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Les cartes, planches, tr >leaux, etc., peuvent 6tre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdcents. Lorsque la document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur y:>'jcr.e, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas, en f enant le nombre d'images n6cessaire diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthod J TORC PC ■ I i m ./-i^ i OF CANADA. •V"^- .--Vv -w -•-•■^■-^S.'S.-^j'v,.'' ACT OF INCORrOKATTON, ^ BYE-LAWS, .-s-A^."! ^ PRINTED BY OWLER & 8TEVEN80N, NO. 42 ST. FBANCOIS-XAVlJuK STREET. 1856. ■»H - pip A iiiMil^/»v" •rfV'-V^-V^'V.'^A#v"««''W« llCT OF INCOKPORATION, • * BYE-LAWS, littles anir ^lepla&ns* UTontnal : PRINTED BY OWLER Eugene Lamoureux, I, Robert Weir, Charles app, Daniel Lonprcs, lirn, Vital Tetu, A. H. /ith all such other pet- iated with the'ii fertile lir succeosors lor evpi, I deed and in name, by n Friendly Society, and ion and a common seal, alter, chan<^' * w» B i < < w iW)wwMWM"»iMawwiyi*^ fr « legally entitled to the Rtnount due any dece^.sed* Member, the paynnenl of any such stun shall be valid aud eHectuai. V. All the rules lor the proper management oisaid bociety •hali be entered in a book to be kept by an Officer of said So- ciety, Khich booW shall be op ^ at all seasonable tinnes lor the Inspection o/ Members and nil rules from time to time made and in Ibrce for the management of said Society, shall be binding on the several Members and Officers of the taid Society, and the 8«iverat contributors thereto ariu their repiesenlatives, all of whom shall be deemed to have taken full notice thereof by such entry and contijbution aforesaid ; the entry of sucii rules in such book aforesaid, or a true copy thereof, certified by the President and Secretary, shall be received jkS prima facie evidence of such rules respectively, in fill cases. VI. The Secretary of the Society shall prepare or cause to be prepared a yearly general statementof the whole number of Mem- bers, their ages, number of deaths, amount of sickness experienced, together with a full statement of the funds;, and of the ufTecti oi or belonging to the said Society, with an account of all and every the various sums of money received and expended by or on ac- count of the said Society, duly attested, and every member shall be entitled to receive a copy of such periodical statement; and a copy of such periodical statement shall be annually furnished to the Legislature, v.'lhin the first fift n days of each Session there- of; and such statement shall also be furnished to the Governor in Council at such other times as the said Society may be required so to i\o, VI!. All surplus funds on hand at the expiration of each y ,9ed'Membfr, the fectual. nt olcaid bodety )fficer of said So- lable times loi the to time made and hall be binding on I Society, and the lives, all of whom eof by such entry :ules ill such book the President and ence of such rules ire or cause to be 8 number of Mem- :ness experienced, d of the tisflfecti oi it of aM and every [ided by or on zc' fry member shall statement; and a ually furnished to avh Session there- o the Governor in ' may be required It ion of each yaar s of manf^gement, urplus amounts to ubsequent annual in proportion to >u so long as the lain, to be carried nt of three fourths w in value of ihe then existing Members, to be ascertained m the manner hereinafter speci/ie'! and for the purpose of ascertaining the votes of such three /ourtlm in value, every Member sha I be entitled to one vote, and an additional vote for every five years ihat )u may have been a member, and in cast of dissolution the Intendc I appropriation or division of 'he funds or other properly of the saH Society, shall be fairly and distinctly stated in the pro- posed plan of dissolution, prior to such consent being given ; and the division or dist/ibution of toe stoclc or funds, or any' part thereof; shull be in strict accord^ince with the general intents and purjwses of the said Society, IX. This Act shall be held to bo a Pubhc AcU 'Vmr^irmi'HtK—- RiWO ^1^ « BVe-UWS, ROW, \M REDlim OF THK BRITISH AMERICAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY •-- v-^ ^ ^..' , -w JEALTH DEPARTMEIT^ Wp!EREAS, certain individuals having formed an association, and subscribed for shares therein, for the purposes thereof, under their articles ot agree- ment therefor ; And whereas it is expedient to formally amalga- mate and confirm, in all particulars, all prior pro- ceedings thereof, and for the further purpose of placing the society in a position to effectually carry out its proposed objects^ to facilitate its operations, and clearly to deline the rights and privileges of Members, Shareholders and others. We, the Directors of said Society, by virtue