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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmds d des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 A partir de I'angle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL BOX 1M40 r». o. J^. J^Ayy^?iy, /^Z^ri/^^^^-''^^ ,., ^ ;„,i. ia of hand for which accept our thanks. In reply we beg ,. , u i, D Ho,,,.,, W^rl R»fi>her of whom it ia not too much to say that he stands in the This W3ll-know.i p3rioaical is editel by the ^^J" He^i X VVf d B-,^-'^^^ <^ Ylftrof his genius and the ahnost incredible amount of fro,it rank amongst th3 ablest an I nn.t p.p.ilar o v' '^ P -^«h --s. ^ h^JF^^, '^IJ^^ ,f,,f ,.,a U^y of contributors of. every de labor he perforun are tha mwel of thj agj. In c mnecuon w;nu_uuu luc^ :.,„,..,i:„„ .„„„ „f fi,„ al,Tfi«h of our Canadian dmne and lay iredible enterprise of preHentm,, to every subscriber ^^ , , ^^ MAGNIFICENT FRENCH OIL CHROMOSIlT^ ;„tn thp New York Art Galleres before the pubiisners secureu uic i.ic=^..u .-.^....t-^v. -•- .«» u. ^.^^^ 1^ ". " . , , - Tf*vo,i h^ve the cur^3 ity to price oil chromos in Toronto galleries you will hnd that works sold invariably at $10 per pair unframed. If yo« ^^^e *'\«. 'i^^'^'^^ft'^^^^ji.i ^ost you, unframed, from §10 to $15 per pair. In brilliancy of the same size as these (12 x 14 ^^f^f)^'^'^^ ^o^ are fienerTlly esreemed as superior to oil paintings. As par or ornaments, these ./Wf/i/y.s to every subscriber to the Christian Union. THE METHOD OF CAHVASSIHG. Each Agent is allotted his own .Ustinet precii^ct in ^^ ^^^^Ij;^^'^^^^^^ he must carefully confine himself or his °- f ^ ^'" "{^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^ tt {wrpkt^ires iiTceTy framed, in a case for carrying copies of the uished with the necessary outht for canvassing, Y'J^^tTr names at a charge of «3. This amount is not the cost of framing alone, auer samples of frames, and the prospactus book for takng iwmes at a cna^^^^^ the ground to be gone over iTatthrclose of his canvass he can readily oM^^^^^^^ f„ his orfler book, with full carefully, and commence a thorough canvass or «'^Vf^"''^';'^ \„ \^^^^^^ certificates -and the chromos and collect. P. O. addres. of each ; and P'-".""^'"^ f J'^H '^j */iJt Jef cauv^^^^ and collecting; but it is better to leave a Farh Aaent will suit his convenience as to the time "fween t-"i^''»» 8 _ s ^ -^ ^ the excuse that f^w wX as many more will sign for ^"t;;f ^Ttith vTur Ti f adS number 'of undelivered orders thev "have no funds." AVrite us every week or so, ^'* /"^ ""'„, , „,; f^iip, q, a,hlres>i oi those you wish cer- VOu\ave When about to commence collecting ««'"\"\,^Jt,l/imsTr^eri" letter, for the net amount tliereo You t^rt ateland chromos for, and enclose us a I. O. "«1''\°^, f .^^f^-^.f 1, ^^"^^^^k 'or 10 dIJs for their arri;al. Subscribers are legally bound can order one certificate, or one thousand at a time. ^"^""^^ 'SV^l^^^^^^^^ Jnd others, or refund the money, at your option, to make payment, but should a»y/efuse re urn us udi certificates^ y^'o^r money, then, not till then, say to him : hat you Having del vered the subscriber his certificate and chromos ami receivea Y J' ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^em useful as parlor orna- prelume he will, like four-fifths of tho ^"^^^"I'f •;« *? *^'XThd7apL -. that enclosed in these they cannot be nents- that the frames when neat and appropriate, ^^P^^^ ^'^.^'^^j^Pl'^*;:'",^ Thev can furnish them at one-half retail rates ; that you ioUl frim oil paintings ; that, as the publishers have .<="»tX,rlSow S vmSy re^ his order, and the charge will be collected will sudbIv elegant ones like either sample at the prices given below, that y^^^^ ' ^ better retain m your wientr/aie^relivered. Mark the ,S7^/« «-^ ^ ^''^^ '^'T'* V^>C.oa^as voi° can'^^elTtl^^ inserting «'""•' ^' '^^' ^i" mvn possession the chromos of those who order frames, for * i« "^ r«/' '^^ ^^'^^^Z us fo the quantity of frames you require, carefully l^r^ that the parties take the frames rom you when you ,eli er tl^em. AWitc to uM^ ^^J,^ ^.