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 Reverend and Dear Sir : 
 As you are aware the heart of our Holy Father 
 Pope Leo XIII, profoundly touched by the miseries 
 which at present afflict human society, moved him to 
 proclaim a Grand Jubilee for all who would visit the 
 Eternal City during the year 1900. In his admirable 
 Encyclical, proclaiming the Jubilee, His Holiness de- 
 scribes and deplores the darkness, the errors, the 
 miseries, the evils, from which the greater portion of 
 the human race is suffering. He then urged mankind 
 to arouse their hearts from the lethargy into which 
 they were plunged, to advert to the danger in which 
 they lived — ncne other than of perishing eternally, 
 and to direct all their efforts to attain the heavenly and 
 eternal good for which only they were created. This is 
 the happy result the Church wishes to secure in pro- 
 claiming a Jubilee. By her prayers and supplications 
 she strives to satisfy the Majesty of God, outraged by 
 the sms of her children ; then opens her treasury and 
 pours forth with a lavish hand her favours and bene- 
 The heart of the Sovereign Pontiff was gladdened 
 by the hundreds of thousands who flocked to Rome 
 during the Holy Year to avail themselves of these muni- 
 ficent privileges; but not unmindful of his less favoured 
 children, who could not enjoy that happiness, the Holy 
 Father has this year extended the Jubilee to the whole 
 Catholic world. 
 Extension of the Universal Jubilee 
 Servant of the Servants of God, to all the Faithful who shall Read these 
 Letters, Health and the Apostolic Benediction. 
 The sacred season which we closed yesterday with 
 the solemnities of religion was a source of joy to us 
 while it lasted, and will leave many grateful memories 
 behind it. For the Church's desire and her sole aim 
 in renewing this celebration, after a lapse of seventy- 
 five years, was to give a salutary sti lulous to men's 
 minds, and this, with God's help, we are seen to have 
 attained. The number of those who have with glad- 
 ness and eagerness striven to avail themselves of the 
 extraordinary privileges of gaining the sacred indul- 
 gence has not been small — it has run into the hundreds 
 of thousands and has been made up of all classes of 
 society. It is beyond all question that multitudes of 
 souls have thus been cleansed by salutary penance and 
 renewed to the life of Christian virtue, and we have 
 every reason to believe that from this head and source 
 the Catholic name has derived a fresh influx of faith 
 and devotion all over the world. 
 Following the example set by our predecessors, 
 we now intend to enlarge still further the bounds of 
 Apostolic charity by oft*. ring a more ample opportunity 
 for obtaining the favours of heaven. We have deter- 
 mined to throw open to the faithful in all parts of the 
 world during the first six months of next year that 
 treasury of sacred indulgence which has been entrusted 
 to us, and which has been put within the reach of the 
 faithful in Rome during the last twelve months, for this 
 design will, we think, serve greatly for the revival of 
Christian morality, for knitting men's hearts more 
 closely to the Holy See, and for obtaining for the 
 peon'e at large those other blessings of which we spoke 
 at length when we first proclaimed the Great Jubilee. 
 It will also be a fitting dedication for the opening of 
 the new century. For we know of no better way in 
 which mankind can initiate a new century than by 
 availing themselves abundantly of the merits of the 
 redemption of Christ. 
 We have not the least doubt but that all the child- 
 ren of the Church will welcome this unusual means of 
 salvation in the same spirit in which we offer it. We 
 are sure th.'*^ our venerable brothers, the bishops, and 
 all the clergy will, with their tried vigilance and dili- 
 gence, duly exert themselves to give fullest fruition to 
 the desires of all the faithful. 
 We do, therefore, by the authority of Almighty 
 God, of the Blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul; id *^v 
 our own, extend and prorogue, for a period 
 months, the Great Jubilee which has just be. 
 brated in the Holy C'.ty. 
 Wherefore, to aU the faithful of both sex 
 parts of the earth g even those who hivt 
 to Rome during '' year and there or fly 
 gained the Jubilee u . iei the conditions, we >;. ' 
 accord mercifully in the Lord, for once the fi ,■ _. 
 dulgence, remission and pardon of their sins. 
 (Then follows a detailed explanation of the numer- 
 ous instructions required for the proper making of the 
 Jubilee, the privileges of the confessors, their powers of 
 dispensing from the impediments of marriage, etc.) 
 Given in Rome at St. Peter's, on the 25th day of 
 December, 1900, the twenty-third year of our Pontificate. 
 The conditions of paining the Indulgence of the 
 Jubilee are the following : 
 1. Confession and holy communion, with worthy 
 dispositions. They must be distinct from the annual 
 confession and the Easter communion. 
 2. For fifteen days — continuous or interrupted — 
 the faithful of the City of St. John — east and north — 
 shall visit the Cathedral, and the Churches of St. John 
 the Baptist {^Broad Street), Holy Trinity and St. Peter's. 
