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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOfY RESOIUTION TIST CHART (ANSI ond ISO TEST CHART No 2l »^ 1^ 12.2 ^ :: ^PPLIED I IVMGE :65J East Mam street Rocnesler, Ne. rorfc ,.6o9 USA l716) 482 - 0300 - Pho^, ("6) 288 - 5989 - To, REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 Vol. VII: CRUSTACEA PART A: DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS By MARY J. RATHBURN. SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 'v.T i'lc c . .-> OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACH6 PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 Inucd August 18, 1919 WWfl REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 Vol. VII: CRUSTACEA PART A: DECAPOD CRUSTACEANS By MARY J RATHBURN. SOUTHERN PARTY- 1913-16 Vnl. iii— 4fi4S4-I OTTAWA J. dc LABROQUERIE TACH6 PRINTER TO THE KINO'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 IsKiiPi Augunt Ifl, lOtQ '^ '^ The Decapod Crustaceans of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18. My M Miv .1. I! MiiHi A. .l.s.s7i(/(i/( III /.iinlniiii, IkiIiiI Sliili .s \ ill iiiniil Mux, inn. Thf known lanir. of M'vcral spcric- is txti'iulfd l.v th- >|M'citni'n-i ohtainf.l l).V th.' <'!lliailiiin Alrllc Kxpr.litioll, l''ivr of ihr s|M'ci(.« of Siiiiniitnrilris ari' ^-hown to hiivi' a more .■oinpli'ir .ircuinpolur iliMril.iition, while I'lirnlilhiiihn ninitsrliiitniis j, nconlcd fur tlir fir- 1 tinii' from tlif \iciic (occurrence acciilentali, ami I'liiiinns hrniiilli ,rn-< to n acti i;ir r -tli in Herinu sea lis Norton M.iind. Attention i- call.-j to the distrilnitional enarts of V(.n Hofsten (see hililionraphvi in some of which notal.le gaps are filled or reduced l.v the new data here pulilished. As nearly all of the species of shrimps collected hy the Canadian Arctic Kx|M'dition were descrilied and their -ynonymy worki'd out in the author's report on the decapod cruslace: ns of the llarriman Alaska expedition (mc l.ihlionraphyi. a reference to that work is w le under each of thoM> specie- in the list lielow. It may he noted that the care with which the specimens were ohtaineil and preserved is due to .Mr. rrit« .lohansen, naturalist .if the expedition. UK llIK Sl'KCIKS. < )rder I)K( AI'ODA. Siilienlcr N ATW riA. ""I'lrJiiriiilv I' WltM.llllt.X. Family PANDALIPE. (ienn> Pandalus J.each. f'and .Iu8 goniurus Stimpson. J K.iilil.mi. \'M\\. p. ;js, |il. 1, tig. :{.) Off point Lav. latlionis: rock and mens. Disiuini I'lo.v. Okhotsk sea and i. i^ Alasj. i.t. ti!)" :{.-,' X.. 1,,,,^. Kdio 27' \V.: 11 12 ' 'Iku': Aiiuust 17, Ktlli; s;.ition 22- .velve speci- i>t ol .\la>ki southward tliroujih Jierinn ^<"i to iufi4-li = 1 -ti.iit, Nor'hwest Territories; ' : >l T.tMt.Mi.-; ti..i,i ~i..niM> I, ,.t I., uii"ill,n>. DiMUii.t HON, Ar.tif v»A'\ nf Ain.rira; UmiiK vm to I ..u.l m.iiii.I. Ivi.n.l.atkM; (»k.,..t«k s.-h: Alhi.tir .