IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k fc f/. 7a 1.0 I.I 2.5 S b£ 112.0 L25 i 1.4 18 1.6 PnnifnnrQT^Viir> Sciences Corporation 23 WeST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 87S-4S03 ^ #■* iV \ c\ ^;^.jj., A,jlil||IM^^|a»ra FRUIT CULTURE IN THE PROVINCE OP QUEBEC those engaged in rural P«rsui^ ras To 1 '^^^^^^^^^ '^^ *^ P'^- '^^f- fddess of more choice in some refpects t k n^ tvl J.I T^ '*'^"" '"^^ '^^ ««°«'dered As an article of food or for d^mes "c^use Zl f " ''''""*' "°°' ^'« «« '^^^^'^J- among grains, or potatoes among ataL'^^^^^^^^^ «t'l« --^ f-ite as wheat every household. ^ ^ '*'"*'' ^"^ is looked upon as a necessity in p.-ope.l7c„oWa„„„. „„,^ wholes J I rl 7 Tett? *°™^"^ ""^ °'' If therefor, , hey keep u, supplied with food .„!^ ^ Preservers of h,alth. service i. the family eoooom'/ Com ^roHnt Ir tr*' ""^ ""»">eof great are always in demand. Immense oCanUK?^ '^'^ "" »" ™e»" Pl»ee, for they U. remark that Oanadiarf t n':^rder:^7"'«'°''"»'ly.««'li.i»gmtifyi:^ ■narketa considered of e„p„,,or quality in the European -par.ofm.ny,ho.t„«stherroTt:TeX::::^^^^ UU JjjgjJ.IJ ' varieties suitable to their locality, and adopted proper methods of culture. But unfor- tunately there has been a draw-back to this progressive movement caused by lack of the most rudimentary knowledge of the subject, and by taking the advice of men as to the most suitable kinds for their purpose, who, in the first place, are not lualified to give it, and in the second have but one object in view, namely, — the sale of such varieties as they are instructed to offer. Thus thousands of dollars, are uselessly expended every year, to the discouragement of would be cultivators of fruit and the injury of the nurseryman's legitimate business. It is therefore presumed that a little practical information may prevent this folish expenditure of the farmer's hardly enough earned money, whertus a careful study and practice of the right system of fruit-culture might increase rather than diminish his resources. None need be discouraged who have land on which apple trees may be planted, if they will study carefully and follow faithfully these few, simple rules, and instead of suffering disappointment and loss, will experience great satisfaction and ultimate gain. Selection of Varieties. To plant a great number of sorts is not advisable except to indulge the fancy of those who can well afford to test them. Experiments of this kind are too costly, and before the results can be ascertained it is too long, for the man of small means, and to such these pageS are chiefly addressed. It is better therefore to select only such varieties as you have at least reasonable hopes will succeed, and as some are suited in a peculiar manner to certain localities, it would be wise to consult your neighbours, who have been successful ; study tho report's of the nearest fruit grower's association, or take the advise of some one whose word is to be relied on or whose position places him above suspicion. As to certain sorts thriving best in certain localities, it is a remarkable but well established fact that the Fameuse attains to no such perfection anywhere as on the Island of Montreal, and in the vicinity of Beloeil Mountain. The Duchess of Oldenburg has proved to be the most hardy and useful of all the autumn apples. Growing in localities where others have not thriven, in many places where a dozen or more kinds have been planted, the •' Duchess " is the only one left, and that is growing vigorously and bearing abundantly every year. The fruit is very handsome and beautifully coloured, and the quality good either for cooking or eating. No one need be afraid of planting this variety. Wealthy is another fine and very hardy apple, it is also an abundant bearer of beautiful fruit, and is excellent both in appearance and quality which is in condition for use from November to January. Tho Peach apple of Montreal is quite hardy, a vigorous grower, and a prolific bearer ; tho fruit ripens early and is good for home use but is not a good market variety as the skin is so tender that it shows the slightest bruise. Yellow transparent is proving hardy, bears fruit of a beautiful transparent yellow and of excellent flavor ; it is the earliest of all the apples, being ripe iq th& middle of August in some localities. Alexander is one of tho largest apples, it is pretty hardy but not fully so in Bome places ; the flesh is rather ( rence is Fa) well in 1 would tl Winter, bearer, t perhaps It is rath Vermont Htroaked Mcintosh more hai very fine hardy. Gidei the fruit h apple — it Golde many plac neverthele River is o pleasant fl February. Nursei most hard J the best aut their ability Duchess c Canada j-e Magog re( Peach of ] Scotts Wii Grideon Wealthy... Wolfe Riv( Yellow tra; Alexander. Powawkee. Golden Rus Winter, » Yermon. Lt; ^ h X i. * 1° j?' f r""'™ *'""«"■ ««'» bearer, fti. i, .he favourite ™a2t 1 ^rr 1° r ' v ^'•°'"" ""'' »'^'^ perhaps the best authority wo have o» to T™!. ,^, I "^^^^POH, Vermont, It i» rather acid b„t of g„«l ° aZa ,dL„ "^ ,, ? '" ""' ^''■•"'«™ <">"°"7 Vermont variety of grefrlY; To^^atr* I'Thf " '" """' " "°°*- .t,-eaked with red, of a p,ea„„t flavor, .M^T'^ J^J f "' ^ '''""' ^'"'°" Mclntoskrei i, another hardy Canadia'n var et; rCb „Tth pZ '", ''""'■- more hardy in many plaoM, eea«,n from IfoveD,br.„lKT,'"' '"''«'"■''"<' very^ane winter variety, eoior dar. .. ^n^ a'nd ilXC tIT^^ appl^.t i. ..ia to he hardy a, an Oai. ; itis in ^.iroT^urjLtVr'"' .any7a::sr.:::ttn;:i:::i:f.'rr-*"'''-'-^^^ nevertheiee. a very valnaVleTar t7anTL;l\72fT '"''"'"'"'• "»'" '' *»er is one of the most sbowv of "he h3. , i '"« '"°'™'' '^<"/» .e^W : tree a v.„ro/s ^^ l^'rirer,™ ^a-^^ »ost!::^c;r:strri:y^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the best authorities and my own obserrtinn! 1 I ^'''' '"^''^^ °^ *^*^"'« ^''^"^ thoir ability to withstand fho cold ' '" '' '''"' ^^ *h«- ■' ""Z '°°^"'' "■ "•"'" "'«"'"' 8'""-''"'»e than thie »o„l. °ot tr^ '" ^T" °°"''"'""- T" "'^ ""i"" «> warrant ih.m fljrther aueatlon were ^ t tirZ' h"erhrre;^hrha'r hT:"' "■" '"° •°"' Bible for the manner in wh.Vh fK«„ . . ' °® however is reapon- the n...r,a„, .:;:;:ttt^r::iirer::r,'^^^^^^^ exposed to the action of the atmosDhere for if f kIk' . . *" ™*^ °°* ''^ and new ones must be found rtake th^r nlace A n '°''°' ''^ ^'^'^ ^^^ '^^'^^^^^^ warded by the quickest route andt is beu^^^^^^^^^^^ fh ""7 ''"' ''°"'' '« ^°'- small amount extra for express than til K f u P"''^"""' '''°''''* «^«" P^^ '^ to him by delivery alntrwirhl ^ . """ '^^"'^ ^" ^^'^^^'^ °^ d«»vered y Buvery agents, without any protection to the roots. Seleotino the Site for Orchard. n^apptt^r^^^^^^^^ r^f r-^- >oam, the home of the fe.ous thrive 'on,y, Sl I "bu^^^^^^^^^^ '''T -^- North wind is usually the coldest, thereforeTt sll b t'Z ^^^^^^ much as possible, while the early rays of the sun fv2 ii. ^ ! I . ^^^ *'^^' "^ trees in a frozen condition is destructT^ fl T ^ ' '*'* '^'"'"^ "PO" ^^^ sudden thawing of a frost b 4 limb l^t .T * ' '"'"' ^""^^P'^' *^«' ^^e too the part affected were not ex^o J tl sndH T/ .' *"'"' "^^'°' ^°"'^ ^^ ««-^^ ^'^ would be moregrad al if not ex^^^^^^^^ ''"' the thawing of the trees is to bo prefered if the s^ope Lra Ijl h'"!. ''^' f* ^'^ '■'''"^- ^'^ping land toselect a piece of land for an orchaT l^K ^ ''"' J' " " *"° ^'•«^"«'»* ^'^^'-^- fault for agriculturarpurles iniad f l^T '^"" "'" *"'^ «' ^^ ««-« roots, or grass. Such larirmorf ^^^^ f **'' ^*^''"' ^"^ «'-0P« «f ««reals, trees. "^ '" '""'" ^'^^'^ *« P^od»«« l^i"dly growing and fruitful Clay lands well underdrained and sheltered,.notwithstanding all that is said to the m i f i/ 1 '.