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YIOB OOMMOOORB : RBAR COMMODORB : SECRETARY AND TREASURER : ,_.,«*HPTXixt HBABURBR : Trastees: J. 0. MILLER, G. WATT, P. WFBELER, JAS. MIL7JJR. Election of Members Oommittee : O..WJWtrMR,LJ.TWEEDIE,BJ^BES^^^^ Regatta Oommittee : (i-SAaiifiJpT, JAS. 0. FISH, fl. .HUrCHIS ON Hi 'vi'i-' III 'mwv^mii I CONSTITUTION OF THE MIRAiVJlCHl YACHTOLUa ARTICLE I. The name of this Club shall be the Miramichi Yacht Club. Its object is to encoarage yachting on the Miramichi KiYer,and its members to be- came proficient in the personal management of their yachts and all matters pertaining to sea- manship. ARTICLE II, The officers of the Cinb shall be CJommodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, who shall also act as Treasurer, Measurer and Board of Trustees. There shall also be a Com- mittee for the election of members and a Regatta Committee. ARTICLE III. KLECTION OF OFFICERS. Shall be at the annual meeting, which shall beheldon^the second Wednesday in March. 6 Tht'v shall each be el«icted on a separate ballot and shall hold office for one year. Vacancies iiiav be lilled at any ineeting.uotice having been .• sent the members at least one week previous to meeting, quorum to be four yacht owners and four non-yacht owners. "i' i- ARTICLE IV. DUTY OF COMMODORK. Shall be to take command of the Squadron, and preside at all meetings He may call a meeting of the Club at his pleasure, and shall do so at the reqvxe^t of three members, two oi whom shall be yacht owners. ARTICLE V. DUjy OP VICE COMMODORE. 8 hall b s to assist the Commodore in the dis- .harffo of his duties, and to officiate m his ab- - ARTICLE VI. ]'ijall be to elert members in the following loanner. 1 he name of the proposed member, 9 with the names of the proposer and seiouder , shall be forwarded to the Committee, Two black balls shall exclude. Dues to accompany proposition. ARTICLE XII. VOTING. Upon questions affecting the Sailing Kegula- tions, and the government of yachts and re* gattas, only yacht owners shall vote: each yacht being represented by one owner. At the election of officers and upon all other questions, each member shall have a vote. ARTICLE XIIL 1>KBT. The T'lub shall not incur any debt that cannot be met by funds iu hands of Treasurer. ARTICLE XIV. AMENDMENT. This Constitution may be amended at any meeting ; but no amendment shall be valid un- til approved at a subsequent meeting. ;i i i 10 AllTICLEXV. HONORARY M KM BElt-'. Any person who has di^thvguished himself in the eLouragement of ya.htiug, or who has rendered this Club important ««"^"^^^^„ ."^.^-^^r; for other reasons the Club may see ht thus to honor, may be elected an honorary member, he like pWedings being observed as are P^ovide^d with^reiVrence> applications lor """^["^'^^hip Honorary members shall be exempt Irom all assessment. . ■ 11 BYLAWS. OHAl^ER 1 DUES. 4 Each momber, on his election, s^hall pay th* sum of Three Dollars, whictt shall include his dues for the p\\ .sent year. u ii k Ear'h subsequent unn lal payment shaU be Three Dollars and shall become due at the an- nual meeting of each year. Members who are absent from New Bruns- wi k during the whole fiscal year commencing on the second Wednesday in March, shall be exempt from their dues for that year, provided they give notice of their intended absence to the Secretarv. Any member who allows his dues torernam unpaid after first June shall be considered to have forfeited his membership. No member shall be entitled to any ot the privileges of the Club until his dues are paid. CHAPTER 11. CLUB SKtNAi-^^- Tho niiiK feicrnnl shall bH a Dointed bura*ee its width two-thirds of its length, the device L It ':' 12 tlieClub monogram in red,its length one-third the lufFof signil and placed in th3 middle of a white triangle whose base is the lufF of the signal, the apex being in the middle of the signal, the rest of the flag blue. CHAPTER III. I'ENDaNTs. The Commodore when afloat will display a swallow-tailed pandant, same lutf and length av Club flag, with foul anchor in white on a blu.