,.^.. sm m w ^ em m // IMAGE EVALUATSON TEST TARGET (MT-S) 1.0 12.2 1.1 mm IL25 i 1.4 t.6 6" — niotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTIR .^Y. H580 (716) 872-4503 ,.^ .ns. Original copias in printad papar covars ara filmad baginning with tha front eovar and anding on tha last paga with a printad or iliuatratad Impraa- tion, or tha back covar whan appropriata. All othar original copias ara fUmad baginning on tha first paga with a printad or iliuatratad impraa- sion, and anding on tha It st paga with a printad or iliuatratad !mpras (moaning "CON- TINUED"), or tha symbol V (moaning "END"), whichavar appllaa. L'cxamplaira f ilmA fut raproduit grAca k la g4n«roaiti da: La bibliothdqua das Archivas pubiiquas du Canada Laa imagas suh^antaa ont «t« raproduivaa av^c la plus grand soin, compta tanu da ia condition at da la nattat* da i'axamplaira film*, at an conformity avac las conditions du contrat da filmaga. Laa axamplalras originaux dont ia couvartura 9n papiar a«t ImprlmAa ^ont filmte an commanpant par la pramlar plat at 9n tarminant soit par la darnlira paga qui coirpoita una amprainta d'impraaaion ou d'illuatration, soit par la sacond plat, salon la cas. Tous laa autras axamplalras originaux sont fllmte an commandant par la prami signlfia "A SUIVRE", ia aymbola V signifia "FIN". Maps, piatas, charts, ate, may b« filmad at diffarart raductlon ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraiy inciudad In ona axposura ara filmad baginning In tha uppar laft hand eomar, iaft to right and top to bottom, as many framas aa raquirad. Tha following diagrams illustrata tha rnathod: Las cartaa, planchas, tablaaux, ate, pauvant Atra filmte A daa taux 49 rAduction diff Arants. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un aaul clichA, il aat vllmA A partir da i'angia supArla^^r gaucha, da gaucha A droita, at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcassaira. Laa dIagrsmmM suivanta lllustrant la mAthoda. 'rata elure. 1 2 3 J 32X 4 5 6 o #< m< 1 t t CATALOGUE PRICE LISTS OF The Canada Screw Company, Ltd. OFFICE AND WORKS HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA. WAREHOUSES AT TORONTO. MONTREAL. 1896. WAKKMOl SK, IdKUNTO. ( ANAHA. 77 li.w SiHKi; I . BH WARKHDLSK. MOMRr.AI., lANADA. ,(S5 Si I'Ari. SluKlil n Announcement. \X^E manufacture and carry in stock al Hamilton full assortments of all of the goods enumerated in this Catalogue. We also carry stocks at our Warehouses, 77 Bay Street, Toronto, and 385 Saint Paul Street, Montreal. Our discounts and terms will be furnished upon application. Respectfully Yours, The Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Ha.miiton, Ontario, Canada, 1896. I Illustrating the Progress made in the Manufacture of Wood Screws. 1846 1876 1892 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Standard Heads of Patent Wood Screws. Kdund He.iil. Flat Head. Capping Hta I Oval Head. Killister He. id. I ■A Canada Screw Company. Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Wood Screws. mHW mm WOOD SCREWS — rtamttnat Mimmr \sn trnn. TM« e^N^A f cwKw eg VyK manufacture all varieties of Iron, Steel, ''opper. Brass, Bronze and Fhosi-hor Bronze Wood Screws, finished hrigK., polished, blued, silvered, nickeled, coppered, tinned, bronzed, japanned, laccju^red, or cai)ped, as desired. The accompanying illustrations represent Flat, Round, Capping, Fillister, and Oval Countersunk Heads, of our standard stylos. .'Ml our screws are packed in paper boxes, containing one gross, and bundled in packages of five and ten gross. The labels have large figures denoting lengtii and si/e, and are of varying color, indicating the different kinds of screws. Our goods are packed for shi;)nient in substantial wooden cases, having ends of double thickness, carefully constructed to endure long transit and frequent rehandling, thus ensuring their arrival in perfect condition at all points of delivery, however remote. For contents of cases, see page 5.V 5 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Iron Wood Screws. List of Januarj' i, 1891. Patented May 30, 1876. Price per Grcss. X Inch. ' % Inch. 1 }^ Inch. ! % Inch. % Inch. X Inch. I Inch. No. $ No. * Nn. t No. t No. } No. $ No. $ @ .40 @ .40 I @ .40 I @ .40 2 @ .40 2 ® .4' 3® -5' I " .40 I " .40 2 " .40 2 " .40 3 " 41 3 " 44 4 " -55 2 2 " .40 ! 2 " .40 3 " 40 \ 3 " 40 4 " 41 4 '• .48 5 " -59 3 " .40 ' 3 " 40 4 " .40 4 " 40 5 " .46 5 " .52 6 " .66 4 " .40 4 " 40 5 " 41 5 " 43 6 " .53 6 '■ .59 7 " -73 " 5 " .40 06" .45 6 " .49 7 " .60 7 " .66 8 " .80 6 " 41 7 " .52 27 " .56 8 " .67 1 8 " .73 9 " -^^ 7 " 48 8 " .59 8 " .63 : 2 9 " -74 ' 2 9 " .Ho - 10 " .94 8 " .55 9 " .66 9 " .70 10 " .81 10 " .S7 II " 1.00 □ " .62 10 '■ .73 10 " .77 11 " .88 II " .94 12 " 1. 10 i II " .80 II " .84 12 " .95 12 " 1.00 13 " 1.25 1 12 '• .87 12 " .91 13 - 1.U5 »j '-'a 14 " 1.40 iX Inch. 1% Inch. No. $ No. * 1 13 " .98 14 " 1.20 14 " i.io '5 " '35 14 " 1.30 15 " 1.50 15 " 1.60 16 " 1.80 * 4 (ii, .62 4 ® 70 16 '• i.ss 16 " 1.70 17 " 2.00 uii8 " 2.20 20 " 2.70 5 " .68 5 •' -76 6 " .74 6 '• .82 1 5^ Inch. 2 Inch. X4- No. f No. t ' 7 " .80 7 " .88 8 " .87 2 8 ■' .94 6 @. .92 7 " 98 6 @ 1.05 7 " 1. 10 2% Inch. No. $ 2% Inch. No. * 2 9" -94 9 " i-oo £ 8 " 1.05 8 " 1.20 8 @ 1.30 8 @ 1.55 2% Inch 10 " i.oo 10 " 1. 10 9 " 1. 10 9 ' 1.25 9 " 13s 9 '• 1.60 No. f. II " 1. 10 II " 1.20 ^10 " 1.20 10 " 1.30 10 '• 1.45 10 ■' 1.70 10 @ 2.05 12 " 1.20 12 " 1.30 *ii " 1.30 ' II ' 1.40 II " 1.50 -II '■ 1.7s 11 ■ 2.10 13 " 1-35 *i3 " '.50 12 " 1.45 ' '"12 " 1.55 ,„12 " 1.70 12 " 1.85 12 ' 2.15 14 " 1.55 14 " 1.70 13 " 1.65 13 " I. So 13 " 1.90 13 " 2.05 13 " 2.25 15 " 1.75 : 15 " 1.90 14 " 1.85 14 " 2.00 14 " 2.10 ^14 " 2.25 14 " 2.45 16 " 1.95 ^16 " 2.10 15 " 2.05 15 " 2.20 15 " 2-35 15 " 2.55 -15 " 2.70 17 " 2.15 17 " 2.30 inl6 " 2.25 16 " 2.40 16 " 2.60 * 11 16 " 2.75 i6 " 2.95 ^,18 " 2.35 18 " 2.50 17 " 2.45 17 " 2.(>0 17 " 2. So 17 " 3.00 17 " 3'25 20 " 2.85 20 " 3.00 18 " 2.70 ^18 " 2.90 18 " 3.05 -18 " 3'30 18 " 3.60 22 ' 3.35 22 '■ 3.50 20 " 3.20 i 20 " 3.40 -20 " 3.60 20 " 3.85 20 " 4.25 24 " 395 24 " 4.1- 22 " 3.75 1 -22 " 4.00 22 " 4.20 22 " 4.50 22 " 5.00 24 " 4-35 24 •' 4.55 24 " 4.80 24 " 5'o 24 " 5.60 3 Inch. 3% Inch. 4 Inch. 4% Inch. 5 Inch 6 Inch. No. $ No. f No. t No. $ No. t No. t 10 @ 2.3s 10 @ 3.30 12 @ 4.50 16 (n 6.40 18 @ 8.20 20 @ 11.75 II " 2.40 11 " 3.40 14 " 4.60 18 " 6.60 20 " 8.60 22 " 12.50 12 " 2.45 12 " 3.50 16 " 475 „20 " 7.40 „a2 " 9-75 „24 " 13-50 13 " 2.55 13 " 3.60 18 " 5.60 22 " 8.45 24 " 11.05 26 " 16.00 14 " 2.65 14 " 3.70 "20 " 6.40 24 " ().7o 26 " 12.60 28 " 18.05 15 " 2.95 15 " 3.80 22 " 7.30 26 " 11.05 28 " 14.25 30 " 20.10 -16 " 3.30 -16 " 3.90 24 " 840 17 '< 3.65 17 " 4.30 26 " 9.70 18 " 4.05 18 " 4.75 j 20 " 4.80 20 " 5.55 22 " 5.55 22 " 6.35 24 " 6.40 24 " 7.30 1 26 " 7.50 26 " 8.50 ♦The numlier of Gross in a Bundle is indicated liy small figures on the side, divided by a star (•). The following varit-ties of Iron Screws are invoiced from thi.s list at varying discounts : Flat, Round, ri.ino, Killister, and Ov.i! Head Screw.s. Dowe! and I'jUoe Screws, I?ri",dit. I'-lucd. Brassed, Unm/iMl, lapaniieil, Laccjuered and Tinned, al.so Rogers Drive Screws. i Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Brass Wood Screws. List of January i, 1891. Patented May 30, 1876. Price per Gross. X Inch. No. $ o @ .80 .80 ^ Inch. I 2 3 4 .84 ■87 9" No. O @ I 2 4 5 6 7 $ .80 .82 .86 .89 ■95 1.03 no 1.20 iX Inch. No. t 3 @ 20s 1% Inch. No. t 4 ® 2-85 4 5 6 7 8 3 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 2.10 215 2.20 2.25 2.65 3.00 .i-25 3.85 4-35 4.85 5-35 ■ 5-95 6.5s 7.20 7-85 '•■35 5 6 7 3 9 10 II 12 * 13 14 15 ■"16 17 18 20 2.90 2.95 300 3.05 3-45 3-95 4.45 5.00 5.60 6.25 6.90 7.60 8.35 9.15 10.85 % Inch. No. t I @ .86 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .89 •93 1.03 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90 1% Inch. No. t 6 ® 3-75 7 2 8 9 10 « II 12 13 J4 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 3.80 3-85 390 445 5-05 570 6-35 7.10 7.90 8.65 9-5° 10.45 12.40 14.50 16.S5 r. Inch. No. t 2 @ .91 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 " -99 " 1 .06 " 1.20 " 1-30 " 1.50 " 1.70 " 1.90 " 2.15 •' 2.40 " 2.65 X Inch. No. $ 2 @ 1.06 X Inch. No. $ 2 @ 1.35 2 No 6 Inch. $ @ 4.80 7 " 4.85 8 " 4-90 9 " 4-95 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 I. ID I'S 1.30 '•45 1.60 1.90 2.15 2.40 2.6s 3.00 3^35 3-7° 4.10 4.50 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 1.40 145 1.50 1-55 1.80 2.05 2-35 2.65 2-95 3-35 3^7° 4.10 4^55 5-05 2X Inch. No. $ 8 @ 6.85 10 II 12 "13 14 15 16 "7 18 20 -22 24 5.00 5^65 6.40 7^i5 7^95 8.80 9^75 10.70 11.70 «3-90 16.30 18.90 9 II 12 13 »4 15 16 17 18 20 22 6.90 ^•95 7.00 7^05 7.90 8., So o.So 10.75 11.90 13.00 15.40 18.05 2^2 Inch. No. $ 10 @ 9.50 955 9.60 9.65 9.70 io^75 n.S5 1 .j.OO 14-30 16.95 II 12 in 13 14 15 16 17 20 22 " I9.S5 24 " 23.00 ♦The number of Gross in a Bundle is indicated liy small figures on the side, divided by a star (•). I Inch. No. $ 3 @ 155 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.95 2.30 2.60 2^95 3^30 3^65 4.10 4^55 5.00 5-55 6.65 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 i6 # -117 3 Inch. No. $ 10 %, 13.70 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 1375 I3.S0 13^85 13.90 13-95 14.00 16.80 19^95 23.40 27.10 31.15 The following varieties of Screws are invoiced from this li.st nt varying discounts : Flat, Round, Fillister, and ( )val 1 lead Screws, of Brass, Copp'-r, Hion/e or I'hosphor Bronze, Bronzed or l.acciueied. 7 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Nickel Plated Iron Wood Screws. List of February 15, 1886. P rice per Gross. 1% Inch. No. ; 7 (if) 1.88 X Inch. No. $ 4 @ 1-45 X Inch. No. t 4 ® 1-45 X Inch. No. $ 4 Ca 1.4s % Inch. No. $ 6 @ 1.4s I Inch. No. $ 6 @ 1.50 iX Inch. No. t 6 d'.' i-SS 5 " I -45 5 " I -45 5 " 1-45 7 " ••,'io 7 " '55 7 " '-55 8 " '94 6 " 1.45 6 " 1.45 6 " 1.45 8 " 1.55 8 " '55 8 " 165 9 " 2.05 7 " 1-45 7 " '45 7 " 1-45 9 " I.61 9 " 1.6? 9 " 1.80 10 " 2.15 8 " 1.45 8 " 1.45 8 " 1.50 10 " 1.70 10 " 1.7s 10 " 1.95 11 " 2.38 9 " 1.50 9 " 1-55 9 " «-57 II " 1.90 II " 1.9s 11 " 2.10 12 " 2.50 10 " 1.60 10 " 1.63 10 " 1.70 12 " 2.20 12 " 2.25 12 " 2.30 13 " 2.85 II " 1.85 II " 1.90 13 •' 240 13 " 2 45 13 " 2.60 14 " 3'S 12 " 2.05 12 " 2,15 14 " 2.75 14 " 2.80 14 " 2.9s 15 " 355 13 " 2.35 15 " 3'5 15 " 3-25 '5 " 3-35 16 " 4.CX3 14 " 2.70 16 " 3.60 16 " 3.70 16 " 3.85 17 " 4.40 1% Inch. No. t 7 @ 2'5 17 " 4.20 18 " 4.65 18 " 4.85 20 " 5.85 8 " 2.20 9 '• 2.30 10 " 2.40 2 Inch. No. » 9 @ 2.40 10 " 2.50 2^ Inch. No. t 10 ^ 2.85 2% Inch. No. $ 10 @ 3.45 11 '• 2.55 II " 2.70 II ' 300 " " 3-55 12 •• 2.80 12 " 3.00 12 ' 3-25 12 " 3.65 13 " 3.12. 