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 damMro papa dui compono uno omprointo 
 dlmprooaion ou dmiotrotion. soit por lo tocond 
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 dlmpraaaion a«i dlNvatration at 1% tarminant par 
 la damldid ppfo qui dPNipdfta una talia 
 Un daa aymboloa MiivanM apparaltra curia 
 damMra imaaa da chaoHa microfiche. Mian lo 
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 Lac cortoc. plonchoc. taWaau«. ate. pauwant «tra 
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 LorcQuo lo ddcumont oat trop 8»nd pour «tra 
 raproduit on un coul cMchd. il act fUm4 C partir 
 da ran^ aupdriaur gaucha. da gaucha * draita. 
 •t da haut an baa. an pranant la nombrc 
 d'Imopoc ndcoccaira. Lac diaprammaa cuiwanM 
 UlMstrant la mdtliodo. 
Miamoopr moumon im own 
 (ANSI and ISO TiST CHAUT No. 2) 
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 ynt^Niy of Cif e 
 By B. D« Olalsoii 
 111 o"t*liar ?ay3.. apart, 
 Ma.QVQjoi! daSi:..1;:-iroush- 
 - cut tlis year, - 
 i:eQii.._GIiristina3 ii 
 UrM Pmt « aic$tiMe« IDa i. 
 CN SymMony of Cifft 
 OVE brooded over the years 
 till hit voice was heard like 
 the sound of bells pealing 
 across the desert. As I lour- 
 neyed, I looked eagerly thru 
 the shadows thst I might see Loye*s face 
 emerge froqi the darkness. 
 When it appeared it was as the face of 
 God. And all the way I was intent with open 
 ear to hear the great anthem of deep-toned 
 bells pealing like a symphony out of the silence. 
 But I heard also the jargon of the creeds, and 
 perceived that they who were intent upon 
 such things heard not the deeper voices, being 
 too bi*" r with things to care for the heart of 
 thin( ' leased with their own opinions to 
 hear h gs of the angels. 
 Now « aith and Hope |oined me in the way 
 and showed me the path over the drifting sands. 
 And another walked at my side, and as he 
 seemed to be wise, I asked him: "Whereunto 
 doth this desen path lead?'* 

 Tk0 Sfimitkomf •/ LI/« 
 **It lefedeth" said he *V the land of cletr 
 vision and leif-realization. The sands are the 
 coverings that hide the face of the real. All 
 that is is within thee. God's promise is ia 
 thine own heart. The face of Love, the forms 
 of Hope and Faith, the voices of Nature and 
 the subtler appeal of personality are but im- 
 ages seen in a glass. That which is at the 
 heart of things is thine own life. Thou need- 
 est nothing outside thyself. Let the voices 
 within respond to the call of life, and thou 
 Shalt have )oy and comradeship, and the thrill 
 of it all shall be as the fire that leaps to beau- 
 ty in the hean of a iewel. 
 When I heard these things, I knew that he 
 who spake to me was Wisdom. Being mind- 
 ful of his words, I turned my thoughts inward 
 wondering what further light would break. Then 
 I heard a voice within me saying: "To him 
 whose heart is as the heart of a little child, the 
 eanh is full of heaven, silence is music, beau- 
 ty is the heart of the shadows. Listen again 
 and thou shalt hear the voices of the ancient 
I did to tod lo, the years etme btck with 
 silent feet and whispered, tnd I heard each 
 generaiion telling the next of a world of light 
 within the shadows, of i srthere of music more 
 intimate than the aenses. And the voicea of 
 the years rang clear thru my aoul, albeit the 
 nolaea of tims were thundering across the 
 Then I knew that the voice of Love and 
 the word of Wisdom are the same, all the 
 muaic of the ailence, the whispers of eter- 
 nity, the voice of God one symphony of life. 
 I pierced the shadowa and semblancea, the 
 masks and wrappagea of life, for clear vlalon 
 had come and self-realization. And now I aee 
 that the purpose J life is not the achievement 
 of a deadny, nor the doing of thinga that we 
 may rest when *hey are done, but life is al- 
 together for IL * aake, for the toy of living 
 aa children who play together and are glad. 
 All true life la an arrival and diere la no end. 
 Death Is not a terminal, but a door to a new 
 houae of life. Every moral criala la a judgment 
 day and the present Is eternity. 
 We are alive that we may live. Love is no 
 ^ Tk9 Sj fm^i t 9 •t Uh 
 temw M mm, of love*i appeal, but an eatraoce 
 » ■ toner y\9km, a deeper ioteaalty, a falter 
 es^reaajoo oTUfe. Faith la not a belief in a God 
 who Uvea oslylaa world to whieh weare toint. 
 It !• • fire kiadled oo the altar of Ufe-a fire 
 of whieh ereeda are but the aahea. 
 I BOW expect no reward for another'a aaeri- 
 fice, no eacape from myaelf except by atoying 
 the inferior that the nobler may appear. Hope 
 it to me a beacon naming from the hiUa of 
 victory, the triumph of aU God-conquered 
 Uvea fUnfing beama of light and beauty into 
 the deep heart-eyea of die world. 
 What am I doing wm} 
 I ani in the garden of life calling you to 
 ptoy with 