IMAGE EVALUATION tEST TARGET (MT-3) r **% <f^ >>-.,• ■N 1.0 SflU |j£ 111 IM 12.2 S MA *" ld£ 12.0 1.1 6" •>■ V"' ii.v ^Sdehces CarpOTatton ai 3 VW S T M AIN STttlT WitSni,N.Y. I45M (7U) •72-4503 ^ N^/tLr :^j.j,_.^ -^-^^ i-..-.^'v rT ..^•."J t> CIHM Microfiche Series (IMonographs) .- ,-. „.i* ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographles) i_ Canadian Inatitiita for HiMorictI Micronproductlana / InatHut Canadian da mlcrorapraductiona hiatofiqiiaa TMhnicat and Bibliofrapliic NotM / MotM tMhniqiiM at biMiotraphitHiM TiM Imtitutt hm %nam(md to dbtiin tht bMt ioriciMl eopv availabla for f iknint. 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Toua laa autrai axamplalraa . orlglnaux tont flimte an common^ant par la pramlAro pogo qui comporta una ampralnta dimpraaalon ou d'illuatration at an torminant par la darhlAra paga qui comporta una taHa ampralnta.. ' ;, ^ * _ Un daa aymbdaa auivanta apparaltra aur la daf^Mro image da cheque microflcha. aalon lo - caa: la aymbola --^ aignifia "A 8UIVRE". la f ymbola ▼ algnlfia "FIN". Mapa, plata#, charta. ate., may bo filmad at diffaront reduction ratioa. Thoaa too large to bo om i roly ktciudad In one axpoaura aro ftfmad baginning In tha upper left liand comer, left to right and top to bottom, aa many framaa aa raquirod. Tha following diagrama iHuatrata tha method:' r I.a8 cartaa. pianchea, tablaauK. etc.. peuvent Atro filmta A daa taux da reduction diff^renta. Loraqua la document eat trap grand pour fttro raprodult an un aaui elicit*. H oat filmil A partir do Tangle supAriaur gauche, da gauche A droito^ at do haut an baa. an pronant la nombro d'lmagoa nAcaaaalra. Lea diagrammoa auivanta IHustrant la mAthoda. % V . 1 -■ y2 ■ :3' ■ .■• I J. A ■ ••*■ ■ y'. \^ ;-■.' ■ r- ' ■ ■ ' . ..- 'yyz^... '•„'3-v'' • ..-■ ■ : v; ■' ■ ■■"..* ■"■■■.'■■■ ".-■" '■'■■■ - ■* *-•* -■ "-.;;■' "■ ' ■ -e ♦ -V" • •■ ■ '•» iJ' ■ ■ - ■ ' ■ 1 ■• ■■ • ■ * ■■ ... ■.■.,.-■,.■.. ■* . f ■ ■■'■■■ - . ■ . '■- .'■■ ,•■••' • ' . '■ ■,.■ , ' ( ' .-'•'III V-.' ■ ■' ■ " -. ' ■• .■■.■• * ■ ;!- s-;,-' '"■'.■■""*'.■; • t . ' " .j -.■ . ' ;■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ * .-■ .» -■ ■ ' ■ -■ 32X ; : ■■,■ '^ •.■ '-. .. "" ■■■; ™ *■.," -" fc:;::: ' +:-■ .■■A > -S*. ■i ■i^m^" :m%s '*J»^>" '.'^••*M> "*«:«, .„"» I t'f is''.,V!i'. .<»•.»',■,:, ^ .i ^^^'^^' ," jfi V: V,'J ■.^.. ^t' ■^■•A*-|^i I^^V .^ ^5^;• '>^<y;'.^< v;:;^>»«*;^';„-. 3i!>;a^:# •si' ^»- i^ j . ♦ Av'kw', -Jl,,. 'X^ m m ^ES'ka ^ai '>p J'^J 'Xt^ -•fi-'^Ri* Wi W'-: ' : - . h '•' ■' ':' ' : .'..■' '"^^ I . ■ ^^•■•■•.-V^-:.,. ..^ »■•■ ■■ ■ ■-•■■.