■ i If 1" ' f w contrary are possible for apple eultiire. I know that the objection urged is that on 8U( h lands the now growth is too quickly made therefoio too succulent to bear the severity of the cold. But it is also a well known fact that the oldest and most produc- tive fruit trees in Groat Britain grow on the clay lands. Many apple trees thore, arc centuries old and are still bearing abundantly. [ do not see why the difficulty could not be overcome, at least, in well sheltered sites by taking out a small quantity of the clay where each tree is to be planted and adding a lighter compost of rotten manure and sods to give it a start. I would not advise a large hole to be made be- cause if this were done it wouM form a pit in which water would remain, not being able to find a vert through tJft heavier clay by which it was surrounded and the roots would be destroyed by it as they would on undrained land. It cannot be too frequently urged that no condition is so inimical to the surcossful cultuie of apples especially in a cold climate as that where the roots are saturated with stagnant water. On clay lands a rather different system of pruning might be necessaiy to ultimate success, namely the removal of the most succulent branches so as to enable the less vigorous ones to become ripe and hardy. This could be best done by the summer method of pruning recommended in the appendix because the removal of the too vigorous growths at thisKcason would give the smaller ones a better chance to ripen and would therefore render them more likely to withstand the effects of intense cold. T have no doubt but that more difflfeulty might be experienced to make an orchard on heavy clay land but I believe that after the trees were once well esta- blished they would yield more abundantly and fruit of finer quality than on that of a less retentive nature. In planting trees on such lands it would no doubt be well to have the surface immediately surrounding the tree higher than the level of the land, intervening as by this means, heavy rains would not soak the roots continually and the soil could be kept cool and friable by mulching with half rotten manure. 1 do not wish to convey the idea that I recommend the selection of heavy clay lands onjWhich to establish an orchard but, if the aspect were good, the situation not too low a one and the proper means adopted I do not see why it should not be a success. Preparation of the land. The land for an orchard of large proportions should bo well ploughed and culti- vated before the trees are planted, but if this is not convenient rather than lose a whole season, holes may be dug for their reception 20 to 30 feetapart, in lines in all directions, these holes must be three feet in diameter and not less than two feet deep ; it is of the utmost importance that they should be large enough to contain the roots when spread on and not in a bent or cramped position, the earth at the bottom of each should be well loosened with a digging fork or pick, the top spit of the soil having been taken out and kept seperate for the purpose, should be put back into the hole and left in a slightly convex shape, and on this little mound the tree is to be planted. No tree can orosper if planted so close to each other as to prevent their making a healthy Ko small 1 way of pr f i-oes fror to work a insure sue doing is \i Time the sumrai circumstai any new r any hold winter, an (here is no of Buccess. the ground will then f their grow advantage be prepare planting ca This metho to save the Methoi part of the sharp knife allowed to i and surely, line observ< in the prec( c 11 late freelj which unifo Trees si ill position, firmly about lixcept it be round the tr( of half-deca; The eari 9 a healthy short jointed or consolidat-Hl trt< , h nrietu^ m ™all thai ^Uy c„„„„. b„ proper y si;, Cl 'V "° "T'*' '"'^ '""" way of p,ooo«ii„g, eilhor in .irtin J.Tr .Ho „,■ vo r oT ?' """"'' '''"""'' " .™. fro. ,0.0 .. cheap jack ■■ beoa'^To; .ILT^'t^^r" "Y""' (o work a, ,0 their planting, i„.e.pective of what i, Zb. „7Z ''; °Tr T .n.nre auccoe. will certainly end in failnre and dLaprntlenT'^ Wh.^''"'" 1 do,ng „ worth doing we,, " i» „n axio™ that applie^Lp:™; i^ ,JJZ. " '"'"'" Planting. Time to plant :-In countries where the fall is long and winter does nnf ft.lln^ the summer so quickly, early in the autumn is the be^st tim to ptn but h^7tr cu-eumstances are different, the autumn is usually so short that th'ere ^ no thne f ^ any new roots to be made before tho cold weather sets in nn,l MT \T uny hold upon the soil are likely to be Z^rbed bt tH„ r 7T' '^'"'"^ Winter, and the risk of failure is '^here^; t2i;^nte?s d^^^^^^^^^ .here ,s no doubt but that early spring planting can be done with great re rtainT of success. It may be a good plan to obtain the trees iu the fall and LT^ t^he ^.und by the roots at an angle of 45 degrees, JeH:;!'^': ^r.^T.- will then form young roots which if carefully preserved will .rn„f7 , ^ their growth when planted in the spring, tL wTlf I so hi n T "^ T 'f *^ advantage of the earliest fine weather^an'be 11.7 o pt t them thrH^f " *'f be prepared in the fall so that they will be Tadv and f hT \l "'^^* planting can be quickly performed, an' i.por:::n;:irti 1 1 ^^^^^ ":::r::;:rr:::ir^ ''-'-''- ^•o.-o«..y great car^:x MefMdofplanting.~AU trees should by systematically plante planted and cared for cannot fail in a few years to yield s.ntisfactory and highly remunerative returns in ail oidinary seasons. It is true that we have some difficulties as to climate to contend with but these may be overcome in a great men sure by care ar?d attention well directed and faithfully carried into effect. 11 "WiNTEK Management. Young trees that are in danger of being broken by the snow, should h^ve their iops tied together by means of very soft rope or hay bands and where necessary fastened to a stout stake, or what is still better stakes of sufficient length should bo placed firmly in the ground triangularly, then fastened together at the top over the young tree, this will make a fi-ame ori which a cap of straw or spruce branches may be tied which will keep the snow from breaking the tree and will be an effectual, if a little more expensive way of preserving it. It must be remembered that eternal vigilance is the price of sucoess, and if we expect it in the culture of apples we must not neglect details nor be afraid of a little trouble A bank of chips from a saw mill yard placed round trees in the fall will have the effect of keeping the earth frozen longer tban on the fiat surface in the spring, and thus the flow of sap being retai-ded, the growth will not commence so early and the danger from injury bj the very cold nights and warm days of early spring will be lessoned if not avoided. It is while the tree is full of sap that cold is mosi destructive, therefore if we can retai-d its flow until the danger of spring frost is over, we achieve our end— the preservation of the tree from death by intense cold which is the worst enemy we have to contend with here. Some recommend a board to be placed on the Bast and South side of a tree to present the too sudden thawing or scorching the bark and with good effect. Pruning. To promote a due balance of growth, and to admit the air and light necessary to the healthy development of a tree, and the producing of its fruit in abundance and perfection, pruning is of the utmost importance and should be carefully attended to every year with the object of producing largo, well proportioned, and prolific trees, in as short a time as possible. While whole volumes may and have been written on pruning, the rudimentary principles are simple and easily understood. It should bo commenced with the growth of the tree ; first trimmed to the height desired for the formation of the future head, then the shoots bo trimmed as to make the growth well balanced and proportioned, this will usually have been done by the nurseryman before the tree is sent to the purchasers. When planted the shoots should beshortenH back proportionately with the roots and any superfluous ones removed, the nex. year all suckers which grow from the roots or on the branches should be removed, all branches which cross each other taken away, leaving such as will produce a well shaped head. The trees should be ,i;one through every year, because if neglected in this respect and the branches to be cut away allowed to grow too large, it will bo more injurious to remove them. In the building up oi- formation of a tree which is expected to be large, handsome, and fruitful, we should ever boar in mind that overcrowding of the branches is the gi-eatest evil, and that a thorough, determined and courageous use of the pruning knife \a absolutely essential. All cuts should be made smoothly, and close to the U-mi ] . 