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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction retios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les csrtes. planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimte i des taux de rMuction diffArents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grend pour Atre reproduit en un aeul clichA, il est filmA A partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de geuche i drotte, et de heut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 The Finch Wood Preservatiye and Preservative Paint. ^ThOSE who have given the matter any consideration are aware of the great JL loss continually going on by the decay and rotting of wood. AW classes are affected by Ais loss. The Governmt r s of our country, city and town councils* railway companies, private individuals, few are exempt. In view of this, great loss, the question naturally arises, Can it be stopped ? The answer is— Yes. We do not say we think it can, but we know it can. We know that scantling that has lain on the ground eighteen years under a siiiewalk when taken up was as soiind as when put down. We know that planks, posts, joists, shingles, or any wood treated with the FINCH WOOD PRESERVATIVE or PRE- SERVATIVE PAINT, has never shown the slightest sign of rot or decay, not even sapwood. We manufacture two kinds, one known as the FINCH WOOD PRESERV- ATIVE. It is used for foundation timbers, joists, sidewalks, cellar floors, posts, or any timber or lumber that is in or on the ground. The other, the FINCH WOOD PRESERVATIVE PAINT, is composed of ingredients used in the preservative with the artment of Works, City of Toronto. SUBJECT: WOOD PRESERVATIVE. THE FINCH WOOD PRESERVATIVE CO. : . . ^ ^ ^ Gbntlbmbn -In reply to your question asking me for my opmion and experience of vour wood preservative, I beg to reply as foUows : . , , • ^. • ^ T , . .- 1-- J ».„„!.,, o# iudffSns of the nreservinK value of your preservative m th« rase^'oVlSwaifiald down on tSe south side of Queen street westerly from You ge the case o^^* »'°®^*^'^t^^" "J* ^^^ xv.:- „itv. From the minutes of the Committee on Works, f fln1lhir4efi^bS?S^Ea4^^^^ treated with your preservative, and that it was laid down in 1885. On the 20th of June o{ this year I ezaminedthe planks and scantlina of this walk and fouuiJ them pwfeotly sountl, the timber of the scantUngs—which were bed- ded in wet> clayey soil— being as sound and free from all symptoms of decay as the day they were laid down. On the same day I examined a sidewalk on Gerrard street, sonth side in front of the Normal School nounds, laid at the same time, and in similar soil and condition?, bat the lumber of wLlch had not been treated with yonr preservative ; and I found both pludis and scantling very much decayed and largely coated with an offensive fnn«>u8 growth. New pluiks are now being put down on tjua walk. This is convincing Ijroof to me that yoar preservative is really of great benefit when applied to lumber that is liable to rot or decay. * ^ u. The preservative seems to prevent the rot and to arrest the process of decay at its very commencement, and this makes it of great additional value from a sanitary standpoint. It is Of much greater benefit than the application of pitoh or tar. ... i -a j • I am having the preservative applied to sidewalk lumber that is bang laid down m the city this season. I have seen two-inch planlw worn doMm tooneiuiah tar «ght years use for sidewalk on Yonge and Queen streets in this city, aud the scantlings both as sound uid free from decay as new wood, having become hardened and.8easoned. I remain yours faithfully, Qbanvillb G. Cumninoham, MAYOR'S OFFICE, City Engineer, Torwito.l Toronto, D^. 8rd, 1891. . » The above letter is from our present City Engineer, Granville C Cnnnina^m, O.R i and may be relied on as his official report of the effect on lumber preserved by the Finch Wood Preservative. E. F. Clamb, .q^o «q w» ^oi " Mayor for 1888, "89, "90, ^1. This Queen street sidewalk was again examined on the 22nd of May, 1895. The scant- lings are as good as when first laid after ten years use. The planks are so sound that they are turned over, underside up, and now being walked on. , , ..i. The Gerrard street sidewalk being completely rotten has been replaced with a new one. Dominion of Canada, _,.),, . .