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 ISriti0l^ Notll^ ^tnrrira : 
 IN THE YEARS 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823. 
 f \06 
 "*'""' '" '";;;3 "<'"--' "-■"«« o, ...„...,, p„„.,„, 
 We live in a day when the most distant parts 
 of the earth are opening as the sphere of Mis- 
 sionary labours. The state of the heathen 
 world is becoming better known, and the sym- 
 pathy of British Christians has been awakened, 
 in zealous endeavours to evangelize and soothe 
 its sorrows. In these encouraging signs of the 
 timeSj the Author is induced to give the follow- 
 ing pages to the public, from having traversed 
 .some of the dreary wilds of North America, 
 and felt deeply interested in the religious in- 
 struction and amelioration of the condition of 
 the natives. They are wandering, in unnum- 
 bered tribes, through vast wildernesses, where 
 generation after generation have passed away, 
 in gross ignorance and almost brutal degra- 
 Should any information he is enabled to give 
 excite a further Christian sympathy, and more 
 active benevolence in their behalf, it will truly 
 rejoice his heart: and his prayer to God, is, 
 thpt the Aborigines of a British Territory, may 
 not remain as outcasts from British Missionary 
 exertions ; but may be raised through their in- 
 strumentality, to what they are capable of en- 
 joying, the advantages of civilized and social 
 life, with the blessings of Christianity. 
 September, 1824. 
 1 .V v. 
 Chapter I. — Departure from England. — Arrival at the 
 Orkney hies. — Enter Hudson's Straits. — Icebergs. — 
 Esquimaux. — Killing a Polar Bear. — York Factory. 
 — Embarked for the Red River Colony. — Difficulties 
 of the Navigation. — Lake Winipeg. — Muskeggowuck, 
 or Swamp Indians. — Pigevris, a chief of the Chipe- 
 ways, or Saulteaux Ttibe. — Arrival at the Red River. 
 — Colonists. — School established. — Wolf dogs. — 
 Indians visit Fort Douglas. — Design of a Building 
 for Divine Worship 
 Chapter II. — Visit the School. — Leave the Forks for 
 Qu'appelle. — Arrival at Brandon House. — Indian 
 Corpse staged. — Marriages at Company's Posts. — 
 Distribution of the Scriptures. — Departure from 
 Brandon House. — Encampment. — Arrival at Qu'ap- 
 pelle. — Character and Customs of Stone Indians. — 
 Stop at some Hunter's Tents on return to the Colony. 
 — Visit Pembina. — Hunting Buffaloes. — Indian ad- 
 dress. — Canadian Voyageurs. — Indian Marriages. — 
 Burial Ground. — Pemican. — Indian Hunter sends his 
 son to be educated. — Mosquitoes. — Locusts 28 
 Chapter III. — Norway House. — Baptisms.— Arrival 
 at York Factory. — Swiss Emigrants. — Auxiliary Bible 
 Society formed. — Boat wrecked. — Catholic Priests. — 
 Sioux Indians killed at the Colony. — Circulation of 
 the Scriptures among the Colonists. — Scarcity of 
 i rovisions. — Fishing under the Ice. — Wild Fowl. — 
 Meet the Sioux Indians at Pembina. — They scalp an 
 Assiniboine. — War dance. —Cruelly put to death a 
 Captive Boy. — Indian expression of gratitude for the 
 Education of his Ch'ld — Sturgeon 64 
 Chapter IV. — Arrival of Canoe from Montreal. — 
 Liberal Provision for Missionary Establishment. — 
 Manitobah Lake. — Indian Gardens. — Meet Captain 
 Franklin and Officers of the Arctic Expedition at ' 
 York Factory. — First Anniversary of the Auxiliary 
 Bible Society. Half-Caste Childi'en. Aurora . 
 Boreahs. — Conversation with Pigewis. — Good Har- 
 vest at the Settlement, and arrival of Cattle from 
 United States. — Massacre of Hunters. — Produce of 
 Grain at Colony 94 
 Chapter V. — Climate of Red River. — Thermometer. 
 — Pigewis's Nephew. — Wolves. — Remarks of General 
 Washington. — Indian Woman shot by her son. — 
 Sufferings of Indians. — Their notions of the Delugie. 
 — No visible object of adoration. — Acknowledge a 
 Future Life. — Left the Colony for Bas la Riviere. — 
 Lost on Winipeg Lake. — Recover the Track, and 
 meet an intoxicated Indian. — Apparent facilities for 
 establishing Schools West of Rocky Mountains. — 
 Russians aflbrding Religious instruction on the North 
 West Coast of North America. — Rumours of War 
 among the surrounding Tribes with the Sioux Indians. 1 10 
 Chapteu VI. — Progress of Indian Children in reading. 
 — Building for Divine Worship. — Left the Colony. — 
 Arrival at York Fort. — Departure for Churchill Fac- 
 tory. — Bears. — Indian Hieroglyphics. Arrival at 
 Churchill. — Intervievir with Esquimaux. — Return to 
 York Factory. — Embark for England. — Moravian 
 Missionaries. — Greenland. — Arrival in the Thames. . . 150 
 1. The engraving of meeting the Indians, to face 
 THE title page. ^;| 
 2. Scalping the Indians to face page 85. 
 3. The Protestant Church, to face page 155, 
'■ » 
 On the 27th of May, 1820, I embarked at 
 Gravesend, on board the Honourable Hudson*s 
 Bay Company's ship, the Eddystone ; accom- 
 panied by the ship, Prince of Wales, and the 
 Luna brig, for Hudson's Bay. In my appoint- 
 ment as Chaplain to the Company, my in- 
 ♦= « 
 structions were, to reside at the Red River 
 Settlement, and under the encouragement and 
 aid of the Church Missionary Society, I was to 
 seek the instruction, and endeavour to melio- 
 rate the condition of the native Indians. 
 The anchor was weighed early on the follow- 
 ing morning, and isailing with a fine breeze, the 
 sea soon opened to our view. The thought 
 that I was now leaving ail that was dear to me 
 upon earth, to encounter the perils of the ocean, 
 and the wilderness, sensibly affected me at 
 times ; but my feelings were relieved in the 
 sanguine hope that I was borne on my way 
 imdcr the guidance of a kind protecting Provi- 
 vidence, and that the circumstances of the 
 country whither I was bound, would soon 
 admit of my being surrounded with my family. 
 With these sentiments, I saw point after point 
 sink in the horizon, as we passed the shores 
 of England and Scotland for the Orkneys. 
 We bore up for these Isles on^ the 10th of 
 June, after experiencing faint and variable winds 
 for several days : and a more dreary scene can 
 scarcely be imagined than they present to the 
 eye, in general. No tree or shrub is visible ; 
 and all is barren except a few spots of cultivated 
 ground in the vales, which form a striking con- 
 trast with the barren heath-covered hills that 
 surround them. These cultivated spots mark 
 the residence of the hardy Orkneyman in a 
 .wretched looking habitation with scarcely any 
 other light, (as I found upon landing on one 
 or the islands) than from a smoke hole, or from 
 an apertwre in the wall, closed at night with a 
 tuft of grass. The calf and pig were seen as 
 inmates, while the little furniture that ap- 
 peared, was either festooned with strings of 
 dried fish, or crossed with a perch for the fowls 
 to roost on. 
 A different scene, however, presented itself, as 
 we anchored the next day in the commodious 
 harbour of Stromness. The view of the town, 
 with the surrounding cultivated parts of the 
 country, and the Hoy Hill, is striking and 
 romantic, and as our stay here was for a few 
 days, I accepted an invitation to the Manse, 
 from the kind and worthy minister of Hoy, and 
 ascended with him the hill, of about 1620 feet 
 The sabbath we spent at sea was a delight to 
 me, from the arrangement made by the captain 
 for the attendance of the passengers and part 
 of the crew on divine worship, both morning 
 and afternoon. Another sabbath had now re- 
 turned, and the weather being fair, all were 
 summoned to attend on the quarter deck. We 
 B 2 
 commenced the service by singing the Old 
 Hundredth Psalm, and our voices being heard 
 by the crews of several ships, lying near to us at 
 anchor, they were seen hurrying on deck from 
 below, so as to present to us a most interesting 
 and gratifying sight — 
 " We stood, and under open sky adored 
 The God, that made both ' seas/ air, earth, and heaven." 
 There appeared to be a solemn impression ; and 
 I trust that religion was felt among us as a 
 divine reality. 
 June 22.- -The ships got under weigh to 
 , proceed on our voyage ; and as wc passed the 
 rugged and broken rocks of Hoy Head, we 
 were reminded of the fury of a tempestuous 
 ocean, in forming some of them into detached 
 pillars, and vast caverns; while they left an 
 impression upon the mind, of desolation and 
 danger. We had not sailed more than one 
 hundred miles on the Atlantic before it blew a 
 strong head wind, and several on board with 
 myself were greatly affected by the motion of 
 the ship. It threw me into such a state of 
 languor, that I felt as though I could have 
 willingly yielded to have been cast overboard, 
 and it was nearly a week before I was relieved 
 from this painful sensation and nausea, peculiar 
 to sea sickness. 
 Without any occurrence worthy of notice we 
 arrived in Davis*s Straits on the 19th of July, 
 where Greenland ships are sometimes met with, 
 returning from the whale fishery, but we saw 
 not a single whaler in this solitary piart of the 
 ocean. The Mallemuk, found in great numbers- 
 off Greenland, and the " Larus crepidatus," or 
 black toed gull, frequently visited us ; and for 
 nearly a whole day, a large shoal of the " Del- 
 phinus deductor," or leading whale, was ob- 
 served following the ship. The captain ordered 
 the harpoons and lances to be in readiness ia 
 case we fell in with the great Greenland whale, 
 but nothing was seen of this monster of the 
 In approaching Hudson's straits, we first saw 
 one of those beautiful features in the scenery of 
 the North, an Iceberg, which being driven with 
 vast masses of ice off Cape Farewell, South 
 Greenland, are soon destroyed by means of 
 the solar heat, and tempestuous force of the sea. 
 The thermometer was at 27° on the night of 
 the 22nd, with ice in the boat; and in the after- 
 noon we saw an iceblink, a beautiful effulgence 
 or reflection of light over the floating ice, to the 
 extent of forty or fifty miles. 'The next day 
 we passed Resolution Island, Lat. 61° 25', Long. 
 65° 2' and all was desolate and inhospitable in 
 the view over blaek barren roeks, and in the 
 aspect of the shore. This being Sunday, I 
 preached in the morning, catechized the young 
 people in the afternoon, and had divine service 
 again in the evening, as was our custom every 
 sabbath in crossing the Atlantic, when the 
 weather would permit : and it afforded me 
 much pleasure to witness the sailors at times 
 in groups reading the life of Newton, or some 
 religious tracts which I put into their hands. 
 The Scotch I found generally well and scrip- 
 turally informed, and severalof them joined the 
 young people in reading to rae the New Testa- 
 tament, and answering the catechetical ques- 
 tions. In our passage through the Straits, our 
 progress was impeded by vast fields of ice, and 
 icebergs floating past us in every form of deso- 
 late magnificence. The scene was truly grand 
 and impressive, and mocks imagination to 
 describe. There is a solemn and an over- 
 whelming sensation produced in the mind, by 
 these enormous masses of snow and ice, not 
 to be conveyed in words. They floated by 
 us from one to two hundred feet above the 
 water, and sometimes of great length, re- 
 sembling huge mountains, with deep vollies 
 between, lofly cliffs, and all the imposing objects 
 in nature, passing in silent grandeur, except 
 at intervals, when the fall of one was heard, or 
 the crashing of the ice struck the ear like the 
 noise of distant thunder. 
 When nearly off Saddle Back, with a light 
 favourable breeze, and about ten miles from the 
 shore, the Esquimaux who, visit the Straits 
 during summer, were observed with their one 
 man skin canoes, followed by women in some of 
 a larger size, paddling towards the ship. No 
 sooner was the sail shortened than we were 
 surrounded by nearly two hundred of them: 
 the men raising their paddles as they ap- 
 proached us, shouting with much exultation, 
 * chimo! chimo ! pillattaa I pillattaa!* expressions 
 probably of friendship, or trade. They were 
 particularly eager to exchange all that they 
 apparently possessed, and hastily bartered with 
 the Eddystone, blubber, whalebone, and sea^ 
 horse teeth, for axes, saws, knives, tin kettles, 
 and bits of old iron hoop. The women pre- 
 sented image toys, made from the bones and 
 teeth of animals, models of canoes, and various 
 articles of dress, made of seal skins, and the 
 membranes of the abdomen of the whale, all of 
 which displayed considerable ingenuity and 
 neatness, and for which they received in ex- 
 change, needles, knives, and beads. It was 
 very clear that European deception had reached 
 them, from the manner in which they iena- 
 ciously held their articles till they graspedwhut 
 was offered in barter for them; and immediately 
 they got the merchandise in possession, they 
 licked it with their tongues, in satisfaction that 
 it was their own. The tribe appeared to be 
 well-conditioned in their savage state, and 
 remarkably healthy. Some of the children, I 
 observed, were eating raw flesh, frbm the bones 
 of animals that had been killed, and given them 
 by, their mothers, who appeared to have a 
 strong natural affection for their offspring. I 
 threw one of them a halfpenny, which she 
 caught ; and pointing to the child she immedi- 
 ately gave it to him with much apparent fond- 
 ness. It has been supposed that in holding up 
 their children, as is sometimes the case, it is for 
 barter, but I should rather conclude that it is 
 for the purpose of exciting commiseration, and 
 to obtain some European article for them. A 
 few of the men were permitted to come on 
 board, and the good humour of the captain in- 
 vited one to dance with him : he took the step 
 with much agility and quickness, and imitated 
 every gesture of his lively partner. The breeze 
 freshening, we soon parted with this barbarous 
 people, and when at a short distance from the 
 ship, they assembled in their canoes, each 
 taking hold of the adjoining one, in apparent 
 eonsultation, as to what bargains they had made, 
 and what articles they possessed, till a ^canoe 
 was observed to break off from the group, 
 which they all followed for their haunts along 
 the shores of Terra Neiva, and the Savage 
 Islands. Having a copy of the Esquimaux 
 Gospels from the British and Foreign. Bible 
 Society, it was my wish to have read part of a 
 chapter to them, with a view to ascertain, if 
 possible, whether they knew of the Moravian 
 Missionary establishment at Nain, on the Labra- 
 dor coast ; but such was the haste, bustle, and 
 noise of their intercourse with us, that I lost 
 the opportunity. Though they have exchanged 
 articles in barter for many years, it is not 
 known whether they are from the Ijabrador 
 shore on a summer excursion for killing seals, 
 and the whale fishery, or from the East main 
 coast, where they return and winter. 
 The highest point of latitude we reached 
 in our course, was 62° 44' — ^longitude 74° 16', 
 and when off Cape Diggcs we parted company 
 with the Prince of Wales, as bound to James's 
 Bay. We stood on direct for York Factory, 
 and when about fifty miles from Gary Swan's 
 Nest, the chief mate pointed out to me a 
 polar bear, with her two cubs swimming 
 towards the ship. He immediately ordered 
 the jolly-boat to be lowered, and asked me to 
 accom{)any him in the attempt to kill her. 
 Some axes were put into the boat^ in case the 
 ferocious animal should approach us in the 
 attack; and the sailors pulled away in the 
 direction she was swimming. At the first 
 sliotj when within about one hundred yards, 
 she growled tremendously, and immediately 
 made for the boat ; but ha^ng the advantage 
 in rowing faster than she could swim, our 
 gims were reloaded till she was killed, and one 
 of the cubs also accidentally, from swimming 
 close to the mother ; the other got upon the 
 floating carcase, and was towed to the side of 
 the ship, when a noose was put around its 
 neck, and it was hauled on board for the 
 captain to take with him alive, on his return to 
 August 3. — ^We fell in with a great deal 
 of floating ice, the weather was ^very foggy, 
 and the thermometer at freezing point. The 
 ship occasionally received some heavy blows, 
 and with difficulty made way along a vein of 
 water. On the 5th we were completely 
 blocked in with ice, and nothing was to be 
 seen in every part of the horizon, but one vast 
 mass, as a baiTier to our proceeding. It was a 
 terrific, and sublime spectacle ; and the human 
 mind cannot conceive any thing more awful, 
 than the destruction of a ship, by the meeting 
 of two enormous fields of ice, advancing 
 against each other at the rate of several miles 
 an hour. " It may easUy be imagined,'* says 
 Captain Scoresby, " that the strongest ship can 
 no more withstand the shock of the contact of 
 two fields, than a sheet of paper can stop a 
 musket-bail. Numbers of vessels since the 
 establishment of the Whale Fishery have been 
 thus destroyed. Some have been thrown upon 
 the ice. Some have had their hulls completely 
 thrown open, and others have been buried 
 beneath the heaped fragments of the ice.** — 
 Sunday, the 6th. — ^Text in the morning 1st 
 book Samuel, 30th chapter, latter part of the 
 6th verse. The weather was very variable, 
 with much thunder and lightening ; which was 
 awful and impressive. On the 12th the ther^ 
 mometer was below freezing point, and the 
 rigging of the ship was covered wiiu large 
 icicles. Intense fogs often prevailed, but of 
 very inconsiderable height. They would 
 sometimes obscure the hull of the ship, when 
 the mast head was seen, and the sun was 
 visible and effulgent. 
 In the evening of the ISth, the sailors gave 
 three cheers as \ 
 °P«ni„g of the ice bff ,.""'" """'^^ "" »- 
 for many days. The nlf ^^^ •'""""'"'"» '" 
 '"•"l. and came to th/ ."^ ""' ''^ *« 
 f '««« the toUo^l^J^. '""'^°"'S' »' York 
 °f gmtitude to gX-T^' '''* '""timents 
 dence through the periU of 7'°''"""^ ^«'^■- 
 sea, and for the liwu • ! " '"^ ""^ of the 
 f «rp«>fesst,?fS:t"r'°!; "" "«^ ""«' 
 during the voyage '**^ "'*« weather, 
 ^°"'8BayCompa„; ""'P*,' ^^^P^' °f «>e Hud- 
 arrangement ,vas ^^L ." *" *"''«'">. every 
 ,»»* parts of the Z ob,"" •'"'""' '^"'^''ip. 
 '-■f-Oreed children^„r:i""^ « "««ber li 
 ;" .gno^nee and idleness HT 'f ^""^«^ "P 
 that they were a Tm """^ '"^wwed 
 Europeans by IndL ^'■°'" °%ring of 
 ;^b 1 submitted to J; Go " "" " P'""' 
 eet,ng a certain number of I '''"' *"• "<"- 
 tomed, clothed, and edLf ^ *"' *° ^ ■""»- 
 lected race, had induced them to send seveml 
 schoohnastcrs to the country, fifteen or sixteen 
 years ago; but who were unhappily diverted 
 from their original purpose, and became en- 
 gaged as fur traders. 
 During my stay at this post, I visited several 
 Indian families, and no sooner saw them 
 crowded together in their miserable-looking 
 tents, than I felt a lively interest (as I antici- 
 pated) in their behalf. Unlike the Esquimaux 
 I had seen in Hudson's Straits, with their flat, 
 fat, greasy faces, these ^Swampy Crees* pre- 
 sented a way-worn countenance, which de- 
 picted " Suffering without comfort, while they 
 sunk without hope." The contrast was strik- 
 ing, and forcibly impressed my mind with the 
 idea, that Indians who knew not the corrupt 
 influence and barter of spirituous liquors at a 
 Trading Post, were far happier, than the 
 wretched-looking group around me. The 
 duty devolved upon me, to seek to meliorate 
 their sad condition, as degraded and emaci- 
 ated, wandering in ignorance, and wearing 
 away a short existence in one continued suc- 
 cession of hardships in procuring food. I was 
 told of difliculties, and some spoke of impossi- 
 bilities in the way of teaching them Christi- 
 anity or the first rudiments of settled and 
 civilized life ; but with a combination of 
 opposing circumstances, I determined not to 
 be intimidated, nor to " confer with flesh and 
 blood," but to put my hand immediately to 
 the plough, in the attempt to break in upon 
 this heathen wilderness. If little hope could 
 be cherished of the adult Indian in his wander- 
 ing and unsettled habits of life, it appeared to 
 me, that a wide and most extensive Jield, 
 presented itself for cultivation in the instruc- 
 tion of the native children. With the aid of 
 an interpreter, I spoke to an Indian, called 
 Withaweecapo, about taking two of his boys 
 to the Red River Colony with me to educate 
 and maintain. He yielded to my request; and 
 I shall never forget the affectionate manner in 
 which he brought the eldest boy in his arms, 
 and placed him in the canoe on the morning 
 of my departure from York Factory. His two 
 wives, sisters, accompanied him to the water^s 
 edge, and while they stood gazing on us, as 
 the canoe was paddled from the shore, I con- 
 sidered that I bore a pledge from the Indian 
 that many more children might be found, if an 
 establishment were formed in British Christian 
 sympathy, and British liberality for their edu- 
 cation and support. 
 I had to establish the principle, that the 
 North-American Indian of these regions would 
 part with his children, to be educated in whit6 
 man's knowledge and religion. The above 
 circumstance therefore afiforded us no small 
 encouragement, in embarking for the colony. 
 We overtook the boats going thither on the 
 7th of September, slowly proceeding through 
 a most difficult and laborious navigation. The 
 men were harnessed to a line, as they walked 
 along the steep declivity of a high bank, 
 dragging them against a strong current. In 
 many places, as we proceeded, the water was 
 very shoal, and opposed us with so much force 
 in the rapids, that the men were frequently 
 obliged to get out, and lift the boats over the 
 stones ; at other times to unload, and launch 
 them over the rocks, and carry the goods upon 
 their backs, or rather suspended in slings from 
 their heads, a considerable distance, over some 
 of the portages. The weather was frequently 
 very cold, with snow and rain ; and our 
 progress was so slow and mortifying, particu- 
 larly up Hill River, that the boats' crews were 
 heard to execrate the man who first found out 
 such a way into the interior. 
 The blasphemy of the men, in the difficulties 
 they had to encounter, was truly painful to me. 
 I had hoped better things of the Scotch, from 
 i i 
 their kncivn moral and enlightened education; 
 but their horrid imprecations proved a degen- 
 eracy of character in an Indian country. This 
 I lamented to find was too generally the case 
 with Europeans, particularly so in their bar- 
 barous treatment of women. Tliey do not 
 admit them as their companions, nor do they 
 allow them to eat at their tables, but degrade 
 them merely as slaves to their arbitrary inclin- 
 ations ; while the children grow up wild and 
 uncultivated as the heathen. «, 
 The scenery throughout the passage is dull 
 and monotonous (excepting a few points in some 
 of the small lakes, which are picturesque), till 
 you reach the Company's post, Norway House ; 
 when a fine body of water bursts upon your 
 view in Lake Winipeg. We found the voyage, 
 from the Factory to this point, so sombre 
 and dreary, that the sight of a horse grazing 
 on the bank greatly exhilirated us, in the as- 
 sociation of the idea that we w'ere approaching 
 some human habitation. Our provisions being 
 short, we recruited our stock at this post ; and 
 I obtained another boy for education, reported 
 to me as the orphan son of a deceased Indian 
 and a half-caste woman ; and taught him the 
 prayer which the other used morning and 
 evening, and which he soon learned : — " Great 
 Father, bless me, through Jesus Christ." May 
 a gracious God hear their cry, and raise them 
 up as heralds of his salvation in this truly 
 benighted and barbarous part of the world. 
 It often grieved me, in our hurried passage, 
 to see the men employed in taking the goods 
 over the carrying places, or in rowing, during 
 the Sabbath. I contemplated the delight with 
 which thousands in England enjoyed the pri- 
 vileges of this sacred day, and welcomed divine 
 ordinances. In reading, meditation, and prayer, 
 however, my soul was not forsaken of God, and 
 I gladly embraced an opportunity of calling 
 those more immediately around me to join in 
 reading the scriptures, and in prayer in my tent. 
 October the 6th. The ground was covered 
 with snow, and the weather most winterly, 
 when we embarked in our open boats to cross 
 the lake for the Red River. Its length, from 
 north to south, is about three hundred miles ; 
 and it abounds with sunken rocks, which are 
 very dangerous to boats sailing in a fresh 
 breeze. It is usual to run along shore, for the 
 sake of an encampment at night, and of getting 
 into a creek for shelter, in case of storms and 
 tempestuous weather. We had run about 
 half the lake, when the boat, under a press of 
 «ail, struck upon one of these rocks, with so 
 ! i 
 much violence as to threaten our immediate 
 destruction. The idea of never more seeing 
 my family upon eai*th, rushed upon my mind ; 
 but the pang of thought was alleviated by the 
 recollection that life at best was short, and that 
 they would soon meet me in * brighter worlds/ 
 whither I expected to be hurried, through the 
 supposed hasty death of dro\vning. Providen- 
 tially however we escaped being wrecked ; and 
 I could not but bless the God of my salvation, 
 for the anchor of hope afforded me amidst all 
 dangers and difficulties and possible privations 
 of life. 
 As I sat at the door of my tent near a fire 
 one evening, an Indian joined me, and gave 
 me to understand that he knew a little English. 
 He told me that he was taken prisoner when 
 very young, and subsequently fell into the 
 hands of an American gentleman, who took 
 him to England, where he was very much 
 frightened lest the houses should fall upon him. 
 He further added that he knew a little of Jesus 
 Christ, and hoped that I would teach him to 
 read, when he came to the Rfed River, which 
 he intended to do after he had been on a visit 
 to his relations. He has a most interesting 
 intelligent countenance, and expressed much 
 delight *at my coming over to his country to 
 .- » 
 teach the Indians. We saw but few of them in 
 our route along the courses of the river, and 
 on the banks of the Winipeg. These are 
 called Muskeggouck, or Swamp Indians, and 
 are considered a distinct tribe, between the Na- 
 hathaway or Cree and Saulteaux. They subsist 
 on fish, and occasionally the moose deer or elk, 
 with the rein deer or caribou, vast numbers of 
 which, as they swim the river in spring and in 
 the fall of the year, the Indians spear in their 
 canoes. In times of extremity they gather 
 moss from the rocks, that is called by the 
 Canadians * tripe de roche,' which boils into a 
 clammy substance, and has something of a 
 nutritious quality. The general appearance of 
 these Indians is that of wretchedness and 
 want, and excited in my mind much sympathy 
 towards them. I shook hands with them, in 
 the hope that ere the rising generation at least 
 had passed away, the light of Christianity, like 
 the aurora horealis relieving the gloom of tiieir 
 winter night, would shed around them its 
 heavenly lustre, and cheer their suffering ex- 
 istence with a scriptural hope of immortality. 
 In crossing the Winipeg, we saw almost 
 daily large flocks of wild fowl, geese, ducks, 
 and swans, flying to the south ; which was a 
 sure indication to us that winter was setting in 
 C 2 " 
: 1 
 i ■ 
 with severity to the north. In fact it had 
 already visited us, and inflicted mueli suffering 
 from cold; and it was with no small delight 
 that we entered the mouth of Red lliver, soon 
 after the sun rose in majestic splendour over the 
 lake, on the morning of the I3th of October. 
 We proceeded to Netley Creek to breakfast, 
 where we met Pigewis the chief of a tribe of 
 Saulteaux Indians, who live principally along 
 the banks of the river. This chief breakfasted 
 with the party, and shaking hands with me most 
 cordially, expressed a wish that " more of the 
 stumps and brushwood were cleared away for 
 my feet, in coming to see his country." On 
 our apprising him of the Earl of Selkirk's death, 
 he expressed much sorrow, and appeared to 
 feel deeply the loss which he and the colony 
 had sustained in his Lordship's decease. He 
 shewed me the following high testimony of his 
 character, given him by the late Earl when at 
 Red River. 
 " The bearer, Pigewis, one of the principal 
 chiefs of the Chipeways, or Saulteaux of Red 
 River, has been a steady friend of the settle- 
 ment ever since its first establishment, and has 
 never deserted its cause in its greatest reverses. 
 He has often exerted his influence to restore 
 peace; and having rendered most essential 
 services to the settlers in their distress, de- 
 serves to be treated with favour and distinction 
 by the officers of the Hudson's Bay Company, 
 and by all the friends of peace and good order." 
 (Signed.) SELKIRK. 
 Fort Douglas, July 17, 1820. 
 As we proceeded, the banks were covered 
 with oak, elm, ash, poplar, and maple, and rose 
 gradually higher as we approached the Colony, 
 when the praries, or open grassy plains, pre- 
 sented to the eye an agreeable contrast with 
 the almost continued forest of pine we were 
 accustomed to in the route from York Factory. 
 On the 14th of October we reached the settle- 
 ment, consisting of a number of huts widely 
 scattered along the margin of the river; in 
 vain did I look for a cluster of cottages, 
 where the hum of a small population at least 
 might be heard as in a village. I saw but few 
 marks of human industry in the cultivation of 
 the soil. Almost every inhabitant we passed 
 bore a gun upon his shoulder and all appeared 
 in a wild and hunter-like state. The colonists 
 were a compound of individuals of various 
 countries. They were principally Canadians, 
 and Germans of the Mcuron regiment; who 
 , r 
 i:. • 
 were discharged in Canada at the conclusion of 
 the American war, and were mostly Catholics. 
 There was a large i)opulation of Scotch 
 emigrants also, who with some retired ser/ants 
 of the Hudson's Bay Company were chiefly 
 Protestants, and by far the most industrious 
 in agricultural pursuits. There was an un- 
 finished building as a Catholic church, and a 
 small house adjoining, the residence of the 
 Priest; but no Protestant manse, church, or 
 school house, which obliged me to take up my 
 abode at the Colony Fort, (Fort Douglas,) 
 where the * Charge d* Affaires * of the settlement 
 resided ; and who kindly afforded the accom- 
 modation of a room for divine worship on the 
 sabbath. My ministry was generally well 
 attended by the settlers ; and soon after my 
 arrival I got a log-house repaired about three 
 miles below the Fort, among the Scotch popu- 
 lation, where the schoolmaster took up his 
 abode, and began teaching froin twenty to 
 twenty-five of the children. 
