IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 11.25 1^ i^ IIM tii m a 1^ 1^ IIIM Hi Ki Hi tut 1^ IIIM m 1.4 III 1.6 V] <^ /}. "9;. y /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST WEBSTER MAIN STREET t.N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 iV iV * <> m ^\ '^ " oyes i I scry; "e. ! Peri sprite! can nouglittliu ten'post still? Uid music's sound Aloud resound I It conquered Saul • And soothed his soul When Hew the dart In fury to the siiepherd's heart. Soft pity to infuse, Invoke the tuneful muse. The Persian victor owned its power; To sorrow moved, his fury o'er, Stern fortune's fitful mood he mourned, His burning ra2;c to sighs he turned, And grieving o'er man's ills below, The gushing ^ears began to flow. Sir g Peri, sing Sweet peace and hope and mercy's i)ovver. Bid forests ring, And o'er the boiling wave, 6 Difliisc iIk! sootliini,' strain ; TIh! soni; of lioi>((Hlia!l save. When puwerlcss all beside To stem wild |)assion's tide. O, for Timotlieus' strain ! Or thine, Cecilia divine I In holiest rapture's vein, In harraony snblime, Let both combine, The spheres conjoin, As echo to the cascade's chime Thy tones, divinest maid, That ''drew an angel down." Or thine, upon the sounding lyre that made Those master lays that mortals bore In ecstacy to Heaven ! In songs all new be given Oh hill and plain, Hope's cheering strain ! L^, Lo, in ncstatic nioasuros, Tells she of promidcd pleasures ! Touched by her magic hand, tiio chords rosoutid ; Louder and louder still .she pour.s alon;L,' Her sweetest notes ; the caverns echo round ; The charmed dryads, warble to the song ; Earth's loveliest scenes the entrancing music hail. And vocal are the woods, the hills, the vale. Now, as her softest, holiest themes she chose. Were heard responsive, murmuring at each close, Celestial voices round the listonin" shore. "Let joy prevail ! be hate and war no more." The choral Naiads sang. The red man smiled, His soul witli •li'oasure thrilled, and he threw down His gory tomahawk ! No more defiled Shall be his hand to seek in blood the victor crown. Seeks choice deliy Ottawa's shelving shore, Bursts on his gladdened view, ]\Ien's hajjpiest homes before, The wigwam's curling smoke, What rapture to his soul the scene ! Is this the con(|uered red man's yoke Free as the winds to roam through forests sroen { 'Tis even so. And thus 'twill ever be 80 long as o'er the heaving Ocean wave, Britannia's flaor shall bravely float and free. The favored Indian prays : "Our Mother save " 'Neath his roof of the sweetest summer leaves, With a heart as l(;al as the bravest chief fists groen t ■e, I free, lier save " r leaves, 9 That ever bore a Briton's sword ; nor grieves O'er his altered lot, aye light, us the leaf His bounding step, as ho fearlessly ro:uns In his native woods, 'mid th<' white men's homes. Well may thy Genius, Canada, re j- ice, Peace like to thine ne'er yet to men was known. Still flows thy fortune's tide, thy noblest choice Fair freedom still ; nor freedom's gift alone, laired not l)y lust of coiKiuest— pride of power, Thy people bold with philanthropic will, Ihcir enterprise extend the world out o'er, Right glad to mitigate the sum of ill. The Nations meet thee with an e.pial soul ; Their richest trade ships press around thy shores, And far beyond the raging main's control, The wealth of worlds out-pour in boundless stores. "0, happiest lot!" the exultant Peri cries, •« Lol more than e'er I dreamed, I now behold; ^/ 10 O, blest the most of all beneath the skies ? Peace, Freedom yours, and happiness untold ! ! to the latest hour of changeful time May gracious Heaven this era bright prolong I" So prays the red man, too, unstained by crime ; Ardent he prays, and thankful pours the song. " Such tranquil days Gods only can bestow, Thanks ever to the Christian's Manitou ! Benign Victoria's rule dispels all fears, Be ours happiness to latest years ! The Constitution Free our firmest stay, Late may our Mother Great to realms of day Honored leturn ; above her spirit llown, Be Freedom, Peace and Plenty still our own, Britannia's guardian mantle o'er us thrown !'' ^-y.-JL>