-..mM ..f Aiii.Ti.:, Iruiii Ka-t aiMl W •■-» ( t.. Lay. l!h...l.' i-l;m.l; Nurwiiv. III. . SpJrontociirls soina (Sowtrliyi. iU:iiiii.uii. I'.Hii, |i <:i, \>\ III. tin. :>,» \,,rtl. ..f th.' Ala-kai. l.nim.lur\ ; lat. 70^ IH' N., loim. I Uf .".(I' W .: al...ut :<(» inu.l: >t..ina.l, of /'/-.«w //-.;,„/.,.■ April I. I!»l »: >taiini. ■_".•(. «»iii. "iiiTiiiitii ami fraumiiil'' "f turiT (illicr-. , , ,. ; MiTiianl liailM.ur, N..rtli«.'>l TniiK.ri.-; Iioni ■.lomaili <.t /•.- '"'.- horlnihis: ( If I oh. r •_'•-', l'.i:.'>; elation \-2n: two h|).Tm..iis DisiKimnnN-. From Ar.ti.' Alaska lolT point ilop.M, tliroiiKl- ni.K -trail HiriiiK -.a. A'ciitiaii i-laii.U ami Alaska pi imisiila to l.itiiva l.ay, Alaska. Xri'tir North Am.-, from Kll.'sin.rr i.aml. .h-ii'-s souii.l, ami Mrlvillr |..iiin- Miihi fa-twanl to ( .nTiilaii.l. Irciaii.!. aii.l Nova, aii.l soutliuani to Massacliiis.'tts hav, Tacror islamU, ami Kattegat; :{ '-'lO talh.>rii>. For tahlf of (lislrilnition, -If von Hol>t.h. I'.titi, tii£. I. Thf two loraliti.'s of thf Caiiailian Arrtir Kx| '.lition arr at iiit.'rval- hctwc'cii those previously recorile.l in Alaska ami Arctie Canada. Splrontocarls arcuata UathlMin. ll{;llllllllll, I'.KIl. |> tit, pi. III. tin 1. 1 West of Coekhiirn point, Dolphin ami T'lion strait, Northwest Ti rritorie- \•^ 20 fathoms; >an(ly mml, with stones ami alija-; Sepieinl-.r 1 1. I'.»l.): station 4'{r; one specime.i. , i ■ . i i n ■ DisriumTioN-. Hitherto known only from :l)ilot islamls, lierinK sea to strait of Juan .je Fuea. Its .•eeiirrenee in Aretie • eonsi.h' exteml- the rann>'- Spirontocaris phi-fi'sii (Kniyer). i;:.,lil>un, 1!M». i> <«.) West of ('oekl.iirn point, iM.,)hinaml I'liion strait. Northwest Territories 1.-, 20 fathoms; samly mini, with stimes ami altia- Sei) 14, l!»l.); station \'.ic: three specimens. i r i. ■ ,i Hernanl harl.oiir. Northwest Territories; from stomach oi hmjiinllm harholus: October 22. I'.tl.-); station 42-(,- anterior half of one sp.'. imeii DlsTUiniTioV. Arctic Alaska (west of I)oint lTau':lin) -outliwanl ti; Plover l.av. Siberia, ami to the Shumanins, Alaska peninsula; Kllesniere l.ami ami .loms souml to Kasteni Creenlaml, southward via Labrador to cape ( od. Iceland the Fa.Toes, ami Si)itzber>:en, eastward to Kara strait and southwanl to SkaKcrak; Middle Arctic Siberia; shallow water to 200 tathoms. For table of distribution, see vmi Ilofsteu. n»lf., Ii^. 2. The two l.M'alities of the Canadian Arctic Kxp.'dition are mar oK<'thei and remote from those on either sid.. wh h have been i)reviously recorded. Spirontocaris polaris (Sabim ). (Hathbun, l'.M)4, p. TH.) Off point Lav, Arctic Alaska; lat. 69° 35' N., lon^. Uf 27' W.: H 1. oms; rock ami sand, with many alpa'; AuRust W, IIH:^; station 22; om fath specimen />< 1 iljloilx .» A 'm,> Wc-t !•;' » 't.rkliiini (luirit, Diilpliiii aii'l liiiMii -tniit. \urlli\u-t ■rrrrituric-i; l.'i "Jd fat In (111-: -: il.\ iniiil, \\n\i loic- an I ilKii-. .-' |ii''mlwr !>. I'.M.'i, -luiinii \'.