 Nov. the 8th.—- The river was frozen over, 
 and the winter set in with severity. Many 
 were harnessing and trying their dogs in 
 sledges, with a view to trip to Pembina, a 
 distance of about seventy miles, or to the 
 Hunters' tents, on the plains, for buffaloc meat. 
 The journey generally takes them a fortnight, 
 or sometimes more, before they return to the 
 settlement with provisions ; and this rambling 
 and uncertain mode of obtaining subsistence 
 in their necessity, (the locusts having then 
 destroyed their crops,) has given the settlers a 
 fondness for trippings to the neglect of im- 
 proving their dwellings and their farms. The 
 dogs used on these occasions, and for travel- 
 ling in carioles over the snow, strongly 
 resemble the wolf in size, and frequently in ^ 
 colour. They have pointed noses, small sharp 
 ears, long bushy tails, and a savage aspect. 
 They never bark, but set up a fierce growl, 
 and when numerous about a Fort, their howl- 
 ing is truly melancholy. A doubt can no 
 longer exist, that the dogs brought to the 
 interior of these wilds by Europeans, engen- 
 dered with the wolf, and produced these dogs 
 in common use. They have no attachment^ 
 and destroy all domestic animals. They are 
 lashed to a sledge, and are often brutally 
 driven to travel thirty or forty miles a day, 
 dragging after them a load of three and four 
 hundred pounds weight. When fat, they are 
 eaten by the Canadians as a great delicacy; 
 and are generally presented by the Indians at 
 their feasts. 
 Many Indian families came frequently to tlic 
 Fort, and as is common, I believe, to all the 
 aborigines were of a copper colour com- 
 plexion, with black coarse hair. Whenever 
 they dressed for any particular occasion, they 
 anointed themselves all over with charcoal and 
 grease, and painted their eyebrows, lips and 
 forehead, or cheeks, with vermillion. Some 
 had their noses perforated through the car- 
 tilage, in which was fixed part of a goose 
 quill, or a piece of tin, woni as an ornament, 
 while others strutted with the skin of a raven 
 ingeniously folded as a head dress, to present 
 the beak over the forehead, and the tail spread- 
 ing over the back of the neck. Their clothing 
 consisted principally of a blanket^ a buffaloe 
 skin, and leggings, with a cap, which hung 
 down their back, and was fastened to a belt 
 round the waist. Scoutaywauho, or fire water, 
 (rum) was their principal request; to obtain 
 which they appeared ready to bartfer any thing, 
 or every thing they possessed. The children 
 ran about almost naked, and were treated by 
 their parents with all the instinctive fondness of 
 animals. They know of no restraint, and as 
 they grow up into life, they are left at full 
 liberty to be absolute masters of their own 
 actions. They were very lively, and several of 
 them had pleasing countenances which indi- 
 cated a capacity for much intellectual improve- 
 ment. MoRt of their ears were cut in large 
 holes, to which were suspended various oma- 
 ments, but principally those of beads. Their 
 mothers were in the practice of some disgust- 
 ing habits towards them particularly that of 
 devouring the vermin which were engendered 
 from their dirty heads. They put into their 
 mouths all that they happen to find, and will 
 sometimes reserve a quantity, and present the 
 choice collection as u bonne louche to their 
 After a short stay at the settlement, they left 
 us to roam through the forests, like animals, 
 without any fixed residence, in search of pro- 
 visions, till the rivers open in the following 
 spring, when they return to the Company's 
 Post, and trade with the skins and furs wiiich 
 they have taken in hunting. 
 December the 6th. My residence was now 
 removed to the farm belonging to the late 
 Earl of Selkirk, about three miles from Fort 
 Douglas, and six from the school. Though 
 more comfortable in my quarters, than at the 
 Fort, the distance put me to muvh inconve- 
 nience in my professional duties. We con- 
 tinuedj however, to have divine service regu- 
I- { 
 It I 
 larly on the Sabbath; and having frequently 
 enforced the moral, and social obligation of 
 marriage upon those who were living with, and 
 had families by Indian, or half caste women, 
 I had the happiness to perform the ceremony 
 for several of the most respectable of the 
 settlers, under the conviction, that the insti- 
 tution of marriage, and the security of 
 property, were the fundamental laws of society. 
 I had also many baptisms; and with infants, 
 some adult half-breeds were brought to be 
 baptized. I endeavoured to explain to them 
 simply and faithfully the nature and object of 
 that Divine ordinance ; but found great diffi- 
 culty in conveying to their minds any just and 
 true ideas of the Saviour, who gave the com- 
 mission, on his ascension into heaven " To go 
 and teach all nations, baptizing them in the 
 name of the Father, and of the Son, and of 
 the Holy Ghost." This difficulty produced in 
 me a strong desire to extend the blessing of 
 education to them : and from this period it 
 became a leading object with me, to erect in a 
 central situation, a substantial building, which 
 should contain apartments for the school- 
 master, afford accommodation for Indian 
 children, be a day-school for the children of 
 the settlers, enable us to establish a Sunday 
 school for the half-caste adult population who 
 would attend, and fully answer the purpose of 
 a church for the present, till a brighter 
 prospect arose in the colony, and its inhabi- 
 tants were more congregated. I became 
 anxious to see such a building arise as a Pro- 
 testant land-mark of Christianity in a vast field 
 of heathenism and general depravity of man- 
 ners, and cheerfully gave my hand and my 
 heart to perfect the work. I expected a willing 
 co-operation from the Scotch settlers ; but was 
 disappointed in my sanguine hopes of their 
 cheerful and persevering assistance, through 
 their prejudices against the English Liturgy, and 
 the simple rites of our communion. I visited 
 them however in their affliction, and performed 
 all ministerial duties as their Pastor ; while my 
 motto, was — Perseverance. 
\ , 
 January 1, 1821. — I went to the school this 
 morning, a distance of about six miles from 
 my residence, to examine the children, and 
 was much pleased at the progress which they 
 had already made in reading. ^ Having ad- 
 dressed them, and prayed for a divine blessing 
 on their instruction : I distributed to those who 
 could read a little book, as a reward for their 
 general good conduct in the school. In 
 returning to the farm, my mind was filled with 
 sentiments of gratitude and love to a divine 
 Saviour for his providential protection, and 
 gracious favour towards me during the past 
 year. He has shielded me in the shadow of 
 his hand through the perils of the sea and of 
 the wilderness from whence I may derive 
 motives of devotion and activity in my pro- 
 fession. Thousands are involved in worse than 
 Egyptian darkness around me, wandering in 
 ignorance and perishing through lack of know- 
 ledge. When will this wide waste howling 
 wilderness blossom as the rose, and the desert 
 become as a fruitful field ! Generations may 
 first pass away; and the seed of instruction 
 t^«t is now sown, may lie buried, waiting for 
 the early and the latter rain, yet, the sure 
 word of Prophecy, will ever animate Christian 
 liberality and exertion, in the bright prospect 
 of that glorious period, when Christianity shall 
 burst upon the gloomy scene of heathenism, 
 and dispel every cloud of ignorance and super- 
 stition, till the very ends of the earth shall see 
 the salvation of the Lord. 
 As I returned from divine service at the 
 Fort, to the farm, on the 7th, it rained hard 
 for nearly two hours, which is a very unusual 
 thing during winter in this northern latitude. 
 We have seldom any rain for nearly six 
 months, but a continued hard frost the greater 
 part of this period. The sky is generally clear, 

 1 :' 
 and the snow lies, about fifteen, or at the 
 utmost eighteen inehes deep. As the climate 
 of a country is not known by merely measuring 
 its distance from the equator, but is affected 
 differently in the same parallel of latitude by 
 its locality, and a variety of circumstances, 
 we find that of Red River, though situated in 
 the same parallel, far different from, and in- 
 tensely more cold than, that of England. The 
 thermometer is frequently at 30° and 40° below 
 zero, when it is only about freezing point in 
 the latter place. This difference is probably 
 occasioned by the prevailing north-westerly 
 wind, that blows with piercing keenness over 
 the rocky mountains, or Andes, which run 
 from north to south through the whole Conti- 
 nent, and over a country which is buried in 
 ice and snow. 
 As my instructions were to afford religious 
 instruction and consolation to the servants in 
 the active employment of the Hudson's Bay 
 Company, as well as to the Company's retired 
 servants, and other inhabitants of the settle- 
 ment, upon such occasions as the nature of the 
 country and other circumstances would permit ; 
 I left the Forks * in a cariole drawn by three 
 * So called from the junction of the Assiniboine River with 
 the Red River. * . 
 dogs, accompanied by a sledge with two dogs, 
 to carry the luggage and provisions, and two 
 men as drivers, on the 15th of January, for 
 Brandon House, and Qu'appelle, on the Assini- 
 boine River. After we had travelled about 
 fifteen miles, we stopped on the edge of a 
 wood, and bivouacked on the snow for the night. 
 A large fire was soon kindled, and a supply of 
 wood cut to keep it up ; when supper being 
 prepared and finished, I wrapped myself in my 
 blankets and buffaloe robe, and laid down with 
 a few twigs under me in place of a bed, with 
 my feet towards the fire, and slept soundly 
 under the open canopy of heaven. The next 
 morning we left our encampment before sun- 
 rise ; and the country as we passed presented 
 some beautiful points and bluffs of wood. We 
 started again early the following morning, 
 which was intensely cold; and I had much 
 difficulty in keeping my face from freezing, on 
 my way to the encampment rather late in the 
 evening, at the * Portage de Prair^/ In 
 crossing the plain the next morning, with a 
 sharp head wind, my nose and part of my face 
 were frozen quite hard and white. I was not 
 conscious of it, till it was perceived by the 
 driver, who immediately rubbed the parts af- 
 fected well with snow, and restored the circu- 
 lation, so that I suffered no inconvenience 
 from the circumstance, but was obliged to 
 keep my face covered with a blanket as I lay 
 in the cariole the remaining part of the day. 
 On the 19th we were on the march as early 
 as half past four, and had a sharp piercing wind 
 in our faces, which drifted the snow, and made 
 the track veiy bad for the dogs. This greatly 
 impeded our progress; and our provisions 
 being short, I shot some ptarmigans, which 
 were frequently seen on our route. We per- 
 ceived some traces of the buffaloe, and the wolf 
 was frequently seen following our track, or 
 crossing in the line we were travelling. Jan. 
 20. We started at sunrise, with a very cold 
 head wind; and my favourite English watch 
 dog, Neptune, left the encampment, to follow us, 
 with great reluctance. I was apprehensive that 
 he might turn back, on account of the severity 
 of the morning; and being obliged to put 
 my head under the blanket in the cariole, I 
 requested the driver to encourage him along. 
 We had not pursued our journey however more 
 than an hour, before I was grieved to find that 
 the piercing keenness of the wind had forced 
 him to return ; and the poor animal was pro- 
 bably soon after devoured by the wolves. 
 We arrived at Brandon House, the Company's 
 , I 
 pravision post, about three o'clock; and the 
 next day, being Sunday, the servants were all 
 assembled for divine worship at eleven o'clock : 
 and we met again in the evening at six, when 
 I married the officer of the post, and baptized 
 his two children. On the following morning, 
 I saw an Indian corpse staged, or put upon a 
 few cross sticks, about ten feet from the ground, 
 at a short distance from the fort. The property 
 of the dead, which may consist of a kettle, axe, 
 and a few additional articles, is generally put 
 into the case, or wrapped in the buffaloe skin 
 with the body, under the idea that the deceased 
 will want them, or that the spirit of these 
 articles will accompany the departed spirit in 
 travelling to another world. And whenever 
 they visit the stage or burying-place, which 
 they frequently do for years afterwards, 
 they will encircle it, smoke their pipes, weep 
 bitterly, and, in their sorrow, cut themselves 
 with knives, or pierce themselves with the 
 points of sharp instruments. I could not but 
 reflect that theirt is a sorrow without hope : 
 all is gross darkness with them as to futurity ; 
 and they wander through life without the 
 consolatory and cheering influence of that 
 gospel which has brought life and immortality 
 to light. 
 Before I left this post, I married two of the 
 Company's servants, and baptized ten or twelve 
 children. As their parents could read, I dis- 
 tributed some Bibles and Testaments, with 
 some Religious Tracts among them. On the 
 24th, we set off for Qu'appelle, but not without 
 the kind attention of the officer, in adding two 
 armed servants to our party, from the expecta- 
 tion that we might fall in with a tribe of Stone 
 Indians, who had been threatening him, and 
 had acted in a turbulent manner at the post a 
 few days before. In the course of the afternoon, 
 we saw a band of buffaloes, which fled from us 
 with considerable rapidity. Though an animal 
 apparently of a very unweildy make, and as 
 large as a Devonshire ox, they were soon out 
 of our sight in a laboured canter. Ir the 
 evening our encampment was surrounded by 
 wolves, which serenaded us with their melan- 
 choly howling throughout the night: and when 
 I first put my head from under the buffaloe 
 robe in the morning, our encampment pre- 
 sented a truly wild and striking scene; — ^the 
 guns were resting against a tree, and pistols with 
 powder horns were hanging on its branches ; 
 one of the men had just recruited the fire, and 
 was cooking a small piece of buffaloe meat on 
 the point of a stick, while the others were 
 lying around it in every direction. Inter- 
 mingled with the party were the dogs, lying in 
 holes which they had scratched in the snow for 
 shelter, but from which they were soon dragged, 
 and harnessed that we might recommence our 
 journey. We had not proceeded far before we 
 met one of the Company's servants going to 
 the fort which we had left, who told us that 
 the Indians we were apprehensive of meeting 
 had gone from their track considerably to the 
 north of our direction. In consequence of this 
 information we sent back the two armed ser- 
 vants who had accompanied us. In the course 
 of the day we saw vast numbers of buffaloes ; 
 some rambling through the plains, while others 
 in sheltered spots were scraping the snow away 
 with their feet to graze. In the evening we 
 encamped among some dwarf willows; and 
 some time after we had kindled the fire, we 
 were considerably alarmed by hearing the In- 
 dians drumming, shouting, and dancing, at a 
 short distance from us in the woods. We 
 immediately almost extinguished the fire, and 
 lay down with our guns under our heads, fully 
 expecting that they had seen our fire, and 
 would visit us in the course of the night. We 
 dreaded this from the known character of the 
 Stone Indians, they being great thieves; and 
 D 2 
 it having been represented to us, that they 
 murdered individuals, or small parties of white 
 people, for plunder ; or stripped them, leaving 
 them to travel to the posts without clothing, in 
 the most severe weather. We had little sleep, 
 and started before break of day, without having 
 been observed by them. We stopped to break- 
 fast at the Standing Stone, where the Indians 
 had deposited bits of tobacco, small pieces of 
 cloth, &c. as a sacrifice, in superstitious ex- 
 pectation that it would influence their manitou 
 to give them buffaloes and a good hunt. Jan. 
 2/th. soon after midnight, we were disturbed by 
 the buffaloes passing close to our encampment : 
 we rose early, and arrived at Qu'appelle about 
 three o'clock. Nearly about the same time, 
 a large band of Indians came to the fort from 
 the plains with provisions. Many of them rode 
 good horses, caparisoned with a saddle or pad 
 of dressed skin, stuffed with buffaloe wool, from 
 which were suspended wooden stirrups ; and a 
 leathern thong, tied at both ends to the under 
 jaw of the animal, formed the bridle. When 
 they had delivered their loads, they paraded 
 . ^ fort with an air of independence. It was 
 not long however before they became clamor- 
 ous for spiritous liquors; and the evening 
 presented such a bacchanalia, including the 
 women and the children, as I never before 
 witnessed. Drinking made them quarrelsome, 
 and one of the men became so infuriated, that 
 he would have killed another with his bow, had 
 not the master of the post immediately rushed 
 in and taken it from him. Tlie following day, 
 being Sunday, the servants were all assembled 
 for divine worship, and again in the evening. 
 Before I left the fort, I married several of the 
 Company's servants, who had been living with, 
 and had families by, Indian or half-caste women, 
 and baptized Iheir children. I explained to 
 them the nature and obligations of marriage 
 and baptism ; and distributed among them 
 some Bibles and Testaments, and Religious 
 With the Indians who were at the Fort, 
 there was one of the Company's servants who 
 had been with the tribe nearly a year and a half, 
 to learn their language as an interpreter. They 
 were very partial to him, and treated him with 
 great kindness and hospitality. He usually 
 lived with their chief, and upon informing him 
 who I was, and the object for which I came to 
 the country, he welcomed me by a hearty shake 
 of the hand ; while others came round me, and 
 stroked me on the head, a a fond father would 
 his favourite boy. On one occasion, when I 
 particularly noticed one of their children ^ the 
 boy's father was so affected with the attention, 
 that with tears he exclaimed, " See ! the God 
 takes notice of my child." Many of these In- 
 dians were strong, athletic men, and generally 
 well-proportioned ; their countenances were 
 pleasing, with aquiline noses, and beautifully 
 white and regular teeth. The bufialoe supplies 
 them with food, and also with clothing. The 
 skin was the principal, and almost the only 
 article of dress they wore, and was wrapped 
 round them, or worn tastefully -over the shoul- 
 der like the Highland plaid. The leggins of 
 some of them were fringed with human hair, 
 taken from the scalps of their enemies ; and 
 their mocasins, or shoes, were neatly orna- 
 mented with porcupine quills. They are noto- 
 rious horse-stealers, and often make predatory 
 excursions to the Mandan villages on the banks 
 of the Missouri, to steal them. They sometimes 
 visit the Red River for this purpose, and have 
 swept off, at times, nearly the whole of our 
 horses from the settlement. Such indeed is 
 their propensity for this species of theft, that 
 they have fired upon, and killed the Company's 
 servants, close to the forts for these useful 
 animals. They run the buffaloe with them in 
 the summer, and fasten them to sledges which 
 they drag over the snow when they travel in 
 the winter ; while the dogs earry burdens upon 
 their backs, like packs upon the pack-horse. It 
 does not appear that chastity is much regarded 
 among them. They take as many wives as they 
 please, and part with them for a reason, or 
 permit others to cohabit with them in their 
 own lodges for a time, for a gun, a hor^e, or 
 some article they may wish to possess. They 
 are known, however, to kill the woman, or cut 
 off her ears or nose, if she be unfaithful without 
 their knowledge or permission. A^U the lowest 
 and most laborious drudgery is imposed upon 
 her, and she is not permitted to eat till after 
 her lord has finished his meal, who amidst the 
 burdensome toil of life, and a desultory and 
 precarious existence, will only condescend to 
 carry his gun, take care of his horse, and hunt 
 as want may compel him. During the time the 
 interpreter was with these Indians the measles 
 prevailed, and carried off great numbers of them, 
 in different tribes. They often expressed to 
 him a very low opinion of the white people who 
 introduced this disease amongst them, and 
 threatened to kill them all, at the same time 
 observing, that they would not hurt him, but 
 send him home down the Missouri. When their 
 relations, or children of whom they are passion- 
 ately fond, were sick, they were almost con- 
 stantly addressing their manitou drumming, 
 and making a great noise ; and at the same 
 time they sprinkled them with water where 
 they complained of pain. And when the inter- 
 preter was sick, they were perpetually wanting 
 to drum and conjure him well. He spoke to 
 them of that God and Saviour whom white 
 people adore ; but they called him a fool, saying 
 that he never came to their country, or did any 
 thing for them, " So vain were they in their ima- 
 ginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.'' 
 Jan. 30. — ^\^^e left Qu'appelle to return to 
 the colony, and stopped for the night at an 
 encampment of Indians, some of whom were 
 engaged as hunters for the company. They 
 welcomed me with much cordiality to their 
 wigwams. We smoked the calumet as a token 
 of friendship ; and a plentiful supply of bufialoe 
 tongues was prepared for supper. I slept in one 
 of their tents, wrapt in a buifaloe robe, before 
 a small fire in the centre, but the wind drawing 
 under it, I suffered more from cold than when 
 I slept in an open encampment. As we were 
 starting the next morning 1 observed a fine 
 looking little boy standing by the side of the 
 cariole, and told his father that if he would send 
 him to me at the Settlement by the first oppor- 
 tunity, I would be as a parent to him, clotiie 
 him, and feed him, and teach him what I knew 
 would be for his happiness, with the Indian 
 boys I had already under my care. Wc pro- 
 ceeded, and after we had travelled about three 
 hours, the whole scene around us was animated 
 with buffaloes ; so numerous, that there could 
 not be less, I apprehend, than ten thousand, in 
 different bands, at one time in our view. It 
 took us nearly the whole day to cross the plain, 
 before we came to any wood for the night. We 
 resumed our journey at the dawn of the fol- 
 lowing morning, and after travelling about 
 three hours we stopped at a small creek to 
 breakfast : as soon as we had kindled the fire, 
 two Indians made their appearance, and point- 
 ing to the willows, shewed me a buffaloe that 
 they had just shot. They were very expert in 
 cutting up the animal, and ate some of the fat, 
 I observed, with a few choice pieces, in a raw 
 state. Soon afterwards I saw another Indian 
 peeping over an eminence, whose head-dress at 
 first gave him the appearance of a wolf: and, 
 fearing some treachery, we hurried our break- 
 fast and started. 
 Feb. 2. — ^The night was so intensely cold 
 that I had but little sleep, and we hurried from 
 our encampment at break of day. The air was 
 ♦ J 
 filled with small icy particles ; and some snow 
 having fallen the evening before, one of the 
 men was obliged to walk in snow shoes, to 
 make a track for the dogs to follow. Our pro- 
 gress was slow, but we persevered, and arrived 
 at Brandon house about four o'clock. We saw 
 some persons at this post, who had just come 
 from the Mandan villages : they informed us of 
 the custom that prevails among these Indians, 
 as with many others, of presenting females to 
 strangers ; the husband his wife or daughter, 
 and the brother his sister, as a mark of hospi- 
 tality: and parents are known to lend their 
 daughters of tender age for a few beads or a 
 little tobacco ! During our stay, a Sunday 
 intervened, when all met for divine worship in 
 the morning and evening, and I had an oppor- 
 tunity of baptizing several more children, whose 
 parents had come in from the hunting grounds, 
 since my arrival at the Post, in my way to 
 Qu'appelle. On the 5th we left the fort, and 
 returning by the same track that we came, I 
 searched for traces of my favourite lost dog, 
 but found none. The next morning I got into 
 the cariole very early, and the rising sun gra- 
 dually opened to my view a beautiful and 
 striking scenery. All nature appeared silently 
 and impressively to proclaim the goodness and 
I • 
 wisdom of God. Day unto day, in the revolu- 
 tions of that glorious orb, which shed a flood of 
 light over the impenetrable forests and wild 
 wastes that surrounded me, uttereth speech. 
 Yet His voice is not heard among the heathen, 
 nor His name known throughout these vast 
 territories by Europeans in general, but to 
 swear by. Oh ! for wisdom, truly Christian 
 faith, integrity and zeal in my labours as a 
 minister, in this heathen and moral desert. 
 Feb. 9,- The wind drifted the snow this 
 morning 1 .v. a thick fog, that at times we could 
 scarcely see twenty yards from the cariole. It 
 did not stop us however in our way, and I 
 reached the farm about five o'clock, with grate- 
 ful thanks to God, for protecting me through a 
 perilous journey, drawn by dogs over the snow 
 a distance of between five and six hundred 
 miles among some of the most treacherous 
 tribes of Indians in this northern wilderness. 
 March 4. — ^The weather continues very cold, 
 so as to prevent the women and the children 
 from attending regularly divine service on the 
 Sabbath. The sun however is seldom obscured 
 with clouds, but shines with a sickly face; 
 if7lthout softening at all at present, the piercing 
 north-westerly wind that prevails throughout 
 the winter. 

 A wish having been expressed to inc, that I 
 would attend a general meeting of the principal 
 settlers at Pembina, I set off in a cariole for this 
 point of the Set lement, a distance of nearly 
 eighty miles, on the 12th. We stopped a few 
 hours at the Salt Springs, and then proceeded 
 on our journey so as to reach Fort Daer the 
 next morning to breakfast ; so expeditiously 
 will the dogs drag the cariole in a good track, 
 and with a good driver. We met for the pur- 
 pose of considering the best means of protec- 
 tion, and of resisting any attack that might be 
 made by the Sioux Indians, who were reported 
 to have hostile intentions against this part of 
 the colony, in the Spring. They had frequently 
 killed the hunters upon the plains ; and a war 
 party from the Mississippi, scalped a boy last 
 summer within a short distance of the fort 
 where we were assembled ; leaving a painted 
 stick upon the mangled body, as a supposed 
 indication that they would return for slaugh- 
 The 18th being the Sabbath, I preached to a 
 considerable number of persons assembled at the 
 Fort. They heard me with great attention ; but 
 I was often depressed in mind, on the general 
 view of character, and at the spectacle of human 
 depravity and barbarism I was called to witness. 
 During my stay, I went to some hunter's tents 
 on the plains, and saw them kill the buffaloe^ by 
 crawling on the snow, and pushing their guns 
 before them, and this for a considerable dis- 
 tance till they got very near the band. Their 
 approach to the animals was like the appearance 
 of wolves, which generally hover round them 
 to devour the leg- wearied and the wounded ; 
 and they killed three before the herd fled. But 
 in hunting the buffaloes for provisions it aflbrds 
 great diversion to pursue them on horseback. I 
 once accompanied two expert hunters to witness 
 this mode of killing them. It was in the spring: 
 at this season the bulls follow the bands of cows 
 in the rear on their return to the south, whereas 
 in the beginning of the winter, in their migra- 
 tion to the north, they preceded them and led 
 the way. We fell in with a herd of about forty, 
 on an extensive prarie. They were covering 
 the retreat of the cows. As soon as our horses 
 espied them they shewed great spirit, and be- 
 came as eager to chase them as I have under- 
 stood the old English hunter is to follow the 
 fox-hounds in breaking cover. The bufialoes 
 were grazing, and did not start till we ap- 
 proached within about half a mile of them, when 
 they all cantered off in nearly a compact body. 
 We immediately threw the reins upon the 
 t 1 
 : I 
 ^ i 
 horses' necks, and in a short time were inter- 
 mingled with several of them. Pulling up my 
 horse I then witnessed the interesting sight of 
 the hunters continuing the chase, till they had 
 separated one of the bulls from the rest, and 
 after driving it some distance, they gallopped 
 alongside and fired upon the animal, with the 
 gull resting upon the front of the saddle. Im- 
 mediately it was wounded, it gave chase in the 
 most furious manner, and the horses aware of 
 their danger, turned and cantered away at the 
 same pace as the buffaloe. While the bull was 
 pursuing them, the men reloaded their guns, 
 which they do in a most expeditious manner, by 
 pouring the charge of powder into the palm of 
 their hand half closed, from a horn hung over 
 the shoulder, and taking a ball from the pouch 
 that is fastened to their side, and then suddenly 
 breaking out of the line, they shot the animal 
 through the heart as it came opposite to them. 
 It was of a very large size, with long shaggy 
 hair on the head and shoulders, and the head 
 when separated from the carcase was nearly as 
 much as I could lift from the ground. 
 The Indians have another mode of pur- 
 suing the buffaloes for subsistence, by driving 
 them into a pound. They make the inclo- 
 sure of a circular form with trees felled on 
I i 
 the spot, to the extent of one or two hundred 
 yards in diameter/ and raise the entrance with 
 snow, so as to prevent <■' retreat of the 
 animals when they ha> one ntered. Assoo 4 
 as a herd is seen in the horizon coming in the 
 direction of the pound, a party of Indians ar- 
 range themselves singly in two opposite lines, 
 branching out gradually on each side to a consi- 
 derable distance, that the buffaloes may advance 
 between them. In taking their station at the 
 distance of twenty or thirty yards from each 
 other, they lie down, while another party 
 manoeuvre on horseback, to get in rear of the 
 band. Immediately they have succeeded they 
 give chace, and the party in ambush rising up 
 as the buffaloes come opp'" ite to them, they all 
 halloo, and shout, and fire their gunis, so as to 
 drive them, trampling upon each other, into the 
 snare, where they are soon slaughtered by the 
 arrow or the gun. 
 The buffaloe tongue, when well cured, is of 
 excellent flavour, and is much esteemed, 
 together with the bos, or hump of the animal, 
 that is formed on the point of the shoulders. 
 The meat is much easier of digestion than 
 English beef; and many pounds of it are often 
 taken by the hungry traveller just before he 
 >•' r' 
 i i 
 wraps himself in his buffaloe robe for the night 
 without the least inconvenience. 
 On my return to the Fort, I had an oppor- 
 tunity of hearing from a chief of a small tribe of 
 Chippeways, surrounded by a party of his young 
 men, a most pathetic account, and a powerful 
 declaration of revenge against the Sioux Indians, 
 who had tomahawked and scalped his son. 
 Laying his hand upon his heart as he related 
 the tragical circumstance, he emphatically ex- 
 claimed, * It is here I am affected, and /eel my 
 loss ;' then raising his hand above his head, he 
 said, * the spirit of my son cries for vengeance. 
 It must be appeased. His bones on the 
 ground uncovered. We want ammunition: 
 give us powder and ball, and we will go and 
 revenge his death upon our enemies.' Their 
 public speeches are full of bold metaphor, 
 energy and pathos. " No Greek or Roman 
 orator ever spoke perhaps with more strength 
 and sublimity than one of their chiefs when 
 asked to remove with his tribe to a distance 
 from their native soil." ^ We were born,' said 
 he, * on this ground, our fathers lie buried in it, 
 shall we say to the bones of our fathers, arise, . 
 and come with us into a foreign land? * 
 One of the Indians left his wampum, or belt. 
 |: t 
 at the Fort as a pledge that he would return and 
 pay the value of an article which was given 
 to him at his request. They consider this 
 deposit sacred and inviolable, and as giving 
 a sanction to their words, their promises and 
 their treaties. They are seldom known to fail 
 in redeeming the pledge ; and they ratify their 
 agreements with each other by a mutual 
 exchange of the wampum, regarding it with 
 the smoking of tobacco, as the great test of 
 In conducting their war excursions, they act 
 upon the same principle as in hunting. They 
 are vigilant in espying out the track of those 
 whom they pursue, and will follow them over 
 the praries, and through the forests, till they 
 have discovered where they halt ; when they 
 wait with the greatest patience, under every 
 privation, either lurking in the grass, or con- 
 cealing themselves in the bushes, till an oppor- 
 tunity offers to rush upon their prey, at a time 
 when they are least able to resist them. These 
 tribes are strangers to open warfare, and laugh 
 at Europeans as fools for standing out, as they 
 say, in the plains, to be shot at. 