^ field. The Vice Commodore, sam^ demensions an 1 with same device on a red field. The Eear Commodore, same demensions and with f^enne device in red on a whi*:e fi^'ld. ClAPTERIV. YACH r FLAGS. AOlubflagand code of six signals shall be furnished to each yacht, and the Commodores' flags by the Club " Ensign and private flag for ea.ii ya?ht shall b^ furnished by the owner. Ea ?h ya 3ht shall display at th?. gxff p3 ik on a Club cruising day the Dominion flag or a private flag or both (a description of th3 private flag is to bd filed with tha Sioretary, palLnii and six ^ 13 of Commodores' flags),and at the tru-^k the Club flag at all times when under way, and shall have on board for use when necessary a set of sj^x code sig]ials. CHAPTER V. PROXIES. Any member when absent from a Club meet- ing, shall be allowed to give the Secretary,before that meeting, his written vote on any question coming before the Club at that meeting. CHAPTER VI. NOTICES. Notice bhall be given to members of the annual meeting at least six days before the meeting: ofall special meetings at least three days before such me*5tings, and of all regattas at least six davs before such res:attas. CHAPTER VII. CM ANOE OFOWNERSHIP. Each member on buying or selling a yacht shall givt?. notice of the same to the Secretary. f 14 CHAPTER Vlil. txi^ursiONs. In case of any occurrence injurious to the wel- fare of the Club, the name of any member impli- cated therein may be removed from the list of members by a vote of the majority of the mem- bers present at a meeting called specially for the purpose. CHAPTDR IX. CLUB BOOKS. /• 1 There shall be printed ea.h year, under dir- ection of the Secretary, books for the use of the members of theClub,coutaining the Constitution, By-Laws, andSailing Regulations, together with H*list of the members, and of the yachts belong- ing to the Club, also flags. Members shall not pay more than for each book. CHAPTER X. YACHT SQUADRON. Any yacht owned wholly or in part by a member of th^^ CHub, may bw» enrolled with the AT-^.Kf «nnn#lri^n nnrm fbp o A'lK^V flliriQ'with the Secretary a description of the yacht. 15 CHAl'TERXI. ' ■ - ' ■ ■ • CLUB CRUlSliXG DAY. Shall be on every Saturday during narip-ation and any other day the Regatta lommittee^ may appoint. • ^ CHAPTER XII. AMEND EN'JX mg. These By-Laws maybe amended at any meet- UNIFORM. The Club unifoim shall be a plain navy blue serge or flannel suit, single breasted sack coat • optional as to wearing this suit. Cap, navy blue cloth 3 1-2 inches high, with mohair band! 1-2 inches wide,patent leather drooping peaks whose greatest width shall be 2 1-8 inches, two brass navy buttons,one on eachside,and patent leather strap; or straw hat 3 to 4 inches high,rim 2 1-2 to 3 mche* wide and flat,aiid band 1 1-2 inches wide plain or otherwise. ' OFFICERS' CAP ORNAMENTS, jSov Commodore— The Club monogram, 1 1-4 16 inches high, embroidered in gold and silver, on ^aitd iu front, with a silver star 5-8 ot* an inch diameter at each side and one above monogram, with a space of 3-16 of an inch between mono- gram and stars. For Vice Commodore, same as Oommodore,omitting the star above/ monogram. For Kear Commodore, same as Commodore.omit- ting the star on each side of monogram. For Captain,8ame,omitting the stars. For Secretary, same as Captain, with letter S. in old English 1 inch high in silver and above monogram For Measurer, same as Secretary, with letter M. in- stead of S. Hat ornaments same as cap. /■■ 17 SAILING REGULATIONS. RULEL CLASSIFICATION. The classification of yachts shall b(» arranged for ea<'!h rej^atta by the Kegatta Coniniittee, and the Committee shall have full power to decide the right of any yacht to sail in any class, their decision to be final. RULE II. MEASURSltfEXr AND ALLOWANCK. The racing measurement shall be two-thirds the length upon the water line,plus the extreme beam. Yachts to be measured with crew aK lowance and no more