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II Cwfji.i I r , l):r. . t..r ..I I ■ ^ Environment Environnement ■ T- Canada Canada O01S97SK CANADA. FURfcSTRV 6RANCH. The Relation of Forestry to the Development of the Country K. II. cami»|{f;i.f. \ The Relation of Forestry to the Development of the Country. Desirlptlon of Some European Forest Oonditiona by Mr. B. H. Campbell, Dominion Director of Forestry. Whili! on II visit li> tin- OM t'niiiitry mi-iitly I litnl tin- ii|i|Mii'tiiiiitv iil' \i«itiii^ Hit William H.lili,.|i, the li.'ii.l iif 111.- (•'iHc'st HrliiMil at till' I'liivcrsity l li:is li.'nl tin- lon^ji'Ht <>x|ii'rii'iiri' in fnrcHtry work, lie liinl tlir honor, with Sir liii-trirh Uriimlis, of or^janizinn the fori'st M-rviro in India iiinl xjii-nt twenty- live years in that serviie. Ili' then re turne.l to Kiiclaihl to the t"iiri>st sihool liani has "ince the iin i'|>tiori of the forestry wcirk in I'anada taken a very keen interest ill it, and was very nun h pleased to learn id' the proyress that is liein^ niiide. Dr. Schllih DiscusMs Forestry Situation in Canada. I>r. Mehli. li w:is kind enon^jh to diseuHH the C'inadi.'in situation somewhat fully, an. I after doin;; so he advised nie that the Mature Scotch Fine, Ballochbuie Forest, Scotland. whiih w;is then loiati'.l .it ('ooper's Hill at whii h the forest studiMits for the Indian servile were eduiated. and lias siiue heeii enjjatjed in preparing men for the Indian forest serviee, whieh reipiires very hicli teehnical i|Uuliliiations in its offieers. Within the last few years the forest sehool wa.s moved to Oxford and is now beinj; parried on in eonneetion with tlio I'ni- vcrsity. Sir William is still aetive and able to attend to his work in the sihool and deliver leetures, although he is lienlii- ning to feel the effects of age. Sir Wil- liest poliiy to follow was to have forest reserves estalilished wherever there were lands suitalde for that purpose, .'iiid then go forward ami develop a permanent poliey of administration on these reserves. This was the poliey followed in the develop- ment of fore.stry work in India, and from Dr. Sidilieh's experienee ho was satisfied that this was the important basis for any advaiieo in forest maii.agement in Canada. A statement of this kind from a man of Sir AVilliani Sidilieh's long experience both in forest management and in education, is Canadian Forcttry Journal, Manh, lUl't of Ufi'l Miliir iiikI sliimhl yi^i' the I'lir ■'••tcrM in <':iiiii ri' Mi ll:irt t'lir !•■<( r«!r:iti'|>ti'.|. Progreu Being Made in Betting Apart Forest Beserves. t 'i>)i>'ilr a'Uatiir lias lirrri iiiailr tti <'aiia. 1 ItritiHli Coliniiliia (iMitsiilc Railway Hi-lt) J. 17 1,1.' in making a total of l.'L',',i.'l."i,.'i!i:; airi'M. Hi- si'loM till- aroas yivi'n for Uritisli ('nlninliia. all llir I:iiiils wi'st of tin' CaHiiiilr?* Iirariny inori' than s.iiiM) fnt, Imanl ini'asiiri'. of tiiiilirr ,,i'r arro ami all lainls i'a>t of tin- t'a.ii'aiU's licariiij; over ,",imhi fiTt, lioani inrasiin-, piT arri' of nnTrhantalili' tlniluT ari' ri'niovi'il from I'litry. Thi'si' arras havr liron soli'i'tcl witli I'on-'ralilc larr with tin- olijrct of inilmlinfj in saih ri'scrvatiiins only Iannis whirh con trol watrrshcls, or whiih owiiiK to the iiatiiri' of tho soil, to|i();jra|ihy or altifiidi', aro not snitalilo lor .■i>;ririillural |Mir|iii!i. The ili'trraiin.-ition of what laioU an- aliso Into fori'st lainU ami an' a;;riiiillur;il Ian. Is is a mailer of ;;rcal irn|iorl!imi', an. I It is one into whirh a ;,'oi).| many faitors I'liti'r so ih;it tho ili'cision th.