 On the 22nd I reached the Farm, and from 
 the expeditious mode of travelling over the 
 snow, I began to think, as is common among 
1, / 
 /, ' 
 the Indians, that one hundred miles was little 
 more than a step, or in fact but a short distance. 
 It often astonished me to see with what an un- 
 wearied pace, the drivers hurry along their dogs 
 in a cariole, or sledge, day after day in a journey 
 of two and three hundred miles. I have seen 
 some of the English half-breeds greatly excel 
 in this respect. Many of the Canadians how- 
 ever are very expert drivers, as they are ex- 
 cellent voyageurs in the canoe. There is a 
 native gaiety, and vivacity of character, which 
 impel them forward, and particularly so, under 
 the individual and encouraging appellation of 
 * hon homme* When tripping, they are com- 
 monly all life, using the whip, or more com- 
 monly a thick stick, barbarously upon their dogs, 
 vociferating as they go " Sacres Crapeauxy* 
 " Sacrie Marnet* " Saintes Diahles^* and utter- 
 ing expressions of the most appalling blasphemy. 
 In the rivers, their canoe songs, as sung to a 
 lively air and chorus with the paddle, are very 
 cheerful and pleasing. They smoke immedi- 
 ately and almost incessantly, when the paddle 
 is from their hands ; and none exceed them in 
 skill, in running the rapids, passing the portages 
 iij^th pieces of eighty and ninety pounds weight 
 upon their backs, and expeditiously performing 
 a journey of one thousand miles. 
 April 1. — Last Friday I married several 
 couples, at the Company's Post ; nearly all the 
 English half-breeds were assembled on the 
 occasion, and so passionately fond are they 
 of dancing, that they continued to dance 
 almost incessantly from two o'clock on Friday 
 afternoon, till late on Saturday night. This 
 morning the Colony Fort was nearly thronged 
 with them to attend divine service ; and it was 
 my endeavour to address them, with plainness, 
 simplicity, and fidelity. There was much 
 attention; but, I fear, fi'om their talking, 
 principally, their mother tongue^ the Indian 
 language, that they did not comprehend a 
 great deal of my discourse. This is the 
 case also, with a few of the Scotch Highland 
 settlers, who speak generally the Gaelic 
 Marriage, I would enforce upon all, who 
 are living with, and have children by half- 
 caste, or Indian women. The apostolic in- 
 junction is clear and decisive against the too 
 common practice of the country, in putting 
 them away, after enjoying the morning of 
 their days ; or deserting them to be taken by 
 the Indians with their children, when the 
 parties, who have cohabited with them, leave 
 E 2 - 
 the Hudson's Bay Company's territories* 
 And if a colony* is to be organized, aiul 
 established in the wilderness, the moral obliga- 
 tion of marriage must be felt. It is " the 
 parent;' said Sir William Scott, "not the 
 child of civil society." Some form, or religious 
 rite in marriage is also requisite, and has 
 generally been observed by enlightened and 
 civilized nations. It is a civil contract in civil 
 society, but the sanction of religion should be 
 superadded. The ancients considered it as a 
 religious ceremony. They consulted their 
 imaginary gods, before the marriage was 
 solemnized, and implored their assistance by 
 prayers, and sacrifices ; the gall was taken out 
 of the victim, as the seat of anger and malice, 
 and thrown behind the altar, as hateful to the 
 deities who presided over the nuptial cere- 
 monies. Marriage, by its original institution')- 
 is the nearest of all earthly relations, and as 
 involving each other's happiness through life, 
 it surely ought to be entered upon by professing 
 Christians, with religious rites, invoking 
 heaven as a party to it, while the consent of 
 the individuals is pledged to each other, rati- 
 fied and confirmed by a vow. 
 * 1 Corin. vii. 12. f Gen. ii. 24. 
 Incestuous cohabitation is common with the 
 Indians, and in some Instances, they will 
 espouse several sisters at the same time ; but 
 so far from adopting the custom of others in 
 presenting their wives, or daughters as a mark 
 of hospitality due to a stranger, the Chipeways 
 or Saulteaux tribe of Red River, appear very 
 jealous of them towards Europeans. There is 
 something patriarchal in their manner of first 
 choosing their wives. When a young man 
 wishes to take a young woman to live with 
 him ; he may perhaps mention his wishes to 
 her, but generally, he speaks to the father, or 
 those who have authority over her. If his 
 proposal be accepted, he is admitted into the 
 tent, and lives with the family, generally a 
 year, bringing in the produce of his hunting 
 for the general mess. He then separates to a 
 tent of his own, and adds to the number of 
 wives, according to his success and charactr* a^^ 
 a hutiter. Tlie Indians have been greatly cor- 
 rupted in their simple and barbarous manners, 
 by their intercourse with Europeans, many of 
 whom have borne scarcely any other mark of 
 the Christian character thau the name; and 
 who have not only fallen into the habits of 
 an Indian life, but have frequently exceeded 
 the savage in their savage customs. When ia 
 female is taken by them, it does not appear 
 that her wishes are at all consulted, but she 
 is obtained from the lodge as an inmate at the 
 Fort, for the priifie of her days generally, 
 through that irresistible bribe to Indians, rum. 
 Childbirth, is considered by them, as an event 
 of a trifling nature ; and it is not an uncom- 
 mon case for a woman to be taken in labour, 
 step aside from the party she is travelling with, 
 and overtake them in the evening at their 
 encampment, with a new-bom infant on her 
 back. It has been confidently stated that 
 Indian women suffer more from parturition 
 with half-breed children than when the &ther 
 is an Indian. If this account be true, it can 
 only be in consequence of their approach to 
 the habits of civilized life, exerting an in- 
 jurious influence over their general constitu- 
 tion. When taken to live with white men, 
 they have larger families, and at the same time 
 are liable to more disease consequent upon it, 
 than in their wild and wandering state. They 
 have customs, such as separation for forty days 
 at the birth of a child, setting apart the 
 female in a separate lodge at peculiar seasons, 
 and forbidding her to touch any articles in 
 common use, which bear a strong resemblance 
 to the laws of unclcanness, and separation 
 commanded to be observed towards Jewish 
 females. These strongly corroborate the idea, 
 that they are of Asiatic origin ; descended from 
 some of the scattered tribes of the children of 
 Israel : and through some ancient transmigra- 
 tion, came over by Kamtchatka into these wild 
 and extensive territories. When they name 
 their children, it is commpn for them to make 
 a feast, smoke the calumet, and address the 
 Master of life, asking him to protect the child, 
 whom they call after some animal, place, or 
 object in nature, and make him a good hunter. 
 The Stone Indians add to the request, a good 
 horse-stealer. Tlie women suckle their children 
 generally, till the one supplants the other, 
 and it is not an uncommon circumstance to 
 see them of three or four years old running to 
 take the breast. They have a burial ground at 
 the Settlement, and usually put the property 
 of the deceased into the grave with the corpse. 
 If any remains, it is given away from an 
 aversion they have to use any thing that be- 
 longed to their relations who have died. Some 
 of the graves are very neatly Covered over with 
 short sticks and bark as a kind of canopy, and 
 a few scalps are affixed to poles that are stuck 
 in the ground at the head of several of them. 
 You sec also occasionally at the grave, a piece 
 t II 
 of wood on which is either carved or painted 
 the symbols of the tribe the deceased belonged 
 to, and which are taken from the different 
 animals of the country. 
 April 6. — One of the principal settlers 
 informed me this morning, that an Indian had 
 stabbed one of his wives in a fit of intoxication 
 at an encampment near his house. I imme- 
 diately went to the Lodge to inquire into the 
 circumstance, and found that the poor woman 
 had been stabbed in wanton cruelty, through 
 the shoulder and the arm, but not mortally. 
 The Indians were still drunk, and some of 
 them having knives in their hands, I thought 
 it most prudent to withdraw from their tents, 
 without offering any assistance. The Indians 
 appear to mc to be generally of an inoffensive 
 and hospitable disposition; but spirituous 
 liquors, like war, infuriate them with the 
 most revengeful and barbarous feelings. They 
 are so conscious of this effect of drinking, that 
 they generally deliver up their guns, bows and 
 arrows, and knives, to the officers, before they 
 begin to drink at the Company's Post; and 
 when at their tents, it is the first care of the 
 women to conceal them, during the season of 
 riot and intoxication. 
 A considoi'ablc quantity of snow fell on the 
 night of the 12th, and the weather eontinuing 
 very cold, it is not practicable yet to begin any 
 operations in farming. Though I see not as 
 yet any striking effects of my ministry among 
 the settlers, yet, I trust, some little outward 
 reformation has taken place, in the better ob- 
 servance of the Sabbath. 
 May 2. — ^Ti^e rivers have broken up this 
 spring unusually late, and the ice is now 
 floating down in large masses. The settlers, 
 who went to Pembina and the plains, for 
 buffaloe meat in the Fall, are returning upon 
 rafts, or in canoes formed by hollowing the 
 large trunks of trees : many of them are as 
 improvident of to-morrow as the Indians, and 
 have brought with them no dried provisions 
 for the summer. This is not the case however 
 with the Scotch, who have been provident 
 enough to bring with them a supply of dried 
 meat and pemican for a future day. The dried 
 meat is prepared by cutting the flesh of the 
 buffaloe thin, and hanging it on stages of wood 
 to dry by the fire; and is generally tied in 
 bundles of fifty or forty pounds weight. It is 
 very rough, and tasteless, except a strong 
 flavour of the smoke. Pemican is made by 
 pounding the dried meat, and mixing it with 
 boiled fat, and is then ])ut into bags made of 
 bufialoc skin, which weigh about eighty and 
 a hundred pounds each. It is a species of food 
 well adapted to travelling in the country ; but 
 so strongly cemented in the bag, that when it 
 is used, it is necessary to apply the axe ; and 
 very much resembles in appearance tallow- 
 chandler's grease. 
 The 10th. — ^The plains have been on fire to a 
 considerable extent for several days past, and 
 the awful spectacle is seen this evening, 
 through the whole of the northern, and western 
 horizon. Idle rumours prevail that the Sioux 
 Indians will attack the Settlement; which 
 unhappily unsettle the minds, and interrupt 
 the industry of the colonists. But none of 
 these thingf: move me, in carrying on my 
 plans, and making arrangements to erect a 
 substantial building, sixty feet by twenty. The 
 Red River appears to me, a most desirable 
 spot for a Missionary establishment, and the 
 formation of schools ; from whence Christianity 
 may arise, and be propagated among the 
 numerous tribes of the north. The settlers are 
 now actively employed in preparing to sow 
 the small lots of land which they have cleared : 
 but this season is short from the great length of 
 the winter. — ^The 20th being Sunday more than 
 one hundred of them assembled at the Fort for 
 \y ., 
 divine service; and their chilc^en from the 
 school were present for public examination. 
 They gave general satisfaction in their answers 
 to questions from the " Chief Truths of the 
 Christian Religion, and Lewises Catechism." — 
 Text Proverbs iii. 17. 
 By the arrival of the boats from Qu*appelle, 
 on the 25th, I received the little Indian boy, I 
 noticed, when leaving the Hunter's Tents, 
 during my excursion to that quarter in January 
 last. Soon after my departure, the father of 
 the boy observed, that '' as I had asked for his 
 son, and stood between the Great Spirit and 
 the Indians, he would send him to me ;*' and 
 just before the boats left the Post for the Red 
 River, he brought the boy, and requested that 
 he might be delivered to my care. Thus was 
 I encouraged in the idea, that native Indian 
 children might be collected from the wandering 
 tribes of the north, and educated in " the 
 knowledge of the true God, and Jesus Christ 
 whom he hath sent." 
 Every additional Indian child I obtained 
 for this purpose, together with the great in- 
 convenience of having no place appropriated 
 for public worship, gave a fresh stimulus to 
 exertion in erecting the proposed building. 
 There was but little willing assistance however, 
 towards this desirable objeet ; as few pi>ssessed 
 any aetive spirit of public improvement ; and 
 the general habits of the people being those of 
 lounging and smoking, were but little favour- 
 able to voluntary exertions. 
 Sturgeon are caught at this period, from sixty 
 to one hundred pounds weight and more, in 
 great abundance at the Settlement ; and also 
 for about a month in the fall of the year, a 
 little below the rapids towards the mouth of 
 the river. The oil of this fish is sometimes 
 used as lamp oil by the settlers; and the sound, 
 when carefully and quickly dried in the shade, 
 by hanging it upon a line in a good breeze, 
 forms isinglass^ the simple solution of which 
 in water makes a good jelly, and may be sea- 
 soned by the addition of syrup and wine, or 
 of the expressed juices of any ripe fruit. The 
 roe is often cooked immediately it is taken 
 from the fish; but, when salted and placed 
 under a considerable pressure until dry, it 
 forms the very nutritious article of food named 
 caviare. They generally afford us an abun- 
 dant supply of provisions for about a month 
 or five weeks ; and when they leave the river, we 
 have usually a good supply of cat fish, weighing 
 about seven or eight pounds each, and which 
 are taken in greater or less quantities for the 
 most part of the summer months. 
 June the 20th. llie canoes arrived from 
 Montreal, via Lake Superior, and brought me 
 the gratifying intelligence, in letters from 
 England, that my family were all well. It 
 was my intention that they should have em- 
 barked with me in my mission to this country, 
 but circumstances prevented it ; and now that 
 I was surrounded with unexpected difficulties, 
 situated in the very heart of an Indian terri- 
 tory, most difficult of access, and without 
 military protection, I deemed it most advisable 
 that they should defer the voyage, in the hope 
 that another year might lessen these difficul- 
 ties, and bring a better arrangement for the 
 prosperity of the colony. I could undergo 
 privations, and enter upon any arduous official 
 duties, for the best interests of the natives and 
 the settlers ; but I could not subject Mrs. West 
 (and infant children) to the known existing 
 trials of the country, whose useful talents 
 would otherwise have greatly aided me in the 
 formation and superintendence of schools. 
 July 2nd. An agreeable change has taken 
 place in the scenery around us ; the trees are 
 breaking into leaves, and many plants are in 
 ■ ( 
 blossom, where, but a short time ago, every 
 thing bore the aspect of winter. But this 
 almost sudden and pleasing change has brought 
 an unceasing torment : night and day we are 
 perpetually persecuted with the mosquitoes, 
 that swarm around us, and afford no rest but 
 in the annoying respiration of a smoky room. 
 They hover in clouds about the domestic 
 cattle, and drive them (almost irritated to 
 madness) to the smoke of fires lighted with 
 tufts of grass for their relief. The trial of this 
 ever busy and tormenting insect is inconceiv- 
 able, but to those who have endured it. We 
 retire to rest, enveloped in clothes almost to 
 suffocation, but the musquitoe finds its way 
 under the blankets, piercing with its enven- 
 omed trunk, till we often rise in a fever. Nor 
 are we relieved from this painful scourge until 
 the return of a slight frost, in the beginning 
 of September. 
 20th. The weather is extremely hot, the 
 thermometer more than 90° above zero. Ve- 
 getation is making an astonishingly rapid 
 progress, and the grain in its luxuriant growth 
 upon a rich soil, presents to the eye the fairest 
 prospects of a good harvest. But the locust, 
 an insect very like the large grasshopper, is 
 beginning to make sad ravages, by destroying 
 \. J 
 the crops, as it has done for the last three 
 years, at the Settlement. These insects mul- 
 tiply so rapidly, that they soon overspread the 
 land, or rather the whole country; and had 
 not tt wise Providence limited their existence 
 to a year, they would no doubt (if permitted 
 to increase) soon destioy the whole vegetative 
 produce of the world. They seem to devour, 
 not so much from a ravenous appetite, as from 
 the rage of destroying every vegetable sub- 
 stance that lies in the way; and their work 
 of destruction is frequently so regular in a 
 field of corn, as to have the appearance of 
 being cut with a scythe. Where they are 
 bred, from eggs that are deposited in the earth 
 the autumn before, they stop during the 
 months of April, May, and June ; towards the 
 latter end of July, they get strong, and have 
 wings, when they rise together, sometimes so 
 numerous as to form a black cloud, which 
 darkens the rays of the sun. Their first direc- 
 tion is against the wind, but afterwards they 
 appear to be driven by its course, and fall, 
 as a scourge, as they become exhausted by 
 flight. " The land may he as the garden of 
 Eden before them, but behind them it is a de- 
 solate wilderness.** 
 '^-rrs -!' 
 A' i'l 
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 ■>'-. ' 
 iV H 
 The late Earl of Selkirk having suggested that, 
 " In the course of each summer, it would be 
 proper that the minister should visit the Hud- 
 son's Bay Company's factory at Norway House, 
 and also at York Fort, as a great number of 
 their servants are assembled at these places, 
 for a few weeks in summer, and have no other 
 opportunity for any public religiouc instruc- 
 tion;" I left the settlement on the first of 
 August, and met, at Norway House, one of 
 the Directors of the Hudson's Bay Company, 
 and a gentleman of the North West, on their 
 route from Montreal to Yort Fort, to make 
 arrangements for the future trade of the 
 country, in consequence of a coalition between 
 the two Companies. This was a circumstance 
 which I could not but hail, as highly encour- 
 aging in the attempt to better the condition of 
 the native Indians, and likely to remove many 
 of the evils that prevailed during the ardour of 
 The 12th of August, being Sunday, we had 
 divine service ; after which I baptized between 
 twenty and thirty children, and married two of 
 llie Company's officers. On the 14th, we left 
 this Post, and arrived at York Factory, the 
 27th, where we found a considerable number 
 of Swiss families, who had left their country, 
 as emigrants to the Red River Colony. They 
 shewed me a prospectus, which had been cir- 
 culated in the Swiss Cantons, by a gentleman 
 who had been in Canada, but had never seen 
 the Settlement ; and were anxious in their 
 inquiries whether it was rising to prosjierity. 
 They appeared to me to be a different de- 
 scription of settlers, Irom what the colony, 
 in its infancy of improvement, was prepared 
 to receive ; as consisting principally of watch- 
 makers and mechanics. The hardy husband- 
 man was the character we wanted ; who would 
 ■y .r 
 ^ s. 
 work his persevering way through the thickets, 
 clear the surface, and spread cultivation around 
 us ; and not easily repine if a storm overtook 
 him in the wilderness. 
 During my stay at the Factory, several mar- 
 riages and baptisms took place; and it was 
 no small encouragement to me, in my min- 
 isterial labours, to have the patronage and 
 cordial co-operation of the Director I had the 
 pleasure of meeting, in establishing an Auxi- 
 liary Bible Society, for " Prince Rupert's Land 
 and the Red River Settlement." It was formed 
 with great liberality on the part of the Com- 
 pany's officers, who met on the occasion ; and 
 more than one hundred and twenty pounds 
 were immediately subscribed, in aid of an insti- 
 tution, (the British and Foreign Bible Society,) 
 which justly challenges the admiration of the 
 world. Pure in its principle, and simple yet 
 mighty in operation, it is dif][using blessings 
 through the four quarters of the globe: Europe, 
 Asia, Africa, and America, are partakers of its 
 bounty ; and the tide of its beneficent liber- 
 ality is flowing towards all nations, kindreds, 
 tongues, and complexions of our fellow men, 
 that they may read in their own tongues the 
 wonderful works of God. 
 We cheered the Director, with the most 
 cordial feelings of regard, as he stepped into 
 the boat, on the morning of the 1 3th of Sep- 
 tember, to embark in the Prince of Wales, 
 on his return to England ; and immediately 
 afterwards, I set oif on my return to the Red 
 River. We overtook the second division of 
 boats, with the Swiss emigrants, on the 20th, 
 slowly proceeding, and greatly harassed with 
 the difficulties of the navigation. They in- 
 formed us, that one of their party was acci- 
 dentally drowned, soon after they left the 
 Factory ; and that several of their children had 
 died on the passage. We were late on our 
 return to the colony, and under considerable 
 apprehensions that the rivers would be frozen 
 over before our arrival. We experienced very 
 cold weather the beginning of October; and 
 our encampment at night was frequently co- 
 vered with snow. One of the Swiss got his 
 feet dreadfully frozen, from the careless neglect 
 of not taking off his shoes and socks to dry, 
 before he lay down to rest. In crossing 
 Winipeg Lake, one of the boats was wrecked, 
 but providentially no lives were lost. This 
 accident, however, detained us in an encamp- 
 ment for six or seven days; and having 
 scarcely any other subsistence than a little 
 boiled barley, I experienced at times the most 
 F 2 
 fc ' 
 ii ' 
 pressing hunger. Every one rambled in pur- 
 suit of game, but generally returned unsuc- 
 cessful. One evening, a servant brought in 
 from his day's hui^t a large horned owl, 
 which was imruediately cooked, and eagerly 
 despatched. The next day, I was walking 
 along the shore with my gun, when the waves 
 cast at my feet a dead jack-fish; I took it 
 up, and felt, from the keenness of my appetite 
 for animal food, as though I could have im- 
 mediately devoured it, notwithstanding it bore 
 the marks of having been dead a considerable 
 time. At this moment, I heard the croaking 
 of a raven, and placing the fish upon the bank, 
 as a bait, I shot it from behind a willow, where 
 I had concealed myself, as it lighted upon the 
 ground ; and the success afforded me a welcome 
 repast at night. 
 We reached the mouth of the Red River on 
 the 2nd of November, and found our friend 
 Pigewis, the Indian chief, at his old encamp- 
 ment. He received us most hospitably, giving 
 us a good supply of dried sturgeon. Our 
 hungry party put the liberality of the Indians 
 to the test, but it did not fail; as I believe 
 it seldom does, in their improvidence of to- 
 morrow. I landed at Fort Douglas on the 
 4th, and could not but recount the mercies of 
 God in my safe return. They have followed 
 me through many a perilous, and trying scene 
 of life ; and I would that a sense of a continual 
 protecting Providence in the mercy of Re- 
 demption, may ever actuate me in whatsoever 
 things may tend to the promotion of the hap- 
 piness, and of the best biterests of my fellow 
 men, in the journeyings of my life, through a 
 disordered and distracted world. 
 No sooner had the Swiss emigrants arrived, 
 than many of the Germans, who had come to 
 the Settlement a few years ago from Canada, 
 and had houses, presented themselves * in 
 search of a wife,' and having fixed their at- 
 tachment with acceptance, they received those 
 families, in which was their choice, into their 
 habitations. Those who had no daughters to 
 afford this introduction, were obliged to pitch 
 their tents along the banks of the river, and 
 outside the stockades of the Fort, till they 
 removed to Pembina in the better prospc ct of 
 provisions for the winter. Those of the Ger- 
 mans, who were Catholics, applied to the 
 Canadian Catholic Priests to solemnize their 
 marriage ; but they refused, because their in- 
 tended wives were Protestants ; and such was 
 their bigotry in this matter, in refusing to 
 marry a Catholic to a Protestant, that they 
\ •:; 
 expressed an opinion^ that a Catholic could not 
 be present, even as a witness, " sine culpa" * 
 when I performed the marriage ceremony, 
 " inter Catholicos et Hoereticos."^ 
 The locusts which had begun the work of 
 destruction at my leaving the Colony for York 
 Factory, had completely destroyed the crops ; 
 and during my absence, a party of Sioux 
 Indians, came to Fort Douglas, in expectation, 
 it was said, of receiving presents from the 
 stores. It was thought advisable to promise 
 them some goods, on their returning peaceably 
 to their own country, and they manifested no 
 other than a peaceable disposition to all parties. 
 The Saulteaux Indians, however, of Red River, 
 between whom and the Sioux nation, a hostile 
 feeling has existed from time immemorial, 
 became very irritable; and a small party of 
 them fired upon a straggling party of the 
 Sioux, in a garden on the Point below the 
 Colony Fort ; they killed two, and wounded a 
 third ; and fled with such precipitation by 
 swimming the river, and running through the 
 willows, as to escape the vengeance, and 
 almost the view of those who survived. It is 
 * Without blame. 
 t Between Catholics and Heritics. 
 the glory of the North American Indian to 
 steal upon his enemies like a fox, to attack like 
 a tiger, and flee after the attack like a bird. 
 The Indians were not seen any more till after 
 the Sioux had left the settlement, who went 
 away murmuring, that powder and ball had 
 been given, as they said, at the Fort, to the 
 Saulteaux, to kill them. In fact they had 
 formed a deep laid scheme to scalp the person 
 in charge of Fort Douglas, in the absence of 
 the * Charge d' Affaires' of the Colony, and 
 were only prevented carrying it into execution 
 by one of the party giving information to a 
 person at the Farm, as to their intentions. 
 They buried those who were shot near the 
 Stockades of the Fort, and for more than a 
 week after they were gone, the Saulteaux, i :i 
 their savage fondness to exhibit the scalp i»; 
 their war-dance, and obtain possession of tho 
 toes and fingers of the slain, made several 
 attempts by night to disturb the graven but 
 were prevented getting these trophies, by a 
 watch that was kept. 
 November 11. — ^The winter is again set in 
 with severity, and I have been greatly disap- 
 pointed in not having the building so far 
 finished, as to have accommodated the school- 
 master with a residence, as well as to have 

 afforded a place for divine worship before this 
 period. He is now resident with the Indian 
 boys, at the Post which formerly belonged to 
 the North West Company : but being so far 
 distant from the body of the Protestant settlers 
 his number of scholars is not so large as it was, 
 nor have we so many on the Sabbath, for 
 divine worship as formerly. The difficulties 
 which we have hitherto met with in obtaining 
 provisions, and the mode oi procuring them, 
 have formed the character of the Colonists 
 principally into that of hunters and fishermen ; 
 so that labourers are not obtained but at a high 
 remunerating price, or at a dollar a day each. 
 A circulating medium would no doubt reduce 
 the price of labour. It has frequently been 
 requested by the settlers, and would relieve 
 then: from many unpleasant circumstances 
 arising from barter and payment by bills. 
 I found the Scriptures at some of the Com- 
 pany's Posts I visited, mo5t of the copies of 
 which had been sent into the country, together 
 with the Book of Common Prayer, by one of 
 the Directors, who ever expressed to me a 
 lively interest for its moral improvement : and 
 the liberal supply which I had received from 
 the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 
 several ditfcrcnt languages, enabled me to cir- 
 culate many copies of the Bible among the 
 colonists, in English^ Gaelic, German, Danish, 
 Italian, and French. They were gratefully re- 
 ceived by them in general, and by none more 
 so than the Highlanders, one of whom on 
 receiving a Gaelic Bible well remarked, " that 
 one wor^. in the heart was worth more than the 
 whole volume in the pocket neglected." The 
 Catholic priests, however, opposed this circula- 
 tion, and one of them called on a Catholic, to 
 whom I had given a Bible at his own particular 
 request, and after anathematizing our great 
 reformer, asked him to give it up. The man 
 refused with this pointed and pertinent ques- 
 tion, " From whence. Sir, do you got your 
 knowledge of religion?" In this refusal, he 
 acted upon the enlightened principle, that we 
 derive all true sentiments in religious subjects 
 from the Bible, and the Bible alone ; and that 
 the exercise of private judgment in the posses- 
 sion of the Bible, was the birth-right privilege 
 of every man. Therein is contained the great 
 charter of salvation, and the awful code of 
 divine communication to the human race. 
 " A Bible then to every man in the world," 
 is the sentiment wc would encourage, in 
 opposition to such a jiricstly objection, that 
 is contrary to the liberal conduct of more 
 enlightened Catholics, and manifestly opposed 
 to scriptural examples, and the divine command 
 of the Founder of Christianity himself. The 
 Eunuch was reading the scriptures^ searching 
 for, and inquiring after divine truth, when Philip 
 received a commission from heaven to " join 
 himself to his chariot." The Saviour gave ov 
 autt'oritative command to the Jews to " search 
 the scriptures^'* and it is recorded of Timothy 
 that "from a child he had known the Holy 
 St:i ipfures.*' They are the meai:3 of aifording 
 that instruction which man's v/isdom cannot 
 teach, while they bear every mark of a divine 
 revelation, in a manner worthy of God, and 
 plain to the meanest capacity. 
 I had given a French Testament to one of 
 the Canadians, whom I married to a Swiss 
 Protestant, which excited the farther active 
 prejudice of the Catholic priest. He called on 
 him, and requested that he might have it, but 
 the Canadian objected, saying, that as his wife 
 was a Protestant, she wished to read it. He 
 then asked to borrow it, promising to return the 
 Testament in a few days, and took it home with 
 him. I had written on the inside of the cover — 
 The man's liame. 
 From the British and Foreign Bible Society. 
 " Sondez les Ecritures." St. Jean, v. 39. 
 A short time after it was returned, the Cana- 
 dian shewed me the remarks which the priest 
 had written, and gave me the Testament, at my 
 request, in exchange for a Bible. 
 Over the above text, the Catholic priest 
 wrote, " Lisez avec soin les Ecritures, mais ne 
 les explicuez point d'apres vos lumieres," and 
 immediately following my name, which I had 
 put at the bottom of the cover : " Si quelquun 
 n^coute pas TEglise regardez le comme un 
 Pai^n, et un Publicain." Matth. xviii. 17 ; 
 adding the following observations : " Dans cc 
 livre, on ne dit pa ^ un mot de la penitence qui 
 afflige le corps. Cependant il est do foi qu'ellc 
 est absolument necessaire au salut apres le 
 p^ch^, c'est a 1' Eglise de J. C. qu'il apparticnt 
 de determiner le sens des Ecritures." 