\r: Kill' ^iMTlltii'ii. with 'Mi|iM'ii| |iiiru«itt' in lilt lit'niM ' 'll cli.'tnil.i r ( >iit) r hill liiiiir Mtrii.iiil hnilnnir. Nnrlhwi'^i 'rfrniiiilc . .. -mih ". t ,Mi.,iii- ; ^jiikIv 111. wi' .il>,;i' Jd. I'.tl.'t; ■.lalinii II; (ivf ^|H'c mu<. '• ll • 1.. r. r.criianl liarliniir, Nuithwr-t 'I'l rritni ii- ; alMiut .'» t'allii>iii«; iiiiui with a,..- !iiw.«tl\ hiiiMi: .Inly JH, M.M.'i. >atiiiii Ih. thni' -iMiiniiii-' I I '2 . I. Till' ir.ilf ami mif iVmalc liasr piir|)li>li ant' unal »ralr- ami piii[>lf iliit-markinn^^ <>ii .intfimai-, «vt-«talk», ami !•({>: lil'ini imiri' KraiiKr, larapatf tlaiiiimat)'. ( tutcr harlmiir, H« riianl harlMiur. Northwf«t 'rcrritniicH: almiit ;< futlKinis; iiiml with itruvvii al»£;i'; All^fll^l I, l'.t|.">; >tatiiiii 11/, um- Dvictruii- iVmalr, iim- yiiiiiiK. hmianl liarlioiir, Norlliwi-I 'i'lrriturio: ftnin -tdiiMch nt' liig ; luninnlhiis hiiiliiiliis. Sc|ilciiili('r ;i. Iltl.'i; >iMlii)ii \2i : mic s|tc(iiri'ii. Hciiianl iiai'lioiir. Nuiili\\iv-.t 'j'criitiiiu'>; I'nuii >liiiiiai'li nf luKjinilhiin hiiiltiiliis: ( (riolicr 22. l'.M."i: >iatiuii I2i/; itiii' ^pccimrii. Disiniiii IK'V I'loin .\iitii" (Mean, mirth of Hen: "^ strait, -outhwanl to till' .Miiitiaii islamis ami Kaitiak mi the .Ximriraii >ii r. ami tn Oklmtsk M'ii nil tlif .\»iati" A{\v\ .Vntif Atiicrica from Milvillr island sduthwanl to capf ( 'tul, -Massiichusctts. and oast ward via (Inrnlui.d and Iceland to Niw Sihiria i.»lamU; sduthward on the I'.uropfan coast to the Hchridts and Skajjirak; 1 7^W.\ fatiioms. For talilc of di-trilxition. si-c von Ilofstcn, lOlti. fijj. U. Tiif two general localities where this species was taken liy the Caiiaiiian Kxpeditioii are interimdiate I.etween those previously recorded. Spirontocarisi fabricii (Krityer). lUiilhimn. !»»<'». p. h.">.) Off point Lay, .Vrctie .\laska: lat. (iif ;{.V N.. lonK- Iti:^ 27' W.; II 12 fathoms; rock and satiil, with many al>£!<'; Aujjnst 17. I'.ti;^; stsitioii 22; two , ovi({eroUs. West of Cockliurn point, Dolphin and I'liioi' strait. Northwest Territories; 1.") 20 fathoms; samly iiiwd, with stones and aljja'; Sepli mlier 14. I!tl."); station \'M-, twenty-three specimens. DisTKiBiTiov. .\rctic coast of Alaska southward thnuKh Herinu sea , |.l. III. tii;^. :{. :{ii.) Off Icy cape, Arcti' Alaska; lat. 7(^24' N., lonjj. ltU°2.')' W.;ft 10 fathoms; mud. with pehhles; .Vutjust lU. I'.MS; station 2;i; one ovifjeroiis ; and fragments ot one ". one s . ( Stajiylton hay. Dolphin ami Inion strait. N.irthwe-t Territories; 2."> liO fathd.ii:-: sandy mud, with petihles; September 14. KM."); station V,M>: one -.'. DisTi'im Tio\. \ova Zemhla, Kara sea, .\rctic- Siheria and .Maska, t'li ,ice south to Siika; Doljihin ami I'nion strait, .\rctic Canada (see ahove); Western (Ireeiiland and Labrador: V^ ',M fatl.i > ■. Tliv distriliUtion of the species, .S. {ittinitt.ilii, uith a!i its vari:tt ioti^ is much more extensive (see von Hofsten. lOKi. tig. 4), including Kastern (ireeulaiid, Icelanil ami Northern Eurojie, thence southward to Scotland and Kiel hay. 6a (Huiulinti Arctic K.rjtiiiiliiiii . IHI.i IS Sii[i.Tf;irMily IH M.OMIll) \. I atiiilv CRAGONID/E. ( icnus Crago I.aiimrck. Crago septemspinosus (S:i\ i. {('riiiitinii Ki jiti iih'^iin'D.