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Les details de cet exemplaire qui sont peut-^tre uniques du point de vue bibliographique, qui peuvent modifier une image reproduite. ou qui peuvent exiger une modification dans la ^ — oE^ THE — Aii/i \. ' I I I •I If* * * unicipalit \ OF THE ' — Town of Parkb FOR THE YEAR 1894. ^ I . :17 \'k'.. (,'1111)1, -1. St'O ,'i, Suli-Section ). "The ShwilT shall, Imineiyutely. ui»n tht; receipt of Ills conies cau.*t. one of them to bp i)08ts«l ui) in a c.ousiiieuou^t place in the Court House ; the Olerk of tbe Pence m ril tearher shaH, in like manner, post one of his copies on the (iuoi uf aiss Sctiuoi House ; tui'l every Postmas'ci- oUall post urt one of his copies in his Post Office.'" J STAjHP/ft^O 8TPj*V! -.©QKJtND JO® PRI^T. m '/ ^ / h \ \ \ \ \ iV \ ' I \\ r VOTERS' LIST o:f THIS OWN OF PARKHILL JPOTHj the ■2"E^K/ 1834:. WARD NO. I. To consist of all that port'on of the Town of Parkhill lyiug South of the Grand Trunk Railway Track and West of Main Street. PART 1.— Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly. No. on No of Coneecfllon Other Assessment NAME. Lot or Part or , Roll. Lot. Street. Description J 36 Anderson, James 16 Main street, s,, (14 Atmore, Wm pt 4 I^ing street . . . , M F & T 5;iO Begg, .lames 1 Prince street . . , . . . . . M F & T 1.'54 Burns, Robari. 15 Ann Street, w " 109 Bremner, John 13 John street, s MF&O 67 Boyce, Wm 5 King street " J I'i Bawden. Geo 2 Main street, w M F & T i»« Beaumont, Rev. J. W.9 Broad vay <« j487 Brown, Thomas 11 Ann street " 460 Brewer, Alfred , 13, 14, 15 Broadwa3' " 12 Caw, W^m 4 Main street MF&O 72 Cameron, John 14 Ann street and others. •' 132 Clendinning, M 12 Ann street M F & T 168 Cluness, John 7, H, pt 9, 10. . .Queen st. and others ..MF&O No. on A9«ei»sment Roll. NAME. No. of Lot or Part Lot. 104 Clement, James. 11 Crawford, Alex , 113 Craig, D. J 51 Cornell, A 510 Campbell, Dan . . 3, 4, 5 Oonoossion or 8tree . Other DesHTlpHon pt 2. 13.. . .John street. .Main street. .John street. .King street. .John street. MF&O .MF&T MF&O 115 Darrach, James, sr. . .3 John street MF&O 52 Dickson, Wm pt 2 King street " J 8 Drinkle, M pt 2 Main street, s MF&T j436 Delancy , Wm pt 2 King street, • ' 128 Emery, John 7 Ann street MF&O 76 Elliott, H ..2 King street MF&T J 62 Fletcher, Wm 1 1 3 King street MF&O 148 Finnigan, James 16 Queen street, w '' 172 Graham, A. Duncan . . 2, 3 Prince street, n MF&O 55 Goodman, Kenneth . . . pt 2 Main street MF&T 457 Grant, J'>hn 15 Main street *' 180 Henderson, Wm.R. ..4 Duke street MF&O jlOl Hodging, A. H 1". Broadway MF&T 147 Hayes, George 14, l5 Queen street, w MF&O 181 Hohn, Peter 1, 2, 3 Duke street, s MF&T 4G6 Hutchins, W. H 1 King street, ns MF&O 57 Hutchins, Frank 1 King street MF&T J 48 Hollands. Wm. H 1 King street " 77 Henderson, Wm ..... .3.^ King street • . . " No. on Aaae^isnaent \ASf5. Roil. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Concevsiuii or Mtreet. Other IXacrtption. 