 The prejudices which the Canadian priests at 
 the Colony express against Catholics marrying 
 Protestants nmst tend to weaken the religious 
 and moral obligation of the marriage contract, 
 as entered into between them. 1 have known 
 the priests refuse to marry the parties of the 
 above different persuasions, at the time that 
 they were co-habiting together, as though it 
 were better for them to live in fornication, 
 than that they should violate tlie rigid statutes 
 of the Papal see. 
 t I 
 I married a couple a short time ago, and 
 afterwards found that the priest had been un- 
 wearied in calling upon the woman who was a 
 p> ofessed Protestant, and never ceased to repeat 
 t her their opinions of heretics, till, with the 
 porsuasion of her husband, they prevailed 
 upon her to be re-baptized, and re-married by 
 t em in the nominal profession of the Catholic 
 fuith. And I was assured by a Swiss gentle- 
 man at the Settlement, who had married a 
 Catholic from Montreal, that some months 
 after their marriage, one of the priests called 
 upon his wife, and told her that it would have 
 been better for her to have married a heathen, 
 t an a Protestant. A heathen, he said, might 
 bo converted to the Catholic faith, and be 
 Siived, but httle hope could be entertained of a 
 Protestant. These circumstances prove that 
 Fopery, as it now exists, at least in this quarter 
 of the globe, is not contrary to what it was in 
 the days of the Reformation. 
 Christmas is again returned, and appears to 
 be generally known amongst us, as in Euix)pe, 
 only as a season of intoxication. Will not the 
 very heathen rise up in judgment, at the last 
 day, and condemn such a gross perversion of 
 the supposed period of the Redeemer's birth ; 
 tlic knowledge of whose name, they have 
 hitherto been unacquainted with. We had 
 divine service at the Fort: — text, Luke ii. 
 8 — 11. The Indian boys repeated some 
 hymns, and joined in the singing Hallelujah ! 
 to the " Emmanuel, which being interpreted, 
 is, God with us." I meet with many dis- 
 couraging circumstances in my ministerial 
 labours ; but my path is sometimes cheered 
 with the pleasing hope, that they are not alto- 
 gether in vain ; and that the light of Christianity 
 will break in upon the heathen darkness that 
 surrounds me. The promises of God are sure ; 
 and when cast down, I am not disheartened. 
 January 1, 1822. — Oh thou God of mercy, 
 as thou hast brought me hitherto, be pleased 
 to support and direct me in the wilderness ; 
 order my footsteps, and make my path accepta- 
 ble to thyself—" Hoping all things, may I 
 endure all things," in the desire of usefulness, 
 as I proceed in the journey of life, and be en- 
 dued with a Spirit of Love, and of a sound 
 mind, as year after year revolves over my 
 The 16th. We are suffering great privations 
 at the Settlement. Very little buffaloe meat 
 has been obtained from the plains, and our 
 principal subsistence is from grain boiled into 
 soup. Few have cither pepper, salt, flour, or 
 I ^ ! 
 I * 
 vegetables. One of the Swiss was lately frozen 
 to death on the plains : and a Meuron settler 
 returning to the colony with a horse sledge of 
 provisions perished also from the severity of the 
 Frii. 14. — ^I'imcs do not yet wear a more 
 favourable aspect, and most of the settlers are 
 upon an allowance of a pint of wheat each a 
 day. Sometimes a few fish are taken with nets, 
 from mider the ice, which arc put down by 
 making holes at the distance of about fifteen or 
 twenty feet from each other, and affixing the 
 net line to a pole of this length, by which the 
 net is *lr;iwn in the water from one opening to 
 the other, till it is easily set. The fish that 
 are caught, are pike, perch, and a species of 
 herring, called gold-eyes, and for which an exor- 
 bitant price is frequently paid. The northern 
 Indians angle for fish in winter, by cutting 
 round holes in the ice about a^ foot or two in 
 diameter, and letting down a baited hook. This 
 is always kept in motion to prevent the water 
 from freezing, and to attract the fish to the spot. 
 Immediately they take a fish, they scoop out 
 the eyes and swallow them, thinking them as 
 great a delicacy as the European does the 
 My professional duties calling me to Pembina, 
 I left the Farm in a cariole on the 20th, and was 
 sorry to find on my arrival many Swiss families 
 suttering from the want of a regular supply of 
 provisions from the plains. This was occasioned 
 in a great measure from the irreg^ului v and 
 eagerness with whieh the hunters pur the 
 butlaloes immediately they made their appear- 
 ance. Had they suffered some of the leading 
 bands to have passed in the direction they were 
 going towards the Settlement, instead of pur- 
 suing and turning them as soon as they were 
 seen in the horizon, others would probably have 
 followed, and plenty of provisions had been ob- 
 tained. But the fugitive supplies of the chase 
 are generally a poor dependanec; and the 
 colony will be greatly encouraged should the 
 domestic cattle that have been purchased arrive 
 from the United States. The difficulties which 
 the Swiss emigrants have had to encounter, and 
 the severity of the climate have disheartened 
 many of them from settling in the country, and 
 they have determined on going to a settlement 
 on the Ohio in the Spring. They attended 
 divine service on the Sabbath during my stay, 
 and expressed much gratitude for my reading 
 to them the French Testament and the minis- 
 terial duties I performed among them. 
 I returned to the Farm, where a report 

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 reached me, which was in circulation, upon 
 strong grounds of suspicion, that a most deli- 
 berate and barbarous miurder had been com- 
 mitted by one of the half-breeds on a Canadian 
 freeman. He was supposed to have been insti- 
 gated to the bloody deed by a woman he lived 
 with, and whom he received from the Canadian 
 for so many bufiG^iloes as provision. Evidence 
 however was wanting, it was thought, that would 
 justify his being sent down to Montreal, or to 
 England for trial, to convict him there ; as there 
 was no criminal jurisdiction established within 
 the territories of the Hudson's Bay Company. 
 March 25. — ^The thaw has come on unex- 
 pectedly early, and caused many of the hunters 
 to return from the plains with scarcely any pro- 
 visions. There were a few tame bufi&loes that 
 had been reared in the colony, which have been 
 slaughtered, and to save as much seed com as 
 possible, the allowance of grain is given out to 
 the settlers with the most rigid economy by 
 the Charg^ d'Affaires. There was a general 
 shout to day in the Settlement at the sight of 
 some swans and geese, as the sure harbingers of 
 Spring, and of immense flocks of wild fowl, that 
 bend their course in the Spring to the north, as 
 in the fall of the year they fly to the south. It 
 was indeed a cheerful sight, as nearly all the 
 feathered tribe leave us during a long and severe 
 winter. In this season, we hear only, and that 
 but very seldom the croaking of the raven, the 
 chattering of the magpie, or the tapping of 
 the woodpecker. But as summer bursts upon us, 
 ' the call of the whip-poor-will is heard in the 
 dusk of the evening, and the solitude of the 
 woods is enlivened with a rich variety of birds, 
 some of which dazzle the eye with the beauty 
 of their colours. They have no notes however 
 in their gay plumage, or melody of sound, which 
 catch, and delight the ear. The wild fowl are 
 mere birds of passage at the Red River, and 
 but few were shot, as they passed over the 
 colony, for our relief, in the want of provisions. 
 Our numbers increased almost daily, from the 
 return of the settlers from the plains, and it 
 was the general opinion that it would be for 
 better to kill all the horses and dogs in the Set- 
 tlement for food, than distribute the whole 
 of the grain, so as to be without seed corn. 
 April 5. — One of the chief officers of the 
 Hudson*s Bay Company arrived, and gave us 
 the welcome promise, (before we were actually 
 driven to the above extremity,) that the Colony 
 should receive some wheat to sow from the 
 Company's Post at Bus la Riviere, on Lake 
 WinepCj^, where there is a good farm, and the 

 ' iri 
 crops had escaped the ravages of the locusts. 
 When cheered by this prospect, the information 
 reached us, that a party of Sioux Indians were 
 on their way to the Settlement. Jh their inten- 
 tions in visiting us were not known, and being 
 apprehensive that more blood would be shed 
 by the Saulteaux if they came down to Fort 
 Douglas, it was resolved that two boats should 
 be manned to prevent if possible their proceed- 
 ing any farther than Pembina. It was far 
 better to present an imposing force to them on 
 the borders of the colony, than to suffer them to 
 come down amongst us, where we should have 
 been completely in their power, in our scattered 
 habitations. At the request of the chief officer 
 I accompanied the boats, and set off with him 
 for the Company*8 Post at Pembina, about the 
 middle of May. We arrived on the Friday, and 
 soon after divine service on the Sunday morn- 
 ing the Sioux Indians were seen marching over 
 the plains, with several colours flying, towards 
 the Colony Fort, which was immediately oppo- 
 site to that of the Company. When at the dis- 
 tance of about five hundred yards from us, they 
 halted, and a Saulteaux Indian who happened to 
 be at Pembina, immediately stripped himself 
 naked, and rushed towards them as a proof of 
 his courage. They received him with a cold 
 tV I 
 reserve, while some of them pointed their guns 
 close to his body. He then mingled with the 
 party, and we conducted them to the Colony 
 Fort, as is customary when Indians are supposed 
 to visit with peaceable and friendly intentions. 
 As soon as they had entered the Fort they 
 placed two sentinels at the gate, one with a 
 bow and arrows, and the other with a gun. 
 There was jomething like military discipline 
 among them, which they had probably learned 
 during the late American war, in which 
 they were engaged by the English; many of 
 them were of a remarkably fine stature, and 
 well-proportioned, but more formed for agility 
 than strength. Their countenances were 
 stamped with a fierce and barbarous expression, 
 and being all armed with either long knives, 
 tomahawks, guns, or bows, they soon encircled 
 and formed a guard for the Chief of their party. 
 After a short time, they became very restless, 
 and searched every comer and outhouse of the 
 Fort, under the suspicion that some treacherous 
 attack might be made upon them. A few of 
 them then crossed over to the Company's Post, 
 and no idea was entertained but that they would 
 conduct themselves peaceably. Liquor was 
 given them at both posts ; and as I was standing 
 within the stockades of that of the Company, at 
 G 2 
 i<. ' 
 eight o'clock in the evening, a Chief of the 
 party named Wanatou, came in apparently in- 
 toxicated, and snatching a gun from an Indian 
 who stood near him, he fired it with ball in a 
 manner that indicated some evil design. Leav- 
 ing the Fort he wrestled with another for his 
 gun which he fired in the air, and went imme- 
 diately to the other post, where it was supposed 
 they had taken up their quarters for the night. 
 A guard being mounted, we retired to rest, but 
 were disturbed about eleven o'clock with the 
 cry, that the Sioux Indians had shot and scalped 
 an Assiniboine, who with two others had tra- 
 velled a considerable distance to smoke the 
 calumet with them at Pembina. The bloody 
 and unsuspected deed was committed by 
 Wanatou, whose intention was to have killed 
 the other two had they not immediately fled, 
 because some one, or a party of their nation 
 had stolen a horse from him about a year 
 before. As soon as the scalp was taken they 
 all started for the plains with this notorious 
 Chief, who had shed the blood of ten or twelve 
 Indians and Americans before ; and who bore 
 the marks of having been several times pierced 
 with balls by his enemies. It was formerly the 
 custom to cut off the heads of those whom they 
 slew in war, and to carry them away as trophies ; 
 but these were found cumbersome in the hasty 
 retreat which they always make as soon as they 
 have killed their enemy ; they are now satisfied 
 with only tearing off the scalp. This is usually 
 taken from the crown of the head, of a small 
 circular size ; sometimes however they take the 
 whole integuments of the skull, with which they 
 ornament their war jackets and leggins, or twist 
 into a brush for the purpose of keeping off the 
 mosquitoes. The scalp is their glory and 
 triumph, and is often carried by women stretched 
 upon a stick, and hung with various articles so 
 as to make a jingle to men when they perform 
 the war-dance. 
 This is very animated and striking, as they 
 generally dance completely armed, and with 
 gestures to represent their mode of going to 
 war, their attack upon their enemy, the scalping 
 of those who are slain, and their triumphant 
 return as conquerors. They go through these 
 evolutions in such a wild and savage manner as 
 frequently to excite the fears of the European, 
 who witnesses the war dance, lest it should ter- 
 minate in a bloody conflict, and the death of 
 most of the party. 
 We returned to the Forks, after having seen 
 a party of half-breeds set off witii their horses 
 and carts for buffaloe meat, in the same direc- 
 tion the Sioux Indians were gone. They were 
 advised not to follow their track so immediately ; 
 but the want of provisions led them to neglect 
 this advice ; and in about a fortnight afterwards 
 we were informed, that they had been fired 
 upon in their encampment in the dawn of the 
 morning (the time when Indians generally make 
 their attack) that two of them were killed, a 
 third mortally wounded, and that all their 
 horses were stolen. It was strongly suspected 
 though never ascertained as a fact, that this 
 savage deed was committed by the Indians who 
 had so recently left Pembina; as well as the 
 scalping of one of the Company*s servants who 
 was killed a short time afterwards within a mile 
 of the Fort. 
 The Sioux are a great nation, spread over a 
 vast tract of country, between the Missisippi 
 and Pembina ; along the banks of the Missouri, 
 and towards the Saskashawan. They are divided 
 into numerous tribes, called Sisatoones, Yank- 
 toons, Wapatoones, and others, with the Assini- 
 boines or Stone Indians, who are recognized as 
 descendents or seceders, by a similarity of 
 language and customs. On the banks of the 
 Missisippi and Missouri rivers they have small 
 villages, where they grow Indian com, pump- 
 kins, and water melons ; but they live princi- 
 pally on the plains in the chase of the buffaloe. 
 Their language is very guttural and difficult, 
 and superstitious ceremonies and customs pre- 
 vail amongst them which are similar to those 
 observed by the Tartars. The Sioux, like the 
 Tartars, sometimes offer water as a symbol of 
 peace and safety to a stranger, or of pardon to 
 an offender, which strongly corroborates the 
 idea that they were originally from Asia. Some 
 time ago I was informed by an officer, who had 
 numbers of them under his influence in the 
 American war, that a Sioux Indian was doomed 
 to die for an offence which he had committed, 
 and taking his station before the tribe, and 
 drawing his blanket over his face, in expectation 
 of the fatal shot, the Chief stepped forward and 
 presented some water to him, as a token of par- 
 don, when he was permitted again to join the 
 party. They considei It also as a very bad omen 
 in common with the Tartars, to cut a stick that 
 has been burnt by fire, and with them they 
 consign every thing to destruction, though it 
 be their canoe, as polluted, if it be sprinkled 
 with the water of animals. And it is a remark- 
 able fact, that the laws of separation and un- 
 cleanness, being forty days for a male child and 
 eighty for a female, observed by these Indians, 
 exactly correspond with the Levitical law im- 
 posed upon, the Jews in the birth of their 
 They are truly barbarous, like the Indians 
 in general, towards their captive enemies. The 
 following circumstance, as related to me by 
 an Indian woman, whom I married to one of 
 the principal settlers, and who was a near 
 relation of one of the women who was toma- 
 hawked by a war party of Sioux Indians, some 
 time ago, is calculated to fill the mind with 
 horror. They fell upon four lodges belonging 
 to the Saulteaux, who had encamped near 
 Fond du Lac^ Lake Superior, and which con- 
 tained the wives and children of about twelve 
 men, who were at that time absent a hunting ; 
 and immediately killed and scalped the whole 
 party, except one woman and two or three of 
 the children. With the most wanton and 
 savage cruelty, they proceeded to put one of 
 these little ones to death, by first turning him 
 for a short time close before a fire, when they 
 cut off one of his arms, and told him to run ; 
 and afterwards cruelly tortured him, with the 
 other children, till he died. 
 It is almost incredible the torture to which 
 they will sometimes put their prisoners; and 
 the adult captives will endure it without a tear 
 or a groan. In spite of all their suflerings. 
 which the love of cruelty and revenge can 
 invent and inflict upon them, they continue 
 to chaunt their death song with a firm voice ; 
 considering that to die like a man, courting 
 pain rather than flinching from it, is the noblest 
 triumph of the warrior. In going to war, some 
 time ago, a Sioux chief cut a piece of flesh 
 from his thigh, and holding it up with a view 
 to animate and encourage the party who were 
 to accompany him to the ferocious conflict, 
 told them to see how little he regarded pain, 
 and that, despising torture and the scalping 
 knife and tomahawk of their enemies, they 
 should rush upon them, and pursue them till 
 they were exterminated ; and thereby console 
 the spirits of the dead whom they had slain., 
 ' It does not appear that cannibalism is prac- 
 tised by any of the North American Indians ; 
 on the contrary, the eating of human flesh 
 is held in great abhorrence by them : and 
 when they are driven to eat it, through 
 dire necessity, they are generally shunned by 
 other Indians who know it, and who often take 
 their lives secretly. It is not an uncommon 
 practice, however, for them to cut flesh from 
 their captives, and, when cooked, to eat small 
 bits of it, as well as to give some to their 
 children, with a little of their blood, no doubt 
 under the idea that it will give them courage, 
 and a spirit of hatred and revenge against 
 their enemies. What can calm these fero- 
 cious feelings, and curb this savage fury of the 
 passions in the torturous destruction of de- 
 fenceless women and sucking infants? what, 
 but the introduction and influence of Chris- 
 tianity, the best civilizer of the wandering 
 natives of these dreary wilds, and the most 
 probable means of fixing them in the pursuit 
 of agriculture, and of those social advantages 
 and privileges to which they are at present 
 May 24. — ^By the arrival of the boats from 
 Qu*appelle, I received another little Indian 
 boy for admission into the school; and felt 
 encouraged in the persuasion, that should we 
 extend our travels among the Indians, and 
 make known to them our simple object in 
 visiting them as Missionaries, many probably 
 among the diflerent tribes who traded at the 
 Company's Posts, would be gradually led to 
 give up their children for education. I had 
 now several under my care, who could con- 
 verse pretty freely in English, and were be- 
 ginning to read tolerably well, repeating the 
 Lord's prayer correctly. The primary object 
 in teaching them, was to give them a religious 
 education; but the use of the bow was not 
 to be forgotten, and they were hereafter to 
 be engaged in hunting, as opportunities and 
 circumstances might allow. As agriculture 
 was an important branch in the system of 
 instruction, I had given them some small 
 portions of ground to cultivate ; and I never 
 saw European schoolboys more delighted than 
 they were, in hoeing and planting their separate 
 gardens. Nor were the parents of these boys 
 insensible to the care and kindness that were 
 shewn to them. I was told by one of the Com- 
 pany's officers, that before he left Qu'appelle 
 for the colony, he saw the father of the boy 
 I had received from the Indian tents, after my 
 visit to that quarter, and asked him to part 
 with a fine horse that he was riding, which he 
 refused to do, saying that he kept it for the 
 " Black Robe," a name by which they dis- 
 tinguished me from the Catholic priests, whom 
 they call the " Long Robe," for taking care 
 of his boy. He repeated his af^lication for 
 the horse, with the tempting offer of some 
 rum ; but the Indian was firm in his intention 
 of keeping it, as a present for kindness shewn 
 to his child. This was gratitude; and I left 
 directions, in my absence from the Settlement, 
 that should he bring it down, he should be 
 treated with all possible kindness ; and amply 
 repaid with blankets, or any useful European 
 articles that he might want and which could 
 be procured, in return for the gift of his horse. 
 It was now hinted to me, that the interest 
 I was taking in the education of the native 
 children, had already excited the fears of some 
 of the chief factors and traders, as to the extent 
 to which it might be carried. Though a few 
 conversed liberally with me on the subject, 
 there were others who were apprehensive that 
 the extension of knowledge among the natives, 
 and the locating them in agricultural pursuits, 
 where practicable, would operate as an injury 
 to the fur trade. My reply on the contrary 
 was, that if Christian knowledge were gradu- 
 ally diffused among the natives throughout the 
 vast territory of the Hudson's Bay Company, 
 from the shores of the Atlantic to those of the 
 North Pacific, it would best .promote the 
 honour and advantages of all parties con- 
 cerned in the fiir trade, and which I was per- 
 suaded was the general enlightened opinion of 
 the Directors in London. 
 The 28th. The Settlers have been busily 
 employed of late in getting in their seed corn, 
 and much more has been sown than was ex- 
 pected a short time ago, from the prudent 
 management of the grain, by the Charge 
 d* Affaires of the Colony, in the dearth of pro- 
 visions; and from the supply which we have 
 received from Bos la Riviire. The sturgeon 
 season also has been very successful, which 
 has in some measure brightened the coun- 
 tenances of a people, who have passed a long 
 and severe winter, without " the sound of the 
 mill stones, and the light of the candle" 

 t ( 
 On the 20th of June, the light canoe arrived 
 from Montreal, which brought me letters from 
 England ; and no one ever received news from 
 a far country, which gladdened thp heart more 
 than these letters did mine. My family were 
 all well; and a liberal provision had been 
 made, for a Missionary establishment at the 
 Red River, for the maintenance nd education 
 of native Indian children, by the Church Mis- 
 sionary Society. In conveying this information 
 to me, an active friend to the communication 
 of Christianity to the Indians, observes, " I hope 
 a foundation is now laid to extend the blessings 
 of Christianity, religion, morals, and education, 
 wherever the representative of the Company 
 may set his foot." God grant that it may ! and 
 that the Light which first sprang up in Judea, 
 may break forth upon every part of these vast 
 territories, dissipate the present darkness of 
 the natives, and lead them to the enjoyment 
 of " the fulness of the blessings of the gospel of 
 All, all, is encouraging to proceed: yet I 
 will not conceal my fears, that expectations 
 may be raised too high, as to the progress that 
 may be made in that vast field of labour which 
 presents itself. — " There are a great many 
 willows to cut down, and roots to remove," as 
 an Indian chief said to me, when he welcomed 
 me to the country, " before the path will be 
 clear to walk in." The axe, however, is laid 
 to the root of the tree, in the establishment of 
 schools, as the means of instruction and of 
 diffusing Christian knowledge in this moral 
 wilderness; and we may anticipate the hope 
 that numbers will arise to enjoy what they are 
 capable of feeling, the endearments of social 
 life, as well as of moral and religious education. 
 Soon after the express canoe arrived, a Di- 
 rector of the Hudson's Bay Company and an 
 executor of the late Earl of Selkirk, came to 
 the Settlement, via Montreal. I accompanied 
 him to Pembina ; and he acted upon the 
 opinion, that the inhabitants of this distant 
 and extreme point of the colony, who were 
 principally hunters, were living too near the 
 su{^osed line of demarcation, between the 
 British territories and the United States ; and 
 that it would be far better for them to remove 
 down to the Forks ; where, if the industry of 
 the colonists was more concentrated, it would 
 tend more to their protection and prosperity. 
 Many promised to comply with this suggestion. 
 On our return, I took the opportunity of open- 
 ing, with divine service, the building (though 
 it was not finished) which was intended as a 
 school-house, and a temporary place for divine 
 worship ; and, at the same time, baptized two 
 of the boys who had been under my charge, 
 one as James Hope, and the other as Henry 
 Budd ; they being able to read the New 
 Testament, repeat the Church Catechism, and 
 to understand the chief truths of the Christian 
 Religion. -^ . . v 
 July 18. — We have the satisfaction of seeing 
 the new sown grain promise well for a crop ; 
 and great hopes are entertained that it will 
 this year escape the ravages of the locusts. 
 Under this sanguine expectation, I left the 
 colony, with the Director, on the 22d, on my 
 annual visit to York Factory, taking the route 
 of Manitobah Lake. As we passed this fine 
 and extensive sheet of water, we saw occasion- 
 ally some beautiful points, or blu£& of wood 
 and the most striking and romantic scenery 
 that can be presented to the eye. The waters 
 abound with fish ; and the alluvial soil of some 
 parts, near the banks of the lake, promises 
 every encouragement to the active industry 
 of the agriculturist. A tribe of Indians, who 
 traverse this part of the country, have gardens, 
 in which they grow potatoes and pumpkins; 
 and were encouragement given them, by the 
 presence and superintendence of a Missionary, 
 in the cultivation of the soil, and the assistance 
 of a plough and seed corn, afforded them from 
 the Colony, with the view to establish them in 
 a village, there is little doubt, that they would 
 gradually, or indeed soon, become so tea civil- 
 ized, as to promote the formation of a school 
 among them for the education of their chil- 
 dren. We proceeded on our way, through 
 the Dauphin River, into Lake Winipeg, and 
 arrived at Norway House, in about a week 
 after we left the Settlement. 
 When within about fifty miles of York 
 r -:/■ 
 Fort, two Indians paddled their canoe to the 
 side of the boat, and requested that I would 
 take a little boy, who was with them, under 
 my charge. This I consented to do, if they 
 would bring him to me on my return to the 
 Colony ; and I threw him a blanket, as he was 
 almost naked, and suffering apparently fi'om 
 cold. In landing at the Factory, I had the 
 pleasure of meeting Captain Franklin, and the 
 gentlemen of the Northern Land Expedition, 
 recently returned from their arduous journey 
 to the mouth of the Coppermine River, and 
 waiting for the return of the Company's ship 
 to England. An Esquimaux Indian, who ac- 
 companied the expedition as one of the guides, 
 named Augustus, and who survived the sup- 
 posed fate of his companion, Junius,'**' often 
 came to my room, and interested me with his 
 conversation in English, which was tolerably 
 well understood by him, from 'the instructions 
 he had received during his travels. He belongs 
 to a tribe that annually visits Churchill Fac- 
 tory, from the northward; and often assures 
 me, that " Esquimaux want white man to come 
 and teach them;" and tells me, that they 
 * See Captain Franklin's Journey to the Coppermine 
 River, Vol. II. p. 270, second edition. ; ; 
 would " make snow house, good, properly, for 
 him in winter ; and bring plenty of musk oxen 
 and deer for him to eat.*' Captain Franklin 
 expressed much interest for this harmless race 
 of Indians: and having spoken to the Go- 
 vernor of this northern district, I have resolved 
 upon visiting Churchill, next July, in the hope 
 of meeting the tribe on their visit to that 
 Factory, and to obtain information, as to the 
 practicability of sending a schoolmaster amongst 
 them, or forming a school for the education of 
 their children. 
 During my stay at the Factory, we held the 
 first anniversary meeting of the Auxiliary Bible 
 Society, and were warmly assisted by Captain 
 Franklin arid the gentlemen of the expedition. 
 It appeared that the amount of donations and 
 annual subscriptions for the past year, i. e. from 
 Sept. 2nd, 1821, when the Society was first 
 formed, to Sept. 2nd, 1822, was 200/. Os. 6d. 
 the whole of which sum was remitted to the 
 parent institution in London; and the very 
 encouraging sum of sixty pounds was sub- 
 scribed at the meeting, towards the collection 
 for the second year. 
 There were but few persons who came out by 
 the ship for the Colony this year, as the succession 
 of difiieulties we had met with, had lessened the 
 H 2 
 encouragement to emigrate to this quarter. 
 Among those who came^ however, was a young 
 woman, as the intended wife of the schoohnaster, 
 who was appointed by the Church Missionary 
 Society, to assist in teaching at the Mission 
 Establishment at Red River. I obtained a little 
 boy and girl from an Indian tent at the Factory, 
 to accompany her, in addition to those who 
 were already there. The features of the boy 
 bore a strong resemblance to those of the 
 Esquimaux : but there was a shade of difference 
 between the little girl, and Indians of entire 
 blood, which was particularly seen in the colour 
 of her hair. It was not of that jet black, which 
 is common with the Indians in general, and 
 which is the case with many of the children 
 belonging to the tribes, or individual families 
 who visit, or are much about the different 
 Factories. I often met with half-caste children, 
 whose parents had died or deserted them ; who 
 are growing up with numbers at the different 
 posts in great depravity. Should their educa- 
 tion be neglected, as it has hitherto been, and 
 should they be led to ^^ find their grounds,** i 
 with the Indians, it cannot be a matter of sur- . 
 prise, if at any time hereafter they should col- 
 lectively or in parties, threaten the peace of the 
 country, and the safety of the trading Posts. 
 Sept. 4. — ^The Indians who brought the boy in 
 the canoe to the boat on my way to the Factory 
 met mc on my return, and he is taking his 
 passage vnth the other two children to the Set- 
 tlement. Though I have now made the voyage 
 several times from York Fort to the Colony, I 
 do not find that the labour and difficulty of the 
 way are at all relieved. Some parts of the 
 tracking ground might evidently be improved 
 by cutting away the willows at the edges of the 
 river ; and the track over a few of the portages 
 might also be made better ; some of the large 
 stones likewise might be removed when the 
 water is low, which is expeditiously done by 
 digging a large hole by the side and undermin- 
 ing them ; when they are rolled over and buried. 
 But to imjM'ove the passage materially, appears 
 to nie to be impracticable, from the shallowness 
 of the water, and the rapidity of the current in 
 many of the rivers. We savi^ that beautiful 
 phenomenon called the * Aurora Borealis,' or 
 the northern lights, on most clear evenings, 
 consisting of long columns of clear white 
 light, shooting across the heavens ^yith a trem- 
 ulous motion, and altering slowly to a variety 
 of shapes. At times they were very brilliant, 
 and appeared suddenly in different parts of the 
 sky, where none had been seen before. It has 
 been observed, that this phenomenon is not 
 vivid in very high latitudes, and that its seat 
 appears to be about the latitude of 60°. 
 Many of the Indians have a pleasing and 
 romantic idea of this meteor. They believe the 
 northern lights to be the spirits of their departed 
 friends daneing in the elouds, and when they 
 are remarkably bright, at which time they vary 
 most in form and situation, they say that their 
 deceased friends are making merry. 
 The northern Indians call the Aurora Borealis 
 " Edthin, i. e. Deer, from having found that 
 when a hairy deer-skin is briskly stroked with 
 the hand in a dark night, it will emit many 
 sparks of electrical fire as the back of a cat 
 On the 5th of October we reached the en- 
 campment of Pigewis, the chief of the Red 
 River Indians ; and on pitching our tents for the 
 night a little way farther up on the banks of 
 the river, he came with his eldest son and 
 another Indian and drank tea with me in the 
 evening. It was the first time that I had met 
 with him, since I received the encouraging 
 information from the Church Missionary So- 
 ciety, relative to the Mission School at the 
 Colony, and I was glad of the opportunity of 
 assuring him, through the aid of an interpreter. 
 who was of our party, " that many, very many in 
 my country wished the Indians to be taught 
 white man's knowledge of the Great Spirit, and 
 as a proof of their love to them, my countrymen 
 had told me to provide for the clothing, main- 
 tenance, and education of many of their 
 children ; and had sent out the young person 
 whom he then saw to teach the little girls who 
 might be sent to the school for instruction.** 
 Though not easily persuaded that you act from 
 benevolent motives ; he said it was good ! and 
 promised to tell all his tribe what I said about 
 the children, and that I should have two of his 
 boys to instruct in the Spring, but added, that 
 ' the Indians like to have time to consider about 
 these matters.' We smoked the calumet, and 
 after pausing a short time, he shrewdly asked 
 me what I would do with the children after 
 they were taught what I wished them to know. 