-rv Province of Ontario, County of York, V In the matter of certam Ltunber. To Wit : > ) I, George Witcheli, of the dtyof Toronto, in the County of York, builder, do solemnx/ declare : 1. That in 1895 1 was engaged in the constmctioA of Mr. B. Simpejla's new stow at the comer of Yonge and Queen streets, in the city of Toronto, and having to extend the cellar of s«id store, I had to take up the planks and scattlings laid on Queen street by the order of the Board of Works in 1885. These planks and scantling were I believe prepared by the Preservative Process of the Finch Wood Preservative Co. of this city, in 1885. 2. That I found the said planks and scantlin« as sound and free from dwsay as wh^ they were put down, althou^ having been in use for ten years, and I charged Mr. Finch $1 for three planks and three scantling, about the price of new lumber, the same bemg in as good condition as if they were new. , , ,. , .. ^ v ^ j i_ And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously, beke^g it to he true and taiow- ing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the *• Canada Evidence Act, 1898." . Declared before me, at the city of Toronto, in the ) (Signed) Ceo. Witchell, Builder, County of York, this 22nd day of Dec., A.D. 1895. J 451 Bathurst street, Toronto. (Signed) William Hbadb, Commissioner, &c., Osgoode Hall. ■! In the matter of certain Lumber. Dommion of Canada. Province of Ontario, County of York, Tq Wit: I, James Henderson, of the city of Toronto, in the County of York, caretaker of Knox Church, in this city, do solemnly declare : ,.. ., .. ....... 1. That I saw the planks and scantlings preserved by the Pinch Wood Preservative Co., in 1885, by order of the Board of Works, and laid'onthe south side of Queen street westerly from the comer of Yonge street. ,,,!_.,.,. 2. That I have seen and constaatly walked on them since, and that part of them in front of Simpson's new utore were recently tnken up, perfectly sound after ten years use. The builder, Mr. George Witcheli, charged Mr. Finch, who wanted them for samples, fi (about the price of new lumber), for three of the planks and three scantlings, they being in as good a condition as if they were new ,,,.,. , , , ,_ And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and know- ing that it is of the same force arid effect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence Act, 1893 " Declared before me, at the city of Toronto, iu iose that you recommend it. it having in our experience amply borne out all that you cliiim for it, and we recommend it with pleasure to any one putting down flooring in their basements or anywhere that wood may be exposed to decay. Yours truly, (Sigfied) The Barbeb & Ellis Co. JAMES KENNEDY, Nassau street. Order from B. Christie. 2»q., Inspector of Prisons for Ontario. Finch Wood Preservative Co., Toronto : Please ship at once 50 gallons of your wood preservative to Mr. Thomas MoCrossen, Superintendent of the Beformatory for Boys, Penetanguishene, for sanitary purposes, pre- servingnew basement floors of institution, on accoimt of the old ones being SQ oeoayed as to cause diphtheria. Inspector of Asylums, Prisons, etc. Toronto, April 9th, 1897 The Finoh V/oo» Preservative Co., 104 M»3sey street, Toronto. Dear Sirs,— Mr, W. A. Hill is doing some work 'n the laying of a floor at the Mercer Beformatory, and I have instructed hku to use yout- Preservative on the lumber before it is laid down. . You wi 11 please let him hav« what 1 e requires for the purpose and forward the' bill to t^)Burser of the Beformatory. Yours truly, . JAMES NOXON, Inspector. We, the undersigned merchants, have noted that cedar block paving on Bay street from Front to Esplanade streets, laid with Finch's Preserved Blockr, in 1888. After nine years' use for heavy traffic, and no repairs, it is now level, smooth, solid and sanitary, as if recently put down. It is yet one of the best roadways in the city. Our wholesale nouses are frontmg on or near this roadway. (Signed) W. B. JOHNSTON & Co., Wholesale Clothing, southwest comer Front and Bay streets. Donald Mackay, Wholesale Dry Goods, northwest corner Front and Bay. B. McGreuor, of M. Fisher Son & Co., Wholesale Woolens, northeast corner Front end Bay streets. Alex. Machie, Bay street. Pbuchbn & Co., Bay street, J. W. Corcoran. Bay street. The Bryant Press, Bay st. (now Rich-nond"). M. McLAUdHLiN & Co,, Bay street Mills. H. A. Nelson A Son, 56 Front Strfcet west. Lailbt Watson & Co., 61 Front st. west. . H. 8. Howland &, Co., 87 Front street west. P. Burns &> Co. , 88 Eling street east. Toronto, April, 1898. Finch Wood Preservative Co.: Gentlemen,—! was foreman of. St. John's Ward in this city for many srears. The