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Toua lea autres axemplairas originaux sont filmte an commenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illustration at an terminant par la darniAre paga qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un daa symbolea suivants apparaftra sur la demiAre image da cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Las cartes, pianchea. tablaeux. etc., pauvent dtra filmte d dee taux da reduction diffirents. Lorsqua le document eat trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est fiimA i partir da I'angia sup4rieur gauche, de gaucha d droite. et da haut en baa, an prenant le nombre d'imagea nicassaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 6 Vv \ v.^^->*^ ^et^'N SC Pursuani^ vto an order €ot sale, made : m this. mQtter on tion of James Shanly, Esq., Master ifl Onaneery a- «?^ - f . '^ -jLlicti6^feei';at^jOS!rBERT''" \ £ s.-^-'. FIUDAT,17iMT at ^the hour of ONE O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, the The Southerly, Central and f .1 IT. If LUl NU. 14, MG Ulli, 1U1 in the County of Elgin, des( 1 TOHINSON 7? ) fi:Ei S0X4ID IC JLUGTIOM 1 L matter on 2nd March, A.D. 1874, and with the approba- OtSneery at London, by MR. CHARLES ASKEW, LATSIBERT'S HOTEL, in the APRIL, 1874 SBNOON, the following lands and premises, that is to say :— Central and Westerly parts of lAT ei lUWIlSllllI Ul DAlllaill of Elgin, described as follows :-- J Mi UUilii in the County of Elgin, desc Commencing on the North shore of Lake Erie at the Soi Nortb along the East limit of the said Lot, 66 cl of the portion of the said Lot No. 14, granted AJ North, 72 degrees West, 21 chains, 3 links to the 7i limit 66 chains, more or less, to the shore of Lake Erie and S( about 72 degrees East a^ng the shore of the said Lake, 21 cli excepting therefrom the public travelled road running across t land containing 6 acres, more or less, conveyed by one Jame January, 1858, and duly registered; and excepting also a furt! and 20 square perches, more or less, conveyed by the said Jam 14th April, AD. 1856, and duly registered; and excepting als acres, covered by a Mill Pond on the said Lot. The premises to be sold contain about 110 acres after dedi ARE CLEARED the remainder being timbered with BEECH, H are TWO LARGE ORCHARDS upon the property in full beari Creek. The buildings consist of a LARGE FRAME TWO-SI BARN, about 80x50; a NEW BARN, about 40x30, and a SH THE PROPERTY IS CLOSE TO THE VILLAGE 01 TERMS OF SALE :-One-tentl: to be paid down at the time of sale; a further paymei upon payment of which, and upon securing the residue equal annual instalments, with interest at 7 per cent, shall be entitled to the conveyance and to be let into po UPSET PRICE OF $3O00. In other respects, and of sale are the standing conditions of sale of the Gou Further particulars and the Conditions of Sale ■n-nnmnn DJ!jUnJ!jIl 1 cimmTmim o* "DTPriTTPD Vendor's Solicitors, London. Free Press Frint: }f Elgin, described as follows :•-- ie at the South-Easterly angle of the said Lot No. 14; thence Lot, 66 chains, more or less, to the Sonth-East angle granted A.D. 1825 to the late Col. Thomas Talbot ; thence 3 to the West limit of the said Lot; thence South in said [e Erie and South- Westerly angle of the said Lot 14; thence South id Lake, 21 chains, 3 links, more or less, to the place of beginning; ming across the said Lot, and excepting also a portion of the said by one James Hutchinson to one John Shaw, by deed dated 22nd ig also a further portion of the said land, containing 1 acre, 1 rood the said James Hutchinson to the said John Shaw by deed dated excepting also the portion of the said land, containing about 15 :res after deducting the excepted portions; NEARLY 100 ACRES [th BEECH, MAPLE, CHESTNUT and ASH; the soil is clay; there ;y in full bearing, and the whole is well watered by the Little Otter lME TWO-STOREY HOUSE, about 50x40, in good repair; a good :30, and a SHED and WAGON HOUSE, about 100x24. ITILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL. le-tentb. of the purchase money is bher payment of $500 in one month hereafter into Court, • the residue by a Mortgage of the property, payable in five b 7 percent, yearly on the unpaid principal, the purchaser e let into possession. The property will be put up at the jpects, and except as above mentioned, the conditions 3 of the G.: art of Chancery. >ns of Sale may be obtained from the Vendor's Solicitors. T «TTAMT.V adon. Free Fress Printing Co. Master in Chancery at London.