'^^^^^^Hkk ( • "' * ■ . ■ • ■ ■ ' '. • '^ '..'*;■' • • • ■ '* * 1 1 ■•^- < '■ , . • * » CIKMi ' MicTMche "•.; Series^ ■•• ■ ^ ~ (Monographs) -■■■■jti ' i ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) ■1.. t ^ 'i Canadian inatituta for Hiatorical MIcroraproduetlona / Inatitut Canadian da microrapfoductiona hiatOriquaa . ■ ■ / »•» - l^; --■.'■ -'■: •;■■■'• ' ■ ' 4 ■ /■■•■.; - ■'■>■.. ■ ■■•. ' . ■ 4 ■It rlquM TM(i*Ncal tnd BtWiotrailteM Mo«M / No«m Mcttnt^uM tt b«b4w«ra^iq«Mi TM IfMttiut* hM atttrnptMl to obism ttM bMt orififMl copy a««i^atotaL,(or ftlmMifl. Fmiucm of ttiu co^ wlilcli. may to MMioiraptitMlly uiMqu*. «vhMh may altar any ol iIm imagM tn Mm raprodMcttoti, o« vvMcti mav ii«n«f tcanMy chant* tlw ummI mathod of f ilminfl, at* chaakad batow. D Colourad covari/ Cduvartura ■ - Original coplaa In printad papar covara ara filmad baglnning with tha front covar and anding on tha laat paga with a printad or llluatratad Impraa- •Ion. or tha back covor whan approprlata. Ail othar original coplaa ara flimod baglnning on tha first paga witha printad or liluatratad impraa- •Ion. arKl anding on tha last paga with a printad or illustr^tad Impraaslon. Tha laat racordad frama on aach mioroflcha - ~ •hall contain tha symbol — »• (moaning "CON- TilMUEO"), or tha symbol Y (moaning "END"), * / Wfilchavar appllas. Maps, pli^tot, ehartt. ote.. may ba filmad it diffarant raduction ratios. Thqsa too larga to bo antiraly Includad in ono axposura ara filmad baglnning in tha uppar laft hand cprnar. laft to right and top to bottom, as many framaa •• raquirad. Tha following diagrams lllustrata tha mathod: ;"^^d^r ■M'-n-. .^^ : ■ 2 V ■ ■ ' 3 «jr t L'anamplalra flim4 fut raproduit.grico A to g4n4roslt4k da: AnilieMi Church of CMJidi ,* rOMwrd timi ArrfMvM Laa Imagaa sulvantaa ont AtA raprodultas avao la plua grand soln, compta tanu da, la condition at da la nattatA da raxamplalra flM«. at an conformity avac laa conditions du contrat do filmago. Laa aM«mplairas origlnaux dont/to*oouvartura an papiar ast ImprlmAa sont filmM ti commandant par la pramiar plat at 9n torminoht solt par la limrnHirm paga qt|i oomporto una ampralnta d'Imprasslon ou d'illustratlon. solt par la sacond plat, salon lo cas. Tous loa autraa.axamplalraa orlginauN sonf filmia an commandant par la • pramlAra paga qui comporta/una ampralnta d'Impraaaion ou d'illustratlofi at on tarmlnant par la darnlAra paga qui compoha una talla ampralnta. ' a ^n daa symbdaa suivantsf appanrttra sur la darnlAra Imaga da chaqufi microficha. salon la cas: la symbols — »- sigrttfif «'A SUIVRE", to •ymbola V •Ignlfto TIN^ * IM c^tf. ptohehM. tablaauN, •KB., pauvant lira fllmte A daa taux do rMuction dUf Aronta. Lorsquato dooumant act trop grand pour Atro raproduit an un aaul clichA, II a*t.flimA A partir . da I'angia aupAriaur gaucha. dA gaucha A,droltt. .at da haut on baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaf nAcaaaaira. Las diagrammaa •uivantt lllu^trant la, mAthodo. vw«.- ..:■/•■:■• / ./■■■1^-.- * /■ ■ . ■ , ■; / ■■■ 2-' ; 7 '."■■•'•■. #■ y f» :: ;' ?:■ 6 ■■a — K MICROCQfY IISOiUTION TIST CHAIT • (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) •^ 1.0 1.1 12 ■I 3.6 m m Hi ■tt Ih I* ^ ■uuu iliai ■ 2.2 li 1.8 ^ ,'i' ' '^^^ / 1.4 1.6 f ■ ,3ii A ^PPLI^D IfVMGE Inc 1653 East Main Street RochMter, New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 030p - Phone (716) 288 - 598i9 - Fax .1 !■ I fwi , « A PLAIN AND SHORT ^C|JECHI8M0N CONFIRM^A^ . wiTn TWO PRAYERS: Om TO Bl ITStD BirORR, AND THl OTHER AFTm THAT 8BRVI0B. BY THE REV. J. BICKERSTETH, M.A., TIOAB Of ACTON, SUfFOLK. .:s 3^. TOJi^TO : ROWSELL & HUTOHISON, V 188a [80 eta. per dos. or $2. per lOO.J ta. per d02. or $2. per lOO.J • ^2«.) '• :■ "C?i?;iinAl SYNOD, AnCHJVJ:?' •flfc ' 1 3f I- • ^, V . !■ ■J /■ APLAINAND8U0ET CATECinSM ON CON HUM AT ION. 1. What , do you mean by the word confirming? / Strengthening or establishing. 2. Why is the service of confirmation so called ? Because in it we confirm or establish the promise and vow made for us in baptism. " 3. Can you give another reason ? Because in that service the Bishop, by prayer and laying on of his hands, seeks to confirm and establish us in the resolu- tion so to do ; and chiefly, because the grace of God the Holy Ghost is therein sought for and relied upon by the faithful for the effectual confirmation of the whole. 