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Lorsque ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciichA, il est filmA A partir de I'angie sup6rieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de ha:.; an bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. lies diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 ' 4 5 6 5 / NOV 5 1897 How to go to ine/.^^ dy ke for ^ $50 o o '^' ^ Passag e paAd, full outfit »^n djpf0^oishr^ Klonilytii motaal leiiiiRt * )f K i t."i "wwiiB6i ■ ■i iPi . p Mi.rji . New York. Metcantik Eiciuiife BdUinff^ SUITS 25 A»D a6. Oxatt Hucbon and Harrison S(red% New Yoric, U. S. A. TELEPHONE, 99O FRANKLIN. FACTS I ^ KLONbvKE ^ THE LAT^fD OF FABULOUS FORTUNES. airencej. Perry And his -wife (''the Bride of the ISontfyke ") took out of a claim on tSth ttist April, $135,000 IN GOLD, on the EL DORADO Creek near '^NANZA Creek tributary to the KLONDYKE ^Wr forming the YUKON, 1 jr. steamer Cleveland," which sailed from St. Michael on August 29, arrived in Seattle night with « pass^,' gers and 1400,000 worth of gold dust. '" »5 passen- rich strike he has made on a tributary of the Pelly which m turn empties into the Yukon; had already uLrS J55,ooo, and says he has thousands more in sight. T. ;. Allkn had 150,000 worth of dust, taken out of Miller Rwer, where he and his two partners took out |^oi Charles Bngele, who returns with his wife and three chil- dren, brings out in / 'the Bride of the t 5th last April, A BONANZA Creek %vr forming I from St. Michael ht with J5 passeii- re at Tacoma of a the Pelly, which Iready taken out 1 sight. iken out of Miller took out have f 15,000 each. : and three chil- piutiiai Benefit Dues, $2.00 'tifeekly, 25 'k>eeks. :J Uutler control of a Board of Trustees. President: C F. CLARKE. Secretary anrf Treasurer: GEO. W. YOUrJOw Of f;o«fl;-: ^^ General ManA^(tj\^ ^ jgg,^ I fi NKW YORK OFFICE : f>229:K 2. New York Metcantile Exchange Building, Comer Httdson and Harrison Streets, kiite 25 and 26. t New York, U. S. A. -r*- ShCOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Applicants by mail will be placed in the first serial letter not filled, and the subscriber notified by return of mail Write name and address jilainly, j^ve name in full. eAge HeigM Weight 'Business &/la.rried or Single Lady applicants need only >^ve name and ad- dress, and if married or single. For further information write to GEO. W. YOUNG, Secretary, Care of New York Mercantile Exchange Building, SUITK 25 AND 26, Corner Hucbon and Harrison Streets, New York, U. S. A. 2 *J :ribers. placed in the first iibscriber notified iiinly, j^ve name ifive name and ad- L> to ecretary, schange Building, i3n Streets, A. Klondykc Mutual Benefit Development Association. TROSPECTUS. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION. THK Klondyke Mutual Benefit Development Association is formed to enable persons of moderate means, for a small weekly or monthly dues of twenty-five weeks, to participate in the innnense Rold finds of Alaska,— an Associa- tion that gives the poor man an equal chance with the rich man to be owners of these valuable gold mines. It is intended ' ; tlie Association to send a number of their own members out to the gold mines next April, and the chance to go is open to every one of the subscribing members, to have their passage paid, given a full outfit and all neces- sary provisions, for the small sum of $50, payable in weekly dues. Mining experts will accom- pany each division sent out. If you are not one of those who go, you still participate in the earnings or gains of those who are sent. So that your fiftv dollar membership may become worth to you Thousan48 of Dollars. This is not a stock company, where the stock can be manipulated at the will of the incorporators and at the expense of 3 *">•- the stockholders, l)ut an association of j)crsons mutually interested, who jiarticipate directly in the work of their owti associates whom they have sent out to the ii^M mines, who are under a)^reenient with the Association and in charge of an expert, under bond, whereby one-half of all dainis they may stake out, and one-half of all a^M they dis- cover, shall be turned over to the Association, to be divided among their associates according to the number of memberships they hold in each Series is- sued by the Association. PLAN OF ASSOCIATION. Series A, B and C — Club of loo members to each Series. Each Series opens Sept. 22d, 1897, and each Series closes March 31st, 1898. Weekly dues |2.oo Full am't of dues paid in by each n»end)er... 50.00 As soon as any of the above Series are full, other Series or Clubs will be formed ; but in no case will any Series be increased above the allotted number. A membership fee of one dollar will be charged all those becoming members after Nov. ist, 1897. There will be no other dues, charges or assess- ments whatever, except the stipulated dues and the one dollar entrance fee after November 1st, 1897. Every member has the option of pay- ing his full dues at one timCj. or in weekly install- ments. Any member has also the right to belong to any one or all of the Series. All dues must be fully paid up on or before the date of the close of the Series to ^vhich a member belongs. 