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'* \ -:'-:;.- ■ '■ ■- - ' -■ V ■ •' ■-'-'- ■■•■■■■■''". i MICROCOPY .RESOlUTIO|>l TEST OlAtT ^ (ANSI and"lSO TEST CHART No. 2) SJ*. ■ ^ APPLIED IIVHGE I, nc 1 653 Ztaji Main Street RochesJer, New York H609 USA (716), *a2- 0300- Phon* (716)'288-5989 -Fax •»♦' ^^t'" f: W'>'.i ?iJ^3r9-^3^,-\ >.-i."S.-V,-t-\,-\,^^.--,-\.'\.-\."V\.-\.-\. W-X "^ .■^ ^r^ '»", f^M TOEONTO: <; PbirxBD fob Titl^ IScparimtnt at^ubUc Instnirtimt t/c iRpiirt ffanaHa, bt • ' liOTSLL AND QlBSON. V- 1858. ^Ss<^g;;g^)— ,^S>f^^> ^r^ . ir^- C^^y;i=^ V p. 1. t . ♦.'# ''f^ ' .N, iSi^J^i R^LES ; i 'A ■ "■*" , ■■'■i... fOBTSI V off nn ^ODIL GRAMMAR SCHOOL rom vvrsB oavasa, ;«^''^"^v,U' ^.;r •' ':/ '->■ ;• -;■,-; ■. V,,, ■. - COURSE OF INSTJtUOTION. • ^v^ %fffttlt fey t|( Omicil «f f «kU( Jii«tc»(tlf« ftr Hyyir Ctaafe*. 4,^.'. TOfiONTO: ^ Lorau AVD Oimov. 1868, Mt '■ ' :* " * f;-^ 'f .. .JX-l^-J'-'ISk- % ■; », ft ui: .'4 <» ^uy U;.'<^ j'f /.Mi/./..;i..-) XAViiM :■ ft,-#,*5,^ -/i> ■.¥ . -at ■ li^W^-d -a,^ 4*4 f!f^'*%{'if' *' '* f"-^; •^ \\' S*'l»t'1^«^'|} w,' oo?sRNiiBirr~Ain> Dtsomjin of thi kodel aaiMiiAB ^^^ j^ ,»^ 80B00L FOB UPPER OAlTlIU. ■ "■ i, ,.,■ ...... ■ * Approved hy the Couneil of Public InstmetioHt 6tk Ang%tt^ 1608. '^';» ;vt»«**^m'V».<. ' ' »rt »WA«(^»:tW!i'*jrr^.^-:jg||,^ fk'^riy,] #*jv;t3^h _M>.44i(l^!Jt W FifUli' ,^'*l. ■,.4l *^ y' r The goTemment and diiciplin« of the Model Grammar for Upper Canada are lodged in the handa of the Council of Pul lie Initruction, which, while it.reterres to itaelf the right of finally dianuMing oi expelling any pupil* haa entraated the ordii ^nary routine of diie Ju Une to the Rector, auhjeet, however, to the foUgwing rules i ' ■ tf ■ I 1. Breaches of diae^luie ahfU ,|»p.," ^ 2. OidiiMry offences ar« those which do not imply on the part of tlie pupil a direct purpose i^ oreat« disoider, and these shall he made known officially to the pupils as the txigeneies of the school may require. K \ k ■1- I •i 8. Eitnuirdinarjr offenori are thoie which imply, on the p«rt bf the pupil, t»f kiad of btentioQal diaordcr^ or Mr* otherwiM / itrlof 4. A demerit mtff oiT Miff iKaII be the penalty •ttaehed io h'/;M theM ordinarj 'offences on their fint occurrence ; but ilMiuld the offence b« o(Hnmitted after the pupil hu been qiectaliy warned by th« Maatar, a record shall be ntade to that Ulect, and a demerit mark of (wo be iofltcted, and an addf- tioiud demerit mark for ere^ additional warning. In no caae, howeTer, shall the demerit mark be increased by repetition, or otherwise, beyond yfvff. V^ •,*fAi- . ' ^ ■' " 5. The demerit for lateness and absence, unless excused by the Beotor, shall be marked as follows : fire dHnutes late, 1 ; ten aiMilC 2 ; fifteen minutes, 3 ; absent the wholie hour, 5. Tra- tSai^flUkjing shall be dealt with as an extraordiaa^ offeniM»tf i 6i No pupil shall be allowed to depart before tl^ hour ap- inted for closing school, except in case of sicknes^^or some pressind/ emergency, and then the Rector's consent musl^first be obtained. K-rU' ^K. w 7. Any pupil having presented a note or ti(MT writing {mtily purporting to be signed by his parent, guardian, or by other\ sponsible person, shall be deemed guilty of a reiy grare ixBeui and shall be dealt with accordingly. / j* * J? * ' ,^\, 8. Each Master before leaTing M^MrsBaHdidlyr^ ** Register of Conduct," the marjifi for misconduct made by him during the day, and these shaU'be transferred by the Rector to the <« Demerit Book.* m - .,*r:-: ' i , \ * • t , A, :■ . •' . ) f ' > ■ • •■■ r '# /■ ■ . 7 : •■ ■ -■- - r- / : /."