4, What, tjhen, is the special duty of those who are confirmed ? Openly before the Church to take upon themselves the promise and vow made for them in their baptism, J _^ Tj«.. > 4 !'■ 5. To what should confirmation be considered as the step ? To the Lord's tabic. 6. Who ou^ht to be confirmed ? Those who, havinjj been baptized \n their infancy, arc now come to years of dbcrction. ' ^ .^ ^, |.^ 7. What is the best quahfication tor those who desire to be confirmed ? A sinqere intention to yield themselves to, ami serve the Lord. , 8. What was promised for you, first, m your baptism ? , » 1 j - $: That I should renounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and vanity of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh. Q. Who is the devil ? Satan, the chief of the wicked fallen ^ 10 What are the works of the devil ? Blasphemy, pride, witchcraft; envy, hatred, malice ; hypocrisy, lying, slan- dering ; despair, presumption, unbeliet ; delighting in wickedness, and tempting others to sin. 7^^ u > [ ► II. What is meant by the world f 1 ,^ The things of the world, and the men of the world. ' ' ' ■ '' ' " '''^' ■' ' ' f. 12. What h meant by the world! potupil? • ^ Its honour, show, and wealth ; by the dcHirc and love of which, pride in nour-d ishcd. and the heart withdrawn from God. 13. What arc the world's vanitii:s ? Amusement, company, dress, olcasurc;. which worldly persons love and pursue^ to the hurt of their souls. 14. What is meant by the flesh ? Our corrupt fallen nature. 15. What are its lusts? Its forbidden desires. 16. What then, when confirmed, do you promise and vow fcgB|rt)tirself ?y That, by God's grace," will announce the devil, the world, and the flesh ? 17. Why should they be renounced.^ Because they art the enemies of my soul, and hinderers of my salvation. 18. What was promised for you se- condly in your baptism ? That I should believe all the articles of the Christian faith ? 19. Where are these to be found ? , In the holy scriptures. "^ 20. Where are they chiefly sui^mcd up? • ' In the Apostles' creed. n^ ^ -^ ;-..,v. 6 21.' Who in the object of our Chriitian faith and wornhip ? . The name divine Belnp: In whouc name we were baptised ; the Father, the Son. and the Holy Ghost, three persons and one ever blcnscd GckI. atr What have you to add particularly of each persion in the Trinity) God the Father made me and all the world ; God the Son redeemed me and all mankind ; God the Holy Ghojit sanc- tifies me, and jail the elect pooplc pf God. 23. What else does the ChriHtian faith require you to believe ? That I was born in sin. a child of wrath; and. till I am changed and converted, cannot please God. ^ 24. What further? That the soul is more precious thin the body, and this life short compared with the next, .25. What further? u ^ That after death is the judgment, and then joy, or sorrow without end. 26. What further? That Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the only Saviour; and that those who are saved by him, come to him for salvation. I • \ I ■ •«7. How must they come t By the prayer of faith. 28. Give a Hpccimen. O Lord God! grant that thy Holy Spirit may Impart to mc a true Hcnnc of my guilt and misery, and draw me In faith, hope, and love, to Jesus C hrist, thy Son, lor salvation. • 29, What then upon this head do you promise for yourself in confirmation ? That, by God's grace. I will adhere to and m;untain all the articles of the Christian faith. * 30. What was promised In your name and for you, thirdly. »n your baptism ? That I should keep God's holy will and commandments, and walk in the same all the days of my life. 31. To what docs:this promise bind you ? To serve God in sincerity and truth as long as I live. 32. How may you be enabled to do this ? Only by the grace of God. 33. What do you mean by the grace of GodL The assistance of the Holy Spirit. ri. ■li^;:.;- • It ff 8 ;^ 34. How may this be had ? , God will give the Holy Spirit tg them that ask him. Luke xi. 13. 