^^ y^ ^^ forwarded to you by stating the number of each xtyk, and enclose J^ 0- "'J^v to sHp-hftrpictures and deliver. But do not mention frames uutd you hav, :xz'':£$fio:7ric^^^^^^^ ^--- ''''''' -*'«'* ^^^'" '^''^ ^"' '°^^ '"' * V..*' PRIVATE TERMS TO AGENTS. The .lelivery of the ,.por conunence, whh the .ext aiten.noj.u.ut^.;r at »^^^^^^ JiH^ l^^^l^S price i.. P per atumm, atul 30 coit. to pre-pay th« Ani.r.cau postage oa the ,mpor ;^ ;' ^^^;"^\ '^ 7,,^ ^^„ »,Hromo« mounte.l, si/.e.l and „i.l the Ca»a.liau dutie. on the picture,; making the t..talcharKeo^^^^^^ $.i.M ^^nlltZ^Z^^t^ro., but in c..nHe,i«ence of th. .liflFcr- varni .hed ready for framing. -In the State, au '•^'I'l't'onal urn '^^^IV'^ «f^; VX g"^ 'Wmi the price is #2.60 and this is the net eneo in currency, we pr.par. tho>n co.npletcly ready f-f >-a,n n^ ,^'uo 70 cents o etc h or.lcr. Five orders per day will net you $3.50, am,.unt you will semi us for each eerf hcate orderc.l. [Iiu you ■\'^^° ^0 ,u *^ !\^^°f ^^^^ to subscribers at the' following prices },er und some of our agents take fnmi ten to forty dolars each ^ 2 Wacn\^St a,^ ^^^^ (to agents, $1.75); and No. 3, l-^ull pair, yiz. : No. 1, Rosewood and gdt, .?2 (to agents, )?1.3., No. ^. Wa'-k "^'VCr-Mtlw^ your suirscribers. We refund the cost Stencil Ciilt, .S-2.r,0 (to agents, «1.7.^). Tins gives you another l''"''' \"f; ' .X' .^'^XvtaJes o^ agencies. You have two points of of outlit with the first lm>.lnd certiticatc. sent for. The '^'^"^••^^ j'^ |. J",^ ^'^f; . f^ VhW readii^' Ige o k^eep them informed ; the ;>;./„.... ness ever offered to canvassers by any ti nn to my knowledge. .rH-l ADVICE TO AGENTS. It would be impossible in our pro. nit space to give f «» V^^truc^ions f.n; <^«u«a^'U«^^ A pamphlet on that subject will be forwarded witU outfit. ' H^t ■a'few hint. ouUii. partloular cauv^. may 1. u^'- ^;^^l^;^J^ i^i^ll^fjSpeXS^^^^ri-" -S^^^t'ln enercics upon it. If you can get a good reoonmiendation of yourself from some wUl Kno^sn r , i j , ^^^^^^^ Jour'^i'osiLctus. Lay out your district metho.lically . '^'^-V--^^}^^'^^:^'^^^^^^ i^,, 'y.., wouderf.^lly and ftV.,'. Throw oir youv commissions, if necessary, for this » the turning ,5^,!"'^ '•\'';;^,;^?; • !, "^ "^"-^^ for the sake of their inHuence, •your after labor 4ill be easy. If you cannot ge ^l^^^^^^;::^"^^^^^:"^^'!^ rec"u>t "" th'e paper from you, forward the and decide when you call to collect (,et a go ..I uotico >" »'''- "'°'^ l^^ • .,, j j , ^^ ^jt'ij ^ ^ast number of hints in preaching; edit,.>r a pair of the chromos free. Kemmd the clergymen that tko paper will lij" ^'^ ^''„ " J \■.,^^.^ .^^e often made in the most un- a the editors with a storehouse of clipping.. Then make a t''"7;''^'' '^;''^'^-*;'-;*':" ^,,,^;;' ;X ami tl eTuHuencc of neighbors' names is Ukely places. Plant them thickly in one neighborhood; y''" -"',*!' ,;;,\,;,n,,^~"i^,^^^^^^^^^ „ Le valuable. Keep it, and sew wonderful. Men subscribe because other, .lo; '■\»'l tl^'« /l^'^ f/' '^^ /V^'''£^ Tm moron '^^^^^ you fail to see, and call again, in more leaves when full. Uo not erase names, but '"'Y^ ^^^^^^'f J-,^,, J^^f'-l' "^ Jyf "'"C^ " name at the next house so Avoid crowds; s-^l^^t a time when your c i.tjnier is at hone a 1 lot b i^ ^ ^^^^^^ the crops, the a, to address him famil ar y, ge '"^o.the s. ting n.m.i^^ if P ;f^\\' ^■,^," .^^^^^^^ weather, etc., untilasortoEcvirtdjuceise.tabhshed. Never as cliiut 3'^"";' ^j ^ Chromos ever produced. The original pictures I have taken the liberty of calling to show you a pair of the prettiest and ost a Y*"';^^ ^^^'j^^^ children and they were so much ad- were by an English artist, Mrs. S. Ander.ou, quite celebrated for rare success m ^l^e Pa>nting of c u U^ of course you know that the S t'hat Jelfenue, the great lithographer "^ ^aris copied tjem or r^p^^^^ ,li^^,,^„, difficulty in making good Chromos m oils, such as the e '? *''* ,^^.