670 Jennings, CO 13 Broadway and others. M F & j130 .Jackson, Robert 10 Ann street, e " j131 Jackson, Reuben 10 Ann street MF&T 193 Jchason, Wm 8 N S Duke street M F & 187 Jackson, Peter 7, 8 Duke Street ,....MF&T jI73 Leonf rd, Hu(ih i>, 6, 7 Prince street & othe; s.M F & O J V Lefevre, E pt 2 Main street and otbers.M F & T ol2 Muuro,Jas. G 15 ..Queen street MF&T 124 More, Ed ..13 Jnhn stroet '• l'i8 Mitchell, John....-..l Quten stVeet MF &0 J 29 Mayburry, Thos. A. . .11 Main street, w " J 41 Munro, Donald G 31, 32, 33 and rear Main street, w. . . . " J 14 Mott, John- 9 Main sfeet MF«fcO J 25 Musgrove, Geo. J 9, pt 10 Main street MF&T jl46 Mark, Richard 10 Queen street MF&T 571 Munro, Donald 14 Broadway M F & O 184 McEwen, Peter 4 Doke street MF&T 45 McGregor, Duncan McLeod st. and others. *' 529 McDonald, Allen 2, 3 Prince street " J 1 McPhee, Neil 2 Main street and others. M F & O 140 McGinnis, Phillip.... 5 Queen street MF&T 46 McGregor, John McLeod street ]tf F & O 63 McDonald, John pt 4 Kingstreet MF&T 188 McGrath, Henry 4 Duke street -» . . " 40 \f. T.,^ni1. Simnn 18 Main St.. w and others. M F & O 4 No. (HI Aaaewiinent Roll. NAME. No. of Lot er Part Lot. Ooucesslon or Street. <»ther Do.'W'rlptloii. 42 McLeod, Donald 34. 35, S6, pt 37. Main street, w MF&T J 61 Mc Auliffe, John pt 3 King street M F *i O . 136 McRae, D. A 16 Ann street MF&T 120 McEachren, Joseph . . . 8 T John street, n M F & O 176 McKenzie, Lachlin. ..7 Prince street " 167 Mclsaac, John .T. 8, 9 Queen street, e " JloO McNeil, Alex 19 Queen street '• HQ Mr.Kenna John pt 3 King street MF&T 102 Mclstyre, Michael .... 1 John street, s & others.M F & O 6 Mackinnon, M pt 2 Main street^ w MF&T 119 Mcintosh, Dougald . . . G, 7 John street, n M F & O J 43 McLeod, David N 34, 35, 36, pt 37. Main street " 20 Mclnnis, Dougald pt 6 Main street " 82 Mclntyre, Hector pt fi, 7, 8 King street MF&T 121 McLaughlin, Pat 9, 10 John street M F & O 56 Noble, John 2 King street M F & O 71 Ovens, Thos ..11, pt 12 King street -..M F & O ) 153 Osborne, Wm 21 Queen street MF&T J 69 Powell, Thomas ptl2 liing street and others.M F & O 112 Quarry, H. B 16, 17 s s John street M F & O 75 Ross, John !♦*, 3 King street, M P &' O J 27 Robin^n, T. C pt 10 Main street, w MF&T .T 28 Robinson, Ed pt 10 Main street, w M P & O No. oil A8fHn)eiit Roll. NAME. No. of Ijot or Part Lot. Concewlon or Street. Other Description Jl65 Ramsay, T 4, 5, 6 Queen street . .' MF &0 161 Saulter, Enaley, 1 Queen street, e.. . ....M F &T 108 Smith, Farquhar 11, 12 John street, s MF & O 123 Steele, Roderick 12 John St., *8, & others... " J 5 Shalloe, Thomas pt 2 Main street, w s MF&T J 47 Simpson. Wm 1.... King dtreet M F «Sk O 91 Shields, John 12 and others ..Broadway «• ')1 Saulter, R 12 Main street MF-feT J 16 Skippen, Alfred 3 Main street «« .T 81 Sullivan, M 5, 6 King street MF&O J 68 Schafor, William pt 5 King street, MF&T .Tll8 Stilflon, H 6, 7 John street << / 163 Tcrhey, Alex 2 Qneen street, ea MF«feT 89 Thompson, Wm. M . .15. 16 Broadway MF&O J 9 Tudor, Gtiorgfi pt 3 Main sfeet " J 18 Tudor, S 4 Main street «' 122 Tuck, .Tames 11 John street <' jlOo VanalstiHe, Geo 6. 7, 8 9, 10.... John street MF&T J143 VanWyck, A. K pt 6, 7, 8 Queen St., w, & others.M F & O 142 VanWyck, Norval .... 