35. How will it appear that you are in earnest to take upon yourself the bap- tismal vow ? By my careful and serious preparation, •first, for the confirmation, and secondly, for the Lord^s supper, r 36. Who are likely tol)e the best pre- pared for both? Those that most deeply feel their need of, and most earnestly pray for, the Holy Spirit. 37. After the preface, into how many parts may the service for confirmation in, the Prayer Book be divided ?' Four.' 38. What is the first ? The Bishop's question, and the answer required from those who come to be confirmed. . — ^ 39. Repeat the question. JDo you here, in the presence of God, and m this congregation, renew the solemn promise and vow that was made in your name at your baptism ; ratifying and confirming the same in your own 'h ■'' .2^ fl '•ft" "IK. persons, and acknowlcdj^ing yourselves bound to believe, and to do, all those things which your Godfathers and God- mothers then undertook for you ? 40. What is the required an|iyer ? I do. 41. What is implied in this answer ? I do — renounce the devil, the world, and the flesh: I do-^accept -and take Jesus Christ for my Lord, and Master, and onl) S?iviour : I do — resolve hence- forth to walk in his ways, and keep his commandments with my whole heart ; , relying upon his promised help to confirm ^ and strengthen me in this resolution. r- 42. What is the second part in the service of confirmation ? It consists of prayer for the increase of spiritual grace in behalf of those who are to be confirmed. 43. What is the third part .^ The confirmation itself; or the Bishop's laying on of hands on the heads of those confirmed, with prayer for the Divine blessing. 44. Show nie how the Bishop's prayer may be used in private as a prayer before confirmation. .^f. ft '"tsl ~- -J*"^ ¥±^^ J_^i_5^'*'*"'" ff^ 10 Defend me, O Lord, with thy heavqnly grace; that I may corftinuc thine for ever, and 4^i}y increase in thy Holy Spirit, more/ and more, until I come .unto thy everlastingKingdom, through JesusChrist our Lord. — Amen. 45. What is the fourth or last part of thisT service ? . \j. It consists of the Lord's prayet, and txvi) concluding collects, (one specially fo^ those confirmed, the other for all present,) and the blessing. 46. What may you expect in the due course of confirmation ? • To be confirmed and established in the faith, hope, love, and -obedience of the gospel. 47. What say vpu of those who offer themselves for contirmation, without care, forethought, or serious preparation .? > They ai-e deceivers ; drawing upon themselves a curse, rather than a blessing.' 48. What, in confirmation duly ob- served, do you acknowledge .? - - My baptism, and all its engagenients. 49. What besides do you acknowledge.^ The church, which acknowledged and received me when I was an infapt. '.t i\ A ^ ■#, Jl '.t 50. Honn/ will it appear that in con- firmation you have received a blessing ? hy my remembrance of, and conscien- tious n^gard to, the promise and vow I then make for myself. 51. Hy what will this be certainly followed ? An anxiety and determination, with- out delay, to partake of the Lord's Jiupper. ■ <•> ■ PRAYEK BEFORE CONFIRMATION. ^ Lord God! I am a sinful creature, born in sin, and by nature- a child of wrath:. I have sinned against thee daily: Ggd be merdftil to me a sinner! For thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ's- sake, create in me a new and contrite heart. 1 thank thee, O Lord, that by thy good- ness I was early given to thee in my baptism, and engaged to forsake and ► renounce all sin and wickedness, and to ^cleave to and follow that only which is good: — Pardon— 'O pardon me, who have so often gone contrary to this my bounden duty; and now that I am called to take upon myself the promise and vow made ■'M t 12 -^r for me when I was baptized, I thanlc thee for the real desire, which I trust thou hast given me, to do this in the solemn service of confirmation. O Lord, help mc to be careful and earnest, sincere and serious in what 1 am about to do : Make me willing to yield myself indeed to thee ; to renounce a vain and wicked