'If- 12 m II branch from which the shoot is severed, so as not to leave a spur which will rot and communicate its decay to the body of the tree. The proper time for pruning has been frequently discussed, and a good deal of diiference of opinion expressed, but experience gained by prHotice proves that the time when the sap is in the best condition to effect the healing process is the best time, and this will be in the early summer ; the wounds in the bark made at this season heal with surprising rapidity. If the pruning is done late in the fall or in the winter, as some advise, there will be no healing of the out by natural causes, and the cold will injure the wounded part. If trees are pruned too early in the spring the sap will run out to the injury of their growth, it therefore seoms common sense that when there are not these difficulties to contend with and the wound will heal the quickest, (which scientific enquiry and practice prove is in the first part of the summer), is the right and only time at which pruning should be done. (See'appendix season for pruning.) The habit of growth must be taken into consideration, the most vigorous growers require the most continuous and careful pruning, and the less strong growing kinds require only that the shoots should be systematically thinned. Study of the subject in the light of sound judgment and intelligence with practice will render the art of pruning full of interest. A great deal may be accomplished and time ^ aved by watching the growth of young trees and pinching olf shoots that v^ouldgrow in the wrong place. Insects and other Enemies. In damp places or seasons, orchards are liable to become infested with moss or other lichens which wo may call vegetable parasites, and the trees soon become barren and sickly, unless some remedial means be adopted to destroy the pests ; this may be effected by s'^raping the trees (not too deeply) ; and giving them a coating of wash made with fresh lime, and soot or wood ashes, this will render the trees unsightly for a time but will effectually destroy the moss, and will kill insects that may be located in embryo in forks of the branches or cracks of the bark, and render the trees distasteful to them for several years. Borers are troublesome insects, the larvas of which are developed into little worm-like creatures which eat their way into the wood. There are a number of species of borers which attack different kinds of wood, and some of them the hardest and dryest furniture. The apple borer does a good deal of injury to orchards, and it requires care and watchfulness to prevent his ravages. He bores his hole an inch or two below the surface of the earth, which should therefore be scraped away from round the stem of the tree occasionally, and if any borers are at work they will be discovered by the dust they leave, which is like that produced by the use of a gimlet, the hole they make is small and must bo looked for carefully, and when found, a piece of wire must be inserted to destroy the insect before much damage is done. Coal ashes placed immediately round the stem help to prevent the incursion of the inbects ; and some paint the stem with coal tar for the sam is the sa The ing near apple ; i vough pi half a gi Catorpill all the le oil, and ] which th apple for adding 1 This which atl «kin in d( means of free from not spray The 4 oz. or in table spec or 11 6 lbs. unsl Topi bottom, th also dissol settle and use it freol Canker wc the noighh Its habits i deposit the work of de look as if £ cession the appear, the trunk, say coal oil, by 13 S., uZzr::;: '"* '"^ '^^^ ^ ^'^^^ '^^^-^-^ ^- ''-- -^ ^-^-^ the. pr^puy The apple Aphis or plant louse is a member of a very numerous femily infest- Zr; •• "'n f/T '"' *""• ^^^ -°«"^ ^P^- ^« the en m; of the Zh'I T K '' '^'"""'*" "'«'*' ^' ^^ °« -"«« but is u> be found in Oa eri^^, ri ?. ' ^' "'" '' ""'"' '^" P^'^^^*^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ destroy this. an th! r K . . "'''' " *'' '"" '^''y '" *b« «"^°^-- -"d would soon ea al the leaves but they are easily destroyed by means of a oloth saturated with coal 0.1, and placed at the end of a pole of sufficient length to reach them b. mans of atoTef^rwK^H ^-°'^'r- "^'^ ^^'''" '^^^^ '' another insect peciirtothe apple for which spraying the trees is recommended with coal oil emulsion made by adding 1 quart of coal oil to 50 gallons of soap suds. ^ Apple scab. whio?'.?'r!rT^'""^ '^" ^'"'* unmarquetable is caused by a minute fungus which attacks the fru.t as soon as it in formed, and spreads 'over the surface of the mllf'7 i"^ '"''"• ^P^"^'"«' ''''' ^^^" ^b« ^'^'^'^^ -^ falling, by means of a force pump, has proved to be a remedy. Trees sprayed on one side were free from the disease and produced fair and clear fruit while on the side which was not sprayed the fruit was scabby. The following mixture were use of all which were effectual 4 oz. Carbonate of copper, 1 quart Ammonia water to 25 gallons of water • iahl«T"'7n".^"r*',f'^''- C^^t.onate of copper, 1 quart Ammonia watei; one table spoonfuU to 1 gallon of water, . .K '''' ^ Ib.Hypophosphate of soda to 10 gallons of water, and what is yet cheaper 5 lbs. unslacked, and 1 oz. flour sulphur to 10 gallons of water To prepare the later take a barrel and make a hole in it 8 or 9 inches from the bottom, then place in the lumps of lime and sulphur, the lime while slackeing will also dissolve the sulphur, then add the water in the proportion indicated, allow it to settle and draw off the liquid, by means of a spiggot or tap, which will be quite clear use It freely, this IS an excellent receipt for the preventing of mildew in all cases Canker worm, played sad havoc with trees in the United States some years ago • in he neighbourhood of Boston, Mass.,-80me tine old orchards were entirely dest^ed ts habits are curious : the female insects uscend the trees in the early sprint to deposit their ogg, and as soon as those are hatched the young grubs commence their work of destruction and eat or canker the leaves in a short time so that the trees look as ,f fire had passed through them, and this being done several years in suc- cession tne trees being deprived of their lungs, die. Should these dreadfull pests api)ear, the trees may be protected by tacking pieces of tarred paper round the trunk say two feet fVom thegi-ound and keeping this continually covered with crude coal oil, by this moans the worms are prevented from ascending the ti-ees ^11 I ^i lA •ip>'.