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 Ninth International Medical Congress, 
 Preliminary Notice. 
 The Covnmittee on (3rganization of the Ninth International 
 Medical Congress, to be held in the United States in 1887, 
 met in Wasliington, B. C, on November 29, 1884, for the 
 determination of the general plan of the Congress, the election 
 of Ofiicers of the Committee, who will be nominated to till the 
 same offices in the Congress, and the consideration of questions 
 of finance. 
 The following rules were adopted : 
 1. The Congress will be composed of members of tlie regu- 
 lar medical profession who shall have inscribed their names on 
 the Register of the Congress, and shall have taken out their 
 tickets of admission. As regards foreign members, the above 
 coiiditions are the only ones which it seems, at present, expe- 
 dient to impose. 
 The American members of the Congress shall be appointed 
 by the American Medical Association, by regularly organ- 
 ized State and local medical societies, and also by such general 
 organizations relating to special departments and purposes, 
 as the American Academy of Medicine, the American Surgi- 
 cal Association, the American Gyn {geological, Oplithalrao- 
 logical, Otological, Laryngological, Neurological, and Der- 
 matological Societies, and the American Public Health Asso- 
Giation ; eacl) of tlie foregoing Societies being entitled to ap- 
 point one delegate for every ten of thoir membership. 
 The members of all special and subordinate Committees, ap- 
 pointed by the General Committee, shall also be entitled to 
 membership in the Congress, together with such other persons 
 as may be specially designated by the Executive Committee. 
 All Societies entitled to representation are I'eqnested to elect 
 their Delegates at their last regular meeting preceding the 
 meeting of the Congress, and to furnish the Secretary-General 
 with a certified list of the Delegates so appointed. 
 2. The work of the Congress is divided into eighteen Sec- 
 tions, as follows, viz : 
 1. Medical Education, Legislation and Registration, including 
 methods of teaching and buildings, apparatus, &c., connected 
 2. Anatomy. 
 3. Physiology. 
 4. Pathology. 
 5. Medicine. 
 6. Surgery. 
 7. Obstetrics. 
 8. Gynaecology. 
 9. Ophthalmology. 
 10. Otology. 
 11. Dermatology and 
 12. Nervous diseases and Psychiatry. 
 13. Laryngology. 
 14. Public and International Hygiene. 
 15. Collective Investigation, Nomen- 
 clature, and Vital Statistics. 
 16. Military and Naval Surgery and 
 17. Experimental Therapeutics and 
 18. Diseases of Children. 
 3. The General Meetings will be reserved for tbe transaction 
 of the general business of the Congress and for addresses or 
 communications of scientific interest more general than those 
 given in the Sections. 
 4. Questions which have been agreed upon for discussion in 
 the Sections shall i)e introduced by members previously nomi- 
 nated by the Otficers of the Section. The members who open 
 discussions shall present a statement of the co*^ 'usions which 
 they have formed as a basis for debate. 
 5. Notices of papers to be read in any one of the Sections, 
 together witli al)8tracts of the same, must be sent to the Sec- 
 retary of that Section before April 30, 1887. Tliese abstracts 
 will be regarded as strictly confidential communications, and 
 will not 1)6 pnljlished until the meeting of the Congress. Pa- 
 pers relating to questions not included in the list of subjects 
 suggested by the otticers of the various Sections will be re- 
 ceived. Any member, after April 30, wishing to bring for- 
 ward a subject not upon tlie programme, must give notice of 
 his intention to the Secretary-General at least twenty-one days 
 before the opening of the Congress. The Officers of each 
 Section shall decide as to the acceptance of any communica- 
 tion offered to their Section, and shall tix the time of its pre- 
 scntation. No communication will bo received which has 
 been already published, or read before a Society. 
 6. All addresses and papers, read either at General Meetings 
 or in the Sections, are to be immediately handed to the Se(;re- 
 taries. The Executive Committee, after the conclusion of the 
 Congress, shall proceed with the publication of the Transac- 
 tions, and shall have full power to decide which papers shall 
 be published, and whether in whole or in part. 
 7. The official languages arc English, French, and German. 
 No speaker shall be allowed more than ten minutes, with 
 the exception of readers of papers and those who introduce 
 debates, who may occupy twenty minutes. 
 8. The Rules, Programmes, and Abstracts of Papers will 
 be published in English, French, and German. 
 Each paper or address will appear in tlie Transactions in the 
 language in wliich it was delivered by the Author. The de- 
 bates will be printed in English. 
 9. The Offict-rs of the General Committee on Organization are 
 a President, three (3) Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-General, 
 and a Treasurer, and those ele(;ted to these positions will be 
 nominated by the General Committee to hold the same offices 
 in the Congress. All vacancies in these offices shall be filled 
 by election. 
 10. There shall be an Executive Committee, to be composed 
of the President, Secretary-General, and Treasurer of the (4en- 
 eral Committee, and of four other members, to be elected by 
 tlie General Committee. The duties of the Execiitive Com- 
 mittee shall bo to (!arry out the directions of the General Com- 
 mittee ; to authorize sudi expenditures as may i)e necessary, 
 and to act for the Gcnei'al Committee during the intervals of 
 its sessions, reporting such action at the next meeting of the 
 General Committee. 
 11. There shall be a Standing Committee on Finance, com- 
 posed of live meml)er8, to be appointed by the President, sub- 
 ject to the approval of the Executive Committee. 
 12. Those who are elected as Chairmen of the several Sec- 
 tions sliall be therel)y constituted members of the General 
 The Otlicers elected are as follows : 
 President. — Dr. Austin Flint, Sr., of New York. 
 Vice-Presidents. — Dr. Alfred Stille, of Philadelphia ; Dr. 
 Henry I. Bowditch, of Boston ; Dr. R. P. Howard, of Mont- 
 real, Canada. 
 Secretary-General. — Dr. J. S. Billings, IT. S. Army. 
 Treasurer. — Dr. J. M. Browne, IJ. S. Navy. 
 Members of the Executive Committee., (in addition to the 
 President, Secretary-General, and Treasurer.) — Dr. I. Minis 
 Hays, of Philadelphia ; Dr. A. Jacobi, of New York ; Dr. 
 Christopher Johnston, of Btiltimore ; Dr. S. C. Busey, of 
 The Executive Committee will proceed at once to complete 
 the work of organization. 
 Washington, D. C, Dec. 1, 188^.. 
 Secretary- General.