preserved lumber which was laid on Yonge street after many years ase was worn uneven, the knots protruding. It h&d to be taken up imder my directions. I found it perfectly sound— no sign of decay on any of it. Ordinary sidewalks decay in from five to seven years, but yours after double that time is as sound and free from decay as any wood can be. T. McGOWAN, 208 Chestnut street. Finch Wood Preservative Co. : * Toronto, April 7th, 1898, Gentlemen,— I have been Inspector of Streets for the city of Toronto over twenty d, •WAxi,. years, and I know the above to bo true. A section of sidewalk was put down on Queen f„T^„'*°?'"' f 3: d^^««t«>n, ID 1875 and when taken up this year wasTiardened, sewOTed and sound, not the sLghtest sign of decay. i«.«~uw« PmoH Wood Presbbvativ.. Co. : ^ '^°~°*°' ^^''^ 2'*^' ^^• Gentlemen , ~A f ttr careful InspeoUon of vour specimens of preserved lumber.' which has been n use many years, m the most exposed and trying situations. I have no hesitation ™ ?^Ji"* r*** r*"*" P' oc^ss 18 the most valuable I have met w-th. The samples of the sidfe- walk that have been m use many years are more absolutely as sound as ever, which strikes me as being extraordmary. I shnll certainly make use of your invention whenever I have an opportunity. Youra truly, J. KING JAMES ^ James &, James), Architects, 187 BrosdwMr, New York, ^ Architects of Toronto Board of O^ade Buildings. From Messrs. Gordon & Hblliwbll, Architects, Toronto, to Hon. G. Eraser, Minister of Public Works for On fftiio: '^ » ""^"" "* Dear Sir,— The Finch Wood Preservative Coi has a lumber preservative which we believe IS an excellent preventive of decay. We hfevehad the ] nk foundstions and base^ ment timbers of nearly all the buildings of the Land Security Company treated with it. Yours respectfully, GORDON & HELLIWELL. oi. I^is Preservative is endorsed and approved of by the following architects: W. O. Storm, Esq. ; Messrs. Gordon & Helliwell ; Charles Walttr, Esq. ; Charles Martin, Esq. : HivasTuUy, Esq., Chief Engineer for Ontario Gwernment; Stever B. Hatch, 115 Broad- way, New York; Messrs. James & James, 137 Broadway, New York ; James Gaylord. Esq., Inspector for Mr. Waite, of Buffalo, N.Y.. Architect ol Parliament Buildings, Canada Life Assurance Co., and Bank of Commerce Buildings, Toronto. La 1888 I put down some plank and scantling at the Lansdowne School yard, in this city. It was treated with the Pinch Wood Preservative and put down by the School Board as a test, I have to-day taken up a fair sample of the same, and find both planks and scan- tling in as sound a condition as when put down nine 'years ago. Other plank put down at the same time, but not preserved, are now rotten and are being replaced with new ones this ^^' m \ ,a.i. A . .o«, < THOS.T»HILLIPS, Contractor. Toronto, 19th August, 1897. ' I am Caretaker of the Lansdowne School, and saw the planks put down by Mr Phil- lips nine years ago. The pl«mk and scantling taken up to-day are perfectly sound, not sbovsnng the least sign of rot or decay. Other plank not praawved put down at the same time, and close to the preserved (mes, are now useless. Toronto. 19th Aug., 1897. R. KIRK, Caretaker. E. H. Crandbll, Esq., Mayor of Brampton, writes: • io«P^^j -^^f ^V,^"^ '^^P^y *? y**""^ request, would say you painted an old roof of my house m 1882, and it is still in a good state of repair. ' •' •- "»jr ""uoo Brampton, April 2, 1897. Yours truly, E. H. CRANDELL. Gentlemen,— About sixteen years ago yo;i painted the roof of the house. The shin- gles were then pretty well worn. 1 have done nothing to this roof since, and the shincles appear to be m a good state of preservation. M. TREADGOLD, Ex-Mayor of Brampton. SAMPLE ORDER. PINCH WOOD PRESERVATIVE A PAINT CO. " Please ship by rail at once, in the care of our City Surveyor, Montreal, one carload, 80 casks. 40 gallons each, of your Wood Preservative, sufficient to preserve one quarter of a milhon feet of lumber from df-oay. Montreal has no further use for rotten, decamdlumber. Since you have proved by ten years' trial that it has been kept sound and sanitary, reducing the lumber bill one-half, and preventing disease and accidents from rotten wood." Has been used and tested since 1875. Diploma, World's Fair, 1983 ; Industrial, Toronto, 1887 • ^i^: ^t ^^V^ samples of Preserved sidewalk that ha-K been in use on Tyndall Avenue tn this mty eighteen years : they are sound and in good condition. Correspondence and orderr, dolicited and attended to promptly. 870 Queen St. West, TORONTO.