««p««llMWi 14 ! i Mce are other enemies wft' which the orohardist has to contend, and may prove very desti-uotive during the wiutar by eating the bark either at the surface of the ground or at the snow line doing the tree much injury and if they succeed in comple- tely gii-dling the stem, killing it entirely ; to prevent this, tramp the snow firmly round the stem of the tree, every time there is a fresh fall, or tie tarred paper round the stem as high as the snow lies, which paper of course must be reipoved in the spring. The above are some of the chief enemies, we have to contend with in the culture of the apple and to neglect to be vigilant in their destruction is to endanger not only the crop but the trees. Codlin moth. Tent-caterpillar and othei insects can bo kept down by coal oil emulsions described further on. Fbnoinq and Protkotion from Injury by Cattlb, &o. It too frequently occurs that farmers are not particular enough about the fences round their gardens or orchards or the protection from outside accidents to young trees, this is the height of folly, because cattle are sure to brousa round them and break off and destroy -them, therefore fence securely ; surely this need not deter farmers from planting trees where fencing materials are so easily procured In very exposed situations, wind-brakes of spruce or some rapid growing ever- green trees should be planted on the North, 'East and West sides of the orchard to form a shelter. And three thorned acasia (Robinia triacanthos) hedges, would be excellent for protection and defend against depredators, its formidable thorns ren- dering such hedges almost impregnable. Grafting. The grafting of young trees is more especially the nurseryman's business, who root graft very successfully millions in the winter when other work is scarce, the stocks and scions having been previously prepared, some have grafted on pieces of the roots only but trees grafted on whole roots are greatly to be preferred, It is well that every one who grows trees should know the process, because he might have some choice sorts he wanted to increase the numbtr of, or some useless ones he might desire to regraft. The Scions or grafts should be cut some time before they are required, but kept ^ fresh by their ends being inserted in sand and kept in a cool place; the object of this is to keep them in a dormant state and thus the season of grafting is prolonged. In spring when the buds on the trees begin to swell, is the time to commence grafting, and it may be continued until they are in leaf so long as the scions are not growing. There are several methods of grafting. I will describe the most useful : " the cleft " " the saddle " and " the whip or tongue. " Split or cleft grafting is performed by cutting off the stock to be grafted, close to the ground then splitting it, and when the scion or graft is cut wedge shape, inserting it in the split or cleft. Saddle graft- ing is the exact opposite of this : in this method the stock is cut like a wedge and the scion spli grafting, to oorresj one is fitt same size or other c the bark i best, beoai tive to tl Grafting i position it matting oj moisture. ! article to e portions : 4 4 1 This can b( it must be ; to prevent Cover! and should all be lost. The lai Split g amateur be< proved wori engrafted oi propose to ^ others to asi this with a ] this slit driv side for the leaving the 1 two grafts 1 grafts being allowed to s tying, then prevent the ^ should be rt securely fust 16 scum 8ph and placed on it like the saddle on a horse. In " whip tongue or splice " giaftmg, the scion and stock are both cut xn a sloping manner Jnearly ^ 211 to correspond with each other, a tongue i. then made^in each a" the llrof th one as fitted ,nto the slit of the other. The nearer the stock and the sctnTe of he riro^s:^^^^^^^^^^ ih. K 1 u T ° ^^'^^ '^'''^^ '"^ •'o^tac* with each other as it is in the bark where the union is formed. In many respects the latter meJdis the m. t "g or Baph,« ; then graftiug waz m„,t be applied so a« to ezoll .11 r^d poring: ' ■^" °°° " "^' "■"'-"'" "Sethe.. to the foUowtog pro- 4 oz Lai*d. 4 '' Bees wax. 1 lb Eosin. This can be run into cakes of convenient size and allowed to cool, but when aoDlied :;rtruZ:tr:"^'^ '- .a.eUpHa„t;the h.d«™.ttX1 .nd ?rTi°f *?' ^'*^' "^''^ ""^^ '' "^^^ *^* ^«^«' important part of the operation iiibet:; '^'^^'"^^ ^"^' ^^^^''^^ ^^*^«- -«'°^- ^«ft-itthe laC!::,! The land where young trees are grafted must be kept entirely free from weeds Spht grattuig ,s applied to trees of larger growth, and is more usefdlVhe eZTftZVlT'r ^ ''' "'^ ^^"'"'''' ^^^^^ ^««^- ™'^«'^ «^^li«r when they are engrafted ou the branches of old trees. The method is to cut off the branchlvou pi-opose to graft in such places as you think will make the tree unrflm an^ lefve others to assist in drawing the sap, cut the part sawn, smoothly, thenTake a j t L his with a hatchet^ chisel, or grafting tool made for tie purpos^e'; into The mwi f f • .^ /? ^' '°'''*'^- ^^''' *^"'' ^^' g^'^ft like a wedge on one side grafts being fixed in their proper position, the wedge is taken out and the sides allowed to spring together which will bo sufficient to hold them in Tee withou tying, then cover with wax as before and tie a piece of cloth overCwIole to pi-event the wax being melted by the hot sun. When the grafte have taken the wax Bhould be removed and a stake tied firmly to t". imb^nd to il The new 3! Bccurely fastened to prevent the possibility of its being broken off to S I If? I !• 16 i I! is very liable ; all suckera which come out of the branches below the graft should be cut away and the branches which were left and not grafted removed. Budding is not so much prdoticod for apples as for pears, plums and cherries. This is performed only in summer when the bark will easily separate from the wood ; it should be done as near to the ground as possible. In the first place with a very shai-p knife, make a cut cross-wise of the stem which is destined to receive the bud, but not all round it, and only just through the bark, then another cut downwards, from about the centre of the transver^i cut (T) thus j now cut a single eye or bud from the sort you desire to propagate, which eye will be found at the foot of the leafstalk, the leaf may be cut off but its footstalk allowed to remain with the bark, about an inch and a half long containing the bud ; what wood may i-emain in the bark should be carefully cut with the point of the knife so as not to injure the embiyo bud. The ivory handle of the budding knife must now be used to open the bark of the stock where the cut is, and then the piece oi bark containing the bud inserted in the opening thus made, between the baik and the wood. This being accomplished the bud must be tied in with some soft material above and below the new bud as far as the cut extends. In this case no wax will be required but the tie« should be put on firmly and neatly. After a week or two, these must be examined to see if the bandages are cutting into the bark and if so they must be loosened or taken off entirely. If the buds have taken, they wil^ remain without any further attention except keeping them free from weeds until the spring following, when the stock must be cut off immediately above the bud, all suckers below removed, and as the young tree grows, all side shoots must be rubbed off to increase its upward growth and so on until it is high enough to form the head. Thinning the Fruit. It is not advisable to allow young trees to bear too much fruit the first new years, and therefore part of it should be taken off; afterwaixls if the fruit is very thick, and fine fruit is desired, it must be thinned out, the most promising specimens being left to mature. Gathering and Keeping the Fruit. ' The early varieties must be handled very delicately, picked entirely by hand and laid gently in baskets, if for market, the largest and fairest should be chosen, and not removed out of the b£sket, they are deposited in until exposed for sale ' their bloom and freshness renders them attractive to purchasers, and should therefore be preserved with gi-eat care. For home use they should be gathered with equal care and put in a cool place in single layers, their season can thus be very much prolonged. The later varieties should be allowed to remain on the trees until they have attained their full size and color, then carefully hand picked and stored for future use ; all spotted, bruised or ill shaped ones being