-'d ]iiillibim, llKlt. p. I Ki. ii'xi lijj. ,").">. i Nt-ar ('■ranllcy liarlioiir. Port Clarciicc. Alaska: 2 A fallioins; imid. witli many alfias August 4, HtKi; statidii 2()(/; one spt'ciincii. Disruim rii>.\'. Arctic coast of Alaska at I'.sclisclinllz hay southwanl alniifj tlic eastern shore of Herinsj sea to the Shimiasjins; east coast of North America from eastern Florida (Say) northward: shallow water to 4^") fathom- (otT Delaware). (lenus Sclerocrangon Sars. Sclerocrangon boreas (I'hipi)s). (.Kuthhiin, 1".K)4, p. l:W.) Off i)()int Lay. Arctic Alaska; hit. (i»° -.W \., Umn- Iti^i" 27' \V.: 1 1 12 fathoms: rock and sand, with many algii'; Au^nst 17, llUli; station 2'2: thirtv- oiie specimens. Off Icy cape, Arctic Alaska; lat. 70° 24' N.. lonR. lOT 2.")' W.; 9 10 fathoms: mud. with jiehhles; AiiKiist 10, 1013; station 2;^; one small si)ecimen. West of ('ockl)inii (xiint, Dolphin and I'nion strait, Northwest Territories: 1") 20 fathoms; sandy mud, with stones and algip; Se])tomber 14, 101"); station ■i'.ic: six sper'imens. Hcrnard harhoiir. Nortliwest Territories; from stomach of Erlijnntlnis harlmtus: ,Iidy (VIS, 101."); sttitioii 40)/; fragments of one specimen. Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories: from stomatdi of big 9 Eriijunthii.-- hiirlxitux: ,'^eptember ;5, 101.5; station 42r,- frafjments of three specimens. liernard harbour. Northwest Territories: from stomach of Kriijnnthii.'' Imrhdtus: .Vngust 24, 1014; station ;{7((.' third abdominal somite of a very larfje specimen. DisTuiiuriov. .Vrctic Siberia near Bering strait, and Arctic Alaska, southward via Bering sc;i to Killisnoo. Alaska, and strait of (ieorgia. British t'ohmibia (Lenz); Sakhalin island and vicinity, Ivistern Siberia; islands of Arctic America southward t" cape ("od; (ireeidand, Iceland, Northern Europe, eastward to Kara sea and southward to the I'aeroe islands and to lat. ()7° lo' N. on the coast of Norway: to 200 fathoms. For table of distribution, see von Ilofsten, 1010. fig. 7. (leiuis Nectocrangon Brandt.. Nectocrangon lar lOwcm. iRalhbuti, I'.HM. p. i:)7, text-tins. 7t mii4 "•").) Off point Lay. Arctic Alaska: lat. 00° :C)' N.. long. l(i:{° 27' W.: 11 12 fathoms; rock and sand, with many alga-: .\ugust 17. 1013; station 22: two sjiecimens. Near (irantley harbour. i)ort Clarence, .Maska: 2 ;} fathoms; mud. with many aleiv: August 4, 10i:<; station 20f/.' one speciinen. DiSTKiniTioN'. -Arctic coast of .Maska and Siberia soulhwiird to Sitka anil Kurile islands; Western and Kastern Cireenland southward to Nova Scotia; to 220 fathoms. ' < A (iciius Sabinea Owen. Sabinea septemcarinata Sabine. (Ilaiiscii, lltOS, |). :,->.) Xortli (if till' Ahiskiin bound.