 I told him they might return to their parents if 
 they wished it, but my hope was that they 
 would see the advantage of making gardens, 
 and cultivating the soil, so as not to be exposed 
 to hunger and starvation, as the Indians gene- 
 rally were, who had to wander and hunt for 
 their provisions. The little girls, I observed, 
 would be taught to knit, and make articles of 
 clothing to wear, like those which white people 
 wore ; and all would be led to read the Book 
 that the Great Spirit hud given to them, whieh 
 the Indians had not yet known, and whieh 
 would teaeh them how to live well and to die 
 happy. I added, that it was the will of the 
 Great Spirit, whieh he had deelared in His 
 Book, * that a man should have but one wife, and 
 a woman but one husband.* He smiled at this 
 information, and said that * he thought that there 
 was no more harm in Indians having two wives 
 than one of the settlers,* whom he named. I 
 ' grieved for the depravity of Europeans as noticed 
 by the heathen, and as raising a stumblingbloek 
 in the way of their receiving instruction, and our 
 conversation closed upon the subject by my 
 observing, that * there were some very bad white 
 people, as there were some very bad Indians, 
 but that the good book condemned the practice.* 
 We had an unusually fine passage from the 
 Factory ; and in our approach to Fort Douglas, 
 we were cheered with the sight of several stacks 
 of corn standing near to some of the settlers 
 houses, and were informed, not only of a good 
 harvest, but also of more than a hundred and 
 fifty head of cattle having arrived at the colony, 
 from the Illinois territory. These were encour- 
 aging circumstances, and I saw with peculiar 
 pleasure, a stack of wheat near the Mission 
 School, which had been raised, with nearly two 
 hundred bushels of potatoes, from the ground 
 that we had cultivated near it ; and having 
 purchased two cows for the establishment, our 
 minds were relieved from anxiety as to provisions 
 for the children during the winter, as well as 
 from the quantity of grain that might be 
 collected, till another harvest. Our fears were 
 kept alive however, as to the safety of the 
 Settlement, by being informed of another horrid 
 massacre of four hunters, a woman, and a little 
 girl, on the plains near Pembina, by the Sioux 
 Indians. Their bodies were dreadfully mangled, 
 and the death of the little girl was attended with 
 atrocious barbarity. When the Indians first ap- 
 proached and made their attack on the party, she 
 concealed herself under one of the carts ; but 
 hearing the screams of her friends as the savages 
 were butchering them, she ran from the place 
 of her concealment, and was shot through with 
 an arrow as she was running to escape. The 
 frequent massacre of the hunters by the Sioux 
 Indians, and the constant alarm excited at the 
 Settlement, by reports that they would come 
 down with the savage intention of scalping us 
 call for some military protection. A small 
 party stationed at the Colony, would not only 
 be the means of enforcing any civil process in. 
 tlie punishment of delinquents among the Colo- 
 nists, but afford that security in their habita- 
 tionSj which v/ould stimulate them to make 
 improvements, and to a more active industry 
 upon the soil, while it would have the best 
 effect upon the minds of the Indians at large. 
 Nov. 4. — ^A party of hunters have just re- 
 turned, bringing in some venison of the red 
 deer, or stag, which is sometimes killed at the 
 distance of about ten or twelve miles from the 
 Colony. It is astonishing with what keenness 
 of observation they pursue these animals : their 
 eye is so very acute, that they will often discern 
 a path, and trace the deer over the rocks and 
 the withered leaves, which an European passes 
 without noticing, or being at all aware, that any 
 human being or game have directed their 
 course before him. Thv^y distinguish the car- 
 dinal points by the terms, sun-rise, sun-set, cold 
 country, and warm country; and reach any 
 destined point over the most extensive plains 
 with great accuracy, or travel through the 
 thickest woods with certainty, when they have 
 nothing to direct them but the moss that grows 
 on the north side of the trunks of the trees, and 
 their tops bending towards the rising sun. 
 ■' The 18th. The attendance on divine worship 
 is much improved on the Sabbath, from the 
 * * 
 accommodation the building alFords, and I 
 hope to complete it in the ensuing spring. 
 Wc have a considerable number of half-caste 
 children^ and some adult Indian women^ mar- 
 ried to Europeans, who attend a Sunday- 
 school, for gratuitous instruction ; and I have 
 no doubt that their numbers will increase 
 considerably in the spring. These children 
 have capacity, and would rival Europeans, 
 with the like instruction, in the developement 
 of their mental faculties. Extensive plans 
 might be devised, and carried into effect, if 
 patronized by an active co-operation, which 
 would ultimately result in producing great 
 benefits to the half-caste population, and 
 the Indians in general. There is an open- 
 ing for schools on the banks of the Saskas- 
 hawan, where the soil is good for cultivation, 
 as well as on the banks of the Athabasca river ; 
 and frequent applications reached me to for- 
 ward their establishment in those quarters, 
 under the prospect of their being supported 
 through the produce that might be raised from 
 the soil, and the supplies to be obtained from 
 the waters and the chase. 
 The winter has again set in, and many of 
 the settlers are threshing out their crops ; and 
 from the best information I can obtain, the 
 i i 
 return of wheat has been from twenty to 
 twenty-five bushels per acre. Barley, may be 
 stated at the same produce : but where sown 
 in small quantities, and under particular culti- 
 vation, I have heard of thirty, forty, and fifty 
 fold being reaped. Taking the average of the 
 general crop, however, I think it may be fairly 
 stated at the above increase, without the 
 trouble of manuring. That useful article of 
 food, the potatoe thrives well, and returns upon 
 an average thirty bushels for one. Indian 
 corn is grown ; and every kind of garden 
 vegetable, with water melons, and pumpkins, 
 comes to great perfection, when spared by the 
 locusts. Some have raised the tobacco plant, but 
 it has not yet met with a fair trial, any more 
 than the sowing of hemp and flax. I failed in 
 the experiment of sowing some winter wheat, 
 which I brought with me from England ; but 
 I attribute this failure, to its being sown in an 
 exposed situation, and too early in the autumn, 
 the plant having been of too luxuriant a growth, 
 before the severe frosts came on. — If sown in 
 sheltered spots, and later in the season, there is 
 every probability of its surviving the winter, 
 which would be of great advantage in agricul- 
 ture, from the short period we have for pre- 
 paring the land and sowing it in spring. We 
 have no fruit trees^ but if introduced^ they 
 would no doubt thrive at the Colony. We get 
 a few raspberries in the woods^ and strawberries 
 from the plains in summer ; and on the route 
 to York Factory, we meet with black and red 
 currants, gooseberries, and cranberries. There 
 is a root which is found in large quantities, 
 and generally called by the settlers, the Indian 
 potatoe. It strongly resembles the Jerusalem 
 artichoke, and is eaten by the natives in a raw 
 state ; but when boiled it is not badly flavoured. 
 The characteristic improvidence of the Indians, 
 and their precarious means of subsistence, will 
 often reduce them to extreme want, and I have 
 seen them collecting small roots in the swamps, 
 and eating the inner rind of the poplar tree, and 
 having recourse to a variety of berries, which 
 are found in abundance in many parts of the 
 January 1, 1823. — ^Once more I have to 
 record the goodness of God in preserving my 
 Ufe, and granting me the invaluable blessing of 
 health throughout the past year. 
 " God of my life ! to thee belong 
 '/ The thankful heart, the grateful song." 
 May my days be spent with renewed ardour 
 and watchfulness in my Christian profession; 
 never yielding to supincness and discourage^ 
 ments in my Ministerial labours, and toils in 
 the wilderness. Of all men, the Missionary 
 most needs strong faith, with a simple reliance 
 upon the providence and promises of God 
 in the trials that await him. His path is 
 indeed an arduous one. Many unexpected 
 circumstances will oppose his conscientious 
 endeavours to fulfil his calling ; and difficulties 
 will surround him in every shape, so as to put 
 his patience, his hopes of usefulness and 
 steady perseverance severely to the test. He 
 will often exclaim in the deep conviction of 
 his mind, who is sufficient for the great under- 
 taking? — ^Experience in the Missionary field 
 has convinced me, that there are indeed but 
 few among a thousand qualified for the difficult 
 and exalted work. If that eminent Missionary, 
 St. Paul, abounding in zeal, and in all the 
 graces of the Spirit, thought it needful to 
 solicit the prayers of the Churches that " the 
 word of the Lord might run, and have free 
 course," how earnest ought our entreaties 
 to be of all friends of missions to " pray for 
 us," who, if we feel aright, must feel our own 
 insignificance, in our labours among the 
 heathen, and in our services to the Christian 
 church, when compared with the labours of 
 the Apostles^ or with those of a Swartz, a 
 Brainerd^ or a Martyn. 
 The climate of Red River is found to be 
 remarkably healthy, and the state of the weather 
 may be pretty accurately ascertained from the 
 following table for the last two years. We 
 know of no epidemic, nor is a cough scarcely 
 ever heard amongst us. The only cry of 
 affliction, in breathing a sharp pure air, that 
 creates a keen appetite, has been, ' Je riai 
 rien pour manger,' and death has rarely taken 
 place amongst the inhabitants, except by acci- 
 dent and extreme old age. It is far otherwise, 
 however with the natives of the country, who 
 from the hardships and incessant toil they un- 
 dergo in seeking provisions, look old at forty, 
 and the women at a much earlier age : while 
 numbers die, at an early stage of their suffer- 
 ing existence, of pulmonary consumptions. 
 These are so common, that they ipay be con- 
 sidered as the unavoidable consequence of 
 privations and immoderate fatigue, which 
 they endure in hunting and in war ; and of 
 being continually exposed to the inclemency of 
 the seasons. 
 Month and Year 
 January. . . 23 
 February... 2 
 March.... 17 
 April 9 
 June... . .. 
 January. . . 
 February .. 
 March.. .. 
 August .. . . 
 October . . . 
 November . 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 • • 
 I have selected the day in each month of the 
 year, when the thermometer was at the lowest 
 and highest degree of Zero ; which will give a 
 general idea of the change of the state of the 
 air. Tliough I have been informed of the 
 thermometer having been several degrees 
 higher and lower at the Colony, than here 
 stated, the winter is nearly the same, as to 
 the time it sets in and breaks up, as that of 
 Montreal ; but the frost is rather more intense, 
 with less snow, and a clearer air. During the 
 winter months, a north-westerly wind, which 
 is synonymous in this quarter of the globe, 
 with excessive cold, generally prevails; and 
 even in sultry weather, the moment that the 
 wind veers from the south to that quarter, its 
 chilling influence is immediately felt in the 
 sudden transition from heat to cold. In 
 summer, a southerly wind blows commonly 
 with considerable heat, and often in heavy 
 gales, is accompanied with violent torrents of 
 rain, and much thunder. 
 The 4th. — ^The Indians around us generally 
 divide into small parties for the better support 
 of their families during the winter months ; 
 and in their rambling existence in search of 
 animals for provisions. Pigewis and a few 
 others, occupying two lodges, called on me 
 to-day, saying that they were starving. The 
 woods which they generally hunted were burnt 
 to a great extent during the last autumn, and 
 they had only killed a bear, and a few martins, 
 with occasionally a rabbit, as a subsistence for 
 the last two months. This was their report, 
 though they often deceive in their lounging 
 habits of begging at your residence. I 
 assisted them with a little Indian rice and 
 some potatoes, on their promise to strike their 
 tents, and proceed to some other hunting 
 grounds on the following day. When they 
 visit under these destitute circumstances, they 
 are often exceedingly troublesome, acknow- 
 ledging no right of restraint in being shut out 
 from your presence ; they enter your dwelling 
 without ceremony, and covet almost every 
 thing that they see. With a view, therefore, 
 to keep them from my room in the evening, 
 I sent some tea and sugar with a little flour, 
 for the purpose of taking my tea with them in 
 one of their tents. I was accompanied by one 
 of the Indian boys from the school as an inter- 
 preter, who now acted well in that capacity, 
 from the great progress he had made in speak- 
 ing English, and found them all encircling a 
 small fire, by the side of which they had 
 placed a butfaloe robe for me to sit down upon. 
 The pipe was immediately lighted by an Indian 
 whom we generally call ' Pigewis's Aid-de- 
 I 2 
 Camp;' and having pointed the stem to the 
 heavens and then to the earth, he gave the 
 first whifF to the Master of Life, and afterwards 
 handed it to me. Pigewis then delivered what 
 I understood to be an address to the Great 
 Spirit, and the party seated around him used 
 an expression, apparently of assent, in the 
 middle and conclusion of his: speech. Though 
 addressing an unknown God, what a reflection 
 does his conduct, in returning thanks for his 
 short and precarious supplies, to the Master of 
 Life, cast upon multitudes who profess Chris- 
 tianity and the knowledge of the true God, 
 and yet daily partake of the bounties of his 
 providence, without any expression of grati- 
 tude, or whose only return, is to live in the 
 known violation of his laws, and to blaspheme 
 his holy name, in the midst of his goodness 
 towards them I 
 Pigewis breakfasted with me on the following 
 morning ; and his general remarks in conver- 
 sation gave me, as they had done before, a 
 favourable opinion of his penetration and 
 mental ability. The active efforts of his 
 mind, however, are confined principally to 
 those objects which immediately affect his 
 present wants or enjoyments. Savages talk of 
 the animals that they have killed, and boast of 
 the 8(!a1ps thnt they have taken in their war 
 excursions; but they form no arrangement, 
 nor enter into calculation for futurity. They 
 have no settled place of abode, or property, 
 or acquired wants and appetites, like those 
 which rouse men to activity in civilized life, 
 and stimulate them to persevering industry, 
 while they keep the mind in perpetual exer- 
 cise and ingenious invention. Their simple 
 wants are few, and when satisfied they waste 
 their time in listless indolence ; and are often 
 seen lying on the ground for whole days to- 
 gether, without raising their heads from under 
 the blanket, or uttering a single word. The 
 cravings of hunger rouse them ; and the scar- 
 city of animals that now prevails in many 
 parts of the country, is a favourable circum- 
 stance towards leading them to the cultivation 
 of the soil ; which would expand their minds, 
 and prove of vast advantage, among other 
 means, in aiding their comprehension of Chris- 
 tianity. It must not be expected, however, 
 that the Indians will easily forsake a mode of 
 life that is so congenial to man, in his natural 
 love of ease and indolence and licentious 
 freedom. Necessity, in a measure, must 
 compel them to do this ; hut the children may 
 he educated, and trained to industry upon the 
 jioil, in tlic hope that they may be recovered 
 from their savage habits and customs, to see 
 and enjoy the blessings of civilization and 
 Christianity. This objeci is highly important, 
 and no means should be s^Nifcd in attempting 
 its accomplishment, where practicable. Where 
 is our humanity and Christian sympathy, and 
 how do we fulfil the obligations which Chris- 
 tianity has enforced, if we do not seek to raise 
 these wandering heathen, who, with us, are 
 immortal in their destiny, from a mere animal 
 existence to the partaking of the privileges and 
 hopes of the Christian religion ? 
 Before Pigewis left me, his sister arrived, 
 who was then living with a very lazy bad 
 Indian, and asked me to take her eldest boy, 
 whose father was dead, into the school. Though 
 much above the usual age of admission upon 
 the establishment, I consented to receive him ; 
 and they both took an affectionate leave of 
 him, remarking that they were siire I should 
 keep him well. The whole party then set off 
 towards some fresh hunting grounds, and it 
 was my hope and expectation that I should see 
 nothing more of them till the spring. The 
 boy was comfortably clothed, and he appeared 
 to be well satisfied with the rest at the school, 
 and had begun to learn the English alphabet. 
 when, to iny surprise, I found the mother, with 
 tlie Indian, in my room, in about a week after 
 they had left the Settlement with Pigewis, 
 saying that they had parted from him in con- 
 sequence of their not being able to obtain any 
 provision; and that " tliey thought it Ion'-" 
 since they had seen the boy. He was per- 
 mitted to go from the school-house to their 
 tent, which they had pitched near me in the 
 woods, almost daily without restraint, till at 
 length he refused to return. I repeated my 
 request for him without effect ; and having 
 my suspicion excited, that they would take 
 him away for the sake of the ?lothing and 
 blankets which I had given him, I determined 
 upon having them again, as an example to 
 deter others from practising the like imposition. 
 The parties were angry at my determination, 
 and \o' king upon the medicine bag that was 
 suspended on the willows near the tent, and 
 which is carried by most of the Indians, as a 
 sacred depository for a few pounded roots, 
 some choice bits of earth, or a variety of ar- 
 ticles which they only know how to appreciate 
 with superstitious regard, they told me that 
 " they had bad medicine for those who dis- 
 pleased them." I insisted, however, on the return 
 of the articles I had given to the boy, and ob- 
 tained them ; at the same time promising that 
 if he would go back to the school-house, he 
 should have his clothes again ; but added, that 
 " it would never be allowed for Indians to bring 
 their children to the school, which was esta- 
 blished to teach them what was for their hap- 
 piness, merely for the purpose of getting them 
 clothed and provided with blankets, and then 
 to entice them to leave it.'* 
 Jan. 20. — ^The severity of the winter has 
 driven a number of wolves to hover about the 
 Settlement in search of provisions; they are 
 perfectly harmless however, as they are met 
 singly, and skulk away like a dog conscious of 
 having committed a theft. But in packs, they 
 kill the horses, and are formidable to en- 
 counter. In the pursuit of buffaloes and the 
 deer on the plains, they are known to form a 
 crescent, and to hurry their prey over pre- 
 cipices, or upon the steep muddy banks of 
 a river, where they devour them. ' No instance 
 has occurred of their having seized any of the 
 children of the settlers, though they some- 
 times kill and eat the carcases of the dogs 
 close to their houses. 
 February 3. — It appears that I have given 
 great offence to one of the remaining Swiss 
 emigrants, for refusing to baptize, at his im- 
 mediate request, the child of his daughter, 
 born of fornication, and cast away by her, as 
 living in adultery. I deeply lamented the cir- 
 cumstance, but felt the obligation to defer the 
 administration of the sacrament, from the con- 
 viction that the profligacy of the case called 
 for an example which might deter others 
 among the Swiss from acting in the like 
 manner; and at the same time be a public 
 expression of disapprobation, on my part, of 
 such unblushing depravity, in the eyes of a 
 numerous young people growing up at the 
 Colony. Unless chastity be considered as a 
 virtue, what hope can be entertained of forming 
 any organized society? and if the Colonists 
 fearlessly commit crimes, because they have 
 stepped over a certain line of latitude; and 
 live in a wild profligacy, without the curb of 
 civil restraint, the Settlement can hold out but 
 faint hopes of answering in any way the ex- 
 pectations of its patrons. Till morality and 
 religion form its basis, disappointment must 
 follow. Nor can I imagine that the system 
 taught by the Canadian Catholic priests will 
 avail any thing materially in benefitting the 
 morals of the people ; they are bigotted to 
 opinions which are calculated to fetter the 
 human mind, to cramp human exertion, and to 
 keep their dependants in perpetual leading- 
 strings. Their doctrine is — 
 '' Extra Ecclesiam Romanam, salus non esse potest." * 
 They appear to me to teach Christianity only 
 as a dry system of ecclesiastical statutes, with- 
 out a shadow of spirituality. While they mul- 
 tiply holidays, to the interruption of human 
 industry, as generally complained of by those 
 who employ Canadians, they lightly regard 
 the Sabbath; and sanction the practice of 
 spending the evenings of this sacred day at 
 cards, or in the dance. In their tinkling 
 service of worshipping the elevated ^r>st as 
 the very God himself, they fall down also in 
 adoration to the Virgin Mary, addressing 
 her, as — 
 . " Reine des Cieux ! 
 Intercedez pour nous, 
 and proudly arrogate to the Church of Rome, the 
 absolute interpretation of Scripture ; forbidding 
 the people to examine whether she does it 
 rightly or not. I thank God that I am a Pro- 
 testant against such idolatry and ecclesiastical 
 tyranny ! 
 * There is no salvation beyond the pale of the Roman 
 The able and enlightened remarks of that 
 renowned general and eminent statesman, 
 Washington, in his farewell address to the 
 people of the United States, relative to the 
 well-being of a nation, are equally applicable 
 to the existence and prosperity of a Colony : 
 " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead 
 to political prosperity (he observed), religion 
 and morality are indispensable supports. In 
 vain would that man claim the tribute of pat- 
 riotism, who should labour to subvert these 
 great pillars of human happiness, these firmest 
 props of men and citizens. The mere politician, 
 equally with the pious man, ought to respect 
 and cherish them. A volume would not trace 
 all their connexions with private and public 
 fehcity. Let it be simply asked. Where is the 
 security for property, for reputation, for life, 
 if the sense of religious obligation desert the 
 oaths which are the instruments of investiga- 
 tion in the courts of justice ? And let us with 
 caution indulge the supposition, that morality 
 can be maintained without religion. What- 
 ever be conceded to the influence of refined 
 education, or minds of a peculiar structure; 
 reason and experience forbid us to expect that 
 national morality can prevail in exclusion of 
 religious principle." 
 '■I • 
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 \% .1 
 A daughter has driven her aged Indian 
 father, lashed, in his buffaloe robe, on a sledge, 
 to the Colony. He appeared to be in a very 
 weak and dying state, and has suffered much 
 from the want of provisions. I was much 
 pleased with this instance of filial aifection and 
 care. Sometimes the aged and infirm are 
 abandoned or destroyed ; and however shocking 
 it may be to those sentiments of tenderness 
 and aifection, which in civilized life we regard 
 as inherent in our common nature, it is prac- 
 tised by savages in their hardships and extreme 
 difficulty of procuring subsistence for the 
 parties who suffer, without being considered 
 as an act of cruelty, but as a deed of mercy. 
 This shocking custom, however, is seldom 
 heard of among the Indians of this neighbour- 
 hood ; but is said to prevail with the Chipwyan 
 or Northern Indians, who are no sooner bur- 
 dened with their relations, broken with years 
 and infirmities, and incapable of following the 
 camp, than they leave them to their fate. In- 
 stead of repining they are reconciled to this 
 dreadful termination of their existence, from 
 the known custom of their nation, and being 
 conscious that they can no longer endure the 
 various distresses and fatigue of savage life, or 
 assist in hunting for provisions. A little meat. 
 I '1 
 with an axe, and a small portion of tobacco, 
 are generally left with them by their nearest 
 relations, who in taking leave of them, say, 
 that it is time for them to go into the other 
 world, which they suppose lies just beyond the 
 spot where the sun goes down, where they will 
 be better taken care of than with them, and 
 then they walk away weeping. On the banks 
 of the Saskashawan, an aged woman prevailed 
 on her son to shoot her through the head, 
 instead of adopting this sad extremity. She 
 addressed him in a most pathetic manner, re- 
 minding him of the care and toil with which 
 she bore him on her back from camp to camp 
 in his infancy ; with what incessant labour she 
 brought him up till he could use the bow and 
 the gun ; and having seen him a great warrior, 
 she requested that he would shew her kindness^ 
 and give a proof of his courage, in shooting 
 her, that she might go home to her relations. 
 " I have seen many winters, she added, . id am 
 now become a burden, in not being able to 
 assist in getting provisions ; and dragging me 
 through the country, as I am unable to walk, 
 is a toil, and brings much distress : — take your 
 gun." She then drew her blanket over her 
 head, and her son immediately deprived her of 

 life : in the apparent consciousness of having 
 done an act of filial duty and of mercy. 
 The old man who was brought to the Settle- 
 ment, by his daughter for relief soon recovered, 
 so as to become exceedingly troublesome by 
 coming almost daily to my room. I succeeded 
 at length in starting them for some hunters' 
 tents on the plains, where they expressed a 
 wish to go, if supplied with provisions to carry 
 them there, by killing a small dog, and giving 
 it to them for food. An ox would not have 
 been more acceptable to a distressed European 
 family than this animal was to these Indians. 
 But on leaving me two more families came to 
 my residence in a state of starvation. Necessity 
 had compelled them to eat their dogs, and they 
 themselves were harnessed^ to their sledges, 
 dragging them in a most wretched and ema- 
 ciated condition. One of the men appeared to 
 be reduced to the last stage of .existence, and 
 upon giving him a fish and a few cooked pota- 
 toes, such was his natural affection for his 
 children, that, instead of voraciously devouring 
 the small portion of food, he divided it into 
 morsels, and gave it to them in the most affec- 
 tionate manner. His children from their ap- 
 pearance had partaken of by far the largest 
 share of that scanty supply which he had lately 
 been able to obtain in hunting. They pitched 
 their tents at a short distance below in the 
 woods, and the poor man came to me next 
 morning with the request that I would bleed 
 him for a violent pain which he complained of 
 in his side. This I refused to do, and gave 
 him a note to the medical gentleman of the 
 Colony, promising to call on him the next day. 
 When I saw him I found that he had not de- 
 livered the note, but had bled himself in the 
 foot with the flint from his gun, and spoke of 
 having experienced considerable relief. The 
 party were dreadfully distressed for provi- 
 sions, and had actually collected at their tents 
 the remains of a dog which had died, with part 
 of the head of a horse, that had been starved 
 to death in the severity of the winter, and 
 which was the only part of the animal that 
 was left by the wolves. The head of the dog 
 was boiling in the kettle, and that of the horse 
 was suspended over it, to receive the smoke of 
 the fire in the preparation for cooking ; while 
 the children were busily employed in break- 
 ing some bones which they had picked up, 
 with an axe, and which they were sucking in 
 their raw state for their moisture. This was 
 the suffering extremity not of lazy bad Indians, 
 I ^ 
 M h 
 > 1 
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 but of those who bore the character of good 
 hunters, and were particularly careful of their 
 families ; and I fear it is the case of many more 
 from the exhausted state of animals in the neigh- 
 bourhood of Red River : and from the frequent 
 fires that occur in the plains, which extend also 
 to the destruction of the woods. 
 Towards the conclusion of the month we had 
 another melancholy proof of the Indians suffer- 
 ing extreme want from the few animals that 
 were to be met* with during the winter. An 
 Indian with his wife on their arrival gave me to 
 understand that they had been without food for 
 twenty days, and had lost their three children by 
 starvation. Their appearance was that of a melan- 
 choly dejection, and I had my suspicions excited 
 at the time that they had eaten them. This was 
 confirmed afterwards by the bones and hands of 
 one of the children being found near some ashes 
 at a place where they said they had encamped, 
 and suffered their misery. It appears that two of 
 their children died from want, whom they cooked 
 and eat, and that they afterwards killed the 
 other for a subsistence in their dire necessity. I 
 asked this Indian, as I did the other, whether from 
 having suffered so much, it was not far better 
 to do as the white people did and cultivate the 
 ground ; he said, " Yes ;" and expressed a desire 
. ft 
 to do SO if he could obtain tools, seed wheat 
 and potatoes to plant. Though it is the char- 
 acter of the savage to tell you what he will do 
 in future at your suggestion, to prevent the 
 calamity which he may be suffering from want 
 of food or the inclemency of the weather, and as 
 soon as the season becomes mild, and the rivers 
 yield him fish, or the woods and plains provi- 
 sions, to forget all his sufferings, and to be as 
 thoughtless and improvident as ever as to 
 futurity ; yet, I think that a successful attempt 
 might be made by a proper superintendance, 
 and a due encouragement to induce some of 
 the Indians of this quarter to settle in villages, 
 and to cultivate the soil. The voice of hu 
 manity claims this attention to them, under 
 their almost incredible privations at times : but 
 prejudices may exist in the country which pre- 
 vent this desirable object being carried into 
 effect. There was a time when the Indians 
 themselves had begun to collect into a kind of 
 village towards the mouth of the Red River, 
 had cultivated spots of ground, and had even 
 erected something of a lodge for the purpose 
 of performing some of their unmeaning cere- 
 monies of ignorance and heathenism, and to 
 which the Indians of all the surrounding 
 country were accustomed at certain seasons to 
 i ;v 
 repair ; but fears were entertained that the 
 natives would be diverted from hunting furs to 
 idle ceremonies, and an effectual stop was put 
 to all further improvement, by the spirit of 
 opposition that then existed in the country 
 between the two rival Fur Companies. 
 March 10. — ^The ringing of the Sabbath bell 
 now collects an encouraging congregation ; 
 and some of us, I trust, could experimentally 
 adopt the language of the Psalmist, in saying, 
 '' I was glad when they said unto us, let us go 
 into the house of the Lord." — ^My earnest 
 prayer to God is, that I may exercise a spiritual 
 ministry; and faithfully preach those truths 
 which give no hope to fallen man, but that 
 which is founded on God's mercy in Christ. I 
 often felt rejoiced in spirit in the prospect of 
 doing good amidst the wild profligacy of man- 
 ners that surrounded me, and of making known 
 the doctrines and precepts of Christianity, where 
 Christ had never before been named. Several 
 adult married Indian women attended the 
 Sunday School, with many half-caste children 
 to be taught to read, and to receive religious in- 
 struction, which gave me an opportunity of as- 
 certaining what the notions of the Indians were 
 concerning the flood and the creation of the 
 world.. They appeared either to be ignorant, or 
 unwilling to relate any traditionary stories that 
 they might have as to the original formation of 
 the world, but spoke of an universal deluge, 
 which they said was commonly believed by 
 all Indians. When the flood came and des- 
 troyed the world, they say that a very great 
 man, called Wsesackoochack, made a large raft, 
 and embarked with otters, beavers, deer, and 
 other kinds of animals. After it had floated 
 upon the waters for some time, he put out an 
 otter, with a long piece of shagganappy or 
 leathern cord tied to its leg, and it dived very 
 deep without finding any bottom, and was 
 drowned. He then put out a beaver, which was 
 equally unsuccessful, and shared the same fate. 