13 " 3-45 13 ' 3-75 13 "400 14 " 3-45 15 '• 3.80 16 " 4.20 14 •• 3-75 15 " 405 16 " 4.45 lA ' 4.00 14 " 4.25 15 " 4-75 16 " 5.10 15 16 • 4-3° ' 4.80 2% Inch. No. t 14 (a>, 4.60 3 Inch. No. $ 14 (n) 5.00 17 " 4.60 17 " 5.00 17 • 5 -30 17 " 585 16 " 5.40 16 " 6.20 18 " 5.10 18 " 5-55 18 ' 6.10 18 " 6.65 18 " 7.30 18 " 80s 20 " 6.15 20 •' 6.70 20 " 7.25 20 " 7.90 20 " 8.75 20 " 9.45 Silver Plated Iron \Voo(l Screws are invoiced from this list. 8 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Nickel P ated Brass Wood Screws. List of January i, 1886. p ice per Gross. % Inch. % Inch. X Inch. X Inch. I Inch. iX Inch. 1% Inch. No. t No. * No. * No. $ No. $ No. t No. $ 4 0, I 65 4 Oi, 1.70 4 @ 1-75 6 @ 2.10 6 (a. 2.20 6 @ 2.60 7 @ 325 5 •• 1.70 5 ■• 1-75 5 " '-SS 7 " 2.30 7 ' 2.40 7 " 2.70 8 " 3 35 6 " 1.80 6 ■' 1.90 6 " 2.00 8 " 2.55 8 ' 2.70 8 " 3.00 9 " 370 7 " 1.90 7 " 2.00 7 " 2.IO 9 " 275 9 ' 295 9 " 330 10 " 4.20 8 " 2.05 8 •• 215 8 " 2.35 10 " 3.10 10 ' 3 35 10 " 375 II " 4.80 9 " 2-15 9 " 2.40 9 " 2-55 " " 3SS II ' 380 II '• 430 12 " 5.45 10 " 245 10 " 2.70 10 " 2.90 12 " 4.05 12 • 430 12 " 4-85 13 " 6.10 II " 3.0s n " 330 13 " 4-50 13 4.80 13 " 5-45 14 " 6.95 13 " 3.50 la " 3-75 14 " 515 14 ' 540 14 " 6.2c 15 " 780 13 " 420 15 " S-8S «5 ' 6.20 15 " 7.00 16 " 8.80 14 " 4-85 16 " 6.60 16 ' 7.00 16 " 7.85 17 " 8.70 17 " 9.70 18 " 10.60 i^ { Inch. No. 7 8 @ 3.85 " 3-95 18 " 9.50 20 " 12.65 2 Inch. No. t 9 @ 4-95 _. . „ _ 9 " 405 2^ Inch. No. t aX Inch. No. $ 10 " 4.65 10 " 5.10 10 @ 6.85 10 @ 9.00 II " 5-3° II " 5.80 II " 7 00 II " 9.20 12 ** 6 60 12 " 7.20 13 " 8.05 12 " 9.35 13 " 9.55 13 " 6.75 13 " 7.40 a% Inch. No. f 3 Inch. No. $ «4 " 7-6S 14 " 8.40 14 " 9'S 14 " 98s 14 @ 11.70 14 @ 13.45 15 " «-65 15 " 9-45 15 " 10.25 15 " "-OS 15 " 12.40 15 " 1380 16 •' 9f>S 16 " 10.55 16 " M.45 16 " 12.30 16 " 13.25 16 " I415 17 " 10.65 17 " 11.65 17 " 12 65 17 " 13.60 17 " 14.60 17 " «5- 18 " "70 18 " 12.75 18 " 13.85 18 " i4.()o 18 " 1600 18 " 17.05 20 '■ IJ.OO 20 " 15.20 20 " 16.45 20 " 17.75 20 " 19.00 20 " 20.30 Silvt -•r Plated Krass Wooil Screws are iiiVDiced from this li.«t, Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Iron Wood Screws. List of October i, 1883. American List for Export. Price per Gross. ^ Inch. No. t o I 2 * 3 4 ("J -17 " 17 " .17 " .17 " .18 ^ Inch. No. o I 2 3 4 " 5 6 7 8 ® •17 •>7 •>7 •«7 .18 .18 .20 .22 .24 .27 % Inch. % Inch. X Inch. No. 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 >ni8 20 22 24 Inch. ® •31 •32 •35 ■36 •37 .40 •43 ■47 •5« •57 .65 •73 •79 .87 1.07 1.26 1.42 No. 4 5 6 =-| 9 10 II 12 # '3 14 15 16 -17 18 20 22 24 Inch. No. I a 3 4 5 6 " 7 8 9 10 II 12 (a>, $ •17 •17 •17 .18 .18 .20 .22 •24 •27 •29 •30 •32 ® » •32 ■M ■3f> •38 .40 •42 •43 .46 •51 •57 .65 •73 .81 .89 ■97 I, IS I 34 150 © iX Inch. No. e 9 10 « II 12 13 14 15 ,rl6 »7 18 20 22 24 No. I 3 3 4 5 6 7 - 8 9 10 II 12 13 M @ .18 " 19 " .19 " .20 " .20 " .22 " .24 " .26 " .28 " .3« " 32 " 35 " •4« " ^45 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 II la 13 14 »5 16 @, i .19 .20 .20 .22 •25 .26 •27 •29 •31 •32 •36 .41 •45 •53 .61 X Inch No. a (n) .20 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^ 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 •23 •25 .26 •27 .29 •31 3« •33 •38 .40 45 •49 •55 •63 2 Inch. « No. •43 6 .4b 7 ■47 8 •47 9 •49 10 •53 II •57 .r>12 .65 13 •73 14 .81 15 .89 16 •97 J7 .07 18 .26 20 •44 -22 .62 24 (« 3 No. ID II 12 13 14 15 -16 17 18 20 22 24 26 Or Inch. .Si .89 •97 1.07 1,16 1.26 1.42 I.vS 1.77 2.09 2^47 2.84 3^29 3% Inch. 4 No. * No. 10 (n .89 la II " •97 14 12 " 1.07 lb 13 " 1.26 18 14 " 1.42 20 15 " 1.58 22 16 " ••74 24 17 " ••95 26 18 " 2.19 20 " 2. do 22 " 3.00 24 " 3^33 26 " 3'77 • Til Inch. ® t 1.26 ■ •58 1.97 2^39 2.80 3if' 3-49 4.01 * ■47 .48 ■49 •5> ■53 •57 .65 •73 .81 .89 ■97 1.07 '•'5 <34 154 1.72 4% No. 16 18 _20 "22 24 26 Inch. 5 '• 2^43 " 2.80 " 3^29 " 3^77 " 4.26 " 4^74 i 2X 1 Inch. ^'A Inch. No. i 1 No. * 8 r" •55 8 ("i •59 9 " •59 9 n .61 10 tt .61 10 '■* •b5 II (( •65 «,il it •73 '"la " •73 la a .81 13 (( .81 13 i- .89 14 .1 .89 .'4 '' •'>7 15 t( •97 15 * 1.07 .'6 li 1.07 16 " 1. 16 17 tt 1. 16 17 " 1.26 18 " 1.26 -18 '■ ••34 -20 " 1.44 20 <■■ •■54 22 " 1.66 22 '* 1. 78 24 " ••99 ch. 24 " 2.11 5 In 6 Inch. No. i No. * 18 Oi-- 1.28 20 (>i\ 4.87 20 " 3-77 22 " 5.48 22 " 4^,i8 24 " 608 24 " 4.87 26 • 7.30 26 ' 5-35 28 " 8.52 28 f'.33 30 tt 9 73 I Inch. No. i 3 («J •23 4 " •25 5 " .26 6 • •27 7 " .29 8 " •3> 9 " •31 10 " ■33 11 " •38 12 •' .40 13 " •45 14 " •49 J5 " •55 1 16 " .61) •17 " .69 .018 " ■77 ao " •97 1 2% Inch. No. 10 (a) 11 " * •73 .81 la " .89 13 '• •<»7 14 " 15 " -16 " 1.07 1. 16 1.26 17 " 18 •• 1.40 1.58 20 " 1.8, 22 " 2. II 24 " 26 " 2.51 2.92 The numlier of Gross in a Hunille is intiicjiicd hy small lij^ures on tlic siilu, ilividcd hy a star (♦). KouikI Head Screws clmrgt-d one si/.e in advance. 10 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Dowel Screws. Iron Wood Screw List, page 5. "W n^- llmi^ m^^ JrtT Canada Screw Company. Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Rogers Cold Forged Drive Screws. . Price List on Page 5. SCREW DRIVER AND Hammer Driving Screws. rhe rapidly increasing sale of the Rogers Drive Screw is due to their Superior Hold Over Common Screws when driven with a hammer. Blocks of Wood Split Open to Show the Effect. j.«==XK^^ ^_,^_ , ^^xm^ ^^^^te-^ ^^__^ii^-~ --■^-' — *=-^di^^E-— --; S^fe^ "^-^^E ■m^^^^TE -¥r^-^i:-5- -^^-^"^ p^^^:: b*--- '— -r»-^- ^=^---==^— Common Screw. If driven witli a haiiinicr, breaks ilic libie.s of tlie wood. Rogers Drive Screw. Revolves under the blows of a liaiiimer, wood 111 ires uiiLt' 11. ! I 43 Canada Screw Company. Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Hooks and Eyes. Lilt of Uctuber i, 1894. C m^n I W ite uoo \db. Price p< r Uroffs. Iron Screw Eyes. No. I 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 II 18 13 «4 >5 16 iB ao Suit A ' .13 15 .i» .34 .38 •33 .40 ■45 .50 .60 .70 .90 1. 10 1.27 145 1.80 230 3 '5 Suit B .16 .18 .23 •27 33 .40 45 .50 .60 •75 .85 1. 00 1.20 1.40 1.70 2.00 2.60 J.75 Suit C .18 20 .24 .50 .37 •45 •53 .60 .70 .80 1. 00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.90 2.30 2.90 4.00 Iron Screw Hooks. Gauge Suit M 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II la «3 14 15 16 18 20 '% ^y» '^ '^4 ^X a 2^ 2% 2^ 3 3H zV, 3% 4 4X 4^ 4^ •25 .27 •33 •38 •50 .60 •75 •SS I. CO 1.30 1.65 2.00 2.40 2.90 3^5o 4^25 S.70 Iron Gate Hooks and Eyes. Gauge . . 1 1 6 1 1 7 a 1.70 8 2?^ 9 10 3% 2.80 II 4 3-35 Length . 1.40 3 Price . . 2.10 2.30 la I 13 13 13 4X 5% Square Cornered Screw Hooks. Stove Pipe Screw Eyes. Gauge . Length Price 6 I 7 i^ '% '^ 8 9 10 10 1 5 6 7 , -^ 2% »% i 3 a 2.'^ J.CX' 1.40 1.80 1 2.20 .40 .52 .67 14 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Hooks and Eyes. Lit! of Oetobw I, 1144. Brass Wire Goods. Price per Grow Bras8 Screw Eyes. No. . I .20 1 •*S 3 ■30 4 5 •SS e 7 8 9 ••45 10 II 2.25 la 13 M 1 15 iS 455 5-40 18 7.20 Suit A .40 .70 .90 ...5 1.85 2.7S 3.30 4.0O Suit B •25 1 .30 .40 ■S3 .70 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 2.20 2.80 350 4.20 5.00 5.60 6.40 8.40 Suit C .30' .40 .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.40 1.80 2.30 2.90 3-5° 4.20 S.oo 5.80 6.60 7.40 9.40 9JO 11.60 Brass Screw Hooks. Gauge Length i'rice . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 '^ ^y» ty. ^'4 ih a »X zy^ .40 ■45 .65 .85 •■'3 1.50 2.00 2.50 ID II ' la 3.20 4.to 3>i S^'o 13 14 15 16 18 20 iVilifi 4 4^ 4>i I 4?i 6.30 7.40 8.,So 10.60 13.40 16.90 Brass Gate Hooks and Eyes. Gauge . Length I'licc .67 8 9 10 II xa 13 . . l%.2 «% 3 3>^ 4 ^y. 2% 2.70 3,60 4.75 6.55 8-35 10.45 12.70 12.45 13 f 13 i "3 13 >3 »3 , 13 13 »% 3 3^2 4 4'/2 5 5 '2 13.00 13.55 ■ H-^° I '4-65 I i5^2o j 16.00 ' 16.80 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Hooks and Eyes. Iron Price List, page i}. lirass Price List, page 14. j^ *v*Wt»^ ^ ^ 1/2 INCH ^ju^^^ 16 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Screw Eyes. Iron Price List, page 13. Suit A. Brass Price l-ist, page 14. m @ ^ 17 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Screw Eyes. lion Price List, page 13. Suit B Brass Price List, page 14. 18 Canada Screw Company. Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Screw Eyes. Iron Price List, page 13, Suit C Brass Price List, page 14. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Screw Hooks. Iron Price List, page 13. Suit M Brass Trice List, page 14. 2l) Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Pointed Screw Hooks. Iron Price Lisl, page 13. Suit M Brass Price List, page 14. 21 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. « Fillister Head. Standard Machine Screws. Rourul Head. Flat Heat'.. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Standard Machine Screws. natHead Iron —24 — — MACHI NE S CRSWS — THK CANADA »CWEW CQ. 'T'HESE screws are threaded with solid dies, and all their parts made to standard dimensions, thereby ensuring uniformity of size and style. They are packed in paper boxes, containing one gross, and bearing a label with large figures clearly indicating the dimensions and threads per inch, and of varying color denoting the style of screw. To meet nearly all possible wants, we now carry in stock Fourteen Hundred and Thirty-seven varieties of each, iron and brass, together with Plug; and Bottoming Taps, to match the different diameters and pitches of thread. This variety being much more comprehensive than that of any otlier manufacturers, consumers will find i' greatly to tlieir interest to adajn their work to our stock sizes, and thereby avoid special extra charges, and the delays incident to the making of screws to order. ^3 Canada Screw Company. Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Iron Machine Screws. List of August I, 1894, '•'lat, Rounu and Fillistrk Heau. %i Inch. No. 3 3 4 5 6 @ t ■23 ■23 •23 .24 .24 X Inch. ^ Inch. No. 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ® $ •23 •23 •23 .24 ■24 •25 •27 •29 ■32 %i Inch. No. 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 fe 18 •23 •23 •23 .24 .24 •25 •27 .29 ■32 No. S No 3 fe •25 4 4 .;C) .5 5 •27 6 6 .29 7 7 •31 8 8 ■34 q 9 .3<> 10 10 •3« 12 12 •43 14 »4 •4S 16 16 .60 18 18 ■6.S 20 20 ■7,S 22 22 .85 i 24 24 .90 1 36 .?i' Inch. « 1 No •30 5 •32 6 •34 7 •3f 8 •3« 9 .40 10 .42 13 •48 14 •S3 16 .60 18 .67 30 .80 33 .90 24 •95 36 no 28 % Inch. r-: •35 ■37 39 •42 •44 •47 •53 •59 .67 •75 •85 ■95 1.05 1.20 1.30 i^ Inch. No. f 10 @ .70 13 14 16 18 30 33 24 36 28 30 .80 .90, 1. 00 '•I5 '•25 ^45 1.60 I. So 2.00 2.25 1^ Inch. No. t 13 @ .95 " 1. 10 14 16 18 30 22 24 26 38 30 3 Inch No, 14 1.20 '•35 1.50 1.70 1.90 2^15 2.40 2.70 16 18 30 23 24 36 28 30 (" 1.25 " 1.40 " 1.60 " I. So " 2.00 " 2^25 " 2.5s " 2.S5 " 3-20 ^ Inch. No. a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 »4 16 @ $ ■23 ■23 •23 .24 .24 •25 •27 •29 •32 •36 •45 •55 I No. 6 Inch. $ 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 32 24 26 28 30 ■43 .46 .48 •51 .58 •65 •73 .Si .'II 1.05 '•15 1.30 1.45 i^6s No. 16 0, 18 '• 20 •• 22 •• 24 " 26 '■ 28 '■ 30 •' Inch. t 1.70 I.