■ ■"L .' % ■: ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 .■ ■ ". ■ * ■ ' / :' ^ ■ . ■ ■ ■■■ ■.-.:. K■^ ■ .^ • ' ' ' ■ '■''■■ j . _ ' . -■ ' ' I ' ' ■ _ ...■,. *" 1 * •i r . • f •I - . ■ -.< ' ' ■ ■ . ■ i ■ - ■ ■" >-- - . ^ • ^ _ V'- ■" . \,'^ ■-■■;/■";■;■ -.^^V^^^ - » . • ■ r - ■" ' v.- (1. Jl " . ■ ■ ■ ■■'-■■' 1 ■ ■ » ■:.••■";■■■■*■ .' ' ■ ■ ■ . ■': ■.'■-■ ■■- . ■ ■■' * 1 . I— ■ - *" " '.' ' 7'' V:. ■• ■ . \ ..-*'■■ •■■ .' . \ . ■- : ■ ' ■ \ ■ ,-.+ ■ -■ . 1-^--- .■■■»■ ■■■'■'"■ . ■*' ' ^ ■ . ..- .'■-•■•: • ■ . - • ■ ■ ' .' r ' '"■ ■ ■• -"T"-"7-~--'- ' ■■" ,'■■ .-, ■' ' '• ■ ■ . ■ . .- "* I ., "■ I.-.v ■ .. . " ■ • k. ■•',..■ r ■ •■ i -' ■■■«,;:■ . 4 A- ■ ...:.: . ';• '■ M . '■'' : ■ A- '; .■ ■■;;..-' .k. / ■ ■ ■ ' ■7 "■ ■- ■. ■ . ■ V, ■' ■" .- - . \ ■-.-■' ■. ■'■■>■. * ,■- i ■ . \ ^- .■- ■;';■•:■■ -■! .■ .--■. _1 ,■*-■' -,- c . t:B%: ^ ^ r'T ■'■'■■3^ ' OIF ®il iPatntings anb Mater Colour Bj^wings BY M^jMBERS OF THE ©ntario Society of Hrtiete Sale to be belD at tbe Sodet^'e "Koome, 14 1{ina St Meet, on Satur^a1? attemoout ©ecember 15. TERMS CASH r & Sale to commence punctually at Two o'Olook. Toronto Dec. erH, 1883 3obn fl>cfarlane & (to; Auctioneers. ...» .(•^, ■ '\ •'*• ''^r<T "■'*^ I " ■ ■. > '. ' '■ REMARKS Every Poj^hiiTis jtrit^ to l)^ Hic original' work of tlie ^Vmst loliose name it hears, ami /lis otifn persona/ properly af time of Sa/e. Many of t/iese piclures /tafe never before been^ pnb/ic/y ex/nbited. I ,'?i . " !« Artists Names ,«*■ ^L.o'^'X^iilin^r^t&^r^'"'""' ' ■ Bell-Smith. t\ M. Coleman,. A. A Cox. A. (iai^eit. R. "/'• Griffith. J. Haunaford. M. Harris. A\ Matthei^^s. M. Perre. H. Reford. W^ Re-i^ell. W. Schreiber.Mrs, Shrapnel E. S. Smith, J. Watson: M, " ( ■■; ■ r .: I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 1 1 12 »5 [6 1 8 ^9 CATALOCUE 4 ' * Ferguson's Point. Halifax. ()utlet of Clearwater Lake, Isle of'Wight, . . . Karly Morning, coast of Norway. A. P. 0>kniaii E>S. Shrapnel R. Baija^eut IJIacs, : . . . . R. F. (raa^eu Sunset. , . / ., . . //. l\rre On th(- Road.. -North Conway. /*'. J/; liell-Smith Vase of F^" lowers, . . On No. 3 Creek, Don Valley, Death of the Pet, . , Alont*, . . . • * Surf. . .^ 13 \Vi«nter tn Silesia, . . 14 Near Dunclas. . On the Muskoka, ^ . Sunset. Nantucket, . ..> fas. Griffiths . A/. Hannaford . Mrs, Schreiher IWRevtll . \ . 7. Cox A. P. Coleman . R. F. Gagen .B. S\ Shrapnel F^^, Bell-Smith ()n the St. Lawrence, near Bic, //. Perre Hollyhocks^ ; , . ^ . /as. Griffiths On^the Rocks, Nlqrning after the Storm, :r^ M. Hannaford "♦ * V. ■,. . #:: -!i^i' ^J*' • 20 Romany Girl. . . ^ Narris . 