-irv; hit. 70° V.V \ Uma 14(1' -.11' \v ■ tv , >.o...t.l. ..f I'k,.., f,„;,.,a: .l.,,tl. or water about .0 fath 'mlf^'nlu: ; A n V" , u' station 2<»/; fraffniciits of two specimen- 1 ■■! t, i..n, OiT Stapylton bay, I)olpl,i„ an,l C.ion >trait, Nortl.west Territories- "-, SO S':;;u,r:p;;-i.z:;: ^^"'' •""''•'•- "" '"^- ^"'-""- > »■ ""- -'Vi,;,: 4;;i;; 1 ?*-'/,'"';'''""" '"'V'^- '^"ll'l'i'i ''"twa.-,l to l.VnK I'O 1/ 1'.., and southwanl to Saltenfjonl, Norway : to 24(> fathoms. For table of distribution, see von Mofsten, I'tld, fijr. s. SlllxmllT JlKl'TANTI \. Tribe AXOMCUA. Sii|»Tf;ir]iiiy I'.XCrm l)E.\ Family PAGLRID.E. (ienus Pagurus I-"abrieius. Pagurus trigonocheirus (Stimpson). (Stinips,.!,, Pnic. Ac;i,l. Nai. .S-i. I'liihi,l,.l|>lua. vol. .\. l.s.'.s, ,,. ■_>4..» [sTj.l Off ley cap,., .\re1ie Alaska: hit. 70^ 24' N.. Ions. l(;i^ 2.V W.: <» 10 fathoms; . p. ',». Hiuhbuii, I'.HII, p. 1.".7, pi. IV, fii?. 1.) Xorloii -oiiml. Alaska: lat. iV.i" V.i' N., Ions;. Iti.")" 24' W.; surface; July S, VM'.i; statiiin 10; one rijjlit clicla. DisiKim Ti(>\. Jicrinu sea southward tt> Oregon; It to 121 fatiioms; hitherto the latitude of the I'rihilnf islands was the farthest north known for this species. The siiecinien from Norton sound, if the identification he correct, extends the ranp;e. Pagurus splendescens Owen. lOwtMt, ill Zool. of Ciipt. Hci'clicy's Voyafjc. ISL'.") 2S, I.dikIoh. \S.i'.*. p. M, 1)1. XXV, li(5s. 1, l:i.) OIT Icy cai)e. Arctic Alaska; lat. 7(1° 2>' \.. long. 1(11° 2.')' \V.; (I 10 fathoms; mud, with pebbles, but no alga"; August 1!). lltKi; station 2;i; two small sju'cimens. DisTKiBiTiox.-Arctic coast of .\laska (point Barrow) westward through liering sea to Kanicliatka and Washington; below low water to 22.J fathoms. Pagurus sj), indet. OtT cape Lisburne, Arctic Alaska; lat. ()S° 4S' N., long. Kio" 10' \V.; surface; August It), \\}\:i; station 21f/. c, f: two specimens of the megalops stage. Family LITHODID/E. (ienus Paralithodes Hrandt. Paralithodes camtschaticus (Tilesius). (Houvicr. .\iiii. Sci. Nut., Zool., srr. S, vol. I, IWMi, p. 2:5.) Point Harrow. .Alaska; (m sand spit; beach; August 22, 1913; station 24; l)roi)odus of left clieli])ed of a specimen of medium size. DisTRiiuTiov.— Point Harrow, Arctic Alaska (see above); Hering sea (from Norton sound) to Aleutian islands to Orca. Prince William soimd; Skide- gate, (^ueen Charlotte islands, Hritish Columbia {(ieoh)gical Survey of Caiuida); Kamchatka; Okhotsk sea; .Ia])an; low tich' to 49 fathoms. Tribe BRACHYVHA. Sul.tril.c HRACUraXMIIA. .SiiiHTfiiiiiily HK.irinitinXcUA. Family ATELECYCLID^. (Ienus Telmessus White. Telmessus cheiragonus (Tilesius). (BciKMli.i, Proc. I". S. Nut. Mus., vol. \V, 1s-' p. l.-.l; Mtl.iS IN.V), pi. VII. tigs. l;l ,1.1 H I .1 Hcach at Oica (('oidova), Sdiitlicastciii Alaska: ."), KUtl; station (>()(/.• one carapace. ' DisTKiiti Tio.v. Tnalaska to .Ma}iecinieiis of megalopa which may be a development from the preceding and Irom which the median or rostral spine has disai)peared. Off Nunivak island. Mering .sea: lat. (iO° Oil' N., long. 1(17° :W \V.- suriace- .luly (), 101:5: about oO zocne. South of Shumagin islands; lat. .