of the powers conferred by the 3rd Section of the Act, J 8 Vict., Cap. 64, intituled, " An Act to Incorporate the Members of the British American Friendly So- ciety," do enact the following Bye-Laws, Rules, and Pwegulations, to wit : — ARTICLE r. All such Policies as are now outstanding, shall remain unaffected by the changes made in the rates r y^WMt P^ HM Wtwr WiHiiM ll'fWf ia M "<|tr Life. Age. 7 6 20 8 21 8 6 22 9 23 9 6 24 LO O 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 30 [6 6 31 8 32 9 6 33 1 34 2 6 35 4 36 5 6 37 7 38 8 6 39 40 2 41 4 42 6 43 8 44 46 2 46 4 47 6 48 8 40 50 f l*;ss than tion. The paid at the time of making application. The first Annual Pre- mium shall be paid within 30 days from date of application. ARTICLE II. The President shall preside at the Annual and Special Meetings of the Society, preserve order therein, and consult with the Board from time to time respecting the management of the Society generally, and have the general supervision of its affairs. ARTICLE III. The duties of the Vice-President shall be to fulfil the duties of the President in his absence. ARTICLE IV. The duties of the General Manager shall be to cause Books of Accounts, Register of Shareholders, Minute Books, &c. &c., to be kept ; to see that all Policies of Assurance, or other Documents requiring his signature, are properly executed ; and the Cor- porate Seal of the Society affixed to all documents requiring the sa^ie ; to adjust and liquidate all pro- perly substantiated demands against the Society, incurred for general purposes; superintend the Cor- respondence ; establish Branch Offices and Agen- cies, and, when deemed expedient, to organize Local Boards and Committees, and superintend and approve all their acts ; appoint all Agents and sub- ordinates ; define their powers : prescribe their du- ties; annul the same when deemed expedient; and to furnish statements of the affiiirs of tht Society at meetings of Directors and Members. ( TOE BR 12 ARTICLE V. For duties of Secretyry, vide Act of Incorporation, ri8 Vic, Cap. 64-, Sect, vi.) ARTICLE VI. There shall be aiiinially appointed three Auditors, whose duty it shall he from time to time to examine the Accounts of the Society, vuid to deliver a report containing a statement of the Accounts of the pre- ceding year, with th<3ir observations thereon. ARTICLE VII. The duty of the Kxamining Physician, and all Medical Referees, shall be to ascertain and certify in writing as to the stole of health of all i)ersons applying for Membership, whenever required so to do. ARTICLK Via. A Treasurer of the Societ'*' shall be named and appointed by a Resolution of the Board of Directors, at any of their Regular Meetings, whose duty it shall be to receive all the moneys due and accruing to the Society from any source of revenue what- ever ; and from all Oflicers, Agents, and others, in- debted or accountable to the Society at any tinie : and he shall immediately ileposit the same with the Society's Bankers, in the name of the Society ; and shall be held responsible for all such funds, and also for the property of the Society. The Treasurer shall keep regular Books of Account, and submit a statement of the Financial affiiirs ot the Society at each and every Regular Meeting of the Directors* I . Mia'ai— 'n [hjji riBTii' a^ 'Wfilil t • jorporationj !e Auditors, to examine '■er a report of the pre- eoii. It), and all ind certify all persons eqiiired so iuuned and f Directors, )se diitv it id lice ruing 3iiiie what- others, sii- atiy time : ne with the ciety ; and ds, and also Treasurer d submit a Society at Directors* 13 ARTICLE IX. Every person appointed the Treasurer of the Bri- tish American Friendly Society of Canada, before acting as such, shall one or two sureties, whose name or names shall be a{)proved by a rebo- lutiou of the Board of Directors, before he or they shall be admitted as such. Such sureties shall be jointly and severally bound together with the Trea- surer, and their obligation shall extend to the pay- ment of all sums of money for which the Treasurer may at any time be accountable to tlie Society, in- cluding principal, interest, and costs, as well as pe- nalties and damages, to which he may become liable iu the exercise of his office. Every such se- curity may be given by a Bond, executed before Notaries, or before a Notary and two witnesses, and accepted by the Directors. The Treasurer shall deliver a copy of such Bond to tlie Board of Direc- tors, who shall be the custodiers thereof, and a copy thereof shall be euregistered in the llegistry Office for the County of Montreal. ARTICLE X. The funds of the Society shall be deposited iv the " Banque du Peuple," or such other Bank as may be deemed advisable ; and whenever the funds of the Society shall have accumulated