. _ Buti°r, A. R. Callahan, Wm. H. Buell, Wm. Carleton, jr., E. W. Burns, P. H. Cameron, Geo. A. Burgess, W. R, Carron, Jas. F. L. Bulmer, Jno. A. Carley, D. L. Bulmer, jr., H. Carbray, Ed. Burland, G. B. Carstens, Fred. Butterfield, F. D. Cevalier, G. Buckley, W. C. Chapman, R. H. G. Busby, O. C. Champeau, H. Buzzell, E. Chouinard, Alf. \ i: m f.l m" 40 DOMINION OOMMEROIAL TRAVELLBBS* ASSOCIATION. LIST OF MEMBERS— Confinwed. Chjpchase, W. L. Conway, Thos. Church, T. J. Couillard, P. N. Church, R. Corestine, T. J. Chamberlain, R. R. Cordrey, W. G. Chamberlain, J. 0. Cowper, A. Chaloner, E. A. Comeau, L. Chadburn, T. A. Coates, Thos, Chandler, F. C. Coyle, E. J. Cherry, Robt. Cole, A. G. Christie, J. N. Cole, W. P. Charest, Samuel Coghlin, B. J. Chouillon, C. A. Col well, Jas. Clark, Geo. W. Courteau, Edgar. < lark, Wm. Colson, C. E. t;N-v T. H. Collins, J. M. Cii-vfti r d, Geo. F. Collins, T. C. CleiiR )• F. X. Cobb, A. H. Clarihue, J. B. Cohen, Jacob. Cleghorn, W. J. Cohn, S. J. Clelland, Jas. Collette, E. Cleland, Geo. R. CoUette, A. F. Clucas, Hy. Cotton, R. N. Clegg, Jno. Common, R. B. Close, Peter. Colidge, S. E. Claxton, T. J. Creelman, M. Clunnie, Jno. S. Crosby, P. A. Copland, £. H. Croil, Jas. Cook, Ed. Craig, Robt. Cooper, Chas, Cranston, Jas. Cochrane, C. H. Crawford, Jno. Cochrane, F. Crawford, Geo. Codere, L. J. Cronk, S. Codere, F. S. Craven, W. A. Cowan, Wm. Craven, Jno. R. Cowan, A. L. Cross, Jas. H. Cowan, S. L. Crossley, F. Cowan, Hugh, Crevier, J. D. Cook, S. H. Creighton, T. C. Cook, F. L. Gumming, Jas. Cooke, G. G. N. Gumming, W. T. Colquhoun, C. H. Cummings, E. E. Conner, D. S, Cunningham, T. E. Cottd, B. E. Cunningham, W. E. Cotd, F. S. Cuthbert, Frank. Cotd, G. E. Currie, E. F. Cox, Jos. R. Gushing, Ed. Cox, Jas. P. Gushing, Fred. Cob urn, N. DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TBAVRLLBRB' ASSOCIATION. 41 LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Davidson, J. Davidson, J. J. Davison, C. L. Davis, E. Davis, E. H. Davis, M. E. Davis. C. J. W. Davis, Louis Davis, Wm. Dalglish, Robt. Dawes, A. J. Dawes, Wm. Daoust, A. £. Daoust, E. Daly, H. S. Danaher, W. P. Danaher, J no. Dakin, Robt. Dart, H. J. Darche, A. L. Deacon, R. S. Deacon, Jno. L. Deacon, Jno. M. Dean, H. J. Delorme, C. E, Delorme, Gus. Delisle, C. A. Delorier, N. L. Delude, F. R. Dechene, P. M. Dechene, G. M. Derick, G. C. Decary, J. S. Desmarais, G. A. Desparois, L. M. Denison, Howard. Demers, A. G. Demers, S. J. Demers, L. O. Derbyshire, D. Dessane, Alexis. Deutsh, M. Deschamps, F. R. De Gruchy, P. De Guise, P. T. De Granpre, F. X. D'Estomonville, G. De Witt, Jno. De Lait, A. De Lottinville, E. De Sola, C. J. De Wolfe, E. Dibblee, G. Y. Dickey, J. J. Dickson, A. G. Dickison, Thos. Dillon, Frank. Dillon, J. St. Geo. Dion, Nap. Dingman, M. W. S. Dobbie, D. Dobson, T. H. Dods, W. A. Donahue, Jas, A. Donoghue, T. G. Donohoe, Thos. Donnelly, Jos. Donnelly, Jno. T. Donnelly, Jas. P. Dougall, C. H. Dougall, J. S. N. Douglas, Jas. Douglas, Jas. A. Douglas, A. C. Douglas, Jas. H. Dorken, H. W. Dorion, Jno. H. Doyle, P. S. Doyle, Jno. E. Doyle, W. A. Dolan, Jas. Dowker, V. de Veu. Dowker, A. H. Downey, H. W. Dowsley, Wm. Dowsley, B. J. Downs, J. A. Drake, T. C. Drew. Ale':. Drolet, P. A. Drouin, Alfd. Drouin. F. B. Drummond, Thos. J. Drummond, Geo, £. Dubord, R. G. T. Duclos, A. F. i ■> HI ? m 42 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TBAVBLLBRS' ASSOCIATION. LIST OF iilEMBERS— Continued. Duclos, C. A. Duperow, N. Duquette, W. J. Duffus, W. S. DuflFus, Alfd. Dumaresq, E. Dumaresq, J. P. Duchesneau, Z. Ducharme, T. A. Ducharme, Louis. Dufresne, Chas. Dufresne, R. Dusablond, Jos. H. Dugan, J. L. Dulmage, Jno. Duhamel, A. Pr-an, A. B Di.un, Robt. Duranceau, Oscar. Duplessis, Thos. Duval, T. A. Dugan, Jos. S. N. Dwyer, J. T, Dyer, Geo. E. Dyke, Jas A. Eastman, A. G. Eastmure, A. L. Edmunds, Wm. Edwards, H. O. Edwards, Geo. O. Edwards, H. W. Edwards, J. P. Edy, H. O. Edgar, Jno. Egan, G. C. Egan, Jno. Eggett, R. K. Elliot, N. H. Elliot, R. A. Elliott, Alfd. Ely, Homer. England, Israel. Engelkie, H. H. Etiennc, Jos. C. Evans, W. H. Evans, J, E. Evans, Jas. G. Ewan, Alex. Ewing, Wm. Ewing, Sam. W. Fairbairn, Robt. B. Fairbairn, J. J. Fairman, A. N. Farmer, Wm. J. Farrell, Jas. Farrell, Wm. Far well, Alfd. Fales. Jno. Favreau, A. J. Faulkner, N. Farquharson, M. Ferguson, G. B. Ferguson, D. M. Ferguson, Jno. S. Ferguson, James. Ferguson, W. F. Featherston, R. D. Ferron, Jno. Feehan, F R. Fee, W. R. Feeley, M. J Ferris, C. J. Felch, C. E. Fenton, jr. , Sol. Finlay, Wm. Finlay, John. Finlay, F. F. Finlayson, Alex. Field, H. A. Field, J. T. Fields, Chas. H. Fisher, T. E Fisher, Hamilton. Fischel, G. Filer, R. Firth, D. C. Fitzgibbon, M. Flack, D. A. Fleck, A. W. Fleck, jr., Alex. Fleming, D. A. DOMINION COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. 43 LIST OF MEUBERfi- Continued. [ Flint, Thos. R, Forbes, Geo. Forbes, Geo. E. Forbes, W. E. Forbes, R. Foster, W. B. Foster, jr., S. K. Foster, Ed. I.. Foster, Thos. Foisy, Geo. W. Foisy, L. G Forsyth, R. Forman, J no, Fortier, Ed. Fournier, J. B. Foutaine, Marcel. Ford, Jos. Frake, A. Eraser, Thos. Eraser, Donald. Eraser, J no. Freeman, R. S. Frederick, Jos. French, C. H. Erossard, Jno. D. Fuller, Thos. Eurniss, Hy. W. Gabler, G. O. Gabler, C. T. Gadin, W. C Gagnon, L. N. Gardner, Jas. L. Gardner, Jno. G. Gardner, A. G. Gardner, A. W. Gardnier, Jas. Gait, And. Gallagher, Robt. Galbraith. J. G. Galbraith, Wm. Gaudrie, F. E. Gauthier, P. Gauthier, P. A. Gauthier, A. Gauthier, E. Garneau, Z. Garneau, F. P. Garneau, E. B. Garucau, D. Gale, A. H. Garratt, R. A. Gariepy, A. Gariepy, C. Gariepy, Ludger. Geary, N. H. Gerard, J. A. Germain, D. N. Genereux, C. U. Gendron, J. P. Gendron, O. Gendron, J. H. Giblin, M. Gibson, R. E. Gibson, R. L. Gibson, W. J. Gibsone, J. F. Giblin, M. Gillies, Geo. Gillies, David. Gilmour, Jas. Gilmour, Jas. D. Gilmour, Jno. L. Gilmour, W. B. Giroux, A E. Girard, Louis. Gillan, W. J. Gillespie, Peter. Glass, R. M. Glassford, Hugh. Glegg, Jno. Glenny, Geo. Glen, J. R. Gnaedinger, E. W. Gorman, S. R. Gormley, Frank. Goodhue, J. B. Good, J. B. Gould, .J A. Golding, R. Gower, Wm. E. Gowdey, Alex. Goodaere, E. B. Goldberg, Z. Gosling, Wm. M wmmm 44 DOMINION COMMERCIAL TBAYBLLBRS* ASSOCIATION. LIST OF MEMBERS— Continued. Goldstein, Jacob. Goodwin, W. Goodman, Jos. Goldstein, S. J. Gondreault, J. V. N. Gourley, J. F. Grant, Jno. Grant, Geo. Grant, Lewis. Grant, C. H. A. Grant, J. P. Grant, Miles. Graham, G. C. Graham, Thos. Graham, Jno. F. Graham, Wm. Graham, Robt. Greene, E. Kirk. Greene, R. Greene, W. B. Green, C