(|0 2.15 2.40 2.70 3-05 340 3.S0 THREADS PER IXCH. No. 56 3 30- 32 6,7.8 On ^^achi!!(; .Sere'.'.-.; .liflTrring from o:ir rc-'u 24, .^,0,32 324 16,18,20 ,6.18 14 16 ^•'° "•"> '6 ^180,23 34,2^,28,30 i..n>h,.d,. .pcci.-,! price. >v,ll he jjiven on .-.pplication. 24 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Brass Machine Screws. List of Augiist ■ , 1894. Flat, Round and Kili.istbr Head. Price per Gross. X» Inch. X Inch. %, Inch. X Inch. %^ Inch. X Inch. %^ Inch. No. t No. t No. $ No. % No. % No. « No. i 2 f, .29 a @ .29 3 @ .29 3 @, .29 3 ((() .29 a @) .29 3 (rr; .30 3 " .29 3 " 29 3 " -29 3 '. 29 3 ' .29 3 " 30 3 " 32 4 " .29 4 " 29 4 29 4 " 29 4 ' -3° 4 " 32 4 " -35 S " -J" 5 " -S' 5 " 31 5 " •3« 5 ' .32 5 " -34 5 " -37 6 " -3.^ 6 '• -33 6 " -33 6 " .33 6 ' .34 6 •' .36 6 " .40 7 " -38 7 " .38 7 " .38 7 ' .40 7 " 42 7 " -45 8 " .45 8 " .45 8 " .45 8 ' -47 8 " .50 8 " .52 9 " -52 9 " 52 9 " 52 9 ' .55 9 " -57 9 " .60 10 " .60 10 " .60 10 " .60 10 ' -65 10 " .65 10 " .70 12 " .75 12 ' .80 13 " .85 13 " .90 14 " I.OO 14 ' 1.05 14 " l.IO 14 " MS 16 " 1.25 16 " 1.30 16 " 1.35 18 " 1.75 16 " 1.45 18 " 1.80 • 30 " 2.10 33 " 2.60 24 " M5 20 " 2.15 22 " 2.70 24 " 3.25 % Inch. X Inch. X Inch. I Inch. No. 3 @ -35 No. t 4 @ -5° No. $ 5 ® .62 No. t 6 @ 75 1% Inch. No. % iX Inch. 4 " .40 5 " 52 6 " .65 7 " .82 7 («• -95 No, i i^ Inch. 5 " .42 6 " .55 7 " 70 8 " .90 8 " I.OO 8 @ 1. 10 No. t 6 " -45 7 " .60 8 " 75 9 "I.OO J " 1. 10 9 " 1-25 9 (11 1 .40 7 " -50 8 " .65 9 " -85 10 " 1. 10 10 " 1.25 10 " 1.40 10 " 1.50 8 " -55 9 " .75 10 " 1. 00 «: " 1-35 12 " 1.4s 12 " I.fX) 12 " 1.75 9 " .65 10 " .85 12 " 1.20 14 " I.()0 14 " 175 14 " 1.90 14 " 2.05 10 " 75 12 " 1.05 14 " '-45 16 ■• 1.95 16 " 2.10 16 " 2.2s 16 " 2.40 12 " -95 14 " 1.30 16 " 1.80 18 " 2.35 18 " 2.55 l8 " 2.65 18 " 2.95 14 •• 1.20 16 " 1.65 18 " 2.20 20 " 3.10 20 " 3.40 20 " 375 20 " 3.90 16 " 1.50 18 " 2.05 20 " 2. 85 22 " 375 22 " 4.00 22 " 4-25 22 " 455 18 " 1.90 20 " 2.75 22 " 3.50 24 '• 475 24 " 5.00 24 " 5-30 24 " 5-«'5 20 " 2.50 22 " 3.25 24 " 4.00 26 " 5.25 26 " 5.65 26 " 6.00 26 " 6.40 22 " J-OO 24 " 375 26 " 4.75 28 " 6.35 28 '• 6.75 28 " 7.15 28 •' 7.65 24 " .V50 26 " 4.50 t% Inch. 28 " 5-85 2 Inch. 30 " 7.25 i.% Inch. 30 ' 775 30 " 8.30 2?/ Inch. 30 " ii.gc Inch. Inch. 3 Inch. Nu. t No. t No. $ No. t No. % No. # No. » 10 Oi\ 1.65 12 @ 2.25 14 @ 3.00 16 @ 4.00 18 {1, 5.75 ' 20 di 7.70 22 (S) 10.20 12 " 1 90 14 " 2.55 16 " 3.50 18 " 4-95 20 " 6.65 22 " 8.90 24 •' 12.00 14 " 2.20 16 " 3.00 18 " 4.30 20 •' 5.75 22 " 775 24 " 10.50 26 " 14.50 16 " 2.60 18 " 3.70 20 '• 5.00 22 " 6.75 24 '• 9.20 26 " 12.70 28 " 17.60 18 " 3-20 20 " 4.65 22 " 5.90 24 " 8.00 26 " II. 10 28 " 15.40 30 " 21.20 20 " 415 22 " 5.45 24 " 7.00 26 " 9.70 28 " 13.40 30 " i8.6o 22 " 4.85 24 " 6.85 26 " 8.50 28 " 11.70 30 •' I().20 ■ 24 " 6.05 26 " 7.75 28 " 10.50 30 " 1420 26 " 6.8 s 28 " 9.00 30 " 12.40 38 " 8.15 30 " 10.80 30 " 950 T//KKA DS rEK INCH. No. 56 48 ,^3, .^6, 40 23 4.5 30, 32 2 6, 7,8 4, 30, 32 20^24 16, 18, 20 16, i8 16 18, 20, 22 14, 16 9, 10 12, 14 24, 26, 28, 30 On Machine Sere \vs differing from our rcyuL-ir StaiKlards, special prices w ill be given on application. m Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Machine Screw Taps. Hottiuning. liuiioi riling, Plug. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. • Hamilton, Canada. List of 1 'elirii Machine Screw Taps and Nuts. iry If i88a. Price , )er Dozen. No. 2 Threads. (Jenti. 400 N(.. 14 'VhrvatU. Cent*. 5' 20, 24. 440 3 4S. 400 16 16, IS, 20, 440 4 •■■ 32. J6. 40 400 18 16, IS, 440 5 •■• J2. M'. 40 : 400 20 16, iS, 5.io 6 .io, ,52, 400 32 16, IS, S30 7 .50. ,52 400 »4 14. '". 530 8 JO, .{2 : 400 26 M. '!>. 630 9 • •• 24, .{O, .52 400 28 14. Ki. 630 10 ■ • 24, .iO, .?2 400 30 14. >'' 630 12 20, 24 1 400 , ( 1 List of C Special Sizes and Tlireads made to order at short notice, at Special I'rices. )clobi Machine Screw Tapped Nuts. •r ,, 1883. Cold Pressed. I'rice per Humlred. No. 8 'I'hrc;uls. Cents. No. 'riire.uls. Ci;nts. •50, 32 I. «o5 ■riif luiiiihers };iven to tlie Taps and N'lits iiulicate llie si/c per Screw tiaiige of oiir Ma 111 lie Screw s. JBM Side Knob and Cap Screws. ^H^ Prices furnished on apiiliriilinti, ■il Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Special Goods. Nn. 37H4, I'oinieil Kivfii. No. 45,15. S". 3071. No. Xo. 2781. Xo. 5881. Ni>. 2386. ^ No. I'ointfU Kivet*. No. No. 2047. # No. 2385. 2H Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Special Goods. Made to Order. CPECIAI, C.OODS incliule all varieties not coming within the range of our standard patterns and sizes, as enumerated in our price lists, and must l)e made to order at proportionately greater expense than regular goods. The accompanying illustrations present a few of the innumerable varie- ties for the production of which we pos-.ess unrivaled facilities. For convenience of reference, and to ensure exact reproduction, goods made from special samples will be invoiced and labeled by recorded num- bers, to which reference should be made, and further description will be unneces.sary. We solicit samples with imiuiries for ijri'-es. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Bolts. Flat 11 111(1 Stov Sleijjli Shoe. I'lutcd Tire. \ \ u Sink. komul Head St(jve. Ordiii.iry Tire. liiin^ Head Stu MM>; Head Stove. n K.levati.r linlt. !&:»«£. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Bolts. 1 4 -100- ' » - FLAT HEAD - THE CANADA SCREW CO. ■^^E manufacture an extensive variety of Stove, Sink, Tire, Sleigh Siioe, and F^levator Bolts, that cannot be excelled in quality of material or workman- ship. The threads are cut with solid dies, by patent automatic machinery, producing bolts and nuts that are interchangeable. 31 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Bolts. List of October i, 1883. Flat Head Stove Bolts. Price per Hundred. Length. %, Inch. %e Inch. %^ Inch. % Inch. %5 Inch. 3/ Inch. X Inch. $0.60 S0.60 "" 'A " .60 .60 $0.62 $0.65 1 ^s " .60 .60 .62 •65 X " .60 .60 .62 •65 »i.o5 $2.20 % " .65 ■6s .67 .70 1. 10 2.20 I " •65 •65 .67 .70 1. 10 2.20 '^ " .70 .70 ■72 •75 MS 2.20 '^ " .70 .70 ■72 ■75 I. IS ' 2.20 i,% " ■75 •75 ■77 .80 1.20 2.20 >X " •75 •75 •77 .80 1.20 2.20 iX " .80 .80 .82 •85 1.25 j 2.20 2 " •85 •85 .87 .90 1.30 ' 2.20 2X " .90 .92 ^95 '•35 2.30 2% " •95 .97 1. 00 1.40 2.40 2X " I 00 1.02 1.05 1.45 2.50 3 I. OS 1.07 1. 10 1.50 2.60 3^ " 1. 10 1. 12 1. 15 '•55 1 2.70 3J^ " 1-15 1. 17 1.20 1.60 2.80 3% " 1.20 1.25 1.65 2.90 4 1-25 1.30 1.70 3.00 45< " 1.30 '35 '■75 3.10 4% " ^•35 1.40 1.80 3.20 4^ " 1.40 1.45 1.8s 330 5 I -45 1.50 1.90 i 3.40 5'4 " 1.50 , '■55 '•95 3-50 S% " '•55 ... 1.60 2.00 3.60 5^' " 1.60 1.6s 2.0s 3.70 6 1.65 1.70 2.10 3. So f>% " 1.70 1-75 2. IS 3^'JO ^% " 175 I 1.80 2.20 4.00 N ckel Plating Si.oo extra per loo, added to Trice List. List of January i, 1878. Sink Bolts. Price per Hundred. I Inch by ^ Inch, $1.30 2% Inch by V Inch, $1.60 'li " ^ " ■ • ■ '-35 i 2% '. y^ " 1.65 i^ " 3i " 1.40 ! 3 " X " 1.70 iX '■ K " ■ ■ ■ 145 3^/2 " % " . 1.80 2 " /< " . ISO 4 " X " 1.90 ^'4 " X " •■55 List of January i. i8j6. Elevator Bolts. I'riie per nniulnd. ?^, and j^ 1 nch. \\ i/^ Inch. X Inch . $2. 20 I Inch, . . 53.00 I " .... 2.20 1% " . . . 3.00 ^l 0] 32 . Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. ■ ' * Bolts and Wires. I.isiof October I. 1883. RoUnd Head Stove Bolts. PHce per Hundred. Length. ^^ ^, Inch. go.85 %6 Inch. %, Inch. X Inch. %s Inch. % Inch. % Inch. S0.S5 ^0.90 1 % " -85 85 .90 $0.95 A " -85 «S .90 ■95 X •' .,S5 85 .90 •95 $'•35 152.50 % " .90 90 •95 I.OO 1.40 2-55 I " .90 90 •95 I.OO 1.45 2.60 1% " •95 95 1.03 1.05 I. SO 2.65 I^ " •95 95 I.OO 1.05 i-SS 2.70 ^% " 1. 00 CX) I •OS 1. 10 1.60 2^75 ^% " 1. 00 00 I. OS 1. 10 1.6s 2.80 iX " 1.05 05 1. 10 ' '5 1.70 2.8s 2 '•"> 10 1.15 1.20 1-75 2.90 2X '• :' •S 1.20 125 1.80 3.00 ^% " 20 '•25 1.30 1.8s 3.10 ^% " 25 ! 1.30 135 1.90 3.20 3 30 '-35 1.40 '•95 3^30 Z% " J5 i '-40 '45 2.00 3^4o 3% " ^o 1.4s 1 1.50 2.0s 35° jX " 45 • • j ..55 2.10 3.60 4 50 1.60 2.1S 3^7o ^% " 55 1.65 2.20 3.80 4y, " 60 1.70 2.as 3^90 4% " I 65 '•75 2.30 4.00 5 70 1.80 2-35 4.10 5>4 " 75 1.85 2.40 4.20 5% " ,So 1.90 2-45 430 5^ '• 85 1.95 2.50 4.40 6 90 2.00 ^•55 4.50 6% " 95 2.05 2.60 4.60 6% " 2.00 2.10 2.65 4.70 Nickel Plating, $1.00 extra per 100. ■ 1, 1S78. List uf Jiinr.ar Pointed Wires. Pr ce per Pound. £ Size. Lengtl 1. Price. No. 10 .Scit'w Gauf;c. I. i>8. iX. Inches in l.englli. 16 Cents. 12 I. '.'4. %, I. 1,^8. J,''4. I'S. " " .. 13 •' " >. l.'s. 1,'+. 48. •>4. " " 14 t. .< •Ji. '• " Oil er I.eiifjlhs ami Sizes made to order, at Special Prices. .■33 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Sleigh Shoe and Tire Bolts. List of October i6, 1884. Price per Hundred. List of February 28, 1083. Size. i^In. Sleigh Shoe Bolts. /I6 3^ 4 4^ 5 5^ " 6 6% " 7 8 51.90 2.00 2.25 2.50 275 3.00 325 $2.70 2.85 305 3-35 I 5-40 J.65 ! 5.80 SS.oo 3-95 \^\ 4.25 4.90 aixeelled 6.20 6.60 7.40 7.80 8.20 K. % ?7-40 :59.co j 7.80 9.50 8.20 1 10.00 1 8.60 10.50 9.00 11.00 [9^40 11.50 9.80 12.00 ; 10.20 12.50 10.60 13.00 II.OO <3-5o 11.40 14.00 11.80 "4-So 12.20 15.00 Bay State Tire Bolts. % Size. X. }i I In. ,«o.6o $0.80 ^X " .60 .80 1% " .60 .80 ^% " •6S •85 .70 •75 .80 3 'O^^ 3X " 3^ " ^% " 4 4^ " 4^ " 4^ " 5 s'4 " 5'4 " 5.V " 6 >^0;9 •95 00 °5 10 '5 20 25 30 35 40 45 SO .90 •95 .CO 1.05 Si. 10 1. 10 1. 10 /8 $2 20 2.20 2.20 1. 10 2.20 1. 17 i 2.20 1 i 1.24 ' 2.30 '•31 1.38 2.40 2.50 :.6o 1. 15 1.20 >25 1.30 '■35 1.40 '■45 I. SO '■55 1.60 1.65 1.70 152 2.70 I.5I) 2.80 1.66 2.90 '■73 3.00 1.80 3.10 1. 87 3.20 '■94 330 2.01 340 2.08 350 2'S 3.()o 2.22 370 2.29 3.80 » .'! '1 Canada Screw Company, Ltd • Hamilton, Canada. Tapped Nuts. List uf ()i Machine tolwr I, 1883. ^HHV s crew Nuts. I'rice pe r Hundred. COM) PRES.'ilU). No. Tlireads. Cents. No. 11 Threads. Cents. 8 30. .5^. . ... I. 73 M 20, 24, • •• 25 26 '4, 16, «3 16 16, 18, 20, . 33 28 14, 16, 94 i8 16, IcS, 43 30 14. i(), 105 Stove Bolt Nuts. (OLD rUKSSlil). DianietLT of Thread. 1 ! ' Cents. j Di.nnutcr of Til read. Cents. 5^ /32 30, 18 X !.'>, 28 ^6 24. ' %s IS, 5° ^3. 24. ... 18. 64 Tire Bolt Nuts. DiumcliTuf Holt. VORi.lA). Bay Stat ThrtMd. Philadelphia. e. ■riire:,,!. \ L'unls. Duuiieter of Holt. 1 Ci;nts. '/s 30, ,,, 22 ?i6 24, 22 %6 24, - : 23 X 1 20, 2S % 24, - 1 24 ^6 ^ 18. 42 1/ /4 20, - j 34 ! % IN, 58 %> 18, ; 5° .^i 18, 62 Wlicii (irili'i'liiK. ■'2 II "X 12 13 13% 14 15 i6 '6% '7 '7-^ l8 18% »9 '9% 20 21 "% 22 22% 23 "3% %. 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.65 2.70 2-75 2.. So 2..SS 2.yo 2.95 3.CX) 305 .l-lo 315 3.20 J-25 330 3-3S 345 3-5° 3-55 3.60 3-f'5 3-7° 3-75 L.So Va 340 350 3.60 370 3.S0 3-9° 4.00 4.10 4.20 4-3° 4.40 4.50 4.60 4,70 4.S0 4.90 5.00 SJO 5.20 5-3° 5.40 5-50 5.60 5.70 5 .So 5 '9" Inches. S2.0S 5 4.70 !