 At length he threw out a musk-rat, that dived 
 and brought up a little mud in its mouth, which 
 Wsesackoochack took, and placing in the palm of 
 his hand, he blew upon it, till it greatly enlarged 
 itself, and formed a good piece of the earth. 
 He then turned out a deer that soon returned, 
 which led him to suppose that the earth was not 
 large enough, and blowing upon it again its 
 size was greatly increased, 90 that a loom which 
 he then sent out never returned. The new 
 earth being now of a sufficient size, he turned 
 adrift all the animals that he had preserved. He 
 is supposed still to have some intercourse with 
 K 2 
 and iK)wer over them as well as over the Indians, 
 who pray to him to protect them and keep 
 them alive. Sir Alexander Mackenzie, in 
 speaking of the Chepcwyan or Northern In- 
 dians, who traverse an immense track of country, 
 to the north of the Athabasca lake, says, " that 
 the notions which these people entertain of the 
 creation are of a singular nature. They believe 
 that the globe was at first one vast and entire 
 ocean, inhabited by no living creature except a 
 mighty bird, whose eyes were fire, whose 
 glances were lightning, and the clapping of 
 whose wings was thunder. On his descending 
 to the ocean, and touching it, the earth in- 
 stantly arose, and remained on the surface of 
 the waters. They have also a tradition amongst 
 them, that they originally came from another 
 country, inhabited by very wicked people, and 
 had traversed a great lake, where they suffered 
 much misery, it being always winter, with ice 
 and deep snow. At the Copper-Mine River, 
 where they made the first land, the ground was 
 covered with copper. They believe also that in 
 ancient times their ancestors lived till their feet 
 were worn out with walking, and their throats 
 with eating. They describe a deluge, when 
 the waters spread over the whole earth, except 
 the highest mountains, on the tops of which 
 1 1 
 they preserved themselves." There api)ears to 
 be a general belief of a flood among all the tribes 
 of this vast continent ; and the Bible shews mc 
 from whenee spring all those fables, and wild 
 notions whieh they entertain ; and which pre- 
 vail in other parts of the heathen world upon 
 ti\ese subjects. They are founded upon those 
 events whieh the sacred scriptures record, and 
 whicl:. have been corrupted by different nations, 
 scattered and wandering through the globe as 
 the descendants of Noah, without a written 
 language. The Hindoo therefore in his belief 
 that the earth was actually drawn up at the 
 flood, by the tusks of a boar, and that it rests 
 at this hour on the back of a tortoise : and the 
 North American Indian in his wild supposition 
 that Wsesackoochack, whose reputed father 
 was a snake, formed the present beautiful order 
 of creation after the deluge, by the help of a 
 musk-rat, aflbrd no inconsiderable proof that 
 the Bible is of far greater antiquity than any 
 other record extant in the world, and that it is 
 indeed of divine origin. While its sacred page 
 therefore informs and decides my judgment 
 by the earliest historic information, may its 
 principles influence my life in all Christian 
 practice, and joyful expectation of the world to 
 come, through faith in Him, whom it records 
 as the Redeemer of mankind; and in whom 
 believing " there is neither barbarian, Scythian, 
 bond; nor free." 
 ' One song employs all nations, and all sing. 
 Worthy the Lamb ! for he was slain for us. 
 The dwellers in the vales and on the rocks 
 Shout to each other ; and the mountain-tops. 
 From distant mountains catch the flying joy ; 
 Till, nation after nation taught the strain, 
 ?:, Earth rolls the rapturous hosannah round/ 
 I could never discover that the Indians 
 among whom I travelled had any thing like a 
 visible object of adoration. Neither sun, moon, 
 nor stars, appear to catch their attention as 
 objects of worship. There is an impression 
 upon their minds, of a Divine Being, whom 
 they call the Great Spirit^ whom they ignor- 
 antly address, and suppose to be too good 
 even to punish them. Their general idea is, 
 that they are more immediately under the 
 influence of a powerful Evil Spirit. Expe- 
 rience has taught them this melancholy fact, 
 in the trials, sufferings, afflictions, and multi- 
 form death which they undergo ; and therefore 
 their prayers are directed to him, when any 
 severe calamity befalls them. To avert his 
 displeasure, they often have recourse to super- 
 stitious practices^ with the most childish cre- 
 dulity ; and will drum and dance throughout 
 a whole night, in the hope of bringing relief 
 to the sick and dying. They know not that 
 the great enemy of man's haj^iness and sal- 
 vation, is a chained enemy, and a captive to 
 Him who triumphed in his resurrection and 
 ascension to glory, and under the control and 
 permissive will of Him, whom they denominate 
 Keetchee Manitou, or Great Spirit ; and, con- 
 sequently they are enslaved to all that is 
 pitiable in ignorance and superstition. Ac- 
 knowledging the being of a God, the unculti- 
 vated minds of these savages have led them to 
 shrink from the thoughts of annihilation, and 
 to look forward with hope to a future life. 
 They have no idea however of intellectual 
 enjoyments ; but a notion prevails among them, 
 that at death they arrive at a large river, on 
 which they embark in a stone canoe ; and that 
 a gentle current bears them on to an extensive 
 lake, in the centre of which is a most beautiful 
 island, in the sight of which they receive their 
 judgment. If they have died courageously in 
 war, they are particularly welcomed in landing 
 upon the island, where they, with skilful 
 hunters, enby perpetual spring and plenty, 
 and live with all the good in an eternal enjoy-* 
 ment of sensual pleasures. If they die with 
 their hands imbrued with the blood of their 
 countrjrmen, and are lazy bad characters^ the 
 stone canoe sinks with them, leaving them up 
 to their chins in water, that they may for ever 
 behold the happiness of the good, aiid struggle 
 in vain to reach the island of bliss. 
 The 17th. I left the Colony in a cariole, 
 to visit the Company's Post at Bas la Riviere ; 
 we stopped the night, near the mouth of 
 the Red River, and crossed the point ui 
 Lake Winipeg, on the ice, the following day^ 
 in time to reach the Fort the same evening. 
 It is pleasantly situated by a fine sheet of 
 water; and is the way the canoes take their 
 route to Fort William, Lake Superior, and 
 Montreal. During my stay, the officer of the 
 Post gave me the much admired fish of the 
 country, called by the Indians, tittameg, and 
 by the Americans, white Jish. Its usual weight 
 is about three or four pounds ; but it is caught 
 in some of the lakes of a much larger size ; 
 and, with the stiu*geon, is a principal article of 
 food, and almost the only support of some of 
 the establishments. Before I 1^, the officer 
 was married to one of the best informed and 
 most improved half-caste women I had seen. 
 She was the daughter of one of the chief 
 t^tx Wfc 
 -JSI M 
 factors^ who was particularly fond of his family ; 
 and afforded an instance of superiority of cha- 
 racter among this class of people, from the 
 care and instruction which she had received. 
 The Motifs, or, as they are sometimes called, 
 Bois bruits, have displayed the most striking 
 ability as steersmen of boats, through the most 
 difficult rapids, and in the navigation of the 
 rivers ; and if advantages were given them in 
 education, they have capacities of usefulness 
 which might adorn the highest stations of 
 civilized life. Of the moral degradation, how- 
 ever, of these people, in common with that of 
 the Canadian voyageurs, it is difficult to exhibit 
 an accurate picture^ Suffice it to say, that it 
 is. a degradation which, in some respects, 
 exceeds even that of the native Indian him- 
 In starting from the Company's Post, on my 
 return to the Colony, it was my hope that we 
 should cross the point of Winipeg Lake to the 
 mouth of the Red River, in one day, as we had* 
 done in our way thither ; but about two o'clock 
 in the afternoon, I perceived, as I was in the 
 cariole, that the driver had mistaken his way. 
 I told him of his error, but he persisted in the 
 opinion that he was right, and drove on till 
 the evening closed upon us, without his finding 
 the entrance to the Red River. Night came 
 on, and the dogs were exhausted with fatigue, 
 which obliged us to stop, though not before 
 one of them contrived to slip his head out of 
 the collar. It happened that we were near 
 some wood on the ed^e of the lake, but in 
 reaching it we sank in soft drift snow up to 
 the middle; and it was a considerable time 
 before we could make our preparations for the 
 night, under the spreading branches of a pine 
 tree. We got but little rest from the small 
 fire that we were able to make, and from our 
 bad encampment. The next morning, I found 
 that the driver was greatly embarrassed in his 
 idea of cur exact situation, and he led me 
 throughout the day from one point of wood to 
 another, over the ice, on the borders of the 
 lake, in a directly contrary way to that in 
 which we ought to have gone. We had no 
 food for our dogs, and on coming to our en- 
 campment for the night, the aitimals were 
 completely worn out with fatigue; and what 
 added to our trials, was the loss of the flint, 
 which the man dropped in the snow, the first 
 time he attempted to strike the steel to kindle 
 a fire. After some difficulty we succeeded, 
 with a small gun-flint, which I found in my 
 pocket, and we bivouacked upon the snow, 
 ■ 1 
 • I 
 before an insufficient fire, from the scanty 
 wood we were able to collect. It was my wish 
 to have divided the little provision that re- 
 mained with the dog*s, as they had eaten nothing 
 for two days, and I considered them scarcely 
 able to move with the cariole the next morn- 
 ing, at the same time intending to kill one of 
 them the following evening, to meet our wants, 
 should we not succeed in recovering our track. 
 The driver assured me, however, that they 
 would go another day without giving up. 
 From the conversation I had with him, before 
 we started on the following morning, I found 
 that he had no knowledge of our situation on 
 the extensive lake before us, and supposed 
 that the Red River lay to the north, while I 
 thought, from the course of the sun, that it was 
 to the south, and insisted upon his taking that 
 direction, which we did accordingly ; and after 
 a laborious and rather anxious day*s toil, we 
 saw some points of small and scattered willow 
 bushes, like those which I knew to be near the 
 entrance of the river. This providentially 
 proved to be the case, otherwise our tria,l8 
 must have been great ; the driver having be- 
 come nearly snow-blind, and incapable of 
 driving the dogs, and the weather becoming 
 more intensely cold and stormy. It may easily 
 be conceived what our feelings were, in re- 
 covering a right tracks after wandering for 
 several days upon an icy lake, among the in- 
 tricate and similar appearances of numerous 
 and small islands of pine. They were those, 
 I trust, of sincere gratitude to God ; and I 
 often thought what a wretched wanderer was 
 man in a guilty world, without the light of 
 Christianity to guide, and its principle to direct 
 his steps. Infidelity draws a veil around him, 
 and shrouds all in darkness as to a future life. 
 All, all is uncertainty before him, as the tem- 
 pest-tossed mariner without a compass, and the 
 wearied wandering traveller without a chart or 
 guide. Let me then prize the scriptures more, 
 which have " God for their author, truth un- 
 mingled with error for their subject, and sal- 
 vation for their end." They are the fountains 
 of interminable happiness, where he who hun- 
 gers and thirsts alter righteousness, may be 
 satisfied ; and when received in principle and 
 in love, are a sure and unerring guide, through 
 a wilderness of toil and suffering, to the 
 habitations of the blessed, " not made with 
 hands, eternal in the heavens.'* 
 As we passed along the river towards the 
 Settlement, wc met an intoxicated Indian, who 
 had been drinking at the grave of his child. 
 whom he had buried in the fall of the year. In 
 going to the spot, I found that all the snow 
 and the grass had been removed, and that a 
 number of Indians, with Pigewis, had encircled 
 the pla ' V jcre the body had been deposited; 
 and, as is their custom, they smoked the cal- 
 umet, wept, and sacrificed a little of what they 
 possessed to the departed spirit of the child. 
 They do this, under the idea that the deceased 
 may want these articles in the world whither 
 they are gone ; and it is very affecting occa< 
 sionally to hear the plaintive and mournful 
 lamentations of the mother at the grave of her 
 child, uttering in pitiful accents, " Ah ! my 
 child, why did you leave me ! Why go out of 
 my sight so early! Who will nurse you and 
 feed you in the long journey you have under- 
 taken ! ** The strength of natural affection will 
 sometimes lead them to commit suicide, under 
 the idea that they shall accompany the spirit, 
 and nurse their departed child in the other 
 world. This persuasion, that the spirits of the 
 deceased want the same attendance in their 
 new station as in the present life, is so deeply 
 rooted in the minds of the Indians, that the 
 Carriers f west of the Rocky Mountains, some- 
 times burn the widow; and a chief, on the 
 North-West coast of America, sacrificed a 
 human victim, who was a slave, on the death 
 of his son. In some provinces of America, 
 historians have mentioned that, upon the 
 death of a Chief, a certain number of his 
 wives, and of his skives who had been taken in 
 war, were put to death, and interred together 
 with him, that he might appear with the same 
 dignity in the world of spirits, and be waited 
 upon by the same attendants. Some have 
 solicited the honour to die, while others have 
 fled, as marked for victims, under this cruel 
 and superstitious practice. 
 April 4. — On my arrival at the Church 
 Mission House for divine worship, a poor In- 
 dian idow with five children, asked me to 
 admit two of the boys into the schools, which I 
 immediately did, and particularly wished her to 
 leave the two girls also, one about six, and the 
 other eight years of age ; but she would not com- 
 ply with my request. The boys were very wild 
 and troublesome, and often ran away from the 
 school to their mother, who was generally living 
 about the Settlement. They were getting at 
 length however better reconciled, and had 
 begun to be attached to the schoolmaster, when 
 I was informed the Catholics were prejudicing 
 her mind against the school ; and that some of 
 the women of that persuasion had told her, that 
 I was collecting children from the Indians with 
 the intention of taking them away to my 
 country. This idea was spread amongst them, 
 and an Indian calling at my residence told me 
 that he would give his boy to the school, if I 
 would not leave them, as he understood I in- 
 tended to do. In vain did I tell him, that in 
 going home to see my wife and children I should 
 be glad to return and bring them with me, to 
 assist me in teaching those of his country ; and 
 that on my going away, my brother Minister 
 would come, and love, and take care of the 
 Indian children as I did. He was not satisfied, 
 and took his boy away with him, saying he 
 must wait, and see what was to be done. The 
 Saulteaux woman took her two boys away 
 clandestinely, saying, as I was afterwards in- 
 formed, that " they would be all the same as 
 dead to her, if what she had heard was true," 
 and though I had not an opportunity of seeing 
 her afterwards, she had the honesty to return 
 the children's clothes which I had given to them. 
 These circumstances with others that had oc- 
 curred, convinced me that it would be far 
 better to obtain children for the school, from a 
 distance than from the Indians in the immediate 
 neighbourhood of the Colony, as all those chil- 
 dren who were under our charge, and whose 
 parents were more remote, soon became recon- 
 ciled to restraint, and were happy on the estab- 
 lishment. This desirable object might soon be 
 obtained by visiting the different tribes of 
 Indians, more especially were there a powerful 
 interest excited in favour of the Native School 
 Establishment at Red River, by the officers at 
 the different Trading Posts. 
 In tkie attempt however to spread the know- 
 ledge of Christianity among the natives, it 
 appears that the least expensive mode of pro- 
 ceeding and of ensuring the most extensive 
 success for the Missionary is, to visit those parts 
 of the country where they are stationary, and 
 live in villages during the greater part of the 
 year. He should direct his way and persever- 
 ing attention towards the rocky mountains, and 
 the Columbia. He may meet with difficulties 
 and obstacles such as have tried the faith and 
 patience of Missionaries in other parts of the 
 heathen world, but let him persevere through 
 the aid of the Company's officers, who may in- 
 troduce him to the Indians trading at their 
 respective Posts. Near to the foot of the rocky 
 mountains the Indians are known to dwell in 
 their villages nearly nine months of the year. 
 During these months they live on salmon, either 
 dried or taken fresh from the rivers. They are 
 not ferocious, but very indolent, and where this 
 is the case, are generally very licentious ; but 
 as they are stationary for so long a period, an 
 attempt might be made through the co-opera- 
 tion of the Company's Officer, to lead them to 
 cultivate the soil, which at certain points will 
 grow turnips, cabbages, and barley : this pro- 
 duce, with the natural resources of the country 
 would greatly encourage an establishment for 
 the education of their children throughout the 
 year : to the support of which the Indians them- 
 selves might greatly contribute, and which 
 would be attended with the most beneficial 
 results. In following the track towards the 
 North Pacific Ocean, the climate is much milder 
 than to the East of the mountains, and a vast 
 encouragement would be found in seeking to 
 benefit the natives, from their being strangers 
 to the intoxicating draught of spirituous liquors, 
 in barter for their articles of trade. So little 
 acquainted with the effects of intoxication are 
 some of the Indians in this quarter, that the 
 following circumstance was related to me by an 
 Officer from the mouth of the Columbia. A Chief 
 who had traded but little with Europeans came 
 to the Fort with two of his sons, and two young 
 men of his tribe. During their stay the servants 
 made one of his sons drunk. When the old man 
 saw him foaming at the mouth, uttering the 
 most incoherent expressions, and staggering 
 under the power of the intoxicating draught, 
 he immediately concluded that he was mad, and 
 exclaimed, * Let him be shot/ It was some 
 time before he could be pacified, which was 
 only effected in a measure by his being assured, 
 that he would see his son recovered from the 
 disorder of his faculties. And when the aged 
 Chief saw him again restored to his right mind, 
 and found him capable of conversing, he mani- 
 fested the greatest joy. 
 The Columbia presents every advantage in 
 forming a settlement for the natives or others, 
 particularly so to the south of its entrance to the 
 sea, on the banks of the Willammette River. The 
 soil is excellent ; fish and wild fowl are found in 
 abundance, and a good supply of indigenous ani- 
 mals is met with from the praries, or natural mea- 
 dows. The summer months ^re very pleasant, 
 but those of winter are frequently rainy, and 
 subject to heavy fogs, which may occasionally 
 render it unhealthy. The Chinnook Indians 
 are six months in villages in the neighbourhood 
 of the Company's Post, Fort George, at the 
 mouth of the Columbia, and afford facilities, with 
 other surrounding tribes for the benevolent 
 attempt of introducing the knowledge of Chris- 
 tianity among them. In their war excursions 
 they adopt a different mode of warfare to that 
 of the Red River Indians, and those towards 
 the Atlantic coast, by openly taking the field 
 against their enemies ; imd keeping their pri- 
 soners aliv? for slaves. These are numerous 
 aiiiong some of the tribes ; and many might be 
 obtained, withonib pui i^hasing them, for religious 
 instruction. In faoc then appear to be many 
 points in this vast terrilny where there is a 
 prospect of establish i n g well-cone^ < Qted missions 
 to the great and lasting benefit of the natives. 
 But the object should be pursued upon a regular 
 and persevering system, and while the Mis- 
 sionary needs the active co-operation of the 
 resident Officer in his arduous engagement with 
 the Indians ; no idle prejudice should ever pre 
 vent his endeavours to civilize and fix them in 
 the cultivation of the soil where it may be 
 The ilvossians it appears are affording reli- 
 gious instruction in the establishment of schools 
 for t]>.e education of half-caste children, with 
 lb jse of the natives in their Factories on the 
 North-west coast of North America. A gentle- 
 man informed me that he saw, at their Establish- 
 ment at Norfolk Sound, a priest and a school- 
 master, who were teaching the children, and 
 L 2 
 instructing the natives, not as the Spanish 
 priests do, at Fort St. Francisco, in South 
 America, by taking them by force, and com 
 pelling them to go through the forms and 
 ceremonies of their religion, but by mild per- 
 suasion and conviction; and the report of their 
 success in general is, that a considerable num- 
 ber of savages of the Polar Regions have been 
 converted to Christianity.* 
 May 23. — ^The Settlers have been very in- 
 dustrious in getting in their seed corn ; but the 
 weather has been, and continues to be very 
 cold, with a strong north and north-easterly 
 wind, which has cheeked vegetation ; and the 
 woods around us still wear the dark hue of 
 winter. We now take a plentiful supply of 
 sturgeon, and with the return of the feathered 
 tribe we are much annoyed by myriads of black- 
 * Since my return to England I have been favoured with 
 the following communication from a gentleman, who tra- 
 velled in Siberia, to promote the object of the British and 
 Foreign Bible Society, in the general circulation of the 
 Scriptures ; and which corroborates the above report. " The 
 Russians have made many proselytes to the Greek Churchy 
 (he observes,) from among the natives of the North- West 
 coast of North America, and two different supplies of 
 copies of the Scriptures in the Slavonian and modern Russ 
 languages have been forwarded to that quarter, for the use 
 of their settlements there^ by the Russian Bible Society." 
 birds that destroy a good deal of the new sown 
 grain^ as well as when it is ripe for harvest. 
 Multitudes of pigeons also now appear^ and 
 unless they are continually shot at, they devour 
 the fruits of husbandry. They fly by millions, 
 and are often seen extending to a vast distance 
 like a cloud ; when one flock has passed another 
 succeeds, and we often profit by this kind gift 
 of Providence, by shooting them in their migra- 
 tions, as excellent food. 
 There is a general talk among the surround- 
 ing tribes of Indians, of going to war against 
 the Sioux nation. A strong band of the Assi- 
 niboines are directing their course towards 
 Pembina; and Pigewis, who is by no means 
 a war Chief, is setting oflF in that direction to 
 join them. Their rage of vengeance towards 
 the Sioux Indians appears to know no bounds ; 
 but the scalp of some poor solitary individuals 
 among them will probably terminate the cam- 
 paign. They cannot keep long together in 
 numerous parties from the want of foresight to 
 provide for their subsistence ; and accordingly 
 a little more than a week's absence brought 
 Pigewis back again, with his party, without 
 their having seen an enemy, and in the 
 destitute condition of being without food and 
 > i''-_. 
 June 2. — I have been adding two small 
 houses to the Church Mission School, as sepa- 
 rate sleeping apartments for the Indian children, 
 who have already made most encouraging pro- 
 gress in reading, and a few of them in writing. 
 In forming this Establishment for their religious 
 education, it is of the greatest importance that 
 they should be gradually inured to the cultiva- 
 tion of the soil, and instructed in the knowledge 
 of agriculture. For this purpose I have allotted 
 a small piece of ground for each child, and 
 divided the different compartments with a 
 wicker frame. We often- dig and hoe with our 
 little charge in the sweat of our brow as an 
 example and encouragement for them to labour; 
 and promising them the produce of their own 
 industry, we find that they take great delight in 
 their gardens. Necessity may compel the adult 
 Indian to take up the spade and submit to 
 manual labour, but a child brought up in the 
 love of cultivating a garden will be naturally 
 led to the culture of the field as a means of 
 subsistence : and educated in the principles of 
 Christianity, he will become stationary to par- 
 take of the advantages and privileges of civili- 
 zation. It is through these means of instruction 
 that a change will be gradually effected in the 
 character of the North American Indian, who 
 in his present savage state thinks it beneath the 
 dignity of his independence to till the ground. 
 What we value in property, and all those cus- 
 toms which separate v.h from them in a state of 
 nature, they think lightly of, while they con- 
 clude that our crossing the seas to see their 
 country is more the effect of poverty than of 
 industry. To be a man, or what is synoni- 
 mous with them, to be a great and distinguished 
 character, is to be expert in surprising, torturing, 
 and scalping an enemy ; to be capable of en- 
 during severe privations ; to make a good hunter, 
 and traverse the woods with geographical accu- 
 racy, without any oher guide than the tops of 
 the trees, and the c( urse of the sun. These are 
 exploits which, in their estimation, form the 
 hero, and to which t le expansion of their mind 
 is confined. Their i itellectual powers are very 
 limited, as they enter into no abstruse medita- 
 tions, or abstract ideas ; but what they know in 
 the narrow range of supplying their wants, and 
 combating with their fellow men, they know 
 thoroughly, and are thereby led to consider 
 themselves the standard of excellence. In their 
 fancied superior knowledge they are often heard 
 to remark, when conversing with the European, 
 " You are almost as clever as an Indian." They 
 must be educated before they can be led to 
 comprehend the benefits to be received from 
 civilization, or ere a hope can be cherished that 
 their characters will be changed under the mild 
 influence of the Christian religion. Man is as his 
 principles are, and wandering under the influ- 
 ence of those savage-taught habit, in which 
 he has been nurtured, which tend to harden 
 the heart, and narrow all the sources of sympa- 
 thy, the character of the North American 
 Indian is bold, fierce, unrelenting, sanguinary, 
 and cruel ; in fact, a man-devil in war, rejoicing 
 in blood, exulting in the torments he is inflicting 
 on his victim, and then most pleased when his 
 '.nflictions are most exquisite. We should not 
 be astonished at this character, so repugnant to 
 the sympathies of our nature, nor should we 
 conclude too hastily against him, — he also has 
 his sympathies, and those of no common order. 
 He also loves his parent that begat him, and 
 his child whom he has begotten, with intense 
 afTection ; he is not without affection from na- 
 ture ; but perverted principle has perverted 
 nature ; and as his principle is, so is his prac- 
 tice. Our surprise ceases when we learn 
 that he is trained up in blood, that he is 
 catechized in cruelty, and that he is instructed 
 not in slaughter only, but in torment. Nothing 
 that has life without the pale of his own imme- 
 diate circle not only does not escape destruction, 
 but is visited with torment also inflicted by his 
 infant hand. If his eye in passing by the 
 lake observes the frog moving in the rushes he 
 instantly seizes his victim, and does not merely 
 destroy it, but often ingeniously torments it by 
 pulling limb from limb. If the duck be but 
 wounded with the gun, his prey is not inst; itly 
 despatched to spare all future pain, but feather 
 is plucked out after feather, and the hapless 
 creature is tormented on principle. I have fre- 
 quently witnessed the cruelty with which 
 parents will sometimes amuse their children, 
 by catching young birds or animals, that they 
 may disjoint their limbs to make them struggle 
 in a lingering death. And a child is often seen 
 twisting the neck of a young duck or goose, 
 under the laughing encouragements of the 
 mother for hours together, before it is strangled. 
 At one moment he satisfies the cravings of na- 
 ture from the breast of his mother, and instantly 
 rewards the boon with a violent blow perhaps on 
 the very breast on which he has been hanging. 
 Nor does the mother dare resent the injury by 
 an appeal to the father. He would at once say 
 that punishment would daunt the spirit of the 
 boy. Hence the Indian never sufiPers his child 
 to be corrected. We see then the secret spring 
 of his character. He is a murderer by habit, 
 engendered from his earliest age ; and the 
 scalping knife and the tomahawk, and the un- 
 forgiving pursuit of his own enemy, or his 
 father's enemy, till he has drenched his hands 
 in, and satiated his revenge with his blood, is 
 but the necessary issue of a principle on which 
 his education has been formed. The training 
 of the child forms the maturity of the man. * 
 Our Sunday school is generally attended by 
 nearly fifty scholars, including adults, indepen- 
 dent of the Indian children ; and the con- 
 gregation consists upon an average of from one 
' ( 
 hundred to one hundred and thirty persons. 
 It is a most gratifying sight to see the Colonists, 
 in groupes, direct their steps on the Sabbath 
 morning towards the Mission house, at the 
 ringing of the bell, which is now elevated in 
 a spire that is attached to the building. And it 
 is no small satisfaction to have accomplished 
 the wish so feelingly expressed by a deceased 
 officer of the Company. " / must confess, (he 
 observed) that I am anxious to see thejirst little 
 Christian church and steeple of wood, slowly 
 rising among the wilds, to hear the sound of the 
 Jirst sabbath bell that has tolled here since 'the 
 creation^ I never witnessed the Establishment 
 but with peculiar feelings of delight, and con- 
 templated it as the dawn of a brighter day in 
 the dark interior of a moral wilderness. The 
 lengthened shadows of the setting sun cast upon 
 the buildings, as I returned from calling upon 
 some of the Settlers a few evenings ago ; and 
 the consideration that there was now a land- 
 mark of Christianity in this wild waste of 
 heathenism^ raised in my mind a pleasing 
 train of thought, with the sanguine hope that 
 this Protestant Establishment might be the 
 means of raising a spiritual temple to the 
 Lord, to whom " the heathen are given as an 
 inheritance^ and the utmost parts of the earth 
 as a possession.'* 
 I considered it as a small point gained, to 
 have a public building dedicated to religious 
 purposes, whose spire should catch the eye, 
 both of the wandering natives, and the sta- 
 tionary Colonists. It would have its effect on 
 the population generally. The people of 
 England look with a degree of veneration to 
 the ancient tower and lofty spire of the Esta- 
 blishment; and they are bound in habitual 
 attachment to her constitution, which protect^ 
 the monument and turf graves of their ances- 
 tors. And where the lamp of spiritual Chris- 
 tianity burns but dimly around her altar, it 
 cannot be denied, that even her established 
 rites and outward form have some moral eftect 
 on the population at large. 
 On the 10th, I addressed a crowded congre- %^ 
 gation, in a farewell discourse, from the pulpit, 
 previous to my leaving the Colony for the 
 Factory: and having administered the sacra- 
 ment to those who joined cordially with me 
 in prayer, that the Missionary who was on his 
 way to officiate in my absence, might be ten- 
 fold, yea a hundred fold, more blessed in his 
 ministry than I had been, I parted with those 
 upon the Church Mission Establishment with 
 tears. It had been a lon,^, and anxious, and 
 arduous scene of labour to me ; and my hope 
 was, as about to embark for England, that I 
 might return to the Settlement, and be the 
 means of effecting a better order of things. 
 The weather was favourable on the morning 
 of our departure; and stepping into the boat 
 the current soon bore us down the river towards 
 Lake Winipeg. As the spire of the church re- 
 ceded from my view, and we passed several 
 of the houses of the Settlers, they hailed me 
 with their cordial wishes for a safe voyage, and 
 expressed a hope of better times for the Colony. 
 Then it was that my heart renewed its supplica- 
 tions to that God, 
 — * who is ever present, ever felt, 
 In the void waste, as in the city full,' 
 for the welfare of the Settlement, as affording a 
 resting place for numbers, after the toils of the 
 wilderness in the Company's service, where they 
 might dwell, through the divine blessing, in the 
 broad day-light of Christianity ; and being 
 bound to the country from having families by 
 native women, might find the protection and 
 advantages of civilized life. 