4 ation of j)ersoiis atf (lirt'ctly in the 111 they have sent under a)^reenient •j;e of an expert, if all clain!s they ;ill j^old they dis- he Association, to according to the 1 in each Series is- kTION. loo members to s Sept. 22(1, 1897, it, 1898. I member. I2.00 50.00 ries are full, other but in no case will B allotted number, ar will be charged er Nov. ist, 1897. charges or assess- pulated dues and after November the option of pay- in weekly install- he right to belong All dues must be late of the close of elongs. The Secretary of the .Association will notify every member, imnifdialely after the close of his Seritii, to meet at the ofTice of the Association and select four members from their Series to represent them at the Kloiiclyke, or other Alaska gold mines. I'pon the selection of such four members, the Asso- ciation will then api)oint an expert miner to go with them, and make arrangenients at once for their departure by the quickest, shortest or most convenient route open at that date: paying all the expenses of their journey to the gold mines, pro- viding them with a full outfit and the neces.sary provisions. Also, each com pany will carry a full medical chest. To insure the Association against loss by death of any member chosen to go, a life policy of insurance for 11,000 will be taken out in a first- ' class insurance company for the benefit of the Association ; also another policy for the same amount, for the benefit of the member, provid- . ing he has a family, and without cost to the member. The expert sent with the persons selected by the members to go to the gold mines will be an em- ploye of the Association, and act as their agent. It will be his duty to aid the company he takes out on the journey, and, upon arrival at the mines, to give them his expert advice and help in pros- pecting. The Association will sand an axpart minor with aach division or oompany sant out. Each of the four members selected by the mem- r-^~::*l^*!t?'- 4n— — — - i' hers of tin- sivcnil Si-PfS will be txpi-ctt-d to MtfU an a),'ririm-iit assi),'ninK lo tlu' Trnsti-i'S of thf As- sociation oiic-lmlf of all the claitns they stake cmt, ahd one-half of all the ^ol'l they may obtain, the other half to belong to themselves, individually or collectively, as they may desire. Ivach expert miner sent out with his company will be under a sufficient bond to the Association to carry out U .• ])rovisions of the agreements en- tered into with the members sent out. No member sent out to the ^old mines will be entitled to any share of the earnings that may accr\ie from the one half that his cotni)any turns over lo the Aiso- ciation,— he beinj,' chosen to ^o to the mines, and, accepting the choice, cancels his certificate in his Series. At the same time, he can hold two or more memberships in his own or other Seiies, and be entitled to the eamin^s declared in those Series. The profits of the Association- derived from the gains of those members sent out will be distributed as follows, per example: The five persons— inchidinK the expert— se- lected by the members and appointed by the Asso- ciation, say, of Series A : All the claims they stake out and all the gold they obtain, and one- half of all money ( expenses) that the Associa- tion may obtain for the sale of a gold claim, shall belong equally to the five persons sent out. All other halves, either of gold obtained or claims staked out, shall be turned over to the Associa- tion, and the half of all moneys received for sale of claims by the Association shall be the property 6 )i' fxpi'cti'd to sij^n rnsli'i'S of the As- ms they stake out, i-y limy obtain, the ,-«'S, individually or with his ccniipaiiy to the Association the aKreenicnts eii- t out. No niemher be entitled to any ly accrue from the IS over to the A.iso- to the mines, and, is certificate in his can hold two or ir other Seiies, and declared in those i> derived from the L will be distributed jf the expert — se- lointed by the Asso- 11 the claims