H. Griffin, W, H. Granger, A. Gravel, Ludger. Gregoire, J. F. Greenleese, S. F. Greenleese, G. W. Greenberg, J. Greig, Wm. Grenier, Edouard. Gravel, P. Grose, Walter. Greany, E, F. Grafftey, W. K. Grills, G. H. Guay, Geo. Guay, H. H. Gurd, Chas. Guest, Jas. Gunning, B. Guthrie, David. Hall, R. D. Hall, F. H. Hall, Thos Haley, Wm. Halliday, H. H. Haldimand, R. McK. Hamilton, A. Hamilton, Chas. E. Hamilton, A. Hamilton, P. H. Hamilton, Jno. Hamilton, Jno. Hamilton, J. Hamilton, Robt. Hamelin, A. Hamelin, Edmour. Hambly, W. H. Hamon, P. S. Hanbrich, F. H. Harris, A. Harris, W. H. Harris, Irwin. Harries, Thos. Harries, Gus. Haram, Thos. Hardill, Geo. Harvey, H. H. Harper, Geo. D. Harrower, Geo. H. Hardy, A. H. Haffa, Jas. H. Hannah, J. W. Hawley, D. R. Haines, F. S. Hay, J. C. Hayes, Jno. G. Hayden, A. W. Haycock, A. B. Haywood, Alfd. Hagar, Jno. T. Haskett, S. W. Haskett, Jno. F. Hastie, N. A. Haskett, S. G. Hart Alex. Heaton, F. R, Hearle, S. N. Hecker, E. Hebert, E. Hetherington, S. Hetherington, J. A. Henderson, Robt. Hemsley, Chas. m DOMINION OOMHBROIAL TRAYBLLBRS' ASSOCIATION. 45 LIST OF WSMBEBS— Continued. Henry, W. S. Heffer, E. W. He£ferman, W. S. Heenan, J. F. Hervieux, J. A. Heuser, Ed. Hewson, Hy. Hibbard, W. P. Hill, W. C. Hill, Wm. Hill, Geo. Hill, A. G. Hills, F. W. Hird, S. Hillman, Geo. L. Higgins, T. W. Higginson, A. T. Higginson, E. G. Hirshiield, H. Hood, Archd. Hood, H. W. Hodges, W. G. Hodges, G. H. Hodges, J. H. Hodge, Geo. Hodgson, E. A. Hodgson, Irwin J. Hodgson, H. A. Hodgson, J. Arthur. Hoagg, A. D. Hogg, D. H. Holland, A. H. Holland, H. M. Holland, A. T. Holland, Robt, K. Holland, R. Hy. Holland, J. E. Hocken, J. M. Hope, Frs. Howard, C. E. Howard, Thos. E. Howden, Jas. G. Howell, E. J. Hopkins, J no. L. Hopper, R. T. Holden, J. C. Horsfall, Jos. Hossack, A. D. Houde, J. L. P. Hudon, L. L. A. Hudon, Alph. Hudon, Hya. Hudson, J. A. Hughes, Fred, Hughes, Jno. Hutching, Wm. Hutchinson, R. B. Hutchinson, Chas. Hutchinson, Archd, Humphrey, J. M. Hurley, D. H. Hurteau, A. Huot, G. Hyman, L. Hyman, H. Hyman, M. E. Hyke, A, C. Ingersoll, J, M. Irving, Wm. J. Ireland, J. H. Isola, A. J. M. Jack, Andrew Jack, Torrance Jack, F. B. Jackson, O. D. Jackson, W. E. Jameson, Jno. W. Jameson, H. Jardine, R. Jarvis, A. W. Jenkins, H. C. Jenkins, Hy. Jeffrey, Alex. Jobin, P. Johnston, Robt. Johnston, Thos. Johnston, W. F. Johnston, A. T. Johnston, Jno. Johnston, H. M. Johnson, Wm. Johnson, E. H. 46 DOMINION OOMMBROIAL TRAVELLERS' ASSOCIATION. LIST OF MEMBERS-Contimied. Johnson, Jas. , Lachambre, E. Johnson, Wm. Lafleur, I. L. Jonas, H. Laflamme, W. S. Jones, C. A. Lafontaine, A. M. Jondre, Wm. Lalonde, C. Jolicoeur, J. Lalonde, J. H. Joseph, Geo. R. Lalonde, A. Joseph, Ily. J. Lalonde, R. A. Joubert, S. D. Lalonde, A. Joubert, L. N. Lalonde, Jos. Lalanne, W. Lambert, Alfd. Kay, Geo. Lambert, J. E. Karley, J M. Lamontagne, J. B. Kearney, Wm. Lamalice, F. E. Kearney, Thos. Lambly, G. W. Keating, Chas. Lanctot, O. Kearns, Thos. Lanctot, Ed. Ker, Thos. Lanthier, J. G. Kerr, Jas. B. Lanthier, F. H. Kerr, D. M. Lang, Alfd Kerr, Isaac Langan, Frank Kerr, Chap E. Langan, Geo. Kent, A. J. Langlois, E. Kemp, W. A. Langton, J. H. Kemp, A. E. Landon, Chas. , Kendry, Jas. Landerman, Frs. Kelly, Chas. B. I