 With light favourable winds we soon crossed 
 .3^:. * 
 the Lake and arrived at Norway Housc^ and 
 such is generally the quickness of the passage 
 from this point to York Factory, that in the 
 rapid stream of the rivers, a loaded boat will 
 reach the depot in a few days, which will take 
 three or four weeks to return with excessive 
 toil, from the strength of the opposing current. 
 It appears dangerous to the inexperienced tra- 
 veller to run the rapids in the passage to the 
 Factory, but it is seldom attended with any 
 serious accident. The men who have charge 
 of the boats are generally experienced steers- 
 men, and it is an interesting sight to see them 
 take the rush of water with their boats, and 
 with cool intrepidity and skill direct the sweep, 
 or steer-oar to their arrival in safety at the 
 bottom of a rapid of almost a perpendicular fall 
 of many feet, or through a torrent of water of a 
 quarter of a mile or more in length. Some- 
 times, however the boats strike in the violence 
 of their descent, so as to cause a fracture, and 
 hurry the crew to pull ashore to save the 
 cargo from damage. This accident befel us 
 several times in our passage down, but a kind 
 Providence protected us, and we arrived in 
 safety at York Factory. 
 Immediately on my arrival, I made arrange- 
 ments for fulfilling my Missionary engagement 
 to visit the Esquimaux at Cliurchill, the Com- 
 pany's most northern Post on the Bay. It was 
 the adviee of Captain Franklin, that I should 
 walk uie distanee of about one hundred and 
 eighty miles, from York Fort to that Factory, 
 as I might be delayed in a ranoe, by the vast 
 quantities of floating ice in the Bay, so as not 
 to meet these Indians in time. I followed this 
 advice, and having engaged one of the Com- 
 pany's servants, with an Indian who was an 
 excellent hunter, we set off on our expedition, 
 on the morning of the 11th of July, accom- 
 panied by two Indians, who had come expresaj 
 from Churchill, and were returning thither. 
 It was necessary that we should embark in a 
 boat, to cross the North River ; and in rowing 
 round the Point of Marsh, we perceived a 
 brightness in the northern horizon, like that 
 reflected from ice, usually called the hlinkf 
 and which led us to suppose that vast fields of 
 it were floating along the coast in the direction 
 that we were going. It happened to be low 
 water when we crossed the mouth of the river, 
 so that the boat could not approach nearer 
 than about a mile from the shore, which 
 obliged us to walk this distance through the 
 mud and water, to the place where we made 
 our encampment for the night, and where the 
 mosquitoes inflicted their torments upon U8. 
 We were dreadfully annoyed by them, from 
 the swampy eountry we had to traverse, and 
 I was glad to start with the dawn of the fol- 
 lowing morning, from a spot where they 
 literally blackened a small canvass tent that 
 was pitched, and hovered around us in clouds 
 so as to render life itself burdensome. The day, 
 however, afforded us very little relief, while 
 walking, nearly ancle deep in water, through 
 the marshes ; and such was their torture upon 
 the poor animals, that we frequently saw the 
 deer coming out of the woods, apparently 
 almost blinded and distracted with their num- 
 bers, to rush into the water on the shore for 
 relief. This gave an opportunity to the hunter 
 to kill two of them in the course of the after- 
 noon, so that we had plenty of venison, and a 
 good supply of wild fowl, which he had shot 
 for our evening repast. We , started at sun- 
 rise the next morning, after having had but 
 little sleep, as I had been wrapped in my 
 blanket almost to suifocation, to escape in a 
 degree the misery of our unceasing torment. 
 Towards noon, we had much better walking thon 
 we had before met with, and were relieved from 
 the mosquitoes by a change of wind blowing cold 
 from off the ice, which was now seen from the 
 horizon to the shores of the bay. The rcUef 
 to us was like a eessatioii from an api'ony of 
 ymn ; and as the hunter had just killed another 
 deer, and tlie wild fowl flew around us in 
 abundanee, we pitched the tent, and halted for 
 several hours, and refreshed ourselves with 
 sleep, after the irritation and almost sleepless 
 nights that we had endured. We were on the 
 march again at five o'elock ; and after we had 
 forded Stoney River, we eamc upon the track 
 of a polar bear. The Indian hunter was very 
 keen in his desire to fall in with it, and I 
 lamented that I had not an opportunity of 
 seeing him engage the ferocious animal, which 
 seemed to have taken a survey of the party, 
 and to have gone into the wood a short dis- 
 tance from us. The bears are now coming off 
 the ice in the Bay, on which they have been 
 for several months past, to live upon seals, 
 which they catch as they lie sleeping by the 
 sides of the holes in the drift ice, when it 
 dissolves or is driven far from shore. They 
 seek their food among the sea-weed and every 
 trash that is washed up along the coast, or go 
 upon the rocks or to the woods, for berries, 
 during the su^rmer months. Savage, however, 
 as this animal is, it is not so much dreaded by 
 the Indians as the grizzly bear, which is more 
 ferocious and forward in his attack. These are 
 found towards the Rocky Mountains, and none 
 but very expert hunters like to attack them. 
 A gentleman who was travelling to a distance 
 on the plains to the West of the Red River 
 Colony, told me of a narrow escape he once 
 had, with his servant boy, in meeting a grizzly 
 bear. They were riding slowly along, near 
 the close of the day, when they espied the 
 animal coming from the verge of a wood in 
 the direction towards them. They immediately 
 quickened the pace of their horses, but being 
 jaded with the day's journey, the bear was soon 
 seen to gain upon them. In this emergency, 
 he hit upon an expedient, which was probably 
 the means of saving their lives. He took the 
 boy, who was screaming with terror, behind 
 him, and abandoned the horse that he rode. 
 When the ferocious animal came up to it, the 
 gentleman, who stopped at some distance, 
 expected to see the bear rend it immediately 
 with his paws ; but to his surprise, after having 
 walked round and smelt at the horse, as it 
 stood motionless with fear, the bear returned 
 to the wood, and the horse was afterwards 
 recovered without injury. 
 The morning of the 14th was very cold, 
 from the wind blowing off the ice in the Bay ; 
 and when we stopped to breakfast, I was 
 obliged to put a blanket over my shoulders, 
 as I stood by the fire, for warmth. The com- 
 fortable sensation however was, that we were 
 free from the annoyance and misery of the 
 mosquitoes ; cold, hunger, and thirst, are not 
 to be compared with the incessant suffering 
 which they inflict. We waded knee-deep 
 through Owl River, in the afternoon of the 
 15th. The weather was cold, and nothing was 
 to be seen in the Bay but floating ice. It was 
 rather late before we pitched the tent, and we 
 met with some difficulty in collecting a suf- 
 ficient quantity of drift wood on the shore, to 
 kindle a fire large enough to boil the kettle, 
 and cook the wild fowl that we had shot. The 
 next dey we forded Broad River, on the banks 
 of whi 2h we saw several dens, which the bears 
 had scratched for shelter: and seeing the 
 smoke of an Indian tent at some distance 
 before us, in the direction we were going, we 
 quick* ned our step, and reached it before we 
 stopped to breakfast. We found the whole 
 family clothed in deer-skins, and upon a 
 hunting excursion from Churchill. The In- 
 dian, or rather a half-breed, was very com- 
 municative, and told me that though he was 
 leading an Indian life, his father was formerly 
 M 2 
 a master at one of the Company's Posts, and 
 proposed accompanying our party to the Fac- 
 tory. He had two ^mn, he said, who were 
 gone in the pursuit of a deer ; and, on quitting 
 the encampment to travel with us, he would 
 leave some signs for them to follow us on their 
 return. They were the following, and drawn 
 upon a broad piece of wood, which he prepared 
 with an axe. 
 1. To intimate that the family was gone forward. 
 2. That there was a Chief of the party. 
 3. That he was accompanied by a European servant. 
 4. And also by an Indian. 
 5. That there were two Indians in company. 
 6. That they should follow. 
 It is a common custom with the Indians to 
 paint hieroglyphic characters on dressed buf- 
 faloe skins or robes ; and a variety of figures 
 are drawn on many of those which they barter 
 at the Company's Posts. In the representation 
 of H ^'ictory achieved over an enemy, the 
 picture of the Chief is given, with the mark 
 of his nation, and those of the warriors who 
 accompanied him. A number of little images 
 point out how many prisoners were taken; 
 while so many human figures without heads 
 shew the number who were slain. Such are 
 the expressive signs of a barbarous people, in 
 recording their war exploits, and communi- 
 cating information wichout the knowledge of 
 letters and the art of printing. 
 We proceeded, after the wife had put some 
 kettles upon the back of a miserable looking 
 dog, and had taken her accustomed burden, 
 the tent with other articles, a her own. The 
 little ones were also severally laden with a 
 knapsacl.^ tnd the whole !»u 1 the appearance of 
 a camp or gypsies moving through the country. 
 Th\; 17tii Beture we struck our tents this 
 morning, the signs vvhich the old man left 
 upon the piece oi wood yesterday, brought his 
 two sons, whom he had left hunting, and who 
 had walked nearly the whole of the night to 
 overtake us. We had now no provisions but 
 what we shot on our journey, and the addition 
 to our party made every one active in the 
 pursuit of game as it appeared. The next day 
 we passed Cape Chuvchill, and came to a tent of 
 Chipewyan or Northern Indians. The question 
 was not asked if we were hungry, but imme- 
 diately on our arrival the women were busily ' 
 employed in cooking venison for us ; and the 
 men proposed to go with us to Churchill. As 
 soon as we had finished eating, the tent was 
 struck, and the v/hole ])arty proceeded, \^dth 
 the old man a-head, with a long staff in his 
 hand, followed by his five sons and two daugh- 
 ters, and the rest of us in the train, which 
 suggested to my mind the patriarchal mode of 
 travelling. The 19th, our progress was slow, 
 from being again annoyed with mosquitoes, in 
 a bad track, through a wet swampy ground. 
 As soon as we had passed the beacon, which 
 was erected as a landmark to the shipping that 
 formerly sailed to Churchill, as the Company's 
 principal depot, before its destruction by 
 P^rouse, two of the Indians left us, to take a 
 circuit through some islands by the sea, to huni 
 for provision. We pitched our tents early, in 
 expectation that they would join ug, but wc 
 saw nothing of them that evening. It is cus- 
 tomary, as we were then travelling, to take only 
 one blanket, in which you roll yourself for the 
 night, without undressing. On laying down, 
 upon a few willow twigs, I soon afterwards felt 
 so extremly cold, from the wind blowing strong 
 off a large field of ice drifted on the shore, that 
 I was obliged to call the servant to take down 
 the tent, and wrap it round me, before I could 
 get any sleep. The sudden variation of the 
 weather, however, gave me no cold, nor did it 
 interrupt a good appetite, which the traveller 
 ill these regions usually enjoys. 
 Had we not been delayed by the absence of 
 the Indians a hunting we might have reached 
 the Factory to-day, the 20th. They came in 
 from their excursion at the time we w^ere tak- 
 ing our breakfast, but without much success. 
 They had killed an Arctic fox that supplied them 
 with a meal, and a few ducks which they 
 brought to our en ampment, among which wa» 
 the Eider duck, so remarkable for the beautiful 
 Koftness of its down. In the evening one of 
 the Chipewyan Indians, sent me some dried 
 venison ; and the next morning early we arrived 
 at Churchill. The Esquimaux, Augustus, who 
 accompanied Captain Franklin to the shores of 
 the Polar Sea, came out to meet us, and ex- 
 pressed much delight at my coming to see his 
 tribe, who were expected to arrive at the Fac- 
 tory every day. He had not seen his country- 
 men since he acted as one of the guides in that 
 arduous expedition, and intended to return 
 with them to his wife and children, laden with 
 presents and rewards for his tried and faithful 
 July 25. — ^The servants, with the Officers, 
 assembled for divine service, and laborious as 
 is the office of a Missionary, I felt delighted 
 with its engagements ; and thought it ]a high 
 privilege to visit even the wild inhabitants of 
 the rocks with the simple design of extending 
 the Redeemer s kingdom among them ; and 
 that in a remote quarter of the globe, where 
 probably no Protestant Minister had ever 
 placed his foot before. The next day a northern 
 Indian leader, came to the Fort with his family ; 
 and upon making known to him the object of my 
 journey to meet the Esquimaux, he cheerfully 
 promised to give up one of his boys, a lively 
 active little fellow, to be educated at the Native 
 School Establishment at the Red River. He 
 appeared very desirous of having his boy taught 
 more than the Indians knew ; and assisted me 
 in obtaining an orphan boy from a widow 
 woman, who was in a tent at a short distance, 
 to avicompany his son. I told him that they 
 must go a long way, (Churchill being about a 
 thousand miles distant from the Colony) but 
 that they would be taken great care of. He 
 made no objection, but said that they should 
 go, and might return when they had learnt 
 enough. This was a striking instance of the 
 confidence of an Indian, and confirmed the 
 opinion that they would part with their chil- 
 dren to those in whom they thought they could 
 justly confide, and to whose kind tuition they 
 were persuaded they could safely entrust them. 
 The Company's boat» were going to York Fac- 
 tory, and would take them there ; where, on 
 my return, I expected to meet my successor 
 as a Minister to the Settlement, on his arrival 
 from England by the ship ; and who would take 
 them under his care in continuing the voyage 
 to the school. " Religion, (says Hearne) has 
 not as yet began to dawn among the Northern 
 Indians ; for, though their conjurors do indeed 
 sing songs and make long speeches to some 
 beasts and birds of prey, as also to imaginary 
 beings, which they say assist them in perform- 
 ing cures on the sick, yet they, as well as their 
 credulous neighbours, are utterly destitute of 
 every idea of practical religion." 
 The Company's present Establishment is about 
 five miles up the river, from the point of rock at 
 its entrance where the ruins of the old Factory 
 are seen ; which was the point Hearne started 
 from on his journey to the Coppermine River, 
 in the year 1770; and which was blown up by 
 P^rouse about tlie year 1 784. It appears to have 
 been strongly fortified, and from itiS situation 
 must have been capable of making a formidable 
 resistance to an enemy ; and it can never cease 
 to be a matter of surprise that it should have 
 been surrendered without firing a shot. The 
 walls and bastions are still remaining, which are 
 strewed with a considerable number of cannon, 
 spiked, and of a large calibre. Augustus used 
 to visit this point every morning, in anxious ex- 
 pectation that his countrymen would arrive by 
 the way of the coast, in their seal skin canoes. 
 One day he returned to the Factory evidently 
 much agitated ; and upon inquiry I found that 
 there was an Esquimaux family in a tent by the 
 shore, under one of the rocks, one of whom 
 had greatly alarmed him with the information, 
 that soon after he left his tribe with Junius, 
 (who is supposed to have perished as a guide 
 in the Arctic Expedition,) one of Junius's 
 brothers took his wife, and thinking that Au- 
 gustus was displeased with him, and that he 
 possessed the art of conjuring, had determined 
 upon his death, and that this superstitious no- 
 tion had so preyed upon his spirits as to te'rmi- 
 nate his existence. This circumstance, he added, 
 had led a surviving brother to threaten revenge, 
 and supposing that he might come to the Fac- 
 tory with the Esquimaux who were expected, 
 he advised him to be on his guard. The next 
 day, July the 29th, Augustus returned to the 
 point of rock on the look out, but not without 
 having first requested a brace of pistols, loaded 
 his musket, and fixed his bayonet, yet nothing 
 was seen of his countrymen. The next morning 
 I accompanied him to the Esquimaux tent, 
 with an interpreter, under the idea that I 
 might obtain some interesting information ; and 
 was much pleased to find the family living in 
 the apparent exercise of social affection. The 
 Esquimaux treated his wife with kindness ; she 
 was seated in the circle who were smoking the 
 pipe, and there was a constant smile upon her 
 countenance, so opposite to that oppressed de- 
 jected look of the Indian women in general. I 
 asked the Esquimaux of his country : he said it 
 was good, though there was plenty of cold and 
 snow ; but that there was plenty of musk oxen 
 and deer ; and the corpulency of the party sug- 
 gested the idea that there was seldom a want of 
 food amongst them. I told him that mine was 
 better, as growing what made the biscuit, of 
 which they were very fond, and that there was 
 much less cold, and that we saw the water much 
 longer than they did. Observing that the 
 woman was tattooed, I asked him when these 
 I >■■■■ 
 marks were made, on the chin, partieularly, and 
 on the hands. His reply was, when the girls 
 were marriageable, jmd espoused to their hus- 
 bands ; who had generally but one wife, though 
 good hunters had sometimes two. Wishing to 
 know whether they ever abandoned the aged and 
 the infirm to perish like the Northern Indians, 
 he said, never ; assuring me that they always 
 dragged them on sledges with them in winter 
 to the different points where they had laid up 
 provisions in the autumn, ' en eache ; ' and that 
 they took them in their canoes in summer till 
 they died. Knowing that some Indians west 
 of the rocky mountains burn their dead, I 
 asked him if this custom prevailed with the Es- 
 quimaux, he said, no ; and that they always 
 buried theirs. The name of this Esquimaux 
 was Achshannook, and as Augustus could write 
 a little, which he had been taught during the 
 time he was with the expedition, I gave him my 
 pencil, that the other might see what I wished to 
 teach the Esquimaux children, as well as to read 
 white man's book, which told us true of the 
 Great Spirit, whom the Esquimaux did not 
 know, and how they were to live and die happy. 
 The woman immediately caught up her little 
 girl about five years of age, and holding her to- 
 wards me manifested the greatest delight, with 
 Achshannook, at the wish I had expressed of 
 having the Esquimaux children taught to write 
 and read the book. They often pointv I ]rs the 
 direction the others were coining, and tjfave me 
 t( » understand that they would soon arrive. We 
 n ned to the Fort, and walking by the side 
 o. AC river we saw numbers of white whales 
 which frequent it at this season of the year, and 
 many of which are harpooned from a boat that 
 is employed, and usually carries three or four 
 of the Company's servants. The harpooner 
 killed one to-day, which measured fourteen feet 
 long, and eight in girth, and weighed it was 
 supposed a ton weight. The blubber is boiled 
 at the Fort, and the oil sent to England as an 
 article of the Company's trade. When the Es- 
 quimaux visit us from the tent, they generally 
 go to the spot where the carcases of the whales 
 are left to rot after the blubber is taken, and 
 carry away a part, but generally from the fin or 
 the tail ; they have been known, however, to 
 take the maggots from the putrid carcase, and to 
 boil them with train oil as a rich repast. They 
 are extremely filthy in their mode of living. 
 The Esquimaux who was engaged at the Fort 
 as an intepretcr, used to eat the fish raw as he 
 took them out of the net, and devour the head 
 and entrails of those that were cooked by the 
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 Company's servants. And it is their constant 
 custom, when their noses bleed by any accident 
 to lick their blood into their mouths and swallow 
 Though the beaver, which furnishes the 
 staple fur of the country, is not common in 
 this immediate neighbourhood, an Indian was 
 successful enough to kill one at a short dis- 
 tance down the river, which he brought to 
 the Fort. It was roasted for dinner, and 
 proved of excellent flavour, though I could not 
 agree that the tail, which was served up in a 
 separate dish, was of that superior taste it 
 is generally considered to be. The sagacity 
 of this animal has often been described ; and I 
 have frequently been surprised at the singular 
 construction of their houses, the care with 
 which they lay up their provision of wood, and 
 the mode in which they dam up the water near 
 their habitations. They cut with their teeth 
 sticks of a considerable size, and when larger 
 than they are able to drag, they contrive to fell 
 them on the bank, so that they may fall and 
 float down the stream to the place where they 
 design to make the dam ; and then entwine 
 them with willow twigs, which they plaster with 
 mud, so as effectually to obtain a head of 
 ■ -ir 
 We met again on the Sabbath for divine 
 worship on both parts of the day, as we had 
 done on the previous Sunday. As the Esqui- 
 maux did not make their appearance, we began 
 to think that the ice in the Bay might have 
 prevented their coming to the Factory. We 
 were relieved from our doubts however, on the 
 2nd of August, by Augustus running to the 
 Fort with the information that his countrymen 
 were seen coming along in their canoes. He 
 waited till he ascertained that Junius*s brother, 
 who was said to have threatened his life, was not 
 of the party, and then went to meet them. 
 Some of them came over the rocks with the 
 canoes upon their heads, as being a much 
 nearer way to the Company's Post from the 
 spot where they left the Bay, than following the 
 course of the river. Their number, with a 
 small party that came soon afterwards, was 
 forty-two men, who brought with them a con- 
 siderable quantity of the Arctic fox skins, musk- 
 ox, and deer skins, with those of the wolf and 
 wolverine, together with sea-horse teeth, and 
 the horn of a sea-unicorn about six feet long 
 for barter at the Company's Post. In appear- 
 ance they strongly resembled each other, and 
 were all clothed with deer-skin jackets and 
 lower garments of far larger than usually Dutch 

 size, made of the same material. Their stature 
 was low, like that of the wife of the Esquimaux 
 at the tent who was not five feet in height. They 
 were all very broad set, with remarkably small 
 eyes, low foreheads, and of a very fine bronze 
 complexion. A few of the men however were 
 nearly six feet in stature, and of a strong robust 
 make. As soon as they had bartered the arti- 
 cles which they brought with them for those 
 they requested in return, which were guns, am- 
 munition, beads, and blankets principally, they 
 were informed that I had travelled a long way 
 to see them, and to have some talk with them. 
 The next day, they gathered round me, and 
 with Augustus and an interpreter, I was 
 enabled to make the object of my visit to them 
 well understood. I told them that I came very 
 far across the great lake, because I loved the 
 Esquimaux ; that there were very many in my 
 country who loved them also, and would be 
 pleased to hear that I had seen them. I spoke 
 true. I did not come to their country, thinking 
 it was better than mine, nor to make house 
 and trade with them, but to enquire, and they 
 must speak true, if they would like white man 
 to make house and live amongst them, to 
 teach their children white man's knowledge, 
 and of the Great and Good Spirit who made 
'/■ " 
 I I 
 the world. The sun was then shining in his 
 glory, and the scenery in the full tide of the 
 water before us was striking and beautiful; 
 when I asked them, if they knew who made 
 the heavens, the waters, and the earth, and all 
 things that surrounded us, so pleasing to our 
 sight ? their reply was, * We do not know 
 whether the Person who made these things is 
 dead or alive.' On assuring them that I knew, 
 and that it was my real wish that they and 
 their children should know also the Divine 
 Being, who was the Creator of all things ; and 
 on repeating the question, whether they wished 
 that white man should come and give them 
 this knowledge, they all simultaneously ex- 
 pressed a great desire that he should, laughing 
 and shouting, " heigh ! heigh ! augh ! augh !" 
 One of them afterwards gave me a map of the 
 coast which they traversed, including Chester- 
 field Inlet, and whfch he drew with a pencil 
 that I lent him, with great accuracy, pointing 
 out to me the particular rivers where the 
 women speared salmon in the rapids in sum- 
 mer, while the men were employed in killing 
 the deer, as they crossed in the water some 
 points of the Inlet ; or were hunting on the 
 coast, catching seals. Being provident, and 
 not so regai'dless of the morrow as the Indians 
 in general^ they lay up provisions at these 
 different places for the winter, and probably 
 seldom suffer from want of food ; nor are they 
 long in summer without their favourite dish 
 of the flesh and fat of the seal, mixed with 
 train oil as a sauce, which they prefer to 
 salmon ; and when not mixed with their food, 
 they drink the oil as a cordial. 
 The Esquimaux often surrounded me in 
 groupes, during their stay at the Factory, and 
 cordially shaking hands, were fond of saying, 
 that the Northern Indians, or Chepewyans, 
 sprang from dogs, but that they were formerly 
 as white men. I encouraged them in the idea 
 that we were originally of the same parents, 
 but that they being scattered, we knew now a 
 great deal more than they did, and therefore 
 came to see if it were possible to teach their 
 children our knowledge, for their happiness, 
 and also themselves, if it were their desire. 
 They appeared to be quite overjoyed at this 
 conversation, and laughed heartily, shouting, 
 " Heigh I heigh ! " saying, (as the interpreter 
 expressed it,) " We want to know the Grand 
 I told them that there were stones on the 
 edge of the water, in their country, and that 
 with a little wood, a house might be made like 
 what they saw at the Fort. Should I, or any 
 other person, ever come from across the great 
 lake, to build this house, where their children 
 might live, and be taught what I had told 
 them ; I asked if they would assist to bring 
 the stones, and help to raise the building. 
 They signified their willingness by shouting 
 again in their usual manner. I mentioned 
 the above circumstance, as conceiving it to be 
 practicable and advisable, 'from the best in- 
 formation I could obtain, that the first attempt 
 to form an establishment on the shores of the 
 Bay, to educate the children of the Esquimaux, 
 should be made at Knapp's Bay, or, as called 
 by the Esquimaux, Aughlinatook. Augustus's 
 tribe traverse this part of the coast, which is 
 about two hundred miles north of Churchill; 
 from whence the frame of die building and 
 some dry provisions in casks might be taken in 
 boats, to maintain the party, at first making 
 the settlement, independent of the common 
 resources of the country, and of the Esqui- 
 maux ; and a communication kept up with tiie 
 Company's Post, which might easily be done, 
 both in summer and winter. It is said that 
 the word, difficulty, is not known in the English 
 Military dictionary, and surely ought not to be 
 found in that of the Missionary ; and a mission 
 N 2 , 
 undertaken to the Esquimaux, upon the plan 
 suggested, conducted with prudence, intre- 
 pedity, and perseverance, can leave little doubt 
 as to its ultimate success. They tied knots 
 upon a sinew thread, tieing a knot for each 
 child as it was named, to inform me, at my 
 request, of the number of children they had 
 belonging to their tribe, and which they would 
 bring to the school for instruction. The num-! 
 ber on the sinew thread was sixty-two boys 
 and sixty-four girls. Whenever I spoke to 
 them about provisions, they uniformly said 
 that they would bring plenty ; but should the 
 establishment be made, a small number of 
 children would at first of course be taken, and 
 increased in proportion as the resources of the 
 country, and the supplies afforded by the 
 Esquimaux towards the support of their chil- 
 dren, were pretty accurately ascertained. It 
 is true that they live in a country, as those do 
 on the Labrador coast, of hopeless barrenness, 
 and endure almost a perpetual winter's blast ; 
 but the success of the faithful devoted Mora- 
 vian Missionaries, on the coast of Labrador, 
 and on that of Greenland, in their labours, 
 privations, and perseverance, to impart the 
 knowledge of Christianity, which has been 
 blessed of God to the salvation of the Esqui- 
 maux, holds out every encouragement to the 
 intrepid Missionary, in his attempts to benefit, 
 with Christian instruction, those on the shores 
 of Hudson's Bay. "^ 
 le • 
 • ';> 
 * Cold is the clime, the winds are bleak, 
 And wastes of trackless snow, 
 Ye friends of our incarnate Qod ! « » 
 Obscure the paths ye go. 
 ' But hearts more cold, and lusts more fierce, 
 And wider wastes of sin, 
 Ye Preachers of redeeming love! 
 Obscure the soul within. 
 , * Yet go : and though both poles combine, 
 To freeze the sinner's soul. 
 The sinner's soul shall yield to grace, 
 For grace can melt the pole. 
 * Then blow ye winds, and roll ye waves, 
 Your task assigned perform : 
 The God of grace is nature's God, 
 And rides upon the storm. 
 * Nature and Providence obey 
 The dictates of his grace ; 
 V Go! for each drop subserves his cause 
 Each atom has its place.' 
 A few of the Esquimaux who came to the 
 Fort, were from Chesterfield Inlet, and pro- 
 posed to return, before the other party left us 
 for Knapp's Bay. Before they started, Augustus 
 was very desirous that I should see his coun- 
 trymen conjure ; and bringing a blanket and a 
 large knife, he assured mc that one of them 
 would swallow the knife, and not die ; or fire a 
 ball through his body, leaning upon a gun, 
 without being injured. I understood that he 
 was to perform this jugglery with the blanket 
 round him, which I objected to, if I saw it ; 
 but told him that I had great objections to 
 such deceptions and art, by which they im- 
 posed on each other ; and observed, that if his 
 countrymen could really conjure, they should 
 conjure the whales to the shore, which were 
 then sporting in the river before us. He was 
 not pleased, however, with my refusal, and it 
 was with difficulty that I prevented the exhi- 
 bition. When the party left us, they encircled 
 me, and said that they would tell all of their 
 tribe what had been mentioned about teaching 
 the Esquimaux children white man's know- 
 ledge of the Great Spirit. They informed me 
 that a great many of the Esquimaux meet in 
 summer about Chesterfield Inlet ; that some 
 come down from the great lake to the north, 
 and that they had met some, who had seen two 
 very large canoes when there was no ice ; and 
 when one of these canoes stood in towards the 
 shore where they were, they were so alarmed 
 as to run off over the roeks, and that they did 
 not return till the big canoes were out of sight 
 towards where the sun rises. This information 
 led me to suppose that they were the Discovery 
 Ships, under the command of Captain Parry ; 
 and to conjecture that the ice had been a 
 barrier to his progress in search of a North- 
 West Passage, and that he was returning down 
 tlic Bay to England. The object of the Es- 
 quimaux in meeting from different tribes at 
 Chesterfield Inlet every year, is to barter with 
 those principally who trade at Churchill Fac- 
 tory, and also with some Northern Indians, 
 who exchange what European articles they 
 may have for fish-hooks made of bone,' and 
 sinew lines, and skins. I then shook hands 
 with them, and gave to each individual a clasp- 
 knife, some tobacco, and a few beads, to take 
 with them to their wives, with which they were 
 much pleased, telling me, not to be afraid to 
 come to their country, as Esquimaux would 
 treat me well. 
 August 7. — ^When the remaining party re- 
 turned to Knapp^s Bay, it was proposed by the 
 Master of the Company's Posts, that they 
 should stop for a few days at Seal River, about 

 fifty miles north of Churchill, and spear white 
 whales for the blubber. This they readily 
 assented to, and the day after they started, I 
 accompanied the officer in a boat to the point 
 where they were to be employed. We pitched 
 our tents near the place where they rested at 
 night, and were much amused at their dexterity 
 in spearing a number of whales on the following 
 day. In the course of two days they har- 
 pooned about forty, so numerous were these 
 animals in the Bay at the mouth of the river. 