on board. Time to be allow^ed for difference of measurement according to the table. Measurement for classification to be length on water line. RULE III. SAILS. All yachts during a regatta shall be allowed 18 to carry all orditiary plain sails, with gaff-top- sails, jib-topsail and spinaker, and no ikiore, and no means except sails shall be used to propel a sailing yacht. RULE IV. ALU^WANCE OF MEN. Yachts during a regatta are not allowed to carry more than one man to every five feet or part thereof of deck length. EULE V. CCJMPLAINTS. All complaints with regard to any yacht in a regatta must be made within half an hour after the close of the race. RULE VL MEMBEli IN EACH YACHT. There shall be a member of the Club on each yacht sailing for a prize, and each yacht belong- ing to this Club shall be sailed only bv a mem- 19 RULE VII. baixast. No change in veight of ballast shdU 1k^ niad«, nor tnmminff by dei^d weight allowed.dnrinff a race. KULEVIII. TIME OF Race. No rae shall be made unless the course shtill have been saile4over by one yacht in ea<^h class at a nite not less than two and a half miles an hour. RULE IX. ANCHORING. Yachts may anchor during a race without torfeiting their dainpi to a priz*», but mast weigh their anchoi:6 on again resuming their course. BOLEX. COURSES. '■■'■■ . ^ • Yachts^ on the port tack must invariably gtVe way to those on the starboard ta(»k ; and in aJi 30 oases where there is a doubt of the [wssibility of the yacht on the port tack weathering the one on the starboard tack, the yacht on the |X)rt tack shall giv^e way; and if the other yacht keep her course and run into the cne on the port tack^ the owner of the latter, not complying? withthis rule, shall be compelled to pay all the damag-es that may occur and forfeit his claim to the prize. Yachts going free must invariably give way for ihose bv the wind on either tack. RULE XI. • COURSES. Any yacht bearing away or altering her course to leeward (the lee side to be considered that on 'A^hich the leading vessel carries her main boom), and thereby compelling another yacht to bear away to avoid a collision, shall forfeit all claim to the prize, and pay all damage that may ensue; unless when two yachts are approaching the windward shore, a buoy or stake boat, together, warh a free wind, and so close to each other that the weathermost cannot bear away clear of the leewardmost, and by standing farther on would be in daugar of running on ;shore, or touching a buoy or stake boat, then such leewardmost yacht, on being reQuesteu to uQuT av*^y, is sm^ 21 mediately to comply, and will forfeit all claim to the prize for notdoiagso. The weathermost yacht mast; however, bear away as soon as the one she hails, if she can do so without codling into contact. RULE XII. COURSKS. When t\/o yachts (by the wind) are approach- ing the shore, a buoy or stake boat together.and so close to each other that the leewardmost can- not tack clear of the weathermost, and by stand- ing farther on would be in dang-er of running on shore or touching a buoy or stake boat, su(*.h weathermost yacht, on being requested to put about, is immediately to comply, and will for- feit all claim to the prize by not doing so. The leewardmost yacht must, however, tack at the same time as the one she hails, if she can do so without comins? into contact. % RULE XIII. ROUNDING BUO vs. When rounding a mark, stake boat or buoy, niu yu>uiit uuiire^i tuereEo m lo oe cons+aerea lae 22 headmost, and should any other yacht in the 1 e compel the yacht which is nearest to any mark, stake boo.t or buoy to touch said mark, boat or buoy, the yai^ht so compelling her shall forfeit all claim to the ]»rize and the yacht so compelled shall not sufi'er any penalty for su^h contact. RULE XIV. TUlsJCHlNG BUOYS, /kC. A yacht touching anj- mark, boat or buoy used to mark out the course shall forfeit all claim to the prize, unless as in case specified in Bute XIII. RULE XV. VKJLATION OFKULES. TThe Regatta Committee shall liavv> full power to decide all questions that rviy it vise in the sailing of the regatta^ and also to exclude all yachts which by their decision have violated any ruh of the Club. There shall be no appeal "^:iSI«ii ill iiiiS ^Oiiiniiiiee. 