 Those of the other parishes and missions of the diocese 
 shall in like manner for fifteen days visit four times 
 each day the Church of their respective parish or 
 mission. These four visits on the same day to the 
 same Church may be made one after the other by 
 simply going outside of the Church between the visits 
 and reciting the prescribed prayers each time. 
 The sisters and nuns of the diocese will visit the 
 Chapel of their Convents the same number of times 
 that the people visit their Church. 
 3. During each visit the "Our Father" and the 
 " Hail Mary" will be recited five times, or any author- 
 ized prayer of about that duration for the intentions of 
 the Holy Father — among others for the propagation of 
 the faith, the prosperity of the Church, for the salvation 
 of the Christian people. 
 4. Persons at sea or travelling, who, even after the 
 prescribed six months, return home or reach some 
 fixed abode, may gain the same indulgence by visiting 
 the Cathedral or their parish Church fifteen times. 
 5. Persons in prison or prevented by sickness or 
 any other cause from making the prescribed visits, may 
 obtain from their confessors, even outside of the sacra- 
 mental confession, a commutation of this obligation 
 into some other work of piety. 
6. Children, who have not made their first com- 
 munion, will recite five times the "Our Father" and 
 " Hail Mary" instead of communion. 
 7. If any one, after having commenced the works 
 prescribed for the Jubilee, becomes ill 01 incapable of 
 completing them, he may gain the indulgence by mak- 
 ing his confession and receiving holy communion. 
 The six months granted for gaining the indulgences 
 will begin Sunday, the 2nd day of June, and end on 
 Sunday evening, the ist day December. 
 When it is remembered that no sin is expiated ex- 
 cept by penance and that the chief fruit of the Jubilee 
 is the aniendment of life, it will be readily seen that 
 the profit to each individual will be measured by his 
 dispositions. To foster the best and most worthy 
 sentiments, it is desirable, wherever possible, to have 
 spiritual exercises in the different parishes and missioiis. 
 They may continue from three to six or eight days 
 concluding with the Benediction of the most Blessed 
 Sacrament each day. During the exercises sermons 
 may be given on the great truths of religion, the duties 
 of parents, the occasions of sin, on luxury and in- 
 temperance ; as instruction on these subjects will aid 
 powerfully in the amendment of life. 
 The pastoral retreat for the clergy of the diocese 
 will begin July 29th, next. You will kindly pray and 
 ask the prayers of the people that God's blessing may 
 attend it, that it may contribute much towards the 
 sanctification of the pastors of their souls. 
 This letter, including the Pontifical Encyclical will 
 be read and published the first Sunday after its recep- 
 tion at the different masses in your Church. 
 Yours faithfufly in the Lord. 
 tT. CASEY, 
 St.John, N. B. Bubop of St.Jobn. 
 May 22nd, 1901. 
 De Confessario lubilaei haec indulgemus : 
 I. Monialcs earumque Novitiae sibi ad hunc effec- 
 tum eligere poterunt Confessarium quemcumque ad 
 excipiendas Monialium Confessiones ab .ictuali Ordin- 
 ario loci approbatum. 
 II. Ceteri omnes utriusque sexusChristifideles tarn 
 laici quam ecclesiastici, Saeculares et cuiusvis Ordinis 
 et Instituti etiam specialiter nominandi Regulates pote- 
 runt ad eumdem effectuni sibi eligere quemcumque pres- 
 byterum Confessarium, tam Saecularem, quam cuiusvis 
 Ordinis et Instituti etiam diversi Regularem, ab Ordin- 
 ario actuali loci ad audiendas pcrsonarum saecularium 
 confessiones approbatum; vel, si agatur de Regulari- 
 bus, Confessarium proprii Ordinis eligere volentibus, a 
 Praelato Regulari ad suorum Religiosorum audiendas 
 confessiones approbatum. 