-75 4..S0 4-S5 4.90 495 5 -OS 5.10 5-iS 5.20 5'25 5-,io 5-35 38% 540 39 545 39% S50 40 5-55 X $6.00 6.10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7.10 7.20 730 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7..S0 7.90 8.00 8.10 S.20 ,S.3o .S.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 y.io ^ ! 9.20 i Round Head. Inches. J^, 7 7% 8 8% 9 9% 10 i°% II 11% 12 12% J3 '3% 14 14% 15 '5% 16 16'/ *"/2 17 '7% 18 '8% 19 '9% 20 «% 23 23%' 16 S2.2O 2.25 2-35 2.40 245 2-55 2 60 2.65 2-75 2. So 2.85 2.95 3.00 305 3.I5 3.20 3.25 3-35 340 345 3-55 3.60 3-<>5 3-7° 3.80 3.S5 390 4.00 4-05 4.10 4.20 4-25 4.30 4.40 X i InC' $2.95 3.10 .20 > \o 340 3-55 3.<'5 3-75 3-S5 4.00 4.10 4.20 4-.?o 445 4-55 4.65 4-75 4.90 5.00 510 5.20 5-35 545 555 5-<^S 5.S0 5.90 6.00 6.10 6.25 '■■35 64s <'-55 6.70 24 24% 25 25 '2 26 26% 27 27% 28 28% 29 29.% 30 30% 3« 3' '2 32 32'i 33 33% 34 34^2 35 35% 36 36% 37 37% 38 38'^ 39 39% 40 '^445 4-50 4. do 4.(15 4.70 480 4.85 4.90 i 5.00 505 5.10 5.20 5-25 5.30 540 545 550 5.O0 5f'5 5 70 5.75 5-S5 5.90 5-95 0.05 6.10 6.15 6.25 6.30 '■•35 ^'45 : "50 •^•55 X S6.80 6.90 7.00 7-iS 7-25 7-35 745 7.(10 7.70 7.S0 7.90 S.os 8.15 8.25 «.35 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.95 9.05 915 9.25 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9>i5 9-'iS 10.05 10.15 10.30 10.40 Stiivc Rod Heads are not slotted, unless so ordered. 37 Ltd. Canada Screw Company. Hamilton, Canada. Iron and Steel Wire. List of June 25, i8()5. Price per 100 PoundH Nos. liright A"n-ieu. *^;;;^i-;' L'oppcrctl. Coppered Spring. Galvanized. Nos, llrlKl.t. Wcavin>;. liindiii);, lHlaui<). # 1 * 0/7 S2.60 $2.65 ^2.65 S3. 10 S3.fo ?3«5 21 S5.I0 8 2.60 2.65 2.65 3.10 3.60 3 '5 22 i 525 9 2.65 2.70 2.70 •V'S 3-65 325 1 23 5.60 10 2.75 2.80 2.80 325 375 3-35 24 6.30 II 2.85 2.90 2.90 340 4-35 3-45 ' 25 7.00 12 .3 2.95 3.00 ^.CXJ 3.00 3'o^^£LXli( jeilc jC 3.60 3-75 26 27 8.CX) 8.50 M 3 '5 325 330 4.00 4.65 39° 28 9.00 J5 3-35 3-5° i(>5 1 4.20 4.S5 4.25 29 950 i6 3-65 3-95 4.00 4.50 5.IS 5}o 30 10.00 17 3.80 4.CX) 4.15 5.30 S.80 5-5° 3« 10.50 ' i8 4.00 4.20 S.f'O 6.10 570 32 11.00 19 +25 4-45 6.00 6.00 33 12.00 20 4-45 4.65 34 13.00 Brass Wire— Special Prices on Application. * Engli.sh Wire Ciauge, New l.e[j;al Slaiuhird of Auyiist 23, 1883. See pag( = 65. ^i Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Iron and Steel Wire. .ist uf June 25, i8.)5. ExtfaS Net. I'er Hundrtil Pounili Best Steel Wire, S0.65 | Packed in Casks or Cases, . . . S0.15 Bright Soft Drawn, 15 Bagging and Papering 10 Cliarcoal (Extra (^)unlity), . . 1. 00 1 50 and 100 lb. Bundles, ... .05 Cancelled. Annealed Wire, Nos. 17, 18, 19 and 20. In 25 ijound Bundles, .... $0.10 In '_. pound Manks So. 75 In I pound Hanks, .... .50 | In ^ pound Hanks, .... 1.00 Heavy Straightened Wire. In Bundles, cut 10 to 12 feet lonu (not I'xaet). Size, . . . J^ K.xtra over Base Price, .30 ^4 ed. Light Straightened Wire. Cut to Special Exact l,cn,L:tlt. SiZI! Ill- WlRK. No. o to 5 ( iaugc. " 6 to 9 " 10 to II " " 12 to 16 " Over ao in. Long Per 100 lbs. So. 40 10 to 20 in. Long Per i '5 •4 13 12 \i 1 1 II 10 9 S List I'ricf. 20 1 20 18 16 16 '5 15 14 '4 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 Net Kxtras over Same Size Common 1 Nails. Per Pound * Standard Gauges. = c 16 "7 16 '^ ; 15 ifi ' 14 15 '3 ■•♦ 12 13 1 12 13 II ri II v^ 10 II 9 II 8 10 7 9 6 ... i 5 ... 1 4 ... , 3 )i^. ^c- 9 i 8 7 _5 i >4 I •3 13 12 II II ^C. >^c. u '4 14 '3 13 12 12 10 9 n r 12 12 II II 10 10 J3 12 13 II %c. 12 12 II II 10 10 9 Xc. X 3 . it 14 i3 ... 14 >4 Si 5:2 '3 •3 Xc. 3 3 2 2 I 12 ID 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 4 4 m:c. ! Xc. OTHER EXTRAS, NET, llarbing, Aiiiicalii)},', Special Heads, Special I'oints I'aCKing in 25 ami 50 pound Hoxes Packing in less than 25 lbs. and in i Hi. I'apeis Blued or Coated Nails ... X cent per lb. eacli. Net. % " " '■ ■' y, •' " " " 5 cents per 100 lbs., Net. Moulding, Finishing, Casing, Flooring, Clinch, Slating, Rooting, I>ox, Fence, Shingle, Tobacco, Darrel, Fave-troiigh Spikes, and Car Nails of the (Jauges named above, will be charged at Common Nail List, with F.xtras a.s shown. All other Si/cs and liatiges will be charged by the Miscellaneou.s I.i.il. See p.ige 42. -t t Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Miscel aneous Wire Nails. 1, •it l>f I.UlUiHV 1. iM |i;. Al'l'lvlM, In Al.l N,\ll S Km I-I'I >i am .\Kli \ \II s I'rii-f ;u>r I'oiin d ^4 Inch. 'A Inch. '4 Inch. », Inch. '4 Inch. No. 1 ts. Nn. . IV Nil Us N... uv Nil. Us. >9 (ml liciivicr 6o 18 .lU'l lieavitT 43 17 .mil heavier 40 17 and heavier ^o 16 .Hid luMut-r 3" 20 Ha 19 50 18 45 18 35 17 }2 21 '»5 20 ()5 ■9 5" 19 40 18 .]i 2« 75 20 55 ao 45 «9 35 % Inch. I Inch. i^g Inch. I '4 Inch. i^j Inch. \". (ts. N.., us. N.. .Is. Nn. ,1- Nn. 1 Is. '4 iDil htriivier 25 15 »ihI licivier 25 15 and lifavder 25 14 .(lid heavier 21 14 and lle,i\'cr 21 '5 27 16 2() 16 2fi 15 22 IS 22 t6 27 »7 27 «7 27 16 2.^ 16 2.? 17 30 18 28 18 2.S 17 25 17 25 ifc 30 t% Inch. ifi Inch. nn 2 '4 IJtfh. ^>| 2 Inch. 2'^ Inch. No. « ts. N... .1-. \jSLllf^f^ llCkH Ni). ■ I-. '3 irul 1k!;ivUt I() 12 an iicavitr iS ^^ *<*f4iil ViC? JLIi^|^iC4 17 10 and heavier If) «4 21 13 ly 13 20 13 21) II '7 15 23 14 20 14 22 14 22 la I,S i6 25 2f^ Inch. 15 2.5 3 Inch 3'< Inch. 3^2 Inch. 13 I'» 4 Inch. N... lis. N(.. .ts. Nij. us. Nu. us. No. ' t-. lO iiul licavier 1 6 Q uDil liLMvier 15 9 .Hid lit- avier I ^ 8 .mil licavier 1 4 8 and he.ivier 14 II 17 10 II' 10 1(1 9 11) 9 If) 12 iS n '7 II '7 10 16 1 10 1() '3 19 12 iS 5 Inch. 12 iS 5^2 Inch. I 6 I IS II 1,S 4'2 Inch. Inch and lunger. Nil. 1 Is N... us. N... u~. Nn. CtS. 6 iiul hc.ivier 14 5 and iiL-.ivier I4 4 and heavier 14 3 and heavier 1 4 i 7 '5 6 15 5 '5 4 >5 1 8 16 7 If- 6 ID 5 'f' 9 17 8 17 • NET EXTRAS. S.ish Pins or Ilcadlcss N.iils . 'i cent per 1 >, extra, Net. liarljiiit;, Aiiiiealiiig, Special Heads, Special I'oinis • • X " " 'riniiint; up to '.^ inch . 6 " •' 'riiiniiisj; "s incli and longer . 3 " " ( ialvani/in^ ..... 3 " " I'acUini; in 25 and 50 11). Boxes H " it it I'ackiii}; in loss llian 25 lbs. iind in 1 ). papers 5^ '• •' lihied 01 Coated Nails . . S c. per 100 1 )S. '• I 1 addilioii to these Extras — Nails on the alxjve list in less t lan icx) ll)s. of on 5 si/.e. I cciit iici' pound l"..\lia, N t. 43 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Rivets. Round Head. Truss Hrad. Cone Head. Machine He.u!. il 0\'A t'ountt-rs'ink Head. Hevel Head. t;!<)i)e Head. ("nuntersiink Head. Wheel He.ui. WaiiMH lit.v Head. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Rivets. Z-SLb&— 15 NORw/: g RIVETS 16 B LAC K ■•^ — ROUNDHEAD — THE CANADA SCREW CO. ■yyE are extensive purchasers of wire rods, including the l)est brands of Swedes and Norway iron, and employ a process of annealing, the result of many years' experience, tliat ensures thorough malleability. We can therefore guarantee, and are resjwnsible for, a (|uality of goods in this line that shall always be satisfactorj-. The accompanying illustrations present the styles of heads most in demand. 45 Canada Screw Company , Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Iron Rivets in Bulk. List of April 12, 1S92 List for Round, Flat, Wagon Box, Truss, Wheel, or other style heads, in quantities. Price per Pound. Diameter. Length. X, and longer. % X. \ % % % X^ 9/ X X2 X. %2 X %2 II>^ IX% ">4 : % 12 12 12 % 12 12 12 ' .^6 I2j^ 12>^ 12;^ 13 13 No. I 12.^ xzy^ 12K 13 '3 13 " 2 12^ iiy^ ^2% 13 13 •3 14 " .3 13 I J •3 i 14 14 14 '5 IS 15 i6 .6 % 13 13 13 M 14 14 >5 «5 «S 16 16 No. 4 13 14 14 15 ■5 »s 16 16 16 17 17 18 5 14 15 16 l6 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 " 6 14 15 i6 ' 16 i 17 17 18 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 ?^6 14 •5 16 16 17 >7 iS 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 No. 7 15 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 • 8 16 16 17 r? ' 18 18 19 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 •• 9 18 «9 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 23 25 27 29 30 " 10 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 28 30 33 35 37 38 •• II 20 22 24 26 27 28 30 31 31 ii 37 40 42 45 •• 12 21 24 26 28 i 29 j 30 32 34 35 36 41 45 50 55 " 13 25 27 30 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 45 50 55 (10 " 14 27 30 35 ' 3S 40 45 50 52 54 56 58 60 f>3 65 1 1 -1 1 i^ A <*_ 1 Thousand Rivets. PaCKCU m 1 ID. D02 44 1 « tes or cartons . . yc. per lb. .. ic. " -oppered Rivets :— 2 On Tinned or ( i>4 lb. alb. Packed in i lb. boxes or cartons . . Ic per lb. ■ ■ 2^2 lb. T 3 lb. 3;, lb. 4 lb. ,1b. ■■'lb, 7 lb. T ¥ T T T T 8 1b. 9 'b. 10 lb. 12 lb. 141b. ifilb. T T T T T In Papers.— Per looo. In Bulk.— Per Pound. Size. 8 Ounce. Black. ;$o.2o Tinned. #0.24 Size. Black. Tinned. S0.45 8 1 >unce. S0.38 10 .22 ■25 10 " 34 40 12 .24 .28 12 31 37 14 .26 ••5° 14 29 35 I Pound. •27 ■33 I I'inuul. 26 32 ^% .29 •37 ^'A 23 29 ^% ■• •32 .41 1% " 21 27 i?< •• •36 •47 ^% •' 20 26 2 " .40 •52 2 ** 19 25 2^ •47 •63 2% " 18 24 3 •S3 .72 3 17 23 ,1/ 3 2 •58 .80 3^ 16 22 4 .64 .88 4 IS 21 5 •75 I. OS 5 14 20 6 .90 1.26 ^ 6 '4 20 7 1.05 1.50 2. 7 14 20 8 1.20 1,70 1 8 14 20 9 1.27 1.80 1 9 13 I') 10 " 1.40 2.00 10 13 ".» 12 " 1.70 2.40 12 13 19 14 1 .90 2^75 14 12^ i»'/z i6 2.25 3.10 i6 12'A i^'A la 2. do 370 18 12 , 18 20 " 2.80 j 4.00 20 " .12 i .iS 45 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. ] r>:,,^+^ ;,^ R,,l^ List fo List of April 12. 1892. X Diameter. X. and longer. % %» % % % %t %. ^ X, Xt %. %2 I.K ii'A ii'A % 12 12 12 % 12 12 12 %. 12;^ 12>A 12}4 13 13 No. I I2>^ i2'A l2>/2 13 '3 13 2 I214 i2'A i2yi IJ 13 15 14 " 3 IJ 13 13 14 '4 14 «S '5 15 16 16 % 13 13 13 »4 14 14 IS IS '5 16 16 No. 4 '3 14 »4 15 IS IS 16 16 16 17 17 18 •• 5 «4 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 •• 6 •4 15 i6 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 Xe 14 15 '^ ; **' 17 17 18 18 •9 20 22 23 24 25 No. 7 IS If) 17 ' 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 '• 8 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 21 22 23 24 25 " 9 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 23 25 27 29 30 '■ 10 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 28 30 ii 3S 37 38 " II 20 22 ' 24 26 27 28 30 -^' 31 a 37 40 42 45 " 12 :i 24 26 2.S 29 30 32 34 3S 36 41 * 45 50 55 " 13 ^S 27 30 35 34 3S 37 39 40 41 45 50 55 (>o •• 14 27 30 35 38 40 4S SO S2 S4 S6 S8 60 63 65 Kivcts made from wire .smaller than No. 14, all lenjjths, 70 ce Its per pound. riniiing, 6 cents per pound extra. The diameters are liy Old .Kiandurd Wire (iauj^e. See pa^ es 59-t 0. 40 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Thousand Rivet?. List of April u, i8ga. 8 oz. :o oz T T ■^ "'• M "z. lib. i"j lb. ii,lb, iK "». alb. T T T T T T T =;=• lb. T 3 lb. 31, lb. 4 lb. 5 lb. 6 lb. 7 lb T T T T T T 8 1b. T 9 "'■ "lib. 12 lb. I., [I,. ,6 lb. T T T ¥ T In F 'apers. — Per looo. In Bulk.