23 RULE XVI. i SOUNI)IN%J. Sounding must be done by the lead only. RULE XVII. ;- I" -J *' ' ■ , AMENDMENTS. These Sailing Regulations may be amended at any general or special meeting. 24 Tiil»I« of Time AII*w»H«e |»er Mile. I Le ngth Allowance Length Allowance Length Allowance *. ■ * • H Ft. in. Mm. Sec. Ft. in. Min. 8ec. F». in. Min Sec* IH ^'^ 3 28.0 20 6 1 45.1 29 47.6 ^H 3 3 236 20 9 1 43.0 29 3 4\3 ^m 6 3 19.5 21 1 40.9 29 6 45.0 Wm o 3 15.4 21 3 1 38.9 29 9 43.7 Hi 3 11.4 21 6 1 36.9 3a 42 4 ^H 3 3 7.6 21 9 1 34.9 30 3 41.1 IB 6 3 3.8 22 1 3'? 9 .30 6 39 9 — 1 9 3 0.1 22 3 I 31.0 30 9 38.6 ^H 2 56,5 22 6 1 29.1 31 37 4 ^H 3 2 52.9 22 9 1 27,2 31 3 36.1 ^H 6 2 49.5 23 1 25.3 31 6 34.9 Hi 9 2 46.2 23 3 1 23.5 31 9 a3.7 ^B 2 42.9 23 6 1 21.7 32 32.5 H 3 2 39.7 23 9 1 19.9 32 3 31.3 ^B 6 2 36.6 24 1 18.2 32 6 .30.2 ■■ 9 2 33.5 24 3 I 16.5 32 9 29.0 ^m 2 30.5 24 6 I U-8 33 27.9 ^H 3 2 27.5 24 9 1 13.1 33 3 26.7 ^H ^6 6 2 24.6 25 1 11.4 33 6 25.7 ^B 16 9 2 21.8 25 3 1 9.8 33 9 24.5 Hi 2 19.0 25 6 1 t.2 34 23.5 3 2 16.3 25 9 I 6.6 34 3 22.3 ^B 6 2 13.6 26 1 5.0 34 6 21.3 ^B 9 2 11.0 26 3 1 3.5 34 9 20il ^H 2 8.5 26 6 1 2.0 35 X. 19.2 IB 3 2 6.0 26 9 1 0.5 3.5 3 1«.0 ^H 18 6 2 3.5 27 59.0 35 6 17.1 ^m 1^ 9 2 1.0 27 3 f 57.5 35 9 16.0 ^B 19 58.6 27 6 56.0 36 15.1 ^H 3 56.3 27 9 54.6 36 3 14.0 ^B 6 54.0 28 53.2 36 6 13- 1 1» 20 9 51.7 49.5 28 26 3 6 51.8 50.4 36 Ji 9 120 ? 1 t ■■■1 11, 1 ■ 20 3 47.3 28 9 6 49.0 37 3 10. 1 25 Table of Time AlloHraiice periHile. Length Ft. 37 37 38 38 m. 6 9 Allowance Min. Sec. 9.2 8 2 73 63 ^To use this sca.e, deduct from the actual time of each yacht the number of minutes and sec! onds opposite her length, multiplied by the number of miles sailed. ^ 26 COUE OF SIGNALS. SINGLE FLAG SIGNALS, C— No. D— Yes. H — All hands of this yacht repair on board. J— Prepare to get under way to start in any order ; following flag ship. S — Prepare to get under way to start on signal. T — SepeatSignal. DESTINATIONS OR PORTS. CD — Proceed Down River. CH— " Up CJ — " around Barley's Island,byS.W. first if win d is S. W. OS — Proceed to Harley's Island. CT (t ** Newcastle. 1)0 (t '' Bushville. DH t( " Douglastown. DJ i( " Chatham, DS (( " Iiower Mill Cove. DT u " Middle Island. DCH- 4( " Millerton. 1 « 1.1 — ii " hUok Brook. DCS— DCT— DHO— DHJ— DHS— u 27 S. W. Bridge. Sheldrake Island. Bay du Vin Island. Bay du Vin River. Haylsland. SAILING SIGNALS. 4( t( (i (( t( HC HD HJ- HS- HT— HCD HC.T- HCS- HCT- HDC HDJ- HDS- HDT- HJC- ■Get under way immediately, in any order. -Where do we anchor ? ' Anchor at Heaye to off Wait for us. -You are running into danger. ~Ttrt *'"® ^°'"^ *<* return. -Where are you bound ? -We are bound for -Where are you from ? -We are from -Come to anchor. -Where are we bound ? -Stand off and on at MANCEUVERING SIGNALS. JC— The fleet will pass to leeward of flae ship and salute. * ^ ■■ '^--xiiv ueei will pass to windward of flae ship and salute. ° «i X^ li 28 JH — The fleet will anchor in line abreast flag ship. * f JS — Prepare to dress ship. JT — Dress ship. . ' JCD — Proceed in line, following flag ship — steamers in rear. JOH — Proceed in line, following flag ship- steamers ahead. JC'S — Proceed in two lines, followini? ; steamers forming the one to port. t JOT — Proceed in line abreast ; steamers to port J sailing yachts to starboard, of flag ship. JDC — Steamers proceed in line abreast ; sailing yachts in open ord^^r JDH — Steamers proceed in line following; sail- ing yachts in order. JDS — AH proceed in open order, or any way. JDl' — The fleet will salute on passing the ap- proaching vessel. JHC — The fleet will saint: the saine point as flagship in passing. NOTE — When stf^aaieis are sailing iri line unrler ord^^rs they will take positions in same order as given under "Names of Yachts Signals." EXPLANATION OF ORDERS .10, JD AND JH. JC. Sui posing the fltet to be sailing free and in line following flag ship, her Ice side is to hd i 1 i.' ( '■'"'■' V ■ '' '' ■ ■ ^U- '■' :- ' /■ '■■■., ,;•■■'■ ■> • .'