6, 7 •.Queen street MF&T 110 Varley, Geo 14, 15 John street «« 21 Vanalstine, D. L vt'S Main stroAf %c v^ jg. m N(.. on Awewment Roll. NAME. No ot - Lot. ConcenMon Other DeM-rlpllon. J 32 Watson, Thouiaa 12 Main stioo^, w M F & O 149 Welln, Wm 17,18 Queen street, w " 151 Willard, John, sr 20 Queen at. w, A others. " 159 ■Williamson Wm 16 Queen street, e ** 87 Wallace, Wm 1 Broadway M F & T J 66 Willard, J. B..'^ pt 4 Kingstreet " J 34 Wnlsh, Thos 14 Main street MF&O 38 Williams, H 17 Main street M F*T 190 York. Dan 5, 6 Duke street, n MF&O 1«4 York, John 1, 2 Centre streot, s " 191 York, Peter 8 Centre street & others. " PART II— Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections (fSLY. No. on AHseaninent Roll. . NAME. No of Lot or Part Lot. Concession or Street. Othjr Dpscripiion 1G8 Allen, Frank 6, 7 Centre street, s s . 188 Aitkins, Sarah 4, n s DukeStreet 158 Arnold, Mavia 23 Queen street, w. O O ^ 10 Barclay, Eli R 3 Main street, 50 Benham. Sarah J.... .pt 1 Kingstreet.. T 136 Burns, J. P 15 Ann street O 182 Cameron, Martha 1,2, 3 Duke street 137 Coutts, Jemima 1, 2 Queen street " 68 Corcoran, P . . pt 3 King street >( I \ No. on Ahupwnent NAMK. BoU. K-o. of Lot or Part Lot. Coucesmon or L.reet. Otber Deaeriptlon. 139 Down, Suaau 4 Queen street O 33 FfHser, Margaret . . . . i3 Main street, w ....... , O r»8 Gilchrist, Peter.. ....12 A.nn street O 141 Gue&t, Mrs, Elizabeth. 5 Queen street, v <« 2C Gray, John 9, !0 Main street, «« 1 62 Gr«,nt, James 2 . Queen str'wt. . «« 83 fiowley, John ..6,7, 8 King streoc 117 Johnson, Mary 5 John ctreet .' O 4G1 Kennedy, Margaret Ann street T 39 McArthur, Maggie .... 17 Main street, w f) 111 McMahon, Maggia 14, 15 John street *' 175 McGrath, Margaret. . . 6 Prince street •» 12C McKianon,Mr8. C.,..16 John street, s A others. '« 49 McTaggart, 1 King street " 44 McKinnon, Gra«ie 39,40 Main street ,, * 99 McNeil, John . , .6, 7 Broadwc , ** 37 McDonald, Donald... .16 Main Ptreet, w «♦ m McDonald, Wm U Main street, w.. . . . . . , " 106 McKinnon, Flora 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. . ..John street, .. '« 166 McKenaie, Mrs. Jno. . 7 Queen street it \ I 17 Nichol, John 1 Prince street .. . 179 Peck, Levina 2, 3 Prince street ... o 8 • No. oil Assesfment Roll. NAiVIE. "No. of Lot or Part I.-)t. Con('f;SMion or Street. Otber Do?cr)i)tion. 152 Rvar 1, Thomas. . ... .21 . . . Qneen street 92 Ross, Mrs James , 13, 14, ptl") Broadway, t. 127 RvUherford, T 17 John streeh, ns. 90 Rawlinps, Ellen 11 Broadway I, 97 Say nor, Harriet . . . 125 Shearp, Catharine. .11. Broad wa}' .... ,14, 15 John street, n 185 Ste de, Christine 5,6 Duke street, 1:T, Smith, Wm 7, 8 Duke street . 178 Torney, Rachel 1 Prince street. 145 Whyte, James ...10 Queen street, w, 144 Waun, James 9 Queen street Of 22 Vanalstine, Deborah . . 8 , Main street 60 Yorke, Alia pt 3 King street... 189 Yorke, Gresilda 5, 6 D*ike street, n O T PART III.— Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Lpia;islative As- sembly only. No. on Asses'Tnent NAME. Roll. No nf Lot or Part Lot. Coiicepsion or Street. otlier De-tp-lptlon 15 Bawdeti, AValker M F 459 Brewer, Henry 12 Broadway " 601 5«gg, Wm. B 1 Prince street " 201 Downey, Peterf M F 202 Downey, John " 4 Howard, Fred ^^^ itJier rJption. It cr No. on Awcssment RoU. NAME. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Concession or street. Other Description. 462 Jackson, Niles 54 Jones, George . MF . pt 2 King street . 538 Laurie, James pt 2 King street • . . M F 30 Mayburry, W. F 11 Main street M F ba Taylor, Thomas pt 2 King street M F 24 Vanalstine, B. F 8 Main street M F 23 Vanalstine, Wm 8 Main street •' 4o8 Varley, Arthur «• 182 York, Neil M F 195 York, Amos •« :e As- )tliey ["•Iption \\ F .IF W F / 1 . WARD NO. 2. • To consist of all that portion of the Town of Parkhill lying North of the 10 t^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^P Railway Track and West ot Main Street. t PART l.-Persons entitled to vote at both Municipal Elections and Elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly. No. on As«yf>mcnt Uoll. NAME. No of Lot or I 'art Lot. Ooncei'sioii or Street. Other Dew'iptlon 346 Addison, Charles 4G Richmond street M F &T .T240 Appleion, .Tohn T 24 Main street, w MF&O J210 hop, Harry..- pt 9 .Mill street, n & otl^c.s.M F & O 271 Bishop, Lindsay pt 9 Mill street, n & others. " j2n3 Baird, William 1:5 a wd others. . .Main st., w & others.. " 273 Baird, H.C 13, 14, ir. Mill street, n J274 Baird, Oliver 17, IK Station street, g s " 288 Boland, Sloan 10,11 Broad street J341 Baird, J. C 5o Richmond Street MF&T 249 Brewer, Alfred 8,9, 10 Mill street MF&O 250 Brewer, Wm 8,9, 10 Mill street MF&T 276 Bee, Hiram 17. pt 18 ..Mill street J220 Bunt. W.T pt 4 Main street, MF&O 223 Chamberlain, K.CT....r> Main street, w MF&O 12 Chw, Wm .Pt2 Mainstreet, w " j3ir) Campbell, Arch 10. 11 *■ others. WiUiamWeet 232 Campbell, Byron 11,12 Main street, J 51 Cornell, Archibald.... 11, 12 Mill street 528 Cook, Frank 2, .'?, 4 Station street MF&T .,,4andwh3 .... Mill street, s MF&O . . . () Emily street MF&T J it i_* •- t* -r ; - - * ■ .308 Culbut, John y No. 0)1 Aswwment Roll. NAME. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Coiioer«ion or Street. Other Description MO Cluney, Michael 2 Union street MF&T j2S9 Cobleigh, Jonathan. . .pt 6 Mill street " 464 Currie, John 18 Main street " 316 Daub, J<5hn 1, 2. 3 4 William street MF&T 128 Emery, .John pt 6 Con. 20 MF&T 333 Elliot, \Vm 25 to 28 Station street Aothers.M F & O 26.') Fountain, John e pt f) Mill street MF&T 358 Fountain. James 16, 17, 18 Victoria street, w M F & O 303 Gray, A 3 Emily street MF&O 344 Geoghan,.Jos 43 Richmond street " 282 Germain, A pt 2 and 3 Broad street «, " 204 Gibhs, JohnM pt 1., Main street " jl4T Griffeth. John 5 and pt 6 Mill street and others. " j205 Gibbs, C. A j206 Gibbs. Wm 219 Gauld, William pt 3.- Main street. j207 Grundy, Thos.. pt 1 Main street. 448 Gilchrist, John A 4 and 5 Broad street pt 1 Main street MF&T pt 1 Main street " .t225 Humphries, A. W . . . . s pt 6 Main street MF&T j229 Hawkey, .Joseph J .... 