taken out. Apples to keep well should be placed in a temperai arrange can be n quantity an equal iNon< purpose, ; barrels g carelessly bottom, n barrel a b important condemne choice fru screw prcj hoops put which the to this par fruit it coi It is a fully are tli in barrells. Mr Shep] tion of a bo means he h with the bli tant moveno good prices mers as labl Few p( (•ommercial by the suppi any that cai will always not plentiful Having and commer means and t] IT qoantity to have a fruit room nZ , ' ^ ""^ "'' """"h" ^M • good « ., of X^rreZ:^^^^™'^ ""°' °°"'^ '^ ve„tilatod,"a„d Shipping. b.n-e« great eautioL 3 btlt /Jr^ Irr '" ^""'"^ "■°°" '» *« carelessly packed. A layer of frait of n^f "^u " """'y »P»il«xl by being bottom, nose downwa.dr.L tie t k p't ^ .7, ""''' '° "'"-'^ *"' » *» barrel a blow or gemly.h.kiagul,tt'hfl^it:"^rr°" "'"' ""•" «'™« "» important matter, because a ^okage 1 wWohtJ f "« "''»lf°"°«««'», » ™T condemned at once by the buyers wir7l^K . "^ ^ '*' '"■'■'™' '• choice fi^it should be placed r hi 1T, . °' " '""' '""• '"'°*'"' '"y" "f screw press used to prli °into ite b^I 1?" <'.7'-''»':l». *e head put on and a hoo^ put on. The succe s ; M re onheslinmeltr" / '"""'^ °°"''' ""^ "■» which the packing is done mucTf™ if K 1 ''''°''"'^'' *''''«'''■'« •"i'b U> this particular. The br-;irouIdr h Tf 'T '"" "" ™"' "f '"'»"«°» fruit it contains. " '"' """"^'^ ""* '"» »«»"> ""I quality of the fuiiyte tio'irrraraurnrir''^ rr° ™'"™'^ "- -»"— ^■ in barrelK '"°'°''' '"^"*"» "'"'''' ■' « almost impossible to ship tlorofat^tfl'^ercntrtidr. r °™"" '"' ^'«-"^ "^ '--^op. meanshchassuccood:" in sTdingtm^rrrTn 'T """ ^""^ "^ «^' With the bloom on just as they wL pS 'fl™ thTtLe "t"' *"-' '" ^"«'""'' tant movement because it will 8eonv« « mn. i .^ ^'^ "" "^ ™<'^- "nP'>r- good prices. Their bcaut^iuTrircoZ '1:7::^::' f "n*"' mere as (able ornament, no less than their dcliciousl^ut * "^^ "' ""^ .-•omm:r:iaTSX'cVthi'oVTetn° "'t'"' '"'^ °' "-PP'» -oP or the by .be supply, Ld as can^l';X are Zh'Z°-^°T " " "° "™»-''«'' auythat can bo grown there and ma^v ^,1, u"" """'' "PP^ara^oo than will always be a^demand and ^1^ in """^ '"'""■'°'' '" '""'"''• 'k"™ »ot plentiful. « m some seasons when the crop them is Synopsis. "Having shown that apples are the most stanU nf .wi f -. • and commercial point of view I can ^^.S "'"*'" ''^'^^"«'«»"'*«^y. ^^ and .0 opUunity to eizrerrrtZTi': ^j:^^ :: ! Ill i ^ (j I I iir 4 I 1.19 ' .i li^ J J wmmmmimfmfimmmmmm 18 Kii I feel quite certain that if the few simple and plain directions given herein were faithfully adhered to, no failure need be feared. Th^se I will recapitulate briefly. 1. Be careful to select only such varieties as will be likely to suit your locality. 2. Plant trees of the proper age and quality. 3. Purchase only of reliable persons who know their business and have a reputation at slake. 4. Be careful not to allow the roots to be exposed too long in the process of removal. 5. Select a proper site as to aspect and quality of the land. 6. Have your land thoroughly drained, well prepared and holes dug suflSciently large as to receive the roots without crowding. 7. Plant the trees with care and at such distances as that the light and air can have free access to them. 8. Attend faithfully to all the details of their after culture. Keeping free from weeds, manuring and destroying insects and other enemies. 9. Prune regularly at the right season with judgment and forethought. 10. Protect by strong well made fences. 11. Harvest and store your fruit with care and attention. 12. And you will eventually profit by, and enjoy an ample return for the intelligence and labour you have brought to bear upon the raising of apples. Sages all agree that the wealth or prosperity of a country is in the land, and it is to the honor of our present administration that everything is being done to encourage the agriculturist to a profitable prosecution of his all-important calling. It is therefore his duty as it will be his advantage to study how to make the land as productive as possible of all the good things, the AUwise dispenser of blessings has bestowed to reward which is the applb. the skill and labour of the human race, not the least of Feabs. The pear is less hardy than the apple and cannot be grown successfully to any extent in this section, there are only four varieties which give any return at all. namely : — " Clapp's Favorite," Eastern Belle, Flemish Beauty and Indian Queen, of these, Flemish Beauty is the most hardy, but as the;e is no profit in growing pears here, I would not advise making the attempt. Some new russian pears and cherries are now being tested in the hope they may suit the climate. Chebbieb. Sandy or gravelly soil is the most suitable for the cherry, but it must be dry. It is doubtful whether cherries can be planted with much certainty of success here, notwithstanding the fact that L'Islet grows them with some measure thereof Inhere are two classes divided thus " Hearts and Bigarraus," and Dukes and Morellos. The Morellos are small in growth but are the most hardy. Of the Bigarreau class the most ha is a new climate. mond " ) latitude. test of a being a f The' dantly ev from suci grow well old orchai variety se class, and east of Qu tion of th< Thisi as the resu This ( neighbour! plums, the yielded a gi knot " has substrata ol The gi which they which attach most practic some moasui prevented h cutting off ir The " ci kept quite fr its first stage should be spr smart blow o should be gat will still be Plums and cl apples, as to I 19 most hardy are the " Blarlr w«„u u t^ ========= Is a new variety raised i?^^^ ^7^:^ '^ " -^ the Windsor ; the L.tter climate. In the Duke and MoreTo'crass the ir^^^ ,'"' '"'" ''^^'^ *« ^^^^ «"'• mond " and Montmorency large acid L flavnThM^^ *" '*'"' "■^' " ^^^'^^'^h- latitude. There has also been I Then^ ilT.H V ' T"' '"'*^'« ''^'^ f^^" O"^' test of a Minnesota Winter and therrj^^',^^^^^ f "" "'^'^'^ '^"^ «^-d the being a f™it of fine flavor and alttu/rof the m' ■■ "^ '' '' '"^'^-'^^ ^ The " Cerise de Prance " rthe olff k ^ "" '''*'^"' °^' '^^ ««'d. dantlyeverywhereonthebanE of e St?, ^"^^^^ f^- -^ P-duces abun- from suckers in the same ground fo"^^^^^^^^^^ ^"/, ^^/^^^ ^"' "'''''^^'' grow well, produce young, aad are lessTabrfrl ^' ^^^ '" ""^ «°'^ *»»« t'^^ old orchards where they have rhauld t , T '°' ^^'^"^ ^°«^ *^^° ^° *•>« variety seems to be identical wL the fiat l^ ""T ''' "" ^^^'■*^«- ^his class, and should be bettor disT latd ^ ' T"'' ! ^^"^^^ '' *^« ^-«"o east of Quebec, but succeed tola aZ we,I ill ? ''' ^'«'^"""^' "'"'^^ ^^'- tion of the Province. ^ "" """« P'^««« '" the more westerly por- This information is from IWr n • a. the result of his long Lxperieni ^^"''' ^^' S^^^^onsly supplied me with it Plums. This delicious and useful fruit used to k» neighbourhood of Quebec. The Island of oI„ «'"7/«'-^ successfully in the plums, the north bank of the S Wen^^^^^^^ yielded a good revenue to the fLt b„ l^nrT f , '"' P'"" ""^'^^'-^^ -'^-'^ knot " has swept them all awa7 P ir del t . °^ ^ ^ ''' ''''*«« •^«"«'* " black substrate of lime-stone so muTthe betrer ^^ " ''"°^ ^'^^ ^°"' ^"^ ^^ ^'^^ a ^^^^^:::^;ni:^,^^ ?..