■'■' ■ ■ '.'''' i ■ -i"- J considered that on which her boom was as she proceeded to round to to receii^e salute. The fleet will then pass round her stern by her lee side,each yacht saluting (dipping ensign three times), oi ' lowerihgmain peak once if ensign is fast to sail or is abient ; the first yacht taking her station lying to on windward side of and abreast of flaff ship, and ts near to her as convenient; the next '^ beyond the first, and so on, in thb order they arrive. If no other signal has been made thS fleet wilUhen proceed on the original course, following flag ship. JD. ^Supposing fleet beating to windward,the flag ship on port tack when signal is given ; she will lie to on coaipletion of that tack, and the fleet will pass round her bow by her starboard side (ovvicever:iu\Hthiid been on the other tack) and salute,th.^ first yacht taking her station and lying to on port side and abreast of flag ship, and as near to her as convenient ; the next yacht beyond the first,and so on until all are in position. If n(5 other signal has been given the fleet will proceed as before the order, letting the flag ^hip start first. JH. If this order is given after JC or JD, and : i. : oil tr + 1 mo Ki-i-PiTw-Ki-v .-.ll 1-».-,.^t-.x i.^1-^ i. i- ■ .ixi V tiiiiv:; i/eiwic ail uci\A.- taAeu pusi iioii aiceT sai* uting,each yacht will drop anchor as she comes inline But if not given as stated, the yachts f 1 I ■ i 30 will gA into line and anchor in any way con- venient to themselves. PERSONAL SIGNALS. SC — Captains of fleet repair on board this yacht. SD — ("lews " '' •' •' '' •' ' *• SH — Captain '' " gj — dew '' ** ST — "We want assistance. SOD— 'Are yon ready ? SCH — We are ready. SCJ — Leave of absence is requested. NAMES OF YACHTS SIGNALS. ^m SAIUNG YACHTH STEAM YACmS H TO— .Blondv. TDS---Laura. ■ TD — Eitto h. TH^--Mindoo. ■ TH--Ki]bride. THD— -Bessie. . ■ . TJ-— Fedora. THJ--Derby. ■ TS — Annie. THS-— Gracie. ■ TCS— Ida. TDC— Carrie. ■ TCH-— Arrow TJD-"l.ily. • ■ TCJ.-yum Ynm. TJH ■ TOS— Twilight. TJS ■ TDO — ^Squirrel. TSC ^B TTlTT TSD ■ TDJ TSH 31 DIRECTIONS FOR USING CODK SKiXALS. Code skmals to be hoisted if possibL» from mast head uad sr Club flag ; to remain up until answered by movemont of fleet, or known to be understood; signals to read downwards. DIRECTIONS FOR FLYING FLAGS. Ensign — To ba flown from main s^ff end • only compulsory for general cruising days Club Flag -To be flown from the m^k head- may be flowa all the time, and serve as a vanf' at option otown.-r; when cruisinir with thJ neet it shall be compulsory. Officers' Flags--Oommodor.^Vi.;e audR-ar-- lobe flown from main gatfend while aboard sailing; if at anchor from a statt'at stern or top- ping litt.but it not on board then private sisrnal to be flown instead. ' PrivateFlags-.-ShalI be flown from mast head while racing but from main gatt' end under ensign while cruising; when at anchor or moored from topping lift or staif ac ste; u,fl • in<' optional except while raoiiiff. ■> ° (4 nU/ D X ■0' N c$ ijvao wvag NO HioNaq Q .niYS ^ S ^- — .';.N ' . 06 H iV en C s s £"=8 a rt l:" a^ *-. .is £1 — »* «) ^£ * = «J fc: rt ^ 0) ~ j3 ^ x; 0) Xi a> ja ir.^zj s ;j ;?; Q &: ^*3. CO «0 "* "^ CO «£> • • • . « I— t r— "-^ »-H Tf I—. tf^ 'S>' r* i,*^'. CO t- CO X c^i iO — ■>"! o: •-^ rj.-ri C jj«j;:)Ui,^ O 0^ ^ ^ •-3 O m3 ^' o eg B 03 i; i^^<^ Hutchison, Ernest Holstead, A. E. Johnson, W. C. Kennedy, F: Lawlor, R. A. C/iJ^^J^^ i Miller, John C. ^ MarshaUrRaht; Moss, M. Moss, M. jr. Mitehell^as. iK Millerr^W^er C. Miller, James M-flterr^hw*, iA-i^^ Miller, J. W. jjiemson, r.- *■. i"-<.« McCouaiii, Dr. j^jj^ ,i .i ^ B. L^- Noonan, P. A. O'Brien, John Park, W. A. Purdy, A. W. i \ Pedoiin, Dr. Bobinson, Jas. Ritchie, Allan Stewart, J. L. .Sadleiv laha. ,C^J Saig eant, Ch «i: > cQ^^/ Smkh^-f^rta-. Y.T\,-