to an amount tnore than may be deemed necessary for immediate use, they may be invested in Real Estate, Interest paying Public Stocks, or otherwise, as may appear most secure and advantageous. Funds thus loaned, deposited or invested, shall be in the name of the 1 111'! ■ 'ii TOR P/^ 14 Society, and shall not be drawn except by the cheque of three Directors, countersigned by the Treasurer. ARTICLE XI. A majority of the Board of Directors shall consti- tute a quorum, for the transaction of business at any Regular Meeting; and in case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have the casting vote. ARTICLE XII. Members of the Health Department shall be al- lowed personally, or by proxy, to vote only at the Annual Meetings of the Society, and only upon questions connected with the business of the Health Department, ARTICLE XIII. All persons desirous of effecting membership, shall give in their proposals according to the form pro- vided by the Society, and shall truly answer all in- quiries therein contained, and subscribe the same with a declaration as to the truth of their answers, and a consent to be governed by all the Bye-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of the Society. The Policy shall be based upon the said Proposal, and the agree- ment therein shall be binding upon all parties inte- rested ; and any untrre averment contained in the proposal shall render the policy void ; and the same shall be forthwith cancelled on the books of the So- ciety. The Entrance Fee must be paid at the time the application is made, and the first Annual Pre- mium must be paid within 80 days from the date of application or proposal, otherwise the proposal shall :1 it by the d by the ill consti- ess at any ' of votes. mmtitmHm all be al- ily at the mly upon he Health ship, shall form pro- ^-er all in- the same answers, 5ye-LawSj ['he Policy the agree- irties inte- lecl in the 1 the same of the So- ,t the time nual Pre- :he date of posal shall 15 be declared void, and the Entrance Fee forfeited to the Society. In such cases of forfeiture, a new ap- plication may be made, which, if accepted, will entitle the said party to a Policy, upon the payment of Entrance Fee and Annual Premium, within 30 days from the date thereof. In no case what- ever shall a Policy be renewed after the date upon which the renewal becomes due to the Corporation ; provided that a new Policy may be issued to the same party upon making a new appl'cation, and payment of both Entrance Fee and Annual Pre- mium ; the same having been duly approved by the Directors. ARTICLE XIV. Health Assurance Policies may be issued to both Males and Females, between 15 and 60 years of age. No Sick Benefit shall exceed 40s. per week to Males, and no Sick Benefit shall exceed 20s. per week to Females. Females shall receive Be- nefits for diseases common to both sexes only. No payment shall be made for sickness or disability arising from diseases peculiar to Females only, ARTICLE XV. In no case shall a Health Assurance Policy be granted to any person or persons, until such person's proposal shall have been properly examined, duly approved, and shall have received the signature of the Manager, or of such Medical Oflicer, or Branch Office Agent, as may be duly empowered by special power of Attorney to accept proposals for Health Assurance and to issue Policies. And in no case f- ( ■111,- TOI d^ ^ ««K..>r herself. It shiiU bo the special duty of every Agent to courteously receive, and in case of sickness or Irjdily injury, to promptly render as- sistance to any who ir. ly be travelling and detained in consequence. To prevent mistakes occurring, it shall be the duty of the Agent to immediately fur- nish the Jlead Office in Montreal, or any Branch Office to which said party may belong, with such party's name, age, residence, profession, date of proposal, and No. of policy, together with such other information as may be ucicessary to enable the Officers to act p-omptly aiid 7indj'rsta7idingly, ARTICLE XXIX. These Bye -Laws, Rules and Regulations, shall .'^overn the Health Department, and shall be instead ot all othcis, all former ones being hereby repealed. JAMES II. PHILLIPS, President* DAVID HUNTER, Secretary* Montreal, January 15, 1856. 