— Per Pound Size. 8 Ounce. Black. $0.20 Tinned. 50.24 Size. Bl ack. 38 Tinned. S0.45 8 ( lunce. So 10 .22 •^5 10 34 40 12 .24 ,28 1 3« 37 14 .26 •.?o 14 ■■ 1 29 35 1 Pound. •27 ■M 1 Pound. 26 32 'X .29 ■37 i>i •• 23 29 l}i " •32 .41 '^ •• 21 27 'X " •36 ■47 iX 20 26 2 .40 •52 2 19 25 »^ •47 .'■>3 »% •' i 18 24 3 •S3 ■72 3 17 23 3'^ " ■58 .80 3?^ 16 22 4 .64 .88 4 15 21 5 •75 1.05 5 ■' ^ 14 20 6 .90 1.26 i u 6 '4 20 7 1.05 1.50 X 7 14 20 8 1.20 1.70 "Z 8 14 20 9 1,27 1. 80 i .3 9 13 19 10 1.40 2.00 10 •3 19 12 1.70 2.40 12 13 19 14 1.90 2^75 1 14 12J4 i»'A i6 2.25 3- 10 16 121.^ iS'.4 i8 2.60 3^70 1 18 12 i 18 20 " 2. So 4.00 20 " .12 1 .iS 47 CaivADA Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Rivets. List of April la, 1892 Coopers' Rivets. Price per Pound. 3d. 5d. 6d. ^TTTTf .13 •13 .I2>^ .12)4 .12 List of -April 12. 1892. Hame Rivets. Price per Pound, l^ Inch and Longer. Flat Head. Round He.id. HcVL-l Head. No. .14 .14 •«5 .16 Tinning, 6 cents per INjinld adv.ince. List of .\pril 12. 18 Trunk Rivets. Price per Pound. Iron, Tinned. No. 9, .24 /16 ■25 /8 .26 •27 .27 •■|M Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Belt Rivets and Burrs. I.isl i.f April 12, 1892 Iron, Tinned. Price per I'ljuiul, any Length. Rivets packed in lialf pound boxes ana canons, in assorted lengths, 1 cent per lb. Rivets packed in quarter pound boxes and cartons, in assorted lengths, 2 cents per lb. { «3 •38 List of April IS, 1893. Copper. Price per Poiiad. No. 7 8 g 10 II 12 13 14 15 •49 -SO 52 -54 ■$(> 5** ''O -65 70 loM^Ilhs, %, %,. %. X^^ %< Xe. %. X. ^. I- '%. iX. 1%. Iliey arc made from the best selected Lake Superior Copper, and packed separately in one pound papers. We liave tliem in half pound pajjcrs, ten papers in a wrapper, as.sorted No. SxJ/s, yi, ^, }(, at i c. per pound net advance on this list. Swedes Iron Burrs. IJst of December lo, 1881. Price per Pound, Number. Blac ^ •25 % •2S 5/ /16 ■25 I ■25 3 .25 3 ■25 K •25 4 .26 5 ■27 6 •30 Tinned. Number. Black. Tinned. 3/ /16 7 8 9 10 II 13 13 14 •30 •32 ■ii ■34 •35 ■36 •42 ■42 •45 •3'"' •3« 39 .40 ■41 .42 .48 .48 •51 47 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Rivets. List of April ii, 1892. Coopers' Rivets. Price per Pound. id. 3d. T T 1 •13 •13 .12 .12 List of April 12. 1892. Hame Rivets. Price per Pound, l^ Incii .Tiid Longer. Fl;it He.id. Round Head. Ikvcl Head. No. ■ 14 ■«4 .15 Tinning, 6 cents per IN.nnd advance. .16 List of April 12, 1892. Trunk Rivets. Price per Pound, No. 9, Iron, Tinned. •25 .26 %6 •27 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Belt Rivets and Burrs. I.i>l cif April 12, 1892 No. List of AiHil 12, J893. No. Iron, Tinned. Price per I'ountI, an/ Length. ^ Oij 7 8 9 10 II •25 26 .27 ,28 .30 ISelt Kivi'ls witlimil Burrs Mc invoiceil from Hulk List, p.ige 45. la 35 13 •3« Copper. Hricc per Pound. 7 8 g 10 II 12 13 14 15 •49 -5° 52 54 5^' ■5S -''O .65 .70 I.enK-ll.s, X. %s. %. ^6. %. %6. %. %■ %, I. «;^. l;^. !%■ riu'V arc m.ule from the best selected LaUe Superior Copjier, ami packed separately in one pound papers. \Vc have them in half pound papers, ten papers in a wraiipcr, assorted No. Sxlj, y^, ^, }(, at ic. per pound net advance on this li.et. Swedes Iron Burrs. List of litieinber 10, 1881. Price per Pound. Xumher. X 11/ /32 a 3 X 4 5 6 •25 •25 .26 .27 .!0 •32 ■.36 Black. Tinned. \umber. •25 •31 %, •25 •3« 7 •25 .31 8 ••=5 •31 9 •25 •3' 10 Black. Tinned. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Discount Price List Iron Wood Screws. l.isl of January i, i8yi. Discount. fi £: bO N B3 J-. ^ 50 I S3 i 0« «5 I 70 ! 75 X 8 E 3 I'ATKNTKU May 30, 1876. Discount. 50 55 60 i 65 I 70 75 X Inch. X Inch. 40 20 18 I 40 20 18 2 40 20 18 1 1 16 16 16 •4 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 % Inch. I 40 1 20 1 18 2 40 20 iS 3 40 20 18 4 40 20 18 5 40 20 18 6 41 21 I<) 7 48 24 22 8 55 28 25 16 16 16 16 16 17 20 22 •4 '4 14 14 14 '5 17 20 12 12 12 12 12 13 '5 •7 10 10 10 10 10 II (2 14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II i 13 13 14 15 16 ^^ Inch. 41 40 53 60 ('7 74 Si .ss 95 105 120 '35 '55 21 23 27 30 34 37 4' 44 48 53 (K) 08 7S 19 21 24 27 3' 34 37 40 43 48 54 (11 70 17 19 22 24 27 30 a 36 38 42 48 54 62 IS 13 17 14 i<) 16 21 18 J4 21 26 23 29 25 3' 27 34 29 37 32 42 36 48 41 55 47 II 12 14 '5 '7 III 21 22 24 27 30 34 39 ■X. I'ricf per Urol*. Discount. 50 I 55 ! 80 j «3 I 70 I 73 i^ Inch. 7 80 8 87 9 94 10 100 II no 12 120 13 '35 14 '55 15 '75 16 '95 17 2'5 18 23s 20 28S •- 40 36 44 40 47 43 50 45 32' 35 3« 28 3' a f)0 54 (.8 hi 7« 70 S8 79 98 88 108 97 1 18 IO() 143 121) 40 35 44 39 48 42 54 48 5 54 7' 59 8<) 72 'A Inch. 1% Inch. 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 41 6 45 7 52 8 59 9 (i(. 10 73 20 20 20 21 23 26 30 M 37 18 18 18 19 21 24 27 30 33 16 16 16 '7 IS 21 24 27 >4 '4 '4 '5 16 '9 21 24 26 12 12 12 I? 14 It) 18 20 22 lO 10 10 I I 12 13 '5 >7 19 5 52 6 59 7 o 29 24 30 25 33 28 36 30 3'» 3.' XI 45 38 68 60 51 43 76 67 57 48 84 74 "3 53 92 Si I") 58 100 88 75 (>3 120 105 90 75 */ Inch. 2 40 3 40 4 40 5 43 6 49 7 S6 8 (>3 9 70 / / I 84 2 91 20 18 16 14 12 10 20 18 16 14 12 10 20 18 16 '4 12 10 22 20 18 16 '3 I I 2S 23 20 18 '5 '3 28 26 2^, 20 '7 '4 32 29 26 23 '9 16 35 32 2S 25 21 18 39 35 42 38 46 41 34 27 24 20 30 26 21 32 28 23 5 5'> 6 <)t) 7 73 8 80 9 87 10 94 II 100 12 no 13 125 14 140 1,5 i(.o 16 I So 17 200 18 220 20 270 33 37 40 44 47 50 55 "3 70 So 90 30 33 36 40 43 45 50 57 (>3 72 81 90 24 27 30 32 35 3« 40 44 50 5<> 64 72 So 21 18 '5 i 24 20 '7 1; 26 22 19 ! 28 24 20 ; 3' 27 22 '% Inch. 24 25 28 33 29 35 30 39 33 44 38 49 42 56 48 40 63 54 45 70 60 35 50 1 10 99 88 77 66 55 135 122 loS 1)5 Si 68 9 no 10 120 II '3° 12 14s 13 '^5 14 185 1.5 205 16 221; 17 245 18 270 20 320 22 375 24 435 55 60 ('S 73 83 93 103 50 44 54 48 59 06 75 84 52 58 66 74 93 82 90 98 108 113 102 1 23 1 1 1 135 122 i6n 144 128 188 169 150 132 113 94 39 33 28 42; 3b 30 46 39 33 5« 44 37 58 50 42 65 56 47 72 62 52 79 OS 57 86 74 62 95 81 68 112 1)6 80 ;iS .,0 174 153 131 109 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Discount Price List Iron Wood Screws. Lint of January i, t89>. Patrntri) May 30, 1876. Price per (Irou. « ts£ J-. ^ Discount. 50 55 60 65 70 75 -.^ 2 Inch. I 140 '.S.S I, So JOO J JO 240 J (10 J()0 .W> 41x1 45.5 70 7« 90 100 no 120 108 I JO 117 '45 Ml '70 i5,f 200 I So 22S 20; 59 .S2 <^.i 5" 70 62 81 72 ()0 80 99 88 96 104 116 I {( > 1 160 182 46 49 55 6J 70 77 84 9« 02 '9 39 3.? 42 35 47 39 54 45 '3 '4 15 16 60 50 i 17 66 55 18 72 ?)o 20 78 65 I 22 «7 73 i 24 102 85 I 140 120 100 i<)0 1 57 114 a,'^ Inch. II ISO 12 170 13 ii)(i 14 210 ■5 2^^ 16 2()0 17 2,So 18 ,;o.s 20 360 22 420 24 4N0 75 «5 95 '05 118 140 I So 210 240 68 77 60 68 76 84 94 104 I2() 112 I,^S 122 162 144 I2() iSc) i()8 147 2I() 192 168 S(i 95 106 117 5.< 60 (^7 74 S3 91 98 07 45 38 5' 4,i 57 4X f'3 5.f 7' 5') 78 65 84 70 92 I 77 108 I 90 126 105 144 120 14 15 16 17 t8 20 22 24 26 2}^ Inch. 12 >S5 13 205 14 ■!-!5 15 25 s 16 -'75 17 .lOO 18 ■ viO 20 385 22 450 24 Sio 93 'O.? 84 74 93 82 113 102 ()0 128 115 102 138 124 no 150 135 120 :i>5 149 132 65 72 79 90 97 105 116 56 62 68 77 S3 90 99 47' 52 57 64 09, 75 I 16 17 18 "13 174 '54 135 116 83! 20 97' 22 8 E 3 -'25 -'45 J73 '47 '.50 "4 ')S l8o l()2 144 126 108 21) 11)2 1711 I4(j 12S 107 250 225 200 17s 150 125 280 252 224 !()() It>8 140 8 o« 73 5 Discount. 50 55 60 65 70 75 4 Inch. 3 Inch. -'<>5 295 330 3"5 405 480 555 (.40 75° KU 120 148 '.33 'f5 '49 'S3 '"5 203 'S3 240 216 278 250 320 288 375 33S io() ' 93 118 \ 104 132 116 146 ; 128 162 I 142 I<»2 2'*'> 168 '95 ! i(>7 80 67 89 74 99; 83 no I 92 122 ' 102 144 120 560 (,40 73^' 840 970 280 252 ; 224 , 196 320 2S8 256 224 3t)5 329 I 292 , 25<) 420 378 , ,\H> I 2(,4 4S5 437 I 388 I 340 168 140 192 I 160 219 i 183 252 210 291 243 Ali Inch. 18 20 22 24 26 6(10 740 S45 970 1 105 3301 207 I 264 231 ' 198 ' 165 370; 333 '296 259 222 185 423' 3S1 3.>S 296 254 212 4S5 437 388 340 291 243 553 49S 442 387 33^ 277 '.59 25I) , 224 I 192 160 ; 300 2h^ 225 iSS 5 Inch. 225 203 180 15S 135 n3j, 24 25s 230 (204 I 179 I 153 128 126 390 430 475 555 *>35 730 850 3^ Inch '95 176 156 137 "7 98 215 '94 172 '51 129 108' 23S 214 190 167 ■43 "9 27S 250 222 ")S 107 IiO 20 22 24 26 860 975 ii"5 1260 4.50 387 344 I 301 ! 258 215 4S8 43() 390 342 293 244 553 49S 442 387 332 277 630,567 504 441 ,378 3«S 6 Inch. iS 286 254 223 191 3<'5 329 292 250 219 425 383 340 , 298 25s j 213 i '5f» 'S3i 24 26 28 30 '350 If 100 1 .S05 2010 675 60S ^ 540 i 473 405 ' 338 Soo 720 (140 560 480 400 .)03 813 722 632 542 452 1005 90s 804 704 603 503 53 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Gross in One Case Iron Wood Screws. •/ Inch. ^ Inch. Inch. ( Irii. 480 480 360 480 450 iX Inch. No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 (Ire. 200 200 360 300 300 240 240 180 I So 180 180 100 100 100 100 3 Inch. N(L ( '•<;>. 10 50 11 50 12 4^ 13 •• ■ 50 14 .. 5° 15 •■ ■ 50 16 .. ■ 4^ 17 .. . 4S 18 .. . 4S 70 • 3'' 22 .. . i<> 24 .. • .K' 26 .. 24 No, O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V.UK 480 480 450 200 1}^ Inch. No. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 IJ 14 15 16 18 20 Gro. 200 200 300 240 240 1 80 180 180 iSo 1 00 100 100 100 100 90 3^2 Inch. No. 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 (Iro. 48 4S 50 •»•' 4S 4S 48 M> -," 5(> So. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I II I 12 No. 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 C.ro. 480 450 360 300 200 200 200 360 360 360 360 Inch. Cro. . . . 240 ... 180 ... 180 ... 180 ... 180 100 ... 100 100 ino 1 00 100 ... 100 ... 90 4 Inch. Nc. 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 (iK.. 48 48 36 36 ^(> M> 24 20 "8 No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Inch. . . . 480 ... 450 . .. 360 ■ ■ 300 200 200 ... 200 ... 3f)o ••• 3&0 • • • 360 ... 360 . . . 300 300 . . . 240 2 Inch. No. 6 . 7 ■ 8 . 9 • 10 II 12 13 • 14 ■ 15 16 . 18 . 20 22 24 4?i Nil. 16 18 20 22 24 26 (lio. . 180 . 180 . 180 100 100 100 l(X) 100 too 100 100 . 90 48 ,. 48 ., 48 Inch. (Iro. 36 3'J 36 24 24 20 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 Inch. Gro, ... 360 ... 300 ... 200 ... 200 ... 200 ... 360 ... 3f)o . . . 360 . . . 360 ... 300 . . . 300 . . . 240 . . , 240 ... 180 ... 180 X Inch. I Inch. 2^ Inch. No. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 ( lio. 100 100 100 100 100 IfX) 100 90 1)0 48 48 48 3'' 5 Inch. No 18 20 22 24 26 28 24 24 24 20 20 12 No. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 2>; No. 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 iK 20 22 24 Gr.i. 300 200 200 200 360 360 360 360 300 300 240 240 180 180 180 Inch. (;ro. . . 100 100 100 ... roo too ... 90 ... 90 ... 50 ... 50 ... 48 ... 48 ... 36 ... 36 6 Inch. Nn. 20 22 24 26 28 30 (ilo. 20 20 20 12 12 12 No. Cro. 3 • . 