\t 'I ve to u.^irg fi/t, separate ,J,n„<,.. They have been pub- an.l that makes a very and tedious proce.s. Ihese f"; '"*f'^;-; "^^^i/^ ^n^rket, although the price was (and is yet lishcd only about a year, and the original importer could »f « ^^^'i'^ ' ^"' g^", X express" m of their being "too dear," or occasion in the picture stores) $10 for the pair " This mention of the F ce may draw -mt an expressi^^^^ « ^ fe ^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ the party to say that he don't^ want them. Whether l';^^;|; «f^ ' '^^ ; J^un^l e pair o th^) to every subscriber I get for Henry I ,,ive them away, liferallg. They arc not for sale, ^'\'>-^£'[^'l Thk U us' Iv uTioH." Then proceed to show the real excellence VVard Beecher's great weekly, literary, religious, and "^f* «^1;« ' \«;; tVruur.Krse on a mantle a little distance off; as Chromos, like of the Chromos, calling attention to their points, pl ^« "« t'l-f » f "'^ * , f'^Ke use an I cWhlren present, do so. Call attention to the oil paintings, are improved by so viewing them. If y"',;;'^ S-^^^^' "/.^Jyi'J, to tHnuocent a life-like ekpression. Show ^vhat beau- rich coloring and hue shading and the '1' ^cu ty o a c np s i ug t ■ s ^ .fr^w ^^'^.Xthey are esteemed by those who have them; tlful parlor ornameuta they are; '"^ well calculated t., please oia and y^.^^^^^^^ y enormous circulation ; its able and how highly commended by the press. Then go on ''"'-^r 'ate {he t^'^tvo^" Id other journals ; its fine appearance and form so editor and staff; its Canadian contributors ; how often it ,^ '*? V ' ^^^^^Xi^ ™intf set forth in this circ dar and in your prospectus convenient for binding, &c. Have "' »'«'""'y' '"^"'^'l^" • Ij''";7/i,^^ and other things considere.l, it is the book. Show that, the amount of prohtable and entertaining reading, ^ « f ^/V ^ , "' '{l Jj, . A^ j ^j^oHy unprecedented ; that no cheapest weekly published without regard to the Chron.,s. mpre s^ipon lam ^ .^'^^ l,,„„ other paper couhl afford to give them away; that it is ""^y ^;^^*j .' 7. "^.s to the nrpert^ to the commendations of the lea.ling attempted. Then read the artistic ^"t'c.snis and answer all object oiis t t he IJ^P''^ '^y;''^.f^y^fe j,,,^ ^hat is probably a denominational papers of e-ery den,.m.nat.ona. If he saj's, I alrea,ly ^^/^^'^ * ^''^'^ *, ^'^ -^^^i vour good family with all the reading they want. f)aper; ver^ excellent for its purposes but not «" «'"»P'«^^;' "*«*". ^PJ ^'" ^";'.c^„7; fudMrs Stowr's very best st.iries and tales. Besides, this one give, what no other paper '^^" fe''^"-* « .^"^ flV demn^^ '•«*=» great many valuable and a great number of admirable coutributi us from writers <.f ^l^'^*- ^ ^1 IntHX Cl^rL^ ,o^/H-»./-an opportunity such articles on all kimls of interesting topics, sv.v,/.r as well as .•el.gious . ^"'1 '^^ h^S v Ly ' " '"^»y P^^Pl-^ ^i" »'« getting these as never occurred before and one that could hardly be looked J ag^"'',, ^^^'Xs reZ -'This wo .Id be true of ordinary subject!; but, pictures that they will become common, aud therefore »" _f' J''"f '«, , c sts a S' dea m.,Te, one can look at them .lay after day L the Chicago ^ ; time in wait ' ra n .,r Ihine ; canvass incessantly. Time is nu.ney have only articles intrinsically g«"'l f/''^''"!'''''''^'^'' *"""/;•. „^ do not get discouraged; remember the to you, and lost time is the bane of the business. .««I^*'^»t; ';""•'* Srience w 11 s.T..n giv^ you knowledge an.l tact in dealing with rtrst fifty orders are har.ler to take than the foliowing two .^^""^ f/^; . . /^i^]™''"^,^,^ canvassers worth now who had as humanity. Have perseverance, a.K throw your wh..le eergy.n^^^^ and slowly. Be ecnomical, b, diligent uph'll work at the 8la"t as you. Old Agents do better, bevau^^c tiir.^ -,..m — mne 111. . g , and hopeful, and success will crown fr^ ^^^^ ^^ Se^^^^^jg^^ <^^ fl' /U.^^i> ^ii/- ,.yf^^iA'/^4/—