10 time n their es, and I behalf oing so al duty in case der as- etained ring, it 3ly fur- Branch th such late of th such able the h \s, shall instead jpealed. PS, ident. mm% RULES, m m '%\mm OV THE LIFE DEPARTMENT OF THIS BRITISH AMERICAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY WHEREAS, ill the opinion of the Directors of the British American Friendly Society of Canada a . Capital is essentially necessciy in every institution connected with Life Contingencies, not only at the commencement of an ofiice, but even for some time thereafter, although founded upon the most approved principles ; inasmuch as it gives that firm founda- tion, that source of confidence in all circumstances, which to our minds very forcibly advocates the pro- priety at all times of an avaihible capital of ade- quate amount, capable, w^hen necessary, of being converted and applied to the maintenance and liquidation of all its risks and demands against it. And whereas large actual funds in hand, arising from the Stock called in, are not called for, but would merely trammel business by absorbing profits, in which Policy-holders would participate, but as they may iindcv various circumstances and casualties be required, should be accessible. —^li '- S!*- ill h:;ll TO 22 And whereas, by 18 Vic, cap. 64, sec. 3rd of the Act, entitled, an Act to Incorporate the Members of tlie British American Friendly Society of Canada, the Directors of the said Society are duly empowered to raise a Capital Stock, or Fund, for the purposes contemplated by said Act, by subscriptions of the several members, &c., &c., (fee. And whereas it is considered expedient that a Capital Stock should be raised for the better security of parties assured sums payable at death, and other- wise. We, the Directors of the British American Friendly Society of Canada, do enact the following Bye-Laws and Regulations for the conduct and government of the Life Department of said Society :— Articles first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eight, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth of the Bye-Laws of the Health Department shall also be the Bye-Laws of the Life Depart nent. ARTICLE XIII. The Capital Stock of the Society, inclusive of any Real Estate which the Society may have or hold by virtue of its Act of Incorporation, shall not exceed the sum of Onv3 Hundred Thousand Pounds cur- rency, to be divided into Ten Thousand Shares of jeiO each, the first instalment to be 10s. cy. per share, the said capital to be applied for the pur- poses of the said Society and the expense of its es- tablishment and incorporation, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever. Mill d of the iTibers of Canada, powered purposes s of the t that a security id other- Friendly ye-Laws iment of li, sixth, twelfth nit sliall jnt. iusive of '-e or hold )t exceed nds ciir- Jhares of . cy. per the pur- of its es- 3th er nso ARTICLE XIV. The payment of the said stock shall be made by calls for each share in such suras and at such times as the Directors may determine, provided that prior to each call 30 day's notice thereof shall be given, stating the amount of such call together with the time and place of payment. ARTICLE XV. The Shareholders shall be entitled : 1st. To one vote for every five shares held by each, and one additional vote if an assured Member on the participating scale of Premiums. 2nd. In consideration of the guarantee of safety and certainty afforded in the first instance to the Society by the advance of capital and subscription, Shareholders shall be entitled to participate in the profits after the rate of £25 per cent. 3rd. To five per cent interest upon the paid up capital invested by them, as also, in common with the assured, to a participation in the ten per cent appropriated out of the profits as a relief fund, both of which benefits shall, in case of need or aaver- sity, be applied to them or to their widows or or- phans, until the amount of profit shall ultimately be sufficient to pay oft' the shares in full. After which, and as soon as the reserved fund amounts to the sum of £20,000, as provided by Section 7th of the Act of Incorporation, the Society shall be declared purely mutual and all subsequent annual surplus divided equitably, quintennially among the Members, according to the conditions of assurance. _„*. ,rf».1l.»#k, » 24 ARTICLE XVf. 'Certificates of shares may from time to time may be issued by the Directors to shareholders for the num- ber of shares subscribed for by each. And there- upon, the rights and liabilities of the Shareholders in the Capital Stock of the Society, shall immedia- tely attach, in respect of such Shares ; and Share- holders in the Capital Stock, as such, shall not be held liable for any claim, engagement, loss or pay- ment, or for any transaction, matter or thing relat- ing to, or connected with the Society beyond their past contributions, and the sums remaining due to complete the amount of their subscription to the Capital Stock, ARTICLE XVn. The Shares in the Capital Stock of the Society shall be deemed personal Estate, and shall be transferable as such on the books of the Society only. . And a transfer book shall be kept at the Head Office in the City of Montreal, wherein the vendor and purchaser shall personally or by attor» ney sign a