200 4 ■ . 200 5 ■ • 3f« 6 . ■ i('0 7 • • 3('o 8 . 360 9 ' ■ 300 10 300 II 240 12 . 240 13 • . 180 14 • . 180 15 • . 180 16 . I So 18 . . 100 No, 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 Inch. (Jro. 48 50 50 50 50 .SO .SO 48 4S 48 }(' .^(> !6 1 iir Wciglii |)i-T (ifoss, Sff paof 55. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Flat and Round Head Stove Bolts. Number of Papers in One Case. Approxima tely. Number of Bolts in One Keg. Size. Case. 5>S Inch. j Keg. IJOOO Case. 366 Inch. %, Inch. X Case. inch. Keg. Vi, Inch. X I nch. Keg. 12000 Case. Keg. Case. 1 Keg. Case. Keg. % 402 12000 ' 336 1 0000 ""fw 9500 224 9000 % 51)6 1 1000 290 i)Oao 234 8500 190 8000 % .?.}(> lOOOO 260 Sooo 224 -ioo 180 7000 lOO 4800 90 3500 '4 290 9000 245 7500 I go 7000 175 6500 90 4500 70 3200 260 8000 234 7000 180 6500 '5° 6000 90 4000 62 3000 ^% 234 7500 224 6500 180 6000 •35 5500 90 3800 62 2700 ^% 234 7000 190 6000 180 5500 '35 5000 90 3500 60 2500 245 6500 iSo 5500 150 5000 120 4800 70 3200 60 2200 ^% 245 6000 •75 5000 1 50 4S00 "3 4500 62 3000 60 2100 ^% 190 5000 150 4000 140 4500 90 4000 60 2700 60 2000 2 180 4000 140 3000 loS 4000 90 3500 60 2300 59 1700 ^% 150 3500 J'5 3000 loo 3500 70 3000 59 2000 40 1500 ^% ... 108 2800 i)o 3000 60 2800 45 1800 40 1400 ^% 90 2500 90 2S00 53 2500 40 1600 40 1 1200 3 90 2000 •JO 2500 59 2000 40 1300 40 1000 3X 90 59 59 2000 30 1300 3" 1000 a'-^ ... 90 59 59 I.Soo 30 1200 30 900 i% 70 40 1800 30 uoo 30 900 4 59 4" 1500 30 <)00 24 750 4'i ... 59 ... 30 1200 30 800 24 1150 4>^ ... 59 ... 30 1200 30 800 24 ()00 4V 59 •• ' 30 1200 30 800 24 55" 5 ... 59 i 30 IOCX3 24 700 24 500 5 '4 ... ■■ 3« 1000 24 700 24 AT-' 5'2 ."• ... 1 1 30 1000 24 660 20 450 5?^ "« ... 1 24 10<.X) 24 600 20 420 6 i 24 800 24 5.>o 20 4CK1 e.'i ... ! 24 .*NOO 20 500 20 370 6'i 24 81x1 20 ioti 20 350 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Patent Iron Wood Screws. X Inch. No. o I 2 3 4 .0260 •0.i9l .0562 .0704 .0992 No, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 Inch. lbs. .3684 ■■\(>-\9 ■57.14 .f).)42 .S275 ■97,i4 I 1324 1.3046 1.4902 1.68.15 1.9027 2.1300 2.3720 2.(1282 2.8994 34<'<75 4-'37J< 4-f<524 % Inch. No. lbs. .0366 I ■0545 2 •0773 3 .1039 4 ■I33I 5 .1077 6 .2031 7 .2492 8 .3009 9 •3585 1% Inch. No. lbs. 4 ■4374 5 •5514 6 .6792 Nu, 10 II Inch. U.S. 2^5527 2.9291 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 .8213 ■9779 1.149 1 1 3353 '■53'7 '•7534 1.9858 2.2340 2.4084 ^■7793 33905 4.0702 4.8200 5.(.4I9 3% Inch. No. 10 II 12 3332<' 12 13 i-'(>3(> 13 14 4.2220 14 15 4.7084 15 16 5.22 ;o 16 17 5^7i'5f' 17 18 '''■3370 18 OQ 7.5665 20 22 8.9131 22 2'1 10.3787 24 26 •'■9' '5 3 26 Ills. 2^95«5 33932 3.8590 4.35"i . 1.8846 54450 6.0376 6.6'620 73'"2 ."<.7!!') 10.2774 i"-'i577 '37745 Approximate Weight per Gross. No. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 t5 16 17 18 20 22 24 Inch. lbs. .0694 .0978 • '303 .J654 •2056 .2560 .3128 ■3762 .4464 •5237 .60S4 .7006 Inch. lbs. .7S50 .0485 1.1283 1.3248 i^53S2 1.7687 2.0166 2.2.S21 2^5''53 2.86(17 3.1865 3^524'J 3.8S16 4.0529 5.5022 643',; 4 Inch. No. 12 X4 16 18 20 22 24 26 43S54 5^5473 6.8522 8.3014 'b!^973 11.641S i3^53'i'' 15-5^37 % Inch. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 .0840 .1177 •1557 •1959 .2489 .3089 •3763 •45'4 ■5342 .6252 • 7244 .8322 .((488 1.0744 2 Inch. No. lbs. 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 4'/2^ No. 16 18 20 22 24 26 .8908 1.0756 1.2788 '■5005 1.7411 2.7' .6770 .7978 .9295 1.0725 1.2270 '■3932 1.5714 1.7617 1.9(147 2.1800 2.40S4 2.9047 2/1 No. 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 Inch. lbs. 2.3498 2 '1970 3.0694 34673 3.890(1 43400 4.8157 5^3052 5.8460 (i.()838 8.2309 9^5893 1 1 .(1607 Kor Weight of lira.ss Sci-fw.s, add 7 ,",5 per cent, lo llifse weif^lils. 5(i Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Nuts and Rivets. Number of Nuts in One Pound.— Approximately. Cold Pressed. |i Forged niank. Tapped. Size. Klank 260 271 i No. 9 iSo 187 '• 10 '45 '52 ! " n 126 130 " 12 9« 94 " ^^'A 79 81 " 15 54 55 " 17 44 47 1 " 19 34 35 { "21^ 35 36 1 " 22 24 25 1 i Thousand Rivets. —Approximate Dimensions. Revised October 21, 1884. Si/e. I-engtti. I»iani. Wire (lanye. Size, Length. IJi.iiii. \V ire <'.;uij;e. 8 OIIIUC. N„. 1V4 3/^ l)oi ind. n N... S 10 ii " '3 4 1 1 ;t 1 .. r,!/ 12 A " '2^ 5 ■A " 634 14 A 12 6 ii? " 6 I ]icniiicl. if " 113^ 7 y .. 5 '4 IX " w'l II 8 I'li •• 4?/ '/2 •• ij " 'o"4' 9 ii'J t( 4'/ 1% '■ I 1 10 10 1% (( 4 2 U " 9'X 12 1 tl ^> aX " A " 9 '4 U " 2 3 r% " 8^ i 16 1 r '• I Bite. I.cnylh. Itiiiin. Wire (i nine. 1.1 1 i 3 2 So. 4 ail u " 3 3'l .1 J 2 Coopers' Rivets.— Approximate Dimensions. Si/e. 4'' Len>;th, Ji iliaiu. AN'irc (.lauge No. I " o " 00 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Round Head Rivets. Size. ^^ Num %^ i - - ber I Df Riv 2 ••• ets in One Pound. — Approxim itely. iSS 1 9 334 3 ... X j 4 5 6 1 7 221 8 256 ... , '54 % .?2 42 51 57 f'5 75 80 89 j 108 i;,i "59 i 1 85 215 i 27S % 29 37 45 50 57 67 1 70 j 78 94 114 138 15S iSS 238 % 26 1 il \ 4« 45 51 59 63 70 84 lOI 122 ': 1 i.?9 , '63 208 ' % 24 30 37 41 46 54 " 63 75 91 109 123 145 '85 I 22 28 34 37 i 42 49 52 57 68 82 08 III i,;i 1(1(1 «% 20 1 26 ; 31 34 39 i5 47 53 '■3 75 90 101 III) '51 'X 19 24 29 32 3f' 42 44 49 58 <'>9 83 93 '0'» 138 1% IcS 22 27 29 33 3'» 41 45 54 54 ■" '. Si) loi 127 '% 17 21 25 28 3> 37 38 42 5' 59 71 So 94 119 «% '5 18 22 24 27 33 34 40 44 55 «'3 70 S2 104 2 1,5 17 20 22 ^5 29 30 35 40 47 5^' <>2 73 92 2X 12 IS >s 19 22 27 28 32 3*) : 42 , 1 ; 50 5(1 ()6 83 2% II 14 17 iS 20 24 25 29 3i ' 39 46 50 1 60 75 2% 10 •3 >5 >7 .9 22 23 26 30 : 36 42 4" 55 (>' 3 9 12 14 15 17 21 22 24 28 i 33 39 43 51 64 3X 81/, II 13 14 16 19 20 23 26 ' 31 36 40 47 59 3% S \oy2\ 12 1 13'/ i '5 18 19 i 21 24 29 34 38 44 55 3,?^ 7^'i 9M' ' ' M 12^ 'i 14 .7 18 20 23 27 32 35 4' 52 4 7M' 9)4 " 12 13 ID 17 ' '^^ 21 25 3" 33 38 49 45i 7 S>, Io'4 ii'A r 1214 ; 15 16 17 20 24 4% 6.4 \ 8'4 10 lOJ. t '2 14 15 16 •9 ' 23 4?4 6,-^ : 8 9X 10 ii>i 13^4 ; >4^4 1534 18 22 ■ 5 (] 7>i 9 91- (\ " 13 M '5 17 21 1 ':>% 5:U 7^ 8>^ 9> «:: io)4 12'/ - 13;. •4>< 1614 20 1 5 '2 Ih \ 1 \ ^% 9 10 12 ! * -^ 14 16 1 19 SX 5. '4 (>H 1H S> ^1 9>^ ">' i 12^ I 13/2 >5 i '8 6 5 i'}2 Ti SI ^^ 9'4 II 12 13 14 17 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Wire and Screw Gauges. r a ajtfapw.3JJ aD STANDARD WIRE GAUGE r"i 50 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Diameters of Wires. No. Ui:tineter. 0, .0578 1, .o-io 2, .0841 3, w;".? 4, .1105 6, .ijOS 7- 1499 8, .1631 9, '7*'3 10, .1894 11, .2026 12, .2157- 13, .2289 14, .2421 i5. -2552 Screw Gauge.* Wire Gauge. t O O o o o o o o No. Oi.imeUT. 17. 05^ 16. .065 B O IS. 072 O 14. 083 12. .109 .1. .120 O ■°- '-'-t O 9. .'4.S O «• "■'5 O 7. .'.So o 6, .203 » .Aiiierit-.m ti^iew liauKc, pages 63-64. + 01cl St.imluni Hirmin-.:!i:im Wire Gullgi', pniius 61-62. 00 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. DiarriLters of Wires. No. Diameter. 1 6, .26S4 17, .2S13 Screw Gauge.* Wire Gauge. t o o No. Diameter. 5. 220 4, .2JS 18, .2947 3. -25') 20, .,i2I() 2. .284 22. 347. I, .300 24. ..v;)? o, .340 26, .4000 00, .jSo 28, 000, .425 30, .4520 ♦.American Sirew liauK'e. pases (13-64. 0000, ,4^4 •"■(•111 Slaiularcl lliniiini;inTii Wire (iaiige, pages 61-6: 01 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton , Canada. Wire Gauges Compared with American Screw G auge. H. W.G. No. Wire Gauge. Dimensions. No. Wire Gauge. Dimensions. Paris. 40 W.& .M S. G. Inclu'.s. .630 Millimetres. 16.00 11. W. (i. Paris. a8 \V. S: M. S. G. 1 fnchcR, .346 Millimetres, 8.80 39 606 1540 340 8,64 40 5842 14.84 ai 3342 8.49 38 582 14.78 ! 00 331 8,41 39 57II '4-51 »7 ; 323 8,20 37 559 14.20 ao 3210 8,15 38 5579 I4I7 ; 19 3079 7,82 37 5447 13-84 307 7,80 36 5j5 «3-59 I 300 7,62 36 5J'f> 13-50 1 26 ... 299 7,60 35 5'^4 «3'7 I *& 2947 7-49 35 512 13,01 2 ... ... i 284 7,22 34 5053 12.83 1 j 283 7,19 j 33 4921 12.50 i 17 2815 7-'5 34 488 12.40 25 276 7,00 3* 4789 12.16 16 2684 6,82 31 4658 11-83 2 263 6,68 33 464 11.79 3 259 6,58 000000 460 11.68 15 2552 6,48 oooo 454 "53 24 252 6,40 30 4526 11.50 3 244 6,20 3* 441 11.20 14 2421 6.05 29 4.595 11.16 4 238 6.05 00000 430 10.92 23 232 5-90 28 4263 10.83 13 2289 5-81 000 42s 10.79 4 225 5-72 31 417 10.59 5 220 5-59 27 4131 10.49 12 2157 5-43 26 4000 10.16 22 213 540 30 0000 393 10.00 5 207 5.26 25 3868 9-83 6 ... ... ... , 203 5.i(. 00 ... 380 9.65 II 2026 5- '5 24 3737 9-49 21 ... ... 1 '93 4.90 *9 \ 370 9-40 6 192 4.S8 000 362 9.19 1 10 , 1894 4.81 »3 3605 9.16 7 I So 4-57 22 3473 8.82 7 ••• -'77 4.50 H. W. G.-Kirminghaiii Old Standard. W. & M.-W„shbiim & Moen. Paris.- Frt-nch. S. ( 1. -.Vini'ricait Screw (iaii^e. Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Wire Gauges Compared with American Screw Gauge. No. Wire Gauge. n. W. (1. 13 14 15 16 ■7 Paris. 20 19 18 17 16 W, (t M. S. G. 9 ■•■ 8 8 ... 7 9 6 15 '3 14 ... 14 13 '5 II 16 10 17 Dimensions. Ini:lies. •'7"J ■173 .165 .1631 .162 •154 .1499 .148 .1368 •135 •134 .1236 .120 .118 .1105 .109 .106 .105 •0973 ■09s .094 .092 .087 .0842 .083 .080 .078 .072 .071 .070 .005 .063 •059 .058 .0578 ■055 •054 Millimetres 4,48 4.40 4.19 4.14 4.1 1 390 3.8i 376 3-47 343 340 314 30s 3.00 2.81 2.77 2.69 2.67 247 2.41 2.40 2-34 T.20 2,14 2. II 2.03 1.98 I, S3 I. So 1.78 1.65 1.60 1.50 1.47 1.47 1,40 1-37 It. W. C— Hinniusham OKI Slaml.inl. Paris. Krcnt li. 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 No. Wire Gauge. 1!. W. (1. 18 W. ,'v M 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 00 Dimensions. [nclies. .051 .049 .047 .0447 •043 .042 .041 •o.)9 ■035 .032 ■03 'S .031 .028 .027 .025 .023 .022 .020 .oiS .017 .016 .015 .014 ■0135 ■013 .012 .011 .010 .0095 .009 .0085 .008 .0075 .007 .005 .004 \V. ,-t M. -Waslilmrii .>< .Moen. >. ( 1. .Vmeiican S^rew (Jau^c. MilHinctrt's 1.30 24 19 •4 10 07 04 99 88 Si So 79 7' 69 64 58 S** 51 40 43 4' 38 3<'' 34 a 30 28 25 24 ^3 22 20 19 iS 13 10 r^mf^ 63 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Screw Gauges Compared. No. Screw Gauge. American. Dimensions. English. ' .German. | French. Inches, i .Millinieires. 000 00 I .0240 1 .61 ... •03 IS i .So ... .0380 •97 .0447 1 .•.4 ... •0520 ; I ■■•2 000 .0530 I '.JS 10 .0570 ' 1-45 .05 7, s 1.47 00 ... .0589 1.50 II .0629 1 1.60 .0649 j ••65 ■*. .0660 1 1.68 13 .068S 175 ... ... .0710 1. 80 I ... .07 2S 1.85 13 .0748 1.90 .0800 2.03 M .0807 2.05 2 .0826 2.10 .0841 2.14 '5 .0866 2.20 .0940 2-39 3 i6 .0944 2.40 •0973 2.47 4 17 .1062 2.70 .loSo 2.74 .1105 2.81 5 l8 .1181 3.00 ... 1 .1220 3io "■ .1236 j 3-«4 6 .1269 ; 3.22 .1360 1 3^45 •i.?6S 347 19 ! •'377 3-50 No. Screw Gauge. .Amcil..an. English. (ierman. I French. 