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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Public Notice is hereby g^iven to the Electors of obedience to Her Majesty's Writ to me direct day of January, 1875, 1 require the pre VTT.T.ARF. i in the Township of Stanley, ^WXX: Electors of the Electoral District aforesaid, that in me directed, and bearing date the Twenty-eighth aire the presence of the said Electors at the OF VAI^NA r of Stanley, in the said Biding on the I V ILL AliL in the Townsliip of Stanley, in I TvIiTiii^ iintiUwo of the clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of nominatius a perse From noon until two oi ,ne cioc^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ demanded and allowed in the m macr by law 18TH DAT OF FEBR1 from the hour of nine in the morning till five of the clock in the afl For Polling Subdivision No. 1, in the Township of Goderieh, at Murdo Gor- For Sling^sSSi^ \VoTtr.:id'' Township, .t . house on Lot 9. M.i,- For IShngSSn "iflt^^^^^ at the .School House. School For Sg SuWiTisionNo. 4. in .aid Township, at W. Wise's House, Lot 41. . For PoKtaUv^ No. 5. in said Township, at Edward Kelly's House, in J"., ?0li74felSrNa "^^ th. Township of Stanl.y.a. the School Homse. FotPon?SsSl°nN^^ 8, in «»id Township, at the Temperance Hall, in ForSSirng'Sri.dfX'irNo. a, in «id Township, at School House, School Section No. S. For Polling Subdivision No. 4, in said Township, at tion No. P, For PoUing Subdivision No. I. in the Township School Section No 10. For Polling Subdivision No. 2, in b»id Township, a \illage of Zurich. For Polling Subdivision No. 3, in said Township, al tion No. 12. ™, L For Pi»lling Subdivision No. 4, in said Township, Green P. O. ^ For Polling Subdivision No 1, in ihe lowuship o School Section No. 1. ' < For PoiHng Subdivision No. 2, in said Township, al Village of Crediton. For Polling Subdivision No. 8. i-i said Township, ai tioii No. 6. &KD FUBTHEB On the 24tb day of Pebru At the Court House in T< T Bhdl open the ballot boxes, sum up the votes given for the several candidates, and ret .1 BDUi "P" "^"^ . , , . . ^jigg and to govern ihemse.ves accordi.iiily< ""' Grverun^ my hand at Serich this 30th Uaj of January, in the year 1875. n Printed at tlie Signal Office, Goderieh; 01 vnnifn i Stanley, in the said Biding on the nominatinj^ a perso.i lo rcpirscnt them in the House of Commons of Canada, and that in the mmrwrhy law prescribed such Poll will be opened ,on tho BBRUART. A. D. 1875, the clock in the afternoon inreach of the Pollini; Districts that is to say 1 No, 4, in said Township, at School llou e School Sec- ion No. I, in the Township of Hay, at School Hou«e on No. 2, in b«id Township, at the Township Hall, in the ion No. 3, in said Township, at School Hoiis