 These Esquimaux were not unacquainted with 
 habits of cleanliness, for they were no sooner 
 ashore from spearing whales, than they changed 
 their dirty skin dress for one of a newer and 
 cleaner character; and in seating themselves 
 in a circle, around a small fire they had made, 
 I observed that while they boiled the skin of 
 the whale, and some partook of it, others were 
 eating the tail and the fin in a raw state. I 
 never knew natives more orderly and less 
 troublesome ; we were in their power, but so 
 far from annoying us, they never even came to 
 our tents, importuning for tobacco and other 
 articles, as is generally the case with Indians 
 when near their own encampment. 
 Wishing to talk with them again on the 
 subject of teaching their children^ I invited to 
 my tent seven of the oldest men among them ; 
 and repeated to them the questions which I 
 had put to the whole of them before. They 
 expressed the same feelings in favour of in- 
 struction, and a hope that I was not afraid to 
 come to their country, promising, when white 
 man came, not to steal from him, a vice which 
 they are sometimes guilty of at the Factory. 
 I found that they believed in a future state ; 
 and acknowledged that there was a bad Spirit, 
 who made them suffer, and to whom they prayed 
 that he would not hurt them. They thought 
 that when a bad man died, the bad Spirit took 
 him^ and put him in a hole under ground, 
 where there was always fire, but this idea they 
 might have got from their intercourse with 
 Europeans at the Fort : and when a good man 
 died, they believed that the moon took him 
 up, where he lived as he had done below, only 
 that he had always plenty to enjoy, and less 
 paddling to do. In parting with these Indians, 
 as with the others who returned to Chesterfield 
 Inlet, I gave to each individual a clasp knife, 
 some tobacco, and a few beads to take to their 
 wives ; and my prayer to God was, that some 
 effectual step might be taken to communicate 
 to these heathen, that knowledge which they 
! 1 
 appeared desirous of receiving, and which would 
 ameliorate their condition through a scriptural 
 hope of a future life. 
 We returned to the Factory, along a coast 
 the most dangerous to navigate that can possibly 
 be conceived, from fragments of rocks being 
 studded in the water for miles from the shore, 
 and which are only visible at the reflux of the 
 tide. The safest course to take is to run out 
 to sea, and sail along out of sight of land ; but 
 this is hazardous in an open boat, if the weadier 
 be stormy, or the water is much ruffled by the 
 wind. The Company lost a boat's crew last 
 fall, as they were returning to Churchill, from 
 one of the points of rock where they ha*! been 
 to collect geese, which the Indians had shot, 
 and which are salted as part of the winter 
 supply of provisions at the Establishment. At 
 first it was supposed that the boat had been 
 driven out to sea, and all had perished in a 
 most painful manner; but during 'our stay, an 
 Indian came to the Fort, to inform the officer 
 that the empty boat was lying on the beach, 
 about six or seven miles to the south of 
 Churchill River. Re immediately sent men to 
 the spot, and to search along the coast for 
 some remains at least of the bodies of the crew, 
 but not the least appearance of them could be 
 found. The boat filled and went down^ with 
 the sail set and fastened to the mast, which was 
 the state in which it was found ; but whether 
 she struck upon the point of a sunken rock, 
 or swamped at the conflux of the waters off the 
 mouth of the. river at the return of the tide, 
 not a man survived to tell the melancholy tale. 
 The 10th. — I began to make preparations 
 for my return to York Factory, in the supply 
 of ammunition and a couple of days' provisions 
 for our journey. As every thing we took was 
 borne on the back of the men, we deemed this 
 sufficient, with the supply we were likely to 
 obtain in our walk through a country which 
 at this season of the year generally abounds 
 with wild fowl. It was painful to see several 
 Indian women in an infirm state of health and 
 lame, continually begging for a little oatmeal, 
 or picking tripe de roche for a subsistence, 
 being unable to follow the tribe they belonged 
 to; and, upon inquiry, I found that it was a 
 common custom among the Chipewyans, to 
 leave the aged, the infirm, and the sick, when 
 supposed incapable of recovery, to perish for 
 want ! and that one-half of the aged probably 
 die in this miserable condition ! The common 
 feelings of humanity suggest the question, — 
 Could not some cstablislunent be formed, as 
 a hospital for the reception of a certain number 
 at least of the aged and infirm ; towards the 
 maintenance of which, the Indians themselves, 
 in bringing their relations, might be induced 
 to contribute, were it only the tenth skin from 
 the produce of their hunting? If this esta- 
 blishment could not be formed near the coast, 
 might not one be made as an experiment on 
 the borders of their country in the Athabasca ? 
 where grain and Indian corn might be raised 
 towards its support. The subject at least 
 challenges inquiry, and is fraught with deep 
 interest, as calling forth the best feelings of 
 benevolence; for a more deplorable situation 
 in existence cannot be conceived, than for 
 persons to be deserted in afflictive old age, 
 suffering infirmity, and left at the last stage of 
 life to expire in want, when, of all other periods 
 in our mortal career, we most need attention, 
 and sympathy, and kindness. 
 These Indians have a singular custom of 
 wrestling for any woman to whom they are 
 attached ; and she has to witness the contest, 
 which consists in hauling each other about by 
 the hair of the head, without kicking or striking, 
 till the strongest party carries her off as his 
 prize. And instead of stabbing one another in 
 their quarrels, as is frequently the case with 
 the Southern Indians, these generally decide 
 them by wrestling. They may permit a weak 
 man, if he be a good hunter, to keep the object 
 of his choice ; but otherwise he is obliged to 
 yield his wife to a stronger man, who may 
 think her worth his notice. This barbarous 
 custom I should suppose prevails among the 
 Esquimaux who visit Churchill Factory, as 
 they pointed out to me, at the time I saw them, 
 a weakly looking man, who they said had his 
 wife taken from him by another of superior 
 strength. They shewed me also how they 
 decided their quarrels, by each party alter- 
 nately bending the body in a horizontal posi- 
 tion, and receiving from each other a blow of 
 the fist on the temple or side of the face. 
 On the 12th, we left Churchill Factory, and 
 in our track killed plenty of wild-fowl, and 
 were again tortured with the mosquitoes, till 
 after the second day's march, when we waded 
 through a low swampy ground, frequently half- 
 leg deep in water, to some dry ridges of land. 
 The wind blew again off the ice in the bay, 
 which enabled us to walk without much annoy- 
 ance ; and in our progress, we often passed 
 large holes, which the bears had scratched in 
 these ridges to lie in, and which, from the 
 i i 
 impression of their paws on the sand^ several 
 had recently left. On the 17th, we came to a 
 tent of Indians, who were encamped on the 
 shore, for the purpose of killing them, in the 
 front of which was the head of one that they 
 had lately shot, stuck upon some painted sticks, 
 in expression of some superstitious notions 
 respecting the animal. They have a great 
 dread of bears, and are very fond of wearing 
 their claws round their necks, ornamented as a 
 necklace, under the idea that they shall be 
 preserved from their ferocious attacks. A short 
 time before I left the Red River Colony, a 
 Saultcaux Indian came to my residence with a 
 necklace strung with some large claws; and 
 prevailing upon him to part with it for some 
 tobacco, he addressed it in a very grave speech, 
 when he took it from his neck, and laid it for 
 me on the table, in language to the following 
 effect: — *' My grandfather! you and I have 
 been together some time — ^we must now part. 
 Go to that Chief ; and in leaving me, be not 
 angry, but let me kill bufialoe when I am 
 hungry, and another bear when I meet with it, 
 and then I will make another necklace of the 
 claws." I smiled at this address, when, looking 
 at me very seriously, he said, " If you offend 
 the bear," (I supposed he meant the spirit of 
 the bear, whose claws he had given me,) " the 
 bears will be sure to eat you." 
 On the 18th, some Indians whom we met, 
 told us that they had heard the great guns 
 of the ship, on her arrival from England, 
 though they had not seen her at anchor. The 
 next day convinced us of the fact; and we 
 reached York Factory early the following 
 morning, after having walked on our return 
 from Churchill, the supposed distance of one 
 hundred and eighty miles, through a trackless 
 path in swamps and long grass, in less than 
 seven days. 
 Here I had the happiness of meeting the Rev, 
 Mr. Jones, arrived by the ship, on his way to 
 the Red River Settlement, my fellow-labourer in 
 that situation ; to whom I committed the two 
 Chepewyan Indian boys. After a few days, he 
 proceeded with his little charge to his destina- 
 tion. And may God, whom we serve in the 
 gospel of his Son, abundantly bless his exer- 
 tions, on entering upon a field of anxious and 
 laborious toil, which I have just left, to visit 
 the land of my nativity and affection, after an 
 absence of more than three years. 
 York Factory, as the principal dep6t, is 
 rapidly improving in appearance, and in the 
 ' * 
 extent of its buildings. A number of the chief 
 Factors and Traders meet here eveiy summer, 
 and a council is held for the management of 
 the Northern Factory; while another is also 
 annually held at Moose, in St. James's Bay, 
 for the direction of the Southern Factory. This 
 division of the Company's territory, comprises 
 the whole of the country, from the furthest 
 known point to the north to the boundary line 
 of the United States, and from the waters of 
 the Pacific to those of the Atlantic. In carrying 
 into effect the moral improvement of the coun- 
 try, which has long been contemplated, it 
 would be very desirable that schools should be 
 established at the Company's chief depots; 
 where it is presumed provisions might be ob- 
 tained, for the support at least of a limited 
 number of the half-caste children. And the 
 most beneficial results might follow the regular 
 performance of divine worship on the Sabbath, 
 by a Clergyman, throughout the summer months 
 at least, in a building erected and appropriated 
 as a chapel. These are arrangements, which 
 every benevolent mind, truly desirous of pro- 
 moting the best interests of the country, where 
 the progress of moral and religious instruction 
 would be but slow, would rejoice to see prac- 
 tically entered upon. .>' 
 It may be stated with pleasure that directions 
 have been given to lessen the quantity of spirit- 
 uous liquors in barter with the natives. The 
 baneful effects of such a medium of trade have 
 long been deplored by all who have regarded 
 the amelioration of their state, and sought to 
 improve their wandering condition. Cruelty, 
 disease, and premature decay have for centuries 
 past been generated wherever Europeans have 
 introduced the exchange of ardent spirits with 
 the Indians. No act therefore can be more 
 beneficial and humane than that of gradually 
 altering a system which is at once so prejudicial 
 to the native, and injurious to the morals of the 
 trader. It is to be hoped that the benevolent 
 intentions of the Honourable Committee will 
 be carried into full effect, together with the re- 
 solutions passed in council at York Factory, 
 July 1823, for the purpose of improving the 
 moral state, both of the Indians and of the 
 European inhabitants of the Company's terri- 
 tory; an event highly interesting to every 
 friend of humanity and religion. 
 Sept. 10. — We embarked on board the ship 
 Prince of Wales on her return to England, and 
 left the anchorage next day with a favourable 
 wind. The weather being moderate, on Sun- 

 U ■ 
 day the 14th we enjoyed the privilege of having 
 two full services. 
 The 16th. — ^llie wind continues light and fa- 
 vourable, and I have been much interested in 
 reading Mr. Wilberforce's pamphlet, entitled, 
 " An Appeal in behalf of the Negro Slaves." 
 When will men regard each other as brethren, 
 connected by the common ties of humanity, 
 and as generally responsible to God, the Judge 
 Sunday, 21st. — ^When off Cape Charles at 
 the entrance of Hudson*s straits, the Thermo- 
 meter I observed was as low as 24°; and the 
 land as we passed along was covered with snow. 
 The prospect was most chilling and dreary. 
 Though it blew fresh, there was not however 
 a heavy swell of the sea, which gave us the 
 opportunity of having divine service both 
 morning and afternoon. I felt humbled in 
 going through the Ministerial duties of the day ; 
 and the experience of my heart imposes on me 
 the obligation of labouring more and more after 
 humiliation. What a consolation is it to know 
 that we are saved by hope, even in Him, who 
 sitteth upon the circle of the heavens, directing 
 the course of the elements — ^who commandeth 
 the waters and they obey Him. 
 ' On the 23d we encountered a heavy gale of 
 wind, with a short and angry sea, insomuch 
 that the ship was covered with waves, and all 
 on board were reeling to and fro, and staggering 
 like a drunken man. Towards evening it blew 
 a hurricane ; the heavens were black with 
 tempest, and all around us appeared awfully 
 dangerous. Self-examination is at all times 
 profitable and incumbent on the Christian, but 
 when dangers press around him in a tumultuous 
 scene of waters, it is peculiarly consolatory for 
 him to find upon examination, that the sheet 
 anchor of his hope is well grounded ; and that 
 he has laboured in the cause of his divine Lord 
 with a conscious integrity, though with a con 
 scious imperfection of character. It was well 
 said by the wife of a Missionary, in her last 
 moments, when it was observed to her that she 
 was dying a sacrifice in the cause of missions, " I 
 would rather (said she) die a penitent sinner at 
 the cross of Christ'* Every day, in the smooth 
 unruffled calm of life, or on the tempestuous 
 ocean of its existence, would I feel the senti- 
 ment so expressive of the Christian's securityj 
 and simple reliance upon the omnipotent arm 
 of the Saviour, as uttered by St. Peter, when 
 ready to sink amidst the threatening waves> 
 " Lord save us, we perish." • 
 During the 26th we were becalmed off the 
 Upper Savage Islands, amidst several large ice- 
 bergs, some of which were stranded on the 
 shore, and would receive the accumulation of 
 another winter's fall of snow, from not being 
 driven out of th? Straits into the Atlantic Ocean, 
 where they are dissolved. The winter was again 
 setting in with a cold frosty air, and frequent 
 snow storms. The next morning the wind 
 freshened, and on the 27th, when we were off 
 Saddle Back, we experienced another heavy 
 gale of wind, which was so Violent about eight 
 o'clock in the evening, that it broke the mizen 
 top sail yard, while nine of the sailors were 
 furling the sail. Providentially the broken 
 part of the yard slung with the ropes, or every 
 soul must inevitably have perished, from the 
 violent rolling of the ship. A more rough and 
 stormy night could not well be experienced, 
 with the aggravated danger of sailing among a 
 number of large isles of floating ice ; the run- 
 ning foul of one of which would be immediate 
 destruction, as upon a rock. 
 The next day the wind moderated, and was 
 favourable, but from the rolling of the ship I 
 could only read the morning and evening 
 prayers, and that with some difficulty, when we 
 met for divine worship. In the evening we ap- 
 proached Resolution Island, and the waters of the 
 Atlantic opened to lis with the encouraging pro- 
 spect of having more sea room to encounter any 
 storms that we might afterwards meet with. As 
 we left the barren rugged shores of the Straits, 
 and the chain of rocks terminating in ragged 
 points on the coast of Labrador, there was a 
 general spirit of congratulation ; and the pro- 
 spect of crossing the great Western Ocean in 
 safety raised in my mind the ascription of 
 praise uttered by the Psalmist, " Praise the Lord> 
 O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.** 
 Oct. 4. — We were off Cape Farewell, South 
 Greenland, with strong gales of wind. This 
 point called to my mind the labours of the 
 Moravian Missionaries who had formed several 
 settlements, the most southern of which I be- 
 lieve is Lichterau, among the Greenlanders, 
 under far greater difficulties, than are likely to 
 assail the Missionary, in his attempt to form an 
 establishment for the instruction of the same 
 race of people in the principles of divine truth 
 on the shores of Hudson^s Bay, with the aid and 
 co-operation of the Hudson's Bay Company. 
 These pious, simple, devoted Missionaries, have 
 proved that missions to the heathen on the 
 most inhospitable and barren shores are not 
 visionary schemes, but succeed effectually under 
 the blessing of heaven to the conversion of the 
 natives ; and they have established the principle, 
 that wherever the wat'^is roll, and however 
 barren the rock on which man is to be found, 
 there man may be benefitted with the saving 
 knowledge and blessings of Christianity. The 
 account given of the first Missionaries of the 
 United Brethren, whose entrance upon the in- 
 hospitable and icy coasts of Greenland was in 
 1733, among whom was that eminent servant of 
 the mission, Matthew Stach, is truly interesting. 
 Leaving Hemnhutt, they first proceeded to the 
 Danish capital, as Greenland was under that 
 government, to obtain the sanction of the King, 
 in their intended mission. Their first audience 
 with the Chamberlain was not a little discour- 
 aging, but being convinced, by a closer ac- 
 quaintance of the solidity of their faith, and the 
 rectitude of their intentions, this Minister be- 
 came their firm friend, and willingly presented 
 their memorial to the King, who was pleased to 
 approve of their design, and wrote a letter with 
 his own hand, recommending them to the notice 
 of the Danish Missionary, Egede, who had un- 
 dertaken a mission to Greenland in 1721, but 
 had hitherto accomplished very little in the way 
 of success, notwithstanding his indefatigable 
 The Chamberlain also introduced them to 
 several persons distinguished by rank and piety, 
 who liberally contributed toward the expense of 
 their voyage and intended settlement. Being 
 asked one day by his Excellency, how they pro- 
 posed to maintain themselves in Greenland, they 
 answered, that they depended on the labour of 
 their own hands and God*s blessing ; and that 
 not to be burdensome to any one, they would 
 build themselves a house and cultivate the 
 ground. It being objected that they would find 
 no wood to build with, as the country presented 
 little but a face of barren rock. " Then," replied 
 they in a true Missionary spirit, " we will dig 
 into the earth and lodge there." " No," said 
 the Minister, " to that necessity you shall not 
 be reduced ; you shall take timber with you for 
 building a house ; accept of these fifty dollars 
 for that purpose." With this and other dona- 
 tions, they purchased poles, planks and laths ; 
 instruments for agriculture, and carpenter*s 
 work, together with several sorts of seeds and 
 roots, with provisions. Thus equipped, says 
 Crantz, thev took an affectionate leave of the 
 Court where they had been so hospitably enter- 
 tained, and embarked on the 10th of April, on 
 board the King's ship, Caritas, Capt. Hildebrand. 
 The congregation at Hernhutt had already 
 adopted the custom of annually compiling a 
 collection of scripture texts for every day in the 
 year, each illustrated or applied by a short verse 
 from some hymn. This te:^t was called the 
 " daily word," it supplied a profitable subject 
 for private meditation, and a theme for the pub- 
 lic discourses. The daily word on the morning 
 of their embarkation on a mission which so often 
 appeared to baffle all hope, was, ' Faith is the 
 substance of things hoped for^ the evidence of 
 things not seen.* 
 *' We view Him, whom no eye can see,' 
 With faith's keen vision stedfastly." " 
 In this confidence they set sail ; nor did they 
 suffer themselves to be confounded by any of 
 the unspeakable difficulties of the following 
 years, till they and we at last beheld the com- 
 pletion of what they hoped for in faith. 
 They sailed by Shetland, April 22nd; and, 
 after an expeditiousi and agreeable voyage, en- 
 tered Davis's Straits in the beginning of May. 
 Here they encountered a field of floating ice, 
 while enveloped in a thick fog ; but the next 
 day a terrible storm arose, which dispersed the 
 ice and freed them at the same time from their 
 fears. On the 13th they came in sight of the 
 coast of Greenland, when a violent tempest of 

 four days' continuance, preceded by a total 
 eclipse of the sun, drove them back more than 
 sixty leagues. May 20th, they cast anchor in 
 Ball's River, after a voyage of six weeks ; and 
 joyfully welcomed the snowy cliffs and savage 
 inhabitants of a country which had so long been 
 the chief object of their wishes. The word of 
 the day was. The peace of God, which passeth 
 all understanding J shall keep your hearts and 
 minds through Jesus Christ. By this they were 
 frequently encouraged to a peaceful and be- 
 lieving perseverance, during the first ensuing 
 years, amidst all the oppositions which they 
 met with, and the slender prospect they enter- 
 tained of the conversion of the heathen. 
 The sight of the first Greenlanders, though 
 they could not speak a word to them, was ac- 
 companied with sensations of lively pleasure ; 
 their pitiable condition pierced them to the 
 heart, and they prayed the Lord, the Light to 
 enlighten the gentiles , that he would grant them 
 grace, wisdom, and power, to bring some of 
 them at least out of darkness into His marvel- 
 lous light. Immediately on their landing they 
 repaired to Mr. Egede. He gave them a cordial 
 reception, congratulated them on their under- 
 taking, and promised them his assistance in 
 learning the language. They next fixed on a 
 spot for their building, on the nearest habi- 
 table part of the coast, to which they afterward 
 gave the name of New Hernnhutt ; and having 
 consecrated it with prayer began to run up a 
 Greenland hut of stones and sods, in which 
 they might find shelter, until they had erected 
 a wooden house. At first the natives regarded 
 them with contempt, concluding from the 
 readiness with which they engaged in every 
 kind of manual labour, that they were the Fac- 
 tor's servants ; and being scattered among the 
 islands and hills to fish, catch seals, and hunt 
 deer, while in winter they made journies on 
 sledges to their acquaintance upwards of a hun- 
 dred leagues North or South ; the Brethren had 
 little access to them, and but faint hopes of 
 making any permanent impression on their 
 minds in their wandering mode of existence. 
 Some of the natives, however, paid a visit to 
 them, but it was only fix)m curiosity to see their 
 buildings, or to beg needles, fish hooks, knives, 
 and other such articles, if not to steal ; and no 
 proffered advantages could tempt them to re- 
 main for a short time at the Settlement. Till 
 at length when they understood that the object 
 of these faithful, tried, and persevering Mission- 
 aries was not to trade with them, but to make 
 them acquainted with their Creator ; and when 
 * t 
 t. r 
 they observed their modest and gentle carriage, 
 so different from that of other Europeans, they 
 paid them more attention, pressed them to come 
 to their huts, and promised to return the visit 
 themselves. A more frequent intercourse gra- 
 dually commenced, and the Greenlanders would 
 sometimes spend a night with the Brethren. 
 The motives of their visits were, indeed, glar- 
 ingly selfish. They wanted either food and 
 shelter, or presents of needles and other things. 
 They even bluntly declared, that if the Mission- 
 aries would give them no stock-fish, they would 
 no longer listen to what they had to say : and 
 during the winter, which was intensely cold, the 
 Brethren could not refuse their request for pro- 
 visions. They did not altogether discontinue 
 their visits in summer, but they generally came 
 after spending the night in feasting and revell- 
 ing, too drowsy to support a conversation, or 
 intent only upon hearing some news, or on 
 begging or purloining whatever might strike 
 their fancy. Their pilfering habits made their 
 visits not a little troublesome to the Brethren, 
 but the latter did not wish to frighten them 
 away ; and were content for the present, that 
 they came at all, especially as a few of them 
 discovered a satisfaction in being present at the 
 evening meetings, though held in German, and 
 made inquiries into the design of them. After 
 a series of trying hardships ; and after enduring 
 privations for years, they were encouraged in 
 their mission, established in much long-suffering 
 and patience, by one of the natives visiting 
 them, and desiring to " see their things." They 
 showed him what they had, supposing that he 
 wished to barter some Greenland food for their 
 iron ware. But after remaining quite silent for 
 some time, he at last said that he had been with 
 the Minister, (Mr Egede) who had told him 
 wonderful things of One, who was said to have 
 created heaven and earth, and was called God. 
 Did they know any thing about it ? If they 
 did, they should tell him something more, 
 as he had forgotten a good deal. This dis- 
 course made a deep impression on their minds. 
 They told him of the creation of man, and the 
 intention it ; of the fall and consequent corrup- 
 tion of the human race ; of the redemption 
 through Christ ; of the resurrection ; and of 
 eternal happiness and damnation. The poor 
 Greenlander listened very attentively, was 
 present at their evening meeting, and slept all 
 night in their tent. Further inquiries were 
 afterwards made among the natives, till the 
 Brethren had their two Greenland houses com- 
 pletely filled, and a native congregation col- 
 lected. The word of the gospel "was eventually 
 propagated by the Missionaries through a vast 
 extent of country, and its glad tidings spread 
 still farther by the savages themselves, so that 
 a numerous company of Greenlanders have 
 been gathered to Jesus Christ by the preaching 
 of his word — moulded into a spiritual congre- 
 gation by the operation of the Holy Ghost 
 (says the above historian,) and furnished with 
 such provisions for its good discipline, both 
 within and without, that amidst all defects, it 
 might in truth be called a living, flourishing, 
 fruit-bearing plant of the heavenly Father's 
 Such an example of success in Missionary 
 exertions, in the frozen and uncultivated regions 
 of Greenland and of Labrador, as the United 
 Brethren have set, holds out every encourage- 
 ment to hope that a mission would succeed 
 among the Esquimaux at Hudson's Bay. They 
 resemble the Greenlanders in their aspect, 
 dress, and mode of living ; and speaking the 
 same language, it would greatly aid the mission 
 to them, if one or two Christian natives could 
 be obtained and prevailed upon to join it from 
 the coast of Greenland. They are shouting 
 from their native rocks for instruction, and have 
 appealed to the Christian sympathy and bene- 
 , ! 
 ' *. 
 volence of every friend of missions, in language 
 of the same import as the call of Macedonia, — 
 " We want to know the grand God." 
 ** Shall we, whose souls are lighted 
 With wisdom from on high, 
 Shall we to men benighted 
 The lamp of life deny? 
 Salvation ! oh, salvation ! 
 The joyful sound proclaim, 
 Till each remotest nation 
 Has learn'd Messiah's name. 
 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, 
 And you, ye waters, roll, 
 Till, like a sea of glory, ' ' 
 It spreads from pole to pole ; 
 Till o'er our ransomed nature. 
 The Lamb for sinners slain, 
 Redeemer, King, Creator! 
 In bliss returns to reign." 
 Bishop of Calcutta. 
 The 5th. — Sunday. The wind has blown 
 hard all day, so as to permit, from the rolling 
 of the ship, of my only reading the Morning 
 and Evening Prayers, for divine worship. I 
 know that God, who made heaven, earth, and 
 seas, is not confined to forms of prayer, how 
 ever excellent, any more than to temples made 
 with hands. But as a formulary, how full and 
 comprehensive is that of the Church of Eng- 
 land ! and how well adat -" co express the 
 feelings of the mind, humbled, and peniten- 
 tially exercised, yet exalted in hope at the 
 throne of a covenant God in Christ Jesus. 
 When the prayers are prayed^ and not merely 
 read in the cold formality of office, instead of 
 wearying the mind by repetition, how often 
 are they the means of arresting our wan- 
 dering thoughts, and awakening a devotional 
 feeling ! This effect, I trust, was produced 
 in our minds, as we met together, for the 
 public services of the day, in the cabin of the 
 From the 5th to the 9th, we had stiff gales of 
 wind from the same quarter, which caused the 
 sea to roll with a majesty and grandeur that I 
 never before witnessed. I stood on the quarter- 
 deck, in admiration of the scene, and of the 
 wonders of God in the deep, as wave rolled 
 after wave, occasionally breaking on its moun- 
 tainous top into a roaring and foaming surge. 
 But while the waves roar and the winds howl 
 around me, I am borne in safety through the 
 mighty waters towards the desired haven. 
 What a fit emblem is this experience of the 
 spiritual and eternal safety of the Christian, 
 in the ark of the covenant, amidst the foaming 
 billows of affliction, the wind of temptation, 
 1 1 
 ! S 
 -I ^ 
 and every storm of trial raised by man in a 
 fallen and disordered world, branded with so 
 many marks of its Creator's displeasure. 
 We were prevented from meeting in the 
 cabin, for divine service, on Sunday the 12th, 
 from its blowing a hard gale, and the violent 
 tossing of the ship. We now experienced a 
 sensible alteration in the weather, as being 
 much milder; and a couple of black wolves 
 and a bear, which we had on board, were evi- 
 dently aftected by the change of the atmos- 
 phere, as we were bearing up for the Orkney 
 Isles. On the 15th, we anchored in Stromness 
 harbour, and, leaving this anchorage on the 
 17th, we reached Yarmouth Roads, October 
 the 23d ; and through a kind protecting Pro- 
 vidence, I landed, on the following day, from 
 the ship, in the Thames. 
 Since my departure from England, in May 
 1820, to this period of my return, not one acci- 
 dent have I met with, nor have I been called to 
 experience a single day's illness. Though in 
 perils oft by land and by sea, and exposed to 
 threatened dangers of the ice, and of the desert, 
 still my life has been preserved. 
 1 ! 
 Praised be the Lord God of my salvation 
 i jH« i« tl^ 
 In sending this volume to the press, I feel 
 that I am discharging a duty which I owe to 
 the natives of the rocks and of the wilderness, 
 whom I have seen in the darkness and misery 
 of heathenism ; and I ardently desire that the 
 Mission already entered upon, may become the 
 means of widely extending the knowledge of 
 Christianity among them. I have no higher 
 wish in life, than to spend and be spent in the 
 service of Christ, for the salvation of the North 
 American Indians. Not my will, however, 
 but His be done, who alone can direct and 
 control all Missions successfully, to the ful- 
 filment of His prophetic word, when " The 
 wilderness shall become a fruitful field," and 
 " the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the 
 . Since the foregoing sheets were sent to the 
 Printer, very gratifying intelligence has been 
 received of the improved state of the Colony ; 
 and a sanguine hope is entertained that several 
 native Indian children from different nations 
f , ' ■ i j.' i I iiwii M l I 
 ft '^^ '^Sil 
 will be added to the number of those already 
 upon the Church Mission School establishment 
 at the Red River. 
 Page 1, line 7, for Salteaux, read Saulteaux. 
 21, line 6,/or 1820, read 1817. 
 36, lin« 2 from bottom,^ spiritous, read spirituous. 
 67, line 24,_/br forty read sixty. 
 70, bottom of the page, for Heritics, read Heretics. 
 131, line 24, for Loom, read Loon. 
 156, line 3, for a, reiui no. 
 180, line 3, for intrepedity, read intrepidity. 
 204, line t9, for intention it, read intention of it.