--« ^^^^ -o diseases to Which attacks the branch'es and^f llJS fruTt t11 L'el" « " ''' '''"'- ^' most practical and scientific authors on f i u '^^ ^''- ^"'''"y' ^ne of the prevented by thorough oallivation of the land .15? ^ "f <>^pe™„oe that it can he oaUing Off ta„«,iately, a„y hrancht :hr:h ^ra^X « "" '"" °"°'""^ ""^ .ta tot stage of formation, that nlltn Ll'bl' ""'r^ ""'" "" ""« '' '» .hould he spread under eaih tree ezle^L" If ^""l ''"° "■'"PI^'' "S. » «heet smart Mow or two to shake It In ^f * ■«&■•"« its hranehes, the tree given a .ho,„d he gathered T^VlTy^'' rZl^' I'^T: *°" '"'^ ^"™ A .pp-.....,..sncoessjro:^^;::,rh:r::r ii»N ii if ,1 :ti- i If h Ei 20 the first few years, from 160 or 1*70 trees should be planted to the acre or abont 16 feet apart. The Orleans red and white are the favourites where Black Knot has not destroyed them, the Lombard and some other foreign varieties and even the Greengage do well in some localities. Mooers Arctic is a hardy, robust, prolific and desirable variety. In view of the fact that plums are a most profitable crop, it is to be hoped that their cultivation will not be abandoned because of failures. Since writing the above I am informed that Mr. Dupuis of Village des Aulnais and the farmers in L' Islet have discovered grubs or maggots in the Black Knots on plu&is and cherry trees and, if the cause of the disease be found, the remedy is within our reach, and it appetirs to me to consist in destroying the files or beetles which lay their eggs on the braDohes by means of spraying in the spring as in apple scab, and, as Mr. Dupuis suggests, by removing the knotty branches before the grub has escaped, curculio has also been effectually destroyed by spraying. M. Dupuis has also kindly favoured me wilh the following which I have the pleasure to add to these remarks feeling that we h.»ve no better authority on the successful culture of this important fruit. He says : " The best plum orchards of the districts of Montmagny and Kamouraska are " on sandy soils. They are most profitable, nearly every farmer has his plum " orchard. In average years the net profit per acre is about $100. The Blue " Damson Beine Claude (Yellow) and some of the larger foreign varieties have given " a still larger return. The area of plum orchards has greatly increased in the " above districts and the black knot is decreasing by cutting and burning the " knot in July." Eevd Mr. Paradis reported in 1818 : '■ Severe cold, the curculio, and the black " knot are the ennemies of the plum. The winter frost we could not combat ; the " black knot did not give us much ti-ouble, it attacked principally trees suffered to " grow in grass on rank herbage. I am inclined to yield the prize to the Corse's '' Nota Bene, regular in bearing, prolific, and of excellent quality. " Long scarlet " was " the hai'diest but not so productive as Nota Bene and much inferior in flavoui". " Corse's Admiral was also a magnificent plum, but not equal in fiavor to Nota Bene " I also tried, the following : " Bleckers gage, this and the Lombard were next to the Nota Bene in produc- " tiveness. " Goes Golden drop very handsome and valuable for its lateness. " Green gage a slow growing sort, most delicious but only got fruit from bran- '* ches which the snow had covered. " Imperial gage, ranked amongst our best. " Lombard, very profitable sort thrives best on their own vooi&. " Beim Claude, a most delicious sort, " Sharp's Emperor synonym Victoria, fruited well, very large and good. Thisi By sowin; and better best stock are insert" that plums that no sp cratoegus i natural ore thought it lately that These it however be( north as 40 valuable acq In the important ir ripen their f a beautiful oi arbor it is us Notwithf the country t ;tttention and other cities of They deli six feet apart 21 ■ Washington, ono of the best but did not bear heavily ^^ I'ilowgage, one of the most profitable, a fine bearer." mrly Orleans, one of the most delicious and the very best nfth. ^ ;; Za^renees favourite, the best we tried, it bole^avir ' Icfcworth Imperatrice, gave great satisfaction : very hardv anH .„i m . . locally, got the best price in the market for this w efy a^^d^n llot '" *'' orwhth fe;iLThi7t:r "^ "^ ^"-^^^ "^-^-^ - '^--- --« Thb aED OH Wild Plum. and better ^rietiesofarariyLoarMllh ^ J' u"' '™ «™"°' "<"'. best stocks on „hich to Jlft Th. 1^ ? produeed; they would also be the are inserted neTv he Lt^^ I altfo IZ I'"*'' "'^'"'"y " ""> S"*' that plnms are hart «t 1 .'T "^'^ '"' "" f™"" «at no species wi„ J^V^Zl:! ^Z:^^^ 'ZZtTT"^ Pbaohes, Nectarines and Apricots. north a. 40. of latitude and .ay tuTonfo^hfhaTh r» T' 0^77^'" valuable acquisition. ^ ' " ^° *' ^<*"'d be a Native American Grapes. In the United States the cultivation of hardy ffranes ha« h«n important industry. In upper Canada and even in thf vTo litv of ^7' f ?^ ripen their fruit fairlv wflll hnf n.o, a u , " '"® ^'°'°"y o^ J*fontreal tiiey a Lntifn, orn. J^n^Jits ghiyltttt^^^^^^ T "" ^^O' "^ arbor it is useless to plant them. ' "' °'' *° '^"""■^ »' «° Easpberries. .-.ttention aLTor;,!: tho harJ^ini'';^"'?/"™"" "" -" "<""> other Cities ofth. p;„,i.e hat: ^dr. r;:«::r'"°" °''' <'"»'°" -'' They delight in large mellow soil, well cultivated and manared P1.„, • ... feet apart and fourfeet in row, out away all but four orflm !".!'. °4°" - ■.•«vu plant. i'l 1 ^11 M '1 . ;■ ' S ?' '■ 1 S J,.; 1^ III f 22 Im mediately after the fruit is gathered, all the old canea must be removed so as to throw the vigour of growth, in the after part of the summer, into the new onnes which are to bear next year, clear away all weeds and top dress with half rotten manure; before winter sots in but not until after the wood is well ripened, bend the canes down in the rows so that they will meet, and fasten together, then cover them with earth which will effectually protect them for the winter, great care is required in bending them so that the canes are not broken short off. The most hardy, best flavoured, and prolific varieties are the following : Cuthbert or Queen of the Market, red, of excellent quality and considered by Downing and Barry (the two leading authorities on American fruit) the best. Brickie's Orange is a most delicioualy flavored dark yellow fVuit, but is now superseded by Golden Queen, which for hardiness, vigour of growth, size, richnoss of colour (creamy yellow) and, above all, for flavor has no equal. Gregg is a " black cap " variety and the best of its class, the fruit of these are black and very fine in flavor and appearance, it is very hardy, having stood a cold of 22° below zero unprotected ; there are a number of other varieties but these are selected as being the most worthy of care and culture. Strawberribs. These are the Queens of small fruits and are the greatest favourites with all classes. The commercial importance of the strawberry crop is greater than many people think. In some places they are grown by hundreds of acres, and throughout the world their culture gives employment to thousands. They grow to perfection in all moderate climates, and are more at home in the frigid than in the torrid zone. They prefer rich heavy land, but will grow in almost any soil that is well enriched and cultivated. The land on which strawberries are to be planted should be in the best possible condition to yield any kind of a crop, perfectly and entirely free from weeds, espe- cially couch grass, which it is almost impossible to eradicate after the plants are grown. May or August are the best months to phint ; the rows should be not loss than two feet apart, and the plants one foot apart in the rows ; none but young runners of last season should bo used, because older plants will be almost sure to fail. Plants which have boon rooted in pots are the most likely to do well. The plants should bo dipped in a puddle of clay or mud about the thickness of ere - i. and planted before this has had time to dry ; thry should b(\ planted with a trowol, as accurately as possible as to straight lines and distance, and firmly settled their places by pressure. The surface of the soil about them should be hoed fre- quently so that not a weed will grow ; the keeping of strawberry beds free from these is the most important part of strawberry culture, and if for want of the most vigilant attention they are evoi- allowed to get vhe upper hand, the bed is ruined forever, and nothing can be don':-; L i o make a new one. In the fall a slight pro- tection of light manure or leavs-;:- v.. fc '^- placed on the bed, not too thick or else the rem them, « would b be remo for tram short gr placed a them by will bo h the time flavourec the weat Afte the rows by haviij orcp of tl Inal be plante( fection of no doubt i the purpoi Some the flower planted to^ Thev Sharpless,- passed for profitable be practise! The di: especially t disease : — m Sn Inc Industr proof variet; Goose be some good n would be bo..,,. „i.b„„.T„; ': ri ° 7, r, '"""'m "" "■•■" ■"' "'■"'<"■ "••y bo r,„.