they ey obtain, and one- 's) that the Associa- a f^old cliiim, shall ions sent out. All obtained or claims ver to the Associa- ys received for sale lall be the property of the A' -iation, and shall be crvMlite 1 to the j)rolits of the meir.liers of Series A. Tlie same rule of division of eirninxs declared shall ai)ply to each Series; so that each Series will jtarticipate only in the success of the members of the Jieries they i'ue sent out to represent them. 11 beinj,' very unlikely that from each Series of i(K) members there will be more than one-fourth of them wlio would iie able or desire to k'o to the Klondike, it j,'rw»tly enhances the chances of those wanting to ^o beiiij; chosen; as the selection will be made only from those members who enter their names with the Secretary of the Association one month before tin close of their Series as desirinj^ to be placed ua il..' list of t'u)se to be selected. I'nder f'e circumstances which this Association is organized, the i)ower of control beiuK placed in the members of each Series and the whole crintrol j{overned by an elected Board of Trustees to carry out the purposes of the Association (see By-I,aws),' There is no individual liability of the members. And the Association beiu); represented at the >,'old mines by members of their own Series and of their own choice, there cannot be a doubt that the chances of success are enormously in favor of the Association. If only the three Series are filled, there will beat the mines prospecting for the Association fifteen capable men, three of whom will be expert miners, all of them provided with everything necessary for successful mining operations, with all the resources of the Association behind them to bring about large and profitable results. 7 }f A single good claim staked out and developed may sell for a million dollars Dues, weekly or monthly, will be received at the office of the Association. You may be a member of one or more Series it you wish. As each Series is limited, and that number will not be increased, so when a Series is closed a membership of that Series will be largely enhanced in value; and should it be one of a fortunate Series, may be worth fifty times more than the dues you have paid in. A Pass-Book will be given to every member, which will also contain the By-Laws of the Association. Upon re ceipt of the full amount of dues the Certificates will be issued. Certificates of membership and Pass-Books are transferable on tl-.e books of the Association. Remittances can be made as follows: Cash in registered letter, or express, post-office order or M postal note. New York bank draft, or check. All fjj orders must be made payable "to the Treasurer of l , Board of Trustees consisting of five members, of wlioni the President and General Manager shall be i'.v-ql/icio members. ARTICLE VIII. DUTIES OF OKFICKRS. y/ii' duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Association, to maintain order and to c.r-officio a>'t as chairman of the Board of Trustees. SECRETARY, TREASURER AND OENERAT, MANAGER. The SccrAary shall keep a true and correct copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the Associa- tion and the Triistees; shall keep true and correct records of all matters pertaining to the Association; attend to the correspondence of the Association; notify the members of meeting, etc., and j>erform all duties usually pertaining to his office. The Treasvrer shall be subject to'the direction of the Board of Trustees, receive and account for all moneys received by the Association. He shall deposit same to the credits of the Trustees in such bank or banks as the Board of Trustees may direct, and dispense same upon their order and subject to such proper regulations as they may impose. Also give a good and sufficient bond. ARTICLE IX.. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. The Poaid of Trustees shall consist of five members chosen at the annual election, by all 4 e iiieiiibers, of aiiager shall be be to preside 1, to iiiaintain linnan of the OENERAI, d correct C3py f the Assccia- ue and correct le As)sociatioii ; e Association; , and jjerforin fice. I'the direction d account for ion. He shall tistees in such es may direct, md subject to impose. Also nsist of five tion, by all ) the members of the Association, either by i)er- son or proxy, who shall have paid their initia- tion fee and regular dues. Their duties shall con- sist of the general oversight of the business of the Association. They shall transact all business of the Association involving the objects for which the Association was fonned, and delegate the