transfer in the terms of the transfer of the Society. And no sale or transfer shall be made of any fractional part oi any Share. And no trans- fer or assignment shall be valid or binding upon the Society, until an acknowledgment of the ac- ceptance of the Shares shall have been signed by the party accepting and deposited with the Di- rectors, and thereupon such party shall be held en- titled to the rights and subject to the liabilities of a Shareholder. ARTICLE XVin. Any Shareholder, or Shareholders, neglecting or refusing to pay any, or any part of any call, on their respective Shares of Stock in the Capital Stock of the Society, at the time or times required by public notice as aforesaid, shall incur a forfeiture to the use of said Society of a sum of money not exceeding 10 per centum on such call. And more- over, it shall be competent for the Directors of the Society, or a majority of them, without any previous formality other than 30 days notice of their inten- tion, or a written notice addressed through the Post Office to the party in default, at his domicile, as mentioned in the Books of the Society, but with- out the Society being responsible for any error or other cause from which such notice might not have reached such interesced party or parties ; to declare the Shares held by such Shareholder to be forfeited, with the amount previously paid thereon in favou.- of the Society, or to sell at public auction at the Head Office of said Society, the said Shares, or so many of them as shall, after deducting the reason- able expenses of such sale, yield a sum of money sufficient to pay the unpaid instalments due on each of the said Shares, together with the amount of for- feiture and interest upon such instalments from the day the same became due. And the transfer of such Stock, if sold, shall be made to the purchaser thereof by the President, Vice-President, or Secre- tary. And such transfer being accepted by the pur- chaser, shall become as valid and effectual as if the same had been executed by the original holders of ...^•■"■■"—'MBa \- TC i I : t< I ' i ■■'ll' ! M\ '' i is i\ ,.,^„„i,^«,^,WWt»«H,«S#*^' 26 the Stock transierred, provided that nothing herein contained shall debar the Directors from sueing a Stockholder for the amount of any call for which he or she may be in arrear. A majority of the Directors present at any regular meeting shall have the power to remit the forfeiture of the 10 per centum on the amount of calls which may have been incurred for non-payment as above stated, by the payment oi interest on the same from the date upon which said call became due. ARTICLE XIX. No bnareholder who may be in default for the payment of any call or calls upon his or her Shares, shall be allowed to vote at any meeting, and in all cases, before any Shareholder can vote by proxy, or when any " acte" is to be done, transfer, made, or dividend received by attorney, such proxy or attorney shall deposite with the Secretary his letter of attorney within 24 hours prior to such meeting, but no proxy or attorney who is not a Shareholder or Member shall be allowed to attend at, or vote at any meeting of the Society. ARTICLE XX. When any dividend accruing to Shareholders or assured Members shall have been declared by the Directors, 30 days^ notice of the payment thereof shall be given, and no transferor Stock shall be en- registered for 15 days previous to the day fixed for the payment thereof. ARTICLE XXI. It shall be the duty of the Directors to call a Speciol General Meeting of the Shareholders and ling herein n sueing a ir which he le Directors e the power Ltum on the incurred for payment of which said fault for the • her Shares, f, and in all te by proxy, nsfer, made, z\\ proxy or ary his letter LTch meeting, lareholder or it, or vote at areliolders or ilared by the ment thereof k shall be eu- day fixed for tors to call a reholders and 27 » Members assured for the whole term of Hfe on the participating scale of Premiums, *< Table A," at the Office of the Society, whenever they see fit, by liareholders erein. 1, declare or the Society 31 will justify it. But no dividend shall ever be de- clared, and payable, impairing the Caoital Stock, and accumulations of the Society. ARTICXK XXViil. t*or a whole life Policy the payment of one-half of the Annual Preniiuni may be delayed for five years, on the security of the Policy, on a life under r)0 years of age. The interest on the postponed half being paid una mil ly in advance, and the arrears Unpaid being paid at t)ie expiraiion of the term. ARTICLE XXIX. At the expiration of each year the losses and ex- {lenses shall be deducted from the receipts, and the surplus,after providing for outstanding risks and the provisions of section vii. of the Act of Incorporation, shall revert as profits to Shareholders and Policy- holders as herein before provided, ARTICLE XXX. On the death of a party assured, the Directors, after deducting credits (if anyj from the amount of the Policy, shall pay the balance to the holder thereof; together with the transferable certificate of all dividends, and any unpaid interest which may have accrued thereon. No Policies shall be issued on the Lives of Married Women in favor of their Husbands, except in cases where they may have a pecuniary interest which terminates at their death. But assurances may be efiected where the amount is for the benefit of children, and payable to them or their legal representatives. iv (! 