■■' -■■• #- ' ./ ' ' • ■ ■-;;fflinder «t once to the Rector, who ihall deal with him •mmd* big to hia diecretio%j •I., ^^^jBKfitflien a pupITs demerit vcmA* during titiy three lueceieiTe tMonthi of the aame seteion, amount to CO, it thai I be the duty df the Reotor to lUipend him until th« nexi itated meeting of tht . If aatere, and to notify hii parent or guardian accordingly. If then, the pujitj and liis parent or guardian appear, and lead the ftector and Maitera to beliere that in future there will be a decided reform, they may re-admit him on trial, or, with th« ■pprobation of the Chief Superintendent of Education, .ooii» tinue his suapenrion from week to we^k until the next meeting tff the Cjfivincil of Public Inatniction weMc un n. ^X- /. hi 'mw' it marli of a pupu thuf i e oement marti or a pupu tbuf re-admtttea on ^rtal tpin amount to 60 within the next three months, he shall be sufpended by the Rector for one m(mth, after whldi time, " e Rector and Masters may, with the approbation of the Chief Superintendent, re-admit iiim a second time on trial, or conttnii* his suspension as before stated* ■iff" - »tt 12. iboold a pupa OB* hii seeond or any subsequent tria!» •gain, within three months, accumulate demerit marks to the fittount of 60, the Rector ahall suspend him indefimtely, and Mport the case to the Oonnoil of Pnblic Instruotion. . .,^*i^^'-" / 19. Bntiy cafe of continued suspension shall be reported lo Jbe Cop«U of Pablio Instruotbn at Uieir next meeting.^ ./ ^ ▲ a IF 't>B%,if Jwji gjpOTit conduct hit not been jptirt&wtory* ■■.jm'0i<^^i<^' <'m:'m-:^^myM.:L ■r .;^* 16. For taaj one act of gross misconduct, or a* violent or wil- fbi opposition to his authority, or that of any Master, the Rector May Buspeiid a pupil, forthwith informing the parent or guardian ti the fac^ and Uie reason of it, and communicating the same to the Council of Public Instruction; but no pupil shall be eaipelled without the authority of the Ck)unca, , , i :^^;^ 16. AU suspensions shall be recorded in the minutes. '^ '^^, ; 17. The Sector and Masters may at any time, and during JHgr *tege in the process of discipline recommend the expulsion , of a pupil to the Council of Public Instruction. 18. When'any artm«itr'*^^^^^^ PE/ V ^ waun. / pt/ 20. A pupil maj b« promoted by the Rcctw to % higher cUmm at any time on the recommeadatioii of hie Muten, if hii age end general attainmenti lypear to render it eaqpedienfe. 81. The Rector alone shall inflict corporal punishment, ind only when such shall seem to him absolutely necessary. 32. The stated meeting of the Rector and liasterl shall b4| heULerery Friday, at 4 30, P.M. The manner in which the ordinary class honon are determin* ed is as follows : *« ■f/'S.(V. ffiach Master keeps a "Daily Regi«ter*' of the marks and of th#' conduct of each pupil. At the end of the month the variona class marks are added together, and the average of the pupiTs marks in each subject of sti^dy is found by dividing his sum bjr the number of recitotionsw All Ms averages are then added together, and to the sum is added, proportionally, his demerit marks, and the combined result bdng divided by the number of his averages, gives his monthly average. A nmilar resuTiis bbtaiiled for each moFnth of the session. The averages of the various months are,t^eneombined, and give the "Aven^ of Monthly Resulto." At the end of each quarter, the pupil is sub- jected to a rigorous written and oral examination on his studioi —it being so arranged thai the classical and modem langniiges alternate with the mathematical and adentific department. Tbe ma^ks thus obtained give t)ie"^SxaminationAveragf!," wliioh ia added to l^e /* Average of Monthly Results," and the oombii^ tlon of these two constitutes the "SsepiOM Avbk46b" ifl|u^ determlnea the order of merit for the class honours. « r W^^^m^^'f'^mk^. '•1 'jJ.S,r-j>::t»^ii.