8, 9, 10 Main street M F A j241 Hill,Sanfor.l 25, 26 & others. Main street " 266 Hamilton, .John w pt 4 Mill street MF&T 287 Holmes, '^hn 9 Broad street " 256 Jervis, John 1 Mill street, n & others. M F & 12 \o. on A«!'e«.«nietit XAMK. Roll. No. of Lot or Part L>r,. Ci mfe^Bton or Street. Otiier Description. J277 Jack.son. F 40 41, 42 MilUtroet M P *. O 2m Jackson, John e pt ', Mill street M F & T J299 Jackson, Matliia?, fi, T, H Emily street MF&O j224 Kinni-sten, Jaraea.. <*, Main street, vv MF&O j22fi Kinnisten, E.J pt G Main street MF&T 258 Kilbourn«, Alon/o . . . . Ui Mill street und others. M P & O 20H Kilboafne, B pt 1 Main atreet MF&T 29.S Knott, Stephen 7, 8 Broad street " j212 Lindsay, Peter. j25'5 Levett, Henry j251 Lcudon, Allen. , pt 23, Main sfeot MF&T ,1 Mill street " .11 12, 13 Mill street MF&O j217 Lau^htoB, J. H pt S Main street MF&T 238 Mark, Joseph 19, 20 Main street MF&T 323 Meredith, Ed 15, 16 Station street " 242 Martin, George 27 Main street, " j248 Matheson, Neil 7 Mill street MF&O .1332 Marr, Jaines 23, 24 Station street MF&O 246 Miller, ArcbJe M 4, 5 Broad street & others . M F & T 295 May, W. F 1,2 Emily street MF&O 244 Miller, Erastus pt G Con. 20, W. W '» .1278 Mott, John « Mill street and others. " 320 McDonald, J. B 10 Station street '• 321 McKenna, Cornelius. 12, 13 14 Station street, w " 283 McDonald, A. A 2, 3 Broad street MF&T jo22 McDonald, W. A pt 2 Main street, MF&O 353 McLeod, Murdoch . . . i 28 Victoria street, " 13 No. on Asspwinent NAME. Roll. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Coiicesslcn or Street. Other Description 463 Mclnnis, John 7,8 William street M F & T 345 Murphy, Wm ^ 45 Richmond Street . '« j575 McDonald, D. A pt 2 , Main street «« 298 McTntyre, Bruce ..... 4, 5 Emily street " j221 Phippen, "Nicholas pt 4 Main street, n, w M F & O j324 Phippen, R 19,20 21. . , . . . .Con. 20 MF &0 j285 Paxman, Adam 6, 7 Broad street, 8 " 33 .. .pt 6 Con. 20 MF &0 286 Ross, Hugh 8 Broad street MF&T j239 Ritchie, Wm 22, 23 Main street M F *i O 314 Schram, F 8, 9 William street MF & j328 Scohie, John pt 20 and 21 . . . Station street MF&T 264 Stanley, W 2,3 Mill street MF&O j304 Simpson, George 4, 5 Emily street " j234 Stonehouse, D. L 15 Main jt. n w & others. " .i252 Shoehottom, G 15 Mill street " .t312 Schram, Edward 1, 2, 3, 4 William st. & others.. " 305 Victor. . . fi Emily street ..MF&T .1313 Schram, Jeremiah 8, 9. . .' William street " ,r213 Schram, Ezra pt 2 . . ^ Main street '* .1253 Skinner, G. S 16, 17. 18 Mill street «« 14 No. on Asfwssnient NAME. Roll. No. of Lot or Part Lot. ConcesBton or Street. Other Destcrlptlon. J214 Schram, Tim pt 2 Main street MF&T j227 Simpson, Jos pt 4 Main street .89 Thompson, Wm.M.GTR Main street MF&T J319 Vanderburg,GiIbert..pt8,9; Station street MF&O 349 Waldeck, Chas 30 Victoria street, MF&T 355 Williams, Chas 26 Victoria street, w MF&O 260 Waldeck, Thomas.... 8 Mill street MF&T 343 Wehring, Henry.-....40,41, 42 Richmond street .. . .. 348 Whimp, Robert 34.35 Victoria street MF&O 350 Woodvforth,John....30 Victoria street j279 Zapfe, August. 