1' i 1' ■■,'r'- * i f ; f i ' ■ I i '^ '" 1 :■; 'hi 1 \ ! W> ^' ^ lit ! i ; ii ii I 39 ARTICI/E XXXI. Tlic ussuicd for tU« whole term of life may at any lime, after Uie cxpirution of one year from date ol Policy, loan from the Society a fund to the amount ofone-half of his, or her, Annual Cash Premmm, .,pou the security of the Policy, by giving notice to the Head Office in Montreal. The sum thus bor- rowed may be ior a permanent or temporary period. But any irregularity in the payment of interest, or of his, or her, Premium of Assurance, shall subject the loan to he recalled, and the Policy cancelled. Parties assured under Table I., or on the " Accumu- latino- or Deposit Table," may draw from the Society at any time such portion of their funds invested as thoy please, but the amount of their assurance shall be reduced in proportion to the amount of funds withdrawn. ARTICLE XXXIl. Members holding term Policies may have them converted into Policies for the whole term of iife.if the risk continues to be unexceptional. No assignment, or dealing with Policies, or promises, or permits by Agents of the Society shall be allowed or permitted, wtthout the express permission, expressed in writ- i„a of the Officers of the Society ; and no alteration of !i Policy by an Agent, or permit to travel shall be sanctioned. The sole duty of Agents shall be to receive Proposals, collect the Annual Premiums, and deliver Policies. No Policy shall take effect, or be binding upon the Society, until the Premium is nctuully paid to the Corporation, and the Policy ' at any date of amount emiiim, otice to Lus bor- pcriod. Brest, or subject ncelled. iccumu- Society ested as ice shall of funds ive them iife,ifthe ignment, jrmits by ermitted, in writ* literal ion vel shall mil be to iums, and 2ct, or be jmium is le ruiiuy actually delivered tu the party entitled to it, and within the life-time of the party. No Renewal Re- ceipt shall be taken for any Premium of Assurance but such as are printed and issued direct from the Head Office, and signed by the President and Secre- tary of the Society, and countersigned by the Socir^-'^'s Agent. ARTICLE XXXIII. Military and Naval Officers may be assured at the usual Tabular rates in time of peace, and when not exposed professionally to additional risk from the country being invaded by a foreign enemy, or made the seat of open rebellion against the constituted auth orities. The following conditions of Assurance shall be printed on the back of each policy of Life Assurance, viz. :— COKDITIONS OF LIFE ASSURANCE. This Policy will become void and all monies paid on account thereof to the Society become forfeited in case of any of the events transpiring mentioned in the following clauses, to wit: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, res- pectively, 1st. If the within mentioned declaration upon which this Policy is based, contains any untrue state- ment touching the party on whose life the assur- ance is made, and with which the Officers of tha British American Friendly Society ought to be made acquainted. before the day mentioned for payn\ent thereof, I ' I 84> r'Voie.J-CReucwal. will be received within any [casonable time aRcr being duo not exceeamg tA.e««u,«t/«,uiK.n satisfactory evdence o the un- impaired state of health of the assured fui- „ished to the Society, and the only evidence upon which this consent can be granted, is the cert.ftcate of the Society's Me.lical Examiner, whose fee m such cases must be paid by the Policy holder.) 3rd. If the parties on whose life the assurance is made, shall die by duelling or by their own hands, or by the hands of Justice, excepting so far as re- spects any otlier person c. persons who may havo acciuired any to»a fid^ int^^st therein for a va u- able money consideration under an assignment duly intimated to the Society, F"°f.°f «;««";;"! ° which to he given to the satisfaction of the Officers of the Society ; and excepting the I'rcmium paid, wliich, in case no assignment has been made, are to be returned to the representatives of the assured. 