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 4. ■ i.,ii\f .^♦5^':*V. *([**"•%.• 
 i.-iv;&v-,.'"^5jf*"«-i':' '■■■ 
 ■,^^?t; •?->.;,- 
 Pupsuant to ihe ilecp^^ 
 cause of HAKKIS vs. GRGBR, und ijrith the a] 
 old hy 
 **',• r 
 , /. •Vf'-r»*iV',Vi; 
 ii' Ms' Auction Rc^^ 
 .., . utea.-^^^B^aiint line the Oroirii^hn^i nvtn^paH 
 duties. The Lot is five miles West of^^Bothw^ll and :^uncIearod. 
 e above Propertieis will b 
 subject to a reserved bidding on each lot. 
 The parties to the ^uit, with t 
 he at liberty to bid. 
 A deposit of $IO for every S 
 be paid by the purchaser to the Vendor or his Solicitor, at the time of Ss 
 within one month from the time of Sale. 
K, and with the approbation of the Master of this Court at London. wUI be 
 1 by Public Mction. 
 ny .<»'>,; 
 ioomj'^ on Du^as^Street, in the C^tgof Ii<^<i6n,^ 
 >vrn'hrtsflWBn'^paidran(niie purchaser w be entitled 
 incleared. A ♦ ;/ 
 ilfn performing^tha'^setuemerit^; ;^? 
 ',' ' '*'^> 
 s will be siold in four Xots, as above, and 
 t, with the exception of the Vendor, are to 
 every ^1^0 of the pnrehaise money ishall 
 •, at the time of Sale, and tlie residue of the purchase money shall be paid into Court, with interest. 
 •^ <->^^>-*-s^ 
At Two o'clock in the Afternoon, the und( 
 1/ One laundr^d^crei^^mo^^ 
 —-ot. the j^GreejU P a^ m ]' [ whifrh farm is 'c ::J rp-gr ,1 ^f that part of jho yYcst^^ i f of ] 
 ^ the West Half of Lot No 8; in the 4th concession of the'lf oWnship of . DelaiVare, in 
 ^ ■ 2. The Eastei-Iy one2fliii% of liae 
 Acres, more or less, ■' ^Z^^rf 
 The "Greer Farm" is a well improved Faiiii, and is.situate on the Gravel Road 
 from the village of Delaware, and eight and a-half miles from London, -ma t^v ; 
 'S. lilis^tdy Acres, iu&re or less, Jbeisi 
 j" *'l?..!*^^?"^®*'^'^" ®^ the Township of Westminster, in said County, and the Eas 
 the iidl of Complaint, which will beproduced at the time of Sale. & j^ ^ 
 This farm is situate on the Commissioners' Uoad, and adj<»ins the Village of' Byi 
 Ihere nre a Stone Buildii ^ apd two Frame Barns and aShed on this proportv. 
 4,v.One iiHiiiiir<B^d' Acresiiiiore oirlesi 
 .^may ; iJci^oM 
 ^u^a^l^ the Offices of ftfe^ Hai^is & Mageej^essr/scatcherd &JMere 
 Dated the 17th day of March^ XJ). 1870. 
 Veodor's Solicitor. 
 . vT 
 (Advertiser Pr 
•on, the undermentioned Lands, that is to say : ' ^ 
 e ©r.l^ss^^t|€^^^ tiip,lTesterIy two-thirds 
 fee4ye§t^; K/f (/f Lotjy^il 7, 11 hioh l i es south o fib o Gravel Road, aadtboN^^ pthAiaii-^i^ 
 ip of ^DelaVFa^eria theiQouiity of i>liddlesex.] ' 
 r of the said JParnvcoBitainiiic^ Fifty 
 n the Gravel Road leading from Delaware to London, and is three and a-halt miles distant 
 jdon. " " ' ' 
 :V;-.' ■^^^'i-r" 
 5SS, beisi^ tSae WliiHi part of liot No. 45, 
 uoty, and the East part of th« broken front of said lot, more particularly described ia 
 '■'1 '*.''•, • '■ ■;'■'' .' ^ - ' .. , ■ ■ - - • , ■ '.■ 
 the Village"of Byron, distant about six miles from London. The land is chiefly cleared, 
 this proporty..; ■ ||' v ^ ;,;.g ., ' ■ ,. ■ ..g,,:^^^ ■ '-■fmm''- 
 •e oi^^less^beinff'ihe WestI^Iaali/of^X<ot 
 be y^tairiecl! at tbe Chalmbeirs ollthe 
 Scatcherd & Meredith, aadSj|I, Gi»ydon, Esq., London, and from Mrs. Greer, on the 
 (Advertiser Print, londoD) 
 Master at London. 
 :% >■' ■ . •■% 
 fitf' ,-•.■:'. ■-!■-.'