 III. Confessario ita approbato et ad effectum lu- 
 crandi lubilaei electo facultatem hac vice concedimus, 
 intra dictum semestris spatium in foro dumtaxat con- 
 scientiae absolvendi ab excommunicationis, suspensionis 
 et aliis ecclesiasticis sententiis et censuris a iure vel ab 
 homine quavis de caussa latis seu inflictis, etiam Ordin- 
 ariis locorum, ac Nobis et Sedi Apostolicae, etiam in 
 casibus cuicumque ac Summo Pontifici et Sedi Apos- 
 tolicae speciali licet forma reservatis, et qui alias 
 in concessione quantumvis ampla non intelligerentur 
 concessi, necnon ab omnibus peccatis et excessibus, 
 quantumcumque gravibus et enormibus, etiam iisdem 
 Ordinariis ac Nobis et Sedi Apostolicae, ut praefertur, 
 reservatis, iniuncta poeniteijtia salutari aliisque de iure 
 iniungendis. Excipitur crimen absolutionis complicis, 
 quod ter, aut amplius admissam fuerit. — Praecipue 
 vero haereticos, qui fuerint publice dogmatizantes, ne 
 absoivat, nisi, abiurata haeresi, scandalum, ut par est, 
 reparaverint ; item qui bona vel iura ecclesiastica acqui- 
sierint sine venia, ne absolvat nisi iis rcstitutis aut se 
 composuerint, vel sincere promiset t, quam primum 
 se composituros apud Ordinarium, vel apud Sanctam 
 IV. Item vota quaccumque etiam iurata, et Sedi 
 Apostolicae reservata (Castitatis. Rcligionis ct obliga- 
 toriis, quae a tertio acccptata fuerint, seu in quibus 
 agatur de damno tertii semper exceptis, necnon poena- 
 libus, quae praeservativa a peccato nuncupantur, nisi 
 commutatio futura iudicetur eiusmodi, ut non minus a 
 peccato committendo refraeiict, quanr prior voti materia) 
 in alia pia et salutaria opera comm"; are; et cum poeni- 
 tentibus huiusmodi in Sacris Ordinibus constitutis 
 etiam Regularibus super occulta irregularitate ad exer- 
 citium eorumdem Ordinum et ad supcriotum assecu- 
 tionem, ob censurarum violationem dumtaxat contracta, 
 dispensare possit, dummodo ad forum ecclesiasticum 
 non sit deducta, nee facile deducenda. 
 V. Similique modo cum illis qui, scienter vel igno- 
 ranter, cum impedimento gradus secundi et tertii, vel 
 tertii solius, aut tertii et quarti, vel quarti solius con- 
 sanguinitatis, vel affinitatis etiam ex copula licita 
 provenientis, matrimonium iam contraxerunt dummodo 
 huiusmodi impedimentum occultum remaneat, dispen- 
 sare pro foro tantum conscientiae possit ad remanen- 
 dum in matrimonio. 
 VI. Similiter, pro foro conscientiae tantum dis- 
 pensare valeat super impedimento dirimente oc ^'o 
 tam primi et secundi, quam primi tantum, aut secundi 
 tantum gradus affinitatis ex copula illicita provenientis 
 in matrimonio contracto; atque etiam, dummodo causae 
 graves et quae canonice sufficientes habentur intersint, 
 in contrahendo : ita tamen ut, si huiusmodi affinitas 
 proveniat ex copula cum matre desponsatae, vel de- 
 sponsandae, huius nativitas copulam antecesserit, et 
 non aliter. 
 VII. Dispensare similiter, pro eodem foro, tam 
 de contracto, quam de contrahendo possit super impedi- 
 mento cognationis spiritualis, itemque super occulto 
impedimento criminis, neutro tamen machinante, idest 
 quando solum concurrant adulterium et fides data de 
 matrimonio contrahendo post coniugis mortem. 
 VIII. Dispensare ad petendum detitum possit in 
 casu affinitatis incestuosae matrimonio supervenientis. 
 IX. Ad petendum pariter debitum cum illis qui 
 vote simplici castitatis obstricti matrimonium contrax- 
 erunt, dispensare valeat, illos monendo facturos contra 
 id votum, si extra usum niatrimonialem delinquant, ac 
 remansuros eodem prorsus ac antea voto obstrictos, si 
 coniugi supervixerint. 
 X. Nolumus autem per praesentes litteras super 
 aliqua alia irregularitate vel publica, vel occulta, seu 
 defectu aut nota, aliaque incapacitate, aut inhabilitate 
 quoquo modo contractis dispensare, vel aliquam fa jul- 
 tatcm tribuere super pracmissis dispcnsandi, seu habili- 
 tandi, et in pristinum statum restituendi etiam in foro 
 conscientiae ; nolumus ulli Confessario facultatem trib- 
 uere absolvendi complicem in quolibct inhonesto contra 
 sextum Fraeceptum peccato ; aut complici licentiam 
 impertiri eligendi confessarium huiusmodi ad effectuni 
 praesentium, ut iam in Constitutione Benedicti XIV, 
 quae incipit Sacramentum Poenitentiae declaratum fuit : 
 nee quidquam praefatae et aliis pontificiis Constitution- 
 ibus derogare volumus quoad obligationem denuncia- 
 tionum ; neque demum iis, qui a nobis et Apostolica 
 Sede, vel ab aliquo Praelato seu ludice ecclesiastico 
 nomir.Ttim excommunicati, suspensi, interdicti, seu 
 alias in sententias et Censuras incidisse declarati vel 
 publice denunciati fuerint, nisi intra tempus dictorum 
 sex mensium satisfecerint, et cum partibus, ubi opus 
 fuerit, concordaverint, ullo modo has eadem Litteras 
 sufTragari posse aut debere. 
 Datum Romat apud S. Petrum die vigesima quinta 
 Decembris, 1900, Pontificatus nostri Anno vigesimo 
 Pro- Da t.