7 Mill street, n MF&O PART Il-Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections only. No. on Assesfiment NAME . Roll. No of Lot or Part ' Lot. Concession or Street. Other Description 254 Armstrong, James .... 16, 17, 18 Mill street 296 Aikens, Jean 3 Emily street 216 Burley,Mis8 pt 3.- Main street 231 Camptell, Jessie'. . 257 Coots, T T l\ 12 Main street, n w T 9 ■ • . . Mill street O 4 5 Brop.d street . 7 J . . Main street . O 289 Darrach, John . . . 228 Dignan, Thomas. 261 Elliott, Thomas pt lot 6 Richmond street O 307 Emery.Geo 9 Emily Weet J5 No. on Aff«es«ment NAME. RoU. No. of Lot er Part Lot. Concession or Street. Other Description. 347 Ewing, James. . . . 318 Fraser, Annie 236 Fussell, Francis . . 2H0 Grieve, Janet 301 German, Wm 244 Grieve, Isabella . . 528 Gunn, Joha.M. D. 629 Gunn, Hector . 36, 37 Victoria stre«it . . . .2, 3, 4 Station street, w. .18 Main street .8 9, 10, 11, 12. . Mill street, n •2,3 Broad street . pt 6 Main street .51 to 54 Richmond street . .51 to 54 Richmond street . O O T t< 45"' Hawkey, Pa iline 5 Mill street 283 Harrison, Mrs. John.. 2, 3 Mill street " 224 Hobbs, John H 3 William street " 345 Hunnaford, B 19 to 20 Station street " 290 Hawkey, Mary R 1, 2, 3 Broad street 325 Law, Margaret pt 6 Station street 263 Pexton, Margaret J.. 15, 61, 17 Mill street 302 Mark. Ed 10 Emily street 258 Mathers, Elizabeth ... 19, 20 Main street 330 McBean, Mary 22 Station street, e s 357 Mclnnis, Margaret. ... 32, 33 Victoria street 262 McDonald, Mary 12 to 14. Mill street und others. 297 Mclntyre, Mrs. D 4, 5 Emily street ' 335 Robson , Mrs . . 2_p, 30, 31 Station street . 215 Ross, Margaret pt 2, 3, Main street. . , O o (( T 331 Shinner, Charlotte. . .22 Station street, e 329 Shoults, Ed pt 20, 21 Station street . . . T O IG iii No. 0" No. of Assewin. nt NAME. Lot er Part Roil. Lot. Concession or street. Other Deacrlptton. 268 Thompson, Helen w pt 6 Mill street, n O 281 Thompson, Elizabet>- 13 14, 15 Mill street •' 337 Wylie, Hugh 33 Station street O 211 White, R pt 2, 3 Main street '« 326 Watson, Sarah 19. pt 20 St»tion street " PART III. — Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative As- semblv only. , No. on Anscssment NAME. Roll. No or Lot or Part Lot. Conce.sflion or Street. Other Dew^rlptlon 339 Baird, John R MF 455 Burley, James 36, 37 Victoria street «' 454 Burley, Waters 36, ?' Victoria street •• 527 Cook, Terrance MP 270 Cobleigh, E. J . . . ! '« 451 Cameron, Dan «< 334 Elliott, John Station street M F 449 Gilchrist, John A MF 587 McRoberts, John M F 452 Paxman, Jas M F 450 Watcher, Fred MP I WARD NO. 3. To coasist of all that portion of the Town of Parkhill lying Ease of Main Street. PART 1.— Persons entitled to vote at both Municioal Elections and Elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly. No. on Aswsament NAME. Roll. No. of Lot «r Part 1? 406 Binger, John 16, 17 Pearl MF&O I 12 Caw, William 8, pt 7 n Main & others MF &0 J363 Caldwell, S. W pt 2 Main n MF&T 510 Campboi:, Dan 69, 70 Catharine MF&T 429 Clark, James . . 20, 21, 22 Delaware & others ...MF&O 368 Cunnington, J. H 7 B Main e '* j438 Ca.neron. Arch . Q.'S 9fi A «», "»#■ Tn a 496 Cavan ugh, Wm. J. . . 26 .