4th. If the early on whose life the assurance is made, shall die in consequence of having been em- ployed in actual service in any naval or military capacity, or being, or becoming a sea-faring person, or shall go beyond the prescribed limits I'ereinafter described, without a special permit from the Ofhcers of the Society endorsed thereon, and paymg an ad- ditional Premium commensurate with the risk. GENERAL REGTJLATIOHS AND CONDITIONS. Kcsi,— Persons desirous of effecting a life assur- ance ill the British American Friendly Society of Canada, must state the name, residence, occupation, and age, of the person or persons on whose life or na in any seeding the lin- ing fiu'- e upon ftificRto 1 fee in anco is 1 hands, lv as rc- ay have a valii- ent duly xtent of Officers Lim paid, ade, are assured, irance is 3een om- military g person, ireinaftcr e Officers ig an ad- risk. iITIONS. life assur- jociety of ;cupation, ►se life or 35 lives the assurance is proposed to be made, their place of birth, state of health, cVc, &c., and other particulars contained in the printed forms, they must give reference to a medical and another person for eviden-e on these points, and must sign a declaration of the fads as stated, which declaration shall be the basis of Mie contract between the Society and the assured, the validity of the Policy to be dependent upon the truth of said declaration. Second,— The Society w:ll, in all cases, require proof of the age of the person assured before pay- ment of the amount assured, unless that fact shall have been admitted and endorsed upon the Policy. And every person effecting an assurance on the life of anotlier must have an interest in such life to the extent of the assurance made. 2VimZ,— The assured are allowed to reside in, and pass to and from, in time of peace, any place within the following limits :-In the whole of the British North American Provjaces and the United States, Fast of 100 ^ of longitude West of the meridian Greenwich, and North of 34-^ North latitude, and Kast to the shores of the North American Continent, and to travel Inland on Rivers,Bays and Lakes, with- in the above prescribed limils. And also to proceed in Steamships or of first class sailing Packets, between a7iy port m the British North American Colonies and the United States within the aforesaid limits and in any port of Ettrope, ivithout any special p)ermit, or payment of extra Premizms. But if the assured pass without the above prescribed limits without ^he previous knowledge and special permit from the M V, » ^ttftV-*^ m n^m ^^^^ .<»fcy- ."»-< ^i » ^-- lUiitti mtmt 36 Office endorsed ou the Policy, and paying such ad- y^^LlPremium as may be judged commensurate actional iremi rdicy sUliU be void. with the increase of ^^^^' '^? '^^^ Residence permitted in the whole ot li^urop extra Premium. , Fourth -Upon the death of the parly assured ^/^nitv Zu be notified thereof, in writing, by Officers of the Society as particular a" -°'=°'«'* '^^ '*'""'• ntdl fnf sU ac ompany the same with Tht of ttVoath or affirm^ion, declaring the his, her, or u shewing also the age of same to be just and ;'"«' f ^^ f,^, ^^^jued on the deceased person (if ""^P"^ ,° ^^„„ .^. -ssur- the Policy by endorsement,) and m case the assur f j„«i» of o» p«™, from th. my"«" yk;'"* a Jusuce ui li ..^tincr the cause ot death, attended the deceased, stating the ca of t>iP disease or accident causing uic were acquainted witu tu-- decease- ; such ad- lensurate 1 be void. e without ,y assured riting, by ; soon after ver to the account of tie circum- ture of the same with daring the ) the age of idmitted on e the assur- 1 his or her nature and iary interest deceased at ot to be in- i, which the jr. He, she, the Queers ;ested before ?ian who last use of death, ; causing the ace of death, I persons who \s to the time 3b n\\i\fact of the cleatli ; liIso, u certificate of the un- dertaker, Sexton, or Clergyman, wlio ofliciated at the funeral and saw the body interred. And in all cases the identity of the party deceased must ha made clearly to appear on all claims. ARTICLE XXXIV. The Seal now produced, and hereunto attached, shall be the Corporate Seal adopted, and to be used by the Society in all transactions relating to the Life Department. And the statements set furth in the Society's pamphlet of 1855 are hereby ratified, so far as they conform to the provisions of the Bye- Laws 5 and, furthermore, the forms now in use Ijy the Society shaU be used for their respective pur- poses. The furegoing Bye-Laws and Regulations, as also tlie Regulations laid down in the Society's pam- phlet of 1855, and established by the Manager, are herel^y ratified and adopted, and shall be in lieu of those previously passed, and shall take eflect imme- diately. MoNTUEAL, this 15th day of Jaiuiary, 1836. JAS. H. niiLLirs, Prcmhnt. DAVfD lIUN^rLR, Secretary,