21 ^ Study of Rocks. Quebec. . . • //. Ptrre 22. '' I'd be a Gipsy, merry and free, 'MM. .Sy/m<6<'r 2-; The last chance, *. . . . A. Cox . 24 English Wagtail, . . : .^' iV^^r// 25 Sardine Factory. Mt. Desert, . R.^F.(raj^en * 26 River Humber, ; . . R. RcUQcnf 27 Ml. Adams. . * . : /\ M. Bell-Swith NearSt.Anne^s, Quebec. . . //. Perre 2S 29 Sketch of Feather Lak(\ , 30 Still \^j^\ • • • Cut put, , . . • ^ French. Canadian Cottage, Still IJft'. . • Sunst'.t, Toronto H arbour. Shooting Se'agulls, . . '.'.♦■■■ Peoni(*s. . .. . 37jj^ IntheThousand Islands, . 38 ,Pop^ies, . . , 39 V Mountain Path, . 40 A Merry Time. . . 41. Spring. . • > 4? -Mountain Hill, Quebec, . "fe^andj 3» .32 33 34 43 tscape B. S\ Shrapm't . M. Mattheios '. Rr Harris . '//. Perre . J/. Maitheios ~. . ./. Cox r M. Hanuaford . fas. Griffiths F. M. Bell-Smith , R. /*; (iagen . . H. Perre : Mrs. Schreiher ^^R. Harris ' . J/. Mattheivs ., .; . H. Perre ■ -5' ■/■- 5: 5' 6< 6 6 6 X ."at! TC '■W- i p r to 44 Schooner. . . ' . E, S, Shrapnel 45 South Falls, Muskoka, . A. Cox 46 Landscape, / . . . H. Perre 47 Great Head, C. H. . , KM, Bell-Smith 48 Dundas ji^avine. ^. Bracebridge. Falls, M Uskoka, . R. F. GageW 49 R. Baigent 50 On the Peabody, i. ■:-.■:■■':_. m Cox k5i Landscape, near Philadelphia, . H. Perre 52 Camping Scene .A. P. Coleman 53 Portland, from Peak's Island, A. Cox 54 ■■'.-* ■ " -' ' Cottage, on the Schuylkill, . y . H. Perre 55 Dajilias, x'^'V . . . . fas. Griffiths 56 In the> Gloaming, . . . . A, Cox 57 LaCrofise, F, M. Bell-SmitJi 58 C>n the Grand River, v . F, S, Shrapnel 59 Scarborit)' Heights, . . Al. Hannaford 60 Christmas Morning, . Mrs. Schreibcr 61 Trout Stream . .^ H\ Watson 62 Morning at Grand Metis, . H. Perre 63 White Head, Cushing's Islanc 1. . R. F. Gagen X64 • Abandoned, . . . IV. Reford ^65 Fruit, y . . . . .W.Revell ^^6 Morning-glories, .^ . . fas, Griffiths 67 Home of the Seagull, . . A, Cox c ."<x >s/.' ■" *?■ s».-- ■■■ '3w««% ■'-■% .■■; .|i ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■'■. • - *^. ■ -1 ■ -i . .i. ■ ■ - f' 1 - , ' 1 1 ■\ ■'■ ■•■ ■ ; . : 1 * '■ * " ■ ■' I 1 • 1 -• 1 », * £ ■ \ |5^/ 76 '7 n^' 77 Noon hear Gonway. . . KM. Bell-Smith On the Schuylkill. . : > H- Perre Out-door Sketch, Canoe Camp) ^; S. Shrapuet Clearing Up. . • >,/ • ^ ^ Perre Ante Roomof Atelier Boil n At. , •^- Harris Evening. Mead's. Toronto. . R. F. Ga^en Billingers Swamp. . . V R. Baic^ent Spider Lake. Eastern Townships. W. Han ua ford Under the Beeches, . . . H. Perre Great Head. Mt. Desert, V /^ vJ/. Bell-Smitli The Peaceful Hour. South Branch. JVluskoka. _ ^4. Cox Sunset on the Huml)er ... . J<^^^' Smith John Alden and Priscilla. , . Mrs. Schreiber >' He sitting a|ikwarilly there, with his arms exteiuled before him, She stanrling graceful,^erect, willing the skein from his fingers." 