„vod, Iho wood. mHmykZiot^MZ "^ ° """'"'"« "■" """" .bort gnm („„. bay for ,,,„( ,, , „ „,„7Lti ' * ° """"' " placed abont the pU„„ ^ „ " ' f„ f!!,'/ .*" 8'™ » """P »f '«!-) ".«. be them by heavy ™L. A jrwlL/wlr^H"' '''""'" *'"''^"""'^^ will bo highly be„o«ci.l ^an^hlrlVTt ™''""™"''lletho frmt i, ^ttml the .ime f. need, „„„Hrrae'r and , T '°'""^ ' "■'» "'" ''»«' ">» fruit a! .be weather ^ «n.,™ard°y™ i ado!^ l",T*'l °° I" •'°™''''' " ""' '""'O". if Afte,- tl,„ r,...-. • V^, """P**" with admirable effect .horl?j;j ; :r.t~irbTh'"'''v\^'*»°'-*=«--""wee^ by ha,i ,t- .heir roo Jr„torfere7w1b aL ' ''T"° '"™''k<»"'" «ro injured otvp of .ho flues, ftuit, ■ "'' '•"'""■'' '" ^ «™l7 »'«bl.hed U, give a feciou of .hoir birl°s.l si TT " """'' "'""""' """» «' "" P'r- no doub. i. e.u boTre'^cX if t'.l""? '° "» ■"°""' <" *"8"'. "" the purpose and are well rooLd ble .t 2Z ^°"°* '"""™ "" """'^ '"' .he flt^l^dtlTZ,-'^!":'' °"''' '""' "'""'^ ""'■"« *« <•-"»<"««- in ,.l.n.ed to^etberrnVrrwm'bepZre? ""' '"' '''" °"-""' ■ '"^ --' "" ^^^^'Sy't'nt cfu ::i„r :""'"° '- "" '^'-^'^ '- <*-■»" ^» '^" bop™c.ued,b«„.„ithou.tiirer.:::rrd:x::e:ru GrOOSEBFBBIBS. espelVire"E:i.::HXl^Th'l;: •" *'" ^^^^^^^ -^ Hab.eto.iMew, disease :-- ^ ''' ^^' ^''""^'"^ ««>•*« '^'"o, however, free from this Towning, greenish white ; Houghton's Seedling, pale red ; Smith's Iniproved, green ; Industry, large, dark ro.i, hairy P J™":^' " """"^ """ " '»'^ "'8"^ -'-eO « « iarge and fine .ildew »4^t:reXt/u".:rTh;cMfi'er'' ::'• •":: *°""' -»'«'>«.' ^la, y wintei, which ,f left on the surface until after the crop U ill r mm 24 secured, will have the effect, not only of fertilizing but keeping the earth moist and cool. The bushes should be planted about five feet apart in lines all ways and thinned out by pruning every spring or in the month of August. To prevent them being injured by snow they should be tied together on the approach of winter. For domestic use they are very serviceable and are greatly in demand in our markets at a good price. CUBBANTS Will grow in any common soil, but produce finer fruit the more it is enriched by manure and kept loose and cleun ; the remarks applied to grooseberries will also apply to currants. The most useful sorts are : Black Naples. Black Champion very large and prolific. La Vareaiilaise, large red, sweet. Bed Dutch, a good old sort. " Pays prolific," the finest red veryprolifie in large clusters of fruit. White Grape, white, very sweet. Blackbbbbies. These require about the same culture as t^e raspberries, but the plants should be placed further apart say 1 to 8 feet, the old wood will have to be removed as in the raspberry, but the young wood should be topped when about 5 feet high to make it form late-al shoots upon which the fruit will be borne. The best and most hardy kinds are : Bangor, a native of Maine ; Kittatinny, very large; Lawton, " The fruit of the blackberry is very delicious, ami possess medicinal qualities highly prized in some urinary diseases. The Dwarf Juneberry A new fruit lately introduced from Alaska is described as being very useful and desirable. As it comes from so cold a country, it is no doubt quite hardy. The Japanese wine berry is anothei- fine fruit, recently introduced from Japan. It belon^rs to the raspberry family but is said to be more hardy. The fruit is borne in large clusters commencing to ripen in July and continues to bear throughout the summer. The flavour is sprightly a little acid and of a sweetness peculiar to itself. The plant is said to be free from all insect ravages. If that is so, this quality alone would add to its value. A tree currant •' The Grandall " is also advertised. The tree grows seven or eight feet high, the fruit is black but does not possess the flavor of the black currant and is very largo. I mention these to set my readers enquiring as to novelties which are continually appearing— and to induce them to take an interest in the i extent,, then no well ke( An preseiTe ground i the part blished a demand Mya Whe Province mercial s being ove world. I] would noi export, 20 annual co address th; "Theimp( " the quali " Canadian " imported This i grow fruit. ^o proudly doterminat bility of it turies at go to pay for ii at remuner in beauty, c after most c It has I much injuri 26 in the matter and while I wnnin /.« *• ^^l ' then notice beoaose .iey may th„, l<«l"t " „ °' ™" "••""Moated/iuit esMp, we.: .eep np . ..J, J, ^ tCre?^;:[lroTr enCr Bhdbabb. n An excellent plant which takes the place of fmit .«oi, prese™, and wine, and is much more uC than f ? ""''' excellent pies, ground well mixed with rich manuT andl / '"^' '* "^"^^ ^« P^*"<^ <>« the part eaten, manured liberally e^Vvta.n'^TK"'; ,f '^''^' '''' «*^'^' ^'^^^'^ " bli8hedayearortwo,theywillLe aLr J , ^""' ^^«" the roots are este- demand for it in all tie ma7kels^ '^""''^* '''*'^'"'^' ^^^''^ >« «« increasing Myatt's Linneaus is superior in quality to all known variotiec. CONCLUSIONS. mercial speculation eertainl; tlL^t^^^^^^^ ^' -* - a com- being over stocked seeing that Canadian fmitht u- T °^''" °^ *^« '"^^'^ets world. If the supply he dlJd w lU J ' " '^'''^*^"^" '"^ *^^ ^'^ would not have believed that so lar^a qalt tv of "'7'" '''''''' '^'^ P««P^« export, 200,000 barrels, from the Anapol s va 1 y ll P o'f 71 . "^ '""'"'^ ''' annual convention of the Ensilage Association Tn f , ^'^''^^t^"" ** tbe first address that Mr. John Dyke the Canad an r? "*'"' ^"""^^ ^^^t^^i i« his "The imports this season^lVl, har^^i^eZ^^^^ ^T '' ^^^^''P^^'' --*« •• " the quality has been excellent and there is ZZo^r'^'r' '^'^^^ '''''''" ^-' " Canadian fruit of this quality !nd lonH P'^f.'f ^ '^^ 'i'^'t to the demand for " imported into England." "^ '''^'*''"' ^^^°^ ^^^^^^^ «"Perior to any other This ie glorious news for our orchardiRtw nn^ .u i^ grow fruit. We have only to keen un th« 1 ^ ^ ^ encourage every one to - proudly attained, by th mo cLof^l . , "'?«^"-'«« *« which we have dotermination to ship none but A 1 Lti 7 W ^^ ^^^'^^t'-- The most rigid bility of its arriving i., poc^'condit.o and '" T'\^''^'' - ^^ defy the pofsi- turies at good prices^ JohTsul w l^r^^^ ™;f «* ^ — d for cen- to pay for it. Even in years of.n-Jl T . ^^^ '^''"''^ ^^^''^^ ^'^d is willin.. - remunerative pn" e'sT^o^r; ^ raut L^lr 'T^ ^^^--^^-le -n beauty, color, flavour and keeping quail esIdV, ^'t "^ T"^ ^'^^ ^"^^^^'^ after most Of the European grown^r^itTcoru^ "'^'"■' '"^"^« '^ ^^-^ it has been suggested that even if fruit ^olk ,.hn"„ V-i •I' . ]§ '1 f ■■ 11 i I imummtm 2e use, find it so wholesome and desirable that il well become a necessity in his house- hold econoi|jy, and he will be content to pay a more renumerative price in succeed- ing years. Thus a cheap year will be a good means of advertising and popularising the consumption of fruit to the advantage of the orchardist and no less to the con- sumer who will find it taking the place of the sweet-meats, rich pies, and cakes which are so injurious, while it, if properly used, is so wholesome. So much for the commercial aspect of the subject in its relation to the producers and consumers who dwell in cities, and now as to those who enjoy the opportunity to cultivate their own for family use. The man who has these opportunities and neglects them looses the means which Providence has placed at his disposal to econo- mise his resources and add to the comfort of his fiuuily, and is consequently repre- hensible in a great degree. By making a proper selection he may have apples almost the year round, he can have plums, cherries and the small fruits fresh and delicious in their various seasons and pi-eserved for winter use. A great many farmer say : Oh I cannot be bothered with fruit, I can buy it cheaper than I can grow it &c.