■)4° ;{0' N.. long. l.")0° 42' W.; surface; •luly 1, l!)i:}; stations Hi a. h, c; three megaloi)a, second form. 'riie zoea" and first megalops resemble of H ifas (imnciis '■ (inniiis " • lescribed and figured by Williamson, Fisheries Hoard,' Scotland, Sci. Invest H»0!», I (Dec, lOlO). pp. l.-j l(i, pi. I, figs. 1 and 2. Williamson considered that his megalopa moulted into the first crab stage. The rostrum of a similar megalops, but with longer median spine, is figured as //. conrdatH." bv Hjorck, Actalteg, Soc. Physiog. Lunrlensis. n.f.. vol. XXIV. I'tKi. p. 22, te\t-fij/s. 1 ;nid 2 MiJ-rl'Tri'T""™' '' «■'■ ''"'" '''':'!''l»-'',l;;- '>■■ ", C. Wm .\:,„„. an.l 11,,. ,nf„r,„„t,„„ ,-„„,„,uniratt.,l hv Dr. U.,v W . .M,niT, (if the .\imT,ciin .Musfum lit Niilunil llisiur.v . ,,„n' ^'V^'''l'n,b'''' ;';'''•;'"'"« ""» ""•■" '''-pi'' ■"■■•"inp,.nic» t),<. spwimen so rw:,r,lf,l (»,.<■ Han^u-n. I).,nisl, rnK., ii'm. Ill, ., imn, p. !«.. l,u, an crnir n„iy. c,f i-iiiir-av hiivc hi.<.n iimilc hi the tin,c i.f ciilliK-tiim. 1*'a Canndinn Arctic Exp-ililiiin. lUl.i IS ficniis Chionoecetes Kniycr. Chionoecetes opiHo ((). F:il)ri(ius). (Riilhhmi, I'mc. l. S. Nat. Mii^., vol. XVI, IV.U, p. 7». pi. IV, fi(js. r»-7.) Off Icy cape, Arctic Alaska; la(. 70° 24' X., loiid. U]\' 2.")' W.: collected at i)oint Harrow, Alaska, by V. Stefansson in .Inly or Aufjust. 1!>12. Di.-sTRiniTio.v. -From Hritish (•ohmd)ia northward to Rcrinn strait, thence eastward to Creenliind, thence southward to ( 'a.sco hav, .Maine: Kamcliatka; Okh(!tsk sea (otT Rol.hen island); Xajjasaki, .Japai:; littoral to ;{.5() fatiioms. List ok Lolalitiks with thk Dkcai'ods foind at lonjr. l.-)!)" 42' Miin. i(K,° 24' W.; Station \^(i, b. c. South of Shumagin islands; lat. .")4°;j()' X W.; surface; July 1, l!»i;i. ////(/.v coorctntiix Leach. Larva*. Station 1!). .\orton sound, .\laska; lat. (W° V.V X surface; .luly 8, l<)i:i. Pdgiiriix braiidti (Benedict). Station 20^/. Boajh at Teller, port Clarence, Alaska; .hilv :U. 1913. Telmessiis cheiraiionun (Tilesius). Station 2()(/. Xear Crantloy harhour, port Clarence, Alaska; 2 3 fathoms mud, with inai>y alga'; .\uf;ust 4, liU3. (rm/o sfiitfiiisitiniisits (Say). Xcctocraiujoii liir (Owen). /'(Kjurus caiiiUtitiis (Benedict). Station 2().». Beach at Xome, .\laska; .July 12, lit 13. Ti'llmcsKUn cliciniqoniia (Tilesius). Station 21c. Off' cape Lishurne, Arctic Alaska; lat. (iS' 4S' X., lontc. Iti.') 10' W.; surface; August Iti. 1913. ////o.s' coorctatux Leach. Larva'. Station 21(/, r.f. Off cape Lishurne, Arctic Alaska; lat. ()8° 48' X • ' lGo° 10' W.; surface; August 10, 1913. P'Kjnnis sj). indet. Larva'. Hi/ds coiirctdtiis Leach. Larva'. Station 22. Off point Lay, Arctic Alaska; lat. 09° 3,")' X. AV.; 1 1 12 fathoms; rock and .sand, with alga'; .