-it any Ian. I is alisolnto furost Ian. I may havo'lo hr altiTi'.l with .•on.lilions of rlimati', or ni;ir ki'ls ami of .•ijjriiiilliir.'il ami fnrost .Ir \i'lo|ini('nt. Agricultural Conditions. In I'oiisi.JiTin^; tin' pussiliiliti,..; i,f n,,. nsi' of Ian. I for .•lyri.iiltiiral piirposi'- it shoiill .'ilso III' ki'pl in mill. I thai lln' ii. a is not as III whi'lliiT it iniiihl or nii;;lit nut III' iHissilili' to |iIiMii;h n|i tin' Ian. I ,'in.| rai-r somi' sort of .-i rro|. i . it or us,. t| fur t'r;i/ini; piirposi's, l.ut whi'lhor Ihr lions ari' such that a family lan i.' -ni.- porli'.l upon Ihi' Jan.! in onlinary .|,..i-ii.v anil I'omfiirl. If sn.h is nut tin' lasr tin' plai-in^: of pi'iiplc on sn.'li lan. Is is not only of no lioni'lit to thi'in Imt is .-in alisnliili- ilrlriini'til to the lomniiii. wi'al as Ihi' ri'- sail i-an only he Iho lirinyin^ up of a yen •ration whirh will In' a mona.-i' rathi-r than a strentjih to lhi> slah'. In .listii.'ls w hi're Ihc I'limnti' is niiffl ■ icntly null to prrtnit of tho ^rowlh of frnil, I iilti\ atiiin may In' i arrii'il to hi(;hi-r altilmli's than in rasos whi'rc IrHit |irolil alili' imps to the arro ran iii- urowii. In l-'rami' anl ><» il/erlaml, viinyiirils an- fiinml hi^'l, .| on thr'H of the nioiiii t.'iins OH .soil that is not of ^oinl ipiality ami ari' making; possillo a prolitalili' ro Inn from lln' l.iml so as In largely )iro\i.|i' for thr support i.l i family .■ii lornpara tivi'l\ small ari','i> \Vhrri< t>:ain or root imps niiisl III' ri'sorti'.l to, the nroa of lan. I tr.piir.'l for till' support of a f.'imily svoiil.i 111' ri.nsi.lcr.'ilily ijrratcr, ami when' it ri'ai Ill's a poiiil only Ihi' ){ra/in^' of stoi k an.l lilt' ^rowin^ of j;fi'i'n f 1 is a piissiliilily till" arra ri'i|uir('.l for tho sn|>- piirt of a family must In' larurly incrcascil. On Ihi' pooriT lan. I ami in Iho mountain ilist rills uf Kuriipr it Ini'ii fouml pus silili' to uri'ally cxli'ml Ihi' area of |iro(li alili' si'ltlrmrnf liv pmsi.lin^ nn ontsi.lo souri'i' of I'lnpliiymi'iit ami profit to thr a^rirultnrists, ami this has licon iloiii' l.y iincrinj; tho poor l.'iinl with forrsl an.l i'liithin^> till' moiinl.'iinsiilr with a crop of trees. If we ' ke a typical mountain '.al ley in any iil the foresti'il i|istii.|s of Kuriipe the matter will lie fouml work out siinu'what as follows: In the lower part of the v.-illey where prailically any crops m;iy lie yroHii, the f.'irmer can ilepen.j on the proceeils of the l.'iml he owns or has renle.l to prnvi.le for himself :iml his fain ily. I'nicei'.lin;; higher up the valley small of ^rain :tlti'rn:itin^ with pas lure priivi.le a rather in.'i.leiniute support r.r the f.'imily, an.l hiylier up elimatic con litioiis which ni.'ike the laini snit.-ilile only for yr;i/in)X, except possilily only a few .icrcs in the immeiliati' lioltnni of the \ .'il ley, make il necessan that only the ura/ in;; of slii.k, which i~ ycner.illy .lone on ciimninii p:istur.'|i;i', shoul.l lie carrie.l out while the small area of ar.-ilile laml in the l.iitlom of Hie valley may supply fi ■ I fo?- the stuck for the winter ami ve;;i'tal.h's fur the family. II is fonn.l, however, that, if some pro lilalile Work can lie provi.lcl in the winter for the faniilies living in valleys, llic \;illey» will lie nlile to support .-i consi.ler alily lar;;er pnpul.'ition than wmiM lie the c.'i'-e if the hill si.jes were liaie.l :in.| .1.