world ; to believe in, follow; love, and serve Jesus Christ; continually to niortify my evil and corrupt affections ; and daily to /, proceed in all virtue and godliness of living : and so convince me of my help- lessness, as well as sinfulness, that I may not cease anxiously tp pray for the . promised help of thy Holy Spirit. O that my heart may be softened and changed, and turned from sin to thyself; make me^ O Lord, a new creature, that from henceforth I may in earnest care for my soul, and provide for eternity. Keep ' me from following the example of thosC'' who are careless ; and from the vanity heedlessness, dangers, snares, and temp- tations of youth. Never suffer me to draw back, but by thy grace fix and establish my h6art for ever; and after confirmation, O let thy light and thy ■>*>■■■, , •■■■ ■ . • ■• '% '% 13 truth lead and bring nie to thy holy, table, there to eat of that bread, and drink of that cup, which then hast pror vided for the further strengthening and ' .^•efrcshing of my soul. Bless all those who may be confirmed with me ; assist all of us in our preparation for, and approach to, this service ; and as we \grow ia years may we grow jn ijrace^^ O Lord, grant this, and all we need, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. PRAYER AFTER CONFIRMATION. .\ / O MOST merciful Lol-d, and heavenly Father, I bless and praise thee, who hast permitted me, worthless as 1 am, to renew and take upon myself, in thy presence, the vow and promise made for me in my baptism. Forgive the wanderings of myVthoughts and the I coldness of my devqtion, during the ^"solemn service in which I have been engaged; and for my Saviour's sake withhold not thy blessing. O Lord, I am thy servant : grant that I may continue thine for ever. Pity the feeble- •f ■i^Tpraftt* i,. 1% 14 ness, the folly, and inexperience of my youth; save me from sin, vanity, and the world ; strcngthim me with the Holy Ghost the Comforter ; and daily increase in me the manifold gifts of grace ; the § spirit of wisdom and understanditij^ ; of knowledge and true godliness. Fill me, O Lord, with thy holy fear. Let Hiy — fatherly hand, I beseech thee, ever be over me, to lead and uphold me in thy ways, that in the end I may obtain ever- lasting life. Dispose and enable me, O heavenly Father, by-thy grace.^o make < a fresh surrender of myself to thee in the sacrament of the Lord's supper; that I i| may there Confess Christ oefore men, and show in the face of the Church that * I have not been confirmed in vain. Q Lord, by thy grace prepare me for every duty ; by thy power preserve me from every sin, that I may repent, believe, and live always as becomes the Gospel, to thy prafse and glory, through Jesus' our Lord. Amen. / i". «■■" r / ^ .^L f c "JB »y le ^y / 5e 1 , * le n Df *1 >e - — , — - y r- ' ^- . :e ic I --^-' (1, It ? y y n "1 1, s' ' #. •A ./•>. t \ ' \ ^L \ : ■ ■ . BOOKS OF mSTRUOTTON torn Sunday Ren tools. Ad Pnblislied by Rowsell ^ Hntchison, TOIIOISTTO- Ptriao. $0 81 8 00 2 SO S7S S 5 00 50 00 8 60 6 M 40 Flrit RtepB to the Gaieohiatn • • • The Galvarv C«t4)ohiNra for the Little Onet - The Church Catt'chiHin Do. Hroken into Hhort QueMtione • Soriptare Proofs and Uluitratioiie of the Ghuroh Cfttechism • • • . '. . . . BIthop M»nt'« Otiidetotho OAtcchi«ra • TheBriitol ExplauiitiouofthoCat«uhiMm, with notee Do. do. without no' en Slttolair'fl Church Catoohiam " • • • Raay Hvranu. - • Uymna for Little Children • - An Order for Prayer for Sunday Schooli «^ The Collect* from the Hook of Common Prayer - Cards of Admission to Confirmation Certificate of Confirmation, on Card - • Do. Confirmation and Communion Cateohism on Confirmation, by the lato Bishop Straohan - - - - - Biokersteth's Catechism on Confirmation Beaven's do. do. - New Olaas-book for Sunday Schools - • • Sunday School Reward Cards, Tickets, &o., in great variety. . / Sunday School Libraries, Prises, Ac. — -y — ^00 8 M 1 50 80 1 50 200 1 60 2 00 200 10 00 The Publications of The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and of The Church of England Sunday School Institute, For Sale by Rowssll & Hutohisom. r" fe - :.' ,"?■ '■"i > -