13 »4 15 16 »3 »4 1.5 16 ao 23 13 23 15 16 34 Dimensions. Inchei. Millimetres, •1417 3'<>o 1 •«499 3^8' 1 .1500 3^«' : ■'535 i 3^90 I •>574 4.00 .1631 4.14 .1640 417 •1653 j 4^2o •'763 1 4A^ .1780 4.52 .1811 1 4^f>o .1894 4.S1 .1920 4.8S .1968 5.00 .2026 S^'S .2047 5.20 .2060 5^23 .2125 5^40 •2157 S.4S .2''0O S^59 •2285 5.80 .2289 S^Si .2322 590 .2340 5 94 .2421 6.15 .2440 6,20 .24S0 6.30 •2552 6.48 .2598 6.60 .2620 6.65 .2C84 6.82 •2755 7.00 .2760 7.01 (i4 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. Hamilton, Canada. Screw Gauges Compared. No. Screw Gauge. Dimensions. American.! Enijllsh. '7 I8 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 '7 18 19 24 25 26 27 No. Screw Qauge. «7 18 19 20 23 22 23 24 Dimensions. German. Frencli. Indies, Millimeircs. ^ Aiuciit..... Enslish. | Clerman. F I'rencli. Inches. MillijlR^tre •4330 11.00 •4395 I 1. 11) )440 11.28 .4526 11.50 .4S«o n.6i .46S.S 11.83 .4720 "99 .4724 I2.0O .47S9 12.17 .4860 1234 ■4921 12.50 .5000 12.70 •S053 I2.8j .5140 Ij.06 .5184 I3I7 .5280 13 41 ■5}i^> 1350 .5420 1377 ■5447 ^■S4 .5560 14.12 ■5579 14.17 .5700 14.48 ■5708 14.50 •5711 1451 .5840 M^S3 .5S42 14.84 .5980 15.19 .6102 1550 .6120 1554 .6496 16.50 6889 17.70 7.522 18.60 7677 1950 Canada Screw Company, Ltd. No. K>iuivalcnts in Parts of an Iiicli. 7/0 .500 6/0 .464 5/0 •432 4/0 .400 3/0 ■372 2/0 •348 •324 .276 .252 .232 .212 .192 .176 .160 Hamilton, Canada. English Wire Gauge. * New Legal Standard. N... 10 19 Kijuivalents I) I'.iTts of an In.h. ■ '44 .!28 .11(1 la .104 13 .092 X4 .o«o «5 .072 16 .o()4 17 .056 18 .048 .040 .o;fj .028 No. 83 a4 as a6 27 a8 39 30 31 3* 33 K<|uivalenlH a I'.irls of al hull. .024 .022 .020 .018 0164 .0148 .0136 .0124 .0116 .iiIoS 34 .0092 35 .0084 36 .0076 No. 37 38 39 40 4« 4a 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Kitiiivalvnts in P. iris of ;in In.li. .0068 .oofio .0052 .0048 .0044 .0040 .0036 .0032 .0028 .0024 .0020 .0016 .0012 Tliis Stimlard w.i.s apiiroved by Oidci- in Council, ciati>l Au},'ust 2.;, iSS;, U> lal^e c ompiiKoiy i-li'cct on M.ircli I, 1S.S4. '♦P^A •'SI '■<:'>JaL.-i«ft. 68 Historical. T^HE earliest attempt to establish the screw business in this country of which we have any record was in iS66, when the Canada Screw Com- pany was chartered with a capital of ;gioo,ooo. Before the expiration of three years this capital was found to be insufficient, and the Company had meanwhile incurred a heavy debt in their endeavor to design, construct, and ojierate suit- alile machinery, their screws being very inferior in quality and hnish to those imported. In the year 1869 Edward Gurney, of Hamilton, 1 manufacturer widely known for his success in developing the stove industry, accepted the presidency of the Company, and during the six succeeding years made the most stienuous efforts to establish the business. He employed one of the most expert designers of screw machinery in the United States to design and build for the Company machinery embodying all the latest improvements, and he advanced large sums of money to fully eciuip the Cooipany's plant, but all these efforts were unavailing, for the successfnl conduct of this business is not secured by a well designed plant alone, it must have also the skill and knowl- edge only to be obtained by long years of experience in the management. Therefore, in 1875 the charter and ])roperty rights of the Company were sold to the American Screw Company, of Providence, R. 1., C. S. A. Tiiat Com- pany have since firmly established the industry, erecting the large works at Hamilton of a capacity sufficient to supply the consumption of the country and leave a surplus for exjwrt. Mr. Gurney became and continued a Director II 69 until his decease on the 21st of Novemi)er, 18.S4. His advice and interest continued to the last an important factor in the successful establishment of this highly specialized buM.iess in a country that at that period had developed only the cruder forms of manufacturing. The resources of the American Screw Company are still, and must long continue to he, needful for the maintenance of this industry here, for the con- suminion of the home market alone is too limited to warrant the investment. Their chief object in undertaking it was the necessity of having a screw jilant to which it might divert as much of its capital and jilant as adverse legislation in the United States, through imposition of e.xcessively high duties on its raw materials, might make desirable or necessary, and their large expenditures, continued through several years, to establish the plant at Hamilton under the encouragement of the sentiment favorable to manufactures in that city, have resulted in an industry of benefit to the country at large, not only for the home supply, but for the ability to contribute a surplus product to the development of a foreign trade. The fact that the existence of the .\merican Screw Company and its parent companies has been contemporary with the history of the develo|)ment of screw machinery, and that this Company itself was in tact the chief promoter of that development, is the only apology, if one be needed, for the i)rominence it occupies in the following account of the growth of the iiulustrv, the city of Providence, R. I., C. S. A., having contributed more to this growth than any other city in the world. This Company has in its museum a unique collection of models and machines jiresenting a graphic hi.story of the industrv from the early i)art of this century, and from this collodion and other records offers the following brief sketch. Gimlet pointed wood si rews are c ommonl)- thought to be a modern inven- tion, probably for the reason that forty years ago the only screws in general use were blunt pointed, but there is evidence that gimlet pointed screws were made and used long anterior to that period, for in the year 1885. in America, in making repairs to a jiiano inscribed "Jacobus Kin knuin. I'ei it Londini. 1755." several sc:rews having excellent gimlet points were found in it, bearing unmistakable evidence of age, and of having been made before screws were made by hand machinery, when the method of making sc lews was probably to forge the blanks, then to make the heads l)y pinching them while red-hot between dies, and then to form the threads by the process of filing, all of which appears to have been the process by which the gimlet pointed wood screws were made that were taken from the old piano made in 1755. Very early in this century the Americans appear to have originated the (automatic) machinery for forming the heads upon nail blanks (the leading features of which are still in use for forming the heads upon screw blanks), for they had machinery of this kind in operation as early as 1810.* The first machinery in use for threading wood screws was operated by hand (not automatic), and was commonly referred to as the French machinery ; it probably originated in eastern France in connection with the watch-making industry of that section. We have recently seen machinery of this type that is still in use for making sjjecial forms of screws. It was this French machinery that was employed at the extensive nail a'^d iron works of the Piersons, established in Ramapo, New York State, in 1798, where the first prominent American inventor of screw machinery, Thomas W. Harvey, worked as a young man, and where in 1831 he ajjplied the princijjle of the toggle-joint to the heading of screws, rivets, and spikes. In the year 1834 Mr. Harvey, in partnership with Frederick (loodell. a cotton manutacturer, established the Foui]hkeepsie Sc:rew Company, at Pough- keepsie, New York, where in 1835, he invented machines for heading, nic king, and shaving screws, and with Jacob Sloat and Tliomas Springsteen, built and successfully operated this machinery, making what was called a taper wood screw. + and about the year 1842 Mr. Hnrvey also made the important inven- tions of the automatic feed for su])])lying tlie blanks to screw shaving and threading machines. Thomas W. Harvey's inventions were at the outset stinuilau-d by his obser- vations of juul exi)erience with the old French hand nruhinery before referref' to. !.i;er on resulting in his in\entions of the autouiatii- features that ga\"'; to the Aniprirn machinery its great advantages over all others. Fviiui I S46 to riS.j(j the inventi(jns of Thomas J. Sloan greatl; ' . "\in\ ♦Cyclopedia of l,^seful .\rts. C. 'roiiiliiison. Vol. HI., p.igf ^o.;. + Wr luivi- in f>tir possession a tliplonia and nu'dal awarded to Vo'i^hkeep^ie Screw Coinp.in\ . '^7. by the Mf '..inics Institntr, of New York, for the excelknce of tt'.is tai)er \oi..i screw. 71 upon those of Mr. Harvey, and even now the combined inventions of Harvey and Sloan cover all the chief features of the cut screw machinery in use to-day. There have been other inventors who contributed laigely to the develop- ment of the screw industry, notably the Crums, Read, Whipi)le, Sloan, New- bury, Hay ward A., son of Thomas W. Harvey, C. D. Rogers, etc. To return to an earlier date and that of the founding of the American Screw Company. In 1837 in Providence, Rhode Island, a company was organized, and in January, 1838, chartered as the "Providence Screw Com- pany." Its principal corporator and manager was Clement O. Read, and the machinery used was claimed as his invention. Their works were destroyed by fire in 1840, and the enterprise having been unprofitable, it was abandoned. In the autumn of 1838 another compan> was foriuvd at Vrovvdence, Rhode Island, and chartered as the "Eagle Screw CimM)any,- With William Q. Angell as Agent, and an authorized c^m\ of $75,000. This Company subse- quently became involved in costly litigation through the patents on the screw machine. y, and the right to use it. they had purchased tVom the Providence Screw Company. From the date of its incorporation in 1838 to 1870, the growth of the Eagle Screw Company and its connections was due to the management of William (i. Angell, who was the eldest son of Enos Angell, a house carpenter by trade, and a descendant in the sixth generation of Thomas Angell, who came to this country in 1636 with Roger Williams and was associated with him in founding the settlement of Rhode Island. "On the formation of the Eagle Screw Company in 1838, and until 1870, all the energies of his vigorous and comprehensive mind were concentrated upon the development and perfection of that business." The xMew England Screw Company was chartered in .840, with a capital of ^20,000, increased in 1841 to ^50,000, and in 1849 they began the manu- facture of gimlet pointed screws. This screw was modeled on one of French manufacture, and was tapered to a point. In i86o the Eagle Screw Company, after more than twenty years of sue cessful business, united with the New England Screw Company, of Providence, forming the American Screw Company. Mr. Angell became its President' 1 72 and from that time to 1870 everything was moulded by his formative genius. To the varied industries of