\iigust 17, 1913. I'dndnlns ijoiiiiirus Stimpson. Spironlocdris jiolnris f .Sabine). Spirontocaris fabn'cii ( Kioyer ) . Sclerocriiiujon barcds (I'hipps). XccfiirriDifioii lar (Owen). Station 23. Off Icy cai)e, Arctic Alaska; lat. 70° 24' X., long. 1()1° 2.")' W.; 9 10 fathoms; mud, with pelihles, hut no ;dga>; August 19, 1913. Spiitiiiliniiri.s (jaiiiKirilii bilchcri (Bell). Sclcrocmiujon borran (Bhii)ps). Pnguru.i tri(jnnochciniK (Stimpson). J'ayiirits xplouhscrnx Owen. long. 1(>3' 27' W hi i/iikLs II A\ Xnrtlnvi'st Tcri-itorirs: from stcinmli ,, Xorthwcst 'rciTitorif-; tiniii stoinacli o St '1 'ci'r'itdiics: Hi/iin rotiirttilits Lcacli. ChioiKiatvs oiillio ((). Faliriciiis). Station 24. Point Ham.w, Ai:.>ka; .„, san.l spit; l„.,,,.|,: AnjiUst 22 I'ti:{ ^Sl^ulions 2rA .. OIT Coo,,,.,- islan.l, i.ojnt Harrow. Alaska: >.irfa,-,.; August Hijiu; iDiirctiitiis I, cadi. I.arva'. Station 2!t/. North of Alaskan Imnn.larv: lat. 70" !:{' \ lone 1 KP -,()' troni .Ktoinarh .,t I'hnn, hls,u,l„: al.ont :{()' falhoin>: nniinrotttocans sjimii (Sowcrliv). ' ' ' Sabitwa xipU iiivniiiiiitd Sahinc. Station 37a. Bernard liarhour. Erignalhus hiirhiiliis: .\nnMst 21, IHI J. Sell rocriinqiin hunu.s ( Piiij)|)>). Station ibii. Ht-rnani liarhour. Eriiatliiix Ixirhdliis; July ti S, I'M."). SclndcnnifiDit hurids (Pliippsj. SIK 1 hniindthus hnrliiitus: September .3. l!tl,j. ' Spirontocuriii polaris (Sabine). Scleriicningon borais (Phijjps). Sdhuu'd septemcdrifidtd Sabine. Station 42u. Hernard harbour. Northwest Territories- r.n"/wf;m- ,s-/>//(a (Sowerby). Spirontuatris phippxii (Kroyer). Si)irniitocuri.f puldn'y (Sabine). Sc. of ( 'ockburn point. Dolphin and I'liion Terriloric Territoiie from .stomach of from stomach of strait, Xorthwest .strait altra>: Xorth Scptenili Territories; 1.") 20 fathoms; sandv l!tl.-). Sfnnmtoairi.-: ijrir'ildiiillrd i,I. (' ''^jyiwiitocdrin urciidtd Hathbun. Sjuriititocari^ plii/ipsii ; Kniyei'; SpirdiitdCdris pdldrin (Sabine). • >^piri)utocdn\-< fdliricii il\ri,yvr}, Sclcrocrdngoii Imraifi (Phipps). mi.,., with stones I'aliriciusi. str.iii. Northwest d ai^a': Septcinlx-r 14. 12 A ('(iiKiiliiiii Airtir H.rixililiiiii, IIH-i IS Station •>()«. HcMcli at ( »rca (('onldva i, Sdiitlifii-^tfiii Alaska- ScntcinlxT ."). lilKi. Cattcn- miKjixtir Dana. Off Niiiiivak island. HrrinK sea- lat. ti()° O'.C N.. Iohk. UiT" ;{H' W , surface- July (). I'.»l.{. ////(In' r(iiii-ctiilii^ I.carh l,arva'. HIHMOCUAl'llV. .Vp|.cllof, A. I)ii' I)rka|Hiili'ii ( 'nisliUMM'ii. .Mcciol'amm vnn UriKm, lli'ft _' u. :f. l!H)(i. Hinilii. A. Hcitriiuc z'lr Kcniitiiis dir l)cc;i|MHlin-Krcl)sc ilir ciinisiali-clicn Arcli.i. Mrm. lie r.\c!i(l, Imp. Sci. .si| . IViir-tMiiirtf, scr, S, vol. .\.\l.\, KtlO. Di.fl.iii. 1'. Dif (Ickapoilcn Knii.-c ilcr iirktisclu'ii .Mccic, I'aiiiia Arclica. Hand I, Lief. 2, .Jena, 1<.»(M). Ddiis, ( 'arl. Tronisi) Niii.'^ciims .\arshcftcr ;M. TniTiisii, I'.IIL' l:i. Doris, Carl. N'onl-.XorKi's Dccapodcr. .\lu.s(Mims Aarshcftcr :{7, Tri)ms(i, KM* ll<»l.")). Hans.'ii. H. ,J. The Danisli InRolf-Kxpctlitioii. WA. 111. '.'