— All this is sheer nonesense and too frequently means laziness or want of atten- tion to details in the management of his household affairs. .A little study of the subject and a little extra painstaking would soon convince any sensible man that the culture of fruit on a larger or smaller scale would be no small factor in his successful career and would, conduce to his comfori welfare, and happiness as a means of recreation as well as profit, and he and his family would enjoy the fruits of their labor and skill far more than if it was purchased on the market. A method by which these highly desirable results might he brought abouU would be the establishment of Horticultural Societies in every county, or district of the Province. It is by means of such societies that fruit culture has been brought to its present standing. By means of their Exhibitions the public learns to take an interest in the science and it is made popular to those not engaged in it (a most desi- rable object to be gained). But an Agricultural or Horticultural Society, fails of its • main object if it depends upon its annual Exhibition alone and does not hold frequent meetings of its members for discussions, interchange of ideas, communication as to various operations and the result of experiments, and the exhibition of specimens, for comment and approval amongst its members in their season. One of the best managed Horticultural societies in the worid is the Massachv- sots and they hold such a meeting every Saturday in the spring, summer and autumn, read papers prepared by savants in the profession, discues current topics of interest and award certificates to novelties or specimens of superior merit, all of which are placed on record and form reports of the most valuable nature either for present instruction or future reference. A society in each county is not enough ; there should be one in every parish. In England and some other countries such is the case, and horticultiire is made the part of the education of the young by the distri- bution of plants amoungst the school children in the spring and awarding prizes to 2r obser^ed a.on,. the ^^^^^ut^'JlTofZ^^^^ - ^e of the more important associations, the mtevZTaU^.^Tv"'^'"""'''^'''^''^' farmer laborer or artisan with his familv wnn. . ^'"^^ ^''^^ *"^ ^^e lowly of fruits and flowers, to know hetr nil v. """ '"' ^^^^^^^^ *^« ^^^^t"- which they thrive and many otl'rtieX'wr^^^^^^^^ Peculiarities, the soil in sure to the thoughtful, and profit to reT t"^^^ be « constant source of plea- acquired wUl prfvent'him C betg e^^^^^^ otherwise impose upon him by sdlinTtiriL .? ^^ *^' P'^'^'^ ^^« ^«"Jd To encourage all which ^1?^'^.?^''' '"''^^^'^^^ *« ^'^ '««^%- tical economy, and it is ptcd hr'lf "°^^'"\--' ^ theperfection':,f poU- than by subsidising societr^hich are oln'Vr I'" '^ '^"'^ -r. effectually The true patriot will see this and Z . T " ^'' ^"^^^^^^tion and assistance funds expended so as to bo^ aid hLt kT" 7 T '"' "'"^"^*^ '' ^^^ ^^e public thereby exciting him to e a good citirof'^ '"' ^^^^^ is cast. ^ '"*'^" •'^ *^« commonwealth in which his lot >^jyi iTor ™:r ir;cir r" '° '''^"' =**■ "■« '-p^ed cultural and Pomologieal SocictiotXrK T "' *" ""' Agrioultural, Horti- m fact w« may ventL ^^h\^::,^ITT-"" """^ ™' "'W^ -»"»! ridie, which have hoen gmnZ ZTa^t^T" 'T'^""''-^" ""y "'^'^ '"b^ without which „„ fiai,4» and ^Xt wL d" W hel Z^J^^'^" It 18 gratifying to remark- the. „r,fi • ""'' '^^^bttle use. sioner Mr'Loui^B?aubi:X'a: -^^7^^^^^^ <^o-i«- agricultural department in their e.ideavo,nt"fn .' ^^''l' ^"^ *h« whole staff of the farmer and orchardists. Let us st 02^.1 Tl ""'"' ^"'^^*^^^« ^"^^^^^^ «- Hooms to have turned and is sottW n our f '^"^^^^^'^'^ ^^ ^uit. The tide however interest and pay more attent^ to a rtterThlchr-r,,"'^^^'"''^ ^^^^" ^op- position in life be what it will and thus!!, )\ ''^ ^'"^ '""'"''"'^ "^' '«* ^^^ n^ost bonoficient results in t Ig^^^^^^^^^ the glory, of the world. ^ ^''''* Dommion, last growing to be :ii! , M §11 I j .(!■ I ll -■'.1 ,■ ■J: ; H I. 1 '■ H| [■ ^^^^1 ^^Hii i ■ 11^ 1 ■ Hi iii. ■ 1, 29 APPENDIX Season fok Tree Pbcning. The theories with ree&rri tn +w studied and oxpl.i„«i b/abU ISioZT",' ",1'' °/ ""«'■'<»■""" have be» to insure .h. We ie.l4 coldTtroflZ ^ >«t method, toperfo^it pr«ni„;'r„rb: dtr™" - "^ '-""» '» -' ---ed .o .be ,eaao„ at wbi„b done .he ebeapl .„d .he mo,trnvenieol ^°" " ""° ""' " """ '"'" " «•» >» a.:r,oTt:trhi"t;e^:t;r:Tbr '"^ ""-o^ »'■»-'"« — »«'. is ad.i..ed tha. Ce ';™ ; IrL^rr^"'"* '- °-°"'»'- P"^'-"- " dangerone, and have a tendenev „ tad '» f T' '"'''"° *"" »^™» *°»'« "■« win.e.. .. .he day. are ."''''"' "»»»- is performed at .be proper timl ""^S"" ''^'«"' '<•*« "Juration offh::x:r;rh':;:ta:::f:r^^^^^^^^^ and damages .hu, eaused w*„ldT.b; It' 1. "^ ^.':! "" ™"" "' «•"'«»»«, from ite being imma.erial a» when tre Zr'K "* ' '" °"'''-" °-"=»- ^° '"^ "Xr3r.::,fsbt£^^^^^ ^::^- " '^ "' '^^ *'X::br:s;:rf''''"^-" tha. he 4rirL^"r.;:~42:: ^^J"-- .he pa^l. i. p„par^ ^ n. ee^ry .o a speedy and eo Jp,e..e Z^^^^ZZJ Po»sib.e-W.ali.y being ■ m •• If ii' jiAl 1% ! 1 i ■? 11 80 to produce the new tissue required to cover and heal the cut which may have been made. It is a well established fact that sap has a double action mounting from the roots through every ramification of the tree, to the leaves, in a thin liquid, where it 18 elaborated, and these having absorbed and decomposed the carbonic acid, the sap descends again in a changed condition and is deposited year after year in the succesBivo concentric layers which form the bulk of the tree. If that be so the sap cannot be said to descend to *he roots, but to have been used up in Its progress thereto, to fabricate the body ot the tree. Now while this process IS in progress it is easy to understand that important amputations are the least likely to cause decay, because the material required to heal them will be produced at once. The practical results obtained by actual experiments fully maintain the correctness of this theory. A number of fruit and ornamental trees pruned in the first week in July, 1889 were partly healed of their wounds in ten days, and by the middle of August cut^ two to three inches in diameter were completely covered with new bark Now if these trees had been pruned in the autumn, after the elaborated sap had performed Its annual functions the wound could not have been healed and would have been affected by cold, and decay, instead of growth, would have had the first chance-the trees being dormant would have no latent force to repel this decay, which always commences immediately after all severing o^ parts when unduly exposed to cold whether in plants or animals. If the pruning were done at the proper time, any application (even coal tar which 18 no doubt the least injurious to vegetation) to prevent decay, would be avoided, as m the course of the natural development of the tree, the protective covering of the wound would be formed, and all applications are more likely to impede than to accelerate the new formation of bark. In studying the mechanism of a tree the above facts as to the use it makes of the aliments with which nature has provided it wherewith to perpetuate its growth are easily observable, and are infallible guides as to th&tseason of its annual development when any artificial changes in its formation or character may be effected surely and safely, a matter of even greater importance than the manner of producing such change. GBOKGE MOORE. li m I I ij ■^;.i :ij Mffffi i /I Klf i 1 i i^H '■ r } i H ! i !.fl