- Mile. I wholly 111 \i[n/\i\)i or •■ittenipls al .lijri.ultini'. The contrast, from oliserva linn. I.elween the foreste.l ami ileforesle.l \.illi'\s in the mount.'iins is so ^reat that ." fori'steil v:i!ley will support a [loputa- liiin I'slim.'ite.l al live times the numlier in a .li'fori'sli'.l vallev in a nnninlainous .listri.-t. II will lie' seen then that the fiiresl is nut oppose.l to agriculture luit is .■1 ^reat a--istanco to it in places where the auricnitiiral lonilitions arc not the most favorable. T/if Hiliilion of FitrtHtru U> the Drnhpmrnl of thv lounlry 5 wf^- Scotch Fine. Height. 108 feet; ginh, 11 feet 10 inches. Forest Flauting Helps Poor Lands Wliilc the acriiiiltiinil Hottlcnu'iits in miiiiiitaiii valleys have lircn rcfiTn'.l to in till- piiTc.liii^; |iaraur;i|ili tin" no tliinj; appiii's to poor laii'l-', os; . y sainly Uu\f of ; „'rt'at olc- vat ion. A very Btrikinn rxai..,.n' of lliis iM Mi'cn in tloidistriit of the I.ainl.'S in Houtliwi'stcrn Kranii-. Tlie saiuls tdrowii lip on tlir sra wlioro in the vii'inity of Kor- ilcaiix ami soiitliw.'i'il ilriftcil in o:i the farniyanis ainl viii'vards to tlic I'iwt, Krailiially covcrinn ainI ilrstroyiin; those ami resulting; in a lomlition of sainl hills or ilnnes fnoviii); slowly nmler the inlliience of the win. I, with stretches of marsh he- twcen them. On these saml hills ami m.'irshes ;;n'\v a scanty vegetation v.liich proviileil pasturage for it few sheep whi ■h were looke.l after liy the shcphenls who have often been ilescriheil walking over the hills ami through the marshes on stilts watehin): their sheep anil soinetinies busily knittinu in onler to aii.l to the value of their time. Agriculture was impo?silile in the district and this grazinj; wliich was very poor and carrieil but a small num- ber of stock was all the use that could be made of this extensive and ini'reasiny sand area. In the year I'SS steps were taken by the French government to ascertain what coiilil be done to improve conditions here, and a policy of forest planting was deciiled on with the result that these sand wastes have been almost entirely plantdl lip with Maritime pine which produces a very valuable harvest of resin during the life of the tree wliile the wood afterwards is used for paving blocks in Paris, for props for coal mines in Kngland and \VaI"s, and for other purposes. In fact one part of the shortage of Jiiine |irops in (ireat Hritain at thi' present time is ilne to the f.act that the supply coiiM not be obtained from northern France on account of the scarcity of labor owing to the men h.'iving all been called out to ',oiu the army. It will be remembered that there was a depu- tation from till" Hritish government in (^an- •Kia recently looking into the question of the ]iossibiiity of obtaining a supply of pit props in Canaila to cover *he shortage from t> Haltic as well as from France. The tfect on the population of this re- forestation work is shown by the fact that in the parishes of La Teste and Cazeaux, in this district the population before re- t'onniUnn FortHtnj Journal, Mmrh, 191.) Pine TrMB tapped for ' eiln near Bordeaux, France. I'liri'Htiitiiiii u:i> l.iiiMi :iii>l 1:4 iiiiw 11. mill, iiiitl fitn!r;il>li' :ir4<;i<« l);t\t' Imtii l>r iiinmiiiii-iit as wi'll a** a Imst in lirnh/r liaM' Imiii iii'.li'.l ifi till- .listriit to M. Hri'iiioiitiir. »liii Hiiliati'il this uoik. Forestry in Scotland. Ill ilii' I'l'iliiT histiin lit' Siiillaiiil it is |iiiil.;il.l.' Ih;ii till' tiii'.'iti'r |iait iil' tin' lli;.'li was ,iAi'ii',| with till' itiipwlli knonn ii-i tlir ;i' |.ri.|.iii tinii nf llir l|i«li l.'imls I'lmsists lit' hi'iitli ila.l hills, with a viTV littli' lit' natin;il t'lni'st nn tin' I'stati's ot' sotiii' lit' thi' miiri' |iiiis|M'riins l.