^Ard 158 Cluness, John ,e pts pt K Hast roas MF&O mgs. 18 No. on AstteMment Roll. NAME. No. of Lot or Part Lot. C!onceMlon or Street. #V Other Uencrlption M Dickson, Wm 21,22.. Ellens MF&O 408 Dickson, Thomas pt 20, 21 Pearl j360 Dutton, Dan pt 1 ^ain J436 Delancy, Wm 25,26 William 409 Ensign, Jacob 22 Pearl MF&T J411 Fairbanks, Chas w pt 20, 21 Pearl w MF*0 J423 Fried, Noah e pt 7, 8j 9 Delaware MF*T 393 Fike, -Arthur 26,27 Main n 56 Goodman, Kenneth... 20 Ellen n MF&O J364 Jarden, Alex n pt 2 n Main e ^ ^ ^ ., Pearl MF&T 402 Grieve, JohH H ^«*" j207 Grundy, Thomac e pt 14 P^arl 2^4 Gibbs, John M JF Hastings n MF&O J205 Gibbs.C. A e pt J w pt K LHastings MF&T 504 Gilbert, A. B 17,18 .ss Ellen.... MF&O 434 Graham, John 28,29 William MF&T 523 Gray, Dr 4 s M 375 Hunter, John pt 2 Main n M F & T 57Hutchins,F.J pt 3 Main ....MF&O j470 Houston, John pt 2 s Main e j499 Hover, Silas 27, 28 Ardross • 466 Hutching, W. H 39,40 :.. .Catharine e & others. . ft pt 12= 13. . ..Main e. . . "' Pearl e.. . j381 Haii, .;Oiin.i""" ' ' sr % 400 Hagerman, Henry • • • -V 4mHead,.S.B 1,2. Elk MF&T •t 19 No. on A8w>iwment NAME. Ruli. No. Of Lot or Part Lut. Concession Btrsct* Other Deacflptton. 371 Hastings, Wm 7 to 13 Hastings A others . . Jlui HciRins, Harry A. . . nt 10 Main 157 Houston, DW 7 Queen <* thers .iOO Hmnter, J. H pt 29 and 28. ..R.,8keen j471 Houston, John T 2 s Main MF AO MF AT MF40 . M F A T j428 Ireland, Wm Ann MFAO j422 Jemmet, F. G 4, 5, 6 DelawRre . . M F A T 491 Jones, Geo 73 Tain... MFAO jr508 Jackson, Wm 39, 40 Catharine MFAO 421 Johnson, Alex 10 Pearl M F A V 385 Knaptoo, John C 20 Main MFAT j383 Knapton , James w J 14, 15, n. . . n Main e A others MFAO j224 KInnisten, James 9, 10 Pearl MFAO 258 Kilborne, Alonza w^N Hastirjigs " 483 Kearns, Wm 21 s Main " -t217 Laughton. J.H wp t 7,8,9 Delaware w MFAT j255 Levett, H w pt MA J Hastings ^. . ..M F A Jl73 Leonard, Hugh 38 39, 40 Main " j251 Loudon, Allen R A e pt K Hastings " J486 Love, Duncan 24, 25 26 ...... . Main MFAT j2r2 Lindsay, Peter B Elk '• 244 Miller, Erastus A ,n Main MFAO j375 Mark, Ed. pt 11 n Main , 419 Manes, E. F c pt 12, 13 Pearl. 20 f i No. on Ai!Be«!iin«nt Roll. NAME. No of Lot or Part Lot. Concemlun or Stnet. Other DcscHirtlon ii t< j47(> MeggB, Geo. C 8 » Main e M F & O 410 Marr, Truman e i 20, 21 P»iarl j482 Martin, W. O 19. 20 s Ma'a e " .1456 Mark, Wm. H ptll Main A others. ... .|. . . '" 417 Mares, Ed eA l^^. 1^ Pearl w 4?-^ Mathers, Chas 18, 19 Delai«^are 501 Mathers, Varnura 30 and ft 29 . . . Tloskeen j369 Magladery, Thos G, H, I Hastings Survey . . . 245Miller, A. M B n Main & others " 882 Munro, Thos vr ^>t8 i 13 e Main MFft T 386 Medcoff , Albert 21 n Main .t448 McCann, M pt 1 Main ' .Tl20 McEachan, .Tos pt 1 Main .74.35 Mclntyre, Duncan w pt 5, 6 Elk _, 437 Morson,Chas. D A Elk MF&O 481 McInnes.Wm 18 » Main " J370 McKinnon, N. A 6 n Main & others MF&T j439 McGillivray, Fin 25 to 26 n Ai... 511 Munro, Chas 67,68 Cat j472 McCbll, J. B 3 Main 6Mackinnon,M 15,16 Main MF&T .T416 Mclnnes, John S e pt 14 Pearl & others MF&O jd75 Mclnuds, Robt 7, T) Main " . 