-JjuiiiL,Sji ■'W^r To render the for^;oiiig rules reftUy efficient, I purpoie adopli^ ing the follo^ng routbe ^|^. ;^,j,i; ^^ u«>..» .fM^i A»t*^ ,.. ., yi^itV A monthly report afaaU he sent to each parent or gna r Hia i y hj which he ihaU he reg;uUrly adyised .of hi* ion's or ward'i CM^nduct and standing in the Tariotits hranches of study. These the parent, after signing, shall cause to he deUrered to ine. — But il these are sometimes rigned as a mereibrm, and a pupil i» thus allowed gradually to accumulate often thrtrngh mefl^~: tjlionghtlessness, a pretty large account of demerit marhs, and thus hecome exposed to severe penalties, I shall, wheneref- ^ demerit marks amount to 25, call the immediate attenr tipn of the parent to V the danger. By explaining to him the iMtnre of the demerit marks, |[ shall seciure his cooperation in reidsting the h^pimings of eril—- one of the great ohjecti of a sound education. Moreoyer, I shall fumidi him with a diJSly rq>ort of his aim's conduct, so that he may, hy constant aiu| steady pressure, hiing about the derared chang^^ which no sudden or violent effbrt could have effected. The parei# alsa of every pupil admitted on trial after su^tension shall h9 ftuntished with a Bunihur daily report. „ ^ ^^ j. .. , - %;^^f By adopthlg the plan here sketdbed, every pupit will he ikuide to ftel that tiie honors of the school must he ohtained hy good ooodiiet as w^ as by superior ahilitieBr aa ev«rf demerit minrk wfil nateriaUy affect the average of iui^^ mfoM hii ititidii^ in the class. The pttpUs w9I thuir he luore' . than educated ; they iHIl he traitted^ No vioteat meamires^ hat: .'%■■ ■*■; .< s- .'•' ~f MVLMk n: '■'%'■ m .< Iv ^ ■ * . ..." . \ .■■..-.■ a moderate preeimre itetuinj applied and tinatywhiih felt» #in be the guiding principle of the syitem, and the habits, tfaita gradii»> ally and almott nnconMioaaly formed, of pnnctualit j and exact* ncM in the diicharge of every duty will be the best guarantee for the ftiture. . * It would be no difficult matter, by a system of terror and repression, to secure perfect outward obedience arid order, or rather unnatural stillness in every class, but as those motive iexist only at school, and are wholly different from those by which our conduct in after life is to be influenced, I conuder the method proposed as most important, viewed educationally. For under the common system of terror the intellect cannot be fully de- veloped, the conscience will not be educated, no habit of self- control will be cultivated, the harinonioiis development of our powers omnot be effected, and a very erroneous estimate of the real accountabilities of life will be formed, or rather, the pupil will have little or no idea of future accountabUity. According to the foregoing plan df discipline, a pwoishmeot ihvariably follows immediately upon the ofiienoe,. while at the same time the pupil is trained to the habit of caldnlatin|^e more serious and lasting consequences, by looking fcwward to the end of the month, the end of the quarter, the end of the term, the end of the year, and the end of his course* before entering the university or up. •p!, I u y;.*w!;> Muj|jj,'; ir. K./'-^i- to 9*16 Prayera. •45 to 1046 COmh* 10-45 to U-O ?la]r. 11 to 19-90 XnaMea CtauCsUr. ' ; ''■ ^ ■' ■• P.M. 12-30 to 2*0 BooeMk ' 2-0 to 4*16 OlaMMS. , 4-15 . . Prmyem ' 4-30 . . DiimiMML "^f TvwiM and Ouardiana are z«q>eotfoUy infoimed that Htneia bow or wardi have oertain leMona preacribed for erery eyening, and they an pariiiefularly reqneated to allow no anrangenlent to interfere ykiVk the due preparation of tham. Fram two-and allialf to tinreehoora and a half apee required for that prnpoae^ aooodrding to the olaai and, ahiU^'d! the pupil ^ „ J y^< Ptqukwho do not go hoine during fhereoeea from 12-80 to 2p,ii. may, dimng indemeftt weathMr, obtain the Beetcnr'a petmiailon Mil :^tiine in the School Library. ' . .-^ A IjKmiox^f rwiik OTory oonvenienoe, haa been prodded; and eaidi pupii has a private box or oompartment for hia hoolc|^ 'hmdieon, Jtd " \ ^rr -.J.. (^■.v.