-iml nwn ITS. In thi' .l;iys nl' tin' Ili;,'lilaml ilrar aiii't's till' yli'iis wiri' I'lnptii'il of moii in many |.la.i's t ikr w.-iv fin- si |i, ;iinl fill' i;razin« nf -In, |. in tin' Ili^hlainN h;is III .11 ri'.iiitly Its must iinpnitant in.liistrv. A >ari.ful stinly nf tin' »' i|in'sti a nf till- ri'lativi' \ahii' nf t'la/in^; ami fnii'strv in till' lliyhl.' has I n ma. In in n n't .vnars ami th" .li'lil.i'rati' .nmliisioii has been reailicl that with laii.l whiih will nut rout for more than oiiu shillint; au aore I'll ii|i ti miii-h iiiiiri' thri'i "' I'. ■ » '•IIM-IS "11 I- III 11 |IIISIIIIIII mially tii ilo so an- |i|aiilini; trrns iiml liny sin h lainls ii tii fiirrsts as ra|ii.|ly fur yra/iiii; slii'i'(i, sliilliii;;s, it is ciTtiiiiilv miii'h iiiiiri' |ir(illt alili' to put till' Ian. I into fnrnst, iiinl thnni' of till' |.riviitr iiwiii'rn who an' in a position linaiir' " ' ' . .■ . til mil i.s thi'v ran iiM'rtaki' tlin work. .\ laryi part of Hiotlaml is so sitiiati'.l that thr t'ra/iiii; is m.-illy not of yrnat \aliii' as it is r.'. ki.iii'.l in thr (II. I I'onntry wIiiti' onr of mil' hi'ii.l of lattli' to I's of Ian. I, ami iiiii' hi'.'i.l o'' mil' i|ii;irti'r of that .'iri'i wisiirn rstimatr :.'" or :;ii ai-ms slii'i'p to .'iliiiiit i.iii- i|ii.-iMiT III imiT :irr.'i, Hiiiil.l l.r I''.l .'IS ri'.lminy tin' yra/ in;! \aliii' of fi i' l;in.| so low as to inakf it worlhli'ss for any piirposi'. Till' Uiiyal .Sottish .\rlioriinllural So .ii'ty. whiih imiml.s many nf tlin laryi' '.in. I owiiiTs in Si'otl.'iml, is iiruiny strori;;ly ••' K piiliiy of ri'fori'Sia;lnn for tin- hiu'lilamls of Siiitlaml of s ii'h Ian. Is ns nro nun .lyiiiiillnral ami arc not yra/inj; Ian. I of hiyh ipi.ilit.v. Tin- Vrlioriiiiltiiral So lirty .iryiii' for thi'ir \ ii .v of this i|ii('stion not only friiin thr i.;i.' ♦' thi' lan.l hi'iny I has put to its ino' >!ili' uso liiit also fioni till' liiisi.s of .li'vi'lop.iij! an incronscl population on tin' laml. making the pcopli' nioM' inmfortalili' ami lonti'iitcl ami pos stopping' somr of tin- I'xo.liis to Can .■ whiih has provi'.l sinh a yri-at ilrain on till' pi.piilation of Si-ntlaml. Thi- Ar- l.oriinltur.'il So.'ii.ty has ri';;iilar i'\ nrsions I . . _ ■MTV fi'W yi'.'us to soaii' of tin' Kiiropean t'orists ami its nii'inliiTs havn moou the I'lTi'if on till' .li'vi'lopmont of population of a well royiilatcd co opcratiou between Thf Uili'liiin iij t'liriMlifi in llii Ihn l„i»),iiil i>( llii I'niinir:/ Ooncluilon. tiurii'iilliiri', Kr.'i/iriu iiml fnri'^try, iiii'l llnr ri'I'lllllltlflKllltillllN til till' KIIMTIIIIIi'llt III tiHKi'il (III wi>ll I'HtiililMii'H uriMiri.h. \VI It in rcnli/i'.l thiit it nil! tiiki< l,."..iii ii.rri fur «rii/iin; l.niMi »l„-r- an.: ihut |iriili:ilil> mil' i>tii'|>lii-nl mil In- iiliji. tii li.nk iiflrr tlilii tliiik, wliiTi'im III till' i|i'M'lii|>i'i| fi.ri'^ti iif Kuriipi" lit liii»t mil' iMiiii to mil' liiiii.lri'.l iirri"« i» ri>i|uiri'.|, it uill In- mci'ii tliiit tlu' (•iimiliiliticH of iiiiri'ii.«iiii{ tlio |>ii|iiiliiti(iii I'V till' iiHiMirriji'iiii'iit nf fiiri'\ an' \ iTv {.'ri'ut. Whili' ,111 Mruuiiii'iit I'rmii llif i'x|ri'rii'iii i. "f K'iirii| liii'iit liritiilii lamiiit In' tniim I'i'rii'.l til < iiiii'lii wltliiiiit •iiii'tiili'ralimi of till' ililTi'iiiit rmnlitimiM '• in i|iiltt' I'lfiir frmii till* «tiii|\ I wax iil to iiiaki- .liiriiin till' I'lint •.iiiiiiiii'r nr till-. i|iiii«anly antat'iiiii-itir Imt .ilmiiM III* miitiiallv hi'li'l'iil Fire Une on Sand Dunes near Bordcniuc France.