516 Mason, .Ttboz 43 Catharine MF&T 42 McLeod, Donald pt l/. Main MF&O MF&e . iVi 1=^ & T . Af F & O Wr n-2 William . J 43 McLeod, D. N n pt 1 a Main . . 442 Mactavish, A. A 28, pt 29 P.oskeen 2t No. on AMwHometit Roil. NAME. Nc of Lot or Part I15 Breen, Hannah 44 Catharine • 485 Boucher, Dan 23 Main 394 Bowes, Margaret 30,31 Main 404 Bradt, Mrs. J 12 Pearl ti 384 Cox, Geo. ...... ■ 443 Campbell, Grace . 494 Cameron, Flora 58 Corcoran, P .pt 17, 18, 19.... Main O . V & W Hastings n " .25 Ardross " .42 Catharine " 441 Down, Geo I' & Q Hastings O 228 Dignan, Thos 22 Pearl Ellen O 43(j Eynof , Andy 5, 6 506 Elliot, Mary 25 ....Ellen Main O Ellen, O pt 4 Main n T Delaware IG Ellen O 519 Kirkpatrick, Mrs. W..9, 10 Mulcraig 434 Maloy, Thos e pt 5 and 6 .... Elk 392 Fyke, Elizabeth 26, 27 - 144 Guest, Elizabeth 37, 38 367 Grant, Mary # 290 Hawkey, Mary R H, 15 505 Kenny, Wm (( O 24 No. on Assessment RoU. NAME. No. of Lot or Part Lot. Ccueesslon or Street. Other Descrii)tion. 497 McAnhur, Elizabeth. 29. . , 518 Mnlvaney, Minnie . . . . 41 . . , .'561 Milne, W. A pt 1 507 Morrison, Bridget 20. . 49 McTaggart, Alex A . . 514 McDonald, Marion ... 53 . . 399 McLeod, Mary '.1,2. , Ardr. 3 . . . Cathariae. . n Main . . . Ellen .Main .... .Catharine . Pearl O «> T O (( 521 Niblock. Eliza 11,12, 13, Mulcraig O 432 O'Donaell, Sarah 3, 4 Elk w.. ., 292 Porte, Robert 9 Main e . . . 2 Pickering, Mary ptU Main n . . . 474 Rumohr, Mary 7 c Main 543 Stewart, Peter s pt 1 Main 479 Shoebottora, Win. M. 15, Ifi . . Maine .. 402 Stiison, Ellen pt 13 , . . Main 235 Schram, John 36 to 40 Main .... 440 Tilson, Elizabeth c pt M, c pt J . . Hastings . O O t( O o T O O ! 560 V/yld, Dr 211 White, Robt. .4 Main .1 Elk... O PART III.— Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the legislative As- sembly only. No. on Assn'ssment Roll. XAMF.. No. of Lot or Fart Lot. Cont'Pssion or .Street. Other Descrii)tiou. 413 Bennett, Alf ri4.n DAmnawr. Siamnftl .17 Pearl... 80. 81 William. M F M F 373 Fallis, John M F 24 No. on Assessment NAME. RoU. No. of Lot er Part Lot. Concession or Street. Other Description. 387 Heintzman, T. O MF 432 Mathers, David M *' 492 McPherson, Martin . . .66. Tain s " 570 McKinnon, Neil pt 1 Main " 4;)8 McArthur, Ninian \ 524 Paxman, James M F 541 Parsons, B 414 Reid, William- 17 Pearl MF 543 Reid, John 532 Stonehouse, Wesley M F 542 Stonehouse, Montford 426 Totten, Edward • ^ ^ 520 Tuberville, James.. ..7, 8 Mulcraig " 427 Whimp, Joseph 64 Inn MF I EDWARD F. MANES, of the Municipality of the Town. of Parkhill, in the County of Middlesex, do hereby certify that parts one and three of the within list constitute a correct list for the year 1894 of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly; and that parts one and two constitute a correct list for said year of all persons appearing by the said roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal elec- tions in said municipality; and I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and if any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 24th day of July, 1894- EDWARD F. H^iVNES, Clerk of th« said Munirifuiiity of Parkhill,