^-^p. ..•.•■ " ■ •.>%fir-ni^, Pmtiealar oare muat be taken of the bnildhngi^ internal fitlingi^ «iid fondtuKi. Writing or marking on the wa]]% throning atones or other miiiwlflff ; cuttii^ the deak% forms, or ofherwiae defacing ihe fumitaire, — are strictly forbidden. Any injury committed in these re^MOla ia tepabfed at IJw eqpenae of those implieated, and Wiilbd'otlMrwiBe.pinnnlMd. '.:..i^:\ Vig^ are ^a^pwed to majnttjn,* neat aadgemanly iqppe(|«moe jh|i1ii0&'dwi, aaweUjaiagentliMiianly.dMneanonr towards eaA oilier. .^ Aixf fogj^atLoiia regaiditq^ the diaraeter and trei^nMnt of ttoir aon% will be gratefully iteceived froos paroits. OEaRQS R. a. .cbCKBtJBK, M. A., //>. ■^: .^ «ovMB ov nmmucTioi*. 4>v n ■■*^^ -w . .'.! . r' ^^: cdirilsis OF instbuction MODEL QBAMMAB BOHOOl. FOB UFPBB CANADA. *Uth .■■..■> TIm Modd Ommnar School, •tftabliahed % the ComicU of ■Public iBfltmctioiifor Upper CaiMda, U mainly intended to ex- emplify the best method of teachi n g the hnuHches j^quired by law to be taught mthe Grammar Schools, especially Clasnisi and.: Mathematics, as a model, for the Grammar Sdliools of the country. The regular curriculum of %in yean embraces an extended course of instruction in Latio, Greek, Mathematics, French, German, English Grammar, literature and Compositbn, history and Geogn^hy, both ancient and modem, jDogi^ Bhetorit^ and Mental Scifflic^ Natural History andPhyncal Science JSridencet of Beyealed Religion, the usual Commercial Branc^e8,i)hiwing, Music, Gymhastio aid DrilK EMroises ; tiic more advanced Students ii^ also attend Lectures in the Tarions departmepts of Litera^oirej Sdence and Art. * ^ Onlyone hundred pupils wiU be admitted. " Ajceordingly, the numbers in each dass will jbe strictly limited, in order ihaft a due r^;ard may be jil^ to the peculiar temper and disporition tiee of a highrtoned morality. \'!!:-'^'>'^:^-' t, / \ tft oovRM or iMtravcnoN. kt ^JV'', Erery Pupil miMt follow the preicribed eoune of instruction, Mid ptu tlie entnmce examination in B«ading, Spelling, Writing, the limpie and compound rulii of Arithmetic, the elementa of EugUah Grammar and outlinef of Qeography. The School oontaina lai|;e and well yentilated ClaM-roomi, with ante-rooms, a Library, Labdratory, and a Hall for assem- bling the whole school. The most recent improvements in ■ehool architecture and school ftimiture hare been adopted. A plmy-ground of several acres is attached, with gymnastic a^- paMtus. and covered sheds for exarcise in wet weather. / The course of instruction is so arranged as to prepare and ■trengthen th^ mind for the more severe study of each succeed- By the peculiar system of discipline adopted; the conduct and j^lication of the Pupils will be regulated by motives similar to those by which our condnct in after life is influenced, and the taiious honours will be made to depend as much on good con- duct as sound scholarship. JfmSifi tmm a distance caa|ipaid in private houses sanctioned iiy the Coundl, at p*Hces 4n«d i^n b/the parenU.gf the pnpils and tl|^ keepers of the bouses. A pupil will be allowed to board in ray private fiunily, at the request of his parents. , There STO four Scholastic Terms in the year, and the/ee at ptm^ !■ fi^o doUan per qualter, payable in advtn^. AHiipplieations for admission to be transmitted in wiitiog to the 0M»f 8vq^«nntend«iit pf Education for Upper Canada. Toronto, Jidy, 1858. U*'>ui'v;L., ' 1^ *• , >9 J \i ./b '^f^ys ;■» si* 't^t' - ,^ M ^ ^ ^^^M r - . . 1 i ^ ^w « *• / 1 ^^^ ^^^^^^v ' * ■/ / ' ■ 1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^r 1 9 r • • - ^r • 'i: V / . ■ 'i- : ^ 7 1 ■ ■ ^ ■;s , ' V /-■■■- . V ■ ■■ .-.'■ .'■'■}■ ■ ■ i . : /v . - / . . ; . ■ ■ '*" •■. -■ . - ■;;■.>; .: {'■■• ■. "■> ■ ■ ■■. / " CT I \ ■ram