. Cni.stacca .Malarn;. Murdoch. .John. Marine Invertebrates, in I'. II. Hay. Report of the International Polar Kx]). ditioii to I'H)7. Criistaces MalaeosI races, par le Dr. Louis Stappers. Bruxelles, IDll. Stephensen, K. Report on the Malacostra<'a I'ycnoKoiiida and some Kritomostraea collect d bv the "Dan- mark" Kxpedition to North-east (ireeidand. Meddelelser om (.ironlanil, vol. \lv, Kobeahavii. 1!)I2. jStcpheiLseii, K. (ironlaniLs Krebsdyr og I'ycnotfonider (Conspectus ('rusta<'eoruni et I'ycnoKonidorum Oroenhindiae). Meddelelser om (irdnland, vol. X.XIl, Kobenhavn, 19l:{. l)i en jKiils \.\\ Hitherto unpublished Records of Decapod Crustaceans collected by other Canadian Expeditions and Explorers.' My Makv .(. Hatmhi v. Thr IVnni wl.irl, this list w:,s MK,.!.. is i„ ,1,,. .MusriMu ■^\ (Minv, nn.l was s..„i t„ Hm- I ,„t.-,l St.-.,..s \Mtinnal Mus..,,,,, fur .,l..„ti(ir,.n,„n. Si,iriinl,Htin.s iiKihliiriiliiit i.l. ('. I'':il)riciii>) roil Murw.ll, rim.ivii. ■• Nrptuiw" lA|>..i|iti„n, MMKt \ '^Y'';».;i!n;;;l.';;;;s'; ''''•■'•''''"• ^"'■"'"'•^' •'•'■■•""-.>, mmv, i.h.,.. • a,.,,,, •• rollcrln,, u,.s, si,|,. of ||,„l-„„ iK.y, N,„H,w...i T..n-,l.„ir:., ,S.|,i,.„,l.,r l-.l. l-Hd Sinniiilii III it sjiiiiii iSiiwcrliv I. I'.irt Hurwrll. 1 niiMV.i. " NCptmic " lAp.-.Ini,,,,, hh):!-1 Siiirnnliiriiris lilj,li,,r,i,; , I )ariiii-si'ii i. I'orl Hnnvcll. Iiiu:.v;i. '■ .\( piiinc - Kxpr.lili,,!,, IlKCi | Siminili, iiri.-< iihiii/isii (KroyiTl. I'liil Miiiwcll, riiK.iv.i. ■• Ncpliinc ■• Kxpcdilio-i, l!H);!-4 N.Mr month ,.r l'..vim(jnitiik livcr. rust si.l,. ,,f H,„ls„„ h,, Aimtist. IMIS .V.I. 1j'>\\' . 1^' >pi'i'iirii'ii> I I'r.imiii'til. I -pi'iinirll, 1 -pi-rjini'ii, I >pcri|iii'M. -•'< sp('ciim'ii>. 1 spc( iiiii'ii. Siiiriiiitucinis jiitlniis {Saliiiic). riillrrt.m. « si,!,. „f Hu,i.s,m Lay, Northwest T.rrilorirs. ScptniilMr lit l-Kl) I'ort Hiirwc'll. limava, Nortliwcsi 'ri>rriti,ri,.< Kuri i •• v . >■ i- ■• spi'iimcn.^Lui..(';^Xria';i';;;;r^,.'C.s;T,. '-^ -■ <'i(''tli>>>^\iliij-,H-,i,li,ili,s),jm;it,u„li,iis^Cxxx. ,v- Val.i, Sept. .ml,,.,- .} \m\ N.'ar month ot I'ov.mKtiiliik riv.r, rast si,l,. ,,f |i,„i,„„ hav. .\,m,.i |,v,.s "I"'"'"- A. 1 . Low .. I spi'i'iiin-li. ■-pciimciis. I Siiiniiitiinirifi I'lilirin, ( Kriivrrl . I'orl, Tiipiva. ■■ Ncptiiiic " l-Apcilition. li»ii:i t Ni>ariii(mthofl'ovmnjiiit Ilk river, cast side Hiii1s<,m hay, .\iiuiisi. Iso.s. A. I'. \., 1" spi-cimciis i« 1 spciiiiicil. Siiimiiliiriins ,/„„,„„,/// .Mil,,,. P;,hv,„-,|s. varyinj; lo^varoll slielh ^«MJ^nnvell, Inguva, Norlhwest Territories. •• Neptiu.e" I'xpdition, \m^-^. 1 sil,. h,!!'. ■ i N|M'rilll('ll!<. '^ ^ Cii'iiiiliini Arctic KriMilition, t.'H.i IS I'iKjuriii' kniijirt Stimiwoi). Initiiyii Mil), NiirlliwiKt TcrritoriiK. AukusI or ScptinilMr, \s\\'. MiitlKon Buv l'.\|>iilltii)ii. '■ l)i;iim " KxpolilioM ////>i.i iiHininliix Lcmli. liiKiiya Hi.y. Northwisi 'ririliniiis, .\iinii.«i or .S|>i«iiil>ir, ls(»7. IIinLxoti Uav I'-xpcilltinii. ••Diana l-Apcdition ' 1 miilf. Some of the Dccapod-Cnif'liK'ca collected hv (lie " Xepluiie " KxiM-dition \\m 4, w.Tc sent ill l!»().-) to Prof. (J. (). Sjirs, < lirisf iaiiia. Xorwav, for ideii- tihcatiop; aiiiiliH