81 3- ?58: Off the Irish Coast. The Queen's Park, . >VtiM4tU-83 Hunting Camp in Winter, Cattle, . . . . Queen's Wharf. , Morning. . . • . Sunshine and Rain, '. V>t ^^^84 -Lomfelloiv. V A. P. Coleman M. Matthews E.S. Shrapnel H. Perre Jas. Sptith W. Revelt H. Perre "The day has teen wet and weary," ^ HR Watson ■"S^^i'- L^^ «s \ \ -!0S^.'' ^i y^h 90 91 .92 : 94 95 96 9; :^98 99 100 ■ » roi 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1 10 III APlacid Bay, ; . . . ^. Cox Berlin Falls, New Hampshire, yl/. //^«,i^ya^^ Toronto Yachts, Ai|een and Oriole. /^j. Smith Morning. Mt. Desert . : R.R Gugen The Crawford Notch. New Hampshfre, ^f. Mattheivs University College from the North-east, ; Jas. Smith The Bufifklo Hunt, ■ , E..S. Shrapnel Evening. . . , ^ FM. Hell-Smith Autumn. _.^ ^H Toronto from Ben Lanumd, . H. Revell ^Phlox, . . . . j^^ Griffiths Norwegian Fishing Boat, A^ p] Coleman Watching the Tide, Portland. . R. F. Gagen In Rosedale. Toronto. . J/. Hannaford Schooner being towed into Halifax. >j. 6W/// Relics.. . V : Mrs. Sl^reiber By the Broc^ . . p^. Bell-Smith ^'*"*^' - • • r . IV. Revell Moonlight, . . . : H.Perre Arlington Bay, Lake Rosseau. Jas. Smith Girl'sHead, . . . .^^^ ;^ ^^^ ■ 1' ■■ t - ■ IT rx . »■i^ •T^iw IQ 112 View from Mt. Washington lew ; ■ "^ . towards Gorhani. 113 The Ocean, . . 1 '1 4 Vase of Flowers, , 115 . Tide Out, ' .. . 1 1 6 Waiting for Breakfast. il 7 Dundas .Ravine; . On the I,)art. . . . Mdiihe Fl Gagen s^ (rriffiths m^. Reford I0rs': Srhreiber \l^, M. HeH-Smith M. Hatnaford Old Mill, n^ar Walton. NeWYpric.i^.i''J^W^// 118 119 120 Willows, , . ; • tSH Ravine, Toronto. . . 122 Old Church, Silesia, •. 123 An Expected Shot, . 1 24 On the Jersey Coast, . 125 University from the East, I .Pern . ^aigeni ^ A. P. Coleman . E. S. Shrapnel R M. Bell-Smith ;. Jai. Smith ('iff'. I ■ ^ \ ^> 1 S|»; «■* ■A V. /:"■:-■■ : •.■■.■ ;,^. ' •■■■■„ - .1 ^ ^ ■ > ■ y. , •* 1 1 : ' ■ ?■■ ■ ■, - . ." ' ■ ,■ ""^^^^ ^. :'"..;'■";' i"^ 1 V r : _ . .- ■ "" ■ ;. ■ -^ . ' / " . /. tB ■ .V ^^"^^^,^^' ' * W:'r-- > V * ■ -■■■."■: -\ • - . # ■■ « ■ * • ' v ■ ." \.,,,^ ... - ■ -, ° . '■ '', .- *■> ^^^^^--^ -. r '■■■" ■/ ■ ■" .■ '■.. ' ■• -'v ■1' ,' > 1 •■■" - - - - ^"^^^ — .--.—-^ " - :--^'^.' - '-'- ----— -"— -^-— ^ --t ^ ■ ■- _ • - ■ , ■ ' . ■ > \ ' I ^^ ^ .'"^ .• ■ - . ; ■ > '■ -^ .-■' ■ ^ ^^ >' \ ^U,,,' 1- ' -, ": ■ -ii ■■ li ',11 !' f. (» , ^^^'.>*^5 i')*^ r 'I ^ ;■ ■• ,,'^'•''' M' o » /,