General Manager, who shall be t'.v officio a member of the Board, to act for them; and they shall act as a Committee of the Whole with power. No money shall be disbursed unless upon their order or delegated authority, and all propertj- and funds of the Association shall be held by them as Trus- tees for the members. The General Manager shall be ex-officio a mem- ber of the Board of Trustees and shall look after the good and welfare of the Association, and carry out, under control of the Board of Trustees, the objects of the Association. ARTICLE X. EI,ECTIONS. The Officers shall be elected annually by the Board of Trustees on the first Monday of October in each year, and shall hold office for one year. One member of the Board of Trustees shall be elec led at the end of the first year, and two mem- bers every folio ;ving year; term of office to be settled by lot or otherwise. 5 V II l!' QUORUM. /I majority of the Board of Trustees shall consti- tute a quorum. ARTICLK xr. VACANCIES. Vaavicies in the Hoard of Trustees occurinj^ durinjj tlic year can be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Hoard, at any regu- lar meeting of the Board or at any special meeting called for that purpose, also any vacancies of the officers of the Association can be filled in the same manner. ARTICLE XII. At alt meetings of the members of the Associa- tion, a majority of votes cast by those who are pres- ent or by proxy shall constitute a valid binding vote on all members of the Association. ARTICtvE XIII. // sliati be the duty of members to notify the Secretary of any change of address, and any notice sent by the Secretary to the last given address of a member through the mail shall be deemed a due and legal notice. ^^ All notices of meetings shall be issued at least five days previous to the time designatetl for said meeting. name of t These 1 annual ot for that p bers pres( ^-W ORDER I. Read 2. Repc 3- Repc 4- Repc 5. Repc 6. Repc 7- Unfii 8. New 9- Elect s shall consti- eos occunnj^ ijority vote of , at any regu- ecial iiieetinjf :ancies of the d in the same the Associa- vho are pres- falid binding o notify the d any notice aildress of a eemed a due sued at least ited for said 1 ARTICLK XIV. SRAI,. The Association shall possess a seal with the name of the Association thereon. ARTfCI.K XV. These By-laws may be amended or altered at nnv annual or special meeting of the members called for that purpose by a two-third vote of the mem- bers present. ORDER OF BUSINKSS. BOARD OF TRUS- TEES. 1. Reading of the minutes. 2. Report of the Secretary'. 3. Report of the Treasurer. 4. Report of the Manager. 5. Report of the I'inar.ce Connnittce. 6. Report of Special Committees. 7. Unfinished business. 8. New business. 9. Election of Trustees. ( w-1 I,. T.ARHON, of Chic.tKo, wliii was a passe'iRer on tlie "South Coast," has been in the Yukon country three years and has pros|)ecled in several districts. His present inter- ests are sixty miles from Circle City, on the American side. Soon after the news of the Klondike strikes reached Circle City he left his claims and went to the new diggings, imt after a short time he returned to Circle City. He sold a quarter interest in one of ".lis cl.iims for $i,ooo ooo. Sbattle, Wash., Sept. ir, iSgy.-The steamer "South Coast" arrived here this afternoon from St. Michael with 26 passengers and about $.«o,ooo in gold, t iken from the Klondike. Captain Ziddart says that there was easily $350,000 on board. Thomas Larson has $45,000 and J. Plight $40,000. these two l)eing among the richest of the passengers. Mr. VAILLB, of Portland, Assist. Supt. of Mails, says that Skagway and the White Pass will soon take prece- dence over Dyea and the Chllkoot Pass, as the latter is practically Impassable for horses. The White Pass route goes through a heavily timbered country, where there is not much danger from drifting snow, and while for a con- siderable distance It lies over swampy ground, the roadbed Is being laid with corduroy, and before long It will be In good shape. It Is over this road that the Canadian Gov- ernment will carry the malls to Dawson City, the service being put Into operation this month. Along the line they win establish trading posts or stations at a distance of 50 or 75 miles, or possibly every 25 miles. This will enable the mall carrier to make much better time than he can now." 1 HE building of a railroad from Juneau to Lake Testln is now assured. Thorough examination by the Interested parties has decided them to commence work at the earliest possible moment. > per week for twenty- five weeks may make you a rich man. .*