his native place he more than any other man, added a new and important branch, which continues to this day to contribute no inconsideral)le item to its prosperity. He died May 13, .870, at Providence, Rhode Island, in the fifty-ninth year of his age. It was during his administration that the Company purchased the inven- tions of Thomas J. Sloan, consisting of a new form of gimlet pointed screw, with machinery for its manufacture. The.se inventions were subsetiuently purchased for England by Nettlefold & Chamberlain, of Bir-pJ-gham. The American machinery was remodeled under Mr. Angell's ^rec ns. It «us his habit never to adojjt a new machine or rebuild an .,ntil he hail made a searching e.xamination of its details to determine if 1 .odification were needed to render it either more sure and uniform in its action, more econom- ical, or more enduring. The mere casual observer might think that such labo- rious experimenting cost more than it was worth. It would no doubt be unim- I)ortant as ai)plied to a single machine, or to the work of a single day, but wjien applieci to a thou.sand machines, running incessantly throughout the year, any real imi^rovement, however slijht, becomes important. This ma- chinery, built under the combined Harvey and Sloan patents, being automatic and a great advance over the machinery of their competitors, gave to the Eagle Screw Company the leading position in the United States, and the Nettle- folds' sub-seiiucnt development of the Sloan inventions secured to them a like advantage over the hand machinery they had been using, and led to their prosperity also. Machinery of the Sloan tyjie was subseipiently sent to France, to (ler- many, to Russia, to Austria, to Italy, and other countries. Having been the pioneer in the develo])ment of automatic screw ma- chinery, this Comi)any are now developing the cold forging process of screw makinv^ for more than sixty years past inventors who have confined their efforts to the production of the thread of the screw only, have endeavored to commen ially establish this process for screw making, but owing to the costly ram a^a^o,-!.•<.l heretofore required (best Swedes iron), together with the crudity of their machinery and imperfect forms of dies, all their efforts have resulted in failuie. IJut now that the further great development of Sir Henry Hessemer's inventions has jiroduced an economical material of the right characteristics to admit its being moulded cold into such forms as screws, in dies, under suit- able pressure and movement, with great rapidity and very little waste, this Company have pressed forward the development of suitable machinery for the process, under the inventions of Charles Dake Rogers, its chief superintend- ent, with the result of a completely new system, which is jjrotected by a large number of patents. A die and machine constructed under these patents were recently made the subject of one of the heaviest patent lawsuits ever known in the English law courts, /. c, "Nettlefolds versus American Screw Company." This case was before the courts from the 4th of January, 1890, to the nth of April, 1892, and was finally disposed of by l)oth the Chancery and Appellate Courts, with a sweeping decision in favor of the American Screw Company, confirming the originality of its machinery, and the scientific accuracy with which it had developed the cold forging process as applied to screws. This Company acquired the property of the Canada Screw Company, at ; tmdas, Ontario, Canada, in the year 1876, subsequently enlarged and removed to Hamilton, Ontario, and in 1891 they also estal)lished the British Screw Company, Limited, at i,eeds, England. The percentage of failures of those who have embarked in the wood screw business has been very great, for the lousiness is intricate, recjuiring very large capital, and elaborate and highly organized machiner)-, and hardly more than five per cent, of the screw companies that have been organized in the United States, where the manufacture has reached its greatest development, have met with success. J 75 Index. Announcement, . Page. I Angell, William G. 67 American Screw Gauge, . 58, 59, 60, 6j .62, 63,64 American Wire Gauge, . , 61,62 Anneale 31 Sink, • . . . Price List 31 Sleigh Shoe, . . Price List 33 Stove, Illustrations, . . 29 Flat Head, . Price List, 31 Round Head, . Price List, 32 Nickel Plated, Price List, 31 Nuts for, . Price List, 34 'lire, Illustrations, . 29 Plain, Price List, Fluted Price List, 33 Nuts for, . Price List, 34 Burrs ( lilack and Tinned), . Price List, 48 Belt Rivets and Burrs, Price List, 48 Bright Wire Price List, 37 Brass Wire, ... Price List, 37 Bright and Black Weaving and Binding Wire Price List, ^7 Page. Brass Wire Goods, . Price List 14 Bright Wood Screws, . Export Price List 9 Bright Wood Screws, Home Price List 5 Blued Wood Screws, . Home Price List s Bron/ed Wood Screws, Home Price List 5 Brassed Wood Screws, . Home Price List 5 Bronze Wood Screws, Home Price List, 6 Brass Wood Screws, Home Price List, 6 Brass Wood Screws, Weight per Gross, 55 Brass Machine Screws, . . I 'rice List, 24 V>ANAIJA Screw Company, Limited : History of. . 68 Trade Mark, . I Works and Head Office, Frontispiece. Warehouse Toronto, Frontispiece. Warehouse Montreal, Froiiti.spiece. Cap Screws, . 26 Cooper Rivets, . Price I .ist. 47 Cooper Rivels, Size and I.en ,'th, . . 56 Copper Wood Screws, Price I ,ist. 6 Cases, Contents of : Wood Screws, . . 5^ Stove Bolts, . 54 Coppered Wire, , 37 Coppered Spring Wire, , 37 1 76 Page Discount I'rice I.ist, Wood .Snews, 51,52 P.ige History of .Screw Making, ... 68 iJowel Screws, Illustrations, . ... 10 Hooks and Eyes, . . Price List, 13,14 Dowel Screws, . I'rice I.ist, 5 •Hooks and Eyes, Illustrations, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Drive Screws, Illustrations, . . 11 Hame Rivets Price List, 47 Drive Screws I'rice List, 5 Diameters of Wire 59, 60 Illustrations ; Hamilton Works and Head Office, Frontispiece. h.XI'ORT I'rice Lists, Wood Screws, . . 9 Warehouse Toronto, . Frontispiece. Extra Price Lists : Warehouse Montreal, . Frontispiece. Rivets, ....... 45 Trade Mark i Special Goods 28 Bolts 20 Wire, j8 lire, plain 29 Wire Nails 41.42 Tire, fluted 29 ICIevator Bolts, . . . I'rice I.ist, 31 Sleigh Shoe 29 English Wire Ciauge, Old Standard, . 59. 60, 61, 62 Stove, 29 English Wire Gauge, New Standard, . . 65 Sink, 29 English Screw Gauge, .... 6j, 64 Elevator 29 Eyes, Screw Eyes, Suit .\, . . . 16 Screw Eyes, Suit B 17 FELLOE Screws, . . Price List, 5 Forged Screws, Illustrations, .... 2 Eorged Screws, .... Price List, 5 Fluted Tire Bolts, Illustrations, . .29 Fluted Tire Bolts, . . . I'rice List, 33 French Wire (iauge, . . .61,62 !■ lonch Screw Gauge 63, 64 Screw Eyes, Suit C, ... 18 Hooks, Screw Hooks, Suit M, . . 19,20 Gate Hooks and ICyes, ... 15 Lahels, Wood Screw, .... 4 Machine Screw, .... 22 Stove Bolt, ..... 30 Rivet, ...... 44 Nuts, 34 Pointed Wires 2- G.M.VANI/EIJ Wire, . . I'rice List, 37 Rivets, Standard llead.s, . . . -43 Cooper 47 Gate Hooks and ICyes : Tliousand, ...... 46 Iron, I'rice List, 13 Hame 47 Brass Price List, 14 Belt, 48 Gauges, American Screw, . 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 Screws, Cut and I'orged Wood Screws. . 2 .\mericari Wire, 61.62 Standard Heads, .... 3 English Wire, Old Standard, 59, 60, 61, 62 Dowel, ...... 10 I'^nglish Wire, New Standard. . . 65 Drive 11 luiglish Screw, .... 6j, 64 Machine, 21 French Wire, ..... 61,62 Side Knob, 26 French Screw 63, 64 Cap 26 ( lernian .Screw, ..... 63, 64 Special 27 I'.ige. ILLUSTRA ri( )NS rContinued) : Taps 25 Wire, Diameters of, . 59, 60 Wire N'ails 39 Wire and Screw (Jauges, . . . 58 Japanned w ood Screws, Price List, 5 K.EGS, Contents of. 54 ^AC(,)UEK1:D Wood Screws, . I'rice List, 5 M/ lACHINE Screws, Illustrations, . Label \'arieties Manufactured, . Iron, .... Urass, .... Threads per Inch, Nuts for. Taps for, . Miscellaneous Wire Nails, Extra List Net. . Si/e and Length, . 21 22 22 Price List, 23 Price List, 24 2j, 24 Price List, 26, 34 Price I :.;■., 26 Price List, 42 . 42 42 N, lU'l'S, lUuslralions, For Machine Screws, For Stove IJolts, For 'lire Holts, Number in One I'ound, Nails (see Wire Nails). • 34 I'rice List, 26, 34 Price List, 34 Price List, 34 • • . S6 Oiled w irt- (see Wire). OINTED Wires, Illustrations, ... 32 Pointed Wires, . . . l',ice List, 32 KlVETS, Illustrations, . Label Process of Manufacture, . Number in One Pound, . Size and Length : Thousand, Cooper, Iron and Steel in bulk, . Iron and Steel Belt and Burrs, Co])per Belt and Burrs, . Iron and Steel C()0|)er. I lame, . . . . Trunk, Thousand (black), . Thousand (tinned). Rods, Stove, .... bcREWS (see Wood Screws). Screws (see Machine Screws). Side Knob Screws, Sink Holts, .... Sleigh Shoe liolts, Stove Bolts (see Bolts). Stove Bolt Nuts, Stove Rods, ..... Special Goods, Illuslralion.-., Prices, ..... Standard Heads of Wood Screws, Machine Screws. . Rivets, . . Wire Nails, ... Screw Eyes, Suit A, Illustrations, Suit B, Illustrations, Suit C, Illustrations, . For Prices, see Wire Goods. Screw II(H)ks, Suit M, Illustrations, For Prices, see Wire Goods. Huge. • 43 44 • 44 57 56 • . 56 Price List, 45 Price Lisi, 48 Price List, 4,S Priie List. 47 Price List, 47 Price List, 47 Price List, 46 Price List, 4O Price List, 35 Price List, 26 Price List, .51 Price List, 3.5 34 35 27 2S 3 21 ')3 39 16 17 IS 19, 20 . 41 42 42 42 I'rice List, Price List, I'rice List, Price List. Wood Screws ; Progress made in inanufactiire, . Varieties of Wood Screws manuractured, Taper Shank Korgi d Wood Screws, . Standard Heads of Wood Screws, . Gauge for Wood Screws, . Number of Gross in one Case, Weight per (iross, .... Label for, Discount I'rice List Iron, Briglit, . Pa«.. 2 4 2 3 5S 53 55 4 51.52 <) . Lxport List, Iron, Briglii. Home List, Iron, Billed Home List, Iron, Bronzed, . . Home List, Iron, Brassed, . Home List, Iron, Jnpanncd, . Home List, Iron, Lacquered, . . Home List, c Iron, Tinned, . Home List, 5 Iron, Nickel I'lated, . Home List, 7 Iron, Silver Plated, . . Home List, 7 Brass, Bright or Lacquered, . Home List, 6 Brass, Nickel or Silver I'lated, Home List, S Copper, Bright or Lacquered, Home List, 6 Copper, Nickel or Silver Plated, Home Li.st, 8 Phosphor Bronze, Bright or I.acc|uered, . Home Lisi, 6 Phosphor Bron/e, Nickei or Silver Plated, . . Homo List, 8 Wire Gauges, Illustrations, .... 58 Sizes in Inches and Millimetres, . . 61,62 American, 61,62 Birmingham, ( )ld Standard, . . 59, 60, 61, 62 English, New Standard 65 Lrencli 61,62 Warehouse Toronto, . . . Frontispiece. Warehouse Montreal, . . . Frontisjiiece. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) 7 s'/ ^ . 1.0 I.I 1^12^8 |2.5 IL25 i 1.4 1^ 1.6 /a O >%, 'a y V at Sciences Coipordtion 23 WEST MAIN STitEET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 873-4503 5.^ l/j \..